#the great thief series
mydairpercabeth · 4 months
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season 4 is gonna hurt me i fear
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poppitron360 · 17 days
Whatever you do, don’t think about how Leo is what Percy would’ve been like if Sally had actually been killed by the minotaur in TLT.
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lowpolybread · 4 months
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“I warned you. If you're not careful, you'll find out who I am.”
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 5 months
Loved this new episode of Neurodivergent Twelve-Year-Olds Run Across The US Comitting Crimes
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counting-stars-gayly · 5 months
Lord, give me strength. The PJO discourse has begun, and no one starting it has read the books in the last five years.
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gentle reminder that percabeth’s status as the og great war couple is going to be confirmed this tuesday
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bugcuti3 · 5 months
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I hate how they made him gorgeous and I’m supposed to not like him..?
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enter-drfrog · 5 months
So we all knew Athena sucks, right? But like Athena suuuuuuuuucks.
I love how much this episode highlighted just how prideful Athena is. I’ve always known that Athena was one of the more prideful gods but this episode really solidified that fact in my brain.
I have four examples so let’s start with the ones the show hasn’t already touched on and jump back to actual mythology.
1. The Trojan War. The whole impetus for the Trojan War was because the goddess were prideful. Eris presented the golden apple for the fairest goddess and Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena got into the whole argument and Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite. Boom, Athena’s pride was wounded so she chose the side of the Greeks. So you know, the side fighting against Paris (who wounded her pride) and the side who won again the Trojans. Moral of the story, wound Athena’s pride, she’ll ensure you lose.
2. Arachne. Arachne was a great weaver. From what I remember of the myth she was humble about her skill (but that might’ve just been one author’s interpretation because in my brief fact check I couldn’t find anything to prove that). From everything I did find, she was boastful about her skill and challenged Athena to a weaving competition. (From what I remember Athena was jealous of Arachne’s skill, spied on her, then Athena prompted the challenge). But anyways, Arachne wove a better tapestry and in a fit of rage Athena tore apart the tapestry because, you know, wounded pride. From what I remember of the myth, Athena transformed her into a spider, forced to spend her days spinning and weaving webs because she thought was so good at it. (Other interpretations say Arachne hanged herself and as a “mercy” Athena transformed into a spider, allowing Arachne to live and continue to weave). Moral of the story (from the version I remember at least), wound Athena’s pride, she’ll punish through a sick twist of “giving you what you want.”
3. Medusa. Now the show did go further into this one so I’ll keep my explanation shorter. Medusa worshipped Athena (like a super devout worshipper) and Poseidon ended up going at her in Athena’s temple. Athena was offended that they would have sex in her temple and turned Medusa into the snake-haired woman we all know today. Moral of the story, wound Athena’s pride, get fucked (now there are obviously different interpretations about what Athena’s intentions were by doing this to Medusa, but the take that it was a mercy to save Medusa from other sexual predators is a more modern take, and doesn’t push the narrative I’m crafting here).
4. Now for the show. Percy sent Medusa’s head to Olympus despite the very clear protests of Grover and Annabeth. Athena took this as an offense and blamed Annabeth. Blamed Annabeth enough to allow Echidna and the Chimera to enter her temple and attempt to kill her daughter, who so far, had been described as the pride of Athena’s offspring. Pride. What a funny word. One hit to Athena’s pride and she loses any pride she had in her child. Moral of the story once again, wound Athena’s pride, she’ll fuck you over.
Big moral of the story, Athena sucks and only cares about her pride.
No wonder Annabeth’s fatal flaw is pride. Like mother like daughter.
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aotearoa20 · 6 months
Percy stared through the looking glass at the boy on the hill. His golden curls damp from the rain and glittering in the broken headlamps of the toppled car. At first glance he thought of Jason but no. In his heart he knows exactly who that is.
The Minotaur stepped into the space his mother had disappeared in just before. They both can here Grover shouting but he stands before the creature sword in hand. He is a slip of a thing before it.
“A hero in every dimension, in every plane. That is what you are Percy Jackson.”
He forced a breath out of his throat. Iris is looking at him with earnest, caring eyes. As if she had been telling him something gentle and encouraging.
“That is a child.”
He said it slowly, even as the words break over her like waves on an unseeing cliff. His hands are clenched hard enough at his sides to draw blood. It’s been long enough, he knew better than to punch a Goddess without good reason. And he does think, though it goes little more than drive the cold further down into his stomach the her ignorance isn’t malicious. She truly has no idea what she’s saying.
The Minotaur growled in the mirror. He turned back to see his younger self charging towards it. He flinched as the monster threw him into the tree. Was he really so young? He barely remembered being that young - that is to say he rembered his first quest, he remembered seeing camp for the first time, seeing Annabeth and… and Luke.
