#the sole up of college so far has been meeting friends that i can be myself around and genuinely go out of my way to make sure they stay in
idyllicbby · 7 months
i love doing domestic activities with my friends
you wanna let me do your hair? let me get my hair products & diffuser. you wanna go grocery shopping? let me pull out my list & let’s down every single walk shelf & fill up the cart with things we know each other likes. wanna do our dreaded college homework together? let me mentally prepare to multitask listening to the upcoming rant about all of your professors & classes whilst i try to finish my essay.
let me do your nails, let me cook for you, let me help you clean/organize your space with no judgement whatsoever, let me hold your hand as your cry, let me make you laugh, let me give you the biggest hug imaginable—you are my friend and i need to let you know that you don’t have to perform for me to love & appreciate your existence
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sxfthannie · 9 months
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↦ pairing: yandere!joshua x fem!reader
↦ warnings: manipulating, overprotective
↦ note: overprotective yandere joshua because it just makes sense! i feel like this isn't good enough but i don't really know what to edit either so here it is :')
↦ word count: 745
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Joshua was the epitome of perfection. A true gentleman, he was always attentive to your every mood and need, and was always there with you through the highs and lows of life. He was the kind of man that every woman dreamed of, but alas, his heart belongs solely to you.
A man who is wanted by everyone is with you so why is it that you seem unhappy these days?
“I’m going out to meet Hyerin at 4pm later.” You murmur, head resting on Joshua’s chest while he gently runs his hand through your hair. “Then I’ll come along again.” He replied, but you were having none of that. “No.” You said firmly. “No?” He repeats after you in a confused state as you push yourself up away from his embrace.
"Shua, my love, I can't have you trailing behind me like a lost puppy every time I go out." You gently expressed, watching as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand," he murmured softly, sitting up on the bed beside you. "Why the sudden change of heart? Why don't you want me by your side?" His questions made you sigh deeply.
"It's not that I don't want you with me, Shua," you explained, your voice soft and tender. "It's just that I want to spend time with my friend alone." Joshua takes your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles over your skin as he speaks. "I just want to be the kind of boyfriend who can protect his girlfriend," he said, his voice filled with love and devotion.
“No other boyfriend does this.” you retorted, your patience wearing thin. You cherished Joshua deeply, but his constant watchful eye was beginning to feel suffocating. “Did Hyerin put you up to this?”
“What?” You utter in disbelief at his ridiculous words. “You’ve been fine the first few months but ever since Hyerin came into the picture, you’ve been trying to push me away.” You scoff at your boyfriend’s words. “You’re being ridiculous right now. She has nothing to do with this.” You say as you get off from his bed. “Whatever. I’m leaving.”
You only made it two steps out of the door before Joshua was by your side, holding your hand and stopping you from leaving. “I’m sorry, love, I–” a sigh escapes his lips before he continues. “It’s just that I’m scared something might happen to you. Like that day.” He whispers the last sentence as he leans his forehead against yours, big hands gently cupping your cheeks. “And I'm scared I won't be able to help you the next time if it happens again.”
You know what exactly “like that day” means.
It was a year ago, back when you and Joshua weren’t in a relationship. You were returning home from college after all of your classes ended when 3 boys from your economics class had stopped you. They wanted to ask you about assignments, which is what you assumed, but their intentions were far more sinister. In that abandoned staircase the students were restricted from, they touched you inappropriately, but luckily for you, Joshua came just in time.
To this day, you don’t know why Joshua used that staircase that day. He never offered an explanation and you never pressured the issue either, being lucky enough that he saved you that day.
“I’m sorry I made you feel suffocated.” Joshua’s soft whispers of apology brought you back from your thoughts. “No. I’m sorry for this.” You said, looking at him in the eyes to show him you were indeed sincere with your apology. “I should’ve known how much that day affected you too.” You confess, ending your apology by pressing a kiss on his lips.
His hand makes its way to the back of your neck, pushing you closer into a deeper kiss before pulling away, breathless.
“So then, can I come along later?” You chuckle at his question. “Of course you can, Shua.” He gives you the smile that even turns his eyes into little crescent moons before pulling you into his embrace.
Jeonghan was right.
“Just try guilt tripping her.” Jeonghan, Joshua’s trusted friend said. “But I don’t want to hurt her in any way.” Joshua replied, his heart sinking at just the thought of seeing you in any type of distress. “It’s either that or you let her go out without you by her side.”
“Okay, but are you sure it’ll work?” Joshua asked, uncertain of his friend's way in this matter. “Trust me.”
Guilt tripping you hurts him but it works so damn well.
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rukkiya · 5 months
Hii this is a strange request so feel free to ignor if you are uncomfy! I was wondering if you could write an angst to comfort (modern au?) where fem!reader gets roofied at a party and kaeya (or albedo) helps keep her safe and stuff? They can already be at the party or come and pick her up! I love your angst! Stay safe(`3´)
why did you go
꒰ა(kayea x fem!reader - modern/college au)໒꒱
tw: mention of getting drugged , reader gets roofied
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The sound of people talking and music blasting was vibrating through the house.
Kaeya wasn’t paying attention to anyone around him. The noise around him all blurred into one sound of nothing. He sat at the far corner of the living room looking at someone, the only reason why he was at this party to begin with.
He was looking at you, though if asked he’d just say he’s keeping an eye on you.
Kaeya knows you better than anyone. Knows how gullible and trusting you are despite so many people doing you wrong.
He would be next to you, he’d much rather be in all honesty. He feels like a stranger keeping his distance the way he is but it’s his fault it’s like this.
Kaeya feels like an idiot this all could have been avoided if he wasn't acting like such a prick earlier. You were telling him about the party and how your friend invited you and he got mad.
“You? Going to a party? Are you feeling ok?” he asks, reaching his hand from across the table placing it on your forehead.
“Just fine, but what's that supposed to mean? I go out sometimes. Not often but still.” you look at him, brows drawing together a bit as you softly move his hand from your forehead.
“Who invited you anyways?” he asks, ignoring your previous question. He feels something in the pit of his chest. He feels agitated.
“A friend from class, they're going to meet up with some other people they know there too, they said they wanted me to meet them.” You reply, looking down at your hands contemplating it all, going out stresses you out way too much. But you’d feel bad if you told your friend no.
Kaeya feels his chest sting a bit. “You have me, invite me with you” he thinks.
He's not one to get jealous, he knows he has no right. You're your own person but the sole thought of you finding someone else, someone better scares him. He doesn't want you to leave him.
“You trust them to not leave you?” he asks before he can think of what he's saying. You've had bad experiences with people you thought were friends. He's just worried, and you trust people too easily.
“They're not like tha-”
“Yeah those people you thought you could trust last time weren't like that either huh?” he spits out making you look up at him confused now.
“What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?” you ask him, brows drawing together making his eye narrow.
He himself doesn't know why he's so bothered.
“No.” he simply says, looking away.
The look on your face made him all the more confused. Or maybe he's not confused, maybe he's pushing something back. Maybe he’s scared to come to terms with said realization.
“You seem upset kaey-”
“Never mind it's nothing, go ahead and go to the party. But if they do leave you, if you end up alone there I don’t want to hear it, I warned you.” He sighs, standing up and grabbing his cup.
“I’ll see you later.” He doesn’t even look at you, he just walks away and leaves you confused and worried. He is your closest friend and the sole thought of losing him or making him upset scares you.
Though you were at a party you were stuck in your own head too, you’re worried that Kaeyas still upset but you can’t figure out why he got mad to the point where he just left.
“Y/n, you want a drink?” Your friend asks snapping you out of your thoughts. Kaeya hears your friend call your name, seeing her get up from sitting next to you on the couch, turning to you waiting for your answer.
“Uhhh, no thanks I don’t drink-“
“Come on we’re at a party! I’m serving you the drink. I brought you here to have a good time!” She laughs making you go quiet knowing what she’s saying is true, but you don’t like to drink either.
“She’s not going to say no.” Kaeya thinks, knowing you all too well. It’s something you struggle with. You’ve told him that you feel rude or mean when you say it but in situations like this drives him crazy.
“Look I’ll bring an extra drink and if you want it you can have it ok? I won’t force you.” Your friend explains and you nod, feeling better with that option.
You feel out of place. Parties were never your thing, being around so many people wasn’t either but you didn’t want your friend to come here all by herself. Knowing how things are now days you know you’d be feeling horrible and worried for her if you had declined.
Kaeya sees you all alone now and has to stop his legs from moving any closer, you’re probably upset at him.
You were just trying your best to socialize better and he acted out in a way he shouldn’t have, hell he’d be mad at him too for acting like that.
His eyes scan the rest of the living room and he spots two guys at the drink section pointing at someone while mixing drinks together.
Kaeya’s eyes follow their line of sight and his eyes land back on you.
He looks back at them and sees one of them walking towards you, two cups in his hand.
Kaeya narrows his eye at the guy, moving closer just a tad bit.
Before the guy can make it to you your friend comes back holding two drinks.
“Ok, I mixed this one with more juice than alcohol so it shouldn’t be too bad. It’s there if you want it!” She smiles, placing the two cups down in front of you, sitting back down next you. You look in the red cup and see what looks like fruit punch to be inside, not that nasty brown beer color.
Kaeya stops and sighs, relief washing over him when he sees you with someone you know at least.
“Hey sweet thing, is this seat taken?” You hear a guy slur next to you.
Before you can even turn to answer you feel the couch dip beside you.
You feel yourself get pulled to the right seeing your friend suspiciously eye the guy as she loops her arm around yours, bringing you closer to her.
“You ladies have drinks?” He asks, leaning a bit close to you, he eyes both the cups your friend brought on the table. Placing two light pink cups in front of him.
“Yes we do.” Your friend quickly answers.
You can smell the sickly sweet scent of alcohol coming from the guy beside you and you have to stop your face from scrunching up in distaste.
Kaeya sees the guy sit a bit too close to you and feels his legs move cloer again. He knows you can take care of yourself, he knows he has no right to be this protective but when it comes to you he can’t help it. When he sees someone too close or making you uncomfortable he has to hold himself back from stepping in.
He’s closer but still far enough to be out of your line of sight. He doesn’t think he can stay hidden any longer though. Even if you’re still mad at him you can scream at him later. If the prick next to you gets any close he won’t just stand and look.
“You’re here too huh?” Kaeya hears a familiar voice come from beside him making him turn away from you.
“Albedo? You finished your group project? Kaeya asks in suprise, not expecting to see Albedo of all people here.
“Almost, I’m here to pick up some of the materials from a classmate who is here, I’m on my way out right now.” Albedo explains, fixing his backpack on his shoulders.
The blondes reason makes Kaeya laugh, it makes more sense now. Kaeya doesn’t think he’s ever seen Albedo outside of lab or the library.
You feel the couch beside you shift but before you can turn around you see a familiar guy standing next to your friend.
“Babe there you are!” You hear the guy behind your friend call out to her making you her turn his way.
“Took you long enough, we were waiting forever.” Your friend rolls her eyes as her boyfriend kisses her head.
“Already so sassy? I just got here.” He laughs making her roll her eyes.
The random guy beside you looks around, making sure no one was looking his way. He glances to his side to make sure you or your friends don’t see him move one of the cups he brought with him closer to you. In a swift motion he replaces the red cup your friend brought for you with a lighter pink cup that he brought for you earlier.
He looks around one more time making sure no one saw before standing up and walking away.
“You guys got drinks? Where are they at?” Your friends boyfriend looks at the two cups on the table in front of your guys.
“By the kitchen.” Your friend answers and he reaches for her hand.
“Come with me to get some.” He pulls her but she playfully slaps his hand.
“No I don’t want to leave y/n.” She says pulling you closer and you smile at her, squeezing her arm.
“Hey it’s ok! Look the guy left anyways, it’s only going to be for a few minutes I can save the couch for us so no one else will take it.” You laugh and she looks around before looking back at you.
“Are you sure? If that guy comes back leave and look for me ok?” She tells you, serious look on her face.
You nod your head and hold your pinky out.
“I promise.”
She looks at your pinky then at you, a smile making its way in her lips and she laughs “ok you promised.”
“I’ll be right back.” She stands up looking back at you and you nod.
You glance at both the cups she brought, looking in hers to see hers was a yellow color liquid, probably mango or pineapple juice was mixed with hers.
You don’t like drinking, the smell of alcohol makes you feel sick so the taste is far worse but you wanted to just try hers. The bright colors of both your drinks looked interesting.
You bring her cup up to your nose and smell pineapple. You bring the cup to your lips and take a small sip immediately scrunching your face at the burn on your tongue.
“How in the world is that even safe to drink?” You think to yourself immediately putting her cup back down.
You reach for your cup that she brought you and bring it up to your mouth, hoping it doesn’t taste half as strong as hers.
The smell of something sweet was coming from the cup. You tilt the cup back a bit, tasting a mix of cherry and punch, little to no alcohol can be tasted from the cup besides a small aftertaste of something bitter.
You take a bigger sip, wanting to get the taste of alcohol from your fiends drink out of your mouth.
It actually tasted good though, despite it having some alcohol in there. You take one more drink and put the cup down, not wanting to drink it all. You don’t drink alcohol so you don’t know the effect it’ll have on you.
“So that’s the big project you’ve been working on, no wonder I haven’t seen you around outside lately.” Kaeya puts his fingers on his chin making Albedo roll his eyes at Kaeya’s antics.
“I go out. I’m out right now.” Albedo states making Kaeya laugh a bit louder.
“For said project.” Kaeya points at albedos bag making Albedo sigh. Kaeya’s back was facing you, he didn’t notice the prick sitting next to you switch your cups. He didn’t see you take a drink from the cup that was switched.
You scroll though your phone as your wait for your friend to come back. You stop scrolling when you hear the music around you quiet down, looking around to see if anyone else notices how quiet it’s gone but when your head lifts up you get dizzy. Dizzy to the point where you have to steady yourself even though you were sitting.
“Y/n, sorry we took a bit longer he made me wait for him to get food-“
Your friend stops talking when she sees your head sway, noticing how you didn’t look at her though she called out to you.
“Y/n?” She calls out more serious this time, her boyfriend stopped talking behind her.
You hear your name being called from afar but your head feels too heavy to lift it up. You try to stand but your legs feel too weak.
“Did she drink too much maybe?” Your friends boyfriend asks and she snaps her head at him glaring.
“She never drinks, she doesn’t like alcohol.” She states, the panicked look on her facing making his smile drop, she’s serious.
You feel a chill go down your spine and wrap your arms around your torso.
“‘ts so c-cold.” You slur.
Your friend kneels next to you grabbing your hand feeling how hot it was to the touch.
“Oh my gosh y/n! Y/n hey look at me what did you drink?!” Your friend asks feeling panic rising in her chest.
“Y/n look at me!” She repeats louder getting anxious.
Kaeya hears your name being called out behind him and stops talking. Waiting to hear it again, to make sure it’s not his head playing tricks on him.
“Y/n what did you drink?” She repeats making Kaeya turn around slowly. Registering the words he’s hearing right now.
“What happened?” Kaeya hears someone whisper beside him, everyone around you guys was staring now.
“She’s out of it, but it doesn’t look like shes drunk to me, she looks sick.” Another person whispers.
“Here hold my hand and stand up, you probably need some water.” She grabs your hand and pulls you up.
You stand on both feet shakily and feel a wave of nausea wash over you.
Kaeya doesn’t even think, his legs move before he can register a single thought.
“Y/n? Hey I need you to look at me.” He’s by your side in a second. Your friend moving back a bit recognizing who Kaeya was.
You hear Kaeyas voice but can’t see him properly your vision is beyond blurred.
You take a step forward towards his voice but feel your knees buckle but never feel your body hit the ground below you.
Kaeya picks you up in his arms when he sees you stumble, feeling his heart sink.
What did you do? He thinks.
Kaeya gently sits you back on the couch and you mumble something he can’t quite make out.
“Y/n hon, can you look at me please?” He says calmly though his heart was beating out of his chest.
You look up at him and he notices how your eyes look hazy. He’s been keeping an eye on you all night, you haven’t drank anything.
Then he remembers the cups on the table.
He turns to the two cups and looks at your friend.
“What alcohol did you get her?” He asks bringing both cups up inspecting them.
He notices how your friends face goes still as she reaches for her cup in his hands.
“I didn’t put much in hers but that’s not…. that isn’t the cup I brought her…….. this cup is mine but that one you’re holding it’s not hers, I got her a red cup like mine too….” She points at the other cup in Kaeya’s hands. “I didn’t serve her drink in that cup it’s a different shade.” She whispers feeling her stomach drop.
Kaeya feels his whole body grow cold. He takes his eye off you for a second. One second and this happens? This happens to you? To you of all people? Some targeted you?
“Y/n did you drink out of these cups?” Kaeya asks.
You can vaguely see the cup Kaeya brings up to you and you nod. You can hear him but it’s much slower when it reaches your ears.
He reaches for your hand and puts his fingers on your wrist to check your pulse, eye closing when he feels how fast he felt it going. Not only that but the temperature of your body was extremely hot, you were overheating.
Kaeya gently lifts you into his arms and you groan feeling dizzy from any movement.
“Albedo.” Kaeya turns to the blonde making him step forward.
“Do me a favor and call an ambulance, I need to cool her off and get her to drink water for the time being.” Kaeya’s face looks unrecognizable to the people standing around. He looked scary.
Albedo doesn’t waste a second, having never seen Kaeya with such a serious expression, it made him realize the weight of the situation. He pulls his phone out and dials the number immediately.
Kaeya turns to the kitchen, your friend following close behind.
“I left her for a few minutes, her cup is still full she can’t be drunk.” Your friend explains feeling her eyes start to burn at your state, you couldn’t even keep your eyes open.
Kaeya feels his jaw clench uncomfortably but he has no right to be mad at her when he looked away from you for a second too. When he could’ve avoided this and just asked to come with you instead of being an ass about it.
“We need to get her out of her jacket and get her to drink water now.” Kaeya pushes the kitchen door open with his foot, pushing all the bottles off the table and setting you on it gently.
“Y/n, hon it’s me.” Kaeya calls out to you.
He sees you open your eyes and hears you groan uncomfortably feeling anger and guilt rise in him even more.
You can’t tell if you’re dreaming or not, everything feels weird. You’re not sure if Kaeya is actually here but you still want him near you, to apologize for earlier.
“-aeya k-aeya i-m ‘orry.” you slur, pulling your jacket closer to your body.
He has to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from losing it. Hearing you apologize made him shake his head. Were you apologizing to me? He thinks as he moves his hands toward your jacket.
“Listen y/n, I’m going to take your jacket off ok? It’s me doing it, not anyone else but I need to do this, you’re overheating too much ok?” He asks and you nod your head giving him some signal.
He unzips your jacket and you immediately feel a shiver go down your spine.
You lean foward, closer to him when he slips both your arms out of the jacket.
“Get some water, please she needs it.” Kaeya glances at your friend who immediately does so.
You feel you body shaking, trembling. It was far too cold .
“aeya i-ts co-cold.” You feel your teeth chatter.
He sees you tremble and feels horrible. Bringing your body close to his to give you some warmth.His hands run up and down your arms and he can feel the goosebumps.
“I know I’m sorry but I can’t have you overheating.” He whispers, moving your hair from your face.
Your friend hands him a cup of water and he steadies you.
“Y/n can you drink some water for me?” He asks and you shiver even more.
“I d-ont ‘eel goo-d.” You try lift your head even though it felt painful, opening your eyes as you feel them burn a bit.
“I know I-…..” kaeya looks down feeling his throat swell. “I’m sorry I know you don’t but this’ll help ok? I promise.” Kaeya shakes his head, seeing your eyes travel from looking at him to the cup of water.
He brings the cup up to your lips, other hand holding the back of your head as you take small sips. He doesn’t stop until about half of the water is gone.
It’s not enough to get whatever you have in your system out but it’ll do for now.
Your limbs feel heavy but despite that you lift your arms up, reaching out for Kaeya.
Kaeya’s hands immediately find yours, interlocking his fingers with your now cold ones.
“P-lease do-t leav.” You slur, you felt sleepy, dizzy but worst of all paranoid.
“I wouldn’t dare.” Kaeya says seriously, giving your hand a firm squeeze.
Kaeya can hear the faint sound of sirens nearing and moves you, but you don’t react. His fingers move to your wrist and he can feel the steady pulse of your heart beating. You’re ok, your body is just drained. Kaeya swears to himself, he’ll make the bastard who did this to you pay.
He gently gathers you in his hold again and walks out to the now quiet party. Eyeing everyone around to see if he sees someone in particular. He remembers. The cup looked familiar. The cup you drank out of was placed next to you not by your friend, but by someone else. Someone he had a bad feeling about earlier. But he doesn’t see the face of the scumbag who did this.
Right now though he can’t be bothered with that punk. Right now you were his priority.
He takes you out the house and is met with paramedics with a stretcher. He’s hesitant to let you go but he lets the paramedics take your vitals.
They immediately get you into the ambulance and Kaeya goes in with you, holding your hand the whole time.
Kaeya explains to the paramedics what when down since you’re not able to at the moment squeezing your hand every now and then when he recalls what when down. They tell him your vitals are going back to normal, it’s nothing life threatening but they confirm what he feared what happened. You were drugged.
You can veagule hear what’s being said, the affects were still heavy hitting but you felt scared. You don’t want to be alone.
Kaeya feels the slight tremble of your hands and looks down to you seeing tears stream down your face. He can only gently wipe them. The state you’re in is tearing him to shreds. He feels his own eyes burn.
“I’m here y/n I’m not leaving you again. I won’t leave you, you’re safe with me.” Kaeya assures you as he gently lays his head on your shoulder
“You have to promise to not leave me either though ok? Anywhere you go ask me to go with you and I will.” He whispers, not really expecting a response. But he’s a selfish man, he knows it too. He doesn’t want you with anyone but him.
He’ll keep his promise, keep you closer than ever because he can’t stand the thought of you being in danger or unsafe or worse being without you again. He still owes you an apology, he knows because he’s come to terms with it now. It makes sense to him why he was so bothered with you not going with him, he can’t stand being without you. So from here on out he won’t leave your side. As for the guy who did this to you? Kaeya will find him and make him pay, but for now as long as you’re safe with him and him only, it’s more than he can ask for.
authors note: HELLO MY LOVELIES!!!! it’s been forever since I last posted apologies t^t I’ve missed you all dearly <3 life has been busy but I had to write and post something for Christmas for yall :3 to the anon who sent this req thank you <33 this has been sitting waiting for me to write for a while as the topic is very serious and scary I wanted to approach it correctly. I’m sorry it’s an angst price as my holiday gift to y’all but would it be a rukiya piece if it wasn’t? LOL I do hope yall enjoy and that you’re taking care and spending the holidays with your loved ones and if you don’t celebrate I hope you’re doing great and taking care still!!much love to you all I’ll be back and active soon happy holidays!! ^~^<3 (ASLO! apologies for any errors this wasn’t revised!)
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streetlight11 · 9 months
What Are You Doing Here?
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Summary: It's been 6 years since you earned the title of being an Aunt to one of the most beautiful little girl you've ever laid eyes on. She was your sister's daughter and you love her with all your heart. So what happens when you go over to your sister's place to surprise both her and your niece, only to meet the babysitter who has been looking after your niece for a few weeks now?
Theme: babysitter au, ex-schoolmates to lovers
Genre: slowburn, romance, fluff
Warnings: mild language, mentions of irresponsible partner,
W/C: 10.9k
Pairing: Babysitter!Changmin x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I'm back with another fanfic! Apologies for my horrible description about y/n's work and job role because I know nothing about finance and how it works 🤡 Hope you like the overall fanfic though 🙏🏼
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6 years ago, your sister gave birth to the most gorgeous little human being you’ve ever seen. She was the reason why you became an aunt. You love your niece with all your heart, promising to be there beside her every step of the way. Reason being the guy who got your sister pregnant who is supposedly her boyfriend of 3 years, had chosen to abandon his responsibilities as a father when he found out she was carrying his child. You were beyond furious with him to the point where you actually went down to his apartment to curse the fuck out of him.
After your niece was born, you made sure that you were there with her as she grew up. She was the reason why you look forward to living everyday. There wasn’t a day where you didn’t spend time with her. When you were in college, you worked as a part time barista to pay off your school fees and monthly expenses on food and stuff. The extra money you had was spent on her toys, snacks, food, anything that would make her happy and lessen your sister’s burden in a way.
She is a single mom after all so it’s only right for you to help out with whatever you can. Whenever your sister has to work or is busy with something, you’re always there to help her out no matter how tired or busy you are. A few years following her birth, your sister had saved enough money to rent an apartment solely for her and her daughter, Lucy.
As much as she was thankful that your parents were okay with having her and Lucy live in your family home, your sister wanted to move out because your parents were already old and she didn’t want to burden them even more. Taking care of two kids was already enough for them. Therefore, your sister rented a place not too far from your campus. During the first three years after you graduated high school, you were still living with your parents.
When you finally saved enough money, that’s when you moved out and rented an apartment that was just a 15 minutes walk from your sister’s place. It was way easier to travel back and forth to look after Lucy and spend time with her ever since.
Sometimes you would go to their place, sometimes they would come to your place. You are pretty close with your sister. You loved her unconditionally so to see her go through parenthood alone, it definitely breaks your heart but you also see how strong she is. Not many people can do this and yet, here she is. You are beyond proud of her.
It’s been 7 years since you graduated high school and you are now a working adult. You are working under a pretty well known company. Your job is stressful but most of the time, you have very codependent team members whom you work well with. You are thankful that your team is a bunch of nice people who you can bond with. The team has a total of 5 people and you’re all really good friends with each other. There was Jieun, who is your team leader, Yoongi, Taehyung, Yeji and yourself.
You have been working with this company and the team for almost 2 years now and you’re still grateful for it till today. Whenever you’re having a whole load of work stress, they’re always there to relieve it. Even your sister knows them because of how often you tell her about them.
However a few months ago, your CEO announced that they were starting this new production line which will be a test to see how well the sales are. If it goes well, they will launch the product for good and put it out on the market. Your job was to keep an eye on the sales and calculate the financial impact of the product. It’s stressful but at least you have a team working with you on it.
Due to this new project, you had to OT more often every week and this has led to you only seeing Lucy on weekends and less on weekdays. It sucks that you have to spend less time with your niece but at least you still see her on weekends.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you promised to bring Lucy to the mall. So it was Lucy, your sister and yourself who are going to the mall to hang out for the day. Jisoo drove so she placed Lucy in her baby chair at the back seat while you sat in front with your sister. Lucy was sleeping so you had this time to have a private chat with Jisoo about life and work. A year ago, you were dating someone you met at university. He was two years younger than you and everything was going well with him.
He was your person.
Unfortunately, with the accumulating fights and disagreements began to slowly build up at one point, a huge argument happened one day and both of you decided to break things off after realizing that it might never work. Both of you had very different perceptions of things and could never come together as one. Therefore, that was the only logical thing to do and this all happened just over 2 months ago.
“I haven’t heard about him in a while. Lucy asked me about him recently too.” Jisoo said, only for you to stare blankly into the dashboard.
It took you a while to reply but when you did, you had to take a deep breath first and said, “We broke up…” Your sister glanced at you briefly but made sure to keep her focus on the road.
“2 months ago, give or take…” You said quietly to avoid waking Lucy up.
“I’m sorry.” She said, making you shake your head.
“No, it’s fine. I just feel like we’re too different and we’re no longer compatible with each other. So I didn’t wanna waste my time pining over someone who doesn’t wanna work together.”
“Well, I guess you did the right thing then… What are you gonna tell her though?” Jisoo asked as you glanced at the back seat to find Lucy sleeping.
“I won’t say anything to her until she asks me about him, I guess…”
“Yeah, I think it’s best if she hears it from you instead of me.” Jisoo said. You agreed with her decision because it’s your life so you should be the one sharing, not her. Just then, she changes the topic to avoid the awkward atmosphere about your ex boyfriend.
“By the way, I know I should’ve told you sooner but a few weeks after you started to get busy with your OTs, I started to keep getting night shifts so I decided to hire a babysitter. It’s been a month now. And guess what?”
“Lucy loves him! She adores him so much, it’s literally so adorable.”
“Wait a minute… Your babysitter is a guy?” You asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Young and handsome too.” She said with a cheeky wink, causing you to gag. Your sister then scoffs at your reaction to defend herself before you get the wrong idea.
“Not for me, you fool. I’m telling you that he’s young and handsome.” She smirked teasingly to which you rolled your eyes.
“How young? And I don’t trust your tastebuds.”
“Rude. Look, he’s your age and I’m telling you… He is drop dead gorgeous.” She said but all you did was brush her off.
You still won’t believe her until you see him for yourself. Only then will you agree with whether he’s handsome or not.
You changed the topic again, not wanting to wake Lucy up as Jisoo finally pulls into the mall car park. All three of you got out of the car once it was properly parked and made your way into the mall. You spend almost half a day there, grabbing lunch, going to the clothing store to shop for your things, going to a toy store to buy Lucy new toys and plushies, going to watch a new cartoon movie in the cinema.
All in all, it was a very good day well spent with Lucy after a stressful week at work. Unfortunately, your day was being cut short when your sister got a last minute call from her senior nurse telling her to come down tonight to cover a shift for her colleague who took an urgent leave. You were pissed because today was supposed to be Jisoo’s day off but there’s nothing much you can say. Even if you told your sister to tell them it’s her day off, she would still go down to cover the shift.
Which is why you were now at her apartment to keep Lucy company for the night while your sister left for work. After she left, you showered Lucy and prepared her dinner. You were just feeding her dinner in the living room when she came to you with a sketchbook filled with drawings.
“Wow, did you draw these?” You asked as she sat in your lap to flip through the pages.
“Yeah! But Uncle Minie drew some of it!” She said, making you wonder if that was the name of her babysitter.
“Is Uncle Minie a good person?”
“He is! He’s very nice to me and mommy.”
“Mmm, you must really like him then, don’t you?” You said and as a result, she giggled adorably in your lap.
“I do! You have to meet him… I think you will like him too, Auntie Y/N!” She said so all you could do was smile. You continued to play with her after dinner until she grew tired so you could tuck her into bed. When she was finally asleep, you cleaned up the house a little before taking a shower and went to bed.
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Almost a month has passed since you last saw Lucy and your sister. Work got very hectic and your schedule has been pretty off lately. You had to work on weekends for the past few weeks and it was mentally draining. The project has been a success recently which is why you had to work extra everyday but your schedule was starting to simmer down and was now proceeding to launch it for real and properly this time. Nevertheless, it has been really tiring for you but thankfully you had your team with you to motivate each other and give words of encouragement to one another.
It was a Friday evening and you decided to surprise Lucy and your sister tonight after not seeing them for so long. Before heading over to their place though, you didn’t forget to stop by Lucy’s favourite fast food restaurant to get her french fries. It was her ultimate favourite snack that she would never fail to ask for whenever you brought her out or came over to the house. You bought extra food so everyone could eat, including the babysitter just in case he was hungry.
It didn’t take long to arrive at your sister’s apartment so when you made it in front of her door, you gave it a few knocks and waited patiently for someone to open it. The one who ended up greeting you at the door was Lucy.
“Hi baby!” You said as she hugged your hips tightly with his small dainty arms.
“How are you, my favourite niece?” You asked as she let go of your hips to let you walk in. You closed the door behind you as Jisoo came out from the kitchen with her uniform already worn.
“I’m good, auntie!” Lucy said, making you kiss the top of your head before holding out the bags of food in your hand.
“I bought all of us dinner. And I bought you fries, Lucy!”
“Yay!” She cheered as she ran off and disappeared into the living room.
“What time are you leaving for work?” You asked as your sister took the bags from you while you took off your heels by the door.
“Soon. I have to come early tonight because one of the nurses took an urgent leave.” She said.
“Eat something first at least before you go. Don’t delay your dinner.” You scolded her while she quietly took out the fries from the bag. You helped her take a plastic plate from the cabinet, passing it to her. She then took out a handful of fries and placed it on the plate before you took it and brought it to the living room where Lucy was playing with her dolls.
“Lucy, auntie will put your fries here okay?” You said as she ran over to take one and put it in her mouth while excitedly thanking you. Just when you turn to go back to the kitchen, a figure comes out of the hallway only to stop dead in his tracks. His eyes were completely wide from shock.
“Changmin? What are you doing here?” His name slips off your tongue naturally as your sister looks back and forth between you and Changmin. He was speechless and so were you until Lucy ran up to his side and held his hand in hers with a bright smile.
“Auntie, how do you know Uncle Minie? Is he your boyfriend too?” Lucy asked as you glanced over to your sister and then to Changmin. He was still staring at you quietly but his eyes were no longer wide so you looked at Lucy and smiled.
“H-He’s just an old friend, who happens to be a boy. Not my boyfriend.” You explained to her while she let go of his arm and hops over to you when you gestured her to come to you.
“Who is your boyfriend then?” She asked, to which you kneeled down beside the coffee table while you pulled her into your lap.
“Remember Uncle Sunwoo?”
“The one who gave me the stitch soft toy?” She asked and you smiled at her.
“Yes. Do you remember him?”
“I do!”
“That was my boyfriend.” You said while gently cupping her cheek.
“Why isn’t Uncle Sunu here today?” She asked, only for you to accidentally glance up to find Changmin staring at you quietly with no particular expression on his face.
“Because he’s no longer my boyfriend anymore, that’s why he’s not here. But it’s okay, you have Uncle Changmin now right? I heard you like Uncle Changmin a lot.” You asked, only for her to giggle and point to him with a bright smile on her face.
“Yes! I like Uncle Minie!” She said. After you’ve let go of her, she runs back to him only to bring him to her play area in front of the tv.
You’ve known Changmin since kindergarten and high school. You used to bicker with him a lot and because he was your classmate, all the more reason for you to fight with him almost everyday. As much as you don’t like him at the time, you don’t consider him your enemy though. It’s not like you despise him or anything as a person. Sure he’s sort of similar to you in terms of being introverts but other than that, he’s too much of a weirdo to actually understand how he sees things when he was younger. Therefore, the endless amount of arguments with him. And after graduating, you never saw him again.
