#the last of us fiction
bugichor · 2 months
white lillies - dbf!joel mini-series
pairing: Joel Miller x Reader, Joel miller x You. word count: First chapter is just above 1k, it's just a taster as i get back into writing. Second part will be longer and fuller. summary: As his old best friend, Joel Miller comforts you at your late father's funeral. But comfort isn't the only thing on your mind… tags and warnings: dbf!joel; pre-outbreak!joel; age difference; pet names; mentions of death and grief; alcohol and tobacco use.
white lillies - chapter one
minors, please dni. this will be a very explicit work.
i also have a twitter where i'd love to interact with other pedro pascal and tlou stans. hmu.
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silens-oro · 7 months
Borealis Masterlist
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Joel Miller x afab!Reader
Cut the ties that bind us My chest will cease to rise Bear in mind my likeness Eternal in your eyes You're my Borealis You're the lines in my brow You're the turning seasons You're the breath in my mouth
Synopsis: After spending the majority of her post-outbreak life with Marlene and the Fireflies, the reader abandons the Denver QZ and the Fireflies altogether with Tommy once they both realize that the organization is losing more ground than it is gaining -that the cause is no longer attainable. One year after finding Jackson, she still finds it hard to acclimate and ends up abandoning Tommy and their complicated past by joining back up with Marlene to head east. Learning the reader wants to return to Wyoming after spending the last five years traversing the country, Marlene has one final favor to ask on her way out.
Warning: post-outbreak, angst, blood, gore, death, violence, future smut. no descriptions of the reader. every chapter will have its own warnings.
AN: I've been chipping away at this story for well over six months at the point of posting the prologue. Writing, then re-writing, then editing, and scrapping to start over. It's been a labor of love, but I genuinely enjoy what this has become.
No “y/n” mentioned.
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The Last of Us Playlist
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abbyshands · 5 months
hers only
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synopsis; gf!abby does not like clara, the gym trainer who can’t keep her hands off you. so who’s surprised when she loses her composure, channeling her rage in the form of rough, hard sex?
pairing; dom!abby anderson x sub!fem!reader
warnings; abby’s jealous as fuck, a little toxic!abby but not really, use of a strap-on, abby refers to the strap as her dick/cock, and strap is referred to as her dick/cock, throat-fucking (with fingers), fingering, choking, pretty rough sex, degrading (slut/bitch/whore, etc), a little praise, use of baby/honey, one use of y/n BEFORE the smut (sorry, it was necessary), spanking, reader cries, abby gives reader a sensory overload, dumbfucking, etc
a/n; hello! my name is kitlyn, kit for short :) i’m a huge writer, and tlou is my latest obsession. so, ofc, i had to get this fic out for my gf, and much more to come. i hope you like this, and if you have any ideas for me to write, please lmk!
p.s.; your daily reminder (or a fun fact), abby canonically bench presses 205 pounds. i rest my case <3
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she could only make it a few weeks before her annoyance got the best of her.
you were bulking up for an upcoming mission, assigned to you by issac. in the area you would be in, scar presence was heavy, and you wouldn’t be back to the wlf for a bit, so gaining muscle was a necessity.
abby just wished she didn’t have to watch that girl’s hands all over you to get the job done.
she didn’t understand why she couldn’t train you herself, why issac wouldn’t fucking let her. he waved her off, giving her some bullshit about “a lack of focus.”
come on. if she knew you needed to bulk up, if it meant it would keep you safe, she wouldn’t lose her focus just because it was you.
but this was the replacement. some other girl in the wlf, hands all over you as she helped you do pull-ups. your body was covered in sweat, and you had been at this for over an hour. the girl, whose name was clara, had her hands on your hips as you lifted yourself up and over the bar again and again.
“c’mon, give me ten more. you got it,” clara said. you were looking at yourself in the mirror as you let out a grunt with each pull-up you did, on your tenth at this point. but you did your best to push through.
“clara,” you groaned. “i can’t fucking—“ you began. but your trainer cut you off.
“don’t use your breath. just keep going. i’ve seen you do it before. you got it,” clara said once more, tone firm. you didn’t think it would be a good idea to deny her. so you went on.
but you were fully oblivious to the pair of blue eyes fixed on you across the room.
you had forgotten that abby also worked out around this time to lift with manny, so it didn’t even occur to you that she was gazing at this whole thing like a hawk.
“abs!” manny said to abby, accent thick. he snapped his fingers in front of abby’s face, and abby looked at him both confusedly, but also annoyedly.
“huh? what, what is it?” abby asked. she had fully spaced out, and her cheeks were red. but it wasn’t because of the workout.
it was your fucking trainer.
“estás bien? i lost you a few minutes ago,” manny said. abby had gotten used to his habit of going back and forth from spanish to english, to the point where she knew a thing or two. so she easily responded.
“yeah, i’m fine. let’s just finish for today, okay? i’m not feeling it,” she excused. but manny could see where her eyes were.
“ah,” manny said. he seemed to understand now, a look of comprehension across his face as he said that. “okay. i’ll see you back at the room, then, sí?” manny asked as he held his fist out.
abby did the same and gave him the small fist bump he was looking for. “yeah, see you.”
once manny had left, abby began to pack up her gym bag. by now, you had finished your pull-ups, and were taking needy gulps from your water bottle. clara gave you a small pat on the back once you had finished drinking.
“that was good. you got any more in you?” clara laughed.
you smiled at her, shrugging. “not sure. i’ve gotta meet my girlfriend soon,” you said. really, it was in an hour or two. but you’d have to shower, change, etc. so, to you, it was soon.
nevertheless, you figured a bit more couldn’t hurt. so, you said, “but i think i can do a few more reps.”
clara just gave you a nod. each time you would bring up this girlfriend of yours, her demeanor changed like that. she’d tense, and pause her words.
you knew what it seemed like, and obviously, you didn’t like clara. but you did kind of need her.
and besides, if abby—fuck, if abby knew? it'd be a fucking field day to say the least.
you ended up choosing back squatting as a way to finish off your session with clara. you ducked your head under the bar, elbows flexing as you removed it from the rack. you caved a little under the heaviness of it, but with clara’s reassurance, you did your best to move.
clara put her arms under yours as you held the bar behind your back. she squatted along with you, body behind yours as she spotted you.
you could only make it ten or so reps before you failed on the eleventh, much to your surprise, as it had never happened to you before. clara put her hands on your chest quickly, and helped you move the bar back up to the rack.
“sorry,” you whispered in a huff, face red from the tension your body had just undergone. clara’s front pressed to your back for just a moment, and you felt a little uncomfy. she had spotted you before while doing a back squat, but not once did you fail one, forcing her to really touch you like that.
“it’s okay, it’s okay. you did fine,” clara smiled. this time, she put a hand on your shoulder, way too close for comfort. and then, she murmured to you, her own face red. “i’m proud of you.”
oh, that was fucking it.
abby discarded her gym bag on the floor. she tossed it somewhere. she would grab it later. but she couldn’t fucking watch this anymore. who the hell did this girl think she was, hands all over you like that? and who knows what she was saying to you? that was abby’s fucking job.
and hers only.
“y/n,” an all too familiar voice said from your left, and you didn’t need to look to know who had spoken.
you were thinking, my savior, once abby’s voice filled your ears. but when your eyes moved to hers, you were sure your soul left your body.
because she looked pissed.
clara moved her hand off your shoulder, and you hated the way she did it—like the two of you had been doing way more than just working out.
“grab your shit, we’re leaving,” abby said firmly to you, and she couldn’t help but send a small glare clara’s way. you weren’t the only one feeling scared, because clara was pale as a ghost. she had known you had a girlfriend, obviously.
but it was abby fucking anderson?
neither you nor clara said a word as you packed up your gym bag. once you had, abby was grabbing you by the waist, and yanking you out of the gym, leaving clara far, far behind you.
“abs—“ you tried, you really fucking did. but abby didn’t want to hear it.
“not a fucking word.”
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manny knew better than to come back to the room once he saw abby eyeing you like that in the gym. it wouldn’t be the first, nor would it be the last, time that abby’s temper had ended in a room full of sex.
as soon as you were inside of the room, abby was grabbing your gym bag from your hands, tossing it far away, and kissing you aggressively. you responded with a whine, but let her, kissing her back with just as much passion. her hand gripped your neck as she all but slammed you onto the door, free hand running over your body like it was a temple she was born to worship.
really, it was.
abby put her free hand under your leg and held it up, pressing herself into you as her tongue battled yours. you moaned into her mouth as her grip on your neck compressed, her fingers digging into the soft skin of your thighs.
what a good day to have worn shorts…
when abby finally pulled back, your lips were spilling with drool, lips numb and plump from the belligerence in abby’s kisses. your whole face was hot, and abby’s face was red.
and, fuck, did she look mad.
abby smashed her lips back onto yours, and kissed you all the way to her bed. once there, she pushed you down onto it and got on top of you, her large thighs on either side of your lap.
if you weren’t in for it before, you surely were now.
abby reached her arm out to open the drawer of her bedside table, and it was only a moment or two before she was pulling out a very familiar item.
her strap.
“a- abs, wh- what are you—“ you began dumbly, way too curious to find out what it was she had in mind. but abby wasn’t feeling at all gracious.
you talk when she says you can.
“shut the fuck up,” abby damn near growled at you, the kind of tone she reserved for when she was really fucking angry. you had heard it many times before. when you were on a mission and battling scars. when issac reprimanded her for being careless in the field. when mel pissed her off one too many times.
bottom line, when shit didn’t go her way.
and the idea that she felt that way now both turned you on and scared the fuck out of you.
abby was quick to secure the strap’s harness to her waist. the view of the dildo attached to it always made your mouth fill with drool: black, veiny, seven and a half inches long. she’d made you cum with it so many times you lost count, and it was a million times better than the real thing.
especially when you had abby anderson on top of you, or behind you, or below you, encouraging you to take it like the good girl you were.
she grabbed your hips with fervor, forcing you to wrap your legs around her torso once your bottoms, and underwear, were out of her way. you let out a needy mewl as she slid the tip through your already wet folds, riling you up, just like that.
when your eyes closed as an answer, abby tutted, and moved one of her large hands down to grab you by the chin. “look at me,” she demanded.
and who the hell would you be to deny that?
your eyes were weak and needy as they met abby’s, pupils big with just a touch of fear, heart pounding in your ears. abby spoke firmly, and you could tell that she wasn’t playing around.
you had left fun and games behind the second you walked into this room.
“you’re gonna take this dick as much as i want you to, over and over again. n’ i’m gonna fuck you rough, ‘til you’re babbling out nonsense. do you hear me?”
your body felt paralyzed when those words left abby’s lips, her tone dripping in anger. you couldn’t manage much, and all you could do was nod. but she was not having that.
she squeezed down on your chin, which made you whimper out. “words.”
“y- yes, ma’am, i- i understand,” you weakly muttered out, and that seemed to suffice for her. abby let up on her grip, and her hand moved down from your chin to your lips.
“good. now suck.”
you didn’t delay. you opened your mouth for abby to push her fingers inside of it, index and ring beginning to fuck it. abby could feel your drool as she pumped the two fingers in and out of you, your tongue eagerly wrapping around them.
she doesn’t give a damn in the world as she pounds them to the back of your throat, making you gag, and your eyes close and roll back as she does so.
not for long.
“open your eyes. keep ‘em on me,” abby says in a rough tone, and you oblige a little too quickly. water’s already filling the corners of your eyes, and abby can see that when she looks at you.
and she’s barely begun.
“crying for me already, hm? why am i not surprised?” abby couldn’t help but mock you. you looked so feeble like this, choking on her fingers like the whore you were.
“i’d save your tears, honey. ‘cause there’s a lot more where this came from.”
just as you’re beginning to get used to the rough feeling of abby fucking your face with her fingers, she pulls them out, and you let out a small whimper of disapproval.
but it quickly blends into a moan.
her index and ring, the two fingers that you had just had your tongue around, that were soaked in your drool, pushed inside of you without so much as a warning.
“oh, f- fuck, abby,” you moaned as the suddenness of the moment took over your senses. your thighs clenched around her as she skillfully pumped her fingers in and out of your cunt, just as she had so many times in the past.
abby used her other hand to pry your thighs back open. “ah ah, baby. spread your legs for me.”
just when you figured this couldn’t get any more forceful, abby was pushing a third finger inside of you, her middle one, and using her thumb to rub your clit.
your response was way too fast as you grabbed one of abby’s broad shoulders, digging your fingernails into the freckled skin on it. you let out a loud moan as your eyes squeezed shut, letting it all sink in. three of abby’s fingers deep inside of you, pumping in and out of your wet pussy as she thumbed your clit like a fucking pro.
“fuckfuckfuck,” you groaned, and, god, did abby like that. barely begun with you, and you were already drunk off her touch.
but then again, that’s how it always went.
“look at you, fucking soaked for me. needy bitch,” abby degraded you mercilessly as she curled her fingers inside of you, easily hitting your g-spot.
“mmph, abby…” you could barely manage.
“hush,” she said harshly. your gaze moved up to hers as she fingered you, her usual pale blue eyes big, pupils enlarged. it was clear that she wasn’t letting up any time soon. “don’t talk unless i say you can.”
you didn’t.
abby had you soaking her fingers in your release soon enough, your orgasm spilling over you. she pulled her fingers out of you and moved them to her lips, leaving not even one drop behind as she sucked them dry. the view filled your abdomen with butterflies: that was for damn sure.
if this is how she made you feel with your fingers, you could hardly imagine her dick.
and abby didn’t delay. you didn’t get even a second to process before she was lining the tip of the silicone toy to your cunt, and pushing into you forcefully.
“abby, w- wait, fuck. t- too soon,” you whimpered, but you knew abby didn’t give a shit about what you had to say. she shushed you with her hand, putting her fingers past your lips once more.
“don’t care. you’re gonna take this cock like a good fucking girl,” she emphasized the word as she thrust into you hard. “and i don’t wanna hear shit. got that?”
you nodded, and didn’t try to speak again. you just did what abby wanted you to, sucking on her long fingers to keep you occupied while she pounded into your pussy.
“clara can’t fuck you this good, can she, baby?” abby rasped as each thrust grew more ravenous, both fingers pushing deeper.
so that’s what this was all about. well, really, you figured as much. you knew clara’s behavior would somehow bite you in the ass. but now that you had abby’s words to confirm it, you couldn’t be more sure.
you did what you could to shake your head, but let’s be real. it was abby fucking anderson. speechlessness was never an answer in her books. she took her fingers out of your mouth for the last time, eager to hear you talk now.
“say it.”
“n- no, abby. s’just you. s’only you,” your tongue slurred as the words left your lips, and abby couldn’t help but get off on the way you were speaking, a smug smirk on her face.
“mmhm. only i get to fuck this pretty pussy of yours, y’hear me?” abby let out in a grunt, her drool covered hand settling onto your neck, squeezing down. she was fucking you hard, no mercy as her hips thrust aggressively, pushing herself as deep inside of you as she could possibly go.
you were more than okay with that.
“y- yes, ma’am,” you let out a groan of your own as abby rutted her hips into you, eyes locked on hers. “i’m yours. a- all yours.”
you were a whining and whimpering mess as abby gave you a nod of approval, hand gripping your neck like it was her lifeline. “that’s a good whore. mine and no one else’s.”
“how do you think days like today make me feel, huh? fucking bitch with her hands all over you, gawking at you like you’re hers. well, let me tell you somethin’,” abby snarls. she pulls out of you, tip pressed to your folds, and for a moment, you think she’s going to make you beg for her to fuck you once more. but just like that, she’s slamming back inside, going, arguably, deeper than she had before.
“she doesn’t get to have you. no one’s ever gonna fuck you this good. no one’s ever gonna love you like i do. you’re all fucking mine, like it or not. got that?”
you’re not surprised by the aggression in her tone, but, damn, is she pissed. you can feel her anger seep into your skin as she fucks you like a toy, addresses you like a doll.
and you let her.
“m’sorry, abby, m’so sorry. i know i’m yours. i’m yours, swear to god i am. m’so sorry,” you moan dumbly as she squeezes your neck.
which you’re sure will have marks to show for it tomorrow.
“i know you are, baby,” abby rasps. her hand moves from her neck to your thigh now, and she digs her fingernails into it as she slams into you. “and you fucking should be.”
and again, abby has you cumming, her name rolling off your tongue like music as, this time, it’s her cock you soak in your release. “there you go, honey. know you like when i fuck this pussy like this. that’s it,” abby whispered.
your brain was way too foggy with the aggression of this session with your girlfriend to get your words out properly.
what was is it that abby had said about making you babble again?
“f- fuck, abby. oh, fuck,” you whined, body tired from receiving your second orgasm that evening. but abby was nowhere near done with you: both of you knew that.
abby didn’t speak as she pulled herself out of you, grabbing you by the hips and flipping your body over, so that you were no longer on your back. she forced you onto all fours, your ass poking up into the air. she yanks your bottoms fully off of you from behind, underwear following, and settles her hands onto your ass.
“abby, come on, please,” you all but cry out. you’re not sure how much you can take, not when it’s so sudden, anyway. abby’s anger is slowly going away, your caring girlfriend coming back little by little. but you weren’t quite there yet.
“you’ve got one more in you, baby, i know you do,” abby says softly, and she circles her thumbs over your ass. the move is almost loving.
“and you’re gonna take it, like the good slut you are. mkay?”
like you said. almost.
you grumble, but you can’t say no. not only did you not want to, but when it came to abby, that was one of the last things on your mind. probably. . .not a good idea. so, “mkay,” is what you say in response.
