#tetsuro kuroo soulmate
box-of-roses · 5 months
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Your eyes .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
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♡ Synopsis: When you lock eyes with your soulmate the world appears in color; What happens when you lock eyes with Kuroo while at work.
♡ Characters: Kuroo, Y/N
♡ Possible Warnings: Mentions of food
♡ Words: 2K
Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Series Masterlist
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Fireflies. Lightning bugs. Whatever you want to call them, they still glow in response. As a child it’s all you looked forward to in the hot summer evenings. When the sun would go down enough to not leave beads of sweat cascading down your neck but still up enough that you could see the grass. You wished you could see the color they glowed but, not unlike most you had yet to find your soulmate.
Sometimes if distressed you more than others. You couldn’t have a favorite color when nothing had one. How could you live like this your whole life? Your parents would console you by describing the colors as best they could. The fireflies flashed a shade of yellow-green that looked like how the breeze in early spring smelled. The freshness of the morning dew still hanging off the grass and leaves. In fall when the leaves changed to reds, yellows, and oranges. They explained red felt like coming home after a long trip away, the warmth in your chest as you embraced the comfort of your bed. Yellow felt like finding a lighthouse, a warning not to come too close but delight at reaching land. The delight of finding something. Orange was like the flames that flickered through the crisp winter air. The brilliance that they were able to produce in the chilling air.
While the descriptions helped it still didn’t take away all of the sadness. It was unfair that some people could find their soulmates so easily. Why couldn’t you find yours as easily as others? What if they didn’t like you? Your parents settled that one by reminding you that soulmates were meant to be the other half of you. Not all romantic in nature, some had platonic relations with theirs. Either way it was someone who helped lift you up when you felt down. Your parents hated the phrase that soulmates completed you. A person does not complete you, only you have the power to do that. The second you give someone the power to take part of you away you already became less than you were before.
You also worried about meeting them and not knowing. You would often ask for the story of your parents meeting. They told it slightly differently depending on when you asked them. If they were together it would be “They didn’t like me at first but I charmed them.” And if you asked them separately the reading tone was gone. While neither claimed that it was love at first sight it was a like. An interest in the other person about why the universe had made the other for them. “Their eyes, they were so mesmerizing. I felt like I understood why the universe made me wait so long. I would not have appreciated the way their eyes danced upon the light in my teens. Heck even in my early twenties. But everything clicked when I heard them say my name.”
The stories made you hopeful but also lovesick. “Good things come to those who wait.” A repeated phrase especially when it came to soulmates. If it was so good, why make you wait? You would appreciate them. Your child brain didn’t understand why you didn’t have yours when you had already waited plenty long. In highschool you started to realize the kids who had met their soulmates young missed out. The yearning for someone to love. But that was only a starting realization as you still hoped you would run into them.
Currently your friend is trying to drag you to a volleyball game. How nice of our friends to try and take us to events we don’t want to go to. You’ll also understand the irony a bit later.
“Come on Y/N!” She pulled your arm in the direction that could be assumed to be the gym. You held firm though and literally dragged your heels.
“No. I’ve told you. I have no interest in going, I can’t tonight anyways.” You sighed and could feel the start of a headache.
“Why can’t you?”
“Class project. Remember? You have one too.” You rolled your eyes and pulled out your phone. After a quick scan through your photos you found the one you wanted. A picture that had the details of the project.
“Oh come on. It says it’s not due for another two weeks.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Surely you can skip one night?”
“Sorry. I’ll make it up to you and get some candy for you on the way to school.” She glared but agreed disheartened.
“Fine. But you have to go to one game. Please?”
“Maybe.” She took that as a yes. It would come back to bite you later. For now though she waved as she headed off towards the gym. You headed to your house. Head off in the clouds. You liked to stop and smell the flowers most days. The way people interacted with each other. How the mom greeted her child. The warmth that radiated from the hug. The closeness. The love. Most people went to all possible social gatherings to try and meet their soulmate but you didn’t like crowds. Let alone people pushing and yelling in your ear. Maybe one day you would cater to your friend’s whims. Today was not that day though.
You talked to your friend on your way home. Mostly because they were spamming you. You didn’t understand why they went to the game if she was just going to play on her phone the whole time. Finally though she confessed that she was hoping to find your soulmate. What a dream. To go to the same school as your soulmate. You thought you didn’t have that kind of luck though, let alone having a soulmate on a popular team? No you can scratch that. Not gonna happen.
When you finally arrived home you were exhausted but still had a project to do so you stayed up late to finish it. By the time you were done your neighbor arrived home. His room was across from yours and you would contact each other by the rudimentary cup phone system you made. Enjoying the anonymity you agreed not to give your names or show faces. You sat with your back to the window when you felt a tug on the string. You picked up the cup.
“Hey stranger.”
“Hey yourself. What are you doing up so late?”
You sighed and rubbed your eyes. “I was finishing a project.”
“The one you said wasn’t due for another like two weeks?” He laughed and that brought a smile to your face.
“Yeah, it means I can have time in class for myself.”
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do instead of your class work?”
“Probably read. I got a new book yesterday and I’m so excited to start it!” Excitement filled your voice and he could see your arms lift excitedly. The curtain blocked you from view but the light made a good enough shadow.
“Tell me about it?” He yawned but tried to hide it. It was his favorite part of the day. When he got to hear you ramble about the things you loved. It made him regret that stupid promise he made. Maybe if you just looked into his eyes you would see the world. One small peek and the two of you could be happy. Or you could be disappointed. He understood why you brought it up. Being friends was enough and the thoughts of soulmates just made everything so much more complicated.
“No, go to bed sleepyhead. I can hear you yawning. Both of us are tired.” He hummed and you smiled once again. Your dropping eyes made it difficult to pay attention to much.
“Fine, I don’t have anything afterschool so we’ll talk more tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah. Goodbye, stranger.”
“Goodbye stranger.”
The next day had been hectic to say the least. The closer you got to the end of the day though the better. You could feel a smile growing at being able to talk to him again. Your friend, ever helpful, decided to point this out. “What’s got you all smiley? Wait, don’t tell me…stranger boy?”
Your face heated up but nodded. “He’s not doing anything after school and neither am I. So, we’re gonna talk more today.”
“You guys literally talk everyday. What’s gonna happen when we graduate?”
“I’ll think about it when we get closer to graduation. For now let me have my moment of ignorant bliss.” You smiled shyly and moved your food around on the plate.
The bell went off again and you rushed to your next class. On the way you bumped into someone. You said a quick apology and started off again. The boy was taken aback by the quick interaction and watched as you walked off. He thought you were quite beautiful. He couldn’t dwell on that though, he also had a class to get to. After all, the faster the day goes by the closer he gets to talking with his stranger.
Finally, the time has arrived. You barely said hello to your parents as you rushed to your room. You closed the curtain and waited for the telltale tug at the rope. You hoped you hadn’t seemed too eager. Just as thoughts of doubt filled your head a string tugged them out.
“Hello, hello, stranger.”
“My, my, someone picked up quickly.” You rolled your eyes.
“Can I not be excited? You judging me over there stranger?” You heard him laugh. It was such a nice sound.
“I would never. How could you say such a thing.” He paused for a second. Thinking about something. “I’m graduating soon. And I’d rather not lose this friendship.” He stuttered a bit over the word friendship. I mean how would one define this relationship? You had been talking far too long to be actual strangers. However, neither of you knew what the other looked like. Let alone your names.
“We can exchange phone numbers. There, easy peasy.”
“Are you graduating soon?”
“Yeah, it’s funny we didn’t even know we were in the same year. For all we talk you would think it would come up at some point.”
“It is a little funny isn’t it?” This time you were laying down on your window seat. Cup lazily placed next to your ear.
“Anything interesting happen today, stranger?”
“Not really, it kind of went by in a blur. I honestly wasn’t paying that much attention.”
“Aww, was someone excited to talk to little old me?” Although you sounded confident, the goofy smile and hear of your face told a different story.
“Don’t act all high and mighty,” he coughed. “You picked up awful fast.”
“Mhm. And? What about it?”
“I thought I was the flirt in this relationship?”
“Alright, romance me then.”
“That’s not how this works. I’m not a song, you can’t just play me whenever you feel like.”
“Uh huh. I hear an awful lot of talk from someone too chicken to actually flirt with me.”
“I can flirt, I bet you can’t. This is projecting is what it is.” That made you sit up. Projecting? Nope, you’ve never heard such slander.
“You’re far too kind. I bet your face is as kind as your voice.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your voice makes me relax. Like after a long day there’s something to come back to. No matter how tired either one of us is, we still find comfort in each other. You’re my comfort.”
“I’m honored. For the record, you’re my comfort too.” A smile etched itself onto you face.
“You should be. That’s high praise coming from me. Oh my, I hadn’t even realized how late it was getting. Don’t you have stuff before school tomorrow?”
“Thank you so much for pointing that out. I’m sorry we had to cut it short.”
“Don’t worry about it, we stayed up way too late yesterday. Count it as makeup sleep from then.”
“Alright, goodnight stranger.”
“Goodnight stranger.”
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I hope you guys enjoyed! I really enjoyed writing this! Feel free to check out my other works! My asks are open incase you want a specific scenario and character! If you want to be added to a tag list for any part of this series just let me know. Stay tuned for the next installments of the series!!!!!Love you guys!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated
Taglist: @lifesucksweswallow
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kitakashi · 1 year
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Kuroo Tetsurō x Reader
Soulmate AU
born from conversations with @shoulmate 💚 (not edited or beta read)
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Warm sand tickled the bottom of your feet. Digging your toes deeper into the beach you watched your friends play volleyball from your spot on a towel.
University finals were over. As soon as the last exam finished you packed your bags to join your friends for a much needed vacation.
You sat beside Kozume under a large umbrella enjoying the salt air and the crash of the waves. And of course the view of swim trunk, baseball caps, and sunglasses.
Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi were shirtless and sweaty only a few yards away. Alongside other friends the bunch of you had made at Tokyo University. But those three in particular were the sweetest eye candy.
Your fingers slipped under the thick wristband you wore to cover your soulmark. Rubbing the name if your soulmate unconsciously, until Kozume cleared his throat giving you a look. Adjusting your sunglasses on your face you pretended not to notice his stare.
Your friends knew you were one of the few with a soulmate, but you had never shared with them who is was. Kozume, however, was too observant and you suspected he knew. Gratefully he never said anything or pushed you about it.
It happened right before you started high school. You were with your parents filling out paperwork after moving to a new area. Scrolling endlessly on your phone, bored out of your mind, when the skin on your wrist exploded in pain as if on fire. Gasping you cuddled your arm to your chest, tears pricking your eyes.
Curious faces turned towards you. Some confused, others shocked at the outburst. It wasn’t until your parents pried your arm from your body did the realization finally set in. You had gotten a soulmark.
Having a soulmark wasn’t common. Most people knew someone in their extended family or group of friends who had one. They appeared randomly during your mid to late teens if you got one. And not everyone saw it as a blessing.
The mark was a name. The name of your soulmate. But your soulmate would not have a mark. Just having the mark didn’t mean they were close by or did it mean you’d ever meet them.
This caused a lot of problems in relationships. Either you held out for a soulmate who never came or one would randomly pop into your life after you had already settled down with someone else.
But your teenage heart had high hopes that couldn’t be dashed by your parents’ realistic and logical words. It wasn’t that they weren’t happy for you. They just didn’t want their precious child’s heart crushed by this Kuroo Tetsurō whom they didn’t know.
You met Kuroo right after starting high school. He was a year above you. And he was perfect. Handsome, funny, athletic, intelligent, talented, and kind.
Well, you didn’t actually meet him. You heard the name Kuroo Tetsurō and your wrist throbbed alongside your heart in excitement. You rushed to tell him who you were.
That’s when you realized it was no blessing but a curse upon your wrist.
Kuroo was a member of the volleyball team. A second year pillar of the team. Relied upon by his seniors and juniors. His athletic prowess alone was intimidating. Yet he was also studious, beloved by the teachers. He was surrounded his teammates and by fans. Pretty girls, handsome boys.
You tried to worm your way through the crowd to talk to him but the glares you got stopped you in your tracks.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” A voice snapped.
An elbow dug into your ribs, “we were here first.”
Wincing you took a step back from the throng of people. Clutching your arm, you rubbed your wrist. An action you always seemed to do to quell your anxiety. You looked for another way through the crowd. It wasn’t as though you had to tell him today but you wanted to be with your soulmate as soon as possible, believing in a happily ever after.
You could see his head above the others. If only you could get Kuroo’s attention somehow. Trying again to squeeze through the sea of people it wasn’t until someone grabbed your arm did you stop.
The girl had wrenched your arm back trying to see your wrist. “Oh shit you have a soulmark!” You panicked trying to pull yourself free. “Lemme see who it is! Is it one of the guys on the team?”
Ripping your arm back before she could see the name, you gave her a nasty glare. But the damage had been done. Curious faces heard her exclamation and turned towards you.
Another girl lurched towards you and you took a step back. “A soulmark? How neat!”
“Seriously?” Her friend looked suspicious, “she’s gotta be one of maybe 5 people at this school.”
“Who is it?” Someone curious spoke you couldn’t see, “whose name is her mark?”
Nearby a girl scrunched up her nose in disbelief, “Really. Idoubt it. Probably wrote it with sharpie.” She rolled her eyes and the people around her laughed.
“How pathetic,” another scathing voice, “who would want to be tied down to her?”
You couldn’t even see the people laughing at you anymore. Nails biting into the skin of your wrist, you hugged the name Kuroo Tetsurō to your chest. If your legs didn’t give out, your lungs would. You couldn’t breathe.
“I feel sorry for her soulmate.”
“Make her wash her hands and prove it’s real.”
Their words cut deep. Self deprecating thoughts filled your mind. You knew they were just petty but you couldn’t help the tears from forming. Suddenly you didn’t want to meet your soulmate. A burst of strength let you rush off before they could see you cry. Later you thought of ways to hide your mark.
Somehow you had made it through high school without anyone finding out the name on your wrist. A thick wrist band covered the name and you never took it off unless to shower.
