#taking old tropes and twisting them
suguann · 2 months
tags. fem!reader, the overused 'i know we're supposed to be fwb but i fell in love with you anyway' trope, confessions, gojo mentally spiraling during sex over how much he's in love with you because that's a very him thing to do [18+ only]
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Gojo can’t tear his eyes off you as you move above him—riding his cock like this would be the last time you’d ever feel it inside you. That thought twists his insides, his fingers digging into your hips as if you might float away before he ever really had a chance to voice the words he’s been too scared to say.
But he couldn’t really stop you if you wanted to leave—that’s how the groundwork of uncomplicated arrangements like these work, at least in the beginning. He likes to think that a lot has changed since that night in your living room between two drunk, lonely people with nothing to lose aside from your torn underwear in his haste to get them down your soft legs and an old condom tucked away in his wallet.
The feeling sneaks up on him without his knowing, a throbbing in his chest that festers and grows over time until he can’t ignore it anymore or contain it in the proverbial cup of his hands no matter how hard he tries.
It doesn’t dampen how much he wants to mold the shape of his cock inside your tight little cunt, to ruin you for anyone else who thought they even had a chance, to have his name be the first thing you think of when you cum. He wants to make every part of you his, and he only hopes you want the same thing, too.
He groans at the thought, gripping you tight to slam his hips up into you. “Tell me who’s fucking you so good. Tell me who’s the only one that gets to make you cum.”
“You, Toru!” you sob, holding onto his biceps to keep yourself from falling against his chest. It has his balls drawing up tight, and he sucks in a breath to stop this from being over too soon.
“That’s right, pretty girl,” he grunts. “I’m the only one who gets to see you like this. I’m the only one who gets to feel this sweet princess cunt.” He leans up to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, groaning when he feels you clench down around him.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” you choke out.
“Yeah?” His fingers circle over your clit as he shoves his cock deeper inside of you to take you there faster, nipping at the swell of your breast. “Fuck, give it to me, baby. Lemme feel it.”
His name is soft and sweet on your tongue as you cum, squeezing around him until his eyes roll back from how good it feels. It has him following after you, grinding his cock as far as it can go while he pulses and fills you to the brim. There’s so much that he feels it leak out of your little hole and drip down his balls to pool in an uncomfortable wet puddle forming beneath him.
He rolls away from the mess when you both catch your breath, his softening cock still tucked away between your wet thighs. You stroke his hair, your nails lightly scratching his scalp, and he buries his face into your chest, words weighing heavy in his chest.
Maybe he should cut the bullshit already, say what he wants to say, and get let down easy while he still has a chance to recover from rejection—
“Sleep with me?” he asks, voice muffled and a shade of red high on his cheeks.
You giggle, lightly tugging on his hair. “I probably need at least—”
“No,” he cuts you off nervously, heat rising to his ears. “No sex. Just to sleep…here. With me?”
When you don’t say anything right away, he wonders if there’s any way he can take back his words and whether you’d believe him if he told you it was all a joke. But then you tug the blanket over both of you, tucking the corners in so the air from the ceiling fan doesn’t reach your cooling skin, and continue running your fingers through his hair.
There’s a warmth in his chest, which he thinks might be what love feels like.
After a moment, you say, “If you steal the blankets, I’m kicking you off the bed.”
Gojo snorts, smiling against your breast. “But it’s my bed.”
You hum. “Yes, and I’ll do it anyway.”
“Just so we’re clear, I’m still going to fuck you later.”
“Go to sleep, Satoru.” He can’t see it but knows you’re smiling, too.
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astrolovecosmos · 5 months
The 5th House + Romantic Themes/Tropes
Aries in the 5th House: Knight or hero saving their damsel in distress, competitor suitors, "bad boy/bad girl" with "nice guy/girl" dynamics, queen/princess saving the king/prince, a hard to catch chase, red roses and red lipstick, athlete or warrior connected love story, second chance love stories, couple vs. nature or unknown as they pioneer a new frontier, lingerie, things move fast, "no one else like you", fated lovers, lover's quarrels, innocent love, first loves, love at first sight.
Taurus in the 5th House: Worshipping each other's bodies, making love in nature, paradise themes, fancy venues, luxury, secret prince/billionaire stories, Cinderella-like stories, seduction, sensuality, aphrodisiacs, massages, the fastest way to their heart is through the stomach, willpower, ugly duckling themes, silk and cashmere, kisses on the neck, serenading, rose petals on the bed.
Gemini in the 5th House: Friends to lovers, pretend relationship tropes, sexting, online dating stories, pen pal lovers, long distance relationships, romantic academia, coffee dates, study dates, eloquence, unexpected softness, talking dirty, rivalries to lovers, Kama Sutra, twists and turns, love letters, vocalness, teasing, arguments.
Cancer in the 5th House: Old friend or flame love stories - maybe similar to second chances, parent trap themes, moonlight, waterfalls, ocean waves, baths, intimacy in the shower, cuddles, feeling wanted or needed, private or secret lovers, waterbeds, remembering and celebrating important dates like anniversaries and birthdays, sentimental love, nurturing their lover back to health themes, pearls and silver, traditional love themes, Romeo and Juliette, Titanic vibes, homecooked meals or lunches, long hugs.
Leo in the 5th House: Holiday romances or flings, everyone else can see how fated or good they are with someone - but they themselves are oblivious, wine, dance floors, flattery, adoration, gold, luxury, sex on the beach, roleplay, hot-blooded passion, romance that involves royalty, center of attention, turns heads, strip tease, mirror on the ceiling, professing undying love, great adventures, drama galore or a love worthy of the stage.
Virgo in the 5th House: High School sweethearts, devoted lover who does a service or keeps a promise for a dead partner, defending someone's honor or being defended, saving their lover from a bad partner or ex, loyal servant and royalty loves, light tracing, tickling, taking care of someone or nurturing them back to health, sexy outfits, plenty of praise and appreciation, couple's spa day or massage, attentive, caring, the details in love matter.
Libra in the 5th House: Love triangle stories, masquerades, balls, Parisian love stories or themes, opposites attract, wedding related romances (meeting at a wedding or stopping a wedding), lovers against the odds, love potions, star-crossed lovers, matchmaking, sunsets, pastels, clouds, rivals or enemies to lovers but with grace or focus on making peace, sensual moments, biting lips, charm counts for something, perfume, candles, oils, flower petals, champaign, strawberries or cherries, feathers, cliche seduction, inspirational love, love and art, love songs.
Scorpio in the 5th House: Enemies to lovers, dark romances, horror and romance, forbidden love, secret romances, "if I can’t have you, nobody will", vampires, magic or the occult, Phantom of the Opera, passionate kisses and touch, lingerie, naked, bondage, power, vulnerability, jealousy or possessiveness themes, leather, being by or in water, strong taste and fragrances, avenging your hurt or dead lover or being avenged, dark fantasies, secluded romantic places, overcoming fears or challenges together, psychology, villains and heroes, transformative love stories.
Sagittarius in the 5th House: Lovers from very different cultures or backgrounds, eloping, loveable rogue themes, fish out of water stories, deep thoughts and discussions, speed dating, daredevils and calling bluffs, adventure, "I can show you a whole new world", exotic romantic places, escaping with your lover, hotel rooms, casino or game nights, learning together, discovering something new about their lover frequently, lucky to find each other, free-spirited love, surprises and passion.
Capricorn in the 5th: Force proximity stories, love that grows or takes time, time-travel romance, historical romances, secret romances, age gap themes, gothic themes, consistency, lotion and oils, romantic music, power dynamics, fine wine, wealth and luxury, secret prince/billionaire stories, earthy and erotic, punishment and submission themes, respect and grace, powerful libidos, leather, antique or fine jewelry, beautiful crystals or gems, great smiles or teeth, unique bouquets, careful lovers.
Aquarius in the 5th House: Sci-fi romance themes, unconventional dynamics or roles, time-travel romance, beautiful minds and/or beloved geniuses, light touch, substances to enhance experiences or feelings, incense or candles, anything goes, the unexpected, unique gifts or romantic gestures, romance that shows how much their lover knows them, rebel lovers, acceptance, deep talks, mind melds, fetishes, spiritual and/or mental challenges, unique beauty, each partner doing their own thing, their lover being the only one to arouse passion in them or vice versa.
Pisces in the 5th House: Running to catch up to their lover at the airport, amnesia related love stories, hopeless romantic, poetry, daydreaming, soulmates, finding a muse or being one, kissing in the rain, foot massages, love songs, satin sheets, skinny dipping, oysters, champagne, roses, making fantasies come to life, eternal promises and fidelity, loving life and love, overly idealistic love stories, fairytales, healing themes, intuitive lovers or psychic connections.
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n0tamused · 8 days
Jiyaaaan request coming your way~
While training his soldiers, one of them accidentally calls him 'Dad'. This leads to the reader teasing them but Jiyan teases back by calling them 'Mom' (or the gender neutral for it?)
(Was reading tv tropes and Jiyan had the 'A Father to his Men' tropes in his character tab lol)
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A/n: Anon this request was so sweet, thank you sm for sending it in! Jiyan the father of an army fr.. I do hope I executed it well. Enjoy!
Content: Jiyan x F!Reader, fluff and playful stuff, nothing more
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The morning sun had long since shifted its axis towards the center of the sky, blazing down through cotton clouds that sailed the azure skies. Below them, in the open fields, west of the main base cacophony sounded, consisting of commands, groans and other sounds of effort as the Midnight Ranger performed their training. And today Jiyan had come to overlook the session himself, although it wouldn’t be the first time. He was often so preoccupied with tasks at the front lines that he didn’t have the time to be leading drills too frequently, but when he did get the chance to do so he would take it. While it wasn’t a full reprieve from the battle, it was still a stark contrast to the grotesque and twisted fates he’d see daily on the battlefield.
Jiyan was noticeably more disheveled by the end, hair messy and hanging in strands and clinging to his sweaty forehead, hands on his hips as his voice rose to meet all ears present. You have just been passing by, helping carry supplies that just came in, and loading old and empty boxes back to be refilled in the city. For once there was no rush that would make your legs ache or your lungs hurt, allowing you all the precious time to bask in the views, the soft chatter and, of course, your dear lover.
The sun caught his figure and formed a golden aura around him, his skin glistening, and you couldn’t help but take a seat at one of many big boxes at the side of the training grounds after you had finished your task. In passing you caught a few looks, and a few smiles of the soldiers you knew from before. They looked much  more lively, despite the rigorous training they just went through. It made your heart warm seeing them in better spirits, wishing nothing more than to see them prevail and be happy. And just as you had recognized a bunch of familiar faces did Jiyan conclude his small speech, about to dismiss everyone with advice of rest hanging on every word. He had spotted you from the start, when you were going by with supplies in arms and soon he’d have a chance to speak to you too, he thought.
“General Jiyan! General Jiyan, a word or two- if I may?” 
It was a voice of one of the new recruits, Jiyan noted as he gazed at the face of the youth, a boy of twenty or so years by the looks of it, and eyes full of curiosity and admiration. He had come up to Jiyan just as he had turned towards you, prompting him to stay rooted in his spot a little longer. A few more young rangers came up behind the recruit, sharing the same curiosity but also being aware of whatever the recruit had on his mind.
“Yes? Is there something you need?” Jiyan questioned, looking at the young man. From his peripheral vision he spotted you moving down from the boxes and joining his side, staying quiet after a short word of greeting towards his Rangers, but your presence felt like a cool breeze under this sun, and he appreciated it all the more.
“I just wanted to say how great today’s training session was, we learned so much more than we did with our drill sergeant” he praised, smiling up at Jiyan all the while, “And I just wanted to ask whether or not you’ll be leading our training session tomorrow as well? Or any other day that is, we would really benefit from your teaching. I mean, you've seen it all for yourself at the front lines!"
The other few with him nodded along, prompting a small smile of pride to form on your face from seeing their fascination with Jiyan. To them he was everything they aspired to be - strong, enduring, tough but not lacking kindness or knowledge. There were times where they were scared to approach him, not knowing how he’d react to their questions, but from observing his interactions with others they warmed up to the idea and plucked all their courage. 
A polite smile curled up on Jiyan’s face as he regarded the youth with gentle golden eyes. His presence as the drill sergeant today wasn’t due to his availability, but a simple coincidence and necessity to fill the shoes of their drill sergeant that had been injured due to Tacet Discords, and Jiyan just happened to be able to be there. “Ah, you have my thanks, rangers. If a replacement for your drill sergeant does not arrive tomorrow and I am not required to be at the front lines, then I will be leading your training tomorrow as well” he told them, which pleased them greatly to hear.  “Although I’m sure Sargent Jin’xi has much more to teach you, something much more important for your sound development in this profession. You cannot take his method lightly. He has seen everything I have, as well. His knowledge is as valuable to your growth, and even more so than mine. You need the good foundation he can give you” He was aware of how confusing or hard it could be to listen to Jin’xi, as the sergeant had quite the eye for details and slow progress in lessons due to his meticulous nature - but that also made him all the better for his station. He was observant and could pluck out bad behavior and mistakes like weeds, and that is better to be done here, than in the middle of battle.
“We know, general, but sergeant Jin’xi is just so hard on us.. sometimes it really seems like he has no limit” one of the women standing behind voiced, earning a look from Jiyan that spoke of his understanding but also his disagreement with the subtle message they were trying to send - please, replace sergeant Jin’xi, or, save us.
“Yeah! One time I accidentally mixed up the weapons in the storage room and he had me do everything on my own again, saying how such mistakes can’t happen on the front lines, how it all means life or death” the first young man said, brushing his fingers through his hair and sighing. “I understand it, but we just got here..” he added and looked at his comrades. 
What was supposed to be a short chit-chat turned swiftly into a gossip galore about Jin’xi. Had Jiyan been any different from the man he was currently, he would’ve scolded them, taken offense at how they spoke about his colleague, but he was in their shoes once, always on edge around the higher ups, and he wished not to bring that same unease to them. He didn’t fail to remind them to not speak like this in front of everyone, and to respect sergeant Jin’xi when he does eventually return, and they gave him their word.
The first young man that approached looked at Jiyan after their discussion, both hands on his hips and looking more relaxed. “We won’t forget that, I promise on my last name! Still, we appreciate your kindness, and one more thing dad- I MEAN- GENERAL!” His entire face crumbled into a look of terror, and all eyes of the group shot to him, looks of surprise and amusement appearing before several of them erupted into laughter after taking a wary glance at Jiyan - who was not offended.
“General Jiyan! Oh god- I apologize, general, I don’t know where that came from-” he stammered, shaking his head and his hands, face flushed from sheer embarrassment. More choked words tumbled out of his mouth, desperate to excuse himself and forget about this. 
Jiyan can’t help but chuckle, the corners of his lips twitching in a failed attempt to hold back his smile. “At ease, recruit. You have not done any crime” he nods at the other, his eyes softening and not showing any sign that he’s about to dish out some punishment - that’d be ridiculous. 
You can’t help but crack a laugh too, covering your lips with your hand as to stifle the sound, but your mirth was evident in your eyes. “Have I missed a chapter? I didn’t know you had kids, general Jiyan” you teased, earning a few shocked but heavily amused looks from the group. Giggles erupted once more, all stifled as they waited for Jiyan to respond to the quip.
Jiyan turns his head to look at you, his eyes boring into yours and questioning your intentions - you can read the thoughts going through your head and your smile only widens in a silent call to a challenge of wits. He didn’t expect you to say something like that, but he could only huff, hiding his amusement under an abrupt guise of confusion.
“Kids?.. Why, I had hoped you’d recognize your own kids, Miss (L/N)” he shot back instantly, making your jaw drop at his rebuttal, a gasp flying past your mouth. “General” you said, accusations plenty heard in your tone as the atmosphere melted into one of jest and play.
Many eyes flickered between you and him, taking in the easy way you conversed with one another.
“Yes? What’s the surprise for? The recruits look up to you too, if you fail to notice. You can confirm with them right now” he is shifting the spotlight to you, and the recruits are quick to jump in too. “It is right, miss. Personally I haven’t been around you for long, no longer than I interacted with the General, but you two are alike, you treat us new ones with a firm but kind hand” a young woman said, smiling at you, and you feel your heart climb into your throat. 
“Can we really be surprised, they’re always together too-” "Aren't they married?" Whispering is heard amidst the group, and Jiyan looks amidst the faces to catch the one that said that but fails to do so, or refuses to weed out the individuals, and his eyes go back to you to catch your response. It’d be a lie to say your relationship with him was a secret, everyone knew there was something deeper between the two of you, something you didn’t show in public due to the war and status, but it was undeniably there. Still, hearing it loud and clear like this was like a splash of cold water. Despite their chatter, the group remained respectful, sweet in their musings.
“Ah, quiet, I do not want to hear it. This is about you, General”
“Ah, don’t run from it now. You’re the one that started this” he commented, rolling his eyes as he folded his arms over his chest. “Anyway, you’re all dismissed. I have a word with.. mother over here. Off you all go. I will see you all in the morning for another training drill. Get some rest” he speaks to the group, gazing upon their faces, only to see how they looked at him with some sort of childhood wonder, and that’s when he realized he must be flushed too. A sheepish smile bloomed on his face. 
“Alright! Awesome-” “Yes, sir!"
“Have a good day, General! And you too, Miss!” 
He watched them leave, bidding them all farewell, and when he turned to face you again he saw you pinching the bridge of your nose, hiding away the biggest smile of the day, the apples of your cheeks redder than before. The Midnight Rangers were undeniably close in connection, having spent so many nights and days huddled together for warmth or laughs or protection, and this small exchange only warmed Jiyan’s heart, to witness how positively they felt around him - and you. 
“Didn’t think we’d become parents so soon. Have we gotten that old already?” Jiyan commented, tone softer in a way he only addressed you when you were alone, and there was no one near the training grounds to hear you.
“Oh, shut up, Jiyan-” you playfully snapped, biting your lip as you looked up at him, stifling a giggle. “You are unbelievable!”
“Hm? Did you expect me to stay quiet today or ignore your quips?” he smiled bigger and you have to admire the little dimples in his cheeks as the smile reaches his eyes, making them squint at you softly.
“I don’t know what I expected, but your response was certainly the last thing I expected” you replied and shook your head, as if that would shake off the redness tinting your skin, imitating him now by crossing your arms. The two of you were looking at each other, wordlessly admiring your red faces while throwing these little quips at one another. 
“Ah.. you’ll get used to it, dearest wife”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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snakelike || mattheo riddle
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smut. 18+. minors dni. hate fucking. enemies to lovers trope. that’s it. it’s just that. bahaha enjoy ;)
Known for bravery, courage, and loyalty. These were supposed to be the core traits. Maybe they were for most Gryffindors. But the most defining trait Mattheo saw in you was something more. If it weren’t so defiant he would’ve questioned your house placement. You were known for your fucking nerve. You had the nerve to terrorize anyone who crossed you or stood in your way.
Mattheo knew this first hand, being your number one competitor. The two of you went head to head in quidditch, a permanent scowl stitched across your face everytime a green uniform stepped onto the field. To your displeasure they had won this year’s championship, winning the house cup along with the final quidditch match. Mattheo felt like he was making history, whilst being able to shove his victory in your face at the same time.
Oh, was it so bittersweet. The satisfaction of seeing your unscathed rage and envy. The downside? The subtle fear that lingered in the back of his mind. The fear that somehow someway, he knew you’d get him back.
In celebration of winning it all the Slytherins decided to throw a party. Exclusively Slytherins only, obviously. Usually they’d extend their invitation to other houses, a flirty Blaise Zabini a major advocate for ‘meeting new people.’ But tonight? All of the house members were buzzing with excitement, the ability to fully let loose creating quite a stir. Of course winning quidditch wasn’t the old fashioned way, playing fair and all. He honestly figured Madam Hooch would catch on. But she didn’t and Mattheo got away with whispering a few jinxes.
The smell of muggle grass and booze laced the air, violating the nostrils of every attendee. Mattheo silently thanked himself for choosing Blaise as the designated DJ, cringing at the memory of Lorenzo playing classical music at their last get together. His eyes glanced across the crowd of swaying bodies, searching for Theo or Draco. He was in the mood for a shot, but opted to be waiting so he could celebrate the houses victory with his best friends.
Mattheo thought he was getting intoxicated from the air when a flash of red walked by him. He narrowed his eyes, blinking a few times and trying to settle his vision through the flashes of blinding lights. A firm hand grabbed his shoulder, causing him to grab the strangers wrist and twist it. “Holy fuck dude, what the fuck?” Theo hissed. Mattheo instantly dropped his wrist, his green eyed friend raising his eyebrows at him. “Who pissed in your cheerios?” He seethed, rubbing his wrist. Mattheo awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat.
“Sorry, thought I saw a flash of red in here,” Mattheo explained. Theo chuckled, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. “No lions will be wondering into the snake den tonight Riddle,” He replied, extending the pack to him. Logically he was right, the appearance of a Gryffindor one even you wouldn’t be as bold to make. Mattheo took a cigarette from Theo’s pack, the two taking a brief moment to light the heads.
“Malfoy’s over by pool table. I think he’s trying to show Greengrass his skills,” Theo said, rolling his eyes. The two walked side by side, crowds departing to give them room to walk. Mattheo Riddle was well known and respected, whether anyone wanted to admit it or not. If it wasn’t enough being the dark lords son, his aggressive and violent nature built a reputation by itself. Mattheo was finally able to relax as the tobacco swirled around his lungs, creating comfort as he exhaled through his nostrils.
The pool table was a muggle sport, one Pansy insisted the group give a shot after spending an evening playing it with Hermione Granger. After managing to get one in the Slytherin common room, it became a regular spot for Mattheo and his friends. Before the duo could arrive, a frantic Pansy stood before them. “Hey guys I think we should go do shots! Why don’t we go do shots?” She suggested, smiling nervously. Mattheo glanced at Theo, the two communicating telepathically.
“Pans, what’s wrong?” Theo questioned. The short girl laughed awkwardly, placing her hands on both boys chest. “Nothing! Seriously though let’s go this way,” Pansy encouraged, trying to guide the boys in the opposite direction. That’s when Mattheo heard it, the sound of your beautiful laughter. His ears twitched, his eyes flickering upwards towards the pool table. “Son of a bitch,” He muttered, pushing past Pansy.
Theo and Pansy trailed behind him, recognizing the shit storm that was about to occur. You were bent over the side of the pool table, a red dress complimenting your curves. Your lips were painted the same shade of red, curled up in a smile as a familiar face guided you with the pool stick. Lorenzo stood behind you, your body’s connected as his hands sat over yours. Your eyes flickered up to Mattheo’s, soaking in his facial expression of rage.
“Hi Riddle,” You greeted, hitting one of the pool balls into the pocket with ease. Lorenzo grinned, leaning back and grabbing the pool stick from your hand. “See? I told you that you’d be a pro in no time,” He said encouragingly. Mattheo looked between the two of you, racking his brain for an explanation. “A lion cub wondering into a snake den wasn’t the wisest decision, don’t you think?” Mattheo spat, lacing his words carefully. The only conclusion he could draw, based on the goofy grin on Lorenzo’s face, was that his friend was oblivious, naive, and an idiot.
“I’d be careful disrespecting a pride’s leader Riddle. Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt,” You purred, batting your eyelashes mockingly. Pansy and Theo exchanged glances, attempting to anticipate Mattheo’s next move. He was boiling was rage, your stupid red dress only igniting the flame further. “Can’t we all just have a good time guys? After all, it’s a celebration isn’t it?” Lorenzo suggested, sipping his red solo cup. Mattheo inhaled more of his cigarette, flicking away the ashes onto the dreaded pool table. The table that, at this current moment, was the bane of his existence.
Lorenzo frowned at the sight of the ashes. “Hey you’re going to ruin the game, you’ve got to give up cigarettes,” He said, handing the pool stick back to you. Mattheo took one last deep inhale, a naive Lorenzo placing his red solo cup on the edge of the table. “Alright, i’ll start now,” He agreed, shoving the bud of his cigarette in his red solo cup. The sizzle of the flame was music to Mattheo’s ears, his lips curling up in a devilish grin. Lorenzo’s face twisted in disgust, going to take a step towards Mattheo.
Mattheo was never one to shy away from a fight, even if it was one of his moron friends. You quickly stepped in between them. “Enough of this petty shit. Get out of here Riddle,” You spat, glaring up at the tall Slytherin. For a brief moment, when you weren’t running that mouth of yours, Mattheo consciously thought to himself you were quite pretty. “I’ll leave, but you’re coming with me little cub. Otherwise the next time I put out my cigarette it’ll be on his forehead,” Mattheo snarled, glaring at the man behind you.
You gritted your teeth, grabbing Mattheo’s wrist harshly. “You wanna play? Fine. Let’s play,” You grumbled, digging your nails into his skin. You dragged him through the crowd, a Gryffindor dragging Mattheo around an impossible sight. You dragged him over to the closest room, tossing him inside. Mattheo didn’t know the owner of this dorm room, but he was pleased to see it was empty.
“You’ve lost your fucking mind coming here,” Mattheo growled. You audibly scoffed, folding your arms. “Guess i’m joining you then, considering you lost yours when you decided to jinx my fucking broom!” You argued. Mattheo’s hardened gaze temporarily fell, shock briefly washing over his features before he swiped it away. “I may not be a Ravenclaw but i’m not stupid. You’re just lucky I found out long after the game,” You huffed. Mattheo hadn’t anticipated this outcome, your intelligence a trait he had underestimated.
“Why didn’t you snitch to madam hooch?” Mattheo questioned. He eyed you carefully, your small figure much more intimidating than before. “I figured riding your best friends face would work far more sufficient,” You quipped, grinning mischievously. Mattheo was on you in a flash, shoving you against the closest wall. His hands pinned you against the dark wood, his face inches from yours. “You fucking slut,” He growled. You glared up at him, your eyes briefly flickering down to his soft lips.
You couldn’t deny how attractive he was, the smell of cigarettes and cologne flooding your nostrils. You could faintly smell his conditioner from his head full of curls, his hair having grown a bit longer than the last time you had seen it. “Fuck you Riddle,” You spat weakly, your heart beginning to race. Tensions were rising quickly, the close proximity filling your stomach with butterflies. “Dont fuck with me princess, i’ll reach in that pretty little chest of yours and pull your heart out,” Mattheo huffed. He could feel adrenaline running through his veins, an odd mixture of rage and lust falling over him.
Your eyes, usually so fierce and viscous, seemed to be softening. Your pupils were blown, a familiar gaze of lust having fallen over your features. A silent war took place, one where neither of you wanted to make the first move. Heavy breathing ensured, fast heart beats, and intense eye contact were the only things stopping you from ripping each other apart.
You grabbed handfuls of his shirt, yanking his lips to yours. A rough clashing of teeth and tongues ensued, Mattheo’s hands quick to find your waist. He yanked you towards him, the taste of cigarettes and mint lacing your tongue as you both fought for dominance. You couldn’t give in to him. You couldn’t let him think he was in control. You pushed him towards the bed, struggling to reach your back zipper. “Having trouble princess?” Mattheo asked mockingly, smirking down at you. You tried to reach the zipper, straining your arm to do so.
“Shut it Riddle,” You snapped, face growing red with embarrassment. Fuck were you adorable. He reached around you, slowly pulling your zipper down. You could feel heat surging through your cheeks as your dress fell, leaving you almost fully exposed. You were a sight for sore eyes, Mattheo’s refusing to stray from you. “And to think you were hiding all of this under quidditch gear,” He mumbled, soaking in your figure. You rolled your eyes, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.
“If you keep up all of this talking i’m going to change my mind. I’m not here for your witty comments Riddle,” You spat, your attention focused on undoing his button. He grabbed your wrist firmly, bringing you a mere inch away from his face. “You and that fucking mouth. If you want me to make you cum you’re going to get on your knees and put that mouth to good use,” Mattheo growled. You couldn’t help but feel your stomach flip at the sound of his words. You controlled every aspect of your life, even if you didn’t want to.
Someone so toxic, someone you despised, calling the shots turned you on beyond belief. You sank to your knees, undoing Mattheo’s belt. “There we go, that’s a good girl,” He praised. You pulled down his slacks, yanking down his boxers with them. His cock was bigger than you expected, your eyes widening in visible shock. “Weasley’s can’t compete with me, can they?” Mattheo asked mockingly. His taunting words snapped you out of your trance, your eyes shooting daggers up at him. You licked the underside of his shaft, purposefully dragging your tongue painfully slow.
Mattheo tried to conceal a groan, his hand automatically flying to your hair. He bit his bottom lip as you took him into your mouth, swirling your tongue around his slit. “Fucking shit,” He huffed. He pushed you down further onto his cock, your thighs tightening at the sensation. The feeling of being used was enticing enough. The feeling of being used by your arch rival, the same one you insult on the quidditch field, was euphoric.
You forced your jaw to go slack, encouraging him to face fuck you. Mattheo looked down at you with proud eyes, admiring his cock in your mouth. “You are so pretty like this, fuck,” Mattheo groaned. He bucked his hips inside of your mouth, gripping a handful of your hair. His cock abused your throat, saliva dripping down the sides of your mouth and pooling onto the floor. You finally gagged, the sound music to Mattheo’s ears. He smirked down at you, finally pulling out of your mouth to give you air.
“You’re so pathetic, on your knees for me like a whore,” He snickered. Tears were flooding your waterline, your doe eyes admiring Mattheo from below. You quickly rose to your feet, pushing him back against the bed. “You and that fucking tongue,” You muttered. You quickly stripped yourself of your bra and panties, both of you rushing to take off Mattheo’s shirt. Your eyes briefly studied the scars that stained his chest, different than the ones that covered his face.
For a brief moment Mattheo could see empathy flicker across your face, before your eyes went up to his. “This tongue has gotten me more places than yours ever could,” He bickered weakly, your exposed breast and cunt making his mouth water. Electricity was buzzing between the two of you, your hips straddling him. You rubbed your folds up and down his shaft, earning a moan from the brunette below. “You didn’t think i’d let you fuck me without putting that tongue to good use, right?” You asked mockingly.
You quickly repositioned yourself hovering over Mattheo’s face. His large hands cupped your ass, bringing you closer to his mouth. You let out a string of curses as his tongue began lapping at your cunt, teasing your hole and swirling around your clit. “Fucking shit, fuck Mattheo,” You whined, gripping and pulling at his chocolate curls. Mattheo gripped your ass harder, purposefully squeezing the flesh as rough as you were pulling his hair. In a swift motion he flipped you around, your back hitting the mattress below as Mattheo made himself comfortable between his legs.
He brought two fingers to your dripping entrance. “Interesting how wet this tongue has made you, isn’t it?” Mattheo asked, smirking as your walls eagerly accepted his digits. You groaned in response, your hips bucking upwards as his fingers curled inside of you. You bit your bottom lip, attempting to hide any of the sinful noises that threatened to escape your lips if you broke composure. Mattheo noticed, his fingers stopping right as they brushed against your g spot.
“You better start moaning my name or i’ll stop. Wanna hear those pretty sounds,” He threatened. You whined as you grinded pathetically against his fingers, his digits finally curling again. “Please please please,” You pleaded, a knot tightening in your stomach with each pump. Mattheo sucked at the skin in between your thighs harshly, creating small hickies on the sensitive skin. “Thats it, keep begging for me,” He chuckled, relishing in the sight of you pleading for him. You were at his mercy, his will for once. And fuck was it a satisfying position to be in.
Mattheo began drawing sloppy circles around your clit with his thumb, your fingers entangling themselves deeper into his curls. “Matty i’m gonna cum-” You warned, an unholy moan escaping your throat as you released on his fingers. That nick name. That fucking nick name. Mattheo finger fucked you through your high, the feeling of you cumming for him and moaning that nick name made his heart thump harder. Slowly he pulled his fingers out of you, repositioning himself above you. You looked dazed, your vision settling as his brown eyes stared down at you.
“Still think you can handle me princess? You look pretty fucked out to me,” Mattheo asked, playing with a strand of your hair. You blinked a few times, your vision settling on a cocky Mattheo. “You wouldn’t last a minute fucking me Riddle, don’t get too cocky,” You replied. Mattheo’s smirk fell, his hands quick to roughly reposition you. You arched your back as soon as you registered you were on all fours, your ass high in the air for Mattheo’s viewing. He bit his bottom lip as he gripped the flesh, bringing his tip to your aching cunt.
He rubbed his shaft up and down your folds, collecting your slick as you whimpered beneath him. He quickly shoved himself inside of you, not bothering to take things slow. You wanted rough? He’d show you fucking rough. “Dont pussy out on me, you can take it can’t you princess?” Mattheo purred. The pain began mixing with pleasure as he jerked his hips into yours, brushing against your g spot. “Fuck you Riddle,” You spat, trying to hold on to some sense of dignity. Mattheo leaned over, his voice assertive, “Oh I will.”
His time of being nice was over, his hips rutting into yours like a wild animal. You couldn’t control your moans as he fucked you, his cock mercilessly abusing your cunt to Mattheo’s liking. “Feels so so g-good Matty,” You whined. His large hand flew down to your hair, grabbing a handful and yanking it towards him. “Lorenzo couldn’t fuck you like this, could he?” Mattheo asked roughly. You responded with incoherent babbles and curses, his cock continuing to slam inside of you.
A sharp slap landed on your ass, causing you to snap out of your haze. “I asked you a question slut,” He huffed. You were so fucking pretty like this, begging for more underneath him. If he had known you were this tight, this addicting, he would’ve done this a long time ago. “No he couldn’t, only you,” You babbled, whimpering as he released your hair. Your mind went blank as he fucked you, any feelings of resentment and hatred fading away with each thrust.
He may have ruined your chances at winning the house cup, but fuck did he make you feel good. Mattheo was pounding you into the bed, strings of curses with mixtures of your name leaving his lips as he harshly gripped your waist. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your walls squeezing him tighter. “Awe are you gonna cum before me? Really? That’s quite pathetic,” Mattheo huffed, sensing your oncoming orgasm. Warnings of your impending release were made, Mattheo’s thrust becoming impossibly faster.
“Fucking hold it, wanna cum with you, cum with me,” He panted, his cock twitching just in time. You grabbed handfuls of the sheets as you came on his cock, milking him dry for every last drop of his seed. You could feel his warm cum painting your cunt, his cock still buried inside of you. Mattheo didn’t want to leave your cunt, his heart feeling like it was going to burst inside of his chest. Slowly he pulled out of you, readjusting you gently. It felt odd, Mattheo’s fingertips grazing your skin as if you were fragile.
You rolled over onto your back, Mattheo laying beside you. “That wasn’t half bad Riddle,” You say, halfway attempting at a compliment. Mattheo smirked down at you, wrapping his arm around you. He brought you closer, pretending he didn’t notice your cheeks flush red. “Call me Matty,” He replied. A peaceful silence filled the room for a moment, the only audible sound being both of your breathing. It wasn’t in Mattheo’s nature to stay quiet for long, his next words leaving his lips without a second thought:
“That was pretty snakelike what you did, sneaking in here just to spite me. You sure you weren’t placed in the wrong house?”
“Shut it Matty.”
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redfoxwritesstuff · 11 days
Wild Flowers (18+)
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Alastor x reader Rated: Adult, 18+ Content warnings: Sex pollen trope and related questionable consent due to intoxication, oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, knotting, praise, dancing that shouldn't be that sexy, biting, a touch of blood drinking, female masterbation, some possessiveness, Alastor being a bit of an ass
Summary: You had always loved flowers, so when you found a patch of pretty purple wildflowers growing in the small forest behind the hotel, you didn't think twice about picking a small handful to bring back to your room. While they smelled lovely, you were wholly unprepared for the side effects of exposure or the repercussions of offering the terrifyingly handsome Radio Demon a smell on your way to your room.
With your body burning from the inside out with an overwhelming need and a displeased Radio Demon pushing his way into your room, you have no idea what you're in for.
All you wanted was to pick some flowers but you got so much more.
You loved flowers. In life, you would gleefully pick wildflowers any chance you could get. It disappointed you endlessly to find they were far and few between in hell. The natural environment was a wasteland dotted with twisted trees with toxic sap and sharp grass. 
Florists imported flowers from the other rings where things grew better, less touched by the toxic byproducts of human souls indulging in the worst of the worst. Things in Pride ring were never what they seemed and what did grow often caused rashes or fought back. Everything was out to get you. Nothing could be trusted. 
That was a lesson you had to learn repeatedly over the years since your death and yet, you still found yourself being over eager. Learning from your mistakes wasn’t something you were good at.
You didn’t think twice when walking through a trail in the wasteland behind the hotel, being mindful to an extent of the sharp grass and trees. The trees were thicker here, a small patch of forest that you were eager to explore. With everyone at the hotel away, the building technically closed while the residents tended to assorted meetings and appointments, you had nothing else to do. 
In it you found something you hadn’t expected to find at all, a patch of pretty purple flowers. Their petals were heavy with pollen as you drew your face close, taking a deep breath, letting the floral scent wash over you. 
Finding them pleasing both to the nose and the eye, you picked a few while humming an old tune Alastor had been playing earlier that morning. It wasn’t exactly your taste but the old jazz had a way of lingering in your mind, the same way the man who favored it did. 
With a small bunch of purple blooms clutched in your hand, you made your way back to the hotel. The day was getting warm, making sweat begin to dampen the back of your neck, under your hair. It would feel nice to return to the air conditioning of the hotel. 
You hadn’t expected to find anyone in the hotel but as you made your way down the hall, Alastor was leaving his room. He glanced at you, eyebrow raised as he cut the tune he had been humming along to off. 
“What have you got there?” He asked, ever present smile wide on his face. “Been to the florist or did a suitor come to share his affections with you? What would we do without your delightful presence if someone were to spirit you away?”
“No,” You smiled up at him and reminded yourself for the millionth time that the easy flirtation was simply a product of the time he had been raised in. He intended nothing by it. “I found them growing, they smell lovely so I thought I’d pick some for my room. Would you like to smell?” 
He leaned in, taking a polite sniff as you held the flowers up to him, “Delightful.” 
You excused yourself, allowing him to carry on with his day as you made your way to your room. A glance over your should as you made your way down the hall showed him standing tall and still, watching you from down the hall. 
Finally, he gave a nod of his head and turned to go about his business as you reached your door, flowers clutched in hand. 
It was warm in your room. The whole of the hotel had felt warm, now that you thought about it. Perhaps that was what business Alastor had been off to handle, seeing to getting the cooling system working. It wouldn’t have been the first time it broke since you’d moved in and it likely wouldn’t be the last. 
