#the secret of marrowbone
hegodamask · 10 months
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Kyle Soller as Thomas Porter in Marrowbone (2017)
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ant1m0ny · 1 year
It just dawned on me that in the start of the secret of marrowbone Jack says
Little did we know it was the last summer we would spend together
He wasn't talking about just his mum. He was talking about all of them.
Because like when I watched it he said that line and I was like hm I know he means the mum but it's a bit strange that they didn't show any scenes of them spending the summer with his mother if he was going to say a line like that, and the reason is because that's not who he was referring to.
This is probably not a surprise to anyone but it literally JUST hit me!
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week-of-wonders · 1 year
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The Secret of Marrowbone (2017) /  El secreto de Marrowbone
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genderstudiessam · 2 years
what is it about horror stories about siblings that makes me so crazy because i watched marrowbone (2017) earlier and i cant stop thinking about it
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cinemgc · 23 hours
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El secreto de Marrowbone (Sergio G. Sánchez, 2017, España)
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SUMMARY: A young man and his three younger siblings, who have kept secret the death of their beloved mother in order to remain together, are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live.
What a fucking cast why has the mod not seen this? It honestly might be the only reason she watches this movie.
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horrorcrypt12 · 9 months
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Now Watching:
Marrowbone (2017)
"A young man and his three younger siblings, who have kept secret the death of their beloved mother in order to remain together, are plagued by a sinister presence in the sprawling manor in which they live"
Days Until October: 30
Spooky Season!
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docholligay · 8 months
Thank you so much to @iscahwynn for buying this from me for my mother's birthday trip! I am happy to say this is SOLD OUT FOR THE YEAR. (And I have no idea if it'll come back next year--I don't think I have a major trip to help with) In October, I'll be doing Hero, and in November, I'll be doing Parasite. Keep your eyes peeled if a book is of interest to you, and then after I get my schedule done, there may be some other ancillaries!
This is a Spanish horror film in English. That isn’t me saying that everything inspired by a different film is stealing it, this is me saying a Spanish writer and a Spanish director made a film in English, and it is very Spanish in feel and in the sort of “scare” we’re offering up. Me putting that in quotation marks makes it seem like I don’t appreciate Spanish horror but Spanish horror is in fact my very favorite if we have to pin down extremely large and broad swaths of movie by country. However, I understand why a movie like this would not necessarily be appreciated by a lot of fans of horr or casual horror watchers. It’s pensive, it’s slow, it doesn’t have a lot in the way of actual ‘scares’ because that’s just not, by and large, what Spanish horror films DO. If someone is looking for a film that involves a lot of the American style of extreme tension and release (Which I also enjoy. This is absolutely not me dogging on American horror.) then this film really isn’t for you. 
BUT, if you love the idea of pursuit in an emotional sense, of the walls closing in and reality coming for you as you attempt to hide from it, this might be right up your alley. Is it as good as The Orphanage? No, I’m not sure I think it is. It’s really missing some of those ‘pop’ moments, like “toca la pared’ in its driving force, and I think a couple of the characters feel a little half-formed, but it is a deeply enjoyable film if you are a fan of this style of horror film
Horror is always a difficult medium because what horror is and means to people is so different. It’s like comedy, only I would argue that people seem to realize more easily that comedy is extremely personal. Horror is the same. Not just ‘what scares you’ though that as well, but ‘what are looking for in a horror? What does that mean to you?’ 
So, Me: In horror I generally want a supernatural base for a story, and I prefer it to say something, though i am totally fine with “Isn’t this fucked up?” as long as the tension is well balanced and i don’t feel insulted. I tend to prefer ghost stories where there is some sort of explanation for the haunting, as is more common in European and American stories, and truly adore possession stories. When it comes to what i like horror movies to be about, many things, but I’m very fond of memory, and history, and guilt, and what the idea of a person is. 
All this to say that in many ways, this is tailored to me. 
