#the slightest of loving physical touch and he's going to lose his shit
winterrrnight · 1 month
rafe cameron the kind of guy who's all gangsta until you wrap your arms around his neck and pull his head onto your shoulder, and then he just falls apart
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candyfloss5000 · 5 months
SFW alphabet
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Nathan Prescott's SFW alphabet!!!
A - affection (how affectionate are they with you?)
In public, Nathan's affection towards you is dropped down to holding hands, an arm around your shoulder or waist. You'll get a kiss, if you're lucky. He isn't big on PDA because his parents raised him to think that showing your love for someone in public is inappropriate and frowned upon.
But when you're all alone, it's a whole different story. If you're trying to concentrate on something, Nathan will make it his life goal to distract you and steal affection from you. Whenever you're alone together, he's holding onto you in some way whether it's having you sat on his lap, or just holding onto you in some way.
B - best friend (how are they as a bestie?)
Fucking insane. Expect to do some crazy ass shit 24/7. He'll hang around you like a lost puppy, whether you're doing weed somewhere, or terrorising the neighbourhood
C - cuddles (how do they cuddle?)
This man will cuddle you in any position, as long as he's touching you he doesn't care. Although, in the beginning of your relationship he was very tense when it came to cuddling you and physical touch in general. He didn't want to be seen as vulnerable or weak, because he was scared that you were going to make fun of him for it. Because of this, he resulted to spooning you, so he could still hold but be able to not show how much he's enjoying it.
Now, he prefers to be held by you, because he knows that you won't laugh at him for it and you won't tell anyone. He'll also just lay ontop of you and rest his head on your chest.
D - domestic (their thoughts on settling down)
Nathan has never had a domestic moment in his entire life, until he met you that is. He does want to spend his entire life with you, but he isn't prepared to drop everything and become a normal citizen of society yet. He wants to spend his youthful years as rebellious as he can, but not to the point where it could ruin both your lives.
E - ending (how would a breakup go?)
A breakup with anyone else, wouldn't bother Nathan the slightest bit. But with you, he would actually lose his mind. Expect alot of shouting and yelling, then sobbing and begging for you to stay. Nathan has spent so much time with you, the thought of you splitting up never crossed his mind, so he was really shocked. He would start spiralling downwards rapidly. Not attending his therapy sessions, not taking his pills, lashing out at everyone. All he wants is you and that's the one thing he can't have.
F - fiancée (how do they feel about commitment?)
Nathan was originally very weary of commitment, purely because he feared that you'd leave him like everyone else. But after a year of you dating, he realised he couldn't picture his life without you. Nathan was raised to think that marriage is the best way a relationship could go. So, he waited a little while after you both graduated before very nervously popping the question. Obviously, you said yes. (If you dont I'll personally murder you for crushing this poor boy's heart)
G - gentle (how gentle are they with you?)
You know that Nathan is the most rigid person to ever have existed and won't hesitate to through someone out of a window. Which is why you were so shocked when he held you so delicately as if you'd break like glass. And the way he speaks to you is so timid and soft, a tone he's never used with anyone else. You're the only thing in his life that he actually gives a shit about, so he's going to protect you at all costs.
H - hugs (their thoughts on hugs)
He's not a very big fan of hugs. He'll side hug you tho, wrapping his arm around your waist to bring her hips next to his. The only time he'll accept hugs, is if you reward him with a kiss aswell.
I - I love you (who's the first to say it and how often is it said?)
Surprisingly, Nathan was the first to say it. It happened when you were comforting him after one of his many nightmares. He tucked his head under your chin and you ran your fingers through his hair. You let him sob and tell you all about it, while comforting him. Nathan realised in this moment, how this is the first and only time someone has treated him so gently and softly. In comparison, everyone else treats him like trash. So, in the darkness of the night he muttered a small, "I love you." And his heart was pounding agaisnt his ribcage as he waited for your response. "I love you too, idiot." You said back, kissing his forehead.
You only share "I love yous" in intimate and private moments. Nathan doesn't like the idea of just saying it every five seconds, because then he thinks it loses it's meaning. So, you both always cherish your "I love you" moments because you can tell how sincere it is.
J - jealousy (how jealous do they get?)
Jesus Christ, this man can go from zero to one hundred real quick. If he sees you having a conversation with a guy he isn't friends with for a little too long, he's marching over and making an obvious display that your taken. If he sees someone straight up flirty with you, he'll straight up tell them to fuck off. When they eventually leave, he'll kiss you with a burning desire, as if proving that you're all his. Despite all of this, he's never angry at you. He'll never say that you were purposely leading the guy on or anything. He trusts your loyalty.
K - kisses (their thoughts on kissing)
Nathan's all for kissing and making out, but not so much in public. He'll stick his tongue down your throat to his heart's content in the safety of your rooms, but not in public. He'll kiss your cheek, or peck your lips quickly in public, so people don't see him as soft and vulnerable.
But drunk and high Nathan is a whole over story. He'll take you to a quieter area of a Vortex party and press himself agaisnt you while you're backed up agaisnt a wall. You can't say you don't love him like this, but you do remind him that you can't do this here because of how fast photos and videos spread around Blackwell. You don't want him to do something he'll regret while he's not even sober.
L - little ones (their thoughts on having children)
Honestly, Nathan is fucking terrified of having kids. Purely because, he fears that he'll turn into his father. If it ever were to happen, he definitely wants to be in the right state of mind, not on any illegal drugs and not drinking any alcohol. He really doesn't want to fuck up raising his kids, like he has with everything else (his opinion).
If his father comments on how he thinks that Nathan is doing a shit job as a dad, his heart will shatter into a million pieces, because someone confirmed his biggest fear. But you and his sisters make sure to tell his dad to shut the fuck up and assure Nathan that he is doing a good job and he is a good dad.
M - mornings (how do mornings usually go?)
When you're still in Blackwell, mornings last only for a couple of minutes. You wake up from the light bleeding through the curtains and listen to the students starting their day in their dorms. You and Nathan sleepily talk about how shit your days are gonna be, while pressing lazy kisses to each other's skin.
When you're on summer break, or you've graduated and in your own home, your mornings are so much more relaxed. You stay in bed for atleast two hours, holding each other and telling each other how beautiful you think one another are with sleepy voices. It takes you atleast half an hour to convince Nathan that you actually need to start your day.
N - nights (how do your nights go?)
When you're still at Blackwell, your nights start with one of you sneaking into the other's room. Then, you watch a movie on his laptop and cuddle in bed, sleepy kisses passed between you both before sleep consumes you.
When your on summer break, or you've graduated and living in your own home, nights are more calm and layed back. You huddle up under the covers and do whatever you want. Watch a movie, talk about your days, make out 👀. You end up falling asleep way later than you do when you were at Blackwell, as you have more freedom over your schedules.
O - open (how open are they about your relationship?)
It takes a few months for Nathan to annouce your dating, he just wants to make sure that this isn't just a fling or something and that it's for real. He doesn't show PDA alot, but people know that your dating, mostly because Nathan wouldn't let anyone get as physically close to him as you do if you were just friends.
P - patience (how much patience do they have with you?)
Nathan is alright with you requiring some time to figure something out in your relationship, considering how much time he needs in your relationship aswell. If you need him with you alot of the time, he doesn't mind that either. He admires your presence.
Q - quizzes (how much do they remember about you? Like little details?)
It might not seem like it, but Nathan is very observant of the things you say. He makes mental notes of your interests that you've mentioned and stuff you've said you want. Which is why he's an amazing gift giver. If you say you like something as a one off, months later on your birthday he's got it wrapped up for you. "Nathan, this was five hundred dollars!" "So?"
R - remember (their favourite memory with you)
Nathan's favourite memory of him and you is your first kiss. He took you to the lighthouse and you were looking out at the sea, a golden ray of sunshine lighting up your face. Discreetly, Nathan pulled out his camera and snapped a photo of you, causing you to turn to him. You tried to grab his camera to delete the photo, but he raised it above his head, where you couldn't reach. You were up on your tiptoes, trying to snatch the camera, not realising how close you and Nathan were. You stumbled forward a little and Nathan instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you. You looked into his eyes and he looked into yours. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
S - security (how protective are they of you?)
This man is able to act as your boyfriend and your gaurd dog. It's well known around the school that Nathan and you are an item and that your both off limits. So, when the oblivious new kid was trying to hit on you, Nathan was beyond fuming. You're surprised there wasn't any steam coming out of his ears. Nathan was fully prepared to smash the new kid's nose into sidewalk, but you felt bad for him and let him down easy, telling him that you already had a boyfriend. That's when Nathan appeared. You subconsciously stepped inbetween them, knowing that Nathan was about to become uncontrollable. The kid hastily left after seeing the dirty look Nathan was throwing his way over your shoulder. That's the plus of having a gaurd dog boyfriend, he's an asshole but he's your asshole, so you can some what calm down his anger.
T - try (how much effort do they put into dates, anniversaries etc)
When it comes to dates, Nathan uses his rich boy privileges. He takes you out of Arcadia Bay and into a nice town that has an even nicer restaurant. As much as you love that Nathan has spent all this money on you, you don't like these type of dates as much as you would like. You know, that Nathan isn't being his real self when he does things like this, he's just doing it because this is what a stereotypical boyfriend should do. You prefer it when he takes you to quieter places within Arcadia Bay, like the Two Whales, the lighthouse and the beach at sunset.
When it comes to anniversaries, Nathan only cares about the main ones, like when you two got together and when you got married etc. He doesn't really care that much about the more little ones. But he does go all out for anniversaries, again because he knows that this is what a boyfriend/husband should stereotypically do. He gets you expensive gifts and takes you to the lighthouse, where you share so many fond memories.
U - ugly (a bad habit of theirs)
Nathan has a habit of putting his status first beyond anything else. Which means that sometimes he does stuff that he doesn't really want to do, purely because it will make him look cooler and boost his popularity. This is why he doesn't like PDA, because he fears that people will make fun of him for loving someone.
V - Vanity (how insecure are they?)
Nathan is very insecure about so many things. He's made this facade that he presents infront of everyone, so they don't get to see the damage behind it. You can see right through it, but you'd never call him out on it. You both have a silent agreement that when he let's his gaurd down with you it stays between the two of you.
W - whole (do they feel while when they're with you?)
Yes, one hundred per cent. He feels so complete and content when he's with you, because he knows he doesn't have to act like someone else. He can just be him. And you love seeing the real Nathan and how you can now understand him so much better.
X - xtra (a random headcannon)
Nathan can't sleep in silence. He needs a tv on, or his laptop playing something, or a playlist playing on his phone. He can't sleep without something playing in the background, because when he's left in silence he over thinks things too much. The sound distracts him and eases his mind.
Y - yuck (a personality trait they hate)
Nathan hates it when people try to get close to him just for popularity, or just to try and get closer to the Prescott family. He can't stand people using him and he doesn't have time for it. So, if someone tries that with him he tells them to fuck off and he can ruin their lives in a millisecond.
Z - zzz (sleeping habits)
Nathan has to sleep holding onto you somehow. He has to be holding onto your arm, or keeping one of your legs entangled with his own. This isn't really sleeping habit, but he has a fucked up sleep schedule. Like he'll wake up at five in the morning one night and then only just get into bed at five in the morning another night. #fixthisman'ssleepschedule
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kangjaehee · 2 years
RFA + sex headcanons
because i am in a Mood. minors do not interact
content under the cut
like... very. He likes it when u take control.
He likes it when you’re mean to him, when you demand, when you give him no choice but to do as you say if he wants to be a good boy for you.
Humiliation is his shit kinda... he says he doesn’t like it when you highlight how sensitive he is but you, who sees how he trembles at every word you say, you know different.
And on that regard... he’s sensitive. Like, the slightest touch and the right words can crumble him into a whimpering mess within seconds. You’re actually quite shocked. But you absolutely love it.
And he’s loud, too. Doesn’t at all hold back his cries, which sound oh so beautiful to you.
Very into pet play. Likes when you take care of him, likes the element of humiliation that comes with being treated like an animal.
Make him do the gross embarrassing things. Make him eat from a bowl and bark. It gets him off.
Surprisingly, he’s not that much into physical pain or impact, just the control element of it all. He likes it as part of something else, but not in and of itself.
Actually he gets off more in the concept of punishment than the act itself... it urges him on. You think it’s cute. It makes him harder to hear your little dismissive laugh after he whines.
He finishes quite fast but my god does he have stamina. He can go for rounds and rounds that leave you asking for a break.
it turns out all those lolol all nighters he pulled did actually mean something....
Also: the idea of you taking care of him while he’s in the middle of a game??? and not letting him cum until he wins????? GOD it makes him melt.
Very kissy during aftercare. Also very talkative.
You actually have no idea how a person can have this much energy after cumming so many times but hey this is Kim Yoosung we’re talking about.
He doesn’t sext but he does call you to tell you how needy he is. Over the line, you hear him stroke himself to your voice. It makes you lose your mind.
this man has 1 goal and 1 goal only: making you feel good
service top pleasure dom whatever you wanna call it. He just wants you to feel loved and sexy and give you the orgasm of your life.
He likes feeling you. Groping your thigh, manhandling you, kissing you red and raw.
(of course, all while he praises you and tells you how unbelievably gorgeous you are...)
And you absolutely love it. It makes you feel wanted, powerful.
Active sex drive. Y’all do it every other day or so. Not always for long. But it’s an integral part of your relationship. 
He’d do it anywhere. In the kitchen, living room, bathroom, car... He doesn’t need to be comfortable, he just needs his hands and your body to touch.
But don’t misinterpret him, he loves planned affairs too. Especially when you go out of your way to set the mood with lighting and scents and stuff.
LOVES it when you dress up for him. Put on some cute lingerie and sit there, watching as he turns beet red and his breath deepens.
And send him pics. be the biggest tease you can be. Anything relating to you drives him crazy. In his eyes, you’re the sexiest being on the planet, no matter what anyone has told you.
Although keep in mind that he Will warn u about the power u have over him and The Beast potentially coming out at an unwanted moment...
You always tell him to be patient and wait, as if that’s not exactly what you’re after. The Beast always comes out when he gets home though, with him absolutely devouring you in kisses.
Stamina for days... like come on let’s be real he’s a musical theatre performer. He’s Never done.
Not very kinky but has a thing for breeding? creampieing? He wants to claim you, to have something of his inside you.
...And you don’t hate the idea but Babe don’t you think we’re... too young for kids?
Oh my God sorry I didn’t mean it like that... But, hey, don’t you think I’d make a good dad ;)?
You roll your eyes and laugh.
Also he’s not so opposed to the idea of bondage... to have unrestricted access to your body like that (or you to his...)
Surpisingly likes toys. If they make the experience better for you... (and he wants to try them too, though he’s not gonna admit it).
He’s not very keen on being on the receiving end. Doesn’t exactly like not being the one in charge, but he relents every once in a while.
He particularly loves blowjobs. He thinks you look so stupidly sexy while doing them, and the way he flusters and bites his lip... it’s so cute
(One day you’re gonna get him on his knees for you, one day.)
Although the tension between you two and the desire you harbored for each other was undeniable, it took you quite a while to get intimate.
When you crossed that threshold, though... Well, let’s just say there was no return.
Lots of kissing. Before, during, and after. She kisses you intensely, with purpose, like she wants to eat you whole. It’s a bit overwhelming. Makes you wonder for how long she’s been saving this.
Quick, does not hesitate. Teases very little, goes straight to it, and has you shaking and remembering nothing but her name in a matter of miniutes.
Stupidly skilled with her hands. They’re good for so many more things other than kneading dough...
Absolutely loves to hear your moans and other sounds. It urges her on. Please be as loud as you possibly can.
The sight of her large honey eyes looking up at you while she’s eating you out has to be one of your favorites.
But while she absolutely adores being the one to take care of you, she actually pefers it the other way around...
And you do too. Because, my god this woman is the cutest being in the universe when she’s flustered. And it’s extremely easy to fluster her.
All it takes is a smile, a kiss, a remark on how wet she is for you... and boom. You’ve reduced her to a mess of whimpers. She’s sensitive and easy to crack.
And it’s funny because all the while you’ll see her trying desperately to hold onto the propriety that she’s so known for. But soon enough it’s gone and she’s cursing and pleading.
You love to tease her because of this. She groans like she hates it but actually doesn’t, actually wants you to do it, draw this out as long as you can. It makes her climax much more satisfying.
