#the darlking/you
A Friendship That Caught Fire: Chapter I - Eleven Years
Summary: You're an Inferni that has been friends with General Kirigan for years. When Alina arrives to the Little Palace she's stunned how you two behave around each other. There's lot of teasing and bantering, but all in a friendly way. Some see more in that, but you both insist you're just friends. Even though there are some hidden feelings… Can one of you be brave enough and admit what you really feel?
A/N: Here we go! Another fanfic with General Kirigan/Reader. I hope you will enjoy it. As usual, I don't own anything from "Shadow and Bone" nor you.
Chapter Summary: You and Kirigan are in trouble. Your friends arrive to the rescue and all hell breaks loose. Almost literally. Alina witnesses for the first time how you and Kirigan are around each other.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Zoya Nazyalensky, David Kostyk, Alina Starkov, Ivan, Fedyor Kaminsky
Word Count: 1823
A/N: Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533264/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533232/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533258/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533298/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533234/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533201/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533202/
'How do we keep getting into such situations?' Kirigan sighed.
'Eleven years of friendship and I still don't know,' you answered. 'It seems we just have a bad luck.'
You two were locked in a Fjerdan castle. Your hands were spread apart so you couldn't summon. You were waiting for a trial. It was not looking good.
'I can't believe we got surrounded,' Kirigan scoffed.
'I can't believe they knocked you out,' you said.
'They knocked you out as well,' Kirigan said, glaring at you.
'Hey, you're the Shadow Summoner here,' you said. 'You're supposed to be more powerful than a bunch of Fjerdans.'
You spit on the ground. Kirigan grumbled something under his breath.
'I'm actually surprised they didn't kill us at once,' you said. 'You'd think it's better to kill the General of the Second Army, the Darkling, instead of locking him up.'
'I think they simply don't know who I am,' Kirigan said and gave you a look. 'And let's keep it that way.'
You nodded under his piercing look. Then you sighed and looked at the ceiling.
'Can I please burn this place to the ground?' you asked.
'Your hands are apart, you can't summon fire,' Kirigan sighed. 'And seeing as it's a castle made of stone, I don't think fire is going to do much damage.'
'But trying will make me feel better,' you hummed. Kirigan snorted. You grinned at him. He shook his head, amused at your antics.
Just then you heard a sound of the lock opening. The door opened and you were stunned to see not your captors, but your friends.
'Well done, David,' Zoya said, satisfied. David, who obviously had managed to open the door, smiled at you.
'How did you find us?' you asked, as Zoya and Alina went to free you. For some reason, David was flustered.
'Um… your bracelet is made of iridium which is not native to Ravka,' he explained. 'So, once we were within one mile from you, I was able to track you down.'
You looked at him, stunned. Then you glared at Kirigan, who didn't look surprised at all. He calmly massaged his free wrists, nodding his thanks to Zoya.
'You gave me on my birthday a gift that allows David to track me down?!' you asked, furious.
'Please, shout louder, I'm sure everyone in the castle wants to hear you're free,' Ivan scoffed.
'Ivan, don't get in the middle of it,' Fedyor warned him.
'Not my fault you tend to get lost when you're on your own,' Kirigan said calmly. 'Do I need to remind you about the funerals we staged, believing you're dead?'
'Hey, not my fault you all have such little faith with me,' you said.
'But it is your fault you have terrible sense of direction,' Kirigan retorted.
'Could you finish this conversation after we get out of here?' Alina suggested nervously. At once you and Kirigan looked at her.
'Why did you even bring Miss Starkov here?' General demanded, looking at his Grisha.
'She insisted,' they all answered at the same time. You narrowed your eyes at them. You grinned, understanding.
'What do you have on them?' you asked Alina. The Sun Summoner just smiled mysteriously.
'So, how do we get out?' David asked. 'Because getting in was easy, but getting out won't be.'
Kirigan thought for a moment. He nodded after coming to a decision.
'We're going to look for a way out,' he said and looked at you. 'While [Y/N] will set a small fire to get everyone's attention.'
You grinned at him, your eyes shining. Alina looked at you nervously.
'Why does this look scares me?' she asked.
'Because it should,' Fedyor answered. 'Usually, she has such look when she intends to set someone on fire. Or cause trouble. Or both.'
'Just, please, [Y/N] don't start a fight with a Fjerdan if you were to meet one,' Kirigan said.
'I can't even punch one in the face?' you asked but received a glare in answer. 'Fine…'
'Let's go,' Kirigan ordered and was the first to leave your cell. Others followed him. You picked a different direction, a spring in your step.
'What a good day to burn down the castle full of Fjerdans!' you said happily to yourself.
After finding a way out, Kirigan and others went toward the smell of smoke, knowing that they'd find you there. They needed to grab you and quickly get out of here. They reached the room you were in and stopped dead in their tracks. Their eyes went wide. Everything was on fire.
'Small fire!' Kirigan hissed. 'I said to set a small fire! This is not small!'
You turned around. There was glee in your eyes.
'This is small,' you insisted.
'I don't want to know what a big one is, do I?' Alina asked, her voice shaky. You smiled at her innocently, showing teeth.
'Come on,' Kirigan said, walking to you. He grabbed you by the arm and dragged toward the exit. Others quickly followed him. Soon you heard screams and panic behind you.
'We need to quickly get out,' Kirigan said. 'Before someone-'
'Going somewhere?' you heard. You froze and looked to your right. A bunch of Fjerdans was blocking your way out. Among them was their leader, glaring at you, his arms crossed.
'- sees us,' Kirigan finished with a sigh. Fjerdans claimed their weapons.
'Yes, we do,' you answered the leader. 'We're in a hurry to get home. Tea is getting cold, you see.'
'Shame,' the leader said. 'Looks like it will get cold, since you're not going anywhere. Except to your deaths.'
'I suppose one walks to it all their life,' you said philosophically, putting hands behind your back.
'Does she always sass her opponents?' Alina whispered to Fedyor.
'Yes,' Fedyor whispers back. 'And, surprisingly, it usually allows her to win.'
'Enough of this,' the leader scoffs. 'You're all going to die now. Starting with that drüsje who thinks is so funny. She's the one who started the fire after all. You'll burn for that yourself, drüsje. None of you deserve the air you breathe.'
'Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?' you whispered to Kirigan.
'Yes,' Kirigan answered.
'What if I just break his nose a little?' you asked with hope. Kirigan gave you a pointed look. You sighed, disappointed.
'You're no fun,' you said. At the same time Fjerdans form a circle around you.
'Sir, we're surrounded,' David said nervously.
'Excellent!' you said happily, surprising your companions. 'We can attack in any direction!'
'What did I say about punching people and starting a fight?' Kirigan sighed.
'I think they're about to start one, so I'm entitled to defend myself,' you argued.
'Silence!' leader shouted, annoyed by your behaviour. 'Prepare to die!'
'Funny thing,' Zoya said, cracking her knuckles. 'I was about to say the same thing.'
