#the way he's just like ok sure i'm blind for now i guess
hwiyoungies · 6 months
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he was just vibing man
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understandableparadox · 2 months
a comprehensive list of everything wrong with hazbin hotel.
quick note before i lose myself in madness, my standards for helluvaboss are non existent because its a free show on youtube. also i kinda like helluvaboss and i will indulge in any bias i damn well please.
oh and spoilers. i guess.
the greater narrative of the entire season is "White lady civilize inner city hoodlum". ex: The blind side. rich girl, affluent family yadda yadda.
the story is set up to be like amphibia, owl house, svtfoe, steven universe, that being starting as something episodic then transforming into story driven narrative. why? because we know the benefits and drawbacks, episodic starts allows us to wander the world, it allows us to understand the dynamics, we are not forced to reckon with anything because there is no deadline. characters are allowed to bloom and shine and the audience can actually get attached.
the source material is Vary Clearly formed from remnants of something out of a middle school edgelord narrative. the usage of transformation, the big spooky grins, the "and then i smile as my eyes glow and-"-isms which in most cases i don't mind because in some instances but in a vary Particular case its astoundingly annoying and that annoyance is like a mold, shit spreads quick.
the color Red. as a lover of homestuck cherubs and karkat and aradia, as someone who fucking loves the color red, it is so painful to say but holy shit tone it the fuck down, i know its hell but their are so many other colors that you can use, its everywhere, the streets, the air, the windows, the screens, the characters, i know the pride ring is represented with red but change up the palates every so often for backgrounds
the rush, this ties into the second point made but i think the story itself is rushed. we know everything way to early. i know way to much and it makes it hard to care about anything because im still trying to digest the last chunk of info. "oh ok, so they clear out hell once a year. oh hell has a heaven embassy? ok. oh that adam the angel, i though he wou- oh its every 6 months now. wait the exterminators die a lot? then why is everyone sca- people in hell already have weapons that can kill angels? w- oh we are in heaven now, ok ma- no one in heaven except for the elites know the exterminations occur? how do-" and its that, just this incessant rush to explain everything to you. notably that's just the god damn spark notes, we need to know everything about the characters now, every single bit of their story, their insecurities, what charlie needs to fix, how she can fix them, the major bad guys, everything. you are never allowed to dwell on a character because we need to rush towards something else. it almost feels like this should have been like... season three, it would have been a fantastic season three if you dropped the introductions honestly.
the concept of redemption. for a story of redemption to work you need to look at three things. What is there crime, Do they want to change, What is preventing them from changeing? there is only one single character that has a notable path of redemption, angel dust, but if you look through their story it feels off. What Exactly is he guilty of? he has sex, does drugs and drinks. his apparent nymphomania is tied to his sad backstory as someone forced into the sex industry so how is that their fault? then if you think about it you start to spiral and notice "hey why are most of these people in hell?" like sure some of them may deserve punishment but then you see the fucking dichotomy and its like "I was a inventor in england and died of the fucking plague, i may have made evil little contraption hoohoohoo" vs "I was a cannibal, a full on cannibal, i fucking killed people and ate them and then someone shot me". ONE OF THESE THINGS ARE A LITTLE MORE FUCKING EXTREME. i'm going to go fucking nuts, the thing they went to heaven with when presenting a case to angels on the idea that redemption and becoming a better person is actually real was angel dust not drinking at a party and not having sex with consenting adults and i want to go fucking insane. WHAT IS THE CRIME, WHO IS THROWING THE BOOK, WHAT DOES THE BOOK INTEL, ARE WE ON GOOD PLACE RULES?! half the cast dont Need redemption they need fucking help, and the other half of the cast do need redemption but they do not seek it making the point moot. sir pentious acts like he has the brain of a hyper intelligent toddler tossing about toys, its almost like he did his one bad thing of spying and then got caught, sank his little diddy about forgiveness and second chances and become a null point through out the rest of the series, sure their was Some weight to him sacrificing himself, he was a decently funny character and he had good moments but him popping up in heaven felt like a fore gone conclusion, he didn't deserve to be in hell so why do i care that he is suddenly in heaven? because its working on the concept the good place already made. no one actually deserves eternal punishment they just need help processing what makes them a dick, but instead of looking at all the parts of the afterlife that make it bad, inefficient and then creating and trying ideas to see if it work instead over a few seasons, we crash dick first into all the major plot points in regards to that and say "tada, we fixed it.".
having a sub-plot about sexual assault and its victims then having multiple sexual assault related gag ruins your point.
don't make a bunch of stereotypically jewish characters into cannibals, that was a big thing, really shouldn't have to say it.
if you are going to make a character black, make them black, you can say alastor was black but sweet seren-fucking-dippity that's not a black man.
pot meet kettle but yeah the cursing could be a little less liberal. maybe just blue hair or the pronouns, not both.
there is a very distinctive art deco/jazz aesthetic which normally i love but i feel as though it is not used to its full extent and in some cases really hurts the character design in and of itself.
this is a vary obvious bit but the story is a million times more interested in gay men then it is of lesbians, which culminates in this insane thing where the writers clearly have more talent or perhaps it would be more abt to say practice writing male gay pining then they are with lesbian pining. which i personally think is hilarious because i did not know you could min max fujoshi-ism that hard.
this next section is more to do with each character on a fundamental level, for the sake of brevity whatever there is left, i'm just doing ones with speaking roles.
13. Charlie:
(see what i mean about that red thing?)
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as originally stated charlie fits rather comfortably into every white saviour narrative, though that seems to be part of her joke. though i'm not entirely sure how much of a joke it can be when its rewarded and expected to advance the plot.
her character design says nothing, it has the motif of old puppets or dolls, she wears something vaguely similar to service suits, her demonic form is just some extra horns.not to say every character needs to have their life on a clothes rack but some more snake and goat imagery would be nice
its not the chol design of charlie with snake hair, not an actual problem but its a problem to me, damn you @cholvoq for ruining my ability to look at any of the characters without wishing i was seeing your designs instead.
character wise aside from the white savoir bit, i'm having a bit of trouble understanding what the arc of the character is. she is shown to be naive, someone who doesn't understand how the world works but everytime she says something its something astoundingly clear like "people can actually get better". and its treated like someone demanded faygo in every water fountain. is the joke that the world around her to cynical or is so to naive? please pick one or the other.
now if you know me, you know i fucking hate overpowered characters with a blinding passion, one that would set alit the god damn abyss but in this one special instance, i feel like its warranted, she's the direct descendant of fucking God, she can swing her weight around a little, i mean god damn. she in so many instances looks like shes cowering so often, why would the daughter of lucifer get backed down by some rando pimp? why wasn't she the one to fight adam? sure you can say she is young but how young? her parents were there since pre-abrahamic times, most of the characters showed up in hell in the 1900s, some of them showed up in the 1600s, how old is charlie??? how long does it take for her to learn how to be strong? The story does not suffer if charlie is strong and knows she is strong. it can easily be a case of "i don't believe in violence to a weird degree". fit it into her apparent naivety about the world to believe that violence is never the answer even when dealing with a being that is unilaterally horrible and abusive and monstrous.
she ga- no im kidding, i do think her romance was waysided a bit, it would have been fine to have more scenes of them togather and in love you know?
14. Vaggie
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why did you name the lesbian vaggie...? Don't do that maybe?
I like how her design is almost moth like but again i feel as though you could have amped that up.
she feels as though someone tried to combine undyne and pearl from steven universe, same story beats and design elements. it makes it hard to really distinguish her as a character.
i honestly dont have much to say about her. she is fine.
christ kill me, lets just get the big one out of the way
15. Alastor.
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God Damn
where to start.
"alastor is mixed race" mixed with fucking what? concrete? there is not a single black feature on that creature, now im not saying you have to make him a png of louie armstrong but it wouldn't hurt to add a curl to the hair maybe? make it a tiny bit more wavy? Something? a crumb i beg of thee?
his symbolism is all over the god damn place, native american monsters (you know the one), voodoo, radio, puppets, stitches, circuses??? and Tentacles i guess. two of those are from closed religions so if you dumped those you would actually get a more concise character focused on the concept of vox populi as a means of societal control and influence as we see in his first song. but again that gets drowned out repeatedly by all the other random toy box bits shoved into him.
tumblr sexy man bait
he serves no purpose in the story. he does spooky stuff, pretends to do things and then goes back to sitting around looking spooky. i understand that his motif is supposed to be aloof mastermind but maybe have him do more mastermindy things? if you remove most of alastors scenes, bar the songs, it doesn't change all to much. husk and nifity can still be at the hotel, they could be looking for outs in their contracts the same as angel dust. hell it even helps with the one scene where he dose some spooky shit, asking charlie for a favor in exchange for his help in the fight with the angels instead of asking him about angel weapons which should have remained a strictly vaggie scene.
his presence in a way delegitimize the story, as I noted in in the section regarding redemption, the three parts are "what is the crime, do they want to change, what is stopping them?" and alastor kinda just spits in the face of that. he is a serial killer cannibal that has no qualms about how evil he is and apparently must continue being evil due to being under the control under someone legitimately called the Root Of All Evil. show him take a slight interest in the idea that maybe shit for him could be better, make him Want Change at the bare fucking minimum or dont have him at the hotel.
his stupid little fucking horns, big shot the troll liker wants characters to have big fucking horns, make them noticeable or dont have them.
he looks more like a dog boy, which could have been an interesting thing with the collar motif but fuck me i guess.
personal pet peeve but i fucking hate characters that have a million plus powers, stick to a set number, be creative.
im getting more petty as i go on so last point: he could have been in less episodes, he didn't need to be in dad beat dad, that should have been just a lucifer and charlie episode. inverse the red and black and i think he would be fucking great color wise, his body type is the same as ten different characters, he isnt radio enough, aside from the voice and and staff if you told me he was the fucking Cat Demon i would have been just as convinced.
16. Angel Dust
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what the fuck, gay spider? its hard to actully articulate all the thoughts i have on angel dust, not in the sense that he is a deeply thought provoking character but in the fact that there is not much meat on the bones.
all around i think angel dust is kinda middling. he has a decent enough romance with husk, he has a decent enough story line that revolves around battling addiction and removing yourself from an abuser (which the story tries to brand as "Redemption???")
I dont like that most of his jokes would qualify as sexual harassment, i don't mind him being sexual as a character but continuing on when clearly someone doesn't like the jokes hurts the character.
not a critique but he is pink, which honestly ill fucking take at point, as long as its not more fucking red.
i think his design is an improvement over some of the old vivzie designs but it feels like it could have done with going a few more rounds of design changes.
same thing with alastor, charlie and vaggie, there is not enough of the animal that they are supposed to be. You could have told me angel dust was a fucking bee or something and i would have had to believe you. nothing about angel dust initially says spider, hell he dosent even have enough limps to be a fucking spider.
17. Carmilla carmine
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are... are you supposed to be a rabbit...?
Big Yoai Hands
ballet fighting style, could have been cool, wish she fought more like sanji or chun li.
A single mom that works to hard, who loves her kids and never stops-
her song was decent, not great, decent. it feels as though the actress has experience singing but not in the way they tried to make her sing during her two songs. they have a obvious mexican influence, honestly just let her sing in spanish in the english dub. go listen to the spanish dub, "out for love" sounds great in spanish.
i wish i had more thoughts on them, fucking rip.
18. cherri bomb
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that's not a punk aesthetic that's 2010s alt
decent character, they showed up once or twice i guess, no real thoughts.
19. egg boiz
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absolutely perfect, i have not notes on them, these are perfect creatures.
20. Emily
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im so fucking happy to see a singular blue character
does the naive dreamer bit better then charlie
We really shouldnt have seen her until the end of season two or middle of three.
good contrast with the other angels on screen.
Wait she is supposed to be black??? Where???
21. Husk
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keith david you absolute delight, Why on gods green earth did they only give you one singing part?
one of the few charecters where its clear husk is a cat, i do like the kinda... marquee design, he is a magic cat, thats neat. i still think you can toss the wings and eyebrows and still have just as good of a charecter.
has a deeply intresting story of someone who died as a nobody, became the fat cat of hell and then was forced back to the bottom by their own vices, not used at fucking all.
huge potential, little pay off.
22. lillith
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I know nothing about her except she ditched her kid and husband to vacation in heaven and i think thats kinda funny.
alot of werid things floating around her, again she shouldnt have been shown in the show at all until next season.
23. lucifer morningstar
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no notes, funniest charecter, did a song based on friend like me.
few notes: i do like the idea that the immortal symbol of pride is a constant emotional wreckage constantly seeking approval through grand showmanship and manic energy that threatens to take over anything they touch.
would have liked more snake stuff on him, maybe some more goat things like horns.
that is such a stupid fucking staff lmao.
24. Adam.
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alex brightman you absolute fucking delight, you should have had more songs.
I wish his design was more focused on the idea of him being a glam rock wash up
I fucking hate his mask
We shouldn't have met him until the end of the season.
25. Niffty
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again she is supposed to be a bug or cockroach but nothing about her points to that.
token straight
keeps rocketing back and fourth between sexulization and infantilization
you had kimiko glenn but didnt give her a single fucking song?
26. Sir Pentious
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the secret season one redeemed.
the pilot version of him felt more like someone that could do a season one redemption arc, a megalomaniac constantly attempting territory grabs, there is something you can work with, actual character flaws to work through.
essentially a child after the first episode.
actually a snake which i appreciate.
no where near steampunky enough.
27. the villians of the show dont make much sense, each one feels like they should be season long deals on their own instead of a bunch of team rocket esque idiots that show up on occasion, do a bad thing and then leave.
28. Valentino
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only a moth some of the time.
sucks as a villain, maybe they need more screen time to show why they suck in a more substantial way aside from being told that he sucks.
it is interesting that angel dust is only under his magical control when in the studio, it shows that angel dust has to make a conscious choice to return, which in turn can be made to show how abusers can draw back their victims. I do not think it was done well in this circumstance as it shows him to be cartoonishly evil, constantly flying back and fourth between sweet and utter psycho, there is no actual reason for angel dust to ever actually go back to the studio, he just does so every so often.
29. Vox
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legit who cares? the only thing about him that is in any way substantial is all the dope ass fan art we get.
propaganda machine angle that is not explored at all, just hinted at. no actual barring on the story whatsoever.
why didn't he try to do the same shit as alastor by the way? he knows its bad if alastor gets in good with charlie so shouldn't it be a ass kissing race?
same body shape as literally every other male character.
tumblr sexy man version of pyrocynicals fursona.
30. Valvette
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the actual poster child of the shows huge problem of "Show me, don't tell me".
apparently the glue that holds the villains together. never shown.
apparently the one that makes the love potions that valentino is famous for. had to learn about that in the fuckin wiki trivias
we know so much about her from things outside of the show.
was there to call carmilla a coward, that's her plot contribution. she shows up every now and again but its never anything substantial and serves to more around take up run time for people We Don't Need To Know Yet.
im not trying to be mean, animation is animation, we need smaller studios to have success in the industry so that other indie studios can have that success, felling a tree makes it easier for others to follow. showing that its possible to number brain rot exacs helps all animators.
but this show has so much bullshit attached to it, it has so much fucking potential that it fries my brain with unyielding frustration.
this took a bit to write, im tired, thanks for reading.
