#thank you everyone who contributed to this hot mess
kamuishiro · 10 months
we don't take enough advantage of all the crossover possibilities with clamp. ships are all suggestions from others! the only rules were they can't have already have a canon crossover or be from the same series.
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ahahahaha... not me totally forgetting I had a few more fav fanwork rec asks left to post... 😅
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dkakapizzaboy · 9 months
Darling I’m a Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream (Part 1)
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Pairing: Conman! Minghao x Fem! Reader
Words:1.2k Genre: Crime/Mystery (Suggestive! MDNI) Synopsis: Minghao has had a pretty easy life…partly due to his sharp looks, but mostly due to his even sharper mind. His day job, you ask? Oh, just your average little joe conning wealthy women out of thousands of dollars …until he meets you. Warnings: Deception, lying, Morally Grey Hao, Morally Grey Reader A/N: Hello, this is extremely overdue but this is my contribution to @svthub's 70steen Collab! Please read the rest of the stories as well! I really wanted to finish the story in one go but I wanted to do it justice and take my time with it. So, it is just Part 1 for now, but nonetheless, I hope it still is a fun read!
A big thanks to @playmetheclassics for your input on the banner 🌼
Feedback always helps!
Minghao saw you through the front window of Tiffany's, purchasing a pair of solitaire studs, which were, from his guess, at least 1.5 carats each. His eyes scanned through your appearance next, mid to late 20s, affluent, judging by the Chanel briefcase and tweed suit, understated in jewelry except for the dainty yet elegantly crafted diamond bracelet. 
He'd found his next target.
He made his way into the store and immediately caught your eye, along with everyone else's. Well, it was pretty easy: a tall, handsomely dressed man with a striking long neck and sharp features who would give Elvis a run for his money. 
He made his way to the counter you were standing by, his leather boots clicking on the wooden floor- drawing even more attention to him, and timidly made eye contact.
"Sorry to do this miss, but can I ask you for a favour?" 
He maintained eye contact, his gaze had started to make you uncannily hot on a chilly autumn evening.
"Y-yes" you stuttered, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so frail.
"It is my mom's 60th birthday and I want to buy her something special but so many choices confuse me. Could you please help me pick something?" 
The group of girls standing on the necklace counter audibly swooned, making your upper lip twitch in amusement. 
"Oh, umm sure... I guess." 
He took your shyness as a sign of apprehension and decided to persuade you further.
"Sorry I wouldn't have asked but my brother and I have this unspoken competition every year, who will get Mother the better gift. I've been losing for the past 3 years but this time, with your help hopefully (he looked down and gave a shy smile, a seasoned move on his part), I have a feeling I can win against him."
He knew he was bullshitting his way through, but it'd always worked in his favor. ‘Just charm your way forward: the key is eye contact.’ was his mantra in life.
Little did he imagine that his further explanation had created more trouble for him than he bargained for. 
"Oh really, and how do you decide who wins?" You asked, with your eyes full of suspicion. 
It's funny because you were just messing with him but since Minghao had almost never been cross-questioned by one of his targets, he was completely caught off guard. 
He racked his brain, looking for the best answer to give you... he didn't want to blow his cover but the more time he took thinking of an answer, the more nervous he became- internally of course, as it hadn't even been a few seconds.
He suddenly gave you a crooked smile, unknowingly making your heartbeat a bit faster and your underwear a tad bit wetter.
He'd found the perfect answer.
"Oh, believe me…….. you know." He said, boring those beautiful cat-like eyes into yours, sirening you to him.
This story is actually full of funny things. While Hao was trying to seduce you with those smoldering looks of his, there was a mischievous twinkle in your eyes that sucked him in. It was like he was drowning deeper and deeper into those beautiful orbs, only realizing he was sinking into you when you averted your gaze.
This was weird.
But Minghao was here for work so he didn’t ponder too much. 
You helped him pick out a beautiful set of white pearl earrings, with diamonds encrusted around the pearl. 
“I think you should give them a try, just to see if they’re as beautiful as they’re on the display.”
He didn’t wait for an answer and proceeded to grab your wrist and slide the earrings in your hand, his fingertips gently brushing against your palm, sending a jolt of buzzing current down your spine.
Well, I guess I have to try on the pretty earrings, you thought bemusingly.
After he had purchased his earrings, he insisted on getting you dinner, or breakfast, or lunch, or whatever you preferred. You blushed as he confessed he’d really really like to see you again.
You made plans with him for the weekend. Since night had already fallen and, in his words, it would be against every fiber of his moral being to let a pretty lady like you go unescorted home in the crime-ridden streets, he basically forced you to let him drive you home.
He opened the passenger side door of his shiny black impala with a cheeky ‘M’lady’. You talked all the way home, about anything and everything. You also observed how his boot cut trousers hugged his thighs, and the slight indent of his-
Yeah, focus on something else girl! You turned to look out the window, hoping that the cool air of the night will calm your hot face, and even hotter heart.
He pulled up to your front porch, impressed at the location of the street and the size of the house. 
You would be his most prized possession till date.
He smiled at you as you thanked him, and then gulped audibly as the skirt of your suit hiked up a little to reveal, what he could describe as probably the softest skin he had ever seen, as you got out of the car. He got an almost primal urge to pull you back to the seat and feel if the skin of your thighs was as soft as it looked. 
He got out of his daze as you said, “I meant to say this earlier, but you honestly don’t really look like a Jun, I don’t know, just something funny that came to mind. Bye now, see you Saturday.”
Good thing you didn’t see his shocked face as you skipped back into your house.
Minghao made his way back into Tiffany’s, looking for his liaison.
“Here you go. Come’on now hyung, you really think I’ll cheat on you, It’s been five fucking years.”
“And one can never be too careful” Wonwoo replied as he inspected the pearl earrings though a microscope, who knew, the conman could very well con his partner. After inspecting its authenticity, he gave Minghao his money back, after taking a 5% cut, the usual fees for ignoring his shenanigans at his store. 
“So, do you want to grab a beer?” Minghao asked hopefully.
He didn’t really know why, but since dropping you off, he’d been feeling uncannily lonely.
“I really don’t want to extend our relationship beyond business, sorry.” Wonwoo replied quite blandly as he put back the pearl earrings on display, and to be very honest, it broke Minghao’s heart a little bit.
 But Minghao knew life wasn’t really sunshine and roses all the time.
You made your way into the living room after taking a shower, a cold one as your nerves still sizzled thinking about Jun. 
“So, did the asshole buy it?” Your best friend asked as you handed her the beautiful, shiny studs you’d purchased earlier using her cheque book.
“He ate it from the palm of my hand, darling,” you replied coyly.
No matter how sexy you thought he was, or how gorgeous his long neck was, or how stunningly captivating his eyes were, it was time for payback, Xu Minghao.
A/n: this is loosely inspired by a Bollywood movie Ladies vs Ricky Bahl!
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all-the-things-2020 · 4 months
That’s What Friends Are For
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Summary: When there is trouble on Trelor, the fate of Poe and Finn’s unborn child is uncertain. Will Rey be able to save the day?
Word Count: 6000+
Note: The bit about the beard is in reaction to a photo of Oscar Isaac in the film Dune ... and John Boyega’s reaction to it. 😁
Finn Dameron was feeling happy. He’d just finished a meeting that had actually been productive and he was heading back to his house to fetch his daughter so they could go to the landing field to welcome home his husband Poe.
“Dada!” Shara cried when Finn walked in the door. She’d recently started walking and she tottered toward him, making it almost all the way across the room before she lost her balance and plopped down on her bum.
“Hey, baby girl,” he said, scooping her up into his arms. “Ready to go get Papa?”
He turned to Rose Tico, who was picking up the toys that Shara had scattered around the room. “Thanks again, Rose,” he said. “It’ll be easier once Poe’s back. We can take turns working from home so one of us is always with Shara.”
“It’s okay,” Rose said with a laugh. “I like babysitting. It’s a nice change from messing around with machinery all day. And you know I love Shara.”
“Everybody loves Shara,” Finn bragged. It was true. The little girl was the pet of everyone on the base. Now that the First Order had been (mostly) defeated and the Republic was (sort of) back in charge of the galaxy, the members of the Resistance were able to slow down a bit and start thinking about life beyond fighting. And Shara Dameron represented the best of what they had all been fighting for: love and laughter and freedom.
It didn’t hurt that she was absolutely adorable. Finn thought she looked more like Poe, and Poe thought she looked more like Finn, but everyone agreed that she’d won the genetic lottery when the DNA Poe and Finn had contributed combined to create a little girl with skin the color of kaf with a splash of cream, and wild black hair that could never quite be contained. Her brown eyes sparkled with mischief and intelligence, but she could also pull off her Daddy’s fierce glare when she didn’t get her way. She was a hugger, like her Papa, and even the grumpiest, most battle hardened Resistance soldier melted like butter when she wrapped her tiny arms around their leg and begged to be picked up.
Finn settled her in his arms and carried her outside. The day was pleasant, not too hot, with a light breeze that wafted the scent of flowers from the jungle over the Resistance base. Now that Shara was bigger, Finn and Poe had moved out of their previous quarters into a proper house. It was small, since the Resistance didn’t have a lot of resources, but it was comfortable, and had three bedrooms. One was empty right now, but it wouldn’t be long before Shara had a sibling to occupy it. Sometime this year, they planned to contact Dr. Krklsk on Trelor and have the second embryo brought out of stasis.
For now, though, it was just the three of them, and that was fine with Finn. He looked forward to welcoming Poe back home; he’d been gone for over three weeks, the longest any of them had been apart since Shara’s birth. It would be good to be together again.
It was not a long walk to the landing field, but it took a while, because Shara pointed at things and people and demanded that Daddy stop and let her see them. Eventually they reached the edge of the landing strip, and settled on the grass to wait for Poe’s transport to land. Finn let Shara toddle around and leaned back on his elbows to watch her. He remembered all the times he’d stood here, waiting for Poe’s X-Wing to land after a mission, and how every time Poe had met him with a hug. Stars, we were stupid, he thought with a wry grin. It had taken them far too long to realize their feelings for each other went light years beyond mere friendship.
Shara found a beetle and brought it to him. It was iridescent blue and green and speckled with gold dots. “Wow, baby, that’s something,” Finn said, taking it gently from her. “But let’s put him back. I bet his family misses him.” He placed the creature on the ground and they watched it crawl away. Then a low rumble started to build in the sky above them, and he pulled her into his lap, pointing up. “Look, Shara, Papa’s ship is coming.”
They watched the bulky transport ship drift out of the sky and lazily settle on the landing field with a series of hisses and clunks. Finn waited until the dust and steam had dissipated before stood up and carried Shara toward the ship. They were halfway there when the hatch opened and the ramp slowly descended.
Poe was the first one off the ship, trying very hard to walk down the ramp with dignity when it was clear all he wanted to do was run to his husband and daughter. Finn wanted to run to him, as well, but Shara ducked her head against Finn’s shoulder. It was probably because of Poe’s new look: he sported an impressive beard, which quite frankly Finn found incredibly sexy. Shara on the other hand, did not seem to be a fan.
“Hey, babe, nice look,” Finn said when Poe got close enough.
Poe smirked. “Thought you might like it,” he said. “My shaver broke the first day out and I figured, what the hell. It grows so fast and I’ve always wondered what it would look like if I grew it out.” He ran a hand over the beard, and Finn’s heart started beating faster.
“It looks amazing,” Fin said. “Hey, Shara, don’t you think Papa looks good with the beard?” He poked at her to make her look up from his shoulder.
She took one quick look and shook her head. “No Papa,” she cried, her face scrunched up as she prepared to launch into a wail.
“It is me, baby,” Poe said, reaching out to lay his hand on her back. She squirmed away.
“No!,” she shouted. “No Papa!” She buried her face in Finn’s neck and started to sob. “Dada, no Papa.”
“Guess that’s a ‘no’ vote,” Finn said, rubbing Shara’s back to calm her down. “Shh, it’s okay, baby, Papa will get rid of the beard.”
Poe chuckled. “Her Majesty’s wish is my command,” he said. He ducked in quickly to kiss Finn on the cheek. “I’ll head home and shave, if you want to take her for a little walk around base. Then we can say hello properly.”
“Sounds good,” Finn said. “See you in a bit.” He turned and carried Shara away, still rubbing her back. “Come on, baby girl, let’s go find Auntie Rey and see what she’s up to.”
Shara snuffled and raised her head a tiny bit. “Aun’ Rey?,” she asked.
“Yep,” Finn said. “And maybe we’ll see Uncle Chewie, too.” That cheered her up a bit more. Shara always loved playing with Uncle Chewie.
Poe ran a hand over his newly smooth cheeks and chin. He’d kind of liked the beard. It certainly made his morning routine faster, not having to shave. And from the look on Finn’s face, he’d liked it too. But if Shara was scared of it, it had to go. Maybe when she was older, he could grow it back …
His attention snapped back to the present as he heard the front door open. He left the ‘fresher and hurried to the living room. “Papa!” Shara cried out, struggling to get out of Finn’s arms. Poe caught her before she fell and hugged her close. “Hey, baby girl,” he said into her hair. “I missed you so much.” He inhaled the sweet scent of the soap she was bathed with every day, something he’d missed desperately. She clung to him as he shifted her enough to be able to see Finn over her curly head.
“I missed you, too,” he said to Finn. “Come here.” He disentangled one arm from Shara and used it to pull Finn in close for a lingering kiss.
“No!” Shara protested, shoving her hand against their faces. “Papa me!” She pushed Finn out of the way and buried her face in Poe’s neck.
“Well, I see how I rate,” Finn laughed. They moved to the couch, where Poe could cuddle Shara to her heart’s content while half sitting in Finn’s lap.
“Best of both worlds,” Poe said, as he buried his face in Shara’s hair while Finn played idly with his own. “Stars, I missed you both. I’m never going away for that long again. Ever.”
“Yeah, that was kind of a dick move,” Finn murmured in his ear. “Leaving me alone with the kid while you’re off talking to diplomats and politicians and … you know what, I think I got the better end of that deal.”
“Damn right you did,” Poe chuckled. “Give me an X-Wing and a clear target any day over having to skirt around an issue and suck up to people I’d really rather punch in the face.” He sighed. “And they want me to be on the new Senate Oversight Council.”
“That’s big,” Finn said. “Like really big.” He tightened his arms around Poe’s waist. “I’m proud of you, babe.”
“I said they asked me,” Poe said. “I didn’t say I’d accepted.” He turned his head to press a kiss to Finn’s cheek. “It would mean a hell of a lot more work, and moving to Coruscant, which would make running the Resistance harder …”
Finn cut him off by placing a finger over his lips. Which Poe promptly tried to bite. “All of which you can do, and do well. After all, you’ve got me right beside you.” He let Poe nibble on his finger, but pulled it away when he started sucking on it. “Not in front of the kid,” he chided. “Later.”
Poe sighed and leaned back against Finn. “I know, I know, but I told them I’d think about it. I’d like to talk it over with Rey and Connix and a few others. I don’t want to make the wrong decision here.”
“You won’t,” Finn said firmly. “You always make the right decision.”
“Um, like mutiny?” Poe said. “And running spice?”
“Okay,” Finn laughed. “You usually make the right decision. Especially if you let your friends help you make it.” By now, Shara had fallen asleep, her hand fisted in the collar of Poe’s shirt. “What say we put Her Majesty to bed and get back to that thing you were doing with my finger?”
“Now that’s a good decision,” Poe said.
“So, if Poe joins this Senate Oversight Council, where does that leave you?” Rey asked. She and Finn were having a snack after their daily Jedi meditation session. It was amazing how sitting absolutely still could work up such an appetite.
“Well, I’d still be Second General of the Resistance,” Finn mused. “He’ll be First General, but we’d shift some of his duties and responsibilities to me.”
“Would he have to be on Coruscant a lot?”
“Yeah, most of the time. We’d have to move there.”
“Then how could you effectively run the Resistance?” Rey popped another ming fruit into her mouth. “It’s not like we could move the base to Coruscant; there’s no room for it and even if there was, the Senate wouldn’t look too kindly to having a military force sitting in its backyard.”
Finn scratched his head. “Yeah, it might mean we’d have to be apart more than we’d like,” he admitted. “And there’s Shara to think of. She hasn’t let go of Poe for more than five minutes since he’s come back. Everything is ‘Papa’ right now. She really missed him.”
“So you both go to Coruscant,” Rey said. “Who do you leave in charge here?” Before he could even open his mouth she raised her hand. “And don’t look at me. I’m an independent contractor here.”
“Probably Connix,” Finn said. “We’ve been talking about promoting her for a while. Colonel Connix has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? And we’d probably promote Rose, too. Make her a Lieutenant Colonel or something. Jessica can take over Black Squadron.”
Rey nodded. “Those are all good choices. But will Poe be happy, being a politician or whatever?”
Finn shook his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “He feels obligated, and I know he’d be good at it, and I want him to get some recognition from the Republic for everything he’s done … but at the end of the day, he’s a pilot and I know he just wants to fly. And occasionally blow shit up.”
“I’m sure you’d rather he had a safer job than pilot-who-blows-shit-up, though, right?”
“Well, yeah. I don’t want to lose him. Don’t want Shara to lose her Papa.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Gah, it’s hard to be a supportive husband, you know? I mean, I want him to be happy, but I also don’t want him taking risks. It’s hard to find the balance between the two sometimes.”
“Use the Force,” Rey said solemnly, before dissolving into laughter. Finn shook his head sadly.
“You are such a bad Jedi,” he said. “But a good friend.”
“Aw, thanks,” she said. “Tell Poe if he needs to talk, I’m here.” She stuffed the last of the food into her mouth and rose gracefully to her feet. “I’ve got some stuff to do. See you later.”
Finn watched her walk away before he got up himself, rather less gracefully than she had. He didn’t have time to run the Jedi obstacle course every day like she did, and so far most of his Force training had been concentrated on the mental aspects. Which was fine with him, as he didn’t intend to become a Jedi Knight. Like Leia, he was happy just getting in tune with his ability, and using it to help him do his job to the best of his abilities.
“Use the Force,” he scoffed. “That line was old when Luke Skywalker was a baby.” He thought he felt a light smack on the back of his head, but he probably just imagined it.
Poe was two hours into a holographic conference call with some of the other prospective members of the Senate Oversight Council when Finn burst into the room. “Sorry, sorry, General, but we … have a situation.” The look on his face was enough for Poe to immediately make his apologies to the others and terminate his link.
“What is it?,” he asked, ready for anything.
“It’s Trelor,” Finn said. “They’ve been attacked by Black Sun operatives. Lots of them.”
“Shit,” Poe said, starting to get up from his chair. “Scramble the squadrons …”
Finn waved his hand. “It’s okay, the Republic has already sent several squadrons and they’ll let us know if they need backup. Black and Red Squadrons are on standby and they’ll be in the air three minutes after we get any word from the Republic. But that’s not the real issue.” He sat down beside Poe and took his hand. “It’s … Black Sun targeted civilian sites, trying to disrupt the economy and frighten the Trelorians. One of their main targets was the reproductive centers.”
Poe felt his blood run cold. “The baby?,” he asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.
“Okay, for now,” Finn said, and Poe let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “But Doctor Krklsk said they had to take the embryo out of stasis when they evacuated the building, and it can’t stay out of stasis for too long. We need to start gestation soon … and most of the growth chambers have either been damaged or are already in use. He’s bringing it here, and Dr. Kalonia is already trying to figure out how to create a growth chamber here, but she might not be able to get one ready in time. We just don’t have the same level of technology in that area.”
“So what happens if she can’t figure it out?”
“I don’t know, babe,” Finn admitted. “We … we might lose the baby.”
Poe grabbed Finn and pulled him into a tight embrace. “We won’t lose it,” he said fervently. “I won’t believe it. Dr. Krklsk and Dr. Kalonia will figure it out. They’re smart.” He knew he was whistling into the wind, but he didn’t want Finn to lose hope.
Three hours later, they met Dr. Krklsk on the landing field. Rose was babysitting Shara, but Rey was with them, as was Dr. Kalonia. “I am so very sorry to be meeting again under these circumstances,” Krklsk said. They were carrying a small white container.
“Is .. is that …,” Poe couldn’t finish the sentence.
“Yes,” Krklsk said. “Your child to be.” They carefully handed the container over to Dr. Kalonia. “I will give you all the assistance you need in setting up a proper growth chamber.”
Kalonia nodded. “Let’s get to the medbay, then,” she said. “I don’t know if the equipment I have can be refitted in time, or at all, but we’ve got several fast freighters ready to fly off for any parts you might need.”
Poe, Finn, and Rey trailed behind the two doctors, who were already discussing technical details. Rey stepped between them and slipped a hand into each of theirs, squeezing tight. “Hey,” she said softly. “It’s gonna be okay. I can feel it.”
“Thanks, Rey,” Finn said, “but you don’t have to say that.”
“It’s true,” she insisted. “I’m not sure exactly how or why, but I know this kid is going to be just fine.”
Poe bumped his shoulder against hers. “I hope you’re right, Auntie Rey,” he said. She made a face at him, but bumped him back.
They sat in the waiting area of the medbay for nearly three more hours. Rose commed several times to give them updates on Shara’s day. She’d had a bath, played ball with Chewie while Rose fixed her lunch, and was now taking a nap. Finally, Dr. Kalonia came out of her office, where she had been huddled with Krklsk, her face grim.
“Okay, good news, the embryo is in good shape, and should be fine for a few more days,” she said. “Bad news, our technology isn’t up to the task. I thought maybe we could retrofit a bacta tank, but gestation is a lot more complicated than healing an already mature body. I’m afraid that without the Trelorian growth chamber, our only option is a surrogate.”
“A surrogate?” Finn asked.
“Yes,” Kalonia said. “We’d have to find a human female who’s willing to carry the baby for you. Usually, we line these things up long in advance, give the woman fertility treatments to prepare her body for the embryo, wait until the ideal time to implant.” Kalonia sighed. “Even if we can get a surrogate on such short notice, it’s a bit of a long shot.”
Poe dropped his head into his hands. Finn placed a hand on his back. “It’s okay, babe,” he said quietly. “There’s still a chance.”
“Yeah,” Poe said, “if we can find a surrogate, if her body will accept the implantation, if a million little things go right ….” He choked back a sob. Stars, he hadn’t realized how badly he wanted this child.
“I’ll do it.”
Poe and Finn both sat up, turning toward Rey, who was sitting serenely in her chair. “I’ll do it,” she repeated. “It’ll work. I can feel it.” She smiled at them, then turned to Dr. Kalonia. “What do I have to do?”
Kalonia raised her eyebrows. “Are you sure, Rey? This is a huge undertaking. Months of discomfort, morning sickness, swollen ankles, hemorrhoids, heartburn, back aches … not to mention the pain of childbirth.”
“I’m sure,” Rey said. “This is the only way to see this child born, and it’s only a few months out of my life. I owe these two that much, at least.” She looked fondly at Poe and Finn.
“Rey …,” Poe said, “I swear, if you do this, I’ll never, ever tease you about anything ever again. I’ll even forgive Kylo Ren.” She shook her head, coming over to kneel in front of him.
“You’ll forgive him when you’re ready to forgive him,” she said. “And even if you never do, I still want to do this for you. For you and Finn. And I kind of like your teasing. Makes me feel like I’m part of a family, you know?”
“You are,” Finn said, grabbing her hand. “You’ve always been part of the family. Now you’ll just be an even bigger part.”
By the end of the week, it was done. Rey had spent several days in the medbay, having her hormones monitored and manipulated, before the doctors implanted the embryo in her womb. Now she was confined to the medbay, hooked up to a thousand monitors, to make sure her body wasn’t going to reject the new addition. It was frustrating for her to be stuck in bed; she was so used to doing things. But she used the time to focus on her meditation practices, and she was able to have a few good conversations with Leia, who had commended her for her selflessness while also chiding her for being an idiot to go through a pregnancy that wasn’t even hers. It was a gentle chiding, though; she knew Leia understood why she was doing it, and she also knew how fond Leia was of Poe. With Ben’s death, Leia had lost all chance at having a grandchild of her own, but Poe’s kids were a good substitute.
