#that handsome fucker
geralts-yenn · 1 year
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Hey Augie, what are you up to?
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o-pandora-o · 10 months
4 Horsemen Dragons of the Apocalypse
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Making Humanity insane with how pretty and handsome these dragons are, as well as how powerful they can be and able to manipulate weather *cough* Neuvi and Mal
Note: Glad y'all like the previous post I made with how similar Malleus and Neuvi was. As per requested by many, I have included Zhongli and Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae, thanks once again!
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frannyzooey · 3 months
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twitterpated-passion · 11 months
Rainy Days | Monster Boyfriend
You used to love the rain, and the sound of it still calmed you down, but you stopped liking it as much when you met him.
It was a rainy day, you were on your porch, letting it hit the hanging roof as you sat in your chair, rocking in your chair before you heard a noise, something that sounded a lot like static. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you tensed as the sound got louder, the creature getting closer to you. The static sounded pained, and you were ready to walk right back inside, but in the middle of standing up, the static was the loudest it’s been in that moment, and you knew why. You felt it, and you heard the static quiet down second by second. They were right beside you.
You kept your eyes down, a shaky breath leaving your lungs and you sat back down, hoping that the rain stopped soon.
A moment later, there was another noise, something calmer, something meant for you to hear. You still didn’t look up. You didn’t want to. You’ve heard of creatures like this one, humanoid in stature, but very quick to show someone that they were not if pushed over the very thin line they had.
You saw the deep grey hands belonging to them, wilted flowers gripped tightly in their hand, the petals occasionally dripping droplets of water. They made another noise, something that sounded akin to a ‘hello’ and then a quick ‘thank you’.
You only nodded, relief flooding your system when they stepped out of the way for you to rush to your front door, your head dipped down to the floor. You allowed them to stay on the porch, but you went inside your house.
When you shut the door, you finally looked up and slowly walked to the window, pulling back the curtains and glancing at the creature, spotting a mop of black hair on their head, heterochromic eyes a bright green and purple. They stared at the ground before taking a couple cautious steps to the chair you were just in before sitting down, lanky limbs splaying awkwardly on the wooden chair.
It didn’t take them long to get comfortable, finding a position that worked for them before they decided to glance back, eyes meeting yours. You heard another faint noise, and then you saw a small smile on their lips, aimed directly towards you.
And when the storm ended and the rain stopped, they disappeared, but not before knocking on your door. When you opened it, they were gone, but the same bouquet of flowers was there, on your welcome mat.
The next couple times you saw him, it wasn’t raining, but he continued to spend hours with you, simply being in your presence, making small noises that sounded like words, and you responded to them. And when he left, he always left little gifts. At first, they were always on your welcome mat, but recently he’s started outright handing them to you, a lower here and there, a pretty rock occasionally, and then there were things you hoped he didn’t steal from the village nearby, but you never wanted to confirm.
Now was no different, but before you even had a chance to say anything, he handed you the gift, putting a sheer cloth in your hand before pointing to it and then using his lanky hand to cover your eyes before making another noise, one that sounded a lot like ‘wear’.
You closed your eyes before tilting your head up at him, cocking your head to the side. “Adonis? You want me to wear this?”
He made another sound in response, ‘yes’. You obliged, happy he still hasn’t complained about the name you gave him before tying the cloth around your eyes, opening them. You kept your eyes down, trying to get used to the feel of fabric around your face and your sight now being colored a light blue before he tapped your chin and brought your eyes up to his, but instead of reacting poorly, he acted as if you were looking at him through the window. He was calm, happy even.
Your cheeks flushed at the contact and you wanted it back when he pulled his hand away. He made a string of noises, a smile on his face as he took a step closer, ‘you can look at me now’.
“I suppose I can,” you responded. “Thank you, Adonis.”
His smile widened and he brought his hands together, walking over to the second chair you put out, sitting down in the chair and crossing his legs under him, tucking his hands in his lap. You sat down beside him, keeping your eyes on his as he ‘talked’ to you about his week, your ears catching onto enough to keep the context going, your brain filling the blanks in for you.
