#tales from the rambler
radiofreederry · 2 months
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The crew of the Rambler, from our actual play series Star Wars: Tales From the Ramber! Art by my friend @bijillion.
Five years after the Battle of Endor and two years after the ultimate defeat of the Empire in the Liberation of Coruscant, the Rambler is the lead ship of Halcyon Transport Solutions, a transport company based out of Coronet City on Corellia. Having gained a reputation for both legitimate work and grey market smuggling, Halcyon Transport Solutions has been contracted for a job by no less than Chief of State of the Republic Leia Organa herself, a contract that will launch the crew directly into the seedy underbelly of the galaxy...
Janica Halcyon (played by myself): A female human from Corellia. Owner of Halcyon Transport Solutions, and captain of the Rambler. The daughter of two union activists, Janica had radical politics from a young age and became a decorated pilot of the Rebellion, flying in its most prestigious starfighter unit, Rogue Squadron. She left the navy after helping to capture the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya during the Battle of Coruscant, and formed her company soon after. Clever and resourceful, she is often a moderating voice of reason when her crew are getting up to some antics.
Bhuri'Hssyngigg (played by @lakemojave): A female Trandoshan. Raised in the traditional religion of Trandosha as a devotee of the Scorekeeper, Bhuri ventured out into the galaxy to hunt and gain Jagannath points and favor with her goddess. After some time running with a gang of hunters led by fellow Trandoshan Bossk, Bhuri was saved from an assassin droid on Raxus by Janica, and in Trandoshan tradition pledged a life debt to her, much to Janica's chagrin. She has remained by Janica's side ever since, styling herself Janica's bodyguard and copilot.
Ced Saverem (played by @brucebocchi): A male human from Corellia. A career mechanic and tinkerer, Ced spent many years working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation, while also supplying aid to the Rebellion on occasion, having grown to find the Empire disagreeable. After the end of the Galactic Civil War and amidst the Corellian Revolution, Ced signed on with Halcyon Transport Solutions as the Rambler's mechanic, and will never miss a chance to point out how competent he is at his job. The oldest of the group, he is often grouchy and cantankerous, but nevertheless is loyal to the group and unafraid to jump into danger to protect them.
Val Griv'ir (played by @chansaw): A female Bothan. The youngest of the crew, Val signed on mostly out of convenience. The daughter of Rebel intelligence officers, Val was uninterested in serving the Republic and struck out on her own at a young age to make her fortune - as quickly as possible. She gained infamy as a con woman in the Outer Rim, while also dabbling in thievery. Her most recent major heist earned her a bounty from both Black Sun and the remnants of the Hutt Cartel, forcing her to flee onto the Rambler as a ship's hand. She is a frequent source of headache for the rest of the crew, as she has not changed her ways at all and will happily try to pull a scam for some fast credits.
Caitvuna Conu (played by @thottacelli): A female Twi'lek. A native of the planet Ryloth, Caitvuna was active in the fight for her homeworld's freedom as well as the Rebellion, but the Republic's intervention in the Rylothian Civil War and subsequent annexation of the planet soured her on the Republic, and she left it, finding work on the Rambler as its newest crew member. Officially head of security, Caitvuna is an experienced warrior who knows many ways to dispatch an enemy.
R6-GB (NPC): The Rambler's astromech droid, and one of the original members of the crew. While easily distracted and a bit of a coward, R6 is deeply loyal to Janica, the crew, and the ship, and has gotten them out of a jam on more than one occasion. She usually does not join the crew on their adventures ashore, but stays behind to watch and maintain the ship.
You can catch new episodes of Tales From the Rambler and get to know all these colorful characters better streaming every other Saturday! We hope you'll join us as the crew's adventure continues!
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lakemojave · 19 days
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This afternoon at 1:30pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 4!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: After the Rambler emerged from hyperspace, fleeing Cloud City, the ship was rocked by an explosion, the result of an unknown saboteur tampering with the hyperdrive. With comms cut out and stuck in realspace, the crew of the Rambler were forced to land on the closest planet: Hoth, near the remains of the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base. As the crew explored the base, they found themselves confronted by scenes of the slaughter the Empire had caused here six years ago. Reaching a hangar, they were confronted by an HK assassin droid sent by Black Sun to kill them, but were able to defeat both him and a wampa which emerged from a wrecked starship. After the battle, Ced salvaged the droid as Janica collected the parts they needed. The crew returned to the ship and repaired the damage. Janica then reestablished contact with Coruscant, and was told to make her way to Naboo to deliver Cloud City's abducted Baron Administrator...
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tales of Arise Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rinwell (Tales of Arise) & Original Character(s), Hootle & Rinwell (Tales of Arise), Law & Rinwell (Tales of Arise) Characters: Rinwell (Tales of Arise), Law (Tales of Arise), Hootle (Tales of Arise), Original Characters Additional Tags: Angst, Fluff, Spoilers, both ganabelt and almeidrea are trash who's with me, the others are there as well but they aren't the main focus so I'm not tagging them, no beta we die like [redacted], very scattered writing over several long months with lots of internal screaming on the side, enjoy Summary:
She thinks that, above everything else, she will remember this:
Hootle is a tiny bundle in her hood, asleep and shivering, and the air reeks of death muted with layer upon layer of frost. She is curled up in an alley just a little ways off the main road, enough that no one passing by will notice her, and every breath she takes in stings her nose, attacks her lungs with sharp pains like knives. Her stomach scrapes hollow, long past queasiness, longer past hunger. At this point she's willing to risk conjuring up a tiny flame no matter the danger if it keeps her alive, but she's tried and failed and tried again and failed again, energy and mana depleted, as dry as the wells in Calaglia during a drought.
Or, Rinwell, through all the ages.
Hullo toa tumblr, if anyone’s lurking around here have this small fic I just finished because I’m a shameless self promoter
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rhoorl · 2 months
March Fic Rec Madness Masterlist
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I was so excited to see the March Fic Madness challenge by @the-blind-assassin-12! I was a bit out of practice saving my links since I haven’t been doing my weekly updates for a few months now, but I think I captured everything! I feel a bit short of the target of 63, but I came in around 40. But given the month I’ve had, I’m pretty proud of it.
Here are my recs from March organized by characters with one-shots/drabbles first, followed by series/collections. (Please check individual warnings). Enjoy!
