#that being said I have a wonderful and loving family and support system and therefore can expect the best out of the people around me
frankiensteinsmonster · 8 months
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Sorry if you’re offline or just don’t want to see this but I has question:
As the resident hurricane family mother, how does one healthily cope with sadness, depression, and self-blame? Because most of us are dealing with these and I have absolutely no healthy coping mechanisms, so I was wondering if you’d know anything?
I was just offline because of work, that’s all. 👍🏻 This is kind of difficult to answer but I will do my best. Please reblog this, lovelies, and add your own healthy coping mechanisms so we can have as much good advice in a post as possible. ❤️ I’m gonna ask y’all to bear with me and read this whole answer because some things might sound like “meh that’s not for me” but if you stop reading then you won’t find other things that might help.
First, my faith is a big pillar of strength for me. I know not everyone shares my beliefs, but if you have any inclination to try and pray at all, prayer helps so much. Not because it gives you an instant fix, but because it gives you an ear to talk to, it can let you scream and cry and breathe and listen and reorient. God’s always listening. ❤️ If anyone is ever unsure how to pray or anything of the sort, you can always ask. ❤️
Now as I said, not everyone shares my beliefs, and there are so many coping mechanisms out there! Journaling your thoughts helps you put them out of your mind and onto something you can look at and physically touch. It gives you a moment to pause and reread it and parse it out. I find exercise helps me a lot too - and I’m not even saying you need to go to the gym or punch the air, just a walk makes a world of difference. Can’t go outside? Pace back and forth and listen to music. I put in so many steps I sometimes “walk” for miles just from pacing back and forth.
Find yourself a support system. I have different people who I go to for different things. My family is always there for me but I don’t always tell them everything that’s bothering me. And I don’t have to! I actively avoid telling them some things because I don’t want them to worry, but I will tell others. Different people can be there for you in different ways. I have work friends who go through hell with me and we can talk about it with each other because we get it. I have close friends who may not understand what I’m going through but can still lend an ear when I’m at a breaking point and can either let me vent or offer me support. I have my family who honestly just knows the periphery of big stressors for me but can read when I need to be alone and when I need love.
Know your limits. We all want to be everything for everyone. We all want to help and support each other. But sometimes things are too much. Sometimes you can’t be in righty places and have energy for six other people in crisis and still put a smile on your face. Know when to step away and take a break. Know when to put down the phone, or not contact that one person who drains you more than usual, or avoid that one place that’s going to stress you out.
Know when something is or isn’t in your control. Sometimes your brain is garbage and makes you feel that way. Understand what that is - stress, trauma, faulty wiring (darn neuro chemicals), hormones - and understand that you can’t necessarily stop the reaction but just ride the wave. Some days all you want to do is lie in bed. Those are the days to each out and say “hey can someone poke me to get up and brush my teeth/eat/drink.” Some days everything makes you think you’re a failure. Recognize that it’s your brain being stupid and say “all right, fine, I feel like shit, doesn’t mean it’s true. So anybody want to tell me what they see in me? What makes me a good person/friend/writer/artist/whatever I need to hear?” Recognize that your perception of yourself is not what the world sees, and recognize that when you’re lost in a fog and depression has you blindfolded in the dark, others are not blindfolded and therefore can see you for the beautiful person that you are.
Let your mind rest! Read something you enjoy. Draw! Watch a movie! Whatever makes you happy.
Have a creative hobby. Something that you can look at and smile and be like “I made/free that!” Gardening, sewing, writing, art, something with an end result that you can see and touch.
All right, that’s most of the stuff I do or have been told to do. Now reblog, lovelies, and add your own advice if you like!
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quiverpaw · 1 year
Hot take; Crowfeather is a bad character but not only because he’s portrayed as selfish and uncaring for others but because the writers don’t actually do a lot with him outside of the three female characters he is shown to be romantically interested in.
Feathertail has an interesting story before her life is cut short and is a character a lot of people wonder about had she lived longer.
Leafpool - I don’t need to say anything because it’s all already been said, she’s an extremely interesting character.
And nightcloud even though she shows up out of nowhere, during her relationship with this creature is the one with the most interesting character arc. I’ve always personally read her as just trying to keep her broken family together as well as she could given Crowfeather seemingly could care less and Breezepelt had hit a rebellious streak due to the aforementioned character, definitely as a side effect of her grief from the death of breezepelts littermates. She only really becomes more “controversial” after it’s revealed Crowfeather was unfaithful to the clan, something she’s theorized of before, and has had kits result from the affair, which id like to think (though doubting the writers could comprehend to write this is valid) resulted in her trying to grasp and force her family back together in fear of losing more than what she’d already lost - therefore aggressively rejecting any evidence of Crowfeather having other kits maybe in fear that it might reinforce the idea her kits weren’t as good as leafcrows litter? (This is basically headcanon and interpretation)
Crowfeather…lacks a lot of the interesting shit the other characters bring to the table because 1. His character has mainly been surrounded upon his love interests and their resulting children 2. These relationships are often poor mainly on his part but the writers seem to still want the reader to believe he’s not that bad 3. There is no real comeuppance for his bad decisions - mainly because when they attempt to do so the characters who are directly affected are Breezepelt and Nightcloud, not him, he’s is affected by association which is, I think, a cop out since most of the issues in his life are his fault and those issues have mostly been propagated by him hurting others - I struggle to see how adding onto the pain he’s already inflicted is the best way to fully tackle his “redemption” since he himself never has to struggle on the same level of the other characters around him. The few consequences he does suffer are often from his own dumb actions and the story often tends to emphasize how sad it is that he’s suffering when he started all of this to begin with - like the scene where Nightcloud aggressively drags him away from Leafpool. While yeah, Nightcloud is being violent and her actions aren’t right, it’s strange how the story tries to completely vilify her - when the same story admits that Crowfeather has used her AND breezepelt as a cover for his own dumb decisions, it’s never fully explored how he screwed them over. I don’t even like Breezepelt, but honestly no wonder he came out the way he did, Crowfeather was a terrible father and the reveal later on only worsened things by destroying his only stable support system, his mother, who was struggling due to Crowfeathers actions (or inaction - deadbeat dad budum tshh) before the reveal even happened!
The story is so absurdly confused in how it makes him do all this and then tells us “Crowfeather isn’t a bad guy he’s just misunderstood”, so in reality he just ends up being a kind of nothing character. Outside of his relationship issues I honestly don’t even know his motives. He’s one of the biggest examples of poor character writing in this series and I find it funny that his girlfriends are all a shit ton more interesting than he is.
I’m sorry about the Ted talk I just really needed to scream this into the void.
hot take! please make a post about this! no time to draw crowfeather (i really don’t want to sorry maybe ill add feather later) but you’re right! my feelings on crowfeather are very complicated because while i don’t mind him being edgy or whatever his entire arc is circulated around the women in his life and yet he’s given the spotlight.
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allthingsencanto · 2 years
Of course being in the Encanto fandom, a lot of people know that a REALLY popular theory for the film has been around why Mirabel didn’t get a gift. The main theory that almost everyone seems to think is simply that Mirabel will later be the candleholder like Alma was, since Alma herself had no gift. I myself thought that this was an intriguing and interesting theory that I could definitely see happening, however, there’s one MAJOR important thing that everyone is forgetting. While it wasn’t shown in the movie (so I can’t blame people at all for thinking the opposite,) during one of the Q and A’s on twitter, director Jared Bush himself had confirmed that there IS NO candle anymore, it does not exist as it once did. And if I’m being honest? I’m 100% glad the filmmakers took this direction.
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Even though Pedro’s miracle was a wonderful blessing given to the Madrigals, the whole point of the film was that they needed to learn that THEY were the miracle, not a gift, not a candle. The candle does symbolize Pedro and Alma’s love, which is a good outlook, but it also symbolizes the dark unhealthy matriarch, the crushing fact that Alma closed up all of her trauma, and reflected it to the others, putting the weight and expectations on her family to a rise. She wanted everyone to be thankful for their miracle, their second chance, and created a system, a foundation that was once love, but slowly turned into control. Every Madrigal member gets their gift, and uses it to serve the community, to show that there is safety and love in the Encanto, however at the same time, Alma and the family lost sight of what their miracle is for, why it existed in the first place. They were all so focused on keeping this miracle, this unconditional love that Alma gave, and in doing so they were blinded, only focused on pleasing Abuela, pleasing each other, their reputation and the fear of losing what they were convinced what was most important to them. Anything that would revoke a negative reaction for the family, for the town that once lost their home would be a danger. Bruno was someone who’s prophecies did more damage then help, therefore he got outcasted, and when his family should have been there for him, they were convinced that their image was more important, shallowed by the trauma. Mirabel then didn’t get a gift, another fear of the magic being a danger, a negative outlook, but Alma, the leader, the woman everyone looked up to, convinced everyone that the magic was fine. Mirabel then grows up to want to make her family proud, but in her own way, without a gift. This causes her to have the lenses none of the other members had, the outlook that eventually made her see that their living environment was unhealthy, something that once was fueled by love, was fueled by fear and devotion. She herself wanting something that all the Madrigals wanted, even Alma, to just do what was best for the family, help them, yet they all lost themselves in the process, in their own ways.
In the end of the film when the magic comes back, it just doesn’t come back for no reason. It came back because Mirabel was able to open up everyone’s eyes, to prove that they were worth it and that they didn’t need to constantly keep trying to prove themselves, same as she did. Alma opens up and acknowledges her trauma, and apologizes for everything she did, the impact she made. Of course though, the impact she made wasn’t all bad, like Mirabel said, they were given a miracle because of her. Through the love they know that they all have, their magic comes back as they worked together to build casita brick by brick, working together, a stronger family. Once the magic returns, the gifts are back yes, but the family foundation is different. The doors are no longer set in stone, and the candle is GONE. Why? Because the Madrigals don’t NEED a candle to tell them that they’re blessed, that they need to be thankful. They don’t need a candle to love one another, to support one another. They don’t need a candle, a matriarch to tell them how to live, what to do. The miracle was made out of unconditional love, and that’s what they need. A healthy unconditional love, a new foundation, a BETTER foundation that now isn’t fueled by rules and fear, but fueled by their love for one another. They’re not perfect, and they don’t need to be. They can be themselves, they can know that it’s not ABOUT the matriarch, the reputation, the status, the gifts, it’s about being there for one another, and knowing that they’re worthy no matter what, even if they make mistakes. That’s why the candle isn’t there, because there doesn’t NEED to be a placeholder, that’s not what it’s about anymore. The Madrigals spent YEARS focusing on something that made them blind, that made them think that they needed to put in the effort just to BE in a family like this, when they didn’t need to. Even if Alma’s unconditional love was pure from the start and what motivated the Madrigals to be a loving family, there was a better alternative, a better way to love, to live their lives, and now they found it.
With that, I have nothing against people who make those theories, or think that Mirabel should be the next candleholder. Your opinions are valid, but it is important to remember the purpose of the movie. There is no candle anymore, and there doesn’t need to be because the candle, Alma’s love is part of what made the family broken, so people need to understand that if there were to be another candle, that would defeat the purpose of the ending. Like Jared said, maybe it’s time for something new! 🦋
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share-the-damn-bed · 1 year
First off, you have to excuse my English because I’ll say it’s good but not great yet, but I have learned a ton from constantly reading English books and blogs. Anyway, I found your Tumblr recently and am curious to hear your thoughts on something I realized. Something I haven’t heard talked about is the repeating ties that Jancy’s narrative has to older times (just as Stancy’s narrative does). It’s my unpopular opinion I guess, but as a Stoncy shipper I enjoy both Stancy and Jancy as individual ships—so the fact that each couple have some striking similarities, almost as striking as their differences, kind of makes sense in my mind. But anyway, back to my point. Jancy’s first kiss is set to the sound of Billie Holiday. Their season three plot with Driscoll puts them in an understated, vintage color palette and soundtrack, especially compared to other character’s aesthetics in the third season (bright colors, modern new mall, modern music and Madonna, advanced Russian technology and facilities, and so on). Nancy in the fourth season is pretty heavily tied to the Creels and she is the only character that watches the events unfold of Henry’s childhood in the 1950s Creel house. Jonathan’s clothes also feel like very old, though that also could be hinting at the financial loss of the Byers family. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but overall I do associate Jancy with a different time period, and to me they feel completely disconnected from almost every aspect of the modern Hawkins, like instead they should be off in their own little world and time. All that being said, I find it so interesting that instead, the writers chose to draw Stancy to the past instead, as in the Light Bright room scene, where Nancy reads her diary entry of Steve and realizes they are stuck in old times. Obviously I understand what that was going for, that Nancy has history with Steve and he represents her past self or her roots maybe. But that makes the big question for me (because in my mind I truly am not sure that either couple will be endgame)…could the vintage motifs in Jonathan and Nancy’s love story be hinting at a similar fate to their relationship as Stancy’s probable ending. Is it that the writers think Jonathan, as well as Steve, are holding onto a past version of Nancy and therefore neither boy can be her future in the end? Hell, I am so confused! I think it’s all so interesting though. Anyway, sorry for the long message, but I love your thoughts on Jancy and wondered if you picked up on any of this or if I’m crazy! 
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask, you have some very interesting ideas and points here that I haven’t really considered before. I also appreciate that your thoughts come from an unbiased place as a jancy/stancy/stoncy supporter. That gives you such a unique perspective!  
(Also, your English is amazing, truly. And even if it wasn’t as amazing as it is, the fact that you are able communicate in a language you’re not totally comfortable with is amazing!! Take it from me, an American, whose educational system and culture basically deter learning a non-English language so much so that they intentionally “teach” languages way past the known developmentally appropriate time so that students don’t truly learn and retain the language... sorry. Mini rant.)
I guess the major difference when comparing Stancy to Jancy and their connection to the past is that when it happens with Stancy, it is always done so in direct regard to their relationship: we have the Tom cruise poster that Nancy says is “old” which is a direct reference to Steve in season 1 (says Carol thinks he looks like him and calls Tom Cruise Nancy’s “loverboy”) and season 2 (Halloween costumes), we have the diary entry in the Upside Down (UD) that follows with a Stancy flashback that I think is there to show that not only is the UD stuck in the past, but stuck on the night Will disappeared, specifically. We also see Vecna bringing up Nancy and Steve’s first time having sex to taunt Nancy about Barb’s death and place blame on Nancy.
