pinkiemme · 3 years
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Here’s my @starwarssecretsanta gift for @asklotarasarrin
I tried to draw Cody and Rex as if they where on a clones pin-up calendar!!
Hope you like it!
I really really enjoyed participating on this, thank you so much @lilhawkeye3
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anstarwar · 3 years
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Happy holidays to my secret Santa @evabellasworld ! A little bit of Foxiyo for the cozy winter feels, hope I got it right for you! :)
Thank you to @lilhawkeye3 for hosting this gift exchange, it was super fun to do!
You can find more gifts over at @starwarssecretsanta
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kurtssingh · 3 years
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Decoration time!
Secret Santa for @sams-fluffadise. =D Hope you are having a great holiday!
It was fun to attend the event <3
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jyvorakal · 3 years
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Happy holidays! My Secret Santa gift for @bucketbunny, Mandalorian and Clone Wars crossover! They’ve caught Grogu sneaking outside of the temple yet again!
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
Star Wars Secret Santa!
You can find the official sign up sheet here.
I’m so excited for this and I’m really glad so many of y’all are too!
This is a Star Wars-centric gift exchange, so all gifts will be related to Star Wars. This includes all three movie trilogies, Solo and Rogue One, The Clone Wars, Rebels, and the Mandalorian.
It is open to anyone who wants to join and is willing to make a gift for another!
The gift you’ll be making for your matched recipient can be one of the following formats:
A written piece (fanfiction): 500 word minimum, no set maximum word count.
Fanart: traditional or digital.
A Spotify playlist: 2 hours minimum runtime.
Photo edit or aesthetic: a minimum of 3 images. This means 3 separate images, not three photos in a collage.
Finally, there will be no NSFW content allowed for this event because it is open to everyone.
Once you submit your sign up form, there will be a link to the official Discord server for this event! You don’t have to join but we’d love it if you did 😄
Sign-up form closes Friday, November 13, 11:59PM PST.
Assignments given by Tuesday, November 17.
Mid-point check in: Monday, December 7.
Gift exchange: all day December 23.
The full Info, Rules and FAQ can be found here.
Please spread the word, and I really hope that you all choose to participate! It’ll be fun to spread a bit of wintertime joy in the fandom. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out! ❄️
I’ll be tagging everyone in the comments who filled out the interest form just to notify you of the official sign up, but don’t feel obligated to join if something’s come up!
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halzore · 3 years
For @nelba, I hope you have a wonderful 2021 and a nice and snowy rest of 2020. I had a lot of fun writing this little scene, with hopefully a clone you like!
Tagging @starwarssecretsanta and thankyou @lilhawkeye3 for organising this and bringing some extra seasonal cheer in a pretty tricky year
disclaimer I cannot write titles for Shit, please excuse me while I scream.
Word count: ~2000
Warnings: So much fluff I think i just suffocated.
Without further ado:
“That’s it. Get up.” Thorn had burst into Fox’s office, irritation etched on the man’s features. Fox’s head barely moved from the mountain of data pads, focus tuning out his brother’s arrival.
“Get up!” Thorn repeated. Fox looked up from his work, vexed by the interuption. “You’re going on the beat.”
Thorn was flurrying around the room, trying to dismantle the precarious pile of data pads and bother Fox into moving. Fox was not buying it.
“I’m not going on the beat.” It was a statement, matter-of-fact. No one would have argued with Fox. Except for Thorn. Thorn turned around to his brother, copping the determined stare and matching it with a grin. He waved a paper in front of Fox’s nose.
“According to this signed override form from Marshall Commander Cody, you are.” Thorn was too proud of himself, a shit-eating grin beaming across the room at his peeved brother.
“I’ve got paperwork, I can’t go.” Fox gestured at the scattered data pads, in a last ditch attempt to rid himself of his persistent co-commander.
“You. Are. Going. On. Beat.”Thorn had marched himself around the back of Fox, lifting him up by the shoulders, out of his chair, dragging him along behind. “Now.” Thorn thrust him out of the door and locked it from the inside.
Fox stood in the hallway, he had not had enough caf for this. He turned to the locked fort calling through it.
“Thorn, I need my helmet.”
The beat was pretty quiet, it usually was. Fox had to admit that it was nice to have some air, even though Coruscant wasn’t particularly well known for the freshness of it’s air. Leaning against his speeder, he absent-mindedly listened to his police scanners as he scanned the streets for miscreants. His mind wandered to the pile of work sitting back at headquarters, making little lists of what he had to fill in and when. He was so far away in his work that he didn’t see you barrel down the street.
Your feet were carrying you as fast as they could, your running form weakened by the small bundle you held close to your chest. Your eyes were fixed on the little nose pointing out of the material, it’s round eyes peering up at you. You didn’t notice the plastoid covered man getting closer and closer until you rammed into his chest plate.
Your chest was heaving, bent over, one hand holding the bundle to your chest the other placed firmly on you knee. The clone trooper hovered for a moment, his bucket turned towards you in intrigue.
“Uh, ma’am” You looked up at the clone.
“Ah shit..” You bundled your little friend closer to your chest and turned away from the officer. Fox looked at you, his eyes scanning trying to sus out the scene although you couldn’t see that.
“What have you got there.” Fox carefully enquired. Your face had guilt written all over it, eyes searching desperately in the Courscanti air for an answer, when none came, you squared up to the officer, trying to give off an air of confidence.
“I can explain.” You unwrapped the little bundle you had been clutching at your chest. A little red snout popped out, followed by two dark but inquisitive eyes. The red fur wrapped around the little creatures face, except for it’s chin and chest, where it was contrasted by a crisp white.
“You see, I was walking down the alley behind my work, and I saw a rather dodgy gentlemen.” Fox was half-listening still looking incredulously at his own namesake. “I saw him try to palm this little beauty onto some back-street crim, and I knew the little guy was in trouble.”
“So you stole a fox, off an illegal smuggler.” Thorn was definitely never going to hear the end of this.Fox would never let Cody get away with this. The commander of the Courscant guard, back on beat for one day and this. “What were you going to do after that?” Fox took a deep breath as you wriggled on the spot, your face settling in a nice cringe.
“You see, I hadn’t thought that far…” You trailed off, your eyes focussing around back the way you came.
“And…” Fox prompted
“And that.” You pointed at the angry man walking unnaturally fast towards you and the clone, before you wrapped the fox up again, turned on your heels and began to run away from your pursuer.
“Hey! Wait!” Fox called after you, he drew his pistol and set it to stun. He sent a blue ring towards the angry man, before turning around to catch up with you. You were a decent runner, but not good enough to outrun the likes of the GAR’s finest. A strong hand grabbed your free arm. “Wait.” He said more softly now. Fox took his helmet off and clipped it to his belt.
You let out a laboured sigh, admiring the clone’s handsome face.
“Just doing my job,” He stretched out his armoured arms towards you. “How about you hand me that little guy and I’ll keep your little vigilante action to myself.” You gave the clone a little blush as you handed over the fox.
“What’s your name trooper?” Your hands, now they were unoccupied, hand gone to fidgeting with your hair.
“Fox.” A shocked silence followed.
“Your joking.” You scoffed at the man before you. “No way.” Fox’s mouth gave a little uptick, a smirk. “You’re serious” An amused disbelief shone in your eyes as you began to laugh at the wild situation you had gotten yourself into.
The fox wriggled in Fox’s arms. You took a step back admiring the image.
“Well, Fox, there is no way this day can get any weirder, so I must ask.” Fox’s eyes were trained directly on you as one hand scratched the head of the animal in his arms. “Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow?”
Taken aback by the question, and by the ease of the deliverance of the question, Fox took a moment to regroup. He seemed to mull it over for a few moments, all the while your stomach was doing flips and you swore that your heart had got loose of it’s casing. Fox looked at you again, a small smile creeping across his features.
“Yeah sure, why not.” You beamed up at the man, before writing you comm channel onto a little slip of flimsi you found in one of your pockets.
Fox stood in front the mirror in the barracks. Behind him, Thorn and Thire were gossiping as usual.
