#thank you to gif makers
celluloidbroomcloset · 7 months
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Just thinking about how Ed doesn't just put his arms around Stede; he holds him.
Just thinking about how Stede has probably not been held since he was a small child, if then.
Just thinking about how Stede was hiding alone in his cabin and thought he would be alone that night and Ed shows up with nothing but sympathy and concern. And how Ed cradles him and wraps his arms protectively around him and says he's wanted and desired, yes, and also that he's safe.
Just thinking about how Ed heard Stede say, "I'm here, you're safe, I'll never leave again," and how Ed himself is saying that now with his arms and his hands and his kiss.
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ashiyn · 2 months
ashy i fucking love u for all the gifs ur making of the irl stuff, it makes me so happy
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stop i might just start sobbing, have a cute zed and tango gif that i haven't posted yet as a massive thank you,
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nonoqy · 5 months
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hi i'm learning how to make gifs
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ririchonne · 23 days
I love gifs! Whoever invented it thank you🤩😘
You can zoom on whatever /center/de-center…
And now rewind ⏪ forward by maintaining you thumb n sliding it on the tumblr mobile app (I don’t know since how long we can do that…) @staff 👍
Be my guess and try it out ⬇️🤭:
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But above all huge thank you to the gif-makers of this fandom who took time to download/select/cut/lighten/coloured… (so quickly after an episode aired too 😝 ) and by doing so nourishing our obsessions 😂
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@taiturner @nerd4music @coolpartytimefan @riickgrimes @msanonships @azizefan @lousolversons @nat111love @ricksmarlene @machonnes @kris-lulu @andy-clutterbuck @richonne4life
And all I didn’t mention veteran n newcomer
Thank you!
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ambreignsfan4life · 2 months
Thank You Roman Reigns ☝️
History Maker, Record Breaker, 9x Wrestlemania Main Eventer, Longest title reign in the modern era our Tribal Chief Roman Reigns
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Creating one of the most dominant factions in WWE and also one of if not the best stories in the history of WWE
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Thank you for the era of The Tribal Chief, Acknowledged since Day 1
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☝️👑Thank you Roman ☝️👑
Hope you come back soon 🙏
Credit to the gif owners
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junmail · 7 months
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[SVT RECORD] 준이의 먹고 또 먹고
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gingiekittycat · 7 months
Does Crowley actually love Aziraphale?
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The more I think about season 2, the more I write about it here on Tumblr and in fic, the more I'm starting to believe that he... doesn't.
Not yet anyway.
I think there is something deeply unhealthy about what Crowley feels for Aziraphale, as evidenced by how completely miserable he is this season. He's so afraid of losing Aziraphale, losing their "precious, peaceful, fragile existence", that he's worked himself into a constant state of anxiety. He's angry this season. He's upset. He's scared. He's trying so hard to hold something so tightly because he thinks if he loses it, he won't be able to survive.
He's always two minutes away from Aziraphale's door. He's sleeping in his car. Could he get another flat? I'm sure he could. Anthony J. Crowley could figure out a way to get another flat. He doesn't want to. He wants to be ready to go to Aziraphale at a moment's notice. He desperately does not want Aziraphale to go to Edinburgh, because he's afraid something will happen to him there. He doesn't give a shit about Aziraphale driving his car, he just doesn't want Aziraphale to leave. And then even when he does give in, he checks up on him, he puts some creepy "I can feel what you do to the Bentley" charm on his poor car, to keep checking up on him. The closer he feels to losing Aziraphale, the tighter he clings to him, until he's literally following him around everywhere (like when Aziraphale is trying to convince all the shopkeepers to come to his meeting).
I could go on. And on and on.
The point is, as we see from the Job episode, that Crowley is lonely. He didn't fit in at Heaven, he doesn't fit in with Hell, and from the first rainstorm in the Garden of Eden "our hero" has coped by clinging to the one person who has showed him any sort of relief from that loneliness.
He's not in love. He's obsessed.
He's been obsessed since the Garden. Popping up wherever Aziraphale is, following him around the Earth. Saving his skin, if need be, even though Aziraphale is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. And it gets stronger and stronger as the years pass, as they get closer to each other, as they get closer to Armageddon, and then as they deal with the aftermath.
Crowley never used the word "love" in his confession. I think that's a deliberate writing choice, not necessarily because Crowley didn't want to use the word. I think Crowley thinks it's love, but the fact that he didn't use that word shows the audience that it's not. He's desperate for the idea of an "us", even in season 1 he's obsessed with it, "we're on our side", "us against them." A group of the two of them. Crowley is obsessed with the idea that they are part of something together, something bigger than themselves, because Crowley is not part of anything else, not Heaven, not Hell, and he just wants to belong.
And with all that said... I think it's good that they broke up.
I think it's a good thing for Crowley. I think he needs to take a break. I think he needs to work on himself, work through some of his trauma. I think he can love Aziraphale, but he's got to do some work to get there.
Will we get this in season 3? We'll have to see...
