#the plants as 'sisters' like. i dont even call them plants i just call 'the sisters' why arent they calling their sis their sis. man
sualne · 1 year
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siblings things
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
tighnari teaching his lil sibling about botany ,,,,
he would be so so much gentler compared to how he does it with the rest of the forest rangers. he would walk in the forest with them, holding their hand so they dont trip, and carefully explaining some of the plants and their specialities
its even better if his sibling is curious! every time they ask him sth about a plant hed chuckle and explain in a way they would understand
i think collei would join in too sometimes. she'd join in to both learn and explain what she knows! (if they call her big sister she is a goner she goes AWWWW DHBEFJKGLH)
i love them your honor
-🌸 (aly)
family botany lessons.
summary. tighnari is a kind teacher when it is his younger sibling who is his student.
trigger & content warnings. no applicable warnings.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. tighnari & younger sibling!reader, collei & reader. 0.3k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. you're so right aly your brain is SO big!!!! tbh i think they would be such a cute lil family. like. AHSJGHF they are very cute <3
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tighnari is definitely much gentler with his little sibling than he is with the other forest rangers. he doesn't mock, he doesn't go on a tangent, he's just... calm. he is rather rough with the others, but it is not out of ill intent, of course; his "teacher mode" doesn't come from a bad place. he simply wants all of his juniors to take his lessons seriously and to learn, but he doesn't feel the need to be so stern with his sibling. they listen very well and respect him very deeply. there's simply no need for tighnari to be hard on them.
he often takes them out on little "expeditions" around sumeru's forests, teaching them what plants are safe to eat and what plants aren't, what plants have medicinal value, what plants can be used for what purpose, etc. the forest watcher is very careful when leading them along. he'll let them walk a little bit ahead if they so please—he thinks exploring is important for their development—but he won't let them wander too far. if they need help getting up somewhere, he'll hoist them up and make sure they can get up safely before following after them.
"nari, nari, what's this plant?"
tighnari is certainly at his calmest when he is teaching his sibling. he chuckles at their enthusiasm, hand settling on the top of their head as he goes on to explain the mushroom that they pointed out and its properties.
collei definitely does tag along sometimes too!
tighnari is very patient with her. it's really no secret of any kind that he prefers both [name] and collei, so he has no qualms with bringing her along sometimes. she's still learning too, and tighnari thinks her bond with his sibling is very cute.
he often watches as they run around, dragging her along with them.
"oh, oh, big sister! collei! look, look..."
they don't seem to notice the way they addressed her through their excitement, but collei certainly does. she swears her heart skips a beat in her chest at that, and suddenly, warmth is flooding her face. she smiles nonetheless and jogs after them while being mindful of her physical condition.
"h— hey! wait up! be careful, you might fall!"
overall they are just a very cute little family <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot.
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spiderbaby123 · 1 year
Local freak
(Ao'nung x reader)
AN: first time writing in a long time so please go easy on my soul. Helpful criticism is welcomed.
Summary: y/n is a lot like Kiri and is often made fun of for it. Ao'nung and his friends often pick on her. One day she walks in on her parents discussing her Arranged Marriage/Mate... Dun dun dun... It's Ao'nung. She has a hard time dealing with it as she already has a crush on Neteyam. Slowly though she sees how Ao'nung changes towards her, making grounds for her childhood crush on him to return.
Also she and Tsireya are besties.
For as long as I could remember I have known Eywa, seen her in the fish and plants, felt her in the water, and heard her in the wind. Often times just admiring the nature around me to be close to her. The other kids my age didn't sense Eywa the way I did and would often make fun of me for it. More often my best friends brother would. Ao'nung called me a freak, he had all his friends joining him in the nickname. At first it got to me, I was a wee little thing and had a massive crush on the boy that Tsireya called brother. She always told me not to let it get to me and with time, I had learned to. When the Sully's came a happiness washed over me as a met Kiri, a girl close to my age, who had the same connection to Eywa as I did. That happiness quickly washed away one day when Ao'nung and his goons found Kiri and I in the shallows watching the sand one day.
"What are they doing?"
"I dont know, theyre just looking at the sand."
They sarted laughing and Kiri lifted her head out of the water, much to my dismay. I knew they were trouble.
"Huh? What'd you say?"
"Are you some kind of..." Ao'nung glanced at me and smirked as I lifted my head to listen, "Freak?"
"He asked if you are a freak, like her." One of them added pointing to me
My eyes dropped and I frowned at the word, while Kiri just scoffed and shook her head. "No." She started to walk away.
"Are you sure?"
I started to walk with her but so did the boys, hot on our tails.
"I mean you are hanging out with our local freak. Plus you are not even real Na'vi, look at these hands." My eyes stung at words Ao'nung spoke.
He rushed forward grabbing at Kiri's hand. "I mean look at them!" The entire interaction earning giggles from his friends.
"Hey!" We heard as Lo'ak rushed over in an effort to free us from the tormentors. "Back of fish lips!"
"Oh, another 4 fingered freak." Ao'nung said teasingly. "Look at his little baby tail!" One teased as he pulled at his tail.
Lo'ak turned and shoved the boy "Don't touch me!" the others started teasing him more. "Oh baby tail, baby tail!" Kiri interjected this time, "Leave us alone!" I stayed quiet mostly,knowing it wouldnt help anything. "Lo'ak, Kiri, lets just leave, ok?" I said quiet as I could with them still able to hear.
Ao'nung looked at me and smirked. "What? Are you jealous from the lack of attenion, our local freak?" He started towards me. While the others continued at Lo'ak. Just as Ao'nung had gotten close to me Neteyam stepped in between us, pushing him back to the other goons and away from Lo'ak as well.
"You heard what Kiri said." He spoke in a low commanding voice. "Leave them alone." He said while pointing his finger at Ao'nung. "Oh big brother coming-" one of Ao'nung's friends started but Ao'nung stopped him staring at Neteyam. "Back off," His stern voice was honestly enough to make me swoon, "Now." He added.
Ao'nung glanced in the direction of us and then backed up slightly while throwing his hands up in mock surrender, smirking all the same. "Smart choice, and from now on, I need you to respect my sister," he paused for a second, "and y/n." He turned to us. "Let's go." We started walking.
"bbuh-byeee" one of the goons said waving carelessly. "Look at them theyre all freaks. The whole family. Bet y/n feels right home." Lo'ak stopped and turned. "Lo'ak." Neteyam spoke almost as a warning. Scratch that. It definitely was a warning.
He held his hand up at Neteyam. "I got this, bro." He walked over to the group. He held his hand up. "I know this hand looks funny. I'm a freak, alien." He said waving it around in front of Ao'nong's face. "But it can do something really cool. Watch." The group watched him. "First I ball it up real tight like this, okay? Then." Lo'ak punched Ao'nung in his smug face causing him to be stunned enough for Lo'ak to land 2 more, cause him to fall back. I almost laughed as Lo'ak spewed out his next words. "Its called a punch, bitch! Don't ever touch my sister again!" And that started a full on brawl between all the boys, Neteyam even joining in.
"Y/n, I cant bemeanth you would get caught up in all of this.. This.. This trouble making!" Mother was pacing back and forth in our marui. "This is not the behaviour the next Tsahik should be showing!" She shouts and then quickly covers her mouth as I stare at her mouth agape.
"W-what do you mean next Tsahik?" I ask confused and heart rushing. My father interjects now as my mother looks worriedly towards him. "Y/n, we wanted to tell you after the festival, but I suppose now is as good of a time as ever..."
Thats when they told me. I am to be mated with Ao'nung.. Apparently his mother has seen how connected with Eywa I am asked for my hand to Ao'nung s at a very young age..
I am destined to my worst tormentor. I'll admit Ao'nung is attractive on a surface level but... He's an asshole. And quite frankly I've had eyes for another hear recently, Neteyam. I suppose I'll have to abandon ship now. I dont want to but my parents have told me this is a great honor and our family will benefit from it. I have decided from this day on I will ask Ronal to start my training. I dont have to love Ao'nung but I should at least be an amazing Tsahik.
*a few days later*
I had been avoiding the group. Tsireya had confronted me and I told her of my being promised to someone but not who.
"Y/n, you don't have to avoid Neteyam, just tell him what you told me. He'll understand." Tsireya said softly to me, seeing how much it hurt me.
And so I did.
"I understand.." Neteyam said looking down at the sand we were sitting on. "Y/n, you dont have to go with it if you dont want to... I know youre parents have arranged it but, you dont seem very happy. Is it someone you dislike?" Neteyam asked. My tears started to form when he asked and I nodded my head. "Then dont do it." He said as he brushed my tears away when they fell. "I have to Neteyam.." I shook my head while saying it. "Why?" He asked simply, as if it were normal to turn down an arranged mate.
"I.. It.." I stuggled for words. Taking a deep shake breath, I finally told him who it was. "I-it is a great honor.. To be selected for.." I paused unsure of my own sentence. "To be chosen as the next Tsahik." I looked down as I said the last part. I heard Neteyam gasps slightly. "You mean you.." I shook my head yes looking to him with more tears than before. Neteyam started to comfort me as I sobbed into his chest.
Little did we know, someone was watching.. Listening.
~the next day~
I was walking to Tsireya's marui when I heard a commotion from the inside. Stopping just before entering the home, I watched as Ao'nung stormed out, glancing my way in the process and ducking to the opposite direction quickly. I poked my head through the doorway a few moments later to see Ronal there with Tonwari. "E-excuse me.." They both looked at me with softness in their eyes. "I-is Tsireya here?" I asked timidly, silently hoping she wasnt a part of whatever that was. "She is on the beach with the Sulley's." Tonwari spoke first giving me a look almost like pity.
I left quickly to search for them on the beach, only to run into Ao'nung's goons. Him not in sight though, oddly enough.
"Look it's the local freak!" One shouted as his friends laughed. I clenched my jaw and tried to keep walking. A hand stopped me though..
"Whats wrong? Are you missing your friends?" I just looked at him not responding, but standing my ground as he stepped in front of me. "Awe she cant even respond, she misses them so much." He looked around, seeing no adults he smiled deviously. "Lets help her to get to them." With that he grabbed me, while the other boys joined in. I was trying to get free but they had me lifted off the ground in a matter of seconds.
"Put me down!" I shouted trying to kick my legs free as they carried me towards the higher grounds close be. "Let go!" I was hoping someone would hear but it hadnt seemed so.
"Oh so can speak?" The main one started. "Well if you ask nicely." He smirked as they came up to the edge of the higher ground area. Fear started to come over me as I realized they were planning to throw me over.
"Let go of her!" They all looked in the directions as I tried to get free more frantically now.
"Ha! Good idea Ao'nung!" The main goon laughed and started to swing me towards the edge with the others.
The next thing to happen shocked me. And everyone else too. Ao'nung punched the guy, making him drop me. The others following suit. I fell to the ground with a thud, staring at Ao'nung with the rest of them.
"What the hell man?! Why are you defending the local freak?!" He shouted at Ao'nung, who had his chest puffed out like he was ready to attack the other male.
"Leave her alone. And dont touch her again." Ao'nung said menacingly. I stared in disbelief along with the rest of them.
"What? Did you hit your head or something??" He asked again. Not getting a response he looked at me again a smirk playing on his lips as if planning something, but Ao'nung stepped in front of his gaze.
Finally the group left. Leaving me and Ao'nung alone. "Why did you defend me?" I asked quietly as his demeanour had yet to change from its aggressive state. He turned and looked at me slowly. "I over heard you yesterday." He stated simply. My brain racked itself to figure what he meant. "What?"