A feat especially hard after befriending Kozume Kenma. You shared class with him all three years. After finding out the two of you enjoyed the same video games, a friendship grew and solidified. Unfortunately, that also meant that Kuroo was part of your friends group. Your soulmark wasn’t done cursing you.
Even without the soulmark you liked Kuroo. You couldn’t meet his sharp feline gaze when he seldom spoke to you. Just being around him made you rub the skin beneath the band on your wrist uncontrollably. Your face felt like a furnace anytime he caught you staring, and you stared a lot. And smiled. You didn’t even realize you would just have this dopey grin on your face. Not until Kozume pointed it out. Another reason why you think he knows.
And because of your cowardice, you had to watch Kuroo date other people. You had no one to blame but yourself. But every time you thought to end your misery by spilling your secret, you imagined him asking why it took you so long. Or that he only saw you as a friend.
The feeling of a hand on your arm snapped you from your inner mind. Kozume had grabbed your wrist to prevent you from injuring yourself. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d rubbed the soulmark raw. He called your name and you met his worried golden eyes.
“Sorry,” you tried to laugh it off, “I was spacing out.” Kozume frowned. He opened his mouth but you stood cutting him off. “I think I’m going to wade in a bit. Try and cool off some.”
Dusting off a bit of sand you made your way to the waves without waiting for a response. The water was cool as it gently lapped at your legs. A shiver went down your spine at the temperature difference between the ocean and the hot sun.
A figure sliding beside you made you jump, slipping on the wet sand. Grabbing the person who startled you to avoid plummeting into the ocean, you weren’t expecting intense yellow eyes to stare down at you.
“I scare you that bad?” Kuroo cackled. “I did call your name you know.”
He helped you stabilize yourself and you regretfully released his bicep. The raven stretched, joints cracking. You did your best to not completely ogle him from behind your shades.
“What are you doing over here? I thought you were playing volleyball?”
“Drink break,” broad shoulders shrugged, “gotta stay hydrated.” Kuroo had the gall to wink at you.
You nodded, staying silent. Gazing at the open ocean, unsuccessfully trying to quell your beating heart. Cold water splashed your sides. You shot Kuroo’s smirking face a glare.
“What’s on your mind?” He splashed you again. “You’re even more quiet than usual.”
“Quit that,” you scowled.
He wiggled a finger in your face, “now that’s not very nice. I’m just trying to be friendly.”
“You have plenty of friends to bother.”
“True,” he acknowledged with an obnoxious grin, “but I’d rather bother you.”
You rolled your eyes, splashing him back. Glancing back at your friends you saw Bokuto animatedly telling a story keeping his audience enraptured. Snorting you shook your head, guess Kuroo really was free right now.
“Hey,” squinting you looked back to Kuroo who was pointing to your wrist, “aren’t you worried about the salt water eating through that?”
Tugging at the wrist band you shrugged, “I guess. But it’s not like I can’t get another one.”
“Why not take it off? We are on vacation after all. And who knows you might even meet them here.” Glad Kuroo wasn’t looking at you, you couldn’t help but squeeze your wrist. He was gazing out at the ocean but continued, “if I had a soulmate I know I’d be trying everything to meet them.”
“You don’t seem to need help in that department. You’ve always got girls around you.”
Kuroo frowned looking down at you. “And if you haven’t noticed, not once has any date worked out.”
Snapping the soggy wrist band against the soulmark you couldn’t help asking, “what if…” You floundered uncomfortable under the raven’s intense gaze. “What if, when you met them, you didn’t think it would work?”
Dark eyebrows skyrocketed over his sunglasses, “you’ve already met them? Did you tell them?”
You flinched from his incredulous tone, avoiding meeting his eyes. Shifting your weight you rubbed harder at the name on your wrist.
“Hey,” Kuroo softly called your name, “talk to me.” Why did he look so sad? Not knowing what to say, how to explain, you didn’t speak. He pushes his shades to the top of his head to look at you better despite the bright sunlight. His voice was gentle, “why do you think it wouldn’t work?”
Salt stung at your wrist as the flesh peeled from the harsh friction. You knew you were standing in the surf but it felt like you were being dragged down to the ocean depths.
Kuroo’s body was completely facing you now. You had his full attention. No calling of his name by Bokuto could distract him from you. His rough fingers caressed your arms, trying to keep you from a panic attack. Tears pricked at your eyes.
“I’m not,” you choked out, stopping to clear your throat, “I don’t think… I’m just, just not. And he, he’s… amazing.”
Fingers slid up your arms to grab your face. Both of Kuroo’s large hands cupped your jaw as he looked at you sternly. “Stop that right now,” he growled, “anyone would be lucky to have you as their soulmate. If you don’t stop with this bullshit I’ll start listing reasons at the top of my lungs.” You gaped at him. “I’ll sing them too if it’ll stop you from crying. Poorly I might add.” Using his thumbs to wipe your tears running from under your dark sunglasses, he kept speaking. His voice softer now, “I mean it.”
You couldn’t help but stare at him. He was leaning so close that your noses almost touched. Yellow eyes deeper and brighter than the sun baring down overhead. A mixture of sweat and ocean spray glistened on his skin. Already messed raven hair held down by his sunglasses and whipped every direction by the cool breeze.
“What if it was you,” not even sure he could hear you, you whispered, “what if my soulmate was you? Would you still want a soulmate then?”
Kuroo took a shaky breathe, licking his lips. Using his thumbs, he slowly pushes your shades to the top of your head. “If it were me,” fingers gently traced your jawline, “I’d want to know why you didn’t tell me. If it were me, I’d kiss you until we were both breathless. If it were me, I’d make sure we were never apart for the rest of our lives. Because if it were me who had such an amazing soulmate, there’s nothing less I could do than give you everything.” Hot breath danced across your lips. His golden gaze searching, with a prayer held inside. Reverently, he whispered your name. “Show me, so I can finally kiss you.”
Biting your lip, you fiddled with the soaked wristband hiding your soulmark. Hands shaking you held your wrist up to him. A moment passed before he realized, you wanted him to remove it. One hand moved along your arm while the other rested against your neck. Silently searching your eyes for permission, he removed the offending cover.
There on your wrist, was his name. Kuroo Tetsurō.
Not a moment later was his mouth on yours. And the soulmark curse trapping your heart was finally broken.
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romiyaro · 2 years
Hello peeps! It's the usual Kuroo slander!
Kuroo: Damn girl, do u like maths? Cuz I wanna ADD you to my life, SUBTRACT your clothes, DIVIDE your legs, and MULTIPLY ourselves.
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Symbols - Intro
There are a few things I would like to preface before starting this book.
1) All rights to the Haikyuu characters belong to Haruichi Furudate
2) This is a slow burn so if you’re not in for the long run this might not be for you
3) The posts will be irregular and I apologize in advance
4) This will involve a polyamorous relationship and fruity themes
5) There will be themes pertaining to self harm and each chapter will be marked appropriately
6) I highly encourage any sort of feedback but I will not accept any blatant homophobia or discrimination, if you don’t like it then simply don’t read it
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cutecatlov3r · 10 months
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my character ai bots:
dabi: toxic bf , mafia au
denki kaminari: your a milf
eijiro kirishima: dying his hair
hanta sero: shotgunning w him
katsuki bakugou: he smells good , mean ass soulmate , ghostface katsuki , rivals to lovers , he’s bad w feelings , your pro hero fiancé , if you die so do i , girl dad
izuku midoriya: corrupting the religious boy
gojo satoru: can’t get enough of him , vampire au , wardrobe malfunction , your affair , he’s annoying , his eyes r funny looking
geto suguru: dad’s best friend
nanami kento: healing your daddy issues
yu haibara: he’s gone , he’s sick , he admires his upperclassmen
yuji itadori: your parents hate him , best boyfriend , dorky best friend , he’s delulu , captain of the football team , gossiping w him , older brother’s best friend , you have a bf already but he loves you , your his mentor , shibuya arc
megumi fushiguro: step brother
yuta okkotsu: your a fan , welcoming the new boy , he likes when you pull his hair , he chose geto’s side that day , your best friend
atsumu miya: your annoying neighbor , he’s drunk
iwaizumi hajime: scolding you after your ex did you dirty
kei tsukishima: he hates you(?)
kotaro bokuto: he’s spiderman , your his fan , emo mode
kenma kozume: streaming wars , cat hybrid , he hates you , he hates brats
hinata shoyo: healing your issues , he got sick , u get ur head hit w a ball
tetsuro kuroo: studying w him
koshi sugawara: he’s your son’s teacher , your coworker , he’s jealous
keiji akaashi: he loves feeding you , the pretty setter
yuu nishinoya: he’s drunk
demon slayer-
sanemi shinazugawa: training w him , your roommate
eren jeager: smoking weed w him
blue lock-
nagi seishiro: coke head
bachira meguru: you’re his therapist , pervert bachira
death note-
touta matsuda: he has a little crush , admiring his boss
denji: blood lust , walking home w him , mommy issues
reki kyan: he’s a zombie
natsu dragneel: mating season
nanatsu no taizai [seven deadly sins]:
arthur pendragon: your his servant , you saved him , he saved you , your his holy knight
kurapika kurta: your loyal to him , it’s only you and him
killua zoldyck: he’s your little brother
the disastrous life of saiki k:
kusuo saiki: he’s self aware , your ordinary
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if you have any recommendations on more bots I can do lmk ! i’ll be adding a bunch more :x
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httpshujii · 4 months
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2 FEB 2024
Welcome, welcome! I invite you along to enjoy this month of love with your significant other! Just send me a character and a trope from the list below, sit back, and relax. Allow your delusions to carry you to a safe haven where no one else can bother you~ This event will include Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Tokyo Revengers characters. Feel free to send any specific notes so you can enjoy Ray’s service to the max!
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Haikyuu: Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Daichi Sawamura, Sugawara Koushi, Asahi Azumane, Kuroo Tetsuro, Kenma Kozume, Bokuto Koutaro, Akaashi Keiji, Kita Shinsuke, Miya twins, Suna Rintaro, Aran Ojiro.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji Itadori, Fushiguro Megumi, Inumaki Toge, Yuuta Okkotsu, Kamo Noritoshi, Todo Aoi, Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Suguru Geto, Kamo Choso.
Tokyo Revengers: Sano brothers, Ken Ryuguji, Mitsuya Takashi, Baji Keisuke, Kazutora Kanemiya, Shiba Hakkai, Kawata twins, Hanma Shuji, Haitani brothers, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Wakasa Imaushi.
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~ Send me a character or two (max.) and one or two (max.) tropes from the list given below.
~ Be as specific as you want! I encourage it so you can be satisfied with the end result.
~This event will open on Feb. 2 and will close on Feb. 14.
~You can know more about my writing guidelines here.
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~Academic rivals to lovers
~Friends to lovers
~Forbidden love
~Arranged marriage
~Forced proximity
~Office romance
~Opposites attract
~Pen pals
~Fake relationship
~Sunshine x grumpy
~Best friend's older brother
~Oblivious to love
~Secret admirer
~First love
~"I'm sick."
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If you'd like to be tagged in anything, please DM me privately :>
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skoolnites · 1 year
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𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚: Live Laugh Ethos
previous chapter | Masterlist | next chapter
-> 𝙒𝘾: 1k
->𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: turns out making sure your thesis is ethical is actually pretty difficult
->𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: Swearing and talking about food
->𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: i think its been a year since i've published a piece of fanfiction so thats cool i guess. Go easy on me please! (there are probably grammatical errors as it's been a long day) Also every thing that is italicized and pink means that it is part of Y/ns final paper
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 “It is basic human nature to want to find love. Psychologists throughout the centuries have studied this fact. Maslow even tells us that it is part of our basic needs. If we are so dependent on love then why is it so damn difficult to find that someone. While Plato’s original theory on the so-called soulmate myth has been disproved time and time again it’s in our nature to want our ‘perfect’ match, but what if you could make someone your perfect match. I believe that with our knowledge of how attraction works it is possible to use these ideas to your own benefit. For my experiment I will be testing 1 (one) of these theories of attraction on Subject A every three days for 60 (sixty) days. I will keep track of my findings through notes I take as well as a collection of text messages and other forms of media from consenting parties.”
“Alright class,” Professor Yamasaki announced clapping her hands together, “For your final you will be creating a thesis then constructing and conducting an experiment on whatever module you get assigned,” She explained picking up a black cloth bag, “In this bag I have papers numbered nine through eighty which corresponds to one of the modules we studied throughout this year. When I get to your seat please pick out a slip and tell me your number,” 
Y/n started jittering in anticipation as Professor Yamasaki was calling out topics that were no longer up for grabs. As each number was being called out, Y/n had her fingers crossed hoping to get lucky. Her head perked up as Module twenty four was called out. Mildly upset she wouldn’t get to run an experiment on dreams. Then 26 (classical conditioning) was gone, 56 was gone so no study on neo-freudians, when 21 was given to Osamu Miya Y/n was a little butt hurt because pain was always a fun topic. Before she could realize it, Professor Yamasaki was in front of her desk. Y/n sucked in a breath and reached her hand into the bag. She could feel all the slips of paper, each folded in half. When Y/n finally pulled her hand out she found a yellowish slip of paper. Unfolding it quickly Y/n was overjoyed to see the number 79 on the paper.
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The cold metal bleachers of the university volleyball gym was the last place y/n wanted to be as she was antsy to get started on her project. Y/n’s mind was going a mile a minute at all of the possibilities for her experiment, she could pick a random person to befriend or…
“Did you see that!” Shoyo Hinata yelled as he had just slammed down an amazing spike, although the spiker was not who Y/n’s attention was towards.
“What can I say, I’m good at what I do,” Atsumu Miya shrugged.
“Me next! Me next!” Kotaro Bokuto shouts
“Will you guys quiet down,” Kei Tsukishima groans from a corner where he stretches out his arms
“Buzzkill,” Tetsuro Kuroo laughs while throwing another ball to Atsumu
In the corner Rintaro Suna could be found hiding his chuckles
“Alright boys go get water while Yachi and I pick up the volleyballs,” Their team captain Shugo Meian shouts.
