#that was figurative speaking im not actually going to dont worry i just needed to let out some steam
strifethedestroyer · 1 year
ok so hi cat update
1. pisana turned out to be a guy so due to the grammer rules of the bulgarian language he is now just pisan. you might see me referring to him as pisanin as well, again due to bulgarian being that way.
2. he has no snot or anything anymore which is great (he used to have some sort of infection)! his eyes used to be kinda fucked, they're fine now!! he was super skinny but now he's nice and fat and chubby, which would be great if..
3. the fat and chubbiness was from food. it is not from food. his entire stomach and bowels are covered/full of some sort of liquid. fuck, we thought he was just fattening up..
4. he has some sort of different illness. i usually go to the vets along with my family, but i couldn't today so they told me that the vet said that it might be FIP, which is 100% fatal.
we're praying it isnt FIP. thats all.
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strwbrryeyes · 27 days
☼ intro (end of the world) ☼ (kageyama tobio x reader)
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⟡ cw: she/her pronouns used but not much, lmk if i miss anything else
⟡ a/n: i have been wanting to write for this album since the day it came out so im gonna do little drabbles for the songs as a way to make up for my lack of writings/requests that i actually need to upload so i hope you all enjoy it :3
⟡ eternal sunshine masterlist
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You had been dating Kageyama Tobio for a little over a year at this point. Everything was always moving so fast…for him. While Kageyama was constantly playing volleyball and traveling the country for official matches, you were in college working towards your dream career.
Although you and kageyama have made so many efforts to keep in contact regularly by video calling and texting constantly or even travelling to see each other when possible, it has been difficult to come to terms with the fact that you do not spend as much time as you want to with each other. It has gotten to the point where you don’t know if keeping this relationship going is even worth it anymore. Both you and Kageyama want to get through it, you have had countless talks about wanting it to work out and you both always come to the agreement that neither of you wouldn’t trade anything for the world.
You think you’re meant for each other but you keep thinking to yourself ‘why dont i know that he is the one for me? Why do I only think it?’ but of course, you shake it off and continue on with the relationship. Even with all of these thoughts of figuring out if you are supposed to be with him for life or not, there are moments where the tough times make the good times worth it…and that is what keeps the both of you going. One of those moments was on your birthday a few weeks ago when Kageyama decided to surprise you with a visit.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
After a long day of classes and your job at a doggy daycare, all you wanted to do was lay down in your bed with some comfy pajamas, eating chips without regard for the crumbs that would land on your bed sheets all while watching your favorite reality show. It was a pretty solid plan but it all went down the drain the minute you stepped foot into the hallway that had your apartment and saw that your door was opened. Your whole body filled with dread as you walked closer, worried that you had just been robbed but as you got closer you saw a small trail of silver confetti leading you through the doorway and as soon as you stepped foot infront of the entrance of your apartment, you stopped all of you belonging onto the ground and ran to the one thing that could be better than a lazy night. Your boyfriend.
“Tobio! What are you doing here?” you ask Kageyama as you jump into his arms while you become a giggling mess (who is also crying).
“I couldn’t have my angel be all alone on her birthday!” Kageyama chuckles as he embraces you in his arms but is quickly confused when you fall silent right after he finishes speaking. “[name]? You good there?” he questions you as he puts you down to be greeted with the blank expression on your face.
“My birthday..?” cocking your head to the side, you look behind Kageyama to see decorations all over your living area, eyes landing on the big ‘happy birthday’ sign. You had completely forgotten today was your birthday. 
“Babe, don’t tell me you forgot your birthday?” Kageyama laughs out before pulling you in for another hug “and you say i’m the dense one.” he flicks your forehead before kissing it and all you can do is laugh along with him.
The rest of the night was pure bliss as you layed in bed with your loved one, eating your favorite type of sweet from your favortie bakery down the stree, while watching your reality tv show.
☼ ⋆。𖦹˚⋆
Thinking about this small but memorable event, you can’t help but smile as it helps you become certain that you and Kageyama are meant to be. You now knew that Kageyama Tobio would be the first and last person you run to if the world were to ever end and honestly, as your pulled out of your thoughts by your ringing phone that is signaling you that your boyfriend is calling you, you wouldn’t have it any other day.
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
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❝ 𝗉𝗂��𝗄 𝗎𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝗁𝗈𝗇𝖾, 𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗋𝗂. ❞
Toxic!shuri x black fem! Reader
W a r n i n g s
X t r a s
Filler again as I work on sum
T a g s :
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-𝐘𝐎𝐔 called Shuri for the millionth time, just for no answer back. You knew she was seeing it all as she declined most of them. After you guys made up last time, she would only come home when once every two weeks or so. It was draining for you, but you also knew that she was getting her pleasure somewhere else though she claimed she ended it. You just missed your lover.
You knew that Shuri can be a compulsive liar even when she was in the wrong. You looked at the lunch you got for her sitting on the kitchen island. You pick it up and grab your car keys. You unlock your door and head to the parking garage.
"Griot, text shuri please." You commanded the ai. "Of course y/n." The robot replied.
I picked up some lunch, im otw
No need
I'm not hungry
I'm already on the way
Then turn around tf?
I dont need any distractions rn.
Yeah, she was definitely hiding something. What's going on? Instead of turning around, you continue to drive to the laboratory.
You turned up there in less than ten minutes. You open the car and ask Griot to lock it. It does what its told and you enter the big area.
You took the escalator up to her lab and walked up to the big glass doors. You open the door and look around for Shuri.
There she was, Shuri was at her desk probably writing a formula and something. "Hey." You take a seat at the other side of the desk.
She looks up from her paper and gives you a dirty look. "What did I tell you about coming at unwanted times?" She rolls her eyes as she said it. "I know but..I just missed you." You pouted. She sighs and her opens her mouth to reply- but before she could say anything her phone started ringing.
The contact name was 'Lab partner' . Shuri doesn't have a lab partner, she always likes to work independently. "You never told me about a lab partner?" You furrow your brows. "Dont worry about it." She says as she flips the phone over to its backside. "Pick up the phone? If its your lab partner." You look her dead in the eye.
"Pick up the phone shuri."
She looked away, irritated. "I said don't worry about it." She replies. "I'll be home early." She says , trying to change the subject .
"Mmh." You mumble as you get up from her seat. You leave the lunch on the table and make your way out of here.
Somethings up.
And you need to figure out what it is.
ᘛ ᘚ
-𝐘𝐎𝐔 watched your phone that was charging on the night stand, contemplating if you should just call or maybe she was being truthful. It was about to go to midnight, and yet you were up waiting for her. You put your hands in your lap for a second, until you realised you couldn't have self control this one time.
You called again.
And again.
You sigh out of frustration as you call one more time. Third times a charm, right? True- because she answered this time. "I thought you were coming home early." You speak into the phone.
"I am. Gimme like an hour." She grunts. "I cant take it baby." Someone moaned in the background. Your eyes widen as you decline the call out of shock and blink back tears. Here she was, lying to you again and again. But the funny thing is that she knows you'll come back every single time. You called Your friend Riri and she answered in less than a second.
"Do you mind if I come over, Riri?" Your voice cracks.
