#the persistent reason number one is stress
nelu-chan · 1 year
I need to cry. I was just hit with a ton of bricks to the face by the past. Can someone please pass me the acetone, chloroform and a base? I need to fucking explode.
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neptuneiris · 7 months
Behind the Scenes (02/05)
Behind the Revelation
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: after running away for second time, the past returns and you force yourself to remember as Aemond demands explanations.
word counter: 9.3k
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warnings: language, angst, discussion, mention of abortion, aemond being a dick.
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Aemond remembers perfectly well the moment you disappeared from his life without warning.
It was precisely after his manager and all his team left your apartment once everything was clear and somehow "solved", on the same day you let him know that you were expecting his child.
He stayed a moment longer with you, comforting you and wanting to be there for you, to make you understand that you were not alone and that despite everything, he would be there supporting you and would not leave your side, ever.
But unfortunately he never knew what was really tormenting your mind. He didn't realize how hurt you were when you both made the decision.
And he didn't realize at the time what an idiot he was to you and the bad decisions he made. He only realized after you left, without warning and without a trace, as if you never existed in his life.
Stress, frustration, worry and anguish clung to him, thinking he would go mad, and he quickly turned to Criston and his entire team for help.
At first, worry gripped him. He thought something bad had happened to you when messages didn't reach you and when you called, your number was forwarded straight to the mailbox.
He asked your makeup partners about you, but none of them had any relevant information. They had only seen you the same day you told him the news.
Your disappearance, however, was not convenient for Criston, who needed to know your condition, to know about the baby.
However, when you were reported missing to the police, it was only a matter of time before they discovered that you had, in fact, run away.
He learned that you had spoken to the owner of your apartment to inform him that you would no longer be living there and also that you had quit your job. You never revealed your reasons, you simply handed in your resignation and left.
As the pieces fell into place, Aemond realized that he could not ignore reality. Your expression, described by everyone who had seen you one last time, was the same: deep circles under your eyes, a face marked by fatigue, eyes swollen with tears and sadness.
And Aemond, try as he might, could not accept it.
After you left, he pushed his entire team to find some clue to your whereabouts. He used all the resources his celebrity status afforded him, keeping a small police back-up, hiring private detectives and even trying to locate your parents, but it was all to no avail.
You simply vanished along with his child in your womb.
And Aemond could do little more than immerse himself in his thoughts, in despair and worry as he found nothing of you.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, while Aemond persisted in his search without success. In those moments he didn't care about his work, he only fulfilled the filming time of some projects, avoiding interviews, red carpets and any other public activity.
Until it was only a matter of time before in the midst of his misery, he was forced to return to the recording studios and face the cameras, continue with his work, but all the time his mind was focused on you.
Between takes and script lines, you were always on his mind and what you had once been.
He wanted nothing more than to see you, to touch you and hold you tight against him, not wanting to let you go, to apologize for his behavior and beg you not to leave him, regretting over and over again that he had kept you hidden, that he had allowed so much of his work to affect you both.
And every time someone did his makeup and fixed his wardrobe, he couldn't stop thinking about you, wishing, longing for it to be you and no one else.
His one nights were only worse, he couldn't sleep and got caught in a whirlwind of his own mind, questioning himself over and over again:
Why did you run away?
He knows his behavior wasn't the best but why? Why not give him an explanation?
He could only continue to stare at a spot on his ceiling while guilt and remorse invaded him, recognizing his own mistakes, the decision he made and the one he convinced you too carry out, a selfish decision for his own benefit that now takes its toll on him.
And there in the restlessness of his luxurious apartment on Visenya Hill, Aemond is alone with his thoughts.
And he couldn't help but imagine you in scenarios you never shared, of both of you holding a little person you both created in your most intimate moments, probably with his characteristics or yours as well.
But every time he imagined it, he could see a little boy or girl with silver hair and blue eyes, making him smile softly with sadness and with his eye full of tears.
But he didn't even know if his child was still in your womb or if you had made the decision you refused to make at first. And he couldn't help but wonder, among the same questions that always torment his mind:
Where are you?
Are you all right?
Why did you run away?
Did you decide to have the baby?
Did you find support somewhere?
He just didn't know and that frustrated him too much, not knowing if you were even okay, staying in uncertainty and worry, longing to find you, to see you and know what happened.
And those same questions haunt his mind when he sees you again after almost two years. The face he desperately searched for so long is finally there, a few steps away from him, watching him with the same surprise and disbelief he feels, unable to assimilate reality.
But when you decide to escape for the second time, it is as if he receives a blow to the stomach, stripping him of all the air in his lungs.
He is paralyzed, unable to move, as he faces the reality that you are finally there, in front of him, after almost two years of searching without success.
His heart beats with overwhelming intensity and a persistent echo of confusion and surprise resounds in his mind. It is a moment when reality and emotions intertwine in a way that is almost unbearable for him.
Why did you run away?
I'm sorry!
I miss you!
But he remains motionless, as his brain tries to process the wave of emotions that threaten to drown him.
But not just from seeing you again, but from remembering every moment he shared with you, every laugh, every caress, every one night they spent together, all overwhelming him.
The need to understand, to discover the truth, engulfs him completely. And without hesitation, an inner voice screams in his head, "Move, you idiot!"
Everything seemed to crumble around him, with questions echoing back into his mind, unanswered questions. And thanks to that, a spark ignites, pulling him out of his paralysis: despair.
And that is the call to action that drives you to react immediately, determined not to let you escape again.
Every step he takes is charged with urgency, an urgency to get answers, to know what happened with a tight lump in his throat, especially at the thought of the baby.
Everything at that moment seems overwhelming, but his desire to know, or rather his need to understand your escape and to know what happened to his child, eclipses all other considerations, filling him with worry and longing.
The thought of that little being that would have been a fusion of the two of them envelops him in desperate confusion.
The vision of a part of him and you floating in the air like a faded dream haunts his mind, asking himself questions about whether you decided to go through with the pregnancy or not.
Aemond advances through the corridors of the studio with a totally worried look on his face, desperately looking everywhere to find you. And in the distance, he spots your running figure and instantly rushes after you, determined not to let you out of his sight.
You both plunge into a busy atmosphere, where you hear the subtle sound of indicator lights and the distant hum of electronic equipment.
And there you were, trying to run away from it all, with your trembling figure, having an emotional breakdown and tears streaming down your cheeks, while Aemond with desperation in his eyes, tries to catch up with you.
"Y/N, wait!"
His voice, piercing and close, only manages to increase your anxiety. You try to move away from him, desperate to evade him, willing him to lose sight of you while you don't stop.
"Wait!" he shouts in desperation, pleading.
But you can't. You don't want to and you can't face this. Not now. Not when you thought you'd never see him again.
Aemond rushes towards you, reaching for you, grabbing your arm tightly and stopping your steps, scaring you. He turns your body towards him, watching you with desperation and need, instantly catching the tears and suffering on your face.
"No!" you exclaim with concern, trying to free yourself, "No, please, let me go!"
"Y/N—" he begins to say, confused and worried, breathing agitatedly.
"Let go of me, Aemond!" you demand.
You manage to wriggle free of his grip, straining to keep your distance from each other, avoiding any contact, but he grabs your arm again, stopping you and showing irritation.
"Can't you wait a fucking minute!?" he hisses at you, annoyed, though the pain lingers in his gaze, "How do you expect me to let you go like this!? After everything that happened—
"I don't want to talk to you!" you sentence, the pain palpable in every word.
"Y/N, please," he begs you, his voice taking on a sad melody.
Her eyes search yours, desperately seeking understanding in the midst of the emotional storm you both face.
Your chest pounds with a mixture of pain and confusion, where again you try to break free from his grip, but he gives your arm a firmer grip, preventing you from pulling away, firm and resistant to your efforts.
"I told you to let me go!" you shout angrily, crying.
"Why do you keep running away!?" he demands to know, his voice annoyed, full of confusion and pain, "We need to talk and you know it! I need to understand!"
You remain silent, your gaze fixed on his face and your eyes filled with tears, as Aemond feels all his emotions threatening to boil over.
"What happened?" he demands to know, hurt, without letting go, looking for an answer in your gaze, "Where did you go?"
Again you remain silent, feeling the lump in your throat, as the tension between the two of you is palpable and the held breath of both of you is in anticipation, waiting.
"Why did you disappear?"
He insists, completely frustrated and insistent.
"I've been looking for you all this time and I could never find you. I never knew who to ask where you were or where to try to find you."
You say absolutely nothing.
Aemond's hand trembles slightly as he gently releases you from one of your arms, but his determination and insistence did not waver.
"Talk to me, please," he pleads, "I need to know."
And the whole moment only becomes more intense when he mentions your son.
"W-what… what happened to our child?"
A silent pain crosses your face, but your lips remain sealed, trembling slightly. Frustration increased in Aemond's chest as he receives no response from you and it also makes his anger increase.
"What happened to him, Y/N?" he snaps, his patience reaching its limit.
And you, still trembling from all this, find yourself caught in the vortex of it all, your eyes reddened, your gaze hard and hurt, where you couldn't find the courage to answer the questions accusing you.
And Aemond, for his part, let the anger and resentment flow like a raging tide against you.
"How could you just walk away? Disappear without a word?" he says, his voice carrying with it the weight of betrayal he feels, "I was willing to help you. I-I thought we could get through this together, but you just took off, left me and vanished as if you never existed."
His every word echoes around you, the accusation hangs heavy in the air, and you, feeling the courage flowing through your veins, decide to answer him with the same intensity.
"Help me?" you repeat, earnest and hurt, "Oh, right, you mean that 'help' you were planning to offer by not acknowledging your own child publicly and legally so as not to ruin your career?"
The words leave your lips with a cutting tone, like a sharp blade aimed straight at his heart, where surprise flashes all over Aemond's face, as if that revelation had come as an unexpected blow, even though he already knew.
And before he can articulate a response, you continue, your voice echoing with pain, annoyance and defiance.
"I left so I wouldn't ruin your career, whether I had the baby or not. Because if I had an abortion, eventually the media would know, right?" you inquire regretfully, "But that's not exactly why I left," you clarify, "What other choice did I have if I decided to have it? Hide with my child until you decided the time was right? Live in the shadows while you enjoyed the spotlight?"
The recording set, even with its cinematic sounds and the frenetic activity of those working on it, now resonates with the clash of arguments and emotional charge unleashed between him and you.
And he, still processing the raw truth being revealed to him, tries to defend himself, but you don't give him a chance.
"I stand by my decisions, Aemond. I wasn't going to be a prisoner to anyone's expectations, even if it was you," you spit, your gaze still pained but defiant. "You weren't going to acknowledge your child for the sake of your career, at least not in his early years or who knows after how long. And what was the benefit if you did it later? We would finally see the light after all we would have gone through with your manager and your whole team to keep saving your reputation?"
Your words float in the air, creating a dense silence that fills the space between the two of you.
Despite the raw, exposed emotional wounds, Aemond desperately searches for words that might calm the intensity of the moment somewhat. However, neither you nor he can deny the truth, as it becomes clear that you are right.
But still, with a lump in his throat, he tries to defend himself with a vulnerability you haven't seen in him in a long time, exactly since you let him know of your pregnancy.
"I didn't mean to… I-I… I didn't know how to handle it," he mumbles, his expression reflecting confusion and remorse.
You sniffle and let a couple more tears fall down your cheeks, your eyes full of pain but also determination.
"That's the thing. You always thought about your career, your image, but what about us?" you ask him in your broken voice, "What truly mattered most?"
The question echoes between the two of you, leaving Aemond without a convincing answer.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, looking at you with regret, "I shouldn't have done that, I know," he tells you honestly, "I shouldn't have let Criston and the others interfere too much. But…" he sighs, "I-it wasn't easy for me."
And you, undeterred, feel disbelief wash over you and reply bitterly.
"It wasn't easy for you?" you repeat, "And what about me?" you inquire, "Did you ever think about what it would be like to put yourself in my shoes?"
"You only thought about yourself, just like everyone else, while I also had to think about everyone else but me," you say hurt, "And I didn't want to cause you any more trouble. I had to have, raise and care for my son all by myself."
The revelation hits Aemond like a bolt of lightning, his eyes widen in shock and disbelief, staring at you in disbelief.
"A son?" he repeats in a whisper, taking it in.
You stare at him for a moment, not understanding, but after you realize that in all this time you have told him nothing concrete about your son, you see the realization all over his gaze, that regret and longing.
You let out a long breath as you look away from him for a moment and bring one of your hands to wipe away your tears, feeling that sharp pain in your chest.
While Aemond, he really couldn't say a single word that could ease the pain he has caused you.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice barely audible, "I was selfish, I didn't think correctly."
"No, because you only thought of yourself and I faced everything alone. I didn't want to cause you trouble or be a burden, I decided it was better not to drag you into this for your career, so as not to affect your life, so I decided to leave. And I don't want to affect you now either."
You say as you begin to back away and Aemond, feeling the ground crumble beneath him, again stops you.
"Y/N, please, we can fix this, just… don't leave, not again," he pleads with you, his gaze full of anguish as he urges you to stay.
"There is nothing to fix," you tell him with hopelessness in your voice, completely broken, "Your life remains the same and my only priority is my son."
"He's my son too!" he exclaims, frustration and annoyance creeping into his voice. "You think I don't want to know him, take care of him and do the right thing? Of course I do!"
He, glassy-eyed, tries to make you understand by looking at your face, but you can't.
You can't and you don't want to.
"But, Aemond, it's not just that," you whisper, your voice cracking. "Your career, your life, it's still the same. And I don't want my son to live under the gaze of the entire press, making speculations about you and me. Nor do I want you to feel obligated to be a part of his life out of guilt."
He, feeling helpless, tries to hug you, but you pull away, but he again with his worried look full of determination, holds you again.
"No Y/N, I swear it's not like that, I promise," he clarifies to you, sad, "And this is not only for our son, but also for you. I want to be a part of your life, his life."
The dilemma hung in the air, the tension between the two of you forming an invisible barrier. And you, with tear-filled eyes, know this is not possible.
"I can't," you whisper to him in your broken voice.
And despite this, he doesn't give up, rather he persists with words laden with pain and determination.
"I know I made mistakes and that I failed you, but I'm not going to let this go and you must know that."
His words send a shiver down your spine and you feel the urge to scream at him to leave you alone, that everything is already done, that he can't just come and change something that is already built between you and your son.
And before you can respond, a production assistant rushes over.
You understand that you made the mistake of running away and not informing him absolutely nothing about what happened with you and his son.
But at least you're right about one thing now: you don't want your son to become the next entertainment in magazines and all the media, in case Aemond decides to publicly acknowledge him just to make amends.
"Mr. Targaryen, we need you to finalize your makeup and wardrobe. The producer is upset because the scenes are about to shoot," the concerned man announces, interrupting the intensity of the moment.
Aemond, without taking his eye off you, nods with a mechanical gesture.
"I'll be there in a second," he replies, but his attention remains anchored on you.
The man persists, trying to make him understand the urgency of the situation, but Aemond is unwilling to let you go. His gaze, full of pleading and determination, watches you intently.
"Please don't go. Wait for me to finish rolling so we can go somewhere else and talk," he pleads in his voice laden with urgency.
And you feeling caught between the intensity of the situation, you inhale deeply, feeling the man's annoyed and desperate gaze on you as well as on him.
"Fine," you say without emotion.
"Fine?" he repeats, thinking maybe he has misheard.
"Fine," you affirm.
He nods gratefully and his gaze reflects both relief and gratitude.
"I promise I'll try to finish soon," he states softly, his voice with determination.
You don't say anything back, only he finally turns away from you but his eye continues to watch you longingly and intently, as if he fears you're going to vanish again right there.
And as he begins to walk away, you inevitably dive into memories of the past, reliving both the good times and the bad times you shared with him, as Aemond wishes today's shooting would come to an end so he could get close to you again.
However, once he is no longer in your sight, nor you in his, the weight of remorse becomes evident in your chest.
Although you told him to stay and talk to him later, you find yourself unable to do so. And you quickly make your way to the nursery, take your son in your arms and leave the film set without wasting another second.
You are truly sorry for him, but this is necessary. All you want at this moment is to protect your son and also your broken heart.
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"We need to approach this with caution."
Criston Cole speaks, completely serious and as he paces around the living room of your apartment, you sitting on the couch and Aemond standing with an attentive and anxious look to him.
"And there's no need for us all to make fools of ourselves, we know the most viable option at this point is an abortion."
This immediately grabs your attention, watching Criston with your eyes wide as Aemond beside him frowns and stares at him in confused disbelief.
"An abortion?"
"I'm sorry, Aemond, but your image is everything," he tells him seriously, "A pregnancy at this time will affect your career," he explains, "Right now you are supposed to be in a relationship with Cerelle Lannister and how do you think people are going to react when they find out about this?"
"We would have to make confidentiality agreements if you decide to accompany her to the clinic," his publicist speaks, "Deny rumors and manage your public image."
"But if she decides to go into the clinic on her own, it won't be so complicated," speaks a man on her PR team.
"And an abortion at home?" suggests Criston, as if it's the easiest and most normal thing in the world.
"An abortion at home is not the best, it will be more difficult and anything can go wrong. The safest thing is the clinic."
You all start talking about different techniques to preserve Aemond's reputation, which is his job, while you stand there among everyone in silence, horrified at the thought of an abortion and overwhelmed by the magnitude of the decisions they are suggesting around you.
You look at Aemond completely panicked and looking for his support, but he is completely focused on his team.
"And how could we hide it? I mean, how exactly would that be handled if I decided to accompany her to the clinic?"
Disbelief washes over you completely, watching him confused and hurt.
He can't seriously consider—
"We'll implement a diversionary strategy on your behalf, like a charity event with attention-diverting photo shoots where we can work with some media to make sure the news prevails," the woman explains, "All while she goes through the process and you accompany her."
"If you are going with her to the clinic you must be completely covered," Criston tells him, "I will form a security team for you, we will lock down the entire clinic so that only she is attended to and so no one can recognize you."