The place where Y/n spends most of her life, the volleyball gym. Any of these boys would be perfect subjects for her study, she was well acquainted with all of them, nothing would seem suspicious if she hung out with them more, and she had access to friends to get extra information. The next issue at hand was a cognitive bias, who to pick and would her own heart interfere. Y/n knew she would have to pull one at random, reaching into her pocket and taking her cellphone.
“Hey Siri, pick a number one through thirty?”  Y/n asked the device
“It’s thirteen,” Just like that fate was decided, Atsumu Miya would be Subject A, perfect for 
The word of the hour, attraction. Where Y/n had found great intrigue with the topic she fell into an iffy spot with ethics. Hypothetically she could use these tactics and studies to get Atsumu to fall in love with someone, of course she would have to deal with consent while keeping him unaware. There was also the issue of who would he fall in love with, she would be the easiest choice but would her own heart be an interference. 
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“The ethics of this experiment becomes a bit difficult because how could you possibly manipulate someone’s heart ethically but if you look at the ethical guidelines my experiment fits perfectly. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence, Love is not a bad thing and my subject would not be hurt by experiencing feelings for someone because it could be equally reciprocated. Of course love is a long lasting product of this experiment but it is not a negative one. Fidelity and Responsibility, is ingrained in the classes curriculum and while conducting many experiments throughout my studies I have been held to these ethical guidelines. Integrity, I will be using a bit of deception under the front that I am tutoring someone. I have received Subject A’s verbal and written consent that our sessions will be recorded as well as consent to the fact that I will be using some psychological tricks during our sessions. Justice, subject A was a random choice from a random number generator meaning I have no biases towards the subject. Subject A has access to health services and I will ask them throughout multiple sessions if they would like for me to stop my psychological research. Finally Respect for Rights and Dignity, In order to respect Subject A’s privacy they shall only be referred to as Subject A and no physical descriptions will be provided in my research. Nothing not related to my hypothesis will be disclosed in my paper including but not limited to age, gender, psychical traits, personal details that might be disclosed and other details that might give away who Subject A is.
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tags: @milkteeboba
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stardustintheabyss · 2 years
Soulmated To Sunshine Eyes
Haikyuu soulmate!au
Bokuto x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, lil angsty
Sum: One of your childhood best friends, Tetsuro Kuroo, begs you to be Nekomas team manager just in time for the summer training camp, you agreed not knowing who you'd find there
When you turn 17 a tattoo representing your soul mate appears. When they are near(2 mile radius)it tingles but both people have to have them first. It stops when you kiss.
A/n: this has been sitting in my wips for a year and I promised myself I'd get this done in time for my loves birthday and I finished with an hour and a half to spare (shout out to pressurized procrastination). Anyways happy birthday to my favorite beefy owl 😚
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"Y/nnnnn! C'mon it'll be fun! You come to all the games anyway and you're good at hyping up the team, even Kenma, and giving advice. And I've seen the statistics notebook you keep. Please, please, please!" Tetsuro begged.
You laughed and rolled your eyes at your best friend.  For a few weeks now, well more so since Kenma joined, he'd been trying to get you to be the Nekoma volleyball manager. And honestly he was starting to make a good argument. "If I say yes will you quit bugging me?" You joked as you lightly punched his shoulder.
"Yes ma'am!" He smiled.
"Fine then. You're lucky I love you and Kens." You laughed.
"Oh. By the way we have a week long training camp in a week." He grinned.
"What." That little shit, he KNOWS your 17th birthday is in a couple weeks. The same week as the training camp apparently. Maybe this was his way of trying to cheer you up... You let out a sigh.
He shoved some papers into your hands, hyena laughing before running for his life, "Here's the permission slip! Bye!"
"Tetsuro, I swear I'm gonna kick your ass next time I see you!" You yelled a half empty threat after him. After letting out a sigh you realized at least you'd be with your two best friends when you got your soul mate tattoo. You'd been watching Tetsuro and Kenma play for years. You let out a small smile, you really did love volleyball even though you weren't really good enough to be on a team but played well enough to practice with Tetsu when Kenma refused. Which was more often than not. So maybe being apart of the team as a manager would be fun.
And that was how you got where you are now, in one of the gyms at Shinzen high school. You were a little nervous about being the manager but the team made you feel welcome. Even Coach Nekomata seemed to like you. Probably because you didn't have a problem putting the boys in their place when they needed it. You weren't what he was expecting. This training camp gave you the chance to find your footing before a real game. And you were having a blast. It was the second to last day and you'd found a nice rhythm. You were writing down some stats and advice on the game the team just won when you heard a boisterous voice from the court next to yours. "Oh yeah! Nice one Akaashi!" You looked to see the Fukurodani captian praising his setter. If you remembered correctly his name was Bokuto Kotaro and he was one of the top 5 aces in the country. Who were you kidding, of course you remembered, you were borderline obsessed with picking out talented players and learning as much as you could about them. He wore his emotions on his sleeve and seemed like an amazing person in general. The kind of person people gravitate towards. And to be honest he wasn't bad looking either. "He's a great player isn't he?" Tetsuro said. You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You smacked his chest, your cheeks warm from getting caught staring. "God Tetsu clear your throat or something. You almost gave me a heart attack." Scowling at him you grabbed his water bottle and took a drink. "Yeah, he's pretty powerful but he also has a great setter to back him up and can read his moods too."
"Mmhm." He leaned in closer, taking in your reddened face. His eyes twinkled with knowing and mischief. "You think he's hot don't ya."
"What? No! Shut up!" You screeched, a little too loud. Loud enough to have number 4 look your way and give you a bright smile,  his eyes crinkled almost shut. You blushed, how could you not smile back at the sweet owl, so you returned an embarrassed small one. You turned glaring at your best friend as you shoved your notebook into Tetsuro's hands. Back at normal volume, more flustered than mad, "Fuck off Tetsu. What you need to work on is written in there. I need to go refill water bottles."
"Hey, later come by gym 3. Lev, I and a few other guys are having a 3 vs 3." He chuckled.
"Maybe, maybe not." You grumbled.
"Please Y/n, we could use your eyes." Tetsuro teased.
"Fine. But only cause I'm an awesome manager and you're hopeless without me." You mocked back before leaving to do your managerial duties.
"You know you shouldn't tease Y/n like that Tetsuro. Not with her 17th birthday tomorrow." Kenma said quietly as he came up next to him.
"Why? She knows I'm just kidding around." Kuroo told his boyfriend.
"Because she can still kick your ass if she feels like it." Kenma smirked before taking a drink of water.
"True but nah, she loves me too much." Kuroo couldn't wait for the little surprise he had for you later in gym 3....only a little afraid of what you might do to him. He was planning on asking you anyway but this development made things...interesting.
Bokuto had seen you around the training camp all week. Usually you were with Kuroo and Kenma. But this was the first time he'd heard you speak. He wondered what you were shouting at Kuroo about. He looked over giving you his biggest smile hoping it might brighten your mood, if just a little. In return you gave a soft but pretty one before shoving a notebook into Kuroo's hands and briskly walking away. "Hey, hey 'Kaashi, do you know who that is?" He nodded in your direction, you were gathering water bottles.
"The Nekoma manager I assume." Akaashi said disinterested.
Bokuto's cheeks rosied, "I know that! I meant do you know her name?"
"Huh uh." Akaashi smirked catching the color in Bokuto's face. "But earlier Kuroo mentioned he'd try and get their manager to come to the 3 vs 3. Something about 'she has a good eye', I don't know. So maybe you'll meet her tonight." That small smile you gave Bokuto lit up his eyes more than usual. It didn't take long for Akaashi to surmise that his best friend had a crush.
Your duties were done for the day and you decided to go run some laps around the track before heading to gym 3. You thought it might help to get rid of some nervous energy you had about tomorrow. In a few short hours you would have your soulmate tattoo. You didn't know why you were anxious about it, it's not like it mattered. It was bullshit, it wouldn't change anything. You shook your head changing your clothes. It was still pretty warm out so you'd changed into just a sports bra and leggings. Putting your ear buds in you cranked your favorite playlist and started running.
You didn't know how long you ran for but the sky was darker now and your leg muscles were twitching. You also weren't as anxious about tomorrow. Smiling you headed to gym 3 to go watch the game, wondering who the other 4 players were. Your mouth dropped open when you saw who Lev and Tetsuro were playing with. Two from Karasuno and two from Fukurodani. One of which was the ace you had been caught staring at. Briefly you wondered if Kenma would forgive you or help you murder Tetsu.
They were on their second set and you didn't want to interrupt anyone's momentum. You stayed in the doorway silently watching until there was a break in the play. "Oya?!" You shouted to get your best friends attention.
"Oya oya! Y/n, you made it! Bout time!" Kuroo yelled back before walking towards you. Everyone's head swiveled in your direction.
"Oya oya oya!" Bokuto added almost reflexively with a smile to yours and Kuroo's greeting followed by what looked like a scolding from his team mate.
You chuckled quietly to yourself before addressing Testu. "Yeah, I was just running some laps." Your eyes narrowed at him, letting him know he was in for it later for not specifying who he was practicing with.
"Nervous about tomorrow are we?" Tetsuro quietly asked you, for no one else to hear. He handed you a water, concern in his eyes. He may be a goofball and push your buttons but he's always been there when you needed him. Who knew the rooster-haired boy was such a mother hen at heart.
Blowing out a breath, "I'm fine Tets, thank you though." You gulped some water down as Tetsuro ushered you towards the other players. Not quite believing your words.
"Guys, this is Y/n L/n, the new Nekoma manager." Kuroo introduced you, slinging an arm around your shoulder.
Karasuno's number 10 walked over to you holding his hand out, " Hi! I'm Sho—."
You interrupted him, eyes sparkling and grabbed his hand to shake. Your volleyball geekiness was about to show. "You're Hinata Shoyo , Karasuno's Trojan whirlwind middle blocker!" Pointing, you named off the others, " Karasuno's Tsukishima Kei, the poker-faced perceptive bean pole middle blocker. Fukurodani's Akaashi Keiji, the analytical and supportive setter vice captian." You bit the inside of your cheek trying to not sound fangirly. "And last but not least, Fukurodani's Bokuto Kotaro, the powerful owl ace captian. Also one of Japans top 5 aces." Your eyes flicked over to Bokuto and lingered. A small shy smile forming on your lips and nervous laugh leaving your mouth. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a know it all. I just kinda have a knack for picking out talented and skilled players...and kind of obsessing. Oh and you all can just call me Y/n by the way."
"And boom. That's why Y/n is the best manager ever. Give her 10 minutes of a game and she'll pick out the specialties of a skilled players on any team!" Tetsuro praised.
"And she's nice when she helps me, she's patient unlike Yaku." Lev added.
"Oh, shut up Tetsuro." You blushed. "And you're welcome Lev. I just noticed you get less frustrated and play better when supported that way is all."
"Thanks Y/n! Well I am a pretty awesome player, right 'Kaashi?" Bokuto puffed his chest out. A faint red tint to his cheeks only Kuroo and Akaashi noticed.
Akaashi rolled his eyes, "Shut up Bo. No one likes someone who's full of themselves."
You could have sworn you saw Bokuto's hair deflate along with his happy attitude. You didn't like seeing him down. Before you could think you squeezed his arm comfortingly. "Hey, there is nothing wrong with being confident and believing in yourself." You gave him a wink, "Besides you're too sweet a guy to be an asshole about it."
Bokuto instantly perked up at your words. "You're so kind Y/n! Thanks, Akaashi means well but can be a little  blunt sometimes." Bokuto lifted you up into a hug, your feet leaving the floor.
"Y–you're welcome." Your face felt like it was on fire and sparks were shooting across where your bare skin met his. Gingerly you hugged him back as he twirled you both in a circle. He was so much bigger than you, you felt tiny in his muscle defined arms but oddly enough safe.
When Bokuto set you down Akaashi looked like he was about to scold him again. "Bo...we talked about boundaries."
Bokuto had an embarrassed red tint to his ears but still had his wide infections smile. "Sorry."
"It's okay." You patted Bokuto's chest and smiled up at him and Akaashi, "I get hugs like that from the guys all the time, especially Lev."
Suddenly Hinata was next to you jumping up and down.
"Ahh! You gave me a nickname! The Trojan Whirlwind, so cool! That's that sneaky greek horse right? That's way better than just 'decoy'! You're amazing Y/n!" Hinata exclaimed, wonder twinkled in his eyes.
"I don't know...you really think so?" Excitedly you started to geek out more, talking fast. "Actually I know Karasuno's starting line up. You guys have a pretty talented team! And you guys pick up some tricks from other teams too I noticed. You truly are crows, omnivorous. Kagayama has wicked pinpoint accurate sets, Sawamura's great recives, Nishin—."
"As enlightening as this conversation is we have a game to finish and I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." Tsukishima scoffed adjusting his glasses.
"You don't need to be so rude Tsukishima. Ignore him, he's just salty because he didn't get a cool nickname." Hinata assured you.
You laughed, "No worries. He's right though, I came to watch a game." You glanced at the score board."Hmm. Cats vs Owls and Cats are winning? Here I thought Tetsu's team would be at a disadvantage."
Akaashi stated jabbing his thumb at Hinata and Bokuto, "Why, I've got the shorty and this big baby."
"Because they have to deal with his annoying ass." You snickered and you swore you heard Tsukishima snort as you poked Tetsu in the side. Everyone failed holding in their chuckles.
"Rude, Y/n, rude." Tetsu said as he poked you back.
"You two seem awfully close, are you together?" Hinata questioned, his head tilted to the side.
Lev, Tetsuro and you erupted into a fit a laughter. Between wheezes of catching your breath you answered. "Ew, no. I've know Tets since we were kids, he's like the brother I never wanted. Kenma too infact,  except I actually like him. And besides Tetsuro and Kenma are soulmates, poor Kenma right?"
"Well we did kiss that one time." Kuroo fired back, bringing a finger to his cheek.
Everyone but Tsukishima had 'Huh? Excuse me?!' looks on their faces. It was hilarious.
