#the only time u should be involving the law is if someone has killed harmed or sa'd someone u know
xiubaek-13 · 4 years
Let Me In - Part 2
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Prompt: “If I knock politely will you let me in? I’ll make it worth your while”
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 4,950
Warnings: Vampire AU, smut, blood, mentions of death, murder & torture.
A/N: Part 1 was in my Halloween drabbles from a long ass time ago. I continuously got requests for a second part so it finally came into being today. Let me know what you think, comments help me greatly given the large breaks between posting for me, they help me work out if I’m still any good at this writing business.
“S-so, a-are you g-gonna k-kill me?” You stutter out, your fear making it hard for you to get the words out.
He smirks and steps back, freeing you from the wall. Before you can even think about regaining some semblance of composure he kneels on the floor and sinks his fangs into the dead man’s neck. Your eyes widen as you stand frozen to the spot, unable to blink, run, anything. It takes all you have just to remember to breathe.
He drops the corpse back to the floor when he’s finished feeding, licking his blood-stained lips as he sets his eyes on you again. “I think you’ve bought yourself some time.” He steps closer to you, caging your body between his arms, your back pressed back against the wall. “Convince me to let you live, but your case had better be compelling since you wasted my time earlier.” His dark gaze feels like its searing lines into your flesh as you feel it travel from your eyes to your lips, throat, & chest before raking back up to your eyes. “You still haven’t let me in.” He smirks.
What was that stupid saying that you used to say to your friends? Mark me down as scared and horny. That’s pretty much where you were right now. Terrified for multiple reasons (vampires were real, one sent a madman to kill you then killed said madman in front of you and was maybe, probably, most definitely doing to kill you) but also horny. It was impossible to deny how attractive Baekhyun was, both before when you thought he was human and now as he pinned you to the wall. Your mind is racing, jumping between freaking out about your impending death and lewd comments about his lips, hands, hips. If it had the capacity to take on anything else it might also be disgusted with itself for allowing lust to creep in at a time like this. 
Somewhere deep down in your psyche a thought sparks. Draw this out, stay alive as long as you possibly can. The longer you are alive, the closer you are to sunrise. Make it to sunrise and escape. It wasn’t much to go on but it was the best you could think of. There was no way that you would overpower him with strength. If you wanted to win here then you were going to need to be smart and bide your time. Use every advantage that you could and the sun was a powerful one. His ego might just be another.
“I want to know more about you.” He raises one brow in response.
You inhale, steeling your nerves as you say the words that will change your life forever. “In the bar before, we talked. I liked that, liked getting to know you -” the words were not untrue. The bar had been nice. You’d captured the attention of the man every person, men and women alike, desired but he had only had eyes for you. You had been sitting at the bar enjoying your Old Fashioned when Baekhyun had first approached you. At the time it was immensely flattering but in hindsight you were probably just easy prey. You were alone and no one else had been paying much attention to you. “- but now that I know that you’re well, not human, I feel like that was all lies. Tell me about you first. Then I’ll let you in.” 
He shifts back and considers your words. “Why should I tell you anything at all? I could just compel you to let me in and use you until I’m bored of your body.” His tone betrays him. He might be impatient and used to getting what he wants but from the way his tone shifted when he said he could compel you, you could tell that doing so would ruin the fun for him. 
So you played with fire, figuratively speaking of course. Standard negotiating probably wouldn’t work here because a) you were terrified and b) impatient vampire. You weren’t trying to get out of sleeping with him either. You were attracted to him even through your fear and there was no denying that you wanted him. All you were trying to gain was time. The closer it got to sunrise, the higher your chances of survival were. 
So you tried to match his ego to unnerve him.“Where is the fun in that?” You shrug. “If all you want is a body to fuck, then why ask me to convince you to let me live? Surely it’s better for you with a willing participant.” You take a step forward, avoiding the dead body on the floor, and advance on Baekhyun as you continue to speak. “One that wants you, that begs for you, that needs you.” You lick your lips as you finish, your words affecting you more than you thought they would. “Why put it all of the effort at the bar when you could have simply locked eyes and told me what you wanted me to do? I think you enjoy the hunt so why spoil it now? What harm is there in telling me about yourself when I’m just going to die anyway?” You shrug. 
Baekhyun takes a few steps back and looks at you, really looks at you. His eyes narrow as he takes you in and tries to work out your ploy. “Interesting tactic little one. Futile though.” He smirks and turns away from you, heading off towards your kitchen. 
Left with the corpse just behind you, you decide to follow him rather than rush out the front door. Baekhyun has already proved that he is faster than you so you probably wouldn’t get very far and even if you got to a neighbour in time there is the very real possibility that they’d die and it would be your fault. 
As you enter the kitchen you spot Baekhyun mixing drinks. He points at the two armchairs you have in your makeshift reading nook, a place that has brought you comfort over the years. If there was ever a place for you to fight for your life then this would be the one place that would bring you strength. You make your way over to one of the armchairs and sink into its comforting embrace while you wait for Baekhyun to finish making drinks.
“I’ll play your game for now little one but don’t push your luck.” He says as he carries two drinks over, handing you one once he is close enough. You notice that he’s made the same drink that you were having at the bar. “You’re not wrong, compelling a mark kind of ruins the vibe but if I have to do it, I will.”
“Asking me to tell you about myself is a bit vague given my lengthy existence so why don’t you try something more specific? I’ll let you ask as many questions as you want but there is a price for my answers.” He smirks.
“Name it.”
“Each time I answer you, you must remove an article of clothing. Once removed I’m free to touch the unclothed area. When you run out of clothing, your question time ceases and you submit yourself to me to have you as I please.”
You gulp as you try not to let on how appealing his price sounds. The logical part of your brain tries to yell over the burning lust that is taking over your senses about the dangers involved here but as far as you see it your options are die in pain or die in pleasure. Given the choice, you will avoid pain at almost any cost. He thinks he has you trapped, like a cat cornering a mouse but you aren’t so sure that you’ve been beaten yet. Not that he needs to know that.
“I accept your terms.” You say before taking a sip of your drink. The whiskey soothing any errant nerves. 
You see Baekhyun’s eyes darken with desire as he sits opposite you, a smug look on his face now that he thinks he’s won. “I’ll give you a point for not forcing an unnecessary negotiation or rebuttal upon hearing my price.”
“You said not to waste your time. Your terms are not unsurprising and it did not seem like it was up for negotiation when you delivered it.”
“Smart woman.” He relaxed into the armchair, swirling his drink in one hand as the other beckoned for you to begin your questioning.
“How much of what you told me about yourself at the bar was true?”
“All of it.” He states bluntly, chuckling at the surprised look on your face. “I do work at a law firm in town with 8 others, it’s how we exist in human society. I don’t have traditional family as such anymore as I’ve long outlived them. I do prefer to go out at night for obvious reasons beyond my control and I find great beauty in the night.” 
Baekhyun was right, he had told you the truth, just a very short version of it. Should that make you trust him any more? Probably not, but it did instil a small amount of something in you about him. He could have just lied about everything in order to lure you away but he chose the truth. In some weird way that counted for something. 
“No lies, you just never bothered to dig deeper at the time.” He purred, eyes roaming your body as he waited to see what you would remove.
You slipped out of your leather jacket and draped it over the back of your seat. Baekhyun groaned impatiently when he saw the long sleeves that remained covering your arms. Victory, it would seem, was not yet within his grasp. Begrudgingly he took another sip of his drink as you laughed internally at his reaction.
“Is your normal pattern to trick someone into letting you into their home then you kill them?”
“No. My clan and I have tried many things over the years. Let’s see. There was compelling which was just too easy and made our existence dull, posing as missionaries which weirdly enough worked better than it should have… not that I’ll ever let Suho know that. Next was outright frenzy where we razed a town, feasted and moved on - that was one of the early ones.” He grins as he reminisces. “Where was I, oh yes. We told people we were vampires - that one was particularly popular in the 2000’s, we’ve pretended to be injured or dead then attacked the person who was kind enough to try and help us, also too easy in my opinion but effective. You humans are gullible.” He chuckles. “We also tried to use blood banks but supplies could not sustain our hunger without detection, so then we tried setting up our own donor systems but that was a logistical nightmare and more red tape than you should ever have to deal with as an immortal. Roleplay was a fun one, biting is a real kink for so many people - who knew? - and now the current approach which is an amalgamation of past methods - seduction and pleasure followed by feeding.” He finishes his account of vampiric blood sourcing by licking his lips, his fangs hidden from your view. 
If you hadn’t seen them plunged into the neck of the now deceased man in your entryway you could be fooled into thinking that the man sitting across from you was just that, a man. But you had seen them and you knew they were real. You also knew the telltale signs of an impatient man and Baekhyun was most definitely impatient. 
For an immortal being who could remain as still at the night he was fidgeting and tapping his glass more than any vampire should. Whether it was hunger or something else causing it you didn’t know. The erratic movements were unsettling and causing your nerves to return. His gaze pierces yours as he waits.
You set your drink on the floor and stand, moving your arms behind you as you unzip your skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing a small amount of flesh at the top of your thighs, your garter belt and stockings covering most of the unveiled skin.
You hear him inhale, something he does not need to do. “You’re just going to leave it on the floor like that? Little one, it will crumple.” His voice is rough as he chides you.