You went back into the kitchen to help pack the food for your sister, making sure she wouldn’t starve at work knowing how she is when she’s stressed or is thinking too much about things she chooses not to share with anyone. So when you placed the bag of burger and fries in her smaller lunch bag, you reminded her to eat when she’s having her break time and to not skip her meals during work. You then walked with her to the front door only to call Lucy over.
“Lucy, your mommy’s going to work.”
“Okay! Bye mommy!” She said as she ran to your sister to give her a hug and kiss. You were just watching them when Changmin’s voice sounded softly from behind you.
“Didn’t expect to see you again.” He said.
“Me too… Didn’t take you for a babysitter.”
“This is just a past time thing…”
“But you babysit her almost everyday.”
“Because I like her.” Upon hearing his words, this made you whip your head to him with a frown.
“My sister or my niece?” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“What do you think? Not gonna lie though, your sister’s pretty hot.” That’s when you slapped his arm and glared at him.
“My sister is off limits you pervert.” You scolded him, only for him to cackle.
“Fine. What about her sister then? Is she off limits too?” It took you a while to realise what he was saying and before you could even reply to him, Lucy was already rushing to you and waving to her mother.
“Bye sis.” You smiled as you gestured to Lucy to follow Changmin while you went to lock the front door. You came back to the living room to find Changmin teasing her by stealing her fries. You’ve never seen this side of him. Who knew Changmin of all people would be this good to a child especially considering he’s the youngest in his family.
About an hour or so later after you’ve showered and changed into your pyjamas since you’ve already planned to sleep over, you came back out to find Lucy curled up in Changmin’s lap on the couch. Paw Patrol was playing on the screen but it seemed like no one was really watching. You carefully walked closer to find Changmin patting her to sleep in his arms. He saw you from the corner of his eye so he glanced over his shoulder with a small smirk on his face.
“I think she’s in love with me.” He said, making you roll your eyes at him.
“I doubt that.” You walked over to kneel in front of his legs only to gently cup her face.
“Darling, come on. Let’s get you to bed.” You softly said as she stirred awake.
“Are you sleeping here tonight?” She asked tiredly while her tiny head was still against his chest.
“Yes, darling.”
Just then, Lucy looked up at Changmin and asked, “Are you sleeping here too?”
Changmin couldn’t help but glance over to you for a brief second before answering her, “I don’t have to sleep over tonight since your Auntie Y/N is here.” He said but she instantly whined.
“But… I want both of you here.” She said, making you stunned. Both Changmin and you exchanged looks for a second as if to figure out what to say but he beat you to it.
“Alright then. Uncle Min will stay with you and Auntie Y/N, okay?”
“Okay.” She giggled tiredly as she opened her arms to you so you took her onto your waist and carried her to her room. Once you’ve tucked her in, you sang her to sleep. Her favourite lullaby that apparently, only you and Changmin can sing for her. Lucy wouldn’t let your sister sing for her. She would ask your sister to read her a bedtime story instead. You made sure she was already fast asleep before you kissed her forehead and left the bedroom door slightly ajar. You came back outside to find Changmin cleaning up the mess she made with her toys.
While he was doing that, you cleared the kitchen by putting the leftover food in the fridge and throwing away whatever is deemed as trash. Both of you were working in silence, never once talking to each other. After you finished cleaning the kitchen, you went to the living room to find it empty. Changmin must’ve gone inside to sleep so you let out a soft sigh of relief. About half an hour later, you were just watching a tv series on netflix when soft footsteps came approaching you from behind. Before you could turn, Changmin came into your peripheral vision and sat down next to you.
“Why aren’t you asleep?” He asked as a strong whiff of vanilla filled your nostrils. It must be the body wash you saw in the bathroom.
“I could ask you the same question.” You said, earning a click of his tongue.
“I’m not sleepy yet. Your turn.”
“I need a break before I do a bit of work.” You said and he finally turns to you with a frown. You looked at him and gave him a shrug of your shoulders, “What?”
“It’s already after hours… What work do you possibly have to do?” He asked only for you to sigh.
“My work… You wouldn’t know.” You ended off in a whisper while turning your focus back to the tv. A few minutes later, Changmin excused himself quietly without telling you where he was going. Not like you cared or anything. So when you realised he never came back out after an hour, you guessed he was asleep. You stayed up till 4 in the morning just working on the upcoming project you had with the company’s sales.
You were doing your work at the kitchen island with your back facing the hallway. At one point during the night, Changmin left the guest room to go to the bathroom. He saw you seated on the stool with fingers tangled in your hair. He was curious to know what work you had to do that made you stay up all night but he wasn’t going to ask. He saw that it was nearing 4am and it kind of worried him a little. Changmin knew how tiring and mentally draining it is to stay up late to do work so he could only hope you’ll get the rest you deserve.
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Days began to pass by fast, making sure to visit your sister’s house a few times a week on days where you weren’t working overtime so that you could spend time with Lucy again. It’s been over three months now and you’ve been to their house almost every week now. Of course not everyday since the project was still going on. And in all the times you came over, Changmin was always around. There are times when he’s oddly nice and kind to you, never once picking on you. Other times he was always being a little ass to you briefly so Lucy doesn’t catch on.
One thing’s for sure, Changmin has never really said something that made you absolutely pissed before so that’s good in a way. It was a Thursday evening and you made it to your sister’s apartment a few minutes after she left. You had to stay at the office for a bit and she had to leave early due to an emergency. Therefore, you didn’t get the chance to meet her. However, it’s okay because you still went over to spend time with Lucy.
You brought cakes for dessert, knowing she loves the strawberry shortcakes that were sold at a nearby cafe. When you reached their doorstep, you gave it a few knocks, only to hear her high pitched voices and soft footsteps rushing towards the door.
“Auntie!” She exclaimed excitedly as she carefully tiptoed to grab onto the door handle. But before she would accidentally wedge her toes under the door, Changmin was quick to hold onto the side of the door while gently telling her to step away from it.
With that being said, she hopped to the side only to hug your leg so you wrapped your arm around her hip and carried her up with one arm while the other was holding onto the bag of cakes. Changmin closed the door while you took off your shoes, only to feel him take the bag from you quietly and bring it to the kitchen. This allows you to properly hug Lucy and playfully swing her around as she laughs against your chest. You then placed her down on her feet, running back to her toys in the living room.
Changmin was just staring at the cakes so you couldn’t help but giggle softly at his sim-like behaviour and asked, “Why are you just staring blankly at the cakes? Is there something wrong with it?”
“No… I just, I’m trying to figure out which cake is Lucy’s.” Changmin said as you came to stand beside him.
“Make a guess.” You said. It took him 3 tries but when he finally got it, he decided to act smug about it like he was just trying to test you.
“I knew which one she liked. I just wanted to see if you knew.” Changmin said, making you mock him with a laugh. He made a silly face to you while rolling his eyes, earning a soft slap to his chest before calling for your niece. She came over to you and was utterly surprised upon seeing her favourite cake.
“Is this mine?” She asked excitedly, making you nod.
“Yeah! Do you want me to feed you or do you wanna eat it on your own?”
“Hmm… I want Uncle Minie to feed me.” She giggled while sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth teasingly. You faked a shocked face and soon pretended to get upset.
“Do you like Uncle Minie more or Auntie more?” You asked.
“Uncle Minie.” Lucy said with a laugh and that was it. You wanted to get back at her for choosing an outsider over yourself. Of course this was all just for fun and games, you weren’t actually this petty. However, while all this was happening, Changmin was actually enjoying this scene in front of him where you were having a playful banter with your niece. He was almost adoring you in a way where nobody else would realise unless someone was there to see his reaction live.
“Fine. Then you can’t have Uncle Minie. He’s mine.” You said as you stood in front of Changmin to shield her from him. Lucy laughed as she tried to go to the side but you followed her to block her. She was laughing till her heart’s content, failing to get to her babysitter who was all the while just standing there with the most fondest smile on his face.
Just when Lucy was holding your hands to apologise for choosing him instead of you, the pair of warm hands sliding over your waist and around your front was enough to catch you off guard as you accidentally crashed backwards into Changmin’s chest.
“Lucy ah, if you want uncle Minie, you have to want auntie Y/N too or else she’s gonna be very sad. Okay?” Changmin said as you tried so desperately hard not to turn your head because if you did, the chances of accidentally kissing him is very high. Not that you wouldn’t want that to be honest. But at least not right now. So with that being said, Lucy giggled and she quickly apologised to you before hugging you. Changmin had already pulled away from you but he was so tempted to keep his arms around you.
After you’ve kissed the top of her head, Changmin held her hand and brought her to the front to play and eat before she went to bed. All the while, you helped to tidy the house a little so that your sister wouldn’t have to do much cleaning when she gets home from work tomorrow. Hours later, you had just put Lucy to bed and so it was time for you to leave since you’re working tomorrow.
You came back out to find Changmin just finished cleaning up her scattered toys and putting them back in her basket. He stood up and immediately locked eyes with you, feeling something tickle your stomach.
“You’re not staying?” He spoke up first while he slowly approached you.
“I have work tomorrow. I have to come early and stay late to finish up the quotas for the project.” You sighed, watching as he stopped right in front of you. All you needed to do was stretch your arms out, grab his shirt and pull him in but of course you’re not gonna do that.
“So I’m assuming that you won’t be stopping by tomorrow evening?” He asked.
“Probably not… Why? Are you gonna miss me?” You couldn’t help but ask as a smirk slowly creeps onto your face.
“Miss you? I think you’re delusional, babe.”
“Am I?” You asked, seeing the way his eyes grew a tad larger for just a split second before it shrunk back to his original size.
“I’d miss you any day.” Changmin teased you back, now you’re the one who’s speechless. He laughed at your reaction, thinking you were hella cute as he watched you take your work bag and was making your way straight to the door. You left without another word said to him, hearing his cackle grow softer the minute the door was shut. As soon as Changmin had locked the doors and was making his way back into the apartment, he caught Lucy standing in the middle of the hallway just tiredly rubbing her eyes and was slightly groggy.
“Where did auntie go?” She asked so he carefully walked to her and carried her onto his waist to bring her back to her room.
“Auntie has to go home, darling. She has to work tomorrow.” Changmin gently explained to her while laying her back onto her bed and pulling the blankets over.
“Uncle Min?”
“Yes baby?”
“Do you like my auntie?” Lucy asked as she yawned but was patiently waiting for his answer. Changmin took no less than a minute to answer her question easily in a heartbeat.
“Yes I do. I like your auntie… I like her a lot.”
“You should tell her. I like you with my auntie a lot too.” She said as she slowly fell asleep again. Changmin unconsciously smiled, remembering this conversation. He definitely wasn’t lying to her about how he feels about you.
If only he can tell you…
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A week has passed, as usual, your sister was working a night shift today and Changmin would be at her place to look after Lucy. Since it was a Friday evening, you were okay with sleeping over at your sister’s place since you’re not working tomorrow. So when you went there, everyone was present in the house. However, there is a new individual who is in the house and he was playing with Lucy while Changmin and your sister were in the kitchen preparing Lucy’s dinner.
“Hey! I’m here.” You said after Lucy greeted you at the door. Once you’ve taken off your heels, you made your way further into the house only to lock eyes with the new guy who soon stood up to greet you.
“Hello? I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ve met you before. You are?” You asked politely as he let out an awkward laugh and responded to your question nicely.
“I’m Heegeun. Jisoo’s uh… friend.” He smiled and you could tell he was lying but you never pry any further.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m her younger sister, Y/N.” You said before making your way into the kitchen. She was practically hiding behind Changmin so you pinched her side softly in annoyance.
“He’s not just your friend, is he? Who is he? Your boyfriend?” You asked in a whisper all behind Changmin who was scooping out the rice porridge into a bowl for Lucy. Even then, Changmin couldn’t help but smirk hearing this conversation happening right behind him.
“He’s… ah. I’ll explain tomorrow. I have to go now.” Jisoo escaped despite you trying to hold her back.
“Heegeun ah, let’s go. Lucy, mommy will see you tomorrow okay? I love you.” Jisoo said as she bid her daughter goodbye at the doorway. Meanwhile, you clicked your tongue in annoyance and whispered to yourself, “Ugh. He’s definitely not her friend…” Nevertheless, you heard the door click shut and Lucy soon went back to her toys. So you took this opportunity to interrogate Changmin instead.
“Why are you smiling? You know something, don’t you?” You asked, only for him to shrug his shoulders teasingly.
“I don’t know anything. He was already here when I came about an hour ago.” Changmin said, making you growl.
“There’s something fishy going on here…” You said while narrowing your eyes at him but then changed the topic as you took the bowl and walked over to Lucy to feed her dinner.
Your mind keeps drifting off to the guy earlier and you can’t stop worrying about history repeating itself again. Ever since what happened with Lucy’s biological father, you have gotten awfully overprotective towards your sister that you tend to analyse whoever wants to date her. So the fact that this guy suddenly appears in the picture without your sister telling you a thing about him, makes you feel slightly skeptical.
All the while you were just blankly staring into space with your mind somewhere else, Changmin was actually observing you. He kept smiling to himself knowing you were probably going crazy about who the guy was and all that. When you knew it was pointless to keep thinking about that guy’s relation with your sister, you just glanced to the left randomly with no particular intentions. Unfortunately, that caused you to lock eyes with Changmin but all he did was smirk at you charmingly.
After you’ve fed Lucy, you went to clean up the kitchen while Changmin accompanied her for the next few minutes before bringing her to bed. It took him less than 10 minutes to get her to finally sleep as he leaves her room quietly. Changmin walks into the living room to find you seated on the couch just watching your favourite american youtuber duo on the smart tv.
Changmin soon came to join you, sitting so close to you that you could literally rest your leg on his thigh since you sat with your legs bent into your chest. Still in your work clothes but thankfully you’re in formal pants so it’s fine to sit like that.
“What would you do if that guy is actually dating your sister?” Changmin suddenly asks, causing you to get agitated again.
“I’m gonna make sure he doesn’t break her heart and treat her the way she deserves to be treated or else I’ll come for his throat.”
“Woah. You’re literally threatening him.” He laughed but you frowned.
“After what that asshole did when he found out my sister was pregnant, I’m never letting any guy come near her unless he’s proved to me that he’s worthy of my sister.” You said protectively and he could sense that from you. Nevertheless, he totally understands where you’re coming from.
“So what kind of guys do you like?” He suddenly changes the topic, catching you off guard a little.
“I-I… I actually don’t know… If I like someone, I’ll just know I guess.”
“How would you know if you like someone?” He asked, making you shy all of a sudden. It was difficult for you to answer at first but you managed to do it after a few seconds of buffering.
“W-Well… When I have butterflies while being around them? Or maybe when I feel comfortable and safe around them?” Changmin seemed to digest your answer as you wondered why he was asking you this question. Just then, he got up and said he wanted to go to sleep claiming he’s tired and sleepy. You bid him goodnight as you went to take a shower before going to bed yourself.
The next morning, your sister came home at about 8am as she found you sleeping in her bed. That same afternoon when Jisoo had already gotten her sleep since today was her day off, the four of you decided to hang out at the mall. Changmin was the one driving today so you sat in front with him while your sister and niece sat at the back. All the while, Lucy poked her head through the gap in the middle between you and Changmin. She sang and danced to the songs that Changmin put on his car radio just for her.
At one point, while Lucy was just talking to her mother about something out the window, you glanced back only to smile at the sight. The car gradually came to a stop at the traffic junction so you turned to look in front but instead, you caught Changmin’s gaze on you.
“What?” You asked softly, earning a cheeky little smile from him. One that wakes the butterflies in your stomach.
“Have I ever mentioned you’re pretty?” He suddenly flirts with you despite knowing there’s two other people in the back.
“Shut up.” You dismissed him with a shy laugh, knowing he’s just being playful. There’s absolutely no way he actually means what he said… Right?
Just then, Changmin glared and clicked his tongue at you to show that he was probably disappointed with your reaction. Though, knowing how he is, he was just joking with his reaction and it was true because he then replied, “Ungrateful…” Upon hearing this, you gently punched his arm and he hissed but never got angry for real. How did you know? Because right after he did that, you could see the way the corner of his lips curled up.
In another 10 minutes, you arrived at the mall where Changmin finally parked the car in the parking lot upstairs. The moment the engine was turned off, Lucy was already scrambling out of the car and was dragging her mother into the lobby which leads straight into the shopping mall. She was so eager to go see the toy shops she saw the other day. While the two mother and daughter were walking ahead, you waited for Changmin to get out of the car and locked it before walking with him.
You were going to turn the corner where the slope is when Changmin slid his right arm around your waist from behind to pull you in right as a car was speeding down the slope.
“Watch where you’re going, pretty.” Changmin said, making you blush.
“I-I was about to stop…” You faked an excuse as he squeezed your side softly before letting go.
Both of you made it safely into the mall, not surprised when you saw the two of them entering the toy shop just opposite from the lobby. You walked towards the shop and went inside to find them. Lucy was going around, looking at all the toys and playsets but your sister told her not to get any because she already has a lot at home.
Lucy isn’t the kind to cry and beg her mother for something she wants but you can see from her expression. Your heart breaks whenever you see her like that so when all of you were now at an ice cream shop, everyone had their own ice creams except for Lucy. She was sulking so she didn’t wanna buy anything even when her mother consoled her. With that being said, you looked at Lucy who was seated diagonally across from you and beside Changmin with a smile.
“Hey Lucy darling, mind if you accompany me go see a dress at one of the shops? I think I might change my mind about it.” At first she just shook her head and hung her head against Changmin’s chest. So you got up and went over to her side before you cupped her face and made her look at you gently, giving you the chance to whisper to her something her mother couldn’t catch.
“I’ll buy whatever you want from the toy store but don’t tell mommy.” That was all you said as she finally tore away from Changmin and kept her sad face on but decided to follow you. It was only when the two of you were no longer visible in their sight that you high fived her and she giggled excitedly to you.
Meanwhile, after you left, Changmin was just eating his ice cream when your sister suddenly spoke up from her seat diagonally across from him.
“Changmin, you’re a really nice guy and apparently a very good babysitter.”
“Oh. Thanks? I’m just doing my job.” Changmin said with a laugh, only for her to smile.
“But I think it’s time for me to talk to you about this…” She paused to give him the element of suspense. He was thinking that he was gonna be in trouble for something he did wrong or maybe even fired at this point. Except, the question that came out of her mouth was the least expected question to ever cross his mind.
“Do you like her?” She asked, catching him off guard.
“H-Her who? Your daughter or your sister?”
“I know you like my daughter. But unfortunately, I’m referring to my sister.” She laughed to lighten up the mood and it worked. Changmin felt a little less tense but he was still nervous about the question. Since he was taking too long to answer, she decided to change her question.
“Okay, nevermind. Scratch that. Let me rephrase myself… What do you think of my sister?”
Now that’s a question he could answer in a heartbeat.
“I think she’s an amazing person. She’s smart, kind, and can be annoying sometimes back when we were younger but she’s such an amazing auntie to Lucy and I can see that really well.” Your sister smiled happily at her bowl of ice cream before she spoke up afterwards.
“Now is it easier for you to answer my original question that I asked?” She teased and so Changmin chuckled nervously but he felt ready to give her his answer.
“I do like your sister. I actually like her a lot now…”
“Good. Because I think she likes you too, just that she’s still trying to figure that part out.” Your sister said as he felt something tickle his heart. Do you really like him too? If you do, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Just a few seconds after, you came back with Lucy and there was a huge plastic bag you were holding in your hand, paired with a toothless soft toy in Lucy’s arms. Your sister’s jaw drops as Changmin simply laughed at her reaction.
“I knew you were lying earlier, you brat.” She said to you, making you stick your tongue out at her teasingly.
“I know.” You said as you flipped your hair sassily and she scoffed but her smile betrayed her.
“Well, now that you’re here, I’m gonna go check out the home furniture store upstairs.” She said as she soon disappeared. Changmin brought Lucy to go buy her ice cream since she was in a happier mood now. When they came back, Lucy asked Changmin to feed her. He did it without hesitation, paying full attention to her only to abandon his own cup of ice cream that was ⅓ done.
“Lucy, can you eat on your own? Uncle Min needs to finish his ice cream before it melts” You said, trying to make her listen.
“No! I want Uncle Minie to feed me.” She said with a proud smile on her face.
“Can I feed you then? He needs to eat his ice cream too.” You tried to persuade her but she whined.
“Lucy.” You called her name once in a serious tone but she looked at you with a frowning pout. Her eyes started to get glossy so Changmin quickly stepped in and smiled at her.
“It’s okay, Lucy. Uncle Minie will eat later. Come, open your mouth.” He said while slowly bringing the spoon to her mouth. She eats it quietly, avoiding your gaze in case you scold her as she fiddles with her toothless soft toy ears. You let out a soft sigh, which was unfortunately heard by Changmin. You pressed your fingertips to your temples, only to hear him direct his words to you.
“Since she doesn’t want you to feed her, you can feed me before my ice cream turns into soup.” Changmin said. You glanced at him and then his ice cream bowl. It was starting to melt so you took his bowl and scooped a spoonful of ice cream and his toppings before bringing it to his mouth.
He ate it and the corner of his lips instantly curled into a small smile. You pretend you didn’t see that as he turned back to Lucy to feed her. This continued until her ice cream was finished, only then could he eat his dessert on his own. However, when you were about to pass it to him, he simply sat there with his mouth open. You raised your eyebrows at him in question and he smirked.
“Since you’ve been feeding me, you might as well continue.” Changmin said, making you shove the spoon onto the tip of his nose, getting a small blob of ice cream on it. You laughed as he narrowed his gaze at you on purpose but it didn’t scare you.
“It was a perfect opportunity. I’m sorry.” You said, only to feed him the last scoop before handing the rest to him. Changmin ate on his own after wiping his nose while Lucy came to sit next to you and apologised for making you angry. You told her you weren’t angry and that you just wanted her to be independent and she listened. All the while, Changmin was listening to you and it sparked something in him. Not long after, your sister came back and soon, all of you left to head home.
A few minutes upon reaching back at her apartment, you told your sister you weren’t staying over because you have to clean the house tomorrow so she said okay. Changmin also said he needed to go home to do his laundry. So when it was time to say goodbye to Lucy, both Changmin and you gave her a goodnight hug despite her crying, begging for you two to stay. Changmin went ahead and cupped her cheeks in his hands, giving her forehead a soft kiss to calm her down.
“Don’t cry, Lucy. Uncle Minie will come see you again soon. Auntie Y/N too, okay?” He said, making your heart swell.
“Y-You promise?” She asked so he nodded and did a pinky swear with her.
“I promise.”
“O-Okay…” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck before letting go. She then came to you so you squat down to match her height and gave her a warm hug too. When both you and Changmin finally stepped out of the apartment unit, she gave you one big wave before her mother gently guided her back inside.
You were quietly walking next to him when he asked, “How are you getting home?”
“Bus, probably.” You said, only for him to offer you a ride home.
“I-It’s fine. I can take the bus.”
“I don’t take no for an answer.” He said, allowing you to enter the lift first. Once you got into his car, he asked for your address and so you gave it to him. In the car, his mind drifted back to your sister’s words earlier.
“I think she likes you too”
Changmin’s mind was swirling with questions following those words but he never actually voiced out to you about it. When he finally parked the car in front of your apartment complex, you thanked him for the ride home and bid him goodnight. He simply nodded and so you left his car right after.
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Days have passed and it was recently announced that there will be a company event at the end of this week. The event is to celebrate the company’s 25th anniversary upon its first launch. Not only that, everyone was encouraged to bring a plus one to the event, be it their significant other, a friend, a family member, etc. Therefore, your friends in your team have decided to invite their partners along since they were all either engaged or in a relationship with someone. The only one who is single between the five of you, is you.
“So, are you guys gonna bring your partners?” Taehyung asked, earning a smirk from Yoongi.
“Hell yeah. I would be glad to show off my fiancè to that girl in the HR department who keeps flirting with me at work.” Yoongi said, making you laugh.
“How about you?” Yeji then turned to ask you, earning a quiet sigh from you. They knew you broke up with Sunwoo a while ago and that you’ve been single ever since. She felt bad for asking you so she tried to cheer you up, “You can go with me. We don’t need to bring anyone to the event.”
However, you knew she would love to bring her boyfriend to this event so you just smiled and rejected her offer. You reassured them that you’ll figure something out and told them not to worry about you. As much as they didn’t want you to feel left out, they knew you wouldn’t be affected by going solo to the event. With that being said, the topic was dropped and Jieun proceeded to talk about something else.
A few hours later, you made it to your sister’s apartment after work to have dinner before your sister leaves for work. You were at the kitchen island eating the kimchi soup your sister made with her while Changmin was in the living room with Lucy and you kept thinking about the company event. Your sister could probably sense your mind being somewhere else so she was the first to break your train of thoughts.
“You look like your mind just did a brain fart over there. What’s going on?” She asked you calmly as you sighed.
“My company is doing a 25th anniversary event this Saturday evening. They invited everyone in the company…”
“But?” She said knowing you were hiding something when you paused.
“But they encouraged all the workers to bring their plus ones. I can’t bring Sunwoo because he’s my ex now.”
“So ask Changmin.” She said almost so easily, causing you to widen your eyes in shock. Just then, Changmin’s voice sounded from behind you as he heard his name in the equation.
“Ask me what?” He said as you glared at your sister to keep her mouth shut but she of course didn’t care.
“She has this company event on Saturday evening and she needs a plus one so I told her to ask you since I’ll be out of town from Friday to Sunday with Lucy.” She said with a proud smile on her face. You just wanted to stab her right now for being so blunt. Nevertheless, Changmin looked at you and gave you his answer with no hesitation at all whatsoever.
“Sure. I’ll go with you. That is if you’re okay of course.”
You were speechless but maybe you were just a tad bit happy that he was okay to go with you considering you weren’t technically friends to begin with. So since he already said he could go with you, that’s one less thing on your checklist to prepare for the weekend.
A few days went by and it was finally time to get ready for the company event. You texted Changmin to ask again if he was really okay with going to the event as your plus one. He sent you the cutest message you’ve ever gotten by someone even though it sounds pretty threatening considering it’s him who texted it.
“You can either accept the fact that you’re going with a handsome lad or choose to go to the event with your lonely ass. You pick.”
It wasn’t a surprise that you laughed upon reading the text but he doesn’t have to know that… For the event, you decided to pick out the most formal yet casual dress you owned which was a simple black fitted lace dress that stops at your mid thighs. Pairing it with your favourite nude open toe heels that were just 3 inches at least. Your makeup was very light and you had your hair clipped up, leaving your bangs down to frame your face. When he texted you at 7pm saying he was downstairs, you texted back to acknowledge him and soon took your necessary belongings.
When you made it downstairs, you saw him lean against the passenger side door looking handsome as ever. Changmin was wearing a black skinny jeans, white button down formal shirt with the first four buttons undone, a black blazer over that and his black boots. His hair was jet black with the slight side parting, hair styled up to show his forehead.
Your heart was beating so fast as you approached him but you quickly maintained your composure when he finally looked up to meet your eyes. Changmin checked you out briefly and pretty much openly, making you feel a little small under his intense gaze. When he finally locked eyes with you again, he smirked charmingly at you and said, “Have you always looked this hot?” His comment was totally unexpected as it awoke the butterflies in your belly.
“Apparently not, I guess.” You said, only for him to laugh. Both of you got into the car and you gave him the address so he finally drove off following the map. In the car, he asked you more about the event and you tried your best to answer every question to your best abilities.
Right after he parked the car in the parking lot, he turned the engine off and suddenly asked, “By the way, what am I supposed to be tonight?”
“Oh… U-Uh… I don’t know. I guess just go with the flow?”
“Good idea.”
With that being said, both of you made your way into the lobby and went up to the ballroom level via the lift. When you arrived at the ballroom, you showed the security your staff pass and soon entered the venue with Changmin closely behind you. The room was filled with your colleagues but only a few were recognisable to you. Changmin scanned the entire room curiously, trying to get used to the new environment until he felt soft fingers wrap around his hand to bring him back to reality.
“Hey, keep walking or you’ll get lost.” You said with a gentle smile on your face, making his heart flutter. Nevertheless, he followed you to a table where your friends and their plus ones were seated at.
“Y/N! You made it!” Yeji said with an excited tone as her eyes soon flew over to Changmin behind you. She smirked at you but Taehyung beat her to the questions.
“Hey, who’s this?” He asked with a teasing smirk, making you blush.
“Guys, this is Changmin… He’s uh…” You paused as your mind grew fuzzy on what to say so you naturally turned to look at Changmin. However, he seemed oddly calm as he finally looked at them and spoke up confidently that it made you slightly shocked.
“Boyfriend… I’m her boyfriend.” Changmin said, causing your friends to make excited sounds that you couldn’t help but laugh, finding it funny.
“It’s nice to meet you, Changmin. You definitely made a good choice.” Taehyung said, making you slap his arm and soon took a seat in the empty chair next to him while Changmin sat next to you. All of you began to chat as Changmin surprisingly got along well with your colleagues and including their individual partners too. The event was going well so far, the CEO gave out his speech and was giving out awards to the staff members in the company. After that segment was done, it was currently a free and easy time. People can mingle around, dance on the dancefloor, etc.
Just then, Jieun noticed a photobooth at the other side of the room so she spoke up, telling everyone at your table to go take pictures for memories. Changmin remained seated at first but when you noticed he wasn’t moving, that’s when Yoongi spoke up to address him.
“You too, Changmin. Come on.” Changmin’s eyes grew wide as he looked up at you and you smiled. You patiently waited for him, seeing how hesitant he was. So to ease him up a little, you laced your fingers with him and he turned to look down at your intertwined fingers. Changmin glanced up to meet your soft eyes staring back at him, melting him into a puddle.
“We’re here together, remember?” You asked so he nodded. Both of you began to make your way to the photobooth where your friends and their partners were already busy choosing props for the pictures.
They beckoned you over so you dragged Changmin with you. Once you’ve chosen your prop which was a cat ears headband, Changmin chose the same as you so that you were both matching. First picture, the girls sat on the bench while the guys stood behind you. Second picture, the bench was taken away as you guys scattered around to stand with your partners. You stood behind Jieun while Changmin was to your left. Right before the picture was taken, you felt his warm hand gently rest on your waist to hold you securely beside him.
Your heart was racing as the picture was taken and they were now deciding how to pose. Meanwhile, you turned to him and saw that his hair was a bit messy. While everyone was deciding how to pose, you reached up and carefully adjusted his bangs so that they weren’t poking his eyes. All the while, Changmin couldn’t help but stare into your eyes even though you weren’t looking at him. When you finally realised he was staring at you, that’s where you giggled and whispered to him quietly.
“Nothing. You just look really cute right now.” Changmin said.
You blushed yet again as you gently slapped his chest but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, his left hand holding his right wrist to keep you secure against him. Since you were stuck like that, you ended up resting your hands on his chest while you posed for the third picture.
“Okay guys! Should we do a cute photo for the last one?” Yeji asked, only for Taehyung to suggest something very unexpected.
“We should kiss our partners!” He said, making you panic slightly. Changmin noticed the way you tensed up in his arms so he felt the need to calm you down. With that being said, Changmin nudged your cheek with his sharp nose to make you look at him. When you turned, Changmin smiled down at you with his arms still around you.
“We don’t have to kiss if you don’t want to. We can just pretend.” He said calmly, making your heart melt.
Has he always been this sweet?
“I-I… Are you sure?”
“Of course. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.” He reassured you and it was enough to make you feel a lot better.
Everyone else was already in their positions as they brought back the bench. Two couples were seated while the other three were standing. You were on the left side with Changmin, standing behind Yoongi and his fiancè. The cameraman did a countdown to tell you when he would snap the picture. So you turned to look at Changmin as you slid your hands onto his neck and kept them there.
Changmin smiled softly at you while he carefully leaned down to let his nose brush against yours.
You then saw his gaze fall down south easily as he let out a soft but shaky breath to calm his own rapid heart despite the smile still plastered on his face.
Just two seconds before the cameraman took the picture, you tilted your head up to let your lips crash against his softly. He was still smiling into the kiss when the picture was captured, making you caress his jaw gently with your thumbs. When you pulled away, you struggled to meet his eyes. Butterflies erupted rapidly in your stomach, earning a soft laugh from him.
“Look who’s being brave tonight.” He teased you over a whisper, making you shy.
“It’s the best opportunity I have, I guess?” You said and he couldn’t help but agree. All of you returned the props back to the table and made your way back to the table. About an hour later, the event was finally over so it was time to head back home. You bid goodbye to your friends and their partners before walking back to Changmin’s car.
Both of you remained quiet during the first few minutes, not really sure how to approach the topic of what happened earlier. At one of the traffic junctions, you were just staring out the window, your mind currently running haywire thinking about the kiss when you felt his soft hand slip into yours and carefully laced his fingers together with yours. Changmin brings your hand up only to plant a gentle kiss to the back of your hand before resting them in his lap while he drives. When he made it to your apartment, he didn’t need to be asked because he was already walking with you to the lobby.
You quietly brought him to the lift and up to your apartment level, all in a peaceful silence. When you reached the 12th floor, both of you got out of the lift as you led him to your door. After you’ve unlocked your door, you turned around but Changmin thought you wanted to say your goodbyes.
“I’ll see you around then? Goodnight Y/N.” Changmin said as he was about to walk off when you held his wrist and pulled him back only to cup his face with your other hand and tugged him down to kiss him. Changmin was genuinely stunned this time as he froze when you kissed him. His hands were awkwardly hovering over your waist. Changmin was so scared of making the wrong move but when he felt how genuine your kiss was, that’s when he finally melted against you.
He easily wraps his arms around your waist to pull you into his chest while guiding you back to gently crash against the door. Changmin’s kiss was passionate and needy, his hands squeezing your sides as though he was afraid to let you go. You pulled away first to take a breath, holding his face with both hands and smiled.
“Stay with me tonight…” You whispered over his lips, causing him to go crazy.