Jack is this axis upon which the family spins, even long before his mother dies, the stable and straightforward one. Each of the siblings has their own role, but it matters that Jack is the one to survive because in truth he’s the only one that could survive. And with his mother dead, he has to keep this massive secret. I would argue with a great many parts of this whole “We have to hide that our mother is dead to the extent that we cannot fucking leave the house in rural Maine” and as someone who has lived in rural America most of my life, I am not sure that it holds up in narrative court, but ultimately it’s not so distracting that it pulls me out of the story. It’s part and parcel of how the story has to work, though it DID make me figure out they were dead. Jack is under immense strain, though, even before they die. It’s plucking at the fabric of his mental state long before his father comes and kills everyone. 
(For all being confused by the fact that he can’t do anything until he’s 21, the age of majority in the US was not 18 (I would argue it still is not, but that’s a different post entirely) in the US until 1971, in the wake of the Vietnam War and specifically the draft. Not that he would have been in much better shape in the UK--the age of majority became 18 there only in 1969.)
But when they ARE killed, they come back to save his life (according to Jack’s version of them*) and they are all aspects of Jack. It’s important to remember that Jack is actually doing everything for himself. So, Jane is the nurturing aspect of Jack’s self, the one who cooks and cares and soothes, Billy is his anger, his ability to destroy and to kill--at the end, it’s the voice of Billy that goes, “let me do this”--and of course Sam is his innocence, Jack’s need to be protected and cared for, the part of him that is afraid and young. On a rewatch, it’s actually pretty easy to see how their personalities change to fit these incredibly broad strokes after they die, because our memories of people are not those people. They are the coastal outlines of how we remember them. Jack is saved by the aspects of the people he loved. 
I want to DO something with the idea that the family escapes England, runs from it, to come to America, and the exact same trouble that they had in England follows them here. The same murder and abuse and pain comes for them anyway, a sea between them. And the mother is from Maine, or her family is. I’m not sure what to do with all of that, but it feels like that’s so much work to simply be a coincidence. But I’m not just not sure what to do with it. I could do a whole idea about the very formation of America, about this idea that is very much a part of the building of the American idea where your history is anew the second you step over the border, where you are far enough away from the ‘old world’ that you can escape its horrors. But you can’t. It comes for you, it comes down the chimney, it kills the things you love, and is this part and parcel of the inescapable horror of Where You Come From? I don’t know that I LOVE that as an answer, it feels imperfect to me, but I feel like that’s such a very specific choice, especially with taking the money from there, that there has to be something in it. 
And I mean, that doesn’t have to be specifically about the US and the UK, you could say the same thing about Spain and Mexico, to bring it back to the writer/director, where there are so many good things about the US/Mexico, but also horrors that have been inherited from the UK/Spain, and it is impossible to live in a house that was built for people across the shore and to keep out the horrors. 
On that note, let’s talk about Tom, who is a little mustache-twirling for my tastes in a movie that is essentially about escape and memory and how we choose to live with tragedy.  I’m not sure if this has anything to do with The UK, sure, but specifically England--and this family is specifically English--and the US have a really difficult history, we are family of a kind, but we can also resist each other and be pretty cruel to one another. This feels like a kind of anger, a kind of resentment that no matter how well you do, no matter how absolutely ruined Jack/the UK is, he’s preferred for what? Suffering in silence instead of wanting more? ALSO ALSO, and I don’t know that the writers even knew this, but it could be something about how the well-being of the UK has, for at least the last 70-odd years, been tied in a large way to the well-being of the US. The two worst recessions in the Uk before the pandemic were tied to US CRISES. The recession in the early 00s, the worst in the UK since WW2, was tied to OUR subprime mortgage crisis. In the 90s? Tied to our savings and loan crisis. We are inevitably fucking tied to each other, and also we hate each other. I was going to write something else, but I’m getting off-track, and I don’t know if I think this is totally supported by the narrative, but I want to do something with Tom that is more than ‘mean antagonist’ and so I’m standing here before you with a list of recessions in the Uk going “Is this anything?”