But when he brought up his parents and family wanting to meet you, his mate, you stopped him quickly, your brows furrowing behind the fabric. “Woah woah, slow down Adonis. Mate? What’s that about?”
He stopped and looked at you, the edges of his hair falling slightly to the side as he tilted his head. His brows pinched together before grabbing your wrist before his fingers grab the bracelet he gave you one of his visits before pointing to him, another string of noises leaving him, ‘you accepted my gifts. Makes you mate’.
Your heart almost skipped three beats, your eyes widening as everything crashed down onto you. You had no fucking idea what you just got yourself into…not a single clue. “...Mates…as in soulmates?”
He shrugged once before nodding at your words. You pulled in a breath, mumbling under your breath, “Son of a bitch…”
Adonis was nice, sweet and you were able to admit you thought he was attractive, but you just thought he was being nice…not courting you in a way you didn’t understand. Though, you should’ve looked into his kind more, but it wasn’t like you thought it was necessary.
You looked up at him again and nodded. “...Right…right…”
How were you supposed to deal with this? It’s not like you could say you weren’t his mate, in his eyes you were and…well…you didn’t want to break his heart, he obviously seems excited. Maybe his family won’t accept you…and he’s very family oriented so he can’t be with someone his family doesn’t approve of…that’s a plan.
It was something…if not, you…you were in one hell of a ride.
Turns out that Adonis’ family loves humans…and you were the star of the show that night. They even mentioned that naming was also part of the mating process, so you really just fucked yourself right up.
But it was a week after meeting his family and two after being told you were Adonis’ mate, and, thinking back on it, you really didn’t mind it all that much anymore. He wasn’t the worst guy to be tied to…sure, you were gonna have to wear the cloth over your eyes until you figure out how to look at him without angering him, which was something that you learned was out of his control and something he wished he was able to change about himself. But was it really that bad?
You glanced over at Adonis, seeing his legs tucked under him as he sat in the chair, hands delicately holding the mug you handed him when you stepped out with your coffee, taking a sip of the bitter liquid and letting it run down your throat. You sat beside him, watching him gracefully move the mug to one hand as he held out the other, palm up, a small, silent question, asking if you were going to hold his hand.
You moved a hand from your mug and placed it in his, letting him hold it tightly, feeling three squeezes to it. He lets out a noise, your name. You hummed and glanced over at him, cloth over your eyes. “Yea?”
‘You’re quiet. Is everything ok?’ You paused again and nodded after a long moment.
“Yea, I’m fine, Adonis, don’t worry about me,” you said, trying to be reassuring. “I just…I’m thinking. And it’s a good morning, sometimes you just wanna stay quiet during a good morning…”
He nodded, but didn’t look like he believed you, squeezing your hand again. ‘Are you sure?’
You nodded again. “Yep. I’m good.”
‘You don’t look fine.’ The string of noises was soft, and you found yourself translating the noises instead of just having your head piece together what the context was. ‘Talk to me. What are you thinking about at least?’
You froze, your heart skipping a beat. Do you tell him? How do you break it to him? “...Well…it’s uh…I’ve been thinking about us…and about the whole ‘mate’ thing.”
‘Right. You’re my mate, what about it?’ You let out a breath.
“I…uh- I wasn’t expecting to become your mate…I didn’t know that accepting your gifts would do that and well…I already met your family and they seemed to like me…but-” He cut you off, and you almost saw hurt cross his face.
‘But you don’t want to be my mate.’ Your lips parted slightly, and you weren’t quick enough to backtrack before he pulled his hand away. ‘That’s all you had to say.’
“But that’s not what I was going to say, Adonis…” You set your mug down on the wood floor beside your chair, reaching out of his hand again. “I’m fine with being your mate…I like it. I just…I wasn’t expecting it and it’s so sudden and…”
You sighed. “I don’t want you to think that I don’t like it, much less hate it. But it was fast…and I didn’t know.”
He visibly relaxed, nodding. ‘...Oh…’
“Yea…” You let out a breath of relief when you felt his hand grab yours again. “It’s fast. Very fast.”
He nodded again, thin black eyebrows pinching together, something you had to resist the urge to smooth before he talked again, ‘Do you want to go slow?’
