#the mischaracterization istg
allergictolife09 · 3 months
How do some people think atsushi is just some uwu innocent soft boy when he's literally so salty
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Do they not see this
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lotus-pear · 3 months
Nah because some fanfics will write skk beautifully like the absolute work of art asagiri made them to be and sometimes it will flat out be Chuuya playing the damsel in danger but not in a telepathic-plan-delta-kind-of-way and it hurts more than the angst :,)
i can’t say bc i don’t read fic but ik enough from analysis that chuuya always gets the short end of the stick as some temperamental bitch w anger issues that wants to swing a baseball bat at dazai’s head OR being a fucking tsundere and acting submissive in his presence and pining (death to that version. at least the first one is funny)
and dazai also gets it bad bc he’s either a fucking whore that’s like possessive and tries exerting dominance OR he’s like void of all emotion and like rly depressed and emo asf like “he can’t fix me💔” which is uh. not the case in canon.
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sinnbaddie · 5 months
u dumb asl if u think geto couldn't have been saved had the people around him noticed his mental health declining during that year between the riko incident and his breakdown and helped with his trauma. ur dumb asl too if u think he'd be strictly opposed to having children especially his nurturing and caring younger self. and ur beyond dumb if u think he didn't gaf about his adopted daughters whom he loved with all his might. ijbol
Wrong about me being dumb asf three times actually :)
1. The whole point of Geto killing his village and breaking away from Gojo is because he chose to do this for his ideals. He didn’t just wake up and decided to kill people, he was already a person who could do that, he was just given information (from Yuki) that he already subconsciously knew. It’s also a vital lesson for Gojo to realize you can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. Geto willingly did all of this and didn’t bat an eye, he knew what he was doing and he did it with pleasure. There was no changing his mind = no saving him.
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2. Never said he’d be strictly opposed to it, but I am tired of the fandom constantly mischaracterizing him into making him only this “nurturing and kind person”. Because he’s not. Was he nice? Absolutely. But Geto’s dynamic with Gojo would not work as well if he was such a caring and nurturing person. He has many screws loose, which is why he could keep up with Gojo so well - he had many loose as well. To be a surviving jujutsu sorcerer you have to be incredibly unhinged.
3. He didn’t love these kids with all his might really. He may have cared for them in his own twisted way, but if he saw them be killed by Sukuna he would not be nearly as angry as you may think. The fact is, he saved those girls not out of the goodness of his own heart but because he snapped from how horrible non jujutsu sorcerers are. Nanako and Mimiko saw him as a savior. To them, he could do no wrong, it was an incredibly unhealthy servitude. They were unfortunately, still people he could dispose of if it truly came to that. In his lifetime it didn’t, but he never taught them anything other than serving him, they were broken children in need of genuine love and support. All Geto taught them was that killing was right. He was not a “good father” nor did he love these girls as his own children. He’s a genocidal racist, I promise you he wasn’t reading them bedtime stories and making sandwiches for their lunch.
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ashildrofarcadia · 2 months
Let’s stop mischaracterising please and thank you.
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thesilverlady · 1 year
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took the fandom few months to realize that nameless backround characters had better hair than literally any targaryen character in [derogatory]
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win-writes · 1 year
Why the FUCK is it so hard for me to write for tecchou
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pinkconkonut · 2 years
I have some words (fists) for the Ninjago writers for what they did to Kai.
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bunnygirllover45 · 18 days
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Caged bird.
I love Sunday so much, why do I always end up liking the most mischaracterized characters from Hoyoverse? istg. I wish I knew how to write fanfics, I would totally write a looot of yandere Sunday content.
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dustofthedailylife · 17 days
Istg the shit I've already read about Sunday...
He can join the ranks of Ayato for being one of the most mischaracterized people in the entire game.
Coincidentally they both also look similar and have a sister they would conquer the world for.
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nikkibvb · 2 months
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Not only will I never get over the slanderous mischaracterization Xiao goes through in this fandom, but this man is so sweet and in love with the traveler!!