She loves when u play with her boobs. Bite them, mark them, grab them, pinch them, maybe slap them if the occasion requires it...
Two words: Praise. Kink.
...Yeah she very obviously has it.
Tell her how well she’s doing no matter what it is that she’s doing. How good she is at taking your fingers down her pretty wet cunt. How well she’s sucking on your clit. It makes her feel like she’s in heaven.
And of course, tell her how she’s a good girl, how she’s your good girl. And watch her fucking dissolve.
(...yeah she’s quite a sub).
She’s into some other stuff... classics like bondage and the occasional spank, more adventurous stuff like wax play.
She likes sexual experimentation. She’d try most things once, just to have the experience, as long as they’re safe, sane, and consensual.
She has quite a bit of stamina and can last long, although she doesn’t exactly like cumming many times in a row or overstimulation in general. Instead, she prefers being edged until she can barely hold it in.
She also cries. It shocked you the first time, but... she cries when cumming.
And after you’re done, she’s always extremely tender and soft, wanting to cling to you for long. You always reassure her, tell her how good she did. Often you like to shower after, or eat something together. Cuddles after sex are mandatory but always remember to get up and do your necessities.
You guys don’t do it often, and don’t like to do it quick. The Jaehee motto is “If you’re going to do anything, do it how it’s supposed to be done” and that applies to sex. But that just makes the encounters you do have all the more special.
for someone whose only experience is having explored his best firend’s body once out of “curiosity” he’s surprisingly very good.
(JUMINV REAL i will die on this hill. i am cheritz actually.)
instinct-driven. doesn’t hesitate. takes you in whole.
composure and propriety thrown out the window, he will make you his. he’s gonna make sure that you forget your own name and only remember his, that you forget everything else but the feeling of his hands on your body and how he pounds inside you.
It’s not hard to get him going. Like at all. Just kiss him deep the way he likes it, grind agaist him, and bam.
He likes to tease verbally, you like grinding against my thigh, love? but not a lot. Eventually his desire to just have you wins him over.
It’s possessive, yes, but it’s his way of showing you just how much he wants you and no one else. You think of it as almost a privilege to be loved so deeply by someone.
Loves marking you, biting into you and then seeing the pretty purple bruises that from, that mark you as irrevocably his. Kisses you a lot during and after. A lot of You’re mines coming out of his mouth.
Also, he loves hearing your moans. And you love hearing his.
It’s actually very funny to tease him, because it’s very easy and he tries to make it subtle. Just push out your shoulder, watch as his face gets red and he swallows, struggling to keep his poise.
And then God save you, because he will not hold back...
You guys do it often. It’s a way for him to destress, so it’s almost a daily affair. A little quickie before bed and after waking up never hurt anyone...
Doesn’t like doing it in public, likes it when it’s just the two of you, though he for sure likes teasing you in public... You’ve given him a handjob in the limo in more than one occasion.
He’s averagely kinky. Likes bondage. Likes calling you his kitten. Likes slapping your ass when you’re both really into it. Not much beyond that. 
The dominant position is comfortable to him, he can let his desires run wild and free, and you like how he exerts his power, how he’s so confident. It almost lights you up.
Though he also has a strange, almost hidden desire for the other side of the coin... he likes being the one with the power taken away, too.
It always oddly attracted him, but he never paid attention to those desires, as they made no sense. But then you suddenly decided to be more dominant one time, and oh boy something awoke in him.
It’s not very easy for him to submit and let go. But it’s extremely liberating once he does so. For a man who has to be thinking and making decisions and bearing more responsibility on his shoulders than any person could imagine, being in a position where he doesn’t have to make any of the decisions is almost cathartic.
He likes being your kitten. Likes the sight of you above him, holding him by a leash and smiling, just as much as he loves the sight of you under him.
Likes impact quite a bit, actually. More on him than on you. It’s a little humiliating to imagine the heir of one of Korea’s biggest conglomerates being spanked raw. But that’s inexplicably a turn-on.
Likes latex a lot. The sight of you on it is pure art.
Also into shibari. Likes the intricacy of it, the protocol, the fact that it’s an art form.
Lot’s of stamina, doesn’t cum easily. Will always make sure you’re the one to finish first or with him. Prefers to cuddle after, sometimes for hours, tightly and in silence or with just a few words exchanged. It’s the act of bodies becoming one, of feeling being not said but expressed in the way his skin contacts with yours.
Okay so wbk this man is a menace. This applies to sex too.
Most of the time, it’s sloppy and imporvised. Undeliberate, hands everywhere, kisses all over the face. He doesn’t think, and you don’t either. It’s almost funny.
A tease, just because he absolutely loves to see you riled up and begging for it. But, do it a bit aggressively. He’s a bit of a brat. He pushes, and wants you to push back and push harder.
He doesn’t need things at all to be fancy, he can have fun with very little. He’s creative.
But you know what his absolute shit is?? Roleplay.
He does it almost naturally. Has fun with it. Likes the performance element, the not being himself, the play. It’s a way for him to take advantage of all the costumes he’s kept form his agency days.
You’ve found him on more than one occasion just weasring a maid dress and pretending to clean... The indirect was caught and enacted upon.
He’s kind of a jack of all trades. He can top, he can bottom, he can take the strap and rail you until walking is an arduous task.
freak in the streets and the sheets. Truly willing to try anything once.
Pain enjoyer. Likes spanking you, and likes you doing it to him too.
Also likes overstimulation. Edge him, then let him cum, and do not let him stop... just let him go off like that.
Lots and lots of stamina. And also just fucking dies after. Does everything and then five minutes after he’s absolutely fucking spent. To you, it’s shocking. To go from being so loud to being so still...
Likes to kiss during foreplay, but not much during or after. Prefers to tease with words or just let the actions speak for themselves.
One thing about Choi Saeyoung: he’s a romantic partner and extremely entertaining lover. You can trust that stuff will never get repetitive on him. Always switching it up... in all ways possible.
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
becca i can't believe i found your blog again!! i lost it a few months ago and ran into it yesterday <3 i loved reading the recent blurbs and it made me think of subby!bucky being a hardass but when in the bedroom he just wants you to humiliate the shit out of him
I haven't talked about how great subby men are in so long and I've really missed it 🤤 and I'm so glad you've enjoyed catching up on my stuff!!
I love to imagine the way a submissive Bucky lets himself give in to you entirely. If you want him to beg, he'll beg. If you ask him to degrade himself, he'll do that. He gets off on how pathetic he feels and realistically, he gets to the point where he thinks he might do anything just to please you.
And I think he'd adore having you take what you need from him, while almost minimising his pleasure because imagine grinding yourself on him without letting him inside you.
Your sex is so slick with evidence of your arousal and while it would be fun to just touch yourself and make him watch, the throbbing length of his thick erection tempts you. There's no harm in working him up, after all. He whines so much sweeter when he's desperate.
He's got no objections to you placing yourself on top of him. His dick is heavy, leaking precum and you almost consider abandoning your plan in favour of feeling him lose himself in your mouth instead. As delightful as that sounds though, you're desperate for some control and this is how you want to take it.
The first few rolls of your hips help to coat his length with your arousal. The glide gets easier with each pass and very soon you realise you can focus on the pleasure, rather than just the logistics.
The way his dick rubs your clit is heavenly. It's luxurious, almost decadent and nothing inside you feels guilty about being selfish. Not with Bucky's strong hands on your hips guiding your movements.
"You're so wet." He whispers, eyes wide, watching you in wonder. You're so lost in your own pleasure and he lives for it.
"I know." You don't feel embarrassed in the slightest. It's true after all. "This is all that dick of yours is good for. You're just a warm toy for me to use." Blunt fingernails bite into the meat of your hips at the same time your partner stifles a moan.
"Did you think you were anything more than that?" You notice his hesitation before he shakes his head. "Good. I don't even care if you cum tonight. In fact, I'd prefer you didn't. The mess is such an inconvenience but I hope you realise that I'm going to cum over and over. I think it's only fair. I'm being so kind to you, giving you something to dream of when you touch your pathetic cock later."
He can hardly control himself. This is everything he's been so desperate to hear and now he's getting it, it's almost a relief. He doesn't need to think for himself. He can give his body over to you, someone that he trusts and knows that by the end of the evening, he'll have cum until he physically can't anymore.
"I need to feel you." He whimpers, kissing your neck and shoulders. "Please. I miss being inside you."
His cheeks are blazing, flushed with arousal and embarrassment as one of your hands tangles in his hair, forcing his mouth off your skin. His eyes meet yours and your cunt flutters at the power you have over his man. He makes you feel desired and it's entirely addictive.
"Don't be stupid." Your voice is steady, carrying the confidence that he instills in you. "You don't deserve to fuck me. Why do you think I care about what you need? This isn't for you."
Lust bubbles over, his hands planted either side of your waist to stop them from trembling and although you know that you'll give in later, it's fun to watch him unravel at being denied what he needs most.
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whalienjxy · 2 years
9:10 pm
The oil candle burns. Its illumination warms the cold hues of his office as Levi works on yet another pile of paperwork, except he’s becoming actively more distracted as the seconds go since his door opened and closed silently, and a body laid down on the leather couch to his left a few minutes ago.
He didn’t bother to look up at the intruder, then, knowing exactly who would dare to just come in like that, the familiarity of the action implanting itself as a daily habit in his brain.
Except that usually he just keeps on working, focusing on the task at hand so he could quickly finish and eventually follow up with his nightly routine with you, but today seems like it won’t allow that to happen. He can hear your light breathing, can see you from the corner of his eye, and he has to physically restrain himself from looking your way as he knows that all hope will be lost to his paperwork if he does.
It’s been a rather difficult day for the pair of you. With the preparations for an upcoming expedition getting more and more draining, everyone’s nerves start to naturally get worse. People are getting angrier at each other, you can see the cadets’ profound fear right through their eyes, and some people start spitting shit without knowing who’s listening.
And apparently, even Levi Ackerman isn’t immune to what people can say behind his back.
He knows who he is. He knows he can be perceived as cruel, stoic, inconsiderate, all sorta shitty stuff, he’s aware of it all and learned how to live it long ago without letting it bother him in the slightest. He can be called a cold-blooded killer right in his damn face and he’d agree, but when someone else is put in the narrative, and when that someone is you, it apparently changes everything.
He was unbothered at first, used to the banter thrown at him left and right, but he made the mistake of thinking about it, and his comrades could visibly see his irritation get worse throughout the day.
And they already deal with the grumpy man on the daily, it wasn't really that big of a change, except everyone started to slowly realize that he isn’t reacting like he usually does when they pick on him.
And to top everything off, you weren’t near the whole day.
He doesn’t know who was talking. Doesn’t know their names if he wanted to punish them or file for demotion, but he thinks that it barely even matters. He probably wouldn’t do anything if he could just because he thinks that maybe, maybe what they said is true.
“I don’t know how they ended up together, to be honest!” One of them had said. “They’re polar opposites! I don't know how the Sergeant handles him.”
“He ssoooo doesn’t deserve her. She’s way too nice to be stuck with someone like him.”
“What does she even see in him? He may be pretty in the face but he’s such an asshole, dude!”
“I bet he doesn’t even treat her right. How can someone like him even love?”
He didn’t need to hear that. He already had his doubts, he didn’t fucking need to hear that.
For real, how did you even come to like him back? How does anyone fall in love with someone like him? Yet here you are, sleeping on his couch, waiting for him to finish work because you can’t fall asleep unless you’re touching him.
Yet you wake up every day and look at him with that smile on your face, like he deserves everything good in this world.
He can’t help it, the constant feeling of never being enough. You’re like the sun, too bright and too warm to be contained, a gold shine forever painting the surface of your skin that he wishes he can kiss forever, just to make sure you were actually real.
You’re warm, considerate, kind, everything he’s not, his polar opposite, yet here you are.
How is this possible?
Levi loses his fight with his body and finally gazes at you.
You have an arm under your head, laying on your side to face him, eyes lightly shut. Your uniform still hugs your body, hair a neat mess on top of your head, and you make sure to keep your boots off the couch like Levi always tells you.
God, what would he do if you left? If you just realize how shitty he is and decide you don’t want anything to do with him anymore?
“You’re staring.” Your soft voice slightly startles the saddened man, his eyes widen a bit, but you keep yours closed. “Are you done with your paperwork?”
“No, not yet.”
You flutter your eyes open. “A break, then?”
Levi hesitates. He wants to touch you, wants to keep you as close to him as possible, yet feels undeserving even of that.
He doesn’t reply. His eyes do their little zoning out thing that you take notice of, and you can see what Hange was telling you of him just before you pass by. His jaw is set too firm, Adam's apple moving harshly against his delicate skin, and his eyebrows are furrowed. You don't even think that he is aware of his frown.
He only snaps back to reality when you start moving off the couch and closer to him. Something flashes in his eyes, you think you are mistaken when you take it for panic because it is wiped away from his expression as quickly as it appears.
Levi’s heart is surely going to burst out of his chest if it continues on like this. It gets even worse when your hand touches his, and you can’t help but notice when his chest trembles as he tries to regulate a healthy rhythm, and it only fuels your worry more.
You climb on his lap, his hands immediately finding your back, while yours roam from his trembling, toned chest to tense shoulders that only seem to relax under your touch.
You smile at him. You’re always smiling at him.
“Do you wanna talk to me about anything?” You ask in the softest voice you can.
Levi’s brain seems to high-wire because, once again, he fails to reply. His confused frown turns sad, turns desperate only little by little, and his arms tighten around you like you can disappear right then and there, turn into fine dust and leave him strangled with only bittersweet memories.
His usually straight lips are curved the slightest of curves downwards, and his gaze seems unable to look anywhere but your eyes.
Levi isn’t great with words, you’ve known so for so long already, so when he stays quiet, your hand finds a cold cheek. He leans in your touch, even though you can see that he tries to restrain himself from doing so, and the look on his face just breaks your heart.
Your smile fades, expression morphing into sad worry.
“What’s wrong, my love?”
My love. Your nickname to him will forever have him feeling as if he’s hearing it for the first time.
You think it’s the expedition, just like it is for all of you. He usually gets cranky before expeditions, giving you all those instructions here and there, pulling you away for some extra training even, but this is new.
The more he trains you the less worried he is about you in expeditions as you slowly but surely become another version of him minust all the extra crack, but the worry you see in his expression right now isn’t the kind of worry you’re used to before marching to your death.
Maybe something happened, something shifted, made his anxiety skyrocket, but you’ll never know unless he tells you.
Even as you hold each other like this, he doesn’t think he is loving you enough. He thinks you deserve the world, the sun, the stars, everything that shines just the way you do, everything that he is not.
You’re so good. Your love for him is way more than he deserves.
Levi shuts his eyes before they can get teary, and you’re immediately pulling him in your embrace. With a hand in his hair and the other going up and down his back soothingly, you hold him as he should be held, with all the love and care you can provide.
His arms tighten around you so much that you hear a vertebrae or two cracking, but you never let out your discomfort. You massage his scalp as he nuzzles your neck, and his breath is still shaky.
You’ve barely ever seen Levi like this.
“I’m here,” You gently tell him. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m so sorry.” His muffled words barely make it to your ear.
“What are you apologizing for?” You whisper softly, lips brushing against the top of his ear. “There’s nothing to apologize about, my love.”
There is. He thinks. There are plenty.
“Can I touch you?” His voice is small, yet dark and husky.
It warms your heart that he still always asks for that when he’s feeling down, to touch you, to feel your skin against his. It grounds him, he’s told you. Makes you feel more real.
You nod against his head and pull back to help him unbutton the shirt that lies underneath the green coat. He pulls it out of your pants, unties the binder tied tightly around your chest, and just pulls you back into your previous position again.
His lips lightly graze the skin of his neck, you fight the urge to pull away from the ticklish spot, but you’re soon distracted by the hands that roam your upper body. His touch is intimate, as if he is massaging.
Fingers trail from your stomach, to your waist, then up your back until he lovingly presses you to him by your nape with a firmer grip.
You let him do everything he pleases, letting your own eyes close as you rest your temple on the side of his head, fingers forever sinking in the raven hair. He plants a light kiss to where your shoulder meets your neck.
“You’re too good.” You hear him muffle. The feather-light touch of his fingers running down your middle soon turns into his whole hand. It trails down from your neck, between your breasts, down your diaphragm and onto your side until he settles right before your belt, and his touch turns firmer here. “Always too good for me.”
