#the elder scrolls sk
martitheevans · 2 months
Bethesda were criminal for in Skyrim making the button to store an item from your inventory the same button as take all when you're not in your inventory
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noonfrost · 9 months
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Here's a small change of pace: how about a Mid-March Mermaid! Well, not technically a mermaid, more like a Maormer variant that stemmed from a string of inside jokes in a Discord VC.
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This is SK, aka Sardine Kite! They're a subrace of Maormer that I completely made up in order to have TES mermaids. They're based on a flying fish, if it wasn't obvious.
SK's name comes from two separate jokes, the first being that my reference picture looked a bit too much like a Sardine, and the second being that all their fins made them look a bit like a Kite; therefore, SK!
Please excuse the poorer image quality, unfortunately my better phone broke, and now I'm on my much older backup, so my high-quality pictures of my art are things of the past. Hopefully, I can get a newer phone soon.
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stephlynndrawings · 2 years
Chapter 1 (2) is up now! Couldn't have done this without the help of the lovely @cwahsont who beta-read it.
This chapter introduces the first of the four heroes of this story; Wylarin Rosegrass, the Vestige of the second era
Even after being exposed to all sorts of magic in the three years she had been adventuring around the continent, she still hated being summoned via magic. Her limbs felt heavy, like anchors weighing her down when she arrived to the place she was summoned. Such was the case when Wylarin appeared in the Ritemaster’s private library on Artaeum and was greeted by not only the Ritemaster Valsirenn- but Sotha Sil as well. 
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captain-of-silvenar · 4 months
1-5 for yera :)
Hehe, Yera time!
1. What is their background and backstory, summarised into a paragraph?
Yera is a blind Bosmer who left Valenwood because of the oppression of the Aldmeri Dominion had on her country and the powerless feeling she had to protect her home and friends from outside invaders. She meant to travel to Morrowind to be as far away from Thalmor influence as possible but ended up stuck in Skyrim because of destiny nonsense. There she very adamantly avoided anything to do with her prophesy because she didn't feel like getting caught up in another country's mess and because she thought she wasn't good enough to do the job. But after seeing the tragedy and horror of dragons plaguing the land she stepped up to the plate and embraced the title of Dragonborn and saved the land countless times against all manners of monsters and people. She might not be what people think a Hero of Destiny is, but she's the one chosen by the Elder Scrolls and she's doing her best job yet.
2. What “class” do they follow (i.e. warrior, archer, mage, thief, etc.)?
Archer Thief, the best (only) class in Skryim jkjk.
But no really she is an archer thief. Makes it interesting as how she aims while blind but she's had over 100 years of practice with a bow so half of the time it's intuitive shooting with muscle memory, and the other half is having Lydia make calls with specific distances that Yera remembers and just shoots for it.
3. How do they feel about being Dragonborn- does they identity feel right for them and did they embrace it immediately? Do they consider themselves a true dragon?
If you asked Yera when she just got to Skyrim, she would've denied it and asked how to get out of this damn country as fast as possible.
Yera was not interested in being in a spotlight position. She was leaving Valenwood to avoid that, so being some nameless face in the crowd was her goal. It was part of the reason she stayed in Riften when she went there to try and find a way past the mountains. Thieves Guild was mostly out of sight, she didn't need to be a face for the guild, and they had beds and coin to spare.
It was after a long while, maybe a couple of months, of living in Skyrim and seeing the destruction spreading across the land she began to reconsider. Maybe she could help out someone, if she really was the only solution to the problem. Maybe this time she could help instead of being powerless in the face of an opposing force. If she really was the linchpin to everything, it wasn't right for her to stand by on the side and watch everything burn to the ground.
After this realization, she embraced the title. She molded it to fit herself and herself to fit the Dragonborn title, utterly changed forever. How can you not be changed after eating countless immortal souls?
In my heacanon, the more dragon souls you eat the more you become like them. Behaviorally, Yera is more easy to temper, can actually breath fire in bouts of rage, and has an awful hoarding tendency that the Guild is NOT helping. Do NOT provide her with a vault to keep stuff in, she WILL FILL IT WITH JUNK.
4. At present, how are they perceived by the people of Skyrim? By the general population, and by different factions?
It depends on who you're speaking to with Yera.
In general, the people know that the Dragonborn is here in Skyrim and saved the land from the dragons and vampires and all sorts of dangers. Do they know what she looks like? No, most say it was a tall Nordic woman with a might sword and shield. Others will say no no, it absolutely was an elf, with a bow as tall as she was an shooting dragons down with one arrow.
Yera tries to keep a low profile still as the Dragonborn, and rumors help conceal her actual identity. But there will be some who recognize her on sight and speak of the good deeds she does to help the people out.
By Stormcloak and Imperial standards, she's a nuisance. During the Truce Negotiations in Hrothgar Yera had to reveal herself to the main forces in Skyrim with wonderful reactions. Stormcloaks balking at the idea of an elf as their legendary Dragonborn. Imperials balking at a small elf as the source of all these reports and rumors across the land.
