#the knights are dumb but it’s okay cause i love them
slashersteve · 1 year
Not to be dramatic but shooting me right in the chest would’ve hurt less than seeing Quick as a VGK
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visenyaism · 4 months
feastdance dashboard simulator
💋queen-cersei-defense-squad Follow
it’s so sick that people keep criticizing queen cersei as if she’s not the first female ruler of westeros??? literally elevating bastards and women to her small council is super fucking progressive as is creating the precedent of dismissing unfit kingsguard??
🪨dragonstoner Follow
aren’t all of her children literally bastards born of incest
💋 queen-cersei-defense-squad Follow
oh so now you’re going to listen to stannis baratheon, known misogynist, kinslayer, fornicator, team green supporter, and homophobe, huh.
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okay guys i know there’s no “perfect candidate” but you have to vote in the kingsmoot anyways not voting is how someone like e****n g*****y wins and literally anyone is better than him. suck it up and row to the polls
ohhhh not this “vote your crew no matter who” “blue lips man bad” bullshit again. fuck off idgaf which godless man sits the seastone chair i’m not voting for asha shes literally a neoliberal
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🦷 lastoftheegiants
first i had to give up my rights and then i had to give up my gods just to not get killed by fucking wights but i literally cannot believe the nights watch made me give up my strap as part of the treasure ransom. shit was expensive it was IVORY. i hate southerners so much i hope the lord commander dies
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🍓silverspurs Follow
there’s riverlands here
my cousin got eaten by rats in harrenhal
🐎brackennation Follow
dumb cunts wearing raven feather cloaks strutting around who think they’re better than you but they’re not better than you
i saw a guy get killed and then just stand back up and start fighting again because his friend kissed him on the mouth down here once
giant feral pack of 60 wolves running around
🍓silverspurs Follow
ok understandable have a nice day
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i hate the fucking sparrows can we be normal for five minutes or can we just not have shit in the crownlands
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☠️real-stormlands-patriot Follow
🐦‍⬛mormonts-raven-bot Follow
(CAW! I follow members of the Night's Watch to remind them of their oaths!)
🦷 lastoftheegiants
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Loras Tyrell x Queen of Love and Beauty!Reader Imagines
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🪻maidens-smile Follow
girl this is notttttt the time he literally just fucking died at dragonstone?
should’ve stanned jaime #LORASFELLOFF
one kill yourself jaime lannister is an honorless kingslaying turncloak two i heard loras tyrell was literally fine?
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lord davos seaworth, the class traitor from the stannis baratheon administration, is a nasty little thottie and just died from making it clap in white harbor
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this tower fucking sucks.
i’m just like rhaenyra targaryen for real
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🐀ratcook5000 Follow
people meat tastes good asf when you don’t have a wench in your ear saying it violates guest right
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need that targ girl in mereen to get those lizards over here and liberate this website by any means necessary cause what the fuck is going on
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
Can I request Criston Cole x f!reader x Aegon? Where Aegon is just a voyeur and Criston is there to teach him to be patient and not put himself first (when having sex) with Aegon's lady wife (tough love! it was probably an idea Otto or Alicent had to just taunt Aegon some more). And Aegon just sits there looking - ofc - and yapping about Criston not having enough experience to know while reader clearly is enjoying everything that is happening ?
Criston Cole*Test My Devotion
Pairing: Criston x f!reader, Aegon x arranged wife!reader
Word count: 2515
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Warnings: technically cheating but not cause Aegon said it was okay, cuck Aegon, f! receiving oral, praise, mentions of religion, possibly a tad blasphemous to the seven, p in v sex, breeding, smut 18+
Masterlist here
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The marriage was not a happy one and the whole court knew. Anyone who saw you or Aegon knew it. you both knew it and Criston Cole; well, he certainly knew. While teaching Aegon to spar, which was often just the prince pretending to try swing his sword, he would complain about his wife. Specifically, the events of your marital chambers.
“She just lays there,” Aegon said, his swords tip scrapping the dirt as Criston tried to convince him to at least try this lesson, “Hardly an appealing sight for a husband,”
Criston sighed, tempted to just fling his sword in the river, “Well have you made it appealing for her?”
“What’s not appealing about sex?” Aegon said, dumb founded at the disgruntled knight, “It’s not like I don’t know what I’m doing,”
“Yes, but are you just having sex,” Criston said, lowering his voice even though no one was around, “or are you making love? There is a big difference my prince,”
Aegon snorted making Criston contemplate swinging his sword at his head, “You sound like a village girl. Besides what do you know about any of it?” Aegon said, finally picking up his sword again, “The only girls you please are the seven,”
It was bad enough being mocked by an uptight prince but having to hear in even more detail about the prince’s lack of a sex life from his mother no less just made matters worse. “I just don’t understand,” Alicent said as she paced her chambers, hands on hips, “She’s a woman, he’s a man. It’s not hard to make a child. Even the king could do it,” she muttered, pausing her pacing.
Criston stood even straighter when the queen turned to him, “I’m sure it will happen in time your grace,”
“We don’t have time,” Alicent said as she returned to her pacing, likely wearing down the floorboards, “No boy wants his mother in his bed chambers, but his wife must be. Perhaps if you talk to him, he’d listen to you- “
“Your grace,” he said, an awkward smile playing his face to try hide his sheer embarrassment, “I don’t think I am qualified to help- “
“Hush,” Alicent said, holding her hand out to shush him as he cleared his throat in embarrassment, “He needs guidance,” she said, continuing her pacing, “but he won’t take it from me. Perhaps if you were to talk to him, to show him how it’s done,”
“I think he knows how to do it,” Criston said, clearing his throat yet again like he’d swallowed thick tar, “I think they lack an emotional connection,”
“That was never my strong suit,” Alicent admitted, her pacing finally stopping as she sighed, “Please ser Cole,” she said, turning to him with desperate eyes, “Perhaps if you spoke to them, on their level, you’re about their age. They’ll listen to you. just try, for the sake of the realm,” Alicent plead, “I-We need an heir,”
Criston Cole soon found himself as security at each and every one of the couples’ awkward dinners. On the rare times you allowed Aegon to visit your chambers he was forced to be there two. However, he could see the way you grew bored from Aegon’s touches and how little he wished to be there.
This also however gave him plenty of time to see you, however. Rarely did you speak to him, but he noticed the way your lips curved when you called on him. He noticed the new dresses Aegon did not and the different ways you styled your hair. He may be a man of honour, a knight, a sworn protector of the realm but also you, but even he noticed your looks. How Aegon grew bored of you he could not understand.
One night after dinner Criston escorted the prince and you to your chambers in silence. The door shut and wordlessly you began to unlace your dress while Aegon pulled off his tunic. “Stop,” Criston found himself saying without thought making you both turn to look at him.
Aegon’s eyes were bored but yours were filled of a curious wonder Criston deeply wanted to explore. He approached the prince, lowering his voice but he knew you could hear, “Perhaps my prince you may try a different approach tonight,”
“I know how to have sex with my wife,” a tipsy Aegon protested, “but if you are so sure you can do better, you have my blessing ser,” Aegon said, drunkenly patting his shoulder before sauntering over to a chair to drop into, “I insist. Please dear wife, show this knight what a good time you are,” he said, sarcasm dripping off his voice.
Criston turned to you in time to see the hurt tinging your glazed eyes, but you hide it as quick as it appeared. “I cannot, my prince, it would be a dishonour,”
“More of a dishonour to deny your prince?” Aegon said, his head cocking to the side, “If you and my mother wish to poke around my bed chambers you may as well show me how it is done ser Criston. Show me how a knight does it,” he said.
He knew he shouldn’t let his taunting bother him. After all, Aegon was just a spoiled prince, and he was a knight. He knew better. But the look on your face when he glanced at you made him wonder, “Is this an order my prince?” he finally asked taking even you by slight surprise.
Aegon lent forward in his chair, gesturing for him to continue, “She’s all yours for tonight my good knight. Teach me how to make an heir,” he said as he slumped back to his seat.
Criston cleared his throat before awkwardly looking to you. he glanced at his prince before stepping closer to you. “My princess,” he said, his voice low, “I do not wish to dishonour you. I only wish to help,” he said, his cheeks tinging pink.
This time it was you who cleared your throat, stepping closer so your chest brushed against his making his blush deepen, “Perhaps my husband could do with some lessons,” you said, your voice barely a whisper as your eyes slowly trailed up to meet his.
“May I kiss you?” he asked softly, waiting for your nod of approval before slowly leaning down, his lips softly colliding with yours. his lips were soft and slow and tender unlike Aegon’s chapped careless ones.
You leaned into his touch when his hand moved to rest on your hips, holding you gently in place as if he was afraid you would disappear. Your hands rested on his shoulders, gripping his strong shoulders over his tunic.
Aegon who had looked bored up till now almost perked up in his chair when he saw the way Criston’s hands slipped to the small of your back, pressing your body into his firm chest. “You are a gift from the gods themselves,” Criston mumbled against your lips, staring at you have drunk from the kiss.
“Such comparisons are surely blasphemous my dear knight,” you said, your hand moving to brush against his cheek.
He instinctively leaned into your touch, “No, no, my princess,” he said, turning his head so he could kiss your palm gently, “For I think they sent you to me. As a test,”
“And what kind of test would that be?” you enquired, and Criston studied the way confusion mapped your face.