You pull away just enough to look him in the eye. Your hand returns to his cheek, and this time, you find dazed steel staring back at you, as if drunk on your touch.
What the hell could’ve happened to have him end up like this?
You pull him in for a chaste kiss, but the hand on your nape brings you closer, grip filled with need and something else, something you can’t tell, something that seems to be bubbling over him. You're pressed flush against him, bodies soon molding into one, and maybe Levi forgets his strength when he holds you like this because you’re almost out of breath.
You take matters in your own hands, then, bringing your hands up to his shoulders and you begin to massage, earning a breathy moan from the man underneath you. His grip loosens on your nape when you massage a knot away in his, and you’re given your chance to breathe when he soon relaxes enough.
You rest your forehead against his, panting slightly. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Your very soul could shatter at the look in his eyes, then. Because he looks up, eyes ever so glossy and oh so damn sad, desperate, scared you dare say. He tries to whisper something but it comes out incoherent, and you don’t ask him to repeat it when he doesn’t. A calloused hand falls from your nape to hold your cheek, mirroring your very position, and he pulls you in again.
It is gentler this time, slower. Your hands still massage every possible tight muscle you find, deliciously swallowing the pretty sounds he produces from the sensation.
Something clicks, then.
You pull back, his hands still roam your upper body. Levi’s lips try to chase after yours but they attach to the corner of his lips instead, to his cheek, down to line his jaw, and down to his neck. You move slow, make every kiss count, make sure that he feels your intention, make sure he feels loved.
That’s a difficult task, Levi never had anyone that makes him feel this way until you came along, and the unfamiliarity of the feeling always sends him close to tears.
There’s nothing lustful laying behind either your intentions. You kiss his scarred skin like it’s the last thing you can give him. You unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt and let your hand feel the toned muscles of his chest as you kiss away the pain, feeling his adam’s apple struggle where your lips land.
A hand slips in his hair, he tilts his head back.
“I love you so much,” You tell him, your lips brushing his skin. “So, so much, Levi. I can barely verbalise it.” Your head raises to hover above his, your free hand gently caressing where his skin is still wet with your kisses. The hand in his hair brushes it out of his face so you can take a clearer look, and it’s fucked up how you feel your own eyes water. “You’ll never know how much you really mean to me.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“You deserve the world,” You reply instantly, teary eyes pouring emotions into his. “Walls, you deserve everything good this universe has to offer, Levi.”
The words tick him off. He tries to hide his face, tries to look away from you as he finally begins to break, but your hold is firm when you hold him still.
“I could write endless poems about every little quirk you have. About the color of your eyes. About every scar I've traced on your body, all the way down to the way you hold your damn ridiculous tea cups. I love you so much, Levi, I can barely contain it.”
A silent tear escapes the corner of his eye, and you never hesitate to kiss it as it lands down to his cheekbone. You linger there, feeling rough hands softly trace the line between your shoulder blades. You don’t notice that your own tears have been released until his thumb wipes under your eye, returning the favor.
“I wish I could love like you,” He whispers.
“Your love is already more than enough.”
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morgansunflower · 2 years
Jason Todd X Pregnant! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language.
Jason and Y/N have the honeymoon and their babymoon
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I hear my phone ring. Bruce texted me.
(Bruce)-in my study, now. -
Shit he knows. I walk into his study seeing Bruce sitting on his chair. I take a deep breath. He had a greatly angered expression on his face.
"look I know you're probably disappointed in my choice, but I feel it's for the best"
"sit down" I sit down nearly losing my temper "I'm not in the slightest disappointed in you. However I don't understand why you did not inform me of this"
"I didn't know how... It just didn't feel right given the circumstances"
I sighed "I'm.." how do I say this? "you'd be so proud of him Bruce. He's doing so much better. He's not killing! He has been taking care of me!.. He loves me and we're together all the way" my eyes shake as his face was unreadable "he loves me and we're doing this with or without your blessing"
I raise to my feet getting out of my chair I can't do this "Y/N" I leave the study Bruce came after me "Y/N! Don't leave" he ordered
I stop in my tracks unable to even look at him "I can't fight with you right now" I shakily said on the verge of tears.. I'm not going to let myself cry in front of him.
He stands in front of me "what is going on?"
"Jason and I are going to marry each other before the baby is here.. 2 weeks from today. That's why I resigned.. I'm not going to be much help pregnant" I admit expecting anger rather than what I truly wish for.
"married? You're not even engaged. I told you two to use proper protection!"
"we've been engaged for 7 months Bruce... And we did use protection.. it happens. Damian is kinda proof of that.. I wanted to tell you.. I really did I just.. I'm sorry"
Bruce takes a deep breath "I'll pay for the Wedding and do whatever it is you need from me. So long as you both promise to never keep such secrets from me"
I sit next to Stephanie while Barbara sat in her wheelchair. We were having our monthly girls night. I hear a knock on the door Barbara rolls to open the door greeting Cass. I take a shallow breath. Don't let her see.
"you're nervous, what's wrong?" Cass quickly said to me
"N-nothing.. I just had a rough day.." I can't do this "I have to go"
"Y/N" Barbara pleaded
I nervously leave the room. I step out of Barbara's apartment shutting the door behind me. She saw it. She saw right through me. I was trying so hard to hide how I'm feeling. Cassandra could see my pain, mentally and physically. Did she notice how I different I really look. I should have known better. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings. I should go back...No! I can't. I can't tell them. Not yet. Though I can't let Cass feel bad about what happened. I open the door back open seeing my little sister curled up on the couch.
"Cass it's OK, it's not your fault. I need to confess something to you all.."
They each look at, me deeply concerned. I take a shaky breath my emotions still uncontrollable.
"Y/N what's wrong?" Stephanie asked genuinely worried.
"I resigned from the team.. Jason.. Proposed to me.. I'm getting married.. In 2 weeks" I admit. That much was true but I was still withholding information.
"2 weeks!!" they shouted..
"and you're just now telling us?! I'm so excited! Oh Y/N this is great. We're so having a toast!" Stephanie exclaimed running to get the wine.
".. Two weeks?.. How long have you been engaged?" Barbara asked.
"7 months.. I've been trying to tell you girls for so long"
"alright I got the booze!" Steph smiled giving us each a wine glass with the beverage.. Shit.
I watch them each make a toast for me and then drink. I tried to look for somewhere to pour my wine but can't.
Barbara gasped touching her face "you're pregnant?!"
"no she isn't" Stephanie defended and then looked at me, she looked at Cass who nodded "holy shit, you totally are! Wait how long have you known Cass?"
"18 weeks.." Cass innocently answered.
"and you didn't say anything?" I asked taken aback "how'd you figure it out"
"food cravings.. You're breast are bigger.. Jason doting you.. Glow" she smiled. "Conner confirmed by mistake"
"your sweet because I definitely do not see it" I admit feeling.. So different. "wait your boyfriend knows?" shit he's going to tell Tim.
"Aww I totally see it now.. You're having a baby Y/N!! And I'm going to be a bridesmaid!!" Stephanie said over the moon.
That morning I told my family and my lover for emotional support to meet me in the family room. I said the two words. Jason sees my anxiety raising.
"P-pregnant? How? Who?" Dick looks to Jason. Jay smirks to me making a kiss gesture to me making me blush. "I don't believe this.."
He scoffed "you seriously think I could keep my hands off of her.. Plus I'm marrying Ms sexy soon to be Mrs Todd" Jason proudly said walking to me and kisses me
"wow! That's great news guys!!" Duke said genuinely happy for us. "I'm gonna be a groomsman right?"
"thanks Duke.. Grayson I'm happy about this.. I want your blessing"
Jason puts his arm over my shoulder as I put mine across his back. Alfred smiled delighted to us. Grayson tried to calm himself down speechless.
"this is such a shock" Tim mocked smiling taking a sip of his coffee.
"tt.." Damian scoffed, I see a hint of a smile.
"if you're happy.. Than I'm happy for you sis" he smiled.
The wedding was beautiful. It was exactly how I wanted it to be. Bruce had walked me down the aisle whispering words of encouragement. I admitted I really needed to pee. Then he said 'you're doing great'. As he lifted my vail.. He actually shed a tear that he manged to hide from everyone, but I saw. I gave him a tight hug. He was careful hugging me back probably worried about my unborn little baby. Alfred was in tears as he said 'you may kiss the bride'. Jason kissed me deeply. He lifted me off my feet and carried me down the aisle. Jason and I went to a private island. It was a safe house but it was our place for our honeymoon. Jason and I laid together in the bed. My morning sickness is terrible. I hate I'm so miserable. My boobs swollen and sore which he of course didn't mind. He pampered me the entire time. I laid on my side as Jason laid up against me.
"I'm so sorry I'm so miserable.. I wanted this to be perfect. I wanted you to remember this has something.. Special" I apologized
"babe don't talk that nonsense. I have everything I ever wanted and more. We are in this together and I am pleased to take care of my smoking hot wife.. Besides our honeymoon is our babymoon to" he softly laughs placing his hand on my bump.
"yeah, I guess it is.. Thank you" I hear him inhaling deeply against the crook of my neck "what are you thinking?"
He gently rubs my bump and kisses my neck "how lucky I am.. I thought this could never happen to someone like me"
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whatthefishh · 1 year
I'm having a rough night. Nothing serious just a long day.
Tell me a secret about Marc. I know you have one. Give me a secret thot.
Hi babe I’m so sorry you’re having a tough night 🤍🤍 take a deep breath and I hope you enjoy this random tidbit of Marc thots
Kudos to @kittyofalltrades and @dameronscopilot for the brief discussion we had on this Heheheh
Secret Thot #1: he likes praise. Not a surprise, I know. He likes knowing how good he’s being for you and he likes telling you, too. He doesn’t like to talk about his feelings a lot, it just gets lost in translation and he has a hard time telling you how much he loves you. Except when he’s between your legs, then he’s all mouth and says the filthiest, most depraved shit. You have to shut your eyes because looking at him when he comments on how wet you are while putting the fingers that were just inside you in his mouth is too much.
Secret Thot #2: he may have a daddy kink. This isn’t something that comes out all the time, and you don’t pull out the big guns until you’re ready and able to take the brutal dicking down he will inevitably dish out once you say it. Just know this - he won’t go easy on you.
Which leads me to my next Thot:
#3: overstimulation. He loves (LOVES) to push you to your limits, pulling orgasm after orgasm from you, playing your body like a fine tuned instrument with manic glee as you lose yourself to him, completely turning over control as he brings you over the edge again, and again, and again. Almost painfully so. You sometimes have to beg for him to stop (he does immediately, kissing you, bringing you back down with soft and gentle touches).
Secret Thot #4: Marc loves to mark you :) he likes to leave behind evidence of your time together, of his love for you, of his presence in your life, of how much you belong to him, and he to you. He loves to see the physical proof of it days later, he loves to see it peeking out of your regular day clothes, loves the idea of someone else seeing them and knowing you’re taken, knowing your his. Marc watches with glee as you have to pull out your concealer just to cover up a particularly dark, blossoming bruise on your neck, not hidden in the slightest by your sweater. He just leans against the doorway of the bathroom as you tilt your head in the mirror this way and that, trying to see if it’s still visible (it is, you don’t have theatre makeup for God’s sake).
Okay that’s all for now Ty for coming to my slutty blurb of the night love you xoxo
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ackermonie · 2 years
ib: love like you by caleb hyles
The oil candle burns. Its illumination warms the cold hues of his office as Levi works on yet another pile of paperwork, except he’s becoming actively more distracted as the seconds go since his door opened and closed silently, and a body laid down on the leather couch to his left a few minutes ago.
He didn’t bother to look up at the intruder, then, knowing exactly who would dare to just come in like that, the familiarity of the action implanting itself as a daily habit in his brain.
Except that usually he just keeps on working, focusing on the task at hand so he could quickly finish and eventually follow up with his nightly routine with you, but today seems like it won’t allow that to happen. He can hear your light breathing, can see you from the corner of his eye, and he has to physically restrain himself from looking your way as he knows that all hope will be lost to his paperwork if he does.
It’s been a rather difficult day for the pair of you. With the preparations for an upcoming expedition getting more and more draining, everyone’s nerves start to naturally get worse. People are getting angrier at each other, you can see the cadets’ profound fear right through their eyes, and some people start spitting shit without knowing who’s listening.
And apparently, even Levi Ackerman isn’t immune to what people can say behind his back.
He knows who he is. He knows he can be perceived as cruel, stoic, inconsiderate, all sorta shitty stuff, he’s aware of it all and learned how to live it long ago without letting it bother him in the slightest. He can be called a cold-blooded killer right in his damn face and he’d agree, but when someone else is put in the narrative, and when that someone is you, it apparently changes everything.
He was unbothered at first, used to the banter thrown at him left and right, but he made the mistake of thinking about it, and his comrades could visibly see his irritation get worse throughout the day.
And they already deal with the grumpy man on the daily, it wasn't really that big of a change, except everyone started to slowly realize that he isn’t reacting like he usually does when they pick on him.
And to top everything off, you weren’t near the whole day.
He doesn’t know who was talking. Doesn’t know their names if he wanted to punish them or file for demotion, but he thinks that it barely even matters. He probably wouldn’t do anything if he could just because he thinks that maybe, maybe what they said is true.
“I don’t know how they ended up together, to be honest!” One of them had said. “They’re polar opposites! I don't know how the Sergeant handles him.”
“He ssoooo doesn’t deserve her. She’s way too nice to be stuck with someone like him.”
“What does she even see in him? He may be pretty in the face but he’s such an asshole, dude!”
“I bet he doesn’t even treat her right. How can someone like him even love?”
He didn’t need to hear that. He already had his doubts, he didn’t fucking need to hear that.
For real, how did you even come to like him back? How does anyone fall in love with someone like him? Yet here you are, sleeping on his couch, waiting for him to finish work because you can’t fall asleep unless you’re touching him.
Yet you wake up every day and look at him with that smile on your face, like he deserves everything good in this world.
He can’t help it, the constant feeling of never being enough. You’re like the sun, too bright and too warm to be contained, a gold shine forever painting the surface of your skin that he wishes he can kiss forever, just to make sure you were actually real.
You’re warm, considerate, kind, everything he’s not, his polar opposite, yet here you are.
How is this possible?
Levi loses his fight with his body and finally gazes at you.
You have an arm under your head, laying on your side to face him, eyes lightly shut. Your uniform still hugs your body, hair a neat mess on top of your head, and you make sure to keep your boots off the couch like Levi always tells you.
God, what would he do if you left? If you just realize how shitty he is and decide you don’t want anything to do with him anymore?
“You’re staring.” Your soft voice slightly startles the saddened man, his eyes widen a bit, but you keep yours closed. “Are you done with your paperwork?”
“No, not yet.”
You flutter your eyes open. “A break, then?”
Levi hesitates. He wants to touch you, wants to keep you as close to him as possible, yet feels undeserving even of that.
He doesn’t reply. His eyes do their little zoning out thing that you take notice of, and you can see what Hange was telling you of him just before you pass by. His jaw is set too firm, Adam's apple moving harshly against his delicate skin, and his eyebrows are furrowed. You don't even think that he is aware of his frown.
He only snaps back to reality when you start moving off the couch and closer to him. Something flashes in his eyes, you think you are mistaken when you take it for panic because it is wiped away from his expression as quickly as it appears.
Levi’s heart is surely going to burst out of his chest if it continues on like this. It gets even worse when your hand touches his, and you can’t help but notice when his chest trembles as he tries to regulate a healthy rhythm, and it only fuels your worry more.
You climb on his lap, his hands immediately finding your back, while yours roam from his trembling, toned chest to tense shoulders that only seem to relax under your touch.
You smile at him. You’re always smiling at him.
“Do you wanna talk to me about anything?” You ask in the softest voice you can.
Levi’s brain seems to high-wire because, once again, he fails to reply. His confused frown turns sad, turns desperate only little by little, and his arms tighten around you like you can disappear right then and there, turn into fine dust and leave him strangled with only bittersweet memories.
His usually straight lips are curved the slightest of curves downwards, and his gaze seems unable to look anywhere but your eyes.
Levi isn’t great with words, you’ve known so for so long already, so when he stays quiet, your hand finds a cold cheek. He leans in your touch, even though you can see that he tries to restrain himself from doing so, and the look on his face just breaks your heart.