“good girl. can fuck you better like this, anyway,” abby hums. she begins to take your shirt off, and you lift your arms up to help her remove you tank top. and then, who’s surprised, she unhooks your bra with ease, discarding it on the floor somewhere.
the feeling’s familiar as abby pushes inside of your aching pussy once more. you’re sore and tired, brain fucked out from abby’s belligerence. but you need her, just as much as you need the very oxygen in your lungs.
and she needs you.
as if this isn’t enough, her arms move under yours, and squeeze each of your tits. it quickly reminds you of the way clara spotted you earlier, because that was one of the very things that had caused this in the first place.
but this felt so much better.
your eyes rolled back into your head as abby rubbed hard circles into your nipples, eager and needy to get you off for the third time in a row. she knew it wouldn’t be long now. each time she fucked you like this, round after round, your orgasms came in quick successions.
abby was pushing into your g-spot once again, and the feeling of it all was almost too much. if she wanted you to babble, then she got it: because there was no other way to describe the words spilling from your lips.
“a- abby, fuck, please don’t stop. you feel s- so good, f- fuck, please.” you weren’t making any sense by now, at least not to yourself. but abby knew what you wanted.
because she knew just how to please you.
“keep moaning, baby. you sound adorable,” abby chuckled as she fucked you, hips pushing deep into a spot you didn’t even know you had. “all cockdrunk off this dick, like the whore you are. my whore.”
she just had to add that. for good measure.
“tell me how much you like it. tell me how much you like it when i pound your pussy like this.”
you were licking your lips in the neediest way as she pressed her thumbs into your tits. you couldn’t help but push yourself back into her, that fucking needy for her. “i- i love it, abby. love it so much, fuck. you fuck me so good.”
abby moved one of her hands back from your tit and onto your ass, and gave you a small spank there. “fuck, yeah, i do. never gonna get it this good from anyone else, are you, baby? not clara, not any other bitch. just me, yeah?”
“mmph, mhm,” you murmured, and, fuck, were you on the brink. of course no one else could fuck you like this. no one could fuck like this period. some days, you wished the world could see just what abby anderson had to offer.
but that would involve a hell of a lot of sharing that you didn’t want to do.
“aw, i’m fucking you dumb, huh, baby? can’t even get a word out. dumb fucking slut,” abby smirked, slapping your ass one more time, then massaging the red mark with her thumb. “who do you belong to, hm?”
abby wasn’t wrong. your brain was fogged up, cloudy as she slammed into you from the back, and you couldn’t even see as your eyes rolled back into your head for the millionth time over. your words came out messy, drunken, incoherent. “i- i b—i’m—yours, i b- belong to—to you.”
you could feel your third orgasm bubbling up inside of you as abby pounded you from the back, and she had both hands on your tits once more, gripping both of them as she thumbed at your nipples. your face was hot, your lewd moans filling the room to the brim, as abby filled you.
“f- fuck, abby, don’t stop,” you whimpered out, and you had never sounded so broken before. “g- gonna cum.”
well, that much was obvious.
abby didn’t hold you back. she encouraged you with each thrust of her hips, every one increasing in speed with each second that passed by. she was a pro at this, and she knew it.
“that’s it, honey. cum on my cock, loud, like you mean it. wanna hear you scream for me,” she said with a small grunt, and she said it like it was a demand.
you obeyed.
you were yelling your girlfriend’s name as white spilled all over the silicone that was her dick, a series of pornographic moans falling from your swollen lips. your expression was just that, too: lewd, broken, because you had never been fucked like that in your life.
for the last time, abby pulled out of you, and unsecured the harness around her torso. once she put it to the side, she couldn’t help but put her fingers to your pussy for the last time, scooping a bit of your white release onto them. you shuddered as she did so, and looked behind you, just to see her suck her fingers off.
you lay limp on the bed as abby got up to grab a small towel. gingerly, she began to wipe your body clean, beginning with your thighs. she kissed up them as she did it, and it was so, so different to the way she had been manhandling you mere seconds beforehand.
that was abby for you.
once you were both clean, abby laid down beside you, and pulled you close to her body. she put her hands on your waist, and pressed a kiss to your forehead as you snuggled into her broad chest. you didn’t even feel awkward about the fact that you were the only one naked.
if abby didn’t care, then neither did you.
“you okay, baby? wasn’t too rough with you, was i?” abby asked, her thumb circling your cheek. you smiled up at her, a rush of butterflies soaring inside your abdomen at the small rasp in the way she cooed.
“no, abs. not at all. i mean, i always knew you got jealous, but—wow,” you couldn’t help your giggle.
abby feigned annoyance by giving you an eye roll, but you could tell that she was just being playful. besides, it’s not like she could deny the fact. so she smirked. “what can i say? you just have that effect on me. besides, you have to admit—clara was way too close for comfort.”
“mmhm,” you hum.
“but maybe that was a good thing.”
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reblogs are very much welcomed <3
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misserabella · 1 month
hii can u pls do a story with ellie and a fem reader who is a virgin and ellie talks them thru it ? possibly including fingering and her strap bc im currently obsessed w those and anything else ofc :))
what if i don’t wanna stop
female reader x ellie williams
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cw; +18 content, minors dni!, first time for reader, switches reader and ellie, fingering (r and e receiving), oral sex (r and e receiving), making out sessions, dry humping, face fucking (r receiving), hickeys (r and e receiving), strap on sex (r receiving), mentions of scissoring, cursing, praising, dirty talking, begging, teasing, cum eating, playing with cum, mouth fucking (kinda???) (e receiving), multiple orgasms, scratching, hair pulling (both receiving)…
you and ellie had been dating for a couple of months now. and you couldn’t be happier. she was sweet, caring, understanding, intelligent, gentle, beautiful… and really hot.
and it’s because she’s hot that you were here, in her room a friday night, on her lap, tongue swirling around hers as you tug on her auburn hair.
“baby…” she gasped against your lips, her hands gripping your hips, avoiding to touch your naked thighs, since you were only wearing one of her oversized t-shirts she had lent you to sleep on, and you panties.
“mmmh?” you hummed, kissing down her neck, making her sigh and turn her head to the side for you to give you more space.
“we should stop.” she muttered, hissing when she felt you suck and bite on her skin.
“what if i don’t wanna stop?” you whispered on her ear, and ellie’s heart seemed to stop. her green and now widened eyes found yours. your cheeks were flushed, and your lips swollen from all the kissing.
“yeah?” she inquired, her blown out eyes watching as you bit down on your bottom lip and nodded. she groaned. one of her hands coming up to your neck, pulling you in for a searing kiss that made you moan on her mouth. “you don’t know what you do to me.” she muttered, her free hand coming down your chest to grope at your tits. you grounded your hips down on her lap, making her hum.
“ellie. want you to touch me.” you begged. sure. it was your first time. but you knew what you wanted. one of your hands came up to your neck to grab her hand and guide it to your lips. your mouth took her middle and ring finger inside, your tongue twirling and wetting them. you stared into her pretty eyes. “please?”
“take this shit off.” she groaned, pulling at your shirt and helping you push it over your head, flashing her your perky tits and erect in lust nipples. she couldn’t help but whine. “so fucking beautiful…” your back arched when her mouth made contact with your chest, sucking on your nipples and slightly bitting to leave marks that will make you blush tomorrow morning. “you want me to touch you, baby? want me to make you feel good?” you nodded, fingers lacing on her auburn hair. “come on gorgeous, you know that’s not how we ask for things.”
“please ellie, make me feel good, please…” she hummed.
“good girl.” she softly pushed you down onto her bed, crawling on top of you. her thigh was pushing in between your own, the muscle rubbing against your clothed core. “what do you want to do baby? i could do so many things to you…” she kissed your neck, rocking her leg against your throbbing pussy. her head was spiraling. she had thought about this moment so many times, had fucked her pussy to it more than she could admit… “fuck you open with my fingers, use my mouth on you, rub my pussy with yours, fuck you on my cock…” you whimpered at the thought. you wanted it all. she knew. “greedy girl. you can’t get enough, can you? you just want it all…” she chuckled, kneading your breasts and pulling at your nipples. you nodded. “yeah, my needy girl, hm? don’t worry baby i’ll give it to you. but first… let’s get this off of you, hm?” her fingers dipped into your panties, pushing them down your legs. your cheeks were burning at her intense gaze, hungry eyes taking in your soaked folds and puffy clit. “so fucking wet, fuck…” she sighed, and you twitched when one of her fingers glided in between your folds and bumped against your clit. your hips unconsciously pushed against her touch, making her smirk.
you watched as she pushed her finger covered in your slick inside her mouth, slowly getting on her stomach, her breath hitting your folds and inner thighs, making you tremble. “look at her. so fucking pretty. prettiest pussy i’ve ever seen.”
“ellie.” you whined, embarrassed to be so exposed in front of her.
“so fucking desperate for me.” she chuckled, her fingers opening you up, your entrance twitching in need to be filled up. “gotta give her what she wants, hm?” your back arched and your breath hitched in a gasp when you felt her tongue licking a fat strip from your hole to your clit, leaving a wet kiss on it that made you clamp your legs around her head. ellie grunted, her hands coming up to your thighs to pull them open. “come on angel, stay open for me…” you moaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when she went back in between your thighs, your hands pulling at her hair, pulling her closer in need of more. “what is it baby? feels good? like my mouth?” you nodded.
“feels ‘s good.” you cried, whimpering when she harshly sucked on your clit. “fuck!” tears were rimming your eyes. “ellie. ellie…” you moaned her name, making her moan as well at the sweet sound of your pleads. she pulled you closer to her face, burying herself in your sweet slick.
“taste so fucking good.” she groaned, one of her fingers now at your entrance. “gonna push a finger inside, is that okay, baby?” you nodded.
“yes, yes, please…” and she didn’t make you wait. a sigh left your chest at the feeling of fullness, of her finger stretching your slick walls. how had you gone so long without this?
“so warm…” she sighed, kitten licking at your clit, and sucking slightly as she started to thrust in and out of you, wet sounds of your pussy taking her finger filling her room. “you hear that? such a good girl… taking me so well…” you moaned, and a cry left your lips when she curled her finger, hitting that spot in between your gummy walls that had your eyes rolling back. “riiight there, huh?” she curled it again, groaning at the tugging on her locks.
“ellie!” you whimpered as she pushed a second finger in.
“you can take it, babe. i know you can. be a good girl for me, hm?” you nodded. “atta girl.” you moaned, feeling your walls expanding to take her digits, your stomach growing with an impending orgasm as ellie suckled on your clit. “fuck. you sound so good. can’t wait to split you open on my cock.” just the thought of it had you clenching around her fingers and your thighs shaking.
“ellie, i can’t-“ you cried out, feeling your orgasm building up faster and faster.
“what is it, angel? gonna cum? gonna make a mess out of my face?” she smirked, looking up at you through her hooded eyes, sucking on your clit and letting it go with a pop that made you squirm. she was messy with it. spit and slick coating her chin, cheeks and lips. you moaned, nodding, and the pace of her curling fingers only increased. “go ahead. wanna see it drip.”
“i’m cumming!” you whimpered in between moans, screams filling her room as it finally hit you, your ears ringing and vision faltering as she helped you ride it out, licking every last drop of your cum with her tongue, drinking you up until you whined and tugged at her locks due to the overstimulation.
you whined when she pulled her fingers out of you, leaving you empty and needy. “fuck. would you look at that.” there was a pleased smirk on her face as she took in her soaked in creamy white fingers. she caught you staring as well, what made her chuckle. “what is it babe? want a taste?” you nodded, your tongue licking your lips. “why don’t you open up for me then?” she tapped her fingers against your mouth, pushing them inside once you’d followed her orders and making you hum at the tangy essence dripping from her fingertips. you eagerly sucked on them, looking up at her with doe-fucked out eyes that made her groan. “save a little for me.” she whispered as she lowered herself on top of you once again, pushing her tongue inside your mouth along with her fingers.
you hummed, opening your thighs for her to lay in between them, your arms surrounding her neck to pull her closer. ellie moaned when your hands then found their way down her back, nails scratching her until your palms took her ass and pulled from her to grind her against you. she bit down on your lip, a smirk on her face as she stared at you, eagerly sucking on her fingers to play with her. “what is it, hm? one wasn’t enough for you?” you shook your head, pulling her fingers out of your mouth, leaving a kiss on her fingertips.
“want more.” you muttered, making her groan.
“what do you want, huh?” she inquired, kneading your breasts, kissing your neck. she knew how to drive you crazy, how to get you to beg.
“want your cock. please.” her eyebrows raise.
“yeah? my fingers weren’t enough for you baby? you need my cock to stuff you up?” you nodded, making her hum. “why don’t you be good for me and touch yourself a little while i get everything ready, hm? want you stretched out for my dick.” you sighed, watching her get up and start discarding her clothes. two of your fingers plunged inside of your pussy as ellie got rid of her tank top, soft small breasts free for your hungry eyes to take in. next, her sweats, and lastly, her checkered boxers. you gulped and moaned at the sight of her mound’s auburn patch of hair and happy trail. “like what you see, angel?” she chuckled, watching you fuck yourself with hungry eyes. “shit. you’re so fucking hot. got me soaking my boxers.” she sighed, cupping her pussy.
“i’ll clean you up later.” you sighed, and ellie couldn’t help but groan.
“you want to use your tongue on me, pretty girl?” she inquired, taking her strap in between her hands to start buckling it around her hips, the back of it perfectly rubbing her puffy and needy clit. you nodded. “hmm, let’s see if i don’t fuck you dumb enough for you to forget how to use it.”
that promise only made you clench around your fingers, which were completely covered in your slick by the time ellie had found her way back in between your thighs, lube in hand.
“let me see.” she ordered, and you took your fingers out of your pussy with a whine, feeling yourself clenching around nothing. she cursed. “you’re gonna take my cock so well, aren’t you baby?”
“yes, yes… please.” you begged, watching her lube up the silicone before gliding it through your folds. the feeling had your head falling back against the pillows.
“gonna push it in, alright?” you nodded, your legs surrounding her hips as you watched her line the tip up with your entrance. “tell me if it hurts and i’ll stop.” and after another nod, she was thrusting inside. your jaw fell slack at the feeling of your ring of muscles dilating to fit her inside, your gummy walls sucking her in as she slowly pushed more of it inside.
“fuck.” you whimpered, your back arching as one of her hands came down to your clit to draw small circles.
“you’re doing so good for me, baby. such a good girl… how does it feel, hm? how does my cock feel?” your hands came up to her back to dig your nails in, moans falling from your lips.
“more. want more. push it all in.” you pulled from her, and she groaned.
“so fucking greedy.” you let out a choked out scream when she harshly slammed herself inside you to the hilt, hitting your g spot. “this what you wanted?” she inquired as she started to move, thrusting in and out of your wet and squelching cunt. “answer me.”
“yes! yes! feels so good. please don’t stop, ellie. fuck me, fuck me…” you babbled, your whole body tingling in an electricity you couldn’t put into words.
the smell of sex was heavy in the air as she buried her cock inside you over and over again, her lips on your neck and chest sucking new bruises for your skin to remember the exact moment she made you hers.
“pussy so fucking good for my cock. taking me so well.” she moaned, the back of the strap bumping against her own clit. you sounded heavenly, whimpering and moaning as you clutched to her back and shoulders, your legs wide open for her hips. “gonna fuck you dumb baby, gonna fuck you until you forget your own name.” she was babbling, too focused on the feeling of your warm body against hers, of the taste of your salty skin and the harmony of your moans.
“yes, yes, ellie. harder, fuck me harder, please.” you pleaded, screaming when her pace became relentless.
“god, you’re driving me crazy.” she took your hips, pulling you in with every harsh thrust to make her cock reach deeper. it was as if she was drilling it inside of you, messing up your insides. but you couldn’t care, not when it felt this good.
“ellie. i’m gonna cum. i’m gonna cum!” you cried out, your hands coming up to play with your nipples, pinching them and pulling at them, making your back arch and her groan.
“yeah. that’s it. atta girl. play with your tits and soak my cock. cum for me, baby.” the moment it hit you, you swore you could see stars, your pussy gushing on her cock in clenches as waves of pleasure hit you like it’d do on rocks, draining you. by the time you came down from it, ellie had stilled inside you, thumb caressing your cheek as her green eyes stared into your hazy ones. she smiled. “you alright, babe? that was a strong one.” you hummed, pulling her in for a deep kiss that she gladly received, kneading at your hips. “gonna pull out, alright?” you nodded, hissing slightly when she pulled the silicone out of you, her hands making quick work of pulling the strap out of her hips to let it slide to the floor. she’ll clean it later.
ellie laid down beside you, the two of you taking a moment to even out your breaths.
after a few minutes in silence, she got on her side to look at you, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. “how do you feel, was that alright?” you smiled, chuckling at her concern.
“it felt amazing ellie. thank you.” you left a soft peck on her lips, making her cheeks slightly flush.
“why are thanking me for, silly?”
“for making me feel so good…” you muttered against her lips, one of your hands trailing down her chest in between her tits, making her skin abrupt in goosebumps and her breath hitch. “so good i can only think about repaying you…” you bit down on your lip, staring up at her.
she gulped. “yeah?”
“hmm-mmmh.” you hummed, slowly pushing her down onto the mattress. “wanna make you feel just as good, ellie.” she sighed as you played with her breasts, experimentally sucking at her hardened and small nipples, softly biting them and gracing them with your teeth. “would you like that?”
“yeah.” she nodded, and you smirked, slowly creeping your way down her body, laying flat on your tummy in between her thighs. “oh god.” she muttered at the feeling of your soft supple lips on her inner thighs, leaving fluttery kisses.
“gonna teach me how to eat you out, ellie?” you inquired, knowing that your filthy words would take a toll on your girlfriend.
“yeah.” she repeated. she seemed to be short on words. cute.
“how should i start?” you asked, leaving a kiss on her mound. your mouth was watering. she was completely soaked, and smelled so good…
“your tongue… use your tongue.” you hummed, smirking when you heard her breath hitch and a curse leave her lips when you made a fat strip up her slicked folds. you moaned at the tasted, savoring every last drop of it.