You slipped your shirt over your head, leaving you in the clingy tank top that functioned as your undershirt, without thinking much of it. It wasn’t uncommon for you to shred the outer layer of your outfit when in the private space of your own room after all and it was so warm.
As you filled one of the glasses you kept in your room with water and set the flowers inside. Stepping back, you admired their color and delicate petals. You wished you had picked more, the glass looked half empty. Perhaps later, after this heat passes you’d go out and pick more. 
It seemed like it just got hotter in your room as the day went on. Before long, you changed out your pants for a pair of short athletic shorts. Sweat dotted your skin as you fanned yourself with a notebook, feeling like you would burn up. You were restless, moving about your room as you tried to relax. All you accomplished however was working yourself up more. 
You wanted to find Alastor, demand he find a way to fix the cooling. You wanted to make your way downstairs to the walk-in freezer and just sit in it, letting the frozen air bite at your overheated skin. 
When fanning yourself no longer worked, you simply spread out on the bed as you took panting breaths. Could you get heatstroke in hell? Raising a hand in front of your eyes, you admired the way the back of it was flushed with heat before letting you hand turn, flopping down against your abdomen. 
Your tank top had rode up, gathering around the thinnest point of your unnatural waist. The skin was hot under your hand and you found yourself rubbing your stomach, trying to soothe the hot skin. 
The feeling set sparks over your skin, leaving you gasping. It was so hot in the room but every caress of your hand cooled the skin for a short moment. In a few moments, you were running your hands down your chest and abdomen, trying to caress away the fire under your skin as you panted. 
Something wasn’t right. The hotel wasn’t hot, you realized, the heat was within you. The heatwave was coming from some internal fire and you needed to put it out before it consumed you.
Closing your eyes, you saw red eyes looking at you as your fingers brushed against the hem of your shorts. Thighs rubbed together as you felt the fire settle in your core. Every time you blinked, you saw red eyes. His red eyes dominated your thoughts. 
When your fingers found your slit, it was soaked already. It was like your body was trying to drown the fire within it with its own fluids. It wasn’t enough though, the fire still burned. It burned hotter with every teasing pass of your fingers.
Your fingertip brushed your clit, sending electric sparks through you. The light, teasing brushes of your fingertips felt far better than they had in the past. It left you gasping. Somehow it was too much and not nearly enough at the same time. 
With how wet you were, your fingers slipped between your folds without any intention to do so. It was still early in the day, far too early to be indulging in your body. The others could be home any time now, they could come back and hear you. 
Again and again you told yourself to stop as you fingers circled your clit. Something was wrong, why couldn’t you stop?
Squeezing your eyes closed, you tried to think of anything to break the unbearable spell of desire that was washing over you. It didn’t do any good. All that closing your eyes did was bring forth an image of Alastor, watching you walk down the hall. 
He was such a handsome man. Tall and lean. Powerful and frightening. He was everything you were attracted to. You knew how dangerous your affection for the man was, always trying to keep him out of mind. 
As your middle finger slipped into your weeping hole, he was all you could think about. Caressing your clit with your palm, you worked your finger in and out, trying to put out the fire in your blood. 
Desperate for more, you pushed a second finger inside, moaning as your body accommodated the intrusion easily. It wasn’t enough and you quickly added a third.
That was better. You were gasping now, working yourself closer to your climax in hopes that it would put out the fire. 
“Alastor,” his name fell from your lips in a soft whisper as you tried desperately to push yourself over the edge.
You flinched, ripping your fingers from your core as a soft ‘tap tap tap’ sounded at your door. Icy dread washed over you in what should have been a welcome relief. Quickly cooling strands of slick fell on your thigh as you quickly wiped your fingers on your bed as you rushed to your feet. 
“I know you’re in there, my dear.” Alastor called through the door.
Rushing to the door, you tried to straighten your clothes. There wasn’t much you could do for the sheen of sweat on your skin or the flush to your face. One deep breath later, you opened the door.
Alastor’s long fingers wrapped around the door as he leaned into the opening, “May I speak to you?” He asked, “In private?” 
It wasn’t really a question. He was shoving the door open and knocking you to the side in his eagerness to enter your room before giving you a proper chance to answer. It was a space you had never once invited him into. The thought had never crossed your mind nor had the occasion to make the offer.
“Can I-” Alastor’s large hand reached out behind him, striking the door and slamming it shut harshly, the sound seeming to echo through the space as it cut your words off for a moment, “help you?”
“Perhaps you can!” Alastor’s smile was strained and pulled tight. “As upon doing some research, it appears you’re the cause of this minor trouble.”
“What are you talking about?” You followed him as he stormed into the room, “I’m kind of-”
“In the middle of something?” Alastor rounds on you, grabbing your hand, still damp in places with your slick, you realize to your horror. 
“I- No, It’s not…” 
Your words died in your throat as he pulled your hand up toward his face by the wrist. He took a long breath in, taking in the scent of you as your face burned with shame and your body burned with a wholly different fire. 
Shap yellow grin split as his pale pink tongue slipped free from the fanged prison. It was too long, too pointed and you flinched back as it made contact with the portion of your palm that had just a few short minutes ago been pressed against your clit. 
It got worse, or perhaps better, as he wrapped his tongue around your middle finger, searching out every damp place where slick still lingered between your fingers.
“Delicious,” Alastor hummed, eyes slipping closed for a moment, cutting off the suffocating eye contact he had been maintaining and allowing your heart to once again start to beat in your chest. “Where are those damned flowers?” 
“What?” As he slipped your fingers into his mouth, sucking the remnants of your juices from them after he spoke, you struggled to process the question at all. 
“The flowers,” He spoke against your palm after letting the digits free with a lewd twist of his tongue. “All I can smell is them and *you*. Where are they?” 
Alastor’s red eyes flitted about the room, giving you a moment to really look at him. His face was flushed, something you had never seen before. His hair was mussed, with strands tangled on his antlers, seemingly caught from the action of running a hand through his hair. The antlers on his head were usually small with two prongs, easy to miss but now they stood taller by an inch or so, branching out more. 
The longer his hand stayed wrapped around your wrist, the more you became aware of the contact. The drying saliva on your hand and fingers was no longer cooling. It felt like static danced over your skin where his claws wrapped around your wrist. It felt better the longer his touch lingered. 
Alastor’s attention was on the flowers sitting prettily on your desk, blooms open wide and pollen dusting the petals. The snap of his fingers was far too loud in your room, amplified by the power the man contained. 
Dark green flames sparked, shattering the glass and sending water spilling over your dresser. Delightful purple wild flowers curled, crisping before charring and turning to dust. Only broken glass and black ash was left, the water evaporated away with the heat of the fire, to show what had happened. 
“Alastor?” You intended to sound outraged. You intended to be angry. You intended to yell at him. 
Instead his name was breathy, falling from your lips as arousal washed over you. The display of power had your core tightening and need sparking the dim flame in your blood to life, bringing it to the forefront of your attention. 
“You sound delightfully needy,” Alastor turned, bright eyes alight with something you couldn’t identify. “Do you know why that is?” 
Alastor pulled you to him by the wrist still clutched in his crushing grip. His other hand came to rest on your hip. Without asking, he pulled you into a clumsy dance, moving your body with his and keeping his grip firm enough to ensure you didn’t consider disobeying. 
You could feel his pants brush against your thighs with each clumsy step you took. Two of his fingers rested on the bare skin below where your top gathered, riding up your curve and above the elastic hem of your small shorts. It was hard to think of anything other than where he was touching your skin directly. 
“No,” you finally whimpered out.
“Hyperrigidus purpureus,” He said as if those words should mean anything to you. “Your flowers.”
“Okay?” He tugged you closer to him, resting your free hand on his chest, not knowing what to do with it. The feeling of his chest, under his clothes made her mind run with what could be hidden under the layers of fabric. 
“Flowers, one of the few that grow wild in Hell,” Alastor pulled you through the space, twirling you without sparing a thought for the way his thigh caressed your core as he took steps between your legs too large for you to have any hopes of matching.
 Each fleeting contact had you clenching around nothing. You could feel your moisture heavy over your lower lips, slick spreading down your thighs with each pass of his thigh and lunging step. Never had you so much regretted the choice to forgo panties. There was nothing to contain your ever building slick as you felt his thigh smear it into your skin. 
“Do you feel hot, darling?” Alastor asked, pulling you tighter to him as he twirled you around your modest room to music that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere. “Does it feel like you could crawl out of your skin? Did touching yourself only dampen the fire in your blood slightly?”
“How do you know that?” Your breaths were coming shallow now, face aflame and blood raging in your veins.
“Because I feel it too, ma chérie.” Alastor laughed bitterly, pushing your hips into his tightly, “Do you know why it is I am plagued by burning desire just as you?” 
“Why?” You felt the hardness of him against your hips, just beginning to awaken yet clearly present. 
“Those cursed flowers. HA! Can you imagine, something as simple as flowers could do this to you? To me?” He spun you around, stepping between your legs with each leading stride, grinding your wet cunt against his thigh as you tried to ignore the fact that your slick was being smeared around now not by your thighs rubbing together but by his rubbing against you. “Of course, I had but a fleeting exposure and yet, I burn. The fire within you must be so much brighter, having stood within a field of them? Having plucked the cursed blooms with these very fingers you had buried in your dripping cunt? The fire is consuming you, is it not?” 
He leaned down, into your space as his tight smile strained across his lips. 
“What do-” You gasped as he pulled your hips against him, dragging your core up his thigh. “What do we do about it? How do we make it stop?”
“We cannot,” Alastor laughed again, “We must simply ride it out.”
Alastor shoved you on the bed harshly, towering over you as he made quick work of unbuttoning his coat. Sharp shadows danced around the room, smothering the light from the sconces on the walls, dimming them.
Alastor ran one hand up your thigh as he reached up to his neck, fingers trembling as they took hold of his bowtie, working it free. The fingers of his other hand slipped under the worn fabric of your shorts, thumb caressing your inner thigh, slipping on the slick in the process. 
He tossed his bowtie to the ground where it joined his discarded coat. Your thigh trembled under his touch as you watched him easily unbutton the first three buttons of his collar, doing little more than to review the pale skin of his long neck. 
“There are things we can do to make it more manageable,” Alastor said, fingers snagging the hem of your shorts and tugging them lower on your hips. “Things to lessen the discomfort and perhaps even make the experience enjoyable, as you’ve already discovered.”
You whined his name, shame and want warring in your voice. You were uncomfortably wet, shorts sticking to you as your eyes roamed over Alastor. 
He looked indecent, delicious and dangerously sexy without his coat and neck exposed. The sight of him, just slightly disheveled had your core clenching. You could feel the wetness seep from you with the action. 
Alastor leaned forward, both hands finding your legs as he pulled you by strong hands wrapped around your thighs. The grip was bruising as you were dragged to the edge of the bed, knees on either side of him.
“What are-?” You were not prepared for the feeling of him standing between your knees. 
Nor were you prepared for the feeling of his fingers slipping under the waistband of your shorts. Your breath caught in your lungs as he pulled your shorts down, stepping back from you to allow them to be flung to the floor. 
Cool air did nothing but heat your core more as you watched him take the sight of you in. Large hands gripped your thighs, pulling them apart. The dim light sparkled on your slick. 
“You see,” Alastor dropped to his knees and ran his tongue out over his lips, “We’re both going to suffer with the effects of the exposure, perhaps for hours. I am going to suffer in this distasteful state because of your actions and you will have to deal with the consequences.”
“What?” You gasped, feeling the weight of his eyes on your slick cunt. He ran his fingers up your thighs, leaning into the space between them as his tongue ran across hot skin, soothing the fire in your blood. 
“It is your fault that my body has betrayed me. It is your fault that all I can smell is you.” His fingers dug into your thighs, spreading them further apart as he ran his tongue higher up your leg. “It is your fault my body burns for you. It is your fault I crave to taste you.” 
Alastor’s breath washed over your spread folds. His tongue ran over his lips again as if he was preparing for a feast. 
“Please,” You begged, not sure if you were begging him for. Fire swam inside you, being stoked and soothed both by his touch. 
“If I must suffer through this state,” Alastor leaned forward, breathing you in before licking slowly up your spread folds, greedily gathering your juices on his tongue and groaning at the taste. “Then I will use you to sate the hunger I have been so rudely cursed with.”
“What do you-” Your question became a gasp as he lapped at your folds, running the tip of his tongue around your clit with each pass. 
Each circle became tighter, providing more friction on your sensitive nub. Soon his attention was focused on it directly, lapping his tongue over it between harsh sucks and teasing nips. 
Just as the attention on your clit felt like it would send you over the edge, his mouth left it. Traveling down, his long tongue snaked into your hole, drinking your slick directly from the source. You were panting, desperate to come as his nose nudged your clit carelessly. 
His tongue slipped out, finding your clit again as a dangerous claw tipped finger slowly slipped inside. Alastor teased your opening, hardly pushing in beyond his first knuckle as he brought you near your orgasm again only to withdraw and stand.
“Please,” you begged, hand running down your body to caress your clit yourself. 
“Uncomfortable?” Alastor smiled down at you as he unbuckled his belt. He moved slowly, at a casual pace as if you where not spread out before him begging while your slick cooled on his face. “I imagine so, your exposure was much more than mine. Should I have you like this? I could walk out, take care of myself and ride out this condition in solitude.”
Your eyes fluttered between his face and his hard cock as he pulled it from his trousers. He was large and standing proud in his fist as he casually ran his fist along his length. Veins traced their way around him, leading to the angry red tip already smeared with precum. 
He was larger than you’d ever had. 
Pulling your knee up to rest against his hip, he placed his knee next to your thigh, allowing him to draw close. You reached out for anything to ground you as he ran the head of his cock along your folds. Again and again he repeated the action, smoothe head nudging your clit with each pass, sending lightening through your nerves. 
“I need you,” You tried to wiggle your hips down closer to him. “Please. I’m so hot, Alastor.” 
“You want me so bad?” Alastor sneered down at you, “Then you shall have me.” 
Placing the head of his cock at your entrance, he twitched his hips forward. You gasped at the soothing pressure as his head just probed your tight opening. He was large, both in length and girth but you struggled to think clearly enough to consider what that would mean for you as the fire inside your blood became an inferno. 
Alastor gave you one last moment to relax before snapping his hips forward and bullying his way inside your sopping opening. He spared no thought to your comfort as he harshly shoved your walls aside. Your slick provided more than enough lubrication for him to bury himself nearly all the way within you in one swift movement. 
You cried out as he stretched you, walls stretching around his girth as your body gripped him, trying to protect your unprepared opening from his intrusion.
“It’s too much,” You cried out, pushing against him with your leg and weakly tried to escape the pressure against your cervix. “I can’t. I can’t. It dosen’t fit. You don’t fit-”
“You’ll take all of me,” Alastor said darkly as he continued to push forward, “I’ll make you take it all.” 
Pleasure and pain mingled together as he pushed deeper still, head of his cock pressing against your cervix as he forced you to accommodate his length. He didn’t let up on the pressure until his balls were against your ass and his sharp hips were slatted tightly against you. 
Only when you took every little bit of his considerable cock did he still, bent over you and panting. His eyes burned into you, the fire behind them as hot as the fire in your blood. 
Never had you been so full. Never have you been so stuffed. You were stretched beyond what you thought was possible, impaled on a cock of such size you never would have guessed Alastor possessed. 
You stretched, arching your back to try and somehow create more room for him within you. His strong hands gripped your waist and thighs, claws puncturing the skin ever so slightly. Though you tried, his grip didn’t allow you to put any distance between him and you, forcing you to lay and accept the burning stretch. 
“What’s the matter, Little Doe?” Alastor teased, running his hand up your side and under your shirt, claws caressing the soft underside of your breast. “Doesn’t it soothe to have me inside you? Does it not smother the fire?”
“Yes,” tears gathered in the corners of your eyes, without the fire raging inside you there was no buffer between you and the burning stretch. “Too much. It’s too much.” 
“Oh but I’m not leaving the warmth of your cunt,” Alastor pulled back a short inch or two only to ram himself back inside to punctuate his words, “until this is out of my system. The squeeze of you around me, it soothes me. I could stay just like this.”
Alastor’s words, the sound of his voice fanned the embers if desire to life again. It wasn’t fair, he was so calm and collected and yet you struggled to form thoughts around the way his cock twitched within you. 
“Please,” you whispered, the fire in your blood coming to life with each twitch, dulling the pain. “It burns. Please, Alastor.”
“What do you want?” He sneered down at you.
“Something. Do something. More.” You rocked your hips against him, trying to dislodge him from where he pressed tightly against your cervix and get some sort of relief from the pressure, the pain and the burning.
“I thought I was too much for you?” Alastor teased, pulling back. 
The drag of his cock along your stretched walls was painfully slow, inch by inch slipping out and letting your body relax. You could swear that you felt every vein along his shaft. 
The emptiness you felt in your core shocked you. It should have been a relief to have his massive member removed from you body but it wasn’t. Looking down at him, you could see more and more of him and it made you want him to push back inside.
“Please,” you whimpered, head falling back on the bed. 
“You keep begging like that,” Alastor snarled, head of his cock just slipping free from your core, “And I won’t be able to conduct myself as a gentleman.” 
That thought, oh the way the fire surged with it. You twitched and wiggled, desperate for more as your mind was overcome with the smoke, struggling to think of anything else. If this was him being a gentleman, what would he be like when he wasn’t?
“Please, Alastor. Please, I need you.” 
“You like that?” Alastor laughed, pushing both of your legs up around his hips and thrusting forward. “You want to just be used? Ha! Those little shorts, this flimsy top? I wonder how much of this is that damned flower.” 
You moaned as his head bullied your cervix harshly only to withdraw and repeat the process, each push inside harsh and each pull out painfully, teasingly slow. You twitched and tried to rock with him only to be pinned in place as he put more of his weight on your legs. 
“I need you,” You struggled to think as he both soothed the fire and fanned the flames. “Please, Alastor. Need you. Want you. Have wanted you for so long,” 
You spilled your secrets without a single thought. It was worth it if spurred him on, if it would prevent him from stopping again. Did it matter if he knew you had thought about him when everyone else was sleeping? 
He filled you again, slower this time as he curled over you, strained smile seeming to glow with his eyes in the dimly lit room. “For how long?” 
“Always,” you struggled to think as his head pressed tightly against your cervix and his balls nestled against you.
He fucked into you slowly, each pull out bringing a wash of your slick out, coating your ass. The front of his pants were wet with slick where they hung off his hips. The hem of his shirt was damp with it, soothing your hot skin where ever it would smear against you. 
“From the moment,” you struggled to speak, moaning as his pace picked up. 
Looking away from him, you hoped that it would allow you to think. You didn’t have a chance to find out however. 
Alastor planted his hand on the bed next to your head, supporting his weight. “Look at me,” He ordered, “You will look at me while I take you.” 
“Alastor,” You whimpered as his thrust turned harsh, your body jerking with the force of it. 
“For how long?” He asked again. 
“Since we met,” your face burned. If it was from shame, desire or the flower, you didn’t know. “I’ve wanted you since we met. Please, Alastor.” 
Your hands ran up his chest, pulling at the buttons of his shirt as you tried to ground yourself. Each hit against your cervix was intoxicating, shifting more and more away from painful as he forced your body to make room for him. 
“There you go,” Alastor praised as his name fell from your lips again and again. “So good for me. See what you get when you’re a good girl?” 
You hardly had a chance to register how close you were before your orgasm washed over you with a loud moan. The power of it left you gasping and panting as Alastor seemed to swell within you. 
At first, you thought it was just the way you tightened around him as you came on his cock but there was no denying the way the base of his cock was changing with each thrust into you. 
Grabbing you harshly, he forced himself as deep as he could reach as his whole body shuddered. The knot at the base of his cock felt like it would rip you apart, there was no way you could hold it within you in addition to his girth but he gave you no choice. 
His cock twitched wildly as he rutted against you, rocking his hips rather than thrusting as you felt his seed explode. You were so full of him as the smoke seemed to blow away from your mind. Cold air caressed your skin as he pulled you up against him, supporting your weight as he sat back on the bed. 
Your body weight forced him deeper still, ensuring his knot was well and truly planted inside you. You shivered against him as his lips ran over your neck. 
“Alastor?” You licked your lips, trying not to moan as his still hard cock twitched deep inside you, pumping the final spurts of his seed inside your walls. 
His knot was so tightly stuffed within your hole that not a drop of his seed was escaping as you straddled his lap. 
“I wasn’t aware I could do this outside of season.” Alastor laughed as his sharp teeth ran over your collar bone, nipping and lapping at the blood his stinging kisses spilled.
“This.” He said, trying to pull his cock from you only to have your hole unwilling to allow his knot to slip free. 
“Is it,” Goosebumps ghosted your skin as he moved the thin strap of your top off your shoulder, not that it was hiding much from him at all. You could feel the thundering beat of his heart under your hand, half on bare skin and half over his partially open shirt. “Is it over?” 
“Not even close,” Alastor’s hands pulled you back from him, shifting your torso on his twitching cock and making you moan. He pulled the thin tank top up and over your head, leaving you naked in his lap. “This is but a momentary reprieve, allowing for clear heads before the fire returns to life anew.”
“Then why are you-?” He ran his tongue over your nipple, teasing the bud with the tip. 
“Oh!” He nipped at the sensitive bud as you felt the knot just inside you walls begin to lesson, “Because I can.” 
Your legs flexed on either side of his hips, raising yourself carefully off his cock as the swelling at his base went down. What you expected was for him to allow you to separate, to allow his body and yours both to rest. 
Alastor had other ideas however, thrusting up into you just as you had thought the head of his cock was going to slip from you. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
Alastor grabbed your hands from his chest, pulling your arms behind you harshly. Your balance was lost and you sank down on his cock harshly, feeling it impale you as he gathered your wrists in one of his hands behind your back. 
He pulled your arms back so far that you had no choice but to arch your chest into his face. Another powerful thrust up into you had you gasping as your hands dangled, fingers twitching between his knees as he bit at your breasts. 
The fire quickly returned to your blood as Alastor worked his legs out of his pants, letting the stained garment fall to the floor as he fucked up into you. 
“So weak,” He licked blood up from the curve of your breasts, smearing it as they bounced with the force of his thrusts, “You can only ride me if I allow it. How lucky are you?”
When you failed to answer him, he bit down on your shoulder. You clenched tightly around him, the coil in your core winding as quickly as the fire was returning to your blood. 
“Answer me.” 
“So lucky,” You were bouncing on his lap, head lulled back and hair falling away from you as he let you ride him in only the most technical terms. “So lucky, Alastor. I’m so close.” 
All you needed was to shift just so and his body would caress your clit with each thrust. That would be enough to send you over the edge but you had no room to move. Your legs were going numb from how they were folded under you and he just kept fucking up into you. 
“Do you want to come?” Alastor asked as the sound of his wet thighs slapping up into her filled the room. His hand left your hip to caress your abdomen. 
“Look here,” his voice was gentle and you struggled to raise your head as he continued to thrust into you. 
Looking down at yourself, you saw first how his massive cock would pull from you. He was drenched with your combined juices. For a moment, you had the irrational urge to run your tongue over him, to taste the way your bodies mingled. 
There was a slight bulge in your abdomen each time his hips snapped up into you. His cock was so large that he was stretching you from the inside out. The sight had you moaning.
Your shoulders ached as he let go of your hands, pulling one forward and holding it to where his cock pushed out toward the world. You could feel him, every thrust into you from the outside. 
Pushing against your hand, he made the pressure between the two of you even greater. His other hand gripped the hair at the back of your head, using your hair to anchor you. Each thrust ran against the palm of your hand as his teasing nips ran across your jaw. 
“Come for me,” he ordered and you did, without a second thought. 
His lips crashed into yours, kissing you for the first time as your jaw fell slack. You could taste yourself on his lips, drying and strong as he swallowed your moans. You could feel how your body strangled and convulsed around him. You could feel every twitch of his cock. 
Without warning, he ripped his lips and cock both from you, tossing you to the bed. While your orgasm granted you a moment of clarity, fire raged in his eyes as he ripped at his shirt. 
You looked up at him with fear as some bulbs around your room shone brighter and brighter before bursting, unnatural shadows growing deeper. 
He climbed on the bed, grabbing your ankles and forcing you to flip onto your stomach. Strong hands ran up the back of your thighs. 
“I am going to shape your cunt to me.” He promised, wet tongue running up the back of your thigh. “When I am done with you, no other man will be able to touch where I’ve reached. None will leave you satisfied.” 
He pulled you to your knees. His body contorted, joints shifting to allow him to lean down, face close to your weeping cunt. His hot breath washed out over the swollen folds before his mouth was on you again. 
Pushing you forward, your elbows collapsed causing you to fall face first on the bed. His tongue washed over your clit, working you closer to another orgasm with every pass before slipping with ease into your abused hole. 
“Al-” every part of you was sensitive. 
The fire was little more than embers again, quickly being stroked to life as he slurped up your combined fluids. Looking down, between your spread legs and under your body, you could see his massive cock hanging below his legs, heavy and glistening. 
His fist stroked his length lazily as you clenched around his tongue, orgasm washing over you unexpectedly. You were mortified as you bit into the sheets. Alastor had coaxed this one from your body without the fires having had a chance to build in your blood. 
This time you came from him alone, unassisted by the poison desire the flower’s pollen provided. The way he chuckled as he pulled back, licking his lips, told you he knew what he had done. 
“That’s the third time,” Alastor announced, patting your over sensitive sex harshly, smile only growing as you moaned at the soft slap. 
“Alastor, I can’t anymore.” You were over stimulated and sore. Your mind was lost on a cloud. 
“You’ll take me until I am done.” Alastor entertained no discussion, pushing inside in a swift thrust. 
His hand wrapped around the back of your neck as he pinned you face down, ass held up by a hand on your hip. You struggled to keep your head tilted enough to ensure you could still breathe as he fucked harshly into you. 
A chaotic mix of music played from somewhere, though you didnt know where. You had no radio. Rather than covering the sounds of his balls slapping harshly against your clit, it accented it, station changing with every rough hit. 
“What a good girl,” Alastor praised as you looked back at him from the corner of your eyes. 
His pace was unrelenting, slamming into you our sore body again and again as you tightened around him. How many times would he make you come? How many times could you come?
“When I’m done with you, you’ll beg for me to take you again. You’ll do anything to have me take you. Your cunt will belong to me. Only me. Mine.” 
His antlers were wide, heavy and dominating as he rammed into you with such force that the bed was jerking along the floor. Anyone at the hotel would know what was happening. 
You couldn’t make yourself care as he folded over you, squeezing your breast and pinching your nipple. All you could care about was the way his cock hit that space deep inside you that none would ever be able to touch again. 
Drool slipped from your lips but you couldn’t be bothered to care as the coil tightened yet again. How long has be been fucking you? You were hot and cold all over but you could think. At least, you were pretty sure you could think again. 
It was hard to think with the way he pounded into you, the way his breath washed over your shoulder. 
“Who do you belong to?” Alastor demanded, rutting harshly into you as his hand squeezed tighter, making your moans more gasping. “Who’s cunt is this?” 
The raw possessiveness is what did it for you. You clenched again, fluttering and twitching as you came hard, his name on your tongue. He swelled again inside you, knot dragging in and out of your hole as he leaned forward and bit down harshly on your shoulder.
“Fuck,” He groaned, voice naked of the filtered overlay that was nearly always present as he slammed his swelling knot into your tight cunt again and again, chasing his release in your milking walls regardless of the way your opening caught on his knot with each thrust. A final groaned ripped from him as he declared you his as he slammed home, biting down a second time and not letting go. Your walls twitched and pulled at him, urging him deeper in the aftershocks of your orgasm. 
You were locked against him by his teeth on your shoulder and his knot tightening in your cunt, somehow feeling even larger than the first time. His panting breath washed over you, blood dripping onto the bed from your shoulder. 
His heavy cock jerked and twitched inside you as he shot his second load, filling your corked hole with his seed. Each small thrust if his hips had his knot pulling against your rim, unable to breach it without serious intention to do so. Every time you felt it tug against your opening, your breath caught and your body twitched around him.
He held you tightly to his body, torso pressed tightly against your back as his tongue soothed the puncture wounds he left on your shoulder. He twitched deep within you with every rock of his hips. You were limp in his arms, spent. 
“How do you feel?” He asked, voice softer than you expected. 
“So full,” you whimpered as his hands stroked soothingly over your skin. 
“I know, My Doe, I know.” He shifted, falling to his side, taking you with him as he spooned you, still locked together by his cock. “You took me so well.” 
“Is it over?” You whispered as he caressed your sides, hot breath making your hair tickle your face. 
“Soon,” he promised, rocking his deflating knot until he could pull out of you only to lazily slip back inside your messy hole. “Just a little more.”
You whimpered as he lifted his knee, hooking your leg over it and spreading your folds as he worked your hole. You were sore, sensitive and yet your whimpers quickly turned into soft sighs as he caressed your clit. 
The fire was little more than embers, no matter how he stroked you. That didn’t keep you from desiring the way his fingers felt on you. It was a desire that was nearly all your own now. You gripped his thigh, fingers slipping in the soft fur that ran up the outsides of his legs and nails digging into the skin. 
“One more,” He promised as he worked your sore body up, tongue running along your neck and fingers pinching at your breast and clit both. “One more, and we’ll be done.”
You swore you couldn’t do it. Each stroke of his fingers was painful and yet your body tightened under his hand, greedy for more. He was softly working you up once again, grinning as you gasped and moaned with every thrust. 
“Alastor, I-”
“Even after taking me again and again, you’re so tight,” his praise had you clenching around him. “Made for me.” 
He sighed as you came around him, body too spent to do more than flutter and twitch, his name falling from your lips in a prayer. As you came, his thrusts turned harsher as he followed you, cock swelling yet again inside you. 
The tip of his cock nestled against your cervix as he locked into place, twitching as he deposited another load inside you, whispered praise dripping into your ears. 
You sagged on the bed, held tightly in his arms as you realized the fire was out. Sweat cooled on your skin as you sighed. Alastor was still held tightly within you, twitching slightly as his knot deflated more with each passing minute. 
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, afraid to face him now that you could think clearly. Alastor had never shown any interest in you in either a real romantic sense or a physical sense and you had essentially drugged him into a sex filled afternoon. It hadn’t been intentional but the guilt still ate at you. 
“All’s well that ends well.” Alastor said against the back of your beck, “And I would say that ended rather well indeed. Wouldn’t you?” 
You hesitated, not knowing what exactly to say. If you agreed, you feared giving away how much you had enjoyed the afternoon but if you disagreed, you would be insulting his performance. 
Alastor rocked his hips against you, though he was softening for the first time he was still firm enough for the friction to have you gasping. “Well?” 
“Yeah,” you blushed as he slipped out of you, feeling the wave of fluids that followed. 
Alastor snapped his fingers, materializing a warm wet towel into is hand. Softly, he cleaned the fluids from your thighs as he hummed, sitting on the bed naked beyond the mostly unbuttoned shirt. 
Sleep called to you, body sore and spent as his soft touches lulled you. Your eyes slipped open as his fingers caught your chin and forced your attention onto him. 
“In the future, do not pick random blooms. You never can be sure what unintended consequences exposure will have. Oh, and do warn me should you find your nose in those particular blooms again, I wouldn’t want you to suffer.”
~~~~~<3 Tag List: @catticora
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savnofilter · 8 months
On to Better Things | k. bakugo
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      Pro Hero!DILF!Katsuki Bakugo x [FEM] Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sexual content, angst, strangers to lovers.
sfw — toxic & abusive relationship, toxic baby daddy, mentions postpartum, mental health, arguing, mentions of legal proceedings, counseling, drama, cultural family expectations, love bombing, manipulation, a man being a hypocrite, reader low-key needs a new circle of people around them but that's neither here nor there, reader loves their daughter to pieces </3, reader's daughter is a hand full but we stan!, reader spaces out a lot, "our kids are best friends but we never met before and so happen to be single" trope.
nsfw — sexual content, pro hero!bakugo sorry not sorry lmao, bakugo got rizz, fingering, cunnilingus, groping, praise kink, reader has multiple orgasms (2, hinted 4), reader is a bit shy as it's been awhile and feels nervous, vocal queen reader, clothed sex, protected sex, comforting!bakugo, non-established relationship.
COUNT: 11.4k words (45 mins.)
READ MORE: masterlist + [students | bakugo]
A/N: whooph the warnings… imo, it's nothing too serious, but yk i gotta put the warnings up!! it's not graphic, but it does talk ab the stuff listed. i didnt know how else to craft a toxic ex-baby daddy type of situation, and it divulged into this 😭 also use yalls brains with the sfw & nsfw discernment for the warnings… ofc i do not take lightly about what's written, so dont twist it any other way and the heavier subjects being under sfw. i digress!! ive been wanting to write this request for a while and finally got around to it. unfortunately, i alr want to rewrite. :') despite that, i actually kinda really liked this one so i hope yall fw it too. 🫶🏽 thank you, anon!
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"Mommy!" Your daughter, Niyuki, calls out to you as she runs into your arms.
She had recently turned 6 years old and still loves the end of the day on Fridays where she could run into your arms, and recount everything about what she had learned that week. Niyuki is pretty much a chatterbox and you weren't too sure where she got it from considering that even your… ex wasn't quite the talkative one either. As you grew to love this quality about her, you found it endearing. Phone calls with her were always a delight and that was how she had persuaded (begged) you to let her go to the park despite having other plans for the day.
You had promised on Monday that she would be able to go to the park in addition to ending her day Friday night off with having a sleepover with her best friend. Niyuki, being an excitable kid, wanted to go straight from school to the park so she wouldn't waste any more time than she already had.
"Hi, Niyuki!" You beam back, a loving smile on your face as you pepper her face in kisses, and hold her cheeks as she tries to shy away with her boundless amounts of giggles. "How was your da-"
"Great -- Mommy you promised we could go to the park today!" Niyuki lightly pushes away from you, a slight whine to her voice as she attempts to get away from your onslaught of affection.
"We can still go, I can't greet my little angel first before I do that?" You poke her cheek as you stand up straight and hold your hand out for her to hold. "Tell me about your day, pumpkin."
There was a skip in her step as she recounted her day to you. When Niyuki gets started, she never stops. She talked about the first moment her feet reached the school grounds, to before school had started, then she talked about her first few classes, after that what she did during lunch and how much fun she had at recess, the "drama" (very unserious but nevertheless cute) that happened before classes resumed and so on. Niyuki is also the animated type and could often run out of breath when she talks. She would use her hands and voice inflictions just to convey what she was speaking about. Sometimes, you even had to remind her to slow down and that time was going nowhere when talking with you.
It was moments like this when you could take in the rambunctiousness and appreciate your lovable daughter. You two only seemed to have special moments like these—well, at least you thought they were special—because of the separation between you and your toxic ex.
Before you two had split your relationship had been decent. Despite that though, you were incredibly in love with him, but the same wasn't reciprocated in a way that emotionally gave back. He'd make excuses as to why he wasn't open to you, his reasoning that he "loved differently" and that if you really loved him you would believe him. So you did. Over, and over, and over again. Hoping that the days where he showed up like in the beginning would become more frequent, but your willingness to stay was how he knew he could toy with you.
He had been your first when you had finally agreed to be an item when you were in your early twenties and it took a long time to finally separate from him when things got bad. In addition to dealing with the conflicting feelings of your then-boyfriend, your friends who only wanted the best for you, and your close family members, you also had to deal with yourself. Nights and days spent venting and breaking down about the man had become so common that your friends' concerns grew. You had so many negative thoughts at that time and you were naive to truly believe that there was a happy ending to overcome this predicament. That his way of loving could change for both of you. His manipulative questions would often linger in your head if you left him, and who were you to argue? When arguments would start to come up again almost weekly, it always ended up with you an emotional mess while he "proved" to you that he was the only one who could handle you.
When your ex noticed you started to pull away, he suddenly had an interest in starting a family. Late nights where you two would lay in bed after making up, he'd share his daydreams about you mothering his children, how beautiful and perfect you'd be to fit in his little world.
Family this, family that. Family values, family roles, family life. You two had been friends since you both were in high school, and it only made sense that you two were dating now and getting married soon. Hell, he even made you question what would your family think if you were "running around" instead of being faithful to him. Imagine the embarrassment to your family if you threw all of that away and weren't able to find someone else like him?
People talk, people notice. Many of the older women noted how great you two looked together, and he was well off with a great future that could support you both. Neither did it help that you changed your once passionate future for being a pro-hero to a different career that was deemed less reliable than your previous choice. It was in your best interest that you stayed with him to avoid the awful gossip in town.
When you haven't been in a situation like yours with an inconsiderate lover, it's hard to understand why you stayed as long as you did. Consequently from being his friend for so long and dating him for years meant he knew the sort of things to target your psyche. To reinforce the pressures you had of making your family look good, mixed with the hidden fears of the burden of following the footsteps of your successful siblings as well.
It was a lot to take in and it wasn't long before you gave in. You just wanted him to be who he was again. The stress only grew older with you and the more time that passed had a looming connotation that the older you got the more undesirable and unfit you are to find another relationship. Even past that, you gave so many years to him. You were a virgin when you two had met, and he had already been around. He knew how to kiss you right, he memorized your soft spots and remembered the best ways to make you come undone. He'd expertly sweet talk you after each session, and on days when you were feeling down he would be the first person to show up, usually bearing gifts of some sort coupled with affection. You couldn't understand what had changed. Why did he decide to start treating you like this? You were vulnerable and scared, and nothing like the familiar could ease the fabricated feeling of comfort.
You thought that having his child would finally fix things but you were so wrong. So very, very wrong. After your first semester in the pregnancy, you had heard talk about people seeing your supposed boyfriend—the father of the child you were soon to birth—with other women. Of course, you didn't believe it, and you refused to listen when your friends tried to tell you. In this stage, you were mostly shut in, as this was taught to be the best preparation for giving birth. You couldn't fathom the fact he would stoop so low. He had his low moments, but not like this. He would never.
He had disconnected you from everyone who had truly cared for you and even convinced your family that you were safe and protected with him. It wasn't until one evening when he had the gall to meet one of his mistresses outside of your house is when you realized it was all true, but it was all too late.