'Murder wasn't on today's agenda,' Alina sighed.
'It's not on anyone's,' David pointed out.
'No, it's on mine, just not until next Thursday,' you said, raising your hands. Alina looked at Fedyor.
'She's joking, right?' she asked and chuckled nervously.
'Honestly?' Fedyor asked, taking a fighting stance. 'With [Y/N] you never know if she's joking.'
'Can I?' you asked Kirigan. 'Please, please, please?'
'Fine,' your best friend sighed, exasperated by you. You grinned at the Fjerdans.
'You know your first big mistake today?' you asked them. They frowned at you.
'You captured the Shadow Summoner,' you explained. You saw some of them going pale. Before they can react, Kirigan attacks with his Cut. Some scream and duck. Not everyone manages to and they die.
'Let the fun begin!' you shouted, summoning fire, and grinned.
The fight was raging on. Thanks to Kirigan you were winning but the Fjerdans were giving their all to stop you inside. Alina suggested at one point to summon her power, but since she was still learning to do it and they had no idea who she was, Kirigan forbade her. Thus, she was using other weapons to fight.
'Ivo!' you shouted suddenly. Ivan looked at you, annoyed.
'I told you not to call-' he started. But before he finish it, you grabbed a leg of some dead Fjerdan (you had no idea how it had happened it was apart from the rest of the body) and hit your friend hard in the stomach with hit. He groaned and bended over. Then, you quickly shot two fireballs over his head, burning a Fjerdan that was about to attack him.
'You're welcome!' you shouted and already attacked another Fjerdan. Suddenly darkness consumed you. Kirigan had enough.
'This way!' he shouted. Everyone followed his voice. Soon you were out and by the horses. You mounted them and galloped away.
'[Y/N], now!' Kirigan ordered. You gave him the rains of your horse and turned around. You summoned fire and made a firewall behind you, stopping Fjerdans from pursuing you.
'Couldn't you summon the darkness from the start?' Alina asked Kirigan a few minutes later, after you all slowed down.
'And be forced to listen [Y/N] complaining how she didn't get to beat up a few Fjerdans?' General asked and scoffed. 'No, thank you.'
Your friends chuckled. You huffed.
'Fine, next time I'll just stand by and let you do all the work,' you snapped.
'Isn't that always?' Kirigan asked with a smirk. You inhaled sharply.
'Are they always like that?' Alina asked.
'Most of the time,' Ivan answered and decided to stop your banter. 'Thank you for the assist, [Y/N], but did you have to hit me with a corpse's leg? Was that really necessary?'
'Necessary, no,' you answered and grinned. 'Hilarious, yes.'
Your friends burst out laughing. Even Kirigan allowed himself to chuckle. Ivan grumbled, annoyed.
'Don't think you'll get away with taking the Sun Summoner to Fjerdans,' Kirigan said. 'Because you won't.'
'Oh, come on,' you said, rolling your eyes. 'You can't keep her locked up in the Little Palace. She has to know how it all works.'
'Hey, "she" is right here,' Alina pointed out. But it was as if you and Kirigan weren't listening. You started bickering again.
'You'll get used to this,' Zoya sighed. 'They do it almost all the time.'
'But I thought they're friends…' Alina said, confused.
'It's a friendly bickering,' Fedyor said. 'Same is with Ivan and [Y/N].'
Ivan grunted in response. Zoya and Fedyor exchanged an amused look.
'So, about General and [Y/N]… this bantering shows how close they are,' Fedyor said. 'Have you seen General bantering like that with anyone else?'
'No…' Alina admitted after a moment of thought. She looked again at you and Kirigan. You were still teasing each other, but there were smiles on your faces. Alina smiled. It remined her of her and Mal. Her face fell. She missed her friend very much. She thought you and Kirigan were really lucky to have each other at your side.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46317019/chapters/116611516
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ellewritesalright · 5 months
Nine Long Years - Part 7/?
Nikolai Lantsov x Rietveld!reader, Kaz Brekker x sister!Rietveld!reader (platonic)
Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 --- Part 5 --- Part 6
Synopsis: After watching your brothers die, you found yourself working on the Volkvolny. In the many years since then, you somehow became the queen of Ravka while your brother somehow survived firepox and life in the Barrel, rising through its ranks. In disguise during a diplomatic trip with your husband Nikolai, you meet Kaz Brekker for what you think is the first time, only to find out that he is your long-thought-dead little brother.
Author's Note: Well... long time no see. I'm happy to finally share this part. it's been several months in the works since I have been very busy with college. So thank you to all who have stuck around. This part takes place around the start of the Ruin and Rising book, and is a fair bit shorter than the last few parts have been (btw I can't believe I've written over 40k words for this series) but I hope you all like it. I went a bit easier with the angst than I expected by giving these two a slight break
Warnings: mentions of death, angst and fluff, mentions of sickness, injury, panic attacks, firepox. If I'm missing something pls lmk
Word Count: 3,570
Genya's handiwork stung. Though she was fixing your injuries, the nature of her Corporalki abilities was that she had to undo your injuries in a similar process as their infliction. You tried not to complain as she treated your fractured and cut shoulder, but you were still swallowing back a scream. Tamar ran a soothing hand along your head as she and Tolya held you down.
"Hold still for me." You could vaguely hear Genya say.
You gave a slight nod, all you could manage at the moment. The pain was excruciating. There was fire all along your shoulder blade and up and over to the corner of your collarbone where the Darlking's nichevo'ya had clawed at you. Like sticking a red hot iron to flesh. You were biting down so hard on the handle of Tamar's axe that you thought you might break a tooth. The Tailor's hands hovered over your shoulder and your body jolted but Tolya tightened his grip.
Everything was dark. It never occurred to you how musty and dank an underground tunnel system would be. You'd never considered a place like this could even exist. But here you were, below ground, in the darkest, dankest little "room" you'd ever been in. And no amount of candles or incense trays staved your new fear of the dark.
When you closed your eyes, you could see Nikolai. The way his eyes frantically found yours across the room. How he screamed when his brother was torn apart by the Darkling's shadow creatures. The silent nod of understanding as you guarded Alina while he helped his parents escape.
You wondered where he was now. With any luck, Nikolai escaped on the Kingfisher. He was safe and sound and able to fight the war while Alina and the rest of you were all underground. He had to be safe. Saints above and below, by the grace of Ghezen, and on the holiness of even the Fjerdan god, he had to be safe.
Because if he wasn't, you simply wouldn't know what to do. 
You felt the pain end, and you glanced back at the trio of corporalki behind you.
"There," Genya spoke softly, easing her hands away from your shoulder. "This is about all I can do. The scarring doesn't go away completely."
Her eyes dropped in shame, one of the scars on her cheek pulling as she frowned slightly. Tamar and Tolya had released you, and you sat up. You gently took Genya's hand, giving her a grateful smile.
