#tekken theories
yuzuna123 · 3 months
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Reina/Nina/Miguel/ and perhaps Eddy but i am not so sure about him - Mishima Zaibatsu after Reina takes control of it, possibly in the story DLC's that are coming.
And of course when i mention Miguel this is only a theory and speculation of mine if he is DLC, if he is, i see him joining Reina's Mishima Zaibatsu after Reina gives him a good offer to get revenge on Jin for killing his sister.
Now why i said Eddy? it was because when he was announced, he has a special intro with Nina, and according to a non canon book @acequeenking gave to me, there's ship tease between them ( they pretended to be a couple to Heihachi for awhile ) so my guess is Eddy would join the Zaibatsu for Nina, and also because he would never join a company Kazuya's in charge of.
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Kazuya/Anna/Jun/Bruce - G Corp. in Jun's ending, there's a G Corp blanket, that Kazuya gave to Jun according to wiki. Well, one of the theories and interpetations i have is that after Nina deserted Kazuya, and although she was retired, Anna took over a branch of G-corp and went to find Kaz and help her friend in Yakushima. Where she found Jun and a knocked out Kaz. She then and the soldiers she had helped them set up a camp.
Seeing that some of his soldiers and friends were still loyal to him and thanks to Jun, Kazuya found the solution and power to stand up to himself after Reina took over the Mishima Zaibatsu.
Bruce is also there as he is one of Kazuya's best friend along with Anna.
Again, Bruce and Anna are only speculations IF they are DLC!
Perhaps Kazuya will live in the Mishima Estate in Nara ( as Harada stated that their clan originally resided there ) and open a Dojo too to train his second son and his students Jinpachi's style of Mishima Ryu, and how the Mishima clan was always meant to be.
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Lars/Alisa/Lee - Violet Systems, this one is actually more obvious to me because we see Lars here with Alisa and Lee in the end credits.
I see them..well, becoming more accepting of G-corp after Reina takes control of the Mishima Zaibatsu and Kazuya's redeemption/recovery thanks to Jun.
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Now for Jin?, I believe the poor boy would just want to live in peace lol. I see him living in Yakushima, or perhaps, if something happens to somone he deeply cares about thanks to Miguel or Reina, he goes on a Journey and becomes a shadow hero like Luke or Sasuke became in their respective franchises. Or still being that even nothing bad happens to the people he loves. To be honest, although his arc is done, I don't think Bandai will give this boy a break lol and they will continue to give him more trauma. Jin would just want peace to be honest, and nothing to do with any huge companies, considering what happened to him over the years.
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scaryspears · 1 year
How the Devil Gene in canon still works after Tekken 7
From what most Tekken enjoyers understand is that the Devil gene was retconned. But what if there was a way to watch all endings and past revelations without getting confused? Which brings my presentation. 
How the Devil Gene in canon still works after Tekken 7
To be clear, I haven't refreshed my memory of what went down in the storyline but I remember the basics, so feel free to call out any incorrectness. Most of this is just a ramble and I wanted to show it to anybody who would read it, along with using a bunch of gifs for artistic reasons.
When Kazuya was a small boy his father (Heihachi) threw him off a cliff, in Tekken 7 it is because Kazuya tried to fight him after Heihachi killed Kazumi, his mother. The reason Heihachi killed her is because he found out she came from a family of devil genes (or something). 
I don't think Kazuya was raised to know what the Devil gene was, so when Devil made himself present he naturally made a deal with Kazuya out of instinct of knowing what itself was but not the family history. Kind of like a kitten having the same tendencies as its parents but was taken from the litter and mother it belonged to. I think you guys know what I mean here.
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I theorise that the gene itself isn't present until something tragic and emotionally distressing activates it. At least that may be the case for those with it who go untrained not knowing that they have it, I don't know how it must've been for Kazumi. Devil Jin was activated through stress, and whilst Jin was in his teens, while Devil K grew with Kazuya.
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Dude's mum just disappeared and the person that's supposed to protect him betrays him with the actual intent to harm. I think Heihachi throwing Kazuya was kind of a disciplinary thing, because Kazuya still grew up with Heihachi, while Jin was left for dead. But Kazuya was 8-10 (poor memory) when he got thrown off, so his emotional/mental tolerance was... lesser. Not to say Jin losing his mum at an older age wasn't just as traumatic, but teenagers and children are different. Jun's presence also must also have something to do with it, as Devil Jin tries to resist her good powers.
