#the lighting thief movie
magnolia-breeze · 4 months
never a lukabeth(?) shipper because gross and not why annabeth loves luke at all but the LACK of relationship exposition between the two of them in the show is PISSING me off genuinely. luke and annabeth's relationship is CRUCIAL to the conflict Luke has with the gods and his subsequent redemption, as well as the entire driving force for book 3,4, and 5. it was a relationship that percy was jealous of, not simply because he liked her romantically but because it was a side of Annabeth that he never got to see and a type of bond that he never had with her, despite going through so much together.
letting Luke say "oh Annabeth and I are like family" and then never even let them interact with each other makes absolutely NO SENSE. this lack of relationship exposition between the two of them completely takes away Annabeth's emotional investment when facing Hermes and explaining May's curse. its PAINFUL for her to talk about them because it PAINS Luke and she can TELL.
if you're not gonna build up their relationship, why do we waste precious screen time with Hermes and make the Lotus Casino Scene so... meh??? When it could have been fun and whimsy and silly and the kids can take a shower and hear some weirdo say groovy and realize gambling is a trap!!!??
It also robs Annabeth of such character depth in PAINS ME. shes just a girl. shes awkward and have crushes and is emotional and is scared of losing people she loves. shes not just "six step ahead of everyone child soldier prodigy" MY GOD.
and of course i love seeing percabeth on my tv but dear LORD having luke say "youre like an old married couple" is SO OUT OF CHARACTER and to have Annabeth not even respond flustered or embarrassed?????? ITS THE SLOW BURN OF THE CENTURY I DO NOT NEED YOU TO HAMMER IT INTO MY HEAD THAT THEYRE MARRIED AT 12. I FIGURED THAT OUT WHEN HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF TWICE FOR A GIRL HE JUST MET.
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falllpoutboy · 5 months
wow this is some “book accurate” show we’re getting here folks
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k-is-bored · 6 months
hot take, movie Gabe was better. I know this series is for kids, and disney wanted it to be less scary, but Gabe should've been more hateable.
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octobergrover · 5 months
i just really want to know why Luke has a full on gaming set up in his tent(???) in the lighting thief movie. Like, I get it, hermes kids smuggle shit into camp, but how did Luke smuggle in TWO pretty big TVs, like two computer monitors, and a home console into his tent(??) without Chiron or Mr. D noticing. He doesn't even play his video game with headphones on! This movie has me so confused guys
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pe2ky-pe2t · 6 months
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Day 15 of po2tiing iimage2 from my camera roll
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
My late night rambling:
You know technically Percy Jackson and the lighting thief is both Percy and Luke's story. Luke's the lighting thief. He's the hidden character in the narrative. Once you find out it's him, every interaction in the story is different. And every book after that it's stays like that. It's both Percy and Luke's story. They really are soulmates and two sides of the same coin. A perfect tragic Greek myth. Luke ends up the hero and Percy is the one that hands him the knife. It's all so twisted and I love it.
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tiredtxmblrvet · 5 months
watching the percy jackson movie and taking a sip every time there’s an inaccuracy. I’m at 9 in 40 minutes, Can’t wait for the rest of the movie.
Also this dialogue is TRASH I thought it was fine when I was 9 when it came out but this script is AWFUL.
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cpyclopse · 5 months
I made this over a year ago but i was reminded of it the other day + with the excitement with the new show I thought people might appreciate it
- I think im very funny
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retroappaloosa · 2 years
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glimpses of my autumn so far :)
song of the season is certainty by big thief <3
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magnolia-breeze · 4 months
sorry to be a percy jackson movie defender but theres a conversation between poseidon and percy at the end of the movie that i cannot stop thinking about. poseidon said that "the reason why none of the gods are allowed to talk to their kids was because of me". he loved percy and sally so much that it was turning him HUMAN and made him neglect his godly duties and so zeus banned ALL olympians from talking to their kids.
1) poseidon is JUST like percy, a god who is willing to give up the world and immortality for someone he loves. that he LOVES percy and sally, and was trying to be a good dad.
2) that percy's birth is RESPONSIBLE for Luke's hatred for the gods. because the olympians were banned from talking to their kids, hermes never spoke to luke.
3) which is why percy and luke' fates are so intricately tied together.
4) it also explains why despite being pissed off at poseidon and sympathizing with luke, percy stood by the side of the gods in the end, because his father was a god
5) that the gods, despite their immortality and omnipotence, are bound to humanity
chris columbus had an aged-up script and a dream and he delivered. no notes.
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fawnindawn · 2 months
the line between thieves and healers (Luke Castellan x apollo fem! reader)
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Summary: Luke Castellan returns from his quest as a ghost of his old self with a bleeding scar to prove it. With his golden boy exterior all but shattered, no one in camp has tried to approach him since his return. This changes when you stumble upon the son of Hermes when he decides to go back to his old roots, stealing from your infirmary at midnight.
pairing: luke castellan x apollo fem! reader
Content: forced proximity, tending to wounds, luke develops a little crush, set after Luke's failed quest in the Garden of Hesperides, mentions of injuries and scars, Luke tries and fails at being mean, hurt-comfort, fluff
masterlist for this series (everything in between) every part in this series can be read as a stand alone!
"Come on." One of the campers prodded despite your obvious discomfort. "I'm sure you've squeezed something out of Castellan by now. He's been silent about what happened during his quest for days."
"I told you, I know nothing, and even if I did- patient confidentiality exists." You repeated for the ninth time in a week. Ever since people found out Luke had come personally to you to tend to his wounds, they had lost all decency over the hope of digging for some good gossip. If you were asked one more time, you were sure you would tell them to stick their noses right back up their asses and leave.
