#taung oc
crackedopen · 6 months
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A Taung OC from my Star Wars Taung redesign
She's an NPC, she doesn't have a name or a backstory (yet <3)
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fagcrisis · 2 years
i am asking abt funerals. my starwars knowledge is tiny but my interest in fictional funerals is large please do tell
okayokayokay. i actually had multiple extremely long posts about this on my old blog but theyre like lost media (unless some of my old star wars mutuals have them but i think only like, nick and lucky remain)
coruscant is the capital city of the galactic republic in star wars, and i mean that literally, because the entire planet down to the core and up to the very border of the atmosphere it is a city. it was originally inhabited by zhells and taungs, the latter being the spiritual (if not biological) ancestors of the mandalorians, who lay claim to the planet city because of this connection and its the cause of their conflict with the republic. stream vode an
theres a criminal lack of stories that utilize the incredible potential coruscant has (in my humble opinion), save for one legends book i havent read and a level in a game i havent played. i think coruscant being the melting pot for the entire galaxy's cultures and species could create really interesting areas and conflicts that would be worth exploring if star wars was good instead of very bad (except for andor). i also had a series of posts theorizing about different districts having humidity controlled and even flooded districts, areas where the air is not filled with oxygen and so on. me and @katschipper have an oc named kees, they're an ex jedi turned pizza delivery guy and i would also love to talk more about him and the conflicts and such he encounters (id also love to write things with him but we cant have everything im a busy man)
so anyway now that you have context. coruscant is a planet city with either trillions (canon) or one trillion (legends) inhabitants. law enforcement is shown to be ineffective at the best of times, and straight up replaced with jedi in some cases (you should ask me about my thoughts on this also) and even if they were effective, acab. crime and poverty run rampant through the city, housing is a nightmare, healthcare is basically nonexistent in the lower levels, the corpse per hour ratio must be INSANE. where the fuck do they put all the corpses
we very rarely see funerals in star wars, and save for a few theyre almost all jedi funerals. the jedi also have interesting funerary rites you should ALSO ask me about, by the way, and ive heard there is a great funeral scene in andor but ive yet to watch andor (im on it guys). the only funeral that actually takes place on coruscant that i know of, is in the clone wars and it's a jedi funeral. so beyond this point is purely headcanon zone
because on coruscant social standing is extremely linearly tied to the levels, i came up with two main places where people are laid to rest.
the first is necropolis districts. because coruscant originally was just a planet like any other, populated by the ancestors of humanoid species and more specifically mandalorians im assuming (based on my knowledge of mandalorian funerary rites, also super interesting, ask me about that) that some sort of mass grave situation must have been going on as that is how mandalorians bury their dead. after the taungs left and the city gradually enveloped more and more of the continents and eventually oceans, having cemetaries in every city must have become incredibly ineffective with the amount of dead
coruscant is comprised of levels that are split into districts. the lowest levels of the city are not officially inhabited, haunted by strange creatures and PROBABLY RADIATION ASK ME ABOUT NUCLEAR CORUSCANT. i think on every level there must exist one, if not more funeral district, a necropolis spanning half a continent housing more dead than the level has people. sanitation has to be on POINT in a city of this size, and due to space restrictions people cannot afford to not burn their dead. that is a right reserved only to the richest of the rich, just as sunlight and breathable air is. because coruscant is repeatedly shown to be a hypercapitalist society, taking inspiration from cyberpunk media (aka really weirdly orientalist i could also talk about this for ages) i'm assuming a space for the ashes of a loved one, or even a nameplate you can bring flowers to, is a luxury few can afford. the industry around death is massive with necropolis districts being surrounded on all sides by generations of families who have made their living off the funerary industry. funeral districts are not solemn, quite the opposite, bustling with life and new corpse deliveries to the incineration rooms every hour.
a moderately well off person living close enough to the surface to be able to dream of seeing the sky one day only has to start worrying about their final resting place probably around the time they retire, but for poorer families on the lower levels it is a constant worry just like making rent every day. diaspora species and cultures that require more complicated funerary rites have traditions that specifically grew around the restrictive laws of coruscant. ashes or the bodies of the desceased cannot be kept in the home, and being discovered with them after the allotted mourning time comes with a hefty fine or a long stay in a prison colony where your family will never get your body back from. certain workplaces offer insurance for your corpse up to 3 years after your death, so your family does not have to worry about the rent for your grave while they mourn, but obviously these jobs comes with a way higher risk of injury or death. when a child is born their parents have to consider where they will be buried. coruscant, the beating heart of the galaxy, is a planet obsessed with death.
as the skyscrapers of coruscants reach ever higher, and as the lower districts begin to be choked by their corpses the upper crust of coruscant must consider a new approach, and so as always, they turn to the sky
there are four naturally formed moons that orbit the planet, centax 1, 2 and 3 and Hesperidium. Centax one is a penal colony (also interesting but not relevant) 2 housed a jedi training facility for a bit and then palpatines weird ass legends bullshit, and 3 was blown up by the fucking yuuzhan vong i forgot that happened jesus christ star wars is stupid. the planet is also orbited by so many artificial moons and satellites to the point where direct entry to the athmospehere is a challenge and many ships just dock on stations around the planet and their passengers and cargo take shuttles to the surface.
