#the crime lord's new groove
crab-instruments · 8 months
The Crime Lord’s New Groove Part 5
Master <Part 4 Part 6>
Pairing: Silco x GN Reader
Summary: You find that your boss, Silco, has been turned into a cat.
Warnings: none
a/n: I'm not dead, just listening to podcast about people with delusions of grandeur, and maybe that's where this story will end up.
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Smuggling cat-Silco into his office was much easier than getting him out. It helped Sevika could glare anyone into submission, forcing them to look down at the ground while you carried the precious cargo that was your boss.
You and Sevika tore the office apart, searching for any clues. Random cursed objects, cat claws and whiskers used for a sacrifice, even Shimmer tainted catnip. There was nothing, though it’s not like either of you knew what to look for. Besides, neither of you spent enough time in the office to know if something was out of place.
The cat himself clearly had other things to do. You watched as Silco tapped objects around with mild interest, using some to test the gravity in the office. A small pile of trinkets and pens amassed on the floor as time went on. Every once and a while, Silco would sit his scruffy-looking ass down, tail wrapped over his front paws, and stare holes into you and Sevika. His look was bored, as if expecting to be entertained. Neither of you knew what he wanted, so he would go back to tapping objects.
“So, what you’re telling me is… you know nothing.”
Never taking your eye off a pen as it rolled under the desk, you responded dejectedly. “Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like I didn’t try. However, I think I’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty here.”
Sevika scoffed. “Right. You have no answers and no leads but you definitely deserve a raise.”
You groaned and swiveled your head toward the golden armed warrior. “It’s not like I was here when it happened and I already told you my suspect is—”
“A lady with no appointment, who said something, and left without anyone noticing.”
“Yeah so, I mean, that’s not nothing—”
“There are many ladies in Zaun, you moron, it barely narrows it down.”
“I’m not exactly an expert in therianthropy or shapeshifting. I work behind the bar most nights! Y’all don’t even trust me enough to do inventory, so I fail to see how this is remotely my problem.” You dug the heals of your hands into your eyes and sighed, annoyed at how unlucky you were to have been the one to have found Silco. “Do you remember what that old hag looked like, from yesterday? She was the last one you saw come in here, right? Could you describe her enough so I could draw her face and see if we can use that to ask around?”
It was quiet for a moment. You looked up to see both Silco and Sevika staring at you incredulously. Raising your arms in question, you glared back at the two.
Sevika huffed, “You can draw? I’ve seen your handwriting, it’s dogshit.”
Underpaid and underappreciated, you wondered why you even offered and why you were still here. You grabbed a pen off the floor and some loose paper, making room on the messy desk. The sketch of the woman’s face started out generic, a base for Sevika to go off of.
It was all going fine until a few lines started to get out of hand and the pen became difficult to use. You scowled at Silco, who was much closer and swatting the moving pen. Lifting the pen out of reach, you frowned, trying to convey your annoyance. No emotion showed on his face, only focused on his target.
A silent battle was fought between the two of you. Silco looked at you with defiant eyes. This was Silco’s desk, pen, paper, and office, and if he wanted to play with the pen, it was his right. However, you were trying to help make him not a cat and his little paws were interfering with that work. After a few seconds, you made your attack. You lifted Silco up, keeping him at arms length, and placed him on the chair all while ignoring the deepening scowl the scruffy feline gave.
“If Silco remembers what happened while he was a cat, he’ll kill you. Maybe worse.”
You sighed, “He’ll have to get in line. Just tell me what the lady looked like.”
Silco accepted his fate, stretching his claws into the seat of the chair, walking in a circle, and curling up into a fluffy ball.
After pulling the details out from Sevika, which was more difficult than you could have imagined (like it was Sevika’s job to keep them secret and close to her heart), you had a sketch to go off of. When you had a moment to finally look at it, you were sure you messed up somewhere.
You turned to Sevika, the sketch outstretched in your hands. “Is this what she looked like?”
“Shit, that looks just like the woman. It’s almost like you’ve seen her before.”
Silco snapped his head up, eyes bleary from sleep, now alert. He uncurled himself from the chair to leap onto the desk for a better vantage point. A single paw tapped your wrist impatiently a few times until you laid out the sketch on the desk. Silco took a few steps back, taking in the portrait. His head tilted from side to side before he pounced on the paper and looked up at you, meowing in approval.
“Even Silco agrees.” You rubbed your face, giving yourself a moment to think. “Well, the good news is, I know who the woman is.”
“Really? Who?”
“My landlord.”
Seivka stood and started making her way toward the door. “Then what are we waiting for? Let’s get going.”
“Wait! But I live there! I can’t go accusing my landlord of witchcraft, she’ll evict me.”
“How is that my problem?”
You sputtered, thrown off kilter by Sevika’s lack of empathy. “Where would I live?”
Before Sevika could answer, Silco meowed loud enough to startle you both. He held his presence as if he was human again, demanding respect and attention. It was easy to forget how powerful he was when he looked so cute and fluffy.
“Silco will reward you for helping him, of course.”
Sighing, you considered the offer. Realistically, you couldn’t say no to Silco anyway. “Fine, but let me talk to her first. I’ll try to negotiate nicely and if that doesn’t work, you can be the bad cop.”
The golden armed brute looked toward that cat sitting on the desk, waiting for approval. Silco sat up straight, regal as always, and looked between the two of you. He nodded and blinked slowly. It was a weird scene to experience, waiting for a cat to dictate the path of your future.
The same cat that started grooming himself on top of the desk.
“The boss has spoken, let’s go.”
Part 6
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a-simple-life-23 · 5 months
Love & InSIMplicity (38)
The next couple weeks flew by as Lou and Cassandra adjusted to the newborn life, Lou is the most attentive dad and will even eat all of his meals in the nursery and watch over his daughter. Cassandra is a wonderful mom and anytime she’s feeding the baby, Lou is always in the background just admiring his family and really taking pride in their home and their life.
With the Goth’s also being present and doing what they can to help, it was stressful while Lou and Cassandra tried to find their own groove, they did end up sending them home a few days early so the new parents could get some time to themselves as well as enjoy parenthood (included bonus picture of Alexander’s new face, I TRIED YALL 😂).
However, unbeknownst to Cassandra, Lou had rejoined a crime career to make money fast for his family, although he had no intention of continuing it once he had enough money to buy them a place, things were starting to get sticky and he knew he would have to come clean to Cassandra eventually. Because of his past and how skilled he was, especially having a kleptomaniac trait he was offered the position of Crime Lord almost immediately and he accepted with little thought of how this would affect his family. Now that the police were hot on his trail and he was given the option to be an informant and burn his old crew, he knew time was running out. As much as he wanted to indulge in his new family, he knew he needed to tell Cassandra everything.
One evening after putting Sena down for her nap, Lou gently cupped Cassandra’s face in his hands, “Cass..there’s something I need to tell you”
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dangal-play · 26 days
Explore The Latest Episode Of The Bengali Serial Online For Grooving Entertainment.
Dangal Play has evolved as a significant digital entertainment platform, providing various genres for viewers across India. Dangal Play is now famous for those seeking entertainment because of its design, excellent streaming quality, and vast library of Bengali Serial Online.
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Popularity Of Bengali Serials And Latest Episodes:
Bengali Serial Online on Dangal Play has become extremely popular due to their authentic cultural content, captivating plots, and gifted casts. The most recent episodes are a must-watch for excellent entertainment because of their compelling stories, complex emotional development, and engaging characters. Delve into the most recent episodes of popular Bengali serials on Dangal Play, providing viewers with an immersive and lively viewing experience.
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Exploring The Latest Episodes For Grooving Entertainment:
Let's dive into the latest episodes of  Bengali Serial Online on Dangal Play that promise an incredible experience for viewers:
"Rakter Sambandh": Sandhya, a visually handicapped woman, and her sisters endure difficulties after their father passes away on Sandhya's wedding day. Sandhya smiles again as her husband Yuvraj and his family shower her affectionately—but only briefly. Sandhya doesn't realize that her new family is hiding a dark secret. How will she respond when she learns the truth about her husband?
"Shani Mahima": Mahima Shani Dev Ki's TV show dispels the myths and misunderstandings regarding Lord Shani (Saturn), one of the nine heavenly objects known as Navagraha in Hindu astronomy.
"Ek Poloke Ektu Dekha" is a beautiful story about Suman, an orphan whose hopes of finding family and affection are realized when she is accepted into a lovely and traditional joint family. In this new home, she discovers a wonderful family and Karan, the love of her life. But fate intervenes, and her life changes because destiny grants wishes, so observe how she handles her life in this circumstance.
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threeeyesslitthroat · 2 months
i think the hardest thing about watching the new PJO show is that I'm realizing that this isn't really the adaptation that I expected.
Frankly, the show is fine. Literally. The only thing that is saving this show's ass at this point is that they casted the characters really well. I really hate the fact that I'm saying this but the show is mid. And yes the show isn't done yet but it is mid.
Honestly I realized it too late but the PJO series would have worked best as a film series, not a television series. The first movie by Fox? (Am never, ever, acknowledging the second one) Pretty much its only actual crime was trying to squeeze the lightning thief into two hours. And so far it's a better adaptation of the energy and pace that the lightning thief novel actually has. (That movie failed in characterization by a lot but I'm going for energy and pace here)
Really, the pjo tv show is really throwing off my groove rn because in universe the world's very ass is at stake here and it's cutting its pace into bite sized chunks it is killing the energy.
I've always believed that the pjo series should have been a film series and the the tv show is proving me right. Personally they should have taken notes from Michael Bay and made four hour movies like his transformers.
No seriously, they should have taken a lot of notes from Michael Bay and his transformers movies. Say what you will but that guy was like really efficient in providing information to the audience (to the point of being blunt but the principle is there to learn from) and his fight scenes and maintaining a high stakes energy through most of the series. You could really just take those factors and combine with the heart and character of PJO and you have a kick ass series that could have the emotional resonance of Lord of The Rings and the hype of Endgame/Infinity War and blow the profits of the Harry Potter Series out of the water. I'm talking major ass smer blockbusters that become pop culture icons in their own right.
Seriously, PJO always had the potential for what I just described and they really aren't realizing it whatsoever.
Seriously I do have my reasons to dislike RR but I will say that the pace of the books is very nice. Really nice. They have a slightly slower pace, since the quests take place over a minimum of two weeks or less, in contrast to the Bay transformers films that take place over four to six days max. But RR was also really good at maintaing a pretty high energy story. Sure he slowed it down enough to have emotional moments but still, high energy throughout. That's why the final chapters of The Last Olympian literally feel like a massive weight is off the readers shoulders. At long last the end goal of the world not ending has been met. We no longer have to worry about next book of death risking adventures.
Like I know its been a while since I've tead pjo but those novels are imprinted in my brain and I know that those novels were very high paced. A pcae that isn't suitable for television because to cut that pace into episodes is to neuter the shit out of the original experience.
Honestly Heroes of Olympus is what deserves a tv show. Heroes of Olympus takes place over the span of months, probably eighteen or so, a good portion of the story is literally just traveling over the United states to over the sea to Europe and Tartarus to back to the United states. Listen I know Heroes of Olympus has bigger problems but honestly each and every one of those novels would make a less than solid film. They would create cool scenes, and have good acting and design, but seriously, imagine trying to put Percy and Annabeth in Tartarus as well as the adventures of the remaining seven in the same three hour movie. It would barely work. TV show is better for Heroes of Olympus than PJO, especially if it has a fraction of Game of thrones budget. Imagine 50-82 minute length episodes, for Heroes of Olympus, specifically.
And honestly Magnus Chase (if it ever gets green lit by the time I'm 39) should definitely be a film trilogy, preferably R-rated, considering its pace and energy.
*the Kane Chronicles are harder to pin down because at the very least Moon Knight proves that Egyptian myth cam be entertaining tv but the Kane Chronicles frankly, weren't RR's strongest in the first place. Especially because Egyptian mythology operates on a different style to GrecoRoman and this it's world building is a touch more complex and not in the intriguing way.
*also Im ignoring the Trials of Apollo because I didn't read them and I don't want to.
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league-of-skins · 8 months
Skinline Masterlist
based on the fandom wiki which is based on the client
Ages of Runeterra
Battle Queens
Be Mine
Café Cuties
Cats Versus Dogs
Collector Edition
Concrete Canvas
Crime City Nightmare
Crimson Elite
Crystal Rose
Crystalis Motus
Culinary Masters
Dark Waters
Death Sworn
Definitely Not
Dragon World
Event Horizon
Fallen World
Folded Edges
Forgotten Depths
Forsaken Hymn
Four Beasts
God Weapon
Guardian of the Sands
Heavy Metal
High Noon Gothic
Highway Heretics
Immortal Journey
Inkshadow Uprising
Institute of War
Iron Firmament
Kinetex Machina
La Illusión
Lunar New Year
Mecha Kingdoms
Monster Tamers
Moons of Ionia
Neighborhood Nightmare
Neon Strata
Order of the Lotus
Piltover Customs
Prehistoric Hunters
Riot Records
Shan Hai Scrolls
Silver Age
Space Groove
Spirit Blossom
Spirit Guard
Star Guardian
Star Voyagers
Sugar Rush
Sunkissed Summer
Super Galaxy
Tales from the Rift
Tales of Borealis
The Badge
The Grind
The Ruined King Saga
Thunder Lord
Toy Box
War is Heck
Warring Kingdoms
Winged Reign
Winter Sports
Woad Tribe
Wonders of the World
Ye Olde
Zombie VS Slayers
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xmystophalesx · 2 years
Best New Heavy Metal Releases Week of November 11th, 2022
Not as busy this week (thankfully) but the amount of REALLY good albums was every bit as many, if not more. I could have easily added Xentrix, Faustus, Crime, Black Hole and Drudkh to that list but I felt the albums that are there in the (roughly) same genre were just marginally better. So let’s talk about a few of those highlights.
Doomocracy-Unorthodox (Doom/Heavy)**
Doom Metal that spends more time in the mid-tempo range than most, and I believe to its benefit. Exceptional vocals and driving riffs makes this the type of Doom Metal I REALLY enjoy.
Vananidr-Beneath The Mold (Melodic Black)**
Black Metal that worms its way into your subconscious and gets you coming back again and again. This one will be a grower rather than a shower for most but when it clicks it will really open up.
Powerwolf-Missa Contorem II (Power)**
Powerwolf does exactly what you expect them to do and one album isn’t vastly better than another. That being said, this one seems to be more solid all the way through. The “catchiness” factor on this album is off the charts.
Firephoenix-Firephoenix (Heavy)**
Completely new band to me that surprised the hell out of me. It has the speed to be considered Power Metal but it has this old school vibe that reminds me more of Traditional Metal. Whatever the case, this album is just a blast from beginning to end.
Fateful Finality-Emperor of the Weak (Thrash)**
Fast and Melodic Thrash Metal that feels like it mixes all the best parts of the German and Bay Area Thrash scenes. This is yet another album that gets better and better the more you listen to it. Your neck will get a workout with this one.
