#the savage damsel
merilles · 23 days
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Gareth and Lynette
(For @queer-ragnelle’s May Day Parade!)
Beaumains and the Damosel Savage! Though he wed her sister Lady Lyonors and she his brother Sir Gaheris, they swore to forever remain friends until death do them part.
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tabby-tiger · 3 months
it's giving i know what you are
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queer-ragnelle · 9 months
the adventures of sir lancelot (1956-57) is the only show that did lynette justice instead of just slapping her name on a random lady.
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berylcluster · 2 months
⊰ starter for @legends-and-savages STEVE for DIANA ⊱
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➫ STEVE, by some miracle, had lived. When all the other wishes of the world were snuffed out and returned to sender, Steve Trevor had somehow remained. It wasn't like before, when he went out in a ball of fire, saving the world. No, this time it had been her making the big sacrifice, the ending to their story, once and for all. That's what they thought. That's what they parted on. But, as soon as Diana returned to her condo, there he was, looking as shocked as she would have been. And now, he's got some adjusting to do; it's 1984 and he apparently doesn't know what a public trash can is. They had those in '18 so he couldn't blame his own time period. Everything looked so very different to him, even the clothes. Steve finds that poptarts are the best things in the world and apparently they also make frozen waffles, tater tots, corn-dogs on a stick!
The world being so new made his head spin sometimes, he was lucky to have Diana with him. He was to stay home, which was a completely foreign concept to him, not having a job or much less anything to do. It allowed him plenty of time to figure out this era, however. Steve hadn't quite grasped it, he always asked Diana to take him outside so he could get some hands on experience. While he was at home though, the magazines were less than helpful. "Diana. D- Listen. I'm just asking why there's a male underwear ad in this magazine. Doesn't anybody have common decency anymore? I mean, you remember-" It seemed almost comical how their roles had been reversed, first she had no clue about man's world and all the intricacies of it, now he had to grow accustomed. It was harder than it looked. "Oh, I know. I'm being a fuddy-duddy about these things. But please don't tell me that's why you bought this one."
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trevisant · 2 years
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Kai’s agenda is to arm every Orkney boy with a stewpot
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rjalker · 2 months
someone tell me what the fuck Linet was doing with the guy who kept getting decapitated. You cannot tell me there's no explanation. there has to be.
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rs-hawk · 5 months
They say the mighty ferocious dragon snatched up the poor innocent princess. Since she refused rescue they say the selfless maiden didn't want any man risking his life for little old her. There haven't been any dragon attacks since she was carried off and the dragon's been seen in flight with the tiny damsel riding on top so they say she soothed the savage monster with her gentle goodness. They say those things because she was always sweet on the outside but they don't know she's tart on the inside. If you were to look inside the dragon's den right now you'd see the hapless beast submissively filing the little minx's nails with his scaly tongue while she playfully tugs at the fireproof chain she's wrapped around his manhood.
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
hi! Saw your request were open and I wanted to give it a shot (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
May I have a medium cherry lemonade with boba for Atsumu?
I'd prefer it with a female reader if possible, thank you ^^
All Is Fair In Love And War
warnings: spoilers
request: fluffy, husband Atsumu protects you
Tired of the dreary cold of Japan's residual winter weather, you, your husband Atsumu and some of his MSBY mates decided to escape to Brazil for a few days under the guise of visiting Shoyo.
After playing some beach volleyball you all decided to cool down and ended up having a water gun fight.
“Stay back!“ Thanks to his rigorous training, your husband was broad enough to hide your curvy figure behind him as he kept Bokuto and Hinata at bay. Your water had run out and you knew when you‘d go to refill it you‘d be an easy target. “I‘ll dunk ya in the ocean if ya dare aim for my wife!“, Atsumu called. The other two grinned and closed in, pumping the guns for dramatic effect. Then both yelped when Sakusa sprayed them from behind, water gun casually in one hand, a popsicle in the other.
“Hey, Kiyo-kun! Not fair! You said you‘re not playing!“
“I‘m not.“, Sakusa said simply and sprayed them again in the face, taking a bite of his popsicle like a savage.
Atsumu used the commotion to drag you away to a nearby water spout so you could fill up your weapon in peace. He stood, gun at the ready, alert like a bodyguard. Once you finished loading up, you straightened and laughed at his antics, lifting your free hand to cheek to pull him down for a kiss. In your best attempt to imitate a damsel in distress you sighed, “My hero.“
Your husband answered with a confident smirk and leaned in for a second kiss.