Your smile fades, expression morphing into sad worry.
“What’s wrong, my love?”
My love. Your nickname to him will forever have him feeling as if he’s hearing it for the first time.
You think it’s the expedition, just like it is for all of you. He usually gets cranky before expeditions, giving you all those instructions here and there, pulling you away for some extra training even, but this is new.
The more he trains you the less worried he is about you in expeditions as you slowly but surely become another version of him minust all the extra crack, but the worry you see in his expression right now isn’t the kind of worry you’re used to before marching to your death.
Maybe something happened, something shifted, made his anxiety skyrocket, but you’ll never know unless he tells you.
Even as you hold each other like this, he doesn’t think he is loving you enough. He thinks you deserve the world, the sun, the stars, everything that shines just the way you do, everything that he is not.
You’re so good. Your love for him is way more than he deserves.
Levi shuts his eyes before they can get teary, and you’re immediately pulling him in your embrace. With a hand in his hair and the other going up and down his back soothingly, you hold him as he should be held, with all the love and care you can provide.
His arms tighten around you so much that you hear a vertebrae or two cracking, but you never let out your discomfort. You massage his scalp as he nuzzles your neck, and his breath is still shaky.
You’ve barely ever seen Levi like this.
“I’m here,” You gently tell him. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m so sorry.” His muffled words barely make it to your ear.
“What are you apologizing for?” You whisper softly, lips brushing against the top of his ear. “There’s nothing to apologize about, my love.”
There is. He thinks. There are plenty.
“Can I touch you?” His voice is small, yet dark and husky.
It warms your heart that he still always asks for that when he’s feeling down, to touch you, to feel your skin against his. It grounds him, he’s told you. Makes you feel more real.
You nod against his head and pull back to help him unbutton the shirt that lies underneath the green coat. He pulls it out of your pants, unties the binder tied tightly around your chest, and just pulls you back into your previous position again.
His lips lightly graze the skin of his neck, you fight the urge to pull away from the ticklish spot, but you’re soon distracted by the hands that roam your upper body. His touch is intimate, as if he is massaging.
Fingers trail from your stomach, to your waist, then up your back until he lovingly presses you to him by your nape with a firmer grip.
You let him do everything he pleases, letting your own eyes close as you rest your temple on the side of his head, fingers forever sinking in the raven hair. He plants a light kiss to where your shoulder meets your neck.
“You’re too good.” You hear him muffle. The feather-light touch of his fingers running down your middle soon turns into his whole hand. It trails down from your neck, between your breasts, down your diaphragm and onto your side until he settles right before your belt, and his touch turns firmer here. “Always too good for me.”
You pull away just enough to look him in the eye. Your hand returns to his cheek, and this time, you find dazed steel staring back at you, as if drunk on your touch.
What the hell could’ve happened to have him end up like this?
You pull him in for a chaste kiss, but the hand on your nape brings you closer, grip filled with need and something else, something you can’t tell, something that seems to be bubbling over him. You're pressed flush against him, bodies soon molding into one, and maybe Levi forgets his strength when he holds you like this because you’re almost out of breath.
You take matters in your own hands, then, bringing your hands up to his shoulders and you begin to massage, earning a breathy moan from the man underneath you. His grip loosens on your nape when you massage a knot away in his, and you’re given your chance to breathe when he soon relaxes enough.
You rest your forehead against his, panting slightly. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Your very soul could shatter at the look in his eyes, then. Because he looks up, eyes ever so glossy and oh so damn sad, desperate, scared you dare say. He tries to whisper something but it comes out incoherent, and you don’t ask him to repeat it when he doesn’t. A calloused hand falls from your nape to hold your cheek, mirroring your very position, and he pulls you in again.
It is gentler this time, slower. Your hands still massage every possible tight muscle you find, deliciously swallowing the pretty sounds he produces from the sensation.
Something clicks, then.
You pull back, his hands still roam your upper body. Levi’s lips try to chase after yours but they attach to the corner of his lips instead, to his cheek, down to line his jaw, and down to his neck. You move slow, make every kiss count, make sure that he feels your intention, make sure he feels loved.
That’s a difficult task, Levi never had anyone that makes him feel this way until you came along, and the unfamiliarity of the feeling always sends him close to tears.
There’s nothing lustful laying behind either your intentions. You kiss his scarred skin like it’s the last thing you can give him. You unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt and let your hand feel the toned muscles of his chest as you kiss away the pain, feeling his adam’s apple struggle where your lips land.
A hand slips in his hair, he tilts his head back.
“I love you so much,” You tell him, your lips brushing his skin. “So, so much, Levi. I can barely verbalise it.” Your head raises to hover above his, your free hand gently caressing where his skin is still wet with your kisses. The hand in his hair brushes it out of his face so you can take a clearer look, and it’s fucked up how you feel your own eyes water. “You’ll never know how much you really mean to me.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“You deserve the world,” You reply instantly, teary eyes pouring emotions into his. “Walls, you deserve everything good this universe has to offer, Levi.”
The words tick him off. He tries to hide his face, tries to look away from you as he finally begins to break, but your hold is firm when you hold him still.
“I could write endless poems about every little quirk you have. About the color of your eyes. About every scar I've traced on your body, all the way down to the way you hold your damn ridiculous tea cups. I love you so much, Levi, I can barely contain it.”
A silent tear escapes the corner of his eye, and you never hesitate to kiss it as it lands down to his cheekbone. You linger there, feeling rough hands softly trace the line between your shoulder blades. You don’t notice that your own tears have been released until his thumb wipes under your eye, returning the favor.
“I wish I could love like you,” He whispers.
“Your love is already more than enough.”
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PAIRINGS: Father! Yandere! Enji Todoroki x Daughter! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, soulmate AU, fluff, slight angst, nsfw, kissing, praise kink, virginity kink, size kink, bathroom sex
A BNHarem Collab!
AN: my longest piece to date! the prompt this month was sex work, so i decided to stretch the prompt and do sexual slavery. wanted to go for a softer version of daddy endeavor, so please enjoy <3
5.2k words
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The mark on his wrist was one that was shared with yours. Enji had given up on finding his soulmate, deciding that his career and legacy were far more important than some silly marking on another’s body. Love was something he thought he could go without. But when he saw your bright eyes gaze up at him, your chubby hand wrapped around his index finger, his heart had fallen hard—such a sweet, gentle thing. No traces of fear, of disdain, of disgust for him as a human being. Just pure curiosity and unconditional love. His heart leaped for his little girl.
Enji was determined, then and there, that he would never fail you, not like he forgot the others.
Oh, what plans he had for you, his precious princess. He couldn’t wait to spoil you, to marry you and start a new family once you were old enough. Rei realized this as well. Her youngest daughter, her last hope at salvaging her broken family, was to be had by her husband. The thought frightened her, especially after seeing the adoring look in her husband's eyes when she saw him cradle you for the first time. It was so unlike the stoic nature he held for the other children when they were born, only caring to see that they were healthy before leaving off back to his agency, never giving them more than a fleeting touch. It was nothing like when he held you, snarling at any nurse who dared to take his soulmate from the grips of his arms.
Something that had Enji’s conviction more so than his career was something to be feared. Your mother swore to herself that she would not let her husband ruin you.
Once he fell asleep with you tucked in the crook of his arm, a social worker came and collected you to be sent to a foster home and be set up for adoption. It was better than falling into the hands of the monster of a husband.
After the death of Touya, the pair decided to have one more child in hopes of fixing their broken family, but Rei now knew it was for naught. Nothing could save them know, especially now that Enji had nearly burned the building down when he discovered that his little girl was gone, just hours after he had finally found you.
Rei alerted the commission as well for your protection, that utter bitch of a woman. They very well couldn't have the number two hero caught in an incestuous bond with his daughter, now could they. All information of your whereabouts was hidden from him, blacklisting him from working with any foster children, lest he loses his hero license. Enji may have lost you for the time being, but his patience grew as he did. They couldn't keep him from you forever. You'd be reunited one day; he knows it.
The first time he saw you again was when you were fifteen. It was your birthday and the day he had become the number one hero officially, plenty of reason to celebrate. Usually, he would have taken the time to sit near the rose bush he planted in your honor in his courtyard on your birthday, renewing his vows to find and love you to the best of his ability. Enji took great pride in keeping your memory alive with the bush for his beautiful little rose gone too soon from his grasp. But there you were, mere meters from him.
The foster home you stayed at took you out for dinner when he was meeting with Hawks after the billboard awards. Your eyes were unmistakable, a perfect cerulean just like his own. He was so close, yet so far. My, how you had grown since he saw you. Unlike him, you bore your mark proudly on your wrist, not ashamed to admit to the world who your soulmate was. Not like you actually knew who it was anyway.
Enji was prepared to leave Hawks at the table; a new flame lit under his ass, one far more exhilarating than the thought of being the number one hero. He was up and on his way to speak to you before Nomu attacked him. Damn villains, they'd pay for separating the two of you once again. But his conviction only grew stronger. It wasn’t hard to find you after that; he knew what city you were living in. Instincts lashed out at him, demanding that he go sweep you up and hide you away. No, no. That would make you frightened; he can't have that. He’ll watch from the sidelines, waiting until you were of age to make a move. He was curious to see just how life as a foster child was treating you.
Growing up in the foster system had been a nightmare from hell for you. A cursed child is what they saw you as when your skin sprouted flames every time it was touched by the human hand, burning everything and everyone who came in contact with it. From the moment your quirk manifested, you were an outcast, an untouchable, unlovable freak. Someone destined never to feel the touch of their new parents, their lover, their soulmate.
It wasn't long before you realized that you would remain in the foster system until you aged out. Who would adopt a child they couldn't hug when they cried, hold their hand when they crossed the street, snuggle up to when it was chilly outside? Any potential parent was taken aback by your quirk once you reached for the warm touch of mommy and daddy, only to singe their hand or burn a hole in their shirt.
You learned quickly that your touch was something to be feared, that you were something to be feared. You supposed that’s why you looked up to him so much. So much so that you thought about him late at night when the loneliness seemed to drown you in the sea of your insecurities.
Endeavor was the only one who could understand you, understand your quirk. If only your soulmate mark could match him, maybe you feel the warmth of another human being without hurting or mauling them with your power. Abrasive he may be with the media, but there something about him that was so comforting and endearing to you. In your eyes, he was simply misunderstood, a gentle giant amongst the mass personalities of the other pro heroes.
Watching his interviews brought you comfort when you were lonely, his merchandise made you swell with pride and confidence, and his posters on the wall reminded you that you were never alone. It was a silly crush, but it made you feel better about your miserable life.
You even got to see him on your birthday! Well, not exactly. You happened to be in the same restaurant when your foster parents took you out for your birthday. It was apparent that they just felt bad for you, having looked after you for 15 years only to still have custody of your sorry ass. You were almost certain that they were going to kick you to the curb the morning of your 18th birthday.
Too bad they never had the chance. That fate would have been much kinder than the reality you faced now.
Once the Paranormal Liberation Front had effectively ripped society up by the roots and let the tree of life rot for the world to see, your foster parents packed their shit and left the country while you were at school. You’d been alone in the world ever since and were snatched off the streets, ready to be sold into slavery by the villains of the world. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being bought like a bitch from the auction floor.
Enji, on the other hand, was more than eager to do just that. After his public smear campaign by his allegedly dead son, he was dead to the world, finally abandoning his family for good in hopes of finding his beloved daughter. His life was dedicated to searching for you, having managed to track you down through his vigilante work. He likes to lie to himself and say that he’s continuing to fight for the greater good, but Enji does it just to have the chance to see your sweet face again. There wasn’t much to go off of, but he’d rather see his fiery end than to give up. That's how he found you at the auction.
Another auction night was approaching, which meant another night of humiliation and being displayed like a slab of meat for a crowd of degenerate wolves. Your quirk was the only thing keeping you from being sold; no one wants a fucktoy they can’t touch. It reduced you to physical labor for your captors, but you were better fed because of it. That didn’t mean they still didn’t try to sell you.
After being stripped down into nothing but a collar, leash, and a muzzle, you were brought to the stage and shoved in front of the ravenous, roaring crowd. You could feel their stares seep into your bones, the grime from the floor on your bare feet only adding to the overwhelming sensation of disgust you couldn’t even begin to describe.
The crowd’s excitement was raucous, jeers and shouts echoing off the halls of the underground auditorium. Masks covered their faces for the sake of privacy lest a vigilante break-in and hunt them all down. Even in the lawlessness of the world, heroes were still crawling everywhere to trail after even the slightest scent of villainy. Doesn't mean they’ll win, but hey, the death of a hero is just the same as the auction was to them.
“Up next, a darling girl with a fiery quirk!”
That was your cue. A handler had a fierce grip on your leash, giving it a few tugs for good measure as the crowd laughed at your stumbling. The auctioneer began to list your qualities and physical attributes, including your quirk.
“And she’s a virgin!”
Added for good measure, the crowd fell silent after listening to the abilities of your quirk. You couldn't hate it anymore; it's what was keeping you from being someone’s onahole until the day you kicked the bucket.
“Can I get $10,000?”
Ah the starting bid. The silence was relieving. Just a few more moments and you'd be off that damn stage.
“No? Going once, going twice, going-”
“One million.”
A booming voice came from the back row, the depths of the shadows to further hide the masked man who just bought your life. Why did it sound so familiar?
“Outstanding! One million dollars for the young lady!”
“Going once.”
It couldn't be.
“Going twice.”
This can't be happening.
“Sold for one million!”
You were supposed to be unwanted, just like you have been your entire life! Yet some mysteriously familiar man outbid the entire auction for little ol’ you.
“Off the stage, bitch.”
The handler snarled, yanking you off the stage and causing you the fall and bruise yourself in the process.
“Watch it!” He spat, picking you up by the roots of your hair. “The merchandise needs to be handled carefully before reaching the customer. Let's hope he doesn't mind some bumps and bruises. For your sake.”
“That won't be necessary; I'll be taking her as is. Immediately, if you will.”
The mysterious man stood had already made his way backstage and behind you, standing formidably over your stark form. Your hair was released, dropping you back to the floor.
“Excellent, sir! I’m more than happy to get this welp off my hands.”
A brief exchange was made while you recovered on the floor, shaking in fear as the situation weighed heavily on your already broken self. The handler took the money and returned to the back room, leaving the two of you alone together.
The stranger crouched down to you and extended a hand to brush the stray hair out of your face, touch remaining tender and gentle when you flinched harshly.
“My poor girl, what has the world done to you?”
His coat enveloped your body as he scooped you up in his arms. The scent of him comforted you more than you would have liked to admit. Teakwood and coffee grounds filled your senses as he held you flush against his chest, leaving the auction house with a renewed sense of vigor.
You were placed in the backseat of a car before he dressed you in simple pajamas.
“Rest. You deserve it.”
At some point in the car ride, you let yourself fall asleep only to wake up in a cozy king-size bed wrapped up in a soft blanket next to a warm fireplace. The false sense of comfort lulled you for a few moments before your situation hit you like a ton of bricks. The anxiety you'd had known your whole life had finally kicked back into gear, forcing you out of bed and into the rest of the house.
It was daybreak, the sunlight slowly trickling in through heavily curtained windows as you walked through the halls and into the kitchen. The man was standing over the stove, sans mask, dressed in a wife-beater and his pajama bottoms. It couldn't be-
“Come in; breakfast will be on the table in a moment.”
Now you were certain.
“Who are you?” Your voice barely above a whisper. “Why did you buy me at the auction?”
A deep, rumbling chuckle flowed from the man.
“I think you know the answer to that, little one.”
His focus was retained on the meal in front of him. “I’ll explain myself over breakfast. Now sit.”
You couldn't help but feel compelled to obey him. While sitting, you took the time to honestly look him over for the first time in your life. Never did you think you would be so close to your childhood crush in such a domestic setting.
He had noticeably greyed but still possessed a majority of his red hair. Muscles were still taught and budging, but he had grown a little bit of a belly. Endeavor was as handsome as ever, aged like a fine wine that you couldn't wait to sip on.
The food was placed in front of you as he took the test next to you.
“Eat and have some water. Then we’ll talk.”
Once again, you obeyed him without question and refrained from eating like a rabid animal. It wasn't even a question, so much so that it is evident that you hadn't had a decent meal in a long time. You were still muscular from the labor you did for your handlers, though.