Laughing rolling your eyes, "We were 13 and it was spin the bottle. You weren't the only one I kissed that night, you're not special. In fact it made my skin crawl."
"That hurts Y/n. But I still love you." Kuroo pouted, crushing you in a hug.
"Disgusting." You smiled up at him while pushing his head away,  "Yeah, yeah love you too idiot. Now get back to your game."
"Aye aye miss manager!" Kuroo called.
"Don't call me that you rooster haired hyena!" You snarked right back while smacking a loose volleyball towards his head, narrowly missing.
"Okay, I see the brother/sister relationship now." Hinata giggled.
You sat on a bench nearby to watch. It was a pretty close game, your leg was bouncing with excitement. You always got this antsy watching a good game. You were taking a drink of your water sideways still trying to watch the game. Maybe if you hadn't been you would've been able to dodge one of Bokuto's crazy strong cut shot spikes after it landed a point. Next thing you know you were on the ground, right side of your face stinging. You let out a low groan sitting up, rubbing your aching cheek.
"Oh my god Y/n! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The ace asked helping you up.
"Wow! That was a strong kill! It knocked me over even after it hit the floor!" You gushed, stars in your eyes.
Bokuto's face flushed and his golden eyes met yours. How had you not noticed how pretty they were, like the last brilliant rays of sunshine before the sun sets. They flickered with...you don't know what exactly. Like he was trying to remember something maybe? But it was gone as soon as it came. His hand still remaining on your arm. "But are you okay? You're not hurt?"
Shaking your head and giving him a warm smile, "Yeah, I'm fine owl boy. It wouldn't be the first time I took a ball to the face." Your eyes widend, realizing how that sounded. "V-volleyball, it wouldn't be the first time I was hit by a rogue volleyball!" Hopefully your injured cheek was covering up your embarrassment.
Kuroo smirked slapping Bokuto on the back, "Don't worry Bokuto, Y/n's a tough girl. Oh and that's our point, it was out."
You frowned at Tetsuro. "No it wasn't. It was in, barely. Really it was an amazing shot."
"This is favoritism." Tetsu whined.
"No, it's what happened." You pointedly glared at him, ignoring his implications. At least he didn't say anything about the embarrassing words you just said. "Ask Tsukishima then." Everybody turned to the blonde. Tsukishima shrugged, "She's got a good eye, I'll give her that."
You stuck your tongue out at Kuroo. "See. Now go get the point back."
The game continued for another 15 minutes before the Cats won. It was a close game. The long day had hit you as you leaned against Kuroo after helping clean up. You yawned, "Mmm. Good thing you won, otherwise I was gonna up your training regimen."
Kuroo laughed softly, ruffling your hair. "Oh ye of little faith."
Rubbing your tired eyes, "I have all the faith in you, you jerk." You waved to the other players, "Night guys. It was nice officially meeting you." Saying to no one in particular but subconsciously in your sleepy state your gaze landed on Bokuto. "Good luck in your games tomorrow, unless you play Nekoma of course." You were met with a chorus of goodnights and a couple thank yous from Hinata and Akaashi. Only you, Tetsuro, Akaashi and Bokuto remained.
"You able to make it to your room Y/n? You're practically asleep on your feet." Bokuto asked.
"Hm. Oh. Yeah, it'll just take me awhile. I'm slow when I'm sleepy." You replied as you shuffled towards the door, your eyes half closed. You couldn't wait to flop into bed.
Kuroo kneeled down in front of you. "C'mon and climb up. I don't feel like taking forever walking you back."
You snorted as you wrapped your arms around Kuroo's shoulders for a piggy back ride. "Thanks Tets." You murmured as you layed your head down and your eyes fluttered shut. Not fully awake you drifted between slumber and reality.
"She must be exhausted if she's being this openly nice to me." Kuroo chuckled lightly.
"Hey, can 'Kaashi and me walk with you?" Bokuto asked hopeful.
"Sure, I don't see why not." Kuroo said giving Akaashi a
questioning look. The fun loving ace seemed to have a thing for the insightful Nekoma manager. Akaashi being so intuitive of his best friends emotions gave Kuroo a small nod. This gave Kuroo an idea because you definitely had a crush on the owl captain. Hopefully you wouldn't kill him later if you remembered. "But be warned. When Y/n is super tired like this, she is a lot more loose with the truth." Kuroo talked as he started walking in the direction of the guest lodging.
"What do ya mean?" Bokuto's brows pinched together in confusion following.
"Hm, watch this. Hey, Y/n what'd think of Hinata?" Kuroo grinned.
"Mm, baby sunshine. To pure for this world, protect at all costs." You mumbled.
"Tsukishima?" Kuroo questioned.
"Fucking tsundere if I ever saw one but cool, I guess." They quietly snickered at your reply.
"How 'bout Akaashi?" Kuroo fired.
"Straightforward and calm. Kindhearted." You answered snuggling into Kuroo's back.
"And how do ya feel about Bokuto?" Kuroo questioned lastly. Suddenly butterflies found a home in Bokuto's stomach waiting for your answer.
"He's sweet and funny," you let out a contented sigh, "handsome too." Okay, Kuroo was glad you didn't say anything too embarrassing. Honestly he wouldn't have been surprised if you'd said 'beef cake' instead of handsome.
The otherwise outgoing male was quiet. You really thought that about him? Someone as smart and beautiful as you? A wide dopey smile made its way onto his face along with a dark blush. "Agaashi, Agaashi! Did you hear what she said! She thinks I'm sweet and funny and handsome!" Bokuto whispered excitedly, not wanting to disturb you.
"Yeah, Yeah I heard her Bo." Akaashi gave his friend a small smile before turning to Kuroo. "Isn't she gonna murder you for this?"
"Maybe....probably. If having Bokuto and Y/n realize they like each other is something that will make her happy in the long run, especially after tomorrow it'll be worth it." Kuroo looked up at the night sky, he knew you were secretly dreading tomorrow and how you really felt about the whole soulmate thing. No matter how hard you tried to hide it from him & Kenma.
"What's tomorrow?" Akaashi wondered.
Bokuto was still in a daze over what you said and something was nagging in the back of his mind. He'd only really met you today so why did you seem so familiar? Unconsciously his fingers drummed against his thigh, where his tattoo was. Lost in thought he didn't hear Kuroo's answer and lagged behind the two males. "It's her 17th birthday."
"You lost me, isn't that typically a good thing?" Akaashi noted.
"How do I word this? Well ya know how not everyone's lucky enough to find their soulmate? Y/n's parents are one of those couples. Don't get me wrong they absolutely love eachother and I think that's why Y/n thinks the tattoos don't really matter. If her parents can find love and happiness together it's like it's proof there isn't just one person in the universe just for you. And she probably thinks she's one of those people who won't be able to find their soulmate. She never said any of this to me directly but I've guessed as much and she once said 'the world is a vast place to find the one person you're meant to be with'." Kuroo looked over his shoulder at you, his eyes soft. "So if I can nudge her in the right direction to help her get what her parents have, to make her happy, I'll do it. I owe her that much."
"I see. It's poetic in a way. I mean you really can't help who you fall for, soulmate tattoo or not. You just might fall more for the one you were destined to be with. And what do you mean by 'you owe her'?" Akaashi shrugged, he could understand where you were coming from. He'd had his tattoo for almost half a year and never felt anything. He also knew Bokuto had never felt that tingle of a nearby soulmate and he had had his for almost 3 times that long. And he also knew it saddened Bokuto when he was asked about it, that's why he kept it covered most of the time. He thought as he fingered the tiny tattoo on the inside of his left elbow. A coffee mug and an open manga book.
"Oh that's a funny story actually. I wasn't as outgoing as a kid, barely talked to anyone. So one day this girl and boy come over to me, Y/n and Kenma. And she said 'I've seen you all by yourself every day and you shouldn't be sad and lonely...so we're all friends now kay?', just like that. Honestly she was so bright I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to. I don't think she would have let me either. Even at six she was a force to be reckoned with." Kuroo laughed softly. "So because of Y/n I was fortunate to have my soulmate so early on in my life and fall for him before I even got my tattoo."
Akaashi looked to Bokuto, "Yeah, I'd do the same thing for that goofy bastard."
Kuroo gave Akaashi a devilish grin, "So, you in for trying to get these two love birds together?"
Akaashi smirked back, "Bo's got a big heart but sometimes has trouble expressing it the way he wants to. I'm in."
They had made it to where the boys and girls rooms split off. "Night guys. See ya tomorrow." With a wry grin, "Y/n say goodnight to Akaashi and Bokuto."
"Mm 'night Akaashi." Your arms tightened around Kuroo's shoulders and you murmured still in your vulnerable half asleep state, "Goodnight Kotaro."
Both Kuroo and Akaashi's gaze darted to Bokuto. He was looking at you with such softness in his eyes that they might have thought he was already half in love with you. It was like Akaashi and Kuroo weren't even there. "Goodnight Y/n." Brushing a stray hair from your face he whispered with a gentle tone Akaashi had never heard from his captian. Yep he was definitely smitten.
"Night Kuroo, Y/n." Akaashi grabbed Bokuto's shirt tugging him in the direction of the boys rooms. "Come on you love sick owl."
"I-. Uh." Bokuto stuttered before saying goodnight to the Nekoma captian. As Bokuto was being dragged away Kuroo heard him say, "Hey wait! I'm not love sick!....am I?"
Kuroo laughed at Bokuto's words. If anyone knew if Bokuto was love sick, it'd be Akaashi. A few minutes later you were at your door for your room. Tetsuro carefully set you down making sure you wouldn't fall on your face. "Hey, Y/n we're at your room."
"Hmm. Thanks Tets. Ya know you're not completely annoying. I'm glad you and Kens have each other." You told him with your hand on the doorknob.
"Only cause of you." He bit his lip, he had one more question to ask while you were still painfully truthful. He wanted to make sure his and Akaashi's plans could work. "Can I ask ya something?"
"Mmhmm." You hummed crossing your arms and resting against the door.
"You like Bokuto, right?" Tetsu asked you.
A sad smile splayed on your lips. "Yeah but it doesn't matter. He seems like the 'wait for your soulmate' type so it's pointless hoping he could like me back." You opened the door.
"Y/n..." Kuroo heard the hurt in your voice.
"Goodnight Tetsuro." You whispered shutting the door before he could see the tears brimming in your eyes.
Kuroo blew out a breath. Fuck, he was an idiot for not realizing how deep the soulmate wound really went. But you were an idiot too. "You're really oblivious sometimes Y/n." He whispered to the closed door.
You didn't know if it was from being drained or because of tomorrow or some combo of both. But the moment you shut the door the tears that had been resting on your eyelashes fell down your cheeks. While you changed into pj's and washed your face they never stopped. You fell asleep with the glistening trails running onto the pillow and your heart aching for someone you knew you couldn't have.
The next morning you awoke to your whole back and part of your arms tingling. 'The fuck. Really my whole fucking back?' You didn't give to much thought that it was telling you your soulmate was near. You were in the middle of a huge city for fucks sake. You were more pissed at how big it was. You sighed, twisting your head you looked over your shoulder trying to get some idea of what it looked like. All you were able to see was black, grey and white feathers. Their tips reaching just past your shoulders and onto your arms. There's no way you'd be able to cover the whole thing in this heat. 'Oh well'. As you were getting dressed after taking a quick shower you received a couple texts in your group chat with the boys.
Kens 🐱❤🥺: happy birthday y/n, do you want your yearly bd hugs consecutively or throughout the day?
Tets 🐓❤😝: mornin birthday girl! Remind me again why you let kenma's presents be hugs and not mine?
You smiled before replying. They really just knew what to say to cheer you up.
Y/n 💜: thanks guys 😘 throughout the day pls 🥺and because unforced hugs from kenma are ✨special✨ yours not so much.
Tets 🐓❤😝: this is F A V O R I T I S M  😑
Y/n 💜: wbk but yes❤
Y/n 💜: the only good thing about this shit bd is that it means 17 KENMA HUGS! 🥺
Kens 🐱❤🥺: that's it. Omw rn for your first bd hug.
Tets 🐓❤😝: am I a joke to you?
Y/n 💜: okee kens 🥰. Bro you want the truth or nah?
Tets 🐓❤😝: I—. Babe you see this?
Kens🐱❤🥺: Jared, 19. ➖👅➖
Tets 🐓❤😝: I hate you both
Y/n 💜: no you don't
Kens🐱❤🥺: no you don't
Tets 🐓❤😝: your right 😔 see you two at breakfast 💛💜
Y/n 💜: 🖤💛
Kens 🐱❤🥺: 🖤💜
Five minutes later a knock sounded on your door. "Mornin Kenma!" You said brightly opening the door to one of your besties.
"Mornin." He mumbled wrapping his arms around you.
You didn't realize how bad you needed this. Your hands tightly clenched his shirt. After letting go you whispered, "Thanks Kens, I needed that."
Kenma pulled you in for another hug. "This one doesn't count. You still have 16 left."
You hugged the dual haired boy back, soaking up the extra special hug. A laugh escaping your lips, "You're the best."
Walking to the dining area you looped your arm through Kenma's. Of course he was playing a game but you didn't mind, you liked watching. You and Kenma had a different kind of friendship, you both didn't care about the long stretches of silence between the two of you. You just enjoyed eachothers company. That's why it surprised you when Kenma spoke. "So Tetsuro said you were at the gym last night with him and the others?"
Your hand brushed against your cheek where you were hit. The memory of Bokuto's hand on your arm and his golden gaze...flushed you answered, "Yeah. It was a good game."
Kenma's eyes flicked to yours before going back to his game. "You know Y/n, it's okay to like him. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way."
Goddammit. Between Kenma's perceptiveness and Tetsu's well intentioned blabbering mouth, nothing got past the setter when it came to you. "I—." You blew out a frustrated breath. "I know. I know. It's just... so fucking hard. My mind and my heart say two different things." You came to a stop at the doorway to the dining room. Your eyes easily found a white and grey haired boy laughing at something between bites. Without you knowing it a small grin spread across your lips and your heart beat a little faster.