i think there are maybe a dozen funeral stations orbiting coruscant taking away precious airspace from way more important things, where you can pick out of several options for your body after your death. these include being completely suspended in time, surgery on your barely cold body so you are even more beautiful and the people who visit the station (because im sure they do, its the weird ass shit rich people tend to do) can be jealous and marvel at how much better previous generations were. these stations are as much exhibitions of the wealth and power of the desceased, as places of mourning, if not more so.
if you really are rich, if your family has maintained their power and their money for enough generations, maybe you can be buried in real soil on centax 3 (before the yuuzhan vong blow it up) and brag about it to your less rich friends at parties, and list the benefits of natural decay to the environment, as you sip imported wine they made in the orphan crushing machine or something
regardless of social standing the obsession with death is rampant throughout coruscant and many people commit egregious crimes for their body to be disposed of exactly how they would like, even disregarding their actual life in the process. coruscanti movies and books and music are extremely concerned with the subject and many romance movies are about couples dying together on their own terms or someone attempting to bury their beloved according to their wishes. sanitation workers are somehwat demonized due to this. many parents wish their child would be born force sensitive, so they can be buried in the jedi temple with their body intact, instead of whatever fate they will have as a civilian. many of the pushback against the clone army when they were initially introduced to the public was due to the fact that many generations grew up romanticizing the warriors who fell in the mandalorian wars and were buried on other planets in real soil
its been a bit since i wrote star wars meta but man i fucking missed it! as always you are welcome to argue with me about any of the points brought up (in fact please do) and if youre interested in anything i mentioned here i love to talk about the version of star wars that lives in my head and is good instead of bad. i swear i will watch andor
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lovelessdagger · 7 months
Starlight - Chapter 40: After
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC
Rating: Mature
Enemies to Lovers, Slow Burn, Canon Divergence, Smut
Words: 1.4k
Summary:  Tatooine is the galaxy's own personal hell.
A/N: I suppose this can be considered the final chapter, it is in many respects. I've received many asks about the state of Lumina and Din's relationship, while this ending doesn't say much, I do believe it says everything. The epilogue is next, I am still trying to find the words. I hope I don't disappoint.
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Tatooine is the galaxy’s own personal hell. That much is evident. Emotions once indifferent are now set in carbonite stone. Tatooine is nothing but memory and misery; there is no repentance. Tatooine is a barren wasteland gone to the dogs, and the dogs have died.
Crossing over a sand dune, the Mandalorian leaves heavy prints to track. He walks east towards missing binary suns in the dead of night. 
He wonders about dawn and the possibilities of her unknown light. He cannot stand the sight of stars, finding them to only lead to hell.
Or Tatooine.
He makes way towards a defunct cantina in the distance, a lone figure with a backdrop of sky. It’s a small thing, run down, rotten. The doors open with rusted gears, making him slide in sideways when they freeze.
Tables remain unmoved, flooring worse for wear, half stripped. Some seating is tossed about, booths torn. Dust is visible, windows boarded shut.
At the seventh table lays a rifle leaned against the wood and an empty chair. He glances behind to the entrance.
He doesn’t remember it all being so much bigger than him.
Tatooine’s horizon is the edge of the universe and Lumina is alone. The wind is chilling, dying blows signal the aftermath of a storm. She tugs her cloak tighter. Humming soft under her breath, her legs dangle off the cantina’s back roof.
She looks down, flicking a half burnt cigarette.
“You can’t die from this height.” A voice from behind.
“I know,” she replies over the wind. She turns her wrist. Soreness remains even after bacta. After the first time, Fennec said she was lucky it only sprained. Lumina still isn’t sure if she agrees.
She looks back at her guest, the Mandalorian tall and not so proud. “Care to join me?”
His steps are heavy, his boots drag along the cemented roof and grating piling of sand. He sits beside her without any real poise, swinging his own cape back.
“I can’t say I like what you’ve done with the place,” he says.
“Boba bought the building and shut it down. Was his first major purchase after gaining control of the territory. Won’t tell me what the plan is, but it seems positive.”
“There’s a lot you can do in the middle of no where.”
He agrees. “There is… so why are you here?”
She shrugs. “Why are you?”
He gives no answer.
“You shouldn’t smoke,” Din says instead. “Bad for you.”
She takes a purposeful drag. “I want to give you something.” Lumina digs through the satchel on her left, rummaging past her saber hilt, a lightbulb, and a newly etched data pad. In her gloved hand she presents a large shard of emerald glass. “Here.”
“What is it?”
“Flip it over.”
He does just that, his hands cautious in touching hers and the object of question. Heavier than he suspected, Din turns the hoax gem. The front is an encased remnant bedrock chiseled with a distinct Mando’a inscription.