You were an emotional wreck for days. You had hit your lowest and it didn't help that your delivery date was getting closer every day that passed. You'd weep to yourself when you were sure he wasn't around and soon enough the house that you had (forced) yourself to love had once again become a prison. A night when you were tired of the pain is when you decided to reach out to your friends and family again. It was a shameless plea for help and you didn't care how desperate you looked and you wanted out. At first, your parents weren't supportive of the fact that you wanted to leave the man but you didn't care. You wanted to leave everything behind and not give this horrible chapter in your life a look back ever again. With enough talking and white lies, you were able to make a workaround to at least get back up on your feet after your delivery.
The delivery of your daughter, Niyuki, was thankfully a smooth one. Not at all enjoyable but very few complications came along the way when the time came. You had made a deal with your parents that you would stay with them so you could comfortably recover from the delivery whilst being able to safely be under their vision when your ex and his in-laws would come over. Your friends started to visit when you were healing more and had even convinced you to go out with them which you hadn't done for over a year. You were utterly scared as you had missed such a large chunk of socialization that even you didn't think you could do it. But once the night started, you didn't want to go back.
One night out became two, then three, four, five, and so on. The time you were home lessened and it didn't help that your friends were more than willing to let you take refuge at their homes. It wasn't like you were going crazy but the high that you got from drinking and even sometimes having flings became addicting and it felt satisfactory in the way you felt autonomy over your body once again.
You'd ignore the calls from your parents and family including your in-laws, especially any communication from your ex. You had ghosted the situation. The most emotionally taxing period of your life was now being forcefully ignored. You'd spend your time if not partying, then out clubbing. Even when you weren't out on benders, you'd stay up all night and indulge in the fact you were being taken care of by friends. And while you deeply appreciated their hospitality, it was also a double-edged sword. You had dropped out of college, you were no longer reliable and the flings and high feelings were no longer distracting you from the fact that you had some serious issues to deal with.
It got to a point where you'd lay in whoever's spare room and drown in thoughts about the situation you were in. A year before then, you had been stuck with your ex, and somehow a year and a half later you had no idea what that situation was like in that home.
Anxiety and suffocating emotions would swallow you often as the memories of your toxic and abusive ex would soon follow the baby girl you had given birth to. Niyuki. You'd remember her smile, the way she giggled, and how active she was. Although you had only spent about a few months or so with her, you'd remember her bright smile. You'd remember the way her eyes shone when she looked at new things or heard new words—how her face always lit up when she heard your voice, felt your presence, or saw your face. The emptiness without her would eat at you and it was time to forcefully welcome a new cycle of you falling into a depression once again.
At this point, you had lost your job, didn't have any urge to pick up any new hobbies or skills and you'd lay in bed all day. Going out until early mornings trying to ignore the fact that you weren't happy in your current state no longer worked anymore. It was a draining process to get back up but you were willing to give your life a go again. You started looking for jobs that hopefully had good pay and were willing to hire someone with this big of a time gap in their resume. While still couch hopping, you still had places to stay so fortunately you didn't need to worry about that.
When you eventually came around to wanting to be in Niyuki's life again, it was too late. Of course, when you had finally decided to start to better yourself and the suffocating feeling of postpartum had slowly dwindled over time, he was there to make sure that you couldn't take control back of your life. Your ex had found out why you had been gone for so long and eventually had things filed so that he would have sole custody. It seemed as though no matter what you did, he was always ten steps ahead of you. And this time you knew that your support from your family was even less than before.
He had swindled the courts and your families to the point that he painted you as a deadbeat and to the courts, it didn't seem as though there was any evidence to contradict that. Eventually, as you went through counseling and legal support were you able to at least gain visitation, an absence of early childhood not being any signs or indicators that you were unfit to see your own daughter.
It was humiliating settling back into your life and getting back up on your feet. Your parents demanded that you would stay with them as a reassurance that you were serious about getting your shit together and you didn't want to argue. Although with their calloused nature sometimes, they did take care of you well. You couldn't tell what they were thinking but they treated you as gently as they could. Even your family members would come and help out from time to time and it made your recovery better. As stated by the courts, as long as the grandparents (either your parents or in-laws) were there to supervise, a social worker, or the dreaded last option, your ex, was there you would be able to spend time with your daughter.
Months would pass and soon years would follow. When you had shown no signs of negligence or malice occurring in your visits, the judge allowed that you didn't need supervision. Your ex protested but it went unheard. Plus your willingness to get your life together showed your dedication so it was a blessing that you were able to get back to a somewhat decent and regular life despite what has happened. Of course the label that had been placed on you wasn't fully gone, but you were at least able to see your own daughter again.
Which is why you deeply cherish moments like this. After inspections at your apartment, the courts approved that your daughter has now been allowed to stay a few days at your place, and this weekend she was scheduled to stay with you. She would get dropped off by him on Thursdays after school, but you limited the talk to only what was important. Usually, on the first day you get her for the week, you do something with her that she's been wanting to do. As much as you wanted to do it right away, you did make sure her homework was done (she would do it at school just so she could spend more time with you though). Despite her determination, you would still check her work and teach her the things she got wrong much to her dismay. You'd make sure you're on time to drop her off to her evening classes and still wake up early to cook her breakfast every Friday morning. Then you'd drop her off and then pick her up at the end of the day seeing as she had no evening classes on weekends.
"We're here, we're here!" Niyuki cheered, the sweet but mischievous smile never leaving her face when around you.
"It's so pretty out! Wanna get some ice cream, Niyuki?"
"Yes, please!"
After you park your car you hop out and help her out of her seat, holding out your hand for her to take as she knows the routine already. Niyuki admires the familiar park although she has been to numerous times. The way she gazes at everything looks as though this is her first time seeing the place, and this kind of wonder behind her eyes isn't unique to this particular place. No matter how many times she has been somewhere or seen something, her eyes always shine with curiosity and wonder. You can't help but watch her with a faint smile, never wanting to forget what her face looks like ever again.
"Which ice cream do you want, Niyuki?" You ask once you two reach the truck, an assortment of colorful ice cream pictures is decorated on the side of the vehicle.
"Hmm…." Niyuki thoughtfully hums. She raises her free hand to comically tap on her chin as she thinks, the gesture urging a laugh from both you and the ice cream salesman. "Can I have the one with the," She leans closer and points to it, "SpongeBob with the bubblegum, please!"
You think to yourself as you settle for something that's to your tastes, relaying your order to him and searching for your wallet to pay for the cold, sweet treats.
You look over at the man and he nods before leaving to the back, "Coming right up."
In no time at all you two are grabbing ice cream and heading to the playscape. Today was a bit hotter than what you were both expecting so you made a challenge that whoever was able to eat their ice cream without being messy gets to go to bed late tonight. You knew you'd win but it was still amusing to challenge her as her bright spirit came along with a competitive one.
In the midst of you two finishing up your ice cream, a younger but familiar voice calls out to your daughter. You look around confused before spotting a younger girl running towards Niyuki and then engulfing her in a bear hug.
"Mizuki!" Your daughter squeals as they both tightly embrace, her popsicle long forgotten now.
"I didn't know you were coming to the park today!" Mizuki said as she pulled away, still holding onto her best friend. Their bond started from the mere fact that their names sounded similar.
"Yeah, my mommy brought me!" Niyuki pulls away to pull at your dress.
"My dad brought me as a surprise, so I guess it's okay we didn't know!"
The two of them were pretty endearing you couldn't lie. They had been to the same Pre-K together before attending elementary together.
So far you had only met her mother and she was pretty kind. You only knew so much about her though and to your knowledge, she is happily engaged at this point. You two would talk often when the two played, often sharing play dates when it was your turn to have Niyuki on the weekends. That's how Niyuki and Mizuki were able to twin, have sleepovers, etc. While having other friends at school, those two were joined at the hip.
That's why you were utterly confused to hear about her father.
You knew nothing about him except for the fact that he and Mizuki's mother mutually decided that things just weren't working out. It's not like she knew much about your ex either. It seemed as though the separation of parents helped bond the two kids, but you felt saddened at how completely different the two situations were. You sometimes worried if Niyuki was embarrassed by this knowing it wasn't always easy at school due to the teasing.
"Mizuki!" A deeper voice calls out to the young girl. With the young girl's name being called, she turns around and excitedly waves him over. You pause in your tracks as you take him in.
Ashy blonde hair that resembles an explosion sits at the top of his head smothered in appearance by his hat, while his eyes are also covered by a pair of what appeared to be designer sunglasses. He sported a relaxed fit, a gray tank top with a light mesh patterned throw-over that did nothing but tease the muscles underneath the cloth, the colors on it being black and white. The look is finished off with black baggy pants and some boots. You could tell he was attractive even without the cover-up. As you finish up the assessment of your daughter's friend's (hot) dad, it occurs to you the fact that he had sunglasses on doesn't hide the fact that you were totally just checking him out.
"Mizuki, I told you to stop running off like that." He grabs the young girl and gives her a playful nuggy.
"Sorry Daddy!" Mizuki giggles and slips away from him and runs to hide behind you instead, your daughter following. They both peek from behind you, and you have no other choice but to introduce yourself.
"Hi, you're Mizuki's dad, I'm guessing? I'm Y/N, Niyuki's mom." You smile warmly.
He nods at your assumption, his expression still the same as before. "Katsuki, it's great to finally meet the mother of this other troublemaker's friend." He playfully steps in Mizuki's direction and she immediately runs to your other side, giggling.
Something about him was eerily familiar. You couldn't place your finger on it, but you simply chalked it up to the fact you have probably seen him in passing at a few of their birthday parties or so. But something about that didn't feel right… Either way, you ignore it. It wasn't a bad feeling but the fact you couldn't place your finger on it would later down the road bug you. You decide to ask instead.
"Have I seen you—"
"Daddy, can we go to Niyuki's house to watch movies now?" Mizuki cuts you off in the middle of your question, undoubtedly earning a glare from her father.
"Mizuki, what'd I tell you about interrupting people when they talk?" Bakugo lifts his sunglasses this time, his gaze revealing he was solely looking at her.
She pouts using you as a shield once again before tugging on your clothes. "Sorry oba-san…" Mizuki says with one of the deadliest puppy faces you've ever seen. There was no doubt she was one of the cutest 6-year-olds you have ever seen. How could you be annoyed with a look like that?
"It's okay, Mizuki. What were you asking?" You ask them and turn better, bending down a bit to be at both of the girl's levels.
"Can we please watch movies in Niyuki's playroom? Pleeaaseeee?" Mizuki asks and your daughter steps up to beg as well.
"Please, Mommy!! We'll be good too!" Niyuki reasons.
"I'm not sure, ladies…" You trail off as you consider that maybe Katsuki himself probably planned out for the afternoon and didn't want to forcefully make him commit to an impromptu earlier playdate.
"It's alright." Katsuki pipes up and you three look back at him. He lightly shrugs and answers as if he could read your mind, "We were going to play it by ear for the rest of the day anyways."
The two children couldn't quite comprehend the second bit of what he said, but they did understand that it was a yes from what he said in the beginning. They gleefully look at you and start tugging and hugging at you.
"Please, Mommmyyy!" Niyuki pleads, now joining in on giving you a hard to disapprove of puppy look as well.
You lightly laugh and nod your head, finally pulling them in for a proper hug and then giving them a tickle to fend off their offensive stance. "Okay, okay! We can do the movie night! But I want you two to at least spend an hour or so here before agreeing to let you two be cooped up inside for the night."
"Okay!" They exclaim in unison. The moment they break free of your grasp is when they run to the playscape. You sigh as you stand up and give Katsuki a soft smile before properly sitting down on one of the benches. He's close second to following your lead, you both now watching as the two girls play with each other as well as other kids. It seemed most parents decided today was a great day to let their kids out. Mostly because it would tire them out for the night which was a plus.
"I wasn't expecting Niyuki's mother to be so beautiful," Katsuki randomly says, cutting the silence. You look at him with a surprised look on your face, a blush starting to rise on your complexion.
"I could say the same for Mizuki's father." You bashfully laugh and un-subconsciously move to adjust your clothes. Admittedly you were not as designer dressed as he was, nor were you in your best fit. One thing to notice other than his attractiveness is that he has impeccable style. Something that shocked you a little since men in their 20s (especially with kids) don't seem to care too much these days. It wouldn't shock you if he had some sort of unconventional job.
He turns to you when you respond, a teasing smirk now dawning on his face. You don't miss the look-over he gives you and you're sure that he wasn't trying to hide it either. "You know they'll be all tired before they reach halfway through the first movie…"
"That is true…" You play into his words as you look forward instead. You feel your heart start to race when he rests his arm on the back of the bench behind you. You could feel the warmth of his skin through the cloth and welcome it. The weather was too hot but his touch was something you were starting to get curious about. "I guess that'll just leave us two to relax then."
"I could help you with that, I'm a pro at saving people."
You hum at his words, "You're a chivalrous man, that's uncommon these days," a teasing smile to rival him now finds its way on your face. "What else are you good at, Katsuki?"
"I'm also really good with my hands." Katsuki humors you, his hand shifting near your shoulder where his arm lay. "Pretty strong too."
"Ah, so those muscles aren't just for show?" Feeling bold, you reach to rest your hand on his thigh, his muscles immediately flexing under your touch.
He leans in closer to whisper in your ear as he answers, his hand now resting lightly on your shoulder. "I gotta make sure I'm always in shape to save beautiful women like you."
A buzzing near your touch catches you off guard as you try to not completely fold at his words. A catchy ringtone soon follows the buzzing and it's now apparent that what you were feeling was his phone. He pulls away with a huff and pulls out his phone, excusing himself as he answers it.
You exhale a breath you didn't realize you were holding in as he leaves. You can't remember the last time you had talked to a male, much less flirted. Most of your days surrounded working and finishing up school as you wanted nothing but the best for your kid. You didn't go out often anymore, and if you did, you only stuck around with your friends. You couldn't complain but feeling so affected like this was starting to make you feel nervous, almost like when you had got back out into the dating world the first time. You tried not to think about those thoughts.
Now, you were back to watching the girls again and they seemed to be having a blast. The day's heat didn't phase them at all and they played to their heart's content. It seemed as though they were playing cops & robbers with the other kids, and honestly, you didn't care what they were doing as long as they were being safe. The good thing about the friendship between the two was that they always looked out for each other; never mind the fact that their circumstances brought them closer together.
Even with how hard you've been trying to do this mother thing, inescapable thoughts always plagued your mind. Mainly about the fact if your daughter truly wanted to stay with you. This whole arrangement of only getting to see your child three days a week has been going on for about a year and some change now. You know that it'd be too early for her to get "tired" of you, but you can't help the fear of her getting sick of you. One thing was for certain is that you definitely are not as well off as her father although you did make sure to pick up extra shifts when you wanted to get her something real nice.
However, your moment of contemplation comes to an end when two girls come barreling towards you, their approaching giggles making you snap out of your thoughts.
"Yes?" Your eyes refocus and you smile softly at the two girls, their wild energy showing how much they truly were out there on the playground having fun.
"Can we have some ice cream please!" Mizuki asks, tugging your arm.
"Please, please, please, PLEASEEE!" Niyuki begs.
You gape a bit overwhelmed at the two young energies, trying to reason with yourself as Niyuki had already gotten ice cream prior. You were sure her best friend did as you knew that both her parents loved to spoil her—even before you had an introduction to Katsuki. It was a hot day and you didn't seem to mind, you were getting pretty hot as well…
"... Okay, but that's the last before we head home! When you finish, that's enough park time."
Your answer is to their standards as they both shower you with affection to thank you for caving into their cuteness. You roll your eyes but the smile doesn’t disappear as you keep an eye on them as they wander to the truck.
"Sorry 'bout that," The new but familiar voice calls out as he walks up to you. "Important business and shit."
Your brows raise at the casual curse and laugh a little, folding your arms as you look up at him. "No problem, but I did tell them that we will be leaving as soon as they finish their ice cream." You inform, nodding your head towards their direction as you keep an eye out for them.
"Great timing, I was about to talk to you about that."
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
The two girls were happier than ever riding together back to your apartment. They sang along to their favorite songs, played I Spy, and talked about all sorts of things you expect from children. It's easier to tune them out when you're around them long enough.
Their excitement continued when you got to your home. As soon as you reached your unit the two beelined to the kitchen after dropping their shoes and bags at the door. And yes, you guessed it, they had matching pairs too. Niyuki knew to go to the kitchen first thing though as she knew you would make something in the meantime before the movie started.
"You two know the rules! Stay near the island to avoid getting bit by sharks!" You called out to them as you fixed up the entryway. You listen out to hear them, still hearing them squeal and toy around in there. You slip off your shoes, adding them to the rest of the shoes before lazily pulling on your house slippers. "The sharks are coming in five… four… three…!" Your warning does the trick as by the time you reach the kitchen they're both sitting in their respective seats and both looking mischievous and peeking at you behind their hands. You make a show of surveying the room as if you can't see where they are and the girls are now "safe" for following your directions. "It seems as though the sharks are clear!"
They celebrate the win, now eager to watch you work your magic.
You three had a fun time as you tried your best to make sure they were safe (the entire time you were internally panicking to make sure everything was okay). Niyuki liked watching you cook and you were more than happy to help her learn as well as do some hands-on stuff. It was only natural that her best friend would follow suit in her curiosity. Niyuki's sole enjoyment of watching you cook is what encourages you to do it more often and get better at it too.
Now there was an assortment of snacks aside from their main meal. It was true that you spoiled her a wee bit when she was with you, but you couldn't help it. Niyuki was your everything and when times were needed you were able to say no.
Once you set up their bowls with their food, the doorbell rings. You figured it was the man who would make another appearance for the night.
"Alright girls, bring your food to the room." You command and watch them leave before making it out into the hallway, finally answering the door when they are both in the designated room. "Katsuki!" You smile and open the door wider.
The blonde-haired male grins at you and holds up the childishly bright bags for Mizuki. "Sorry for taking so long. This should be everything." You nod and reach for it, his actions making you pause as he pulls it a bit towards him as if to hold it from you. "Is it alright if I see Mizuki before I leave?"
You feel your skin flush in embarrassment, hastily stepping to the side and opening the door more to let him in. "I-I am so sorry! Of course, you can," You close the door and lock it behind him when he finally steps in and gets his shoes off. He doesn't need much introduction when two heads pop out from the doorway of the playroom, one squealing in excitement as she runs up to her father to hug him.
"Daddy you're here!" Mizuki exclaims and pulls him in the direction of the room. "Come look at Niyuki's playroom!"
"I'm not sure--"
"No, no it's okay! Let me clean up the kitchen in the meantime." You smile as the three make their way to the room.
Sticking to your word, you waste no time cleaning up. You have a slight hum as you move around the kitchen, appreciating how well today has gone so far. You even met your daughter's best friend, hot dad… who would've thunk? You bite your lip to suppress a giggle that threatens to escape you, a giddy smile still on your face. Gosh, when was the last time you ever found someone attractive? It felt like forever since you've been focusing on parenting, school, and not to mention having a job.
You think about how well the man dressed and how good he smelled. You had to hand it to him, he was really put together and you could see why Mizuki's mother let him in the first place. He didn't seem too bad personality-wise either. Katsuki was the right amount of cheeky and arrogant that was the complete opposite of your ex. It didn't help that his well-defined muscles and physique showed with his great fashion taste. Luckily for you though, Katsuki felt the same way about you.
When he had first seen you, there was no mistaking in the way he immediately found you attractive. Dressed in your form-fitting sundress surely accentuates everything about your womanly body. The way the cloth hung to your mounds and all the beautiful parts of your limbs. But unlike you, he was able to hide how much he was checking you out. Except while indoors he no longer needed sunglasses and he was sure you were feeling the same way about him.
Katsuki's eyes are trained on your butt as you flawlessly move around, the color of your dress perfectly folding around the two globes of your ass as you move. He leans against the doorway once he finally looks up at the back of your head, crossing his arms. "Hey," Katsuki's voice calls out to you. You whip your head around to look at him, eyes enraptured with how attractive the young man is. "Sorry for the weird behavior earlier at the park…"
"It's okay! Really. Stuff comes up sometimes, glad that you were able to get it settled." You turn off the sink and dry your hands, turning to face him as you place the towel on the island in front of you. You don't miss the way his eyes drag down to check out your body.
"The girls will probably knock before they even finish halfway through the movie," Katsuki predicts, his eyes predatory when he looks up at you. "could make it up to you while they're busy."
You shy as you two make proper eye contact. "How could you possibly make it up to me?" You bat your lashes at him, a faint blush heating your skin at the implications of his offer.
An attractive grin spreads across his lips as he pushes off your doorway. "I could show you but it's better if we do it somewhere private."
It takes everything in you to hide the chill that runs up your spine at how he easily toyed with ideas without being so vulgar with it. As if your body is moving on its own, you walk towards him and flash a smile that has equal parts of mischief and seduction.
"I'm interested."
As soon as that door closes behind you two, there is no denying the tension that fills the room. His lips are soft and hot against yours and the feeling has your body tingling. His heavy and calloused hands are tight on your hips as he pulls you closer to his chest, your hands placing themselves on his biceps to try and steady yourself against him. Katsuki hums in satisfaction, tasting your sweet lip gloss on his mouth, teeth moving to nip at your bottom lip to ask for more. You willingly comply and open your mouth although timid about the experience.
You were feeling fresh in the kitchen but now that you two were getting down to it, you were starting to feel shy again. Up until now, it had practically been years since you dated a man, much less kissed or hooked up with one. There was no denying that you were attracted to this man but your mind was starting to cloud with doubts that you wish would just go away. You try to ignore it erstwhile you feel his strong hands slip down to grab your rump through the beloved sundress you wore today.
You softly groan in the kiss as he pulls away, eyes with innocent determination to see this through. His eyes are hot on you and it takes everything in you not to look away. He walks you to your bed, instantly getting on top of you once he has you adjusted to his liking. In a hurry, you move to untie one of the straps on your shoulder, his heavy hand stopping you as he leans into your ear to convey his true thoughts
"'Gonna fuck you in this dress, princess," Katsuki smirks down at you when he pulls away and stands up properly. He tugs you towards the edge of the bed so that your legs hang off the edge, his hands on your hips. He leans down to give your lips a chaste kiss before spreading your legs and kneeling between them. Katsuki's hands softly grip your ankles, the tips of his fingers disappearing at the hem of your dress. His hands slowly drag the fabric up, his hot lips that were once on yours now kissing their way up on your left leg as took his time exposing his skin. "Keep looking at me, baby." Katsuki directs when you lose eye contact with him as he finally meets your inner thigh, his teeth giving the plush skin a teasing bite. You softly whimper, the apparent wet spot on your panties deepening.
He groans at your scent and slightly pulls away to look at your cunt, his hands now placed on the back of your thighs and pressing it to your body. He takes his knuckle to rub up against your labia, adding more pressure once he reaches the top of your cunt to play with your clit. You wantonly moan as he continues to rub at your clit, the fabric of your panties creating a friction that was heavenly but frustrating you greatly. You needed to feel his fingers on you and this wasn't cutting it.
"Katsuki," You breathe out, hips bucking into his handling. He simply hums at you calling out his name, his rubbing slowing down as his gaze now has a teasing glint to it. "N-Need more, please, Katsuki," There's a whimper in your voice, only barely hinting at the desperation that this man can stir inside you.
"More've what?" Katsuki grins at how flushed your expression is, your face dreamy as ever.
"Fingers, need them." You manage to prop yourself up on your elbow as the other reaches down to tug at the panties on your hip. Katsuki snickers at your impatience, his thumb pulling aside your panties to expose your soaked cunt to him. He gives you one last kiss on your inner thigh before he wordlessly dives in.
Katsuki applies his tongue flat against your cunt and gives you a long stripe up until it reaches your clit, just like what he had done with his knuckle moments ago. A breathless moan escapes your lips as he starts to swirl his tongue against the erect bud, his textured and wet muscle taking pride in its work. He closes his mouth around your cunt, leaning more to taste more of the slick that your cunny produces. The vibrations of him moaning from the taste makes you shiver, this feeling of having your cunt licked like this felt so familiar but foreign at the same time. His eyes stay glued to you as he pleasures you, finding everything you do so damn attractive to look at.
Lapping a bit more he pulls away and spits on your cunt using his fingers to lube you up more. He wraps one of his arms around your thigh and holds it to his shoulder, holding you in place as he finally inserts two thick fingers into your cunt. Soon enough, his mouth is back into your count, the tip of his tongue playing with the sensitive bud at the top of your pussy.
The sounds grow increasingly more obscene as he shamelessly laps at your cunt and works his fingers into you. His digits curl to find your g-spot, softly teasing the spot and eliciting more volume from you. You quickly try to hold back how loud you are, walls clenching around his fingers at how good it feels. You bite your lip and suppress a loud groan from slipping out, hips attempting to pull back with no use. Katsuki keeps you locked in close to him and ups the ante by using the tips of your fingers to continue to stroke at the sensitive spot of your g-spot. His tongue now applies more pressure to your clit to bring you further.
"'Suki--" You call out, your hand coming down to grip and tug at his hair. Shivers rack through your body as a long and drawn-out orgasm hits you, his movements aiding to help you bring you down from it. He pulls his fingers out and presses his tongue flat against your cunt to clean up the mess between your legs. You move your hips back in protest and he loosens his grip to let you do so.
You watch with bated breath as he starts to unbuckle his pants, your eyes glued to what is soon to be revealed. Katsuki's movements to get his garment removed are so fluid that you almost miss it when he pulls the condom out from his back pocket. He tears open the soft foil with his teeth and applies the slippery protection onto his hard cock. You instinctively open your legs when he draws closer, a soft mewl leaving your lips when he aligns his tip to your opening.
"You good?" Katsuki softly asks, his other hand holding your thigh open, thumb rubbing your thigh as he awaits your answer. You nod your head and grind your hips against his tip, hand coming up to pull him closer to you as you answer.
"Give it to me, Katsuki."
The man grins at your plea and lays you on your side, choosing to slowly sink himself into you from your approval. The obscene moan you let out gets covered up by Katsuki's lips finding itself upon yours again, happily taking in your willful noises. At first, he takes long and drawn thrusts, trying to accommodate his size for your comfort. This position allows no remorse and you already knew what you were in for when he put you in it. When you two separate from the kiss, his lips are quick to find your neck, his hands now respectively on your ass and thigh to hold you in place. Amid a deeper thrust, he gives an equally rough bite, the force making you moan. You relax your leg more to allow him to hold you better, him taking your actions as the go-ahead to pick finally pick up the pace.
You feel as though you are on cloud nine with his wet kisses and teasing bites covering your neck, his thrusts and handling furthering your ecstasy. His skin smacks against yours as he starts to get rougher with his thrusts, hands gripping you tighter too. You grip at the sheets below you and tilt your head back, mouth agape as you so desperately try to keep up with him. He gives your ass a spank when he feels your pussy clench around him, an animalistic growl coming from him as he repeats this. He pulls away from your half-covered chest and glares at the top of your dress, now getting annoyed at the article of clothing.
Katsuki doesn't slow his hips for a second as he more than easily rips open the top of your dress and earns a discontent whine from you that gets forgotten when he presses a bit deeper into your cunt. His lips press themselves to your newly exposed skin, his tongue happily taking in one of your nipples to suckle and nibble on. There's no mistaking that he's having free reign in the marks on your skin but you're too wrapped on how everything feels to care. An expletive leaves your mouth in a string of whispers when he angles his hips to hit your g-spot, prompting you to reach down and rub your clit for more stimulation.
"Fuck," Katsuki cusses under his breath as he leans up to watch you take his cock, nails digging into your skin and enjoying the way your pussy envelopes his cock. Not to mention the hot visual of you playing with yourself furthering his contentment. He lifts your leg a bit under your knee and quickens his pace. He watches with hungry eyes as your tits bounce at the force, a pretty face to match and his marks all over your body's skin. He groans as his thrusts start to feel heavier, his orgasm impending. He nearly loses it when you grind back against him to chase your release.
There was an air of innocence that surrounded you but everything you did said otherwise. Katsuki simply couldn't get enough of you and he simply didn't want to. Fuck, he wasn't expecting his daughter's best friend mom to be super hot and sweet.
"C-Cunming…!" You mewl, brows scrunch in concentration as you finish off on his cock. His swift thrusts help in coaxing it out of you, slick dripping from your cunt and messy-ing up your inner thighs. He swoops down to give you an open kiss, tongue pressed against yours haughtily as he follows your climax with his own after a few more pumps.
After a few lazy and exchanged kisses he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting you two. You laugh a little as you wipe the remnants away. "That's the best I've had in a long time." You jokingly cut the silence, a chuckle from him following.
"Could say the same." He softly grunts, pulling out from you, and gently places your legs down. He effortlessly picks you up and rests you further on the bed where your legs can find refuge on the plush mattress. "You okay, need me to get anything?"
The first question confuses you. To your recollection, you had never been asked that before. Not after sex when the deed has already been done and the willing participant has already had their fill. A pang of displaced emotions starts to wrack up inside you, a nervous laugh coming from you when you realize that you spaced out trying to conceptualize what you had just been innocently asked.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good! Thanks for asking," You smile sweetly and the cute expression earns a pat on the cheek from him. Shamelessly, the gesture shot a jolt of arousal straight to your core.
"You got a bathroom around here?"
Following Katsuki's departure leaves you in silence. There was a feeling of dissonance that you couldn't really place your finger on and the fact it was all coming together was undoubtedly giving you the worst post-nut clarity ever. You didn't regret having sex Katsuki, that wasn't the case, but how not sleazy he was certainly opened up your eyes. The male decency that you have been robbed of for so long was finally starting to settle and you didn't like the feeling one bit. Tears start to burn in your eyes and you desperately try to wipe them away the longer you sit in your thoughts.
Fortunately for you though, the doorbell sounds repeatedly which slowly brings you back to the present. Your once feelings of despair and disgust are now turning into annoyance. You take your time slinking out of your bed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and huff at how disheveled you looked. The dress that you've been dying to wear was now torn and stretched, the condition bringing a pout to your face.
You undress fully and grab one of your robes to cover yourself up with, the piece is a bit scandalous but covering you well. You quietly make your way down the hall to not wake up the two girls (if they were awake they definitely would've interrupted you and Katsuki) and finally make it to the door. You peer into the peephole and softly gasp at the person behind the door. The doorbell starts to buzz loudly again and you angrily fumble to unlock your door, it now also occurs to you that the noise could be disturbing the two young girls' sleep.
"Are you fucking crazy?!" You greet your ex with much-deserved hostility.
Shindo simply rolls his eyes at your annoyance and crosses his arms as if it were your fault for his impatience. "I called and texted you multiple times. I'm here to pick up Niyuki."
You openly scoff at his demand, standing taller at his attempt at showing his dominance. You mirror his actions and cross your arms too.
"She's staying with me for the weekend. Why are you here?"
Your ex mockingly scoffs at you questioning him, his eyes narrowing as he steps closer.
"I need to explain why I want my daughter to be with me? You know, the parent who never neglected her once in her entire life." Shindo looks you up and down, openly grimacing at how fucked out you look. "You can't even control yourself, you have no shame, do you?"
As much as you try to keep up the strong facade, there is no denying the tightening in your chest. You don't want to admit it but his words hurt you deeply. His toxic words were starting to feel all too familiar and your body was starting to shut down.
"The agreement was that she would stay the weekend with me. Niyuki's having a sleepover with her friend, there's no point of you coming here."
"Do you think I fucking care about a "sleepover" when her mother is busy being a tramp when she's distracted?" He shamelessly accuses and shifts his expression to one of fake pity and concern. "Do you think you deserve her, hm? I mean look at you, running around and can't even stay committed to us even when I've tried."
"Watch how you fuckin' talk to her, asshole."
A voice filled with just as much disdain comes from behind you, the sheer amount of aggression battling Shindo's. You immediately turn to look at him, mind moving faster than your body in your shocked state.
"I'm sorry, who the fuck are you exactly?" Shindo tilts his head and reaches out to push the door further to reveal who the man is. He freezes when a blonde and spiked hair catches his eyes first, his mockery of emotions from earlier now turning into real anger and a hint of fear. "Bakugo-?!"
Katsuki grabs the edge of the door and pulls it open wider to allow him more space to pass, making sure not to harm you as he gets between you and your toxic ex. "You wanna repeat that, dickhead?" He fists up his shirt and backs him away from the door. "Is that how a hero treats a woman, eh?"
Shindo curses under his breath, fighting against him. The mach attitudes between the two start to boil over as it's obvious that they have met prior. When it escalates to more than words, you start getting a bit fearful. A more aggressive push from Katsuki prompts you to call out for them to stop. One thing about your ex is that he hated being out matched and there was no denying that Katsuki seemed like the type of guy to beat that out of him. It wasn't until their exchange seemed to elevate in volume and another light next door turned on. You plead for them to stop again, your hand lightly tugging at Katsuki's arm although knowing your touch wouldn't be able to do shit against a muscled man like him. Eventually they do stop on Katsuki's accord, both breathing heavily as they stare down at each other. Your ex aggressively scoffs and shoves Katsuki away from him as he looks between you two, gathering himself.
"Have fun with the little gold digger, Dynamight," Shindo says lowly and bumps shoulders with Katsuki as he leaves.
A heavy silence is left in his wake between you and Katsuki. You tiredly rub your face and breathe out a sigh, the exhale soon turning into a dry sob. Katsuki fidgets awkwardly before reaching out to you and pulling you close, letting you rest your forehead on his chest.
"Fuck, he stresses me out," You mumble against his tank, wiping away your tears. "I'm sorry you had to witness that…"
"Hey, he's fuckin' douchebag, alright? Who gives a fuck what he thinks." Katsuki pills away a bit to cup your chin and forces you to look up at him, the gesture warming your cheeks. "Let's get you cleaned up and you can rant about whatever the fuck you want, it's getting cold." He holds the collar of your robe and gives it a playful tug. You softly nod your head then lead him inside.
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
It had only been two days since you had first met and slept with Katsuki and the smile on your face never seemed to disappear.
Thinking about the man easily brought butterflies to your chest, memories of you two keeping you on cloud nine. After you two had gone back inside Friday night, he had comforted you in many ways. It felt silly to say it—that the foreign feeling you were getting in your chest only had one name: a crush. Not full-blown but enough that every time you thought about your Friday night—past the awful interaction with your ex-boyfriend—was one of the best times you have ever enjoyed yourself with a man.
Katsuki did listen to you. He cleaned you up, cuddled you, kissed you throughout, and eventually you two even two more rounds. Never had you felt so comfortable, so… domestic. It was evident that your bright attitude was something your daughter noticed too.
"Mommy?" Niyuki calls out from the doorway, successfully gaining your attention.
You press the small bento box you were prepping Mizuki to take home closed, a smile on your face as you welcome your daughter to make her way to you. "What's up, munchkin?"
"I have to tell you something," She tugs at your pajama pants, a look far from playful or childish in her eyes. You feel your heart sink a bit at how serious she is, bending down to get face level with her.
"Niyuki? What's wrong?" You hold her arms and pull her closer to you, trying to keep contact with her as she avoids looking at you.
"I don't want to go to Pa's this week, I want to stay with you."
You're taken back from her confession, unsure of how to process it. "What do you mean, 'Yuki? Don't you want to see daddy-?"
"No, I want to stay with you," Niyuki regains her courage to look up at you, establishing how much she truly feels. "I heard you guys last night. I want to stay with you more. Daddy's house isn't nice, I don't like it there anymore."
"Niyuki, I…" You shamefully look away at the fact she bore witness to that awful exchange last night. You felt awful that she had seen it, much less found out how dysfunctional your relationship is. You pull her in for a hug and nuzzle her hair and she is more than willing to take in your embrace. "I am so sorry you had to see that, baby. Mommy will see what she can do about how you feel being at Daddy's house, okay?" You hold her cheeks in your palms and she nods her head in agreement.
She places a kiss on your cheek and swiftly leaves the kitchen as if the exchange didn't happen, leaving you by yourself in the kitchen. You stare off into the distance at the exchange, not sure what to think or do with yourself. It wasn't until you felt a wet sensation coating your cheeks that you realized you were crying.
Faintly down the hall, you could hear Niyuki nagging at her best friend and the two giggling and playing around as children do. You sit down on the floor and rest against one of the cupboards as your doubts start to ease themselves, everything in your life turning around so fast that it's hard to grasp.
You had thought for the longest time that Niyuki was simply putting up with you. It is no lie Shindo has more resources than you. The money, house, toys, etc. he has everything you don't. He didn't need to work the extra shifts to make sure she had presents for special occasions, he could easily buy the things she needed and wanted. You thought the only things that could make a child satisfied were the things they could see, touch, and have. You didn't think the small things counted, not when you're an adult where a random Friday could have easily been one of her favorite days in her childhood.
You don't bother wiping the tears from your face as you try to pull yourself together, snot and everything clouding your nasal passage. Oddly you felt numb, like the joy you were feeling was foreign. Nothing felt real but you knew you couldn't stay sitting on your kitchen floor silently crying as you desperately tried to register what the hell your body was going through at the moment. You weakly pull yourself up using the counter to grab a paper towel from the dispenser on the counter and obnoxiously blow your nose into it. You mumble a few cuss words under your breath as you attempt to freshen up as you try coming down from the emotional rollercoaster of this weekend. As much as you wanted time to process this, doing it in a home with a kid who could barge in at any minute was hard. Especially when there are two.
The doorbell rings and you glance at the time on the stove. It was a bit early for Mizuki's mother to pick her up, but you decided you'd just invite her in until the child was ready to leave.
You lazily walk over to the door and peer into the peephole to double-check, your face twisting into an expression of shock as you pull open the door and wordlessly confront the person on the other side.
"... Do you normally answer the door looking a mess?" Katsuki teases, giving you a look over and lingering at the places he seems to like.
You jokingly nudge him and roll your eyes, crossing your arms as you stand a bit taller, feeling your heartbeat pound against your chest. "Haha, very funny." You sniffle and wipe your cheek, the gesture not going unnoticed.
"Did something happen? Did that prick come over and harass you again?" Katsuki grows angrier at the idea, his expression souring.
"No, no, it wasn't that." You quickly ease his concerns and this time remind yourself to look around to make sure there aren't any extra ears before stepping out and closing the door behind you. "This morning, Niyuki told me she wants to stay with me, not just on the weekends." You look up at him finally, your lips immediately curling into a soft smile once you're able to say it out loud.
He grins and pulls you in for a hug, giving you a squeeze when you wrap your arms around his shoulder and squeal. He rocks you back and forth before pulling away while maintaining his hold on your waist. "This shit feels unreal, you know?" You lightly laugh as you look up at him, a radiant smile on your face.
