maihonhassan · 3 months
You who strive for TAHAJJUD despite the great need of sleep in this cold weather, you are truly loved by Allah. Do you think Allah will abandon you just like that?! Well, let me tell you something, Allah has great treasures for you in both worlds!
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qahwahthoughts · 2 months
‎tawakkul 🤍 تَوَكُّل
‎“what is meant for you will reach you, even if it is between two mountains.” There’s no need to rush nor feel anxious for the future because what’s yours will be yours. So tie your camel and have تَوَكُّل, for الله knows the best & He is the best planner.
- qahwahthoughts on twitter
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deenemaan · 16 days
And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.
Surah Al Ahzab Ayat 3
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eternal-gardens · 7 months
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lightup0nlight · 2 months
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The fear of delaying salaah, fear of not observing proper hijaab, fear of excessive speech that would transgress to gheebah, and so forth are actually acts of worship in the sight of Allah.
So do not be embarrassed with our family, friends, and society about worrying regarding these spiritual matters. Sheikh Sa'ad ibn Nasir al-Shithri hafidhahullah said the following (abbreviated):
Amongst the crucial ‘ibaadat of the heart is the feeling of {khawf | fear} of [disobeying] Allah. There are many aayat that focus on its discussion [and one of them is]:
🌺 ❛But for him who {khawf | fears} the standing before his Rabb, there will be two Gardens [in Jannah].❜ 【Surah Ar-Rahman 55:46】
However in reality, we’re more fearful of Allah’s creatures [than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala]. Whereas, [the one who] fears Allah [will attain] a high station and a great reward. Allah says:
🌺 ❛Their reward with their Rabb is Eden Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, They will abide therein forever, Allah will be pleased with them, and they with Him…❜ 【Surah al-Bayyinah 98:8】
For whom is the reward?
🌺 ❛…That is for him who fears his Rabb.❜ 【Surah al-Bayyinah 98:8】
(Translated from ShahihFiqih)
May Allah make us among those who fear to disobey Him in public and in private, and who prioritize in chasing after the rida of The Creator than the praises of His creations.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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andromedanisa · 9 months
Kok bahagia terus ya?
"Orang lain pernikahannya kok bahagia terus ya? Sementara aku disini banyak nangisnya, banyak sedihnya, banyak ujiannya."
"dia sama suaminya kok jalan-jalan terus ya, kelihatannya happy banget. Suaminya keliatan romantis dan penyayang sekali."
"pasangan orang-orang itu kenapa peka dan sayang sekali dengan istrinya ya. Suka upload kebaikan istrinya di media sosial. Sementara suami tidak demikian. Boro-boro mau upload di sosmed. Tiap hari kerjaannya ngajak ribut mulu."
"dia cantik bange ya, pasti perawatan rutinnya mahal. Pasti semua kebutuhan rumah tangganya dipenuhi suaminya. Suaminya bertanggung jawab sekali."
Padahal yang berkomentar demikian tidak pernah tahu, pernikahan yang terlihat bahagia sekalipun tetaplah ada ujiannya. Tetaplah ada hari dimana merekapun menangis, ada jatuh bangun yang berkali-kali dirasakan. Entah itu ringan ataupun badai.
Tidak ada pernikahan tanpa diuji oleh Allaah. Tidak ada pernikahan yang selalu baik-baik saja. Tidak ada pernikahan yang tidak pernah tersakiti satu sama lain. Tidak ada pernikahan yang setiap harinya tersenyum. Tidak ada pernikahan tanpa bertengkar atau berdebat sekalipun.
Maka disinilah pentingnya sebuah komitmen bersama. Bahwa sekalipun pernah saling tersakiti, mengembalikan lagi semuanya kepada Allaah. Perihal komitmen agung kita kepadaNya.