Even after his return, Luke Castellan remained a constant in word of mouth around camp over his sudden change in persona. His usual grin and charm was replaced with a dark gloom unfitting for the son of Hermes, who used to light up any room he entered. The scar that permanently rests on his face didn't make it easier for him to avoid watching eyes either. After refusing to play in Capture the Flag for the first time in history, whatever patience the camp was trying to uphold dissipated into chaos.
Sure, you could see why it was a big deal. If you're a person with a sane enough mind (of course, not guaranteed in the premises of Camp Half-Blood), you’d understand why the fellow camp counsellor of the Hermes Cabin was popular. With his constant presence around camp as the cool, attractive camp counsellor helping other campers with that small quirk up his lips, or through word of mouth of how talented and kind he was, it wasn't a huge surprise that he attracted as much attention as he did.
Once the ninth camper in a row finally gave up and left with a huff, your eyes lingered over the bed where you first tended to Luke.
It was the dead of night when you were woken by the sound of creaking wooden floorboards and the cold chill of the wind that had snuck into the infirmary. Somehow, you had overslept again on your shift and no one had bothered to wake you up or even check for your missing presence.
Groaning at the awkward shift of your bones from your horrible sleeping posture on the desk, you were halfway through your stretch to crack your stiff neck when you heard the sound of footsteps. Freezing in place, you paused to listen in once more only to heard the soft thud once again. Peering to the left side of the infirmary, your heart stopped.
"Hey, listen." You spoke with that awkward crack in your voice whenever you go too long without speaking, causing the large shadow to flinch, pausing in its pursuit through your medicine cabinet. "I may not seem like it, but I am the best in combat in my cabin so whoever you are, step away from the cabinet and put your hands up."
Gee, that's convincing, you sound like an unnamed extra from the first few minutes of a horror movie before they end up six feet under. Cursing yourself internally, you watched the shadow raise to full height from its bent position. Gulping at the height that seemed to be at least six feet, you wonder if you should have just left this cabinet thief be and go to sleep for the night.
Why would anyone even want to ransack an infirmary at midnight?
You quickly grabbed for your oil lamp situated beside you, still flickering with the smallest of flames and you stood from your chair, causing it to creak back and scratch at the wooden floors as you made your way around the table to approach the thief.
The light was dim, but you spotted the familiar outline of a broad back and curls before he even fully turned.
"Castellan?" You gasped in half-asleep shock, disbelief obvious in your tone as you moved the oil lamp nearer to prove your eyesight wasn't playing tricks on you.
He didn't respond verbally to the call of his name, but when he turned around, his eyes narrowed on you as if you were the intruder. You barely had the chance to form words, questions- before you spotted the dripping crimson liquid near his eye.
"Oh gods." You muttered, grabbing at his arm and tugging him towards the nearest bed. "Why didn't you wake me up? It's not like you could wrap this up yourself."
With some struggle, he finally gave in, plopping down the edge of the bed and watched you scour through the medicine cabinet for bandages and other supplies, muted and stiff.
"I seriously don't understand why you didn't wake me up. Would you rather bleed to death or get an infection?" You scolded, your inner concern bleeding through your usual sense of politeness for injured visitors.
"Maybe." You thought you heard him mumble, but when you turned to look at him, he was facing the window right beside the bed and staring out into the shadows of the forest, the glow of the moonlight illuminating his features like a haunted painting, blood dripping down his cheekbones like fallen tears. You waited longer for an elaboration but there was none. You assumed you heard wrong, or at least you hoped you did.
You got off your knees, splaying out the supplies on the surface of the bed beside him, and pulled up a stool for you to sit at. He was still facing away from you, and your irritation combined with your lack of sleep made you more reckless than you'd usually be with an injured patient.
You gripped at his chin, forcing him to look at you, watching with satisfaction as his eyes widened at the sudden force. He looked more alive when he was caught off guard, his face devoid of the usual disinterest and distance it had ever since he arrived back from his quest.
"How do you expect me to treat you if you keep looking away from me, Castellan?" You challenged, gazing back into his eyes with fire you hoped was fierce enough to break down the coldness in his gaze.
After seconds of nothing but two stubbornheads trying to win a useless battle of eye contact, he sighed. "..Fine."
You were more gentle after that, letting go of his chin and reaching for the cloth. Your hands remained delicate on his skin that seemed to have pulled at the edge of the scar, where it was now bleeding again through its previous stitches. You mumbled a warning before dapping a wet handkerchief on top of the wound to soak in the blood, and he unintentionally grabbed at your thigh as he tried not to hiss out in pain.
You froze at the sudden tight grip, moving the cloth away from his skin and he was quick to retract his hand, positioning it awkwardly on top of the bedsheets instead.
"It's okay if you grab me." You reassured. "It'd be easier for me to gauge if you need me to stop when it gets too painful. You could give me a squeeze if you need a breather?"
You waited, watching his thoughts flicker through his narrowed eyes before slowly, his hand went to rest around your thigh again.
Ignoring the warmth of his palm on your skin, you cleared your throat. "Ready?"
He nodded stiffly, and you went back to work. After the cut had stopped bleeding, you were quick to grab the gauze and bandages. Tenderly, you placed the gauze above his wound, then wrapped the bandages around his face, from the top of his head to below his chin. This was the closest you had ever been to him, and you could feel and hear both his and your breathing in the quiet silence of the infirmary, with no living signs of life aside from the two of you on the infirmary bed and the dim orange hue of the oil lamp.