You smirk and turn away from him before giving him what he wants. You step out of the skirt, bend at the hips and collect the discarded piece from the floor. You can feel his eyes on your ass as you bend forward, leaving little to the imagination. Only a small strip of fabric prevents him from your sex.
After you place your skirt on the back of the chair, on top of the jacket, you sit. Your brain doesn’t register the movement but before you can cross one leg over the other Baekhyun is there, kneeling between them, his hands on the uppermost part of your thighs where the skin is exposed. 
“You,” He growls. “do not know the fire with which you are playing with.” You can see the tips of his fangs now. Your body betrays you as you feel heat and want rushing to your core and your eyes close. His fingers trace patterns into your thighs, ghosting near the edge of your panties and down your inner thighs which only builds your arousal. 
“You’ll beg for me to fuck you before you’re fully undressed little one. Why deny yourself what we both know you desire?” He grazes his fangs along the column of your neck as your core clenches around nothing. 
When you open your eyes he is back in his seat swirling his drink like he had never moved. The absence of his touch left you wanting. Your stubbornness is the only thing keeping you from rushing through your questions because Baekhyun is not wrong, you want him - badly. “Are you going to kill me?”
He cocks his head as he ponders your question. “Honestly haven’t made my mind up yet. Before this current bargain I was just going to fuck you and drain you, the only variable there being if I let you enjoy it or if I let you feel pain. Now… I’m not sure. You might be interesting enough to keep alive for now. It all depends really.”
Your fingers expertly undo the buttons of your blouse and you shrug out of its sleeves, leaving you clad only in your underwear and heels. “On what?” You ask. The lines of this little ruse are starting to blur for you. The original plan to keep Baekhyun talking in order to reach sunrise is fading, leaving only images on the vampire taking you every which way, giving you pleasure you could only dream of. 
“On you little one.” Baekhyun’s voice comes from directly behind you. You feel his hands moving down your sides, one snaking between your legs and gripping your inner thigh and the other splayed over your stomach. You feel his fangs drag over your throat and you shudder. “You might just convince me.” You feel his presence disappear and know without turning around that he is no longer standing behind you. You can feel where his hands were on your body, the ghost of his touch remaining. 
As you look around you can’t spot him anywhere. You know he’s still in the house because why would he leave now? You make your way to the various rooms in your home as you search for the vampire but he is nowhere. You start to feel frustration overtaking your lust as you call out. “Baekhyun! Where are you?” 
His voice sounds from a room that you had already checked, your bedroom. “This game needs to continue in another room little one.” You make your way back upstairs to your room as he speaks again, his voice closer this time. “You are far too indecently clothed to be in a sitting room.” 
As you enter the room you see him leaning against your bedpost, his eyes roaming your body. Your ears register the sound of him moving past you but your eyes do not. The door closes behind you and he appears to have not moved. The fear inside you spikes back up as you witness a modicum of his power. You’ve been toying with him when all along he could just snap you like a twig.the thought terrifies you but you try to push your fear down. It will not help you now.
You saunter towards the bed only for him to hold up a hand and stop you. “I believe you asked a question little one. You know the rules.” Left with only a few options you step out of your heels and continue towards the bed.
By your count you have three questions left before this little game ends and you plan to use them to ensure that whatever happens after doesn’t hurt you and might just lead to you keeping your life. You aren’t going to bother with asking more about his past. You are pretty sure you know enough, he’s been undead for quite some time but from looking at him you would guess that he was in his 20’s when he was turned. He can be cruel - you have not forgotten the madman he compelled earlier - he is determined, overconfident, smug, impatient and alluring and he has made you crazed with lust. 
“How do you want me?” you ask sultrily as you reach the foot of your bed.
Out of the corner of your eye you see him remove his jacket and place it over the chair at your dresser. His shoes and socks are next, then he starts to unbutton his shirt as he moves behind you. You can feel him standing behind you but he does not touch you. He lets the anticipation build, he knows this game has almost reached its end, he is one step closer to getting what he wants from you.
“Naked and wanting.” He confesses. “Reveling in the pleasure I give you, begging for more.”
Your bra drops to the floor, making him groan. “And what will you do to me?” You ask, before he can say anything to alter your train of thought. Your mind is set on one path and one path only now. You want him. You want him to make you forget that you were ever afraid of him, that he ever posed a danger to you, that he is anything more than an incredibly attractive man with eyes only for you.
“Everything.” He whispers in your ear. His hands cup your breasts, fingers lightly pinching your nipples. “I’ll make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before. Make you beg for me to never stop fucking you, for me to bite you. And I will, once you beg for it.”
A moan escapes your throat, giving away just how aroused you are. Your hand brushes against his crotch as you move to undo your garter belt and you feel how hard he is for you. He stops your hand and completes the action for you, sliding the stockings down your legs and off your feet. He spins you and pushes you down onto the bed, removing the shirt from his shoulders and undoing his pants as he kneels at your feet. 
“Why me?” you manage to say as you watch him undress, your eyes taking in the lean planes of his body. He wasn’t wearing underwear you muse as your eyes are drawn to his cock, hard and waiting to enter you. His eyes follow yours and he grins when he realises where their gaze has not wavered. Shuffling back of the bed far gracefully than he has any right to, he moves back into a standing position so that he can remove his pants. 
Fully naked, he moves back to his position between your legs. “What’s the point of being immortal if you deny yourself the simple pleasures in life?” he responds as he kisses your ankle, before moving up your calf, to your thigh, hip, breast, neck before finally reaching your lips. “I find beauty in the night and I take what I want. Right now, that is you.”
His lips crash into yours in a kiss that is so desperate that you don’t register the ripping of your panties until you can feel him, all of him flush against your skin. His body doesn’t emit heat, rather it is cool to the touch but it isn’t a bad feeling. Rather it is refreshing in comparison to how hot you feel. His mouth works against yours, the lip ring providing a new sensation for the kiss.
When he breaks the kiss to allow you to breathe you see the dark fire in his eyes, his desire palpable. “You’re mine now little one. I told you your game was futile, that you would give in to me and here we are, your wet little cunt begging for my cock. Do you think you deserve pleasure after how long you made me wait?”
“Yes.” you breathe.
He looks amused. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I was scared of you. There was no desire to let you in before we talked more but now, now I want you even though I know part of the truth about you. You said it was better if the other person was willing, well, now I am.” You laid out the truth for him. You were no longer scared of him even though you knew he could still inflict the worst pain imaginable on you and kill you. What you felt now was desire so strong that nothing, not even fear of death, could break through.
He grinned, baring his fangs to you. “You, my dear, have proven to be far more interesting than I gave you credit for. There is one thing I didn’t tell you though, something that will make what is about to happen much more pleasurable for you. Vampires can direct the blood flow of any body that they are in contact with. You think you want me now? Wait until you feel as though you’re on fire, your skin burning with need as I taste you. You’ll beg me to drink your blood from wherever I please. And I will.” 
You shuddered at his words. Desire pouring through you, making you feel as though you were drugged. “Kiss me.” The words left your mouth without any thought. Baekhyun leaned down and his lips closed over yours gently, seeing if you were going to try and get away from him. When he realised that you weren’t going anywhere he intensified the kiss, increasing the pressure and igniting your senses. 
He ran his tongue along the seam of your lips until you opened your mouth, allowing your tongues to work against each other. You could feel his fangs grazing your lip but it did not scare you, rather it made you want more. His hands roamed your body as the two of you kissed, teasing your nipples and brushing near your core, never where you wanted the friction the most. 
“Please” you moan.
“What do you want little one?” he teases.
“Touch me.” His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs wide for him. You try to roll your hips, desperate for any sort of friction but you don’t achieve the contact you’re after. You whimper as the frustration builds. You want him to touch you so badly, you need your release and soon.
“Patience little one.” He chuckles. “As flattering as it is to see just how badly you want me, I want to savour this. His eyes drift down. “You look delectable.” He shifts his body down the bed so that his face is level with your dripping centre. 
He slowly drags his fangs from your thigh, up your leg, and moves over your centre, to the other thigh. The sensation makes you whimper as you try to grind your hips, but he holds you down with his hands as you try to find some friction to help you along. “Please” You breathe.
Smirking he moves back to where you need him the most, flicking his tongue against your clit. Your mind goes blank at the sensation as he repeats the motion, deepening the pressure he’s applying until you moan loudly. If anything, it only serves to spur him on, attaching his lips to your clit as his tongue presses and swirls around it. Your hips would have been bucking into his face if he wasn’t holding you down.
He pauses for a moment to confess “You are fucking delectable, I could do this all night.” before resuming his feast. You bite your lip as he rolls his tongue against you, his fangs lightly grazing your clit and sending a whole new wave of pleasure flowing through you. You never expected his fangs to draw such a response from you but you felt yourself moan louder every time they grazed over your clit. You could feel his eyes watching you as he pleasured you, taking in every reaction and building his actions on that. Your arousal builds as he alternates the pace and pressure of his tongue, and increases the feel of his fangs against you. 
“Fuck” you whimper. The sensations are building too quickly and you can feel your release approaching with haste when he detaches his mouth from you. You look down at him and he smirks at you before you can utter a complaint, not breaking eye contact as he pushes one then two fingers into your wet heat. 