“I can’t believe it was a Fox.” Thorn shook his head. “It could have been any animal in the galaxy.” “Nice hair, ori’vod” Thire chuckled, earning himself an approving punch from his brother. Fox looked in the mirror, his hair slicked in an unnatural way. Why did this have to be so hard, why did Thire say that Fox’s hair was too unkempt for a lady. Fox sighed, wondering if he should bail. He didn’t want to, but going out for dinner, in public, without his armour, sounded worse than going on the beat.
At least you would be there, the little firecracker he had met for fifteen minutes. Hopefully that would make it worth it. Behind Fox, Thire and Thorn continued to chat shit as Fox continued his scrutiny.
“Would you two shut up and help me out.” Thorn and Thire looked at their older brother. “Would she like this?” Fox asked as he moulded his hair into the sixth new hairstyle fo the night. Thire grinned, Thorn facepalmed, before releasing their critiques.
He was standing outside the restaurant you had picked for what seemed like an eternity, his eyes peering into the streetlight lit night, searching for your face. He was beginning to wonder whether you had stood him up, when you came walking purposefully over to him.
You looked amazing, your hair was done differently than last time Fox had seen you, a semi-formal outfit that was dazzling. You looked ethereal.
“Wow…” Fox’s mouth was agape, ogling at your presence.
“Your jaw is supposed to close there buddy,” you gave his chin a gentle push to where it was supposed to be. “Sorry I was late, the taxi service is so unreliable around here and I didn’t want to walk.”
“I’m just glad you made it.” Fox smiled a little, before you lead him inside.
The restaurant was like a little garden, surrounded by pot plants of every colour and variety. Creeping vines crawled up perfectly placed metal bars that separated the tables into their own little private areas. There were a few wooden seats up by the bar, all of which were filled by humanoids and aliens of all species. The restaurant was bustling, a lively electric energy that buzzed through the place. You and Fox found your seats that you had booked earlier, they were over, just off from the bar.
Both you and you clone date regarded the menus, scouring for options to suit your culinary needs. It was after the second drink you shared with Fox that you noticed something was wrong. A blue Twi’lek man sat on the end of the bar in silence, glaring at the back of Fox’s head. You nodded you head over Fox’s shoulder and he glanced in that direction quickly. The Twi’lek noticed, moving up from the bar and over to your table. Fox instinctively reached for his pistol and cursed when he couldn’t find it.
Fox had stood up now. You as well, waiting for the tense scene to unfold.
The Twi prowled forward, disdain emanating from his entire existence. He moved in closer to Fox and you could see him shift his feet to a better stance. There was a stone cold silence, charged with a violent static. All the patrons and staff had turned to look at your small corner of the restaurant.
The Twi didn’t move, Fox waited with bated breath. A sound, followed by a wet sticky substance landing on his face.
“Republic scum.” It was a deep grumble from the Twi. He stood a head taller than Fox, who didn’t move, trying to diffuse the situation. Anger bubbled up from within you, a distaste settling in your mouth causing a sour expression on your face. You cracked you knuckles, took a deep breath, walked around the table, never breaking eye contact with the Twi and placing yourself between Fox and the irritator.
“What did you say?” You voice was low too, carrying danger. The Twi returned your glare.
“I asked you a question,” you repeated. Again, the Twi didn’t respond. You moved right up close to the blue alien, to the point where you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I said, Republic Scum.” The Twi’lek repeated.
“Brrrr. Wrong answer.” You broke the tension, by sending your knee straight into the man’s groin. The restaurant descended into chaos as the Twi tumbled to the floor. You felt a hand wrap around your arm and pull you towards the exit. All the action blurred together until you were out in the street just you and Fox.
You walked along silently for a few minutes.
“Trouble really has a knack at finding you doesn’t it.” You blushed, it wasn’t the first time someone had said that to you.
“No.” You corrected. “Unfortunately, I seem to find trouble. Thanks for getting me out of thier.” Your tone turned apologetic. “I shouldn’t have done that, put you in that position I mean.”
Fox turned to look at you.
“I’ve never had a civvie stick up for me like that before.” A sort of sadness settled in your chest at the revelation. You slipped you hand into Fox’s entwining your fingers as you kept walking.
Fox wished he didn’t have to let go of your hand as he made it to the front door of your apartment. Despite the event of the evening, you had grown on him quite a lot.
“So I guess I should say goodbye.” He stood close to you, hand still in yours.
“Only you have to, or you could come in? I could make you a hot chocolate.” A small smile played on your features as your eyes seemed grow wider in plea.
“One hot chocolate sounds good.” Fox conceded.
He settled on the couch as you babbled away about your family, friends and life whilst bustling in the kitchen, making the hot chocolate. Steam poured off it as you brought it into the room. You placed one in Fox’s hand before plonking yourself next to him on the couch. You drank in a comfortable silence as you watched the speeder’s whizz past in the coloured lights of a coruscant evening.
“Ah, you have a bit of froth there.” You reached up, a little tentatively, to wipe some from underneath Fox’s nose. Your cheeks reddened as your hand came to rest on Fox’s cheek. Fox put his drink down on the table in front of him and reached up and placed his hand over yours. “Thanks for a wonderful night Fox.” It was quiet, nervous, the vigour from earlier in the night vanishing in the midst of the butterflies in your stomach.
“We will have to do it again sometime.” Fox leaned, the tip of his nose tickling yours. An unspoken invitation, an energy, Your heart pounded in your chest as Fox brought up both his hands to cup your cheeks. You lips met in a tender moment, savoured by the both of you. Fox pulled away.
“I really have to go, but I’ll see you soon, that’s if you want.”
You offered him a warm smile. “Of course I want.”
You followed him to your doorframe, where you wrapped him up in your arms. “See you soon Fox.”
Fox walked into the barracks with a huge grin. Thorn ran to catch up with him.
“So, how was it.”
Thorn began to ask a number of intrusive questions. Fox ignored him. Nothing could ruin this night for him. A thought crossed his euphoric mind, he reminded himself to thank Thorn. Maybe he should go on the beat more often.
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mossflowermouse · 3 years
This is a gift for @ah-nakin as part of the @starwarssecretsanta exchange - I hope you like it! Massive thanks to @lilhawkeye3 for organizing this, it’s been so much fun <3
(1.5k. In which Obi-Wan’s padawan and grandpadawan kids decide he needs a rest, pretty much everyone agrees with them, and nobody in this lineage is capable of doing anything without being Dramatic about it.)
Anakin and Ahsoka have been plotting something.
Not that there’s any real proof of it, mind you – they’ve become far too careful with their schemes lately to actually risk him overhearing anything – but Obi-Wan’s seen them trading glances, and he knows that look. At the very least, it means mischief. At its worst, well, quite a few officials are still scratching their heads over how anyone had managed to divert two-thirds of a parade plus cheering onlookers through the middle of the Temple last Republic Day. Although in fairness to the two of them, that one hadn’t been entirely their fault. It would have been resolved far more quickly had Master Yoda not chosen to interpret “please help” as “please help Anakin and Ahsoka” and gone to assure a bemused steward that of course this was the correct route for the parade, keep going you should, enjoying it the younglings are. 
(Mace had eyed Obi-Wan a little suspiciously when he’d informed the Council of that part. Obi-Wan had given his friend his most innocent I’m-a-responsible-Jedi-Master look in return; after all, his intention in going to Master Yoda had been to get the misunderstanding cleared up. And if it hadn’t been, Mace can’t prove it.)
Now, though, his padawans seem to be taking steps to avoid including him in their newest plot. Which means he’s almost certainly the target.
Ah well. Whatever it is will most likely be a nuisance, but a harmless one. There’s no point worrying about it now. Obi-Wan has more pressing matters to address, like the stack of paperwork he really ought to make a start on before the Council meeting at noon, and then there are a few odds and ends to check with Anakin about, and then –
There’s a knock at the door. He knows before answering it that Anakin and Ahsoka are standing outside, their familiar Force signatures bright with amusement. Well then. Perhaps he won’t have to wait that long to find out what they’re up to after all.
