#that thing... its more just like. if you do have that dx or whatever you can look at that thing and be like oh this might be bc of that dx.
nomaishuttle · 8 months
sry its just like rly incredibly annoying how much ppl will like. IDK. yes ik a lot of autistic and adhd ppl who do love music. and sometimes it is bc of their neurodivergence yk. music can be grounding its familiar its reliable and comfortable. i think its fine to say Autistic/ADHD ppl often find comfort in music. but its stupid as fuck to say Therefore enjoying music makes you autistic/adhd.
#like that cant be the only diagnostic criteria... im not at all anti self dx but i am anti just hearing abt something doing 0 research and#being like yep thats so me. yk.#likeee. i have a LOT of issues on the psych industry trust me. i also think in a lot of cases its dangerous to be diagnosed. and in most#cases self dxing even uninformed self dxing isnt harmful its just like. idk. it can be harmful when you use it to spread misinfo#even unknowingly. IDK.... like. i enjoy eating the same foods over and over bc they are safe and reliable. expecting these foods#and then getting something different than what i was expecting is incredibly upsetting. that is bc of my autism but if that was the ONLY#autistic trait i had i wouldnt say i was autistic i would just say that i find comfort in my foods being reliable and i dislike change.#and i think a lot of ppl just feel this need to put a label on every single thing abt them down to like. the way they walk.#like do i do the classic autistic Walking on the balls of my feet yes its true i do do that. but again i wouldnt say i was autistic just bc#of that... sometimes its just a quirk you have. sometimes you just have things you do and you dont need a label to put on them to explain#that thing... its more just like. if you do have that dx or whatever you can look at that thing and be like oh this might be bc of that dx.#and you can kind of bond over that with other ppl. IDKK its complicated and im rambling#again idt its like super harmful to self dx even uninformed its just like. i wish sometimes people would just be like . chill abt labels#its the same thing with sexualities and gender like. sometimes you dont need a hyperspecific word to describe your entire identity sometime#you can just be a person. yk. like i love being bisexual i love the bisexual label and im proud of being bi. i dont feel the need#to look into the specific ratio of who im attracted to or when im attracted to them or whatever to make a more specific label. IDK THO#idk. basically i just think instead of trying to group everybody into these tiny Ultra specific groups of ppl you relate to i think you#should just be like. Oh everybodys a person even if they dont experience everything the exact way i do. idk whatever
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kanzakurawrites · 4 months
Random Thoughts I Had While Rewatching Descendants 1
So I'm guessing Auradon is the size of Eurasia? Cause Europe seems too small, and most of the stories take place in Europe.
Are there Isle guards? I'm guessing because how else do the posters of Beast get put on the Isle?
Beast's crown looks so fake
So is that Ben's dorm room? Or is that his castle room? Is he a day student? (Which, considering he's becoming High King would be smart) I'm curious now
How many outdoor string lights do people in Auradon throw out?
HOW DOES THE ISLE HAVE ELECTRICITY? Are there villains dedicated to keeping it running? Actually, that would be hilarious, especially if that means people don't mess with them. OR they do mess with them and there are just frequent power outages. More likely, now that I think about it.
CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT MALEFICENT'S LETTER MAGNETS! Ha, what if Hades left them there and she just never threw them out? He seems more like the one to have letter magnets.
I don't care about the book timeline, the villains and core four all seem a lot more familiar with each other than just a few weeks or days or whatever. I'm saying its been months at least since the core four became a gang. If not a year.
I know its a Dcom, but I kinda wish that the villains weren't treated as comedy relief. Like, its implied that the kids aren't loved, that they are scared of their parents, but the way the parents are written... excluding the end with Maleficent, they don't seem that scary and all.
Seriously, there must be royal guards, right?
Really wish we had gotten to see the limo driver again.
Have to admit, I really like Ben's darker suit jacket. But why, why the yellow pants.
Ugh, I love Mal's D1 hair.
So... where are the magical people. "Most of us are ordinary royals." Yes, but, but, there is a lot of magic is Disney movies. Where have the magical people GONE. This is concerning.
Auradon Prep is FILLED with royal children, including the soon-to-be High King. The museum is filled with priceless magical artifacts. WHERE IS THE SECURITY. WHERE ARE THE GUARDS.
The beginning of Evil Like Me makes me want to hug Mal.
Are there NO SECURITY CAMERAS?? No other alarms??
Ben, how did you not notice Carlos screaming?
How I wish they would have kept Evie's wavy/curly hair
I really wish there had been more Mal-Jay moments
They were in a public area. How did no one notice what was going on with Ben? DOUG WAS RIGHT BEHIND THEM
You know, none of Ben's classmates seem surprised by his love declaration. Or surprised by the "break up" with Audrey. Hmmm.
You cannot convince me that Ben didn't purposefully tell his parents about Mal right then JUST so he could have a picture of their reaction.
Baby Bal is so cute DX
Honestly, the Family Day fiasco was Audrey and Chad's fault KING BEAST
"No son, its yours." EXCUSE ME SIR
I wonder how much magical strength one must have in order to wield Fairy Godmother's wand. And I feel bad that Jane couldn't.
"I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy." Don't mind me just crying.
This whole scene makes me cry DX
"Gaston should be jealous." Ew. No. Stop. Creepy.
So whatever happened with the Jay/Audrey thing? I CANNOT be the only one who remembers the shipping days for them.
Other thoughts:
Nostalgia hits hard every time
I miss the D1 clothes! D2 and D3 felt more "costumey" if that makes sense. D1 feels more like... teenagers. And, at least for the Isle outfits, more thrown together. Not as polished, in a way.
I have to admit, kinda wish there was more Aladdin related stuff in the movie. You have Audrey and Mal, Evie and Doug, and Carlos and Dude, but no Aladdin-related characters for Jay? Sure, Aziz is mentioned in the books, and Jordan is in Wicked World, but still. Oh well.
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the-greasers-angel · 11 months
How the gag would react if there partner had an ed: 
When you first told darry about it he honestly was a little shocked at first but non the less he was very supportive in anyway he could be.