Kenma noticed your smile and where you were looking. You looked happy, a light in your face he hadn’t seen since you all were innocent children in the ways of understanding what a soulmate was. "Maybe you should let your heart win this time."
"Maybe." You grabbed Kenma's hand and led him to the Nekoma table where everyone was sitting. Taking a seat next to Lev you asked, "Hey, where's Tets at?" They all had a look of mischief on their faces. "Wha—?" A pair of hands covered your eyes for a few seconds and then were gone. Sitting in front of you was a fancy cupcake with a single candle lit.
"Happy Birthday Y/n." Tetsuro hugged you from behind.
"Happy Birthday to the best manager!" The team shouted. Earning a few looks from the other teams.
"You guys didn't have to do anything for me..." Your heart warmed at their thoughtfulness.
"Nonsense, we're lucky to have you! You've done so much for us, this is the least we could do!" Tora gave you a thumbs up.
"How could we not do something for you, you take care of us." Lev nudge your shoulder gently.
"Yeah, you make my life easier by dealing with Lev." Yaku announced.
"Hey!" Lev yelled, insulted.
"Thanks guys. I'm only the best manager because I've got the best team to back it up." A wide happy smile split your face.
"Blow out your candle and make a wish." Tetsu suggested.
You closed your eyes making your wish as you blew out the candle. You dared to wish for something you wouldn't have if not for the conversation you just had with Kenma. You wished maybe, just maybe for a chance at love.
"What'da wish for?" Lev asked.
"For you guys to win all your practice games!" Bringing a finger to your lips, "But really I can't tell, or it won't come true." You gave him a wink.
A pair of flapping arms caught your attention. Of course they were attached to a certain owl boy. Once Bokuto realized he got your attention he gave you a big smile and waved. You let out a small giggle and gave a bright smile. You lifted your hand and returned the wave, your fingers wiggling in the air. Bokuto turned to say something to Akaashi, his face pink. But you didn't notice. Kuroo had playfully tugged on a piece of your hair.
"Oya?" Tetsu smirked at you.
"Oh hush." You said slyly but the smile on your face and blush on your cheeks lingered. "Go eat your breakfast, you have a lot of games to win today and need your strength."
Tetsuro stuck his tongue out. "Yes, miss manager."
You were so happy you'd almost forgotten the constant tingle on your back.
It was the end of the day and Nekomas last game was almost over. The other teams coach had called a time out to try and break Nekoma's momentum. All day you had been rolling your shoulders uselessly, trying to get rid of the ghost like feeling of someone's fingers dancing across the skin of your back. It was really starting to fucking irritate you.
"You okay Y/n? You've been doing that all day." Kenma had observed.
Tetsu came over and wrapped his arms around his soulmate, resting his chin on the crown of Kenma's head. God they were disgustingly cute sometimes. "Whatssup?"
You gave them a sour face. "My soulmate tattoo. It hasn't stopped prickling since I got the damn thing. Not to mention it's on my whole fuckin back and part of my arms." You pulled your sleeve up a little to reveal the tips of feathers. Kuroo was practically radiating excitement. You knew exactly what he was going to say.
"That's great! It means your soulmate is probably at this camp! RIGHT NOW!" Tets almost shouted.
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not that lucky. We're in the middle of a huge city. You know how many people live in a 2 mile radius of here?" Your eyes trailed to the other game you'd been keeping watch on. Or rather player. "...Besides, my hearts kinda already stuck on someone." You admitted out loud. Bokuto seemed more exuberant and carefree today. Even after getting blocked a couple times he was still glowing. Your lips twitched at the untroubled ace. His aura infectious. You were pulled out of your daydream when Tetsuro pulled at the back of your shirt, trying to look at your tattoo. You slapped his hand away. "What do you think your doing?!" You hissed.
He blinked at you innocently. "I just wanted to see."
"Tetsuro, if Y/n doesn't want to show us that's her business." Kenma scolded.
"It's not that, just not right now. You guys are in the middle of a  game...and Coach would kill me." Laughing at Tets getting reprimanded by Kenma.
"I don't know, could give us an edge and distract the other team." Tetsu joked.
You chuckled, "Yeah and probably incapacitate Tora, embarrass Lev to the point where he'd be useless, Yaku would yell at anyone who dared to look, and Inuoka would probably try and cover me up without looking."
Tetsuro tried holding in his cackling and Kenma had a rare wide grin on his face. "Okay, okay. You're right. Only we two are immune to your beauty and charm."
You snorted. "Whatever. Now go win this game and make my wish come true or else." You said as you pushed them towards the rest of the team.
The first thing Akaashi woke up to this morning was Bokuto screeching about how his tattoo was tingling. At first Akaashi wondered, today was your 17th birthday...maybe? No they were in a big city. Bokuto's soulmate probably just happened to be nearby today. But then he couldn't stop talking about how you waved and smiled at him at breakfast. So maybe his attitude wasn't due just to his tattoo. He was in the best mood Akaashi had ever seen. Even failed plays didn't bring him down. Akaashi really didn't put it all together until he saw his best friend rub at his thigh, right over his tattoo. "Bo, your leg good?"
"Yeah! It's great. It's just hasn't stopped prickling." Bokuto beamed. "My soulmate must live by the high school or something 'Kaashi!"
'Was this himbo so far gone in his daze last night he didn't hear Kuroo say your birthday was today? And didn't he see the whole Nekoma team wish you a happy birthday at breakfast?' Akaashi thought to himself. "Or something." Akaashi muttered. His eyes gleamed with knowing. He made it his mission to get you two oblivious fools to realize what exactly you were to eachother by the end of today.
After the last game all the coaches surprised everyone with a barbecue for everybodies hard work. You were waiting by the grill with Tetsu and Kenma, waiting for the food to be done. You were starving and the aroma of meat was only making your hunger worsen.
"Hey, here comes your man!" Tetsuro whispered in your ear while playfully nudging you.
Your stomach growled loudly as you swatted at Kuroo. "Food now. Man later."
"You're right. Priorities." Kuroo chuckled holding up his hands. "But that doesn't seem to be stopping Bokuto and Akaashi from coming over here."
You glanced at the Fukurodani duo. Hunger forgotten.  "Holy fuck." You whispered. Bokuto Kotaro was not wearing his long knee sleeves. Your face flushed, "No wonder he wears those things. He'd be too powerful otherwise, no one would pay attention to the ball." Your eyes snagging on the rather large tattoo on his left thigh. A  cats face, half normal with a y/c eye and half skeletal. And nestled behind the skeleton side was...your favorite flower? It was just a coincidence, lots of people have the same favorite flower and your eye color. Maybe you were biased but you thought it was pretty.
Tetsuro snapped you out of your thoughts with a snort. "Simp much? And is that drool from the bbq...or the cake headed this way."
"Oh, that was a mistake." Kenma commented while playing his game. "It's going to be mildly inconvenient to replace you but you will be missed."
Casually you answered back, "Shuddup. Takes one to know one. I seem to recall certain screenshots that would look great posted on Twitter."
At that moment the Fukurodani pair made it to where you were. "Hey hey hey! What would look great posted on Twitter?" Bokuto asked with a smile.
You smirked at Tetsu, opening your mouth, "Tets caught being—." Tetsuro smacked a hand over your mouth.
"Nothing!" Changing the subject, "Y/n was just about to show us her tattoo. Right?" You licked his hand. "Gross. You don't know where my hand has been, you know how many microbes could be on there!" He yelled wiping it off.
You shrugged, grinning. "I have an excellent immune system." Clearing your throat, "Hey Akaashi," Your cheeks rosied under Bokuto's golden gaze. "H-hey Bokuto."
"Your soulmate tattoo? Cool, usually I keep mine covered but I felt like letting loose today after practice." He smiled lifting his leg. Akaashi groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. How was his best friend this dense?
You crossed your arms to keep the urge to trace it with your fingertips in check. "Er, yeah. I don't even really know what it is. It's on my back and part of my arms. All I know is it has feathers. Yours is gorgeous and interesting though."
"Why don't you have Kuroo take a picture of it so you can see it?" Bokuto suggested.
"That is a great idea Bokuto!" Rubbing his hands together, "C'mere Y/n, let me see that tattoo."
You rolled your eyes. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were a perv, Tets. I know I'm pretty but think of Kenma."
"Kenma is nothing more to me than a soulmate! I swear!" Kuroo joked.
"Back at ya babe." Kenma replied not looking away from his games. He had long become immune to yours and Kuroo's antics.
"You guys are strange but I'm used to weirdos." Akaashi smirked.
You poked your tongue out at Akaashi, "You say that like its a bad thing." You conceded. "Alright alright. I'll show you after we eat." You were curious about what was on your back.
"Y/nnnnnn. Why must you torture me?" Kuroo complained.
"I ain't ever seen two agreeable best friends, one of em always gotta be a whiney little bitch." You said to Tetsuro.
"So you admit I'm your bestie! Wait- I'm not whiney!" Kuroo exclaimed.
You cackled, "So you admit you're a little bitch?" Your eyes wandering, catching on a small girl holding an empty plate trembling in the middle of a bunch of boys. "I gotta do something, I'll be right back guys." You made your way over to the tiny girl.
"Oi!" Kuroo yelled after you.
"I mean she's not wrong." Akaashi snickered.
"Kenma, Y/n and Akaashi are being mean." Kuroo pouted.
"Show me the lie and I'll defend you." Kenma teased his soulmate.
"I hate it here." Kuroo crossed his arms.
Akaashi nudged him, talking lowly. "While Y/n's gone and Bo's distracted by the food. I found something out." Akaashi had a small impish grin, "I'm 99% sure Bokuto and Y/n are soulmates."
Kuroo's eyes widend. "No fuckin way! How?"
"Well Bo woke up this morning yelling about his tattoo tingling. It's the first time. And then during the last game I noticed he kept massaging his leg. I thought maybe he strained it but I asked and he said it hadn't stopped prickling all day. He thinks his soulmate must live by the high school. The himbo didn't hear it was her birthday today apparently." Akaashi explained.
Kuroo's mouth gaped open. "I think your right. Y/n said hers has been bugging her all day. But she also thinks it's someone out in the city." Kuroo looked to you then to Bokuto. "Holy fucking shit."
You pushed your way through the guys surrounding the girl, "Excuse me boys! Can't you see your frightening the poor thing?" You shooed them away. You knew they were just trying to be friendly but sometimes they didn't know how intimidating they can be. You gave a big smile to the blonde girl in front of you. "Hey, you're one of Karasuno's managers right? I'm Nekomas, my names Y/n. Are you okay? I know the guys can seem scary but most of em are just big softies." You punch one of your hands with the other, "And if they aren't you just have to seem scarier."
She returned a small smile. "H-hi. Yeah, I j-just joined. My names Y-yachi. Hinata mentioned you. He said you were nice. And t-that you gave him a nickname?"
"Really? I actually just joined a couple weeks ago but I've been watching my friends play forever." You blushed slightly at Hinata's compliment. "Er, yeah. I'm kinda a volleyball nerd and it seemed to fit him." You laughed.
"What did you mean by 'seem scarier'?" Yachi timidly asked.
"In my case I just use my scary face to keep Kuroo in line and mess with him...well and for jerks. Watch." You turned to face Tetsuro with dead eyes and your face emotionless except for the creepy grin plastered on. In a sing-song voice, "Kuroo Tetsuro!"
You only use his full name when he's in trouble trouble. Stepping behind Kenma for protection, "I didn't even do anything!"
"I know." You winked and softend your smile to a friendly one. Turning back to Yachi, "See, just pretend to be even more badass then you actually are. Give me your best scary face."
"I'm not badass, not like you..." Yachi murmured.
You snorted. "I don't know, taking on a rowdy buncha boys from Karasuno? Seems pretty badass to me."
Yachi gave you a small smile. "Ok." You could see the gears turning in her mind. Then she gave you her best scary-badass face.
"Perfect! No one will mess with you with that face!" You said excitedly. "It actually kinda reminds me of the look your setter gives Hinata if he messes up."
Yachi giggled. "Kageyama's angry face is the scariest thing I've seen."
"Ready to put your new skill to the test?" You raised an eyebrow.
With a determined nod she walked to the nearest grill and cleared her throat. "Excuse me."
A couple boys turned, "Hey, cu....tie." Their faces paled slightly and their words trailed off. As they stepped aside leaving their spots at the grill open, "Ah, nevermind." 
You chuckled lightly as Yachi turned around with a plate full of meat and veggies. Giving her a thumbs up as she walked back to you. "See I knew you could do it!"
"Thanks Y/n!" Yachi smiled.
"No prob-." Right then your stomach growled ferociously. Embarrassed you replied, "-lem. Um I better go and get some food before those heathens eat it all and my stomach decides to eat itself. Bye, Yachi!"
"See ya Y/n!" Yachi waved goodbye.
Making your way back to your little group your mouth watered. God you were starving and there was a juicy looking piece of meat in front of Tetsuro. Probably his but you have just as quick reflexes as him. With your chopsticks you grabbed it quickly while he was talking to Kenma. A second later another pair barely missing said BBQ. "Haha, too slow Tets!" You teased bringing the BBQ closer to your mouth. Except it wasn't Tetsuro.
"Damn Y/n, you're quick!" Bokuto laughed.
"Oh. Sorry, I assumed that was Tetsu's food. Here you take it." Your cheeks rosied as you set the food on his plate.
"No, it was his. I was just going to steal it. BBQ meats my favorite." Bokuto grinned, his eyes crinkling. "Do you want to share? I haven't seen you eat anything yet."
"Sure, us food pilferers gotta stick together!" You nudged his side playfully.
"Kenma, Akaashi!" Kuroo whispered fiercely. "You seein this shit?!"
"Wow." Kenmas eyes widened slightly.
"Whoa, Bo is sharing BBQ meat. That's big." Akaashi commented while turning to hand a cup of water to a choking Kageyama, completely unfazed.
"Y/n sharing food at all is...unnatural. You wouldn't want to get between her and her food, especially when she's hungry." Kuroo's eyes looked distant as he shivered remembering the one time he made such a mistake. "It's not pretty, trust me."
You turned to the three boys swallowing the mouthful you had. "My shit talkin radar is going off. You talkin smack, Tets?"