"Her mother is amazing, of course she'd want to stay with you." Katsuki gives your hip a squeeze with his free hand, the action pulling your attention to the solid object digging into your side, the feeling making you look down at his hand.
"Oh," Katsuki steps back and holds up a slim, medium box that had a ribbon tied around it, holding it up for you. "Here."
"For me?"
"Who else, dumbass?"
You snort at his bluntness and shoot him a playful glare as you open the gift. It takes you a few seconds to realize what it is, a gasp following your surprise at the expensive dress, and start to close it back up. "Oh my god, I-I can't have this!"
"Why not? You'll look perfect in it." Katsuki pulls you closer with his hand that was still on your hip, his other landing on your abandoned one. "Pretty girls deserve pretty things."
You playfully push him away and look at the box again before looking up at him. "Seriously, for me?"
"Yes." Katsuki holds your chin up and softly rubs your bottom lip under the pad of his thumb. "And you better get used to it, I'll be buying you a lot of those."
"Why?" You laugh, leaning into him and tilting your head up to challenge him.
"'Cuz I'll be tearing a lot more stuff off of that pretty body of yours," He leans closer to brush his lips against yours with a smirk on his face, "Plus, I need an excuse to see you again."
He seals his promise with a kiss, hands coming up to hold your waist as he presses himself against you.
— ✮ ★ ☆ —
It had been a few months since you and Katsuki had officially started dating. Your mood significantly has changed for the better and made it a lot easier to adjust to having your daughter now finally staying with you instead of her father.
It was hard being able to advocate for yourself but the verdict was in favor since the child should be able to choose where to stay. It did help the fact that your new boyfriend, who you had learned and realized is a top pro-hero in the country, just so happened to bring the best kind of reputation to the courts.
As adults do, you did talk to Mizuki's mother before deciding to fully go through with dating the man. Ultimately it is true that she can't decide what you two do, but you owed it to her for being such a good friend to you and didn't want to step over any toes. She was more than happy to give her blessing and practically threw him over to you, more than happy to let things rest since she is soon to be married anyway.
There was nothing that could prepare you for this turn of events and every day it was easier to wake up feeling happy and blessed. Currently, you just got your culinary degree so that also means one less stress and burden off of your shoulders and another venture soon on the horizon: a head chef.
You just adjusted your graduation gown and looked around for your family, your face immediately lighting up seeing them not too far from where the graduates are exiting. It took almost everything in you not to run in excitement when you were finally able to make it towards them.
"Congratulations, honey!" Your parents are first to engulf you in a hug, the rest of the group close behind. You chuckle as two smaller bodies take your legs, none other than Niyuki and Mizuki claiming each side.
"Congratulations, Mommy!" Niyuki grins up at you.
"Thank you, Niyuki." You lean down to kiss her on the forehead and do the same for Mizuki.
"Do I get a kiss too?"
You look up at the inquisitor, a grin sprouting out on your face as you stand back up. "Of course."
He pulls you in and gives you a kiss, the action getting a mix of responses to the show of affection. Katsuki presents to you a beautifully arranged bouquet along with a promise that there were a lot more gifts back at his place.
Most days in the past you prayed for times like this, but now you were happy you didn't have to anymore.
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    all rights reserved © do NOT steal, alter or copy this work.
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physalian · 3 months
10 Character Dynamics the World Needs More of
Me handing out character dynamics like free samples at the Mall Food Court: “Take one! Or two! You’ll love it!”
I don’t care how many times these tropes have been done – write more of them. Write all of them. Fill out your author bingo card one by one.
1. “No one gets to kill you but me, Old Friend”
This. Right here. Primo rival content that I *live* for. All the juicy history between two old frenemies, the character drama, the backstory, the titillating unknown of what drove these two to rival status, bitter enemies that respect the heck out of each other, to the point that hell hath no fury should one get knocked down without the other’s consent.
And, of course, the moment where it seems all bets are off, when the rival comes to save their ass only to hand it back to them at a later date. The angst! The shipping fodder! Need I say more?
2. A bigger, badder villain, and their minion
You, reader, spend countless hours hating the guts of the big bad villain. They’re evil, they’re vile, they’re sadistic, heartless, irredeemable bastards. They killed your favorite character for shock value. The big bad moustache-twirling antagonist… is actually not the biggest fish in the story.
Either they’re coerced into doing evil as a puppet of the Bigger Bad, a tragic villain in their own right, or they have some reservation, some line even they won’t cross, someone else’s boots they have to kiss, someone who features in their nightmares, as they feature in the heroes. They end their stories dispatched without a thought by the Bigger Bad, or redeem themselves in death by taking out their masters. It never gets old.
3. A leader and their lancer: besties
You know what’s better than leaders and lancers who have zero faith in each other and are constantly bickering about who should be in charge? Leaders and their right-hands who adore each other (platonically). They have each other’s backs, they know each other’s greatest strengths and weaknesses and are each other’s perfect covers.
They can communicate with looks and vague gestures alone, they compliment each other’s flaws and misgivings, build up the rest of the team when they’re down on their luck, and should misfortune strike either, they pull out all the stops and show off exactly why they’re not to be trifled with, so that even the villain is afraid.
4. “I don’t even know who you are”
Oh, but you will. This one twists the knife, robbing the avenging hero of the importance in this world they’re desperate to maintain. They are their own hero, the sun revolves around them… but not to this one asshat that ruined their life and doesn’t even remember doing it.
An entire identity built upon the finding, fighting, and overcoming of this wrongdoer, every other goal in life cast aside for this one impossibility. Either the villain toys with the hero to make them irate, or gets suckerpunched by some pissant fueled by vengeance and spite and divine purpose to dole justice where justice is due.
6. The jaded badass and their naive ward
If the last 8 years of media is anything to go by, we still love this trope, whether it’s in a galaxy far, far away or a fungi-zombie post-apocalypse, or in the twilight hours of an era of legendary mutants. The best part of this trope? You get two often contradictory character types in one body. The pessimist, PTSD-ridden master of old with no living friends left and at least one dead love interest *and* beneath all that, still lies an atrophied heart of gold just waiting to be nurtured and revived.
The naive ward gets a hard lesson in how crappy the world can be, but also in how there’s still some goodness left, if their guardian cares about them. The jaded badass in turn, learns how good the world can be, that there’s something still worth fighting for beyond the next bottom of a bottle.
6. The enemy of my enemy (is my friend)
Similar to the “old friends”, this trope is often a result of the minioned Big Bad realizing they don’t want to be evil anymore. Or, bitter old rivals, sides of a war that have been fighting for generations, ideological polar opposites, fundamental polar opposites all come together when: Some evil schmuck managed to scare them both.
Doesn’t matter on what shaky ground this temporary alliance is built, or how long it lasts, equally-competent badasses on both sides finally work together and compliment each other’s strengths, and compensate for their weaknesses, in a way their teammates never could.
7. The irredeemable villain’s only wholesome connection
Not so irredeemable anymore, now are they? This trope messes with your head, taking a character you know has done heinous acts of terror, but who cares unflinchingly, unabashedly, about one thing – either their lover, their pet, their relative, or their kid.
This exists independently of the heroes and is not the same as an “oops I guess I’m your father” reveal. I’m talking this character who everyone is convinced cares about nothing and no one but themselves and their ambition still has a place in their soul for something they want to protect, they want to be loved by, or that they must spare from their atrocities.
8. Platonic Heterosexual Friendships
These two have seen each other at their most vulnerable. They’ve shared fears, dreams, desires, know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets. They’ve seen each other exhausted, frazzled, dressed up, dressed down, bloodied and broken and like a raw, open nerve. These two would die for each other, they would live for each other, and yet.
They’re not in love with each other. They’re wholly comfortable in each other’s spaces without lust and desire mucking up the atmosphere. Neither is the one, neither wants to be the one. They remain together not for the bonds of romance, but for the bonds of friendship, and nothing could be stronger.
10. The Ace and their best friend, the Self-Proclaimed Slut
These two respect the f*ck out of each other. One never mocks the other for lacking desire and in return, they’re never mocked for their promiscuity. They’ll never walk in each other’s shoes, but they don’t need to, to understand that’s just how some people are. They’re each other’s safest spaces when the world doesn’t take either of them seriously.
They’re each other’s biggest defenders against the bullies, presumers, the holier-than-thous who think they have it all figured out. They’re the perfect compliment to give advice on everything from relationships to the best outfits for an outing because there’s *zero sexual tension* between them. Or, maybe, if the stars align, they’re something more.
10. The redeeming villain, and their staunchest skeptic
This villain has lost everything – their home, the respect of their people, their worth, their evil ambition, their identity, and has begun working their way up from rock bottom doing everything in their power to show the heroes that they’re serious. They make amends, they break their bones proving themselves, they’ve swayed everyone they’ve wronged in the hero camp.
Except one. The one character that was probably their first defender, and got burned for it. The character that was naive enough to think this villain could be saved, and was wrong. The character that won’t be duped again without some serious drama and soul-bearing between them.
Now tell me which ones I missed!
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 9 months
the downpour
lilac, chapter seven
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a/n: everybody, calm down! deep breath! because it's happening!!!
summary: “man, I can’t for the life of me remember the last time it thundered, nevertheless this much,” not glancing back at the silent figure leaning against the kitchen counter, you asked him, “can you?”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, lumberjack AU, pete castiglione era, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, slow burn, renovating an inn, real name reveal, kissing, only one bed, rain and thunder
word count: 2400
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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Gently clamping down on the break, your bike slowly rolled to a stop.
“Pete!” you hopped off before the bicycle had come to a complete standstill, “hi!”
Craning his head out from under the hood of his truck, a faint smile appeared upon the burly man’s lips as he greeted, “hey,” seemingly taken aback by your arrival, riding through the forest just as the sun had nearly set completely.
Glancing to the twisted innards of his vehicle, you exhaled, “oh no, what’s wrong with your car?”
Seizing a dirtied rag that hung over the top, Pete then wiped his grease-covered hands with it, “I haven’t gotten to the bottom of it quite yet,” blinking down at his broad palms as he cleaned the viscous substance off them. 
“Is there like some car illness going around here or something?” you joked as your heel popped out the stand on your bicycle, balancing it before you stepped closer to the lumberjack. 
“What, is yours still at the shop? It’s been months!”
“It’s something about a specific part not being in production anymore so they had a really hard time finding it,” you grumbled, “and then they finally did but it’s coming all the way from Germany and it’s just a whole thing…”
Sliding your fingers into your pockets, exhaling slowly as you let the infuriating car trouble simmer back down, you heard Pete ask, “so, did you just come over here, late at night, to talk about cars?”
“Well, it is my absolute favourite subject ever,” you joked, adding sarcastically, “I know just so much about cars…” blinking up into his dark eyes, you then let the antic fade away, “no, I just finally measured those rooms and it turns out they are both big enough for double beds.”
“Oh, great,” his eyebrows rose softly in recognition. 
“I’m really sorry it took this long,” you averted your gaze, looking to the grass below as your fingers found an old and crumbled shopping list at the very bottom of your jacket’s pocket, “it was so kind of you to offer to make some new furniture for the place, I should have given you all the information needed so much earlier.”
“It's fine, it’s just a few bedframes, some shelves and such, nothing fancy,” he calmed your edgy nervous system, “I’ve gotten plenty done already without knowing all the information, but now that I do, I can finish, so thank you,” dipping his head a little lover to catch your gaze, he then offered graciously, “you wanna take a look? It’s not done yet, but it might give you an idea.” 
“Yeah, sure,” the smile that blossomed on your lips was impossible to hide, following his long stride as he marched into the open shed-like structure just behind where the car was parked. To the immediate right, tall stacks of firewood laid to cure, a dark tarp draped over one of the piles, but the earthy scent your nose picked up on was heavenly and caused a bit of tenseness, you hadn’t noticed haunted your shoulders, to fade away. 
“So, I cut out the side panels, legs and such for the beds since I didn’t know how wide they needed to be,” your vision flickered away from the various tools that hung up on peg boards on one of the walls, and fixated instead on the planks of well-carved wood that Pete presented, lifting one of them a few inches off the work table for you to take a look, “but this is kinda what’s going on so far, still need to sand it a bit more, put a stain on it, of course assemble it, but yeah, I hope this can work.”
“Wow, wait,” you craned down, pushing your wide eyes closer to the unfinished yet beautifully crafted pieces, “you made this?”
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged softly, “I mean, I can change it if you don’t like it–”
“I was fully expecting you just slap a few two-by-fours together and call it a bed,” you interrupted, momentarily tearing your eyes away from the timber to stress, “happily so might I add, but this is like actual furniture…” your fingers ghosted over the smoothed surface, “you’re really good at this.”
“Well, I do work with wood for a living,” he joked, head cocking to the side. 
“Do you sell these kinds of things?”
“No, no,” he glanced down at the way the fingernail on his thumb was absentmindedly digging into the opposing palm, “stuff like this is just a way to keep my hands busy.” 
“Well,” you glanced up into his eyes, “if you wanted to then you could easily make a pretty penny…” a gentle smile accompanied your genuine compliment, his own lips swiftly mirroring the same curve as he let out a wispy exhale. 
Just then, a crack of thunder echoed from somewhere in the distance. Whipping your head around to glance out the wide-open door, it took mere seconds for the abrupt rain to go from a gentle drizzle to a violent downpour. 
“Oh my god,” your feet carried you a few meters, shoulders jumping faintly as another bolt of lightning shot out from the dark clouds above. 
Eyes too glued to the skies, you felt Pete’s touch find your shoulder as he uttered, “we should probably head inside.”
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly, “good idea,” before your feet practically sprinted all the way up to the cabin’s humble porch, like a small child in the middle of the night, scared of whatever shadow monsters you thought to be real. Heading in first, Pete was right on your tail as you held the front door open a moment for him, swiftly slamming it shut behind him as giddiness coursed through your veins, “oh my goodness,” you squealed, curling your toes in your wet shoes, “I had no idea it was gonna rain!” casting your vision out the window, you let out an enchanted gasp as you spotted another thunderous bolt appear, “oh, Pete, look! That was such a close one,” your fingers found the windowsill as you muttered in amazement, “man, I can’t for the life of me remember the last time it thundered, nevertheless this much,” not glancing back at the silent figure leaning against the kitchen counter, you asked him, “can you?”
Not truly present, you then heard him utter, “…Frank.”
“Huh?” you finally glanced back at him, noticing how sober his features suddenly were. 
“My name,” he breathed, noticeably having trouble looking you in the eye, “it’s not Pete, it’s Frank.”
“What?” you blinked, the thrilling weather abruptly forgotten, “what do you mean your name is Frank?”
As you gently inched closer, perplexity muddling your features, he hesitantly shared, “I did some shit, things that some people high up doesn’t want the public to know about, so I get to be Pete while they get to not be humiliated by their own actions.”
Lips slightly parted, a dazed breath escaped your lungs, “I–…” utterly stunned, your eyes fluttered shut as you tried to comprehend the bomb he’d just dropped, “alright… alright…” a headache nearly plagued your cranium from how tensely your eyebrows were knitted together, “I-I don’t know what say,” you squinted back at the man before you, “no one’s ever–… wow… your name is Frank?” he hesitantly offered you a light nod in confirmation, “Frank… Frank…” you heard yourself hazily repeat, tasting the new, and oddly fitting, name on your tongue. 
He didn’t utter a single word as you just stood there, doing your best to digest the staggering information. 
It took a long time for you to hear the rumbling rain again, your whole body frozen as you tried to relearn what was up and what was down. 
You had no idea how long the deafening silence drew out. Could have been a whole week for all you knew. But when your lips eventually parted once more, the breathless words that then spilt out couldn’t help but come straight from your heart. 
“You–… you scare me…” catching his weary gaze, you uttered with glossy eyes, “the way that you make me feel, that scares me so much…” your tainted track record caused your body to feel as if you could faint at any moment, “I didn’t expect–, I certainly didn’t plan for this, any of this, you. I didn’t expect you to–…” the rest of your confession then faded away as the boldness of what soon fluttered out of you took even you by surprise, “can–… can I kiss you?” scarcely drawing breath as you glanced back at him in apprehension, “because I really can’t tell if it’s okay or not, if you–” 
Seizing your fretful face in his hands, Frank promptly drew you in and drowned out the paralyzing worries that fluttered your system as his lips pressed against your own. 
You heard him draw in a deep breath through his nose, as if it was the very first oxygen he had let his lungs have in a whole lifetime. Your shoulders swiftly relaxed, noticeably dropping beneath where his rough palms gently cupped your flush cheeks, not only handling you, but kissing you as if you were made out of glass. 
As you eventually felt him gently draw back, you couldn’t help but dive back in, clutching his shirt and crashing your lips back against his in a kiss so fierce you nearly lost your footing. 
When you finally did part ways, you felt Frank’s broad thumb trace your bottom lip, staring at it a moment before his enchanted eye flicked up to meet yours.
Breathless and absolutely spellbound, gazing back at him, you eventually heard yourself utter barely above a whisper, “…the–, the rain…” you felt his heavy breath fan across your blush, “I should probably wait it out…” the undertaking of letting go of the soft cotton of his shirt seemed an impossible task, “might be dangerous riding home in this weather, especially on the tiny paths I’d have to take, they get so muddy, and it gets too easy to just slip and fall and if it happens at some of the areas that are kind of cliffy, then it could quickly turn into something bad…” you rambled as it felt like his gaze pierced directly into your soul, “and also the lightning? I don’t know about you, but I don’t wanna get stuck, that doesn’t sound very nice…”
“Might not be over till morning, though…” he pointed out, “you’re welcome to just sleep here if you want, I mean, nothing like that,” he reeled back a bit, wincing at the unintentional innuendo, “I wasn’t insinuating–,” but the end of his sentence didn’t get a chance to see the light of day as you raised yourself up onto your tip toes and planted a kiss of not only gratitude against his soft lips. 
The low groan that then rumbled deep within his throat sent a dizzying flutter down your abdomen, all collecting right between your thighs. As your lips consequently parted to let out a foggy whimper, you felt his nature instinctively seize the opportunity and sneak his tongue in to explore your own, intoxicatingly dancing, savouring your taste, as his hands began to wander, attempting to pull your form as close to him as physically possible.
At first, you thought you’d fallen, but then when you felt the cool counter beneath your bottom, you realized that he’d hoisted you up there, slotting himself in between your parted limbs as you held onto the sides of his face, fingers weaving into his scraggly beard. 
Panting, your chin abruptly tilted to the side, denying yourself of anymore before you got too far to be able to stop yourself. Eyes only half open, you felt his bulbous nose stay pressed against your cheek, lingering in your warmth for as long as he could.
“It’s getting late,” you breathed heavily, steadying yourself with a hand on either side of his broad shoulders, “we should probably go to sleep…”
As your neck began to straighten back out, his answer washed over you, sounding just as hazy as you had, “right,” one of his palms absentmindedly brushed the wild hair out of your face as you parted ways, “yeah…” pupils eclipsing the warmth of his eyes, you watched as he drew in on last breath before enclosing his grasp around your waist, helping you back down onto the floor, “you go on and take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No way,” a breathless chuckle bubbled out of you as you shook your head, “I’ll take the couch, I insist, I can’t put you out like that. I’m shorter than you anyway, so I’ll fit better,” you reached back to grasp the table behind you just in case the room decided to spin out from under you, “and if you give me your bed then I’ll just purposely stay up all night, not even sleep a second. So, if you want me to get some rest, then let me take the couch.”
Gazing back at you, a faint smile then warmed his features, “alright,” the vision not helping in the slightest at settling the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Do you maybe have a shirt or something I could borrow? Just so that I don’t sleep in damp clothes…” 
“Oh yeah,” the tiny task seemingly helped to take the edge off of Frank’s own fuzzy high, “I’ll, uhm…” he turned his back to you and wandered a few paces before he entered the far room, stopping before the tall wooden wardrobe visible from the doorway. Like his shadow, you slowly followed him, stopping just in the opening as you watched him pull out a black, folded-up item of clothing, “here,” he turned and handed the worn t-shirt to you, his touch lingering just a second, fingertips ghosting against the back for your palm. 
“Thank you, Frank,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around it and hugging it close to your chest like a teddy bear. 
“No problem,” your eyes briefly flickered to the bed in the corner of the room, juxtaposing crumbled linen sprawled atop the twisted iron frame made for quite the inviting image, even if you didn’t account for the actual dream that slumbered there every night, “the, uh, the bathroom is right through there, so you can just–, while I find you some blankets and such.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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b0xerdancer-writes · 3 months
It Wasn't Supposed To Happen Like This Part 5
Eris x Rhy's Sister! Reader
Summary: Eris used to be attached at the hip to Rhysand’s younger sister. Now that he has taken over as High Lord of the Autumn Court, his father’s old high table have been pressuring him to take a wife, he comes up with the brilliant lie that he's already courting someone and has been for several years now. Eris asks Rhysand’s little sister, the best way to get away with it and make it believable, to fake court her.
Warnings: Elain and Mor slander, cussing 18+, some nsfw lean but no sex scenes yet, alcohol, parental abuse, death, murder, arguing. Not proofread.
Trope/Prompt: Fake Dating
Word Count: 4,570
Notes: Rhys and reader talk things out, Lucien is a soft boy and gives the best hugs. Shit starts getting real.
I had only ever been in Rhys’s office a handful of times since he took over after dad. He had remodeled it, gotten rid of any feeling that father had left in that room.  It felt so much colder to me in here now, it sent chills up my spine as I sat in the padded leather chair. The room was empty around me save for my bag that housed my book from earlier and quiet, eerily quiet that had me raking my eyes across every shelf, every nook, and every cranny in observation. 
Eventually the door creaked open and Rhys entered with a tray of cookies in one hand, I could hear the giggles before I saw him. Small pale hands wrapped around Rhys knee as  he tried to shoo Nyx off while he ‘had to deal with some work stuff’. Eventually the child relented, his wide eyes locking with mine like a deer in the headlights; before Rhys handed him half of a cookie and he scampered off.
I had always been distant with my family, it had started with our parents. Rhys favored our mother and saw our father as a bad person but it was the opposite with me, I favored our father and our mother despised me even threatened to clip my wings herself if it would get me out of her hair; I had ran to Rhys crying that night and he didn't believe me but when I told father the yelling within the house could be heard in every room. Rhys’s visits had become scarcer and scarcer after that, then he was sent to Windhaven and mother accompanied him. 
Then into the picture came Cassian and Azriel. I had nothing against them in the long run but they seemed to follow Rhys’s ideology too closely. They saw me as an expansion of my father, and oh how Rhys had told them about him but that I wasn't nearly as bad just needed a steer in the right direction. The only person who had seemed to see me as more than a daddy’s girl at this point was Eris, everytime father and I would show up in Autumn Court it was like a breath of fresh air and he just accepted me as I was. Eris had put his all into learning my interests and favorites, making sure he remembered them and surprising me with little things that I had mentioned here or there to him. 
It went downhill after the death of my mother and sister. I had never met my sister. At that point father insisted she and mother stay in Windhaven and after she reached a certain age then he would bring them to Velaris. We had been in Autumn when father got the news, I remembered the panic as Eris and I rushed back up to the Forest House, we had barely stepped through the gardens archway when father pulled me from Eris’s grasp; I had twisted my ankle in the rush and Eris was steadying me, I barely got the goodbye out of my mouth before we were winnowing. 
I had been to Windhaven only once or twice before my sister's birth. Father had warned me to stay away from it as most of them were brutes and that someone as gentle as I was had no business being there. I felt the chill before I saw the cause of it, as we appeared in windhaven the sight of a torn up cabin greeted us. Rhys was collapsed in the snow on his knees, Cassian and Azriel either side trying to comfort him but grieving themselves. At father’s appearance the boys stilled and tensed either side of Rhys, Rhys looked up at father’s approaching steps. My own smaller ones behind his, blood was splattered on the snow around the entrance and on Rhys’s hands. The grief in my brother's eyes and the blood was enough for me to guess what had happened to a degree. They were dead, murdered I surmised by the violence around me. Father held his hand out in a motion I knew meant to stop and stay where I was, and he pushed through the cabin door; the smell of death and iron was thick but disappeared as soon as the door closed. All three males shot me a look of sympathy and pain as I placed my own hand on Rhys with a small sad smile meant to comfort him in my own way. 
I had hated to admit it to myself but I had accepted her death a long time before it had happened. I had accepted it the night she had threatened to rip my wings from me, she had bruised my shoulders with the strength of her grasp as she shook me and screamed at me. The day she moved back to Windhaven was a relief to me, it no longer felt like walking on eggshells, but I would never tell Rhys that.
Father came out of the cabin tense, it must have been brutal whatever it was. To others the look would seem incredibly cold, and I would bet Rhys thought that as well but to me I knew what was happening behind his cold exterior. He was accepting grief, he  might not have loved her nowadays but he had wanted to once, then she simply saw him as a captor and never gave him a real chance and that she was simply doing her duty to her high lord, and had only ever been cold to him. He had told me that late one night after we returned from Autumn Court, a night the bond in my chest ached so desperately I had ended up crying in his arms. 
Father steeled himself for a moment, but yet patted Rhys’s shoulder as he walked by towards where other illyrians had started gathering including the camp lord. He exchanged words with them before he nodded at them and shook hands with the camp lord.  A few minutes passed before he was pulling Rhys to his feet with a simple shoulder pat and with a nod he pulled me into his side and we were winnowing back to Velaris. I didn’t hear anything else about Windhaven, Rhys, or mother for a while after that.
Before I knew it, my father was disappearing into the underground portion of our court to discuss business with his brother.  It was nearly a month after mother’s death before we visited Autumn Court again, when we finally did and I was meeting with father in the living room, He was looking at me sadly even though I was ecstatic  if I had done my math correctly it would be announced today that Eris and I were to be engaged and wed soon after that. I had simply summed up the sadness in his eyes as the fact he was sad he would be letting me go, the grief of a father losing his daughter to a husband. I could not have been further from correct.
I should have sensed something was off when Eris didn't greet me as excitedly. Instead this day would be full of tears and my stunned silence until I made it home. Eris had cried in my lap as he told me and begged me not to hate him or leave him. I had known about his fathers abuse growing rapidly with every one of his brothers that had been born. I had made a deal with him then and there that I would never be able to hate him, that I would never leave him alone, and that I would always be there. 
When we had winnowed back into the house, all I did was simply sink to the floor as the sobs began to wash over me. Father had wrapped me in his arms and sat on the floor with me rocking, apologizing repeatedly begging me to forgive him. He had sobbed into my hair as he held me that he couldn't lose me too and that though I had every right to hate him that he'd figure out some way to make it up to me. It would never return to the way it had been now that Mor was in the picture.
It had been a rough night after that, the pain in my chest made it hard to sleep, so I had gone down to warm some tea and honey to dull the ache and lul me back to sleep. Instead as I rounded the corner into the living room I was greeted by the sight of Rhys and father touching foreheads, father had one hand wrapped around the back of Rhys’s head pulling him to him. They had both looked up as I entered, they were dressed in fighting leathers black as the inky sky outside. Father had simply beckoned me over and lifted my head by my chin with a sad smile, I had learned that meant something isn't sitting right with him, something was making him anxious. He mentioned they would be back in the early hours of the morning and patted me on the shoulder as Rhys and him disappeared into the world around them as they winnowed, it left a smell like fresh roses. I had understood what was going on without him saying anything, he was going to get revenge for his mate. A pit quickly grew in my stomach, as I stirred the honey into my mug of tea. 
I had stayed up for them that night, anything past Rhys showing back up alone, the obvious signs and scent of becoming Highlord clung to him, was a massive blur. Blood clung to him, and he had given me a sad look and shook his head, I had screamed and sobbed, Rhys had held me there silent and covered in blood as I cried, like he had cried for mother. 
I had become a loner after that, Azriel and Cassian moved into the house, it wasn't as quiet anymore but it had stopped feeling like home that night. Rhys updated the wards around the house, no more winnowing in or out anymore, and said it was for protection. Shortly after that Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys were dragging Mor into the house as she bled out, the scent of autumn clung to her skin.  I had rushed past them out towards the balcony, manifesting my wings to rush down to Velaris so I could winnow to the Autumn Court, to mine and Eris’s spot. I had comforted Eris that day, rage bubbling just under my skin.
I had become bitter with Mor since I had heard the lie she told, since the second she began slandering my mate. I grew closer with Azriel, and Cassian slowly yet surely till I could consider them brothers myself. I couldn't remember when we picked up Amren along the way, but she made life in the house more bearable. Then Amarantha came and I lost my brother for 50 years. I had bought an apartment after a week of hearing Mor bitch at every dinner, after a week of Cassian and Azriel being distant and emotionally unavailable. I hadn’t been at the house  when he showed up murmuring about his mate, I hadn’t even known till the next day when he showed up at my door murmuring about how I moved but he needed me and was asking me to move back into the house; I sold the apartment without a second thought and was back into my old room, Mor was still everywhere so I opted to stay in my room. 
The next few years of my life seemed to rush by, Feyre, Nesta, and Elain joining our circle, well Rhys’s circle. At the beginning I had gotten along with feyre well, and I was still thankful to her for rekindling the flame in my brother but when Elain had treated Lucien the way she did I had snapped at her, I still saw Lucien as the shy young male that hid behind Eris’s legs when he first introduced us. My breaking point with Elain was when Lucien returned from a rough time in Spring and needed a good hug; I had pulled him into one and Elain, despite openly confessing she wanted nothing to do with him and clinging onto Azriel’s arm, had made a comment about how I must have been desperate to go after a male with a mate. It was after she had seen me and Azriel laughing both sweaty and laying on the floor by the training ring and had made a comment about how Azriel was taken and that I needed to stop trying to whore myself out to him.  Azriel had shot her a look of surprise at her answer, and had defended me in saying that wasn't what was happening but shortly after that I stopped training with them entirely. 
Lucien and I had gotten our own apartment shortly after, it had been my idea due to the suffocating feeling the House of the Wind had become anymore, he agreed since he was looking into getting one himself anyways. Elain shot me a dirty look anytime I was in the same room as her nowadays, but wouldnt say a thing to me after I yelled back at her and called her some not so pleasant things. Nesta had completely stopped talking with me after that, and Feyre rarely did anymore unless it was on Rhys’s behalf or on business. Needless to say that due to that strain, I had never been close with my nephew and had only seen him a handful of times since his birth.
I was shaken from my thoughts as Rhys held a cookie out to me, the promise ring on my hand glinting as I reached to take it. Rhys pulled the cookie back, dropping it onto the tray as he grabbed my hand from the air. He turned my hand every which way to observe the ring. 
“Eris really out did himself here really.” It was meant to be under his breath but the tone it came out in sounded poisonous. 
I pulled my hand back from his quickly. “Yes he did, is there a problem with it brother? I agreed to help him.” I’ll admit it came out as a hiss.
Rhys lifted his hands into the air in surrender. “Woah, woah, sorry didn't mean it to sound like that. Just made me realize how desperate he really is.”
“He's trying to reform his court Rhys! He might have to take a few more steps to do so than you did, but you did the same thing when you took over after father died.” A low blow admittedly but it worked.
“Sorry, you're right. I just wanted to check where you are standing on all of this. It's a big ask of you.” His voice was calm,his voice he used for business, void of emotion. He sat the cookies on his desk and took a seat in his chair opposite me.
“He told you I agreed, So you know where I stand. He has always been a close friend to me, if he needs my help why would I tell him no.” He didn’t need to know the whole truth.
Rhys took a deep breath in and dropped his head into his hands. “Your right, you two have always been close. I just thought tensions might be high after your blow up at Rita’s.”
My blow up?
I growled and stood quickly slamming my hands onto his desk and he leaned back in his chair with a flinch as he looked up at me. “My Blow Up? Rhysand. It was you who allowed them to speak to him like that. Do you believe my judgment to be so flawed that I can't decide who I trust with MY well-being?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, just you went off on everyone at that table. Including Mor, and she deserves your anger least, it was him who let her come into harm's way.”
I saw red for a second as the growl rumbled in my chest and I slammed my talons into his mental shield and he hissed at the contact. “Rhysand, mother above, you are the daftest fucking male I know. To fucking high on your horse to realize you are no fucking better than him. None of you are. Do you even know the truth behind what happened to those two? I guarantee you don't because if so you would be giving Cassian looks of pity, not Mor.”
Rhys slammed his own hands palm down on his desk and stood up, looking down on me to try and intimidate me into calm. “No better than he is? Please that male is nothing but his father’s son. Why would I give Cassian looks of pity? Because Mor used him? We all know that.”
His talons scraped along my shield but I didn't even wince, one thing father had made sure I was thoroughly trained on was daemati powers, from the second the power had manifested in me. It was one subject I was confident I had a one up on Rhys in.
I scoffed loudly, a bitter laugh falling from my mouth as I raked my talons across his shield again, a warning and a reminder. “You absolute fucking hypocrite Rhysand. Nothing but his father’s son? Look in the fucking mirror, or the fucking ouroboros for all I care and you will see you are the exact same. Didn’t you make a whole point when you became high lord, especially with the Court of Nightmares actually, that you were just as cold as you said father was? Did you not step back and put Feyre on display under the mountain like how Mor was on display just to save you and everyone here?”
He flinched but knew I was right so even though he opened his mouth to rebuttal he didn't push through when I sunk my talons into his shield cracking it. “No. You don't get to speak hypocrite. Mor has you all in her fucking pocket in regards to that damn story,” I shoved my wrist in his face, the butterfly tattoo on display. “I made a damn bargain with her when she realized I knew, I told her she has to come clean to you all and especially Cassian, and no I will not explain why it is not my place to tell that story, soon in exchange she promised that she will no longer be slandering Eris and if she catches any of you slandering him she is to shut it down.”
His eyes widened as he looked at the wine red butterfly. “You're his mate. Aren’t you?” His voice was barely audible but I had caught it still.
“How?” My eyes widened, and my talons slipped from their grasp.
“You defend him so viciously, and without a single thought or doubt. You tear down anyone who seeks to tear him down, even if it puts yourself at risk to be hurt. Like I do with Feyre now, or Cassian with Nesta.”
I was stunned into silence. Was I really that obvious?
“That book you were reading, about soulmates and the likeness, you were reading it about him I assume? He doesn't know, does he?”He whispered it, his own eyes still wide. I felt his talons tap on my shield asking to be let in, and I pushed back against him in refusal.
“Stay out of my head Rhys.” I hissed. “When did you realize?” I couldn’t have been that obvious, could I? Both Rhys and Lucien had figured it out within 2 days of me and Eris being back around each other.
“Just now, honestly, I just pieced it together. When you mentioned Feyre and I realized if I had seen all those eyes on her now, I would have reacted the same way as you.” His voice softened as he spoke, as the reality hit him. “How long have you known you were his mate?”
“Since we were 12.” I mumbled and looked down.
“Oh. By the mother, that's why you were always so violent towards Mor. Cauldron we were all so blind to the reason behind your rage. I’m sorry.” He sat down and I felt him pull back out of my mind completely.
I took a step back from the desk, the backs of my knees touching the leather chair. I met his eyes, disdain and anger in my own eyes. “If only it started there Rhys. Imagine if you had lost Feyre to Tamlin right after you had just gotten her here that first time. Imagine the pain that would have caused you, now imagine that pain gets worse every time you have to walk away from her with an unsolidified bond for over 500 years.” My words were venom to him. 
His eyes found mine and he seemed like he wanted to cry. “I… I couldn’t imagine Moonbeam. I’m sorry, though I know my apology is nothing to aid the pain you have felt for that long.” 
I crossed my arms over myself, retracting into myself. I had gotten my anger out, I just wanted to retire to my apartment now, just wanted to cook dinner in the kitchen with Lucien while we sang whatever songs popped in our heads. “Remember that Rhys, the next time you want to judge him, and you mock me for defending him. You and him are two sides of the same coin. I have defended him for over 500 years, I will defend him for 500 more even if I’m putting myself at risk. No questions asked. I vowed that to him when we were younger; the day we were told he was to marry Mor I made a bargain that I would never leave him alone in this world, that I would never hate him and that I would always be there if he needed me.
Rhys simply nodded. “I get it Moonbeam. I’d do the same for Feyre if she asked.”
I nodded and looked at the floor. “I know you would Rhys, you aren’t a bad male and neither is Eris. You just have to see past his own mask. I’ve just been lucky and honored to see past it from the get go.”
Rhys looked at his desk, defeated and probably rethinking his actions towards Eris through again. I picked my bag up from the couch and flung it over my shoulder, I wrapped a couple cookies in a napkin and tossed them into a smaller pocket in my bag. 
As I was about to push the door open Rhy cleared his throat. “Does he know?” I shook my head and he sighed. “Okay. I trust you, you know what you're doing acting like you've been courting him right?”
I let out a sad short laugh. “Actually Rhys I honestly don’t have a clue. But he needs me. He asked me to do this for him, and why would I tell him no? I know I’ll probably get hurt in the long run, but what if it's the exact opposite? What if we go through this whole thing and he realizes one day suddenly that I'm his mate, that it's always been me? I can't give up hope because I might break my own heart. I can’t be selfish like that Rhys. If I get hurt I get hurt, but at least I still have him in my life somehow.”
Rhys nodded. “Be careful, okay? I'll always be here with cookies and the stars.”
I pushed the door open softly and looked back over my shoulder at him sadly. “I hate to burst your big brother and father mentality bubble right now Rhys, but you stopped being there before you left for Windhaven. You stopped being there after mother snapped at me, don’t try to be now please.” I let the door click behind me. 
The walk to the balcony was quick, the early night chill greeted me as I manifested my wings and flew down towards the landing of my apartment. I landed on the metal steps right before the small porch area me and Lucien had set up with a small table and two chairs, the wards whirred as they unlocked and music greeted me as I pushed the door open. Lucien was home, thank the mother Lucien was home, I needed a good fucking hug after that shitshow with Rhys. 
Music blasted from the kitchen, from the little enchanted mechanism Lucien had brought home with him a couple missions ago. His bright orange hair was pulled into a loose messy bun on top of his head, and he greeted me brightly spatula in hand, though once he had looked me over he set it down and rounded the counters enveloping me into a hug.
“You look like you had a shit day, what happened.” He rubbed my back softly.
I would die for Lucien’s hugs, he gave the best ones in the entirety of Prythian. “Rhys found out about the bond between me and Eris.”
“Oh?” He sounded worried
“Yeah.” Simple, easy.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He'd make us spiked cider tonight and we'd forget this evening happened.