The first thing Obi-Wan sees as the door slides open is Anakin’s grin, which more or less confirms his hunch; Ahsoka is out of sight.
“Anakin. I wasn’t expecting to see you up this early. What brings you here?”
Anakin smiles innocently at him, which is never a good sign. “Well, Ahsoka and I were talking, and we think you should take more days off. Starting today. Take a break, Master, it’ll be good for you.”
Obi-Wan wonders, a little guiltily, if he’s misjudged his padawan’s intentions. “I appreciate the thought, Anakin, but I really can’t take today off. There’s an awful lot to sort out while we’re still on Coruscant, so…”
He trails off, suspicions returning in full force as Anakin’s smile widens. “Oh, don’t worry, Master. We’ve got everything planned out.” This is definitely what they’ve been scheming about, then. Obi-Wan wonders if he ought to have a bad feeling about it.
And speaking of we – Obi-Wan narrows his eyes. “Anakin, why is Ahsoka hiding in the corridor? We all know I know she’s there.”
Anakin steps back from the door and gestures to his left, inviting Obi-Wan to take a look. He does. Standing in the corridor and trying desperately to look serious is Ahsoka, wearing a set of Obi-Wan’s robes and a cloak that trails on the floor and a – he squints at the piece of orange fabric stuck to her chin – is that meant to be his beard? It’s awfully scruffy. And rather hastily made, from the looks of it. He blinks a few times in confusion.
“I’m going to be you for the day!” Ahsoka announces. “So you can rest and you don’t have to worry about missing anything.”
Obi-Wan really doesn’t think that’s how this works, but he’s prevented from saying so by Anakin chiming in again. “That’s right. Look, Master, the resemblance is striking. Nobody will even know the difference.”
Obi-Wan stares pointedly at Ahsoka’s montrals and terrible fake beard, then raises an eyebrow at Anakin, who just snickers a little. Before Obi-Wan can rebuke him, though, Ahsoka fixes Anakin with a look of mild disapproval, rubs her temples wearily, and says “Anakin” in an uncannily precise imitation of Obi-Wan’s Coruscanti accent. If he’s being honest, it’s a little surreal.
“Now, Snips, don’t tease Obi-Wan,” Anakin chides. Obi-Wan’s not sure he’s ever heard him sound less sincere. “But she’s right, you know, Master. We can handle everything.”
This is a little ridiculous. “Anakin, I have a Council meeting today - ”
“Don’t worry, Master, we already knew about it,” Anakin interrupts cheerfully. “Ahsoka can manage.”
Ahsoka, who if Obi-Wan recalls correctly was complaining about having to attend so many long briefings just last Taungsday, nods confidently and gives him a reassuring smile. “We’ve got this, Master Kenobi. Just relax!”
“Ahsoka will be there right on time for the meeting, won’t you, Snips?”
Obi-Wan can’t believe this. They can’t be serious.
He looks at them again and sighs internally. No, they are.
“ – and I checked with Cody and he told me you didn’t have anything urgent to sort out for the 212th while everyone is on shore leave, and that just leaves your meeting, and we’ve already got that sorted out, trust me, so – ”
“Anakin. I believe you. And I already said I’ll take the day to relax, you don’t have to keep trying to convince me.” It’s…mostly true, though Obi-Wan’s still planning to get a little of that paperwork done once they’ve left to go and cause chaos.
Anakin beams, basking in the success of a plan well executed. “That’s great, Master. Oh, I almost forgot! One other thing before we go – Ahsoka, that cloak’s way too long, you’d better leave it here.”
Ahsoka’s face lights up; clearly this part was planned, because right on cue, she shrugs out of the cloak with a level of exaggerated melodrama that rivals her grandmaster. Obi-Wan’s honestly a little proud to see it.
Anakin picks up the discarded cloak, wraps it around Obi-Wan’s shoulders with a flourish, and steers him firmly back into his room. On his way out, he calls over his shoulder, “By the way, Cody took your ‘pad earlier, so you’re not wriggling out of a day off by doing paperwork either. Relax, Master!”
So even Cody has joined the conspiracy against him. Obi-Wan will admit the betrayal stings a little. He sinks into a chair and resigns himself to a day of doing nothing in particular.
Two and a half cups of tea and half an hour of meditation later, Obi-Wan’s decided this might not be so bad after all. Though he ought to comm someone to explain. Yoda perhaps. Or – no, Yoda will just laugh, better to speak to Mace. And maybe make sure Anakin and Ahsoka don’t cause too much of a disturbance in his absence.
“Good morning, Padawan Tano,” holo-Mace says, completely deadpan. “Can I help you with anything?”
Obi-Wan resists the urge to turn the comm back off and throw it across the room; instead, he settles for giving his friend a deeply unimpressed look almost uniquely reserved for Anakin at his most irresponsible. “Mace. If this is meant as revenge for helping them with Republic Day…”
The corner of Mace’s mouth twitches, subtle enough that most would pass it off as a flicker of the holo without a second thought. “Certainly not, padawan.” Yes, it absolutely is. “You seem frustrated. Is there a problem?”
Obi-Wan huffs with exaggerated displeasure that entirely fails to make Mace look even a little bit sorry. “I was planning to explain my absence from the meeting and apologize in advance for anything Ahsoka and Anakin might get up to, but it seems there’s no need. Just how many people did they rope into this, Mace?”
Mace chuckles, dropping the act. “The rest of the Council, Skywalker’s droids, and I expect half your battalion will be in on it too by the end of the day. If you insist on working through every spare minute you shouldn’t be surprised when people notice it, Obi-Wan. They’re only trying to make sure you look after yourself.”
“This seems like far too much effort just to get me to take a day off. You could have just asked.”
“Perhaps,” Mace admits. “But it was funnier to see what Tano and Skywalker would come up with. Although I may regret saying that in a few hours.”
Obi-Wan shakes his head, smiling fondly.
The same smile returns early that evening when his padawans drop in, Ahsoka now sporting an even more ridiculous fake beard and Anakin carefully balancing three cups of tea. Obi-Wan invites them both to sit down and gently straightens Ahsoka’s new beard – made by Quinlan this time, apparently, and it covers half her face and is longer than her lekku and honestly, where did Quinlan even get the time to make this? – before taking a seat again himself. As Anakin passes out the tea and Ahsoka excitedly begins to tell him about what Master Plo said to her in the Council meeting, Obi-Wan realises he’s quite intrigued by the inevitably chaotic details of their day. Particularly since with the rest of the Council enabling them this time, nobody can falsely claim he’s responsible for any of it. 
He takes a sip of his tea and settles in to listen.
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starwarsfandomfests · 3 years
Reader Fics
Star Wars Secret Santa 2020
Fox x Reader: Fox^2 - @halzore for @nelba
Wedge Antilles x Reader: A Little Holiday Magic - @phantomofthenormandy for @filthybookworm
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader: tethered - @hobiiwan for @stars-trash-18
Din Djarin x Reader: Frozen Di’kut - @embeanwrites for @queenofspades6
Maul x Reader, Savage & Feral & Reader: Sugar, There’s No Place Like Home For the Holidays - @wolfangelwings for @zabrak-show
Din x Reader: Don’t Leave, Please - @queenofspades6 for @hoodedbirdie
Din x Reader: growing clan - @stars-trash-18 for @mossflowermouse
Din x Reader: stargazing - @lilhawkeye3 for @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky
Poe Dameron x Reader: New Traditions - @just-some-girl-92 for @waatermelon-sugaar
Obi-Wan x Reader: Having a Ball - @labyrinth-runner for @peacefulwizardfox
Sinker x Reader: Falling Stars - @roseofalderaan for @just-some-girl-92
Rex x Reader: Life Day - @pentaghasm for @goldensilvan
Cal Kestis x Reader: Warming Up - @din-dameron for @ahsokatano-thetogruta
Reader & Echo & Tup: Brothers in Arms - @gobayern16 for @manda1orians
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scribbling-padawan · 3 years
To @alshatano Happy holidays! I hope you like this Ahsoka.