“Ya love me, right?“, he asked suddenly.
“What kind of question even is that? Of course I love you.“
And without further ado he raised his gun and got you right in the face.
With a quick kiss on your perplexed lips he raced off towards the others, yelling: “I WON!“
a/n: this was such a fun request! Thank you so much, I hope you like it! ^^ 🌟
for requests see here
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elegantwoes · 11 months
It’s funny how so many people take Jon Snow and his preference in women at face value because we see in his very first POV chapter him trying to convince himself it’s okay he doesn’t have to sit with his half siblings and the royal children because the knights he is seated with are supposedly more fun. The other Starks will only have one cup of wine while he can drink as much as he can. However he does care. Jon cares so much he almost cries (His eyes stung. Jon rubbed at them savagely, cursing the smoke).
In the same chapter Jon desperately wants to be a man of the night’s watch, but later on in ASOS we learn that his deepest and darkest dream is to become the Lord of Winterfell. These two dreams contradict each other. You can’t want them at the same time. The only explanation is Jon tried to convince himself that he wants to be a man of the night’s watch because becoming Lord of Winterfell isn’t possible for him. His desire to become Lord of Winterfell only came to the surface because the chance to become it was in arm’s reach.
So for Jon to make a big deal about a certain type of woman (willowy creature & blushing maiden) and how he supposedly doesn’t want them, should make you suspicious. Chances he does want this type of woman but he tries to convince himself otherwise because how could he, a bastard boy who won’t inherit anything, end up with one? So he convinces himself of the opposite. Grapes are sour anyway. That is the theme in his first POV chapter and continues to play a part in his arc.
Now comes the question when will Jon finally admit to himself he does want this type of woman? It would be in the same fashion as it was in the Lord of Winterfell situation. She should be in arm’s reach. Now which character can Jon meet that embodies the princess in the tower and the damsel in distress archetypes? None other than Sansa Stark.
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wolven91 · 10 months
An Embellished Tale
When the taurian ship crashed, Evelyn had done what she thought anyone else would do.
Rather than escape, she'd tried to help.
The first and only other life pod the human could get to, thanks to the bulkheads locking down, was one that contained Lord Xeet.
He had obviously woken in his pod, but the front of the capsule hadn't released. Without the system feeding him oxygen anymore, it sounded like he had begun to panic. He could probably taste the air within the pod getting thin.
== 0 ==
When Lord Xeet retold his story later, he would explain that the large 'brute' of a woman had stomped out of the smoke and with her bare hands; torn open the pod, pulled him free with her mighty arms and kissed him there and then against the ship's decking in a toe curling, passionate embrace that he, embarrassingly, returned out of pure gratefulness. So overcome was she at his beauty that she'd pulled him to herself and whispered her undying love for him within the first breaking off of their initial kiss.
"She saved my life in that moment, and I became hers." He would wistfully recount, eyes misty and far away for the crowd that surrounded him.
== 0 ==
To Evelyn, she had found a crowbar, jammed it into the side of the capsule and pried the damn thing open with no small amount of effort. When she got it open, the admittedly beautiful and slender, taurian seemed to have passed out. He was unmoving and had his eyes closed. Evelyn removed him as gently as she could from the broken pod, placed him onto the floor and when she found he wasn't breathing; attempted to give mouth to mouth.
The moment their lips touched; however, his arms latched around the back of Evelyn's neck! She had instinctively pulled away, but that merely pulled the taurian up and into her lap as she fell backways while he peppered her face with pecks and kisses, gasping thanks and begging for saving.
It was only when he pulled away to say something further that Evelyn got the leverage to pry herself away and escape, shoving him onto the metal floor.
== 0 ==
"Oh, she was amazing. She looked me dead in the eyes and growled 'we need to get out of here..'" Lord Xeet would tremble as he retold the tale, putting on a dramatic, gravelly voice to 'oohs' and 'aah's from his listeners.
== 0 ==
"I think. I think we need to get out of here... sir." Evelyn had said, standing back up and looking around at the leaks that had made themselves known. Water had begun to stream down the walls in places.
Ignoring that she knew taurian males were delicate and prone to dramatic outburst not to mention having odd notions of what was normal. She supposed if the roles were reversed, would the dashing hero get a kiss from the damsel in distress?
With a mental shrug, she offered a hand to help him up.
== 0 ==
"She hauled me up onto her shoulder without a word! She was like an animal! A barbarian! Oh! That human was an 'alpha' alright." He would close his eyes during this part of the story, touching the curve of his neck at the memory.