I think so much of the Stancy scenes in ST4 and all the Stancy scenes throughout the show that reference their past allude to one thing: Barb. I will forever be angry that Nancy’s Vecna moment finally facing Barb’s death and the weight of that guilt got completely overshadowed by Vecna’s big reveal in ST4 only to never be referenced again. And, I think so much of Nancy’s guilt is intertwined with Steve and there’s so much unresolved there.
I made a post during the break between ST4 vol. 1 and 2 detailing how the current season threw in so many references to the night Steve and Nancy broke up, where she called him “bullshit” and blamed Barb’s death on them. I also talked about how their relationship (platonic, romantic, or otherwise) is stuck on that night, where they’re not able to move past that until they pick up that bathroom conversation which, I believe, will ultimately help Nancy move on from the weight of Barb’s death. That’s honestly why I think Stancy has returned for Nancy’s character arc. I think Steve letting Nancy go or realizing he doesn’t need a romantic partner is his arc. But I am biased and I’ll freely admit that.
So Stancy’s ties to the past are directly linked to their romantic relationship (and usually those early days of that relationship). Jancy, on the other hand, do have these historical allusions but this history is not associated with their actual relationship at all. I think the only time Jancy really refer to their own past is when they discuss “what happened” to them between ST1 & ST2 at the motel and when Jonathan references Murray at the end of ST3.
I believe in season 2 the choice to have jazz music at Murray’s play was to promote their scenes as their romantic. In the will-they-won’t-they prelude to their first kiss, the lyrics playing aptly describe the situation: “I want you so now / You have the lips I love to touch / You'd better go now, you'd better go / Because I like you much, too much.”
In season 3, the music choice at Mrs. Driscoll’s may be related to her age or they could be playing up the old-timey reporter duo trope from, like, the 1940s. It is interesting too that other old-timey music (i.e. We’ll Meet Again – Vera Lynn) was used in ST3 without connection to Jancy/Mrs. Driscoll. I genuinely don’t know what that means, but,since the music was in reference to supernatural occurrences (flayed victims/Meat flayer) it could be a reference to Henry/001/Vecna since that would be the era of music he is familiar with, just like how “Dream a Little Dream of Me” was used to announce his presence in Max’s happy memory in ST4. (That would be super cool if that was the case!)
 In terms of clothing and Jancy, the costume department and creative teams have always been very explicit that clothing choices for the Byers are made with their financial situation in mind. It’s been years, but there have been interviews and articles that mention that Jonathan’s wardrobe in season 1 is “older” due to probably being bought second-hand or trying to make the clothes last longer. We even see in ST1 that one of his sweaters (his beautiful cream one <3) has moth holes in the collar. We also see Joyce wearing Jonathan’s old shirts, Jonathan wearing multiple clothing staples across seasons, and costuming discussed how the boy��s Ghostbusters’ outfits in ST2 are all different depending on what each family was able to afford (Mike’s family was able to buy the newest, best costume from the store while Joyce was shown hand making pieces of the costume for Will throughout the first two episodes).
Additionally, while promoting ST3 costuming mentioned that Nancy’s (and by the transitive property, Jonathan’s) outifts were inspired by her boyfriend’s New Wave tastes (brighter colors, sharper patterns and lines, iirc) So, I think their outfits are not exactly supposed to make us conjure up images of previous decades.
Because of how different the concept of “the past” is used for Stancy (directly tied to their relationships’ past) and Jancy (vintage motifs that could very much be unrelated to their relationship), I don’t think the situations are comparable. You mention that both boys may be “holding onto a past version of Nancy and therefore neither boy can be her future” but I think the narrative has only suggested that for Steve, and only partially.
I would argue that Steve’s not even holding onto a past version of Nancy, I think he is romanticizing their relationship with an idealistic (not an accurate) version of Nancy at the center. When Steve mentions his dream of Nancy being his wife and mother to their six nuggets, this doesn’t sound like future Nancy but it also doesn’t sound like the Nancy he previously dated. This is why I think Steve’s arc will involve letting Nancy go/finally getting closure on their relationship and seeing it for what it was.
Jonathan, alternatively, recognizes Nancy’s ambition, sees her for who she is, and is very much supportive of Nancy’s future and the future she wants for herself; so much so that he deeply fears holding her back and is willing to let her go so she can succeed (when what he should actually do is talk to her. I don’t want to romanticize his approach: it’s bad and it’s actively hurting Nancy, but I do think one can sympathize with his actions while agreeing there’s a better approach).
You also mention that “[Jancy] feel[s] completely disconnected from almost every aspect of the modern Hawkins, like instead they should be off in their own little world and time” and I completely agree. It’s like when they’re interacting on screen together, they’re the only two present. Part of that is because when they speak with one another it's always in this quiet, intentional way. Idk what else to add, this is just actually one of my favorite things about them.
Thank you so much for the ask, Anon! This was a lot of fun and forced me to consider things in ways I haven’t thought about before. Also, a huge thank you to @p-zombiee for talking this through with me (as it is super confusing and I kept getting lost in it myself!)
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cancerjupiter · 4 years
🌱earth moons🌱
Those with earthy Moons react in a very grounded, matter-of-fact way. The reaction may be so self-contained in those with Taurus or Capricorn Moon, in fact, that others may wonder if there has been any reaction. Those with Virgo Moon, on the other hand, react rather quickly, mentally, and sometimes nervously to any stimulus in a way obvious to everyone, even if the person is trying to contain his or her emotional reaction. Just like the earth itself, those with an Earth Moon have a crust over their emotional reactions; and they prefer to present a certain form to the public rather than to reveal their vulnerabilities.
taurus moon
The Moon is extraordinarily happy in the comfortable, stable sign of Taurus, for the emotions are steady and the person has little self-doubt. Those with the Moon in Taurus are not easily perturbed, even by powerful attacks or shocking events that would strongly affect others. They are in fact amazingly resilient, bouncing back from any defeat, disappointment, or trauma. Perfect examples are politicians Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, and celebrities Demi Lovato and Lindsay Lohan; who, despite unmerciful attacks, still manage to have their shit together and maintain at least some degree of popularity.
The poise with which Taurus Moon people face life’s demands and unpredictability is remarkable, and they therefore have a steadying influence on others, who appreciatively value their reliability. Note that I said “reliability,” not necessarily readiness! This sign is known for being the slowest in the zodiac, moving actively only when they are good and ready and insisting on their own pace in everything they do in life. Their inner contentment and resistance to change can thus make them frustrating to deal with if their considerable stubbornness causes them to dig in their heels to resist what you want. The other side of the coin is their remarkable persistence when they are focused on attaining a certain goal.
Those with Taurus Moon are attuned to the rhythms of nature and the earth, and this gives them their particular pace of life and much of their strength. They are notably physical and sensual, and have a great need for the “pleasures of life.” And they insist on taking the time to enjoy them. This unique attunement leads to a trust in earthly life that enables them to accept others with few demands and to take life as it comes. They are pleased with life (generally) and rather pleased with themselves. This can of course result in smugness, conceited self-satisfaction, and self-indulgent laziness. As Grant Lewi wrote, the key to improving oneself for Taurus Moon is to “turn self-satisfaction into active self-confidence”.
Emotionally, those with this Moon sign are not at all cold, but neither do they readily reveal their feelings. They are good listeners and are usually warmly responsive and solidly supportive, but not gushingly effusive. They really prefer not to allow anything to affect them. Some comments from questionnaire responses add additional perspectives to this lunar type:
1. “Seems very positive, giving men good relationships with women. It also appears to give talent in crafts such as cooking and other home arts.”
2. “ … sensual, heightened sense of material/physical aesthetics (e.g., clothing, home, colors, etc.), wonderful sense of humor, stubborn, and sometimes impervious to what’s going on beneath the surface of things.”
People with the Moon in Taurus like to be touched, especially to be hugged. Also, I’ve noticed a certain resistance to change. This resistance ranges (in different people) between a reluctance to accept the moods of another and a reluctance to allow any out-of-the-ordinary spontaneity to enter their life (usually hate surprises).
virgo moon
Those with Virgo Moon need a sense of order in their own minds and in the environment to feel comfortable and secure. This leads to their instinctive analytical reaction to all life experience, sorting their perceptions and thoughts into categories and discriminating between them according to their personal principles or prejudices. This need for order also motivates their obsession with neatness and cleanliness. They likewise feel more secure by making definite improvements in their environment, in their scientific, artistic, or intellectual pursuits, or—something not always appreciated with this sign—in other people. In fact, as one woman wrote in a questionnaire, “Sometimes they can be busybodies, putting others’ lives in order with advice—usually not so tactful. They’re so busy organizing friends’ lives that they forget about their own”. This “workaholic” tendency can also manifest as a broad range of criticism from afar directed even at total strangers who, evidently, just don’t measure up to the Virgo level of perfection.
Being helpful makes them feel better about themselves and aids them in overcoming their habitual self-doubt and sense of personal imperfection. In fact, “perfectionism” is a keyword for Virgo, and their unavoidable awareness of their own imperfections leads often to excessive self-consciousness, sometimes of a type so severe as to render them unable to use their genuine gifts with any confidence. Their tendency to notice the imperfections of others, and to voice those observations far too often, frequently makes the other person feel uncomfortably and unproductively self-conscious. Those with Virgo Moon would do better to heed their deep need to serve and to help others or improve things in the outer world. By doing so, they can eventually gain a sense of having improved themselves—at least in the modest way they will allow themselves to acknowledge. Virgo is the most modest sign in the zodiac—one of the few, in fact. Virgo Moon people can seem shy and reserved.
Habitually nervous types with a tendency to worry, Virgo Moon people often find their personal tranquility and self-validation in work and compulsive “busyness.” Work also provides an escape from the unpleasant emotions or depressing feelings of guilt or worthlessness that so often afflict those with this Moon position. But, because emotions interfere with productivity, as Donna Cunningham points out in Moon Signs, they are conveniently put aside or suppressed in the routine of daily life. Hence, Virgo Moons are among the few people who love all kinds of petty, boring activities — even housework. A friend with this placement even admitted to dreaming about being a mother/grandmother, so she could do chores and serve her family all day (of course, she’s also a Cancer Rising).
Doubt and skepticism pervade their mode of thinking and reacting, and of course there is always something to criticize in any person, place, thing, or concept. The infinitely small is always available as a target! This constant mental tension and the sensitivity of their nervous system, and their hyper-attunement to hygiene and purity, make these folks fascinated by and eager for involvement in the areas of nutrition, biological sciences, natural therapies, the healing arts, and/or the medical professions. This natural affinity also, however, bends them toward hypochondria, at its worst, or at least to a sensitive digestive and/or intestinal system. The quality of the food they eat is of utmost importance, since it directly affects their nerves and mental state, not just their digestion.
Their talent for detailed work is without equal (except for those with certain other planets in Virgo), and they often get great satisfaction from employing their natural craftsmanship in the practical or fine arts. Because their mind can always find something wrong with any idea or plan, indecision often afflicts those with this Moon placement. Moral indecision as well is often observed, as their perfectionist and puritanical tendencies battle with their more practical or sensual needs.
capricorn moon
Those with Capricorn Moon, as is also the case when other major planets or the Ascendant are in Capricorn, seem unnaturally old and serious when they are young, but they can lighten up as they grow older. In their youth, they are unusually capable, disciplined, and conservative, taking the well-trodden path to their goals of worldly achievement or to follow a vocation. Their real confidence is late-blooming, as their sense of inner security develops over time and they feel that their age at least, if not their accomplishments, has earned them some respect they have always craved. Capricorn Moon people eventually learn to relax somewhat and to trust life and other people to a greater extent. The aura of melancholy that those with Capricorn attunement so often carry around with them can also slowly dissipate over time, sometimes helped by a more and more adventurous—but dry—sense of humor.
The fluctuating, responsive, emotional Moon is not at all naturally comfortable in a sign that is often rigid and distant, and prides itself on not revealing any sign of vulnerability or personal need. People with Capricorn Moon have instinctive reactions to life that are characterized by self-control and caution, and sometimes by a defensiveness or negativity that is almost shocking. They feel that they need to manipulate and control the world (and their feelings) in order to attain the power, authority, and recognition that they deeply desire. In fact, they are most secure within themselves when their identity is confirmed by a social role, title, specific duty, or mantle of authority. Even at an early age, Capricorn Moon people are comfortable assuming responsibility and feel perfectly at home in the role of provider, protector, or organizer. They are most relaxed and truly themselves when they are carrying some weight, or when others have to depend on them! Very hardworking, these folks share with Virgo first place on the list of people who absolutely love to work, which often ultimately results in professional success. They may not always be fun, but they will often get the job done.
Perhaps the most oppressive thing about this group occurs in those who become too obsessed with being recognized as important and having authority; sometimes, there is a persistent “one-upmanship” that pervades their personal and professional lives. The constant drive to be “on top” can cripple their capacity for any human intimacy and eliciting automatic distrust from others. As psychologist-astrologer Glenn Perry, Ph.D., wrote,
“The tight controlled responses often lead to loneliness and despair as it prevents the individual from flowing and responding to the changing mood of others. Moon in Capricorn nurtures by taking charge and giving orders. This dry mechanical approach to feelings is not sympathetic and tends to imply that the other is incompetent. Unable to respond directly to emotional needs, Moon in Capricorn gives the impression of being callous, hardened and unaffected by the tender side of life. (Aspects magazine, Fall 1981)”
If the emotional suppression and denial become chronically extreme and rigid, the result can be a person who others may respect but not love. However, from another view (from the inside, so to speak) of this Moon sign’s emotional nature, I quote here from an interview with a Capricorn Moon young woman who characterized herself to me as having “a seriousness about the emotional life, an interest in getting down to bare bones, an impatience with small talk, and a need to get to the core emotionally.” She continues:
“All Capricorn Moons I know (there have been a lot) have a certain gravity to them, an ability to take the emotional life seriously. The women especially are almost never giggly or flirty — we’re too serious to flirt much. The women are kind of ‘masculine’ I guess, sort of businesslike in their manner (men too actually… it’s not a placement I ever see that is friends with everyone and instantly, openly affectionate). I think ‘a few serious, long-term friendships’ sums up all the Capricorn Moons I know.”