“I would absolutely love to.” Changmin smirked as he kissed you again while reaching for the door handle to push it open. You stumbled back into your apartment while he held you to prevent you from falling over.
He then kicked the door closed and locked it before lifting you up onto his waist while kissing you again. He kicked off his shoes while he helped to unbuckle your heels and let it slip down to the ground. He walked deeper into your apartment, guiding him to your bedroom. Once he made it there, he brought you to your bed, gently laying you down as you sat up and watched him take off his blazer and tossed it to the ground.
Changmin crawls up the bed to join you, situating himself between your legs as you pull him down for a kiss. While you were busy kissing him, your hands began to unbutton his white shirt and pushed the material off his shoulders for him. He threw it to the ground as he then pouted to you adorably.
“Why am I the only one with less clothes on?” He asked, only for you to giggle.
“Because mine is just one piece.” You said, earning a playful smirk from him. Changmin kissed you while pinning your hands above your head. He laced his fingers with yours, holding them against the mattress while he kissed you lovingly. Suddenly, he stopped only to look you dead in the eye. You thought he was going to change his mind and that he just realised that this wasn’t what he wanted but then what comes out of his mouth next was totally unexpected.
“I think I love you.”
This time, he said it confidently.
“Scratch that… I love you, Y/N.” Changmin said, making your heart swell. With that being said, you kissed him longingly while caressing his cheek. When you pulled away, you slowly fluttered your eyelids open to meet his gaze and smiled.
“I love you too, Changmin.”
That was all he needed to hear before continuing with where you both stopped. Knowing that the feelings are mutual, it felt a little more intimate now. All the while, he was being gentle to you, asking you questions to make sure you’re okay with what he’s doing. He would only go rough when he needs to, etc. That night, you felt so loved and respected. He showered you with so much love that it made you feel so full at the end of it all.
You’re glad he went to the event with you that night because if he didn’t, you probably still wouldn’t know how you felt for each other.
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chronicas · 7 months
I've been following you for so long but I know nothing about your OCs (how? Idk.) so how about a basic rundown or something? Who's on the roster.
Ooooh man we've got a menagerie of guys over here in the Noxsylvaniaverse. Sorry I went overboard.
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ARRAY OF CICADAS Akira Akamatsu -> Devan Ranim -> Karma Gjalleon
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Comradery, grief, and redemption
Array of Cicadas is about a girl struggling with grief and the adventure that helps her come to terms with it. Akira is the protagonist (but not the main character) of AoC. Growing up in the magical realm of Genesis, Akira was raised as a Fire Mage, hiding from her family and everyone she knew that in reality she's an extremely rare Elemental Mage. She hid her power solely because she REALLY didn't like the son of the dragons (Ryuji, he's on this list in spirit) who would've become her teachers had she revealed herself. She moved from her magical homeworld to live on Earth and go to college after her sister's death. Family drama gets her thrown into Hveske where she meets her soon-to-be best friend, Devan! Devan is best described as Positive Change Personified. As the true main character of the story, there are very few people who's lives aren't improved by having this little guy in it. He meets Akira in the middle of his own personal quest to help his friends take down the Izebellian Empire, that's currently threatening to take over his home realm Hveske. Devan might still be just a kid, but he's always coming up with bright ideas that've gotten him and his friends out of dozens of scraps. Karma Gjalleon is the main antagonist of AoC. An unknown threat looms far greater and more powerful than that of the Izebellian Empire, that is the Regicidal Regent, Karma Gjalleon! She was once ruling regent of Hveske a few thousand years ago, but decided to broaden her horizons and now plans to conquer the entire universe! Her desire is to eradicate all tyranny by becoming the ultimate tyrant, once she has successfully done this, she wishes to be taken down herself by a righteous hero.
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Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia Serendipity Grace Vulcan -> Salem Graves -> Qwynn Vandale
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Mystery Core themes: Identity, love (DIFFERENT from romance), stress/pressure
Array of Cicadas: Cryptadia is the second installment of AoC, taking place at the same time as the first. Akira disappears from the small Coloradian town of Adderdeen, kicking off a series of events that binds three of the town's most extraordinary people together to solve an interdimensional mystery. Serendipity is a teenage vampire who's adoptive family sent her to Adderdeen to study under the renowned Master Alchemist James Emperor. Serendipity lives with a poorly understood condition that makes it difficult for her to use her own magic, therefore she had to give up the family trade of witchcraft to learn about a more external magic like Alchemy. She struggles best she can to keep up with her magical studies as well as her high school studies as a foreign exchange student at Adderdeen High School. After she's found out as a vampire by her classmate Qwynn, she gets roped into a whole new world of mystery. She just hope her grades don't suffer too much as a result. Salem is a local celebrity in Adderdeen as host of a popular local radio show he titled The Nightwatch, a show cracking down on local supernatural sightings. He also balances his job as a mortician on top of it as well as raising his teenage sister single-handedly.. all while not letting it slip he's West Virginia's Very Own Mothman! After an encounter with an old moth-like spirit and a chaotic interdimensional entity at 13, Salem has to deal with being a towering moth monster when he's not in his glamored human form. He also takes on the daunting task of keeping the supernatural hotspot of Adderdeen a simple tourist town without letting the truth of the supernatural slip up. Qwynn is a simple teenage girl with simple aspirations. She wants to keep up her honor student status, get a good scholarship, get into a good, local, college, and also help her parents with their Monster Hunting Gig. Daughter of a human mother and a werewolf father, Qwynn is the only of her three siblings to not inherit lycanthropy from her father, much to her annoyance. Without claws or fangs to take down some of Adderdeens more unnatural inhabitants, Qwynn has to improvise with quick and flashy magic and even faster blades. All for the good of a town that will ideally never know the service her family provides. She makes it a point to investigate any strange happenings in Adderdeen, so it doesn't take long for her to figure out her new classmate is secretly a vampire or that the mortician who works with her mom is Mothman.
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Array of Cicadas: [REDACTED] Penumbra -> Aranea Weltgeist -> Izebel Lucifer Walpurgis
Genre: Fantasy, Sci-fi Core themes: Knowledge, war, hope
Not much I can say about this installment as it would spoil the mysteries I'm setting up for AoC and AoC:C. But I CAN say this third and final installment of this story sets up the final confrontation and brings all our previously introduced characters together. Penumbra is a force by which many things have come to an end. Two thousand years ago she was merely a scientist who aspired to know more about the world around her. Her drive to learn more was inevitably her downfall. Her lover and enemy, Kirke, would later go on to use her findings to create a curse meant to Destroy the Universe. Aranea is a teenage visionary Created by her Father Out of Love using Alchemy. Her father, Issac Weltgeist, was found and murdered by the Izebellian Empire for his reasearch as a Master Alchemist. As a homunculus herself, Aranea was kidnapped in case she hid any secrets of her fathers research. Quickly dismissed by Kirke as useless to the empire's research on homunculi, Aranea was told to watch after the child Empress Izebel, who was only a few years younger than Aranea herself. Aranea spent the next two years searching for a way to escape the empire. Her plans where put into motion early when she found they had acquired the legendary sword Excalibur. Stealing the sword, Aranea made her escape. Izebel is a bit more of a figurehead as Empress of the Izebellian Empire. She was created by the sorceress Kirke to be the vessel for her curse. While she is a living source of destruction, Izebel is treated with respect by her underlings. However, the only person to truly show her kindness, was Aranea. Izebel quickly took to viewing Aranea as an older sister, and demanded she be treated with the respect an Empress' sister deserved. She did her best to give Aranea everything she wanted to make her happy, but refused to let her leave. When Aranea finally escaped, she left Izebel confused, heartbroken, and enraged.
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Mother of the Apocalypse Alexios -> Asterius Polaris -> Armageddon
Genre: Cyberpunk, Fantasy, Tragedy Core themes: Family, lies, perseverance
MotA has nothing to do with AoC, and is instead it's own independent world. It's a story about a prophecy told by the Goddess of Fate to her oracles. That entails the end of the world at the hands of the Mother of the Apocalypse, only able to be stopped by the Savior of the Rim. How this prophecy ends, is up to Fate. Alexios is the son of Kepus, the Goddess of Life and Death, and himself, the Savior of the Rim. He much despises his own title. All he did to earn it was stop a Colossus that was bent on the destruction of a Spire. Now he's wrapped up in probably the dozenth prophecy in a life that's lasted over a millennia. Problem with this prophecy is that it wants him to kill someone to save the world, and he put such violence behind him centuries ago. With his newly adopted child to take care of, Alexios can't think much on how he'll save the world while sparring it's vessel of destruction. Asterius is the son of Taphion, the God of the Crypt, and Septentria, the Northern Star. However he spent the first 13 years of his live believing himself a demigod who had a human mother he never hat the opportunity to meet. Once his true identity was revealed to him, as well as his role in the prophecy as the Beast of the Crypt, a monster born to stand as the guardian of the Mother of the Apocalypse, he ran. He landed in the care of a hero, who he would later discover was the very man destined to kill him, the Savior of the Rim. After Alexios became determined to find a way to break the "curse" on Asterius (a clever lie the kid fabricated so he didn't have to reveal to his would-be murderer who he really was), the man came to see Asterius as his own child. As much as Asterius loves his new father, he can never bring himself to tell him the truth. Armageddon is the titular Mother of the Apocalypse. Daughter of Ignarus, the God of Destruction, she is destined to raze civilization to the ground. Unfortunately for Ignarus, she would rather die than have any part in the Apocalypse he curated for her. When the Savior of the Rim does finally come for her, she and Alexios' mutual interest in stopping the Apocalypse though means different than Fate has offered draws them closer together. Armageddon comes to believe that maybe their love will prove stronger than Fate herself.
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LIZ and the Biohazards Logan Griffiths -> Samantha Griffiths -> Miriam Riveria
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: Rebellion, survival, girlhood
Oh man I would love to tell y'all ALLLL about this comic, but as I am literally working on the script rn, you'll have to wait and see for most of it. But MAINLY, it's a story about a teenage science experiment who grew up in a lab and decides to break free and experience all the world has to offer. (Previously titled Unchained Phenomena) Logan Griffiths is labeled by most of the people who know him as a crazy conspiracy theorist, but Logan knows what he's seen and what he's heard. His son was sent to war almost 18 years ago and never came back. The last letter he received from his son detailed the horrors he had seen on the front lines, saying he fought beside people who "weren't people anymore". Ever since Logan has worked to crack down on the government's experiments on humans, and expose what decades of propaganda and coverups have worked so hard to hide. One disaster strikes the government base he's spent a decade studying, and his answers are delivered right to him with one phone call from some friends. He just didn't expect them to come in the form of a young girl. S-072, or Sam, as she prefers to call herself now, was created in a government lab after the Bio War ended in an attempt to bolster Texas' defenses as it stands on the brink of independence. S-072 was designed for espionage, with the original intent being to create a human who could alter their physiology to mimic anyone. However, while she can indeed alter her physiology, the raw-looking flesh and bone she is able to warp and change isn't going to pass as anyone alive. After the initial failure, they found that S-072 was better suited for just slaughtering things. She could withstand bullet wounds after training, she could warp herself into her own weapons, and was overall the perfect killing machine. Too bad someone started putting ideas in her head. Miriam is a survivor of war. She wasn't a soldier, but she was a sister, and a daughter. Her hometown was hit with a biological weapon and she lost her family and was left sick, disabled, disfigured, and traumatized. She did her best to survive, but unable to work, living on fixed income wasn't cutting it. When the government offered her an experimental cure for her illness, she took it without reading the fine print. Subjected to many experiments, but never a real cure, Miriam plotted a way out.
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THE MIXED BAG OF RANDOM GUYS! "Charlie" -> Caelum Ketch - Jinlong
Dream Journal: The Central Mind
Genre: Horror, Sci-fi Core themes: The unknown, death, grief
This story is from a dream I had that I've reworked to make a story that I'd love to make into a short comic someday. The basic idea of the dream (maybe nightmare) was there was a family that lived on an island who were studying an interdimensional entity. Shortly after they moved to this island, their daughter died. Something, someone else.. came back. "Charlie" is the name of the person who is distinctly NOT Charlotte to anyone who looks close enough. A fragmented piece of a much larger entity with the mind and memories of the late Charlotte, Charlie is just trying to solve the mystery of why her family keeps acting so strange around her.
Cache of Sybaris
Genre: Sci-fi Core themes: Idk man it's just fun Space Pirates babeyyyyyy
The Sybaris Galaxy celebrates the many rich cultures that exist within it, art and culture is a top priority of the Galactic Union! So when the entirety of the latest Trivlexian exhibit on the planet Nik is stolen by Captain Wretch and her band of pirates, it becomes a Galaxy wide chase to steal it back! Especially to other pirate crews who might never have the chance to catch a better score. Ketch is one of such pirates who's crew is after Captain Wretch and her recently stolen goods. While most are after the art that was in the exhibit, the crew of the Red Death is much more interested in the Trivlexian technological artifacts. Namely because Ketch, the crew's finest mechanic, is Trivlex himself. Ketch knows well enough that anyone who isn't rich enough to be able to conveniently ignore is knows all Trivlexian artifacts are stolen, but he has no noble ambitions for his people's artifacts. He just wants to make better weapons and improve his crew's ships. Regardless of how many bounties it gets on his head in the process.
Shifting Stars and Moving Mountains
Genre: Fantasy Core themes: Grief, change, culture
SS+MM is a story that takes place in the same universe as Array of Cicadas, but remains mostly disconnected from the main story. It follows the dragons of Genesis, their politics, culture, and how they influence the rest of the realm. Jinlong is a young dragon, just a few decades over 500, who grew up during the Great Dragon Hunts. Jinlong lost both of his parents in the hunts, he survived the only way he could in such a time of hostility towards dragons, he lived as a human. A human family took him in and treated him as their own. Jinlong spent so long as a human he slowly lost touch of what it meant to be a dragon. After his youngest human sister died at the EXTREMELY impressive age of 200, Jinlong was taken in by Sage Ragnormr, an ancient dragon who advised him to rest. And rest he did, for 2000 years, Jinlong slept, regaining the strength he expended from holding his body in human form for so long. He awakes in the modern era, things have changed drastically, and this little dragon needs to learn what it really means to be a dragon again.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I have 400+ other ocs that I won't cover on this post, but if anyone is ever curious about my silly little guys, there's nothing in the WORLD that brings me more joy than getting to talk about them with other people :)
29 notes · View notes
hwangsify · 2 years
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pairing. kim seungmin x gn reader
genre. angst, fluff, mutual pining, best friends to lovers, college au
warnings. food, one joke about death, they're both extremely tsundere but also extremely in love
summary. you develop a habit of breaking into seungmin's apartment during thunderstorms under pretense that you miss his company. seungmin sees right through you.
length. oneshot
word count. 5.5k+
taglist. @starlostseungmin @ilynaevis @luvhyun3 @dnadoublefelixx @seung-scrittore @jungwonize @plutominho
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When Seungmin opens the door at 2 in the morning in the middle of a thunderstorm to find you standing right in front of him, clad in a pair of Naruto pajamas, his first reaction is to slam the door in your face. 
After all, it���s been ages since he’s been able to fall asleep so soon, and he was in the middle of an excellent dream when you decided to break into his apartment. It seems, to Seungmin, that you harbor a lifelong obligation to fuck up his sleep schedule as well whenever you can’t fall asleep, because you exist solely on caffeine and sugar and probably would break the World Guinness Record for “most unhealthy lifestyle” if that happened to be a category. He adds this to his growing reasons of why he should have terminated your friendship a long time ago. 
Groaning, he scrubs a weary hand over his face, wondering what he did to deserve such a fate as to have to deal with you at 2 am in the morning. 
You’re still standing by the doorway when he musters up the courage (and tenacity) to open up the door again, glaring at him. He sighs. “What do you want?” 
“You’re not even going to let me in?” you demand. “Even after all these years we’ve been friends? I’m offended, Kim Seungmin.”
You have a habit of calling him by his full name whenever you want something from him, and it affects Seungmin a little more than he’d like to admit. 
Mumbling a string of curses under his breath, Seungmin opens the door a bit wider to let you in. When he had woken up to an incessant knocking at his door, he had been terribly irritated. After all, what kind of psychopath would stop by his apartment at 2 in the fucking morning— in the middle of a thunderstorm too? But now that you’ve made yourself at home in his apartment, tucking yourself comfortably into his couch, he finds that he can’t bring himself to be mad at you. 
He shuts the door carefully behind him and turns to look at you. “Why are you even here?” 
You shrug, grinning, although you don’t meet his eyes. “Maybe I just wanted to enjoy your company.” 
“Cut the bullshit,” he sighs. “It’s 2 in the fucking morning. What could you possibly want from me at this time?”
His answer comes to him shortly afterwards. A loud thunderclap tears through the atmosphere, a deafening roar in Seungmin’s eardrums. 
You let out a soft squeak, hands flying up instinctively over your ears, hunching over to make yourself smaller. 
The realization hits Seungmin a few seconds later. He frowns. “You’re scared of thunder?” 
You look up from your hunched over position to glare at him. “Of course not. What would make you think something like that?” 
Your fingers tremble as you tangle them nervously in your lap, one leg jiggling up and down anxiously. 
“You’re shaking,” Seungmin notes. 
“It’s cold,” you shoot back, wrapping your arms around yourself and shivering just for show. “Maybe install a heating system into your apartment like a normal fucking person? It’s like below freezing in here.” 
But Seungmin has known you for years now, has learned to read you far past whatever exteriors you put up. And right now, it is undeniably evident that you are afraid. Maybe even terrified. 
But it’s not like you’d ever admit that out loud. And Seungmin softens at the sight of your frightened eyes, pupils blown wide from fear. Sighing, he makes his way across the room to grab a few blankets, tossing them on your lap. You frown, glancing up at him. 
“You can crash here for the night if you want,” Seungmin says. And if he didn’t know you so well, he wouldn’t notice the way you visibly brighten, lips tugging up at the corners. His heart flutters at the sight, a warm fondness settling deep within his stomach. 
“Really? I thought you’d kick me out or something.”
“I’m not that big of an asshole,” he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You can leave tomorrow morning or something, I know you’ve got class.” 
Another thunderclap rumbles in the distance, and you tense, shoulders hunching downwards. Seungmin frowns, leaning down to touch your shoulder. 
“Hey,” he says. “Are you going to be okay?” 
You let out a dismissive laugh, spreading the blankets over your lap. “Yah, Kim Seungmin. Who do you take me for? Of course I’ll be fine.” 
Seungmin shifts awkwardly in front of you, one hand coming up to sheepishly scratch the back of his neck. He knows that you hate being fretted over, hate showing any sign of vulnerability at all, but a small part of him can’t help but worry. 
“You can wake me up if it gets too bad, you know.”
Rolling your eyes, you reach up to shove his shoulder. “I already told you, I’m not scared. Go to sleep, I’ll be fine.” 
So Seungmin trots off to bed, and you make yourself comfortable on his couch. And maybe it’s a bit eccentric to have an impromptu sleepover with your best friend at 2 am, but Seungmin finds that he doesn’t mind it. Not at all. 
He likes you too much to mind. 
Seungmin met you like this. 
During his awkward middle school years, he decided to pick up photography as a side pastime. It was more of a spontaneous decision than anything else, but his mother had seemed supportive enough, and he was in a great need of a hobby at the time. 
So one day, on a Monday afternoon, he made his way to the photography club meeting room, a long forgotten art studio located in the left wing of the school. 
Cracking open the door, the first thing he realized was that he had most definitely gotten the address wrong. This realization came from the fact that you were standing directly in the middle of the room, a paint-splattered apron tied haphazardly around your waist, a creaky easel positioned right before you with a canvas stretched over it. You had been beautiful even then, with a smudge of sienna against your cheekbone and a ratty t-shirt tugged over your frame. 
You had looked over the moment Seungmin had cracked open the door, eyebrows raising as he poked his head in. Seungmin’s mouth felt dry and as thick as cotten as he opened his mouth and then closed it again, one hand coming up to awkwardly run a hand through his bangs. 
“This isn’t the photography club,” he managed to croak out. He had been terribly awkward back then, and your boldness had intimidated him.
“No,” you said slowly. “It isn’t.” 
Just as Seungmin decided that he should just leave, you had bounded over the room in a few steps and grabbed his wrist, tugging him into the room. Seungmin didn’t even have the time to ask you what the actual fuck you thought you were doing before you had pushed him down into a chair. 
“But now that you’re here,” you had said brightly. “Why not join the club?” 
Seungmin later found out that you were the founder and sole member of the art club. In a school that primarily focused on STEM subjects, few people were interested in art, although that didn’t deter you from starting a club. In fact, if anything, you seemed to enjoy the solitude, although you also didn’t seem to mind Seungimin’s company. 
This is ridiculous, Seungmin had thought. A bead of sweat gathered at his temple as you stared at him expectantly. 
He gathered up the courage to tell you that this was all a terrible mistake, and that he actually had no intention of joining the art club. But instead, what came out was—
To Seungmin’s defense, you had been extremely intimidating in your torn jeans and paint-splattered t-shirt, not to mention impossibly beautiful, and he simply could not find it in him to say no. 
You had beamed then, teeth flashing in the sunlight as you grinned. “Great. Let me go grab an easel from the closet.” 
And the rest was history. So really, meeting you was more of an accident than anything else, although probably one of Seungmin’s better mistakes. He pretty much spent every waking moment in your company after that, and the two of you had later, by some kind of miracle of chance, gotten into the same college as well. 
You were just about the most stubborn person Seungmin had ever met, not to mention extremely intimidating when you wanted to be. You also collected ugly photos of him as a hobby, having established an entire photo album on your phone labeled “blackmail (seungmin ver.) :3” and harbored a strange love for cats. 
(Really, Seungmin just couldn’t understand you. Dogs were clearly superior.) 
But even so, you were still his best friend. And Seungmin wouldn’t have it any other way. 
By the time Seungmin rolls out of bed the next morning, the smell of sizzling bacon has already filled the air. 
Seungmin stumbles into the kitchen, stomach rumbling, to see you standing in the kitchen, hovering over a frying pan. 
“Morning,” he rasps, morning voice husky from sleep. You turn around at the sound of his voice. 
“Oh. You’re up.” Like you were expecting Seungmin to die in his sleep or something. 
“Why,” Seungmin grins. “Were you expecting someone else?” 
You glare at him before turning your attention back to the bacon. “I already finished frying the eggs, they’re on the table.”
Seungmin turns to see a plateful of fried eggs sitting in the middle of the coffee table. Despite your many shortcomings, you have proven yourself to be an excellent cook, and Seungmin trusts you enough to eat your food without worrying about getting food poisoning. He’s in the middle of loading his plate with eggs when you set down a platter of bacon next to him, humming tunelessly. 
“Did you sleep well?” Seungmin asks, peering at you. There are dark circles beneath your eyes and Seungmin wouldn’t be surprised if you spent the better part of the night tossing and turning on the couch as the storm raged on outside. 
You shrug. “Well enough.” 
“You know, I never took you to be one to be scared of thu—” 
You cut him off with a sharp hiss, glaring at him. “I told you, I wasn’t scared.” 
Seungmin blinks. 
“It’s okay to be scared sometimes, you know. There’s nothing wrong with having fears.” 
You roll your eyes. “Just drop it, okay? I wasn’t scared.” 
There’s a telltale flush of red against your cheeks though, which Seungmin wisely decides not to mention. Instead, he shrugs. “Fine.” 
Outside, the storm has cleared up nicely. The sky is bright-blue and cloudless, no sign at all of last night’s tempest. 
Checking your watch, you abruptly stand up, brushing off your jeans. Seungmin frowns. “Where are you going?” 
“I’m going to be late for class,” you mutter, quickly grabbing your things and slipping on your shoes. “I have to go.” 
Seungmin swallows down the bitter disappointment that suddenly wells up in his throat. You’ve both been busy recently, and this is the first time you’ve managed to meet up in a while. He sighs and nods. “Be careful, okay?” 
You sigh, glaring at him. “I’ll be fine. Stop fussing.” 
And then you’re out the door and gone and Seungmin finds himself alone in his apartment. Again. 
Falling in love with you had been an entirely unintentional affair. 
Unlike most, Seungmin remembers exactly when he fell. It had been on a Saturday morning, when you had insisted on going ice-skating with him and a few others. Seungmin, who had always hated ice-skating, agreed to go just because everyone else was going and he’d feel bored if he stayed all by himself. 
After slipping and sliding all over the ice rink for maybe 15 minutes straight, Seungmin promptly gave up and seated himself on the bleachers, content to watch the rest of the group skate. He remembered watching you and Jisung skating together, Jisung’s legs stuck together anime-style as he tried his best to keep his balance. You had wrapped an arm around his waist when he tripped and fell, tipping your head back in a laugh when Jisung let out a yelp of dismay. 
Seungmin remembers the exact moment. He had taken you in then, cheeks red from the cold of the rink, face frozen in mid-laugh, surrounded in all that ice, and had vaguely registered the fact that you were beautiful. And that he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life by your side. 
It was all downhill from there. All of a sudden, it was difficult to breathe whenever you came within a certain proximity. Maintaining eye contact with you became a terribly strenuous ordeal. Seungmin found himself stealing glances at you whenever you weren’t looking, small glimpses of your side profile or of the stray strand of hair that always fell into your eyes. 
Seungmin would have given anything to have things back to how they were before. Anything to release the tightness that bubbled up in his lungs at the sight of you, to relieve this awkward one-sided tension between the two of you. 
But it is much too late now, he knows. So he will put up with these stolen glances and small moments of tenderness and tell himself that it is enough. That it has to be. 
The next thunderstorm hits a few weeks later. Seungmin watches from the windowsill as the sky rips apart, lightning tearing through the dark clouds, thunder rumbling in the distance, and wonders if you’ll show up at his doorstep in the middle of the night for the second time. 
He doesn’t allow himself to hope. But he finds himself staying up anyway, arranging two mugs of tea on the coffee table even as he tells himself that this is ridiculous. 
But sure enough, just when he’s about to crawl into bed and give up, he hears a knock by his door. He can barely stifle the smile that threatens to spread across his face as he opens the door to see you shivering on his doormat, eyes wide with fright. 
Wordlessly, he wraps his fingers around your wrist and tugs you inside. You duck your head, almost ashamed, as you allow him to guide you to the couch. 
When you’ve settled yourself into a corner of the couch, legs tucked underneath you, your eyes light upon the two mugs of tea sitting on the coffee table. A slow smile spreads across your face, eyes glinting mischievously as you blink up at Seungmin, saccharine sweet. 
“Were you waiting for me, Seungminnie?” 
“Don’t call me that,” Seungmin snaps, ears reddening. 
You coo, wrapping your fingers around one of the mugs of tea. “How thoughtful of you. It’s green tea too, my favorite.” 
“Only because I accidentally bought two jumbo packs of green teabags at Lotte Mart,” Seungmin retorts. 
You grin, opening your mouth to reply, when a loud thunderclap sounds. Tensing automatically at the sound, tea slops out of the mug and splatters over your lap. Seungmin frowns, taking a step towards you, but you quickly recover, setting the mug down on the table and letting out a shaky laugh. 
You meet his eyes, and although Seungmin is tempted to ask if you’re okay for the millionth time, something in your eyes tells him to allow you to have this, this small moment of obscurity. You’ve never been one to ask for things, too scared of the vulnerability that entails, never been one to depend on others, but Seungmin meets your eyes and realizes that you desperately need this— for him to pretend to see nothing when he has seen everything. 
So instead of asking if you’re okay, he clears his throat. “Do you want to watch a show or something like that?” 
You let out a barely audible sigh of relief, head hanging low in a mixture of shame and gratitude. Seungmin wonders when he learned to read you so well. Maybe it’s just a side effect of being in love with you for five years by now. 
“Yeah,” you say. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
He comes to sit by you on the couch, logging into his Netflix account to click on the first k-drama that comes into view. And when you inch closer to him as the thunder roars overhead, leaning into his shoulder, Seungmin tells himself that this is just a friendly gesture. Platonic enough that it shouldn’t send his heart racing, pulse skipping a beat as your shoulder meets the firm resistance of his own. 
That he shouldn’t get his hopes up when nothing ever existed in the space between the two of you in the first place. 
Like this, life falls into a comfortable rhythm. 
Seungmin starts regularly checking on the weather forecast (for research purposes only, he tells himself), grinning to himself whenever a storm prediction comes up on his phone. On the days when this does happen, he will get back home early to prepare two mugs of green tea, sitting by the windowsill to wait until he hears a familiar knock by his door. 
Then he’ll open the door to see you standing on the doormat, arms crossed over your chest expectantly, and feign annoyance, as if his day isn’t made infinitely better whenever you decide to stop by to hide from all the thunder. You’ll leave the next morning, so Seungmin learns to make the most of the time you spend together. 
It’s weird, but it almost feels like the two of you are running on borrowed time. There is a terrible sense of fugitivity that fills his chest whenever the two of you meet, and he can’t help but feel afraid for what the future might bring. 
“Yah, Kim Seungmin,” you say one day, when the thunder is especially terrible and you can’t seem to keep yourself from trembling. “Sing something for me.” 
Seungmin feels his cheeks flush, heart skipping a beat. You are the first one to ever ask him to sing; the feeling that fills the cavity of his chest at your words is entirely new to him.
“Are you sure?” 
You snort. “Why, are you that terrible? I want to hear you sing.” 
So Seungmin brings out his guitar from its case and sings some love song he learned a few months ago. It’s cheesy more than anything else, and Seungmin stumbles over some of the words when a sudden sensation of embarrassment washes over him, but he catches sight of your contented eyes in the middle of the song, the way your hands have unfurled from tense fists, and knows that this was a decision that was very much worth it. 
 He would never say it out loud, he knows, but he would give the world to see you happy, even if it means embarrassing himself to the core. 
A long silence settles into the room when he finishes strumming the last chord, before you clear your throat. “So you’re not too bad after all.” 
“You can just say that you’re impressed,” Seungmin grins. “You don’t have to act all aloof about it.” 
You wrap your hands around your mug of tea to sip at it impassively, glaring at him over the rim of the cup. “Don’t get too puffed up about it. Since when did you develop such a massive ego?” 
Seungmin shrugs. He’s used to your insults by now, the hard exteriors you put up. He likes you too much to let them get to him. The nights you have spent together have done nothing but prove to him that he is undeniably in love with you, and he doesn’t know how to feel about it all. 
He finds himself missing you during the hours of the day that you’re not around, his mind unconsciously flitting to you during college lectures until the professor reprimands him in class, telling him to focus and to stop daydreaming. 
He even drives you to McDonalds one night, when the shivering and shaking gets especially bad. The two of you share a packet of fries in the rain, thunder roaring overhead, fingers greasy from the fries, shoulders overlapping as you bend over the table, and Seungmin wonders how life could be so perfect in its fragments. 
Seungmin tells you of college and how Minho accidentally dropped a dead frog on his lap while attempting to dissect it and the new songs he’s been learning on the guitar, and you listen, really listen, laughing at all the right places and interjecting whenever you think necessary with dry comments that never fail to make Seungmin grin. 
Seungmin especially remembers one night, when neither of you could fall asleep and the thunder was especially loud, when you tiptoed into his room to sit next to him on the bed. 
“Can’t sleep?” Seungmin had mumbled, turning to glance at you. You nod wordlessly, fingers playing with the hem of his blanket. 
Then Seungmin had made some half-assed joke that wasn’t particularly funny but you had burst out laughing, maybe sheerly from the sleep-deprivation, and Seungmin had echoed your laughter a few seconds later. 
Seungmin will keep this memory of laughter and thunder for years to come, he knows. 
It’s almost a year later when he gets the news. 
Seungmin knows he should be happy when he gets accepted into the hospital internship, he really does. After so many years of pre-med, it’s like a dream come true. But all he can do is stare at the hospital address in disbelief and shock. 
Ulsan University Hospital, the address reads. A good 300 kilometers away from Seoul, away from you. And Seungmin knows that he should be grateful, because there are thousands of students who would have given their blood for a chance at this internship, but all he can think about is how you’ll be left all alone here in Seoul, without Seungmin to let you into his apartment at 2 am whenever there’s a thunderstorm. 
Seungmin doesn’t know what to say when he meets with you a few hours later at a café. Instead, he stirs distractedly at his iced latte, purposely avoiding your gaze. 
He’s about to put in his 5th packet of sweetener when you reach out a hand to stop him, glaring. “Are you trying to get diabetes?”
Seungmin sighs, and your gaze softens. Clearing your throat, you lean forward to peer at him. “So. What did you bring me here to talk about?” 
A long silence. Finally, when Seungmin cannot bear the tension anymore—
“I got accepted as an intern at Ulsan University Hospital,” he blurts out, the words coming out of his mouth in a slippery string. 
For a moment, you are so shocked that you can hardly even bother hiding the flurry of emotions within your eyes. Seungmin watches as the shock dissolves into regret and then a feigned happiness. You smile, although it looks slightly strained. “Congratulations, Seungmin. You’ve always wanted to get into an internship.” 
Seungmin winces at the forced lightheartedness of your tone, opening his mouth to speak. But you push on insistently. 
“I know you’ve worked really hard for this,” you say loudly, refusing to meet his eyes, to see the pity welling up within his irises. “So I’m glad all the hard work paid off. You always were a hard worker.”
“I guess the nights of studying all paid off, didn’t they?” You’re just saying whatever comes to mind at this point, anything to keep Seungmin from talking. “I’m sure Ulsan will treat you well. I heard the street food there is to die for. And—” 
“I’m thinking of not going,” Seungmin cuts in hastily, before you can bother saying anything else. 
You go silent. Seungmin sighs, massaging at his temples. 
“Why?” you demand. “Why do this? You’ve been wanting to get accepted into an internship for years now.” 
“Because I don’t want to leave you here,” Seungmin says. “Because Ulsan is hours away and you know, it’d be really terrible if you were all alone during a thunderstorm. And because I like you a lot, okay? I don’t want you to be left alone without anyone to watch out for you in Seoul while I’m all the way in Ulsan.” 