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Dieter Bravo
Easy Like Sunday Morning by @gnpwdrnwhiskey
The Lovesick Lines by @sinpathyforthedevilish
Frankie Morales
A Debt to Pay by @undercoverpena
Imbued by @morallyinept
In the Locker Room by @undercoverpena
Nights Out by @frenchiereading
Right on Cue by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
What Have I Done by @trulybetty
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels 
Losin’ You by @wildemaven
Javi Gutierrez
Door Number Three by @morallyinept
Joel Miller
Breakfast is Served by @maggiemayhemnj
Clothing Optional by @pimosworld
Touch by @morallyinept 
He Sees You by @maggiemayhemnj
Honey, I Won’t Be Home by @trulybetty
Lucien Flores
Azalea by @morallyinept
Chained by @5oh5
Nicotine Kiss by @maggiemayhemnj
Not Without You by @musings-of-a-rose
Two Pack Habit & A Motel Tan by @trulybetty
Lucien Flores x Dieter Bravo x Reader
On the Verge of a Usual Mistake by @gasolinerainbowpuddles
Clint from Freaky Tales
A New Life by @musings-of-a-rose
Series / Collections
Dieter Bravo x OFC Bryony Chiffon by @trulybetty Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Closed Sets
Dieter Bravo x OFC Natalia: Destiny & Deliverance by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Epilogue
Dieter Bravo x OFC Emily: Late Night Talking by @all-the-things-2020 Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
Frankie Morales x f!Reader: Do Me Yourself by @undercoverpena 4. Green Smoke, 5. Pepper Red, 6. Morning Coffee,  7. Honey Cream
Frankie Morales x OFC Jude: Adrift With You by @morallyinept Chapter 8,  Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
Quiet Moments by @secretelephanttattoo Mine (Joel Miller), Southern Nights (Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels)
x29 Valentines by @trulybetty Love Languages (Frankie Morales)  Pink Cadillac (Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels)
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
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Hi everyone!! Erin and I compiled all the fics that were submitted into one big list and split the reading! So if you don’t see your fic here check out @perotovar’s post that will be coming soon! Also, for any multi chapter fics that were submitted we only read the first chapters for them! Thank you to everyone who submitted fics for this and made this celebration such a hit! If you’d like to see more events like this please let either Erin or myself know!
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@trulybetty Strings
What a strong start!! The part where he was dealing with his nightmare in his sleep was so heartbreaking. And the reader contemplating comforting him or respecting the boundaries of their relationship and minding her business was a struggle you really felt.
@pascalispretty Leading Blindly
Oh man love me some shy, submissive Din 🥵 And Canto Bight is the perfect place to put a brothel in Star Wars!!!
@chronically-ghosted Recovery Road
Wow, what a beautiful depiction of struggling with addiction and anxiety. As someone who suffers from anxiety myself (as I’m sure a lot of you guys do too!), I found myself really emphasizing with Dieter. Precious lil guy 🥺
@theywhowriteandknowthings Catch Me If You Can
This fic is such a good capture capture of the chase 🤌 The last chapter was posted as a part of Kinktober but if you want to find out just how Din and the Reader got there, read this!!! It’s going to take place on several Star Wars planets and as a Star Wars nerd that makes my heart happy
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin The Clink
💳💳PRISON GUARD JAVI💳💳 What more do I need to say?!?!? No but fr this is not only extremely hot but also very very well done. Prison Guard Javi wasn’t something I knew I needed until Ang put it out 💅
@jenna-ortega Vertigo
The premise of this is so scandalous 🤭 I’m a sucker for infidelity fics for some reason so you know this just has a hold on me!!! And I love the warning “unpleasant!Joel” 🥵💀😭
@milla-frenchy Smack My Bitch Up
I’m a slut for rough sex and even though I’m not personally into anal I still really enjoyed this! A great take on Raider!Joel and Raider!Tommy 👀
@katiexpunk Reporting For Duty
THE PREMISE I’M SCREAMING and the smut was soooooo fucking hot. I love Air Marshal Peña!!! Something about joining the Mile High Club is just 🥵🥵
@dark-scape The Vagabond Gladiator
This is by far the most interesting and unique Joel AU I’ve ever seen. The world building in this is just great!!!
@novemberrain-writes Daggers to Dust
A MANDALORIAN WESTERN AU ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I enjoyed this so much omfg!!!
@decembermidnight Ner Mircet'ad
First of all, two words: GLOVE KINK!! Love the Mando’a title, love dom!Din. Seriously what is there not to love about this!!
@soft-persephone Scattered Promises
“My name is Din, he whispered lowly in her face, and if I made a promise to never leave your side, I intend to keep it.” Oh my god!!! I love Din and the MC’s dynamic so much!!!
@nothoughtsjustmeds Tip Your Server
NOT THEM LOSING THE OSCAR 😭😭 I love wife!reader fics and this was seriously so sweet and hot at the same time!!
@scarerjh Love Machine
Dieter is so sweet and devoted in this!!! So fluffy and sweet it makes my heart explode!!!
@grogusmum Conversations with Dead People
This was so sad and impactful!! I just wanted them to get back together so bad!!!!
@marisferasiop Paklalat
This was such a treat, literally the group sex/polyamorous relationship of my DREAMS 😍😍
@idolatrybarbie The World Tipped On Its Side
(Chapter 1) I really love the characterization of the reader in this. Frankie as a stunt pilot is a really cool idea for him. And the reader is disabled, which is really refreshing to see that being represented here in this community🤍
@romana-after-dark Blessed Be The Fruit
If you like the Handmaid’s Tale and TLOU then boy do I have the fic for you!! The first chapter was so interesting and the world building was insane!! I’ve never watched or read Handmaid’s Tale and I was easily able to fall into this universe!
@ladamedusoif Visiting
One of the most well thought out Mr. Ben fics I’ve ever seen!! I love the ofc and I love that her age is relatively close to Ben’s!!
@chaithetics A Cinematic Lover
Dieter having a crush is so fucking cute!!! And I love chronic illness/pain representation here 🥺🤍
@aurorawritestoescape The Helping Hand
I love somnophilia!! This was so hot and I love the idea that Joel’s loud snoring keeps you from falling asleep at night 😭💀
@pimosworld Tango
Love the premise, loooove the TF boys being protective and of course, I love dom!Frankie + the aftercare 🥹
@beecastle Chocolate Cake
This was so cute!!! I love first meeting fics and there’s something so sweet and so normal about it happening at a grocery store! And of course I love dad!Frankie!!
@frenchiereading The Parents That Are Left
I don’t really have much to say about this besides the fact that the writing is beautiful. And that this is such an interesting premise!!!
