#the orphanage part also hurt because i was disowned by my father and then disowned by my mother (again) and then my father just decided he
More Toon Patrol Family Headcanons
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I'm going more in depth about ^ these ^ . My personal headcanons for the Weasels families.
Warnings; Cheating scandal, adoption (As in 'giving a child up for'), orphans, homeless living reference, Sanatorium living, abandonment, Deadbeat Father, Nasty Deadbeat Mother, fearing you're like your parents, etc.
Greasy was conceived on a desk... in a frenzy... by a business man and his pretty secretary.
Yeah. Bit of a saucy origin story, not that he knows it. Greasy was a complete one-night-stand accident child, neither of his parents wanted a kid and they weren't the types to force their way through raising him just cuz a few drops of semen leaked and carried winners. Also, the whole 'business man and his secretary' thing was an obstacle aswell,.. considering he was married...
When Greasy considers who his parents might be and why they didn't keep him, he thinks... eh, well he doesn't really think anything, these days. He came up with a million different reasons why he was left alone, before (When he was kit in an orphanage clutching his sheets in a storm, when he was a 12 collecting trash for pennies, when he was a teenager and working 2 dodgy jobs plus getting Select Items into prisons for cash, when he was a cruel 20 year old realising he had a knack for dealing with bad people and using them and his criminal activity skyrocketed) but he hasn't considered them in a while- not since joining the Patrol. That was when he really found a place to actually stay still (A.K.A, a place to feel relatively safe and to put his ~books~, a job he's really good at, some freaks who actually notice him as more than a tool to use. As a manipulative pervert moron, maybe, but for some reason it feels better when Wheezy rolls his eyes at him for saying something sleazy then it ever has having some gang leader praise him for having a good eye.), and since then... he hasn't really felt the need to think about his parents, or why they left him alone or didn't want him. He doesn't care.
He grew up part of the time in orphanages and part of the time on the street, which is how he learnt to be so intuitive and manipulative with other people (Though quite of a lot of it is natural talent). Its honestly a stroke of luck the insane asylum rejects he calls family now found him- no one else would be able to deal with him.
Yeah, so Psycho's family disowned him. I think that he spent a time in his life living in a Sanatorium, because he became just... a lotta work, for them at home, and they couldn't deal with him. Or, wouldn't. So they left him there, and after a short while, they... stopped visiting him?... One missed week turned into 2, 4, 8, 14... until Psycho grew bitter to the thought of them. He didn't want them to come back (Would you??)- he hoped they wouldn't.
And they didn't.
When he got out (When the Toon Patrol helped him escape) he just kinda... didn't think about them. He didn't really wanna see them again, not even to hurt them for abandoning him like that. As far as he was (Is) concerned- his family might as well just be the guy that drew him. And that's that. He's just him. Psycho. No family name.
Its a little lonely, a little empty... but better. Yes. Better then those looks 'family' give you when they don't want you. Better then waiting.
He does have a soft spot for Stupid, though. Big dumb hot water bottle that he is. Good for the winters.
He doesn't necessarily consider the rest of the TP his new family (Just that word gives him the Ick), but there's no doubt that if his old family ever did, miraculously, come find him and want him back (For some reason??), he would... hide behind Smartass and Greasy. Hissing, growling impressively disgusting obscenities, feeling ready to lash out with his razor, but yes... from behind Smartass and Greasy. He's not scared, he doesn't think they could protect him better then he could himself or even that they would, but he just.. feels better there. These two chose him.
Smartass and Stupid:
OKAY!! So- their father was a c o m p l e t e deadbeat. And a cheater. He was with Stupid's mum (A 'homely', hard-working, tough-as-nails badass of a woman) during the day and then Smartass' mum (An alcoholic who owned the bar he frequented. Very tough also, but also completely ruined as a person- nasty in natural personality and totally broken by life) at night. Stupid was a planned child, Smartass was an accident.
Smartass' mother... did not want him. Very plain and simple. She would come to half regret it later, but she give him up after a few years to his father- who promptly drops him off with Stupid and his mother and then ditches them all. Raise two sons?? Fuck that. So Stupid's (And, now, Smartass') poor mother is left working 3 jobs and taking care of a little boy who eats everything in sight as well as a tiny, weak little boy with a huge chip on his shoulder. She does the best she can and she has two very grateful sons for it ^^
Smartass is all torn apart because of this. Its complicated for him. He always felt like his mother's son (The one that gave him up. The spiteful, dirty, alcoholic mess); Like he couldn't escape it. Still cant. He feels like its in his genetics. He feels like he could never truly be one of them (Stupid and his mum), because he's too much like her- too cranky, too pessimistic, too cold- but with them he did feel loved, at least. Stupid's mother never made him feel like second fiddle, she tried her best to make him recognise that he was now more hers then anyone else's, and that was good enough... but only most of the time.
Stupid loves his brother ^^
This is best done in dot points- so here we go.
Yes, he is the chill Big Brother of the Toon Patrol- but that is not saying much XDDD He is still the neurotic, addiction addled criminal of his family! They truly do love him, but goddamnit, do they have some things to say about his lifestyle.
First of all- he's related to the two grave digging weasels in Mickey's Christmas Carol XD They're his cousins. They take the shit right out of him every time that they see him XD They'll drop cigarettes just to watch him lung to grab them before they're wasted because they know he cant help it and then shake their heads at him looking oh so serious ("Come on Wheezy, do better then that... " "Yeah Wheezy come on man, that's pathetic," while he's standing there looking pissed, arms crossed, but puffing away and taking it), they'll go ahead and tell on him to his mother at the drop of a hat if they something (Like if he got a girlfriend, or the Toon Patrol did something that got in the news, or he was smoking in the bathroom, etc. Like, "We love you cuz but we couldn't help it! Your life is a train wreck and we don't have a TV."), they'll tease him endlessly, etc.
I mean, they love him and they get along mostly but yeah... they love to hassle him XD 😅 Don't worry, Wheezy can take it.
He has a mother who frets about him and is down to go toe-to-toe with Smartass so he can get some days off (Another @marinerainbow idea! ^^). She's not an overbearing mother, she'll see his cousins sneaking the cigarettes out of his pocket before he even notices and not say a damn word, but when it comes to his health and relationships... she does still treat him like he's living with her XD Like, she wants to meet the Toon Patrol to assess them (And when she meets them she immediately demands that he q u i t- ), she wants to set him up with nice women ("You're so handsome Wheezy!! Please, let me find you a nice girl. Sandra, at the butchers, she just got her degree and broke up with that boyfriend of hers and I just think- " "Mum, I'm fine." "... I'm gonna give you her a number." "No thanks, Ma!- " "Did you hear the words 'Can I' leave my mouth? No? Thats because it wasn't a question."), and she wants him to eat well ^^ She doesn't call him everyday to make sure, but when he does come around she makes him leave with so much tupperware XDD He goes home with two bags full, dumps it on the table, and goes like "Guys!! We're fed for the next week!"