"You've healed me to full strength, and that's all that matters," you said kindly. "Thank you."
She smiled back at you.
Time blurred together underground. You were still guarding Alina, and you'd constantly accompany her through the elaborate tunnels. You didn't trust the Apparat running this little underground cult. He had come to Alina's aid, that was true enough. But there was no doubt in your mind that the snivelly, power-hungry little man had some ulterior motive. Nikolai had told you about him many years ago while at sea.
"The religious counsel to my father is a weasel of a fellow. That man would bite the head off a live snake if it meant he would gain control of a single chapel, let alone the whole of Ravka," Nikolai said of the Apparat. 
You could only hope Alina wasn't the snake in this case.
You worried for your sun summoner. It was no wonder that you all looked worn after your fight with the Darkling, but most of you had healed up despite your weariness. Yet Alina didn't seem to recover. She had lost use of her summoning in the past few months. It was difficult to say if that was because you were so far away from the sun, or because of the strain from her last fight with the Darkling; either way, you'd never seen her look so pale and sickly. 
"It doesn't seem like anything helps her," Mal worriedly whispered to you one evening as you two ate off to the side of the usual huddle your group maintained. "Not water, or food, or any sort of activity."
"She probably just needs sun," you said, trying to ease his mind. "Once we figure out how to escape this place, we'll get her above ground and she'll be better."
"What if that's not all? When she fought the Darkling--"
"Don't think on it, Oretsev." You cut him off. "That's no way to be, with your worrying. We'll get her out, and she'll get better. That's it."
Mal let out a long sigh and went back to eating.
Your words had carried conviction. You had no idea how your group would escape, but you didn't mention that. It was all you could do to lift your friends' spirits, even though you were as unsettled as you'd felt since you were a girl in a Ketterdam harbour.
In the evenings, you roomed with Tamar and Tolya. Often sleeping between them, their breathing--and Tolya's snoring--reminded you that you were alive and somehow safe, no matter how temporary.
But even so, the dank underground smelled like death. It was like you were back on the cobbles of Ketterdam, seeing your brothers in every corner of every dark cavern in this place. They haunted you, even here. And, with no one to distract you from them, no one to hold you and reassure you that you weren't at fault for their sickness, their ghosts dogged you all hours of the day.
There were a few children underground, and sometimes when they'd cry you could just feel the sobs your baby brother cried against your shoulder when Da had passed away. You could taste the sick you emptied into the harbour after you lost your brothers. 
It occurred to you that maybe this was your lot in life; maybe you were just meant to be haunted. You were plagued, for lack of a better word.
You couldn't count how many times a day your mind strayed to Nikolai. Worries or memories would surface, and you were unable to stave them just as you couldn't stave thoughts of your family. Truthfully, you didn't want to keep them at bay anymore. If you could die tomorrow and join your brothers, you would rather die with Nikolai in your thoughts than with nothing but fear and grief dogging your brain.
The anger you'd harboured for Nikolai had vanished. Your grudge seemed so insignificant now that you were separated like this. Everything seemed insignificant when you were trapped in a tomb.
At night the only reprieve you had from all the ghosts was when you'd finally fall asleep, your fingers clutching Nikolai's ring on the chain around your neck. 
When you and your friends finally surfaced again, it was a mad dash escape from that weasel and his cult. 
You were running through some forest with them. You had no idea where you surfaced, all you knew was that it wasn't just the Aparat's cult after you, but a sect of Vasily's old Grisha-hating First Army. The soldiers were hot on your tails as you dashed through the trees. Tolya and Tamar were on your right, Genya was to your left, and Alina and Mal were slightly ahead of you. Shots were being fired behind you, and you weaved and ducked to avoid bullets as you ran aimlessly. Some of the Grisha you were travelling with used their skills to take on those in pursuit of you, but there were too many of them. 
Just when it felt as though you would never make it out of this forest and away from the soldiers, you heard a familiar shouting of command. Repeat revolvers starting gunning from above, and you grabbed Genya and ducked to the side as the Kingfisher flew overhead, taking out your remaining foes. 
It was all a blur as the flying ship landed. Your mind was whirring as Genya helped you to your feet, guiding you to the ship. You watched the others climb aboard, then you took your turn as well. As you clutched the wooden rails, you remembered the last time you'd been on this vessel, how you fell asleep below deck, curled up against Nikolai.
As soon as he reentered your mind, your head was whipping around to catch sight of him, for surely he was here. It didn't take you long to hone in on him. He was speaking with Mal, grim expressions on both of their faces. Alina was there too, guzzling down a water flask; she looked automatically healthier now that she was out of the dirt and into the sun, but still not at full strength. Your eyes went to Nikolai again, and he seemed to be glancing around as well. When his eyes locked on yours, you swore you almost started to cry. The tension in his brow loosened, his strong shoulders relaxing for a second before he quickly excused himself from Mal and Alina. He strode directly over to you, bracing you in a hug. You clutched him back, face bundled in his chest as he gripped you so tightly.
There was a long moment in his arms as you embraced, but you both needed it. You'd gone months without knowing if each other were alive, much less alright.
"Thank every Saint that ever was," Nikolai chuckled in relief as he held you. He leaned back, bracing your arms. He noticed the rip in your jacket where the nichevo’ya had cut up your shoulder in the chapel. While the cult was able to provide a new shirt and trousers for you, there'd been no replacement jacket for you underground. "That's no good. Here." 
He shed his military coat and slung it over you. He dusted off the sleeves as you just stood there watching him. You'd almost forgotten how warm his hazel eyes were.
"Are you alright?" He whispered, his hands still holding to your forearms almost as if reminding himself that you were really there in front of him.
There was no way to tell him about your time underground, about the scar on your shoulder and the feeling that maybe your whole life was just haunted. It took everything in you to reply with hope.
"Better now," you whispered back, nodding softly.
He smiled regretfully at you. You knew him well enough to know that he had something to say, but you weren't going to pressure it out of him. The last time you'd seen him you were still upset with him over his engagement–something that felt inconsequential now. Months away from him had turned your anger to dust, and now you just wanted to wipe clean and move on as best as you could--with or without him.
Nikolai looked at you for a moment, then hugged you again. He whispered something in Kerch, an old saying that you could remember your Ma and Da saying to one another when you were younger and your world was a farm and a family that was whole.
"My soul knows no richer than yours," he muttered into your ear, speaking your native tongue in his pretty lilt.
You teared up slightly. Your hand made a weak fist against his chest as you replied in Kerch. "You're infuriating."
"I know." 
He cupped your cheek, and you leaned into his palm, staring at his soft hazel eyes.
"Go below deck, and I'll join you in a moment, alright?" He whispered kindly.
You nodded and made your way below. It took Nikolai longer than expected to join. There were others below deck, a few injured Grisha and Nikolai's First Army soldiers being tended to. You watched bones being reset, blood being transferred, and breathing assisted. You flinched as one of the soldiers coughed up blood, making a hauntingly familiar noise. Just as you looked away for fear of nausea, a hand grabbed yours. Nikolai had sat down beside you, and he gave your hand a comforting squeeze.
