#thanks for asking dear <3
mr-stottlemonk · 25 days
How are you doing?
not gonna lie i did a double take when i saw this ask because i just woke up and thought i was dreaming aksjald.
honestly though, it's a pretty shitty week so far already. i'm exhausted (╥_╥). but i'm taking (trying to) it slow. thank you for asking, dear <3!
i took a break from rewatching monk 2002 because i got hooked into watching this turkish drama when i visited a friend and was lingering in the background -> *cries in suffering from liking the side couple*
other than that! i'm working on an angsty monk fic. the plot -> how Adrian and Leland are 3 months after Trudy's death. [title: beneath the shade of the paper tree]
also working on two other separate one shots! one which is workplace au + married stottlemonk (i don't know lmao, it just happened) & the other is Leland heartbroken :D. i'm very excited for them!! gonna drop some sneak peeks :")
work place au sneak peek:
The bar does turn out to be a great place. Not too noisy, not overly packed. Spaced and out in the open. And it packs a pretty great drinks menu too.
The orange mezcal sours are to die for.
Natalie gets her editing team to tag along with her the first time and then, triumphantly, all the other times after.
The thought of getting along with Sharona before had seemed bleak and impossible before they had sat down, partnered up and got down to answering questions together fire-quick.
beneath the shade of the paper tree sneak peek:
Dr. Hilton is the seventh psychiatrist Leland has made an appointment with in the span of two months.
His pamphlets and contact cards at the precincts are peppered all around and a few of the guys who have had the smarts to swallow down their pride and stubbornness in order to seek help have claimed that he's the best of the best.
That title doesn't ring true, two appointments later.
“Doctor Hilton, with all due respect, what exactly are you trying to say?”
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girlmv · 3 months
heloo!! for the ask game: 🌿🏳️‍🌈
sending u love <3
🌿describe your favorite outfit: i love a monchrome look, and i have an all baby pink fit, tennis shoes, some baby joggers, and a tank (i have the same outfit in olive green minus the shoes)
🏳️‍🌈are you a member of the lgbtqia+ community?: yes! im bi and nonbinary (they/them)
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dojaejung · 6 months
hi lia!! 15 en 97!! <33
hiii mo!! 💕💕💕
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rakiah · 1 month
so i read that lions will follow females they're interested in and this gave me an idea for a funny scenario:
leona peacefully taking his nap, waking up the instant he hears vil's voice, and instinctively trying to get up before actively stoping himself while cursing his cat instincts
probably the moment he goes "fuck i'm in love with him aren't i?"
Give me more time and I’ll do a short comic about that cause this prompt is gold ✨
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teetlezhere · 4 months
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Really feeling down in the dumps bc I got sick lately, so I made the Leos take a nap for comfort.
I also have a version with a smaller Leon too.
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dark-and-kawaii · 2 months
*chanting* Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Impsy doodle! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy! Doodle Impsy!
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♡ Testing Their Patience
♡ Daughters
♡ Chaos
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hanasinbloom · 1 year
also!! request part two: the goths uwu <3
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Behold: the healthiest and most stable relationship in Total Drama history.
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reading dammon's post-game thirst letter after karlach's been pegging wyll in hell for 6 months reminds me of this
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springbon-t-art · 11 months
Hello! I was wondering if we have your permission to do fanart of Aurelia? She’s so lovely! also, do you know the Relationship charts? do you have one for her as well? so we could understand her connections with the neighbors better! have a nice day!
Hi :D
Of course you can! i’m so happy people like her design ^^ although i wish i didn’t draw her with so many details LOL but yes you can c:
…Oh the relationship chart! i completely forgot about it, here it is:
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(template by @/cloudysunflowr)
Is this what you meant? i hope i did it correctly XD
This is fun! i have never had many questions about an OC of mine, i will try answering all of them whenever i got a bit of free time again 💖
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
can you do a combo of 26 and 43 w/ andreil 🥺
26. A kiss while one or both parties are crying / 43. A bloody kiss
Andrew hadn’t seen it. 
He really hadn’t. 
Where the fuck had that car come from? 
He’s not sure. He’s also not sure if he can feel his left foot. Or how many times the car rolled before deciding it preferred being upside-down. But Neil is hanging next to him, suspended only by his seat belt the same as Andrew. He’s not moving. And more frightening, he’s not running his mouth. Andrew's heart stops.