Tetsuro smirked, "No, just observing that you're actually sharing food with someone."
You puffed your cheeks out in embarrassment. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I share...sometimes."
"Random stray animals don't count." Kuroo laughed.
"They do too! They're just so cute and I want to give them all the love they deserve." You pouted.
"So does that make Bokuto a stray that needs all the love?" Akaashi teased.
"And that you think he's cute?" Kuroo questioned.
Bokuto's ears perked at the sound of his name and heard Akaashi and Kuroo's questions. It took everything in him to keep his face neutral and not look like he was eager waiting for what you would say.
He did not do a good a job as he thought he was doing.
Your mouth gaped open as your cheeks flushed. You glanced at Bokuto. His face was as flushed as yours felt and it looked like he wanted to take a step closer to you, he was leaning so close. Maybe you should take a chance. Besides the obvious dislike of today in general, you felt an air of hope also. Taking a sharp inhale through your nose you said quietly, "Well, you'd have to be a blind idiot to not think he's attractive. And I'm not blind nor an idiot so." You shrugged your shoulders while shoving a bite of food into your mouth. Akaashi and Kuroo had shocked expressions on their faces. They were not expecting you to admit it. Kenma had a small smile that said he was proud of you. Bokuto was practically glowing. You cleared your throat, changing subject. "So, we're done eating now yeah? I promised to show you my soulmate tattoo and I'm a woman of my word." You handed Tetsuro your phone. "Bokuto had the idea you take a picture so I can see the whole thing." In a small voice you asked, "Can you, please?"
That fear in your voice snapped Kuroo out of his shock. "Y/n, I know I've been giving you shit about it but really you don't have to." Tetsu spoke quietly pulling you into a gentle hug.
Kenma sensed your discomfort and wormed his way into your and Tetsu's hug, giving you your last birthday hug. "He's right. Don't force yourself if you don't want to."
You shook your head, squeezing tight your two best friends. "No, I want to. Curious even but...I know it's stupid but I'm scared."
"That's okay. We're here for you." Tets whispered.
"No matter what." Kenma replied.
"I love you guys, thanks." You nodded letting go. A wry smile gracing your lips. "How fitting my 17th birthday hug be right before the big reveal." You clapped your hands together, getting back to business. "Ight, let's see what this big badass bitch looks like." With that you twirled on your heel and pulled your shirt just over your head, leaving your arms in; your back facing the group of 4 boys. You did have some modesty being as you were surrounded by 150+ people.
"Oh damn! You weren't kidding Y/n. It really does take up your whole back." Kuroo said shocked as he took in the tattoo smiling.
You rolled your eyes. "Well not all of us can have cute little dainty ones like you and Kens." Testu had a little gaming controller on his inner bicep and Kens had the chemical formula for love on his ribcage. Lucky bastards.
You heard Kenmas quiet voice. "Y/n, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised." You heard the click of your phone taking the picture.
"It's actually quite lovely too." Akaashi complimented as his theory was confirmed.
"Wow." You heard Bokuto murmur and before you could turn around you felt a finger delicately trace your back. You inhaled sharply as that sensation overrode the tingling of your tattoo. Was Tetsu being a creep? Or..? An awkward cough pulled you out of your thoughts and the finger gliding across your skin disappeared. Slipping your shirt back on you turned around. To be face to face with Bokuto. Was he the one touching you like that?! Your face turned a violent shade of red and your brain was glitching. Bokuto was staring at you intensely, his eyes zeroing in on yours.
Kuroo nudged your shoulder a wild grin on his face. "Here ya go Y/n." He sang song.
Breaking eye contact from Bokuto and looking at your phone you gasped. You were met with the same golden sunset eyes you'd recognize anywhere. The very same ones you were just staring into. Only it wasn't  Bokuto's face looking back at you. This time it was a grey, black and white owl with its wings spread in flight against a night sky filled with stars. And a handful of the stars were made into a constellation of a volleyball. No. No way was it possible. You looked up into the bright metallic eyes you had fell hard for. "You...?"
One of Bokuto's warm hands cupped your cheek tilting your head up. Leaning down he whispered, "I knew I remembered those eyes from somewhere."
His lips were on yours and stealing the breath from you. Eyes fluttering shut, your tattoo had finally stopped tingling and the knot in your heart loosened. Bokuto fucking Kotaro, the boy your heart had already started to fall for, was your soulmate. Suddenly you were lifted off the ground. Instinctively your legs wound their way around his waist and your arms twined around his shoulders, one hand in his hair. Bokuto lightly bit your lip making you gasp and open your mouth. His tongue darting inside to meet yours. A supernova of explosions were crackling in your veins. If he hadn't been holding you you would have fell due to the fact your legs becoming jelly. Your lungs were beginning to strain from lack of oxygen but you didn't care. You didn't need air when your nerves were buzzing alive from the contact with Bokuto. You didn't know how long you two had been kissing but Bokuto pulled away just enough. Both of you were breathing hard. "I promised myself that would be the first thing I did when I found my soulmate. When I found you."
A breathy laugh left you. "I'm gonna have to add kissing to the list of skills you have, Bokuto."
"Oh?" He smiled fondly at you. "Ya know Y/n you can call me Kotaro. Like last night."
Your brow furrowed. "I didn't—" Hazy memories of last night after the game came to you in flashes. You did use his given name. But more embarrassing is what you'd said about him in your frustratingly truthful state. A vulnerability only a few knew about. You were going to kill him. Or at least make him think so. "Hey Kotaro could you set me down for a sec please."
"Sure thing, baby owl." Kotaro set you down gently and kissed your cheek.
You blushed at the pet name and the soft kiss. Turning to the others you started to count silently on your fingers.
"What are you doing?" Akaashi questioned confusedly. He thought you would have been overjoyed at the fact you and Bo were soulmates.
"Oh I'm counting the ingredients  I need to buy for apple pie for Kenma. Kens how many pies do you think you'll need to get over Tets' death?" You smiled sunnily at Tetsuro.
"Hmmm. I think five would be good." Kenma replied.
"I am worth way more than 5! Wait, what?" Tetsuro panicked. "I promise Y/n I had the purest of intentions!"
You took a step towards Kuroo and he took one back. "Oh?"  You started chasing after Tetsu and he only made it a few feet before you tackled him.
"Y/n please don't kill me! Akaashi and I realized you and Bokuto liked eachother and we thought this would get the ball rolling, honest!" To say Kuroo was shocked when you hugged him would be an understatement. You weren't killing him?
Unwinding your arms from his neck you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thanks Tets, for making me join the team" you mumbled, "and for helping with Ko."
You rolled your eyes still smiling and pushed Tetsuro away. "And moments ruined." Once you made your way back to the group you snuggled yourself up against Kotaro's side and he wrapped his arm around you. Looking towards Akaashi you thanked him also. " Thank you for nudging us together so if you ever have a sweet tooth for a baked good, I'm your girl."
Kotaro kissed the top of your head. "My sweet girl."
"Oh you don't have to do that. I'm just happy Bo is happy, that's good enough for me." Keiji chuckled.
"Trust me Akaashi, you'll definitely want to take her up on her offer. Her apple pies are delicious and she makes mine and Tetsu's birthday cake every year too." Kenma added while still playing his game. You blushed at his compliment.
"Alright then, I will." Akaashi nodded.
"What about me?" Kotaro squeezed you & had a little bit of a pout.
You reached up on your toes and pulled him down to kiss his forehead. "For you, owl boy, I'll make a whole bakeries worth." You pecked him on the lips.
"Ew. Is this what me and Kenma are like?" Tetsu's face was all screwed up in disgust. "There is no way we are that bad. Right Kitten?" He declared as he was hugging Kenma from behind with his chin resting on Kenma's head. You've noticed that's his favorite way to be lovey.
"You are." Kens replied.
"Sorry bro but the love of your life is right." You giggled.
"I honestly don't know how I put up with you two. I deserve a medal." Tets said bewildered.
"Sure bestie. Sure you do." You ruffled his already messy hair.
"Don't patronize me." He pointed a finger at you.
You batted your eyelashes. "Me? Never."
Kuroo looked at Bokuto. "Y/n is your problem now. Good luck bro."
Incredulously you yelled. "HEY I'M NOT—"
Kotaro squeezed you tighter with one arm & with the other gently tilted your chin up, making you look at him. You could feel your heart go all soft looking into those golden eyes. "You're not a problem. Your my soulmate. I can't wait to get to know you and fall even more in love with you." He leaned in closer giving you another one of those earth shattering kisses.
This boy. This boy made your heart flutter, your stomach swirl... and your brain dumb. Thats why when he regretfully pulled away the only thing that came out of your stupid mouth was a whispered "Oh."
"Damn Bo way to make literally the whole camp feel single." Kuroo laughed. "Akaashi did you know that he was such a Casanova?"
Keiji nodded while eating a slice of watermelon & swallowed before answering. "I knew he was a romantic but not this intense."
A few hours later everyone was waiting to get on their busses to go home. You waved goodbye to the new friends you had made. However you and Kotaro were holding on to one another. You'd only just found eachother and now you had to say goodbye. You bit your lip. "I don't want to go yet." A few hours together had turned you into a mess.
"Hey, baby owl," His thumb traced your cheek, "its okay. We don't live that far from eachother. We'll see eachother all the time and talk on the phone yeah?"
You leaned into his warm touch. "You're right." You turned to kiss his palm. His cheeks flushed. He was also a mess. "So call me when you get home, to let me you got there okay, alright?"
At first his lips brushed yours then he deepened the kiss. Just as your lungs were about to scream he pulled away but just barely. Whispering "Looking forward to it."
That night you talked until the brightest of stars dimmed and the sun rose. Turning the sky a swath of pink, orange and a color that was quickly becoming your favorite. A color that reminded you of your soulmates sunshine eyes.
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delirious-donna · 5 months
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Pretty Girl - Daichi Sawamura x female reader
warnings: pervert Daichi, mentions of oral sex (both receiving), corruption kink, semi public sex, implied unprotected sex, cum on command, dirty talk, fucking in a library
After All This Time - Daichi Sawamura x female reader
warnings: daddy kink, breeding, dad bod Daichi, established relationship, pussy eating, pussy fingering, spitting, cum swapping, kitchen sex, unprotected sex, soft Dom Daichi
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Drabbles & Headcanons
Jealous - Kuroo Tetsuro isn't jealous by nature...
Like What You See? - Iwaizumi Hajime is a handsome man
First Kiss - Daichi Sawamura found his soulmate but the first kiss doesn’t come about quite so easy. (Self ship coded)
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Rizz? - Shoyo returns from Brazil. A mostly fluffy thought
Thirsty Thoughts - with the lovely Kuroo
Kissy Kissy - with Akaashi, Ushijima & Kageyama
Love Language - with Lev & Aran
Handsy - Daichi can’t keep his paws off!
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earthtooz · 1 year
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hi hi! so this is one part of my 5k event where i am accepting only EIGHT requests (so i don't burnout) from my followers for fics! to make this easier for me to write, i'm going to provide you all with a list of characters i'm willing to write for and some prompts + tropes!
please read the guidelines and rules if you are going to request!! happy requesting, hope to see u in my inbox ;>
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PROMPT LIST + TROPES: you are allowed to request more than one prompt/trope so go wild! the more material you give me, the more motivated i am to write it!
FLUFF: • 'i love every part of you, even the parts you don't' • 'i can't imagine a life where i don't adore you' • 'wow... you look... amazing' • 'sorry for the 7395 calls, i was worried' • 'you didn't ruin anything. actually, you made it better by coming.' • 'can i get a kiss? i think i deserve one.' • 'can i kiss you?', 'there's people watching!', 'let them' • 'go on a date with me and if you don't feel the same then i'll drop it, i promise' • 'you're not fine. c'mon, let me take care of you' • 'are we on a date right now?' • 'don't make me spell it out for you pretty, you know i want you' • 'am i your lockscreen?' 'you weren't supposed to see that' • 'when can i see you again?' (fluff or angst lol) • 'you came to my room at 4am to cuddle?' • 'i've waited so long to hear you say that' • 'stay with me. be it only for the night or forever, just please stay with me' • 'if there's really nothing going on between you, you won't care if i ask them out on a date, right?', 'no don't do that!'
ANGST: • 'i'm not going to kiss you- you broke my heart' • 'you're in my head, even when you're not supposed to be' • 'walk out that door and we're through' • 'please come home.' • 'you lied. you lied!' • 'if they even touch one strand of hair on your head, they're dead.' OR 'i don't want one strand of hair on your head damaged, do i make myself clear?' then taking the hit for them. • 'it's okay to leave me. please leave me.' • 'who could ever love someone like you?' • 'of course it was a lie the entire time. i was just pretending!' • 'don't fucking touch me!' • 'delete my contacts, we're done. don't ever talk to me again' • 'this is your favourite, isn't it?', 'was' • 'take what's yours then leave. i don't want to continue this anymore'
TROPES: • fake dating • dating for a bet • pining • forced proximity • accidental confession • soulmate!au (you can specify which version of the trope :D) • rivals to lovers • there's only one bed OR there's only one seat • 3+1 (my beloved) • enemies to lovers • or any trope you would like me to write!!! no dark content or i will kick you out >:( jk but no dark content!
from haikyuu!!: kuroo tetsuro + oikawa tooru + suna rintaro + miya atsumu + miya osamu + kageyama tobio
from blue lock: itoshi rin + nagi seishiro + michael kaiser + reo mikage + isagi yoichi + itoshi sae
from boku no hero academia: todoroki shouto + bakugou katsuki + kirishima eijiro + shinsou hitoshi + midoriya izuku + hawks
from jujutsu kaisen:gojo satoru + geto suguru + kamo choso + fushiguro megumi
aot: levi ackerman + eren yeager
001: please do not give me your whole story!!! an ideal format would be something like this: 'can i get levi ackerman with 'it's okay to leave me. please leave me' and 'you're not fine. c'mon.' with the soulmate!au? this way i still have some creative liberty but you can still have some aspect of a story engrained in your request!