Finn and Poe visited her every single day, as did Rose, Connix, Chewie, BB-8, and at least one member of Black Squadron. Her best visitor was Shara, who sometimes accompanied her fathers, and then came back again with Chewie or Rose. Finn brought her the best snacks from the mess hall, and Poe brought her little bits of technology to tinker with, which helped her pass the time.
Finally, both doctors and her own Force sensitivity agreed that the baby was happily growing in its new home and it was safe for her to leave the medbay.
“No running the Jedi obstacle course,” Dr. Kalonia said firmly.
“Yes, ma’am,” Rey said. She missed her daily exercise regimen but agreed that it was far too strenuous for her now. Besides, she knew Finn and Poe would both sit on her if she even thought of doing anything that could possibly endanger their baby.
When she was released from the medbay, the Damerons insisted she move into the spare room at their house, which would eventually belong to the baby. She tried to convince them that the Falcon was very comfortable, and had almost convinced Finn to let her go back, but Poe put his foot down. “No,” he said. “My dad would kill me if he knew I let a pregnant woman sleep in a crappy bunk on a freighter. Especially one who was carrying his grandchild.” Not willing to face an upset Kes (mostly for fear he would stop cooking her favorite desserts for her), Rey gave up and moved in.
Shara was thrilled. Now she had Daddy, Papa, and Auntie Rey right there, every day. At least one of them was home with her at any given time and she ate up the attention. Rey suspected one of the reasons the boys (as she still thought of them, even though they were Generals and married men and fathers) had asked her to move in was to avail themselves of free babysitting services. Not that she hadn’t done her share of sitting before, but they seemed to be having a few more “date nights” than usual, now that she was conveniently there.
The months went by. Poe negotiated the terms of his membership in the Senate Oversight Council. Fortunately, he wasn’t the only one with additional obligations, and it was decided that the Council would only have to physically meet once or twice a year, with the rest of the meetings conducted virtually. Finn started taking over some of Poe’s responsibilities, with the able assistance of the newly promoted Major Connix. Rey studied her Jedi texts, meditated, and watched her belly grow.
It was a strange feeling, having another living being inside her body. She could feel the baby through the Force as well as physically, and quite frankly was better able to monitor its growth and progress than Dr. Kalonia with all her fancy scanners. All she had to do was close her eyes and the image of the baby would appear in her mind, floating before her, growing bigger every day. One morning, she woke up just knowing it was a boy, and she wondered whether to tell the Damerons.
She joined them at the table for breakfast as usual. Poe wasn’t quite as good a cook as his father, but he was a close second. Rey’s appetite was even more epic than usual now that she was eating for two, and Poe had made a huge stack of pancakes that was almost as tall as Shara.
“Morning,” Finn said, pulling out a chair for her.
“Mo nin,” Shara said around a mouthful of pancake.
“Good morning,” Poe said, sliding a fresh hot pancake onto her plate. “Sleep well?”
“Very well, thanks,” Rey said. The pancake smelled amazing and she slathered it with butter and syrup. She could approach the subject after she’d had her breakfast. She worked her way through a good portion of the stack of pancakes before she finally felt full. Finn raised an eyebrow.
“I think that’s a new record,” he said.
She shrugged. “Poe makes good pancakes.” She shifted in her chair, trying to find a position that didn’t make her back ache, which was nearly impossible these days. “So, I have something to tell you guys, but I don’t know if you want to know it or not.”
“What?” Poe asked warily. She saw the fear in his eyes and reached out to lay her hand reassuringly on his.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she said. “I just … I know the gender of the baby now. I felt it in the Force. Do you want to know ahead of time, or do you want to be surprised like you were with Shara?”
“Tell us,” said Poe at the same time that Finn said, “Surprised.” They looked at each other.
“Wait, you don’t want to know?” Poe said.
“Not really,” Finn said with a shrug. “It was kind of nice not knowing until Shara arrived. But if you really want to know …”
“No, no,” Poe said. “If you want to wait …”
“Babe, I know how it drives you crazy when someone knows something you don’t,” Finn said. “Rey, go ahead, tell us.”
“Are you sure?,” she asked. She didn’t want to cause any strife between them.
“Yeah,” Finn said. “It’ll still be a surprise to see what he or she looks like. And like I said, it’ll drive Poe nuts if you have a secret he’s not in on. Trust me.”
Poe made a face, but nodded. “He’s right. Go ahead.”
She took a deep breath. “Okay. It’s … a boy.”
It took a moment for the information to sink in, but soon both men had stupid grins on their faces. “Hear that, Shara,” Poe said. “You’re going to have a little brother.”
Shara was unimpressed. She wanted to get down and start playing. Finn laughed. “Well, that went well,” he said, wiping off her sticky hands before lifting her out of her high chair and setting her on the floor.
“A boy,” Poe said contentedly. “I was kind of hoping for one of each.” He reached over and squeezed Finn’s hand.
“Yeah, me, too,” Finn replied, his eyes soft.
“Um, I’m going to go play with Shara,” Rey said. “In the other room. So you two can be alone. And so I don’t lose my breakfast over this disgusting display of affection.”
Poe tossed a napkin at her and Finn stuck his tongue out. Rey laughed. This was as close to having brothers as she’d ever get, and she hoped Shara’s relationship with her brother was half as good. She heaved herself up from her chair with a grunt and headed after Shara. Just a few more months, she reminded herself.
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Finn said over lunch one day. Rey didn’t leave the house much now that she was — well, he would never say it to her face, but she was as big as a house. The generals took turns coming home to have lunch with her and Shara, since their schedules rarely gave them a midday break at the same time anymore.
“Thinking is good,” Rey said around a huge bite of sandwich. It was her third.
“The baby’s going to be here soon, and we have to start thinking of names.”
“You aren’t going to wait until he’s born and use your amazing Jedi Force powers to divine his name, like you did with Shara?,” she teased.
Finn shook his head. “That wasn’t the Force, that was just common sense. What else could we name her? The galaxy needed a Shara Dameron in it to maintain the balance.” He tousled Shara’s crazy hair. She ignored him, more interested in her berries than in Daddy’s silliness.
“But we already have a Kes,” he went on, “and I’d kind of like to name him after someone who’s gone, you know? Poe and I have tossed a few things around, but nothing seems quite right. Luke … nah, we really didn’t know him that well. Han … I think Leia might have liked that, but Han Dameron just doesn’t roll off the tongue.”
Rey swallowed and sat her sandwich down. Uh, oh, she’s stopped eating, Finn thought. This is serious.
“Um, well … I’m not sure how Poe would feel about it, but … have you considered the name Ben?” She wouldn’t look him in the eye, but he could tell she was nervous, something that Rey Skywalker very rarely was.
“Ben Dameron,” Finn said. “Hmm … I actually kind of like it. And Ben Solo was named after Obi-Wan Kenobi, wasn’t he? So it’s kind of a three generation thing.” He pondered it. Somehow, it felt right. “I’ll mention it to Poe, but no guarantees.”
Rey looked up sheepishly. “Tell him it would mean a lot to me,” she said softly. “I … I’ve been talking to him a lot lately — Ben, I mean — and, well, this is probably my only chance to be anything close to a mother. Not that I want to be a mother, Jedi don't have time to be parents, Anakin Skywalker made that abundantly clear …”
Finn hushed her with a hand on her arm. “You don’t have to explain,” he said. “I get it. And I’ll talk to Poe. Besides, we really owe you one for doing this, so the least we can do is let you pick the name, right?”
“What did I ever do to deserve a friend like you?” She leaned her head onto his shoulder.
“You were just in the right place at the right time,” Finn said. “Jakku has a way of bringing people together. It’s highly underrated.”
“Seriously?,” Poe said, running his hand through his hair. “You seriously expect me to name my son after a man who tortured me?”
“It was just a suggestion,” Finn said soothingly. “And technically it was Kylo Ren who tortured you, and there’s no way in hell our son’s going to be named Kylo. But Ben … that was his name when he was a little kid, and he was named after one of the most famous Jedi, the man who started Luke Skywalker’s training. See, Ben Kenobi trained Luke, and then Luke trained Rey, and Rey is training me. So he’s kind of a spiritual grandfather to Rey, and great-grandfather to me. And I don’t have any family to name him after.”
Poe closed his eyes. “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?,” he asked carefully.
“Yeah, somehow it does,” Finn admitted. “It means a lot to Rey, and she means a lot to me, and … I’ve been thinking about family a lot lately. You and Rey and Dad and Shara and the new kid … you’re all I’ve got. You had your mom, and your grandfather, and I know you’ve got cousins or second cousins or something out there. As far as I know, I’m all that’s left of my family, and I definitely don’t have any family history to go by. The Force connects me to the Jedi, even though I don’t intend to become one. Do you understand?”
“Yeah, I think I do,” Poe said. He wrapped his arms around his husband and kissed his neck. “And I think Ben Dameron is a damn fine name. In fact, I think I might have had a great-uncle or something named Ben somewhere in the family tree. So, yeah, yeah.” He nodded his head. “Ben it is.”
If Rey hadn’t had the Force to rely on, she would have cursed Poe and Finn out for putting her through this. She’d been injured many times — hell, she’d even died on Exegol — but that was nothing compared to the sheer pain and inelegance of childbirth. She used all her meditation skills to focus her attention away from the pain, but it was still an ordeal.
“Come on, Ben,” she muttered to the baby inside her. “It’s time to come out and meet your fathers.” Stubbornly, he replied (in as much as a pre-verbal child could reply) that he was very comfortable in here, thank you very much, and he wasn’t ready. ‘Well, I’m more than ready,” she said. She nudged him with the Force. You want to be born. You’re very happy to be born.
Finally, it was over. Ben was here, and handed over to his fathers, and Rey was being pumped full of pain killers. “I am never, ever doing that again,” she slurred. “Just so you know.”
Finn kissed her forehead. “I know, sis,” he said. “Thanks.”
Poe was entranced by Ben, but still managed to drag his focus onto her. “Yeah, thanks, Rey,” he said, sincerely. He kissed her cheek and smoothed the sweaty hair off her face.
“Ah, go on,” she said, her eyes drooping. “Go show Kes his grandson. Don’t worry about me. Dr. Kalonia’s giving me the good stuff.” She smiled and drifted off to sleep.
Kes and Shara were waiting outside the room. “Here he is,” Poe said. “Shara, this is your brother, Ben.” He squatted down so that Shara could see the baby in his arms. She seemed dubious.
Finn joined Poe on the floor. “You’re gonna be the best big sister ever,” he told Shara. “You’re gonna teach him everything.”
She tentatively reached out to touch Ben’s face. “Ben,” she said carefully. They’d been practicing the name for the past few weeks to get her used to it. “My Ben?”
“Yes, baby, your Ben. Your brother,” Poe said.
Finn started laughing suddenly, and Poe gave him a sideways look. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, I was just thinking about the look on Connix’s face when she realizes there’s another Dameron on base,” Finn said.
Poe snorted at that. “Yeah, she’s not gonna be happy about that,” he said. “Maybe it’s time we gave her another promotion.”
“At this rate, just make her General and turn the whole Resistance over to her,” Kes said. He clearly meant it as a joke, but Poe raised his eyebrows at Finn, who nodded thoughtfully.
“Not a bad idea, Dad,” Poe said. “Maybe it’s time Finn and I retire from active duty.” He looked down at his son’s face. “Maybe it’s time to just be Papa and Daddy for a while.”
“Yes,” said Shara, firmly. She didn’t say yes often, being much fonder of the word “no,” so when she did, they listened.
“As Her Majesty commands,” said Finn.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
1K Follower Special Fic!
I made the 1k milestone for followers this week and I am so happy. Thank you so much to everyone who followed my small blog of fanfics. I truly appreciate everyone who reads and enjoys my fics. Thank you so much for the likes, reblogs and comments as well.
As a celebration for 1k, I have a fic that is a multi fandom one that includes my two biases. Yoongi from BTS and Hongjoong from ATEEZ.
I hope you all enjoy it and again thank you so much 💕💕💕
Pairing- Yoong x Named Reader x Hongjoong
Word count- 6.4k
Includes- Anxiety, Yoongi and Hongjoong are the best boyfriends ever, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, Cockwarming sex?, sex, threesome, double vaginal penetration, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @itstyraaxx @yeosxxx
@seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe
@wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Prompt Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Hongjoong Masterlist
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I pace around the living room freaking out
I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm terrified
I hate talking to people especially potential employers
I always bomb interviews
Always say the wrong thing
Make a fool of myself
But I need to do this
I can't keep relying on my partners for everything
Min, Yoongi and Kim, Hongjoong
Famous idols
Yoongi, a rapper for BTS and Hongjoong, rapper and leader of ATEEZ
How we are all together was a weird accident but we all decided to be in one relationship
We all love each other and we've been together for three years
It started with both of them just wanting me but over time we all fell in love with each other, all of us being together sexually too
And a year ago we all moved in together
With Yoongi and Hongjoong paying for everything
It gives me anxiety that I am not contributing monetarily
I do all of the housework except cooking because I suck at it, although I'm trying to learn
I have been trying to find a job since we moved in together but I keep bombing every interview I go on and my anxiety increases every time
This time is no different
"Jagi sit down", Hongjoong asks, watching me from his spot on the couch
"I can't", I say, my feet continuing to walk around
"You'll do fine jagi. I know you will"
"Joongie I fuck up every single one I've been on. I'm going to fuck this one up too"
"No you're not", he insists
I shake my head
He doesn't get it
He's talented and has an amazing job doing what he loves
Yoongi too, he's a gifted musician, lyricist, rapper and producer
Their careers come naturally to them
They love what they do
And me?
I'm a college dropout with no talent for anything except fucking things up
I can't even get a stupid secretary job which is what the interview tomorrow is for
My sixth secretary interview
I feel hot and I'm sweating in my PJs as I walk around
The door opens, then closes, Yoongi walking into the living room
"Jagi? What's wrong?", he asks immediately
He always knows when something is wrong
"She's very anxious about her interview tomorrow", Hongjoong explains, "I keep telling her she'll be fine but she's worried"
Yoongi looks at me, "Baby you'll be fine. You can do this"
I shake my head, "I can't. I'll mess it up and then I won't get hired and won't be able to pay for anything. I won't be able to help you both and you'll have to keep giving me money and you'll get tired of doing that and think that I'm only with you for money but I'm not, I love you both so much, more than anything in the world", I ramble, tears streaming down my face, my heart pounding, not enough air in my lungs
"Joanne-", Hongjoong starts
"You'll both think I'm a slutty gold digger and I don't want you to think I don't love you. I love you so much Yoongi, you're my everything. And Joongie, I love you more than anything. You're my everything also and I can't be without either of you. You'll both leave me and I'll be miserable without you. I can't live without either of you."
"Jagi!", Yoongi says loudly, stopping me from pacing, hugging me tightly, "Stop jagi"
I feel Hongjoong come behind me, hugging me too, "Don't think those things jagi. We both love you. That won't change. I love you so much, I can't live without you either"
"Me too baby. I love you more than I ever loved anything and I can't live without you either. You're my life jagi and you're Hongjoong's life too. We'll never give you up"
"We know you're not a golddigger or a slut baby. I have never thought that about you and I know Yoongi hasn't either. We know you're not a moocher and the constant worry you have about that shows us your not", Hongjoong says softly
"Ok?", Yoongi asks
I just nod but I'm still anxious
"Ok jagi. I'll make you some tea and start dinner. Hongjoong will stay with you ok?", Yoongi smiles
"Ok", I say in a small voice
Yoongi kisses my forehead, then goes to the kitchen while Hongjoong takes my hand, leading me to the couch
He lays down then pulls me on top of him
I lay my head on his shoulder, burying face in his neck and inhaling what can only be described as Hongjoong smell
They both have different smells to their skin and I absolutely love both
Hongjoong's arms wrap around me, one hand starting to play with my hair
"I know you like that baby girl", he whispers, kissing my forehead
I nod, cuddling into him more
"It's ok jagi", he says softly, giving my forehead soft kisses, "Everything is gonna be ok"
"Shh my baby, it's ok. I have you baby", he says, "I love you so much Jo. So much"
"I love you", I answer
He gives me another kiss, cuddling me tightly, "My jagi. The best girl in the world. My everything"
I let his voice, his words calm me down
The worry doesn't leave but I'm not panicking right now
"Here jagi", Yoongi says, coming back to the living room with a mug, "Tea just how you like it"
He sets the mug on the table while Hongjoong helps me sit up
"Thanks naekkeo"
"Anything for my girl", Yoongi answers, leaning down and giving me a quick kiss
Taking the mug, I take a sip of the hot tea, the warmth filling my body
"So good naekkeo", I tell Yoongi
He smiles, "Good baby. I'm glad you like it. I'm making dinner and it'll be ready in a while ok?"
I nod, feeling bad that he has to cook
"Need help?", Hongjoong asks
Yoongi shakes his head, petting Hongjoong's hair, "Nah I'm good. Stay with baby and keep her calm"
Hongjoong nods, "I can do that"
"Good. I'll be back", Yoongi says, then makes his way to the kitchen
Hongjoong holds my hand and plays with my hair while I drink the tea Yoongi made me
They're such good boyfriends and I suck
I don't deserve them
That thought brings back the anxiety and my hand shakes as I drink more tea
"Jagi?", Hongjoong asks concerned, "You ok baby?"
I force a smile, "Yeah Joongie. I'm ok"
I know he doesn't believe me
He knows me, he knows when I'm upset, he knows when something is wrong
They both do
I can't hide anything from them
And I shouldn't be hiding anything
They don't hide anything from me
Just another way that I suck as a girlfriend
Sometimes I wonder if they'll be better off without me
They love each other, they can be together and be fine
All I do is take from them, they don't need me
That thought hurts because it's so true
They don't need me
I can't do a lot of things they can do
And they can do those things for each other without me
I'm just like a leech, a pest
I should just leave
Let them be happy without having to worry about taking care of me
It hurts because I love them so much but seriously, how long can this keep going?
I try to hold back the tears as I finish my tea but I feel some fall anyway
"Jagi, what's wrong? Why are you crying?", Hongjoong asks, alarmed
I just shake my head, "It's nothing Joongie"
"Baby", he starts
"Please Joongie"
He knows I'm asking him to drop it
That I don't want to talk right now
"Ok jagi. But just for now ok?"
I nod
I'll deal with it later
"Come here baby", he says and I immediately move into his arms
He lays us down, holding me tightly and it feels so good, sending all kinds of emotions through me and I start crying again
"Oh my baby", he speaks gently, "Baby whatever is bothering you, it'll be ok. I love you. Yoongi loves you. You're our girl. Mine. His. And we're yours. As long as we're together we'll be fine"
I want that to be true so badly but I just don't know
Hongjoong rubs my back, giving me more kisses, helping me relax
I feel so tired, sleepy and I close my eyes for a few seconds
When I open them again, Hongjoong tells me, "It's ok jagi. You can sleep. I'm here, I'm not letting you go"
I nod, feeling so secure
For now anyway
Closing my eyes, I bury my face in Hongjoong's neck, sleep taking over
"Jagi. Joong", I hear Yoongi call us softly, his hand rubbing my back
I slowly open my eyes, Yoongi's soft smile in my vision
I can't help but smile too
His and Hongjoong's smiles make me happy
"Food is ready jagi"
I nod, feeling Hongjoong kiss my hair
I sit up, taking his hand and help him up too
"C'mon baby", he tells me, standing up, taking my hand
Hongjoong leads me to the dining room where Yoongi already has set out the food
Seeing the food out brings back my anxiety
Yoongi cooked when I should have
He works all day and he has to cook because I was losing it
God I'm so useless
It just reinforces that they'd be better off without me
I sit down in between them, staring at the food
"Jagi", Yoongi says, running his fingers in my hair and moving it behind my ear, "What's wrong jagi?"
"Nnn...nothing", I answer forcing a smile
"Jagi, talk to us", Hongjoong urges
"I just...I think....I think you'd both be better off without me"
"What?", Yoongi shrieks while Hongjoong yells ,"No!"
"Jagi, no", Yoongi says firmly, Hongjoong agreeing
"Why would you say that?", Hongjoong asks, "Yoongi and I love you to death baby. You know you're our everything"
"But I'm such a burden", I argue, "I'm useless. Yoongi just got home from work and he had to cook because I was losing it like a toddler."
"You were not losing it", Yoongi insists, "You were having anxiety. I know you can't control it. I know what it feels like baby. I know how how you felt. That's why I took over. Why I made you tea and cooked and told Joong to stay with you. Although I knew he wouldn't leave your side anyway"
"Never jagi", Hongjoong answers, "You're not useless baby. You never were and never will be"
I don't know how they can be so sure of it
I'm home all day
How does that not bother them?
"We know you get anxious whenever you have a job interview", Hongjoong adds
Yeah it's like clockwork
I hate that it's almost expected to happen
"But jagi, you know you don't have to work baby", Yoongi says
Is he insane?
"Yes I-"
"No jagi. You do everything here. You take care of the house. You clean everything, every room all the time. You wash our clothes, fold them and put them away. You make sure the bills are paid on time", Yoongi explains
"You do errands for us, for the house. You go food shopping. You take care of everything the house needs. Take care of us. Anything we could possibly need you always already have it waiting for us.", Hongjoong continues
"But I can't cook. That's a huge thing that takes time", I argue
It's not fair for either of them to work all day and then have to cook because I suck at it
"It doesn't matter jagi. I like cooking", Yoongi insists, "Besides, you always make sure there's food that we both like here. You get our favorite snacks, drinks, fruits"
"Yeah. And when one of us cooks you always get ingredients for our favorite things to eat", Hongjoong adds, "And you make simple things, like sandwiches or soup or waffles"
"Those are from the freezer!", I protest
They can't seriously think warming up frozen waffles is cooking
"Doesn't matter. You still do it for us", Hongjoong says simply
"And you make us our coffee all the time. You know the different kinds we like and exactly how we like it. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten up in the morning after zero sleep and how happy it makes me when I walk in the kitchen and you immediately hand me my coffee", Yoongi praises
"Me too. Seriously baby, that's like heaven for an overworked idol", Hongjoong agrees
I don't understand
They're happy with me doing things that most girlfriends or wives do?