“He tried to talk down on Eris.” Anger, yet I hadn’t the energy to be angry.
“You beat his ass?” A sweet effort to make me laugh, and it actually worked.
“Close enough, I put him in his place for sure.” I snickered into his shoulder.
“That's my sister that I know.” He snarked.
I shoved his shoulder and pushed away from him. “I’m not your sister.” 
“Correction: Not yet.” He snickered loudly.
I rolled my eyes at him “I'm gonna go change.” I took my bag off my shoulder, grabbing the wrapped cookies and pressing them to him. He happily took them, popping one into his mouth and sitting the rest on the counter, I sat my bag on the coffee table. 
“Oh!” He waved his cookie at me. “You had a delivery come while you were out.”
“Just my dress Luc, wanna see it?” I raised my brow at him.
“Ohhh there is so much more than ‘Just a dress’ there love. There was only one bag from here. The rest are autumn court tried and true. Gifts from my brother I have no doubt.” He smirked at me.
“Luc… What am I about to find in my room? How much stuff is in there?” I questioned.
“Just your dress, and stuff to get our new roommate adjusted to life in night court.” He hummed smugly.
“I don’t know you haven’t named him yet.” He disappeared back into the kitchen and I turned down the hall to rush into my room.
I pushed the door open slowly just enough to peek into my room, low and behold I heard a happy little bark.  A few bags were stacked on my bed, a small fluffy bed was laid on the floor and happily nested in it was a small fluffy shadow hound.
“By the fucking Cauldron. LUCIEN WHAT THE FUCK.” Lucien’s laugh echoed down the hallway from the kitchen.
@stained-glass-eyes0708 @acourtofbatboydreams @abysshaven
@wallacewillow0773638 @azriels-mate2 @sassyslytherinshai
@sparksandstarss @pandabiiissh @saltedcoffeescotch
@cirwin2013 @minnieoo @easchies @melsunshine
@sweetcarolina-24 @florenceivy @inloveallthetime
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the most paradoxical ceremony of the year—the Pallywood Awards—where the tales spun are so outlandish, they make the plot twists of a telenovela look like child’s play!
This has been a very good year for the folks in Pallywood. This year Palestine is set to dethrone Pandora from its spot as the highest-grossing fictional world in history. They’re selling a narrative so profitable that James Cameron would is here taking notes and crying into his director’s cut of ‘Titanic’.
They’re not just breaking box office records either; they’re shattering sensibilities and twisting tropes. Holocaust inversion? Check. Accusing the only democracy in the Middle East of genocide while their own missiles rain down? Double check. It’s like they’re trying to win an Oscar for ‘Most Dramatic Irony.’
And let’s not forget the ceasefires! Their supporters chant ceasefire now, while their leaders are the ones refusing them. If contradiction were an art form, Pallywood would be the Picasso of the gallery. It’s so surreal, Dali’s clocks aren’t the only things melting—so are the facts.
Then, there’s the popular support — You know who they are. Those misguided celebrities, journalists, and students who cheer from the sidelines. The ones supporting terrorists like it’s the latest trend. “What are you wearing today?” “Oh, this old thing? It’s just my cognitive dissonance chic.”
So here we are, folks—at the grand farce of Pallywood, laughing to keep from crying because if you didn’t laugh, you’d have to face the horror of a narrative so dystopian, it makes ‘1984’ look like a sitcom.
Remember, the real plot twist is when the world sees past the smoke and mirrors. Good night, and here’s to hoping for a future ceremony where truth isn’t just a guest appearance.
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borathae · 10 months
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“The sun is kissing the old day goodbye and yet you and and your lover are very far from letting the day end. Drunk from witches’ wine, heated up from a beach walk and with eyes only for each other, you allow your bodies to connect in the most pleasurable of ways.”
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: Smut, established relationship!AU
Warnings: devoted service sub!Yoongi, soft Dom!Reader, (love)drunk sex, love making, they are both giddy and so in love, lotsa kissing, he is such a Good Boy in this!, he kneels for her, body worship, oral (f. & m.receiving), rimjob (f.receiving), he fucks her pussy with his monster tongue, vaginal fingering, he touches her hole without slipping in, edging & orgasm control (f.receiving), multiple orgasms for both, hair pulling (m.receiving), he has sensitive nipples, she rides him Cowgirl and in Lotus, he wants to hold hands and hug!, eye contact, i will fucking break, loving dirty talk, praise, a digusting amount of “i love you”s are exchanged, possessive talk, it’s the trope of “i never liked sex but with you i can’t stop wanting it, so please hold me close. i need you”, i’m gonna throw up they are so in love!!
Wordcount: 14k
a/n: this is the night of this chapter from MV :( i literally!!! i love them so much :(( i don’t think i will ever love a couple as much as i love them :(
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The door slams closed.
“Yoongi”, you gasp.
“Sorry, I used too much strength”, he apologises, chasing your kiss with puckered lips, “kiss me.”
“God”, you stumble and giggle, “we probably woke the entire house.”
“So? It’s morning already either way”, he dismisses you and chases you to the bed with you in his arms, “kiss me, please.”
Your arms hook behind his head again, your fingers tangle in his soft hair.
“You’re so greedy.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Kiss me.”
You chuckle, twisting his hair gently, “come and get it, lovebug.”
He kisses you instantly, making both of you stumble. He moans and cradles you against him with his fingers twisting your shirt. You giggle, leaning into him gladly.
The walk back from the beach took way too long. You just couldn’t stop kissing each other. You did so on the gravel path to the beach. Did so in the garden surrounded by lavender and rose beds. You did so with Yoongi’s back pressed against the window of the kitchen door. Did so with you sitting on the stone railing of the stairs while Yoongi was keeping you safe. And Yoongi tried to do it against your bedroom door, but you pulled him inside before that could happen.
Which takes us to this current moment. Lost in a kiss once more, you fall onto the bed after Yoongi pushed you against the mattress and forced your knees to bend.
The kiss breaks because your noses crushed together.
“Ouchies, my nose”, you whine.
“I’m sorry”, Yoongi says and kisses the tip of it, “so sorry”, he says and then he opens his mouth to take your nose inside.
“Yoongi, what are you doing?” you laugh, shaking your head to get free of your nose prison.
“I was healing you”, he says, pouting.
“You were being weird, that’s what you were doing”, you tease and rub your nose. He frowns. You giggle, “you’re cute, my love.”
His frown drops, sparkly eyes replace it.
“My love”, he says, “my love, I want to make you feel good.”
“You already do.”
“Better than that.”
“Okay? What are you thinking of?”
“Can I show you? I suck at words.”
“Of course, my love.”
“I think you’re the most beautiful person”, he whispers and lowers his lips to your neck. He nudges your head to tilt it up with his nose and then claims the emptiness by kissing every inch of you.
“Well, I think….you’re the most…beautiful”, you sigh the words, struggling with them because he makes it hard to talk. His touch is like heaven, his kisses paradise. He has reached your collarbones by now, kissing them gently as his fingers play with the hem of your jumper. 
“Can I take it off?” he asks.
He tugs it off, doing it with such vigour that your nose gets caught in it. He bends it into an unnatural position, earning himself a loud “aah!” from you.
The sweater hits the floor. He is sitting on your lap, you are staring up at him with a pulsating nose. His eyes are widened cutely, his pouty lips parted.
“Sorry. Does it hurt lots?” he asks and goes to rub his fingers against your nose. Softly and with the intent to heal. 
“No, but gosh why do you hate my nose so much?”
“I don’t, I’m sorry. Is just hard to coordinate myself”, he whines and leans in to take your nose into his mouth again. 
“Yoongi”, you squeak, laughing wholeheartedly, “don’t do that.”
Yoongi hums around your nose just once and then ends it with a flick of his tongue and a little kiss. You wipe it dry, sending him a faux annoyed look. 
“So weird”, you murmur, but despite that you wrap your arms around him and snuggle your cheek against his chest. 
Yoongi’s perky butt leaves your lap as you pull him close, his arms wrap around your body instantly.
“I love you, my Yoongi”, you coo, “oh god, you’re so cute and funny and lovely and I wanna squish you”, you say, shaking him from side to side gently. 
Yoongi accepts it with burning cheeks and his eyes squeezed shut in a giddy smile. 
“Mhhm”, you hum and lift your head. Yoongi meets your gaze, mirroring the drunken yet honest love you have for him, “do you agree, love?”
“With what?”
“That you’re cute and funny and lovely and the most beautiful person ever”, you say, smiling so brightly your cheeks puff out. 
Yoongi’s cheeks are the colour of strawberries by now, he feels so giddy that he wonders whether his insides turned into jello. Lowering his eyes first, he nods his head timidly. 
“You do? Then tell me.”
“I’m funny”, he murmurs. 
“And”, he lowers his head, “and cute and lovely and yeah.”
“One more thing.”
“Beautiful. I’m beautiful”, he whispers.
“Yes”, you squeak out, squeezing his middle, “oh Yoongi, I love hearing you talk like this. You are so precious.”
Yoongi feels too overwhelmed by this. By you. You make him feel so good without even trying and Yoongi can’t handle it. He pushes you into the sheets, knocking a breathy sound out of you, and lowers his lips to your chest.
“Thank you”, he gets out, “thank you. My love, you’re my love.”
“Oh that’s really nice”, you whisper, tingling all over. Your eyes flutter closed as your body falls into the sensations. 
Yoongi doesn’t know where to stay. He is so overwhelmed by how much he loves you that he wants to worship every inch of you at the same time. One second he is loving the tenderness of your breasts and the other he is sucking hickeys onto your tummy. One moment he is running his hands up and down your sides and the next he can’t stop feeling up your arms. Truly, Yoongi doesn’t know where to touch and kiss. Every inch of you is so precious to him.
He does linger on your lower tummy, the hem of your pants to be more exact. The sweet scent of your arousal keeps him hooked. It mixes with the feeling of booze running through his veins and makes him so droopy that his head turns.
You were burning up in pleasure before the quietest call of your name makes you lift your head.
Yoongi is looking up at you with pleading eyes, “can I eat you out?” he pouts, “please?”
You nod your head and drop it in the sheets. Then you lift your hips so he could undress you.
Yoongi takes the opportunity gladly, getting off of bed for it. He slips your pants and panties down your legs and drops them where they leave your body. Then he connects his hands with your body, starting at your ankles and running them up your legs slowly. 
The touch feels so good that you have to sigh and squirm. 
He reaches your hips and tightens his grip, tugging you to the edge of the mattress this way. It makes you squeak and giggle because you didn’t expect it.
Your gazes meet. At least you think they would, because in reality, Yoongi is mesmerised by your middle, licking his lips repeatedly. You lift your legs and prop them up on the mattress. You are on full display this way, presenting yourself to him gladly.
“Oh god”, Yoongi chokes out, running his hands to your inner thighs. 
“Do you like the view?”
“I love it”, he croaks and whimpers desperately, “wanna taste you so bad. You’re so pretty and, and wet…”
“Do it. Taste me.”
Yoongi pushes your thighs apart and dives in. He doesn’t waste time once he gets your consent. Especially not when it comes to giving you head. He loves it so much that his ideal reality would consist of him lapping at you for days on end. He knows that you would never agree to this, but Yoongi truly dreams of it. He could survive on nothing but your taste, he truly could. 
“So yummy, you’s so yummy”, he babbles and hums loudly, “mhm you’s so yummy.”
“You do it so well”, you sigh, “ah Yoongi, it feels so good.”
He switches between flicking his tongue through your lips and swirling it on your clit. It sounds wet and sloppy, but feels like heaven. His big hands are grasping your thighs, keeping them apart for him. Not that you plan on closing your legs any time soon. He makes you feel as if you are floating. 
“I love this, is so good”, he continues to babble. The alcohol makes him chatty. It’s cute as much as it is hot, “you’s so sweet. Mhm, so good.”
“You’re…c-cute”, you stutter, gripping the sheets to twist them. Harsh, wonderful pleasure shoots through your body, starting off at your clit and spreading through your veins rapidly. Yoongi is sucking on it, flicking his tongue over it at supernatural speeds.
“Slow”, you squeak, “slow it’s, it’s”, you gasp, arching your back, “too much s-stimulation. Yoongi!”
He is going to force you to climax. It’s going to be one of those quick, hot ones. The kind which leaves you more frustrated than anything. You love and hate them. You love the quick relief they give, but hate how unsatisfying they are. And his inhuman speeds are going to make you experience exactly that.
“Yoongi please”, you beg. One more second and you’ll break, “I- now-”
Yoongi moves away. The fire dies down. You drop into the sheets, tug at them vigorously. 
“Fuck. That was cruel”, you whine, huffing out air in frustration. Being edged isn’t better either. 
"I love your pussy, love it so much", Yoongi says and dives down again. He repeats what he did before, sucking on your clit and swirling his tongue over it at inhuman speeds. The fire begins anew. Harsh, quick, intense. You twist the sheets, arch your back, whimper his name. And by now, you know what he is doing. He stops again when you are on the brink of breaking, gives you seconds of calm and begins anew. Over and over again, with more vigour at first until he becomes gentler and a lot slower the harder you writhe in desperation. By the time he lifts his head for longer than a few seconds, a brush of a feather would most definitely be enough to break you. 
“Yoongi. Please”, you let out, writhing and squirming on the sheets without pause. You need to move to be able to bear the agonies of being denied.
“Your pussy’s throbbing”, he lulls, drooling all over his chin, “is cute. You’re cute when you’re edged.”
“Shut up and eat my pussy, fuck. You’re torturing me”, you croak.
“Is what you get.”
“For what? I, I didn’t do anything.”
“Is what you get for being so perfect.”
“Eat my pussy and stop sweet talking, please.” 
Yoongi follows, but not because he wants to do it for you. He wants to do it for himself. Your taste is so addicting. He thought that the witches' wine would be the sweetest thing he tastes tonight, but he was thankfully wrong. You are the sweetest thing. You are sweeter and more addictive than anything Yoongi could ever taste. Honestly, if he wasn’t as drunk as he was right now, you would be the reason why his head is turning so much. 
He concentrates his sloppy licks on your entrance. You taste the sweetest there and you don’t get overstimulated within seconds. Yoongi sometimes hates that you love his oral skills so much. Not because he hates that you feel good or that you can orgasm because of them. But because you always get so incredibly close way too quickly. Yoongi always has to slow down or break away and he doesn’t like that. He wants to keep lapping at your sweetness, taste you and get lost in his favourite meal and yet he can’t. It’s so unfair that you love it so much! Yoongi wants it longer and oh so much longer. 
So he really likes to stay at your entrance, switching between grinding the flat of his tongue against you and sucking out your sweetness. You flinch each time he does the second, ending it with a sigh of his name and a little giggle. 
Yoongi more than anything loves that you can giggle in his presence and more importantly, that you giggle because of him. He wasn’t lying when he told you that he wanted to study you so he could love you how you deserve to be loved. Truly, he learned countless languages in his long life and yet there is none sweeter and lovelier to learn than your language of love. Yoongi thinks that it would be okay to forget every single language for as long as he still knows how to speak to your heart. That’s all that really matters anyways. 
“My love”, he gets out and opens his eyes to look up at you. You have your eyes closed and head rolled to the side. You are practically glowing in pleasure, stealing his breath away, “you’re beautiful”, he croaks, “oh god, you’re beautiful.”
He buries himself back in your warmth and whimpers. He gets sloppy again, without a clear goal in mind. He wants to worship every single inch of you at the same time and yet he can’t. He moans and groans and whimpers into you, using his entire head to feast on your sweet pussy. 
“Oh god”, you keen, “oh god, Yoongi. Yoongi, it’s so good. Please, oh god.”
Somewhere along his desperate quest of being everywhere at the same time, Yoongi manages to tilt your hips up and therefore force your legs to slip. 
“Oh! Ah! Help!” you squeak, fearing for your life only for Yoongi to pick up your flailing feet and prop them against his shoulders. Like this, you are putting some of your weight on him, while he carries the rest by holding you under your butt. 
“Rely on me. Is fine, you’re not heavy”, he murmurs, giving your butt a gentle squeeze.
Speaking of butt. Yoongi is greedy, gluttonous and without a clear thought in his foggy mind. His tongue slips to your rim. He flicks his tongue over it. Once because then you tense up and close your legs on his head. Your hands reach down and twist his hair.
“W-wait. Wait Yoongi, wait.”
He lifts his head. You are staring at him with widened eyes. 
“Don’t stop me. I had to take it too, so you’re taking it too”, he says, furrowing his brows.
“But, but it’s-”
“It’s perfect. You’re perfect. Every inch of you is perfect. Don’t be embarrassed, stop that”, he mewls and pouts, “you’s perfect. Please”, he mumbles cutely and pouts harder. 
“Okay”, you give in, opening your legs, “fine. Do it.”
Yoongi watches as you close your eyes and relax your body. 
“Can I really do it?” he still makes sure because the last thing he wants to do is force you to do something you don’t want to do. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Good. That’s good. You’re perfect”, he whispers and returns to where he loves it most. 
He tilts your hips, allowing his tongue access to your tight hole. He swirls the tip of his tongue over it, tracing it, tasting it, feeling it up. He loves how soft you are and how you are tensing under him. He loves how your pussy is so wet that your sweetness managed to run down to your little hole as well and how it’s now coating his tongue. And he loves how you are digging your feet into his shoulders as you are chasing him for more.
Yoongi moans and gives it to you gladly. He can’t get enough of you and it’s only been a few seconds. He places the flat of his tongue on your hole and grinds it back and forth, incorporating eager sucks every now and then. He has to get every single droplet of your taste. He can’t live without it. He just can’t.
“Oh god, that feels…..” you writhe and twist his hair, “...Yoongi, fuck….”
So this is how a rimjob feels. No wonder Jungkook is so fucking obsessed with them. And no wonder Yoongi couldn’t control his voice when you made him sit on you. This feels fucking incredible. 
You can’t stop moaning and writhing and twisting his hair. You thought that you wouldn’t like it at first – you’re awkward, still thinking that they would be weirded out by parts of your body – but you love it. It’s not embarrassing at all and his tongue is so, so warm and feels so incredibly wet against your rim. 
You flinch into him, releasing a shaky moan. Yoongi lifts his tongue, thinking you wanted to flee.
“Do you like it, my love? Are you comfortable?” he asks.
“Yeah”, you nod your head, “yeah, like it. Yoongi, love it.”
“I love it too”, he says and returns to his favourite spot. He wants to taste your pussy again, planning to return to your rim once you are close again. 
“Oh”, your hips buck up and bury his nose in your pubes, “oh god.”
Yoongi purrs, pulling you closer to his face and sucking on your clit with his eyes focused on you. You can’t see that he looks at you. You are too far gone to be able to open your eyes. Yoongi doesn’t mind that you aren’t looking, all he really wants to see is how your face changes in pleasure. It makes him so happy to see how good he serves you. He also loves how close to you he is right now. Your pussy smells so good and your pubes feel so soft against his nose. He could honestly live in here. He is so obsessed with every inch of you.
“Yoon-”, you whimper and he knows what to do. He stops sucking to lick up and down your clit instead. It’s a smooth rhythm, slow yet intense because he keeps pressing himself into you. The electric pleasure sits oh so deep inside your stomach, making you arch your back because nothing else helps. 
“Yoongi”, the way you say his name makes his cock throb in his jeans. You are close again. He hates that you are because he doesn’t want to stop, but also loves it because he gets off on making you feel good. He guides his tongue through your folds. They are so fucking puffy and hot around him.
“You’re so swollen for me”, he lulls and chuckles against your pussy, “fuck princess, love it when your pussy’s all puffy for me.”
You mewl, gripping the sheets and twisting them. He can be so nasty sometimes. 
“Gotta fucking love it”, he murmurs and wiggles his tongue into your pussy. 
Your legs close around his head again. You squeak, tensing up because oh my god what is happening? His tongue is filling you up. Not only a little, but actually filling you up. As if he was fucking you with his fingers or stuffing his cock into you.
“Yoongi stop, wait.”
He breaks away from you, panting like a rapid dog with his tongue sticking out. You ogle it. It’s normal. Terribly pink and wet, but normal. 
“W-what did you do?”
“Nothing”, he lies, “I won’t do it again. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did it.” 
“No, no what did you do?” you say, “be honest, can you grow your tongue? I swear to god, you always do stuff like that and I can’t tell.”
“Maybe”, he says.
“Show me.”
Yoongi moves in and buries his tongue back in your pussy.
“No, I meant-”
He fills you up again. Wet, hot, long. He pumps it in an out of you quickly, curling it each time he graces over your g-spot. The sensation is so fucking intense that your head begins turning.
“-actually, yeah that’s exactly what I meant. Fuck”, you twist the sheets and open your legs as far as the position allows you to, “Yoongi…”
Yoongi growls, tearing up because he forgets to blink. He can’t believe how lost in pleasure you look. He is doing something so utterly selfish and you love it. You actually love it. 
He thought about sticking his tongue into you ever since he first tasted you. He wanted to do it in the church, thought about doing it in the gym, craved it in the sitting room and ached for it each time he ate you out. But he always held back because his growing tongue is embarrassing to him and he was sure you would be weirded out by it. Tonight the alcohol made him reckless and he lost his composure, but instead of judging him, you love it. Yoongi is so happy that he could scream.
But he doesn’t scream. He growls into you like a fucking demon and speeds up his tongue. He is fast and he wants you to never forget that. He isn’t the fasted fucking vampire for nothing. He’ll use that shit to get you to scream in his stead. 
And you do. Oh, you fucking do. You scream his name and about how he is making you cum all while your tasty pussy is convulsing around his tongue. And once again, Yoongi curses his own talent because fuck, why you gotta be so close again? 
Despite his heart aching, he slips his tongue out of you and allows it to switch back to human size. 
“Stop being sensitive”, he whines, but you can’t hear him. Too big is the agony of once again being denied.
“I wanna cum”, you whimper and sob, “please don’t edge me anymore.”
“Then stop being sensitive.”
“Wow okay, it’s not like a have control over that, Mister. You’re the one with the demonic skills.”
“Sorry, just don’t wanna stop”, he murmurs, lifting himself just a little so your hips naturally tilt up. Then he finally makes good on his promise and returns to your rim. It is wet from his drool and your dripping pussy, clenching under him as a shaky moan slips from your lips.
“You drive me insane”, you get out, digging your toes into his shoulders as hot pleasure courses through you, “like fuck, Yoongi you fucking demon.”
Yoongi growls, agreeing with you with his fingers squeezing your flesh. He is a demon and you are the fire he needs to live. His chest rumbles in a growl because this is all he can do right now. He speeds up his tongue on your rim and squeezes your hips. It feels so good and yet you want more. 
“Yoongi”, you sigh, “Yoongi, I need your fingers too.”
Yoongi purrs, changing his grip on you so he could slide his right hand to your pussy. He connects two of his fingers with your clit and rubs circles on it. Then he buries his thumb in your pussy, eliciting a loud moan from you. His thumb has the perfect length and girth to fill you up. This is heaven. It really is.
“Holy shit, don’t stop”, you croak, curling your toes on his shoulders. This is it. This is the best thing you ever felt. His wet tongue on your hole and his long fingers working your pussy while he keeps grunting and growling like the sexy demon he is. You are dripping all over his fingers, soiling the hair on his digits with your pleasure. Yoongi will most definitely lick them clean later. He loves it when you soak his hair with your juices. It gets him so good. Or maybe he won’t clean it off. Maybe he'll keep your juices on his fingers so he can get a glimpse of your scent every now and then. You watched him do that before and it almost made you swoon.
Yoongi is moving his thumb in and out your pussy, timing the movements with circles of his fingers. He loves how you shake because of it and how your hole is fluttering under his tongue. 
“I really wanna cum”, you confess, arching into him. 
Yoongi has two options. Edge you again or make you climax. Both sound heavenly to him. 
“Yoongi please my love, let me cum. Please.”
His tummy flutters because of your words. It is decided. He loves you way too much to edge you again. He has to grant you your wish. He can’t say no to you. 
Yoongi moans into you and presses his tongue closer. He doesn’t change anything of what his hand is doing because he doesn’t want to fuck up your build-up. Then he moans again, grinding the flat of his tongue against your hole and circling his fingers on your clit. He needs your high so fucking bad. 
“I’m cumming”, you whimper and grab his hair to make sure he stays, “please?”
He hums and nods his head. 
“Oh god”, you croak, “Yoongi!”
As much as you hate to admit it, Yoongi was so right about edging you as much as he did, because this orgasm feels life changing. No words could ever describe how intense it feels and how you feel both alive and dead. Only Yoongi can make you feel this way. Only Yoongi.
After the high, you have to physically push away from him because of how much overstimulation hurts. That’s how good he gets you. He ruined you. He destroyed you to the point where a second orgasm seems out of question.  
Yoongi lets you push him away even if he wants more. So much more. He wants more and more and more. He growls desperately in sync with you barely getting a sound out. He helps you lie down on the mattress and makes sure your feet are safely propped up.
“Shit”, he presses out and buries his face in your inner thigh to suck and lick you there. Something that tastes like you. It’s all he needs. He switches between your left and right leg, enjoying your taste with closed eyes and ragged breaths. 
You like what he is doing. It feels good and is the perfect way to calm down after such an intense high. You are tingling like crazy, feeling butterflies in your stomach. He made you feel so, so good.
Yoongi moves on to kissing and biting your tummy once your thighs physically can’t offer any more space for him. He is gripping your waist so tightly that he brings it in a little. You giggle because it tickles. 
“Wait, don’t tickle me”, you say, pushing at his shoulders softly. 
Yoongi lifts his head, revealing his red eyes and black veins to you. 
“Oh”, you let out. 
He pants, dripping saliva onto your tummy without having any kind of control over it. 
You reach out and trace his veins, “my beautiful.”
Within a second, his human face appears. As if all it took to get him back was for you to call him beautiful. 
You smile, “you just made me see stars.”
“I did?” he whispers timidly. As if he wasn’t entirely cocky about his skills mere minutes ago.
You turn over so you were facing him. He is eye to eye with you like this, gazing at you with messy lips and his eyes sparkly. You are propped up on your elbow, resting on your tummy. 
“You did. This was incredible”, you say, reaching out to cradle his cheek in your palm, “you’re an amazing lover”, you smile, “just like I said at the beach”, you add and giggle sweetly. 
Yoongi lets out a little whimper, leaning into your touch. He looks so utterly high from you and droopy from the praise. 
“I”, he begins but closes his mouth again, lowering his eyes. 
“Tell me, my love.”
“I love pleasing you”, he confesses and shimmies closer.
“You do?” you whisper, tracing his cheekbone. 
He nods his head vigorously, whispering a breathy, “yeah.”
“Oh Yoongi my love, you are so precious.”
He wiggles his shoulders, nudging your palm with his nose before he snuggles his cheek into it with closed eyes. Your heart flutters because of it. He is such a cutie when he’s drunk. 
“Yoongi my love?”
“Yes, my love?” he looks at you with big, expectant eyes. 
“I want you to know that you can say no, but I wanted to ask you if I could return the favour.”
“What do, do you mean?”
“Can I give you head?”
“Oh”, he lets out and lowers his eyes.  
“It’s just that I’m so into you, my love and, and the few times you let me or Kook suck your dick are running through my mind. You’re so sexy when you get sucked off.”
“So that’s why I’m asking”, you say and tilt his head up so he is staring into your eyes, “I wanna make you feel so good, my love”, you whisper, making him gulp and then part his lips. 
His eyes race between yours. The silence between you and him is intense. Not because it’s uncomfortable, but because with every second passing in silence, the connection between you and him deepens. And it’s stealing your sanity.
Yoongi looks at your lips and speaks in a small voice, “would I please you with it?”
“Of course you would, but my love this shouldn’t feel like an obligation to you. I want you to feel comfortable and like you want it.”
“I do”, he whispers, “I’m awkward. I asked, because…like with my body. And my looks. What you told me. You know?”
“I do”, you give him a smile, “then, yes of course you would please me with it.”
“Okay”, he lowers his eyes, “I like that. It’s good. I’m awkward.”
“Don’t be, I’ll take it slow.”
“___”, he lets out and closes the distance between you and him, “kiss me.”
You tilt your head and Yoongi knows to take it. You fall into a deep kiss. Your fingers tangle in his hair, Yoongi grabs the edge of the mattress. He lowers himself until he is truly kneeling, sitting on his feet, and he has to tilt his head up to reach your lips. He loves doing that. He loves having to look up at you. Especially when he feels as fuzzy and soft as he feels tonight. He just wants to do good for you and prove to you how utterly and enthusiastically he is yours. There is no better way to show you than by looking up at you and following your every demand. 
The kiss breaks because you broke it. Yoongi chases it with parted lips and an ache of longing in his chest. He cups your face in an attempt to tug you into another kiss, but you aren’t budging, leaving him to yearn for you.
“So? Can I make you feel good too, my love?” you ask in a soft whisper. 
“I guess.”
“That’s not enough for me”, you say, “need you convinced.”
“I-”, he gets interrupted by you pulling him into a kiss. He moans deeply, feeling his chest tingle in happiness. He wants this to last forever. 
Sadly it doesn’t because you cruelly break the kiss again. This is to rile him up. You know how needy he gets when you take away his beloved kisses.
“Don’t do that all the time”, he demands with furrowed brows, but you ignore him.
You have to change positions, your neck started hurting. You sit down on the edge and let your legs tangle over it. You open them far enough that Yoongi has space between them and then you take his face into your hands. 
“Come here”, you tell him and Yoongi follows happily. 
He lifts his butt from his feet, but keeps kneeling. Like this, your face is just a little out of reach for him. You have to lower yourself and Yoongi has to lift his head. You manage to make it work, falling into a deep kiss this way. 
Yoongi wraps his arms around your waist, moaning into the kiss. He didn’t care about kissing in the past. Hell, he hated it. The aspect of exchanging saliva with someone was disgusting to him. But with you he, not once, had these thoughts. The moment you kissed him for the first time in his music room, Yoongi was obsessed. He finally understood the meaning of it. It feels so good when you kiss him. 
You run your hands down the nape of his neck and Yoongi tingles like crazy. You guide them to the front of him and Yoongi swears he can’t stop sighing. You dance your fingers over his exposed collarbones and Yoongi arches his back. 
He breaks the kiss – surprising himself with it – and looks at you. 
“I want this. Please”, he begs, making your eyes sparkle. 
“You do?” 
He nods his head. 
“I like it when you, yeah, I like it when you”, he stutters and reaches out to trace your lips, “when you do that.”
You know what he wants to say with it, but you love to tease him. 
“Do what, Yoongi?” 
“When you do that, you know what I mean”, he whines. 
You giggle, “no baby, I don’t. You gotta use your big boy words.”
“When you suck my dick”, he blurts out with burning cheeks and a pout on his lips, “why are you so mean? You know what I was talkin’ bout.”
“Oh my most loved”, you say and hug him against your chest. You kiss the crown of his head and sway him from side to side, giggling happily, “you are so cute. Oh my cutie, you make me so happy. Oh my love, I want to make you feel so, so good.”
“You do”, he whispers, enjoying your hug with closed eyes. He is resting against your naked breasts and they are so, so soft and warm. Yoongi loves this feeling so much. 
“You’re my cutie patootie, Yoongi Boongie.”
“I’m what?” he looks up at you with big, sparkly eyes. 
“My cutie patootie.”
“Oh”, he blushes, “I like it. I’m your patootie.”
You squeak, “oh my god, Yoongi.” 
“You are so cute, holy fuck. I’m gonna throw up, you are so cute.”
He hides away in your chest, “this was so dumb”, he mumbles, “I’m drunk, is dumb what I said. Don’t tell anyone.”
“Of course I won’t and it’s not dumb. It’s cute and you’re cute. God, I wanna make you feel so good, you have no idea”, you say and squeeze him, “I even have an idea about how I want to do it”, you say. 
“Okay, tell me.”
“I’ll show you, yeah?” 
You let go of him and lie back down on your tummy. You are eye to eye again. You smile whilst he blushes.
“Now stand up and let me do it like that.”
He lowers his eyes, blushing harder.
“Do you want it like this?” you make sure.
“Yeah I do”, he whispers and throws his hand over his eyes, “oh god, I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to, it’s just….it’s sexy, yeah.”
You snicker, “yeah? Like it?”
He nods his head, “yeah…” he confesses and gets to his feet. He scrambles to take off his jeans and later briefs. He steps out of them once they are by his feet. Then he closes the distance between you and him, covering himself with this hand. 
You look up at him. The bed is high enough that your lips are exactly at the height of his dick. What a perfect coincidence.He looks really tall in this position, gazing down at you with vibrant red cheeks. Despite the major height difference, you feel in charge. There is no ounce of dominance in his gaze, no hint of authority in his stance. He is utterly and happily yours, ready to fulfil your every command.
You get to your knees to make it easier for yourself. Just for a little while. You have to make sure that he keeps his hands away. You take them and guide them behind his back. Like this, you can gaze deep into his eyes while Yoongi barely manages to look at you. Your fingers are tight around his wrists. Yoongi lets you move them without any sort of resistance, breathing heavily because of it. He feels so tiny and soft right now. It feels so, so good. 
You are only a tilt of the head away from kissing him. The energy between you and him feels electric. Yoongi gulps, shivering unbearably when you dance your fingertips up and down the inside of his wrists. He is so tender there. 
“Keep them just like this”, you whisper. 
Yoongi intertwines his fingers with each other, squeezing his own hands. It brings a smile to your lips. The view is so addictive to him that his knees wobble and he squeezes his hands even harder just so he can do an even better job for you and make you smile brighter. 
“You’re such a good boy”, you praise, dancing your hands along his waist to his tummy. 
He chases your touch, biting down on his lower lip for a second before he licks it instead. You have no idea how much he is burning up. The alcohol in his system makes him so much more sensitive than he is on normal days. The knowledge that you were now truly and utterly yourself again without any evil witches hiding in your dreams, makes him so happy that he gets even more sensitive. And you are making him feel so safe and loved that Yoongi has been slowly and ever so slowly shifting into this soft, small and vulnerable headspace and it’s adding even more sensitivity to this. In conclusion, the mere air which you breathe out and which swirls over his skin is enough to cover him in goosebumps, your warm touch feels unbearable in comparison. 
“I’m not a good boy.”
“You’re not?”
He shakes his head. 
“No? Then you’re my patootie.”
“Stop”, he gasps and looks at the floor. He giggles. It’s high-pitched and sounds so not all like Yoongi. You can’t describe what this does to you. You just know that you are overcome with this urge to hold him.
Truly, sometimes you want to squeeze this man until he breaks in your fingers. Cuteness aggression. You read of it somewhere and never believed it to be real. It is very real. You are so overtaken by adoration for this man that you want to take him into your arms and squeeze until he crumbles. 
But you don’t. Obviously, because you could never hurt him. Instead you tug him closer to you and begin covering every single inch of his pretty face in kisses. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you”, you babble between kisses, “I love you so much, holy fuck I love you so much. My love, you’re my love. I love you.”
Yoongi laughs and whines and smiles and laughs so much that a few droplets of tears escape his eyes. He isn’t actually crying. He is just so happy that he wants to tear up. It’s not stupid. At least he tells himself that. 
You kiss them right away, then cover his forehead in kisses as well. 
“My love, oh my love. I love you”, you say, ruffling his hair from grabbing it so vehemently, “I love you.” 
You end your love attack by kissing his lips. Yoongi moans into the kiss, fighting against his urges to wrap his arms around you and press you close. He has to keep his hands behind his back. You told him to do so and it feels so good to obey you. Yoongi blames the booze on his state of mind (it’s not the alcohol, he just secretly loves being your good boy, but he isn’t ready for that confession yet). 
The kiss breaks when you are both breathless. 
“Fuck Yoongi”, you press out, slipping your hands to the sides of his neck. Your foreheads are resting against each other, “you have no idea how much I love you.”
“I love you too, like, the most I ever loved another person”, he whispers and lowers his head as he exhales shakily, “please touch me.”
It was only three words, thirteen letters and yet they are so destructive to you that you have to gasp for air. Yoongi just asked to be touched.
“Yes”, you press out, “yes my love, of course I will touch you. Oh my love”, you kiss his lips, “I love you”, you get out and hug him, “god, I love you.”
He murmurs something you can’t quite understand, but you don’t ask for clarification. He definitely told you that he loved you too and was too shy to speak up. You squeeze him one last time and then you finally lay back down. 
“I wanna touch you so well, explore you and find the parts you love the most”, you say, switching your eyes from gazing at his face to gazing at his cock, “you have no idea how much I’m thinking about touching you. It’s all I’m thinkin’ bout sometimes.”
His cock is as hard as it can get, leaking strings of desperation. It throbs when you look at it, making your tummy turn in excitement. Your love and adoration made him wet to the point where it’s trickling out of him. He can’t even hide how much he loves your attention. You feel so good because of it, because it means that he loves being coddled and you love coddling him, so you can do it a lot more from now on.
“Your cock is so, so pretty my love”, you say. 
He throbs. Again. How cute. How wonderful. How perfect he is.
“And so leaky. God Yoongi, you have no idea how much I wanna taste you”, you say and wrap your fingers around the base of him, “come closer.”
He follows instantly, squeezing his own hands in anticipation. 
“You seriously have the prettiest cock”, you mumble and kiss his tip, “so pretty. So, so pretty. The prettiest cock in the entire universe”, you babble between continuous kisses all over his glazed over tip. It’s so flushed and tender. You can’t get enough of it. 
It’s also so adorable how pink Yoongi gets. His knuckles and fingertips, his elbows and knees, his cheeks and button nose. And his cock. Yoongi merely has to receive enough of your attention and his body shows you his happiness in flushes of different pink tones. It makes you both incredibly smitten for him and intensely hungry for more. 
You dart your tongue out and swirl it over his velvety cockhead. 
“Mhm”, he lets out and heaves for air. You know that he does, because you can feel the air he exhales swirl over your back. You like the sensation, rewarding him by tilting his cock up so you could kiss down his swollen vein. It throbs and pulsates under your lips and above you, Yoongi exhales shakily once more. Your skin tingles where his breath dances over you. It feels so good. 
“So pretty, you’re so beautiful”, you whisper, worshipping his balls with eager kisses while your fingers massage his tip. You make sure to pay special attention to his frenulum. You learned from the few times he allowed you to touch him that he really likes this spot being touched. It’s not directly on his frenulum, but just left of it. He gets especially wet when you touch him there. 
Tonight it’s intensified by the fact that he is drunk, super in love with you and overall in a very sensitive headspace. He is leaking like crazy, whining your name as breathily as possible. 
