#the road to high saffron
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tisorridalamor · 2 months
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This paragraph is so goddam funny I’ve been thinking about the relevance of life being an anagram of file for days now
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n1c0d3mv5 · 2 months
Currently reading Shades of Grey (the road to high saffron) by Jasper Fforde
Highly recommend :3
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thekinglemingle · 11 months
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I'm sorry, what and swans?! I've read this book so many times over the last decade and never caught this huge piece of evidence for my theory that they're all robots, but society has devolved to the point they don't know about robots any more
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theotherbagpiper · 11 months
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Graduated from the school yesterday and to my immense surprise I was selected by the instructors for the first ever full scholarship to return next year!
I competed today and while I did not play the tunes up to my own personal standard, I did place in both the slow March (second place) and the 2/4 March (third place) and got some shinies for the effort.
While I’m personally disappointed because I didn’t play to the full of my abilities I did do well overall and am pleased that my first year of competition is now finished!!
I’ll post the videos later. :)
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nyxshadowhawk · 9 months
Hellenic Gods Fact Sheets and Hymns: Hecate
Other Names: Trivia, Brimo
Epithets: Anassa eneroi  (queen of those below), Aidonaia (lady of the Underworld), Amibousa (she who changes), Atalus (tender, delicate), Borborophorba (she who feeds on filth), Brimo (angry, terrifying), Despoina (mistress), Eileithyia (of childbirth), Enodia (of the roads), Epaine (dread), Euplokamos (bright-tressed), Khthonia (of the Underworld), Kleidouchos (keeper of the keys), Kourotrophos (protector of children), Krokopelos (saffron-robed), Liparokredemnos (bright-coiffed), Nycteria (nocturnal; of the night), Nyctipolos (night-wandering), Perseis (destroyer/ daughter of Perses), Phosphoros (light bearer), Propolos (guide), Propylaia (the one before the gate), Scylacagetis (leader of dogs), Soteira (savior), Trikephalos (three-headed/of the crossroads), Trimorphos (three-formed), Trioditis (of the three ways), Trivia (of the three ways).
Domains: Witchcraft, magic, necromancy, ghosts, nightmares, death, initiation, the crossroads, gateways, passage between worlds, and the night.
Appearance: [My UPG] A tall (over 6’) woman, neither young nor old, with waist-length black hair, pale skin, prominent cheekbones, a heavy jaw, and intense green eyes. She is usually dressed in black folds molded into a simple dress or robes. She has a severe expression and an intimidating presence. She speaks with a low voice.
Sacred Days and Festivals: Eleusinia (22 Metageitnion). Nemoralia (August 13th-15th). Deipnon, last day of each (lunar) month.
Symbols/Attributes: Torches, keys, daggers, strophalos (iynx wheel)
Sacred Animals: Dog, polecat, serpent, horse, frog.
Sacred Plants: Yew, cypress, garlic, willow, hazel, black poplar, aconite, belladonna, dittany, mandrake, hemlock, asphodel
Elemental Affinity: Darkness, light, fire
Planet: Moon
Colors: Black, saffron, silver.
Crystals: Black onyx, hematite, obsidian, black tourmaline, moonstone, smoky quartz, agate, amethyst.
Incense: Myrrh, almond, cypress, camphor, saffron, mugwort, pomegranate.
Tarot Cards: The High Priestess, The Moon, Death
Retinue: Empousai, ghosts of the dead, dogs, Lampades (torch-bearing underworld nymphs)
Associated People: Witches (and other magic-users), the dead
Offerings: Bread, eggs, honey, garlic, menstrual blood, graveyard dirt.
Syncretized With: Artemis, Diana, Persephone, Eileithyia, Selene, Nephthys, Ereshkigal, Nicnevin, Heqet
Hymns to Hecate
Orphic Hymn to Hecate
Hekate Enodia, Trivia, lovely dame, Of earthly, watery, and celestial frame, Sepulchral, in a saffron veil arrayed, Pleased with dark ghosts that wander through the shade; Daughter of Perses, solitary goddess, hail! The world’s key-bearer, never doomed to fail; In stags rejoicing, huntress, nightly seen, And drawn by bulls, unconquerable, monstrous queen; Leader, Nymphe, nurse, on mountains wandering, Hear the suppliants who with holy rites thy power revere, And to the herdsman with a favoring mind draw near.