That will do it for yet another amazing week of Heavy Metal goodness. Remember that music is the passion of the soul and go out and enjoy it. Until next week, and as always,
All worthy of a listen if you like the genre
*= standout in that genre
**=best of the week regardless of genre
Best of the Week
Bark-Rambler of Aeons (Groove/Death n Roll)**
Galderia-Endless Horizon (Power)**
Doomocracy-Unorthodox (Doom/Heavy)**
Feleth-Divine Blight (Melodic Death)**
Vittra-Blasphemy Blues (Melodic Death)**
Powerwolf-Missa Contorem II (Power)**
Firephoenix-Firephoenix (Heavy)**
Fateful Finality-Emperor of the Weak (Thrash)**
Vananidr-Beneath The Mold (Melodic Black)**
Standouts in their Genre
Crime-Master of Illusion (Hard Rock/Heavy)*
Faustus-Memoriam (Progressive Death/Melodic)*
Black Hole-Whirlwind of a Mad Man (Progressive Power)*
Xentrix-Seven Words (Thrash)*
Kampfar-Til Klovers Takt (Black)*
Detherous-Unrelenting Malevolence (Death/Thrash)*
Dragonfly-Domine XV (Power)*
Drudkh-All Belong to the Night (Black)*
Lamentations-Passion of Depression (Progressive Death)*
Malist-As I Become Darkness (Black)*
Night Lord-Death Doesn’t Wait (Heavy/Speed/Traditional)*
Ring of Fire-Gravity (Heavy/Progressive)*
Krypt-Ripe With Sin (Black/Thrash)*
Wretched Path-Heavy Lies the Crown (Death)*
Jarakillers-The Prophecy (Thrash)*
Reabilitator-Mentally Defected (Thrash)*
Arallu-Death Covenant (Black/Death)*
Worth a listen if you enjoy the genre
Rook Road-Rook Road (Rock)
Warkings-Morgana (Power)
Soul Grinder-Anthems from the Abyss (Death)
Norrskold-Prisma Aeturnus (Melodic Death)
Teraset-Bones of Contention (Death/Thrash)
About Us-About Us (Hard Rock)
Aldaaron-Arcane Mountain Cult (Black)
Ashbreather-Hivemind (Progressive/Sludge)
Bonecarver-Carnage Funeral (Symphonic Deathcore)
Casket Robbery-Rituals of Death (Brutal Death)
Chelsea Grin-Suffer in Hell (Symphonic Death)
Encryptment-Dodens Fodsel (Death)
Furi Helium-Far From Sanity (Thrash)
Iron Front-Left Out to Rot (Death)
Mantric Momentum-Trial By Fire (Power/Heavy)
Lot of fantastic releases this week but I just kept coming back to this one again and again. Pick of the Week goes to Firephoenix with a perfect 5/5!
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the-confuktor · 3 years
Dead Bird Metro Information post
A general information post about this Au
Dead Bird Metro is an AU in which the roles of the birds and cats have been reversed.
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Conductor and Grooves
Connie and Grooves still run dead bird studio. Buuut. They are in crippling debt. So. How do you solve that?
Become Avid enjoyers of crime.
The two are leaders of the Talonclaw gang. The most powerful and feared gang in Avian Society. However they don't send out their goons to do the dirty work for them, no, they'd much rather get it done themselves. It's much more fun that way.
The two are married to each other, they keep things professional when people are around, but when they're alone, they get all cute and cuddly with each other.
Both also have different approaches to dealing with things: Grooves is more calm, he thinks things through and makes the majority of the heist plans, he isn't one for fighting, but lord help you if you hurt his man.
Conductor is less thinking more smashing and setting things on fire, he's reckless and doesn't really think before he acts.
Empress and Cooking Cat(Cindy)
Empress isn't the leader of any gang, she can still be downright terrifying at times, but she's just a chill cat running a jewelry store with her wife Cindy.
Empress is a well respected cat in Nyakuza, Le Félin is a high end Jewelry shop, and pretty well known though the cat society.
Cindy runs a small restaurant in the high end of Nyakuza, but she also works weekends in a soup kitchen and provides meals for the homeless. She used to be a higher up in the Lazy Paw Gang, but that wasn't a great time in her life, and is something she'd rather forget.
Empress' store has expensive jewellery. Obviously. And, shiny, expensive items attracted the birds. Her store is a major target for the Talonclaw gang, and she's had enough.
Hat kid
Hat kid is still the little chaotic shit we know and love.
And she's agreed to help the Empress stop the birds! Or is she?
Hat kid had been tasked by Empress to scout out dead bird studio in order to get her jewels back, and stop them from stealing more.
But, hat kid also ends up taking up work for the directors. So she has to make a choice.
On one hand, this old cat lady is letting hattie stay in her big fancy Manor.
On the other hand. These birds are paying her in cookies.
The Seals
How haven't the directors been arrested yet?
Well. The police are the seals. They could watch them Rob a bank and not even notice.
Walrus Captain
Walrus Captain is chief of police, and he hates it. But it pays well.
He knows the seals are incompetent, but he still cares about their health and safety.
Arresting the Directors is his end goal before he retires from the force.
Crows are still shady, but here, they're the ones you go to if you need Information on anything or anyone.
They've got information on everybody. They're a neutral party, but if you betray them, you will regret it.
The mafia would normally fight with the Talonclaw gang for territory and status, but instead they've struck a deal with them to keep the peace. The Talonclaw gang has a lot of penguins, so the mafia provides the fish, the birds supply the illegal items.
Mafia Boss also has a new cyborg like body that some science owls came up with in an attempt to peace with the mafia back when the two gangs were fighting.
Moon Penguins and Express Owls
The goons of the Talonclaw gang,
The owls work security, as they can swoop down and attack intruders without causing too much attention to them. The penguins may be small, but in their large numbers then can cause a lot of damage.
If ya'll have any questions about Dead Bird Metro feel free to ask them!
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Crack Your Bones and Say Those Lies.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Saturday Challenge 3: And They Were Roommates} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| After getting roped into the Vigilante life by Chat Noir, her friend and partner in crime, Maladroit tries her best to help fight crime to make the city a better place, if only Red Hood and his gang would stop causing problems. |
| Or alternatively, Marinette and Jason are roommates with secrets. Both have huge crushes on each other but more importantly, both are trying to juggle moonlighting as their secret identities. However, when watching the nightly news together, everything changes. |
| Word Count: 5,014. |
| Warnings/Tags: No Miraculous/Different Powers Au, Roommates, minor gang mentions/Red Hood is a gang lord, gun violence, Vigilantism, Identity Shenanigans/Mistakes, Miscommunication, some emotional hurt, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, and Domestic fluff. Also Oblivious, Protective, & Mutually Pining Marinette and Jason. |
| A/N: Hey! Sorry this is nearly a week late but where I live got hit with a nasty heatwave and I was barely able to write from sheer exhaustion from the heat. But on a happier note, I'm so glad I've finally been able to write and post a proper Vigilantes au (as in like Spidey style vigilantism with homemade gear and all!) Because that kinda Vigilante au especially combined with roommates is my favourite trope ever! Well maybe joint with Dragonrider AUs, but still! I've had multiple Vigilante Aus sitting in my notes and drafts so it's brilliant to finally release one into the wild! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It's Friday night, and Maladroit and Chat Noir are midway through their usual patrol of their slice of territory in the city.
“Race you to the billboard!” Chat Noir calls out, snickering in an almost cat-like-chitter as he launches himself forwards. Swinging over Maladroit's head with his grapple, he lands on the next roof ahead, in a perfect three-point landing.
Maladroit giggles, “Oh, you're so on!” She grabs her grapple and shoots. Swinging after him and onto the same roof. She instead, dive forward rolls for her landing and uses the momentum to propel her into a run.
Losing his lead due to the momentum loss of the three-point landing, Chat Noir vaults over a roof vent.
Forced to swerve to the side, Maladroit barely dodges a massive puddle of rainwater on her side of the roof.
Neck and Neck, the two raced across the rooftop. Closer and closer to the billboard they raced.
Nearly there! She thinks, c'mon! Reaching an arm out to slap the billboard—
“Eep!” She yelps, startled by the buzzing crackle of her earring-comms. Unintentionally, she accidentally veers to the side and crashes straight into Chat Noir's side.
They collide with a loud thud, and two of them crumple into a pile.
“Graceful as ever, Mal.” A voice teases over her earring-comms. “Joking aside, didn't mean to spook you, sorry!”
Maladroit groans, “thanks,” and gingerly extracts herself from the vigilante limb pile.
“Gamer!” Chat Noir cheers, having heard him through his own disguised comms. “Got any crimes for us to fight tonight?”
There's a chuckle over the line, “Lucky you should ask, Chat, I do happen to have found some villainous plans for you to thwart.”
Chat Noir cracks his knuckles and stretches. “Oh? What are they?”
“Two which are time-sensitive.” Gamer adds.
Maladroit stifles a squawk, “Two! That are time-sensitive?” Her voice goes up a pitch on the last word, making it sound like a question.
“Uh-huh.” He confirms. “Chat Noir, there's a break-in at a jewellery store two blocks over from you. I'm sending you the directions now to your phone.”
Chat Noir does a two-fingered salute to the nearest security camera. “Got it, G! Detective Noir is on the case!”
“And Maladroit, we've got reports of sightings of Red Hood outside his usual area. By the Warehouses on fourth. There are no security cams around there so I've got nothing but rumours to go on. See if you can check it out and find out what he's up to.” Gamer informs her, sounding slightly irritated at the fact he's got little information to give her.
Maladroit nods, grumbling slightly. “When isn't he up to something.”
Slinging an arm around her shoulder, Chat Noir grins like the Cheshire Cat. “C'mon, Mal! It'll be a quick sweep and nothing will turn up like the last twenty times we've gotten this kinda tip-off!”
“You owe me ice cream from André's when we're in civvies tomorrow!” She huffs. “I made us macarons last time!”
“I haven't forgotten!” Chat Noir protests. “Anyway, see you tomorrow if we don't catch each other for the end of the patrol?”
Maladroit nods. “Yep! See ya later Minou!”
The two split. Chat Noir dashing after the directions, and Maladroit swinging towards the warehouses on fourth.
Breathe, Maladroit—reminds herself, perched on the rafters in one of the warehouses on fourth. Staring at the blood-red glowing mask of the red hooded villain, who happens to be oh so creatively named the 'Red Hood', leaning on the balcony railing on the opposite side of the warehouse to her rafter, and presumably glaring up at her.
“It's you again, Maladroit.” He growls, distorted by whatever voice modifier he's got wired into his mask.
She can't help but wince at the reminder of the word she had accidentally said the first time she had ever helped Chat Noir fight crime. Which irritatingly enough, stuck as her vigilante name. Especially since her second attempt at a name, Ladybug, didn't stick. She frowns beneath the black and red spotted bandana covering her mouth, and tightly grips her bladed yo-yo—with piano wire instead of string—of the same colour scheme.
“What are you planning, Red Hood?” She spits out, voice also modified by her bandana, a tad too grumpy and bitterly for the awkward-but-smiley "persona" she's supposed to act like (although it's not so much of a persona when that's just how she is almost all the time). But in her defence, she's had a rough day at uni, things have been awkward at home because of her crush on her roomie lately, and more importantly, Red Hood's lackeys have been a pain in the neck for the past week, so her reaction is more than warranted.
He has the audacity to laugh. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Pipsqueak?”
“Well,” Maladroit huffs, “I was hoping you were feeling considerate.”
Red Hood shifts his shoulders. “Aww, sorry Pipsqueak. I'm not feeling particularly considerate today.” In a split second, he slips both guns from his holsters, spins them, and shoots.
Maladroit squeaks, instinctively tugging on her power, and dives off the rafter to dodge the shot. “Rude!”
She's just able to shoot her grapple off and swing up to another metal beam.
“How the fuck do you keep dodging my shots?” He snarls, gesturing at her with his guns in short angry-looking motions.
In response, she throws her yo-yo at him, tugging on her power again. The yo-yo spins through the air, slashing through the Red Hood's jacket sleeve and slicing a deep groove into the gun, then rewinds on the wire back to her. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Bullet Boy!” She parrots back, cheekily.
“Hey!” Red Hood snaps, aiming another shot at her.
Tugging on her powers once more, Maladroit yelps as she swings to yet another metal rafter beam in order to avoid the shot. “Your aim sucks!”
“Fuck you!” He retorts, firing off four more shots aimed at her head.
There's a horrifying moment as she barely manages to tug on her powers in time. The bullets barely skimming past her hood, one even tearing the fabric slightly.
“Mal!” Comes Gamer's terrified voice over her earring-comms, “I need you to pull back immediately! Red Hood and his gang have been spotted nearby and Chat can't get to you in time to back you up if you do get into a fight!”
She raises a hand to her earrings and quietly laughs hysterically. “Little too late for that, G! I'm uh currently staring… face to gun to him”
“Oh, fuck!” Gamer responds, voice going up a pitch. “I'm contacting Chat now. Try and get out if you can but prioritise not getting yourself killed, please!”
Red Hood fires his guns again. “Eyes and ears on me, Pipsqueak.”
Squeaking yet again, Maladroit desperately tugs on her power once more and swings to another rafter. Her heart thunders in her chest as loudly as his gunfire. She spits out a frantic, “no promises!” to both of them.
“I've informed him, your backup is on the way.” Gamer tells her.
The main warehouse doors clatter open with a resounding slam! Followed by the stomping of multiple pairs of boots storming inside.
Maladroit waves at Red Hood, the quiet terrified hysterical laughter practically bubbling out of her mouth. “Haha, well I'm afraid that's my cue to Bug Out!”
“Oh, I don't think so, Pipsqueak.” Red Hood taunts, shooting six bullets at her, rapid-fire. “I ain't finished with our convo yet.”
Squeaking for the umpteenth time, and really just giving him even more reason to keep giving her that stupid pipsqueak nickname, she riskily shoots her grapple, aiming and swinging towards the warehouse's large balcony windows.
“Get the fuck back here!” He snarls, voice deepening with fury. Pausing to reload before firing off more shots at her with abandon.
Maladroit wriggles midair, tugging on her powers to try and dodge the shots. She curls into a dive forward roll as the grapple forces her to land onto the balcony. The same one that Red Hood has been stood on this entire time. Oh, help me! She thinks, eyes widening behind her makeshift red with black tinted lenses, goggles-slash-domino mask.
He aims his gun at her once more. “Move and you fucking die, pipsqueak.”
Putting her hands in the air, she swallows a gulp of air. Her body armour is padded beneath her red, and black spotted, hoodie but it isn't bulletproof. And she can feel the straining exhaustion of overusing her powers clawing at her.
They're at a standoff. Still as statues, the both of them. It's almost poetic how they parallel each other. He's got his gun aimed at her, whilst she's desperately clutching at her grappling hook gun in one of her raised hands. Both donned in red. Both committing crimes in the eyes of the law. Two sides of the same coin, one and the same.
Maladroit feels sick to her stomach, staring down the barrels of his guns. Ever so slowly, she tugs on her powers. The window a little bit behind her creaks quietly enough that Red Hood doesn't seem to notice beneath the clamour of his gang doing whatever it is they're doing below.
She counts her breath and tugs on her power. A minute passes with no movement, no words, nothing happening on the balcony. Out of the corner of her eye, she can just see that it's now open enough that she should be able to make it out unscathed. Or at least mostly unscathed.