He knew that you hated eating in front of others so when the boys were over an he made food he would always save some for the two of you later 
Later once the boys were gone (or asleep) him and you would go outside with the food from before and you two would get on the bed of his truck and started to talk 
He always looked up at the sky or whatever was around while he started to lead a conversation while you would take small bites of the food 
Once the two of you were done he would put the bowls aside and gently pull you into his arms to hold you “ you did such a good job sweetie, i'm so proud of you for eating” he would say as well as giving you small kisses on your head
When you told sodapop about your ed he honestly didn't know how to react at first so with him not being able to use his words he gently pulled you into a hug “ alright sugar just tell me how i can help you” 
If you worked at the DX with him and steve he would always cover for u while secretly giving you a longer lunch break
Every now and then when he had some money on him he would get u small gifts such as a stuffed animal or a new piece of clothing you have wanted for a while 
When you two are apart from each other he gives you his flannel with his colon on it so it smells like him to comfort you
This poor boy would be confused honestly- he never really knew that was so you would have to explain the whole thing to him 
He would try to always have a snack or some sort of food on him for u just in case u havent had anything to eat yet
He would leave little notes of encouragement in your locker (ex: your doing great today baby or how you look as lovely as a sunrise/sunset)
Holds your hand and gently rubs it with his thumb when you have to eat in front of the gang to try and comfort you. 
Johnny gently wraps his arms around u when u tell him, johnny slightly knows what it's like so he tries his best to help you when u can 
He will try and make food for you when he knows its a hard day ( side note i feel like when he did this ponyboy would bother him or try to nit pick at it and johnny would end up kicking ponyboy out-) 
He gives you his jacket if you feel uncomfortable at the dinner or wherever 
For once dally fully listened to you when you told/ explained to him about it and he even asked for ways to help. 
If you were at bucks and anybody said anything about it in a negative way dally would definitely make them lose a few teeth or a broken rib for it
When its just the two of you he trys to get you food to eat and then he lets you fall asleep on him 
 Secretly after awhile he gets buck to watch over you and make sure to get u something to eat ( dally would do dishes to help every once in awhile to “pay” for it) 
(Ok this is going to sound stupid but i think its cute-)  two steal  buy you cups with funny designs on them to help you feel comfortable 
He holds you in his lap whenever you eat 
Trys to make u laugh while you eat and probably attacks you with kisses on your cheek and neck
 steal  buys you snacks
If you were having a bad day he would slightly threaten to tickle you until you ate-
He packs lunch for you when u got to the dx 
He rarely even lets u have more of his chocolate cake 
Holds u close to him kissing your cheek softly ( you try not to let him if he has cake on his face but you fail anyways-)
[I'm sorry this was so late it was a request and I forgot to post it like 8 hours ago-]
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vixenicks · 2 months
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@ozymoron HIIII YES I'D LOVE TO disclaimer this will be very all over the place also my mind is totally blanking rn bear with me (->🧸)
i don't usually write like cohesive headcanon lists also sorry that this took me like 3 weeks to get back to im sick in the head, also this will probably mostly just be a more comprehensive compilation of stuff i've already posted. also some miah too
biggest fucking hypermobile valeska truther
do i think he has a medical dx for whatever connective tissue disorder he has going on? absolutely not
his joints dislocate and pop whenever he strains anything too far, if anything i think he's a fan
never in his life would he use a mobility aid of any kind
you can't give him compression wear he'll lose his sparkle. (the sparkle in question being him popping his fingers in and out of their joints to freak people out)
plus just in the show he's always bending and moving constantly
he sits in chairs with his knees bunched up his legs folded over he spins in circles extends his arms
you can't convince me he doesn't sit at tables with his leg propped over his own shoulder
rip Jerome Valeska you would've loved bending over backwards across a table
and subsequently pulling something in your lower back that will continue to pop out of place and ache for the next like four years
again, probably not a huge issue i think he's a fan
i think that Miah is also hypermobile but like she's taking way better care of her body lets be real
compressive braces for her knees and elbows she's like fine
also the opposite end of the spectrum. the chronic aching is killing her. you however could not pay Jerome to take a tylenol
sleeping happens to him. rarely
honest to god i think the most hours of sleep he gets in gotham are when he's dead
when he does get any sleep he wakes up on the floor and with his feet like curled over his head
everything is where it definitely should not be
vague sounds of furniture moving around in arkham its just jerome moving in his sleep
a loud thunk followed by a sound similar to when birds ruffle up their feathers (he has a blanket wrapped around his body and folded over his face. he's stuck)
personally headcanon Jerome to have aspd, npd and bpd aswell :3c
i could go more into depth with that but its 9am. it's like basically canon though i think. like it has to be
his teeth are majorly fucked up (projecting)
his canines protrude up at the top of his gums he has a chipped front tooth and sharp molars (projecting) (i have a reference image. btw)
god knows his mother never took him to the dentist and you could not honestly try and convince me that he brushes his teeth
or does any form of self care for that matter
there's a reason his skin is so red during s4 his ass did not use any type of moisturizer after his face got cut off
alternatively i think he probably had alot of upkeep when he was under Galavan
free reign in a nice penthouse and he already stole the pajamas and weapons and food
he didn't get alot of nice things growing up, who wouldn't raid a rich dude's house and use all 57 of the soaps in the bathroom
he's making potions. and drinking them don't ask why his puke smells like winter candy apple
anyways. i think that's another contributor to him never really investing time in personal hygiene post getting murdered
reminders of Galavan make him nauseated why would he
he still has a scar on his neck, he probably doesn't remember all of it, he probably prefers it that way
Jerome was so crazy devoted to Galavan it makes me sick and i think we should talk about it more
nobody ever found out that he was behind the Maniax. nobody ever found out him killing Jerome was an act of betrayal. Jerome actively told his father that Galavn actually saw something in him, that Galavan believed he'd be a star
and he believed that !!!!! he would've gone to the ends of the earth for that man and he got killed by him the same fucking day
you can see the genuine admiration during s2, the constant need for approval and validation from him, the constant feeding into that need for approval and validation
the confusion when Galavan stabs him in the neck, his last words literally being him questioning everything he'd been promised before
idk. probably a pretty big contributor to Jerome becoming significantly more detached and unhinged post his resurrection, to him consistently needing to be the one in control of everything and everyone, even if it's under the guise of chaos
eye dee kay. like there's no way he didn't internalize Something after the Galavan thing
there's alot more sloppiness in his actions, alot of blind faith and drive to do things purely for attention and amusement pre getting murdered that just isn't there once he's revived
he still got a more impactful legacy out of it though so get fucked Theodore
uhhh i think he picks his skin alot. there's like a word for that i forgot what it is leave me alone
lip picker nail biter eyelash puller
if you don't let him use your pistol as a stim toy he's going to tear the top layer of his lips off
also canon but a box of crayons could've saved him
he's a drawer he's a colorer
did you see the inside of that fuckass claires diary let that boy make bad art for fun
would love the smell of gasoline i mean this in a negative way
for sure huffed enough markers to kill off the left side of his brain as a kid
turns his eyelids inside out bends his hand backwards
i think he just loves freaking people out via microdosing on body horror
ok that's all I'll definitely add to this though stay posted thanks for the ask
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doubleddenden · 3 months
I have done the Worst Possible Pokemon Day prediction. I have done the NO Way in Hell Will it Ever be This Good prediction. Time for the "realistic" prediction.