Hecate’s Hymn to Herself
I come, a virgin of varied forms, wandering through the heavens, bull-faced, three-headed, ruthless, with golden arrows; chaste Phoebe bringing light to mortals, Eileithyia; bearing the three synthemata [sacred signs] of a triple nature.  In the Aether I appear in fiery forms and in the air I sit in a silver chariot, Earth reins in my black brood of puppies.
(From Porphyry’s lost commentary on the Chaldean Oracles, preserved by Eusebius of Caesaria in Praeparatio Evangelica. According to Porphyry, this hymn was composed by Hecate herself.)
Magical Invocation to Hecate
Approach, you of the netherworld, of earth, of heaven, Bombo! You by the wayside, at the crossroads, light-bearer, night-wanderer, Enemy of light, friend and companion of night, Rejoicing in the howl of dogs and in crimson gore, Lurking among the corpses and the tombs of lifeless dust, Lusting for blood, bringing terror to mortals, Grim one, Ogress [Mormo], Moon – you of many forms, May you come gracious to our sacrificial rites!
(Preserved in Refutation to All Heresies by Hippolytus)
Invocation to Hecate from PGM IV 2708-84
Come, giant Hecate, Dione’s guard, O Persia [daughter of Perses], Baubo Phroune, dart-shooter, Unconquered Lydian, the one untamed, Sired nobly, torch-bearing, guide, who bends down Proud necks, Kore, hear, you who’ve parted / gates Of steel unbreakable. O Artemis, Who, too, were once protectress, mighty one, Mistress, who burst forth from the earth, dog-leader, All-tamer, crossroad goddess, triple-headed, Bringer of light, august / virgin, I call you Fawn-slayer, crafty, O infernal one, And many-formed. Come, Hekate, goddess Of three ways, who with your fire-breathing phantoms Have been allotted dreaded roads and harsh / Enchantments, Hekate I call you
O Hekate of many names, O Virgin, Kore, Goddess, come, I ask, O guard and shelter of the threshing floor Persephone, O triple-headed goddess, Who walk on fire, cow-eyed BOUORPHORBE PANPHORBA PHORBARA AKITOPHI ERESHKIGAL / NEBOUTOSOUALETH Beside the doors, PYPYLEDEDEZO And gate-breaker; Come Hekate, of firey Counsel, I call you to my sacred chants.
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Nourishing with a Low Appetite: Primary Edition
Inspired by low appetite & a lifelong complicated relationship with nourishment.
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Sufficiently nourishing is critical to wellness and functioning. It can be hindered by disordered thoughts & habits, brain-body disconnect, and low appetite. This list is meant to help with nourishment and weight care!
Many of these get at efficiency. Aim to get in maximum caloric & nutritional value per bite, since you can't take many. > I am not a professional-- just a struggling ND adult trying to put their Bachelor degree in psychology to good use!
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x x x x x x x x x
↖️ Top left: Meal bars
high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬆️ Top middle: Fruit & vegetable pouches
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
↗️ Top right: Ready-made microwave meals *
filling & substantial, high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬅️ Middle left: Multivitamins
high nutritional concentration
🫵 Middle middle: Fruit popsicles
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
➡️ Middle right: Reminder app
keep on track, combat inattention and interroception
↙️ Bottom left: Eating affirmations
helps make eating feel safe & okay, improve relationship with body & food
⬇️ Bottom middle: Nutrition drink
high nutritional (& caloric) concentration
↘️ Bottom right: Accessible food prep/storage
Keeping food, supplies, & appliances in your "safe space" (e.g. next to your bed) lowered spoon use, helps make eating feel safe & okay
* brands for vegans and vegetarians: Saffron Road, Annie Chun, The Good Bean, Loma Linda Brand, Somos, Fillos, Tasty Bite, Healthy Choice, Marie Callender's
See also: upcoming tummy and digestive care posts, low appetite secondary edition
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glcive · 7 months
omg to anyone who wanted to read the folklore trio fic i started for english class here it iss
It all started with Betty. 
James doesn’t remember when Betty turned from a face in the halls to someone that consumed all his waking thoughts. The one thing he does remember is that day in the cafeteria during sophomore year when he saw a girl with gleaming saffron hair and a smile that could not be dimmed by the sickly green lighting or dreary walls of the school. Seeing her sparked something in James that he had not felt since his mother walked out two years ago, and he was immediately addicted to it. Betty was the sun, beaming her untouchable joy through the forlorn clouds of high school. The mere thought of her became addictive – she was all-consuming, taking up all of James’ brain.  