You could feel his intense gaze on you from his one good eye, while you concentrated on tying a secure knot so it wouldn't fall loose. The moment felt oddly intimate, knowing how sensitive his temper had been ever since he arrived back at camp, scarred in ways not even ambrosia could heal fully.
His hand resting around your thigh felt hot, and you tried to ignore how your mind subconsciously kept track of every time his thumb would brush over the material of your pants.
"Next time.." You hinted, hopefully not crossing his boundaries. "If this happens again, you come straight here, got it? I don't care if I'm sleeping or attending someone else. You are not allowed to take care of a wound like this yourself, especially since I remember how reckless you can be."
Luke Castellan may be an excellent swordsman, but his cockiness was one weakness that he failed to keep controlled, and on days where it won over, he would always end up at the infirmary with a bashful smile as he tried to explain to you on how he ended up with a dislocated shoulder. That felt like eons ago, when that cheeky smile would always be present on his face, his signature move in getting away with any chaos he caused.
Staring at him now, you caught sight of that smile for such a split second you could've sworn you mistook it.
You couldn't stop the teasing smile that slipped past your stern attitude. "Was that a smile I saw, Castellan?"
He cleared his throat, his face falling back into practiced nonchalance, wearing a frown too forced to be real. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I may be sleep-deprived because a certain someone decided midnight was the best time to ransack an infirmary, but I'm not blind. For making me work overtime, I at least deserve to know what you found so amusing."
He made a face, and you were sure if his face wasn't tightly bandaged, he would roll his eyes in exasperation. "I wasn't amused. Just don't remember you being this.. unhospitable with someone that's injured. And I am not reckless."
You scoffed, causing him to look over at you. "I'd say trying to steal from an infirmary is pretty reckless. I thought Hermes kids were supposed to be good in stealing?"
You realised all too late that you may have touched on a sensitive topic, with the mention of his father, but he didn't seem to notice over the frank insult of being called a bad thief.
"I am excellent in stealing." He bit back so quickly, you choked on a snort. Hermes kids and their egos. "I was just going easy on you because you were knocked out at your desk. Oh, and you snore, you know that?"
"I do not."
"Do too."
"You're a liar and a thief. Don't get why your reputation is as marvelled upon as it is, Castellan. You don't live up to the hype at all."
"Oh, and what about you, Miss Sunshine?" He retorted. "Aren't you suppose to be the famous sweetheart who sings all injuries away with a smile on your face?"
"Don't call me that ever again." You must have looked extremely repulsed because he let out a laugh so genuine, it wiped any disgust off your face at the sound of pure heaven flooding into your ears. God, you forgot he could laugh like that.
"Yeah, I suppose it doesn't suit you, does it?" He murmured. "Maybe Apollo kids are only nice when others are around to see it."
"You've only come back meaner, Castellan." You scoffed. "I almost regret helping you. Would much rather see you stumble over trying to deal with this yourself if I knew you'd be so ungrateful."
"Sounds righteous of you." He nodded with a sarcastic hum. "Leaving me to bleed out to death while you watch. I understand why the camp has such high stakes when it comes to survival now. Never knew there was a sadist hiding in you, sunshine."
"I told you not to call me that." You reminded. "And I'm doing the best I can to keep everyone here alive so don't come to my infirmary talking about stakes when I've just saved your ass from blood loss."
Your response triggered something in him and he grew silent, his gaze locked on you as if analyzing you. That was when you're really reminded of how awful you must've looked. With your bed hair, sunken-in dark circles and sunken shoulders from the lack of sleep, you did not exactly feel the most confident. You didn't know what happened to make the casual atmosphere disappear as fast as it did, but you were anxious that somehow, you had shut him up again and you'd never get the chance to see him that way again, with his playful banter and light-heartedness of a teenage boy that he should have.
"You shouldn't have to." He muttered, almost to himself rather than to you. A seriousness unlike the previous few quips he'd thrown at you took ahold of him, and you had a feeling this was a slither of who he had really become through his rapid transformation, hidden under the jokes and sarcasm.
"You shouldn't have to." He repeated a little louder, trying to get you to see his point. A point he'd been trying to tell Chiron, his friends even- ever since he came back here, only to be meet with pitying looks like he was a madman who spoke nonsense to try and make sense of his failure. "Lives should not be your responsibility. You're younger than me, and yet, you're dealing with kids that are near death's door every time they make it past that barrier. I barely made it back here. Some don't even.."
Luke tried to breathe, remembering how he got to camp in the first place. The unnecessary sacrifice that had to be made, the tree that now rests at the barrier of camp, the sound of thunder and pouring rain beating at his face.
"Now, I'm stuck with this disgusting scar on my face for the rest of my life, a stupid reminder every single time I look at myself, that I failed my only chance at proving I was something more than just wasted potential. Now I've gone and screwed it up for everyone because I couldn't do some easy quest someone else already accomplished-" He winced suddenly, grabbing onto the bandaged part of his face that seemed to grow more irritated and inflamed as he spoke.
You were quick to reach for his hand, knowing his aggression may harm the wound more. "It is not disgusting." You answered for him, and slowly, your hand rested over his, removing it from his face so he wouldn't accidentally cause the wound to start bleeding again. "You are not a failure, Luke."
"Don't take pity on me by saying words you don't mean." He muttered. "Everyone expected me to succeed, I could feel it in their gaze when they looked at me. I was supposed to be the best, and just because everyone told me that, I believed it. Now, I'm nothing but a disappointment to everyone."