Slowly he stepped forward, leading you towards the marital bed you usually dreaded but now not so much. “To test my devotion,” he said as the backs of your legs hit the bed frame softly, “and so I can prove my worship for them,”
“Perhaps its not a test at all,” you said quietly, leaning up to kiss his jaw. Creston’s breath caught in his throat at your sudden forwardness, his fingers slowly slipping up to the ties of your dress, “Perhaps they sent me as a reward,”
“No,” he said, clearing his throat as his fingers played with the ties of your dress, desperate to unlace it or tear away the fabric, “I have done nothing to deserve such a grand reward. I must earn it princess. We should not take what we do not deserve,” his words made you smile lightly. Aegon had never earned your affection, but Criston was determined to prove himself.
“Then earn it dear knight,” you whispered, kissing his lips softly, “Show the gods how much I mean to you,”
Your words sent his honour over the edge and soon your dress had pooled around your ankles. Your hands went to reach for the straps of his armour, but his hands covered yours, stopping your movements as he kissed you gently. “Lay down princess,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning your face and making you flush.
You did as you were told, not even sparing a glance to where Aegon sat watching mesmerised by the whole scene. Criston made quick work of his armour, discarding the steel at the side of the bed. Once he was down to an undershirt and under trousers he kneeled at the foot of the bed, his eyes scanning your bodies hungrily.
“You can tell me to stop,” Criston said, his hands trailing slowly up your legs as he moved closer to your body, “It won’t offend me princess,”
“I want this,” you whispered, your eyes glued to his movements while his were glued to your body. “I want you my knight,”
My knight. The words made his eyes snap up, looking into yours making your breathing pause for a moment while your heart fluttered. You were too distracted to even notice him moving to kiss your inner thigh.
You gasped lightly, not expecting his soft trails of kisses up your inner thigh, “What are you doing?” you asked, eyebrows knitting in confusion but not wanting him to stop.
“Has your husband never done this for you?” he asked, his hot breath fanning over your wet cunt making you almost moan already. When you shook your head no Criston tutted, “No wonder he’s had no success. He has failed his husbandly duties. Let me show you princess, how an honourable man treats a wife,”
Your eyes glanced to your husband before back to the man you really wanted, “Yes,” you whispered, your body already on fire with anticipation, “Show me,”
Criston started by placing a soft kiss to your clit making you whine lightly. “You can grip my hair,” he said, glancing up at you, “if it helps,” he added and for a moment you considered saying no until he placed another soft kiss to your nerves and suddenly you were tugging his soft dark hair.
Slowly he began to increase his speed, his tongue being added to the mix as he massaged your clit with his mouth. You couldn’t help the moans as your legs were placed over his shoulders and his arms gripped your legs to keep you in place.
Not once had this tightening feeling happened when Aegon had bedded you but suddenly it was like your body was alight. You gasped loudly when you felt his tongue dive into your hole, curling in all the right places. He moved his head till his nose began to nuzzle your clit and your grip of his hair tightened. “Don’t stop,” you begged, over and over in an almost whisper like a prayer.
He had no intentions too especially when your grip tightened. He could feel his own member harden but it was too soon for that. This was more important. Spurred on by the moans and pretty whines Criston replaced his tongue with his fingers, curling them in and out as he thrust. Meanwhile his mouth moved up, his lips wrapping around your sensitive clit making your whole-body twitch.
It didn’t take long for a new feeling to wash over your body as your legs twitched around his head. Criston’s movements slowed but they did not stop until he felt your body grow limp. When he came up for air he saw you, eyes dazed as you panted like you’d seen the gods. You lazily looked down at him, offering him a hand as if you could pull him up.
Criston took your hand, kissing the back of it as he moved to lay over your body. He brushed the hair out of your face, kissing the top of your head, “Princess, are you okay?”
“I am better than okay sweet knight,” you said, already breathless but your legs were instinctively wrapping around his waist. “Please do not leave me yet,” you said, pulling his waist down till his hard on was pressing into your cunt.
Criston closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to steady himself, “Are you sure princess?” he finally asked, opening his eyes to gaze into yours, “For I fear, as honourable as I try, I won’t be able to stop if this is just to test me,”
“This is not a test,” you said, your hands moving to cup his face, “I need you, my knight. I need to feel you,”
He couldn’t wait anymore but he tried to be patient as he lined up his painfully hard cock with your hole. Slowly he began to push the tip in, and he almost came just from the way you gasped as he pushed in.
You whined as he sunk in further, desperate for more but already feeling stretched out. When he’d sunk fully in you brought his lips to yours, kissing them desperately as your hips bucked for friction. He was glad to grant it.
His thrusts were slow and deep at first but as your nails sunk into his back, your mouth agape and your eyes screwed shut, they began to speed up. He slipped his hand between your body, rubbing sloppy fast circles onto your clit as his pace increased.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in deeper as the headboard began to slam against the wall. Your head twisted to the side, your eyes opening to see a silent Aegon sat on his seat, his hand down his own trousers. Your attention was brought back to your knight when you heard curses mumbled from his soft lips.
“I can’t,” he gasped, his thrusts becoming messy, “I’m going to- “he stammered but your grip around him tightened. He groaned when he felt the way your cunt clenched around him.
“Please,” you gasped, feeling another peak close by and threatening to spill, “don’t stop Criston, please,” you moaned, before your own orgasm washed over you as your nails raked down his back leaving red scratches.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, his body tensing as he finally let himself go. With only a couple more thrusts you felt Criston finish inside you, his forehead pressed against yours as he tried to recover from the earth-shattering experience.
Once he finally caught his breath he sat up, glancing to where Aegon sat just two feet away, “That my prince, is how you fuck your wife,”
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila
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roses-r-rosie3 · 6 months
Hiiiiii!!!! :)
Can I request Tomas Vrbada x male reader? They meet at madame bo's, the reader is helping at the restaurant, like cleaning and serving customers in exchange for food. Reader is kinda natural at talking to customers and everyone likes him. Tomas is absolutely smitten, but thinks that since the reader is acting the same with other customers it means nothing, his friends (Johnny) tease him. So his friends and madame bo hatch a plan for the two idiots in love to finally confess
Glue Song
Tomas Vrbada x M!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, slight mentions of nsfw, Romance, Crack-ish
Quote: “Okay so, what if, we bring in some ninja’s and they attack the place and Tomas saves y/n! Like a knight in shining armor!”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You haven’t seen Radien and Kung Lao in months. You never got to say bye to them because you called out sick the day that they were tested, not knowing that it would be the last time you would have seen them until a while. So when you heard from Madame Bo that Kung Lao and Radien were coming by for dinner you were ecstatic.
What you didn’t expect was that they brought new people with them, a guy with a blindfold on and a movie star that you recognized. But one of those new people stood out to you, a guy with grey hair. He looked so cute, but you had to keep yourself professional because you were at work.
“Hey Raiden! Hey Kung Lao! It’s been so long since I’ve last saw you guys! And I see that you guys brought some guests!” You smiled.
Tomas was lovestruck. Your smile made him feel warm inside. He could stare at into your eyes for hours. He was mesmerized by your looks. He loved everything about you, your face, your glistening eyes, your hair, your hands, god he could just imagine your hands choking him while you-
“What drink can I get for you sir?” You asked.
“Oh- uh- s-sorry can I just get a water” Tomas stuttered.
“Of course” you smiled before leaving.
“Someone has a crush~” Johnny smirked.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about” Tomas blushed.
“You’re blushing! You totally like him!” Kung Lao laughed.
“Would you stop talking so loud! He could hear you!” Tomas blurted out.
“So you do like him!” Johnny teased.
“Fine! I think he’s cute okay?! Now would you guys please keep it down!” Tomas scolded.
“Ouuuuu Tomas is in loooooooooove~” Johnny smiled.
“What are we? In middle school?” Kenshi scoffed.
“Yeah, let Tomas be, it’s not his fault that he liked y/n” Raiden said.
“Who likes y/n?” Madame Bo said.
“Madame Bo! What are you doing here! We didn’t say anyone liked y/n!” Raiden nervously laughed.
“Don’t play dumb with me. I might be an old lady but I’m not deaf. So it’s either you tell me who likes y/n or else I’m telling him that one of you like him” Madame Bo threatened.
“Fine! Tomas likes him but you can’t say a word to y/n!” Kung Lao confessed.
“He’s just y/n’s type” Madame Bo laughed before leaving.
“Wait Madame Bo! What does that mean!” Tomas called out.
Almost on queue, you showed up at the table with their drinks.
“I’m so sorry for being so late, here’s your drinks” you said as you handed out the drinks.
But as you were handing Tomas his drink, your hands accidentally touched, which caused Tomas started to blush really hard.
“Are you guys ready for me to take your orders?” You asked.
After you got their orders, you walked to the back to give their orders to the chefs before helping other customers.
“Tomas are you okay? You’re really red” Raiden asked.
“What did Madame Bo mean when she said that I was his type?” Tomas asked.
“She means that you’re the type of person that he finds attractive” Kenshi explained.
“I-is it true? Am I really his type?” Smoke blushed.
“Oh sure you are buddy! I’ve known y/n for years!” Kung Lao exclaimed.
Tomas watched as you were handing out all the customer’s plates. You were so kind to all of them, giving them polite smiles, making small talk with them, etc. Maybe Madame Bo and Kung Lao were just teasing him to get his hopes up. You were nice to everyone, what difference did he make?
“Are you sure?” Tomas questioned.
“One hundred percent, even Raiden can back me up” Kung Lao laughed.
“What if we make a plan to get them together!” Johnny exclaimed.