"You do a lot here jagi. That's why it's not a big deal to pay for everything or to give you money. You do a lot of work. Taking care of the house is not easy. Or taking care of me for that matter. I know I can be difficult", Yoongi says
"Me too jagi. And I know that both of us stay locked in our studios sometimes and you're all alone here. But you never complain. Instead you encourage us even though it has to be lonely sometimes"
I shake my head, "It's not lonely. Yeah I'm alone sometimes but I know you'll both always come back home"
"You don't know it jagi but it's not home without you", Yoongi says quietly
"I agree", Hongjoong adds, "It's just a house if you're not here. You are why it's home for us"
My emotions run over me, so touched and happy at their words
I feel so loved, tears pricking my eyes
"So please jagi, don't worry about tomorrow. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. It's not the end of the world ok?", Hongjoong tells me with Yoongi nodded
I just nod, feeling better for now
"Good jagi", Yoongi smile, pull me in for a kiss
His kiss feels so good, I love them so much
When Yoongi and I break away, I turn to Hongjoong, kissing him too
His kisses are amazing too
"Can we eat now jagi?", Yoongi asks
I giggle nodding and we dig in
After I finish washing and putting the dishes away, Yoongi takes my hand, leading me to our room
Hongjoong is already waiting for us on the bed, holding his hand out to me
I take it and sit on the bed, his lips against mine in a sweet kiss
"We're gonna take care of you", Hongjoong whispers in my ear, then kisses my cheek
"Good care of you", Yoongi agrees, moving behind me
Yoongi pulls my shirt up and off, his lips against the back of my neck while Hongjoong pulls my pants and panties off
Then Hongjoong's lips are on the side of my neck, sucking on my skin and it feels so good
Yoongi reaches around me, his pretty hands groping my boobs, his fingers flicking my nipples
"Fuck", I moan softly
Hongjoong's kisses start moving down my chest, Yoongi leaning me back against him
Hongjoong's mouth moves around one of my nipples, sucking softly on it and I gasp in pleasure
Yoongi tilts my head back in his arm, his lips against mine, kissing me deeply
My god, his kiss is perfect
Both of them slide their hands down my body, their fingers lighting up every nerve
Yoongi slides his inside my pussy, Hongjoong's stopping at my clit
They both move at the same time, Hongjoong's fingers rubbing circular motions on my clit while Yoongi moves his fingers in and out of me, his fingers pressing on my spot
Massive pleasure takes over my body
God they're so good with their fingers
Hell with everything- their fingers, mouths and cocks
Hongjoong's fingers move inside with Yoongi's, his thumb staying on my clit
Jesus Christ
They move their fingers at the same time, both making sure they hit my spot, Hongjoong playing with my clit while he sucks my nipple and Yoongi kisses me
Fucking heaven
"Good jagi?", Hongjoong asks
I nod rapidly
"Our pussy is creaming our fingers so fucking good", he replies
Jesus Christ
They told me that my cunt gets really creamy even before I cum and that they love it so much
They're so fucking hot
Their fingers bring me so close, my body shaking with the impending orgasm
"Be our good girl", Yoongi whispers in my ear, "Cum for us"
His mouth moves over mine as I moan loudly, releasing on their fingers, my body in massive pleasure
"Mmm good girl", Hongjoong praises
They both pull their fingers out at the same time
I open my eyes just in time to see both of them suck on their fingers
"Jesus", I whimper
"Tastes good jagi", Hongjoong smirks
"So good", Yoongi agrees
Hongjoong moves off the bed, pulling me to the edge as he gets on his knees
Yoongi moves my head on his shoulder, lips against mine, tongue in my mouth as he opens my legs for Hongjoong
Hongjoong's tongue is immediately on me, licking up and down my cunt fast
My body shivers and I moan in pleasure, Yoongi's tongue playing with mine
Yoongi's hand moves to my breasts playing and pinching my nipples to give me even more pleasure
I can't fucking think, it feels so good
Hongjoong's tongue is working me so good, sliding between my lips, flicking my clit, shoving his tongue inside me
All the while he's moaning like he's being blown
My hand moves in the blonde side of his hair, pulling hard
His mouth closes on my clit, sucking hard
I scream in Yoongi's mouth, intense pleasure hitting me hard
My hips start moving, getting closer
"What a good girl, fucking Hongjoong's face", Yoongi murmurs
"Like it Joong?", he asks
Hongjoong nods, moaning loudly, fucking his tongue inside me
"Keep going baby", Yoongi urges, "Cum for him. Then I'll eat your cunt too"
Fuck yes, oh god I want it
I don't want either of them to stop
Hongjoong plunges his tongue in again and I lose it
"Hongjoong!", I yell, clenching his tongue, coming all over it
He keeps his tongue inside me until I finish
Only then does he pull it out, swallow, then go back in
"So fucking good. Wish I could have your cum all day everyday"
Goddamn the things they both say drive me insane
Hongjoong pulls away, standing up, pulling me up and kissing me hard
I throw my arms around his neck kissing him hard
He lifts me up by my thighs, moving me
I feel another tongue in my cunt as he places me over Yoongi's mouth
Whimpering, I feel Yoongi's hands on my thighs, keeping them open over him as his tongue slides and roams every part of my pussy
Hongjoong stays in front of me, letting me squeeze him hard, my face buried in his neck
"Yoongi making you feel good jagi?", he whispers, his fingers running up and down my back
I nod
"Watch him baby"
I disentangle from him, looking down between my legs
Yoongi's eyes are closed as he continues to suck on my clit, pleasure on his face
He's actually getting pleasure from this
Both of them do
Hongjoong's mouth is back on my nipple, sucking hard, his hand playing with my other one
Yoongi's tongue slides inside and I clench hard on him, his loud moans reverberating up my body
"His tongue inside?", Hongjoong asks
I nod
Hongjoong knows what Yoongi likes just as well as I do
"Fuck his tongue jagi. You know that's his favorite"
It is
He asks me to do that all the time
"Is that what you want Yoongi?", he asks
Yoongi nods, his tongue still inside me
"Bounce baby", Hongjoong demands
I move up and down Yoongi's tongue, more pleasure flowing in me, my cunt throbbing around his tongue every time I take it inside
Hongjoong's hands move to my hips, moving me up and down faster, helping me fuck Yoongi's tongue
"Yoongi", I moan, his tongue feeling so fucking good
I'm so wet, all of it going on Yoongi's face
He likes it messy
The messier the better
He moves his tongue inside me the next time I take him in and I can't hold back, the pleasure out of this world
"Yoongi! Fuck Yoongi!", I cry, orgasming on him, squeezing Hongjoong's biceps hard
Yoongi's mouth moves around my hole, swallowing everything I give him, his hands grip my hips hard, while Hongjoong steps back
Yoongi rolls us, getting me on my back, his hands spreading my legs wider
His face is drenched in cream, a smirk on his face
"So sweet baby", he says, slowly licking up my pussy, "Best thing I ever ate"
Hongjoong goes next to Yoongi, his tongue on my pussy too
"You ate it all", Hongjoong whines
"Of fucking course I did. I'm not wasting any of her cum. It's my fucking favorite", Yoongi replies
"I wanted some"
"You had her before and you ate it all too. You didn't leave me any", Yoongi argues
I can't believe I have two hot idols arguing over sharing my cum
It makes my brain implode
"We'll just make her cum again and share", Hongjoong suggests
Oh my fucking god
As soon as Hongjoong finishes talking, both of their tongues are on me, licking everywhere, pleasure exploding all over me
"Fucking hell!", I cry, pushing my head back into the pillow
One of their tongues slips inside my cunt, wiggling around as I clench on it while the other's mouth sucks on my clit
Blinding pleasure slams my body as both tongues ravish my pussy, switching places and swirling all over
"Baby's clit is throbbing so much", Yoongi moans while his tongue licks hard over and over
"Well baby's pussy is so tight, squeezing my tongue so hard", Hongjoong groans, his tongue shoved back inside
Lifting my head, my brain implodes seeing both their heads between my legs
As their tongues pleasure me, I'm getting closer and closer
Yoongi's mouth closes around my clit, sucking hard and faster, Hongjoong's circling my slit
I can't take it and I scream both their names coming and shaking from the bliss
"Yoongi! Hongjoong!"
Both tongues are now by my hole, licking, both of them moaning and telling me how good I taste
When I finish they pull away
Suddenly, I'm picked up and put on Hongjoong, my back to his chest, my head falling on his shoulder
"Open for me jagi", he whispers, my legs being pulled around his
I look down seeing Yoongi holding Hongjoong's cock, his other hand pushing me down on Hongjoong
Hongjoong's cock starts filling me, stretching me open as I slip down all the way
Once he's inside, I shudder against him, clenching around him
"Oh fuck baby girl. So tight. I love being in this pussy"
"Joongie", I moan
He turns his head to me, his lips against mine, tongue in my mouth, swallowing all my moans
Yoongi moves next to us, his mouth latching to my nipple, his fingers rubbing my clit
"Ohh", I cry in Hongjoong's mouth
"Mmmm feels good baby?", he asks, pulling away from my lips
I nod
"Yeah? Yoongi getting you off on my cock?"
"Yes", I whine, the pleasure increasing each second
Yoongi's fingers are like magic, moving so fast, so good
And his mouth, fuck, sucking on my nipples like he's never going to again
"You ..feel....", I pant, asking Hongjoong, my brain turning off, "Ggg.."
"Yes jagi", he whispers, his fingers gripping my hips hard, "You're making me feel so good baby. I love being wrapped up inside your pretty cunt. Feeling you drench me, choke my cock. Spasming around me so fucking well. You're perfect"
He kisses my cheek, one of his hands moving into my hair, playing with it
"Kiss", I manage to get out
He smiles widely, his lips against mine, tongue against mine
I fall into his kiss as the pleasure takes over
"Cum on Joong's cock jagi", Yoongi whispers
Oh god, fuck
I whimper, pleasure hitting me hard as I cum all over Hongjoong
"Hongjoong!", I yell
"Oh fuck yes. God fuck her cunt is so good. Fuck. So tight", Hongjoong yells, his fingers digging into my hips
When it's over, I can't think or move, just lay on Hongjoong
"Switch", Hongjoong says
He gets up, holding me, then gently puts me on Yoongi, again my back to his chest
"Baby", Yoongi whispers, kissing my shoulders
Hongjoong opens my legs, pulling me down and right onto Yoongi's cock
"Mmmm", I moan, feeling his thick cock nestled snug and tight inside me, his head against my spot
Yoongi is huge
Length wise he's the same as Hongjoong who is also big
But Yoongi is thicker, filling me with almost no room to spare
Every time he goes in, I throb on his length immediately which is what I'm doing now
"Fuck", he moans, "So good baby. So good"
I'm glad I can make both of them feel good
I don't like just taking from them, I want them to feel amazing too
I shiver on top of Yoongi when I feel Hongjoong's mouth sucking on my clit
Lifting my head, I look between my legs to find Hongjoong sucking away, moaning
"So fucking good baby", he whimpers, "Pretty clit throbbing against my lips. Love it"
I watch him tug and play, feeling myself drench Yoongi's cock
"So good baby", Yoongi whispers, in my ear, his fingers playing with my nipples, "Mmm you're getting so tight. Joong's tongue good?"
"Yes so good, god his mouth sucking...I can't", I cry, burying my hand in Hongjoong's hair
"If it's that good jagi then cream my cock"
"Yes Yoongi", I moan, doing just that in bliss
When I finish, Hongjoong moves his mouth to my stomach, kissing and licking my skin, making me shiver
He moves up my body, trailing kisses everywhere as he moves on top of me and Yoongi
Yoongi's hands move to my knees, spreading my legs more, giving me soft kisses on my shoulder
Hongjoong moves his lips to mine, kissing me deeply as his cock moves inside me with Yoongi's
I dig my fingers in his back at the extra stretch, filling me over the brim
God it feels so good, my cunt throbbing on both of them
I don't know how I take both of them at the same time but I do
It hurt the first time but we do it so often that it ceased to be painful
And instead is mind numbingly blissful
At the same time, they both start moving, thrusting into me
"Fuck!", I cry, my whole body in ecstacy
I don't know how they both manage to be in sync while both their cocks are in me but they are
I can feel both of their lengths dragging through my cunt, one head after the other hitting my spot, Yoongi's hands back on my breasts, Hongjoong's pelvis rubbing against my clit
I can't think, all I can feel is pleasure as I'm blinded by it
"Look at our good girl Yoongi. Taking both our cocks inside her perfect pussy"
"Mmm yeah. Such a good cunt for us. And so fucking wet"
"Yeah. My whole lap is drenched"
"Mine too. And sucking me back in...god she's hungry for cock"
Hongjoong nods, kissing my neck, "Doing such a good job of swallowing our cocks over and over. So greedy"
I love listening to them talk about me like I'm not here
Some girls hate it but not me
I like hearing how I can please them
"This pussy is ready to cum again. Do you feel it?", Hongjoong asks Yoongi
"I feel it. Any second now"
Fuck he's right
Hongjoong's pelvis rubs against my clit right as his head smashes my spot, starting my orgasm
Then Yoongi's head hits my spot right after Hongjoong pulls back and I fall into ecstasy
I can't think, just feel, my whole body in pleasure, my back arching
My boys fuck me through it, Yoongi's hands all over my nipples, Hongjoong's tongue licking my neck, Yoongi's lips against mine
When it's over, I suck in air fulls of air, trying to breathe, my body slick with sweat
I'm moved again, flipped over so I'm laying against Yoongi, my chest to his and I just go with it, my head full of nothing
"Up a little jagi", Hongjoong asks and I lift my hips up
Yoongi thrusts up, burying himself inside me and I moan when he rubs against my spot
How do I still want to be fucked stupid?
Still want to cum?
I should be oversensitive but I'm not
And my boys still have to cum too
Maybe that's why I'm still able to go
Because I want them to feel as amazing as they're making me feel
Hongjoong slips back inside, a whimper leaving my mouth from how utterly stuffed with cock I am
I feel Yoongi in my belly, my slit straining around the thickest part of Hongjoong
Yoongi pulls me to him, his lips crashing against mine
Hongjoong leans over my back, his hands on either side of Yoongi's head, his mouth on my shoulder blade, his kisses everywhere
Hongjoong starts moving, fucking into me while Yoongi stays buried inside
"God baby, so fucking extra tight. Feel so good", Hongjoong whines, "Making such a big pretty creamy mess all over our dicks"
I moan in Yoongi's mouth from Hongjoong's words
Yoongi moves his fingers in my hair as he kisses me, his hips slowly thrusting up, adding to the bliss
Hongjoong's constant thrusts move me along Yoongi's pelvis, again rubbing my clit against his skin
That spike in pleasure makes me break the kiss with Yoongi, moaning so loudly
"Fuck, Joong, you should see our baby", Yoongi moans
My brain is so sluggish, my vision blurry and all I feel is pleasure
"Why? How does she look?", Hongjoong pants, bring me close
"She's fucked dumb", Yoongi responds, his hand softly touching my cheek, "Glazed eyes, mouth open, so dazed. So fucking beautiful"
"Fuck", Hongjoong moans, going faster and harder
"I...I....I can't....I...", I cry, tears falling down my cheeks, waiting desperately for my orgasm
God I want it so bad
"Don't cry baby, you're so close", Yoongi murmurs
"Yeah throbbing so fucking hard baby girl", Hongjoong moans
"So good, she's gonna milk us for all our cum. Right jagi?", Yoongi asks
"Yes!", I cry, "Please yes! Wanna cum, please please please"
"You will baby. Right now", Hongjoong whispers
They both thrust in at the same time and stars burst in my vision as complete ecstasy hitting me like a fucking tidal wave
"Yes! Hongjoong!", I scream, my nails digging into Yoongi's chest, my other hand grabbing, Hongjoong's thigh and digging my nails there too, "Yoongi! Yoongi"
I hear them yelling my name, cocks throbbing, Yoongi's nails digging in my arms, Hongjoong biting my shoulder and suddenly I feel a burst of hot cum inside me
A lot of it
They both orgasmed at the same time, filling me up to the brim and over, cum leaking all over my thighs
And I fulfill my promise, milking their cocks with my pussy as hard as I can, the three of us orgasming together
It's fucking amazing
When it's finally over, I collapse on top of Yoongi
I can't move, body limp, that orgasm taking everything out of me
I feel both of them pull out, Hongjoong laying next to me and Yoongi
"Jagi?", Yoongi calls
"Hmm", I answer, ready to fall asleep right now
I hear Hongjoong and Yoongi talking to each other but I can't make out what it is
My head is empty and fuzzy and it feels nice
Yoongi's fingers move to my back, softly running up and down, my skin trembling under his touch
He whispers, "Jagi I love you so much"
I cuddle into him more, holding on tightly
"I love you Yoongi"
"It's ready", I hear Hongjoong say
Did he leave?
I didn't even hear him get up from the bed
Yoongi sits up with me, "Jagi, go with Joong ok? I'll be right there"
Hongjoong comes next to me and I let go of Yoongi going into his arms, in his lap
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I lay my head on his shoulder, my face in my neck and eyes closed
He stands, picking me up and walking somewhere
I'm so out of it, I don't know where he's going
I only know where I am when I feel him sit and warm water surrounds us
"Hmmm?", I whisper, cracking my eyes open
Tub with warm water
Hongjoong holding me
Now all I need is Yoongi with us and it's perfect
As if he knew I wanted him, Yoongi comes in the bathroom, getting in the huge tub with me and Hongjoong
I hold my hand out to Yoongi and he takes it, kissing the back of my hand, coming closer to us
"Here jagi", Hongjoong says, turning me around so my back is to his chest
Yoongi takes my legs, putting them over his while I lay back on Hongjoong
Yoongi runs his fingers on my legs, up to my thighs, massaging my muscles there while Hongjoong does the same, massaging my arms and shoulders
My god it feels so fucking good on my aching body
I close my eyes feeling like I'm floating
Hands move up and down my body, rubbing all over, relaxing me
They are the best boyfriends in the world
Always taking care of me
I don't deserve them
"Jagi, there's something we wanted to talk to you about", Hongjoong says
"Hmmm? What is it?", I ask, becoming more alert
They want to talk to me, the least I can do is be awake
Sitting up more against Hongjoong, I open my eyes, focusing on him and Yoongi
"We were talking when you took your nap before dinner", Yoongi starts
"And we decided that we don't want you to work and want to ask if you could just not go to the interview", Hongjoong finishes
I gape at them
Are they insane
"You do everything here jagi, that's work enough. Joong and I don't care about money baby. We like taking care of you"
I shake my head, "No"
"Baby it would be different if you wanted to work ok?", Hongjoong says, "If this job is something you really wanted we would never stop you. But you're just getting it to pay for things that you don't need to pay for. You're just getting it because you think you have to when you don't"
Of course I need it
I need a job
"Everyone works", I argue
"Because they have to. You don't", Yoongi says, "And we don't want you to work a job you don't like or are miserable at"
"I can't do anything else. I don't have any degrees"
They look at each other, nodding
"Well we want you to go back to school. If you want to", Hongjoong says
I gape at them
Are they serious?
"If you want a job baby we want you to have one that you want. A dream career like we have. Not just any job to make money. We don't need money. We have it. You don't need money, you have it", Yoongi explains
"We want you to be happy with your career like we are. You can do anything baby and we will always support you", Hongjoong continues, "And if you need to go to school for your dream job then that's fine. You can take as long as you need and Yoongi and I will pay for it"
Are they seriously offering to pay for me to go to school?
I can't do that
I can't take that money
"We want to", Yoongi insists, "I can see your face baby. You're going to refuse us paying for it. But you're our life jagi and money doesn't matter when it comes to you. Nothing matters compared to you"
Hongjoong nods in agreement
"And if you want to stay home, be a stay at home girlfriend, then that's fine too. Whatever you want ", Yoongi adds
I'm so shocked at how they're really fine with anything I want and don't think I'm a golddigger or taking advantage of them like I thought they might
They love me as much as I love them
"Take your time, think about it and decide what you want. There isn't any rush jagi", Hongjoong finishes, "So please baby, don't go tomorrow ok?"
I think about it and I nod
I can do what they're asking
I'm not sure about permanently staying at home but I can for now until I figure out what I want
They want the best for me and are willing to give me the best
The least I can do is do what they're asking
They smile on what seems like relief and I am so grateful to have them
"Thank you naekkeo", I say hugging Yoongi tightly, "I love you so much"
"I love you so much jagi", he whispers, kissing me softly
After Yoongi's kiss, I hug Hongjoong just as tightly, "Thank you baby. I love you so much"
"I love you so much too jagi. Don't forget ok?"
"I won't", I answer, kissing his soft lips
We stay in the bath for awhile, until the water gets cold
Then they help me out, completely pampering me as they dry my body and hair, combing it
Yoongi carries me back to the bed, new sheets and blankets on it, laying me on it
That's what he was doing before he came in the tub
"Time for sleep jagi?", Yoongi asks, yawning
I nod
I know both of them are so tired
"Yeah naekkeo. You sleeping too baby?"
Hongjoong nods, "Yeah jagi"
Yoongi gets into bed next to me while Hongjoong gets the blanket over us
He goes to the door, shutting the light then getting in bed in my other side
I lay on my back, both of them immediately turning to me, cuddling into me, holding me tightly
Their heads are on each of my shoulders and I play with both of their hair, running my fingers through their soft strands
They must have been exhausted because a minute doesn't even pay before their breathing evenly
I press a kiss to the top of Yoongi's head, then to Hongjoong's
"I love you Yoonie. I love you Joongie"
Closing my eyes I'm finally calm in the arms of the two men I love with all my heart
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fablewritesnonsense · 24 days
7, 12, 17, & 49?
Goodness gracious, Bo, you're making me work here 😭
But thank you for making me think about this for Tea, I need to work on her more than I'd care to admit lol
From this ask game
7. Favorite companions? Least favorite companions?
Tea, Raul, and Arcade go back to her crashing in the mojave, so they're like her top two. She gets along with most of them, but bottom of the list is Cass. She tends to be the Number 1 shit stirrer in the group and Tea regularly cleans up the mess trying to keep their weird little family together.
12. How did the bullet affect them?
I think this is pretty standard across couriers, but it messed with her memory a good bit. To the point where it took time for her to regularly recall information after. This led to her nicknaming everyone anew because new information stuck better than old.
17. What's their reputation with the khans / the brotherhood /the boomers /the powder gangers?
These are not game terms BUT
Khans: Very positive, she works with them a bunch trying to get them uo and going and understands that they did what they had to with Benny.
Brotherhood: Hot Garbage. After everything with Veronica she got on very poorly with the local chapter, worse with Elijah. She took a lot of joy when she had to clear them out of the Mojave recently.
Boomers: Pretty positive. She impressed them by being able to cross the distance to their gun in record time and had been working with them since. Some of the older folks think she's a bad influence, but ah well.
Powder Gangers: Touchy. She kicked their asses in Goodsprings and at the correctional facility, but she's also helped free a bunch from Legion clutches and helped with the Vault's merge with the Khans, so they make nice.
49. Did they kill Caesar? Vulpes Inculta? what about prominent ncr figures, like Kimball and Colonel Hsu?
Oh you bet your sweet ass she killed every legion soldier she got her hands on. Anyone who contributed to their colonization and slaving got obliterated by her as soon as she had the chance (looking at fucking Joshua Graham). Meanwhile she gives less shits about the NCR than she probably should, but she's had bigger fish to fry. So all those folks are still alive. Probably.
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megthetrain · 5 months
Sodor's Revolutionary Team: Origins
Section 1: The Revolutionary Operator
Chapter 2. January 7th, 1910
It was a chilly day on the island of Sodor. An engine had stopped by Wellsworth Station. Its Operator and Engineer were taking a lunch break in a small restaurant located not far away.
Inside, a man was hard at work, preparing a nice warm stew for the Operator and Engineer. A lady was busy making the two hot cocoa. Meanwhile, at a separate table, a small boy was fiddling with a small piece of wood.
"Look at me!", he thought, "I'm the greatest train operator in the world!", as he swang around his piece of wood. This boy was, of course, Raymond.
Raymond's intense swinging caught the eyes of the Operator and Engineer. They laughed.
"Oh, silly boy!", they said, "If you want to be a train operator so bad, you should show us some talent!"
"Talent?", Raymond asked, "Of course I have talent!"
The Operator chuckled. With a wave of his hand, he produced a bit of fire in his left palm. The Engineer also waved his hand, producing some steam.
But before I go any further, you must know this. The world is an unfair place. A dog eat dog world. Especially during this time on Sodor. In this world, humans were so biologically advanced to the point where they each had individual powers and abilities. These abilities further conceited the human race and further contributed to the eventual downfall of the Wellsworth and Suddery Railway, as well as other ones.
Pairing trains and superpowered humans together is risky, but controllers were forced to do it. Superpowers kept the trains in check since they knew who was the boss. Sure some resisted, but the skills of these humans helped the trains when they were in a jam, so eventually they earned the train's respect. But let us go back to a chilly day on January 7th, 1910.
"Well, I can make many me's!!", Raymond retorted.
Setting down the piece of wood on the table, Raymond stood up and clapped his hands together. Two figures appeared next to Raymond. They both looked like him, but there was a noticeable difference. One was slumped over, while one had its fists clenched.
"Oh, just 5 more minutes of sleep!", the one slumped over said.
"What do you want now?", the one with its fists clenched demanded.
What you just read, is Raymond's ability. The ability to clone. But with all abilities, there are some drawbacks. The clones are personalized based on character traits and can change based on Raymond's mood. Because of that, they have minds of their own and can be quite fussy.
The Operator and Engineer smiled.