His father is a very very scary looking guy, himself. But he's a very good man and actually loves his sons 'friends' XDD Except for Greasy. He doesn't care for Greasy. If he sees the Toon Patrol he'll greet each of them and then promptly ignore Greasy's 😅😅😅 Just like-
*Handshake* "Smarty, good seeing you. Sharp tie." *Shoulder pat* "Stupid my boy you got a little something... its right there, on your mouth, its... eh, whatever. Save it for later. Good to see you." *Nod* "Psycho, your hair's lookin extra big. Very good." ... *Greasy hesitantly holds out his hand* "Oh look, a bird- Seeya, boys."
Its because he thinks he's a freak XD The first time they met, a risqué page from a magazine flew outta Greasy's suit and Wheezy's dad has never forgiven him.
Wheezy also has uncles, aunts, more cousins, and grandparents- but this is all I got right now XD
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finnwolfhardsbae · 3 years
✿𝕀 𝕞𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕀 𝕃𝕀𝕂𝔼 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦✿║A Steve Harrington x Reader imagine (Requested)
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𝕄𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪'𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥 :)
ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕: 𝕀 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥? 𝕀𝕗 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝔻𝕄 𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕀 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕩 𝕚𝕥 <𝟛
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕤𝕥, 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗 (𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕒)
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 𝟙𝟝𝟠𝟞 (𝕤𝕠 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘-𝕚𝕤𝕙)
You’re studying by yourself in the library stressed as hell over this biology essay that was due in 2 days, you aren't that behind y/n just calm down, you told yourself. But if you were being honest with yourself you were very behind, you shook your head trying to get yourself to focus. 
You look up and do a double take because you spotted the most popular and gorgeous guy at your school, Steve Harrington. He was standing at one of the bookshelves reading a book. You and Steve are good friends, though you sometimes thought he could be a douchebag he was overall nice, and kinda cute in your opinion. You look back down at your work trying to focus again, you really had to finish this essay and you didn't need boys or anyone shaking your grade streak right now. 
You’ve always been bothered with school, your fathers a lawyer so you try to live up to your well known family's expectations being the only child your parents have ever had. You think of how disappointed your parents would be if you didn't do well in school, you thought of your parents disowning you because you would be such a failure, a disappointment, a shame to your family. This was always a thought with you, being disowned, thrown onto the street or in an orphanage is your worst nightmare, even though you were 17 turning 18, it still bothers you.
You feel your eyes starting to water and your chest tightening, you could just feel all the stress building up inside you and you needed to let it out, but you couldn't. You were trying to hold it back as best you can the dark thoughts and feelings quickly manifesting in your head. Steve was still at the book shelf and you didn't want to make a fool of yourself, and plus there were other people around you trying to read or study, so you kept it in. 
“Y/n hey are you okay?” you hear someone approach you that's when you looked up and you were met with none other than Steve. You shook your head at him and that's when you let it all out, the tears sobbing the pain, the everything. Having people feel sorry for you was also one of the worst feelings ever for you, you always felt bad that they would worry about you rather than thinking or doing something else, like you were taking up their time. 
You hear a chair being pulled up next to you and feel a hand come around your shoulders, “Hey y/n its okay, tell me what's up hmm?” Steve says in a comforting soft tone, causing you to calm down a little bit. You see a few people staring at you two so Steve takes your hand and leads you out into the hallway so you two could talk in private. 
“Y/n you don't have to say it if you don't want to, I understand, but I just want to help okay?” he says before sitting at a bench with you following. 
“No Steve its f-fine I just feel emotional right now” you say wiping a tear from your cheek, “Well how can I help?” he asked with his eyes full of concern and tenderness making you feel more calmer, more confident. 
You tell him everything from the essay, your family, the stress you feel everyday and how it's affecting you. You were letting him into the most sensitive part of your life, but you trusted him you knew you could. 
He listened to you so intently and with interest and concern. When you finish he just stares at you, “I didn't know you were going through so much y/n” he says quietly. 
You frown, “Hey there are people out there far worse than me, people without jobs, without parents far worse. At least I got you aye?” you nudge him making him smile. “I guess you’re right, but you're too young to deal with that kind of stress,” he turns to face you properly, “Promise next time this happens come straight to me okay? I don't care if it's 2am or pouring rain outside, give me a call or come out and find me. I don't want you to get hurt anymore okay?” you look down at your hands avoiding eye contact with him. 
He uses his thumb and forefinger to pull your chin up towards him, “Promise?” he questions, you blink up at him, “Steve why are you doing this?” you ask him. To this he answers “Because I care about you, you���re one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.” 
You finally give in, “Okay I promise I’ll contact you next time this happens, there happy?” you giggle as he nods his head, “Yeah okay cool” he then looks relieved and happy. You two sit in comfortable silence for a bit, he catches your eye and says, “Do you want a ride home?”, “Yeah sure thanks I’ll just go grab my stuff and meet you in the car park yeah?” you reply, he nods his head before getting up and leaving. 
You quickly grab your stuff from the library and rush out the doors, getting into Steve’s car you notice how clean it is. “Nice car harrington” you remark before he pulls out of the car park, he chuckles “thanks” as he turns on the radio for some music. 
Later on that evening, long after Steve dropped you off, you start thinking about the whole situation that happened earlier in your head. ‘What does he even mean? He cares about me? And I’m one the most “amazing” people he's ever met?’
You shrug it off he was probably playing you like he did all those other girls, no one would even take a second look at you. You ignore it before you have another panic attack and start reading before you fall into a comfortable sleep. 
The next day you felt slightly on edge, anyone that talked to you that morning you just shut them out no matter who they were, especially Steve.
“Hey y/n, how are you feeling today?” Steve says as he walks up to your locker, “Fine thanks” you answer moodily. Steve gives you a funny look, but chooses to ignore your apparent bad mood.
Throughout the whole day you felt that feeling you had yesterday slowly come back in, you didn't have a particular reason why, but maybe it was because your Biology teacher came over and started talking to you about the essay, or maybe it was because of Steve, or maybe it was your parents.
Whatever reason it was, it sure was giving you hell that day, you avoid Steve for the rest of the day too, leaving classes before everyone else, taking the long way to classes he was in about almost every class you took, and at lunchtime that day you sat in the library and study rather than meet up with friends at the cafeteria. 
Steve knew there was something wrong so he left the cafeteria to look for you, he found you once again in the library. 