He let you lean into his side as the two of you sat there in silence.
The Kingfisher flew for nearly a half hour more, but Nikolai stayed with you below deck until they had to dock the flying ship. When you arrived at the Spinning Wheel, there were lots of Grisha-friendly First Army there to greet everyone. The rescued were all led to different rooms, and as someone approached you to get you settled, Nikolai murmured something to them. They nodded and helped you through the winding hallways. You were given a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom, and you wondered what you'd done to earn a private space like this. Surely many people at the Spinning Wheel had to share rooms. 
Once you were alone, you shed your dank, dirt-covered cult clothes and discarded them in the bedroom while you ran a bath for yourself. 
As you sank into the warm water you let your mind settle. It felt odd to feel safe again. After your time below ground, you didn’t know when you’d feel this way again, but you were grateful it was now.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door, and you heard Nikolai's voice.
“I took your clothes to the washers and brought you clean trousers and a shirt. I'll leave them just outside the door here for when you're finished your bath," he said kindly.
"Thank you," you called out, your voice slightly unsteady. 
The thought of Nikolai on the other side of the door made your heart race. There was something about the moment that felt distinctly like your first trip to West Ravka back when you began to know him more as Nikolai than Sturmhond. The separation by only a door felt as excruciating as it used to feel watching him get into bed beside you without being able to reach for him. Prudence and politeness governed you both so strictly back them, and it had taken reign once again.
You shut your eyes and tried to relax some more in the bath, but your peace had shattered at the thought of Nikolai being so near yet so out of your reach.
You huffed to yourself as you got out of the bath and dried off. You took the clothes Nikolai had left for you and dressed yourself. The layers of soft white linen were slightly thin, but certainly not unappreciated. After months in the same clothes that you were rarely allowed to wash, you were overdue for something clean and fresh. 
Without realizing it, your feet carried you to your bedroom door. It wasn't as though you knew where anything was in this place, but you twisted the knob and stepped into the hallway anyways. You made it two steps before you realized he was there, leaning against the wall beside your door.
"Hi," he said, blushing slightly.
You nodded at him. "Hi."
"Can we talk?" He asked, his eyes earnest.
You nodded again, stepping back into your room and letting him follow.
There were no other chairs or seating in the room, so you sat on the edge of your bed.
Nikolai sat a respectable distance beside you. "I wanted to tell you that--what's this?" 
His eyes were on your shirt's wide collar, where the edge of your shoulder scar peeked out. You hooked a finger into your collar, pulling it to show a bit more of the scar as you angled your back to him too.
"Oh… it's from the nichevo’ya. One just barely nicked my shoulder as we first escaped into the tunnels." You felt a slight sting as he gently grazed his thumb along it. You relished his touch and the reminder that he was alive and with you so much so that you didn't even mind the sting. "Genya says it's permanent."
"I should have been there," he murmured.
You shook your head, turning back to look at him. "No, I'm glad you weren't. You needed to be above ground."
"I should have been with you." His eyes had that earnest look crossed with slight guilt.
"You had to get your parents to safety and rally what was left of the First Army, Nikolai."
"I wanted to be with you." He said as he held your hand, interlocking your fingers. "You're the woman I love, and I thought of you every second of every day I wasn't with you. Saints, I need you more than I need air."
You leaned closer to him, pressing your forehead against his collarbone. It wasn't meant in any romantic way, more just as a silent way to express that you loved him too, that you cared deeply for him. He brought his one arm around your shoulder as the other still held your hand.
"That's why I'm not going through with it," he said, and you could feel the rumble of his words against your head.
"With what?" You whispered.
"The engagement with Alina."
You leaned back slightly to look in his eyes. "What?"
He thumbed along your cheek. "Once the war is won, Alina and I will not be getting married. She and I have spoken already."
"But what about the unification of Ravka and the first and second army?"
"That can happen some other way." He looked deeply into your eyes. "But once we've won this war, I only want one thing."
You sighed and gave him a sad smile. "Niko–"
"Will you marry me?"
Your breath caught in your chest.
There was a time you thought he would ask you this, before you landed in Ravka more permanently, before you got launched into this war against the Darkling. But you knew he still had his ambitions.
"Is it because your brother's dead? Because you're guaranteed to be king now?" You asked.
He sighed and shook his head. It was hard to tell if he'd expected any apprehension from you. "It's because I love you. More than anything else I could ever think of. When I first arrived at the Spinning Wheel, everyone else whined about the cold of the mountains or the fact that they missed tea service and their evening kvas, but all I missed was you." He gently squeezed your hand. "Every day I spent not knowing if you were safe, if you were alive… I could barely sleep, barely eat… You're all I could ever want."
The look in his eyes was reminiscent of his soft yet resolute stare when he’d placed that crown on your head. It felt like a lifetime ago that he whispered honey in your ears and you listened without a shred of apprehension. But right now this wasn’t honey. This was raw. This was real. This was Nikolai in a state of total resolve. And you knew you wouldn’t be made a fool if you accepted him.
"I am all you want?" you whispered in response, your lips curling upwards slightly.
"You are. I want to spend my life with you," he smiled. "Will you marry me?"
“Yes." You nodded, a full smile forming on your lips. “I'll marry you. Of course I will.”
Nikolai broke into a grin. He cupped your cheeks and kept grinning at you, his eyes locked with yours. “Saints, I love you more than anything.” He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, then dipped down to capture your lips.
It was the first you’d kissed him in months and months. Truly, you hadn’t felt his lips on yours since before you’d crossed the fold. It ignited a forgotten hunger in you, and you kissed him back with a deep longing.
“I missed you,” he murmured as you pulled back for a moment. You noticed tears in his eyes. “I was so stupid, and I’m sorry for how I treated you. I never should have proposed to Alina, or made you feel like I only wanted you in secret. I want you, I’m proud to want you, and I never want my love for you to be a secret. I want you as my queen–my truest companion, as you have always been. I just… I want you.”
You kissed him again, wrapping your arms around him. You leaned so far against him that he rested his back against the headboard, bringing you with him. You missed the closeness with him, the intimacy of being pressed into his body as you kissed. Your fingers threaded into his golden hair as you sighed into his soft lips.
“Do you forgive me?” He whispered and you took in a breath.
Your fingers idly traced the skin right above his shirt collar. “I’ll forgive you once you get me a ring and make it official.”
“I gave you a ring years ago, my dear.” His finger went to the chain around your neck, and he pulled it loose from under your shirt, making his old silver ring dangle between you. “One could argue that we’ve been engaged all this time.”
“Then one could also argue that you were most definitely cheating on your fiance when you proposed to someone else,” you smirked at him.
“Ouch. I deserved that,” he chuckled.
He cupped your face again, his palms warm against your skin.