"Good show!", the Engineer remarked, "The last time we messed with you, you could only produce one!"
Raymond smiled. The clones disappeared.
"Maybe I do have a chance.", he thought.
Just then, Raymond's mother, Mrs. Browns arrived. She had brought cups of hot cocoa for her, Raymond, the Operator, and the Engineer!
"Why thank you, Margaret!", the Operator exclaimed, taking a cup.
"It's nothing, Theo.", Margaret responded, "Both you and Mark have been regulars for ages!"
"Your boy's been training, Margaret.", Mark said, taking a cup, "He managed to make two clones appear this time!"
"Oh, really?", Mrs. Browns said, looking at Raymond. "How wonderful!"
Raymond smiled even more. First, he managed to impress both the Operator and the Engineer and now he had a huge cup of hot cocoa. Although he noted to himself, he still felt a bit chilly. Just then, Mr. Browns arrived with the stew, setting down 5 bowls for everyone present. Mrs. Browns handed Mr. Browns a separate cup of hot cocoa.
"Do you mind me eating too?", Mr. Browns asked the workmen. "It is about lunchtime already."
"Oh no problem, the Operator replied. "We've known each other since boyhood, Hugh, you can eat with us anytime!"
Mr. Browns smiled.
Mr. Browns said, "I had to ask. It is weird to eat with your customers after all. But you are the only two here."
"More people should come.", the Operator said to reassure Mr. Browns, "They are just busy, after all. Maybe a train will come with a bunch of hungry passengers!"
Mr. Browns sighed.
"They mainly come around dinnertime, really.", Mr. Browns responded.
Mr. Browns turned to look at Raymond, his pride and joy.
"Anyways, I heard something quite special. Did you manage to make two clones today Raymond?", Mr. Browns asked cheekily.
"Oh, yes I did!", Raymond exclaimed.
"That's my boy!", Mr. Browns exclaimed back, ruffling Raymond's hair.
This excited Raymond even more.
"I do have a chance!", he thought.
After that exchange, the five ate their meals. After the Operator and Engineer paid the bill, they went off to their train. They operated a goods train, and the goods weren't going to move themselves.
"Bye-bye!", Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Browns exclaimed.
"Bye!", the Operator and Engineer exclaimed back.
"I'll try for three clones next time!", Raymond shouted.
After that, Mr. Browns' statement from earlier came true. Most of the hungry passengers arrived around dinnertime, hungry from the work day.
So concludes January 7th, 1910.
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simlebrityblogger · 7 months
Tumblr media
Page 2:
Extract from W&W: "Tamara, however, breaks her silence for the first time, aiming to dispel the rumors and set the record straight about her relationship with Amari. In a moment of vulnerability, she acknowledges the pain caused by slanderous whispers surrounding her love story, a narrative that has haunted her for years. With a mature perspective, Tamara reflects, "Having slanderous rumors about myself and my love story with Amari has been painful beyond measure. However, as I've grown up, I've come to accept that some people refuse to see me for who I truly am, as it may shatter their reality of me. Their very distorted reality of me."
Despite the challenges, Tamara wears a gracious smile as she shares her gratitude for the life she has led. She has transcended the misconceptions that once surrounded her and has embraced a life dedicated to philanthropy and giving back. Tamara has founded numerous charities, hosted galas, and passionately supported organizations close to her heart.
In a gesture of genuine appreciation, Tamara takes the opportunity to thank everyone involved in her charitable endeavors. From the unsung heroes working behind the scenes to the generous individuals who looked beyond the drama and contributed substantial amounts of money, Tamara recognizes the collective effort that has breathed life into her charitable initiatives.
"Without you all, my life, these charities, would have been rendered useless," Tamara expresses, underscoring the importance of community and collaboration in her philanthropic pursuits. As the interview unfolds, Tamara reveals her plans for future charitable work, emphasizing her commitment to making a positive impact on the world."
Hold the front page, folks! Whispers and Whims might be painting the Tamara and her Copour family as picture-perfect, but let's not forget the explosive memoir Dina Copour dropped after her passing. Oh, the drama! Details of a three-year affair between Tamara and Amari, all while knowing his wife was in the picture. I mean, who could miss it?
Amari's not the innocent party here. Eager to shake up his life, he ditched Dina for Tamara, only to cheat on her and make her wait a whopping ten years before saying 'I do.' The only silver lining in this messy love triangle is none other than Harley, their daughter. Fast forward to the media circus – their affair-turned-marriage became a hot mess, resulting in an expensive divorce settlement. Honestly, the 8th wonder of the world is Tamara's relationship with her stepchildren, August and Camryn.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
It's me again! I told you I'll be camping in your inbox. 😂
Firstly, I would like to tell you how amazing you are. Are you a shrink or something? Coz you know exactly how to extract my thoughts and feelings and come up with such logical explanations. I couldn't even understand how I feel, but you were able to dissect everything and analyzed why am I feeling that way. Wow! I wanna hug you. Please! Where are you? l badly need someone like you right now.
Okay now, let me try to discuss with you what you've told me. I'm sorry, English is not my first language, so I may not be able to explain myself well.
You know, I watched bon voyage season 3 behind the scenes last night, and I still felt this overwhelming joy seeing them together. I realized they're still my comfort. I'm an introvert. I'm often closed off, and I don't have many friends. I only have two close friends as of the moment, so oftentimes, I would just keep things to myself, and that's how i discovered BTS 5 years ago. I was in one of my darkest times. They became my solace, and they surely make me happy. Being in the fandom has its highs and lows especially if you're a taekooker. It's been a great couple of months for us. They were always spotted together, but with this dating news, as you said, the fandom can also be a source of our distress. They were divided, and that surely contributed to my confusion and overwhelming emotions.
What I like about being in the ARMY is our connection with BTS, but I saw an ask earlier that says, "Taehyung's doing comes from heart and his principles. This pr trust is against everything which connects me from him. I still love his songs, i'll still hype him but I am not sure if I'll ever be able to connect with him." There was a point when I thought, I couldn't look at Tae the same way again. Like I said, he's not responsible for my feelings, but really, I dunno, I felt like he broke that connection and trust between us. I feel like BTS are not connected with us anymore. They wanted us to trust them, but they've been telling us ARMYs have changed, don't leave us ARMY, I dunno. Have we lost our connection with them? Did they get tired of us or something?
Now that the two of them are in the military already, and they're doing their own stuff, we barely see them. I guess I became too dependent to them that now that I couldn't see them as often as before anymore, I struggled to keep myself together. I remember how distressed I was at last year's festa coz I was having a hard time as well, and they announced their hiatus. I was in panic. I was worried for myself. What will I do now? Who will give me strength now? They've been my rock all these years, and I've immersed myself in a bubble of where everything is still the same as the last 5 years. I realized how bad I am at adjusting to changes, that's why, a little change is breaking my heart already. It's not healthy, I know, but I'll get by.
Twitter is hot mess on any normal day, so on days like the last ones it completely unhinged. - This! Twitter really is not good for our mental health. Everyone has their own opinion that they would trample other's just to prove a point. The differing opinions can be extremely overwhelming oftentimes. Surely not for the faint-hearted, and I had my moment of weakness, thus, I got so overwhelmed easily.
Anyway, I dunno where am I going with this anymore, so thanks again for reading this and for responding very patiently and kindly. Please, if you're also having a difficult time, let me know. Let's be there for each other. Can I slide in your DM's? I feel comfortable with you. Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day.
Hi again anon!
I’ve been wanting to reply to your ask in depth, but I’m currently on my phone with little battery left… so it’s going to be short.
Feel free to dm me. I’m not always the quickest to respond (i do better with asks for some reason), but I certainly will.
I hope you will feel better about Tae in a while. Things may look bad to you right now, but situations are ever evolving and something else might happen that will change your mind again.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Unbelievable — Five Hargreeves
Request: Request: “I was wondering if you can write Five x fem!reader with fluff prompts 9, 48, and 50 and smut prompts 1, 67, 69, and 82 where the Handler also wants her to join the commission but the reader is jealous/mad with the way the Handler flirts with Five”
Fluff prompts:
9. “So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?!" "No, that girl is my wife!”
48. “nothing else matters except for you.”
50. “She don’t compare to you. No one does.”
Smut prompts:
1. “You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
67. “Come here, baby, let Mommy/Daddy take care of you.”
69. “I’m gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you’re spreading your legs for me.”
82. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
A/N: We not tolerate any pedophilia here !!
I write about Five with their 20s. I write the same about the characters of Harry Potter.
Thank you💖 i hope you like, love u.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Five Hargreeves / Fem! Reader.
Warnings: very explicit smut, bad words, jealous.
— — — — —
The Commission was a gigantic agency. With many more mysteries and gaps than the white walls showed, much more dangers. It was one of those mazes with several bosses, several doors, several paths. Each sector contained its own businesses to manage and each person in its life to care for.
The Handler did not know everyone who worked outside her sector, target elimination, and, to be honest, throughout her career she didn’t want to know. Her mind was governed by a single thought: Why bother to socialize with people who would not contribute to anything in she plans?
But, the moment The Handler laid eyes on you, she knew she had made a mistake. You worked in the development and creation section. It was the mind that behind finding errors in the suitcases and perfecting them, that had built weapons that adapted to each situation, was the person who created the body that accursed Fish, that The Handler hated, used around.
You were a scientist, absurdly intelligent, absurdly capable, and with a wit that The Handler came to admire. Then she knew, the second she discovered you, a pure and shiny diamond, that you had to join her sector. Because she wouldn't accept not having less than the best people on her team.
But The Handler was not the only one who looked at you as a superb rarity, a sublime treasure. No. Five Hargreeves had already discovered this in the first year of the Commission.
He met you when he destroyed a suitcase on one of the missions. They sent him to you, to see if you could fix the mess he had made.
“My god." You laughed when you saw the condition the suitcase was in, taking it from his hands. “They want me to do what? Miracle?"
“If you can't fix it, give it back to me, I don't have time to waste it here."
Five stuffed his hands in his pockets, but unlike how most people reacted to his difficult mood, you looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
“ I said they want me to do a miracle, not that I couldn't.” You hit, holding his gaze before turning your attention to the suitcase.
That day, Five had to spend the afternoon in your laboratory. He couldn't start any mission without the suitcase and didn't trust you enough to leave you alone with the suitcase. But, against all odds, you weren't just something he had to complete to get back to work. No, you were... fascinating.
Five Hargreeves was used to living surrounded by people he thought were stupid. Stupid enough not to be able to keep up with him reasoning. It was absurdly strenuous, it seemed that he spoke another language. But, to the surprise of the world, you spoke the same language.
Five was amazed. When was the last time he met someone that smart? Maybe his father. Reginald also had a strong sense of inventor and creator. And if Reginald sometime knew you, he was very likely to like you.
That thought made Five laugh through his nose and stick his hands in his pockets again. Who would say. He had found the first person that him father might like.
So, when you finished the briefcase, in such a short time that it seemed impossible, Five was astonished at you.
From that day on, Five found some ways to find you a few times. Going to complain about something about the suitcase just to see you again, breaking weapons on purpose. Anything you have to fix, anything that concerns you. If asked, Five would deny it to death, but being with you was... relaxing. It was like finding an American in a foreign country, a human being on another planet.
You knew all kinds of equations, creat all kinds of things, were able to understand even hardest calculations. You understood him. You understood every sarcastic and clever joke him, understood every line of reasoning. God, you were fluent in more languages ​​than he was.
Then, one night, when Five showed up at your lab complaining that that stupid suitcase had a problem, when it was obvious that it wasn't, you laughed. You were already going home, your hair loose from your ponytail, without your coat, your body modeled by a tight-fitting blouse and a skirt that almost left very little for him imagination.
“Another problem?” You smiled a little “I see, but my shift is over.”
At that moment, Five felt like an imbecile. Why was he going after you? Why did the body feel called by your? That was stupid. And why the hell didn't he think about time?
Now he had used the only excuse left over. So he hated himself for caring about it.
“ I take a look at the house.” Then him heart, against Five's will, beat faster “But you bring Chinese food, I am not going to fix anything hungry.”
Were you inviting him to your home? ... were you crazy? Five was barely able to sort the thoughts around you in the lab, let alone in an environment where your scent was predominantly.
God help him.
And it was on that night that you two really approached. Eating and talking to you was...fun, light. You remind him of simple times when Five felt light, and Five reminded you of how wonderful it was to have your heart racing.
After that, you almost always stay together. Indian food at your place, a few conversations in the lab, a few moments together. Then the conversation turned into intense, desperate kisses, and kisses turned bodies crashing into each other, loud moans and toxic screams. You squirmed under Five like an innocent kitten and he fucked you even harder.
God, you were nicotine and Five was hooked.
Just as each relationship has evolved over time, you and Five have evolved as well. You two went to the level where he came to you when an injury was too big for him to take care of himself, when you came to him to feel more relaxed from work. Or when you two just ... missed being together
Then, when they realized, Five slept in your house more than in him own. You had lunch together more than alone, and spent most of your time in each other's company. The subjects were endless, you two got and understood the most difficult and the most frivolous reasoning.
And it was tasty, fun, intense, passionate. You were the refuge of Five and he was your lifeboat and the high seas. The word “ I love you” was said and accepted, and you both started to say it over time.
The weeks went by, as did the months, like the years. You and Five didn't want to and couldn't get away from each other. He would do anything to see you happy, and you would give anything he wanted to see him happy.
So he wanted to marry you. Nothing for other people, nothing to show. He had no family there and neither did you. The people at work didn't matter and didn't need a party for your friends to see.
“I think we should get married."
Five said one night, while you choked on your glass of orange juice.
“What?” You thought you didn't hear well, looking at him more closely, your heart racing.
“To marry." He said slowly, as if you were a child.
“You and me?”
“No, me and President." Five rollin his eyes, "Of course you and me."
You took a second to process it, then let out an excited squeak and threw yourself into him arms, almost knocking you both off the couch.
“Are you serious?!” You took your face off his neck, your body on top of him on the couch.
Five's eyes took on a sweet, soft, passionate glow. He smiled, lifted his fingers to your face and brushed a strand of your hair out of your eyes.
“Nothing else matters except for you.” He said it with such conviction, with such certainty, as if it were a fact.
You kissed him. Deeply.
After that, everything was going well. Of course there were fights, but in general you two were making progress. Until, well... until The Handler rests the snake eyes on you.
“What do you think of Y/n?” The Handler ran Five one day, and he had to swallow the surprise “I've been following her work these days.”
“What do you want with her?” He say short and thick.
The Handler raised an eyebrow at Five.
“Transfer.” She spoke as if it were obvious “Such an ingenious agent would work miracles in this sector.”
She gaze wandered, and Five knew that in fact The Handler wanted to use you to ditch other sectors. If she were seen as the industry leader with the most cases resolved, with the best agents, it was logical that the directors would look at her more carefully, and the vacancy to enter the committee would be available.
But Five didn't want you in this life. Unscrupulous killing was not for everyone. And he would go to hell to protect you. Five was about to deny, damn it that you were going to participate in that slaughter, but as soon as he opened his mouth to retort, you walked in through The Handler's office door.
“Did you send for me?” You had on that white coat, your hair down, your body wrapped in a tight skirt.
God, Five felt himself ignite.
But confusion invaded your eyes when you saw your husband there. And if The Handler noticed, she didn't seem to mind.
“The girl I was wanting to see.” She said, leaning against the marble table, looking at you with the interest that a fox looks at a rabbit. “I was just talking about you to our dear Five.”
Your eyes went to your husband, and him gave you an expression that he also didn't agree with the situation.
“Have you thought about leaving that cave, Y / n?” The Handler continued “Working here, with us, where does the magic happen?”
“Do you mean working where my magic is used?” You weren't be quiet, and Five liked that.
“Exactly.” But The Handler’s smile widened “Here you could accomplish so much. We will put you in the best cases, on things that really challenge your intelligence.”
She pushed away from the table, the noise of the shoes echoing slowly through the room as she approached Five.
“Of course, I would put you with the best.” Then the back of The Handler’s fingers stroked Five's cheek.
What a fucking hell!
You felt the anger ignite. Your eyes started to flash with anger and indignation, blinking a few times to make sure it was really happening.
You blinked once, twice. The scene was still there. Clear as day.
“Five is a distraction, but a deadly thing.” The handler's smile at Five made your stomach churn.
So this is what this bastard was dealing with all day?! Is that what he did when he wasn't on missions?! And the worst thing was that your husband was not even trying to dodge the touches!
Oh fucking no.
You raised your eyebrows, your mind humming, something very much like anger snaking through your body and wrapping itself around your heart.
“Of course, we would put you in training for the field, improve your knowledge of fights.” And she kept talking, that snake.
You could barely concentrate on what she was talking about, just thinking about that grotesque scene in front of you.
Then The Handler looked at Five, that look sickening in the irises, the smile that gave you churned . You knew Five's reputation in that part of the Commission, but you didn't think her fascination with him was like that!
Since when did Five let anyone touch him?!
You turned your eyes to your husband, the whole world going through your irises. When Five met you gaze, he knew something was very wrong.
“Your interaction like that with everyone?” You turned to The Handler.
“These touches and intonation.” You were not smooth.
Jesus, you are the smartest person on that entire commission. If put all those people together, still wouldn't give half your brain! It was obvious that you noticed she body posture, she eyes widened, the way she reacted in the presence of Five!
The Handler smirked, half malicious, half suspicious. She hand went to Five's nose, giving a small touch to the tip of him nose.
“He's our celebrity.”
Oh, that was too much.
“So you want me to come and work with your goddamn lover?!” You were talking to Five, anger pouring out of his voice. “No. For both of you.”
You looked at The Handler before you left and knocked hard on the door behind you.
“Wait.” She looked at Five “Do you two have anything?”
Five was still looking through the door you left. Lover?! He could barely stand The Handler. You couldn't possibly think he was wasting his time with her.
“We have. Not that it's any of your business.” He replied.
“So you're saying that girl is your girlfriend?!" She looked at Five in amazement, as if that were impossible for that to happen.
“No, that girl is my wife!”
And at that moment, his wife was more important than that. Five disappeared in the blue flash, teleporting to the corridors, looking for you. He went to find you in your lab, your eyes still angry, concentration being forced on a project for a new suitcase you were creating.
“No!” You looked up at him. “Don't come with Y/n. What the hell was that?!”
“You know what I'm talking about! The Handler flirting with you.”
“She's a bitch, she does that with everyone!” Five wasn't lying “Why would I care about wasting my time arguing with her?”
“But I care!” Dude, you were mad. “I care that You accept ... accept this!”
Five stopped for a second.
“You are jealous?"
You snorted, removing your lab coat.
“What if I am ?!” You went to the bathroom, turning on the tap and washing your hands, trying to calm yourself with the sensation of the cold water.
“It will be funny, because…” Five appeared behind you, coming out of the blue flash, him mouth on the top of your neck “She don’t compare to you. No one does. ”
You looked up at the large mirror above the sink, your body being lulled by him heat.
“I'm still mad at you!” Five looked up to meet your, and that scene was hot, exciting.
He looked at you as the personification of danger, as a hunter with his prey. Five Hargreves was with a dark look, so sinister and so fucking attractive.
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad." He whispered, Five’s hands roaming around your waist, squeezing the flesh, making you sigh.
“Five...” You clasped your hands on the sink, shivering when him lips went to your neck.
“How can I want another woman if I have you?” And his voice was still doing things to you. "Such a good thing for me, so obedient."
You moaned this time, him pelvis pressed against your ass, making you feel the volume of him already hard dick.
“I...” You stuttered "I don't want you to accept that anymore."
“Anything you want.” Five’s grip got stronger, a bite and a hickey marked your neck “Why don't we mark this pretty skin of yours so she can see that you are the only person I fuck?”
You moaned louder, Five’s voice hitting all of your right spots. You agreed, surrendered, leaning your chest forward and tilting your ass at him. Five sighed in approval, raising your skirt, sliding him hand down on a slapped slap, making you whimper.
He brought him hand up to your chin, making you look in the mirror, facing you both.
“I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, I want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me.” It was not a possibility, an idea, it was a warning, a promise.
Him second hand went down to the middle of your legs, finding the cloth of you soaked panties. He snarled, pulled the fabric aside and dipped a finger there, groaning when he felt your warmth.
“D-daddy!” You whimpered, your eyes still in the mirror, your body already shaking.
“Look at you. Everyone thinks you're so smart, so fucking awesome. But you can't even stand a stupid finger.” The hickey Five left on your neck made you sigh “What would they think if they saw you like this?”
He curled his finger inside your walls, setting a slow, deep rhythm. You couldn't answer, your body so needy, your breath so heavy. Suddenly, Five’s finger was replaced by something much bigger, pulsating and thick, which entered you aggressively.
“Fuck, so tight!” Five snarled, dropping him hand from your chin to your throat, closing his fingers there “As tight as a fucking virgin.”
So he set a raw, badly, aggressive pace. The sound of the bodies clashing and their loud moans invaded the environment, so pornographic and explicit. Your arms were shaking, body begging for more from him.
“D... d-daddy!” You cried, your hand going to his hip, pressing there.
“What? Can't you take my dick anymore?” Five gave a stronger boost, overcoming any obstacle, filling all your centimeters “Am I not fucking you so hard?”
Then, him grip on your throat became firmer, him other hand stuck to the curve of your hips and he pulled you onto his dick as he thrust deeper into you. You moaned, screamed, whimpered, your legs caught fire and you pulsed around him. Five leaned over to You, kissing and sucking your neck, moaning and panting on his skin.
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
That was the trigger. You came, intensely, your legs trembled and if it weren't for Five's arm that went around your waist, you would have collapsed. He still maintained the raw pace, groaning against your neck as him hips started to stutter. Five sank into you as much as possible, cumming on your walls, filling you with hot liquid.
A broken groan very similar to his name escaped your lips, and you whimpered when Five withdrew inside you.
"What a mess." He sighed in your ear, bringing he fingers to the middle of your legs and pushing the cum into you once again.
“Fi-Five!” You groaned in surprise, the walls super sensitive. You let your chest fall forward, taking a breath.
Five let out one last slap on your ass before grabbing a towel and getting it wet at the sink faucet.
“Come here, baby.” He stroked your ass marked "Let Daddy take care of you."
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rocorambles · 3 years
Hit It Till It Breaks
Pairing: Oikawa x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, Mafia AU, NSFW, Drug Dealing, Dub-Con/Non-Con Sex, Dub-Con/Non-Con Drug Consumption, Drug Addiction, Manipulation, Humiliation, Degradation, Prostitution, Slight Pet Play
Prompt: Hard At Work
Summary: Growing up, you’d always loved fairy tales and happy endings. You’d always believed that despite how bad things might seem or get, there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. But you’re quickly realizing that this isn’t a fairy tale, that there is no happy ending, and that sometimes, you only go downhill, farther and farther from the light. 
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s NSFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist to see how everyone decided to run with this spicy prompt.  
(Thank you as always @sawamooora for helping me keep this a coherent degenerate mess~)
It’s hard to believe that bright eyed girl holding her college diploma in the photo on your nightstand was you not that long ago. And your heart clenches when you remember how hopeful you had been. So excited to venture out and experience life. Ready to enter the job market. Ready to be an adult. 
Doors opened and closed. But you hadn’t let it deter you at first. It just wasn’t meant to be. You can’t expect to get the first job you interview for! 
But then more and more doors opened, only to be shut in your face.Your rose-tinted glasses began to crack as your funds quickly dwindled, as you lowered your standards, desperately mass applying to any small time company vaguely related to your major, only to be turned away at every step. 
And now, here you are, barely able to make rent, barely able to even feed yourself with the little you have from odd part-time jobs you’ve managed to stitch together into some sort of financial life line. 
Well, you HAD been barely able to make rent, but your hands tremble when you stare at the letter notifying you that your rent will begin to increase starting next month, mind speeding into a panicked haze as you unsuccessfully try to think of what to do, how you can possibly afford to live even in this dump anymore. And before you even realize what you’re doing, you’re scrambling, stumbling to your bathroom, throwing open your medicine cabinet as you rummage for the little pills that you know will help slow down your racing thoughts and provide much needed clarity. 