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Devil Jin must've been waiting to appear for quite some time, in the back of Jin's mind watching everything. What we know of Devil Jin is that he's an absolute menace to society and a typical delinquent teenager. He's very playful in comparison to Devil Kazuya's maturity. He takes his time being a menace, knowing Jin would take control eventually. TTT2's special win poses between Devil K/Kazuya and Devil J make Devil K/Kazuya look a disapproving father. From DJ firing his laser out of control and flying away, with DK either crossing his arms or showing no reaction.
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In Tekken 4 the Devil in Kazuya says that he lost a part of himself and wants to take it back. In a way, when you put in the whole genetic thing he's kind of not wrong. Devil K is acknowledging that he has a son but not to the full grasp that he should. We all know how DNA works, reproduction, ect.
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Devil K however believes that 'part of himself' should be taken back, not getting that the gene is in Jin's blood. While I do believe Jun was protecting Jin, I don't think that's why his body rejected the gene getting taken away. Now, as seen with Kazuya's TTT2 ending he can absorb the evil off others for his own gain which is what he did to Unknown. Thing is, Unknown is more of a possession rather than an 'in the blood' situation. Sure TTT2 isn't canon, but it has shown 'what if' scenarios. Not only that, but we see Zafrina use Azazel's ball thing for her own use.
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So the Devil gene is still a thing, and it started out as just that, a gene. They can take power away from other forms of evil, but not their own family members. That may have been why Kazumi wanted Kazuya killed, because Devil couldn't be taken away from him, and she's no Jun Kazama or Angel so it's not like she could take it away from him. Not to defend her or anything, just saying.
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kazamajun · 2 months
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thekingwhereitallends · 4 months
Tekken 8 Theory and Personal Opinion on Reina *Spoiler Alert*
I theorize Reina is partial clone of Kazuya and if you don't find this to be plausible then just look at this...
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This red scar-shaped thing on her upper half does remind me of Kazuya's scar on his chest.
She also has purple skin like Kazuya and her wings look quite similar to True Devil Kazuya's in Tekken 7. Her eyes are also of the same color in devil form apparently.
Yeah,Reina is Mishima's "lab rat". One thing i am sure of is that Reina is gonna be like the most powerful character in Tekken 9 and that's gonna piss of alot of fans,that includes me if the story is poorly written.
I like the concept of Reina's character and it's unfair to slander her for bossy attitude as we see Kazuya with the same trait. The only problem is that many people don't like the idea of having a newbie disrespecting legendary characters who have earned their status and been fleshed out.
Majority of fandom grew up with Kazuya and Jin(other iconic characters such as Paul,Law, Nina,King,Lee,etc). Don't blame them if they get mad once Reina all of a sudden starts insulting some of beloved figures without having a proper buildup and showcasing her true might.
Mind you i am still not sure if i love,like,dislike or hate Reina. There is mixed feelings. But since i am a fair judge, i will wait for her to be developed.
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The Kazama & Mishima’s naming traditions and the Next Gens of Kazama’s children!
Alright so I've been cooking this for a while since they dropped Jun's parents name on T8. Bear in mind, I'm in no way fluent in Japanese nor I'm a native, but I have google on my side to educate me better about Japanese naming systems and the kanji they used for naming the child (jinmeiyo and joyo).
I just want to named XiaoJin’s future babies so bad, kay?! Lol. Even though I know Jin is opposed to any plan of continuing the lineage (which is heartbreaking 😭💔) but the XiaoJin's shipper in me cannot be extinguished!! 🔥🔥🔥 I still want to named them! Lol.
Anyway! Feel free to correct me with your information! I'm open to any kind of knowledge 💖
Psst! If you don't want to read these longass founds and explanation, you can jump right away to the bottom of this post, there’s a pic that summarise these texts, lol.
Alrightt! Without further ado, let's deep dive into Kazama/Mishima lore!!
