girlfromvulcan · 1 year
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444names · 1 year
senegalese names + german forenames + american surnames
Abdolter Abood Abork Abowmayes Abroges Adrey Aldavers Aldellise Alderson Aliff Alknort Almeyna Alphy Alyniné Amarrez Amathill Amichmarité Amurtong Antata Anton Arande Assarna Aïdall Aïssé Bahitt Bahnsga Bakaurn Baldsontouf Baraws Basey Basterradele Batandonassa Bates Baxene Beale Benaternon Bermse Berna Beroane Berson Berton Beynce Biambes Binaman Blaft Blann Bodona Bodry Bodwin Boodgert Boyce Boyne Bralherson Bregfra Brerne Briacia Brice Brojacruji Brudson Bulip Burce Burge Burso Caine Camart Camse Carane Cariggis Carkson Carre Carse Carton Castouiz Chark Charrand Chellis Cheste Chralvidam Clamberr Cland Clang Cobbs Colan Coletevilley Colinfrické Coodouman Copkins Cramor Cruson Cussé Dangton Dausey Dawrez Demard Derbarl Diabuck Diagdambaté Diagmurn Diakarmisley Diaker Diakhnsle Diamardist Dianne Diasmallyo Diass Dibara Dicks Diersuster Dingueyener Dioroe Diorriaye Diorry Diorte Diotta Djibodindra Doussé Dudimez Dyatt Dèbor Eassan Ederge Elmardy Emeidt Enarks Erried Evine Ewton Fafitaffé Faldo Falla Farel Faton Fattli Fatts Ferows Flenja Floulisse Floweevin Fracklez Frana Frand Frembé Fremidgense Frera Frett Freyne Fridgerrein Friell Gaddletton Gadon Ganfowench Gatalmue Geodson Gernery Gerney Gestegaby Gilay Ginalva Gloan Gotey Grang Grané Greid Guiroe Hacer Halert Hallar Hamer Harez Harks Harre Harriguson Hasel Hayantz Hecklando Heikaughad Heinane Heinermirie Henter Hericks Hertina Hiaybarson Himates Himos Himost Hiolegfrande Hitton Hoackaugh Hobeace Holanforne Holara Holgers Horeatton Horsothin Horta Houlaugharle Hulliekson Hulraws Hunamine Hurguidou Hurkers Hurnadonko Hydise Imars Inguez Isson Jachentort Jamossé Jaslo Jendris Jereteh Johankhan Jorran Jusmurhood Jörgaly Kabricks Kandris Kankan Kanundriou Karrett Kemide Khand Khober Kholoweed Khomptou Khors Kimingamick Klampson Klaul Klazquenth Lagmulton Lanchawre Lastie Laugoop Laziemersutz Lemeatfrine Lener Liabarson Linam Linganter Locko Lovernold Lowler Lynoz Lüton Lütoné Machan Maddley Maldwiles Malembé Maley Maney Manie Marea Marmald Marquer Marrie Marthriggs Matan Mater Matessenols Matou Matriebaing Maxelcolger Mayder Mbelmatou Mbisch Mboldemill Mboufmaltz Mbouré Mcbridges Mccashoack Mccolanne Mccon Mccrandrad Mcdone Mcdowel Mcfado Mcges Mcgomersh Mcgoou Mcguiscomoss Mcgut Mciampson Mclack Mcler Mclett Mcmane Mcmireavey Mehein Melmene Menne Messa Millews Millina Milline Minle Mirds Mireemirez Mirobs Monan Monewill Mooke Morergers Morsen Mushelmuer Myerstiandy Ndicher Ndick Niakholga Nivalvioriou Nivan Novasen Nowel Nowmankerce Olisebs Olton Onard Onath Othileyna Oummeherob Oustepp Pacon Pagneter Papmarine Pattmanez Penzellerry Penzue Phinas Pievenz Porne Raler Ramstod Rander Razied Reitt Rhoff Riamb Richanchold Richod Riellinané Riguer Ristesey Robene Rocon Romitney Ronsonz Rosch Rosenza Rudoll Rusene Russé Sabaxengla Saffé Safiguyer Saford Sagob Sallia Sambé Samoolpham Sandé Sanercasher Sanking Santouster Saverstill Savidavissé Scartourt Schallis Schenne Seard Seastrider Secks Semen Seriand Sextokhomb Shanes Shell Shenes Sking Smarnheineye Sokhara Sokho Spicoona Spita Stees Stenna Sticher Stiley Stiman Stinan Stinnasse Struth Sulkida Swell Swenporns Sylott Sylou Thane Thiagne Thitley Thité Tholderwill Thrie Tiass Tonsona Towerson Tuaramsone Uwert Vagné Valvaraman Valyneyer Vassankson Vastre Vaugounle Verce Vidge Wadaver Waderhambas Wagmus Warreel Wellittle Whilan Whine Whioynies Wigildensona Wilber Wilemellen Willauels Wille Winsey Winsgan Witle Wittoukaus Wolds Woley Wonter Woody Wooveroga Wredrince Youck Youndox Younein Zamptoulitt Ziedergen
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borisjelinek · 1 year
Výmol u Slatiny nad Úpou
Tato rokle s odkrytým zářezem cenomanských a permských pískovců mezi lokalitami U lomu a Ostrov (původně pojmenována jako Vostrov), kterou Slatinský potok opouští obec, je zvána též jako Vejmol, a to již přinejmenším od poloviny 18. století. Spisovná verze je totiž až dílem 20. století a místní obyvatelstvo k ní stejně ve své řeči mnoho nepřihlíží.