You swear everything seems clearer as soon as the smooth texture hits your tongue and you can finally breathe, slumping down on the cold tiles of your floor, pill bottle still clutched in your hand as you allow yourself to relax, praying for any ideas to flow through you. And it hits you like a ton of bricks when your grip on the plastic container accidentally loosens and the bottle clangs against the floor. 
A humorless chuckle slips past your lips as you stare at the rolling cylinder. 
Drug dealing. Fucking drug dealing. 
You can’t believe you’re even thinking of going down this route, but your mind flashes back to old roommates, old friends, old classmates who had nonchalantly made a pretty bundle on the side, carelessly tossing around and selling all types of prescription drugs on campus. And you vividly remember how simple they had made it seem, how they had all gotten away with it. Scrumptious meals, pricey alcohol, far beyond a college palette, and beautiful clothing were the only “consequences” for their crimes. 
If they could do it, you could too. Or so you’d like to think. 
But as naive and ignorant as you are about this line of work, even you know there’s a difference between selling to silly college students on campus, and selling it at a popular nightclub owned by an infamous crime syndicate. 
Even as far removed as you are from the more seedy underbelly of the new city you live in, you know of the Seijoh Syndicate. Everyone in town does. It’s hard not to when they literally run and own the entire place. 
Oikawa Tooru and the rest of the Seijoh Four run their domain with an iron fist. They’re practically nonexistent, merely a scary story to keep people in line, for those who abide by the laws and keep their noses out of trouble, but an all too real nightmare for those who choose to defy them. And you shudder, remembering the horror stories you had heard of exactly what happens to those who decide to try and start their own nefarious business and practices on Seijoh streets without Oikawa’s permission. 
But surely they wouldn’t pay you any mind? Right? Surely a mere girl in her early twenties selling the leftover prescription medicine she has in her cabinets for one night won’t do any harm? 
Maybe it’s stupid to go to such a prevalent and well known club, especially one that’s notoriously favored by the Seijoh Four. But you convince yourself that it’s the most crowded venue in the area with a target demographic who’s guaranteed to buy you out, even at the obscene prices you plan on charging. How would anyone even notice you? Where else could you go? What options do you even have? 
So despite the nervous pit swelling in your stomach, you soldier on, plastering a cheery smile at the bouncer who easily waves you in without a second glance, slipping into the sweaty mass of bodies, going deeper and deeper until you’re surrounded - skin, bones, and muscles pressing against you on all sides, safe from any prying eyes. 
Or so you believe. 
You know who the Seijoh Four are. You even know their names. But never have you met them, never have you ever seen a picture of what they each look like. Not that it would help you if you did when you’re so laser focused on finding potential customers, not even bothering to look around to see if anyone’s watching you. So you carry on, unaware of the four sets of eyes looking at you in amusement from their roost high above the writhing crowds. 
There’s nothing subtle about the way you sloppily nudge people, practically shoving your pills in stranger’s faces, almost wildly waving your merchandise around you in a desperate attempt to pull in buyers. Sweaty nervous hands fumble as you exchange little plastic baggies for wads of cash and Matsukawa raises a brow in disbelief while Hanamaki cackles when you drop your merch and payment, getting on all fours on the trashed dance floor to recollect your goods. 
It might be the most amusing show they’ve had in a while, but Iwaizumi feels a pang of pity at the wild hopeless look in your eyes and he swiftly stands, brusquely telling the other three that he’s going to go down and tell you off with just a warning, only to be stopped when Oikawa smoothly stands to his feet, effectively blocking Iwaizumi’s path. 
“Now, now Iwa-chan. Don’t be so hasty. Let me go talk to the cutie. I’ve been so bored recently and she looks like she’ll be fun! Plus you’ll make her cry with that scary face of yours.” 
Suddenly the sight of you bumbling around isn’t quite as entertaining as the remaining three men watch the brunette prowl towards you, heavy realization of what’s to come sombering the mood.  
 You’re frantic, flitting about the throngs of flailing limbs and swaying bodies, frustration from not being able to get through your supplies fast enough weighing at your conscious. Sure, you’ve managed to accrue some cash, but it’s not enough, not nearly enough to even feed yourself for the coming week let alone make a dent in the daunting rent that looms over you. And you can feel hot tears prick at the corner of your eyes when you see that it’s almost closing time and you’re still stuck with more than half your inventory, no closer to figuring out how to survive. So when a hand firmly rests on your shoulder, you whip around, ready to take your anger out on the poor soul who’s managed to catch you at the worst time. But you freeze, vicious words stuck in your mouth when you see the handsome man beaming down at you, a thick wad of rolled up bills haphazardly dangling from his fingers. 
“I heard you might have some stuff I’d be interested in.” 
You wonder if this is all a dream, if the man in front of you is (ironically a devilishly) handsome angel swooping into save you when he casually asks you how much stuff you still have, how much you’d be willing to sell everything for, not even blinking an eye at your outrageous price tag. You’re so stunned by how quick he is to call it a done deal, not resisting even a bit as he wraps his hand around your wrist, pulling you after him, saying some vague comments about wanting to go somewhere a little more private since it’s a bigger trade. All you can think about is how you’ll finally be able to eat something other than instant noodles and not have to worry about rent as you throw yourself back into interviewing, too lost in thoughts to be wary of how you’re being dragged farther and farther away from the rowdy crowd. 
But the sound of a door slamming shut behind you jolts you back to reality and Oikawa fights back a laugh at how adorable you are, eyes blown wide like a deer in headlights as your head swivels side to side, dismay and panic making you tremble when you survey the private room you’re in, throat nervously gulping when you notice the three other occupants. 
You’re so predictable and Oikawa just rolls his eyes fondly at how you swiftly turn around, trying to lunge towards the door in an attempt to escape, taking his time to leisurely make his way towards you, brown orbs taking in every inch of you as Matsukawa and Hanamaki hold your writhing body in place. 
It’s so satisfying watching you crumble to pieces before his very eyes at just the mention of his name, despair and fear swirling beautifully on your face when he continues to introduce the rest of the Seijoh Four. It never gets old, that deliciously addicting feeling of power he feels when people tremble from just a few syllables and he relishes in your pleading apologies and your tears, patiently waiting for you to finish your little sob story, barely listening to the details as he focuses in on how gorgeous you are, broken and vulnerable. 
And really, there’s no need for him to pay close attention to your blabbering anyway. It always comes down to one thing…
 “So you need money, cutie? How about working for me?”
 “Oye! Oikawa-”
“I’m just asking her some questions, Iwa-chan.”
There’s tense silence and your eyes nervously flicker back and forth between the two imposing figures staring each other down, green and brown eyes clashing in a silent argument. But as if they’ve somehow come to a conclusion, Iwaizumi tsks and looks away while Oikawa turns his attention back to you, a sickeningly cheerful grin on his face. 
Blood curling fear lances through you and you’re almost grateful for the two pairs of strong arms holding you tight, their grip keeping you from falling to your knees as your legs threaten to give out under the pressure you feel as Oikawa thoughtfully looks at you. 
You know the smart answer would be to adamantly say no and promptly figure out a way to leave this moment far behind you, even if it means forfeiting any money you had made tonight. But...a job is a job, right? And surely a job in the Seijoh Syndicate would be more lucrative than anything you’re doing now, right? 
Oikawa hides a smile at the way he can see the cogs in your head turn, apprehension turning to curiosity as you stutter out questions about pay and what the job would entail. Desperation is a good look on anyone, but it suits you particularly well and just like that, hook, line, and sinker, he has a new cute live-in maid to replace the recently vacated role.  
Working as Oikawa’s maid is more...normal than you would have expected. Not that you’re complaining and other than the embarrassing maid outfit he makes you wear, complete with frilly bow and garters, the chores are mundane. Bring breakfast to him and wake him. Clean his room and do his laundry when he’s away at meetings or jobs. Make sure guests have refreshments when they come over to his large estate, a mansion you now also call home. 
If you’re honest, it’s much more relaxing than the multiple part-time jobs you had been juggling previously, and with free board, free food, and the substantial paycheck that regularly makes its way to your bank account, you can see your future brightening up again. When your duties are done for the day, you resume practicing for interviews and keeping up with the industry, feeling emboldened and empowered to finally resume working towards the career path you had always dreamed of. 
But the more time you spend with Oikawa, the closer and more entangled in your life the brunette becomes. Alarm bells ring wildly in your head as you’re forced to join him for meals, forced to dress in elaborate gowns and jewelry while you’re waltzed around on his arm, forced to travel around the world with him, and attend to him like a glorified assistant. He’s too charming, too familiar, too bold, and you can’t help but feel like you’re racing towards some inevitable crash as he easily brushes aside any boundaries between the two of you. 
You know so many women would kill to be in your shoes and you can understand why, not completely immune to his playful smile and the lilt of his voice yourself. But you know better, know exactly how dangerous it would be to get involved with a man like Oikawa Tooru. 
It’s clear from the crimson stains on the clothes he leaves for you to either dispose of, or have cleaned. It’s clear from the wails and sobs of woman after woman he uses and tosses aside like garbage on an almost daily basis. It’s clear from the guns, knives, and weapons, most of which you don’t even know the name of, filling up all the walls, drawers, and cabinets.  
So you do your best to keep your distance, building titanium walls around your heart. Always polite, too terrified of what would happen if you pissed him off, but cold enough to deter him from more amorously or intimately testing his boundaries. 
And it seems to work as he turns his eyes towards other women, leaving you alone after throwing a few flirty comments and winks your way and ultimately falling in bed with some other poor damsel. But you nervously gulp when it’s just the two of you one night and just as you’re ready to make yourself scarce after turning down his bed and laying out his pajamas, his voice beckons you over and you anxiously bite your lower lip at the sight of pills of all shapes and sizes splayed out across his desk.    
Other than your prescription medicine, you don’t have a lot of experience with drugs other than the few blunts here and there during your college years and you had always strictly kept to your recommended doses, never even entertaining the idea of taking more. So the sight in front of you is overwhelming and you hesitantly stare anywhere but at the table surface, anxiously waiting for Oikawa to explain why he called you over. But what you’re not expecting is the warm hand gently grasping your wrist and holding your arm out, small objects being carefully placed in your outstretched palm, and soft coaxing from Oikawa to “give them a try”. 
Every part of you is screaming to throw the pills and make a run for it, begging you to come up with some excuse or just outright reject his offer. But it’s as if your body is frozen and he firmly pushes your hand to your mouth, grip tightening enough to make you wince when you hesitate to listen. The slight pain is enough to remind you that you’re not exactly in any position to negotiate and you force yourself to down the pills and gulp down the glass of water he holds to your lips. 
The last thing you remember is the unsettling feeling of beginning a descent to an unknown place from which there is no return as Oikawa pulls you to his bed. And then euphoria floods through you as your body slots against his larger frame. 
It feels good. Too good. Unnaturally good. But it’s intoxicating and you can’t help but let yourself drown in the hazy waves crashing down upon you, feeling lighter, freer, happier than you have for years. You vaguely register roaming hands, a hot wet mouth, a body on top of yours, something hard pressing against the apex of your thighs, filling you, consuming you in heady pleasure only amplified by the drugs coating your insides.  
Bliss. Pleasure. Pure unadulterated joy. And then nothing. 
When you come to, the weight of what had happened last night comes crashing down on you, making your foggy mind throb even more and you can feel bile rising inside of you as a toned arm around your waist tightens its hold on you. Oikawa grunts in annoyance when you claw your way out from his hold, scampering on shaky legs to his bathroom, heaving and expelling the contents of your stomach, trying futilely to cleanse yourself of your employer’s touch. 
You flinch when you hear footsteps approach, shrinking into the corner of the tiled room, body crouched and curled into a tight ball as you try to save any shred of dignity you still have by hiding your naked body as much as you can from his prying eyes. Salty drops threaten to trail down your face when he hovers over you, sweetly cooing down at you “not to be like this”, “you liked it so much last night”, “come back to bed with me” only to stream down your face when his countenance swiftly changes, handsome face glowering down at you before brusquely turning away and snapping at you to “get on with your work then if you’re going to be an annoying bitch”. 
It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re just being smart, just trying to survive as you obediently wash up and don your humiliating uniform, that it isn’t just you being a coward as you submissively go about your usual work day, still sitting with thighs pressed against Oikawa’s legs at meals, making no move to brush off the heavy arm he slings around your shoulders, only slightly flinching when his fingertips teasingly play with the hem of your skirt as he converses with the rest of the Seijoh Four. 
But you can’t deny that all you are is a weak fool, desperate to live when you shakily accept the pills he pushes towards you again that night, silently crying yet not doing anything to prevent the inevitable as you swallow any self-respect or pride you had along with the smooth pellets under his watchful gaze, too scared of the glimmer of gunmetal you see on the inside of his jacket to even think of resisting. 
And history repeats itself. Over and over again. 
Oikawa smiles at how different you are from that skittish creature who fled from his every touch, smirking at how naive and innocent you still are as you try to hide how eager you are for your daily dose, unaware of how he’s slowly been increasing it every night, ignorant of how you unconsciously lean into his touches, pretty lips wrapping around his fingers as he hand feeds you. 
Do you know what an animal you are in bed these days? Do you realize how little there is left to differentiate you from one of his filthy whores when you’re so doped up on whatever he gives you, moaning like a pornstar and leaving vicious red claw marks on his skin as you bounce on his cock? 
And he knows it’s time to move onto the next phase of your conditioning when there’s not even a speck of shame in your clear eyes when the sunlight begins to filter through the window, knowingly smiling in satisfaction when instead of slinking off to wallow in your regret you shimmy down between his legs and begin to nuzzle and mouth his morning wood, face full of nothing but wanton desire as you take his cock in your mouth. 
He doesn’t give you anything that night. Or the next night. Or the one after that. He doesn’t so much as even look at you outside of your usual eye contact, not a single flirtatious word slipping past his lips.
You should be grateful. This is what you wanted, right? To keep things strictly professional between the two of you. To not be coerced into the artificial pleasure you’ve been swallowing on a daily basis for the last month now. To not feel like just another warm body for Oikawa to taint. 
Your interview notes and open tab of job listings are right there, begging for your attention, practically screaming at you to pursue the life you’ve always dreamed of. 
Yet here you are, not even a week later, on your knees in between Oikawa’s legs as he leisurely reclines in his chair, peppering his inner thighs with kisses and rubbing your face against the growing bulge in his trousers, begging and pleading for another dose, feeling utterly empty and cold inside, unable to sleep, unable to focus, unable to function without the nights of hazy ecstasy. 
Your heart drops at the long disappointed sigh the brunette releases. 
“Drugs are expensive, cutie. I was just being nice and letting you try some new batches we’ve been producing, but now that they’re on the market, I can’t just keep on giving them to you for free.” 
He rolls his eyes when you adamantly tell him you’ll pay whatever the price is, a condescending smirk splitting his face from how quick you are to shut up, soul crushed when he reveals the extravagant cost, a price he knows you can’t afford with the salary he’s providing you with. 
But he artfully softens his smile as he begins to unbuckle his pants, sliding the fabric down and letting his throbbing cock spring into view, chuckling when it lightly slaps your face as it’s released from its confines, wondering if you’re drooling from the sight of his erection or the pills he’s playfully placing along the length of it. 
“I know you don’t have that money, cutie. But I’d be willing to accept other forms of payments.”
The words are barely out of his mouth before you’re rushing to take him in his mouth and he loudly laughs at how obscene you look, slobbering all over his length, fervently bobbing your head up and down, hastily trying to deep throat him to reach the pill strategically placed right at the base of his shaft, lips puckering as you inhale the drugs, swallowing around him in a way that has him groaning as you stuff your face full of chemicals and pre-cum. And it doesn’t take much longer for him to wash your mouth and throat with warm rivulets of sticky white fluids as he watches the goods take effect, his balls tightening and cock straining with arousal as you reach between your legs, fingers playing with your tight dripping hole while your lewd moans vibrate against him. 
It’s pathetically endearing how you can’t keep off of him after that, insisting on sitting on his lap during meals, your cute ass grinding against his clothed cock, always dropping to your knees in between chores, warming his cock in your greedy mouth, always asking him how many pills you’ve earned so far. You really are just his little slutty drug addict now, aren’t you? 
But he needs you to be more than that, needs you to learn that you belong to anyone who’s willing to give you the high you crave, needs you to realize that you’re just a free use drug addicted whore for anyone and everyone to use. 
So despite how tempting it is to just plunge balls deep inside your tight little pussy, he shoves you off of him one night as you try to grind against his body, feigning exhaustion and boredom of your body, watching in amusement at the panicked crazed look that flashes across your face at his words. Well aren’t you a beautiful sight, throwing yourself at his feet and groveling, saying you’ll do anything for another dose. 
Anything, huh? 
In your defense, even through the daze of your withdrawal, there’s still a wary expression on your face when Matsukawa and Hanamaki enter the room. Maybe you aren’t as broken as Oikawa had thought. But when you see the little baggies filled with the tablets you’ve become far too familiar with twirling between the duo’s fingers, you practically lunge at them and Oikawa finally allows himself the pleasure of reaching into his pants and stroking himself to the debauched sight playing out in front of him. 
Maybe he needs to fuck you in front of a mirror more often if this is what you look like from an outside perspective. It’s like you were made to be used, to be just a warm toy for men to use and Oikawa can’t help but think you look best like this, cocks penetrating both your front and back holes, your body squeezed between two bodies. And he fondly smiles at how you have Hanamaki’s face between the palms of your hands, your lips locked in a sloppy kiss as your tongue ravages the strawberry blonde’s mouth, searching for the pills the man had playfully placed on the tip of his tongue in front of your very eyes before winking at you and telling you to come and get them yourself if you wanted them so badly. 
They keep your daily training a surprise, mixing up who gets to wreck your body each day, how many cocks and rounds of cum you’ll need to pay with, what pills and dosage you get. Always keeping you lost and confused, making sure your mind is just a muddled mess that can only think of reaching your next high by any means necessary. 
Hell, even Iwaizumi takes part when he realizes that you’re beyond the point of no return, that Oikawa wasn’t joking when he said that there is no other choice for you anymore. This is your life now. This is who you are now. This is your “happily ever after”. He knows all that, can see all that in the way your dazed eyes only come to life at the sight of your addiction, your otherwise listless body perking up at the sound of the tiny objects rattling in their container. And yet a small sliver of guilt has him growling at you to get on all fours, ensuring your face isn’t visible, turning you into just another body for him to mindlessly use as he pleases. 
It’s an uncomfortable position, borderline painful as your knees rock back and forth on the hard floor with every brutal thrust of Iwaizumi’s hips. But you don’t care, the aching pain in your legs just dull background noise as you fixate on the tablets scattered on the floor in front of your face, dropping your entire upper body low to the ground, only your hips raised high as your mouth snaps forward. You’re so close and you mewl as your lips make contact with the first pill, uncaring of the pitiful sight you make licking and lapping the floor, whimpering when a hand firmly grabs you by the hair and roughly pulls your face away from your feast. 
“Maybe we should get you a dog bowl, cutie. It’s humiliating even for you to be eating from the dirty floor like that. Hold her hair for me, Iwa-chan.” 
You crane your neck back and forth, jaw jutting forward as you frantically fight against the tight grip holding you back, mouth drooling and tongue extending like a ravenous animal. But it’s no use and you whine, too focused on your unfinished “meal” to notice how Oikawa is still standing in front of you, cock pulled out from his pants, his hands rapidly fisting the shaft. And only when thick white spurts glaze the remaining pills do you whip your attention towards him, staring with hopeful wide eyes when he crouches in front of you and grabs your face. 
“When Iwa-chan lets go of your hair, you’ll get to have the rest of your treats, but you also have to eat the special seasoning I’ve generously given you, okay? If I see even a speck of it left, you’re not getting anything tomorrow, understand?”
Oikawa laughs at how vigorously you nod your head and with a nod in Iwaizumi’s direction, you’re released and the two men watch on as you lick the floor until it’s sparkling clean, slumping your face in the mess of your own drying saliva as you reach euphoria once more. You wail as Iwaizumi shoves you off a cliff and into floating clouds of bliss with one last thrust, the drugs in your system weaving a comforting cocoon around you that you melt into, unable to escape its soothing pull, giggling in content as his seed fills you to the brim. 
There’s silence as Iwaizumi pulls out of you, tucking himself back into his pants before sitting besides Oikawa, joining him as he continues observing your used and drugged up body sprawled across the floor, a dopey smile on your face as cum begins to leak out of your spent pussy. 
Minutes pass and Iwaizumi sighs, knowing what Oikawa is waiting for him to ask despite how insistent he has been over the years about not wanting to be involved in this particular side of the business...
“Are you going to have her start working at the brothel soon? She seems just about ready.” 
“Not yet. I want to give her a few test runs first before I have her work full-time at that establishment. She’s only been with the four of us, so I’m curious to see how she is with a complete stranger. It’s perfect timing too since Sawamura is coming over for a meeting soon and I know he won’t damage the goods if I gift her to him for a night or two. Plus, she hasn’t completely lost her mind yet so we can get some more use out of her before we toss her aside...”
The brunette rambles on, tone light and airy as if he’s just discussing the weather or a TV show he watched, as if he’s not mere feet away from a woman he’s utterly destroyed and rebuilt into just another brainless profit-making doll. 
And Iwaizumi tunes him out, already having heard almost this exact speech countless times by now, unable to even keep track of how many others like you there have been in the past, unwilling to think about how many more there will be in the future. But he snorts at Oikawa’s typical closing line.
“I guess it’s almost time to find a new cute maid.” 
837 notes · View notes
fkatwigs: “in the first lockdown i called around my team hinting that maybe i had hit the end of the road making music and putting my insides on blast how i have done for the last few years, it felt nice playing with the idea of not creating for the world. i listened to podcasts and spoke to my friends loads on facetime, isolating alone i would pop my girlfriends on loud speaker and potter around my house listening to them natter on about this and that. as our lives got smaller and there was less to talk about i found the search for connection and even the most simple conversations incredibly comforting. when i went out i would find myself listening in on other people talking and imagining what it would be like to hang out with those nattering strangers. i loved catching sound bytes of the world around me and filling in the blanks, my imagination was set alight.
i started recording my friends talking and weaved it through the mixtape like a narrative of my healing. having such wonderful people around me to laugh with. made me feel lucky. if you are lonely or feel isolated or void of encouragement by your immediate circle you can borrow my friends on the mixtape.
i think it’s my response to where the world has been at in recent times the humm of the background podcast acting as the soundtrack to our lives as we desperately try not to be alone
pablo had so much belief in me it gave me a lot of confidence to want more for myself as an artist also to reach out and collaborate with other artists and also to push myself to channel my pain and anxiety into work that felt more inclusive and dare i say joyful this is something i have never been able to do before in my art those of you who have listened to magdalene know haha
i have fallen back in love with music, danger, trying new things, sex, love, raves
caprisongs is my journey back to myself through my amazing collaborators and friends
it felt so daunting knowing that i had to heal in front of the world, i hated the idea of it but there was a tipping point where i knew i could get this project out and it would make me feel better and it really has
@aidanzamai @yazwhitlock
caprisongs… it’s bronzer in the sink, alco pop on the side, a cherry lolly, apple juice when ur thirsty, friends in the park, your favourite person, that one sentence somebody said to you that changed everything, a club pre game, your bestie who is always late but brings the most to the party, meeting a friend at the airport, just togetherness my world london hackney la new york jamaica
it’s my stubborn caprisun ass telling me to work thru my pain by delivering at work, don’t think just go studio and create
my saggi moon being the enigmatic temptress craving the club, to dance and to be social
and my pisce venus hot mess disastrous heart falling in love all over again but this time with music and with myself
each album i go off and learn a craft
LP1 to produce and vogue
MAGDALENE to pole dance, wushu
CAPRISONGS i learnt to laugh again and remember who i am.
thank you to everyone who contributed musically on this mixtape, I appreciate you all so much. it’s been wonderful.