For a moment, you are dead silent. Finally, when you speak up, your voice is stretched thin. 
“Let me get this straight, Kim Seungmin,” you say. “You would rather give up what you’ve been working your whole fucking life for just because you don’t want to leave me here in Seoul? Because what, you think I need someone to take care of me? You think I can’t take care of myself well enough— that I need some fucking babysitter to keep an eye on me at all times?” 
“I never said that,” Seungmin says, voice hard. 
“Sure, you didn’t say so,” you scoff. “But you don’t have to say it out loud for me to understand. What do I need to do for you to understand, Kim Seungmin? I’m not made of glass. I don’t need someone to follow me around just so that I don’t fall apart. I’m fine. I’ve always been fine.” 
Seungmin feels the anger bubbling within him, seething and simmering deep within his stomach until it surges out of his throat. 
“God, why can’t you just admit that you’re scared?” he snaps. “Is it that fucking hard to just say that you need help sometimes, that you don’t need to do everything by yourself?” 
He watches as you balk, hurt clouding your eyes. He should stop, he knows. But now that he’s said it, he can’t seem to stop. 
“You act like you’re so independent, like you don’t ever need anyone else. But you know what? I think you actually do need others. I think that you always have, but are too scared to say it. So instead, you push them away and pretend that you don’t need help. Because that’s how you’ve always been, haven’t you? Scared. But too afraid to admit it.” 
“Shut up,” you say quietly. “Shut up.” 
But Seungmin doesn’t. 
“Why can’t you just let me do it for you sometimes?” he demands. “Is it so hard to admit that you’re scared? That you need help sometimes? Instead, you put on these petty fucking airs and push me away for the sake of your pride, as if I haven’t seen everything already. As if I wasn’t there all the times you fell apart and pieced yourself back together again.” 
You are silent, your eyes dark pools of liquid as you gaze at him unflinchingly. Your shoulders are shaking, but besides that, everything within you is still. 
Seungmin lets out a long exhale, eyes weary as he takes you in. 
“Why can’t you just let me love you?” 
The words are impossibly soft as they slip out of his lips. For a moment, you freeze, completely silent. There is a long pause where the two of you stare at each other from across the café table, until you abruptly stand up and grab your things, hurriedly rushing out of the café. Seungmin calls your name once, half-heartedly, but you don’t turn around. 
He watches as you run out into the rain, water gathering in beads on your skin as rain drizzles overhead. Seungmin watches as you turn back to look at him once more, eyes unreadable in the slough of the rain, before you turn away from him. 
The dividing of two stars, Seungmin thinks. Two constellations who met by mistake, and fragmented with a single whisper of a question. 
When the next thunderstorm comes, you don’t show up by his door. 
Seungmin tells himself that this is what to be expected. You hadn’t contacted him since the day at the café, and Seungmin is too afraid of what you’ll say if he bothers contacting you himself. 
He mills about in his apartment as the thunderclaps sound outside, trying his best to divert his mind from you. He even goes as far as to put his headphones in, turning up his Spotify playlist so loud that he can hardly even hear the thunder anymore. 
It’s no use. 
Eventually, when he can’t bear it any longer, he hastily slips on his sneakers and rushes out of his apartment, hurrying towards your apartment. It’s only a few blocks away, but Seungmin is completely soaked to the bone by the time he steps into the apartment block. Shivering, he runs a hand through his slick hair and hurries up the stairs to your apartment. 
When he gets there, your apartment door is opened ajar. This is the first red flag. You might be a terribly impulsive and stubborn person, but you always have been cautious about your safety. Hesitantly, Seungmin pushes the door aside and steps in, calling out your name. 
You’re curled up in a ball on the couch, arms wrapped protectively around your torso. Whatever lingering anger within Seungmin’s chest melts at the sight of you as he quickly kicks off his shoes to come to stand before your shaking frame. 
Your name tumbles out of his lips in a choked murmur. 
At the sound of your name, you look up, a mixture of relief and anger flooding into your eyes at the sight of Seungmin. Your cheeks are wet from tears, and Seungmin wonders why it took him so long to finally work up the guts to come. 
“Seungmin,” you whisper, voice impossibly small. And then you’re lunging forward to wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your face into his chest, and all Seungmin can do is hold you close, stroking the spine of your back with his fingertips. 
“Sorry it took me so long,” he whispers into your hair. You sigh, still trembling, and Seungmin takes it as a gesture that he is forgiven. 
“Sorry about all the things I said,” you say into his chest. “It wasn’t wrong of you to worry about me.” 
Seungmin says nothing, wrapping his arms tighter around your frame. When the shaking finally stops, Seungmin pulls back to look at you. 
“I meant what I said that day, you know,” he says, almost urgently, as if pleading for you to understand. “I know we just made up and shit but I can’t just let things go on like this.”
You are quiet, eyes searching his own as you tip your head forward— a silent gesture for him to continue. 
Seungmin runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. “Because you always put up all these walls, you know? And I know you’re terrified of feeling vulnerable; I know you hate asking things of me because you’d rather do it by yourself.”
A heavy silence fills the room. Seungmin lets out a long exhale of a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. 
“But fuck, it’s so hard sometimes, because all I want to do is be there for you.” 
The moment the words leave Seungmin’s lips, it strikes him with how true they are. Something within your eyes gives in and collapses, and when you turn to look at him, eyes shining, Seungmin sees you, really sees you, for the first time in forever. 
And then you’re tugging him down next to you on the couch, lips finding his own, pupils blown-wide as you pull him flush against yourself. And it’s all Seungmin can do to keep from grinning right into the kiss, because he’s imagined this scene for years now, imagined how perfect you would feel against him, imagined the flush of your cheeks and the softness of your lips, and yet nothing could have ever prepared him for the real thing. 
You pull back after a few minutes, breathless, reaching out a hand to cup Seungmin’s cheek, headbutting into his cheekbone in an almost catlike gesture. “You should have told me earlier,” you breathe, touching your lips to his jaw. 
“Or maybe you should have just made the first move,” he retorts. 
You laugh, hugging him closer, and Seungmin laughs too, at the sheer absurdity of the situation, at the fact that he finally kissed you after fantasizing about it for years by now. 
“You really should take the internship, you know,” you say after a while. Seungmin sighs, and you laugh. “I’ll be okay, promise. Besides, I’ll call you all the time whenever I need you. And you can come and visit on the weekends.” 
Leaning forward, you press a kiss to the corner of his lips. Seungmin thinks about the nights you have spent together, the mistakes both of you have made on the way, the way the constellations fragmented and came together again just for this moment to happen, and holds you closer. 
“We’ll figure something out,” he says out loud. 
And he finds that he believes it— desperately, fiercely. 
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Matchup Commission: Petal Style Ok! It’s been a while since I’ve sent any matchup requests lol. Anyways! Id like this one to be with Hríd! I’m 18, INTP, Libra, and 5’2. I’m a cis (at least I think so?) bi girl. Usually I’m very easygoing to the point of being a bit lazy, but when I’m drawing or working on something I tend to hyper focus for hours on end until it’s done. It’s pretty self destructive but I can’t really be productive otherwise. Im pretty outgoing despite being VERY depressed and I love meeting new people! I’m a bit of a hopeless romantic and loyal to a fault. I consider myself very sex positive but I’m overall pretty vanilla, save for having a thing for praise and being tied up. My hobbies, besides fencing, are mostly art (visual and musical) related— I needle felt, embroider, draw, sing, sculpt, you name it! I just can’t paint. I was classically trained as a kid in piano and clarinet. I also like collecting perfumes (and my friends say that I can be a bit pretentious about it). My body is pretty frail from being unathletic as hell and having POTS, and I’m often very fatigued. This leads to me taking a LOT of naps and sleeping in whenever I can. I take great care of my appearance and how I dress! Either im too lazy to put on anything other than pajamas or I go the whole nine yards and decide I have to be the best looking person in the room. I like the finer things in life but I often worry that it makes me seem greedy or selfish. High fashion, classical art, orchestral performances, formal events, and fine jewelry are all things I’d love to have or go to often but I’m a broke college kid so I have to settle for viewing from a distance. My love languages are gifts and words of affirmation! I hope this was enough, thank you in advance <3
Okay first off, mood at the cis(?) because me too girl. Secondly I think you and Hrid are going to get on famously. Ohh, I can just see it now... (Third, special note: I'm doing this a little different then some match ups I have in the past but I think it will come out better!)
It's a cold, dark winters night... One where you would normally find yourself wanting to curl into bed and sleep or enjoy a simple hobby like felting or needling... But there's an impromptu performance the heroes are putting on in the music hall, and you don't want to miss it, or a chance to put on something nicer than your usual summoners cloak! So you dress yourself in something nice, but not too crazy, this is just for fun after all! But you can't help but indulge in your finer taste a little. Still, you're ready in record time and eager to dance and play with the heroes!
It's as you're making way to the lovely music, considering dancing a bit or even joining the heroes playing instruments that you're hit by a sudden bout of fatigue; you're wobbly in your heels for a second, arms out to support yourself on the nearby wall but someone comes in your aid. Vision still a little blurred as you support yourself in their arms, you mummer a thank you as you take in their sent. It's subtle, but they smell like pine and mint.
"Summoner, are you alright?" You blink once as you look up at him. As your eyes meet, something just... clicks. It's like meeting for the first time again as your heart starts pumping. He looks so concerned for you, blue eyes solely trained on yours... It's a look, you realize, you could easily get lost in.
For Hrid, though, this crush has been festering in him for far too long... He always admired you on a surface level, for what you did for him and his family but it wasn't until he got to know you more did he realize just to what extent that went to. He fell hard and fast for you, from how hard you pushed yourself for your work and passions, to even with your disabilities you still tried to enjoy yourself.
When you respond to him "I'm alright Hird, since you caught me." With a warm smile is that he knows he can't let you leave his arms without telling you how he feels. Everything just feels so perfect in this moment, he can't help but let the words tumble from his lips.
"I love you." His words are warm and soft and genuine, but in that moment Hrid realizes his mistake as your eyes widen.
Thankfully, it all ended up alright; you feel the same of course, and after some teasing on his behalf the night ended up even better then you could hope; with Hrid by your side.
As I said, this is admiration that turned into genuine love. Hrid, I think, is the kind of person that doesn't really go searching for a love or romance. If anything, it catches him off guard and he has a hard time coming to terms with it. He's just dense in that way, I suppose! With you though, he couldn't stop it...
You're quite opposite in that way, being a hopeless romantic yourself! Once Hrid realized his feeling though, knowing how you are, he wanted to make things sweet and romantic when he confessed to you... the fact that it happened on accident because he got so overwhelmed of his feelings for you still haunts him!
But when he gets to cuddle up with you on a day where you're particularly tired, or when he gets to indulge in fencing with you, or when you share your love of perfume or high fashion or jewerly with him with that sweet genuine smile on his face... There's nowhere he'd rather be then with you.
That said, he might try to coddle you. He just worries! Just remind him that, while you do appreciate his help that you're also more then capable of taking care of yourself. He just wants you to know that he can take care of you (he's the eldest and the only boy he feels like he has to take care of absolutely everyone he loves). Turn the tables and take care of him! His love languages are acts of service and quality time, so while he'll certainly learn yours to indulge you (the kind of guy to see something you like and buy it before really thinking about it) and treat him too!
All and all, I see this as the kind of relationship that's warm and soft. Communication shouldn't be an issue but the two of you may have troubles sharing your burdens with one another, so don't be afriad to talk about them! You may have to corner and catch Hrid off guard for him to do the same (this is mister "I can carry everyones burdens" after all) but he can't bare to lie or hide things from you.
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Agathian Backstory Pt. 3
so this is the last of these for now; gonna go back to agave focused stuff, but expect more of these in the future.  (this is just a good breaking point on this - and, yes, there could have been a lot more snapshots in that last overview BUT.  alas, i don’t want this to go on for another chapter.)
Agatha still has an eating disorder!  There are a lot more comments on that in this part; although it’s still not explicitly stated, it is still very definitely explicitly there.
Agatha still refers to Cian as she/her and calls them a woman; as soon as she is told otherwise, she stops.
There are references to and/or implications of transphobia and homophobia.  Some of Agatha’s comments to Cian in the food court may be read as transphobic, although they are not intended that way (either by me, the author, or by Agatha, the character).
Agatha is still seventeen, and she discusses her sexuality.  She does turn eighteen in this chapter.
Time does not move quickly when you are in it, and so time does not pass quickly for Agatha either.
Each day spent with Cian feels like both too long and not enough.  The weeks stay about the same – Cian takes her away from the dance studio, to a lot of locations that seem completely random and must be, and at each of them, they talk.  Or they don’t.  It’s a bit like having a friend, only Cian isn’t a friend, and Agatha refuses to mistake her as one.  Some days, they stay at the studio, and they dance – sometimes Agatha dances on her own, but more and more often, they dance together.  Cian strengthens her posture, her positioning, on occasion, but it’s less about that and more about finding that something that she’s missing that Cian still won’t name.  That infuriates her, but it is perhaps the only part that does.
Dancing with Cian is—
It’s a secret that she holds to herself and pulls out when she should be sleeping, after their so-called classes, after she’s stayed up until odd hours doing homework that she hates because it means nothing if she’s not going to college, after she’s finally curled up in bed and shut off all of the lights, after she’s drawn back her curtains so that she can glance up at the stars overhead the way that she always does shortly before going to sleep – sometimes, now, instead of staring up solely at the stars, she closes her eyes and remembers dancing with Cian, remembers the feel of her soft fingers along her arms, remembers how gentle and firm her hands are at the small of her waist as she catches her, as she lifts her into the air, how she holds her so carefully—
The memories keep her far warmer than her too many blankets do.
Once, at the mall, in the middle of October, when Spice Up Your Life is blaring for what feels like the millionth time (Agatha hasn’t sought it out, but it’s been playing everywhere so often that she can sing every word without even thinking about it, unfortunately), Cian places a hand, weak, on her arm and nearly doubles over, forehead covered with drops of sweat.
Cian?  Is something—?
But Cian’s gaze barely lifts to meet Agatha’s before scanning the aisles around them, and on finding the nearest trashcan, she rushes over and begins vomiting directly into it.
There are other people looking.
Agatha doesn’t move quickly to Cian, but when she gets to her, she gently rubs her hand along her back.  Cian, dear, we should get you somewhere—
That sound again, the harsh of vomiting, the way Cian shudders under the touch of her hand, how frail she is.
It’s only moments, but it feels like an eternity.
Then Cian coughs, harsh, hacks twice and slowly moves back from the trashcan.  People are still looking at the both of them, giving them a wide berth, and Agatha can hear people whispering about it being too early to be drinking that much as Cian wipes her mouth with the back of her wrist.
Don’t worry, dear.  I’m—  Cian cuts herself off, swallows once, hard, and then a second time.  Licks her lips. Her gaze flicks to the trashcan briefly and then away. I’ll be fine, dear.
Agatha knows what a lie sounds like because she’s thrown them through her own lips enough times to know the taste of them, and she knows more than anything that right now Cian is lying to her.
She hates it.
Whenever they go to the mall, they always end up in the food court.  This is always the worst part for Agatha because Cian always, always wants her to eat something, and it is nearly impossible to avoid eating anything at all without Cian giving her a disappointed look or bringing up their agreement.  (Cian has never forced her to eat anything, so Agatha isn’t sure why she brings the agreement up in the first place.  It’s not like she’s actually using it against her.)  Besides, even if she was tempted to eat anything, she certainly wouldn’t be eating anything from the greasy calorie filled fatty crapfest that fills the mall food court. Just looking at that stuff makes her feel like she’s gained ten pounds, let alone eating any of it.  She has usually managed to get away with ordering a smoothie from Planet Smoothie (one of the dragonfruit citrus ones with strawberries), but today—
Cian stands still just at the threshold of the food court, where the mall tiles suddenly have a sharp black dividing line.  She takes a deep breath in and then says, voice soft, You aren’t going to eat anything, are you, child?
She sounds so tired.
Agatha sighs.  Are you? she asks.  You were just sick, Cian.  None of this is going to sit well.
She hates saying all of this.  She sounds like her own mom.  Of course, when Agatha got sick the way Cian did, it was intentional.  But she had only done that once or twice; firstly, because her mom caught her and thought she was actually sick and then she’d faked sick to get out of it and ended up missing dance for a week, and secondly, because she’d hated the taste it left in the back of her throat, all that bile just stuck there, and water hadn’t been able to get rid of it.  Not eating is better – is easier – than trying to convince herself to throw it all back up after she did eat. And besides, she wouldn’t get all of it up, anyway, so—
It never sits well anymore.
Agatha looks at her, looks at the dark circles under her eyes, looks at how pale her skin has gotten, and decides (and hates herself for deciding).  I’ll eat whatever you want, if you’ll tell me what’s going on.
Cian glances over to her, and Agatha feels the same way she does when Cian keeps an eye on her dances.  It isn’t an examination – not so cold as that, although perhaps much more thorough – just a calm sort of appraisal.  Her eyes meet Agatha’s, and she gives a quiet sort of nod.
Cian says the word as Agatha sucks on her smoothie, stares at the single slice of supreme pizza on the plate in front of her, and nearly chokes, splutters. She glances up to see Cian running a finger idly around the lip of her 7-Up paper cup, avoiding her gaze.  You—
There’s a hereditary gene for it, Cian continues, voice soft, barely above a whisper.  My mother went through her own battle while I was in New York.  We found out about the gene, and I got tested.  She glances over and nods to the slice of pizza.  Eat a bite, dear.
Agatha complies and nearly chokes again.  It tastes like cardboard, and there’s so much grease she feels coated with it.
Good girl.  Cian glances away, towards one of the other food places, but not really focusing on anything.  Breast cancer.  Stage II.  I didn’t think it would be wise to dance through chemo, and they won’t want me after my surgery anyway—
Surgery? Agatha echoes, head snapping up.  What surgery? she asks, suddenly tense.
Cian just nods to the pizza again.  Half of that first.
Agatha scowls, folds the slice in half, and takes another bite.  The first bite has already set her stomach to churning, and although this takes away some of the taste, it still has the texture of cardboard.  I don’t know how you eat this shit.
Don’t talk with your mouth full, dear.
Agatha sticks her tongue out.  Then she remembers the conversation they’re having, and her face falls.  It’s easier to just…continue on like this is normal. But none of this is normal. They’re talking about cancer and she’s eating pizza that tastes like trash some animal dragged out of a dumpster. She sips furiously at her smoothie between each bite, trying to cover the pizza with something that actually tastes at least semi-good.  Then she holds the pizza up.  Half gone.  Talk.
Cian’s lips almost curve in that amused expression she has.  After Thanksgiving, dear.  The chemo is supposed to make it small enough that they can get everything, but…. She sighs.  I’ll have more after, just in case. They want to make sure they’ve gotten it all.  Then she gives a half-hearted little shrug.  After November, these will be gone. She gestures to her chest with one hand.
Can’t they fix that? Agatha asks, still holding the other half of the slice in one hand.
They can, Cian acknowledges, but I would rather they didn’t.
Agatha raises an eyebrow.  I suppose you want me to finish this before you explain that one.
Cian almost, almost smiles.  I think you need another piece first.
Absolutely not.  Agatha grimaces.  This stuff is horrible.  There’s got to be something else around here that isn’t ass.
You finish that, Cian says, nodding to the rest of the slice in Agatha’s hand, and I’ll find something much more suitable to you.
Agatha barely finishes the slice of pizza – with much more spluttering, even without Cian there to notice it – before Cian returns with a medium-sized bowl of frozen yogurt covered with banana slices and blackberries.  She stares at it and raises an eyebrow.  What is that?
Kiwi strawberry, dear. Sugar-free.  Much better than that silly old pizza you were eating.  Cian places the bowl on the table and scoots it across to Agatha before collapsing – literally – into the chair opposite her.  You eat that, and I’ll explain.
You’re trying to kill me.  Agatha picks up the plastic spoon and sets it in the frozen yogurt, stirring it around twice, before pulling it up and taking a small – small – bite.  Sugar-free or not, the calories in this alone are going to set her back days of practicing.  She’ll have to get up before school and go to the dance studio to get all of this off – and Cian won’t like that, but as long as Cian doesn’t know, it’s not bothering anyone.
Cian nods at the bite.  I’m genderqueer, darling.
The sudden chill is not from the frozen yogurt that Agatha is eating, although she would really rather it was.  She holds the plastic spoon in her mouth for a little longer than is strictly speaking necessary, refusing to meet Cian’s eyes, and her heart gives a sudden twisting lurch in her chest.  You can’t say that in public, she says, finally, pressing her lips together.  Someone might hear you.
You might hear me, Cian corrects.
No.  Someone else.  Agatha glances down at her frozen yogurt, licks her lips.  Take me somewhere else, Cian.  Don’t talk about this here.
I’m not ashamed, dear—
Please, Cian.  Agatha tugs her lower lip between her teeth and then glances up, finally meeting Cian’s eyes again.  Not here.  Take me to that trail you like.  Tell me there.  She lifts the yogurt in one hand.  I’ll eat this on the way there.  Just…not here.  Please.
Cian holds her gaze, searches it the same way she always searches Agatha, and whatever it is she finds, she gives a little nod.  If you insist, dear.
I insist.
But Cian holds a hand up when Agatha starts to move.  Let me finish this first, she says, gesturing to her drink.  It’s helping settle me, and the chemo is rougher than normal today.
Agatha nods.  Of course, dear.  Whatever you need.
Thank you.
Agatha forces herself to eat the rest of the frozen yogurt as Cian drives them to the by now quite familiar trail.  It’s starting to get colder outside; the leaves on the trees started turning a few weeks earlier, so now the trail is covered with golden red leaves while the trees shed their dead weight much more easily than Agatha does.  She shivers in spite of herself – that frozen yogurt had not helped, and now her stomach churns, churns, churns with what won’t be unending nausea but certainly feels like it – and in a smooth, unthinking motion, Cian sheds her bomber jacket and wraps it around Agatha’s shoulders.
I don’t need this, Agatha murmurs, pulling it closer around her anyway, catching the faintest whiff of sage and something citrusy.  You’re sick, dear.  You—
I’m not cold, child.  Cian gives her that same not-quite smile, although she doesn’t seem amused, and then steps off of the path, down to a certain sort of hollow next to the creek, where the nearest tree curves over a dirty spot.  She leans against the tree, glances up, hands shoved into her cargo pants pockets, and then slowly lowers herself until she sits on the dirt, head still leaning back against the tree.
You’re beautiful, Agatha thinks but doesn’t say, struck by the image of it, struck by her instinct to reach out and run her hand in a comforting motion along Cian’s head, trail it to her cheek – none of which she does or will actually do because that would be super awkward – and instead follows her off the trail before standing equally awkwardly in front of her.  She doesn’t know what to say, or she knows what she wants to say but doesn’t know how to say it.
Before she can figure out how to get the words out, Cian repeats, again, I’m genderqueer, darling, and although she’d said it in a hush in the food court, she says it louder now, eyes wide open, gauging Agatha’s response.
What does that mean?
It means, Cian says, not dropping her gaze, I’m not male or female but something else.  I don’t feel beholden to either of those terms, and either of them being used for me makes me distinctly uncomfortable.
Agatha nods very slowly.  You’ve never corrected me.
For the same reason that you didn’t want us to have this conversation in public, child.  Cian still holds her gaze steady on Agatha.  She sighs and gestures to her chest again.  I’m not upset with losing these because I don’t feel any particular attachment to them.  I don’t hate them, and I don’t love them.  They’re simply there.  Like a fingernail.  If someone cut your fingernail, you wouldn’t demand them to make a new one for you, would you?
Agatha glances down.  Fingernails grow back, Cian.
And yet we keep cutting them off, don’t we, darling?
Or painting them, or plastering over them with fake ones, or….  Agatha’s voice trails off.  She presses her lips together and then kneels down in front of Cian.  They’re like your hair, she says, finally, resisting the urge to reach out and touch Cian’s bald head.  Other people might think you look pretty with it, or pretty without it, but it’s your hair, and you can wear it however you want. She wets her lips.  Or don’t want, I guess.  Is that right?
Just within her periphery, Cian nods.  That’s exactly it, dear.
Agatha presses her lips together.  Her brow furrows.  What do I call you, then? she asks.  If you’re not…if being called a guy or a girl makes you uncomfortable, then what do I call you?
A person, Cian answers, and her lips curve in that same amused expression.  You call me a person just like you would anyone else, dear, and you refer to me as they because she and he make me uncomfortable.
Even in public?
Agatha glances up and meets their eyes.  They’re still the same as they always were – that soft mossy grey-green – and she can feel herself, even now, slipping and falling on them, trusting the forest below to cradle her when she falls.  This is new information, sure, but Cian’s still Cian.  And they’re still—
She swallows, once, pushing that thought away.
Cian does not hesitate, but they seem to consider Agatha’s question, giving it the full weight that it rightly deserves, searching her eyes as though looking for something they want before deciding one way or the other.  Yes, they answer.  Even if it is just one person, even if it is just you, that would be….  They let out a singular sigh.  Yes.  Please.
Agatha moves so that she can sit next to Cian.  She grabs at the dirt beneath them, crumples it in her hands. On an instinct, probably brought about by the weight of the conversation they’re already having and the truths that she’s been entrusted with, she says, I like girls.  The words come out, and she wants to slam them back into her mouth, but they’re already out there, the first time she’s spoken them aloud, even though not the first time she’s admitted it to herself.  Her heart pounds in her chest.  That…that probably wasn’t okay.  Cian probably shouldn’t have heard that.  She should just—
I do, too.
Slowly, Agatha turns to face Cian, but they aren’t looking back at her. Instead, they’re staring straight ahead, one arm resting atop their knee, their other leg tucked underneath them. When you were in New York, she starts, did you…did you ever…?
Yes.  The word slips through Cian’s lips, and the s lingers, like a hiss, a longing.
The same longing Agatha has felt since she was thirteen years old, back in her dance class, trying to tear her eyes away from Lauren O’Hare.  What was it like? she asks, voice barely above a whisper, barely above that hiss through Cian’s lips.
Now, now Cian relaxes.  Now they smile, unable to keep their lips from curving gentle across their hollowed face.  Wonderful.
Agatha nods, and her gaze drops.  She spots a flower, one of the last lingering in the autumn chill, and picks it, begins plucking its petals off methodically, one after the other. When she’s done, she says, voice still soft, Maybe I like not girls, too.
Out of the corner of her eye, Agatha can see Cian’s brows rising.  It’s not a good expression.  She recovers as quickly as she can, shrugs, and says, I don’t know.  You’re the only one I’ve met.  I guess I won’t know until I meet more of you.
Whatever emotion it is in Cian’s eyes – it isn’t disgust, it isn’t shock, it isn’t panic, and it isn’t fear, but something wholly different from those – disappears at her words.  They give a nod, and that amused not-quite smile returns.  Maybe in the future you will.
I hope so.
After Cian drops her off, Agatha lurches to her room and collapses in her bed. She feels exhausted, probably from the conversation, probably from what she’d heard and what she’d admitted, and nauseous, probably from eating so much.  She already knows she’ll have to wake even earlier in the morning to start extra dancing time to get all of those calories off, just like she knows that she shouldn’t rest now because she really needs to get her homework done.
But she can’t keep her eyes open.
She barely hears her mother checking in on her a few moments later, so she doesn’t see the wistful smile Evanora gives her; barely feels the weight of the blanket her mother covers her with, only knows that suddenly one is there so that she can wrap it closer around her while she shivers, suddenly chilled.
Again – time does not move quickly when you are in it, and yet time moves quickly for them anyway.
Cian’s surgery comes shortly after Thanksgiving, and Agatha spends the first few weeks of their recovery dancing on her own, practicing, hoping that she is coming closer to capturing that ever elusive other thing.  Auditions won’t happen until spring, but she doesn’t feel right dropping her practices. Things feel the same as they did before she met Cian, but not quite.
Agatha finds herself aching for Cian’s presence, their ever-inquisitive eye, their gentle touch as they bend and pose her more accurately, their amused not-quite smile whenever she says something that isn’t quite so.  Every now and again, she dreams of them, though she keeps that to herself, forced instead to focus on applications to colleges she doesn’t plan to attend.
But Cian remembers Agatha’s eighteenth birthday, and they drop by the dance studio, still not quite certain of themselves, to present her with a cake that she does not eat but shares with the other dancers, in hopes that their hunger will mask what she is not doing.  For a moment, Agatha considers asking them to dance with her, but she decides against it.  They seem like they’re doing well, all things considered, but she doesn’t want to push them.
More, she doesn’t want other people seeing them dance.  Something about it feels sacred to her, and she doesn’t want to share.
Their practices begin again in the new year, and Cian praises her.
Cian praises her, and Agatha’s heart soars.
Once, just once, Agatha overhears a conversation between Cian and her mother – she cannot make out their words, but it sounds like an argument.  Whatever it is they’re arguing about, she’s certain she would side with Cian.  It only raises her frustration with her mother, and she holds a grudge against her for the rest of the day.
Auditions come, though Cian does not say that she’s ready, and auditions go.
On the day of Cian’s last chemo appointment, Agatha finds that she has been accepted into Cian’s old ballet company up in New York.  She’s both thrilled and terrified.  She doesn’t want to leave Cian, but she will.  Ballet is her dream, and it is far more important than a simple crush on her tutor.
Before she leaves, Agatha asks Cian if she can write them.  Cian nods slow and hands her an address – a new address, still in Haddington, but one of their very own, away from the parents who had cared for them during their sickness. They do not explain why, and Agatha does not ask.
The first thing Agatha does on the flight out is put her pen to paper and begin her first letter.
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icethewolf20025 · 2 years
What is Frankenstein had a roommate?
Now, I am not talking about the monster. In the book, the monster was never named, so when I talk about Frankenstein I'm talking about Victor Frankenstein. So, Victor is a college kid in England, he just moved and he's getting an allowance from his father. He finds that the housing prices are a little higher than expected and he can't afford a flat. So he goes looking for a roommate. He meets a nice young man named Clark who goes to the same school and has a part-time job that can't quite cover rent. They move into a two-bedroom apartment near campus together. Clark is studying literature and is the sole reason Victor can eat (after an incident Victor was banned from the kitchen.) He helps pull Victor out of his books and is good for him. Victor helps Clark with schoolwork and tells him about all the new scientific discoveries. They eat dinner together every night and go on walks in the park. They enjoy each other's company. When Victor writes letters home he tells them all about Clark, how good of a chef he is and how social. Clark does the same, telling his family about how smart and determined Victor is. They stop being able to imagine life without each other. One night Victor says that once they part ways he'll miss Clark and that they should write often. Clark FREAKS OUT about this. He gets super upset cause he doesn't want this to stop. He likes being domestic with his friend and doesn't to live with anyone else. Clark likes Victor, even with all of his eccentricities. And that night Victor gets a letter from Elizabeth, and for the first time, he starts to wonder if he really wants to marry her. He realizes that he just wants to stay here in this flat with Clark.
A month later Victor starts going down the rabbit hole that leads to the creation of the monster. Despite Clark's best efforts Victor stays firmly lodged in his books. Clark gets worried and asks his parents if he could go for a visit. They agree and tell him that he should "Bring that Frankenstein boy you're always talking about." So Clark asks Victor to go meet his parents. Victor wants to but he sees this as the perfect time to work on the monster, so he declines. Clark leaves food and cooking instructions and sets off.
When Clark comes back the flat smells like herbs and has an underlying scent of decay. His mind immediately jumps to "Has Victor murdered someone?" He almost giggled. Victor? His sweet, shy, nerdy Victor? He couldn't kill someone if he tried. But someone else could murder Victor. Someone else could be in here right now. Clark steels himself and walks into the kitchen. It does look like someone was murdered, with body parts in jars and something vaguely humanoid on the table. He cringes and looks at the shelf. "Is that a jar of blood?" He vomits. Clark hears someone rushing into the room and Victor, his sweet Victor is there, carrying something wrapped in butcher paper. He puts the thing down on a chair and rushes to Clark, helping him to bed. Victor leaves for a bit when he comes back he climbs into the bed, snuggling up. It is winter, after all.
When he wakes up the fire is dead and Victor is still curled in his arms. Clark sighs and goes back to sleep.
They don't mention it. Victor's monster of a man never gets discussed. Victor works on it and Clark moves around it. He's sad to see his beloved friend losing himself in this way, but Clark can't do much. The only positive so far has been cuddling up in the same bed on cold nights. Besides that Victor doesn't talk or interact much. Clark decides to visit a friend for supper. He leaves Victor with his dinner and a quick kiss on the head. He's not sure when that started happening, but neither complained. Victor gives him a small, rare smile and mentions that the monster is almost complete.
When Clark gets back he finds Victor had left and the monster was sitting in his kitchen. He quickly deduced that, despite appearances, this is a giant toddler. Clark gives him some food and finds clothes for him. After the monster is asleep he sets to the task of scrubbing his kitchen.
Victor comes back the next day with a strange man. They both seem shocked at the monster sitting on the kitchen floor, eating an apple. Victor almost faints and Clark explains to the man, who he's found out is names Henry Clerival, that right now is not the best time and that it might be good for him to get a hotel room. Henry agrees and leaves after helping Victor to bed.
They name the monster Percy Frankenstein. Victor woke up and freaked out, but Clark told him to take responsibility for the person he created. Percy got Victor's old room after he moved in with Clark. They have reinforced all of the furniture so that Percy can use it. He's quickly able to talk and read. Some people cower but after getting to know Percy they find that he's truly quite sweet. He calls Victor his father and it's true enough. They're happy. And then the letter comes. It's from Victor's father, asking him to come home. It asserts that he's been gone for too long and heavily implies that it's high time he married Elizabeth. So Victor starts planning his trip. He says he will be gone for a month, and makes sure that Clark and Percy will be okay without him. The night before he is set to leave he starts to cry. Clark gets worried and Victor tells him that he doesn't want to go home, he doesn't want to get married to Elizabeth, and he wants to stay here. He says that it all feels so far removed, that he would much rather just stay with Clark and Percy thank you very much. Clark sympathizes, kissing him all over his face and telling him that it will be okay. He promises that he'll write every day, and he'll try to get Percy to do the same. He tells him not to marry Elizabeth if he doesn't want to and to come home as soon as possible.