Zprvu vše náleželo vrchnosti, ale již v roce 1758 náležela část Výmolu Janu Faltovi z čp. 100, který ho získal od otce Josefa. Další část byla v majetku mlynáře Václava Šafránka. Jedna ze zmínek o Výmolu pochází z 15. června 1823, a to v souvislosti s přívalovými srážkami a následnou povodní. V obecní kronice se o tom píše toto:
„O povodni ve Slatině.
V r. 1823 dne 15 Juny vystoupil nad Mečovem maly mráček z kterého náhle Bouřka hlučet začala a potom tak sylný dešť následoval na hořejší díl a poloviční díl Slatiny, že kdyby tak jen půl hodiny bylo pršelo, byl by celý prostředek Slatiny od vody zanešen, předce ale taková povodně nastala, že nejen všechny ploty, dřivy a tomu podobné u všech okolo potoka stojicích Chalůp voda pobrala, nobrž tak od N.: 49 tohoto času Jozefoj Pauloj Stodůlku pryč s krůntem odnesla a při N.: 27 zádú vedle potoka stojici Chalupů tež vzala a s takóvym hřmotem a sylou do řeky se hrnůla, že jeden takový velký kámen z vejmola k Mostů odnesla z kterého se 5 sáhů kamenů mohlo nalámat a tolik kamena před Most který přes řeků Úpů jde přinesla, že voda ne pod Most ale mimo Mostů jit můséla, půl Mostů s pilyřem to ůtrhlo, kterýž s velkým nákladem ten rok spraven byl.
Také se ve Vejmolů taková hlina odkryla, a nazpůsob zlaté růdy kameni se nalezali.“
V roce 1840 patřila západní část rokle k čp. 100 Antonína Prouzy (v indikační skice stabilního katastru z téhož roku od praktikanta Franze Baudische a geometra 2. třídy Franze Kraissla byl zapsán jako Anton Prausa, viz https://ags.cuzk.cz/archiv/openmap.html?typ=skicic&idrastru=HRA461018400), který se dosud nachází naproti přes silnici. Další část směrem k mostu náležela k čp. 101 Jana Kordiny. Severní skalní stěna a břeh potoka byly již panskými majetky. Počátkem roku 1904 napadlo tolik sněhu, že se zdejší lesy polámaly a všem hospodářům vznikla velká škoda. O 2 roky později vlastnil většinu Výmolu mlynář August Kordina, jemuž patřily stavení čp. 100 a 101.
V lednu 1932 nechal místní mlynář Jaroslav Kordina lámat ve Výmolu kámen, který byl následně rozbíjen na menší, jehož bylo užíváno zejména při stavbách cest. Kámen se zde však lámal i předtím, ale v malé míře, pouze pro potřebu vlastníků. Romantické údolíčko se tím v následujících letech hodně změnilo, ale stalo se lépe přístupným. Postupem času však zarostlo mnoha nálety, o něž se ironií osudu nepostaral člověk, ale v srpnu 2017 vanoucí extrémně silný vítr derecho, po němž byla severní část rokle vykácena a vyčištěna.
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Zimní Výmol
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moondoggys · 4 years
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New Broken Thoughts EP out from Daz & Sylou on all good streaming platforms including Spotify, give it a listen! (at Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrf0J6palh/?igshid=jdr88s0mi5cl
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lilttlewolf · 6 years
Lost Items of Order
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Ch.3  And then it Came
And then it came one by one, rattling them all. It had started out just like any other dream, a restless night and then sleep coming in on them like a quiet night upon the shoreline. It was amongst the sleeping when it came, the images and the words, the sounds drawing them all to the place it was hidden, the place where it would be found. The cold depth beckoning them all, they could feel the wet sand under foot, as the icey chill of the salt water caressed across their skin, and they were not afraid.
The tall teifling, whose tail calming swayed back and forth as she imagined what was there, she could feel the sea life calling her. As the swaying sea grass moved with the waves above, the small krill and the ever massive, growing of the coral reef. It was sharp, dangerous, deadly, but she could feel the small pin pricking barbs under her finger tips, and it did nothing. She could feel her breath held below the dark cold water, and still no fear came. As her deep dark green eyes probed along the rocks and reef, searching for it. She felt a sudden bump against her back and turning to see what was there, she opened her eyes to the room around her. A tall fern sat in the corner lightly swaying in the evening air by the open window, a faint snoring came from the creature whose arm possessively clung about her waist, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she trailed a delicate hand across the arm and with a sigh she blinked, trying to recall the heavy dream that brought such a chill to her thoughts.
As the druid tried to recall the images, the halfing woman felt more than anything the pulling session of the ocean. The need of her to be near it, her toes in the sand and her hands in the water, she was more a fire using type so this sudden desire to be so near the calming liquid was foreign to her, however the moment her mind felt the touch of the cold dark pool she felt it wash over her, through and with eyes shutting everything else out she inhaled the salty air and felt the magnetic pull consume her once more. A power resided there, something below the waves, it called her, it wanted to be found. With an unshakable drive she moved toward it, her eyes shut she continued to kneel in the waves allowing the water to splash around her, soaking her clothing and pulling at her long hair now trailing around her hands in the water and sand. She inhaled deep and let her mind carry her toward the glowing sense of magic. Whatever it was, it was below the waves and hidden within a darkness only her fire could illuminate. Without thinking, she brought her finger tips up and snapped them together to produce a small flame, however only sparks seemed to popped and then spitter out as she attempted again and again. Frowning she opened her eyes to glance at her hands. A gasp had the long haired magic user suddenly wipe her hands on her bed sheets as if to stop the flame she new surely had to of been there, but nothing more than warm fingertips and a small darkened spot on the white bedsheets remained. Sighing heavily she rubbed a hand across her eyes and simply pulled the sheets up around her once more.
The night was more than restless for their highness half-elf, whose restless slumber brought about the tossing of sheets and kicking of her bed mate. With a grumbling complaint he attempted to soothe her agitation, it merely brought on a flurry of flying fists and groaning cries. “My love what is it?” Sitting up he attempted to simply wake copper haired woman. With a firm hand on her shoulder he shook her gently.. 