To the surrounding crowd of male nobility, despite not being there, the mere story was scandalous, and they lapped it up and hid their redding faces with their hand fans.
=== 0 ===
The taurian had grabbed her offered hand and launched himself up and onto her shoulders with explosive and frankly impressive leg strength, wrapping his legs around her shoulders and torso. Evelyn's face was briefly blinded by his scrabbling hands and arms as he kept himself up over the back of Evelyn's neck away from the slowly rising water. His hands unintentionally grabbed the hair at the back of her head as he settled himself. It was like being assaulted by a particularly scared cat.
"Yes! Rescue me, my hero! Rescue me!" He cried, the entire time.
"Get off you nutter! We're going to drown!"
== 0 ==
"But we weren't out of the depths yet. For all her strength! For all her courage! The poor savage couldn't escape our doom. I had to whisper to her, to tame the beast that she was. Oh, she was brave! She said she'd be brave for me. For her love!" He held his hand over his heart, his eyes swept heavenward, whilst the small crowd of his gentlemen in waiting and other guests all listened with eager ears.
== 0 ==
"Look, I can't breathe under water, nor can I see." Evelyn explained to the still 'latched on' alien that was still holding her neck and head hostage. She had swung her quite violently about without success of removing him and bar running at a wall she was out of ideas and running out of time. Any other time, Evelyn would have found this whole thing funny, but weirdly drowning took priority.
"I need your help."
"Lord Xeet."
"Say; 'I need your help, Lord Xeet'."
"We're going to drown and you're making me 'repeat after me'."
Evelyn stared up and the obviously tickled pink alien for several seconds, trying to burn a hole through his head with her eyes. He didn't budge.
"I need your help, Lord Xeet."
His arms squeezed.
"I need your help, Lord Xeet!"
Another squeeze and his hands gripped her tighter.
"I need your help Lord Xeet, please!"
== 0 ==
"I eventually calmed the beast enough to let me find a small opening beneath the rising waters. I swam ahead while she held onto me. She would have been lost if not for my help. When we reached the surface, the lifeboats dragged her from the water." His gaze was cast downwards now as he remembered a hard memory.
"They were worried about her. She had been under for too long. But I whispered to her, to come back to her love." He smiled impishly around at the large crowd now.
"And she did, her love for me guided her home!"
== 0 ==
The air from the surface was sweeter than any air Evelyn had enjoyed before. She was immediately nearly drowned once more as after gulping in his own air, Lord Xeet wrapped himself around her shoulders and began trying to kiss her once more. Without full motion of her arms, Evelyn sank beneath the water.
Thankfully the lifeboats had hooks on the end of sticks, she caught one and another got an article of her clothing.
Dragged back up to the surface, she was bodily pulled from the water with the mammalian alien still attached and pawing at his 'saviour'.
He had immediately regaled the lifeboat with a very doctored version of the story, and while her 'heroics' got her praise, the human was treated as a 'noble beast' by the nobility rather than a 'dashing hero' that she'd mildly hoped for. Thankfully any non-taurian that heard the tale gave her a look that told Evelyn that they knew the actual story.
Evelyn shrugged as she watched her husband of five years retell the tale of their meeting once more as he did every year at their anniversary party he had in his mansion. The nobility that surrounded him ooh'd and aah'd and we're quite adept at the whole pantomime. Evelyn slugged the alcoholic drink she held in her hand and was immediately offered another by the various servants that patrolled the gala.
At least when she wanted out of a conversation, she just had to start grunting or metaphorically dragging her fists along the floor, and nobody thought twice about it as she just walked away.
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frogchiro · 2 years
i think childe and diluc would both be super quick to bust a nut because diluc is an emotionally constipated repressed victorian damsel and childe is just a horny mess that gets way too excited and into it lmao
But yes i agree😭 diluc is a big fat virgin, he never wanted to have a relationship bc he's angsty and due to the whole darknight hero business he swore to himself that he'll never bond with anyone because he doesn't want to put a potential partner at risk, be it the abyss order or fatui he just can't take the risk.
Well...unfortunately it turned out that the task was failed succesfully the second he met you and fell in love with you! And you can just imagine what 20+ years of repressed feelings can do to a man. He was so flustered and so so goddamn pent up when you finally fell into bed, the lovely flush on your face and the look of sheer adoration in your eyes just adding to the feeling and...well, the moment he bottomed out his eyes went wide and the moan that he let out was angelic to your ears but you couldn't help the surprised noise that left your lips when you felt the thick stream of cum shooting inside of you combined with diluc's desperate little thrusts to get even deeper you couldn't help but clench around him which only prolonged the pathetic moan of your partner.