002: no nsfw, no dark content
003: i'm sorry, but i will not write for the requests that i can't see a storyline shaping. with that said, i might change up your ask a lil to see if i can get something going, so if your request isn't the original version, i'm sorry!
004: be nice. that's all !! ^-^
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applepi-1 · 1 year
Aoba Johsai.
Toru Oikawa-  
Make things right
Spin the bottle
Issei Matsukawa-
coming soon
Takahiro Hanamaki-
coming soon
Hajime Iwaizumi-
Photographer- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12- Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 -
Just Cramps
Your friend likes him
shigeru Yahaba-
coming soon
Shinji Watari-
coming soon
Yutaro Kindaichi-
coming soon
Akira Kunimi-
Kentaro Kyotani-
Kaneo Yuda-
coming soon
Motomu Sawauchi-
coming soon
Heisuke Shido-
coming soon
Wakatoshi Ushijima- 
Friends to lovers
Jin Soekawa-
coming soon
Eita Semi-
Movie night with Shiratorizawa team? And confession with Semi...?
Reon Ohira-
coming soon
Satori Tendo-
Brothers insecure best friend
Enemies to Lovers
coming soon
Tsutomu Goshiki-
coming soon
Yu Shibata-
coming soon
Kenjiro Shirabu-
coming soon
Taichi Kawanishi-
Kei Akakura-
coming soon
Hayato Yamagata-
coming soon
Yusho Sagae-
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
Tetsuro Kuroo-
I missed you
Brothers best friend
Nobuyuki Kai-
coming soon
Morisuke Yaku-
coming soon
Taketora Yamamoto-
coming soon
Kenma Kozume-
according to you
Shohei Fukunaga-
New girl
So Inuoka-
coming soon
Tamahiko Teshiro-
coming soon
Lev Haiba-
coming soon
Yuki Shibayama-
coming soon
Daichi Sawamura- 
coming soon
Koshi Sugawara-
can I sleep with you?
the girl who wants your boyfriend
need and wants
Asahi Azumane- 
coming soon
Yu Nishinoya- 
Ryunosuke Tanaka-
What in the-
Tobio Kageyama-
school shooting
Like shes mine
rained in
Shoyo Hinata-
coming soon
Kei Tsukishima- 
He cheated?! ft. Kageyama
surprised party
asking to kiss
you get jealous
Dreams or reality
The Texts
Tadashi Yamaguchi-
coming soon
Keishin Ukai-
Old friend
Shinsuke Kita-
coming soon
Ren Omimi-
coming soon
Aran Ojiro-
coming soon
Hitoshi Ginjima-
coming soon
Atsumu Miya-
friends into lovers
drunk confessions get the girl
Rintaro Suna-
Work wife
Osamu Miya-
creepy ex
Yuto Kosaku-
coming soon
Heisuke Riseki-
coming soon
Michinari Akagi-
coming soon
Tatsuki Washio-
coming soon
Yamatu Sarukui-
coming soon
Kotaro Bokuto-
Never too late
It’s always been you
Keiji Akaashi-
you have a panic attack
Secrets out
Akinori Konoha-
coming soon
Shuichi Anahori-
coming soon
Haruki Komi-
coming soon
Wataru Onaga-
coming soon
Friends into lovers
Seven minutes in heaven
Unfriendly friend
Bumping into an ex or old friend
Kenma, Ushijima, Kuroo
They have a nightmare
Daichi, Nishinoya, Semi, Tendo
Comforting Haikyuu boys who aren't use to being loved
Iwaizumi, Kenma, Tsukishima, Akaashi
He gets defensive of you when your parents treat you badly
Kuroo, Tsukishima
truth or dare
Iwaizumi, Daichi
Protecting their girlfriends
Tsukishima, Bokuto, osamu, Sugawara
Saving their crushes
Tsukishima, Akira, Akagi, suna
Morning after
Tsukishima, Bokuto, Sugawara, Sakusa
The team finds out they have a girlfriend
Kissing you in front of your ex
Tsukishima, Hinata, Kenma
Someone flirts with you- you use it on them
Sakusa, Asahi, Atsumu
He's afraid of hurting you
Tsukishima, terushima, atsumu
They comfort you after a break up
Sugawara, Kenma, Suna
They hear someone say something bad about them
Bokuto, Akaashi
Caught making out
Tsukishima, Iwaizumi, Bokuto, Suna
Kissing them for the first time in front of another girl
Kageyama, Tsukishima
You flinch
Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi
Ushijima, Tsukishima, Iwaizumi
Calling them 'babe'
Akaashi, Bokuto, Osamu, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kenma
Accidental confessions
Yamaguchi, Ushijima, Iwaizumi
My hero academia:
Confessions with Bakugo
He hears someone say something bad about him
Car rides
Bakugou, Todoroki, Denki
First I love yous
Bakugou, Denki, Kirishima
16 notes · View notes
Akaashi Keiji Azumane Asahi Baokuto Kotaro Ennoshita Chikara Hanamaki Takahiro Hinata Shoyo Iwaizumi Hajime  Kageyama Tobio Kita Shinsuke Kozume Kenma Kuroo Tetsuro Kyotani Kentaro Lev Haiba Matsukawa Issei Miya Atsumu Miya Osamu Nishinoya Yu Oikawa Toru
Coward (Soulmate!au) (coming soon)
Summary: You're Kageyama's cousin, but in reality you act more like siblings. When your dear thirteen year-old cousin comes to you telling some senpai of his tried to hit him, you almost go out and find that Oikawa Toru to break his face but Kageyama stops you and tells you to forget it since that guy was going to high school.
Sakusa Kiyoomi Sawamura Daichi Semi Eita Shimizu Kiyoko Sugawara Koshi Suna Rintaro Tanaka Ryunosuke Tendo Satori Terushima Yuji Tsukishima Kei Ukai Keishin Ushijima Wakatoshi
First Love (coming soon)
Summary: At Shiratorizwa you met Ushijima Wakatoshi, a very tall and handsome fellow grade student who loves volleyball. But who is his first love? The girl he says he loves, or the sport he shows he loves.
Yaku Morisuke Yamaguchi Tadashi Yamamoto Akane
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yourstarvic · 1 year
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Summary: Fate is a funny thing. Moments happen when you don't know their fate or on purpose. Meeting Kuroo outside of the palace walls, events accord that made him become your personal guard. But what happens when the cocky male helps you try and win another heart when you're only falling for him? And is he slowly falling for you, the crown princess? But was this fated? Or was it planned?
Kuroo Tetsuro X Reader
Playlist on Spotify
Notes: Hey guys! Sorry for ghosting for so long but I've now found my groove and will be posting more often (I hope) I hope yall enjoy this chapter and if I'm missing anyone on the taglist please let me know!
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“Hey ma,” a child asked, laying in his bed as his curious eyes stared at his mother, who was tucking him in. “How do you know you love someone?”
His mother stopped for a moment, looking at him with a puzzlement expression, “What’s with the sudden curiosity?”
“Just wonderin'.”
“Well,” His mother began, Moving to lie next to the young boy. Wrapping her arms around him and moving his dark hair out of his eyes. “First ya got to understand how you feel when you’re with them. If you’re always happy and smilin’ then that’s a sign you’re in love. But if they compliment you and your heart burst! Then you know you’re in love.”
“What about you and pa?” The child asked, nuzzling his head further into the pillow as he looked up at his mother. 
“Well,” she hesitated, something the child never took note of. “What about me and your father?”
“I heard that if you love someone, they’re ya soulmate,” The child gleamed. “So you and papa are soulmates right!”
With a sullen expression, she looked down, a look of ashamed on her face as she listened to her son, “Yes, we are dear.”
“How do you know?”
The mother stayed silent. Looking down at her lap as she tried to find the words to tell her son. There are no soul mates in this world, she wanted to say. People only marry for convinces, comfort, for riches. No one marries for love. She didn’t marry for love so how would others marry? Yet, she couldn’t find herself telling him that, not with his innocence of the world surrounding them. 
His small voice called out, breaking out of her trance. Slightly shaking her head, she turned to look at him with a tight, trying of comfort smile, but her eyes caught a small mole on her arm. Showing him the small mole, she came up with a lie, “This is how you know. Moles are your soulmate's favorite spot to kiss you from your past life, and this is where your father would kiss me.”
“Pa is weird to kiss you there.”
“He is,” she gulped, trying to rid of the guilt. Quickly getting out of bed, she straightens her dress, wanting nothing more than to end the conversation. “Not it’s time to bed, goodnight dear.”
“Enunciate louder,” Kuroo heard lady Daphne's voice boom in the room. Her voice snapped him out of his dream, reminding him where he was. Looking at where you were, you stood in front of the room, enunciating each word louder than you did before, just as lady Daphne instructed you. You looked uncomfortable as you stood straight and tall as you could, your hands folding in front of you with poise, your head high, making you seem dignified. Rather, it made you look odd, something that Kuroo had to smile at your appearance. Scrunching your face in annoyance at Kuroo, Lady Daphne yelled, “No, making faces, it is unbecoming for a Princess.”
An annoyed hiss was heard when you took a deep breath. Kuroo did his best to hide the snicker smile from blooming on his face, something that he failed to do. Feeling the cold, harsh stare from Lady Daphne, Kuroo slowly stopped his snickering. Yet the amusing smile never left his face as he listened to your voice booming through the large hall.
 Enunciate each word more than before, your voice louder and clearer, you felt Lady Daphne’s proud stare from the balcony. Focusing on the speech you memorized, you succeeded in ignoring Kuroo and Lady Daphne. Wanting nothing more than perfect in your speeches. 
Yet with everything going so well, the doors to the ballroom were opened. The creaking of the doors made you stop mid-word, eyes training on your father’s guard who entered the room. Lady Daphne eye’s filled with annoyance as she yelled from the balcony, “Is there a reason for this interruption?”
Your father’s men did not answer. Walking down the ballroom, Kuroo smiled face as he carefully stalked him. Noting the seriousness on his face as he stalked closer to you. Pushing himself against the wall, Kuroo walked to stand next to you, arriving at the same time as the men did. 
“Your highness,” The knight bowed at you. “Your father sent me to retreat you to the throne room.”
“For what reason?”
“He did not say,” your father’s men replied. He was going to say more, but a look of hesitation loomed on his face. Tilting his head up to the balcony, he saw in the corner of peripheral Lady Daphne; arms crossed; face tense with a tight frown and clenched jaw; nostrils flaring with each exhale that made the knight heavy under her dark, murderous gaze. Looking back at you, you waited patiently for what else he had to say, giving him an encouraging nod and smile as permission to speak out of turn. Leaning in a bit closer to you, Kuroo and yourself leaned in return, thinking the matter was most serious. With a low whisper, he nudged his head upwards to Lady Daphne, “She will be giving me a scolding, is she not?”
Leaning back comfortably, a smile spread on your lips. A soft, mellow chuckle shooked your body slightly at the questions. Kuroo, who took the liberty to answer, lowly whistled, looking up at Lady Daphne’s angry expression, “I believe it would be more of a beating.”
“Flowers,” giving the knight a pleasant smile. Rolling your eyes at Kuroo’s answer made the knight gulp in fearful anticipation. “You may ask my Ladies for help, and you may use my garden if you wish. Perhaps giving her flowers will ease her anger.”
Blowing out the breath he held, he smiled gratefully at you, “Thank you, your highness.”
“Of course. Now, if you could please escort Kuroo and I, the lack of Lady Daphne’s blinking is frightening me.”
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“A King?”
“Yes,” Your father nodded.
With your father seated on his throne, you stood down below the steps. Look disarray and confusion were drawn on your face, complexed as to what your father has said. “You wished for me to marry? To be the next ruler?”
“That is was I said.”
“Apologizes father,” You nervously chuckled. “I knew I was going marry yet, I would rule as Queen and he as Prince?”
“A King.” Your father added. “You just need a King.”
“Why must I need a King?”
“To rule the Kingdom,” He laughed at your odd question. “You did not expect to rule alone did you?”
“Why not?” You nervously encouraged as you slowly felt discouraged at what your father was saying. Feeling disrespected and insulted that you needed someone to help you rule. “I have been taught in the arts, history, politics, war tactics, and philosophers! Why must I need a man to rule?”
“People do not expect a woman to rule,” Your father stated. “Countries would lack respect if a woman ruled. Look at the Kingdom in the East, being ruled by a woman. Many countries have waged war against her, it’s a sign of weakness.”
“And look at how many times she defeated them,” You countered back, angered at his words. “Look at how her Kingdom is thriving. Our travelers reported that they have new inventions, innovations, and medicine.”
“That matters not,” Your father raised up from his seat, anger singing in his voice. “Women should not rule and women will not rule. You will marry. And he will be the next ruler. Not you. You will focus on being the confidant and producing the new heir. ” 
Holding your hands tightly, you turned your head in anger. Blinking away the hot tears that threaten to spill, you clenched your jaw shut. Refusing to say anything to acknowledge what he said. “Now,” Your father breathed out slowly, seating back down on his throne in a calm manner. “You may go.”
Looking back at him with a tight, annoyed smile, you did a small courtesy before quickly turning on your heel and dashing away. With the guards opening the door for you, you quickly dashed through and entered the hallway. Passing the guards who were waiting outside and Kuroo who quickly pushed himself off the wall and followed you. 
Kuroo was quick to notice your angry demeanor; hands clenched at your sides, stomping down the hallway, not knowing where you were going, merely marching away; muttering curses underneath your breath. “Not that I care, but is everything-”
Stopping in your tracks, Kuroo was quick to stop himself before crashing into you. Spinning on your heel, you turned your body to face him. He took note of your flared nostrils, the tension in your jaw, and angry tears forcing their way out of your eyes. Kuroo has always seen you angry, given it was always at him for many reasons, yet this was different. He has never seen you so livid, so torn, so retired. 
“What do you do?”
The way you asked him made him raise his eyebrows in surprise. Your voice sounded so tired, saying it in a sigh. 
“What do I do?”
“What do you do?” You repeated, chest heaving with each deep breath to calm yourself. “Whenever you want to release some anger. What. Do. You. Do?”