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vulpixisananimal · 20 days
"So. . ."
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(You were lying down on a couch. You were doing woodcarving; it was theraputic. Mirabelle had just come over from cleaning up and sat at the other end of the couch.)
"Hello Mirabelle, got any questions for your friendly star~"
(She tittered at that.) "Hehe, maybe a few. Even if it, might not matter much."
"Talking is still nice, ask away."
"Well. . ." (She thought for a second.) "Well are you, doing ok?"
"???" (That took you by surprise. You were expecting something about how the loops worked, or where they came from.) ". . . I'm, well I'm doing great! We've only been doing this for a few loops and that's practicaly No time at all~"
"W-well, I suppose, but I meant more in general."
(You paused carving.) "Hmm?"
"Well, Siffrin said you showed up soon after we beat the King. And, well, I was wondering, has it been alright? I-I mean, sharing a body with Sif and all. A-and like, since we didn't know you were around did we do something that made you-"
"Oh hush Mirabelle." (You twirl your dagger casually.) "It was a lovely time in Bambouche, really! The beach was just so nice, it was a good way to meet Nille too! No need to explain the whole being a star thing~"
"I guess so. . ."
"I will say, as much as I like Stardust," (You lower your tone to a dramatic one.) "Sharing a head with them is agony sometimes."
(She giggles again.) "Is it really that hard? Or. ."
"It's complicated. So, so complicated." (You thougt for a moment.) "Talking to eachother is like. . . Almost like someone else is having thoughts in your own head. And you have thoughts back. It can be hard to tell whos thoughts are whos, but you can 'talk' very fast."
"Because you're just thinking to eachother?"
"In a way~" (You tap your chin with your knife.) "It's hard to explain, but I might to better a better job next time, tee hee~"
(Another giggle.) "It makes some sense, I think."
"From what I've read it's a very complex disorder." (Odiles voice. You turn, she was finding a place to sit down.) "Each person experiences it differently too."
"Complex doesn't even start to describe it. . ." (You decide to just put away your carving.) "Headaches are almost constant."
"With how Siffrin thinks? Well I wouldn't wish that on anyone."
"Oh the burdens we must bare."
"What burdens are we bareing today?" (It was Isabeau walking in now.)
"The big furry types of course~"
"Ha! Haha!"
"Well you two have something in common."
"Tee hee~"
(You sat up and made room or Isabeau on the couch. He sat down and talked.) "Bonnie and Nille are just putting some leftovers away." (He looked over at Mirabelle.) "You're sure there's no bruising? Bonnie still has a headache."
(. . .)
"I'm positive, I double and tripple checked."
(For the love of Stars will you just tell me what I missed already?!? CLEARLY something happened you're not telling me.)
(I will not tell you.)
(You are infuriating.)
"Kid probably just needs a lie down." (Isa comments.)
"Once this is over we all do." (You say, you still felt exhausted from all this time craft. Will you at least tell me when we're out of this blinding loop?)
(I can agree to that.)
"Speaking of such. Would you mind if we try talking to Stardust now?" (Odile asked.)
(You nod.) "If ever there was a time for it~"
". . . So how do we do this?" (Asked Mirabelle.)
"Well, first I'll get Siffrin back here. It might get a bit confusing for us but don't worry about that~" (You thought for a moment.) "Although, Isabeau, if that mind craft is still afflicting Siffrin, could you try making sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"
"Uh, alright! I think I can do that."
"I'd like to ask Siffrin the questions if that's alright." (Odile had gotten up from her seat and walked over.)
"Of course, and Mirabelle if you could. . ."
"Morale support?" (She suggested.)
"Morale support!"
"Perfect, moral support it is."
(Alright. . . Siffrin. . .)
(You breath in, and out. Stardust, where just where are you Stardust. You were forced out quite abruptly, but you could come back with. . . The thoughts of Isabeau? No no, something bad maybe? Probaly not. What about his favorite foods? Oh well they did love that Pan Au Chocolate-)
(You feel a bit dizzy. There you are Stardust~)
(Loop? What happened. I was forced out of front by Mal du Pays, I didn't remember much afterwards. You're here because they want to ask you a few questions. Yes? Why though?)
(They're worried about you. Something happened. So if you don't mind. . .)
(You blink a few times, you had a mild headache but it cleared fast.) "Uh. . ."
"Siffrin?" (Huh? Or Mirabelle was at your side. Isabeau and Odile too.)
(You rub your head.) "Hi uh. . . What happened?"
(Mirabelle glanced over to Odile, who started talking.) "Are you feeling alright, Siffrin?"
"Dazed, headache, confused. Did something happen??"
"I'm getting to that." (Odile continued.) "Do you remember what happened?"
"Uhm. . . I was talking to Ramos? Yeah, yeah Ramos came over to see Isabeau."
(You glance between the three of them. Loop what's going on?)
(Mental check in, Stardust.)
"And what did you talk about."
"It was. . . Right! We were chatting about our adventures, how we met Isabeau, and uh. . ."
(You glance at Isa as Odile continues.) "What else?"
"Well, well, they were curious if Isabeau mentioned them at all." (Why was it so hard to remember?)
"And you said. . ."
(You smiled.) "I said 'of course he did!'"
(. . .Stars.)
(Huh? Did you say something wrong? They all looked worried. Isabeau spoke up.) "Are. . . Are you sure Sif?"
"Positive, right?" (You think hard.) "Because. . . Because you talked about them helping you for the Defenders exams?"
(Isabeau looked. . . Sad? What was going on?!?)
"That, didn't happen, Siffrin." (Odile said.) "I'm, sorry but that's not true."
(You could feel your breathing quicken. What do they mean??? Ramos was, was Isabeaus best friend, right? Hadn't you been excited to see them?!? That's why you came here in the first place right???)
(You have a headache. What was going on?!? No, no Ramos was your friend right?)
"Siffrin?" (You turn to Isabeau, he was holding out a hand. You grab it and squeeze. He doesn't even flinch.) "It's. . . Well, just take a breath first, ok? With me? Just like you showed us, right?"
(Right, right, just breathe. In. . . . and Out. . .)
(Feeling better, Stardust?)
(No, yes, maybe. Just. I'm just confused.) "Alright, alright, please tell me what happened, please."
"Siffrin, well, Ramos isn't really, a good person right now, I think." (You turn to Mirabelle as she continues.) "They, well, Loop told us that they've been effecting people with Mind Craft. You included."
(It's a craft type that effects ones memories, ones mind. Your perception of Ramos has been altered, Stardust.)
(Odile talking now.) "It should be reversable, but from what I know it might be more difficult as it may be powered by a wish. If that's the case it could. . ."
"It would just take a while!" (Mira jumps in.) "But! The good news is Loop isn't effected?"
(Your breathing is getting heavy again. What? But, Ramos was a big figure in Isabeaus life, right? There where all those stories! Like, like.)
(You cannot remember.)
(It's a trick, Stardust~ A nasty one at that.)
(You lean into Isabeau, you feel lightheaded.) "A-are you sure? I, I mean. . ." (It. . . It was really hard to believe. You had this feeling, this instinct, that Ramos was a friend, the best, the. . .)
"Sorry Sif." (Isa gently put a hand on your head. You didnt flinch.) "We'll get this figured out, ok?"
". . . Promise?"
"I promise!"
"Of course I promise!" (Mirabelle chimed in.)
"I don't want to see what happens when your memory gets worse. I promise we'll figure it out." (Odile adds.)
(You nod. And sigh.) ". . . Thank you."
(Your head hurts. Loop, can you, can you please just deal with this?)
(Of course Stardust~ It might be better since-)
(Because Ramos might still be able to effect me. Yeah. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.)
(You breathe in, and out. And in the future, you can take over in a pinch if needed, ok?)
(Same back to you. stars, even for Mal too. Just in case.)
(Thank you.)
(. . . . .)
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[You got the Memory of Switching! When equipped, this will make it easier for you to switch out with your headmates, even durring battle!]
(You pause a second before moving. Isabeau is comfortable, he's got a hand on your head. No need to pull away immediatly.)
(Is now really the time?)
(Hush you. Stardust's gone now, let me have this.)
(You took one more second before getting up and stretching.) "Well! That was quite enlightening~"
"Yes yes, Stardust decided to go for now, didn't trust themself to act rational."
"Aww. . ." (Isabeau awkwardly rubbed his side.) "I can't imagine how he must be feeling."
"Now where have I heared that before." (Odile adds, going back to her own seat.)
"We miss anything?" (It was Nille, she and Bonnie where walking in.)
"Just checked in on Siffrin." (Odile sighs.) "Unfortunatly, the mind craft stuck."
"Crab" (Nille sat down on the ground.)
"Stupid Crabbing mind crab" (Bonnie stormed over to a chair and sat down.)
(You laugh.) "You'll never get Bonbon to stop swearing at this rate."
"Oh I will!" (She replied, rolling her eyes.)
"Nuh uh!" (Bonnie stuck out their tongue.)
"Yuh huh!"
"Nuh uh!!!"
"Yuh huh or you a stupid face."
"YOU'RE a stupid face!"
"Gasp!! Bonnie! How could you! Your own Sister!"
(You fail to hold in your laughter.)
(Why couldn't ever day be this simple.)
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gab-tao · 1 year
Chuuya smut let’s gooooooo!!!!!
Beware of my bad grammar cause I didn’t proofread it…
❥ Smut ➯ Fluff
❥ Male reader
❥ If you aren't comfortable with this then skip this chapter.
☆ (I didn't know how to start this or transition to the smut good lol)
☆This for my friend, I know your reading this, you whore...
As a member of the ADA you weren't supposed to be communicating with the 'enemy' but here you are, dating a Port Mafia member. Not just any Port Mafia member, it was an executive of the Port Mafia: Chuuya Nakahara. You of course tried to keep your relationship away from the ADA but of course Ranpo found out about it. You ended up getting Ranpo snacks daily with the promise of him keeping this secret quite.
You and Dazai were assigned to a mission together to defuse a threat, you weren't one of the agents that went out on missions a lot so you where kinda rusty. You where just finishing up with the clean up and Dazai decided to ask you out for a drink, you happily said yes not expecting Chuuya to be home anytime soon like usual.
You where a bit tipsy but you where able to get Dazai home and made it home yourself. As you entered your shared apartment it was dark, as usual he wasn't home. The lights soon flicked on blinding you for a couple of seconds from the sudden change in the environment. Then you felt a pair of arms grabbing both your wrists and pinning you to the front door. "Your late." He was clearly angry from your tardiness. He was clearly trying to come home early as a surprise for you. "I'm sorry Chuuya, it just some of my colleagues wanted to celebrate a successful mission toda-."
"Let me guess, you where with him weren't you?" These words confused you, what did he mean by him?
"Don't look at me like you don't know who I'm talking about." He was clearly jealousy of someone close to you but the only person you could think about was Dazai, could he be jealous of him? "Are you talking about Dazai? Chuuya, you don't have to worry about him, no one can ever take your place." This seemed to make him more pissed then he already was, then an idea came into mind making him smile. "I'll make sure no one does." He let go of one of your wrist and harshly grabbed the other one dragging you to the bedroom and pushing you on the bed, placing his hat somewhere and pinned you under him. "Do I have your consent?"
"Consent for what?" The alcoholic must have made you really stupid this time. "How much did you drink to get this stupid? Whatever, do I have your consent to do it with you?" Now you where more confused 'do it with you?' What did he mean by... oh, oh! Was he trying to- this made your face change into a bright red make Chuuya smile. "You finally understand, you idiot. So is it a yes or no?" You didn't know what to say, you have never had sex with anyone, you barely even jerked off.
You started to ponder his question making him get more pissed off then he was before. You slowly nodded your head yes making him less angry with you. "But darling, I need a actual yes." You where literally about to do anything for this man. "Ok Chuuya. You have my consent." You don't even know how many ideas popped into your lovers head once you said that.
He took off his gloves and began to work on taking off your tie unbuttoning your shirt. You didn't know what to do with yourself besides laying there. His cool hands soon touched your bare chest making you shudder at the touch. "Your hands are cold!" He seemed unaffected by your response, you where about to speak until he pushed his lips on to yours. He was intoxicating, he licked your bottom lip asking for access to slip his tongue in but you didn't let him. He became inpatient and bit your bottom lip making you gasp, he took this chance to slip his tongue in. You both parted, as you began gasping for breath he stared working on your neck. Planting kisses and hickey's all over your neck and jaw making you slightly moan. He worked his way down leaving a trail of kisses, all the way down to your pants.
The amount of butterfly's in your stomach. You couldn't even think about anything other then him, you where frozen in place. He slowly began to pull your pants down, pulling you from your trance. "Chuuya! Let's reconsider this! I mean, I have work tomorrow and all! And- um..." You began to try and find any excuse for him not to continue. You had work tomorrow and you didn't want to show up with bruises and bite on your neck. "You can just say your sick." You knew he wasn't going to stop until he was satisfied with you.
He pounded at your rear like an animal. He had a fist full of your hair, pulling your head up in order to hear you pleads and cry's for him to stop. His other hand was on your wrist pulling your arm to make sure you can't claw away from him. He had you bend over the bed, moaning as he fucked you mindless. He started saying things under his breath. You could barely make out what he was saying but the stuff you did hear was along the lines of "Shitty Dazai" "Your mine" and "I won't let him keep you away from me that long ever again." You could tell he got really possessive over you just because you spent most of your day with Dazai.
You where moaning your heart out as he pounded your prostrate without mercy then suddenly he went down on you and bit you on the shoulder drawing blood. Tears treated to spill from your eyes from how much pain and pleasure you where feeling at this moment. Then Chuuya suddenly pulled out of you, leaving your insides to feel empty and unsatisfied. He then flipped you onto your back, he took you by your hands and intertwined his fingers with you. He leaned down to your ear and started to whisper something into your ear "I'm going to fuck you so hard the you'll be seeing stars, my little doll." You knew instantly that you wouldn't be able to work tomorrow. Chuuya then stood up straight once more and slammed his cock into you and began to pound away at you like an animal once more.
You didn't know how many rounds you both did or how many times you came. Maybe 7? 5? 9? 11? 6? You couldn't tell anymore. Chuuya was underneath you with his hands on your waist making you ride him. All you could hear was his small grunts, your loud moans, and the sound of skin slapping. You soon felt your climax coming. Chuuya noticed this and started to move you faster and jerked you off with one of his other hands. He sat up from the bed with you still on his cock and pulled you close again and whispered in your ear "Cum for me doll..." He didn't have to say that twice, you instantly came once asked. You that had a feeling that Chuuya was planning something now. He stopped moving you, just leaving his cock in your hole waiting for something. You waited a while and started to believe he was done with you until he lifted you up and slammed you back down on his cock. He repeated this process until he came hard inside you once again.