Nostalgia bait video of game progression throughout the years or scene of everyone playing Pokémon
Pokemon Go is doing a thing I guess, probably BW2 Kyurem
Unite- they're adding Miraidon and have already told us, but they need to take up time.
Masters has a bunch of gems and events idk. Looks like someone is getting a Mega Tyranitar I guess
Cafe ReMix is gonna do a thing- did they already add Miraidon? I don't keep up with it tbh, looks boring
Pokemon Sleep has some kind of thing. Maybe more pokemon added?
Merch announced- its bland and over priced, but someone will buy it. The only thing I want are hats
Pokemon Concierge season 2 trailer?
Next Pokémon game- most likely ILCA Unova remakes (I'll argue this if I have to, but they're just short of a cowboy and large mole driving a car and honking a Driftveil inspired La Cucaracha carhorn through the streets of New York with the obvious hints they're dropping in games and in literal NYC right now lately).
Legends Unova or something in that vein announced for either December 2024 or January 2025. This will be the last Switch mainline game.
Music video, probably Hatsune Miku
Less likely to happen, but on the table
Gb, GBC, and GBA ports to eshop or NSO
New Pokémon movie announcement featuring the first mythical since Zarude- most likely the Horizons cast
Something about Horizons anime- Sprigatito evolves?
New anime mini series based on SV DLC? Maybe centered on Carmine, Kieran, the BBE4, and Ogerpon.
After that is where you start getting surprises, good or bad. Side games won't replace a mainline game release or dlc as proven by PMD DX, so they could do whatever from here.
Reasonable but random predictions, not all but maybe one or more could happen, most likely not
PMD Explorers Remake
PMD Mobile game with micro transactions and live service
Pokemon crosses over with something
tcg digital card game on Switch
Pokemon racer game
Will not Happen, imo:
SV dlc pack 2. They seem pretty done with it tbh, even with all the loose ends. Can't blame them for being tired of adding content to a broken game that's still not finished and is being held together with scotch tape and Elmer's glue
Johto re remakes YET: simply because I think those will be an early Switch 2 title to get as many people on board the next system akin to how LGPE drew in the Go, genwunner, and main crowd to the Switch, and they can't announce it because Nintendo hasn't officially revealed the Switch 2 yet. I'll say they'll announce that next year.
Kalos- yeah I see you there, you dumb bastard, still huffing that Kalos Copium 11 years later. Let it go, man. Let. It. Goooo. Southern Kalos is NOT happening dude. At least, not this gen. It didn't happen in Alola, not in Galar, and it's not happening in Paldea. They're not skipping gen 5 to get to you first.
Overall I expect a similar response to the 2021 Pokémon Day Presents. A mixture of under, over, and straight up whelmed. Thorough disappointment for everything but Legends Arceus, from what I remember. Maybe they'll make my day and surprise me with something amazing, but I feel that the ILCA Unova Remake will probably piss a lot of people off while the Legends game excites me and everyone else.
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blazehedgehog · 11 months
Do you think Tears of the Kingdom is an expansion pack of BOTW?
Yes, but not in a negative way.
There was a trend Nintendo had during the Wii U era -- with Mario Kart 8, Hyrule Warriors, etc. They'd do DLC for those games that went above and beyond what anyone expected.
The original Mario Kart 8 DLC (what we now know as Mario Kart 8 DX) nearly doubled the size of that game for like $12. And though I've never sank my teeth in to Hyrule Warriors, a friend often tells me that when that game added new Adventure Mode maps (or whatever they were), it was basically adding multiple hundreds of hours of content.
That's sort of what Tears of the Kingdom feels like. Nintendo had a chance to stop and say "Well, what else can we do here?" And while that lead to things like The Master Trials and the Champions DLC for Breath of the Wild (I never played either), it feels like they just kept going and that's how we ended up with Tears of the Kingdom.
It honestly feels a lot like Super Mario Galaxy 2, to me. It's a thought won't leave me. I feel like a lot of people probably know this, but if you weren't aware, Galaxy 2 originally started out as DLC for the original game. And it just sort of grew, and grew, and grew until it was big enough to fill up a whole entire second game. Since the Wii wasn't really built to handle DLC of that size, and since they had so much content, they just broke it off and sold it on a disc.
There's even evidence buried inside of Galaxy 2. If you have the right tools you can see that the internal disc header for the game identifies it by the name of "Super Mario Galaxy MORE".
I can absolutely imagine that as they were brainstorming Breath of the Wild DLC ideas, somebody suggested adding new areas to the map and it just spiraled out from there.