But he knew Betty never noticed him. Who even was James Martin?  
By the time Christmas break of sophomore year rolled around, Betty had exchanged four conversations, twelve smiles and twenty-one glances in the halls with James. He didn’t need to write those numbers down. They were as ingrained in his head as the lyrics to his favourite song. James spent the break with his family, unwrapping books, and video games. After Christmas day, his father led him into a shed where a shiny new bike sat, gleaming in comparison to the rust that was taking over the unused space. It was a nice gift, but James knew that the bike was only because they couldn’t afford to buy him a car and his older brother was too busy with his job to drive him everywhere. James didn’t mind. He liked the bike and was grateful for his father for thinking of him.  
James rode his new bike all through the rest of the vacation, even through the cold snap and drifty snow that breezed through his small town in Tennessee. He couldn’t think of anything else to do; football training didn’t start until the summer. On the second last day of the break as he was rolling his bike out of the shed, he saw a girl leaving the house next to his. A rush of heat flooded through him as he realised it was her, the girl that would not leave his mind alone.  
“James! Hi!” Betty called out, noticing him and waving. 
James waved pathetically; his voice suddenly gone. He had never known that Betty lived right next to him, so close. It made no sense – but also made perfect sense. But could she have felt the waves of emotion radiating from him every night? Did she know that he thought of her so often, it felt like he knew her so well already?  
He tilted his head down and got on his bike, hoping to limit his conversations with Betty because he knew he was going to embarrass himself in front of her. But Betty had a different idea.  
“Hey wait up!” She walked down her front path, meeting him at the road. “Where are you going?” 
“Uh, just, around, I guess?”  
“Cool.” She smiled at him, her cheeks tinted pink by the cold. Betty’s small frame was covered in a large coat, her hands in chunky knitted mittens.  
“I’m gonna— “James started, but Betty interrupted him. 
“I was planning to get some coffee. You wanna come?” This shocked James so much he didn’t respond for far too long, leaving Betty standing there, her perfect face hopeful. 
After the silence, James remembered how to talk. “Yeah, sure.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that he didn’t really like coffee, but her presence was so hypnotising James had a feeling he would have said yes to anything she asked him. 
“Great! Let’s go.” 
James rolled his bike alongside Betty on the walk to the centre of town. It didn’t take long, but in the time that they did have Betty asked him about his Christmas and described her trip to Nashville to see her grandparents. Every time her clear blue eyes landed on his he felt a tug in his chest, reminding him of how much he’d thought of her over the break. How obsessively he loved the idea of her, and the idea of her and him together. In that moment with Betty in the cold, James had the strange feeling that this would not be the last time.  
Betty sipped her caramel latte, glancing over at James. They were sitting on a frozen bench near Starbucks, James’ bike on the ground beside them.  
“So…” Betty started, always the one to start conversations. 
“What else did you do?” James cut in, desperate to keep talking to Betty. He didn’t want her to get bored of him.  
She went on to tell him a funny anecdote about her older brother. James listened, enchanted by her. When Betty asked about his, he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t mention that his grandmother left halfway through Christmas dinner because she couldn’t remember why she was there. He didn’t mention that his mother still didn’t reply to his letters that he had been sending since last June, every six months. He didn’t even mention that his father couldn’t afford a car for him, so he got a bike. 
“Yeah, it was cool. Nice to see family.” James said instead. 
A few days later, James was back at school. James walked through the hallways, his friend Max snickering at all the guys in their new cars. James nodded in the right places, but he couldn’t help glancing around the halls, longing to see a blonde head. Betty had waved to him that morning from her porch, and he couldn’t think of why he hadn’t seen her there before.  
“James!” Betty called out to him after the last bell had rung and James was walking out of the building towards his bike. She ran after him, her face shining despite the overhanging clouds.  
“Hey!” James said, surprised. “What’s up?” 
“Do you want a ride home?” 
James realised that she noticed his lack of car, his bike leaning against the school fence.  
“I uh…” James trailed off, unsure of what to say. His emotions fought a battle inside of him, his desire to talk more with Betty going up against his deep-rooted pride. If he accepts, he will have lost. He was 16. He should’ve been able to take care of himself. 