“Y/n what's wrong?” he asks as he sits on the ground next to you, “There's nothing wrong Steve I just… I don't even know anymore” you close the book you were reading and start packing up, “I have to go Steve I’m sorry-”, you were cut off by Steve blocking your path. 
“Y/n please talk to me, just like you did yesterday please” he begs looking down at you, you look down at the ground not because you were scared or about to cry, but because you got all shy and was blushing because he was standing so close to you that you could smell the cologne he uses. 
You two walk out into the hall and face each other, ‘Just say what you feel y/n’, you take a deep breath. 
“Steve I was thinking last night and what you said yesterday didnt make any sense at all, well to me it didn't” you stand there staring at him expectantly. He smiles and runs his hands through his mess of hair, ‘god don't do that’, you blink trying to stop yourself from thinking that way about Steve because it was weird. Right?
“Y/n I’ve kind of been wanting to tell you for ages but, I like you” he shrugs as he finishes his sentence, “Well yeah obviously or else we wouldn't be here” you say slightly confused. 
“No y/n I mean I LIKE like you” he looks at you waiting for a reaction, 
“Are you serious Harrington? Out of all the girls at this school that's hotter than me you like ME?!” you were in shock but at the same time you were giddy as hell. 
“Yes, y/n I mean it I mean the whole thing, in fact do you wanna go to the park up the road? You know just for a little date or something.” he chuckles nervously as he waits for your answer. 
You’d always had a crush on Steve for ages, and now he feels the same?! All the feelings you felt before all melted away to nothing, you were ecstatic. 
“Yes of course I would Steve” you giggle as he scoops you up in a hug, for the rest of the day he couldnt get rid of the stupid grin on his face...
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet
[I was tagged by @rosievixen @cursebreakerelmswood @samshogwarts and @cursebreakerfarrier. I’ll tag @sirfluffig @amerrymystery @drinkyoursoupbitch (know you have already been tagged but Ben and Wendy are adorable) and anyone else who’d like to do it. Did all four couples, so most of it is under the cut.]
A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan finds Penny’s kindness endearing. He likes how she’s kind to everyone, even if they don’t necessarily deserve it. Penny finds Ryan’s courage attractive, most of the time. She doesn’t really care for it when it’s him not being able to turn down a dare, though.
Cara and Rowan: Personality-wise can be found here.
Sara and Barnaby: Sara loves Barnaby’s heart the most, and he loves her heart the most. They’ve both got big hearts, even though it’s expressed differently.
Conor and Ruth: Ruth finds Conor’s passion extremely attractive. She loves the way his eyes light up and that he seems to not care about his stutter. He’s also physically attractive to her, with his bright blue eyes and emerging muscles. Conor loves Ruth’s patience and kindness the most. He also really likes her eyes.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not)
Ryan and Penny: Yes, they do. Ryan adores his siblings and he knew that he did want to be a father at some point. Penny thought long and hard about whether she really wanted to be a mother and realized that she did. They have two children, Seán George and Beatrice Rosaleen.
Cara and Rowan: They do. Rowan knows a lot sooner than Cara though. It’s only after Cara’s niece, Ailis, and nephew, Seán, are born that she realizes she’d like her own child. They adopt a little girl they name Keira Willow.
Sara and Barnaby: Yes, they do. It’s something they agree on during their engagement, but they also agree to wait until after the war. They have four children, Valentine Cara, James Ryan, Ailis Rose, and Alexander Conor.
Conor and Ruth: Yes, they do. It takes Conor a long time to reconcile his fears about becoming a father. He desperately wants it but he’s just terrified about it as well. Ruth knew pretty early on that she wanted kids, and agreed to wait until Conor felt ready. Their first son is conceived during a trying-but-also-not-trying period. They have three sons, Rory Michael and the twins, Max Gabriel and Seth Oisin.
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Cuddling for all four couples can be found here!
D= Dates (What are dates with them)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan and Penny’s dates are usually pretty lowkey and normal. They’ll usually go out to eat and then find something else to do afterwards, whether it’s a muggle movie or just walking around.
Cara and Rowan: Cara and Rowan usually just have dinner together, and then watch the sunset if it happens after like 7 o’clock in the evening.
Sara and Barnaby: Sara and Barnaby’s dates are also pretty lowkey. Their dates usually depend on who plans it.
Conor and Ruth: Conor and Ruth’s dates are also pretty normal, just dinner usually or the occasional outing to somewhere they both enjoy or find interesting.
E= Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Ryan and Penny: For Ryan, Penny is his light, if only because she kept his spirits up during the war and Conor’s disappearance. For Penny, Ryan is her home.
Cara and Rowan: For Cara, Rowan is her rock, especially during the war. For Rowan, Cara is her heart. Maybe not technically, but Cara reminds her not to be bogged down so much by logic and to follow her heart sometimes.
Sara and Barnaby: For Sara, Barnaby is her rock. For Barnaby, Sara is his family, especially after being disowned and having Sara and her siblings completely embrace him.
Conor and Ruth: For Conor, Ruth is his love. For Ruth, Conor is the love of her life.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Ryan and Penny: Penny’s realization can be found here! Ryan realized after a duel where Penny was nearly hit with the killing curse.
Cara and Rowan: Rowan’s not exactly sure when she realized that she was in love with Cara. Cara realized that she was in love with Rowan during Sara and Barnaby’s small wedding.
Sara and Barnaby: Barnaby was pretty sure he felt that way by the end of sixth year, but he wasn’t able to say it until a few months after they graduated from Hogwarts. Sara truly realized it right around graduation, but also decided to wait.
Conor and Ruth: Ruth realized she loved him when he told her the story behind one of his scars. She was in awe of how strong he was. Conor realized he loved her when she stayed late with him one night at his firm and didn’t seem to care that he had a million different things he needed to finish before they could go on a date. They ended up missing their reservation but it just solidified to him that she was the one.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Ryan and Penny: Yes. Penny is very gentle with him because he’s not exactly the most gentle with his own body (his inability to turn down a dare well into his twenties). Ryan is also pretty gentle with Penny because of his experience with his uncle.
Cara and Rowan: Yeah. Rowan isn’t a rough person no matter what, but she finds herself being a little more gentle with Cara because she loves her so much. Cara is pretty gentle because Rowan has never struck her as someone that would enjoy roughness.
Sara and Barnaby: Yes. Barnaby especially is extremely gentle, as he’s terrified of turning into his parents. That fear definitely lessens over the years, but at the beginning he kind of acted like Sara was made of glass (and it was the same thing when Val was born). Sara is pretty gentle as well.