I actually think Anya Taylor-Joy is a bit wasted here, as her character requires very little, and is mainly an accessory and an idea to everything that is happening. Maybe I’m underselling it--it’s completely possible that without Taylor-Joy, the character would become so weak and one-dimensional as to be annoying, and she never really does that, she feels unexceptional and real, and that is enough. 
This is by design, of course. WE are Allie. We immediately fall in love with the family and are kept emotionally distant from the reality of their situation. We understand things only as they come to us through Jack. We have to rely on his version of events. Remember the ‘reveal’ is through his little book. We choose to believe him, because like Allie, we love him. 
So Iscah asked me what I think of the ending and specifically what I think of the idea, as put it “that it seems to be cast as positive” that he is still seeing his family. Do I think it’s being cast as positive? I don’t know if I do. I do think it is designed to put him in sharp contrast with his mother, who has everyone step over the line and forget everything that came before, and even when Jack himself does this, it’s to forget something instant and specific. I think part of what’s it’s saying is that what his mother attempts is impossible. That our pasts and our presents are impossibly tied up in one another, and to set it aside is going to end in tragedy. And, in fairness, maybe that makes it correct that Jack’s still living ‘with’ his siblings. 
 It’s certainly not being cast as fully negative, I’ll give you that all day long, but I don’t know if I fully agree that it’s being cast as positive. It’s sort of cast as neutral. If it were cast as positive I’d argue that he would be living a richer, fuller life. When we come upon him, we don’t even really interact with him, Allie comes upon him sleeping on the porch, and wakes him up. There’s no indication that he’s helped by the haunting of his siblings. There’s no indication he ever leaves the house.  Now, could he someday end up having a good life, with something he enjoys doing, and marrying Allie, fixing up the house, al the things he’d like to do? Sure, perhaps. But also could he end up essentially always sitting on that porch staring into the field. 
I do think that is the point, actually. That he could go either way, now. That he has decided, and Allie has decided, that living with the denial of what’s happened is better than living with the reality of what has, and whatever happens after there is still up to them. He was going into town and making cakes and selling things and all that when he was hallucinating his family as alive, so there’s really no reason why he can’t learn to repair plaster and lath while Billy holds the ladder or whatever. I realize I’m being a little flippant about it, but I think when you’re dealing with being, we’ll just call it odd for the sake of casting a wide net, you can learn to live with it, and learn to be a reasonably happy person with it, most of the time. You may not do everything the way other people do, but you can learn to make it work. 
In all, I really enjoyed this movie, but I don’t know that I would say it’s a slam dunk. The characterization really leaves something to be desired, and while I am absolutely making things out of it, I have no idea how much of that is based in intention and how much of it is simply me seeing what I’d like to see. The dialogue is sometimes very stilted, and while I think the idea is fantastic, I think the execution needs a little massaging. All that said, I love this kind of movie and so I would happily recommend it to anyone else who ALSO likes this kind of movie. 
*This brings me to a very very interesting point, which is: Do they come back, or are they only figments of Jack’s imagination? You might say, ‘Well, Doc, the doctor says that he’s nuts, and even you said that every single one of them is an aspect of Jack.” Listen just because I said something doesn’t mean I’m not going to argue with it literally five minutes later, and also, this could be something that almost BECOMES a possession narrative. Is there a chance that he 
On that note, I don’t actually think the narrative believes this or backs this, because we have Allie physically and literally see his father, but an interesting idea that his father is also an aspect of himself and he killed his siblings under the pressure of caring for them. Note that I don’t think the story bears that out and I don’t think that’s the intention of the film, but it’s an interesting thought experiment. But it’s at the bottom because I don’t think it’s ‘real’.
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jeviensdevoir · 2 years
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Le secret des Marrowbone (Marrowbone), Sergio G. Sánchez , 2017
Malgré un solide casting, l’histoire n’est pas crédible et on voit le twist arriver.
Despite a great cast, the story is not realistic and we can easily guess the turn of events.