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amberrskiies · 3 months
I'm aware I haven't been active here for a while- But istg if that confession blog that just decided to drop here doesn't stop its yapping for another hour or more- Like- just stop???? You're ruining everything by bringing up shit that has been stopped being talked about a long time ago- you're just trying to initiate drama that nobody wants or wants to give a shit about but here you are spreading random shit and mischaracterizing characters like Levi who's starting to get hate AGAIN that he doesn't deserve! stop making us Levi stans feel like shit- Also istg if somebody calls Levi a L*licon I will seriously riot like- have you played the game to call him that!? Like shut up for fucks sake-
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Hello I was wondering if you’d be able to write a Ranboo x Gender neutral reader, and they both just got into a heated argument that left them both crying (only if you’re comfortable with writing something like this, I’d not I completely understand, also thank you for your concern, I really appreciate it) :)
honestly struggled to find smthn to make an argument out of but I think I got something! oneshots are a little difficult for me bc I get burned out and I think the actions but can't find the right words LMAOOOO ; but this is totally find to request dw!! and of course, if you ever need to talk my messages are always open 🫶🫶🫶 ; also istg I have other ranboo headers they're just in my drafts bc I've only been working on reqs lately LMFAO
RANBOO ; burnout
summary ; youre both burned out and stressed, and take it out on each other
warnings ; language, fighting, reader is described/talked about as a writer, angry mischaracterization (it makes sense in context trust me)
word count ; 1.4k
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Both you and Ranboo had been working your asses off recently.
They had themselves so tied down to content creation that it was becoming a personal prison cell. It was like everything he did was only to appease his fans, and he didn't know how to just calm down and slow things down for his well being. From the constant, long streams to the talks with merch and production teams, it never ended. Plus, the infinite cycle of scrolling online to see all the hate they received, it was becoming too much.
You, on the other hand, constantly kept working and working through the lack of motivation and burnout with no breaks. No matter how much people reassured you that you could take a break and you didn't have to stick to a schedule, it didn't do anything. You were determined to fill out each and every request even if you barely had any idea what you were doing, you'd stay up late trying to block out what to write and how to put it into words to appease your followers. Three times a day, seven days a week, every day of the month, about 2000 posts a year, if you kept that up.
You were dedicated to writing, you loved it, and you loved that you were able to turn something you loved into a job considering "real" jobs didn't work out for you. You had streaming, but you only did that if you were writing or needed ideas or help every once in a while and wanted to share any progress and whatnot. Your eyes tended to be bloodshot on the regular, being pulled down by saggy, dark eyebags.
You trudge into the kitchen, taking a cold bowl of mac and cheese and some water back to your office with you. Ranboo glares at you from the couch, holding his phone to his ear as he talks to some big guy with money, most likely. He doesn't say anything, but you notice the look on his face, his eyes glaring daggers into you as you walk away.
You sit back down at your chair, not even touching your food. You stare at the screen, your eyes slightly protected by the dark mode you'd reinforced on the website. Your mind was blank, empty, vacant, muddled. There were no thoughts behind your glazed eyes.
Your head pounded in pain, caused by all the blue light absorption you'd been taking in recently. God, Ran hated that. How you'd fucking complain of a headache and only do everything to worsen it. It pissed him off. It made him want to yell at you to just shut up about it, considering you didn't want to do anything to help yourself.
You type away at the keyboard once more, every button press causing a little click or clack to immerse from it. The keys light up a particular shade of white, a smooth wave like pattern glazing across it once more. You stop again, unable to finish the sentence once more.
You groan and lean back in your seat, feeling the utter disgust around you. You oh so desperately needed to sit in the shower and cry, considering your stress and pain, but you couldn't. You needed to make these people happy, you owed them. You owed them for giving you a stable job and a roof over your head, the least you could do was have their requests out within a few days.
You sit and ponder about your partner. You were sure there was no love left anymore. Both of you were too financially dependent on one another to up and leave, so it had to work for now.
Ranboo, now not on the phone, nearly slams the door of your office open, smelling the ice cold pasta you hadn't even touched a few feet away. He's quick to raise his voice with a stern tone, pissed off at you once again.