Clark and Percy go with Victor to get a horse. He tearfully hugs Clark and his son. They exchange goodbyes and he's off. The first week goes by quickly. Clark misses having Victor in his bed, and Percy missed talking with his father, but it's overall very normal. They write letters every day, alternating who gets to write. Percy accidentally breaks a chair and starts to cry, but Clark reassures him and they write it as a funny story for Victor.
The next three weeks are the worst. They're both missing the third piece like crazy. Victor completes their puzzle, and it's awful without him. Percy's never been without his father for this long and is having meltdowns near daily. Clark misses cuddles and quick, scratchy kisses from when Victor forgets to shave. He misses the way that Victor forgets where he puts small things and how he looks so excited when he talks about something he's passionate about. He stops talking as much, let's the house go a bit, and just generally quits being himself.
The last two weeks are better. They're both looking forward to Victor's return. Clark starts to clean with a passion and Percy starts reading Paradise Lost at his father's recommendation. The pair are happier and start going out more. Percy loves walks in the park.
Then Victor's home. They weren't sure when he was going to be getting home, so Clark was surprised when he heard a key turn in a lock at ten o'clock at night. He was having trouble sleeping and had been reading after putting Percy to sleep. For the first time in a month, Victor came home. Clark was up immediately, crushing Victor in a hug that made him drop his bags. Victor said "I love you" and Clark said it back. Percy was asleep but he got a quick kiss on the head from his father.
Victor didn't marry Elizabeth. She and his father had both asked if he loved another. He answered that he loved her, but as a sister. Elizabeth was upset, but not surprised. She had expected this. He had known her from childhood and often called her cousin. He had had a lovely time despite this, but he was very glad to be home.
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I went to the Wonder Tour in Seattle! Here’s my experience.
I became a fan of Shawn Mendes at the beginning of my freshman year in college, back in 2018. This was during the time he was promoting Shawn Mendes the album. I saw YouTube videos of him performing and was like “Wow. He’s amazing at performing.” And then I spiraled into watching his other recent  performances and interviews. I found myself going through his Instagram page. I knew of his music before (mostly the radio hits) but I never really paid any attention to Shawn as an artist. After falling into my Shawn Mendes rabbit hole, I was instantly hooked onto his music. Moving through college, I kind of fell out of my freshman year obsession with Shawn. But when he announced the Wonder Tour, I had to get tickets. On the first day of my final year in college, my friend and I ditched class to buy tickets. The concert would be on June 28 of the next year and that date felt so far away - it was after our last finals as undergrads and it was after our graduation ceremonies. But June 28 came by way faster than I had anticipated! 
I got the silver VIP package. Those with VIP waited in line separate from general tickets. The silver VIP package included a nice tote bag, a tour passport, and a poster. We had the opportunity to go through an interactive museum that displayed articles throughout Shawn’s career - outfits, guitars he owned/played, awards, etc. There were also backdrops and props from album covers that you could take pictures with. It was cool but honestly, it was underwhelming. I only got the silver VIP because of the seats. I would have bought the VIP tickets that included meet and greet but they were out of my price range in Seattle. I’m sure those are more worthwhile. 
I sat right next to the catwalk of the arena stage setup. When I got to my seat, there were already fans standing right next to the barricades. Security made them sit down until the show started though. It had something to do with the fact that people who didn’t pay to sit in that area were taking other people’s space (from what I heard). When Dermot Kennedy (who was the opening act - his voice is insane) finished performing, the lights came back on. But when the lights dimmed again and Wonder album Intro played, we were all screaming with excitement! Fans rushed to the barricade. The lights began strobing in tandem to the intro music. And at the center of the stage was a dark silhouette growing taller. Once Shawn appeared, I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I didn’t cry. But damn, this was something that I had been dreaming about since I was a freshman in college. Now I was fresh out of undergrad, experiencing a Shawn Mendes concert for the first time. Based on videos and pictures, you can see that Shawn is an attractive person. But on stage? In real life? That man is absolutely glowing. He’s beautiful. 
I’ve been to other concerts where there’d be backup dancers and large choreographs. Those are always super fun to watch. Still, I would have to say that watching Shawn perform was even better. You can tell he loves what he does. He just has so much energy on that stage. He fills up the entire space with that energy. And he goes ham on that guitar. I’m surprised the strings don’t snap. And his VOCALS? Don’t even get me started. His voice is absolutely amazing. All of the songs sound even better live than in studio. Those high notes are killer - and he hits a lot of high notes. You don’t have to be a fan of his music to admire his talent. He’s magnetic on that stage. He also looks so comfortable on the stage. And it’s not comfortable in a bad way or a lazy way. Shawn looked like he was home. 
Shawn uses up the whole space during his performance. At some points, he performed solely on the main stage. During some songs, he walked up and down the catwalk. For other songs, they were sung at a smaller stage at the end of the catwalk. He performed one song (Can’t Imagine) in the middle of the catwalk. He also engages with fans a bit! Some talking while transitioning songs. It’s the usual that you would get from a performer - thanking the city and the audience for being there, explaining what a certain song meant to them, etc. He also touches fan’s hands as well and engages with any props that fans bring. Also, if you’re lucky enough, you’ll come home with a guitar pick he tosses into the crowd. 
The final song was In My Blood. Near the end of the song, Shawn got off the catwalk and went by the barricades to touch fans, hug them, etc. I wasn’t lucky enough to have the chance to touch him but my friend did! She hasn’t washed her hand since then. She had it vacuum sealed. 
Overall, it was an incredible experience. Shawn Mendes is an amazing performer. It exceeded my 18 year old expectations. It also launched me back into my Shawn Mendes fangirl phase. 
My only wish is that he interacted a little bit more with fans. Take Harry Styles for example. I think he does pretty well with interacting with fans while he’s on stage. There are points in his show where he’d have a short and funny interaction with a fan and they’d even talk! Or he’d respond to a funny poster. I think that would be fun! 
Also, I just want to add something here about the postponement of the Wonder Tour: take the space you need for yourself, Shawn. 
- If you want to hug or touch Shawn at a concert, buy tickets next to the catwalk and be at the barricade. He interacts with fans a lot there. 
- If you want to stand out even more at the catwalk barricade, make a funny poster. My friend did (it was my idea! I think it was pretty good) and I’m sure that’s why he started at her area when he came off the catwalk to hug fans. 
- If you bring a poster and you want Shawn to interact with it or you, make sure it’s something easy, like “blow me a kiss” or something. He doesn’t engage too much with fan posters. He’ll definitely see it though. 
If you have any questions about my experience of about his concert in general, comment! 
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ohnominamino · 3 years
An Essay on Love in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a movie about love in all its forms. From the love of family, friends, and neighbors, to the compassion we feel for people we have never met. The movie reminds us that love is something we continuously gain, lose, and choose, again and again. Which love is greatest? In my opinion, the answer to that question is left up to interpretation. In this essay, I will give my own personal interpretation on certain character interactions and what I believe we are meant to take away from their Rebuild portrayals. 
The character I will start with is one I’ve noticed the most outrage over from people who haven’t seen the movie and read out-of-context spoilers: Kaworu Nagisa. 
Kaworu is a beloved character among many Evangelion fans, especially those who are members of the LGBT+ community. He is a canonical love interest of Shinji Ikari and I want to reassure people that this final movie does not change that fact. However, it does not make the couple blatantly endgame either. This skirting around the couple might make some fans upset, and while their feelings are completely valid, I do not think they fully understand the difficulties faced by LGBT+ people in Japan, nor do they understand the way that romance is typically conveyed in Japanese storytelling. (I recommend watching “Is ‘Yuri On Ice’ Good Gay Representation?” by James Somerton for more about storytelling nuances.) 
What have we been shown about Shinji and Kaworu’s love? The good news is, anything you read into the original TV series and End of Evangelion is completely true for the Rebuilds— because Kaworu is the same Kaworu. This movie proves Evangelion is a single universe set on repeat, and that Kaworu and Shinji meet each other every loop, and in each, Kaworu is trying to make Shinji happy. Within the final movie, Shinji becomes aware of the loops and chooses to break the cycle and free Kaworu from his pain. 
What does the relationship between Shinji and Kaworu teach us? I believe the purpose of their love is to show the audience that first, in the words of Kaji, “love has no gender.” Second, I believe Kaworu’s love in particular is a warning about basing your own happiness solely upon another person. There are parallels drawn between Gendo/Yui and Kaworu/Shinji. Gendo could not exist without Yui, and so he was willing to destroy the world to be reunited with her. For Kaworu, it was not the destruction of humanity, but the destruction of himself that defined his tragedy. What’s important within the final movie, in my opinion, is that Shinji does not reject Kaworu’s love. With the insight he’s gained from remembering past loops, he sees Kaworu’s love and appreciates him, but he also sees his suffering and wants to ease it. He helps Kaworu into a new world where he can seek his own happiness and find balance in his life (something his father did not have). 
While Kaworu and Shinji are not seen as an explicit couple at the end of the movie, it’s significant to note that, when he sets Kaworu free, Shinji holds out his hand to Kaworu as a promise to stay together. Over the course of the movie, Shinji comes to accept his connection to others through accepting touch (in the form of hand holding and hugs from Rei, Misato, and Gendo); however, Kaworu is the only character in the movie who Shinji initiates physical contact with and that speaks to how much Kaworu means to him. This simple gesture, in my opinion, keeps the door open for Kaworu and Shinji to be a couple one day, after Kaworu has found more balance in his life. 
If I were to write an entire essay about Kaworu, it would be titled, “Out of the Coffin: How the Resurrection of Kaworu Nagisa Buries the Tragic Lovers Trope” because this movie truly does just that. 
Another potential love interest for Shinji for many years was Asuka; however, unlike with Kaworu, the nature of this relationship is not left up to interpretation by the end of the movie. Before her big final battle, Asuka tells Shinji, “I think I loved you back then” (regarding their time in middle school) and Shinji, during Instrumentality, tells Asuka, “Thank you for saying you loved me. I loved you too.” It is past tense. 
What does this relationship teach us? It’s a beautiful way of showing that we can love people, and grow and learn, and let go when we no longer fit each other. Letting go is an integral part of life. Whereas other Instrumentality scenes involve touch, Asuka’s, mirroring the ending of End of Evangelion, has a distinct lack of touch. Shinji sits with his arms around his knees and Asuka turns her body away from him. He gives her his thanks and he sends her off to find her peace. Asuka and Shinji teach us that it’s okay to grow out of relationships. You can appreciate what they were to you at the time they happened and move on. 
What about Rei? To be honest with you, this movie is less about Rei’s relationship with Shinji, and more about her relationship with the world. Rei teaches movie viewers about the simple pleasures of living. While Shinji is in mourning for the first quarter of the movie, Rei (as “Sokkuri”) is learning about crop growing and community, the wonder of babies and kittens, the joy of the bath after a long day of fruitful work, and the power of words and picture books. At the end of her life, she only regrets not having more time to spend with the people she loves. In Instrumentality, Shinji accepts her hand when it is offered to him, which I hope signifies he is ready to see life as she had come to during the final movie. 
Rei teaches us that we can love living and to not take our limited time for granted. 
Next, we move on to parent figures: Gendo and Misato. I think they both represent people ill suited to the role, who do the best they can despite it. Gendo, as mentioned for Kaworu above, is a warning about defining yourself by your relationship to another person (Ikari, afterall, is Yui’s name). He is also a lesson in how people mourn and how they can lash out. Misato, like Gendo, felt herself a poor parent, and while mourning the loss of Kaji, she gave up her child to be raised by other people, but, unlike Gendo, went forward to put all her energy into protecting humanity. Both of them reach out to hug Shinji within the movie and he accepts them where they are. 
While I wouldn’t say the movie shows that Shinji forgives Gendo, it does show his making an effort to understand and make peace with what others have done. For Misato, it is fair to say we can still hope for a better future, even when it feels like everything is crumbling around us. Her self-sacrificing love for her son and the whole of humanity is what enables Shinji to then save the people he loves (via the spear of Gaius). 
In the movie, we are also shown friendship. Touji, Hikari, and Kensuke are important members of their community who maintain open communication with those around them and respect others’ boundaries. They are patient and kind and represent the importance of being present. They teach us to meet people where they are and support them how we can, whether it’s giving them a warm meal or giving them space when they need it. 
There are many more characters that could be talked about, but today I am going to end on Mari. Mari’s love is physical. She enjoys being in people’s personal bubbles. She cuddles Asuka and helps trim her hair, she gets into Gendo’s space at college, and at the end of the movie, she reaches out her hand to Shinji to help him stand up from his seat. Upon first glance, some viewers might take Mari and Shinji’s final scene to be romantic, but the reality of it is this: We do not, and cannot, know what kind of love she is meant to represent in his life.
We do not know Mari’s relationship with Shinji because they hardly interact in the movie. She clearly cares about him, but in my opinion, it comes from a place of duty and compassion— Mari was friends with Gendo and Yui. She has been there since he was born. (If we take the manga to be canon, then Mari even had romantic feelings towards his mother. Her hairstyle and glasses are from Yui. At the end of the movie, Mari has changed her hairstyle, which to me implies she has moved on, and “getting” with Shinji would be a thematic break.)
Additionally, their conversation, while flirty, is very much one that implies they haven’t seen each other for a while. Mari is someone who is very physically affectionate. With everyone. If someone ignores that and focuses on the fact she gets into Shinji’s space and claims that’s romantic, they better acknowledge it’s possibly romantic with Asuka, who we see far more intimacy with. When Mari flirts, Shinji flirts back and her initial reaction is surprise, “Wow, you’ve learned to talk back!” Her purpose is clear. She is there to remove the DSS choker from his neck. 
Personally, I love that Mari is the one to close the movie, for the exact reason that we do not know her relationship with Shinji. For Mari to have an assigned role would be to say, “This kind of love is most important,” when the entire movie was spent showing us each love is of equal importance in the balance and building of our lives. (It’s wonderful to see those types of love embodied across the platform from Shinji at the end of the movie: Rei and Kaworu, who, just like in End of Evangelion, could signify the ability to connect with others and be loved.)
If you view Mari as a romantic love interest, then I think it speaks to the value that you as an individual give to romance rather than what the characters themselves are feeling. To me, Mari, the character who was created to “destroy Eva,” is a symbol of all love. When Shinji takes her offered hand and then pulls her to run into the new world, it’s a symbol of balance. The give and take of any kind of relationship. 
We are the product of every relationship we have ever had, from our parents to the people we once loved, from our friendships to any other person we want to stay connected to. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a story about these relationships. It is a story about love. 
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Till I Met You Again
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Summary: Everyone is born with a life already planned out for them. Including their soulmates. Except, every person walking this earth has been given a specific soulmate marking that was similar to a tattoo to match their soulmate’s. The ink is invisible when one is born. To activate the soulmate marking, one has to be at least in a 20 feet radius to their designated soulmate. But of course, they wouldn’t know it until they start to notice the ink slowly appearing on their skin.
Theme: soulmate au, university au, enemies to lovers
Genre: angst, fluff
Warning: mild cursing
WC: 10k
Pairing: Soulmate!Yoongi x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! I kinda got too carried away in writing this one the other day, hence the word count for this is... woah. Hehe. But anyways, here's a soulmate au for you Min Yoongi lovers <3
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Every person who was born into this earth has their life journey already written out for them in which it unfortunately remains a secret from them. And these living souls have been entitled to a soulmate that would potentially cross their path in the near future. Everyone is made for someone and the tattoo on their skin otherwise known as a ‘soulmate marking’ determines it for them.
The soulmate marking is nothing far from a tattoo as it imprints on your skin for eternity.
However, these markings will already be on you the minute you were born. Except, the ink will be invisible to the human eye.
But it’s definitely there. The only way to activate the marking is when one happens to be of 20 foot radius with their designated soulmate. This will cause the ink to start slowly appearing on one’s skin. Even so, these markings will start only when one has reached the age of 14. Only then will the ink start to be visible to one’s eye.
Unfortunately, until now when you’re already past 20 years of age, not a single tinge of ink was displayed on your skin. You’ve checked everywhere on your body. From your fingertips to your toes.
You weren’t really one who purely believed in this whole soulmate thing simply because you felt that there’s no such thing as a fixed soulmate. You should be free to choose who you want as your partner purely through interactions and chemistry you shared with the other, not by some marking on your skin. Your parents had a matching mark on their right wrists which was a simple rose in a glass jar.
No doubt you admired their love story and how they met, but you couldn’t see it for yourself. You really don’t want to fully depend on this supposed marking. Even when you went off to college, you’ve made it a point to try and go on dates no matter what their soulmate markings would be.
But it all turned out with the same ending. Either the guy dumps you for not having the same mark or they ghost you after the first date, saying you’re too good for them. All these never led to a heartbreak on your end because you were never in love to begin with.
You were simply trying your luck, trying to see if you’d find a single soul who was just as sceptical as you on this whole soulmate thing.
And so far, you’ve met none.
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It was the start of university life for you as you’ve managed to enrol yourself for a Computer Science major in Hangang University. You took the same course during college, having interest in web design and computer technologies. You could only hope that the study load this time would give you a mental break every once in a while despite knowing the content is definitely heavier than college content.
But you still told yourself to persevere and never leave your knowledge hanging while you’re still young. With this mentality, you brought yourself to campus today for day one of university classes.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door to the specific lecture room for the first lesson.
Immediately, you were greeted by a room that had the majority of the students’ gender being males. But it wasn’t a surprise to you because CS majors tend to lean more towards males instead of females. This doesn’t bother you since you were here solely to study and perhaps make friends along the way.
You found an empty seat in the top last few rows. With careful steps, you climbed the stairs to make your way to the spot you had your eyes locked on. After you’ve settled down, you noted how the room was fairly quiet.
Probably because it was the first day of classes and nobody really knows each other yet. That was all pushed to the back of your mind when you heard chatting coming from the front door and you saw 2 friends walk in. It was pretty obvious they knew each other considering how they were laughing and talking freely to one another.
As you kept your curious gaze on them discreetly, you could only realise how good looking they were.
The taller one sported beautiful dark brown locks that were long enough to cover his eyes, his smile so charming you were sure anyone who crossed his path would fall for his smile in less than a second. And then there was the other one who sported a more edgy look with his shorter dark purple, undercut hair that was parted near the centre to show his forehead, a right eyebrow piercing to compliment his face.
You quickly diverted your gaze to your laptop screen, not wanting them to think you’re a creep. You were busy searching for the e-books for this lesson in your online school portal when you heard a gentle voice calling to you from your right.
“Hey, are these seats taken?”
You looked up to see the one with the eyebrow piercing staring at you with the softest smile on his face.
In response to his question, you simply mimicked his facial expression and shook your head at him. He thanked you quietly before the 2 of them settled down beside you down the row. They resumed their conversation for the next 3 minutes before the lecturer walked in to start the class.
Two hours later, you don’t even know how you managed to absorb the things your lecturer said but you did. You were typing out the notes he shared on the projector screen when you heard his voice through the speakers.
“I will let you go for your lunch break. Be back by 1pm, here. You can leave your bags behind since I will be locking the room once everyone leaves.”
With that, your classmates replied with a series of yes before they got up one by one ready to head for lunch. You were just typing out the last of your notes when the boy beside you spoke up. At first you thought he was talking to his friend. You completely missed the way he was turned to you.
Until he gently taps onto your forearm to tell you that his question was directed to you. With a turn of your head, you locked eyes with him for the second time that day. “H-Huh?” You stuttered, earning a stifled chuckle from him.
“I was saying, do you wanna join me and my friends for lunch? We’re already sharing classes, might as well get to know each other to prepare for future projects or assignments.” He kindly repeated himself for you, making you whisper a soft ‘oh’ under your breath.
It wasn’t like you to approach someone first when it comes to striking a conversation with a complete stranger. So when he did it for you, it surprised you that he even thought of letting you tag along with them to lunch. For this alone, you decided to accept his offer knowing he does have a point for that last statement.
With that being said, the three of you left the lecture room after bringing your wallets with you. You quietly followed beside the brown haired one as they immediately opened a topic for their conversation.
You were just checking your phone for the texts sent from your mom in your family group chat when a voice spoke up, addressing you directly.
“What’s your name?” You glance up to catch the one who asked the question was the brown haired one, as the purple haired one was already looking at you but it wasn’t intimidating in any way. So you found it easy to reply to them.
“Y/N.” You said as they all nodded only for the boy beside you to speak up. “Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Taehyung. This is Jungkook.”
And so you know.
After almost 10 minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the cafeteria located on the other side of campus from where you originally were. The cafeteria was filled with hungry students and occupied tables. This wasn’t something new but at times like these, you’d rather bring your own food and sit somewhere that’s less crowded and bustling.
Just when you were about to excuse yourself and get a take out instead, Taehyung’s voice sounded from beside you, “Hyung said he found a table for us. They’re at the side near the drink stall.” He addressed it to the Jungkook in particular.
Hyung? Found a table? Did their other friends go to this same campus too?
You thought to yourself as Taehyung soon led the three of you around the cafeteria with you following behind them like a lost puppy.
You were busy looking at the available food stalls around when you were stopped by the voices that called out to the 2 boys’ names. Curious eyes wandered over their figures to see just who their other friends were and you were met with a table filled with relatively handsome guys.
There were 3 guys seated at that table, happily welcoming Taehyung and Jungkook. Just when you thought they had forgotten you, Jungkook turns around to show you to his friends.
“If you guys don’t mind, we made a new friend this morning and we invited her to join us for lunch. Her name is Y/N.” Jungkook announced as the three boys smiled at you warmly.
“Hey Y/N. I’m Namjoon, this is Seokjin and Hoseok. It’s nice to meet you.” Namjoon said as he stretched his hand out for you to shake in which you obliged. You definitely didn’t miss the intricate design of a floral arrow lining his inner forearm. That must’ve been his soulmate marking. You soon found yourself seated next to Hoseok and Jungkook after buying your meal.
You were chewing your noodles when Taehyung spoke up to catch everyone at that table’s attention, “Where are they? Shouldn’t their class be over already?”
“Apparently they just ended 5 minutes ago. Minie told me they’re on their way now.” Seokjin replied.
Who were the ‘they’ Taehyung was referring to?
Were there more of their friends?
Oh great.
You refocused on your food, taking a bite out of the chicken meat as you listened to their ‘first day of university’ story. You found out that Namjoon was a Psychology major, Hoseok was a Dance major and Seokjin was a Culinary major.
You were currently staring at the pile of vegetables that Taehyung so kindly transfers into your bowl, after he asked around on who wants the boiled carrots and broccoli to which you said yes.
Taehyung was passing you every last bit of vegetable to your bowl when a sweet voice spoke up from the end of the table nearest to Namjoon and Seokjin.
“Finally! I thought you’d never make it for lunch.” Namjoon laughed as you heard a much raspier voice speak up from the same spot.
“I wouldn’t miss lunch for the world.” You heard the others laugh when Taehyung finally finished clearing his plate off the vegetables before turning to the newcomers to say his hellos.
“Oh, by the way, we have a new addition to our circle. She’s in Taehyung and Jungkook’s class so they tagged her along for lunch.” Seokjin announced as he reached his arm behind Taehyung to place a soft hand on the top of your right shoulder. You finally looked up from your bowl to see who the newcomers were.
The first guy you locked eyes with had cute puffy cheeks, sporting a pretty dark blue hair colour as his bangs framed his face nicely.
“Oh hello. I’m Jimin.”
You smiled shyly at him before your eyes naturally travelled to the other individual standing right beside Jimin and that’s when you frowned.
Unsurprisingly, the male did too.
His hair was an ash grey colour that parted at the side to show his forehead instead of letting it cover his eyebrows like Hoseok’s did. He had a few piercings on each ear. If his physique was unrecognizable to you, at least his face was. You knew exactly who he was without having to ask him for confirmation.
“Yoongi?” His name rolled off your tongue effortlessly in a whisper, stirring reactions from the rest of them.
“Wait, you know each other?” Jimin asked in confusion as his eyes travelled back and forth between you and Yoongi. That’s when you heard the other scoff before locking his eyes with you.
“Never thought I’d see you again after all these years.” His expression was dry and almost unwelcoming unlike the smiles his other friends gave you upon your first meeting. “Never wished for this day to come either but here we are…” You said sarcastically.
The tension was so thick, you were sure you would have to cut it with a knife instead of a scissors.
You broke the gaze by standing up, claiming you’ve lost your appetite.
“I’ll see you guys in class.” You said, directing your words to your classmates before you snatched your phone and wallet off the table top along with your tray of food to return. With a quick glance to Yoongi, you ignored his burning glare as you shoved past him by the shoulders causing him to stumble back a little.
The table fell quiet as Seokjin was the first to break the awkward silence, “Well, that was unexpected.” Yoongi scoffed as he left the table to go buy his food, not bothering to wait for Jimin as his mind was clouded with the thought of you being in his circle of friends.
The history of you two goes way back when you were in both pre and high school. Your first ever dispute with him was in preschool, all because you were both fighting over the crayon box. And then gradually, more fights would happen over silly little things. It came to a point where your teacher would have to separate you from each other.
Your disputes continued after you found out that he just so happened to join the same high school as you, let alone the same class. It only made things worse. You two would bicker and fight almost everyday like a married couple.
Your friends teased you often with him for the amount of fights you got into with him. They’ve even grown accustomed to the harsh comments you had thrown to each other on a daily basis.
Not a day goes by without either him stepping on your tail or you having a payback for all the pranks he did on you to get you worked up. And yet, just when you thought you were free from seeing the devil himself again, life has its way with you and it bothers you to the core at this very instant.
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Your lecturer arrived back at the lecture room 15 minutes before 1pm and it seemed like everyone else was still having lunch. All except you. “You’re here early? Have you had your lunch?” He asked as he proceeded to unlock the room while you lingered behind him, standing up after you saw him approaching from afar.
“Yeah, I did.” You smiled, stepping back into the room after he pushed the door open. You climbed the stairs again to where your belongings were, taking out your air pods to bury yourself in music.
Shutting out the world around as you rested your head in your arms on the table. You didn’t notice the people strolling into the lecture room, too busy drowning yourself in your own little bubble. All of it soon came crumbling when you felt a soft tap on your shoulder.
That’s when you look up to see the 2 of them back in their seats.
You glanced ahead to see that the lecturer had already flashed the new slides onto the projector screen which indicates the start of class again. So you took out your air pods and kept them in its case before tossing it into your bag.
Class resumed and your messy thoughts were shoved to the back of your mind, far away from your main focus right now which was your class.
After a dreadful 4 hours of lessons, your lecturer finally calls it a day. He reminded all of you to be punctual for class tomorrow, saying that he has some group discussions for the topic he would be teaching. Once everyone was dismissed, you kept your stuff back into your bag quietly.
You could tell the two boys were waiting for you since they hadn't moved a muscle from beside you despite already standing up and were just leaning against the table while they chatted. The minute you stood up, they pushed themselves off the table and only then did they start walking down the steps.
The three of you made it to ground level thanks to the operating lift, making your way to the parking lot that was right beside the campus entrance.
You were just talking to Jungkook about your hobbies when you noticed a group of 5 guys gathered at the steps of the campus grounds through your peripheral vision. You could only guess it was their friends due to the voice that calls out to those walking with you. They led you towards the bunch as you glanced over to everyone but him.
“Hey Y/N, how did you come here this morning?” Namjoon asked, his voice nothing but sincere.
“Public transport.” You said simply with a smile directed towards him, only for Seokjin to speak up, “Do you need a ride home? I can drive you?”
With that being said, you kindly shook your head with a smile, not wanting to offend him in any way for turning his offer down. “It’s fine, I can manage on my own. Thanks for the offer though. Maybe next time.” You said as you bid the rest of them goodbye, not bothering to look at the very person you’ve held your grudge on for years.
They watched as you turned in your heels and left, deadpanning your way to the front gates. Jimin sighed lightly before turning to Yoongi and asked for answers on why you and him weren’t on good terms.
But the latter only brushed Jimin off, saying he would explain some other time.
The rest of them soon dispersed to their own vehicles to head home after a long and tiring first day of university.
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As more days began to pass, you were sometimes dragged by either one of your 2 classmates to hang out with their friends and girlfriends. If you weren’t mistaken, half of them already found their soulmates and were currently in a relationship with them. While the remaining half were still finding for theirs because it was either their soulmate markings had appeared on their skin but very faintly, or there was none at all.
But the amount of times you’ve recalled hanging out with them during the past three months were countable with your fingers. You avoided having lunch with them often ever since you found out Yoongi was in their circle. You didn’t want to seem petty but it seems like he too hated having you around.
Which means that the feelings were mutual on both ends.
It was a pretty warm day so right after you arrived back at your apartment, you headed straight for the showers. Slipping into the shower stream the minute your clothes were discarded.
The cold stream coating your shoulder down with it’s nice, cooling temperature to ease out the warmth in your body.
After you finished your shower, you took your towel from the rack and proceeded to wipe yourself dry. Stepping out of the cubicle, you walked over to the sink counter where your large mirror was glued onto the wall. As you were ruffling your hair with the towel to rid the excess water, you noticed something on your left rib through the reflection.
Is that…?
You glanced down at your skin to see a very faint outline of something on your skin. You blinked twice, not believing this.
When did it start showing?
Your mind was going feral at the thought of seeing your soulmate marking finally make its appearance onto your skin. Who was the cause of this? Why did it only appear now after all these years? If that’s the case then it means that your soulmate is someone from school.
“What am I thinking? This is all a load of crap. I can date whoever I want no matter what marking they have.” You said to no one in particular as you changed into your home attire.
A few days later, you were just in class alone in the morning. Taehyung and Jungkook had yet to arrive when a sudden voice from beside you made you jump. A soft curse emitted from your throat as you clutched to your chest from the minor heart attack. You turned to find one of your classmates whom you recalled his name to be Hanbin, towering over you to your left.
“Hey, I’m Hanbin.” He smiled at you, feeling your stomach get warm upon seeing him up close for the first time.
“Hey… I’m Y/N.”
“I don’t mean to be creepy or weird, but I’ve kind of noticed you going for lunch alone these days instead of with your friends?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. You somehow knew where this was going.
“Right… Well, that is true I suppose.” You chuckled awkwardly, looking away from him briefly before turning your attention back to him.
“I see. Well, if you’re looking for company, you can go for lunch with me?” He said it more like a statement instead of a question and that in itself made you smile. You had just accepted his kind offer when you heard familiar voices approaching to where you were seated.
Hanbin’s eyes glanced past your shoulder only to flicker back to you, setting a reminder before he left.
“Lunch with me later, yeah?”
You gave him a soft nod as a smile crept onto your lips. At the same time, you felt the soft nudge to your right elbow. You already knew who’s the culprit. “Wasn’t that Hanbin? What did he say to you?” Taehyung asked as he took a seat beside you.
“He asked me to go for lunch with him.”
“So you agreed?”
“You wanna go for lunch with him but not us?” Taehyung asked with a pout, only for Jungkook to lean over and ask what was going on. You could only roll your eyes at them, not actually annoyed or anything. Just a reflex whenever someone tried to get your sympathy over something stupid.
“Give me a break. I’m not sharing a table with ‘you know who’. Wouldn’t wanna accidentally break the table with our arguments.” You flashed him a sarcastic smile that made him click his tongue at you in disbelief.
It has been two months since you first went to lunch with Hanbin and you have been doing that ever since. You noticed that his demeanour was starting to change too around you, maybe there was a mutual feeling settling in between the two of you after all.
It was a Saturday afternoon and you already made plans with Hanbin a week prior. He wanted to bring you out on a date to the amusement park and then maybe grab some supper before heading home. He picked you up at your apartment that evening in his jeep, looking quite handsome if you say so yourself.
The two of you spent the evening together, adrenaline rushing through you thanks to the rides you took. After enjoying yourselves at the amusement park, you were both tired from having fun so he offered to stop by and grab supper with you before sending you home.
You ended up getting fast food at the diner downtown. You were happy. You were grateful that he was nothing but sweet to you. But for some reason, deep down there was that voice in you that was screaming, “He’s not the one” and you hated it. You didn’t want to rely on the marking to determine your happiness.
What if you belonged to someone who has a different marking than you?
That’s possible right?
So when he finally parked right outside your apartment complex, he turned off the engine leaving his key in the ignition. The car fell silent for a moment before you decided to be brave and spoke up.
“Do you… wanna come up for a bit? We can talk for a while longer?”
With that, Hanbin frowned as he wondered if he should. He didn’t want to ruin a first date and he most definitely did not want you to have a bad impression on him.
“Are… Are you sure?” He asked quietly, to which you nodded.
When you didn’t get a proper response, you simply let out a soft giggle followed by, “come on” before you opened his jeep door to board off the vehicle. You left him no choice but to follow after you. Once you’ve made it to your apartment, you unlocked your front door and stepped inside allowing him to enter.
It took him a while as his eyes travelled all over your cosy apartment, admiring the minimalist interior. You told him to take a seat while you went to get him a drink.
A few minutes passed and you were both just talking freely on your couch when you noticed how his eyes always flickered down to your lips constantly as you spoke. This made you stifle a giggle and he caught on. He apologized for it but you brushed it off.
Just then, the room felt quiet all of a sudden as it was your turn to glance down to his lips.
Hanbin softly smiled as he began to lean closer.
Your heart was pounding in your chest as you could feel his warmth radiating off his body from how close he was to you.
Right when you felt your head get dizzy from the close proximity, you unconsciously whispered against his lips something that you would never normally do.
“Kiss me.”
With that being said, he pressed his plump lips on yours.
Immediately intoxicating you with how sweet he tasted. The kiss slowly got heated as he carefully guided your body back to lay on the couch while he hovered over you. His hands slid past the hem of your shirt, resting on your waist as he caressed your skin.
You slide your hands up his chest, wrapping them around his neck. He slowly pushed your shirt up using his wrists. Right when he’d just pulled away for a breather, his eyes travelled down to your bare torso beneath him.