You can’t stop yourself from moaning his name as he starts to move his fingers back and forth in a steady rhythm. “You like that?” he growls as you clench around his fingers. “Little one, you are so wonderfully wet. Just for me. You love it don’t you? You love how my fingers feel, how my tongue feels and most of all you love how my fangs feel against your clit. Don’t you?” His pupils are so dark and blown out with lust as he lowers his skilled mouth back to your bundle of nerves.
The combined sensation of his long fingers, skilled tongue and sharp fangs become too much for you. He moans against you as he works, curling his fingers inside you and fluttering his tongue against your clit. You writhe on the bed as he increases his speed to a level that a mere human could never achieve and right before your orgasm hits, he sinks his fangs into you. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming that you sobbed his name as he helped you ride out your high. You were too far gone to realise that he was tasting you, really tasting you now that his fangs penetrated your flesh. You felt no pain, only white hot pleasure. 
When he released you he looked up at you, mouth and fangs dripping with a mixture of your juices and blood. Your body still tingles with aftershocks of your orgasm and you feel like you’re on fire. You should be spent but you only want him more. 
God you wanted to him to fuck you.
He flips you over, positioning you on your knees. He grunts as he enters you in one fluid motion. He meets no resistance given how ready you were for his cock. He grips your waist tightly as he sets a brutal pace, the only sounds in the room are of skin hitting skin and cries of pleasure. 
“You fit my cock perfectly. Look at how much you want this, at how badly you want a vamp to fuck the life out of you.” He grunts in between thrusts. 
“Baekhyun. Fuck” You moan when he hits your g spot. 
You had never felt pleasure like this before. You’d had great sex before but this was on a level of its own. Baekhyun had had an unknown amount of time to perfect this act and hone his skills and he was not disappointing. He moved between a pace that felt more like what you were used to and then a pace faster than you could have ever imagined. 
“This.” He growled, “Is how a vampire fucks you.” and lifted your body up so that it was flush with his, tilting your head so that your throat was exposed for him. He ran his tongue along your neck, making you moan deeply as you recalled the feeling of his fangs.
“You want it don’t you?” He asked as he pounded into you. “Want me to sink my fangs back into your flesh as I fuck you?” You couldn’t form words to respond to him, only moans of want and pleasure. He grazed his fangs along your neck and you writhed against the touch.
His fangs pierced the skin of your neck and the sensation barreled you over the edge. Everything was heightened and a feeling that you had never experienced before flooded your system. You felt full, alive, and like you were about to explode. You shuddered and cried out as your orgasm ripped through you harder than last time as Baekhyun chased his. 
The last thing you saw before you blacked out were his eyes, now a deep red as he stared down at your form and smiled. “I think I’ll keep you.”
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abiik · 3 years
4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 28, 29 + a, b, c, h for xingchen / 1-10 & 15-20 + a, b for zhi yin ?
aaaaaaa thank u for this jo!!!!! sorry this took so long!!! anyway this is. also very LENGTHY so im putting it under a cut <333333
4. how easy is it to earn their trust?
it is actually very difficult to earn their trust, only because xingchen doesn’t allow people close enough in order to do so. the very few people who do have their hard-earned trust before the gang comes around is their remaining bio family.
5. how easy is it to earn their mistrust?
i wouldn’t say it’s easy for xingchen to suddenly mistrust you after earning their trust. they actually are the type to hold out for you for far longer than they probably should. while there are like, inklings of mistrust here in there, they’ll probably still trust you to watch their back in a fight and defend you against others who are like ‘xingchen maybe that isn’t a good idea :/’ they have a whole lot of hope & love for the world, though, & it's very hard for them to give up just anyone, especially someone who has previously earned their trust.
6. do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
xingchen was raised that laws are immovable, so they’ve grown up knowing & believing this philosophy for most things. however, as they’ve grown older they’ve realized that maybe they aren’t completely sure about this. perhaps, it can be situational.  
7. what triggers nostalgia for them, most often? do they enjoy that feeling?
snow. winter on the mountain triggers nostalgia for them. seeing the jade amulet & sword that belonged to their mother & the calligraphy set that belonged to their father but mostly snow. they do not enjoy the feeling. they will subject themself to it anyway.  
11. how do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
it mostly depends on where it comes from or who they’re around and what they’re confused about. usually they’ll simply ask to clarify; there’s no use in going into a situation pretending like they know something & they all get themselves killed because of negligence and pride. but…. that pride is exactly what gets the better of xingchen sometimes and it’s fucking hilarious.
28. would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
xingchen would absolutely prefer an unpleasant truth to a lie. they would possibly mumble through it or deliver it stiffly/coldly so as to be detached from the unpleasant feeling, but at least you would know the truth.
29. do they usually live up to their own ideals?
hmm. this is... difficult because so much of xingchen’s ideals were crafted by someone else, expectations put on them by someone else. outwardly, it would seem so. for xingchen, i think that they would always feel as though they have not done enough, or that they could have done something differently; that there is always room for them to improve to become the most perfect version of themself. they’re very tough on themself and i think that it begins getting worse around the second youxiong arc & the aftermath of that & the entirety of new boot goofin arc :)
a – why are u excited about this character?
i love xingchen’s energy!! their thoughts and their feelings are something i love to explore as well as like, the way that they’d react to things bc their method is so different than zoe’s. im also excited bc, just. like. the outward perception of xingchen is so different when compared to who they are as a person, unfiltered and raw.
b – what inspired u to create them?
xingchen was the order in the chaos; that’s initially why they were created. the body of their character was this philosophy, to balance zoe, to mirror her. xingchen’s name was something that was conceived almost like, directly after this, and once again, it was a mirror to zoe’s birth name - xian, and the implications behind that. xingchen’s name was mainly chosen bc of the amount of stars that surround their planet: 4. so xingchen’s name & this idea of someone who completed zoe’s balancing act, who ordered the chaos, crafted the idea of a character that was, in a way, the juxtaposition of celestial and earthly (like zoe) but only slightly to the left, wherein even to zoe, this character would be someone you were in awe of. they always sort of felt like the human embodiment of a shooting star, moved by duty and the righting of wrong to come down to earth. xingchen & zoe are technically on the same spectrum, but they have different methods, and that’s what i wanted from xingchen. i wanted a character that did elicit this feeling of awe, because of how amazing, talented, attractive etc. they are, EVEN TO ZOE, but was also intensely stubborn and, initially, very stuck on this ‘my way, or the high-way’ sort of mentality. i WANTED xingchen to create conflict with zoe and zoe to create conflict with xingchen, bc i wanted it to be an opportunity for both characters to be taken out of their comfort zones by each other.
of course, other things, small images, inspired me further when creating a silhouette for xingchen: blue & white; white jade; the sunrise; loquats; clouds; snow on mountain tops; spring; music played on a guqin; ballet & figure skating; swan <3
c – did u have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
hmm i did have trouble figuring out how i would involve them, or any of the rest of youxiong, into zoe’s story after the new boot goofin arc. sure she made off world excursions late in that arc after her recovery, but there wasn’t a lot & my mind was blank. i’m still looking to involve xingchen more maybe bc im not 100% sure on the whole roommates thing.
h – what trait do u admire most?
tbh how deeply xingchen feels things. they don’t communicate it often, it’s difficult for them, both verbally and visually, and sometimes even physically, but they feel everything so, so deeply and that’s. i just really love them a l o t.
zhi yin
1. what’s the maximum amount of time ur character can sit still with nothing to do?
yin can sit still for a moderate amount of time with nothing to do. she fiddles, though, with her fingers or with her clothes, even when she isn’t particularly nervous.
2. how easy is it for ur character to laugh?
it’s fairly easy for yin to laugh if she’s on good terms with you - & this is mostly everyone as she believes the best of everyone, that everyone is generally good.
3. how do they put themselves to bed at night? (reading, singing, thinking?)
yin usually starts by making herself - & cheng – something warm to drink & once she’s assured her brother she’s fine & sent him off to bed, she’ll curl up in bed & read about far away places or an interesting new techniques that she knows she’ll never be able to try until she passes out.
4. how easy is it to earn their trust?
it’s hard for me to gauge how easy it is bc yin DOESN’T trust most ppl. she’s the type of person who looks like she would be easy to win over, & she would be likable & sweet to u, but the only ppl yin is loyal to & trusts at the beginning are cheng, her uncle, and oddly enough, zoe. so like, while she does believe ppl are generally good, this doesn’t mean that she has every intention of falling victim to someone’s wrongdoings or intentions to harm people she cares about bc she trusted blindly on account of this philosophy. she’s cautious, but she doesn’t have this all-around anxiety like cheng, and she isn’t gullible like everyone intends her to be. for yin, i think it is like this: if cheng or zoe trusts you, she will trust you, but she will be cautious, and mostly look to them.
5. how easy is it to earn their mistrust?
i think in order to lose yin’s trust, you would have to lie to her. like, big time. or hurt her family.
6. do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
yin is on the fence with this. with her uncle zhi as one of her mentors & cheng always looking out for her, laws/rules were immovable in order to keep her in a box & (in cheng’s situation) to keep her safe. however, their clan never actually taught them that rules had to be followed so rigidly (they follow a philosophy that one should achieve the impossible) that they were flexible, so i do think yin leans more towards flexible, but has anxiety about acting it out.
7. what triggers nostalgia for them, most often? do they enjoy that feeling?
making soup, walking on the docks, boating out on the river, practicing forms with cheng. yin does enjoy it, even if it is sometimes bittersweet.