Tahu nanti bagaimana kehidupan pernikahan itu, seberat itu ujian pernikahan. Kadang yang kita kira masalah sepele, bisa jadi itu justru melukai pasangan kita dan membuat semuanya menjadi runyam. Begitu sebaliknya, yang terlihat runyam seperti tak ada jalan keluar. Rupanya mudah untuk diselesaikan dengan jalan taqwa.
Kadang bohong rasanya kalau melihat pernikahan orang lain yang penuh dengan masalah, diri ini merasa baik-baik saja. Merasa aman-aman saja dan jauh dari kata ribut. Kadang mendengar, membaca, dan menyimak saja diri ini berkali-kali memohon pertolongan Allaah untuk selalu ditolong bagaimanapun ujiannya nanti.
Tapi demikianlah dunia penuh dengan ujian, bukan? kadang dikasih kesedihan seperti tak ada ujungnya, kadang pula dikasih kebahagiaan yang seringkali lupa bahwa kita pernah merasa begitu bersedih..
Semoga Allaah kasih kita rasa syukur dan kelapangan hati yang luas untuk terus bersabar dalam menjalani ujian di dunia ini. Kadang kita merasa kitalah yang paling menderita, paling banyak sedihnya, paling seringkali menangis. Hingga rasanya lelah dan jengah, padahal diluar sana ada banyak yang jauh lebih menderita hanya saja mereka sembunyikan keluh kesah itu hanya untuk Allaah. Kita hanya sedang berbeda dalam melalui ujian yang Allaah berikan.
Jika nanti kamu menemukan seseorang yang mengatakan, "hidupmu kok bahagia terus ya kelihatannya. Kalaupun sedih juga nggak seberapa."
Maka banyaklah memuji Allaah atas perkataan yang mereka ucapkan. Barangkali itu adalah sebuah doa untukmu. Dan banyaklah rasa syukur, sebab Allaah masih menolongmu dan menyembunyikan aib ataupun kesedihanmu sehingga kamu selalu terlihat bahagia dan baik-baik saja. Kembalikan semuanya kepada Allaah, maka nikmatilah hidupmu yang lebih tenang..
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readerswholearn · 6 months
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naderdawah · 2 years
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Abdullah Ibn Masoud رضي الله عنه said: “The greatest Aayah in the Quran that brings relief
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجعَل لَهُ مَخرَجًا
“And whoever fears Allah, He will make a way out for him”. 
(Surat At-Talaq:2)
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al-jadwal · 4 months
Chase It
If you desire greatness, climb the ladder of al-taqwá (ie: piety); إذا أردت العلو فارتق درج التقوى، if you seek honour, wear the face of humility; وإن شئت العز فضع جبهة التواضع، if you prefer leadership, lift the pillars of al-ikhlāṣ (ie: sincerity). وإن آثرت الرياسة فارفع قواعد الإخلاص، By Allah, positions are not attained through hope. فوالله ما تحصل المناصب بالمنى. Ibn al-Jāwzī, al-Laṭāʾif 1/22 ابن الجوزي، اللطائف ١/٢٢ https://shamela.ws/book/243/22 Telegram: https://t.me/aljadwal Tumblr: https://al-jadwal.tumblr.com
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faithful-diaries · 1 year
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فَإِنِّى قَرِيبٌ
indeen I am near. [2:186]
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ummabdillaahh · 10 months
Abū Hurayrah [Radiyallāhu Anhu] said:
There is no pain that befalls me more beloved to me than fever, for indeed it enters every joint of the son of Ādam, and indeed Allāh will give for every joint a point of reward.
Sahih/Ibn Abi Shaybah 10922
Translated by Rasheed ibn Barbee
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maihonhassan · 3 months
Two raka’at when you need something and Two raka’at thanking Allah when you get it.
“It will change your life.”