His gaze seemed stuck on whatever he was looking at. When you realized he stopped and was staring at something on your body, you knew exactly what he saw.
“Is that…?” His voice was soft, almost sounding as though he was upset.
With this confession, he slowly pulled away from you, tugging your shirt back down and bringing you to a sitting position.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t…” He began but you were quick to hush him.
“It’s okay… Besides, I should be the one saying sorry. I already saw your marking the other day when you wore a tank top to class. I just thought you’d be okay with dating someone who doesn’t share the same mark as you. I guess I was being selfish…” You said.
Hanbin remained quiet as he listened to your reasoning. Suddenly feeling bad for stopping whatever you two were sharing, so abruptly like that. With that, he reached out to hold your hand, telling him that he was still sorry for reacting that way and for hurting your feelings by doing so.
But he told you he didn’t regret taking you out on a date today, that he genuinely had a good time with you and that he would love to still be friends with you if you allowed him.
You smiled at him before turning your attention to the flower pot sitting on your coffee table only for him to continue, “I just hope that you’ll find someone who will love you for who you are, doesn’t matter the mark.” For that, you smiled again. Thanking him for being sweet and thoughtful.
After he left, you couldn’t help but sigh. This was already the umpteenth time this happened to you.
But you couldn’t stay mad at Hanbin for turning you down simply because he didn’t reject you the way your other ex dates did. That was the reason why you let him go without holding a grudge.
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The next few weeks, you’ve gone to lunch on an alternate basis between Hanbin and the guys. And every time you went with the guys, you could only prepare yourself for the constant bickering with the one and only, Min Yoongi and today was no different.
You were sitting next to Namjoon at the end of the table with the only space left empty being beside you. And it was as though luck wasn’t on your side, the only human left to arrive for lunch was none other than Yoongi himself.
You were just sipping your green tea when you heard his voice approaching towards your side of the table.
“Sorry hyung, that’s the only seat left.” Jungkook smiled sympathetically to the elder as you made it a point to not spare a glance over to him. You could hear his grunt of disapproval but nonetheless plopped his bag down on the chair before disappearing to buy his food.
When he did come back, you had just gotten a whole chunk of chocolate fudge cake shoved into your mouth by Taehyung who was seated opposite you.
You were unable to pull the dangling piece of cake into your mouth so you tilted your head back. But instead of the cake entering your mouth, it ended up falling into your hands when you felt your head crash into something behind you.
And the hiss just told you who it was.
“Watch it before I spill hot soup on you.” Yoongi said as he placed the bowl of steaming noodle soup on the table top beside your tray.
“Don’t worry because I’ll make sure it spills on you too.” You challenged him back, earning a glare from him.
You heard a few sighs coming from some of the guys but you couldn’t care less. You busied yourself by scrolling through your social media in hopes that the time would just pass by quicker so that you can be away from him after lunch ends.
A few days later, you had just finished your shower when you noticed your mark slowly growing more and more opaque. To which you could finally see the design of it.
It was a dream catcher.
A pretty one at that. You softly traced your finger over the outline of the detail, keeping your eye on the reflection. Just then, a soft sigh left your lips.
This means that your designated soulmate has supposedly crossed your path more than once. But seeing how the ink is getting darker with each passing day, could only mean that if not often, this person is near you at least more than 3 times a week.
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A week went by and Jungkook had invited you to his birthday slash pool party that weekend. He invited only the guys and some of their girlfriends. You’ve met the girlfriends a few times and they’ve all been pretty sweet to you so far. All of them are so down to earth. You told Jungkook you’ll be there, earning a happy soft clap from him when you said so.
On the day of the party, you had just finished your shower when you noticed the water droplets underneath you weren’t clear. You looked harder only to realize those weren’t water.
It was blood.
“Great… Thanks mother nature…” You huffed as you went to get your feminine item from your cupboard. After successfully changing into the attire you chose for the day, you tied your hair into a messy ponytail before leaving your bathroom.
You wore simple denim shorts and a loose shirt tucked into your jeans.
When you actually made it to Jungkook’s house, you were surprised to know that he was living in a one story house with a built-in pool ready when he moved in.
Apparently his parents were pretty wealthy people so they bought this house for him, saying it would give him the opportunity to take responsibility in keeping the house clean and tidy rather than his mother having to do it for him all the time.
You called Jungkook’s phone only for him to pick up on the second ring. You told him you were at his front gate so he hung up the call and rushed over to you.
Once you were inside his beautiful compound, he brought you towards the back through his side garden. Distinct voices gradually get louder the nearer you get to them. The minute you turned round the corner, you instantly saw more than half of them in the pool including the ladies.
Seokjin and Taehyung were over at the barbeque grill, cooking the meat for everyone. There was a table filled with all kinds of snacks and sweet drinks. It was a full on pool party.
Just then, a familiar voice rings in your ear already knowing it belonged to Hoseok.
“Y/N! You made it! Come join us!”
You stopped at one of the chairs only to put your sling bag down and apologized to him, “Sorry to burn the mood, but I can’t. Monthly calls.” You could hear some whines and sad pouts forming on some of their faces right after.
“Aww man, that’s a total bummer.” Jimin said, making you shrug.
However, you noticed a figure leaning against the wall on the other side of the pool just blankly staring at you. That’s when you glanced over to see Yoongi. You held your stare for a moment before you turned away. Missing the way he was still staring at you even when you were making your way to Seokjin and Taehyung.
A few minutes later, you were just talking to Jiyeon who was taking a break from being in the pool. You sat facing each other but from where you were seated, your back was facing the grilling pit.
Jiyeon was just talking to you about baking when you noticed someone swimming to the side that was aligned with where you were sitting.
Only to realize it was Yoongi.
He placed his hands on the edge of the pool and soon pushed himself upwards. You watched as water flowed down his body effortlessly. Cursing yourself for even staring at his shirtless form. He pushed his wet hair out of his face, resulting in him having sort of a slick back hairstyle.
He was too busy talking to Hoseok and Jungkook who were still in the pool, his head completely turned away from you.
Right when you were about to look away, your eyes caught sight of the imprinted ink on his left rib. You didn’t think much of it as you turned away from him. But then something in your brain ticked you off like a time bomb. So you carefully turned back to him just a few feet away from you.
That’s when you saw it.
The dream catcher on his left rib is so prominent and bold against his milky skin. Not to mention his toned abs. A soft gasp left your lips as he walked past you without sparing a single glance at you.
But you didn’t mind it. You were glad he didn’t see how shocked you were because if it did, he would have said something about it.
So instead, you just got up and left, entering Jungkook’s home through the glass doors frantically. You rushed in and went straight to the said destination. Once inside, you took a moment to steady your breathing as you brought your gaze up to the long mirror that laid upon you on the wall landscape.
You carefully pulled your shirt up to expose the ink on your own skin. You could only stare at it through the reflection before looking down at your own torso and gently tracing your finger over the outer rim of the dream catcher’s hoop.
You didn’t know how long you were gone for. It wasn’t until a voice broke your train of thoughts.
“Was it really necessary to rush into someone’s house like-”
However, his speech got stuck in his throat when his eyes flickered over to the reflection in the mirror. No it wasn’t your face he was staring at. It wasn’t the soap bottles lining Jungkook’s sink.
It was your mark on your left rib.
You swiftly pulled your shirt down to hide it from him from seeing any more details of it. With quick hasty steps, you turned to leave the bathroom and had barely taken a step out into the hallway when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to face him.
“Show me.” He said firmly.
“Show you what?”
“Don’t play dumb, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“I- I don’t know what you mean-”
Without warning, Yoongi used his free hand to lift your shirt up to stop right below your bra line as his hands naturally cupped your sides to keep your shirt there. He finally caught a clear look of the inked design on you, seeing how familiar it looked to him.
You could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flicked wider for just a millisecond before it went back to its original state.
For some reason, your lung felt restricted and your heart dropped upon seeing the same mark on his skin at the same exact spot as yourself. You wanted to run away. All you wanted to do now was to be as far away from him as you can.
So you slapped his hands away, making him lose his grip on you before you turned around to leave.
He grabbed your wrist again but this time, you mustered whatever strength you had left to yank your arm from him. Tears stinging your eyes as it threatens to fall, yet you don’t fully understand why.
“Don’t! J-Just… leave me alone… please.” Your voice falls into a whisper as you rush to the backyard, ignoring their worried calls as you simply told them you weren’t feeling well because of your monthly calls. When Yoongi did come back to the backyard, he was questioned as to what happened back in the house and why you looked like you were about to cry.
Yoongi couldn’t help but stare at your descending back just in time before you turned the corner and disappeared fully from sight. Only for him to lie to them despite knowing exactly why you left.
“She wasn’t feeling well.”
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The week went by and you have been avoiding coming relatively close to the rest other than the 2 who were obviously unavoidable. But it’s not like you had anything against them. You just wanted to avoid Yoongi at all costs for now. It was a Friday and you had just finished your classes for the day when the two boys exchanged glances to each another before Jungkook spoke up.
“Hey, do you wanna grab something to eat with us after this?” You knew he was being nice. You knew he wasn’t to blame for Yoongi having the same exact soulmate mark as you. So for that, you chose not to lash out at him.
“It’s fine. I’ll pass.” You smiled half heartedly and they could tell. But thankfully, they chose not to question further.
The three of you were walking towards the main entrance as usual when you saw the rest of the group seeming to wait for you three. You glanced up to Jungkook beside you who gestured a small wave to the others, only for you to accidentally look over.
And the first thing you saw was Yoongi already looking at you.
Before you could get to close, you bid your goodbyes to your friends as you separated from them to head towards the gates. Nobody has yet to know why you were acting this way other than Yoongi himself. You were just halfway through the parking lot when a firm grip on your wrist made you turn after being tugged back gently.
You nearly crashed into the figure whom you weren’t surprised when you saw it was him.
“Stop acting like a child.” He said, his tone held something much more than just firmness. He sounded like he’s… hurt almost.
“So what? This marking thing is a load of bullshit. Why does it determine who we should be with? That’s unfair! I’ve seen couples who have different marks and yet they’re still happy together?!” You said, clearly letting your emotions take over your mind.
“If you think it’s bullshit then why are you ignoring me like I’ve just killed your pet?!” He asked, his voice now a tad louder than it was before.
“Because all the guys I’ve tried dating care too much about these marks! Every single one of them ditched me when they found out I didn’t have the same mark! And what are the odds that the one person who has the same exact mark as me, happens to be the one person that has been nothing but a daily source of fight with me?” You paused as his grip on you loosened, his glare suddenly softened.
“Of course I couldn’t believe it… I didn’t want to believe that of all people, it’s you… That’s why I ignore you.” Your voice grew soft as you saw the way his eyes flickered back and forth on your own brown pupils.
“So you’re saying you hate me? Is that it?” His question was simple but it held a thousand meanings and you knew it.
“I don’t even know anymore, Yoongi…” You whispered as you slowly pulled your hand out of his grip and quickly left before he could say anything else. Yoongi stood there trying to process everything. Still not entirely sure of what just happened. Just then, a gentle hand on his shoulder made him return back to reality.
“Hey man, you okay?” Namjoon’s calm voice spoke from beside Yoongi as the latter could only nod.
“We heard your conversation… Well, we didn’t intend to anyways… But, is it true? That you both have the same mark?” Namjoon continued.
He could hear the soft, quiet curse leaving Yoongi’s lips during his exhale before he spoke up, “Yeah… That was actually the reason why she abruptly left during Jungkook’s pool party.” Yoongi explained and it all began to fall into place for Namjoon. The younger could only nod as he finally put the pieces together.
“Mmm, and so I’m guessing she’s too overwhelmed with the fact that you have the mark out of a billion people to walk this planet?” Namjoon said.
“Bingo.” Yoongi sighed as the two began to walk back to their friends who were still gathered at the entrance despite hearing the commotion earlier. If space is what you need, then space is what he shall give. But of course, you can’t run from him forever.
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It has been two weeks since your outburst with Yoongi and you have been keeping your distance from him again. The guys also didn’t try to tag you along knowing fully well that you needed space from Yoongi. For that, you silently thanked them. It was a Saturday night and you had made it a point to go for a quick grocery run to stock up your refrigerator with edible food.
After getting all the items you needed, you went to the queue. The lady at the counter scanned every item on the conveyor belt and went ahead to put it in the plastic bag before telling you the total cost.
You were about to reach into your jeans pocket when you noticed them being flat.
You felt around the pockets of your jeans and it was in fact empty. With that being said, you mentally cursed yourself for not bringing your wallet with you. Not only that, this store was the only one nearest to your apartment and it was closing in 10 minutes.
You wouldn’t make it back in time if you went home now to retrieve your wallet.
So you apologized to the lady who looked equally done with her job as you left the store empty handed. You were just walking down the partially empty street when you felt something drop onto your cheek. You stopped walking to feel what it was. Before you could touch your cheek, another drop hits the top of your head. And then another. And another.
“Fuck my life…”
You whispered to yourself as the sky suddenly began to downpour on you. Watching as some people ran across the road for shelter, some whips out their umbrella to shield them from the rain, some simply stayed indoors to avoid being caught in the rain.
However, you were too tired to even care about seeking shelter. Feeling as if today was the worst day of your life.
You continued to stroll down the street completely soaked under the rain.
You wrapped your arms around yourself in attempts to keep yourself warm but it clearly did no shit for you. Absent minded to notice your surroundings, you didn’t hear the calls for your name until the vehicle came to a gradual slow speed beside you on the street.
It was Yoongi.
“Leave me alone…”
“Y/N, why in the world are you walking in the heavy rain? You might fall sick, you dummy.”
“Who c-cares?” Your lips were starting to quiver from the cold.
“I do.”
You could’ve sworn your heart just skipped a beat at that response.
“Look, let me take you to my place and get you dry clothes while waiting for the rain to stop. I’ll send you home after.” He said.
“I d-don’t need your… h-help, Yoongi.”
He let out a soft groan in annoyance with your stubbornness, only to drive a little further down before bringing the car to a complete stop. You were about to carry on walking but your feet just came to a halt when you saw him running out of his car and coming to you.
“Come on and stop whining like a little kid.” Yoongi said as he grabbed your wrist and began jogging back to his car, pulling you into the passenger side before going back to the driver seat.
Once safely inside, he drove off into the night and made a left turn at the junction while your apartment building was to the right and probably about a 20 minutes walk. The car ride was quiet as neither of you said anything. You simply let him do what he said he would. When he finally brought the car to a park, he turned off the engine and soon climbed out of the vehicle.
You followed suit as he had already come over to your side to hold the door for you. After he’d locked the car, he led you to his apartment complex as you followed behind him. You took in the interior of his apartment complex, it looked slightly older than yours but still well maintained.
Apparently, he lived on the 14th floor unlike you who lived on the 5th floor.
He soon pulls out his house key and proceeds to unlock his front door. He opens the door for you, letting you step inside first. Once he had closed the door behind him, he told you to wait there as he excused himself to go get you a clean towel and new dry clothes for you to change into.
You took in the minimalist setting of his apartment, quite similar to yours except your walls are white and his is grey.
Yoongi came back with a handful, telling you where the bathroom was.
You followed his directions and soon closed the bathroom door once you’ve stepped inside. In the meantime, Yoongi had gone to change out of his own wet clothes into a clean pair of his sweatpants and a hoodie. He was boiling hot water to make hot chocolate for the two of you when you cleared your throat behind him.
He turned around at the sound, only for him to scheme through your outfit in which he had so specifically chosen for you. He had lent you one of his sleeping shorts and an oversized black hoodie that looked a little too big on you.
But for some reason, you looked good in them.
He almost had to pinch himself for staring too long before he finally spoke up, “Uhh, my dryer’s in the laundry room. Second door to the left.”
You nodded as you disappeared back down the hall, only for him to mentally curse himself for losing his composure. After 2 minutes or so, you came back having managed to turn the dryer on.
He handed you the cup of hot chocolate, not forgetting to thank him for it.
There was a short moment of peaceful silence before he gestured over to his living room. The both of you went over to the couch as you sat on either ends of the furniture. He turned his tv on and was busying himself with searching through Netflix when you mustered up the courage to ask him what was on your mind for the past half an hour.
“Why did you help me?”
Yoongi turned to you briefly, unsure if he should answer the question truthfully.
“As much as we fight, I’m not entirely heartless.”
Your eyes bore into him as you soon found yourself looking down at your hands when he turned to look at you. If it wasn’t for the tv, you knew for a fact that he could’ve heard the thumping of your heart. Silence fell over you two again but he broke it as soon as it started.
“Why were you walking in the rain?”
“I was on a grocery run.”
“But I don’t recall seeing you carry any bags of groceries?”
“That’s because I couldn’t pay for it without my wallet…”
He raised his eyebrows at you in disbelief, finding it ridiculous that you only realized it when you were checking out of the store.
“Shut up. This kind of stuff happens okay…” You scoffed, earning a quiet chuckle coming from him followed by an, “Okay, okay.” The room fell silent again and you were just playing with the strings of your hoodie.
Silently wishing for time to pass quicker but it seems like the rain only got heavier.
“Look, I think we should just forget about the whole marking thing and just… start over?” He said, causing you to look at him but he seemed like he was diligently avoiding your gaze.
“Start… over?” You dragged your words to show that you wanted a slightly more detailed explanation.
“What I mean is… let’s stop ignoring each other and stop fighting over the smallest little issues like we did when we were young. Back then we were still young and immature. But we’re not anymore, are we?” He ended with a question, making you huff.
You know he has a point but your ego is still higher than ever.
“Are you only saying this because I’m your soulmate?”
“No. I really am tired of fighting with you.”
“Why now? Why only want to call truce after you’ve seen my mark? Doesn’t that say a lot?” You were stubborn and he knows it. And yet, he still answers you to clear all your doubts.
Surprisingly patient with you.
“I know it might look like what you think, but it’s really not. I don’t care about the marking much like you. But after thinking about it, I feel like it’s actually childish to hold a grudge on each other for the things we’ve done years ago, don’t you think?” He explained, hoping it’ll get past that rock solid head of yours.
Your heart knows he’s right but your mind forces you to say otherwise.
With that, you huffed as you got up and excused yourself to go check on your clothes. Before you could make it past the first door on the left, he grabbed your wrist and tugged you back.
He pressed you against the wall with his other hand beside your head to trap you.
Your free hand hovered in between both yours and his chest as he was less than 4 inches away. Your faces were so close you could feel his breath hitting your lips. You would’ve slapped him if he did this years ago.
But now?
“Why are you so stubborn?”
He asked, his voice low as you kept your heated gaze on his eyes even though you saw the way his eyes flickered back and forth between your eyes and lips.
Rising heat from both anger and his body temperature radiated off him, engulfing you like a cocoon. You could’ve sworn you saw his pupils dilate a few times now that he was this close to you. It was quiet in the hallway as he frowned, still waiting for an answer from you. But instead, you gently pressed your hand on his warm chest that was in between your bodies.
This was enough to make him flinch slightly. His crammed face relaxed for a moment when he looked down at your hand on his chest before looking back at you.
Even more confusion struck him.
Your heart was racing rapidly in your chest, and you were so sure he could hear it. You couldn’t bear to look at him any longer so you looked down at your hand as you slid it up towards the necklace he was wearing. Playing with the pendant in between your fingers.
You didn’t realise this but his grip on your wrist was long gone and was now slowly snaking that arm around your waist.
Yoongi leaned in very subtly to let his lips brush against yours just to see your reaction. He closed his eyes, taking in the feeling of having you this close for the first time. You did the same as your other hand rested on his left bicep. Before you knew it, he closed whatever remaining gaps in between only to kiss you.
Your heart exploded in your chest as he used the hand beside your head to cup your cheek. You leaned into his touch while you reciprocated the kiss. Yoongi’s grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you against him.
He felt both your hands now just holding onto his biceps for support, his lips tugging upwards against your mouth.
You could feel his muscles flexing under your fingertips as he pulled away from your mouth and was now trailing soft kisses down your neck. A soft sigh left your lips, feeling him give some love to the part that joins your neck and shoulder blade together.
“Yoongi…” Your voice came out as a mere whisper.
Just when you wanted to say something, your breath hitched in your throat when you felt his hands slip past your shirt only to rest them on your sides when your mark was.
His touch was gentle but it definitely did something to your poor heart.
“Answer me truthfully… Are you okay with… this?” Yoongi asked, gesturing between you and him. “With us? Because you can say no if you’re really against this. I would never force you.”
You stared at him for a while, rethinking your answer. You’ve been so firm about not caring who has the same soulmate mark as you because you thought it was all bullshit. But now, standing in front of him and knowing that he has the mark, not only that but he seemed like he really genuinely likes you is making it twice harder for you to say no.
But your silence was too long for him as he counted to 3 in his mind. When you didn’t respond, he slowly nodded. Pulling himself away to leave a space between you.
“It’s okay, I understand… I think your clothes are dry. Go change, I’ll wait outside.” His voice was quiet as if he’s too upset, he can’t even look you in the eye. You felt bad. You never wanted him to feel this way. So when he turned in his heels to walk away, you yearned for him to come back.
Yoongi was halfway down his living room when he felt a smaller hand slide into his right one. His step came to a halt as he kept his back to you.
He was about to ask if there's something wrong but all he got was a soft apology.
“I’m sorry…”
You watched as he remained still, his back still facing you. Doing nothing to turn and look at you. Yoongi wasn’t sure what he wanted to do at the moment so he kept quiet.
Just then, you used your other hand to cup his that you were already holding. He would be lying if he said he didn’t like this. But he definitely wasn’t prepared for what you were about to do next. You weren’t sure if you trust your voice so instead, you took a few steps closer before wrapping your arms around his waist.
Pressing your cheek against his back. You stayed like that for a few seconds, basking in the sweet vanilla scent of his.
You could feel him tense up when you first hugged him but he soon relaxed in your arms.
You didn’t dare to do anything else, all until you felt him softly caress your arms only to lock his fingers with yours over top of your hands. You only nuzzled your face deeper into his back, afraid to look at him.
But when you feel him slowly move around in your arms, that’s when you let him face you.
The minute he sees your face, he immediately cups your cheeks and wasted no time in kissing you ever so sweetly. The butterflies in your stomach erupted as you snaked your arms around his shoulders, feeling him pull you closer to him by your waist.
He held you securely against him all the while never leaving your lips. You were the first to pull away, keeping the distance small between you and him.
Your eyes were still closed so you depended on your senses.
That wasn’t until you felt him cup your face again, caressing your cheek with his thumbs. The room fell silent as he brushed his soft lips against yours and whispered to you quietly, “Can we start over?”
You opted for just a nod, unsure if you could trust your voice. You opened your eyes to see him staring at you so softly with his doe round eyes.
Yoongi smiled, whispering an ‘okay’ before he kissed you again. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you melted against his lips. He took his time with you, making sure you were comfortable and that you really wanted this. He never wanted to hurt you in any way. He kept asking for your permission before he did anything and you appreciated it.
You woke up the next morning to a warm feeling engulfing you from behind. You stirred in your sleep, trying to see what it was. But the squeeze around your waist made you look down to see the familiar arm draped over your waist, tucking his hands underneath you. The silver bracelet around his right wrist could never be mistaken for someone else.
Just when you were about to snuggle deeper into the warmth of his body, you felt him kiss the back of your head. Your heart pounded in your chest, stomach flipped in your belly.
“Mmm, good morning.” He whispered, his morning voice low and raspy.
You sighed in content as you turned around to face him, only to find that he still had his eyes closed but there was a smile that crept on his lips.
With that, you smiled as you planted a soft kiss on his lips. You could feel him smirk against your lips, earning a soft giggle from you. His arm that was supporting your head, bent at the elbows as he began to play with your soft hair.
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The next day, you came to school feeling a little down in the weather. Maybe it was a late reaction to when you got drenched in the rain. You were sniffling in your seat when Taehyung and Jungkook immediately caught the sight of your red nose.
“Hey, are you sick? Your nose is red.” Jungkook said, his voice laced with full concern. You simply shook him off saying it was just light flu.
The other two weren’t buying it, they said they would go get medicine for you after class and you all but rejected them. The last thing you’d wanna do was to burden them.
So after your morning class has ended and you have been dismissed for lunch, the three of you made it to the cafeteria only to find the rest of the guys already seated. But you and Yoongi still haven’t told them about your resolve yet. So they thought you two were still ignoring each other.
“Hey guys! Y/N? Are you okay? You look kind of pale…” Namjoon asked, making you smile.
“It’s just a little flu, that’s all.” You said, completely missing the way Yoongi was staring at you with pure concern.
“Do you wanna go home and rest?” Hoseok asked in which you shook your head, before a squeaky sneeze left your lips not forgetting to cover your mouth while you did. “Sorry…” You whispered an apology, earning a few laughs from them. Just then, Yoongi got up without a word, leaving the table.
You watched as he disappeared down the aisle towards the drink stall. You wondered what he was doing but nevertheless shrugged, going to the empty seats beside him and Jimin.
You took a seat beside Yoongi’s empty chair, not really having the appetite to eat.
You were just rejecting Jimin’s offer to feed you some of his food when Yoongi came back with a glass of hot tea, a bottle of water and a strip of two panadol flu tablets. The rest of them watched quietly as he sat down beside you and handed you the drinks.
“Here, take this.” He said softly, pulling your hand up to push the two tablets out of the strip onto your open palms.
“Oh? Since when are you guys on good terms?” Taehyung asked in utter confusion.
“We’re not. We’re just acting.” Yoongi replied sarcastically before twisting the bottle cap open for you. He waited for you to throw your head back and let the tablets fall into your mouth before gulping down the water.
After you were done, you thanked him quietly. You didn’t miss the little smirk on his face.
“Okay…” Seokjin said as he gently slammed his hands onto the table top, making some of you flinch.
“What’s going on? Last week you were both ignoring each other and now you’re taking care of her like she means the world to you?” He asked as you turned to Yoongi for help.
“Don’t you know the saying ‘People change’?” Yoongi said.
“Of course, but it’s almost too drastic. Just over the weekend too.” Seokjin said in disbelief.
“Well, I guess it happens.” Yoongi shrugged as Jungkook directed his question to you.
“So I’m guessing you too?”
“No. I still hate him.” You lied.
“Is that so? Then why are you holding his pinkie?” Hoseok smirked, pointing to your intertwined pinkie on the table. With that, you quickly removed your hands from Yoongi.
“Hey... Why did you let go? I was about to play with your fingers.”
Yoongi said with a small pout, making you blush. Just then, Yoongi reached back over to lace his fingers with yours, resting your hands on his lap only to steal a quick kiss to your cheek.
This stirred a few dramatic gasps from your other friends. “Did you guys see that?! That was- omg!” Seokjin’s voice was too loud, making Jimin cover his mouth with his hands.
“Oh hush your pie hole dust. Just let me be happy for once.” Yoongi smirked as you felt him caress the back of your hand. He’s definitely going to be a handful but you’re more than happy to entertain his crap.
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sj-ficrecs · 3 years
1,000+ followers fic rec!
Recently noticed at some point a little while ago I passed 1,000 followers on this page! In honor of that here’s another fic rec of some good ones I’ve been reading lately. As usual, no specific order. 
(Hopefully this shows up in tags bc my last one didn’t & tumblr wouldn’t fix it) 
Thanks to @whimsicalrogers for this divider I’m using below :)
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Bucky x reader:
3B by @softlybarnes Bucky x reader
“Bucky is used to being alone, so is the girl living in apartment 3B. He keeps to his routine, to crossing off amends. But mutual loneliness forges an unlikely friendship. Alone and reclusive, sweet and incredibly strange, with deep secrets and regrets, 3B has more to reveal than meets the eye.”
(un)cool by @belowva rockstar!Bucky x reader
“in the summer of 1973, after covering the howling commandos’ concert for a night, you - a young and inexperienced music journalist - accidentally end up following the up and coming band from new york city across the country. between shows, parties, backstage nonsense, interviews and failed attempts at writing a cover story for rolling stone magazine, you end up developing a love/hate relationship with their brooding, but devilishly handsome, guitarist james “call me bucky” barnes. (based on “almost famous”)”
Your Song by @summergrls​  Rockstar!Bucky x reader
“it’s not summer without you. or, that’s what your favorite rockstar always says. it’s all happening.”
Last Love by @wicked-mind Modern!Bucky x reader
“Based on the quote “He may be your first love but I intend to be your last” by Klaus Mikaelson.”
Remember Me by @wicked-mind​ Modern!Bucky x reader
“Y/N and Bucky were the unlikely match when it came to love, but they were inseparable since they met. After a fight, Y/N left to be a trauma surgeon in the military and returns without her memories. How will Bucky remind Y/N how she is the fire in his bones?”
Cake by @tellmealovestory (Part of the Something More universe) Modern!Bucky x reader
“The wedding plans continue as you and Bucky try to decide on a cake flavor.”
My Eyes by @invisibleanonymousmonsters Bucky x reader, past Steve x reader
“Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.”
The Mess by @sanguineterrain​ Bucky x Avenger!reader
“A wild night in Vegas changes everything between you and Bucky. Suddenly, all eyes are on you and you’re left wondering just how much can change between you and a man whose guts you hate (and who also hates yours).”
The Devil Has Lilith by @write-orflight Bucky x reader, soulmate AU
“They say your soulmate is supposed to be the one person you love unconditionally. So why did they make yours so insufferable?”
College!Bucky series / Couldn’t Be Me by @drunken-imagines College!Bucky x reader
Bucky is a known fuck boy trying to win over reader
Best of Friends by @anna-phora Modern!Bucky x reader
“When your best friend steals marries Bucky’s best friend, the two of you are left with only one solution: to become best friends yourselves.”
Back to You by @celestialbarnes Modern!ex-Bucky x reader
“desperate to find a place to stay after your boyfriend cheated on you, you end up crashing at bucky’s apartment, the problem is he’s the ex that you never really got over and he’s got a new girl who doesn’t like you very much.”
It’s Been a Long, Long Time by @luminnara Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
“When HYDRA had their prized asset, the Winter Soldier, they did something no one ever thought was possible: they gave super soldier serum to an omega. With the sole purpose of tending to him during his ruts, she spends decades living in HYDRA facilities, denied her humanity and her life. Now, years later, Bucky Barnes has his mind and his own life back…and the last thing he ever expects is to see a familiar omega again. Bucky/OC, a little angsty but mostly smutty/fluffy/romantic!“
Friends Don’t by @watchtowerindistress Bucky x reader
“Reader is in a friends-with-benefits relationship with Bucky Barnes. Rule #1: no feelings - so don’t get attached (written by Bucky). Rule #2: don’t ever stay over (written by (Y/N)). After a fateful mission, one of them is going to break all the rules.”
Just a Touch by @buckychrist Bucky x reader
“Your powers? Controlling any feeling a human can have, from emotions to pain, with a simple brush of your fingertips. Your mission? The traumatized soldier with sad stricken eyes and scream filled nightmares.”
Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan Modern!Bucky x Artist!reader
“Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate… but she smiles so sweetly and she’s endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.”
A Long Ways Away by @ai-unknown Bucky x reader
“Connection, reconnection, and a small miscommunication. Bucky will travel however far, if it means making you smile.”
No Rest for the Wicked by @abovethesmokestacks Trucker!Bucky x reader
Based upon this ask: “i have the absolute weirdest urge today to get railed by trucker!bucky in a motel in like southern florida🤨 and it’s late too, maybe 3-4 am. the place is kinda seedy & it’s rlly humid and hot outside & the ac barely works so we’d both be sweating a lot but it makes it hotter”
Meanwhile in Louisiana by @multifandomwriter Bucky x reader
“You are Sam’s best friend and you meet Bucky when Sam organizes a party down at the docks.”
A Tender Heart by @river-soul Alpha!Bucky x Omega!reader
“You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpected fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit.”
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Steve x reader:
Jane Doe by @justkending Modern!Steve x reader
“They weren’t next door neighbors, but they did live in the same apartment complex. However, they were on completely different sides of the complex. Steve always sees her across the way doing her daily routines and way about life on her balcony from his own. Something about her has him checking in on her from across the way when he can… She’s intriguing and has a way about her life that he finds calming and captivating. He wants to know more about who she is, but there’s no non-creepy way of approaching a neighbor that doesn’t know you exist. Is there?”
405 notes · View notes
songbirdstyles · 4 years
bang a gong.
summary: you’re tired of being a virgin, and when you meet harry at a bar, he’s more than happy to help you out.
warnings: literally all porn, very little plot. fingering, m+f receiving oral, dom!harry
word count: 11.1k
listen to while reading: bang a gong (get it on) by t. rex
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You should say - for the record, or perhaps to maintain your dignity - that this is never the type of place you’d generally be caught in.
If you hadn’t been dragged from your faux pretense of nonchalance after you got dumped, you never would have come. It wasn’t like it was a serious relationship - barely two months - but it was your first since graduating college and perhaps you thought, maybe, you were in with this guy for the long haul, but he didn’t agree. You suppose it was a silly thought (your friends had told you not to expect too much from a former frat boy, anyway.) And it did prove to be, anyway, dissipating the second you woke up to a text saying he didn’t reckon things were working out, and could he please have his hoodie back?
Whatever. You hadn’t been too sad but your friends insisted you needed to let go of him and that is exactly why you’re here, pressed into a booth at a high end nightclub you can’t afford, your friends and the randoms they’d pulled from the dance floor packed so tight that you can feel your thighs sticking to the leather seats and to each other. You hadn’t intended on drinking anything because the prices of the drinks would absolutely kill your bank account, but that, according to your friends, is exactly why you’re here - meet rich guys who frequent here, to have drinks bought for you with false promises of a night of fun, before leaving them high and dry while you are thoroughly drunk.
A good concept, in theory, and it was enough to tug you off of the couch and dig through your closet to find a suitable dress to wear. Perhaps you’d support it more, though, if you had any experience in seducing guys at all - the entire night, you’d merely been grabbing the extra shots your friends had gotten from the guys they’d located.