He faced me fully now. "My parents confirmed it this morning." I looked at him still confused. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Y/n, if you are going to be my mate, can you at least use your brain a little better?" He asked and my eyes widened when I realized. "I-" "Save it." He offered me a hand and helped me up.
From that day on he was nice to me and defended me from bullys slowly making me fall for him.
~8 weeks later~
It had been a month since Ao'nung's right of passage ceremony and he had yet to ask me to mate. Hell we hadnt even kissed... I was beginning to worry it wouldnt happen.
"Y/n." Ao'nung spoke softly. "What is troubling you?" He asked. I furrowed my brow, contemplating how to answer..
"A-Ao'nung.. Do you still not want to mate with me?" My question came out more timid than I had intended. He chuckled. "Is that what you are so worried about? You know, 2 months ago you would have punched me if I tried to even kiss you." "You say that like weve kissed now." I bit back at him in irritation. Ao'nung looked at me smiling as his laughter died down.
"Does that also trouble you?" He asked getting closer to me face. "I-i!" I couldnt form words now, my face getting hot and heart fluttering out of my chest.
Ao'nung got to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips. "Just say the word and I will do it." He stared into my eyes with a warm look. I couldn't move or speak, just stare back into his beautiful eyes. Slowly he started to back away smirking. "If you dont want me to-"
"I want you to!" I blurted out quickly, gripping his arm in attempt to stop him from moving back all the way.
His smirked turned into a smile "well, if you insist."
Ao'nung leaned forward again, this time he stopped again just before our lips touched. "Y/n," I opened my eyes not even realizing when I had closed them. "I see you." He said before connecting our lips.
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amethyinst · 6 months
god im thinking gale post war. he's got a kafkaesque middling bureaucrat position on government or perhaps something like 'minister for outreach' or some bs job. mostly there to be the attractive young face of the new government.
his friends are all 40yo rebel leaders turned bureaucrats and posy his 6yo little sister who writes him pen pal letters from district 12 where she is going to school (its an assignment where you write to a pen pal from another district and she was like i pick my brother Comrade Gale Hawthorne Of The Rebellion and the teacher is like well i meant another kid from another district but okay then.)
she's only now learning to write so its mostly little kid stick drawings in her new gel pens he bought her with a note from hazelle asking if he's eating enough and that katniss asked about him. and he reads them crying while getting whiskey drunk at 9pm. and he writes back like hello posy what a lovely drawing tell mummy im doing absolutely fine and please dont bother katniss about me but also is she okay does she talk about me is she happy is she mad please and thank you lovely pen colour by the way.
he is engaged to a female rebel about his age maybe a little older. i have named her evjenny a future dystopia spelling of yevgenia russian form of eugenia meaning 'good breeding'. because its funny to me for him to go full bolshevik. she's from district 5 a slightly wealthier district in comparison to the outliers like 10, 11, 12. she's a little uptight, very type-a, respects gale, loves the state, believes in black-and-white justice. thinks katniss is mostly a propaganda creation and that she's a little weepy but good for morale. has a pet bird she is wanting to teach human language to.
vaguely know each other from the little inter-district rebel communications that coin allowed. coin off-handedly mentioned that she respected her so when The Powers That Be were arranging propaganda couples to marry (they didnt call it that ofc) he was like yeah okay she seems fine.
meet each other at panem galas that are about like fostering relations between the districts. TPTB are like ah gale this is evjenny you are attractive young people you should chat. we did not plan this we did not have several meetings planning this. they bond over hating all the former capitol turned rebel folks.
evjenny (evjen for short, she says, because it is efficient) mentions that she enjoyed gale more than katniss in the propos because gale was an 'actual working man' as opposed to katniss (who is the equivalent of a kardashian to her). and gale is like. Eye twitch. thank you. i enjoyed when you organised that power plant to get blown up and she goes thank you it did take a lot of work. she is not joking she's just a very serious person. they go on like five 'dates' (paparazzi outings) and they agree to marry with a handshake three months after meeting. (there is a more official ceremony where evjen pops the question on tv with a sensible steel ring)
their marriage is like an absolute flop cos gale has a drinking problem and evjen is like if a robot was a 15yo girl and that 15yo girl got parentified because the russian revolution happened. she's not even like jealous about katniss at first until it becomes insanely obvious that gale has like deified / villainised katniss in his head not even deliberately she just represents the past/future he can never have. so evjen is like okay but why cant you just repress it better why are you making it my problem? this is not important we are literally rebuilding a government and you are getting winedrunk over your childhood situationship Man Up.
they have a daughter the first year of marriage who plutarch wanted to name peace but he got outvoted and they (evjen and gale but also The Powers That Be) settled on pax. gale calls her sweetpea :) pax hawthorne is kind of a child star from birth which evjen is fine with cos its for The Greater Good but gale is like. This Is What They Did To Katniss. but he cant say that because he banned all mentions of her.
after a few years of fail marriage they choose to get pregnant again to try and save it (BAD IDEA) and they have another daughter. The Naming Committee was a nine month process all the way till the fuckn day of childbirth. they wanted something evocative of olive branch imagery. olivia was considered but they vetoed it cos it sounded too capitol (plutarch was miffed about it and left that committee) then olive but since that's the skin colour they vetoed that too even though gale liked it. eventually went with dove :) because gale has apparently not had enough damn birds in his life
i think they do divorce once an appropriate amount of time has passed where its not bad optics. gale 3Ds (drunk, divorced, dilf) is very important to me. anyway this post is long enough my bad
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tt-squid · 2 months
what i find really cool is that in the 'three stars each' texts, and expanded MUL.APIN (𒀯𒀳) tables, each constelation starts with 'mul' (𒀯) such as tarus (𒀯𒄞𒀭𒈾)*
but! more importantly for this discussion, the pleiades cluser (which is coincidently a part of the tarus constelation) is written simply as MUL.MUL, or: 𒀯𒀯
𒀯𒀯 has been translated to mean 'star cluster', 'many stars' or 'star of stars' depending on whose translating the text, a fact of which i could find absolutley no sources to very much to my immense annoyance but im going to keep trying at that
its also one of the closest star clusters to earth
and, just to get on the same page, the pleiades cluster, also called the seven sisters, and, for me at least, its one of the first things you learn to pick out in the night sky
just looking at it normally you can only tend to see six stars in the cluster, but on really clear nights you can even see the seventh brightesst star as well and its fucking beautiful
but anyway! back to the cuneiform!
𒀯𒀯 (MUL.MUL), or more specifically just the singular 𒀯 (MUL) is the determinative used when noting stars and planets (and star clusters) which is made up of the sign 𒀭 but just there three times
now, the sign 𒀭 is a sumerogram for either AN or DINGIR depending on your translation, but essentially equates to meaning a range of words from 'sky', to 'god/goddess'
an example of this is with Anu (𒀭𒀭) in Akkadian or Anum/An (𒀭) in Sumerian. Anu/Anum/An has a passive 'king of the gods' sort of role who is a divine representation of the sky (seeing the links?)
that example might be a biiiit too pointed actually hangon :,
Ki (𒀭𒆠) is a Sumerain goddess, sometimes depicted as a queen of 𒀭𒀭, sometimes as a sister idk it gets confusing with all the different translations. anyway 𒀭𒆠 also has the '𒀭' (DINGIR) character that preceedes her name like the other gods, which is followed by the sumerogram '𒆠' (KI) which is translated into meaning 'earth'/'land'/etc. which makes sense when you consider she is mostly translated into and described as being an 'earthly' goddess.
anyway, Ki (𒀭𒆠) ends up marying her oldest son Enil (𒀭𒂗𒆤), likened as a god of wind/air etc, who is an Anunnaki (𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾)? but all this to say thats one of the stories of how plants and animals came about on earth
a bit less of a confusing example is probably 𒀭𒊹 (AN.ŠAR). His name contains the character 𒀭 as well as the character 𒊹 (ŠAR). 𒊹 looks a bit ominous cause its so big and just all consuming of the space which makes sense when translated to mean 'totality'
(𒊹 can also mean 3,600 - it all depends on the context though)
𒀭𒊹 is described as being a primordial god, and occupies the same role as 𒀭𒀭. sometimes 𒀭𒊹 is described/written/translated as 𒀭𒀭's father? sometimes not? idk tracking the relations of gods to eachother is hard to follow through all the different translations lol
but anyway when you have 𒀯𒀯 denoting a star cluster made up of 6 relatively easy to distinguish individual stars, you know some part of me doesnt exactly think thats a coincidence
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and anyway i cant exactly remember where i was going with this whole bit of text but anyway the pleiades cluster is one of the most beautiful things in the sky (at least in the northern hemisphere, cause i cant lie, the coal sack nebula and magellanic clouds are sick as fuck but you guys dont get them up there)
*this is where i realised that tumblr is not going to let me do superscript rip x_x anyway u should go read the wikipage on babylonian star catalogues its a p good summary and has better translation lol
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cljordan-imperium · 9 months
Heaven & Arthur Visit The LaVeaus
@call-sign-shark CELEBRATES 1K
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This is part 1 of Heaven & Arthur visiting Mel and her family because I'm cutting it off at 2680 words. LOL
Modern AU
@call-sign-shark's OC Heaven and her husband Arthur Shelby travel to Louisiana to visit some military men Arthur served under and with in the military. But it is Heaven that gets the biggest surprise of the visit.
“We leave in an hour to pick up Arthur and his wife, Heaven, from the airport,” Cade entered the kitchen to let Mel know.  He dropped a kiss on the top of her head, then looked around at Mama Marie, Dontanion and Francios.  “You two, behave.” He pointed at the brothers with a serious expression.  Arthur was suffering from PTSD from the Gulf and the last thing anyone needed was the two LaVeau brothers being assholes and causing him to have some kind of attack.
“One wandering ancestor and we will forever be doubted.” Dontantion smirked and winked at his sister, as his shoulders raised. “One wandering ancestor who wandered in on my friend who was getting dressed for her wedding and gave her a death prophecy.” Mel rolled her eyes as Cade took a seat next to her and planted a kiss on her cheek this time.  “You are lucky she did not stroke out.” Casting a look over to her mother, “can you please make these two behave, mama?”
“Boys, do not make me resurrect your fathers.”  The smile she gave her sons made everyone’s blood run cold.  As loving and warm as Marie was, no one ever forgot she was also the scariest person currently walking the planet. Only Rasputin may have ever topped her, and she had far outlived him.
“Yes, mama.” Francois replied before putting a strong elbow into his younger brother’s side.  Even at over one hundred and fourty, Dontanion sometimes did not act a day over 16.   “No ancestors scaring Cade’s friend, or his lovely wife.” The look in his eye was serious.  Even if the death prophecy HAD come to pass, and they HAD hated Mel’s friend, and it HAD been hilarious at the time, causing a brave soldier still bearing the mental wounds of war further trauma would not be something they would partake in.  
“Please, he was over in the Gulf with me and some of the guys on the team.  He was under Alexander.  Has some bad PTSD, seeing spirits that he would think were hallucinations from there might just send him…” Cade raised his brows and tilted his head, he didn’t need to finish, both brothers were nodding.  “His wife, I don’t know much about but he says she is an angel and shy.  Her name’s Heaven.  She seems to have dont him a lot of good, he seems to be healing more.  Figured she and Mel would be the ones hanging out, maybe with Mama Marie too.”  He winked over at the woman who was like a second mother to him and who could make anyone feel welcome and loved.
“Of course, any of your friends are welcome here.”  Love and warmth emanated from Marie.  While she had immense powers, which she did not hesitate to use to protect those she loved; she was, at her heart, a mother.  All of Mel’s friends had been adopted as surrogate children.  None were turned away if they needed a mother figure, that was just Marie and the time she came from.