“like that?” you inquired, giving her another tentative lick, groaning when her fingers laced in your hair to pull.
“yeah. just like that. jesus christ.” you looked so fucking hot lapping at her cunt, it was driving ellie crazy. she had been so close to cumming earlier by the sight of you taking her strap that now she just was completely lost on the feeling of your mouth on her.
you hummed in pleasure. “you taste so good, els.”
ellie could me help but whine, her grip tightening on your hair.
“you like eating my pussy, baby? you like eating this pussy?” you nodded, slurping on her juices as if you were starved. “fuuuuuuck.” her eyes widened and a loud moan left her lips at the sudden intrusion of one of your fingers inside her slick walls. her back arched, her hands pushing you impossibly closer to her core. “don’t stop. god, don’t stop.” you focused on sucking on her clit as you fucked her open with now two of your fingers, curling them like she had and smirking when whimpers would fall off her lips.
“you close, els?” she nodded, biting down on her bottom lip.
“so close, shit. i’m gonna cum.” she cried.
“cum for me. wanna taste it. want you to fill my mouth, ellie. please.”
“yeah? want me to fill your mouth with my cum, baby? make you choke on it?” you hummed, and her hips jerked. “then take it. fuckfuckfuck, take it.” she groaned, fucking herself against your face and fingers as moans and grunts left her lips, cumming all over your mouth, cheeks and chin.
you whimpered at the taste, the white creamy essence filling your mouth as you fucked her through it, her little sounds heavenly to your ears.
as she came down from it, ellie found herself panting, her heart pounding on her chest as he tried to pace her breathing.
“holy fuck.” she chuckled as you pulled your fingers from her cunt, dipping them in between your lips to lick them clean. “come here.” she said, hosting you up her body to press a kiss to your lips. you could taste yourself on her spit, just as she could taste herself on yours. it was the perfect mix.
“was i good?” you inquired, gracing her cheek as her eyebrows arched.
“‘were you good’?! babe you were amazing. i’ve never cummed that hard in my life.” you chuckled, hiding your face in the crook of her neck, feeling her hand trailing up and down hour back in slight caresses.
“you’re dumb.”
“and you’re fucking beautiful.” you looked into her eyes, a soft smile on both your faces as you leaned down to press a peck on her lips. a peck that ended up deepening into a messy and wet kiss that left you throbbing all over again. ellie pulled away, a string of spit connecting you both. “second round?” you nodded, and laughed as she pushed you on your back and crawled on top of you.
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massacredkitty · 12 days
hi honey!!!!! kay so ... how about ... mechanic abby with a mechanically clueless reader n she comes in like once a month and abby is like always giving her a huge discount n stuff idk?? do what you will with that??? lmao
also is 🐚 taken? i want that pls xx
female reader x mechanic abby anderson hcs second part is nsfw
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you stare at her hands, dirty and calloused as they do god knows what under the hood of your car. her thumb and index play around with buttons and screws, and you can't help but notice how she seems to use her middle and ring fingers regularly. maybe its muscle memory. you hope so
you've become a regular now, somehow always having car trouble since your first visit. and of course, abby is always there to help you out, standing out from her fellow mechanics that gawk and whistle when you walk in.
she is such a gentlewoman, always treating you with respect and even cursing herself out when she catches herself staring at you for too long.
you're not much better; completely focused on how her body moves. specifically when she's checking your brakes underneath your car, the bottom half of her body sticking out.
you watch as her shirt rises, revealing her toned abdomen... the way her hips push up to adjust herself— it fogs your brain up too much that when she slides out to question you, you have to take a few seconds to compose yourself.
the sweet nicknames she gives you, rather nonchalantly. you settle on the thought that she calls every girl that, all her clients. what's so special about you? but what you don't know, is that abby pays very little attention to every other client that comes in. you're very special.
and she never lets you pay full price, not even the first time you came in. you don't know how to explain that one— maybe she's just nice?
mechanic!abby who lets you stick around after her shift, when the store is empty and quiet. letting you follow her around, asking about your day and life overall
nsfw ..
helps you clamour onto the hood of your newly fixed car, the combined body weight denting and marking the car. it makes abby cringe internally, hearing cracks and squeaks that she knows a car shouldn't make.
leaves you with marks she hopes you don't cover up, prays you purposefully display them on your skin the next time you come in. and surely enough, you do!
straps you in the backseat of your car, knees pressed against your chest and the windows fogged up. you can do nothing but take it, reaching up to claw at her muscular arms and cry about how good it feels
mechanic!abby who locks the store down a lot earlier now.
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aurorawritestoescape · 3 months
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LIKE IT’S THE LAST TIME || 900 words
Tw: 18+ minors dni, smut, unprotected piv, public, creampie, belly bulge, gun use.
Part two || Series masterlist
“Yeah… shit…yeah…like that.”
Joel’s low growling always turns you on more than any dirty talk ever could. His forehead is sweaty, teeth are mercilessly biting his lower lip as he’s trying not to blow his load into you just yet.
You’re riding his cock in a stuffy car, knees planted on the back seat to help him plunge his length deeper into your hot core. Only the condensation on the windows hides your indecent public behavior, doing a poor job at that as a few passers-by have already done a double take after glancing inside your car.
You don’t care. On days like this one you can’t let go of each other, lips kissing, tongues licking, hands grabbing one another like it’s your last time.
He playfully slaps your ass and you gasp, a little smile dancing on your heated face.
“’m I taking it good, Joel?”
The man hums, the sound muffled as he’s nuzzling a spot between your breasts. The scruff on his cheeks and chin is rubbing your sensitive skin but this little discomfort won’t stop you from chasing your ecstasy. Your pussy feels so good bouncing on his throbbing cock.
Joel moans through the gritted teeth and pride blooms in your heart when this big dangerous man forgets how to speak, forgets about everything, completely lost in the sensations your body is giving him.
You keep riding his length, slowing down and then picking up the pace again. Your hips are tilted back, as his steel member deliciously slides against your soft spot.
His hands spread your ass cheeks, and you feel cold air right at your hole as your slick collects at the base of his shaft. You’re so wet, your juices must be already sliding down his balls.
Joel’s plush lips form an ‘o’ shape, eyes flutter shut and he tilts his head back against the headrest.
“No, no, too soon… need more, Joel, c’mon”, you mumble hastily, taking his face in your hands and kissing him. You slow down trying to prolong the pleasure for the both of you. ‘Will I ever feel him like this again?’
A familiar thorn of fear pangs your heart but you drive it away caressing his lips with yours while you’re holding his face between your shaky palms. You blink your eyes open, so close to him everything is blurry in your gaze but you still take mental pictures of his freckles, his long lashes, his expression, so vulnerable and honest.
You store them deep inside you. For later. In case your luck fails you.
“Lean back, baby… yeah, good girl,” Joel murmurs as his hands push you back making you sit straight on his lap. His head drops down and he watches his cock disappear inside your glistening pussy.
“Fuck,” he growls, fingers digging into your thighs, “d’ya feel my cock? Shit, here it is,” he marvels, pressing his palm to a lump in your lower belly.
“Yeah, you’re so big, Joel,” you whine watching the bulge move up and down under your skin with every rise and fall of your hips.
His fingers find your clit and he rubs it fast with a perfect pressure and then begins vigorously thrusting up into your stretched pussy. Your whimpers turn into a constant whine when his fat tip hits your cervix again and again.
“Give it to me, baby, c’mon,” he encourages you, on the verge of climax himself and you hear it first, half moan-half roar that he always makes when he comes.
You feel his warm seed flood your pussy and the sensation makes your walls flutter, milking his pulsating cock.
You cry out, one hand braced on the window, the other gripping his broad shoulder as the waves of euphoria are hitting you over and over.
When your climax dissipates, you open your eyes and see Joel looking at you, his loving gaze taking in every feature of your face.
“What?” You ask with a shy smile as if you haven’t just stuffed your pussy full of his cum.
“Nothin’. Just lookin’ at you.” He sighs and adds, “We need to go.”
He helps you off his lap and after you both adjust your clothes, he opens the window, sticks his arm out of the car and slaps the roof a couple of times.
In a few seconds Tommy gets in the driver’s seat.
“So fucking long. Every damn time,” he grumbles frowning at Joel and you in the rear view mirror.
“‘s for good luck,” Joel mumbles as Tommy starts the engine.
“Did you at least sneak a peek, Tommy?” You ask giggling but quickly shut up when you see Joel’s stern look.
When you arrive at the place, Joel’s big hand on the back of your neck pulls you in for a kiss, desperate and rushed. It’s coated in promises and hopes, desire and love in every stroke of his lips as you clutch his plaid shirt with trembling fingers, kissing him back with everything you’ve got. Like it’s the last time.
Tommy wishes you luck before Joel and you get out of the car.
Right at the entrance Joel shoots you a wink through the balaclava opening and then storms in raising his gun.
As always your pussy tingles when you hear him roar the command,
“Hit the floor! This is a robbery!”
Part 2 || Series Masterlist || MASTERLIST
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for the series💖🌸
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @missannwinchester @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre
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mermaidgirl30 · 28 days
✨Her Bodyguard, His Shining Star Part 1: Kiss Me at Coachella✨
Bodyguard! Joel Miller x singer fem! reader
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Series Masterlist
A/N: I do not know what came over me, but this was heavily inspired after watching Sabrina Carpenter’s “Espresso” Coachella performance. This one shot took over my whole Saturday and Sunday! Thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for helping me with a title and the mood board and for being my beta! 🩷 This is both in Joel and reader’s POV. Comments and reblogs make my day. Enjoy, lovelies!
Summary: You’re performing at Coachella, throwing winks and flirting with your eyes as Joel Miller watches you from the side of the stage. He’s your bodyguard, and he should know better, but he wants you just as much as you want him.
Word Count: 8.1k
Rating: 18+ Only MDNI
Tags: Fluff, flirting, pining, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, cute pet names, unprotected p in v, switching POVs, reader is a singer, Joel is a bodyguard, reader has long hair, large age gap (reader is 25, Joel is 44)
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The warm sun glows against your glittering skin, the music pumping like sugary coffee running through your veins. The crowd chants along with you, singing every lyric you do while they hold their phones and snap videos while you twirl around to the rhythm of the upbeat song. You flash them big smiles, pose for the camera, sway your hips while your dancers match your cute little moves. You’re exhausted, almost done with your set at Coachella, but the flaming energy of the crowd keeps you going. 
   You spin around, pop your hip out and wave flirtatiously to Joel at the end of the stairs on the side stage. He shakes his head, chuckling to himself while he tries to act professional. That’s what bodyguards do, right? Stay professional? And he did, he really did, but you liked to tease him just a bit sometimes, get him all riled up if you could. 
   You see the smug smirk he tries to hide behind that patchy, greying scruff, watch the way those gorgeous honey flecked eyes scan your body. He can try to be coy all he wants, but you’ll call him on his bluff. The man is attracted to you, just like you are to him. But you can’t help it, he’s drop dead gorgeous. The way his grey threaded dark curls catch the sun rays, his ripped muscles cling to the flannels and tight t-shirts he wears on a daily basis, his corded veins spiral down his tanned arms, the way he towers over you every time he stands next to you, his deep Southern drawl that sends you into heat every time he graces you with that thick honey-like voice, and the way he’s so protective over you. But you also can’t forget that he's twice your age, which makes him even hotter. 
   You shouldn’t want it, want him, but you do. God, you do. At night when you’re in between your silky sheets with your fingers rubbing between your legs, you’re thinking of him. Those big, meaty hands, that rough tongue, his deep, gravelly voice that must sound so sweet filled with dirty words. You can’t help yourself, you want Joel Miller, your bodyguard. 
   He watches you strut the lit up stage, the sparkles on your pink dress catching the flecks of his wandering eyes. He thinks you look so gorgeous twirling around in that short tease of a dress. Every time you bend over or spin around, he can see those skimpy short shorts that barely cover the globes of your ass. You like the attention though, love to tease the crowd just like you’re teasing him now. 
   He sees the discrete winks you throw his way on the stage, the way you lick those plump, glossy lips that seem to call directly to him. You’re trying to get a reaction out of him. He knows you too well. You may be flirting with the starving crowd who begs for more, but you’re also flirting with him. And he can’t help but get drawn into those beautiful eyes of yours that glisten in the sunlight, can’t help the way his cock is straining against the zipper of his denim jeans right now, precum spilling over the tip thinking about thrusting between those pretty legs of yours. He wants you so fucking badly, and you have no idea.
   You twirl your curls flirtatiously around your finger, flipping your hair behind your shoulders while he watches from the corner of the stage, pretending like that’s his hand wrapped around your flowing locks. Another wink his way and he’s mush against the edge of the stage. Maybe you are trying to get a reaction out of him, you just love to tease him, but he loves it just the same. You’re nothing but a little troublemaker.
   He thinks about you all the time on those lonely nights on long tours, when he’s under his pristine sheets that graze against his hardening cock. He whispers your name under his breath when he’s stroking himself, pretending his hand is yours gliding over him, spreading precum with your soft hands, your pretty mouth. And when he cums he thinks of your glittering eyes, imagines you encouraging him on while he spills hot ropes of cum all over his soft tummy. 
   He may feel a little guilty after doing that, those dirty thoughts that swirl in his head night after night, but there’s no way in hell he feels bad about doing it. He’d have you every day if it was up to him. Oh, yes. He’d ravage your body till you had nothing left to give but your own breath that blows gently against his hungry lips. Damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t. Either way he’s completely fucked. 
   The end of your routine is drawing close, the last number halfway over while the sun kisses your tanned skin. He knows you’re tired, can see it in the sweat that glistens like diamonds down your dainty arms. He’d go and scoop you up in his arms, let you wrap your own around his neck while he carried you to safety, away from prying vultures in the crowd, but he knows paparazzi would snap those pictures in a heartbeat and cause a scene in the tabloids. The pop princess and bodyguard have a scandalous affair at Coachella together. He scoffs at the thought. Fucking idiots starving for a shiny penny to add to their useless names. 
   The moment you sing your last line, you wave to the crowd and blow kisses to the rowdy audience. “Thank you, Coachella! See you next year!” They chant your name, begging for one more song, but your time is up. So you exit the stage all smiles with glitter falling to the ground, keeping your glow until you get to the edge of the stage. 
   Joel’s right there waiting for you, a water bottle and small towel in hand, just like he always does. He looks so good in his tight black t-shirt, sleeves pulling at his bulging biceps while his dark jeans hug his meaty thighs tightly. He always looks so good that you feel dizzy when he takes your hand and helps you down the stairs and off the buzzing stage. 
   Your breath catches in your throat when he closes his thick, calloused fingers over yours, his honey eyes bright and alert when he hands you the water bottle and dabs your sweaty forehead with the soft towel. You could melt into a puddle right here and now the way he’s looking at you all protective and warm-like. 
   “You really gave them a show today, darlin’,” he drawls as his dark flecks of warmth serenade you with attention.
   “Yeah, you think so?” 
   “Mhm,” he hums, staying attentive to you while he watches you take a sip of water. 
   “Did I give you a show, too?” you ask all flirtatiously, batting your long eyelashes up at him as you slide your tongue slowly over your glossy lips, licking off a droplet of water. 
   His cheeks grow red, eyebrows fusing together as he shakes his head and runs a large hand slowly through those messy curls you so want to run your own fingers through. “C’mon, trouble. Let’s jus’ get you back to the trailer.” He grabs your elbow and drags you through the winding backstage area, dodging cords and other performers that stand in your way.
   You follow next to him, quick to stay on his trail while fans scream from the right behind barricades when they see you. Joel pushes you to the left, lingering his large hands on you just a few seconds too long while he works to keep you safe. You know it’s his job, but it turns you on at the sight of him watching out for you, keeping a hand firmly on your arm, making sure no one else touches you but him. 
   Maybe it’s a lovesick fantasy, a fever dream that you and Joel could be more than this. More than just a bodyguard who’s just doing his job to watch out for you. You feel it, that sexual chemistry when you’re near each other, even in a large crowd that won’t stop screaming your name, demanding pictures and autographs while he pushes them away from your reach. You feel it in his heated stare, the brush of his calloused fingertips on your tanned skin, the devilish smirk he gives you when you tease him or say something you shouldn’t. You know he feels it, too. He has to. He’s just as delusional and lovesick as you. You see it in the glow of those amber eyes. He knows.
   “So, you have a free night tonight, huh?” you ask as you keep your fingers curled around the soft fabric of his t-shirt. 
   “Sure, if you call keepin’ you out of trouble free time,” he chuckles, his brown eyes gazing back toward you, just enough to paint streaks of dark pink over your already blush caked cheeks. 
   “Me, trouble? Never,” you tease while you flash him a bright smile. 
   “Oh, you’re trouble alright. But you’re not the one I’m worried about. These Coachella fans can get pretty intense. I’d jus’ feel better if I was watchin’ out for you is all.”
   “You don’t want a night off though?”
   He looks back toward you and knits his eyebrows together, concern lathered all in those brown doe eyes of his. It makes you weak in the knees. “I’m alright. Besides, you’re not bad company to have.” He nudges you with his elbow and winks your way, completely knocking the breath from you. 
   Did Joel Miller just say you were good company? A quiet, reserved guy like him likes your company? The one that would rather grab a drink at the bar alone and sit in silence with a good book while no one bothers him? Guess you did have an affect on him afterall. 
   “Not bad company?” you giggle as you push against his shoulder. 
   “Not bad at all, darlin’. You’re jus’ the kind I need,” he says with a hidden smirk under that salt-and-pepper scruff you want to drag your fingers through. Yeah, you’re just what he needs.
   Suddenly, a screaming fan comes from your left, some psycho that escaped through the wrought iron fence who stomps your way. He charges over to you, calling your name as his spindly fingers close over your arm, his other hand clawing at your pink sparkly dress. “Let me take a picture, please! I love you, I drove hours just to see you sing. Please!”