It also carries that feeling insofar as, like... Super Mario Galaxy 1 has a vibe. Under the normal "Wahoo Mario" feel, it's kind of cold and kind of lonely. It's got that whole sad story with Rosalina's origin buried inside of it, and so on. It conjures different emotions than most Mario games.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 throws all that out the window. It's a much brighter, more energetic game overall, like most Mario games are. That somber, contemplative edge around Galaxy 1 is gone now. Even when it's going for something slower, and more gentle, it's more playful and mysterious. I mean, just compare the File Select themes from Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2.
This is the way I feel about Tears of the Kingdom. Breath of the Wild, at least as far as it felt to me, was a very heavy game. It opened basically telling you that you had failed to save Hyrule and a lot of the game was about picking up the pieces and trying again. Scars of the lost battle were everywhere, people lived in fear, it was bad.
Tears of the Kingdom is much more hopeful. It's been eight years and Princess Zelda is spearheading a whole restoration effort to reclaim and rebuild Hyrule. Even if there are much scarier monsters roaming around now (and in much greater numbers), that feeling of sadness and oppression is gone. This is a Hyrule on the upswing, and they aren't going to let anything slow that momentum. It's brighter, more lively, more playful. Just like Galaxy 2 was to Galaxy 1.
So yeah, I do kind of feel like Tears of the Kingdom is an expansion for Breath if the Wild, but when it comes to how Nintendo defines an expansion pack, it's still basically its own whole entirely new game with a completely different feel.
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hello, i just found your blog and wanna ask a question I have been trying to figure out the answer to. So, like when you are fronting or someone is fronting does the body feel different? for example, (what i experience) when I feel mentally like a child, my body feels small also and i see from the perspective of a smaller person. im not dx but i do have a lot of dissociative issues and i wanna talk to my therapist about it but idk what to say tbh. Like i have heard of age regression but idk if its the same thing. -thankfully, an undx dissociative person.
this is actually a pretty simple question to me-- the short answer is yes, absolutely!!
the long answer is that every part has some kind of bodily feeling, some kind of indicator, some kind of change in posture or feeling that indicates them. i've recently been struggling with self identification because of higher levels of dissociation and really bad brain fog/pain because of my chronic condition, but when i'm doing well otherwise, those things will very often tip me off to which part i am if i cannot figure it out, or assure me that yes, i actually did switch, i don't have to start the denial machine that makes my amnesia worse, lol.
some common body feels that can come up with different parts could be a headache in different areas, feeling like your eyes are heavier and trying to sit differently, feeling like your eyes are WIDE AS FUCK all of a sudden or maybe just feeling like they're big, feeling weird stomach cramps, feeling like you need to readjust your general sitting position, feeling a soreness in your throat like you've been crying, feeling like you've been crying when you certainly have not, feeling like your muscles are sore from having been tense, having your muscles tense up, feeling like you're taller than you are or shorter, feeling like your hair looks different than it does or that you're a different weight... and many more!
it's certainly an experience that i and many other dissociative folks share, and actually a basis of trauma therapy! during EMDR or BSP or other forms of intensive trauma therapy (especially that specified for CPTSD or CDDs), whatever they may be, you may be asked to focus on a body feeling and maybe even describe it-- you'll notice that these move around and change, and in CDDs, they can often be directly associated with parts! this is because while in PTSD or CPTSD, those bodily feelings would be associated with purely flashback states (EPs!!), those "states" are now parts in CDDs that have all the fun symptoms and even more of the fun dissociation! great!
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lady-layton · 1 year
hi! so I was combing thru ur PL tag, and I noticed u have a large collection of dvds/cds. i hope this doesnt come across as rude or imposing, but do you think it would be possible for you to "burn" and upload the videos/audio to youtube? highest priority has to be the interviews, esp with the seiyu, i don't think i've ever seen that ANYWHERE. even if most people can't understand the japanese, having an archive of this content allows us to archive the games, their development, and the fandom. second priority would probably be any commercials featuring cutscenes from the 3ds games, as they were never released in HD to this day. besides that, i have been able to find most of the CD releases online, but i was curious about the premium cd layton theme cover song. if you are worried about copyright law or just don't want to, that is understandable 👍 but as it stands, there is more and more layton content completely lost to time (like the flip phone exclusive official art and games) and without its preservation, the less and less there will be to celebrate as the anniversaries continue... i hope that's not too dramatic. as far as i can tell when it comes to copyright strikes, i uploaded layton game content to YouTube and never got any (i got one immediately over the utena anime) so i believe it is safe, but there are alternatives like gdrive etc. "burning" (copying) dvds is also very simple if you have a computer.
I REALLY really hope I don't come off as demanding. Ultimately it is 100% your decision. But the layton fandom of today (in its tiny size) would thank you. It also would be a nice way to look back in time, as I personally played all the games only in 2020. I'd love to know more about the process behind the development of the games in general, but as the fandom even at its peak was never huge (and bc its been 15 years...) very little of that has been recorded in western fandom, vs big IPs like Zelda or even Fire Emblem. It'd also be really cool to hear the thoughts of someone who was there when things WERE happening!
Regardless, I will respect whatever decision you make. Game (and game-adjacent) preservation matters a lot to me, but I do know how to take a "No". I hope you can understand my perspective however. 😔 While I don't think the fandom will ever fully revive (unless maybe we got a switch port of each trilogy like Ace Attorney), I hope the new generations of Layton lovers can appreciate each other as well as the old fandom they built upon. Thank you for hearing me out!
First of all thank you so much for this ask (o´∀`o) To be honest my plan with buying these commercial DVDs in the beginning was to preserve a part of Professor Layton history. There is so much about Professor Layton that have disappeared over the years, since some fansites and blogs have shut down long ago. So I really want to save as much as I can of what is left.