He didn't know why he was saying all this to you. Maybe because you were the only person to treat him normally in the past two weeks, to really listen instead of trying to get him to move on, and maybe because his heart felt like it was growing too heavy to carry on his own. The insecurity and vulnerability made him feel sick, and he found himself trying to tear his hands away from you out of the need to run, which only made him feel more disgusted with himself. Like a coward, his mind taunted.
You remained stubborn, holding onto his cold palms because you know he has had no warmth, no real genuine words spoken to him since he returned. No one to see him when it was clear he was suffering, that he needed all the time in the world and more to heal, and that he deserved more than self-loathing and an absent father who sentenced him to this fate.
"I am not pitying you." You insisted, and you leaned closer so he couldn't look away from you. "Your scar does not make you ugly or less valuable to anyone. It is not pity, it is a fact. You are a person who has survived a fate so close to death, and any feat to survive death is strength. You are strong, and you made it back here alive with a scar to prove it. It is not a sign of weakness."
"Anyone who tells you different has no right or say in your situation because they did not go through what you did." You said with a stern voice, your anger not towards him, but for him. "Not your father, not anyone."
Luke finally looked at you, like looked. His eyes were scanning all over your face as if not quite believing you were real, but the fire in your eyes was so magnetic, he couldn't look away. The pinch between your brows, the addictive warmth of your hands in his, and the close distance between the two of you, and yet, it didn't make his skin itch with the need to pull away. To hide in his corner and wallow over the heavy weight of knowing his world had ended in the Garden of the Hesperides. Or had it?
Your eyes looked right through him, and for once, he felt like there was someone there for him.
"I suppose I can see where your reputation comes from now, sunshine." He responded weakly, and his heart gave a thump when you smiled back at him.
"Healing's what I understand best." You shrugged casually, as if you didn't just silence his thoughts for a moment of peace, or that you have somehow dulled the internal blades that bled with self-hatred and world-consuming anger pointed at himself, and at the injustice of the gods who could not give a damn about their children. “If I can help you even a little, why shouldn’t I?”
He could feel time ticking again in the back of his mind, the night slowly passing into a new one, and he thinks as he holds your gaze, that maybe this world wouldn't be so painful to live in if he had someone to look at him the way you did.
"I don't know how I'm going to go back to normal. Or if I'll ever be normal again." He admitted, softer in his voice now that his mind didn't deem you as a threat.
"Normal can be lots of things." You said with a comforting smile. "It's normal to have a breakdown when you've nearly faced death. Multiple even. It's normal to feel fine one moment then not in the next. Healing isn't linear, and when you come to terms that you have a right to feel upset and a right to exist without being held to any expectations of others or what you think others want from you, it'll feel easier to just allow yourself to exist throughout the day. Not the perfect camp counsellor or a hero with no faults. Just as yourself."
He let your words sink in, his thumbs subconsciously rubbing over your knuckles, feeling the healed scars of your own from what he assumed must be from previous combat training. "I'm not that great as myself. You might find me disappointing."
You quirked your lips at that, and shook your head. "I don't believe in that one bit. You're already great just as you are now."
He raised a brow. "Even after trying to steal from your infirmary and having a mental breakdown past curfew?"
"Well, just be glad I was around because I'm much more understanding than Will would be with four hours of sleep."
"I am glad." He insisted. "That it's you."
"I'm glad it was me too." You reassured. "It is midnight though and there's Capture the Flag tomorrow, meaning someone's going to end up whining and moping in here in about eight hours so why don't you let me close shop and come by tomorrow, Castellan?"
"Luke." He corrected, giving you a smile you're sure must be the one the other campers rave about all the time. The charming one that made your heart stutter, even with half his face bandaged and eyebags resting below his caramel eyes.
"Luke." You tested it on your tongue tentatively, and it only seemed to spark an electricity between the two of you that you were sure he must've felt too. In the dark corner of the infirmary, with nothing but crickets and your hushed voice, you spoke again with a heavy heart when you needed to tell him to leave. "I have to close this place up or someone else might try and steal from the medicine cabinet, not that I thought it was possible before but.."
"Fine." He complied, getting off the bed and rising to his full height, towering over you and blocking the moonlight from your view. "I'll wait outside and walk you back to your cabin. It's the least I could do."
You tried not to seem too elated over the idea that you could spend a little more time with Luke, though you're sure your glowing smile must've shown. "Sure you're not just trying to improve your image around me, thief?"
He smirked, following you out to the front door while you wrestled for the keys in your pocket to lock up for the night. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"What are you smiling about?"
You looked up from your daze to see Luke leaning over the door frame, watching you with a smirk over his face.
"Can't a girl smile just for the sake of it?" You bit back, cheeks flushing at the idea that he could've possibly seen your focus lingering a little too long on the bed he had sat on. "Why'd you drop out of Capture the Flag? You know your cabin's going to lose their streak to Ares at this point."
"Wanted to see someone." He replied with a shrug, pushing off the door frame to walk towards where you sat, leaning over your desk and watching you compile the latest stock of ambrosia into a box. "Plus, Athena and Hermes are joining for today so Annabeth's got it handled."
He shuffled his fingers along the edge of the table, outlining the curve before clearing his throat. "I heard you covering up for me just now, and I wanted to say thank you."
You looked up at him then, and his eyes seemed to convey that he was thanking you for more than just that. He looked like he wanted to say more, but didn’t know how to.
"Eavesdropping on me now?” You teased. “Careful or you might end up becoming obsessed with a poor, overworked healer."