And Enji liked that about you. How resilient you were, he loved that you inherited his strength but still possessed Rei’s gentle nature. Not that he wanted to credit that woman for anything, but he couldn't deny the obvious. You were his strong, beautiful little girl who had to endure so much because his bitch of a wife decided to separate you from him.
But he was here now, ready to give all his love and protection to his only love. It took everything in his power not to swoop you up from your seat and hold you in his arms until his last breath.
Enji watched you eat, pride swelling in his chest at the thought that you liked his cooking. He couldn't help but wonder what your favorite meals were as well. There's certainly all the time in the world to get to know his little girl now that he had you. And he was never going to let you go.
Your breakfast was devoured quickly, both out of desperation for a real meal and answers to your questions.
“Why did you buy me from the auction?”
It was a complicated question, but you wanted a simple answer.
“I’m your soulmate.” His wrist was on display as he reached across the table to hold your hand.
For the first time in your life, you felt safe. Your one, shining hope was meant to yours and he wanted to be yours. You didn't even question how he knew at all.
His touch was warm and slightly rough, but it was welcome all the same. Even though your skin was lit aflame at his flesh against your, he paid it no mind. He was built to take your quirk, to take you.
“Please, call me Enji.” His thumb rubbed over the palm of your hand. “I’m sure you feel better after having something to eat.”
“Why don't you go take a bath? It’ll help you relax, I can take care of your dishes.”
It was strange how insistent he was on taking care of you, but you can't say you don't enjoy the attention. He seemed to care for you in a way that went beyond caring for a partner, or in your case, a soulmate. But who were you to judge? It wasn't like you had a lot of experiences to use as a comparison.
Making your way back to the bedroom, you took the time to study the house you were in. A traditional, well-kept home, it practically looked like it was untouched. And maybe it was; buildings and homes fully intact were hard to come by these days, let alone ones that were clean and warm.
Enji seemed to lull you into an instinctual sense of safety, even though he bought you out of slavery. Just because he was your soulmate didn't mean that he had good intentions for you, but somehow, his presence alone filled a void in your heart that you had forgotten was even there.
Once you made it to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom, you drew yourself a bath just like Enji had instructed you to do. It wasn't the wisest decision to let your guard down like this, but the man already had plenty of opportunities to fuck you up by this point.
The water was warm and inviting when you sank yourself into it; you couldn't remember the last time you had warm water to clean yourself with. It made you feel light and hazy, slipping into a headspace you had long forgotten—a place of safety and comfort.
Three raps on the door pulled you from your haze as Enji entered the bathroom with fresh towels. Despite the fact that he had already seen you naked, the intimacy of the situation only left you feeling more vulnerable than ever.
“Let me help you.”
He kneeled next to you outside of the tub and pulled a lavender chamomile shampoo from the tub’s shelf. There was room to protest, but you couldn't find yourself willing to do so.
Water was poured over your head before he started a lather in your hair, gently scrubbing your scalp for a while. Even this simple touch made you shudder, it was a long time since you last felt the warmth of someone’s touch. And everything about this man was warm, for you at least. His words, his touch, his heart.
Conditioner was added to your hair as well before he moved onto washing your body. The scrub was gentle across your skin, his hand following after it to help keep the suds from rising too much. Strong hands massaged your back and your neck, both of which needed the much-deserved relief.
“So tense.” He murmured, mostly to himself.
There was a comfortable silence shared between the two of you as he massaged out all the knots and kinks that had built up over the years with your handlers. His touch should have made you flinch but you found yourself pressing into it. A small moan escaped your lips as he worked through a particularly tender spot on your neck.
“Are you enjoying this?”
His lips ghosted your ear as warm breath tickled your cheek and neck.
Your face flushed with a fiery warmth from a combination of the steam, your embarrassment, and the man whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his hands worked at your tired skin.
“Let me help you relax, sweet thing.”
Enji picked you up momentarily to slot himself behind you in the tub. Placed on his lap, you gasped when you could feel his erection hard against your back. Fear started to trickle into your veins as you squirmed slightly, attempting to get out of his grasp.
“Shhh, it's alright, you're okay.” His hand made its way to your throat and rested there gently, stroking over your artery with his thumb. “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart. Let me show you how much I've missed you.”
His touch made you feel alive, feel wanted for the first time in your life. You couldn't help but whine when his other hand made its way down your body, gently groping your breast as his lips were pressed to your ear.
“Do you trust me to take care of you?”
His fingers toyed with your nipples, obviously skilled.
“Do you trust me to make the sweetest love to you?”
Another whine caught in your throat as his hand went further, cupping your sex in his much larger hand. He kneaded gently, pressing a soft kiss to your temple when you writhed in his grip.
“Please! Enji-”
Shushing you gently, Enji’s thumb made its way to your clit to stroke in small circles.
“How does that feel, sweetheart?”
You were used to touching yourself, but oh God it never felt like this.
“Good!” You managed to choke out in a wanton moan. “So good! Enji, please, I need-”
A warm pair of lips sealed over yours, silencing you once again. Enji knew how wrong this was, to take advantage of you like this without revealing the truth. But he wanted at least to just once to have you in his arms willingly and eagerly. He wanted to kiss you breathless, listen to your cries and feel your nails dig into his skin as he gave you all of himself without a fight from you. He can worry about revealing himself to you later.
The rough pads of his large fingers started to apply pressure to your clit as his middle finger slipped into your tight hole under the water.
“Don't worry, little one. I'll give you what you need.”
Soft kisses were trailed along your cheek and hand that was on his that was still holding your throat tenderly. Finger pumping in and out of you, Enji whispered sweet praises to you as he felt your hole clench around him.
“Doing so well for me, sweetheart.”
Your breathy moans and whines only served to harden his cock. He felt like a teenager all over again, closing to cumming just from the sound of your voice.
Another finger slipped into your tight core, careful not to overwhelm you too fast. It was obvious you'd hadn't been touched before, not even by yourself. You felt full but greedy for more of his touch.
“Deeper, Enji! Please, can you?”
You were babbling at this point, writhing in his lap as he fingered you nice and slow with thick digits. Enji hummed as he pressed further into, curling his fingers into your G-spot.
Your cry was loud as he began to abuse your most sensitive spot, fully squirming in his arms as tears of pleasure breached your eyes. The sensation was too overpowering for you, making you thrash and arch in his arms.
“Shh, you're okay, sweetheart. You're okay; I'm right here.”
His fingers continued to stroke in a curled fashion, thumb still circling over your twitching clit. Enji kissed you again, deeper and more fierce as he began to fuck you earnestly with his fingers.
“Cum for me, darling.”
Squealing, you gripped his forearm and cried helplessly into his mouth. The build was slow and intense, allowing your orgasm to wash over you in waves of pleasure rather than a blinding, quick light.
“E-Enji!” You wailed. “Enji!”
You shook in his arms, holding onto the larger man for dear life as you experienced your first orgasm. It seemed like Enji knew your body better than you did.
No words were exchanged between the pair of you, but you could feel the tension of your desired hanging thick in the air. This man was going to take your virginity, here and now.
Enji removed his hand from your throat and between your legs in order to maneuver you to sit facing forward in his lap.
“Are you ready for me?”
His honesty made you flush even more. Biting your lip nervously, you hesitated to answer. Were you ready? It wasn’t like you had much of choice; the man could very well take you by force if he so chose to. But you felt safe in his arms, safe with him.
“Let me help you, my love.”
Warm, large hands gripped your backside as he held you steady above his cock. Your hand reached down to line yourself up with his throbbing sex, lowering yourself down on it slowly.
It burned in the best way, stretching you out fully as you pressed your forehead against his chin.
“Good girl, taking my cock so well, darling.”
A pitiful whine left your throat at the praise, hands gripping the forearms that held you in place.
“Can...Can you hold me?” You whimpered. “Please?”
Enji’s arms enveloped you and pulled you flush against his, tucking your head into the crook of his neck as you continued to lower yourself onto his cock. Your breath tickled his ears, making him groan lowly once he bottomed out inside of you.
“Such a sweet girl you are, taking all of me on your first try.”
Another whine responded for you as you ground your hips down on his.
“E-Enji.” You whimpered his name over and over again like a prayer. “Enji!”
“Be still, little one.” Hands back on your hips, holding you in place near the tip of his girthy length. “Let me take care of you.”
Hips in place, the man began to thrust up into you slowly, holding you tight as he stood up from the water. You only gripped and nuzzled yourself into him further, letting out sweet whines and whimpers into his ear while he thrust into you.
Your back was placed against the cool tile of the wall when he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze. Even in this position, he was still at least another head taller than you.
“Look at me when I make love to you.”
Through wet eyelashes, you gazed up at his eyes and let your mouth hang open as he rolled his hips into yours. His eyes shut briefly when he moaned, hissing at the feeling of your wet cunt hugging his cock so well.
“You were made to take my cock, little one.”
Arms reached up to wrap around his neck as he thrust into you, taking his time to make his strokes slow and deep. His hips were flush against yours when you asked him, “Kiss me, please? I want all of you Enji.”
Your bold proclamation stunned him for a moment before yielding, placing a deep kiss and a hot tongue against your lips.
His thrusts became faster as he kissed you with more passion and vitality. For an old man, he certainly had his stamina up to par. Your fingers thread through his red and grey tresses, tugging him closer to you gently as you moaned shamelessly into his mouth.
The pleasure in your core was more intense, fiercer this time around as his thrusts became hard and fast. The sounds of both of your moans and skin slapping against skin echoed off the tiled bathroom walls as the both of you felt your orgasms coming.
“Enji, fuck!” You whined, beginning to squirt on his fast-paced cock. “I-I’m cumming; I’m cumming!”
“Cum for me, princess.”
With a choked sob, you creamed yourself all over his cock, which continued to pound into your hole before he groaned your name and came deep inside you.
Nothing but the sounds of the water sloshing and your labored breathing could be heard as you both came down from your highs.
After a moment of rest, Enji pulled out and wrapped you in a towel before laying you gently on the bed. A towel was wrapped around his own waist as he looked at you fondly, brushing stray hairs out of your eye sight as he sat next to you on the bed.
“I must ask, how did you end up at the auction site?”
What a loaded question, but the intimacy you two shared allowed for it.
“I was kidnapped off the streets after my parents abandoned me when the prison break happened.”
He sighed gruffly and took your hand in his.
“What utter fools, tossing aside a beautiful rose such as yourself.”
His thumb traced over your soulmate mark. You still had yet to know how he knew before ever meeting you.
“It's alright; I never considered them my family. I just wish I could have met mine, but at least I met my soulmate.”
A crinkled smile adorned his face.
“You've done more than meet them.”
What could that have meant?
“I’m your father and your soulmate, little one.”
A rock hit the pit of your stomach as you retracted your hand from his.
“That isn't a funny joke, I'm serious.”
“So am I.” His hand was quick to snatch your back. “What could I possibly gain from lying to you?”
“P-Prove it.”
“Our soulmate marks, I saw yours the moment you were born in the Hosu hospital before my wife separated us all those years ago. I can recite your birthday if you'd like me to, for good measure.”
Fuck, he really wasn't lying. A lump formed in your throat as tears sprung in your eyes.
“Why would you do this to me?” You whispered, barely even able to hear yourself.
“Because I love you. I love you so much, sweetheart. Ever since I saw you for the first time in the hospital, my entire life has changed because of you. All I ever wanted was you.”
Enji was quick to shush your cries, using his free hand to wipe your tears away.
“Will you forgive me for being selfish?”
The disgust and horror filled everyone of your senses, especially when you came to a realization that he was everything you've ever wanted.
What came out of your mouth next stunned the both of you.
“You can apologize by begging on your knees and cleaning me up with your tongue, Daddy.”
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TAGLIST: @tomurasprincess @bonesoftheimpala @sightoru @cxnicalsweetheart
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Do accidently hitting their s/o in a fight but with blitzo
Blitzø accidentally hitting his S/O in a fight.
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Fights with Blitzø were fairly common, happening at the very least, once a month.
To be fair, the fights were rarely anything serious. Usually they were just squabbles over something petty or stupid, the two of you never taking them very seriously, usually just fighting because you were both petty dumbasses and wanted something of an outlet.
Plus the make up sex was always amazing.
But once in a while, you'd have a serious fight.
The sort of fight that put the whole relationship on the edge.
They'd mostly come from him being an ass.
Now, most the time, you'd just play it off. Sure blitzø could be difficult, but he usually made up for it with his dumbass charm.
And usually that was enough, the way he could so effortlessly play something off managing to settle the issue, without settling it.
But sometimes... sometimes he was just, how should you put it.
So fucking frustrating.
Youd bring something important up, some issue with your relationship, and he'd blow it off telling you you were as close as could be, and nothing would change that.
And sometimes youd accpect that, but usually youd try again, and he'd blow it off, telling some stupid joke.
And so, after biting your tongue, youd wait, youd wait before bringing it up again. This time telling him it was serious and you needed to talk. And the asshol would just play it off... again.
And so, as any civilised person would, youd lose your shit.
Youd go off on him, telling him he didn't take the relationship seriously and you felt like he was treating it like some kind of fling.
Blitzø would naturally get just as angry, trying to defend himself, telling you he absolutely cared. Although you had the ticket stubs, and were more than happy to point out all the times he neglected your relationship... and you.
Your argument would get louder and louder, both of you trying to out shout each other.
Slowly the argument would build until you got personal, trying your best to cause the other as much pain as possible.
Blitzø would probably say something a little over the top, telling you you he wished he'd never met you.
And that... that really hurt.
Youd strike back, tears pricking your eyes as you pulled up his biggest, most deepest insecurity and jammed it in his face.
Upon saying it, Blitzø would act on animal instinct, arm shooting out an he'd strike you, right across the face.
Now the two of you would get physical on occasion, the two of you play wrestling for dominance after a squabble. But it was usually just mucking around, both of you immediately stopping at the slightest sign of causing the other any genuine pain.
But you never, ever actually struck each other.
Blitzø was paralysed, he drew in on himself, covering his mouth.
It was like all the sound was sucked out of the room.
Oh fuck, oh no, oh shit. What had he done. What the actual hell had he just done.
Youd turn away from him, bringing your hand to your now stinging cheek.
Blitzø would try to explain he hadn't meant to do it, it was a muscle movement, a knee jerk reaction.
He didn't mean to hit you, he would never hit you, it's just when you said what you said, something in him snapped and his body moved before he knew what was happening.
He'd try and get closer, emotion growing thick in his voice as he tried to tell you how sorry he was.
He'd reach out, trying to touch you, trying to get you to look at him.
If you flinched, or pulled away, Blitzø would break down further. He'd be in tears, pleading with you to believe him. He promised he didn't mean it, he'd never want to hurt you.
It would likely be a turning point in the relationship, the two of you of you slowly growing more distant.
Your relationship could recover, it all depending on how willing you were to forgive him.
If Millie or loona found out he hit you, they'd probably lose there shit, becoming super protective of you and likely kicking Blitzø's ass the next time they saw him.
If instead, you accepted his touch. Letting him pull you close, him telling you just how sorry he was.
He'd press you into his chest, all the while whispering how you were right and he was so sorry for being an asshole, he'd promise to take your problems more seriously.
He would hold you close the rest of the night, gently holding you as he whisped gentle apologies, telling you how much he loves you and would never, ever let that happen again.
After that, Blitzø would put your relationship above all, making you his top priority, spending as much time with you as possible all while making sure you knew just how much he loved you.
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mara-xx217 · 3 years
Pokes head
May I request Michael being a possessive daddy and fighting a killer who hurt his girlfriend ? It can be anyway you like 💙
Why of course you can~ This isn’t based in Dbd, but the normal world. Hope you don’t mind!
Possessive, Protective Mikey
You were like some sort of disease to Michael. Or, perhaps, a parasite was a better descriptor of how you affected him. You wormed your way into him, deep into his chest, right beside his cold, soulless heart. You made him… feel, regardless of what that actually meant, it was beyond unacceptable in his eyes. That warm, painful throbbing in his chest was more than distracting, it was nauseating, disturbing. Terrifying… In a sick, twisted, wrong way, you terrified the Shape of Haddonfield. Michael fucking Myers was absolutely terrified of a small, defenseless creature that was completely helpless against the evil and cruelty he wielded against the world. He should kill you a hundred thousand times over for this transgression! But… it wouldn’t make him feel any better. He only… feels more empty every time your cheeks are stained with tears. Cold. Dead. Michael would feel dead without you…
This isn’t the first time he’s caught someone hurting you. It’s happened many, many times over, and his reaction has ranged from blinded rage to searing hatred. Not just for the one harming you, but towards you, yourself. It was that lack of control that drove Michael insane. He couldn’t watch you 24/7, couldn’t always follow you around or know where you were at any given moment… It drove him fucking crazy, and he took that frustration out on not just the asshole unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with you, but onto you, as well.