Thanks so much to the amazing @lilhawkeye3 for organising @starwarssecretsanta and really brightening the end of the year for everyone.
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
Secret Santa - 2020
Happy December 23rd! This is my entry for the @starwarssecretsanta event! I wrote this for @chicken-kebabs! I hope you enjoy the fic. I tried to make it seasonal, so here is some winter-y Obikin, all fluff and no stress. 
Hope everyone has a great rest of their week/year! And good luck, everyone, in 2021.
“I’m beginning to think,” Obi-Wan said, watching Anakin frown at the soft snow falling through the air, his arms crossed over his chest, “that you just don’t like weather.”
Anakin changed the direction of his frown. The tip of his nose was turning red and there were snowflakes caught in his hair. He asked, “What?”
Obi-Wan snorted, sinking down to sit on one of the benches that surrounded the frozen lake. “You complain each time we go somewhere hot. Now we’re somewhere cold….” He shrugged, looking at the little blades he’d been given to attach to his boots.
“I’m not complaining,” Anakin said, with a sniff, sitting beside him. “Just pointing out that this weather is miserable.”
“That’s a complaint,” Obi-Wan told him, handing over his blades, just in case he’d forgotten. “And it’s hardly below freezing.”
Anakin wrinkled his nose with a sigh, steam wreathing around his face as he did. And, truly, Obi-Wan understood his dislike of the cold weather. He’d grown up on a desert world. The cold only reminded him of the night, and even then…
Obi-Wan slid back to his feet, testing the blades and finding them steady enough. “Come on,” he said, “moving around will keep you warm.”
“Going back inside will keep me warm,” Anakin pointed out, brows furrowing together, and Obi-Wan sighed. 
“Well,” he said, folding his hands behind his back and taking a step back, “I will not make you participate if you don’t want to, Anakin. That was never my intent. Why don’t you go back.” He doubted Ahsoka would be back from her little expedition yet. She’d managed to convince Rex and several of his brothers to go ice climbing. “You can warm up by the fire,” he suggested, and took another step back, onto the frozen lake.
It had been some time since he’d skated, but it had always been an activity he rather enjoyed. He turned, heard Anakin make a frustrated sound, and pushed off. The metal against the ice rasped pleasantly and he hummed, sliding forward, moving around the other individuals enjoying the rink.
It had been too long since they’d had a break. Certainly, the freedom they were currently enjoying wouldn’t last long. But they had, at least, a day or so to stretch their legs, to breathe fresh air, too--
Obi-Wan yelped when a familiar form ran into him from behind. He reached for the Force, spinning, and managed to keep them both upright, despite the fact that Anakin had draped across his shoulders.
They drifted to a stop across the ice, earning a few amused calls as the rest of the crowd continued on in an endless circle across the huge lake. Obi-Wan blinked over at Anakin and said, lost, “I thought you were going back to the ship?”
“And I thought we were spending the day together,” Anakin said, arching an eyebrow.
“Well, I was planning to join you after I finished,” Obi-Wan said, shrugging. 
“Why don’t we just stick together,” Anakin suggested, and he’d been...focused, lately, moreso than usual, on keeping close. Something about the nightmares he’d been having, perhaps. Obi-Wan almost asked about them, there in the chill air, but he let it go.
They were having one day - one - where they did not need to think about the war or nightmares or any of it.
And so he smiled and said, “If that would make you happier.”
“It would,” Anakin said, and held out a hand. Obi-Wan hesitated, for just a moment, before he reached out and gripped it. He was used to grabbing Anakin’s hand in a fight, to pulling him to safety, or just making sure, afterwards, that he was alright.
The other touches, the ones they’d been fleetingly trying out, felt different. But not unpleasant.
Anakin’s hand was warm around his, fingers strong and sure as they shifted into movement again. He squeezed Anakin’s hand, thoughtfully, after a moment, and felt a little rush of pleasure and contentment across their bond. He smiled, the air cold against his cheeks, and pulled Anakin along a little faster.
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simping-for-fives · 3 years
Get it? Like Coruscant, but with snow at the end instead. Forgive me for the title. 
This is for @threetinyshinies​ as part of the @starwarssecretsanta​ event. I really hope you like it!! I debated for a long time whether to have a The Mandalorian era fic or a TCW era fic, but I noticed you’ve been posting a lot of Coruscant Guard art!! So I went with that. Happy Holidays!! xox
Thank you @lilhawkeye3​ for organising all this. I had so much fun.
Summary: Commander Fox and Lieutenant Thire experience Coruscant’s South Pole for the first time. Will Fox allow himself some holiday fun? Let’s see. 
Warnings: I couldn’t find any descriptions or images of the South Pole, other than it is popular with tourists and that there are tauntauns there. So I kinda just did my own thing with it. 
1.3k words
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 “Wow!” Thire exclaimed via his private helmet comlink to Fox. “It’s hard to believe we’re still on Coruscant.”
Fox scanned the snowy surroundings, taking in the white landscape. The frosty air had no effect on him thanks to his vacuum sealed undersuit and the cold assault armour he had been given for this mission. Fox is still getting used to the heavier armour, but he is grateful for the extra protection from the elements.
It’s like nothing he has ever seen before. At least not in person. He knew Coruscant had a South Pole covered in ice caps, one of the few areas of the planet where natural beauty prevailed, but he never thought he would actually see it one day. Fox could not deny the fact that the landscape was breath-taking however, he wished it were not so packed with tourists. There were tourists wrapped in thick clothing as far as the eye could see and multiple cabin style buildings, of varying sizes, dotted the landscape.
“I don’t get why we had to be the ones to guard Senator Chuchi on her trip here. They should’ve sent someone else. I’d be a lot more useful back in the city.” Fox replied, omitting the fact he was secretly glad for the change of scenery.
“They must’ve thought you needed a holiday the most.” Thire teased, causing Fox to roll his eyes to the high heavens under his helmet.
“Gentlemen, what do you think of this place?” Riyo beamed. “Reminds me of Orto Plutonia. Only with more people.”
Fox and Thire immediately switched out of their private comlink.
“It’s beautiful, Senator. Though I must say, I normally prefer tropical destinations.” Thire joked, gaining a laugh from Riyo.
“It’s...different.” said Fox, his reply as cool as the surroundings.
“I’m sure it is for you, Commander. But I do hope you and Lieutenant Thire are able to have some fun while you’re here. I promise I won’t tell.” she chuckled and Thire joined. Fox, however, chose to pretend he had not heard the last part.
“Let’s go inside, senator. You have a meeting to prepare for.” Fox finally said.
Senator Chuchi’s meeting with the Pantoran officials appeared to be going well based on the laughter emanating from the room. Fox and Thire stood guard in the corridor, alongside a few Pantoran guards.
A few minutes later, Riyo and the Pantorans walked out. Each taking it in turns to bid each other a good night. When it was just the three of them left in the corridor, Riyo turned to speak to the brothers.
“You’re allowed the rest of the night off.” Riyo smiled. “Before you say no, I just want to remind you that I won’t be without protection. I have Pantoran guards here. I would like you gentlemen to explore this place before you must return to the confines of the senate building. Maybe even ride a tauntaun?”
Fox immediately responded before Thire could accept. “With all due respect Senator, I don’t think it would be wise to leave you with guards we haven’t personally vetted.”
“Commander, I assure you, these guards have gone through the most scrutinous of vetting processes. I will be safe. I insist you take this time off. I will not be giving you any duties for the rest of the night whether you accept or not.”
“Thank you, Senator, we’ll-”
“-Have an early night. We’ll be in our room should you need us.” Fox interrupted Thire before stalking off.
“Don’t worry Senator. I’ll somehow persuade him to allow himself to have some fun.” Thire promised, excitement oozing from his words.
“C’mon Fox, make the most out of it. You might never get this opportunity again.”
“I said no, Thire.”
“Why though? You have no reason to say no.”
“Yeah, I do. What if something happens while we’re not here? We’ll be the ones in trouble. Not her.”