@fakeguido @segabodega @sounwave @jffkleinman @mooserob @alitamposi @serbangheneamixes @billywalsh @lousandtheyakuza @jemmayo “
52 notes · View notes
homoose · 3 years
Love Has a Learning Curve: Part V (x reader)
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Summary: Y/N meets Diana, and it goes better than she expected. Y/N meets the team, and it doesn’t go completely as planned. Spencer’s spidey senses are tingling. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 5k
Warnings/Includes: alcohol/drinking, reader gets drunk on accident and is incredibly insecure and self-deprecating, I think that’s it
a/n: Thank you all for your patience and kind words in this really sad and weird moment of my life. This couple brings me so much joy and I’m absolutely dreading the hurt that’s coming in the next part. Sorry in advance 😭 But also, you can re-read Lighthouse and First of Many before the angst!!!!!! If you haven’t read those fics, I recommend it because there are some relevant connections. ♥️
Series Masterlist
Y/N felt his hands sneaking around her waist, rubbing low over her tummy, and then the press of his warm body along her back. She tilted her head to make room for him to settle his chin on her shoulder, smiling as his hands completed their journey and wrapped her up tight.
“Hi,” she answered, pressing their cheeks together.
“Are you almost done?”
“You made quite the mess, doctor.” It was the last weekend of Spencer’s sabbatical, and he had spent the afternoon cooking all of her favorite foods— a sort of preemptive gift for when he was back on the BAU’s unpredictable schedule. She’d taken on the responsibility of the dishes in return, which was no easy undertaking considering it seemed as though he’d used every single pot, pan, and utensil in her kitchen.
“If you’d let me help, you’d be done by now,” he complained, hugging her a little tighter and turning his head to drag his lips across her cheek.
“Let me just finish this pan, and then I’m all yours.”
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, then another to the spot behind her ear, and one more to her shoulder. Then he propped his chin once more and rubbed his thumbs where they rested against her sides.
She laughed a little as she ran the dish brush along the edges of the pan. “Comfy?”
He hummed his confirmation, and she could feel his smile as she lathered the inside of the pan, then rinsed it, and finally drained the sink. She dried her hands on the kitchen towel and turned to face him. He didn’t remove his hands, instead just let them glide over her hips and then settle on her lower back.
“Thank you for all of that.” She gestured vaguely in the direction of the fridge, packed full of leftovers. “My mom will be so honored to know you made her pot pie.”
“I could eat it every day for the rest of my life and be very, very happy.” He dropped his gaze and his tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Speaking of moms, I… I was wondering if you, um— if you’d want to meet my mom?”
Her eyes went a little wide, and he took her silence as an answer, continuing, “You don’t have to. It—it’s too soon.”
She brought a hand up to cup his chin between her fingers, bringing his eyes back to hers. “I would love to meet your mom.”
Spencer shut off the engine of the Volvo, turning in his seat to face her. She tried to settle her nerves without also spurring his own anxiety, which had been quite obviously flaring all morning.
“I’ll check in and visit for a few minutes, try to gauge what kind of a day it is, and then I’ll text you to come in or not.” He ran a hand over his face. “I really should have had you drive separate, because if it’s not a good day I don’t want you to have to wait around while I visit with her, but she’s been having a lot of good days recently, and—”
“Honey.” She found his hands where they were clutching a little aggressively at his leg and covered them with her own, running her thumbs soothingly along his skin. “It’s okay. Either way— whether I meet her today or we wait for a better day— it’s okay.”
He closed his eyes and breathed a relieved sigh. “Have I told you how much I love you yet today?”
“Mm, I don’t think you have,” she smiled.
He brought her hands up to his mouth, kissing the back of each. “I love you so much. The most.”
“I beg to differ.” She leaned over the console and kissed his nose. “I definitely love you the most.”
“Agree to disagree.” He shifted to meet her lips in a quick kiss. “I’ll text you in a few minutes?”
She gave him another kiss. “Sounds like a plan.”
Spencer dropped the keys into her hand and then climbed out of the car, closing the door and practically trotting toward the building. She would have laughed if it weren’t for the raging anxiety that was nearly suffocating her. She opened her door and put her legs out the side of the car, taking a deep breath and looking out over the parking lot.
Y/N knew that meeting Diana was a good thing. That Spencer wanted her to meet the most important woman in his life was a testament to their relationship. But the closer she got to it, the more she felt completely and totally out of place. What did she have to offer this woman’s remarkable son other than a mountain of student loan debt, an endless supply of expo markers, and an ever growing collection of toilet paper rolls?
She loved teaching kindergarten, and she was the first to defend the profession in most settings. But she was about to be in a room with two of the most brilliant minds on the planet, and she couldn’t help but wonder what she would possibly have to contribute. More than that, what would Diana Reid think of her son settling for someone so… ordinary?
Her phone buzzed with the incoming text message, and she bit back a sigh.
Spencer: It’s an incredible day. She’s already asking about you.
Y/N turned her face up to the clear blue sky, feeling the sun on her face and taking a deep breath. Then, she hoisted herself out of the vehicle, locking it and turning to walk toward the building. DC was hot and sticky this time of year, and she was grateful for the blast of air conditioning as she entered the facility.
The woman at the front desk— Suzanna, by her name tag— smiled kindly at her. “How can I help you?”
“I’m, um— I’m here to visit with Diana Reid.” Y/N began signing into the visitor’s log, smiling a little at Spencer’s hasty signature right above. “Her son is here, too— Spencer.”
“Ah, yes, you must be Y/N. Diana’s been so excited to meet you.” Suzanna chuckled lightly at her expression, and Y/N wondered just how much everyone already knew about her. “They’re just through there— in the sunroom.”
Y/N mumbled her thanks and turned in the direction of the sunroom, smoothing a nonexistent wrinkle from the skirt of her dress. She’d spent far too long getting ready this morning, including steaming the dress— a simple number with a black bodice and a skirt covered in books. It was her own personal nod to the incredible legacy that Diana had left— not only as a professor of classic literature, but also as the mother of the most incredible reader— and man— she’d ever met.
And now she had a moment of panic, wondering if maybe it was too on the nose, or if Diana would think it was silly and immature. She briefly considered turning and heading back out to the parking lot, but then Spencer appeared in the doorway to the sunroom, waving his thanks to Suzanna and then positively beaming at her . How could she deny him this?
He held out his hand to her, and she accepted it, instantly more at ease from the simple touch. He pulled her gently into the room, and there was Diana, perched on a floral sofa and looking quite elegant in a soft purple shawl.
She stood immediately, an absolutely radiant smile stretching across her face at the sight of them. Y/N watched as she clasped her hands in front of her and felt Spencer squeeze her hand at the same time.
“Y/N,” Diana smiled. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Y/N returned her smile. “It is such an honor to finally meet you, Mrs. Reid.”
She scoffed and waved her hand. “Just Diana, please.” Y/N saw the moment she noticed the dress, her eyes crinkling a bit at the corners. “I can already tell you’re perfect for my son: the lover of books.” She motioned to the seating area. “Come, sit.”
The three of them sat, Spencer in the armchair just across from them as she and Diana sat on the sofa. Y/N folded her hands in her lap and tried to straighten her posture. Diana leaned back against the couch with a smile.
“I really have heard a lot about you,” she repeated, sliding her eyes over to a blushing Spencer. “Spencer tells me you teach kindergarten.” Y/N nodded, and Diana shook her head. “I deeply admire the patience and energy you must have for that age group.”
Y/N laughed a little. “They can certainly be a handful. I hear you were a teacher as well.” Her eyes went a little wide at her mistake. “A professor, I mean.”
“Oh, yes, yes— 15th century literature.” Diana tilted her head, considering Y/N with a knowing gaze. “But teaching is teaching, no matter the age. And where would any of us be without our kindergarten teachers? The ones who teach us the very foundations of learning. Who not only teach us to read and write, but also to inquire and investigate and discover.”
Y/N felt unexpected tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, and she had to take a moment to breathe before speaking. “Thank you for saying that. Sometimes people assume that kindergarten is all play doh and finger paint.”
“What’s that saying about making assumptions?” Diana pondered.
“Issac Asimov said, ‘Assumptions are our windows on the world,’” Spencer offered.
“Mm, thank you for that, honey, but the one I’m thinking of is from an episode of The Odd Couple , I believe,” Diana corrected, winking at Y/N. “When you assume, you make an ass of you and me.”
“Ah.” Spencer held back a laugh, and Y/N’s heart felt just a little bit lighter.
Diana smiled brightly at her. “Your students must absolutely adore you.” Diana gestured vaguely to Spencer before continuing, “Spencer loved his kindergarten teacher— hm, Mrs. Hudson, was it?”
Spencer nodded in confirmation. Diana looked back to Y/N with a slightly mischievous grin. “His report cards always came back with the note that he was ‘helping’ the other students just a little too much— always the professor, even at five years old.”
Spencer let out an indignant squeak, and Y/N laughed. “My parents got a very similar note.” She gave Spencer a smile. “We just couldn’t help it, apparently.”
“I’m sure it didn’t help that he’d been reading for three years before he was even enrolled,” Diana mused. “Did he tell you that he originally considered studying the classics?” Y/N shook her head. “Well. When you’ve already read and discussed all the course material, it seems a waste of money, doesn’t it?”
“Indeed, I suppose it does,” Y/N agreed.
“Oh,” Diana tapped Y/N’s arm affectionately before gesturing back to Spencer, “and then there was the time that he became so fixated on the idea of becoming a magician that he somehow managed to trap a rabbit in our backyard.”
“ Mom ,” Spencer choked out.
“Oh my. No, no— please go on,” Y/N begged, waving her hand dismissively in Spencer’s direction and leaning closer to Diana. “I need all the embarrassing stories.”
Diana let out a lilting laugh. “The poor thing spent the better part of a weekend in a storage bin while Spencer tried to figure out the top hat trick.”
Y/N turned to him with a bewildered grin. “The storage bin was well ventilated!” he defended. “And she had plenty of food and water.”
“Did you figure out the trick?” Y/N asked.
“No,” he admitted sheepishly. “Mom found out about the rabbit before I could. And you need more than just the hat for the trick anyway.”
“We fed her one last carrot and then sent her back out to be with the rest of her bunny family, who must have been missing her dearly.” Diana winked at Y/N. “At least that’s what I had to tell six year old Spencer.”
“Rabbits are incredibly social and live in large colonies, so that actually was most likely the case,” Spencer supplied.
Diana smiled fondly at her son, and Y/N could practically feel the love radiating off of her. “Either way, I had one very sad little boy for the next week or so.” She turned back to Y/N. “We actually took a break from some of the more... advanced reading material so that I could read him The Tale of Peter Rabbit .”
“A classic in its own right,” Y/N said.
Diana nodded. “I’ve always said that children’s literature encompasses some of the most profound and imaginative storytelling. We can learn a lot from Peter and Ferdinand.”
“I love Ferdinand!” Y/N gasped. “Gosh, that’s one of my all time favorite books. My mom read it to me when I was little, and I read it to my kids every year.”
Diana threw her hands up. “And that right there tells me everything I need to know about your teaching. Well— that and everything Spencer’s already gushed about, of course.”
The three of them spent the better part of the afternoon laughing and trading embarrassing childhood stories. Diana was even more lovely than she could have imagined, and Y/N was grateful to be so quickly accepted into the small but incredibly loving family unit.
Every so often, she would catch Spencer’s eyes on her— soft and content and practically sparkling— and her heart would leap into her throat. He was uncharacteristically quiet, letting Diana lead most of their side of the conversation, only chiming in here and there to offer context or defend himself in a particularly mortifying tale. Diana unwittingly (or perhaps purposefully) revealed just how much Spencer had spoken about her; she already knew about Y/N’s home, her family, and most of her interests.
Spencer may have been quiet, but he was also blushing profusely— caught in the act of being absolutely enamored with her. Y/N found that she didn’t know how to feel about that. She should be happy. She should be thrilled. And in some ways, she was. Being with Spencer had made her the happiest she’d been in a very long time— maybe ever.
It was the happiness that scared her.
She deserved happiness. That’s what Anita would tell her. But the way she felt with Spencer— comfortable, natural, easy — was the rising action. She was still anticipating the climax, the mountaintop, the apex of joy. She hated herself for it, but she couldn’t help it. She’d learned that every mountain had a valley, and the falling action always dragged her against every jagged stone on the way down. She never failed to plummet from the heights into the depths of where she’d learned to live, quiet and lonely and a little bit bruised.
This knowledge didn't stop her from soaking up every second of the highs.
“I’m starting to get a little tired,” Diana admitted. She reached across the couch and patted Y/N’s hand, squeezing gently, and then she looked to Spencer. “I start to— forget when I’m tired.”
The smile that had become almost permanent that afternoon faltered slightly, but he nodded and checked his watch. “Four hours is pretty good.”
She hummed. “They’ve been longer as of late.”
Y/N watched as his nose twitched. “Does Dr. Kincaid think that’s good or bad?”
Diana gave him a sympathetic smile. “She’s not sure.”
It was quiet for a long moment, and then Y/N stood. “Let me give you a minute together.” Diana stood as well, and Y/N clasped her hands together. “I don’t think I can articulate how incredibly happy I am to have finally met you. And I— I definitely don’t have the words to properly thank you for raising such a wonderful man.”
Diana took her hands, squeezing them gently before pulling her into a hug. Y/N returned the embrace, and Diana murmured, “Thank you for loving him. Through the highs and the lows.”
Y/N blinked back tears for the second time that day, nodding into Diana’s shoulder and hugging her tightly.
With a final squeeze, Diana released her, and Y/N excused herself back out into the foyer. She signed out of the visitor log and waved to a grinning Suzanna, and then headed outside to catch her breath. She made it to the car, unlocking it and settling into the passenger seat before leaning over to turn it on and get the windows rolled down.
Spencer emerged from the building, his hands in his pockets. He quickly made his way to the vehicle, practically running across the parking lot and sliding behind the wheel. Before she could even say anything, he was surging across the console to grab her face in his hands and pull her into a kiss.
She steadied herself with her hands on his chest, clutching at his shirt and returning the unexpected passion with a slightly bewildered smile. When he was finished, he pulled back to lean their foreheads together. She caught her breath and asked, “What was that for?”
“She loved you, and I love you, and I’m so glad you got to meet her.”
She could hear the emotion in his voice, and she slid her arms around his back, pulling him into a hug. “Me, too.”
He leaned into her for a minute longer, breathing into her hair and pressing another kiss to her shoulder. Then he pulled back, smiling widely. “How would you feel about meeting the other family?”
Spencer drove them to meet up with the team at O’Keefe’s, a favorite haunt of theirs on the evenings when they’d wrapped a case at a reasonable hour. They headed up the sidewalk hand in hand, with Y/N leaning a little into his side. She was feeling slightly more at ease this time around thanks to the buffer of knowing Penelope, Luke, and JJ already.
Spencer held the door open, trailing in behind her with a hand on her waist. She spotted Penelope’s bright green dress immediately, and Spencer raised his hand in greeting. The group gave them a raucous cheer, and Y/N couldn’t help but smile.
Spencer kept his hand on the small of her back as they approached the table. He greeted the group and then turned to Y/N, gesturing around the table. He introduced her to Tara, Matt, and Emily, the three of whom greeted her with warm handshakes. Penelope was practically vibrating with excitement as she scooped her up into a hug.
“Gosh dang it, you are just so cute ,” Penelope squeaked. She pulled back from the hug to take stock of Y/N’s outfit. “The books, I love it. And the shoes!”
Y/N laughed, twirling her ankle to show off the pink t-strap heels. “I’m definitely going to regret them in about an hour. But they look cute anyway.”
Tara sidled up to the two of them, raising her glass in solidarity. “Here’s to cute shoes and pinched toes.” She took a sip of her scotch and then turned to Y/N. “What’s your poison?”
“Oh, you don’t have to,” Y/N insisted.
Tara waved her hand and gestured to Spencer. “You got grandpa to come out to the bar. You’re not paying for a single drink tonight.”
“I come out with you guys!” he squeaked indignantly.
A chorus of exasperated groans made their way around the group, followed by good-natured laughs. Tara raised a single eyebrow in Spencer’s direction, and then turned her attention back to Y/N. “Like I said, you won’t need your wallet tonight. What’ll it be?”
She did not, in fact, have to reach for her wallet at all that evening. Between the seven of them, Y/N’s cup was always full and her smile was nearly permanent. She heard endless stories about Spencer, complete with photo evidence— much to his dismay.
She learned that Tara had a doctorate in forensic psychology, and Emily had worked internationally for years becoming the Unit Chief of the BAU. Luke had been an Army Ranger and a member of the Fugitive Task Force, and Matt had traveled the globe with the International Response Team.
They were all incredibly kind, asking about her family and her work, listening with interest as she recounted growing up on a farm and her days spent teaching kindergarten. Despite their apparent interest, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a little… silly. Stories of field trips and finger painting felt incredibly juvenile in comparison to the lived experiences of this remarkable team of people.
She did her best to steer the conversation back to the team whenever possible, which in some ways made the whole thing worse. But she managed to keep a smile for the evening, and she lost track of how many drinks made their way down the hatch. Luke ordered an assortment of snack foods for the group, and she gratefully accepted a few fries and a mozzarella stick to soak up some of the alcohol sloshing around in her stomach. At some point Spencer returned from the bar with an extra glass of water, sliding it her way with a knowing smile and a press of his lips to her cheek.
Eventually, Y/N had to excuse herself to the bathroom, patting Spencer’s arm and carefully navigating the dim bar. In the way that it so often did, the level of her intoxication made itself abundantly clear in the harsh lighting of the restroom. She stumbled out of the stall to wash her hands, using the countertop for balance and cursing under her breath.
She raised her head to analyze her appearance, groaning a little at the smudge of mascara under her eyes. As she swiped at the black rings, she considered that she had never quite figured out the ideal amount of alcohol— somehow always managing to get a little too drunk. And now she was too drunk in front of all of Spencer’s friends— his family.
Not only that, but for the second time today, she couldn’t help but feel so overwhelmingly ordinary . Surrounded by the team, all extraordinary and awe-inspiring in their own right, she was… plain, unaccomplished, boring . Spencer had called her remarkable; she felt anything but.
She closed her eyes against the tears that were threatening to spill over, remembering the last time she’d cried in a bar bathroom. She’d spent that evening wondering what was wrong with her… wondering if she deserved to have someone like Spencer at all.
“That’s just… the alcohol talking,” she reminded herself out loud into the empty bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror. “Stop bein’ a weirdo.”
She pushed out of the bathroom and back into the bar, walking a little more cautiously as the alcohol started to course through her bloodstream. As she approached the group again, Spencer’s eyes found her immediately, and he reached for her, pulling her underneath his arm and into his side. He brought his mouth close to her ear and murmured, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just—” She slid her hand around his waist to keep herself steady. “Just more tipsy than I thought.”
He ran a soothing hand along her arm. “Do you wanna go home?”
She shook her head. “No, no— ‘M fine. ‘S nice to be with your friends.”
“You’re sure?” He squeezed her shoulder and lowered his voice. “Because honestly I’m kind of ready to go.”
She looked up from where her head was resting on his chest to see him smiling softly at her. “Whatever you want.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, and then turned back to the team and cleared his throat. “We’re gonna head out.”
Tara made a show of checking her watch. “10:45? I’m surprised you stayed this long, old man.”
Y/N’s eyes opened slowly and came into focus as Spencer’s car came to a stop outside her apartment. “Why’re we here?”
Spencer shut off the ignition and pulled out the key with a small smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to feel… less than stellar tomorrow. I thought you might like to wake up in your own bed. Hang on.”
He climbed out of the vehicle and closed the door before coming around to her side. She could feel the tears welling up as she fumbled with the buckle on her seatbelt. Everything was a little uncoordinated, and she felt absolutely ridiculous.
The door opened, and she carefully swung her legs out one at a time. Spencer stood slightly to the side, and she knew she should hurry up and let him get home, but she didn’t move to get up.
“Do you need help?”
She shook her head, and the action sent a tear rolling over her bottom lash line. She tried to swipe it away, but of course Spencer caught it.
“Hey— what’s wrong?” he asked gently.
She sniffed. “Are you just dropping me off?”
He cupped a hand underneath her chin to tilt her eyes upward, and his eyes were soft but concerned. “I was planning to come upstairs with you. Unless you don’t want me to.”
She shook her head. “No, I— you can come upstairs.”
“Okay.” Spencer cocked his head. “Honey, what’s going on?”
Y/N didn’t know where to begin. She was drowning in self-doubt— had been since about the one month mark. It seemed that every day there was something new to feel insecure about. The confidence she’d had on his doorstep in March was nowhere to be found.
That was too much for her slow moving brain to articulate at the moment, so she settled on: “They’re all so smart and funny and cool and interesting.”
“Okay…” he prompted.
“And I’m not,” she admitted.
His mouth turned quickly down. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” she insisted. “I’m just— a kindergarten teacher and I— I don’t have any cool skills or stories, and I don’t even have any muscles, and they’re all so pretty —”
“Hey, stop— stop.” Spencer squatted down to be eye-level with her. “First of all, you’re not ‘just’ anything. And you’re my favorite kindergarten teacher and the best one I know.” He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers together. “You have lots of cool skills and stories. And I don’t have any muscles either.”
She lifted her free hand to squeeze his bicep. “Yes, you do.”
“Muscles are overrated.” He smiled and brought a hand to her face, smoothing her hair back and then letting his fingers linger on her cheek. “And frankly, pretty is too mundane a term to describe you. I’d go with something like radiant, or ethereal, or incandescent.”
“You have to s‘plain your jokes to me,” she slurred, swiping her forearm under her nose.
“Not always. And besides, I have to explain my jokes to basically everyone,” he reminded her. He squeezed her hand. “But unlike everyone else, you let me explain them to you. And you actually listen to the explanation.” He shrugged. “I think I like that more than I like telling the joke.”
She was quiet then, eyes focused on a particularly interesting piece of loose gravel. She knew the list of her flaws was longer, but her brain couldn’t string them together in her current state.
Spencer shuffled closer and waited patiently until she finally looked at him before continuing.
“I love you. And not because of your job, or your cool stories, or your muscles,” he clarified. “I love you because you’re you. And, a little selfishly, because I love the person that I am when I’m with you. Okay?”
He smiled tentatively, and she let out a long breath. “Okay.”
He leaned forward and kissed her nose. “Now, come on. Let’s get inside.”
Spencer helped her navigate up the walkway and the three flights of stairs. Rather than rummage drunkenly through her purse, she passed it off and allowed him to retrieve her keys and unlock the door.
He supervised and provided balance support as she haphazardly swiped a makeup wipe over her face and fumbled into her pajamas. Finally he got her settled into bed with a bottle of water on the bedside table.
He pulled up the covers around her. “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” he murmured.
This was the moment that he’d realize what an absolute fool she was. He’d finally be alone in the bathroom, and it would become abundantly clear that she couldn’t drink responsibly, that she was boring, that she was obnoxious. She was sure of it, and her heart was fracturing into a thousand tiny pieces.
Spencer’s nervous laugh broke through her haze of insecurity. “Whoa, I thought we were done crying?” he joked. “Honey, c’mere.” Spencer pulled her up into his arms, rubbing a hand over her back.
She hadn’t realized she was making any noise until the sound vibrated against where Spencer had tucked her into his shoulder. As if she hadn’t been foolish enough tonight, now she was blubbering into his nice cardigan. Despite herself, she clung to him like he’d disappear like smoke between her fingers.
“I’m— I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have laughed; it’s not funny,” he apologized. “Shhh, sweetheart . It— it’s okay, it’s okay .”
“I don’t want you to go.” Her voice was full of tears and cracked pathetically at the end.
“Okay, okay,” he agreed, a tinge of confusion in his voice. “I’m— the bathroom can wait, I suppose.”
That only made her cry harder, which poor Spencer responded to with even more aggressive soothing. He stroked over her hair and hugged her tight, shushing her and rocking her a little bit back and forth.