The sea was calling, the waves pleading, she found her feet in the sand before she could remember walking down to the shoreline. The breeze off the water pulled at her carefully pinned up hair, strands blew about her face and delicately pointed ears with there many piercings. Trying to hold the hair away from her face, as well as hold the simple shawl about her shoulders she peered between her dark eye lashes, the blue spheres there, glanced at the horizon. The sun was no where in sight, it felt dark and grey as the smell of rain came to her. She felt the icey sting of the water hit her toes as she tried to back away then, but the farther she backed up the closer it seemed she was actually getting to the water. Soon she was knee deep and her night shirt was beginning to cling to her. She felt a twinge of panic rise up in her. Her blood felt hot as her cheeks flushed and her hands gripped ever tighter on the shawl. The dark blue water was slowing consuming her, and she could not see a way out. She began to fight against the pull of the waves. Releasing the shawl to the wind she turned back to try and reach the grey sandy shore covered in the white foam of the angry sea, but she could no longer touch the sand and stone floor. With one last attempt at survival she tried to scream. The wave was all consuming, cold and all knowing, as it crashed into her, through her and took her below the black icy depths. Panic and fear erupted in her as she tasted the salt water and could no longer hear and see. Only the water was there, only the cold darkness now. She tried to fight, the struggle, the pull at the clothe around her and unpinning her hair, she felt like a water soaked log, only drifting lower and lower. Soon her legs grew tired they could no longer kick, her lungs burned with an intensity she could not imagine was possible and she dare not open her eyes. She reached her out stretched arm toward where she imagined the surface must be and gave it. 
With a final inhale of breath the pain was gone and the cold slowly growing to a warmth. It was all around her, washing over her like a warm blanket, her mothers hands pulling her close. She saw her mother then in her mind, it was so real then, she opened her eyes to see better and there it was. She blinked slowly, so calm, so beautiful it was. Just sitting on the ocean floor, the steal shone light diamonds, glistening in the light of what she could only imagine be the moon beams, shooting through the water. It was Vaylarian Steal it had to be, the way it shone nearly white like a moon stone or pearl. She couldn’t look away, seeming to move closer to it, she reached out a hand and trailed a finger across the hilt of the massive blade. It was swirled and twisted around the blade, as if the water itself made it so. Deep blue sapphires decorated the swirls, dappling along the hilt. And one massive gem she could not recognize was fixed it the top center. It was black, or it appeared that way, till she wrapped her fingers around the metal, it shifted shades of black. It molded to her hand, she felt the weight of it, it was a perfect fit in her grasp. 
Suddenly realizing the sway of the water, the chill began to creep back into her bones. She blinked and looked back around her, something was there in the deep shadow of the ocean, a sense of something there, watching, a potential threat, a danger. The sword suddenly fell from her grasp, the trail of fine little bubbles was all her eyes managed to focus on as she felt her weight lift again and she was carried back to the surface, her fingers felt warm and her lungs ached with the need of air. The moment her head broke the surface she felt the sand under her hands, between her fingers, she felt the icey breeze across her soaked skin and night dress. She was racked with hard trembles shaking against the water as she slowly pushed herself up on her hands she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around herself, looking back out over the black waves, the white capped peaks, and the compulsion of what drew her there. 
With a gasping breath Nynaeve flung herself up gripping at her chest and coughing up sea water, Astrid’s wide eyes watched as she reached for his arm. She held him there, he keep a hand on her back and allowed her white knuckles to grip his wrist till her breathing seemed to settle, only then did he pull away to pull her into his grasp. She felt ice cold to his touch, and if he wasn’t mistaken, her hair seemed damp and smelt of the sea. Nynaeve only blinked and held onto him, she tried to force the images away, the blackness that threatened to swallow her whole and the sword that beckoned to her there.
There was no more sleep this night, for any of the three woman. As the morning sun still hours away from cresting the horizon, Sylous rose to tend to her plants nonetheless, telling her companion as much as herself that she surely for got to water something, even though she knew quite well she did not, as the still half full watering bucket sat in the corner of her breakfast nook. She smelt the fresh hot coffee boiling, pulling a thick tattered blanket she had had since she was small, about her lean shoulders, she craned her neck this way and that, stretching the muscles and the weight of those horns. She blinked as the restless night still evaded her memory, a sigh came from her then as she poured herself a full cup of the dark rich liquid and stepped out into the chilly early-early morning air. Spying the room of the little sorceress she called friend, candles were lit and she was clearly in a fuss, small sparks shot out from the open window her and there, causing the teilfling to shake her head. She would surely hear all about it in the morning to come. But as she found her way walking the sudden sandy trail that lead down to the shoreline, the long beach grasses swaying in the breeze, she frowned, recalling something then, something was there and she had indeed dreamt about it.
As the early morning air made its way into the remaining room in question. A barn cat yawned and repositioned itself on the bed of the human girl, Able lay sleeping deep, undisturbed by the nights dreams that came to her this night. It was soothing as the water washer over toes, something in the sand kept her standing on the shoreline, she did not move closer to the water, she was not allowed. As a gruff bark came then from a massive creature standing behind her, she turned to look over her shoulder at it then, away from the water young wolf.. it is not safe there. The voice was like sturdy pines trees, heavy rock and crisp snow mountains. Yellow eyes, a dark muzzle, pointed ears, Able blinked and felt a smile pull at her lips as she turned her back to the water and stepped toward the massive wolf, waiting for her.
A dream session for all the gals, this was a strange one to write seeing as there is only so much everyone has seen of these guys yet. Hope everyone likes well enough, these gals are based on wonderful ladies i actually work with. #workinspired #thankyou
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simonmars · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
I was tagged by @linds-sims ♡
1) Rules: tag 9 people who you would like to know better.