Thire stared at Fox, unable to think of a reply fast enough. Fox had a point.
“Look-” Fox said gently. “-if you want to go, then you can. But one of us has to be here.”
“Nah it’s okay. Wouldn’t be fun without you, vod. Maybe we can play a few card games instead?”
Thire attempted to mask his disappointment, but nothing escaped Fox regarding his brother’s mood. He found himself feeling guilty despite his belief that his decision was the right one. Maybe it wasn’t. It wasn’t often opportunities liked this arisen for a clone and yet he was so ready to disregard it. Fox knew he was in for another night of tossing and turning.
Deep snores permeated from Thire, though that was not the reason Fox found it difficult to sleep. It was Thire’s crushing disappointment that resonated in his ears. He does not want his brothers to have to miss out because of him.
Fox looked at the chrono and groaned. It was late. Or early depending on how you looked at it. And he had not gotten even a minute of sleep. There was only one way that was going to change.
He made his way to Thire’s bed and shook him awake. Not that much effort was needed. Thire awoke alert and concerned.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is Senator Chuchi safe?”
“Everything’s fine.” Fox reassured him. “I need you to put your armour on. We’re going outside.”
“What? Why?”
“To have fun.”
Thire’s mouth broke into a large grin and a high-pitched squeal escaped his lips. Fox could not hold back a laugh at that, and he sincerely hoped the people in the neighbouring room were not awoken by it.
Freshly fallen snow crunched under his boots. It was a strange feeling walking on ground he sunk into. What was previously populated with tourists during the day, was now empty. The surroundings silent for the most part. It would have been eerie if it were not for the warm toned lamps and multicoloured lights that dotted the area. Fox knew all the stalls would have closed for the night, but he did not think it would have been this empty.
“This is great.” Thire grinned. Neither of them had their helmets on now, opting for woolly hats instead as per Thire’s wish. The night air was brutally cold, and Fox felt it bite his face, but he was determined to keep his helmet off for the time being.
“Great? It’s dead.”
“Yeah, which is perfect for us.” Thire said cheerfully. “We get to play in the snow! Just like in the holomovies.”
He bent to the ground and collected a small mound of snow that he rolled into a ball. Without warning he aimed it at Fox’s face, and it hit true to target, causing Fox to sputter. Ah, that’s why he didn’t want me to wear my helmet Fox thought to himself.
“SNOWBALL FIGHT!” Thire screamed.
“You’re gonna regret that Thire!” Fox bellowed, his laughter betraying the fact he was not mad.
Fox and Thire began collecting and shaping snow. Both trying to aim for the other’s face. Fox’s mind drifted to battle strategies that might help him, but it was hard to focus when snowballs repeatedly hit his face. Thire was winning. Maybe he was winning because his mind was not occupied with strategy. Rather, he was focused on the moment and living in it. Fox decided to let go and allow himself some happiness. Like Thire said, he might never get this opportunity again.
“Okay, okay.” Thire breathed heavily. “I think it’s a draw.”
“You wish!” Fox laughed.
“There are no winners or losers in snowball fights, ner vod.”
“You weren’t saying that when you were winning.”
Thire and Fox’s eyes met and neither of them spoke for a few moments. Until they both burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Surely someone must have heard them by now, but neither cared if they had. This was their time to play catchup on the things civvies took for granted.
“Hey, Thire.”
“Do you wanna build a snowman?”
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kckenobi · 3 years
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Crystals in the Snow
Secret Santa Gift for @blackkatmagic @starwarssecretsanta
Summary: While completing a training course on an icy planet, cadets Cody, Rex, and Kix find a creative way to cross a frozen lake. 1k, family fluff
Cody had seen snow before. Of course he had. In his ten years on Kamino, he’d seen it all—holograms of snowstorms, books about arctic regions, training on how to climb mountains in blizzards. He’d read all about Hoth and Kijimi and Illum and Maldo Kreis, memorized their terrains in every simulation. He knew snow. He knew ice. He knew everything.
But as he stood at the edge of Krownest’s largest frozen lake, he couldn’t help but feel as though he knew nothing at all.
“This’ll be easy.” To his right, Rex cracked his knuckles. “It’s solid ice. We’ll just walk across. We’re way faster than the other cadets, anyhow.”
“Are we sure it’s solid ice?” said Kix, eying the lakeshore with a furrowed brow. “You know, a dip in those waters would mean hypothermia and frost bite and—”
“Alright, we get it,” Rex said, “you’re a medic. Now let’s just hurry up and capture the base before the other squads beat us to it.”
“Hold up.” Cody held up a hand, stopping Rex before he could step onto the ice plain. “Slow and steady. Don’t forget that General Shaak Ti designed this training exercise—that means there’s more to it than ‘hurrying up.’”
“There’s also more to it than standing around talking,” said Rex, but he shot a grin in Cody’s direction. “What’re your orders, Commander?”
Cody rolled his eyes, but felt himself warm at the jest—though technically none of them had been assigned yet, it was no secret that Cody would likely be sent straight to the top of the Third Systems Army. He’d been pulled out of general training countless times now, given courses and exercises the other cadets hadn’t been. And, though he wasn’t yet a leader in name, he was a leader.
“Test it out,” Cody said. “Gently. See if the ice will hold.”
Kix pushed Rex back and stepped gingerly onto the ice.
It shattered.
“Osi’kyr,” Kix muttered as he shook off a damp boot. “No good. It won’t take our weight.”
“Speak for yourself, vod,” Rex said, his elbow finding Kix’s middle. “I did tell you to lay off the Roba pie—”
“I love how you think insulting me is effective,” Kix said, “when I am literally physically identical to you.”
“Alright, men,” Cody said, biting back his own smile, “we’re burning daylight. Now, we’ve established that stepping straight on the ice isn’t going to work—”
“Thanks, Kix.”
“So we’ll have to distribute our weight somehow. Maybe we try lying down. Or…”
Cody’s voice trailed off as he watched Rex give another elbow to Kix’s stomach. Armor clanked against armor as the joint struck Kix’s ribs, though he didn’t feel a thing—the plastoid could stand up to a blaster bolt. But maybe, Cody thought, maybe that isn’t the only thing it’s useful for...
Keep reading
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labyrinth-runner · 3 years
Having a Ball
An Obi-Wan x Reader Winter Tale, also a secret santa present from @starwarssecretsanta​ for @peacefulwizardfox
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: None
Summary: It’s a fluffy wintery fic with some snowball fights.
Big thanks to @the-mandalorian-clone-lover for letting me bounce this off her.
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The air was cool as it went right through your robes. A shiver went down your spine as you wished you had dressed in more layers. Obi-Wan had warned you that the planet was cold, and you remembered it being such when you were younger, but you had figured that you had grown in your training and could block out the cold by now. Such was your mistake.
Being here on this planet gave you the illusion that everything was normal. The world was a blanket of white, untouched in most places. In a word, it was peaceful. It was this serenity that made it one of the Order’s favorite places for brief meditative retreat. However, when you saw the list of people who had signed up for this trip, you were beginning to think that maybe it wouldn’t be as relaxing as it had been advertised.
You were excited for this retreat, though, having heard stories about Master Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker’s antics. Very rarely did you get to see them in action these days, with the war spreading you all out so thin, so you were keen to see the infamous duo get up to some of their shenanigans.
“Let’s set up camp for the night,” Master Windu advised.
Looking around, you noticed that there were no tents. A quizzical look settled into your features until you saw what your lodging was to be. 
The Jedi around you held their arms out, palms facing out, fingers splayed. Their eyes were closed in concentration as they reached out to the world around them. 
Shapes began to take form out of the snow,  ice rising from the ground as a building rose up in front of you. Closing your eyes, you joined them in lifting it up so that the door was accessible.
“Now that that’s done, time for the fun,” Anakin whispered to you as he knelt down to pack a ball of snow in his hands.
You raised a brow at him as he wound up and threw it, hitting Obi-Wan square in the face. Snow clung to his beard as he reached up to wipe it off, giving Anakin the dirtiest look as the younger Jedi snickered into his hand.