“I’ll get you a new ring. Something regal and fit for the most beautiful queen Ravka will ever know, moi tsaritsa.”
You smiled and leaned down to kiss him again. “Good.”
A/N: Thanks so much for reading! Feel free to like, reblog, and comment on this new part--I really appreciate the feedback! If you want to be tagged in this series or to be added to the Nikolai taglist please comment on this part or send me an ask. Otherwise, I hope you have a great day/night :)
Taglist: I will reblog this part with the tags because there's too many of you to tag and tumblr won't let me do it all at once :)
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Vs Cunk. Pt.3
Darkling vs Cunk!reader
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This wasn’t as funny as the rest because I had no clue what to do for him. But I hope you can get a smile out of it💗
Part one, Part Two,
Taglist: @wrapperpaper @venomsvl
Warnings: Y/n being a idiot, her being done with her job, #He’snotmyshadowman.
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The darkling looking around the room confused and on high alert: Where am I?
Y/n with half of chips in her mouth: Well, I think we’re on earth but not everything is as it seems. *Shrugs*
Darkling put up his hands threatening her: Why am I here? Once second I was in my room and the next I’m here- What is your power.
Y/n: Well, I do make a mean martini. Is that a power? I mean once when I was young I tried to use the force- but that didn’t work.
Darkling: Do you even know who I am?
Y/n rolling her eyes as one of her crew hands her a clipboard: I can’t get a break. *Sighs and then reads the name* Aleksander moro- Moresava. *messes up*
Darlking: Morozava.
Y/n: Morozava?
The darlking nods: Yes- Why am I here.
Y/n: Well my producers want me to interview you, so that’s what I have to do. *Smiles* Get that rent you know?
The darkling sits down: Yes, I do believe someone told me about this.
Y/n looks down: So, you’re the shadow guy?
The darkling: I’m the darkling, so yes I do have something to do with shadows.
Y/n titles her head: Can you make them sing?
The darkling taken aback: Why would I make shadows sing-
Y/n groans: Moving on. *Checks off a box* Do you have a mortal enemy that’s a frog? *She makes her hands move to look like hopping creatures*
Darkling: No- frogs are weak compared to me.
Y/n looks at her crew: Can’t even get my the favorite shadow man. *Flips them off*
Darkling looking around confused.
Y/n: So, you rename yourself to live differently lives?
The darkling: Yes. *Bland and boring*
Y/n: And you never did anything cool with that? Like a famous clown that travels the world?- Or a famous singer that gets all the ladies. Why stick…With yourself?
Darkling glaring at her: I did it to keep close to the king, and make the grisha not as feared and then take over- for a better world.
Y/n: My mate Paul, he once lived as a comic book character who believed he had special powers. I thought it for a while, he pulled a coin out of my ear- Wait, how did he do that? *gets puzzled* I need to call him.
Darkling looks at her: How stupid are you?
Y/n: Excuse me? That was quite rude, moroasan.
Darkling stands up: It’s Moroava! *Gets feed up and goes to do the cut but it just goes through her like dust*
Darlking: How did you do that?
Y/n: I stop asking that same question when a big purple man tried to punch me- He had this weird golden glove with colorful gems.
Y/n stands up: I need to call Paul. *Walks off set and get on the phone*
Darkling: Wait- *Disappears*
(Sorry for this being short, I had no clue what to do for him)
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Biokinton (again)
Debut: Super Mario Land
Dooba de do. That is what I think when I see Biokinton. It does not make that sound, but I think it should, like a happy little cloud going about its day. That is not what Biokinton is truly like, though!
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Biokinton is EVIL, a BAD GUY! It is adorable, a harmless-looking little darlking, but do not be fooled, because it is a real NASTY NELLY, an absolute ROTTEN RANDY. When Biokinton is around, you will fear for your safety!
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Biokinton WILL release Chickens. This cloud is full of Chickens. And you may think, a cloud full of chickens? What a fun and whimsical concept! But it’s DANGEROUS. You think you know chickens? You don’t know Chickens with a capital C. These are war chickens owned by an alien invader, and I guess he keeps them in a cloud, who I assume is his best friend. I like to believe Biokinton has feelings too.
I started this post by saying that Biokinton does not say “dooba de do”, but it DOES make a sound! Like other bosses, it will make an obnoxious MWEH-EAH sound every time it is shot with a missile. Listen for yourself! Make it your text alert sound if you want! Biokinton in pain wherever you go!
Perhaps the most intriguing thing about Biokinton, however, is its true form. Would you like to see its true form?
So would I! I don’t know what it looks like. I think it would be just fine if it was just the cloud, since that is extremely cute, but there is a whole extra layer of mystery knowing there is something else underneath! This is never shown, not even when Biokinton is defeated, but maybe it, like the other main bosses, is based on one of the normal enemies in its world? Maybe it is even a Chikako under all that!
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Maybe there is even some connection with Roketon...? I always thought these just looked like Minions, but I am realizing they may actually be Sarasaland’s version of Lakitu, and Biokinton is a cloud... probably not though, since Roketon has nothing to do with chickens. And I also don’t want Biokinton to look like a Minion under there. I’m sorry Roketon, it’s not your fault, but it’s just the way it is.
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I love you Biokinton. Very lovely shading you have here
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suenitos · 2 months
i want you i hold one cardThat I can't use but I want you You're coming back and it's the end of the world we're starting over and i love you darlking and i am done dear youre in the house and i am here in the car i just need a quiet place where i can scream how i loveyou
okokokokokokokokokokokoh you live in my dream state relocate my fantasyyyy i stay in realityyyyy you live in my dream state any time i count sheep thats the only time we make up make up you exist behind my eyelids my eyelids now i dont wanna wake up
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Alright, because someone had to. Below the cut there's *30* darlking/darklina icons from season 2 of shadow and bone. Beware of spoilers! And Like/Reblog if you take any
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cloudysurname · 1 year
Season 2 spoilers
Disclaimer before I start roasting the parts I didn’t like: I really enjoyed the season. Especially the ending. I think that’s the whole point of adaptions: to make even books readers surprised and wonder what’s going to happen next. The finale left me in shock and that’s exactly what I wanted to feel finishing this series.
I don’t get it why everyone is so disappointed with how things ended with Alina. In the books soooo many of you hated that she lost her powers. Well they’ve changed that so why are you upset now…
Now back to me roasting some parts I personally didn’t like.
1) What was the point of Bagra setting the place on fire before “connecting” to Darkling?
If only she had told Mal to wait for her for like 5 minutes and THEN set the place on fire, she would have easily killed Darlking AND survived.
In the books I also thought her death was kinda ridiculous, but it had a point: she served as a good distraction for everyone to escape. Never thought it could get more redicilois….
2) If Bagra could connect to Darlking, why didn’t she do that earlier? Could somebody please explain that to me?