"Are you okay love? Of course you can come."
You get up from your bed and rushed out of your bedroom. You grabbed your car keys and headed out again.
Once you reached Riri's apartment, you knocked on the door softly. She answers the door quickly. You bite your lip as she looks at you with sad eyes. "Cmere." She puts her arm around you and walks you to the living room.
"And then she..she told me it was over and I actually believed her. I cant believe id let myself be so gullible, Riri." Your voice trembled. You put your head on her shoulder and she wraps her arm around you.
To be honest, you and Riri had a friends with benefits situation. You both wanted eachother but she respected you and Shuris relationship.
She looks at you with sad eyes.
"I'm going to do something i regret, but I dont care." Her brown eyes darken.
ᘛ ᘚ
"Shit, Riri." You breathed out as she gave you sloppy kisses on your jaw, all the way down to your collarbone. She opened your legs and started to rub the spot between your legs. You gasped out of pleasure."Please, Riri." You moaned. Suddenly your phone started to vibrate, and to your surprise it was Shuri.
"Answer." She commands as you grab your phone and answer.
"Where are you?" She asked. "I'm.." you bite your tongue to stiffle your moans. "What?" Riri starts to slip off your sweat pants slowly.
"I'll be home soon." You managed to get the sentence out.
A/n: ntm on the smut ik its ....Chile anyway hope u enjoyed!
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citrusinicake · 1 month
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Day 2 :: Zombie Apocalypse
full text below
do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go "oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me," which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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angstics · 1 year
i understand why the black parade (the concept) is seen as a force of good (the name has cool imagery and “to joinnn the black parade” is a #epic moment). force of good as in synonym to emo communities, mcr fans, the general downtrodden. gerard is still called the leader of the black parade as in “king of the emos” when the actual leadringer persona constantly berated “my chemical romance” lol.
i like the black parade as a false promise. to start, the black parade is special to the patient since gerard describes the concept as people being welcomed to death by their happiest memory, which is reflected in the beginning of wttbp. the whole song is a conflict btwn “though your dead and gone believe me your memory will carry on” and “im just a man, im not a hero”. it’s an uneasy song. like all these people are telling the main character not to worry about dying because they’ll be remembered but they cant accept that because they dont think theyre worth remembering. “i dont care”—“we’ll carry on”.
mama and welcome parallel in a lot of ways, from the parental figures to the HUGE sound to the multi-part structure to the adoption of specialty music (cabaret v marching band). even “we’ll carry on” is echoed, with the addendum “when our brothers in arms are gone / so raise your glass high for tomorrow we die / and return from the ashes you call”. this is what the patient (“im just a man”) would say after hearing the black parade, echoing the sentiment with venomous anger instead of welcome’s almost sterile tone.
the idea of a false promise comes from the parade being presented as what the patient supposedly always wanted: to be unashamed, be the saviour, be REMEMBERED. as represented by their father and questioned by the patient. so for them to go to war to be remembered (“you made us oh so famous”) only to be unfulfilled by that (“we all go to hell”) shows the failures of the black parade (also represented on disenchanted: “lifelong wait for a hospital stay”). it’s a welcome that no longer fit the patient, whose childhood whims were disproven by what they learned from life.
this is why famous last words is sooo satisfying. they create their own acceptance of death. “i see you lying next to me” with the people they love, “with words i thought id never speak” with self-acceptance, “awake and unafraid, asleep or dead” and with their own fucking words. “i am not afraid to walk this world alone” they dont need to be remembered. there is no parade, there is no yearning for the past.
and while the black parade buried them as they were still screaming, famous last words leaves room for them to stay alive. agency and dignity, in life and death.
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whiskersz · 3 months
Hi there! I know you said matchups were closed but if you dont mind, Id like to send this in, just so I dont forget haha. If you dont wanna, its fine, feel free to delete my ask, or save it until you do reopen them, I just wanted to send one now because im forgetful and heard nothing but good things from my friend. <:) sorry to be a bother, once again, feel free to delete if I am bothering you
Im Ace, I go by she/they pronouns, Im bi, and stand at a height of 5'3.
I'm an introvert with anxiety and depression, but I am SUPER energetic and silly when you get to know me. I can be playfully mean, but i'm always there to help a friend in need. I get riled up pretty easy but Ive been told im very sweet and helpful and fun to be around.
Im chaotic and kinda delusional, and I can be flirty at times. I can also get a bit violent.
I think it says a lot about me seeing as I see Angel Dust as a big brother figure. I can be very sly at times and definitely impulsive.
Im creative and both really smart and really dumb, and Im mostly a coward unless it comes to friends and/or family
Im very sarcastic, playful, and affectionate, and I have no trouble saying I love you to people, but I do have trouble saying im sorry. Im also a people pleaser. I definitely dont make enemies but I do hold grudges. Im also super emotional and clingy. Daddy issues go BRRRRR
Thank you! Sorry again, hope im not being a bother.
Hello Ace!! Don’t worry, I don’t mind the occasional additional matchup! Do thank your friend from me for speaking well of my stuff, I appreciate that lots :3
Now, you seem to have quite the explosive personality, if you will >:3 So I match you with...
Cherri Bomb!!
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To start off, Cherri is surely an individual who can take jokes, so you’re never going to have to be afraid to be a bother for her with your sarcastic and playful remarks as she will actually find this part of your personality hilarious, and will always play along and joke back.
She will definitely take advantage of your cluelessness sometimes – don’t call yourself dumb! – and tease you for it, though if she goes too far it’s not a problem for her to remind you that she was just joking and that she actually finds it really cute.
Cherri loves hanging out with fun people, so you being fun to be around is certainly a vantage point here. She’s not afraid of admitting when a person is boring and not of her liking, but I have the feeling that she would think the exact opposite of you. in fact, it’s not uncommon for her to invite you along whenever she hangs out with Angel.
You’re creative? She loves that about you. I imagine her house as one of those houses full of pop art paintings, handmade things and such. No matter how you express your creativeness, she will appreciate it and place something you made in plain sight somewhere around the house.
She also adores how expressive you are in a relationship; there’s many gestures that she finds attractive, but none goes above being proud of a partner and constantly reminding them that you love them, so when you do this with her she will waste no time and kiss you.
She doesn’t mind you being clingy at all, also. She actually finds it very cute and she loves receiving physical affection, so who is she to say no to a hug or a cuddle? If you’re into PDA just as she is, she’ll be thrilled to show each other affection in public, also to show others how lucky she is that she gets to date you.
Despite being quite chaotic herself, Cherri is also a very good friend and partner when it comes to comforting you; as seen in the “Addicted” music video, she’s willing to help Angel with his struggles, so why wouldn’t she do so with you as well? She understands that everyone has moments where anxiety overwhelms them too much, and that people who struggle with depression like you don’t have it easy every day, so in these times she will offer you all the support that you need. Mainly through physical contact, but also in other ways if you prefer being shown love through actions or words, for example.
You two might come across a bit of a problem if you ever end up arguing; she’s also not easy to get a ‘sorry’ out of, but one of you will have to apologize to the other sooner or later. I feel that if the relationship has been going on for a while, this will be easier, but at the start you two might have to take a bit of time alone before ultimately coming to the conclusion that yes, you do love each other and yes, apologizing if you’re in the wrong is the better option if you desire a happy relationship.