A questionnaire reply from another woman also emphasized that women with this capable, ambitious orientation are liable to feel “ambivalent about their sexual identity,” although they have strong physical needs, and that women with Capricorn Moon have “a great need for appreciation to develop their self-worth”. Two other questionnaires confirmed the self-disclosure quoted above regarding the practical agenda underlying emotional commitments. The words they used were “cool in affections and looks out for self” and “very calculating—not necessarily bad—just a lot of planning, no spur-of-the-moment reactions.” Another quite thorough questionnaire reply from an experienced practitioner of astrology included the following:
“this Moon placement shows marked proficiency in handling the self in the material world, or at least a lot of concern over and attunement to material affairs. They are very shrewd in taking care of their financial needs. Very often they are involved in some secure structure, like working for the government, etc. They like a secure financial position. For all, they take things very seriously; they approach many things cautiously. This is also a very sexual placement in laid-back ways.”
In conclusion, the Capricorn demeanor of slowness, caution, and hesitation should never mislead you. They may be conservative in most attitudes, but they are actually very progressive and results-oriented in action. They just don’t like to make mistakes.
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jojotichakorn · 3 years
okay so obviously I'm the same anon as before here now to talk about Pat and Ink's friendship lol (because I can't help myself)
Also I wanna add that I forgot about Wai narrating the story in the trailer so maybe he figures/finds out himself somehow and the narrating is to give Pran the chance to tell him himself or show that if he told him he'd be supportive? Idk maybe it's also after Pran told him and he recaps it to try and help him or something idk just felt like adding that
now moving on to Pat and Ink's friendship. While we saw Korn use his braincell for once I do feel like Pat doesn't have the kinda friendship with Korn that Pran has with Wai for sure. Pat has Pa, yes, however because she is his family and with the dumpling symbolizing heterosexuality (i love this show) thing I doubt that she'd be the person he'd want to open up about his relationship with Pran. At least not at first. When she said "do you like someone else" she was being very geniuene and he still didn't tell her so while I think she will be a supportive figure to him still, I don't think she's neccessarily someone he will talk with about Pran at first.
Ink however, I almost wondered at the "confession" scene if he would tell her right there and then. I feel like Pat might turn to her in future? She suspects something already and I really like almost all their scenes because it just shows geniuene friendship? Like the way they joke around (very refreshing to see a m/f friendship like that) but also how supportive she is? I feel like if you wanna compare Pat having a friend the way Pran has Wai, Ink comes closest to that? Also she cares about both Pat and Pran so I feel like her knowing as one of the first people is inevitable. And I really hope she gets to be a person of support for Pat because I had this idea before that Pat just feels very lonely at times, (his friends being the way they are and Pa is still his sister and therefor part of his toxic family even if she isn't the problem) and his comment on the rooftop scene just confirmed it. It's heartbreaking to think about how lonely Pat must have felt which probably plays even more into his jealousy of Wai because while Pran was gone, Pat felt so alone but Pran had Wai? He probably feels like Pran doesn't need him as much as he does him because he has a better support system in his friends? I really hope we see more of Ink and her friendship with Pat in particular (and her crush on Pa) because I'd love to see Pat be more vulnerable around a friend. So far we only see him vulnerable around Pran, he won't even let himself fully be like that around Pa but we saw glimpses of it in his conversation with Ink. With the lack of side couples (which I am grateful for, stick to Pa/Ink please), I hope they'll keep using time to actually show us the friendships more.
While I'm proud of myself for decoding Pat feeling lonely before he said it, it breaks my heart. So I really really hope they establish Ink as a good friend for him to turn to when all the angst sets in.
Also, I want them to make a spin off about Pa/Ink please gmmtv give us finally that GL 🙏🏼
hello again!! 😌
yes, i feel like the whole romeo and juliet narration could possibly be wai hinting at the fact that he knows. i still find it quite bizarre to be honest, so that's the most sensible explanation for it that i've heard so far.
as for pat, i do agree that pa is unlikely to be the first person he tells (the dumplings symbolizing heterosexuality train, let's goooooo!!!), and for ink to be the first person makes so much sense tbh! like they already kinda set him up to talk about it with her this episode anyway, and she already said she feels some love-dovey energy between pat and pran. pat seems very comfortable around her as well, and since his friend group definitely isn't it for him, she is our best option, i think!! also in general, pat just needs a friend. seriously.
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Today I will be addressing SuperCorp and some of the issues that have been floating around about fandom. And I will be saying some stuff that both is for it and could be used against it even though I am ultimately a super big supercorp fan. Like it says in the tags you're free to express your opinion but they will not be changing mine but I am always open-minded to opinions that can actually be explained and eloquently expressed (receipt's needed) and aren't just basic. Also just so what is noted I have been a part of this fandom since the first episode I have literally shipped Kara with everyone from Lucy to Cat even James.But Lena has just stuck out the most for me but I'm Equal opportunity.
Number #1, Lena's character in no way shape or form has ever been xenophobic she has never once shown any hate towards aliens her problem with Kara in season 5 Wasn't because she was an alien it was because she was a "Super" like Kara could have been a flying purple fucking octopus from the planet of shzjxfdf and Lena wouldn't have gave two fucks but no she was a "Super"but let's dig deeper on that point if we really look at why she was mad it wasn't even the whole alien aspect it was because she wasn't told and no I don't think she's entitled to it but I do think it played into the fact of a trust issue she has with the fact that people would think she would be just like Lex if she had been told Sooner. Which is disproved in 5x13 (also personal note: I also think she wouldn't have reacted half as bad if Kara had just told her that night at game night or the next day when she wanted to probably still would have been pissed but not to the same extent). But okay with that being said I do disagree with the kryptonite entrapment torture scene and basically half the s*** she did in season 5 it was shown that she truly can tap into her Luthor side and be dark when wanted but fortunately she does always return to the light and in all fairness it has been shown several times that Kara has a dark side of her own that could rival the luthors.
Number #2, I do disagree with the abuse of actresses and actors just because of a ship and or character they play don't blame them it's just a job they have I think Melissa and Katie do a beautiful job of bringing Kara and Lena's characters to life couldn't imagine anybody else playing them.
Number #3, I also will say about the reason bombarding of comments on Nicole's social media at least I saw the video via tiktok in that video was fucking hilarious I love Nia, Dreamer,and Nicole in general she's funny and beautiful and is an advocate for everything good in life and well it is normal to even ask other actors if they have the scoop on anything it does not mean we need to be bombarding them in videos on something relating to their character or their love of something a simple comment or so maybe but what I saw NO.
Number #4, The William of it all well I think though his character seems like a nice gentleman he also seems to be bland as hell also I did not know he was a POC to be honest I thought he was a tan white man and we'll be doing further research on people in the future as I can learn from my ignorance also but unrelated I did not know that the woman who played Maggie was apparently just a tan white woman I thought she was of some sort of Hispanic descent but apparently not according to various things I've read on here tonight... But anyways back to William I feel like a lot of people might have perceived him as a white man therefore that might play into the whole scenario of people hate that they just want two white woman together when it proves if she was a man they wouldn't give two f**** about it whether that's true or not I don't know but mine two cents.
Number #5, I will never bash someone for being for or against a certain ship and or character and well I am allowed to certainly disagree with their opinion all opinions are valid because we all see the world a different way some see it bright and shiny and others like I'll admit myself see it through the glasses of trauma. And I think that's why we all have the opinions we do most of the time when you like a shipper character it's because you relate to them somehow even if it's the most minor thing to someone else it might be huge for you. You never know what the person on the other side of the screen is going through in those characters or ship or fanfiction might have literally saved their lives.
Sidenote: Like okay personal story I was been both mentally and sexually abused as a child so I relate to both Kara and Lena respective childhood trauma so that draws me to them. And I kind of see them both as the opposite attract trope (two side of the same coin) because well we never fully get over trauma Kara had a great support system with the Danvers whereas Lena didn't get that with the luthors I mean sure she had Lex at first but even that was only to a certain extent because of his psychopathy that was starting to manifest he couldn't perceive human emotions the same as Lena who in my opinion is just a big mushy nerd who can be a badass when needed as evident by the season 6 episodes after she's quit L-Corp she's constantly trying to help out inventing new stuff and she's wondering how Nia's suit works and it just shows that she just has a curious mind and also she looks happier even with the guilt she feels over Kara's phantom zone incident when Nia called her a part of the family that smile could lit up a city all she's ever wanted is to belong and I can relate to that therefore to her.
Number #6, I feel like this should have been addressed in earlier number but as far as sexuality goes I would want to believe Kara is pansexual because of everything I've ever read and saw I don't believe she perceived sexuality like humans do because of her Kryptonian upbringing for the first good chunk of the life. Like even though she says she's not gay in the first episode, A. It was the first episode so they didn't even know where the story was going in future seasons if they got them also that means maybe she just didn't perceive herself as the Earth's definition of gay. B. Even in the first season she made a comment about how she bought Lucy was gorgeous and hell she would date her. C. She made some comments about Irma and other woman that don't sound totally heterosexual and don't get me wrong women can admire the beauty and intelligence of other women without it being sexual but as a bisexual woman it just struck a cord in me you can tell the difference when it's coming from a straight woman mouth. Now on the subject of her and Lena strictly I do think there are instances of "queerbaiting"because just because you perceive they haven't been promised to us doesn't mean that some of us haven't picked up on things or the fact that they're simply queerbating because somehow they do hype up Kara and Lena to keep a nice chunk of the audience who ships them mainly those of the gay variety interested in the show which is also considered queerbaiting. Also the fact that they've been called sisters or family or my personal favorite "that's what friends are for"doesn't mean crap because honestly at this point the overuse of friends just sounds more like they're trying to convince themselves than us.*** Also I don't know about you but even on the basic level of things they've done I've never shown half those feelings towards my friends and the ones I have it's because I started to think of them as more than friends.
Now with Lena's sexuality no they have never shown her as anything besides straight canonically but don't get me wrong she totally sends off that college experimentation vibe especially with Andrea for some reason but that may just be me.
Number #7, my main point is let's just be kind to one another because guess what there is toxicity from every ship in a fandom there will always be shitty people on both sides and then there will be those of us who just want to see the characters together for one reason or another and yes I'm not afraid to admit that part of my reasons I want to see two gorgeous woman kiss sue me LOL.
Number #8, the conclusion of my rant is that how about we leave the hating to the ones who want to do that and the rest of us like adults or whatever your age is in the fandom that has any type of maturity behave because I truly do wish the best and in the end well I hope they end up together I'm realistic that they probably won't especially due to the CW Network motto of "homophobia and racism"because they've already broken up several good gay and interracial couples on that show. But at the end of the day my true wish is just that all of the characters end up happy and healthy.
Best of luck to all shippers out there anti and supercorp and or any other couple alike may we try to make it out of this with a modicum of sanity and even if they fail us we always have fanfiction thank you and good night.
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qqueenofhades · 3 years
i noticed that you like to write a lot of heartrender husbands from fedyor’s side of things (which makes sense cause fedyor is fun!) but i have to ask in the modern au, what was ivan thinking the whole first two months 😂??
like was he carrying the joke the whole time? did his brain short circuit around fedyor?? was he worried about what fedyor was thinking or did he just think he was shy? Did he think the first date went well ☠️?
This was supposed to be lighthearted, but then there came Feels. So here is Ivan's backstory in Phantomverse. Content warning for mentions of an abusive relationship, familial homophobia, implied sexual manipulation, and dark themes. Nothing graphic, but duly noted.
Also on AO3.
Brighton Beach, 2015
It’s safe to say that Ivan Ivanovich Sakharov Kaminsky did not ever, not in a thousand years, not in a million, imagine himself ending up here. At one point, even Moscow would have been a stretch, and that was obviously still Russia. The fact that he would be walking down a sidewalk in Brooklyn, under the elevated tracks of the Q train that rattles and bangs overhead, on a cool spring morning to do his shopping at the Brighton Bazaar – in, should this somehow not be clear, America – and then returning to his apartment and his husband is, quite frankly, something out of an alternate-Ivan timeline. One from the Twilight Zone, or whatever they are calling that kind of thing these days. Sometimes when he thinks about it too much, he gets afraid that it is in fact a dream. That no matter how long it has gone on and how good it has been, it will suddenly and inevitably end. After all, he is Russian. Sunny optimism has never been accused of forming a notable facet of the national character, and Ivan himself would never be described as the hopeful type. But God, for this, he does.
He reaches the bazaar – a bustling blue-awninged international supermarket with three-quarters of its signs written in Cyrillic – and steps inside, grabbing a basket and pulling a scrap of paper from his pocket to double-check his list. He knows what he needs, but he likes the tidiness of writing it down, and he proceeds into the crammed aisles, passing customers speaking English, Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, Yiddish, and several other languages he can’t identify by ear. Brighton Bazaar stocks all the Russian products necessary to satisfy even a homesick expat like Ivan, and he enjoys being able to navigate the store with ease and read all the labels at first glance. He can get by in English, if he’s pressed, but it’s easier to leave it to Fedyor, who is fluent, and in here, he can conjure the illusion that he will walk out on the street and be back where he truly belongs. He likes Brighton Beach a great deal more than he ever expected to, but it’s no replacement for the real thing.
Ivan collects his purchases, along with a few special extras, and takes them to the counter. He is greeted in Russian by the checkout clerk, who knows him well for always turning up at the same time every Saturday morning with military precision. As Semyon Pavlovich Kuznetsov (who is called Syoma by his friends, but he has not clearly stated that Ivan can use the diminutive and therefore Ivan does not) scans his items, Ivan consents to exchange a few gruff words of small talk on the weather (nice) how the Mets did last night (badly) and the old guy who apparently died of a heart attack two days ago in the Russian bathhouse on Neck Road (making Ivan glad he did not choose said day to attend). It’s this weird Russian-American hybrid of things, since Semyon is the teenage grandson of a Red Army veteran who fought at Stalingrad, but he was born and raised in Brooklyn, loves American video games, and is fully fluent in American pop culture. It startles Ivan to realize that while this kid speaks Russian perfectly, he has probably never done so in Russia outside of a few visits back to the old country when his family can afford it. That is a very personal question to ask one’s grocery clerk, however, and he does not.
And then there’s that other thing, which he would definitely never be asked in Russia, especially not these days. Semyon hits the button to tally up Ivan’s bill, informs him that he owes $56.77, and then says cheerily, “How is Fedyor?”