He scoffed exaggeratedly. "You wish. Just take the thank you. Should've known not to show my gratitude to an Apollo kid."
You stuck your tongue out at him before going on about how mind-blowing it can be that some kids really did not have emotional intelligence when it came to basic decency. Listening to you ramble on as you went on to arrange your first aid kits, Luke realised for all the disappointment he has experienced in his life, maybe there was one good thing his father led him to.
a/n: Couldn't resist writing how this duo met because I live and die for banter. inspired by 'my reputation's never been worse so you must like me for me' trope which is what i live and breathe for. His reputation as the perfect golden boy is in shambles, and sunshine couldn't care less.
taglist: @stars4birdie @elysiandumbash @kehlanislefttoe @mqg125 @madzlovez @0revna0 @auroraofthesun1 @idli-dosa @buubsii @kaylasficrecs @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @itsdragonius @moonlightfoxs-cantina
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artist-issues · 6 months
Disney doesn't need to change "the formula." That's the last thing that Wish proves.
What Wish proves is that "the formula" only works when you know why the ingredients are in it, and you use them the correct way.
The Princess Character is meant to wish for only half of the movie's message, and go through an adventure that teaches her what the other half is; what her dream was missing. Ariel dreamed of understanding but she was missing love. Tiana dreamed of achieving her goals but she was missing faith. Jasmine dreamed of freedom but she was missing trust. Belle dreamed of adventure but she was missing being understood.
The Villain is meant to highlight the opposite of the movie's message. Jafar gets what he wants through trickery and manipulation; that's the opposite of Aladdin's "truth will set you free" message, and he gets imprisoned in a lamp. Scar thinks being a King is having his way all the time and can't learn from his past of living in Mufasa's shadow; that's the opposite of The Lion King's "Let the past remind you of your responsibility to selflessness." Gaston loves only himself and is always obsessed with appearances; that's the opposite of Beauty & the Beast's "true love is found within a heart of self-sacrifice." That's what makes them such good villains. (and that clear direction is what drives good villain songs, since Magnifico's is what everyone is talking about)
The sidekick is supposed to compare/contrast with the main character's qualities. Abu is a greedy thief, which is what everyone in Agrabah thinks Aladdin is; when he scolds Abu and teaches him selflessness, it shows us who Aladdin actually is. Flounder is easily frightened and looks at the glass half-full; when Ariel coaxes him and leads by example, we see her bravery and positivity reflected in Flounder's tiny character arc. Timon & Pumbaa do whatever they want all day just like young Simba always dreamed of; when Simba goes to live with them, he finds that "getting his way all the time" makes him forget who he really is and feel empty.
The setting is supposed to show off the characters and highlight the movie's message. Rapunzel's tower is designed to be pretty on the inside because of her influence; if it were too dark and prison-shaped, we'd wonder why she didn't work up the courage to leave sooner. Just like how Quasimodo has made his corner of the bell-tower beautiful, too; they're taught the world is cruel and they're not strong enough for it, but they make their own worlds beautiful enough to hint that that's wrong right from the start. Ariel's grotto is shaped like a tower with no roof so that she only has one window to the forbidden Surface, and it's the light that comes from that forbidden world into her dark grotto which literally makes her able to see human things differently. Tiana's apartment has no interesting features except her father's picture, a perfectly made bed, a drawer with no extra outfits but stuffed with tip money, and only two dresses; both of which are for work.
None of that is happening in Wish, because they didn't know why the formula ingredients are there. Disney needs to understand and return to the formula the right way; forgetting it was what got them here.
Asha learns nothing to add to her dream, unless you count "the power to grant wishes is in me." Which you shouldn't, because we didn't even know she was confused about that until the animals sang a song that was completely off-topic and she had the chance to jump in and sing "I'm a Star!"
Magnifico does not demonstrate the opposite of Wish's message effectively because his character has nothing to do with a philosophy against making wishes, and everything to do with power. (He is the strongest character in the film. But because the message and core concept of what wishes are are so bad, that's not saying much.)
Valentino, and Asha's friends, do not highlight anything about her character through compare/contrast. Valentino is brave and all over the place. Her friends are seven-dwarfs parodies. Happy, Doc, Sneezy, Dopey, Bashful, Sleepy, Grumpy. None of that contrasts with Asha's vague characterization of "cares too much." None of it compares to that characterization, either.
The setting is empty. There are no interesting details that teach you something about any of the characters. None in Asha's home, none in the neat-and-tidy one-dimensional forest, none in the Rosas square, and none in the bland, empty castle. Magnifico's study is the closest anything gets; there's a loose concept that all of Asha's friends have to work together to open the roof, and take a leap of faith to weigh the pulley system down. Unfortunately, none of these characters is shown struggling to work together, OR to take leaps of faith, at all, before this point.
The ingredients of the formula are in Wish. They're just not being used correctly. This is how not to use the formula; it's not the formulas fault. If it ain't broke. They should never have let people convince them to try and fix it.
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forbidden-sunlight · 11 days
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yandere!merman with fem! mob game character!reader imagine
warnings: implied violence, manipulation, delusional and obsessive behavior, fem!reader.
You are responsible for your Internet consumption!
A piece inspired by one featuring yandere!capture targets and a villainess!reader in an otome game setting that was created by fellow yandere writer @intynidad. I will leave the link to the aforementioned work here.