Closing her eyes, not that he can see, her power snaps. Instinctively she doubles over and slaps a hand over her mouth. Barely in time as a stifled scream is yanked from her throat, leaving her panting for breath. Her knees crash onto the balcony flooring. A bullet whizzes past her neck.
“Shit. What the fuck was that?” Red Hood grumbles, sounding genuinely concerned. He storms across the balcony towards her.
Maladroit can't help but flinch, bodily throwing herself back as far away from him as she can. Mind racing in panic.
He stows one gun back into a holster then reaches a hand towards her. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down.”
“Gotta go! Bug-bye!” She squeaks out, wrenching on her power with all her remaining strength, and bolting for the window.
“I think the fuck not! Fucking pretending to be hurt.” Red Hood barks, ripping the gun back out of its holster.
Narrowly dodging the spray of bullets shot at her, Maladroit dives through the window and fires off her grapple. Safely swinging far away from the warehouse.
Carefully Maladroit drops with the ease of far too many nights of practise, onto the fire escape outside her bedroom window. She crouches and lets the shadows of the night hide her form. Creeping closer, she checks the windowsill for any marks or signs of tampering but it all comes away untouched. Content with her quick security check, she fumbles for the disguised piece of string wedging the window ajar in a way that's barely visible unless you know where to look for it. Got it! She thinks to herself, grabbing ahold of it and prying it, and the window above it, up and open.
Slipping through the open window, she sits on the sill to rip her thankfully not-too-dirty studded steel-toed boots off. Picking them up in one hand, she wiggles the rest of the way into her room and immediately resets the security measures, yanking the curtain down for privacy.
Maladroit then shuffles over to her bed. Tikki—her gorgeous fluffy red and dark brown miniature dachshund—blinks sleepily up at her, from the dog bed next to it. The puppy yaps in greeting before snuffling and curling back up to sleep.
She coos at the cuteness before continuing on. With the other hand not carrying the boots, she pries the blanket covered duffel bag out from underneath. Wrestling to unzip it in one janky and awkward motion, grunting slightly at the exertion. The metal of the zip digs in but the discomfort is mostly mitigated by the padded gloves and wrist guards she's wearing. The easy to clean plastic bag designated for temporary storing of her boots is dragged out of the bag and said boots are tossed in without a second glance.
Huffing, she starts to take the rest of her cross between mostly homemade and refashioned sports kit vigilante gear off. First, tugging down the hood of her hoodie and unclipping the black scrum cap hidden under it. It's dumped unceremoniously into a secondary plastic bag in the open duffel bag. After that, Maladroit removes the black neck guard and pulls her makeshift goggles-slash-domino mask over her head. Those too, are dumped into the other plastic bag. Then she unties the bandana with the nose guard underneath, from around her mouth and nose. Unsurprisingly, they're also dumped in the bag.
Next, she undoes the velcros on her red and black padded gloves, black wrist guards, as well as black elbow, knee, and shin pads. Also dumped into the other bag. With the outer protective wear removed, Maladroit pulls her hoodie over her head. Continuing on, she peels the padded rugby body armour and shorts off, and then the thermal under-armour. All dumped into the third and final plastic bag. “I swear,” Maladroit mumbles to herself, “getting changed out my gear never gets easier. And to think back when I had my last P.E. lesson at school, I thought I'd never have to touch this kinda kit ever again. Rip me.”
Lastly, Marinette—no longer Maladroit seeing as she is no longer in her vigilante gear—throws on her running-to-the-bathroom spare bathrobe to cover herself. She hastily shoves the three plastic bags into the duffel bag and kicks it under her bed. Purposefully leaving it unzipped but quickly fixing the blanket covering the bag, so that she can more easily grab her kit to clean everything later, whilst keeping it sufficiently hidden.
With that mostly taken care of, she nabs the mouthguard case, some clean pyjamas, and dashes out of her room—clinging awkwardly to the bathrobe. She hops in the apartment's shared bathroom, the rest of the place is silent, meaning her roomie, Jason, must have gone out. Still, Marinette locks the door regardless. If there's one thing she's learnt in her foray into the nightly masked vigilantism, is that one can never be too careful.
“Shit! Nearly forgot to take this out.” She grumbles to herself, just as she was stepping into the shower. Prying the mouthguard out of her mouth as she shuffles over to the sink, she gives it a quick rinse under the tap. Followed by a thorough scrubbing with her toothbrush and glob of toothpaste. She pops it into the mouthguard case and leaves it on the side of the sink for now.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Marinette finally allows herself to indulge in a good half an hour-long hot shower to get the grime from a night of crime-fighting off of herself.
She's only just drying off her hair, having already changed into her pyjamas, when the blare of the TV echoes through the apartment. Tensing up, her anxiety runs wild. It's what they get for living in the cheaper but slightly dodgy apartments where the walls are thin and the doors are thinner. Grabbing the mouthguard case, she wraps it up in the bathrobe and peeks out the bathroom door and looks down the hall into the open plan kitchen lounge. Jason's back, he's sitting on the sofa watching the TV.
Shoulders untensing, she finished drying her hair and heads out into the hallway. In place of a greeting, she exclaims, “oh! Jason, you're back!”
Jason flinches slightly and looks over his shoulder back at her. “Yeah, a friend had an emergency so, y'know.”
Immediately, concern wrenches at Marinette's heart, “oh no, I'm sorry. Are they… okay?”
He waves a hand in a so-so gesture and clears his throat awkwardly. “Uh, yeah. They're fine now.”
“That's good!” She says, nodding, as she makes her way fully into the lounge and the TV catches her attention. “Oh is it nearly the eleven o'clock news already? I need to watch this! Alya texted me earlier saying I have to, and she sounded really excited!” Glancing down at the bundle in her arms and flushes red. “Actually, I'll be back in a second!”
“I'll yell as soon as it actually starts.” Jason offers, smiling warmly at her.
Marinette just misses the smile, rushing back to her room, and throwing a quick, “thanks,” over her shoulder back at him.
Also missing his smile turn fond and the good-natured roll of his eyes at her antics.
Barely half a minute passes before she's bounding back into the lounge, with a sleepy Tikki at her heels. She plops herself down on the sofa next to him and hopes the blush on her face could simply be mistaken for the flush of running about like a mad thing instead. Tikki whines until Marionette picks her up and lets her on the sofa with them, padding over to the furthest corner to curl up in.
Jason points to the pink floral steaming mug on the coffee table, right next to his Pride Prejudice and Zombies themed mug. “Whilst you were in the shower, I made us both hot chocolates with marshmallows, my granddad Alfie's recipe.”
“Oh!” Marinette responds in pleasant surprise. She turns to him and positively beams, eyes shining with happiness. “Thank you so much, Jason! You're always so thoughtful!”
He blushes and rubs the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, well, I thought it's only fair since you normally make 'em. And I visited Alfie recently, and I promised to get you his recipe to try, so I thought it'd be a nice surprise for once!” He pauses and points at the big bowl also on the coffee table, “also I cooked us some popcorn.”
“Aw! Thank you again! I really appreciate this!” She scoops up the hot chocolate with slight reverence and takes a sip. Immediately her face lights up even more in joy. “Oh, this is delicious!”
Jason chuckles, “isn't it the best! I'll pass that onto Alfie though, he'll be glad to know you like it so much. Speaking of which, he's gonna give making them a try next time I'm up since I wasn't there long enough this time. Would you fancy coming with me to see him, then?”
Her eyes widen and her heart stutters in her chest, feeling close to bursting from happiness. “I'd love to! Do you have a date when you're thinking of going up?”
He nods. “Yeah, maybe around—”
But he's interrupted by the starting audio of the eleven o'clock news.
They both immediately shut up and watch the screen intently as the news anchors appear on the show. The starting discussion is somewhat boring, talking about the local billionaire Wayne-or-something business and a related upcoming charity event of some sort.
Marinette doesn't pay attention to it, but she does catch Jason wrinkling his nose and scowling at the conversation.
Luckily, the topic shifts quickly enough. “And now, over to our newest reporter, Alya. We hear there's been some rumblings regarding the conflict between local vigilante Chat Noir, his sidekick Maladroit, and the gang controlled by the infamous Red Hood himself.”
“That's stupid,” Jason grumbles, “Maladroit is a fully-fledged vigilante in her own right and not just the catboy's sidekick. That's like saying Nightwing is Batman's sidekick!”
Marinette frowns, very touched by his words and trying her damnedest to appear nonchalant. “I don't know… from all the-uh news clips, Maladroit seems like Chat Noir's sidekick to me. She's always hovering nervously near him like a strong wind would spook her.”
“C'mon! She's been reported to have held her own against Red Hood on multiple occasions, alone!” He argues, sounding rather offended on her alter egos behalf.
Scoffing, she shakes her head. “Clearly that's because he's going easy on her! He's never directly shot her, according to the reports clearly, he's soft on her!” The lies taste bitter on her tongue.
Jason splutters and flushes bright red, turning away from her slightly. “W-well that's obviously a testament to her skill and not Red Hood's mercy! He's always reported as being a merciless killer, why'd he be soft on her!”
“I don't know!” She makes a dying-choking noise as she flushes even more red than earlier. Shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth to avoid having to respond any further.
Luckily, the news shows pans over to Alya standing in front of a screen showing a recorded feed of a warehouse. Not just any warehouse, but specifically the one on fourth that Maladroit had faced Red Hood in less than an hour ago.
Marinette feels her pulse quicken at the reminder of the close shave she'd had.
“Hey wait a second, those warehouses don't have security cameras at all? How'd they get this footage?” Jason complains, eyes narrowed at the TV.
It feels as though ice has been poured down her spine at his words. She freezes, body stiffening in shock. He's right… G said there's none because that's why he asked me to check things out. The only people who'd know this are Chat, Gamer, myself, and Red Hood and his gang. She swallows thickly and tries to subtly side-eye Jason. Oh no. I've been crushing on my roommate who works for Red Hood's gang? Oh god! The friend with the emergency was referring to Red Hood calling him into work!
She can't help but inhale a shallow panicked breath. He could've been one of the lackeys shooting at me and Chat this past week. Or, or I could've hurt him with my yo-yo. Or—
Jason turns to fully face, clearly registering the blatant panic on her face. “Hey, hey, hey, Marinette, you're okay, you're safe. What's wrong?”
“Are you working for Red Hood?” Marinette blurts out, accidentally, the words pouring out in an unintentional panicked rush. “Are you in his gang?”
He jerks back, fear, confusion, and hurt crosses his face. “Wh-what? What makes you think that?”
“His gang was just in that warehouse, and you were out on an emergency for a "friend". And how would you have known unless you were there tonight and working for his gang?” She chews her lip forcefully and winces as the taste of iron floods her mouth.
He reaches towards her, eyes widening concern.
She flinches back, suddenly reminded of how similar this is to that moment with Red Hood on the warehouse balcony.
Jason jerks back as if her flinching burnt him. Raising his hands, he leans away from her to give her some semblance of space. “Fuck. Look, I'm not going to hurt you! Have I ever hurt you whilst we've been roomies?”
Nervously, she shakes her head.
“I really care about you, Marinette. Hell, we've lived together for nearly a year now. I would never hurt you, okay! I promise.” Tears prick in his eyes, and he grimaces slightly, lowering his hands to rest on his lap. “Yeah, I uh, I'm working for him. But I do everything I can to keep work from following me home. I didn't tell you because I never wanted to scare you.”
Guilt gnaws at her. “I'm sorry! I shouldn't have judged. I—” She takes a shaky breath, “I really really care about you too. I'm just worried, what if Red Hood, or even Maladroit, or any of the other vigilantes hurt you? What if you get hurt in one of those gang wars?” Her words aren't lies but they're not the full truth either.
He sighs, “I can't promise I won't ever get hurt on the job. Maladroit and the other vigilantes do a lot of good but Maladroit especially is far too nice to hurt any of us. I've uh, seen her fight some of the others gang members, and been fought by her too. And out of everyone against the gang, she's the one who leaves us with barely more than a scratch at worst.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Most in the gang really respect her for that, y'know.”
Marinette's brain feels like the windows shutting down sound. “Oh. Oh.”
Sheepishly, he smiles half-heartedly at her. “Yeah.”
“So, is that why you were so adamant she's a fully-fledged vigilante in her right?” She asks, feeling bashful yet honoured whilst completely surprised.
Jason clears his throat and glances away. “Uh-huh.”
“Oh.” Her brain rewinds a moment. She splutters for a second, desperation racing through her. “Wait, she's fought you!?”
Full-on grimacing, he nervously laughs. “Left but a scratch!”
“Are you misquoting Monty Python right now? Oh good gods, that's the knight who says that after getting his limbs chopped off!” Marinette exclaims, looking every bit as horrified as her tone of voice conveys.
“Seriously, I've never gotten worse than a couple of minor cuts and bruises, I'm fine!” Jason reiterates.
She frowns and gingerly shuffles across the sofa closer to him. He keeps leaning back away, so she physically throws herself at him, pulling him into a tight hug. Incidentally burying her face in his shirt. “Okay, okay. Just, please let me know next time you get hurt. I've a friend who lived in a bad situation before, so I know how to help patch up minor injuries. Promise?”
Jason stiffens at the hug and slowly moves one hand to cup the back of her head whilst wrapping the other around her back. He shuts his eyes, cocking his head back and sighs. “Alright. I promise I'll tell you. And I'm sorry for keeping something this big from you. As I said, I was worried you'd be scared of me or that you'd get dragged into gang-related shit because of it.”
“You don't need to apologise.” Marinette mumbles in response, “I get it. I really do understand.” She bites at her sore bleeding lips again in guilt, her secret identity left unspoken on her tongue.
He shrugs, “so uh. I'm guessing you're still happy to stay roomies then, right?”
“Of course!” She responds without missing a beat hugging him even tighter.
Eventually, they release each other from the embrace to finish their now lukewarm hot chocolates and popcorn. The news continues playing, no longer forgotten in the background as the two try to act as if nothing has changed.
Jason collapses onto his bed with a heavy sigh. He pulls out his phone and rings a number on autopilot.
The dial tone plays as the line connects. “Hey, whaddup Jay?”
“Holy fucking shit balls, man.” Jason groans. “I fucked up.”
Roy hums, “like need help burying a body fucked up or what?”
Jason groans even louder, smushing his face into his bed covers. “My roomie is smart, right. I accidentally let a tiny detail slip when we were chatting whilst watching the eleven o'clock news as usual. And she now thinks that I'm in Red Hood's gang.”
There's a long pause, before Roy bursts into raucous laughter. “Holy shit, I'm dying! She's not wrong!”
“Yeah. I know. She ain't right either though.” He grumbles in response. “She was absolutely terrified when she realised. Nearly had a full-on panic attack and everything.”
“Oh fuck.” Roy helpfully says.
Jason grunts in agreement. “She was also real concerned that Red Hood or the vigilantes have hurt me.”
“Well, that's better?” Roy offers, sounding rather unsure of his own words.