I've been looking into transferring the trailers, interviews and such to some online archive in some way. Sadly I have not had the time to properly sit down and research how to do it more exactly, but I do have a close friend of mine who is willing to help. If I get them uploaded somewhere I will absolutely share the links through this blog! It would be even more fun if a subgroup would be willing to help out with texting some of the clips as well. I have managed to collect quite a lot of these DVD's since I last updated my collection, but I should have the following:
3 different DVDs for Curious Village
4 different DVDs for Pandora's Box
2 different DVDs for Lost Future
1 promotional DVD for Eternal Diva
3 different DVDs for Spectre's Call
3 different DVDs for Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney
1 DVD for Layton Brothers Mystery Room
1 DVD for Professor Layton and the Phantom Thief
1 for Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
1 for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy
1 for Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy DX
I also have this one DVD from Code NEO from 2007 that I remember purchasing because it said to have some Layton content. But it got to me just now that I have never checked it out. Perhaps I should do so, so I know what is on that disc haha.
About the premium CD I have been pondering over uploading it as well. I'm not so sure how comfortable I am with sharing MP3s online, but since it's from quite an old era by now and not released outside of the premium disc I could perhaps make an exception.
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cpunkwitch · 1 year
I really appreciate your response (and the other anons)! im just RLLY confused bc people irl say “that’s what happens when u don’t exercise it’s normal it’s your fault” but is it rlly?? even if someone didn’t exercise and just sat around everyday do they really just get mobility issues like this? and it’s like when is it enough vs not enough exercise? I have to walk a lil bit around campus everyday and for months I have marching band until the season ends so idk . i feel bad if I’m saying I may have a disorder and it isn’t normal bc what if it actually is just my fault for not exercising or eating drinking or sleeping enough (I’m too busy and out of energy and feel too bad to exercise more also..and can’t eat that much more bc gi issues) it’s so confusing on how to tellwhats normal and or my fault vs what’s not Normal and how to effectively test that. I’m scared I going to get more negative test results and then like it must be my fault? Idk. what if I get dx with a disorder but it’s actually normal things and it’s a misdiagnosis? same with like my non stop migraine/headaches what if it’s bc of something I’m doing :/
yeah! i get a lot of that talk from my parents mostly and its just blatant ableism atp. its another way of saying "youre just lazy its your fault" and we all know "being lazy" has way more behind it than just that. normal people dont just get mobility issues by "being lazy" its more often than not because of 1 or more conditions.
trust me anon, its not your fault, your body's condition is never your fault. you do what you can and thats good, whatever the reason behind not being able to do more for your body its still not your fault.
its not normal, youre not faking, youre not lazy, its not your fault.
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didwho · 1 year
Hello! You mentioned looking for more info about labels and stuff, so, if you're interested, here are a few things we've personally learned from several years as a "Origins Are Weird And Confusing" system who has been in therapy for A While at this point, in case they're useful to you: - you deserve whatever support you need, regardless of origin or dx or anything else. Therapy, friends who listen to you and support you, academic or workplace accommodations, the right to be unhappy and having a shitty time--you don't have to prove anything to be allowed to want/have those things. - trauma is a subjective experience about how your brain processed something difficult--not about whether the events were 'objectively bad enough to count', because there is no externally defined threshold. (There are certain types of negative experiences that are statistically very likely to be traumatic to the average person, but that absolutely does not mean that only those types of experiences "count".) - if you are experiencing lasting negative impacts from something that happened to you, 1) there is nothing you need to prove in order to be 'allowed' to get support for it; 2) anyone telling you that it wasn't bad enough to affect you is wrong. (This is true even in contexts completely unrelated to syscourse, btw!) - DID in specific is predominantly associated with chronic trauma/adverse experiences during childhood. However, if you have struggles with mental health issues and feel like a system, your options are not just either "100% Definitely DID" or "You're Making It All Up". Whether the label that happens to fit you and your experiences best is DID or any other label (OSDD, MaDD, PTSD + system, "stuff is shitty rn" + system, "who even knows", etc.) is between yourselves and the people on your support team--it's not the business of internet discourse randos trying to tell you whether or not you're valid. (Besides, figuring out what labels fit you best often isn't actually easy or obvious right away, for any number of reasons--including the fact that sketchy and/or 'muted' memories of awful experiences is a big part of many CDDs--and that's okay. Really. You get to figure stuff out at your own pace.) - you are allowed to use/benefit from CDD management strategies and ways of thinking whether or not you have one. (People without ADHD can use bullet journals. DBT isn't just for people with BPD. Etc. If it helps you, the important part is that it helps you.) - don't let the haters get you down. (There are folks out there in syscourse with complex and nuanced opinions, legitimate critiques of communities, etc.! And also, there are sometimes people who just want to be 'allowed' to feel hateful towards someone, aren't in good faith, and aren't interested in listening. What those people think of you or say about you Does. Not. Matter. They are howling at the moon.)
Good luck out there <3
thank you so so so so so much for the kind words!! i preach all of the same things yet sometimes its hard to believe it for yourself, so i genuinely really appreciate the reassurance.
i am looking for a label as of currently because i dont really know whats what, yknow?? its hard for someone like me because despite preaching all of those things, i struggle to understand what defines trauma!
a lot of my headmates tend to agree we do have trauma, but those who dont tend to feel very strongly about not, so it kinda pushes that positivity away!
it really sucks to be both your own supporter and your own enemy at the same time (not calling my headmates enemies its just the best way i can describe it)!
the vents i post are usually when im feeling fired up or upset over things, and again, for that post/ rant i had earlier i spread misinfo, which i feel HORRIBLE about, but i will keep the post up because someone else made a point on it and had the patience to help educate me!
i am still learning and alla that, its hard to navigate this community because theres so many terms, and due to general amnesia, whether it be the fact im a system or due to my ADHD, its hard to get a grasp on all of those!
anyways, sorry for the ramble and thank you so much for the kind words! i hope you have an amazing day ❤️
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supermanandlois3 · 2 years
(You see what this series has done to me.
It's driven me crazy... 0.0)
Update: 3/21/12
I just read the synopsis. Is this for real? Really?
So, in order to remain safe from some oooh scary angels, Bethany and Xavier go to college!? Oh sure, just blow $100,000 and party and whatnot! I am working my ASS off just to afford the first year! You know what, fuck you!! You are going to college to hide while I am trying to go to college to LEARN and to better my FUCKING LIFE!