“Master, you’ve got a little something on your face,” Anakin said innocently.
Obi-Wan’s eyes narrowed as a clump of snow rose from the ground and hurled itself at Anakin, who ducked, causing the snow to hit you instead.
The crowd grew silent as you casually reached up and swiped the snow from your eyes to see a blushing Jedi Master sputtering an apology. Calmly, you reached down to pack your own snowball before returning the favor.
“SNOWBALL FIGHT!” Ahsoka yelled as everyone broke off into a free-for-all.
Snowballs whipped back and forth across the white expanse of space as haphazard forts were quickly erected to provide shelter from the cold ammunition being pelted every which way. You dove behind a snow bank, but the snow moved under your weight, sending you tumbling down a hill. The roll continued until you found yourself going from a slight tumble to a sheer drop into a cave. 
Looking up at the space you’d fallen through, you realized you wouldn’t be able to jump up unaided. You let out a sigh, sending a puff of air in front of your face. Turning to look at the cave, you noticed light shining through the icicles, indicating another entrance on the other side of the cave. Faintly, you heard the whistling of the wind through the cavern, and what sounded like your name. Having nothing left to lose, you trudged towards the light, hoping to reach the end quickly and before the sun set.
You weren’t so lucky, finding yourself exiting the cave just as the rich reds and pinks in the sky gave over to the purple indigo of night. “Oh, kriff.”
“The days are definitely shorter here than on Coruscant,” a sharp voice cut through the stillness.
“Master Kenobi?” you called out. 
“Here, darling,” he said as he slid down a slight bend to land in front of you. “You know, everyone’s worried about you.”
“I didn’t mean to make people worry,” you blushed, “I took a tumble and ended up in this cave.”
“I told them that, but they didn’t seem to believe me, or your tracks for that matter,” he said as he fished out a blanket to wrap around you. “Well, it’s too late to go back like this. The temperature will drop soon. We might as well stay here for the night.”
Here? The two of you alone in a cave? Your mind was reeling. You had had a crush on the Jedi Master ever since you were both padawans, but thankfully your missions kept you apart, which helped keep your feelings at bay. However, having to be so close to him like this, especially after he had come to rescue you, was reigniting that spark that you had thought was gone, but had in fact only been dormant for so long.
The two of you went back into your cave and he reached into his pack for his emergency fire kit, building a small fire that was kept at bay by a ring of stones around the small crackling source of heat.
“So, what made you sign up for the retreat?” he asked as he dug around for some rations in his pack.
“I thought it might be a relaxing break from being shot at,” you replied as you took one from him, cracking the ration over the heat.
Obi-Wan chuckled, “Relaxation. There’s something I haven’t done in a while.”
“Anakin seems intent on making it hard for you to do that,” you teased.
“He’s got a good heart,” he replied. “And some of his ideas are brilliant. Just don’t tell him I said as much.”
You giggled, “Your secret is safe with me.”
“If I remember correctly, they always have been,” he said with a small smile.
“Oh?” you asked, feeling your mouth suddenly go dry.
“I know attachments are frowned upon, but I will admit that I always miss your smile when you’re away,” he winked. “It’s infectious.”
“Careful, Master Kenobi, your Jedi charm tricks won’t work on me,” you said, playfully nudging him, but you were blushing.
“Oh they won’t? I remember it being different when we were younger. You were always blushing at everything I said and blaming my accent if my recollection is correct,” he looked into the fire before turning to you for a moment. Softly he asked, “What happened to our friendship?”
“You lost your Master and then we were thrust onto different paths,” you replied, slipping your hand along the rocky bottom of the cave to tentatively touch his hand. When he didn’t pull away, you interlocked your fingers with his. “I always believed ours was a friendship that could pick up from wherever we left off.”
A slight tint settled above his beard, but you wondered if perhaps it was a trick of the light reflecting off the cave walls. “Oh, is that so?”
“I know Master Yoda says that we are all luminous beings, but whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same,” you replied, looking into the fire, “A connection like that runs deep enough to withstand the test of time, wouldn’t you agree?”
Obi-Wan looked at you, really looked at you, and for a moment he was just a man. He wasn’t a Jedi, and neither were you. You were just two souls bound together by so many commonalities that one might not know where he ended and you began. The way the light glinted off your face casted you in an ethereal glow. Luminous being, indeed, he thought as he took you in. Although your words were true, he would never have had the courage to admit them on his own. Instead, he just gave your hand a squeeze.
“We should rest. You sleep first while I take the first watch,” he said, letting go of your hand to wrap his arm around you. 
A slight sigh breezed through your lips, but you let it go, as you had always been trained to do. The physical touch would be enough to reaffirm that perhaps he saw you in the same light as you saw him. Resting your head on his shoulder, you closed your eyes to get comfortable. Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off into a meditative state, not quite ready to commit to actual sleep at this point.
Obi-Wan let out a sigh as he looked out of the mouth of the cave. Every time that he thought he was over his attachments, something would happen to reassure him that perhaps he wasn’t the perfect Jedi that everyone thought him to be. He had mastery over his emotions, but that didn’t mean he was devoid of them. It wasn’t something that he could just lock in a box and forget about. It was a constant battle every day with a beast that would remain conquered for only so long. It was a battle of wills, waiting for him to fatigue and slip up. In truth, sometimes he wanted to slip. He wanted to give in and take the easy way out every once in a while. He wanted to feel everything; to give into temptation on occasion. To love and be loved in a way that consumed, just to feel. But, a part of him feared being burned. Feared making a mistake he couldn’t take back. To give himself to someone so completely would mean that the loss of that person could be enough to ruin him. 
To love anything at all is to be vulnerable. That kind of vulnerability was something a Jedi couldn’t afford, so he put up walls. Walls that even Anakin couldn’t break through, and yet you always had a way of slipping through the cracks. It was almost as if letting those walls down would be acceptable if it were only to let you in.
The sky outside was getting lighter, but it wasn’t sunrise. A smile curled the corners of his lips as he gently shook you awake.
“Darling,” he murmured as you groaned, “Darling, look.”
You blinked your eyes open, trying to focus on your hazy surroundings as your vision swam. “What am I looking at?”
Gently he reached out to tip your chin up towards the sky and you understood.
Wavy lines of color streaked across the sky, lighting up the night. “You know, the ancient texts referred to auroras as being the spirits of a planet dancing in the night.”
“Qui-Gon always said they were the physical representation of a planet’s aura,” he said thoughtfully as he took in your awed expression.
“Regardless, they’re beautiful,” you murmured, “Definitely not a view you can see on Coruscant.”
“Mmm, they are beautiful,” he said as his eyes softened on your face. “I wish I could see it more often.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed him staring at you, sweeping his eyes along your features as if he were trying to memorize you.
“Afraid you’ll forget me?” you asked as you turned towards him.
“I doubt I could ever manage that,” he replied with a small smile.
“Am I forever burned into your memories?” you asked playfully with a bright smile.
His heart skipped a beat as he reached out to brush a strand of hair out of your face, gently sliding the pad of his forefinger along the outline of your face as he did so. Your smile slowly slid off your face as you took in the intent nature of his gaze. His eyes flicked down to your lips before slowly making their way back up to yours. The seas of his eyes were tumultuous, like a churning sea as you stand on a cliff in a storm.
Obi-Wan licked his bottom lip as you reached out to gently cup his cheek. You dragged your thumb through the soft bristles of his beard, feeling your breath catch at how he leaned into your touch. You let your hand slide along his jaw towards his chin as your thumb dragged along his bottom lip, gliding from the dampness left by his tongue. Your eyes settled on his lips, entranced, before lazily looking up at him with a hooded gaze.
The fire was slowly dying in front of you, casting you both in the shadows of the embers. A log on the fire shifted, sending up sparks that playfully danced in his eyes. You swallowed a lump in your throat as you both stood on the edge of this precipice, toeing the crumbling limits, afraid of what might happen should you fall. 