“And you have such pretty balls too”, you whisper, kissing up his vein again, “seriously every inch of you is perfect. Every goddamn fucking inch.” 
He drips into your mouth as you wrap your lips around him. He couldn’t help it. He gets so wet for you. Especially tonight. Oh god, especially tonight. Yoongi moans desperately and tilts his head back. Especially tonight. Why is he so sensitive tonight? Why does this feel so good tonight? What’s happening to him? What has been happening to him lately? First you get him to sit on your tongue and moan without control and now he can’t stop leaking for you. He is changing and he can’t control it. Oh, Yoongi has to squeeze his own hands because all he wants to do is grab your hair and pull you off. 
He doesn’t want to pull you off. The need to do so is an instinct from his past. A stupid, exhausting instinct he needed for survival. But he doesn’t need to survive from you, he is allowed to live. Live for you and more importantly live with you. And living right now feels like paradise. Living right now means that he is allowed to have his cock worshipped and to actually like it. Living right now means arching his back and gasping for air as you let him glide over your warm tongue. 
And living right now means moaning your name when he hits the back of your throat and feels the vibrations of your voice course through him as you moan around him. That’s what living right now means. Warm, safe pleasure. He can let go. He can enjoy. And he does. He really, really does.
You slide off of him, not only for air but also to check up on him. He hasn’t noticed it yet, you sent him too far away. His head is tilted back, his neck is revealed like this and from what you can see, he has his pouty lips parted.
“So beautiful”, you rasp, “oh my love, you’re beautiful.”
You take him back inside, moving your head back and forth on his cock while you suck him vigorously. You concentrate the attention on the first two inches of his length, swirling your tongue over his tip each time you can. The parts you don’t taste right now, you massage with eager fingers. He should feel good all over. You really, really want this for him. 
Yoongi moans and forgets to think. He places his hand on the back of your head and closes his fingers around a bundle of your hair. The punishment is instant. You slip off, sit up and pin his hands back. 
“Keep them behind your back, Boongie”, you order firmly but with blinding love in your eyes, “I want you to be my good boy and keep them behind your back. Please.”
Yoongi blinks at you with droopy, glassy eyes.
Studying his features, you furrow your brows “what’s wrong? What does this face mean?”
“I’m yours”, he croaks, having his knees buckle, “please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you, silly”, you say and smooch his cheek, “now behave and keep them behind your back. Okay?” you make sure and boop his nose.
“Okay”, he lets out, nodding his head in obedience.
“That’s my good boy”, you grin mischievously and add a whispered, “good kitty.”
Which results in Yoongi’s face falling in utter surprise and then becoming beet red seconds later. You giggle, giving his button nose one last boop for good measures.
And with that, you get comfortable again. Unlike before, you lie down on your back, allowing your head to tangle over the edge just enough that your throat is stretched. His cock is throbbing above you, leaking onto your lips. 
“You like that?” you ask.
“Yeah”, he gets out and moans shakily as he exhales. 
“I like it too. I think. I never did that before”, you giggle, “but I’m excited”, you confess and reach up to hold his cock. You tilt it down to your lips and let it slide back inside. 
“Ah”, Yoongi squeaks out and looks away. He can’t look at this. You are gazing up at him with so much love, while your lips move around his cock and Yoongi can’t bear to look at it. It’s too sexy of a view. He will break within seconds.
You don’t mind that he is shy about eye contact. You like watching him blink rapidly as his eyes try to find a spot to focus on and how his lips open and close as he keeps continuously gasping for air. It’s adorable and arousing and you can’t get enough of him. You slide your hand to his hip and with a gentle push make him fuck into you.
He stumbles closer and presses out a curse, keeping his mouth open as he inhales so deeply his chest heaves up. 
You moan around him, grabbing his other hip as well to show him that you want him to move like this. You can’t get the view of when he fucked Jungkook’s face out of your head. Ever since then, you have been fantasising about how it would feel. This is all you want to experience yourself. You need him to find pleasure this way.
“I-”, Yoongi gets out, tries to reach for you only to stop himself and squeeze his own wrist, “oh god”, he croaks, tilting his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. 
“Goo- ‘oy”, you praise him even if talking is barely impossible. The vibrations make his thighs twitch. You tighten your grip on his hips and use his moment of weakness to push him closer. He slides down your throat in his entirety, surprising himself with it. You are surprised yourself. You didn’t expect to suddenly be buried chin first in his pubes and to feel an immense pressure in your throat. 
You push him back. He flops out of you, dripping all over your face.
He whimpers and drops his head, revealing his scrunched up nose and flushed cheeks. He twitches and shakes, aching for more. Fuck, he needs to keep squeezing his wrists in order not to reach to the front.
“Woah, did you feel that? I just took your whole dick”, you say.
He nods his head, curling his lips back as he grinds his teeth.
“That was so intense. I never did that before”, you confess and giggle, “this was so much fun.”
He nods his head and whimpers softly.
“Oh Yoongs, I love you”, you get out and take him back inside. You try to talk around him, telling him to move his hips which results in you sending various vibrations through his cock and making him shake with it. “ust ‘ike ‘is”, you mumble and guide his hips. He fills you up more and more. It’s so easy to take him in this position and it feels so, so good to do. He bottoms out mere seconds later and you guide his hips back and forth ever so slightly.
“I have to cum”, Yoongi confesses and tenses his arms as he fights the urge to hold your face, “please stop, I have to cum.”
You purr and shake your head, guiding his hips to make sure he keeps moving them. You don’t have to do much more. You just have to lay here, relax your throat and move his hips and Yoongi is already losing it. 
“I have to- ah”, he trembles and moves his hands from his back. For a second, you think that he might reach for you, but he doesn’t. He slides them under his shirt and touches his own nipples. He doesn’t know that you can see it, but you can. Soft tummy and perky nipples, you can see under his shirt now that he is sticking his arms under it. And his fingers are currently rubbing and pinching his own nipples. 
You moan desperately, bruising his hips from how aggressively you hold him. This is so hot. You speed up his movements, growling around his velvety cock as your head spins out of control. This is so hot. You need this man so much.
“You’re making me cum. Princess, you’re making me cum”, he keens, twitching with his entire body over and over again, “can I c-cum?”
“Mmhm”, you hum aggressively and nod your head. What a stupid question. Of course you want him to climax.
Yoongi pinches his nipples and as your chin gets buried in his groomed pubes, he feels the fire in his body get too much. He breaks, finding release down your throat. And it feels so good that he reaches for you, holding your face between his clammy palms as his hips keep twitching over and over again. It’s so cute how squirmy they are and how hard he tries not to squeeze your cheeks. 
“___”, he whimpers, sounding utterly and incurably submissive.
You love this man so much. No language on earth, no amount of song and art and poetry will ever be able to describe what you feel for him. No words. There are no words worthy to describe your love for him. 
You moan around him, feeling high from his cum. It’s coating your throat and tastes heavenly. Sweet like honey with a hint of grape to it. It’s probably because he is drunk. He doesn’t taste like grapes on other days, just like honey.
Oh how much you love this man. You slide off of him once he twitched for the last time and you swallowed every droplet of his sweet climax. 
“Good boy”, you praise, “good boy, you’re such a good boy. Mhm, I love your cum, my good boy”, you babble, kissing his rosy tip over and over again. He is still hard, because he is gluttonous for more and needs no time to recover. 
He does need time to heal from what you just did however. Overstimulation is still unbearable to him.
“Please. No”, he begs and places his hands over yours. 
You slow down, gazing up at him through the hazy fog of drunken pleasure. 
“Sensitive”, you breathes.
“Mhhm okay”, you purr, “did you like this?” you ask him. 
“Yeah”, he breathes out and squeezes your hands in sync with his brows furrowing.
“I loved it too. I can’t believe I actually took your whole cock.”
“Is ‘cause you’re drunk”, he mumbles and huffs out air, “sensitive. Please no touching.” 
“I’m just caressing you. Your dick’s so soft, my love.”
“Sensitive, please”, he begs and grabs your thumb, “hurts.”
“But you like pain.”
“Is too much.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Look, I’m already stopping”, you say and slide your hands to his waist. You massage it gently, “Yoongi my love?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too”, he whispers and finally opens his eyes to meet your gaze. His cock throbs and leaks. Cute. 
You smile, “you’re so beautiful, my love.”
“My love, I-”, he begins and slides his hands down your neck and collarbones. 
“That feels so good”, you sigh. 
“I wanna be inside you”, he confesses.
“Yeah?” you open your mouth.
“No, in your pussy”, he says, feeling up your tummy even if he has to get on his tippy toes to reach you. He doesn’t even care that he is currently rubbing his balls all over your face. He is so mesmerised by you. 
“Okay, you can just-”, you snicker, “-stop rubbing your balls all over me.”
He stumbles back, “sorry. I don’t- sorry.”
You sit up and tug him into you, “don’t worry about it. I liked it”, you assure him and close your legs around him, “how do you wanna take me? Like this?”
“No. Wanna lie and you’re on top.”
“Do you want this too?”
“Of course I do.”
“Can we do it now? Please, princess?”
“Yes, my love. Let’s do it.”
You talk as you are switching positions.
“Was this nice for you?” you ask him.
“Yeah, was nice.”
“Did you feel uncomfortable?”
“I wasn’t uncomfortable either. Your dick was really far down my throat and it was foreign at first, but I really liked it.”
“I was deep”, he says and lowers his eyes shyly, “it was good.”
“It really was. I also watched you rub your nipples. That felt good to you, didn’t it?”
He nods his head and blushes. He is sitting on the mattress, having his knees pulled to his body sideways.
You shimmy closer, “I will remember that”, you caress his arm, “one day I wanna know all the spots you love the most so I can make you feel as good as possible.”
“You already do.”
“No. No, I think I can do it even better”, you say and give him a playful grin, “I think you’re still keeping a few spots from me.”
“No, I don’t”, he lies, making you snicker.
“Okay, okay if you say so. I think you’re lying.”
“You can’t prove it.”
“Sure, I can’t”, you say sarcastically and snicker.
Yoongi grins, tilting his head to the side playfully. He even flutters his lashes at you.
“You’re so cute, my love”, you coo and lift your hips so you can get in top of him.
“Wait”, he stops you.
“What’s wrong?”
“I wanna-”, he stops taking and instead does it. He takes off his shirt, throwing it to the side. Then he looks up at you with big, expectant eyes. 
“Really?” you breathe.
He nods his head, “I’m safe.”
You smile, cupping his cheeks, “oh my love, of course you are.”
“And I’m drunk”, he laughs shyly, “is ‘cause I’m drunk.”
“Okay, okay I understand”, you snicker, “you’re one of the wild ones when you drink, huh?”
He laughs, nodding his head, “yeah, wild ones. Just for you though.”
“Mhm okay, okay just for me. My wild boy.”
“No. Wild patootie. Wanna be that.”
“Okay fine”, you squeak, “oh you are so cute, I could burst. Can I get on your lap now?”
“I’m really excited for this”, you say.
“Me too. I like it when you do that, yeah.”
“Do what?”
“Ride me”, he pouts, “don’t make me say all the shit, it’s embarrassing.”
“No it’s not, you’re just awkward”, you tease and sit down on his lap.
“So don’t make me say it”, he whines.
You snicker, “you’re cute”, you say and place your hand on his chest to push him down. You don’t get to the pushing part, because he drops with the first touch, sliding his big hands to your hips and gazing up at you with devoted eyes. 
You smile, he retorts it. 
“You really wanted to lie down, didn’t you?”
He nods his head, “dizzy.”
“Me too”, you say, lifting your hips from his lap so you can move over his cock.
He furrows his brows, touching your waist and holding it tightly so he can stabilise you.
“Do you want this?” he asks.
“Of course I do, my love. Don’t worry about me, I like being dizzy right now. You made me dizzy, it’s nice to be drunk with you.”
“Okay. I think so too. I don’t feel so awkward.”
“Mhm and you’re really cute”, you say and touch his cock, “ready? I wanna sink down on you.”
He nods his head vigorously, squeezing your waist, “please take me.”
You lower yourself and allow him to slide into you. His eyes fall closed and his lips part in a breathy moan. You sigh, fighting the urge to close your eyes as well. You can’t miss out on his face, it’s too pretty not to look at.
“M-mine”, you whisper.
“Yours”, he croaks, running his hands to your hips, “is so good.”
“It’s so good”, you agree, taking in the last inch of him. You can feel him inside you. It doesn’t hurt at all. It feels like warm, constant pressure deep in your tummy. You run your hand to where it feels the most intense and press into the spot.
His thighs tense and his knees lift up for just a second before they drop again and he moans your name. You are always fucking obsessed with when he moans your name. It’s rare, which means that whatever you are doing is affecting him so much that he has to call out for you.
“You’re so deep, my love”, you sigh, “you’re reaching me all the way to here”, you say, drawing circles on your tummy, “it’s so nice, feel it.”
He lets you take his hand and guide it to the spot. You put gentle pressure on it and make him draw circles on it.
“Right there….” you breathe, “feel it?”
“Yes”, he croaks, squeezing your hip with his other hand. His fingers are shaking as he does, barely wanting to apply pressure. You are ruining him. This is messing him up. To feel how deep he is, how he is part of you, how perfectly you fit together. He couldn’t imagine anything more devastating than this. It feels so good to be with you. 
“Keep doing that, please”, you order and begin moving up and down on him. You support yourself on his tummy, holding his soft waist safely between your fingers as you put some of your weight on him. Like this, you can rock your hips up and down on his cock. His knees try to lift again, his head rolls to the side and a deep moan slips from his tongue. It sounded so submissive, despite how deep it was. He presses his hand against your tummy oh so tightly, applying nice and warm pressure on where it feels the best. It intensifies how good his cock feels by a thousand times. You don’t even need stimulation to your clit to feel consumed by overwhelming pleasure.
“Yes. My love….you feel so good….”
“Good. Yeah. So good…”
Your eyes fall closed. Everything just felt way too nice. Your head drops and a shaky moan rolls off your tongue.
“So deep, my love. My love, you’re part of me”, you get out between your sounds of pleasure.
“Yours”, Yoongi answers you and peels his eyes open just enough that he can see you. You are glowing so much, looking so beautiful that he feels star struck. He abandons your hip to run his hand up to your breasts. He gathers one of them in his hand and massages it gently in careful, slow squeezes and with his thumb tracing your skin.
“That feels so good”, you sigh, arching into him.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, “my love, my beautiful love.”
“You’re beautiful too I- ah fuck, so good”, you moan, squeezing his waist as he begins circling his thumb on your nipple as he massages you and that feels heavenly.
“My beautiful love”, he sighs, “my beautiful. So, so beautiful. My love.”
You love being with him. You really, really do. Not only because he makes you feel happy and safe and giddy, but also because of how good sex with him feels. It feels so right and so intense without having to be rough. You aren’t doing much right now. Slow movements up and down with his hands applying pressure where it feels the best and yet you feel ruined. You wonder if this is what true love feels like and hope that if it does, it never stops.
You open your eyes to meet his sparkly gaze.
Yoongi intertwines his hands with yours, props up his elbows and then wiggles your connected hands from side to side. He smiles, chuckling deeply as he does. He even goes so far as to scrunch his nose up and squeeze his eyes into little slits. 
“Oh my god”, you let out, “oh my god, you are so cute. Oh my god, Yoongi Boongie.”
You have to chase the way he makes you feel. Your heart is fluttering like crazy and your tummy tingles so much. His length inside you feels so warm and nice as well. Not only for pleasure reasons, but also for connection. You have to feel him and make sure that the butterflies you are experiencing never stop. 
You move your hips back and forth in slow rolls, squeezing his hands as you do because all you want is to hold him close.
Yoongi’s face morphs into a slightly droopy expression. His smiles drops and turns into parted lips and widened eyes. Then a breathy gasp leaves him. Quiet and just meant for you to hear. He squeezes your hands. 
“Does that feel good, my love?” you ask him.
He nods his head and purrs quietly. 
“It feels so good for me too”, you tell him, clenching down on him, “I love being so close to you. It’s so nice and…yeah, and warm.”
“Warm”, Yoongi lets out and then you can watch how his pretty eyes roll back and fall close. His lips part farther. He lets a soft “ah” roll off his tongue. 
“You’re so pretty. Holy shit, you’re so pretty”, you breathe, “my beautiful Yoongi.”
He throbs inside you, squeezes your hands and releases another little “ah.”
You feel so good. You are riding Yoongi whilst holding both his hands. The position he has his arms propped up in, allows you to find support from holding him. Like this, moving on him becomes a lot easier to do. It’s like he is helping you without doing anything. You also love how his palms become hotter and hotter the longer you ride him. His body heat crawls up his pretty body in rosy spots on his chest and neck. It’s slowly creeping up his cheeks as well. The sun has risen enough by now that it dances into the room in swirls of golden light. It turns the pale colour of his vampire skin the most beautiful of human shades. He really is the most beautiful person on earth.
He peels his eyes open slowly. It’s been so long since he last looked at you and now he has to moan at the view. Quietly again. Just for you to hear. You are glowing in the golden sunrise, the rays really bring out just how heated you are. Sweat glistens on your skin and makes your body look ethereal. He throbs inside you at the view, squeezing your hands.
You smile. 
“You’re beautiful”, you say. 
He mewls and closes his eyes. 
“No. Look at me, please.”
Yoongi obeys. The flush on his cheeks turns a faint red. He squeezes your hands. 
“That’s better. I love your eyes so much, my love. They look so pretty in the light.”
He flutters his lashes and exhales shakily, dropping his hands above his head. He drags your body with it this way, forcing you to rest your weight on his hands and for your back to arch so you can reach him. It’s an easy task to reach him because he grows just a little to make it possible. He grinds against your sensitive spots like this. You feel so warm and tingly because of it, grinding on him slowly. It’s enough for the both of you to feel high on pleasure.
“Careful”, you chuckle, gazing into his eyes. They sparkle at you, looking up at you with total and adoring submission. You smile. “Do you like that?”
“Yeah”, he lets out and nods his head.
“Yeah? And why’s that?”
“I’m yours”, Yoongi chokes out and trembles, having to moan because of it. Just saying these two words sends bolts of pleasure through him. He can’t describe how intense they feel, but he doesn’t want them to stop. 
“You’re mine. That’s right”, you say, making him moan again. 
He closes his eyes. You squeeze his hands. 
“My love. Eyes.”
“Princess”, he mewls, peeling them open. They sparkle even more than before. 
“That’s better. Yoongi, my love, Yoongi I love this so much.”
“Love it too”, he sighs and closes his eyes halfway. 
“I love you, Yoongi Boongie.”
“My love”, he lets out, reaching up to hug you. He tugs you down with one arm around you and his other hand on the back of your head. Your face falls into the crook of his neck naturally, he lifts his head so he can find refuge in your own. He inhales deeply and as he exhales, trembles and whimpers your name. 
He smells so good. Like his perfume, but also like his warmth. He smells like heaven, making you feel hazy in the best way. Your chests are touching, your tummies too. Like this, your clit is grinding against his skin, so moving your hips is difficult. 
Yoongi takes over for you, moving into you in slow but deep rolls of his hips.
“Oh god”, you let out, twisting your hands in his hair, “Yoongi…”
“I love you”, he chokes out, “I love you so much. My love, my princess, my beloved”, he chants, chasing you with needy hips. He never goes too rough or fast. This was supposed to be slow and relaxing. And it is. You feel so relaxed and at peace, whilst at the same time trembling in pleasure. Only Yoongi gets you like this. Both calm yet trembling. Both comforted and yet ruffled. Only Yoongi manages to get you that good. 
“I love you”, he gets out between breathy moans, “my only love.”
These words are precious to him. They’re not easy for him to speak, not because he doesn’t want to but because he is shy about them. But he wants to say them tonight. Over and over again. He wants to tell you that he loves you. The alcohol buzzing in his veins makes him feel brave, your presence does the rest. The walk on the beach runs through Yoongi’s mind. He never felt like this with someone before and he doesn’t want it to stop.
He pulls you closer and chases you with deep thrusts.
“I’m yours”, he gets out shakily, “I’m yours.”
“You’re mine. All mine.”
“Oh god”, his hips stutter. He whimpers and squeezes your body, “oh god.”
He sits up with you, lifting you off his cock for a bit. He crosses his leg.
“Put your legs around me”, he begs, “please.”
You follow and seconds later he sits you down on his cock. He goes slow, gazing up at you with hazy eyes. He made sure that he shrunk again to make it as comfortable as possible for you. He knows that he doesn’t need to grow into supernatural sizes to rock your world. And he loves that he doesn’t have to, because he loves fucking you with his normal cock. He can be inside you fully this way and there is nothing better in this world than to feel you all around him. You are so warm and soft. Yoongi loves it like nothing else. 
“Ah”, you let out, cupping his cheeks. 
“Does it hurt?”
You shake your head, tracing his lips, “it just feels so good that it’s hard to accept that it’s real.”
His eyes race between yours. He bottoms out. His brows furrow and he whimpers quietly.
“I don’t want you to be a dream”, he confesses. 
“What do you mean?”
“You feel like a dream. I’m scared you’re not real sometimes.”
“I’m real.”
“I know”, his eyes become glassy, “I’m yours forever.”
“And I’m yours”, you lean in and kiss his forehead, “forever.”
You kiss his forehead.
“That feels so good.”
“You’re so pretty. And so cute.”
“My love”, he gets out and hugs you against him. He hides away in the safety of your chest, giving your middle a strong squeeze. Despite his strength in the hug, it never hurts. He could never go too far with you, always making sure to treat you like the most fragile treasure he ever held. And you are. Perhaps not the most fragile of all, but you are most definitely his most precious one. The one which will always shine the brightest. 
“I love this, my love. I love how deep you are”, you sigh, playing with his soft hair and feeling dizzy because of him. You grind back and forth on him, getting immense pleasure from it.
“My love”, he whispers shakily, “my love, I wanna be with you forever. Please promise me.”
“I promise, my beloved”, you sigh, squeezing him as tightly as he squeezes you.
“Thank you”, he croaks and shudders in a sob, “thank you so much, oh god I love you.”
“I love you too, Yoongi.”
“I’m so dizzy”, he sobs softly.
“Do you need a break?”
“No”, he looks up at you, stealing your breath from you. His eyes glisten in tears and yet the happiness in them is contagious, “kiss me. Please.”
You grand him his wish gladly, cradling his beautiful face between your hands with your hips connecting with his’ in slow rolls back and forth.
The kiss you share is intense. Not because you are sloppy or nasty with it, on the contrary you are both very civil in the way you kiss. Tongues are involved, eager lips too, but it is never sloppy. It is almost respectful, as if you didn’t want to soil the other. And yet it is still intense. Intense, because of how utterly fatal it is for your hearts. You are so goddamn connected. Holy fuck, you feel like one entity right now. Not two individuals, but one connected entity. This is goddamn insane. 
Yoongi breaks the kiss, because he has to moan your name, followed by a shaky, “I’m sorry, I have to cum. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, just…I need a few more strokes. I’m so close.” 
“I, I can touch your ass. Will it, it help?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
Yoongi slides his long fingers to your rim and connects them with it. He begins rubbing circles on it instantly, applying pressure.
“More pressure, please.”
Yoongi listens and you moan, clasping his heated face in a way so that you can still twirl his bangs. They are sweaty and messy, hugging your digits tightly. 
“Yes”, you moan, tightening around him, “Yoongi, this is making me cum.”
“I’m yours. Yours. Yours…nothing but yours”, Yoongi chants, staring at your face obsessively, “don’t stop, my love. Please don’t stop. I’m yours.”
“Holy fuck, oh god. Okay, it’s happening”, you writhe, tilting his head up so you can press your lips against his’. You want to kiss him as you orgasm and oh, how you kiss him. How wonderful you climax, how warm you feel, how hot you are burning up, how much you are shaking and how deep the pleasure crawls. His lips taste like heaven, his moans are honey to your ears and sugar to your tongue. This is truly what life is all about.
You break the heaven once your high calms down, slowing down your movements. 
“This was amazing”, you sigh. Your head is turning like crazy, your vision is blurry.
Yoongi whimpers, squeezing your hips. You look at him even if is difficult so soon after such a high. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Can I cum too? Please? I have to so bad.”
“What? Yoongs, I thought you already did. Why would you hold back?” you whine, “god, you silly kitty. Of course you can.”
You run your hands to his chest and begin massaging his nipples. Then you move your hips, picking up the same rhythm you had going on before. It is difficult to move because your body is ruined, but you want to do it for him. He deserves to feel as wonderful as you did.
“Like this? Do you like it like this?”
Yoongi throws his head back and gasps for air. His lips look so pretty when he parts them. He can’t tell you how much he loves it because he is currently losing himself to the pleasure. Freely and without any kind of fear. This is the most intense way of living he ever experienced and he hopes that it never stops.
“My beautiful love”, you rasp, clenching around him to make it more intense. Yoongi reacts in a throaty moan and his fingers dimpling your hips, “such a good boy, you’re doing so well. My beautiful love.”
“___, you’re making me cum”, Yoongi croaks and arches his back. 
“Cum for me. Don’t hold back.”
“Thank you”, he gasps and breaks, shaking under you as his high hits him. 
This is way more intense than his first one. It leaves him unbearably dizzy and even disoriented for a few seconds. He drops into your chest, hugging you without any sort of strength, “thank you”, he mewls, “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
"Fuck Yoongi, you’re the best. Keep going, that’s amazing. Fill me up”, you talk him through it, playing with his hair and clenching around him.
Yoongi presses put one last “thank you” and then his body finally stops shaking. 
He loses even more of his strength, leaning his weight into you and pressing out a weak little whimper. He follows it up with an incredibly polite and droopy, “thank you.”
“You’re so cute”, you say, hugging him close, “I love you.”
“I love you too”, he answers without hesitation and sighs deeply, “was so good.”
“It really was.”
You fall into comfortable silence afterwards, sharing warmth through a hug. It feels so nice to recover this way. To be so close with him and to hold him. This is the only way to recover after such an emotionally intense fuck. 
You go to the toilet once you somehow found your strength and by the time you return, Yoongi has already cleaned up. He is sitting on the bed with his eyes glued to you and no clothes on. You are so proud of him, enjoying the view with a racing heart. He is so pretty. Especially when he looks as ruined from good sex as he does right now. He is glowing so much. 
You share his state, glowing just as much.
“You are so handsome, my love”, you say, strutting to him, “you are glowing so much.”
“I feel”, he hesitates and looks at his own hands, “I don’t feel ugly”, he decides to say in the end and lifts his head to gaze at you. 
“I’m so happy for you”, you say, placing yourself between his legs and hooking your arms behind his head. You can play with his ruffled hair this way, ruffling it up even more, “you are so, so pretty and it’s amazing that you feel like agreeing today.”
He nods his head, running his hands up and down your waist.
“I think that you are the most beautiful person”, he says and runs his eyes over your body, “yeah, is what I think. It’s true. A law. Yeah. Law of nature. Hm.”
You snicker, “well, thank you, my love. It’s a law of nature too that you are the most beautiful”, you coo and giggle, leaning down to smooch his forehead.
He accepts it with closed eyes and a fluttering tummy. You step back, running your palms back and forth on his soft cheeks. It makes him pout naturally. He looks up at you with his fingers drawing circles on your hips.
“I leaked so much on the toilet right now”, you tell him, “you were seriously pumping me full of it, weren’t you?”
He lowers his eyes shyly, “I felt good. Was happy. I couldn’t help it.”
“Don’t apologise, I loved it”, you drop into the sheets next to him, “I’m so drunk, holy fuck my head’s turning.”
“Mine too, yeah.”
You chuckle and so does he. He reaches for your hand, holding it tightly. You squeeze him right back, gazing up at him with sparkly eyes. He mirrors the love you feel.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks like he always does. He wants to make sure that you are comfortable. This question will always fall after sex, no matter what you did and how you did it.
“No, you didn’t. I was very comfortable”, you assure him, “did I hurt you?”
“No. I felt nice.”
“Good, that’s very good. It made me happy to hear I love you from you so often”, you confess.
“I feel this way about you”, he says, looking at your intertwined hands shyly, “I wanna try to say it more when sober, but I’m awkward. Please don’t think I don’t feel this way when I struggle with it again.”
“Gosh Yoongi my love, I hope I didn’t make you feel guilty right now. Of course I don’t think that you don’t love me when you don’t say it a lot. I feel incredibly loved by you even without words. I just thought that you were especially cute tonight because you said it so often.”
“Okay”, he says and smiles timidly, “thank you for understanding. I feel so much for you.”
“Me too, my love.”
He squeezes your hand and then looks at you.
“Can I show you something?” he asks.
“Hmm? Of course you can.”
“Stay here, I’m getting something.”
He leaves the room in nothing but his shirt. It’s long enough that it covers his butt and makes his legs look skinny. He looks cute that way. He returns after a few moments, carrying his guitar. He closes the door and locks it. He grins at you.
“There are people awake already. I heard them downstairs, but I kept quiet. I don’t wanna exist for the others”, he says as he hurries back to bed. 
He sits down cross-legged, resting his guitar on his lap.
“Are you going to play?” you ask him, shimmying closer and crossing your legs. You are face to face with him that way. 
“I wanna show you something. I’ll cry if you laugh at me”, he says and lowers his head to the guitar. He begins playing, filling the air with gentle melodies. 
“Oh Yoongi”, you get out and seconds later you feel too overwhelmed to speak. 
Yoongi begins singing, doing so with his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side slightly. He breaks up the singing with slow rapping, doing that with his brows furrowed in concentration. 
And you are too stunned to speak. Your heart races like crazy and your skin is covered in goosebumps. He can sing. Yoongi can actually sing! He sings the song he wrote for you all those months ago. You recognise parts of the lyrics. He added so much more story to it, so much more love and beauty. He is really singing a song for you. Something he wrote from the bottom of his heart. Just for you. Wow. You are crying even before Yoongi finishes the song. This is the best thing you ever experienced. 
Yoongi ends the song by strumming on his guitar. He plucks the last three notes then strums one last time and hits the body of the guitar softly as he relaxes his hand.
Silence for a second. He lifts his head halfway and then you are already around his neck. 
“Yoongi!” you squeak and sob uncontrollably, “I love you so much. This was so beautiful and, and you are so talented and oh god”, you bury your tear-stained face in the crook his neck, “I love you. I love you so, so much!”
“Did you like it?” he asks in a whisper.
“Did I like it? Yoongi. I loved it!” you squeeze him, “holy moly, this is the most romantic, most beautiful, most amazing-tastic thing someone has ever done for me. I love you so much! Oh god, you are so talented, please don’t ever stop being so amazing. I love you so much.”
He smiles shyly, closing his eyes, “I love you too”, he whispers, feeling his tummy flutter like crazy. 
“Now please, please play it again. Please, my love. I cried so much I, I barely took it in. Please one more time.”
“Okay, but please don’t laugh.”
He feels so alive when he is with you and in return so do you.
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stardustlixie · 3 days
cry me a river [h.hj x reader]
trope: enemies to lovers, uni au
word count: 13.6k
warnings: not much, arguing and bickering obvi, like one badly written breakdown, mentions of abuse but no serious descriptions, a little ateez slander i'm sorry someone had to be villain, that's it i think, lmk if i missed something
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Some say a child’s mind is like a blank book, and what's written in it has lasting impact, but you'd say it's more like wet clay, writing on paper can be erased, or cut down, or covered, but what about fingerprints on clay, what about the shapes it was twisted into? those cannot be undone, not without breaking.
And you're a living example.
You were the 12 year old who was told love was something you'd have to earn. You were once the 12 year old crying when your father burst out telling you ‘second is just the first loser', you were the 12 year old shaking, lest the test paper with an 82 on it warrant physical pain. 
You were the 13 year old who spent their birthday evaluating what made up a human's worth. Kindness, faith, and community were things that your mother would have said, but certificates, achievements and excellence would be your dad's answer. And for the next 8 years, it'd be yours too.
Young minds are beautiful places, but they trust to a fault, taking whatever is presented to them as absolute truth, often hurting themselves to a point where they find themselves unable to trust when older. And yet, painfully unable to shake the beliefs embedded in their psyche.
Your father isn't in your immediate vicinity to remind you that you're not lovable if you don't have something to offer and he'd be surprised if someone ever loved you for who you are. But his voice still lives in the back of your head, it's enough reminder of your uselessness without Hyunjin exiting.
Hwang Hyunjin, how you hate his guts and how your father would have loved him. All things good: funny, smart, popular, skilled, but most of all, the best at everything. 
Always first, always a step ahead of you, prettier than you, smarter than you, more friendly than you.
More than you.
Being the best comes easy to him, hell, everything comes easy to him. Especially making you feel small. He sucks the oxygen out of any place you are in.
It seems like his only purpose in the universe is causing you problems, putting you down, destroying your self esteem, getting into the most sensitive corners of your mind and evoking intense emotions that you didn't even know you were capable of feeling.
He brings out the worst of you, makes your insecurities pop out like bright red on a white canvas. 
Maybe it's you who's fragile. But not being affected is difficult when most of his attacks seem to mirror your father's statements.
You don't like Hwang Hyunjin. You know it, Felix knows it, Minho knows it, Hyunjin knows it, the entire campus knows it. 
You don't remember when exactly Hyunjin got to this point, but it didn't start like this. 
It seems like forever but it's been just about a year since you met him at that party. It's no question that he's good looking, but he had an allure to him that day. Though he was reserved at first, you both soon began to get along and your friendship began to turn into a playful rivalry.
The light hearted competition in everything was welcome at first, but there came a point where it wasn't light hearted anymore. And maybe one of you unknowingly crossed a line or two, but you were hurling sharp insults at the other in only a couple of months of meeting.
You were enemies before you were really friends.
But you blame him for that. You weren't at fault when you recieved your first semester grades and first thing he said was “Seems like second is what you'll always be.” 
You weren't over reacting that day when he suggested getting drunk at a party was your only chance of getting laid because “Your personality will distract any sober person from your looks, no one would stay with you long enough to reach that level of trust.” 
You weren't overreacting when you'd grabbed him by the collar and told him “Talk to me about trust when someone shows interest in something other than your reputation or face. Talk to me about human connection when you know what it fucking feels like.”  
That was probably the harshest thing you'd said to him, and you knew that, because this was his fragile point. He brought it upon himself though. He wasn't seen around for a week after that. But then he was back, the same, with remarks on everything about you, not always prime hurtful, but always unwelcome. There was nothing you did that deterred him from being so disruptive. So you learnt to let it be. 
But your friends didn't get the memo. They seem to get along with him really well. To this day they've been trying to get you two to ‘settle your differences’. You reckon they'll get tired one day.
This was a bad idea. They should have given up after two of their previous attempts.
Closed rehearsal room and your friends who thought of inviting the bane of your existence to join for a dance practice session.
“Darling you're not even trying,” he condescends, “though I don't think it'd make much of a difference if you did.” There goes that smirk.
Felix pauses his movement momentarily to look at the situation, but Minho, ever the strict teacher, orders the three of you back into position. It's been an hour of trying to come up with a choreography for a song of his choosing and you'd be worried about his disappointment in the lack of progress if you didn't have a 5 '10 problem to deal with.
Whose idea was it to attempt getting you and Hyunjin to be friends? 
You've been trying your best to focus on the instructions Minho gives but Hwang Hyunjin can be really, really annoying when he needs to be. And you're reaching the brink of your already limited patience. 
“That's it, Min. I don't know which of you two decided this was a good idea but I really hope this guy isn't in this room the next time I am. I'm not doing this anymore.” You declare and walk to get your bag when, ofcourse, Hyunjin comments.
“Oh come on,” he fakes a pout, “you're disappointing your best friends. And me.” He says, like he matters. 
“Well then,” you glare him down, done dealing with him for the rest of your life, “cry me a river and drown in it.” 
He winces and puts a hand over his heart like he's hurt, before laughing, “As you wish darling.” You're very close to snapping but you just take a few steps towards him till his back hits the wall. “Shut up, will you?” 
“Oo, how scary.” His hand reaches out but you smack it away before it does anything, your attention would be on his red ears if it wasn't on that stupid smirk.
And as you walk out you swear to yourself to wipe it off his face someday. 
When Minho and Lix brought him along and introduced him to you, he was nice, polite, quiet almost. But now it seems like he is on a personal vendetta to get on your nerves. 
His attacks go from just annoying to ignorant to personally hurtful when no one's looking. And you hate him for it. 
Felix keeps attempting to get you and his bestfriend to not be at each other's throats all the time. You can't say it's working but you've gotten more used to having a constant source of irritation around.
Is there more layers to your hatred of him than just this? Yes. Would you ever admit that? Probably not.
The next you see of him is in your dorm, on your dinner table. Actually your trio’s table but he doesn't belong here either way. 
He lifts a hand and waves, mouthing a ‘hey there’, to which you flip him off. You reach the table and just stand beside your friends till they feel obligated to provide an explanation. Felix speaks up first, keeping his mug aside,“Hi yn!” but completely ignores your apprehension, prompts you to sit down instead, which you do with a huff. 
You don't spare him another glance but you can feel his eyes focused on you.
“Answer a question l/n.” He seems to be studying your stance for some reason. “What even is the point of you?”
You take a deep breath. You don't wanna smite him in your own kitchen. “You ask me that like your own life has any meaning.”
“So you don't have an answer?”
“Do you get off of the annoyance you cause other people?”
“Probably. You're my favorite though.” He winks and you have to use the entirety of your self control to not break his jaw.
“You done?” Minho says to Hyunjin, though it feels as if he's addressing you both.
“There’s a group dance competition in late November,” he sees both you and Hyunjin open your mouths but he cuts it off early, “it outright says groups of four or more.” 
“Then I'm out.” 
“So am I.”
“You both calm your asses right now,” Minho gives a look that promptly gets you both settled in your seats, though he ignores Lix’s giggle, “the prize money for the winners is huge.” 
“And I know you don't need the money like us,” he looks at Hyunjin, “but Hongjoong is bringing his team. I'm sure you'd like to participate.” 
Hyunjin nods his participation but Minho isn't done. “If I see whatever problem you both have with each other becoming a problem to practice..” He concludes himself with silence and you swear Hyunjin gulps as you hold eye contact with Minho, as if challenging him to finish. 
You've known him since his shy highschooler days, you're not about to be intimidated by this doe eyed example of a man.