A small smile touched your lips and you nodded back, relief flooding through your system. “Yea, that’s exactly what I want.”
There was a moment of silence, the tension thick between you two before he squeezed your hand. He parted his lips to speak again, but you both heard it before you saw it: the rolling thunder, promising a heavy storm.
The rain followed quickly, the wind blowing it on your porch as you got up, helping Adonis out of his seat before ushering him into your cottage, shutting the door behind the both of you.
Adonis had been inside your cottage a couple times, but every time he was able to go inside, he looked at it in awe, like it was somehow a masterpiece when it was just your multiple aesthetics thrown together in a big pile. This time though, he made himself home on your couch, staring down into his mug as his thumb ran along the rim. ‘I don’t know how to take something like this slow.’
The admittance was a surprise to you, something you weren’t expecting. “What?”
‘Mating with my people is quick…easy…’ he let out an audible sigh, ‘most of my kind have a child by the end of the first year their mate and them have been official.’
Your eyes widened, something he caught, even behind the cloth. ‘We don’t have to do that,’ he reassured you. ‘My family didn’t have children until years after. My parents mated young and wanted to live life a little.’
“Your parents get it,” you said, trying to joke a little. Adonis managed a little smile. “...Look, I…I think I could feel something for you, I really do, but it…it’s not as fast as it might’ve been for you.”
He nodded. ‘That’s alright. I’ll wait for you.’
And wait for you he did.
It took a year, but he never stopped visiting you, instead, he practically moved into your cottage with how often he stayed, proving to be one hell of a cook. You still had to wear the cloth sometimes, but mirrors helped with looking at his face without angering him.
You’re sitting across your kitchen table, cloth on, white now ‘cause it was easier on your eyes. You look up at him, giving him a little smile before you nudged his hand, relishing in the way he took yours and held it comfortingly. ‘Yea?’
“I…uh…I have to confess something. Which means we need to talk,” you said suddenly, almost chuckling at the panic on his face, knowing it’s only good news.
It took a year. But it was a short year, you hardly even could tell it passed with how much fun you had in it. You spent almost every day with Adonis, sometimes visiting his family, and…you couldn’t help but fall in love with him, with his little mannerisms, the way he grumbled when something happened that he wasn’t fond of, no matter if it was fictional or real, or when it was sunny, he put little wild flowers in his hair and practically begged to do the same to your hair, which you couldn’t help but agree to. You just couldn’t help it. You fell for him, and you fell fast.
‘...About?’ Adonis asked after a moment. ‘What happened?’
“It’s nothing bad,” you said. “But…I- I want to continue with the mating process.”
His eyes widened and a smile bloomed on his face. He looked elated. “Believe it or not…I fell in love with you. It took a year, but I’m confident enough to say that I love you. I love you a lot, Adonis.”
His smile grew to a full blown grin and you can tell he was moving faster than his mind was, his lanky body moving across the table to capture your lips in his, a skinny hand snaking to the back of your neck to help you tilt your head up to kiss him comfortably. You let out a noise of surprise, but your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you kissed him back, hands lifting and digging into his loose shirt, lips moving against his in a dance, something you never want to get away from..
It took a moment, a long, drawn out moment, but you both pulled away for air, chests heaving as you two tried to pull in as much air as you could from the kiss. “Wow.”
He smiled again, looking proud of himself before nodding in agreement. ‘Wow…’
You stood up, tugged him down and kissed him again, smiling against his lips before pulling away. You opened your mouth, ready to speak again before hearing thunder, a small snort leaving you. “Guess you’re staying for a while, Adonis.”
He nodded again. ‘Not that I’m complaining.’
“You better not be,” you teased, grabbing his hands and pulling his body flush against yours, looking up at him happily. So so very much in love. You two stood there in silence for a moment, letting the rain be background noise, relaxing you as you kept him from panicking at the noise, softly littering him with praises and the occasional kiss.
It got as far as your bedroom, where the two of you were laying in bed, Adonis curled around you, his legs too long to do anything but that. The rain tried to lull you to sleep, but you kept blinking yourself awake, watching Adonis as he listened to some music through your headphones, not looking too awake himself.