   Joel rips the guy's hands off your body, pinning his hands behind his back against a caged off area while you fight to catch your breath. Your heart thunders in your chest watching Joel being so protective, possessive over you while the fan begs for mercy against Joel’s tight grip. 
   “Keep your fuckin’ filthy hands off of her! She’s not a toy you can just grab and demand things from. She didn’t give you permission, didn’t ask for you to claw at her dress. So I suggest you walk back out to the general admission area and stay the fuck away from her. Understood?!” His voice sounds like crackling thunder, that deep rugged breath towering over the cowering fan as he makes red marks over the fan’s useless wrists. Joel was just doing his job, one he was damn good at. But he made it look so sexy. 
   You stare in amazement, blinking through your thick lashes while you watch Joel shove the crazed fan through the fence, warning him to keep his distance or else he’ll wish he never stepped foot into the music festival. You gawk at him, watching the way his muscles flex underneath his t-shirt, watching the scowl across his mouth darken his menacing eyes. He’s a dominant wolf protecting his pack, and his pack is you. 
   You watch his flared nostrils and harsh eyes soften when he turns and looks at you, one of his large hands coming to clasp around your wrist while he assesses your wide-eyed features. “You okay?”
   You nod your head slowly, keeping your gaze on him as he makes sure you’re alright. “Really, I’m fine, Joel. Thank you.”
   Before he can manage a reply back to you, blinding cameras start flashing before your eyes, paparazzi swarming you as they just assessed the scene. They throw questions at you, screaming your name while you try to drown out their echoing voices. 
   You stick like glue to Joel’s side, latching your arms around his strong torso while you hide your face in his t-shirt beneath his shoulder. Joel wraps a protective arm around your back and guides you to safety. 
   “Get back! She ain’t answerin’ questions right now, she jus’ got off the stage. Leave her alone!” His deep voice hounds them, barking strict orders for them to stay back. 
   You’re so thankful for Joel right now, your knight in shining armor steering you to safety. The blinding lights start to slowly fade away, the reaching hands and firm demands slipping away once you enter the safe vicinity of your tour trailer. 
   Joel unfolds you from his safe grasp, turns you around and places one hand gently under your chin as if to say it’s okay, baby girl. They’re gone. He scans your frightened eyes, but you melt into a relaxed state when he looks at you with those concerned honey eyes that swallow you whole. 
   “You sure you’re alright?” he asks with eyebrows furrowed together in a panicked state. 
   “I am now. Thanks for saving me. You’re my hero,” you smile as he lets out a sigh of relief and shakes his head. 
   “Jus’ doin’ my job, sweetheart. Can’t help it that everyone wants a piece of you. Gotta protect the shining star,” he winks, nearly sending you over the edge of the steps to your trailer. 
   “Well, you’re pretty great at your job, Miller. Best bodyguard ever,” you flirt as you poke him playfully in the chest. 
   “Alright, little pop star. Why don’t you go relax for a bit? I’ll be out here, be sure to fight off any more paparazzi parasites,” he smiles while he watches you twist the handle and enter your safe haven. 
   “Joel?” you call before you close the door. 
   “Hmm?” he asks as he twists around and faces you with gentle brown eyes. 
   “Go easy on them.”
   He just rolls his eyes and shakes his tousled curls off his sweaty forehead. “Sure thing, darlin’. Alright now, go on. Get in there,” he instructs as he nods to your room. 
   You huff out and slump your shoulders, pretending like it’s the biggest chore in the world. He ticks his jaw and raises an eyebrow at you that tells you he’s not messing around, so you fully oblige his request. “Alright, alright. I’m going,” you sigh. 
   “Attagirl,” he chuckles. 
   Your cheeks burn red as he leaves you with the hottest word before you close the door with a jolt. Attagirl. The word rushes through you, straight to your core where you feel a bit of slick build against your sticky lace. How can a man get you turned on with just one word? Well, it’s Joel Miller, and the man can make you wet with the wink of those pretty brown eyes, but Attagirl was next level. It was borderline porn to your ears. 
   When you hear the click of the door close you take a second to breathe, leaning up against the sealed door while you flick the lights on and try to calm your racing nerves. You assess your pristine room, taking in the white walls hung with pink fairy lights. The glow from your vanity mirror lights up the little corner where your sparkly makeup sits neatly together. The pink velvet sectional sits up against the middle of the wall where a picture of Marilyn Monroe hangs right above that. Soft pink colors cover the room, and you feel suddenly at ease in the protection of your trailer. 
   You meander toward the vanity mirror, assessing your perfect makeup that still stays intact on your glowing face. The sparkling pink eyeshadow mixes in with the sharp wings of black eyeliner that frames your soft eyes. Shimmery pink lip gloss coats your plump lips, and the blush stands out against your tanned skin. Your spiral curls flow gently over your shoulders, and your sparkly dress hugs all your curves in the right places. 
   You suddenly want to be free of your costume, wanting to throw on a pair of cutoff jean shorts and an oversized t-shirt. When you turn your back to the mirror and try to unzip your dress, it gets stuck just a couple inches from the top. 
   “Oh, come on. Work with me.” You fight the zipper again, tugging with all your might until you grit your teeth together and curse under your breath. This is not what you need right now. You want out of this dress, out of these high heels, out of these smothering tights. 
   You stomp your heel into the plush carpet, folding your arms across your cleavage as you decipher just what to do. Lacy, your assistant, is tied up in important meetings for the rest of the afternoon. She’s nowhere near your little trailer. Your makeup artist is busy helping other performers, so you have no other options. Joel is the only one…
   You gulp, take a long look at your flushed cheeks just thinking of having Joel Miller unzip your dress. It’s harmless, really, but not if he’s doing it. That would only lead to one thing. Giving into pure desire, temptation, need. 
   “Fuck it,” you whisper to yourself, “if a show is what he wants, then a show is what he’ll get.”
   You tiptoe to the door, hovering your hand over the handle as you take a deep breath and breathe in and out slowly. It’s just a zipper, only a zipper. He could always say no, leave you stranded while you’re stuck in your dress the entire evening. He wouldn’t do that though, leave you helpless while you fight to rip the tight dress off your body. He just wouldn’t allow that. No way. 
   You take one more deep breath and open the door slowly, slipping your head out as you see Joel standing at the bottom of your trailer steps. You clear your throat and watch him turn his head quickly in your direction, leaving his guard wide open as he assesses your distressed face. “Umm, Joel. Can you do me a favor?”
   His eyebrows knit together while his eyes glaze over your body. “What is it, darlin’?” His doe eyes lean into yours, and you can barely muster up any words while he looks at you like that, all caring and deep. 
   “Well, my zipper got stuck in the back, and I can’t get it down. Do you think you can help?” you ask shyly, your eyes looking up nervously through your long lashes. 
   “Uhh, where’s Lacy? I can go grab her, let her help ya out.”
   “No!” You reach out an arm and grab his wrist tightly, watching his brown eyes widen at your sudden contact on his tanned skin. 
   “No?” he asks confused, his breath picking up underneath his dark t-shirt. 
   “I mean, she’s in meetings for the rest of the afternoon. She’s nowhere near the trailer. And I’m awfully uncomfortable in this tight dress. Do you think you can just come in really quick and help?”
   He gulps down a breath, his heartbeat picking up incredibly fast while he looks into your gorgeous eyes. How can he say no to that? He can’t, so he won’t. He rakes a hand slowly through his greying scruff and nods your way. 
   “‘Course I’ll help, sweetheart. C’mon then.” He places a hand gently on your lower back and leads you into the glowing lights of the trailer, letting the door close with a bang as he guides you to the middle of the room. 
   “Turn around for me, sweetheart,” he asks nicely as you oblige and turn your back toward him. 
   He looks at your undone zipper, sees where it’s stuck in the pink fabric of the dress. Of course he’d be the only one around to help you, of all things a fucking stuck zipper on you. He has no resistance when it comes to you, he just can’t say no to that pretty face of yours. 
   “Zipper’s jus’ caught in the fabric. Should just take a little tugging,” he says with gritted teeth, pulling on the zipper while he holds the silky fabric tight with his other hand. 
   After a few seconds of fighting the dress, he gets it free of the catching fabric. He slowly unzips the back of your sparkling dress, going ever so slowly as if not to make a single sound. The only sounds he hears are your quick breaths, the beating of his own racing heart, and the noise of tugging you free of the suffocating, tight dress. 
   He watches it stop at the end of your curvy hips, catching the way your skin seems to shimmer as your flawless skin comes into his line of vision. He sees the way the dress falls open in the back, your skin begging to be touched, to be stroked as it beckons him closer and closer until he’s hovering above your hot skin. 
   He knows he shouldn’t linger, shouldn’t hover over the glow of your exposed skin, but it’s almost sinful not to touch you when the glitter of your undertones calls directly to him. He gives in, stealing just a touch as he rubs his fingers slowly down your spine. 
   You squirm beneath his touch, tingling sensations running wildly down your skin with each touch he takes from you. You ravish in it, holding your breath while he takes his time dipping across the curve of your back. 
   He leans into you, ghosting his lips across your neckline while he breathes you in deep. He smells the vanilla scent of your perfume, lilac breezing through your soft curls, and can even smell the cherry flavor of your glittery lip gloss. You must taste so good, he can already feel your soft lips against his while he takes his other hand and moves your curls over the left side of your shoulder. 
   You turn your head back gradually, exposing the veins in your slender neck while it gives him access to dip his lips against the curve of your neck. “Joel,” you whisper out, your insides shaking as the hand on your back sinks down to the curve of your hip. 
   He can’t respond, too lost in your delicious scent while his hand dances against the silk of your tempting skin. He’s a bad man, putting himself in this vulnerable position where he’s alone with you, with your zipper completely down and your dress barely holding itself against your perfect body. 
   He should go back outside, stay away from your midnight eyes, your luscious locks, your sweet smelling perfume, but he can’t. He just can’t. He’d rather die than to leave you alone now, untouched, not taken care of. He’s your bodyguard, he’s paid to take care of you. So he will, in every way that he can. He’ll have his way with you. If your zipper can be fixed then who's to say that ache between your legs can’t, too? 
   He spins you around, your chest pressed flush against his while he slowly backs you up against the wall, caging you in with his strong arms while he breathes in your sweet vanilla scent that drives him wild. He sees the cleavage practically spilling from the top of your undone dress, wants to fucking rip it to shreds until there’s nothing left but your glowing skin under the tips of his pressing fingers. 
   He takes a hand and pushes back a strand of curls behind your ear, lingering his thick fingers along your jawline while you breathe in the woodsy mahogany smell, his expensive cologne that you could lather yourself in just to smell like him. He’s so close that he could lean down and press his lips to yours, so close that you could twist your fingers through those lush curls that you so desperately want to meld your fingers to. 
   You’ve never been this close to him before, to where you can see just how pretty and clear his brown flecked eyes are. You’re driving yourself into dangerous territory, but you don’t care. No one’s here to stop you from making any mistakes, and Joel is not a mistake.
   He hovers over you, dragging his lips against your jawline and stopping at the shell of your ear, lingering there while his meaty hands dig into the curve of your hips. “We shouldn’t… I shouldn’t,” he says with gritted teeth, painfully dragging out the words while he tickles the shell of your ear with his plush lips. 
   “Why not?” you whine pathetically as you place a hand under his shirt, making him jump while you graze over the happy trail that leads underneath his jeans. It makes a deep groan slip from his throat. 
   “I’m twice your age. You jus’ turned twenty-five, I’m pushing forty-five. I’m your bodyguard. I should be more respectful, shouldn’t give in to a pretty thing like you,” he murmurs as he feels his cock hardening beneath the denim of his jeans. 
   “I don’t care that you’re older or that you’re my bodyguard,” you mumble as your fingers tug the leather belt free from his jeans. 
   He groans, licking the edge of your ear while he fights to find an ounce of control in his desperate body. He finds none. “We shouldn’t, darlin’. It’d be irresponsible on my part. What if the paparazzi found out? They’d turn the headlines into a hell of a mess. Hell, your publicist would kill me,” he says defeatedly while his hands stay glued to your hips. 
   “I don’t care what my publicist says, I don’t care about the paparazzi. I know what I want, Joel. I know you want it, too. Just as much as I do.”
   He groans against you, doing his best to resist you, but he can’t. He’s a weak man for you, and he’ll give in with the snap of your fingers. He’s got no fight left in him, he’s all yours. “Are you sure, sweetheart? You want this? Want me?”
   You grip tighter to his jeans, dragging his hips flush against yours as you feel the swell of his cock through the denim. He’s so fucking big, and you haven’t even seen him yet. “Yes, Joel. Please. Want you, only you,” you stifle out a moan as his lips trail against your neck, gently nipping and sucking against your sensitive areas while his hands ghost over the curve of your breasts. 
   “God, I can’t say no to you, gorgeous. You don’t even know what you do to me every time I see you up on that stage, singin’ with that angelic voice of yours, dancin’ around all flirtatiously while you make me so fuckin’ hard beneath my jeans.”
   You groan at his filthy words, letting him spread your legs while one of his parts your legs wider. One hand trailing up your inner thigh while his other slowly pulls against the top of your pink dress. “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to do this for so long, how much I’ve wanted to press my face between those thick thighs of yours,” he groans as he trails his lips against the cleavage of your dress. 
   “Probably just as long as I’ve wanted you to,” you pant out as he tugs at the hem of your dress. 
   “Yeah, s’that right?” he teases, dragging his teeth lower down your breasts. 
   “Mhm. Joel, fuck. Taste me, touch me, fuck me,” you beg as you wrap your arms around his neck. 
   “Fuck you, hmm? That what you want?” he teases while he slowly pulls your dress free, hearing it drop to the floor when all you’re left in is your shorts and tights. 
   “Yes, please. Want you, need you to touch me. Do it, Joel. Please,” you whine, twisting your fingers around the curls around the base of his neck.
   He chuckles out, sucking in a breath as he fully obliges your request. “Alright, pretty pop star. If that’s what you want, how can I say no to you?”
   He leaves you with no warning, cupping one breast in his large palm while he sucks on your other one, running his tongue in circles until your nipples are pebbled and swollen beneath his tongue, his mouth, his hands. He does the same to the other one, languidly sliding his tongue over the pebbled bud while he massages your breasts with his calloused fingers. 
   He bathes in your moans, making certain to get you all worked up where he knows you’re already soaking beneath your panties. That’s where he wants you wet, begging for him to touch you. 
   “Joel,” you whine, feeling his fingers fall free from your pebbled breasts. 
   “I know, baby. I know. Don’t worry, gonna take care of my girl.”
   Before you can speak, he cups your face and sinks his plush lips against the gloss of yours, melding his mouth to yours while he tastes the cherry flavor of your lip gloss. You part your lips for him, inviting him in as you feel him lick feverishly into your mouth. Your tongues dance together in unison, allowing him to tangle his with yours while he revels in your pretty moans against his hungry mouth. He’s starving for you, absolutely famished while he takes and takes from you, letting his tongue explore the entirety of your open mouth. If you taste this good, just think how absolutely divine you must be between your legs.
   His hands roam down to your shorts, slipping his fingers inside the waistband and tugging them free of your skin. You step out of your high heels, kick the pink shorts aside and allow his mouth to break free of yours. You pant tirelessly, watching him kneel between your legs as he starts to run his fingers up and down your thighs. 
   He looks up at you, his eyes becoming dark pits that consume him whole. He’s feral for you, and he won’t stop till he has every last drop from you. “You have another pair of these?” he asks, nodding to your tights. 
   “I’ve got a million pairs,” you say out of breath. 
   He smirks up at you before he tears into the flesh of your tights, ripping them to shreds while one of his large hands meets the lace of your panties. “What about these, hmm? Gonna miss these?”
   You shake your head, unable to get a word out as you swallow a whine in the back of your throat. “No?” he asks all deep and gravelly while his thumb traces against the edge of your lace, sliding down to put some pressure between your drenched lips. 
   You throw your head back and whine, begging him to continue on. “No, Joel. Just take them off, please. Need you,” you breathe out desperately. 
   “That’s all you had to say, sweetheart.” He takes no time, ripping into the seam of your panties as you watch him split them in half, throwing them in a pile on the floor while his eyes blow wide when he takes in the bare sight of you. 
   He groans to himself, dragging a finger through your wet arousal, parting you in the middle as he hears the sloshing sounds come from his thumb spreading the wetness all across your dripping core. He inhales you, reveling in the pretty noises you make while he takes his time exploring you, gathering the slick on his calloused fingers as he burns the sight of your messy pussy in the back of his brain. 
   “Shit, baby. Already so fuckin’ wet for me. This what I do to you, hmm? You always this wet around me?”
   “Mhm,” you moan, feeling his fingers pull you apart as more slick pools between your thighs. 
   “All this for me, goddamn. Ain’t I jus’ the luckiest man alive.” He licks a thick stripe up your core, dragging his tongue to lap up the slick that spills from your insides, making you pant out with need as he makes you come undone. “Don’t worry, baby. Gonna take real good care of this pretty pink pussy. Just sit back, relax, and let me do all the work.”
   He doesn’t even give you a chance to breathe, he just dives right in. He takes the flat of his tongue and strokes your folds, working you up and down while he soaks in the sweet taste of you. He hooks one of your pliant legs over his shoulder while you fight to not break already. 
   He drags his nose through the curls above your mound, sucking your swollen clit into his mouth while he breathes in the sensational musk of your pussy, drinking down your sticky arousal that makes his taste buds come to life. He’s never tasted a pussy this sweet before in his life, never quite experienced the high of such an intoxicating body before. He’s wanted you for so long now, and he never even imagined it’d be this good before. 