Conor and Ruth: Yeah. Ruth will walk on eggshells during his nightmares and at the very beginning of their relationship. Conor is gentle because he’s scared of hurting her. They are still fairly gentle years into their marriage, but have become a less cautious.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Holding hands is here as well!!
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan thought she was pretty but knew too much about people. Penny was confused as to how he was related to the outcast Cian O’Donnell.
Cara and Rowan: The first time they met, Cara thought Rowan was a little odd and very book smart. Rowan thought that Cara was rather aloof and was kind of star struck to be meeting Cian O’Donnell’s siblings and a set of quadruplets.
Sara and Barnaby: The first time Sara saw him, she thought he was cute and that she wanted to get to know him better. The first time Barnaby saw her, he thought that she really fit with Hufflepuff.
Conor and Ruth: The first time Conor met Ruth, he thought she was pretty and intelligent (and out of his league). The first time she met Conor, Ruth thought that he was way more amazing and intelligent than people give him credit for.
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Ryan and Penny: A little, mainly during their school years when they have a weird on-again-off-again thing.
Cara and Rowan: Not really. Cara has a few moments but for the most part, they’re very content and comfortable with their relationship.
Sara and Barnaby: Sometimes. Especially Barnaby at the beginning because he wants this terribly but is very confused about if she actually feels what she’s saying.
Conor and Ruth: Not really. There are a few moments, mainly during seventh year, but other than that not really. Catcalls will annoy Conor though, but he’s annoyed by those no matter who the woman is.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Ryan and Penny: They can be fairly affectionate in public. It was a little more heated during their early years, but have become very subdued with mainly innocuous kisses in public. Ryan initiated their first kiss in the very beginning of sixth year.
Cara and Rowan: Their first can be found here!! They’re affectionate in private, and usually kiss one another before work and before bed.
Sara and Barnaby: They can be fairly affectionate, so they definitely kiss a fair amount, usually in fairly innocuous places like the cheek or forehead. Sara definitely initiated the first kiss. She pulled him down by his tie and just kissed him. She does that a lot during their Hogwarts years.
Conor and Ruth: Their first kiss is a bit of an accident. Neither is quite sure who imitated it and they both overthought it to the max. You can find their first kiss here! They usually kiss in private and it can get fairly heated fairly quickly.
L= Love (Who says ‘I love you first?)
Ryan and Penny: Penny did. She decided that once she was sure that Ryan deserved to know how she felt. She didn’t expect him to say anything back.
Cara and Rowan: Rowan did. She blurted it out by accident. It can be found here!
Sara and Barnaby: They said it at the same time. It took Barnaby a lot longer to accept that Sara really loved him for him, though.
Conor and Ruth: Conor, but completely by accident, and he was thoroughly embarrassed by it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Ryan and Penny: A tie between Ryan’s proposal and the two days that their children were born.
Cara and Rowan: A tie between their vows and the first time they saw their daughter in that orphanage (that’s not really an orphanage).
Sara and Barnaby: A tie between their first dance as a married couple and the days that their four children were born.
Conor and Ruth: A tie between their wedding and the births of their sons (while really it’s holding each son for the first time).
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Ryan and Penny: Kind of. They usually go all out for Christmas, but are subdued the rest of the year. They have a competition one year about who can get the other the more outrageous, expensive gift.
Cara and Rowan: Not really. For certain special occasions, they’ll go all out. But Cara usually paints something for her and even tried making her pottery at one point. Rowan usually tries to make Cara’s favorite foods, as she’s the better cook.
Sara and Barnaby: Kind of. For birthdays or anniversaries or Christmas, Barnaby tries to find the perfect gift to give Sara to show how much he cares about her. Sara tries to do the same thing. The biggest way Sara spoils Barnaby is by letting him bring creatures home. Of course, limitations are imposed once their children are born.
Conor and Ruth: Not really. It’s mainly with physical affection and compliments. Although, Conor tries to find something special to give Ruth every year for Hanukkah.
O=  Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Ryan and Penny: Yellow and a hazy gray remind Ryan of Penny, mainly because of her kindness, Hufflepuff, and the fact that Penny adores potions. Red is the color that reminds Penny of Ryan. Although, green also reminds her of his eyes.
Cara and Rowan: Yellow and brown remind Cara of Rowan. Yellow because of how kind Rowan is and Hufflepuff. Brown because of Rowan’s eye color. Pretty much all colors remind Rowan of Cara. Especially the odd colors that the sky can be because it reminds Rowan of Cara’s artistic abilities.
Sara and Barnaby: Green is definitely the color that reminds Sara of Barnaby, not just because he’s a Slytherin. She associates the color with nature. Green, yellow, and orange remind Barnaby of Sara. The yellow is because of Hufflepuff and how warm she can be. The green and orange because of her Irish heritage and how proud she is of it.
Conor and Ruth: Gold, silver and blue remind Conor of Ruth. She’s usually wearing her gold Star of David necklace and silver earrings and her eyes are blue. Blue and green remind Ruth of Conor. Blue because of his eyes and he’s usually wearing blue at somewhere and green because it’s his favorite color.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Ryan and Penny: Penny will call him “Ry” but a lot of people occasionally call Ryan “Ry.” She’ll also call him “honey” and “hun.” Ryan will call Penny “babe,” “sweetheart” and occasionally “Pen.”
Cara and Rowan: Cara consistently calls Rowan “Ro.” Rowan will call Cara love.
Sara and Barnaby: They use love and babe most often, but Sara will often call Barnaby “Barn.”
Conor and Ruth: Conor’s go to is mo grá, which is Irish Gaelic for my love. Ruth usually just uses love.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Ryan and Penny: They have a VCR and a bunch of video tapes.
Cara and Rowan: Old stories. They both really enjoy sharing different stories.
Sara and Barnaby: Elvis Presley. It starts during the war after their first dance as a married couple.
Conor and Ruth: Records with everything from The Who to R.E.M. to Irish folk music.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Ryan and Penny: They like to spend the day inside, curled up on the couch with a blanket and a good movie.
Cara and Rowan: They like to sit on the porch and watch the rain fall. Cara’s always enjoyed watching the rain and being wrapped up together while watching the rain is very comfortable.
Sara and Barnaby: Sara and Barnaby enjoy spending time curled up by a fire. They also will play board games with their kids.
Conor and Ruth: Listening to music, curled up on the couch with a book or journal or sketchbook with a mug of hot chocolate/tea/coffee/hot drink.
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan will try and make her laugh or smile. But he’ll also take over some of the everyday chores so Penny can just relax. Penny will try and make him smile or will just hug him for a long time.
Cara and Rowan: Rowan usually makes Cara’s favorite foods and will find a book to read passages out loud. Cara will read passages out loud and wrap Rowan in her favorite blanket.