Your body started to twitch and shudder from the feeling of being filled to the brim once again. He pulled out his soften dick out of you and gave you a kiss. "You did so well [Name]." Chuuya mumbled in between his kisses, after he pampered you with kisses he laid you down on the bed and when to the bathroom. You heard the water run for awhile then it stopped and Chuuya came back, using his ability to lift you to the bathroom and set you down in the now filled tub. He placed a kiss on your forehead and spoke "I'm sorry... I was a bit rough with you, doll." You gave him a smile full of sympathy and then spoke "It's fine Chuuya, but I still don't know how you top me when you are the size of a child." You mocked him but he didn't seem to care at the moment, he only cared about how you felt right now.
You both where now cleaned up and ready for bed, even though the sun was starting to rise you both where going to sleep anyways. You especially needed it, "Chuuya... How are you so short yet so dominant went it comes to sex?" You mocked him, you watched as he visibly got angry and then smirk. You where in for it now, he gave you a hug which you thought was innocent enough until he bit your shoulder making you wince in pain. He left you standing there stunned as he walked into bed and clawed under the covers.
You joined him in bed and he started to cuddle you. "Remember this doll, if you ever hand out with Dazai that much ever again. I'll make sure to fuck you mindless." He smirked at his statement, he didn't have to tell you twice about that. You promised yourself you wouldn't hang out with Dazai that long ever again, you didn't want to get fucked like that ever again. 
Chuuya was pampering your face with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your hair lulling you to sleep.
➤ 5/29/23
➤ Words: 1654
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cosmicanemoia · 10 months
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Caged Hearts
Melissa Schemmenti x reader
After one too many failed and traumatic relationships you gave up giving love chances but then you met her. The one who you'd tear the walls you've built for, Melissa Schemmenti.
You're good at reading people. Their motives, true colors, and what they would do in a given situation or certain situations. Safe to say you're never wrong, except when you fell for them, and when love comes to picture, that's a whole different story.
Love blinds you. It makes you uncertain about things you are certain about. Though, you give it a chance, lots of chance, but then they break, and break, then break you even more. You decided not to give love a chance any more, "never again" you promised to yourself, but you got sent to Abbott Elementary as their new academic coordinator by the government (the last one quitting because the pay is low and the school doesn't have much budget) and you met a hot headed red head. "Schemmenti, Melissa Schemmenti" you recall her introducing herself to you and your heart bangs your ribs wanting to be let out.
"What are you doing here? You have a kid here? What's you're name?" Melissa bombarded you with question but you were too stunned to speak. "Hey kid, why are you here?" The world kid pulled you out of your trance "sorry, I was too stunned by your beauty I could not form words or sentences for a moment" you said which made her took a step back not believing what she just heard, looking around checking if its real, you saw her response and you complimented the woman beside her who you've come to know as Barbara, but not in a flirty way "You're very beautiful too, Ma'am" you said as you slightly bow your head down to her "such a gentle woman, thanks, dear" Barbara nudge Melissa with her elbow "Schemmenti, Melissa Schemmenti. Second grade teacher" she introduced herself and Barbara did too and gives you a hug out of nowhere, Janine joined in, and you cleared your throat after a few seconds making them back out. Jacob introduces himself and Gregory did as well.
Ava reached her hand out to you and say "Principal Ava Coleman. Are you too stunned by my beauty that you can't form words again?" Before you could response Janine butted in "Do you think I'm beautiful too?" You just smiled at her and nod. Melissa introduces the man who came to took the trash but you already know him so you greeted him "Hi! Mr. Johnson" "Oh hey, bye" Mr. Johnson replied and went. Ava inquire "you already knew him?" "Yes. It seemed that I went here too early, he showed me around. He's a funny guy" you said and Melissa replied "Oh yes. I have a guy for everything and he's my funny guy. He's also my plumber guy" "you have a guy for everything-- that's so cool" you said and your casual attitude change into your business attitude, you clear your throat covering your mouth with your closed fist and say "Principal Coleman, can we talk in private?" "Sure come by my office, we could do more than talk there" the principal said and you just laugh nervously "ok"
"That poor woman" Barbara commented after you're out of sight "she seem to like what's going on" Melissa replied and Barbara gave her a warning look "I didn't mean it Barbs" Melissa explained.
The moment your eyes meet hers, you felt something. When she showed you kindness, you know she'll give you a lot of trouble, so you took a deep breath and starts building a wall around her, which you willingly take down every now and then, you keep your guard up, but not even the strongest soldier can keep their guard up if someone they might "love" asks to bring them down. That word makes you hurl, makes you want to vomit, even when you just thought of it for a second, so you try very hard not to.
Your heart, mind, and guts is telling you the same thing, that she's actually a good person, that she genuinely care, but you know you have feelings for her, so maybe not. You know it's wrong to think that, but you just can't help but second guess anyone you have feelings for, especially when they're so kind.
Melissa is tough, speaks her mind. She tried to hide her softness, and you think she just needed a hug.
You flirt but you never commit. You let yourself feel something, but you quickly take a step back whenever you feel it could lead to something more.
What may be a harmless and a little mischievous flirting for you, sometimes might have lead to someone being led on.
Melissa and Barbara were at their usual table, while Janine, Gregory, and Jacob were in the table just behind the duo. Ava barges in, flipping her hair from side to side, with a gorgeous woman in tow, she's about your age, everyone thinks so. Ava and the other woman scans the room, obviously looking for someone who is not yet there.
"Who's she?" Melissa inquired, speaking everyone's mind. Ava looks at the woman "I don't remember. But she's looking for Y/N, said she's her girlfriend" Ava looked at Melissa when she said the word 'girlfriend', Melissa crosses her arms on her chest and let's out a quiet scoff only her friend could hear.
"Oh, Hi!" Janine squealed "You're so beautiful" she said with so much enthusiasm, it made Ava's eyes roll to the back of her head in annoyance. "Makes sense. You're both hot and beautiful" Jacob commented then Gregory raises his eyebrows and nods in agreement. "What's your name, dear?" Barbara asked and before the woman could answer, you open the door and walks in while your eyes are fixated on the food you were holding. Halfway in the room, you notice the silence, and you halt, you look up and look around, you narrowed your eyes, waiting for someone to tell you what's going on, you open your mouth to ask something but Melissa beat you to it "You just walk past your girlfriend" "I don't--" your reply is interrupted when someone suddenly give you a back hug, you flinched and tried to escape, but your reaction time is so slow, now your trapped.
"You're Y/N, right? I saw your pictures, you look more amazing in person" you turn to face her and push her away softly, you took a few step backwards to distance yourself from the beautiful stranger "I'm sorry but who are you?" "Don't you know your girlfriend?" You look at Melissa, confused by her question 'what girlfriend?' You think to yourself and you smirk at her understanding what's going on 'is she jealous?' You asked yourself and you scoff internally at the thought, slightly amused. "I don't have a girlfriend" you defended "I'm Jade. And we have a date" Jade said "Oh. Jade. You're the one they set me up with" you said thinking back on your silly friends "Yes, that's me. Didn't you see my picture?" She confirmed "I didn't bother to look. I thought they were bluffing.-- So, you're my date, not my girlfriend" you said and it relieves Melissa a little. "Yes and no. We'll go on a date, I'll end up in your bed, and I'll be your good little girlfriend in no time" Jade said and you just reply "Uh huh" "being your date and being your girlfriend is basically the same thing" she added, and Melissa scoffs in response, Barbara enjoying her friends reaction to the conversation, you say firmly "it is most certainly not" Melissa chuckled at your statement.
A few hours later you went to the date, after less than twenty minutes during the date you confronted the woman that you are not looking for a relationship, she understood, and you both ended up being friends.
You went in early to school and went to the teacher's lounge to make something to drink, there is only one other person in. You see Melissa drinking something, looking at something on her phone, you didn't bother her and just went to the vending machine. Melissa looks up and see you getting an energy bar from the machine, "How's your girlfriend?" Melissa teased and you tease back "I won't know if you don't tell me. How are you my baby?" You sit next to her, on her right, not wanting to sit on her best friends place looking at Melissa with puppy eyes and she just scoffs at you. "How's your good little girlfriend?" She paraphrased, it sounded like a mock. "FYI. She did not become my 'good little girlfriend' nor did she end up in my bed. And I was not looking forward to be her girlfriend, although, a beautiful woman wanting to end up in my bed sounds promising" you replied trying to convince no one, making Melissa's heart warm and swell up, she's now grinning ear to ear "Dinner. My place, just you and me"
This time the flirting got too much, you don't know how it happened, Melissa invited you to dinner. DINNER! at her house! Just the two of you. Then your vision blur and your face turn red.
"Now that's a good one" you point and nod at her "If that's a real offer I would decline, but it wasn't, so, sure. I'll play along" you added "I'm not kidding yah, kid. Let's have dinner" Melissa defended "Oh, so I'm a kid now, that's not what you were calling me earlier, baby" a smirk starts to show on your face. She just stares at you and you decline "I can't. I have a thing" Melissa's ego is bruised a little "You have a flipping thing so you can't. Okay. That's totally understandable" she said sarcastically and looks at you with a straight face "Yes. Thanks. Maybe some other time, we should invite the others as well" you declined again and she's just sitting there with an unreadable expression on her face, but you're getting the vibe that she wants to beat you up, hearing her in your head saying 'you don't know who you're messing with', you see her looking away from you "Sorry, babe. I swear I have a thing so I can't" Melissa rolled her eyes and scoffs at you "Whatever kid. Just admit that you won't have dinner with me because you truly think I'm too old for you" She looks down to hide her smirk, pretending to be sad. "What? That's not--" you were interrupted "Sure, kid. Whatever helps you sleep at night" Melissa's smirk grew wider and wider, she knew what she's doing and you have not yet catch up on it.
She's guilting you into saying yes, and with those eyes, now looking at you with so much anticipation, how could you say no 'it's just a friendly dinner and nothing more' you said to yourself but you know deep down, in your caged heart, it is something more.
"Fine. I'll have dinner with you, at your house" you finally cave in. Melissa looks up to look at you, the smirk she had, have turned into a wide grin, making you suddenly realise what she just did. "Come by my place at six" Melissa proudly said, so you try to burst her bubble "I see what you did there" but ended up kind of complimenting her, "I'll show you some more on our dinner date" Melissa said which made your eyes grow wide, not by her showing you 'more', but by her saying its a dinner date  "I don't doubt that for even a second-- so, it's  a date, huh-" you said and she shakes her head "what do you think it is?" She asked, you answer "like not a date, just something" you shrug "you're seriously so thick" she told you "oh my, thank you for the compliment. I could certainly say the same thing about you" she rolled her eyes, sick of you playing the fool, she sighed, and someone enter the room, bursting their bubbles and bringing them back to reality.
You are now in your lonesome trying clothes to wear for your date with Melissa. You applaud her for how she played you, but you can't believe how you let yourself be played and how you play along, how would you let her play you. 'Ah, shit. Here we go again' you told yourself before leaving your place.
You are now sitting infront of Melissa, eating her delicious home cooked meal.
"Why'd that beautiful woman didn't end up in your bed?" Melissa asked out of the blue "Eh, she's too young for me, and she's not my type" you answered her "too young? She's literally your age" she scoffed "exactly, too young, for me at least" you replied "What's your type, then?" You look up from your food already meeting her gaze, you almost blurted 'you' but you didn't, you describe her instead "short tempered, red head, leather wearing woman, who's great at cooking, uses her said 'old age' into making people to come have dinner with her. You know anybody like her?" She scoffs and tries to hide the red on her face that is now matching the red of her hair. After a minute of composing herself she finally answers your question "No. I don't think I do, but I know a guy who knows a guy who might" "of course you do"
You burst out laughing and the sound of your laughter warms and lights Melissa's house, she watch at the sight infront of her thinking 'I would love to get used to this' "I have something to say" she said way too loudly, the neighbors can hear, you look at her, willing and ready to listen "I'm all yours" you said with a sultry voice, Melissa sighed and thinks 'I wish' to herself.
"I've always keep people at arms length. Especially the people I find hot and am attracted to-- I flirt here and there, sometimes even date, but never something more, something real" you listen intently to every word she said, thinking to yourself 'same', you  and Melissa simultaneously took a deep breath and she continues "But you... You. When I met you, and get to really know you, somehow my walls came crashing down on me, but it didn't hurt- not even a little bit. I'm just glad. Glad that you came in to my life, glad that you took the walls down, and super glad to have asked you to have dinner with me. I'm so grateful that I get to hear your laugh and see your smile, and its because of me" the tears that have been falling from her eyes earlier, only got notice now that she's finished her speech, she brought her hands to wipe her tears and eventually cover her face "I'm sorry-" "stop" you commanded her and she followed.
You stand up from your seat and walk towards her, you hugged her. The warm of your embrace made Melissa hum in response. A couple of minutes later you break the hug and cup her cheeks, wiping some tears away using your tumb "you stole my line, you thief" you said and it made her chuckle "what do you mean? you won't know when I steal from you" you wanted to say 'I know. Cause you've stolen my heart long ago but I only notice earlier, when I saw you crying' but you didn't, instead you just say "I mean I was supposed to say that because that's exactly how I feel as well-- Everything you just said, all of it. Me too--"
You pulled each other into a kiss, your mouths working as one. Each minute the kiss starts to deepen. It gets sloppier every couple of seconds. The desperation, the passion, and the hunger, sated by each others tongue on the others' mouth.
"Why have we waited this long to do this?" Melissa asked out of breath "because we're both traumatised by our past relationships. --And we're both idiots" you replied, also out of breath and then kiss each other again.
You both pulled out of the kiss needing oxygen and when you get your fill you get back to kissing each other desperately. Hands wandering and exploring the bodies that is not their own.
You're both out of breath again "Wanna take this to my bedroom?" Melissa said panting, you nodded and she took your hand, kissing each other while walking over to the bedroom.
After making love with each other, one or two times. You're now spooning each other. "If you tell anyone about this, I know a guy who will make you regret it" she threatened you "I won't Ms. Schemmenti" you said in a slow and a grade schooler manner, teasing her "You're secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone, that you're the little spoon" you shower her face with kisses "also, you're not very threatening in this position" you added and she scoff "Yeah, Right"
In the morning, you wake up with someone laying her head on top of your chest. You smile at the sight of red strand of hairs in front of your face. There's still some doubt and worries, but for Melissa, you don't care if she'd end up hurting you. You're only focusing in the now, not dwelling back when and then, just thankful for the present.
Her alarm rang and she wokes up, " I hate Monday mornings " she said groggily "good thing it's a Sunday morning then" you said certainly "No. It's monday" she said less groggily, you check your phone for the date and saw that it's indeed Monday, sighing in defeat you say "I better get going then" "what?" Melissa asked, now looking at you "I need to go, I need to shower and change clothes" you told her and she say "you could do that here, I'll lend you some of my clothes, we could shower together" you hummed at the thought of her last sentence "we can't, we'll be late" Melissa rolled her eyes and stands up from the bed "fine. Go take a shower first, I'll find some clothes for you to wear, and I'll cook us breakfast" "Roger that miss Schemmenti"
You ride with her on the way to school. You're both earlier than anyone as usual, or so you thought, you walk in the teacher's lounge hand in hand not noticing someone is there, Melissa kissed you and the person cleared their throat, which made Melissa jump "Shit. Barb. You scared the hell out me--" she looks at you seeing you with a grin on your face "why didn't you say anything?" "I was but I can't, your tongue was in my mouth" you replied.