   “Joel,” you moan above him, wrapping your delicate fingers through his messy curls, driving out a deep groan from him by the way you cling to him. He loves the feel of you in his hair, pulling and tugging while you bite your lower lip and moan his name over and over again. It’s like an addictive drug he’s prescribed to, and he needs more, wants more of you. 
   He slips two digits into your drenched hole, filling you so full while his thick fingers curl and hit that spongy area that makes you see bright lights flash before your eyes. He revels in your moans, eliciting more with every touch and curl of his fingers, with every feverish lick to your messy center. 
   “Yeah? You like that, baby? Feel good?” Joel purrs while he watches you fall apart beneath his fingers. 
   “So good, Joel. Want you to - ahhh,” you whine as he pulls your aching bundle of nerves back into his warm mouth, releasing it with a pop as more slick covers his knuckles. 
   “Mmm, s’that right, sweetheart? Gonna cum for me? C’mon baby girl, go on and soak me,” he purrs. 
   You feel the white hot sensation taking over, feel his long fingers curl up to hit that spot again and again while he pulls your aching clit back into his mouth. And it feels so fucking good that you just can’t hold on any longer. “Joel, I’m gonna… fuck, I’m coming,” you whine as you release your pent up energy, soaking his knuckles while he works you nice and slow, licking at your core as the slick builds on his tongue, drinking you down till he soothes that aching need in his throat. 
   You come down slowly, feeling your body go through the tingling sensations that make you feel so alive. You’ve never had it this good before, not before Joel. He’s going to be the end of your demise. 
   You look down at him between your legs, fingers still curled inside your core while he slowly drags them out of you with a groan from your lips. He pops the digits into his mouth, sucking the sweet release while he moans your name. He looks fucking wrecked, his hair all tousled and messy, wide eyes blown out to black pits that want to devour you whole. The way he’s looking at you makes you think he’s not done with you, and he’s not. Oh no, he’s just getting started. 
   “Such a good girl for me,” he purrs, sliding his calloused fingers up to your hips while he unhooks your leg from his shoulder. “I’m not done with you yet, baby. Now, c’mere.”
   He throws you over his shoulder, a surprised gasp coming from your lips as he takes you over to the velvet couch. He drops you on your hands and knees, not giving you a moment to breathe while he situates himself behind you and spreads your legs wide. 
   He takes a few seconds to admire your glistening core, sitting back on his heels as he rakes a hand slowly over his greying scruff, taking in the absolute beauty that sits before him. He’s never seen a sight like this that he goes head over heels for, sliding his tongue between his teeth as he whispers how fucking perfect you are.
   He groans your name, dragging his thumb up and down your sticky folds while one hand spreads your cheeks wide. He says your name repeatedly, taking in the sight of you in front of him. He thinks you’re so fucking pretty, all messy and dripping just for him. He wants to just slip your scent, your taste into his own cologne, mix the two together until he can only smell you on his body. 
   He licks at your core, spreading you wide while he devours you whole. He pulls at your glistening clit, languidly circling the swollen bud that calls sinfully to him. He wants to give you all the orgasms, drink you down till you have nothing left to give, curl his fingers inside your heated core, work you over till the only thing you can say is his name through your pretty moans. 
   He thrives in the musk of you, the taste of your cherry lips, the sweet saltiness of your warm cum. If he could give it a name, he’d call you his special jasmine flower, known to be the sweetest, most fragrant flower in the world. That’s what you are to him. The rarest flower that ever came into his reach, his life. 
   He licks against your slick folds, working his fingers in and out of your delicious cunt, slurping on your sensitive mound while he drowns it in his own drool, lusting after you until you writhe beneath him and give him another mind blowing orgasm. 
   “Joel, I’m coming, I’m coming,” you cry, spilling yourself all over his digits and inside his heated mouth. He can’t reply, too busy drinking you down as he groans good girl through the taste of you on his large tongue. 
   He swallows all the slick between your thighs, holding you up together while your legs shake uncontrollably. You may have fallen apart on his tongue twice, but he still wants more. He’s greedy like that when something belongs to him. You’re his as far as he’s concerned now, and he always takes care of what’s his. 
   “Joel, wanna… wanna…” you stutter tirelessly, out of breath from the insane orgasm he pulled from your body. 
   “What do ya need, sweetheart? Use your words,” he coaxes, placing a hand gently at the small of your back as he strokes small circles into the heat of your skin.
   “Your cock. Let me suck your cock, make you feel good, too,” you whine out, grinding your teeth together as he gently blows on your aching core. 
   “Not this time, baby. Later. Gotta take care of you first. This time I wanna have my way with you, want your cum dripping down my tongue, making my cock all messy from your sweet release. Wanna bottle you up and make you my own personal brand of whiskey,” he growls as he pulls his t-shirt over his head and frantically slides his jeans and boxers over his feet, disposing the sweaty material on the ground. 
   He hisses as he spreads the precum over his shaft, pumping himself a couple times before he grabs your hips and scoots you back, stifling a moan from your mouth as he plunges his massive cock into your throbbing pussy. 
   “Oh, shit. Joel,” you whine, filling the room with your sweet incantations while he fills you so full of him. 
   “Yeah? You like that, dirty girl? Takin’ this cock so good, squeezin’ me so fuckin’ tight,” he growls, pulling your hair back as your head snaps up, his mouth meeting yours as he licks feverishly inside, swallowing your moans while he continues his frantic thrusts into your weeping pussy. 
   He pulls out from you, throwing you on your back while he hooks your legs over his shoulders, rutting back inside you as his cock gets covered in your sticky slick. You throw your arms around his neck while he finds your mouth again, licking inside, moaning your name on the tip of his tongue as he speeds up his thrusts inside you. 
   The sounds are obscene, the wet smacking noises of his hard cock drilling inside your drenched pussy reverberating off the glow of the pristine walls. He releases his mouth from yours, leaning back to take in the gorgeous view that’s you. You’re splayed all over the couch, your perky breasts bouncing up and down with every thrust of his cock, your eyes all glossed over and fucked out while he takes you nice and slow. He thinks you’re a vision, a full on masterpiece that deserves to be displayed in an art gallery, your mouth making that pretty O shape while you chant his name angelically. 
   “Know you’re close, baby. Squeezin’ me so tight, feels so good,” he moans through the grit of his teeth. 
   “Joel, I’m gonna… gonna… fuck,” you whine as you feel that all too familiar white hot sensation rush through your entire body. 
   “Oh yeah, baby. That’s it. Such a good fuckin’ girl. Go on now, soak this cock,” he coaxes. 
   He watches you fall apart beneath him, beautiful, glossy eyes rolling back as you drag your manicured nails down his back, giving him the prettiest moans as you clench around him and release your cum all down his quivering cock. 
   “Good girl,” he praises, talking you through your intense orgasm as he quickens the strokes inside you, reaching heights you never could without him, kissing your cervix with the tip of his cock. It feels so fucking good, and you just gave him the best three orgasms of your life. You’re exhausted, but you need him to finish. You need him inside you. 
   Sweat drips off his forehead, ending in his tousled curls as he bares his teeth, barely able to hold on any longer. “Baby, I’m about to cum. I can’t hold on much longer. Where do you want me, sweetheart? Where do you want me to spill?”
   “Inside Joel, paint me white inside. Cum inside my pussy, please,” you beg. 
   He moans as he calls your name, giving you a couple more thrusts before he paints the insides of your thighs white with hot ropes of cum, throwing his head back as he revels in the ecstasy of filling you up with his seed, claiming you as his own. 
   He pulls out and twists you around, collapsing on his back against the velvet couch while you fall into his chest, his meaty hands holding you tight around the waist while you both come down from your intense orgasmic high. The room smells like sex and sweat, hints of vanilla and cherry flavored lips lingering around the room. It smells like heaven, Joel’s heaven. 
   Through the sounds of rushed breaths and tired bodies, he reaches up and hooks a strand of loose hair behind your ear, lingering his calloused fingers against your jawline while he assesses the beautiful starlights in your eyes. He thinks you’re the most gorgeous girl he’s ever laid eyes on, and now you’re all his. 
   You look at him just the same, memorizing the flecks of dark honey that make up his bright eyes, dragging your fingertips through his salt-and-pepper scruff, letting your other hand glide through his messy tousled curls. He may be your bodyguard who works for you, but now he’s so much more than that. He’s yours, and you’ll never let him go now. 
   “Still think this was a bad idea?” you ask with a raised brow, challenging him to say anything but yes. 
   “Too late for asking me that, sweetheart. I changed my mind. You’re jus’ what I needed,” he smiles, the flecks of his eyes shimmering amber as your own eyes sparkle with bliss. 
   “Glad you came around,” you giggle as he drags his fingers up and down your jawline softly. 
   “All ‘cause of a fuckin’ broken zipper. You know I can’t stop now, sweetheart? One taste of you and now I’m hooked. Afraid I can’t let you go now.”
   You lean into his chest, giving him your best dreamy smile as you trace the ends of a tousled greying curl. “Then don’t. Be mine, Joel.”
   “I’m all yours, sweetheart. All yours,” he whispers before he cups your face and brings your head down, meeting the plush of his lips as he kisses you nice and slow. 
   You melt into him, parting your lips so he can slot his way in, tangling his tongue with yours as you taste yourself in his mouth. You stay like that for minutes, getting lost in his soft touch, his musk, his dreamy eyes. You never want to leave this trailer, never want to be parted from Joel. The only question is, how will you ever be able to keep your hands off him in public? 
   You lean your head into the crevice of his neck, nestling up to his soft scruff that smells like him. You sigh and tangle your fingers with his while he holds you close to his side. “Guess we won’t see any more performances tonight?” 
   “I don’t know, baby,” he chuckles underneath you. “Think we need a shower and some food. Maybe take you for round two afterwards. But it’s up to you. We can either stay here or go watch more of the sets tonight. Whatever you want.”
   You think it over, but ultimately decide on his first offer. “Mmm, I think I’ll go with the first pick. Rather be here with you, in your arms, where it feels right.”
   He sighs, lingering a soft kiss on your cheek as he pushes back a falling curl. “Okay, beautiful. That’s what we’ll do then. You want pepperoni pizza? That’s your favorite, right?”
   “Mhm,” you nod. “Sounds perfect.”
   He chuckles, the chocolate flecks glistening in his pretty eyes. He looks so dreamy, almost unreal that he's underneath you, his skin glowing from the sight of you. “I’ve wanted you for so long, sweetheart. Can’t believe this is actually happening.”
   “I feel the same, Joel. Thought you might’ve caught on sooner with all the flirting I’ve been doing, especially up on stage. I might love getting a crowd pumped up, but there’s nothing more I love than making you blush at the side of the stage.”
   He tips his head back and laughs, his voice all deep and gravelly as he flicks his eyes back to you. “Oh, I caught on, darlin’. Figured you were tryin’ to get a reaction out of me, and you did. Now look at us,” he teases, cupping your chin with the palm of his large hand, causing tingles to run down your spine. 
   “Yeah, just look at us. A pop star and a bodyguard getting off on each other. Thought it’d only happen in my dreams,” you sigh, propping yourself up with your elbow on his sweat covered broad chest. 
   “Well, baby, it’s real. It happened. Reckon you’re mine now, yeah?”
   Your eyes perk up, a huge smile glistening across your shiny lips as you nod your head. “I’m all yours, Joel. As long as you’ll have me.”
   “Baby, I ain’t ever gonna let you go now. You’re all mine, and I’m gonna spend my days protectin’ and lovin’ this pretty pop star. That’s what you are, baby. You’re my shining star.”
   “And you’re my knight in shining bodyguard,” you giggle. 
   “Mhm, sure am, doll. And I don’t plan on ever lettin’ you go.”
   You fold back into his chest, pressing your lips hungrily against his. Eventually he carries you to the shower, helps wash off all the sweat and slick from earlier, until he takes you to your bed and makes love to you all over again. And it continues throughout the whole night, until both of you are passed out in each other's arms. 
   This is where you belong, in the arms of your fierce protector, your handsome bodyguard that you’re head over heels for. Your favorite brown eyed keeper. 
Tags: @laramc-02 @amyispxnk @sawymredfox @burntheedges @vivian-pascal
@littlevenicebitch69 @keylimebeag @msjarvis @akah565 @milla-frenchy
@aurorawritestoescape @alltheirdamn
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milla-frenchy · 2 months
7 AM
0k8 | Joel Miller x fem reader | ao3 Summary: Joel fucks you by the window, some guy watches you Warnings: 18+ mdni. Exhibitionism, rough sex, dirty talk, piv, creampie. Mention of somnophilia. Reader’s hair can be pulled.  No age specified, no outbreak a/n: same couple: 5 days collection, but can be read alone @aurorawritestoescape thank you for beta reading 💕🫶 Gif in the mood board by @pedropascalsx 🙏 Series masterlist | Masterlist
The sun's rays woke you up early, too early for a Sunday. You contemplated going back to sleep, before glancing at Joel. He was snoring softly, lying on his stomach, one leg slightly bent, his face turned towards you. You looked over him, from his tousled curls to his bare back. His arm was hugging the pillow, the sheets were tangled just below his ass. He’d gone out with friends the night before, and had fallen asleep wearing his gray sweatpants.
It was one of the rare nights when he didn’t fuck you before you two went to bed or while you were asleep.
You smiled looking at him and decided to let him rest. You got up and left the bedroom, closing the door behind you. After making yourself some coffee you went to the living room. It  was bathed in light. You walked to the window and saw a few people who were already jogging outside. You put your coffee on the windowsill, waiting for it to cool off.
You felt Joel behind you before you heard him, right before he placed his hands on your hips.
“What are you doin’ here, sweetheart?” he asked, his mustache brushing against your ear.
He pressed his crotch against you before you even had time to respond. His morning wood found its place against the crease of your ass, leaving you breathless.
“Mmm?”, he insisted, leaning more against you.
“I…didn’t wanna wake you up.”
“Is that right?”
You felt him pull down his sweatpants, just below his balls. His hard cock sprang free towards the ceiling before he slid it between your thighs with a firm hand on his shaft. He pushed your panties to the side, and grabbed your breasts under his large t-shirt.
“Mmmm…you smell like me”, he murmured.
“Joel…people could see us.”
“Yeah? Shoulda think about it earlier, sweetheart.”
He pressed on your back to bend you further towards the window, and nestled his cock at your entrance. You held your breath. You always loved it when he fucked you without preparation, whether with his fingers or his tongue. The painful second when he thrust in always gave way to long minutes of pleasure when you  forgot about everything, except for his shaft ruining your pussy.
When he pushed in, you let out a soft “fuck” biting your lip.
“Yeah, take it, just like that. Good girl.”
He bottomed out, growling, his hands tight on your hips and his gaze down on your ass.
“Shit, this pussy’s barely wet. Poor baby...must be harsh to take this big cock without me spreading you first.”
His pace was slow, but so powerful, that your forehead hit the window each time his cock sank between your folds. He grabbed your hair when you didn’t respond, pulling your head back.
“So cockdumb, when I fuck you raw like that. That’s what you wanted, when you woke up?”
He kissed your neck before nibbling on it, pulling you back against his chest. His hand left your hair to grab a breast and he picked up the pace, thrusting in faster. Then he bent you forward again, making your forehead hit the window, one hand firmly gripping your shoulder for leverage. A jogger passing the house glanced up at your window and slowed down when he saw you.
But he neither stopped nor slowed down. He pressed down on the back of your neck, holding you against the window, chasing his orgasm. The stranger was almost walking at that point, watching you two. You slipped your hand into your panties, desperately twirling your clit under your finger.
“Fuck…you’re gonna get off while some guy’s watching you being pounded? Oh, baby…didn’t know you were such a bad girl.”
You couldn’t help but look at the man, now standing in front of the house. There was a smile on your face when the orgasm hit you, your pussy clenching on Joel’s cock. He stopped, buried deep inside your core as his cum spurted over your walls. His eyes were fixed on the man, still watching you.
“Damn it, Joel…”
Once your pussy stopped milking his cock, he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him, tucking his member back into his sweatpants with the other hand.
“What are you doing?”
“You’re gonna ride my face, right now, in bed. And this time you're gonna cum without looking at a damn stranger. Bet he’s gonna jack off when he’ll get home, thinking about this pussy he can’t have.”
You looked out the window one last time. The man readjusted himself before continuing his run.
Same couple: 5 days collection
Thank you for reading 🙏
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seraphicsentences · 4 months
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here’s a post dedicated to abby’s arms. why? because i said so.
and yes, they’re pretty much all nsfw. enjoy the visual! (i certainly am 🤭)
✂️ ok but imagine just watching abby’s biceps flex and ripple under her skin as she pumps her fingers into you, bumping against that sensitive spongy spot inside of you, working you towards your fourth orgasm of the night (so extremely motivated by your fucked-out mewls). no wonder she’s so buff. she’s exercising days and nights. ;)
✂️ thinking bout abby catching you watching her workout. you watching her do bicep curls specifically. oh lord, the pump her muscles get when she’s done (as if they could get any bigger)… and the way she grits her teeth while working an extra long set. you could get off on the heavy breaths she lets out alone. and she knows certainly knows it. you can tell by the haughty smirk plastered on her face as she eyes you inconspicuously staring.
✂️ but also just the way she’s so so strong but so very gentle with you is honestly the most attractive thing. she’d do anything you ask in a heartbeat, but just as easily put you in your place.
✂️ and the fact that she’s so strong really contributes to the appeal when you have her tied up. seeing such a big girl unable to move, massive arms pulled up tight around her head, flexing with every move as she twists and turns in pleasure, knowing you have that much power over someone whose figure is so dominating… yeah that’ll do it.
✂️ sweet jesus and when you’re sitting on her face, riding away like there’s no tomorrow, sensitive clit raw and red from the constant stimulation against her nose— abby’s just as turned on as you are, if not more. she’s feasting away from below you, tongue prodding at your dripping hole. she knows your legs are about to give out, she can tell by their trembling, and it’s like she’s been waiting for this moment. her arms are at your waist and quite literally holding up your entire body weight, making sure you’re still getting the pleasure she wants you to, and fuck if that isn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever experienced.