“There is one way,” Kuroo thought, “but I don’t think a lady, especially you should. But I would enjoy watching it.” Kuroo was quick to frown at your expression, not impressed by his crude joke. 
With a quiet sniffle, you shocked your head before tuning your body back around, “I knew you would not care.”
“Come on,” Kuroo grabs hold of your wrist, stopping you from going any further away. His lips curled slightly into a soft smile. Creating such a soft feature on his face, his voice carried the same tone. “I know the perfect thing to do.”
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“That was the most pathetic punch, I have ever witnessed.”
“You said to put everything in it,” You growled, turning to face the man that brought you to the training area. 
Kuroo only smirked at your snarled look. It only has been less than an hour since he taught you to have to form a punch, but teaching you how to through a punch was more entertaining. He found himself enjoying time with you; having it be in lessons, muttering snickers and remarks of insult to each other, which both knew held no real meaning. Even in silence, times when both would be reading in peace, a comfortable silence would always fall that Kuroo surprisingly grow to enjoy. Now, seeing you trying to punch the dummy that was being held on a large log, he was more than entertained. “I also said to use the form I showed you.”
Pushing himself to walk towards you, he noticed how you rubbed your left hand, trying to ease the growing discomfort on your knuckled. With a roll of his eyes, he swiftly grab hold of your hand, inspecting for anything out of place, “If you had listened, you wouldn’t be in pain.”
“I’m not in pain,” You hissed, trying to bring your hand back to you. Yet Kuroo holds it firm, looking at you through his lashes with annoyance. “I didn’t even hit it that hard for me to be in pain.”
Kuroo only hummed at your response, looking back down at your delicate hand. Softly rubbing his thumb over your knuckled, an impulse ran through Kuroo’s head that he strangled acted on it. Bring your knuckled to his lips, and he kissed the knuckle of where your ring finger. With his eyes stalking at you as he kissed, he noticed how surprised you were. Eyes slightly widen, eyebrows raised, and your mouth slightly opened at the shock. He wasn’t so focused on that, he was mainly focusing on the growing heat that was blooming on your face as he held eye contact with you. Moving your hand away from his lips, he slowly let go allowing your hand to hover in the air as you hesitant slowly back to you. The corners of his lips twitched with a satisfied smirk, “If your father found out I was the cause of your pain, he’ll have me sent to the cells. Again…” 
“Yes,” You said slowly, tracing your knuckles once more with your thumbs, lightly tracing over the spot he kissed. “We don’t want that.”
“Shall we go again?”
Turning around on your heel, you quickly walked off. Feeling embarrassed about the who ideal, you quickly said, “I need to meet with my Ladies.”
Kuroo watched you hurriedly walk away as he stayed, smiling as you left with the feeling of giggles to him. He had finally made you speechless. And in the back of his mind, he secretly enjoyed the kiss he placed on your hand.
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Having dinner with your father was something you wished you had a choice. With the argument you had today, you wanted nothing more than to stay in your room, and dine with your ladies as you thought of all the events that happened today. With the only noise in the room the burning wick of the candles and the movements of utensils hitting the plates, you hated every second of it. 
You knew the reason why your father asked you to dine with him, your favorite food laid out in front of you as you did your best not to show the enjoyment of the taste. He only wanted to calm your anger, your annoyance, of him taking one thing you have prepared your whole life of doing. All those times spending time in lectures felt meaningless, knowing that it would not matter. But what hurt the most, your father would do anything to help you forgive him, yet he will never acknowledge it and apologize.
“What would you say to a vacation?”
Placing your utensils down, you reached over to your goblet filled with water, bringing it up to your lips, before you could have a sip your repeated, “A vacation?”
“Yes,” Your father smiled, pleased to hear you respond. “To the country? Say, in two weeks? And return a week before your birthday.”
“That’s nearly a month,” You creased your eyebrows, placing the goblet back down on the table. Turning your head to face your father, you narrowed your eyes as your father looked at you, feeling there was a motive behind this. “For what reason do we need a vacation? There’s still a lot needed for the ball-”
“You will be going,” he interrupted, “Not I. I will stay and be here, where I needed. The country could do you some good.”
“I see.”
“And Duchess Dana is hosting a party, you will be going. You remember her don’t you?”
“How could I not,” You huffed through your nose, tensing since you now know the real reason for sending you off. “Her son and I were playmates as children.”
“And he is looking for a wife,” Your father noted. “I’ve heard he is an amazing man, very well-educated and talented.”
A tired sigh escaped your lips as you listen to him talk, looking at him with pleading eyes, you did your best to voice yourself, “Father-“
“You will go,” The King sternly said. He made no room to argue as he glared at you. The man who sat next to you at the head of the table was no longer acting as if he was your father, rather was acting like a King. A king gives a command to his subject that they must follow as law. “Lady Daphne will occupy you as your escort. As well Kuroo will be an attendee as your protector. Kita informed me that he left Suna her if needed so I will use him. He would be head of the division to make sure you arrive safely.”
“Yes, father.”
“You will attend the party at Duchess Dana's estate and you will converse with Edward and see if he will be a potential King to bring this Kingdom further.”
“Yes, father.”
With your words of confirmation, The King went back to eating his food. Acting as if his actions did not cause any emotional pain to you. With you slowly looking back at your food, you slowly went back to eating in silence. The only sound in the room was the burning wick of the candles and the untiles lighting hitting the plate. 
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Taglist: @lena-davina@strcwberri @boosyboo9206 @lilith4124266@rukia-uchiha-98 @uselesscafe@usermins
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iamyoursonly · 9 months
master list
jujutsu kaisen 呪術廻戦
-> gojo satoru ❤️
1. Just a request (28/9/2023)
2. Try again (30/9/2023)
3. Am I just a fan? (30/9/2023)
4. Sunsets (6/11/2023)
5. Sunrise (7/11/2023) [prequel to sunsets]
6. Today’s bus ride (11/11/2023)
7. unbreakable bonds [story]
8. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: My safe haven (25/12/2023)
9. 2024 SPECIAL: The Morning of the New Year (01/01/2024)
10. In another life (04/01/2024)
11. To be loved (17/01/2024)
12. The ghost inside me (17/02/2024)
13. 3AM (29/03/2024)
→ geto suguru 😮‍💨
1. The story of you and I (12/11/2023)
2. Meaning of love (22/01/2024)
→ nanami kento 👔
1. shadows united [COMPLETED]
2. my soulmate (01/02/2024)
haikyuu ハイキュー
→ kuroo tetsuro 🧪
1. Us (11/11/2023)
→ akaashi keiji 💫
1. mister glasses
random drabbles です
1. Fireworks (01/10/2023)
2. Every new year (02/10/2023)
1. Me (17/02/2024)
2. My poem for you, my love (17/02/2024)
3. Second Lead Syndrome (27/02/2024)
1. #1 (10/05/2024)
2. #2 (13/05/2024)
3. #3 (14/05/2024)
4. #4 (17/05/2024)
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kookie-doughs · 11 months
s-series c-completed o-oneshot
Kenma Kozume
Beta Tester (sc) My Setter
Haiba Lev
Let Me Try Acting (sc)
Oikawa Tooru
Your Voice (sc)
Miya Atsumu
Aging! Soulmate AU (o)
Bokuto Koutaro
“I think I love you.” (o)
Kuroo Tetsuro
Can I Meet Her?
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Haikyuu!! Taglist
@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @nykie-love-anime
please refer > here <
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bokutosmochi · 2 years
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what's it? fluff !!
allergen warning/s? oikawa's kind of implies a girl just because of the lyrics, but the actual writing features no pronouns
sugar level? 1.6k
name for the order? bokuto kotaro, semi eita, tsukishima kei, oikawa toru, and kuroo tetsuro
regulars? @hanayanetwork​
bon appetit!
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and even if they were to find us,
i wouldn't notice
i'm completely occupied
- secret door ♡
whenever you are near him, you make all his other thoughts poof out of existence and right then and there, the only thing that exists to bokuto is you and him. the only thing that matters in the world. everything else turns into unimportant static he has no problem tuning out. your mere existence consume him wholly, flooding his senses with everything that is you, but he doesn't mind because to him, everything that is you is everything that is good in the world, everything that makes it worth waking up every single morning. he finds himself drowning in your smile, your laugh, the way you look at him like the answers to all the world's greatest mysteries are embedded inside his being, with wonder and love in your shining eyes. it's like his senses get doubled, especially when you hold his face in your hands and nuzzle your noses together. he can feel every single inch of his skin on yours and he is pleasantly buzzing at the feeling. he can't get enough of the sensation of electricity within his bloodstream when your skin grazes his, even if it's something as simple as your hands brushing together as you're strolling through the neighborhood: it's his favorite feeling in the world. he melts into you so much he doesn't notice it when someone tries to call for his attention as all of it is focused on you and you only. he doesn't hear meian shouting his name for the tenth time, beckoning him as he needed to do a post-match interview until the captain was beside him, pulling his heavy frame off of you with a frown and a furrow on his eyebrows at the ace of his beloved team. but really, who could blame bokuto? the love of his life, his soulmate was right in front of him and he wanted to take advantage of the time you have together.
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yours until the river's all run dry,
in other words, until i die
- baby i'm yours ♡
being the charming musician that he is, there were always a lot of rumors surrounding him and his life -- specifically his romantic relations with other people. and this was even before the both of you got together officially. speculation spread like wildfire and made well-known news outlet's headlines even at the simplest things and it didn't help that the public ate it up like it's their first meal in ages: a collaboration with another artist, getting spotted talking with each other at a party, wearing "matching" black t-shirts and while you trusted semi - he has never given you a reason not to do so - it got old after a while and started to get into your head. after all, you were only human and therefore can only take so much. when you voiced your concerns out to him, a part of you expected to get lightly scolded by him or get called "silly" for your negative thoughts as you've seen it happen plenty of times before, but semi was someone understanding and loving. instead of doing so, he sat you down and made it crystal clear to you that you were the only person in the world to him. he spent that night worshiping you, backing up his statements about how in love with you he truly was. he was yours so long as you agreed to be his. despite everything thrown at the both of you by the media, hell, even his own "fans" when you've gone public, semi always reminded you that he was loyal to you, that other people didn't match up to you, not even by a long shot. he was yours, so long as you would have him and nothing is going to change that, not even an instagram comment from someone he did not know stating "he deserved someone better" as if they know how wonderful you are.
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secrets i have held in my heart
are harder to hide than i thought
- i wanna be yours ♡
now, tsukishima would not really describe himself as a secretive person. a private, closed-off person, perhaps he'd agree, but regardless, he doesn't open up to people very often, especially after learning that the person he looked up to the most lied to him a devastating number of times. he's found it very hard to trust people because of that, only confiding in his close friend tadashi and even then, there are times he finds himself having a hard time to express his feelings. however, that all changed when he met you. as smart as he is, he really can't find the proper words to describe you. there was just something about you, about your aura that made him feel safe and warm inside and then, it's so hard to keep all of his thoughts to himself. you feel like home to him, to put it simply. there was no need to hide anything or push any of his emotions down -- you've made that fact crystal clear to him. there was something about your comforting aura that makes him have a hard time to not overshare when he's ranting about one of his problems, it's like this mouth and his brain has a mind of its own -- one that knows how good you are to him so it doesn't even think twice before leaving himself vulnerable in your arms. at first, he got a little irritated at himself for it, but now, it's almost as if he has accepted it already -- possibly because he's aware of the fact that he's totally and completely in love with you and that he's safe whenever he's with you.
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you're rarer than a can of dandelion burdock
& those others girls are post-mix lemonade
- suck it and see ♡
now this isn't to say you're #not like the other girls, but to an extent, you are. toru was well aware of the fact that he's a handsome man, a pretty man, some might even say. he's been aware of this fact as far as he could remember and he knows it like how he knows that the sky is blue -- with absolute certainty. the reason he knows that isn't just because of his relatives cooing at him, telling him he's gonna be such a heartbreaker when he grows up at the ripe age of five, nor was it just the parents from his middle school telling him about how their daughters had a crush on him, no, it was also because of how girls and boys alike always threw themselves at his feet all the time. whenever it happens, he doesn't even get flustered anymore because it's such a common occurrence. he knows how to respond to compliments and flirtatious comments from people he doesn't really know all that well. so imagine his surprise when you came along and turned his whole world upside down. he thought you were gorgeous beyond compare and your personality could possibly be compatible with his so he pursued you and asked you out cockily - at this point, he really doesn't know how to do it any other way - only for you to say no. did you find him physically attractive? certainly. did you find his once-in-a-lifetime gift for volleyball spectacular? without a sliver of a doubt. however, his downfall in asking you out was his overconfidence. he didn't give you up so easily though -- he kept on talking to you, making conversation and little by little, you were forming some sort of relationship and you were able to discover the real toru, found out he actually wasn't so bad. following that, it was you who asked him out, catching him by surprise.
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remember cuddles in the kitchen, yeah
to get things off the ground
- mardy bum ♡
kuroo would never admit it, but he's an absolute fiend for cuddles or any type of affection. absolutely lives for it. and apparently, the good night and good morning cuddles you give him and the kisses aren't enough so he took things into his own hands. now, there are times where he puts things he knows you'll need, like your favorite box of cereal or your favorite coffee mug in a place he knows you won't be able to reach just so he can swoop in and save the day for the low, low price of cuddles and kisses and head pats. yep, mf implements the kiss toll in your household. it's adorable really, when he's not teasing you for having to get on your tippy toes just to reach for the orange juice during days you feel too stubborn to ask for his help. and kuroo is a nice man, really, he is, but even genuine nice men like him also plays their dirty tricks from time to time, and this is your boyfriend's favorite one. he can't get enough of it. you pout about it all the time, but it's not gonna change a damn thing -- he's gonna keep on doing this little game until the both of you are old, and wrinkled, and gray-haired. he swears he can never get enough of you and the feeling of your body pressed against his. more often than not, he finds himself unwilling to sleep now because his dreams do not compare to his reality. he doesn't want to escape this, he just wants to savor every waking moment he has with you because he knows he's not gonna have it forever. to him, heaven is a place on earth with you and there's no place he'd rather be.
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