8. what were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
stop daydreaming so much. (she wasn’t daydreaming) :)
9. do they swear? do they remember their first swear word?
yin doesn’t swear! not really
10. what lie do they most frequently remember telling? does it haunt them?
‘i’m fine.’/ ‘i feel fine!’ yes.
15. how do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
yin has a soft, pleasant voice. it’s almost like a whisper but its warm & sweet. she has the type of voice that if u were in a crowd, because of the tone of it, u might not be able to hear her even if she was standing next to u & speaking. her tone is always very sincere, or slightly teasing. she can stutter a lot when she’s excited or nervous. yin thinks about what she says usually, but sometimes she does pipe up & blurt what she’s just thought of on the spot. rarely does she raise her voice, but when she does, u know she means business.
16. what makes their stomach turn?
when she goes under. it’s an awful feeling of being disconnected from herself & not knowing what she did while she was out, & seeing everyone’s faces after, looking them in the eye after what she could have possibly done & them seeing what happens to her when she get ‘sick.’
17. are they easily embarrassed?
yes. yin is easily flustered, if that’s the same thing. she fumbles over her words in this case & will fiddle with her hands. crying is sometimes the result of being embarrassed too :) but i would rather not think about yin crying…
18. what embarrasses them?
usually anyone acting particularly brash, or flirty. when she, herself, makes a grand gesture on her own end, and it’s rejected. sometimes being reminded that she can’t cultivate while others can, that she’s a lacking heir.
19. what is their favorite number?
hmm three.
20. if they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do it?
yin might explain familial love as brushing her a-cheng’s hair out of his face & patting his head despite him being taller than her just to piss him off a little, nagging him until he rolls his eyes & does as she says, or finding a blanket tucked over her that clearly wasn’t there before after a late night of reading at her desk. she might explain platonic love as sitting with zoe on the docks with their toes in the water, zoe’s head on her shoulder & both of them spilling their hearts out, or sharing tea & poetry with xingchen for the first time, seeing them blush around the tips of their ears & having to stifle her giggles until they finally broke the tension with a laugh of their own. yin doesn’t know how to explain the difference of romantic love yet.
a – why are u excited about this character?
yin has so many different, like, facets & she’s really fun to think about. i really love thinking about her dynamic with zoe, but i especially love to think about her dynamic with others in the group & how she might get along with them & how their relationships will progress. she’s really sweet & is willing to help people out of the good will of her heart but still holds them at a distance & is like…disconcerting in a way, and that’s a character i’m pretty sure i’ve never had before, so she’s pretty new to me.
b – what inspired u to create them?
yin remained a mystery to me for so long, hence why her name is yin. she was like a little shadow. she remains a little shadow. a secret still. something i, and everyone, has yet to figure out. a dark spot with a gentle smile that stayed at zoe’s side. she’s the shadow in the pond that you arent too sure is a stick or a snake or not, but you keep creeping closer to anyway bc you think if it were a snake it would have made some move to get closer to you by now. and yin’s not a snake. she’s the turtle in this story. or a shell, perhaps. a lucky dark little tortoise shell. she can be a little scary at times, as the person creating her, and for the other characters interacting with her, but also she comes off as completely harmless. like a lake or a river wide and deep enough to swim in. yin has really just been fragments and pieces, little ideas here and there, that have come together to create a very healing, loving character that just has an overwhelming flood of love pouring out from her at all times.
there was also the idea, story-wise, of wanting to create a character that doesn’t become friends with zoe specifically bc of a shared interest/goal – yin doesn’t want to kill her uncle; she genuinely wants to be zoe’s friend. they do share traits & like. actual interests – they’re both family oriented, hence why yin wouldn’t want to kill her family – but yin isn’t zoe’s loyal-ass friend bc they have a similar moral code or bc they had similar goals & became close over the course of the mission etc. like jason, for example. the lotus is a big symbol for yin as well, which connects her directly to zoe, who is representative of the center.
ask me some q’s about my ocs!!
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🔥 ℝise Ⱥbove I̾t ◈ Chapter 045 [Abuse of Power]
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Word Count: 3,332
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
〈“Will anyone come forward? Who is to blame? They’ve all tried to hold me down, but now I’ve turned it all around. Got the hope I need to get off the ground, stay alive and try another day.” Vickeblanka, “Black Rover”〉
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
What an insane fucking aura Stain has… such strength, such conviction. He needs a serious fucking chill pill, bro. Izuku’s body shook in fear against me, his wide eyes trained on the hero killer. Even the fucking pros are frozen in shock and fear. For fuck’s sake, do I have to do everything around here?
I pushed Zuku to the side and rushed forward, twisting my body to slam my leg against his stomach. What little bit of consciousness he had left fled his body as the knife clattered to the ground, his eyes rolling into the back of his skull as his body fell to the ground.
“That ain’t it, chief,” I grunted. “You say only All Might is allowed to kill you? That’s a wet dream because that blonde idiot would never kill anyone for any reason. The fucker ain’t got it in him to do so. And besides,” I smirked, holding up my hand as flames swirled against my palm. “Allowed to kill you? I’d like to see you spout that crap when you’re locked up with the worst of the worst!”
“J-Jen…” Izuku squeaked.
I glanced at him and sighed, lowering my hand. “But it’s not like you can hear me and I’m way fucking overdue for some fucking sleep. Release,” The sound of shattering filled the night air as my torn and burnt school shirt returned to my body. Deadpool, I’m coming to see you, bud.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
I stared out the window, watching a bird hopping from branch to branch. Although Hosu general had a few healers on their staff, they are nothing compared to Gran, so most of my injuries hadn’t been fully healed.
The door slid open and a thin man in a white coat stepped inside, his grey-blue hair slicked back. His name is Akashi, the doctor that’s been tending to me since I arrived. He glanced up from the clipboard, his blue eyes meeting mine. “How are you feeling, Miss Winchester?”
“Like I got ran over by an eighteen-wheeler twice and then he did a u-turn and did it two more times.”
He sweatdropped. “That’s oddly specific…” He cleared his throat. “Would you like to know the extent of your injuries before we took care of you?”
“Yeah, why not.”
“Your left shoulder was broken, along with several ribs, one of which nearly punctured your lung. The puncture wound on your stomach was the worst of your injuries, it was quite deep, but your quick thinking at closing the wound prevented you from bleeding out. There will be a nasty scar once it’s fully healed, though. For the future, when you get stabbed by something, don’t pull it out.” Akashi deadpanned.
I returned his pointed look with a blank one. “Yeah sure. Walking around with a piece of fucking glass sticking out of my fucking torse is totally a fashion trend I want to start.”
He ignored me, returning his eyes to the clipboard. “Other than that, there were various cuts and bruises across your body, but nothing serious. We fixed your shoulder, so you should be able to use your arm, but I suggest you take it easy since it’s not fully healed.”
All things considered, not too bad, I guess.
“You can come in now,” Akashi called out.
The door slid open and the short man, Gran Torino, stepped inside. “Come on, girl. The chief of police needs to talk to all of you at once. Let’s not keep him waiting.”
I groaned in protest. “Ain’t it easier to bring them to me?”
“Easier for you, maybe.” He grunted, folding his arms over his chest.
Che, no sympathy for the wounded. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. The cold shot through my socks as soon as I touched the linoleum floor. Thankfully, the nurses had changed me into pants and a shirt instead of those horrendous hospital gowns because I ain’t about that life. Gran Torino led me down the hall to a room where two men stood. One I recognized – it was the guy that had tried to take me to the hospital.
His eyes met mine and he rushed forward, relief on his face. “You’re okay, I’m so glad!” The relief quickly switched to disappointment. “I trusted you to go straight to the hospital. What were you thinking? You were already badly injured and then you went after the hero killer. You could have died, do you understand?”
I scratched my cheek. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I don’t regret it, though. I’d do it again.”
The second man cleared his throat and holy fucking salsa dancing chimichangas is that a dog on two legs?? Why is this bitch so goddamn tall?? “We should scold them together, woof.”
Bro, he just fucking barked, I can’t.
Gran Torino nudged me forward and I reluctantly tore my eyes from the dog, entering the room. All three boys snapped their heads to us.
“Jen!” Zuku sprung off the bed, stumbling with a squeak. I rushed forward, catching him with my good arm. He buried his face in my neck, arms tight around my waist. “We were so worried… they wouldn’t tell us where you were or if you were okay.”
I hummed, running my fingers through his hair. “I won’t die so easily, not when I have so many brats to look after.” I helped him back to his bed before sitting on the side.
Gran Torino stomped forward. “Idiot! I could yell at you for hours right now!”
“Yeah… I’m… sorry…” Zuku mumbled, looking down at the covers in shame.
“But before I do, you’ve got a visitor. This is Hosu’s chief of police, Kenji Tsuragamae.”
The tall dog entered the room on cue, his hands in the pockets of his suit pants. Todoroki and Iida immediately stood up and Zuku struggled to do the same. “No, please stay seated, woof.”
I held my breath to prevent myself from laughing. I mean come on, can you blame me? He’s a fucking dog for fuck’s sake and he keeps barking! What even is my life?
“So, you’re the U.A. students that brought down the hero killer, huh?”
“We are,” Todoroki responded hesitantly.