“Thank you, mama.” Love radiated off of Melania too as her gaze alternated around the other four in the room at the time, before her attention turned to Cade.  “When do the others get here?  I know Alexander got in last night and is still passed out in his room.”  
“Tomorrow.”  Cade answered, picking her hand up off of the table and kissing the back where there was a scar that lay across running from just below where her pinky met her hand to the crease of her wrist.  The last evidence of the whole ordeal involving Ambrose and Adama.  Even though it was long ago, it still made his heart clench and sometimes made him want to ask Marie to bring the assholes back so they could kill them again. “So you girls will have twenty-four hours before testosterone rules the house.”  He winked at her, banishing thoughts of the past.
“Lovely.  Just remember, Archibald can contain you all if you get out of line.”  The whole room erupted in laughter at the threat of having her pet albino alligator snack on people.  Not that he hadn’t been used as nature’s body disposal device before when required, but not on people they liked.
Louis Armstrong Airport in Kenner was a bustle of activity as Mel sat on Cade’s lap down on the first floor by the baggage claim.  It seemed the easiest place for Arthur and Heaven to find them.  Although, from what Arthur had told Cade over the phone, Heaven shouldn’t be too hard to spot with snow white hair and skin just as fair.  A statement that had apparently gotten Cade promptly cussed out for mentioning she should fit in with the aforementioned alligator in the swamp.  Mel had a feeling that her fiance was lucky he’d been on the other side of the ocean from Arthur at the time.  
They watched as the flight from Heathrow Airport flipped over from “On Time” to “Landed”.  It still amazed Mel that they had direct flights, and for no more money, not that money mattered to her family…with Ambrose and Nic “missing”, she had complete control over Meirs Enterprises Worldwide, which meant more money than she cared to think about.  For friends of Cade, money was NOT an option anyway. 
About 20 minutes later, Mel felt it, somewhere near was a powerful witch.  Her hand went instinctively to Cade’s, their fingers interlacing.  The signature was not one she recognized, the magic different, old world like her mother and brothers’.  Her eyes scanned the crowd as people descended from the second floor on the escalators. She could more than stand on her own, but after the past events, having Cade there without her family was not something she was altogether comfortable with.  If whomever possessed the magic was hostile, it could get ugly fast if they sensed her as well.  Not since Adama had she faced down a threat, and that…she closed her eyes and swallowed before the thought fully materialized.
“Do I need my gun, or is this something of the invisible sort, babe?” Cade’s chin rested on her shoulder as he spoke just loud enough for her to hear.  He knew her signs well enough.  When she was tense, it was never a good one.
“Shooting them is as good as dropping a house on them, I guess.  A lot easier when inside too.” She tried not to let her nerves show with some humor, but she was anything but lighthearted with the situation.  As they sat there waiting for Arthur and Heaven, she did not stop scanning everyone coming in their direction.   It was that scanning that produced what would be the biggest shock of the day, the revelation that the witch was Arthur’s wife.  “You are definitely NOT shooting the witch.”
Cade chuckled, having no clue what had suddenly changed the beauty on his lap’s mind.  “And that would be because….”
Mel stood as the pair approached them, “you must be Heaven,” she greeted the tiny woman with a bright smile and offered hand.  There was no way that Heaven couldn’t sense her as well, but seemed to completely not notice.  She then remembered that Cade had mentioned that Heaven was originally from France, and since Louisiana is a bilingual state, she had an idea to make the woman feel even more welcome. “Bienvenue en Louisiane où dans le bayou, les sorcières sont vénérées. Je crois que vous et ma famille vous entendrez très bien. Ma mère est une grande prêtresse du vaudou. (Welcome to Louisiana where in the bayou, the witches are revered. I believe that you and my family will get along very well. My mother is a high priestess of Voodoo.)” 
Heaven’s eyes widened at her words, clearly not having expected them. “Comment le saviez-vous?  (How did you know?)”  The woman looked absolutely confused, which was when Mel remembered she still had the talisman on that Dontanion had given her when they were hunting Adama that cloaked her magic.
“Parfois, une sorcière en connaît une autre. J'ai aussi deux frères sorciers à la maison. C’est en quelque sorte une affaire de famille. (Sometimes a witch just knows another one.  I have two warlock brothers at home too.  It kind of runs in the family.)”  Mel gave the woman a wink and then turned to Arthur and Cade who were both looking at her with rather confused expressions.
“What, can’t one girl fluent in French welcome another?  Do you know how often I get to use that?” She smiled, Cade giving her a look that said he knew better and she’d have to explain once  that they were alone. “You must be Arthur.”  She extended her hand to him, “it is such a pleasure to meet any friend of Cade’s.  You both are now family, that is how it works here.  We will spend a couple of days out on the Plantation, and a couple here in the Garden District.  My mother has been up since dawn cooking, so we best not keep her waiting too long.  Mama Marie is not one to be kept waiting.”  Mel laughed.
Cade knew his fiance better than that.  Those were far too many words for just a polite hello, and he did recognize enough to know that she’d found her witch.  But, he was a good boy and would say nothing.  Things normally worked out more in his favor that way.  “You’re discussing how to bankrupt us in the French Quarter aren’t you?” A brow rose and he nudged Arthur with an elbow. “I hope you brought all your plastic, bro, my girl can shop!”
Arthur for his part either missed what the exchange was about or was so entranced by his bride he gave not one fuck.  He did, however, growl at Cade’s remark, which told the fellow soldier that he probably had experienced a similar shopping excursion to the one Mel had more than once put him through.  Although, to bankrupt them, Mel would have to literally buy the entire French Quarter, as in the land it was sitting on and all the buildings.
"Can you not behave for two minutes?"  Mel’s brow rose as she looked between the two men, Cade trying not to laugh and Arthur about taken aback at her words.  “No growling.”  She raised both brows and looked pointedly at the Brit.  Heaven giggled next to her, which just had Arthur rolling his eyes. “Now, you boys do the heavy lifting of getting the luggage, Miss Heaven and I are going to go get the car from the garage and bring it around.  And you two can ride in the back.”  She dropped a kiss on Cade’s cheek with a big grin and a wink over to Heaven.  She already liked the striking and beautiful woman.  Wait till her family laid eyes on her!
From the airport, to River Road, Mel gave a guided tour to their guests of the historical context of each and every plantation along the road.  Her mother had been alive for the building of many, although she did not share that quite yet.  For Heaven, it might not have surprised her, for Arthur, he might have tried to exit the vehicle while at 60MPH.  The latter was more her concern.
Finally they arrived at Vita Pacis Plantation (Life of Serenity).  It had been renamed after Ambrose’s death, her mother choosing the name for what this now represented to them all.  It was a place of peace, of respite from the life they lived in Baton Rouge and New Orleans, from the missions they went on collecting artifacts around the globe.  It was to this estate, to the buildings that rested upon the land and had for over 300 years, that Mel and her friends returned to find peace and to be at peace.  It would be on this estate where she would marry Cade in six months.  
As they drove up the red brick drive, live oaks arching over it with their green leaves and the dangling spanish moss providing shade, she heard Heaven gasp as she got her first view of the grand plantation house mansion.  It was impressive with white limestone exterior and grecian columns that rose three stories, the floor to ceiling french doors that served as windows to the rooms were framed with dark red hurricane shutters.  It created an impressive picture when famed with the arch of the live oaks over the drive.  Just the guest house had four bedrooms and was a sight, but the grand mansion was something out of a movie.  Lovingly preserved by the Meirs family, and now the LaVeaus, it was a piece out of time and history.  The dark stains of the past that it held could never be erased, but they would be made up for over time.  Now it stood for the LaVeau legacy, and that was a strong, vibrant, and proud legacy.
Mel knew that when she had opened the wrought iron gates of the drive, it had alerted those within the guardhouse and the mansion of their arrival.  No one got onto or off of the property without being noticed.  If you tried to come on secretly, there were things seen and unseen that would greet you.  You had better hope the former got to you before the latter did.  So, when Mel pulled the large black SUV around to the back of the mansion, it was of little surprise that her mother stood flanked by her brothers, waiting to greet their guests.  She could not wait till they discovered the surprise that lay in store.
Once the car was stopped, and everyone was out, Mel led Arthur and Heaven over to her family while Cade unloaded the luggage from the back.  She could tell that all three of them immediately recognized in Heaven what she had and the adoring smile her mother cast on Heaven warmed her heart.  Marie was known for taking in anyone needing a mother and love, and it was clear she was already looking that way at Heaven, no matter if she had family back home or not.  
Marie was the first to speak, stepping forward and taking both of Heaven’s hands in her own. “Salve, fili mi, maiores te ad nos perduxerunt. Hic semper domum habebis. (Welcome, my child, it seems the ancestors have lead you to us.  Here you will always have a home.)” Then she leaned forward and placed a soft kiss in the middle of Heaven’s forehead.
Arthur tensed and Mel leaned over, “my mother adopts anyone she feels needs love.  She sensed that in Heaven and has welcomed her to always see this as a home.”  She kept her voice low as to not embarrass Heaven who was now tightly embracing Marie and she swore she saw a tear on the porcelain skin of her cheek. “You too Arthur, Vita Pacis means Life of Serenity.  Any friend of Cade’s is family here, where the mind can find peace when one needs.” With a soft and warm smile on her face, her eyes gently closed as she inclined her head.  
The stoic man just inclined his head in return before turning back to the scene where both Francois and Dontanion were further introducing themselves to his wife, who seemed to be taking everything in stride.  As dwarfed as the beauty was by her gruff husband, she looked absolutely tiny next to Mel’s brothers who were both well over six feet in height and broad shouldered.  “See, I told you this trip would be good for you.”  Cade finally made it up to them and clapped Arthur on the shoulder.  “And Mama Marie and the spooky bunch has adopted another stray.  I guess we’re brothers now, Arthur.  Wait till you taste her food!  We may never get you back to England.”  They all laughed as they began to head in to see exactly how big of a feast Marie HAD prepared.
@call-sign-shark @raincoffeeandfandoms @saltysupercomputer @blind-the-winds @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @aziz-reads @toribookworm22 @outpost51 @late-to-the-fandom @writingmaidenwarrior @spookyceph
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julietasgf · 3 months
I'll answer more calmly all later but when I saw your reply I realized I forgot to add my new hc of how Marcus and Sejanus meet in the latam AU (although it could also serve to some extent in canon) 😔😔
So I started to ramble on about certain details of that great moment of gentleness between Sejanus and Marcus and I was like ok putting snow on someone's finger to get them uninjured is a bit unusual knowledge for a child and more so if they were so young. I'm sorry I've never seen snow but I'm sure if I lived in a place with snow at that age I and many other kids probably would have eaten it instead of using it that way so I came to the conclusion that Marcus' parents, well mother, I don't know I always visualized him as the son of a single mother IDK, but his mother probably had some knowledge in traditional medicine -huesera, like those ladies who know all about tea and herbs and ointments and move arms and weists😝
So Baby Marcus from a young age had some knowledge on how to take care of small injuries BUT WELL. What I thought for the latam au was; Imagine Baby Sejanus gets sick and they take him to the doctor and give him all kinds of treatments but nothing seems to work and Vesta is heartbroken but won't give up so even though she had to fight with Strabo (not much because he ended up giving in because that's his son and well it wouldn't hurt to try even if he feel untrust about these things but Vesta yelled at him and threatened him a little so he stopped arguing quickly, pls "Vesta DONT ask me the divorced 😭" "🙄") Vesta starts looking for alternatives and that's when someone from her neighbors tells her about Marcus' mother and she goes and asks for help
And they start treating baby Sejanus who actually gets better!!!! but here's the thing :)) because baby Marcus helped his mom maybe with little things like watching Sejanus while he was napping or changing his pañuelo to bring his temperature down (while Vesta and Marcus' mommy become friends <3 and support each other with Marcus' mommy comforting Vesta and giving her encouragement and I'm sure Vesta would bring her bread and candy and probably made a principle payment for Sejanus treatment).