“Okay so, what if, we bring in some ninja’s and they attack the place and Tomas saves y/n! Like a knight in shining armor!” Johnny said.
“That’s a stupid idea” Madame Bo scoffed.
“Madame Bo! You’ve gotta stop doing that!” Raiden said.
“I have a better idea for you kids” Madame Bo smirked.
“And you guys said my ninja idea was stupid” Johnny said as he rolled his eyes.
“Are you sure about this Madame Bo?” Tomas asked.
“Yes, now I have to go, he’s coming” Madame Bo said before leaving.
“Sorry for your wait, it’s pretty busy today” you chuckled as you handed out everyone’s food.
When you were done handing out everyone’s food and making sure that everyone got the right food, you immediately started to serve other customers. Your smile, your voice, your eyes, your skin, your hair, everything about was so perfect, so sweet, sweet like honey.
As the night went on, Tomas started to doubt himself more and more. He noticed that you were nice to everyone you served. What if you were just doing your job and he got his hopes too high for nothing? What if-
“Dude, Are you okay? You haven’t even touched your food. You’ve just been staring at y/n the entire time” Raiden said.
“He’s lovestruck! Duh!” Johnny laughed.
“I’m fine” Tomas replied as he started to eat his food.
After everyone was done eating, that’s when the plan was going to be put into action. You walked up to the table to collect their empty plates.
“Can we get a check please?” Tomas asked.
“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s usually on the house when Raiden and Kung Lao are here” you smiled.
“Oh I’m afraid we can’t do that y/n, Kung Lao and Raiden brought 3 extra guests” Madame Bo said as she walked up to the table.
“Oh, okay then, I will bring the check, do you guys wanna pay separately or together?” You asked.
“Oh man! I don’t think any of us brought money” Kenshi said.
“I have an idea! Why don’t one of us help y/n clean and close up the store!” Kung Lao exclaimed.
All Tomas could focus on was your eyes. He could stare at them for hours. But all of a sudden he was snapped back to reality when he felt someone kick his legs.
“I said, why don’t one of us help y/n clean and close up the store” Kung Lao scolded.
“W-what? I mean- yeah! I mean- I will do it” Tomas stuttered.
“Then it’s settled, I can show you where the supplies are right now” you smiled before you started walking.
Tomas was quick to follow you, looking back to see all of his friend’s and Madame Bo cheering him on. Luckily, after you were done showing Tomas the basics of how to clean the place, it was already past closing time. But unluckily for Tomas, he didn’t hear a thing that you were saying just responding with ‘yeah’ and ‘mhm’ while he stared at your eyes.
So when it got to finally cleaning the place, Tomas didn’t know what to do at all. While you were cleaning, you chuckled as you saw Tomas struggling to broom the dust into the dustpan.
“Here let me help you with that” you chuckled as you held him from behind, guiding the broom to the dustpan.
Tomas could feel his face burning up. All of a sudden a romantic song started playing in the speakers of the restaurant. When you finally realized what you were doing and what was playing, you quickly let go.
“I-I um- I’m gonna go turn that off, I don’t even know how it turned on” you stuttered.
When you left to go to the back, Madame Bo, Johnny, and Kung Lao popped out of nowhere.
“What are you guys doing here?! And where is Madame Bo?” Tomas asked
“She had to go home, but don’t worry! We are here to help you!” Raiden exclaimed.
“I don’t need your help! Just go!” Tomas shooed.
“Really? It looks like you do” Kung Lao scoffed
Before everyone knew it, you were walking back, and they all got into their hiding spots, leaving Tomas alone once again.
“You know Tomas, when I was showing you how to clean the place, were you even listening?” You chuckled.
His first instinct was to get on his knees and start crying for forgiveness. No, that would make him look even more guilty. So he decided to play dumb.
“What do you mean? I was totally listening” Tomas replied.
“Oh really?” You laughed.
You decided to skip that topic, for now. You and Tomas had a blast talking to each other while the two of you cleaned (more like you cleaning and him just looking into your eyes BUT STILL). You two got to know each other, knowing the others favorite hobbies, songs, food, etc.
When the two of you got done cleaning, you put all the things back into the cleaning closet before walking out of the locking up restaurant. Tomas offered to walk you home, and how could you not say yes! The walk to your house was usually boring, but with Tomas there with you, he made you feel like wanting to walk with him forever.
“Thanks for walking me home Tomas, maybe we can do it again sometime” you smiled.
You were about to unlock the door to your house until you felt someone grab your arm.
“Wait y/n, I have something to tell you” Tomas blushed.
“What is it?” You asked.
“I-I like you” Tomas confessed.
You looked at the ground, looking disappointed at first. Did Tomas really just screw up? But suddenly you started laughing. Oh great! Now you’re gonna make fun of him!
“It took you long enough” you laughed before pulling him in for a kiss.
You could tell that Tomas was shocked at first, feeling his jolt of surprise. It didn’t take long before he started kissing you back though. You puts put your hand on the back of his head, and stroked his hair in a reassuring way, calming him down a bit.
When the two of you pulled away from each other, you stared into each other’s eyes. Tomas took his time to think about what just happened, while also trying to savor the taste of your lips. But that’s when something hit Tomas, what did you mean when you said it took him long enough?
“Wait y/n, what do you mean?” Tomas asked.
“What do you mean, what do I mean?” You chuckled.
“When you said it took me long enough” Tomas said.
“Oh, when I was in the back turning off the music, Madame Bo came out of nowhere and told me how you liked me and I just connected the dots from there” you replied.
“FINALLY THEY ARE TOGETHER” Madame Bo, Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Raiden celebrated as they popped out of one of the nearby bushes.
“OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME?!” You and Tomas both said in synch.
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reashot · 4 months
Connecting Tears.
Part 1: Ren Confronts Jaune
Papa Arc: Any suggestion on how to separate my idiot son and Summer's idiot daughter?
Ren: We might not have to resorts to such drastic measures yet.
Papa Arc: In case you didn't know I just saw my son and Ruby naked in the same bed! I think something drastic is what we need right now.
Ren: You don't have to tell me. I saw both them showering together.... *shudder*
(My loyal followers knows what Ren is referring to. 😜)
Papa Arc: Sweet founder...
Ren: Yeah I know I'm just going to ask him some questions first before we decide to break them apart.
The Next Day...
Jaune: Hey Ren, I seen your message on my scroll. You looking for me?
Ren: Jaune the reason I called you here is because I want to ask you.
Are you in love with Ruby?
Jaune: W-what? This again. I told you already I'm not in love with Ruby!
We're just friends!
Why do you keep asking me this?
Me and Ruby are nothing like that.
In fact Ruby doesn't even see me like that.
Ren: *sigh*
Okay. Let's say I believe you. That you and Ruby are just friend.
How would you feel if Ruby decides to one day date another man?
Jaune: !!!
(Ruby Dating another man?)
*imagining Ruby in the arm's of another man*
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*starts tearing up*
*sniffs* I-If that is what Ruby wants then *sniffs* then I as her best friend will give them my blessing and wish for her to be happy.
Ren: (Ohhh Shi....)
Part 2: Blake Confronts Ruby.
Blake: Oh Ruby~
Ruby: What is it Blake?
Blake: *giggle* You like Jaune don'tcha?
Ruby: *roll eyes* Sure Blake...
Me liking Vomit boy.
Wow, very correct, much speculation.
At best I just see him as my dumb older brother and at worst as a golden retriever.
Blake: *Gagh!* (Right in my shipping heart) B-but I keep seeing you and Jaune together a lot lately. Clearly there must be something going on with you two? (Please, please let there be something!)
Ruby: Silly kitty.
There's nothing going on with me and Jaune.
While it's true that I enjoy being with him.
I mostly used my time to talk about games and comics with him.
And I can't deny that he gives the best headpat I ever received.
We're just friends. That is all.
Blake: *grrr* If you don't ask Jaune out. Eventually he's going to be taken away from you by another girl. Do you want that to happen, Ruby?!
Ruby: (Jaune with another girl?)
*imagining Jaune giving headpat to another girl*
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I don't like it...
Blake: Nya?
Ruby: I like Jaune as a friend and if he finally have someone asking him out then it's good for him, but when I Imagine him being close to another girl. I can feel my chest starts to tighten for some reason. I don't know what caused it. But I will still be happy for him. But for whatever reason I can still feel something hurt inside of me.
It hurt..
I don't like it...
I know it's wrong...
But he is my friend...
And I want him to be happy...
Even if It's not with me....
Blake: NYA!!!!!
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Ruby: Blake!!!
Are you okay?
You lost so much blood!
Blake: D-don't worry about it...
In unrelated news. The new Knight's of Rose book become a major best sellers in Remnant in just few days.
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shellyseashell · 5 months
I did this last year, and I thought I’d do it again. To close out 2023, here’s a list of some of my favorite fics I’ve read this year. These aren’t everything, just of course the highlights. If the author has a tumblr, I tried to tag them, but if I missed anyone let me know or feel free to tag them yourself!
did i dream (that we were so perfectly entwined) | General | Tanthamore | One Shot | 8.9k
Jade and Kit, from childhood through season one. Jade’s pov.