You pushed some of his hair behind his ear, smiling lightly before sighing, resting your head on his shoulder. You wondered what he chose to listen to that could make him so sleepy, but then again, you were reacting the same exact way towards rain, so you decided not to ask, only blinking yourself awake a couple more times until you finally drift off to sleep, the last thing you feel being Adonis’ skinny arm wrapping around your waist, one of his legs going between yours.
You were at his parents’ again, this time with more than just Adonis’ parents and two siblings, oh no. This time his whole family was here, towering over you and the man you considered a giant. Though he did mention being smaller than the other men in his family.
Practically on Adonis’ lap, he held you close to him, adjusting the cloth around your eyes when it got too loose, or carrying on with banter some of his family members started, even encouraging you when you joked around with his sisters, fitting right in despite being the only human in the house.
After an hour of it though, Adonis moved his hands to yours, rubbing the backs of them with his thumb, mumbling in your ear, ‘You know how much I love you, right?’
You nodded, looking back at him with a small smile. “‘Course I do, Babes, you don’t have to remind me, y’know that?”
He lowered his face to your neck and you could feel his lips quirk up. ‘Yea, I just like saying it. But I said it for a reason this time.’
“Yea? And what’s the reason?” You asked with a low voice, grabbing his other hand. You narrowed your eyes and decided to lighten the slowly tensing mood, teasing him, “You’re not about to propose, are you?”
Adonis paused and your expression fell before your eyes widened as he muttered against your skin, ‘Well not anymore, you ruined the mood.’
“No,” You said, carrying the ‘o’ before shaking him a little. “I didn’t, c’mon, you can still do it, I’ll be serious.”
You didn’t notice the knowing looks that his family shot the both of you. If you did, you would’ve realized that he clearly had it planned from the start, and that would’ve only made you feel guiltier than you already did at that moment.
“C’mon, do it, please?” You asked him, squeezing his hands. “I promise I’ll be serious.”
You batted your eyelashes at him and put on the best pout you could manage. Ever the pushover, Adonis made a big deal out of sighing and nodding, moving one of his hands before pulling out the ring from his pocket.
He simply held it out to you, and you finally noticed the silence in the room, glancing around at his family, seeing them all staring at you. Your cheeks flushed and you bit your lip, only to turn back to face Adonis, press a chaste kiss to his lips and take the ring, slipping it on your finger.
Then the silence turned to small cheers and your gaze fell to the ring, noticing the simple gold band and smiling at your birthstone and onyx gems, swapping through the entirety of the ring. You kissed Adonis again and smiled up at him, pressing your lips against his one more time for good measure.
The rest of the night was a party for the both of you and you sighed softly, happily, every time you looked down at the ring.
You don’t like rainy days as much as you used to, but, if you’re being completely honest? You don’t really care. Not when you have him.
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loulouscribbles · 10 months
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His face never gets boring to draw… those strong features 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
an underrated trope in the ml fandom is chat noir seeing an adrien agreste billboard and being like "ugh, disgusting" and ladybug getting so fucking defensive and mad and chat noir has NO idea why
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hyunubear · 4 months
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Dapper Vincent Price
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chuwush · 1 month
MANY BALAN WONDERWORLD DOODLES. From my notebook :o) + a Sketch of me and Balan cuz I can.
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yourthirdparent · 2 years
literally love when jason is just so oblivious. everyone's like i need to be with him and jason's like wow everyone is so nice to me i love having friends. bitches are like grabbing his arms and being like wow you're so muscular haha and he's like yeah do you wanna know how to bulk up i think it works well if you wanna get jacked. bitches are like you're so hot haha and jason's like not really i think i'm actually a pretty average temperature and they're like no you're attractive and he's like oh yeah i'm p much an electromagnet. he has no clue
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ethanhoewke · 1 year
and they looked good doing it<3
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trinemendes · 3 months
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Shawn today in Paris!
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sirensea14 · 5 months
EXCUSE ME SIR, where is your--*cough cough*
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nnato · 1 month
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He’s bad at girl math 🤷🏻‍♀️
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