But, even that was quickly losing its luster to him. Michael had thought that hurting you would bring him some sort of fulfillment, like it has always done in the past when he had hurt others. It never has, though. Sure, he’s lied to himself, trying desperately to convince himself that seeing you all small, all scared and teary-eyed brought him a measure of enjoyment, to have your blood on his hands, to have you groveling in terror before him- but it didn’t. It- He- Michael felt… not good, when that happened. You made him… stop to consider how his actions would affect you, and he hated that.
Michael despises that you’re a magnet for trouble. That you just can’t seem to stay the hell away from people that want to do you harm. Sure, he doesn’t mind killing them. Quite the opposite, in fact, he rather enjoys seeing them covered in their own blood, begging for their pathetic lives before he mercilessly snuffs them out. No, Michael hates that you get hurt in the first place. The only one that should ever have the right to put their hands on you was him! Him, and him alone. Anyone else would be destroyed.
Some wannabe serial killer punk had set his eyes on you. Luckily for you, Michael knew better than to leave you to your own devices, anymore. He caught the little bastard scoping out your home before you had any idea of the danger you were in. He’d make sure that, this time, he’d be in complete control of the situation. You won’t be hurt, but that idiot thinking that he can do as he pleases? He’s going to regret the day he was born…
Sitting in your kitchen, you drank what must be your fifth coffee of the night. Strange things were happening, and it left you unable and unwilling to sleep at night. Rustling outside your windows, the sound of someone possibly jimmying your doors and windows, looking for a possible way in… Muddy footprints on your porch and small, dead animals left on your door mat… It was becoming too much. You’re… pretty sure it wasn’t Michael. He did love to torment you, but this wasn't really his thing. He was much more… direct, with his approach to you. This… this was someone else…
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you rub your eyes, feeling them water involuntarily from how dry they were. Anxiously, you tap your fingers on the top of the counter, before sighing heavily and grabbing your coffee mug. You decided to make your way to the living room, thinking that some TV would help calm your nerves and get your mind off of things. Fuck, I’m exhausted… You thought bitterly as you crashed onto the couch, nearly spilling lukewarm coffee all over yourself.
Picking up the remote, you absentmindedly flipped through channels, not really wanting to watch anything. It was just something else to focus on, rather than the impending sense of dread that was washing over you. This feeling was one that you were well acquainted with: the feeling of being watched. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your palms were slick with sweat. Slowly, you sit up, clumsily placing your mug on the table in front of you. The hairs on your entire body stood on end. Something’s not right here…
As you begin to rise off the couch, a firm hand pushes you back down into a sitting position. Your heart jumped up into your throat. You’re very familiar with Michael’s hands, and the one still gripping your shoulder was much, much smaller than his… Short, shaky breaths escaped through your clenched teeth. Fuck..! Oh shit- Oh my God no no no-! You don’t dare to move, only stare straight ahead at nothing as your mind runs wild with possibilities. Who the hell is it?! How did they get in?! Why me?! Where the fuck is Michael when I fucking need him?!?
The intruder sucks in a deep breath, as though he’s about to say something, but instead yelps in surprise as he’s ripped away from you suddenly and violently. You gasp, shooting up and scrambling across the room, back peddling into an opposing corner. Curling in on yourself, you crumple onto the floor, watching the brutality unfolding before you through the cracks of your fingers.
Michael had thrown the intruder back, sending him crashing into a mostly bare bookshelf, breaking most of the shelves along with it. You cringe and jump, feeling your insides twist and revolt against you. Michael drops to the floor, straddling the winded, smaller man as he desperately tries to fight back. Vainly. It was laughable, really. The idiot didn’t stand a chance against the human incarnation of evil, itself.
Michael briefly debated on playing with his food. There was something about seeing them crawl and beg that really set him off, but when he glanced at you over his shoulder, in the fetal position and hyperventilating, he actually decided against it. It was getting under his skin seeing you like this, and the quicker this is… inconvenience is dealt with, the quicker things will be back to normal. Well, to Michael’s fucked up definition of the word “normal”, that is.
With a quick stab to the back of his neck, the intruder was killed. Normally, Michael would have painted the walls with this creep’s blood, but he decided that it would be too much of a pain in the ass to clean up. With a flick of his wrist, Michael twists and pulls out the blade, wiping the excess blood onto the back of his victim’s shirt. He looks back over to you, and sees you stiffen. His… Huh. His chest actually hurts…
With a heavy sigh, he stands, stepping over the dead body as he makes his way over to you. A major part of you was beyond terrified. Is he gonna hurt me..? Oh- Oh God..! I’m gonna- I’m- I’m gonna..! You were trembling, shaking so hard that your teeth were actually chattering audibly. Michael’s eye twitched. He was conflicted: one part of him loved that you were this scared of him, as you should be, but the other… the other hated it. He- Well, he wanted… something, but he just didn’t know what. Fingers twitching, he reached out to you, struggling to ignore how you froze as he slowly approached you.
You really thought that he was going to grab you by the hair and drag you off to the bedroom, so when his fingertips just barely brushed the top of your head, moving the hair from your face, you were, well… at a bit of a loss. Michael has never, ever been that gentle while touching you. Ever. You raise your head slightly, just enough so that you could see him. He still had that damn mask on, of course, and his body language hardly betrayed what he was thinking or feeling, but- You couldn’t deny that his fingers were trembling ever so slightly.
He slowly crouches in front of you, treating you as though you're some kind of animal that will either bolt at the slightest movement or go for his jugular, or something like that. You don’t move or speak, unsure of what he was doing. When he placed his hand where that stalker touched you, gently- carefully squeezing your shoulder as though you were made of glass, you… you relaxed.
You could tell that he was struggling to be gentle, with how his fingers twitched uncontrollably and the pressure of his fingertips varied. You looked up to him, then down at his chest as an odd warmth spread through your cheeks. Michael was extremely possessive over you. He hated it when you interacted with anyone else, especially other men. But, right now, even though another man had touched you, he wasn’t flying off the handle like he usually did. He was still extraordinarily pissed off that he had given the bastard just enough time to physically touch you, but it was remedied.
He was fucking dead, and you were still here. You were his and his alone. That wasn’t called into question. There was no dispute. Michael Myers is the only person that is ever allowed to touch you. You’ve come to accept this, and slowly but surely, you’re even beginning to enjoy his touch. As sick and messed up as it was, you’ve started to develop feelings for him, despite the fact that he made your life a living hell. If anything, you knew that no one would hurt you ever again. No one, except for him.
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taechaos · 3 years
Your Boy, No?
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: You can't stand seeing Jungkook with another girl, so you give him a piece of your mind in a stranger's bedroom by becoming his outlet of sexual frustration.
warnings: losing virginity, riding, degradation
a/n: jungkook's character is not exactly submissive, so i added my own twists to this request. i hope you don't mind @madygswich c:
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word count: 2.5k
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You can't stop pouting. Holding back tears when seeing a woman perched up on Jungkook's lap while they make out has proven to be difficult, but you're trying. It hurts your heart; hell, you're aching everywhere. It doesn't take a genius to know he's doing it to get a reaction out of you when his eyes are throwing daggers at you with his tongue down another girl's throat.
Following Jungkook around like a lost puppy isn't ideal, especially at a frat party. He never gives you the time of the day if it's not out of menace, but you aren't willing to give up on him. It's just not possible when you are so in love with him, and so fucking jealous.
More than Jungkook, you're mad at the girl. You want to rip her heart out, make her suffer for ever touching the love of your life. You're becoming irrational, mentally cussing her out for being a whore while you stop yourself from breaking down in a house filled with horny young adults. You don't know a single person here, and you have to deal with your pent up emotions all by yourself.
You choke out a sob when Jungkook starts kneading the girl's ass shamelessly with her skirt hiked up to her back. They're being so inappropriate in the kitchen of a stranger's house, while you can't even take a sip from your spiked drink in the bustling living room. You abruptly stand up and throw away your plastic cup when Jungkook's hand disappears elsewhere, and you have an idea of what he's about to do. You march over to him, looking absolutely tiny next to the overbearing college students and you don't notice Jungkook's sinister smile as he watches you fume.
"Let go," you sound hoarse, and not at all intimidating when you push the girl off of his lap. She stumbles at the force, but you pay no mind to her confusion as you pull Jungkook up by his arm to drag him away. You think it's the anger and adrenaline giving you so much strength, but it's Jungkook amusing himself by allowing you to take him upstairs.
"This isn't a therapy session, little girl," he yells over the music, "I didn't come here to listen to you cry."
You huff and let a single tear slip before harshly wiping it away. When you reach the hallway, you enter the first bedroom you find. It's occupied by a foreplaying couple, but you're driven as you hiss, "Out!"
They leave at your demand, and you're confusing a lot of people tonight. Jungkook is surprised by your sudden aggression, but he doesn't stop with his remarks, "the chihuahua's gone mad."
"Shut up, Jungkook!" you whirl around angrily to face him. "How could you do that to me?!"
He quirks a brow. "Do what to you? I'm sorry, am I the one who forcefully brought you here? Am I tripping or are you?"
You push at his chest, "you're a fucking whore! Tonguing a girl in front of everyone, in front of me?"
His shoulders shake in silent laughter and you cross your arms when he starts cackling loudly. The music is drowned out and muffled behind the door, but it's nothing compared to how hysterically Jungkook is laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask lamely. He throws his head back as he clutches his stomach, and you're starting to get annoyed. You push him on the bed, but he's still laughing. "Quit it already," your voice wavers, but you don't back down as you smack his chest. You place your knees on both sides of his hips to limit his movement and cover his mouth to shut him up.
His crescent eyes turn intense instantly as he glares at you under his hooded lids. He exerts only a tiny bit of his energy into pushing your hand away and you weakly collapse on him. It's foul play to compete with his muscles, and you realize he can snap you in half if he wanted to regardless of your rush of adrenaline.
You sit back up as he lowly speaks, "The fuck's it to you? I wanted to fuck her, and I was going to until you stepped in as if you're my girlfriend. Tell me why I shouldn't go back to her right now." He clasps his hands under his head, making himself comfortable with your weight pressing against his crotch.
"You know why," you huff with a frown, and you look so cute in the dim lighting with your baggy knitted sweater bunching up on the sleeves, sitting on his bulge with so much innocence in your expression. He's smitten, but it doesn't show in his cold stare. "I'm your girl, and I won't tolerate you messing around with other women. It's slutty!" You slightly bounce for emphasis, but your knee-length skirt hides your actions. Jungkook feels it with you, and his eyes trail down to your lower region.
"My girl?" he parrots with a raised brow. He gazes back into your eyes. "You do my homework."
"I don't care. I love you," you plead pathetically, "please say you love me back."
"Wasn't I a whore just a second ago?"
"You were! Apologize to me," you harshly yank his head back by his hair. He doesn't react in the slightest, so you softly add, "please."
"Oh little girl," he sighs, "are you really trying to dominate me right now?"
"I am dominating you. Promise me you won't kiss another girl like that again. I won't forgive you a second time."
"Yeah? What's my loss?"
"Well, you're lazy in school," you bluntly state, "and no one loves you like I do. No one would try to cater to you like I do. I'd do anything for you, Kookie." You tug down your skirt to take it off and plop back down on him before saying, "Including sex. You can only use me for your sexual needs."
He's enamored by your words, but he doesn't dare share it with you. Instead, he thrusts upwards and you yelp when you jump. "Go on then," he says nonchalantly. "Show me how much of a slut you are."
"U-Um, okay," you stutter and start unzipping his black denim jeans. You've seen a lot of porn videos to make sure you were prepared for the next step with Jungkook, but you have no experience with penetration.
And he realizes that rather quickly when you're so meek with your actions. With a groan, he asks, "You're not a fucking virgin, are you?"
"I've been saving it for the right guy," you answer with offence. This is a special occasion, and you want him to take it as seriously as you do. But it's definitely not a good idea to be snarky with him when you can barely remember the steps for safe sex. "Do you have a condom?"
"It's in my pocket," he grumbles and points at his front without taking it out himself. You're excited and nervous as you tear the wrapper and take out the preservative. You have no idea how to put it on, but you're topping so you clumsily push down his briefs. Jungkook is surprisingly throbbing under you, and you blush at the sight of his erection.
He stops himself from teasing you and saying that the girl from earlier gave him this boner, but he doesn't want to be cruel yet. It's your first time, and truthfully, he jacks off to thought of you too often anyway. He can handle being somewhat nice by staying quiet, but that doesn't mean he would teach you how to put on a condom.
You slip it on with little struggle, and don't waste any time in positioning his cock in your entrance. Before he can stop you, you sink down on his length with a painful moan. He wants to tell you that losing your virginity in this position is the most painful, but instead he groans, "Holy shit, how are you so fucking tight?"
It hurts so fucking bad. Your tear ducts are like clockwork as they water instantly, but you lower yourself down to the hilt anyway. You're quite literally sitting on his cock as you try to catch your breath because God, you're in so much pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" he asks, but he's more worried about controlling himself from fucking into you before you can adjust. It's difficult, but he's trying.
"Jungkook," you whimper quietly with your eyes screwed shut, "it hurts."
"You're so fucking dumb for doing this, but you feel so fucking good," he pants as he holds your hips.
"Thank you," you muster out in a breath. A few seconds pass until the pain starts to numb, and you move against him very slowly. Your walls are stinging, but it feels like Heaven for Jungkook who you clench down on.
"Go up and down," he instructs with a bit lip. He tries to move your hips, but you're resisting in fear of another shock of pain. "Come on!"
"Can you wait?" you hiss through clenched teeth.
He's trying to rile you up when he says, "Sana wouldn't take this fucking long."
And it works, because you bounce once. "Don't say her name!"
He groans at your tightness, and he can't believe how wet you are. You're dripping on him, and he curses himself for holding back because of your hopeless romance. He can't entertain your conservative way of going on about this any longer, so he continues, "She would have made me cum by now, but this prissy princess can't even get a move on."
It's almost pathetic how one push from Jungkook makes you start moving, and it feels less uncomfortable to hop up and down against his pelvis. The filthy sound of slapping skin mixing with the generic radio music is making you feel so slutty because it's so stereotypical, but when Jungkook moans, it brings heat all over your body. You take your sweater off when sweat begins to cumulate on your temples, and he commands, "Take off your bra too."
He's thrusting into you as you unclasp the black material, freeing your breasts as he finds his new eyecandies. You are so pretty, your nipples are so hard, and your cunt sucks him in so perfectly. It almost upsets him when he realizes how much pleasure he's deprived himself of; the amount only you seem to be able to provide, because it's beyond physical intimacy.
"Good girl," he exhales and gently slams into you with his hands fondling your tits. You smile coyly through your tears, and he asks, "Does it still hurt?"
You contemplate for a second, because you don't feel the best yet, but you don't want to disappoint Jungkook either. "I-It doesn't," you lie.
Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes; he really wants to believe you so he can chase his high, but he sees right through you. He slaps your tit without mercy and chastises you, "don't lie. I thought this was your little moment of control."
"I'm sorry," you pout as you slowly ride him.
"Another lie," he slaps your other tit more harshly and you yelp.
"I'm not lying!" you plead and hasten your pace, desperate to sell your lie. It's working, because you're starting to feel a knot in your stomach the more you adjust.
He moans with you, and you lose yourself when he stills your hips and begins to fuck you himself. It's rough, loud, and the pain is your pleasure. His balls slap against your skin as he easily slides in and out of you with the help of your arousal. Your love dawns on him when you're so turned on for him without any foreplay, and he's on cloud nine because nothing can compare to being inside you.
The setting is so unlike you, fucking in someone's bedroom with a bunch of people behind the unlocked door who can barge in at any given moment, but he finds it so sexy. You only care about being with him, and you really do look like his slut now.