@ohforficsake You Brought Me Poison Flowers
Fourth of July in Jackson?!?!?! Sign me UP!!! I love the title of the series. I love the first chapter title. I love the OFC! There’s so much to love about this!!
@healmydesires I Wanna Hear You Say My Name
I loved this so much!! I don’t typically read period sec fics but wow!! I started my period the day before I read this and now I have a whole new appreciation for fics like this!! The smut was so hot and I loved the dynamic between Joel and the reader!
@604to647 Lingerie
I have never read a modern AU for Din before and I have to say, this was so interesting and hot at the same time!!
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morallyinept · 8 months
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A list of all my favourite FRANCISCO MORALES Fic Recs, with the writers tagged. Includes fics I am currently reading/want to read.
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
Weekends With Frankie Series - @wildemaven
Odd Couple - @idolatrybarbie
Fuck It, I Love You - @psychedelic-ink
Tango - @pimosworld
Highway Honey - @missredherring
A Fond Farewell Series - @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin Dark!Frankie
To Get Away From It All - @stardustandskycrystals
Not Leaving You Again - @flightlessangelwings Featuring Santiago Garcia
No Eres Tu Soy Yo - @iamasaddie Dark!Frankie
After Rain - @thelightsandtheroses
Francisco's Wife - @absurdthirst Featuring Marcus Pike
As Long As I Want - @fettuccin-e
Tag Teaming - @fettuccin-e Featuring Santiago Garcia
I Like The Way You Series - @undercoverpena FWB!Frankie
No Panties Is A Problem - @blackfemalenerd
The Chain - @lulutaylorsimaginarium
Stargazing - @secretelephanttattoo
Forest Ranger Franke Series - @the-ginger-hedge-witch
Stages Of Growth - @legendary-pink-dot
Throttled Control - @wildemaven
Give Up The Bagel, You Should Have Called & Let Me Wash Your Hair - @nerdieforpedro
In Another Life - @chronically-ghosted
Kiss City Part 1 & Part 2 - @washy0uaway
Gold Rush - @juletheghoul Sheriff!Frankie
Ring Toss - @morallyinept
Mine Series - @modernperplexity
Frankie To The Rescue & Swimming Lessons With Catfish - @avastrasposts
The Day Frankie Both Loves & Loathes The Kitchen Counter - @undercoverpena
You Hired A Cleaning Lady, Mr Morales? - @beskarandblasters Sub!Frankie
Breathless - @joelmillers-whore
Kinktober Spanking - @palioom
The World Tipped On It's Side Series - @idolatrybarbie StuntPilot!Frankie
Liminality Series - @something-tofightfor
Into It - @criticallyacclaimedstranger Werewolf!Frankie
Turbulence - @rhoorl
Frankie Masterlist - @tropes-and-tales
An Honest Man Series - @imalrightllama
Mouthfuls Of You Series - @frenchiereading
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ambiguouspuzuma · 11 days
Children of the Sword
It was one of those rivers that was deeper than it was wide, and deceptively so - the churning waters reflected mild grey skies above, but lay slick over dark caverns underneath. There were stories, the sort of cautionary tale that every child has drummed into their nightmares: bathers who'd been scrubbed clear of existence. Children who'd played too close to the banks. Ramblers who had tried to ford a crossing, and been snatched away before they could scream for help.
They called it the Sword, for obvious reasons: silver, narrow, deadly. It ran sharpest in the spring, reinforced by glacial meltwaters from the mountains upstream. Latha knew well to keep her distance. She'd heard those same stories, and had no wish to join that list of fools who'd fallen for the river's charms; it looked shallow where it was deep, and calm where it was furious. It was the shroud over a grave, a mausoleum of hungry crevasses, and few of those taken even had their bones returned to bury somewhere else.
But her people had grown comfortable, living on its edge. The Sword ran through the valley, straight and true, and they were grateful for it. Latha's forebears had imagined it had fallen from the heavens, a silver blade to cleave the land in two, carving their sanctuary between the hills - and sanctuary it was, for no army climbed the Eastern slopes, and none saw fit to descend from the West. By the same token, few of their descendants left, hemmed in by the sheer sides to their basket. Those who lived by the Sword died by the Sword, as the saying went. If they didn't die in its depths.
"Another unusual find today," Gorla was telling her. Her older sister worked the fields, which meant she got to leave the house whilst Latha stayed and kept it clean. "Dar and the trappers were all in a huddle by the fire, debating what to make of it, but without the care to keep their voices low. Most of the tribe will know by now."
It wasn't that their neighbour was entirely hostile. The Sword took at every opportunity, but it was also known to give. There was fishing to be had, for those who knew how: the white water would snatch at lures and break most lines, but the trappers had learnt to set up coarse nets along its banks, to snare that which it brought willingly to their feet. Like a cat with a disembowelled mouse, she thought. Or a mother bird, regurgitating grubs to feed her desperate young.
They were Children of the Sword, in that sense and more; defined by this poor stretch of woodland bordering its banks, and unbothered by the peoples of the plains or hills to either side. Hatha was dimly aware of battles which raged downstream, where the blade flattened out and was good for fishing and commerce and mills, and at strongholds in the mountains, where there were lakes and natural springs. But nobody wanted to take what meagre lands they had, here in the middle, where it was narrow, white and rough. Few would wish to live here, and so they were largely left alone.
"A sheep?" They were an occasional treat, washed down from the mountains: still fresh, and dying the current red. They ate well on those nights. Horses were rarer still, well-bred chargers coursing down their narrow silver road, gifts from the warrior peoples to the West. Latha preferred that sweeter taste, lean like venison; and there was more to go around. But she wouldn't get her hopes up.
"A man," Gorla said, savouring the shock in her sister's eyes. Ever since the Casting when she'd come of age, her assignment to the fields, she'd relished her role as Latha's first link to the outside world: she liked to come home with fantastical stories spun out of the mildest of days, knowing they'd be grasped at like alms to the desperate. The eldest daughter had the use of everything first, including the village gossip.
"Someone we know?" That put Latha's nerves on edge. Dar was safe, she'd said. But there were others that she cared about. Family. Friends.
"A stranger," Gorla reassured her; she clearly hadn't expected her news to be taken in that way, and reached out her hand for a comforting squeeze. "A warrior, looks like. Bound in metal rings. From upstream, of course, but they had no idea how near or far. Looks an accident, Da said."
"Most likely," Latha agreed, pretending not to be surprised. The Children were well versed in those themselves. The Sword knew well the taste of sheep and horse, and also seemed to enjoy the flesh of man. "Strayed into the river, poor foreign fool. They don't know its power."