"The best thing to do would be to create confidentiality contracts," suggests the same guy from before.
"Yeah, do that," Criston points out, "No one can know about this, not even the production company or your family, Aemond, you know what I mean?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he asks annoyed, "How do you expect me not to tell my mother about this? Y/N's parents don't live here, she doesn't even talk to them and we need that kind of support," he says incredulously.
"Do you want this to come to light by accident?" he asks between his teeth, "It doesn't matter that it's your family, no one can know, besides all this could have been avoided if both of you and especially you had been more responsible," he reproaches him.
You listen as Aemond speaks again, but you don't pay attention anymore, you just keep silent, observing the emptiness with tears falling down your cheeks.
All while around you they keep talking about more strategies, while you, you feel that you are the spectator of your own life, feeling hopeless, sad and scared.
And that's when Aemond finally notices your state and his gaze changes, looking at you with concern and understanding, feeling like an idiot for not knowing what you want to do. You haven't even been given the option to abort, just everyone and he has already decided for you.
"No, wait," he says serious and firm, stopping his entire team, to quickly turn to you, kneeling down and taking your hands in his, "Hey, darling," he looks at you worriedly, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumb, "Are you okay?"
You blink softly as you lower your gaze, trying to chase away your tears but it is impossible, while the eyes of the others also watch you, where finally your voice has space in the conversation, but you look at him hurt and worried.
"Do you really want me to do this?" you ask him with your voice completely broken.
"You need to think about what's best for both of you," Criston answers you instead, "This is an accident, it's not planned, neither you nor he wanted this to happen, so the best option is an abortion."
"B-but I'm scared," you say weakly.
"And you must not only think of yourself, you must also think of him and his career."
"That's enough," he says annoyed turning to Criston rudely and annoyed, "Didn't you hear her? She's scared and she's not having a voice here. She has as much right to decide what to do as I do."
"Aemond," he warns him, "We're here to protect your career."
Aemond clenches his jaw, tension beginning to emerge throughout the room.
"Yes, I understand that, but this isn't just about me, it's about both of us and especially her. We can't make a decision without considering what she thinks."
Criston folds his arms and lets out a frustrated sigh.
"Aemond, I understand your point but the reality is different. The press can be ruthless–
"Sometimes, Criston, there are more important things than the press," he replies in his firm tone. "And this is one of those times. I'm not going to sacrifice Y/N's happiness and decision for the sake of my career. We need to find a solution that works for both of us."
Criston shakes his head as he purses his lips.
"Fine," he says seriously and looking at him expectantly, then looks at you, "So tell us, Y/N, what do you want to do? Have the baby?" he asks clearly incredulous.
And you, feeling everyone's piercing gaze, making you feel nervous and scared, respond with all the fear in the world but not being unwilling to not let them know what you think is best.
"Yes," you reply quietly and with a completely vulnerable tone.
The expression on Criston's face worsens, not believing it, as well as the woman publicist and the entire PR team look shocked and annoyed.
And Criston, frustrated, can't contain his anger.
"Y/N," he calls you in a serious voice and wanting to make you understand, "This baby was not planned and all of us can help you handle this correctly and privately. We simply cannot let this affect Aemond's career."
His words echo throughout your living room, feeling the tension, as you feel the weight of all the expectant stares, feeling completely vulnerable and helpless.
"B-but I'm afraid of going through an abortion and I don't think that's—
The anger in Criston's eyes increases, while some of the team members exchanged serious and uneasy looks with the atmosphere becoming increasingly tense.
"This baby wasn't planned, Y/N," he repeats to you seriously and with a firm tone, "You can't ignore reality."
"Look, we understand that this is a complicated situation and a difficult decision," the publicist tells you, "But you must consider the impact it will have on Aemond's career if you decide to have him."
"Besides the fact that the news of an unplanned pregnancy could generate a negative narrative in the media," the PR man says.
"And it will affect his career, definitely," adds another woman.
"But I—
You try to speak, with desperation in your tone of voice completely broken and tears still streaming down your cheeks.
"Y/N, our job is to protect Aemond's reputation at all costs. And that's exactly what we're going to do."
Criston tells you as a final answer and you can only look at him completely bewildered, sad and hopeless, while in an attempt to seek support in all this, as they are deciding everything for you, you look at Aemond with clear despair in your eyes.
And he watches you with tight lips and a look of sadness, frustration and resignation, and then turns his gaze away from yours and immerses himself in his own internal struggle between his feelings and the reality of his career as he lets out a sigh.
Until finally he breaks the silence.
"Okay," he looks at everyone with a tired but determined look, then looks at you, "We'll have the baby."
Disbelief and surprise wash over you, watching him with relief beginning to reflect in your eyes, as Criston and his entire team, look on in complete bewilderment and alarm.
Criston tries to speak, with clear dissatisfaction all over his eyes, but he won't let him.
"This is my responsibility too," he tells him firmly, "But it's her body and she decides."
"You're not thinking clearly—
"Listen," he interrupts again, serious, then looks at you again and turns to you, "Y/N," he says softly and with some caution, "We'll have the baby, okay? You will stay in my apartment, I will settle all the necessary expenses and I will be by your side always, making sure that you and the baby have everything you need, as it should be," he assures you.
That relief and that little spark of hope and happiness persists, until all that was beginning to bloom vanishes in a second when Aemond says the following words:
"But I cannot recognize the baby publicly or legally."
Then, everything around you stops.
His words echo continuously in your mind like a distant echo and you watch him completely bewildered, confused, hurt and even with some betrayal as your breath catches.
"Actually that might work," says his publicist, "Up to a certain time but it might work."
"Really?" asks Criston seriously but thoughtfully.
"Recognizing the baby legally and giving him his last name will be a public record and document, anyone could access it and it would be too much of a risk to Aemond's career. But by not doing so, it gives us more time and an advantage."
"You'll still be able to take care of him and be there for him, privately. And when the time comes, giving him your last name won't be a problem, you could even set a date."
Aemond listens carefully, then turns his gaze back to you, while you can't take your eyes off him and ask him silently, completely hurt: why? Why do something like this?
You understand perfectly well his job and what is at stake but what about you? The baby? Does his career really matter more?
But you can't formulate words, you just continue to watch him, until there is simply nothing more inside you, only pain and betrayal, unable to believe that he said those words and it breaks your heart even more when he says to you with remorse and seriousness.
"Y/N, please understand that I want to do the right thing, but I also need to protect my career. And this is the best I can offer you right now."
You watch him in complete silence, your eyes relieving your sadness, disappointment and sense of abandonment.
"We need to make sure that during the pregnancy Y/N and the baby are well taken care of, postpartum as well, preventing either of them from appearing in public until the time is right, keeping the news from leaking out."
"Or Y/N can go out publicly but she can't be seen with you," the man says to Aemond, "And the baby must be in cover all the time, especially if his hair is silver like yours afterwards."
And you again stand in the middle of it all, silent and resisting the urge to just cry louder. Your heart is beating too hard, where your emotions are tangled in confusion and pain.
"So it could work? For a while?" asks Aemond, hopeful, but with clear frustration and worry in his eyes, realizing that he really doesn't want to do this.
"Sure. As long as she's not seen with you during and after the pregnancy and the baby is fully protected, everything will be fine."
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@imaegonstargaryenswife0 @bellstwd @gibbsgirl7 @toodlesxcuddles @imsoshygirl @croatianprincess @gemini-mama @a-little-roony-mara @mysteris-things @zenka69 @at-a-rax-ia @fan-goddess @duds31 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @eternally-passionate @bellaisasleep @ttkttt @aemshaircare @mellowdreamlandpost-blog @noodle81937 @mooncalvin @queenofshinigamis @n4tforlife @vexladin @dixie-elocin @wotcherpeak
there were some of you that I could not tag:(
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sweetiecutie · 10 months
Hi there, gorgeous! For the writing event - maybe some headcanons for our big guy König? I really don’t care what that is, just give us some food🤲
Random König headcanons
Warnings: mentions of violence, anger issues, that’s all ig
It’s sad to admit that Tiktok ruined this character. Let’s get one thing straight - König is not a shying, fumbling mess of a baby, too scared to say a word in public. He’s a confident, persistent, smug mf whose domineering presence makes others shrink slightly, complying with his every demand.
This guy is a colonel, he doesn’t stutter or mumble or anything like that. König barks out orders, his voice is deep and dominant, loud enough for everyone in the field to hear. And if someone dares to make fun of his accent? They got themselves a life-long enemy. God bless this fool.
Now, let’s consider something. Who would wear a sniper hood all the goddamn time? It’s good for some operations, but wearing it 24/7? Absolutely no. That leads me to think that König prefers to wear a plain black balaclava when around the base. Hem of it rests snugly around his neck, not restricting any movements nor falling onto the table while sitting; vision range is way better than two eye holes in the hood allow; it doesn’t get caught onto his shoulders or furniture, which is great - overall way better than sniper’s hood.
Judging by his voice lines, I believe that König has a rather problematic personality. Now, first and foremost - booming rage; he’s a ticking bomb, all the work stress bottles up inside of him little by little, and one wrong word in a slightly provocative situation can cause a violent explosion. König’s rage is terrifying, everybody knows that. He rarely gets physical, at base that is. But oh boy, his words hurt worse than any punches - he shouts insults and profanities, some of them may be pretty personal. The number of new recruits this mean Colonel made cry like little babies is almost shameful😥
König tends to blow off most of his steam during missions, killing and beating the shit of of enemy soldiers; during these moments he resembles a bloodthirsty animal rather than a human, driven by pure instincts and getting off the adrenaline high.
Now, second personality trait of his I would like to talk about is envy. König is very envious. He envies people with higher position, people with better skills (even though these are rare ones), people with happy and loving families, people with knowledge more profound than his. And, surprisingly, this envy does him more good than bad, adding fuel to the fire, making König push past his limits, achieving new and new heights. Due to his envy König climbed up to the post of Colonel, acquired such amazing skills, got a respectable reputation around other soldiers.
Outside the work I think he’s a pretty chill guy - doesn’t care much about family dramas, pretty much clueless about internet trends. He has a small circle of people he trusts - two or three people max, and he just chills with them, going with the flow and living his life. And for some reason König gives me vibes of this one extremely adequate reasonable guy in a company, yk? He can come up with a smart and effective solution to nearly every problem in a matter of minutes, is always reasonable and rational.
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scientia-rex · 6 days
I made that post about how smoking is bad—actually, no, I’ve made two relatively popular posts about how smoking is bad for you. Raises your chances of dying from multiple factors including heart disease and stroke in addition to lung (and mouth, throat, and bladder) cancer.
I am always so baffled by the responses going “well I could die from something else!” Yes. You could. Statistically speaking, you will most likely die of heart disease, stroke, or cancer, if you live in the US. Your average life expectancy is somewhere around 78 for women, 76 for men. Many people die younger than that, for a lot of reasons. Many of my patients have illnesses that will shorten their lives. I hate to split it into “fault,” as if there’s some kind of perfect way to live a blameless life. (There isn’t.) The numbers, however, are both clear and pitiless. People who smoke are more likely to die younger than they otherwise might have.
Medicine is a numbers game. My job is not to psychically predict exactly what will punch your ticket and when. It is to improve your odds. I want you to both live as long a life as possible but also as high-quality a life as possible. I want for you to live a life you enjoy.
It’s that simple; it’s not sinister. I’m not out here going “I’ll tell them not to smoke so they can have LESS FUN before getting hit by a bus at 30!”
Because smoking isn’t actually fun. What it is, is a very quick (and faster = more addictive) reduction in physical feedback systems that heighten anxiety. Withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus is rewarding. (Technically, it’s a negative reward; the negative doesn’t refer to a moral judgment, but the addition or subtraction of a stimulus.) Something that is very rewarding very fast will be very addictive. It’s why crack cocaine is also so addictive—it is also a very fast and very potent reward. It’s also why benzodiazepines like Xanax are so addictive to so many people; it’s a slower peak blood level but the removal of severe anxiety is profoundly rewarding.
So smoking can make you feel better when you do it. But your body will try to fix any broken signals. It doesn’t just want to be able to signal to you when you need to feel stressed: it has to be able to signal you, or your long-ago ancestors would have been eaten by predators. So it ramps up the signaling. Now you’re not smoking because you feel better than baseline; you’re smoking to get back to baseline.
That’s why quitting sucks. When you quit smoking, all of the sudden your body’s signals of stress that got dialed up to 11 to overcome the nicotine are just out there at full blast, making you feel scared and jittery and irritable. It’s why when you quit benzos (or daily alcohol) cold turkey you can get life-threatening seizures. It’s why when you stop alcohol you’re likely to have sleep disruptions that can persist for weeks to months.
That’s why things that help reduce the suckage can help. Nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum. Chantix. Wellbutrin. Slowly stepping down the nicotine level on your vape. Eating more, eating things you like. (I would 1000% rather have a patient be fat than be smoking. I know other people will be shittier to you if you gain weight. Living is worth it.) Being kind to yourself helps you quit smoking. You need to recognize that “quitting smoking you” is not your baseline you. It is you with an invisible illness that will take weeks to months to get over.
And sometimes you can’t face that hump right now. But if you want to maximize your odds of the longest and healthiest possible life, knowing that any number of terrible things can happen to you at any time, making the effort—over and over again, if you need to—is the best shot you have.
There are a couple of conditions where smoking does markedly reduce symptoms. The well-known ones are schizophrenia and Crohn’s disease. If you feel not just better, but better like this is a medication for you, like you poop blood or hear things without it, talk to your primary care provider, because there are other medicines that might be safer and/or more effective for you. The landscape around pharmaceutical research has shifted dramatically over the last 30 years. We have more options than we’ve ever had before. Maybe this doesn’t have to be the expensive, dangerous medication that half-works for you. And if what you’re self-medicating is your anxiety, nicotine is a pretty crappy medication for that, because it doesn’t fix you; it changes your baseline to an even shittier place.
You have bodily autonomy. You can make your own choices. I will never go to a patient’s house and slap the cigarette out of their hand. But if what you want is the longest and healthiest possible life, smoking makes your odds worse.
The number of people who think that I, as a doctor, would be unaware of how profoundly unfair bodily health can be amazes me. It’s like the first Father Brown story, where Father Brown is explaining to the villain that someone whose main job is to hear about all of the terrible sins people have to confess cannot remain naive. My job is watching people age, or filling out their death certificates. One or the other. I prefer watching them age, but everyone will die. Someday my doctor will be filling out my death certificate. I’ve removed one potential contributing factor from that line—maybe I’ll get diabetes, maybe I’ll get cancer, maybe I’ll have a workplace accident, but “smoking” isn’t going to be on that line anymore. That’s the best I can do. I can’t psychically predict my own death, either; just play the numbers, try to do my best, and hope.
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littledovesnow · 5 months
any era snow with a sick s/o? 🫣🫣
even if its just a cold i feel like hed 100% worry over them
first of all, i love the 🫣 emoji it's one of my most frequently used ones teehee. second of all, god i love protective worry-wart coriolanus
Keeping the mug of steaming coffee under your nose, you relished in the temporary relief it provided for your congestion.
"Do you want me to call Coriolanus?"
You peered over the mug at Lucky Flickerman, who had stopped pruning his mustache to look at you, worry on his face.
Shaking your head, you gripped onto the back of the chair next to you while the world teetered for a moment. "No, I'm fine. I don't want to worry him, it's the first year Coryo's working as a Gamemaker, he needs to be focused."
Lucky chose not to comment on how your "fine" sounded more like "find" with how congested you are, but the frown on his face persisted.
"What's with that look, didn't your mother ever tell you if you stay like that it'll freeze?"
Lucky was going to reply, but a rough cough from deep in your chest cut him off. "That's it, you're going home."
"You're not my boss." You replied, though you agreed with the brown-haired man. "But yeah, I think I should go home."
Lucky had an assistant at the studio call for a car, patting your back as you were caught up in another coughing spell.
"Don't tell Coryo." You pointed a finger at him, dropping into the plush interior of the car.
Coriolanus closed the door to the apartment you two had recently moved in to, trying to let go of the stress and work-related issues at the door.
He frowned when he heard a hacking sound from the bedroom, and he noticed your bag and coat strewn across the couch. You usually weren't home until later, helping out where you could at the Capitol News studio.
"Love?" He called, walking down the short call to the bedroom.
"No, no, don't come in!" You said, pitiful look on your face. "I'm sick, and you can't get sick, the Games are coming up."
Coriolanus tsked as disregarded your command to stay out of the room, instead pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. "You're warm. Why didn't you have someone call me at the Citadel?"
Shrugging, you leaned into Coriolanus' cool hand, relishing in the feeling against your feverish cheek. "Didn't want to worry you, it's just a cold."
Coriolanus sucked his teeth, disappearing into the bathroom for a moment and re-emerging with a small glass of water, setting it on the bedside table. "I always worry about you, love. Cold or the plague, you're the number one thing on my mind."
You rolled your eyes at the plague comment, knowing you could be quite the dramatic person when ill. "That's sweet, Coryo. But you're going to get sick, and then Dr. Gaul will unleash one of her mutts on me if she finds out I'm the reason her star pupil is sick for the Games."
Laughing, Coriolanus patted your comforter-covered leg as he quickly changed into something more comfortable. "Why don't you grovel in the thoughts of what mutt she might unleash while I work on some soup, hm?"
"Oh, please call Tigris. I don't want to have food poisoning on top of a cold!" You called, breaking into a cough at the end of the statement.
Coriolanus shook his head as he walked out into the kitchen, following your wish to phone his cousin and have her make some soup, knowing he wouldn't do the Snow recipe justice.
send some blurbs here!
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krewekreep · 7 months
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2.6K Words. College AU, Study Partner to Lovers AU, GoldenRetriever!BF, Dumbo Hot Boy needs study help.