A flutter in your chest caused you to take that step, falling over the edge and dragging him with you. You pulled him in for a kiss, relishing in the way his supple lips pressed firmly into yours. 
His beard tickled your face as his hand slid to cup the nape of your neck. His velvety tongue slipped over your bottom lip, the first demand you imagine he’s ever given, and one you were very happy to acquiesce to. His tongue danced with yours, a tango to a music only the two of you could hear.
He explored you like you were uncharted territory, but in truth, he was also exploring himself. Testing his limits. Determining how far he was wiling to go. It was a journey you would go on with him, but you let him take the lead out of respect. 
You broke from the kiss and rested your foreheads against one another as you panted slightly for air. “Good night, Master Kenobi. I’ll take this next watch.”
“Good night, darling,” he grinned, his chest still heaving slightly from the exertion as he rested his head in your lap.
You let your head fall back as you let out a silent laugh at what just happened. Biting your lip, you shook your head before turning your attention back to him. Gently, you ran your hand through his hair, stroking through the auburn locks as you took in his sweet face of content. Part of you wondered if that was the first time he did something he wanted to, regardless of the consequences, in years. You draped your arm over his chest as you let yourself picture a normal future for the two of you. It was a daydream you hadn’t had in a long time, but one that you took out of its box every once in a while, if only to shake off the cobwebs. 
If you weren’t Jedi, you’d be married. You’d live on a peaceful planet full of serene moments where you could feel the force at work in the galaxy. Maybe you’d have a farm, or maybe you would just live in town. Perhaps you’d befriend the neighbors. Perhaps you’d be in a remote area with no one around for as far as the eye could see. Obi-Wan would tend to the animals, and you would help him build the life he could have had if he wasn’t a Jedi. Perhaps you’d have children running around, a perfect mix of the two of you, or adopted to give them a better life in a loving home. No matter the scenario or the variables, the common denominator was that you’d be happy together.
You watched with passive interest as the sky changed from an inky indigo to the same shades as your dying fire until the sun had risen in the sky again. Gently, you nudged Obi-Wan awake.
“Obi, it’s time to go home,” you murmured.
He stretched languidly before collecting his belongings. You did the same before heading out of the cave and into the bright morning light. 
“We can follow my tracks to get back to camp,” he said as he held his hand out to you. “Shall we?”
With a smile, you placed your hand in his and together you traversed the snowy hills until you were back to camp. You caught sight of the others breaking down camp.
Anakin was the first to spot you, eyes falling on your conjoined hands. You quickly dropped Obi-Wan’s hand when you noticed where the Jedi Knight was staring.
“Bout time you two showed up. We had to do all the work breaking down camp without you,” Anakin teased. “It’s not very Jedi-like to shirk your duties.”
“I’ll remember that, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said with a wag of his finger.
“We’re glad the two of you are safe,” Ahsoka said, slinging her bag over her shoulder.
“Yeah, would’ve hated leaving you here,” Anakin grinned.
Mace gave Anakin a withering look, “No one is getting left behind.” You could have sworn you heard him mumble ‘unfortunately,’ before he turned to Obi-Wan to add, “The next time you decide to wander off, take Skywalker with you.”
Obi-Wan shot Anakin a look that said, ‘what did you do?’
Anakin just shrugged, placing his hands up in a placating manner.
“Load up, everyone. It’s time to go home. I hope this trip was as enlightening as you all thought it would be,” Mace said before heading towards the ship.
You shared a smile with Obi-Wan Kenobi at Master Windu’s words before adjusting your pack on your shoulder and following the others onto the ship.
Enlightening, indeed.
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Say It (Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi)
A/N: Hi @redrobinhoods I was your secret Santa! I come bearing a little piece for Commander Fox and Senator Riyo Chuchi! Thank you so much for hosting this Secret Santa exchange @lilhawkeye3 @starwarssecretsanta! This was a lot of fun! It’s pretty much fluff. I hope you like it!
As if on automatic, Fox found himself walking the familiar path to Riyo’s, no, Senator Chuchi’s office. Shaking his head, he tries to clear his thoughts. He can’t call her Riyo, at least, not out in the open. Before he knows it, he’s standing at her door. He can hear muffled talking and before he can walk away, the door opens with a whoosh.
Fox watched Senator Amidala walk out of the room. At the sight of him, she gave a brief nod before continuing down the hallway, most likely heading back to her own office. Just as Fox was about to walk away, a soft voice called his name.
“Commander Fox?” Questioned Riyo, standing a few paces away from her door. Hearing her footsteps drawing closer he paused and waited for her to reach the door, “is there anything I can help you with?”
His heart practically screams at him. He can feel it in the pounding of his pulse. But his brain overrides what his heart wants to say.
“No.” Fox says, grateful for the helmet that covers his face, because he knows that without the barrier Riyo would be able to tell something was wrong. “I was just checking to see if everything is going well.”
The battle between his heart and his mind distracts him from seeing the slight falter of Riyo’s smile.
“Oh,” Riyo says as she places a hand on Fox’s forearm, “thank you for checking in.” He can practically feel her touch through his armor.
“Right,” Fox says, “well I should get back to patrolling. Have a good day Senator.”
Riyo’s smile is bright, and he can’t help but mirror her smile underneath his helmet.
“Same for you Commander.” Riyo says before Fox starts walking away.
Fox can’t help but shake his head as he walks into his office. Settling into his chair, he removes his helmet and runs his hands through his hair and over his tired face.
He knows he can’t just tell Riyo how he feels. Why would Riyo like someone like him? Besides, it’s safer to keep his feelings to himself.
Riyo sighed as she pushed the datapad away from her. Using her hands to push herself up from her chair, she makes her way out of her office. Looking around the corridor she hoped to see a certain someone, but the corridor was practically empty.
Sighing, she knew that Fox wouldn’t be there waiting for her. Afterall, she hasn’t seen him in a week. The last time she saw him was when he had checked in on her. Since then, she’s been in senatorial meeting after senatorial meeting. Not to mention meetings with the Pantoran Assembly about what was going on back in Pantora.
The thought of having a relaxing evening brought a smile to her face. As she was walking down the corridor, she almost bumped into someone. Luckily, that someone was able to stop them from colliding.
“Good evening, Senator.” Fox’s voice filled her ears. His voice causing a soothing wave of comfort to wash over her.
“Good evening, Commander Fox.”
“Where are you heading?” Fox asks her as the two of them walk side by side.
“Home for the night.” Tiredly, she smiles at him.
“I could escort you home, if you’d like.” You could hear the concern in his voice.
“Thank you, Commander. If it’s not too much to ask, I would like that very much.”
Fox silently answers her with a nod of his head, and the two of them continue walking together.
Once the two of them exited the Senate Building, conversation flows easily. Fox tells her about some of the things Thorn and Thire have done that make her giggle. In turn, Riyo tells him about projects that she’s been working on, they aren’t as comical as his stories, but none the less, Fox listens intently.
Soon Riyo’s apartment is in view. Conversation between the two seems to stop the closer they get. It was Fox who broke the silence.
“Get some rest, Riyo.” He says softly, his hand briefly hovering close to hers. Grasping his hand, she gives it a soft squeeze before telling him to get some rest too.
Once again, Riyo watches him walk away without telling him how she feels. All she wanted was for Fox to stay, even if it was for an hour. But if Riyo was being completely honest with herself, she wanted to be able to come home from work and spend time with Fox- maybe have relaxing dinners and listen to his voice.
“Goodnight Fox, I love you.” Riyo whispered, knowing that he was too far away to hear her. Knowing that he wasn’t close by made it easier to admit to herself.
One day, she thought to herself. One day she’ll tell him how she feels.
A frown formed on Riyo’s face the moment Fox came into her office. She’s learned to read him and doesn’t need to see his face to know something was wrong.
“Please,” she asks him, “tell me what’s wrong.”
Beneath his helmet, Fox was clenching his jaw, trying to keep the words from spilling out of his mouth. His hands were curled into fists, his spine straight.
“I’m fine.” Fox says, but the slight raise in his voice gave him away. Looking at Riyo, he could see her trying to keep from raising her voice at him.