“Yeah but she's taken thinking I'm some low-level member of my gang this badly, how the fuck d'ya think she's gonna take finding out I'm the big bad Red Hood himself?” Jason sighs. “I don't want to ask her out without her knowing this, 'cause it could endanger her.”
Roy hums again, “well, you've been roommates this long already and she's been completely safe from the Vigilante-Gang life so far.”
There's a gentle thump as Jason lifts his head and throws it into the sheets again out of sheer frustration. He relents, reluctantly. “That's true…”
“See. And since it sounds like she's not planning on moving out, clearly she doesn't mind living with you. Just ask her out to dinner already.” Roy adds, cheerfully.
Huffing, he rolls over on the bed. “I'm starting to feel like those weird girl slumber party ads with the creepy phone-a-boy games.”
Roy wheezes, followed by a thudding noise and the distant sound of his cackling.
“Wow. And to think I called you for help. I'm offended.” Jason goads with no bite, waiting a few seconds to hear Roy's response but it's just more laughter.
He rolls his eyes and ends the call, not like Roy will mind. Throwing an arm over his face, Jason barely refrains from grabbing his pillow to scream into. He doesn't, obviously. Because the walls are thin enough that Marinette might hear him and he's worried her enough this night as is.
Sighing like a lovesick protagonist in a period romance novel, Jason moves his arm to run his fingers through his own hair. A date. Just gotta ask her at some point, to dinner at a fancy-ish restaurant. It'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen?
Her terrified reaction on the sofa flashes through his mind, followed by the reminder of how small and scared Maladroit had seemed when she had fallen to her knees on the warehouse balcony. There was no way that she was faking the pain, like he'd initially thought. She had practically staggered in her mad dash to escape. And there's no way for me to find out whether she got to somewhere safe afterwards. God, she could be lying dead in some dank alleyway for all I know right now. Fuck, I hope she's okay...
He groans in distress and shifts in place. Already feeling like he really won't be getting any sleep at all tonight at this rate, thanks to his concern for those two.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are much appreciated! |
| I decided to go close to canon for names this time, hence why Chat Noir remains unchanged but Max is Gamer (because A. that was his Akuma name, and B. he's like Player from Carmen Sandiego in this, couldn't help myself), and Marinette is Maladroit (from the first thing she calls herself in Origins). |
| Oh, also whilst it's not explicitly stated in the text; Marinette/Maladroit's has the power of luck/being lucky, Chat Noir has the power of being unlucky, and Red Hood has "Perfect Aim" aka he's a hitscan. Which is why Maladroit is able to dodge his bullets by making herself "lucky enough" to dodge in time. |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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cardest · 3 years
Sydney playlist
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And the winner is Si-da-nee! Sydney, Newcastle, Canberra, NSW...ah! The music from this part of the world is so good it is to be believed. I shared Melbourne yesterday and today (on Australia Day) I just had to go with one more. I know this Sydney playlist can reach 200 songs. It’s up to you! Let me know what bands or songs I missed. The songs branch out to Newcastle, Byron Bay, Broken Hill and down to Canberra and the Snowy Mountains.
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001 Icehouse - Harbour Town 002 Hard-Ons & Henry Rollins - let there be rock 003 Paul Kelly and the Messengers - Sydney From A 727 004 Cruel Sea -  4 005 Toe To Toe - Race Against Time 006 GANGgajang - Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia) 007 Celibate Rifles - Wild Desire 008 Johnny Cash - Fast Boat to Sydney   009 The Kinks - Australia 010 Rose Tattoo - Out of This Place 011 BB and the Blips - Lucky Country 012 Cold Chisel - Painted Doll 013 Mass Appeal - Inward Span 014 Mortal Sin - Women In Leather 015 HIEROPHANTS - Nervous Tic 016 Dragon - Blacktown Boogie 017 Mental as Anything - Blacktown To Bondi 018 The Scientists - Hey Sydney 019 Pat Wilson - Bop Girl   020 The Mexican Spitfires - Sydney Town   021 Arrowhead - Coven of the Snake 022 Models - Two Cabs To The Toucan 023 Box The Jesuit - Sleazo Peepshow 024 AC/DC -  Live Wire 025 Redgum - Parramatta Gaol 1843 026 Frenzal Rhomb - My City Of Sydney 027 Parramatta Hot Rod Man - The Satelite V 028 Radio Birdman - Murder City Nights 029 Bane of Isildur - Gates of Valhalla 030 Clouds - Bower Of Bliss 031 Lime Spiders - my favorite room 032 The Beasts of Bourbon - I’m So Happy I Could Cry 033 You Am I - High Chair 034 Louis Tillet - Carousel 035 Nic Dalton and his Gloomchasers - Okay Sydney You Beat me 036 The Saints - One Way Street 037 The Whitlams - You Gotta Love this City 038 The Executives - Summer Hill Road 039 Ratcat -  That Ain't Bad 040 Hoodoo Gurus - Leilani 041 Straight Arrows - 21st Century   042 Falling Joys - Parachute   043 Toys Went Berserk - Wheels In Motion 044  The Hummingbirds -  If A Vow 045 The Angels - Wasted Sleepless Nights Dark Room 046 Died Pretty - Stone age Cinderella 047 Sadistik Exekution - Mental Derailment 048 Newtown Jets team song 049 Do Re Mi  - Man Overboard 050 INXS - The Loved One 051 John Kennedy - Ghost of Newtown 052 Nazxul - Vow of Vengeance 053 The Go-Betweens - Streets of your town 054 SPY V SPY  - ONE OF A KIND 055 Tumbleweed -  Gyroscope 056 Kylie Minogue - Wouldnt Change A Thing 057 Mental As Anything - Live It Up 058 Divinyls - Good Die Young 059 Grungeon - Infernal Shelter   060 Hard-Ons - School Days 061 The Radiators - No Tragedy   062 The New Christs - Born Out Of Time 063 The Sunnyboys - Alone With You   064 The Triffids - A Trick Of The Light 065 The Takeaways - Sweet & Sour 066 COG - Bondi 067 Cold Chisel  - Tomorrow   068 Icehouse - Electric Blue   069 Midnight Oil  - Bring On The Change 070 Celibate Rifles - Darlinghurst Confidential 071 Radio Birdman - Do The Pop 072 You Am I -  Coprolalia 073 Cruciform - Sanctuary 074 Electric Pandas - Big Girls 075 The Saints - Just like fire would 076 Perry Keyes - The Day John Sattler Broke His Jaw Douly Stewart 077 The Bushwackers Band - Shores Of Botany Bay (double Douly Stewart action!!) 078 The Holy Soul - Family Magician 079 Mi Sex - Only Thinking 080 Beasts of Bourbon - Chase the dragon 081 Paul Kelly and His Messengers - Incident On South Dowling 082 Models - Out of Mind Out of Sight 083 Clouds - Alchemy’s Dead 084 The Go-Betweens - Lavender 085 Def FX - Surfers of the Mind 086 Skyhooks - Somewhere in Sydney 087 The Bamboos - Kings Cross 088 The Whitlams - Year Of The Rat 089 MINDSNARE - BURNING BLACK   090 David Bowie -  Let's Dance  ( Sean Steward ) 091 V Spy V Spy - Harrys Reasons 092 Hoodoo Gurus - Whats My Scene 093 Midnight Oil - Who Can Stand in the Way 094 Hard-Ons -  Girl In The Sweater 095 Goanna - Solid Rock   096 THY ART IS MURDER - Human Target   097 White Dog - Sydney Limits 098 Tumbleweed -  Hang Around ( Aje Morris ) 099 Mental As Anything - The Nips Are Getting Bigger 100 Icehouse - Great Southern Land 101 Divinyls - Only Lonely 102 Deborah Conway - Its Only The Beginning 103 Bastardizer - Up The Ante 104 Mi Sex - Computer Games   105 Sunnyboys - You Need A Friend 106 AC/DC - Heatseeker 107 Mortality - D. Form 108 INXS - Don’t Change 109 Naiad - Confidence 110 Crow - Railhead 111 Mass Burial - Etemmu 112 New Groove - Rockmelons 113 The Alarm   - New South Wales 114 Potion - Women of the Wand   115 Backyard Mortuary - Lure of the Occult 116 Girl Overboard - The Love We Make 117 Radio Freedom - I Can Feel It 118 Tex Perkins & Don Walker - Harry Was A Bad Bugger 119 Dragon - This Time 120 Slaughter Lord - Destructor 121 Alchemist - Dancing To Life 122 Happy Hate Me Nots - Salt Sour & Brighton 123 Downtime - Downtime 124 50 lions - To the test 125 Town Pants - New South Wales 126 INSURGE - Political Prisoners 127 GANGgajang - Gimme Some Loving 128 The Maviss - Thunder 129 MAD MAX 2 SOUNDTRACK - The Montage Main Title from the Road 130 Cruel Sea -  This Is Not The Way Home 131 Mortal Sin - I Am Immortal 132 Mad Max /Furry Road OST - Doof warrior   133 WHISKY SMILE - Old Mate Ernie Dingo’s Got My Baby 134 Falling Joys - Jennifer   135 Noiseworks - Burning Feeling 136 The Celibate Rifles - Tick Tock 137 Lime Spiders - scene of the crime 138 Died Pretty - out of the unknown 139 The Crystal Set - a drop in the ocean 140 Kings Of The Sun  - DROP THE GUN 141 Frozen Doberman - Dying Phase 142 Laura Imbruglia - Looking For a Rabbit 143 Scarymother - Lord of the Flies 144 Captain Cleanoff - Wizards Sleeve 145 Wa Wa Nee - Stimulation 146 Gods of Eden - From the End of Heaven 147 Rabbit - Too Much Rock N Roll 148 Balescream - Amnesia 149 Aeturnus Dominion - Aeturnus Dominion 150 The Screaming Jets - October Grey 151 Bob Hudson - The Newcastle song   152 The Poor Boys - Hey Man 153 Ilium - Orbiting a Sun of Sadness 154 The Seer - The Fall 155 Arse/Piss -  Churdburglar 156 Alchemist - Austral Spectrum 157 Redgum - Yarralumba Wine 158 Henrys Anger - Personality Test 159 Sidewinder - Titanic Days   160 Armoured Angel - Enigmatize   161 Midnight Oil - Kosciusko 162 The Church - reptile 163 Cog - Charades   164 Kim Salmon & the Surrealists - Lightning scary 166 Addictive - Pity of Man 167 Ilimitable Dolor - Soil She Bears 168 AC/DC - The Jack 169 The Angels - We Gotta Get Out of This Place 170 Celibate Rifles - O Salvation 171 Happy Hate Me Nots - Things wearing thin 172 Jack Forest - Every hour god sends 173 Mi Sex - But you don't care 174 Laura Imbruglia - looking for a rabbit 175 Hummingbirds - Blush 176 INXS - Kiss The Dirt (Falling Down The Mountain) 177 Yes I'm Leaving - Slow release 178 Rose Tattoo - Rock n roll outlaw 179 Asteroid B12 - True romance 180 Midnight Oil - bus to Bondi 181 Feedtime - Motorbike girl 182 The Bhagavad Guitars - I wanna know why 183 The Scientists - Blood Red River 184 The Crystal Set - cluster 185 Beasts of Bourbon - Chase the dragon 222 Deniz Tek - Run out of water 333 AC/DC - Jailbreak 666 TINA TURNER  -  We Don’t Need Another Hero (ThunderDome)
We are so close to 200 songs! Jump in and let’s fill the gaps together. PS: I don’t use Spotify because they don’t even half half these songs on their system.
10 notes · View notes
holden-norgorov · 4 years
Ultimate MBTI Fictional Characters List
Disclaimer: whenever I’m refering to a literary character, I am going to specify the name of the author of the literary work that he belongs to and its original publication date; instead, whenever I’m refering to a cinematic or a tv character, I’m going to specify only the period of time in which the movie or tv show I’m talking about was on air. Therefore there might be cases where a single character appears in multiple categories, depending on whether I’m refering to the original character or its movie/tv adaptation one. 
Anna Karenina; Anna Karenina, L. Tolstoj (1878).
Bill Denbrough; It, S. King (1986).
Bob Armstrong; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Brook Soso; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Caroline Channing; 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017).
Catherine Earnshaw; Wuthering Heights, E. Bronte (1847).
Denahi; Brother Bear (2003). 
Denethor; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003). 
Derek Sheperd; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Drusilla; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Emma Woodhouse; Emma, J. Austen (1815).
Frankie Thomas; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Hans; Frozen (2013).
Horace Slughorn; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Judy Hopps; Zootopia (2016).
June Osborne; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Kala Dandekar; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly INFJ)
Lorna Morello; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Lucy Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010). 
Maeve Millay; Westworld (2016-present).
Margaery Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Martino Rametta; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Mufasa; The Lion King (1994).
Pacha; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Primrose Everdeen; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Razumikhin; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866). 
Robin Hood; Robin Hood (1973).
Snow White; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937).
Aladdin; Aladdin (1992).
Amy March; Little Women (2019). 
Anna; Frozen (2013).
Ariel; The Little Mermaid (1989). 
Beth; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Clarisse McClellan; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Chelsea Daniels; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Donkey; Shrek (2001-2010).
Dory; Finding Dory (2016).
Elizabeth Bennet; Pride and Prejudice (2005).
Gilderoy Lockhart; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Harper Finkle; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Izzy; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Jesper Fahey; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Koda; Brother Bear (2003).
Kronk; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Lilo Pelekai; Lilo & Stitch (2002).
Luke Triton; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Marty; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Mike Wheeler; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Nick Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012). (Ne-Te Loop)
Nymphadora Tonks; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Peeta Mellark; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Piper Chapman; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Po; Kung Fu Panda (2008-2016).
Rapunzel; Tangled (2010). (possibly ESFJ in Loop)
Ron Stoppable; Kim Possible (2002-2007).
Sid; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Sierra; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Tom Scavo; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Alma Coin; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Annalise Keating; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020). (possibly INTJ)
Berlino; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Carlos Solis; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Cristina Yang; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Coriolanus Snow; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Diane Lockhart; The Good Wife (2009-2016). 
Elastigirl; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Eli Gold; The Good Wife (2009-2016). 
Elizabeth Swann; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Esmeralda; The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1996).
Gale Hawthorne; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Gale Weathers; Scream (1996-2011).
Jadis The White Witch; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Jafar; Aladdin (1992).
Johanna Mason; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Kathryn Marteuil; Cruel Intentions (1999).
Kim Possible; Kim Possible (2002-2007).
Lawrence Gordon; Saw (2004).
Lynette Scavo; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Minerva McGonagall; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Miranda Priestly; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Nina Zenik; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Olenna Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Scar; The Lion King (1994).
Sharpay Evans; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Tywin Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Vee Parker; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Alex Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Amanita Caplan; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Andrew Wells; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Chris McLean; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Connor Walsh; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Dirk Gently; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2016-2017).
Dustin Handerson; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Elsie Hughes; Westworld (2016-present).
Fleabag; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Grace Augustine; Avatar (2009). 
Haymitch Abernathy; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010). (possibly INTJ)
Jack Sparrow; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Jenny Calendar; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Jim Moriarty; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017). (possibly INFJ)
John Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005).
Kevin McCallister; Home Alone (1990). 
Lyra Belacqua; His Dark Materials, P. Pullman (1995-2000).