✂️ or what about when she’s incredibly busy, you know, studying to be a doctor and all, and can’t exactly divert her attention to help you out when you’re feeling all desperate and horny? i mean she could offer you her thigh, but what are all those hours at the gym for? without even a glance, she sticks out an arm instead, and you silently thank god a moment later when your clit catches perfectly on her tricep, causing a suppressed moan to bubble out from the back of your throat— and abby to raise a teasing eyebrow in your direction. (only when you finish does abby really turn to you, saying “clean it.” and relishing in the way your tongue laps up her arm, gathering slick and making a further mess of yourself in the process).
well this was one fucking ramble. i am and will always be a proud slut for abby anderson’s arms.
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milequaritchsslut · 5 months
Riding Abby’s strap
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Abby fingering you
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“Just take it slow baby” she reassured, her hands holding onto your waist tightly. Her gaze was set on your wet cunt enveloping her thick strap on, it was such a pretty sight. Such a small little thing like you taking her like a good girl should.
You let out a breathy whine, sinking deep onto her cock as her thumbs rubbed circles into your waist. The moment you finally sunk fully onto her cock, your hands immediately made their way to her biceps. Desperately gripping her muscles while trying to catch your breath, but being rendered useless by how full you felt. Her cock was so thick, you could see the bulge of her cock in your stomach.
“That’s a good girl…” she cooed softly, smiling up at you widely. Her hands caressed your waist while she admired your flushed state. You were so cute like this, all out of breath because of her. Your cute little lips parting to let yourself breathe, she loved you like this. So submissive and soft…
“You ready baby?” She asked. Her voice low and husky as her left hand traveled down to your clit, rubbing small circles with her thumb.
“A-abs” you whimpered out shakily, your grip tightening around her arms as your chest heaved in anticipation. You were so vulnerable, hardly even able to make out a full sentence.
“I know I know baby” she murmured quietly, her hips beginning to move slowly. Grinding into yours sensually, as she hit your spongy spot with every thrust she gave.
You let out a soft moan, her mushroomy tip hitting your sweet spot so easily. Your vision was blurring, due to the tears forming in your eyes, the room was starting to spin. Your legs squeezing around hers as she sank deep into your drenched cunt.
“S-so good” you let out softly, finally looking up at her with big watery eyes. She felt so good inside of you, her cock rutting into you from underneath as you let her fuck you as hard as she wanted.
The sounds of skin slapping filled your senses, your mind going blank as she fucked into you ruthlessly. You could feel that familiar tingling in your core as she set her pace. Your plush lips parting slightly to let your lewd sounds fill the room and your girlfriends ears.
She looked up at you eyeingly, her pace quickening by your facial expressions. She could tell how much you loved it, your eyes glazing over as your mind went blank. She let out a chuckle at how easily she got you cock drunk off of her, you were such a senseless girl.
Your orgasm was pooling in your stomach, you could feel it building up by the second. Every thrust had you one step closer to ecstasy. It was such a good feeling, your whole body going numb from your silly little nerves being rubbed by her fingers.
“I-I’m gonna-“ you whimpered out loudly before you finally let go. Your slick gushing out of your cunt, drowning her cock in your sweetness. She smirked up at you, watching you unravel in front of her. She held onto you tightly, enjoying your pathetic state.
“Good girl” she hummed softly into your ear as she let you go finally.
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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know, I’m starting to write again! (Yay!!!) But I do need to get back into the groove of writing, so I’m sorry that my fics won’t be as good as they usually are! But I know I’m getting back into it :)
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mountainsandmayhem · 1 month
God Bless The She Devil Who Made Joel Miller
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Pairing: BFD!Joel x F!Reader
18+ only!!!
Summary: After a fight with your boyfriend, your best friend Sarah invites you to say with her at her childhood home with her dad.
CW: Joel be peekin, Joel is mean (but you like it). I’m choosing not to say anything else to not spoil anything so engage at your own risk.
AN: You can all thank @littlevenicebitch69 for this. She asked for being caught, but I am daddy and I know what she really wants 😉 thank you @mermaidgirl30 for being my forever beta xo
Graphics by @saradika-graphics
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God bless the absolute angel who brought Sarah Miller into your life. She somehow convinced her dad to let you stay with them over spring break after your boyfriend locked you out of your shared apartment and then refused to answer the phone or let you in. Sweet, empathetic, and dependable Sarah was at your apartment minutes after you called her and didn’t have to say much to her dad to let him allow you to stay.
And God bless the absolute she devil who made Joel Miller and put him in close proximity with you. You have a boyfriend, maybe, you can’t be sure, but you do know you have it HARD for Joel Mother Fucking Miller. He’s exactly the type of man that would classify as a DILF, and you don’t even consider yourself into older men. But Joel isn’t older, he’s experienced and charming and every single thing he does seems to turn you on.
Sarah has been working a day shift at the local grocery store during the break and Joel is off running his contracting business. Joel Miller, sweaty and dirty and building things with his large calloused hands. Fuck, you try to shake that image from your brain because you certainly do not need another image of him to touch yourself too.
You have a job serving in the evenings so the house is quiet and all yours during the day. This afternoon the sun peeks through your curtains and wakes you. Sun dancing along the pale yellow walls of the spare bedroom. You pick up your phone and see that it’s clear and sunny, the perfect day to lay out by the pool that Joel said you could use, “make yourself at home, darlin’, any friend of Sarah is welcome anytime.”
You practically leap out of bed and into your ensuite bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready to lay out in the sun. You rush down the hall in the swimsuit Sarah lent you, a large blue and white striped pool towel tucked under your arm.
You love Sarah, but there’s no chance you’re wearing this ridiculous one piece swimsuit to tan, plus you’re alone so what’s the harm? Joel doesn’t get home until well after 5 pm most nights, Sarah usually around 3 or 4, and she’s seen you naked more than once. Plus the backyard is fairly private, most likely no one will see anything.
Fuck it, you think to yourself, slipping the red lycra straps off your shoulders and then shimmying the suit down your body. The sun immediately warms your skin and that boost of vitamin D already has you feeling lighter and happier. You spread the towel down on the chair and lay on your stomach, tying your hair on top of your head and then grabbing your phone.
You flip through Spotify before settling on the album Ten by Pearl Jam. As the first song floats across the backyard, you rest your cheek on your hands and let the fast paced grunge music wash away your thoughts of your boyfriend and what you’re going to do next week when you go back to school. All that matters now is the sun on your skin.
Joel was just about to start working on some paperwork for his next building when he heard movement in the hallway. You must be up for the day, he should probably let you know he’s working from home today, just in case. He wants you to be comfortable here, even if it’s killing him to see you wandering around his house in those small denim shorts you wear to work. Last night he was almost certain he could see your hard nipples peeking out from the fabric of your tight white t-shirt.
Absolutely not, Joel. He scolds himself.
He hears you pad down the hall and then the unmistakable swoosh of the sliding glass door to the backyard. He glances out the window in his office to see you slip the red swimsuit Sarah lent you off your body. His cock was already painfully hard behind his jeans.
She just turned 21. The Angel on his shoulder reminds the devil that’s tempting him from the other side.
His mouth waters as he looks at your body. Your tits are perky, pink little nipples hardening as the air hits them.
She's going through a hard time. The good side of his conscience seems to be losing but he finds an ounce of strength and looks away. He can’t be staring at you.
He tries to focus on this goddamn contract but even little deadline and “initial here” blend together and all he can see in the jumbled words of the page is that little strip of hair that leads to that bundle of nerves he so badly wants to suck on. When he looks up again you’re laying face down, round and perky ass facing his window and on display for him. She must not know he’s home, and now she’s going to think he’s a total fucking creep if he says something now.
She’s your daughter's best friend. No, she’s off limits. Beyond off limits. Get it together, Miller.
And then your music drifts through his cracked window. You’re listening to Pearl Jam. So now not only are you incredibly tempting but you also have the music of his teenage years blasting. He can’t resist anymore, glancing out of the window to see you still laying on your stomach and your plush ass bouncing along as you wiggle to Eddie Vedder singing about still being alive.
He’s not sure how it happens, his body seems to move without him knowing, and suddenly he’s standing at the window, staring down into the backyard at you. His muscular arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the large window frame.
He slows his breathing and focuses on you - every dip and curve, every freckle, every little bit of skin being absorbed by his heated gaze. Your legs are slightly parted, but not enough for him to be able to see your cunt, and fuck does he want to see it.
His palms tingle with the need to cup your ass, maybe spank you for being naked in the middle of the day. He has neighbors, they could see you right now. This is unacceptable and you should be punished.
Just as he’s about to head downstairs his cell phone rings loudly and you shoot up onto your elbows and look over your shoulder at him, eyes locking with his before a tiny smile crosses your face. Joel looks away quickly and grabs his cell, almost crushing the device in his grasp as he answers.
Joel Miller was fully lurking at your naked body, and while that should probably embarrass you, you need to get fucked. You need something, anything, to forget about that piece of shit boyfriend who locked you out and refuses to talk to you or let you get your stuff. Sarah told you when you first met that he had her when he was 19, so it’s not like he’s THAT much older than you. Plus it’s just fucking.
Yep, I’m going for it.
You gather the towel around your body loosely, hooking your swimsuit on your finger and twirling it happily as you head into the house, determined to confront him and then seduce him. When you head up the stairs he’s standing in the doorframe of his office, just across from the spare bedroom you’re occupying. He looks deliciously pissed, one arm propped above his head on the door frame, the other on his hip, knee popped out. Your pussy flutters at the thought of his large, angry body above yours.
The opening bars of Jeremy fill the silence between you two, almost daring the other to make the first move.
“Turn that off,” Joel snaps. “I’m working.”
“Didn’t look like you were working a few minutes ago,” you say back, matching his energy.
Joel’s eyes narrow, brows furrowing, but you can tell he’s fighting to keep his eyes on yours. You lick your lips, testing him, teasing him, pushing him to see if he’ll take the bait. The flick of his eyes to your lips happens so quickly you almost miss it.
You let out a scoff, “Ya, that’s what I thought.” You step towards him, so close that you can smell the coffee and sawdust on him. “Wanna take a break from all that work?” You say the word work teasingly, trying to entice him.
“Go to your room and put some clothes on. Don’t let me catch you naked in the backyard again,” He says deeply, then closes his office door in your face.
You smirk to yourself, dropping the towel at his door and wandering into your room leaving the door wide open. You hook your phone to the Bluetooth speaker as you lay on your bed completely naked. You hit the volume button and slip your hand between your legs, rubbing your clit in fast, little circles.
“Daddy didn’t give no affection, no
And the boy was something that Mommy wouldn’t wear
King Jeremy the wicked
Oh, ruled his world”
Joel whips his office door open looking absolutely furious. His breath catches in his throat at the sight of you. Bare, wide open, and soaking wet. You don’t stop, don’t even bother to look his way, as you dip your fingers into your pussy and cry out his name. Joel steps into your room and hits the power button on your speaker. The only sounds that film the room are your moans and the squelching of your arousal as your fingers slip in and out of your pussy.
“What the fuck did I just say, little girl?” Joel says darkly.
You open your eyes to look at him and the expression on his face sends your heart into your stomach. You’ve always been a little bit of a brat, getting in trouble lots growing up. Truthfully, you like the rush of it, the adrenaline of the unknown. But Joel looks dangerous, eyes blown out with rage and lust, hands clamped into fists at his sides, a slight blush pinks his cheeks, lips in a tight line.
You sit up, crossing your legs and covering yourself with a pillow as you turn towards him. You’re suddenly not feeling so confident, you may have pushed the wrong man.
“Y-you said outside,” you start, your voice wavering. “I’m inside.”
Joel moves so quickly that you don’t even have time to register what’s happening as the pillow is ripped from your grip and disposed of on the floor in front of you. You’re bare and exposed to him again.
“Spread your legs,” he says hungrily, voice a raspy whisper.
He watches your throat as you swallow hard, leaning back on your elbows and planting your feet on the edge of the bed. You look at him tentatively, jumping and letting out a little squeal when he barks, “I said spread your fucking legs.”
You relax, letting your knees fall open. His breathing is rapid, a growling moan leaving his parted lips. He takes one step, his knees hitting the edge of the bed.
“Joel -” you start.
“Shut up. You knew what you were doing, you wanted this. Didn’t you?”
“Y-Yes, but…” his hand slaps the inside of your thigh and your knees slam together as you cry out.
“Spread. Your fucking. Legs,” he repeats in a slow and deep command.
“That hurt!” You say back, squeezing your knees together tighter. It feels like he set fire to your thigh and you can already see the red handprint forming.
“If you’re gonna act like a little brat, I’m going to treat you like one. Now spread your legs so I can hit the other one.” He raises an eyebrow at you cockily. “If you keep them open, I might reward you.” You’ve bit off more than you can chew with Joel Miller.
You take in a calming breath through your nose, relaxing your knees as you exhale slowly. Joel can see the milky, sticky strings of your arousal as your pussy lips spread open for him. He has to swallow the excess saliva that pools in his cheeks at the sight. He wants to taste you so fucking badly.
“I think you liked it,” he taunts. “You’re makin’ a mess, you like being slapped around, don’t you? Treated like a little whore.”
Before you can respond he lays a hard smack on your other thigh. Your hips involuntarily buck upwards, your head falling back and a moaning, whimpering cry you don’t recognize as your own leaves your lips. You focus on your knees, fighting against your body’s instincts, keeping them pushed into the mattress.
“That’s what I thought,” he says as he kneels in front of you and yanks your ass to the edge of the bed. “Think you should get a reward now?”
“Y-yes, please, Joel. Please!” You have never had to beg for sex before, boys your age are usually fired up and ready to go, but men of Joel’s age know sex is so much more than just penetration - it’s a game, a tease.
He bites down on your thigh, “Please. Please, Joel!”
“You smell so fucking good,” he says as his hooked nose trails down your little line of pubic hair. You squirm under him as your clit twitches, aching for his attention. “And so goddamn wet. My little whore, aren’t ya?” His warm breath hits your needy clit and you flop down onto the bed, whining in need.
“Please -” but your words are cut off by the front door opening and Sarah’s voice calls through the house.
“Everyone can celebrate, I’m home now!!!” She yells jokingly.
“Fuck!” Joel huffs under his breath and bolts for his office, kicks your towel and swimsuit into your room, you follow and click your door shut quietly.
“Hello?” Sarah calls, heading up the stairs.
“Just getting dressed,” you call through your closed door. “I think your dad is in a meeting.”
“Put on your swimsuit, it’s gorgeous outside!”
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@corazondebeskar @hiddenbabynyc @rainstorms-library @smutsmutslut @sullyrocky44
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bugichor · 2 years
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“self righteous”
pairing: joel miller x reader; joel miller x you.
genre: smut.
wc: 2k+
cw/tags: hate/angry sex, anal/from behind, marking, table sex, cream pie/breeding, age gap. NO y/n and gender neutral reader.
summary: your patrol with joel goes wrong and you find yourselves trapped in one of the safe houses along your route. things get heated. set between tlou 1 and 2.
an: i’ve never written hate sex before so bare with me. if anything in the cw is not for you, please skip it. i would hate to upset anyone but even more so, i would hate to hear about how awful i am for writing it. also this is part of my kinktober stuff!
“Move it!” You hear Joel yell from ahead.
He’s at the doorway to one of the safe houses along your usual patrol route. You sprint toward him, embarrassed that you lagged behind in the first place. You’re not even sure they’re following anymore but you don’t waste time looking around. Rather, you barrel past Joel and into the safe house, flinching a little as the door slams hard behind you.
Gasping for breath, you lean back against one of the few pieces of furniture in this room. It’s fairly empty here, but that can be expected. There’s a few cluttered bookcases lining the graffitied walls and a few tables, one of which you find yourself resting on, in the middle of the room with a few chairs tucked in beneath them. It reads as an old youth centre but you can’t be sure. These rooms have seen so many lives in the past few decades, they never really represent what they were once supposed to be. This room has no purpose now, just a hole to wait out the storm in, and the only furnishings that matter are the boards along the windows and heavy bolted doors to keep the clickers out.
You take a moment to find your lungs as Joel traipses around the room almost silently, performing a quick sweep to ensure there’s nothing in here with you both. Joel is a professional at this stuff, so you leave it to him and take a few deep breaths of stale air to get your body working again. You must’ve run a mile in three minutes getting away from that horde, and on sopping wet ground too. And yet, the old man still made it here first.
You’d known Joel for a while now, a year or two at least, but he was still an enigma to you. He was a quiet man, a real grump at times, someone that most people couldn’t get along with - and you felt he might prefer it that way. But he got along with you. You weren’t sure why, but he did. You’d spent time considering the possibilities before - maybe it was the times you’d been kind to that kid he cared about; maybe it was the few conversations about coffee you’d had; maybe it was because you simply didn’t get into his business - but it only led to a spiral of momentary memories and feelings you didn’t want to address.
You didn’t know why you cared so much, or perhaps you did. You knew you were attracted to him - he may have been twenty years older than you, but you knew a good-looking man when you saw one - but it wasn’t something you’d ever address sober. There had been a few times, drunken nights in the bar, that you’d flirted a little; using some of your most eloquent and sophisticated lines like “I just know you’re a good fuck, old man”. But, as expected, he didn’t give you any sort of response you could work with. In usual Joel fashion, he had given you a barely-there chuckle and told you to go easy on your liquor. You knew he didn’t take you seriously, and that was okay. But you always wondered what would happen if he did.
You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear, feel, a slam on the surface you’re leant against. The vibration sends shockwaves through you and you look around to see Joel stood at the other side of the table, his hands firmly placed and head down between his shoulders. He’s not looking at you, but the hairs on your arms stand on end regardless.