Our hardest battles are the oaths we keep by @rehizle28 | Mature | Tanthamore | 7/25 | 50.9k
Jade grows up as a Knight of Galladoorn. When Graydon and Kit are engaged, she travels to Tir Asleen as Graydon’s personal guard. Words cannot describe how much I love this. The pining and shenanigans these two get into is so so good. Kit causes problems on purpose and Jade Cannot figure out what the princess’s deal is. King Hastur is perfectly normal and has Totally Good intentions.
be my mirror (my sword and shield) by @onlyshestandsthere | Explicit | Tanthamore | 30/? | 228k
Bone Reaver Jade helps the Crone’s followers bring Kit to the Immemorial City. Quite easily one of the angstiest fics I have ever read. But for all 100k of angst there’s another 100k of fluff and that’s only vaguely an exaggeration. The magic is absolutely horrifying but it feels totally realistic to what we’ve seen in canon. Jade and Kit both need a hug.
if we’d turned a corner (if i had waited) by @sugarfey | Mature | Tanthamore | 5/? | 13.9k
Soccer au! There’s plenty of angst in this one, but it focuses on the healing. I love everything about this fic. Kit and Jade are so dumb as usual and I love the social media bits.
The Flawless Five, Vol. 1: Rise of the Five | Teen | Gen | 2/6 | 11.9k
Superhero au! It’s silly and goofy and so so much fun to read. I’m really liking the mystery so far, and I’m looking forward to how it unfolds.
Triumph of the Wyrm | Mature | Tanthamore | 3/12 | 13.8k
Series still currently in the first book. Kit successfully runs away, and every attempt to rescue Airk fails. Twenty years later, the world is under the rule of the Wyrm. Kit and Jade work in smuggling, unaware what happened to the other. Until, of course, they end up working together on a job. The world is so so horrifying but so well done. Also, Kit is allies with Sarris the Troll.
Let’s take a knife and cut the world in two by @spybrarian | Mature | Tanthamore | One Shot | 7.9k
Exorcist Jade and possessed Kit! Very angsty. The worldbuilding is very very well done and so so horrifying.
these walls come tumbling down by @onlyshestandsthere | Teen | Tanthamore | 4/? | 28.8k
Vet Jade and Perfectly Normal Human Kit. After Jade hits Kit (as a cat) with her car, she takes it upon herself to take care of her. Told in two timelines, one in Kit’s pov before the accident, and one in Jade’s pov after. I have laughed so much reading this I absolutely adore it.
One Night in October | Teen | Tanthamore | 9/9 | 29.k
Slasher fic! Angsty, mysterious, but it has a bittersweet ending.
Sink or Swim | Mature | Tanthamore | 7/7 | 16k
Lifeguard Jade and disaster Kit. Seriously she is so, so dumb and it is so, so funny.
Rescue | General | Gen | 1/1 | 4k
Valec’s point of view of Chapter 42. I love Valec okay.
A Place at the Table | General | Gen | 1/1 | 7k
Legendborn/Merlin cross over. Basically, Arthur is a lot better than in canon and it’s so nice to read after Bloodmarked.
Beach Day Memory Walk by @justbrainrot | Mature | OT3 | 1/1 | 3.5k
Bree takes Sel and Nick on a memory walk during Sel’s birthday. Super cute and fun.
Mother, Merlin | Mature | Gen | 4/? | 13k
Natasia healing Sel after the events of Bloodmarked. Very very angsty, but also very very good. I love how Natasia is written.
Dancing in the moonlight by @nightworldlove | Teen | Willark | One Shot | 3k
William and Lark dance. Uh. In the moonlight. Very cute one shot.
Sometimes Hunting and Running Blur Together… by @ficnoire2 | Explicit | Other | 4/? | 11.9k
Valec backstory and I absolutely adore it
Yeah I’m pretty sure we’ve all probably read most of these but nevertheless
Blessed Art Thou Among Women | Mature | Gen | One Shot | 1.3k
Claudine and the Catholic virtues
Descendants: A Different Tale by @kanzakurawrites | Teen | Gen | 9/? | 17.9k
I think this altered my brain chemistry tbh Mal deserves the best parents
Dark Fire by @dragoneyes618
Yeah just go read these if you like Claudine
Obligatory @isleofdarkness shoutout I am quite literally obsessed with this au
Let Dead Men Lie by @dragoneyes618 | General | One Shot | 2.6k
Everyone takes the blame for killing Frollo. Ben is struggling.
Death threats on Dead Beauty by @panthera-tigris-venenata | Mature | Gen | 2/3 | 2.7k
Listen I think Harry should be this feral all the time
the devil had done for the rest | Teen | Gen | One Shot | 2.5k
Harriet! Harry! Yeah that’s all.
Cursed || Harriet Hook | Teen | One Shot | 10.7k
Any Harriet content makes me insane and this is no different. Harriet backstory.
love in his own eyes by @nonbinarylowkey | General | Gen & Multi | One Shot | 5k
Arthur’s first night as a father
(im)mortality by @nonbinarylowkey | Teen | Multi | One Shot | 7.7k
Arthur handles Mordred’s “death” in a perfectly normal way. Sometimes I think about this fic and take physic damage.
From The Wastes His Child Came (Bringing Revelations Of All Things) | Teen | Other | 3/3 | 7k
Arthur forgets trans people exist and finds Mordred. I’ve reread this so many times I adore it.
la soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre by @ladydragonkiller | General | Gen | One Shot | 6.4k
Brian falls from the gallows and stops the Battle of Camlann, as he should
Inverse Suspension | General | Gen & Multi | One Shot | 3.4k
Mordred frees Brian, and everything turns out okay
no path past kindred’s stain | Teen | Multi | 3/3 | 9.8k
Pendragon backstories my beloved <3
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan 7yo, wakes up from naptime in the creche after a Very Important Vision
Immediately skips bail to go out into the temple proper, following whispers of the force (more like cackling lmao) till he gets to a training salle
Training salle is occupied by 15-18yo padawans in the middle of practice, one of which being Kelleran Beq, The Sabered Hand, who is a cheerful teen who wants to be a creche master after he’s knighted
Of course an unaccompanied initiate in the salles is always a cause for concern, so Kelleran comes over to coax the boy into telling him why he’s wandered off
Obi: I’m going with you next month when you go to the production studios for your first filming of the Jedi Temple Challenge
Is questioned on if his creche master just told him that??
Nah he saw it in a dream
Cool cool cool Kelleran LOVES the possessed ones, they’re so cute
Asks kiddo why he thinks he’s going with
Cause Obi-Wan needs an escort to audition for the next season of Sesame System, a show that teaches children and reduces the galaxy’s gap of learning between the poor and the rich, so he can teach the galaxy about what it’s like to be a Jedi!
Okay okay that’s chill lil buddy, Kelleran will be in the production studio anyways cause they’re in the same place
Turns out the REAL Jedi Temple Challenge was the 10 under 10s Kelleran got to help wrangle along the way
Not fully sure where this is going other than Jango Fett (only 3 years older here and not 6) ending up on the same season of Sesame System only for him and Jaster (who’s also got the exact same goals of endearing the public to Mandalorians and is using the show to help point out the Mandalorian kids shows the galaxy can show their kids too, while Obi is pointing at Jedi Temple Challenge) to immediately decide that’s a prime little buddy and now they wanna keep him
The temple settles on a middle ground of letting them babysit Obi sometimes by sticking him in Mando production studios
Kelleran is very worried about baby getting kidnapped by the prince of Mandalore but accepts that Obi also really likes the prince they’re vode now
I. Fucking. Love. Childrens early educational shows and stuff like that. And I want to write an entire series about the shows the Jedi and Mandos could put out to endear themselves to the galaxy and it’s basically propaganda but not bad because the Sith could never get a foothold because Jedi are just sweet little guys with god powers what’s not to love lol
And then the ideas combined in my head when this last Mando episode reminded me of Jedi Temple Challenge (I never actually watched it but I did overall hear about it when it aired) and I decided Kelleran needs to make my dumb ideas a reality.
Obi’s master is a Jedi who’s been doing acting their whole life too but it can’t be Mace because Mace is a theater kid and not a kids show kid he needs a less theatric and more educational master 😔
Ani ends up being on a couple seasons of Sesame System (I specifically chose this as a parody idea because I have BEYOND respect for Sesame Street and I truly believe in the power of kindness and friendship the show likes to give us) when Obi-Wan first finds him and Ani is really nervous at first but they let him rant about sand on the show so they’re chill now
Qui-Gon is not Obi’s master but he DID get wrangled into taking Kelleran and the kids to the studio (it’s in fairly neutral area on a station, but around a planet for outdoor scenes because it’s just easier for legal reasons) and that led to them missing the Telos mission and Xanatos got therapy instead and Qui-Gon isn’t an asshole cause he’s still got his kids
Shmi works on the production station
More kids shows in fantasy and sci-fi settings plz.
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sunshine-scented · 1 year
Hi are your requests open? I know it's a bit of a cliche but can I get Mk, Wukong and Macaque (separate) with an innocent reader?? BUT the reader is actually a badass in battle and they're just blown away thank you!!! Hope you have a nice day/night and drink plenty of water, and take your time with this ☺️ and gn reader please 🥺❤️
I like this kind of idea, thanks for requesting!!!
❀ Fake Innocence ❀
: Them with a seemingly innocent, but powerful s/o
: Sun Wukong, Macaque, MK x gn!reader
: Fluff!! Headcannons
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Sun Wukong
• adores you
• thinks you're the most cutest, softest bean in the world and is constantly doting on you
• was very protective of you, like, really
• would never let you out on your own, and bans you from going to dangerous locations if he isn't there to protect you
• well, that was until the whole spider queen fight
• when he saw you beat up all of the spider queen's lackies, he was speechless
• no words, head empty
• you beat them all so quickly? And you even apologized for hurting them?!
• feels really sorry for underestimating you, but you were like "huh???"