Overall, you and Cherri make quite the chaotic and fun couple! The rest of the Hotel loves having you two around when you visit, you definitely bring an air of fun and excitement.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 5 months
Debated not posting this for a minute but I figured I would anyways to end the year with a pop :) not gonna get anything else finished this year so I might as well post this!!!
Enjoy (: im probably gonna rewrite it at some point :)
"So. You're really going?"
Tech looks up from the porch. Crosshair is quick to shut the door, standing awkwardly just shy of where Tech sat.
"I am," He nods. "I'm leaving in the morning."
Crosshair doesn't look surprised. "Thought Hunter was dropping you off in the afternoon?" He asks, leaning on the doorframe.
Tech shakes his head. "No. I decided to just take the bus on my own. It is less trouble that way."
His tone is quiet, his shoulders have slumped, confessing his plan to practically run away from them.
He looks up to his older brother. "Are you going to stop me?"
Crosshair debates it. He wants to. He doesn't want his brother to leave at all. He doesn't want to admit it, either.
Sighing in defeat, he shakes his head.
"It's your choice." He forces out. "I can't stop you."
Something relaxes inside Tech, and he pats the spot next to him. Crosshair takes the unspoken offer, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with his younger brother.
"This party's for you." Crosshair tells him. "Are you gonna sit out here all night?"
Maybe, Tech wants to say. Maybe I want to hide from the people I'm leaving.
Instead, he sighs. "I just needed some air. Between Wrecker, Cody and Hunter, I feel a bit..." He trails off.
"Suffocated." Crosshair supplies. Tech nods.
"Fair." Crosshair sighs, leaning back to look at the stars. "They're worried about you."
"I know," Tech groans, head in his hands. "That's what makes this worse."
It takes a moment for them to speak again, and when Tech does, his voice breaks, quiet and unsure as he stares at the grass.
"I don't want to go." He admits to his brother finally. "I'm– afraid. I dont want to leave you again."
Crosshair is sucker-punched by the fear in his younger brothers voice. He startles for a moment, completely caught off guard. He looks to Tech, and his heart clenches.
"Tech-" He starts, hand hovering over his trembling shoulder. "Tech, it's only for a few weeks."
His reminder is far more gentle than anything Crosshair's ever said in his life.
"I know," Tech scrubs at his eyes insistently. "I know."
Something tells Crosshair that's not true.
"It's silly," Tech continues, sniffing. It catches Crosshair off guard again. "To be this afraid. I just–"
Tech tries to rationalise it. "I live in college. I spend four of five nights in a working week away from home. It's fine."
It is not fine, and Tech saying it only proves that.
Crosshair listens, hovering. "I've been alone in a lab for years." Tech gasps out now, gesturing to nothing as he looks to the sky. "Why is it so hard now?"
Crosshair hesitates, then rests his hand between Tech's shoulder blades. He traces patterns into his brothers back, and whispers into the space between them.
"It's alright to be scared," The next words are a forced admittance, but a necessary one. For Tech. "I'm scared too, honestly."
Tech turns to look at his brother. His eyes are glassy, confused as he watches his brother.
"No one actually wants you to leave, Tech." Crosshair tells him. "Especially not to go to some random mountain lab with no reception."
Tech laughs, but the end catches on a sob. Crosshair continues.
"But this is good for you." He presses, wiping a stray tear from his younger brothers face, more gentle than Crosshair is used to being. "You're gonna do great things there."
Tech smiles, a bit shaky, and nods. "You're working with the best scientists around," He continues. "But I already know you're gonna be better than them." Crosshair assures with a shrug.
Tech snorts, wiping his own eyes now as he leans on Crosshair. "Don't say that," He mumbles. "They're far superior—"
"Not to me." Crosshair interrupts. "No one's smarter than you in my eyes."
Tech doesn't answer. He's staring at the grass again, unease beginning to creep back in. "What about you guys?" He asks, looking up to his brother.
Crosshair hesitates again. "We'll be fine," He shrugs Tech off. "A few weeks without you won't hurt, might actually teach Wrecker how to do the laundry."
Tech laughs, covering his mouth as Crosshair smirks slightly.
He considers his younger brother for a moment, then sighs, leaning in closer to rest his chin on top of his head.
"And..." Crosshair starts, his voice trailing off into a whisper. "And I promise to talk to Hunter. Properly."
It's a promise he knows will be hard to keep, but as he feels his brother grin ear to ear, he can't help but smile too.
"Can't promise we'll be best friends." Crosshair makes sure to clarify. "But I'll try."
"Thank you." Tech says, hugging his brother. "Thank you, Cross."
Crosshair would move the whole solar system to witness the smile on his younger brothers face again.
"Take care of yourself, too." Tech asks, still hugging his brother. It takes Crosshair a moment to process this isn't a touch he initiated as he hugs back, near squeezing his brother to death.
Oh, scared doesn't begin to describe how Crosshair feels.
"I will." He assures. "Someone has to pick up after them, with you out on the field."
They laugh. "I'll miss you–" Tech's voice almost cracks again, mood suddenly dropping again as he grips his brothers shirt.
"I know," Crosshair interrupts, smoothing his hand across Tech's back. "Me too. We'll see each other again soon. It's only a few weeks."
"Right." Tech forces out. "Only a few weeks."
They grip each other tight for a few more moments, content to sit there until sunrise. Crosshair wonders now more than ever if he'll cope.
"Come on." Crosshair stands, pulling Tech along with him. "We've got goodbye hugs to rush through. And cake."
"Cake?" Tech cringes for a moment.
"Red velvet." Crosshair reassures. "Echo made sure of it. The kid– Omega, has something for you, too."
Tech lights up, and takes Crosshair's hand. "Okay," He nods, speaking softly as he prepares himself to brave their crowded kitchen again. "I'm ready."
Crosshair wasn't.
He had nodded, and led Tech back inside, where they were greeted with cheers, hugs, and affections beyond either of their comprehensions.
Crosshair led Tech back inside, where he was greeted warmly.
Where Wrecker swooped them in the softest of hugs.
Where Echo squeezed their arms as comfort.
Where Omega dove into their guts to show them her most recently discovered video.
Where Hunter smiled genuinely at Crosshair for the first time in years.
Crosshair led Tech to bed hours later, when the drinks had sapped their energy, and the house was filled with snores. Crosshair tucked Tech into bed, bags packed and alarm set.
Tech was already asleep, curled up and snoring. "Night, Tech'ika." Crosshair whispers. "I'll be here when you get back. Promise."
Crosshair slept through Tech leaving, so did everyone else.
Crosshair wishes he didn't.
Barely three weeks later, when Crosshair had found the time to be home with his siblings, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" Crosshair grumbles from the stairs. There's a chorus of thanks, and Crosshair pulls the door open.
Fives is at the door. He's crying. Why is he here? Why is he crying?
"Cross," He starts slow. "Hey. Is everyone home?"
Crosshair hates that the first thing he zones in on is the dog tags and bags. He recognises the bags immediately.
He helped pack them, after all.
