#that this is what our country has devolved to
scruffandyarn · 1 month
Look, I don’t like a number of things Biden has done and will do.
However, I am not naive enough to think that there is an alternative.
Any vote that is not for Biden IS a vote for Trump. That includes votes that are NOT cast.
People who refuse to vote or write in someone else or vote third party WILL be the reason Trump gets elected.
We already lost Roe because Trump got his faves in. There’s potentially more judges to be replaced in the near future.
You really wanna fuck around and find out?
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So does Wales voting to ditch the Prince of Wales title automatically mean William ain't Prince of Wales anymore, or is there other BS they have to go through first to make England accept it?
Oh, god no, Wales has done no such thing. One of the councils of Wales, Gwynedd, has internally voted on it, basically to gauge opinion and also to make it official where they stand.
Okay, so, super quick and massively oversimplified political explanation: Wales is split into 22 counties, each of which has a council that does its day to day local governing, like when to put the recycling out and picking what colour to make the bins (recycling is a Big Deal in Wales and we are third in the world for doing it so this is a Very Important part of the job and we're Very Proud.) These councils are separate from electoral constituencies, though. Those are almost the same as the ones used for UK general elections, where we would vote for MPs to represent us in Westminster. However, there are more for Welsh elections, and in those we vote for MSs - Members of the Senedd.
The Senedd is the Welsh Parliament. That's where the laws are made in our devolved areas, aka the stuff Westminster is not allowed to decide for us, like education and cheese and recycling. That, if anywhere, is the place where we'd need politicians to demand an end to the Prince of Wales title if they were going to have a chance, because that's where the First Minister is, and he's like... the leader of Wales. Biggest Dog. The one who told the BBC right to their faces that Wales would base its pandemic response on science rather than creating a smokescreen to cover up our personal birthday party scandals. Mark Drakeford, an underwhelming but competent politician who is reportedly very good about packing his shopping away using the packing shelf in Aldi so he doesn't hold people up; which in Welsh people's books makes him Tidy.
Also, as councils go - as regions of Wales go - Gwynedd is the Most Welsh. The Welshest bit. Wales cubed. Uberwales. The land that England forgot. Come to Cymru. I Welsh, you Welsh, he/she/it Welsh. Very Welsh. Much Welsh. So Wales.
This did not require a vote, is what I'm saying.
So, what's actually happened here is that a local government of a single easily won council have agreed that William shouldn't be Prince of Wales in their opinion, and that's their official position. In terms of meaningful impact it's roughly equivalent to a custard pie dropped off a four foot ladder, except the pie was dragon shaped and sang 'O Gymru' as it fell.
It IS notable for being an official governmental body that has had the balls to OFFICIALLY tell the monarchy to do one, just as everyone is being very monarchial and shrieking 'Traitor!' at anyone not tearing their hair and beating their breast at the Queen's demise. And as long as it is an official, voted-on position, it opens up some possibilities both for other councils around the country and for the Senedd. If other councils start doing the same thing... it applies pressure. It's all about awareness. It helps grease the wheels of the actual petitions on the subject that are currently gathering signatures.
It helps establish a mandate, basically.
I suspect the next to vote will be either Anglesey, which copies Gwynedd a lot, or Monmouthshire, which will deliberately vote the other way, because their councillors are English. Alternatively nothing at all will happen. But we'll see!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
Enneagram time with the Links!
I'm gonna type the Links from LoZ games I've played, might do Linked Universe too at some point. Anyway! I am too tired to explain the enneagram properly, but essentially it is a personality system that consists of nine different types. They're sorted by their core motivations and fears, and how they respond to the world in relation to that. Check out more info about that here!
Here's a list of the nine types
Okay, personality dweebs, let's do this!
Skyward Sword Link - Type 9, The Peacemaker, for sure. This boy just radiates type 9 energy. Laid back, doesn't seem particularly bothered by much of anything but when he is bothered, oh boy does it show. Is called "lazy" and a "daydreamer," yet he doesn't show traits of actual laziness. The teachers don't lament his lack of work. He's airheaded and unfocused, but he isn't lazy. Has strong feelings, you can see from how expressive he is. He's very empathetic, patient, and kind.
When type 9s are under stress they gravitate towards the more negative traits of type 6 - constantly anxious (always running too late), distrustful or reclusive (can't tell anyone else on Skyloft what's going on).
Link just... I can't put it into words, he just is type 9. As for his wing, I'd go with a 9w1. This Link isn't particularly assertive or looking for challenges, he's far more introverted, has a strong sense of duty and probably prefers the safety and comfort of routine.
Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask Link - Type 1, The Reformer. His sense of duty, his position as Hero of Hyrule, his need to help the world and protect others literally dominates this man's life - and death!! It's clearly important to him as he imparts this ideology to his descendant, the Hero of Twilight. He sticks around as a stalfos to continue his legacy, to train the next generation because his greatest regret was not ensuring the continued protection of Hyrule and ensuring others fulfilled the duty of the Hero as well. He is quiet, reserved, logical, and incredibly intelligent - of all the games I've played, OoT dungeons are the hardest, and this dude figured them out when he was nine.
Type 1s under stress devolve into the negativity of type 4s, they're emotional, they think no one can understand them, they're isolated and just different, ring a bell anyone? This dude is so displaced in time I can't blame him for feeling disconnected from everyone else and bitter about it. He definitely had a phase like this in his adolescence, I'm sure. And when type 1s are growing and at their best, they have the sense of spontaneity and adventure of type 7s, which seems on par with his I'm-going-break-this-horse-out-of-the-stable-by-jumping-over-the-fence-with-her-during-a-race moment.
His wing would probably be a type 2. He has a very kind heart, even if he doesn't express it well, bless him.
Twilight Princess Link - Type 2, The Helper. Compassionate, putting others first always, having a strong need to defend, assist, and nurture others. This Link is a gentle soul, through and through. Until you put him on a battlefield of course, because wow he is the most ferocious Link of the bunch. And that's a thing with 2s! When under stress they are aggressive and overbearing like 8s!
The entire village relies on this guy before he ever even starts his journey. He's already being a hero to his own people, and it has nothing to do with leading or fight, it's just that he goes out of his way to help others. He is so caring and tender and loving, he whittles away at Midna's sharp edges until she warms up to him too.
His wing would probably be a type 1 because he seems very focused on helping the individual more than the group. He's a local country boy who thinks small scale, has a sense of duty to others specifically instead of a sense of building achievements and success.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link - Type 6, The Loyalist. Committed, security oriented, responsible, anxious. Sounds a lot like our boy, right? His anxieties dominated his life prior to the Calamity until his amnesia wiped those away. Committed? Dude, have you ever seen him leave Zelda's side? This is him to a T. Notably, when 6 is in a place of healthy growth, they act more like a relaxed, laid back 9, which you 100% see in Breath of the Wild. The contrast between Link under pressure prior to the Calamity and Link without the world making demands of him is huge. He and Sky Link would be chill besties is all I'm saying. Type 6s and 9s tend to be good friends.
Did I happen to mention that type 6 is filled with self doubt? This boy doubted his ability to be the Hero so much he let the world decide how he should act because he was convinced he would screw it up.
His wing is definitely a 7. 7s are spontaneous, wild, rambunctious, adventurous, and don't plan a second beyond the moment they're living in. He is absolutely a 6w7.
Sky: 9w1 Time: 1w2 Twilight: 2w1 Wild: 6w7
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ravencromwell · 5 months
Current Shades Of Magic question haunting me: was Maxim Maresh working a deal with the Danes to make something comparable to an Inheritor for Rhy? (And by "working", I mean: he thought he was being real savvy while the Danes lied through their teeth for years and kept the credulous arnesian king on a fish-hook while they figured out how to rip a hole through time and space.)We know Tieren flatly refused to help him make one, and that Makt is highly skilled in binding magic. And Maxim's entire White London dynamic, especially in Darker Shade, never made a bit of fucking sense to me. Take, as exhibit 1: "Holland delivered a letter yesterday," explained the king. "But couldn't stay to collect the response. I told him I would send it back with you. Kell frowned. "All is well, I hope," he said carefully. He rarely knew the contents of the royal messages he carried, but he could usually glean the tone—the correspondences with Grey London had devolved to mere formality, the cities having little in common, while the dialogue with White was constant and involved and left a furrow in the king's brow." In scrupulous fairness, Schwab does give us an explanation for the involved nature of the letters, saying that the Red Crown was haunted by its decision to seal the doors between Red and White; that they wanted to provide magical advice as a kind of recompense and reparations. But we're also provided a very plausible explanation for how Vitari helps Lila move through the worlds, which gets very undermined by Lila as Antari. And living in the midst of the most nakedly imperial power of our modern age, I'm incredulous at best and scoffingly dubious at worst. With some very! rare exceptions, large, prosperous countries give small struggling ones shit either to look good, or because they want something out of the exchange.
Was it being _haunted that made Maxim Maresh send twelve-year-old Kell into the middle of a very violent country? Or was it _knowing by that time that Rhy most likely wouldn't be manifesting any magic. Kell says to Vortalis that this will be the beginning of "re-opening relations". Which makes sense, seeing as Antari are a dying breed, and Arnes hasn't had one for a while and Makt for even longer. It's not Maxim's bad parenting in sending Kell to White so young that has my antennae raising, but the bad diplomacy. Maxim's Kell flaw, after all, is that he sees him more as a political and propaganda tool than a person. And he's letting him go to Makt at twelve? When Kell could die, and a large reason Faro and Vesk are in line right then is because they believe Kell is integral to Arnes strength. I don't believe Maxim Maresh, who had the political cool to immediately think of how Faro and Vesk would react and demand secrecy about Rhy's near-death in Conjuring while everyone else is in knots of grief and he must be pushing down his own feelings with herculean effort decided to resume communications to salve his conscience. It just doesn't fit with the rest of who he is as king.
But, as several people wonder when Tieren chastises Maxim over the Inheritor: what wouldn't a father do for his son? Put his other son in jeopardy, if he thought he could make an attractive enough offer to get a (probably) ruthless king of a ruthless people to make him something? It would certainly line up with what he does throughout the series.
Finally: Maxim is adamant that "The Danes will pay" before he learns they're dead. Except seriously? How, Maxim? You planning to send the Antari who they already used as a pawn back as a one man army? Because no one else is going through.
Maxim Maresh, for all his faults, is too good a soldier to send Kell into that battle. So, either he's just blowing off steam and the threat has no teeth, or the threat has vicious teeth. Because the Crown has been sending the Danes advice: maybe instructions on relatively—to Arnesian thinking—small elemental magics like minor water redirection that have become integral to Makt's irrigation under the Danes, or something else entirely. There are a million little ways the Crown could've been helping; the question is _why. Why, in Darker, did Maxim, a a busy man, concoct a thick response within a day and send his best weapon into a violent place _after _dark when it could have waited till morning. Feels to me like a man hurriedly running after something the Danes are always "close to finishing" and that he wants, very, very much.
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vaportea · 1 month
for real, fuck charles xavier, magneto was right, and this shit ain't changed since x-men's conception, periodt
for those who have watched the latest episode of X-Men '97 i feel Some Type of Way about what's about to happen and i gotta rant
oh my god this is SO predictable, the timing is too impeccable, maybe it's because i have always valued Erik and his perspective on mutantkind but i thoroughly believe that it is Erik with the mutants' best interests in mind. Has it been a little selfish? Perhaps, I'll even let you say it is sometimes heavyhanded, but it was always in the protection of mutants, he even said it himself, he acts hostile only as a retaliation, not instigation.
And so Charles is "dead' and Erik inherits the X-Men, right, okay. And now Erik "declares war" and who should appear but fuckin Charles Xavier--and you KNOW what's going to happen, he's going to immediately throw himself on the pyre of pacifism for the greater good, he's gonna BEG Erik to reconsider warning that going too far will destroy all the trust that mutants have built up to this point (which for the record has always been WAVERING at best), and Erik is going to look bad and extremist when his reaction to the current world events is completely valid as is his anger! Genosha is in ashes, a country of his people died, Erik has been through this before, you SAW the number on his arm, yall KNOW what that means!
Charles is gonna be so naive to it all, but the fact is Bastion has thrown down the gauntlet, that man is very 'get them before they get us' and hasn't been the only one to do that to mutants, the Mutant Replacement Theory (which...i can't help but look at that and shake my head, like, X-Men has always been meta but god DAMN, y'know?) rhetoric is rampant in this series. The LAST thing we need is Charles spouting the fragility of human-mutant relations and expecting mutantkind, specifically the X-Men, to take some sort of moral high ground when the villains we're dealing with in this series in particular have already shown that it will not work.
I guess it's easy to place myself in the narrative as someone represented by marginalized groups, it's easy to get...angry at this, because you see your own world in it with all it's flaws. But our world has taught us time and time again that no tyrant or oppressor will be convinced of our validity by a handshake, at so many points in history we have had to fight for liberty, dignity, and the freedom to just exist. I just don't want to see the rest of the series devolve into 'oooooo no stop you can fight that hard it'll make us look bad ooooooooo' because like..what would you have them do otherwise, y'know?
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
What up with aces and Denmark — from a clueless aroace
Invading Denmark became a meme within the ace community because the estimated number of asexuals in the world is about the same as the country of Denmark, and the joke was that we could hypothetically take over Denmark and create our own country free of amatonormativity and oversexualization.
It was on par with garlic bread and cake for awhile, but it’s devolved into an anti-semitic dog whistle within the community and should no longer be used or tolerated. The Ace Couple podcast has an episode about it with a more in depth explanation which you can find here.
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grumpycakes · 8 months
DAY 3 10/19/2023 • OOPS NO VOTE • 12 Noon EST
< Previous (Day 2)
So McHenry saunters in w the entourage, calls them to order, and the Chaplin leads in on prayer.
Chaplin’s prayer is basically “we’re over it but got grant us the compassion and wisdom to get our shit together and govern for the country, Amen” just flower-ier and less sassy.
Still hate that we gotta have a prayer before govt work but
Still gotta have them pledge allegiance
So what TF happened?
Jim Jordan in a moment of clarity (and probably some shaming from his colleagues) realized he doesn’t have the votes, and won’t for a while. So he has TEMPORARILY pulled his bid for the Speakership.
In the meantime, it looks like they are working on a proposal for McHenry to take over some speakership roles for a LIMITED TIME. We won’t know how long until the proposal is made/put before congress.
This move is most likely JUST to get the budget done and agree on how much aid we’ll be sending to Ukraine and Israel. Otherwise the Government will shut down and shit will go into free fall. This covers the asses of the Republicans while still not having to pick a speaker.