Margo Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012).
Moana; Moana (2016).
Moira; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Niccolò Fares; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Nick Wilde; Zootopia (2016).
Nicky Nichols; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019). 
Phineas Fletcher; Phineas and Ferb (2008-2015).
Richie Tozier; It, S. King (1986).
Sebastian Valmont; Cruel Intentions (1999).
Sirius Black; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Tyrion Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Will Gardner; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Winifred Burkle; Angel (1999-2004).
Xander Harris; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Yzma; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Aleida Diaz; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Capheus Onyango; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Coralee Armstrong; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Daniela Velasquez; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Daphne Blake; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Dawn Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Draco Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Dwight Riley; Scream (1996-2011).
Effie Trinket; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Fleur Delacour; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Gimli; The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003).
Giovanni Garau; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Gloria; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Gloria Mendoza; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
John Watson; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Isobel Stevens; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Leshawna; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Meg March; Little Women (2019).
Molly Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Nancy Wheeler; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Owen; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Peter Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Polly Plummer; The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis (1955).
Raven Baxter; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Rapunzel; Tangled (2010). (Fe-Ne Loop) (possibly ENFP)
Sansa Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Sophia Burset; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Tiffany Doggett; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Troy Bolton; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Wendy Darling; Peter Pan (2003).
Asher Millstone; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Belch Huggins; It, S. King (1986).
Bellatrix Lestrange; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Black Cindy; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Buffy Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Denver; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Eddie Thomas; That’s So Raven (2003-2007).
Eva Brighi; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Fliss Sidebotham; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Finnick Odair; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Geoff; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Glorificus; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Hercules; Hercules (1997).
Homer Roberts; The OA (2016-2019).
Jaime Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jacob Black; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Jesse Pinkman; Breaking Bad (2008-2013).
Joffrey Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Kenai; Brother Bear (2003).
Lindsay; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Lito Rodriguez; Sense8 (2015-2018).
London Tipton; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Max Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Mildred Montag; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Mr. Incredible; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Nemo; Finding Nemo (2003).
Oberyn Martell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Peregrin Took; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Peter Pan; Peter Pan (2003).
Ronald Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Sarah Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Susan Mayer; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Theon Greyjoy; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tokyo; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Wendy Wu; Wendy Wu: Homecomig Warrior (2006).
Anya Jenkins; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Boromir; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Bree Van De Kamp; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Cal Hockley; Titanic (1997).
Cersei Lannister; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Cordelia Chase; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Courtney; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Dolores Umbridge; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Eustace Scrubbs; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Fred Waterford; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present). 
French; The OA (2016-2019).
Galina Reznikov; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Hector Barbossa; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Hermione Granger; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
James Norrington; Pirates of the Caribbean (2003-2017).
Justin Russo; Wizards of Waverly Place (2007-2012).
Lucas Sinclair; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Maddie Fitzpatrick; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Michaela Pratt; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Mycroft Holmes; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Raquel Murillo; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Renee Perry; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Robb Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Taylor McKessie; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Tiana; The Princess and the Frog (2009).
Wesley Wyndam-Price; Angel (1999-2004).
Will Gorski; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Winifred Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Alex; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Big Boo; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Bronn; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Chad Danforth; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Dash; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Deloris Van Cartier; Sister Act (1992).
Duncan; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Edie Britt; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Ethan Hunt; Mission Impossible (1996-present).
Faith Lehane; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Flynn Rider; Tangled (2010).
Fred Jones; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Gabrielle Solis; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Ginny Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Henry Bowers; It, S. King (1986).
Jake Sully; Avatar (2009).
John Smith; Pocahontas (1995).
Kenny Tam; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Kuzco; The Emperor’s New Groove (2000).
Nairobi; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Ramsay Bolton; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Robert Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Steve Harrington; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Steve Winchell; The OA (2016-2019).
Tarzan; Tarzan (1999).
Taystee Jefferson; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Ygritte; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Zack Martin; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Albus Dumbledore; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007). 
Alicia Florrick; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Aslan; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Bernard Lowe; Westworld (2016-present).
Binx; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Cinna; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Daenerys Targaryen; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Elizabeth Bennet; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Elsa; Frozen (2013).
Emily; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Galadriel; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Jim Moriarty; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017). (possibly ENTP)
John Kramer; Saw (2004).
Jo March; Little Women (2019).
Kala Dandekar; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly ENFJ)
Kidagakash Nedakh; Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001).
Laurel Castillo; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Lord Varys; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Maritza Ramos; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Melisandre; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Prairie Johnson; The OA (2016-2019).
Richard Wilkins; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Rose DeWitt Bukater; Titanic (1997).
Rosie Cartwright; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Sitka; Brother Bear (2003).
Tara Maclay; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Tia Dalma; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Todd Brotzmann; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2017-2018).
Bella Swan; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Belle; The Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Beth March; Little Women (2019).
Bran Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Buck Vu; The OA (2016-2019).
Caspian; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Davy Jones; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Dobby; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Dolores Abernathy; Westworld (2016-present).
Don Pablo; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Eddie Kaspbrak; It, S. King (1986). (Fi-Si Loop)
Eleonora Sava; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Eleven; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Faramir; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Frodo Baggins; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Gabriella Montez; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Jonathan Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Kelsi Nilsen; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Luna Lovegood; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Missandei; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Poussey Washington; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Priest; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Quasimodo; The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996).
Remus Lupin; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Riley Gunnardottir; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly ISFP)
Rio; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Sebastian Wilder; La La Land (2016).
Violetta; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Willow Rosenberg; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Wylan Van Eck; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Amy Elliot Dunne; Gone Girl, G. Flynn (2012).
Annalise Keating; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020). (possibly ENTJ)
Ben Hanscom; It, S. King (1986).
Edna Mode; The Incredibles (2004-2018).
Elrond; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Felicia Tilman; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Fitzwilliam Darcy; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Hap; The OA (2016-2019).
Haymitch Abernathy; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010). (possibly ENTP)
Heather; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Holden Caulfield; The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger (1951). (Ni-Fi Loop)
The Professor; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Jane Smith; Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005).
Kalinda Sharma; The Good Wife (2009-2016).
Katniss Everdeen; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Kaz Brekker; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Nomi Marks; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Paul Young; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Petyr Baelish; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Raskolnikov; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866).
Robert Ford; Westworld (2016-present).
Saruman; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Serena Joy; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present). (Ni-Fi Loop)
Severus Snape; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007). (Ni-Fi Loop) (possibly ISTJ)
Sherlock Holmes; BBC Sherlock (2010-2017).
Nanny McPhee; Nanny McPhee (2005).
Theo Decker; The Goldfinch, D. Tartt (2013)
V; V per Vendetta (2005).
Voldemort; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Walter White; Breaking Bad (2008-2013).
Whispers; Sense8 (201-2018).
Alan Turing; The Imitation Game (2014).
Alice Liddell; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, L. Carroll (1865).
Arthur Weasley; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Beetee; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Digory Kirke; The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis (1955).
Edmund Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
Faber; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953).
Foxface; Hunger Games, S. Collins (2008-2010).
Gandalf; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Hernando Fuentes; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Hershel Layton; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Karen McCluskey; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Lewis; Meet The Robinsons (2007).
Meredith Grey; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Milo Thatch; Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001).
Neo; The Matrix (1999).
Noah; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Oz; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Peter Pettigrew; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Samwell Tarly; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Suzanne Warren; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Velma Dinkley; Scooby-Doo (1969-1976).
Andrea Sachs; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Angel; Angel (1999-2004).
BBA; The OA (2016-2019).
Catelyn Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Cinderella; Cinderella (1950).
Cody; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Cody Martin; Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008).
Gilly; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jane Bennet; Pride and Prejudice, J. Austen (1813).
Jill Pole; The Silver Chair, C.S. Lewis (1953).
Jorah Mormont; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Joyce Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Joyce Summers; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Lyndz Collins; The Sleepover Club (2002-2004).
Manny; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Mary Alice Young; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Mary Sanderson; Hocus Pocus (1993).
Matthias Helvar; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Melman; Madagascar (2005-2012).
Mia Dolan; La La Land (2016).
Mosca; La Casa de Papel (2017-present).
Narcissa Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Neville Longbottom; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Nonnie Thompson; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Norma Romano; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Offred; The Handmaid’s Tale, M. Atwood (1985).
Samvise Gangee; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Sonya; Crime and Punishment, F. Dostoevsky (1866).
Talisa Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tommen Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Victor Criss; It, S. King (1986).
William Turner; Pirates of The Caribbean (2003-2017).
Adam Faulkner; Saw (2004).
Arwen; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Arya Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Aurora; Sleeping Beauty (1959).
Bambi; Bambi (1942).
Beast; The Beauty and the Beast (1991).
Beverly Marsh; It, S. King (1986).
Bridgette; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Dayanara Diaz; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Eowyn; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Eve Hammond; V per Vendetta (2005).
Gwen; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Rubeus Hagrid; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Harry Potter; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Inej Ghafa; Six of Crows Duology, L. Bardugo (2015-2016).
Jack Dawson; Titanic (1997).
Jasmine; Aladdin (1992).
Jesse; The OA (2016-2019).
Jon Snow; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Loras Tyrell; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Newt Scamander; Fantastic Beasts (2016).
Neytiri; Avatar (2009).
Patty Bladell; Insatiable (2018-2019).
Pocahontas; Pocahontas (1995).
Riley Gunnardottir; Sense8 (2015-2018). (possibly INFP)
Ryan Evans; High School Musical (2006-2008).
Shaggy Rogers; Scooby Doo (1969-1976).
Shrek; Shrek (2001).
Sidney Prescott; Scream (1996-2011).
Silvia Mirabella; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Simba; The Lion King (1994).
Spike; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Wes Gibbins; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Will Byers; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Yoga Jones; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Aragorn; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Bonnie Winterbottom; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Brienne of Tarth; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Claire; Fleabag (2016-2019).
Claudette Pelage; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Davos Seaworth; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Eddard Stark; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Edward Cullen; Twilight Saga (2008-2012).
Emily Charton; The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
Farah Black; Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency (2017-2018).
Guy Montag; Fahrenheit 451, R. Bradbury (1953). (Si-Fi Loop)
Heathcliff; Wuthering Heights, E. Bronte (1847).
Janae Watson; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Jane; Tarzan (1999).
Jim Hopper; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Kendra Young; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Lucius Malfoy; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Marlin; Finding Nemo (2003).
Nick; The Handmaid’s Tale (2017-present).
Porpentina Goldstein; Fantastic Beasts (2016).
Riley Finn; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Rupert Giles; Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003).
Ruth DeWitt Bukater; Titanic (1997).
Sana Allagui; Skam Italia (2018-present).
Severus Snape; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007). (Si-Fi Loop) (possibly INTJ)
Stanley Uris; It, S. King (1986).
Stannis Baratheon; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Sun Bak; Sense8 (2015-2018).
Susan Pevensie; The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010).
William Parry; His Dark Materials, P. Pullman (1995-2000).
Alejandro; Total Drama (2007-2014).
Alex Karev; Grey’s Anatomy (2005-present).
Alex Vause; Orange Is the New Black (2013-2019).
Diego; Ice Age (2002-2016).
Emmy Altava; Professor Layton (2007-present).
Ferb Fletcher; Phineas and Ferb (2007-2015).
Frank Delfino; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Gendry; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Jim Hawkins; Treasure Planet (2002).
Legolas; The Lord of the Rings (2001-2003).
Man in Black; Westworld (2016-present).
Max Black; 2 Broke Girls (2011-2017).
Max Mayfield; Stranger Things (2016-present).
Megara; Hercules (1997).
Merry Brandibuck; The Lord of The Rings (2001-2003).
Mike Delfino; Desperate Housewives (2004-2012).
Mike Hanlon; It, S. King (1986).
Mulan Fa; Mulan (1998).
Rebecca Sutter; How to Get Away with Murder (2014-2020).
Sandor Clegane; Game of Thrones (2011-2019).
Tris Prior; Divergent (2014).
Viktor Krum; Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling (1997-2007).
Wolfgang Bogdanow; Sense8 (2015-2018).
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timeandspacelord · 4 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @lazydreamlandblaze
We’re all bored as fuck here so let’s recommend some things! So tell us 5 shows, 5 books, 5 movies, 5 YouTubers, and 5 songs!
1. Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure -- actually a fantastic show like, seriously. You need to watch Tangled: Before Ever After (a fairly short movie that sets up the plot) beforehand, but it's all on Disney+ and season 3 of the show will be out in a few days
2. Numb3rs -- a really good show if you like crime dramas. A math professor/genius works with his brother in the FBI to solve crimes using math, it's super cool. I think it's on Amazon Prime, but I could be wrong
3. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel -- truly an iconic show. It's funny, it's got Zachary Levi, it's on Amazon Prime
4. Good Omens -- I don't really think I need to explain this one to anybody who follows me. One of my absolute favourites, on Amazon Prime
5. Galavant -- a kind of ridiculous, not at all serious, very self-aware musical show. Great music, pretty good plot, good humour. On Netflix
1. The Montague Siblings // The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy -- representation!! So much representation in a historical fantasy setting. I cannot recommend this series enough, please read it -- by Mackenzie Lee
2. The Grishaverse // The Grisha Trilogy, Six of Crows duology, King of Scars duology, and The Language of Thorns -- yes, there are a lot of books, and yes TGT isn't the greatest, but this universe is so amazing and also the Netflix show will be dropping season one maybe kinda soon-ish -- by Leigh Bardugo
3. The Lunar Chronicles // Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, and Stars Above -- sci-fi, strong and diverse female leads, fairytale retellings, adorable romances, honestly it's my comfort series -- by Marissa Meyer
4. The Bloody Jack series -- it's a twelve book series, but good lord is it worth the commitment. Early 19th century, piracy, badass girl ends up in basically every major world event, it's just so good hdjdksnzhsjsk -- by L.A. Meyer
5. Literally anything by Neil Gaiman -- he's a really good writer, you guys
1. The Princess Bride -- I mean, if you haven't seen this one, I don't know what you've been doing with your life. Iconic
2. Stardust -- based on a Neil Gaiman book, the score is glorious. Fantasy, adventure, idk I really like it, it's got a pretty fun story
3. Kubo and the Two Strings -- this movie's just like, really good. It made me cry. Also, it's made by the same studio that made Coraline
4. The Lord of the Rings trilogy -- look, I dunno what you want me to say, these movies are iconic (also you should definitely read the books)
5. The Emperor's New Groove -- this is one of the best Disney movies ever made and I've come across a surprising number of people who haven't seen it. Iconic characters, iconic design, iconic dialogue
1. Overly Sarcastic Productions -- literature and history videos. Absolutely wonderful, I have no words for how much I love Red and Blue. Please go enjoy salty commentary on classic literature and the absolute meme-ness of history (also, Red's webcomic Aurora is so freaking good, I have teared up over it)
2. Thomas Sanders -- wholesome, amazing, incredibly talented. I would kill to protect this man. Sanders Sides has no right being that good, but it is and I love it
3. JK Studios -- the og cast of Studio C, doing their own thing now. Mainly just there for the cast being themselves idk
4. Translator Fails / Malinda -- she's just pretty cool, idk
5. The Brooklyn 99 YouTube channel -- clips and compilations from the show, what more could you want??
1. First Burn -- this song cured my depression for like a week when it came out. Eliza roasting Alex for three straight minutes. Five Elizas (one of whom I saw!) Best when imagined occurring immediately after Congratulations
2. Don't Make Me by Malinda -- really catchy, Thomas Sanders was in the music video, 10/10
3. Literally all the songs from Frozen 2 -- all of the songs are bops, but All is Found is tragically underrated and nobody's talking about how When I Am Older is the biggest goddamn mood
4. LEMONS by Brye -- powerful, iconic, it started on TikTok but damn is it a bop
5. In the Reptile Room by The Gothic Archies -- honestly, listen to this whole album bc all the songs are bops and they were written for the A Series of Unfortunate Events audiobooks. This one is probably my favourite one though
Whoo! That took a really long time! And I have so many more suggestions if anyone wants them
I'm tagging @fangirlwithasweettooth @edgydumasdepresedbitchthotbastar @velociheroviridi @milkshakethouart @glittzysunflowermaze
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crab-instruments · 7 months
The Crime Lord’s New Groove Part 6
Master <Part 5
Pairing: Silco x GN Reader
Summary: You find that your boss, Silco, has been turned into a cat.