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loneswaggingranger · 1 year
crying every time when I think of the layers of implication in that scene where Inej says "Is there anyone to protect you?" and Kaz answers with, "Was there no one to protect you?" Kaz's answer indirectly saying I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you and I'm here to protect you now and subtly, very subtly, can you be the one to have my back, protect me? The fact that Kaz is quite literally behind her back and willing to control his touch aversion for HER while saying this. Kill me now my kanej heart
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kimtaegis · 2 years
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blue joon ♡ for @rkivedfiles
cr. namuspromised
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iphigennia · 1 year
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I love you, did I say it? - Roman + Logan
succession (2018-2023) / it's time for 'succession' to dig deep with connor roy, (daily beast) laura bradley, link / we pals go fishing / fishing with dad, joseph francis kernan / succession (2018-2023) / t. real / rehearsal, succession (2018-2023) / argestes, succession (2018-2023) / honey boy, alma har'el (2019) / heaven and hurricans, sean norris / woodtangle, mary ruefle / connor's wedding, succession (2018-2023) / connor's wedding, succession (2018-2023) / all my sons, arthur miller / gods and kings, lynn austin / all the bells say, succession (2018-2023) / tarjrish, soroosh shahrivar / succession (2018-2023) / anti-savior complex complex, (tiktok) @asoftepilogue / i went to market, succession (2018-2023) / rehearsal, succession (2018-2023) / paternally grateful, stewart stafford / and my father's love was nothing next to god's will, amatullah bourdon / all the bells say, succession (2018-2023) / the autobiography of my mother, jamaica kincaid / the goldfinch, donna tartt / connor's wedding, succession (2018-2023) / connor's wedding, succession (2018-2023) / succession (2018-2023)
part one part two
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cluedoenthusiast · 1 month
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[1, 2]
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somethingserious · 1 year
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you were so so sexy Jamie you have no fucking idea
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
A Moment of Repose (Part 2)
Continued from this post.
“Will you be comfortable in the trees? We can try to find a bigger tent.”
“What?” Kar’niss spared a glance up at his nest then darted his eyes back to Tav. A perplexed expression wrinkled his brow, the sharp points of his legs stamped impatiently into the dirt below.
Succeeded: Insight.
Narrator: You get the sense of lingering confusion on the drider. The gaze of his many eyes idle on your own as if searching for the catch behind your concern. You glean wary acceptance of your offer. How long his temporary trust will hold, however, is unknown.
“I—am not concerned about my accommodations. We wish to be closer to our Queen, the higher we sit, the better. You say you are going to Baldur’s Gate, it is the same place we intended to travel to from Moonrise. We believe that our connection to Her will return if we are nearer to Majesty. She must speak to us again, She must…”
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ranchthoughts · 1 year
The Eight Sense and missing pieces
(this is going to be long. I apologize in advance)
The Eighth Sense, from the cinematography to the narrative, is about what is missing, what isn’t shown, what we don’t see. The whole show feels like peering at the edges of a jigsaw puzzle: the uneven margin of tabs and blanks hinting that there is something missing, a broader picture, just beyond our line of sight.
I’ve talked about this before, but the filming style of The Eighth Sense leaves so much out. The backgrounds of shots are often so blurry we can’t see what is lurking out there, though sometimes we know there is something we are missing out on, something we can’t fully see. Other times, the shots are shaky and tight, leaving pieces we would generally consider important out of frame, like the filming of their ocean kiss in ep. 6.
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And then in the narrative, like @chaoticfandomthot and @asianmade mention in their posts (1, 2), there are so many things we don’t see or know.
There are large parts of Jaewon’s backstory missing to us (and to Jihyun) which are filled in a bit as the show continues, but not all the way. We never see Jaewon’s brother’s accident, or Jaewon’s dad. We don’t see the incident where the camera is broken, just flashes of it smashing on the ground and the aftermath. These are things Jaewon doesn’t even share with his friends - they don’t know about his home life, or his brother’s death, as @lurkingshan points out. Jaewon hides things from the people in his life just as the show hides them from us.
Though, like Jihyun, we the audience get closer than anyone has before. We step into Jaewon’s life, we see his therapist, we catch those occasional flashes like with the camera incident, we watch him open up to Jihyun, and like Jihyun we get many of the pieces of Jaewon and his story he hides from everyone else.
There are other scenes in the story missing from the show too. We never see Jihyun’s accident, or Jihyun in the hospital. We never even really hear what happens. We don’t see Jaewon reuniting with Eun Ji after the accident, or much of their relationship before the first breakup or the second. We do hear about what precipitated their first breakup in a rare moment of explicit explanation, but this comes after much of the show has gone by and we don’t see it, we just hear about it.
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"the hole they left inhabits the narrative more than their presence ever would have" - the show is about what we don't see. It’s about the trauma that haunts Jaewon, his home life, what he hides from others. It’s about Jaewon’s brother, who isn’t in the show except briefly in flashbacks, but has shaped Jaewon’s life and his relationships with others in innumerable ways. It’s about the trauma that Jihyun and Jaewon experience at the beach that isn’t shown, even to the audience.