It was clearly a lesson that bore repeating. A week later, another visitor arrived, more familiar in his appear: his skin wore the same pallor of death, but his body was more colourfully draped in oriole orange and black, a livery that the goatherds recognised from the lips of nearby hills. This was a man who should have known the Sword, Gorla said; and known to keep his distance. Accidents happened, but it was strange to see two in such swift succession.
"What are people saying?" Latha hated that she had to ask, so dependent on regurgitated grubs herself. She would come of age within the month, and have a Casting of her own: the Elders casting lots to assign her to a trade, a trapper or a goatherd in her own right. Then she could walk the river for herself, and learn such things first-hand. But for now, she was sequestered in her nest.
"They're worried," Gorla said, her own face drawn and tense. "Whether a change in the river, or some conflict upstream, it's hardly good for us. People like the way things are. They don't like change, especially when we don't know what it means."
More answers came over the next few weeks; or the same answer, repeated again and again. Bodies. Some wore the same plumage of orange-and-black, others came in silver-and-blue, but all were armed for battle, or disarmed from it. Some bore wounds, great gaping rends in their frigid skin, their multicoloured capes allowed to dye the same shade red. They came in increasing numbers, as if the underlying calamity was getting worse.
"Or getting closer," Gorla relayed, on one of her daily recaps. "The goatherds recognise the silver-blue tabards too, and they're our nearest neighbours; even closer than the orange-black. "Whatever killed these men, war or otherwise, it seems to be making its way to us."
"What could it be, if not war?" That threat didn't seem real, somehow. There had never been a battle here. Upstream skirmishes might wander close enough to watch, but they would never spill over into this unwanted valley; it was too pointless to gain, too difficult to hold in a conflict. The Children held it with no force at all, in the absence of any other taker.
No answer came. Gorla didn't know; nor did the goatherds, or the trappers, or anybody else that she might listen to. Over the coming days, she only returned to the nest with scraps of information, or apologies for its absence: the bodies had no obvious cause of death, having been rent asunder by the rapids and the rocks. Not all seemed to have been of fighting age. Smoke had been seen on the horizon, and tasted on the evening breeze.
But Latha kept asking questions, desperate to understand the world beyond their door. Each fragment only revealed the gaps in her understanding. What damage did the rocks do, she needed to know - and could it look like a blade, or a claw? What was fighting age? How far away was the fire? What did that mean? She was grateful for every morsel, but ever hungry for more.
At least the timing was fortunate. Within a week, she would reach her own age of majority, with the chance to seek out answers for herself - to both her and Gorla's undoubted relief. But first she needed to attend her Casting, to learn which walk of life would free her from her home. Latha hoped to be a trapper, like their Dar: close to the river, and the source of more knowledge. But the choice wasn't hers, and the Elders could decide they needed her talents elsewhere: holed away weaving in another hut, she thought, knowing her luck.
"We understand that you have displayed... some curiosity about the bodies from the Sword."
They came to deliver the verdict. Latha didn't know if that was traditional; she couldn't remember how it had happened for Gorla. She had imagined her sister might relay the news, as she had everything else, or that Dar would be informed to tell her that night. But on the day of the Casting, five Elders arrived at her door in her family's place. They wore dusty robes and grim expressions, and they only grew sterner when she answered back.
"I don't understand anything about them at all, and it doesn't sound that anybody does. What do you know about the bodies? Please, you must have some idea of what's going on."
"Precious little," one Elder spoke hesitantly, as if reluctant to share even that. "At first, we thought they must have strayed into the sword, not knowing its power. But these are local men. Armed men. Here."
He offered her the bundle in his arms: a set of folded robes, but not remotely dusty. Freshly washed. Latha recognised the colours, the silver-and-blue, from Gorla's stories. This was the raiment of a corpse. The cloth was heavy, and her suspicions were confirmed when she lifted a fold of the bundle to find a blue-and-silver sword cocooned inside. A foreign weapon. A dead man's blade.
"We have kept the trappings of the men we trapped. The bodies were easy enough to dispose of, gifted onwards to the Sword, as a surprise for our neighbours to the East. But we thought the weapons, the clothing, might help us to determine how they died. At first, we meant only that they warranted further study: trying to decipher the message in a battle standard, to solve the royal cypher on that shortsword's hilt. But now it seems this problem calls for... a more direct approach."
"For me?"
He nodded. "We are Swordsmen and Swordswomen all, but none of us are warriors. Unfortunately, war comes for the innocents too. Something killed all of these men; something getting closer. Your Lot will be to journey West, to peer over the foothills of our neighbours... and to find out exactly what."
"A disguise," Latha realised, letting the rich cloth run through her fingers. The assignment didn't sound too dreadful; it was the same thing, more or less, that she had charged Gorla with each day. To find out what she could, and report back. That seemed to suit her curiosity, and she was glad that it had come to her. It was better than weaving, anyway. "And if it is... something else than a war? Something I can't outrun, or risk leading it here?"
He righted the sword in her hands. Silver-blue. Sliver-sharp. It shone like a river, the world swallowed into its reflection, as if it also had hidden depths. Latha hoped that went for both of them.
"The direct approach," he said.
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gingeredmink · 4 months
what are your age hcs for tatsuki and soutarou? and misc hcs for urotsuki?
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Gonna be blunt, head is a cluttered junkyard and I'm a rambler with zero self control when right conditions are met [you ask about Special Interests]. plus am tired and really out of it from work cause we had inventory and i ordered too many lunchables [oscar mayer can go to hell]. Will do best to make this coherent, or at least intelligible, but apologies if it's a bit of a mess.
Age Headcanons [If we're going for what they are in game]
Short answer: Soutarou is late 20s-early 30s, Tatsuki ranges between 15-18. [tho ofc when I draw shippy stuff it's an AU and they're both early 20s]
Long answer: Actually thought about this on and off a decent bit and could never really get more than a vague, "Somewhere around this area" for them.
Soutarou is somewhere between late 20s and early 30s. He's old enough to have experienced some shit, try to get clean and back on his feet and get some manual labor experience, and have that ripped from him. Plus some time to isolate and have those thoughts wreck havoc on his mental state.
Tatsuki on the other hand is messier and harder to really give an age to. They could be a kid escaping into fairy tales to avoid reality, or a young adult [18-20] that was forced to grow up too fast and is now suffering from dealing with their fractured identity [have thought about Debris endings occurring around Tats 18th birthday, because they have the "You're not a child, so why do you hold onto such stupid childish fantasies?" thoughts to go on top of everything else and it sorta just breaks them.]