After diluc finally came down from his high he kinda just...curled up around you and hid his face into your neck bc of the shame💔 of course you quickly reasurred him that it was perfectly normal and you're quite flattered that he finds you so hot that he cums just by bottoming out. After that you let him and yourself calm down a bit before slowly coaxing him into action; this time your lovemaking lasted well into the night and left you both deliciously tired and spent but deeply satisfied♡
With childe on the other hand it's a completely different story💀 on his mind are only four things: you, battle, good food and sex and each and every one of those things gets him hard and leaking in his pants, especially a good fight.
More often than not he stumbles into your home still bloody and rough looking, adrenaline still pumping in his veins, his eyes have a crazed look in them and when you calm down a bit from the initial shock you can see his dick clearly creating a massive tent in his pants looking like it was ready to burst open💔
Before you could say a thing ajax was already on you, kissing you savagely, all teeth and tongue. He hoisted you up on the table and yanked your dress up so he could have easy access to his favorite part of you.
You already knew the drill, a tingle deep in your belly as you felt your lover tear down his pants and shove his thick cock inside you and almost immediately feeling the hot gush of seed inside you, childe almost bellowing at the feeling of release inside his little love, still thrusting his hips into overstimulation to coax out even more cum. After the first orgasm you know he'll be much calmer but not less savage and agressive in his lovemaking; you know that you'll spend the rest of the evening and night fucking all over the house in all kinds of positions like animals but honestly? This childe, the feral side of him, was perfect to you, and since you loved your darling fiance so much you couldn't just leave him high amd dry right?♡
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
Chapter 8 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Hero and the Princess (Round 3) + The Damsel
This is a love story, but it's a love story that I wrote at thirteen during my Warrior Cats phase.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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... Hopefully she doesn't mind the flesh rotting off of my avian visage?
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This run is going exactly like the one where I was forced to kill her by the Narrator--- I'm hoping I can change it by not alluding to her gnawing off her own limbs and just checking upstairs for a key.
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Interestingly, the option to slay the Princess is no longer available here. The run is a bit different, despite being very similar.
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I can't select any of the options. Am I stuck like this?
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Can I please chuck the blade away so that she can defend herself with it. Please. Pretty please. Narrator pleeeeeeeease---
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Huzzah! Okay new game title: Slay the Borb.
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... I didn't think that was actually going to be the route we took, but alright. Fair. Knowing the way the writing in this game has gone, she's going to miss anything vital and just make it hurt.
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This is probably the single game I hate having so many predictions about prove to be correct.
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Oh, shoot, it's a new chapter? I couldn't see through my tears.
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New party member: Now introducing the Voice of the Simp! ... Smitten. Voice of the Smitten. Yes. That's what I said.
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Mirror check! The Smitten is a dork. Moving on.
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Once again, I didn't take the knife. I really gotta see what happens when I enter the basement with it in hand.
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The Smitten ranting about how much he loves the Princess to the Narrator and Hero's utter dismay like:
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I don't have any comments to make on this exchange other than how hilarious it is and how relatable it feels for someone who's had hallucinations try to talk to real people in the past.
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The Hero was pulling out a squirt bottle for the Smitten two minutes ago, but the second the Princess calls him a hero he's competing for the Smitten's title. Peak character right there.
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The idea of the Princess having a sort of Narrator instructing her on how to behave and what actions to take / things to say is INSANE and a question I had the second the Narrator told me to go down into that first basement. The immediate deconfirmation is a little saddening, but the Smitten's comment makes me wonder if the one who has reality warping powers here isn't the Princess, but us.
Hear me out. The way we interact with the Princess in the first chapter of every loop seems to dictate what the next Princess will be. It's like our opinion of her shapes what she becomes. She savaged our player character in that very first interaction, and then in the next, she was a wild animal that swallowed us whole. In the chapter preceding the Stranger, we never entered the cabin in the first place. We never met. And when we finally did, she was a fractal of possibilities--- almost as if because we hadn't formed an opinion of her yet.
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GIRL HUH. Yeah no she's not real. This is a cardboard cut out with a speaker behind it.
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Hey wait her eyes look different. Am I crazy?