Warnings: none
a/n: I wake up everyday and wonder why people want me to continue this. I had no idea where I was going when I started this but now it's going somewhere (maybe) and I'll explain more in the ending note because it'll make more sense that way. This is also like twice as long as any of the other chapters so have fun. That might keep happening since this now has something resembling a plot.
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Nothing seemed real any more. You were about to accuse your landlord of witchcraft, charge her with crimes of turning your boss, the King of Zaun, into a street cat, and Silco would commit crimes against humanity once human again. If the fuzzy ball of scruff back at The Last Drop wasn’t living proof this was real, you’d be begging to wake up from this surrealist nightmare.
Sevika practically ripped your arm out of its socket, dragging you back to your apartment building. You took heavy steps and dragged your heels, hoping to slow the journey to think your way out of this. The attempt was useless, Sevika would always win in a game of strength and you were a headliner clown in this clusterfuck of a circus. There was no way out of the circus tent but through the ring of fire.
The pulling stopped and you were jerked to a halt, your arm screaming in pain as you regained control. You studied the door of the building like it was a piece of art before giving a pleading look towards the woman next to you. Her eyebrows raised expectantly, waiting for something, expecting action and soon.
“Well, we’re here. You said you wanted to talk to her first so get to it.” Sevika crossed her arms in front of her chest, huffing.
You sighed. “How reliable is your memory? Maybe it wasn’t her, maybe I’m wrong, maybe—”
Luckily Sevika used her human arm to slap you outside the head. “Stop stalling or I’ll just drag her to Silco’s office. Don’t push it. You’re the one who wanted to drag this out.”
You reached for the door, pulling it open and walking through. Sevika followed closely as you lead her to the woman’s apartment on the first floor. The door seemed so unsuspecting, giving nothing away about being the door of a (potential) witch. You raised your fist but you couldn’t knock. You stared at your hand, unmoving. There was a knocking sound regardless of your frozen hand, which startled you. You looked up at Sevika, who looked annoyed at having to knock on the door for you, like it was an arduous task.
Inside the apartment, you could hear movement as Deidre moved to answer the door. A few locks flipped, making a clicking sound, and the door opened slightly, a chain stopping it from opening fully.
“Deidre! So sorry to disturb you but I have something to talk to you about.”
Her blue eyes pierced into your soul, like she knew more than she let on and exuded distrust. “I am firm on the no cats policy, my dear. However, I can give you a few more days if you really felt the need to convince me with violence.” Her eyes flickered over to Sevika and then back at you.
It was at that moment you realized you had spent so much time trying to get out of this confrontation that you had no idea what you were going to do to broach the subject. You stood there, dumbly, as an awkward silence settled over the three of you. As the pressure seemed to rise to the point of bursting, Deidre about to close the door on your face and Sevika about to rip it off its hinges, you blurted out a few words and they stumbled from your mouth ungracefully.
“What are your thoughts on transfiguration?” That seemed to break the tension, causing the two other women to flinch backward in surprise at your outburst.
“Excuse me?”
“Turning a thing into a different thing. You know, magic.”
Deidre hesitated before speaking. “Magic? I’m not sure I’m following.”
Sevika leaned over you, placing a hand on the door to test the strength of the chain keeping the door closed. “Can you turn someone into a cat or not, lady?”
Another awkward moment passed before the landlord gave a harsh laugh, something between annoyance and incredulousness. “I don’t know who you’ve been talking to but you shouldn’t believe everything you hear. I may be a medium but nothing I do is magic, I’m afraid. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
“You admit you are something though. What did you do to Silco?” Sevika’s voice came out gritty and impatient. The chain keeping the door closed was barely holding on, close to breaking. You stared at it, admiring its determination to stay linked together while your own sanity unraveled.
The older woman considered Sevika before addressing you again. “This is about your boss? I’ve never met the man—”
“You’re lying, I saw you, yesterday, walk into his office.”
“I did no such thing!”
There was a loud clack, the chain breaking and hitting the door and then a bang as the door hit the wall. Sevika pushed passed you, shoving you into Deidre’s home while she held the older woman by her scarf and dress. She was in her face, yelling, as Deidre refuted her accusations. The argument was hard for you to follow, the most you could get out of Deidre’s defense was that she isn’t a hack and a fraud and only deals with spirits but not usually those of animals like cats. She hardly even does tarot readings because of the poor reputation spiritualism gets from all the past debunking and she just wants to do this in peace!
The fight melted into the background as a wall filled with framed photos caught your eye. Some looked like  staged family photos but there were two Deidres in a few, maybe three. They looked exactly the same. Other photos covered the wall, looking old and yellowed over time, some with bright flashes in them and ghostly figures. Deidre was a main figure in a lot of these photos but in many, there were at least two Deidres.
You spun around, putting your hand on Sevika’s arm. “Stop! She has a sister! A twin sister!”
Sevika did stop her assault to look at you in anger before glaring back at the woman held in her hands. Her eyebrows seemed to ask for her confirmation.
The older woman rolled her eyes, like she was making the realization herself too. “Of course! I haven’t seen any of my sisters in a long time but I’d be willing to bet they would each do something nefarious to a man like Silco.” She was quiet a moment, staring past Sevika before yelling again. “Let me go, you brute, before I make you pay for more than the door!” Her hands swatted at Sevika’s arms, like she had no self-preservation.
To her credit, Sevika did let her go and backed up. Deidre readjusted her scarf and dress, huffing the whole time. “Now pick up the door and put it back on the hinges. There are tools in the closet across the hall.”
Sevika balked at the command before becoming aggravated. “Lady, you are on thin ice. Do you think I will—”
“Did you not break into my home, falsely accuse me of witchcraft, and threaten me?! You’ve also dragged my tenant with you! I know you have working hands as they held me aggressively against the wall so I assume they work well enough to screw a few bolt into place. Or are you only capable of violence and mayhem? Hmm?”
The two stared each other down as your heartrate spiked, wondering if you were about to watch a double homicide and how you’d begin to explain the situation to anyone outside the room, let alone your cat boss. It seemed that no matter who one, you were the loser.
It was surprisingly Sevika who relented, muttering under her breath as she went to see the damage she had done.
Your eyes went wide and your jaw fell open. “You… You… What? How? You have to be a witch, because only Silco could boss her around!” You leaned over, clutching your chest. “Is this what a heart attack feels like? I think I’m dying.”
Deidre hummed. “No magic. The spirits told me to not show fear, to not fall prey to her intimidation, and that would be the way to get through to her. It’s about speaking the same language, my dear, I just happen to have an advantage. Would you like some tea and snacks? You’ve been dragged into some mischief unfairly and yet you still extend yourself too far.” Without waiting for an answer, the older woman trots over to the sink, filling up a kettle with water.
She seemed so… sure about everything. How did she know? Spirits? Unfairly?
“Dear, you’ll catch flies if you don’t close your jaw,” she continued her crusade of gathering cups, plates, and refreshments without stopping. Your jaw closed shut with a click. Deidre approached you once again with a full tray, ushering you to sit down. Not knowing what else to do, you followed and accepted the cup of tea she pushed into your hands. Sevika was somehow making quick work of putting the door back up, though begrudgingly.
Everything about this was so… bizarre. Did you enter The Twilight Zone? Deidre was so calm and somehow you felt… comforted? How did she create such an atmosphere? The warm cup in your hand, the easy of the air around you, as if a safety blanket had been placed on you.
Deidre sat in the chair next to you, sipping her tea and looking at you expectantly. Her face had softened from when she had answered the door but her eyes were still calculating. You never had a moment to really analyze her before this, but she did give off the vibes of a mystic grandma you’d find in a cottage in the woods that you could only ever find once and never on purpose. Her hair was unruly, curly and barely tamed in a bun. Her dress seemed stuffy, an older fashion and well worn. Deidre seemed old and timeless at the same time, something of an ethereal, magical being.
“There is no magic in what I do,” Deidre started as if reading your thoughts, “but it can seem like magic to those not in touch with the world around them. I am a medium and can commune with spirits who are still with us. I don’t necessarily get to choose which spirits reach out, much to the grieving’s’ dismay, but it is very real. My sisters, however, would disagree.”
“Sister… plural as in… multiple sisters?”
“Yes, yes, we all look the same. Our mother had a hard time telling us apart. It was quite fun to pull pranks on unsuspecting guests. We are rather estranged now, splitting off in our beliefs. I practice spiritualism but my sisters… They would believe in something as silly as magic. Or use it against marks to get money. They love a good grift, the charlatan.”
Sevika huffed a laugh before sitting down in the last available seat. “So, what, you’re going to bring out a Ouija board and ask the spirits which one of your sisters turned Silco into a cat?”
Deidre did not like Sevika’s attitude one bit. She acted completely different from how she treated you. “It’s naysayers like you that are the reason I don’t advertise my profession as I wish to. No amount of proof will suffice to someone who refuses to believe. Besides, the spirits are not omniscient and I don’t partake so much in the physical demonstration.” She sat back in her chair, her eyes trained back on you.
“I’m not asking.” Sevika broke a cookie in her hand, staring menacingly at Deidre.
The older woman didn’t break eye contact with you as she responded. “Your forcefulness does not encourage the spirits. You’ll get nowhere with it.”
Deidre had all of her attention directed at you, as if it was your turn in a game and she was waiting for you to move. It wasn’t aggressive, more like she was pushing you to do better, like a mentor would. You just wished you knew what game you were playing and what the fucking rules were.
So, in my absence, I have been consuming a lot of podcasts, specifically one called Behind the Bastards. Highly recommend, 10/10, you will go insane. It lead me to a podcast called Ghost Church about American Spiritualism. I became intrigued as it aligns more with my beliefs somewhat. I'm not making fun of it but I am pulling from it for inspiration. The sisters, however, will make fun of it as they will each be inspired by different forms of religion that popped up around that time. Their look and their name are pulled from those people who popularized believing in spirits and having contact with the world beyond. So, you might learn a thing with this silly fic, who knows.
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paperclipninja · 4 years
Lucifer post-ep ramble 5x01
Hi there, long time fangirl, first time Lucifan. After devouring all 4.5 seasons of this magnificent show in an impressive/alarming (all a matter of perspective) amount of time, I have very quickly found myself well and truly obsessed dedicated to all things Lucifer. And when a show grabs me like this one has, I tend to have a lot of thoughts and feelings that I can’t help but share, and so the post-ep ramble was born. It will probably contain many words, it may or may not be particularly coherent, there will definitely be over-analysing, but I thought I might indulge in re-capping the season 5 eps as I re-watch, so this is the first ramble off the rank. 
‘Really Sad Devil Guy’ (A+ ep name btw) kicks off as we’re still scrambling to pick up all our heart pieces after the season 4 finale, which is why Mr. Said Out Bitch (aka Lee Garner) being in Hell is such a cracker of an opening. Lucifer just waiting below deck on Fishizzle II (wth happened to Fishizzle I??) to greet him with his trademark ‘hello’ made me disproportionately happy, mostly because he was on my screen but also because his encounters with Mr. SOB are always great and this was no exception. Getting an insight into ‘life in Hell’, the way the characters in the Hell loops are played by Demons and Lucifer in action as the King was fab at this point in the series. And does anyone else have a visceral reaction to Lucifer stopping that bullet? I know it’s brief, I cannot explain it, it might be the command he has, the fact it’s awesome, but it makes me FEEL things. Just me? Cool.
I think what really strikes me in the way Lucifer just has to pop in on Mr. SOB upon hearing of his arrival, is the fact that he is a link to Lucifer’s life on Earth. They’ve existed in the same places there, breathed the same air, it’s a way for Lucifer to make that connection to his home more tangible. And when he realises where Mr. SOB’s hell loop has them moored, at Marina Del Ray, the way Lucifer says 'Los Angeles' with such yearning makes those heart pieces I had started cobbling back together really begin to ache. What this episode pulls off so brilliantly is the way Chloe and Lucifer remain connected despite being apart, and it’s all set up when Lucifer tells Mr. SOB, ‘You know, there's a good chance I know who's on your case. To them it's only been a few months, a blink of an eye, but here it's been much much longer’.
What’s happening ‘below deck’ in Hell (sorry...or am I?) is of course mirrored at the crime scene, where Maze is still calling Ella Ellen (never change Maze ILY) and Ella is banging on about Lucifer not responding to her DM’s and texts and it’s all so on brand and the thought of her sending Lucifer a clip of a parrot dancing to techno and him finding it funny is just too perf. Maze having Chloe’s back from the get-go and telling Ella to ‘read the room’ just shows how far this Demon has come. And of course Chloe saying that she hasn’t even really thought about Lucifer since he left...(spoiler alert: she has).
Seeing Maze and Chloe out drinking and dancing, somehow they're kinda dorky together and I love it, but it’s also really clear that they’re both leaning on each other pretty heavily and being there for one another and honestly, I love literally every combination of characters on Lucifer, you put any two together and the dynamic is 100% their own and these two are up there. It’s so weird seeing Amandiel running Lux, I big L LOVE Amenadiel but it’s just...wrong. Plus hats off to D.B. because his delivery of ‘No one sells drugs in my place...without me getting a piece of the action’, not gonna lie, I was THROWN.
So are we assuming that the number of months Lucifer has been gone = the number of times Chloe has rocked up to work with a hangover? Lol at the sunglasses but also, you do you Chloe, whatever you gotta do babe. Just like Amenadiel running Lux is like watching a slightly off AU version of the show, so is seeing Maze and Chloe as partners at work. Don’t get me wrong, Maze clearly supporting her and when they’re interrogating a lead, seeing Chloe and Maze have such a groove that they’re finishing each other's sentences and communicating without talking, I dig it. But I love that while it’s great, it still doesn’t feel right. Because that there is why this show is so clever, as an audience we crave the return to the way things were just as the characters we are watching do.