But I kinda see Sejanus was with fever and very tired the first days and Marcus didn't get a chance to talk to him well and was very curious to meet him, wondering all the time who he was and then one day baby Sejanus wakes up and their eyes meet and 😳
And that's it hahaha, wait for my proper response to your reply later
I've read some works on ao3 that have marcus' mom as a doctor on D2, and I think that to be really sweet; I've also never seen snow in my life, but I agree lmao 😭 and I also agree, in my head it's is already canon he's the kid of a single mother. and LOVE the idea of marcus' mom knowing about traditional med (here we call these ladies benzedeiras, it's common in small towns for when children are sick for moms to take them for these ladies to pray and give them teas and herbs)
strabo is extremely skeptical, he's that kind of guy who just doesn't believe in anything, but he was willing to spend any amount of money to get bby sejanus healthy again. and still, nothing is working, and he's already running out of ideas; vesta was letting him have control of the situation, but she was getting more and more desperate (that's her baby, she can't lose him like that), and then it comes to the point she grows so impatient and stands by the fact that NOW she's going to decide which doctor they would get sejanus to, and she already settled her mind on asking marcus' mom over. and of course they fight, bc strabo thinks it's such a waste of time to invite this lady over because "these are just plants, it won't make him better", but in the end, he gives in (the divorce threat made me laugh 😭 that's what he deserves). and vesta grew up in a small village, she saw plenty of times her sisters being sick and getting better because of this kind of treatment, so she at least have to try.
BBY MARCUS GOING TO HELP HIS MOM IS JUST SO ADORABLE, and his mom is apologizing to vesta because she didn't want to bother but she promises marcus is a good kid, and vesta not only is absolutely okay with it, but she spoils marcus so much, giving him all kind of treats and sweets (at the end of the day marcus and his mama come back home with a bowl with vesta's homemade dulce de leche). and when his mom and vesta are chatting, and his mom is comforting her saying everything will be okay, he's watching sejanus. and when marcus is caring for sejanus, he sometimes talks to sejanus, muttering stuff like "just get good already, your ma is worried about you" and "and you get better, maybe we can play together, you have really fancy toys". and vesta promises marcus that once sejanus gets better, they can play together ("but mrs. plinth, what if he doesn't want to play with me?" "he WILL, it's not a matter of choice").
the moment sejanus finally wakes up and sees marcus in his room omg 🥹 and they stand there in silence for a while, until marcus finally opens his mouth to say that sejanus has the biggest brown eyes he have ever seen, and sejanus is like "...thanks? I guess?" but blushing so hard. and then there's the whole moment of vesta crying so hard and hugging sejanus and thanking on her knees to marcus' mama. she turns to marcus and promises him he'll ALWAYS be welcome on their house. but marcus doesn't come back until sejanus goes after him to knock on his door and ask him to go to his house to play and watch tv with him after school.
(I'm actually obsessed with this, tysm bc this will probably live in my mind rent free for the next weeks 😭)
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certifieduruihater · 3 days
the karai and leo ship/dynamic is...so weird to talk about. first of all majority of the fandom just shuts down the discussion with INCEST which...i get it? but at the same time i also see why it wouldnt cross people's minds? im ngl when i watched the show as a kid, incest really didnt cross my mind for a number of reasons. 1. how the mutagen works is kinda finicky and not really well explained. so does being mutated by a donor's dna make you related to that donor? like when snakeweed was mutated by the plants, is he related to the plants now? when bradford was mutated, is he related to his dog? like karai is splinter's daughter, and the turtles are related to splinter because they were mutated with splinter's dna ..is that how that works? supposing the turtles do have splinter's dna embedded in them now which allows for their mutation and human-like features, idk if that's what the show was going for, because splinter's dna can't explain everything. like how do the turtles have such different eye colors then? how does leo have dark blue eyes while raph has nickelodeon slime green eyes? where were the genes for those? shen and yoshi (in human form) both had brown eyes. they could be carrying a recessive gene ig but still. or did they always have that eye color in turtle form? but those are exceedingly rare colors, and when they were children the turtles just had black stare-into-your-soul-eyes?? actually is it even confirmed that they were mutated from splinter's dna? or from someone else like the pet shop workers? idk?? i just never really thought about it too deeply (and i suspect you're not really meant to), and the show never really pushed it. and the distinction of the turtles being biologically related to splinter or not just never really mattered to me, because either way, it's clear that splinter views them as his kids. splinter and the turtle's relationship is a great depiction of family, regardless of whether they share blood. and honestly, i don't think any of the writers would have pushed leo and karai if it was actually incest. stuff like this is why incest never really crossed my mind on a technical level.
and 2. do karai and leo actually see each other as siblings? when its revealed that she's splinter's daughter leo sees her as part of the clan, sure. idk about karai. but do they actually see each other as siblings, or is this something the fandom just made up? i just remember their dynamic being really vague honestly. leo was super devoted to helping karai and finding her, treating her as one of the clan and devoted to helping her return. then there was this one line by leo to donnie that was something along the lines of he should know what its like because of april, which COULD have romantic connotations, or it could just be referencing the supposedly super strong bond the show likes to pretend april and donnie have. you also have instances where karai and leo dont actually seem romantically interested in each other, at least not anymore. i think leo even jokes to karai about it at some point, and KARAI is the one to look awkward, which to me signals that leo's over any sort of attraction he may have had. regardless, its not really clear if they explicitly see each other as siblings or if they feel something romantic.
side note: to all people rewriting the series to have raph and donnie clown on leo for falling for his "sister," you guys know that THEY were the ones actively joking about and thus perpetuating a romance between those two? they were the ones being weird about it! i know people are just using raph and donnie as author inserts to laugh at leo but it just doesnt work here.
MIKEY calls her sis (even this could be chalked up to his general use of language), but idk if raph or donnie ever really warm up to karai, let alone see her as their sister. and when people call them all siblings it really just feels like the fandom is squeezing these characters together, locking them in a room, and telling them to play nice. like wouldnt their dynamic be a lot more complicated than that? on the turtles side, this girl whos been trying to kill them, who they thought was the daughter of their enemy, is now suddenly their sister? talk about jarring. i can see mikey accepting it pretty easily bc he's mikey, but raph and donnie? i feel like it would take them longer to warm up to her, let alone get to a "sibling" level. slapping the sibling label onto karai feels like youre disregarding a lot of complicated emotions that would need to be worked out first. and honestly, even if they do work things out im still not sure theyd get to the sibling level. and there's nothing wrong with that, imo. this is not even talking about karai herself, who would also probably have A LOT of complicated feelings about being the daughter of the man she was raised to hate and being a part of his clan. add the "sibling" part onto that? oh boy. i feel like it would make karai distant and reluctant to get involved if they seriously started considering her a sister.
honestly what seems more likely to me is that the writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too. karai says to leo, just because i like you doesnt mean ill go easy on you. does she clarify what kind of like? of course not! maybe there were writers with different agendas or whatever, but either way you're left with karai and leo's dynamic just being really ambiguous and not really clearly addressed.
even if they're not related by blood/DNA, whatever, i know this is still a touchy subject for people because they believe that saying they dont see each other as siblings invalidates situations like step siblings, adoption, etc. but this is where i personally draw the line between fiction and reality. i think for this instance, fiction cant be a 1:1 representation of reality. this is a unique situation in itself. (i also dont think that this ship/dynamic is worth getting that heated about, nor is it worth putting much energy into honestly. it was not very fleshed out imo. my point is if you're looking for found family rep i dont think you should be looking at karai's relationship with the hamato clan. it's not the best example imo 😅 and if you're looking for a good ship with leo...idk this aint it chief.)
yeah i dont ship them. not because its incest, but because i just dont think theyd make good partners for one another. karai...girls got issues she needs to work out. i dont think shes very reliable, and she seems like the type to actively run away from responsibility. im not really too into karai's character as a whole, but thats a topic for another day. this may sound cliche, but i just dont think karai is the influence that leo needs. yeah she'll influence him sure...in the wrong ways. and i think leo would very quickly turn into karai's manic pixie dream boy who devotes himself to fixing all of karais problems which...i dont think he needs. dudes got enough on his plate.
personally, ill choose to believe that on both ends, what they felt for each other was nothing more than passing curiosity. MAYBE fleeting attraction, and that's a hard maybe, or at least it very quickly went away, because i remember the scene where karai was up in leo's space, and leo did not look into it all 😭 anyway leo felt undermined by his brothers, was tired of being responsible, and out popped karai looking for a good time. karai is karai. they were both distractions for each other initially. and leo chooses to believe in the good of people, so he kept talking to her. and then they found out she was splinter's daughter, blah blah blah you know the rest
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web-novel-polls · 3 months
Trans WN Character Tournament
Submissions End: TBD
The character must be from a web novel or an adaptation of a WN (common adaptations like manhwa/manhua may be accepted, just within reason)
They don't have to be canonically transgender. The reasoning can be anything from them explicitly wanting to be a different gender/sex or just vibes 
Just stay away from offensive gender stereotypes in propaganda, especially Western gender stereotypes on Asian characters (Ex: Nie Huaisang being more interested in art and fans than fighting might be a more "feminine trait" to Western readers, but Chinese fans have explained that it actually fits with the male scholars of the time period). 
You can still submit any character, but remember to be respectful & conscientious
Tournament Tag: #trans wn character tournament
[Last Updated: May 12th, 2024]
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Jang Hayoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF
Canon Pronouns: she/her (she gets misgendered for a big part of the novel in the unofficial english translation, but when we're in her pov it's she/her)
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Ling Fengxiao from The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path
Gender Identity: transfem & nonbinary
(tw: transphobia)  i am not claiming that this a good novel by any means & this is kind of nonsense but hear me out: main romance lead of this novel spends like 90% of the time happily presenting as a woman, and this is a vague spoiler but at one point mc and his wife are both "pretending" to be women (ngl i could also submit mc here. much gender to be had but it really has to be unintentional bc of later transphobic plot points) and come across a plant that only blooms valuable flowers when attended to by two beautiful women (ok. whatever) and they're both like "well IM pretending to be a woman but lin shu/ling fengxiao ISNT so she'll carry me across this finish line" and it does bloom! like, it does! the author is like "ohhhh its sickly and this is forcedddd" <- but it does bloom. and the flower spirit that comes of it is fairly explicitly a trans woman, even if she's an object of ridicule. my grasping at scraps theory here is that all of the "you're actually a boy. accept it" said to the spirit is a projection of internalized transphobia. there are three women here but only one of them is willing to say so. if the author was willing to write where the previous characterization led we would have a different story. 