“Jesus, Joel.” You complain loudly. But you shrink a little when he looks at you. He’s angry. Oh, he’s very angry.
“What was that?” He asks seriously, the low grumble of his voice sending shivers down your spine. “Huh? Are you gonna explain yourself?”
Feeling defensive, your brow furrows and you glare at him. “They came out of nowhere, Joel. You saw for yourself.”
“No.” He grunts, slamming his hands on the table once more. The veins are visible in his forehead and his shoulder muscle is twitching beneath his plaid shirt. You’ve never seen him like this. “Those things don’t just come out of nowhere. You weren’t paying attention.”
“I did my checks just fine.” You spit.
“Oh, you did your checks just fine. I’m sure you did. Did you get a close enough look at that stalker when it jumped you?” Joel interrogates, spittle flying from his lips as he yells. “Or should I have let it get a little closer and kill you? You wanna go back and check it again?”
And, as much as you hated it, he was right. You hadn’t noticed the stalker. You hadn’t been careful enough. And the shout you let out when it sent you flying across the room had attracted a whole horde of those things. But that didn’t mean you were going to admit complete blame. No, no - you were far too stubborn for that.
“And you’re perfect, are you?” You chide. You turn your back to him and lean your arse against the rim of the table, folding your arms more casually than defensively.
You can feel him burning up behind you, feel his anger bubbling over like a newly active volcano. There’s a sick sense of enjoyment prickling the hairs on the back of your neck; knowing how much he probably wants to kill you right now just for saying that, and knowing that he would never do it.
“I seem to remember a time I saved your life too.” You remind him. You hear him traipsing around the table towards you, but don’t dare to look at him. “But you know what? I don’t think I’ve ever brought that up - to you, to anyone. It’s almost like saving someone’s life is just a common courtesy out here.”
He’s in front of you now, close, but you still don’t meet his eye, instead looking off toward the boarded up window. It’s almost palpable, the heat radiating from his body and seething rage expelling from his breath. You find yourself excited by it, desperate to push him just a little further. Would he hit you? You doubt it. But he might shout again, and the thought of that sends butterflies fervently fluttering in the pit of your stomach. The thought of his attention being on you, good or bad, sends an electricity through your veins that you’ve never felt before, but you don’t have time to consider what that means. You’re too focused on pushing his buttons for existential thought right now.
“But your self righteous attitude really grinds on me sometimes, y’know. You’re always right, aren’t you, old man?” You provoke him, turning your face to look him in the eye now. “You’ve never made a mistake in-”
Your sentence is cut short when he seizes your jaw in his hand, his calloused fingers pressing harshly into your cheeks and forcing your lips into a pout. The fear you should be experiencing is wholly overpowered by the intense feeling of lust and sexual intimacy. His face is so close to yours, the strong smell of his stale coffee breath is imprinting on your tongue, your skin, your psyche.
“You don’t know me.” Joel seethes. “You’re just some kid. Some kid whose bark is gonna get them bit one day.”
Your gaze flicks between his eyes and the movement of his lips as he speaks. And there’s a moment - just one fleeting moment - where he notices. And he pauses. His grip on your jaw weakens, but holds. His free hand moves to the surface behind you, shutting you in, and his stare shifts from intense to understanding.
“You’re enjoying this.” His voice is gravelly, earthy, sultry even. But you can’t read his tone, his feelings, his body language. And yet, it doesn’t matter to you.
You shift your thigh between his and press against his crotch, the hard shape of his cock evident through his tight blue jeans. “So are you.” You smirk.
It’s then that he kisses you, his hand still firmly grasping your face, his lips smashing against yours with a force. You’re taken aback at first, your breath hitched in your throat, but soon find his pace, your mouth moving in tandem with his. The taste of his tongue is intoxicating and you move to wrap your arms around his neck, but are stopped short when he seizes you by the wrists. He uses the momentum to turn your body to face the table, your hips digging painfully into the edge as he presses his weight close against your back.
“This is what you want.” Joel spits like you’re disgusting, like you’re sick, sending lightning through your body. His cock is rock hard against the small of your back. “Isn’t it?”
You struggle to answer, all the words (yes, absolutely and more than anything) erased from your brain, but words aren’t required here. He releases your wrists to unbutton his jeans and you follow suit, roughly tugging your pants down and letting them settle at your feet.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” The old man chuckles at your eagerness, a kind of comfortable confidence exuding from his demeanour. And that power, the power he’s holding over you right now, fills your stomach with wet cement, leaving you deliciously helpless to his will.
You hear him spit on his hand and a rumble of pleasure flows through you in anticipation of what follows. Joel holds the shaft of his cock in one hand, his free hand guiding your hips into the correct position, as your body bends over the table instinctually. He enters you slowly and a string of pained and pleasured moans leave your lips. And you begin to realise just how desperately you’d wanted this, how long you’d wanted this, how badly you needed this.
Joel grunts and, holding your hips with both hands, begins to thrust into you, slowly at first but growing in pace with every swing of his hips. Your breath quickens as he reaches his desired tempo and you move with him, tightening and relaxing your muscles in time with his stride. He feels your movement and offers up praise in the form of a string of whispered curse words. One hand moves from your hip bone to your front to please you in tandem and it’s then that you begin to see stars, your cheek resting against the hard, cold table as your moans become whinier and whinier.
His hand is touching you, feeling you, groping you in the most wonderful way and you’re not sure how much longer you can hold on. Joel’s body begins to sweat, the burning sensation of the heat beneath his skin evident against your thighs, and he lurches forward to place his mouth on your shoulder blade, biting and sucking at the skin. You jerk away instinctively, a symptom of living through the apocalypse, but soon relax into him, enjoying the sensation of his teeth and tongue.
He pushes into you hard and you can feel his cock already leaking, cum dripping out of you and down your thighs, the cool liquid sensation sending shivers through you. It’s then that you can’t hold on any longer, the feeling of his hands, his cock, his teeth all too much, and you reach orgasm, your pleasure manifesting in one desperate, shuddering moan. A few more thrusts and Joel finishes, his cock still buried inside you as he does, leaving you shivering as his cum fills your walls. His sweating form collapses atop you in an exhausted mess, his muscular arms limp at your sides and forehead resting hard against your shoulder blade, his stubble irritating the large red mark he’d just moments ago left there for you.
There’s a moment of quiet as the two of you catch your breath. But before you have a moment to talk about it, to say anything, to say thank you, you hear it. That familiar clicking sound coming from just a few yards away. The two of you tense at the noise and you realise what you’ve done, your eyes trained on the light between the gaps in the boarded up window slowly turning into shadow as a horde approaches.
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pedge-page · 4 months
Live a Little, Give a Little
Joel Miller x F!Reader
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Summary: You're looking to boost your OnlyFans ratings with a big public stunt. Lucky for you, an eager stranger happily helps you out, and gives you more than you expected!
Warnings: Exhibitionism, public sex, train sex, being caught, unprotected sex, creampie, groping, dub con, thigh fucking, mention of oral / cum eating, male masturbation, (*SPOILER*pregnancy) surprise at the end at the end :)
18+ ONLY
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Starting an Only Fans account to earn a bit extra money turned into something a bit more of a hobby than a cash grab. You enjoyed the attention you got from the thousands of strangers, particularly men, who lurked on the internet, asking you to do ridiculous things for their sexual pleasure. The higher your ratings went up, the more they were willing to pay. And the less likely you were to say no.
Which is how you find yourself on a crowded public train during rush hour, wearing a tight as fuck blouse with your tits ready to burst out if you sucked in too big a breath and a short frilly skirt that came higher than the lowest part of your ass cheeks with no panties, bare pussy out for anyone to see.
Or touch, for that matter.
You’re standing close to one of the doors, facing towards the city passing by in a blur through the window. You should be more nervous than wet. People brush by you, or press up against you, touching your lower back then going along like it was something innocent. You know there’s at least a few perverted fucks on here who are thinking with their cocks with just one look at you. It’s hot as hell on the rattling cage, though that could just be your exhillerated nerves. Your face feels warm, hands clammy at the hope that one of these men will “accidentally” grope you—and they’ll be in one hell of a surprise. 
 You feel the presence of a particularly large, built man behind you. You can’t see him, but he hasn’t made an attempt to squeeze by either. He just stands there, looming, close enough to feel his breath  against your shoulder when he sighs. 
This is the one.
You can’t even see this strangers face, but you intentionally bump your butt against him. The train sways, and a warm, thick palm comes up to your hip, holding you securely—no, pulling you closer to him. You gasp a bit, not ready for your senses to be so on edge by his bluntness. Maybe it was an accident. But by the way his hand is still gripping you so close, maybe not…?
The train stops swaying, returning to a smooth track despite the hoard of people it carries. His hand starts to retreat. You quickly tuck your elbow in, grazing his forearm with determination: don’t leave, you plea.
His beefy fist only pauses for a second, as if contemplating your gesture. It continues back down to his side, to your disappointment.
What you didn’t know was how he was staring down your back, noticing something very bold, very daring, and very pretty hiding under your skirt.
He flicks his wrist back up as if to rub his nose, and there he sees it: your naked ass on display, swishing daringly, as if on cue, to flash him before the fabric settles back over.
Your eyes close when that little breeze fades. He’s seen it. There’s no doubt. You can hear him clearing his throat before he’s pushing his full front against your back.
“Mmmf!” You peep, biting your lip not to moan when his massive fucking bulge pokes against your slit. The train is packed even more tightly now, though that doesn’t bother you in the slightest. Your perverted savior’s fingers are dancing along your upper thighs, delicately rubbing little circles, tickling your skin and hiking up your pathetic excuse for closing to feel more of you.
The scratch of his beard against the back of your head tells you that he’s looking around, head on a swivel to see if anyone has caught wind of your dirty little secret.
Stomach clenching with exhilaration, you hope he makes another bold move to feel just how much you’re dripping, all clenched up between your thighs to prevent leakage. All because of him.
The stranger looks down and can see a phone in your hand, easily pointing towards your bum. And even less obvious, the camera being on and displaying your lower half and his.
He smirks to himself, brushing off his groan with a cough again.
He does what any man would do and pulls his dick out. 
Almost too easily.
The man pushes closer to you so others can scoot by behind him. There’s no way he’s going to let anyone come between you two right now.
 You hope the next stop isn’t for a long while now.
Fuck, here it goes.
You let your free hand drop down behind you and tug his cock playfully. Jesus Christ, he’s fucking huge! It jumps excitedly in your hand, warm and hard as a rock, fleshy, beating in your grasp. You can feel his sticky precum smearing against your inner thigh. The poor thing just begging for attention. 
You loved attention.
More struggled grunts behind you. Rubbing his nose excessively, clenching his jaw and looking around the compartment. Nothing mattered to you more at this moment, not even being on a crowded train, than getting that girthy slab of meat inside you. Your legs work of their own according, parting ever so slightly. 
He senses it. The man sheaths himself closer upon your invite, your body melting into his muscular physique, broad and overpowering your physical senses. Everything around you screamed him. His smell, his chest rumbling, his belly conforming to the arch in your back. His digits slide in front of your thighs, carving up under your skirt and between your legs to feel the generous slick drooling from your clit.
He stifles a groan at the same time you swallow your whimper. Jesus, his fingers were thick too, rolling over your clit as you tugged on his erect member.
He glances at the phone in your other trembling hand. You feel the strong embrace of his paw hold it steady, and your heart drops knowing he’s aware you’re filming the two of you—but more so that he’s encouraging it. He sees your cute ass cheeks and dripping pussy on display while his cock slides into frame. 
He defiles you so considerably slow, gliding his length along your folds, collecting the slick to lube himself. Fucking your thighs. Teasing your little nub with the hooked slink of his tip each time he pressing forward and then up.
The static sound of the train speaker comes to life as the conductor announces gibberish, conveniently muffling that cry you let out when he slides his pulsing cock into you. He’s got you pinned, knees braced as he pushes in fully. You can’t help but jolt forward, falling against the door with your hand braced out to hold you. 
It’s so full, engulfing every millimeter of space and then some inside you. So unlike the cold silicon dildo’s you’ve been fucking yourself with for your fans every week. You had almost forgot what it was like to have a real man inside, warm and twitching and fucking massively alive, but my god, never one this fucking filling. He stretches your walls like a gum band around an elephant.
You don’t need to see the reflection of your cross-eyed fucked out expression in the window in front of you. He can see it though, pride settling over his bones at what a fucking whore you must be to let a stranger impale you on a crowded train.
Though, given how wet you were, he’s curious if he’s the first.
He starts languidly thrusting, casually glancing around and coughing his grunts to see if anyone is looking. They’re slow, methodic. Blending in with the natural bouncing of the train car. 
Your tits smash against the glass, the buttons of your blouse almost begging to tear. While it seemed no one inside the train with you might be called to your attention, anyone looking from outside towards the train would be able to see you in the compromising position. 
His palm splays out over your tummy, making sure your ass sticks out and happily engulfs his throbbing cock into your tight heat. Thank God the rumbling of the wheels on the track mask the squelching noises and patted slapping of skin against skin. 
He’s leaned so close, the scruff of his beard tickling your temple, but the ripple of the moving city prevents you from being able to see his image clearly. You catch just feint glimmers of brown and grey curls, patches along his beard—combined with his rough and calloused demeanor. You’re certain that he’s much older than you had originally guessed.
Fuck, if that isn’t hot as hell.
You’re barely holding in moans now. He fingernails dig into your skin, warning you. But you want him to hear, to encourage his fucking of your slutty cunt. The desire to feel him in your stomach for days, long after he’s disappeared. You want him to leave a mark, a memento so you remember this wasn’t just a dream.
There's other people on the train standing close enough who catch whim of you and your perverted partner but they quickly pretend to look away, embarrassed, nearly in denial at what’s happening right before them. Most of these people wouldn’t hesitate to watch without shame, cocks and pussies out, rubbing together at the sight of this on their phones at home. But out in this space, it’s a sin to consider, to acknowledge the presence of.
It feels so much better when it’s wrong.
You catch a woman’s eyes, smiling with your tongue out as your faceless fuck-buddy ruts into you with precise yet minimal humps. It fuels your actions more, being caught and still going without shame. 
Your core tightens, and he feels it. He keeps using you like a flesh light, and you happily let him. Your orgasm slams you hard. His hand cups over your mouth as you wail out without care, pussy convulsing around his length and milking him. His fingers invade your mouth and muffle your moans, his tip crashing into your cervix before stilling. Floods of his hot load empty into your pussy, pulsing long thick ribbons before pulling out and jerking the rest of his pearly spend onto your petaled lips and smearing it over your slit. 
You breathe deeply, trying to regain your regular heartbeat without looking as if you were just fucked a mile from heaven. 
The train begins to slow, the next stop approaching so quickly you don’t even register it. It was over so fast. Your skirt falls down, just barely hiding the white stains along your inner thighs as he zips his softening cock back into his trousers.
Your body turns just as he squeezes by you on the other side, and you can’t catch his even a glimpse of his face before he's walking off onto the platform and disappearing into the crowd.
The doors close, and the train lurches forward again, your mind too dazed to realize you’ve missed your stop.
6 Months later
Joel crashes down on the couch, his body aching after a rough day. He fishes out his phone, routinely on time for his nightly and less than satisfying jerk off session with a bottle of beer.
He scrolls aimlessly to his favorite searches, desperate for something new. Its been months since he last got laid, nothing feeling quite as thrilling as that one time…
His eyes widen when he finds an incredibly familiar clip online titled: “Creepy Perverted Old Stranger with Massive Cock Fucks My Pussy Raw on a Crowded Train While I'm Ovulating!" 
He clicks on the video, and instantly recognizes your blouse and frilled skirt, the setting of the train, like it was yesterday. The camera doesn’t reveal any faces, just your little ass and pussy from below and eventually, Joel’s crotch. 
The video’s time stamp notes that this was uploaded 6 months ago, and its got one hell of a following with 23 million views.
There’s a description that starts with "60 year old creep…” and he almost wants to comment that he is actually 56, for your information. 
He watches the video 8 times, unable to even touch his hard cock begging helplessly because he’s too mesmerized by just the sight of your beautiful pussy. Even in your shaky grasp, he can see clearly your pretty folds, his cock invading you and stretching you beyond a reasonable limit. He was denied the image then, but etching it in his brain right now.
He closes his eyes, remembering that feeling of being inside you so vividly: your tight walls swallowing his dick like a champ, suffocating him yet pulling him back in with each draw. He relives it in his mind, has been doing it every few nights. Nothing had ever felt quite as good since you. The thrill of the setting. Your tight sexy body in his grasp, your wet swollen nub twitching on his thumb, and the sight of you—something the camera doesn’t pick up on, something that is only private to him, but he remembers it as though in front of him now. Seeing your expressions so clearly in the window’s reflection, eyes rolled over, tongue lolled out as he rocks your world. It was the last best cum he’d had, and even then it was repressed, slow, and hard to get to when he was being quiet and holding back, it still ranked higher than any high he's had since.
The video continues after he’s pulled out and departed from the train, showcasing the mess he left and your swollen flower now wrecked from his doings. He wishes he had stayed, knelt down and buried his tongue into your folds, lapping the mix of your combined juices and cleaning you up so nobody else could enjoy the sight he’s beholding now on his tiny screen.
He clicks your account and sees the most recent upload was last week. It didn’t seem like you were very active in these few months, but the vigorous commenting and hearts on your recent video has people stirring, and Joel’s curious to know why.
As the video plays, your pretty face and upper body are in frame, smiling to the camera and waving. You look exceedingly radiant, glowing with an effortless aura as you thank all of your fans. He pumps his dick to the sight of your beautiful complexion, soft yet deviously sexy smile crystal clear and staring directly at him. He can’t believe he was inside you, that he dumped his seed in you on the whim a chance and here he is only just now learning your name and true face.