(sorry, it's that time of the year when I am impatiently waiting to hear from the rest of the colleges I applied to and researching thousands of scholarships. It's a stressful time. -_-)
I am so glad I am not reading this shit. I hope Bethany gets what she's always wanted and gets her wings ripped off so that she can stay with Xavier as a mortal and DIE!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!! XD
Edit: 4/1/12
*stares at cover*
Is... Is this for real? Is this the actual cover?
*falls on the ground and kicks feet in the air* Teeheehee! Oh my god... Ha, ha, heh... That seals it, there is no god damn way I am getting this. I was worried that if the cover was too beautiful that I would have to get it. But this cover...!
*points at cover and laughs more*
Just go away! You are killing me!
Edit: 8/1/12
So I read the first chapter because a friend of mine gave me a link to it. At first, I didn't even want to read it. I had sworn that I would not even glance in this hideous book's direction, that I would plug my ears and sing, "La la la la!" if anyone mentioned it's name.
However, curiosity got the better of me.
Yet, in a way, I am glad I read the first chapter. It helped me see what direction the book will go, and I do NOT want to go down the same path with this shit.
So its starts out where Hades left off. There is an earthquake, the ring falls to the floor, and Bethany is preparing to be sent back to Heaven or whatever.
But then the earthquake stops, and everything is honey-dorey.
Are you kidding me!? Hades left us hanging on an "oh-so-intense-moment" where we think something bad is going to happen, then its just ends!? But I suppose I expected this. Ally has a thing for over-dramatizing every little thing when, in reality, nobody gives a flying fuck.
After the little, "Oh it was just a warning tremor from God or whatever, no biggie!" Xavier and Bethany go to the church to get married. I noticed that the writing improved, but I still found myself skipping paragraphs and details here and there. Does the author have to explain every action of the characters and detail of the surroundings? I think I get the picture, Ally. I have imagination, you know!
So Father Mel holds the ceremony, and woohoo, Bethany and Xavier are married. I got up from the computer at that point and asked myself, "Do I dare continue with this atrocity?" I noticed I didn't have much longer to go, so I took a deep breath and continued on reading.
Then it (finally) started to get interesting. A Grim Reaper holding a scythe comes marching into the church. At first, I am all like, "Cool!" since I am a huge fan of Death and the Grim Reaper. I am hopping up and down in my chair, hoping that the Reaper has come to take Bethany or Xavier's soul (or maybe both, since I equally hate them) and exact punishment on them. But then the Grim Reaper turns on Father Mel, basically blaming him that Bethany got married to a mortal. He takes Father Mel's soul, and leaves the real culprits behind.
I hate this Grim Reaper! Why did he have to take it out on poor Father Mel!? Bethany is to blame! She started this whole mess!! I JUST DON'T GET IT AAAAAAGRRAAAJNGONDOGNINAISFN!! I WANT HER TO DIIIIIEEEEEE!!
So I am done. I can't... I just can't. Reading that first chapter completely sealed it. Done. Finito! I hate Bethany so much it makes me want to tear my hair out. I despise Xavier with a passion that I did not know I could ever feel. And I can no longer tolerate this stupid, pointless, aggravating, insulting, blasphemous, horrible, atrocious series any longer. This is the reason I no longer carry hope for the YA genre, when books like these get published and idolized, when people with actual talent get dismissed or ignored.
I will not read this... thing... I never will. I already have an ending tot his series, and I am sticking to it.
MY version of the conclusion to this series:
God- You are no longer fit to be my messenger! I strip you of your powers, your wings, and your place in Heaven!
Bethany- Nooooooooooooo!
(She gets banished, her get ripped off, and she is sent back to Earth as a mortal)
Xavier-Beth! What happened!?
Bethany-I am no longer an angel...(sobs briefly)... I am like you now. We can be together, and grow old.
Xavier-We can... Oh, Beth. We will be together till then end.
Bethany-Yes, and we--
(A bus runs over her. After that, she gets trampled by stampeding cows. Then, a group of bicyclists speed over her crumpled body. She dies)
Xavier-Nooooooooo! Why, God, why--!?
(Xavier gets struck by lightning. He dies)
God-That will shut him up. :>
The End
This is a review on Goodreads.com on the book Hates by Alexandra Adornetto
This reviewer gave this book a 1 star just read the review and see how full of hatred she is.
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lookwhatilost · 2 years
i read the jennette mccurdy memoir today. sort of happy i got it off zlib because it’s 90-ish essays with large print and a lot of negative space between them. each essay ends on a page break and you’d be hard pressed to find one where 75% or more of the final page is negative space. and $27 can buy me 3 items at the grocery store in this economy – i’d rather have it for that. especially since it’s just below 300 pages and i still crushed it in around 4 cumulative hours. it’s not exactly the phenomenology of spirit lol. i know i read quickly, but, like... eh. it’s a nitpick and probably an editor’s decision.
i suppose i went into it expecting it to be more, like, cathartic than it was? mccurdy and i do share a lot of superficial similarities. abusive mom who has severely unchecked mental health issues, only to get so much worse about it when she gets handed a breast cancer dx, SE-ED patients, a vessel that only exists to be filled with idiot bitch mom’s broken dreams. we diverge a lot on the details though, and that’s really interesting – especially since both parties still used cultural maternal shit as their sword and shield alike.
i suppose personal difference of experience would be, for one thing, me having no mixed feelings to speak of with my mom & being absolutely terrified of her temper for as long as i remember. my earliest memory of her was when i was sitting on this windowsill that was big enough for me to relax on and she’d left a plastic cabinet full of documents on it. i was looking through the tabs and saw one that was labeled as “taxes”, but in my mom’s shit handwriting, looked like it said “toxic”. i ran into the other room where she was, throwing a fit about touching the Poison Folder. and her slapping me so hard i fell down for rummaging through her things. i remember later being very scared about her getting off the phone, because if i hummed too loudly while i was coloring or putting a puzzle together, i’d get screamed at. i’m not sure i could ever properly articulate the exact sound of that. shrill but deep. so, so loud. i’ve never heard that tone of voice come from anyone’s mouth before or since. sans literally the fucking exorcist. but not in person. it still seems so abstract and inhuman. how was it human in origin? how could someone harbor this for a seven-year-old? i don’t remember ever loving her. i remember tolerating her and locking myself in my room whenever i inadvertently stepped on her toes. pleading to whatever power that be, who’d listen, for my dad to come home. she never did this to me if my dad was around.