Luo Binghe from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF
Canon Pronouns/Gender: He/Him, Male
Submission: Scum Villain is a satirical transmigration novel where the protagonist transmigrates into the in-universe novel Proud Immortal Demon Way, which is a male-fantasy novel. Some themes/topics include toxic masculinity, not putting people in boxes and the harm thereof, abandonment, motherhood, identity, and there are several instamces of body snatching/changing. During the plot, due to both the toxic masculinity themes and the author poking at gendering in danmei novels, both the protagonist and binghe are described very femininely. Instead of a usually anti-toxic masculinity plotline where instead it talks about healthy masculinity, scum villain basically just says that the mc and ml should instead stop repressing their natural feminity so they can be happy. Also the novel has transphobic parts but somehow they even wrap around to implying that these two are trans women. Binghe is indirectly described as a trans woman (in a transphobic way) dont get me wrong the transphobic parts are transphobic and shouldnt be in there but its still pertinent. After a certain point, binghe is constantly called maiden-hearted, described as a younger sister reaching out to her elder sister pleading for help (the elder sister here is the protagonist) and is described as being very much like his biological mother in appearance and personality, and as a pretty boy. (His mother su xiyan is described as having the aura of a tyrant, cold and ruthless, as well as masculine, especially in comparison to his biological father, who is described as the runaway young miss in comprison to su xiyans wealthy young master. Also binghe is described as physically similar to her, including her tall height, except for his fathers eyes which makes him not too feminine.) Binghes bio father is described as maidenhearted like binghe. Uses his special blood, which is compared to menstration, in text, for many purposes. When asked his gender he refuses to answer (intext the unreliable narrator says that its due to it being a simple and obvious question but unreliable narrator so who knows for sure) and he is also called bingmei, or younger sister binghe to distingiush him from the original timelines toxically masculine, unhappy bingge, or elder brother binghe.
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Ruan Nanzhu (阮南烛) from Kaleidoscope of Death
Gender Identity: transfem & nonbinary
Canon Pronouns: he/him outside of the doors, she/her in drag
This might be considered spoiler-y, but I can't think of another way to bring up important details here. It's part of the premise of the novel if that helps: there are other worlds that the protagonists have to survive for [REDACTED] reasons, and in these worlds there's a certain amount of identity obfuscation—basically, you'll look a little different from your real appearance no matter what you do, but the way that you dress will also affect the appearance that you end up with. Ruan Nanzhu takes every opportunity to dress in feminine ways when they go to these worlds. Yes, there is a secret identity reason behind it, but there's also this clear difference in how Ruan Nanzhu acts as a "man" and a "woman" that it just reads like a form of gender euphoria to me. The novel itself isn't always kind about it (could be that it just depends on the translation you're reading! I couldn't tell you what connotations the original Chinese wording has) but I think it's fairly undeniable that it's a freeing experience for her. So it's not exaaactly canon, but Lin Qiushi (林秋石) uses the right pronouns out loud and in his thoughts as it is signalled to him at the time, so that's nice.
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Shen Qingqiu from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Gender Identity: transmasc / FTM
Canon Pronouns: he/him
he invented xianxia panty liners also he was literally obsessed with a stallion novel that was supposed to be like. be a power fantasy about a cool strong man. I'm not saying he liked pidw I'm just saying he did make the choice to read a stallion novel and was obsessed with Luo Binghe. Sometimes gay thoughts can also be gender envy. SVSSS also looks a lot at like. masculinity and its performance and perception in a way that really slaps if you, like me, think Shen Qingqiu is the Worstest trans guy ever of all time. I'd like to be clear that he is not good representation. He is literally the most dogshit rep. He's homophobic and gay hes transphobic and trans hes the most insufferable trans person youve ever met. He's probably definitely a transmed. Instead of medical transition, sqq got that transmigration transition, and he is absolutely has a weird ass superiority complex about it. also he's a TRANSmigrator its literally right there in the name. Do u see my vision.
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Official’s Blessing / TGCF
Gender Identity: Transfem / MTF, Nonbinary, Genderfluid
Canon Pronouns: She/Her and He/Him
Submission: Canonically switches between female and male forms due to personal preference. Also theres alot of gothic doubling on her plotline as well.
Nimona from Nimona
Reason: Not from a web novel
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raeharmonia · 8 months
I Fell in love with an Angel
This fic is inspired by Must be Love and While You Were Sleeping by Laufey JSJSJSJ
Word count: 4.6k (lord help me) NOT PROOFREAD
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort, might be ooc Lyney (i tried qwq), mentions of death, Lyney's pov
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"Would you like to hang out with us today?"
Says Lyney with a wide grin, his eyes are filled with a hopeful twinkle. Amaranthe sighs, unable to find the strength to say no to his annoyingly cute face.
"Fine.. It just so happens that i have free time today."
She says as she closed her navy sketchbook and puts it back to its rightful place on her leather belt. Lynette took a sip of her tea and settled it down on the white marble table, a faint smile etched on the cat hybrid's face.
"Im so glad that you agreed, Amaranthe."
Amaranthe gave her a friendly nod before turning her head to ask Lyney a question.
"What are we going to do to spend this afternoon, Mr. Lyney?"
"Huh, i havent really thought about that. I didn't expected you to actually say yes to my offer." Lyney scratches the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.
"How about this, you can decide what we shall do today. Does that sound good to you?"
"That doesn't sound bad.. How about we take a walk at one of my family's gardens? I can show you around and i know a few activities we can do besides admiring the scenery."
Ah, the family gardens, one of the Deschamps family's pride and joy.
"Yes yes of course! That sounds amazing, dont you think so too, Lynette?" Lyney beamed.
"I think its sounds great." She replied with a smile once again.
The three then proceeded to finish their tea and confectioneries before departing to one of the Deschamps' many gardens.
Amaranthe led the way in front of the twins, a wide smile spreads across Lyney's face as he observed her walking figure. His cheeks grew a bit warm as he's laying eyes on her. Strange.
As their stroll continued, he noticed how the shining sun granted the lady with a soft golden glow which made her look like an angel descending from the heavens.
Oh who is he kidding? In his eyes, Amaranthe's already an angel. A beautiful, elegant, and kindhearted angel.
"Lyney, are you perhaps in love with her?" Lynette asked, her voice snapped out of his trance.
"In love? What made you come to that conclusion, dear sister?" Lyney asked with a smile.
"Its just that, you always look at Amaranthe like.. That."
"Like what?"
"We're here." Amaranthe called before Lynette could provide her answer.
The twins glanced upwards at the garden's gate. It's made of off silver iron with intricately decorated pearly white details with the Deschamps family crest carved on top. Tendrils of vines surrounded the gate with crimson red roses accompanying them.
Amaranthe opened the gate and gestured the two magicians to enter the garden. Upon stepping in the plot of land, they see myriads of colorful flowers and plants, trees that stand mighty and tall, and a breathtaking view.
The two are awestruck, they never saw such a view so mesmerizing as this!
"Its beautiful isnt it?" Amaranthe slightly smiled before leading the way once more.
During their walk, they see a plethora of flowers such as rainbow roses, lumidouce bells, even ones that are native to other nations like glaze lilies and padisarahs. Amaranthe plucked a few of these flowers and placed them on her hand carried basket while Lyney and Lynette does the same.
"Hey Amaranthe, what are we going to do with the flowers that we picked?" Lyney asked out of curiosity.
"Oh? We're going to make some flower crowns, dont worry i'll teach you both how."
Making flower crowns? Taught by the radiant lady herself? Now Lyney's excited. Now he must pick the perfect blossoms for his lady's crown, a crown fit for a princess. He gave her a wide smile before continuing their stroll.
They then stopped by an apple tree and sat down beneath its shade. Amaranthe then teaches the twin magicians the basics of making flower crowns, she first taught how to braid the flower stems together and then finishing the lesson with how to secure the finished crown.
Unfortunately for Lyney, he was too distracted by the painter's extravagant beauty that he couldn't find himself to pay attention. Lynette rolled her eyes as she noticed her brother's smitten behavior.
"—ney! Earth to Mr. Lyney!" Amaranthe belted, snapping her fingers to catch the magician's attention.
"Wh- huh? S- sorry do you need something, Amaranthe?" He asked with a flustered smile, his cheeks growing into a shade of pink.
"Your flower crown.. It looks like it got trampled by a boar. Here, let me help."
Amaranthe takes Lyney's poorly weaved crown, their hands slightly brushed against eachother, sending butterflies to his stomach.
"Here's how you do it, you take two flowers and twist one of their stems around the other like so.." The lady's eyebrows slightly furrowed, her dainty fingers delicately weaving the two stems together.
Amaranthe looks even more beautiful when she's focused, Lyney thought.
"Mr. Lyney, are you paying attention?"
"Huh? Y- yes, my lady." He cleared his throat, his cheeks grew even more pinker.
Amaranthe handed back Lyney's crown and gestured him to perform the steps that she instructed. He carefully weaved the flowers together, a smile of satisfaction appeared on Amaranthe's lips.
"Good, good. Now simply repeat the two steps until the moment when you think the crown is big enough for someone to wear."
Lyney smiled brightly, motivated than ever to finish his flower crown perfectly.
Some moments then passed, the three then finished creating their flower crowns.
Lynette's flower crown consisted of lumidouce bells, Kalpalata Lotuses, and Cecilias. Glaze lilies, Windwheel asters, and Sakura blooms donned Amaranthe's, while Lyney's included Rainbow roses, blue poppies, and sunflowers.
The youngest twin rested her flower crown on the top of her head, a small, proud smile crept up on her lips. Amaranthe looked at hers with a melancholic look, gripping on it tightly.
"My lady?"
"The flower crown that i made, i made it for you." Lyney chimed.
Amaranthe's cheeks grew warm as he crept closer to place the crown on top of her golden hair gently.
"Thank you, Mr. Lyney.. Its a very beautiful crown."
"Hehe, no problem."
Comfortable silence filled the atmosphere as Lyney looked at Amaranthe with an adoring look. Oh Archons, Amaranthe's so beautiful..
The painter stood up from the grass and looked at the blonde, he looked at her confused.
"Hey, would you like to play a game?" Amaranthe asked with a playful tone.
He tilted his head, curious. "What kind of game, my lady?"
"Hmm its.. Tag you're it!" And there goes Amaranthe, sprinting towards the fields while Lynette followed, the two girls laughing as they go.
"Heyy! That's not fair!" Lyney protested before chasing after them.
Lynette and Amaranthe runs through the flower fields, joyous laughter escaping their lips as their hearts are filled with glee. The boy scurried swiftly after them, a pout formed on his lips, how are they so fast?!
He successfully managed to tap his twin's shoulder, making her the new "it". She turned and attempted to tag Amaranthe, the painter successfully avoided Lynette's attempt before turning around and grabbing Lyney's hand.
"Follow me! I have a good hiding spot!" She said with a smile.
Amaranthe's smile made the boy's heart flutter, her fingers intertwining his made his stomach feel like its on the verge of combustion. He happily nodded at her and together they dashed towards the sunflower fields with Lynette at their tail.
They hide within the tall sunflowers, laughing softly. Amaranthe turned to face him, a smile still present on her features. Lyney smiled back, pink hues spreads across his cheeks.
"Thank you for agreeing to hang out with us today, my lady." He beamed.
"No problem. You know, i havent felt this happy spending time with someone else besides father and Charlotte. It feels.. Nice." Amaranthe remarked, sincerity laced her words.
They look at eachother quietly with smiles decorating their faces, basking in the warmth of the sun and each other's presence. Their fingers brushed against eachother, sending jolts of electricity to Lyney's heart.
"Found you."
Lyney lets out a loud screech, jumping like a cat. Meanwhile, Amaranthe is slightly unfazed.
"Lynetteee!! You startled us!"
"Ms. Lynette, how long have you been here?"
"Long enough to see everything."
Shades of dark crimson quickly surrounded Lyney and Amaranthe's faces, the painter brought her hair to her face, attempting to hide her embarrassment.
"Ehaha i guess this is where our game ends.." Amaranthe nervously laughed before standing up and dusting off her skirt.