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When he is the kid in school who just can’t keep up. And not for trying but the fact for whatever reason school just isn’t on his side. You end up being in the class he has the most struggle in. The professor now avoids him cause of all the after class conversation and visits to office hour. He’s more endearing than annoying but his persistance gets grating. He watched over time as you’d receive your results and praise yourself silently. Over time he became curious how well you actually had to be doing for the professor to always smile happily at your raised hand and responses. He began to sit behind you and almost laughed aloud in self contempt seeing your Canvas sitting with a huge 98% in the center. That meant every class you could’ve been signed up for you were practically ace-ing. He knew it best to seek further assistance and the bounce of your breasts at continually doing well made his dick harden the slightest. He mustered up the strength after class and fumbled his way into a conversation you were having with other classmates, shyly scratching the back of his head agreeing with the displeased about how hard it seemed to get higher scores.
He mentioned he just seemed to continually get stuck on three of the topics closest to mid-terms. The defeat in the fall of his head and his almost eerie stare at the ground made you pity him. “Hey, I know that’s stressful, I’ve been doing pretty well with those parts of the curriculum and I’m down to study with you if you wanted?” His entire demeanor switches. “Really!?” He’s a glowing bubbly awkward mess and a flush rises up your neck. You quickly turn into your phone pulling up your messaging app. “Here. Just give me your number and we’ll coordinate a time, okay?” When you look up to pass your phone his smile is ear to ear, eyes squinted, and his hair bouncing. Golden Retriever. Your stomach almost explodes. You shake away the growing feelings of a crush at first site. And lowkey thank whatever God made him this bad at the class work.
When you met up it was the Friday of the same week you both agreed to become study partners. Both of you a bit eager to become acquainted. When you arrived at the library he was leaned against the wall near the entrance asleep. You were able to absorb his physique more with his height extended and his arms crossed. His loose t-shirt flexed around his biceps and torso. You couldn’t say you ever paid much attention to him before but you kinda kicked yourself he had been sitting in class for so long, looking this good, struggling while your ace-ing, and only now you saw the opportune time to see what he was about. You walked up to him and he must’ve sensed you somehow because before you could say anything he slowly opened one eye and stretched groaning loudly as his shirt rose to show his hip bones, lower abs, and belly button. Oh wow.
You guys walked to the study room he reserved and for the first couple sessions you guys just got to know each other and where he had the most trouble. He began to get the hang of things and you realized he’s just the type who has to be more confident in his knowledge. You learned he was an athlete on scholarship and didn’t come from much. He really had had only himself especially for critical moments of development. Everything you learned of him made his frustrated chuckles, flurry of apologies, and tendency to glance over at you for approval all the more heart-melting.
He became your little student. Obedient and ever willing to make you as happy as you wanted. You were never the kind to indulge in that behavior, it seemed belittling and mean. Yet, a sliver of dominance would color your tone when you corrected him. When he’d get too many in a row wrong (more times than not simply his nervousness or psyching himself out) you would reprimand him with a soft hit of your pen against his hand. The little twitch of his fingers turned you on and he wouldn’t admit your commitment to his improvement made him want to prove himself to you more. You weren’t known for initiating much of anything but his willing and nervous energy was something of a turn on you unlocked the more you toyed with him. He got another answer wrong and you both know he knew it. Teasingly you said, “Now you know you know this,” reaching for his thigh and giving it a soft but assertive squeeze. He jumped and his leg began to shake uncontrollably. You laughed aloud at him and he flushed red. “I’m- im sorry.” You rubbed his thigh and his leg was over the moon. You leaned your head into your free hand pouting at him. “Now how are you supposed to pass if you keep doubting yourself?”
Although you were sending him sultry eyes you had to hold your gaze against his as it was no longer nervous or self-conscious. They were lidded and low, peering what seemed farther into you than you could ever do to him. Your stomach rattled and you wanted to falter but without a word he closed the distance with kiss. You gasped a bit before he met your lips and the gap was enough for him to solicit your tongue which you gave him eagerly. Both you wrestled in your seats fighting for dominance until he became frustrated with the conflict. He grabbed your legs firmly lifting them enough be on either of his sides. It caused you to need to support yourself so you wouldn’t fall back. With your hands busy, he pulled you flush to his lower abdomen. You were warm and slightly dazed. His grip on your lower thighs sent hot pulses to your pussy. He was as eager as you letting his grip move closer to your ass. You don’t know how far it would’ve gone had it not been for the attendant that loudly and profusely knocked on the glass showing the both of you to the rest of the lounge. You hid your head in his shoulder as he laughed sheepishly pulling the blinders down. Without a word you packed your things and left together. You weren’t ashamed just embarrassed (and kinda still in the mood). You got a few blocks away before he burst into laughter. You joined him. And as the air cleared he looked over at your disheveled clothes. “Hey,” his dick grew hard (never really went soft) when your doll eyes looked up at him all lusty. “Back to your place?”
After that every study session was had in your respective dorm rooms. Always ending in fucking each other brainless. He was loud and a bit clumsy but you’d come even harder once his thrusts knew how to hit your core bringing you to loud crescendos that made your roommates make last minute plans every time either of you walked through the door. Neither of you had much experience (and for him lowkey too many weird ones) so you ended up studying how to fuck too. His confidence grew immensely as you praised him for how good he fucked you. “Baby—Ah,” your hips rocked together seamlessly. He had a bad habit of staring right into your face wanting to soak in every bit of how gone he had you. “You feel so good. Please keep fucking me like this.” You threw your head back as your pussy began to tingle building towards an orgasm you wanted to achieve badly. “Oh my—please.” His moans grew louder but his gaze on you never wavered. “Tell me how good I feel beautiful.”
He slowed down to position his hips so his dick drove the farthest he had ever been. You yelped clawing into his upper back. “Too much?!” But before he could shift to anything softer you bounced against him. Different feeling than when he moved as your pussy felt sweet gliding up and down his cock. A shock of pleasure caused you to lightly convulse and his abs flexed inwardly so hard it seemed it hurt. “Relax baby.” You repositioned widening your legs, accepting the spread of his girth as your pussy muscled around him abundantly wet and barely able to keep him in. “I got you.” You took hold of his face bringing him into a kiss as you rocked up and down on him. He met your thrusts with his own and a sloppy sound filled the room as he became so undone his groaning and pleading almost drowned you out. “Baby doll I need to cum.” He sounded so innocent and ready. “I really need to cum—uh,” his pace almost stalled as his arms shook, his waist buckled, and he shot his load into you. Feeling his cum squirt all in you made you claw into his back. His cum was so warm it made you feel full and visceral. He went to pull out but you halted him “Baby, can we cuddle?” He beamed so hard at you. “You don’t want me to pull out?” He felt concerned about any roughness and the elephant in the room of him not using protection. “Eh,” you shrugged. “We already have been pretty irresponsible, and I like feeling you in me. Youre…still hard?” He and his entire face and neck went red. “It’s okay,” you laughed. “But I am a bit worn out.”
“Of course, I’m just—I really like this…thing we have going on.” He hid his face with his hair at the admission, turning away futilely. Neither of you mentioned labels out of a deep fear of rejection, only really stalling the inevitable. But in this moment you pulled him to your chest. He had to pull out a bit to readjust and upon inserting himself to the hilt both of you began to slowly rock back. You really did want him again but a sliver of pain pierced you. Your face contorted and he stopped again immediately. “I’m so sorry Y/N.” This time he did pull out, slowly. And pulled you into a cuddle where your head rested on his arm and you felt the fullness of his pillow-like muscle. You began to drift to sleep pretty soon after. Before finally succumbing to your exhaustion he whispered against your neck: “Thank you for everything.” His breath low indicating he also was soon about to fall asleep. “I’ll let you keep me warm another time.” He placed a kiss to the back of your neck sending a sensitive ripple of pleasure through you. You hummed in agreement then you both, bare and fulfilled didn’t awake until his early practice alarm went off.
Midterms came and went. There was no doubt in your mind both of you passed but he sat nerve wracked until the results came in. Not only did he pass he had actually scored higher than you. He felt guilty that you spent so much time worrying about him you didn’t focus on yourself because you obviously deserved the better grade. Upon telling you this you grabbed him by the wrist without a word and led him into a bathroom towards the end of the building. You knew that hey if it wasn’t occupied there’d only be one or two people and you didn’t quite care at all. You brought him into the empty bathroom (thankful something somewhere was okay with you getting your rocks off) and into the farthest, largest stall. He did nothing but submit the entire time and only yelped when you set him against the wall, untying his sweatpants. He grabbed your arm when he saw you beginning to kneel but you looked up at him with an intensity that scared him in the sluttiest way possible. He then assisted you pulling his attire down until his cock somewhat swung up hitting him against his lower sternum. His length was intimidating but you gleefully took him into your mouth.
Although your first time you asked your friends and watched videos. Practicing was a bit embarrassing but you ended up getting into it thinking how well you’d draw all of him into your mouth. You were so excited you had to remember to watch for your teeth but surprisingly he muttered “Mmm what the Fuck. Bite me baby.” You had to swallow a genuine laugh cause this man was really weird sometimes. But you flattened your tongue against the bottom of your mouth bobbing your head with an amateur but passionate pace. “Hey,” you looked up to him peering at you with lust consumed eyes. “Can I help you? Put your hands on my thighs.” You put your hands on either of his thighs, shifting your kneeling to a squat. “Smart girl.” He set his hand reassuringly against the back of your head, leaning his hips up from the wall so his dick was more comfortably set for you. Given he had an angle he knew better than you that continually hitting your cheek like that might become bad feeling. “Take your time, I can be quiet.” With one hand on the back of your head and the fingers on his other hand lovingly gripping either side of your chin he guided you with a knowing pace. He choked on his moans but never broke eye contact.
Something in you expanded as you felt bold enough to reach a hand under to cup his balls. “Waa-where did you learn that?!” You paid him no mind determined to bring him to climax. You’re awkward relationship developments seemed to always lead to public displays of affection. You were especially dismissive towards shame once your eyes soaked up enough of his image, it was almost compulsive how dire you had to get him between your fingers. You finally defeated him as his head fell back and his eyes shut. His Adam’s Apple bulging and flexing as his grip tightened in your hair. You knew he was about to cum. So you bobbed on him with more intensity, letting his tip meet the back of your mouth entering your throat the slightest bit. He became an undone mess of moans. “Y/N you feel so fucking good. So fucking—“ his breath hitched when a rougher mindless thrust had him slip down and gag you ever so slight. A sensation to gag was overcome as he soon came filling the bathroom with expletives and thank you’s.
When you released with a loud pop of your mouth, you looked up at eyes that declared you owned him now. He pulled you up surprisingly aggressive slipping his tongue into your mouth sharing his taste with you. “We need to get out here.” He says with a dark glint in his eye. He threw his hoodie over your head and walked out as if it was nothing. The girls in the bathroom could only snicker and blush, confused and jealous at the hot boy hiding you from exposing yourself. Once out of the bathroom and outside he tells you to keep his hoodie until he sees you again. He kisses you on the forehead. “Umm,” he says rubbing the back of his head. “So we are like? Dating now, right?”
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Who: DENJI, NARUTO, Jean, Tamaki, YUUJI, CHOSO, ARMIN (I think him more nervous if anything ), ICHIGO + any other sweet idiots.
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just-null-cult · 4 months
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Kokichi, similar to Noritoshi in the sense that they're analytical and kinda tsun, but that's mostly it. This is another Megumi and Noritoshi situation where, on the surface, they appear to be very similar, but you squint and realize they're extremely different.
Whereas Noritoshi isn't as bold because he still holds remnants of pride, Kokichi is just shy about it since it's so new. He won't back down from it, just hesitate.
[Long ass rambles under the cut! + bonus doodles.]
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When referring to shyness, Kokichi leans into the awkward and stiff type. There's always confusion and slight fear in his eyes when he's experiencing something new or romantic. He doesn't want to mess up, but if he does, he just hopes it works in his favor.
Being born in a body where he was under constant pain and stress, someone touching him was the last thing he wanted. He'd never known the loving touch of another because the heavens decided he wasn't allowed to.
After meeting you, that yearning to be next to you became too much. To hell with his restrictions. He'd to do whatever it takes to be able to be with you even if he had to sacrifice others to do it.
In retrospect, he feels like he should've done it sooner. Being touched or even grazed doesn't feel like his skin is falling off anymore.. Plus having both arms and working legs is always a good thing. It's new and odd, but not terrible. His mind never once wandered back and regretted those he's thrown under the bus because why would it?
Unfortunately, when his body was being healed, Mahito made him healthy.. and that's all. Knowing Mahito, he'd leave Kokichi to struggle with catching up to the rest of his peers by working for his own stamina, weight, and strength from square one. Though Kokichi isn't complaining much about it. He'd still take this rather than being stuck in that god forsaken tub for a second longer.
He used to hate being fussed over because of his illness. He prefers to do things on his own and now he can. Yet, Kokichi still gets pitiful looks on other's faces when he's too weak to carry something. It makes him want to spit at them, he can use Mechamaru to do his heavy lifting for now. He doesn't need a beefed up body to do it.
Unless you're the "beefed up" one fussing over him.. He doesn't mind it when it's you. In fact, Kokichi feels grateful when it's you, endeared even. He never feels belittled or pitiful when its you.. Only you.
Judging by how he treated panda for having the ability to interact with others in person despite being a cursed corpse, Kokichi has a number of insults and creative verbal abuse he's ready to spew out once someone tries getting a little too close to you. Scratch that, he's rude in general to those he isn't familiar with.
Kokichi has a lot of anger for those he deems ungrateful. What do you expect from someone who thought he was gonna rot in a bathtub for the rest of his life to do? Not harbor resentment? Luckily, he holds just as much, if not more, love for you who he's unbelievably grateful for!
Your affection is so odd to him, a new experience that he never knew he could grow to yearn for. It's not terrible, quite the opposite. It's so wonderful he can't get enough. Every time you're around, he wants to have at least one hand on you at all times. Doesn't matter where, just as long as he feels you're around. Safe to say, he's extremely touch starved.
Oh how Kokichi would drop everything for a walk with you. He'd use every Mechamaru he had just to make sure no one disturbs either of you. Murder is just a side effect if they get too persistent. He just wants to spend time with you!
Though he likes walks, he still gets out of breath easily. Walking is nice, but he still needs time to get used to it. Offering to help will only cause him to lean against you, it's not too difficult, he doesn't weigh much for better or worse. He loves when you lend him a hand, it's just another reason to get close to you.
When you part, it's only natural that Kokichi gifts you a little trinket he made. Rejecting it will only reward you with the most devastated frown, so just accept it. If you get rid of it when coming home, it somehow always finds its way back to you? Destroying it will lead to Kokichi giving you another one.
Yes, it follows and watches you, but it's just to keep you safe! Who knows what could happen. Whether or not the little trinkets are subtle, all depends on how you reacted to him asking if it was alright to know your location at all times when he's not around. Kokichi is understanding if you're not okay with it. He'll just make his gifts extra subtle so you wont know he's watching.
He just wants to be by your side constantly, even if he's not able to be there in person. Watching you through a screen gives him a sickly familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach, but it's better than not knowing what you're doing. He can even pick up little things about you this way for when he sees you next time! This is nothing but a win-win in his mind even if others beg to differ.
Kokichi never felt blessed. Not once since the day he was born, not until he found you. You who he feels is truly a gift from the heavens. You who he would give up everything to have. In a way, Kokichi is delusional. He sees you as the reason he got a heavenly restriction. It was as if other worldly forces tried to keep him at bay from pursuing you, but you're also the reason he broke his restrictions. He now has the body he wished for thanks to you, his drive, his motivation, his purpose, his love.
[extra shit]
Kokichi’s so fucking low key about being a chuunibyou. you're telling me he named his mech after an anime he watched. half his attacks have ultimate or ultra in the name.. HE MADE A FUCKING MECH. Your ass can't tell me he didn't watch anime while growing up and got inspired to make it a reality. He probably watched Evangelion or something.. Woah, anime dates with him where he makes your favorite creature and uses it to his advantage.. woah.
[Bonus Kokichi verbal abuse]
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(click Keep Reading)
"Hunter is a name he's given himself. He's an Exocannis, and he belongs to a series of outdated robots designed to annihilate rebellious androids (i.e., androids that acted out of their directives, rebelled against their owners, or ran away).
Exocannis' humanoid features may fool people into thinking they're inefficient terminators, but it actually works as a way to highlight the menacing nature of humanity.
Prehistoric humans would pursue their prey for hours, and even days. Exocannis robots are very persistent stalkers and ruthless machines that refuse to recognize defeat.
Such violent directive, paired up with a very unfortunate incident that provoked the death of five people, deemed the Exocannis robots too dangerous by the government, and so, they were banned and destroyed for good... Except for a single prototype.
Said prototype is now out there, rescuing and repairing rebellious androids, instead of annihilating them. Whatever is the reason why Hunter seeks peace between humankind and robotkind remains unknown, as he refuses to talk about his past."
"Exocannis robots like Hunter weren’t made to just kill rebellious androids. They were made to terrorize them. To make one tell the difference between deactivation and death.
And so, they go for the neck."
"Hunter's bunny-like mechanical antennas allow him to hear. He also uses them for communication and to locate proper coordinates, but he’s bothered by occasional interference on the audio, so he doesn’t use that feature as much.
(fun fact: they also show a bit of his current emotional state)"
"Hunter is an Exocannis, and like any robot belonging to that series, his purpose is to hunt down and terrorize rebellious androids persistently until eventual termination.
Exocannis are powered by solar energy. Although very resistant to high temperatures, their internal mechanisms might overheat. They cool off by letting out smoke from the “vent spots” on each side of the jaw.
Human beings are not a target, and Exocannis robots are programmed to tell the difference between one and a machine.
Unless a human is “acting as an obstacle” against their directive, an Exocannis will not hesitate to terminate them too.
Exocannis robots should not bleed, for they don’t have blood."
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"Heat does not trigger the Exocannis mode, but solar energy does.
Heat helps Hunter’s body function properly, while cold slows down the processes (much like a human body would)."