Ivan concentrates on digging the exact amount out of his wallet in cash, since he never had a credit card when he lived in Russia and is still somewhat leery of them. “Fedyor is fine,” he says curtly, in the tone that makes it clear that he understands this question is an expected part of an American social interaction, but that is all the information he is willing to venture. “Here is the money.”
Semyon accepts it, counts it into the till, and rings the transaction through, handing Ivan his bags and his receipt. “Have a nice day, Mr. Kaminsky!”
“Thank you, Semyon Pavlovich.” Ivan accepts his purchases and leaves the store, taking a deep breath of the salty, sunny air and the wind whipping off the seafront. It’s still a little too early in the year for there to be many bathers on the beach, though there are always people strolling on the boardwalk. It’s only a few minutes to the apartment, which is just off Brighton Beach Avenue and overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. Ivan buzzes into the old brownstone, takes the stairs to the third floor, and as he unlocks his front door and lets himself in, wonders, yet again, at the sheer impossibility that his life has led him here.
Ivan is the third of five boys, but he was the one who was named after his father. It was not, of course, because they had some special hope for him to be the great inheritor of paternal pride, but a simple matter of logistics. His oldest brother, Roman, was named after their paternal grandfather. His second-oldest brother, Oleg, was named after their maternal grandfather. When Ivan arrived, only then was it proper to name him after Ivan Romanovich, Ivan Sakharov senior, since rushing too fast to glorify yourself as an individual, rather than your community and your ancestors, could be seen as running contrary to the collectivist ideals of the great Soviet Union. By the time his two younger brothers arrived, his parents were hard pressed for ideas; Yuri (for Gagarin) and Vladimir (originally for Lenin, though that has obviously acquired a different connotation those days) were clearly obtained by putting the names of national heroes into a hat and picking.
Five children was quite a lot for a Soviet-generation family, and Ivan doesn’t know anyone else his age with that number of siblings. After all, more children meant more time standing in line at Municipal Grocery Store #5 for food that has to be shared among more mouths, more worries about how to clothe and educate and accommodate them, more chances for one of them to go terminally astray and betray the family honor. Ivan wonders sometimes if his parents only really wanted Roman and Oleg, but decided to keep going as a matter of gaming the system, so much as it was able to be gamed.
By the early 1980s, the aging, decrepit, dying USSR, run by aging, decrepit, dying men, was in the grip of a demographic crisis so extreme that it was a contest between worrying about which one would end them faster: crazy President Reagan with his finger on the nuclear button, or the whole country just keeling over of old age. The idea of what a family even meant had been under constant challenge since the heady days of the Bolsheviks, who denounced marriage as a construct of bourgeoisie oppression and preached for free love and sexual liberation. Then it went hard back in the other direction during Stalin and the Great Patriotic War, holding up the traditional nuclear family as the highest ideal and offering rewards to mothers who had multiple children. Then it lurched away again. Abortion and contraception had been legal and freely available since the days of the revolution and most Soviet women made good use of them. Plus, of course, the obvious difficulties of maintaining a sizeable family when it was increasingly impossible to obtain even basic supplies and foodstuffs. It just made no sense.
Desperately trying to counter this slide toward self-inflicted obsolescence, the late-stage USSR came up with a number of incentives to boost the birth rate by any means necessary. They allowed mothers to refuse to list fathers on the birth certificate, to avoid social shame if he was married, foreign, a drunkard, or otherwise unsuitable, and beefed up programs to support single women with children. They also went back to the old-school plan of granting extra stipends, housing privileges, and state recognition to families that had more than two children, and Ivan himself was the third of his. It doesn’t take a genius to deduce that he was almost surely conceived for the tax benefits.
Not, that is, that it didn’t work. When Ivan was born in 1984, the family lived in a tiny apartment on the tenth floor of a building with no elevator (or rather it did have an elevator, but it was always broken), crowded in with three single young men who were at the very bottom of the list for being assigned housing. By the time his youngest brother, Vladimir, was born in 1987, they had been moved to a small house of their own on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, not far from the bus that his father took two hours a day out to the mine. The cynical old joke in the USSR was that the people pretended to work and the government pretended to pay them, though in Ivan Romanovich’s case, the work was backbreakingly real, even if the money wasn’t. He would come home exhausted and filthy after a sixteen-hour shift and yell at Galina Sakharova to feed him, bark at his sons, and then fall asleep in front of the television, only to get up the next morning and shuffle off again.
Ivan Ivanovich has spent a lot of time after he left home trying to understand what that kind of life would do to a man, mostly because he didn’t do it while he was there. Of course he didn’t. He was a child, and it was simply what he was used to, the only way the world could possibly be. On the night of December 26, 1991, as Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev signed the United Soviet Socialist Republics out of existence with a single stroke of the pen, Ivan remembers his father crying and swearing and throwing things at the wall, the heavy yellow-glass ashtray that always seemed unbreakable, perched on the kitchen table to collect the detritus of his constant cigarettes, smashed to bits just like their country, their sense of self, their security. It wasn’t as if life in the USSR was so wonderful. It was just the only thing they knew. Beyond that, there was nothing but the terror of the utterly unknown.
At any rate, the world didn’t end. The oligarchs moved in and began snapping up Russia’s newly privatized economy. Ivan Ivanovich, of course, had no goddamn clue about this either, aside from overhearing his father curse about it some more. He trudged through secondary school and left at eighteen, without even trying to proceed onto university. Those weren’t for someone like him, he knew that. Instead he got a job at the ever-troubled Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, and went straight to work on the factory floor.
It was around this time that the one disruption in his otherwise humdrum life, the one thing that stopped him from just settling into the same miserable existence as his father and going on like that forever, became too impossible to ignore. And that was the fact that no matter how much Ivan tried to squash it down, push it aside, or otherwise pretend it didn’t exist, he could no longer deny the fact that he was attracted to men, and only to men. He bought some of the cheap porn magazines from the tabak, tried to flip through them and get something out of the girls in heavy eyeliner and bleached-blonde hair, spilling out of their scanty lingerie, and just… didn’t. He wasn’t even interested enough to try a conversation with a real flesh-and-blood woman (not that Ivan had ever gotten through a conversation with another human being, especially a woman, without disaster) and see if it was different in the flesh. Nothing about the experience, even imagining it, appealed to him at all. But men…
He knew it wasn’t right, just because – well, you knew that sort of thing, you didn’t have to ask about it, you didn’t let on. But nonetheless, something, somehow, must have given him away, because one evening after the end of his shift, one of his coworkers cornered him in the back. His name was Konstantin and he was a few years older, big and bluff and constantly smelling like machine oil. He stood there, folded his arms, and said, “I will give you five hundred rubles if you suck my dick, Ivan Ivanovich.”
Ivan didn’t know how to answer. He had never spoken to Konstantin about anything aside from the job. He didn’t like him, he wasn’t attracted to him, and he didn’t want his filthy fucking rubles. He wanted to go home and take a shower.
And yet. He wanted to know. So when he went home, it was with five hundred rubles in his pocket, and a strange, indefinable feeling of something both excitement and shame. He looked it up later and found that it was barely seven American dollars, barely enough to buy a sandwich in this place he now lives. Then after that it became – not a relationship, not exactly. But he had done it once and Konstantin knew that he was at least theoretically willing, and there was no getting away from it now. Soon enough it became something of a regular thing, and then Konstantin wanted to try other stuff and not always pay, and if Ivan ever protested, Konstantin would threaten to get him fired from the factory or tell his family what they were doing. Ivan knew that he couldn’t let this happen, and besides, this was a relationship, or so he would tell himself. It was rough and it wasn’t very enjoyable and he didn’t like the way it made him feel, but it was probably the best he was going to get, here in this place, so he had no choice but to put up with it.
Until one night when his older brother came to pick him up from work, which he didn’t usually do. Something about it set off Ivan’s alarm bells, but he got into Roman’s battered old Zhiguli anyway. They didn’t head back toward the house. Instead they headed for the country, the narrow, crumbling road that led into the vast forests of Krasnoyarsk Krai. The city was often voted one of the most beautiful in Siberia, surviving even its long periods of grim industrialization with something of its soul intact. It wasn’t as cold as Yakutsk or Oymyakon, the places where it stayed at sixty below zero all winter long and boiling water froze when you tossed it out the window. Winters only got down to a few degrees below, and in Russia, that was par for the course. Ivan loved his hometown, and he was used to the outdoors. He was a sportsman, a natural athlete. He played hockey, bandy, football, rugby, and basketball (surprisingly popular in Russia). He swam and boxed. He was tall and tough and muscled and most people never bothered him. But when the car coasted to a halt in the middle of nowhere and Roman turned off the headlights, he was still terrified.
His brother said, “I hear you’re doing things, Vanya.”
Ivan didn’t answer.
“I hear you’re doing things with men.” Roman reached over and grabbed him violently by the shoulders, pinning him against the seat. “Disgusting things. I will not have one of those in the family, do you hear me? Do you hear me? If I find out that you have done it ever again, even once, I will make sure that you pay the price. Are you listening? Say that you understand.”
“Yes,” Ivan said. “I understand.”
What he really understood was that he was going to leave, when he had barely been out of Krasnoyarsk Krai in his life. Going as far as Novosibirsk for a shopping trip was unusual, and once, in school, he went to Georgia, which was the first time he had left the country (though of course, it used to be the country). But he knew that he could not stay here anymore, and in a moment of welcome serendipity, that was also when his conscription notice arrived. At the time, every Russian man over the age of eighteen had to serve two obligatory years in the armed forces (though it has since been lowered to one, of which Ivan does not necessarily approve), and his number had come up. So he quit his job, did not say goodbye to Konstantin or tell him where he was going, packed his few boxes of things, and moved four thousand kilometers and four time zones west to Moscow.
Ivan arrived in the capital trying not to present himself as a wet-behind-the-ears country boy, to act like he knew what he was doing, to show he was much tougher and meaner than any of these spoiled, pampered little children whining about how hard it was when they trudged into headquarters and presented their army notices. In that, he had a genuine advantage; he had worked hard for his whole life, he had already been through whatever could possibly endured with a father and four brothers, and he found the strict routines, harsh discipline, and predictable tasks of the army comforting. Everyone was scared of him, he didn’t need to try (though he did), and that was also gratifying. He worked hard and pleased his commanders, who tried to entice him to stay on as a full-time professional serviceman. There were many opportunities for a man of his talents, and more money than Ivan had ever dreamed of. As for his personal life, as long as he was scrupulously discreet and kept turning in good results, they would not trouble to enquire too closely. That was already better than from what he had expected with Konstantin. Once again, he thought it would be the best he got.
That was where, therefore, he met Aleksander Ilyich Morozov.
Morozov was his opposite in many ways – rich, well-spoken, well-educated, the son of a legendary KGB commander and the inheritor of comfort and privilege even in the lean last days of the USSR. He was about Ivan’s own age, but he had a self-possession and a gravitas that made him seem older. He had started training for a career in the Russian security services practically from childhood, and he had pegged Ivan as a particularly promising recruit. “You should come with me,” he said. “We would find an excellent career for you.”
Ivan was never sure how to respond when Morozov started talking like this. He admired the man and was admittedly attracted to him – not just the dark, elegant handsomeness, but the manifest air of being a person who mattered, who made the rest of the world sit up and take notice and play by his rules – and while he knew that Morozov was ruthless, he wasn’t bothered by that and was willing to do the same when it was called for. Ivan didn’t see the world as some nice candy fairy place where good deeds were always rewarded and violence was always wrong, not least since he knew full well that it didn’t work like that. He didn’t have time for these idiots who thought they would get out there and hold hands and change the world with the power of sunshine and kisses or whatever it was. He didn’t.
Then there was one night when Morozov was at Ivan’s apartment, and they had been drinking and making big plans for ruling the world behind the scenes, and Ivan forgot himself entirely and leaned over the table and kissed him. He tried to pull back almost at once, but Morozov didn’t resist. In fact, he leaned in and put a hand behind Ivan’s head and kept him there, and in that moment, Ivan knew that while this might not be personally objectionable for Sasha (his sexuality was undiscussed but evidently fluid), that wasn’t the reason he was going along with it. It was because he knew instinctively that it was a perfect way to control Ivan, to harness his attraction and his weakness and his willingness to go along with whatever Sasha wanted, and in that, despite all the big plans they had put together and the way Ivan had dreamed of his life changing, it was just Konstantin all over again, and Ivan was straight back at the factory on his knees, small and cornered and powerless. It was visceral and it was wrong and it wasn’t the best he would ever do and he wasn’t, he wasn’t taking that.
They pulled back and Sasha made an enquiring noise, like he wanted to know if Ivan was interested in sealing the deal, and instead Ivan ordered him to leave right now, get out. That was the end of their friendship; they never spoke to each other again, and when his third year in the army ran out, which he had already taken voluntarily, he left. He got a job at some Moscow industrial plant and it was there, through the friend of a friend, he met Nadia Zhabina. And it turned out that she was queer (the first time he had ever heard the word spoken in a good way, something he wanted to be, something he didn’t mind accepting, rather than as an attack), and it turned out after that that she had a friend she wanted him to meet, only it clearly meant that she thought they should go out. Like. On a date.
Ivan flatly shut her down. He did not date, he did not want to date, he did not think he would be good at dating, he did not want to meet some pansy city boy from Nizhny Novgorod who he would immediately dislike, and he was not going to do it, the end. Only Nadia really seemed disappointed, and maybe it was not the worst thing to try a little. This would backfire terribly, he would get over it, and move on with his life.
In Ivan’s opinion, the first date with Fedyor Mikhailovich Kaminsky was, at least on his own behalf, a modest success. He was unavoidably late, thanks to the bus running behind schedule, but he introduced himself, his hobbies, and made it clear what sort of person he was and what he was interested in. He even sent a polite follow-up text with an invitation to meet again. There. No questions, no confusion, everything very straightforward and clear. Nothing to complain about. That was how you did a date, yes?
It turned out, however, that Fedyor Mikhailovich was either very reticent, or perhaps confused, or maybe he did not even know that they had been on a date and Nadia had not clearly explained to him. Burned by his experiences at home, knowing how easily word could get out to the wrong people, Ivan did not want to bring up the subject explicitly, but he had to admit to a considerable confusion. Maybe Fedyor actually liked to just mince around Moscow city parks together, like something out of a Tolstoy novel, or to sit on his couch and watch bad American action movies together. (Later, Ivan learned that Die Hard is actually something of a cult classic, but it’s still slightly lost on him.) That wasn’t bad, because Ivan – to his great bafflement and wariness – liked spending time with him. Fedyor wasn’t like him at all, but they clicked nonetheless. He was the exact kind of idealistic activist that Ivan had long disdained, but it was different with him. When Fedya talked, he liked to listen, to dream about a world that really did work that way. It didn’t, but it felt closer.