Yeah no a lot more than her eyes are different! The gal is having a crisis of identity that is represented by the art style and that is VERY COOL and also VERY DISTRESSING
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Chickened out and didn't press the issue of her having her own wants beyond leaving the cabin beyond a second question. I said that if she wants to leave, then we'll leave, and she was abruptly back to normal. Sweetie you need therapy.
The Smitten just said "We have each other. We don't need the world for our happy ending." and that COULD just be his mushy romanticism showing... but what if it's not?
Turns out the Narrator is the one who's been locking us in the basement 90% of the time, not the cabin itself, or the Princess. When we were locked in, I asked the Princess if she thought she could open the door, and said I believed in her when she asked if I thought she could.
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Ultra Princess I'm genuinely so thrilled to hear your terrifying ambience again this princess scares me infinitely more than the ones who gnaw off their arms or eat me please take her away ;w;
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Continuing this in the next post. Can't wait to take my next mirror selfie! I'm not scared whatsoever :,D
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dangthatscrayz · 3 months
heyhey! im loving your slay the monster au so far, and i was wondering what the names for the monster would be in the chapter 3s? like what is the burned grey’s version of The Smitten called? same for all the other monster vessels
Tysm I love the support!
Like a sane person I’m up at almost 3 am typing this.
Also I’m probably going to add more chapters and endings for the other routes for funsies
But here’s the whole list of names and chapters just because
(Btw unless you kill the monster expect it to just slay itself like how in the actual game if you slay the princess yoru stuck in the voice until you do something and since all of them want to leave they just hit that slay button)
Chapter 1’s:
The hero (if you don’t bring the blade)
The captor (if you bring the blade)
The contrarian (step off the path)
Chapter 2’s:
Literally all the same as in the game minus ‘the voice of’ part
Chapter 3’s:
The Betrothed (I got plans for the smitten’s burned grey route it’s gonna be kinda crazy based on the name)((the voice of the damsel is just going to be hauling everything and since she’s controlling everything now, no sane decision will happen))
The Hunter (the hunted third chapter where if you die to his claws now the roles reversed from him being the scared animal to now being the one hunting the player)
The Empty ( if you kill the cold again or just go out and kill the cold after he asks to escape you come here similar to the spectre and wraith routes but less ghosting but still kind of not really tangible activity is happening)
The Bewildered (if for some reason you decide to hand the knife to the opportunist will stab you and like the witch did in the thorn chapter get so confused that he doesn’t even want to hurt you anymore he just doesn’t know why you did that or why he wants to hurt you anymore)
The Truth (basically the wild chapter)
The Rebuilt (the broken’s apotheosis, the voice of the tower is hyping up her new priest/pet/whatever he is to her)((do expect to be King Kong style yoinked by this kaiju and carried out this forest))
The Resistant (no matter how many holes you make in the stubborn body he somehow keeps getting up, he does not look very healthy after some point)((eye of the needle version of the stubborn btw))
The Savage (if you somehow screw up on the broken or stubborn chapters you end up here and like the fury in there game your options are ‘dying or dying’ goodluck, when the pristine cut comes out I’ll definitely update this)
The Cacophony (like in the moment of clarity for the paranoid all the voices are here.)
The Cheater (the cheated starts playing dirty therefore now a cheater idk what to say, it’s in the name)
Chapter 4’s:
The Winner (the cheated is the only one with a chapter 4 unless I add more later or the pristine cut comes out)
Also I wanted to add here that chapter 1 will always be grey (not the contrarian he doesn’t play by any rules anyways), every chapter 2 has added 1 color to the monster, chapter 3 has 2 colors in its monster, and every chapter 4 will add another color. I wanted to add some other elements of other monsters in it paralleling how in the og game the more voices you get each chapter. Like the betrothed will have some elements from the cold since that’s who you get if you kill the princess in the og game. Also some other additional stuff like extra eyes to look extra biblically accurate and because it’s hard to make a monster look more monster with each chapter so I’m doubling down on stuff like limbs and eyes so it looks kind of like there’s more than one in there
The voices for the third chapters like you saw with the witch in the current route the princess voices are also going to be swapped around to fit the personalities more.
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queer-ragnelle · 12 days
Hi-Lo Arthuriana
Have a high interest in Arthurian Legend but low readability?
Here's a collection of adapted or abridged books to help ease you into the literary tradition. This list is ordered from simplest to most complex, beginning with picture books and ending with "translations" of Middle English texts into modern English or abridged versions of longer texts such as the Vulgate. Books in a series are numbered.