"Crosshair." Fives voice is distorted. "Is Hunter there? Echo, maybe?"
When he spots the digits on the tag, Crosshair feels like someone hit him with a truck. All the air is sucked out of his lungs, and he locks up.
Those are Tech's. Tech never takes his tags off.
He snatches the tags from Fives's hands. Even through already blurring vision, he can make out the last digits as easy as breathing.
The confirmation is like a bomb going off, a wave of heat gripping his heart tight.
Tech is gone.
Crosshair stares at the tags, numb, as Hunter wanders towards them. "What's going on?" He asks. "Fives? What, you moving in with those bags?"
"I wish." Comes the distant reply from Fives. "Look, Hunter—"
"Tech's dead."
Crosshair doesn't realise he's spoken until the words have already tumbled from his mouth.
Hunter stares between them, glances to the bags, then to the tags clutched tightly in Crosshair's hands, and it clicks.
Crosshair can't hear over the ringing in his ears. Hunter's tearing through the bags, demanding answers. Echo is quick to join them, asking Fives what's happened, why is Hunter screaming?
Wrecker hangs back with Omega, watching the door. All Crosshair can do is stare at the tags. Tech's tags. He almost doesn't believe they belonged to him.
Crosshair swore he'd be here, it never once occurred to him his younger brother wouldn't be.
Hunter's reduced to sobs. He's knelt on the floor, surrounded by the bags he picked up for Tech to pack, clutching some assortment of clothes as he weeps.
Echo's standing over him, voice sharp as he snaps questions at Fives. His twin doesn't have any answers.
Omega stands beside Crosshair now, daring to touch his leg. He barely glances at her, and she turns to Wrecker, asking muffled questions.
Wrecker doesn't answer her. No one does.
Crosshair slides to the floor, curls up into himself, and clutches the tags close to his chest.
It's deathly silent.
Hours later, after the sun had set and the other had picked themselves off the floor and had congregated in the living room, Crosshair was still sat against the wall, curled over the tags.
Hunter sat down next to him, wordlessly, and they stayed close. Silent, still, but close. Crosshair wouldnt have known he was there had he not heard Hunter's quiet sigh as he settled.
They didnt speak, just sat close enough to know the other was there.
Teehee a little bit of pain while I set up a good explanation and some Hunter and Crosshair talk for you (: hope you enjoyed :D
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ackermanbitch · 1 year
Teenage Dirtbag (Peter Parker x Fem!Reader) Part 6.5?
a/n: so this is honestly just filler (which is why it's so SHORT) before the part of the fic that takes place during the beginning of homecoming. i dont see the point in writing for the rest of civil war when realistically this is as far as reader would be involved. also not using (y/n) bc i dont like it anymore :D
warnings: arguing?? but it's kind of funny, reader being very much tony's daughter and repressing very real and important emotions
pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5
word count: 730 (augh its so short im sorry, next chapter will be the normal length dw )
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"Ross wants you in juvie, and honestly, I can't totally blame him! You were assisting war criminals. War. Criminals."
The teen groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose and trying to lean as far away from the boy sitting next to her, wondering why the hell he chose to sit right there when there was an entire private plane for him to roam. "Why didn't you have this conversation with me before I left?" She whispered angrily, adjusting the phone in her hand to speak directly into the microphone.
Regardless of where Peter sat, he would've heard Tony's yapping through the phone in response to being interrupted during a lecture.
"Oh I'm sorry my scolding doesn't line up with your schedule young lady, but this is the only time I could fit in to talk to you, what between all the meetings I'm having in an attempt to keep you out of jail!"
"Can't you, I don't know- tell them I happened to be going for a-... a nice stroll? Walked into the crossfire by mis-" She stumbled over her words, eyes darting to Peter who snorted at her idea before she even finished. He quickly cleared his throat, head turning away so quickly she thought he might've pulled something.
Tony brought his palm up to his forehead, some measly attempt to soothe his growing migraine, "This is not a joke, we're talking about you potentially doing prison time-"
"I've hardly done anything deserving a real charge Dad, they just think I'm going to do something and I obviously won't, seeing as my team of 'war criminals' are in fucking Alcatraz-"
"One, you need to watch your damn language and two, you think I don't know that? Of course I think these allegations are a load of bullshit, it doesn't make it any easier to shut them down." Tony sighed, checking the time on his phone before bringing it back to his ear. "Listen, I have to go, call me when you land and don't let Happy fall asleep. Can't have you two teenagers unsupervised on my private plane."
She glanced at Happy's snoring figure on the other side of the jet, "Yeah, sure, he's wide awake. Love you, bye." She deadpanned, hanging up before Tony could finish reciprocating the sentiment.
She may have forced a mask of indifference, even carelessness, when faced with the consequences but behind all that, her brain felt like a fucking circus. A circus with multiple tornado sirens going off, fires and mass hysteria. Oh, and every clown wore her face. Her stupid, 'rebel against dad' at any chance, war criminal assisting face. She'd rather end up in prison than have to face her dad again. What if he never forgives her for this, what if he never moves on, what if this isn't like every other time she's done something stupid, this could change the course of her li-
"You're not.. actually gonna go to jail, right?" Peter interrupted her raging thoughts, giving her quite the worried stare.
She sighed, fiddling with her phone, "No, he would never let that happen. Not with his troupe of lawyers. I'll get let off with a 'hefty warning'," She emphasized with air quotes, "AKA forty torturous minutes of Cap telling me how I need to make better choices. Though he's stuck in the clink right now so I don't know."
She tried to hide the slight shake to her voice, how it sounded more like she was convincing herself rather than explaining it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Don't tell Mr. Stark I said this but uh- Y'know, he's Captain America, he'll probably break out of there in no time."
She slowly turned her head to look at him, slowly letting a smile break out across her face. "Yeah, maybe. He's pretty crazy. Suuuch a rebellious guy, very anti-government."
Peter shrugged with a hopeful smile, "I don't know, this whole thing started over him not wanting to sign a peace treaty, that seems extremely anti-government."
"I guess you're right Parker, as always." She grinned, ignoring his flushed cheeks at her compliment and letting her eyes drift to Happy.
"You got a marker?"
taglist: @preciousbabypeter @lily-sinclair-2006 @b-barnes04 @ink-stained-eyes
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gennabi · 2 years
Hiiii i didnt know wether ur request r open or not, if its not them im sorry and you can ignore this request. Can i request dating headcannons for Opera-san from Mairimashita!Iruma-kun? If you dont want to then its ok, you can ignore this request!
luv ur works! <3 remember to stay hydrated and eat 3 meals a day!
it's actually closed but this made my day, giggling just thinking abt it heh so here ya go 😚 awww thank you so much for loving them!! im honoured 😭🙆‍♂️ i will!! you too anon, please stay healthy n take care of urself <33
dating headcanons
opera x reader (no prns) • 0.6k
romantic; fluff
[ self explanatory title , opera's a little soft bcs yes , cw cussing ]
m!ik masterlist | main masterlist
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─does that thing where they would ask for the time you wake up and sleep just so they could text you good morning and good night 🥺
─opera's love language is acts of service bcs i say so
─they love to spoil you!!!