“Stain has some serious injuries,” he continued. “Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now, he’s in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here’s a lesson you should have already learned – when quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. It decided we wouldn’t use quirks as weapons.”
What the fuck is the point, then? If you got a bitch comin’ at you with the intent to kill, you can bet your ass I’mma use my quirk as a fucking weapon.
“That’s when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn’t – if they were licensed, of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly quirks. After all, we’re here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason the pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the early heroes chose to abide by.”
I scratched my cheek. He just started talking and my brain is already starting to hurt. This mutt is throwing information at me like I’mma be graded on it. He should be thanking us for doing what he failed to do, but I get the feeling that ain’t gonna happen.
“That’s why it’s against the law for un-certified people to use their quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the hero killer or not, none of you have the authority to harm a villain. That means the four of you, and your supervisors – Endeavor, Manual, and Gran Torino – are sure to receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers.”
Todoroki beat me to the punch, his voice angry. “Now wait a minute. If Iida had not stepped in, Native would have been murdered. And if not for Midoriya, both of them would be dead. No one even realized that the hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should have just stood back and watched people die?!”
“Calm down,” Zuku held his hands up.
“No, he’s fucking right.” I snapped, glaring at the mutt. “The whole fucking reason we’re training to be heroes is to use our fucking powers to save people. What kind of hero turns their back when someone is about to fucking die, huh?! You’re damn fucking right I used my quirk to harm that fuck and I’d do it again!”
“So, it’s okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?” His eyes narrowed.
“But, sir -” Todoroki clenched his teeth. “Isn’t it a hero’s job to save people?!”
“This is why you’re not a full-fledged pro yet. It’s obvious U.A. and Endeavor haven’t been teaching you near enough. What a shame.”
Oh no, he fucking did not just go there.
“You damn mutt!” Todoroki spat, stepping forward.
“You’ve got some nerve, you fucking dog.” I snarled. “Insulting U.A. like that. U.A. is the fucking best school, full of people that actually give a damn about others!”
“Todoroki! Winchester!” Iida cried out. “Listen, he’s right!”
“Stop right here, kids.” Gran Torino held his hand up to prevent us from getting any closer to the dog. “You wanna hear him out to the end.”
The mutt continued, “What I’ve said is the official stance at the police department, but any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. If it did, you’d probably be applauded by citizens everywhere, but there’s no way you could escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day.”
I glanced at Todoroki, seeing his body tense up. Personally, I don’t give a fuck about getting credit or not, I’d much rather prefer not to be in the limelight. But Endeavor getting the praise? Really?
“Stain’s burns would support this story completely and we could pretend you weren’t involved, woof. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you, though. You’d receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours.”
Why does this sound too good to be true, huh?
“Personally, I know where I stand.” The mutt held his thumb up, tongue lolling out of his mouth. “I don’t want to damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this.”
“Bitch, huh?” I deadpanned. “You just fucking said – and it wasn’t a mistake, bro!”
“Either way, we have to take responsibility for being negligent supervisors…” The man, according to Iida was called ‘Manual’, hung his head in shame.
Iida approached him and bowed at the waist. “I’m sorry, I should have listened.”
Manual lightly karate chopped his head. “Yeah, you caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that, and don’t do it again!”
Zuku lowered his head. “And… I apologize, as well.”
“Me too,” Todoroki bowed, mumbling reluctantly.
Gran Torino looked at me expectantly and I stared back. “Well, I ain’t fucking apologizing. I don’t regret my decision to step in and help them. My goal is to protect these brats, no matter what it costs me. Was it stupid and reckless? Maybe, but I still stand by my decision. I would rather rot in a cell for the rest of my life than live with the thought that I didn’t protect them when I could have simply because of a stupid rule. Not only that, but that first fucking battle left me no choice. She was after me like a fat kid after the last fuckin’ twinkie.”
“Jen,” Zuku sweatdropped.
Gran Torino grunted and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of me, his foot in my stomach. The air left me as I stumbled backward into Todoroki’s arms, clutching my stomach. “Toshirnori was right about you, we have our work cut out for us with you. You should have accepted my offer!”
“You fucking moldy ass shrimp,” I wheezed in pain.
“I know it’s not fair,” the mutt spoke up. “You won’t enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would have received otherwise but at least,” He bowed at the waist, his arms straight at his sides. “Allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you.”
“You know, you could have started with that…” Todoroki murmured, glancing at me.
“For fucking real,” I muttered. “Being a hero ain’t about fame. Who fucking cares if we get praised? That’s the whole reason Stain even exists, ain’t it? People are becoming heroes for the fame and the cold hard cash, not because they genuinely care about others. They don’t want to help people, they just wanna help themselves.”
He hummed thoughtfully as he straightened his body. “Perhaps, but I personally believe that good deeds should be rewarded, woof.” I clicked my tongue and looked away. “Now, I must return to the station and I ask that you accompany me there, Jen Winchester.”
Zuku tensed up, his eyes darting between us. “Wait, is she in trouble? Now that I think about it, you didn’t mention a fourth supervisor, why is that? Who did she intern with? I don’t remember anyone mentioning it. Plus, she was badly injured when she arrived on the scene. She said something about the first battle, what did she mean by that?”
I sweatdropped at his muttering spell, walking over and resting my hand on his head. “Don’t worry, Zuku, they just need to ask me some questions about somethin’ I saw before the battle with Stain. Heal up well and I’ll see the three of you back at school, alright?” I headed for the door but paused. “Can one of you get ahold of Katsuki and let him know I’m alive?”
“I will,” Iida responded.
“Thanks,” I grinned, closing the door behind me.
⊱ ────── {⋅. .⋅} ────── ⊰
Kenji opened a door, motioning for me to step inside. “What here, we’ll be with you shortly, woof.”
I grunted, stepping into the bare, cold room. The door closed behind me and an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. The thick walls blocked out the sounds of the police station. After leaving the three boys, he had checked me out of the hospital against the doctor’s wishes and drove me straight to the Hosu police department.
I fell into the metal chair with a sigh. The metal table is bolted to the floor so it can’t be moved, and another chair sat on the other side. A bright, fluorescent light sat in the middle of the ceiling, directly above the table. The wall behind me was almost completely covered by a thick black glass – a two-way mirror. Geez, why I do I feel like a fuckin’ prisoner right now?
The door opened and I lazily glanced over. “Hello, Jen Winchester.” The man smiled, closing the door behind him. “Do you remember me?”
He does look familiar, but, “Nope.”
He sat down across from me. “We never officially met. My name is Naomasa Tsukauchi.”
“Ah,” I sat up, smacking the table with my right hand. “The fucker that said the teachers saved us at the USJ and completely undermined the fact that the students fought hard as fuck.”
“Right…” he sweatdropped, his smile turning sheepish. “Sorry about that.”
“What are you doin’ in Hosu?”
His smile dropped. “We found the pro hero Caraphernelia. Another student from U.A. arrived a day late for his internship and when he stumbled upon the scene, he called the cops. After informing U.A. of this, we learned that two students were due to intern with her. And then U.A. got the call from the hospital about you and the others.”
“Wait, who was the other student?”
He shuffled through the papers in his black folder. “Regina Reggian, a student from general studies.”
Are you shitting me… that fucking kid.
“I need you to tell me exactly what happened,” Naomasa said seriously, giving me his full attention. “No detail is too small.”
I leaned my head back to rest against the chair, closing my eyes. “It started after Aizawa announced that we’d be interning with pros. During lunch, I got a text message from an unknown number. It told me to choose her agency if I wanted to learn about my mother.”
“I see. And did you tell anything about this message?”
I thought about Kat for a moment before shaking my head, “Nah.”
“So you chose her agency. Then what happened?”
“The first floor was completely devoid of life, so I went up to the third floor where I was told to go, right. Everyone was already dead when I got there. I was about to call someone, but then they showed up.” I scowled.
“We found the phone pinned to the wall, but it was destroyed so we couldn’t determine the owner.” He mused, scribbling on his notepad. “Can you describe who showed up?”
“Kurogiri, the warp gate from the USJ incident and some rodent fuck. He wasn’t at the USJ, at least not from what I saw. He looked like… if you took a shit ton of different rodents and fused ’em together.”
“The League of Villains… Did you fight them?”
I scowled, remembering that mutt’s words as I smacked my hand on the table. “The fucker attacked me, so I defended myself. What, was I supposed to just let him spear me like a fucking kebab instead of using my powers?” His lips twitched up but he said nothing so I continued. “I tried to leave because I didn’t like my odds and there wasn’t anyone to protect so I had no reason to fight, but that misty fuck is pretty smart and he got me.”
“They took you,” he concluded, tapping his pen on the pad as he watched me with thoughtful black eyes.
“Yeah,” I leaned back in my chair. “They chained me to a fucking chair in a room without a window or even a clock. And it was so dusty. What if I fucking had asthma, huh? I doubt the fucking League of Villains has an inhaler on standby, but that raspy fuck could probably use one.”
“Did they say what they wanted with you? Why they took you?”
I tried to keep a blank look on my face, but my eye twitched, making him raise a brow. “I forgot to mention – I’m pretty sure that bitch was workin’ with ’em.”
He nodded. “We have confirmation of that after searching her office.”
“They tried to recruit Stain, too, but he refused.”