“Is it…”
“Real? Far as I can tell, yeah.” Lumina runs her index finger over the letters. “Do you know what it says?”
Din gives a half nod, not strong enough to be a statement of commitment, but severely lacking in denial. “It’s scripture,” he says eventually. “We learn of tales of the Mand’alors of past. The formation of the Creed, the strength of our planet, our people. This looks like part of the story of the Taung—the original Mandalorians, it was my favorite. They were forced away from their original home on Coruscant and found solace on Mandalore. This section, it tells of how they felt a calling to the world. Something they couldn’t explain.”
“Sounds like the Force,” Lumina says.
“Where did you get this?”
“Jawas,” she answers. “I went to Peli’s to return the ship I took. Total coincidence they were there too.” Her lips press together, she tosses the cigarette butt off the edge. “I wouldn’t have reached out but—well they’re your people, not mine. Mand’alor.”
Din nods again, though overall more sure. “Thank you.”
The issue of the helmet, the reveal, lingers in the air.
She asks, “Have you spoken to your people since—”
“I see.”
“I know what they’ll say. I’ll be excommunicated… any credibility I have with the Darksaber will be gone.”
“Then you do want it?”
Din hesitates. “Bo-Katan—” he begins to say.
“Is a threat unrealized. That’s what Fennec says.” 
“What do you think?”
“That you should keep an eye on her. She’s hiding more than she lets on. The Darksaber is in your possession now. In a way, you are king. Be wise.”
“Even with this”—Din waves the glass—“there’s no telling if it’s habitable. And if it is, Mandalore hasn’t had a monarch since before I was a foundling.”
“Then they’ll have no expectations.”
“What if I don’t want this?” Din asks. “I’m hardly a mandalorian anymore. This may not be my path.”
“The Force connected you to that sword for a reason,” Lumina says. “You need to restore your faith.”
He snorts. “In the Force?”
“In yourself.”
After a beat Din says, “So what’s the real reason you called me?”
Lumina could choose to be astounded by his attunement to her, a superficial everlasting trait it seems. But on occasion, in the two weeks passed since their last meeting, his words have grown a habit of circling.
Knowing forever is quite the promise, but Din carries loyalty to his own demise with honor.
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” she says. She lights another cigarette. “For good.”
His breathing stops, his hand tenses, his posture shifts. Lumina closes her eyes, inhaling deep through the Force. Her mind is too clouded, she wants to act rationally. She wants to be cordial. A diplomat. Express a gratitude for positive relations and nobility. Proclaim allegiance on behalf of Tatooine to all of Mandalore.
Or she could close up. Bid farewell and leave at that.
Neither feels correct.
“I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something out there,” Lumina says. “Something bigger than any of us realize. It’s more than the Empire. The things Gideon was doing to me… there’s a reason. He may have failed, but with my capture he proved his goals were possible. It’s only a matter of time until someone picks up where he left off. And when that comes, I don’t know how we’ll win.”
“You’re scared of another war,” Din says.
Lumina swallows, cringing at the lump in her throat. “Not just another war. Another clone war, only this time they’re all like me. I have to do what I can.”
The Mandalorian removes his helmet under the moonlight, placing it to the side. He takes a smoke from Lumina’s pack, waiting until she lights the drug to speak. “Where are you going?”
“I don’t know yet. I’m cashing in a promise I’m owed, so wherever the Force takes me.”
He nods. “Will I ever see you again?”
Her head tips back, she looks into the night. The moons and stars are a fragile crystal setting. Wind blows the line out of view. “You’ll see me everywhere,” then, “I’ll see you too. I think it’s the will of the Force that we’re stuck together.”
She can barely hear his response, were she not herself she wouldn’t hear it at all. But it comes, a soft passing through his lips.
The moons reflect beautifully off Din’s armor, symbolic in a way. Bringing her glimmers of light at the universes edge. A performance of intangible wonder for her eyes only. She leans against his shoulder. He’s warm, despite it all.
His lips press against the top of her head.
“I love you,” Din mumbles into her scalp. Three little words finally said.
She smiles, halfway. “I know.” And then, “I love you too.”
Above their heads a white bird soars across the stars. It calls a song and Lumina looks away at her feet off the edge. A small ebony snake slithers along the roofing.
“Darasuum,” she says. “Right?”
His agreement is repetition. “Darasuum.”
For the first time, Lumina thinks Tatooine may not be so bad after all. It isn’t great, few things are, but in the aftermath of apocalypse wastelands can still bloom.
Impossible life has been created before, it can again.
She is proof.
A wave of relief rushes through the planets wind. A renewal, in a way.
Life is separated into two eras.
Before: Living sustained on betrayals and manipulated promises. The Empire, the Sith, the Machine.
After: Her. After there are stars and orchids and auroras. There is rebirth. There is hope.
There is more than the legacy of Anakin Skywalker.
Lumina is sure of it.
This has all happened before. It was inevitable. Nothing has changed.