"Everyone pay up" Barbara announced when everyone is in the room Melissa took her wallet out of her bag and you check your pockets "What for?" Melissa asked "Not you two" Barbara replied and it hit you, they've placed bets. You smile and nod your head.
"No, they didn't" Ava said, not wanting to pay. Barbara replied "They very much did, I saw it with my own two eyes earlier. If that is not enough proof, look at Y/N, she's literally wearing Melissa's clothes" Everyone looks at you and their eyes widened "you didn't" Jacob said to you and you just nod and grinned in response. "We very much did" Melissa confirmed.
Janine, Ava, Jacob, Gregory, and even Mr. Johnson placed their twenties on Barbara's palm. You raised your eyes at Melissa and then it hit her " You placed bets on us? Why didn't you tell me so I could join in" You just shake your head at her with a smile on your face.
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normal-internet-user · 11 months
I hope you are having a good day! I'm wondering if you can write an ROTTMNT angst hc where their brother (maybe older than Mikey but younger than the others) gets shot while out on a mission? Side note, I see that you're getting into The Owl House, do you think you'll write fanfiction for The Owl House too?
I hope this made sense, English isn't my first language 😅
Of course Anon! And to answer your question, we'll see lolzies! It pretty much depends I guess, if I feel like it you know? (that means most likely yes, I'll end up writing for the owl house)
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Summary: You get shot during a mission, you're brother are gonna make sure you're ok.
Warnings: Mentions of violence and blood: ya know, getting shot: painkillers: swearing.
Requested: Yep!
Male Reader!
You ducked among the many metal crates in an attempt to avoid the spray of bullets from your opponent.
Bullets were certainly a new threat.
Sure, you'd fought yokai, the foot clan, Shredder: but never once had you ever been shot at. Your shell was a welcome defense against the projectiles, but the rest of your skin was completely exposed.
Your eyes darted around, trying to spot your brothers. It was kinda hard, your position left you practically blind. Probably why it was so easy for one of the goons to sneak up and land a hit.
With a cry of pain, you fell to the ground, scurrying away to find new cover. Your breathing picked up as the pain in your knee flared.
You pulled out your phone, sending Leo a distress text. The sound of gunfire made it impossible to communicate any other way.
In a flash of blue, Leo and Raph were at your side, field med-kit ready so Leo could patch you up until you returned home.
"What happened?" Leo asked, immediatly moving to fully asses your injury.
Raph was silently freaking out next to the two of you, using his body as a kind of large shield to protect you, even if there was no immediate threat.
"What do you think happened? I got shot." you replied with a wince.
Leo snorted, then narrowed his eyes in irritation, "The bullet didn't make a clean pass." He muttered, cleaning the area so he could bandage it, "We'll have to dig it out."
"No not now. Obviously." Leo said, rolling his eyes, "Geez, bro. Trust me. I got this."
You groaned, resting your head on the wall behind you as Leo finished bandaging the wound.
He attempted to help you stand, but your wounded leg folded beneath your weight. If it wasn't for Leo, you wound have face planted straight into the ground.
Raph rest his large hand on your shoulder, then scooped you up to carry you. You tried to protest, but Raph shook his head, "No way." he said, "You ain't walkin' until Leo says so. And he ain't said so."
You turned to look at Leo, who was skillfully avoiding your gaze as he portaled the three of you to a nearby rooftop.
With a roll of your eyes, you looked around, "Where are Don and Angelo?" you asked. Leo shrugged, then pointed to the warehouse you were prviously in, a smirk on his face.
"Found 'em."
Mikey swung over to the rooftop quickly while Donnie followed close behind with his battle shell. Mikey jumped up to cling to you with tears in his eyes, "You got shot! Don't die!"
You sighed, patting your little brothers shell, "Mikey, chill. It's just my knee, I'm fine."
"You got shot!" He repeated, still crying.
Leo portaled the five of you home, where Raph immediatly rushed you into med-bay, "You're gonna be ok, little brother. Raph's got 'cha." he said, setting you down on one of the two cots.
You groaned, covering your face with your hands, "You're right. I'm gonna be fine, because it's just my knee."
Leo began digging around in the cabinets for the tools he'd need, "To be fair, this next part is gonna hurt. You also probably won't be able to walk properly for a while."
Leo tossed Donnie a bottle of pain killers, "Give him two of those." He said, motioning towards you.
You happily accepted the painkillers, gulping them down and waiting for the sweet release to kick in as you layed back.
Leo wheeled a tray over to your bedside, gently nudging Mikey out of the way, "This is gonna hurt, even with those painkillers." He warned, pulling some surgical gloves on.
Mikey took your hand with both of his, and Raph rested his across your plastron. You took in a deep breath, then nodded towards Leo, "Just get it over with, Leo."
Leo snipped open the bandages, and Donnie gagged at the sight of your wound, quickly turning to leave the room, "I can't watch. *gag* gotta go-"
Getting the bullet out was a quick, but not at all painless process. You definitly tried your best to seem indifferent though, not that anyone bought it of course.
Leo was quick to clean, stitch, and bandage the wound, sighing with obvious relief once he was finished.
Raph helped you sit up, and Mikey rushed out of the room, shouting about how he was going to make dinner. Upon Mikey's leave, Donnie returned to the room, eyes catching on your bandaged leg with a shudder.
That night was definitly a turtle pile night. All of your brothers being careful to not irritate your wounded leg.
Finally back to writing! It sure has been a while since I posted any fics, sorry about that, lol!
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cairavende · 6 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts from 14.8 through the end:
Gonna get a little bit gay up in here pretty soon. But first, some other stuff.
Pretty much jump right into "Oh shit everything is fucked" with the bio-weapon just spreading everywhere right away.
Skitter's focus on Tattletale specifically when trying to get them to higher ground was top level Chatterbug/Smugbug content. Like sure Sundancer and Trickster too, she wanted to save them. But when Bentley wasn't climbing fast enough what she said to herself in worry was "Tattletale."
Fucking god. Tattletale telling Skitter to fly to the higher building and use bugs so Trickster could teleport them and they'd follow? But fully knowing it wouldn't work and just trying to get Skitter to safety?
"It doesn’t look like her plan will work out. Tell her I’m sorry." - I WAS FUCKING BAWLING
I had figured that Bonesaw's contingency wasn't just a "everyone dies right now" virus or whatever. It would need to be artistic. And it would need to be a punishment to the local capes, both hero and villain. And the way to punish them would be to "take the city from them". "Make them watch it destroy itself." "Make them help".
I feel like what she did covered that general outline with a heavier focus on taking everything away from the capes. But still, god damn Bonesaw. Absolutely fucking terrifying. Super powered face blindness. At the base at least. Don't know who anyone is. Damn.
If Jack put's his slimy fucking hands on my daughter again I will personally remove them.
The "Don't swear!" from Bonesaw while pretending to be Tattletale was fun. I managed to hit on it before that, but it was a good confirmation.
Fucking Jack and his "You’re versatile" after seeing Skitter make decoys while prepping to tie someone up with spiders. FUCK OFF WITH YOUR DREAMS YOU DICK. YOU CAN'T HAVE HER.
Instantly confirmed when Skitter flat refused to shoot someone despite Jack and Bonesaw telling her to. My daughter might not be perfect but she's not going to be one of you!
Coil fucked up a bit on the phone. He wasn't dealing with the pathogen so he should have done better. Even just asking everyone there to say something so he could listen to the voices. He would have known right away it wasn't Tattletale and Grue. Patching them through to Cherish that easily was a mistake. He really doesn't do as much as he could be. Like ya he's evil but that doesn't mean I'm not disappointed when he isn't using his full potential.
Cherish very fucked up when she thought letting Jack and Bonesaw know where she was would be good for her. Hope she likes her eternal torment at the bottom of the ocean. (Ok there's a chance she'll get pulled out in the future I guess.)
I'll admit, when Amy left with Victoria earlier I wasn't expecting to see them again so soon.
"Panacea is the healer, top floor, Jack is the slasher, the blond girl is the chemist-tinker." I don't know why, since it doesn't rhyme or anything, but I got very "The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true" vibes from this.
Jack trying to convince Amy by talking about how many of her ancestors were successful by being cruel and Taylor just internally going "How many were successful because they cooperated?" Love my daughter.
Victoria is still very much . . . not dead.
Seriously. Personalized. It has her face on the outside made out of bone. What the actual fuck Amy?
Proud of my daughter for shooting Jack, even if it didn't work.
It's probably fine that Skitter got Amy to break her brain rule again. I mean like it's good. It was the only way to fix the pathogen. It saved herself and the city. That is all good. Just . . . there might also be some long term negative outcomes. Probably fine though.
Getting gets cured and goes off to cure the city be gay.
"'You couldn’t have waited until after you’d cured me before you put the bugs on your face?' Tattletale asked. She was smiling as she asked it." - ALSO EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Also the level of effort the girls went through after that trying to figure out how to cure Grue and Regent without kissing? Fucking amazing. Kissing was only ok for these three. Obviously.
Gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl gay (bug)horse girl
And the remainder of the Nine got away. Which is pretty fucking bad I guess. What with the whole "end of the world" and all that. I get that story point is the *actual* big end of the arc. But it's been overshadowed. By the gays.
Did I mention things being gay? I just want to make sure. Cause they were. Gay that is.
Interlude 1 - Sierra is amazing. She is exactly who Skitter needs to be running things while she's away. Charlotte is also amazing and I think worships the ground Skitter walks on. My daughter is, as always, absolutely terrifying when described from anyone else's PoV. She only gets more so every time. She just uses bug speak without even realizing now. Amazing. I love her. Atlas is helping and I'm so proud of him. He even got to take the gun. I hope he gets to keep it.
Interlude 2 (thought about making this it's own post but I'll just keep it really simple) - God dammit all three of the big 3 are Cauldron created? Ugh. Legend you appear to be trying to do the right thing but you sure as shit aren't paying much attention are you? Holy shit like, you believed so much of what the Doctor has been saying for years? God damn bud. How could you look at Cauldron and assume they *aren't* doing human experimentation? Especially since you know they have done it in the past! Like god damn man! At least you do kind of acknowledge that maybe you were purposefully ignoring the signs cause you wanted to be ignorant. Maybe there is a little bit of hope for you. Hell of a lore dump interlude though. Gives me lots to think about. Also I'd absolutely listen to The Number Man talk about spreadsheets all day long.
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pullingyourstrings · 1 year
The Lie
Pairing: Gareth Emerson x fem!reader
Summary: Gareth lies about not being a virgin anymore and nobody in Hellfire believes him. He asks for your help on backing him up, but you have a much better idea.
Warnings: smut, lots of kisses, fingering, unprotected sex, first time, gareth gets overwhelmed but everything is fine, oral sex (m receiving), a little bit of size kink, nipple play and boob praise, misunderstandings, happy ending, fem!reader has a pussy and uses she/her pronouns.
Word count: 5k.
"This is to Jeff, who's finally not a virgin anymore! Welcome to the club" Eddie raised his beer, laughing, words slurry with how drunk he already was.
"Hell yeah dude!" Jeff celebrated, raising his beer too and clicking it onto Eddie's. "Now it's only Gare left"
"W-what?" Gareth frowned at them. He knew it wasn't a big deal, but there was something about the way Jeff said it this time that felt weird.
"What? We all know you're still a virgin" Jeff shrugged. Gareth felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
"No, I'm not" he said quietly. Yes, he is. He doesn't fully understand why he's lying, those are his best friends. They're not judging him.
"You are dude and it's fine" Eddie reassured him, patting him on the back.
"I'm not!" he retorted. Why did it matter so much to his drunk brain? He didn't know. But it mattered. Maybe because it felt bad to be the last one. Maybe because it meant he was just a loser. "You can ask Y/N, she'll tell you" he said, because he knew you didn't think he was a loser. Being his best friend, you were always on his side whenever this subject was brought up and he thought you surely would back him up on his lie.
What he didn't thought about were the implications of that sentence.
Eddie's eyes got wide and Jeff gasped audibly, both looking at each other before laughing.
"No way you scored her, man!" Jeff managed to say, a hand on his stomach with how much he's laughing.
"I mean, cheers to you if you did but I doubt it" Eddie didn't mean to tease, but it sure sounded like it, his voice almost pitying. Gareth didn't like it one bit.
"See, that's why I didn't tell you before" he lied again. Fuck. He's really going down that route when he could've just laughed and said he was joking. Stupid drunk brain!
"Right, right... Well, I guess we'll just ask her on monday." Eddie winked as he got up to grab another beer.
Oh no. He was so fucked.
You ringed the bell anxiously at Gareth's door, ten minutes after he called you asking you to come over because of an emergency. You heard quick steps down the stairs and the door opened right after, revealing a cute stammering Gareth.
"H-Hey, how you doing?"
"Hi, I'm okay. Are YOU okay?" you looked at him up and down, noticing the way he was nervously fidgeting with his rings.
"Yeah, yeah. Come in" he gave you space to enter the house and then quickly rushed upstairs to his room. Weird. Usually you hang out on his living room or the garage. But you still followed him, standing next to his bed as he closed the door behind him.
"What happened? I'm starting to get a little worried"
"I-I needed to talk to you about something really, um, bad. That I did" he struggled to find the words, scratching his neck.
"Okay, go on..." you encouraged him. Whatever this was, it was probably serious if it had him like this, afraid to even look at you in the eyes.
"So... yesterday we were hanging out at Eddie's and they kept talking about... y'know, about that thing that bothers me..." he started to nervously pace from one side to the other of the room, turning to look at you with knowing eyes when you didn't answer.
"About you being a virgin?" you tried to guess, raising an eyebrow. This was one of the main things that bothered him. He always talked about it and you had to be the supportive one, tell him it was okay, that it would happen eventually, that he just needed to find someone special, that if he just wasn't so blind and oblivious maybe it would've happened already. Ok, that last part you never told him, but sometimes you really wanted to.
"Right. That. Yes. And then I don't know what came over me but I lied. I told them I'm not anymore" he said in a guilty tone.
"But you are though?" you tilted your head, confused. You didn't understand where this was going. He nodded.
"So why would you lie? You know none of us really care about this stuff" You didn't understand why this mattered so much that he couldn't wait until monday to tell you.
"I-I don't know! We were drunk! I PANICKED!" he exclaimed loudly, his pacing getting faster around the room.
You laughed, not in a mean way, but in a way that went well with "It's not that bad. It was just a little lie. Whatever."
"No, no, cus' it gets worse! I told them to ask you because I knew you would back me up but now they- they think-" he motioned between you two, avoiding saying it at all costs.