─from letting you sleep in for five more minutes to smtg like
─bathing you and washing your hair themselves when you come home tired, wordlessly massaging your shoulders as you doze off in the bathtub
─also a little mean teasing shit. the funny (or lowkey scary) thing is opera teases with a straight face. straight up spitting lies as if they're facts. if you're oblivious, goodluck figuring out if they're actually being serious or just teasing.
─"y/n, i've heard a rumour that if you don't kiss a certain red-haired butler, iruma is going to hate you and won't talk to you ever again."
"that's not true, he would never do such a thing─"
"you're saying i'm lying when i literally spend day and night in the same castle with him? wow, y/n, i expected better from you."
─they did get their kiss in the end so it all works out i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
─also the type to play around with hair if you have them. you'll do cute and weird hairstyles on each other during sleepovers awww omg imagine opera w the cat ears hairstyle hfffffjjf
─speaking of sleepovers, would definitely be into face masks n shit but only views them as a "privilege/sleepover thing" if that makes sense
─mostly the big spoon but that's because they like to come in bed later than you, checking buttler stuffs for next morning yk, but if they're having an off day tomorrow, would definitely ask to be the little spoon and your heart just squeezes when their ears do that happy flap 🥺😭😭
─your dates are either staying in or some low-tension stuffs like picnics or having a walk through the streets at night kind of thing, they just like to hang around with you and listen to you talk and ramble :') <33
─loves it when you give them a headpat, like one where you do to actual cats
─they just grab your hand n brings it to their head and you ruffle. the first time iruma and sullivan saw it, they dropped their knees to the ground bcs OPERA PURRED??@$$?&
─when you're having a bad day, opera's ears are down all day :( they feel so bad when you feel bad, what's this. their sweetheart not feeling good? oh no :(
─go to extreme lengths to make you feel better (as u fucking deserve yeah!)
─mf bought a new comforter just so you can lie down comfortably in bed bless sullivan's debit card amen 🙏
─doesn't let you move at all like you wanna go to the kitchen? no need to worry. opera will bring the kitchen to you instead 🫡 *not sure if it'll show but its supposed to be the salute emoji
─spoon feeds you :( <3 and yk the thg they do when they sing a lullaby and pat iruma's body to sleep? yeah, they do that shit too. except they're lying beside you because what if a certain bald demon decides to disturb you in your sleep by being loud? no way they're letting that happen🤕
─also LOVES giving you nicknames 💔💔💔 more so the slightly corny ones lmao
─the thing is they do it so smoothly and with their blank signature face even you didn't notice it the first time.
─"do you prefer something light or heavy for tomorrow’s breakfast, lovebug?"
"_ would be nice─ wait what"
─opera's fav place to kiss is your fingers sighs just imagine you talking to them as they play with your fingers and hum as they give each a delicate peck. also has a habit of kissing the inside of ur hands when u cup their cheeks WAHHH 😭😭💗
okay that's it im going to stop here before i go insane and cry more bcs opera's not real </3
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scarletiswailing347 · 2 months
postinf the text for my day 2 bsweek prompt here cause its making me lag lol
do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go &quot;oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me,&quot; which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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vrains-rewrite · 4 months
Okay, so I have a few questions and a few suggestions:
Will Blue Angel/Maiden win more and will she get more fleshed out than in canon?
Seeing Ghost Gal/Girl win more would be better for her to see.
Seeing more of The Shepherd/Blood SHepherd and more dive in with his relationship with Emma would be better to see to flesh him out.
Will we finally see the Wind Ignis origin?
Will we find out who is the Hanoi spy?
1) will blue maiden win more and get more duels?
Omg yesss! She’s meant to be one of the top duellists in the Vrains, let her act as one of the top duellists in Vrains! In the cases where we are making changes to duels, giving her more wins, *important wins*, is a top priority. I worry that a lot of people trying to rewrite the sexism in yugioh duelling would just make up minor characters for her to beat, off screen wins, that is not something we intend to do. We have massive plans :) especially for in season 2 and 3
2) will Ghost Gal win more?
literally she needs to win somethingggg, does she even have a single big win? I dont think shes going to end up with as many duels as Blue Angel, but, wholeheartedly, she is going to have as much *plot significance*. Her canon character really felt like a plot device, or a means to flesh out another character. Sure, she was Akira’s little hacker and she was Blood Shephard’s sister, but her personal goals that were just too simple for my liking, which will be much more fleshed out (and I have just thought of something for this which i’ll actually go speak to the others about right after I’ve posted this)
3) Will we see more of Blood Shephard?
We will! Hes often forgotten, and quite frankly that’s because there was hardly anything to him in canon. I want to delve mode specifically into why his backstory is affecting his actions at the moment. We know his sad backstory, but it doesn’t seem to translate into anything interesting in the way he acts in canon present-day. This will change
4) Will we finally see Wind Ignis Origin?
Yknow here’s where I have to admit, we haven’t thought about this. I dont want to spoil anything, but I doubt he’s going to be alive in the series. The impact it had, finding out that Windy killed his own origin, could never be replicated as strongly if he was alive. That being said, giving the wind ignis origin a backstory, a name and design, from before he died, would be something really interesting to explore. We’re a little afraid to add ocs in major roles because its rare that people like to read about others people’s ocs, but in cases like the wind ignis origin, I think it’ll be fun and worthwhile. Like a flashback situation
5) Will we find out who is the Hanoi Spy?
Im so sorry i can’t remember what this is referring to (its been a while since i watched the show in its entirety, I mostly jump to just my favorite episodes) but if its a plothole i can promise you when we get there we’ll figure something out
- Teal
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avoidaboo · 9 months
postgame red hcs because i cant stop thinking about him. also, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BRC. IF YOU HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME YET AND PLAN THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS starting with expanding on the red and felix are two different people hc because i stole it and cant stop thinking about it Again, red and felix are two very different people, red got rebuilt with some left overs of the original cyberhead (which were big parts have you seen that cutscene) (which the flesh prince also had dont ask) after felix found his body in an alley while going to the hideout with everyone else and took it with him. since faux is dead and his head is basically lost, he saw no problem with it. the flesh prince stitched him up and kaboom. he is back. tho he only activated a few days after however, red has now MORE issues since hes now more robot than human. the public shutdowns (which are basically the times where he just fucking passes out in public, e.g. by eclipse. or even screaming before passing out, like by dj cyber). everytime that happens, he gets into one of those dream levels but now theyre WORSE. aka theyre nightmare levels now and going through the entire nightmare is the only way of him waking up when that happens. sometimes it takes him more than one real life days to actually wake up from it, so yeah people usually worry ALOT. they are trying to figure out why its so often more to the public shutdowns btw: a public shutdown is basically a cyberhead passing out out of nowhere, they mostly happen when severely stressed, heat or just any negative emotion being to strong. screaming before passing out only occurs when fear or stress back to dream (or nightmare levels). red pretty much has to conquer them to wake up again, those nightmare only consist of faux and felixs memories. they are only unpleasant if its through a public shutdown. otherwise they are completely fine and sometimes are his memories he made throughout the story. so yeah im not leaving him completely traumatized. now to general red hcs: red can literally just unscrew his head at any time when he wants to, how is he supposed to change clothes at all? cyberheads are pretty much able to go without food for days red will unscrew his head just to wash it. he needs help with it tho cuz he cant risk water getting into his circuity again he never gets tired of “so no head?” jokes due to being more of a robot now, red doesn’t understand stuff like “social norms” or shit like “gender”. neither does he really understand masculinity or femininity either. so what im saying is hes agender (basically has no gender) and is pansexual :D red copies bels texting behavior to even irl. speaking of bel, she taught him rollerblading too! also theyre best friends red sees felix like an older brother, i have no real explanation for this i just think its cute now one last thing, solace and red are so fruity i cannot goodbye i MIGHT update this list if i dont forget about it
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“ sometimes I don’t remember what I have been doing, where I have been. When i woke up suddenly im in the middle of the street, or shops that i have never known or heard of. Its like half of my life was robbed these few years”
Her soft whimpering voice must have gotten to the Cardinal as he nods and pat her hand softly.