His hands start holding onto your ass, kneading it until it turns red with his fingerprints, and he demands you to kiss him. You're out of it, your ears are ringing and you can only moan out his name, but you can't bear to ignore him. Your lips fall on his, and the kiss is sloppy with his tongue all over your mouth. You can't keep up, but your chest swells with pride when you realize how needy he is for you. He goes as far as to spit in your mouth, and you swallow it without hesitation.
"You want me to play with your clit?" he murmurs against your lips, and his voice sounds so airy and melodic to your ears. "Hm? Want me to make you feel good, little slut?"
You whine without a clear response because his lips feel so soft and wet, and that's the only thing you can focus on. All you want to do is kiss him and he doesn't stop you from doing so, but you're even more overwhelmed when he starts touching you while penetrating you. "No," you whimper, "I'll cum."
"A slut can take it," he grunts and rubs your clit faster, and you come undone all too soon. You moan loudly as you tremble, shaking as he rides out your high with a pinch to your clit. You're numb when you collapse on top of him, but he's relentless with his thrusts. He's using your body as you intended, and he's vocal with his pleasure and teasing climax. It's remarkable how he holds you up when you've gone limp and still fucks you just as hard.
You want to record his voice when he starts to whine pathetically, but you have no energy left within. He's panting in your ear, and it's not long before his hips fall on the mattress with a sigh. He's surprised by how powerful his orgasm was, as he fills the condom with his release instantly. His cock is still nestled inside you as both of you recover from your climax.
"Get off," he taps your thigh, and he pushes you off when you don't obey immediately. Your spell has worn off as he starts to dress himself. "I'm going back to the dorms." You listen to him with your mind in a haze. "Unless you want to get raped on your way without me, get the fuck up now."
"Can you carry me please?"
He shrugs and swings your arm over his shoulder, picking up your body with ease. He collects your clothes in his hand, but doesn't hand them to you as he steps out of the room.
"W-Wait, Jungkook, I'm naked-"
"You're my girl, no? Be a good slut and shut the fuck up."
Dangling off his shoulder with your bare tits pressed against his back, you close your eyes and drift off on the way to campus.
Boyfriends typically drop their girlfriends off anyway, right?
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multiland · 3 years
Mr. perfect.
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pairing: idol!Joshua x reader
genre: angst
word count: 1.5K
summary: what do you do when the one who was always there to comfort you, is the one who now has broken you?
warnings: mentions of cheating, denial and heartbreak.
A/N: this sucks. I’m sorry.
When you first learned about love, you always tried to keep in mind that everything about it was ephemeral, that no matter how many happy endings you had heard about, there was no way someone could ever meet such expectations. To you, fairytales were nothing but that, a fictional scenario people created to give themselves hope, to try to find something good even when the so-called love they felt, hurt them more than any physical harm.
But then you met Joshua, and suddenly you found yourself believing in everything you had convinced yourself was nothing but a lie.
You met him on a Friday night at some fancy party your best friend had thrown. Being from a wealthy family, it was no surprise to you that you found some famous people there. You were nothing like them, but being attached to the hip to her since you were kids surely took you to some places you would’ve never thought you’d ever see.
Dressed in a skin-tight navy dress, you were minding your own business, playing with the martini in your hands as your eyes traveled across the enormous house. The music wasn’t the same kind people your age would put in the background, instead, there were some violinists and pianists playing live. You felt out of place, the fact that your friend had left your side to keep greeting people not helping at all.
And that’s when you saw him, walking through the door with some other guys in a beige tuxedo, black strands of hair hanging over his eyes and small silver piercings decorating his ears.
Your eyes were immediately drawn to him, as he stood there across the room with his hands in his pockets, clearly enjoying the music and focused on the musicians. That’s when somewhere along the lines his eyes had landed on you, the previously blank expression on his face turning into the smallest but sweetest smile for you, and you swore you had never seen a man that beautiful in your entire life.
You knew it was over for you as soon as those round and beautiful dark orbs made your heart go crazy, wanting to look away but not being able to. He had an instant power over you, and you didn’t even want it to be any different.
Somehow you exchanged numbers that night, and although you thought you would never see him again, he proved you otherwise when he started texting you the following days.
You started spending time together every now and then, going to some cafes or meeting somewhere more private. Knowing the reality of his situation wasn’t something easy, but you were soon so infatuated with him that you didn’t even think of saying no when he asked you out.
Being with an idol wasn’t what you had expected at all, but Joshua always made everything feel so safe, warm, and comfortable that everything seemed to be just so easy.
He was so attentive, caring, and loving that you, not even once, felt neglected. He called you every single night before going to sleep or messaged you in the mornings or during breaks.
If you ever felt bad, he always knew the right words to say, and even though you felt insecure about him being around beautiful women all the time, he was quick to ease your fears and make you believe there was no way in the world he would ever want someone who wasn’t you.
You felt wanted, beautiful, and loved. He was a prince, he was everything someone could have ever wanted. So gentle, sweet, always there for you no matter what.
He was the only one who was able to set your body aflame with a single touch, always feeling like you were flying whenever his arms wrapped around you and the smell of his cologne, so familiar, filled your nose and made you feel like everything would be okay.
The way he held your hand and kissed your knuckles when he drove, the way he always tucked strands of hair behind your ear, or the way he kissed you in the middle of saying something just because he couldn’t help but being so whipped for you, making you lose your mind with such a simple action.
His sweet, raspy voice in the mornings after he had spent the night; the way his pupils dilated whenever you wore one of his shirts with nothing underneath, the way he made love to you as soon as he went back home, loving you hard enough for you to feel the trace of his fingers and the taste of his mouth whenever he had to leave again. Fingers through his hair as his mouth swallowed your moans, fingertips digging on your burning skin, teeth sinking on the flesh as he took you to paradise.
The way you found relief in his lips, kissing like there was no tomorrow and feeling like you couldn't get enough of each other. His tongue making you delirious, electrifying every inch of your skin.
Everything that came out of his mouth was dripping with honey, because he never wanted to see you upset, because he was your serotonin, because he simply was the best thing that had ever happened to you, and you were the same for him.
Or at least, that’s what you thought.
That’s why you couldn’t process the words that were falling from his mouth that night, after a month of not seeing each other for his comeback and promotions, he had come to your house, but as soon as you met his gaze, you knew something was wrong.
But you never thought it’d be something so horrible.
He had appeared at your place to tell you he had kissed a female back dancer a week before.
“No.” You laughed humorlessly as you shook your head. “It’s impossible. That did not happen.”
His eyes were filled with hurt and remorse, the more he noticed your denial, the worse he felt.
“y/n… I- I’m so sorry… Fuck I’m sorry. I swear I love you. I’m such an asshole.”
“Joshua, please stop. This is not a funny joke.”
“How can you think I would joke with something like this?” He asked in frustration, running his fingers through his hair.
And you were well aware of it not being a joke in the slightest. The way you could feel cold sweat running down your spine and your stomach churn kept trying to pull your feet back to the ground. But you would try to trick the fate and desperately conjure the truth you wanted to take place.
“Because there’s no way you’d do something like that. You love me, right? You’ve done nothing but show me how much you do.”
Joshua swallowed, tears burning his eyes and threatening to fall.
“I do love you. More than anything.” He assured. “That’s why I’m here, that’s why I can’t stand the idea of what I did behind your back. I kissed someone else while you stayed home and gave me all of your trust.” He repeated. “I regret it every second because I know how much I just fucked up… But I can’t cope with the idea of you trying to dismiss it. I don’t deserve it.”
He shook his head, stepping closer and grabbing your hands in his.
"Please, please don't give me a chance to stay by your side because I will not hesitate to take it and I don't deserve to be with someone like you." His voice was so sweet, so subtle despite of him saying something so devastating. His hand moved to tuck a strand of hair behind you ear like he always did, retreating as soon as the guilt attacked him again. "You're so beautiful, so smart, sweet and bright and I'm so, so in love with you. It kills me to know I just ruined everything with the woman I love the most in such a dumb way."
You noticed the way his eyes were getting watery, another thing that made you realize how real it was. You wanted to hate him and tell him how much of a dick he was, but nothing came out of your mouth. You just couldn't, although you knew you should have, you could not bring yourself to hate him.
“You- No, listen Joshua…” You trailed off, heart finally breaking in a million pieces as you tried your best to convince yourself that everything was nothing but a twisted dream. “I know you would never hurt me like that. You would never cheat on me. Why would you? That’s ridiculous! You know that I'd do anything for you, right? You know that I love you more than anything. We’ve always had this chemistry, this peaceful and beautiful relationship. You’ve never given me any reasons to be jealous or to feel insecure, someone like that wouldn’t go against his own preach.” You tried to reason, a bitter chuckle slipping from your lips as you wiped your tears “See, I know you’re just such a gentleman that you’d rather put the blame on your shoulders than say she was the one who took advantage of you and kissed you. You’re a gorgeous guy, it must be hard for people not to throw themselv-"
“Why are you trying so desperately to excuse my actions?" He interrupted you in distress. "Babe, I- I don’t deserve it. I was the one who kissed her. While we danced the atmosphere got tense, the adrenaline did not help, and I just had the impulse.” Joshua said lowly, the knot in his throat becoming thicker and making it hard for him to breathe. “I’m so sorry... Why can't you just blame me for what I did? Just tell me how much of a piece of shit I am, slap me, tell me you don't want to see me again. Call me a dickhead, the worst thing that happened to you, I'll take it all, because I fucked up.”
You forced yourself to step back, the air in your lungs slowly fading away as the void in your chest grew bigger.
“No... I- I can't... Because you would never do something so vile.” You smiled, not noticing the way your tears were already streaming down your cheeks. "You wouldn't throw all the beautiful things between us out of the window just to get your damn dick wet. Not when you told me so many times how you'd never want anyone else but me and I believed you because you looked me in the eyes."
Joshua pressed his eyes shut and took a deep, shaky breath as he stepped closer, but you stepped back.
"I do not want anyone else but you, but I stopped thinking and just let my primal self take control instead of considering what I got to lose."
"No!" You shouted. "You wouldn't! You're perfect!"
Joshua lowered his gaze to the floor, hands ballin into fists.
“I’m not perfect… I never was, I never will. No one is.” He whispered. "That's why I need to go before I keep hurting you. If you ask me to stay I will, and I can not let you accept me back."
And then you knew. The idea you had engraved in your head about love being a real fairytale was long gone, cause all it did was break, burn and end.
Your sweet boyfriend, the same who used to whisper how much he loved you against your lips, the same who washed your hair for you, the same who looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world, was the same one who had stabbed you in the back.
Your lip quivered, and Joshua wanted desperately to wipe your tears away and hold you in his arms, but how could he? When he was the one who had hurt you in the first place, how could he ever fix up a heart he let down? He did not deserve to touch you ever again.
With a shaky breath, you forced the words out of your throat.
“That’s where the problem is, Joshua.” You said, voice cracking as his brows pulled together in confusion. “That’s why facing the truth will destroy every part of my being, that's why I will never be able to trust anyone again, that's why I don't want you to walk out the door. If you do, everything will be real, and the thing that would hurt the most is to realize all this time I stopped believing in my instincts, because I thought you were different, because I've always known perfection does not exist…" You explained, a small sob falling from your mouth and cutting you out before you continued. "But to me, you were perfect.”
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burnedbyshoto · 3 years
more about how he’d act while fucking her because the idea made me stomach go 🦋🦋🦋
if you are not okay with problematic age gap (pro hero!shouto x high schooler!reader), this is not for you.
please note,,,, I am super in favor of shouto becoming like endeavor physically wise. because yum & it makes me sad hes always drawn as a twink ;-; but sometimes i’m into it but like sometimes i’m not ya know??? & I can’t believe what’s getting me back into looking at self insert shit is problematic content.......hehe
when shouto disappeared into a puff of pink smoke, you thought the world was ending. well, you didn’t see it happen for yourself because you weren’t at the same agency for internship as shouto was, but it didn’t make much of a difference when midoriya and bakugou explained what was going on when they returned with a shouto practically double their own height.
he was huge.
towering over every individual in your class — shouji and aizawa-sensei included — shouto was standing there in a white t-shirt that was much too tight against his tight pecs, and joggers that had everyone staring above the waistline because holy fuck there was absolutely no way he was that big while soft?!
you must be losing your mind as you stared at his chiseled, battle worn face that had you biting on your tongue as you continued to bashfully, shamefully, look him up and down. you had just realized you had a romantic crush on the blunt classmate of yours! you thought that there was no way his face would ever distract you like this because you were a strong independent hero in training!!!! you had a career! ...the longer you stared at his face the closer you were to becoming his personal pussy pocket.
shaking your head quickly, you finally felt mina’s grip on your arm as she blatently, openly, near aggressively flirted with shouto. a part of you was furious as hagakure and uraraka joined in the flirting, easily drowning out bakugous yells to know exactly where he was in their hero lineup, or seros question on a mangas ending they were reading together, or midoriya’s demands that everyone was still talking, or kirishimas wondering if he was as big as shouto.
you wanted to be mad, but a tiny voice inside of you delighted at the fact that yes, the man you were persuing was wanted. as you captured your lip between your gnawing teeth, your eyes in their lust driven gaze, finally locked with shouto.
he’s looking at you.
only you.
he’s answering every question he can, but his gaze never falls from you, and immediately, you can feel the simmering hot fire exploding throughout your body.
it takes three hours before shouto frees himself from the others, but you can’t complain. oh no, you can’t complain in the slightest because there are a few things you learn that evening and well into the night.
1. shouto had quite the mouth on him - physically & literally:
— you had always assumed that while shouto was blunt, he possessed no... suave skills. but when the thirty year old pro hero yanked you into a classroom while having told the rest of your classmates that the two of you were simply going to the vending machines for a snack, you hadn’t expected him to plop you on top of a desk, trapping you immediately, mouth hovering against your ear as he whispers, “there’s something about seeing you so desperately horny at this age, y/n-chan.”
— it must have been the simple first name basis, the fact that this was the first time you had ever heard shouto use an honorific, and probably because his already deep voice somehow dropped deeper, huskier, raspier. like a man who was seconds from devouring his food. only that you were naive enough not to assume you were what he wanted to devour.
— “I can’t believe I get to be your pervy awakening again, y/n,” he chuckled, lips pressing ghost kisses to your neck until you were trembling beneath him. the slick from between your thighs is endless. “I know you’re horny. I can smell you like this. such a perverted little school girl wanting to fuck what isn’t hers yet.”
— you tremble on the desk, the bottom of you shirt shoved in your mouth as you watch him with burning lustful eyes as shouto trails sweet hot kisses down your belly to your wet cunt.
— “such a pretty fucking pussy,” he almost snickers as his hot breathe fans against your clenching core. “i’m going to eat you alive, and you better not look away.”
— his mouth is hot, dangerous, and uncannily skilled against your core. his tongue delving deep past your folds, the hot muscle flicking and twirling within your squelching folds as he eats you out with the ferocity and eagerness of a starving man. you can barely see his eyes, your keens high and loud as he eats you out with perfection until you’re squirting all over his mouth, drenching him in your juices
you came so hard your head is spinning, your mouth panting, eyes closed as your thighs tremble were they rest on his shoulders. although you can’t feel it, you’re sure your stomach is sheen with sweat.
“fuck, princess,” shouto groans standing up abruptly. your weakened body nearly collapses on the floor as your thighs fall heavily back onto the desk as shouto stares at you with a piercing look. “I thought I said you weren’t allowed to look away. you know I don’t like disobedience.”
you squeak, eyes wide, face flushed with heat, “I do?”
shouto pauses for just a moment before a cunning smirk plays on his mouth, “you should. and you should know what comes next. what happens when you don’t listen, brat.”
the name sends a shiver down your spine.
“c-comes next?”
“drop the skirt and come lay on my lap.”
2. shouto’s hands were huge:
— he managed to cover your entire asscheek as you laid you across his lap, demanding that you thank him with every bruising slap he places on you.
— he had fucked you with his fingers the first time he managed to get you alone in a classroom, only two fingers. a simple ‘prep’ as he had called it. but his fingers were long and thick, curling inside your small body easily reaching depths you alone could never reach. his fingers stretched your tiny little pussy out so beautifully you had been a wailing sobbing mess, cumming on his fingers alone.
— he possessed the ability to grab both of your wrists in a tight hold, slamming your hands wall above your head as he fucked up into you against the wall.
