#the never ending tbr
angel-bubbles · 1 year
david sees booky angels tbr list on amazon slowly growing and buys every book on there all at once one day. he doesnt mention it to them until the prime box arrives
agsjfksjh the first box comes in and they’re So confused because it’s addressed to them but ?? they didn’t buy anything ?? and of course david doesn’t say anything about it ahead of time so they’re just looking at this mysterious box full of books
“davey… you bought these?”
“yea. you wanted them didn’t you?”
and angels just standing there totally in disbelief that he bought that many (little did they know two more boxes were coming) but once they fully register that they are, in fact, all for them, they go on a tangent explaining every book’s blurb to david and explaining exactly why they were wanting to read it (immediately followed by a stress tangent on how they can’t decide which one to read first)
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wylanslcve · 1 year
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corallapis · 3 months
and then they DID! rule the universe together benevolently! on the Needle! in a weird little polycule with the Minister of Chance and Some Woman Of Unclear Identity. (Literally all the known options make it Weird. Larna? Younger generation than the other three, was the Doctor's student/mentee. Romana? Master's cousin. Iris Wildthyme? Don't get me started.)
they did indeed, anon, they did indeed <3
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beauty-is-terrror · 9 months
which book should i read after if we were villains? (i have already read the secret history, obviously)
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crazycatsiren · 9 months
If anyone on Bookblr might be interested in connecting on Goodreads, my url is bibliophilicsloth. 🦥
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mmunson86 · 2 months
So I know particular order these are the fics and I want to hold myself accountable for starting and catching up on today💗
I haven’t been reading as much the last week and a half because I’ve been busy but I want to hold myself accountable and set myself a goal to read these and if I can, I’ll try to re-blog others if I get through these today but these are todays goals🫶🏻
Living After Midnight (Pt.5) by @munson-blurbs
Nobody Has To Know by @strangemagicc
Celebrity Skin (Pt. 8) by @cacoetheswriting
Take Me To The Lakes by @eddiesxangel
Summer Breeze by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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lyssasdrafts · 3 months
you should 100% read fourth wing (and have to suffer like the rest of us for book 3) 😁
i want to omgg it’s on my tbr but i wanna read the cruel prince first 👀
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mariethelibrarian · 1 year
The hardest thing about being an indecisive moodreader is always questioning yourself and what to read next because WHAT IF IM NOT IN THE RIGHT MOOD FOR THIS PARTICULAR BOOK THAT I’VE HEARD GREAT THINGS ABOUT AND REALLY WANT TO READ AND SHOULD I BE READING ANOTHER BOOK AT THIS TIME THAT FITS MY MOOD BETTER?!?
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haruchuiyo · 6 months
ok since it’s my bday imma list down stuff my blorbos would gift me 😼
#ok so nanami gets me books!#either from my tbr#or books I’ve randomly mentioned to him or he gets me books he thinks I’d enjoy reading he’s so perfect#then he makes me my fav dinner#he made it with only a apron on btw 😍 jokes he’d never but if I asked politely…then maybe 🫣#satoru gives me loads of sweet cakes#+ he gets to eat them as well so ww for both of us#he gets me ice cream filled mochi’s specifically oreo flavors#then cheesecakes because they’re just so delicious#I havé à feeling he’d try to make something himself but probably fails#so he hides it in the fridge (I end up seeing it and he pouts and feels embarrassed by such a ugly cake but it’s delicious!!!)#ran would definitely take me to some extremely fancy expensive restaurant because we don’t go out to such restaurants all the time#then he gives me a fake flower because idk how to take care of real ones + some jewelry 😍#denji would craft me something + he’d give me loads of hugs and pecks and say ‘that’s your gift from me’ like ok Dennis whatever you say#(I loved it actually)#then we have my mr british simon ghost riley#me and him at home alone having fun 😍#the fun being playing board games because we two don’t celebrate milestones so huge just intimate 🩷#it’s the same with jingyuan except he gives me credits for some reason#+ he tries to take a day off from work to spend time with me :( isn’t he so perfect ugh he sends me bouquets of REAL flowers with a card#attached to it telling me happy bday then some instructions on how to take care of it (it is much needed)#and blade gives me his time as a gift so we do fun stuff at xianxhou as disrcreetly as possible because he’s a wanted man ofc or idk#then we have yuuta he takes me to a empty classroom and we make out and that’s my gift#thé gift being seeing his cheeks flushed#hair messy and breathless 🩷#ok I’m done talking 😍 happy bday to me 🩷#kei talking!
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taumoeba · 1 year
What has everyone been reading recently??? taking recs (acting like im not in the middle of 4 books and just checked out 2 while i have 3 on hold)
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kkayslibrary · 11 months
This audio was made for this content. You can’t convince me otherwise.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
besties im reading the seven husbands of evelyn hugo for the first time, anything u want to say? 🎤
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the---hermit · 1 year
I have been looking at my unread books all day and I don't kniw what to read. Help. Also if you have read any of these books tell me and let me know what you thought of them.
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sombrewoodlandfairy · 10 months
I saw you like Taylor Swift and well-developed, researched, authentic sapphic historical fiction (such as Portrait of a Lady On Fire) and I've just gotta ask you: have you heard of Burn the House Down by Kenna Jenkins? It's an alternate history novel abt the 1st woman president in 1945 and her secret interracial sapphic relationship and her bearded marriage with her mlm best friend/biggest foil. It also has Taylor Swift vibes (especially illicit affairs, gold rush, I Did Something Bad, anti-hero, and last great American Dynasty), a subplot about arson at the White House, ft. an entirely queer main cast and really fleshed out characters, and has a really satisfying ending!
omg no i haven't !!!! i'll definitely have to check that out now, it sounds superrrrr intriguing. i can't wait to read it !! thanks for the rec bestie !!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗
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catradoraism · 2 years
Hey. Saw your post about people who love each other betraying each other an selfish choices made for love. Have you ever read the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes? Would recommend.
have not heard of it but thank u for the rec!! i’ll add it to my tbr
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sluttyten · 2 years
I need to put myself on a book buying ban
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