I'm almost sure that most people may have done this tag by now, but I’m gonna tag nine seven lovely human beans anyway (feel free to ignore it if you already did, or don’t feel like doing it): @cinemasims @madoof @fatpandasims @ciruelabob @pixelven @simmeronnie and @ohthesefaces​
Spoiler: I’m a boring potato who’s good at nothing
Relationship Status: Single Last Song I Listened To: Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd Last Book Read/Listened To: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs Favorite Color: Blue Top Three Shows: The X Files, Black Mirror and CSI: Las Vegas Top Three Characters: Fox Mulder, Draco Malfoy and Carmilla Karnstein (from the Carmilla webseries) Top Three Ships: Mulder x Scully, Sylou by sixamsims and also a ship that only exists for me, I guess, that is Cora x Lilith Vatore. I haven’t posted anything about them yet, but I’m working on it! They’re a bit problematic but I love my smol/tol vampire lesbians!
2) Rules: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (naturally)
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the united states
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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disquaire · 7 years
- Cocorico! Comme nous vous l’annoncions le mois dernier, nous avons lancé la rubrique “On a rencontré” pour mettre en lumière les talents français de demain. Pour cette 2ème édition, nous avons rencontré l’artiste No Quantize dans sa ville natale pour découvrir son parcours, ses projets, et la préparation de son premier album Bird Syndrome. Here we go!
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(No Quantize - Bird Syndrome _ work in progress)
Le Disquaire : Salut No Quantize, ravi de te revoir ! Comment vas-tu?
No Quantize : Au top, je suis en train de finaliser mon lancement d’album qui devrait voir le jour d’ici peu.
LD : C’est une très bonne nouvelle que tu nous annonces, on a hâte de voir ça! On va commencer par le commencement, qui es-tu? 
NQ : Très bonne question ! (rires) Je me prénomme Sylvain Bremond, 25 ans, musicien et producteur, basé à Aix-en-Provence dans les Bouches du Rhône. 
LD : On connaît bien la ville, on peut dire que tu es bien loti ! Parle-nous un peu de ce nom d’artiste original... 
NQ : Je suis pas trop mal, c’est vrai ! No Quantize, bonne question. Avant, je me nommais “Sylou” en tant qu'artiste. Tous mes potes me connaissent et m'appellent sous ce nom. À la base, c'était le petit nom que ma mère et ma grand mère me donnaient enfant ! Mais passé un temps, je voulais un autre nom plus original et moins personnel qu'un surnom. Et c'est sans vraiment chercher que l'année dernière "No Quantize" m'est tombé dessus comme une évidence : "Quantize" signifie quantification, qui en jargon de production est le nom d'une fonction qui remet chaque note jouée sur une machine, bien précisément à sa place pour palier aux fautes rythmiques et "gagner du temps". Hors, je suis rapidement devenu fan du procédé, ce grâce à JayDee, Flying Lotus (et j'en passe...). Ca laisse une empreinte humaine sur une machine, à savoir toutes les minces fautes que la pâte humaine produit, rend un toucher plus naturel. Et voir même, progressiste, dans le sens où les fautes de grooves accentuées ont mené jusqu'à ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui le "Slug", une forme de groove très abusive qui me dévisse la nuque ! Et qui plait fortement aux danseurs moderne de Hip Hop. No quantize, c'est aussi pour moi une forme philosophique qui me parle bien, d'assumer pleinement ses goûts et de pas vouloir forcément plaire, mais mettre notre coeur et nos envies au profit de nos convictions. 
🎙 “Je suis un audiophile et je raffole des vieilles bécanes.”
No Quantize
LD : Des références, du vécu, une réflexion... On voit que ton blaz t’évoque une multitude de choses. Maintenant que nous connaissons ta seconde peau, raconte nous ton parcours musical? 
NQ : J'ai débuté dans la musique à la batterie à l'âge de 10 ans, poursuivi mon cursus d'apprentissage musical dans plusieurs écoles de musique du Vaucluse, en Jazz, musiques actuelles, en jouant parallèlement dans divers groupes musicaux aux styles tous différents jusqu'à mes 20 ans. Année durant laquelle j'ai rompue momentanément mes liens avec la batterie et me suis penché sur la culture du vinyle, puis des boites à rythme et diverses machines et séquenceurs, avec lesquelles j'ai débuté la production, en abordant la maitrise des techniques liées au Hip-Hop. Je m'inspire énormément des compositions françaises, telles que celles de la Fonky Family, d'IAM, Carré Rouge, Mani Deiz, Goomar, Creestal ... Ainsi que celle des US, allant des productions de Wu-Tang Clan, Dj Premier, Lewis Parker, en passant par J Dilla, Madlib, Flying Lotus, Kev Brown, CM Jones ... Chemin faisant, et me sensibilisant toujours plus aux musiques de tous horizons, le Trip-Hop est venu entre mes mains comme une évidence. Très tôt Bonobo vint faire résonner pendant mon adolescence, l'envie de me diriger vers ces orchestrations aux outils largement divers. S'en suivirent des artistes tels que Shlohmo, Shigeto, Quantic, Morcheeba, Kaytranada. 
LD : On sent l’expérience que tu as acquis en traversant de nombreux sentiers avant de trouver ton chemin fructueux ! Ces noms nous parlent aussi beaucoup, tu ne t’es pas inspiré des moins talentueux. Qu’en est-il de ton crew, ton entourage?