“It’s alright if you’re busy.” Betty noticed his silence, and while her smile never wavered, her voice dropped a bit. Guilt rolled through James. 
He politely declined her invite. 
One month later, and Betty kept offering to drive him to and from school. It took two weeks for James to accept, and soon Betty started hanging out at his house. Always in the living room – God forbid he bring a girl into his bedroom. It was like all the tension in the room evaporated the moment Betty walked in. James was comfortable with her, and it wasn’t hard for him to push his feelings aside. Betty seemed to like hanging out with him. It was a miracle. 
“Are you bringing anyone to homecoming?” Betty asked one afternoon while James was doing his Physics homework. James straightened his spine. He was trying to avoid the idea of homecoming, for he feared that he would accidently ask her out.  
“I mean…I wasn’t planning on it.” James said carefully, looking over at her. She was spread out on the couch, her hair up in a bun and long sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Betty didn’t seem to be embarrassed around him. She was just perfectly at ease with him. James couldn’t remember the last time that someone had just always wanted to be near him.  
“Would you…” Betty trailed off, her eyes wandering to meet his. “Would you want to go with me?” 
It was as if time stopped. This is exactly what James had been wanting to hear for the past year, probably more. Betty’s face was a picture of hope, her eyes wide and smile unsure. Paused in a moment of being so sure of wanting, James’ voice was stuck in his throat. Breath caught in his lungs like smoke, choking him from the inside and not allowing him to say anything.  
“Betty…” He said, his voice shaking and quiet. Betty’s eyebrows turned upwards, her face dropping slightly.  
“It’s ok if you don’t want to.” She said, clasping her hands and shrinking her figure. 
“No! It’s not that.” James said. He moved from the floor and sat next to her on the couch, clasping her hands in his. They were small and warm. 
“Yeah?” Betty said, the corners of her mouth upturning slightly. 
“I would be honoured to go to homecoming with you.” 
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euniexenoblade · 3 months
hey, on your old blog you had a list of your favorite books. Do you think you could make another post like that?
Yeah totes, so if we just stick specifically to novels and no comics or manga, here ya go:
The Alchemists of Loom (trilogy) by Elise Kova: It's a weird story that I can only describe as a traditional fantasy and steampunk combine. The exposition is there was this world of people called the Fenthri who achieve achieve steampunk level of tech, finally inventing a flying machine and going beyond the clouds that surround their planet, to find floating patches of land where they discover a race of people that call themselves Dragons, who have magic. The dragons invade the planet and oppress its people. The main character is this woman known as The White Wraith, a Fenthri who is known for killing Dragons and harvesting their organs (source of their magic), her lesbian protege that leads a revolution, and a Dragon royal that betrays his people to help attempt dethrone the king. Shit's great. I love it. Please read it. That first book is outstanding.
Goth by Otsuichi: A Japanese horror novel about a boy who has impulses to kill and a girl who is suicidal. Both of them are attracted to death and interested in the grotesque and macabre. Endless trigger warnings for this, from animal abuse to obvi murder. It's one of my favorite horror novels, if not my absolute favorite horror novel. The story is unique, and uniquely Japanese in it's telling. I reread it every October.
Another by Yukito Ayatsuji: The other horror novel I reread every October, another uniquely Japanese story about a class that's cursed, where a dead kid ends up in the class every year, but no one can identify who it is that's dead. And, the more they interact with the dead student, the more likely everyone is to die. There's an anime adaptation of this, it's pretty decent though it feels more like "Final Destination: The Anime" than the novel does. There's also a manga, I know nothing about the manga. But yeah, read the novel, it's fun.
Mordred, Bastard Son by Douglas Clegg: One of my favorite Arthurian stories, it retells the King Arthur story from a perspective of Mordred, who in this rendition is a very kind hearted gay man. I don't like the portrayal of King Arthur in it really, but that's all of like, 5 sentences. The story really hovers on our protag Gay Mordred and the shit he goes through. Pretty sure it won an award for gay literature. The downside is it's a cliff hanger ending an the author never released the follow up (it's been almost two decades, idk if we're getting it). Book is like, 40% of where my name comes from.