“I see,” he scribbled the info down. “Anything else or are you done avoiding my question?”
I groaned, setting my chair down so I could lean on the table. The cold metal felt good against my skin. “Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri apparently both had feelings for my mom and since she’s dead, I’m the next best thing, but their boss had other plans.” My hand lifted to the pendant, my fingers curling around it. “He wanted this.”
“Why didn’t he just take it instead of taking such a big risk?”
“Can’t,” I glanced up at him. “I mean, you can take it off me, sure but it’ll always come back. It’s got some sick attachment to me. Tried to get rid of it so many fucking times as a kid, but it was always back around my neck when I woke up.”
He hummed thoughtfully. “That’s interesting,”
A knock sounded on the door and a woman poked her head inside. “Sorry to interrupt, detective, but there are two men here demanding to see Winchester. One of them is claiming to be her father.”
We exchanged a confused look.
My father? It’s gotta be Toshi, right? But… he’s never introduced himself as my parent before. And if it actually is him, he wouldn’t be demanding to see me, that ain’t his style. What the hell.
⊱ ────── {⋅. 🔥 .⋅} ────── ⊰
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peace-coast-island · 7 years
#ChoicesCreates28: Choices Crossover
Title: Eshajōri (#LoveHacks) - Part 2 Summary: Eshajōri - “people meet, always part”; the concept that expresses the idea about the impermanence of all things, that every human relationship will end someday due to the transient nature of life. Part 2 of Julie’s article where she interviews various people she met around the world. Featuring MCs from TRR and THoBM and other OCs from HSS and HWU. (Part one)
Prompt: Talk about someone who is special to you. But not just anyone, it has to be someone who isn’t really a part of your life anymore. Think about this person and why they left an impact on you.
Enid Zuberi
About her: Hi, I’m Enid and I’m from New York. Currently in Cordonia and there’s a lot of things going on so I’m just here for the ride. I don’t know what to expect but at this point I’m prepared for almost anything that comes my way.
Her story: One person who meant a lot to me, and still does, is my best friend Ollie. We’re still close but he’s busy with is life while I’m busy with mine so we don’t really hang out as much anymore. We also had another friend, Sera, who passed away a few years back. The three of us were inseparable and I couldn’t have asked for better friends than these two.
I’ve known Ollie since we were little kids. He’s kind of like my little brother and I still kind of treat him like one and although he won’t admit it I think he kinda likes it when I fuss over him. We’re from completely different backgrounds as he comes from a wealthy family while I came from a middle class family. Since his parents usually leave him with the housekeepers, he’s usually at my place or Sera’s. My parents treated him like a son and did more for him than his actual parents, no offense to them, just stating the truth. Though I’m happy to say Ollie is civil with his parents, which isn’t much but it’s better than nothing.
In college we started sort of doing our own thing as I stayed close to home, Sera went to Eagle U in Eden Villa, and Ollie went to Harvard. Doing the summer we’d go to our special place, so we’d bring out a boat, go sailing until we get there and set up a picnic. But after Sera died, it was hard for me and Ollie to go back there because of the memories. We did eventually but it’s been a few years since then.
Anyway, Ollie and I are kind of in our own world. He’s busy with his family’s law firm and I’m out here. I’ve been texting him a lot since I came to Cordonia to keep him updated on everything. He’s been really supportive and I wouldn’t know what I’d do without him. Since this trip was kind of last minute, we were bummed that we didn’t have time to say goodbye and stuff. I really miss him and once I get back home, however long that takes, I’m gonna make plans for us to hang out more.
Finn Dobrev
About him: Hey my name’s Finn and I’m kinda new here. I just became an actor thanks to my pal Lauren, you might know her, she’s um… well she’s nice once you get to know her. My home is at Bubblerum, which is like in the middle of nowhere so like no one has heard of it.
His story: So I grew up with my brother Cloud, who’s a ghost. No, he wasn’t alive before, he’s part of this species of ghosts who are just…ghosts. I don’t think I explained that well. He’s um…a standalone ghost I guess. Anyway I grew up with him and our mother, who adopted us, which is how we met. We were like two peas in a pod because we were different. His species is endangered and I’m not like completely human. Seriously, look, my limbs are cyborg parts and also I can time travel. You want proof about time travel? I can show you!
(What happened behind the scenes, aka someone had to spend a few extra hours editing this since she had to cut a lot of stuff out while trying to make sense of this mess…
Finn: You want proof about time travel? I can show you!
Julie: Um…is that safe?
Finn: Sure it is! What’s the worst that could happen?
Julie: A lot of things, actually.
Finn: Don’t worry, I won’t pull you through a time loop, this will only take you a few years back.
Julie: Wait a minute. What do you mean time loop? And this is just an interview You don’t have to - and you’re gonna do it anyway…
Time travel stuff happens. Surprisingly nothing is destroyed and everything is back to normal.
Finn: How’s that for the article?
Julie: Yeah I’m afraid i’m gonna have to cut that out.
Finn: Well the time travel is actually relevant to my story. And the time loop thing. It’s actually a very long story…
He wasn’t kidding)
So about the time loop thing. Cloud and I accidentally released this evil spirit which attacked this island where I found my bio mom and my sister, who I never knew because we were separated a long time ago, and that’s another story so I’m gonna skip that part. Anyway evil spirit destroyed the island several times. So Cloud and I decided to be heroes, well we kind of are back in Bubblerum and I should really get back to the main story.
Okay so Cloud and I locked the island in a time loop because if we didn’t the whole island would be dead and i wouldn’t be here talking to you. By doing that we went back in time several days before the attack so we could have another chance at defeating the evil spirit. And if we all get killed, the timeline resets so we can try again. Except it took like bajillion tries and for a while it seemed like no matter what we did it was hopeless and we kept dying horrible deaths. Time travel is pretty complicated, especially when you remember everything that didn’t happen.
And guess who broke the time loop and freed us from all these horrible deaths? It was Cloud, who sacrificed himself to destroy the evil spirit at the cost of his own life. By then it was like our final chance because you can only do so many do-overs so it was a lot of pressure. Cloud was a brave guy, the only one who has stuck with me for so long, so now it feels kinda weird without him. At least he died a hero, just like he always wanted. Google “Cloud the ghost fights evil spirit” if you want to know more about it, but ignore the articles by DailyTango because they never get their facts right, including our names.
Aminta Beaumont
About her: I’m Aminta, I live in Evergreen Oaks and I’m currently taking a gap year. I’m a student at Hartford majoring in finance with a minor in psychology and I hope to run my own accounting firm one day.
Her story: About a year ago I was going through a rough time in my life. And then I met Eleanor, who helped me open my eyes and face my problems. Although we only knew each other for a short time, our lives weren’t the same after that. It’s one of those little things that may not seem obvious but it ends up leaving something big.
When I first met Eleanor, I was lost and scared. I was haunted by my brother’s death and it was difficult. Eleanor was going through a rough time too as she went through a lot and goes to great lengths to take care of her siblings. The fact that we both were dragged down by our pasts brought us together.
For a while I stayed with Eleanor and became a caretaker for her siblings Clarissa, Thomas, and Simon. It took a while for them to warm up to me, can’t blame them though since I was a complete stranger who suddenly appeared, but soon it was like I was part of their family. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I didn’t feel like I was being weighed down or held back. But at the same time I knew that I was supposed to be looking for answers and for a way to put my past behind.
Confronting my demons wasn’t easy but I knew that I couldn’t keep running away. Eleanor was the type of person who was selfless, always giving and willing to protect her siblings no matter what. That’s another thing we had in common, wanting to protect our families because the truth was too painful. So we take that truth and carry it ourselves, shouldering the burden so no one else would. We had good intentions but even that can do more harm than good. Once we opened up, the burden fell away.
After that we went our separate ways. I didn’t know her for long but at the same time it felt like we spend a lifetime together. I wish we had more time together but it was time for us to start living again and our paths just don’t cross. I still think about her and the kids from time to time, wondering how they’re doing now. Maybe one day our paths will cross again but for now I hope she’s happy and at peace.
Viktor Maksimov
About him: My name’s Viktor, I’m from Moscow and staying with my aunt in Peace Coast Island. I’m an athlete, which is another reason why I’m here and I like to do gymnastics, sing, dance, and skate.
His story: My mother was my number one supporter. She encouraged me to work hard, do my best, go for the gold, all that motivating stuff. I’m a competitive athlete so I travel a lot, and no matter what, my mom was always there. We come from a family of competitive athletes, my mother and my aunt were dancers. Mom retired after getting married and later became a dance instructor. You might have heard of my aunt, Anna Nikolaev, the one who was on that show Cooking Competitor. So, yeah, we’re a pretty athletic family.
It’s been over a year since the worst day of my life, and that was Mom’s death. She went to watch my aunt perform at Nationals while the rest of us watched the competition through a livestream. On the way back to the hotel they got into a bad car accident that involved two other cars. Mom didn’t make it, Anna and her dance instructor were badly injured. It was a difficult time knowing that Mom was gone and Anna’s life was hanging by a thread.
I think it was Mom who helped me through that difficult time. Or at least her memory. It’s not easy being a competitive athlete and there were times when I wanted to quit because the pressure was too much. Mom was the one who helped me when I felt that way. She taught me how to confront my fears. That it was okay to be scared and unsure. That even when things don’t go well, in the end everything will work out. She also taught me how to deal with stress like through meditation and mindfulness. The first few months without her were tough but by remembering what she taught, I somehow managed to pull through.