"Dude, I told you dinner was ready an hour ago, what the fuck? And then you just bring it in here and don't even touch it just to stare at the damn screen some more? Are you fucking kidding?"
You roll your eyes, not wanting to deal with this again. "Fuck's it matter? This is my job, Ranboo"
"Your job isn't to please everyone who acts nice to you. Your job is to write quality content and not complain about burning yourself out or headaches that you could easily solve by touching grass! Go outside, this isn't even a job. You don't do anything other than write some stupid fantasy all day and feed into people's delusions, Y/n!" He quickly rants, scoffing at the end.
"Holy shit, you're one to talk! Meh meh, meh, I'm so miserable, and I do all these long streams for my fans, and I treat my partner like shit because I never spend time with them and enable their unhealthy behaviors! I take out my anger on them because I'm a lonely asshole." You quickly spit back, standing up from your chair.
They scoff, stepping towards you a bit, "You're so pathetic, I never want to hear you come to me with your problems again. You're dependent on me. You barely get any money off of that, let alone any to pay rent or buy your own groceries. Get into the real world where talking to fancy businessmen and actually working for your money is all you do! Walk in my shoes for one day!"
You roll your eyes again and scoff, "You don't think this is an actual job? I could say the same to you! You play video games all fucking day and beg for Twitch subs! Just because you have a fancy merch line and have some stupid show you're working on doesn't make you all high and mighty and more important than anyone else!"
"It does, actually, you have no room to complain! If you need a break, you can go take it. My schedule is busy every hour of the day, I have no time to do shit! You're an overbearing, selfish asshole!"
Now that got the waterworks going, that's what got you beyond the point of just petty arguing to genuinely fighting. You have no room to complain, yet you spend all day just trying to make people happy and not hate you, to just pump content out and pretend like you're okay. You bottle up your emotions so he won't have to worry about you, yet you're overbearing and selfish.
"You are such a fucking asshole! Everything needs to be about you, doesn't it? Every single fucking thing in the world, huh? Fine, screw you" You turn to grab the bowl of food, and quickly, out of sheer anger, throw it at him, shattering the ceramic bowl. "I hope I never see you again, go fuck yourself. You don't deserve shit of what you have, your platform, your friends, your money, anything. I hope your whole online empire comes crumbling down and you're left with nothing"
You snatch up your phone, wallet, and keys, quickly stomping past him as tears drip down your cheeks. He stands there, appalled as tears well in his glassy eyes. He tries to chase you outside once he realizes you're serious, but you'd already slammed the door so hard it might as well have fallen off the hinges. He wipes his eyes, cheeks a light red due to the sheer amount of anger he felt in the moment. He was soaked in cold mac and cheese, ruining his white hoodie.
Once the adrenaline wasn't coursing through his veins anymore, he sits himself on the kitchen floor, the cold tile against his hands being used as a grounding technique. Some ceramic dust lays on his shoes, some liquid cheese being smeared against his hoodie as he tries to use a towel to wipe the access off.
Fuck, what did he just do?
He sits in silence, rethinking the situation as tears slowly stream down his face.
He could only hope that you were safe on that bus to nowhere. That bus you used to just go anywhere but home, just to escape the horrible life you lived inside that house. The house that bound you to its walls so you couldn't escape.
You couldn't escape the pain of your popular online presence or the pain of being trapped in that house any longer. Finally, it broke, the enchantment that kept you sealed inside.
Someone had to leave, and it looked like it was going to be you this time around.
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friedarcademoon · 8 months
Khan is so mischaracterized in every fic istg
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lostacelonnie · 2 months
Hi, don't know if you remember me but you recently rbed my post about how Siegfried reuniting w his daughters was a rushed scene and I wanted to hear your opinions on the matter? Sorry if it's overstepping but im just curious haha.
Have a nice day!
AH HI!!! right yes i did thank you for reminding me!!!! i have very strong opinions on the matter so ill be happy to share.
(for people who haven't seen the og post, here it is)
THE SHORT VERSION: i agree with you completely and am Extremely Angry at mihoyo because EVERYONE is mischaracterized in that scene. or rather, in the entirety of moon arc, but that's something for another post.