Epilogue: Starlight
Taglist: @lexloon​ @jay-bel​ @xsadderdazeforeverx​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @annoyinglythoughtfuldestiny​ @hello-th3r3​
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acedragontrainer · 1 year
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I procrastinated figuring out how to use my fancy new sewing machine SO hard i made a quilt design about it, and then started making the quilt, with the sewing machine, so i think i’m procrastinating so hard it’s coming back around into productivity? this is wayyyy too fucking ambitious for my first quilt and i have no idea what the fuck i’m doing but! that will not stop me!
originally the design was much larger and for a queen size, and then i got out a yardstick and realized that’s way too fucking big so i downsized the scale and moved things around and added more buy’cese, i’m not sold on the background color and i’m prob not going to embroider the crusader’s emblem or the vizsla emblem like i had planned bc it stands out too much, but i was thinking of stitching the mythosaur symbol down the vertical sides, but i could also do lines of “bic cuyir te ara” since i’m already gonna be hand stitching so much goddamn mando’a
i’m pretty sure i can program custom embroidery patterns into my fancy machine (which is the whole thing i’m procrastinating about so finishing all the buy’cese will force me to find out) so i want to do the resol’nare in gold, but i don’t think anything with gold filament is gonna be strong enough for that so i may do yellow and embroider a bit in gold filament just to get around that, and then i’m still sorting through what patterns i wanna do across the quilt, i was thinking random concentric squares of lines of text, that way i could do kote darasuum around where cody is and a much bigger one spreading from the taung at the bottom with a version of dha werda verda (still haven’t figured out which one to use), but then i don’t know what to do about the rest of the quilt, and like do i really want to hand stitch everything in mando’a characters (resigned)
so obviously what i’m using here is a mix of different canons with some fanon sprinkled in (sue me, canon mandalor the uniter fucking sucks, basic bitch buy’ce, so i replaced that one with the irl dude’s mandalorian oc of the same title bc quite frankly it’s more meaningful to the fandom and it looks fucking sick), some of them had very little canon material to work with so i tried my best to wing it (tarre vizsla didn’t really have a buy’ce per se so i’m still debating using matte black for that one), some i picked bc they looked cool and not because they’re relevant, some i left out purposefully
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i started with the darksaber, because i thought “it’s smaller and just a bunch of straight lines, how hard can it be?” but it turns out needle-point turn on all those stupid tiny corners is, in fact, a new layer of hell i had previously remained oblivious to, but i still did it, and it’s only a little wonky
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ok so the quality is shit, but it’ll look real nice when i fucking needle-point turn applique this shit to the top layer and then detail it all in silver when i’ve got all the sandwich together, and i’m real fucking proud of myself for getting the first bucket done, and it even mostly lays flat!
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i’ve got this stupid shiny black fabric i’m using for all the visors and it is definitely painful as hell to work with but god does it look nice
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pobbsarts · 1 year
I think I should have put this at the beginning, and pinned the post, but I'm going to put it here.
Hi, I'm Pobbs, artist and hobby writer!
This is my blog for all kinds of art Of fandoms ando My own oc's I have .
In this you will mainly see fandoms like Mortal Kombat, Jojos Bizzare Adventure, God Of War, Resident Evil, etc. This blog is to put my art, my fanfics among others.
Mostly I have to put the Ships that I have preference in Mortal Kombat are:
SubScorp (with a preference for Kuai Liang and Hanzo)
Erron Black x Kano
Takeda Takahashi x Jacqui Briggs
Kung Jin x Erron Black
Liu Kang x Kitana
Liu Kang x Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage x Sonya
Johnny Cage x Raiden
Fujin x Shang Taung
The Ships I prefer in the Jojo's fandom are:
Jotaro x Kakyoin
Avdol x Polnareff
Joseph x Caesar
Anasui x Weather Report
Bruno x Abbacio
Giorno x Mista
Deán x Castiel
Sam x Lucifer
Sam x Gabriel
Castiel x Crowley
Crowley x Bobby.
and the list will continue to expand as it acquires likes in other fandoms...
As I said before, here you will find everything from incorrect quotes, fanarts, fanfics, my personal art with OCS interacting with canonical characters, among others, not only mine but also reblogs from other artists.
I really hope you like your stay on my blog.
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purplealmonds · 2 years
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My entry for @kate-komics's Mandalorian OC contest! I've been meaning to design my own Mando ever since I started watching the show, and this gives me an excuse to actually do it!
This is Xing Feyrin, a young foundling weary of their cramped covert. After swearing the Resol'nare and earning their beskar'gam, they took a joyride into the depths of Wild Space – with no prior astronavigation experience. Predictably, they marooned themselves on a backwater planet and even went native.
Progress pics and more character trivia below the cut!
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This was the initial sketch of Xing. It came together surprisingly quickly once I decided on the "Mando with a samurai aesthetic" direction - which coincidentally mirrors the armor design of the earliest Mandalorians, the Taung species! Couple of design notes:
The non-beskar armor is modeled after samurai plate armor. It's haphazardly strung together with the beskar'gam for added protection and style points
The straw cape is inspired by the Japanese mino. I saw lots of Mandos with swooshy fabric capes, so I wanted to do something different for Xing's.