 You speak eagerly as you announce a surprisingly unexpected news as a result of that video. The camera pans down, revealing your heavily rounded tummy.
 Joel stops his movements on his cock, feeling a harsh throb practically jumping towards the screen at the image of your pregnant body. Your hand glides over your beautiful naked belly, thanking the perverted stranger on the train for giving you such a generous gift to remember him by.
A pained gasp boils out of his throat. His pupils dilated. Mouth parted. Heart skipping a long beat.
He didn’t even realize he had already cum, his hot glue dribbling down his knuckles and shirt as the video ends with your winking kiss. 
Permanent Taglist:
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Part 2
@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrs-oharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee
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abbyshands · 4 months
— innocent!abby x you
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part 2
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imagine innocent!abby, good girl, good grades, never kissed anybody, eating you out for the first time. you sound so pretty above her, head back in the pillow as series of moans and whines fall from your lips. she’s never seen a view like it, and, fuck, is it gorgeous. she can feel her own heat in the middle of her legs as she keeps her eyes on yours, lips sucking your clit with a persistent passion. she can’t help the unfamiliar feeling that grows in the middle of her legs, the one that came around when you two were kissing beforehand as foreplay. no one’s ever laid a finger on abby’s pussy, sadly, but that doesn’t stop how eager she is to tend to it. as your laid out, legs spread wide for her and whines of abby’s name leaving your lips, she can’t help but grind into the bed below her, eager to please the sudden hunger she’s experiencing. she barely feels how wet she is until she begins to do it, humping the bed for the touch that you can’t give her. you don’t see a thing until her moans into your own pussy turn into whorish whimpers, and you look down to see what’s causing it. you can’t help but chuckle as you grab abby by the back of the head, forcing her into your cunt more as she rubs her tongue onto you, whining. “needy girl. couldn’t just ask me nicely, now, could you?” you mock abby, and she does what she can to shake her pretty head. you wrap your thighs around her face, forcing her to take all of you, and grind yourself into her lips as she whines into your cunt. abby’s never felt like this before: so wet, so desperate. you know she’s close herself when her face goes red, her whimpers becoming more defined. “mmm, that’s it. you gonna cum for me, baby?” you hum down to her, and she nods. your words seem to be what pushes her over the edge as she grips a hand onto your thighs before you know it, grinding onto the bed until she’s cumming in her pants.
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misserabella · 2 months
c*m hub
ellie williams x fem! reader
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💋making cash and making love!
cw; +18 content, minors dni!!, dom! ellie, sub! reader, use of sex platform, strap on sex (r! receiving), hair pulling, choking, voyeurism, multiple orgasms, begging, praising, teasing, daddy kink, breeding kink, dirty talk, praise, pussy slaps, messy sex, oral sex (r! receiving), mouth fucking w fingers (r! receiving), degradation…
old collab w/ @abbyscherry that got taken down. thanks again for this amazing work love!!❤️
how you can help
“yeah just like that baby, oh fuck. bounce on my cock.” your moans were filling your room, one of ellie’s hands on your ass, guiding you up and down on her strap, fucking you so deep you could feel it on your cervix. “so fucking good for me. taking my cock so good…”
you slammed your hips harder down against her own, making her groan as the back of the strap rubbed against her clit.
“that’s it. ride my dick. atta fucking girl…” you whimpered. the image was so dirty, ellie pointing at your pussy swallowing her strap hole with her phone, your white cream dripping down the length of her cock onto the base on a white ring. ellie could almost taste it on her tongue. taste you. maybe if you were a good girl for her she could clean you all up later. “she’s greedy huh? greediest fuckin’ pussy i’ve ever seen” you moaned, fucking yourself harder onto her, your thighs burning. you couldn’t stop. it felt so good…
“els” you whimpered softly, your weak arms wrapped around her neck, your nimble fingers sliding through her damp hair, tugging just enough to tear a grunt from her lips.
“come on baby speak up, what do you want? you want me to fuck you open for all of them to see?” her deep voice muttered against the skin of your neck, sucking a bruise that you’d proudly wear for everyone to see. her eyes latched onto your beautiful breasts, bouncing with every little jump you took on her cock.
ellie couldn’t help but smirk, her auburn eyebrows curving.
“daddy, huh?” she chuckled, seeing your cheeks turn red. “that’s right baby, i’m your fucking daddy.” her hips thrusted upwards, making you let out the most wonderful moan she has ever heard as the tip of her cock reached your most sensitive spots. “what do y’all think? should daddy give it to her?” she asked to those who were watching her stream, smirking at the donations and money coming through saying that yes, she should totally fuck your brains out.
wordlessly, you’re nodding your head against hers, not even looking at the donations that endlessly flow, and your lips are pressing random kisses to her neck. The sounds of your small ‘yes yes yes’ chants echoing in her ears.
ellie chuckled. “y’all are too good to her. does she deserve it though? do you deserve it babygirl?” she asked, low, sultry. you could cum just by the sound of her voice.
“please daddy, i’ll be good. i’ll be a good girl.” you begged.
“course you will baby, look at you. fucked out and dumb on my cock already”
“want it. want all of it.” your pleading puppy eyes stared into her greenish ones, grinding yourself down with her cock deep inside of you, making your mind and vision dizzy. it felt so good. to feel her like this.
“yeah? you want it?” you nodded, your back arching as one of her hands came up to your chest to cup your right tit, thumb and index pinching your nipple. “then lay on your back for me, baby.” she slightly pushed you until you were falling on your back, whimpering when you felt her cock slide out of your aching and soaked pussy. you needed her back in. needed her deep. as deep as she could reach.
your eyes were wide but hooded, your body shivered as her fingers trailed down your stomach, across your hip bones and between your legs, where she aimed the phone closer, giving them a good view of your pussy. those hazel green eyes focused on the screen, mouth watering at the sight of her fingers so effortlessly peeling apart your folds, groaning out a soft “fuck” as she watches your hole clench around nothing, your slick dripping. “look at her, i told ya, so fuckin’ needy for more” she rasps out.
a scream rips your throat at the slap she gives to your cunt, making your back arch.
“she really needs it, huh?” next thing you felt? her cock gliding through your folds, teasing you, bumping against your clit. it was so fucking big and thick it always hurt to take it, but it hurt so good… you wanted her to break you over and over again after the first time she filled you up with it, begging her to go harder, to use you. and she had. so good.
you cried out. “that’s it baby. let them hear you.”
“please daddy, please…”
she clicked her tongue. “nuh-uh baby. don’t beg me. beg them.” she smirked, pointing the camera at your face. the chat went crazy at your fucked out expression and teary eyes.
you gulped, staring right into the camera. “please. fuck me please.” you whined, moaning when ellie’s hips thrusted against your cunt, the tip of her cock rubbing against your puffy throbbing clit.
“so fucking needy” she grits out, one hand gripping your hip, and the other still holding the phone somewhat still. “i might as well give it to her, don’t y’all think?” she smirked at the positive comments. and you let out a gasp when she slid in in a quick and harsh thrust, all the way to the base.
“fuck!” you screamed. “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” you cried out as she started to slowly fuck you on her cock, her hips moving so swiftly.
“thaaats it. taking it so good. nice and deep baby.” you were a moaning mess. you were so full.
“ ‘s too big! too big!” you whimpered, feeling your walls squeezing the silicone. ellie groaned. she believed she could feel you, sucking her right in.
“too big baby? is my cock too big for your little pussy?” she inquired. “look at you, whining about it yet you’re milking me dry. fuck” the back of the strap was rubbing against her clit. “look so good taking it, honey. such a good girl for daddy.” you moaned. one of her hands took a grip of your leg, pushing it against your chest, her cock now reaching deeper, kissing your cervix. your eyes rolled back. she was in so deep.
“fuck me, daddy. harder.” you begged, and she groaned.
“fucking slut. can’t get enough of my cock, can you?” a harsh thrust had you screaming. “you want it baby? want me to break this pretty little pussy open on my dick?” you nodded. “words.” she spat, and your lips parted.
“yes! yes please, daddy.”
scoffing under her breath, she mutters out something along the lines of ‘just a dirty girl’ or ‘too dumb to think’ you weren’t exactly sure anymore, not with how good her cock felt— how good she felt. “look at you, fuckin’ taking my cock so well, shit” She chokes out, the hand she has on your leg, gripping harder. “made to take my fuckin’ cock”
“can’t! els s’too much, please” you wail, fingernails bluntly digging into her arm, leaving crescent moons in your wake.
“stop being a cry baby and fucking take it.” she grunted, pistoning inside you. the chat was going crazy at the sight of your pussy sucking in her cock, the silicone drenched in your juices. you were screaming at this point. “so fucking loud.” she groaned, stuffing two of her fingers down your throat. “there. you just needed something to keep that pretty little mouth of yours busy with, hm? come on darling, open up.” you followed, open up further for her and relaxing your throat, gagging when she pushed them even deeper. “thaats it. gag on my fingers, doll.” there was spit dribbling down your chin as she abused your mouth and cunt. you felt so full. your eyes welled up with tears, they flickered between her hazel green ones and the camera that was capturing the lewd image of your cunt swallowing her whole. “fuck. wanna fuck a baby into you, doll. wanna fill you up. wanna leave you dripping for a week with my cum.”
your cunt clenched around her cock, humming in agreement around her fingers at her obscene words. ellie simply chuckles at the way you continue to gag on her fingers, unable to say anything other than making gargled sounds of agreement. “course you’d want that, to be round with my kids, huh? feel my cum filling your pussy, hm?”
the thought of it alone had you whimpering around her fingers, tears rolled uncontrollably down your already tear stained cheeks as you nodded your head as quick as lightening. “yeah, i’ll make you a mama— fuck. you’ll make the prettiest mama, all swollen with my kids. maybe i’ll fuck two into you, hm? would you like that baby? give me twins? make me a daddy?”
all you could really do was nod pathetically. “answer me.” she grunted, pulling her fingers out of your mouth, making you whimper. you missed them.
“yes, yes, please yes…”
“such a dirty little slut” you whined, your hips pushing against the harsh thrust that she gave you, seeking more.
“give it to me daddy. please give me your cum.” ellie moaned, fucking you harder. needier.
the wet squelches of your pussy taking her cock were filling the room along with your choked out moans. knowing that thousands of people were actually watching you right now as ellie fucked the conscience out of you had your cheeks glowing a beautiful crimson.
you could feel that well-known devastating warmth spreading on your stomach, feeling pressure on your spine. you started bucking your hips against hers, seeking for her to reach deeper. you looked desperate. like an animal in heat. maybe you were. so desperate to cum you were trembling. shaking under her hold. the pings of donations were deafening. “you hear that baby? hear how much they want you? but you’re mine, aren’t you? fucking mine.” you nodded. “say it.”
“i’m yours. yours daddy, yours.” you slurred, feeling cock drunk. so close to cumming. your cunt was pulsing. she could almost feel it.
“you gonna cum, baby? gonna milk my cock, hm?” you moaned. “yeah that’s right. tight fucking pussy. my pussy. my fucking pussy.”
“wanna make you a daddy” you hiccup. “i’ll make you a daddy” that only makes her fuck you faster, harder, cutting off your moans with every thrust. “ellie, gonna… gonna cum!” you somehow managed to babble in between sobs and whimpers.
“yeah, fucking right.” she moaned, feeling her own high approaching by the way the back of the strap rubbed her swollen and throbbing clit. quickly removing her hand and grip on your leg, she places the same hand lightly around your throat, enjoying the way your eyes widen. “gonna give it to daddy, baby?” she chuckled, fingers twitching against your neck.
you nodded, using your own hand to put more pressure on hers. “more…”
the noise she made was somewhere between a breathless chuckle or grunt, you weren’t really sure but she inhaled sharply through her nose. “you really are fuckin’ dirty aren’t you?” she growled, fingers tightening around your neck just enough to have your lips parting and back arching. the lack of air in your lungs only turned you on even more. “c’mon pretty, give it to daddy like the good girl you are” she didn’t have to ask twice. before you know it moans were spilling from your lips as your walls choked her cock, pulsing and creaming all over the silicone as she fucked you through it, camera focused on the way your cum dribbled out of your hole. “good girl. good fucking girl.” she grunted, feeling her high approaching by just the sight alone. “fuck. gonna cum baby. gonna cum inside this tight little pussy. gonna fuck a baby into you. fuck, fuck, fuck!” she moaned. you begged for it. tears swelling in your eyes.
“inside daddy please, cum inside!” you whimpered, feeling her thrust one, two, three more sloppy times before she was grunting and cumming all over her strap.
“fuuuuuuck.” she groaned, fucking herself through it, using you like a little fuck toy. you moaned when she finally stilled, breathing ragged and hazel eyes glasses over in lust.
the pings of donations wouldn’t stop coming. fuck. she was gonna spoil the shit out of you after this.
and maybe she could start now.
“take the phone.” she ordered, handing you the it. your shaky hands took it, your vision turning white for a moment as she pulled out of you. you whimpered. feeling empty. you hoped she would fuck you again. even stay inside and let you cockwarm her.
you watched through the screen, the camera was focused on her exposed chest, perky little breasts making your mouth water. you wanted to suck on them. then, she slowly got onto her stomach and in between your legs, hazel eyes staring up at you and into the camera. you bit down onto your lip, spreading your legs wider for her, to what she hummed. she looked at your pussy. at your swollen and glistening pussy, and groaned. “so fucking wet…” you moaned when the feeling of warm spit pooled in between your folds. she was slowly dribbling onto your cunt. her hand found your pussy to spread the wetness around and expose your twitching hole just to spit on it. you whined, your hips bucking against her face, what made her chuckle. “eager, aren’t we?” and then her tongue was on you, and you were moaning, the phone tilting upwards as your grip staggered. she sucked on your clit and let go with a pop, her free hand coming up to straighten the camera for you. “keep it still or i’ll stop.” she threatened, and your eyes rolled back. there it was. that sultry voice of her that made you drip.
the hand that wasn’t holding onto the phone threads through her auburn hair, tugging just enough that she hums into your pussy, willingly letting you push her head closer. your breath shaky as you continue to watch her eagerly slurp and suck at your folds through the little cracked screen. “sweetest pussy i’ve ever tasted”
you were looking at the chat, reading the messages that the people posted as ellie slowly yet hungrily ate you out. you were biting on your lip, rocking your hips against her face, making her grunt. she looked at the camera, licking you up from hole to clit, sucking on it and making you moan. you knew she was doing it for you, to rile you up.
“fuck, ellie.” you sighed as she suckled on your clit, slurping up your slick and kissing your folds. “your fingers. your fingers please.” you pleaded. and she moaned, one of her fingers quickly finding your entrance and prodding against it, teasing you. “daddy, please.. i’ve been so good”
“you guys think she has? think she’s been good enough for daddy?” the comments filled the screen, the donations ringing. ellie grinned against your folds. she knew what that meant. “well then…” and suddenly she was pushing her middle finger in, making you gasp.
“fuck!” you cried out, your hips bucking against her face to push her deeper. she continued lapping at your pussy, looking at your expressions. she loved to se you fall apart under her tongue.
“yeah?” she inquired. she knew she was good. “that good, huh?” she teased, curling her finger against your g spot.
your fingers tangled tighter in her hair, nails scratching at her scalp. “so good daddy, always” you knew this only riled her up more, made her needier for you. she was thrusting against the sheets, rutting her puffy clit and soaked pussy against the back of her strap for some friction as she pushed in a second finger. you sighed. “yes, fuck. yes just like that.” she hummed as you cried out, feeling your second orgasm of the night approaching at great speed. “gonna cum again, oh fuck, gonna cum again!” you whimpered, and she went faster, sucked harder on your clit.
“i know, can feel it. pussy’s squeezing around my fingers, fuck” she groans hoarsely. “let daddy have it yeah? c’mon, please” she’s begging. groaning when your legs tighten around her head, keeping her caged in.
it’s happening before you can even ask her to cum, like you normally would. your fingers gripping her hair so tightly that she’s hissing, the movements of her tongue and fingers still fucking into you at a hard pace.
she devours you. eats you up. slurps on your cum and satiates herself. you always taste like fucking heaven.
both your worlds disconnect for a moment. you forget about the stream, and almost about breathing as you ride out your orgasm, thighs shaking at the sides of ellie’s face. and when you both come to your senses, you’re spent. and now thousands of dollars richer.
and maybe and just maybe, once the stream is over, you two fuck for hours on end. this time for yourselves, until you’re both passing out on each other’s arms and with cum in between your thighs.
“love you, els”
“i love you, baby”
a/n; hi babies, i’ve missed you so much! have a couple of works on drafts for you so you’ll be hearing from me soon :))
also ty so so so so much for the 9k followers i’m so happy i don’t deserve y’all😭❤️
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massacredkitty · 14 days
would u write abby x reader who cums way too quicker and gets embarrassed about it but abby just finds it cute nd hot
female reader x abby anderson nsfw under cut <3
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abby knows her way around your body; knows what makes you twitch and cry. and she knows that you don't last very long, at least not since you met her.
it boosts her ego just a little, always fighting the urge to be cocky and tease you about it. abby just thinks it's adorable.
she lays between your legs, resting her head against your inner thigh. her bottom lip is pulled between her teeth, blue eyes locked onto how her thick fingers disappear inside you and come back out soaked
you'd been at it for a good two minutes, if that. but the euphoric feeling brewed and built in your stomach more by the second. you're close already.
you don't know what to do— its way too early. this always happens, you know the drill; you cum and abby embarrasses you until it happens again.
your face flushes in embarrassment, and you go to tell her to stop, threading your fingers through her hair and pulling slightly. and abby knows, feeling you tighten around her fingers as your moans raise an octave. "abby, i'm—"
she hums, pressing a kiss to your clit, curling her fingers inside you. "i know, baby. its okay."
this sucks (fart sound)
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