snowbits · 2 years
Hi, I was introduced to this Tumblr page from Envy on the FirstKhaotung Discord. I’m Emma. Nice to meet you. 😊
it's nice to meet you too, but who's envy? and what discord is that?
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testosteronefemme · 2 years
femme himbo hours rn
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hxwks · 4 years
just vibin
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qrowtai · 6 years
Hello, quite a bit of quiet from me and then a big announcement like that, huh? I just wanted to say to not worry - I’m still going to finish the requests in the ask box and may occasionally open a few requests when the money starts rolling in.
I remember not having any money and submitting requests to blogs like ours when I was younger - it was really cool to see people actually draw rare pairs I had or underrated characters! Qrow, with me joining in later, wanted this blog to give people like that a chance to still get a little something. While it’s more an art blog now than a request one, I still want to keep that idea alive once I can assure I still have food and shelter. Thank you all so much for staying with us so far!!!
Once I get more settled, I want to make a poll to see what you guys would like to see from us for hitting 350+ followers (which, again, is insane! Thank you so much!!!) since we haven’t really celebrated any milestones before. Thanks again!!
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taiqrow · 6 years
Me, desperately trying to finish my last req, tired: There is no reward but pain. Qrow: 0___0
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catboytae · 6 years
i bought a bigass mirror online. it has leds. it's gorgeous. i bought it. 
it was meant to arrive on april but of course it arrived today, the day i'm home alone cause my parents are working.  (and i'm a very unemployed young adult sobs) 
so these men call me through the buzzer to say they're outside and have a package for me. they say it's really heavy  i thought "well it can't be THAT heavy" also, i'm home alone so what else could i do 
i go downstairs and i'm greeted with nothing more nothing less than: a bigass package made of WOOD THATS BEEN SCREWED TOGETHER
so okay. i can do it, i think i position myself. i grab the CAN I EVEN CALL IT A PACKAGE ANYMORE. i use all the strength in my tiny little 5'2'' body and 
it doesn't move an inch. it's like it's glued to the floor.
so haha. one of the men, after seeing me struggling for about a minute, asks me if maybe i'd like him to take it to the elevator for me I'D BE DUMB IF I SAID NO so i let him and then they all left 
 now i arrive at my floor and guess what  i can't take it out the elevator either
minutes of more struggling and hating myself, my neighbor suddenly comes out. he looks at me (i'm sweating, panting and a mess) and asks me if i'd like some help he then takes the stupid bigass mirror to my apartment 
and i decided i'm going to the gym
the end
(now that i actually wrote it down it doesn't sound too bad but it was pretty bad. i'm Humiliated)
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tiredandinspired · 7 years
I feel like Anti’s gonna have a fucking field day with #septicart
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princessnijireiki · 6 years
…fr tho is2g you pull dumbass stunts like that? publicly? on purpose? you never were shit. you'll never be shit. stay the fuck away from poc in general bc I really can't trust your dumb creep ass. jesus fucking christ.
it's 2018. I'm not playing the bullshit "educate them & they'll apologize" horse shit anymore for blatant crap like picking a dirty ass picture of a brown man, slapping him next to a white girl, and calling him a savage. you're just a piece of godforsaken creep ass garbage juice at this point if you're over the age of 12 & doing this nonsense, and it's not my job to forgive, enlighten, or redeem your headass life.
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snowbits · 2 years
breaking news: queen elizabeth ii, of england, is a nasty little thottie. and she just died from making it clap on instagram
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testosteronefemme · 2 years
you've heard of woman but with horns (☿), now get ready for woman but a mace:
Tumblr media
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qrowtai · 6 years
Qrow: Hey (posts some picture of Thanos on Discord) Me, deleting it: Executive decision.
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taiqrow · 6 years
I'll be honest, I had no idea there were Tai haters until the comment section of All Our Days on youtube happened and it was. Rough. I still can't believe people think Tai is a bad father. Perfect? No. But he tries his very best for his girls. Just because he lost a lot and still struggles with the past here and then doesn't mean he hasn't been there and wob't be there. People slip up. Parent's aren't infallible. But like the OP said in the last post, CRWBY has shown us what an abusive/neglectful parent is. Tai isn't either one.
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catboytae · 7 years
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snowbits · 2 years
song: king for a day by pierce the veil
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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snowbits · 2 years
I request some vibes pls
oh damn, you got some vibes
"cold blooded, as cruel as can be
abuse her, and you'll always need
oh to feel mary's loving, to feel mary's loving, little lamb"
- mary by the happy fits
put a ∞ in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music and give you my favorite lyric from that song
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snowbits · 11 months
How is your day?
oh wow, an ask!
I just woke up, but we have work today... blegh
how's yours so far?
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