Oh. You understood now.
"Oh. They think we fucked" you wided your eyes. Not that the idea never crossed your mind, but you just weren't expecting that.
"Yeah. I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean it that way but they were so fast to jump into conclusions and I didn't deny it and-" he rambled, trying to explain himself. There wasn't much to explain really, he just kept repeating himself and apologizing and you soon realized he was getting lost in his own head.
"Hey, hey" you stop him, holding his hands in yours. "It's fine Gare. Really." you smiled empathetically. You weren't about to let your friend have a panic attack because of something so little.
"It's not fine! How are you not mad?"
"Because you said you were drunk and I know how those boys are, peer pressure and all" you waved dismissively, trying to calm him down.
"Still. I shouldn't have lied and I shouldn't have brought you with me into this mess. I'm so angry with myself! And now I don't know how to fix this" he sat on the bed with his hands on his head, a moment of silence shared between you. Your heart was pounding so fast you felt dizzy, an idea coming to mind.
"What if... What if it's not a lie?" you suggested, sitting beside him on the bed.
"Y'know, we could just do it, so it won't be a lie anymore" saying it out loud it didn't sound like the greatest idea ever, but it's already out there now. Best case scenario you get to be his first time, worst case scenario you brush it off and never speak of this again.
"You're joking, right? Really not the time for that" he looked around in disbelief, huffing a little laugh. It was just hard to believe you wanted to do this with him. You? The most perfect person he had ever met in his life? It must be a joke, or a prank. Eddie and Jeff said it themselves, it wasn't possible.
"I'm not joking. We can. I mean, if you want it too" you reassured him, trying to avoid him feeling uncomfortable or pressured. "Or not, just forget I said anything and we'll figure something else" you shrugged like it was nothing, like you didn't just imply you want to have sex with him. You hoped he wouldn't notice the shakiness in your voice as you waited for his answer.
"No, no it's not that. Of course I want to! It's just... You know I've never done anything right?" he whispered, as if he didn't want anyone to hear it, besides the fact it was just you and him in the room.
"I know, it's fine. I can teach you" you offered and he considered for a moment before breathing in slowly, sitting closer to you.
"Okay. What's first?" he smiled softly, eyes fixated on your lips.
"First I'm gonna kiss you. Is that okay?" you cup his face gently with one hand, the other going to the nape of his neck.
"Yeah" he nodded and you closed the distance between you. The first kiss is quick, just your lips pressing against his. The second one is longer, you lick his lips asking for permission to go further and he allows you, your teeth clacking into his for a moment before you turn your head to the side. The new angle is much better, his tongue dancing around with yours in such an orchestrated way, his muffled little moans so sweet, that there's only one thought in your head: for someone who never kissed, he's way too good at it.
"You're sure it's your first time?" you break the kiss, your hands resting over his shoulders, playing with his soft curls.
"Why, was it okay?" he asks worried.
"It was great. You're a good kisser." you notice his hands awkwardly resting on your sides in the bed, as if he wants to do something but isn't sure if he can. "You can touch me, y'know? I'm not gonna break" you laugh and he mumbles a little "Thank God" before kissing you again, his hands immediately going to your hips, squeezing your love handles and holding you so close to his body you're almost on his lap.
"What now?" he whispers against your skin, showering your face with quick gentle kisses.
You take the opportunity to sit on his lap and take off your shirt and help him take his off too. He looks at you like you're a goddess, admiring every part of you.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful" he kisses your neck as you giggle. It feels good to be this close, to feel his body against yours, to feel his shoulders drop as he gets more comfortable and confident.
"Show me what to do, princess. Wanna make you feel good" he plays with your waistband and you smile, taking his hand and placing it inside your panties. You guide him to circle your clit slowly and he slips his middle finger over your entrance, probably without meaning to, your slick dripping down his hand.
"God, you're soaked. Is this... normal?" he asks curiously and you laugh endearingly.
"Yes. It just means I'm ready for you"
"Um... I don't think you are" he slips a long finger inside, ripping out a lewd moan from you, your walls clenching around him with the sudden invasion. "I don't know if my cock is gonna fit. Your pussy is soo thight" you didn't know if he was dirty talking on purpose or if he was actually thinking about the physics of sex, but either way it was working, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine, despite his innocent tone.
"I guess you're gonna have to prep me really good then" you teased and he smiled maliciously, inserting a second finger inside you. You sob a loud moan, his fingers so much thicker than yours. It's been a while since you've done this with someone else, mostly because you were waiting for Gareth to notice you and God was it worth the wait already. He doesn't move for a while, allowing you to get used to the feeling.
"You can move now, curl them upwards a little too" he follows your instructions carefully and watches your face as you close your eyes and throw your head back in pleasure. He can't help but feel proud of himself. You kiss him passionately and start to roll your hips, riding his fingers. You can feel his cock hardening under you everytime your butt rubs on him as you rocked your hips faster.
"Wait, stop, stop" he breaks the kiss with a sharp inhale and you stop everything immediately. He rests his hands on your sides, looking at the ceiling and breathing in and out slowly. He looks fucked out and you didn't even touch him yet.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I'm just-" his cheeks get red with embarrassment, swallowing loudly, his voice barely a whisper when he admits it. "I was getting close"
"It's okay, Gare. That's the point, isn't it?" you huffed a laugh, moving your hips again ever so slightly. You feel empty now that his fingers are not inside you anymore, but this is about him, not you.
"Nooo, ugh" he whines, resting his head on your shoulder defeatedly. His mouth said no, but his hands guiding your hips back and forth said otherwise. "I wanna... We didn't even... God dammit, y/n, I just wanna last longer for you" his voice sounded like he was hurt, desperation at every breathy whisper.
"Do you ever come twice when you touch yourself?" you asked nonchalantly, as if you were asking a normal everyday question.
"When I- When I what-?" he stutters, trying to understand what you just said and how to answer it.
"Everybody does it. Just answer the question" you roll your eyes at him.
"Great. We'll just go for round two then"
"But– Fuck, I don't wanna come like this. Wanna feel you..." he breathed heavily and you could tell he was really struggling to hold it in, biting down his lip, eyes squeezed hard.
"Okay. Let's try something else then" you start kneeling on the ground in front of his bed and opening his zipper, helping him take off his pants.
"Is this okay?" you asked and he nodded. You pulled his boxers down and his cock twitched free, thick and pink, a bead of precum sliding down his slightly curved shaft.
"Fuck, you were right. You're really big" you held him with one hand, the heaviness making your body shiver with anticipation.
"Um. Yeah. Is that- is that a good thing?" he questioned and you almost started laughing because being self-conscious about having a big dick is such a Gareth thing. Generally boys would brag or hype themselves up about it. Not Gareth Emerson though. He had a girl kneeling on the ground ready to blow him and still had the nerve to ask if it was a good thing.
"Yeah, most people would say it is" you smiled, smearing his precum down with your thumb, unable to look at anything else but his throbbing pretty cock on your hand.
"Yeah? And what do you think?" he asked, as if only your opinion mattered. Maybe because it was exactly that. He didn't care about what other people thought, as long as you liked it and wanted to do this with him forever, then it was fine for him. Your response was a soft kiss at his tip and then a big lick along his length while maintaining eye contact, doing your best to convey the message.
"Ohh holy fuck– Okay, definitely a good thing then" he almost couldn't bare looking at you, moaning loudly and throwing his head back. You started sucking the head of his cock, your soft tongue circling the slit, his hands promptly resting on top of your head. You took him further down your throat, bobbing up and down slowly and stroking with your hand what you couldn't reach. His moans were loud and you could tell he was really close as he held your hair roughly, pressing you down so it would go even deeper, your nose pressed at his soft curls. It didn't take long for his legs to start quivering as he came and you gagged, trying to swallow as much of his cum as you could.
"Fuck, sorry" he released your hair and you lifted up gasping for air, a string of saliva and cum connecting your soft lips to his glistening tip. "Shit. I-I'm sorry"
"Don't apologize. That was hot as fuck" you smiled wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. He smiled back, offering a hand for you to get up.
"Really?" he hissed a little as you got up, taking your pants and your underwear off. You sit on top of him, his sensitive dick resting between you two as he holds you closer, breathing you in. "But you didn't..."
"It's fine, we still have time. Let's just make out for now, okay?" he barely let you finish the sentence before he was kissing you, tasting himself on your tongue, caressing your spine with featherlight touches and playing with the clasp of your bra.
"Can I take this off?" he asked and you nodded, watching as he took your bra off ceremoniously.
"Can I touch them? Please?" he looked at you with puppy eyes, pupils blown wide with want.
"So polite" you teased with a little laugh, finding immensely cute how he asked permission for every move, Gareth's cheeks getting red to the tip of his ears. "Go ahead" you placed your hands on his knees behind you, exposing your boobs for him. He palmed them softly, his big warm hands contrasting perfectly with the coldness of his rings against your nipples.
"God you're so pretty... Even more perfect than I've imagined" he whispered as he kissed one of your nipples and played with the other.
"You've imagined this?" you giggled. Maybe it was a heat of the moment thing but you quite enjoyed how he complimented you so sincerely, how he talked so openly about things he usually avoided even thinking.
"Honestly, a lot more times than I should've. It felt very wrong. Nobody wants to think about things like this with their best friend, but I-I just couldn't help myself. They bounce so beautifully when you walk, oh my god" you both laugh at his pure honesty and you get the courage to admit something too.
"If it brings you any comfort, I've thought about this too. Like a lot. Everytime you caught me staring at your hands I was imagining them over me like this" you grab his hand and guide him all over you, your neck, your boobs, your belly, your thighs. He sighs audibly, touching and admiring every part of you.
"Fuck, don't say stuff like that. I'm already getting hard again" and it was true. He’s so riled up all it took was a little bit of groping and kissing and you could feel his dick twitching against your belly.
"Told you we can just go for round two"
"It's not my fault you're so hot" he squeezes a handfull of your butt, bringing you closer to him.
"You're learning fast" you smile teasingly at him.
"I happen to have the best teacher" he shrugged, smiling back and placing small kisses on your torso.
"Yeah? You ready to learn some more?" you reach down between your bodies, sliding your finger on the side of his cock.
"Yes please" he breathed out, shivering at your touch.
"Do you wanna be on top or is this okay?" you figured it was better to ask, since it's his first time and you want it to be perfect, you want him to feel comfortable and do whatever and however he wants it.
"This is okay, very much okay, I like this" he rambled, still kissing you anywhere he could reach.
"I like this too. Been thinking about riding you since forever"
You lifted yourself up a little, guiding him inside you slowly and he’s incredibly sensitive when you sink down onto him completely, turning into a whimpering mess.
"Wait, fuck, please don't move–" he whined, resting his head on your shoulder and his hands on your hips.
"Is it too much? Do you wanna stop?" you pet his hair, a little worried. You never had quite this reaction with other guys. But again, it is his first time so maybe he's just overwhelmed.
"No, please, no stopping. Just... Give me a minute" he took a few deep breaths and you noticed he was focusing, grounding himself into the moment.
"Okay, look at me baby" you lift his chin up, staring into his deep blue eyes. "Tell me how you're feeling, does it feel good?" you offered calmly, trying to help.
"It feels so good, holy fuck" he choked out, almost a cry. "Nothing could prepare me to this, you're so tight and warm around me" you rest your forehead against his and kiss him smoothly for a while before he starts to gently move your hips back and forth, both moaning into each others lips. He smiles, so happy you're the one sharing such a special and intimate moment with him.
You start to move faster and bounce up and down on his cock, so deep and full you swear you could feel him through your stomach. You moaned softly while Gareth gasped and whimpered.
"You almost there? Wanna come with you" he asked, voice a little desperate, somehow thinking about your pleasure over his in a moment like this. You didn't answer, instead guiding his hand between you. He understood, remembering what you taught him earlier. He pressed tight circles against your swollen clit and thrust up into you instinctively, making you moan loudly. You start riding him faster, meeting his thrusts and he takes it as a sign he's doing something right. It only takes a few moments before you're coming, legs shaking, pussy clenching around him and with that he comes too, cursing and holding you close to him by your hips while he rests his head on your chest.
He places your limp body on the bed and kisses your shoulder before laying down next to you and cuddling up. You allow him, because of course he's a cuddler after sex.
You wake up to the sound of Gareth's mom pulling up on their driveway. Huh, weird. His mom works the night shift, so she's usually home pretty late. You look over to the clock on his bedside and notice it's almost midnight. Shit. Your curfew is 10pm!
"Shit! Shit shit shit" you get up, searching for your clothes on the ground quickly.
"What- Y/N, Everything okay? What happened?" Gareth wakes up confused, watching as you frantically got ready.
"It's past my curfew! I have to go" you answered, running to the side of the bed to grab your backpack.
"Wait wait–" he grabbed your wrist where he stayed on the bed, looking at you with so much affection on his eyes. "C-Can I see you tomorrow?"
"I mean, yeah. We have Hellfire tomorrow" except you were so worried about your curfew, that his look and his invite flew over your head.
"Oh." Oh. Gareth understood it now. You only did that because of the lie. It was foolish and selfish of him to think you'd want to be with him after he lied about your relationship and got you into this mess. He let go of your wrist, forcing a smile. "Okay. See you there then"
You smiled back and left his room.
After that, Gareth was sure you didn't actually like him. You were just... helping a friend out. Because that's what friends do. Right?
When you arrived the next day at Hellfire all the heads turned to you. You knew they were all waiting anxiously to ask you about it and Eddie was the one to finally do it as you sat next to Gareth instead of your usual seat at the table.
"Sooo, y/n... Gareth told me about you two..." Eddie crossed his arms and smiled smugly.
"Um, yeah, We're..." together? dating? just fucking? no. None of these seem right. Gareth didn't know how to put it into words and honestly you didn't know either. Because you knew there were feelings involved, you confirmed it the night before with all the soft smiles and heated kisses. And he thought he felt it too, but you left so abruptly he couldn't help but think it was a one time thing.
"We're something! We haven't labeled it yet." you grabbed his arm, pulling him close to you. "Right Gare?" you winked at him. Right, the lie. Gareth had been so lost on his thoughts he almost forgot about it.
"R-right. That's why we didn't tell you guys before"
"Yeah, makes sense... So tell me, how long has this been going on?" Eddie asked, eyebrows raised because he was not convinced at all.
"Two months!"
"Two weeks!" you answer in unison. Dammit Gareth, if you can't lie just shut up!
"Well I've been all over him for two months. But he's a little oblivious, so it's catching up to him only now" you pat him on the chest, laughing and Eddie laughed back.
"Right, right." He didn't sound convinced at all. You pressed a gentle kiss on Gareth's cheek and Eddie smiled. "Well, I'm happy you guys are happy"
"We are. Thanks Eds" you answered, relieved to see him almost believe in it.
"Cheers to you my man. Sorry we didn't believe you before" Eddie patted Gareth on the back and turned his attention to the board, changing the subject. You sighed, your hand finding Gareth's and intertwining your fingers. You didn't think much of it, other than it was a cute thing you've always wanted to do and now you could. Gareth was about to protest when you smiled at him. It's all part of the play, isn't it? You were pretending to be a couple and it had to be believable, after all.