It also is taxing to force them all in session DAILY for at least 2 hours to do these votes.
We could still get a 3rd vote today depending on how fast they make up the legislation
This isn’t great for Jordan, it’s a weak move to let someone else do speaker things while you beg and bribe people to vote for you
A lot of the far rights/hardliners are mad about the move to give temporary powers. Basically advocating for making everyone stay and suffer multiple rounds of voting again (cannot fathom why when it just made McCarthy look stupid last time, unless they truly just would rather burn the govt to the ground than do anything helpful)
Reportedly McHenry doesn’t want temporary powers either rofl
While the republicans will whine and moan that the Dems should have bailed them out (either by voting present for McCarthy or by the same for the new speakership votes) it is not their job NOR DID REPUBLICANS HELP THEM AT ALL WHEN THEY HAD THIS NARROW OF A MAJORITY. And they didn’t devolve into this kind of chaos
Dems are just asking to pass budgets and aid, and are probably just stepping out of the way of this train wreck
This has never been an issue till this year (and this partisanship/far right monstrosity the Republicans have fomented)
The next speaker will most likely IMMEDIATELY reverse that dumbass rule that one person can force a vote to remove the speaker
APPARENTLY some of the republicans that did not vote for Jordan have been receiving “Credible death threats.” Over it????? JFC
Yes, since they called a session to vote, they HAD to gavel in, pray and get set up to CALL IT OFF. And that’s hilariously stupid
ADDED EDIT 8PM 10/19/2023
Lolll fuck. So Jim Jordan had a “Closed door meeting” with the rest of the republicans to work out how/if to give McHenry additional powers and CAME OUT AN HOUR LATER SAYING THERE WILL BE NO SPECIAL POWERS. HE’S GONNA GO AGAIN. (Didn’t happen today lol) They apparently were fighting over whether or not it’s LeGaL or cOnStiTuTiOnAl to give the interim speaker powers. Loll but according to McCarthy when Gaetz tried to argue they basically told him to shut up. So it sounds like some of the repubs are still mildly homicidal abt Gaetz.
But a few things,
1. It’s legal and constitutional if y’all MAKE LEGISLATION FOR IT. And you can make the legislation be like ONLY THIS ONCE CAUSE WE GOTS PROBLEMS
2. I cannot fathom why they are so down bad to embarrass themselves. This doesn’t look good, this isn’t inspiring confidence, and since no one on the repubs are willing to budge or concede for each other you’re fighting a losing battle. You have the majority, use it.
3 . This feels like weird toxic grandstanding of if you just stand your ground it’ll bend but like, it’s not HAPPENING. And people will hate you worse for fucking w the government.
McCarthy talked to reporters and said it’s the fault of Gaetz, the “Crazy 8” (really classy dude) and the dems. And that he was taken out by less than a quarter of the house. But my dude. If it was 8 of your Repubs and then ALL THE DEMOCRATS. That’s. That’s a MAJORITY OF THE HOUSE.
Jim Jordan apparently did denounce the death threats agaisnt republicans.
So that’s where we are @ u @ chaos-ville. I’ll make a new post or update y’all if they do a vote today.
Next (Day 4 Vote 3) >
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ayeforscotland · 1 year
Hey previous anon
Sorry i think you misunderstood me about 'the deficit', more specifically that the average Scot currently receives more in public spending and contributes less in tax than the national average. Nothing to do with the national debt, more that the way Scotland is currently run is not financially sustainable and in order to BE financially sustainable as an independent country it would have to cut the things that make it better than the rest of the UK. Or tax people more. Which is a great way to sell a referendum.
Also I know its a tired comparison but 'our trade is currently restricted by the entity we do the vast majority of our trade with, so we need to erect massive tariff barriers with it and completely restructure our export market in order to reclaim our sovereignty' really?
'None of the practicalities of making this immense change really concern me so long as we have the capacity to make the decisions for ourselves' fucking really?
There's a reason why this blog only posts about the fuckups of Westminster, funny and many as they are, and its because you don't have answers about how to make this work beyond 'it will work.' 60% of your trade is with the UK? Doesn't matter, the EU will sort it out. Never mind the presumed change in tastes and preferences or the differences in competition structure, it'll just work. Because it has to.
As it stands, support for independence is about 50/50. And running with that comparison, what happened the last time the government made a decision with little consideration of the consequences that half the country opposed?
Again its pointless because this is your identity so nothing's gonna get changed here, and I recognise the same is true for me. It's just frustrating.
Okay so I reckon you're pulling this from the annual GERS report which accounts for Scotland as a region of the UK rather than if Scotland was an independent country. This means the GERS contains multiple UK-wide expenditures which are not controlled by the Scottish Government. These costs are applied to GERS as a population percentage of total UK Government expenditure, this happens regardless of where that expenditure was applied and whether it was the Scottish or British government that spent the money. This *is* impacted by UK National Debt. There's a line in GERS called the 'Public Sector Debt Interest' which is the interest on the debt accrued by the British Government that Scotland contributes to paying off. From 2019-2020 this added up to an additional £4.5 Billion. Lastly on the economics side, several revenues like Oil & Gas taxation, corporation tax and VAT are controlled by the UK Government. Changes to those can drastically alter Scotland's income without running it past the Scottish Government. Now on to Trade - It's funny you talk about barriers when the UK has just bent over backwards to get a deal for Northern Ireland through. The only reason you would talk about erecting a barrier between Scotland and England is because you believe the British Government are going to deliberately negotiate in bad faith. And sure, you might claim that that's their right, but that's not exactly going to win anyone over to the pro-union side. I never said anything about ignoring the practicalities so I'd appreciate you don't put words in my mouth. Becoming an independent country will require hard work and effort, and it's 100% worth it if we are able to then make our own economic decisions. We barely have to look back six months to see a Tory Party tanking the economy on a whim over the course of a week. I have plenty of criticisms about the Scottish Government - it often moves at a frustratingly glacial pace to enact change. Some policies stagnate because of lack ambition from senior civil servants. But that's nothing compared to the ridiculousness of the Westminster system who are often outright malicious in their policy-making - and they hold the purse strings for the devolved governments. There is a democratic deficit in the UK, and it's why many people support independence. I know this is probably difficult for you to reconcile with which is why unionists tend to opt for the barrage of practicalities first, and you're never happy with any of the answers so you just resort to saying we've not answered the questions. At the end of the day you just don't want Scotland to leave the UK because you see that as part of your identity - and that's absolutely fine. But pretending that Scotland is some unique economic basket case is silly. I'm cool with unionsts who openly say they are passionate about the union, they don't need to dress it up.
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Hi, what do you think about this news?
BBC News - Climate: NFU Cymru opts out of farming scheme over tree planting
Interesting, isn't it?
Here's the thing: it is a fact that we need more trees than we currently have, that Wales is under-forested, and that decades of inaction mean we now have to make big changes fast rather than incremental changes safely. Given that the Welsh Government is actively trying to base modern Welsh identity on environmentalism (we are the only country in the entire world with dedicated sustainability legislation in the form of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, and we're third in the world for recycling rates), it was inevitable that they were going to seize the bull by the horns, so to speak, and set a strict target.
In fact, they have past form for this - there's a reason we're third in the world for recycling. I am simplifying this massively and going to make any lawyers reading this wince, but the way EU legislation works is that the member states agree something should be legislated for, the EU makes a directive, and then the member states each interpret and apply that directive how they want into their own laws (sorry lawyers). In the case of recycling, the EU member states collectively decided we needed to get serious about diversion from landfill in 2008 with the Waste Framework Directive, and then the UK chose how to go about that.
But, waste management is a devolved area. So Wales, Scotland, NI and England all got to implement it themselves how they wanted to. England didn't set any specific targets; it was more like "endeavour to be recycling 50% of waste across the country by X year." But the Welsh Government went "Right, lads, here's the targets: 58% by 2015/16, 64% by 2020, and zero waste by 2050. We'll let you pick the recycling bag colours."
(In Swansea it's green for paper, cardboard, metal and glass, pink for plastic, white for garden waste, and you get a special dark green bin for food waste with a locking lid to keep the seagulls out.)
But that meant Welsh councils had to actually move on it, with the result that we smashed those targets. We're now aiming for 70% recycling by 2025, and zero waste might be brought forward to 2030, because the government likes the model of "Shoot for the moon and land among the stars."
So like. It has worked, in the past.
BUT, the problem with setting arbitrary targets like that is that it doesn't always work, and what happens to people who get caught in the gears, so to speak?
In this case, this is a subsidy scheme. It's still in consultation, but if it goes ahead, farmers get money from the public purse for doing something "for the public good" - they need to tree plant 10% of their land, and manage another 10% as wildlife habitat. Currently, this is true for every farm, regardless of its nature. 20% of productive land removed, and you'll be paid to do so.
But, will that work for every farm? No. No it won't. The smaller your set up, the more that 20% is going to bite into profits that the subsidies won't compensate; and what if you only have productive land? A flatish farm, somewhere in Powys, used for crops rather than livestock? 20% of that is very, very different to 20% of an upland sheep farm with sections that are almost impassable and very difficult to round up the sheep from anyway, where you can simply fence off and plant up the slopes to create ffridd and woodlands. It's a one size fits few policy. I fully believe the government saying plenty of farmers are all for it - this will work for many. But for many others, it's simply not financially viable.
But what I find REALLY interesting about that article, actually, is the way the farmers are framing their objections:
(NFU Cymru) president Aled Jones said farmers were prepared to integrate more trees into farming systems - from "shelterbelts, streamside corridors to field corners". "But we will not take our productive land out of food production for tree-planting," he said.
SHELTERBELTS. That is the Pontbren effect. Pontbren taught us that farmer-led environmental schemes work, and provide additional unexpected benefits including in revenue (it was designed to simply allow the sheep to stay out year round, but the flood control and soil conservation that came with it brought their own benefits - silvopasture, how I love thee.) Now it's there as proof-of-concept, farmers want a piece of that action. They want to be more environmentally sound. But, those trees have to serve an economic purpose, not a solely environmental one; otherwise, it's not going to work for farmers.
And it's very frustrating that the Welsh Government have forgotten that crucial lesson in trying to implement this. But then, as I say, it's true that we need big changes now, and are running out of time for the soft incremental changes. I just think the two could have been married better.
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trouslinabone · 10 months
What's the canon ending for Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4?
I feel like Fallout 3's canon ending was obvious and I have little experience in Fallout and Fallout 2. Hence why I ask for only these two games.
But this is a question that people have been asking for as long as the games been out - or at least I assume people have. I think someone mentioned it? I don't know, it's been rotting my brain - and I think I have the answer!!
Fallout: New Vegas' canon ending is: House Ending
Fallout 4's canon ending is: Institute + Minutemen.
This is gonna be a long one, isn't it?
Look: I'll explain Fallout: New Vegas first - since it seems slightly less controversial.
The entire game happens because of Robert House - he's the reason you were saved. He's the reason you're in New Vegas to begin with. Hell, he's the reason there is a New Vegas. I feel like the game revolves around him more than any other faction. Well, of course, you can kill him insanely easily and fairly early on too. But what makes him canon over everything else?
Well, let's look at our other options first:
Caesar's Legion:
This one is never argued to be canon, but I feel like I should properly dismiss it. To put it simply - it's implied that the Legion would collapse in on itself, and unless Fallout 5 wants to take place directly after New Vegas, Caesar - the reason the Legion hasn't fallen apart - is close to dying of age. That's assuming Caesar living would be the canon one anyways, otherwise the Legion would devolve into a chaotic raider group and become another headache of the wasteland - far from the threat it once was.
Yes Man:
This one is also never argued to be canon, but for different reasons. This one puts you - the player - in charge of things. This sucks considering that it's a roleplaying game and everyone has a different character. Of course, we could say maybe someone took over Yes Man - or that Yes Man's assertiveness update made him able to say no to others. There, it could work - but I feel like it'd need to take place a lot further than the other games in the franchise for our player to not be a big deal in any sense of the word.
The only actual candidate for the canon ending. This one has a lot going for it. NCR has been shown to be a canon ending before from what I do know of the original Fallout games, and NCR overall is a heavily featured faction. However, I do think this one also isn't it since they're slowly becoming a full country - and while they have many issues with supplies and body count - there's a point that if the Brotherhood of Steal is scared of the NCR, it's too much. And as they grow, they'll just get more and more powerful and it's less and less convincing on why they need a random survivor in Fallout 5 or whatever to help them dominate an area.
That's why I think Robert House - from narrative to meta reasons - is the canon ending. While the player is heavily featured in the House ending, it's not as bad and if the next game takes place in, say, the east coast, then there's a reason why they wouldn't be there compared to House's robots. Plus, despite the voice actor of House dying, Robert House is such an interesting character that I'd love to see more of.
Onto Fallout 4 :D
So, here's the really big controversial one - The Institue.
Now, before I even get into it - I'mma just come out and say it: I know I criticized Yes Man's route for having the player in a big role - And my main counterpoint is that if you have preset names for your characters, voice acting for your characters, set dialogue for their personality as well as a big emphasis in personality all together, as well as actual models that are supposed to be your character, then maybe it's not an RPG anymore.
Yeah, okay, so here's why I think what I think:
Like with House mentioned above - The Institute is heavily featured throughout the entire game - and more importantly, Shaun is too. Now, thanks to our character having a personality, we know that they're a grieving parent who's only care into the world is to find Shaun. Now, as funny as it is to shoot him the second he walks through the door, I doubt the sole survivor would. So, more than likely, they'll just be happy to be with Shaun again and do whatever he wants.
Now, I said "With Minutemen", and what I mean is that, for those who don't know, you can go all the way to clearing out the castle for the minutemen before you have to follow their questline to the end. This means that you can choose any faction you want and the Minutemen will have a giant presence over the Commonwealth. Now, I think this was rather because the Minutemen were not originally going to be an endgame faction but was changed later on during development, OR, it was intentional to technically have a "Two factions" ending.
As for why I think it's canon? Same reason as always. A lot of focus is placed on the Minutemen.
Now, I won't list why the other factions aren't canon, as unlike New Vegas, they all could be canon I guess. Railroad seems unlikely though since its questline is basically nothing but the Institute's questline again (wow, is this another faction that was changed later on to be an endgame faction-). I think we're all getting sick of the Brotherhood of Steel being a big role in these games. And Minutemen and Institute by themselves could be canon, but I feel like narratively and from more meta elements it's more likely both are.
These are my thoughts on the canon endings! Lemme know what you think!