“Aren’t you having fun?” your friend asks, and you turn to look at her from where she sits next to you. The music is thumping some song you can’t recognize and it rings in your ears as you raise your eyebrows at her. Speak louder, your eyebrows say, and Natalie leans closer so her lips are nearly brushing your ear. “I said, are you having fun?”
Are you? Well, you’re not sure. Even if you’d done nothing to earn the two shots you’d downed, they did taste better than the cheap bars you and your friends frequented on weekends. And it was entertaining, watching guys nearly twice your age seriously believe they’d end up between the sheets with your friends later. So you shrug, bringing your hand to fan at your neck, trying desperately to alleviate the heat burning at your skin. “It’s alright.”
It’s good enough for Natalie and she turns back to Valerie, whose legs are swung over the lap of some 50 year old who had got you all your second round of shots. His hand is pressed to her waist, fingertips digging into her skin through her dress, and it makes your stomach churn to see, so you drop your eyes to the table, where you’ve been picking at your screen protector for the past 15 minutes.
It’s times like this you wish you were a lightweight but you barely feel tipsy, and you’d like nothing more than to rip away your inhibitions and go out and dance against some guy who you’ll never see again, but you find it too awkward to do while practically sober. You bring your eyes up to scan at the dance floor - God, there’s so many girls with the same ideas you had, presumably. The demographic of this club is rich old men and broke, early-20s girls and you don’t know how much you really like to be one of them.
Though you can’t deny that the drinks are good.
“Stop thinking so much!” you glance back at Natalie with your brows furrowed. You hate the way she can practically feel what you’re thinking because you’d have been more than happy to tug at your screen protector until it peeled off of your entirely-too-vulnerable phone but she’d never allow it. Never let you sit here, in this booth, while everyone else is having a good time. Sometimes you appreciate it and sometimes you don’t and you aren’t quite sure of how you’re feeling about it now. “You know what I think?”
You can’t fucking hear her and you lean your head in more, awating her response as your narrowed eyes look around the crowd on the dance floor again. No one catches your eye but nobody catches your eye here, either, and you reckon you’d have better luck roaming the streets of LA to find someone worth your time.
“I think you should go get laid,” Natalie tells you, and you exhale, a humorless smile turning your lips up. “I’m serious! There has to be some hot, rich guy here. What, did that guy fuck you so good you never want anyone else again?”
The thought of being pinned under any guy that your eyes are glazing over could make you gag, but you reckon she may be right. Unbeknownst to your friends, you’d never fucked anyone and you hadn’t necessarily felt the need - you’d done just about everything else under the sun, and not a single guy you’d given a blowie to, or who’d fingered you, had ever been able to find the spot that made you squirm more than anything. So you’d never quite understood why having someone’s dick inside of you was such a big deal but you can’t deny, now, that getting it out of the way does sound quite nice, solely to boost your self esteem after getting dumped by a graduated frat boy named Logan.
There wasn’t much of a bigger blow to your ego than that.
You tug your gloss-coated bottom lip in between your teeth, dropping your eyes back down to Natalie’s, and she widens her eyes at you in a way that further encourages you to get the whole virginity thing out of the way. It’s not like it matters, anyway. “Maybe,” you tell her, entirely too quiet compared to the music pulsing through the club, and she smiles, leaning back in the booth. You’re not sure if she heard you because you can’t hear whatever she says next, but it doesn’t matter - you’re already pushing your way out of the booth, calling excuse me to where Alexa is leaning close to the man she’d found (and he’s, by far, the most attractive of any of the three guys your friends had located, but Alexa has always been the best at finding the hottest guys, and you’re nearly positive she actually will end up fucking him tonight.) She leans forward so you can climb behind her, awkwardly in your heels, and you tug at one of her curls as you clamber out of the booth.
Working your way through a crowd of people to the bar is a skill you’ve all but mastered and at a club like this, it’s a lot easier than you’d expected. There’s less people dancing than you’d thought though you shouldn’t be shocked - it certainly isn’t like the usual clubs you go to. And so, you push your way through the people dancing to the bar, and there’s a few people spread out on the barstools. You scan the back of them - you can’t see any of their faces, naturally, so you merely judge from their hair, and you take a few steps forward and settle yourself onto a stool besides a man with messy brown curls, a pint of beer in front of him.
When you peek at his side profile he certainly looks younger than you’d expected - hardly older than you, if at all. And that’s a score for you, you figure. You’d much prefer to lose your virginity to someone who doesn’t seem like they could be your dad. But he is wearing sunglasses and that’s a bit weird - certainly not a dealbreaker but odd enough to make you wonder.
You aren’t sure what to say - should’ve listened closer when Natalie, Valerie or Alexa were seducing their men for drinks - and for a moment you sit in silence. 
It’s only when you turn your head to take another look at him, at the sunglasses sitting at the very top of his nose, that the silence between you two is broken, and his head tilts ever so slightly towards you. “What’re you looking at?”
God, his voice. You’d always had a thing for British accents and his is better than most, deep and raspy and slow, and you shift on your stool. And it sounds just a bit familiar but you can’t exactly pinpoint where - well, it doesn’t matter. If things go further between you two, tonight, you surmise he’d forever be the sexiest voice you’d slept with.
But you can’t get your hopes up. After all, the sunglasses in a dimly lit, fancy club is enough to make you just a bit suspicious of what type of person he is, and you refuse to hand over your V-card to a weirdo.
“Just wondering what your glasses are for.” Figure it’s best to figure that out before you let this get any further. You don’t want to waste your time. And you pointedly glance up at the ceiling, eyes darting around the walls of the club. “S’not like there’s much light here to protect your eyes from, is there?”
He chuckles, then, and you raise your eyebrows. “Guess I just don’t want people to see me,” he tells you, and when he turns to face you fully your eyes scan over his face and - God, he really does look familiar. And he sounds familiar. Have you met him before? No, you don’t think you could ever forget someone like him.
But - well, maybe. You weren’t necessarily known for having the keenest of memories.
You smile at him, brows creasing together. He certainly does seem to be a mystery and you’d love to uncover it in more ways than one. So you lean forward, resting your arm on the bartop. “Seems like the wrong kind of place, if you don’t want people to see you.”
“I reckon it’s working - you’re the first person to talk to me all night.” A hand - a large hand, you note - goes up to his hair, fingers brushing through his curls, and your eyes follow its path in a way that certainly isn’t anywhere close to subtle. “Not that I’m complaining, of course.”
Is he flirting with you? You’re not quite sure but God, you hope so, because so far he keeps getting better and better to you. So you turn to completely face him and you can see the small smirk on his lips, as if he knows what he’s doing to you without even having to try. “Are you going to tell me your name?”
You can see his eyebrows raise as he picks up his beer and takes a sip. Your eyes can’t help but follow every movement he makes and you don’t care if you look desperate - truthfully, you are. You hadn’t even seen his face in its entirety but you suspect your friends would be impressed if they could see the sort of guy you’d located. Even if you leave this club and never see him again, you’re not sure you could ever forget the way he’s making your stomach flip just with a small quirk of his lips.
When he’s set his drink down again and brought his wrist up to wipe at the beer still lingering on his lips - is that a Gucci watch? - he tilts his head at you, curls flopping, and then says, “Tell me yours first,” so you do. And he nods slowly before telling you, “My name is Harry.”
Your mind is whirring because suddenly the pieces are coming together - and you hadn’t been in your One Direction phase for a few years but you certainly know who Harry is. And the fact that you’re just sitting here, right now, talking to him in a club filled with too many other girls to count, seems like an accomplishment in itself. But you don’t want him to know you know, though surely he must assume you do, so you nod in the same fashion he did, as if you’re content with what he’d told you.
“Harry,” you repeat, as if testing the name out on your tongue. He spins his stool slightly so he’s facing you and your knees knock into his slightly. And then you raise your eyebrows at him, reaching down to tug your dress down slightly where it’s been riding up on your thighs, and you don’t miss the way his eyes follow your movements. “Are you going to let me see your eyes, Harry?”
Harry laughs slightly and then stands, and you look up at him, confusion blazing in your eyes. Is he leaving? God, you hope not. You don’t want your experience with him to be over before it's begun, no matter what it ends up being. But then he motions, with one finger, for you to follow him and you’re standing so fast your head is spinning, and you trail after him as he leads you through the crowd of people, and you crane your neck to try and see where your friends are but you can’t see them anywhere.
It’s fine by you, you decide, as Harry stops in front of a small, darkened booth towards the back of the club. You’re surprised but positively overjoyed that it’s empty - seems like the perfect type of table for anyone looking to get lucky. And, Christ, you are.
You slide into the booth and Harry slides in right next to you, leaving hardly a few inches between you two as he rests his arm against the back of the booth oso he can face you, and, beneath the table, your ankle links with his. You give him a moment to see if he’ll pull his foot loose from yours, but he never does, and it makes your heart race.
“Gonna take off your glasses for me, Harry?” you tilt your head forward - where you’d moved to is closer to the source of the music and it’s harder to hear, all of a sudden, but you can’t bring yourself to pretend that’s why your face gets so close to his. His breath smells like beer and mints, and you can see the smirk spreading further across his face. “I’ve been dying to see your eyes. Bet they’re pretty.” And you’re not quite sure where this confidence is coming from, because you’ve hardly tried to seduce anyone like this, but you’ll lay it on thick for him.
He’s different.
He chuckles and you can feel his breath, hot against your face. It sends a shiver down your spine and you hope the instinct was imperceptible. “Take them off for me, then,” and you do, reaching up to pull the glasses off his nose, and you can tell - just by the feeling of them in your hands - that they’re more expensive than anything you’d ever held in your life. 
As if everything before this wasn’t proof enough that you truly were talking to Harry Styles, sliding the glasses down his nose and meeting his eyes really validates it. You can’t help the way your lips part as you reach down to rest his sunglasses on the sticky table and you hope you don’t look as amazed as you’re feeling.
God, you have to be dreaming. The guy you cherry pick from the randoms sitting at a bar is - him. And you’re sitting with him, his fingers dancing across your shoulder blade where his arm is thrown lazily over the back of the booth, your ankles intertwined.
16-year-old you never could’ve believed it, but 22-year old you is having the time of her life.
“You look a bit shocked,” Harry murmurs, barely heard over the pounding music, but you hear it as clearly as if he’d yelled it in your ear.
You shift your mouth closer to his ear, so close that you know your lips graze his skin when you tell him, “Prettier than I’d expected, s’all.” It’s then - with a start - that you feel his other hand drop to your knee, pressing circles into your soft skin. You could nearly moan at the feeling and you know, suddenly, that this’ll definitely go where you want it to, assuming you don’t fuck it up.
And you won’t. Won’t let this opportunity go to waste.
“Ah.” When he tilts his head ever so slightly your lips are hardly a centimeter apart and with one shift forward you could close the gap, press your mouth to his, slip your tongue into his mouth. Force this into exactly the direction you need it to go, feel his hands drop to your hips, pulling you into his lap, cock hard against your core where your dress is riding up your hips.
As soon as you start to lean in, to make every fantasy you’ve had a reality, you feel two fingers, harsh against your shoulder, and they don’t belong to Harry.
You glance up, eyes narrowing at whoever had disrupted you, and standing in front of your booth is Alexa, wearing a small smile reeking of both excitement and guilt. And you can’t bring yourself to be mad at her for interrupting you, even though you want to, as she drops your phone onto the table.
“Sorry for interrupting,” she calls above the music, and you roll your eyes, leaning over Harry’s shoulder to move your head closer to his. In your ear you can hear him groan softly as your chest presses against his, and you can feel his arm that had been over the top of the booth drop to wrap around your waist - exactly where you’d wanted to feel it. “We’re gonna head out. Are you going to come?” The question is innocent but you can tell she already knows the answer as her eyes drop down to Harry’s arm, secure around your waist, fingers rubbing patterns into your hip through your tight, black dress.
“No,” you tell her, and Harry squeezes your hips in approval. “No, I’m gonna stay.”
“Are you sure?”
It’s then that Harry turns his head to look at her, effectively pressing your bodies closer than you’d thought they could go, and you can see the exact moment Alexa recognizes him - the way her eyes widen and her lips part into a smile. You’re not sure if she’s simply shocked that she’s seeing Harry in person or if she’s surprised you’re wrapped around him, but either way, she looks absolutely shell-shocked. “Promise I’ll take good care of her,” Harry tells your friend, and the double entendre makes you shift slightly, thighs rubbing against each other. 
He better take good care of you.
You bring your hand up to wave to Alexa and you can’t hear the response she squeaks out before she’s gone, and you don’t look to see her go back to your friends. You merely lean back, just a bit, pressing your hands to Harry’s shoulder to look at him.
“Gonna take good care of me, then?” you raise your eyebrows and you can see Harry’s pupils dilating as he stares at you, and you shift closer to him, practically in his lip. The music changes, then, and you hadn’t been paying attention to it before but now, Bang a Gong seems quite fitting for the moment. “Hope you follow through on that.”
It’s then that he leans forward, eliminating the distance between your faces as his lips press to yours. And you hardly have a moment to even comprehend it as his hand rises to the small of your back, pulling you closer to him, and you moan into his mouth just about immediately. Harry’s tongue slips into your mouth and one of your hands drags up to the back of his neck, nails tracing along his sweaty skin. You’re not sure you’ve ever truly appreciated being kissed until right now, feeling his lips slotted against yours, the way his hand is pushing further up your thigh until his fingertips are creeping up the cheap material of your black dress.
You only pull away when you need to catch your breath, and Harry’s arm keeps you so close to him that the thought of regaining your composure seems too far away to consider. You’re not sure you’ll ever recover from that and you know there’s so fucking much more to come and you truly have scored, even if you only end up with kiss swollen lips to show for it.
But you reckon he has a thing for hickeys. It’s just a vibe you get from some guys, and as soon as the thought settles into your brain Harry proves it - mouth moving down to just below your jaw, and you drop your head back with a whine as you feel him beginning to suck a dark mark into your skin. His hand on your hip clutches your dress between his fingers, pulling the material tighter to your body than you’d even thought it could go, and it’s all the leverage he needs to pull you as close to him as you can go without being on top of him.
Which - you aren’t opposed to, but you’d always pictured your first time being below an incredibly handsome man.
(Though, you hadn’t ever pictured your first time being with your teenage crush, so you shouldn’t start relying on your fantasies now, you guess.)
When you shift your leg so it’s hooked across his, he pauses, pulling back to glance at the mark he’d left on your skin. In the dim light in the back of the club you’re not sure how well he’d be able to see it, but he grins as he examines it. Your fingers tangle in the curls at the nape of his neck and you can feel him shiver beneath you and it makes your clit throb. “I think,” he tells you, leaning in so his mouth is right at the bottom of your ear, and you fight back a whimper at how deep his voice had gotten - dropped nearly an octave since the last time he spoke. “I think we should take this somewhere else.”
Harry squeezes your bare thigh, then, fingers just a few inches from the hem of your panties. You’d let him pin you to the booth, fuck you hard where anyone could walk by and see but - of course - that isn’t feasible. And as much as you truly do not care about losing your virginity, you don’t think you want it to be here, so you nod your approval. In an instant he’s out of the booth, fingers wrapped around your wrist and tugging you out after him. You grab his sunglasses and your phone, resting on the sticky table. You stumble as soon as you stand up and you’re not sure why - you think you’re just a bit overwhelmed with everything that had happened in the past 20 minutes, and the fact that Harry fucking Styles is almost certainly taking you to bed.
“Hang on,” you tell him, and when he turns to look back at you with an eyebrow raised, you reach forward to perch his glasses on top of his nose, preserving the anonymity you knew he wanted. He smiles slightly as he reaches up to push them further up his nose, and then he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you begin to walk towards the door.
Your friends are gone, you note, as you pass the booth you’d occupied earlier. Your phone, firm in your hand, has been buzzing incessantly since Alexa dropped it off but you haven’t bothered to check what the notifications are - your friends, surely wondering what you were doing, where you were going, when you would be home. And you didn’t know, truly, but you hoped it wouldn’t be anytime soon.
Harry pulls you through the doors of the club into the moist, nighttime air, and immediately you’re shivering - it’s chilly, just a bit. Not too bad, but you can tell it’s just rained by the way your foot sinks into a puddle of water, soaking through your cheap black heels.
You pay it no mind - just keep walking in pace with him, wondering, briefly, if there’ll be a time when you wake up from this. Perhaps right as he slides inside of you, filling you up so good, you’ll squeeze your eyes shut and moan and when you open them you’ll be in your bed, staring up at the ceiling and wishing you didn’t have such a rampant imagination.
There’s no way this can truly be real but at the same time it is - the way his fingers tap against your hip feels so real. The way he leans in, pressing a kiss to your temple as he turns you both down the street, it feels like it can’t possibly be a dream.
“What are you thinking about?” his voice sends vibrations rolling through your body and now that you’re free of music blaring through your head, muffling every word the pair of you spoke, you can appreciate it more - the rasp in his tone, how deep and slow he speaks. You could nearly moan at that but you hold back, biting on your tongue to prevent any loose noises from slipping out.
You lean up so your mouth is close to his ear like you had in the club, even though there’s no music surrounding you to make it necessary - you like the way he tightens his grip on your hip when you breathe against his ear. “Just wondering where you’re taking me.”
That wasn’t, in fact, what you were thinking about, but you didn’t think you could muster up the courage right now to tell him how bad you want him inside of you.
Harry points down the street and you squint to what he’s motioning to - “Have a driver waiting for me. Gonna take us to my hotel room, not too far from here.”
“And then what?”
He raises his eyebrow as he glances down at you, and you can see the amusement twinkling in his eyes even on such a dimly lit street. “And then -” he turns into a parking lot, just behind the club you’d been in, and you can hear the distant thumping music from inside - “I’ll do whatever you want me to.”
Christ. You nearly whimper just at the implication and your mind speeds off, leaving your body behind, imagining every single thing he could do to you - or you could do to him - or anything. You can picture a thousand different scenarios and every single one ends with you in his hotel bed, your V-card firmly in his pocket.
It’s then that Harry stops in front of a sleek, black car - raps two knuckles on the tinted window of the driver’s seat and it rolls down almost immediately, as though it had been waiting for his signal. You can’t hear what he murmurs to the driver as he ducks his head inside the window and you don’t strain your mind to try and listen - within a few seconds he’s stepping back, opening the door to the backseat and ushering you inside.
You’d never been in a nicer car before but you shouldn’t be shocked - the outfit he’s wearing tonight could pay your rent for the next four months. There’s a partition between the backseat and the front and you’re beyond thankful as Harry slides in beside you, slamming the door shut, and he doesn’t give you a moment to process anything before his lips are on yours.
You wouldn’t dream of complaining as your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to you, and he’s groaning into your mouth as his hand drifts downwards to cup your ass through your dress but it’s not enough for him and you can tell. Fingers push up the bottom of the cheap material so he can slip his hand beneath it, hand cold against the back of your thigh and he slides his hand further up until he’s groping your arse once more.
“Fuck,” you breathe, and you can feel Harry smirking against your lips - a smug bastard, he is, but you find you don’t truly care. You pull your mouth from his, feeling his teeth tugging at your bottom lip, but you’re hardly disconnected a moment before you throw your leg over his thighs, straddling him, and he moans like music to your ears. 
He uses his grip on your ass to force your hips to rock against the bulge, prominent even through his pants. His other hand tugs your dress up to your hips, letting the material bunch around your waist, and immediately his hand comes down hard on your ass - you squeal, dropping your forehead against his, as he rubs over the spot he’d just smacked.
“Y’like that?” You nod, pressing your lips to the side of Harry’s neck as he lands another slap down on your bum. Your hips press harder into his, feeling the pressure on your clit as you roll against him. “Yeah, know you do. Dirty girl.”
And - you’re not sure why - but you drop your lips to his ear, nibbling on his earlobe and feeling the way his cock twitches beneath you. “Can I tell you something?”
He nods, and you bring your hand up to his hair, running your fingers through his sweaty curls. Harry tilts his head to the side and your lips briefly brush, feather light, as you slow the pace your hips are rocking, savoring every brush of your panty clad clit against the material of his pants. “Anything,” he mutters, head dropping against the headrest, and you reach down to press your palm to his cock. God, he’s so hard and he feels so big too, too big to even fit in you, but you know damn well you’ll try your very best to make it work.
Even if you’ve never done it before, and before you can wonder if it’s the best time or thing to tell him, you lean in. “I’ve never had sex before.”
Harry certainly seems shocked and the way his lips part goes straight to your ego - do you seem so good at all of this that he’d suspected you’d done it time and time again? Maybe he’s confused as to why you told him and truthfully, you are, too. Just felt like the kind of thing he’d like to know. Your ex boyfriend had certainly wanted to know, and two days after you’d told him he’d ended things.
Maybe some guys don’t want to take girls’ virginities, but judging by the way Harry’s fingers dig further into your ass, you suspect he does.
“Never?” There’s the surprise thick in his voice and you nod, grasp on his cock tightening ever so slightly, and he groans beneath you. “God. Never would’ve thought. Bloody good at this.”
Yep, there’s your ego inflating, and you shrug. “Done just about everything else. Just haven’t gotten to the good part.” Another smack lands against your ass and you moan, pushing back against his palm as he smooths his hand over your skin.
He leans back, then, shifting his hips, and you can see his pupils dilating more and more as he glances down at the way your cunt presses to his cock - “Why don’t you show me what you can do, then?”
You’re much more than willing, and you lean in to give Harry one final kiss before pushing yourself off of him and sitting, on your knees, on the seat beside him. He’s watching you so intently you could almost feel judged but you love it - love the way he watches you push your hair behind you, how he reaches down to slowly undo the zipper of his fancy dress pants, but you wanna do it yourself. You push his hand away, wrapping your hand around his wrist, and surely he’s strong enough to resist the dominant act you’re playing if he wanted to but you can tell he doesn’t. You finish unzipping his pants and he lifts his hips slightly so you can shimmy them down his thighs, just enough so you’re face to face with his cock, thick and bulging through his briefs.
You don’t give yourself a moment to examine just how big he is - bigger than you’d anticipated when you were on top of him and when you’d felt him up. You’d sucked off plenty of guys and none of them came close to his size but you’ve mastered the faux confident facade as you shift backwards, leaning down with your ass high in the air to press a soft kiss against Harry’s cock through his boxers.
He groans, those glasses slipping down his nose, and his wandering fingers end up dancing down your back - you’re not sure where he’s going but you shift forward to give him easier access to your ass, if that’s what he wants, and your fingers hook in the waistband of his boxers to pull them over his cock.
Jesus, yeah, he is big. You wrap your hand around him, pumping experimentally a few times, listening to the way Harry moans brokenly. You wonder, briefly, when he’s last done this - he looks as though it’s been a bit too long but, well, you suppose you can’t judge how sensitive he is when just the feeling of his hand splayed across your lower back is wetting your panties faster than anything has before.
Lips press a wet kiss against the tip of his cock, just briefly, before you wrap your lips around his length and push our head down - a gurgled cry escapes his throat and you nearly smirk around him, taking him as far down your throat as you can until your nose is just about brushing his pelvis. Your hands press to his thighs and you can feel him growing stiffer in the confines of your mouth by the second. Fingers tangle in your hair, forcing your head down, and with any other guy you’d roll your eyes but there’s something different about him, something that makes you like the dominance. Any semblance of it that you’d had seconds before is gone and there’s a smack against your ass, causing you to cry out against his cock.
Normally you pull off of guys after 15 seconds (or so) but Harry doesn’t let you, holds you down, and you hollow your cheeks around him. Swallow, and his hips jerk up into your mouth, forcing a gag from you, and then he loosens his grip on your hair, allowing you to pull your mouth from him.
Harry’s breathing is heavy and his hand is groping your ass so tight it nearly hurts but the pleasure overpowers it and you push back against his hand. His fingers tug at your thong, slipping beneath it as you lap at the tip of his cock, and no sooner have his fingers circled your puckered hole - is he gonna do it? - that he slides them further down, running his digits through your soaked folds. 
“So - so fucking wet -” his voice cracks as you take him down your throat again but his hand doesn’t force your head down like last time - instead he brings his other hand to your bum and smacks you hard, harder than every other time, and you moan and he moans, and then two of his fingers slip into your cunt and you moan again.
God, it really is happening, because if it wasn’t, you’re sure you’d have woken yourself up in excitement by now. He really is two fingers deep in your pussy while his cock is all the way down your throat, and he really is crying out as you whine against his cock. His digits curl, brushing against that sweet spot in your velvety walls that has you clenching around him, and you think he’s the first guy you’ve ever done anything with whose found your G-spot without 10 minutes of needed assistance.
Your tongue swirls around his cock as you take your mouth from him, throwing your head back with a cry, and your first still pumps him up and down - his fingers are thrusting in and out of you so fast that the sound of your arousal is nearly the same volume as your moans lingered with his. You’re going to cum so fucking hard, first time you’ve cum from anything other than your fingers or your toys, and you roll your hips against his fingers, grasp on his cock tightening.
“Gonna cum -” your eyes roll back into your head as your thumb flicks over the head of Harry’s length, feeling the way his body jerks at the sensation. “Fuck, don’t stop, don’t stop -”
“Gonna cum for me?” his voice is a hiss through gritted teeth as his fingers speed up even more, pumping inside of you so fast that your head is fucking spinning. “Do it, then. My dirty - fucking - girl, cum for me.”
It’s all you needed and you can’t even bring yourself to feel embarrassed at how fast you’re cumming because as soon as the pit in your stomach starts to unravel you can feel his cock twitching in your fist. You can’t think of a single thing to say, vocabulary wiped clean, merely throwing your head back with a noise akin to a scream as you cum on his fingers, and as his hips jerk up, you can feel his release coating your hand.
Harry’s fingers still pump slowly inside of you, prolonging your orgasm until it fades away and in turn you try to do the same to him, hand moving up and down his cock until your breathing steadies from labored pants into something more normal. So you pull your hand off of him, pushing yourself to sit on your knees, cum covering your fingers. And, in an instant, Harry’s fingers are wrapped around your wrist, and you let him guide your hand up to your mouth.
You can tell he’s merely testing you to see if you’ll do it - but, truthfully, you’d wanted him to cum in your mouth, anyway, if only to prove something to him, or to yourself. So you stick your tongue out, lap a thick stripe through his cum on your hand, dripping down your wrist, and Harry’s lust ridden eyes watch you, lips parted and breathing picking up again.
Your eyes never leave his as you lick up the last of his release on your hands, swallowing every last bit of it, and when you open your mouth to stick your tongue out - proving to him that you took every single goddamn drop - his hand flies to the back of your neck, pulling your head in, and your lips connect with a clash of teeth.
“Like a fucking angel,” Harry groans, pressing his fist to the car seat next to you, and the feeling of him hovering ever so slightly above you makes the buzzing in your head that much more intense. His other hand works at tucking himself back into his pants, zipping them up, and you figure it’s good to pull your dress down to cover your ass, too. “My fuckin’ perfect girl. Jesus Christ.”
You can feel the car slowing to a stop and you’re entirely too ready to go up to Harry’s bedroom and have your goddamn brains fucked out. You already feel like you’re on cloud 9 with one orgasm down, one so intense and brutal, one that you reckon nothing but him could muster up, and that’s just his fingers - you need to know what his cock’ll do to you. 
His hand falls back down to your waist where it seems to love to reside and he squeezes your hip, leaning in to nibble at your bottom lip again. You grin lazily, then reach up and push his sunglasses back up his nose where they’d slid down the bridge ever so slightly. “Want you t’fuck me,” you breathe, voice raspy in all of its post-orgasm glory. “Never gotten fucked by anyone before but I need you - swear, I’ve never cum so hard in my life.”
Harry chuckles and turns to glance out the window - then he grabs the door handle and pushes it open. When you’ve both clambered out of the car his arm is around you in a heartbeat, and you need the support, legs feeling shaky, and you take just a moment to glance up at the hotel you’re walking into - nicer than anything you’d ever been in in your life but you feel a bit more used to it by now.
“Tell me,” Harry mutters, leaning his lips close to your ear, as the automatic doors slide open for the pair of you to walk into the hotel lobby. “How many guys have made you cum before, hmm?”
“None,” is your response, turning your head to the side so you can witness the shock that overtakes Harry’s face - you can’t see his eyes but you’re sure they’re wide. “Told myself I didn’t want to fuck a guy who didn’t know where the clit is, and - well, none of them did.”
He chuckles as you two make your way through the lobby towards the elevators - it feels wrong for you to even be here, walking by people who see more money every day than you have in your life, in your dress you’d gotten at the thrift store and your heel still slightly wet. But being with Harry, having his arm around you, makes you feel decidedly less awkward, because you’re sure millions of girls would positively die to do what you’re about to do.
But you get to do it, and if that isn’t the best feeling in the world.
He stops in front of the elevator and presses the button to go up, and the doors open almost immediately - such a gentleman, he is, letting you step in first, and when you’re both in you watch the button for the very top floor light up as he pushes it. 
“You’re in for the night of your life,” Harry tells you as the elevator doors slide shut, and you’re entirely expecting him to pin you to the wall but he doesn’t - incredible composure, really, staring straight ahead like he can’t feel the desperation practically dripping from your body. You stare at him, for a moment, at his side profile, jaw set. Like he isn’t as needy as you are, but, as your eyes trail down his body to the bulge already hardening again in his pants, you know that he is.
It seems like an eternity later that the elevator doors slide open again, and you want to race down the hall to his room but you let him lead the way, even if his pace is pathetically slow as he strolls down the hallway. There are only two rooms up this high, on either ends of the hall, and his is to the left of the elevators and it seems so much further than the one to the right.
But you make it there, and Harry’s reaching in his pockets to find his key card - and then he’s swiping it - and then he’s pushing open the door - and as soon as it shuts again, you’re pressed firm against the wall. Your hands fly to the back of his head as his drop to your back, trailing downwards to cup at your ass again (he seems to have a thing for it, but you would never think of complaining.) Your lips press to his as your head falls back against the door, and his hips jerk forward to roll against yours.
You still feel entirely too sensitive and you moan out, pushing your hips forward to meet his as you pull his face closer to yours, using your arms around his neck as leverage to pull him in, but you didn’t need it - you can tell he’s just as desperate as you are, and soon he pulls you off of the door, backing you up to God knows where. You let him lead you until your legs hit something and you fall backwards onto a plush couch, pushing yourself onto your elbows to watch Harry as he drops to his knees before you.
Oh, shit.
Your cheeks heat up as he rests his hands on your knees, spreading your thighs apart. Harry’s hand rises up to his sunglasses, perched, still, on his nose, and he pulls them off, resting them on the coffee table behind him. His eyes meet yours and perhaps he can see the apprehension in your eyes because he leans up, pressing a kiss to your lips. You savor the moment, the sweetness of his tongue entering your mouth, before he lowers himself back down onto his knees. Hands go to the bottom of your dress, rolling it over your hips until it can settle around your waist, exposing your entire bottom half to him, and it feels so much more intimate now that you’re not confined to the backseat of a car.
Harry leans in without giving you a breath to collect yourself, pressing a kiss to your clit through your arousal-soaked lace panties - your hand drops to the couch, squeezing the edge of the cushion between your fingers, and you can already feel your slight embarrassment slipping away as Harry pushes your thigh, forcing it further open.
“Tell me,” he says, deep and hot with how close he is to your cunt, and your hips roll of their own accord at the feeling. “How many guys have done this to you?”
You pause to think, chest rising and falling as he leans in again, licking up your panties, and the sensation makes it a bit difficult to gather yourself enough to respond - eventually, though, you swallow and say, “Not too many. One or two.”
He leans back, pressing a kiss to your thigh. “And they never made you cum.”
“N - no.”
“Well, I will,” is his response, and, as cocky as it may seem, you know he’s right - could probably make you cum through your panties, but his fingers hook in the top of them as soon as the thought pops in your mind. You lift your hips up so he can drag them down your legs, and when they’ve puddled by your feet he helps you take them off. You watch as he crumbles the lacey material in his hands and then stuffs it into the pockets of his fancy pants - for later, he murmurs against your thigh. And then he goes in - hands on your thighs forcing them apart so hard it nearly burns but you find you like the stretch, and his lips wrap around your clit, cheeks hollowing as he sucks on the small nub.
Your head drops back against the couch and you bury your hand in his hair, a loud moan escaping your throat. He wasn’t teasing you and you were beyond grateful - tongue laps up every drop of wetness that gushes in your cunt, kitten licks against your clit, and you can tell he has more experience than you could have imagined. Harry has it mastered, exactly where to place his hands (one on your thigh, the other creeping its way beneath the material of your dress towards your tits) and how to flick his tongue just right to have your hips bucking up against his mouth. And if you thought you’d cum hard in the car you know you’re in for a fucking treat because there’s already pressure building in your stomach and it won’t be long until it fucking erupts.
When you squeeze your eyes shut he stops - pulls away, his mouth and his hands, like he’d never been there in the first place. You open your eyes, chest heaving as you stare down at him. His pupils are lust blown and wide as he stares at you, eyebrows raised, as if you’re meant to know something he never told you - “Eyes open,” he tuts, tone condescending and smug, and you hate how much you love it. “Keep them open. Gonna watch me make you fall apart, alright?” You nod slowly. “Tell me.”
Your voice is caught in your throat as Harry’s lips form a small o, breathing a puff of air onto your beyond sensitive clit, and your fingers in his curls tighten to what has to hurt - but he moans, ever so slightly, as you finally breathe, “Yes. Okay.”
“S’what I thought,” is his response, and then he leans back in, licking up your soaked folds as though no time had passed. Both of his palms press against your thighs, pinching your soft skin, fingers dangerously close to the area he’s working so well. God, his fingers, you swear you’ve never felt anything better than them - you want them again, so bad, hitting your sweet spot so good.
You can’t begin to get the words out to tell him that, though, so you merely reach down, shaky fingers wrapping around his wrist and pushing it closer to your cunt - he pauses, tongue mid-swirl around your clit, and looks up at you with a glint of pure cockiness in his eyes. 