• still thinks you're cute
• and hot
• really hot
• "Damn..love me a person who can beat me in a fight ♡"
• not only are you kind to others, but you can also beat up people???? Hardcore simping
• if you got him wrapped around your finger before? Now you got him wrapped in silk red ribbons tied up nicely into a bow all for you ♡
Six eared Macaque
• also underestimates you
• in all and brutal honesty, he thought you were weak
• a mere annoying pleb, oh so naive and so defenseless
• till you actually beat him up in a fight
• you weren't happy with how he was manipulating MK and saw right through his plans in deceiving the poor baby
• yet you couldn't say anything cause you didn't wanna upset MK
• so when Macaque started to show his true colors, that's where you stepped in
• and oh boy did you step in
• ever since then, Macaque has grown curious of you
• clearly you're hiding something more sinister, more dark underneath that pathetic persona of yours
• but nope, turns out that's just who you are
• and soon, he grows fond of you
• at first he found it really dumb of you to continue acting innocent
• but now, he finds it absolutely adorable
• oh, and now he's a masochist
• good luck with that
• you guys are cavity inducing
• MK is all like "Look (Name)! I know what's 1+1!!" And you'd go ":0!! That's so cool!!!"
• dumbasses <33
• he wanted to be your knight in shining armor!
• to protect you from any bad demons and beat them up until dirt
• and to show off too I guess- but that's besides the point!
• you two are both two little peas on a pod
• always resonating with each other, never far away from the other
• you guys are the only ones that understand each other's jokes to the point it annoys everyone in the room
• when he saw you fight, he went from :0 and then to :000?!????!??!??!
• is your number one hype man
• literally so proud of you whenever you....brutally punch a demon into a ground
• it's okay it's MK, he gets a pass
• it's an unspoken rule for him to cheer you on whenever you're on the battle field
• and you also return the favor by being as excited...for murder
• "Yeahhh!! You got this (Name)!!! Punch them where the sun don't shine!!!!"
• "You too MK!!! Beat them until they turn into a stain on the floor!!!!!"
• okay, this is getting concerning you two
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I had a little bit too much fun at the end, my bad haha~
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myunghology · 2 years
can i request izumi, leo, and ritsu with a fem!s/o who's year younger than them and tends to act childish and affectionate?
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▬▬ READER TYPE ▸ fem, your/yours pronouns used. and i used the word "girl" ONCE. just once. feel free to change it while reading.
▬▬ LAYOUT ▸ headcanons.
▬▬ CW ▸ swearing..? like a lot of swearing
▬▬ PROOFREAD? ▸ u wish
▬▬ AUTHORS NOTE ▸ bro my hair keeps falling out? do i have cancer🗿 did u guys miss me doing enstar work🥺 wtf tumblr keeps hiding things from x reader tag. bitch how am i supposed to get famous
▬▬ REQUESTS ▸ closed.
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୨୧ bro.. give him a break :(. jk lol he doesn't deserve it
୨୧ he's about to grow more gray hairs <3 but it's okay! he still loves you and he's letting you slide. okay but he always let's you slide >:(.
୨୧ “l/n is doing dumb things again.” — tsukasa. izumi groans but it's a daily thing now! he's gotten used to it. he was just chilling until he heard you were messing with leo. but it was just a childish fight! you whine.
୨୧ let's you do your things sometimes, but not all the time! izumi still drags you from all the messes you cause. he scolds you everytime! can you blame him though?
୨୧ but.. he's kinda jealous of how you and leo get along so well.. i mean.. he hates having to scold you everytime, but he wants to spend time with you like that as well! why does it have to be leo :(? though he'll never admit that over his dead body.
୨୧ “bro.. i was just joking:)” *runs*
୨୧ but his responses to your affection are so:( man im so fucking single. example ; “hey, izumi, kiss me if im wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?” and he kisses you. MAN
୨୧ he does get a tiny bit flustered, but you have to squint to see! you have a new achievement though if you get him off guard <3. be as flirty with him all you want, but he WILL flirt back. goodluck if you get flustered easily.
୨୧ “you remind me of a star. do you know why?” — izumi, “..because im full of gas?” — y/n, “no, dumbass! it's because your beautiful.” — izumi.
୨୧ overall, nagseselos ako sa relationship nyo<3 ( translation ; you guys are so cute! ) ( the translation is right<3 don't translate it. it's right i swear🥺 )
୨୧ izumis about to shit himself
୨୧ y'all are cute he won't lie! but give the man a break
୨୧ okay enough about izumi .
୨୧ you guys are such soulmates <3 both chaotic and affectionate that's so cute. helping leo compose in a chaotic way = leo having fun with you in any way you can think of!
୨୧ tsukasa is also about to shit himself! but anyway, dating leo while also practically being his twin is soooo fun. when he first met you his eyes were sparkling <3 knights know they've regretted their life choices right after though
୨୧ insert you running to leo while his arms are wide opened
୨୧ his response to your affection is more affection, like squshing your face and kissing all over it :(. bro what if i cry
୨୧ he thinks your adorable!! you two get weird stares, but it's not like you two care. it's almost impossible to see you two not being together.
୨୧ try to flirt and he'll pause for a bit, but hits you back with the MOST CHEESIEST pickup lines. but it's okay, he's trying okay.. but you can't lie, it's cute, isn't it!?
୨୧ overall, iiyak na talaga ako. ( translation ; you guys have an amazing relationship <3! ) ( it's still right i swear )
୨୧ oh shit
୨୧ okay, first of all.. he doesn't really care? im sorry as long as you're with him then, he doesn't give a single shit. but then again, he thinks your adorable.
୨୧ doesn't wanna be waken up by anyone unless it's you:( or mao but more you.
୨୧ one time you tripped over him and he almost swore at you.. (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ) but then he realized it was you, and he just pulled you into his arms, “behave for me, would you? i can't hurt a girl, so, just stay still and be good for me.” AAAAAAAAAA
୨୧ he doesn't really care what messes you make, as long as your enjoying yourself, then that's all that matters. and as long as he doesn't have to clean up after your messes.
୨୧ his responses to your affection though.. he just... smirks ? bro please. have mercy
୨୧ try to flirt and he WILL also flirt back. but unlike those other two up there ^^ he makes suggestive comments. good luck if you get flustered easily too. im not helping you with that babes
୨୧ MAYBE. maybe if your lucky, he'll give affection back too. but he's more used to receiving. why? it's ritsu we're talking about you know why
୨୧ let's say you are lucky enough! it only lasts a day though:( but it's better than nothing! it happens like.. once a month.
୨୧ overall, lulunod ko na talaga sarili ko. ( translation ; i wanna live to see your relationship <3 ) ( i don't think you should translate this one )
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©miihai ; AAAAND. that's done! All the translations are right dw 🥺
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feather-is-a-bad-car · 9 months
i sent my partner a bunch of limbus memes then made him tell me what he thinks all of the characters are like... here are his thoughts (transcribed by me):
gregor- hes the metamorphasis guy, hes silly dad man, he doesnt like being bug man, besties with rodion or whatever her name is
rodion- thats gregors best friend, she likes to gamble, she is girlboss shes the girlboss to his boyfailure, and she is pretty woman (take me on a date please)
sinclair- umm hes so me and he is a queer :), and he is cripplingly insecure, and i know that one of his traits is like dependant or something, he is besties with donkey (specifically spelled like donkey from shrek) and thats it
yi sang- emo, hes reality user and hes also besties with donkey
ishmael- moby dick, moby dick girl, she is SERIOUS. and a lesbian ? and sheee- i cant keep hitting on lesbians, i think shes.. i dont know shee wants to get back at that darn whale 😡
heathcliff- this is heathcliff hes revenge guy, you can tell cause he has it on his bat. he is big strong dumb guy thats kind of aggressive and- not kind of aggressive he looks very aggressive i would like bump into him on the street and he would be like "GGRGHG" nd i would be like "woahh".
don quixote- ohmygod THIS is sillymoding this is donkey, pure delusion enjoyer. is a woman who has a delusion of being a guy who is a knight but not in the way of she thinks shes a guy, and speaks in "hear ye hear ye", shes childish and fun and everyone loves her the end :)
hong lu- okay so this is babygirl and i love him hong lu if youre free on saturday call me, hes sheltered and he has heterochromia, which im like i look at his sprites im like oh i cant see it then i look at fanary of him im like oh i see it. he looks smart he looks like one of those guys who he would be like you get halfway through the game and he seems unassuming then hes like "oh i actually know a lot you just didnt bother to check with me"
ryoshu- i dont actually know her name but i know she likes cigarettes and... SMOKER. shes serious and like the actual leader of the group cause i know what outis looks like she looks like shes like "oh im actually the leader" but this ones like oh i actually do things around here
mersault- thats mersault hes french and serious guy but hes also kinda sillymoding on the inside hes just autistic. hes very flat effect autistic coded
outis- thats outis anddd outis is very leadership oriented shes like IM the leader I run the show nd the other ones like oh you think that, she seems like her nd heathcliff either get along or hate each other no imbetween
faust- faust speaks in third person and is- seems like based on the fact she speaks in third person, youd think shes sillymoding but shes actually very pretentious and intelligent, she seems very good at her job. i think shes very attractive also faust hit me up
bonus, dante!
dante- those darn they/thems.. taking over our workforces. theyre the manager, theyre sillymoding, and theyre a liberal cant change a logbybolb. they try to like keep things in line then the sinners are like "no we wanna do this other thing" nd dantes like "well okay..."