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hegodamask · 10 months
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Marrowbone (2017)
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ant1m0ny · 1 year
So. Watched the secret of Marrowbone. Holy shit. I'm gonna need like a few weeks to process all of that.
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declanowo · 8 months
31 Days of Horror - Day 16 - The Secret of Marrowbone
I have a vivid memory from my childhood where my parents sat me down and we discussed where I would want to go if they died. Morbid, I know, but the idea always lingered with me after my discussion. In the end, we agreed my eldest sister, and my brother would look after me, and while none of this ever came into fruition, for a while I was plagued with dreams where this played out. In the end, death was an avenue for a new life I could visit in my dreams. 
The Secret of Marrowbone, or simply Marrowbone, is a 2017 film directed by Sergio G. Sánchez. It follows a family as they flee from their father, only for their mother to pass away, and for the eldest sibling to have to hide this fact until he turns twenty-one, and can legally watch over them. 
Before moving much further with this one, this film is built upon secrets, twists and turns that we watch unfold, and for this reason, I feel it necessary to warn anyone who may read that I will be spoiling this! I would very much recommend this film, and I’m unsure how the experience would be if the plot twists had been unearthed beforehand, so here is that warning! 
To start, I want to discuss the reason I wanted to watch this film in the first place: the cast. George MacKay plays Jack Marrowbone, the eldest sibling of the family. I had seen him before in 1917 and Captain Fantastic, both of which I had watched for lessons in school and college, and while I thought both films were good but not captivating for me, he was definitely the stand out of them both for me! Anya Taylor-Joy plays Allie, a librarian who falls in love with Jack, and befriends the family. I love a heap of films she has been in, including The VVitch, The Menu, Emma and Last Night in Soho. Next is Charlie Heaton, who plays Billy Marrowbone, and although I have only seen him before in Stranger Things, I think the wildly different characters he plays between this and that are to the credit of his acting! Finally, Mia Goth plays Jane Marrowbone, and is in two of my favourite films, X and Pearl, as well as several others I love, such as Infinity Pool and The House. All of them, and everyone else in this film, puts in a great and believable performance as their characters, making them feel deeply real. 
For a large majority of the film, we inhabit the Marrowbone house, which I think is an excellent setting. For one, the set design is great at making the house feel old and withered, yet having some excellent shading to characters interests and design tastes, where we can reasonably believe that they have been spending all their time there! The colours are dull and grey, which usually I would find boring, but they have a deeper purpose as they suggest the isolation and confined lives the younger siblings have been forced into. These greys and browns juxtapose the bright colours outside, and at the end of the film, as Jack finds himself free when he abandons the house, rushing through fields to visit Allie or wandering into the nearby village to sell cakes. 
As far as the film's story itself, I enjoyed it! I think that the familial bond of the characters makes you care about it a whole lot more, and the mystery makes the whole ordeal captivating. Even as I sit writing this, I am putting together some of the imagery and plotlines purposes, such as Sam Marrowbone, not wanting to look into mirrors, believing ghosts are in them. Of course this makes sense when you find out about the ending. 
I guess I should move onto what the plot twist was, because I believe it shaped a lot of the film! That being that the family we watch bond and grow across the course of the film, is mostly dead. After their serial killer father made his way into the house, he killed all three of Jack's siblings, leaving him alive as he locked his father in the walls. Everything we have seen play out has been a result of Jack taking on his siblings' personalities because he couldn’t cope with the fact he didn’t protect them. 
The ending is harrowing, while I had a hunch that it was coming, it really hurts to watch - we see how much everyone in the family cared and loved for each other, only for the final realisation that none of this happened. 
I will say, the trope usually results in some very awful depictions of real people with DID and often leads to a huge spread of misinformation. I always think of Split, which had a massive and awful effect, all because it portrays a character with this mental health condition as villains, rather than understanding that most people with this condition are victims. And so, while I felt this depiction may not be as harmful as many others as a result of the character not leaning into violence and harmful behaviour, it is something that I always think about when watching that kind of film. 