“ Dont worry Sorella, we will figure this out together. You and me ,si?”
Copia’s sweet smile makes her ease more into him. Its not odd enough that she was visited by Terzo a week ago that has brought her now to this clergy. A place that somehow feels more like home than her previous settlements.
“ I’m ready”.
* * *
The candles starts to flicker as breeze enters the room from seemingly nowhere . It has been only 20 minutes and Lucila starts to show signs that there is indeed something wrong.
“ Come on now, show yourself to me. I know you are here.” Copia said firmly. His hand still on his book of incantations.
Lucilla let out a raspy breath,she hunches down before looking back straight up at Copia. But what stares back at him wasn’t her usual brown eyes anymore , but instead stark white eyes with the right sight only a black pupil. A snarky smile emerges from ‘her’ lips however the voice that came out of her was no young lady.
“Cardinal, what a pleasure.” It was of a man, late 20s give or take. “Interesting…you called me out so easily.” ‘He’ looks around ,taking in the smell of the room before Copia starts to speak again.
“ What are you doing in her? Taking refuge of someone else’s body without consent is not prohibited,even in this abbey.”
“I have no choice you see…I was dying, they’re trying to put me out down there! So I found her,this vessel. Its not what i wanted but definitely what i need’’ He chuckled again before continuing. “ this is no…ordinary abbey…something smells different here…”
‘He’ looks around again, noticing the various demonic manuscripts on the coffee table and on the shelf.
“Come out now into this circle here,You see? I have made it easy for you. Take manifestation into this mask and you will have your own body to live in”.
“You’re not trying to banish me? How odd…. Then again you do look quite different.” ‘He’ tilts his head a bit and looks at the vacant chrome mask inside the circle.
“Banish ? Oh no no I just simply would like to coax you out of Dear Sister here. Come now”. Cardinal coos him, to which he leans back and nod.
“Alright then”
Another gust of wind enters the room and a black,evergreen smoke exits from Lucilla, gushing straight into the mask.
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“Agh, that actually hurts my head…”
“Cardinal…look, he…” Lucilla stares at the entity , she watches his tail swishes , smoke still trying to dissipate.
“ A ghoul! My my Sister, it has been a ghoul that’s been living inside you all this time!” Copia exclaimed excitedly as if he just found a revelation.
Slowly Lucilla got up and approaches the ghoul , she kneels a bit, going eye level to him.
“Do you have a name ? “ She asks slowly.
“…They called me Bark” He said while looking away. “They called me that too when I was taking over your body, going around town”
“Like eh a dog ? Bark?” Copia interjected playfully.
“No…more like the tree right?” Lucilla asks.
“I-!!…yea like that. You get it “ Bark dusts off his pants before standing up, giving himself a stretch .
“Well! Looks like we have another one! Welcome to the clergy , Bark” Copia closes the book and gives him a pat on the shoulder.
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Kanaya Maryam, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 7777-7782
KANAYA: Thank You
ROXY: no problem!
KANAYA: I Didnt Think
KANAYA: It Would Be This Easy
KANAYA: Not That It Was Easy For You By The Sound Of It
KANAYA: What I Mean Is I Thought It Was Going To Involve An Arduous And Lengthy Process For Myself To Undertake In Order To Figure Out How It Was Even Possible To Reconstruct The Orb Let Alone Actually Do It
ROXY: nah
ROXY: nope!
KANAYA: So Instead Of All That
KANAYA: Its Just
KANAYA: Handed To Me
KANAYA: Like A Nice Present
ROXY: yes
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Say
KANAYA: This Changes So Much
KANAYA: About Everything I Thought I Had To Do
ROXY: does it?
ROXY: the way i see it is you shouldnt have needed to worry about makin the thing
ROXY: i think it will be challenging enough like...
ROXY: hatching it??
ROXY: and tending to all the stuff that comes next
ROXY: isnt that basically being responsible for the preservation of an entire race of people?
ROXY: like not even a simple kinda people that all go about havin their own babies by themselves n such
ROXY: u have to set up and deal with this huge creature that does it all herself right?
KANAYA: Thats How It Works
KANAYA: And Yes That Will Be
KANAYA: Probably Very Challenging
ROXY: yeah so just focus on that!
ROXY: im sure you will have help if you need it
ROXY: i mean... after all this shit is over obviously
ROXY: hey speaking of which
ROXY: howd it go here? did you do the thing?
KANAYA: Yes I Think We Did The Thing
KANAYA: Our Frog Should Be Good To Go
ROXY: we?
ROXY: oh yeah karkat came too didnt he
ROXY: where did he go?
KANAYA: Hes Still In The Cave
KANAYA: Meditating
ROXY: meditating huh
KANAYA: It Was A Very Spiritually Uplifting Encounter With The Denizen
KANAYA: It Really Uh
KANAYA: Blitzed Our Chakras
KANAYA: He Needs Some Time To Clear His Head
ROXY: heheh ok
ROXY: so you are roses girlfriend right?
KANAYA: I Dont Know
KANAYA: Is That What Humans Call A Matesprit When The Matesprit Is A Girl
ROXY: umm
ROXY: i dunno
ROXY: is a matesprit the thing trolls call each other when they are girlfriends or boyfriends with each other?
ROXY: ah ha!
ROXY: then uh
ROXY: the answer is yes?
ROXY: lmao
ROXY: ok it was kind of obvious i was just makin sure
ROXY: anyway thats cool!
ROXY: did you meet on ur fancy meteor vessel
KANAYA: In Person We Met There Yes
KANAYA: Originally We First Spoke While She Was Still In Her Session
KANAYA: I Assisted Somewhat
KANAYA: But I Think I Bugged Her Mostly
KANAYA: That Seems Like A Lifetime Ago Now
ROXY: so i guess you mustve gotten to know each other a lot better during the trip
KANAYA: A Lot Of Free Time
ROXY: i bet :)
ROXY: man... three years was it?
ROXY: thats crazy!
ROXY: for a whole bunch of people who only just met including humans AND aliens
ROXY: or i mean trolls whoops sorry if thats rude
KANAYA: We Call Each Other Aliens All The Time
ROXY: haha
ROXY: but then you all IMMEDIATELY have to hunker down together for three years
KANAYA: That Is Very Much What Happened And What We Had To Do
ROXY: it sounds fun!