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chxna-cheeseycake · 9 months
Hi I once again forgot my Tumblr existed how silly of me 😙 Anyways, I was briefly out of my Aphmau phase but as with most fandoms, the Aphmau phase truly never leaves you. So I'm back in this bitch again and feel like talking about Dante more because he's the only Aphmau character I care about anymore <3 Jk but also Dante is my everything so whateves.
Anyways so like I think about Dante and Gene's brother relationship a normal amount (wrong) and it just like??? Bothers me that we didn't get a more complicated relationship between them in Mystreet like we did in MCD. And maybe I'm just a slut for angst but I loved the brotherly angst between them. Also Gene's a big bitch and I firmly don't believe he should've gotten a redemption arc in Mystreet. Or at the very least it should've been done better cuz how are these people just okay with Gene so quickly after all that shit he did in highschool :/ Keep in mind I haven't finished watching Phoenix Drop High yet cuz I'm a lazy hoe but I still have a good idea about the stuff he's done to people as a Shadow Knight. Honestly, Zane and Aaron have a right to not like him and watching S3 of Mystreet I didn't really appreciate how they made Zane and Aaron out to be kinda bad just cuz they didn't want to besties with Gene like Aphmau. I don't know if that's actually what they were trying to go for but it just gave they kinda vibe off to me and I don't like it oof. This is like one of the few times I think I can see myself defending Aaron's ass cuz like shit I wouldn't forgive Gene that quick either regardless of how genuine his apology is. Cuz I know from personal experience that it's hard to just forgive someone after the shit they put you through :/
And also like, I think it's really stupid how Dante just doesn't know about the stuff that Gene did back in highschool. And I blame that on the fact that Mystreet as a series has a bad habit of dumbing down the MCD characters for no good reason. Garroth is a supreme example of this with his MS and MCD counterparts being almost unrecognizable from one another. It just really boggles me how Dante could just not have an inkling of what's going on especially when his own friends were being targeted by Gene and his wannabe mean girl posse. It's a fucking stupid writing decision in my opinion and only further proves how dirty they did Dante's character in Mystreet. God I might be taking this a little too seriously but as a Dante lover I can't help myself. I will be a hardcore Dante defender even in death broskis.
Now honestly here's what I personally would have done to really reflect the complex and strained brother relationship that Gene and Dante have in MCD into Mystreet. Gene is still a big bitch in highschool to everyone but Dante actually knows about this. He's not dumb to the fact that his older brother is pretty much part of a gang. And that's because Gene doesn't treat Dante the good at all either. Yet Gene would have the audacity to say and act like he's such a great big brother in front of other people cuz he's a dickhole like that. But Dante keeps claiming that Gene's a good brother and says he looks up to Gene anyways. Why would he even do that though? Because Dante could either just be saying that to stay on Gene's good side or he just genuinely thinks that Gene isn't hurting him at the very least because Gene is his big bro and big bros would never do anything to hurt their little bros, right? I mean just imagine for years that Dante knows Gene isn't a good person but is led to believe that at least Gene wouldn't be mean to him. Imagine Gene graduates from highschool and moves out of the house and Dante still is able to think highly of Gene. Imagine one day, Dante actually has a crisis regarding Gene caused unintentionally by his friends who thought that Dante didn't know about what Gene was doing as a Shadow Knight. They realize that's not the true issue at hand here and feel awful once they come to the truth faster than Dante himself. Imagine Dante having a hard time being convinced that Gene was treating him horribly because Dante doesn't want to believe that such a thing happened to him because then that would just be too much for him to process and accept. And then imagine the brothers seeing each other in S2 after not talking for years as at that point Dante understood that what Gene did to him wasn't right.
That's the type of conflict that I think Mystreet would've benefited from. And it would bring so much more depth to Dante and Gene because again, they were done dirty in Mystreet and I will always die mad about how their interesting and complicated dynamic was stolen from them in Mystreet. I have like so many other ideas like this not just for Dante and Gene but for the entirety of Mystreet as a whole. I literally have a whole Google Doc detailing so much shit I would rewrite to make Mystreet a better series which goes to show how stupidly passionate I am about this damn Minecraft roleplay from my childhood 💀 Anyways, that stuff in my Google Doc can be for another time cuz I don't feel like typing anything else right now lol.
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sunaoteam · 1 year
i just had a dream about the knights of camelot except in a kind of sci-fi-ish modern setting and boy you need to hear this.
so. gwaine and percival were on a mission which needed them to crawl through a forest where for some reason the visibility was so skewed that the bandits could only see them if they got close to fire or were in movement.
cue the dumbasses getting caught as soon as they set on their way because
percival: "i need to go pee"
now, it being weird-ass sci-fi, the bandits were mad scientists and, as pergwaine were lying there cuddling in the middle of the road trying to be as still as possible and BAREFOOT FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON, the bandits decided to find out if the two lumps in front of them were alive by tickling their toesies. with electricity. with gradually higher and higher voltage.
at one point the bandits were like million volts sound just about right for this VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WIGGLING HUNK, and wanted to shoot percial with it. to which gwaine, our lovely single braincell hero, volunteered himself if only the bandits were kind enough not to use million volts at once but divide it into 10 shots (cause 100k volts is perfectly okay apparently).
cue gwaine being moved somewhere to be annihilated with electricity and he panics cause. obviously he's gonna die.
decided to play it off as "i am a sorcerer", mumbled some bullshit AND PULLED FOUR HALF EATEN SLICES OF PIZZA OUT OF HIS POCKETS.
i woke up facepalming because one. he's dumb as shit. and two. it fucking worked to distract the bandit guy 😭😭😭😭
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Ayyy! Assign your mutuals as some of your favorite manhwas!
Remarried Empress: @d10nsaint (know, yes I know this manhwa is quite overrated, but the art-design is very aesthetic and eye-pleasing and the characters are quite well developed as compared to other manhwas and the villainess is absolutely kissable like you &lt;;3)
Beware of the Villainess: @rouecentric (I absolutely loves this manhwa and I still do! It's my second most comforting manhwa. The characters are quite well developed and the art style is very comforting and the memes are top-tier. Also you have an absolutely kissable and huggable, wolf, softy male lead!! I love HIM and YOU!!!!)
The Villainess Is A Marionette: @dxmoness (A beautiful art-style, just like you! Also you have a bunch of beautiful characters, whom are all horrible, but at-least they're pretty? Also the main characters are amazing and gorgeous, but more than you, but still very beautiful!)
Death Is the Only Ending For the Villainess: @imbouttasue (Another one which has a good art-style, with an amazing strong female lead and horrible male leads....It's okay cause the beauty of the female lead and other female character makes us forget the shitty brothers and father, also the plot is god-tier and goddamn amazing!!!! With a hot, blood-thirsty, little-meow meow, crown prince!!!!)
The Villainess reverses the hourglass: @fuoon (A strong Female lead and another one with horrible family issues, but the female lead's parents are absolutely simpable....They total milf and dilf materials...sadly....Also the villainess was thrown the wrong way about commoners by her dumbass maid...amazing art-style, strong female leads, puppy male leads)
Siren's Lament: @honestly-oceanie (An amazing story about heart-break, sirens and water...-3-..I love water....<3 Also the story includes some of the cutest characters and an amazing plot about a girl, her crush and a siren friend who shares his siren curse with her and whom helps her find a way out for both of them! My no. 3 comfort manhwa)
Who made me a princess: @yonokomizuka  @myearts-uwu (Both of them are my older moots, from the Rashta/Jennette lover, Rashta X Navier and Jennette X self-love times...Good times, but this manhwa was the first every manhwa I ever encountered...It has a good a good art-style, with amazing women in it!!! Diana, Jennette, Penelope, Lily, and Myra!!!! All are amazing and this manhwa describes these two the best, for half-their content is this manhwa only and the 'who made me a princess' tag is only surviving thanks to these two! Love you!)
I became the Hero's Rival: @mayuisyuki (Mayu, me dear summer child. Though we don't talk often, your comedy is top-tier, also I have a feeling you freeze when you get into contact with the opposite sex...No matter, how hot they are....Also your sweetness might pull in a hot pair of siblings, yet also jealous competition...Love you tho<3)
Father, I don't want this marriage: @meenasmagic (A beautiful ass, female lead with a hot ass father and male lead...The art work does confuse me from time to time, but it's amazing! The female lead's father does love her but he hides it so nothing happens to her, and he regrets it and after the time has been reset, the father and the daughter are both out to make things right!!!...Wrong explanation, I know!)
Miss-not-so-sidekick: @parad0xang3l  (my No. 1 comfort manhwa. An amazing female lead, who knows her way around using memes and acting, her hot mage husband and a hot knight and one prince, with an obnoxious female lead who thinks she's all that...Yes I enjoy such female leads, especially when they lose everything and also, Yoko is my comfort teddy.)
Your throne: @dion-s-lawyer (A powerful female lead with her Lesbian friend and annoying and possessed prince fiancée...I love this manhwa, but it's quite complex for my dumb little mind...But the power of Lesbians in this really overpowers everything, her brother is hot as well and so is her childhood friend...)
The marronnier farm near the imperial palace: @sidra-29 (An adorable manhwa, fit for our baby Sidra. The female leads owns a farm right in the imperial palace and wins over everyone's heart with her amazing cooking skills and though she has jealous fans, she gets past those as well!!! I love this manhwa, but it's not complete...:(((( ...)