His doesn’t remember the pitchy pre-teen sobs, as the kid felt into the dusty remains of the monster.  It that grief, though - that fear - after seeing his mother disappear. He remembered that even, long after he was back in her arms. It never really left.
Oh Gods
That kid would barely reach his waist. That kid is gonna be given a pen and a pep talk and be thrown at Medusa. He reached up to touch his grimy tear stained face. It did not good of course, just rippled the metal until he could even see him any more.
“Get me in there.”
Iris blinked, “I… I dont think…”
Percy spoke slowly, the only way he knew she would listen, “Get me in there or I am going up the Empire State Building and I am burning that shit to the ground.”
Annabeth would be mad. Or probably not. He didn’t care, he wasn’t leaving that poor child on his own. Not again. Never again.
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chichariann · 5 months
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"You have been claimed by Poseidon, earthshaker, stormbringer [FATHER OF HORSES]. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon."
Im drawing scenes from the show now too to cope
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klauswalz · 9 months
After going through the main game of Dark Souls 3, I have some thoughts:
A lot of the enemies in Dark Souls 3, feel like they belonged in Bloodborne? I can't help but feel like Dark Souls 3 is Bloodborne 2 with a new coat of paint.
This game is hard but not in a balanced way? Like if you pick any class that isn't the knight, you are going to have a horrible time. Bosses just hit too hard and are just way too fast. It's similar to the level of Bloodborne enemy aggression but Dark Souls is nothing like Bloodborne. 
This game is really short. If you remove the level requirements, this game is extremely short. There's really not much going for it. 
It feels like Fromsoftware was more concerned about making a hard game than a fair game. 
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winkle-pickers · 1 year
Thief King Bakura, Ganondorf, and the mythology of Atem
A friend on Discord asked if there was going to be a connection made in Ten Thousand Year Elegy between Ganondorf and Thief King Bakura, namely because I very pointedly used the ‘King of Thieves’ moniker for G-dorf. (I think chapter 18 or 19 (the section just before Rito Village) is the one where he tells Yuugi & co, “In a just world there would be no need for a King of Thieves.”) Anyways, I really enjoyed responding to that question and talking about some of the over-arching thematic elements of Ten Thousand Year Elegy, so I’m gonna copy my response here too if anyone’s interested! (Buckle up for some Zelda/YGO crossover meta......)
There won't be a direct connection, no, but there's absolutely a thematic connection if you look for it (and will become more apparent over the course of the story.) I.E. Yuugi being forced to examine his own beliefs about TKB as they were filtered through the lens of Atem, who was a king and never had to face the sort of poverty that drives that kind of desperation. And that would mirror Zelda's perspective on Ganondorf shifting as well, because her whole understanding of Ganondorf and Gerudo history is based on A - history books written by the victors and B - coming from an imperial family that has had a vested interest in demonizing Gerudo for millennia.
I think it's going to get more apparent over time that Atem's absence is a core thematic element of TTYE - aka breaking down the mythology you construct around someone, the way that love and grief perpetuate those mythologies, and how to learn to love someone while in the process of examining who they actually were, especially when they're no longer around and you're just left with memories you're piecing togethere. I always saw TTYE!Ganondorf as kind of like a "second chance" for both Link&Zelda and the Yuugi-tachi, a way for all of them to move past the 'good vs evil' dichotomy that lacks any nuance, and understand all the people involved in both their stories as eminently human. It's kind of like Justice for TKB!!! brought about through a very long isekai adventure ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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rowenabean · 1 year
fun facts: in 2017 I read 72 books, 22 of which were by Tamora Pierce
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🎁 aaand 📖?
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
aaaaah a friend got me a huion pen tablet last year for my birthday <3 like its a simple thing but its one hundred percent something i would never bother buying for myself no matter how much i liked the idea of trying to draw on something other than my phones cracked screen djdkjdkjd. so yeah it was sweet.
📖 Fave book
god how am i supposed to choose a favourite book. maybe the phantom of the opera by gaston reloux?? ive never quite gotten over christines characterization, the woman is insane. or maybe the entire lemony snicket all the wrong questions series, these books rewired my brain when i first read them.
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clouds-of-wings · 2 years
I don't know why I used to say Thief 1 was somehow the worst in the series. This game has everything I like! I didn't even remember the chirping lizard people who can one-hit you with their hand spears.
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rulesofdisorder · 10 months
speaking my truth i fucking love the percy jackson movies. are they good adaptations? no. but are they fun as hell? yes. and i need everyone to stop pretending that they’re terrible just because they’re not like the books 
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