Linda being a completely OTT mum is so fab. I could write an entire essay about my Linda love. Her adamance that ‘Charlie’s special’ and Ella’s ‘every child is special in their mum’s eyes, huh?’ sums it up perfectly. Did I mention I adore Ella? I definitely get the distinct impression Ella is doing a bit of self-reflection, her comment about being drawn to the bad boys for some reason clearly foreshadowing, but also her reflecting that she deserves a good guy for once (just not this ep when there is a bad boy/potential suspect to be hooked up with). I am curious to see the ‘darkness’ Ella has alluded to in earlier seasons being explored further and feel like this is sowing the seeds and I’m also waiting for a significant Linda/Ella D&M at some point. But clearly not this point, because 'science lesson Wednesdays...I checked your schedule and that's your day off' Linda is NOT about deep and meaningfuls (or anyone who isn’t a 2 month old baby), you need to DIAL IT DOWN friend.  I love that it takes Trixie pulling some funny faces and Dan offering some sage parenting advice as he returns the self-help books (love the irony there) for Linda to begin to chill a bit.          
So Dan has gone all new age with his oils and self improvement and you know what? I love it. And then of course we have Amenadiel needing to help make the world a safer place, he just needs to make sure for Charlie ya know and ugh my ovaries. I must say, I was relieved to realise that the club life had not in fact corrupted the delightful warrior we all love after all - it’s all a ploy to catch a REAL BIG TIME drug dealer (nooooo I can feel the second hand embarrassment already...)! Amenadiel setting up the ‘drug bust’, telling the dealer, ‘looks like gooood drugs’, oh you dear sweet naïve Angel you. We of course discover that the bust is, well, a bust, because the ‘drug lord’ is actually a kid trying to offload his mum’s pain meds *insert facepalm emoii here*. But rather than ridicule or be angry, Dan is so understanding and supportive of Amenadiel and once again offers up advice and I really am so into this friendship on every level and the care and openness it models.
Meanwhile, the genius parallel between what is happening on Earth and in Hell really takes effect as Chloe and Maze go undercover (I mean, they are a glam couple lbh) to the poker game while Lucifer is at a game hosted by the same suspect in Mr. SOB’s ‘exquisite’ Hell loop. His exclamation that it’s exquisite reflects that Lucifer and Mr. SOB are not that different, that it’s the kind of place Lucifer might manifest as well, but I also feel that Lucifer could be admiring his own Kingdom’s handiwork at creating LA with such accuracy from someone’s subconscious. He allows himself to be absorbed in it, ‘City of Angels, I’ve missed you’, and I can’t help but get the impression that hearing Lucifer call LA this for the first time is confirmation that his Heaven, or place of Angels, is in fact there with Chloe.
Chloe remains firmly in the forefront of Lucifer’s mind this entire episode, with him asking ‘what would she do?’ and wanting to replicate the life he had with her at the precinct. But of course he is soon reminded of his reality, as he tries to get more information from Mr. SOB who is being useless. Lucifer incorrectly calling him ’Detective’ shatters the illusion that he is any closer to Chloe, and this is impressively emphasised as he erases the LA cityscape to reveal the Hellscape. For a moment he’d let himself believe he was back there. Back home. His, ‘you’re not her’ making some of my heart pieces fall out once again.
But then the messenger arrives, ‘Lord Morningstar, there’s someone you should meet’ and lo and behold it’s guy who just got hit by car up on the Earth-side of this investigation and I.am. loving. it. Also, did Lucifer put out a Hell-wide memo that if ANYONE arrives from LA they are to be bought to him so he can send messages to Chloe through their bodies??? NO REALLY I'M FINE. Having a Demon possess the dead dude’s body to pass on the tip from Lucifer was just TOO MUCH. His, ‘hey is that Mazikeen?’ made me actually lol but also, look how far we’ve come! Chloe doesn’t even flinch when the dead guy wakes up possessed to pass on Lucifer’s message. I’m so proud. 
'It's safe where you stored it' caused me way more amusement than was perhaps intended, but Ella, Maze and Chloe together, trying to figure out what it meant, it's such a great moment and the comedic timing is gold. Also, the fact it actually helps the case, ugh, Chloe and Lucifer are still connected and working together even though they are not on the same plane of existence and I’m just going to need to curl up for a minute because feelings.
You know who else is having a lot of feelings in this ep? The Devil himself. After he is satisfied he has passed on the message, he’s done with Mr. SOB, sending him, ‘back to your torture. And me to mine’. Any remnants of my heart are now once again shattered all over the floor in case you’re wondering. Lucifer doesn’t even try to hide the fact that being away from Chloe is so painful, almost revealing more than he ever usually would when Mr. SOB asks if she’s ‘somebody important?' to which he replies, 'more than you could ever know'. 
He only just stops himself before telling Mr. SOB her name, when he realises he's trying to manipulate him. And I'm so glad, Lucifer so sparingly uses Chloe’s name, it's always significant when he does and I feel like he reserves those moments for only between them. But Mr. SOB really does sum it up when he observes, ‘you just seem like a really sad Devil guy’, BECAUSE HE IS A REALLY SAD DEVIL GUY (can we just take a moment to appreciate how not at all scared of Lucifer Mr. SOB is, he doesn’t even refer to him as THE Devil, just ‘Devil guy’. It’s kind of nice that he sees and accepts him as both Devil and human without really questioning it). 
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The parallel continues as Chloe and Lucifer are talking to a sister and brother  and the way this highlights the place they're both in. It's just brilliant writing and execution. Chloe is talking to Meg about her brother’s death and both her and Lucifer's yearning for one another is palpable. At the same time, Maze telling Chloe that they don’t need Lucifer and kissing Chloe highlights Maze’s desire for connection and love. She wants it so badly and the way she shuts down when Chloe suggests they stop working together breaks my heart.
When Lucifer takes Mr. SOB to the root of his Hell loop, yes, it’s about Lucifer projecting his own guilt and lack of self worth onto him, but his assertion that, 'it is inevitable sooner or later you're going to disappoint them all over again. So you'd rather stay away for all eternity’, really feels as though it carries multiple meanings. As a self-referential comment, is Lucifer talking about Heaven or Earth? Is it his fear of disappointing and letting down Chloe and the other humans or is it his belief that he disappointed his family? And if Angels self-actualise does that mean he was never 'stuck' in Hell at all and could have returned to Heaven? I certainly feel there is some sort of realisation occurring here. Or could be completely over-analysing it. Why not have both 🤷‍♀️
You know the line that just up and got me though? ‘Whose hell is this anyway? Are you sure this is my hell? You just here torturing yourself’- Mr. SOB calling Lucifer out is A MOMENT. And I can’t help but wonder if a part of it is Lucifer wanting Mr. SOB to come to terms with his own guilt, wanting to help him because he knows he’s not evil and he is trying to reconcile his own guilt too. If he can help Mr. SOB face and let go of the guilt then he has a chance of it too. And that’s when Mr. SOB challenges Lucifer, pointing out that he missed his chance, ‘but what about you?’ 'The self-centred simplicity of you humans never ceases to amaze me...I am here out of responsibility, I had to protect humanity, I had to protect HER', the delivery of this line, the frustration of being misunderstood, of ppl thinking that he acts for himself when his very reason for being back in Hell is for others, I can feel it through the screen.
The dead guy we saw get shot in the kitchen appearing at that moment with news about ‘the Detective’ and then cutting straight back to the shoot up in the house, file under: how to brilliantly edit. “Lucifer” appearing; the whistle, the casually strolling in, the ‘hello bad guys’ = I was FOOLED. I mean you have to admit, the ‘thought I'd give you a hand' pun was well played, classic Lucifer, very convincing.  My shipper heart was SO FULL for the split second Lucifer and the Detective kissed, until Chloe realised that something was off and her open eyes told us something was up. The cut back to Hell and seeing Lucifer still standing there with Mr. SOB...you may have heard my ‘noooooooo’ from wherever you are. ‘She’ll be just fine without me’...said every Devil who has a dick twin brother who’s going to try and destroy, nay STEAL, his life and love of his life ever.
Michael, you're an evil bastard but damn you nailed that villainous smirk over-the-shoulder pose in the final shot. Whatever you have in store, I will no doubt revel in your awfulness and be confused about whether or not I hate you. 
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tsnderes · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a fic/scenario based on the song ‘happiness is a butterfly’ by Lana del Rey for Dabi? I feel like the song strangely fits him,, thank you !
a/n: i am soooo proud of this! ashanti has finally gotten her groove back, y’all! i loved this song btw! never heard of it before you requested but wow. so beautiful. i even used actually lines from the song in the story and i hope you can feel the vibe i was going for! and i think i might make this a fic, let me know if you guys would like that?
 dabi x reader | angst! ・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Dabi searches for solace as his lungs burn, the smoke from the blunt calming his senses and ever-racing mind, his black heart reaching out of his chest in search of home, in search of the mingling tenderness of your warmth.
He couldn’t be what you needed. 
His broken promises and plastic smiles only sated you for an instant, you were a fool no longer; The traces of another woman’s perfume, the panties and bras scattered on the bedroom floor was the evidence of his crimes, the bloody murder of your soul lay on the floor alongside them.
You pound your fists on his chest almost hysterically; the tears flowing down your face like an endless stream of misery. “Why Dabi, why?! You never take me out, I can’t even get a dance, but you can fuck other women?”
All you wanted to do was dance? Dabi scoffed and shook his head, holding your wrists. What a silly girl.
“You knew what you were getting yourself into. It’s not my fault you didn’t listen.” He said. 
His tongue recoiled as his mouth formed the syllables, leaving his throat raw as the lies continued to spew from it. Dabi couldn’t allow you to hurt yourself further but lord knows this broke him to the core.
He’s already hurt, you’re already hurt.
Dabi watched as you backed away from him with puffy eyes, your voice only a whisper. It took every fiber of his being to restrain himself, to stop his body from reaching out for you. “Why do you act like you don’t have a fucking heart, like you don’t love me?” 
“I don’t, but you already knew that.” He sighed, averting your heartbroken gaze as he reached for his phone. “I’ll call you a Uber.”
You shook your head, sinking to your knees as you clutched your head in your hands, broken sobs shaking your chest. Dabi paced into the other room to finish the call and came back, seemingly unaffected by your demise, feigning impatience as he tapped his foot.
“He’ll be here in a few minutes, you can get your stuff tommorow-” He stopped, watching as you hugged his sweatshirt to your quivering figure and pointed at you, “I want my shit back, too.”
“No!” You yelled and he stepped back, not bothering to argue with you; He’d let you keep it.
Dabi shrugged and held his hands in the air, grabbing his lighter and blunt off the table, slamming the door behind him as he left you weeping on the floor in your shared apartment.
What more could he do? Dabi was a serial killer; a reaper of souls and energy, the weight of broken hearts clouded by a new woman every night, draining them of their life as they chased after him, hoping to catch his eye with a sway of their hip and salacious promises of a good time whispered lowly into his ear. He wasn’t what you needed but fuck; he yearned for the feeling you gave him, one he never felt with any woman before you:
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newmusickarl · 3 years
Although many music publications have already revealed their 2020 Albums of the Year, a wave of stunning new releases this week has shown that it is always best to wait till the last minute before drawing any conclusions. From surprise sequels to one a decade in the making, here is everything worth checking out this week…
Album recommendations
Dave Jakes by Dave Jakes
Enigmatic former Lonely The Brave frontman Dave Jakes finally released his debut EP this week, having proceeded it with a couple of soaring singles in Caterwaul and opener Been In My Dream. If this self-titled is a glimpse of what to expect from Jakes’ solo material then fans can expect the same bruising, heartfelt songwriting and stirring vocals that made Lonely The Brave’s earlier material so special.
From the string-drenched majesty of Silhouettes, the emotional gut-punch of Diggy’s Pushing Holes to the beauty and splendour of the EP’s curtain call, Be The Apple, Jakes’ talents shine through the melancholic, emotive arrangements on show. Having now reintroduced himself to the world, here’s hoping a full-length debut album is up next.
Evermore by Taylor Swift
Having not been a fan before, one of the biggest surprises for me this year was just how much I enjoyed Taylor Swift’s folklore. The record saw the superstar team up with The National’s Aaron Dessner over the Spring lockdown to create some of her most honest and acclaimed work to date. However not one to rest on her laurels, Taylor has (pun intended) swiftly returned with folklore’s sister record, Evermore, for her second Album of the Year contender of 2020.
Once again teaming up with Aaron Dessner, as well as his brother Bryce who’s on orchestration duties on several tracks here, Taylor builds on the foundations laid by the collaborative partnership on folklore to sound even more assured in this new found style. If folklore was her dipping her toe into the indie-folk world, Evermore is her effortlessly backstroking in it.
From the festive lament of ‘tis the damn season, the stripped-back minimalism of happiness to stunning piano ballad tolerate it, it is clear this collection is some of the best songs Swift has ever written. She continues to thrive in this collaborative working too, with the HAIM sisters showing up for country-folk, murder mystery no body, no crime, whilst Dessner calls in the rest of The National for the album’s undisputed highlight, coney island. Having joined Swift on folklore for one of the songs of the year, Exile, Justin Vernon also returns once again to lend his vocals to the record’s closing title-track.
All in all this is another faultless album from Swift, and one of the welcome surprises of 2020 has been her converting me into a fan of her music – here’s hoping for more releases like this in the future please.
Man on the Moon III: The Chosen by Kid Cudi
From one sequel to another, however this one could not be more different. Whereas Swift waited just a few months to release the follow-up to folklore, pioneer of modern hip-hop Kid Cudi has spent the last decade building towards the third part in his Man on the Moon trilogy. Having paved the way for some of today’s biggest rap stars such as Travis Scott with his first two records, Man on the Moo#n III ultimately brings with it a weight of expectation. With this being the case, MOTM3 can’t help but feel like somewhat of a disappointment as Cudi comes across as the follower this time around rather than the innovator.
That said despite being a somewhat patchy collection, what this album does deliver is plenty of enjoyable moments that are some of the best of Cudi’s career. From the Scott Pilgrim-sampling, infectious beat of She Knows This, the spacey, mesmeric groove of Damaged to the hypnotic ambience and defiant lyrics of Mr. Solo Dolo III, Cudi forges immersive sounds you just want to wash over you. Towards the home stretch of the record, MOTM3 finally starts to hit its stride with The Void offering up the album’s standout moment, before being shortly followed by excellent collaborations with Phoebe Bridgers and Trippie Redd. The record finally draws to a close with Lord I Know stating that things are to be continued, suggesting this isn’t the last chapter in Cudi’s MOTM story.
So although this won’t make any year-end best of lists, Cudi adds a worthy addition into his MOTM series with another highly enjoyable album which is probably still the best of the three so far.
We Will Always Love You by The Avalanches
Also worth checking out, Australian electronic outfit The Avalanches are joined by a host of special guests including Johnny Marr, MGMT, Blood Orange, River Cuomo, Karen O and many more for their latest odyssey into psychedelic indie-dance. Although the record can be quite self-indulgent at times, there are plenty of highpoints, none more so than one of the tracks of the year so far, Neneh Cherry and Jamie XX collab Wherever You Go.