3) Tamar is a heartrender, so what was the point of using her axes in the final battle? Wouldn’t she be way-way-way more helpful as a heartrender? I get it why she would use axes for example in Ketterdam but here!? She could have EASILY killed so many of them one by one just by using her powers. WHY did she stop after killing just one and then moving on to her axes.
4) Nikolai going with the others on that flying ship to attack Darkling.
You really want me to believe that the last heir of the royal family would go to the front line of battle just for the first strike? Risk his life for what reason exactly? Commanders never do stuff like this.
Yes, Nikolai is a hell of a adventurer, but isn’t the situation he is in rn make him care about his life a little more? Cause Ravka literally depends on his life as well as Alina defeating the fold.
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ratintank · 5 years
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Young Pogonia with her dad. A family photo. (After this shot was taken, she attacked the photographer)
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eduards-stuff · 2 years
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i am very happy that the new anime scene post 2018-2019 really put an emphasis on personality building and making these really in depth colorful vibrant and detailed personalitiesthey really put accent on all sorts of aspects of peoples personalities how they react , like breathe every moment they are on screen they are showing their personalities in their own unique ways.
It really helps people think of more nuanced personalities, we have the child anya and the parents from spy x family that have great personalities, we have horimiya which was also great and their interactions really made people think about all the facets of reality , and you even got dress up darlking and see how 2 nerds about things help each other out and make from a great friendship to a relationships and it was really great wholesome and fun every moment of their interactions THEY ARE ALL REALLY HAVING FUN AND LIVING THEIR BEST LIVES EVERY SECOND AND
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endless-grishaverse · 3 years
When Darlking asked Mal to say something personal about Alina, and Mal said what her favorite flowers were, I thought, "Come on, you're not going to... okay, you are going to give Alina flowers."
And now I am haunted by the thought of where he got them from. (Happy attempt to erase from head the image of Darkling, crawling in a flower bed in search of irises)
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mo2k · 2 years
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have to blinked several times to take this in...
okay, got it now 👌
i'm proud of em, they're my bois <3
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A Friendship That Caught Fire: Chapter IV - Those Little Moments
Chapter Summary: Alina witnesses small moments between you and Kirigan that make her wonder what is really between you two. In the meantime, you continue to fight with your feelings.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Zoya Nazyalensky, Alina Starkov, Ivan, Fedyor Kaminsky, Genya Safin
Word Count: 2870
A/N: Smut alert. If you don't like it or are under 18, don't read from: "'And how are you going to do that?' Kirigan asked, smirking." to: "'So… like I said… thank you,' you panted a minute or so later and slowly got up." Enjoy! Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533200/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089533203/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550826/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550801/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550800/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550831/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550817/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550771/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550798/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550845/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550812/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550786/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089550773/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added, I don't want to add everyone who reacted in anyway with this fanfiction in case someone doesn't want it):
It wasn't long before you were back on your feet. Genya took care of your back and there was no sign of scars. You were to stay at the Little Palace for some time, to gather back your strength and rest. So, you spent your days like you always had. Training, spending time with friends, working together with Kirigan. Everything was like it used to be. Except…
While Kirigan had been keeping his promise and wasn't pushing you away, you slightly were. You had noticed the looks he had been giving Alina. And the looks she had been giving him. And like you had said to Genya… they seemed to be perfect together. You believed they were meant to do great things together. But that meant you had to remove yourself to the shadows. Just not the ones you wanted to. Not the ones created by Kirigan.
Kirigan didn't seem to notice anything amiss. You weren't sure if you're more relieved or hurt by it. It wasn't like you stopped spending time with him completely. No, you still were. And you still were visiting him at nights in his bed or he was coming to yours. But it wasn't as often like it used to be. And there was a certain wall between you two. Still, your friendship was strong and you cared about each other deeply.
For example, one day Alina visited Kirigan in his chambers to ask him about something. He told her to wait, as he was wrapping something up with a few other Grisha. But he was tensed and upset. It was clear someone had made him irritated, when he asked:
'Where is the idiot anyway?'
'I'm right here,' you said, entering the room.
'Surprisingly enough, I'm not talking about you this time,' Kirigan sighed, only glancing at you. But he froze suddenly and looked at you again with a frown.
'Is that blood?' he demanded. Your stopped walking. Only now Alina and others noticed your hair dampened and red on one sight. Where it touched your skin, it also was red.
'No?' you asked slowly.
'That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question,' he said, irritated. 'Come here.'
'I'm fine, honestly!' you protested, trying to move away from Kirigan. But he was walking purposively and was not going to be stopped.
'I said, come here,' he said, chasing after you.
'I'm fine!' you insisted. But Kirigan was having none of it.
'So…' Alina said, as she stepped next to amused Fedyor, while they both were watching you and Kirigan, '… "this time"?'
'You know [Y/N]'s tendency to get into trouble,' Fedyor said and Alina nodded. 'The word "idiot" in General's mouth became a synonym of [Y/N], even she knows that.'
'Ah,' Alina said. She watched as Kirigan finally caught you and forced you to take a look at your head.
'It always surprises me how they are with each other,' Alina said.
'Like kids, right?' Fedyor asked, amused.
'We can hear you, Fedyor,' you said, glaring at him.
'Loud and clear,' Kirigan said, annoyed, and took a look at your hair. 'What happened?'
'It's actually your fault,' you answered. Kirigan gave you a bewildered look.
'It will take some time, won't it?' Alina asked.
'How is it my fault exactly?' Kirigan asked.
'Yes,' Ivan sighed.
'I was practising cutting the ropes with fire, like you had asked me to, when a servant came to inform me that you need me here,' you answered. 'I was so focused on it that he scared me, I lost concentration and completely burned one of the ropes holding a beam and it hit me on the head.'
'Ow,' Alina said, wincing. Fedyor hissed, while Ivan grimaced. Other Grisha in the room also looked at you sympathetically.
'See?' you asked. 'Your fault.'
'Maybe,' Kirigan sighed. 'But why didn't you go to a Healer?'
'My presence was requested here,' you said, imitating the voice of the servant that had passed you a message. 'I wouldn't want to make the Black General waiting.'
Kirigan shot you an annoyed look. You looked at him innocently.
'I wouldn't have had to wait for you if you had been here from the start,' he said.
'I can't do two things at once,' you said. 'I'm either practising or here.'
Kirigan rose his eyes to the ceiling. You winked at Alina and Fedyor.
'Take care of this, then return to me,' Kirigan said and turned to others. 'We will return to it in a moment. Alina, I believe you wanted to ask me something.'
At once his all attention was on Alina. Your smile fell. You watched as Kirigan and Alina started to talk quietly, both of them wearing small smiles. You turned on your heal and left the room with other Grisha, missing the worried looks Ivan and Fedyor sent your way.
A few days later Kirigan and you were going for your usual patrol of the perimeters. But this time General wanted to take Alina with him. You said you didn't mind. But that was a lie. Because you missed the times when you were alone with your best friend. And patrols had been always the time for you two.