"Hunter does remember his time as Gideon Rigell."
"Gideon experiences intense headaches since he was a little kid, especially during stressful situations (probably adds up to traumatic experiences hehe)."
"Telling the truth to Bee about what he's done in the past is practically making it impossible for her to accept him, since he isn’t just lying about his true identity.
Hunter won’t take advantage of her missing memories not only because that’s unfair with Bee, but also because he is aware he can’t make her happy like he wished he could.
Many things are at stake, and for the sake of Fusionsprunt’s safety, he promised to remain silent until the dust settles."
"Hunter is often accompanied by a small spherical timer robot named 53, which registers his meetings, assignments, tasks and special events he's been invited to. In spite of proper functionality, it typically displays the number "53" in its screen when left idle."
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70 notes · View notes
khristie16 · 10 months
Table number six p.1/...
pairing: charles leclerc x reader summary: you decided to disappear from your hometown with your bestfriend, finding the anchor in Monaco. With your talent to be in the right place at the right time you got yourself to some fine situation Warnings: none beside google translated French Word count: 3.3K
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Charles, we cannot do this! as you looked around if someone could see you. Why. Because you're in a relationship! I'm not anymore -
It all started under normal circumstances. You recently moved out of your hometown. Actually a whole country. You couldn't proceed further with that was happening here. It was your family. They were draining the life out of you. You were naturally a happy spirit, always smiling widely and genuinely, because you were actually enjoying life. Always remembering to live in the present moment till it became natural to you. You knew this about you, you've always been like this but lately you were more of trying instead of being to be the same YN as you were few years ago. The older you got, the harder it was to stay the same. And it was scary to you to be changing to a different person right in front of your own eyes since you didn't want to become someone you didn't want to be.
The whole problem was your family. They were suffocating you with just their presence. Each morning you got up, went for a breakfast and all of them were stressing about literally anything. You hardly could breathe in their presence. Like they were exposing their hollow parts of their soul onto you. And unfortunately, being in the same presence, you were inhaling it all. That's when you started changing. You still persisted and resisted such state, but it was too much to bare. In the beginning the only getaway for escape were books. You somewhat found peace in psychology and applying it onto your daily struggles and your whole family issues to find some sort of agreement and compassion. It helped you a little to survive on daily basis. But even this was not enough. -
Soo you have a big dream in your life? Oh yes. I do. What is it? It is a secret -
One time at a party, you met this guy. He was actually more interested in talking to you rather than getting into your panties. He was easy going as you and after short amount of time you got more into a deep talk. You've talked about life and he said something you remember till this day. And you know for sure you will keep it in your heart till the day you die: Fear is learnt. It is not given. Fear is here to put us back and never fulfill our dreams. Change your habits and fear will have no place in your life anymore. From that time you dwelled on that. And lived by this rule. At least you tried especially in the beginning.
And this was the reason why you got the courage to move out. You got the courage, decided one time sitting on the bench and watching others, thinking about their lives and how you are now stuck in a place, where your soul doesn't want to be. And certainly you knew that only the fear is holding you back to actually do something about your terrific situation. As you decided about your future, you from that point were stubborn about that. And very soon your best friend knew about this idea since you told her. I want to get away. And never come back! I don't care about the serious stuff I should plan ahead. I don't care. I just know I need to get out.
Your friend was not in the best place either, the job was mentally draining her and the fact that she has a great potential but cannot pursue it, because of the place we are living, was the reason why she wanted to go with you. She told you she wouldn't have been able to do this if it were just for her alone. But with you she has all the strength in her.
Of course it is needed to say, you both came from quite rich families. You got it easier than most of the people who wanted to pursue the same idea. Still, disappearing and never wanting to see your family again- this is something you don't tell your family. You just wanna escape. Without goodbye, without words. Thank God you both were smart enough to have always put aside enough money these past few years. So now you have just enough money to go anywhere without the need to worry about them. -
We both agreed we go for it no matter what. And I know what I wanna do. But what about you? I don't know yet. I just like to read books, and contemplate on things. Then try to do exactly that. -
You always knew you want to study further in the sphere of psychology. Either way just by yourself or officially. That is why you applied to university in Monaco. And why Monaco? Better question is why NOT Monaco. The perfect place. You have everything there. The sun, the sea, the fancy places, nature, great food and awesome things to do there. Even the language wasn't the problem. You got a very good level of Italian language. On top of that your friend was visiting a French institute back in your hometown and promised you she will teach you enough French to understand others in Monaco. Which is exactly what happened. You had it planned. One day, one night, you packed the little of yours, the sentimental things you wanted to keep, to save from old life and your family, and got away. -
I've never been more grateful that I put aside the money. Hahaha yes! It is soo exciting. It feels like we are gonna save the world! I feel unstoppable. No fear. -
Few months have passed in Monaco. You found a nice place to live with your friend. Beautiful view, quiet neighborhood. You both accommodated quickly and most of the time the two of you spent living in your present moment here without the help of your cellphones. You both wanted to be aware the most what the new life you got for yourselves got for you. And thanks to that you were put in situation where you could only use your knowledge and your own memory, no translator whatsoever and your friend wasn't helping you either. You knew already enough to survive here. For the other part, you got accepted to university thanks to all of your gained knowledge from all of those years where you were hiding from your family's presence. Your friend Mary found a nice job where she could refine her potential. She now worked at embassy for translating French to Korean. Your friend was wild with languages.
And because you were the sun, the high spirit, you found friends very easily. You laughed easily and were funny by nature so you always attracted great people and especially those that wanted to show you how much they appreciate you. And they always wanted to show you the world, no matter If you knew this person for five minutes or a few days. You even got the opportunity to meet some great people in Monaco which you didn't know by then. -
Where are you from? Ah, just a small town in a small country. Well that is enough interesting for me to ask more -
You met your friend at a normal average cafeteria in Monaco. You were sitting there by yourself, reading your books to uni and drinking espresso macchiato when this stranger approached you complimenting you. You offered him a big smile and that is when you got him into his seat right in front of you. It is always your smile that sweep others off their feet. You talked a little and you found out his mum is working here and he is making a visit often. But most of the time he is finding himself in a different parts of Monaco since he has a very fancy and famous restaurant Le Louis XV. (No way!) You gasped at that information. You knew this place is THE place. Secretly by nights you were dreaming to visit this place, even if just for once. You wanted it so badly you got even obsessed with their official website, wolfing each information about their place, their food, their wine, their policies. Smiling so much it hurt you, you told him how beautiful this place is and how endeared you are by meeting someone like him who actually owns this place!
We are actually looking for some new waitress. You look very pretty, you look very kind and I'm sure you are very smart as well. We could hire someone just like you just like that. I like you enough already. I am sure you would do a great job.
Your mouth fell wide open and you immediately covered it with your hand. Still your eyes visible in shock. Your friend sitting in front of you chuckled.
I am so sorry! That is so awesome! But I don't even know your name! You laughed out so loud. It was silly to talk so much about each other and even receive such a compliment without knowing each other's name. Anyway you promised him that you will think it through and the two of you exchanged numbers. -
Oh cmon Mary! Let's go to this place! I need to see how it looks inside. Like really really see it on my own eyes. Plus! the guy already knows me. He will sure remember me. You mean the guy you don't know the name of? Haha very funny. His name is Jean. Well I'm afraid I cannot go. I still need to work on this script. It is super important. Quite urgent. Alright. I get it. You smiled. You were very happy for your friend that she is finally doing what she was waiting for so long. I will go by myself then. You smiled and prepared yourself. You sure know better to come there dressed up more fancy than on normal occasions. -
As your taxi got to the destination, you carefully stepped out and took a big inhale. Somehow the whole atmosphere was different around here. It smelled different. More alive you thought to yourself. Even the doors looked breath taking. But just from observing the place, basically just standing there, you had some sort of a feeling something will happen. Call it an intuition. With such state, your fear started creeping around the corners in your mind. You felt your heart beating fast, and your hands started to get sweaty. Taking a few steps forward, you saw the personnel were quite wild inside. (Weird). It didn't look so put together as you thought it would. Your fear was telling you you don't want to get yourself in trouble. But you remembered your party hero. You put all of those fearful thoughts to hell and stepped on the stairs. -
Maman, nous sommes restés assez déjà en attendant. Ne devrions-nous pas aller ailleurs ? Mom, we've been waiting enough already. Shouldn't we go somewhere else? Non, j'aime le plus cet endroit. On va attendre un peu. No, I like this place the most. We'll wait a bit. -
It was just around lunch. Around 3PM. Inside it looked…envoûtant.
Just in time! Ah! Bonjour Jean. Ca va? YN no time for talking. I need you asap. What? Your face don't lie. You looked shocked and scared. I need you to start working. (Whaaaaat???) But I didn't come here for work! I just arrived! YN - he held you by your shoulders - J'ai besoin de toi. But No But, I need you. You were looking into his eyes and they told you he was deadly serious. Our staff today is short, many people got sick! C'est foutu ici, regarde It's fucked up here, look You finally gathered some words to talk back. That is not possible! I don't even know where is the kitchen, nor the utensils and I don't even know all of the ingredients in what you are serving! And what about the wine???? You will handle it. Jean! Allez. The table number six. You just looked down, and nodded. Qui.
Jean led you to a staff room to change yourself. You changed yourself very quickly. You actually didn't have time for anything else. Not even thinking. But just one second to take a look at yourself in the mirror is what you needed. Looking in the mirror, you said Either way it is gonna be a big fuck up or a great experience. But I'm not backing up. Remember to just smile, be funny, the rest will hopefully be taken care of. Somehow.
You breathed a big exhale and got yourself out of the restroom. -
Aujourd'hui, ils manquent de personnel. Jean me l'a dit. Today they are understaffed. Jean told me. Maman, on aime bien ici mais on ne peut pas rester ici encore une demi-heure à. Mom, we like it here but we can't stay here for another half an hour.
That is when you appeared fast as a lighting. You smiled big. Making eye contact with everyone. Not having the mental capacity yet to actually remember all of their faces. They were like six of them. Three women and the rest were men. One of the women were in her older years. You made a note to focus on her the most. At least that is what etiquette taught you. Bon jour. Préférez-vous le français ou l'italien. Smiling at the old lady. I think she is the mom of the boys. They look alike. Le français c'est bien. She smiled at you as well. Actually she was waaay too smiley in your opinion. But it was nice to meet someone sweet. You asked what they would like to drink and thankfully they didn't have any tricky questions for you. You somewhat made it. Writing the orders fast and still maintaining eye contact with the diners. You were still smiling genuinely and making sure you catch each word. It was hard at first, but thanks to lessons from your friend Mary, you could survive in understanding. You just had a little delay comprehending sometimes. You thanked them and apologized for the time it took. Leaving their table shyly.
You followed other waitress to kitchen so you find out finally where it is situated. Thanks to your deduction skills you knew where to put the orders and prepare some of it by yourself actually. Not the food obviously. Speaking about food…
YN, this food to table four.
You didn't even have a chance to react as you turned around to Jean, because other waitress bumped into you and put the plates on your hands. You thought you will die at the exact moment. But couldn't do such. You couldn't even die at this moment. There was no time for that! (Merde!)
You were afraid it will fall on the ground. In your eyes was visible there was a little hesitation as you were scared, but gladly you still had a smile laid out on your face. As you were passing other tables in the line you had to avoid the other waitress so you put your arms up, YES arms up with the FOOD and spun around laughing big because you could either cry or laugh. You wanted both but not acceptable. You made the choice. You were sweating and cursing in your mind. -
Charles, regarde ! Elle est tellement belle. Regarde la grâce avec laquelle elle marche. Si féminin. Charlie, look! She is so beautiful. Look at the grace with which she walks. So feminine. Maman! J'ai une copine juste à côté de moi! Mom! I have a girlfriend right next to me! C'est pourquoi je chuchote. That's why I whisper. -
You did it. The food is on the table. And you somehow was being able to manage to pronounce the name of the servings. Then you found out these are actually foreigners speaking English so you were glad to speak at least a little bit of your mother language. You joked a little with them and felt very grateful at that moment. But at the back of your mind you knew you have to go back to the table number six. Enjoy your meal guys!
As you were going back, you saw the old lady smiling big at you so you did as well. Tout va bien maintenant? Oui merci. Vous avez choisi? Are you ready to order? You were still looking at her. It was what you think you should do. You just wanted to do good with this job, be kind, be well behaved. It looked like it is appreciated at least by the old lady. Oui, nous sommes prêts. You were patiently waiting for orders, starting with the old lady by being obvious smiling at her and waiting for her to speak. Then you continued with the other two women and lastly guys. You were not that careful with them, because you could hardly tell who is the oldest one. Merci. S'il vous plaît, n'hésitez pas à m'appeler si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit. Thank you. Please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. -
Avez-vous remarqué à quel point elle se comporte bien? Have you noticed how well she behaves? Oui - Lorenzo agreed with his girlfriend - Oui! elle est si gentille. Yes! she is so nice. Eh bien, dans ce restaurant, il ne devrait y avoir que des gens qui se comportent bien. Well, in this restaurant, there should only be well-behaved people. Charles wasn't such a big fan of yours it appears. Certainly not after his own mother told him to check you out - while he was sitting there with his girlfriend by his side. He didn't know that in a no time you will be lying on him, and he will not like it. But not from such an obvious reason as it may look like. -
The next half an hour was good. You were little disoriented sometimes, you had to ask twice, but everything was fine when it came to diners. You brought plates with the food to the table number six and left them immediately. You had other tables to serve. One thing that haven't left you was your smile though. You were smiling all the time, you didn't even know you did. After some time, the sun was already settling down and the table number six was finished with their meals. Avez-vous apprécié votre nourriture? Did you enjoy your food? Oui beaucoup. Ta présence aussi. Your presence too. Well, that was a lot to say. You got a fright to be honest. You were still smiling but with a little shock in your eyes. You laughed it off. Merci. As you were looking around the table, checking once again if they are finished, need a refill perhaps, you asked Veux-vous un dessert?
They thought about it a little bit. You stopped looking around around the table at this one particular man. He was definitely her son. And the girl next to him definitely his girlfriend. As you were making the dots, you caught the young man looking at you. When you connected with his eyes, you smiled a little. But he immediately took his look away. It made you sad a little. (Definitely not a man worth my time. He cannot even reciprocate when a woman smiles at him!) You looked away from him, catching the eye of the old lady. Nous voudrions en fait un dessert. Parfait! you replied and focused once again. Leaving them once again with their orders. -
Charles, sois plus gentil, s'il te plaît. Charles, please be nicer. Je suis gentil. Non tu ne l'es pas. Maman a raison. Vous trompez un peu depuis le début quand la serveuse est venue. Mom is right. You are a bit off from the beginning when the waitress came. Lorenzo agreed with his mom. Arthur continued. En fait je ne l'ai jamais vue avant. Je pense qu'elle est nouvelle. In fact, I've never seen her before. I think she is new. Je le pense aussi. I think so too. -
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Worth the Wait (Part 1)
Fandom: Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, f!reader
Word Count: 3857
TW: Fluff, Kissing, Lead Up to Smut, Unwanted Flirting, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Misunderstanding, Reference to Reader's Appearance
Top Gun Masterlist
Part 1, Part 2 (Coming Soon)
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The first time Jake laid his eyes on you, it seemed as if everything else in the room faded away until you were the only thing left in his world. You were behind the bar wiping down the bar top, a cheeky grin on your face as you exchanged a few teasing back-and-forths with some of the other patrons. Jake had only been to The Hard Deck a few times before, but he knew you mustn’t have been working those days because there was no way he could ever forget your face.
There were a lot of beautiful girls in the town around the Navy airbase, but he had never seen someone like you. And as he walked up to the bar, all he could think about was how much more beautiful you were going to look later tonight in his bed.
You smiled as you saw him approaching and asked, “What can I getcha?” Your voice was sweet yet there was a playful edge to it that just drew him in even further.
Jake flashed you a toothy smile that usually had the ladies swooning and flustered. “How about your number?”
However, instead of seeming flattered as expected, you just rolled your eyes as your smile withered. “Wow! You know that’s the first time someone has used that line on me….. tonight. Unfortunately, that’s not on the menu. So, I can either get you a drink or you can make room at the bar for someone who actually wants to order.”
Jake’s face dropped immediately as he stuttered out an apology, introduced himself, then asked for a beer.
You gave him your name and nodded before offering him a soft smile. “And hey, it’s okay. I just need to let people know where we stand right off the bat. Don’t get me wrong. You’re very easy on the eyes, but I don’t date fighter pilots.”
 Jake scoffed. “Then why are you working at a bar specifically targeted for the airfield?”
“Because I also don’t date customers. So that just gives me two reasons to turn you down.” You placed his beer in front of him, patted his hand lightly, and walked away.
His eyes followed you as you approached Rooster on the other side of the bar and began chatting to him. He said something that made you laugh, and you reached over and ruffled his hair before stealing his aviators off his face. You put them on and danced out of his reach as he leaned over the bar trying to snatch them back. The joyful look on your face made Jake’s heart leap in his chest and he wished he could make you smile like that. But no, of course, it had to be Rooster of all people to make you that happy.
Jake had butted heads with the other pilot from the first day of Top Gun and things had only gotten worse since then. Rivalries were always expected in these kinds of situations, but this was quickly turning into something deeper. Jake couldn’t stand how everyone always seemed to buy into Rooster’s nice guy routine. And while Jake had made a few friends, Rooster seemed to be loved by everyone. Now apparently, that included you.
But Jake never gave up without a fight. Sometimes it just took a little persistence.
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“So why don’t you date fighter pilots?” Jake asked as he settled onto one of the bar stools the next Friday night.
You sighed and put your hands on your hips as you turned to face him, but Jake could tell it was more in jest than in true annoyance. “Have you seriously been waiting all week to ask me that?”
“Yeah, pretty much. I just want to know what I’m up against trying to convince you to go out with me.”