Sara and Barnaby: Barnaby will bring Sara a blanket and ice cream and just cuddle with her. He knows she’ll talk if she wants to. Sara will either give him some space and let him interact with the animals/creatures or will cuddle with him.
Conor and Ruth: Conor will make Ruth’s comfort foods, or just offer a listening ear. Ruth will run her fingers through Conor’s hair and let him talk if he wants to. She may also put a record on, usually by asking him which band he’d like.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Ryan and Penny: They can listen to each other talk about almost anything. They’ll talk quidditch occasionally or some of their muggle interests.
Cara and Rowan: Anything that they’re passionate about. Cara likes hearing Rowan talk about what she’s reading and Rowan will listen to Cara talk about art things. Rowan even reads a few books about art to talk with Cara about.
Sara and Barnaby: Anything from Barnaby’s creatures to music to their kids.
Conor and Ruth: Anything that fits. Ruth loves hearing Conor talk about architecture. His eyes light up and he seems less self-conscious about his stutter. Conor likes hearing about Ruth’s ideas for her children’s books.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Ryan and Penny: Watching movies will help them relax sometimes. They also like to just cuddle and be with one another. Sometimes they’re quiet, but other times they’ll talk about their days.
Cara and Rowan: Art really helps Cara relax, while reading helps Rowan relax. They usually talk together while doing this, but also will play music some days.
Sara and Barnaby: Cuddling really helps, but so does just talking about their day. Usually they do that either during dinner or right before bed. They’ll also watch the sunset or listen to music.
Conor and Ruth: Listening to music, reading, and just being with one another help them relax. They’ll ask about one another’s days sometimes, but Ruth knows when Conor just doesn’t want to talk.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan and Penny are very proud of one another and their achievements. Penny sometimes brags about Ryan’s curse-breaking skills. They are also both quite proud of their two children.
Cara and Rowan: Rowan adores showing off Cara’s artwork. Cara is very proud of Rowan’s mind and her intelligence and determination. They also both are very proud of their daughter.
Sara and Barnaby: Sara is very proud of Barnaby and will talk about how sweet and amazing and smart he is. Barnaby is very proud of Sara and will talk about how kind and sweet and accepting she is. They both will brag about their kids in that way that says “I love them so damn much.”
Conor and Ruth: Ruth is exceptionally proud of Conor’s architecture firm. Conor is quite proud of Ruth’s career as an author. They’re both extremely proud of their boys.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Ryan and Penny: Ryan proposes in a safe house in the middle of the war. They had a larger wedding in 2000.
Cara and Rowan: Rowan also proposes in a safe house in the middle of the war. They have a large wedding in 2000.
Sara and Barnaby: Barnaby proposed at a muggle restaurant in Dublin on the anniversary of their first official date (6th year). They have a tiny wedding right before the ramps up on June 30, 1997.
Conor and Ruth: Conor proposes in November 2001. Their wedding is late January 2002.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Ryan and Penny: In My Life by the Beatles. Both of them are massive Beatles fans, and they’re one of the few groups that they both like.
Cara and Rowan: At Last by Etta James is their wedding song.
Sara and Barnaby: Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley. It was the first song on the radio after they were married. It was their first dance song.
Conor and Ruth: Both I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash and Just Like Heaven by The Cure. Cash’s song was their wedding song, while The Cure’s song was the song playing when they kiss for the first time when they officially started dating.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Ryan and Penny: Yes. They got engaged during the war in mid-1998. You can find the proposal here!
Cara and Rowan: Yes. They also got engaged during the war in mid-1998.
Sara and Barnaby: After graduating, they make an agreement to wait to get engaged until they’re at least twenty.
Conor and Ruth: Yes. Conor proposed in late 2001 and they married in January 2002.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Ryan and Penny: They end up adopting a cat for their daughter, Bea, and an owl for their son, Seán.
Cara and Rowan: They have three cats (Marie, Berlioz, and Toulouse) and an owl (Athena).
Sara and Barnaby: Sara and Barnaby have a revolving door of pets, from injured baby creatures/small creatures to cats, owls, and toads.
Conor and Ruth: They end up adopting a yellow Labrador retriever and an owl when their oldest son, Rory, starts Hogwarts.
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So I guess, for those interested in the My Hero Academia OCs...
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Name: Original unknown. Had it legally changed to “Nanashi No Gombe” (essentially, and intentionally, just means “Nameless Mr. So-and-So”. Yeah, translations aren’t perfect, I’m well aware).
Nickname: “R@tking” is his screen name. He doesn’t make an effort to give himself an identifiable “villain persona” since he doesn’t really care.
Occupation: Hacker for hire, for lack of a better term.
Quirk: “Data Touch”. In simple terms, he can convert digital data to “mental data” that can be stored in the human brain, & vice versa, as well as transfer said data to viable storage (be it a hard drive or someone else’s brain). All of which can be done through just a touch.
*Some things he’s done, canonically, are: save the entire Bee Move Script to his long-term memories, upload Bonzi Buddy onto a hero’s brain out of spite, and change a villain’s native language to Klingon.
Origin: Came as a result of a Quirk Marriage between a technopath and telepath, trying to breed a child with both their quirks (I.E. Todoroki). When the child immediately seem to have any power over minds OR technology, and even seemed to be quirkless, they disowned him. Only for him to discover his abilities on his own later in life. And use it to his own ends.
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Name: Kumo Oshiro.
Nickname: The awfully generic “Spider Queen”, as she loves to call herself. She’s honestly much more of a princess, though.
Occupation: Assassin.
Quirk: “Armored Arachnid”. There’s no real explanation needed; she’s a fucking spider-centaur with an exoskeleton stronger than steel that looks like something out of a Monster Manual. She’s terrifying.
Origin: Her father, a deadbeat nobody Yakuza with a worthless “spider silk” quirk, was an avid user of Trigger in order to make himself useful. As his criminal career seemed to slow to a crawl, he had the wonderful drunk idea to have sex while on pumped full of the stuff... and as it turns out, using a quirk-amplifying super drug while having unprotected diddly doo can come with some very severe consequences.
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Name: Mai Akino.
Nickname: “Chimera”. Well, I mean, that was originally her nickname for her villain verse, but looking back on it now I like it more.
Occupation: U.A. Student! Second year!
Quirk: “You are what you eat”. She can mimic the traits of animals she consumes; grow deer antlers, bear claws, snake fangs, shark gills, things like that. If that sounds familiar, I’M WELL AWARE a character with almost that exact quirk ended up appearing later in the series... she was my first OC, and I made her before reading the manga. But hey, it actually ended up really cute because she looked up to Tamaki...