He was just so sweet . Kind and thoughtful and considerate— three things she hadn’t experienced from a significant other in a very long time. And it was exhausting waiting for the shift— for the moment that he realized she wasn’t worth the hassle. She was so tired of anticipating the end.
“I don’t want you to leave.” She hated how ridiculous she sounded, gasping and hiccuping.
Spencer froze for a full second and then squeezed her impossibly tighter. “I’m not. Baby, I’m not. I am right here.” He stroked a firm hand up and down her spine. “I need you to take some deep breaths with me. I’m gonna do it, too, okay?”
He led her in a series of deep inhalations and long exhales to the rhythm of his palm on her back. He murmured quietly to her, reassurances and promises and love. As her breathing came closer to normal, he pressed a soft kiss into her hair.
“I love you, Y/N. You know that, right? I wouldn’t change one single thing about you.” His hand on her back slowed to a stop, and she could practically hear him considering his next move. “I’m pretty sure Billy Joel wrote a song about it, actually. I love you just the way you are. ”
She couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling up in her throat at the tone deaf melody, and she felt him smile against her hair. “Okay?”
She wasn’t okay, but that wasn’t his fault. She sighed and sniffed. “Okay, off brand Billy Joel.”
“That’s not very nice,” he chuckled, pulling back to swipe his fingers over her damp cheeks.
“Yes, it is,” she insisted. “I love off brand. Just as good as the real thing, and with some fun quirks.”
“Somehow I don’t think he’d appreciate the comparison.” He smiled softly at her, and then his expression melted into something a little more serious. “But I mean it. There is no place I’d rather be, and no one else that I wanna be with. When I say that I love you the most, I mean that I love you more than I have ever loved anybody. Ever.”
He looked at her so earnestly that she wanted to cry all over again. How was he so wonderful, and gentle, and loving, and perfect ? He’d promised to do better on a chilly night in January and then spent every single day since then doing exactly that.
“But I actually do have to pee,” he admitted sheepishly. “Are you going to be okay here for a few minutes?”
He was speaking to her as he would a child, and she was utterly mortified. She waved her hand. “ God , I’m bein’ so annoying.”
“No, you’re not. You’re a little drunk. And a lot adorable.” He tapped gently on her nose. “But you’re also kind of sad, and I don’t want you to be sad.” He propped the pillow up behind her. “It’ll be the fastest pee ever— four minutes, tops. Most of it will be hand washing. Okay?"
“Okay,” she smiled, and she really meant it.
He hopped up and trotted to the bedroom door. “See you in four minutes. Have some water while you wait.”
She followed instructions, sipping carefully from the bottle he’d left for her. She also rummaged through the bedside drawer for the Advil, popping two and washing them down with another swig of water.
Spencer returned to the bedroom with his cardigan and pants already discarded. He quickly slipped out of his button up and into his pajamas before sliding in beside her and holding out his arms. “All right, c’mere.”
“Hmm?” she hummed.
“I’m demanding snuggles,” he clarified. “That’s the price you pay for my chauffeur and caretaker services.”
Another smile slowly turned up the corners of her mouth, and he returned it, pulling her against his side. “There she is.”
She allowed herself to settle and melt into his warmth, the soft fabric of his t-shirt under her cheek and his fingers brushing lightly over her arm. She willed herself to stop waiting for the shift. She begged herself to stop looking for the end.
Maybe this time there wouldn’t be an end. Maybe she could have an infinite middle with Spencer Reid. Maybe she had earned that.
Permanent tags: @spacedikut @andiebeaword @averyhotchner @pinkdiamond1016 @shadyladyperfection @coffeeandendlesswords @justanothetfangirl @no-honey-no @ajeff855 @sapphic-prentiss @rexorangecouny @rainsong01  @blameitonthenight21 @moviequeen51 @90spumkin @reniescarlett @ncsls0515 @sturmmhond @takeyourleap-of-faith @saspencereid @calm-and-doctor @reidtheprettyboy @atabigail @ayo-cowbelly @muffin-cup @ssa-natalya-reid @wheelsup @reidingmelodies @this-is-gublerween  @spenxerslut​​  @reidemandweep @sonnydoesrandomshit @rigatonireid @luwheezey @joalsglasses @je-suis-prest-rachel @enbyfaerie​​ @spencie-adams @honestimanormalfan @blurryreid  @elldell1204 @babyhoneystvles @lost-in-the-stars03 @reiding-recs @minervaonmars​​ @radtwinkie​​
Permanent (sfw) tags: @mrs-dr-reid @eevee0722 @goldentournesol @froggybagels​
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336 notes · View notes
you know that a boy who likes boys is a dead boy
Summary: Spencer's gay. He joins the BAU and befriends the team, but it is 2003. It's a secret he has to keep. He just didn't expect it to be this hard.
Tags: gay!spencer, coming out, hurt/comfort, insecure!spencer, misunderstandings, angst with a happy ending, dad hotch, protective!hotch, protective!derek, childhood trauma TW: one instance of explicit homophobia, but it is referenced a lot, as is Spencer's internalised homophobia at the start of this fic. A shit ton of heteronormativity but tbh that's just canon lol
Pairing: Spencer Reid/OMC, Spencer Reid & Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid & Aaron Hotchner, The BAU Team & Spencer Reid
Word Count: 6k
Masterlist // Read on AO3
Consider this my contribution to pride month 😌 I've waited so long to post it and I'm so glad I'm finally doing it because it's definitely one of my all time favourites <3 Gideon is here somewhere but just like with all my early season fics he's not really part of the plot I combined my moreid and gen taglists bc it was hard to know the audience for this, but just ignore it if you're not interested!
you know that a boy who likes boys is a dead boy, unless he keeps his mouth shut, which is what you didn’t do, because you are weak and hollow and it doesn’t matter anymore. — richard siken, a primer for the small weird loves
Spencer has only told one person in his whole life.
His mother guessed. For as long as he can remember, she’s used gender neutral pronouns when talking about his future partner, read him all the gay literature she could find, promised him that he’s perfect just the way he is.
The trouble is that Spencer only believes her until the first grade, when Ryan Sampson shoves him over in the playground and calls him gay. His mom had only ever used that term in a sweet, loving way, taking care to associate such words with positivity, as long as his dad wasn’t around to hear. When that word comes out of Ryan Sampson’s mouth, it is not said with sweetness and love; it is said with venom, and Spencer learns quickly that his mom is wrong. He is not perfect just the way he is.
And so, he keeps it a secret. When his mom notices him getting uncomfortable at the mention of future partners, she stops bringing it up, though she refuses to give up the diverse education she provides for him outside of school. His dad tells him that one day he’ll be a strapping young man and marry a nice girl in a church, and Spencer nods along. He ignores the way his stomach turns with anxiety at the thought. Ignores the screaming match his parents have that night. Ignores the fact that it started because Diana chipped in with ‘or boy’.
He’s in high school by the time he’s twelve, and the only part he’s grateful for is the absence of pressure to get a girlfriend. His dad’s out of the picture now, and Spencer tries not to let himself think that maybe if he wasn’t like this he might have stayed. Diana’s so out of it most days that she doesn’t remember what she noticed about him when he was a child, only recalling the last few years of shoving himself so far back in the closet he can hardly see the door anymore.
It feels like he’s lost his last ally.
(He hates that a small part of him feels relieved she doesn’t remember; that he almost feels assured by the fact that the last person to know who he really is has forgotten. There is only this version of Spencer Reid now. No other exists.)
He makes the mistake during his second undergraduate degree. He’s just turned eighteen but he is already a doctor and, fortunately, this alienates him from most of his peers, but someone manages to slide past his defences. Ethan Miller is twenty, in the second year of his (first) undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering, and he’s nice. Spencer doesn’t have a lot of experience with friendship, but they get on well and Ethan makes him laugh. For the first time, he feels comfortable in the presence of anyone other than his mother.
They slip into an easy friendship: waiting for each other after class — Spencer back in the undergraduate buildings now he has his first PhD under his belt — and going out for ice cream and pizza and Thai food. Ethan goes to parties while Spencer studies, and then they reconvene to watch Doctor Who and play cards.
For almost a year, Spencer keeps his secret carefully locked up, hidden behind the mask he’s perfected after so many years. Even though he’s eighteen, nearly nineteen now, he doesn’t try and explore that side of himself. No, that’s far too risky. He doesn’t try and pretend any other way either, he just stays silent and lets people’s assumptions lie for him, but he can’t help the longing that claws up his throat when he locks eyes with a passing guy on campus. One time, he’d seen two men kiss on a bench in the city, and he’d run back to his dorm and had a panic attack. Why couldn’t he have that?
The feelings don’t stop, and he doesn’t know how to make them. He hates that he isn’t normal, but still longs for the touch of a man, the feeling of being wrapped up in strong arms, of being kissed by dry, chapped lips, and falling asleep to a heartbeat approximately 11% slower than that of a woman’s.
It’s a constant battle inside him, emotions raging, and he struggles to control it, suppress it, tame it.
He pays a sorry price.
Ethan makes him feel comfortable, and that turns out to be a detriment. He relaxes around the other boy: he tells him about growing up as a pre-teen in a high school, about how a child feels living 260 miles away from home, even about his mother’s illness.
And one day, it slips out. They’re on the beach, lying on towels as they look up at the blue sky, talking about what their futures will look like: Ethan will be a successful chemical engineer in Berlin, and Spencer will work for the FBI, profiling serial killers.
“You’ll have to marry a German girl,” he tells Ethan. “It’ll be tough to convince an American girl to move all the way to Germany as soon as you graduate.”
“Yeah, and what about you? You’ll be off fighting crime around the country, not much of a life for a family.”
“Oh, I imagine my husband will be the type to—”
Spencer freezes. It shocks him as much as it shocks Ethan. He doesn’t even pay much attention to Ethan’s disgusted face and his outraged tirade. He hears slurs and insults, hears him say that he can’t believe Spencer tricked him like this, that he was probably waiting to make a move on him, that he was never to look in Ethan’s direction again, but Spencer is frozen in time.
He’s never allowed him to think much about what his personal life might look like in the future, but he’d said ‘husband’ on instinct, without thinking, and it’s clearly something he actually wants. Ethan’s words sting, but the moment brings about a realisation Spencer is thankful for; it instigates a journey of self-discovery and self-expression, of the joy of living as your true self.
He loses his first and only friend, but he gains something much more valuable. He visits gay bars — nervously sipping a non-alcoholic drink in the corner at first, before soon becoming confident enough to respond to the men who sidle up to him and ask for his name. He lets go and dances the night away, sometimes going home with one of the many dance partners he acquires during the night, sometimes heading back to his own dorm happily alone.
Makeup and dresses and skirts and heels make their way into his wardrobe, and he befriends girls and drag queens and other gay men who encourage him to be exactly the way he is. And the best part is, he never has to come out to any of them. All of them know, and that’s good enough for everyone.
The fun comes to a sad sort of slow, however, when he joins the BAU. Everyone knows law enforcement’s relationship with the LGBT community is less than adequate — Spencer’s seen it with his own eyes: butch lesbians and men in dresses getting roughed up by angry police officers for ‘lewd behaviour’ or ‘drunkenness’ when they’re just being themselves. It’s not safe for him to tell anyone, so he doesn’t.
He still goes out with his friends when he’s in town and wears makeup and dresses and crop tops when he’s at home, but presents as rigidly straight Dr Spencer Reid to his team at the BAU.
The hardest part about it is that he loves his team. He’s known Gideon for years — and he wouldn’t be surprised if he suspects something after coming over to his house unannounced one night, only to have a man other than Spencer open the door — but he settles into a comforting dynamic with Hotch. He can’t help but see him as something of a father figure, and he knows Hotch has a soft spot for him, always looking out for him and taking him under his wing without a moment’s hesitation.
Elle, JJ, and Penelope all take a shine to him, too, teasing him without a hint of malice in their tones, only the kind of playful kindness that reminds him of his mother. He forms a special bond with Penelope and they spend hours watching Doctor Who together and geeking out on all the areas their interests overlap, and the comfort he feels with her matches the comfort he’s found with his new group of queer friends.
(She doesn’t hold a candle to Ethan, he decides one night, after he’d cried at a movie she’d made him watch and she felt so bad she made him hot chocolate and jam toast and cuddled him until he felt better.)
Derek becomes a brother to him. He puts him in a headlock at least once a day — which Spencer has been reliably informed by multiple sources is a very brotherly thing to do — and teases him relentlessly, while simultaneously being fiercely protective of him. Enough so, that Spencer sometimes wonders if he even has Hotch beat in that department.
He loves his team and his team loves him. It should be simple. It is still 2003.
He comes in one morning late for a briefing, his shirt buttoned wrong and his hair is a mess, and he’s fairly sure that his attempt to cover the hickey at the base of his neck with concealer has been ultimately unsuccessful. It’s obvious why he’s late. Gideon is too engrossed in the case file to notice, but Hotch raises an eyebrow, an amused look on his face as everyone else immediately takes to teasing him.
“Who’s the lucky lady, pretty boy?”
Elle raises an eyebrow to match Derek’s shit-eating grin, “Someone definitely got some strange last night.”
“When do we get to meet her, Spence?” JJ asks, smirking as he takes a seat.
He’s bright red — as if he needed to look any more debauched — and Spencer tries to ignore the hurt that seizes his chest at the reminder of his need to stay quiet. This team respects him, and he can’t throw that away just because Spencer gets too comfortable.
God, he wishes Penelope was here.
“None of your business,” he mutters, trying to keep his tone light. He fails.
Naturally, Hotch notices and swiftly moves the briefing on, and Spencer keeps his gaze locked on the case file, not missing the absence of a reprimand from his superior. He’s constantly thankful for the older man, but in this moment, he wishes he could hug him.
(A voice that sounds dangerously close to Ethan’s rises up and taunts him in his ear: he wouldn’t want a dirty homo like you anywhere near him—)
Derek doesn’t let up on the case, continuing to bug him about the special lady in his life. He does concede that it could’ve been a one night stand, which is one front he’s right on, but a couple more concessions are necessary before Derek comes close to the truth of last night.
Eventually, Derek stops, and Spencer notes that the cessation of comments comes suspiciously close to the last time Derek and Hotch were alone together. He doesn’t have it in him to feel angry at Hotch for stepping in when he had it handled; doesn’t have the energy to act as though his pride is wounded, because really, neither of those things are true, and he doesn’t need to add another item to ‘Spencer Reid’s List of Things He Pretends to Be.’
The situation is forgotten, and time moves on.
Things change when he finds his first proper boyfriend. He doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the giddying rush of emotions it turns out to be, and Spencer spends his days smiling as he daydreams his time away.
His name is Oscar Wilkins, a History professor at Georgetown University, and Spencer falls quickly in love with him. Ever since their mutual friend had introduced them at a gay bar one evening, they’d spent all their free time together. He’s kind and gentle and understanding of Spencer’s hectic and unpredictable job, and he finally has the chance to experience everything he quietly and shamefully longed for as a teenager.
The only downside is the silent breaking of Spencer’s heart that the most important people in his life can’t meet his boyfriend. He longs to show Oscar off, to hold hands in front of his team, lean up to press a tender kiss to Oscar’s lips. He wants to put a framed picture of the two of them at the Washington Monument on his desk to remind him of why he needs to get through the hard days; he doesn’t want to have to sneak out of the hotel room he shares with Derek to whisper hushed, loving goodnights over the phone.
But he’s too scared. Too cowardly.
It’s different being who he is with his gay group of friends littered with wlws and drag queens and other gay and bisexual guys. They understand.
But Derek and Hotch are two extremely masculine, alpha men: Derek’s a ladies’ man and Hotch is married to a woman he met in college with a baby on the way and both have a strong and dominant energy that still sometimes manages to intimidate Spencer even after all these years. And Elle and JJ are lovely — some of his closest friends, really — but sometimes they remind him a little too much of the mean girls he went to high school with.
The hardest person to keep his secret from, though, is Penelope. She’s his best friend and he desperately wants to give her all of him, but he’s so scared. He’s lost a best friend to this secret before, and even though he’s certain she’d be fine with it, what if she accidentally let it slip to Derek? What if Hotch found out and didn’t see him in the same light anymore? What if the girls started teasing him? What if Gideon didn’t want to mentor him anymore?
The fear paralyses him. And it’s a cycle he doesn’t know how to break.
Fear, though, doesn't stop everyone from noticing his daydreaming, his dopey smile when he checks his messages, his urgency to get home where he would’ve stayed until the small hours of the morning before. As excellent as he is at hiding his sexuality, he’s fucking terrible at hiding the fact that he’s in love: it was easy enough to pretend he was straight, but hiding something this all-consuming is an impossible ask.
Derek comes over to perch on the edge of his desk one afternoon, sighing as he sits down. “Pretty boy, this is getting ridiculous,” he says, snatching Spencer’s attention away from his phone. “You’ve been grinning like an idiot for the last twenty minutes as you’ve texted Future Mrs Reid. When are we going to meet her?”
(He hates the new nickname the team has given his mystery significant other, although Oscar had found it hilarious. “It’s funny because when we get married, we’ll hardly be able to tell,” he’d argued through his laughter. “Neither of us will change our name because of our academic profiles, and we’ll both still be ‘Dr’. Our wedding rings will be the only indicator.”
Spencer hadn’t argued back, because he’d been too tongue-tied and flushed pink at Oscar’s use of ‘when’ in regards to their hypothetical nuptials. It was only made bearable by Oscar kissing him gently and tucking him under his arm, not embarrassing him any further as Spencer had sort of anticipated, warmth settling over his chest at the thought of their future together.)
“You won’t,” he replies, perhaps a little too curtly.
Derek starts at that, clearly not expecting it. He definitely should’ve tried to play it off as a joke. “What— should I be offended, pretty boy?”
You wouldn’t call me that if you knew who I really am.
“That’s up to you, Derek,” he says calmly, although he still can’t meet his eyes, “but you won’t meet the ‘Future Mrs Reid, so I think it would probably be best if you left it alone.”
“Damn,” Derek mutters under his breath, clearly pissed off and probably more hurt than Spencer ever intended. “Suit yourself.”
And with that, he gets up and leaves his desk. Spencer’s only solace is the text message he sees on his phone when he picks it back up: I love you so much. You know that, right?
The light-hearted ridicule comes to an abrupt halt after the incident with Derek, and it’s clear that he had been the biggest contributor to the teasing. He’s thankful that the jokes have stopped, but he wishes desperately that it didn’t come with the growing distance between him and his team. Loneliness takes the place of his previous irritated anxiety, and he isn’t sure what’s worse.
It all comes to a head at the end of a case in Michigan. They’re stuck in the lounge of the small inn they’d stayed in the last few days, a snowstorm having blocked them in and grounded the jet, although Gideon had long since retreated to his room. The fire’s going and they’re the only guests around, so it’s cosy enough, but Spencer can’t help but feel sick at the idea of another night away from home.
It’s only been two weeks since he’d snapped at Derek, but the chasm between him and the team is only widening with each passing day. He knows it’s not a case of ‘pick a side’, but the team’s morale relies on light-hearted banter and teasing, and him not being a part of that anymore has only brewed awkwardness. Everyone’s trying to give him space when space is the last thing he wants.
Oscar’s keeping him company over the phone at least, but it’s not quite enough to quell the loneliness swimming around his stomach, and the 'discrete' sideways looks he gets from the team only make him feel worse.
“At least it’s nice and toasty in here,” JJ sighs as she takes a sip of the hot chocolate the kindly inn owner had made for them all.
Elle hums in agreement. “There are worse places to be grounded.”
“I dunno, man, I just wanna get home,” Derek says, not taking his eyes off the fire. Spencer can’t help but agree.
“Oh, come on,” Hotch muses, considerably more jovial now the case is over, “we’re here, and that’s not going to change any time soon. We should make the most of it.”
“It’s at least nice to be somewhere sort-of Christmassy now it’s December,” Elle points out. “We could be stuck in a dingy police station like we probably will be next week.”
“Ooh, I noticed that Jemimah and Kiran started planning the Christmas party last week,” JJ says, smiling at them. “I offered my help, but they seem to have it covered.”
Hotch raises an eyebrow“That’s probably a good thing. You don’t need more work on your plate.”
“Not gonna argue with that,” she murmurs, smiling as she brings her mug to her lips again.
Spencer doesn’t miss that Derek is still stewing on the opposite side of the room.
“Are you looking forward to the Christmas party, Spencer? Will you come?” Hotch asks, clearly trying to rope him into the conversation, which he appreciates. He’s been making a lot of effort with him the past few weeks, and it’s just about the only thing that’s getting him through each day.
Before he can reply, though, Derek erupts from the other side of the room; an already pissed-off man being pushed over the edge. “He won’t even let us meet his fucking girlfriend, Hotch, he’s not gonna want to come to the Christmas party!” he yells, throwing his hands in the air as he glares at Spencer with a stormy expression raging across his face.
Suddenly, Spencer can’t stay silent anymore, and his retort shocks himself just as much as it does everyone else. “I don’t have a girlfriend!”
It might be the loudest he’s ever shouted in his whole life. He’s always been quiet and restrained, the type to state his feelings as calmly as possible no matter how he’s feeling on the inside. Even in the biggest fight he’s had with Oscar, his voice was barely loud enough to qualify as a shout.
There’s a brief stunned silence, but Derek quickly slices his way through it, voice raising to meet Spencer’s fiery emotion, fierce and loud. “Oh, don’t even go there, Reid, you’re really gonna try and argue that? You’re gonna lie about her as well as not let us meet her? What a boyfriend you are.”
“I don’t! I don’t have a girlfriend!” he repeats, voice catching this time as tears rise unbidden to the backs of his eyes and all the emotions of the journey he’s taken with his sexuality over the years flood him in a wave of intensity he’s not prepared for.
“You’re fucking lying—!”
“I have a boyfriend!” he yells. “Alright? I have a boyfriend. I’m gay.”
The anger and emotion quickly dissipates, and he’s left standing alone in front of the team he’s put so much effort into hiding this from, watching shock spell out across everyone’s expressions. He’s never felt smaller than he does in that moment, and he quickly grabs his phone before running upstairs to his room, locking the door behind him.
“Oh God, Oscar, I fucked up so bad,” he cries over the phone as soon as his boyfriend picks up.
“Hey, hey, breathe, baby,” Oscar says gently, but Spencer can hear the anxious concern in his voice, “it’s gonna be okay, I promise. I’m here. Do you want to tell me what happened?”
“I just— Oh God, I just told the team.” A new wave of horror rolls over him as he realises what he’s done. Times might be changing, but it’s still only 2006, and he doesn’t know each and every nuance of his team members’ political positions and, fuck, he hates that his existence is a fucking political position.
Oscar’s been so understanding of his reluctance to not tell the team, even though Spencer’s met pretty much everyone in his life. He isn’t sure what he’s done to earn such a gracious and understanding boyfriend, but he’s not about to question it.
“Baby, I know it’s scary, and I know you’re really worked up right now,” he counsels, voice soft and reassuring, using the nickname he knows Spencer loves the most to make him feel as safe as he can from 700 miles away, “but it’s probably not as bad as you think. From what you’ve told me about the team, they love you so much, and even in the case that in the past they've had some issue with gay people, I can't imagine they’d ever actually think of you any differently when it comes down to it, Spencer.”
He’s crying too hard to reply, and Oscar understands immediately, gently transitioning into a story about his day that slowly starts to calm him down, and by the time he’s wrapping it up, his tears are starting to subside.
“Thank you, Ozzy,” he whispers into the phone, lifting himself up off the floor and making his way to sit on the bed instead.
“You know I’d do anything for you, sweetheart,” he murmurs warmly. “Do you want me to stay on the phone for a bit?”
“Yes please,” he whispers again, holding it as close to himself as possible, drawing all the comfort he can from his boyfriend’s voice.
He lies there listening to Oscar’s voice and trying not to think about the disaster downstairs for a good ten minutes before there’s a tap at the door.
“Oz, there’s someone here,” he says, voice panicked.