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twoset-updates · 11 months
[110723 tsv reddit post]
Responding to Allegations
Hi Twosetters,
Thank you for your patience in waiting for our response. We are well aware of the allegations of worker exploitation that have been circulating our subreddit in the past few weeks. We take such issues very seriously, as we believe this to be a grave matter. Therefore, we needed time to conduct an internal investigation to evaluate the validity of these claims.
It’s tricky because we need to balance the confidentiality and privacy of our existing team members with the transparency and information that we think needs to be communicated. Quite frankly, these are internal matters, and any disputes should have gone through professional and/or legal channels. However, the other party has unfortunately chosen to conduct themselves in an unprofessional way and have put us in a position where we have to respond publicly.
At TwoSet, we’ve always had the vision of spreading our love for classical music as our guiding star. Very early on, we realised that this could not be done without a solid team behind us and this vision. From the videos to apparel to touring – all of this is the hard work of our amazing staff members.
As we come from very humble beginnings, we are not perfect, and it’s not always easy – we’re not a massive media company. But we have always known the importance of having a long-term sustainable team that we can achieve our mission with.
That means sticking up for our staff. Sometimes, inevitably, we make incorrect hires who spread toxicity and negativity, gaslight and blame others, and end up causing much more burden and stress on others in the team. The OOP was one such person we had to let go after repeated incidents of them speaking in a very rude and disrespectful manner to another team member. It’s disappointing that this person is now going further by trying to tarnish TwoSet’s reputation, thus hurting the remaining team and putting at risk everything we have accomplished.
It is for them, our team, that we take this so seriously. In the past, we have taken unjust criticism and shrugged off the negativity, not because we have anything to fear or for lack of accountability, but because we understood that giving attention to negativity often just sparks more drama and room for misunderstanding. It becomes a situation where people are fighting for the sake of fighting, and nobody remembers why anymore.
In order to ground this conversation, let’s always keep in mind - why are we having this discussion? We believe at the end of the day, it’s about constructive criticism and accountability; how do we (Brett and Eddy) improve to make TwoSet an increasingly better place to work at for all members? Many of the claims have not come from an intention to instigate any real meaningful change, but instead have been an attempt to vilify us. We know we are public figures and that’s part of what it means to be on the internet these days, but please remember that if we do get cancelled, many of our amazing team members will also lose their jobs.
Now, we really appreciate the majority of TwoSet fans who understand that these things are private matters and should be dealt with internally. We don’t want this to devolve into a situation where everyone is just trying to get more receipts on each other, because at the end of the day, nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. But we also understand that in the public sphere, unlike in court, it isn’t always innocent until proven guilty, and we feel that we have to share our side of the story in order to protect the team at TwoSet.
A summary and response to claims made against us:
Only hiring from “third world (asian) countries”:
Over 50% of our staff are NOT from third world countries. Some of our core team members are from countries such as Singapore, Canada, and Australia.
Only hiring “girls”:
While the majority (not all) of our staff are currently women, this is not by any design. Our team consists of amazingly talented people selected for their individual merit and fit for the position, not any specific characteristic.
Being expected to respond at unreasonable hours:
Due to time zones, constant travelling, and the international nature of our team, messages are often sent outside of what may be considered reasonable work hours for the person receiving it. However, we have never expected or pressured anyone to respond immediately. While we will make more effort in the future to think ahead for individual time zones, sometimes it really just means we have to get a message out before we sleep on our side of the world so that it can be read when the other person gets up for work in the morning.
Underpaying or not paying staff:
In the beginning (Kickstarter days), we admittedly had to pay on the lower end as we simply did not earn enough from YouTube - something we always made clear. However, we have been continually trying to raise the compensation of team members as we grow. We also recently implemented a yearly official salary review process and determined that two staff members deserved a raise which we proactively offered.
In other cases where staff have come to us asking for raises, we always operate from a principle of fairness and remain open to negotiation, taking factors such as industry benchmarks, experience, working hours, and contribution into consideration. Most importantly, we have always paid what was agreed upon.
It has also been alleged that we underpay staff despite them voicing their concerns to us. We wish to reiterate that we have never disregarded a staff’s concern about payment. We always welcome open and transparent conversation, and do what we believe is fair and right. One poster who claimed to have been underpaid happily agreed to the amount offered with no indication of dissatisfaction with the remuneration. We will not share any screenshots due to legal confidentiality, but many of those joining the bandwagon have made emotionally charged and factually inaccurate claims that would not hold up in court.
As to the confusion of paid volunteers, we offered a small amount of compensation to subtitlers who volunteered their time to create subtitles for videos as a ‘thank you’ for their work, but it was never a formal position offered with our team. Having recognised the confusion this has caused, we have changed our policies and will no longer have any paid volunteer positions in the future.
Being asked to take on multiple responsibilities:
This is something we are working really hard to solve. Often in a small startup, things change at a rapid pace, especially as we love to innovate and try new projects all the time. We have always asked if a team member is willing to help through these periods of growth and change, whether that’s through covering for certain roles or taking on new responsibilities and opportunities for learning. In situations where they expressed that they do not wish to do so, we have respected it.
We now know that some people may not feel comfortable saying no and to fix this, we are in the process of clearly defining every process and role in relation to how we operate.
So far, we have only addressed the claims that the OOP made and briefly touched on why they were let go, but it should be noted that their actions have breached the terms of their NDA and can be constituted as defamation. What they have done risks the wellbeing and hard work of everyone else on the TwoSet team, not to mention every fan who has believed in and supported us on this journey.
Ultimately, we truly want the best outcome for us and everyone we have worked with. We will be the first to admit that, as two violinists with no formal education in business or management processes, it has been a huge learning curve. We are trying to be better, and are always open to constructive feedback.
It has become clear that the amount of negativity and misinformation has been affecting the mental wellbeing of our team and the community in the past few weeks. Therefore, we will be deleting any posts or comments that we come across that contain misinformation or hateful intentions. We will of course still welcome open discourse and constructive feedback.
Finally, we want to thank our fans again for your understanding and support. We have read many of your comments, and it is clear that the majority of you understand that these are just false allegations on the internet. We understand it takes an act of trust to follow and support anyone and we take this responsibility really seriously. Thank you for having our backs.
Brett & Eddy
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The Democratic primary for U.S. Senate in Maryland is rapidly devolving into one of the most bitter intra-party contests of the 2024 election cycle.
WHY IT MATTERS: Whoever emerges from the bruising May 14 primary will likely face an electoral juggernaut in Republican former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan.
• Republicans hope that making the seat competitive – albeit still likely Democratic, according to the Cook Political Report – will force Democrats to defend more territory than expected in an already difficult 2024 map.
• Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said Maryland Democrats are "all committed to dampening down the negativity and preparing to support whoever wins."
• "This is so much bigger than any individual's ego or career ambitions. This really is about the future of the country. We cannot afford to lose a Senate seat," he told Axios.
STATE OF PLAY: Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) is running against Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks to replace retiring Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.).
• Trone, the wealthy owner of Total Wine, has loaned his campaign at least $54 million, per FEC filings.
• But Alsobrooks, who would make history as Maryland's first Black senator, has the backing of most of Trone's colleagues in the state's congressional delegation.
THE LATEST: Trone has courted controversy and outrage in recent weeks with a series of inflammatory comments.
• After Trone inadvertently used a racial slur at a committee hearing in March, several Congressional Black Caucus members got off the sidelines to endorse Alsobrooks.
• Last week, Trone ran an ad in which a Black local official said of Alsobrooks: "The U.S. Senate is not a place for training wheels." The ad was rebroadcast without the line following backlash from Black women.
• On Saturday, dozens of local and state officials signed onto statements slamming Trone for referring to Alsobrooks' endorsers in her home county as "low-level folks."
WHAT WE'RE HEARING: These incidents have caught some of Trone's colleagues who endorsed Alsobrooks off guard.
• The "training wheels" ad "indicated to me that Alsobrooks really does have a lot of momentum," Raskin said. "I don't think they wanted to go negative ... that feels like a reaction to some bad news."
• Rep. Glenn Ivey (D-Md.), in reference to the "low-level" comment, noted that he and former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) both represent Prince George's County and support Alsobrooks.
• "I was a little surprised to hear a comment like that ... some people think Congress is a high-level office," he told Axios.
THE OTHER SIDE: "Our opponent and their supporters have been attacking David Trone for nearly a year, and now a Super PAC backed by a Larry Hogan donor is airing negative attacks to distract Maryland voters," the Trone campaign said in a statement.
• "David Trone is the only candidate in this race who can beat Larry Hogan, that's why his own donors are propping up outside attacks to deliver Mitch McConnell's chosen candidate their preferred opponent."
• State Sen. Jill Carter, who is Black, argued it is "deeply hypocritical" to claim the race is "about making history" because "no ire" was directed at Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) for defeating a Black woman to claim his seat in 2016.
• Alsobrooks supporters should "move beyond the dagger throwing so we can focus on defeating Larry Hogan," Carter told Axios.
WHAT TO WATCH: Trone's "low-level" remark appears to be reverberating beyond the Senate race and creating tension within the Maryland delegation.
• Ivey told Axios that Trone and the rest of the delegation had "been able to work together," but "I don't know if that's changed in the wake of his ... strange comment."
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nanaosaki3940 · 10 months
Touya [The Crimson Butterfly]
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Synopsis: It wasn’t until he met her for the first time that their encounter made him believe that the world is just as beautiful as her. She was brighter than the summer sun, prettier than the spring flowers, kinder than the winter moon & warmer than his blue flames. She was his first and only love, his life, his biggest fan, his supporter, his playmate, his healer, his everything... Even after his supposed ‘death’.
|| My Hero Academia ft. Tokyo Ghoul || (Follows the canon storyline of MHA & is up-to-date with the manga.) 
Pairing: Touya Todoroki X OC/Reader X Shoto Todoroki
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Angst. 
Note: Shoto and my OC are of the same age (16 yrs old) and Dabi/Touya is 8 yrs older than them (24 yrs old) - Just like how it is in the manga.
(A snippet of my MHA fanfic "The Crimson Butterfly". I know this is an xOC fic, but you can read it as a self-insert if you like.)
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Nana’s POV (The fateful day: The beginning of the 2nd War)
Around 10 AM this morning, Midoriya and I made our way towards an abandoned city outside UA to meet up with Aoyama. When we finally reached the designated spot, we found our blonde friend standing alone in the middle of a huge parking lot in front of a shopping mall. 
"Thank you for coming..." Aoyama greeted us in a quiet yet monotone voice with a dull look in his eyes as Midoriya and I flew down from the sky and landed just a few feet away from him on the ground. 
"Why are you out here, Aoyama? Weren’t you being detained?" I asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 
"My parents’ lawyer got me released..." Aoyama replied and this brought a big smile to Midoriya's face. 
"We gotta tell everyone!" Midoriya stated in relief, turning around to leave. "We can rejoin the search effort and-"
"Wait..." Aoyama spoke up again, causing Midoriya to halt on his spot while I stared at the blonde boy with a skeptical look. "I’d like to speak to you two. It’s almost funny… That courts and the illegal system still exist despite Japan being in ruins. With society as it is now, would the old ways of living really get you anywhere?"
"What do you mean Aoyama?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows, crossing my arms over my chest. 
"Let me tell you All For One’s real goal..." Aoyama continued and this got our full attention. "With the state Japan's in... do you know what’s become of the rest of the world? The sudden crash in the value of the Yen… forced Japanese corporations into bankruptcy. That, plus the coordinated uprisings of villains caused the damage to spread worldwide. Now the world faces a crisis much like the Great Depression or the period around the advent of quirks. Record unemployment, loss of faith in currencies… an era of total chaos."
"What are you talking about, Aoyama?" Midoriya asked, getting a bit uncomfortable with this talk. 
"Lacking the strength to implement long-term policies, Japan's society devolves into one scrambling for short-term safety. While the nations who have abandoned Japan prioritize their own stability. In such a world imagine a country lacking potable water. Imagine if a quirk capable of producing that water were to suddenly appear. Or electricity or gas. Or strength. As the world is plunged into this state of chaotic decline, we suddenly have an arena ripe for a certain remarkable individual to take the initiative. he would become the world's arbiter; its very own Demon Lord. He only had to rock that balance somewhere. It didn’t matter how." Aoyama added. 
AFO's ultimate plan is... Capitalism... To become a World Bank?!
Like seriously?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!!
"I don’t think so… The world would never go along with that." I countered back in a strong tone. 
"Nana-chan's right. Besides the world still has us!" Midoriya added. 
"True. Which is why it all has to end here." Aoyama stated with a saddened face and teary eyes, his voice cracking in the end as a certain someone emerged from behind him. "I’m sorry. Alas, I had to protect Mama and Papa." 
"All For One!!" Midoriya and I gasped out in unison, shocked, our eyes widened in the process. 
"Splendidly done, Yuga Aoyama." AFO stated, clapping his hands who was in formal attire with a black skull mask covering his whole head. "How terrifying it must have been to turn on your friends like this. How heartrending, to betray someone who put their faith in you. But you overcame the fear and pain! And that speech about my ultimate goal? Wonderful! Wrong in some of the details but that's fine. Did your parents explain it all to you?" 
"Yes..." Aoyama replied in a trembling tone with tears rolling down his cheeks as he held a remorseful look on his face. "They said you promised us a blessed existence in your new world." 
"Aoyama, did you really betray us again?!" I yelled out through my gritted teeth, clenching my fists in anger and frustration. "How could you?!"
"We believed in you dammit!!" Midoriya cried out, panicking. 
"My pain cannot be measured…" Aoyama trailed off before suddenly he turned around and blasted AFO with his Navel Laser. "By that singular word 'uncle'!!" 
And right on cue, Midoriya immediately let out a large amount of his smokescreen to block AFO's view, and taking the chance, Aoyama quickly moved away from his previous spot and hid behind me for protection. AFO was caught off guard by the sudden attack before he figured out what just happened. It was just all a fake play to lure out the Demon Lord from his hideout. 
"Ungrateful little…" AFO grumbled out through his gritted teeth. 
"That was such a believable performance, Aoyama!" Midoriya praised the blonde boy. 
"Yeah, excellent job!" I added with a wide smirk on my face, coming out from my previous facade as I stood protectively in front of him. "You're gonna win an Oscar for this Aoyama!"
"I had no choice! Otherwise, we could not have lured him here!" Aoyama cried out from behind me, still trembling in fear. "And I must say, both of your actings were tour-de-force as well!"