Misc Uro Headcanons
Big Deep angsty Uro hc/kinda what shapes her core for me
You might've heard the quote, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that." by Robin Williams. This more or less summarizes my view of Urotsuki at the core. She may not be weighed down by what other dreamers have gone through, but she knows what it's like to be trapped in darkness and though it may not show, she is doing her best to make others happy because she doesn't want others to go through that. [side note: this is huge part of reason for shipping her with Tatsuki. Feel like they'd be the same, tho Tats is way more introverted. That angsty, "You see through the smiles or notice the little things and softly nudge me to say you understand and are there." sorta thing].
Going off that; for the longest time have hc'd that Uro has struggled with an ED and self image issues in the past and a big part of why she loves food and is okay with being herself, and is so supportive of others doing the same, is because she had to fight to get to where she is and is doing her best to make sure others can simply see the joy in life without experiencing the hell she went through.
More lighthearted/Uro's a goofball hcs
Uro is somewhat lactose intolerant but keeps getting sick because she won't. fucking. stop. eating cheese. Or questionable foods in general. "It smells alright so it's probably fine." [narrator voice: It wasn't fine] sorta things.
Probs mentioned this one before but eh, Uro and Sou are one of few dreamers with a drivers license, and Uro's driving doesn't exactly leave most passengers feeling safe so Sou is constantly stepping in when she offers people a ride. The two bicker at each other like an old couple a surprisingly good bit when eyes aren't on them. This paired with them both being older and able to get drunk makes for quite a scene. [Sabi's laughing, Tats is on the floor trying and failing to hide it.]
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She did have a dedicated dream diary at some point, but during a depressive period would start to fill and decorate it with random stuff [silly doodles, poems, stickers , ect], and it's now more like a thought scrapbook or therapeutic outlet for her. Pages that are just her jotting down memories that make her happy have little sticky note bookmarks so she can flip through them when feeling down.
Her head is a mess and all over the place, and her counting sheep is like a ritual she semi-depends on to fall asleep since it gets her to focus on one thing and relax [its a sorta behavioral dependency that if she was somehow barred from doing, she'd probs stress out and not be able to sleep.]
Hope you enjoyed or were at least satisfied with rambling anon ◠⸜⸝◠~
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piratedashmod · 2 months
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You guys recognize her? You should. It's Marigold. Don't worry if you didn't know who it was at first, because you rarely see her like this...happy and dressed up. Dressed up because she was invited to another Big Dance. Happy because she gets to stick around for longer than what some others believed, thinking she wouldn't last as long as a Cougar or a Duke or even an Eagle.
That last part sounded weird, didn't it? Well, let me explain it in a little story.
You see, the story of Marigold hoping to make it to the Big Dance, portrayed as a gala in Equestria, has been an allegory-inspired tale where real life events would affect what happens next in the story. And if you know me well enough, you can easily figure out the hidden message of the story and know what happens next to her.
I-L-L. I-N-I.
The idea first came in my head in January 2020. Marigold kinda has been used in the past as a vent character, but things were going good for said team for once. The program has been in one of its worst shapes ever. Ever since the national title run of 2005, it had been disappointment after disappointment. First weekend exits. NIT berths. Screw jobs when you make it back to March Madness that were so bad rule changes had to be implemented the next season. And a point so low that finishing above .500 was a pipe dream. It was a depressing state of affairs.
But the turnaround was coming in 2020. We got back in a place where, even though an auto bid wasn't happening, we were on the right side of the bubble. We could dream and hope again, and be all but certain, that the longest drought out of the Dance was ending. We would be back in our rightful place in March Madness.
Well...we all know what happened March of that year.
But hey, everyone's back next season. Not only are they back, but they're better. A hell of a lot better. You are one of the best of the best. You know, and Marigold knows, that your invite to the Big Dance is a lock. She's highly confident, maybe even a little cocky about it. Not only is it a lock, but you might be Queen of the Dance. You're on the doorstep of greatness.
Well...this was the last picture in the series. Marigold happy and looking forward to the Big Dance. It leaves an open ended story as to what happens.
So what did actually happen? She breezes past a Dragon once inside the dance, but is stopped in her tracks by a Rambler. A Rambler who won't let her free because she keeps talking her head off, blocking her from her biggest dreams. And not realizing that she missed her window to even be considered to be the Queen of the Dance.
Marigold goes outside after missing out, shell shocked into a dead silence, with tears gently falling down her cheeks. How the hell could this have happened? Was that a nightmare or did it actually truly happen? What went so wrong that night? It's a moment and a loss so great, Marigold just doesn't know if she'll get over it.
The following years are not that much better. Sure, she gets the invites back to the Big Dance. But there's little confidence that things will go well. The next year, Marigold get Moc'ed so bad that she's upstaged by a Cougar. The year after that, you barely get in the door before some Razorbacks chase you away, putting up very little fight. Marigold is now at a point where she doesn't believe she'll ever get to stick around for more than just a fleeting moment at the Big Dance.
But...you come back every year because you just can't quit, and you know at some point, things will change.
Well...2024 is where it all changes for Marigold, and things are different.
This time, you have a different plan. This time, you seek some help from a stallion from the Southern part of the Empire in a Domask. You find a Hawkins that helps defend yourself better, and maybe even help your troll game.
This time...it works. An Eagle can't stop her, and neither can a Duke. They don't even put up a fight, and the Cougar that was a threat to your hopes and dreams are nowhere to be found. The boosted confidence and experience helps Marigold be the best she can be. It's a Sweet 16 feeling.
Can Marigold Earth Tulip Hosta be the Queen of the Dance? That's to be determined. There's the chance a Cyclone bears down on the Dance, and some mean looking Huskies await before she has a chance to rise like a Phoenix.
But Marigold knows one thing for sure...she can do this, no matter what any doubter and hater says. And it helps that a bunch of other ponies are starting to believe too.
I-L-L. I-N-I.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 5 months
Getting back to Marmion! Some bits of context for the last few days’ posts.
A palmer was sort of a continual pilgrim, who spent a period of time travelling to holy sights and praying. The greatest holy sight of all was Jerusalem, where the palmer in the poem has in fact been, along with a huge list of other holy sights, from Mt. Ararat where Noah’s Arc reputedly came to rest after the Flood, to Mt. Sinai, to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, and in England Durham and Canterbury among others.