'It feels more like a trip than a patrol,' Alina joked at some point. You glanced at Kirigan.
'I think someone wants to show you around,' you said. 'And I'm just an excuse, so he could call it a patrol.'
Alina laughed. Kirigan didn't even look at you. You frowned.
'What is it?' you asked. 'I'm teasing you and you're not answering. Something must be up.'
'Continue for a moment without me,' Kirigan said after a moment. 'I must check something.'
He rode off without waiting for a response. You sighed.
'I just love when he is so cryptic,' you said, annoyed. Alina looked around nervously.
'So… want to take a lead?' she asked. You looked at her, horrified.
'No, no, you do not want me navigating,' you said. 'I'll accidentally navigate us off a cliff.'
'I… I don't think there are any cliffs nearby,' Alina said, confused.
'I'd find one, trust me,' you said. 'My sense of direction is terrible.'
'So… what now?' Alina asked. You thought for a moment. You sighed.
'We ride ahead,' you decided. 'If we get lost, we're going to just turn around. Or I'll scream. Somehow, when I scream, General magically appears.'
'What exactly is between you and General?' Alina asked as you resumed riding.
'We're best friends,' you answered, ignoring the clench of your heart.
'Nothing more?' Alina asked. 'Because the way you talk with each other sometimes-'
'Just means we've been friends for years,' you interrupted her. You didn't want to have that conversation with Alina of all people. But you noticed she seemed to be relieved by your answers.
'And how is that friend of yours?' you asked. 'Mal? Any news?'
'No,' Alina said, saddening at once. Which made you feel horrible. So, for some time you were riding in silence. Until you came across a path that led to a dark forest.
'Where does this lead?' Alina asked, stopping.
'Nowhere good,' you answered.
'How would you know?' Alina asked.
'Because she came from there,' a voice said behind you, startling you. You jumped and looked behind. Kirigan smirked at you. You cursed under your breath.
'I swear, one day I'm going to set you on fire for scaring me like that,' you said, glaring at General. He rode to you and leaned to you.
'Shouldn't have joked about me,' he whispered and rode forward. You and Alina stood in place for a moment.
'Did he just…?' Alina finally asked, frowning.
'Pretended there's something he had to check out just to scare me?' you asked. 'Yes. I think he did.'
'You two have a strange relationship,' Alina said.
'I know, that's what makes it so much fun,' you said, smiling, and rode off after Kirigan. Alina watched you two for a moment, not sure if what you had told her was actually true.
Another time Alina walked again on some meeting in General's chambers. This time you were already there. Everyone was frowning. Some were annoyed. Others troubled. Fedyor noticed Alina and showed her to wait. She stopped to the side and waited.
'I have a solution,' you said.
'Thank goodness,' a Grisha Alina didn't recognize said, relieved.
'It involves fire,' you said.
'Absolutely not,' Kirigan said quickly. You pouted.
'You never let me have fun,' you said.
'What about that time in Fjerdan castle?' Kirigan asked. You smiled fondly at the memory.
'Okay, but on scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if-' you started.
'At least twenty,' Kirigan interrupted you. You looked at him, offended.
'You don't even know what I wanted to say!' you protested.
'I know your ideas, most of them are stupid,' Kirigan said. You inhaled sharply. You and Kirigan started bickering. Fedyor sighed and walked to Alina.
'I think you should come back later,' you said quietly. 'This will go on for some time.'
'I see that,' Alina asked. 'What is this about anyway?'
'Some problem on a front,' Fedyor answered. Alina nodded, understanding it's not something for her to know. She turned and walked away, leaving behind Kirigan's and yours amused voices.
A few days later Alina was walking through the corridor with Kirigan. Fedyor and Ivan were walking behind them. Suddenly, you sprinted from behind the corner ahead of them and rushed to them. At once you put yourself behind Kirigan. They all stopped, surprised.
'Why are you hiding behind me?' General asked and frowned. 'What did you do?'
'Shhh! I'm not here,' you whispered. Kirigan sighed. Behind you Fedyor frowned.
'[Y/N], is that blood on your shoulder?' he asked. General stiffened.
'Oh, don't worry, this blood isn't mine,' you said. 'Now hush!'
Kirigan sighed again, annoyed. He turned around and grabbed your arms.
'What happened?' he demanded. You cleared your throat.
'So… Zoya and I were sparring… and I cut her by accident,' you said. 'Hence the blood on my arm. It's Zoya's.'
'And she's after you because you cut her?' Alina asked, frowning. You blushed.
'Nooo… she's after me because I… accidentally… set her on fire…' you answered, embarrassed. Ivan, Fedyor, Alina and Kirigan looked at you, horrified.
'You set Zoya on fire?' Ivan asked, his eyes wide.
'They put her out at once, though!' you quickly said. 'But… now she kinda wants to kill me.'
You smiled nervously. Kirigan sighed, pinching his nose.
'[Y/N!' you heard a shriek, causing you all to jump. You paled. Then you smiled at Kirigan.
'You know you're my favourite person, right?' you asked.
'I better be,' Kirigan said, amused. You looked at him pleadingly. Kirigan stopped himself from laughing.
'Fedyor, get her out of here,' he said. 'I'll hold Zoya back.'
'Thank you, oh great General!' you said, pressing your hands together and bowing. Alina couldn't help herself and laughed. Kirigan's mouth twitched.
'How do you keep getting yourself into such situations?' Fedyor asked, leading you away.
'Must be my natural gift,' you answered. A moment later you were gone. Alina and Kirigan looked at each other, amused. Then they heard rushed footsteps.
'Right,' Kirigan sighed. 'Here we go.'
That evening you visited Kirigan in his chambers. He was alone. He glanced at you from above the maps.
'Still working?' you asked, walking to him.
'Just finishing,' Kirigan answered. 'How's Zoya?'
'Somehow you managed to calm her down and she no longer wishes to kill me,' you answered, stopping in front of your friend. 'At least not today. Thanks for that.'
'Just don't set her on fire again,' Kirigan said, facing you, and gave you and amused look. 'Next time I may not stop her.'
'Mhm. I'll be good.'
'You better.'
'Saints, it's so hot in here.'
'I know that but why are you unbuttoning my kefta?'
'To help you cool down.'
'Mhm. And it isn't just an excuse to get me naked?'
'Weeeell… I have to thank you for getting me out of trouble somehow, don't I?'
'Oh, I see. I guess you're right.'
Kirigan smirked at you. You grinned and threw his kefta on the table. You took his shirt from him as well and traced your hands on his abs.
'Like what you see?' Kirigan asked.
'Oh, I do,' you answered, nodding. General grabbed your chin and forced you to look up. Then, he kissed you. You moaned and answered the kiss.
'What now?' he whispered in your mouth. Instead of answering, you finished undressing him and took off your clothes as well. Then, you took him to the bedroom and pushed him on the bed.
'Shouldn't we had done the undressing in here?' Kirigan asked, amused. 'What if someone comes in and sees our clothes?'