ROXY: kinda wish i could have been there
ROXY: i guess i had my own less long stint with people in my session
ROXY: only like half a year tho
ROXY: which was cool in its own way but it wasnt nearly as... social as your scene sounded?
KANAYA: It Was Pretty Social Yes
KANAYA: But We Also Had Little Groups Who Generally Convened With Each Other More Often Than The Entire Ensemble Crowded Together For A Singular Noisy Affair
KANAYA: Such Events Were Pretty Rare So Maybe Not As Social As You Are Picturing
KANAYA: In Fact It Was Quite A Subdued Situation Compared To The Crowd I Was Formerly Accustomed To Congregating With
KANAYA: There Were Twelve Of Us Back Then
ROXY: yeah WOW!!!
ROXY: i remember hearing about that from a friend
ROXY: who...
ROXY: never even existed from this frame of reference :(
ROXY: i guess thats another weird thing about my lil sojourn to get to this point...
ROXY: it is all made of memories now that didnt even happen for other people
KANAYA: That Does Sound Like A Lonely Predicament In Its Own Particular Way
KANAYA: A Sort Of Sacrifice Youve Had To Make Yes
ROXY: yeah
KANAYA: Sacrifice Abounds It Would Seem
KANAYA: I Dont Know Of Anyone Presently Alive Who Hasnt Had To Trade Something Very Important To Them In Exchange For Continuing To Be A Material Seeker In This Endeavor
KANAYA: You Were Forced To Trade Something Too But In Return Youve Been Able To Do Something
KANAYA: Something So Wonderful That
KANAYA: I Guess Im Judging Your Accomplishment From An Especially Personal Vantage
KANAYA: But No Matter What Else You Have Been Through
KANAYA: I Believe You Can Say Youve Done Something As Important As Anyone Could Ever Hope To Do
ROXY: aw yeas 8)
ROXY: i hope so!
ROXY: i really hope it all works out and you make a super successful trollworld 2
KANAYA: I Want It To Be A Good Place
KANAYA: Not So Much Like Where Im From
KANAYA: It All Sounds
KANAYA: Really Daunting Actually
KANAYA: Not Even Just The Propagation Of My Kind But Managing To Do It Responsibly
KANAYA: Just Causing Millions Of Beings To Exist For The Sake Of Doing So
KANAYA: And Dismissing Responsibility For What Sort Of People They Become
KANAYA: That Isnt Good Enough For Me
KANAYA: I Think Echidna Was Right
KANAYA: Ill Need Him
ROXY: who
KANAYA: Nobody
KANAYA: Lets Say It Was A Figure Of Speech
KANAYA: Ill Need Everyone
KANAYA: Whoever Is Good And Wishes To Have A Hand In The Way Our World Is Shaped
ROXY: count me in! :D
KANAYA: As Of The Immediate Point In Time
KANAYA: I Dont Know What To Do Anymore
ROXY: hm??
KANAYA: Before You Came
KANAYA: I Was On My Way To Join You And Rose And John
KANAYA: Feeling Quite Sure I Was About To Get Ready To Fight
KANAYA: But Then You Gave Me This
KANAYA: And Now Im Unsure Of Everything To Which I Just Imminently Committed Myself
ROXY: how so
KANAYA: I Want To Help Us Win
KANAYA: But I Also Have A Lot Of Responsibility Now
KANAYA: In A Way That Is Much More Tangible And Also Spiky And Round And Sharp Than Just A Few Minutes Ago
KANAYA: And I Feel I Have To Consider Risk To Myself Is Now Also The Same As Risk To The Future Of My People
KANAYA: Does That Make Sense
ROXY: ooh i see
ROXY: yeah!
ROXY: it is like.....
ROXY: like say a mother wolf being all ready to stand up to some other asshole of nature
ROXY: like a nasty bear
ROXY: and shes ready to fight and all but also shes got to think about what happens to her pups if she gets hurt yeah?
KANAYA: Something Like That
KANAYA: Except Id Relate More To An Analogy That Didnt Involve Weird Alien Creatures
ROXY: oh sure
ROXY: just imagine instead of a wolf its like
ROXY: a mother uhhhh
ROXY: help me out here
KANAYA: Musclebeast
ROXY: a beautiful mother musclebeast
ROXY: and instead of a bear
ROXY: its um
ROXY: a metroid
KANAYA: Lets Say Good Enough
ROXY: damn straight
ROXY: be fuckin fight of the year right there
ROXY: but yes that concern is completely understandable
ROXY: you dont gotta fight if you dont want!
ROXY: but im sure we could really use the help
KANAYA: Would I Actually Be Of Much Use
ROXY: i think so!
ROXY: id look at it this way
ROXY: none of this next gen troll stuff is even going to matter if we dont win this fight
ROXY: so we have to prioritize beating all these goddamn villains
ROXY: specially the witch!
ROXY: any extra edge is going to help
ROXY: and tho i admit i dont know much about you i am feeling prrrettyyy confident in my assessment that u are probably some sort of sick deadly bitch
KANAYA: Who Told You My Secret
ROXY: i knews it ;)
ROXY: in fact i would BET
ROXY: that you could USE your concern for all ur future space pups to be WAY extra deadlier in this fray
ROXY: maybe youd make the whole difference??
ROXY: the point is we need you now just as much as anyone in the future will
ROXY: and we are ALL riskin stuff and ALL in this together and if youre with me and rose and john, dont worry we aint gonna let anything happen to you
ROXY: i promise!!!!!
ROXY: dang?
KANAYA: That Was Really Motivational And I Feel Very Inspired Now
ROXY: for real?!
KANAYA: A Little Corny But Definitely Genuine And Moving
KANAYA: And Now Im Suddenly Psyched Again To Go Dunk A Narcissistic Fish Woman Into A Sea Dumpster
KANAYA: Not To Project Myself As Someone Fickle Or Lightly Swayed On Big Decisions
KANAYA: Maybe It Was Just A Roughly Thirty Second Spell Of Cold Feet And I Just Snapped Out Of It I Dont Know
KANAYA: But You Really Do Seem To Have A Way With Motivational Words
KANAYA: You Must Be A Natural Leader
KANAYA: I Think Your Group Was Lucky To Have You
ROXY: me?? nuhhh
ROXY: im not naturally good at that at all
ROXY: i mostly just yelled at my friends cause they were such a gaggle of frustrating bozos
ROXY: i guess im just feeling way inspired by the fact everyone is here together and we are all about to try and do something huge and important
ROXY: ive also watched john in action a bit and he is VERY good at that stuff
ROXY: hes actually so good at being inspiring hes inspired me to try and be... more inspiring? that sounds dumb as hell but is true as shit
ROXY: i also love how hes got NO IDEA how good he is at leadery stuff, its
ROXY: it
ROXY: it is so inspirationally friggin adorable
KANAYA: Shall We Go Then
ROXY: we hella shall
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kiefbowl · 2 years
hello ms kief i would like some advice but i also respect if u dont want to. basically, i am having a mild sexuality crisis bc i think i might be a lesbian but i have identified as bisexual for a decade now (i thought i was a lesbian prior to this) bc i dated a boy (whom i didnt even want to date but he was my friend and i felt guilty after i said no and my friends said i should give him a chance) except now i dont know how to tell if im faking or not either way??? i think dick is gross but ive heard some osa women think that?? but i like pussy so i feel like then i should feel the same abt dick if im bi? but what if i like men just less? because i think i like men emotionally? but is that just friendship??? i dont know how to tell when im attracted to anyone at all tbh and i thought i was asexual for a while and i am simply very confused so any advice would help please and thank you xoxo
As long as I've been on tumblr "outed" as a "terf" (or whatever), I've had women come to me for advice, and I've learned through trial and error and growing up a couple things about giving advice which is this: 1. don't assume anything - only speak to what they've written 2. only answer the question they ask 3. assume you can't make anyone do anything 4. try to be socratic and lead them to answer their own questions. I am always very, very specific with the words I choose when answering advice-like questions.