The leather wraps around vambraces and shin guards are borrowed from the Mandalorian Crusaders. I am just really fond of the leather aesthetic!
And now for some general notes about Xing:
Xing uses they/them pronouns, but doesn't mind he/him.
Their name is pronounced "shing" - inspired after the Chinese character 星 for star. Although they don't know it, their biological family were nomadic spacefarers.
Wear and tear put Xing's "fancier" equipment - namely their dual blasters and rising phoenix, out of commission. Since there was no way to fix or replace them when planet-bound, Xing had to get creative with their arsenal. The belt and holster around their hip now store decidedly more "analog" weaponry - more on that later!
They also painted their beskar'gam after they realized they're stuck on the planet for the long run. White for a fresh start on a new planet, and orange for freedom gained from being marooned.
Their helmet is the only article that is painted dark grey for mourning. In the early days they wore it in remembrance of their past life in the covert. Once the HUD flickered out for good, the helmet became dark and claustrophobic - the complete antithesis to their wanderlust - so they only wear it in times of extreme danger.
Not pictured in the sketch, but featured in the final: the painted fingernails have do have a purpose beyond aesthetics! The black pigment contains ground-up flint, which creates sparks when struck against metal.
Also not pictured: two flasks of viscous lighting fluid they keep in their holsters. When smeared on their beskad and struck by their flint-tipped fingernails, they have a flaming sword in short order! My headcanon is that beskar has an extremely high melting point, so wielding it while set aflame won't chip or dull it like other blades. I have a pic of this in the works!
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sheresh0y · 3 years
Mar'eyce: Prologue
Pairing: Mando/Din Djarin x fem!Mando OC Kaiyah Awaud
Word Count: 335
Warnings: Canon typical violence, talk of scars/scarring, swearing, some soulmate lore, a lot of Mandalorian lore (thank god for wookiepedia). T rating. Author's note, translations, and Mandalorian lore at the end.
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Tall tales are nothing new to Mandalorians. Myths, legends, rumors, and gossip follow them everywhere.
“I heard Mandalore’s abandoned. Something about the air being toxic."
"I wonder what you look like under there. Maybe he's a Gungan. Is that why yousa don't wanna show your face?"
“Fett’s still alive? No chance, poor bastard died in The Dune Sea.”
“Mando’s crazy. Rizzi got too close to the helmet once, took their hand clean off. I swear it on my mother, man. Stay away from that guy.”
The myths of Mandalorians are everywhere, even in their society. Stars being the councils of kings long past, The War of Life and Death, even Manda, are all myths. Something to believe in past themselves. Din understood those stories, even if he didn’t believe them all, but the ones he could never wrap his head around were soulmates. You swear your creed and the Ka'ra got to decide who your “other half” was so you could be “the perfect Mandalorian, together”, finding each other through matching scars and pain like some kind of fucked up compass. By the time Din was a teenager, he knew better than to believe those stories; they were for children and romantics.
Most adults knew this, but some still held out. Either through staunchly waiting for their soulmate, trying to rationalize similar scars as matching scars, or just using it as a pet name, it didn’t matter. It was a story that was not going to die anytime soon.
While Din didn’t believe the stories, something still piqued his interest every once in a while. Random scars that he should have remembered getting, like the burn on his back. Hurt like a bitch and the worst part was that happened on his first hunt, knocked him on his ass, complicating his Guild entrance. When he got back to The Covert no one had any answers, every Mandalorian had a few weird scars, and besides, bounty hunting is a complicated profession.
-Manda: Many meanings, but in this fic it will refer to the first translation of "heaven" or "collective soul". The second translation is being a Mandalorian in body, soul, and mind. The third is overarching, guardian-like, supreme.
-Kar'ra: Star. Also a myth, in which the past Mand'alors and cultural leaders live and guide current rulers from the stars.
Mandalorian Lore Stuff:
The Taung were the first Mandalorians and were very religious, they believed in The War of Life and Death (Akaanati'kar'oya) and waged ritual combat as a way to worship their destroyer god against the god of sloth. Originally the destroyer god (Kad Ha'rangir) was supposed to represent change but the Taung took it a little (a lot) too far and eventually came to believe that being a warrior and war itself was divine and started conquering the galaxy. Eventually they became more chill (mostly because war sucks and the Taung were going extinct) and they moved away from the obsession and into more of a philosophical approach and started treating Akaanati'kar'oya and Ka'ra as parables. Most current Mandalorians typically believe in the Manda and in Legends a lot of Mandalorians believe that the easiest way to get into the collective soul-heaven is through being the word semi-literally and becoming some kind of guardian.