As always, if the book is still in print, I link to where you can legally purchase the book. Supporting living authors is very important! Otherwise, enjoy a PDF, on me, to keep the legacy of these authors alive.
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Picture Books
Young Merlin (Young Series #1)��by Robert D San Souci & Jamichael Henterly (1989)
Tales From the Mabinogion Gwyn Thomas, Kevin Crossley-Holland, & Margaret Jones (1992)
Sir Gawain and The Loathly Lady by Selina Hastings & Juan Wijngaard (1985)
The Quest for Olwen by Gwyn Thomas, Kevin Crossley-Holland, & Margaret Jones (1988)
The Kitchen Knight by Margaret Hodges & Trina Schart Hyman (1990)
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight by Selina Hastings & Juan Wijngaard (1991)
The Tale of Taliesin by Gwyn Thomas, Kevin Crossley-Holland, & Margaret Jones (1992)
Young Guinevere (Young Series #2) by Robert D San Souci & Jamichael Henterly (1992)
The Knight with The Lion by John Howe (1996)
Young Lancelot (Young Series #3) by Robert D San Souci & Jamichael Henterly (1996)
Young Arthur (Young Series #4) by Robert D San Souci & Jamichael Henterly (1997)
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight by Michael Morpurgo & Michael Foreman (2004)
Perceval: King Arthur's Knight of The Holy Grail by John Perkins & Gennady Spirin (2007)
Prince Valiant by Hal Foster & many others (1937-present)
Camelot 3000 by Brian Bolland and Mike W. Barr (1982-1985)
Arthur, King of Time and Space by Paul Gadzikowski (2004-2014)
Tristan & Isolde: The Warrior and The Princess by Jeff Limke (2008)
Muppets King Arthur by Paul Benjamin & Patrick Storick (2010)
Gradalis WEBTOON [carrd] by @kochei0 (2021-present)
Chivalry by Neil Gaiman & Colleen Doran (2022)
Children's Chapter Books
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great (The Knights' Tales #1) by Gerald Morris (2009)
The Adventures of Sir Givret the Short (The Knights' Tales #2) by Gerald Morris (2009)
The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True (The Knights' Tales #3) by Gerald Morris (2013)
The Adventures of Sir Balin the Ill-Fated (The Knights' Tales #4) by Gerald Morris (2013)
The Legends of King Arthur: Merlin, Magic, and Dragons (#1-#10) by Tracey Mayhew (2020)
Intermediate Retellings
The Idylls of The King by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1859)
The Story of King Arthur and His Knights (#1) by Howard Pyle (1903)
The Story of the Champions of The Round Table (#2) by Howard Pyle (1905)
The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions (#3) by Howard Pyle (1907)
The Story of The Grail and The Passing of Arthur (#4) by Howard Pyle (1910)
Hero Myths & Legends of the British Race by M. I. Ebbutts (1910)
The Squire’s Tale (The Squire’s Tales #1) by Gerald Morris (1998)
The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady (The Squire’s Tales #2) by Gerald Morris (1999)
The Savage Damsel and The Dwarf (The Squire’s Tales #3) by Gerald Morris (2000)
Parsifal’s Page (The Squire’s Tales #4) by Gerald Morris (2001)
The Ballad of Sir Dinadan (The Squire’s Tales #5) by Gerald Morris (2003)
The Princess, The Crone, and The Dung-Cart Knight (The Squire’s Tales #6) by Gerald Morris (2004)
The Lioness and Her Knight (The Squire’s Tales #7) by Gerald Morris (2005)
The Quest of The Fair Unknown (The Squire’s Tales #8) by Gerald Morris (2006)
The Squire’s Quest (The Squire’s Tales #9) by Gerald Morris (2009)
The Legend of The King (The Squire’s Tales #10) by Gerald Morris (2010)
Abridged Medieval Literature Translations
Sir Gawain and The Green Knight (Unrepresented #1) by Jessie Weston (1889)
Tristan & Iseult (Unrepresented #2) by Jessie Weston (1899)
Guingamor, Lanval, Tyolet, Bisclaveret (Unrepresented #3) by Jessie Weston (1900)
Moriaen (Unrepresented #4) by Jessie Weston (1901)
Sir Cleges, Sir Libeaus Desconus (Unrepresented #5) by Jessie Weston (1902)
Sir Gawain At The Grail Castle (Unrepresented #6) by Jessie Weston (1903)
Sir Gawain & The Lady of Lys (Unrepresented #7) by Jessie Weston (1907)
The Story of Sir Galahad by Mary Blackwell Sterling & William Ernest Chapman (1908)
The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of The Round Table by Alfred W Pollard & Arthur Rackham (1917)
Le Morte d'Arthur by Keith Baines (1962)
The Lancelot-Grail Reader by Norris J. Lacy (2000)
Lancelot and The Lord of The Distant Isles by Patricia Terry, Samuel N. Rosenberg, & Judith Jaidinger (2007)
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell by David Breeden (????)