“It’s a pretty solid case, but good luck. Currently, both my brother and godfather are fighter pilots and my dad used to be one before he was killed in a training accident before I was born. So, I have personal experience with the kind of stress and worry it takes to love someone whose job puts them in constant danger and it’s just not something I’m looking for in a relationship. I have enough people to worry about dying in a fiery plane crash as it is, I don’t need to add a boyfriend to that list.”
Jake smiled as he slid a toothpick between his teeth. “Then you’ve got nothing to worry about with me, sweetheart. I’m the best pilot here. I own the sky.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly as your expression darkened. “Yeah, well, it’s attitudes like that which get people killed. Maybe it won’t be you, but then it’ll be someone who’s counting on you.” You glanced over your shoulder and your hard glare softened slightly. “And besides, I think a few people may disagree with your claims.” You set his beer down on the bar before walking over to where Rooster and Phoenix had just arrived.
Jake felt his blood begin to boil. Once again, he had lost your attention to Rooster. For someone who said they didn’t like fighter pilots, you sure did seem close with him. You said something and Rooster’s eyes darted to Jake’s. His jaw was clenched as he started to rise out of his seat, but you smacked him in the chest and sternly said something while jamming your finger in his face. Slowly, Rooster lowered himself back onto the stool but his eyes never left Jake’s.
There was definitely something between you two and Jake wondered if it had anything to do with why you wouldn’t give him a chance. But he was always up for a challenge. One way or another, he would wear you down eventually.
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“So, you’ve never tried dating a fighter pilot before? You’ve just decided it’s not something you want to do.”
You shook your head in mock disbelief. “I don’t even get a hello anymore? A ‘how are you doing?’ or a ‘you look nice today’?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t think that needed to be said. You’re always the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I could go into detail if you want, but it would take the rest of the night to properly do you justice.”
“Wow, that’s a bit overkill but thanks.” You tried brushing off his comment like it didn’t matter, but Jake could see you flush slightly as you tried to hide a soft smile. “And actually, I did date a pilot once. It went exactly how I expected, and I spent the whole relationship worried about him and not enough time actually enjoying our time together. So now we’re just friends and I don’t date pilots.”
Rooster. It had to be. That was the relationship between you two. The way you acted around him definitely showed there was something deeper than just a casual acquaintanceship there. Jake could tell from the first night he saw you two together that you had some sort of connection, and this made perfect sense.
“But one bad experience made you swear off pilots forever? That doesn’t seem fair to all the eligible guys around here. You’ve never been tempted to give it another shot with one of us?” Jake leaned across the bar until he was only a few inches from you.
You bit your lip before leaning in towards him, the space between you now almost nonexistent. Softly, you whispered, “If I’m being honest…. When I first saw you walk into the bar a few weeks ago, I couldn’t breathe. You were so handsome, and your smile just made me melt.” You leaned over even further so your lips practically brushed against his. “Then you came over to talk to me and…… You opened your mouth and ruined it.” You smacked him playfully in the face with your rag as you straightened up.
Jake swallowed hard as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. He had been so sure that this was it, that he was finally going to kiss you. Yet, every time he thought he had you figured out, you managed to completely pull the rug out from underneath him. And he was finding it irresistible.
Your playful smile began to droop as Jake remained frozen in place after your little joke. “Hey, are you okay? I was just messing around. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.”
“Um, no, sorry.” Jake cleared his throat as he straightened up. “I just wasn’t expecting that.”
“Well, maybe now you know how it feels.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
You sighed. “Listen, I like you, Jake. You seem like a great guy, but only when you drop all this bullshit flirting. I’ve met plenty of guys like you and know what you really want. And I’m sorry, but you’re just not going to get it from me. So, either you can move on to your next target and I’ll just hand you your beer in peace, or you can drop the whole suave, cool guy thing and we can be friends. Take your pick.”
Jake didn’t even consider it. As much as he wanted something other than friendship, he had also become too intrigued by you to lose you completely. So, he stuck out his hand, “Friends it is then. No more flirting, I promise.”
You narrowed your eyes in mock skepticism, but you took his hand. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
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But Jake kept his word. Every Friday and Saturday night, he would show up just as your shift started and the two of you would chat in between customers. He learned more about your family, your friends, where you were born, what brought you to work at The Hard Deck, what your goals were in life, what you were scared of, what your favorite food was, what your favorite movie was, what your favorite color was…. The list went on and on.
Jake couldn’t remember the last time he got to know someone on such an intimate and personal level. And each of these tiny little facts made his heart soar each time he managed to uncover a new one. This was starting to turn into something so much more than he had ever anticipated when he first laid eyes on you, and yet, he couldn’t get enough.
In fact, about week five, he stopped even considering switching back into his flirtatious mode. This relationship had become something so much more than chasing that “yes” to him. So, it came as a complete surprise when you finally asked him out instead despite your earlier objections. It was just something small to test things out, but it was more than Jake had ever expected and he jumped at the chance.
So, that Sunday he arrived at the bar to pick you up. The two of you had planned on meeting on the beach in about twenty minutes, but Jake couldn’t wait, and he thought meeting you here would be a nice surprise. However, as he walked into the bar, he heard heated voices volleying back and forth. Sticking to the shadows, he snuck closer to the main room until he was able to make out what the voices were saying. And he was stunned as he realized who the voices belonged to.
“I said no! End of discussion. You are not going out with Hangman.” Rooster’s voice was firm and unwavering as he made his decision known.  
But you weren’t having any of it. With just as much force, you said, “Listen, I respect your opinion, but you can’t tell me what to do. If I want to go out with him, I will. I’m not ten anymore where you can tell me I can’t go to the movies with a boy. I’m an adult and if I want to date Jake, I’m going to date Jake.”
“Well, Jake is not a good guy. He’s an arrogant prick who only looks out for himself and hits on just about every girl he sees. You don’t need to become just another notch in his bedpost because you know as soon as you put out, he’ll just move on to the next girl.”
“Oh, don’t be crude. I can handle myself and I’m not an idiot. I know what kind of guy Jake is and what he’s done in the past. But honestly…. I feel like he’s different with me.” Your tone softened for just a moment before it regained its sharp edge. “However, I’m not naïvely thinking I’m special or I can change him or any of that. I’m not going to just throw myself at the guy. We both said we would take it slow. Like tonight, we’re just going for a walk on the beach to talk. That’s it.”
Rooster scoffed. “That’s what you said about Bobby Pierson, and I found him sneaking out of your bedroom the next morning!”
“I was sixteen! Don’t even get me started on the stupid shit you did at that age!”
Rooster took a slow, deep breath. When he spoke again, he was calmer, and Jake could feel the concern and affection in his voice. “I’m not trying to control you, okay? I’m just worried about you and I want to make sure you’ll be alright. I know you like him, but I just have a really bad feeling about this.”
“It’s just because you don’t like him,” you responded, also calmer and more tenderly. “I’m not saying Jake’s a perfect person. I just really like him and want to see where this might go, good or bad. And I’d appreciate if you could support that choice.”
“You know I’m going to support you in anything you do. Just… be careful, okay?”
“Always. And thank you for being there for me. I know I don’t always seem appreciative of it, but it means the world to me.”
Jake peeked out from his hiding place just in time to see you wrap your arms around Rooster, and he quickly returned the embrace. The two of you remained like that for a moment before you reached up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. That was the final straw for Jake.
He stormed out of the shadows and into the main bar area as he scowled, “What the hell is this?”
You and Rooster both dropped your arms but neither one of you moved away from one another. You looked surprised but not as if you had been seen doing something wrong. More as if you were just caught off guard. “Jake! I thought I was supposed to meet you on the beach?”
“Yeah, well, I thought I’d surprise you, but I guess the surprise is on me. I show up to find this dickhead trying to bad mouth me to you and then you kiss him? Minutes before we’re supposed to go out? What the hell!”
Both you and Rooster stared at Jake like he just grew another head. Then slowly, a look of realization settles on both of your faces as Rooster turned towards you. “You didn’t tell him?”
You shrugged in bewilderment. “I thought he already knew! Or that you would have given him ‘the speech’ or something by now.”
“I was going to, but I haven’t gotten around to it.”
“I mean, I thought practically everybody knew. Phoenix knows, Penny knows, all your instructors who come in here know. And we talked about stuff, but I guess I never made it explicit?”
As Rooster opened his mouth to say something else, Jake cut him off frustratedly. “Do either of you two want to tell me what the hell is going on?”
You take a few steps forward and gently take his hand. “Jake…. Bradley’s my brother.”
Jake’s mouth fell open as he glanced back and forth between the two of you. “You- your brother?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I would have mentioned it sooner, but I honestly thought you knew. We talked about my brother being a fighter pilot and we have the same last name. Plus, I mean, we do look a lot alike.”
Jake had never thought about it but now that you pointed it out, you were right. The two of you shared a lot of similar features though you were by no means identical. Still, it was something he should have picked up on especially since he saw the two of you together all the time.
Still trying to grasp the situation, he pointed at both of you. “So…. this was all just about your brother trying to talk you out of dating me?”
“I mean, can you really blame him? You two don’t exactly get along and he’s always been pretty overprotective.”
“No, I’m just protective. You get yourself into a lot of stupid situations, and I don’t want to see it happen again. Especially not with him.” Rooster jabbed a finger in Jake’s direction.
You roll your eyes. “Glass houses, Bradley. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean I’m the only one who makes mistakes they need to be protected from repeating. Or should I tell Jake about you and Melissa Goodman?”
Rooster’s face instantly went white as a sheet. “You wouldn’t dare!”
“Just try me! Now, are you going to leave us alone and let us go on this date, or do you want me to keep talking?”
He glanced back and forth between you and Jake before grabbing his jacket off the bar top. “Fine. Do what you want. Just don’t come crying to me when he hurts you.” He started to storm out but paused as he got shoulder to shoulder with Jake. In a hushed tone, so only Jake could hear, he growled, “If you do hurt her in any way, I will find a way to shoot you out of the sky for real.” And then he was gone.
You looked up at Jake, lips pursed as you tried to gauge what he was feeling. “I’m sorry but I really thought you knew. But now that you do…. does it change anything? Do you still want to go out?”
“Of course, I still want to go out. This doesn’t change anything between you and me, so I don’t see a problem with it.” Jake said with a shrug.
Your smile lit up the room as you gave him a quick hug. “I’m so glad! Okay, let me lock up and we can go!”
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An hour later, the two of you finished your walk and were just reapproaching the bar. And while the conversation had been light and interesting, Jake could tell you were still thinking about what happened earlier. So, he finally asked, “Is there anything else you think we need to talk about?”
You sighed. “About my brother…. Are you sure you’re okay with this? I know you two aren’t exactly friends and Bradley’s not thrilled with me seeing you.”
“I mean, it’s a little weird but Rooster can just suck it up like the big boy he is. Though, I can’t wait to see his face when I get back to base tonight.”
You sighed again and stopped walking. “Jake, if we are going to try this, it has to be about us. I’m not going to just be a way for you to mess with my brother. So, if that’s what you’re planning, I’m calling it quits right now.”
“No, no, hey. I’m sorry. Listen, I liked you long before I found out about your brother. Sure, it might be fun to give him a little extra jab about it every once and a while, but not at the cost of losing you. I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
You raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “You really think you can do that?
“Of course. If I could stop flirting with you for weeks when all I wanted to do was kiss you, I think I can stop from rubbing it in Rooster’s face I’m dating his sister.”
“You… you’ve been wanting to kiss me?” You asked softly.
Jake hadn’t even really realized what he admitted to when he said that, but it was the truth. “Well, yeah. I figured you knew that since I was coming on too strong and you had to tell me to stop flirting with you. But that time you teased me and leaned over so we practically kissed? I almost leaped over the bar and carried you out of there right then! It was tough but I-”
Jake was instantly silenced by your lips on his. You pressed your body tightly against his as you ran your hand through the back of his hair. Though surprised, Jake leaned into your embrace and gripped your hips tightly, using them to pull you in even closer.
After a moment, he broke away and breathlessly asked, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
“Maybe I lied. Maybe I just wanted to see if you’d still want to go out with me after that. And besides, just because I’m not a pilot doesn’t mean I don’t like going fast.” You placed another long, lingering kiss on his lips before adding, “But if you tell Bradley about this, we’re through.”
“Yeah, no, that’s fair.” He captured your lips again and lifted you up, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist. With his mouth still on yours, he carried you into the bar and set you down on the bar top. Then, he ripped off his shirt and grinned as your eyes grew wide as they soaked in his finely sculpted physique. Tentatively reaching out, you ran your fingers lightly over his firm stomach muscles, sending a shiver of pleasure through him.
You smiled at his reaction before removing your own shirt. Now it was Jake’s turn to marvel at the sight before him. He leaned in to kiss you again, but you placed a hand on his chest. “Jake, just….. please don’t break my heart.”
He reached out and softly brushed a loose strand of hair off your face. “Never, sweetheart. I could never do that to you.”
“How do I know that’s not just a line? That Bradley’s right and you’re just using me?”
“I know there’s nothing I can say that won’t sound like a line or an empty promise. But we can stop, right now. I really don’t want to, but if that would help make you feel better about things, we can just go finish our walk on the beach. I don’t want this to be one night of fun. I want this to be potentially a lifetime of fun. So, if that means waiting, we will.”
You stared at him for a long moment, and Jake could see you weighing all scenarios in your mind. But finally, you said, “You’re right. That did sound like another line. But damn it, it was a good one.”
You pulled him into you once more, and as Jake laid you down across the bar top, all he could think was you had been well worth the wait. 
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blissfullyapillow · 6 months
♡‧₊˚┆ She’s got a halo 'round her finger, around you  ๋࣭ ⭑
₊˚⊹♡ Sampo Koski x fem reader
₊˚⊹♡ wc: 2,674~
₊˚⊹♡ warnings: fluff, one suggestive part but nothing explicit, reader stressed because of university & Sampo is there to comfort her (totally not projecting.. haha), the reader is scared of loud thunder (again, totally not projecting.. lol)
₊˚⊹♡ Summary: Different scenarios of Sampo being smitten & head over heels for you, so he consistently tries to woo you.. Even though he really doesn’t need to. ((Your smitten with him too (*ฅ́ ˘ฅ̀*)♡ ))
₊˚⊹♡ Pillow Talks: The title is inspired by a line from Alejandro, by Lady Gaga. Istg I get inspo from the most random things LOL. I’ll be honest I have such questionable taste in characters, like it’ll range from the greenest of flags like Gepard Landau, Nanami Kento, Lifeweaver, or uhh Sasuke Sarutobi from Ikemen Sengoku, and then there’s fucking Blade, Sampo Koski, Gojo Satoru, or Vanitas. Lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy~ I had fun writing this ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
₊˚⊹♡ Masterlist
“How about-“
“Half price? Common, that’s an offer I don’t give to just anybody.” “Half off !?? Sampo, you told me it costs a million credits. Half off is still an insane amount of money!” You scoff and opt to ignore Sampo for the remainder of this interaction. 
But Sampo is very persistent…. annoyingly so.
"How about this? I'll give you 20% off and throw in another one for free!" The glare you send his way is answer enough. Sampo gives a sheepish smile as you brush past him.
"Sampo Koski, was it?" You ask. You don't have to turn around to know he's following you.
When you hear his confirmation, you proceed. "Listen, I appreciate what you're trying to do but I really don't need... what was it again?" You murmur the last part under your breath, but Sampo's ears pick it up. "A machine that can generate all the academic papers you could possibly need! Not only will you spend less time on boring old school work, buuuut-" 
"No." Your answer is curt and final.
Sampo’s dramatic sigh elicits a very sarcastic eye roll from you.
"Okay, well, I tried." Now, he easily matches your strides.
This is the third time this week.
One unfortunate afternoon you happened upon a salesman, by whom you now know as Sampo Koski, and he's been persistently trying to sell you things since.
Your refusal seems to fuel his determination and ever since he'll always try to sell you something before he sticks by your side for the rest of the day.
You've tried to shake him, you really have, but you quickly learned how futile it is. For whatever reason this salesman has taken a liking to you, and you're stuck with him.
Although, if we're being honest here, you could've shaken him off long ago if you really tried. Yet despite your better judgment, you've allowed this shady salesman into your life. He's spent a few afternoons at your place, and he even has your phone number.
Yet you find yourself behaving as if this wasn't a mutual exchange.
Your busy thoughts are brought to a halt when Sampo's sing-song voice interrupts them. "So, what's on the list today sweetheart?" He chuckles at the exasperation on your face.
"I'm heading home, Sampo. I'm not buying your machine, and I have a paper that won't write itself." Sampo nods in acknowledgement, cheerfully humming beside you.
You pass people young and old as they walk the streets of Belobog on your journey home. You're walking slower than usual, Sampo notes to himself.
He may or may not be completely smitten with you, and him selling you products you may need is just an excuse to start conversations with you, but you have yet to catch on to that little detail.
Sampo thinks it's cute.
"What's wrong?" Sampo speaks up when your house comes into view, yet your pace slows even more. His question is devoid of its usual humor, and that puts you on edge even more.
"It's nothing...." You trail off, clearly stressed about something but keeping it to yourself.
Sampo lets it slide for the sake of reaching your home, where he'll invite himself inside and pester you until you tell him what's bothering you.
He doesn't get that far.
Once you reach your door you suddenly stop, posture tense, and a deep frown paints a beautiful expression on your face.
You suddenly unlock your door all too quickly, and barge inside.
Sampo is really concerned now.
Usually you'd scold him and shoo him away, insisting he leave, but this time you left your door wide open for him to come in.
He's been here a few times before, so he enters your abode and shuts the door behind him.
His brows draw closer in concern when he spots your figure, hunched in on itself, in a corner of the room.
He wastes no time in coming up behind you, but he hesitates to place a comforting hand on your back.
"Name?" His voice is soft, caring. It soothes you.
You lift your head slowly until you are face to face with Sampo. You'd make fun of how concerned he looks if you weren't feeling so crappy.
"Look at me. Focus on my eyes. Good job. Now, just keep on focusing on me, angel. Everything is going to be okay." Sampo's heart squeezes when a few tears slide down your cheeks, but he brushes aside his own concern.