The rest of the night went by fast. Nobody made any comments and you and Gareth acted normally aside from the hand holding.
As the campaign ended for the night and all the boys left, you stayed behind with Gareth, waiting for him to get ready and take you home, like he always did. He grabbed his papers, stuffed them in his backpack and approached you near the door. As you reached to hold his hand again, he flinched away.
"They're gone now. We don't have to keep pretending." he said dryly, almost as if he was mad, catching you by surprise.
"Oh. Sorry, I thought..." you thought it meant something. You thought he felt it too, the connection, the affection, how it felt so right to be together. You felt your eyes begin to water. "Nevermind" Guess not. Maybe he really was just using you to brag to his friends and now that it was done he didn't need you anymore.
"Wait" he reacted as he heard your trembling voice. "Did you... do you... like me?" he asked incredulously.
"Oh my god, Gare. Did you really thought I did all this just to cover up a little lie? Of course I like you, dumbass" you admitted, facepalming at his obliviousness.
"But- You left so fast. I thought maybe you regretted it"
"What? No! I wanted to stay" you grabbed his hand, playing with his rings and he let you this time. "But I had to leave because it was past my curfew. I literally told you that before I left"
"Sorry. I was sleepy and very confused" Gareth laughed, because how could he interpret things so wrong all the time. You laughed too.
"Just for the record, I didn't regret it one bit"
"Me neither." he whispered, resting his forehead on yours, his hands on your hips. "Couldn't stop thinking about you all day"
You kissed him, your lips barely touching his, soft and gentle.
"Would you like to... go out with me... maybe?" he smiled shyly, his cheeks a beautiful crimson.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Let's go right now" you kissed him again, quickly, grabbing his hand and guiding him outside the room. He laughed at your excitement, holding your hand strongly.
You go on a bunch of dates over the next few weeks. You're always showing him new things, making your relationship so easy and fun, full of love and honesty. He's so glad you're the one being on his side through all his firsts and you're so grateful he lets you.
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mars-wuz-herez · 4 months
Sonic Prime AU
What if Sonic died?
Part one
Tails point of view
Sonic's body is gray. The smile he gave wasn't a smile at all. The last words he spoke: “I'm sorry.” Him disappearing. That scene keeps playing in my head. I can't stop thinking about it. I mean who could? There are so many unanswered questions that are in my head. He was fine the entire day so what changed at that very second? Why did we all of a sudden feel weak? What did he mean when he said: “We were too late?” Why did he disappear? Why was Shadow there? Will we be able to bring him back? Will I be able to bring him back? 
Rouge and I are currently flying over Green Hills. She had us check a few places earlier but we had no luck. We tried the beach, where Sonic normally runs into him. No luck there. We tried his house, office, the place where he trains, even the little town that was there. We found nothing. 
Tails: “Argh where can he be? It's one hedgehog! He shouldn't be that difficult to find!”
Rouge: “This is Shadow, we are looking for Tails. If he doesn't want to be found he'll make sure he isn't found”
Tails: “I guess you are right. Are you sure there are no more places we can look?”
Rouge: “All the places I showed you are the places I can normally find him. Other than those, I got nothing”
By that time it was getting dark. Rouge said we should call it a night and see what information Knuckles and Amy had. 
Tails: “Are you kidding? We can't stop looking! We need to know what happened! Sonic might have disappeared but maybe he is a ghost and has a certain time limit as to when we bring him back. I don't know but we can't stop now. We need to find Shadow and that Prism”
Rouge: “Tails we aren't going to get anywhere if it's dark outside. Shadow is a dark hedgehog. He practically blends in with the dark. We won't be able to spot him.”
Tails: “We need to try we can't just give up”
Rouge: “We aren't giving up, we just…it's been a long and hard day. I know we won't get any sleep but we need to rest. We can pick this up tomorrow.”
I ignored her and looked at the ground. I am pretty tired but I don't want to go home. I can't go home. 
Tails: “I don't want to be home right now. If I go home…I'll be coming home to an empty house. He won't be there. If I go to my lab it will just remind me about the last conversation we had. I just…”
I stopped there. I guess I made Rouge feel guilty because the next thing I know she is right next to me with her hand on my soldier.
Rouge: “We can stay out a little longer. We can fly over the island and see if we can spot Shadow's yellow streak. Maybe luck will be on our side this time.”
That was 30 minutes ago. It's now dark and my flashlight is barely lighting anything. Rouge is next to me. 
Rouge: “Let give our wings and tails a break”
We land and I try lighting my surroundings with my flashlight. It looks like we are at Hedgehogs pass. 
Rouge: “Ok Tails I understand that you want to find him but now it is way too dark to see anything. Not even your flashlight is bright enough to- Tails?”
I walk away from Rouge and towards something glowing on the ground. I lean down and pick it up.
Rouge: “Tails? What is it?”
I turn around and hold up one of Sonic's blue quills. 
Rouge: “How is that possible? Sonic was with us the entire day”
Tails: “Before we went to the mountain he left to go ring up. But why here? Everyone knows the best place to…ring…up…”
I stop talking as I look behind Rouge. I shine my flashlight on a bunch of broken rocks. There are a bunch of rings scattered. 
Rouge: “What happened here?”
I shine my flashlight on the ground. On the grass there are two sets of tracks. They can only belong to Sonic and…
Rouge: “SHADOW!”
I turn behind me and a yellow streak comes hitting me and knocking me on the ground. I fall down the blue quill falling from my hands. I try getting up but I feel weak. I see a blurred vision of Rouge and Shadow fighting. I blind once and all of a sudden I see Rouge on the floor knocked out. 
Tails (weakly): “R-r-rouge?”
Shadow: “No just me.”
Shadow walks towards me and all of a sudden I'm awake. I get my shooting device from my pocket and activate it immediately. It starts shooting at Shadow and he dodges them. 
Tails: “Why are you doing this Shadow? What are you waaaah!”
I wasn't paying attention when Shadow spin dashed me. I fall on the ground. Hard. I try getting up but everything around me is dizzy.
Shadow: “I'm not going to hurt you but I do need your help.” 
Tails: “Why…. can't you…just ask…like a normal….”
I fall to the ground. Then everything goes black.
To be continued…..
(None of these characters are mine) People who wanted to be mentioned;
@mrfrobbert @hawk-has-alot-of-gay-ships @callme-aprilroseisha04 @rainestorm05
@upodubo-reblog @theavo-guac
@seaslugdisco @bun-bie @annoyingcat413
sorry it took so long! I hope you enjoyed it!
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kassiekole22 · 8 months
My Thoughts On The MK1 Story Mode
Ok! So I wanted to wait to post my thoughts on the game until after it released, so now that it is, I'm gonna spill my thoughts on all the characters!
Starting with the Earthrealmers!
Liu Kang: I LOVE his new design and I love him as a God even more than I expected! Also, him and Kitana reuniting?! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I legit had tears in my eyes when they kissed! It was such a bittersweet moment and I hope we get more of them together in the future. I'm so happy that he got his power as titan back because it just seems more right. Giving it up seemed kinda wrong. So I'm hoping it stays like that.
Raiden: He's SUCH a sweetheart and I adore him! I was surprised that Kung Lao wasn't his champion but I guess it's understandable, since he still seems in over his head. 😂 But I am very happy that he got to be champion instead. And I was SO surprised to see the old Raiden model make a return as well! I'm glad they didn't change him because that would've made no sense. 😅
Kung Lao: Ah, what can I say about good ol' Kung Lao? I honestly loved him a lot more in this game than any of the others. He seemed to have a lot more comedy moments in this one, which I really loved. I literally almost died laughing when he burped in front of General Shao and Reiko and disgusted them. 🤣
Johnny: Funny? Check! Smart ass? Check! Self-absorbed? Check! Literally the same Johnny as before and I love that! I loved his friendship development with Kenshi and it was truly something I never knew I needed. And also, him filming with his phone 90% of the time was so fucking funny and him somehow owning Cassie's drone was oddly heartwarming. 🩷
Kenshi: I knew Mileena was going to blind him in that scene! I was so sad that it happened again, despite expecting it. When he asked Baraka to tell him about his life to take his mind off of the pain, my heart broke for him. 🥺 But him discovering Sento has powers to help him was so cool to watch! I really love how they did his story in this game. And again, he and Johnny were a duo I never knew I needed.
Sub-Zero: I don't know whether I love this guy or hate him! 🤣 Honestly, his grumpy attitude makes me want to bug the shit out of him and piss him off more. 😂 And I'm not sure if he ever smiles. But it is so interesting to see Bi-Han as Sub-Zero again and I am quite happy with the results. That doesn't mean I forgive him for what he did though. 😑
Scorpion: When I heard that Bi-Han was Sub-Zero, I was worried that Kuai Laing wouldn't be coming back. So I'm happy to see him back again. But I still don't know how I feel about him replacing Hanzo. Honestly, Hanzo will always be Scorpion to me. I was upset to see that he lived a hard life on the streets before Smoke found him. At least if Hanzo wasn't Scorpion anymore, give him a good and happy life. 🥺 But I feel like Kuai Laing should be his own character. Maybe I'll whip up a name and design for him later. And also, Kuai Laing is married to Harumi?! What the fuck?!
Smoke: I did not expect him to be as sweet as he is! Like, what?! He had been through so much it makes my heart hurt! And the way Bi-Han treated him made me so sad! I'm glad that he at least has Kuai Laing to be a big brother figure to him still. Because after all, where there's smoke, there's fire. 🧡🩶
Syzoth: What a fucking cinnamon roll! Seriously! I was PRAYING he would be a good guy and not some villan's henchman again and I got exactly what I wanted and more! I already knew about his family being captured, but I had no idea it was his wife and son! He is literally this timeline's Scorpion and it breaks my heart! 🥺 At least he had a better outcome though. I hope we get to see more of him like this in the future. Also, I knew him and Baraka would be friends but I had no clue they had so much in common! Another duo I never knew I needed!
Baraka: I never thought I'd actually like Baraka, let alone feel so sorry for him! Tarkatans are diseased people? Seriously?! What the FUCK, Liu Kang?! 😭 I'd still bet money on that man who attacks Shang Tsung in the beginning being Baraka. It just all adds up. Shang mentioned his potion being able to treat tarkat and then he shows up, amgry that he lied about it being able to cure his daughter? Ok, TOTALLY him! But maybe he can help Syzoth through his grief of his dead wife and son and they can tackle Shang Tsung together once Mileena doesn't need him anymore?
Ashrah: She is literally such an angel! Fun fact about me: I used to be an Ashrah main when I would play Armageddon when I was a kid. 🤭 I hated her new design at first but now I love it! And that easter egg about her hat was perfect! 😂 Also, I didn't expect to like her personality nearly as much as she did. I mean, when Johnny told her that she is welcome to join them in Earthrealm and she said "I've never had a home. That would be wonderful." my heart literally fucking melted! 🥺💖
Sindel: We FINALLY get good Sindel back and they take her away?! WHY?! 😭 Was I the only one who actually cried when she died? Like, they made her so likable in this game. *Sighs* They giveth and taketh away. 🙄
Mileena: I am SO happy that they kept her as a good character and that she isn't always Tarkatan! I wasn't sure how I'd like her being Outworld's empress because I thought for sure she would be evil, so seeing that she was actually kind and not a blood thirsty monster made me super happy! Also, I've been waiting YEARS to see her and Kitana have an actual sisterly bond and it finally happened! Couldn't be happier with her in this game. 💖 Also, her being so fascinated by Johnny's drone was so fucking adorable. 😂
Kitana: This was probably my most favorite Kitana yet! I was shocked that she wasn't made Empress but I actually like her as Mileena's #1 supporter and protector. And she's in charge of Outworld's armies? BADASS!!! And her reaction to Johnny being shocked by her age was so cute. Wait a minute... Who's sick idea was it to sit Kitanna beside Johnny anyway?! 🤨😑
Li Mei: I LOVE this Li Mei! Seriously, couldn't have done her better! Her design is perfect, her story was very good and she did so well to redeem herself. I never would have guessed that her and Sindel were close friends. But I love that! Now if only Sindel didn't die and we got more of that friendship— 😒
Tanya: Her relationship with Mileena was so cute and God, I need more of it! 😫 Also, I really misjudged her. I thought for SURE she would be a villain!
Rain: I don't have too much to say about him other than I liked his design and I seen him being a villain coming. 😅
Reiko: Pretty cool design and I actually liked him more than I thought I would. I'd like to learn more of his story in future games as well. (Also, Syzoth randomly mocking him in the intro dialogues was too fucking funny! 🤣)
General Shao: No words other than he is a dick and I can't take him seriously after that edited picture of him wearing makeup I seen on Reddit. 🤣
Nitara: What the fuck was that?!?! I mean, her design was ok. (Except for that cone-head hairdo. 😂) But Megan Fox did fucking AWFUL voicing her! I was so shocked because Megan is an actress and from what I've heard about her, she does pretty well. But I literally couldn't focus on any scenes with her in them because of how bad she was. How could they do our girl dirty like this?! 😭
Havik: Pretty cool but he makes me squeamish. I don't know why. 😆
Shang Tsung: I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! GO DIE! 🤬🤬🤬 It's crazy because I've always kinda liked Shang Tsung because he was always such a good villain but after that whole Syzoth thing, I despise the bastard. 😂 But I can't believe Shang from the old timeline disguised himself as Kronika to fuck over himself in Liu's timline! 🤣 Also, the new deadly alliance?! Let's gooooooooo! I LOVE all the old game references, especially the Armageddon one!
Quan Chi: I LOVE his new design! His eyes were so creepy and unsettling which was perfect! It's weird because even though I knew he was in the DLC pack, I didn't expect him to be actually IN the game. 😂 Probably, my most favorite Quan Chi so far.
Ermac: JARROD TOOK CONTROL OF HIM?!?! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?! God, when he got reunited with Sindel and the girls, I almost cried! That was such a beautiful reunion! 🥺 And Sindel is now a part of him too? This is crazy!
Geras: I'm glad he is on the good side. They kind of made him seem a bit against Liu Kang in the trailer for him so I was worried. But I love this upgrade, both appearance and personality wise. He seems like a kind soul. 😌
Honorable mentions: Madam Bo! What an absolute badass! I'm PRAYING for her to be a playable character in the future! 🙏🏻 Also, the alternate timeline characters?! That was SICK! And some of them were SO funny too! I mean Klockodle? Stung Lao? John Kahner? Janet Cage? THAT FUCKING SONYA/KANO ABOMINATION!!! 😭🤣 And I'm also declaring that since there are many alternate timelines, everybody's fanfics are canon! 😤
Anyway, yeah, we have waited years for this game—four, if I'm correct—and honestly, it was worth the wait. I can't wait to actually play it! 😌💖
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the-final-sif · 6 months
(Screenshot anon)
ok so that might've been a classic move for an alpha in like 2003 but times have changed and literally no alpha acts like that nowadays. even if he WAS trying to court Dream he wouldn't have done in a video like that - his reputation is entirely at stake.
taking care of someone when they're sick literally isn't posessive though???? Like ok Jimmy's head alpha of the pack and has to kind of fight to assert dominance because al of them (except Nolan) are also alphas but that has nothing to do with Dream??? if anything he was being a good friend and taking care of someone who was sick. they shared a tent so he could keep an eye on him. that's literally just normal friend behavior - he probably discussed it with SNF earlier and had Karl hang with them so they could enjoy antarctica without having to constantly take care of Dream.