"C'mon, we have one final destination to go to. Th- this way." Lynette helped her brother up, curiosity present on their faces. The twins followed the lady through the flower fields.
After a 10 minute walk, they arrived at a Bulle fruit tree. The area's surrounded by Windwheel asters, fully bloomed Glaze lilies, and Lumidouce bells. Sakura petals scattered across the soft grass, leading to a gravestone lying under the fruit tree, words etched onto its surface.
Amaranthe approached the gravestone and placed the flower crown near it. She then knelt down and gazed at it with yearning and sorrow, the twins joining her to pay respects.
"Here lies Marianne Deschamps. The sun shined brighter when she was here." She read the text on the gravestone. "Yeah, it did..."
Lyney and Lynette touched Amaranthe shoulders and leaned their heads onto hers in hopes of comforting her saddened soul.
"You have no idea how much i miss her.. I would do anything to see her again. Heck, even just to hear her voice..."
The blonde man noticed the beads of tears trickling down the painter's freckled skin and scrunched up face, the sight clenched his and Lynette's heart.
Before they could react, Amaranthe approached the gravestone and wrapped her arms around it, letting out weeps of sorrow.
As much as the twins wanted to comfort her with a warm hug, they understand that Amaranthe needs the space.
When she's done, the lady wiped off her tears and caressed the gravestone with the same sorrowful look.
"Im sorry that you had to see me like this.." Amaranthe apologized with a raspy voice.
"Dont be. Its not good to suppress those kinds of things." The cat hybrid replied, the twins gave her a reassuring smile.
Amaranthe faintly smiled back, giving a sign that she's feeling a bit better.
"Would you like to have dinner with us at the estate? Im sure father wouldn't mind." The young lady offered.
"Really? That would be great, my lady! Dont you think so too, Lynette?"
Lynette simply nodded with a faint smile, agreeing with her brother.
"I guess that settles it, lets go."
The three stood up from the lime grass and started walking away from the Bulle fruit tree and towards the garden exit.
When they're nearing the exit, the painter saw two cats bumping their heads against eachother. She looked at the two felines, her expression softening at the sight.
"My lady, are you coming?" Lyney asked from afar.
"Coming!" Amaranthe responded, she took one last look at the two cats before jogging towards the twins.
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"Oh Amaranthe you're here.." A man said, presumably Amaranthe's father.
"Yes i am. We just got back from taking a walk around the garden and i figured to might as well eat dinner while we're at the area." Amaranthe replied.
The man approached them with a warm smile on his face. "Im assuming these are the magicians that you work for?"
"Oh y- yes they are. Mr. Lyney and Ms. Lynette, this is my father, Antoine. Father, these two are Mr. Lyney and Ms. Lynette."
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Monsieur Deschamps." Lyney said politely as he and his sister bowed down to show respect. Its the head of Deschamps family and Amaranthe's father that they're meeting after all.
"Oh no need for the formalities. Just call me Antoine." He said with a kind tone.
Antoine has a trapezoid build, long golden hair with leaf green tips that parted to both sides, and downturned, hazel eyes. He has a tan complexion with specks of freckles decorating his face, neck, and hands, and incredibly long eyelashes. He's also wearing a silk poet blouse and black tights.
"Come now to the dining room, dinner is almost ready." Antoine kindly said as he lead the way to the dining room.
The room is not too big but not small either. The walls are painted white with blue and gold details, the dinner table is big enough for twelve people to eat at, and the centerpiece of the table is a bouquet of Rainbow roses that rests inside a porcelain vase.
They all sat down on their respective seats, waiting for dinner to arrive. The atmosphere of the dining area is very sophisticated but very homey and comfortable.
At the door, multiple servants entered the room bringing kitchen carts filled with plates of food. They serve plates of Trout Amandine to the twins, Vessie Chicken to their master, and Mushroom Soup to their master's daughter.
Its not long before they all start eating their dishes. Once Lyney and Lynette takes a bite of their buttery fish, their eyes swirled with stars and sparkles as they hummed out of delight.
"This tastes amazing! The trout is cooked with absolute perfection!" The male blonde chimed with glee, his sister nodded in agreement.
"Well that's Pierre to you. Our head chef cooks the finest dishes in all of Fontaine." Antoine proudly stated.
He then looked at his daughter who is sipping on her soup quietly, wearing her signature monotone expression.
"Tournesol, what a beautiful flower crown you're wearing today. I take it that you made it? It has your favorite flowers on it after all." The man inquired.
"My flower crown?" Amaranthe is slightly stunned to realize that she's still wearing it.
"No i didn't made it. Mr. Lyney is actually the one who did made it."
"Oh? I see." He replied, slightly smirking at his daughter.
"Favorite flowers? Wait a minute, i thought you dont give a fig about rainbow roses, my lady?" Lyney asked with a playful grin.
"Oh she didn't. Amaranthe only started becoming fond of the blossom recently when she told me the story when you first gave her one-"
"Father!" Amaranthe interrupted, hues of pink surrounded her freckled cheeks.
"You talk about me to your father, my lady?" Lyney chuckled amusingly.
"Oh yes she does! Plenty actually. Tournesol always talks about the time that she spends with you with a big smile on her face-"
"Father please stop! They really didn't need to know about that.."
The two immediately stopped their teasing, playful expressions still present on their faces.
The painter exasperatedly sighed before wiping her mouth and standing up from her seat.
"I'll be taking my leave. Excuse me everyone." Amaranthe then immediately walked towards the dining room's exit. Lynette also finished her dish and proceeds to follow her, leaving Antoine and Lyney alone at the table.
Once the cypress wood door closed shut, the boy picked up his fork and started playing with his food. His chin rests on his gloved palm while a wide smile spreads across his face.
"My lady talks about me.." He softly giggled, kicking his feet back and forth.
Antoine noticed Lyney's giddy behavior. "You seem awfully happy." He softly smiled at the magician.
"Why of course i do! I never thought that my lady actually talks about me quite often."
"Amaranthe loves talking about you and your sister. She often talks about how spectacular your performances are and how much they give her solace. You have no idea how much the both of you mean to her.."
"Oh really? Im glad that she finds our shows enjoyable." Lyney mused, his cheeks grew pink.
"Say, what do you think of my daughter?" Antoine requested.
"What i think of your daughter. Well first of all, she's smart, capable, kind, and a woman of many talents! Not to mention beautiful.."
Antoine listened intently, happy about the things that Lyney is saying about his daughter.
"Amaranthe has a very special talent at evoking people with the emotion that her paintings portray! She's also strong and agile and her eyes- dont get me started with her eyes! They're like rare gemstones glistening under the night sky.. And her smile.. Her smile is as bright as the sun..."
Lyney dreamily sighs, his cheeks are completely covered with shades of pink, his cheek muscles ache as he continues to maintain his wide smile.
Antoine silently chuckled at Lyney's tone and behavior. He seems like he's incredibly fond of Amaranthe.
"Lyney, are you perhaps.. Smitten by my daughter? As in, in love with her?"
The boy was taken aback by his question. He felt the warmth of his cheeks spread to his neck.
"Wh- what? Haha what made you come to that conclusion, Antoine?" He nervously laughed, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, its just that.." He paused. The expression on Antoine's eyes slightly changed, softly gazing at the sunflower bracelet on his wrist. Lyney didn't noticed the piece of jewelry before.
Antoine heaves out a sigh before looking at the window, noticing that it has gotten dark outside. The man opens his mouth to speak once again.
"On Amaranthe's stories, she always tells me how much you love complimenting her, infinite showering her with compliments. She also told me how often she catches you staring at her with a 'stupidly wide smile'."
Antoine softly chuckled, he thinks Lyney's methods of affection towards his daughter is quite endearing.
"Not only that, she also told me about how often you give her a Rainbow rose and a kiss on her hand upon greeting, and your efforts to lift up her mood." He continued speaking while wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
Lyney's cheeks grew warmer. "Well, i do those things for Amaranthe because she's my friend. A friend that i deeply care about."
"Are you sure friend is the exact word, Lyney? Tell me, what are the emotions or sensations that you feel whenever you're around Amaranthe? Even just by seeing her from afar? Be honest with me here."
Antoine warmly smiled, patiently waiting for his reply."
"Well.. I feel my heart suddenly racing whenever i lay my eyes on her like its going to leap out of my chest. And whenever she looks back at me, her gaze makes my cheeks feel warm!" Lyney extolled.
"Whenever i see Amaranthe approaching me, i suddenly feel giddy and excited. She invades my every thought that i find it hard to sleep at night.." His voice slowly trailed off, Antoine smiled at the boy once more.
Lyney stared at his plate with his lips slightly opened. The feelings that he listed.. Could he be actually...
"Lady Amaranthe! S- she ran off!"
Lyney's trail of thought was interrupted by a servant's voice and the sound of the suddenly opened door.
Antoine quickly leaves his chair and approached the servant, worry can be found in his tone.
"What happened? What did she do?"
"She was giving her friend a tour around the estate u- until suddenly it started raining.. Lady Amaranthe told me to guard her friend and keep her from exiting the building before running off with her weapon!"
Lyney's face is painted with anxiety. Why would Amaranthe run off so suddenly? And why would she tell the servant to prevent Lynette from leaving?
Without thinking, he stormed out of the room, with the goal to find Amaranthe. He can hear the servant calling out for him but he doesn't care, he just wants to look for the lady and make sure she's okay.
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It was cold and dark, droplets of water poured down from the dark and murky clouds. Lyney's eyes darted to at every single direction at the are of the estate, in hope of finding Amaranthe.
He calls out her name as loud and clear as possible, panic rising in his voice.
All of a sudden, he hears a familiar voice from afar, the water splashing as a response to his frantic treads towards the voice's direction.
"Amaranthe!" Lyney cried out.
The girl swifty turned around with her golden sword on hand, pointing it at Lyney's face.
Her anxious countenance slowly faded into a slight mild expression as she instantly recognizes those lilac irises.
"Mr. Lyney! It's you.."
"Yeah, it's me..."
Amaranthe lowered her blade, looking at Lyney with worry.
"What are you doing here?! Y- you should be back at the estate!-"
"Im supposed to be the one who's asking you that! What are you doing here in the middle of a downpour?!"
Her eyes darted left and right, her grip on the hilt of her sword tightening.
"Danger.." She replied, her voice shaky.
"Danger?! Did something happened? Is someone coming for us-?!"
"Yes! No. Probably... I dont know! Look im telling you, you have to go back to the estate now." Her tone's cold and firm.
He's confused, why does she think there's danger in a normal rainy night? Whatever it is, Lyney's not going back to the estate without her.
"Amaranthe everything is fine. No one's going to attack the estate i assure you-"
"Go back to the estate now."
"My lady—"
"It's not safe out here."
"Why are you acting like this?!"
"Because i don't want to lose you okay?!"
Amaranthe's response staggered him. The blonde boy watches her lower her head, soft sniffles can be barely heard thanks to the loud rain, drumming against the surface.
"I just.. Dont want to lose you and Ms. Lynette. Just like how i lost my mother..."
Lyney's eyes widened. "Your mother..?"
"It was raining.. During the night when she died... It was raining during the night when father and Charlotte nearly died! Bad things happen to the people i hold dear at a rainy night- I just dont want that to happen to the both of you too...!"
His felt his heart drop. The sight of Amaranthe holding back her sobs hurts him.
"Amaranthe, look at me."
Lyney gently cupped Amaranthe's face, brushing off her damp hair to properly see her golden sapphire eyes. Her body flinches at his tender touch but does not oppose it.