Origin: This absolute fucking angel. Her mother, who was a retired pro-hero with a simple “cat” quirk, raised her to be the softest, sweetest, most hard-working little thing with high moral values... at least, before she ended up suffering fatal injuries from what was suspected to be a random criminal encounter. The last thing she did for Mai was make sure she was taken care of; got her applied to U.A. like she’d always wanted.
*... also, her dad is a mystery to her.
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Name: Masami Akiyama.
Nickname: “Comeback, the Delinquent Hero”.
Occupation: Pro Hero. Runs her own “Hero Office” in Hiroshima... which, in actuality, is just a cheaply refurbished gym in the bad part of the city. She only wanted her own office because she didn’t like other people telling her what to do, much less what she was doing wrong.
Quirk: “Kinetic Adaptation”. Complicated explanation aside, the jist of it is she can essentially become as hard as the hardest thing she’s gone up against, and hit as hard as the hardest thing that hit her. So, persay, if she got shot with a gun and survived, she can now punch with equal force to the bullet. Similarly, if she were to punch a brick wall at full force, her entire form is now as tough as said brick wall... at the cost of bloody and possibly broken knuckles.
*She compensates for the fact her quirk inherently ends up with her having to get hurt by being a fucking bruiser. A self-taught martial artist that doesn’t fight fair whatsoever, and ends up fucking up criminals without even needed to use the quirk she gets her nickname from.
Origin: Nothing particularly special about her. Just a girl that came from a household with an overly strict, unloving mother... and in turn, grew a nasty temper and a resentment for authority. She didn’t originally plan on going into the Hero Program, despite a desire to do good... but, the appearance of the hero Midnight made her reconsider. 
*She’s a no-nonsense hero. She does her job, and does it really well, but doesn’t do it pretty. She works within the limitations of the job, and doesn’t actually do anything that goes against the rules, but... she has a very poor public opinion because she isn’t flashy and can be pretty brutal. 
*A student muse interning under her actually compared her attitude to that of Eraserhead, in that she doesn’t care for the “celebrity” side of hero work and just wants to do her job, which I think was pretty apt.
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Name: Undecided! I never actually got to finishing up her blog, but did have the intention of having most of her family actually be from the United States if that can give you any indication.
Nickname: “Parlor Trick, the Magician Hero”.
Occupation: Pro Hero, but very recently out of school. Probably still working as an assistant to more experienced heroes.
Quirk: “Magician’s Secret”. Can, seemingly, will all manner of magical shows & tricks into existence by her desire alone... a very odd quirk with unclear functions and even more unclear limitations. No one actual knowledge of it seems willing to explain it, either.
Origin: She and her quirk come from a family of hero’s, passing along thee same quirk; all originating from her great grandfather. who was of the first generation to actually gain quirks... and actually used it to become a legendary magician, until he was officially ousted as having used his powers to “cheat” and is remembered as being completely fraudulent. Ever since, the rest of her family have become very successful heroes and constantly work to bring good-wil back to their name.
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Name: Also undecided. Never got around to her blog, either.
Nickname: None. She’s barely a villain in the traditional sense, so coming up with a edgy alias was never big on her list of priorities.
Occupation: Urchin, in that she’s legally homeless and survives by what she can steal. Albeit... she’s not doing THAT poorly.
Quirk: “Sinkhole”. Does exactly as described- it’s a powerful emitter quirk that can create huge fucking sinkholes. Pretty much useless for direct combat, but is great for causing a big scene that people will run away from and hopefully not get injured by, leaving her to raid store shelves unimpeded under the guise of it being a normal disaster.
Origin: She was born to a fairy decent couple, with a fairly decent early life... sadly, it all changed when her quirk activated the age of ten, during the stresses of a natural earthquake... in which, in it’s uncontrolled state, she ended up accidentally destroying her home... and, although it’s arguable, causing the deaths of her parents. She ended up orphaned, and after wasting a five or six years at the orphanage... she just walked out and decided to make a life for herself. 
*Without a proper education, family, or support though... there wasn’t many options for her. One day, she tried shoplifting, was caught, and in the stress of the situation... her quirk activated again and caused a panic. Everyone went running thinking it was a earthquake... which gave her ample time to take whatever she wanted on her way out. And thus, her “occupation” became clear.
I think, at this point, I should probably just make a BNHA Multimuse.
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artlessictoan · 6 years
Do you have any more detailed headcanons on the life before the orphanage of the sand sibs 2.0?
yes I absolutely do! potential spoiler warning for breakingthe cycle?? I’m honestly not sure how much of this is actually gonna come up inthe fic, since I haven’t really got any set plan for it, I deliberately wantedto keep Shinki’s past in particular kinda vague bc I wanted to depict a characterwho doesn’t have to disclose alltheir trauma, even to those closest to them, and have that decision respectedby their loved ones, so I guess if you’re really curious about him then thiscould be the background that helps you understand the parts of his characterthat will only be hinted at within btc? Yodo and Araya’s bits are the mostlikely to actually be explored in the fic, so yeah maybe kinda sorta spoilers ifyou’re willing to wait 500 years for me to get my act together kjdfhg
(tw for child neglect, homelessness and physical abuse)
Araya had the most normal and healthy childhood of thethree, he had loving, low-ranking ninja parents and was a sweet – if very shy –boy, money was always a bit tight and he had some anxiety to deal with, but atthat age neither really affected him much.
That changed a few months after his he turned six, when afire started in his home; his parents managed to get him out, but not before hereceived severe burns, in the process they both inhaled significant amounts ofsmoke and both died later in hospital, Araya himself survived, though he had extremescarring across much of the right-hand side of his body – and particularly onhis face – and was left partially blind in his right eye (can just see coloursand unfocused shapes). No one in his extended family was either willing or ableto take him in, especially with the medical care he still needed, so, after he’drecovered as much as he could, he was sent to Suna’s orphanageand we know what happened from there
She had a much more.. complicated childhood. She wasabandoned at birth, left in an alley in an area where Suna’s homeless tended tocongregate, she was discovered and taken in by a kind man before she starved,though she was already weak and quite sick. He cared for her for a short time,but died before her first birthday, she drifted around between various carers andhad a few short stints in the orphanage though she quickly learned how to lookafter herself and never stayed in one place very long before she was eitherabandoned or ran away herself (to pre-empt the inevitable abandonment she’dcome to expect), the times she was sent to live with foster parents endeddisastrously, as she’d become accustomed to living on the streets, stealing toget by and fighting for herself, so she spent most of her early years homeless,living in harsh, poverty-stricken places.