So Mom, wherever you are, I hope I can make you proud. You’ve done so much for me and I want to return the favor.
Sapphire Landry
About her: Name’s Sapphire. I live in Peace Coast Island with my besties Spencer and Steven. I like to sing and dance and I have a big sweet tooth. Trilingual, blind right eye, lazy, musically inclined, fashionista, sassy, I think you get my personality.
Her story: A long time ago, okay so not that long ago, I had a partner in crime. Her name was Lizzie and she was my BFF. As you can tell from the fact that I used past tense, she is sadly no longer with us. I still find it hard to believe.
This actually happened a long time ago, four years, when our lives changed forever. By accident Lizzie and I became time travelers. No, seriously we were doing a project, accidentally knocked something over, stuff exploded, we woke up in a hospital and bam! time travel. I’d show you but my powers are kind of unstable but it’s been a while so maybe it’ll be okay. Here I go…
(Julie: That won’t be necessary, thank you. So I’m guessing time travel is relevant to the story?
Sapphire: Yeah, probably bad idea… Besides my powers are kinda inactive, not since the illness but that’s another thing but it’s also kinda relevant…)
So we become time travelers but because of how we got our powers it means that we’re unpredictable. But no worries, we went along with this time travel scientist and her son Spencer who was our classmate so we got things under control. Well most of the time. The four of us were a great team!
Then last year, things went downhill. We lost half the team so Spencer and I were left. His mother took us to a clinic, can’t remember too much about it, but there was some mystery illness causing an epidemic. No one knew how bad it was until it was too late. We were visiting Spencer’s father, who’s a huge jerk by the way, and then we all got sick. There was nothing the doctors could do and Lizzie died. I never even got to say goodbye.
Lizzie was more than a best friend, she was a sister. I practically lived with her, in fact I tried but ended up getting in trouble. We were always attached by the hip, maybe sometimes a bit too close. She was the one who kept me out of trouble even though we ended up in it anyway. She always knew what to do when things got chaotic. Hell, I even miss the things I don’t like about her like when she nags about things or go all snarky when she’s mad. She was one of a kind.
Losing her was like losing a huge part of me. We were always known as Lizzie and Sapphy. Now it’s just Sapphy. I’m still not used to it but I’m trying.
You know, maybe it’s a good thing Lizzie isn’t here right now because if she heard what I just said about her and being all mushy and stuff I bet she’ll make fun of me for it!
Owen Rahajaro
About him: I’m Owen and I’m a student at Hollywood U and a regular performer at Starlight Theater. I like to sing, act, dance, and perform stunts. Starlight has been my home for over seven years and I recommend if you have the time, stop by and watch a show.
His story: Growing up I was raised by my father, who was a traveling musician. He’d visit many places, playing his sitar. I was surrounded by music so obviously my life revolved around that. We didn’t have much except for each other, and music, of course and that was more than enough.
Dad passed away when I was nine after being ill for months. By then we settled in London where he became a teacher. His health had been slowly declining by then, which is why he decided to stop traveling. I didn’t find out about that until much later, after he died. I remember pacing around the hospital, not fully understanding what was going on expect that my father was very sick. Never in my life had I felt so scared.
It’s still painful to talk about his final weeks. Seeing my lively and outgoing father lying in a hospital bed with tubes and wires attached to him, is something that will always be hard to think about. But I didn’t want his last memories to see his son sad and scared so I did my best to make him happy. Because if he was happy, then so was I. He did a lot for me and now that he wasn’t going to be here for much longer scared him. I made a promise to him and to myself that I would be strong and I’m still keeping to my word.
One thing I remember about my dad’s final weeks was how much he talked about my mother. She died when I was a baby so all I have is pictures of her and stories dad told me about her. During long nights at the hospital, he told me about her, things that you don’t hear in stories. Like how she started the day by opening the curtains wide open to bring in the sunlight or that she was a perfectionist who would spend hours banging on piano keys writing a song and driving her neighbors crazy in the process. It was then I realized that soon he won’t be here anymore.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe that he’s been gone for almost fourteen years. There are days when I can remember him clearly and days when I struggle to remember. He was a big part of my life and I miss him every day. I bet he’s happy up there with mom.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MS] No one ever suspected me
The story actually started back in 1982 in the Tampa area.
I will start out by saying that regret the pain that I caused to Tanya Ivanov. I'm married with children and don't get me wrong, I do love my wife but I love this other person more, although I've never acted on it.
In every town you always have someone who is either a troublemaker or trouble seems to follow this person. Well Douglas Miller was that person, except he was a troublemaker. Tanya Ivanov made the mistake of marrying him two months after graduation from high school. I'm surprised that it lasted a year.
Shortly after separating from him, Tanya showed up at the Russian Orthodox Church for a Christmas service. She went up to get a blessing which she did receive. I think our Priest felt sorry for her. When she walked back to her seat, I'm sure that everyone noticed the bruising on her cheeks and the fading black eye that she had on one eye and the black eye on the other. She also had a lump on her forehead, curtsy of Douglas Miller. Tears were coming down her cheeks as she realized that all eyes were on her. Her grandmother looked at her and I could see tears coming down her cheeks.
When the service was over, I overheard some whispers that if her father Alex was alive, Douglas Miller wouldn't have come near her which was probably true. Alex was very protective of his daughter and prior to meeting Douglas, Tanya had never dated anyone and had no experience with men. Sadly Tanya's mother had died when she was very young, prior to her coming to the US from Russia.
In 1980 Alexander Ivanov had died in his sleep. No one could understand this as he went to the doctor the day before and everything was fine. Blood pressure, heart rate, temperature fine. He was 50 years old and appeared to be very healthy. This was a month after Tanya had graduated from high school. Her paternal grandmother was the only family in the US.
Tanya went to the Russian Orthodox school which was K-12. So did I. Our schooling was very strict compared to US schools. I might add that Douglas was in his early 40's.
After her father died, Tanya basically rebelled against the strict upbringing.
A couple of months after Tanya left Douglas, they got divorced and life went on. She went to the Orthodox college and graduated 4 years later. She left Tampa and went to Washington D.C. and life went on. She came home a couple of times a year to visit her paternal grandmother.
Douglas Miller in the meantime became a famous actor. It came as no surprise to me when he would get arrested for beating up his partner. He went thru many as you can imagine. The more I thought about what he did to Tanya, the angrier I got. But I could do nothing about it.
I found out that Douglas Miller, AKA: Mr. Creep was in the town at a nightclub. He had this fancy Lamborghini car that was blue in color. He had left the keys in the car. I took the car without being noticed as everyone's attention was on him. I then took the car to a place where stolen vehicles are often dumped. I got out of the car and in no time the car was on fire. I didn't do a very good job as it didn't totally burn but the car was a total loss. I put some cocaine in the car. I was disappointed when Mr. Creep wasn't arrested for this but then again his car was stolen, so he could say someone planted this in his vehicle. I made sure that I didn't take the car where I would be known.
Turns out that Tanya was also in town as she was getting married. I was invited to the wedding due to my grandmother being good friends with Tanya's grandmother. Her husband was of Russian ancestry and had grown up in the Washington D.C. area.
Several months before Tanya got married, she had to come back to Tampa to get permission from the church to marry due to her divorce. I heard they were very easy on her, most likely because her grandmother and father have given a lot of money to the church and were founders of the church. I also think that they liked her and felt sorry for her.
I knew a lot about American law enforcement from my father and grandfather who were part of a KGB operation in Russia. They never admitted to being such but everyone knew. From what I do know, they never killed another, never beat or harmed anyone but they were spies in Russia. Don't really know what they did and it was never talked about. They left Russia because they knew they would asked to do something they didn't want to do. What it was I don't know.
Tanya had been lucky not to be dragged into the drama regarding Mr. Creep but I knew it was just a matter of time. A year later, Mr. Creep was found murdered in a pent house in Tampa.
The timing on this was bad as Tanya's grandmother was ill and had died a couple of hours before Mr. Creep was found dead. Tanya had arrived in Tampa a week earlier. The Tampa police came to her grandmother's house. Even though she was upset and grieving about her grandmother death, she agreed to be interviewed by one of them.
The other officer talked with me and my grandmother. My grandmother can't drive, so I had driven her over there so see Tanya as we were helping with the funeral arrangements.
I was careful what I said and how I presented myself. The police officer questioned Tanya for about 10 minutes and then left.
I then took my grandmother to the Church as she helped out at the office. I was going to leave when I saw the same officers go into Father Joseph's office. He closed the door.
I went into another room where I could hear what was being said. The walls there were thin. Father Joseph told them about Alexander's death and Tanya marrying Douglas. It wasn't a church wedding and I wouldn't have approved the marriage, even if he was Russian. He was bad news. He came to church once with Tanya and he had been drinking heavily. Passed out on the floor. Poor Tanya was so embarrassed Father Joseph said to the officer.
"Tanya told us that her grandmother died a couple of hours ago." said one officer.
Father Joseph confirmed this. "Olga Ivanov, age 85. She had been ill for a couple of years."
"If Alex had lived, her involvement with Douglas Miller never would have happened. He wouldn't have allowed it, first of all and.....