NQ : Mon entourage.... il est large ! J'évolue dans un milieu jazz, celui du rock, du Hip Hop aussi. J'ai un trio de Jazz dans lequel je suis batteur, DJ et producteur de 2 groupes de Hip Hop aixois (La Connaixion) et Marseillais (RPF) et batteur dans un groupe de surf rock/psyché avec les talentueux Julien Amiel, Rémi Bernard et Franck Curatalo. Je suis donc entouré de musiciens et de producteurs d'horizons et d'influences fortement diverses, mais aussi de graphistes, street artistes, vidéastes. A ce sujet, je pense à Lucile Martin, talentueuse graphiste/artiste qui design tout le projet en vinyle et CD, qui a réalisé une cover absolument superbe. Je pense aussi à Arthur Hennequin (Meloman Prod.) et Benjamin Fay (Premier oeil), qui sont deux vidéastes et producteurs de talent. Mais pour revenir à la musique, je pense au poto Saligo avec qui on pond un morceau pour mon album ces jours-ci. C'est un producteur et scratcheur de Strasbourg très talentueux et qui voit loin devant, acolyte de Goomar et Dj de Davodka. Je pense à Appolonie, de son prénom Polly, une chanteuse franco-anglaise qui vit à Londres, elle chante Jazz, RnB moderne et bien d'autres styles, avec je ne sais combien de formations musicales autour d'elle ! On a fait un morceau ensemble justement pour Bird Syndrome. Je pense à Fouch le Mot-Dit, un chanteur à texte, grooveur de première qui a fait ses armes dans le rap et qui s'accompagne au clavier dans un trio et un big band funk/jungle/jazz. Je pense à tous mes rappeurs de marseille, du centre ville aux quartiers suburbains, Les Sales Gosses, RPF, FPA, Dj DJEL, Tous Salopards, Anone (Cloch'Art).... avec qui l'emulation collective est d'une effervescence infinie. Je pense au Gala Swing Quartet, un groupe de swing/jazz manouche d'Aix en provence, pour qui j'ai prit le son de leur 3 ème album cette année ("Erreur au wagon bar"), composé de deux guitaristes Tom Valdman et Alexis Desmarais, un violoniste nommé Gaspard Doussiere et Alexandre Florentiny à la basse. Ce dernier avec qui je feature un morceau dans l'album, j'ai rarement rencontré une personne aussi largement cultivé et curieux en musique. Ce type est un vrai couteau Suisse et musicien de talent. Et évidement tous mes potes proches avec qui on ne cesse de faire du son ensemble depuis mes premières production et groupes, qu'ils soient musiciens amateurs, pros ou confirmés, ou absolument pas musiciens. Beaucoup m'apportent énormément dans ma musique, surtout les mélomanes et audiophiles qui m'ont diversifié de manière cruciale. Je pense à Manu Lepine, guitariste manouche d'un potentiel infini, à ma Lucie B. (Loux), Bob et Lalou "Les Couzs", à Adrien Mesples (DJ Ango), Titou, à Anone (Cloch'art), Eugénie B., Tristan dit l'Abbé, super producteur et audiophile, à Clément Serre (Syndicat du Chrome), Felix Beebop, Marie LP, Nathan LL (Jazz Jimi Jazz / The Merry Pranksters), et j'en passe tellement d'autres... la liste est infinie. Quelques uns se retrouveront aussi dans Bird Syndrome, l'album que je suis en train de sortir. 
LD : Sacré crew, on peut te considérer comme un professionnel ! On sait que tu prépares un album qui s’annonce tonitruant. Du temps qu’il soit de sortie, as-tu d’autres projets en tête? 
NQ : Je n’irai pas jusque là mais je suis bien entouré, oui ! (rires) Je compte continuer à mélanger les pinceaux entre tous mes acteurs et styles de musiques préférés, du moins ce que je maitrise et cherche à maitriser. Beaucoup de nouveaux groupes sortent chaque jours et c'est une bénédiction, le monde de la musique est en perpétuelle expansion, et je compte bien y participer en créant un maximum, et en réalisant pleins de projet musicaux aussi différents les uns des autres.
LD : Véridique ! Le monde musical ne cesse de se développer dans de nombreux styles différents, c’est bien pour ça que nous en sommes fanatiques. Partons sur une question originale, quel est ton objet musical favori? 
NQ : Question difficile, pas évident de faire un choix ! Mais puisqu'il le faut, je dirais le vinyle. Raison pour laquelle je sors aussi cet album sur ce support. Ma grand-mère, ma mère et mon père furent les premiers à m'y pousser, jeter l'oreille et comprendre sa subtilité, ce sont aussi eux qui m'ont poussé à foncer dans la musique. Mon grand frère a pris le relais puisqu’il s’investit aussi à fond dans le projet. Je sais vers qui me tourner quand j’aurais besoin d’un manager ! (rires) Je dois beaucoup à ma grand mère, elle a créé en moi cette passion pour le vinyle qui m'a envoyé dans tous les styles du monde. Grâce au vinyl, on a pu échanger sur toutes nos connaissances en musique. Elle a pu découvrir et adorer Flying Lotus par exemple, elle m'a souvent scotché et pour le coup rendu de plus en plus curieux musicalement ! Et pour moi aujourd'hui, creuser des bacs, c'est comme se retrouver au beau milieu d'un marché de producteurs, avec toutes les denrées possibles et imaginables, je suis comme un gamin dans un shop de disque. On a tendance à tout entendre concernant la comparaison entre le vinyle et le reste... aucune comparaison n'est possible, chaque support possède ses avantages et ce n'est qu'une question de goût. Je suis un audiophile et je raffole des vieilles bécanes. Pour faire de la musique et pour l'écouter, c’est un parti pris.
LD :  Nous raffolons tout autant de ces bonnes vieilles bécanes ! Une dernière question pour la route, et pas des plus minimes. Dans quel festival rêverais-tu de jouer? 