The way to protect the female lead's older brother: @that-one-pretty-bitch (She's deadly, beautiful and amazing...What else does Oliara need in her life? Oh right! A beautiful yet shitty family and an equally handsome and gorgeous husband!!! Also an obsession with blood and beauty!! Can probably seduce everyone, the art-style of this manhwa ais just as deadly, cause once you start reading this, you can't stop...)
0397.. : @broken-mandolin0357 @nana-hiki (My manhwa!!! Not introduced to the world yet..but still want to give you all a sneak peek of what's inside. The story if of a girl with her twin brother, who's stuck inside a lab which does illegal experiments on kids and so it's upto her and other kids whom she ahs never met before to escape this place, into a place, while they train to be amazing assassin by the girl's father figure and family figures!!! Not good at explaining, but still love it!)
Tsundere delinquent Bully: @ramblehour (not a manhwa, but deserves a special mention for staying in my mind 24/7 and stop me from thinking of anything else..I'm not lying I constantly have thoughts of this and at-least I have someone who shares this same obsession with me!!! Love you Moki!!)
The first night with the duke: @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe (Love this manhwa, it has enough amount of angst and enough amount of action for me!! This is the type of manhwa, which you don't get bored of reading because it has some good scene and it has a calm setting, not to actiony, not to angsty, not too funny, just enough of all the good things!!! Love this manhwa!)
Limited time extra: @meow-meow-potato (the moment I saw the art-style I fell in love, the story does include a horrible family, but it also includes the power of art and talent, also a cute love-story between the female lead and her fiancée! Also a bit of heart-break, but I love this!!!)
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im-here-i-know · 8 months
Ranking the Straw Hats on who I like best
1. Luffy the King of the Pirates. He's baby, okay? How could you hate him.
2. Black Leg Sanji. Stfu, he's great, okay? I promise 😭
3. Zoro the King of Hell. Loyal to the Captain. I like people who are loyal.
4. God Usopp. He's so me fr like it ain't even funny.
5. Devil Child Nico Robin. Hot and assassin, dark humor. Despite being one of the most mature hypes up, Luffys dumb ideas? How could I not have her at the top 5?
7. Soul King Brook. I would only go to his and Alec Benjamin's concerts fr
8. Knight of the Sea Jinbe. I bet his hugs feel nice. I want to hug him :(
9. Cotton Candy Lover Chopper. Bro would yell at me for almost everything I do cause it's bad for my health, but I would low-key do better just for him. He deserves a higher bounty.
10. Cat Burglar Nami. Nami and I got the same love for money, and the way she said Luffy was going to be pirate king (obvi like the One Piece is just waiting for Luffy to come 🙄) even tho her life was threatened 10/10.
Notice how I said nothing negative? Yeah, because I love them all, they're all perfectly weird and crazy and I love it. I just love some more than others.
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bettimbellis · 1 year
A Collage (of Yelling)
I saw someone do something like this to advertise their fic- they linked the fic, and then put in a little collage of various comment snippets. I can’t find the post to show off- someone please do let me know if you’ve seen that, I want to credit them. 
Either way, my Hollow Knight post-Black-Egg-Temple fic (linked here) has 209 comment threads on it. I’ve gone through and found some bits. These bits were mostly chosen for entertainment/intrigue value out of context- a lot of my favorite comments didn’t get in. 
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Got some good reviews there, I think. Anyone wanna see the collection I have of Discord screenshots from folks yelling at me about this fic?  (Seriously though, thank all of y’all who comment, yell in the tags, whatever- I love it. Really helps keep the writing muse going, too.)
Image descriptions below the cut. 
[Image ID: a collection of bits of text placed on a light green background, in several groups. Text is as follows. 
Excuse me who gave you the right to hit me with this line at seven in the morning”, with an arrow pointing to the left. also it feels like there are many things to be concerned about lmao  God, Hollow is such a poor baby. A lanky wet cat left in the rain. Hollow, that feeling is love, dear, no need to feel so confused about it. Hornet, my sad dumb little spider baby, go to bed. in summary holy shit this is fucked sounds like stressTM can these characters stop being so relatable good Lird *smacks my face* Hornet. Hornet. the fuck HOLY FUCKING SHIT [all caps] It was so soft!!!! And then it became *so goddamn angsty-* *squints harder*  Wet rag is my new favorite character. *thunks my head on a wall* Gosh darn it Oro course you had to have integrity But also OW MY HEART?! SHATTERED?1 POOR BABY HOLLOW IM GONNA CRY Gosh dang. The last chapter was a little lighter, but apparently you were just holding back for this one.  (Chp. 3) I stg this whole chapter made my emotions whip back and forth between “awww :)” and “awwh :(” and “oh. Oh no baby do not think like that”.  Augh. just, augh. / ...except that bit at the end. ...except that last sentence, ‘cause, yeah. / *hides face in hands* this has been exhausting for everyone, apparently. Hollow knight or: when you are so touch starved that your standards for touch that you want are somewhere in the abyss that has spawned you.  Whatever the FUCK happened in the last section is Oh Lord Oh God What The Heeeeeellll Ohhhh My Goood No Waaayyyy... Will be waiting for the next chapter STARING at ao3...
i was so relieved to read this that i accidentally put my phone in airplane mode trying to respond “it is startled out of its pleasant memory-” pLEASANT???? PLEASANT!?! Hollow no. HOLLOW NO- / why does this for some reason almost feel like fluff.  My urge to keysmash at you is strong Just. God. Everything about this is so fucked in so many ways.
Something about this line just makes me want to. Maybe stab the king in the chest. Repeatedly. And then throw them off a bridge. Idk Actually many things about this chapter make me want to stab the king in the chest repeatedly and then throw them off a bridge. Because *holy shit* Hollow, honey, you have so much trauma. OMG ghost, what have you done [stressed emoji] Okay then. Well. Um. That’s a lot to happen.  God it’s such a mess Ah yes, the eldritch nonsense trying to approximate a living creature, my beloved PK you ass. PK you absolute ASS get over here I wanna hit you with something heavy-  oh / im immediately punched in the face okay thank you for that Right off the bat I am mildly excited about this chapter solely because you played with text formatting and that makes my serotonin levels rise. I don’t know why but thank you for that.  CONFUSION SOUP I’M FHDHDJFKFKGH I wanna join the cuddle pile :<<< let me in [holding Hollow gently in both hands] / I will get you all the fresh-dirt-scented soap Fucking superb you funky little vessels. Oh boy! Spiraling!
Oh this chapter hurts ‘specially bad. Because it wasn’t enough to be possessed and neglected and quite literally tortured and driven insane, now we gotta have more medical issues and amnesia-  I fuckign cried at this one, oh my god. Pain is always a tearjerker, but it’s nothing compared to someone who’s been in pain so long finally getting that first big moment of *realizing they’re wanted* and *heard* and *healing*  And I gotta say, (this is gonna sound bad) I really do love Hollow’s victim blaming. Or how it’s written. I love how you write characters in pain <333 “Oh, just a quick chapter to read before bed,” I thought to myself. “I will enjoy it and feel a normal and manageable level of emotions about it.” / ...Thanks for making me all teary in the wee hours, now I’ll never get to sleep! (...I mean this as praise.) Oh. Oh Hollow. So wrapped up in the need to be useful. So incapable still of seeing that their own gut-wrenching familial love might be returned in kind, whether they have some designated purpose for their existence or not.  Yeah. Relieved. / Oh, Hollow... You have already left kudos here :) [three times] / Have I ever been told the definition of insanity?  honestly the body horror was the /least/ disturbing thing in this chapter. not to say! that it was not disturbing - even then, less the horror and more the. context. i want to punch TPK. into a lake. that is on fire.
First comment of my first reread, and MAN. This opening hits just as hard the second time.  Keep in mind Hollow Knight was made by Australian people Hollow 100% deserves a nice date at the palace if they so wish. anyway, I feel very emo about Hollow, all the time.  HOLLOW IS LETTING THEMSELVES HAVE WILL, LET’S GOOOOOO Ghost is doing Fine:tm:, Hornet is doing Fine:tm:, Hollow is *actually* doing pretty well Good news! Hollow is an emotional wreck!  Hornet is doing sooo normal right now (lying).
TLDR; amazing story, glorious update, poor Grimm, I Am Desperate For Shield Lore, someone please tell Ghost it isn’t their fault, the entire gaggle of siblings needs a group hug, I Am Going To Put The Pale King’s Corpse Through A Shredder, and Hornet needs another good cry. 
anyways fuck you for writing this keep it up
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate and Phantasms #287: Brynhildr (Berserker)
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Ah yeah, now this is the good stuff. I won’t lie, I love berserkers, and it’s been so long since the last one! A whole… four builds! Ridiculous.
Anyway, today we’re building up Brynhildr (Berserker), and I promise this one has all its levels the first time.
To make a battle couple throwing a sword larger than either of them around, we’re going Rune Knight. I promise that’ll make sense in a sec. We’ll also grab some Totem Barbarian levels for that funky swan outfit you’ve got going on. Also so you can survive wearing that funky swan dress into battle. No matter how cool a build is, if it doesn’t survive contact with your DM’s monsters it’s not gonna be fun.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Yu mei think we’re reusing a joke here, and yu’d be right!
Race and Background
Nothing new here, you’re still made by the gods and we need flight somehow, so that’s a Protector Aasimar. You get +2 Strength and +1 Constitution, plus Darkvision, Celestial Resistance against necrotic and radiant damage, some Healing Hands to help Sigurd get back on his feet after… well, you happen, and the Light cantrip to turn your chainsaw into a lightsaw. She has a chainsaw.