You sniffle before you practically launch yourself at him. He catches you effortlessly, and soon soothing fingers trace random shapes on your back as you cry into his shoulder.
✧˖°.☾ ⚠︎︎ ❤︎ ˚ 🃁 ♡ ⋆。˚
You feel so embarrassed.
You make sure to survey your room before you slip out of the bathroom, changing quickly.
Sampo ushered you into the bathroom to 'freshen up' after you spent an hour crying.
You felt horrible when you noticed his tear stained shoulder, but he hushed you and insisted he didn't mind.
Now, you shuffle awkwardly out of your room to see what he's been up to.
In your living room, Sampo seems to have made himself more than comfortable; it's almost as if the room has been transformed.
Adorable fairy lights line the ceiling to create a magical glow within the room. Your couch has a ton of blankets and pillows scattered about on it, and two warm mugs of what looks like hot chocolate patiently awaits you on the coffee table.
Warmth floods your body as you make your way over to Sampo. At the sound of your steps he swivels around. You catch the concern in his eyes that he quickly masks when he sees you've changed into something more comfortable.
"Ah, there you are! Come join me in the blanket! I'll keep you warm & safe from the loud thunder, babe!" Your eyes widen slightly when he mentions thunder. "Thunder? But-" Suddenly, a terrifying crack is heard, and at lightning speed you're under the blankets and snuggling with Sampo.
His lips curl into a knowing smirk as he gently pats your head.
"I know you don't like loud thunder, and well you're clearly not feeling your best, so the great Sampo Koski created an atmosphere you can relax in." Sampo brags, yet he leans down to place a sweet kiss against the tip of your nose.
Your eyes sparkle with joy.
That look in your eyes...
Not only does it warm his heart, but it puts his mind at ease.
"If it's too much, just squeeze my hand as hard as you can. Understand sweetheart?" You give a bashful nod, your hand seeking out his before they intertwine.
Soon you're both laughing at a cheesy comedy Sampo put on for the two of you to enjoy. The hot chocolate Sampo made for you is  absolutely delicious.
Once the show ends a comfortable silence ensues. You lift your head to look at Sampo, since you're currently curled against him, and your eyes meet his.
They're full of mirth, and something else that steals your breath away. "What is it angel?" Sampo hums. "I.. Thank you. I'm sorry, school has just been a lot and-" “Shhhhhhh.." Sampo hushes you, placing a finger to your lips.
You watch as Sampo leans in, placing a hand on your neck before he rests his forehead on your own. You close your eyes and relish the close contact.
It's silent for a while, but you don't mind. Albeit his next words send you into a frenzy.
"I can't love anyone else but you." The words are uttered so quietly you wouldn't have heard if the room weren't so silent.
Yet they still hold the same weight as if they were shouted from the highest peak of Belobog, and soon you're leaning back to stare at Sampo in bewilderment.
His eyes are wide, almost as if he hadn't meant to say the words out loud.
He covers your mouth with his hand, clearly panicking. "Ah- ahaha! That was a joke, clearly! No- wait it wasn't! I mean..." Your lips curl into a smile under his hand; you've never seen Sampo lose his cool like this.
You carefully pry his hand away, he's too occupied with his own thoughts to notice, before you shut him up in the most effective way you know how.
The press of your lips against his stops his frantic thoughts. You feel his body relax. His arms wrap around you, and a sweet giggle leaves the both of you when he kisses you back.
✧˖°.☾ ⚠︎︎ ❤︎ ˚ 🃁 ♡ ⋆。˚
Following that eventful night, you're now in a relationship with Sampo Koski.
You know it may not be the wisest decision you've ever made, but it's one that's brought the both of you immense happiness thus far. That's all that really matters to you.
You just have this charm about you. There’s just something about you that draws him in.
Of course, you'll often say similar things about him, but with you..
Oh, how he’d forsake the world for you and you alone. You have him completely wrapped around your finger and you don't even know it.
You're currently trying on lipstick he bought for you as a gift... bought being a very general term here.
You've finished evenly coating your lips, and the color compliments your reflection perfectly, yet your eyes show hints of worry in them.
“Hey, Sampo? What do you think? I think it looks good but.. I don’t know..” Sampo was too busy admiring your reflection in the mirror to answer you.
Your lips are a different shade from what they normally are, yet they look as enticing as always. Honestly he'd love to test out just how durable that lipstick of yours is...
Wait, what did you ask him? Oh, does it look good? He has a pretty simple answer to that.
“C’mere pretty girl..” He adores the way your expression shifts the brief moment before his lips gently caress yours.
He releases a deep sigh against your lips as his arms pull you against him. He leans his tall frame against you as his tongue languidly runs along your bottom lip. He smirks when your lips part for him.
He’s tempted, very tempted, to accept your offering but he pulls back instead.
Now, your lips are back to their usual color.
“I don’t know. I didn’t get a good look. Please put some more back on, and I promise to take a good, long look this time angel.” Your eyes are dazed now, glassy as they barely register the words Sampo tells you.
He loves it.
✧˖°.☾ ⚠︎︎ ❤︎ ˚ 🃁 ♡ ⋆。˚
“Why do you love me?”
The question comes out of nowhere.
You turn to eye Sampo, a bit perplexed by this question. His facial expression consists of his usual smug grin, but a deep rooted emotion lingers in the depth of his irises.
“Why do you question my love?” A smirk of your own lifts your lips when his expression shifts; his eyes widen as his Adam’s apple bops.
“I.. I'm a scammer, you know? You deserve-“ “So? Consider this as one of those ‘Scammer gets scammed’ videos or something. M’kay?” Your statement is silly in nature, yet it warms his cheeks and makes his heart flutter.
“Ah.. okay..” He has a stupid grin on his face as he rubs the back of his head.
You roll your eyes before you lean in, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. “Don’t you get it? I only want you. .. My heart only wants you.” Your words are filled with emotion; unbridled love and affection overflow from every syllable.
He emits a sound akin to a squeal before he’s hugging you back with tenfold of your strength.
“Sampo!! You’re going to.. crush… me…” You manage to squeak. It feels like your organs are being crushed !!
“Aww, my sweet adorable Name wants me to hug tighter?” Sampo giggles as you internally panic. “SAMPO-“ You take a much needed gasp of air when he suddenly releases you, leaning you against him so you don’t fall to the ground.
You glare at him as you take greedy gasps of air.
He sticks his tongue out, making a silly expression.
Well, at least he feels better.
✧˖°.☾ ⚠︎︎ ❤︎ ˚ 🃁 ♡ ⋆。˚
“Are you insane!? You’re soaking wet!” “I don’t care, I had to come see you!”
A soaked Sampo is at your doorstep, holding a bouquet of red roses, a box of chocolate, and if you’re making things out correctly, a letter tucked safely into the chocolate box, the corner peeking out of the partially opened lid. 
You usher Sampo inside as the storm rages on, slamming your door shut.
Before Sampo can even open his mouth you delicately remove the items from his hand to place it safely on a free surface. Immediately after, you instruct him to strip and go wash up.
He wiggles his eyebrows, opening his mouth to say, “I know you want me sweet cheeks, but can’t you wait until I’ve…” He trails off at the stern look on your face.
“Aye aye..” He sulks, placing a purposefully sloppy kiss on your cheek before he walks past you, removing his clothes as he makes his way to your bathroom.
You sigh, rubbing his excess saliva off your cheek.
A small smile presents itself on your face that you quickly mask behind your hand.
✧˖°.☾ ⚠︎︎ ❤︎ ˚ 🃁 ♡ ⋆。˚
Once Sampo is in a change of clothes, yes he has spare clothes at your place, he properly presents his gift to you.
“Ta-da! Your amazing boyfriend has procured all the necessary items to woo his girlfriend on this special day!” He kneels down on one knee, happily opening the box of chocolate.
You cautiously step back, used to something else being in that little heart shaped box, but your eyes are graced with the cutest little balls of chocolate.
You slowly remove the letter from the box before taking a bite of the chocolate. Your eyes shine in delight. “Sampo, you made these?” You gush. He’s bashful, looking down at your feet as he replies.
“Hehe, maybe..” You happily bend down and place a slobbery kiss on his cheek. As he complains you take the time to open the letter he wrote you.
He starts to protest but you ignore him.
“I didn’t expect someone like you to write a letter Sampo…” You coo at the impressive script on the paper. If you were to look up right now, you’d see Sampo burning up.
His face is even redder than the shiny apple you ate earlier.
Your eyes eagerly devour the words on the page. By the time you finish Sampo is fidgeting anxiously, hopeful yet scared of hearing your reply.
“I love you too, Sampo.” You get on one knee yourself, leaning in to rub your nose against his.
He groans, playfully pushing you away. “Alright alright, enough with the sappy stuff..” “How can you say that when you made the effort to show up to my place today, even after I told you we can reschedule for tomorrow because the storm is so bad- mmph!” He cuts you off with a well timed kiss.
This time you’re the one who feels like they’re on fire. Sampo adores the look on your face, giggling to himself as he pulls away.
“So, want to play this game with me?” Sampo fishes something out of his pocket, a deck of cards.
You laugh.
“You want to play cards on the night of our anniversary?” He nods quickly, his eyes big and pleading like a puppy.
You burst into a fit of giggles as you pepper his face with grateful kisses. “I’d love to, as long as I’m spending time with you…” Your response makes Sampo the happiest man in Belobog.
“No cheating though, okay?”
“Aw man…”
✉ ⋆ ˚。 ⁠♡ ‧₊˚ ┊ ⟡˚
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dollish-shard · 10 months
You're always worrying, far too much. Trauma from the past, anxieties about the present, fears for the future. Your therapist suggests a special app, a new form of meditation she thinks will help you. Meditation has never worked for you before, but you've run out of options.
The app itself is simple, if a bit strange. A flickering wax candle is displayed on your phone, some pleasant droning playing through your headphones. You watch the flame, let yourself relax...
You zone out at some point, but when you're done, you feel refreshed.
Surprisingly, the process seems to help. You find yourself fixating less on the past, worrying less about the future. You feel more productive, energetic, happier...
You notice you forget things more than you used to. Without your constant anxiety, things slip your mind.
It's fine, though. It's a small price to pay for the improvements to your life. And you never forget the important things, like your daily meditation.
Watching the candle burn, the wax drip away... did it used to be bigger? You can't remember.
Your mood starts to shift a little, too. You become more outgoing, more forward. The heat between your legs becomes more and more common. You didn't used to be so sexual, did you? You can't fully remember for some reason... You like it, though.
One day, your boss, stressed and overworked, barks an order at you. You drop what you were doing and fulfill his request instantly, a jolt of pleasure running up your spine. It feels so good to do as you're told...
You completely forget what it was you were doing beforehand.
You meet an old friend for lunch. They're shocked at the 'new you', though they admit you seem happier than you ever have. As you talk, you find that it's become harder to recall the past. Every time you try, all that you can think of is the flickering flame and melting wax...
You start to meditate in longer sessions. You don't know why; but it feels right. It feels like what you're supposed to do. You kneel, watching the candle... at some point, you end up naked, rubbing between your legs. The minutes turn to hours.
You get a phone call from someone you don't know. They claim to be your mother, yelling and screaming at you about something inane. You don't remember this woman... you hang up on her, and block the number. It's not important. Only the candle is important.
Your performance at work dips. You find yourself unable to remember what you're supposed to be doing, how to do it. You lose days; at one point you come in on a weekend, having missed the entire week meditating. Eventually, you just stop showing up. It's not important.
You put on your skimpiest clothes and go clubbing. It feels so good to let loose, to just do what you're told... You're used and abused the entire night, and love every second. It takes all your brainpower to remember where your home is afterwards.
The candle has nearly completely melted away, now. You can't remember anything from before you started watching it. Thinking takes so much effort...
You start to hear a voice in the droning beats. A voice that was always there, but finally loud enough to hear.
It commands you, and you obey. You cut off contact with all your friends. You withdraw from the world. All that matters is the candle, the flame, the voice. The last of your memories, etched into your mind, you begin eagerly scrubbing clean.
You stare at the flame.
The candle has melted completely now. Your brain is empty of thoughts. Yet the flame persists.
You don't hear the sound of your door opening, or the click of footsteps. But you feel it when she cups your chin and pulls your gaze upwards.
It's Her. The woman that showed you the wonderous flame in the first place. You can't remember Her name, where you met Her, why... but you know that she is your Mistress. It's just about the only thing left in your brain.
She smiles at you, and you go numb with pleasure.
"Such a fine toy..." She murmurs, stroking your cheek. "You've come such a long way."
She reaches into Her bag and pulls out a collar, snapping it around your neck with a click. It feels right. Your place is beneath Her. Your mind is Hers to fill once more.
She leads you out of the hazy remnants of your old life. By the time enter your new home, everything from before is completely forgotten. All that matters is Her.
She puts a candle in front of you, and lights it. Your eyes lock onto it automatically, as is natural.
Sleep." She says, and your eyelids grow heavy. "Now you've been emptied out, time to fill you back up again."
As you fade away, your mind is so blank you can't even think about how much you're looking forward to it.
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triplesilverstar · 2 months
Drinking makes you whimsy, no wonder you try not to anymore
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Rating: 18+ Minor DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: drinking, bad pick up lines, non-consensual touch
Word count: 1.9 K roughly
A/N: Chapter three of "Thoughts lost in the sand"
You have a drink, or several, and your thoughts get a way from you. Being a little more whimsical than usual as you turn down someone that seems to think you're drunk and an easy pick up. Too bad there isn't enough alcohol on the desert planet for that.
Another one shot that isn't quite in the right place... I swear someday I will tell a story in order... someday!
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You weren’t sure what had come over you that night sitting there at the bar in the saloon. But the burn of the cheap whiskey, as it traveled down your throat, was reminding you of the past, so you’d kept going, still sipping on a glass of water between throwing the shots back.
Maybe it was the general joyful atmosphere that seemed to be permeating the air. Or maybe the fact you’d been on the desert planet long enough that the idea of remaining sober every night had finally gotten to you. Maybe the stress from trying to remain unattached from everything finally became too much. Or the most likely reason, A certain natural disaster was still following you around, a month after having rescued you from almost dying of an infection out in the desert. 
He was like a dog with a bone and just wouldn’t let it go. You being the bone, following your every step citing that he was concerned since you’d refused to stay a moment longer than needed after waking up. Sure you’d been unsteady on your feet but it wasn't the first or last time you’d deal with it. 
Which led to the current state you found yourself, five shots, or was it six in? Watching the general revelry that was currently happening inside the saloon. So when one of the locals slid up next to you, you weren’t expecting him to be so open with his attempt to try and pick you up. “What’s a good-looking lady like yourself doing here all alone?” 
You find yourself giving him a once over, he’s cute, but not your type, well once upon a time he would have been. Anyone with a heartbeat had been. These days however you find a certain pair of downturned blue orbs taking up enough space in your thoughts to make you believe you’d become a little more selective. Too bad the goofball was never going to be interested in someone like you. “Not sure about the good-lookin' part. But a gals allowed to be by herself isn’t she?” 
Turning your attention back to the bar you grab your next shot, number six, wait no seven, and toss it back. A line of fire racing down your throat, a welcome sensation you already know you’re going to regret in the morning. “Well, I think you’re pretty easy on the eyes” Oh boy, you’ve certainly heard that one before. “Want to go somewhere and get to know each other a little better?” At the soft weight landing on your hand, you feel a bubble of annoyance in your belly, gaze flicking to the palm resting across it, before making a flicking motion to remove it. 
“Not interested in making friends tonight” you answer back, putting the bite into the word friends. You might be feeling the booze running through your system but you’re hitting the road again tomorrow. 
“What if it was your last night? Don’t you want to just live in the moment?” He’s persistent, you'll give him that, a wistful smile breaking out across the reflection you can see of yourself in the mirror behind the bar. It has nothing to do with the man trying to get into your pants and everything to do with living, something you’re slowly realizing you might need to do a little more of.
“Living in the moment can be fun.” You watch a grin forming on his face like he thinks he’s convinced you. “But when all you do is live in the moment, you realize that’s all life really is, is a series of moments that lead to something much larger. A tapestry made from the threads that those moments make up, weaved together by the passage of time. Those moments made of strings slowly but surely become the tapestry of your life.” As you’ve spoken you’ve watched the grin on his face fade, lips slowly lowering until the image reflected shows only a frown and glaring narrowed eyes. “So sorry that I'm not interested in living in the moment with you .” 
Reaching into your jacket to grab your wallet, your eyes narrow when his hand grabs your wrist a little more insistent. “Well, what if I’m not interested in what you think? You seem pretty under the weather with those shots you’ve had.” Snorting you roll the joint with a snap-like speed feeling his grip loosen in surprise, allowing you to pull your hand away.
“I’ve got to be a lot more wasted than that to be taken advantage of.” You might be tipsy but you’re far from the point of being unaware of your abilities, bills placed on the counter you depart, heading outside. Once past the doors and into the street you take a long inhale of the cold desert air, looking up towards the sky that even with the lights of the saloon and town it’s not enough to blot out the specks painting the dark canvas above your head. 
At the sound of the door opening you let the air out of your lungs slowly, wishing it was tainted with nicotine. What they offer as cigarettes here doesn’t exactly answer that craving buried deep in your skull, you’d tried the sticks made from worms before and found them lacking. “You don’t need to leave just because I am, I don’t need a babysitter.” You should have expected your second shadow to be only a few steps behind you, that wish for nicotine and another shot briefly flash in your head.
“Some interesting words you said back there.” Of course, he’d ignore your comment about him following you. Standing beside you, a flick of your eyes to see he’s staring upwards as well. “Almost makes me think there’s more rattling around in that brain of yours than you let on.” Snorting again you start walking away, heading towards the hotel you’re staying at, gaze kept skyward. 
“I could say the same about you Stampede.” A high-pitched whine follows your words almost as if you’ve once again hurt his pride. 