Author's Note:
That was a lot of lore-dumping about Mandalorians and not so much about how the system of soulmate-ness works in my universe, for which I apologize. I debated over making the prologue a lore dump in all aspects just to get it out of the way but that's too easy and you're too smart for that. Anyway, this note is just me being nervous about my first multi-chapter, mult-arc fic ever and if you are here for Chaotic Space Dads I'm very sorry, all that writing mojo has gone into whatever this is. I'm very excited for y'all to meet Kaiyah officially, I know OC isn't everyone's cup of tea but it turns out I'm really bad at writing second person and I won't make anyone read that from me, ever.
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shabre-legacy · 2 years
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I posted 6,851 times in 2021
675 posts created (10%)
6176 posts reblogged (90%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 9.1 posts.
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#shabre legacy - 259 posts
#star wars - 161 posts
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#leikael shabre - 85 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#i might have decided to have lesh (consular) and zari (quizzy) as co-commanders of the alliance in the shabre storyline im writing
My Top Posts in 2021
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Look at this amazing art by @marlynata. Leita Naberrie attending her first imperial formal event as Darth Vader’s Daughter after leaving the rebels. She looks so pretty. The newly introduced Lady Vader is already causing quite the stir.
52 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 17:41:11 GMT
An AU where Vaylin’s suffering on Nathema is loud in the Force, so much so that a younger powerful Jedi, doing something (maybe like research or something idk yet) on the far edge of the outer rim near to Nathema hears her and follows the sound. Finding the poor girl trapped and suffering, they can’t walk away and it doesn’t matter who she is. She needs help. So they rescue her and carry Vaylin to Tython where she is able to heal and recover in peace surrounded by the Force and people who care and help her find herself past what her father taught her. When Senya shows up to rescue Vaylin. She’s not there and Valkorian is furious that the perfect weapon he was trying to create is missing. But when the Invasion happens later, it all gets messed up and nothing goes according to his plan because when Thexan and Arcann face a line of Jedi, there standing with the others, saber drawn. Strong, confident, and free is their sister. 
58 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 23:31:06 GMT
Because I am seeing this stupid idea pop up again, let me be very clear. MANDALORIANS ARE NOT EXCLUSIVLY HUMAN!!!!!!!! 
They can be human, but they have also been Wookie, Mirialan, Zabrak, Twi’lek and every other race of the galaxy. To be Mandalorian does not mean to be born on Manda’yaim or in Basic, the planet Mandalore. Even the exclusively human community of the planet as seen in clone wars was a fairly recent invention occurring a within the few hundred years prior to the clone wars as anti-alien sentiment pushed out those Mandalorians (even those born on Manda’yaim) who were not human. There are a few theories on where that came from and why it developed/was eventually effective. 
What is known is that the original Mandalorians were the Taungs. A species that settled the planet of Manda’yaim under the leadership of Mandalore the First. This is where the people took their name. When they opened their culture to those they adopted from other species, they established themselves as a culture, creed and religion. ANYONE from ANY SPECIES who was adopted as a Mandalorian by a Mandalorian, who proves themselves and lived by their laws and traditions, specifically the resol’nare (six actions in Basic), WAS MANDALORIAN and their children, regardless of species of birth was MANDALORIAN BY BIRTH.
If you want to talk who is considered Mandalorian, at least know what the basic requirements are generally considered to be according to known Mandalorian lore and don’t make up stuff to justify the clone wars BS
90 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 16:43:03 GMT
So if you play a female smuggler that marries Corso, and you take over Zakuul and rule as Empress, and you don’t romance anyone else and resume your romance with Corso as soon as you find him again, then technically... technically farm boy Corso Riggs can be Emperor Consort of the Zakuulan Empire (which at that point consists of most of the known galaxy) and I just find that idea to be really funny.
99 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 02:21:08 GMT
I know a lot of people seem to imagine the Mandos as very distant from each other, a lot like american society is in regards to physical touch. But honestly, even among groups where removing their helmets under certain circumstances is allowed (you’re among your family, or you’re in camp, or not on duty, or whatever) this is still a people who spend a significant amount of time in their armor and a large portion of that time with their faces covered. I think that would lead to a very physically affection people. 
Like Mandos in a group always shoving each other lightly or slapping shoulders and backs when they’re heading out. Just grabbing the shoulder of someone nearby and using them to stabilize you as you adjust a boot, or taking naps, and falling asleep during transports leaning on whoever happens to be next to you. hugs and just lots of casual touch. It’s so easy and casual and there’s so much that it tends to bother imps or anyone who’s not used to being around mandalorians when they start traveling or spending time around them. 
372 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 01:02:28 GMT
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baraste-legacy · 4 years
Star Wars/SWTOR Fan Art Collection Masterlist
A collection of SWTOR Fanart and Fanon-related reblogs, and a few fully attributed reposts (tentatively adding Tumblr-only orphaned art, too). Entries may contain adult themes. Each post’s last tags show the artist or author of the original work. More of their art in this blog can be found by clicking on or pressing their tags.
If tagged as "orphan art", it means the original artist is no longer reachable on Tumblr or elsewhere (or that my Google-fu has faltered. I'm eager to be corrected about those 🙂).