Special thanks to @yandere-writer-momo for helping with the final edits for this piece and @f4turemom for feedback on earlier drafts. Enjoy! :)
On the surface, The Miracle of Love doesn’t seem any different from the other otome games that have hit the shelves. As the main protagonist, you enroll in a magical academy but face discrimination because of your commoner status and possession of extremely rare light magic. Only the aristocrats have them. Why do you? Well, it’s never explained and honestly, nobody really cares, since mastering your magic isn’t the primary goal of completing the game. No, you are to select from four unique capture targets. 
They all have different character stories, distinct personalities, and from separate parts in the social hierarchy. The only variables they have in common is that they are on the student council and each of their routes has a designated villainess. Depending on the capture target you’ve selected, you can get any of the following scenarios: bad, true, or friendship ending. And those endings will determine how the chosen capture targets eliminate the villainess. 
Yes, you are reading this correctly. In this game world, you are not a sweet, kind-hearted young lady who hopes for unity and a pleasant experience at the academy, despite your own challenges. 
You came to this school to learn how to control your powers so that you can elevate your reputation and status in high society. You weren’t content being an illegitimate daughter who spent her days toiling away in a dirty, hot kitchen in a barony that is barely holding itself together. You wanted more, to better your fortunes and have a life that you deserved. Armed with magic, a quick wit, and a haircomb bequeathed to you by your late mother, you enroll into the academy to rise to the top. You would not stop until you’ve achieved everything that your greedy heart desires. 
Who knew deviating from the classic, overused formula of otome game protagonists would be such a big hit with the targeted female audience? Your co-worker had cleared it during her staycation and pestered you to give The Miracle of Love a chance. When you kept refusing, she resorted to sneaking it inside your bag when you left your desk to use the restroom. 
Now, imagine getting the bad ending for the ice-cold heir to the dukedom, resulting in your losing consciousness and awakening inside the game world itself. Not as the protagonist a villainess, but a mob character who was just born to a loving couple. No sudden changes in an existing person so that you use your modern-day knowledge to improve the country. 
Sorry isekai fans, but you weren’t a thief.
The Vellane duchy, your home, controls the busiest harbor in the Gennevilliers Kingdom. Technology from your old life wouldn’t do any good here, and you only knew how they worked, not assembling them together. The rifles that the naval officers carried were enough to scare anyone in these parts, especially if there is a mermaid or merman aboard the ship to be sold for a high price at the black markets. 
They were ethereal, agile creatures of the deep, possessing the head and upper body of a human and the tail of a fish. Honestly, they looked like how movies or fairytales of your old world depicted them. Their singing could enchant sailors, leading to their ships crashing on the sharp rocks and disappearing forever. 
According to legend, your great-grandfather worked tirelessly to enforce poaching and smuggling laws in this harbor. At the time, it was a haven for pirates seeking sanctuary and a hub for drugs and priceless treasures. His predecessor had let it rot for receiving bribes to pay off his debts to a casino. The commodity that the pirates valued above gold was a mermaid in pristine condition. The pirates could extract the scales, fins, intestines, and tears from the mermaid or merman if they found the right people. All of which could make someone very rich in a single night, or make a delicious soup that once someone tasted it, they could not get enough of it. People rarely kept the poor creatures as pets, and if they did, it was only until their owners tired of them and started chasing after the next shiny thing. 
It took your great-grandfather a long time, but with the help of his supporters and his new wife’s naval military, he was able to restore law and order in the harbor at twenty-nine. He made an alliance with the merfolk after befriending one of them, who had led them as their emperor. Presently, your family are the only humans that the merfolk would ever trust with their lives. Which brought out your current dilemma: The Miracle of Love’s DLC expansion. 
Even after finishing the game, the developers shared teasers on social media for new heart-stopping routes that would be available to the public. Of course, if anyone wanted to get early access, they would need to pay a premium membership fee upfront. Your co-worker dedicated a considerable amount of her paycheck to gaining early access. However, she couldn’t stop complaining about the glitches and her inability to get the new dark romance novel she desired, which resulted in her being placed on a waitlist. To be fair, you showed her how to use Google Spreadsheets to create a weekly budget for her expenses but she drowned your advice out with uh-huh, yeah whatever, I know how to do it, I just don’t want to ‘cause it would be, like, I’m back at the office during stuff for a client. 
Her unwillingness to share information on the DLC expansion, coupled with her sly smirk, would have been enough to make you want to throw her out the window if she wasn’t already an insufferable little shit. She only provided you with minimal information on the DLC expansion, wearing a sly smirk. The expansion featured three capture targets, one hidden character, and a mysterious seashell that could enhance the game’s lore or serve as a magic amplifier depending on your choices. 
The targets included the following individuals: a swashbuckling pirate who is the captain of a vessel that harbored dangerous magical artifacts, an uptight naval officer who recently had his engagement annulled by a frivolous fiancee who comes back to him for a second chance when the protagonist selects his route, and the heir to the Vellany duchy, your older brother. You were completely and utterly fucked because no matter what route the protagonist would select in this DLC expansion, it would affect you and your family negatively. The alliance with the merfolk might shatter, resulting in history repeating itself all over again. But you know the protagonist wouldn’t give a damn because it was none of her concern unless the consequences would impede on her endgame goals, whatever they could be. 
Shit. Would you even have enough time to put together countermeasures to minimize the damage when the protagonist is supposed to be there in a matter of weeks for summer vacation?! And who was the capture target that she’d been able to snag, as a lover or as a friend?! Damnitdamnitdamnit!