Yera did not bend to any one side, personally disliking both sides of the war and refusing to give her name to any side. The peace talks were strictly to get them both to shut up for awhile before she killed Aludin. So neither of them think highly of her and wish to either persuade her to their side (Imperials) or discredit her achievements (Stormcloaks).
The Thieves Guild think she's the best thing to happen this era as the gold just keeps rolling into their pockets, and every Hold in the country now shutters at the idea of the Guild rising up again. Not everyone knows that the legendary Dragonborn is also the Guild Master for the Thieves Guild and she rather keep it that way. Someone has to fund her adventures, and it isn't always going to be cave diving.
5. How were they perceived before their Dragonborn identity became widely known?
A nobody, a small white haired elf. Pretty good huntress, but doesn't really share much of herself.
Stubborn as a mule, and extremely picky eater.
Yera did a good job keeping a low profile for the longest time before she embraced her title as Dragonborn. If she wasn't going to be a thief, she most likely was going to be a hunter to bring in meat for vendors and sleep in trees and meadows when possible.
If we're talking about back at home in Valenwood, she was the star of the town. Mother was Captain of the Guard and was trained possible to take after her if Yera wanted. I don't think Yera really wanted that kind of responsiblity, but she was an excellent provider for the town and would lead many hunts in the jungle for meat and goods.
Quite a number of suitors lining up asking for her hand in marriage, or to just have Yera acknowledge their existence. Yera never quite found the right one back at home, but maybe if she's lucky she'll find someone nice in Skyrim or maybe near by...
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shrimpnest · 5 years
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languor-em · 4 years
The Night Mother when Cicero tries to talk to her: I sleep....
The Night Mother when a confused wood elf with Anxiety™ hides in her coffin: R E A L S H I T
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mrvalindor · 4 years
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Anora, a redguard pirate. Entry five.
This afternoon was interesting, to say the least. Thanks to the letter I found on the bodies of the thugs I fought earlier, I had plans for my evening. I did, however, need something to do with the afternoon, so I decided to finally take up that dunmer priest who’d been standing around in The Windpeak Inn on his offer for a little work. He lead me into Nightcaller Temple, high in the mountains above Dawnstar. There, we pushed through the dungeon, against dozens orcs and vaermina worshippers until we reached “the skull of corruption”. This was an event quite ridiculous in nature, and I think I experienced time travel... Whatever it was, that priest assured me over and over of its safety, though it sounded to me like he was assuring himself of that fact as well. I beleive Vaermina herself spoke with me, and attempted to convince me, of all people, to slay the very mer I’d been working with, and claim the skull of corruption as my own. But I’m no fool, and I refuse to carry out the will of a daedra I know so little about. So I allowed Erandur to perform his little ritual, destroy the skull, and redeem himself in the eyes of the aedra, or whatever it is he said he was doing. On our way back into town, he told me of his plans to stay in Nightcaller Temple for the remainder of his days, though he wasn’t very old, not for a dunmer. So, I asked him to travel with me; I’d seen his skill in combat and thought it’d be useful to have a wizard as powerful as him by my side. He agreed to accompany me, and I plan on making the most of his advanced destruction skill.
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There is a Scrumble family line. They are each of my elder scrolls characters, they are all named Scrumble, (but they each have different real names), and theyre not biologically related and just kind of keep happening across each other as kids and raising them to varying degrees of success. Arena and Daggerfall Scrumble exist but I dont know anything about those games and probably never will play them so this is just from Morrowind on 
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zhongluong · 7 years
Lydia, please don’t trigger the trap!
Lydia, you’re an idiot. Thank you for alerting everything nearby.
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phantasmsorceress · 2 years
✦ Basic facts about me
29 | She/Her | Scorpio | Bisexual | Multi-Fandom
✦ Anime I have watched/watching
Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gakushu
No. 6
SK∞ The Infinity
Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu
Koe no Katachi
Kyoukai no Kanata
Kimi no Na wa
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Netojuu no Susume
Zombieland Saga
✦ Shows/Movies I have watched/watching
Chicago Med
Good Omens
House Of Wax
John Wick
Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power
The Last Of Us
The Omen
The Witcher
The Witcher: Blood Origin
The Wailing
Star Trek
Star Trek Beyond
Star Trek Into Darkness
V For Vendetta
✦ Games I played/Playing
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Elden Ring
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Stardew Valley
The Last Of Us
✦ Likes
Sleep, browsing the web, anime/manga, multi-ships, horror, fall, winter, spring, nature, makeup, tattoos and piercings, paranormal, supernatural, renaissance, memes, silence, fanfictions, cats, guinea pigs, puns.
✦ Dislikes
Stress, fatigue, hot weather, insomnia, country music, blood, insects, needles, crowded places, sweating, math, depression, anxiety, arguing, migraines, racism, war, wet socks.
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noonfrost · 2 years
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noonfrost · 2 years
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noonfrost · 3 years
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noonfrost · 2 years
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noonfrost · 3 years
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