He's literally just doing regular pack leader behavior - and he appears to be really good at it - taking care of a sick member, making sure everyone's not freaking out because a member of the pack is sick, keeping an eye on everything. Dude sucks sometimes but at least he's a good alpha.
As SC Anon (sorry, are we good to use nicknames ?) said, the video was HEAVILY edited. Like, we see Dream and Mr Beast going in for a hug when they get back from the moutain but it cuts ; Nolan sleeping in between the two so that the proper space and third party rule is respected (and like. SC anon said it themselves, Nolan is the only non alpha aka the only one not "threatening" ?? I don't think that is a coincidence) ; at the start of the video they're always next to each others ; that comment Dream makes about knowing MrBeast is pantless ?? Like how ?. We could even see in Dream's longer version (bless its soul) how close the two were originaly. There were definitely some moves made. And I'm pretty sure it's intentionnal Karl was so much with Sapnap and George, to distract them from their newly reunited pack mate. Also I disagree with the "terrible public move" bc nothing untoward happened, Mr Beast was a gentleman on all regards. But 1) he made it clear to Dream in survival conditions he was reliable and a good option 2) he showed it to the world ? Like call that neon flash of "Omega gets sick in Antartica, I manage to keep them perfectly healthy", that was a good boost for his reputation as a carer (not that should matter for alphas, and it pushes bad stereotypes, but that's how traditionnal - and they represent à good part of Mr Beast's audience - saw it). So it was a win for him on every point
And it appears a third anon has entered the fray,
(I'm third completely unrelated anon in the MrBeast saga) FUCK THE BEAST, OKAY. Look we all cringed and laughed about that freak over here who posted the Dream clone switcharoo bullshit in the main tags but now I'm seeing that shit from another angle! How the fuck else would you explain him switching secondary genders that fast?! That shit takes time, no meds or surgery is that good already. Beast did something I'm 100% sure of it, he already dabled in curing the blind, what if he asked Dream to test out a new drug or procedure? I wouldn't put it past him to use guilt tripping tactics, he just went oh please please do it for the poor people that can't have the way more complicated and way more expensive procedures done and Dream agreed. The beast having drolo moments, him staying close to Dream during Antarctica, him talking to George during the football charity match???? That shit confirms it. Motherfucker was keeping tabs on the process and how Dream was reacting to the change, if there were any side effects or complications. He wasn't seducing a sick omega or being a leading alpha or trying to find a partner, he was looking out for his bottom line! And some of you might try to refute it because its been a century since the omega testing facilities have been abolished but guess what, Omegan Healthcare Regulations, Section 14 Subsection 8 clearly states that its LEGAL to use omegas for testing specific substances and or procedures if the omega gives informed consent before any substances or procedures are administered. Even if the Beast got caught, and he will because Dream's immune system is weak as shit and will reject whatever the fuck was done to him pretty soon, he would still get no legal backlash because Dream the idiot would for sure back him up in saying it was fully consensual and that he was informed on all sides and still took the risk. This is a lose-lose situation and I fucking hate it so much!
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buckysouvenir · 9 months
at the fair
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chapter 3 of healing hearts.
reblogs, likes and comments are always encouraged and highly appreciated! thank you ♡
⋆ series masterlist   ⋆ steve rogers masterlist
as days turned into weeks, y/n found herself seeking comfort in steve's company more often than not. with each passing day, their conversations grew more comfortable, and the weight of her heartache seemed to lessen just a little.
they talked about everything and anything, sharing stories, laughter, and even a few moments of comfortable silence. y/n found herself opening up about her dreams, her fears, and her plans for the future. steve, in turn, shared his own aspirations and reflections.
"hey, y/n," steve called out, his voice gentle yet carrying a note of curiosity.
y/n turned, a surprised smile forming on her lips when she saw steve approaching. "hey, steve. just finished a bit of a workout."
steve nodded, his blue eyes scanning her face. "you okay? you looked lost in thought there."
y/n sighed softly, her shoulders relaxing as she met his concerned gaze. "yeah, i guess i've just been going through a lot lately. trying to keep myself occupied, you know?"
he understood the sentiment all too well, given his own history of seeking comfort in physical training. "i get it. sometimes it's good to have a way to clear your mind. you can call me if you want... company to workout, i mean."
she chuckles, "yeah... if i ever need a new punching back, your number will be the first one i'll be calling." y/n says as she grabs her workout bag from the floor and starts to walk away.
"well, speaking of things that might make you feel better, i was wondering if you'd be up for something." he spoke louder to get her attention.
"of course! what is it?" she stopped in her tracks to start paying attention to the super soldier coming to her diction.
"there's a dog adoption fair happening this weekend and i'm invited to help as... you know, captain america... anyway, uh, would you like to go too?" steve said while fidgeting with his water bottle, afraid the other avenger could sense his nervousness but y/n's excitement completely blinded her.
y/n's eyes lit up with excitement. "A DOG ADOPTION FAIR??" she squealed.
steve smiled, encouraged by her enthusiasm. "i thought you might like it. you're such an animal lover, and-"
she jumped and hugged him, "YES! oh my god thank you yes i'll go with you. you have no idea how much i love dogs."
"i'm getting an idea of how much" he said, patting her waist but lingering a little bit longer.
"sorry" she said, embarrassed, letting go of him. "and i'm so sorry i'm sweaty"
steve let out a soft laugh, "it's ok, i'll get a work out in now anyway"
y/n gave him a pressed smile, "ok, uhm... send me the details then?"
"yeah, sure!"
they said their goodbyes as y/n practically skipped away. steve couldn't help but feel a sense of joy himself, her genuine enthusiasm was infectious. with a contented smile, he pulled out his phone and sent her a message with all the information.
the weekend had finally arrived, and y/n's excitement was palpable as she got ready for the dog adoption fair. She stood in front of the mirror in her room, adjusting her outfit and trying to find the perfect balance between comfort and style. the fair was just a short while away, and she wanted to make sure she looked presentable.
as she put on the finishing touches, she heard a knock on her door. she crossed the room and opened the door to find steve standing there, dressed in his full captain america suit.
her eyes widened in surprise, "hey... what are you doing here?" she said, letting out a chuckled laugh but quickly slapping her mouth.
steve looked a little taken aback by her reaction. "i came here to pick you up... what's so funny?" he asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.
y/n put her hand down from her mouth, but a smile still played on her lips. "it's just... the captain america in full uniform"
steve's brows furrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "we've been on missions together with me wearing this suit all the time. what's so funny?"
"it's just that... it looks a little out of place outside of a mission context." y/n's laughter subsided, and she smiled at him warmly. "But don't get me wrong, you look great buddy!" she said patting him on his shoulders like a child.
he grinned, rolling his eyes playfully. "i can't win with you, can i?"
y/n chuckled again and crossed her arms. "you win all the time, cap. it's just a little different seeing you like this in civilian settings."
he shook his head, "fair enough", a fond smile on his lips. "you ready?"
y/n nodded enthusiastically. "absolutely! and i promise not to burst into laughter when we're there."
steve chuckled. "i appreciate that."
the dog adoption fair was in full swing, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and joy. y/n and steve had arrived together, and their presence only added to the event's liveliness.
steve, dressed in his full captain america suit, had become an instant hit among the attendees, especially the children. his charismatic smile drew people towards him like a magnet. he was a natural with the dogs, his gentle demeanor instantly putting them at ease.
y/n found herself busy helping people take pictures with steve, ensuring that everyone got a chance to capture a memorable moment. she laughed as kids lined up, waiting for their turn to stand beside him. grabbing the parents phone, she snapped photos of the heartwarming interactions between steve and the children.
"say CHEESE" y/n called out, her grin matching the children's enthusiasm.
steve crouched down, his shield by his side, as he posed with a wide grin. "CHEESE"
"thanks for doing this, cap!" a father said, shaking steve's hand.
steve's eyes sparkled as he replied, "it's my pleasure."
the children cheered and giggled, their faces lighting up with joy. steve's genuine connection with them was evident, and y/n couldn't help but admire how effortlessly he brought smiles to their faces. amidst the laughter and excitement, her gaze often found its way back to steve, who was already smiling at her. she reminded herself that she needed to focus on the dogs and the event, not get distracted by her growing fondness for steve. after all, they were just friends, and she didn't want to complicate things further, she thought.
however, there was one challenge that y/n couldn't ignore. every time she walked past a dog in need of a home, her heart melted. each wagging tail brought a smile to her face.
steve slowly walked up to her while she was holding a puppy, "you know, you can't have them all y/n" he said, earning a playful pout from her.
"i know!" she replied, rubbing her face on the dogs fur. "it's just... they deserve loving homes."
a fond smile on his lips as he watched her interact with the dog.
"and they will find them, with or without us adopting them all."
"yeah... but i would chose the adopting them all ourselves option if you wouldn't mind."
steve laughed, "i think it's a great idea but i don't think the rest of the tower would agree."
y/n rolled her eyes but agreed with a smile on her face.
"though i have to say, you'd make one heck of a dog mom," steve teased.
"STOOOP! don't give me ideas."
he chuckled softly, his gaze lingering on her. "you just have a big heart, that's all i meant."
y/n met his gaze, her heart fluttering at the sincerity in his eyes.
as the day went on, y/n found it harder to focus on anything other than steve. she caught herself stealing glances when he wasn't looking. she watched as he patiently listened to children's stories, posed for countless pictures, and interacted with the dogs as if they were his own.
each time she caught herself, she reprehended herself for feeling this way, especially given her recent breakup with bucky, especially for the fact that he is her exes best friend.
eventually, she allowed herself a moment to appreciate the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled and the genuine laughter that escaped his lips.
as the sun began to set and the event came to a close, y/n and steve shared a quiet moment. they leaned against a nearby railing, watching as families left with their newly adopted furry friends.
"you did amazing today, steve," y/n said with a soft smile.
he looked at her, his blue eyes warm. "it was a team effort. you helped make today special for a lot of people too. mine included."
y/n's heart swelled. as they stood there, side by side, she couldn't help but feel joy.
#taglist: @yoruse @pattiemac1 @mrsevans90 @lauraashley93 @ozwriterchick @elthoughtzos
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
Can I request a Jack Harlow fic angst filled pls.. I’m thinking Jack and reader have a child together but after months of Jack promising he would never put anything above you both Jack is back hanging in the club and just getting really busy with his career. So you end things with him and decide it’s time to co parent so you can move on and find someone to settle down with.
Jack is so upset and every time he comes to pick up your kid he lingers to try and have a chat and find out how your doing but your not saying much at all. You then see on your phone that Jack has been pictured out with a new woman AND your kid and you lose it because Jack never even told you about this woman. So next time Jack comes round to visit your in full glam getting ready for a double date with your best friend. But maybe the reader rings Jack at like 2am because the blind date has gone wrong and Jack comes to help? Idk maybe a silly idea lol thanks if you do write it
author's note: thanks for requesting. i hope you dont mind me making a few changes to it. but I hope you like it
"Fuck" Jack sighed when he saw the 7 missed texts and 3 missed calls on his phone from Y/N.
He said he'll be here this time. One of the many empty promises he did, and Y/N wasn't sure why she still expect him to change.
It seemed like Y/N and Jack had this conversation over and over again. At first, it was always these explosive arguments where Y/N would grow frustrated at Jack. And he knew better than to say something, so he would just bite his tongue to avoid saying something he'll regret afterward. But he knew she was right.
As he entered their shared apartment, he glanced at the clock on the wall. 4 am. As he walked through the house he found a note on the kitchen counter. dinner is in the microwave.
He sighed in frustration as he ran his hands through his curls. He wished Y/N would give him a sign that she still wanted to fight for their relationship, but I guess he couldn't blame her because is not like he's been keeping his promises for a while now.
He quietly walked to their shared bedroom and crept inside to find y/n opening her eyes as soon as she felt his presence.
He walked to the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry I woke you" he whispered.
"It's ok, I was waiting for you"
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time"
Y/N just sighed as she sat on the bed.
"Look, I don't want to fight. I don't think I even have the energy to do so anymore. But I think we should take a break"
"What?" he said taken back by what she was saying.
"Jack, we're clearly not on the same page here. I've been waiting for the past six months for you to change. For things to get better and for you to be more present. And to be honest, I feel like I'm running in circles in here"
"Wait, please let me finish" she said calmly. "I love you, I really do, and I always will. But we continue like this I'm afraid I would grow to hate you and I don't want to do that"
She choked on her words as tears started falling from her eyes.
Jack took her hand and gently stroked it.
"I would always love you. You gave me a beautiful daughter which is the most perfect thing I've ever done. But I can't carry on like this, I really can't"
"Y/N, it doesn’t have to be this way. I can change, I promise things would get better, I just need to-"
"Jack, I got tired of fighting and you got tired of trying. It's just not working anymore. We have to face reality. It's too late" she said stroking his cheek.
It was over.
The following months were hard, but you and Jack were finally at a point in your relationship where the two of you were civil with each other, which made co-parenting very easy and smooth. He would come to pick up Aitana on the weekends, with exceptions when he was on tour obviously, while she would stay with you during weekdays.
You answer the doorbell to find Jack standing at the other side of the door.
"Hey Jack, Aitana should be down any minute"
"Yeah" he said. "So, how you've been?"
You were taken back by his sudden interest in your life.
"I've been good, thanks for asking"
"So is there a lucky guy-"
Y/N sighed in relief.
Aitana came running to Jack's arms.
"Hey bubs, ready for a long weekend just the two of us?"
"Yeah" she squealed in excitement.
"Ok, say goodbye to your mom"
"Bye mommy" Aitana said leaning into Y/N and kissing her on the cheek.
"Goodbye sweetie, have fun"
Then she closed the door behind her.
That night, Y/N invited her best friend, Rowan, to stay over. They ordered Thai food and watched re-runs of Sex & the City while catching up.
"Wait, so you got tickets to see Hamilton?"
"Yeah, Norman surprised me with them over dinner last night"
"That's nice, where did he take you?"
"Redbird. By the way, I'm glad you and Jack are on good terms. I saw him with a woman and Aitana, sitting a few tables away from me. I didn't know you were all on such good terms, I could never-"
"What? What woman?"
"A red-haired girl, she seemed close to Aitana. Wait, I thought you knew…"
Y/N was beyond pissed. They had finally reached a point where Aitana was just getting used to her parents being divorced, and he was already introducing their daughter to some woman. Without consulting her first…
Friday night came faster than you expected. You were currently putting on your earrings when you heard the doorbell.