'Let's be honest, it wouldn't be the first time,' you said, rolling your eyes. Kirigan laughed.
'Remember that time a poor servant found your underwear?' he asked. You snorted.
'She was red as a tomato!' you giggled. 'Poor girl… But enough of that. I think I should thank you now.'
'And how are you going to do that?' Kirigan asked, smirking. You smirked back and kneeled. General's eyes darkened. He loved when you were kneeling for him and you knew that.
'I'll start with this,' you answered and took his already hard member in your mouth. Kirigan sucked in a breath, while you started to move your head up and down.
'Every time… you surprise me… with how good you are… at this,' Kirigan said, his breath becoming quicker. You winked at him and sped up, licking and sucking. General groaned. A few moments later he felt himself close… and then you took him out of your mouth.
'Of course, you had to stop,' he grunted. You chuckled and rose on your feet.
'While I enjoy tasting it,' you said and straddled him, 'I plan to have it somewhere else tonight.'
'Oh?' Kirigan asked and grabbed your hips. 'And where would that be, little flame?'
You smirked and put his hardness at your entrance. You slowly lowered yourself, causing both of you to moan. You waited a moment to get used to the feeling of him inside you and then you started to ride him.
'[Y/N]…' Kirigan groaned. 'Just like that… Mm… Yes…'
'Does it mean you accept this form of thanks?' you asked and leaned forward to press kisses to his neck. General only groaned and grabbed your hips tighter. He buckled and you clenched around him. You started moving faster, both of you panting now. Kirigan's fingers found your clit and he started do rub it. You moaned and ground on him. He cursed under his breath.
'[Y/N]… if you keep it like that…' he said, his voice strained. You pressed your lips to his and kissed him aggressively. He moaned and kissed you back, grabbing you by the back of your neck. It took a few more moves for both of you to reach peak.
'So… like I said… thank you,' you panted a minute or so later and slowly got up.
'Aha,' Kirigan said, breathing heavily. 'My pleasure.'
Next day Alina witnessed you and Kirigan coming back from the Grand Palace. You were teasing each other again. Suddenly, you bumped into a table and almost lost your balance. But General grabbed you in time.
'I swear, you could trip over your own shadow,' he sighed. You pulled away from him and resumed walking.
'My shadow's a tricky little brat,' you said. 'It likes to see me fall to its level.'
And at that moment you tripped again, literally on nothing and this time Kirigan didn't manage to catch you. So, you fell on your face. Alina and Genya, who was with her, stopped, as they were walking toward you, and looked at you in shock. General was looking at you and trying to hold back his laughter.
'Shut up,' you said.
'I didn't say anything,' Kirigan said, fighting back a smile.
'Don't care,' you said. 'Shut up.'
'Admiring the carpet, [Y/N]?' you heard a voice of another Inferni. She and her companions snickered, as they passed you by. You turned on your back and stared at the ceiling.
'I hate everyone,' you said grumpily.
'Except me, right?' Kirigan asked, offering you his hand. You glared at him.
'Especially you,' you answered but took his hand. He helped you up and checked if you're unharmed.
'General always seems different when he is with [Y/N],' Alina said to Genya.
'He has a soft spot for her,' Genya agreed. 'I think it started when she yelled at him during some meeting.'
'Seriously?' Alina asked, astonished. Genya nodded and looked at you and Kirigan.
'He was impressed,' she said. She didn't add that in her opinion he continued to be impressed by you. Alina didn't have to know that. So, they both continued to watch you two bickering with grins on your faces in silence, both of them thinking the same thing. That you and Kirigan were acting like an old married couple. But you and him were the only ones who didn't see that.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46317019/chapters/116811439
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wetookanoath · 3 years
niniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii what are you up to?
on a personal level: i’m currently unemployed and already had a breakdown about it when it happened. it was hard and unexpected and the reason i haven’t been consistent in any social media is because i’ve been concentrated on finding a new job at the same time i’m preparing an official catalog of my original fiction, reviews, articles and more in english to send to several agents in the US. my new goal is to publish in the english-speaking market where i believe i may have a better chance to get a bigger public, since the kind of fiction i write the most is not truly liked or appreciated in LATAM.
currently on a journey to recovery from other stuff, about to see my little brother move out the house on december, and on march next year i have an test to make a history major in the local university, which i’m excited for since i’m in the middle of researching Something and i have decided, i want to do it professionally.
finally, in the middle of translating various of my short stories to english, planing on transforming a fanfic (*eyes emoji*) into a full book that i want to pitch to a few agencies i’ve found, and making random appearances in podcasts and whatnot to talk about fanfic, fandom and other writing stuff (mostly female fiction, female gaze, romance and horror).
and on a more lighter note, aka fandoms: my cobra kai obsession is currently dormant. i’ve been into a variaty of fandoms for a while now, but i’m currently deeeeeep into my obsession with motorsports AGAIN, but mostly f1. this is something i’ve always loved but my favorite driver (who happens to be our local driver lmao) is currently doing well and is in a good team for the first time in years, and he’s been signed up for a second year, so i’m!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!!!
(yes, i have my ships there lmao)
my other big thing right now is ted lasso, a show i fucking love and i have one of those otps i can’t stop thinking about there (tedbecca), and on my dune phase once again like i’m 15 again! i got my tickets yesterday and i’m so excited to see the movie, I KNOW it’s gonna be awesome.
still into adam driver, taylor swift, cobra kai... i recently went full 19 years old me and obsessed over loki when the show was coming out, i really liked the show and i won’t accept wank about it (i’m not here to fight, babes), i went back to shadow and bones SADLY. i still can’t believe they truly got THE ben barnes to be the darlking, like--17 years old me can’t believe it still sdjfbfnsndfb, really loved being back in that fandom with the same ten people i met all those years ago here in tumblr, and i’m still a little bit into each of those fandoms.
but yeah, right now is more of f1 and ted lasso kind of thing lol
thanks for asking, nonnie!
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stardustmorozov · 2 years
hmmm i'm gonna go with Darlking and Bucky for the why you wouldn't date them ask game!!
Why would you do this to me........ this is just mean lmao
but here we go then....
The Darkling... as much as I love his character, he is pretty morally bankrupt at the point where we first meet him and I don't think I can really handle that when I am solidly cemented in my Neutral Good status... aside from that he has a massive god- and saviour complex which I am... not particularly fond of.
As for Bucky... I honestly find it much harder to think of reasons beside his PTSD, though I think a lot could be solved by getting him a better therapist than they gave him in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, even if that wouldn't make it go away completely. But if getting him a better therapist isn't an option I don't think I'd emotionally be able to handle what that condition brings to the relationship.
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You’re oddly charming and sophisticated, but also can be unnerving. Like Hannibal Lecter, minus the cannibalism.
That brought a playful smirk to his face. “How would you know I am without the cannibalism?” He let his expression turn darlk before it raised into a smile again. “I am joking.” 
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