— a guilty best of all, his hand managed to choke you with a mere three fingers wrapped delightfully tight against your throat as a punishment for being too fucking loud while he managed to press the remaining two into your hot mouth, fingers pressing against your tongue and fucking into it.
you loved his hands, you figure out quickly. they’re large, they’re strong, and holy fuck do they burn your skin wherever he touches you. you’re desperately clinging to his shoulders, teeth buried into the sharp of his shoulder as you keen and beg and whine at the feeling of his huge cock slamming into you without hesitation, without fear.
“you take me so well, baby,” shouto laughs breathlessly. “I didn’t think you were going to take me all, but look at you! you are as big a slut now as you are where I know you best. I thought I was going to split you in half when I put you on me, but fuck... look at how well your little whore cunt is doing.”
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izzyspussy · 2 years
expanded from this post
[cw: recreational drug use, 13 year olds kissing]
"This is literally the stupidest thing any of you have ever done, I hope you know," Eddie scolds as Bill passes the lighter to Stan. Stan doesn't react to Eddie in the slightest. Bill meets Eddie eyes just to roll his, causing Eddie to make a noise like a pissed off cat.
"Show me again?" Stan asks Richie. Richie leaps down from the ledge of the dugout window, his sharpie-covered shoes sending up tiny puffs of dust.
Richie is so cool right now. He'd bought the mary jane off Belch (most terrifying minute of his life), pre-rolled, and then had practiced lighting and smoking it until he could do it without sending up the whole joint at once or coughing. He's an expert. He swaggers over and lights Stan's joint for him, a delicate touch of the flame at the tip.
"You gotta breathe in real deep," he instructs confidently. "All the way into your lungs, not just in your mouth." Stan does so and instantly coughs up hard enough to make his eyes run.
"Ouch," he croaks, and then takes another puff.
"You see!" Eddie shrieks. "Pain is the body's way of telling you you're a fucking idiot. You're going to get fucking throat cancer or something."
"Y-You're a fucking id-iot," Bill mumbles, already pretty chilled out. Richie grins at the both of them. Everything is perfect. Bill flops onto his back on the bench and blows a thin stream of smoke up to the low ceiling. He traces his finger through it, sending it spiraling in the dappled late afternoon light. "I like it."
"Yeah," Richie agrees. His cheeks hurt from how hard he's smiling, maybe from how long too. He kind of loses track of time when he's high. More than usual. He laughs. "Yeah, it's good, right? It's nice."
"I don't feel it yet," Stan says, sounding put out. Richie reaches out and physically puts Stan's smoking hand back up to his mouth. His skin is warm and soft. The smoke is warm and soft, and Richie too, and Bill there on his back humming quietly. They all match. Belong together.
"You will," Richie promises Stan. "It's nice."
"What does it feel like?" Eddie asks. His voice is abrupt, but it doesn't feel disruptive. Eddie's like a diamond in a nest of blankets. Richie laughs at the thought. Silly. But so true. Eddie's a diamond. He's not supposed to be soft like them, but he's so perfect and pretty. He doesn't have to match. He can do whatever he wants.
"It's like..." Bill trails off. Takes a drag instead of finishing.
"What?" Eddie demands. "What is it like?" He's rigid with irritation, his body all hard and tight and fast moving. Richie thinks he can hear the whistle of the air resistance against him.
"It's nice," Richie repeats again. What else can he say? Eddie rolls his eyes so hard his whole head moves with it, and Richie laughs.
"No shit, Rich," Eddie says. "You said- stop laughing, stupid- you said that already like a million times."
"Why don't you just smoke some if you wanna know what it feels like so bad," Stan says. It's just a touch too pointed to be pragmatic, so quintessentially Stanley Uris that it makes Richie bubble up with love.
"Love you guys," he says out loud. It doesn't even occur to him that he should couch it in a joke or wrap it up in an insult or just say it in words that aren't so you know.
"Love you too, R-Richie," Bill says, smiling over at him. Easy peasy. Richie grins back.
"This is so unfair," Eddie snaps, stomping and folding his arms across his skinny chest. He's wearing a sunshine yellow polo shirt and green shorts. He looks like a dandelion. "Just because I was actually born with a self preservation instinct-" He cuts himself off with a frustrated groan, rolls his whole head again.
With a huff, Eddie gently kicks Richie in the thigh, leaving a dust print on Richie's jeans in the shape of his sneaker. "You should have got edibles instead." Richie kicks up some dirt back at him.
"I don't think my supplier knows how to cook," he says.
"What's even the difference?" Stanley points out. "It's still the same drug."
"Yeah, but I wouldn't be smoking it," Eddie insists. "I could eat it instead. That's totally safe."
"Yeah? Eat this!" Richie cries. He grabs Eddie by the front of his stupid dandelion shirt and blows a whole cloud of smoke right into Eddie's scrunched up face. Eddie takes a huge breath of it gearing up to chew Richie out, and chokes on it.
"See?" Richie says, laughing so hard he nearly bends double. "It works!"
"It's still smoke, dipshit," Eddie snaps. He watches, unimpressed, while Richie laughs until he can't laugh anymore. Gradually, he loosens up, slowly becoming less and less like a diamond and more like- uh, like something softer but just as perfect. Graphite is the same stuff, Richie knows, but Eddie's nothing like a boring old pencil. Hmm.
"Hey," Eddie says softly, easily interrupting Richie's trackless train of thought.
"Yeah?" Richie asks, his voice just as soft. Suddenly his heart is racing in a way that the drugs and the laughter can't account for alone. Eddie takes a step closer, and Richie's heart goes a beat faster.
"Do that again," Eddie mutters, grudgingly but insistent. "Like, do it for real this time though."
Richie's impaired brain skitters over what would usually be nervousness, would usually demand a crude joke about Eddie's mom, would usually make him hesitate. In the same way he hadn't thought about his words, in the way he's not thinking about the passing minutes, Richie doesn't think about his actions now. He takes Eddie by the chin even as he's sucking in a huge hit with the other hand.
Eddie's skin is warm and soft, no longer diamond-like at all, reachable, touchable. His lips are pink as he opens his mouth, the bottom one shiny with the barest hint of spit. Richie blows his chest full of smoke right down Eddie's throat. Eddie's eyes flutter shut and it could be a kiss. It could so easily be a kiss. But even high, Richie isn't quite stupid enough to close the last hair of distance between them and press their mouths together. He keeps is eyes open so he won't forget.
But then there's a nudge at the back of his knee, just firm enough to make it buckle and send him tipping forward. For a split second, Richie hears Bill start to laugh, but then his lips touch Eddie's and everything else is obliterated from his mind.
(Some of the smoke escapes out of the corners of their mouths when it all comes out of Richie at once. It looks like their touch is searing, sending up steam. It makes Bill stop laughing. Maybe it's his own buzz, but all of a sudden this is the absolute height of romance.)
Eddie coughs into Richie's mouth, choking on the rush of smoke. But he doesn't pull away. His hands cling to Richie's shoulders, and he breathes in, and he doesn't complain when their teeth click together, or when a string of spit connects them still when they finally separate.
Eddie puts a hand to his mouth, staring wide-eyed at Richie. Richie stares back. The sun is setting now, casting a glow into Eddie's brown hair, his summer highlights. Richie can't think of anything to do or say, so he just holds his joint out.
Eddie takes it. There's hardly any of it left to smoke, practically just a a roach, but Eddie doesn't bother to smoke it anyway. He just holds it and sinks down slowly to sit on the ground. Richie sits down too, dazed.
Conversation is sparse and abstract as Bill and Stan finish their joints, Richie joining in with their talk when he thinks to, and Eddie silently watching with nothing but a singed piece of paper in his hand.
"B'cause, like, the killer rerprsents-" Bill is saying, slurring instead of stuttering for the moment, when Eddie finally speaks.
"You're a good kisser," he tells Richie, sudden and too loud, and staring hard at the side of Richie's face. He laughs uproariously when Richie's cheeks flush an undeniable bright pink.
"You're right," he decides then, leaning forward to steal the last puff of Stan's joint right out of his hand. "This is nice."
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jypbae7 · 3 years
Could you do a breakdown natal chart for Kun from Wayv?
Kun was one the most requested I got which was a pleasant surprise!!❤️❤️
(Not claiming to be an expert this is just for fun please don’t take anything too seriously!) Hope this is helpful and that you enjoy it 🥰❤️
Personality: Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Clearly a LOT of Earth sign placements but nicely broken up by the fire sign rising
Capricorn Sun has serious and long term plans for the kind of future they want for themselves and once they set out for it they seldom give up. Stubborn to a fault, but also consistent enough to actually persevere. They want the perfect job, reputation, partner, house, family, etc.
Leo rising is a bright, warm and outgoing personality. Lots of energy, creativity and flair. They enjoy having a strong core of friends that they feel understand and enhance their experience and effect on the world. Leo’s are known for being hardworking and as a fixed sign it offers a lot of consistency and determination. They are extremely devoted and loyal once they develop a bond and trust with someone. Though the passion can fizzle out quickly if they aren’t feeling the kind of attention and passion they want.
Taurus Moon is a very grounded person with more social charisma and approachability than Capricorns are known for. They also have a tendency to like bold styles, they have big dreams and goals and you’ll be surprised at how well they can attain them if they’re focused enough (Kun is a Capricorn Stellium so yes this boy KNOWS how to get shit done when it needs to be done) Taurus is also a fixed sign which along with the stubbornness everyone knows about also comes with patience and consistency making them really good leaders when added with their natural friendliness and perseverance
Capricorn Mercury indicates a strong preference for structure, somebody who tends to follow rules and feels uncomfortable breaking them. They tend to have authoritative energy and demeanor. Big ambitions and determination to succeed and excel in their chosen career. Spend more time thinking than they show with a generally very logical mind which can sometimes lead to a black & white perspective
Capricorn Mars - responsible, organized, secretly a thrill seeker, can come off as aloof or guarded when they are around new people or people who they really want to make a good impression on.
Non-Romantic Relationships: Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon, Leo Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Capricorn Mars
Trustworthy and dependable - the “dad” of the friend group who everyone calls when they have something serious to deal with
Platonic love languages: acts of service and quality time - he loves spending time with people with shared interests especially music. Also loves going out to different places such as different trendy cafes, movie theaters, museums - you name it.
Likes other thrill seekers who push and motivate him to get out of his comfort zone
Sense of humor is a lot more childlike and playful than one would expect from his serious and strict side
Capricorn energy is NOT to be crossed or messed with. These are the ones who are calm af and calculated when angry - this is when you know you are screwed. When Capricorn is calm and collected while enraged, ohhh boy, do they figure out ways to hurt you in the smoothest and most effective ways without so much as lifting their finger. Spare yourself the trauma and DO NOT LIE to him no matter what.
Romantic relationships and preferences : Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Mars, Capricorn Juno, Aries Eros
Aquarius Venus is outgoing, friendly and charismatic. They are attracted to interesting and unique people who stand out of the crowd. They like bold and spontaneous gestures and they will do them back for their partner as well.
Aquarians also dislike overly clingy/needy partners which Capricorn also isn’t a fan of either. These signs are all about independence, individuality, personal expression and achievement. Meaning that while they do yearn for a partner (especially Capricorn placements) they want a partner who is self sufficient and independent with their own hobbies, careers, dreams, goals, etc.
Capricorn Juno implies they’ll be a tough to nail down for very long because Capricorn wants only the best of everything and they’re always busy trying to excel at things and scoping out their options. So you’ll have to prove your worth to them before they are willing to commit because once they do it’s for the long haul
Capricorn likes natural ethereal beauty while Aquarius likes the bold - my guess is healthy mix of both. Natural looking and soft featured with some bold/unique traits like bright/bold hair or fashion style, a bit of spice/sass here and there is another secret pleasure
Be prepared for endless serenades and songs made and sent to you like love letters - whether he’s singing or composing a warm ethereal instrumental for you, his whole heart is in it
Love languages (most to least) - words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch and quality time
Words of affirmation makes him feel really wanted and needed, he’s also really really good at giving it out to people he loves so if he’s doing it one sidedly it would hurt him and make him feel insecure.
Gives either unbelievably beautiful luxe gifts or unique/fun gifts and loves to surprise his partner with them often especially after time apart
Capricorns HATE wasting time they are hyper aware of how many hours in a day and how much can be done in a day. So, if he’s spending a lot of time with you, you’re very very special and important to him and he prioritizes this time very highly
Star gazing dates, beach dates, camping trips - this man will go out of his way to make sure every date is an experience. He is PREPARED, he has an itinerary in his mind, he’s looked up the travel routes and picked the best one. When you go camping he will FLEX with his efficiency and ability to handle the labor heavy tasks. This man will purposely wait till you’re looking to start chopping wood (not that ANYONE is complaining), put the tent up and have it filled with blankets and pillows galore in 2.00034 seconds because he practiced in the dorm living room with the others like a drill routine. (Lucas taught him how to chop the wood & still look hot while doing it)
Is the MOST polite and endearing person to your family and friends. Goes above and beyond to be the perfect partner around your family and they are unable not to LOVE him. Is especially soft and doting of any children or elderly relatives. And none of it is phony at all, he doesn’t know anyway else to even think. Respect, manners, and family are extremely important to Earth signs. They’ll probably end up liking him more than you but honestly you can’t even blame them
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(None of y’all ungrateful people better ever slack on Zaddy Kun’s visuals ever again!! If I don’t get to see his happy trail during 2021 I’m burning the SM building down once and for all)
18+ Preferences:
Aries Eros ooof - passionate, possessive and steamy. Pick their partners off instinct and energy - once they really like you they become infatuated and want to STAY that way. If it’s not the “I need you so fucking bad I’m gonna lose my mind” type of love they DON’T want it.
Leo Rising is a possessive as fuck placement thankfully when they get riled up or jealous they have the confidence not to get angry with you or insecure about it. BUT.... you‘ll still be awakening a whole new type of beast and quite frankly he will let you know that it’s all your fault as he holds you down and uses you like the stupid toy you are till you remember who you belong to
If he sees you doing anything even remotely domestic his Taurus Moon and Capricorn Juno will have his mind go from soft and warm thoughts to bending you over the kitchen counter and taking you right there without a care or second thought spared
Positions where he feels in in control are his favorite - he likes being on top of you, behind you and if he can pick you up and carry you while ramming into you best believe he will.
His favorite is position is missionary - likes to feel big and dominant he also wants to be able to see as much of you as possible and kissing you as much as possible from your lips to just about anywhere else he can reach. Will be staring at you 99% of the time with big smoldering eyes that don’t waver in the slightest. In fact if you give him eye contact back he’ll just be even more turned on
Now...this might be controversial but... Capricorn Mars usually suggests power play/dynamic kink - think rich powerful CEO who secretly fantasizes about being tied up and blindfolded. Not to say that is exclusively his main kink bc it’s definitely not, he is 100% mostly dom BUT with the right person he’d be more than willing and very excited to try it out - probably because they are always in control so it’s an adrenaline rush for them to relinquish it to someone else. Doesn’t necessarily mean an extreme level of being submissive even just simple restraints can feel very extreme for a bossy and in-control Capricorn
Aquarius Venus also likes breaking relationship “norms” and trying out new things. They are super fun and bright when happy so when he’s in love he’s in LOVE. Wants to sing about it 24/7 but is too stubborn to be clingy or needy. The type to smile during sex, especially when he’s on top of you or drunk. Don’t even get me started on drunk handsy Kun whining in your ear about how he just wants to sneak out of the party early.....bc I will genuinely never recover
Very vocal in the bedroom - gives his partner tons of praise. Completely loses his mind and is loud af when you kiss your way from his neck down to below the hips
Most of the time sex with him is more passionate than kinky, not lightening fast jack rabbit thrusts instead hard and deep rhythmic ones that make your whole body shake - Hungry makeout sessions, sneaky little hickeys where no one else will see, massages than turn into hours of love making, takes his time to hit deep and hard inside you, handfuls of your hair, gaspy whispers
When he is feeling more kinky it’s usually spur of the moment. In the car in the middle of a rainy night during a cancelled schedule or after an especially steamy date night where he decides to take you to a hotel afterwards
KING OF AFTER CARE (NOT up for debate) - cooks you an amazing meal afterwords or orders up a feast if he’s too spent to get up too, cuddled up in blankets watching a movie for the rest of the night afterwards.
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