"Coming" you said while walking to the door.
You opened the door to find Jack standing by the other side of the door, stunned by seeing Y/N all dolled up.
"Aitana would be down in a few seconds"
"You look great, any special occasion?"
"Oh, I'm going on a double date"
"A date? with who?"
Y/N arched her brow not expecting him to be so interested in your dating life.
"His name is Craig, we've been on a few dates. Why the sudden interest?"
"Because I would like to know the person you're dating before I let you introduce him to my daughter?"
"Your daughter?" you asked in disbelief crossing your arms.
"Y/N, you know what I mean"
"No, I don't. In fact, I don't think you are one to make that decision considering you being going around with your girlfriend and our daughter without consulting me first"
"What are you talking about?"
"Rowan saw you on Redbird, with a redhaired woman and Aitana"
Jack looked at Y/N like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Y/N, I can explain-"
"I don't wanna hear it Jack, I'-"
At that moment, you got a text from Craig.
"I have to go, they are already here. The door key is below the plant pot. Make sure to close when you leave"
Before he could say something, she was gone.
It was 2 am when Jack's phone went off.
He glanced at the screen to see it was Y/N.
"Y/N is everything ok"
Y/N immediately started silently crying when she heard the concern in his voice.
"Jack, um… I'm sorry I know I shouldn't be calling this late"
"No, no, no, it's ok. What happened?"
"It's Craig. After Rowan left with her date, this random guy that was passing by made a flirty comment about me and he got pissed at me for not saying anything and humiliated me in front of the whole restaurant"
Jack was fuming at what he just heard but remained composed to avoid unsettling her.
"Where are you?"
"I'm outside the restaurant"
"I'll come and get you"
"What about Aitana?"
“She’s asleep. I’ll just bring her along in the car”
She could hear the keys through the phone.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll be there in a few”
After that, Y/N hung up.
When Jack pulled into the restaurant, he saw Y/N standing alone outside like a lost puppy.
“Hey” he said in a tender tone of voice as soon as she climbed to the passenger seat.
The shift of energy and Jack’s act of kindness triggered her because at that moment she broke into tears.
Jack wasted no time and pulled her into his embrace and let her cry on his shoulder.
After a few minutes, she calmed down and Jack proceeded to drive back to his apartment.
“Jack, I thought you were taking me home”
“I didn’t want you to be by yourself, just because we are not together anymore doesn’t mean I don’t care about you” he said before opening the door and taking Aitana into his arms.
When you got inside, Jack put Aitana to bed, while you stood by the doorway.
“I’ll get you some clothes for you to change, you can sleep in my room”
“No, that won’t be necessary, I can sleep on the couch”
“No, of course not. I can’t have you sleeping on the couch. Just take my bed. Is ok, really” he said kissing the top of her head before heading to his room to get some clothes for Y/N.
The following morning Y/N got up early after taking a shower. She walked through the living room, only to find Jack making breakfast.
“Leaving so soon?” he asked softly with a hint of hurt in his voice.
“I don’t want to confuse Aitana, and get her hopes up”
“Then it shouldn’t be that way. We can give it another try”
“Jack, you’re dating someone”
“I’m not. Well, not anymore. You were right, I should’ve never introduced her to Aitana without your knowledge, that was fucked up. When she started pressuring me about putting her needs above Aitana’s, I knew I needed to put an end to it. Besides, I only did that because I was trying to get over you” he sighed. “I know I fucked everything up when I let you leave. You just wanted me to be more present and I couldn’t even do that. And I know you have given me countless chances to prove myself and even though I don’t deserve any of them, would you consider giving us another chance?”
Y/N couldn’t even lie to herself. She wanted this as much as he did.
“Ok” she softly said.
Y/N nodded in response smiling from ear to ear.
Jack close the gap between them and cupped her face with his hands and pulled her into a kiss.
And just like that, they were together again. The way it was always meant to be.
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meowmeowmage · 11 months
Let's write an mHanders fic! Part 5 (poll under readmore)
Masterpost featuring links to all parts: HERE
"Dog pissed in my other pair of boots!" Hawke blurted out, blind panic taking the rein over his mouth, and not for the better. The words were barely past his lips but he already knew exactly how unbelievable they sounded, especially when delivered in a tone of voice that basically screamed 'half-baked lie'.
Anders blinked at him, a bit taken aback by Hawke's reaction. Then his eyebrows shifted in a disappointed frown, and the corner of his lips turned downward a bit, and Hawke felt like kicking himself for bringing that sort of look on Anders's face.
"Dog?" Anders asked, incredulous, "Your very loyal mabari who has better toilet habits than half of Kirkwall? He pissed in your other boots? All three pairs of them?"
Hawke winced. It was an even worse lie than he initially realized. But he could still salvage this! He must!
"Well, uh.., he was really pissed off at me."
Anders's frown deepened. Well, fuck. That definitely didn't work. Who would've guessed...
"That's ridiculous," Anders said tersely, "Do you honestly think I'd believe that? Besides, you have your empty travelling bag with you. You're clearly on your way out of Kirkwall. What I don't understand is why you would lie to me."
'Because I didn't want you to think worse of me' was the truth, but Hawke couldn't say that. He hadn't meant to insult Anders's intelligence but he had done that on top of everything else. He hoped this whole thing was a nightmare, but neither his own mind, nor a demon, could fabricate a situation as ridiculous and terrible as this one. So sadly, this was very much reality.
"I, uh...," Hawke stumbled for words, for explanations, for more lies.
But before he could think of anything, Anders's expression shifted again, sadness and even deeper disappointment flashing painfully across his features. He looked so crestfallen.
"You came to take me on a missions, didn't you? And not to check whether I was alright..."
Oh no.
No no no no-
Hawke took a hasty step forward, but then stopped, uncertain and awkward. This was a disaster, and he couldn't let Anders think he didn't care!
"I knew you were alright!" He said hurriedly, "Varric's informants told me about the raid, ok. It was on the other side of Darktown, so I knew you were alright. But if you were in danger, I would've definitely come to check on you or help you, I hope you know that."
He also dearly hoped that the sincerity of his words was obvious to Anders. And it seemed that it was, because Anders's expression brightened a bit. Hawke sighed in relief.
"Oh," Anders said, sounding a bit sheepish, "I... I'm glad to hear that. But that still doesn't explain why you tried to lie to me."
Hawke swallowed. He really didn't want to talk about it. But if he must, he would tell just enough of the truth, but not too much.
"I, well, I didn't realise I was only coming here on business. I was just trying not to annoy you too much with my presence," Hawke said, rubbing the back of his neck. That excuse could work for friends, right? It didn't show how terribly hopelessly in love he was, right? He hoped not. "But then you pointed out what a selfish ass I've been coming across as, and I didn't want to prove you right, you know..."
Good enough, Hawke thought. A bit pathetic but there was no helping it at this point. And it was all worth it just to see Anders's expression brighten and his lips turn upwards just a bit.
"You could never annoy me with your presence," Anders said.
And maybe it was Hawke's imagination grasping at straws, maybe it wasn't. But he definitely heard softness and affection in Anders's words. Probably more than there was in reality.
"Aha, that's good to know," He said, not a fair amount of awkwardness in his tone. He was pretty sure he was blushing as well. He needed to change the topic, "I don't suppose you want to come with me on a mission now."
Anders sighed and looked around the clinic.
"It's a slow day, so I guess I can spare the time."
Hawke couldn't help the huge grin that spread on his face. And which then quickly wilted when Anders continued.
"And on the way to whatever task you have for the day you can tell me why you were such an ass to Serah Bayron."
"He just rubs me the wrong way," Hawke said, hoping Anders wouldn't dig for details.
"Well, I'd appreciate it if you tried to be less hostile towards him. He's one of the decent people in Hightown."
Then Anders proceeded to sing Bayron praises and Hawke had to grit his teeth as not to say something asshole-ish again and get on Anders's bad side.
° ° °
The scene will most likely be short. And then we're off to the Blooming Rose!
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needle-noggins · 11 months
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clearly i'm in an analysis mood so i'll share my thoughts on the GHG scene in Trimax Volume 2, mostly Legato, that crazy son of a bitch.
First, there's something to be said about his wild Iron Lung set up. On my first read I thought it was more of a punishment from Knives for threatening Vash, but I guess it's also because his body is physically broken? And/or a way to curb his power? Either way, Legato is the definition of "jokes on you, I'm into that shit" because he's so extremely broken (in every sense of the word). There's a definite link between Legato's trauma and the fucked up little guy he is now but I don't know shit about shit so would not consider myself qualified to discuss it further. Please read madnessmadness's trigun bdsm post as a supplemental.
ok, this next panel made me gasp. It's not a needle-noggins analysis without religious symbolism, so here you go!
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Vash is literally hanging upside down, arms splayed out on an upside down cross, when Legato talks about him. Like, okay pontius pilate!! I think Vash is upside down for two reasons, the obvious being that the reader can tell that Legato is talking about killing Vash (cool abstract blood splatter too, which kinda messes with the cross form and makes it less obvious) (but i see you nightow, you can't escape my catholic eyes). The second, is, well, the way that Peter was crucified - not right-side-up like good ol' Jesus. The story goes that Peter requested to be crucified upside down because he didn't deserve to die the same way as Jesus. Trigun muddles so many biblical references all at once that a direct correlation can't be made at any given time, but I think we can interpret this here as Vash being unworthy/not the savior in Legato's mind (to him that's Knives, ofc).
An upside-down crucifix now is also a satanic symbol, just like. Inverting Christianity. Obvious "these are the bad guys". But I think that's a much more common symbol in western culture than to Japanese so I'm not gonna read into that too much.
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nothing to add here other than Midvalley is lowkey fine (like if Wolfwood got his shit together) and here we can see the internal conflict of the GHG. Nobody's doin' it like Legato's doin' it, and I wish Midvalley pulled that trigger (it's not his place though, but damn it sure would save Vash a lot of trouble).
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Bring back Knives' bodycon bdsm dress, Stampede!!!
"engrave the futility of his cause into his every bone" jfc, Knives. I've said it earlier but Knives's attempt to show Vash "the true nature of [humanity]" backfires so hard because instead he just shows Vash the nature of his own being, the terrifying weapon that he is (cough fifth moon). Vash doesn't blame people at all for how they see him, because baby boy has absolutely zero self-esteem and far too much compassion. Meanwhile, Knives is still a proud, burnt out gifted kid who is terrified at his heart and he's going to make it everyone else's problem. Knives understands his brother so little that he doesn't see that his plan is just going to make Vash fight him harder. Knives is too blinded by his fear and disdain for humanity to even consider it. Zero compassion. Fantastic way to highlight the overarching themes of the story. (/hand-wavy "you get it, right?" motion)
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Someone please get Legato a napkin and explain to him that Knives is not God. Something something horrible deeds being done in the name of God's "will"; Trimax is both showing us space Jesus as our beloved self-sacrificing protagonist while also warning us against blind faith in a vengeful God, etc etc. It's my Trigun book club analysis and I get to choose the biblical symbolism to fit the way I hate modern Christianity!
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elgascreamslikehell · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
Cause it's still wednesday in Paris and I'm also in Paris.
I'm not tagging anyone but if you for some reason want to know where this is going - interact with this and I'll tag you next time!
Buck hears the door open and freezes, not entirely awake. Maybe it's already morning? Hell it's so uncomfortable not to see. He should have been more careful on that call. Ok, it's too quiet for morning, so it should be still night. He finds his phone and turns it on.
'Five hours thirty six minutes', - it's totally not morning. But… he could swear he heard the door. Who could it be? 
Buck leaves the bed, finds the bat - kinda funny Eddie keeps it here - and goes to the hall 
'Who's there?!', - well, what else can he do right now? Attack first, ask later could be rude! And blind attacks could totally break something. The answer leaves him unarmed: 'Buck… put my bat down, it's me'.
'Eddie? What are you doing here?', - Buck was pretty sure he'll come back only in the morning. Or even the next day, after the shift. 
'I live here', - Eddie smiles. Even not seeing Buck can tell, something in Eddie's voice is changing when he smiles: 'I know. I mean… Didn't you have a date?'
There's this noise when Eddie puts off his jacket before he speaks: 'Yes. I had a date. Now I'm here.', - usually, in Buck's mind, dates with this context don't end up in the middle of the night, so he says it: 'I thought you'd stay there'
'Well, i did not. Put the bat away, Buck, and go back to sleep, I'm sorry i woke you up'
'You didn't answer our texts, Chris was worried!',- actually, Buck was much more worried after all but hardly likely it makes sense.
'I know. I apologize in the morning. Now I just want to lie down. So let's postpone this talk, okay?' 
Something in his voice sounds wrong but Buck can't guess what specifically
'Okay… everything is fine? I mean…', - how did the sex go, that's what he means. But who asks this kind of question? 
'Evan, please…', - he is really tired and needs to think about a lot of stuff. And take an Advil. Discussion is just not on the table now
'Fine. I can wait for you, if you want', - it's really strange how fast Buck creates a habit to sleep with Eddie using him as a big comforter. Giant pillow. Enormous hugging toy. Eddie just emits coziness and calmness. Not that it doesn't bother Buck but to be honest not that it's bothering him that much
'Not today. Sorry. By the way, can I use your car?'
'Well, yes, it's still at the station but I'll give you the keys. Why?'
'I need to go to the mall. Buy a new phone', - now there should be a pretty fucking good explanation and Buck demands it: 'I meant why you can't use your car but now i also have a question about your phone. Is everything ok?'
'Well, there's a possibility I've got into some accident and broken my car. And lost my phone. And..',- Buck hears Eddie stumbles: 'And also got a light concussion'
Buck freezes: 'Excuse you? Accident? Concussion?', - Chris was right. Something was totally wrong. 
'It's nothing, really. Some bruises and this, i had a pretty good safety system as you know'
'Eddie..', - Buck tries, he really tries to be calm: 'What the hell are you talking about?', - well, he did try. He just didn't succeed.
'There's a big slam on the highway. Some trucks collapsed, twelve cars were affected.. there was 133 and our b-shift, so i helped for some time and then i was caught by captain Mehta and sent home', - Buck is mad. Like really mad: 'He sent you home?! Not to the ER?!'
Eddie laughs: 'I might say I have a personal first responder at home. I might miss the fact he's blind. And he checked me, so I'm fine. Just a little dizzy'
'You go to bed. With me. Don't argue. I need to control your state.'
Eddie keeps quiet for some time
'Fine. I'm too exhausted for this now. And too dizzy'
'I can call an ambulance', - actually that's a good idea, thinks Buck. Why the hell did you come home instead of the ER? Why the hell were you even driving somewhere??
'But what's with Eric then?'
'Oh fuck… I'll call him tomorrow'
'Eddie. I mean, you were on a date. How did you end up in the car crash?'
'Doesn't matter. Hell'
Buck hears him holding onto the wall and goes forward to catch his hand: 'I've got you', - that phrase gives Eddie a sad smile, fortunately Buck can't see it: 'Thanks, Evan'
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