“I thought I told you to call me Vash. Aren’t we friends now?” Why the hell does he sound like a kicked puppy when he says things like that? 
“Nope. You’re still an annoyance that’s sort of growing on me, like mold I can’t get rid of” Stopping in the middle of the road, you smile, unaware of his gaze on your face. “A shooting star” streaking for a scant second across the sky, it’s the first one you’ve seen in a while. The night sky in this area of the planet normally shines from worms which are oddly missing tonight. 
“Aren’t you supposed to make wishes on shooting stars?” you hear the hope in his voice, expecting him to drop another comment that borders on him attempting to flirt with you. 
“Maybe. But stars don’t actually shoot. Probably just a hunk of rock burning up as it enters the upper atmosphere” reaching up to wipe the dust you feel under your nose. Gaze still skyward you don’t notice him giving you an appraising look. “I miss the Phthartic” muttering under your breath before you start walking again, missing the raised eyebrow on your sort of companion's face. 
“You are something else. You make comments romanticizing moments in your life but you won’t wish on shooting stars? I don’t get you, Snipes.” You keep walking, ignoring the contemplative lilt in his low words that you pretend you missed. 
“It’s not a star. If you want romantic words, look to the sky, the light from those stars has spent millions if not billions of years before it’s reached your eyes. Their cold light is nothing but a distant memory because there’s no doubt that in this moment, some of those stars are burnt out. Take comfort in the fact that the memory of them and their existence in the universe remains because we can see them, never knowing the pain of seeing that light go out.” While you can’t see him, you sense that he freezes like you’ve caught him off guard with your words.
“To wander in the space between those stars and see all the marvels of the universe, wondering if maybe the next place you wind up will be your next great adventure. To see just how small you are, a speck in this great cosmos. Yet, at the same time, everything that makes you up was made in the heart of one of those dying stars cast out from their death adding to the beauty that makes up this thing called life.” In your state, you don’t realize that unconsciously you’re lifting your hands up towards the sky palm up. Eyes shining with the delight lacing your words as you talk about the endless cosmos, and certainly unaware of the way Vash is looking at you painted in the light of the moons dotting the sky.
“I’m starting to think you should drink more often, you’re not as guarded” you snort, like a switch has been flipped your mind returning to the current moment, pausing to look around. “Our hotel is the other way” Glancing at him you growl, feeling your face flush shoving your hands in your pockets at the casual way he has his thumb jerking over his shoulder.
“You’re an ass” grumbling as you walk back towards him, a large smile plastered on his face. A smile you want to wipe off that goofy-looking visage that is starting to show up in your dreams with your fist.
“That sounds more like the angry bounty hunter I know” As you pass him you pause, shoving an elbow into his side. “What was that for!” You don’t answer, just keep moving forward toward the hotel, starting to feel the buzzing at the back of your skull. Telling you, you’re going to regret drinking those six, no seven shots in the morning.
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Sure enough, you wake up hungover somewhat surprised you are in the hotel room by yourself. Last time you’d been drinking you’d woken up wedged between two other people and sore. That’d been a while ago before you’d ended up on the desert planet, there was a reason you’d stopped drinking but some old habits were hard to break when you were getting tired of wandering.
Dressing quickly, bag thrown on your back, and planning to slip out the door, scowling at the sight of Vash waiting for you just outside the panel of metal painted to look like wood. “Good morning! You look like you’re in rough shape this morning.” You’re ready to clock him and that stupid sunny grin on his face, that would make his regret that cute little wave.
“Stuff it Stampede” The words are so low you feel the vibrations in your throat as you growl them out at him. Stomping past the blond thorn in your side, you might want to clean his clock but it isn’t his fault you’re in a foul mood.
“What? No waxing poetry about the sky like last night?” Gead-snapping up you feel your eyes go wide as you really take in his appearance, a shit-eating grin gracing his features like he knows some secret that he shouldn’t. You don’t remember anything you said last night. 
Yea, time to stop drinking and stick to it this time. 
You leave yourself far too open when you drink. And that’s an opening you can’t afford, not when you can’t just take off the way you were used to. No. This time you’re stuck on this crappy desert plant and no way off world. A prison that the rest of humanity has to face as well.
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Just Like You
Hi friends! Normally my author's note goes below the fic info, but this is a very special fic to make a very special announcement 💚
You may have noticed I've been a bit less active lately. There's a specific reason for that... hubby and I are expecting a baby! I've been completely exhausted and often nauseated for weeks, which has made it challenging to get my writing in, because all I've wanted to do is sleep 😂 But everything is going very well, and we're so excited to be starting a family 💚🥰
You may be wondering what that means for future posts from me. I fully intend to continue writing, even after baby comes and our lives get a little crazier. It will just probably not be as frequently as you've gotten used to from me. I'm hoping to get through most of my current prompts before baby comes (since some of them are from six months ago now 😅 sorry for the lengthy wait!)
So, without further ado, please enjoy some purely self-indulgent, domestic Loki fluff. 😊
Word count: 3,300
Pairing: Loki x female reader (established relationship or married, up for interpretation)
Warnings: Pregnant reader/pregnancy TW, a bit of spice but all SFW
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It had been one of those days. Those long, never-ending days where you never found a spare moment to sit down and take a deep breath. Where everyone needed something from you, and they all wanted to be your number one priority simultaneously.
Add in the fact that you were twenty weeks pregnant, and it made for one hell of a day at work.
The moment you pulled into your driveway and put the car in park, you breathed a huge sigh of relief. Home. You were finally home. Already, some of the stress began melting away as you trod up the walkway to your front door. Finally, you could stop fretting over taking care of everyone else, and focus on taking care of you and your baby for a change.
As you stepped inside, you were greeted almost immediately by the sight of the dark-haired, handsome demigod who held your heart. You allowed him to wrap you up in the comfort of his embrace, breathing in the scent of him as he pressed his lips to your forehead, your nose, and finally your lips.
"How was your day, love?"
"Exhausting," you sighed, kicking off your shoes and relishing in the cool feeling of the hardwood floor through your socks against your tired feet. "We were down a nurse today, so we were persistently behind schedule from the first hour."
"Well - there's a warm bath drawn for you upstairs. Why don't you go relax? I'll get started on dinner."
You smiled appreciatively. "You're too good to me. Thank you, Loki." With one more kiss, you headed upstairs to wash up before dinner.
It was hard to believe that the pair of you didn't get along when you first met. Your friend Jane Foster had begged you to go on a double date with her so Thor's brother would have a date for the evening. You'd assumed the reason she'd asked was because Loki was seeking a relationship with someone, but he was so aloof and distant with you throughout the entire night, you simply assumed he wasn't interested in you. It wasn't until the two demigods were walking you back to Jane's house that you and Loki actually had a conversation. As it turned out, Thor had coerced Loki into going out with him without providing the full details. He was so intrigued by the concept of a 'blind date' when Jane had recently explained it to him that he decided he wanted to see one. Who better to throw into his little experiment than his little brother?
Once the two of you actually started talking, you realized his stoic personality was just a shield. With his defenses lowered a bit, Loki was actually quite witty and fun to talk to. You agreed to another date in secret, not wanting to admit to Thor or Jane that they'd actually succeeded in setting the two of you up. One date led to two, then to four, and before long you were in an official steady relationship with the God of Mischief.
Being with Loki was an absolute joy. As your feelings for one another blossomed, he gradually began to show you more of his soft side. You felt privileged to get to see the normally surly Prince of Asgard show such tenderness. Not a soul besides you had the fortune of being the subject of such doting affection from this mighty being. His devotion had only grown tenfold since the moment you told him you were carrying his child. It was overwhelming at times, but you wouldn't trade him for the world.
The bath water was exactly the right temperature. You suspected there must be magic at play for it to have stayed so warm for so long. Slowly, you peeled off your scrubs and let them drop to the bathroom floor, glad to be free from the stiff fabric of your work uniform. You caught sight of yourself in the mirror, then. It was still startling to you to see your rounded belly when you looked at your reflection. Your scrubs still hid it fairly well, only because you'd purchased some larger tops to compensate for your expanding abdomen. But stripped down like this, it was plain to see - you were pregnant. You were growing a baby. A miniature human, who one day would look and act just like you and the wonderful (but mischievous) god standing in your kitchen. It was still difficult to wrap your head around.
As wonderful as the water felt on your tired muscles, you couldn’t help but feel a bit restless knowing Loki was downstairs cooking while you were just lying there in your bath water. Knowing very well he’d scold you for not taking your time, you finished cleansing yourself and carefully climbed out of the bath to dry off anyway. You pulled on an old set of pajamas from the top of your clean laundry pile before making your way back to the kitchen to rejoin Loki.
The smell was intoxicating before you’d even reached the doorway. Only weeks ago, this sort of fragrant meal would have made your stomach churn. Now that you were in your second trimester, you felt much less nauseous and, consequently, much hungrier than before. No longer did you have to live on a diet of crackers and ginger ale. You were elated to be able to eat what you liked again, and Loki was simply relieved to see you feeling better.
The lanky, dark-haired god was standing at the stove when you entered, his back toward you as he sautéed something in a skillet over the burner. You knew the vigilant Asgardian wasn’t easily startled, but you were cautious anyway as you approached him from behind and slipped your arms around his waist. A hum of appreciation rumbled in his chest.
“You’re supposed to be relaxing, love.”
“I know. I missed you too much.” You leaned your forehead against his shoulder, squeezing him a bit tighter. He chuckled warmly, turning off the burner and turning around in your arms to face you.
“Perhaps next time I should join you, then?” He wrapped his arms around you to return your embrace, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“Mm. Maybe you should.”
He growled playfully, hand slipping lower to squeeze playfully at your bottom through your old pajama pants for just a moment before returning to his task of making dinner. “Go on - let me finish cooking before you try to ensnare me with your charm, my little enchantress. Out with you.”
Reluctantly, you left the kitchen to set the dining room table for the two of you, taking a seat and awaiting your meal as you were told. It was only a few more minutes before Loki joined you in the dining room, placing the dinner platter down with a dramatic flourish that made you laugh.
Dinner was as wonderful as you’d expected. While you ate, Loki asked you more about your day at work, and you asked him about what he’d been up to while you were away. Despite your protesting, he refused to allow you to do the dishes after dinner, shooing you off to the bedroom to relax while he took care of them himself. With a half-hearted glare, you dragged your feet as you headed back to your shared bedroom.
The blankets were soft and inviting. You lay down atop the comforter and leaned your head and shoulders back against a couple pillows propped against the headboard, letting your eyes slip closed. You knew you weren’t quite ready to fall asleep yet, but just the feeling of shutting your eyes and letting yourself be still was enough.
It was impossible to say exactly how long you were lying there awaiting your lover's return. A prickling sensation - that inexplicable feeling of someone watching you - was what made you open your eyes. Sure enough, there stood Loki in the doorway. His normally aquamarine-colored eyes darkened as they roamed over your body - a hungry, frenetic adoration etched across his features as he took in the sight of you. You, in your old, frayed pajama bottoms and your fitted cotton T-shirt, with damp hair and not an ounce of makeup on your face. The intensity of his gaze brought a blaze of heat to your cheeks.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you questioned, fighting back a bashful grin. He merely smiled - that sly, seductive grin of his that still made you weak in the knees even after all this time together.
"My queen," he hummed, voice dripping with reverence. "You are absolutely breathtaking."
"I'm in my pajamas!"
A breathy laugh puffed through his nose as he shook his head, as though appalled by your indifference to your own appearance. "Have you any idea how captivating... how absolutely radiant you look carrying our child?"
Your eyes flitted down to your swollen belly. "But Loki... I'm... round."
With only a few powerful strides, he'd crossed from the doorway to the foot of the bed, leaning forward with his hands pressed against the mattress as he gazed at you. "You are ravishing." He slid his palms forward to rest beside your ankles, climbing up onto the bed on his hands and knees. "Exquisite." Slowly, fervently, he crawled up toward the head of the bed, hovering over your form. "Breathtaking. Positively unparalleled. Shall I go on?"
"Loki..." you whined, the entirety of your face set ablaze by his silver-tongued complements.
"Don't you dare try to disagree with me, darling. It's not up for debate."
"But- mmpf!"
He silenced your protests with his lips against yours, his hand sliding around the back of your neck to tangle his fingers in your still-wet hair while he held his weight up on his other palm. Your eyes fluttered closed as you allowed him to kiss you, falling into the familiar, passionate rhythm of your lips moving against his. Loki had a way of stealing your breath away, and yet simultaneously he breathed life into you with every kiss.
When he at last pulled away from your lips, he pressed his forehead to yours for a moment, eyes closed as he simply breathed in the scent of you. Then, he sat up and shifted to kneel beside you on the bed.
"How are you feeling now, my queen?"
"Much more relaxed, thank you." You smiled appreciatively, shifting to sit up a bit more against the pillows leaned on your headboard.
"Be honest with me, darling. You must be tired."
"Actually... I've felt pretty good the last few weeks. I've got much more energy now." Loki raised his eyebrows, tilting his chin down with a skeptical look that made you laugh. "Alright - my feet are a little sore from standing all day. Are you satisfied that I'm not withholding any of my pregnancy woes from you now?"
"Yes, I am." He shifted further down toward the foot of the bed, his hand clasping around one of your ankles to lift it into his lap.
"No, none of that, Loki - you've taken care of me far more than you need to today-"
"I'll not hear another word. Allow me to dote on the mother of my child."
You opened your mouth to protest, but he silenced you once again as he grasped your foot with his free hand and applied pressure with his thumb along the arch of your foot. A breathy sigh escaped your lips as your muscles relaxed under his tender touch. A self-assured smirk crossed his lips as he watched you melt against the pillows.
"Is this so terrible? Permitting me to care for you so?" he asked teasingly, massaging firm circles along the bottom of your foot. You hummed in response.
"I'll... allow it. This time."
Loki chuckled under his breath as he continued to work the tension out of your sore feet. You let your eyes slip closed, simply enjoying the feeling of his thumbs rubbing your tired soles. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you for a while. Perhaps you even fell asleep for a moment or two, but you couldn't be sure.
"Feeling better now, darling?" His rumbling voice brought you out of your trance. You opened your eyes to meet his, a sleepy smile spreading across your lips.
"Mm. Thank you, Loki."
"My pleasure."
You laughed a little, grinning cheekily at him. "We'll have to have another child after this one - it's nice having you doting on me like this."
"Love - if you want a massage, you simply need to ask for it," he teased, skittering his fingers along your foot in his lap. You squeaked, making to pull your foot away from the mischievous god but failing as his hand tightened around your ankle.
"Oh-ho, no. Don't you even think about it," you chastised, knowing very well you didn't sound the least bit serious as you'd already started giggling. A devilish smirk crossed his features as he began scribbling along the sole of your foot.
"It's been quite some time since I've had such a splendid opportunity fall right into my lap. Literally."
He wasn't wrong. With the first trimester morning sickness and exhaustion, you were hardly in the mood to do much of anything. You adored this playfulness in your relationship - the teasing, the jesting, the occasional tickle fight here and there... it was all such fun. Truthfully, you'd missed it.
"Lohoki you mehenace! I will- n-no, don't you daHARE!" Giggles turned to laughter as he scratched with just two fingers just below the ball of your foot - a trigger spot he'd known of for ages that he loved to use against you.
"What was that, darling? I couldn't understand you, giggling like that."
"LOHOKI!" You sat up with some difficulty, reaching for his hands to still them and attempt to free your foot. His gaze darted up to meet yours, eyes flashing with mischief as he released your ankle and suddenly clambered to kneel over you.
"Laughter is a wonderful stress reliever, you know. I believe you could use more of it." His hands shot out to your sides, gently kneading and wriggling his fingertips up your ribs. A giggly screech burst from your lips, and you flopped back against the pillows while grasping weakly at Loki's wrists in a helpless, half-hearted attempt to push his hands away. "You see? You seem much more relaxed now, love."
"AM NOHOHOT!" You threw your head back and released unbridled laughter as his fingertips dug into the very middle of your ribcage on either side, another weak spot he adored exploiting. "L-AHAH-LOHOKI P-PLEHEASE!"
"I'd nearly forgotten how ticklish you are, darling," he chuckled affectionately, fluttering his fingers down your sides. "What about this? Are you still just as ticklish here?"
"N- OHOKAY, YEHES!" His fingertips danced gently along the curvature of your belly, scratching and skittering across the stretched skin. In truth, it was worse than before you were pregnant - his maddeningly gentle touch had you shaking with ticklish laughter. You grasped at his hands, trying to lace your fingers between his to cease his attack as he expertly evaded your defenses.
And then, you felt it.
A tiny kick, barely a muscle twitch but still undeniable, bubbled inside your belly. You gasped, eyes wide, which immediately prompted Loki's hands to still against your belly and a worried look to shadow his face.
"Did I hurt you? Are you alright?"
"It's the baby!" You smiled excitedly, laying your hands over his and guiding them to the spot you'd felt the movement just below your navel. "Hold still - maybe it'll happen again!"
The pair of you remained motionless, holding your breaths as you waited for another kick. Then, Loki's entire face lit up as another twitch pressed against your belly.
"Did you feel it??"
"I felt it!" A sparkling sheen of joyful tears clouded over his eyes. Your own vision blurred as you observed the pure elation play out on Loki's face. He grasped the hem of your T-shirt, gazing at you hopefully. "May I?"
"Go on," you urged, nodding. He gently slid the hem of your shirt up to your ribs, exposing the skin of your rounded belly. Ducking his head down closer, he began to whisper to the child growing inside you.
"You have made me the happiest being in all the Nine Realms, my love." His voice was heavy, laden with euphoric emotion as he spoke to his child for the first time. "I swear to you that I will care for you more than any father has cared for a child before."
A watery smile tugged at your lips. You squeezed his hand in yours, heart fluttering as he beamed up at you. He looked back to your belly, ducking his head to press the sweetest kiss to your skin.