incidentally, her threat du jour was to remove my bedroom door from its hinges after my parents separated. this cunt is getting the beatrice horseman treatment when she starts losing her marbles. i swear to god lol.
i’m sure this entry in my psychological history served as kindling for my an-bp prognosis later. there are, in my reflection, plenty of things that ignited my perfect storm conditions for developing a severe restrictive eating disorder in my 20s. incidentally, the take that sums it up most neatly is one from christian bale when he went on an extreme diet for his role in the machinist. he mentioned that there was a placidness about it all. you sleep infrequently. your emotions are dulled. you kick you feet up and read in the wee hours. the background noise quiets. i also sort of hate it because sister christian over here has never come out publicly as an ed sufferer but seems to understand the conceit of anorexia better than any doctor i’ve been to. oh my god. 
pivoting back to jennette, i get that this shit is really, really difficult to manage. family ties make you kind of beholden to that person until they croak. and even then, you have to shuffle through the mess. my idiot mom and the stink she riled up about her literally “stage zero” breast cancer. didn’t even know this was a thing until she decided to play deathbed for years. but there’s guilt that you’re actually the one being unreasonable. and abusive moms sun themselves in that. i’m a mom, ergo, i’m a saint. nobody knows how hard it is to be a mom. hash tag mom life.
i’m glad jennette’s mom died too, at least. as for me *skyler white voice* i’m just waiting for the cancer to come back.
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gone-fish-mode · 1 month
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howdy, and welcome! i'm amadeus. i'm an aromantic lesbian and use s/he and his/hers only. no they/them. my main blog is @actualamadeus, so if you see that name around, its me!
i am a gillman and alien psychological otherkin/copinglink. while my alien 'type is very important to me, this blog will be focused mainly around my gillman 'type, due to it being a lot more concrete and less abstract than my alien 'type. some alien stuff may pop up, but it wont be the majority of my content.
while i am not fictionkin, i do use a lot of visuals from "the shape of water," "creature from the black lagoon," and "hellboy." i consider myself a sort of cladokin, and see myself deeply in most depictions of gillmen. i also consider myself cousins/distantly related to many of the other gillmen/fishmen otherkin i meet.
i'm self dx audhd and have misophonia. between this and how heavily my kintype ties into my mentality, i may be a little skittish sometimes. i prefer to lurk in the dark and watch, when things spook me i completely withdraw from everything. because of this, i may suddenly disappear from DM's sometimes. don't take it personally- it just happens with me sometimes.
my DM's and anon asks are always open! feel free to pop by and say hi!
i have no dni, but i do not interact with anyone who supports, encourages, or harbors an identity or mentality that is harmful to themselves or others (be it physically, mentally, or otherwise) and/or who denounce or do not encourage recovery, healthy coping mechanisms, and harm reduction. all good-faith identities are welcome here. yes, this includes mspec lesbians and lesboys (i am one of these, anyway) and whatever twt and tiktok are always freaking out about.
that being said, this isn't a discourse blog. i wont get into any of that.
i do not plan to post any triggering content, however if you follow me and there is something you'd like tagged, let me know. I will do it without a second question.
#blub blub: posts that have my own words!
#fish mode is best mode: posts that are directly about my kin experience or posts by others that i heavily relate to.
#blub answers: asks that i've answered!
#blub asks: asks that i send
#blub stars: posts that make me kick my flippers with joy
visual credits/hoard
i don't have many visuals, but the ones i do have will be archived here along with the credits.
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"flesh between my jaws" user box: @stranger-from-beyond
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"the asset" mood board: @yourfavoritemenace
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"transseamonster / transspecies sea monster" flag: @rwuffles
*not requested by me
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"gillman" cage design: @mons7errr
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"gillman/amphibian man" kin flags: @eddie-the-silver-fox
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"gillman" otherkin flag: @crazy-iwascrazyonce1
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"gillman" mood board: @gone-fish-mode
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"gillman" mood board: @your-ace-fluffy-neighbour
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jayextee · 3 months
Sonic Spinball (Game Gear)
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I never thought, in a million fucking years, that I'd beat the 8-bit version of Spinball before I beat the 16-bit version (which I still haven't, don't get on my case about this, I never had a 'Sonic fan' membership card to hand back in). But y'see, I'm aiming to 100% the gallery completion in Sonic Gems Collection for some reason so it's like, ah crap, I suppose I gotta play the terrible version of a game I already don't really care too much for.
In fairness, I've historically said "I like Sonic Spinball, just not an awful lot". And I mean that, of three of its four levels. So I guess you can see why I'd say that and never beat the thing. Showdown, eat my sweaty gonads you overlong piece of shit.
So, enter the 8-bit version; which due to its rarity as a physical copy back in the day for some reason, I'd only played as an unlockable in Sonic Adventure DX and this Sonic Gems Collection version. And my impressions of it were, okay, this is a rather sparse and unnecessarily large-and-convoluted version of its big brother version. Ugh, do I have to? Nah, not gonna.
Until today, I thought I'd struggle the struggle with that overly-dragging rendition of Toxic Caves because, well, 140 minutes won't play themselves for those sweet sweet gallery images, right?
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So, struggle through the first level turned into acceptance of a deceptively-straightforward second level, then a more-pleasant-than-the-fullsize-version third level, and a "I can't believe the layout here is better than the Megadrive's!" fourth level and, well, I beat the thing. Can you believe it? Beat the "shit version"! Before the goo-uh, well, less-shit one!