Searches might yield less results than tags, due to how Tumblr works. I suggest that, when you find something interesting out of a normal search, you look for such tags and use them immediately for more complete results, especially while using the mobile app.
In the case of popular characters such as a Darth Maul, Feral Opress, Asajj Ventress, etc., it's better to use their name tags, or their species tags without the "art" word (I'm sort of favoring OCs in the "art" ones).
These masterlists are a work in progress. If you can't find some XYZ term or item in them, try a tagged search (preceding the search term with a "#" hashtag character) such as "#XYZ art" (or without the "art", too).
Remember that, while in a custom themed blog (baraste-legacy.tumblr.com instead of tumblr.com/baraste-legacy), you can show the results of those links or any tag search in chronological order by adding "/chrono" to the end of the URL.
SWTORpadawan: lots of SWTOR fan art, including great "orphaned" material they are saving from extinction.
SWTOR Fan Art Appreciation
(This section has been moved to its own post due to having reached the links per post limit)
Indeterminate Species · aleena · anacondan · anomid · anzati · aqualish · arkanian · arkanian offshoot · arthurian · balosar · besalisk · bith · bothan · cathar · cerean · chagrian · chakrata · chandra-fan · chironian · chiss · clawdite · codru-ji · covallon · cyborg · dashade · defel · delphidian · devaronian · diathim · dug · duros · echani · elfish humanoid · er’stacian · espirion · evereni · evocii · ewok · falleen · farghul · feeorin · ferroan · firrerreo · fleshraider · fosh · gabdorin · gamorrean · gand · gank · gen'dai · gonk droid · gotal · gran · gryphon · gungan · harch · herglic · houk · human · hutt · hybrid · iktotchi · ithorian · jawa · kage · kaleesh · kalleran · kallidahin · kaminoan · karkarodon · kel dor · kessurian · kiffar · klatooinian · krish · kushiban · kyuzo · lannik · lasat · lupr’or · mikkian · miraluka · mirialan · mon calamari · mortis celestials · mouse droid · muun · nagai · nautolan · neimoidian · nelvaanian · nightbrother · nightsister · nikto · noghri · noorian · omwati · ongree · ortolan · palliduvan · pantoran · pau'an · pa’lowic · pyke · quarren · quermian · rakata · rattataki · reigat · rodian · roonan · samuac · sand people · sarkhai · selkath · selonian · sephi · shistavanen · sith pureblood · sugi · sullustan · sylphe · talz · tarsunt · taung · theelin · thisspiasian · tholothian · tholotian · tognath · togruta · trandoshan · trodatome · twi'lek · umbaran · vahla · voss · vurk · weequay · whipid · wookiee · wroonian · zabrak · zelosian · zeltron · zygerrian · Original Species Creations
(This section has had to be moved to its own post, too)
Darth Acina · Darth Arkous · Darth Bane · Darth Baras · Darth Caldoth · Darth Cognus · Darth Jadus · Darth Maladi · Darth Malak · Darth Malgus · Darth Malora · Darth Marr · Darth Maul · Darth Plagueis · Darth Revan · Darth Sidious · Darth Talon · Darth Thanaton · Darth Tyranus · Darth Vader · Emperor Vitiate · Darth Vowrawn · Darth Wyyrlok · Darth Zannah · Darth Zash
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Star Wars/SWTOR 3D Art
Interestingly tattooed characters and tattoo designs Star Wars Miscellanea
All Worldbuilding Reblogs
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The Devaronian Species The Sith Pureblood Species The Togruta Species The Twi'lek Species The Zabrak Species
• BadSithNoCookie's Worldbuilding Master Post. • FluffyNexu's Worldbuilding Master Post. • InquisitorHotPants's Worldbuilding and Constructed Languages Master Posts.
All Legacy Posts Baraste Legacy Masterlist
STAR WARS/SWTOR 3D Art My SWTOR assets-based 3D Art (Images produced through the use of 3D assets extracted from SWTOR) A guide on how to extract and auto-assemble your SWTOR characters' models in Blender It's far easier than you think! 🙂
This might be of interest to both SWTOR/Star Wars fanartists and fan art appreciators: it's a Discord server that started life in 2019, hosting both fanartists you surely know by now (Spaceling, Moonlitalien, Luniara, Ahuska, Swevenfox, The Archnerd, Aphroditenx… Sorry to omit a ton of other great people there) and their patrons and admirers, plus folks that are dabbling at this or just giving it a try:
It's a nice place, well moderated. The usual detours aside, the theme is Star Wars/SWTOR art and artists-centric. You can interact with the artists, ask for advice, post your own art and your commission data if any, or use the directory and galleries to find who to commission for art. (I'm just an admirer there that was somehow invited and later allowed to start a little 3D corner 😅)
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corey-067 · 4 years
58. Rust red dirt?
Thank you for the ask, vod’ika! I hope you’re ready for some pain, because this took a deep dive in that direction. CWs for blood, violence, massacre, and major (OC) character death.