"We couldn’t help it once your tears started flowing." Midoriya chuckled out as he and I got into our fighting stance once the smokescreen started to dissipate away. 
"The tears are real! I truly am scared! In fact, I think I may have wet myself!" Aoyama cried again. 
"You did great, Aoyama!" I reassured him once again, my eyes now locked on the floating form of AFO. 
"This is for Mama and Papa! For all of my friends and for myself! I shall fight AFO!" Aoyama declared with all his determination. 
"Disappointing." AFO sighed in annoyance before taking off his coat and just then using his Warping quirk, he began to summon the League of Villains, Paranormal Liberation Front, and Nomus all at the same time which included Touya, Tenko, and Toga. "Trap or not, Ghoul and One for all is here within reach. The Search quirk tells the user the location and weaknesses of those they see. And heroes Tomura saw in the previous conflict are deployed and dispersed across the country. They will not make it in time to assist you. They didn’t happen to notice that my people were drawing near! And now I’m afraid they are entirely too late!!" 
My heart skipped a beat when I locked my eyes with Touya who just walked out of the gooey warp gate and landed on the ground. 
He's here... Touya's here... He's finally here... 
His beautiful bluish-turquoise eyes went wide open a bit upon noticing my presence while his instant sorrowful expression didn't go overlooked by me when we gazed at each other from afar before he decided to turn his head away from me and break the eye contact. As I continued to stare at Touya with hope and yearning, I noticed the new outfit he was wearing at that moment; a tattered overcoat, boots, and pants all colored white, with bracers on the sleeves and a belt on his waist. His new outfit also lacked a shirt underneath which caused him to expose his chest. 
"What act of sluttery is he wearing?" I mumbled to myself, a small blush appearing on my cheeks as I scanned Touya from head to toe, trying hard not to facepalm. "Did he seriously decide to walk into this war like a whore?" 
Although my words didn't go unheard by Midoriya and the poor green-haired boy tried his best not to burst out into a fit of laughter. I also noticed Tenko looking the same, not to mention even worse; completely topless, in a pair of black pants, his traditional red shoes, and a long ragged-looking cape hanging on his shoulders.
What the hell is up with these villains and their fashion sense these days...?
"Mama and Papa told me something else…" Aoyama spoke up again, causing me to snap out of my trance. "They told me what it is you fear most, AFO. You fear the world learning that Japan isn’t finished yet. You feel the light and hope that will come with recovery. And you fear Japan inspiring the world to unite once more. So today is the day and this is the place where you fall!!" 
And just then AFO got alerted when he suddenly noticed a black mist appearing behind Midoriya which happened to be Kurogiri's quirk, confusing the Demon Lord to no end and soon realized who it actually was; it was none other than Monoma from Class 1-B who copied the misty warping gate quirk and now using it to bring out the heroes from our side. 
"Didn't see that coming, huh AFO?! Suck, doesn't it?!" I taunted him as Endeavor, Mirko, Fat Gum, Edgeshot, Tamaki senpai, Nejire senpai, Gang Orca and the others appeared by our side. 
And so the rumbling begins!!!
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!! The man behind the curtain!!" Monoma laughed hysterically, being all full of himself like always, as he brought out more and more heroes from the warp gate. 
"Just as expected, he's brought his army along!" Detective Tsukauchi stated out through the comms from the headquarters (The Central Hospital). "All squads, take action!" 
"If he steals Ghoul and OFA, he'll have no need to run and hide ever again! They'll attempt to bring it all to an end right now!" All Might pointed out from beside Tsukauchi. 
As we the Heroes and Villains all charged toward each other, Tenko touched the ground, only to notice something peculiar, so commanded Touya to attack.
"Dabi..." Tenko called out.
"You ain’t the boss of me, leader!" Touya shouted back before he dashed straight toward Endeavor, his hands already ignited with his blue flames. "Fancy running into you here, dear old dad!! Come to watch your pals get cremated?!"
Touya was prepared to burn everyone with his fire and as soon as he shot out a huge gush of his flames toward the heroes, a large explosion of ice appeared from the misty warp gate and canceled out his fire; emerging from another warp gate, Shoto and our whole Class 1-A just joined the battle. 
"Not on my watch, Baka Aniki!!" Shoto yelled out. 
"Shoto!!" Touya yelled back in excitement, getting all pumped up. 
"Like cockroaches…" AFO groaned out in annoyance and just then, among the sea of villains, I noticed the ones I needed to go up against; Shuu Tsukiyama and Rize Kamishiro, all decked up and ready to fight like always. 
"It's been a while, Nana-kun!!" Tsukiyama shouted out with a huge grin on his face as he and Rize dashed their way toward me. 
"How many years now?! Almost 3 years, right?!" Rize added, unleashing her Rinkaku kagune from her back. 
"Oh, how I've been itching all these many years just to finish you guys off!" I taunted back and immediately unleashed both of my Rinkaku and Ukaku kagune while bringing out my scythe. "Time for payback for what you guys did to me 3 years back!!" 
"Operation Troy-Tempt and Trap!! Activate!!" All Might commanded through the comms.  
Upon his commands, suddenly, the ground beneath us started to shake violently before cages emerged from beneath the battlefield, surrounding all the villains in individual metal containers and as soon as the villains were being trapped in those metal cages, Monoma began to summon several more warp gates around the cages while we the Heroes prepared ourselves to shove them all in, to split up the villains.
"Cages? They can’t be serious!" Touya commented before getting trapped into one of the cages. 
"I’m pulling these strings!! Everyone now! Shove them in!!" Monoma ordered us before looking over at me. "Osaki!! Use your repulsive force now!!" 
"Roger!!" I replied and started to use the Repulsive force technique of my Gravity Manipulation quirk to push the metal cages into their respective warp gates. 
"This cage is moving?! They really think this tin can is gonna hold us?!" one of the villains cried out. 
"Break it open! Quickly!" Toga screamed out from inside her cage. 
As I continued to push the cages into the warp gates, Touya suddenly used his flames to melt down the metallic container he was trapped in before trying to get out from there. 
"Your pathetic cages didn’t even last three whole seconds!" Touya mocked and just then Shoto and his gang appeared in front of him to push him into their respective warp gate. 
"3 seconds is all we needed!" Shoto countered back as the two brothers began to attack each other with their flames while submerging into the gate. 
"Lock them down for an instant! Break them into smaller groups! Seize the slightest advantage! All of this to shove you into those warp gates all at once and split you up without fail!!" All Might continued through the comms once again. 
"Deku!" Bakugo called out to Midoriya as he headed towards Tenko. 
"Yep!" Midoriya responded and began to follow the explosive blonde. 
"Ahahahahaha! I’m the mover and shaker!!" Monoma continued to laugh while still keeping Kurogiri's quirk activated.
Among us heroes, Uraraka and Tsuyu headed towards Toga's direction while Kaneki and Ayato joined by my side a few seconds later to go after Rize and Tsukiyama. Just as we all were about to enter our respective warp gates, an unusual occurrence happened. From two different warp gates, two whips came out and grabbed me and Midoriya individually by our wrists. And before we could even realize what was happening, we were being pulled away from our respective comrades. 
"What the?!" I gasped out in shock. 
"Huh?!" Midoriya gasped out as well in confusion. 
"Nana!!" Kaneki called out in worry as he tried to reach out and grab me but failed. 
"Nana-Nee!!" Ayato called out as well in concern. 
"Huh?! Oi, Deku!!" Bakugo called out to the green-haired boy but it was already too late. 
Both Midoriya and I were pulled into two separate warp gates which we weren't supposed to enter. After entering the unknown scene, I immediately landed on the ground as soon as I passed through the gate and began to look around to see where I actually was; Ground Zero in Kamino Ward. 
What?! Ground Zero?! Why am I here?! Shit!!
I was supposed to be on the other side of the Kamino City with Ken and Ayato, facing off against Rize and Tsukiyama!! 
"They are divided! Now we shift to phase two!" All Might commanded through the comms again. 
"Nana?!" familiar voices called out my name in shock, causing me to turn around and face them; it was Shoto, Iida, and Endeavor's sidekicks (Burnin, Kido, and Onima). 
"What are you doing here?" Shoto asked in surprise. "Weren't you suppose to be with Kaneki and Ayato?" 
"I was, but..." I trailed off in confusion before looking down at the wrist where the whip was still wrapped around. 
"Sorry, Babydoll." a familiar deep masculine voice spoke up from just a few feet away from us and we all looked over at the man himself; Touya, smirking down at me while firmly holding the other end of the whip. "Couldn't let you go so easily, you know... You're just too precious." 
"Touya... but how?" I asked in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows a bit. 
"That crazy woman gave it to me, said it might come in handy. Hate to admit it, but she was right." Touya replied, referring to Toga as 'the crazy woman', causing me to click my tongue in frustration as I unwrapped my wrist from his whip before the news was sent to us by Tsukauchi through the comms that Midoriya was warped to an aquarium, alongside Gang Orca, Uraraka and Tsuyu by Toga using her whip. 
"So, Izuku isn't with Katsuki and Jeanist at the UA High right now, huh? That sucks." I stated in a calming tone though I was kinda panicking from the inside before I looked back at Touya and locked gazes with him. "Looks like I'm stuck here with you, for now, Touya."  
This wasn't supposed to happen...
I wasn't supposed to fight Touya...
What should I do now?!
"Indeed, Doll-face..." Touya agreed in a mocking tone as he climbed up on the All Might victory statue before unleashing his blue flames around us, causing us to get into our fighting stance at once. "So, now... where were we?"
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Fuck!! This is bad!! This is really, really bad!! 
Right now, Shoto, Iida, and I were at Ground Zero in Kamino Ward, where Touya was completely burning everyone down in a fire tornado while being accompanied by a spiky Near High-End Nomu, dwindling down our accompanying heroes.
"There are already so few heroes left and you are losing more by the minute..." Touya stated in a calming tone, glancing around with a bored look in his eyes while hanging onto the All Might victory statue as he began to reminiscence on the current event being similar to the Hosu Incident. "Let’s see, we have got a Nomu in a raging sea of fire. This is really bringing back memories even if it wasn't that long ago. Seeing that battle in Hosu spurred me to take action, you know?" 
"Nana! Shoto!" Iida yelled out in concern from outside the ring of Touya's fire tornado as he couldn't get any closer to us or else the fire would damage his engines. 
While Shoto and the others could resist the fire and the heat, I, on the other hand, was using the Repulsive Force of my Gravity Manipulation quirk to push back the flames away from me. Using this repulsive force as a defense, I could repel nearby opponents or attacks without breaking a sweat like for example I could use this force to disperse flame attacks which could also strike the user back. But in this case, I wasn't doing that because my intention was not to attack or hurt Touya. It was just to protect myself from his flames. 
"The sheer heat! It's extraordinary!" I commented in surprise yet amazement while Endeavor's sidekicks used their quirks to absorb Touya's hot flames as much as they could for now. 
"Oops, sorry. Just yapping away to myself." Touya stated, letting out a sigh as he propelled himself up into the air by shooting out flames from under his feet. "Once again, he won't pay me any attention. It really bums me out that all I get is his third son and his three merry helpers. Is that really his answer to me?"
"You keep back, Kido. Your body's got no way to withstand the heat." Onima stated, looking back at his comrade. 
"I’m good. You know I can alter the trajectory of anything so I have just gotta make all that heat air swerve around me. Nothing new for me. Keep a cool head and go about it logically. That’s how I have done it for a whole decade. Just like always. I’m here to follow our main man’s orders because I want to." Kido replied while doing his job. 
"His family drama may be a can of worms, but Endeavor shows up and gets the job done, even if he does stink like an old fart!" Burnin commented, frowning up at Touya before looking back at me and Shoto. "And that includes today! And now he has handed off us three junior stinkers to you! So you have got our full support, kid! You too, Nana-chan!"
"Thanks for that Burnin." Shoto responded back, his gaze locked onto Touya. 
"No thanks needed! Save your energy!" Burnin joked with her signature laugh. 
"Touya… Dabi…" Shoto carefully called out, furrowing his eyebrows in the process. "You have got it all wrong. I’m not here on anyone’s orders. I’m standing here now because I made the decision to stop you."
"Stellar job, being the perfect little pawn Dad always dreamed of." Touya mocked his little brother as smoke came out of his mouth. 
And this caused me to get worried even more. Months ago, back at our fight in Jaku City, Touya wasn't covered with as many burns marks as he was covered right now. As I carefully observed his new scars and burn marks in concern, I realized that his body was burning away even more as he continued to use his quirk wildly. My chest tightened and my heart hammered hard against my chest in concern. In concern for his wellbeing. 
"If I ignored you and kept trying to be a hero anyway that just might be true..." Shoto replied in a strong tone. 
"Hey, fair enough…" Touya stated casually with a shrug. "This war is all about the people involved. It’s not the mindless soldiers following orders who are the real movers and shakers. This is what happens when everyone's got feelings and urges that start firing off. Some wanna change the world they live in. Or destroy… The warped imbalances built up over time that we all just came to accept. Behold, the limitations of a superpowered society. That's me. That’s all of us." 
"Touya..." I called out in a soft tone with small tears forming in the corner of my eyes, causing him to look over at me. "Please stop this. You're burning yourself alive." 
"I don't care anymore, Babydoll. I just really don't care..." he replied in a monotone voice with no trace of emotion in his voice, aching my heart even more and this frustrated me to no end.  
"Why are you being so stubborn like this, huh? Though, to be fair, you had always been a stubborn guy. But, that raises my question... You survived back then… So, why didn’t you come back home?" I asked, frowning at him and Touya let out a chuckle in amusement. 
"You really wanna know, Doll? Fine. Happy to share. Rotten or not, I’m still your Touya." Touya replied with a grin as his already burned flesh around the right side of his face began to crumble and fall off, leaving him horribly disfigured while a portion of his jaw and teeth, as well as muscles and tendons, were now visible and his burns continued to spread around his face, leaving me shocked and concerned. "Here is the story of how I became Dabi…  and the reason I’m still alive and kicking to tell the tale… Even when I never stopped burning hotter than you, Shoto, his masterpiece!" 
Flashback (11 years earlier, at Sekoto peak)
'Hot! It’s so hot!!' a 13-year-old Touya thought to himself in pain and agony as he continued to burn himself to a crisp on top of Mt. Sekoto while burning everything else around him to ashes. 'No, no, no! I don’t wanna die!! I still haven’t… I still haven’t shown him anything! And Nana-chan?! Oh, Nana-chan! I can't leave her behind just like this!! I wanna live a long life with her!!' 