NQ : Le Celebration Days Festival, sans hésitation ! Pour moi le meilleur festival du monde ! (rires) C'est un "petit" festival, bien qu'il grandisse chaque année grâce à son excellente prestation. Situé en Picardie, au beau milieu d'une forêt à Cernoy, près de Clermont de l'Oise. Il a été monté à la base il y a une dizaine d'année par des copains de là-bas. Ils ont juste fait une sorte de "Tribute to Woodstock" dans le jardin d'un pote, et en 10 ans ça s'est transformé en un festival d'une grande finesse, attirant plus de 2000 personnes chaque année, avec des programmations souvent peu connues du grand public, mais d'un talent incroyable. Je peux pas te dire combien d'artistes j'y ai découvert, mais cette année par exemple, Radio Moscow vient jouer chez eux ! Petit à petit le CDF fait son nid. Ce sont 3 jours de musique et de paix, folklore garantie. Et je compte bien y jouer avec mon groupe de psyché l'an prochain !
LD : On ne connaissait pas ce petit coin de paradis, merci pour l’info, on s’y rendra avec plaisir ! On te souhaite de la réussite pour la suite de tes projets qui s’annoncent déjà bien lancés, à bientôt amigo !
🎉  Nous sommes super fiers d’avoir vu le projet crowdfunding de No Quantize atteindre son objectif, et c’est grâce à vous !  En préparation et bientôt dans les backs : un album, des vinyles, un clip et pourquoi pas une tournée nationale? http://bit.ly/2v5zayr
A très bientôt pour une nouvelle édition “On a rencontré”.
iHasta luego!
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girlfromvulcan · 11 months
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my loves ❤💚❤
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444names · 2 years
french, spanish and german forenames + minerals BUT excluding "e"
Abanyldo Abixbio Abogda Abramna Acarca Admonza Adorsa Afisolia Aguya Ahlodho Aidad Akhaymono Akina Aktzirca Alaur Alauro Alaus Alcia Alisithio Alkhan Alschuca Altfort Amala Amangto Amburto Ambus Ammascro Amopacar Amulanina Amundo Ancayfa Anclan Andius Andrantic Andris Andulio Anfra Ankad Ansta Antar Antitin Antxa Arauisa Arcobrum Ardio Argarus Arkobous Armarthéo Arnad Arnwara Aroodo Attry Audinio Aumapol Aunto Aupatia Aurda Aurégos Bainic Baria Barin Bashaus Bloul Bococo Bollina Bonos Boura Brafno Bramac Brarma Bridad Brila Brismo Brium Brius Brocon Brupio Brutois Bundo Bustia Cabius Caivarta Caldanck Calna Calvart Calza Camurala Candgra Cangor Capho Carandito Carlo Carma Cartuccia Chamorna Chana Chaniquis Chanto Chaum Chazono Chimus Chlia Chlorfort Chlovicto Chryo Chton Chugtona Cillucia Clania Clanmi Claudorot Clazus Clian Clina Cliolio Closstoro Coclina Cocon Cohum Colia Colis Colithos Colitoiny Collianum Collo Condord Conis Cooin Copyrila Corinic Corma Corsan Covia Cracto Crian Culas Cumchlo Cupas Cécia Damala Didoccar Dinacio Dinta Dioniarso Dioto Djuata Domarus Dontia Dornada Dyliton Dyptia Fabigail Fabina Fablanlum Facilli Facinna Facro Fandia Fania Faura Flocobita Florrypto Flota Fluca Flulmago Fonia Frabarsa Fradolin Fulcor Fullia Garadia Garphal Gayalio Gaéta Gonium Gosallas Gosnjad Gosrunsia Grano Graulfor Grismand Grodis Grolumio Guilaltin Gummar Gypsona Hanond Hapaury Hatlos Haulinco Hodium Holyon Honus Hordium Huarantia Huthoro Hylluxi Hübnoé Idcrana Iligona Ilinan Imacinina Inghupra Istangton Jacisaaro Jadon Jadso Janar Janois Janta Jaria Jondio Joran Joria Joric Josrundia Joëlla Juangto Juaus Jurdio Jurria Jurutia Juryo Jusum Kabras Kaltwal Kamon Kasus Katriosam Kogmano Kolli Kossa Kovdo Krucala Krudo Kunnis Kuthino Lacor Lapato Laudia Lonium Lorda Lorforna Luarph Luildia Lumalouto Lungbaz Luorio Luorna Luorány Lupiypios Lybdium Macorna Magna Magua Malco Malda Manda Mandot Mandunda Marad Marcan Marcina Mardot Marna Marrhorda Martz Mashoa Matinin Matro Miclaus Miconnus Micornot Migin Milau Modgalus Moliondia Moltila Monitar Monium Monnaz Moral Mosio Murburna Nacos Nadmi Naiita Nalina Nardum Nazulio Nicrus Ninyoguar Nomina Nsphoa Odand Olantian Oldina Opina Optiantry Ordium Oriano Osgus Pabalaum Pagna Panda Pannos Pantina Papatra Pardid Pargyros Parki Parmando Parto Paspon Pathillo Patkaina Patos Paudorium Pazus Phabar Phant Phora Pidins Pilvanus Pinès Pisla Platro Pluor Pluriki Ponst Posgum Puricia Purio Pyrosa Quanyous Quinginat Rahnin Rahnkas Rasto Rhoco Riotus Rofar Rogmand Rolludia Romildo Rosmonitz Rotia Runio Ruson Rutno Ruvium Sabarna Salda Saloda Sanbo Sarbala Saroclada Sarodius Sashilo Sborgio Schmil Schro Sclarrus Scolzan Scona Shanita Shaum Siania Siany Sidanus Silaz Silin Smagorona Smanbous Smutia Sofic Sovian Spachan Spiossti Stando Stiandam Stito Stord Sutath Suvio Sylou Taina Tamso Tamuto Tanca Tancam Tandro Tanna Taripolum Thanota Tholydro Thora Thryth Tilan Toissaba Tolbao Tovicia Trina Trincia Tritan Troldic Tryoto Tucid Tyrria Upata Uranatrio Uratryois Vandipum Vanus Varin Varto Viantlack Viddiosa Vlaidon Vlatro Vlaum Warna Wavanto Waviano Waydricos Whidomas Wolgar Woodo Wyano Xanio Xipla Xochro Xocro Yuyttra Zacio Zalanna Zanclia Zhaland Ziliny Zindo Zinio Znuson Zonthonis Zultia
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lilttlewolf · 6 years
Lost Items of Order
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Ch.1 : The Letter
The weather was cold still in the hilly lands, as the 12th of Spurlian rolled around a messenger boy raced his grey mount toward the city of Castleby. Heading to the east port, he splashed through puddles along the stone roads till he came to a large gated wall. The young man of nearly twenty, pulled his stead to a halt and hopped down. He walked toward one of the three guards outside the large wooden door, “I have a message here for her highness” pulling the brown leather bag that had been resting at his back to his front he fished out a small stack of folded parchments. All wax sealed and tied together with a small piece of twine, he handed it to the large guard. He was taller than perhaps most, lean with piercing blue eyes he held his helmet under his arm with a faint frown as he took the letters and with a humphing sigh he turned and walked through the wooden gate. 