A little later, I saw the police officers get into their vehicle and they were discussing what had been said about Tanya. I hid in a patio area. I could see them but they couldn't see me.
"Basically everyone has said the same thing about Tanya. I doubt that she had anything to do with the murder. She never had contact with him after the divorce. I could tell it was painful for her to talk about what happened to her but she's not a murderer. We have eliminated her as a suspect."
I was very relieved to hear this.
The murder of Mr. Creep wasn't solved. There were so many women that he had abused both physically and sexually that any of these women could have been suspect. One possible suspect was the 18 year old foster child of a woman he'd abused over 20 years ago. He saw him at a nightclub and sucker punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. Mr. Creep had a bad concussion. This happened two months earlier. The 18 year old had joined the army and was in boot camp doing basic training only because Mr. Creep decided not to press charges. I guess the creep didn't want his past coming out even though everyone knew about his abuse of women and violent behavior.
Police later believed that it was some type of hit on Mr. Creep. Mr. Creep had enemies but none of the women he abused came from families who would have retaliated in this way. He was known to be a heavy drinker and drug abuser.
The murder has never been solved. I didn't help things when I anonymously put on youtube pictures pictures of the abuse that Mr. Creep had inflicted on his partners over the decades. At first I was only going to release Tanya's photos but decided to release photos of all the women that I knew of that he abused.
I should have known that someone was going to dig into the past of these women and they did. Tanya worked at the State Department and was stationed in Moscow. I was appalled when the news was shown on Russian TV. Tanya had to re-hash what happened to her to officials in the Russian and American government. The Russian government used it as a news item to their citizens that American men abuse Russian women. It was used as propaganda. One Senator stated on the news that maybe if Tanya learned how to cook American food that this wouldn't have happened but later said it was a joke. Senator no one is laughing and I know you were serious.
Until, Tanya had married the creep, she had only cooked Russian food as she was taught to cook by her grandmother.
The whole episode has caused Tanya pain. She was careful not to show her emotions but no doubt when she was alone, her tears fell like a waterfall. She had never told her children and having to tell them was very painful for her. I know her husband Dimitri was furious. He had what I call controlled anger. I heard thru the grapevine that if he ever found out who did this, he wouldn't be responsible for his actions against that person. I don't blame him except I will never been found.
I might as well confess. I killed Douglas Miller. He had terrible security which made my job easier. I managed to get into one of his parties unnoticed. I took one of his guns and killed him with it after everyone had left. I left unnoticed thru a service area. I had stolen the security cameras because I knew where they were. I had for months stalked the area. I went in disguise.
The final straw was when a woman whom he had abused took her life. I know that he had abused her like he did all the others. Everyone failed her and Tanya. This time he wasn't getting away with it.
I got away with it.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[MS] Off the Radar
I would be the last person that you would ever think would be involved with getting even. I'm not by nature a vindictive or vicious person. One thing I never do is talk about or brag about things that I've done. I've never physically harmed or killed anyone (as angry as I have been about injustices in the court system) as I do have morals. Unless it's self-defense, physically harming or killing someone is wrong.
I remember the first time I did something. A good friend of mine was thrown out the window of 3 story balcony by an angry boyfriend during an argument. She was 18 years old. My friend didn't die, She was in a coma for several days and it wasn't known if she would survive. She did survive but she was never the same. She has difficulty reading and writing and finds it difficult to do basic tasks. She was going to become a doctor but this creep took that away from her. She was very smart but because of the head injuries is more like a 5 or 6 year old.
The courts only gave this creep probation. The attorney of this creep Jeff Wilson had some very high end sports car that he kept parked on his property. He had a blue Lamborghini which is worth a lot of money. What I did was I went out in the wee hours of the morning and with a knife flatten the tires on this vehicle and then the others. I then took a key and keyed the Lamborghini. I then poured gasoline on the Lamborghini and the other vehicles and set them on fire. I then ran. One of the cars exploded and then the building of the law firm was on fire.
I knew the attorney had cameras but I was dressed in black with a black hoodie. I had a wig on and had disguised myself so that I wouldn't be recognized. As I escaped, I could see the flames. Of course the fire and destruction of his vehicles were headline news. I waited nearly a year after the trial to do this. The attorney blamed an ex-girlfriend who threatened to set his cars on fire. He didn't know this but I was stalking him and was hiding nearby when I heard the ex threatened to burn his cars.
I got even with the fraternity who harmed a pledge in a terrible hazing incident. During spring break I took a large fire hose, broke a window in the back which couldn't be seen by the road and turned the water on. I also turned on water in the sinks and in the showers. It was several hours before it was noticed and it was a mess. Flooding all over the place. The house couldn't be lived in for months.
Again wealthy family, no criminal prosecution or charges filed.
The fraternity wanted to point the finger at the father of a pledge who was beaten and nearly died as the result of the beating but the dad was hundreds of miles away. The lawyer of the fraternity suggested that he got someone else or hired someone to do this. I must admit in this case, I took advantage of the situation as no one would ever suspect me. The pledge who was beaten up was someone I secretly admired. I decided that the fraternity was going to pay for what they did to him. Having to pay to rebuild their house meant that they wouldn't be hurting pledges or anyone else in a house for a while, at least.
I went after a broker who ripped off my elderly aunt. I stole one his computers hacked into his computer system and made a mess of it. I didn't take any of the money as they could be traced. Did this on Christmas Eve after spending the day with my aunt. When nightfall came, I threw the computer in the ocean and sharks attacked the computer.
The next morning I found the computer in bits and pieces, picked up what I could, dumped it in the trash and left. No one was out as it was cold that day.
This broker had shady business deal with a Russian Business Tycoon who threatened to sue him over a bad business deal. Again I took advantage of the system. The Russian Tycoon was blamed and of course he denied it. No one could prove or disprove that he did it.
This was the last thing that I did. I decided to stop as I didn't want to get caught as I know that I would be punished.
I'm actually a news anchor in Florida in a major market. All of these things happened in Florida within a 150 mile radius. I interviewed Detective Barry Matthews who had worked on the car fires.
"In the case of the Lamborghini fires and the fire that damaged Attorney Jeff Wilson's office we have yet to find the culprit. We have several suspects as you can imagine, the attorney made some enemies with the people he defended in court. He also was threatened over the years by various people."
"What about video surveillance? " I asked.
"Well, the fire destroyed it. This is one case that I would like to solve but we have no clear suspects. Many we have ruled out but there are a few that we haven't. If anyone has any information.......
"Thank you, Detective Matthews."
A co-worker Debra Short who was is several years younger than me was attending the college where the fraternity was vandalized. She interviewed of the Detectives on that case. Detective Wendy Busch acknowledged that the fraternity had a bad reputation of treating women and pledges badly. The father of the beaten pledge as well as the pledge were ruled out as suspects in the water damage. I was glad about that as I didn't want them to go to jail. The fraternity had to pay the pledge 3 million dollars in damages from the beating that left him with chronic pain. It was also closed down for good after that.
I listened to an interview with the Russian Business Tycoon who denied hacking to the broker's computer. "Well, why doesn't the police look at his investors? They had reason for revenge. I got my money back." The reporter said that police had looked into this but the investors were all elderly widows who didn't know much about computer? "Well, maybe an nephew, grandchild or someone in the family who was familiar with computers did this. After they did this, they threw the computer into the ocean. The computer most likely was attacked by a shark. They found some pieces of it." said the Tycoon in a serious manner.
The Tycoon said that politics was behind him being investigation. The reporter reminded the tycoon that he had been cleared but he believed that people still thought he did it and he feared for his life and safety. I was sitting in Detective Matthews apartment. He believed like many that the Tycoon hired someone to mess up the broker's computer for revenge."
I laughed when I heard.this. If he knew I did it, well he didn't. I covered my tracks by taking one of the broker's computers, hacking the system on Christmas day and then destroying the computer.
The funny thing about this was none of these cases were tied together. They were seen as different cases and no one suspected that one person was responsible for the fire, the water damage and the hacking of a computer.
All different cases but they were connected to me. My dear friend whose lifetime dream of becoming a doctor was ended by a jealous boyfriend. Perhaps you wonder why I didn't go after the boyfriend. Well, let's just say that what comes around, goes around. His drug dealer beat him and then threw him off a 5 story balcony due to no-payment. He owned this guy money. The drug dealer was sentenced to life in prison and shortly after he came to prison died under mysterious circumstances. No doubt the family of this man had a hand in this. Wealthy powerful people.
The pledge I never spoke a word to but saw him every day for about a year before he was beaten. He was so cute and attractive. I cried when I heard what happened to him. The pledge suffered PTSD and couldn't work. I'm glad the fraternity was forced to pay him 3 million dollars.
Despite my pleas, my aunt refused to go to the police after the broker ripped her off. She was ripped off $5,000. Not a large amount as my aunt had a lot of money but still she should have reported him.
The broker was fined $20,000 and that was it.
I told no one what I had done. Detective Matthews and I had become good friends. We are keeping our relationship secret. We spent a weekend in Key West. Far away from our home in Pensacola. We went down in separate cars. Had a nice weekend then went our separate paths. Don't know where the relationship will go. He has no idea that I have committed criminal offenses. I've fooled everyone.
Update: Several months later, Detective Matthews and I went our separate paths. No one knew and we didn't talk or brag. I was not on anyone's radar for these crimes. That's how I got away with it.
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