It stained everything it touched. Corey's family often joked that the dirt was the best identifying mark their animals could possess since the Clan owned almost all of the land nearby, which could stain them that way. 
Corey came back here every year to remember. He sat with his helmet off, tears streaming down his face as he rubbed the loose soil between his fingers and thumb, noting the way it dyed his skin to match. There were legends, of course. Stories told around fires after a successful hunt, bellies filled. They said the Taung had watered it with the blood of the Mythosaurs during their taming of the world, and that more recently, when the Clan was young, they had fended off trespassers who would've destroyed them. Their enemies had made the land fertile, they said. 
It might've been true, the Mandalorian mused, but he knew the science behind it, too. Clan Black was relatively quiet, but it was well respected. There was beskar particulate which had oxidized in the soil, and a vein of the sought-after metal further beneath. That beskar, and the mine from which it was drawn had saved his Clan. 
Some of his Clan. But, even if one member of the Clan survived, the Clan survived. Zakuul cut them in half because they dared to fight back. Burned them from the sky because a race of warriors refused to be crushed underfoot. They sent ground forces first. Skytroopers don't bleed, don't add to the land, don't even decompose to bring forth new life. But their Knights did. Their soldiers did. And some seventy of his Clan paid that same price in that three-day battle. 
When the Zakuulan forces began to retreat, some of the Mandalorians surged forward, despite Corey's calls for them to stop. But after the hard slog of the previous three days, their blood was up, and they were wholly focused on destroying their enemies. Corey understood, and he left them to their hunt, even though he knew it would likely end in their deaths. The remainder gathered the younglings, the injured, and what supplies they could carry. They didn't have long. Corey's instincts as a warrior, his Force-enhanced senses, everything told him that there was a significant ending that was going to happen. 
Blue fire rained from the sky. There was someone outside still, Corey realized. Rust red dirt splattered and sprayed across his armor, as he sprinted towards the straggler, dragging an injured warrior with him. His blood ran cold when he saw his father's face, and he reached out with the Force, the motion violently hauling the older Mandalorian through the air, narrowly avoiding a volley of turbolaser fire.
But not the shrapnel from the vehicle that detonated under the heat of that shot. The other warrior took the brunt of it, but that still wasn't enough to save the Clan Leader. Corey's knees left furrows in the soil as he skidded to a halt beside his father, who reached up from his wounds, for Corey's hand. "About... time I gave back to the... land that's been so good to me." 
Corey lifted his helmet from his head, something he knew never to do in a battlezone, but he did it anyway. Tears ran freely down his cheeks as he held onto his buir. "Don't fight for revenge," he gasped out, over Corey's protestations that he shouldn't speak. "Fight to protect those... in need... from this... over-overwhelming enemy. I'm... going to see... your mother. At last."
"Please don't leave me," the younger Mandalorian choked out, knowing fully well that there was no choice.
"It's... okay." He reached up and smeared his thumb over Corey's tears. "Despite the... chaos. It's remarkably peaceful, ad'ika." The elder Mandalorian smiled faintly, before the last of the light faded from him, and Corey could feel that he had passed. The essence of what made his father who he was, was gone, leaving behind only a grieving son, and blood-soaked soil.
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syntymatitahna · 3 years
my SW OCs and their relationships:
Gi Kast, a nonbinary human Mando, engineer, marries Savage Opress
Cuyan Kast, Togruta/Pantoran hybrid, adoptive son of Gi and Savage, bounty hunter, in a relationship with Sankhu and Kaden
Sankhu Khossana, human slicer with a biocomputer, daughter of a clone trooper, in a relationship with Cuyan and Kaden
Kaden Saxon, human, a Child of the Watch, bounty hunter, used to work extensively with the New Republic, in a relationship with Cuyan and Sankhu (takes on the interpretation re: the helmet that family may see him without it)
Vuti, a strill, single and ready to mingle XD jk jk. It's the Kast family's strill and usually stays with Cuyan.
Feral Kast, Dathomirian Zabrak, daughter of Gi and Savage, homebody, no relationships as of yet but there was this one Red Sith i had a dream of her meeting 🤔
Nyn Kast, Dathomirian Zabrak, daughter of Gi and Savage, a force-sensitive Mando, very solo poly, was with Luke Skywalker for a while ahaha
Nuhur Kast, Dathomirian Zabrak, son of Gi and Savage, pilot, has a bad habit of falling for straight men :( There might be a Kiffar for him 🤔
Laara, human Mandalorian woman, bounty hunter, married to Suri
Suri, Chagrian Mandalorian female, veterinarian, married to Laara
Yori, human Mandalorian, teenage son of Laara and Suri (Laara is his gestational mother, his father is another human Mandalorian), notably has yellow eyes (this is a sign of ancient Taung heritage), dating Malle
Malle, Nautolan female teenager, Yori's gf, not very fleshed out as of yet
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crackedopen · 7 months
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WiP ;)
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crackedopen · 9 months
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