Besides that, he was cute. He was well-put together. He was charming and vivacious and could talk to people that they met, while Ivan stood scowling with his hands in his pockets and wondered how long this was going to take. He really desperately wanted to kiss Fedya (and for that matter, do other things to him), and he found himself thinking about it a lot. But what if it was like with Sasha again, and it was either Ivan opportunistically taking it for himself, or Fedya selfishly trying to keep him there, to use him for his own purposes? Maybe Fedya was the idiot. He had to know they were together, right? Or were they together? Ivan suddenly wasn’t sure. Damn it! Why didn’t Fedyor subscribe to the school of just being clear about things? Ivan himself had nothing to do with the problem.
But then there came that night, and Fedya cooking dinner and stumbling through trying to ask him if they were maybe something, and in that moment, Ivan found it all so hilarious that the only thing he could do was sit there and let the whole thing play out. Then it turned out, of course, that they were together, and that Fedyor kissed him just as deliciously as Ivan had imagined, and maybe Nadia Zhabina was not so wrong after all.
Maybe she was not wrong in the least.
Ivan takes his supermarket bags to the sunny kitchen of the mostly-remodeled apartment and sets them down. Fedya has picked out all the colors and wallpapers and furniture and paint, and Ivan has done most of the work, since he is gainfully employed as a handyman and repair-person and he doesn’t want to pay some American to half-ass a job that he can do better. The apartment is really quite lovely now. The living room has been done in a pale, springy green, the white plaster moldings washed and repaired, all the junk of the previous owner finally cleared out except for one or two collectibles that they decided to keep. There’s a bookshelf and a desk filled with Fedya’s work things, a couch and a television and a coffee table and new curtains. The bedroom is big and airy, with a ceiling fan and new carpets. Framed pictures and art pieces hang on the wall. It looks like a place where real people live.
Ivan makes breakfast, cooking and stirring and brewing the coffee, and puts it all on a tray. It’s Saturday, so of course Fedya is still asleep, and Ivan pads through the apartment to the closed bedroom door, balancing the tray on his hip long enough to open it and cast a strip of light inside. It takes a moment, but Fedyor rolls over, groggy and tousled and very, very cute with his bed-headed dark hair and squinting eyes. “Vanya? What smells so good?”
“Happy birthday, my love.” Ivan sets the tray on the bedside table and leans down to kiss him, as Fedyor makes a happy humming sound and throws his arms around Ivan’s neck, cuddling against him like a barnacle. “I have made you breakfast.”
(His younger self was wrong, and he has never been so glad of it.)
(This was the best, this is the best, this was waiting for him, this kind of happiness could happen for him, and he is grateful beyond all words that he fought for it and believed it until it did.)
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linkspooky · 4 years
Hi! When Best Jeanist mentions to Bakugo that if he continues this way, he is going to end up a villain, isn't it a bit ironic given that Endevor (what Bakugo could become given he values strenght above all) is the number one hero? Isn't that a proof that heroes are totally out of it because the worst would be being a villain and not just being someone harmful no matter the hero/villain dichotomy? PS: I love your Kumagawa reaction pics!
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Yes, you’re right, anon. This is an idea introduced in the first arc with Shigaraki, and then explored with Best Jeanist, and Bakugo’s character. Heroes and Villains are both violent. However, Hero’s violence is tolerated, allowed, even encouraged. What Best Jeanist says is that the line between heroes and villians isn’t as clear cut as society says it is. It can be blurry at times. Often a hero can be a hair’s breadth away from being considered a villain. Endeavor is pretty much the example of that. Until Best Jeanist Bakugo has never had to confront the violence within himself, because his violence is something that he has always been praised for. I’ll explore more under the cut. 
1. Bakugo and Endeavor
So Part of what makes Bakugo and Endeavor so toxic is they embody hero society’s toxicity. They are the embodiment of a person born with a strong quirk, who wants to be a hero so they can be the strongest like everyone has always said they are. 
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Bakugo and Endeavor basically have the same starting point. They want to be the best, because everyone has always told them they’re the best. They feel the need to prove themselves the strongest by being number one and continually chasing the number one spot. 
Their pursuit of strength is based on living up to the idea of number one hero that they have for themselves. The number one hero has to be the strongest. The number one hero has to always win. They deserve to be treated as the strongest, because they work so hard at being the strongest. 
They are both victims of the hero system in a way. This burning ambition to be the strongest that they are pushed to be, by the expectations of everyone around them to be strong just because they were born with a strong, flashy quirk has wrecked them. Neither of them can feel like they’re ever enough. They’ve internalized deep ideas of inferiority because they can’t ever feel like they’re good enough to live up to the expectations of everyone around them. It’s something that ultimately harms them.
Bakugo feels inferior to Deku. Enji feels inferior to All Might. They are just constantly made to feel inferior, by this system that only values them for their strength and doesn’t really see them as people. However, Bakugo and Endeavor both handle this inferiority by violently lashing out at those around him. 
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There is a parallel, in the way that Endeavor treats Todoroki. The way that Bakugo treats Deku. They blame their weakness on somebody else and take it out on them.
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The way Bakugo nearly beats up Todoroki when he’s unconscious, because he wants to prove himself stronger than Todoroki, because Bakugo doesn’t even think about how Todoroki feels because it’s all about him, is shockingly similiar to how Enji couldn’t see how his behavior harmed Shoto. 
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Bakugo and Enji will violently punish people for the weakness they see in themselves. Bakugo is still a kid of course, and he has time to unlearn this behavior. However, the scary part is that hero society is so toxic it doesn’t really push Bakugo to unlearn this behavior. The violence of heroes is not only allowed and tolerated, it’s encouraged. 
2. Heroes are Violent
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Yes, yes, yes. The answer is yes. Bakugo should not want to be a hero because he wants to violently kill villains to prove how strong he is. That was what was wrong about his ambitions, that’s what violent about his behavior, his idea of strength comes from violently putting others down. It’s not just villains either, he’ll do it to people who don’t deserve it like Deku. 
Bakugo’s idea of strength is based on hero society’s idea of strength, which is really just violence, but everyone is so in love with hero society they sort of just encourage this side of his personality. They talk about how much of a hard worker Bakugo is, or how serious he is about being a hero without ever addressing the root issue that Bakugo’s behavior harms people. 
The same for Enji, who is constantly praised as the number one hero with the most resolved cases, and yet nobody ever looks seriously at the way he resolves his missions or what he’s done to his family. 
The thing is villains are continually punished for their violence. When Toga, Dabi, Shigaraki, or Twice respond to violence with violence, they are labeled as violent crimminals and said the only option for them is to be violently put down.
When Enji is violent, that violence is overlooked. It’s allowed. Enji is allowed to be the number one hero, while at the same time having done what he did to his family. Enji has also committed crimminal levels of violence and domestic abuse, but because he is a hero, that violence is ignored. 
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Heroic violence is good, villainous violence is bad. It’s even shown that Enji brings his violence to his job. Endeavor tries to kill a teenage girl, when the mission is only to capture. 
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Not only that, Endeavor literally just labels anybody who is against him as a villain. The reason that Endeavor is allowed to be this way, is because his violence is considered heroic, and he’s encouraged to be this way. It’s all just violence, but certain violence gets labeled heroic and is tolerated and other violence is labeled villainous and gets punished. And it’s all just arbitrary, because Shigaraki a lifelong victim is labeled as unforgivable with no hope of recovery, whereas Enji a lifelong abuser is already forgiven just because he’s on the side of heroes. 
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When Shigaraki says that All Might is a tool of violent opression this is what he means. Endeavor is just a more literal application of that theory. Whatever violence Endeavor shows, even if it hurts innocent people, is allowed because he’s a tool for violently keeping down villains. 
Heroes, and villains are both violent. However, the violence is categorized. Heroic violence is okay. Villainous violence is not. Enji gets away with being overly violent, and Shigaraki has to be continually punished over and over again. Even though they are both violent. One is forgiven, one is not, and it’s because of this categorization of violence. 
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So, what Best Jeanist brings up to Bakugo and begs him to self reflect on is that heroes are equally capable of being violent as villains are. Bakugo needs to think about his actions outside of the lens of heroes and villains, and ask himself is he being violent, is he hurting other people with his actions? 
What Shigaraki says supports Best Jeanist’s idea, that everyone is so caught up in the fight of heroes against villains that nobody looks at the big picture. The heroes just assume that they’re always the good guys no matter what, so they’re unable to see themselves as capable of being violent, or contributing to a violent system at large. 
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Heroic violence is allowed, even encouraged, and as a result you get heroes like Enji who don’t even have to act like heroes. 
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Enji still unfailingly sees himself as a hero no matter what he’s done, and because of that he never really doubts or questions his actions which means he’s allowed to be as violent as he wants towards the villains. Even straight up trying to kill Shigaraki several times. 
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What is it that truly makes someone a hero? 
That question is supposed to make Bakugo step back and reflect on his violence, and wonder if his focus is on helping others, or if he just wants to violently put down villains and prove how strong he is. Is he helping or harming? 
Endeavor is allowed to be as violent as he wants. He’s still allowed the title of number one hero, therefore he’s incapable of self reflecting or seeing how he’s hurt people. His violence is always encouraged, praised. No matter what happens to him he still sees himself as a hero.
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Endeavor calls Shigaraki a force of destruction, but how much has Endeavor destroyed and gotten away with? 
PS: Thank you for noticing my Kumagawa pics. He’s the best boy and almost nobody knows about him. He deserves way more love! I’m glad to meet one of the 13 members of the Medaka Box Fandom.
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Quotes from “Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier” as starters
But today could be the day I finally make a difference!
Where are you off to today, you no good piece of shit?
You’ve got to dream a little harder!
It took you long enough, you shit-eating dog.
Oh, so you think you're better than me just because you can read?
Just try to keep your fat face out of that motherfucking book.
Why am I the only one who sees things as they are?
Oh, ___, sometimes I feel you're my only friend in this world.
Today, things got a little out of hand and a lot of good people are dead.
Did we get the loaf of bread back?
Why do you even bother visiting us commoners anymore, you aristocat?
I sure hope you haven't goofed this one up, ___.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this mess. Dead bodies in the street.
Did you know in this barbaric country they only give you money if you work?
Who would seek employment when life offers such enjoyment?
You're only in trouble if you get caught.
My father says that you must marry me now, or I'll bring dishonor to my entire family.
I can't give up on my dreams and settle down just 'cause your dad's being a dick.
‘Cause you stole my daughter’s hymen!
That’s completely fair, but in my defense - dude, your daughter’s hot.
My ass cheeks…they're hanging out.
And what's this? Blood. Blood on my ass cheeks. Tell me, ___, how the fuck did it get there?
Oh I am grateful for your tiny ass, ___!
This really is an act of war, ___!
Do not feed me shit and call it couscous, ___!
Well an hour free is better than a lifetime in a cage. Being fed and pampered and cleaned up after. What kind of a life is that?
When are you going to learn that your actions have consequences?
One of these days, you're going to learn that life isn't about dreams coming true. It's a series of compromises and disappointment.
That's supporting a corrupt system. You're a part of the problem.
I want everything, and more!
My secret is simple, really. Anyone could do it. I just follow the golden rule!
Always treat others like sisters and brothers and they’ll do the same for you.
I get back what I give!
My hunger blinded me and forced me to act like an animal.
But we're not animals. We're gifted with minds to reason and hearts to love!
I think that's enough fun for one day, eh, ___?
Well, we have our own golden rule here. Whoever has the gold…makes the rules.
The gold that my neighbor earns through his labor is gold I’ll never see.
So keep your mouth shut and your palm open, and you may just get...filthy stinkin' rich!
You could start by telling me your name.
I suppose this will be the end of me.
I am a servant to the people, and therefore your servant.
Magic does nothing if not touch the soul.
I want to know your story, I want to know your past, I want to know your future too.
Fill my days and nights with the tale of you.
I never cared for stories until you entered mine.
Let’s make ours the story with no end.
Their mouths aren't fit to hold a donkey's shit.
Many years ago, I took my finger…and I pushed in my penis…and it hasn't come out since.
A very wise and enthralling tale, ___. We can all learn a lesson from it, I expect.
Where's my opium?
Speak now, ___! And don't fuck it up!
Well, maybe I have a new purpose now.
That is what your story is about.
I wish I had the power to rewrite this tale.
Never stop wishing it, ___.
We will be reunited one day, and unlock wonders beyond your wildest dreams!
After all, I must be pretty great, if you believed in me.
I only hope you haven't fallen prey to some sex-crazed ruffian!
Right this way, babe.
This is so unfair! Poor people need slaves just as much as rich people do! Maybe even a little bit more.
Of course it's a free thinker like who's struggling to get by. And all because of our totally corrupt class system.
I hate the class system. That's why I said, "Fuck it, I'm never going to school again."
So, you abandoned everything, to be free? That is so brave.
Brave? Me? Yeah.
All my parents ever did was support me. Give me a place to stay, tell me they loved me, no matter what. They were really bad parents.
How's a thirty-three-year-old kid supposed to know how to survive on his own?
But that is not fair! ___’s a victim of circumstance!
Don't look at me like that! These are my orders from ___.
Wait, wait, what? You slit people's throats? I didn't tell you to kill anyone! This is awful!
___, no. That is just an expression.
I'm gonna have so much gold I could swim through it! Like a pool. Do you think people can really do that?
Once I get my mind set on a chick, I just can't move on until I get this nut out.
I can’t wait to be a rich dude!
Stealing is so much easier when you’ve got already tons of gold.
We’ll get our happy ending tonight.
We weren't sure if you were ever coming back, ___.
Everyone, look at my ass!
You received the manhood of a badger?
Those are stretch marks, they happen.
Oh, I see! You received the manhood of a tiger!
Did you hear that, lads? ___ made love to a tiger!
Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker! Tiger fucker!
Am I not a thing of beauty? Don't you want a piece of this? Wouldn't you gladly give up all of your worldly possessions just to greet me when I come home from a one-sided massacre, and bathe my sweaty, bloody body with your tongue?