“What do you want?” he doesn’t remove his mouth from around your clit as he speaks and the vibrations roll through your body, sending a cry through your throat, and you push his hand further towards your cunt. You know it won’t be enough - haven’t known Harry for quite long at all, but you reckon you know that much about him. “Use your words,” and Harry sounds so fucking commanding that it could make you cum right then and there.
“F - fingers,” you just about sob out, rolling your hips up into his mouth so your clit brushes against his tongue. “Please, Harry - need your fingers, please -”
“Fingers, hmm?” His digits dance across your thighs, straying further away from where you need him, and your eyes just about roll back into your head as he pulls his mouth from your clit and blows on it again. “Where do you want my fingers?”
But you’re too far gone to speak - as he leans in to brush his tongue against your sensitive clit once more, you can feel the pit in your tummy starting to come undone. You drop your head back as Harry licks a thick stripe up to your sensitive nub, and he stops again, pressing his cheek against your inner thigh. “Does my dirty girl want my fingers in her pussy, hmm? S’that where you want my fingers?”
You moan out in affirmation.
Harry pulls his head from your thigh and you push yourself so you’re sitting up more, getting a clear view of everything he’s doing as he spits on your pussy, the saliva dripping down onto your clit, and you fucking cry out. His fingers come up to collect the spittle, rubbing it along your clit before dragging it down your folds so he can push them into your pussy - curling up immediately, knowing exactly the spot that makes you squirm. His other hand comes up and lands a firm smack against your clit, one that has your eyes rolling back into your head.
It only takes a few quick pumps of his curled fingers, in and out of your fluttering cunt, that has you cumming so hard you swear you see stars. Every single sob that breaks free from your throat is so loud that you swear the neighbors in the room at the other end of the hall must be able to hear you - should send them a flower arrangement tomorrow morning, because it’s just his mouth and fingers that has you screaming bloody murder.
“Oh my god -” your hips jerk against his mouth, your hands in his hair dropping back down to the cushions. “Fuck.”
Coming down from your second high of the evening is entirely different from your first - you can’t imagine how you’ll possibly be able to pull anymore from you but, as Harry stands up, your slick covering his mouth and chin, you know you have to.
The whole point is to fuck him. To finally know what everyone’s talking about - to see what the fuss is all about. 
Harry leans down, tongue forcing its way down your throat the second your lips part for him, and you can taste yourself on his tongue. Your arousal mixed with the beer he’d had earlier, all traces of the mint washed away, and it tastes so divine. Even more divine as his hands drop to the zipper of his pants, sliding it down, and you slide your fingers in the waistband, helping him tug them down his thighs. He kicks them off as soon as they’re near his feet and then he pulls away, palm pressing against the bulge in his briefs. 
“How do you want it?” he asks, words dripping with lust and desperation and you know the exact way he’s feeling and more. You watch him intently as he grips the bottom of his sweater and tugs it over his head - it drops to the rug atop the ground and you let your eyes soak in the sight of him, almost fully nude, briefly ignoring the question.
You hadn’t necessarily expected him to ask. He seems more dominant than that, needing to take control, so you swallow, chest heaving as you try to think. “I don’t - I don’t know.”
He seems to have been expecting that answer, because his hands fall to your waist, pushing you down so you’re lying on the couch. It’s spacious, just enough room for you to adjust yourself comfortably, and Harry lowers himself down on top of you the second you’ve shifted enough.
“How’s this?”
And his caring demeanor is shocking but fitting, because as much as you merely want to get your virginity out of the way, it does feel like a sort of important moment. You want it to be comfortable, and lying on the plushiest couch you’ve ever been on with Harry hovering above you, his arm inches above your head, is about as comfortable as you’re going to get.
You loop your arms around his neck and you can feel his clothed cock, pressed to your cunt. He’s so fucking hard and you’re amazed at the amount of composure he has. “Perfect,” you mumble, leaning up to attach your lips once more (you swear, you can’t get enough of him.)
Harry tugs down his boxers, just enough to free his cock from the flannel confines, and you can feel his tip, running along your folds - he slaps it on your clit and you groan. You drop your head back against the arm of the couch as he sinks his tip into your cunt. Slowly, steadily, he pushes himself the rest of the way in, stuffing you so deliciously full of him that it nearly overtakes the pain.
You’ve used dildos before and you’re thankful for it, now, because you reckon without any sort of experience you’d feel absolutely split in half. Even now, there’s a dull burn sparking between your thighs, and you drop your head back, eyes squeezing shut as you try to adjust to the feeling. No, it didn’t necessarily hurt but it was different and that in itself was enough for you to need a moment to adjust. The way his cock twitched inside of you every so often encouraged you and subsequently turned you on beyond belief, and you don’t need too much time to adjust, after all.
Harry’s breathing is heavy and you can feel it against your face, barely an inch above yours. Poor guy, must be torture, holding out, because you can practically sense how needy he is. You lift your head up to press your lips to his, soft like the brush of a butterfly’s wing, before pulling back. “Move - fuck, please, move, Harry.”
He didn’t need to be told twice, pulling his hips back before thrusting them back in. That is certainly different, verging on the border of pain, but with a few more slow pumps, in and out of your dripping cunt, the pleasure is beginning to take it over.
It takes a moment to find a rhythm that’s enough for both of you. There’s still a slight discomfort but not enough to make you want to wait any longer. You’re finally having sex and you want it to keep going, to do it forever and ever with the absolute God hovering above you.
“So goddamn tight,” Harry grunts as he rocks his hips into yours. “Squeezing me so good. Never fucked anyone so tight in my life, I swear.”
His compliments, whether they were in the heat of the moment or genuine, makes you moan out - makes this entire thing feel so much better.
And fuck, it truly does feel good, especially when he angles his hips just so, every thrust sweeping against that sweet spot deep inside of you that he’s so adept at finding. For the first minute or so you’re fine with the leisurely pace he’s doing but you can tell it’s killing him and it’s starting to kill you, too. You’ve never been too patient, even if you’d waited 22 years for this exact moment.
You’re not a virgin. It feels good, the invisible badge of honor and the cock, going entirely too slow for your liking, deep in your pussy.
“Faster - need you to go faster,” you gasp as Harry’s thumb drops to your clit, rubbing slow circles on the sensitive nub, and they’re immediately a sharp contrast to the way he pulls his hips out and slams them back in. This is what he wanted, what he needed, and it’s what you need, too. No slow pumps. You need him fucking fast and hard and God it feels good, the way he presses down on your clit, sending pleasure coursing through your veins. “Feel so good inside me. God, keep doing that.”
Harry braces a hand on top of the couch, lifting his body slightly off of yours to piston his cock in and out of your cunt, taking him greedily and fully. He’d been with plenty of girls before - more than he could count - but there was something different, being the first guy to fill you up, to fuck you so hard you saw stars. And it was bloody good, watching you beneath him, your mouth falling open with a broken moan, pushing your pelvis up towards his, trying to help him along.
“Such a dirty girl,” Harry rasps, reaching down to grab the top of your dress - should’ve taken it off of you, really - and he pulls it down so aggressively you’re sure the fabric will rip. Your tits spill out of the top, covered only by your bra, and his fingers hook in the cups, pulling them away from your breasts, and in an instant his head is lowered to flick his tongue against your nipple. “Feels so good, hmm? Getting fucked for the very first time? Poor baby - never had a dick before. Tell me how - tell me how it feels.”
Your head is fucking spinning, is how it feels, and you’re not sure you’re going to be able to talk for days to come. You sob out your response, barely audible, but Harry hears it as if you’d spoken loud and clear - “So good, fuck, gonna cum.”
Two of his fingers pluck at your clit like the strings of a guitar, as if you’re merely something to be played with, but it’s enough to send you over the edge again. Your body convulses beneath him, eyes squeezing shut. Your cunt fluttering around him could make him cum but you can tell he wants to hold out - wants to see if you have one more in you, and you’re not sure if you do.
It’s as though Harry can sense the second you’ve milked your orgasm for all you can, because he pulls out of you the second you’re done. Before you can cry out, his hands grab your hips and flip you over with such ease it’s nearly embarrassing. You hardly have the muscle strength to hold yourself up, merely dropping your face into the cushion as his hands position himself at your cunt, pushing in without giving you a second to adjust, and it’s back to the hard, steady pace you’d reached before.
This position is a fucking change and one you love, a new angle letting him reach spots inside of you that you hadn’t even known existed. Your moans are muffled where your mouth is pressed to the cushion but Harry’s are loud and clear, piercing the air near violently as he cries out. You can’t see him but you try with all your might to picture exactly what he’s doing - picturing how his mouth is open and his eyes are shut and he’s lifting his hand to land it back down on your -
As though he can read your thoughts his hand goes up and smacks down on your ass, the noise cracking through the air, and you sob out at the feeling. You love that, you really do, and you’d never have expected yourself to but as he sends another slap to your skin you decide it’s one of your favorite things you’ve done this whole fucking evening.
“Gonna cum,” Harry grunts, hand gripping your thigh to rock your body in time with his. You wiggle your ass, pushing it against him, and for that, you earn another smack. “Where d’you want me to cum? Want it on your back, hmm? Or maybe flip you over again and cum on your pretty tits.”
You can’t verbalize anything, nothing except for broken cries and his name falling off your lips like a mantra, and he knows it.
“Or -” and his voice drops nearly a whole fucking octave, deeper than you’d even thought it could go, and you’re so close to your fourth that your ears are starting to ring - “does my dirty girl want me to cum in her pussy? Fill you up with my cum, fuck you so good until you’re stuffed with it.”
It’s that - his words, fucking filthy and rising above every other noise the two of you make - that ends you. Sends you hurtling into your fourth, now, the couch practically absorbing your moan (or more like a scream) and any ability you’d had to hold yourself up on shaky legs dissipates as you collapse against the couch but Harry’s there, holding you up, forcing your hips back into his you were made for it.
You don’t need to say anything - he knows what you want, can read you like a book by now, and you’ve only known him for tonight. So as his cock gives its final twitch inside your cunt, worn out from cumming four times in such a short amount of time, he makes no move to pull out. Just grips your hips and holds them close to his, and the feeling of hot ribbons of cum shooting into your cunt, filling you up exactly the way you’d wanted, is a sensation you don’t think you’ll ever forget.
When he’s done, pulling out slowly, you collapse fully onto the couch with nothing to hold you up - you’re fucking exhausted but you’ve never felt better in your life. A haze seems to be settling over your mind and body, preventing you from paying any attention to anything that’s not Harry as he stands up above you. And then you feel him, wrapping his arms around you, picking you up like a goddamn baby and you like it a lot.
You’re entirely too close to falling asleep in his arms before he lies you down on a surface softer than the couch - has to be the bed, the rich hotel beds, and as your head lands on the pillow you know you’re correct. God, feels like a pillow, and you’d like to spend the rest of your life right here.
Harry’s like a God in human form, truly, getting a warm washcloth from the restroom to wipe at the cum dripping down your thighs. You two speak in soft, hushed voices, as though making up for the absolutely inhuman noises you’d made before, as he pulls your dress over your head and deposits it on the ground. It is ripped, you can see, but you find you don’t really care. Not like you didn’t get it for less than $10 - and it’s just a reminder of every amazing thing that happened tonight, not that you’d ever need one. You know you’ll remember this night forever.
Finally he lies down beside you, shifting so he’s spooning you, arms firm around your waist and your head to his shoulder. This feels perfect, exactly what you needed to end off your first time perfectly.
“M’not a virgin anymore,” you murmur, adjusting yourself to press your body closer to his. “Feels good. Feel like I’m finally living.”
Harry chuckles at that, pressing a kiss to the side of your face. “Hope your first time was as good as it could be.”
You exhale softly. “It was perfect,” you tell him, voice soft and dripping with emotions you can’t possibly decipher. And it’s the absolute truth - even if your first time wasn’t with a boyfriend you were in love with, like your friends, you don’t think you’d ever have it any other way. “Maybe we could do it again, some time.”
Probably a mistake to ask, but there’s nothing to lose, really. Maybe a piece of your dignity if he says no, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. You’d do this a thousand times over again with him without hesitating.
He takes a beat to respond and you know you fucked up, already squeezing your eyes shut in regret, but then he rasps, “Definitely gotta do it again. Tomorrow night … and the night after that … and the night after that …” and you know you’re in for it.
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hualianff · 3 years
Vampire/Human AU
(Slight NSFW, angst)
Thinking about vampire HC who owns a vampire-friendly bar with humans who apply as donors to supply fresh blood for vampires willing to pay the expensive prices. When a human with beautiful amber eyes, soft facial features, and blood that smells absolutely delectable, walks in, every vampire whips their heads towards the door. The human approaches one of the staff, YY, to inquire about becoming a donor. HC watches as the enticing morsel follows YY into a room to finalize his application.
Right after the human leaves thirty minutes later–YY probably having said it would take a few days to find him a match–HC pulls YY aside, demanding to have a look over the papers the new donor filled out. After a quick scan, HC shoves the papers back to YY with a click of his tongue,
“No need to find him a match. He’s mine.”
A human whose blood smells heavenly, who has never been bitten or even nipped by a vampire. HC wants to corrupt him. Ruin him.
The next night, HC has the human, XL, meet him in his personal feeding room. There’s a luxurious velvet couch to the side, a pristine glass table with fancy wine and glasses, and a king-sized bed with crimson silk laid upon the mattress.
HC, like most vampires, typically feeds while stimulating their donors. This can be done with something as simple as kissing or full-on intercourse. Not only does this relax the human’s nerves so they won’t tense up before being bitten, but the toxins injected into their system after being bitten feels incredibly euphoric, serving as a kind of aphrodisiac. Many humans donate their blood in this way for the sole reason of attaining this heightened sense of pleasure.
But as soon as XL enters the room in front of HC, his mind freezes as he sees the bed.
“I’m a virgin,” he blurts out, wide eyes panicked as he looks at the vampire. HC raises his eyebrow, unperturbed.
“We can work with that.”
XL gulps.
“I’ve also never kissed anyone.”
HC runs a tongue along his sharp fangs.
“Do you want to change that?” The vampire asks, walking up behind the human, pressing his chest against XL’s back. HC hears XL’s heart rate pick up at the proposition. It’s an unspoken yes, though XL also imperceptibly nods his head. He does not see HC’s lips spread into a vicious grin. However, XL does feel lips brush against the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“Use your words, precious. Do you want to be kissed? Want to be touched, experience pleasure beyond comprehension?” HC murmurs, skimming his lips across XL’s nape. “I can fuck you too. Push into your little body as I sink my fangs into your neck. I’d place them right here-“ HC taps XL’s jugular, the human jerking to the side with a gasp. “-oh? So sensitive. All the better. I can make you feel so good.”
XL’s breath quickens, ever so slightly leaning back into HC’s tall frame. HC leans forward to catch a glimpse of those doe eyes regarding him with caution. Oh, how he wants to eat this human alive. HC turns XL around by his shoulders. He lowers his head to bump foreheads with XL, forcing the human to look into his red-tinged eyes.
“Is that a yes?”
XL blinks those doe eyes once, then twice.
HC brings his hand up to brush a hair away from the human’s head.
XL is at the point in his life when he lost everything. He chose to pursue a career outside of his parents’ embroidery business despite being expected to take over the shop after college. Abandoning college altogether, XL went off on his own to chase his dream to become a singer.
A few years later, where XL was provinces away from home, XL’s parents’ business had gone under, devastating them as they could no longer pay for their medical bills. Upon hearing the news, XL rushed back home to take care of them. It seemed they had kept their declining health conditions under wraps. They were too prideful to admit their weakening physical states; they also did not want to guilt XL into giving up on his ambitions to take care of them.
XL’s parents lasted one year before passing away, his father first due to prostate cancer, his mother one month later after succumbing to exhaustion and grief. XL lost their home along with the shop merely a week later, unable to pay off the debt. His parents had used up their savings for their medical expenses and XL had been scraping by as a musician for years. Additionally, there was no one he could confide in. He had lost contact with his friends as he moved from city to city, busking on streets, attempting to catch the attention of music labels.
XL was utterly alone. There were days when not even music could bring an ounce of comfort. However, music was the thing that kept him sane between the various side jobs he managed to pick up to keep him off the streets.
As if the fates decided XL had had enough bad luck for a lifetime, a CEO of a fairly well-known label offered him a business card after a busking session. It was JW of Capital Records who gave XL hope of achieving his dream. XL spent most of his late 20s under the label, training and practicing and producing. He had the chance to record a couple of singles and one mini-album–which he didn’t get to participate much in the production side–but other than that, XL didn’t make it far. He was tremendously overworked and yet, still discarded to the side.
Wondering why he wasn’t provided the opportunities other artists received to further their careers, XL scheduled a one-on-one meeting with the CEO to ask what he was lacking. JW had insisted he could give XL more opportunities if XL could offer something more than just his serene vocals and pretty face.
The unspoken suggestion that XL offer up his body pierced his heart with yet another stake. Overwhelming disappointment and betrayal crashed into XL, but perhaps he should have known better that the whole situation was too good to be true. XL vehemently rejected this idea, angering JW who eventually tore XL down to the point of a medical emergency that allowed him to leave the agency without repercussions.
At age thirty-two, XL was left with no family, mental and physical trauma, and a dying will. Ironically enough, the song lyrics he’d written after experiencing so much loss were the closest thing to making music he’d gotten. But in the end, XL still felt like a failure.
Now in Xi’an, XL was left with limited options to earn money for rent. He already worked two part-time jobs in addition to writing music—though even time set aside for this has dwindled.
One night, as XL was walking home after closing up the convenience store, he saw the neon lights of the sign “Ghost City.” He’s heard many things about this club and is no stranger to the existence of nonhuman creatures roaming amongst human society. After hours of research, XL decided to apply to become a blood donor. It’s not like he had a better option that paid more anyway.
XL’s hope to somehow redeem his past actions has all but fizzled out. He doesn’t expect a vampire like HC to care about his comfort or consent when feeding, though HC still prioritizes these things for some reason.
XL has never looked at his body and thought about the best ways to pleasure himself. HC shows him how. HC caresses and kisses XL like he’s worth being handled with care; HC also invades XL’s body as a threat to break it, broadcasting a vampire’s strength, speed, and endurance in the bedroom.
XL can go as far as to say he even looks forward to his time with HC. In between a busy work life and dealing with people who would rather look the other way than give him the time of day, XL’s mind and body steadily weaken.
It starts with memory loss, where XL can’t clearly remember the conversations he’d had the day before. One of the reasons this develops is because he goes through many days without having anyone to tell about his day. It’s like the life XL lives is so insignificant, nothing about it is worth remembering.
Then, it’s the lack of eating. Most of XL’s money goes towards rent, essentials, and groceries. But he’s not a great cook. And he’s already drained by the time he gets home after working both jobs and visiting Ghost City. XL’s stress doesn’t help, adding to the fatigue that gradually shuts his body down.
While HC might not be able to taste a difference in XL’s blood, he does notice how frail the human moves around. How delayed XL responds, more so than he should be–even as a human. XL has scheduled more visits: three times a week this time. However, his words become less. He stops telling the little stories that brought a small smile to his face. XL doesn’t even mention the songs he’s been working on lately.
HC forces himself to ask about them after an especially rough coupling.
“How’s the songwriting going, darling?” HC asks quietly. He props his elbow upon his pillow, resting his cheek on his hand as he intently observes the human struggling to catch his breath, eyelids fluttering.
“I haven’t written anything new,” XL breathily answers. HC purses his lips. He ducks down to affectionately tongue at the skin his fangs pierced.
“No? In how long?” HC asks. XL sighs heavily.
“Maybe three weeks.”
HC doesn’t know what to say to that. He’s not one to console anybody. No one had afforded him that luxury, and naturally, he did not grant anyone else his concern. The silence that follows is unbearable.
The next time XL visits, he’s the one to initiate their first kiss. HC growls happily against his human’s lips, pinning him against the closed door of his private room. XL moans obscenely as HC languidly licks into his mouth. His arms desperately wrap around HC’s neck to bring him closer.
“Someone’s eager,” HC says with a chuckle as he pulls back. XL instantly attaches his lips to the vampire’s jaw, peppering light kisses along the pale skin. HC can’t help but think he’s taught his little human well. XL hums while trailing his lips back to HC’s, capturing them in a kiss that’s the sweetest one yet.
HC should’ve noticed how unstable XL’s legs seemed, how dreadful the bags under his eyes looked before indulging in their bedroom activities. He should’ve kept track all along of how thin XL is, how much more skin and bone he had become. HC is certainly not one to intrude on someone else’s life and scrutinize all their choices. But he should’ve said something sooner.
Maybe then, XL’s heart wouldn’t have stuttered so violently, or completely stopped beating for five counts.
HC watches in horror as XL’s eyes roll into the back of his head. His human’s body goes limp in his arms, collapsing into HC’s chest. When XL’s heart beat starts up again, it’s very weak. There’s a noticeable abnormality in its rhythm.
HC quickly gathers XL in his arms and speeds to the bed. He sits back against the pillow, placing XL to recline against his front. HC hooks his arms around XL’s middle from behind, anxiously listening to XL’s irregular heartbeat that seems like it takes all of his human’s energy to pump. Luckily, XL awakens a few minutes later. He registers a cold embrace and warm puffs of breath lingering near his ear.
“Did I pass out?” XL wheezes out, unconsciously melting into the body behind him.
“Yes,” HC says tightly. “Your heartbeat is uneven. Something is wrong.”
XL can’t tell if he’s imagining it but that sounded like worry in the vampire’s tone.
HC inhales sharply.
“You just fainted, Xie Lian. Hell, your heart just stopped for a few seconds, and all you have to say is ‘oh?’” HC grinds out.
So he is upset. XL swallows thickly, not wanting to escalate things and further upset the vampire.
“It’s okay,” XL says. “I’m okay-“
“No. You’re not,” HC interrupts.
XL takes a deep breath, wincing slightly as HC tightens his arms around his hips. He’s more sensitive than normal, XL realizes. Before XL can defend himself further, HC grasps XL’s chin and turns his head to face the vampire.
“You’re hiding something from me,” he states. He hears XL’s heart speed up. “There’s no use in lying. I can tell you’ve grown weaker since you first came.”
“Well, I have been donating my blood to a certain vampire for a few months now. I’m bound to be a bit weak in my legs,” XL replies as a matter of factly. He means to poke fun at the situation rather than acknowledge the severity of it. HC knows this because he’s done it numerous times himself. But when XL does it, it makes HC’s blood boil.
“Are you saying I am causing this- this deterioration in your health?” HC asks tensely. XL lets out a gasp, whirling around in HC’s arms, immediately backpedaling.
“No! No, not at all.”
HC’s eyes assess his human who trembles slightly in his arms. He cradles XL in between his legs, hands shifting XL further up his body so he can rest his head on HC’s chest. HC gently pets XL’s hair, an action that was uncharacteristic of him months ago, before XL had walked through the entrance of his bar.
XL gently smiles in an attempt to placate the vampire.
HC’s eyes flash a frightening scarlet.
“I don’t believe you.”
XL’s face crumples.
“It’s true! I’ve just been really busy is all. Work has been hectic and- and-“ gone is the innocence that HC once saw in XL’s doe eyes, instead replaced by stress and utter brokenness that alarms the vampire to no end. A voice in the back of HC’s head snarls that those emotions had always been behind XL’s eyes; they were simply better hidden, and HC had been too lust-driven to notice.
XL continues his rambling, frantically shaking his head. “-I took some extra shifts because I needed the money to pay for some water damage that flooded half my apartment. I’m fine—truly.“
If HC had a beating heart, it would have dropped down to his stomach at the sudden realization. His fingers dig into the paper-thin skin of XL’s hips, then trace up the bony knobs of his spine.
“You’re not eating right.”
“Wait- S-san Lang-“
The nickname HC had asked XL to call him is hurdled back into his face like a stone aimed to shatter. It sounds like a cry for help.
“And you’re not getting enough sleep,” HC concludes with a disapproving frown. His eyes now glow a deep crimson, matching the silken sheets that HC ensures are in perfect condition every time XL visits.
“Fuck, XIE LIAN, you know you need proper nutrition and rest to recover from each night you spend with me!” HC is nearly shouting now, voice wavering out of his control. Who knew another creature could make him feel so strongly?
“I-I am!”
“I SAID NOT TO LIE TO ME. I CAN TELL WHEN YOU’RE NOT BEING HONEST,” HC explodes, spatting those words with a poison that he often uses with uncooperative subordinates, but never directed at XL before.
Tears glisten in XL’s eyes as he’s cornered with no way out, no relief from the building pressure that suffocates him. Right now, after everything XL has been through, this seems to be his tipping point. He never expected HC to care this much. Or perhaps HC is just concerned his reliable supply of blood is flaking out on him, just when he’s had a feasible taste.
XL is sure HC has plenty of other donors to feed on. It’s not like XL is particularly special in that way. Frankly speaking, XL had time and time again asked the universe to give him one last sign that his life mattered in some capacity. But if he couldn’t see the value in his own life, who else could?
XL scrambles off from HC’s lap, allowing himself to speak with the deep-seated spite that has grown in his heart like an untamable weed.
“THERE’S NO NEED TO GET SO WORKED UP OVER MY HEALTH!! I’LL BE GONE SOON ANYWAY! THE DOCTOR GAVE ME THREE MORE MONTHS,” XL screams, having to catch his breath after exerting so much power into his voice. “So there. You have my answer. I’m not lying this time. Just one a couple more months and then- then you won’t have to deal with my shit anymore, okay?”
HC can’t move. He can’t speak either. The shock taking over his system renders his mind and body completely useless. He can only stare blankly at XL whose tears now cascade down his cheeks.  
No, this cannot be happening-
XL’s whimpers pull HC out of his head. The human hugs his own frail body, shivering from a coldness that does not exist in the room.
How did HC let it get so bad?
“I’m sick, San Lang. Very, very sick. Not just physically,” XL whispers defeatedly, letting out a small hiccup.
HC doesn’t hesitate to surge forward to throw his arms around XL, hugging him once more. It’s a habit now—to hold XL whenever he could. Now, HC wonders how many more times he would get this chance before it was inevitably the last.
“Xie Lian…”
“I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I-I just can’t eat. Sometimes from stress, other times I completely forget. And I want to rest, but I end up laying in bed awake for hours a-and my mind just won’t let me sleep-”
For the first time in over a decade, there is someone else to hear XL’s agonized wails.
“Please believe me, San Lang. Please."
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kareniliana · 3 years
Klaus: Love & Power
A//N: I’ve been gone for a LOOONG minute. But I have good news about it. 
Winter qtr of college was a little difficult but it was the best I’ve ever done in school. Such good news right!?
Anyway, this qtr I have a little stricter schedule, which means I knew specially when I can write. And I had been. 
& enjoy!
xx Karebear 💛🧸
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Yours and Klaus’s love story seemed far fetched for most people but for those who were able to experience your connection grow into an immense amount of love for each other, would say otherwise. You became his world, alongside with Hope. In his mind, after he was able to curse Hayley and the werewolves in the bayou, he had the perfect life. His two great loves under his roof, under his sole protection. You would never agree to what Klaus has done, but nonetheless you love him. He’s the complete opposite of your previous partners in more ways than that. You understood him, through and through. You knew him like the back of your hand, you know his next move before he does. 
You were holding Hope in your arms as you walked along the bookshelf trying to get her to sleep, but all the effort was about to go to waste when Klaus comes barging in panting about to rage about gods knows what.
But before he could begin you raised a warning hand, “Don’t you dare wake her!” You whisper shouted at him. He instantly stops dead in his tracks.
Once his breathing normalizes he sits down on the couch, “The witches are siding with Marcel against me, they want my crown.”
You walked over to him, handing off his sleepy daughter to him. “You don’t need to be everyone’s king. You have all that you need with Hope and I, right?” You asked shyly.
He looks down to a sleeping Hope, then he looks back up to you before nodding his head.
“Maybe you should just give them New Orleans?”
Klaus sighed before standing up, “I should put her to bed, it’s late.” Klaus avoided your advice, walking off to Hope’s bedroom.
After a few minutes of contemplating whether you want to still be here when Klaus comes back or not. If you stay, you’ll more than likely have to sit there listening to him rant about this losing battle. If you leave, you can avoid all of that. 
With no incentive to stay, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the compound. 
As you walked down the steps you notice a disheveled Elijah. He sat on an almost broken chair, drinking liquor out of a broken bottle. The entire ground floor is basically destroyed, broken tables, chairs, artwork, glasses and everything in between. 
“Who in the Hades did you fight today?” You gasped at the sight, oddly enough no bodies were to be found. Blood could be seen splattered all around.
“Y/n, my apologies for the mess, I seem to have taken it a bit too far.” Elijah stands, setting the bottle on a table. In mere seconds the table caves in, shattering the bottle on the ground.
Elijah tried to fight the smile off his face, but it only grew twice in size.
You laugh at his reaction, soon Elijah bursts into laughter as well. As you descended down the rest of the steps, Elijah explains how some of his sires became a threat to the rest of his family.
“Therefore I sent them a message, ‘come after my family, I will come after you.’ It’s what this family does best.” Elijah explains as he begins cleaning up the broken furniture as you stood on the last step listening to him.
“Violence begets violence, this family of yours lives in a cycle of violence.” You sighed, crossing your arms across your chest. You sounded almost defeated.
“You speak like it’s your final efforts dealing with the dramatics of my family, why is that?” he asked, noticing how fed up you are.
“I love Klaus and I love Hope, but...” You shake your head, holding yourself back.
Elijah stopped cleaning, “No, no, please don’t hold yourself back now. If there is anything this family is in dire need of, it’s your brutal honesty. Please continue.”
You sighed, “It’s just... no matter how hard life gets for him, he will not give up the one thing that brings most of this unwanted violence.”
As you spoke Elijah had come to the same realization as you, his face fall into a slight frown as he listened to you.
“After all this heartbreak and sorrow brought upon your family, you’d imagine he would at least hand over some of the reigns. But no, the mighty Klaus Mikaelson has to be King of everyone.” You talked without any reservations on the topic, eventually your tone became stern and cold.
“I know my brother can be a lot, he wants the perfect life for Hope. You can't blame him for that.” Elijah speaks with some regret, they're problematic past on his mind.
“I love that man but at some point I have the face the truth, there’s nothing more that he loves than power.” You almost choked on your words, first time saying them out-loud was harder than you thought. 
Without another thought you gather your composure and hurried your way to the exit, “I should go.”
Elijah opened his mouth as he was going to say something but was speechless. There wasn’t something he could say that would fix what you were feeling. After some short time has passed Elijah had managed to get the ground floor back to its glory.
Meanwhile Klaus sat in Hope’s nursery all night, just watching her sleep. He kept thinking about what you had said; giving up New Orleans. How would he be okay with giving everything back to Marcellus? 
Klaus hadn’t realized that he had been there all night until the sun rises and began to beam into the room. Letting Hope sleep, he finally leaves her room quietly. He walked around the house in search of you but much to his surprise, you weren’t in bed or the kitchen or even the study. You never came back.
Elijah walks into the study behind Klaus, “Hope’s still sleeping?” 
“Have you seen Y/n? She never came home last night.” Klaus asked, worry evident in his voice.
“Not since last night when she left, you had a fight.” Elijah states which only angers Klaus.
“Were you eavesdropping on us last night?” He began to raise his voice, Elijah simply looked at his younger brother with a stern look.
Smirking at Klaus, “I had a conversation with Y/n on her way out, that is all.”
Klaus wanted nothing more than to chase you down and talk but Hope started crying meaning she’s awake. First Klaus tends to his daughter, contemplating on what to do with the situation at hand.
He knows you love him with everything that you are, but letting go of this city was something he didn’t think he’d every have to do again.
As soon as night falls, Freya comes to watch over Hope while Klaus goes out looking for you.
You sat in the lycée with Davina, she performed a cloaking spell on you to stay hidden for a while. She practiced different spells, continually getting up for different plants or herbs for said spells.
“I never would have thought that the city of the dead would be this... peaceful.”
“It’s a great place to help think, maybe soon you’ll start telling me why you need to hide from your own boyfriend.” Davina laughs slightly as she walks back to you with different colored potion bottles in her hands.
“Klaus needs to be King of New Orleans, I just need to finally accept that as one of his personality traits.” You sighed, setting down whatever witch instrument you had been playing with.
“A guy like Klaus means there is no changing him. Take the time that you need to sort your feelings, I’m meeting up with Josh. No one should come through here.” Davina gathered her things and walked out to go with her vampire friend.
Hours pass and soon it would be night, your thoughts ran wild. You love Klaus with every cell in your body, you could die loving him and it'd be a worth while life. So maybe him being the King of New Orleans is something to fight for. You’ve loved him when he's at his worst, so why can’t you love him when he’s fighting to stay King.
Coming to the realization that no matter where or what Klaus is doing, you’ll love him and want to be with him. Almost immediately you made your way out of the Lafayette Cemetery and straight to the Mikaelson compound.
After a few hours, Klaus lost hope in finding you before you wanted to be found. He went back to his daughter to wait for your return, running into Elijah at the enterance.
“Anything?” Klaus asked him, almost pleading with his eyes for some good news.
Elijah shook his head, “I didn’t want to mention this but, brother maybe she's not coming back.”
“Why on earth would you say such things?” Klaus asked before looking over to Elijah who wore a guilty expression. “Unless she said something?”
They slowly began to make their way inside the fortress, “Our chat last night, she mentioned that you might desire power more than you desire love.”
Klaus stopped dead in his tracks, there you were standing in front of Freya who was holding Hope.
Once you noticed the brothers enter the room you began apologizing for basically vanishing out on him. “I am so sorry, I needed time to figure out my stupid feelings.”
Klaus walked straight to you, pulling you into his embrace. Freya and Elijah looked to each other, making their way elsewhere to give you and Klaus some privacy.
When he pulled away he held your hands in his, “Your feelings are never stupid. There is nothing I love more than you and Hope. I’m sorry I made you feel that way, it was never my intention. I don’t need to be King.”
Your eyes go wide and you furrow your eyebrows, “No, no, I was wrong. I know why you have to be King. It’s okay, really. I know that everything you do is for those who you love.”
Klaus smiled down at you, “I do love you, do not forget that.”
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