Pretty much any Nisioisin book. He just has a really clever wit, and a story telling style that feels very fun and vibrant. My favorite of his books is probably Kizumonogatari, which is a prequel of Bakemonogatari, follows Koyomi Araragi saving a vampire and in turn becoming a vampire himself. I additionally love his book Zaregoto, which is a locked room mystery, and his books Katanagatari, martial artist goes on a journey to collect mystical swords. He's a fantastic writer, look into a book from him.
Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron by Jasper Fforde: I haven't read this in over a decade, but I've claimed it to be my favorite book since. I really should reread it. It takes place in a post apocalyptic world where humans eye sight has devolved and a caste system has formed around what colors people can see.
Some other novels I really like are Insomnia and The Dead Zone by Stephen King, Phantoms by Dean Koontz, Feed by M.T. Anderson, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas by Yoru Sumino, and the Spice & Wolf series by Isuna Hasekura.
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hntedhouse · 7 months
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TRIGGERS: toxic relationships, mentions of addiction / drugs / overdose, death
full name. saffron barton ( née lake ) nickname(s). saff ( okay ), saffie ( absolutely never ) gender. cis woman pronouns. she/her age. thirty - four marital status. widowed hometown. east tennessee occupation. owner of secondhand style clothing boutique
saffron lake was born and raised in a small town in east tennessee. she’s the middle child of three with one older brother and one younger sister. her parents are adventurous, free - spirited people who own and operate an all organic grocery store located on the ground floor of the building that saffron grew up in. most of her childhood memories are of totally spontaneous road trips, camping trips, and snatching up last call tickets to concerts and other big events in town.
she and her siblings were homeschooled for a bit, but eventually started going to the local public school. saffron got excellent grades in most subjects and loaded her schedule with all sorts of extracurriculars. by the time she was finishing high school, she had tried everything from sports like volleyball and karate to activities like orchestra and the yearbook committee. her true passion, however, was always for clothing and makeovers. her dream of owning a boutique was first proclaimed at the age of five and hadn't changed at all by the time she was heading off to college.
her impeccable grades and lengthy application secured her a spot in the ivy leagues. although she would again do well academically and eventually graduate, saffron didn't love college. she had a string of shitty part time jobs, many of her classes were necessary but boring, and her first serious romantic relationship ends badly.
( getaway car by taylor swift playing softly in the distance ) she jumps into a new relationship almost immediately after the breakup. jody barton is the lead singer of a rising grunge rock band that was starting to see some success when they first met. rather than going on to open a clothing boutique, though, saffron ( very very impulsively ) elopes with jody right out of college. they purchase a big home in seattle where he's from, but most of the time saffron travels around with the band.
their relationship was never healthy and it really only got worse as the band became more and more famous / successful. he was terrible at managing the cash that was rolling in nonstop, he got caught cheating with groupies more than once, and the occasional drug habit that she had always kind of knew about but chose to look the other way from was becoming harder and harder to ignore. they were fighting constantly behind closed doors, but in front of the cameras that seemed to follow them everywhere, the couple never failed to slap on their perfect moody pouts and darker - hued coordinated outfits, ensuring their reputation as ‘ rock and roll’s next it couple ’ was safe and sound.
one day, jody overdoses. he was on tour overseas with his band when his manager called their house in seattle and dropped the news on her. they had been married for a little less than five years at that point. she gets everything, but almost immediately begins selling and donating things so that she can leave seattle.
her plan was to reattach her roots to tennessee, repair her relationships with her immediate family who she had mostly drifted away from, and maybe dip into the money that’s still rolling in from her husband’s accounts to finally open a clothing boutique, but struggling to deal with the grief ( and all of the other complex emotions that seeped in with the loss of someone she once loved, but probably didn’t anymore by the time he passed ) had taken a bit of a toll on her. she went into rehab for an addiction to prescription pain meds, and once she had completed the program saffron just didn’t want to be in her hometown anymore.
wanting to go someplace new ( and where reporters wouldn’t think to look for her so they could beg for a comment on jody’s death or the dissolution of his band which immediately followed ), saffron traveled around by herself for a little bit before landing in chile at the age of thirty. unsurprisingly, she immediately fell in love with the secondhand style clothing store. she signed her lease within days of arriving in the country and she’s been here ever since, so about four years now. she came into ownership of the store about year ago and although it takes up most of her time nowadays, she’s mostly happy and feels like her life is finally on track. 