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Tekken 8 has finally dropped some lore about Kazama family, and it's about Jun to be exact. There, we can get a glimpse of Jun's parent name:
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Soon after, a Japanese KazuJun's fan dropped this tweet :
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Assuming a native Japanese able to decipher those characters correctly, now we finally have Jun's parents name kanji:
純一 the father, and 恵 the mother.
As we all know, kanji has several way of reading. Cited from pon-navi, there are two typical ways of reading kanji, kun-yomi and on-yomi. In addition, there is a reading system called "jinmei kun" which is used only for names.
"Soo?? What's their name?! How do we know the correct reading?!"
Here's the thing!!
Tekken has giving us hints that Mishima family has a tradition to give their children with their kanji name, following a common practice in Japan. Let's take a look at their kanji.
仁八, Jinpachi
平八, Heihachi & 一美, Kazumi
一八, Kazuya
Notice the similarities? You’re right! The Mishima child inherited their parents' kanji! The sons inherit '八' kanji, with Heihachi inherited '八' from Jinpachi and Kazuya inherited both kanji from Heihachi (八) and Kazumi (一).
As it is a common practice, the same can be said with the Kazama family! Although in their case, they might not be inheriting the kanji but instead with the reading of the said character. Or maybe phonetically similar would be correct here.
For example, this is Jun's kanji: 準
This character '準' can be read several ways, some of them are : Jun, shun, setsu, taira, toshi, narau, nori, hitoshi.
And one of her father kanji is: 純
'純' can be read as : kito, Jun, atsu, atsushi, aya, itaru, ito, kiyoshi, sunao, sumi, tsuna, to, makoto, yoshi.
Have you noticed it? That's right! '純' and '準' can be both read as Jun! It means that Jun's kanji has the same reading as her father's kanji, although they have different kanji characters.
From here, we can assume that Jun's father can be called Jun____ as well.
As for the other kanji, '一' can be read as: hito, hitotsu, hajime, ichi, itsu, i, osamu, kuni, susumu, tada, chi, nobu, hajimu, hajime, hi, hiji, hide, hitoshi, makoto, masashi, moto, ka, kazu, kata, atsu.
Looking from the lists, together his name could be read most plausibly as : Junichi, Junitsu, or Juni. Imo, Junichi sounds the best, so yeah, I completely agree with the KazuJun's fan.
Now we all know that Kazama has similar sounding name with different kanji.
On the other hand, the mother has '恵' that can be read as: megumu, megumi, kei, e, aya, sato, satoshi, shige, toshi, yasu, yoshi.
While it could be anything, I think it's either Megumi or Megumu. Why? Because I found out that '恵' has the same reading as one of Jin's kanji reading! lol. Let's take a look at Jin's kanji!
This is Jin's kanji: 仁
It can be read as: Jin, ni, nin, kimi, kimu, sato, sane, shinobu, tadashi, to, toyo, nobu, nori, hisashi, hito, hitoshi, hiroshi, masa, masashi, mi, megumi, megumu, yasushi, yoshi.
Do you find it? Both '恵' and '仁' can be read as Megumi/Megumu! lol.
One of the speculation is that Jun named her son Jin as a sign of respect to her father in law, Jinpachi (仁八). Even though Jin is a Mishima by blood, he doesn't inherit the '八' character as he was raised in Kazama family. So he inherited just the '仁' character. Besides, it also sounds almost the same. Jun.. Jin.. It's phonetically similar, right? And if Jin were born a girl, I bet he would be called Megumi/Megumu instead just like his grandmother, lol.
Thus, we can safely conclude that the Mishima has the habit to inherit their kanji characters while the Kazama inherit the reading of their kanji's name.
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What about the future Kazama kids?! Let’s move on to that and do the real cooking here for the XiaoJin's babies name! :D
We have seen Jin's kanji, but what about Xiayou?? Xiaoyu is Chinese by birth, and her hanzi (Chinese characters) are 凌曉雨 and リン・シャオユウ is how it's written in Japanese katakana.
凌, Líng: surpass / リン (Rin)
曉, Xiao: dawn / シャオ (Shao)
雨, Yu: rain / ユウ (Yu)
Now, I'd like to think that they would combine or use either their character or its reading for their baby! Also! They might use some of Jin's family name's characters :D
Here are some of my ideas for the babies name :
For boy:
晨一, Shinichi, a portmanteau of Jin and Xiaoyu's nickname and kanji inherited from Junichi/Kazuya.