Of the people who helped raise and teach her, the one who affectedher the most was an older boy who let her hang around when she was about five,he was in his mid-teens and the youngest of her street friends and he wassimilarly cynical and distrustful of adults and the world at large, so sheautomatically felt a bit of kinship with him. They didn’t ever intend to becomeclose, they just happened to be squatting in the same building and wouldoccasionally do each other a solid without being asked, sometimes one or theother would disappear for a while, but they’d eventually come back to a (relatively)warm welcome, playing card games, teaming up for big thefts, etc.
After a few months of getting to know each other, they’d startedto open up about all the people who’d hurt or left them and Yodo started tothink of him as her big brother, but when he was caught by a local thug who they’dstolen from, he ran away, leaving her to take the beating meant for him, afterthat, she found a new place to sleep and decided that absolutely no one was everworth trusting. She saw him a few times afterwards, always flying into a rageat him, but she didn’t really blame him at the time, it’s just the law of thestreets to always look out for number one after all.
She soon found herself back at the orphanage though.
Ok so I’ve mentioned before that my version of Shinki isactually related to Gaara? First cousin once removed to be exact, not thatGaara knows that (Shinki is vaguely aware but prefers not to think about it).
The kage line is a lot more lineage-tied in Suna than othernations, and the council tends to be rather conservative, so when the third Kazekagehad a child with a mistress, they ‘encouraged’ him to disown the boy, not evenallowing him to support him or his mother; the son in question was always incrediblybitter about that and, when the third eventually went missing and was officiallydeclared dead, he vied with the legitimate son (Rasa) for the kage title, butlost, partly because of his birth but also because he didn’t inherit the magnetrelease, something he had tried and failed to activate since he was a child.
When Rasa came into power, he pushed his half-brother’s familyfurther and further into destitution, until they were completely powerless. Unableto reach the position of Kazekage, the son eventually married and had a childof his own, but remained an unpleasant, cold man to everyone around him.
When Rasa died, he once again tried to claim the title, thenwhen that failed pushed his daughter to compete against Gaara for it, she hadat least a modicum of self-preservation and didn’t bother – though she was alwaysone of Gaara’s most persistent detractors, not agreeing with his pushes forpeace and internalising a fair bit of her father’s old grudge against the kage family.Some time after the last great ninja war, she had a son, Shinki.
His parents were always quite cold with him, broken peoplefrom broken families themselves, neither one was really interested in having achild, so outside of basic care, they just left him to himself. When he turned three,his father died while out on a mission, unable to cope with the loss, hismother tracked down his killers to get revenge, but ultimately only got herselfkilled; with no other family to take care of him, Shinki was sent to live withhis maternal grandfather, Rasa’s half-brother.
At first there was very little difference between livingwith his parents and his granddad, they were all distant and had little interestin him, but when Shinki one day stopped a metal pan falling off the countermid-air, his grandfather lost it, inhis youth he’d been denied the position of kage in part because he hadn’t inheritedthe third’s abilities, but this strange, silent boy who could hardly even walkup and down stairs was exhibiting the magnet release? All his deep-seated rageand inadequacy came out and he hit Shinki. Then it happened again a few dayslater. And then it kept happening,every time he showed any sign of moving metallic objects, then any time he wasa bit too loud, or got in the way, or was just in his line of sight on a badday.
It continued through the ages three to seven, when hisgrandfather finally grew ill and died (natural causes, he was getting very old).He hadn’t bothered to inform the hospital staff that he had a child in hiscare, so eventually when the food left at home ran out, Shinki went out to buysome more, attracted the concern of a shopkeeper who, after being unable to geta word out of him, took him to the authorities. When it became clear that noone was looking for a missing child and Shinki didn’t seem at all concernedabout finding his parents, he was sent to the orphanage, to eventually meet Araya,Yodo and Gaara and discover what family reallyis.
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sakurarisen · 3 years
» character development meme
Reblog, fill in with your own character’s information, and tag your friends!
TAGGED BY: Stolen from one of my other blogs
Full name:  Seraphina Mayuzumi / Fair (Takes on Zack’s last name as of late CC, 7 Proper) Nickname: Sera, Seraphim, Kitten, Sunflower (both of the later two by Zack) Age:  16 (at the start of CC), 23 (7 proper) Birthday: March 29th Ethnicity: Japanese Gender: Female Romantic orientation: Demiromanitc Sexual orientation: Demisexual Languages: English, Japanese
Parents: Takeshi Mayuzumi (father), Unnamed (mother) Siblings:  Ami Mayuzumi (older sister, deceased), Takeru Mayuzumi (older brother, deceased), Thurston Mayuzumi (older brother) Significant other:  Zack Fair ( @honorisen​; Fiance) Children:  Shayan Fair ( @legacydriven )
Hair: Blonde; falls to about her waist Eyes:  Honey brown Height: 5′3″ Weight: Won’t reveal; A bit underweight for the majority of her life, but later manages to attain a barely healthy weight and keep it there Body build: Slim, frail-seeming, small
Q U E S T I O N  T I M E
What would you say are your character’s strongest traits?
Her kindness and gentleness, loyalty, protectiveness, warmth, supportiveness, dedicaton
What would you say are your character’s weakest traits?
Can be emotional, inability to understand ‘normalcy’, frequently afraid, lack of strength in herself, self-critical
What is your character like when they’re in love?
Sera is soft and supportive, and gives her all to her partner. She thrives on seeing them happy and smiling, and supports them to kingdom come - She wants to see them succeed. She wants them to have all the reasons to he happy and smile, and will actively look for reasons to provide that to them. She’s softer, wants to be closer to them, gentler... It’s obvious she’s in love just by how she looks at them. Sera doesn’t see a point in hiding it, though, and she’s more than happy to show she cares for them as well, albeit within reason - .she knows her limits and while she’s happy to scream it from he mountaintops, she knows sometimes keeping quiet is important and shows it in quieter ways, such as her ring tattoo in support of fiance Zack when she knows talking too much about their relationship could cause him trouble. She’s not going to hide it if she has no reason to, and will make it obvious he means the world to her, no matter how quietly it has to be done.
What kind of upbringing did your character have, and how did this affect them now?
Admittedly a horrible one. Raised in an abusive household, Sera didn’t know love and support outside of her siblings, Ami and Takeru, and losing hem when she was nine was crushing, especially when their loss came with learning just how much they’d done to keep her going and protect her. She knew little of the world outside her home until she was thrown out and forced to survive in it, still little more than a child - And even that wasn’t a time she cares to dwell on, full of its own nightmares and traumas. Sera very much raised herself after the loss of Ami and Takeru, and as a result, she’s essentially the tale of the boy raised by wolves; she doesn’t understand how to be ‘properly’ social, has very little reading ability or schooling to her name, poor health and eating habits... Sera is a traumatized girl who deals with more than anyone should, but doesn’t allow herself to dwell on it, persay. She allows it to drive her and push her forward, but not towards deepening her depression and PTSD - She lets it drive her towards being kinder. She’s suffered enough for dozens, so why should anyone else have to? If she can lend a helpful hand, why shouldn’t she? The only thing her life has done is drive her to change the world through kindness, seeking to improve it and eliminate the suffering and pain it holds. To break down those divides and unite everyone, and show all are equal. And if that means taking all that pain and putting it on her own shoulders... She’s already suffered, and she won’t let anyone else hurt the way she did. She’s just going to do it with genleness.