wanted connections.
tbd. :)
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tisorridalamor · 2 months
Rereading Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron and Eddie would've LOVED the Defunctland FastPass vid
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fuzzydreamin · 6 months
OC's as Obscure References
Thanks for the tag @bokatan💖 No pressure tags: @raid3r-r4bbit @serknighted @ss-bullseye
Under the cut for length~
Name: Nora Diane Sosu
Animal: Poodle Colours: Blues and Browns Month: November Songs: Sanctuary - Shelby Merry Gravity of Love - Enigma Gravity - The Superjesus Number: 88 (atomic number of radium) Plants: Chrysanthemum, Marigold, Begonia, Roses Smells: Florals and Traces of Cigarettes Gemstone: Blue Sunstone Time of Day: Sunrise Season: Spring Places: A personal office filled with books and an overpacked desk, A lively living or dining room, A grassy hill as the sun rises or sets Drinks: Cold-brew Coffee, High End Alcohol, Fruity Cocktails Element: Water Astrological Sign: Scorpio Seasonings: Rosemary, Mint, Cardamom Sky: Sunlit golden clouds in a blue-orange hued sky Weather: Clear Weapons: Heavily Modded Sniper Rifle, Magnum Pistol, Serrated Knife Social Media: Discord Make-Up Product: Bright lipstick, for leaving marks on others Candy: Turkish Delight Method of Long Distance Travel: Boat or Vertibird Art Style: Art Nouveau Fear: Loss of Control (Herself, Situations, Finding herself responsible if others die, etc) Mythological Creature: Banshee Piece of Stationery: Fountain Pen Three Emojis: 🌟⚖️💋 Celestial Body: The Sun
Name: Alberta Jefferson
Animal: Racoon Colours: Greens and Black Month: July Songs: Lion - Hollywood Undead Cancer - My Chemical Romance The In-Between - In This Moment Number: 101 (vault) Plants: Acanthus, Cowslip, Rainflower, Fungus Smells: Leather and Machine Oil (Also very slight Ozone smell to ghouls) Gemstone: Apache Tears Time of Day: Twilight Season: Autumn Places: The great outdoors on a wide open road, A bar packed with friends, A lonely dark corridor or side room filled with old tech Drinks: Pure Water, Regular Nuka Cola, Cheap Beer Element: Air Astrological Sign: Cancer Seasonings: Ginger, Parsley, Saffron Sky: Cloudy and Green Before a Storm Weather: Stormy Weapons: A3-21's Plasma Rifle, Modded Baseball Bat, Various Explosives Social Media: Tumblr Make-Up Product: Eyeblack Candy: Gumdrops Method of Long Distance Travel: Walking or Driving a Run-down Van Art Style: Grafitti Fear: Feeling/Being Trapped Mythological Creature: Chimera Piece of Stationery: Scientific Calculator Three Emojis: ⚙️⚔️☢️ Celestial Body: Uranus
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Fforde, Jasper - Shades of Grey: The Road to High Saffron (no, not that Shades of Grey, this is an actual fantasy book)
Ende, Michael - The Neverending Story (Die unendliche Geschichte)
Norman, Roger - Albion's Dream
Stevenson, N.D. - Nimona
hello! these are all queued except Nimona — it appears to be a graphic novel, and I’m not currently including graphic novels, manga, comics, or similar in these polls.
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Hope a GG prompt is okay! Luke and Lorelai having a kid somewhere between s7 and AYITL. Emily and Richard visit (in the hospital or at home after baby's born) and get to spend time with their other grandchild, just all around Gilmore/Danes family fluff. I always loved the softer moments in the show when Lorelai and her parents got along <3
Katherine Miriam Danes is born during a blizzard.
Because of course she is, so Emily and Richard don't to see her the day she's born, but a few days later when the roads are clear enough to get from Hartford to Stars Hollow.
Lorelai is actually a little shocked that they deigned to come to her house for Friday Night Dinner, not forcing she and Luke and April and Rory to travel with a three-day-old newborn in the cold, thank god.
Luke cooks up a storm, and for once, he goes pretty fancy, at least for him. Brussel sprouts roasted with Bacon. Roasted chicken with saffron butter. Potatoes au gratin. He's not the best at baked goods, so Sookie sent along an earl gray cake with chocolate and lavender frosting (A favorite of Rory's).