While you stressed over this predicament outside on your bedroom balcony, he watched you from below with his turquoise eyes. He felt the chill of the inky waters around him caressing his bare skin and swished an emerald-green scaled appendage from left to right, barely visible beneath the waning moonlight. A curtain of wet, dark pink tresses floated behind him. 
You were as beautiful as the day he had separated from you. 
It was a chance encounter that your paths had crossed, preordained by the stars above. If you had not chased after his captors, armed with nothing but a crossbow and weak water magic, he would have never seen his family ever again. 
He had waited patiently for three long summers until he was certain that you were of marriageable age, throwing himself into his academics and physical training at the royal academy founded by his ancestors. 
He was ready. He only had to place the seashell he had so carefully selected as his courting gift to you in a place where you would find it. Once he saw it was in those small, tender hands, you would be his bride forevermore.
No one will stand in the way of your union, even if another human woman claimed to be his true destiny and you were a fraud.
Taglist: @yandere-dark-cupid @ghostdoodlen @ixchelhernandez4 @yourdoorisunlocked @obsessedwithromance @dreamlessnight @persephone-kore-law @pinkgoldweebgirl @slowlyswimmingmoon @suiana @aiimee9 @beardedblizzardexpert @hotnbloodied @valeriinee @somerandomdere @lu-zo-san @ozzgin @sourlove @the-cat-queen-peasants @swallowtail-lotus @solandis-does-stuff @itadorismommy @tired-of-life-86 @nunezs-stuff
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
watched "the lightning thief" movie for the first time in forever tonight and i think i've finally figured out the main reason the movie rubs me the wrong way.
they completely misunderstood percy and annabeth's relationship.
the movie shows them as an enemies to lovers, with a romantic tension and shoving them towards a romantic plot within literally five seconds of them meeting.
part of it's probably because they picked older actors, but it's just completely wrong.
the wonderful thing about percy and annabeth is their friendship. the friendship that's built from the very start of their meeting, where they dislike each other for all of three seconds before becoming best friends.
a friendship that we don't see any real romance blossoming from until percy's thoughts about annabeth in "sea of monsters" at cc's island, and a friendship we really don't see any real progress in until their kiss in "battle of the labyrinth" at the volcano. (you could definitely argue everything about percy's thoughts in "titan's curse", which is what i view as percy's real turning point towards seeing annabeth in a romantic light)
percabeth doesn't work if they're just automatically pushed into a romantic plot together. it's their friendship that makes us root for them, the way that we know how much they care about each other, but also know that they wouldn't feel so strongly about each other if they didn't start off as such strong friends
anyone who paints percabeth as enemies to lovers and not childhood best friends to lovers i'm sorry but it's just not them
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 5 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
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Pairing | Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Word Count | 1,542
Warnings | +18, smut dubcon(?), somnophilia, pussy worship, pussy eating, tongue fucking, fingering, male masturbation, Jungkook is desperately horny, cumming on her, body worship, breast/nipples worship, explicit language and descriptions, kidnapping, Jungkook is absolutely obsessed, this is not for minors.
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This does not reflect my way of thinking or living at all, it is just a work of fiction, it is like watching a horror movie, many of us love horror movies, but we would never dream of what we see in those movies happening in reality as well.
Simply put, this story was written for entertainment purposes, it should not be seen as a reflection of my values, opinions or morals. I absolutely do not condone such acts.
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⤷ Summary | If she had paid attention earlier to the sin that dwelt behind those obsidian irises, she would never have trusted it.
If she had noticed earlier the devouring love that dwelled in his corrupt heart, she probably would have fled.
She had done none of that, and now she had to come to terms with her new reality.
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➢ Author's Note | Third chapter of Happy Ending arrived, enjoy your reading, my dears 🥰❤
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Chapter List - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII / The End
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That same night, a shadow wandered around the young woman's apartment. It had not been difficult to get there, as he had already thought, those windows were too old and easy to force, he could not allow Y/N to live in such a place. If a novice like him had managed to open the window facing the kitchen so quickly, then an experienced thief would have been able to do even better. He looked around, scrutinizing every nook and cranny, being very careful not to make any noise, noticed a pizza box on the table, with Coke cans scattered around, was very careful not to step on a single one - mentally cursing at the girl's mess - and headed for what he guessed was her room.
He opened the door slightly, which squeaked faintly because of rust, but that was not enough to wake the girl who lived in the apartment. Y/N must have been a very heavy sleeper, the boy thought. Jungkook was there for one simple reason, to take Y/N away and make her live a better life with him. Normally an art professor would not have made that much money, but professor was not his only job, he thought with a grin. The school's principal, Kim Seokjin, had his hands in everything, and someone like Jungkook was right for him. He then looked around, studying the environment to get an idea about his beloved's tastes, finding a variety of references to anime and manga, as well as books and flowers. Nothing that hinted at a passion for fashion, but of that Jungkook did not worry, he would see to it that she was dressed cute and perfect, just for the pleasure of his eyes.
Reaching just to one side of the single bed, he stared at Y/N sleeping blissfully with only part of the blanket to give her warmth, the tender lower lip protruded invitingly and Jungkook felt the urge to squeeze it between his teeth, tasting its softness. He shivered slightly when he took a flap of the blanket, pulling it aside. He slowly uncovered Y/N's body, revealing something that made the man's brain go haywire. Y/N slept in only a tank top and panties even in winter. It was a comfortable habit for the girl, but for Jungkook it was like a wedding invitation, literally. His eyes did not break away from the bare skin in the slightest while enough light filtered through the window to make that vision heavenly for him.