Explanation: the first kanji '晨' means Dawn, which has the same meaning as Xiaoyu hanzi '曉'. The kanji reading is also the combination of Xiaoyu's nickname and Jin. Shao+Jin=Shin. It also sounds similar. Jin, Shin, it's rhyming, right? Just like Jun and Jin!
For the second kanji '一' I'd like to think the story behind it was that Xiaoyu wanted to preserve Kazama/Mishima naming practice but Jin was reluctant to do it. In the end, they decided to take the kanji '一' which was present in both Kazama and Mishima, that's in Junichi (純一) and Kazuya (一八).
For girl :
凌, Shino, a portmanteau of Xiaoyu's nickname and Jin, same character as Xiao’s hanzi that could also be the feminine ver. of Shin.
Explanation: it’s rather simple, I use the same character in Xiaoyu’s hanzi that has different reading while also the combination of Jin and Xiaoyu’s name. In Chinese ‘凌’ read as Ling but in Japanese, ‘凌’ has several reading. One of them is Shino. Shino could be the sister or the twin sister of Shinichi, in case XiaoJin have two child or twins in the future :)
琳, Rin, a kanji that has the same reading as Xiaoyu’s name and phonetically similar with Jin.
Explanation: I think this one is easy to understand! Rin and Jin, phonetically similar like what Kazama would've named their children. It’s also Xiaoyu’s surname in Japanese. The kanji ‘琳’ itself means ‘beautiful jewel’ and in Chinese the hanzi means 'beautiful jade’, and it reminds them of the greens in Yakushima forest, Jin's home.
Alright, now that I’ve spilled out all of the stuff inside my chest and calmed down, I’ll give you a simple name chart for those who don’t want to read wall of texts, lol. Hope this helps!
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I guess that’s all for now, lol. I’ll add my thoughts if I had any later on. Thank you for coming to my TED talk! 😂🙏
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inccco · 3 months
Hottest take ill say is that,
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I will never belive taylor swift is mellos reincarnation, but yk WHO IS!??!?!
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Nina Williams from tekken. I will fight for fucking mankind to get this info out istg
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scalproie · 5 months
maybe the reason why reina has the devil gene now (bc of her red eyes) is bc since kazuya was fused with azazel, that made him the new main carrier of the devil gene, and thus was able to spread it and pass it along (via beams here I guess?) like azazel has been doing in the ancient ages. rather than genetically pass it down with generations like the hachijo have been doing, who are descendant of azazel's orignal servants.
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apeescapefan · 4 months
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djdeviljin · 2 years
Theory time:
Okay so! One of the things I noticed in the trailer:
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It might just be the lighting BUT:
To me it looks like the glove on the hand that reaches out for Jin of fingerless, while the gloves Jun wears aren't!
And what does this mean? I have a few guesses:
This is actually Asuka and NOT Jun (this would kinda make sense too since Asuka always wears fingerless gloves in the games) That way she would also get to be relevant to the main story since her powers to repel the devil gene have been teased before.
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Though we have yet to see her outfit if she even makes it to TK8 now that Jun is back and their fighting styles are very similar...
This is Angel, who also makes a return after only being in spinoff games since TK2 (like Jun). I base this idea on the fact that the shape in the water looks like it has wings:
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This is a very clear parallel to Unkown's TTT2 ending, where Angel appears in a similar way.
And last but not least: this is also Jun the just gave her different outfits.
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yuzuna123 · 2 months
Jin's Angel Form was foreshadowed in Tekken Bloodline when Jun said to Jin "You're a Kazama, and it's important to me to use that power for good" if i remember correctly. I wonder if Jun has an Angel form as well considering she's a pure blooded Kazama while Jin is half Mishima, half Kazama and a quarter Hachijo. 🤔 Maybe Jin always had that power within him and Jun might had known about it. But he needed a little push from her and to be purified to unlock it, as he had the Devil Gene in him being more prominent.
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stephemcd · 1 year
My fan theory on the Devil Gene and how the Kazama bloodline is a threat to it.
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willofasherah · 2 years
It’s like poetry, it rhymes
A mysterious woman appears before the protagonist at his lowest point, bathed in light.