"I know that you're scared and i understand why you're acting like this. But there's nothing to be afraid about. No one is going to attack the estate i assure you that." He says while softly brushing her skin with his thumb.
"Even if there are people who's going to try to do such a thing, the gardemeks are going to take care of them. Look the point is, you're not going to lose anyone. Not your father, Charlotte, Lynette, not me, not anyone. Everything's going to be okay.."
Lyney pulled Amaranthe into a firm, warm hug. She was taken aback by his spontaneous action. She dropped her sword and hugged him back, burying her face on the crook of his neck as she choke back her sobs.
His hand rummages through her drenched golden hair, giving it gentle strokes. Whispering reassuring words to her.
The boy pulled away to look at her once more, giving her a comforting smile. "C'mon, lets go back to the estate. If we stayed here a bit longer we might catch a cold."
Amaranthe slightly nodded at him, slipping his hand and interlocking their fingers together. They then walked back to the estate hand in hand.
When they entered the building, Antoine approached his daughter, placing his hands on her shoulders. A few servants arrived with silk two towels, wrapping one around Lyney and one around Amaranthe.
"Are you okay, tournesol?" Her father asked with worry.
"Yes father, im fine.." Her hands finding its way to the towel that's wrapped around her body.
"That's good to hear. Now then, follow the servants, they prepared a warm bath for you." She nodded and did what Antoine told her to do.
Lynette made way towards her brother and hugged him.
"Lyney! Im glad that you're okay.."
The eldest twin softly patted his sister's back.
Antoine tapped Lyney's shoulder to catch his attention. He turned around to face him.
"Thank you for bringing back my daughter."
"No problem, Antoine." He slightly bowed at him.
"Here's some spare clothes, go wash yourself up and get changed so you wont catch a cold." Antoine gave two pairs of silk pajamas, one for each twin.
"You two should stay for the night, it doesn't look like the downpour's going to end soon. I'll be taking my leave then."
"Thank you very much, Antoine." The twins thanked in unison, the three bowed at eachother and went to attend their own businesses.
As Lyney's drying his blonde hair, a servant approached them saying that Amaranthe requests for his presence.
They led the way to the lady's room and left the two alone.
"My lady. Why do you want see me? Miss me already?" He teased.
"Definitely not. Here, sit down." Amaranthe patted a spot on her bed beside her.
Lyney sat down and locked gazes, her eyes glistening under the chandelier lights.
"I asked you to come here because.. I cant sleep." She reluctantly stated, her face dusted with pink.
"Oh? So me being here would somehow help you sleep?" His Cheshire cat smile spreads across his lips.
Amaranthe averted her gaze, using her hand to cover her face. "S- something like that.. Yes.."
Lyney sighed, placing his hand on top of hers, caressing it gently.
He chuckled softly. "Ok. What would you like me to do, my lady?"
The blue eyed girl nervously scratches the back of her neck, trying to maintain her composure.
"I want you to.. Hold my hand during the rest of the night. Please."
He must admit, Amaranthe's request surprised him a little.
"Of course, my lady. Anything to help you feel more comfortable."
"Really? You would do that?"
"Of course! It's you after all."
Her cheeks slightly turned more pink before giving him a small smile.
"Thanks Lyney." Amaranthe said in a soft tone, bumping her forehead against his.
Her sudden gesture astonished him, he didn't expected her to show affection. Amaranthe quickly realized this and pulled away, covering her crimson red face with both of her hands.
"Im sorry! I- i didn't mean to do that.."
The boy laughed. "No need to apologize, Amaranthe. Say, where did you get that gesture of affection?"
"I got it from two cats.. That i saw at the garden. Im sorry for doing that, it was stupid of me."
"Once again, there's no need to apologize. I quite liked it, we should do it more often." Lyney replied, removing Amaranthe's hands from covering her beautiful face before casually bumping his forehead against hers.
They stayed like that for a while. Specifically for 5 minutes. 5 minutes of basking in each other's comforting presence.
"Are you ready to sleep, my lady?"
Lyney gave her a soft smile as he stands up and tucks Amaranthe into bed.
He grabbed a chair and placed it on the lady's bedside, taking her hand into his.
"Goodnight, my lady. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight to you too, Mr. Lyney."
He traces comforting strokes on her hand and caressing Amaranthe's soft, yellow hair, lulling her to sleep.
Lyney's looks at her peaceful face. She looks like a sleeping angel.
No, she is a sleeping angel. The lady's peaceful smile makes his stomach turn and cheeks warm.
Lyney plants a soft kiss on her forehead, gazing at her with pure adoration.
Oh archons, he loves her so much.
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Author's note: Thank you so much for taking the time to read my fic! I hope you guys enjoyed it 💕
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mdhwrites · 1 year
One of the problems that ive noticed with TOH is its odd morality. By this i mean it has a very specific way of redeeming its characters, i dont have a word for it other than scapegoating.
For Amity, it was 'yes i am pretty horrible... but look! its my parents fault i ditched Willow! and look how horrible Boscha is! focus on that so i can be redeemed.'
For Lilith, it was 'yes i tried to murder a child and cursed my sister... but look! its Belos' fault for being so evil and manipulative! i deserve redemption now!'
For Alador, it was 'yes i went along with my childs abuse for years and even had a semi active role at some points.... but look! my wife is suddenly cartoonishly evil and i cant be blamed for anything all of a sudden!'
For Hunter, it was 'yes im working with a horrible man and i do anything he says, even killing innocent endangered creatures...! But look! my evil uncle Belos was abusing me so i cant be all bad!.'
Ok you probably get the point. when you notice it it becomes actively impossible to ignore and instead of wanting to explore motivations and actual growth, the show just shoves the blame onto someone else and everyone eats it up. Heck, ive seen Boscha be characterised as or called an actual S//ual Ab/ser in this fandom. Shes a Fourteen year old spoiled bully. not satan reinincarnated.
*screams bloody murder at the Boscha stuff* What sucks is I've seen and heard about those too. Actually, between seasons 1 and 2, people were so adamant about Odalia being more evil than Belos that it made me do a whole blog about the complexity of high society characters and the Blight Family's potential. All of which went to waste... As a note, if you read that blog and go "I want THAT Blight family," A: Little Miss Rich Witch and B: I have a 300k word TOH fic that has that Blight family. Getting back on track though... I agree. Just kind of in general. It's actually something I somewhat touched on in my Raine blog that some characters will feel like they exist in order to help others with their 'arcs'. Willow is the most blatant of these because it took until SEASON 3 to get an episode that's supposedly about her to ACTUALLY be about her. Before then, every episode that is supposedly hers is just used to push another character's arc forward. In S1 it's Amity every time. In S2 it's Hunter. It's part of why she never is doing anything with plants or magic, the things you think she might from the beginning, but other interests that keep getting tacked onto her so that she's doing something these other characters can interact with. And it's really bad because it's blatant that she doesn't have a plan for her or arc because she only exists when she can push another character forward. But calling these 'arcs' also feels incredibly disingenuous when you look at the larger scale of TOH. I mean, how long do any of those depictions EXIST before being replaced by "Going soft on me Blight?" "Mad but Sad Boy," "Cool Aunt Lilith" etc.? I mean... by the time each of those lines happens, the character is already a good person. Period. And questionably for any real reason in the cases of Hunter and Lilith, as neither really do much self reflection and all it seems to take with Hunter is "Pretty girl mad at me." Yes it's more complicated than that but if they'll simplify a child soldier becoming a good character to ONE PERSON SHOWED ME KINDNESS and BAM instant good guy, I'll simplify what the fuck happened. It causes them to feel like... Well, second introductions to the characters. Versions of them that just don't have the backstory and bad deeds of the past one. That's why phrase I use "Your arc seems more dramatic if the character starts OUT OF CHARACTER," straight up calls them OOC. Because by the time their 'arc' is finished, they feel like an entirely different character. Not only that but the show will work HARD like you pointed out to make you just... forget about the character's canonical history. Replace it with enough excuses or contradictory information and can you really judge them? Yes. Yes I can. Because they still did those things. I can just judge the show as a bad writer too then.
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ranger-rai · 11 months
My family is pretty distant.
My sister has been climbing the economic ladder since she went off to Unova to study for business, we saw much less of her after her first year of school.
We recently reconnected, out of business obligation....
I have been seeing her a bit more lately but it's really awkward and hard to be professional but I do what I must.
My mom has been a bit distant lately too. She was always kind and caring, usually keeping my dad's feet on the ground whenever he had big ideas and was ready to decorate the whole house for Christmas or open a restaurant where people who didn't have a lot of money could trade things for meals.
She's been a lot more quiet lately, and last time I visited her she was looking into more of her Johto roots and I even heard her playing one of her old instruments.
My dad was a dreamer, bigger than life and cared about people and pokemon so much. He opened his small corner store, Mercado if you will, to help trainers and travelers who came to Sinnoh. Everyone in the area knew who he was, and he could remember every fact about a person he met only once.
He was also a lover of lore and history, probably why he settled in Sinnoh. I miss him a lot.
My little Brother "Tei" was just as energetic as my dad, and he LOVED pokemon. He was really excited to go on his pokemon journey one day...unfortunately he never got to do that.
I dont do what I do as a Ranger because I'm trying to remember them or be closer to them, but I sometimes feel like they are with me when I'm just enjoying what I do.
I can say that while I love and miss my family, I'm a lot closer to the people I call a family lately.
My whole team, every pokemon that I've adopted or that has adopted me is a very important part of my family.
My Ranger Team and I are super close. Eddie is like the Big Bro I never had. Minnie is like a little sister, though she thinks she's more responsible than me, and we have known each other since we were kids.
And Jo is a great boss who I respect, and although she's never said it, I think she cares about us too.
The Girls of Team Wild Dragoon are pretty awesome too.
Jo decided to help out an up and coming team of Poke-Tri-Games athletes and they work in our Cafe to help support their team and we see a lot of each other.
Konani is very nice and knows so much about herbs, plants and foraging, and she's surprisingly very funny. If you ever go into the cafe and see a funny chalk writing, it's probably hers.
Vea is very passoniate and can be a lot to handle but she has the back of anyone she deems worthy, so despite her abrasive and in your face attitude, she's pretty cool. I often see her and Minnie getting in little competitions, so it's good that Minnie has a friend.
And Tia...she's, pretty cool. It's a little hard to describe her but "determined" is a good start. A lot of people seem to write her off as "uptight, srandoff-ish, and ice cold" but she's actually very caring and nice, she just doesn't talk alot.
We were getting a lot of people asking if she was in a bad mood when they first started but we assured them that she was fine. She doesn't have a glare that could freeze a Glaceon soild, but I think she's just trying to figure people out.
I really admire how hard she works at it, and when she's in the sky training for their next competition, it's really something to see.
But uh...yeah I think I really care for my found family a lot!