“Neil. Are you alright?” Andrew asks, afraid of the answer. It takes a second, but Neil slowly turns to look at him with glassy blue eyes. There’s blood trickling down his face from a gash on his forehead, his nose looks sort of weird.
He blinks a few times before saying, “I’m fine. You?”
Idiot. Andrew lets out a relieved sigh. “You’re bleeding.”
“I hit my head on the window a couple times. I’m fine,” Neil insists. “What about you?”
Andrew rolls his eyes and grabs Neil by his shirt, pulling him close. “We took ‘fine’ away from you, remember?” 
“I thought I got it back when I graduated,” Neil says, shrugging. Being upside down makes him look stupid, stupider than usual. But he’s alive. This crash had no casualties. Thank fuck. Andrew feels a very unfamiliar pricking in the corners of his eyes and curses himself for it. He must’ve hit his head, too.
“Yes or no?” He grits out. And Neil nods. Andrew grabs his face, not minding the slightly sticky feeling of blood, and presses careful lips to Neil’s. It's barely a peck of a kiss. Because oh. Andrew can feel his ankle now. But it definitely shouldn’t feel like this. Fuck.
His discomfort must show on his face because Neil is reaching for him. “Andrew, are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” Andrew lies. “But as soon as the EMTs cut me out of here, I’m going to kill the motherfucker that did this to my car.”
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indecisive-dizzy · 2 months
I love Latter Pillar so much you don’t understand i adore him have have some headcanons for him
Daisey literally pulls Howdy BY THE ANTENNA and makes him give Latter a hug. They like Latter, he’s sweet. But him being dramatic sometimes gets on their nerves
Daisey and Lizzy do partake in the Latter teasing, but they usually shut it down if it gets to mean (Latter protection squad say what)
Latter and Eddie besties real, Latter reads his poetry in the post office and Eddie just listens while doing his mailman duties
Honey’s mean to him, but secretly like his poetry. He thinks it’s so bad it’s funny
He runs a poetry club, he’s made a few friends from it too :3
Lizzy loves her brother, she really does, but she cannot stand to hear his bad poetry. She send him ads for poetry lessons and he gets sad about it
Also randomly put in but I love those little bee kids (I don’t know their names :,) ) they look so cute I love them
Latter has 6 arms me thinks, idk if that’s confirmed lmao
I’m mentally I’ll and that update destroyed me so I’m focusing on Howdy’s dramatic, flamboyant brother :3
The Howdy's nephews (the cater-bee children <3) are Howdo and Youdo! I can't remember if its one "o" or two tho haha
But yes Latter is just,,, he's so,, Soo ajdhjssj <3 I love him and his silly dramatics and bad poetry
Forcing siblings to hug is hilarious! I should know as a Certified Annoying Sibling Who Likes Hugs >:3 so good Daisey lol Howdy needs to hug his brother
Lighthearted teasing is fun, and I think if Latter was genuinely friends with whomever he'd go along with it, maybe do improv poetry to tease them back dramatically pff
Yeah you think Howdy would be upset that his brother is friends with the mailman? Bc Latter and Eddie besties Is real and in your home <3 They could write each other letters when it's not the holidays and Latter send Eddie his poetry for approval bc Eddie is too nice to say it's bad <3 (cough Latter getting a crush on Eddie? whaaaatt cough)
Howdy secretly enjoying things feels on brand lol. but him enjoying it for the wrong reason (so bad it's funny) is hilarious
Sorry but my oc CJ would be apart of Latter's poetry club <3 They're friends now Speaking of the poetry club, I imagine they do slam poetry and Latter is really bad but trying his best lol
Not the Poetry Lesson ads 😭 sobbs why she gotta do him dirty like that sjdbsjdhj lmao
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magnusbae · 2 months
"I can't sleep." Obikin? (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
"I'm sorry, what?" Anakin echoes, blankly.
Obi-Wan's face twists in deep discomfort and he straightens his shoulders, the furrow of his brows is one he oftens has before an especially unpleasant battle. Anakin doesn't like it directed at himself but he truly needs to his Master to confirm that he did not start hallucinating due to his own lack of sleep. Surely, his stubborn Master did not just admit to such human weakness as inability to sleep. Surely, he meant to say there's much work to be done and no one but him to do it. Right?
