#that's how twelve year olds are
thevioletscout · 8 months
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batcavescolony · 4 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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drawsmaddy · 9 months
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[ID: A digital illustration the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. There are two drawings of the Doctor. On the left is a drawing of him from the chest up, looking to the left and grinning. Below him is a drawing of his sonic screwdriver. On the right is a drawing of the Doctor stood in the doorway of the TARDIS. He leans on the doorframe with his hands in his pockets, his left leg crossed over his right, looking off to the right. The background is a pale yellow with squiggly lines in different shades of blue running horizontally across the middle. End description.]
Accidentally awakened my inner 12 year old 💙
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twinsarekeepers · 5 months
Tactically, Percy was the best person to walk out of that park with Ares’ shield. Percy, with a newfound faith in his father, is standing on a pavilion surrounded by water, while Annabeth has basically been disowned by her mother.
It’s his quest because Poseidon claimed him specifically to bring the bolt back. That’s how he clears his name. That’s how to stop the war. That’s how to save the world.
But does Percy care? Absolutely not. He’s not even thinking about that. All he knows is that there is no way Annabeth is sitting on that throne and dying for him.
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daphnalia · 1 year
i have made so many drawings of yeet and killa and the worst part is that NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THEM ARHEHAA🗣️🗣️💥
but anyways when have i ever cared about that
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charmac · 10 months
thoughts on the people harassing glenn and rob on twitter from the macden fandom? they gave us so much s16 and ppl throwing it in their faces by tagging them and asking if they hooked up irl
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Don’t care how famous they are, how old they are or how married they are, it’s literally never okay to directly tag and try and out someone. You said it, that’s harassment.
And what’s the end goal here? Like at best they don’t see it and you just look like an asshole, at worst they do see it and feel extremely fucking weird about it. At like, extreme worst, if either of them are queer, you drum up enough weirdos to back you (the Heartstopper kid situation) and you force one of them to out themselves.
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This pisses me off the most because, like, it’s all fun and games to call MCD their ‘failsonas’ or whatever, but Glenn especially hates people comparing him to Dennis. How is this any more ‘ok’ than commenting on instagram that he’s D.E.N.N.I.S. System-ed Jill? (Hint, it’s really not). In both cases, it’s people trying to apply the character to the actor to entertain themselves and justify their fantasies of Glenn’s real life. Dennis is not. Glenn.
Again, what’s the end goal here? Like what’s the ideal situation you get out of this if one of them sees this and, god forbid, responds? This is such an icky sticky thing to even want to touch on publicly.
So they give us gay content and in return they get Reddit complaining about it and Twitter demanding they ‘admit’ that they’re actually gay themselves. Huh. Wonder why we haven’t gotten anything explicitly gay on screen from Mac yet? Huh. What a mystery?
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sapphorror · 5 months
my top controversial Zim headcanon is that Zim actually performs absurdly well at skool because
1. he's a perfectionist with a compulsive reaction to ANY system of scoring
2. I 100% believe test scores are this guy's forte because he had to become an Invader SOMEHOW and he sure as hell wasn't passing based on the practical
3. He has hyper-advanced alien AI to do his homework for him. like come on.
meanwhile Dib is really only scraping by on raw intelligence and the inherent educational advantage of having a mad scientist father. He doesn't have TIME to study, there's an evil alien he has to stalk and besides, you know what's better than a high school diploma? The Nobel Peace Prize for proving the existence of extraterrestrial life.
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lilaccatholic · 7 months
Physically I'm here but mentally I'm clawing the eyes out of everyone who talks crap about their children on the internet and posts them in their most vulnerable moments for clout
#i just saw a video of a like eleven or twelve year old girl approach her mom's car when she got home from work and without even saying hello#to her kid she yelled at her to go inside so she could talk to her husband first and then shouted at the kid when she said her dad put her#through hell that day. is she probably overreacting bc shes a kid and she doesnt have get emotional regulation yet? absolutely. but also?#as the kid who knew that if i didnt get to my mom with my side of things first that my dad would twist things to make himself look like the#victim in a situation i promise you that baby girl isnt feeling heard and that would be sucky but normal on its own. the type of thing#families work through together yknow? but to post that on the internet??? to be recording when you come home knoeing there are problems in#your house and wanting to put online forever a moment in time where there are really strained relationships among members of your family??#especially when it's the relationship btwn your husband and your child??? nope. im sorry. uh uh.#that kid deserves better than that. your husband deserves better than that. everyone deserves better than to have their really vulnerable#moments shared on the internet with strangers#like. i think about how i felt as a kid when i found out my parents had told a relative something i considered private. how embarrassed and#betrayed i felt. the thought that EVERYONE would see that instead of just my dad's relatives or w/e?#bby girl im incandescent with rage#anyway#lilac rambles
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scribefindegil · 2 years
wait actually what happens when Teru tells a story he thinks is a light and amusing anecdote but is actually deeply fucked up is
Shou’s like “haha, right on!” because he also has zero concept of what is normal
Serizawa just frowns because he thinks that might not be normal but also he was a shut-in and then a terrorist so his understanding of society is not great. also he would be too anxious to say anything
Ritsu is perfectly aware of how fucked up it is but doesn’t feel the need to comment on it
Mob EITHER says something like, “It wasn’t right of your parents to leave you alone” while looking at Teru with such intensity that he feels like his soul is being flayed apart OR he nods very seriously with zero understanding depending on what the anecdote is
which means that it’s just Reigen, token Normal Adult, who is internally screaming “What the FUCK!?” as he tries to come up with a measured response to whatever absolutely batshit backstory lore this kid just dropped
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cardbored-box · 5 months
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oh yeah I also got into yugioh recently
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savoureuxx · 29 days
"evil is just destructive? storms are evil, if it's that simple."
hannibal & will / this tornado loves you - neko case
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runawaymarbles · 1 year
god help me but i might have to write inception fic
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bluevaractyl · 4 months
Help, inspiration does not care that I have more important things to be doing
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@hotcheetohatredwastaken's Febuwhump "Wild's Wolf" would not let me go until I had drawn this
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good-to-drive · 1 month
I totally agree with the general consensus that Ringo provided a lot of emotional support and coolheadedness to the other beatles to the point where they'd have probably killed each other without him but I do also wonder sometimes how much of that is being supernaturally patient and easygoing and how much of it is Ringo just having a tumultuous and isolated childhood where he was never taught to recognize and assert his own emotional needs so he became a blank slate on which others could process their emotions
(And tbh I also wonder how an inability to access or assert his feelings may have contributed to his tendency to process pain by numbing himself and the pretty shitty way he treated women)
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dj-wayback · 9 months
NS, I think 33 may have unintentionally yet successfully pavlov-trained you (or the organic parts of your brain) into giving them a scritch behind their ears whenever they are in arm reach.
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…I am…doing this because I want to. Of my own conscious will.
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One thing I find really hilarious to think about sometimes is just how much older/younger a lot of the real-life Expedition crew members were compared to their fictional counterparts.
Like, 25 year-old Goodsir, anyone? Or 27 year-old Collins for that matter?
26 year-old Bridgens and 37 year-old Peglar? Ludicrous!
On the one hand, it blows my mind a little bit that I'm currently the same age as the likes of Fitzjames and Le Vesconte.
But on the other hand, I look at all of my male contemporaries - God's Perfect Idiots to a man - and think "Aw shit, yeah, it all makes sense now! Men are just fuckin' like that, huh?"
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