“I think you should probably speak to them, baby,” he urges. “I’ll stay on the phone with you while you do, if you like?”
“Please.” He gets up from the bed gingerly, keeping his phone tightly gripped in his right hand as he slowly unlocks the door with his left, revealing Hotch on the other side.
“Hey, Spencer. Do you mind if I come in?”
He’s riddled with nerves, but Hotch is smiling warmly, and he’s never said a harsh word to Spencer, so he steps aside and lets him into his room.
Hotch quickly notices the phone in his hand, visibly still on a call. “Is that your boyfriend?”
Spencer nods.
“Do you mind if I talk to him?”
His brows knit in confusion and his lips part slightly in surprise, but it’s all he can do to hand the phone over, watching Hotch carefully.
“Hi, Spencer tells me this is his boyfriend?” Hotch inquires politely into the phone, his tone still warm. “I’m Hotch, Spencer’s boss.”
He can vaguely hear Oscar speaking on the other end of the line, and he worries slightly that Oscar will somehow give away the familial feelings he holds for Hotch, but the conversation doesn’t last long enough for the anxiety to really take over.
“Everything’s fine here, I just want to have a conversation with Spencer, so is it alright if we hang up and I talk to him alone for a minute? He can call you straight back afterwards.” After a brief pause in which Oscar says something, Hotch looks back up at him. “Are you okay with that, Spencer?”
He nods hesitantly, and Hotch says a quick goodbye to Oscar before surging forwards and wrapping Spencer in a hug. It catches him off guard, but he doesn’t waste any time in burying his face into Hotch’s neck and soaking in the comfort and warmth that always radiates from his father figure.
“Come on,” Hotch says softly as they pull away a good minute or so later, “let’s sit down, shall we?”
“You’re not mad?” Spencer can’t help but ask, the question burning his tongue as anxiety — however quietened from Hotch’s hug — still swims around in his stomach.
“There are many things that could make me mad, Spencer,” he says earnestly, “but this is not one of them. I would never be angry at you for being who you are, okay? I might… I might be overstepping here, and if I am, then tell me and I’ll back off, but I’ve always seen you as a mentee, and over the years that’s developed— well, I see you more as a son these days. And part of that is wanting to protect and support you no matter what you do or say or who you are.”
Spencer wastes no time in diving back in for a hug, clinging onto Hotch for dear life as he hugs back, rubbing his back gently.
“I’m so sorry you didn’t feel like you could tell us sooner, Spencer,” he says in a voice soft with affection and regret. “But I’m so glad you’ve told us now.”
He only presses closer at that, tears springing back to his eyes. “I didn’t want to lose you.” He knows what he’s implying, and even in a roundabout way, he’s glad he’s telling Hotch.
“Oh, Spence,” he sighs sadly, “you couldn’t do a single thing to lose me. I’m in it for the long haul.”
“Really?” he asks, hating how insecure he sounds.
“Really,” Hotch promises, pulling away as Spencer does. “Now, you have a whole team of agents downstairs who are feeling very sorry for themselves and really want to see you.”
Nausea rolls in his stomach and panic springs back up as he looks at Hotch, desperate for some sort of grounding. “Are they angry at me? Do they hate me now?”
“No one hates you, Spencer,” he says firmly. “I promise you that. Everyone just wishes that they’d made you feel more welcome and comfortable. We all hate that you felt you had to lock up something so integral to who you are, and we can’t help but feel we played a part in it.”
“No,” he protests — the last thing he wants is family blaming themselves when it has nothing to do with them, “it’s not your fault, it’s just…”
Hotch nods. “I understand, it’s okay. Now, do you want to go down and see them? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but it might help ease your mind to see that they really don’t hate you.”
Spencer pauses, taking a moment to think. “Can I see Derek first?”
“Of course,” Hotch says understandingly, and the comforting smile that crosses his face makes Spencer feel safe and taken care of. “I’ll send him up?”
Spencer nods and Hotch hugs him once more before leaving the room almost reluctantly. He wastes no time in picking up his phone and sending a text to Oscar. You were right. Hotch is fine. He’s just sending Derek up before I go and see the team but he says that no one’s angry and I think I believe him. Thank you, Oscar. I love you.
Not even half a minute goes past before his phone lights up with a text back. I’m so glad, baby. Call me later, okay? I want to make sure you’re okay before I go to bed. I love you more.
Before Spencer can argue that actually, he is the one more in love with the other, a hesitant knock sounds on his door. Nerves suddenly flip his stomach, and he clenches and unclenches his fists a couple of times before forcing himself to cross the room, revealing a very worried and regretful-looking Derek.
“Oh, pretty boy,” he says sadly, before crushing Spencer in a warm and tender hug. Immediately, he relaxes into the arms of one of his best friends, and relief courses through his blood at Derek’s reaction. “I am so sorry that I ever made you feel like you couldn’t tell me that you were gay or had a boyfriend. That’s completely on me. I don’t care who you love, Spencer, I just want you to be happy, okay? And if this guy makes you happy, then that’s fine by me. But if he ever lays a hand on you or—”
“Derek, Derek,” he laughs, “it’s fine I get it. Thank you, though, I’m… I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you earlier and for snapping at you in the bullpen that time…”
“I understand, Spence,” he promises. “It’s in the past, okay? And I’m sorry for pushing so hard. I mean, I’d love to meet him but if you don’t feel comfortable or you don’t want to, that’s fine, too. It’s your life, man.”
“No, I… I think I want you guys to meet him. It’s been so hard to keep him away from the people I consider my family, you know?”
“Yeah, I know. Maybe after Christmas, we can all have dinner or something.”
Spencer smiles shyly. “Well, Oscar’s a great cook, so I reckon we could work something out.”
Derek grins, throwing an arm around his shoulders as he immediately jumps back into teasing him as they make their way to the door to go downstairs and see the rest of the team. “Ooh, lover boy’s got him a chef, hey? What else does this Oscar have going for him?”
Spencer chatters eagerly about his boyfriend to Derek, barely skipping a beat when he joins everyone downstairs, his friends taking his cues and joining in with the conversation seamlessly. He’s had enough fuss for one night, and the warmth and understanding on everyone’s faces tells him everything he needs to know.
“Do you have any pictures of him?” JJ asks, raising an eyebrow with eager expectancy as they all settle back into their seats by the fire, a warm and unbelievably happy feeling settling in Spencer’s stomach.
He blushes, digging out his phone from his pocket and unlocking it. “More than a few, I think.”
He finds the most recent picture of his boyfriend — a candid shot of him cooking in the kitchen, spatula aloft, and a huge grin on his face — and hands the phone around.
“Oh wow, you like them buff, huh, pretty boy?” Derek teases as soon as he gets his hands on it, and Spencer’s stomach twists in a sudden bout of fear, expecting to see some hesitancy or even disgust on his friend’s face. What if he thinks that Spencer has a crush on him? What if he’s uncomfortable around him now?
But if Derek’s having any of those thoughts, they don’t show on his face. He’s smiling widely and openly, all the pent-up anxiety and frustration borne from hurt gone from his body language, and he looks completely comfortable sat next to Spencer, his arm stretched out behind him on the back of the sofa.
They sit happily around the fire for a couple of hours, settling into a happy, intimate familiarity Spencer hadn’t realised was missing when he was hiding something so integral to his being from his family, and he’s still smiling when they finally part ways to head to bed, the clock ticking closer and closer to 1 am.
He gets ready for bed quickly, brushing his teeth and throwing on the top he’d stolen from Oscar the first time he’d stayed at his place; a welcome change from his worn and wrinkled suit. As soon as his teeth are brushed and the lights are all off except for his bedside lamp, he pulls out his phone, knowing there’s one more thing he has to do before he goes to sleep.
“Spencer?” Penelope’s voice sounds down the line, clearly concerned. “It’s almost 2 am here, are you okay?”
“I’m gay,” he says, getting straight to the point. The main reason he ever kept it from her was because of his fear of it accidentally getting out to the team rather than fear over her reaction. After all, multiple of his drag queen friends are also hers.
“Oh my God,” she says in that small voice she uses when she’s not actually talking to you, before finally actually replying to me. “Spencer, I’m so happy you told me!”
He doesn’t miss her choice of words, or the way she says them and he tilts his head suspiciously. “You already knew, didn’t you?”
She sighs. “Yeah. I’m sorry, a couple of months ago I saw a text from Oscar on your phone when you went to the bathroom during one of our Doctor Who marathons, and it wasn’t hard to figure out the relationship.”
“And… wait, you’re not mad at me for not telling you sooner?”
“Spencer! Of course not. I was waiting for you to be comfortable enough to share it with me. I felt awful that I knew without your consent but I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to catch you off guard or make you feel uncomfortable. It’s fine that you waited, baby genius, I’m just so happy you told me now. What finally gave you the courage?”
“Well, it might have slipped out in front of the team this evening,” he admits sheepishly, “and the only reason I never told you was because I was scared that it would slip out somehow — accidentally, of course, I didn’t think you’d tell anyone on purpose — and now everyone knows. It’s been killing me not to tell you, Penelope, it really has because I love you so much and you’re my best friend and I trust you with my life, it’s just…”
“Whoa, slow down, Spence,” she laughs fondly, “you don’t have to explain yourself to me, I understand. But I’m glad you finally told everyone and you can be yourself completely with us, now. We all love you no matter what, you know that right?”
“I do now.”
“Good. You should get some sleep, baby boy, it’s late and you’ve had an emotional evening.”
Spencer smiles. “Yeah, I know. You should, too, Pen. I’ll see you when we can finally make it home, okay? Love you.”
“Love you, too, 187,” she says softly, and Spencer can hear the smile in her voice. “Goodnight.”
As soon as he hangs up, he settles down into the bed, turning off the light and pulling the duvet up over his shoulders before dialling one more number.
“Hey, baby,” Oscar says, voice as gentle and caring as it always is, although thicker with tiredness now. “I take it everything went okay?”
“Yeah,” Spencer murmurs, already feeling tired as the safety he always feels at the sound of Oscar’s voice settles into the fibres of his being. “It went so well. I can’t wait for you to meet everyone.”
“I can’t wait either, sweetheart. Are you in bed now?”
“Yeah,” he sighs. “Can you talk to me as I fall asleep?”
“Anything for you, Spence,” he says softly, before transitioning seamlessly into a story about the professors on campus, and his gentle comfort and the knowledge of the unconditional love his family has for him finally lulls Spencer into the best sleep he’s had in weeks.
taglist : @criminalmindsvibez @moreidstrobed @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @livrere-blue @hotchseyebrows @reidology @i-like-buttons @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @physics-magic @sbeno22 @temily @enbyspencer @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @reidreids (add yourself to my taglist via this form!!)
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tact-and-impulse · 2 years
@shepherds-of-haven, for the “awakening” prompt! Set a little after Chapter 1, and with the children rescued and quarantined.
“Another rainy day.” She mourns aloud, as she parts her curtains. Her window’s covered in fine droplets, and below, the courtyard is muddy and abandoned. The gray, dreary weather is a letdown. With the endless patrols and tasks, she hasn’t had a spare moment to herself. Her energy is waning from the work and lack of sun. At least, she doesn’t start for another hour, but she should grab a bite.
With a sigh, she laces up her boots, and something catches her eye. A corner of white paper, sticking underneath her door. She pulls it towards her and unfolds the middle crease. Her name is at the top, the letters round and neat. Rika’s handwriting, confirmed by the girl’s signature. The note is brief.
Are you free? If you are, please have breakfast with us!
She smiles. The kids must be bored in quarantine, and she really would like to pay them a visit. It’s a short walk to the corridor, that breaks off into their rooms. Even before she sees the entrance, someone’s obviously cooking and that quickens her pace. She heads for the largest main area and beams. “Hello, good morning!”  
Instantly, she’s crowded by the dozen kids, who happily return her greeting. Caine hangs in the back, trying to appear cool and failing. But she’s most struck by Trouble, walking up to her with a grin.
“All of you are more excited to see her than me.”
“We saw you yesterday!” One boy, around seven or eight, defends.
“So I’m an old regular, huh?” He ruffles the boy’s hair and tells the group. “Isn’t your food getting cold? Go on, I’ll pull a chair over for her.”
The kids disentangle themselves with slight pouts, but they trudge back to the dining table. She follows Trouble to the adjacent kitchenette. Pans and bowls are strewn about, and he scratches his head.
“Sorry for the mess. The kitchens sent up half the stuff, but I wanted to make something hot for them. Of course, they begged to help out. Crack eggs, butter the toast, taste test, anything. Half of this month’s already gone, and they’re getting stir-crazy.”
“Aw, I wish I’d come earlier. That sounded fun.”
“Yeah, it was. And they promised to clean up too.” He easily lifts a wooden stool. “I didn’t know you’d be stopping by, until Rika mentioned it.”
“She sent me a note, and I thought visiting would be nice. I can only stay for an hour, but I need the break.”
“I bet, I heard you were swamped.” His hand clasps her shoulder, in a firm and affectionate gesture. “How’ve you been doing?”
She’s touched by his concern. “I’m a little tired. With all the rain, I’ve missed seeing the sun.”
“Same, it’s hard to get out of bed when it’s so gloomy.”
“Absolutely.” They rejoin the kids, and he sets her stool down, next to his seat.
“Well, here you go.”
“Thank you, Trouble.” She has her first look at the breakfast offerings, and her mouth waters. Baskets of bread, jars of fruit preserves, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, a dish of seasoned potato slices, among others. She fills her plate, taking a little of everything. As she does, whoever’s assisted with that item is keen to point out their contribution.
The boy from earlier speaks up again. “I added the salt and pepper!”
“The milk went missing, but we found it.” A pair of siblings chime in.
The youngest girl pulls at her sleeve. “Is the toast yummy?”
“I don’t know, let me try it.” She makes a show of chomping down on her piece, topped off with honey and a generous sprinkle of cinnamon. “Mm-hmm, it’s perfect. You did such a great job, everyone!”
She’s rewarded with their bright smiles, and they momentarily resume eating. Her toast really is delicious, the taste is nostalgic. Without thinking, she licks a drop of honey off the side of her thumb. In her periphery, Trouble stares at her, his jaw slack.
“Oops, forgot my table manners.” She apologizes.
“Er, no, it’s fine. Mine are worse.” He holds her gaze a second longer, before shoveling potatoes into his mouth.
Caine interrupts, calling their names. “Have you two been on any new missions?”
“Actually, we’ve had separate ones.” She says, in between bites. “The last time we worked together, that was when we rescued everyone here. I think this is the longest I’ve spent with Trouble since then. Right?” She looks to him.
He’s chugging his khav, his gold-ringed eyes widening, and he quickly swallows. “Yeah, we’ve only said hello to each other as we walk past. By the way, I still owe you a drink.”
“Yup, I didn’t forget. I’ll remind you when I have more than an hour.”
Caine then asks if she’s experienced anything interesting, and she mentions how her latest shopping trip went, including the clown and his funny antics. Other than that, she’s had a dull sennight. Trouble hasn’t fared any better, and the kids already know his stories.
“Trouble, do you visit every day?” She asks.
“I wish I could, but it comes to about every three or four.”
“Oh? So, yesterday was an exception? This morning makes twice in a row.”
“Well, I usually swing by in the afternoon, but Rika said she wanted to have a breakfast meeting.”
“I see.” Rika’s been the common point in this situation, and with her intuition sparking, she peers down the table. The girl is noticeably taking interest in her juice, not meeting their gazes. “Thank you, Rika. It was nice of you to think of us.”
“You two saved us. My mom says a full belly is the best thank you.” But she shyly smiles.
To her dismay, she notices the time and she has to leave within the minute. “I really want to stay, but I can’t be late.” She rises, stacking her silverware on her plate, when Trouble takes her elbow and steers her to the door.
“We’ll take care of your dishes, so get going. Thanks for being here, it was good to see you.” His expression is warm, like the sunlight she dearly craves.
“Yeah, I had so much fun. It was nice.” And she decides to go for the hug. He’s as solid as she remembers, and he squeezes her back.
“Stay safe out there, alright?”
“Duly noted, Vice Commander.”
“Are you gonna kiss?” The question from Rika shatters the moment, and they pull apart. The girls look enthused at the prospect, the boys grossed out. Caine’s face is an equal mix of confusion and horror.
“Nope, sorry.” She airily replies and enjoys how Trouble’s turned crimson.
“Hey now, you kids shouldn’t see any kissing.”
“We’re not that little.” Caine protests. “And I’ve seen worse than people smooching!”
They’re about to banter, so she waves goodbye. Then, at the threshold, she whirls around. “Can we do this again next week?”
The kids cheer in obvious agreement. Trouble rubs the back of his neck, smiling bashfully. “I’d like that. Sounds like a plan.”
It’s already drizzling when she begins her patrol, but her boots don’t feel as heavy and she squares her shoulders with renewed determination.
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edie-baby · 3 years
Baby Boy Chapter 5 | Lando Norris
Summary: Milana Navratilova is the best friend of Victoria Verstappen, and is for lack of a better word, a minx. She can pull anyone into bed with her at any time. So when she attends the Austrian Grand Prix with Victoria, the drivers make for good bedfellows. Until she finds a man who makes her finally feel like herself. Her baby boy.
Warnings: smut, swearing, non-con kiss (will be a chapter warning for that one), OC is a w h o r e and i love her.
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The Austrian summer sun glared into Milana’s eyes from her position in the middle of the master bed. She rolled over slightly, wanting to get out and find her best friend so they could go for breakfast and then some shopping they both knew was inevitable on any trip. With a huff, the Czech stood up, only just realising exactly how sore the men had made her. She waddled to her suitcase, willing herself to suck it up and keep walking around until she got used to the pain.
A white pleated skirt and tight red cropped shirt seemed like a suitable enough outfit for her day’s plans, so with a waddle only a penguin could rival, Milana made it to the bathroom for a hot shower. The entire hotel room had the unmistakable smell of sex, and she was sure she’d need to leave the room before the smell seeped into her hair and clothes. Maybe housekeeping could work some magic while she was out.
“BABE ARE YOU HERE?” Milana heard the very recognisable croaky voice of her best friend. She called out that she was in the shower, and in a few short seconds, Victoria was sitting on the vanity in the bathroom, swinging her legs while Milana continued to cover herself in body wash that smelled delightfully of cherries.
“So, you had a good time with Lewis, I hear.” Milana giggled, and Victoria couldn’t help but to laugh along. She knew it was ridiculous that the man was able to make her scream his name so loud and for so long that she nearly lost her voice entirely.
“And judging by the bed, your silk tie, and the overall reek of the room, you did too. So, who’d you bring back? Daniel? Max?” Victoria questioned. While her brother was off limits to most of her friends, Milana was one of two women Victoria was familiar with that she would allow to mess around with her brother.
“Both.” Milana replied. Victoria gasped, giggling out a quick ‘you whore’ before asking what exactly her best friend meant.
“Like, you took Daniel from the party and picked Max up down the hall?” Victoria pressed, the only other option was that they had willingly come together, which didn’t seem like something her brother would be comfortable with.
“Nope, took them both at the same time.” Milana answered as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself as Victoria looked at her in complete shock.
“Oh, I’m never going to let Max live that down.” Victoria giggled before she jumped from the counter and moved to grab some clothes to wear for the day. Milana got dressed into her outfit and felt quite proud of how cute it looked considering she had basically picked up two random items and hoped for the best. About forty-five minutes later, the girls left the room hand-in-hand, their makeup and hair done as beautifully as it was last night, but hopefully today it would last more than a few hours before getting ruined.
“Morning Max! Going to see Dan?” Victoria chirped as she saw her brother walking toward where she and Milana waited for the elevator. Max’s face went a deep shade of red and the girls simply laughed and stepped into the elevator together.
Victoria and Milana had found a cafe nearby the hotel to have a quick brunch before heading out for their big day of shopping. As soon as they walked in, many heads turned thanks to the jingle of the bell above the door. Victoria spotted the Twitch Quartet in one of the tables up the back, the rest of the patrons seemed to be members of teams from all over the grid, as many of them were dressed in their team kit.
George waved the two girls over, coincidentally there were two seats spare at the table, one squished between Lando and the wall, and the other at the head of the table. As Victoria was a few paces ahead of Milana, she took the spacious seat at the head with Alex and Charles nearest to her. Milana practically floated over to the seat beside Lando and sat with her back leant up against the wall, her knees brushing against the Brit’s thigh.
“Milana, I’ve heard quite a bit about you. I saw you at the party last night, but didn’t get a chance to chat to you. I’m Alex, I drive with Max.” The Thai introduced himself, offering a hand to shake as he was straight across the table from Milana. She accepted it gracefully, a sweet smile curling her lips. She could see from the corner of her eye that Lando was looking at her with a small frown on his face.
“What’s wrong baby boy? You look upset.” Milana commented with a soft voice, the late night and early morning contributing to her voice being a little huskier than usual. Lando blushed fiercely at the pet name and bit his lip. The others around the table looked shell shocked by the words that had fallen from the Czech woman’s lips.
“You just look tired.” Lando mumbled, his blue-green eyes darting up to make contact with the dark hazel of Milana’s. Her eyes softened at his words, and she couldn’t help the smile on her face. She patted his thigh softly and assured him she was alright.
“You girls looked lovely last night, by the way. I didn’t get the chance to tell you before you were leaving with Daniel and Max, and then Vic disappeared not long after.” George complimented. Victoria giggled, the fact that she had teased her brother about going to see his ex-teammate less than a half hour ago, and already the two were being brought up together.
“Yeah, I noticed that too. And also noticed the noise an hour after that.” Alex grumbled. Milana smirked, and saw the shock smack Charles and George in the face. Lando seemed to be watching her with intrigue.
“Wait, you took one of them back to your room?” George questioned. At this, Victoria burst out laughing, garnering strange looks from everyone but the woman of the hour.
“Well, no. Not one.” Milana spoke, staring George in the eyes until he understood what she was implying. He gasped so hard he choked on his spit and began coughing up a lung. Victoria rubbed his back sympathetically, while Charles continued trying to figure out the implications of the woman’s words in a language that was not his native tongue. Lando and Alex had understood at the same time as George, albeit with less dramatic reactions. Alex’s jaw dropped, his ideas of his teammate changing as he stared at the woman in front of him. Lando’s eyebrows were raised, a small smirk on his face, he was impressed.
“So, let me get this straight. You convinced Daniel Ricciardo, the womanizer of the grid, and Max Verstappen, Mr. I Don’t Share Anything to have a threesome?!” Alex almost squealed. It was at this point where Charles caught up, the blunt words finally clearing his confusion up, at which point he began mumbling in broken French. Milana simply nodded at George and took a sip of Lando’s iced coffee, to which he barely reacted.
“Fuck, they must have ruined you.” George muttered, looking at Milana with sympathy and a small shake of his head. Victoria began giggling at this again, and George looked at her with confusion. It was obvious at this point that the young Verstappen couldn’t hold the truth in without giggling.
“My wife here has a special talent for making difficult men submit.” Victoria nodded proudly at Milana. George began coughing again, Alex looked like a fish, his mouth opening and closing silently, and Charles began rambling in proper French this time, however he was talking so fast that Milana barely caught the worlds ‘petit friponne’ before tuning back out. Lando was staring at her again, the earlier expression was gone, and he looked at her with a flicker of disappointment in his eyes. Milana couldn’t help but want to assure the adorable boy in front of her that it was just sex, and if there was anyone she had her eye on at the moment, it was him. But alas, she didn’t.
The group finished their brunch with a lot of stories, laughs, jokes, and new friendships being formed. It made Milana a bit upset as she and Victoria made their way to the Aston Martin they were borrowing, that in about five days, she would be returning to her apartment in Prague, going back to work, and being forgotten by people she could have lifelong friendships with.
The drive to Vienna from Spielberg was about two hours, according to the GPS Victoria had programmed whilst Milana fiddled with the position of the driver’s seat. A few moments later, the girls were on their way, a playlist of their favourite singalongs and party songs blasting through the stereo, the windows down and the two women completely carefree.
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