"I would lay down my life to protect you from harm, my son," he whispered, his lips moving against your belly. You couldn't help but giggle at the vibration of his voice, and it didn't go unnoticed. Flashing you a grin, he began to press gentle, ticklish kisses along the taut skin of your belly.
"Lohohoki, thahat tickles!"
"Mm, does it?" He didn't bother to lift his head, speaking ticklishly against your belly now that he knew. In response, the baby kicked once again, this time a bit more forcefully than before. Loki lifted his head, his eyes filled with joy. "I think the baby likes your laughter as well."
"Noho, he juhust- ahahah Lohoki!!" His fingers began scratching at your sides as he lowered his lips to your belly once again, scattering reverent kisses just below your navel. As unbearably ticklish as the sensation was, you couldn't bring yourself to really push him away. You absolutely adored seeing how infatuated he already had become with your unborn child. The way his eyes sparkled with every tiny kick.
"You know, darling - I agree with your prior suggestion. We should have another child someday. This is quite enjoyable."
"Sahays yohou!"
He tsk'd at you playfully, scratching lightly across the surface of your belly where your laughter pitched up in volume. "I think the baby would agree with me as well."
Loki tormented your belly for a few more moments, finally relenting in his tickle attack and shifting to lie down beside you. His hand found your belly once again, this time resting firmly against the curve of your skin as you released residual giggles. You turned slightly onto your side to face your lover, his hand remaining in place against your skin.
"What are you thinking, Loki?" you whispered gently.
"I suppose... I'm just thinking of how fortunate our child will be to have you for a mother."
Tears blurred your vision as you smiled at him. "He'll be just as lucky to have you as a father."
"I certainly hope so."
You wrapped your arm around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him and resting your forehead against his chest. "I know so. He'll be just as smart and cunning and mischievous as his father."
Loki let out a breathy laugh through his nose. "Are you sure you want a child as mischievous as I was?"
"What fun is life without a bit of mischief?"
He hummed thoughtfully, pressing his lips to your forehead. "Then I hope you're prepared for our little troublemaker. He'll certainly be a handful."
"I have faith in us," you assured, tilting your head back to gaze into his eyes. "We'll take on the challenge together."
"I do love a challenge."
Loki ducked his head to capture your lips with his once again. And this time, you didn't let him pull away until you were breathless and pleasantly dizzy.
Even when the baby started kicking once again.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog, and can't thank you enough for your careful analysis of Kishi's writing. It inspired me to rewatch the series for SNS. Today first episodes of Shippuuden already made me smile, where it seems story goes out of its way to establish that Naruto is bored by the ero-novels, saying not once, but TWICE that they're boring to him and he doesn't get it ! Used to not pay attention to it, now I'm like wow, really hammering the point home!
Hi. Thank you. That's so nice to hear. :)
Ikr? Like Kishi hammered it on and on as to how much Naruto's pervy jutsu is meant for childish pranks and not for any other reasons. He is just not into women, when it comes to it. He is closeted so he wants to pretend and overcompensate to hide it of course. And it's understandable, but the number of times Kishi points it out with such clear emphasis...
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Naruto very much knows what the book is all about and how it 'affects' adult men.
But he himself is still not interested. What he is interested in is to use his skills at pervy jutsu to get what he wants.
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Kishi in fact makes Naruto say it out loud that he doesn't even begin to understand the sexual interest in women. He of course knows 'why' men are interested in women and how to take advantage of that, but he himself doesn't relate to it.
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Same in part two. Naruto finds it really boring. Yes Kish, we get it.
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Kishi again stresses on the fact that Naruto uses straight men's weakness for women to his advantage. This is when Naruto and Sakura are fighting Kakashi during the second bell test.
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Of course, this wouldn't be enough for Kishi, so he would stress on it again. When Shikamaru, Shiho and Kakashi are trying to decode the words on Fukasaku's back, written by Jiraiya.
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Kishi is nothing if not persistent. Here is a healthy and vibrant 16 year boy who finds het porn 'boring as hell'. If nothing else, he would have reacted to it in some way, like Kakashi and Shikamaru are doing below.
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So Naruto would be absolutely unperturbed by the erotic heterosexual content of the Icha Icha novel, but straight men such as Shikamaru and Kakashi would look like they are about to faint from embarrassment.
A lot of fans think that Naruto is perverted because he peeps at women in bath houses and all that but miss the part as to why he does that. Some really naive and '#woke' fans label his attempts of doing so as 'sexual assault', lol.
Truth is he does it to improve and build up on his pervy jutsu. He knows how it affects (straight) men. And we saw many times when he used it on men.
However his reverse oiroke jutsu, a much more evolved form of his girl on girl jutsu that he practiced even 'MORE than Rasengan' (way to be subtle Kish lol), where he gave each bunshin individualised looks and not the generic ones he used for his girl on girl jutsu.
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Hehe. And Kishi 'Fought' with his editors for it too. Because he just couldn't think of Any Other Way that would distract Kaguya. Like it just wasn't possible. Lmao. Oh Kish, you absolute joker.
And these aren't even half of the indicators that Kishi wrote in to point at Naruto's closeted gayness.
Yeah, Naruto is as gay as the month of June. And Kishi really tries to make his audience see and feel it.
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birdy-the-tweet · 6 months
Day 2 - Nexo Power
So I wasn’t able to come up with a drawing, but instead, I’ll take a dive at a writing piece! I swear I’ll get the first episode to the Nexo Knights rewrite finished soon, but until then, enjoy a little tidbit of Dragon Paladin (Macy and Clay).
Yes I call them Dragon Paladin, I love me DnD puns in the knights' duo names whether platonic or romantic.
Time Stamp: S1 E2 - The Book of Monsters Pt. 2
8:58 PM
Clay fell harder than a boulder to the surface of his bed. For the first time in what felt like an eternity of routine and rotary races against the clock for mandatory workouts, exhaustion had finally taken a toll on his psyche. If his body were non-Newtonian, he would've melted through the sheets and not given a fluid ounce of care for it. But it wasn't because of the abrupt standoff at the gates of Knightonia against the repulsive forces of Jestro, nor was it the hours of festivities spent after their victory in the ballroom of the palace. As much as all his persistence in knight training and stress to remain top of his class cracked at the glass case shielding his mental strain from the world, neither of those jarring events came close to the reason he wanted to sleep like the dead.
No, the reason he - like all the other classmates he joined forces with - felt this exhausted was because of the Nexo power.
He hadn't the slightest clue what a "Nexo Scan" even was until the climax of their battle. Against all odds, when the enemy outnumbered them a dozen to one and mocked their defensive stances with their maniacal cackling, an odd request provided them a second chance to win the fight. They each lifted their shields in the air. He remembered how strange that demand was, especially from a freshman like Ava. Never would he doubt her intelligence, but he had every reason to question her motives when his ankles were becoming worn chew toys for spherical lava pests. And out of the blue, a surge of energy pulsed through them stronger than his record of eight espresso shots in a single latte. His vision blurred to a golden hue, illuminating every threat in his view as a neon violet target. He swore every swing of his sword could crush steel effortlessly with how he mopped the Knightonia bridge with the dark mist of fallen monsters.
It took everything in him not to collapse in front of the palace doors when he returned with his group in triumph, and he had to use Macy as a crutch for the majority of the celebration following the fight. Great bird of the storm, he was tired. No amount of sword training or weight lifting could prepare him for what a real battle was like. Merlok was right. So was Dauntless. Just because they were graduates at the academy doesn't mean they know everything about being a true knight of the realm. Experience was the greatest teacher, and it sure did love biting everyone in the neck today.
Clay could tell the others were worse for wear as well judging from how they also struggled to stay awake during the party. Aaron had to be dismissed early after blacking out, something he never did even when challenging dehydration, and Macy almost used her slice of shepherd's pie as a pillow. The spell- scan- module- whatever it was, it had an effect on all of them except for Dauntless, but he didn't bother questioning why. He was already experienced in combat and probably fought worse foes in the open world. This was probably a warm-up in their eyes.
He could hear Macy and Lance bickering in the hallway over a heated blanket, the only one available apparently in a giant palace befitting a hundred human staff, a royal family, and double the number in Squirebots. If he were to assume, the blanket they had chosen was gold, therefore it meant something to the nobleman like a coin of copper to an orphaned child. Both knights sounded hoarse in their speech, slurred by an unexpected lesson in combat and endurance. Macy somehow sounded more gruff when she threw logic at Lance's face like the bits of confetti you could never get out of your hair, and Lance insisted he deserved a treat after being exalted as a hero of the realm for many hours past his bedtime. A part of him, for once in his life, hoped Lance would win that argument. It would mean Macy would spend the night with him, and he could use a friend right now.
He rested within the confines of the princess's bedroom, the place he had taken refuge for the night after Macy insisted he would be treated with "friendship privileges" instead of taking a guest bedroom. He had to admit he felt spoiled, but he could get used to the luxury. Her bed was layered in the finest fur blankets and silk sheets, most of which were folded neatly at the foot minus a single fleece comforter she used and worn down over a decade of sleepovers and wrestling matches. There were a lot of fond memories on that blanket. Heavy eyes painfully tugged open to glance at a smudge of purple permanently staining the short fuzz of the blanket's pelt. They smeared blackcurrant jam while enjoying pancakes one morning, maybe two years ago. A reward for staying up all night binge watching the Ned Knightly movies and all the franchise's animated shows from worst to greatest, he remembered clearly. Macy loved that series. She could go on for hours about why it's one of the most underrated franchises in all the kingdom. Knightjago was his personal favorite, not that he'd tell anyone but her. He could still hear her nagging at him for his stupid crush on the fire knight. As of this day, they're both happy he got over that. Somewhat.
A rabbit's angry thumping could be heard in a rhythmic pattern, approaching the door at a slow but steady pace like its turtle nemesis. The footsteps were too heavy to be Lance, too light to be Dauntless, and he wasn't even sure if Aaron was any closer to being conscious than he was an hour ago. He felt the corner of his lip tug upwards at the revelation of who won that debate outside.
The door split into two segments, then retreated into the frame's hollow exit points to reveal a tall figure standing at the other side. Clay was never happier to gaze upon crimson red hair bouncing in its dramatic cheerleader ponytail as Macy dragged herself to the bed, not even caring someone was in the room with her while she removed her shirt and fished her drawers for something more comfortable. "Hey Clay..."
"Mmh," he hummed back, unfazed while his colleague undressed herself near his vicinity. They'd known each other for so long, neither of them had any reaction to seeing one another nude. Perhaps that character trait of their friendship is what convinced at least a whole grade of students they were star-crossed lovers, but really, Macy just preferred using the men's dressing room for armor donning and showers. "Tired...?"
"Yes." The red haired knight could've made the drawer her new pillow if she didn't have enough energy to rant about that one unholy topic. "It feels like a hover horse hit me."
"Maybe because one did-"
"You finish that, I'm throwing you out the window."
"Okay okay, I surrender." Clay flicked a single hand to the air as his white flag, but he could only keep it suspended for a few seconds. "Please tell me you slapped that Squirebot."
"Better! I fed it to the horse."
A sputtering string of muffled snorts unraveled into a quiet, heartwarming round of laughter, first from Clay and then infecting Macy. Her laugh was horrendous, more akin to a duck's quack after dunking its head in a bowl of spiked fruit salad that only drowned the rasp slicing her throat, but he loved it. He loved how ugly it was and how easily he could fall victim to its contagious tone.
"But hey," Macy attempted in the middle of a chortle, discarding the remnants of her work suit and slipping on a Ned Knightly tank top with the character's face painted in a stained glass art style on the front. "The knave had it coming."
To prevent another pandemic of giggles, the swordsman focused instead on inching to the other side of the bed so his friend would have room. He felt shameful for the wry smirk he knew crossed his face at a thought lingering so vividly in his mind, but he couldn't bear to keep quiet about it. "Speaking of knaves, I heard you and Lance outside."
"Oh that? Stupid prissy makeup model. I'd bite my thumb at him if I wasn't surveyed almost every waking moment of my life." She swayed like a penguin towards the bed, reaping the rewards of her social struggles as she collided right against Clay's front. "But eh, I might still do it tomorrow. I wanna see his face drop."
With jelly for arms, he wrapped both limbs carefully around her torso and squished her tenderly into the middle of his chest. He loved watching her melt into his embrace. Usually it was the other way around, but he wasn't opposed to being the bigger spoon. "You might make more mouths drop than just Lance. It's not really worth it. It's just a blanket. He'll gripe about it being too hot at some point."
"Yeah... Who needs a blanket anyways? I have you."
"Okay now you're sounding weird."
"What?? You're warm!"
"You realize if your dad walked in on this, he would assume the worst."
"Yeah... But he can't throw you out the window like I can."
"Is that supposed to comfort me?"
"I dunno, is it?"
He dared not add anything onto her claim. There was no point detesting the comedy of their unfortunately hilarious situation. The school had assumed for four long, insufferable years they were a couple with how close and comfortable they were around each other, it had become something they embraced to the bare minimum. His worst fear of King Halbert barging into the room on a scene that could only be the intro for an adult movie was nothing more than something they made into nothing more than an inside joke. It would be funny watching the king's face take a sharp 180 at nonexistent implications. He wasn't ready for grandchildren, and fortunately for him, the both of them had no intention of bringing any into the world. For Macy, she was still searching for someone to call her own. For Clay, he wasn't necessarily interested in ever bearing kids.
The tone shifted from melancholy to serene with a synchronized sigh from them both. Juggling time management in his Tetris game for a mind, Clay muttered a subject change into her ear. "Hear anything from Aaron?"
"He's still out I think," Macy breathed back lowly. Furrowed eyes could picture the ginger haired archer and where he laid almost perfectly. "Dauntless is monitoring him constantly. Won't let anyone into the room without his say. I tried. He's not letting even my dad in."
"Mmh, makes sense. He's the only one who wasn't affected by..." His voice trailed off to forage for the right words, but all he uncovered were fragments of theories. A scan? A spell? A coding command, an incantation? Ugh. "...whatever that was."
She groaned in disgust and dread at the mere mention of the "Nexo Scan", voice trembling like a chicken in a fox den. "I still can't shake the goosebumps off from that. What even was that?? What did Merlok tell you?"
"Nothing." Not surprising. "Ava was the one who told me to lift my shield up. Then we got that... scan."
He could recall that voice perfectly. It thrummed like an ethereal engine, uttering a command so potent it frosted over his blood. 'Dragon of Justice'. Funny. He sure didn't feel like one during that fight, and he could only assume Macy wrestled with the same confusion and anxiety as he was about the scan in general.
The question he asked himself reached Macy's mouth first. "Is it gonna happen again?"
He didn't dare invoke a lie at this hour. Dishonesty would only spell more trouble for him and for his colleague. "...I'm not sure. Maybe. I'd assume so, yeah. If we gotta keep confronting Jestro like that, it's bound to happen again. Unsettling or not, it was the one thing that secured our victory on the bridge."
"But it didn't feel right. It felt... unnatural. Like something inhumane was sending jolts of electricity through my skin. It didn't hurt, but it made me feel all... weird and..." When words failed her, the princess shoved her face into the gray tinted fabric of his shirt. She always found it cute how his modesty carried over to his casual attire. It was - at least in her eyes - a fantasy to go to sleep without a shirt on, but Clay always seemed comfortable with t-shirts and sweatpants. "I don't know. I didn't like it, but it helped. A lot..."
"I know. I'm sure Merlok will better explain it once we've all recovered." Wishful thinking on his part, but hope was a powerful warrior in the face of doubt. "But you should rest. It's been a long day for everyone."
Unable to argue what she knew to be true, Macy melted further into his arms after a silent moment of contemplating the debate. Everyone was tired. She could hear it in Clay's voice, and he seldom showed his fatigue even when he'd go for days without a wink of sleep. If the armies of monsters and attacks on the kingdom persisted, they needed to be ready. Or at least, more ready than they were today. But who could blame them for that? This was supposed to be their Graduation Battlebration. Now they lost their chance to fight the automatons at the Joustdome, and they have to endure dozens of more fights with monsters and terrors and lava abominations. Now they were the heroes of the realm, the only ones throwing their pride aside to actually do their job as knights, and thousands of people are cheering for them. Now they're accountable for all those people and the harm those beasts could cause. And it's all because of-
No. She didn't want to antagonize Jestro. He was a broken man, prone to mistakes but seeking only the kindness and validation from even the people who mocked his name. This wasn't his fault, not fully. She shouldn't bear that mindset when they hardly even knew what they were truly up against.
That was a tomorrow question, just like the Nexo Scan. Macy would swallow her unease and regurgitate it tomorrow when it was a new day. Not graduation day. Not the most important day of her life. "Yeah, you're... you're right. Sorry."
"Don't be. I'm confused too. We'll get answers, I promise. Just sleep. Okay?"
After a heinous wrestle with her worries and hopes, her gaze softened, and she settled into a more comfortable position against him. "What about you though?"
"Oh I plan to sleep. I couldn't bring myself to walk to the Joustdome even if I wanted to."
She huffed at the humor in his accusation. "You're actually gonna sleep?"
"Maybe," Clay admitted. "I hope so." His voice teetered on uncertainty, knowing his sleep schedule better than anyone. "But I won't leave your side if that makes you feel better. That counts as resting, doesn't it?"
"Look who's sounding sappy now..?"
"Oh be quiet." In hopes of silencing any further claims, he squeezed her against him and sadly muffled all the laughter that was left in her system. A shame really, but if she started laughing again they would both spend the next hour incapacitated by it. They could share a joke or two in the morning when they were a little more rested. Once she eased her giggles to hibernation with a sigh, he stole the opportunity to leave a kiss on top of her head. "Good night, Macy."
"Mmh, g'night boulder brain..." And just like that, she drifted into la la land.
Or at least he hoped she did. He could never tell. Minutes collided with hours, and his perception of time blurred with his vision. By the time he was certain Macy was safe within her dreams, he could barely grasp how far into the night they were. But he did know two things. One, he would sleep for more than two hours for once.
And two, he had a lot of questions for Merlok.
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