Emily and Richard Gilmore, while often not the most emotive people in the world, seem...thrilled, actually, to be grandparents yet again.
"It's quite a lovely name," Emily tells her daughter. "I thought you would pick something wild like Moondust."
"Luke vetoed that one," Lorelai grins.
They converted Rory's old room into Katie's new nursery, which had caused some high emotions, but ultimately was the only choice in a two-bedroom house that had already had work done on it, and Emily sits on the loveseat next to the crib, holding her granddaughter, as Richard stands over her, gazing down at Katie's little face.
"She's a very thoughtful looking baby," Richard remarks. "She has very intelligent eyes."
"Oh, well, I'm glad I got that right at least," Lorelai jokes.
"Have you started looking at preschools?" Emily asks.
"No. She's three days old."
"Lorelai, really."
"Mom, she's three days old, she's going to go to Stars Hollow elementary, and we'll go from there. If she's smart like Rory and April and can handle heavier academics, then we'll talk."
Emily huffs. "Fine."
Rory pops her head in then, grinning. "Dinner's just about ready."
"Well, it certainly smells good," Richard tells her.
"Oh, yeah, Luke went all out," Rory tells him. "He spent all last week tracking down saffron for saffron butter."
Emily looks impressed. "Well, then I suppose we'll have a proper dinner."
"Except for Katie," Lorelai says. "She's still on the teet."
"You did not just say teet in front of your parents," Rory agonizes.
"I did. I'm only a little sorry."
Emily rolls her eyes, getting to her feet and gently handing Katie to Richard. "It's your turn."
Richard takes the baby readily, gazing down at her proudly. "Another fine addition to the family."
Lorelai smiles, a little emotional. "She certainly is."
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Ghazwhulistan is a small and isolated kingdom in the subcontinent of Lesser Sartesh, a wild land of diverse cultures and ancient history. The word "kingdom" is a misnomer, however, as Ghazwhulistan is actually a loose confederation of tribes that share a common ancestry and language. The Grand Tribal King is a ceremonial leader who has little authority over the tribal chiefs, who rule their own domains with an iron fist. The kingdom is situated in a rugged and mountainous terrain, surrounded by natural barriers such as cliffs, gorges, and rivers. The climate is harsh and unforgiving, with long winters and short summers. The soil is poor and infertile, making agriculture difficult and scarce.
Because of its remote location and lack of resources, Ghazwhulistan has never been a target of conquest by the neighboring empires, such as the mighty Urakkad, which has influence over most of Lesser Sartesh. The few attempts to invade the kingdom have ended in disaster, as the Ghazwhuli tribes are fierce and cunning warriors, adept at guerrilla tactics and ambushes. They know the land better than anyone, and use it to their advantage. They also have a reputation for being devil worshippers, a rumor that they do not deny, but rather use to instill fear and awe in their enemies. The Ghazwhuli tribes follow an ancient and secretive religion that worships a pantheon of dark gods, who are said to dwell in the depths of the mountains. They perform rituals and sacrifices to appease these gods, and seek their guidance and protection.
The Ghazwhuli tribes live in fortified villages that are carved into the stone walls of the mountains, often accessible only by a single road or a narrow path. Some villages are so high up that they can only be reached by climbing ropes or ladders. The villages are designed to be easily defended and hidden from outsiders, as the Ghazwhuli tribes value their privacy and independence. They are a self-sufficient people, who rely on their goat herding and small-scale farming for their survival. They also cultivate a rare and valuable species of saffron, known as Ghazwhuli saffron, which has a distinctive flavor and color. The saffron is their main source of income, as they trade it exclusively with the Saibia Travelers, a merchant guild that operates in the network of the Sharoo Magyar Alligium. The Saibia Travelers are the only outsiders who are allowed to enter Ghazwhulistan, and they have a special relationship with the Ghazwhuli tribes, based on mutual trust and respect.
Ghazwhulistan is a dark and mysterious land, shrouded in myths and legends. Travelers who have ventured into the kingdom have returned with bizarre and terrifying stories, such as devils emerging from the stone walls, remote villages filled with only old women, impossibly large eldritch symbols carved into rock walls, and other strange phenomena. Some say that the Ghazwhuli tribes have a hidden agenda, and that they are preparing for a great war that will unleash their dark gods upon the world.
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