Oh…you. Aren't you busy ruining my life?
I noticed you weren't at dinner, but I saw you tried to poison my wine. Usually when you do that, it means you want to talk. What's up, are you mad at me?
You ripped my heart out and smashed it into a million pieces. And don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
He/she/they was perfect! Like if you cobbled together all the best features from all the best guys/girls/people, and then gave them a tragic backstory! It's like he/she/they was designed specifically to appeal to me.
I knew everything about him/her/them! He/she/they was my soul mate! My -- my -- God, I am freaking out, what was his/her/their name?
Believe it or not, I care about you.
I don't want to be prepared. I want to expect the unexpected.
Look, you're young. You don't exactly get how things work yet. And, while I don't appreciate any of your ideas, I do appreciate the fact that you HAVE ideas. Maybe one day you'll have some GOOD ones.
Sexual predators the lot of them! Their tactics target vulnerable, young girls, and build up false senses of trust and then isolate them on magic rides of sorts. And when the moment is right, they whip it out. You know... their songs.
Be wary of young boys who whip out their songs. A song is often a prelude to a dick.
A song is a dick in sheep's clothing.
Can't you see I'm trying to impart a life lesson?
I feel like you only come to see me when there's bad news.
I counted thirteen dead before the peacocks got to them.
How the fuck did you know it was me?
Because it IS you, you're just wearing different clothes.
Wow. Pretty AND smart. You're the whole shebang, babe.
Everything I told you the other night was a lie. Don't you trust me?
Ugh. Oh no. Okay, um, now I'm kind of feeling like everything about you that was attractive to me before isn't really there anymore.
No! No, I'm just being indecisive. It's still you.
I've just got to get back on that high that I was on before.
Look into my eyes and talk to me some more about the world's injustice!
Sure. Just let me roll this blunt first.
But I don't want her/him/they to love me. I just want her/him/them to fuck me.
You guys know there's a way to get people to think about sex without even talking about sex? You just gotta do it subliminally.
Hey, babe, it's such a beautiful night -- take off your clothes.
But…let me ask you this: is your penis an innie or an outie?
___ explained everything to me. He/she/they was just pretending to be a ___. For fun.
I bet the ___ is under that ___ sized hat!
Bullshit! Why would I pretend to be a ___? Just to get laid? That's not me.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Why are you picking on me, ___? Afraid I'll reveal your little secret?
Whoa! I thought I was just bullshitting you guys!
What made me think that I could get away with such a plot?
How does the golden rule apply in such a situation?
Whichever road I take, I will only encourage someone’s wrath!
‘Til now I’ve always traveled down the straight and narrow path.
But which way do I turn when the road’s become so... so... twisted?
You think you know me, as others think they know you, but there are two sides to every story.
I was prepared for anything, except for what ensued.
They weren't ready for my ideas.
Fortune favors the beautiful.
My only crime was love.
But the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes what it wants, is twisted.
I only wished to reclaim what was mine!
I only wished for equal rights for all!
I only wished to save her/him/them!
I only wished to be invited to the party!
I only wished to improve relations between the races!
I only wished to teach ___ responsibility… so he/she/they wouldn’t end up like me!
I only wished to give the people a voice… To help the miserable, lonely, and depressed!
I never knew my father!
It's an unfortunate situation…But you do have a choice.
What remains of a man when that man is dead and gone?
Why protect my reputation? I’m a dead man/woman/person either way!
How will they tell my story? How will they tell my tale? Will anybody even care?
Is it nobler in the mind to be well-liked but ineffectual, or moral but maligned?
If I hide to save my life, what has my life been for?
The road ahead may twist, but I will never swerve!
I’ll give them all the unsung antihero they deserve!
I’ve nothing left to lose, to the only path to choose is twisted.
So let them twist my words, let the people scorn me.
Who cares if no one will ever mourn me?
Let them bury the side of the story that they’ll never learn!
Let the truth be twisted!
Let my life be twisted!
I’ll be twisted, it’s my turn!
Your armies have abandoned you. Your ruling class is corrupt and we have come to put an end to your tyrannical rule!
You'll never end our tyrannical rule!
It is I who will be doing the fucking today.
It appears that ___ has cold feet!
Yes I am talking to you! Now get your ass over here!
I've got to become a sorcerer! Can you do that?
Yes, I do feel lucky. I've got a ___! But I think he might be a fucking moron!
My fuse is about this long right now.
You either need to back me the fuck up, or shut the fuck up. Got it?
And what's the last thing you wanna do before that happens? Take off your clothes. That's right, have sex! Hurry, take off your clothes.
I'm not going to take off my clothes in the middle of a battle!
My skin is melting!
Would you stop acting like an asshole for one minute?
I'm not a tease. I'm just…not a freak.
You're making sex seem gross and lame.
You got that, ___? We are not a thing anymore, okay?
We're just having our first fight. Maybe after some make up sex…
You're the guy who killed my parents. Where have you been?
Okay, Jesus Christ, I don't know what's going on here.
That's the trick! You just really have to believe your own bullshit!
It takes someone who believes they can change the world to actually do it.
This isn't fair! Life is supposed to be fair!
Your youth and your passion, and yes, your naïveté -- these give you power.
When I was your age, I thought I could accomplish anything I ever wanted and more! But I didn't. Perhaps no one does. But you have to think you will or you won't have the strength to try.
Maybe you won't make any big changes, but a few little ones that pave the way for the next generation. And then they'll make small changes and leave it to the next and the next! It's a bit like a carousel of progress. Always spinning towards a great, big, beautiful tomorrow. And tomorrow is just a dream away.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
Tomorrow always comes. Even if it comes without us.
What will I do without you to guide me? When I am lost, where will I turn?
You remind me of someone I knew long ago.
You’re the one who put it there -- the power in me.
The power to love one another is the greatest power of all.
No matter where life leads us, we’ll never be apart.
Through thick and thin, success or ruin, I’ll carry you in my heart.
I will treasure forever what the world will never see.
You are kind, and that’s enough.
I wish you didn’t have to go when our story’s just begun.
Then I wish you every happiness.
It was more money than I had ever seen. But I was able to count it.
And that's the end of the true story.
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rorodawnchorus · 3 years
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The Devil Judge, Ep.1 Meta
(On the re-imagined justice process, imageries, parallels in South Korea and our world today) 
As with all dystopian fiction, it is not exactly a far-fetched imagining of our world. Instead, it is a critique of our society which seeks to amplify the inequalities and suffering of society through some exaggeration. 
The Devil Judge is that: it "re-imagines" South Korea today with a sprinkle of cyberpunk aesthetics (a little too much bluish green tint) and dystopian imagery (of homeless people, a very dirty subway and dingy backalleys on a rainy night).
I kept thinking it was a dystopian "future" but was wondering why they were using only Samsung Note 20 instead of some Samsung futuristic prototype phone. So, those phones do keep audiences grounded in the reality it is portraying -- this is the alternative South Korea of today. 
We are barely halfway into the first episode and we've got this extremely charismatic, anti-hero male lead strutting red carpets and making verbose declarations like "I am the power. By the judicial authority delegated to me by the people of Korea, I will run this court. And it is the people who hold this power." (Not verbatim but that's the gist). 
Then, meet associate judge Kim Ga-On who seems to be against how the system is running. He seems to be the outlier who rose to his ranks from the bottom class of society (which his colleague Oh Jin-joo says, he looks like he's from the shanty town of Seoul). We start off, barely into the drama at this point, with a dramatic scene of a kindergarten bus ramming down barricades and charging towards the Court building. A group of kindergarten children crossing the road there (I've just no clue what businses kids would have near the court building tbh). A little girl tripping as they were rushed across the road, Ga-On jumping to the rescue, and unable to pick her up in time, shields her with his own body. Kang Yo Han is just there, taking a heavy gun from the guard and unhesitantly opened fire at the bus driver who was flooring the pedal. He misses the driver's head and hits the headrest before firing again. The bus swerves and flips. The driver loses consciousness and Ga On (again!) jumps to the rescue. So, here the tone is set. We've got this "devil judge" who seems to be the ultimate modern day anti-hero who's given immense amount of power. 
Much more interesting is that in this dystopian South Korea, we've got what seems like a publicly elected judiciary (or Kang Yo Han is perhaps the first?) and that has always been something that has been discussed in legal academic. Not the idea of electing the judiciary but that the argument of the judiciary not being publicly elected can be seen as slightly out of tune with democracy. (In legal academic, however, this is theoretically seen as being balanced by the separation of powers; ie. the executive branch (=government) and elected members of Parliament/Congress are supposed to be fully separated from the judiciary and should therefore never interfere with the judiciary. But, of course, these are all theoretical stuff. They look good on paper and when discussed in legal essays but in reality, it can often be different (if not, the exact opposite). This series takes things to yet another level by imagining the inception of a publicly televised and publicly voted trial. 
This goes against the nature of trials in general because in our world today, the judiciary (wherever it may be) typically have mechanisms (ie. laws and codes) to prevent manipulation by media. The principle of fair trial requires that no external influence affects the process of adjudication (ie. the judgement by judges). There also tends to be avoidance of trial by public opinion because the way the law is interpreted and applied can be rather technical and different from what people may say or think about a certain trials, the decision delivered and also sentencing. Trial by jury is the nearest it gets but that too can be a fairly technical process which do also include considerations like avoiding a two-day trial to prevent influence by the media or other agents on a jury member's decision. (A recent drama mentioning this is Law School). The thing about this idea of trial by the public is that standards of morality can be very subjective and varies from person to person. Judgement by judges are not entirely free from the influence of morality, but the process is a litle more stable through the processes of interpretative practices, case precedents and legal theories. Previously in another Kdrama, Miss Hammurabi (2018), Judge Lim Ba-reun became slightly frustrated by his friend's comment that having a jury trial is like "true democracy" because the "people gets to decide" and he even thinks the judiciary should be elected too. Lim Ba-reun sarcastically said he must have loved every elected politican since they were elected by the public. He tells him grimly that no jury has ever found a policeman who had beaten up a Black man to be guilty. He also pointed out that Nazi, the Holocaust and Hitler were all supported by the public. 
In this series, the premise allows all of these imaginings to be realised and played out. It is peak criticism, I think, when they portray the scenes of the TV producer being excited about the real-time ratings and viewer ratings. And also the scene of the broadcasting channel's chairman dancing in joy when he received realtime report of the ratings (vowing to treat his equally wealthy friends to a meal). Even when his other friend seemed appalled by the decision delivered by Judge Kang, the Chairman could not hide his joy in the skyrocketing viewership ratings. This really reminded me of the entire Produce 101 franchise which also heralded the shows for putting the decision in "The Nation's Producers" (ie. voters) and emphasised how it is the Nation Producers who put together ("produce") the National Kpop group that is bound for success and set to receive national love. All of this illusion collapsed (and the Korean franchise died along with it) when the court finds its producers guilty of voting manipulation. The Devil Judge seemed to have a similarly dramatic flair in its emphasis of TV production gimmicks, camera angles, cuts of a person's reaction, etc. The President of South Korea (who has a very light voice, a penchant for orotund speeches and a lack of concern for national policies) and all these top 1% of people tuned in were on the edge of their seats watching Judge Kang orchestrate this theatre of public trial. Kim Ga-On watched him closely and was sure that Judge Kang had something up his sleeves and was definitely up to no good, yet he couldn't tell. When he finally delivers a verdict (that yes, this was a case of professional negligence and not negligent homicide), Ga-On was crestfallen and frustrated because it carries a mere 5 year imprisonment maximum. But Kang turns the table and brings up the newly passed legislation which allows accumulative sentence which then resulted in 235 years of imprisonment. 
This sounded very much like how some Korean netizens had previously wondered (online) why Korea couldn't have a sentencing system like the US where the years of imprisonment can go up to 100 years or 500 years. Again, this was like realising an alternative South Korea that many have perhaps tried imagining. Episode 1 ends with Judge Kang stepping down from his high seat when a victim's family member bowed deeply with her hands clasped, as though in prayer, and even kneeled to him. This corresponded well and tied perfectly into the religious/godlike imagery represented in the justice's robes which is reminiscent of the pope's robes and resembles a priest's robe, and the app they named DIKE or Diety of Justice (正義의 神). When Judge Kang hugs the old woman with a compassionate smile, teary eyed and full of empathy, he ends up yawning barely a minute into consoling the weeping woman. Ga-On witnesses this and realises, all of this must have been a gimmick after all. He had his hopes up when Judge Kang serves the sentence of 235 years. The episode ends. 
I think this series is set to be a great one. (Just as Law School was amazing too!) It has tons of stuff to unpack, lots that goes into the cinematography and camerawork. While characters do seem a little more like caricatures rather than realistic people that are properly fleshed out in the narrative, there is still promise to push beyond these caricatures. I think there is also a lot in the imagery of dystopia and the constant bombardment of messages from the government (which is often the mainstay of dystopian fiction) which emphasises a certain narrative which they want the people to believe. For example, Kim Ga-On is travelling up the escalator when there were ads of the DIKE app, ads on electronic billboards on the justice system, paper posters plastered in the dark backalley where a high school girl is being dragged away by two men saying "The government will now create a safe South Korea". That last one is perhaps the most glaring one to me because when I was in Korea, it was repeated to me by different Korean individuals: "Your things are safe. No Korean will steal it. (Not sure about foreigners though!) You are safe. Crimes don't happen. I checked and there are no sexual offenders living in this neighbourhood." But... spycams can be anywhere. Men secretly follow women to their homes and try to break into them. Sexual harassment can happen anywhere. Robbery and theft can happen.
Personally, my paranoia and anxiety won't ever let me believe such words. No narrative, self-made or otherwise, can convince me enough to think that I am in a safe place. I would always have a nagging thought at the back of my mind telling me danger can be lurking just about anywhere. I think Koreans today do have high levels of confidence in their country. Most people do think it is safe to be walking around in the dead of night without any worry. (Again, I do not quite share the sentiment.) But this is a kind of self-made narrative because I also know my countrymen who travel to other countries like the UK and say "I feel absolutely safe walking the streets in the dead of night while I won't feel the same in my own country" when those are simply ideas they've planted into themselves through the mindset that [This country is better than my country and therefore safer.] There is absolutely no correlation between a "better" country and crime rates (or potential of becoming a victim of crime). Not to mention, being an Asian in a Western country sets you up as a likelier victim of hate crime... 