“I think they'll manage!” Felix cheers Minho so he disrupts whatever staring contests you both are in. Conveniently dragging him out and inconveniently leaving you and Hyunjin together. This is the first time you're alone with him in a couple of months.
You get up as if he isn't sat across from you to make yourself some tea. It's almost done when he speaks. 
“So…. truce?” 
“I’m not acting friendly with you just because that rodent wants me to” you clear and set down a mug of tea on the table with some force, “don't make yourself comfortable.” 
He looks nonplussed at the cup in front of him and looks back at you.
“You were staring at Lix’s tea like a dying man. Drink it. Or don't. Whatever.” 
“Aww you do care about your arch-enemy after all!” He makes a face that makes you wanna hurt him. 
You walk out.
“But wouldn’t that seem like piracy in dance? A dancepiracy?” Felix exclaims, in his usual manner of what-even-is-his-vocabulary when Minho has all of you gathered in a practice room on campus. 
“Lix, I'm sorry, what?” 
Hyunjin enters, a bit late as he always is, “Hi-” 
“Don't talk to me.” You cut him off and receive an eye roll before walking off to Minho and he beckons the two of them to do the same.
“Alright, let's decide a general vibe we're going for and then we'll pick a song based on that.” 
“How about a contemporary mix?” Hyunjin says, and before Minho can say something, you do.
“You're so clueless it's almost cute. You're gonna fight Ateez, with contemporary?” You scoff like it's the most ridiculous thing you've heard and he gives you an offended kindergartener look.
“Alright break it up, we'll club every idea together and then eliminate.” Minho says, already getting tired of the setting. How will he do this for a few more weeks?
Almost half an hour passes before the animated discussion about concepts, styles and which one of those could be used by potential opponents ends and you all try to decide on a song.
“But if we do Charisma we're gonna run out of energy pretty quickly and the power of the song is gonna overrule the moves.” You say and for the first time, Hyunjin agrees, so Minho has to drop it. 
“We should try k-music, how about Overdrive? The one by I.M.?” Hyunjin says and you almost pat him on the back. 
“That, Hwang, is probably the only good idea you've ever had in your life. Let's do it.” If hyunjin replies, it is tuned out by the sounds of a happy Felix. 
“Hyunjin if your hand touches my face one more time I'm gonna rip it off!” Minho says, much to effect, Hyunjin shudders and his hand never reaches a foot’s radius of Minho again. He looks hilarious like that, cute even. Wait. No.
“Alright, that's probably all we can do today, I want all of you here tomorrow at 5pm. Don't be late, Hyunjin.”
“Hey, why are you pointing me out?” Hyunjin whines and you reply for Minho.
“Because you're the only dumbass who ever actually is late.” 
“You say that like your middle name is punctual.” He retorts and he looks unreasonably attractive while doing so. You hate him for that.
“And? I've hardly been late to anything dickwad.” 
“Oh well, I might be 15 minutes late to practice but I'm still better than you aren't I?” 
“Oh fuck off,” you scoff. “You're about as better than me as I am better than Kirsten Dodgen.” 
“Come on, instead of making excuses, how bout you dance better ln?” He scoffs.
“How bout you shove your attitude up your ass, Hwang? Bragging doesn't make you superior.” He bends down to your face in the most condescending way ever. “Having something to brag about is what makes me superior, darling.” You're done with him.
“You'd be so much more likable if you weren't an utter bitch.” You see his gaze drop and you find yourself scoffing. If he chooses to make a conversation escalate he should deal with what's to come.
Before he can say something in return though, Minho interrupts him and drags him out. You walk out before Felix gets the chance to lecture you. 
You're in your common room snacking as Minho and Lix argue over their makeup styles. 
"Lemme do your makeup please?" Felix asks for the third time, giving Minho his best puppy eyes, and he is close to cracking, but he has a little bit of dignity left, so he turns to you for help. "Only if yn says so."
"I think lixie's style would look quite pretty on you Min." You munch on a chip, Felix jumping up with a 'yes!' while Minho just looks at you, betrayed. You give him a small smile as an apology.
You are lost in thoughts of how much you adore these two, heart warming at their silly dynamic when you hear a knock on the door. 
“I'll check it.” 
Out of all the people who could have possibly been at your door for any possible reason, it has to be Hwang Hyunjin. 
“Why are you here?” He doesn't give you a direct answer, which isn’t like him, but just looks at his shoes. 
“Can I talk to Lix-”
“He's not here.” You know he is, Hyunjin knows too, but you're not very keen on letting him in. But he doesn't try to force it, he looks almost desperate when he replies. 
“Please just let me talk to him for a moment?” Hyunjin isn't usually polite to you, so you don't actively block him and step aside to let him enter.
Felix is doing Minho’s eyeshadow when he sees him, mutters out a greeting, and only senses something is off when he pays attention to Hyunjin’s face.
“What's up, hyun?” 
“I- uh this is kinda weird but, there's a spare bed in your room right? Since your dorm is for four people.” 
“Jinnie hyung what happened?” 
“Well they're doing some emergency repair work in my room starting today evening and me and Jisung need a place to live for like a few days. Hotels are expensive.” Hyunjin looks the most embarrassed you've ever seen him, you don't know why but you definitely don't want him to stay.
“Jisung already found a place and uh, it's just for a few days-”
“It's ok hyung you can stay in mine.” Felix smiles at him and tells him to go get all the stuff he'll need for those few days. 
As soon as he's out the door you start, “Felix, what the fuck? Did you just invite him to stay over?” He sighs and gives you a look. 
“Look he's my best friend, he's not that bad, besides he's gonna be in my room and I'll keep him in check I promise. It'll be fine.” 
You didn't think it'd be fine. With Hyunjin around it'd never be fine. But you can't think of any way out other than shutting yourself in your room. That works fine for a few hours, Hyunjin brings over his stuff and you can make out sounds of the three boys playing games and goofing around. But you are human. You're hungry. 
You try your best to tiptoe to the kitchen, and you get in safely, but on your way back, you slam into Hyunjin. How fun.
“Come on, yn, at least walk properly.” He brushes himself off like he just touched dirt, and something about that gesture gets to you. In a moment he's shoved against the wall and his breath is knocked out of his lungs. You have him by the collar. 
“What is your problem with me, huh?”, you interrogate, his ears are red but his face is unyielding, “why do you insist on being such an asshole to me? What have I ever done to you?” He gulps but his gaze on you doesn't falter. In another world you'd see what your hand around his neck would feel like.
“You're the one who likes acting superior, someone has to remind you you're not.” He says and some thread of resolve deep within you snaps. 
“Look Hyunjin, I don't know what deep insecurity of yours makes you hostile towards me. But I'm tired of this,” you glare, “I'm tired of you.” 
“You think you have the right to say that huh?”, he scoffs at you, “you were so nice at first why did you decide to hate me all of a sudden?” It's ridiculous how he almost looks hurt. It draws a dry laugh out of you. 
“I'm sorry but I should be the one saying that. Because you were the one who decided to be offended in secret and suddenly start sounding like my-” you almost say it, the reason his words affect you so gravely.
“Like your what?”
“Nevermind.” You let go of his collar and step back, he's not worthy of hearing about your reasons. He stays in place, staring at the ground, when you're about to walk out he speaks.
“It's because I hate you.” He says, you turn to him as he continues. “Rephrase, I hate how nothing budges you. You make me think of everything in my life that's out of my control. You're this seemingly perfect human and nothing gets to you. I wanted to see how far you could be pushed before you break. But you didn't, you never do. And honestly, you make me insecure.” His gaze is fixed on the ground but the irony of the situation gets to you. 
A laugh is drawn out of you at the prospect. “That's low, even by your standard, Hyunjin.” 
“I wanted some confirmation that you're human, that you have insecurities and fears and triggers, but you never show them.” 
“Haven't you pulled enough of my triggers already? Why’re you so hellbent on creating problems for me?”
“Because I don't wanna be less than you,” he says, and the irony makes you wanna strangle him. He mutters a curse. “I have a question. Why did you say that last year?” He asks, much to your confusion.
“Say what?” You ask, he inhales deeply and bites his lip, you're momentarily distracted despite the situation.
“That party at Seungmin’s after summer? I heard what you said.” He looks almost vulnerable but you still don't know what he's talking about so he continues.
“You were talking to someone that day, I heard my name so I was curious, you said I remind you of all the bad things in your life. That you hated me. And you'd been acting so harsh with me that week.”
“What?”, it takes you a moment to register what he's talking about, “oh. That.” 
“Forget it, it wasn't about you.” You say and he smiles at the ground, “So you do hate me.” 
“No, it's not that-”
“Then what is it?” 
“I-, it's my dad. I don't wanna talk about it in detail but you're everything he's ever wanted of me, you remind me of him and you talk the same way. That summer was when I told him I'm not taking his shit anymore. I was telling Minho about it.” Hyunjin looks stunned at the confession. 
“I don't hate you, you know? You just seem like someone too good to be a friend of mine.” He says and you laugh.
“You're so dumb Hwang Hyunjin. I don't forgive you but for the sake of our friends,” you look up at him and he's never looked so expectant, “truce?” His expression changes and you can sense the teasing coming your way.
“Did you just say that? You do like me that much huh?” You slap his arm. 
“Shut up before I change my mind.”  
“Oh, by the way, Lix is playing Moana in a few minutes, he said it's one of your faves, go sit with them, he'll like it. I'll fetch snacks like he told me to.”
You end up watching the movie with them, your snacks are attacked, you discover that Hyunjin does have a sense of humor.
The next day is smoother, you didn't expect Hyunjin to stop being a loudmouth, and he doesn't, but it's more bearable than before, it's not quite friendly yet, you both need time to work to that level after the spontaneous truce, but it's bearable.  
A group study in the library that all four of you agreed to just turned into a heated debate about literature and he may beat you in a dance competition but you'd be damned if he ever beats you in a debate. 
“I may have mistaken the quote for a Khalil Gibran one because it was similar but you quoted Oscar Wilde in a hetero scenario. Come on. You didn't even know what place Odesseus ruled or why Troy happened.” You're in disbelief.
“Ok fine. You got me. I know nothing about literature, especially Greek. Happy?” He admits defeat and you've never felt better. 
“Oh, very happy.” You're sure the grin on your face is annoying the hell out of him. 
You all get home groaning about not wanting to work to make dinner. One thing none of you expected though, is that all of you will miss the snowstorm alert and the notice of classes being canceled. 
“GUYS WE'RE FUCKED!” Felix shouts from the couch where he and Hyunjin are playing a game as you and Minho cook, everyone gathers around the boy as he reads out the alert emailed to all students. Minho groans, you sigh and Felix sits dejected. 
“Why are you all so down? It's just a snowstorm.” Hyunjin says and Felix fills him in about the deteriorated condition of the heater and the potential threat of a power cut. Also the inevitable delay that will happen to his dorm’s repair work.
The dinner is silent not just because of the news but because Felix and Minho know tomorrow is your birthday. 
Felix and Hyunjin are just done doing the dishes when the younger perks up, “I know what to do! WE'LL MAKE A  WARM PILLOW FORT IN ONE OF THE ROOMS!” 
“Lix I don't think that's a good idea.” You're not very excited to do this with Hyunjin around but Minho makes it worse.
“See that makes sense, if all of us sleep in one room it'd be warmer.” You know there's no going back from that so you assist in moving mattresses and blankets to make the nest looking thing ‘for the slumber party’ as Felix says.
Someone's (yours) laptop is propped up on a piece of furniture and a Disney movie, this time of Hyunjin's choosing, is played.
Looking at it positively, there's snacks, you're warm, everyone is having fun while there's a snowstorm outside, you have no classes for two days. It's not that bad. 
No one knows who falls asleep first, but there's no power when you wake up way too early, you wish yourself happy birthday and get up for tea when you're ambushed. Minho seats you back down as he and Felix softly sing the Happy Birthday song in the dark, Hyunjin shifts and wakes up, confused very much at the strange spectacle. 
Phone flashlights are turned on when a Felix-made box of brownies is passed to you, Minho lights a mini candle that you blow out and make a wish. 
“You'll have to wait a little longer for your gifts, though.” Minho says as he gives you a hug. 
The day starts early and the power comes back on in a few hours as the storm calms down. You're told to dress up for the gift giving and Hyunjin is made cameraman. 
Felix gives you a novel you've been wanting for a while along with a beautiful necklace and Minho gets you perfume and calligraphy pens. Hyunjin apologizes for not knowing it's your birthday but you tell him you don't mind.
You're not allowed to help when Minho dictates Felix and Hyunjin as they make some of your favorite food. The spectacle is amusing as can be, Hyunjin is absolutely clueless about cooking and looks lost while Felix runs about trying to manage his tasks as Minho is busy at the stove. The meal is one of the best you've had in a while. 
This is how you like your birthdays, homely, cozy and a little bit silly. 
You didn't expect even a birthday wish from Hyunjin so it's certainly a surprise when he finds you later in the evening and hands you a small painting of a chrysanthemum. 
“I don't know what to give you so I made a painting of your birth flower, but I know you like blue so I made it blue.” 
“I don't- I didn't know you paint so well Hyunjin, this- it's lovely, you didn't have to. Thank you so much.” He just gives you a small smile, which you return.
The flower is beautiful and you notice it's the exact shade of blue as your outfit. You'll keep the painting safe. 
There's a couple of weeks left for the competition but your team is making great progress, you're all skilled, Minho is a great mentor and you find that Hyunjin's choreography style is quite similar to yours.
Speaking of Hyunjin, you've been getting along with him better. His jokes aren't as much attacks as they are annoying, he's dramatic and he's stupid but he's also quite thoughtful. Maybe he isn't all that bad.
Hyunjin makes a very unfunny joke and you lightly punch him in the ribs, looking up to find Minho giving you a suspicious look. “What?” He doesn't reply.
When you're all packing up to leave practice when Hyunjin speaks.
“I think we're friends now.” His tone is of false disbelief, he almost looks cute with that exasperated expression.
“God don't say that. I still wanna kill you every time I see you.” You say, but you're laughing. 
You wanna kill him, but you also kind of wanna kiss him. 
Wait. No. 
He's invited over to the dorm today despite his dorm having been fixed long ago. He's bringing Jisung with him, Felix and Jisung are already friends and Minho has taken a unique liking to the boy. 
The offer is of studying together and then later hanging with snacks to find an excuse to ditch a party none of you wanna go to. 
“I call dibs on the big chair!” Jisung yells and Felix claims the next best spot in his own room. Hyunjin settles on the floor because you claim Lix's bed before him and Minho claims another place. 
You throw a folded blanket at him, “Cushion your ass Hwang,” you smirk, “if you have any that is.” Jisung snorts in the corner. “Don't insult the man’s cake like that, yn!” 
A few hours pass with Jisung and Felix chatting between their work and Minho giving them endearing looks, you and Hyunjin just work but you can't help but notice how his eyes flicker to you every other minute. 
You find yourself staring at his lips as his tongue reaches out to wet them, you involuntary mimic his action. He's beautiful, undeniably, but he looks so soft in his pastel blue sweater that you almost forget you used to hate him. You wonder what his hugs feel like.
Wait. No. No, you don't. 
You run to your room to fetch your strawberry lipbalm. 
“Hyunjin put your laptop down for a sec,” he throws you a questioning glance but complies, the other three are too busy to notice what you're doing, the pad of your ring finger swipes the tinted product across his slightly chapped lips, “There.” 
You don't realize what you've until he gulps, “Shit, I'm sorry, I should've asked-”
“Thanks.” He looks a little red and you figure it's the embarrassment of it all. 
You run across Hyunjin again, as he's returning from the kitchen and you're heading there, you walk towards him, not knowing what you're gonna say when the glossy red tint on his lips is so, so enticing. He doesn't protest when your hand is on his face, examining it. 
“The shade suits you.” His breath is uneven and he gulps, you notice his eyes darting down to the same shade on your lips. You don't know why you do it, or how you'll explain it. 
But you kiss him, his lips are every bit as soft as you imagined them to be everytime he bit them. You think you've fucked everything up until he kisses back uncertainly.
You part and your eyes drop down, so does the hand that was previously on his face.  
“I-”, you curse your words for failing you at that moment and the thousand jumbled thoughts in your head that make it difficult to think.
“This never happened.” You say, finally, as you step back. 
“Consider it forgotten.” He confirms. 
Him and Jisung leave after almost an hour, you won't be able to sleep today.
You said ‘this never happened’, you don't have any explanation of why it proceeded to happen many times afterwards. You would talk about it if only you understood what you're feeling, but you don't. And it's not messing anything up and none of you is ready to give the other an explanation.
There's two days left in the competition, and the preparation is finally done. All of you are satisfied with the final choreography and the decided outfits. Maybe you're a tad bit too interested in the pictures Hyunjin shows of him in his outfit.
Minho insisted for a last run with counts before the hour ended. You look at Hyunjin’s form as he dances, he has complete control over what beats he does and doesn't hit, he looks the best here, you think, in his element. Besides there's certain thoughts you have about his tank top and sweaty body, thoughts that you don't wanna acknowledge. The song ends and Hyunjin stops moving, much to your disappointment.
You look straight at him as you play 'Industry baby' and raise an eyebrow at him in challenge. “You first.” He accepts. The things you do to get Hwang Hyunjin dancing again. 
Minho and Felix both cheer on as the dance battle continues. You beat Yunho on this song and both of them know it. You see Hyunjin's eyes widen when you hit a beat in the chorus with your entire body. He whistles and you take that as an ego boost. The battle was in your favor. 
“Admit I'm better than you,” you say to him, he laughs in response, but not in the mocking way you're familiar with.
“It'd be a cold day in whatever hell you came from before I do that.” He raises a brow at you though he's smiling.
“Gotta tell my dad to turn the AC down.” You deadpan and the three boys snort. 
“Are your trauma jokes always necessary?” 
“No but they're funny so..” 
You're at Hyunjin and Han’s dorm after practice and for a godforsaken reason, Minho and Felix are both somewhere else while you sit awkwardly in Hyunjin's desk chair with your drink. He's still in the shower, you were all previously in this room but the three decided to leave you alone with Hyunjin. They're doing that a lot these days. Hyunjin's blow dryer is loud. 
He steps out and you almost choke on your boba. He's shirtless. You look in the opposite direction as fast as you can.
“Don't worry, darling, you can look. I know I'm irresistible.” 
“Shut up before I throw my boba at you.” but you look anyway, he somehow looks better than what you'd imagined was under his tank top. 
This time you let your eyes trail over him, from collarbones to the slightly visible v-line above his sweatpants, just to see who looks away first. He feels your vision on him like it's cold winter air, but doesn't look away. 
You take that as a challenge, you put your drink away and walk to him. He doesn't look away. Your hand finds his waist, he inhales sharply and you pull him to you. Your other hand finds his nape when there's barely any distance left between you. He still doesn't give up. 
“It’s almost like you want me to do something,” you let your eyes run shamelessly across his skin, “tell me to stop.” He doesn't, so you kiss him. And he kisses back, this time with certainty. You let the feeling soak into you for a moment. It's him who takes it further, and you retaliate, you bite his lower lip right when you give his hair a little tug and he gasps into your mouth, his hands roam your body and you let them.  
You push him back until his knees hit his bed and he lets himself fall, his hands find your waist again as soon as you're straddling him, this time your hand is on his neck instead of his hair, you let him kiss you once more before your lips are attached to his jawline, then down to his collarbone, your teeth nip at his skin and your hand presses at the sides of his neck experimentally, his arms tighten around you and he moans. You peel yourself away from him to look at his face, the redness from his face has bled down his neck to half his chest. Cute.
“You're.. extremely red.” You say.
“Shut up.” 
“Like.. cherry red.” You tease.
“Go to hell.” You laugh but gasp when he pulls you down to lay over him and engulfs you in a sort of bear hug. It feels surprisingly nice. 
“I can't go back home right now but your company is a better substitute for hell don't you think?” He pushes you off of him at that. 
“Hey I was kidding-” 
There's a knock on the door and Hyunjin runs for his shirt and you run to fix your hair and grab your drink.
“What’re you guys doing in there with the door closed?” It's Han. You'd strangle him if he wasn't Minho's favorite.  
“Mind your own Jisung, I just got out of the shower!” Hyunjin yells, “And y'all were the ones who left me alone here what the fuck Han?” You add. 
There's things one only notices when they're very, very close to someone. Hyunjin has a faint mole under his left eye.
It's competition day and you have a problem. In the heat of the moment, you'd forgotten how low cut his stage outfit was. Now you're trying not to look as Jisung and Felix interrogate Hyunjin about where he got the hickeys from. He doesn't give anything away, thankfully, you're not ready to explain something you're not even sure about, but Minho has been awfully quiet and you think he's suspecting something. 
All thoughts leave your head as you hear the host of the evening start introducing the event, the order of performances is announced and Ateez is called on first, everyone expects them to win. There's a few more teams before you and your team is close to the last, you count a few possible opponents who are good competition, like the Soobin and Yeji’s teams, you know most of the participants from Uni. 
Watching others perform, you can feel the familiar pre performance adrenaline taking over. You love it. This rush is part of the reason you do dance competitively. 
Hyunjin comes up to you and gives your hand a little squeeze, “let's kill this yeah?” “Oh we absolutely will.” 
And you do. The cheers get louder as the performance progresses and choosing a song this heavy on beats may have cost all of you your lungs during practice, but you move like you know each other's bodies and Ateez doesn't look so smug anymore. The hyped crowd is all so worth it. 
As Felix predicted, the bridge is the part which gets the loudest cheers.
There's only two performances after yours and the results come in soon after. The host thanks the sponsors and announces the positions bottom to top. Yeji’s teams is runner up.
Soobin’s team is third. The boys hug each other before they run to collect their prize, their friends cheer for them. But your heart starts beating violently soon afterwards, you're standing behind MinLix, so Hyunjin takes your hand, he's jittery so you let him.
Ateez, Hongjoong’s team, is second. You heave a sigh of relief and Hyunjin relaxes, though he doesn't let go of your hand. Ateez boys look upset and you suppress the urge to smile. 
Your team is announced first place and the four of you jump in joy and you hear Jisung screaming from the audience. 
You're all dizzy with laughter when Jisung excuses himself to go to the bathroom and MinLix leave to find a friend. Why do they keep doing that? 
Ateez takes this as an appropriate time to approach you two, though they don't even acknowledge your presence. Yunho keeps looking the opposite way, he always does that around you since he was beaten in the dance battle.
“You won't always keep winning Hwang.” Hyunjin rolls his eyes at him but looks uncomfortable, you identify this boy as Wooyoung. A more slender boy? person? human? approaches next with shocked eyes. 
“Is that a hickey, Jinnie?” Though he uses a nickname, it's clear that he means nothing good when he pokes Hyunjin's collarbone with his finger. Hyunjin mumbles a ‘shut up’ but they ignore him. Hyunjin looks like he'd rather be anywhere than here. The next one to say something is Hongjoong, you've seen him around. He's no good.
“Looks like the pretty boy has finally found himself a girlfriend. Or did you find a sugar daddy, Hyunjin? Where'd you get the hickey from?” The whole group snickers behind him and Hyunjin is clenching his jaw. He looks angry and you decide to do something.
“Well he got it from me. You got a problem with that?” You raise a brow at the man, he's barely taller than you.
“Oh come on, l/n. Everyone knows you hate him. Why defend him just because he's on your team?” You take a step further, and look directly at him. 
“Are you calling me a liar, Kim Hongjoong?” He smirks back at you and you never thought any smirk except Hyunjin's could ever make you this angry, but you wanna punch him in the face right here. 
“No, l/n. I'm just saying that's a little difficult to believe considering you were at each other's throats not long ago. If you want us to believe, why don't you give us some proof, eh?” He sneers, clearly expecting you to falter and deny the whole thing.
You laugh at his face, “You want proof huh? Well, how about this?” You turn and kiss Hyunjin, with your arms around his shoulders and his around your torso. Deep enough to make them uncomfortable.
“Alright we get the point. Enough. You're in public, l/n.” When you part, Hyunjin smiles at them in a way you know will piss them off. Because it did the same to you not long ago.
“Well you're the one who wanted proof Kim. Now fuck right off. If I see you bothering my arch enemy again, you won't be allowed into the art history class anymore. Mark my words.” 
You drag Hyunjin to a quiet corner, away from the crowd and shoot a text to the other boys telling them to meet you both at Hyunjin's dorm. 
You check up on the boy and he looks miserable. “Hey. You fine? I'm sorry I should have let you deal with it without interfering.” You apologize but he shakes his head.
“No, that was really funny, I'm sure it pissed them off, just- I'm sorry you had to witness that.” He looks dejected and you can't find it even in the cruelest parts of you to not help him.
“Hey. Listen. I don't care what they think of themselves but they don't deserve to make you feel bad about anything. And I don't think any less of you because they decide to be assholes, if anything I respect you more now.” He gives you a small nod and a smile, this time, an actual, genuine smile.
“Would mind if I just..” he wraps his arms around you and his head comes to rest on your shoulder, “stay like this for a bit?” You hug him back and nothing needs to be said for a while. Hyunjin's hugs do feel nice.
When you bring him back to his dorm, the joke on the tip of Jisung’s tongue doesn't get the chance to escape. He looks concerned for Hyunjin, that's the first time you've seen the boy serious. They exchange glances and it's like he just knows what happened. 
The evening is a quiet sort of celebratory, and you find yourself trying to avoid Hyunjin as much as possible. How are you going to explain anything you're feeling to him when you can't even explain it to yourself? Minho and Jisung make everyone ramen and a sleepover ensues. You're all in Jisung’s room, him and Minho in the same bed, you, Felix and Hyunjin on the floor. Why Hyunjin's not in his own bed is weird to you. Maybe sleepover spirit.
When you wake up to get water you find Hyunjin isn't in his place anymore. He isn't in the kitchen either. You're avoiding him but you don't wanna be the prime suspect if he's found dead. 
You roam around and find him his room, sketching in the faint light of his night light like the lunatic he is, you smack the back of his head, you forgot how dramatic he can be, and you have to cover his mouth so he doesn't scream. “Shut up, you idiot. It's me,” he licks your hand, “eww. Filthy.” You wipe the hand on his shoulder.
“You literally made out with me in public, how's that filthy?” You notice what he's wearing, a white shirt, with the first two buttons undone. You smack him again.
“You idiotic dunce! Do you wanna catch a fucking cold it's literally late November!” He winces and reaches for the sweater beside him, you try to see what he's sketching but he hides it with almost superhuman speed. “Chill Hyunjin, I don't wanna spy on you.” 
“Why are you awake?” He asks.
“I could ask you the same thing.” 
“I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.” 
“Samesies. Though unlike you, I don't voluntarily ruin my eyesight when I wake up a bit too early.” You gesture to the lack of light and he sighs.
“What do you do then?” The question catches you off-guard, it sounds genuine and for some reason you answer it genuinely.
“I write poems. In light.”
“Poems about what?” 
“That's none of your business.” Your voice suddenly sounds cold and you curse yourself for turning out so hostile with your reply. 
“Sorry. I won't intrude-”
“No. I- I don't like sharing it. I don't like sharing at all actually.”
“I get that. There's parts of me I don't like sharing either. Don't feel bad about it.”
“Why didn't I ever notice how thoughtful you are?” 
“Maybe cuz you never tried to.” He presses his lips together and you suddenly feel bad about yourself. 
“Hey,” he says, “I wanna say sorry. I know how much of an asshole I've been to you. It doesn't deserve much forgiveness but it's bothering me a lot. So I say it again: I'm sorry for everything I've said and done.”
You search your brain for any reasons to not forgive him. But with the way he's been the last month, you don't find any. “I forgive you.” You say, and it's like some invisible tension is released from his body. He smiles at you. “Thank you.” 
“Let's get to know each other more.”
“I'll ask a question, we both answer it, then you ask one.” He nods, so you ask.
“What's something you'd do if money wasn't a factor? I'd be a philosopher or a writer.” 
“I'd be an artist or a dancer maybe. If you could live in one fictional universe, which one would it be? I'd love to be in the Harry Potter universe but the author’s racist.” 
“I think I'd like to live in either Dan Brown's or Rick Riordan’s books.” 
“What's something you wish more people in the world understood?”
That night you feel closer to him than you've ever been. You discover Hyunjin is an incredibly sentimental person, he also is a romantic, he's an only child, his parents are divorced, he has a dog back at home. So many things you never knew about him. He's flawed, you're flawed, but he’s not a bad human being. You hope you aren't one either. 
Ofcourse him being a thoughtful person doesn't rule out the annoying ass he is.
You both don't go to sleep again, you chat while he continues his drawing and you scroll through your notes app editing your writings. You find yourself enjoying his company. Two months ago, if someone told you you'd find peace around him, you would have laughed. 
The five of you seem to stay together almost all the time now that Jisung is also a part of the group. The text comes when you're all out eating a few days later. Minho is offended when you forget to answer his question in favor of staring at your phone. When he sees your expression is when he realizes something's off. 
“What's wrong?” He says, and everyone’s eyes are on you. 
“He wants to meet me. Tomorrow. He's coming here.” Minho doesn't need another word to understand what you're talking about, but the rest of the boys stay confused. Yet no one questions why you excuse yourself in the middle of the meal to go back home. 
Minho doesn't disturb you when you lock yourself in the room you both share, choosing to sleep in Felix’s room instead. He knows you'll need to deal with your father alone. Even if the man refuses to let you be when you've practically abandoned him. 
The next day you leave the house after they're both gone for their last classes. You don't expect the meeting with your father to be anything good, but you know that he'll hunt you down to your dorm or lectures if you don't go where he wants you.  
He never is genuinely happy to see you, you learnt to tell his expressions apart when you were 8, and his smile right now is definitely a fake. He orders a coffee for himself and you politely deny his offer to get you one as well.
He says the same thing he does every time you meet him, trying to convince you of God knows what. You're tired of having this same conversation over and over again.
“Don't do this to me. You're my child.”
“I’m not just your child, I'm a person. You've done enough damage. Stay away from me.” 
“But how can you leave me alone? I'm getting older and I have no one to rely on-” 
“And whose fault is that?” 
“I'm sorry! Ok? But you don't respect me, can't I even want respect and company from my child?” The statement makes you wanna punch him but you just laugh. 
“Don't start talking about respect. Respect is earned, and you did nothing to earn it. And if you couldn't give me the love and support you should have given your child, at least give me the privacy and independence every human deserves.” 
“I told you that day. I don't know you anymore. It'd be wise of you to stay away from me if you don't want the police called on you.” 
He tries to say more but you just walk out of the cafe and back to your dorm. You know he won't follow you. He's too egoistic for that. 
Minho hasn't slept in his own bed for two days, and you haven't seen sunlight in quite a while. The stream of texts your father sent you after your meeting, accusing you of being an ungrateful offspring and a useless human were much more depressing than the real conversation, the one you didn't allow to happen. Finally blocking him felt good nonetheless. You're tired of the responsibility of interacting with him.
You get out of bed and your entire body feels stiff, and your eyes are glitching. Maybe keeping the blinds down for two whole days wasn't a good idea. And you smell. But you still can't find the willpower to shower. 
There's a knock on your door. Minho.
“Yn? You there? I need something from my closet.” You open the door for him and his demeanor softens at your state. He knows you since highschool, he's the only one who knows what's going on and the extent to which it matters.
“Hey. Why don't you go shower, hm? The boys are all outside, they're concerned cuz they haven't seen you for some time but I'll tell them not to worry, ok?” You probably should shower. You nod at him and step out to go to the bathroom. 
Your body feels a lot better afterwards, but the world still sort of feels colorless, you decide to go get some food other than the snacks you lived on for two days. Maybe some actual food will make you feel better. There's a sticky note from Minho addressed to you on the microwave.
‘your meal inside :) finish it all’ 
You smile. He never stops taking care of all of you, that's how he shows you love.
The meal makes you feel a little alive, but the color in your world is still absent.
The boys ask you if you're ok on you way back to your room, you give them a small smile and true to Minho's words, none of them tries to dig you for information. You do notice the unexpected concern on Hyunjin's face. Weird.
Maybe you should go to your classes tomorrow.
The crowd of the noon classes will never be something you like, but at least your first class is something you like and share with Hyunjin and Felix. You zone out somewhere in the middle of the lecture and your brain, your actual enemy, decides to give you thoughts about your upbringing. No matter how hard you try to focus on something else, your mind gets stuck on how unfair your father always was to you. How he deserves to die alone. How you don't feel sorry for saying that. Your lungs have been restricted since that day, but it's becoming more difficult for you to breathe every minute. You need to get out of here. You really need to get out of the crowd before you start hyperventilating.
Hyunjin saw you hurriedly ask the professor to excuse you, he asked the professor to let him go after you, and seeing how you looked, the professor let him. 
You haven't had a meltdown in a long time and your lungs burn as your breathing becomes labored, you find a quiet corridor to hide from the footsteps behind you. 
Your legs go weak and the weight of the ceiling doubles and presses down on your head. You drop to your knees. 
“Yn!” His hand is on your shoulder and you swat it away before you can even comprehend it. Things are too fast, way too fast for your brain to help. 
“Get away!” You can't have him here right now, not when you're vulnerable and he has the power to rip you apart. Your brain doesn't trust him with this.
“Let me help-” 
“I don't need help! Es- Especially from you.” You never see the hurt that flashes in his eyes because something that feels like a strong blow to your chest knocks the air out of your lungs. You clutch your top, even the fabric feeling like a restriction on breathing. 
You hear him mumble a ‘fuck it'  before he knnels down beside you and you're pressed to his chest in a protective hug. Your mental barrier collapses. 
Tears escape you like a dam overflowing, your brain not functional enough to form a coherent sentence. Years of bottled up hurt, the emotionally overwhelming events of the last few days and the unpleasant reminders of everything you lack flow out in ugly sobs as Hyunjin runs a comforting hand across your back. No questions asked. You surprise yourself with how broken your crying sounds.
Your breathing is choked and painful, quite like your life in your childhood home. But there was no one to help you calm down there, no one telling you ‘its okay, you're safe, try to follow my breathing hm?’
You follow his instructions the best you can, calming down enough for some air to flow into your lungs. He makes you drink water and runs to the lecture hall to fetch both of your backpacks. He takes you back to your dorm and gets you a snack without asking a single question. He deems your own room too depressing for you to stay in so he brings you to the kitchen. He observes you carefully until he's sure you're fine.
“I know you don't trust me to help you,” he sighs and regret washes over you like a wave, “forget about the rest of your classes today, get some rest. I'll go back now-” He reaches for his backpack when you speak up. 
“Hyunjin- wait.” He says nothing, but just looks at you, wanting you to continue. 
“Stay,” you say, your eyes still burn from the crying and you don't want to feel alone anymore, “please.” 
He sighs and sets the backpack down. 
“I don't want you to tell me everything, but I can't help if I have no idea what's wrong.” 
He lets you reach out to hug him, you ignore all the confusing feelings in the back of your head. 
“I'm sorry. Even talking about it reminds me of the details. And that usually ends up worse than what happened a few minutes ago.” 
“Mhm.” His hand pats down your messed up hair and you don't remember a touch ever being this comforting.
“It's my dad. I met him a couple days ago, he tried to get me to stay around because apparently he doesn't wanna die alone. But I refused and walked out. He resorted to his old behavior and flooded my texts with all the things he always keeps saying about me. About how I'm useless, no good at anything I do, disrespectful and not worthy of any love and things like that. It got to me more than it should have, but hey, I finally blocked him.”
“I'm proud of you for doing that. And let me tell you something. You're incredibly good at everything you do. You're so smart, and such a good dancer. I was so jealous of you when I first met you.” He says, and you believe him despite your brain saying he's lying to you. 
“Your friends all love you so much. Would you really let a man with no company tell you whether you deserve love or not?”
“But I haven't earned it. I've done nothing to deserve that love.” He makes a disbelieving sound at the statement.
“Love isn't something you have to earn, it's something that is given out of will. And if someone gives you their love without you asking for it. Then you certainly deserve it. Whoever tries to tell you otherwise is lying to you, ok? It took me a while to understand this but trust me. It's the truth.” You nod into his shoulder before you break the hug to look at him. 
“Since when do you care about me, huh?” You joke, not even expecting an answer but he gives you one. 
“Since when? I don't know. All I know is I care about you a lot. I don't like seeing you hurt. Which, again, makes me feel guilty as fuck for acting like I did to you. I don't know why I was so selfis-” 
“Shh, it's in the past now, we're even. I don't mind having you around now.” 
“Is that you being soft for me darling?” There goes his teasing, this warrants the punch in the rib you give him. He grunts in response but laughs anyway. 
“Would you find it funny if I ask you for cuddles right now?” You say, and he looks surprised, but happy nonetheless. 
“I'd find it adorable.” You drag him to your bed. 
“We need to make your room look less depressing after this okay?” He says and you nod before you let yourself fall on top of him, getting an ‘oof’ in reply before he arms come up to hold you. 
You feel puzzled about this whole situation with him and matter how much you like it, you need to clarify it. 
“Hey, Hyunjin?” He hums.
“This, whatever it is, do you want it? Should we like, talk about it?” He doesn't get angry like you expected him to, but replies calmly. 
“I like whatever it is. If you wanna talk about it, we should. I'm not sure I even have a name for it though.”
“I don't have one either. I don't really understand feelings. But I don't want this to stop. Do you?” 
“No. No I don't.”
“Minho knows something's up with us.” 
“I know, I've seen him looking at us suspiciously, though I don't think he hates it though.”
“He's my insurance. Just know he'll murder if you decide to become a bitch to me again.” 
“I won't. Promise.”
You're both up before the other occupants of your dorm come back with Jisung inevitably tagging along. When Minho comes back the first thing he does is check up on you. You tell him about the little breakdown and Hyunjin helping you. He stares at Hyunjin for a good minute as if gauging him for signs of danger but then shrugs and thanks him.
You explain your complicated relationship with your father in minimal detail to the other two boys just so they don't worry too much in uncertainty. It is decided that everyone will go out together to eat and celebrate the upcoming winter break. 
You don't go home for winter break, but Felix and Minho do, so does Jisung, so it's just you and Hyunjin together for Christmas. You don't hate the prospect. 
Two days after the three boys are gone you two decide it's better staying in one place than continuously having to meet each other to prepare for the celebration. You don't hate this either. 
Hyunjin is fun to be around, he's hilarious on top of being beautiful, you're almost sure you have feelings for him, feelings of what sort and how deep, that you don't know. Maybe you'll add one more poem about it to the collection that has been growing everyday. 