Who is this woman? It’s the protagonist’s own mother, thought dead, and now she’s urging him onwards toward his destiny, something that only he can fulfil.  A destiny which places him on a collusion course with a family member who must be stopped at all costs, so she says...
She...is his mother...right?
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Unless of course, there’s another force in this conflict. One desperate enough to stop their counterpart that they would use such a manipulation. One who’s been there the whole time, once thought unquestionably benevolent but in reality may be a devil themselves
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Or an Angel
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thekingwhereitallends · 6 months
The reason why Kazuya hates Heihachi so much is obvious. Hell,Kazuya antagonizes mankind because he's been abused by them.abandoned. betrayed.
Why does Jin hate Kazuya anyway?We were never really given an answer nor did any character ever asked Jin why he loathes his father so badly. Jin only says that once Kazuya dies,everything will be fixed. The reasoning behind that statement?
I can only think of one reason which is that Jin believes Kazuya to be the root of all miseries that was forced upon Jin. In Jin's eyes,Kazuya is a coward who left Jun after impregnating her with a child that bears power of devil,never returned to be a father and most importantly,wasn't there when Ogre supposedly killed Jun.
It's not that Jin really needed a father in his life but rather that He wanted someone to save his mother and prevent so many tragedies from happening. The very first time Jin sees his father is when Devil messes with his head,projecting illusions while manifesting himself in Kazuya's form. I mean Jin has a point to hate Kazuya that much.
But the two should ask two important questions from each other in Tekken 8...
Kazuya:Why do you love to hate me so badly,Jin Kazama?
Jin:Why did my mother left you,Kazuya?
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devilbrew-69 · 2 years
Queer headcanons are important because they create representation in otherwise heteronornative works and allow lgbt members like me see themselves in their favorite characters. Here's a short list of characters I can only see as Queer.
Granblue Fantasy: Jin- He has an overwhelming gay himbo vibe that's hard to ignore. Everything about him is so flamboyant and screams bottom energy.
Warframe: Equinox and Nezha- NONBINARY- They're the most androgynous characters and they just have gender nonconforming energy.
Tekken: Leo- NONBINARY- They definitely don't care about gender norms and go out of their way to present as gender neutral.
Jojo: Rohan- ASEXUAL- Hard to imagine him ever being remotely interested in sex.
Yotsuyu Yagiyami- NONBINARY- It just suits them.
Giant Robo: Professor Go Gakujin- GAY- He totally has a crush in Chujo and it's hard to blame him.
Pokemon- Archie and Matt- GAY COUPLE- they're just perfect together.
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 11 months
my awesome cutting edge lili combos i cant do because theyre too hard
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mana-sputachu · 2 years
Thought: Tekken 8 reveals that the Sirius Archers were responsible for wiping out the Hachijo clan hundreds of years ago under the mistaken assumption every last one of them were demons when really they were simply borrowing the power of demons to right the wrongs of humanity. And now all those vengeful souls of the slaughtered Hachijo is what's truly being passed around in the so-called "Devil Gene" based on whichever potential carrier has the most hatred in their heart.
It certainly fits to think that demons can be tamed and wielded for good considering Zafina was strong enough to hold back the power of Azezel post-Tekken 6.
Hence why Kazumi took on her own full power after the betrayal of seeing the love of her life kill his own father for the sake of power, and why Jin's finally awoke when Ogre killed his mother. There was simply no one else better suited to it at the time.
Would also tie back to this spirit of hatred being the thing that brought Jinpachi back to life. It fits the theming that demons grant power, but letting them be the ones in control leads to ruin, as we see in Jinpachi's ending in Dark Resurrection when he finds himself unable to stop himself from destroying the world.
This seems a fair way to make literally everything wrong that's happened in the series technically Claudio's fault, for continuing their ancient order's bloody tradition and tampering with things they shouldn't be.
And thus, the only way for Jin to accomplish his mission isn't through further violence, it's through letting go of hatred once and for all.
This explains a lot of things and makes sense of the mess that the plot is-especially all those things whose only explanation right now is "Magic, bitches".
Jin being finally capable to let all that hate go would be a perfect redemption arc, instead of keep going through the path of (self)destruction he chose for himself.
And now I desperately want it to be true, I really really love it.
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