It was early spring as a thin layer of fog lay over the garden as the guard walked past the large green house, nodding to the druidic herbalist that worked the royal garden there. His booted feet carried his through a curved stone archway into an open air sitting room where a small halfling creature worked on repairing a damaged pillar there. She charmingly smiled a “good morning!” to him, he nodded the salt and pepper hair bobbing ever so slightly as he skirted past her wheel barrow full of broken stone and carefully avoiding the thick white sandy paste in a bucket. As he approached a set of double wooden doors he could hear a few dogs barking as a cheerful female voice spoke to them kindly. As he tapped a gloved hand on the door, the barking stopped momentarily as the female voice alerted to her approach.
“James, good morning. What brings you to my door so early?” a some what stern face concealed the prior glee her flushed cheeks presented. He cleared his throat a moment and with a slight nod of his head to show his respect he handed her the small bundle of letter. “A rider this morning, they seemed urgent” his eyes lingered on the royal seal a moment as he then watched her face go from a faint smile to a sudden darkening frown. With a heavy sigh as to what her family might be bickering at now, she nodded a thank you in response and retreated back behind the large double doors.
As the long billowing dress trailed the tall woman back toward a desk near a window she tossed the letters aside, holding onto one, she broke the wax seal and with a free hand petted one of the dogs as it laid its head on her lap, a small whimper seeming to sense the agitation in its owner. The other, younger simply continued to bound around the large room tossing a bone and chasing after it. “Shhh J.Bean, mom.. apparently has work to do” as the blue eyes following the elegantly written script from top to bottom scanned onto a second piece of parchment, a single brow began to raise in curiosity. 
As the tall guard made his way back to the front gate, he nodded to the druid trailing through the large garden, she plucked at flowers and trimmed off leaves, frowning at this and that and seeming to be entirely in her own world. As the long clawed hands ever so carefully pulled at thorn branches and tall grasses, she tossed aside the massive heap of shoulder length intertwined dreadlocks, small wooden beads and a few colorful strands of string, decorated the many dark brown roped hair. As her features shifted from a small frown at a slug, to an emotionless thought filled stare, she nearly caught one of her curled horns on a low hanging branch. With a wave of her hand the branch seemed to slowly lift itself back up and away from any other potential catchable prospects.
“You alright?” the cheerful holler coming from the long haired halfling who had been working away from fixing the cracked pillars. The tall graceful teifling making her way through the rose bushes now, only lifted a hand in acknowledgement to the inquisitive dark eyes hidden below the large brimmed hat, a small bell hanging off the tip of the hat, dinged as the small leather stitched shoes made their way back around through the stone archway, past the garden and down a small hill toward the pasture where a large stable sat. 
Housing the personal guard’s mounts as well as a few of the house holds, there were twenty five animals that received the care of a single stable hand that also resided there. A small room just off the corner of the stables near the little hill where the small human creature with the tall bell hat walked down, wheeling the barrow of broken stone pieces and un-used sandy paste, through the open walk way of the barn past a human girl who was brushing down a large gelding. “Hello youngling!” the dinging tone had the horse momentarily startle as the grooming had him nearly asleep. The girl’s eyes widened a moment as she jumped herself. “Hey,” she said quietly back. “How’s it going for ya? You getting them all brushed down and turned out?” she set the wheel barrow down and walked over to lean against one of the large long legs of the dark bay gelding. He only drop an eye at the familiar spicy scent that was this hobbit-type female. The human girl stepped off the stool, expecting more chores added to the list she was already halfway through, “Yes ma’am, nearly all done. Just this guy and two more” she offered a smile to the infectious grin peering at her from under that wide brimmed witch hat. “Wonderful, when you’re done there why don’t you make your way up to the garden, Sylous would like your help with something” she waved a hand and turned to walk away. By the time the stable hand had the thought to ask who Sylous was, she hurried after the little female, “Yoofey?!” but the strange large hatted female had disappeared around the corner of the barn. 
With a nervous wrinkle of her brows she wiped her dirty hands on her deer hide breeches awkwardly and with a heavy sigh she stepped back up onto the stool to continue the brush down of the large bay gelding, his dark brown eyes waiting patiently. 
_________________________ part one to my inspired work days as of late. Yes all five characters introduced are in fact individuals i work with. I am so very thankful and blessed to work with the wonderful folks that i do.