I think (I am not sure) palmer paid for their travels in part by donations from pious people, who might want the palmer to pray for them at some shrine. Marmion himself expresses a more lighthearted picture of palmers in general -
I love such holy ramblers; still
They know to charm a weary hill,
With song, romance, or lay:
Some jovial tale, or glee, or jest,
Some lying legend, at the least,
They bring to cheer the way.”
- and that may not be unrealistic for a category of people that could have included the medieval equivalent of a tourist with a GoFundMe. But this palmer is not of that kind - he’s haggard and gloomy, and kind of disturbing with his nighttime mutterings. But Marmion chooses to accept him as a guide all the same, and the next morning the whole group departs.
The first canto (The Castle) ended, we switch scenes and characters for the second (The Convent), to a boat travelling north, up the eastern coast of England, from Whitby to the island of Lindisfarne (also called St. Cuthbert’s Isle) with a group of nuns aboard. Now, where has Lindisfarne been mentioned in the previous canto? In the bit about Marmion’s former page:
That boy thou thought’st so goodly fair,
He might not brook the Northern air.
More of his fate if thou wouldst learn,
I left him sick in Lindisfarne:
The voyage is both a little scary and exciting for the nuns, who don’t get out much. Many of the castles the pass, like Warkworth and Dunstanburgh and Bamburgh, are ones you can still see on the Northumberland coast today.
But two of the group in particular are not having fun: the abbess (chief nun), who is not named, and the novice (i.e., has not yet taken vows and become a nun) Clare. Clare joined the convent recently after the loss of the man she loved, and in order to escape an unwelcome suitor who is trying to marry her in order to get at her property.
She was betrothed to one now dead,
Or worse, who had dishonoured fled.
Her kinsmen bade her give her hand
To one who loved her for her land;
Herself, almost heart-broken now,
Was bent to take the vestal vow,
And shroud, within Saint Hilda’s gloom,
Her blasted hopes and withered bloom.
On top of these griefs, there’s been an attempt to murder her, and the people who attempted it are now prisoners in Lindisfarne awaiting trial:
And jealousy, by dark intrigue,
With sordid avarice in league,
Had practised with their bowl and knife
Against the mourner’s harmless life.
This crime was charged ’gainst those who lay
Prisoned in Cuthbert’s islet grey.
Moving back a bit to yesterday’s entry, this is why the abbess of Whitby is going on this journey: to sit in judgement on these attempted murderers.
Sad was this voyage to the dame;
Summoned to Lindisfarne, she came,
There, with Saint Cuthbert’s Abbot old,
And Tynemouth’s Prioress, to hold
A chapter of Saint Benedict,
For inquisition stern and strict,
On two apostates from the faith,
And, if need were, to doom to death.
Lindisfarne is a tidal island: at low tide it is a peninsula that can be reached from the mainland across mudflats, but at high tide it is an island.
The tide did now its floodmark gain,
And girdled in the saint’s domain:
For, with the flow and ebb, its style
Varies from continent to isle;
As the ship reaches Lindisfarne, the nuns of Whitby on the ship sing a hymn, and the nons and monks of Lindisfarne sing one in return.
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megamindsecretlair · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
Ik im late but well, I been vibing over here for once 🤣 anywhooo, thank you @harmshake and @nerdieforpedro for the tags, I love yall 🥹
Its 2024 and we not putting down our writing over here. Ik yall excited, chuz im excited for yall to see what I got on the stove 👏🏽
rules: share the document titles for your 10 latest wips. then send me a number or title (if you'd like!), I'll share a snippet, and I'll add to my wip at least 100 words.
Ya Baby Daddy's Worst Nightmare: Toxic David Kane 😈 before I simp fully for Calvin, I need to finish Watchmen. So in the meantime, lets enjoy Yahya's other fine ass character.
Blackbird, pt 2: Envy: I really love how mob boss Fontaine is going and im excited for this part.
Kill Her Softly: my Mea Culpa rewrite because wtf was that 🥲
Mr. Black, pt...8?: anyway, its the the final chapter. Sorry babes, but its gots to come to an end.
Tale as Old as Time: Beauty and the Beast Stunna.
Every Dose of Me: a lovely moot suggest I try my hand at Isaac from They Cloned Tyrone. We gon see what shakes loose 🤤
Meet Me at Our Spot: (title may change, im not married to it) another Lamont fic. Chuz I neeeeds RJ Cyler in my life.
Wanderlust, pt 2: I know I posted the first one and dipped. My bad yall, the brain rot is real 🥲
Like I Missed Her: another David Kane fic. Chuz 🥲 the brainrot 👏🏽 is REAL
Stress Relief: in which I clean out more of my asks. Who else needs Franklin Saint to just go absolutely ham 🥲 like baby boy is is skrresssseeeddd.
Anywhoooo, thats whats on the stove. Feel free to ask about any of them, they consume my thoughts 🤤🥹🥹🥹
No pressure tags: @miyuhpapayuh @ellethespaceunicorn @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @babybratzmaraj
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radiofreederry · 2 months
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It has been five years since the victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Empire in the Battle of Endor and the death of Emperor Palpatine. The New Republic now governs most of the galaxy, locked in a cold war with the Pentastar Alignment, the last great remnant of the Empire. Elsewhere, the Mandalorians have restored their ancient empire, the power of the Hutts has collapsed, and organized crime groups rule swaths of an uncertain and healing galaxy. The crew of the Rambler, flagship of Halcyon Transport Solutions, is about to embark on an adventure across this changed galaxy, one which they will never forget...
Tales From the Rambler is an actual-play tabletop series using Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars system, and set in an alternate timeline after the events of the Original Trilogy, based on a timeline written by myself and @gabajoofs, who will be the Game Master.
The series stars myself as Janica Halcyon, @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngigg, @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, and @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu.
The series will be streamed on @lakemojave, @gabajoofs, and eventually my own Twitch channels as a simulcast, and our first session will be on Saturday, April 6 at a time to be determined. We hope you will join us as we embark on the adventure of a lifetime!
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lakemojave · 5 days
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This afternoon at 1:30pm pacific: Tales From the Rambler Episode 4!!!
DM'd by Bill @gabajoofs, starring Dot @radiofreederry as Janica Halcyon, Sebastian @lakemojave as Bhuri'Hssyngig, Jordan @brucebocchi as Ced Saverem, Heather @chansaw as Val Griv'ir, and Julia @thottacelli as Caitvuna Conu!
Art by @bijillion, recap under the cut! See y'all then!