@respectthepetty writes about how The Eighth Sense is all about tradition: Tae Hyung wants to continue the traditions of their seniors even though it caused him pain, Ae Ri wants to break with traditions she finds are stifling, much of Jaewon’s trauma comes from his family and familial expectations (the death of his brother, his desire to pursue a career in photography, etc.), and so on. But this “tradition” is in many ways curiously missing from the show. We don’t see the forces and people imposing tradition on Jaewon, like his time in the military, or his father, or his home life. We don’t see the club seniors or hazing Tae Hyung references, even in flashbacks. “Tradition” structures the characters and therefore the events of the show, but it is also more of a looming spectre, blurry in the background, just out of frame.
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Half the show we have to piece together - what happened on the beach? Is Jihyun really dead? What happened to the camera? Who did that? Things are missing, told out of order, fragmented... and the cinematography echoes that.
This style of storytelling and filming works so well for the characters. Many people, like @emotionallychargedtowel, have talked about how Jaewon is a survivor of trauma and how that affects how he acts and sees the world. He is depressed, he has been through horrible events, he hides from others - and the narrative and camera work of The Eighth Sense reflects that. The backgrounds are blurry and unfocused, the shots are shaky, the framing shows flashes but not always the full picture, sometimes the chronology of shots is unusual.
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@emotionallychargedtowel and @jjsanguine and many others offer (1, 2) that the filming style of The Eighth Sense, particularly at the end of ep.6 reflects/is caused by Jaewon’s mental state. He has just been through another traumatic event, which greatly resembles the one from his past, so consequently his recollection of events will be blurry, shaky, incomplete. Even the colouring gets darker and greyer. Jaewon’s mental state and emotions are so strong they are altering the form and the filming of the narrative. He is responsible for many of the conspicious absences in the show. We don’t see his brother’s accident or Jihyun’s accident or confrontations with his dad because we can’t - Jaewon can’t or won’t let himself remember them, at least not in their entirety.
The show also feels so queer because of this style. I talked about this in my other post, and @talistheintrovert​ talked about it in this post too, but the way the cinematography is fragmented into close up shots, shaky camera work, montages... the tension of being queer, not knowing if you crush likes you or could ever like you or if them knowing you like them is a threat to your safety, the dream-like safe bubble of two people loving one another amongst the outside world... Being queer, sizing up another person, it’s all about looking closely but not lingering, searching carefully for details that are hidden to most others. Like @jemmo​ says, “queerness can often hide in plain sight” - it’s the things broader society doesn’t see that hold the most significance for queer people. Of course a queer narrative wouldn’t be able to show things clearly, of course they must be hidden and hinted at but never explicitly said, never fully or clearly shown - eyes lingering in the shower, hands held for a moment and then released in the next shot, montages of an evening at the beach together.
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We see the edges of the pieces, and from that we can understand most of the picture. The Eighth Sense is about the holes, the absences, the lingering presences of characters and scenes and moments we don’t see. It is about what isn’t shown explicitly, what the character’s can’t remember clearly, what the characters are avoiding remembering, what the characters hide from themselves and others and even us, the audience. It is about paying attention to what isn’t there and why it isn’t there and how we know what is missing.
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gillianthecat · 6 months
jumping on the bandwagon...
10 11 12 BL Boys That I Want Carnally
... or have lusted after at some point in my watching career. (My actor crushes wax and wane over time.)
It looks like everyone else is doing characters, not actors, but I was inspired by @lurkingshan's post which only had gifs no names, so I drew my own conclusions. And I'm rarely attracted to the character—they belong with their partner! or are just someone I wouldn't get along with—so listing actors feels more accurate.
(It was originally 10 because I thought I needed to choose only one of the Guardian boys, but then I decided why not both. But I didn't wanna delete anyone else. So now it's 11. And then I remembered War so now it's 12.)
Lin Zi Hong (Sam Lin) of We Best Love
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Jo Hyuk Joon of Blueming
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Zhu Yilong of Guardian (can I count it as a BL for the purposes of this list?)
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Bai Yu of Guardian (can I count it as a BL for the purposes of this list?)
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Man Trisanu Soranun of Step By Step (but only in character) (which is not the same as being attracted to the character)
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Meguro Ren of Kieta Hatsukoi
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Ji Sung of The Devil Judge (can I count it as BL for the purposes of this list?)
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Jung Taek Woon (Leo) second lead of Happy Ending Romance
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Shin Myung Sung (side character/second lead) of Happy Merry Ending
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Zee Pruk Panich of Why R U? and Cutie Pie
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Izuka Kenta of the Pornographer series and Candy Color Paradox
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War Wanarat Ratsameerat of Love Mechanics
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Because I have to over explain every list I make... These are not necessary the actors I find most beautiful, and there are some actors I think are absolutely insanely gorgeous (e.g. First Kanaphan, PP Krit, and Matsuoka Koudai) that I'm just not attracted to, sometimes because they seem too young, sometimes just because.
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mubeardoodles · 4 months
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I’m making a picrew and I wanted to ask the world at large, is this a good starter set of skin tones? and if not can y’all throw some hex codes in the tags/comments that would be a better representation because I want to get this right the first time around
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