So, I was saying.... This narrative of "safe Korea" is already existing in South Korea today. The need for mass surveillance or a spycam detecting task force in public toilets don't add up with a "safe country" image but the sentiment planted into the people seems to be strong despite all of this. However, Koreans do call South Korea "Hell Joseon". Youth unemployment can be a concern is a country like South Korea and a graying population, increasinly empty gray towns like the one mentioned in the series are all concerns which are ever-present in the public conscious. The mention of plauge and unemployment too must be a major concern now. In a rather similar vein, this narrative of DIKE or trial by the public through app voting creates a sentiment that people can take into their own hands and deliver justice. But what about the people at the margins of society who are homeless and do not own smartphones? What is this concept of democracy that places power in the hands of people? Is it a mere illusion or is power really in the hands of people?
(A side note on how the indicted chairman of the company responsible for mass poisoning of an entire town had brushed off concerns about a failing filtration system and the move of industrial plants to Southeast Asia. As a Southeast Asian, it is also something on my mind how South Korea has moved out of China and moved most of its plants to Southeast Asia for cheap labour. But what about the pollution here, the appallingly low wages they pay Southeast Asians (both white and blue collars!) in comparison to the few Korean expat managerial staff or engineers they station out here? I remember how I was at the hospital at 2 am and a small group of blue collar workers in their work uniform came in with their injured colleague; this can only mean they were at work past midnight due to some accident and we are still in the midst of the pandemic. What kinds of welfare and benefits are these blue collars provided with?)
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
wonder if part of why the swtor jedi-sith conflict plays the way it does with “sith stans” and etc because the sith empire are functionally saturday morning cartoon villains - “murder and mayhem await!” compared to the more, i guess, believable evil of the republic/jedi following good ideals to bad conclusions and justifying war crimes
I'd certainly say it doesn't help things, you're right! I have...a lot of issues with the Jedi and their portrayal (especially in the Legends/SWTOR era), but I also recognise that a lot of that is very personal to me and that another fan might feel differently. Long, ranty post ahead so if that's not your deal, skip this one.
TL;DR: thinking critically about the behaviour of the Good Guys bad, I guess, since they're the good guys and you're obviously not allowed to use your own agency to decide something they do makes you deeply, viscerally uncomfortable.  And God help you if you disagree with anything they do and cite personal experience behind your (very justified) avoidance of that rhetoric/teaching, because Bad Things Justified If Good People Do Them and how dare you have different personal experiences and responses. If that's what you do, you're doing fandom wrong /s Also, bad writing choices of the writers themselves that perpetuate toxic, harmful viewpoints and/or stereotypes don't mean anything when said viewpoints/stereotypes are the Bad Guys because...Bad Guys Aren’t Supposed To Be People With Rights, Thoughts and Feelings Too, They’re Just Evil, (cringe)
Disagreeing with someone’s opinions is fine, but if you’re going to deliberately expose yourself to content you don’t like and then attack the person that is making the content because they made it and it upset you when you went looking for it....you are, in fact, the one at fault babes. No one is holding you hostage, you can block tags or unfollow a person (especially me. I really don’t care honest to god, if my posts are not your jam just leave. please.) if you hate what they post so much and are unable to just scroll past things you don’t like to stay for things you do. I’ve done it and will continue to do so, and my fandom experience is happier for it. Also, people are human and sometimes we’re tired and we make mistakes like we miss a trigger tag, and you are within your right to come to the person and point that out, but you are not within your right to threaten them because they made a mistake. Then you’re just a dick.
But I still wouldn't be the one going around (passive) aggressively attacking other fans for disagreeing with my opinions and again, this is based on personal experience, but I've seen a lot more of that stuff from "pro-Jedi" people who seem to be conveniently okay with shit like mass-genocide and cultural erasure because "the Jedi are the good guys and the (OT) Sith are fascists!"
I don't interact with the subsect of fans that do think "the (OT) Empire did nothing wrong hurr durr" unironically (and for good reason, I don't agree with that viewpoint either and the fact that half the time the "defence" of these other fans is "well you're pro-fascist then!!" lmao) but there's a very big gap between the OT Empire which is rightfully a mirror of fascism and dictatorial governments and I do, in fact, raise my eyebrows in heavy criticism and disdain at the writers of the TOR-era deliberately choosing to "justify" the ultimate end being said fascist Empire by making the Sith species (and as always I preface this by saying I am in fact white & therefore know I have priveledge and can only "relate" on a much shallower level as POC fans, but there are places where I do find them more relatable than the TOR-era Jedi which reek of conservative, pearl-clutching Christianity (which I spent way too much of my life having forced upon me by the bible-bashing Evangelists(tm) in my family) to me and I just don't have the fucks to give to spend time fixing something that's honestly traumatising for me to be reminded of):
-heavily Indigenous/POC-coded
-"tribal" and not in a properly-researched and respectfully portrayed sense but in a very deliberate "these people are savage and need to be colonised and "sophisticated" by the More Acceptible (Human) Dark Jedi" even though they had their own society, belief systems, and even had technology - just not in the "socially acceptible, conventional sense" I guess
-perpetuating this by adding slavery and all of that can of worms into the mix too, just to drive home the "evil and bad" prototype ig. I'm not even gonna speak more on this part because it just makes me angry.
-Deliberately giving them more "alien" or inhuman characteristics, which while by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, put it together with all the other things?? Big. Fucking. Oof.
-Were literally exterminated and the survivors selectively bred for ONLY the "bad and evil" traits for not agreeing with the Jedi's beliefs. Their own practises and beliefs were automatically "evil" and "wrong" just because they didn't want to "convert" (sniff sniff, Christianity, is that you?)
A direct quote for those who can't be bothered to click and read the link:
For nearly two thousand years, superstition, loyalty and sympathy were bred out as the two groups interbred, and qualities such as cunning, ambition and affinity to the Force were favored, which shaped Sith society over the centuries.[3][21][22] In the Sith Empire, as time progressed pure-blooded Sith were steadily bred out,[6] resulting in only a few pure-blooded Sith left in the Sith Empire by the time of the Great Hyperspace War.[13] Long after, the true species in the Empire were believed to have gone extinct due to the interbreeding process.
And conversely the Jedi:
-Deny young children contact with their parents, siblings and families from the moment their Force sensitivity shows (hmmmm. )
-Continually and actively support the condemnation and Exile of "imperfect" Jedi, hell, it's even pointed out on Wookieepedia, that any Force sensitive, even those who are not aligned to either faction, but that train with or follow teachings that are not Jedi Approved (tm) is labelled as a "Dark Jedi" by the Jedi Order
Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations.
because "oh noooo you do not follow the way of the Truth and the Light you horrible person how dare you defy The One True Correct Teaching, that makes you the Devil Incarnate no matter what" UGH.
-Continuously push the idea (very heavily) that Emotions Are Bad, which just creates a bunch of emotionally-stunted powderkegs unable to recognise, confront and deal with said emotions (and as I've said, I would know, I was one and maybe still am in some ways lmao) , then blames said powderkeg for exploding because they were never taught how to handle the emotions in the first place.
(Fuck "there is no emotion, there is peace", that's not how people work and never will be lmao)
I don't really know what else to say about this to be honest, because even though I've only been on tumblr about a year now, I'm already tired of this constant "I'm right, you're wrong" finger-pointing between those people in the fandom.
Cause to some of these "pro-Jedi" people it's an unthinkable crime to dare to have a different opinion to them and just want to be left alone, I guess. I've literally been attacked for saying "I don't like the Jedi and find dealing with their dogma too traumatising based on personal experience and trauma from my childhood so I'm going to avoid it but you do you"
I've had American Christians (tm) clap back to that with the ever-wonderful "LMAO bitch you don't have religious trauma, you didn't grow up in the bible-belt, stop trying to be edgy, shut up and go to therapy"
(all of this is sarcasm, for those who need me to spell it out for you. I'm still traumatised by the shit I went through and have to constantly check myself and my own feelings because of the toxic "habits" those teachings tried to push onto me as a child and I have zero tolerance and patience for your (not you, ssalmon, but the royal "you" as it were) victim-blaming abuse apologism "gotchas")
because 1) clearly American Christianity and the bible-belt are the only insidious and harmful subsect of Christianity and it's not like the concept of Evangelism as a whole is inherently toxic, harmful, and traumatising to those subjected to it right 2) Obviously there's a Stated Right Way To Be Traumatised and anyone who falls outside of that (Non-Existent) handbook is "faking it for attention" 3) bold of them to assume that curating my own fandom (and life) experience, and refusing to engage with things that trigger me, isn't something that I literally fucking learned in therapy lmao
Also, I find it funny how these are the people going around attacking people like me, who are literally minding our own motherfucking business, but then claim to preach “love and tolerism” and all this other bullshit. Karen, sweetie, only one of us is going around telling people they deserve to be murdered/stabbed for disagreeing with thier opinion about a videogame and pointing out that “hey, that’s...very yikes maybe don’t do that, step back and calm down” and it ain’t me (true story, this happened a couple of months ago and I don’t wanna dredge the post up because it’s very upsetting to think about) People are allowed to have opinions, and they don’t have to agree with your opinion just because that’s what you think, and the second that you sink to sending people death threats because they don’t share your opinion, you are, in fact, the asshole in that conversation.
It was even funnier because the person in question followed me first, I initially thought they were pretty cool so I followed back, then they threw a massive temper-tantrum and threw a bunch of very upsetting and triggering shit at me without my consent because I didn’t agree with them (I’d even put my opinions in tags on MY blog in an attempt to be courteous and not hijack their post with negativity, in hindsight perhaps I should have made my own post in the first place and I do acknowledge that BUT if that’s all they’d said I would have apologised and moved on, quite gladly, there was no need for them to explode the way they did at me for...making a mistake because I’m a stranger on the internet who didn’t know them & wasn’t a mind-reader and I happened to miss a trigger tag that I didn’t think of at the time lmao)
This post is getting awful long and rambly so I'm going to shut up now, but that's my take on it I guess, I hope that's what you were getting at and if it's not I apologise, I've been taking a huge step back and actively just avoiding any and all major posts related to this discourse as of a few months ago because it just infuriates and upsets me too much, it’s not worth the detriment to my mental health, I’m just here to make friends who are also hyperfixated on SWTOR and have fun vibing and talking about our characters, not get into one-sided morality debates with pearl-clutchers. 🤷
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notruercolors · 3 years
Adult Retrospection on Harry Potter
At five-years-old I was first exposed to Harry Potter by my godmother. I was slightly horrified by Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, total BS they changed the name thinking Americans wouldn’t understand what the philosopher’s stone is. I digress. There was something about the thing behind the turban that terrified five-year-old me. I only knew the movies until I was in middle school and high school. I got into the books a lot older than my peers as my reading level took longer to develop, I would discover in university I had dyslexia. I struggled getting into the books due to the descriptive style Rowling uses that I would get lost in therefore getting bored. It was by far easier to read than Twilight was, I never got past chapter one in that series. I recently re-read the series as an adult with aid of technology that makes reading easier for people with dyslexia, thank goodness for technology. With doing so I realized the true problems with the Harry Potter series. I vaguely remember all the issues back in the day with Christians banning and even burning the books. That never an issue I felt was apparent because children the books are meant for are aware of reality versus fantasy and if you are confident in young religious teachings that children should be able to be exposed to opposing views without being swayed away from those teachings. The problems I noticed were a problem when I was young, and it will continue to make the series more problematic with the younger generations more aware of these issues than I was as a child. The issue I have with the series stems from out-of-date unhealthy perspectives that are portrayed in the books. What are these unhealthy perspectives? I have noticed prevalent fat-shaming, acceptance of bullying. and acceptance of abuse.
 Someone out there is going to question me about the fat-shaming aspect, just hear me out on this one. Yes, there are characters that are overweight and portrayed as good characters. I must mention these characters I not described directly as fat. For example, as Neville Longbottom and Molly Weasley were described as plump which equals chubby in most people’s mind. The exception is Professor Slughorn; however, he was portrayed as a bit of a coward and vain. Otherwise, the fat characters in the story are Dudley and Vernon Dursley. They are betrayed as bullies and otherwise horrible people. There was a lot of description into Dudley and Vernon’s weight, way more than was necessary. It was nice that you saw Dudley’s weight be addressed during the series, but it was also not necessary for the story, so I never understood why it was included other than to make fun of Dudley. I would have preferred to have seen a transformation where Harry realized that Dudley had changed both physically and emotionally to a better person. I was always an overweight child. I didn’t think anything about this portrayal of fat people as a kid. This wasn’t the only form of media I consumed that had this view on fat people. It was all over during the 90’s and the early 2000’s. The media we consume has a significant impact to the formation of our identity and confidence as young children. I am not saying Harry Potter is the only factor in my issues of confidence surrounding my weight. It cannot be denied that Harry Potter had an enormous impact in the lives of children during my childhood and even now. It was a problem back when I was young. It is even a bigger problem for the current generation that is at age to enjoy the series.
 Bullying is a huge topic for Harry Potter. From an early age Harry was bullied by Dudley even physically assaulted by Dudley and his friends. Harry didn’t like his family. But it was clear nothing ever happened to Dudley for bullying Harry. Then there is the issue between Draco Malfoy. It kept increasing in intensity until it escalated to physical assault. Harry did face consequence for this incident, and never made that mistake again which is the only redeeming factor of this incident being in the book. This issue between Draco and Harry went both ways in the series, which is often how bullying works in real life. I do give credit for it at least being accurate in that aspect. Hogwarts appears to have zero polices regarding bullying. As it was very prevalent in the 1960’s during the time of Marauders and was still an issue in the 1990s. The set up of the four houses even encourages this behavior separating the students into cliques that have rivalries with each other that have gone on centuries. It is simply accepted as part of wizarding life. No one does anything to try to change it. That is ridiculous that centuries old rivalries still rule the wizarding world. The next aspect is directed towards bullying boy against girl versus girl against boy. Ron Weasley learned a harsh lesson in bullying Hermione when she almost accidently got killed by Troll in their first year. However, Hermione would go in their sixth year to physically assault Ron with the Oppugno spell. She was a Perfect, meaning she is supposed to be the model student. No one reported this incident. She faced no consequences. She should have at least had detention and her Perfect status should have been revoked. It doesn’t matter how much of a jerk Ron had been. There is zero tolerance for any physical assault in my moral system. Ron continued being her friend. It was as if nothing ever happened. This just helped support the old concept that if a boy bullies a girl, he should be punished severely but if a girl does the same, he must have done something to deserve it. What does this instruct young children? Domestic abuse against men is an issue that still swept under the rug in society. Boys and men cannot possibly be abused by the women in their lives. Men just like women die in domestic abuse situations. The fact that a children’s book indirectly supports that old fashion ideology bothers me deeply. This double standard will continue to exist as long as media, TV or printed, continues to support it.