This story is dedicated to all those cyberpunks… by Grimes
And finally to coincide with the release of Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most highly anticipated games of the year, Grimes has released a DJ mix album from the perspective of her character in the game. Blending her own music with segments of electronica, dance remixes and mash-ups of classic tracks by Britney Spears, Rihanna, The Ramones, Tatu and Kendrick Lamar to name but a few, listening to this mixtape is a trippy and immensely fun way to kill an hour.
Tracks of the Week
Atmosphere by James Blake
Already one of the most beautiful tracks of all time, here James Blake’s haunting vocals and stripped back production help Ian Curtis’ lyrics on this Joy Division classic to somehow transcend to even higher heights. Simply incredible.
Savior Complex by Phoebe Bridgers
Phoebe Bridgers wraps up her breakout year in style, collaborating with Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Paul Mescal on this wonderfully shot, tongue-in-cheek video for one of the standouts from her incredible Punisher album – you can check it out above.
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Hangout for all fandoms!!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2VJy9YY
by Marvelous_Stark
Just a place for everyone of every random to hang out and talk about their ships and anything they'd like! :)
This is probably a complete waste of my time, to be honest. Facebook is a thing too lol.
You can comment links to works you've made, or ones you enjoy! Honestly post anything but hate.
Have fun, make friends, and please no arguing 😓
Words: 12, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, ダイヤのA | Daiya no A | Ace of Diamond, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale, A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas, Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator, Animorphs - Katherine A. Applegate, A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV), A.C.E (Beat Interactive Band), The A-Team (TV), The A-Team (2010), Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018), The A-Team - All Media Types, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, B-PROJECT 鼓動*アンビシャス | B-PROJECT: Kodou Ambitious, Weiß Side B (Manga), Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, Понедельник начинается в субботу - Стругацкие | Monday Begins on Saturday - A. & B. Strugatsky, Team B (Band), Z-O-M-B-I-E-S (Disney Movies), B.I.G | Boys in Groove, Left Behind - Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye, Grey's Anatomy: B-Team (Web Series), Charlotte's Web - E. B. White, B.I.Shadow, Plan B (2009), Battle B-Daman, Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Political RPF - US 21st c., Political RPF - UK 20th-21st c., Political RPF - France 21st c., Hornblower - C. S. Forester, Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman, Political RPF - US 20th c., C-Pop, The Big C (TV), Alliance-Union - C. J. Cherryh, Political RPF - Canadian 21st c., Political RPF - Russian 21st c., House of Night - P. C. Cast & Kristin Cast, Chronicles of the Kencyrath - P. C. Hodgell, Flowers in the Attic - V. C. Andrews, Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie (TV), Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain | Amélie (2001), Les Aventures Extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010), La Vie d'Adèle | Blue is the Warmest Color (2013), Reflets d'Acide (Podcast), Les nouvelles aventures d'Aladin | The New Adventures of Aladdin (2015), Les chansons d'amour | Love Songs (2007), Couple d'Ange, Starry - Dahan & D'Angelo, Llibre d'Amic e Amat | The Book of the Lover and the Beloved - Ramon Llull, L'elisir d'amore | The Elixir of Love - Donzietti/Romani, 愛聖女 | Sainte d'Amour - Takarazuka Revue, Anne with an E (TV), The Outsiders - S. E. Hinton, Formula E RPF, Raffles - E. W. Hornung, Shades of Magic - V. E. Schwab, WALL-E (2008), Maurice - E. M. Forster, ボールルームへようこそ | Ballroom e Youkoso, Romeo e Giulietta - Ama e Cambia il Mondo, Villains Series - V. E. Schwab, Biggles Series - W. E. Johns, Nußknacker und Mausekönig | Nutcracker and the Mouse King - E. T. A. Hoffmann, Star Wars: Ahsoka - E. K. Johnston, Leagues and Legends - E. Jade Lomax, Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence, Oniisama E, f(x), F-Zero (Video Games), Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, F.E.A.R. (Video Games), F. T. Island, David Blaize - E. F. Benson, To Serve Them All My Days - R. F. Delderfield, Wild ARMs Altercode: F, The Poppy War - R. F. Kuang, F is for Family (Cartoon), F. COMPO, F/X: The Series, Logan's Run Series - William F. Nolan & George Clayton Johnson, China Mountain Zhang - Maureen F. McHugh, Enchanters Series - K. F. Bradshaw, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, .hack//G.U., G.I. Joe - All Media Types, (여자)아이들 | (G)I-DLE, G.I. Joe (Cartoon), Psmith - P. G. Wodehouse, WODEHOUSE P. G. - Works, G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009), G Gundam, G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013), The War of the Worlds - H. G. Wells, G.I. Joe: Renegades, 聖闘士星矢エピソード・ジー | Saint Seiya: Episode G, Splintered - A. G. Howard, The Invisible Man - H. G. Wells, Marabilia - Iria G. Parente & Selene M. Pascual, だから僕はHができない。| Dakara Boku wa H ga Dekinai. | So I Can't Play H! (Anime), Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft, LOVECRAFT H. P. - Works, H2O: Just Add Water, Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee, Triple H (Korea Band), Herbert West - Reanimator - H. P. Lovecraft, H.O.T. (Band), Dream Cycle - H. P. Lovecraft, Once and Future King Series - T. H. White, H.I.V.E. Series - Mark Walden, The Time Machine - H. G. Wells, The Tapestry Series - Henry H. Neff, She - H. Rider Haggard, 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! | Watamote - No Matter How I Look At It It's You Guys' Fault I'm Unpopular!, I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again (Radio), I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003), How I Met Your Mother, Voyná i mir | War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy, To All the Boys I've Loved Before Series - Jenny Han, I Medici | Medici: Masters of Florence (TV), I Don't Know How But They Found Me (Band), Final Fantasy I, I.O.I (Band), Dark Souls I, I Love Yoo (Webcomic), 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), Withnail & I (1986), Suikoden I, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J. Maas, Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie, Carmilla - J. Sheridan Le Fanu, The Vampire Diaries - L. J. Smith, Union J (Band), Black Dagger Brotherhood - J. R. Ward, Brave Police J-Decker, MAAS Sarah J. - Works, Night World - L. J. Smith, K-pop, K (Anime), Red Velvet (K-pop Band), Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter - Laurell K. Hamilton, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., K.A.R.D (Band), K-On!, Merry Gentry - Laurell K Hamilton, Earthsea - Ursula K. Le Guin, Everworld Series - K. A. Applegate, The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin, Society of Gentlemen - K. J. Charles, The Broken Earth Series - N. K. Jemisin, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali, Sackett Series - Louis L'Amour, L'appart du 5e (TV), L'agneau carnivore - Agustín Gómez Arcos, L'amica geniale | The Neapolitan Novels - Elena Ferrante, L'amant | The Lover (1992), Dracula: l'amour plus fort que la mort - Ouali RPF, Dracula: Entre l'amour et la mort - Leclerc/Tabra/Ouzounian & Pelletier, Porgi l'altra guancia | Two Missionaries (1974), The Talon and Chantry Series - Louis L'Amour, Les Crimes de l'amour: Eugénie de Franval | The Crimes of Love: Eugenie de Franval - Marquis de Sade, Les Crimes de l'amour: Ernestine | The Crimes of Love: Ernestine - Marquis de Sade, L'apprenti sorcier | The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Paul Dukas (Song), L'art du crime | The Art of Crime (TV), M&M's Commercials, House M.D., Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery, Baby-Sitters Club - Ann M. Martin, Super Junior-M, Chalet School - Elinor M. Brent-Dyer, Mayans M.C. (TV), Marvel (House of M), Earth's Children - Jean M. Auel, The Culture - Iain M. Banks, Emily of New Moon - L. M. Montgomery, Peter and Wendy - J. M. Barrie, Blue Castle - L. M. Montgomery, Emberverse - S. M. Stirling, Ed Edd n Eddy, Guns N' Roses, N.Flying (Band), N.E.R.D.S. - Michael Buckley, Kid n Teenagers (Web Comic), The Inheritance Trilogy - N. K. Jemisin, On n'demande qu'à en rire RPF, Sleeping Beauty Series - A. N. Roquelaure, M A N I A - Fall Out Boy (Album), The Paper Magician Series - Charlie N. Holmberg, Effluent Engine - N. K. Jemisin, Boyz n the Hood (1991), November Rain - Guns N' Roses (Music Video), Happily N'Ever After (2006), Dreamblood Series - N. K. Jemisin, Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian, The Rocky Horror Show - O'Brien, Seven O'Clock (Band), The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien, Modesty Blaise - Peter O'Donnell, 10 O'Clock Live RPF, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH - Robert C. O'Brien, Twelve O'Clock High (TV), Twelve O'Clock High (1949), 네시 | 4 O'Clock - RM & V (Song), Hairspray - Shaiman/Wittman & Shaiman/O'Donnell & Meehan, Le Petit Poucet | Hop-o'-My-Thumb - Charles Perrault, Back Roads - Tawni O'Dell, Crossroads Series - Nick O'Donohoe, 12時の鐘が鳴る | 12-ji no Kane ga Naru | 12 O'Clock Bell Rings (Manga), Magnum P.I. (TV 2018), Mary Poppins - P. L. Travers, P.S. I Love You (2007), Blandings Castle - P. G. Wodehouse, Prinsessen paa Ærten | The Princess and the Pea - Hans Christian Andersen, Children of the Lamp - P. B. Kerr, Magnum P.I. (TV 1980), 古剑奇谭 | Gujian Qitan (Video Games), 诡秘之主 - 爱潜水的乌贼 | Guǐ Mì Zhī Zhǔ - Ài Qián Shuǐ De Wū Zéi, Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth, 灵契 | Ling Qi | Spiritpact, 秦时明月 | Qín Shí Míngyuè | The Legend of Qin - All Media Types, 法医秦明 | Medical Examiner Dr. Qin (TV), Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth, 庆余年 | Qing Yu Nian (TV), Tantei Gakuen Q | Detective Academy Q, Avenue Q - Lopez/Marx, 情定三生 | Qing Ding San Sheng (TV), 古剑奇谭 | Gujian Qitan (TV), 你却爱着一个傻逼 - 水千丞 | In Love with an Idiot - Shui Qian Cheng, 开封奇谈 | Kai Feng Qi Tan (TV), 大秦帝國 | Da Qin Di Guo | The Qin Empire (TV), Afdeling Q | Department Q (Movies), Power Rangers R.P.M., The Legend of Drizzt Series - R. A. Salvatore, Mary Russell - Laurie R. King, Nightside Series - Simon R. Green, R.O.D: Read or Die & Related Fandoms, E/R (1984), Wonder - R. J. Palacio, Smith of Wootton Major - J. R. R. Tolkien, Deathstalker Series - Simon R. Green, S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV), S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery (TV) RPF, The Expanse Series - James S. A. Corey, The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T. S. Eliot, The Daevabad Trilogy - S. A. Chakraborty, Star Wars: Phasma - Delilah S. Dawson, Draka Series - S. M. Stirling, s-CRY-ed, Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, Green Creek Series - T.J. Klune, T-Ara, Mad T Party Band, T.U.F.F. Puppy, The Tempest Series - T. D. Cloud, The Waste Land - T. S. Eliot, t.A.T.u. (Band), T. J. Hooker (TV), T.M.Revolution, Topp Dogg | Xeno-T (Band), The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (TV), U-KISS, Hollywood U: Rising Star, U2 (Band), The Girl from U.N.C.L.E., The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) RPF, Here U Are (Webcomic), Without You - NCT U (Music Video), UC: Undercover, 1-800-WHERE-R-U Series - Meg Cabot, เพราะรักใช่ป่าว | Why R U?: The Series (TV) RPF, The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas, UC (Webcomic), Whitest Kids U' Know RPF, The Hate U Give (2018), Deux ans de vacances | Two Years' Vacation - Jules Verne, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game), Grand Theft Auto V, V for Vendetta (2005), Henry V - Shakespeare, 第五人格 | Identity V (Video Game) RPF, Final Fantasy V, Code Name: Sailor V, V (2009), V (1983), W.I.T.C.H., Hardy Boys - Franklin W. Dixon, Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Super Mysteries - Franklin W. Dixon & Carolyn Keene, 君の名は。| Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., 四月は君の嘘 | Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso | Your lie in April, 田中くんはいつもけだるげ | Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge | Tanaka is Always Listless, 会長はメイド様! | Kaichou wa Maid-sama! | Maid Sama!, 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない | Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai, كتاب ألف ليلة وليلة | Kitaab 'alf layla wa-layla | One Thousand and One Nights, 裏切りは僕の名前を知っている | Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru | The Betrayal Knows My Name, 結城友奈は勇者である | Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de aru | Yuki Yuna is a Hero, ふたりはプリキュア | Futari wa Pretty Cure, 今日から俺は!! | Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!, Koko wa Greenwood | Here is Greenwood, Bounen no Xam'd | Xam'd: Lost Memories, The X-Files, X-Men - All Media Types, Monsta X (Band), X-Men (Movieverse), Hunter X Hunter, X-Men (Comicverse), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), X1 (Korea Band), X-Men Evolution, Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions, Rockman X | Mega Man X, Star Wars Legends: X-Wing Series - Aaron Allston & Michael Stackpole, X -エックス- | X/1999, Hoshi no Kaabii | Kirby: Right Back at Ya!, やがて君になる | Yagate Kimi ni Naru | Bloom Into You (Manga), Y: The Last Man, かくりよの宿飯 | Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi | Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast for Spirits (Anime), Sarai-ya Goyou | House of Five Leaves, Pokemon + Nobunaga no Yabou | Pokemon Conquest, Y tu mamá también (2001), Ya-ya-yah (Band), Y Gwyll | Hinterland, 传说之主的夫人 - 尹琊 | The Legendary Master's Wife - Yin Ya, Libro de los ejemplos del conde Lucanor y de Patronio | Tales of Count Lucanor - Don Juan Manuel, Yes or No อยากรัก ก็รักเลย | Yes or No: Yaak Rak Gaw Rak Loey (Movies), Olmos y Robles (TV), Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002), Ya lyublyu tebya | You I Love (2004), Z for Zachariah (2015), Z Nation (TV), Z.Tao (Musician), The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod - Zac Brewer, A.B.C.-Z, World War Z - Max Brooks, Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Lost Souls - Poppy Z. Brite, Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z, House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski, World War Z (2013), Exquisite Corpse - Poppy Z. Brite, The Slayer Chronicles - Zac Brewer, Mazinger Z, Drawing Blood - Poppy Z. Brite, Sherlock (TV), Sherlock Holmes & Related Fandoms, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes (Downey films), Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV), Sherlock (TV) RPF, Miss Sherlock (TV), Шерлок Холмс | Sherlock Holmes (TV 2013), Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone films), Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (TV Russia), シャーロック | Sherlock: Untold Stories (TV), Murder Rooms: The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970), Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century (Cartoon), Sherlock Holmes (US TV 1954), Shall We Date?: Guard Me Sherlock!+, Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, Marvel Cinematic Universe RPF, Captain Marvel (2019), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Marvel Ultimates, Marvel Adventures: Avengers, Marvel Noir, Marvel 3490, Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics), Star Wars (Marvel Comics), Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics), Currently adding more fandoms
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: I'll add more soon - Character
Relationships: I'll add more soon
Additional Tags: I'll add more soon - Freeform
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