Desperate while on the verge of death, Touya frantically began to run around in the midst of the ocean of his own flames to find any source of water to extinguish the fire on his body before finding a lake nearby and jumping into it to quell the flames. And soon after when Touya lost consciousness and laid there in the water all burned and crisped, almost turned into charcoal, his charred body was later discovered on the very spot by the Demon Lord himself, AFO. 
After this, three whole years passed by before the white-haired Todoroki boy finally woke up from his long comatose. A 16-year-old Touya let out a gasp before snapping his eyes wide open and the first thing that came to his view was a white ceiling. Shocked and confused, he immediately sat up and looked around at his surrounding while trying to figure out what was happening right now. He found himself laying on a bed and with all these childish decorations around him, he realized that he was in a nursery school. 
'Where am I? I’m alive…?' he thought to himself as he walked down the hallway before entering a room full of kids younger than him. 
"Oh! he’s awake!" A young girl with short hair stated gleefully, causing the others to shift their attention towards him while Touya stared at them in pure confusion. 
"Sleepyhead is awake!" another little girl with long hair added with a bright smile on her face.
"Where are we?" Touya finally spoke up before halting himself from speaking any further. 
'Was that really my voice?' he thought in shock, realizing how deep and manly he sounded just now. 
"This is where we live, silly!" the short-haired girl replied with a giggle while the long-haired girl rushed towards the other room to fetch their sensei. "It’s um… three years, sleepyhead! You were asleep for three whole years! At least that’s what sensei told me… since I haven’t been here all that long!" 
Touya immediately went rigid on the spot upon hearing those words, his eyes went wide open in shock and disbelief.  
'Three years? How? What happened? What’s going on? I was on Sekoto peak and then… I burned up and… I have to get home!'
"We can’t have that now can we, sunny?" the sensei (creepy-looking dude with a sunflower head and a buffed body) stated with a bright smile as he and Touya were now in an office room, talking about the situation. 
"Why not?!" Touya asked in confusion. 
"From now on you live here with everyone!" the sensei replied, still with a smiling face. "Your very own place under the sun! They're your new family! You'll come to love it, as sure as the sun does rise!"
"Huh? That can't be!" Touya argued back in desperation, tears forming in his eyes as his voice began to tremble. "I gotta get home! I bet that Dad… was just too busy with work to come see me, right? Probably? Yeah, he must be really worried! Those were some awful things I did and said. I should apologize to Mom and everyone. And Dad still needs to see what I can do. And above all, Nana-chan is waiting for me! I need to go and see Nana-chan!" 
And just then a very deep yet eerie masculine voice spoke up from a computer on a table beside them. It was AFO. 
"Sadly your hope is in vain." AFO stated and Touya looked at the screen of the computer in confusion. "Restoring your burnt and broken body was a monumental task. Your missing pieces had to be replaced via regenerative tissue. You’re a changed man with that burnt rictus look on your face and yet you survived."
"I’m changed? I don't get… what you're saying…" Touya trailed off as he put a hand on his throat, suddenly getting worried. 
"You’ll never exhibit the power you once did. Every organ was damaged. Your senses, your ability to feel pain, all dulled. Your body is debilitated. And you will never be the same again." AFO replied, causing Touya to put a hand over his own mouth, horrified. "But alas, despite our best efforts, we wanted to welcome you in at your full strength… We failed." 
And the word 'failure' caused Touya to fall into even more despair, breaking and crumbling his soul and spirit into pieces as he began to recall what Enji used to call him back then over and over again; a failure. 
"You must be suffering, you poor thing." AFO continued, using his sympathetic voice to lure Touya. "But, I must just be able to restore your flames at their full glory! Well, what do you say? Will you join our family and allow me to raise you?" 
"Shut up…" Touya hissed out through his gritted teeth, looking down at the ground while covering his face with a hand as he viciously denied the Demon Lord. 
"Hmm?" AFO hummed out in confusion before the white-haired Todoroki boy looked up at the computer with fury and hatred in his eyes. 
"No way am I getting trained by anyone else." Touya added with finality in his voice, showcasing his unhealthy obsession with his father Enji Todoroki aka Endeavor. 
And with that Touya somehow managed to escape from the nursery school after burning the whole place down with his own blue flames. Later he did go back home, and even though his body was weaker and he didn't have anything to look forward to anymore, he wanted to see if anything changed. However, seeing his butsudan (funeral altar) in his old bedroom, and Endeavor's continued abuse toward Shoto, reminded him of his purpose as a failed creation, and his family had already left him behind.
Flashback ended 
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3rd Person's POV (At a prison)
"I suppose, the big day has begun then?" Dr. Kyudai Garaki (aka Dr. Ujiko) spoke up in a tired tone from inside his cell causing a gorilla police officer who was standing down the hallway to frown at his words. 
"Be quiet." the cop ordered. 
"You are light on guards today. So it’s pretty obvious." Garaki pointed out. "All to prepare for today. That's why we sought out twisted raw material born into this world. Warped seeds that could serve as his vessel. That one too was born with some cracks in him. No, maybe, from the very start, it wasn’t just cracks... Maybe that boy was born with everything." 
And with that, the doctor began to tell the exact same story of Touya Todoroki to the police officer. 
"He had already been too molded by his upbringing for us to lead him astray. He was already festering away inside. Even the man who had known absolute control far and wide couldn't exploit the boy’s obsession with his father. Those kids were our spares, in case anything happened to Tomura Shigaraki. A seedbed of ferocity and hatred. One full of vessels for the demon king. Dabi as one of those spares was a failed experiment." Garaki went on.
"How despicable!" The cop grumbled in disgust. "No, never mind! What are you even trying to say?! More crap about how AFO had everything planned out from the start?"
"I’m saying they'd better watch out. ‘Cause that one boy never did buy what we were selling. Nah, we gave up on Dabi and let him run loose cause after his body came back to life and he was up and about, he wasn't supposed to live for more than a month. What a surprise, when the broker Giran brought him back to our doorstep. Why had he come back? How was he still alive? I had to know what Dabi was really thinking, so I arranged a moment when we would be alone just the two of us..." Garaki continued as he referred to their meeting where he and Touya went to meet the Near High-End Nomu, Hood in one of their hideouts; the same Nomu that was taken down by Nana, Endeavor, and Hawks back at Kyushu. 
"Ujiko-san, you're the one who kept me alive right?" Touya asked as he stared down at Hood in front of him. 
"Why I’m tickled pink that you realized!" Garaki chuckled. "Now tell me, what's been keeping you kicking?"
"Seeing this walking corpse here gives me a decent idea of what you people were planning to do with me. And I’m back now… because this seemed like the perfect place for my funeral." Touya stated before looking back at Garaki over his shoulder with a murderous glare in his eyes, sending a strong shiver down the doctor's spine. 
"That one glimpse told me everything. He had kept his dying body tethered to this world through a pure blazing grudge." Garaki stated. "Heat is energy born of living things as they move and thrive. AFO who seeks to live forever had no use for that mad heat, rushing headlong toward death. The Demon Lord himself had to abandon that frenzied flame of death." 
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Nana's POV (Back at Ground Zero)
I stared at Touya with wide eyes and a dropped jaw upon hearing the story from him. 
AFO saved Touya and recovered him to almost full health?! 
Touya was in a coma for three years?! 
Touya was a replacement in case Tenko couldn't become the next successor of AFO?! 
But they saw him as a failure because of his quirk and his body, so they wanted to use him in their Nomu program instead?! 
Thank God Touya ran away from there before anything bad happened to him...
'Cause for sure that the potato-headed bastard would've used him and turned him into a Nomu...
"Nana, Shoto, I did come home actually..." Touya spoke up again as his fire started to grow even more in comparison to size, strength, and temperature. "Even though I was weaker than ever and there was no way that what I was hoping for was there. I still just wanted to be seen… but then… but I was sure something must have changed… that’s all I wanted to see. Instead, I was shown once more… after three years away, I witnessed that old familiar scene. The reason I was born. The fact is, as a failed creation, my life had been pointless. this family had left me behind in their past."
Touya started to fly higher and higher into the sky and began to emit larger flames from his whole arms, burning his skin even more. 
"When you surpass your limits… it’s like everything you have built up is flipped around upside down. I focused on honing my flames so I won’t be so weak when next we met. This body of mine kept peeling away and falling to pieces but I never felt a thing. You want battle moves? I have seen them all, over and over." Touya went on and my eyes widened in concern, seeing him burning himself up even more. 
"Kids! Listen, I think-" Onima shouted out worriedly.  
"Yeah, he has been prepared to die from the start!" Shoto added with a frowned face through his gritted teeth, getting ready to counterattack. 
"Touya!! Please just stop already!!" I cried out in desperation, but all my words fell deaf in his ears. 
"Every time that thing saved the city, every time that thing got a boost in popularity, my heart kept pounding away!! Ever since the day that Touya died and Dabi was born!!" Touya continued, getting ready to launch an attack called 'Flashfire Heatfist' as he stomped over All Might's statue, melting it down in the process. "Once I have burned away all that that thing holds near and dear, that will be the mark I have left on this world!!" 
"Like I said, Baka Aniki, not on my watch!!" Shoto responded back, putting his hands together to create an attack. 
Ultimate move, Flash Firefist; it builds up internal heat to the maximum threshold before unleashing it as an attack. It’s the peak manifestation of fire achieved by a young Endeavor. When Endeavor mastered this move in his quest for power, he came to understand his own limitations and that fire produced a shimmering heat haze that warped and distorted all that he gazed upon.
"All right! That little chat has got me pumped for this! Thanks for listening to my tale!" Touya yelled out, getting all pumped up before looking over at me for a split second. "Now Babydoll, step aside! This battle here is between me and my little brother!" 
Touya doesn't wanna fight me...? 
Also, he’s faster than Shoto at raising his temperature! There is no hint of hesitation!
A huge ocean of blue flames surrounded us while Touya standing on top of a melting All Might statue was looking like a walking, talking inferno.
"Now that I’m thinking about it with a cool head, even if Dad ain’t here, you’ll make for some prime kindling all the same, little brother!" Touya stated as he continued to shoot more and more fire around us, trapping us inside a firey tsunami. 
"I’m the one who'll stop you!" Shoto yelled back, still controlling his fire and ice sides. 
"Hey, now, don't get the wrong idea! I’ve got some legit thoughts about you too, Shoto!" Touya countered back, ready to finally launch his attack. "It began when I worked on boosting weakened flames. Turning up the firepower was all I knew. 'Your potential surpasses my own'; that's what he had said. That encouraged me. The numbing of my body stripped away my limitations which was ideal, following his lead with max output." 
"Nana, get away from here!!" Shoto and Burning shouted out, pushing me behind them. 
"Flashfire Fist: Hell Spider!!" Touya unleashed his attack, sending a wide array of fire spirals all outside the tornado. "Are you a fan of All Might, Shoto?!" 
Touya's Hell Spider attack was similar to what Endeavor once used on the Nomu called Hood back at Kyushu, but his flames were rawer and more intense. Touya's firepower and the heat were so strong, just the sheer strength of his quirk overwhelmed me to no end, leaving me completely stunned and speechless. I always knew Touya had the potential to surpass his own father, but I had never imagined that he would grow this powerful and strong, and that amazed yet scared me all at the same time. 
"Incoming!!" Burnin and the others announced, getting ready to stop Touya's attack. 
"Hot! Hot! Is that Endeavor's move?!" heroes who were fighting that big spiky Nomu yelled out. 
"So much thicker though… and so haphazard!" someone else added. 
"Ready yet, Shoto?!" Burnin asked. 
"I am!" Shoto replied, ready to launch his attack. 
But just then with the help of my Ghoul quirk sensing ability, I sensed Touya's speed blitzing and slid behind Shoto with the help of his flames in a matter of seconds, almost melting the ground with his fire in the process, before the bi-color-haired boy could even do anything as a counterattack. 
So fast! The Hell Spider was a smokescreen!!
"Shoto, behind you!! Watch out!!" I shouted out as a warning but it was already too late. 
"One thing I just gotta ask, Shoto. What was the look on your face..." Touya yelled out before launching a firey punch on Shoto and hitting him right on the face, causing Shoto to fly way back from where he originally was. "While you were holed up at UA with all those scared little civilians?!" 
Touya then immediately dashed forward and continued his assault on Shoto by throwing a series of fiery punches and kicks at his little brother with no sign or intention of stopping or whatsoever. 
"Son of Endeavor, brother of Dabi… Calamity incarnate, concentrated down into a boy-sized package!! A worthless mix of fire and ice!! Awful brazen of ya, Shoto!! Have you no shame at all?!" Touya asked as blue flames started to come out of his mouth like a dragon while he continued to mock Shoto even more. 
"Shoto!!" Burnin yelled out in concern. "That’s more firepower than even Endeavor can boast! But if he keeps the heat dialed up like that…"
"Blessed with the ideal body and ushered into a place where you could shine bright, but still, you depend on everyone else!! The boy born with everything! But you sure don't capitalize on it!! Can't even man enough to own it!! No one's willing to say it to your face, so allow me!! You're a feckless, half-baked puppet!! You’ll never make a damn thing of yourself!!" Touya continued as he unleashed a beam-looking Jet Burn attack like a strong fiery punch that blasted Shoto up in the air and launched him directly into a building; an attack so strong that the whole building shook and slightly bend back after Shoto crashed into it. 
"Oh my god, Shoto!" I cried out in concern. 
At that moment, I was amazed and scared all at once. It was a very weird feeling, something that I couldn't explain to myself. Amazed because Touya had grown really strong and I was proud of his improvement. Scared because of the fight that was going on right now in front of my eyes and how Touya was beating up Shoto while burning himself up with his own flames even more. 
If Touya doesn't stop, he's gonna burn himself to death!!
"You're not wrong about me…" Shoto finally spoke up from the building he crashed into with scratches, small burn marks, and blood all over his body but didn't look like Touya's attack damaged him that much. "I took a long way around… A half-baked dummy. That’s me. And was full of doubts all the while…"
He neutralized Touya's heat?!
"Here I thought you were only focusing on Dad! But, no, you were nice enough to take a close look at me too. Glad to know it." Shoto stated and Touya frowned at him in fury and hatred. "I stumbled onto this… while working on that old move in the hope of keeping pace with the others. I turned Flashfire into something more. Now it’s a move made to stop you. I may be your half-baked little brother, but let me say this… Dad was a madman! Our family was screwed up! But when you burned all those people to death, that was your choice! You're not taking any more innocent lives!!" 