“I just want to help you, Fox,” she says in a whisper. Moving closer to him, she takes one of his fists in her hand. Slowly, she gets him to uncurl his hand, and repeats the process with his other hand. Taking both hands into hers, she looks up at him. “I want to help because I care about you.”
Her words freeze Fox in his spot. “I care about you too, Riyo.”
“Then tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He says, “I promise.”
“If nothing’s wrong-“ Riyo doesn’t have a chance to finish her sentence before Fox blurts out the words that he so desperately tried to keep in his heart.
“I love you.”
As if she’s been shocked by a loose wire, Riyo lets go of Fox’s hands. Eyes wide, she looks at him, but she can’t read his face.
“Take off you helmet.” She says, voice strong and steady.
“What?” Fox questions.
“Take off your helmet.” Her voice leaves no room for question this time, so he removes his helmet. Now that she could see his face without a barrier, she said to Fox, “say it again.”
“Say what again?” Riyo gives him a look.
“If you mean what you said, please say it again. I want to see your face when you say it.” And Fox looks at her sheepishly. However, he nods and clears his throat.
“I love you, Riyo.”
He meant it.
Looking into his face, Riyo couldn’t see a trace of doubt or a hint of a lie. He was being honest with her, and it made her heart beat wildly in her chest.
“I love you too, Fox.” At her words, Fox looked at her in shock.
“You love me?” Fox questions, and Riyo nods her head, smiling brightly at him.
“Maker,” he says in shock. “Can I kiss you?”
Fox leans downs and cradles her face in his hands. At his gentle touch, Riyo’s eyes flutter shut. Soon Fox’s lips collide with her forehead, where he places a soft kiss.
“That’s not my lips.” She whispers, feeling his breath fan across her face.
“I know,” smiles Fox, “I won’t miss next time.”
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Hello!!!! I’ve finally been able to post my Star Wars Secret Santa present for @wanderingjedihistorian
Thank you for all your time and effort @lilhawkeye3 you put into hosting @starwarssecretsanta It was a lot of fun!!!!
Here it is on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28272609
And for anyone that wants to just read it here!
Obi-Wan sighed and stretched his arms carefully so as to not disturb the sleeping figure in front of him. With his mind still waking up, Obi-Wan took this quiet moment to take in the man that shared the bed with him.
Cody’s mouth was open and drool had pooled onto his pillow. There were light snores coming from him and every so often his nose would scrunch and his lips would smack together before closing, only for his mouth to open once more with a snort. His hair was tousled from his constant squirming and there were marks on his face from the pillow. 
Obi-Wan hummed and gazed upon his riduur with a fond smile.
When the war had ended, Obi-Wan had left the Order and Cody left with him. It wasn’t an idea that sprung up overnight. Instead, the two had been thinking about what they would do after the war during those harsh years. Quiet words were spoken between them in the rare spaces of time when nothing bothered them. Ideas were thrown out of a future that didn’t seem possible at the time. A future where they could be together.
Away from the war. 
Yet, here they were. Months after the war, here they were. A small home on a planet where no one would bother them. Eervine was a peaceful place, far from the war. It was small, just like their home and just like their family. 
(Though, Cody liked to remind him that their family was much larger than most. Obi-Wan would reply with a playful eye-roll and a kiss on Cody’s nose.)
Their vows had been spoken under the stars. The quiet chirping of insects was the only other noise that night. 
Now, months later, Obi-Wan looked upon his slumbering ka’rta and couldn’t imagine a life outside of this one. 
“I can hear you thinking.” Cody’s voice was thick with sleep and his eyes were still closed, but there was a small smile gracing his lips. 
Obi-Wan hummed and shifted closer. He rested his forehead on Cody’s and shut his eyes for a moment. 
“All good things,” Obi-Wan whispers after a moment. “I promise.”
Cody hums and inches closer to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan keeps his eyes shut and just basks in the warmth coming from Cody. 
He must have shut his eyes a lot longer than he assumed because the next time he opened them, he was alone in the bed. Obi-Wan blinked in confusion and squinted a bit as he tried to figure out just how long he had been there by himself. 
Noises came from just outside their bedroom door and Obi-Wan chuckled to himself and stretched less carefully than he did the first time since the bed was his for the moment. He groaned and rose from his lying position. 
He could hear Cody’s voice mixing in with the clangs. Cody was humming a soft tune that Obi-Wan hadn’t heard before, but it brought a warmth to him that only Cody knew how to give. He allowed the noises to wash over him for a while longer before finally pulling himself out of the bed. The floor was cold when his bare feet touched it and he shivered at the contact. 
He slipped on some socks and snagged a blanket from the bed before making his way out of the bedroom. 
He paused in the doorway and leaned against it. His smile was soft as he watched his riduur waltz around their small kitchen as he grabbed the items necessary for their morning meal. The humming hadn’t stopped and Cody seemed content. His hair was still a mess, but the lines from the pillow had vanished. His focus was on preparing the food and Obi-Wan could see the furrow in his brow that told him Cody was concentrating hard. 
Obi-Wan could have stood there all morning and watched his cyare move about the kitchen. Alas, it was not meant to be. 
“Vaar’tur.” He greeted softly. Cody didn’t jump. He didn’t flinch. Instead, he turned and smiled widely at Obi-Wan. 
“Cyar’ika,” Cody greeted back. “Finally decided to wake up?” He asked with a teasing tone. 
Obi-Wan responded with an equally teasing eye-roll and pushed himself off the doorframe and made his way into the kitchen. He plastered himself against Cody’s back and leached the warmth from him. Cody’s back vibrated with a soft laugh and Obi-Wan grunted in response. 
“Cold?” Cody asked without turning around. Obi-Wan just nodded and hummed against Cody’s back. “There’s a reason for that,” Cody replied, finally turning around and gathering his cyar’ika in his arms. 
“Oh?” Obi-Wan questioned as he burrowed deeper into Cody’s embrace. 
“Come on.” Cody walked them to the window that was still covered in the curtains they were given by a distant neighbor. “Look.” 
Obi-Wan watched Cody pull back the curtain. Obi-Wan’s eyes widened as he took in the sight. 
The grass that they had come to know was gone. Instead, snow had taken its place. 
The ground was covered and the sun was obscured by the clouds just a bit. Flakes of snow fell without ever seeming as though they would stop. 
“Snow.” Obi-Wan breathed out. His lips moved into a smile and he turned to face Cody. “It snowed!” 
Cody laughed and nodded, pulling Obi-Wan close. 
“That’s why it’s cold,” Cody informed him.
“Hm,” Obi-Wan pressed against Cody and turned around once more to look at the white ground that lay before them. “I suppose we’ll have to do something about that.” He muttered, mind already rushing into ideas. 
Cody laughed again and removed himself from Obi-Wan’s back. He wasn’t gone for long, thankfully. In mere seconds, he was pressed up against Obi-Wan’s back once more and pressing a warm mug into his hands. 
“Oh, vor ent’ye,” Obi-Wan whispered as he brought the mug to his lips and took a sip whilst leaning back into Cody’s chest. Cody maneuvered them into a chair and they sat carefully so as to not spill their warm drinks. 
“Ba’gedet’ye.” He replied softly, pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan’s head. 
That morning, they did nothing but watch the first snowfall of winter, content in each other’s arms and worrying about nothing at all. 
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starwarsfandomfests · 3 years
Star Wars Secret Santa 2020 Masterlist
Disaster Lineage
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Qui-Gon, Dooku
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin, Grogu, Omera
Clone Troopers
Rex, Cody, Echo, Fives, Wolffe, Fox, etc.
Reader fics
Reader x Obi-Wan, Din, Poe, Cal, Rex, etc.
Obi-Wan x Cody
Blyla & Foxiyo
Bly x Aayla, Riyo x Fox
Dark Siders & Imperials
Maul, Savage, Feral, Thrawn, Kylo Ren, Hux
Even More!
Naboo Handmaidens, Finn x Poe, Kanan x Hera, Jon x Agen
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