 The acceptance of abuse in the series is also rather alarming. Harry was at the never least neglected, but frankly the treatment he received by his family was abuse. It is important to note that the UK was behind the rest of the world when it came to protecting children against abuse. There were no laws for child abuse until 1981. However, Harry went to public schools as a child. Why didn’t anyone realize what was happening and report it? I’m not completely sure how well reported child abuse was in the UK during the 80s and 90s. Corporal punishment was allowed in schools in 1986. However, it was mentioned that at Dudley’s school the students would use canes on each other, and the staff did nothing. When Aunt Marge visited, she asked Harry if they used canes at the school Petunia and Vernon made up that Harry went to, and he said they did every day. This was of course a law, but this made Marge happy to hear. In 1995-1996, Dolores Umbridge used Black Quill, which inflicted physical pain and semi-permanent mark, on students. It was highly illegal, but it still happened in the series, and no one could do much about it. I cannot end this section without mentioning Severus Snape’s treatment of Harry. He harassed a child for the actions of their father. What he did equates to emotional abuse. Professors were aware of his bias towards Slytherin students, and that Harry had conflicts with Snape. No one did anything about it or question Harry about why he disliked the Potions Professor so much. Harry does forgive Snape for his behavior. But that doesn’t make it any better. In fact, it encourages a concept that victims should forgive their abusers as Harry would have felt pressured to forgive him because of the circumstance Snape was in when he apologized. No one is required to forgive their abusers. Dolores did eventually get punished for the abuse inflicted on the students. It still bothered me it was even in the story. Just because wizards have their own society that does not mean that UK’s laws don’t apply to them. They may be wizards, but they still are citizens of and reside in the UK.
 I did enjoy Harry Potter in my youth, and I do not mean to take away from anyone’s childhood enjoyment of the series. But it is important that as adults we acknowledge the issues with the series as we begin to have children of which we may want to share our love of Harry Potter with. We need to be aware of the dark side of the series and what we may indirectly exposing our children to. This goes to anyone who wonders if they should allow their child to read Harry Potter. The views and portrayals of society is rapidly becoming old fashioned and by the time the children of the fans of the series become old enough to read the series may be comply inappropriate for young children. If you are having debates about the series based on religion, I feel this is a non-issue. Children are aware of fantasy versus reality. But there are aspects of the series parents should be aware of before making decision.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
ask responses
ok so there’s like a quadrillion anti-k*eluc things in my inbox (like every time this topic comes up)
yea these all shit on k*eluc but if you like that ship idk why you’re here cw: death threat mention (NO ACTUAL THREATS), typical k*eluc bullshit
anon said:  if we're talking about incest, I've seen some shit in this fandom k*eluc could not compare. I wish there was a way to block people/tags in ao3... everyday I roll my eyes so hard to go blind and never see some of the shit in ao3 again
i like... dont want to shame people for their interests because ultimately fanfiction is a way to get some like... weird shit outta your system without harming anyone but like... MAN... some of the fics i’ve seen make me wonder if the authors have ever gone outside and touched grass before,,, and im saying this as someone who fantasizes about 2d pixels for fun.
anon said:  The thing about kaeluc, i heard from somewhere that some ppl tend to go overboard with the warnings.. true, that ship is disgusting, but to warning them with death threat/su*cide? They talk about toxicness of kaeluc but without realizing it, they themselves are toxic. I'm not defending kaeluc stans cuz i've had some bad experience with kaeluc stans too. But I wish they realized that block button exist.
i mean, yes. this is basic human decency (blocking people and not harassing them). the internet has always been pretty reactionary to things they don’t like and is pretty toxic as a whole. idc if you dont like something, death threats are never a viable solution. but imma be honest, i’ve never seen that happen when it comes to that ship and therefore i have no time nor energy to devote to yelling at people for it. not my place.
anon said: I've seen some people saying k*eluc was ok in eastern side of the fandom because it is a cultural difference kind of thing. I don't agree with this because like... that means eastern people want to fuck their siblings??? that's a stupid argument. I don't ship it bc it weirds me out but I also don't really care people shipping it since it's just fiction
though this doesn't mean that it's okay to ship them imo. I just try to stay away from conflict
yea as a white person this sounds like some bullshit lie some asian fetishizing white person made up to justify shipping two brothers. additionally diluc is clearly like... germanic/white ancestry so like... is this argument even still valid? anyways that argument just reeks of racism and holds 0 ground. it’s weird as fuck. also anon, its cute that you want to avoid conflict, i wish that was me. i think this ship is overall pretty nasty and i will take sides LMAO
anon said:  “ayo how can we ruin a fandom” *red/blue ship* sounds an awful lot like kl*nce shippers 🦍💨
yea i wasnt even in that fandom and i heard about it which shows how bad it is,,,
always the red and blue shippers ong
anon said: Just a little snippet from what they said because I constantly have to go back to it and laugh about that because it doesn’t take more than a few secons to go on google an be like “are diluc and kaeya brother” to which the big fat answer will be “yes”"…kaeya has basically disowned himself…Either way it’s fine and not incest if that’s the issue!”How do you disown yourself-
d... disowning yourself means you no longer want contact with your family, it doesn’t change the fact that you once viewed them as family.... what the.... FMKLDSMFLMSD,,, that person you were arguing with is WEIRD
anon said: if people want to ship an ice/fire dynamic that badly why not ship chongyun and bennett or something. sighs. why do people have to be Like That
TRUE,,,, true,,,, this is 100% facts and lowkey thats a big brained ship nonnie
anon said: I've just been reading through the asks about a certain *cough* fire/ice *cough* ship and let me also add something. Everytime i search Genshin on Ao3 I have to make sure one of the excluded tags is said said ship so that it cuts down alot and I mean alot so I can see others but at the same time, some good fic has that tag, not really the focus but still has it, which saddens me because I try to avoid it as much as possible. Also any fics on twitter that talks about the individual (either the fire or ice) in said ship I tend to just "nope" and quickly scroll down(unless it's a het ship weirdly enough it's a little calmer) I just wanted some good fluff and someone just had to ruin the good fluff by arguing that the fire/ice ship is superior than the one in the fic. Like I just want GOOD FLUFF 😭 WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN IT?!I FEEL NEUTRAL BACK THEN NOW I AM JUST ANNOYED. Also sorry for ranting peace 🕊️
i literally only look at ao3 at this point for zhongchi or xiaoven shit so i cannot relate but like gjldgkmldfkglg. k*eluc shippers are inescapable on twitter though i hate it. remember the time the genshin official account reblogged some k*eluc art JSKLD:FKFSMP:GDL i hate it here,
anon said: broke: shipping kaeluc
woke: shipping yourself with both of them and thus creating a love triangle full of angst and a lot of tension and competitiveness between them
bespoke: having them realise that they value each other as brothers more than having petty arguments over the same person they like and thus instead of reader becoming a s/o to one of them we become best friends with both of them and the gang's all happy
i can’t tell if this is oomf trying to convince me to alter the ending of inheritance gjkdsnjskdlskj or if it’s just a genuine big-brained idea. either way... i can get on this train of support. OR the reader picks one of them but the other moves on and lives a happy life because why spend time being hung up over reader when you could find someone else.
anon said: all this kael*c (🤢) talk reminded me of the first scene in which we see diluc (yk the one with collecting dvalin's tears with kaeya in the temple? and at the end diluc comes in and destroys the hydro abyss mage? yeah that one) so I went and rewatched it and hrueizkxbd i now remember why i am first and foremost a diluc simp
diluc was fine as fuck especially in the scene where he interrogates the abyss mage,,, ugh /chef’s kiss/. thank you fellow diluc simp.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
hey! you don’t have to answer this, but i know close to nothing about hockey and my family and i have never really watched it and i’m starting to get very interested, but i have no idea where to start 😅 what do you think i should focus on first, as a newbie? what should i absolutely know as a fan? what teams are pretty good in your opinion? again, thanks for your help if ever you see this p.s: i really love your posts and they bring a smile to me face, so thank you for your hard work! <3
Ohhh well. First of all. Welcome to the nerve wracking, nail biting, jaw clenching, gut wrenching, heartbreaking and utterly incredible world of (ice) hockey. Angry muscle machines on skates chasing a tiny rubber puck in the nhl and their goddess equivalents in wnhl - what’s not to love?
You’ve decided on a hell of a year to join. Due to Covid, the normal system was paused and a recent bubble playoffs series played and later won by Tampa Bay Lightning a few weeks ago. The new season would’ve begun last week but is currently expected to start around December.
I’d say the best starting point would be to watch some games - YouTube has a lot of highlights, game compilations etc. and browse hockey tumblr. Hockey tumblr is a great combination of hockey gossip, game reviews, fans sharing their love, passion and (hateful) opinions about players, clubs and the sport in general.
My personal team faves are a handful - you see, the league is “split” into two conferences - east and west and within here a few other divisions dictating who the teams will play on a more recent basis. The clubs in the nhl being split over North America and Canada means a lot of ground to cover and therefore it’s split like this - time zones, distance and whatever. So maybe decide on a conference first? East or west.
I’m an eastern conference gal meself, but the west sure has its merits too.
So. Teams. You’re about to start a rumble here 😂
I am a personal fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins 🐧 they play good hockey, in spite of their idiot general manager (I’ve got posts detailing why he’s an ass hat extraordinarie). They’re captained by Canada’s hockey savior, Sidney Crosby: hockey robot, yellow crocs enthusiast , triple gold member (youngest captain to get all three?) and the goodest boy in the league. He’s been heralded as the next great one yada yada since he was about 5? And shot pucks into a dryer back in Canada - with that came a lot of shit for the poor guy who, in his own words, just wants to play hockey. And he’s good. He’s got his team of French Canadian d-men (letang, dumo), a whole lot of goalie drama which seems to be a pattern and his Russian (husband) assistant captain Evgeni Malkin who’s got the cutest kid, a really cool wifey (seriously her insta is 10000 better than geno’s own) and a wicked sense of humor which he conviently hides behind his “English big bad today” excuse to avoid media on a daily basis (he’s played this card since his wild escape and temporary defection from Russia back in 2006) seriously google it. It’s wild. They’ve won three cups since 2009, they’re contenders in the playoffs most years and their pr department provides some hilarious videos of captain Canada and his Russian (husband) A. It’s a true love story. Sue me. We’ve got an intense rivalry with philly and the caps. Seriously. That orange flyers jersey is intense - even if philly’s mascot is the next president.
Funnily enough, my strange obsession with Russian hockey players have led to the most disturbing but developing club crush on the Washington capitals who are the penguins’ nemesis.
I mean, this club led by the one and only gr8 8 mr Alexander Ovechkin is a rollercoaster of emotion and hot daddies in skates armed with sticks and a murder Swede.
So. Washington caps used to be a joke in the league until they went and drafted mr ovechkin first overall, brought him to the capital and let him do his thing. He’s got a rep for being a hell of a lot of fun on the ice (if you’re on his team) and one of those players that people love to hate (even if they can’t take away how freakishly good he is at hockey) - look up his impossible goal(s)! He’s an exuberant, fun loving Russian with a heart of gold and a missing tooth. In 2007, the caps went shopping for a center just for ovi who needed a playmaker and a slap shot feeeder - they went and drafted the Swedish angel (maybe assassin) (Lars) Nicklas Backstrom - and the purest hockey marriage was forged. The actual words (we needed a center for ovi and ovi wanted backstrom) have been said. Yes, these two Are now famously the mama and papa of the caps and they have a roster of unruly (and handsome) hockey babies with the fighting menace Tom Wilson, bird impersonator and Russian cat Evgeni Kuznetzov and a whole army of other adorable (albeit hockey playing menaces) babies. Most recently they had the leagues daddiest daddy goalie Mr Holtbeast as the fun and handsome canadien cowboy uncle but he’s ventured to Vancouver to adopt a new group of hockey babies. To compensate, the caps went shopping in New York and brought the one and only king Henrik from the crease in msg to be the goalie mentor for baby Russian caps goalie and to keep the daddy energy flowing.
(Seriously why are Swedish players part time models? Their national team strategy is to be so handsome the other teams are distracted. It’s a thing. Look it up)
I also love a handful of other players on other teams (I really don’t dislike any team in particular - but you’ll meet some dedicated and strong minded fans here)
Erik Horse Johnson, Cale Makar and Nikita Zadorov (Colorado Avs - zad have recently been traded to the blackhawks (not sure how I feel about that). Phwucking fun team. Who needs teeth anyways.
Marc Andre Fleury (Vegas now but hell always be a penguin to me)
The Russian gang in Tampa - and giant Swede victor Hedman (seriously he’s massive)
The canes (Carolina) and their collective of Finnish and Russian babies (aho, svech) with chaotic Marty and former penguin Baby Staal as captain
And a whole lot of others too. It’s hard to choose.
The Dallas stars and the most precious bean of them all (Russian) dobby - Anton khudobin their backup goalie turned playoffs hero and fashion icon. The man said we’re not going home and threw the entire team on his back and dragged them to the final. And their homoerotically charged captain and his alt captain and their Hollywood epic soap worthy relationship. Stallions, people, Stallions...
Btw we like to project our brash queerness onto this league. You’ll learn why quickly. There’s only so much talks about hot hands, slick moves, eternal love for teammates and quite frankly obscene (sexy) amounts of kneeling, roughing (let’s face its it’s just aggressive cuddling) and teammates honorably defending teammates.
Anyways. I love hockey. He. Sorry.
Fun fact I’ve dragged @canesinthecrease kicking and screaming into the hellhole that is the caps and I’m working on convincing @dontpuckwithme about the incredibly sexy thing that is Russians and Canadians being secretly married in Pittsburgh.
Great, sexy, amazing, cool, smart and wonderful hockey ladies to follow for even more amazing content on more clubs (the hurricanes - also a team I’m starting to love). They’re my queer sherpas and emotional support network.
Hope you can use this dear (new) hockey friend and mutual 💖🐧
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