I Am So Fucking Mad.
so first of all, im probs gonna focus on bianka a lot in this because im unbelievably obsessed with her. and goddamn was that scene so bad. and also repeat a lot of things you Already Said.
to begin. it's very rushed!!!!!! this scene in its Base Format is inherently flawed simply because... bianka would not reveal her origin that early. like obviously at that point she was already being written very ooc [LIKE EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ARC. SERIOUSLY. IM SO ANGRY ABOUT THAT] but arrrghgh. at least before this scene they at least pretended to preserve bianka's. how do i call it. General Cautiousness?
this is something that clearly means a lot to her and is shown before trying to figure out how to break the news in a gentle way. she is simply not a person who would say [in a very strangely spoken way] "oh im your daughter by the way". She Would Not. this is a woman who would awkwardly try to hang out with these two for a solid 2 months as she feels out how to Tell Them. while obviously, during moon arc she had already spent enough time with the rest of the main cast to Chill Out a bit, she's still just!! kind of emotionally and socially awkward!!! but in a completely different way than showcased in moon arc. does that make sense
also bianka does not speak like that istg if mhy doesn't learn the difference between a character that is Kind Of Serious and a character that sounds like they use a thesaurus for most their sentences-
but kiana and siegfried aren't safe from this either!!!!!! as you said. they departed on Not Great terms and have been separated for years. while they act as if its been maybe a couple of days. its very disappointing for me personally to see the complete lack of regard for the fact that yes, they do care about each other and this reunion is a very happy one, but still!! their bond was. a rocky one.
plus, there's a giant difference between a preteen and, at that point, an adult woman so. siegfried is not meeting the same person he lost. kiana has changed, and due to her experiences- probably even abnormally so, so they NEED to rebuild their relationship simply because even IF before their separation there was no conflict, it would change the fact its been far too long to treat each other as if they have never been apart.
AND the fact that kiana especially was so... unbothered? by the fact that DURANDAL IS HER SISTER. like. do i even have to elaborate. kiana kaslana, world's #1 identity crisis haver, someone who idolized, hated, and respected bianka [in that order], was just like. okay 💗 yay 💗? sighs so deeply. look at how they massacred my girls
theres much more i could say but i dont quite know how to put most of my dislike of this scene into words so like. arrggh. it was personally very very frustrating to me because, as i said, i am a big fan of both kiana's and bianka's. identity, and especially family heritage, is an extremely important part of both of their characters and it was physically painful for me to see a scene i looked forward to A Lot be dismissed like this.
which, unfortunately, is true for most of the moon arc, since it was the worst offender for characterization [or rather, lack thereof] in the entire game, with basically everyone being reduced to a mildly philosophical much so devoid of personality i probably couldn't tell their lines apart if presented with a couple. but alas.
at least salt snow holy city arc was amazing
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i reallyreally REALLY REALLY HATE people mischaracterizing just for funny cutesy little uwu ship ideas. Coming from a partybeetle shipper, NO PEST WOULD NOT LIKE PDA AND CALL POOB MUFFINCAKE (this is smth i actually saw) and they had it so they've been childhood best friends and never had any tension at all and they keep portraying pest as this really silly fun guy NO hes antisocial its IN HIS DISORDER istg im gonna styart tweaking so hard
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not really an anti or proship thing but one thing that irks me so much in the Genshin fandom is the mischaracterization of the characters, especially when it comes to Diluc and Kaeya
Saw someone call them both “Ragnvindrs”, and look I don’t care if people see them as brothers or not but Kaeya’s last name is not Ragnvindr, it’s Alberich
Aghhhhhh and folks use shit like that to then piss themselves over interactions between the characters, because somehow all because THEY think the two should be related clearly means that nobody should allow them to interact in any way that isn't brotherly.
Genshin is great at that. The amount of drama surrounding Itto despite having only one 'maybe' relative istg. Like okay maybe you can put found family on the same level as 'true' family but that doesn't mean they're actually related ffs.
Don't get me started on emotional mischaracterization, though. We'll be here all day.
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