"If your hearing had suffered during the last mission, you truly outh to report that to the medical bay, Ahnakin." Obi-Wan sounds snappy, cranky in a way he gets only when he is sleep deprived beyond what even a Jedi can withstand. He seems to realize that too, as his cheeks color with a touch of embarrassment and he makes to turn to the door, and leave.
"No" Anakin reaches and grabs at his sleeve, hand closing around his wrist. "Stay, Master, please." his own cheeks heat up. He is not sure what to do with this more honest Master of his, the one who actually speaks clearly— he is not sure what Obi-Wan wanted to achieve when he came here, in the middle of the night. He doesn't know and he doesn't care to ruin the moment by asking. It's enough that he is here, the rest he will figure out as things go.
"I—" Anakin runs a tongue across his lips, they're dry again. "I couldn't sleep either." his hair is sleep tousled and he has pink pillow lines across his face but Obi-Wan is gracious enough to not point it out. Anakin might have slept, just not well. "I could use the company, Master" he smiles tentatively and finally, finally Obi-Wan relaxes some.
"In that case" Obi-Wan lowers his gaze, expression both conflicted and softer. "You might wish to invite me in" he glances at him with those endlessly tired blue eyes, endlessly kind, playful even while so wearied. "I rather not have to explain to the clones why we share nightly visits, Padawan." there's a smirk there, Anakin is certain.
"Mahstar!" his cheeks burning, he pulls his Master into the room and locks it with a flick of his wrist and a nudge from the force.
His cheeks are hot and his chest is light. He wonders if they could share the bed, the way his Master allowed a precious few times when he was younger. Much younger. Probably not, but who knows. Right?
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octarinecat · 1 month
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In case you didn't know, I REALLY like your Phantom Raphael art. Have a meme.
AWWWWW! I'm SO HONOURED!! Thank you, thank you! Good meme, as always 💜😂
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fandxmslxt69 · 1 month
Can you believe that @the-lady-amphitrite likes raisin cookies??? I always knew there was something not right about them 😒
no actually,,,,wild wild behaviour. out of this world. unacceptable....
raisin cookies she said....0/10 invention
@the-lady-amphitrite we're tag teaming against you. i dont need your cookies anyway. i have saz.
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yore-donatsu · 1 year
Can I just say; I LOVE the way you draw Ramattra!! You make him so expressive yet stick to his design and character, it’s so cute!!
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being-luminous · 4 months
Would like to know more about Spiritfarer AU for the WIP game
This is an AU inspired by my newest love, the game of the same name. In this fic, Harry is a psychopomp, guiding the souls of the dead to the afterlife. Voldemort is one such soul, and he isn't going to go easily.
Here's a snippet of their first meeting:
In the deepest part of the ship’s hold, accessible only through a near invisible trapdoor in the orlop, there is a shadow.
It takes Harry nearly three weeks to find the door, and once he’s found it, it’s another two day’s work to pry it open. The wood is warped by time and damp sea air, and the hinges are so rusted it’s a surprise they work at all. Finally, with an ominous creak and a thud, it falls open against the deck.
Harry peers into the dark, listening for any signs of life.
Dumbledore didn’t warn him of any danger on the ship before he passed it on, but he didn’t mention the trapdoor, either. There could be anything down there. Or nothing. He should go down and check it out just to make sure. If anything bad happens to his passengers because of a threat he could have prevented, he'll never forgive himself.
Mind made up, Harry leaps into the dark, landing lightly on his feet.
The Everlight’s glow fills the cramped space, bathing it in gold. There isn’t much down here: some crates he’ll investigate later, some netting. Nothing interesting. Nothing dangerous. Except, there, tucked against the hull—a spot of darkness that doesn’t give way to the light.
Brow furrowed, Harry lifts the Everlight higher, wills it brighter.
Still, the shadow remains. Even worse, it hisses, edges rippling and tearing as it bunches up into familiar shapes. Four limbs, the curve of a spine, a face that turns slowly toward him, red eyes narrowed against the light.
It’s a person, Harry realizes with growing horror. But not like any person he’s seen before.
He steps closer, and the shadow-person hisses again, even louder. They loom taller, so tall they have to hunch over so they don't hit their head. They sound angry. They look scared. "Sorry," Harry says quickly. He covers the Everlight with one hand, hopes it's easier on their eyes this way. "My name's Harry." He sticks out his other hand, waits for them to take it. "I didn't know you were down here, or I would have come to fetch you sooner."
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