What is their relationship with their family like?
Truthfully, she has no relationship currently with her birth family, and doesn’t want one. Her father is wicked and corrupt and spent her childhood hurting her before disowning her, her mother refused to stop it, her remaining brother is as wicked as their father - She sees no reason to have any contact with them, and actively avoids Thurston if they’re ever in the same place together, wanting as much distance between her and him as humanly possible.  Her birth family are three of a very small handful of people she’s capable of hating, and boy howdy does she hate them. Instead, she counts her friends and her fiance Zack’s family as her own, and her relationships with them are infinitely better. It’s a warm and supportive, loving bond she shares with them, and an even tighter one with Zack himself and their later son, Shayan. They’re her reason to keep going, and Shayan’s entrance into her life was the driving force she needed, even, to begin really taking care of herself, wanting to be in his life and see a better world for him to grow up in. Her found family, Zack, and Shayan are he reason she continues to hold her head high and keep looking forward, and she loves them with everything in her, and hen some.
Is your character religious? What religion do they practice, if so?
She’s not really religious and doesn’t actively practice any religion in general, but she does believe in a few different gods, including Ifrit and Shiva (whom she considers to be gods, at the very least, and has yet to find anything that could counter that belief). In particular, she believes the most in Shiva and frequently references her name when angry or startled (EX. ‘Oh, Shiva-’ in lieu of ‘oh, god-’).
How does your character deal with mistakes?
Gently. Sera is the kind of person to be bothered by a mistake and try to make it right as soon as she realizes it’s been made, if at all possible, though particularly large mistakes may take her a little bit to try and rectify solely because she wants to make sure she’s not going to make it worse, first. At the very least, Sera wants to at least apologize for what she’s done, even if she can’t make it right, and does so relatively often to hopefully begin easing any hurts.
What kind of friendships does your character have?
Her friendships are oftentimes more akin to a famlial bond than anything else, but her friends are definitely people that mean quite a bit to her. The ones she has are people who genuinely care, people who are warm and supportive and tend to smile more than anything else. They’re genuine and that’s something the draws her to them - In a world that so often seeks to hurt, these are people who tend to be more honest and giving, and their very presense is comforting. She, in turn, tries to be the same to them for a friendship that’s full of laughs, support, and warmth. They’re bonds that are treasured and can be leaned on when nothing else can, and ones that all parties involved can thrive.
Does your character forgive and forget or do they hold a grudge? Why?
For the most part, Sera tries to forgive and forget... But this is provided she’s also given a good reason to forget, too. Forgiveness comes more often than not, but forgetting is harder for more serious offenses - She can forgive someone for blowing up at her for the sixth time in a week, but it’s harder to forget after that many, for example. A fight with a friend may be forgiven, but it’s harder to forget when they may have said something worse than normal - But to her credit, though she may not always forget, she rarely holds it against them without a damn good reason; ex. being wary to put her trust back in someone after burning her three or four times in a row, just because she’s wary of it happening again at that point. Holding a grudge is reserved for more serious offenses, like the one she holds against her birth family, those who’ve hurt her since then and caused her varying traumas, and folks like the company of Shinra. It’s also worth noting that outside of these select instances, ‘holding a grudge’ is more ‘being wary of being hurt’ than it is anything else, largely because she’s been hurt so often, she’s constantly afraid of it happening again on some level. Even so, she’s more prone to forgive and forget - There’s enough on her mind without constantly thinking back to something just to get riled up all over again!
How do they view the world they live in?
As something broken and divided, full of hurt and suffering with a core of love and light struggling to break through the shadows surrounding it. It’s hard not to see the nightmares of the world when her life’s been full of them, but at the same time, Sera’s no stranger to the world’s kindness, either - She’s alive because of that kindness. She’s seen it in the warm smiles of the people she meets in her travels, the welcoming strangers offering her a warm campfire to sit and joke around beside, the brightness of the children at the Leaf House Orphanage... There is a bright and warm core to the world, fighting to break free, and it just needs a little help in the form of a gentle nudge. It can be a nightmare, but that is far from all it is, and Sera is dedicated to helping that core break through like it struggles to do. It’s there, she knows it - Every struggle is there for a reason. It has to be.
Does your character think with their head or with their heart?
Both, though it’s usually more her heart than her head. Sera is a woman driven by her heart and her emotions, and they often have more say than her head, especially when she lacks the life experience to understand something, be it because of a lack of proper schooling or simply because she’s never really been raised like most among others. But that’s not to say she’s not a logical person, either; she does have a habit of stopping and thinking before leaping, and would much rather find a more peaceful route through something than just throwing herself in if at all possible. ...She just happens to throw herself in in support of others anyway.
Is your character well-schooled? What sort of education did they have?
Absolutely not. Sera has very little in the way of schooling, and what she does have is a result of Ami and Takeru trying to teach her before their passing, as well as the people she’s met along the way teach her things here and there mixed with current friends and Zack trying to help by teaching what they can. She struggles to read, though her ability to is increasing little by little between her good friends Mako, Kunsel, and Zack’s aid, and might otherwise be on the level of perhaps a third grader otherwise. Anything above the most basic math is out of the question, she can’t tell you directions, struggles with reading analog clocks, still needs to count on her fingers a lot of the time... She’s trying, she promises, but it’s definitely slow going and she appreciates Mako being a teacher for a bunch of first graders when it comes to learning!
Finish this meme with whatever you want to tell us about your character!
Sera can’t cook. Never ask her to. She will quite literally blow up an entire kitchen and leave a hole in the wall at worst, and at best deliver to you a meal that probably blinks. Somehow, though, she can bake remarkable and delicious dishes and even she’s not sure how she manages to make a three tier death by chocolate cake, but can’t make oatmeal- In all honesty, though, Sera’s kindness is absolutely genuine and she thrives on seeing others happy, no matter how much she believes she deserves none of it for herself. Her mentality towards herself is slowly changing and that’s greatly added to by her family’s role in her life/the addition of her son Shayan, but she wants nothing more than to see everyone around her thrive and everyone happy and living the best life they can possibly have! <3
TAGGING: Take it if you want, I nabbed i from one of my other blogs <3
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