You learn he's much more affectionate than you thought he'd be, he's almost always close to you. He isn't clingy per se, but he's always close. Like right now. 
You're trying one of Minho’s recipes and he has got you convinced there's flour on your face, though you're sure you've added more flour to your face in your attempts to remove the original bit because he's laughing like you're a clown. 
“Hyunjin if you're not helping I'm going to the bathroom to wash it off-”
“Wait.” He cups your face and swipes his thumb at your jaw to get the first bit off, he's closer than he needs to be, though you don't think you care. The second bit of flour is on your forehead apparently, that's where his hand is even though his eyes are on your lips. You're almost certain he wants to kiss you. So you do the next reasonable thing. 
Put flour on his nose and run. 
“Hey! Not fair!” He tries to catch you but fails, and like you're toddlers, a game of chase starts.
“Come back here!” He laughs and you return it. 
“Nope. Not coming back there.” You run up to Lix's room.
“Alright have it your way.” He grabs a pillow and before you can tell him no, you're in the middle of a pillow fight. He tries to hit you on the head but misses, and your pillow lands square in his face. He recovers soon after though, and somehow manages to snatch away your pillow and pin you down on the bed.
You're both dizzy with laughter. “All I wanted was a kiss! The betrayal! I want payback!” He complains like the dramatic toddler he is. “Well deal with it Hwang. You're not getting any kisses on Lix’s bed, have some shame.” You push him off in a moment of weakness and take off again.
“The stuff in the oven will burn dumbass!” 
The dinner is made and eaten without incident, thankfully. You make Hyunjin sleep in Felix's room, being pretty doesn't give him an automatic ticket to yours, you like occupying all the space by yourself.
You're cold. Too cold. It's almost as if the coldness has seeped into your bones. With every moment the pressure on your body increases, you feel like you're drowning, when your eyes open all you see is a distorted sheet of blue. You are drowning. Your body is slowly sinking deeper. The pressure is pressing down on your brain and your ribs, you call for help but your words aren't heard, not even by you. You scream but no sound escapes your watery prison, you strain your throat with how hard you're trying to make a sound, to scream for help- 
You wake hyperventilating, like you always do from this same nightmare. It takes you a good minute to catch your breath. 
The next thing you do is calculate how much self respect you can sacrifice from your dwindling resources to fall asleep again. Because you certainly won't be able to sleep alone for the rest of the night. 
His door’s open. Maybe disturbing him a little wouldn't hurt? Well that would be the case if he were sleeping. 
“Are you fucking nocturnal?” You say, and you watch him jump and the phone fall from his hand.
“God who even lurks in the dark like that? How do you not make a sound? Are you a vampire?” 
“I dunno. Instincts. Not a vampire though, sadly. Why’re you up?”
“Can't sleep. You?”
“Stupid dream.” You seat yourself beside him. You both seem to have something against sleeping properly.
“Wanna talk about it?” He's put his phone down, you notice. 
“Only if you tell me why you never sleep.” He contemplates for a moment then shrugs. 
“No details but nights never meant good things for me growing up. I'm a light sleeper and on the bad days even footsteps wake me up. Sometimes I can't sleep at all.” He shrugs.
“I can sleep most nights, but I have this recurring dream where I'm drowning for some reason. I can't sleep after waking up from that one. Why are nights bad for you? Memories?” 
“Yeah. I don't like talking about it.” 
“You wanna try going back to sleep or you wanna do something else?” You ask.
“I’d go back to sleep but it seems impossible now.” You don't remember ever relating to him as much as you do right now.
“C'mere.” You gesture to the space beside you, to your surprise he doesn't protest. “Talk to me about anything until it's morning or one of us starts feeling sleepy.” And he does. Your discussion goes from fiction to emotions to the way people behave and then back to anime then to art to poetry and then what not. But when you wake up, there's so much light in the room that you're almost sure it's noon. And you can't move. 
“Hyunjin. Wake up.” He doesn't. “Hyunjin! You stupid ferret, get off me.” He budges a little at that. So much for claiming to be a light sleeper huh? You need to push him off of you before you can get up and check the time. 
11:40 am. Wow. That's a solid 7 hours of sleep. 
You get up to clean up and find something to eat. By the time you shower and dig into your bowl of cereal, Hyunjin finds his way to the kitchen with a puffy face. Adorable. 
“Good Morning, ferret. Sleep well?” You joke. 
“Very well actually, why're you eating cereal…. sitting on the table?” 
“I dunno,” you shrug, “seemed fun.”
You're never witnessed an actually groggy Hyunjin before this and it's hilarious. He's dazed and almost hit his head on the counter. Thrice. It's almost surprising that he manages to get himself water without breaking anything.
“You left me alone.” He complains when you're done washing your cereal bowl. 
“Well I'm sorry but I had to. I was hungry.” 
“No fair.” In a few seconds you discover handling the weight of a tall guy is quite a task. Is it a hug or are you being crushed to death? You're not sure. “Ok I'm sorry let me breathe please!” 
You can finally breathe when he lets go of you, “Now go shower. Your breath’s nasty.” He doesn't reply but just messes up your hair before running off. 
You should have known. Maybe you can't let good things happen to yourself without attempting to destroy them.
“You're not the brightest outside class, are you Hwang?” You're watching him struggle with figuring out what spice is what. 
“You only say that cuz you're jealous of my class smarts.” He rolls his eyes at you.
“Oh please, you were behind me by a whole grade in two classes last semester.”
“That wasn't my 100%, I had stuff to deal with.” 
“All excuses, aren't they?” 
“Everything is a competition for you isn't it?” He sounds disappointed but you're not the bigger person.
“Isn't it for you too?” 
“No it isn't. Forgive me for not wanting to compete for everything in my life.” 
“Why? Scared?” The conversation escalates before you realize it and you blame your tendency to argue with him.
“Why are you so obsessed with being the best?” He's no longer calm.
“You tell me. You were the one mocking me for always being second for a whole damn year!”
“Oh come on, there's more to it! Why are you so fragile about it?” 
“You and your taunts are all there is to it and I'm reacting like anyone would. Why were you so insistent on beating me in everything?” 
“Oh, come on! There's definitely stuff you're not saying, why can't you open up to me?” 
“I don't want to say anything. Why the fuck do you even want me to open up to you?” 
“Because I want to fix this!” 
“And why does fixing it matter?” 
“Because I like you god damn it! Are you that dumb?” 
“Bullshit. You suddenly like me after a whole year of hating me huh?” 
“Why else do you think I'm doing this? Why else would I agree to this?” 
“Maybe cuz it'd make for a very funny scenario don't you think? ‘Hey look at them developing feelings for me just because we stopped trying to kill each other’ sounds hilarious doesn't it?” You don't even know where all this is coming from but you never completely ruled out the prospect of all this being an act on his side. 
He didn't think so, that much is visible on his face when you finally find the guts to look at him. Fuck. You just can't stop hurting people in your life huh? 
“I'm sorry.” You apologize before you turn to leave, but he doesn't let you. Instead of being angry like you thought he'd be, he just pulls you into a hug. The gesture does something to you that you can't quite figure out. 
“Let go of me.” You don't want him to, but you can't find the courage to face this. You're too weak.
“No. I'm not letting you go anywhere.” 
“I don't deserve this Hyunjin. Staying for me will get you nowhere. You're stupid if you-”
“Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.” 
“You… what?” That's not a confession one would expect out of him. But you can't say you didn't do the same.
“You heard me. And I'm not letting you leave without even trying.” You've never heard so much emotion in his voice, even in the few months that you both spent together, you're sure his eyes would be glossy if you look at him now. So you don't.
“We need to sort this out, yeah? You can't keep running from everything.” 
Your tears always choose the worst time to appear. 
“I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't-, I'm not…… used to feeling this way ok?” 
“I know. And that's fine. I never expected this to be easy. It's okay.”
“I'm sorry I- I want to trust you. I want to. But it's so difficult..” 
“I don't blame you. We both barely know about the things that we had to deal with. Trust doesn't happen without communication does it? That's why we need to talk to each other. About everything. Even the stuff we don't like sharing. Nothing will work without that, right?” 
It feels like he knows how to take your jumbled up mess of thoughts and feelings and make sense of it in ways you don't even understand. So you talk, about everything you don't like sharing, about your fears and their origins, about the troubles you have with trusting people, about the insecurities you relate to your image, about the pressure you keep putting on yourself to be the best there is and why you do so. 
And he does too, about the way he feels out of control of everything and why that happens, how it feels like an obligation to put his own feelings aside and live by the reputation expected of him, about why loud footsteps or just loud sounds scare him, why yelling brings back bad memories, how he feels like he's carrying a heavy weight from his past along with him wherever he goes, how his coping mechanisms have caused both of you damage. 
And by the end of the conversation it doesn't feel so difficult to trust him anymore. He wouldn't hurt you, not on purpose at least. If he does, well, maybe you want to take the chance. For the sake of it. Maybe you don't hate the feeling of vulnerability. 
“If I fuck this up,” you look at him as you speak, “promise me you'll leave.” 
“You won't. I know.” 
“I hope you're right. I'm sorry for being so stupid.” 
“If we want this to work the first thing you'll have to do is stop apologizing for everything.” It's almost like you're a toddler being scolded. 
“I'm sorr-”
“Not again.” 
“Shit my bad-”
“Okay! I get it! No saying sorry for everything.” 
You like his hugs. They're warm. But you also like chaos. So you pinch his waist, the boy is dramatic, of course he jumps and looks at you with the most disbelieving wide eyes.
“What was that for?” 
“That was for being stupidly pretty.”
“So we're doing compliments now, darling?” He's never gonna stop doing this is he?
“If you use the tease voice I'll pinch you harder I swear.”
“Not sure I'd mind,” before he can finish the sentence though, you have him trapped between your arms and the dinner table, he seems quite happy with it, “you seem to like me quite a lot, don't you darling?” 
“And? What if I do?” 
Your roommates expected to find stuff when they returned from their homes, but stuff definitely didn't include you and Hyunjin arguing over who gets the last piece of cake. The fight seemed…. unserious.
They definitely didn't expect it to end in you and him sharing the last bit. You and Hyunjin. Sharing. Unheard of.
The real surprise came when they were done unpacking. You caught Felix in his room. 
“Hey Lix, guess what?” Poor sweet soul of his, already interested in what you have to say.
“I'm dating someone.”
“WHAT? Who?!” 
“Try guessing.” He looks confused but attempts nonetheless.
“Look I mentioned her being hot one time. That don't mean I'm dating her.” 
“Then who?” 
“Who did I spend winter with?” He gives you a look that says ‘bitch tf’.
“Oh come on. I may be a little clueless but there's no fucking way you're dating Hwang Hyunjin.”
“Oh yeah? Why don't you go ask him? He's explaining the same thing to Minho right now.” 
You find them in the kitchen, and as you expected, Minho looks like it's a normal day for him. No surprise at all. 
Felix however, is quite close to losing it. 
“Hyunjin. Tell me they're making a fool of me.” He says, but Hyunjin stays silent and you fear Felix is actually on the brink of insanity. 
“What the fuck.” It's almost a whisper when he says it. Both you and Hyunjin cannot hold back your laughter. Their reaction was exactly what you predicted.
Minho is the one who speaks up next.
“Come on, Lix. These two weren’t even that subtle. Where'd you think Hyunjin got that hickey from? Just a few weeks after these two stopped fighting? Why do you think I insisted on leaving them alone together?” 
You knew it was his plan. How else would you end up alone with Hyunjin at the most convenient times ever?
“Lee Minho you little fucker, you better sleep with one eye open.” You joke.
“Look at how ungrateful you are. I helped you and you give me death threats? Betrayal,” he's smiling at you, when he turns to Hyunjin however, he looks murderous, “if I hear you hurt my best friend in any way, the world will run out of places for you to hide in. Trust me on that.” 
“Enough Min, you'll scare away my boyfriend.” 
Boyfriend huh? That felt nice to say. 
“Now who's gonna tell Jisung?” 
“Let's all just head to his dorm. Help the boy with unpacking too.” 
“You seem keen on meeting him, Min. What's the matter?” The question only gets you elbowed in the rib.
Jisung's reaction is as loud as you anticipated but he doesn't seem too surprised, you ask him why.
“Oh Hyunjin always rants about things, I'm his roommate, I figured something was up with you.” 
Later, when you have your boyfriend to yourself, you decide to ask him about it.
“So, about what Jisung said”
“Don't believe him, I beg you.”
“Save the begging for other things, I'd say it's pretty plausible, considering you rant about a lot.”
“I do NOT monologue about my crushes, case closed.” Hyunjin really needs to control his fidgeting if he wants to get away with lying. 
You cup his face, “Why are you denying it? It's adorable.” 
“Not funny?”
“Maybe a little funny.” The urge to kiss his nose is strong, so you don't fight it. You die a little when he scrunches up his face on reflex. 
He's adorable and maybe you're a little obsessed.
“I can't believe cornering you somewhere is all it takes to make you blush!” You laugh, because you have him cornered right now. Against his desk this time. 
“It is not!” He defends himself to no avail, it makes you laugh, you're growing increasingly fond of him. 
“Such a pretty liar, huh? Quit trying to deny it, love.” That's the first affectionate nickname you've given him. And its effect is visible, if the smile on his face is anything to go by.
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
“How demanding.” But you do it anyway. And he takes it forward, like he does everytime, this time you're not confused. You want him. He wants you. And it's the best feeling ever. If he walks out of this room with hickeys later on, you don't need to act clueless. He's yours. 
But with the way his lips attach to your skin, maybe you'll be the target of your friends’ judgemental glances as well this time. You don't mind. You're his. 
If Jisung comes knocking now you're pretty sure you won't hear it over Hyunjin. The boy is sensitive. 
“Maybe getting those two together was a bad idea, I can hear them and I'm sitting in a different room!” 
“Leave them alone, let's go to ours. We can't keep sitting here any longer like we're not hearing anything.” 
Hwang Hyunjin, how you love him and how his existence is a slap in the face of your father. He's everything good. But first off he's yours. And he loves you. Maybe clay doesn't need to be broken to be fixed, maybe if you just paint over the fingerprints and love the shapes as they are, you'll see some beauty in it. Hyunjin sees beauty in you that's for sure, he never seems to get tired of drawing you, being someone's muse is a wonderful feeling. He's your muse as well though, with the entire collection of writings he's prompted by simply existing. You recited some to him one day, maybe you'll give him a handwritten version of the rest on his birthday.
You think it's ironic, you're back where you started, movie night in your dorm. Only this time you're tangled up with Hyunjin and the three boys are in a weird heap of limbs. Whatever they are, they're your friends. You're not gonna judge. 
But they will definitely keep judging the PDA Hyunjin makes them all witness. 
“You're both disgusting!” It's Jisung, and he's pulled back to sit by a worked up Felix. “He meant disgustingly cute!” 
“Why are you running damage control? They are disgusting.” That's Minho, just trying to eat his pudding.
This is how you like stuff, cozy, homelike, and a little bit silly.  
“I didn't know it was yours!” You will chase him around the place until you get payback. You can hear the other boys laughing their asses off at how terrified Hyunjin is. 
He tries to take off in the opposite direction of you but is a few seconds late. 
“Caught ya! Now apologize!” You pinch his ear and his yelp is the most amusing thing for Jisung, it seems.
“Ow! I'm sorry your majesty! I will never touch your food again.” You almost think you've won before he runs off. You catch him again, obviously. This time in your room. 
“You little thief Hwang, I hate you.” You're out of breath and you're laughing. “Hate and love, same thing aren't they, darling?” He will never stop with that teasing tone. 
“Hmm, maybe you need a better lesson. You're lucky you're pretty, love.” His hair is messed up and he's slightly out of breath, there's a lopsided grin on his face. He's probably the prettiest being to ever exist.
You lean close and the expression on his face shifts a little, he looks a little doubtful, uncertain, almost vulnerable.
“Do you really want me?” He wants you to affirm it, to assure him.
“You know I do.”
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stirringwinds · 5 months
Your thoughts on Alfreds similarity to Arthur, their dynamic and their father-son relationshio is incredible and so very enjoyable! The way Arthur sees Alfred; his hyperindependent son who rejects his fathers ideas and uplifts his own ambitions, not understanding that while his own ambition and view of the world is not completely identical to his fathers, it's a mirror image in scale and vigour. It is the same old tale of the prince beheading the king, taking the crown and vowing to never become his father, only to come full circle and have his enemies tell him "you're just like him."
Alfred may be the "black sheep" of the family, but not even Arthur can hide his favoritism for the lad. His firstborn is more like him than anyone of his children, and that bears pride, yet fear as well.
Im just trying to say that if you had a million fans, I am one of them, if you had one fan, its me, if you had zero fans im dead. <3
thank you so much! (: in return, i have to say how much i love your art, especially of the pacific siblings + the old man. you bring them to life really beautifully.
and yes! i just love the excellent contradictions that come out when digging into arthur and alfred as a father-and-son dynamic. i enjoy putting a twist on the usual tropes of the 'black sheep' and 'golden boy/crown prince', where it's often two different siblings. here, out of the 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿 siblings, alfred is the black sheep and the crown prince. he is the estranged eldest brother who seemingly does whatever the hell he wants. he overshadows them all even in his absence. like, for Jack and Zee especially, it's not a flattering picture of Alfred they get from Arthur. Ungrateful wretch, fool of a lad, hotheaded and arrogant, a flash in the pan...etc etc. but even quite young, before WWI or WWII, they realise that Alfred is the only one of them Arthur truly sees as anything close to an equal. that contrast is sharpened by how Arthur treats Matt—who was the 'older brother' they actually knew: the otherwise competent shocktroop of empire and first dominion shouldering various responsibilities. to defy Arthur is to earn his enmity, but also the only way to earn his respect.
like most other nations who become empires—Arthur doesn't truly believe in heirs: the sun never sets on the british empire, no? and when you are an eldritch being given life by the power of human ideas, immortality is a possibility they can't help aspiring to, no matter how much history is littered with the rise and fall of nations once arrogant enough to believe themselves invincible. and Arthur, at the height of British power, allows himself to believe that. for all his shrewdness and study of history, he's not immune to being seduced by that possibility. why shouldn't his empire be different? driven by the power of industrial civilisation that Rome could never dream of. Arthur never wanted Alfred to be his heir because he would never relinquish power willingly (just as the British Empire did not give itself up until the combined weight of world war two, anti-colonial movements and bankruptcy broke its back), but with his defiance, Alfred is the only kind of heir he would respect.
It is the same old tale of the prince beheading the king, taking the crown and vowing to never become his father, only to come full circle and have his enemies tell him "you're just like him."
indeed! i always see a real Titanomachy theme between Arthur and Alfred for that reason; the British and American empires certainly loved to perceive themselves as heirs to classical antiquity after all. the Greek story of the war between the younger generation of Olympian gods and Titans to determine who would have dominion over the universe. Zeus, with his siblings, overthrows his father Cronus— in a manner of speaking, that is what happens with WWII. Alfred is both Arthur's deliverance (lend lease, d-day...) and the one who usurps him: America replacing Britain's prime role in the Pacific, reshaping and redefining alliances with Australia, New Zealand and Canada. in the eyes of many of the Old World nations, Alfred is his father's heir. to end off, here's a short snippet from a WIP i'm working on set during the American Civil War:
Arthur laughs. “Do I make you do anything anymore, Alfred? Didn't you throw away my name almost a century ago? Did you not loudly announce yourself as a maritime power? That huge uproar you created in the Far East? Bragging to me how you’d done what I failed, dragging another Old World nation out of isolation to rejoin the international community on the threat of war and glories of foreign commerce?” Alfred opens his mouth—to say something self-righteous and hypocritical, Arthur is certain—but then he lifts his chin coolly. “As opposed to the actual war you started in China? If anything, with the Treaty of Kanagawa, I proved how one could secure foreign trading interests with both firmness but far more civilisation. You and I," Alfred sneers, “are not the same.” “An unequal treaty is an unequal treaty— that I will not deny even if I will not give up its benefits. This world is not for soft men or women, and the old warlord that Yao is—he knows that well.” Arthur smiles sharply. “Do you hate the fact that when the other Old World nations look at you, they see my blood running in your veins?"
Arthur imo, is definitely that father who plays favourites. Alfred is his greatest disappointment but also the one he loves the most—in the dysfunctional way that a man who is an empire comes closest to loving the son who mirrors him the most in his pitiless ambition and cunning. Alfred sees himself as a genuine idealist, as someone struggling to be free of his father and all his bad traits, but when Alfred rises to power, Arthur believes he's the only one who truly understands him the most. It's almost the possessive element of 'I gave you life, I named you and made you what you are, and no matter how much you scorn my name, my influence will define you forever.' Father and son, king and crown prince, regicide and patricide—but also creator and his creation made in his image.
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sassycheesecake · 4 months
A/N: As requested by my followers, here’s my bday special yakuza!Suna smut! (It sounds like a dish lmao, also happy bday to 25 year old me yay) The characters are like in their mid-twenties! P.S. I had way too many ideas for writing this, so I am gonna divide it into two parts :'D
Warnings: non-explicit sexual content, cursing, enemies to lovers trope, mentions of sex
You absolutely despise him.
He’s an infuriating, stupidly attractive, arrogant jerk.
Even his name leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
Rintarō Suna. 
Henchman of ruthless yakuza boss Shinsuke Kita, he is a highly intelligent strategist with rather unfortunate good looks that could make any girl swoon as soon as he looked their way. 
Too bad for all the females that Suna doesn’t do relationships, only fucking with no strings attached. 
He’s the only one in the group who brings company back to his room, claiming he has 'needs' and it’s a good stress relief.
You couldn’t care less, it’s not like you have a thing for Suna. 
He uses women and throws them away like paper, his body count is probably higher than the Spanish flu. 
You’re walking down the dimly-lit hallway, passing by an expensive painting towards his room.
When you get closer, you hear the sound of a moaning woman, along with the constant creaking of a bed. 
Immediately, your stomach twists in a weird way and you take deep breaths before hammering your fist against his door.
You hear a startled yelp of the woman and thankfully the creaking stops.
"What?!" Suna snaps loudly from inside his room.
"Suna, get your ass out of there. Kita called for a meeting 20 minutes ago. Send your visitor home and get a move on!" You yell back in frustration.
You wait for about seven minutes before the door opens, and a bright red-headed woman emerges from the room, hair all tousled up with cheeks colored almost as red as her hair.
She is unmistakably beautiful, you unfortunately have to admit. 
She looks a little bit guilty when she looks at you, not saying a word as she brushes past you in a hurry to leave. 
When you look back inside Suna’s room, the air smells heavy with sex and frustration from Suna's side, not exactly happy that you interrupted his hook-up session.
"You know, you’re such a manwhore." You say, with a voice full of anger and jealousy, after the woman has left.
"And proud of it sweetheart." Suna begins to pull up his discarded boxers and black jeans again, turning away from you, so his broad muscled back faces you.
Along with lots of scars of fights he has been in, his massive tattoo always amazes you.
It’s two giant vipers entangled with each other, mouths open so fangs are on display. At the bottom of the vipers, a red demon skull with a nasty snarl is staring right into the viewers face. Along on top of the skull are two horns, looking like they grew out of the skull. Two arrows go through the vipers, not hurting them but so the reptiles curl around them. It represents deceptive authority. 
"Enjoying the view?" Suna's teasing tone rips you out of your daydream.
"You wish. Kita has called us into a meeting and you weren’t picking up your phone when Aran has tried to call you multiple times." You cross your arms in front of your chest as you watch him getting dressed. 
Pulling his discarded maroon hoodie over his upper body, he faces you again with his usual bored expression. Aka what you call his resting-bitch-face.
"Let’s go fuckboy. Kita is waiting for us and with every damn second I spend waiting for you, he grows more agitated. Ever since his girl has left him, he’s been more moody, impatient and impulsive than usual." In the last part of your sentence, you drop the volume of your voice. 
Suna finally finishes putting on his sneakers and steps out of his room to lock the door and follow you to the conference room.
"I can’t understand how you can have sex with someone who screams so loud, I’d probably get my eardrums busted if my partner screamed so loud." You start the conversation.
"Think you sound better?" Suna grins at you with those beautiful dark emerald eyes of his, while still walking beside you to the conference room.
"I KNOW I sound better! At least I don’t scream like a cat in heat when I orgasm." You huff and fast the pace in your steps.
"I don’t care how loud they are, as long as I can fuck them and they leave, I could give less a shit." The brunette fastens his steps, so he is walking next to you again, making your shoulder brush with his side occasionally.
Silence from your side for a few seconds before Suna starts talking again.
"By the way. Why are you so uptight? Haven’t had a good fuck in a while?" He taunts you as he leans closer to your face.
You ignore his comment, finally arriving at the conference room.
When you open the door, you see Kita leaning his head against his propped up fist on his table and at the sound of the door opening, his brown eyes snap towards you. 
His eyes are very cold and it gives you shivers every time you look at him.
Suna shortly follows after you and without any acknowledgment to his boss, he sits in the seat next to Osamu. 
"Finally." Kita sighs and leans back in his chair. Finally all of the Inarizaki members have arrived, sitting at the long white-gray marble table, with Kita sitting at the head of the table. 
The last unoccupied chair was next to Riseki, who gives you a small smile as you sit down next to him.
Kita stands up and walks around a little bit, starting to talk.
"The reason why I called you all in here is because Inarizaki will soon expand its territory. With Shiratorizawa and Nohebi gone, all that is left is Karasuno and Itachiyama." Some of the members listen intently to him, others like Suna pulling out his phone, typing on it with a bored expression.
"So what are we going to do about them?" Aran asks from Riseki's left side. 
"I had a talk with Iizuna last night. We have come to a mutual agreement of joining forces together." Kita answers, stopping at the window to look outside.
"What? Ya serious?! Those snobby bastards only care for their own fuckin' profit!" Atsumu sneers madly.
Kita looks at Atsumu through his peripheral vision briefly before returning his gaze back outside.
"I know that some of you may have a problem with that, but Karasuno has gotten too much power in the last two years. Sawamura is stealing most of our customers away and by joining forces together with Itachiyama, we will be able to take over half of Japan, soon maybe the whole of Japan. Eliminate them one by one, pray you do not disappoint me.”
“What about their newest product ‘Spikedopamine’? I heard that’s the newest shit in town. Is that why our sales have dropped so much?” Akagi states, who sits on your right.
Ginjima and Atsumu who sit across from you, start laughing hysterically at the name that they chose for the newest drug they produced. The name-founder Kageyama used to play volleyball back in high school, where most of the crows have met and formed their group. 
“That’s the stupidest name I ever heard!” Atsumu manages to say while getting tears in his eyes.
Ginjima and Atsumu keep on laughing until Omimi shoots them a sharp glare, while Kita looks at them with an undefined expression.
Ginjima immediately stops, while Atsumu’s laugh turns into a nervous chuckle, stopping after a while as well.
It’s quiet for a while before Kita starts to speak again.
“I will divide you into teams and you will all work together with Itachiyama. Iizuna and I already made the teams.”
Kita walks back to his chair to sit down and reaches for the few folders that Aran has slid over to his boss.
“Team 1, the Surveillance Team. Osamu, you will go with Akagi, Kosaku, Omimi and Komori from Itachiyama. He’s a black-hat hacker, he can help you hack into their security system and download important files, steal information and hack into their bank accounts.” 
The names of the men that were called begin to stand up, since Osamu sits on Kita’s left side at the head of the table, he grabs the folder that Kita has provided him.
“And Team 2, which will be the Assault Team, will consist of Atsumu, (Y/N), Suna and Sakusa from Itachiyama. He's a weapons specialist, expert interrogator and master strategist.” Kita slides the folder to you, since Suna is still on his phone, showing it to Atsumu, who grins mischievously at the screen. 
“Aran, Riseki and Ginjima, you stay here at headquarters, in case someone gets injured, you can take over. That will be all.” Kita, Aran, Riseki and Ginjima begin to get up to return to their rooms while you and your assigned team remain seated.
Well this is fucking great. 
You’re stuck with a psycho, a manwhore and an arrogant jackass for God knows how long, until you all bring the downfall for Karasuno.
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david-talks-sw · 8 months
When 'Star Wars' dilutes the impact of a "Kurosawa samurai standoff"...
It's no secret that one of the major inspirations for Star Wars was Akira Kurosawa movies. The Hidden Fortress influenced the basic structure of the first film, was a basis for Lucas' character archetypes and his use of narrative POVs.
But, really, all of Kurosawa's films were an influence on the making of Star Wars. Including the duels seen in his and other samurai films from the 60s.
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Dunno if you've seen a kendo fight, but they're pretty similar.
The duelists size each other up, and there's a lot of mind games going on before the strike actually happens.
If you hold your sword this way, the other guy adjusts his stance.
You move your foot that way, the adversary responds accordingly.
Cinematically, this process allows you to play with a whole treasure trove of elements to build up the drama and suspense. We see this slow-yet-tense approach to dueling reflected all over the Original Trilogy. And we've seen it again in recent Disney-released content.
The perfect and first real example of this in Star Wars is the fight between Ben Kenobi and Maul, in Rebels.
The tension increases more...
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... and more until the two fighters move, the music swells...
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... and then it reaches its climax.
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Beautifully executed.
Dave Filoni's done his homework, it shows, and while it's an awesome homage, narratively it also holds weight. There's a reason why this fight is so quick:
This time, Obi-Wan isn't fighting to avenge the death of his master, he's not fighting to save his own life... he's fighting to protect Luke's. And that means there's no time to fuck about. He'll end the conflict swiftly and decisively, he won't let it come to a prolonged acrobatic fight. So he lures Maul in by making him think he's taking Qui-Gon's form, and strikes true when Maul, increasingly consumed by his own rage to the point of blindness, falls for it.
Again: a wonderful fight and an excellent homage.
Then we get to Luke's stand-off with Kylo on Crait, in The Last Jedi.
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An interesting take on the trope, also with meaningful narrative impact. As Rian Johnson writes in the TLJ screenplay:
"This is not like a saber fight. This like an old-fashioned samurai duel."
Here too, the tension gets built up...
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... and every time we're close to getting that climax, Luke dodges.
It leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, which is exactly what Kylo is feeling as he boils with rage.
Suddenly, we do get the climax...
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... and a twist. Luke was never actually there. Boom. Those inserts during the build-up phase? If you look at them again they're clues (Luke doesn't leave a mark on the ground, salt doesn't land on his clothes, etc). Luke wasn't engaging because he wasn't actually there, he was buying time for the Resistance to escape.
Okay. Cool.
Next time we see a "Kurosawa" duel... it's here, in The Mandalorian.
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Again, a lot of posing, slow movements and patience, as is expected from the trope.
But we know nothing about the opponent Ahsoka is fighting other than her name is Morgan... so no emotional impact, there.
At some point, Ahsoka loses a lightsaber. The apprentice to the Chosen One is struggling against some rando.
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We find out later on that Morgan is a Nightsister from Dathomir, and that's cool... but we already know how Jedi-trained folks fare against the Dathomiri.
If you ask me, it feels like manufactured stakes. But that's beside the point. In fact, y'know what? It's fine.
Though the impact of this duel isn't as great as its predecessors, the whole episode is filled with visual homages to Kurosawa's work.
It makes sense that the duel would be too. Also it's the first time we're seeing Ahsoka in live action, in a lightsaber duel, the hype is real. Let's cut 'em some slack.
So we come to the series Ahsoka... where almost every duel in the the show has the Kurosawa posturing and tip-toeing and... I dunno. I was bored?
Like, the primary purpose of this approach to duels is that it's meant to be suspenseful and intense... and now it's not.
Because we know Ahsoka is gonna beat the crap outta these droids...
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... so why even bother faking some semblance of "what's her next move gonna be?" suspense? There's a hole right behind her, gee, I truly wonder.
Oh, you think putting her against an Inquisitor's gonna make us fear for her life, wonder if she's gonna get outta this situation unscathed?
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She was wiping the floor with two of them at the same time, a decade prior. At 17, she was killing Inquisitors while disarmed.
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Do you really expect your audience to fear for her life in a fight against Marrok?
So we get to the fight with Baylan, and the posturing and studying opponent's next move would be welcome here (two Order 66 survivors, knew Anakin, both well-trained former Jedi)...
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... if we hadn't literally seen that same dynamic with Marrok who, again, we knew was gonna die.
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No tension was built in either moment, the only thing it achieved was me pressing >> on my keyboard.
It's not captivating anymore, it's just slow and un-dynamic.
Bottom line:
Tributes to Kurosawa are nice. They're part of what makes Star Wars what it is. But c'mon, we get it already.
Lightsaber duelists don't need to tiptoe around each other and change poses at every fight. Because when the actually meaningful duels come up (like the one with Baylan), the impact will be lessened.
The "Kurosawa samurai duel" is artistic and interesting, but it should be used sparingly in order to maintain its charm and not get old and trope-y. AKA too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
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coffeebeanwriting · 1 year
What Bores a Reader The Most?
I asked my followers to answer the question “what bores you the most when reading a book?” 
Please keep in mind that these are all opinions and you’ll find yourself agreeing and disagreeing with some. Personally, I think this is amazing insight into the minds of unique readers all around the globe! I decided to keep reoccurring answers instead of merging them, just so people could see the repeating themes.
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“Predictable conflicts or character actions. I want to be surprised.”
“When there’s no clear plot. When it looks like the book is leading nowhere.”
“Endless description. Nothing makes me more prone to skipping ahead.”
“When it feels like what you’re reading lacks purpose and there is no meaningful contribution to the plot.”
“Characters with less personality than a wet paper towel. Main characters with zero personality.”
“When I can’t picture anything in my head or what I understood changes randomly.”
“When a conversation is happening and I can’t follow which character is saying what.”
“Daily routines in a story. Like, I do not care.”
“When the world doesn’t move if the main character doesn’t interact with it. This applies to t.v shows, too.”
“Something that does not have a build up like a sudden relationship out of the blue.”
“When I’m so confused it doesn’t make sense anymore.”
“When there’s a 3 page description of some random object.”
“Wayyyy too much detail.”
“When the big plot twist is revealed and I guessed it ages ago.”
“Too slow or too long.”
“When the author unnecessarily drags the story and takes ages to advance to the climax.”
“Fan service that doesn’t contribute to the plot.”
“Useless descriptions and/or actions.”
“Over description of a landscape (cough old literature cough).”
“No action, no violence. I don’t like when characters talk for too long.”
“Long descriptions.”
“Too much descriptions when you are in a exciting moment. It breaks immersion.”
“Lack of imagery.”
“Constant usage of archaic vocabulary.”
“When the main character is extremely passive and doesn’t act or react.”
“Excessive description that doesn’t further the plot or meaningfully add to characterization.”
“Overly predictable plot, overly crude language for the sake of it, cringe/pompous scenes.”
“Long and boring exposition dumps.”
“Characters that never loose 😴.”
“When the world building starts out great and is really immersive until later on when things don’t add up.”
“When a character has too much internal dialogue.”
“Explaining “the science” behind magic systems in unnecessary detail.”
“Over description. I will skim and skip a lot of it.”
“Too much background info at the beginning.”
“When there’s small talk about a topic I don’t understand. It get’s sooo boring.”
“Too much inner monologue.”
“Slow plot.”
“When it’s just dragging on and on with the backstory.”
“Having to reread a sentence/paragraph a billion times because my brain got distracted.”
“When there’s no action, suspense or something similar for the whole chapter.”
“Things that aren’t relevant to the story.”
“Too much dialogue.”
“A lil too much fantasies.”
“Over drawn setting descriptions.”
“Overly long chapters, repetitive scenes, lots of complicated worldbuilding.”
“When it’s too simple or too detailed.”
“Long, long expositions.”
“Repeating phrases, plots ,etc.”
“Infodumps, especially in the beginning.”
“Too much history.”
“Overly descriptive settings.”
“Slow plot. I need drama!”
“Long chapters.”
“Slow pacing.”
“No major plot twist.”
“Miscommunication trope.”
“Massively long descriptive paragraphs.”
“Too much exposition in the beginning.”
“Long and confusing story building.”
“Repeating plot points. For example: the hero learning to trust his friends a million times without any real progression.”
“Training scenes that show nothing special. Especially sword fighting or head to hand combat.”
“Generic plot developments unless it’s written well.”
“Overuse of complicated words and sentences.”
“Long paragraphs.”
“I’m so over the bubble sunshine and extra grumpy trope.”
“When a character is overthinking.”
“Romanic subplots bore me. Having too many love interests.”
“When it switches between characters/subplots and one of them is awfully boring.”
“When too much information on a character is given one at a time.”
“When it takes a long time before the story gets interesting.”
“Long, long, long descriptions particularly of places that aren’t all that important.”
“Descriptions of unnecessary things.”
“Too much side character’s story. They’re a side for a reason.”
“I love beautiful writing so there must be some lovely descriptions... but don’t drone on.”
“Flat characters.”
“Scenes in which my favorite characters do not appear.”
“When the characters have no clear goal or the goal is too weak.”
“If most or all of the characters are unlikable. Then I don’t care what happens to them in the story. Being an evil/mean character is different from being unlikable.”
“When the plot does not move forward.”
“Writing unnecessary, irrelevant things that don’t have an effect on the story.”
“No real plot. The protagonist has no fire to them.”
“When the protagonist needs to figure out a love triangle and which person they like the most.”
“When the interesting parts happen right at the end.”
“When there’s too much info dumping with no easy transitions.”
“No progression after chapters and chapters. Characters not having development.”
“Too much description and a slow start to the story.”
“When characters are too oblivious to something.”
“Oblivious main characters, lazy plots, stereotypical encounters, main character is a god trope.”
“Unnecessarily long amounts of monologue or dialogue.”
“The second chance trope bores me.”
“Slow beginnings... like, get to the action in 3 chapters of less please.”
“Chapters being too long with small writing.”
“If the characters go through the same conflict over and over again.”
“Classic books... I don’t understand a thing, haha.”
“Being bombarded with unnecessary detail.”
“Bad boy meets good girl trope bores me.”
“Too much landscape descriptions like Tolkien or Stephen King.”
“Bad dialogue, too much excessive background details and too many character tags.”
“When the book moves too slowly.”
“Over described scenes or characters.”
“Descriptions without inputs of what a characters is thinking about. I need a lens of character POV to make descriptions interesting to read.”
“A badly written romance subplot where the characters involved don’t have any chemistry whatsoever.”
“I get a bit lost when there’s too much details about an environment.”
“When the story doesn’t go anywhere for a really long time.”
Instagram: coffeebeanwriting  
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