THE STORY SO FAR: It has been years since the end of the Galactic Civil War. The New Republic struggles to rebuild the galaxy after decades of Imperial rule, locked in a cold war with the remnant Pentastar Alignment. All the while, in the dark corners of the galaxy, organized crime groups compete with each other to gain power in the galactic underworld after the collapse of the Hutt Cartel. Now, the crew of the transport ship the Rambler have been thrust into this gritty, cutthroat world...
LAST TIME: After the crew of the Rambler arrived at Naboo, they delivered Cloud City's Baron Administrator to their Republic countact and spent some time shopping for upgrades to their weapons while Janica tinkered with the ship's hyperdrive. Eventually, Bhuri's desire to go fishing spiraled into a heated battle with an Opee Sea Killer which the whole crew got dragged into. After heroically killing the beast, the crew left its rotting corpse for the locals to clean up before blasting back into hyperspace, en route to Corellia. Landing at Halcyon Transport Solutions headquarters, Ced recruited the Mon Cal droidsmith Qorol to help him fix and reprogram the HK droid the crew defeated on Hoth, before the crew attended a military parade, where Garm Bel Iblis, Wedge Antilles, and an unknown Jedi gave speeches. After the parade was over, the crew approached the Jedi, before a shot rang out, and the Jedi was suddenly clutching his shoulder...
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em-dash-press · 6 months
6 Best Gifts for Writers
I always struggle with gifts when it comes to the holidays. My mind goes blank when someone asks what I’d like and I can’t remember anything cool when I’m trying to buy gifts for other people. 
If you want to add something to your gift list this year or give the perfect present to a writer in your life, these are some great ideas I’ve found!
Side note: these are affiliate links, so I’ll get a small portion of each purchase! Thanks in advance for helping keep this blog going.
A Mug Warmer
Those self-warming mugs are SO expensive, but my coffee never stays the right temperature when I sit down to write. I’ve used this mug warmer every day for years and frequently give it to my friends and family! Whether you work from home or enjoy a hot beverage while you write, a mug warmer makes your drink the last thing on your mind during your creative sessions.
Story Prompt Dice
Anyone who loves writing and dice games will get a kick out of these story prompt dice in minimalist colors. They’re another fun way to get some inspiration when your standard plot generators aren’t quite doing it. 
It’s even an entertaining way to get conversations started when you have friends over. Roll the dice and ask everyone to contribute a sentence to your shared story. As you go around the group, you’ll invent a silly tale that always inspires laughs.
A Thick Mouse Pad
I bought this mouse pad years ago and it changed my work-from-home life. It’s a bit thicker where your wrist rests, which took care of the slight aches I got after being on the computer all day. It’s especially helpful when I need to transport my mind to the world of my stories. Every bit of extra comfort makes it easier to focus.
Noise-Blocking Earbuds
Before I could save for AirPods, I used noise-blocking earbuds like these whenever I wanted to write. They fit comfortably and don’t make your ears sore. Press play on your preferred background music or focus noises to write even more than before. The case will recharge your earbuds when you’re finished writing for the day. Plus, they’re waterproof—perfect for brainstorming in the shower.
Laptop Carrying Case
I love writing at my local library. I’ve also been able to do some of my best work in places like airport terminals and coffee shops. This case kept my Macbook safe through all of my adventures. It’s a padded case for Macs and PCs of varying sizes and colors that has a nice, snug fit.
Pro tip—I wish I’d had a case like this in college! My backpack got soaked while walking to class during countless thunderstorms. This case would have been much better protection than the plastic bag I wrapped my laptop in to shield it from water.
Insulated Rambler With Lid
If you’re starting to notice how I always need water or tea next to me, you’re not wrong! An occasional sip clears my mind when I’m lost in a story, but I hate when a cold drink gets to room temperature.
Insulated ramblers like this one always keep my drinks just as cold as when I poured them. The lid’s vacuum-sealed suction keeps exterior temperatures from leaking through.
Know anyone with a dog? These cups have also been a lifesaver with our Shepsky! His hair gets everywhere, especially with the fan on. These lids catch it all so my drinks remain free of fur. Give the dog owners in your life the same peace of mind with a gift like this one.
Treat yourself and your loved ones to something nice this year! Practical, thoughtful gifts are always some of the best presents during the holidays and birthdays.
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rhoorl · 5 months
Week in Review | Dec. 24
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Hi! Like the new addition above? I figured after doing these for so long I’d make a graphic (thanks to a trial of Canva Pro I got for myself). I did some maintenance to my masterlist this week too since I have more than just two fics going. Anyways enough about me, let’s get to the fic recs...
Fics I read this week:
Frankie Morales
Cold, Biting and No Need for Mistletoe by @undercoverpena - I adore the way Jo writes Frankie and I felt so spoiled to get to read two Frankie entries this week!
Common Thread by @wildemaven - Relationship Frankie just hits different. I loved all of the little glimpses we got into this relationship.
Javier Peña
Plaid Pajama Morning by @javierpena-inatacvest - I love everything and anything in this universe …a domestic Javi makes me melt.
Good Boy by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin - This also features Dieter Bravo and is 🔥 Like I literally finished reading this and stared at the wall for who knows how long…
Joel Miller
Symphony by @maggiemayhemnj - This one is moving to the Compulsory Series section next week but had to pull it out and give a big shout-out to my friend for publishing her first fic!! How exciting!
Dieter Bravo
In Reality by @sin-djarin - If you’ve been around here for a while you know that a soft Dieter is just *it* for me. This fic does such a great job of getting inside of his head…I just love him.
O, Christmas Tree by @covetyou - This fic cracked me up and is so menace Dieter, I loved it!
Gift Wrapped by @sp00kymulder - This was so cute and silly and showed off one of the reasons why I love this menace of a man so much. 
Tim Rockford
Underwater by @secretelephanttattoo - This little extra in the Undercover universe (see below in my compulsory series section) was such a delight. Learning about how Tim found Cleo (his pet fish) was so damn endearing and sweet. This doesn't help the Tim brain rot … 😆
Marcus Pike
Make Me Like the Holidays by @undercoverpena I want this Marcus for Christmas, ok? Thank you! 😆
I've Got a Crush on You by @5oh5 - This has so many elements of Marcus that I love…a sweet, thoughtful man who is a little menace. Oh and he'll get you food.
Oberyn Martell
A Baker's Dozen - Four by @avastrasposts - Oberyn visits the bakery and oh boy, was I so into this! There’s just something about Oberyn … and Mel captured it beautifully in this.