Surprising, I know. But I'd say on the whole this is a more-straightforward experience than its 16-bit elder; a little sparse and spacious in places, and the banging soundtrack is replaced with some forgettable (and quiet) ditties, but this thing tries. And, well, pulls it off with aplomb, whatever 'it' is in this case. It's alright.
8-bit Spinball isn't perfect, though. Ball physics are as okay as they ever were, but the on-foot feel of Sonic manages to be even worse than the original. And the new bonus stages aren't as much a break from the main game's rhythm and balance (hah, I did that right there and you fell smack-bang into it!) as the original's 3D table minigames; which I'm sure the Game Gear and Master System could've managed cut-down versions of, surely?
But y'know, this was alright. Even if the credits roll is about a year long and tells you to get to sleep. Eh, it's too early. Maybe I'll touch some grass instead.
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could you uh... could you post your symptoms in a big post? Cause I feel like it might help some people.
My only concern with sharing my symptoms is it's "a lot" (Well it's long and descriptive. For some people might be a little uncomfortable) , and I don't know what I have, yet. So I feel like I'm sorta in the land of unknown. I mean learning about my prep stuff that's helping me feel a little less unknown, but diagnose wise. I still don't know. (crohns/colitis? ulcer? uh the "c" word?) I mean, I do get the idea of sharing as I think it can remove stigma and allow for people to make sense of stuff in a way that isn't so rooted in shame and discomfort. Seeing that stuff I think can sometimes push for more "curiosity" or make people think "If they spoke to there gp.... and they went through that. Maybe I should tell mine, cause mine is slightly similar?" Like I like the idea of people being more open. And with that there's some major postitivies. Like when I share about breast tumors, it's not really meant to make people feel like 'oh thats sexual' it's more so just to say, check your body and if you notice anything weird, its okay. Just take note of it, and speak to your GP about it. So in that case I can see maybe how my stomach stuff could be helpful? But I also feel more vulnerable for some reason. I don't personally think any form of health stuff should be seen as "shameful" or something not to talk about. I do think some symptoms, especially tummy/GI ones can feel really embarrassing. But I'd have to think about it actually. If its worth writing up and sharing. My only other concern is someone seeing my list, relating to it, and if I get diagnosed with something, rather then that person discussing it with their doctor, self dxing the same thing. =Just because I've had people push the idea of self dx GI issues is fine in the passed asks. So I just worry. I don't want someone young who feels like the medical system might ignore them, or has failed them in the passed see my posts and be like: 'OH! i got that stuff to. I probably got whatever Sae has." Because that's also not helpful, there's a lot of pain and suffering I'm dealing with & I just don't want someone to experience the same thing but go down the self dx route, because GI issues can look really similar. But yeah. Maybe i'm overly caution & easily worried. xD
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gravitycoil · 1 year
Dream of 3/28/23* Was inside a school bus waiting to go to school..college....(?) and it was a really long ride and I had a seat to myself and there was this one girl on the bus that was really mean and hated my guts and picked on me any chance she could get and I didn’t really care about her or what she did but she did annoy the shit out of me but anyways, she had a bf that was a vampire I don’t remember his name but he also hated her but couldnt say or do anything or she would kill him. I also liked him and I did not mind making the girl jealous or upset at all our bus driver eventually like, had to leave or . something. she like fucking died it was insane and the people on the bus collectively made our new bus driver one of the 5 yr olds to drive the bus and I was like hell no I’m not about to die in a bus so I push an emergency stop button and a lot of us including the girl and the bf get off. But like everyone was in a rush and left their stuff behind and as I was getting my stuff I picked up the bfs stuff so I could give it to him later and I just felt so >:3 and eventually we get to the building and I have the guys shit but I also was like . I could keep this :) it was just his leather jacket and the girl catches me with it and is like “HEY... That’s his...” and I tilt my head at her and I’m like “Huh? What do you mean?” and she gets really pissed and she’s just like “I’m going to tell him, whatever. You’re funeral” I then disguised it and somehow made it another color. The bf comes up to me all mad and he’s like “Hey-” and he realizes it’s not his cuz it doesn’t look like it and he gets all quiet and confused and just backs away and apologizes I remember saying “Is something wrong?” and he’s like “No.. No. Nevermind” and I just continued doing whatever. Eventually I run into them again and the girl is like “We know that’s not yours, You didn’t buy it.” and idk how they knew that but I just shake my head and give it back to him being real innocent about it saying “Oh yeah, I know I was gonna give it back. You left it on the bus” :) and this made her so mad she like pushed me and I stumble backwards a bit but remained balanced the bf checks his pockets and everything and he’s happy that I didn’t take his money or anything and he was vocal about it like “Thanks for keeping everything intact” I reply back with something like “I’m not that kind of person to do that.” and he smiled at me and it was really eerie feeling. He like puts his arm in front of the girl to stop her from beating me up and says to leave me alone and get back to what they were doing. He invites me to eat with them and I’m like O_O sure. and this made the girl even more mad when we sat down the girl got up and got their food and so It was just me and him. We started talking about something I don’t remember what but we realize we have a lot in common and he confesses that he does not like the girl and I’m like yeah, I don’t either. A big chunk of this is missing but basically they break up and she’s trying to be all “I never needed you, I’m happier without you anyway” kind of thing and he starts sitting with me on the bus and the girl is like . furious  she starts scheming a plan to kill both me and him and for some reason I know this information like I know what shes gonna do. So I’m prepared for whatever she’s gonna do. Eventually me and the bf start talking again and eventually he asks me to go to his place and im like sooo true and I go with him to his home. I remember talking about favorite games and I said Sonic DX/Adventure 2 and he said he never played those and I was all shocked like wtf!!!!!!!! you never played!!! and i let him play but there was a knock or something at the door and he realizes its the girl and hes like. hey... she wants to talk to you. and I’m like. Yeah, She wants to kill me and he just goes what?? O_O and we start brawling. it was really sklghjhgd it played out like a boss battle eventually I killed her but it wasnt really a murder because she was fine afterwards but she never bothered us again. Something about this one was really vivid and intriguing to me. anyways, Tall vampire guy if youre out there.
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