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girlfromvulcan · 11 months
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New Face Claim for S'chn T'gai Svaibahker
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girlfromvulcan · 11 months
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An Unlikely Pair : a sylou scribble
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Louise was nervous. Her "new" tutor was waiting for her, and she wasn't sure what to expect. She wasn't meeting just any Vulcan, this was Ambassador Sarek's son, and she had always found Sarek intimidating.
She gingerly walked down the stairs into her backyard, and as she did, the Vulcan turned to face her. He was tall, with eyes as black as Vulcanic rock, eyebrows that swept up to their points in effortless strokes, and ears that were perfectly curved to the tips. The Vulcan's face held a calm, passive expression that they seemed adept at maintaining.
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"Hi, I mean…hello. Dad told me you were out here. I'm Louise."
He said nothing.
"I mean, of course, I'm Louise…why would you be standing in some random back garden of some random human's house. That....that would be bizarre…" She laughed nervously and immediately felt awkward.
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"I'm sorry, I tend to word vomit when I get nervous. I'm guessing Vulcans never get nervous and just go…" blllurrgghhhh" all over someone."
"No, we do not, Louise."
"Figured as much....." she felt ridiculously uncomfortable now.
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"You may call me Sybok; the Federation Standard of my name is easier for humans to pronounce," he replied with a soft smile.
That smile put her at ease; maybe he didn't think she was a literal idiot.
While his Terran English was perfect, he spoke with a lilt. As a child, Louise always imagined that Vulcans would sound mystical, like elves. As a six-year-old, pointy ears were equated with those mysterious forest creatures.
"Oh, I've been practising your name in Vuhlkansu! Let me see if I can say it. Svai…bah…ker." she smiled proudly.
~ NAILED IT~ Louise thought to herself. Not a literal idiot confirmed!
He raised a single eyebrow. 
"Your pronunciation was almost perfect. I am impressed."
"I did my best; languages are not my greatest strength. I struggled to learn French back home. You'll have your work cut out for you; I apologize in advance."
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It will be challenging for you to learn these lessons. It is up to you how much you learn.
"I understand, and thank you; I'm sure teaching me was one of the last things you ever wanted to do in your spare time."
"Spare time?"
"Yeah, like…your own time, hobbies, and stuff."
He stared at her with a blank expression.
"I like to write and paint in my spare time, and you like to….."
"Studying takes up much of my schedule. I do have an interest in botany but rarely indulge in it."
"Why not?"
"Vulcan children are expected to follow a path their parents set for them. My father wishes for me to attend the Vulcan Science Academy. I am currently working towards this goal."
"But do you want to go there?"
"I do not understand what you ask."
"Do you want to attend that Academy? I don't think I could ever do something if my heart weren't truly in it?"
"No one has asked me that question before."
The subject was changed when Louise sensed confusion at her question.
"Would you like to sit down and get to know each other a little bit?"
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"Yes, that would be agreeable."
They sat on one of the stone benches her Dad recently had delivered. Vulcans love their stone, and though they were uncomfortable to sit on, the view was terrific from their yard. She was starting to get used to the new scenery surrounding their house. Louise eyed the young man sitting next to her. He was lanky but "well built," as one of her friends would have described him back on Earth. Louise also couldn't deny that she found him handsome, but he was Vulcan, and crushing on your new tutor was most likely not a "thing" to do on this world.
"So, do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"I have a younger brother, Spock. Do you have any siblings?"
Louise paused before answering. She didn't want to bring up Ben, not right now. The last thing a new acquaintance wants to hear about is your brother and how he died. So she lied.
"No, I don't have any. What's he like? Your brother?"
" My younger brother is curious to the point of annoyance, but he's my brother, so I guide and, at times, protect him."
"Protect him?"
"He is half-human, and this can cause contention with some Vulcans. He can be bullied at school, which is unfortunate. I often step in and try to nullify the situation before it becomes disagreeable."
"That must be super difficult for him, but I bet he's glad to have someone sticking up for him as you do."
"Spock finds his human side hard to control at times. He will lash out in frustration. I believe he appreciates my efforts, but he has never expressed such gratitude."
"Well, you sound like a good brother. I would always appreciate any support in a difficult moment."
It was quiet between them for a moment before he broke the silence.
"You mentioned you write and paint? What subjects inspire you?" he asked.
"Oh, you know, whatever takes my fancy at the time. I love history, and anything with a fantasy element is fun to write. As for painting, I love animals, so I tend to focus on those. You said you like botany?"
"Yes, my name means "Master of the bloom-garden" I have an infinity for plants and or the study of plants. Vulcan parents will often name their children after strengths or weaknesses. We can, of course, choose new names when we go through the Kahs-wan. "
"That's kinda cool. I have no idea what my parents would have named me! I was always chatting away, maybe something to do with talking a lot?"
"Pola, one who has the last word" Sybok smiled slightly.
Louise was surprised. A smiling Vulcan? Is that a thing? Had she gotten the whole stuffy, uptight race completely wrong?"
"Very funny; if I ever take on a new name, I'll consider it."
He seemed pleased that she had enjoyed his playful jab. The look of Vulcan satisfaction was very apparent. Even weirder, it made her happy that she could make him feel that way.
"I hope I'm not keeping you from things. My Dad told me you could have quite a full schedule."
"I have no prior engagements, Louise; my time is yours. So we may sit a while longer."
"It's a lovely view, isn't it?" 
Louise looked out at the vastness of the valley. It was stark and rugged, but there was a beauty too. This new world was now her home, and she hoped she had made her first friend. She turned to him, but he wasn't taking in the view of Liangorn Mountains and the vastness before them; he was looking at her.
"Yes, it is lovely," he replied quietly.
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girlfromvulcan · 6 days
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Custom tattoo for Sybok made by me!
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girlfromvulcan · 6 days
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The Hematologist
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