By the end of this film, I found myself heavy with sadness. It is a story that relies on your connection to the sibling bond of the characters, and I very much loved it. Although sometimes the story felt a little like it was dragging on, or like a ball of yarn that was filled with knots and impossible to collect, it manages to stitch itself together by the end into a single coherent piece which is a delight to think about and watch. 
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vyragosa · 9 months
totally unrelated to ds but let’s say… what’s your top 3 favourite films, books and songs of all time? been following your blog for a while and you seem like a really interesting and broad-minded person (were you an art student perhaps?) with an exquisite taste (yes this IS a compliment and you will take it 🫵)
alright alright i will take it hfgiorjgrigj(takes it and explodes regardless) yes, it wasn't classical studies and learning to draw but i was indeed an art student for a few years
for films, for some reason i'm forgetting every single movie i liked ever for the cinematography and only "demolition man" echoes, absolutely nothing to do with it, but for some reason, i can rewatch it endlessly, but i remember watching "the secret of marrowbone" english-language spanish psychological horror and i'm still thinking about it months after ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i love spanish horror in general, i hate every single french movie i watch until i come around years after and "call of the wolf" about submariners is one of those times
honestly i'm just thinking of poems anthologies for books, i was thinking of the flowers of evil by baudelaire then extracting the stone of madness by pizarnik (i am so so so unwell.) sei shonagon's pillow book getting me through it all
for books-books, the one book that fucked me up above all as a teenager is les diaboliques by barbey d'aurevilly, literally about women with various sins, strongly believe it to be the root of some madness, so strong it's making me draw a blank
for songs i'll straight up link them idgaf!!! ((((woodkid. it's woodkid who i love the most in the whole world.))))
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Anya Taylor Joy Movie/Tv Checklist.
When I find a actor/actress I like I will go through their IMDB and make a list of the films I think look interesting and watch them. Most of the time that means watching every single movie/ tv show they have been in. Titles with a ✔ at the end are the ones I've seen.
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☆ Vampire Academy. ✔ ☆ Endeavour (Season 2, Ep 2) ☆ The Witch. ☆ Viking Quest. ☆ Atlantis (Season 2, Ep 8-13) ✔ ☆ Morgan. ☆ Barry. ☆ Split. ✔ ☆ Thoroughbreds. ☆ The Secret of Marrowbone. ☆ The Miniaturist (Season 1, Ep 1-3) ☆ Crossmaglen. ☆ Glass. ✔ ☆ The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. (Season 1, Ep1-10) ✔ ☆ Radioactive. ☆ Emma. ✔ ☆ Here Are the Young Men. ☆ New Mutants. ✔ ☆ The Queen's Gambit. ✔ ☆ Last Night in Soho. ✔ ☆ The Northman. ☆ Peaky Blinders (Season 5, Ep 1-6, Season 6, Ep 1-6) ☆ The Menu. ✔ ☆ Amsterdam. ☆ The Super Mario Bros. Movie. ☆ Furiosa. ☆ The Gorge. ☆ Laughter in the Dark.
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peppermintbuttlemon · 3 months
not jq related but I just need to vent and make everyone aware that anya taylor joy is one of the rudest cunts you will ever meet. a horrible awful diva woman who looks down her nose at everyone and treats everyone around her like a bad smell. she is a very successful social climber and a terrible person. an unknown indie actor friend of mine even agreed when they worked with her on the set of the secret of marrowbone in spain.
Gorl my goodness, what happened? Give us the deets 👀 how was she rude to you?
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iersei · 7 months
I sent Jack, Billy, Allie, Sam and Jane from the secret of marrowbone
Sorry I forgot to put their names on my last ask
they seem cool! but ah, i'm not entirely sure what you sent them for?
if you were asking for a drawing request, i should tell you that i am only accepting requests from people who show me proof of voting for glenn close in [this poll right here]. i'd be happy to draw something for you as long as you show me a screenshot showing you voted for him!
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