Jack Whiskey Daniels
Dessert and Sugar Coated Kisses (both in AO3) by Ladybess (@ladybess-a03) - Some charming Jack in both of these 🫠
Dave York
The Things She Does to Please by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin Some Dave York smut was very welcomed!
A Baker's Dozen - Five by @avastrasposts - I read this yesterday and I’m still thinking about it. The Ezra in this is so layered but there’s still a very endearing and sincere part that comes through. I will be rereading this one.
Current Compulsory Series:
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment.
Merry Fic-mas (Various) by @ladamedusoif - A great list that I need to work through, but I'm particularly fond of the Mr. Ben entry.
12 Days of XxxMas (Various) by @morallyinept - I’m behind on these but what I have read so far is 🔥
Holiday Prompts (Various) by @trulybetty
Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog 
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings 
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese 
Undercover (Tim Rockford) by @secretelephanttattoo 
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest 
Will Miller
All I Want by @laurfilijames - The holidays aren't always rainbows and butterflies and this showed how it affects Will 
Posts from the week:
Check out these hilarious PPCU-inspired queue tags from @wannab-urs. Expect to start seeing Paddington Queue in a queue near you.
Check out these PPCU IDs and badges @morallyinept made!
A photo from Freaky Tales came out this week, but all I can see is older Joel.
Examples of what the Pedro boys’ Instagram profiles would look like!
I got tagged in a few Pinterest Moodboard things and they were all funny to me - mostly because of the random animals that showed up. Example 1, Example 2, Example 3
Feral corner:
Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal is out here with his hair grown out and the curls are CURLIN. This man is seriously a menace - LOOK AT HIM.
Thots about Steve and Javi. Pedro cosplaying as Joel. Speaking of Joel … obligatory Young Joel post coming at you. This Dieter-coded look from Pedro sent me into a tailspin. If you read Working Title, that is how I picture Dieter. Marcus Pike just being the finest-looking MFer in the FBI. Proof that the wardrobe department knew what they were doing with Frankie.
It’s been Charlie Hunnam week apparently for me but I watched this video more times than I care to admit. I can’t mention one Miller without the other…this Benny gifset gave me some thots (particularly the ones of him yelling, wtf is wrong with me).
Things I watched:
I watched Rebel Moon on Netflix. I know this movie didn’t get the best reviews, but I enjoyed it. Was it because Charlie Hunnam looked hot AF? Maaaaybe. 😆
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I'm planning on watching it again with Mr. Rhoorl this week.
Personal Stuff
Tonight we are taking Baby Rhoorl to a holiday light display, which I’m pretty excited about. It’s just going to be the Rhoorl’s this year for Christmas since our families live in other states. We’ll keep it pretty low-key. I, unfortunately, have to work this week - although I will be able to work from home which is nice.  
Fic updates:
The Benny Miller brain rot is REAL y’all. As a result, I put out Are You Going to Be Quiet? this week.
I’m working on a few different things. I’m excited to be participating in the Pickled Peña writing challenge and will post something on Jan. 1. I’m also almost done with part two of Turbulence (a Frankie one-shot that’s now a two-parter). New updates for Delta Landscaping and Working Title are in the works too!
And to Wrap
If you are celebrating this week, I hope you have a great time. I know this can be a tough time of the year for a lot of us, so I’m sending you a Frankie hug and a Javi forehead kiss (consensually of course). As we approach the end of the year expect a sappy post (or two) from me. If you made it all the way to the end, hi, you're the best! 😘
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Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3
Are You? Masterlist (Benny Miller)
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Round 3 Matchups!
This round has no 3 way matches, and I'm going to try to see if I can arrange round 4 so that doesn't happen there either. Matches are below the cut!
Leila Vernon (The Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris) vs Rosalia Rossellini (Trauma Team)
Miyabi Hanakouji (Persona 2) vs Merim Felspar (Three of Hearts Podcast)
Tragedian (pathologic) vs Rose Red (Ghost Quartet)
Nin (Paranatural) vs Itakura Akira (Talentless Nana)
Raikou Shimizu (Nabari no Ou) vs Cyber 6 (Cybersix)
Kate (Shadow’s House) vs The Guardian (Hyper Light Drifter)
Tougou Mimori/Washio Sumi (Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero & Washio Sumi is a Hero) vs Tirsiak (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)
Anima (Why Shouldn't a Detestable Demon Lord Fall in Love?!) vs Walter Walzac (The Brave of Gold Goldran)
Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball) vs Isaac (Awful Hospital)
Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)) vs Xuanli (Lanxi Zhen)
Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu) vs Red Savarin (Solatorobo)
Bennett (Hello Charlotte) vs Sheila (Witch’s Heart)
Bolt (Crypt of the Necrodancer) vs Vella (Velouria Beastender Tartine) (Broken Age (video game))
Bai Lang (My Tooth Your Love) vs Aliya Elasra (Heaven’s Vault)
Sawamura Tetsuo (Yuureitou) vs Katook (The Katurran Odyssey)
The Spider Core (The Lab - Core Slingshot) vs Satyarani (Raven: The Secret Temple)
Rambler (Happy Happy Clover) vs Felix Iskandar Escellun (Last Legacy)
"good" Tom (El Goonish Shive) vs Dee Kennedy (Dayshift at Freddy’s)
The Exsurgent Virus (Eclipse Phase) vs Heart (Moonlight Chicken) 
Es (Milgram) vs Ulala (Space Channel 5)
Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods) vs Brutha (Discworld) 
Kusuriuri (Mononoke) vs Tin (Triage The Series)
Silver (Oneshot) vs Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity)
Shijima Tsukishima/Shimeji (Shimeji simulation) vs Nuch (Not Me The Series)
Sarah Collins (Dark Shadows (1966-1971)) vs Zaknafein Do'Urden (The Legend of Drizzt (Forgotten Realms))
Leonie Beaumort (Aviary Attorney) vs Magda (Vapors)
Principal Shirley Oddwell (Oddport Academy) vs The Cashier (Midnight Museum)
Seaweed (Gloomverse) vs Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)
No Significant Harassment (Rain World) vs Sally Swing (Betty Boop)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Cecilia Sylvie (Cross-dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie)
Gabrielle (Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove) vs Liv (Spooky Month)
Fumi-ba (Kamen Rider Ghost) vs Corona Hoshino (Swans in Space)
Granger (NeverHome game series) vs Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Forest Friend (Gris) vs Protagonist (Melatonin)
Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs Agent (Penguinronpa)
Uhh… these guys? (Rhythm Heaven Fever) vs Tiger of the Wind (Monster Rancher (1999))
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