Informational Resources
Warriors of Arthur by John Matthews, Bob Stewart, & Richard Hook (1987)
The New Arthurian Encyclopedia by Norris J. Lacy (1991)
The Arthurian Companion by Phyllis Ann Karr (1997)
The Arthurian Name Dictionary by Christopher W. Bruce (1999)
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onouwu · 10 months
Dr. Omiata's Depravity
Dr. Ellie Omiata, a cardiologist hailing from the 30th century, had achieved everything she could in her profession. Her expertise had saved countless lives, but in the sterilized and automated reality of her time, she felt an aching void.
Ellie became a cardiologist with the desire to protect and care for vulnerable life. Throughout her life, she had a hero complex, an intense desire to shield the fragile, the helpless, the downtrodden. She read countless stories of damsels in distress and imagined herself the knight in shining armor. However, her fantasies were much different... darker, not the hero, but the villain. She hoped to be a heart surgeon, but her desired profession was obsolete. Surely it was an amazing thing, highly successful doctorless organ transplants... but for Ellie, this left her without a place in the world. There were no knights, and now no heart surgeons. People no longer needed saving, she thought. Longing for purpose, Ellie became a temporal explorer, and with countless tales and fantasies in her mind, she took a one-way trip to the savage lands of a war-torn timeline. landing herself smack in the middle of a medieval Nordic civilization.
A stark contrast to her futuristic, technological world. It was a time defined by relentless war, brutal violence, and no place for the frail. Standing amidst the icy landscapes and hardened warriors, Ellie's dark skin and voluminous hair made her a beacon of otherworldly charm, a symbol of exotic mysticism from foreign lands that had not yet been witnessed by these people.
The king, intrigued by her unique appearance and captivated by her advanced medical knowledge, spared her the typical fate of an outsider. They sensed an opportunity in Ellie's keen intellect and apparent strangeness, a utility that could serve their cause well. Yet she didn't ask for a comfortable position within the castle. Ellie asked for something different. Her desires outshined what was believed to be common sense. Her wish granted, Ellie found herself granted a position many loathed, yet she coveted – a captain of the guard. The final word on strategy in the battlefield.
Despite her lack of allegiance to the kingdom, she relished the role that offered an intoxicating cocktail of power and intrigue. Her knowledge of human anatomy, blended with her understanding of martial arts, rendered her an indomitable warrior on the battlefield, effortlessly thwarting the many adversaries that dared to challenge her. Despite her desires to be the hero, she found the most thrill in being the warrior. the ender of heroes and villains alike, what she was... it was hard to tell.
Ellie wasn't moved by battle, what she wanted was power. A sense of control over life and death that she had never felt in her time. The more she acted on her whims, the more she felt that maybe her desires were sick, depraved... selfish. However, there was no going back. From now on, she would fulfill her deepest desires. Her weapon of choice was a large war hammer. A tool of blunt heavy destruction, she felt like this was the best way to exert force while giving her control over how it was applied.
Ellie thought back to the tales of delicate, fair-skinned women being hoisted upon the white horse of their saviors. The desire to live that fantasy was all she could think of, and now she had the position to do it... or some strange version of that.
Ellie wasn't able to ride into the sunset like in the stories, but beggars cant be choosers, and in this world, the desperation of savage war brought everyone to the battlefield at times, and slaughter was blind to beauty. Frailty met quick ends. Not for Ellie though. This was her moment - a crude, perverse twist on her romance fantasies. There was no romance, only salvation in the blood-soaked ground. The savagery of war a canvas where she could paint her unique narrative. Her gaze, wielded like a precision tool, was constantly scanning, evaluating, searching. Among the hordes of battle-hardened soldiers like a depraved beast. Some day, Ellie's eyes quickly fell upon a woman – blonde, fierce, yet possessing a delicate grace. Her pale visage a vibrant beacon. The woman was like a strikingly vivid palette amidst the monochrome of warriors, an unexpected anomaly in a battlefield bereft of grace.