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millimononym · 2 years
The Attackers
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here are Venus and Brambles, the attackers of my OC team! (i don’t have a name for the team yet. names are hard). Also if you remember the first oc post and remember the guys name and are wondering, yes, everyone in the team is named and has their looks based off plants. this drawing kinda looks weird cuz i drew the heads first like a dumbass
so Venus is like...one of the only decent people in the entire team(don’t get used to it). She’s very energetic,bubbly and sweet. She also eats a lot. She grew up as the oldest sister in a poor household with a single mom and multiple siblings. As she’s an adult now(early 20′s) the responsibility of caring for her siblings falls on her as her mom is in the hospital. She uses the money she earns as a footballer to pay for her mom’s hospital bills and care for her siblings. She’s incredibly stressed (as you can see from her antennae,they droop when someone is feeling negative emotions) but tries to seem happy in front of everyone because she believes showing negative emotions will rub off on people and she doesn’t want that. She puts other people’s needs before her own because she likes seeing people happy. She doesn’t like conflict but CAN and WILL beat someone (cough cough BRAMBLES cough) up if they’re hurting kids. Dated Brambles at one point...i don’t know how that happened but i’m glad that’s over with
Brambles. This motherfucker. Actual alien equivalent of Ricegum. Going from talking about Venus to talking abt him is giving me whiplash. Absolute ASSHOLE. 0 redeeming qualities. anyway i should probably talk abt him now. He’s the brother of the teams’ backup player and Sugarcane’s cousin. He’s the oldest out of 4 siblings and is an absolutely horrible brother if you were wondering. Grew up in a rich household and is a spoiled brat. No wonder his father left (oh yeah btw his dad left lol). Regularly makes fun of the backup player(his youngest brother, who is SIXTEEN BY THE WAY) for having mental problems and attachment issues (HMMM I WONDER WHAT COULD’VE CAUSED THOSE. probably not LIVING IN A LOVELESS HOUSEHOLD WITH AN ASSWIPE OF A BROTHER). He’s even worse later but i’m not gonna spoil it. How did he manage to date someone as sweet as Venus. I have no clue. I don’t wanna talk about him anymore, his personality is draining to the brain. If he was a real person i’d spit on him
[[EDIT/UPDATE 19.8.2022: ok so i’m not really good at making my stories(i mostly make characters and specific scenes) but Brambles was a pretty barebones guy, even for me. Wasn’t much to him besides being his brothers abuser and being a disappointment to his family. So i wanted to flesh out his character a little more i guess (that’s a lie it came to me completely randomly while listening to music lol.(the music was Splitter Girl by weevildoing and Kareshi No Jude by syudou if u were wondering)).
This might change but as of now some things are added: Brambles was a child who took his familys’ neglect as any rational child would: By developing extremely violent tendencies to harm himself, and every other creature unlucky enough to be near him! ...yay. Frequent victims include animals(who he definitely murdered, by the way) and his youngest brother(hope i introduce him soon so i can stop calling him just that cuz its weird). His other 2 siblings were too slippery for it i guess. Plus theres 2 of them so thats twice as many hands to throw at his face, which they did. TIMEJUMP TO THE PRESENT, i actually have a reason for Brambles and Venus breaking up besides him being an asshole: Cheating. Motherfucker cheated on her with a defender in the team(who i ALSO havent introduced HNNNGHHH) and also cheated on him with Venus because NEITHER OF THEM actually KNEW about the other dating their boyfriend, so technically they were both cheated on. It didnt go to well for our boy here,as you can imagine. Probably gonna need to add some scars to his design now lol(maybe the back? cuz im lazy and dont wanna change anything). So yea those are the changes for now byee]]
WELL OKAY that’s them alright. As one last thing u may have noticed: you can see in the picture that they’re wearing matching collars. That’s actually part of the teams uniform (which i forgot to include in Sugarcane’s reference pic like a dumbass). Each position has a different color and the attackers one is red! A shame Venus has to share the position with Brambles but what can you do.
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tonarinohappiness · 2 years
first time for everything
I have decided I need a good healthy medium, or any really, to put the thoughts in my head into the world. I can't always say them or cant always find an ear to listen. Which isnt actually true. I have several people that will listen to me, I just cant get the shit out. I'm fucked up a little bit. I tried therapy and no called no showed to both appointments ( shitty ). This page is solely meant to vent, cry, type angrily, question etc. if it brings you entertainment well then win win.
Just for some background: I am a 25, soon to be 26, year old single mother with a six year old daughter. I work at a bank Monday-Friday. I read, take care of my plants, watch anime, and mom in my free time. I have 6 sisters and 2 brothers. And all with the same mom, sheesh. I am currently going through a messy, angry, confusing breakup with my daughters father. We have been together since 2014. I havent cried yet. All I feel is anger and yearning for him. We are still living together because he cant keep/get a job and I cant afford to move out on my own. I wish this bitch of a housing market would crash already so a mf can live. So I'm pretty much stressed in every aspect of my life. Arent we all? Hopefully someone (HA) out there can relate and maybe this vent will help. Or not, either way. Stay tuned. Idk where to start tbh. The childhood? The current? There is so much shit I could be here all day. I will just start with something that upset me recently. Today was a good day, or mundane I should say.
My dad, hes maybe 53? 54?, drove 3 hours away yesterday morning to go to a rehab for his crack addiction. I dont feel sad by this, I feel completely indifferent. I am no stranger to family going to rehab. That's the thing, no one cried, broke down sad blah blah. It was another day for all us siblings. My sister as even taking snapchats of the teepee outside of the rehab. Which is fine, but not normal I think? He got pulled over a couple blocks from my dead grandmothers house he still lives in (my brother took over the mortgage) and they made him walk home. The best part is, it is his own nephew that is selling him the crack. When he is high he gets creepy. One time when i was in third grade, I came home from school and he was sitting in his room cracked out watching a porno with wide eyes and a slack mouth. I think I went to my cousins house after that until it was very late and I had to go back. I didnt tell my uncle or anyone. I was scared. He stared at me in my sleep and tried to touch me. When I woke up he would move back like he wasnt doing anything. He had a one bedroom, run down house so we shared a room. This happened several times throughout the night. I didnt get a lot of sleep obviously. I had to be 8 or 9 idk for sure.
I'll stop there for now. I hope this is beneficial to me.
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enopiv · 2 years
we had you for a little over a year. I watched you grow up, although you didn't grow very much, you will never get to watch me grow. when I first saw you, I couldn't see you properly, I was upset, and mad. I didn't want you. in the car, I held you in the box, while I held your brothers. the way you'd hop because of your toe less feet. the way you'd pick fights with everyone else in the flock. the bad days and the good days. the days where I almost killed myself. the days the people around me almost died. the days I couldn't get up. I feel like I passed that pain onto you. you loved cheese, sliced cheese and string cheese. the first day I got you, I sat with you and your brothers, and your sister. I fed you all worms I dug up myself. After a couple of days, your sister died.
the day I heard you crow for the first time, I realised I didn't know what you were. the days you'd chase me in the garden, running for food. the days you'd peck the others in the flock. the days you lived. truly, truly lived. I should have realised. you've changed so much in these past few days alone. you couldn't even keep your balance. you'd fall when you ate. you stopped eating, stopped drinking. winters cruel, but deaths even crueler. dad says he'll bury you and plant a tree you. yesterday, seeing you like taht scared me. scared me to the point I broke down crying and ran to my family. I yelled and cried. mum helped you recover. at night, she came in my room. you slept in the corner, surrounded by cardboard and old clothes. she came in and said 'without me, she would have died, isn't it?' in that very her voice of hers. and even though she's not the best mother. I love her. I thank her for helping you live one more day. but I curse myself, becuase I know you we
re in agonising pain. earlier today, you started doing the thing again. I didnt want to see it. she tried to help you warm up, she tried. but mum wasn't home, I know if she was, you would have helped. you just.... stopped moving. I didnt know. I came downstairs.
and they told me, they told me in such a happy tone. I wanted to euthanize you, put you out of your misery. but I knew, if I told anyone. they'd be angry at me. so I stayed quiet, and not even a day later, you died. now I know I'll never be able to hold you, call you Judy hops, come hold to see you on the window sill. is hold you, I should have known when I stopped seeing you on the window sill, when mum said you fell over while trying to eat, when you couldn't take care of yourself. the pouring rain over the past week hasn't helped. I yelled out. 'NO DONT DO THAT! PLEASE STOP IT.' when you did that while I was holding you. I freaked out, and put you on the grass. but you didn't stop. I picked you up and bent your neck and legs back into place. looking back on it, I don't believe it was real, how could that possibly happen. you didn't stop it though, I tried holding your beak, to keep your neck and legs in place, and I ran inside while I started to treat up. I ran into my room. 'HELP ME GODDAMN IT HELP.' I yelled, and I just started crying. I could see she was trying not to laugh at me, my mum was annoyed and my brother was concerned. when she say you do that, she started taking me seriously and panicked. mum warmed you up while scolding us. we checked up on you every hour or so. we fell asleep, in the morning, you were still alive. but now you're not. this weekend has been the worst. but I can't believe you were both of them, the chick that fought everyone, was so fast, and was the cutest, to the chick that couldn't eat. do you remember? in the park? do you remember the days we took you out. becuase I remember, I'll always remember. I'll remember you. and I know I'll have to go through this 7 more times, and ill have to watch the people around me die, but I'm not ready, I'm not ready for it. I wasn't ready for you to die
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itsraisadawood-blog · 2 years
The first woman- Riding the boat with a hole!
Shanmugathai...She is a beautiful farmer with 4 female children. She worked in our Natural farm for years. The last one was still a toddler when she joined us. We had some 5 cows in our farm then. unfortunately i dont have her picture with me as back then there was no mobile phones or I was too little myself to take a picture. As a child myself, I remember her husband as a  bit aggressive person. The way he talks to my mother, his demands for certain things for himself and farm was always rude. 
My mother was always full of praises for this lady coz right from the morning say around 6 a.m to 5.30 pm she would be working all by herself in the farm  cutting grasses, cleaning the cow shed, bathing the cows and preparing them solid feed. she also works in our paddy field during the paddy season and does all the planting and weeding with her mother who is actually a pro in farming.
Every 3 months once her husband would visit my mom in our home and say, “ all the prices have increased give us a hike in salary”. Mom used to argue over this with him reasoning out the practical things but he never listens and in the end he would say,” Im quitting and going back to my hometown”. Mom was left with no choice as she doesnot want to let go of the lady especially, as she normally takes good care of our cows and under her, the dairy unit expanded quite well.
Mom and Shanmugathai used to have some good conversations during which she opened up about her family especially about her husband. From what she told, mom understood that her husband does not do any work or even help her in her everyday work. During the day he does milk delivery by bicycle and after it he just goes in to the local town and comes back only for lunch and that’s how he spent everyday.
 He collects the salary every month and goes back to his hometown and nobody knows what he does with all the money but normally he has been telling her ,”I used it to pay all the previous loan dues” and she herself does not know whom he actually owes all the money. 
After listening this, mom started giving her 2000 rs  without her husband’s knowledge every month in addition to the monethly salary of 8000/-  as Shanmugathai said there were days she and her kids would have nothing to eat at home except rice, salt and chillies and this was in the year 1998. He sent 2 of his daughters to work as contract labours in a spinning mill for 3 yrs for a money of 33000 rs on the whole. They were then 14 and 13 yrs old respectively.
Mom gave facilities like a motor bike to ease milk delivery and even offered a lumpsome money for their second daughter’s wedding just for Shanmugathai’s sincerity and hardworking nature.
The children slowly started growing  and his demands and threats became a common issue until one day mom finally let them leave as Shanmugathai pleaded saying, “ I thought he might change when I switch places but now I realise he will never refine himself and he will make life hell for me and my kids if I continue working here. He goes for gambling in hometown and because we are here he misses it and is becoming very aggressive day by day”.
We were wondering for a long time why he could not save any money for his daughters... Later through his cousin we came to know that he was also a drunkard which needs no words to explain why he was always short of money.
That was the story of Shanmugathai who was more afraid of her society which would blame her if she separate's from her husband and if she keeps her daughters unmarried before they turn 18yrs old. Her parents who were also farmers were unable to find suitable grooms for her 2 sisters and thats why she wanted to move to the city to earn but with her husband life was like riding a boat with a hole
I realise how much she must have suffered under this so called “Man”
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