Through this time, I've had a lot a lot a lot of women come to me to help them "figure out" their sexuality. I generally try to keep my advice along the same lines: I literally can't tell you that, you have to figure it out yourself, you can only do that by living, you don't need to have an "identity" to go live, your sexuality is more than what you are but what you do and what you do should be enjoyable for you...generally, along those lines. Additionally, if someone is asking if they are specifically a lesbian, I give them my advice and then say they should also ask lesbians about their experiences, since I'm not one. What strikes me about this particularly ask, anon, is you seem to be focusing on the identity rather than the experience. You have said yourself you have 1. identified as bi for 10 years (so you're confident you like women) 2. you like pussy and women (good - so do lesbians) 3. you're not sure if you actually like men (very normal if you're a lesbian). You seem scared to identify as a lesbian for fear you're wrong - okay so don't identify as a lesbian. What's stopping you from just dating women? You like women, you don't know if you like men. Stop dating men. Just date women. Maybe you're bi, maybe you're lesbian - if you don't know just be honest about that with yourself and the women you date. In the meantime - go enjoy being a woman loving woman. You know that's true about yourself, so why worry about the word you need to attach to it right this second? Some women you meet will not really be interested in your uncertainty - and that's normal and you shouldn't be mad at them about it, they have every right to be like "no thanks, good luck" and bounce. That's why you're being honest in the first place, so that people can take you as you are.
Through dating and living - you can become more comfortable with the other part of the truth: is it exclusive same sex attraction? But why do you need to be sure of that part now to live your life truthfully (the uncertainty of your identity) and date women exclusively (the fact you know you like women and want to date them)?
Also, talk to lesbians. There might be lesbians that share your experiences, and there might be some lesbians that don't get what you're saying at all. I don't know what it's like to realize I'm a lesbian, because I'm not a lesbian, but I've had a lot of lesbian mutuals over the years that talk about their experiences growing up, and they run the gamut (which should come as no surprise since, you know, lesbians are people...). I can tell you my experience with realizing I was bi: I thought I was straight for a very long time bc I was subconsciously suppressing my same-sex feelings due to internalized homophobia, and it wasn't until college the light bulb went off that I realized that my attraction to women was attraction to women, not just random thoughts I had to say "no" to. I feel equally capable of attraction to men and women. I see an attractive man I think he's attractive; I see an attractive woman I think she's attractive: I don't have a lot of hang ups on why because my bisexuality is the why. But I don't feel repulsed by any part of the human body, not even to the penis or vulva. Probably also due to the bisexuality :) I don't know a lot of bisexuals that came to it the other way around, having to figure out the opposite attraction part second, since every facet of our society supports it. But, I can only talk about my experiences.
Anyway - live large, be honest to the people around you, don't wait to "know" things before pursuing the life you want. And good luck!
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taetaespeaches · 2 years
look at this bible and i haven't watch festa LMAO
ill do it tonight and ill share my updated report tomorrow
this could be not so well written, bear with me, there is a lot in my mind
and now we're looking into the definition of "hiatus", mistranslated or not lmao here it is
SO i was thinking this in the morning when i was driving, (listening to proof with intensity i gotta say)
they are people, each of them are even very different from each other
people who found a family while looking for their future, for a career they love, something that it's in their veins and their hard work, looking out for the same dream
people who bled, fell and got up for it countless of times
suddenly one day their dream found a way to get to us as fans, we surely are connected, yes
they owe us as much as we owe them
but we cannot expect them to live only to us and for us
and i know i don't speak only for myself when i say that i can feel their gratitude to us, //sadly a lot of it we see it in their worry for us to understand how much they love us//
we feel it in every song, every message they sent it has found somebody who needed it, every time without fail
i am not good at all at expressing myself at all, GOD i am the worst, it takes me a long time to find out what im feeling, what im thinking even, what i want to do or say its a whole hard process for me, and it has got me in some messes :)
then they come here and i can feel that they don't need me to be right every time, that i dont have to listen any judgement about it, that i can just feel, be myself, 'cause ill be just fine
i love army community, i love i can wear my bts hat and a girl came to me really excited to say I LOVE YOUR HAT! i love that, i love her, i love army, i love we can share this love with each other, yall are adopted as besties from the start, and we're in this army shit for life
bts formed an army that is right here right this moment thinking, worrying about them
but actually we as army are for each other as bangtan boys are for each other, and then bangtan and army are for each other
i don't want to talk about the comparisons to 1d but at least from my experience all i have to say is something ive been thinking ever since bts came into my life
"it's so different"
not only them and their story
but me, im different,
and let me tell you something, im sad, yes i am, it's fucking scary guys, it really is, i know
but im also so so fucking thankful
the evolution my life went through welcomed bts with an open heart and im gratefull
ive never been the fan who stays up late to catch up, to spend every penny i have on merch, i can't be pending on every announcement, on every selfie, tweet or candid leaks
it was just two years ago i finally learned the names, couple months ago i heard old songs i didn't know existed lmao, everyday i see something i didn't know before
and God, two years is really not enough to catch up with 7 energetic amazingly talented passionate boys that already had 7/8 years of history its crazy
were we so spoiled getting something new everyday we are scared of not knowing it all lol,
but guys it's ok, it's really ok, im sure its not a step down, its not a step backwards, its a "hold on" we're going somewhere just hold on, yes we're good right here, but we have to go better
bc the next comeback doesn't have to be higher in a shocking show business fantasy circus way, anything new it's gonna have soul and truth and different energy bc its necessary, processes are necessary
we're invaluable we have to take care of our own and we can because
these bulletproof boys made a bulletproof army
we can take it
i love you liv, i love whoever reads this ♥
Perfectly said, my love! I don't have much to add, but thank you for sharing this <3 I agree that we can't expect them to live for only us and anyone who is expecting that needs to go take a break from all of this and figure some shit out lol. I'm just very grateful for all they've done for us over the years, and also that they used festa as an opportunity to talk to us like they did. They could have had the company announce something and left it at that, or they could have even had the company announce it before festa where they would then elaborate. But instead they told us during festa so they could be the ones who told us and explain their reasons why they're making this decision. It's just very cool and speaks volumes to the relationship bts and army share.
Simply put, we're in this bangtan shit for life <3 and I love you too, lydia!
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