And with that Shoto jumped off that building and headed straight towards Touya to launch his new ultimate attack. 
"You damn golden boy!!" Touya snarled out vigorously, also dashing towards Shoto to fight back.
"Just aim all your rage at us!! Flashfire fist: Phosphor!!" Shoto added before unleashing his ultimate Super Move, Flashfire Fist: Phosphor on Touya. 
Phosphor allowed Shoto to channel both halves of his quirk throughout his body via his circulatory system, using his heart as a generator to circulate the chilled and hot blood around his entire body, merging the two halves of his Quirk into a single ability. The move granted Shoto an incredible defensive and offensive advantage against most opponents, especially those wielding pyrokinetic quirks. The flames created by the technique were described as being a 'Cold Fire' of sorts, allowing him to both burn and freeze his opponents. This move was first developed during a training session between members of Class 1-A in the UA courtyard before this war started. It was described by Shoto as his body coming together 'as one', as well as creating 'a body even Touya can't burn'. The move usually took a certain amount of concentration and focus to build up, so if he lost control, he had to build it back up again, and thus because of that, it took Shoto this much of a time to launch the attack on Touya. 
"Icebound crash: Coldflame's Pale Blade!!" Shoto launched another firey-icy attack on Touya as soon as Phosphor hit his older brother, sending the white-haired older Todoroki flying back. "Maybe this is the way to cool your head!!"
So he's got himself a body that can withstand Touya's scorching heat and he found the power to chill Touya's inferno…
"Aren't you the perfect man for this job, huh?!" Touya taunted him, recovering from the attack by using his own fire as he jumped backward and landed on the ground. "What a wonderful sense of morality you have, brother! You go on and on about right and wrong choices. But I knew it! We might share the same blood, but we ended up real different!! Once you stray from the right path, there’s no turning back! A warped rail can never mingle with a straight and narrow one! The limitations of a super-powered society! That's us! You hear me?! Running in parallel but forever apart!!"
Shoto ended up losing control of his Phosphor and needed to switch it back on. But just then, right an instant, Touya touched the ground beneath him and pushed his fire into it, unleashing gigantic volcanic eruptions all over the battlefield. The whole ground of the battlefield shook violently beneath us and was now breaking apart with enormous splashes of bluish magma and lava gushing out from it, shooting high up in the air and smoldering anything and everything it touched within its vicinity. 
"Now burn to ash! Die for our sake!!" Touya shouted out as he continued to burn himself up even more than before which was ultimately leading him to lose his already burned skin and flesh as both of his arms began to burn to the bones, skin melting off his face; his whole body was now engulfed with his own blue flames, making him almost look like a character called Johnny Blaze from the Ghost Rider movie. 
"Touya, please stop!!" I cried out in concern and desperation, immediately using my Gravity Manipulation quirk on us before lifting myself and the others (excluding Touya) high up into the air to avoid Touya's volcanic eruption that was coming out from the ground before looking over at Shoto with a pleading look, my anxiety level had already crossed its limiting point. "Shoto, please do something!! Stop him from killing himself!! Please!!"  
"Shoto… you couldn't be more right!" Burnin groaned out in pain as she and the others already took the brunt of the damage to protect me and Shoto. 
"I’m sorry, you guys!" Shoto cried out, getting ready to unleash another attack. 
"Quit it. Save your energy!" Burning chuckled out.  
"Thank you!" Shoto added and looked over at me once again, getting all ready with his new attack. "Nana! Put me back down on the ground! I'm ready!" 
"Promise me you'll stop him?!" I asked him with tears forming in my eyes, causing Shoto to soften his gaze on me. 
"I promise!!" he reassured me in a gentle yet firm tone. 
Right on cue, I immediately put Shoto back on the ground who using his quirk split blitzed, and went up in front of Touya before putting a hand on Touya's chest. He was so fast that Touya couldn't even realize what just happened to respond back immediately to the situation.  
"There is always turning back, even if it is by force..." Shoto stated and Touya's eyes went wide open upon hearing those words. "We're gonna mingle, whether you like it or not. So please, just stop already, at least for Nana's sake..." 
And with that Shoto unleashed his final ultimate move on Touya, Great Glacial Aegir: Arctic Tsunami, a gigantic wave of cold fire that shot directly through his older brother's chest, and the fire all over Kamino were later immediately frozen over by his ice as he grabbed ahold of an unconscious and alive Touya in his arms. The intensity of the fiery battle between the two Todoroki brothers overwhelmed me so much that my heart stopped beating for a few seconds and I was trying to register the situation in front of me right now. 
Shoto Todoroki had won the fight and stood as the final victor on the battlefield. 
It took me a moment to finally realize that Touya was really taken down and was also unconscious before I put down myself and the others back on the now icy ground. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I immediately dashed forward at lightning-fast speed toward the Todoroki brothers and pulled both of them into a warm bear hug. Proper words wouldn't come out of my mouth in joy and relief as I held the brothers dearly into my chest with tears continued to roll down my cheeks like a waterfall and I couldn't just stop sobbing. The fight was over and both of the Todoroki brothers were alive in my arms, breathing. I was happy, I was relieved. That was enough for me. 
"I-I kept my promise, Nana..." Shoto coughed out, moving a bit away from me, all beaten and bruised up as he kneeled down on the ground beside me, his lips curled up into a small smile. "I promised you that I'll bring Touya-Nii back into your arms..." 
I couldn't help but smile back at Shoto as I slightly nodded my head in response and wrapped both of my arms around Touya's unconscious body, pulling him even closer to my chest before burying my face into his spiky yet soft snow-white hair; his body was burning, sizzling hot and he smelled like smoke, dust, and burned flesh, but I didn't care any of that. I was so happy and relieved that I didn't care about anything anymore at this very moment. I was just simply happy by the fact that I could touch Touya again, I could feel him, sense him and inhale his scent like the old times once again. Finally, Touya was back in my arms and this time I won't let him go ever again. 
"Thank you, Shoto..." I sobbed out, tightening my grip around Touya even more. "Thank you..." 
After Shoto’s overwhelming victory followed by Touya’s defeat and arrest, I carefully handed over Touya’s unconscious body to Onima (one of Endeavor’s side-kicks) before making my way back to Shoto and Iida to see how the former was doing. Iida had Shoto by his side kneeling on the ground, just a few feet away from Touya and Onima, as the bi-color-haired boy huffed and puffed from exhaustion, bruises and burn marks were evident on his body.
“Your engines stalled, right? Sorry…” Shoto apologized to Iida in a soft yet gruff tone.
“You have nothing to apologize for!” Iida immediately assured the injured boy, draping an arm around his shoulders.
This interaction caused me to smile at them before I spoke up.
“Shoto…” I called out softly, causing the said boy to look up at me. “Thank you…”
Shoto’s bi-colored eyes widened in shock in response while I continue to speak up.
“Thank you for everything, Shoto… I know I asked a lot from you and I have been selfish-“ I blabbered out before Shoto immediately cut me off.
“It was nothing, Nana, really.” He stated with a smile that warmed my heart. “Compared to whatever you have done for me and my family up until now, this was nothing… also, Touya-Nii is my brother, there’s no way I can ignore him. This is something I have to do and I’m glad it’s over now…”
Hearing that, I smiled back at Shoto in response. Shoto did everything he could do to stop his older brother and I hoped his words really did reach Touya at some level. I really hoped Touya had calmed down now. And just when I was thinking about Touya and Shoto’s earlier interactions, I heard Onima suddenly speak up to himself and his mumbling voice reached my ears.
“How is he still alive in this state…?” Onima mumbled while holding an unconscious Touya captive.
At that moment, I noticed something strange about Touya. I looked closely from where I was standing with the boys and noticed a spark igniting in Touya’s stomach. And seeing this, my eyes widened a bit in confusion.
“Shoto… what’s that?” I asked, pointing at Touya, and in response, Shoto looked over at his older brother. “That spark in Touya’s stomach…”
Both Shoto and Iida also looked at the older Todoroki in confusion and for some reason, I didn’t know why, I started to feel anxious again.
“Shoto, this isn’t good. Something’s happening to Touya.” I stated in concern, furrowing my eyebrows as I sensed Touya’s breathing was getting heavier with the passage of every second. “Touya’s regaining his consciousness again…”
Onima and Kido also might have noticed the change in Touya and they were about to do something about it when suddenly, something horrific happened right in front of our eyes. Within mere seconds, large spirals of blue flames erupted out of Touya’s charred body and the said boy immediately attacked the two side-kicks with his flames. Touya was quick with his moves and attacks which threw Onima and Kido off guard in shock and his blue flames were so hot and so destructive that it was too much for the other two to handle. 
Shoto, Iida, and I watched the whole scene in shock and horror when Touya finally regained his consciousness, watching him burn off Onima and Kido with a devilish grin on his face. At that moment, Touya looked nothing like how he did before. He looked like a walking, talking mummy in an inferno now and his facial expression was so demonic that it literally scared me. Touya wasn't looking human anymore at that point. 
“Touya, what the fuck?! Stop this already!!” I screamed out in concern and frustration but unfortunately, the said boy didn’t pay any attention to my words. 
“Given how this worked out… it’s actually great that I fought you first…” Touya stated to Shoto with a grin before he started laughing while holding a burning Onima by the neck with his left hand. “Ha, ha! Experiencing something yourself just hits differently! Intuition helps when getting the idea of how it works… Right before you put me on ice, I took a chance and mimicked your big move!!”
“Run, Nana, Shoto!!” Burnin yelled at us.
“Am I doing it right, Shoto?!” Touya asked as we noticed a crossed blue flame in the middle of his chest. 
“Touya copied Shoto’s Phosphor move?!” I gasped in shock. 
I always knew Touya was smart and intellectual…
But I never thought that he was this smart…!!
“Onima-san, no!!!” Shoto screamed out in concern as Touya tossed a burned-up Onima away from him.
“It isn’t just sheer firepower, Shoto. This whole time, Touya has studied and trained his quirk on his own! Your brother’s honed instincts are bolstered by his hard work and obsession!” I pointed out, frowning at Touya who was now creating a huge sea of blue flames around us.
“You’re right…” Shoto agreed with me through gritted teeth, frowning as well.
Touya's inferno started to endlessly increase and consume the city once again and against all odds, he was still standing in front of us. It felt as if we weren’t standing on the hard ground anymore; it was as if we were standing on an ocean of raging blue flames. The flames literally consumed the ground beneath us, causing me to levitate myself and the others a few feet up from the ground with the help of my Gravity Manipulation quirk. Touya’s flames were so hot and ferocious that it was preventing us from even going near him. I then started using my Repulsive force as a defense around me and the boys to protect ourselves from the wild wrathful flames of Touya.
“Skeptic!!” Touya suddenly yelled out at the High-End Nomu which was going up against the other heroes in Kamino.
“Ahem, I’m busy! Don’t pester me, Mr. Daddy Issues!!” Skeptic’s voice yelled back at Touya from a micro-device that was on the back of the Nomu. “You want Endeavor? He is trading blows with AFO at the Gunga Villa ruins!!”
“Talk about firepower!!” Burnin gasped at Touya who was erupting even more of his blue flames from wherever he could.
“Touya, please stop this nonsense!” I yelled out again, frustrated, as tears started to roll down my cheeks and I was about to walk towards Touya.
“Nana, wait!” Shoto called, immediately grabbing my wrist to prevent me from moving any further.
“Even you were burned by that, Todoroki-kun! You must not engage him again!” Iida stated in concern, all of our eyes were locked on Touya who was now using the flames from his feet as jets to fly high up in the sky. “You have already hit your limit with your phosphor move!”
“We have all hit our limits and then some!” Shoto snapped, his frown deepening even more. “We gave it everything! And yet he is the only one still standing! He's trying to fly over to our father!”
“This goes way beyond powering through with that sheer will he has inherited! It does not make sense! I thought his body was not made for heat?! How the hell is he not falling to pieces?!” I added in confusion but also in concern.
“Get back here, Touya-Nii!! I’m still on my feet!!” Shoto yelled out at his older brother. “You wanna kill me right?! Looks like you are the half-baked one now!!”
But just then Skeptic’s voice spoke up again through that device on the Nomu.
“Ahem, Mr. Daddy Issues! I know I said no pestering, But I have fantastic news! Apparently, you’ll get to travel free of charge!” Skeptic informed.
And right on cue, all of a sudden out of nowhere, Kurogiri’s misty portal appeared before Touya and immediately sucked him in, teleporting him to the Gunga Villa Ruins. 
“Touya!” I gasped, calling out to him in desperation but he had already left without even looking back at me once.  
Touya seriously left… he left to fight Enji-san… And he didn’t even look back at me for once… Also, I didn't do anything to stop him... Did I seriously just stand there and watch Touya leave? 
And with that, Touya left for Gunga Villa Ruins and as soon as he left, the blue flames got extinguished from the scene on its own.
“Not yet! It's not over yet!” Shoto gritted out through his teeth in pain, frustrated as well while Iida tried to help him stand up from the ground.
“You’re still feeling the blowback from your phosphor move, Todoroki-kun!” Iida pointed out, extremely worried.
“I said I’m fine! They are saying AFO will reach Midoriya! But I’m still on my feet! I must do whatever I can…” Shoto stated.
“The thoughts of your brother must weigh heavily on you…” Iida added, softening his facial expression. “I can only imagine the feelings that drove you to stand against him like that. The suffering you have borne… You’re the kind of soul who made me to never forget who I want to become. Why is this your emotional burden to bear?”
I also started to worry about how to stop Touya. Not only we needed to stop Touya from burning himself alive, potentially killing himself as well, but also I needed to go and stop AFO and Tenko. I needed to face and go up against AFO and get my own revenge for my parent’s death. But here I was, wasting my time like this. At that point in time, I was getting frustrated at myself. 
This isn’t who I am!! This isn’t someone I want to become!! Why am I wasting my time like this, standing here and doing nothing?! I need to go to AFO as quickly as possible and fight him!! I need to confront Tenko as well!!
“Ah, ah… there!! I got through!! You three!! You're still with us, right?!” a familiar masculine voice spoke up from the comms in our ears and we immediately realized who it was – All Might.
“Toshi-chan?!” I gasped out in surprise upon hearing his voice through the comms.
“Every moment counts, so I’ll make this quick!” he started, addressing me, Shoto, and Iida. “You need to run over to Gunga right now! Dabi is on the verge of exploding and a stalled evacuation block is in the blast radius! Endeavor is keeping an eye on Dabi right now. But his quirk can't do a thing to stop the explosion!”