Ellie became the self-appointed guardian of this precious gem, determined to protect her from the clutches of her own bloodthirsty squad which had a hunger for easy pickings. The sight of this radiant woman made her heartbeat race, not with bloodlust but with a deep, undeniable fascination. It was as if the chaotic battlefield had morphed into an exhilarating treasure hunt, the treasure being these living, breathing, beautiful Nordic women. Ellie's intentions were clearer to her than ever - to salvage these creatures from the cruel jaws of war, and to preserve their splendor for herself. Ellie could see the perversion of her instincts in full display, but the desire was so great, she couldn't stop herself. The battlefield, a dreaded arena of death, had now become her playground, a hunting ground to satiate her unorthodox desires. The rush of adrenaline in her veins was palpable as she locked eyes with the blonde beauty.
She was yet another savage on the battlefield, but with the precision of a surgeon. Even as a predator, surely her prey would at least be grateful for a better outcome than death, she thought. As they engaged, the woman's sword was fast, though Ellie herself was graceful, and predicting. She studied this game of war like chess and became a grand master. Ellie struck at the perfect moment, sweeping the blonde's feet from beneath her, casting her to the earth.
She then kicked away the sword, leaving the woman defenseless and bewildered on the rough battlefield floor. The sight of this exquisite creature, rendered vulnerable amidst the grit and grime, filled Ellie with an unprecedented sense of desire. Every exasperated breath filling this magnificent form lit up Ellie's senses. It was nothing like her fantasies... it was better. The battlefield had always been a stage for displaying might, but for Ellie, this was a new, intoxicating form of dominance.
With her adrenaline surging, Ellie approached the woman cautiously, the woman's chest heaving vividly beneath her. The blonde was defeated, awaiting the cruel and merciless strike of the heavy mallet, but defiant. To the look of confusion in those blue eyes, Ellie gingerly placed the head of her war hammer over the woman's billowing chest. She stood there in awe, feeling the rapid pulse of delicate life through the handle. As she pressed down harder, the woman's heartbeat became more vivid, then stuttered, a defiant drumroll against the encroaching steel.
Ellie reveled in the sensation. The strength of this woman's heart, its indomitable vitality, was now at her mercy. It was a testament to the woman's vibrant life, yet it was helpless under Ellie's power. The heart struggled and strained under the oppressive weight, succumbing slowly to the inexorable pressure.
Ellie observed the woman's battle for breath, her struggle against the metal, with an admiration tinged with disbelief. This was her treasure, her trophy of war, and she found herself enchanted by the rawness of this spectacle. Even as the woman's vigor ebbed away, her confusion turning to exhaustion, Ellie was in awe at the fight she put up. Her eyes, once fierce, now pleading and confused, fluttered close as unconsciousness claimed her. Finally, Ellie lifted her weapon.
As the woman lie there unconscious, the feeling of her heart's struggle was vivid in Ellie's mind. She straddled the woman and listened in. Its beats were soft and slow but recovering.
A surge of satisfaction rippled through Ellie at the sight of her captured prize, this fair-skinned angel now her responsibility. She had now to protect her trophy from the inevitable spoils of war, a task she accepted with a curious blend of anticipation and determination. This was her battlefield, and she had just taken her first treasure... alive. Ellie, carrying her new trophy, departed from the blood-soaked battlefield towards her home in the kingdom. Usually, a mere shelter from the harsh Nordic weather. With a blend of anticipation and caution, she bound the woman's wrists and ankles together, taking care not to make it too tight.
She gently lowered the woman onto the bed, her taut form a stark contrast against the rough-hewn linens. Ellie then lied down beside her, enveloping the unconscious woman in a tender hold to warm her. The role she played shifted between pet, trophy, and love at Ellie's whims. Her head found a resting place on the woman's chest, and as Ellie closed her eyes, she was serenaded by the rhythmic lullaby of the woman's recovering heartbeat.
With every beat that echoed against her ear, Ellie found herself more and more captivated by the living, breathing prize she had claimed. Her fingers tentatively ventured across the woman's body, exploring the gentle curve of her waist, the softness of her relaxed belly. She traced the delicate blue streaks beneath the woman's pale skin - the veins that carried life and vitality within this ethereal creature.
Ellie marveled at her fortune, her chest swelling with a sense of triumph and disbelief. She had taken her first victory, and claimed s supple, delicate, breathing trophy with a heartbeat as her spoils of war.
As she lay there, the woman's steady resilient life lulling her into a trance-like state, Ellie knew she was in the right timeline.
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trevisant · 2 years
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