He slowly knelt down, a hand flew within inches of her calves, he did not know whether to touch her that way or not, she was not conscious, it would not be right, would it? The boy found himself gritting his teeth, it would only be a caress, a gentle caress. He gently laid his fingers on one calf, held his breath at the smooth sensation of her skin against his fingertips and continued with the slow ascent, felt his lips dry up when, having reached her knee, Y/N decided of her own volition to spread her leg wide, leaving a wide view of her intimacy covered by the blue panties, at which point Jungkook's blood concentrated in one spot. He took that sign as a Y/N response to continue. He climbed onto the bed gently, positioning himself right on top of the young woman, his hand opening on her inner thigh, the softest and most tender part of her leg, felt that buttery texture under his fingers and did the same with the other, thus bringing both legs apart for him, he sent down watering at that scene so erotic that it nearly drove him mad.
He felt powerful as never before in his life, he could do anything he wanted to her and she would continue to sleep blissfully. The young girl's tightly closed eyelids cast lash shadows across her cheeks, she was so serene in sleep that Jungkook found her enchanting, so much so that he leaned over her, stealing a sweet kiss on her cheek, in love with that pure little fairy of his. His. He watched for a possible reaction, but she continued to sleep. Not content, he descended lower, to the tender breasts enclosed in that wide camisole, lifted the pale fabric finding himself face to face with what, he knew, would become his favorite damnation, studied with hungry eyes the perfect color of those still soft and relaxed little buttons, barely touching with a finger the velvety, graceful circle of an areola. He trapped the tender nipple with his lips, sucking it tenderly inside his warm, moist mouth, felt it plump under the strokes of his tongue and found himself nibbling on it without too much pressure, sending small, sweet twinges to the young girl's sleeping body. Y/N, for her part, turned her head slightly, opening her mouth slightly in a moan that her brain could not fully register.
Jungkook cupped the other breast, stimulating it with the tip of a finger, squeezing it lightly before devoting his mouth to it as well, and the more he engulfed that tender flesh, the more his cock throbbed uninterruptedly in search of its dose of forbidden caresses. A pop resounded from the room as he let go of his grip on the young girl's now abused nipple, went down with moist kisses all along the girl's chest, with his sweet prey's breathing rising in response, thus reaching the lower abdomen licking a small trail around her navel, moaning silently at the taste of that skin that he would also have gladly bitten into, but he could not risk waking the girl up in the midst of his fun, so he merely descended lower and lower, reaching to the fabric of her panties. With the tip of his nose he pressed against her covered pussy, ecstatically inhaling the natural scent of her essence, he felt himself salivating and his own boxers got a little wet, he pressed his erection against the mattress moving slightly to give himself some relief, not satisfied he peeled back the fabric of the panties and almost thought he would come there on the spot. The rosy flesh of the folds opened under the pressure of his index finger, revealing the swollen clitoris and the sweet slit from which sweet transparent liquid was already leaking.
Jungkook gave a long lick that from the young woman's narrow entrance reached up to her clitoris, encircling it with the tip in a tender and insistent caress; on another occasion the boy would have cried out in the most bewitching pleasure, but he forced himself to enjoy that taste in silence. Y/N unknowingly thrust his hips into the man's ravenous mouth in a soft, slow rhythm that delighted Jungkook. That to him was the ultimate proof that the girl accepted his intimate attentions without regret. He used two fingers to stimulate the young woman's lit and pulsating clitoris, continuing with the tip of his tongue to penetrate the tight and wet slit, sucking the small quivering lips together with the unconscious girl's legs, continuing to poke and pull at that pearl now stiff and ready to explode between his index finger and thumb, teasing the soft flesh ever more insistently. "Mm... Ah...!" the girl's back arched slightly, exposing more and more of her intimacy to the boy, her body tried to keep up with that forbidden pleasure, in her mind Y/N was dreaming, dreaming of Jungkook and in her dream the boy was doing to her just what the real Jungkook was joyfully enacting in reality.
He willingly swallowed the young girl's fluids with yet another tongue caress, then replaced his fingers with the latter, cradling the pulsating clitoris in velvety lashings, penetrating the now-soaked entrance with his fingertips, the girl rigidly propped her feet up on the mattress, opening her mouth wide and frowning in a shrill howl, which was prolonged when her clitoris succumbed to extreme pleasure following a light bite from the boy, his teeth weakly crushing that taut pearl, now at the 'extreme and that gesture was enough to release its violent contained pleasure. Jungkook detached himself from Y/N's quivering body, lowering his pants and boxer shorts, took his already dripping cum cock in his hand and leaned over Y/N beginning to pump himself several times, ran his thumb over the scarlet tip increasing the speed of his thrusts, before pouring out a large amount of cum with a choked cry, smearing the girl's breasts and panties with the sticky white liquid. He looked at his work of art with devotion and affection, stroking his cock in an attempt not to let up again on those gentle discharges of pleasure, until it became completely soft again. He adjusted his clothes, retrieving tissues from the girl's bedside table to wipe off his semen, silently praying that the sweet, spicy taste of Y/N would never disappear from his tongue.
God, he would have taken her again and again on that bed, but he shook his head to himself , Y/N deserved better and wanted her awake when it happened. He wanted her to see with her own eyes how much love he would be able to give her.
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darkcrowprincess · 4 months
Controversial Percy Jackson opinion:
The movies are not that bad, you guys are just mean. Especially the first movie, the first one I like a lot. The first movie was good. Logan Lerman will always be my Percy Jackson. Hes the one I grew up with. He's the one that got me to read the books. He's who I'd imagine as Percy while reading the books for the first time.
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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