My eyes widened in shock when I heard those words. My heart dropped and it felt like my pulse died down for a moment. The whole world around me went completely silent, deadly silent which was literally suffocating me now.  
Touya’s gonna explode…?!?! Did Toshi-chan say Touya’s gonna explode like a nuclear bomb?!?!
“Nana-chan, you know how to fly fast, right?” All Might asked me, pulling me out of my trance. “And Todoroki, kid… The body and mind are two halves of the whole. You know that better than anyone, with the inner turmoil you have carried.”
“But All Might… AFO, he is…” Shoto was about to say something but All Might cut him off. 
“Fear not!” All Might replied in a gleeful tone and I could feel him smiling on the other side of the comms. “You have still got a mighty ally waiting in your wings! Battling on won’t bring you victory if you carry doubts. But I have got the utmost respect for youngsters full of doubt who nonetheless honor whatever it is that drives them. Put a stop to Touya-kun! Make everyone feel safe again, so you can be your best self. Now if anyone can do a darn thing about the impending crisis at Gunga, it would be a dynamic duo… with Ghoul, Gravity Manipulation, and half-cold-half-hot. You’re their only hope! You’ve got this!”
And with that, All Might cut off the line, saying his farewell, and the other side of the line went silent again.
“He wants you to fly fast like a jet plane?” Shoto asked in confusion, looking over at me with furrowed eyebrows. “I know you can fly fast, Nana, but the distance… Does he realize how far it is Gunga Ruins?”
“Tch! Doesn’t matter, Shoto.” I stated, clicking my tongue in frustration before grabbing Shoto by his wrist. “We need to stop Touya from killing himself as quickly as possible. And after that, I need to go and confront AFO and Tenko. I wasted enough of my time here already!” 
And wasting no time, I immediately flew up into the sky while holding onto Shoto before we zoomed through the air like a fighter jet plane, making our way towards the Gunga Villa Ruins to stop Touya from exploding while leaving Iida, Burnin, and the others all behind at the Kamino Ward. 
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3rd Person’s POV (Back at the Gunga Villa Ruins)
Right at that moment, before Endeavor, Hawks, and the other heroes who were all now injured and battered, a young healthy AFO was standing there on the ground with a gleeful smile on his face, satisfied with the outcome of what went down with Skeptic and the heroes at the Central Hospital where Kurogiri was kept locked up.
“You kept Kurogiri in the dark, so to help him take immediate action, I planted a micro-device in one of Nana Shimura’s hands. Yes, Iguchi-kun played his part!” AFO stated calmly to the tired injured heroes in front of him, referring to Skeptic’s actions. “What’s more…”
AFO then trailed off when suddenly a number of Kurogiri’s misty portals appeared and opened up behind Endeavor and Hawks. Endeavor looked back and noticed Touya coming out from one of those portals.
“Heya, Dad!!” Touya greeted him with a grin and Endeavor’s eyes widened a bit in shock upon his son’s current burned skeletal appearance.
And just beside Touya, a number of Twice clones started to appear from the other portals, indicating that Toga had used Twice’s blood, which Touya gave her a few days ago. And seeing those Twice clones left Hawks in utter shock. 
“Oh, Hawwwwks!!” the Twice clones greeted the man as they were coming out of the portal and Hawks was left stunned at the sight.
“The death of that sad, sad man gave rise to rancor in a young woman’s heart. The man who would overrun the world to make good on his grudges gave that femme fatale just the tool she needed to bring ruin to all.” AFO stated, referring to Touya giving Twice’s blood to Toga. “Now you have got a front-row seat, Takami-kun. Time to learn how it might have turned out if you had not made his death your top priority back then.”
And hearing that, Hawks immediately yelled out an order to his fellow heroes at the battleground.
“Kill them!! Right now!!” Hawks yelled, referring to the Twice clones before them.
Through those portals, Uraraka and Asui also suddenly arrived at the scene as they both followed Toga there and then started to help Jiro and Tokoyami to fight back the Twice clones. Hawks was now facing off against AFO who was trying to escape from the scene to reunite with Tomura, bickering and taunting back and forth to each other, and meanwhile, on the other hand, Endeavor was getting himself ready to confront Touya.
“Those flames on his chest… Is that the phosphor move Shoto mentioned…?” Endeavor mumbled to himself before speaking up loud at Touya. “Touya… what would you do to Shoto?”
“I was hoping to bring you his head, but he was a tough cookie…” Touya replied, flying up in the air above his father while looking down at him with raging turquoise eyes. “Now my grand dream will never come true… but at the very least I will take as much as I can. Whatever you hold dear! Whatever you try to protect!”
“Endeavor-san!” Hawks yelled out while facing off AFO, stopping the Demon Lord from leaving the scene. “The divide-and-conquer plan is a bust! Our allies can't battle in this nasty heat! And if we fall here, the villains are gonna converge on Deku, Nana-chan, and Tomura!! Please, put a stop to Touya-kun!!”
Hearing that, Endeavor looked back at his son with determination who was now dashing toward him at full speed.
Duties… This time around… I’m really seeing you, Touya…
Another big fight then suddenly broke out between AFO and the remaining heroes as more and more help from the hero’s side (Inasa, Camie, the Pussy Cats, etc.) started to appear in the scene. Gigantomachia also later arrived there after a minute or two with Mt. Lady, Shinso, Kirishima, Mina, and Mineta following his trail from the Jaku Hospital Ruins to the Gunga Villa Ruins. While this was all happening, Endeavor was running away from the said battlefield with Touya following him from behind so that he could confront and talk to his son without any hindrance or anyone disturbing them.
Meanwhile, on the other side, the Counter-Force continued to report on the evacuation blocks' movement and AFO's location. Detective Tsukauchi asked if there was anyone left to stop him, but the officers said that almost all the remaining heroes from each of the battlefields were out of commission. Another officer freaked out when he recognized Touya's heat signature in Gunga, telling them that ever since his initial defeat, he had been internally compressing thermal energy and that in about ten minutes, his body would explode and cremate everything within 5 kilometers. Tsukauchi and former criminal La Brava realized that while most were back online, some of the evacuation blocks that stopped in between UA and Shiketsu were still underneath Gunga, meaning that they would be directly within the estimated blast zone. Meanwhile said civilians, including the rest of the Todoroki Family, proceeded to quickly evacuate to the surface as the shelter continued to crumble apart. Another officer reported that AFO was speeding up and was almost in range of Tomura to use his Warping Quirk, knowing that if they reunited, they were done for.
Meanwhile, in one of the prison lockups, prisoner Geten was speaking to his neighbor, prisoner Mr. Compress, about how the Himura blood ran thick within their blood vessels. He explained how in the past, the Himuras were village leaders that maintained their wealth and pride by creating branch families, however, the rise of Meta Abilities led to their downfall, as they didn't want to dilute their bloodline. Compress then remarked on what Spinner would say hearing about a "snobbish bloodline prejudiced against heteromorphs". Geten continued that this resulted in many marriages between the branch families and their distant relatives, however by insulating themselves it led to the Himura clan dwindling over time. Once the head of the family started selling off the children into marriages, it marked the end of the line, resulting in the remaining families scattering, with Geten revealing he was one of them until Re-Destro recruited him. He stated how Meta Abilities would grow more complex with each generation, with new powers lying dormant in the user's body, while people's hearts never managed to evolve, wondering what changes they would witness. Geten then concluded his speech with a smile asking Compress if he heard anything from the police force or heroes since there was nothing left to do but kill time until the final war was over.
Back to Endeavor’s situation, he was now facing Touya, far away from AFO and the others, and through the comms, he learned from the Counter-Force about Touya’s impending explosion.
“An explosion you say?!” Endeavor exclaimed in shock and concern after hearing this.
Touya was now literally like the burning sun, cremating away the trees and almost everything within and beyond his reach.
“It’s not just the evacuation block that’s in danger… but also Pixie Bob’s group which is fighting back against Toga's doubles!!” Endeavor said to himself, huffing and puffing, as he kept luring Touya away. “Dammit! Fighting AFO did a number on my legs! I’m not sure how much longer I can keep luring Touya away…”
“D… Da… D-Dad!!” Touya yelled out in a cracked tone, charging at his father again, engaging in a combat with Endeavor. “Watch me!! Watch meee!!!”
As the combusting Touya manically screamed out for his dad to watch him, Endeavor began to see the young Touya in his eyes before the current adult Touya unleashed a devastating Vanishing Fist, even bigger and more powerful than Endeavor’s, that completely enveloped the older man while decimating the ground he was standing on. Losing his right arm after unleashing that attack, Touya then grabbed ahold of him as Endeavor desperately tried to convince his son to put out his flames, and that he didn't want to watch him die, but Touya continued to repeat the same things over and over with his mind long gone.
“Come on, Touya!! Put out those flames!!” Endeavor yelled, holding onto Touya. “I don’t want to watch you die!!”
“Watch meee!!!” Touya screamed out again with an incoherent mind. “Natsu-kun! Let's play?!?!”
And hearing that, Endeavor’s eyes went wide open in shock.
His mind is gone long! This fire is hot enough to burn even me… So how is it possible that he can still hold himself together?! Touya, what is it about you?!
Endeavor then reached out to Touya’s chest when suddenly he realized something absolutely shocking and baffling.
That visceral sense of danger, when facing death, sometimes a near-death experience can trigger a quirk to awaken. On the other hand, people can also summon absurd power in a crisis when it's do-or-die. That's different from a quirk awakening. That power only manifests as the Reaper draws near…
As Endeavor thought about how when someone had a near-death experience, it might cause their quirk to awaken or summon an absurd power in a crisis, and unlike a quirk awakening, this latter power only manifested when they were truly at death's door, he then slowly realized that within Touya's Phosphor, he recognized Rei's ice quirk which was indicating that Touya had manifested the ice power within his flame quirk, meaning he always had that ice quick within himself all along, this entire time. 
While envisioning a hellish dance with his son in hell, Endeavor’s life began to flash before his own eyes and he started to wonder what he had done in his life. He envied All Might and produced these designer children to surpass the former No.1 hero, he did everything he could to have a child like Shoto when in reality Touya had always been that prodigy child he truly wanted and craved, someone who would inherit his fire quirk stronger than him while also would inherit his wife’s ice quirk at the same time. It was like a slap on Endeavor’s face when he realized what he had done to Touya and the rest of his family.
Endeavor then began to recall back the words he said to AFO earlier.
I’ll win today and keep my eyes on Touya!!
“I take full responsibility… I swore to bear that burden and live my life atoning for it all. However, you have been watching me all this time. While I couldn’t be there to watch you… You were someone I especially needed to do right by…” Endeavor said to himself before hugging a combusting Touya in his arms and starting to fly up in the sky.
It’s always the same dream…
My whole family is there but not me…
“No, I can’t let you meet your end alone!!” Endeavor yelled out. “But I won’t let anyone else get caught up in our tragedy!!”
Endeavor grabbed ahold of his son, and was preparing to use his son’s blue firepower to propel the both of them into the sky, to explode together but however before he could get too far, as Touya’s body continued to crack, Rei suddenly appeared before the two of them out of nowhere and started using her ice to stop them.
“Rei?!?!” Endeavor exclaimed in shock and confusion.
The reason why and how Rei even got there was when after the heroes managed to take out AFO's subordinates within the evacuation center, Kendo of Class 1-B called out to the civilians that the foundations of the system were sabotaged, ordering a retreat to the surface. They made their way out, with the U.A. robots being there to let the civilians evacuate to wherever they wanted to go. However, just outside, they all had to witness the immense heat and destruction caused by Touya's Blue flames, noticing the gigantic sphere of a fireball that literally looked like the sun was about to explode like a nuclear bomb anytime soon. Seeing this, Rei rushed away from her children toward a robot, telling it to take her to the center of the storm, to which the robot responded they exist to serve humans' desires. 
And now Rei was there and was using her ice quirk to attempt to shield herself from the heat, while also trying to cool Touya off, calling out to him.
“Touya!!!” Rei screamed out at her son.
“No!! Why are you here, Rei?!” Endeavor yelled back, burning away with Touya in his arms.
Are you trying to cool him down, Rei?! You must have coated yourself with a layer of ice to get even this close…
“Get away now!! Or you will burn to death!!” Endeavor added.
“You mean the way… You and Touya are about to die?!” Rei snapped back and that’s when Touya turned his attention to his mother.
“M-M-Mom…?!” he called out and that broke Rei’s heart.
“Oh, Touya…!! I’m so sorry!!!” Rei screamed out.
“Natsu-kun…!! Fuyumi-chan…!!” Touya added and Rei looked behind her, realizing that her other children had followed her, using their ice quirks to protect themselves from the heat. 
“No, don’t!!” Rei warned, shaking her head.
“I can’t!! I can’t take any more loss!!” Fuyumi cried out before looking over at her older brother. “Touya-Nii, please!! Don't take everyone down with you!! I can’t bear to lose anyone else!!”
Natsuo then started to think about the old times from their childhood and wondered if he just had listened to his older brother’s ranting and complaints about their father like how Nana did instead of turning away and ignoring him. Unlike him, Nana was always there for Touya and listened to his words and complaints. She selflessly shared her moments and time with Touya giving him the attention he needed which Natsuo couldn’t do despite him being his younger brother.
“Cut it out already, man!!” Natsuo screamed out with a frowning face. “Quit causing trouble, Baka Aniki!!!”
As the Todorokis continued shooting their ice toward Touya, Endeavor could only beg his son to not let anyone else die and he should be enough. In response, all Touya could let out was a couple of muffled laughs, while having a vision of him and his family being happy again. 
Meanwhile, at the Counter-Force center, they reported on how the rising temperature of Touya's inferno was slowing down, thanks to the intervention of the Todoroki Family. However, despite this, the temperature was not dropping, meaning the explosion was inevitable.
Back at the center of the impending blast, Rei, Fuyumi, and Natuso, now all burned and bruised up, continued to unleash their Frost quirks to try and cool Touya down. While he cackled to himself, Touya thought about how everyone was finally watching him, and looking at Endeavor, realized this was what it was like, thinking about if it was so simple, why it didn't happen sooner.
‘Everyone is watching me…’ Touya thought to himself while on the verge of exploding any time soon. ‘So this is what it's like…? If it was so simple a thing, then why…? Why not sooner…? It’s like everything is flipped around upside down. My origin as Touya and Dabi… if it was so simple a thing… if only we had butted heads like this sooner… there are still arguments I wanna have and things I still wanna say!!’