She’s also still an Acolyte, so you’re proficient in Insight and Religion. You work with those people, of course you know which gods are which.
Ability Scores
No surprises for this berserker. Your Strength is high. Again, chainsaw. After that is Dexterity, then Constitution. You make massacres look good. Charisma is middling, you’ve already landed your catch. This means your Intelligence and Wisdom are going to be low. Shockingly, her berserker form is somehow more stable than the original.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: I’d love to start as a barbarian, but fighter has more of what we want, like proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Athletics and Intimidation. We also get a Fighting Style like Great Weapon Fighting, so you can re-roll ones and twos on damage caused by two-handed weapons. That chainsaw I keep gushing about is your weaker weapon. There will be blood.
You also get a Second Wind so you can spend your bonus action to heal yourself. Nothing’s more relaxing for you than spending some quality time with your beloved! Plus your healing is turn by turn, so we needed at least two ways to do it for consistency.
2. Fighter 2: Second level fighters get an Action Surge once a short rest, letting you take two actions in one turn. Rev up your chainsaw and slash while you slash, fun for the whole family.
3. Fighter 3: At third level your study of Norse runes makes you a Rune Knight and also a Rune Carver. When you finish a long rest, you can add one of each rune you know to a suit of armor, a weapon, jewelry, or a handheld item. Then, when you wield the runed item you get the benefit of the rune, and once per short rest you can invoke the rune for an extra bonus. Any saves from runes use your constitution bonus.
(Rules as written this only works for you, but… that’s dumb. You’re making stuff, why wouldn’t people be able to use it? okay, editorial over.)
To start off, you can craft the Fire and Frost runes. The former doubles proficiency with tool checks, and when you invoke it, you deal extra fire damage to a creature, and force them to make a strength save or be restrained for up to a minute. The latter gives advantage on animal handling and intimidation checks, plus you can invoke the rune for a +2 on all checks and saves involving your strength or constitution for ten minutes. You’re surprisingly powerful given your physique, though that’s true for most servants. DW really needs to add more variety, tbh.
That’s not all though! Your Giant Might lets you grow big for a minute, up to proficiency times a day. While transformed you become large if there’s space for it. You also get advantage on strength checks and saves, and you deal a little extra damage once per turn. When Brynhildr breaks out the NP, she and Sigurd team up to really bring the pain with a bigger weapon. More people means more space taken up, plus that sword’s big enough I wouldn’t want to get within 10’ of it either.
One last bonus- thanks to your Aasimar upbringing your Radiant Soul lets you fly for a minute each day. While flying you can add radiant damage equal to your level or proficiency bonus depending on your source. You’ll end up flying faster but dealing less damage if you pick the Monsters of the Multiverse, and you’ll fly slower but hit harder if you trust Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Whatever your DM lets you get away with.
4. Fighter 4: To make your chainsaw run even hotter, use your first Ability Score Improvement to pick up the Slasher feat, rounding out your Strength and reducing a target’s speed once per turn when you hit them. Getting sawed in half really slows people down. When you score a critical hit, they get disadvantage on all attacks for the round. Again, getting sawed in half? Distracting. But don’t worry, they’ll be all right.
5. Fighter 5: Fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each action, so you can attack twice per turn, or four times with an action surge! We’re still a bit off from a proper chainsaw, but we’re getting there. (and with giant might up that’s practically an extra half sword per sword, so the damage is even bigger than you’d think.)
6. Barbarian 1: Hooking up with your hubby is nice, but we still need to get dressed in the most literal sense. That’s why we’re hopping over to barbarian for some Unarmored Defense, letting you add your constitution modifier to your unarmored AC.
For even more survivability, you can also Rage as a bonus action, giving you advantage on strength checks and saves, bonus damage with strength-based melee weapons, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. This lasts for up to a minute as long as you keep attacking or taking damage each turn, and you have a limited number of rages per day.
Valkyries are warriors made by the gods; they’re not going down that easily.
7. Barbarian 2: At second level your Danger Sense will keep you out of trouble, giving you advantage on dexterity saves you see coming. You can also get into trouble with Reckless Attacks, giving you advantage on all your attacks this round at the cost of everyone else having advantage to hit you. The perils of having a weakness to all classes, I guess.
8. Barbarian 3: As a Totem Warrior, your swan dress gives you a couple extra boosts. You can cast Beast Sense and Speak with Animals as rituals, but the big draw is your Totem Spirit. I’d have loved to pick the eagle totem to stay with the bird theme, but sadly the Tiger Spirit is simply more in-character. It lets you add 10’ to your long jumps, and 3’ to your high ones while raging. You might only have one chance at flight per day, but now you’ll at least be a little more airborne.
You also gain some Primal Knowledge, so you’re proficient in Nature now. Camping’s great for expanding your horizons, huh?
9. Fighter 6: Barbarian’s a great class, but sadly they don’t get much of a bonus to their damage after level 5. That’s why we’re heading back to fighter for another ASI, so we can pick up the Great Weapon Master feat. If you’re using a two-handed weapon and score a critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 HP, you get an extra attack on your bonus action. But if you really want to do some chainsaw-tier damage, you can take a -5 penalty to hit for an extra +10 to your attack’s damage. You can do this with every attack you make, for up to a +20 boost normally, or a +40 with your action surge, maaaybe a +50 if you scored a crit or killed something. Which, like, c’mon, you’re pumping out crazy damage now. It’ll happen more often than not.
10. Fighter 7: At seventh level you can make a Runic Shield, forcing a nearby enemy to re-roll their attack against someone else. You can do this proficiency times per day. Try to avoid using it on Sigurd too much, or else people might think you’re playing favorites. Though to be fair his high AC makes him a pretty good partner for this feature.
You can also carve a Storm Rune each rest now, giving you advantage on arcana checks and you can’t be surprised. It’s pretty easy to see the twists coming when your enemies follow horror movie rules. Also, you can invoke the rune to enter a trance for 1 minute, during which you can use your reaction each turn to force advantage or disadvantage on any attack, check, or save made within 60’ of you. Yeesh, rune magic is some powerful stuff.
11. Fighter 8: Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution for more HP, a higher AC, and stronger runes. All ‘round good stuff!
12. Fighter 9: Ninth level fighters are Indomitable, so you can re-roll a failed save once per day! I’d save ‘em for death saves though, your wisdom saves are never gonna be great.
13. Fighter 10: A tenth level rune knight has a Great Stature, growing a couple inches taller but also increasing your bonus damage with Giant’s Might to 1d8. I, like, big girls! …no that’s it I like big girls. Now you’re up to one foot bigger.
You can also carve a Stone Rune now, so you have advantage on insight checks and darkvision up to 120 fee away. On top of that, you can invoke the rune as a reaction to force a creature ending its turn nearby to make a wisdom save. If they fail, they’re charmed for a minute and incapacitated, repeating the save each turn. Hey, save that kinda stuff for your cabin!
14. Fighter 11: Eleventh level fighters get a second Extra Attack for three per action and up to seven per turn. Now that’s a lotta damage!
15. Fighter 12: For even more damage, use this ASI to max out your Strength for accurate chainsawing. You’ve got like, anime-sized swords. Not like an anime sword, like a sword as big as the whole anime. We’re talking a One Piece-tier sword here.
16. Fighter 13: Thirteenth level fighters are Indomitable! Again! Now you can use it twice a day.
17. Fighter 14: Bump up that constitution again with this ASI for more health, AC, and rune power!
18. Fighter 15: Speaking of doing stuff you can already do but twice, a fifteenth level rune knight is a Master of Runes, so you can invoke each rune you carve twice a short rest! There’s probably a zombie movie in this event somewhere, so make sure you double-tap those nubbins.
You can also carve a Hill Rune now, so you have advantage on saves against being poisoned and resistance to poison damage! You can also invoke the rune to get your rage resistance for a minute without actually raging. They don’t stack though, but it would be fun! Nothing wrong with being extra tough- that’s why you’re the head Valkyrie after all.
19. Fighter 16: Use your last ASI to max out your Constitution for the most health possible! It’s a shame we couldn’t spend more time as a barbarian, but sacrifices must be made for chainsaws.
20. Fighter 17: Our final level of fighter is even more of the same, with an extra Action Surge and Indomitable. Speed up and toughen up!
Pros and Cons
You do the big damage, with up to seven attacks with max strength, perma-advantage, and rage boost for a cool 14d6+7d8+35 Slashing damage, and with your Great Weapon Master feat providing a cool +70 as one hell of a cherry on top, for an average of 186 damage in a single turn! You’re also good at surviving on the front lines, with over 200 HP, a decent AC of 17, and just enough healing to be annoying.
Another benefit: runes aren’t magic, which means if you’re raging and don’t trigger an extra attack from GWM you still have plenty of stuff you can do to help out in the middle of a fight. Shackle people up, charm them, force disadvantage, all without breaking your rage!
Thanks to your flight and jumps you’re surprisingly mobile given the giant sword you’re swinging around, giving you juuust enough reach to surprise people and turn them into mincemeat.
Your soft stats are terrible. You’re bad at talking to people, noticing stuff, and knowing things. Plus, a lot of nasty spells use soft saves, so you might end up fighting Sigurd when you get charmed! How awful.
While you can fly, you can’t do it too often, so if someone stays out of the range of your big sword you might have a problem.
I know we don’t bring up power-building too much, but… you could’ve had the bear totem. There’s a reason it’s so popular, resistance against all types of damage is good, better than jumping, even.
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