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qahwahthoughts · 2 months
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‎يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ ٱلصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
"O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful (of Allah)." (2:183)
Ramadan is finally upon us, Alhamdulilah 🌙
May Allah accept our fasts and grant us good health, and allow us to get closer to Him during this blessed month, ameen. Just a gentle reminder that Ramadan isn’t only about abstaining from food and drinks, but is also an opportunity for personal reformation. To set good habits & eliminate bad ones, and to focus on ibaadah, increasing our good deeds, and instilling taqwa in our lives. We have 30 days filled with blessings, let us not waste them, inshallah.
Let us also remember the less fortunate and the oppressed throughout this month. Especially the Palestinians right now. isr*eli violence against them always increases during Ramadan, and unfortunately this year will the same, if not worse. May Allah protect the Palestinians, facilitate their return, and humiliate their oppressors. Ameen 🤲🏼🇵🇸
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 رمضان مبارك
via qahwahthoughts on ig
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mnwlife · 10 months
“Oleh karena itu ikhwan, kita jangan takut tidak punya rizki...
Takut(lah) kalau kita tidak beriman, takut(lah) kalau kita tidak bertaqwa, karena rizki ini datang disebabkan orang itu bertaqwa.”
Nasehat Ustadz Aunur Rofiq bin Ghufron,Lc hafidzahullah
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lightup0nlight · 4 months
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Among Allah's blessings upon us is His barakah — a blessing when received will yield results beyond our expectation, even if the effort we put in was just a tiny, little bit. Think of a small seed that logically would grow into one tree; but with Allah's barakah, it yields two or three instead.
Allah’s barakah does not necessarily mean plentiful in number, like having an immense wealth or multiple properties, but that even a small amount of something could bring about an immeasurable amount of khayr. One of the ways to receive Allah’s barakah is when we have both imaan and taqwa. Taqwa in simple term is abandoning disobedience, and practising obedience to Allah. Allah says:
🌺 ❛Had the people of those societies (1) believed and (2) had taqwa, We would have overwhelmed them with blessings from heaven and earth. But they disbelieved, hence We seized them for what they used to commit.❜ 【Surah al-A’raf 7:96】
Don’t allow society to teach us that results are only dependent on one’s efforts; that if we accept bribes, we would be wealthier; if we cheat, we would attain greater success; if we take our hijaab off, we would get countless opportunities; if we skip salaah, our business life would be so much easier — because there is simply no barakah without taqwa of Allah.
In no way does this mean we should all quit our jobs, and sit in the masjid from dusk to dawn. Allah says:
🌺 ❛Men who neither trade nor sale diverts them from the Remembrance of Allah, nor from performing the prayers, nor from giving the zakah; they fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned [out of the horror]. That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. And Allah provides without measure to whom He wills.❜ 【Surah an-Nur 24:37-38】
Allah praises these believers — who seem to be just normal, ordinary, working people — people who need to earn a living for themselves and their families.
Why are they so great in the Sight of Allah?
Because their worldly affairs do not distract them from Allah. Their taqwa make them great in the Sight of Allah. In another aayah, Allah says:
🌺 ❛Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that [believer] who has taqwa.❜ 【Surah al-Hujurat 49:13】
May Allah grant us unwavering imaan and taqwa, and bless us all.
Your sister in Deen, Aida Msr ©
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teenageascetic · 6 days
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“And the same chain of narrators that he Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Verily, Allah the Great and Almighty has a pillar of ruby, the top of which is under the Throne, and the bottom of which is on the back of the fish which swims in the Seventh lowest Earth. When a servant of Allah says `there is no god but Allah’, the Throne trembles, and both the pillar and fish move. So Allah, the Blessed and the Most High says: `O Throne of Mine! Remain calm!’ Then it replies, `How shall I remain calm, when you have not forgiven the one who uttered those words?’ Then Allah, Blessed and Exalted be He, announces: `Bear witness, O inhabitants of My Heavens, that indeed I have pardoned the one who has uttered these words!’"
-Al-Tawhīd book 2 chapter 1 verse 20.
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