And just then something unexpected happened. When everything seemed lost, when it felt like there was no hope, two familiar individuals zoomed in and appeared on the scene like the heroes they were meant to be – they were none other than Nana Osaki and Shoto Todoroki. 
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Nana’s POV (Now at the Gunga Villa Ruins)
Zooming into the vicinity of the Todoroki family where Touya was about to explode, Shoto and I just flew there, dashing at the speed of light with the help of my combined quirks (Ghoul and Gravity Manipulation), while Shoto began to prepare his attack which he would unleash on Touya to extinguish those raging blue flames.
“You ready, Shoto?!” I called out, tightening my grip on him.
“Ready when you are, Nana!!” Shoto yelled back.
And right on cue, just within mere seconds of anything bad happening, Shoto released all of his power and unleashed Great Glacial Aegir once again on Touya, completely consuming the inferno in his ice, as the fire began to dissipate and burn out. The collision of Touya’s fire and Shoto’s ice move had a huge impact on the area which caused me and Shoto to wait for a bit before I noticed Touya and Endeavor who got hit by that ice move were now falling towards the ground from the sky. I immediately let go of Shoto and quickly dashed forward, eventually catching the injured father-son duo in my arms in mid-air. I slowly landed on the ground and safely placed Endeavor by the side while still holding Touya in my arms, close to my chest.
I looked down at a crisped, partially frozen Touya and noticed how he was looking way worse than just a few minutes ago. He had lost his right arm, similar to his father, and his whole body was now charred with no skin left. There was even a crack across his face which was an indication of his previous impending explosion. Then my eyes traveled down to his scorched chest where I finally noticed ice coming out from it, leaving me in shock and confusion.  
Wait, what…?! Ice on Touya’s chest…? It doesn’t seem like Shoto’s ice… Don’t tell me this is Touya’s ice…? Touya had ice power?! Since when?!
I then looked over at the other Todorokis and noticed that almost everyone was burned and scarred, but their situation wasn’t as bad as Touya’s. Endeavor also lost his right arm and was all burned up too, but he was somehow still alive. Rei, Fuyumi, and Natsuo were also injured and burned but nothing major or serious. Shoto had a few burns and scars from his previous fight with Touya at Kamino but other than that, there wasn’t anything much on his body as I kept him protected from the other attacks with the help of my Repulsive Force.
I then looked back at Touya once again and my eyes started to tear up at the sight of his charred body while my heart ached for his well-being. At least he was still alive and breathing and that mattered to me the most at that moment.  
“T-Touya… you fucking idiot…” I let out a muffled cry, holding him close to me so gently as if he was this delicate precious being and would shatter into millions of pieces if I didn’t handle him well and carefully.
“Our whole family… is here…?” Shoto huffed and puffed, letting out heavy sighs in exhaustion as he stood a few feet away from us, just beside his mother and his other siblings. “Well, not great… But… Maybe it's for the best… Cause my Great Glacial Aegis alone might not have been enough to stop this… Ever since round one back there, Touya-Nii’s fire just kept growing… He reached uncharted territory where I can’t tread. Maybe I was never actually the masterpiece creation…”
My face softened at Shoto’s words. While Endeavor chased after All Might his whole life, engaging in a quirk marriage with Rei and creating designed children to surpass All Might, eventually having Shoto while thinking that he could be that masterpiece Endeavor always wanted and there was Shoto, who was standing in front of his whole family now, acknowledging the power and strength of Touya that he could never have or even reach to that level, the same Touya whom Endeavor thought as a failure years ago. What a pitiful situation it was really.
“You all… die already…” Touya suddenly spoke up as I kept on holding him in my arms, his voice sounded hoarse and cracked as if he was crying at that moment, and hearing the sound of his voice broke my heart once again for him. “Dad, you scum… Just die… You all and me too… Drop dead…”
“Please, don’t say such bad things, Touya… Please…” I sobbed alongside him, noticing how he was freezing from the inside out.
“N-Nana…” Touya mumbled in a shaky tone and in response, I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on his burned forehead.
“I’m here with you, Touya. Don’t worry.” I reassured him, sniffling a bit while tightening my grip on him in a secure way.
“Well? What now? All that awaits us is pure hell…” Natsuo spoke up with a frowning face from beside his mother and his sister.
“Touya!!” Endeavor suddenly spoke up from where I placed him on the ground and crawled up to us before placing his left hand on Touya’s frozen chest. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry I never made it to Sekoto Peak!!”
And that threw Touya completely off guard. He never expected an apology from his whole family nonetheless from his once abusive father. I noticed the shocked look on his face as Touya’s body quivered a bit in my hold. At first, I got a bit concerned for a second but then realized that Touya was trying to hold himself back from breaking down in front of his whole family.
“Hate you all…” Touya sobbed out again, his voice choked as he spoke, and seeing him like this made my eyes teary once again. “Hate you, Dad!! The whole family too!!”
“Go on… Really. Let me have it! Keep it coming!” Endeavor stated as he also started sobbing. “Rei, I’m sorry for pushing you to the breaking point. Fuyumi, I’m sorry for leaving you to pick up the pieces! Natsuo, I’m sorry for neglecting you like I did! And Shoto… I’m sorry!”
The whole situation was overwhelming for me. Despite not being a part of their family, I was still close to the Todorokis simply because of their connection with my parents. Touya, Shoto, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei, all of them were dear to me and I cared about them as if they were my own family. Even Endeavor as well, though my relationship with him wasn’t as smooth after Touya’s disappearance 11 years ago.
But right now, the concerning matter for me was, had Touya finally calmed down after getting the apologies from his family which he truly deserved? Had Endeavor’s apologies and Shoto’s acknowledgment finally reached him? 
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Read the entire fanfic on Quotev and Wattpad.
Links for other MHA fanfic snippets - Link 1, Link 2, Link 3
23 notes · View notes
identitty-dickruption · 7 months
Vaguely related to mandatory voting, I wish the US had nationwide Ranked Choice Voting, some states have it like in Alaska but it was done cause Republicans thought it'd make them win more (was very much so not the case) and it made the Republican Party freak out and several states (such as Florida) banned it in all elections
yeah this is an old hobby horse of mine, so I hope you don’t mind me absolutely going off
first past the post is the worst thing in the world and if I ever meet a genie, I’m using wish #1 to abolish it. for those who don’t know, first past the post is the voting system where you only mark one box. it’s used in most of the US and the UK, among other places. here are my top five reasons it sucks:
so so many wasted votes. most voters end up with no say over the outcome of the election
for the above reason, it almost always devolves into a two party system, because voters have to think strategically in order to not waste their vote
the party has complete control over who is on the ballot paper, and they can only choose one person per electorate
if there are more than two parties, someone can win the election with a MASSIVE minority (we’re talking. ~30% of the vote) see: most British elections
it makes parties overly cautious about who they put on the ballot (i.e. usually a white heterosexual)
every voting system has its upsides and its downsides. I’m not saying there’s some perfect system out there on the other side of the rainbow. but first past the post is SO SO DOGSHIT
and the five reasons above are the same reasons certain people (mostly conservatives) love first past the post so damn much. they know it supports their status quo. they know it takes agency away from voters. and they’re scared of what would happen if it wasn’t in place
spoiler alert: Australia has had our quirky voting system for a long time now, and it hasn’t magically wiped conservatism off the face of the country (unfortunately)
8 notes · View notes
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
5, 42, 47 for piarles obvy bcs i wanna see you go insane 😘❤️
i haven't looked at what these numbers' relevant questions are, but i highly suspect that you are either the absolute worst or the absolute best. either way, ily so fucking much 😘😘 let's do this ;D
5. Describe their cozy night in.
HA I LOVE THAT! okay, and actually i have a really clear headcanon for this one :DD so, the thing is... they don't really have cozy nights in. oh, they try. on the rare occasions they both have time off on the same night, and they get to be in the same country too, then yes, they try. it seems so cute and romantic to have a movie night curled up on the couch together, no? except... that means they have to choose a movie. and to my mind, they would NEVER be able to agree on that, lmfao. charles, angel-faced charles, has been on record that he loves watching horror and psychological thrillers. pierre has been on record that he calls charles a psychopath for liking them. so just imagine these two idiots trying to have a movie night 🤣🤣 charles would be all "no, but this would be so interesting!" with wide eyes and a dimpled smile, and pierre would just be like "you're very cute and i love you but we're NOT watching the fucking jeffrey dahmer show on our one night together, thank you very much" and then charles is all huffy like "well i don't want to watch top gun for the five hundredth time, either" ...and then of course they have to fuck about it 😌👌
that's the core of my headcanon, actually. no matter what they try, they always end up fucking before so much as an hour has passed. like, even if they're just eating together, they probably won't even be able to finish dinner because one of them will jump the other "because you were teasing me by licking that spoon like that, charlo, you cannot blame me" or "how was i supposed to not get on my knees when you look that good cooking for me?!" and... yeah. you get the idea 😆 essentially, they just CANNOT keep their hands off each other, which means that any "cozy night in" very quickly devolves into pierre bending charles over the couch, or the counter, or any available surface, really (and very occasionally, it's charles fucking pierre, too.) they're just obsessed with each other, tbh. and who can blame them 😌
42. What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
(ngl, my first thought when seeing this was "42 the answer to life the universe and everything 😍" so HA, tysm for that one, akira. ily <3333)
and as for the actual question: WELL, i'm going to give two answers for this one - the pierre version and the charles version. charles, i like to think, is the kind of person who gets cold super easily, but loves snow and wintry weather. (probably because he loves to steal pierre's jumpers and hoodies and beanies etc. etc.) wintry weather also gives him a hundred and one excuses to snuggle really close to pierre, bcs pierre always runs hot. (yes, pierre would totally make a hundred and one jokes about that, btw.) ALSO, i firmly believe that as much as charles loves stealing pierre's things, he'd also take great personal satisfaction in putting some of his own things on pierre - like a ferrari-branded scarf, or beanie, or whatever, under the guise of being a caring boyfriend and making sure pierre doesn't freeze. (pierre puts up with it because he knows charles is secretly a possessive bastard, too, and he loves it. freaks, the both of them, ngl. they're the best.)
now, pierre - i don't want to make him sound like too much of a rich fuckboy, but then again... that's what he is, isn't it xD so my headcanon is that pierre loves to take charles somewhere like ibiza or the greek islands, and spend long hours lazing on a yacht together, alternately swimming, sleeping in the sun and fucking on the deck of the boat (where someone probably won't be able to catch them, but you never know, and that's the thrill of it, of course.) and since the weather is so hot and humid, they have to spend all their time in swimming shorts and very loose (& usually unbuttoned) linen shirts, of course. (if there are even any shirts in the first place.)
so yeah 😆❄️🏖 i headcanon these two as total opposites regarding what types of weather they enjoy - but it's not as though either of them are complaining, hehe. best of both worlds, etc etc <3
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship?
ooohhh, this is a good one 👀 and... call me a soppy romantic, and otp-obsessed, but i'm going to go for no. no, they don't.
hear me out, though! they've been friends for so long that i think they just... well, firstly, they already know almost everything about each other. but secondly, even if there was some devastating secret -- they'd be able to get through it. again, they have known each other for so long. when you've been friends forever, you can't imagine your life without that person. you would also forgive them for pretty much anything, and i think that's true for piarles. if one were so inclined, you could make that toxic, but to me it's just kind of beautiful. that security and safety net of "no matter how badly you fuck up, i'll still be there to catch you, because that's what we do for each other. we always have, and we always will." just. yeah. ❤️💙
(obligatory otp asks)
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On July 23rd 1637 Jenny Geddes threw a stool at the Dean of St. Giles Cathedral, shouting "Dost thou say Mass in my lug?", and so began the movement to the Covenant.
When James I came to the English throne and united the Kingdoms of Scotland and England, he wanted to unite the churches too. But the Scots reformation had run much deeper than the English, which still retained many Catholic customs, so the Scots were wary of any religious practices imported from England. James I backed off as a result, but his son, Charles I, decided to plough ahead with the religious unification. In 1635 Charles issued a warrant declaring his power over the Church of Scotland, including that they would be issued with a new book of liturgy to be read at services.
This new work, The Booke of Common Prayer, was known as Laud’s Liturgy after Charles’s then Archbishop of Canterbury William Laud, but it was actually written by a group of Scottish Bishops. Nonetheless, sour rumours abounded about the new book, which after some delay was commanded by the king to be read for the first time in churches in Scotland on Sunday, 23rd July 1637.
The first reading of Laud’s Liturgy on that day was by the Dean of Edinburgh, John Hanna, at St Giles on the Royal Mile. As legend has it, a woman called Jenny Geddes was at the service sitting on a wooden stool. Jeers came from the crowd when Hanna started to read from the new book, and Jenny picked up her stool and threw it at Hanna’s head, shouting “Deil colic the wame o’ ye! Out thou false thief! Dost thou say the mass at my lug?” (“The devil give a colic to your stomach! Out you false thief! Dare you say the mass at my ear?”). Others joined in with the stool throwing, so that the whole event was later called “The Casting o’ the Stules”, and the Dean and other officials had to flee. Stones were thrown at the Cathedral’s windows, and the streets were chaos.
The significance of what Geddes did is that the rioting that started that day grew, and opposition to the Anglicisation of the Church of Scotland grew with it. The next year, the National Covenant was signed by many Scottish nobleman, known as the Covenanters, railing against Charles I’s power. The Bishops’ War was the next consequence, eventually devolving into the Wars of the Three Kingdoms and the English Civil War. Jenny Geddes’s stool was, therefore, the first act of the revolutionary tumult affecting much of the 17th century. She’s a highly celebrated symbol of Scots independence; there’s even a brass plaque in St. Giles’ commemorating her.
Historians nowadays generally dismiss this story, but Jenny crops up tim and time again, the first time in print in 1661 in our country's first real newspaper the Mercurius Caledonius which only ran for 11 issues. She pops up from time to tim in other 17th century stories, and in the 18th century the English writer and spy also mentions her. Lastly when Robert Burns was in Edinburgh before his tour on The Highlands and Scottish Borders he needed a horse and bought a mare in the city for the princely sum of “over £4 Sterling”. When once, later, this loving and faithful horse unseated him, Burns wrote that she “trode over me with such cautious reverence, that matters were not so bad as might well have been expected”. And the name that Burns gave his horse? Jenny Geddes. I think there must be at least some truth in the story.
I have to add that the three legged stool on display in the Kirk is highly unlikely to have been the one Geddes threw, it is a different type from the one used back in the day, the National Museum have a stool, they say was Jenny's, as seen in the pics and drawings.
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