chaoticspacefam · 1 year
Director's Cut ask game: I'm unfamiliar with your work, but I'm curious regardless. Chapter One of Creeping Shadow. Tell me about it: what were your thoughts and intentions regarding the chapter? Anything you particularly like? Having written more in the world, is there anything special that sticks out to you as important going forward?
Thank you so much for the ask, I appreciate it! 🤗
[From the Fanfic Writer's Directors Cut Asks]
(still up for taking more, too, if anybody wants to ask! :3) [Link to the Chapter for anyone curious] (yes its marked as ch 2 here but AO3 doesn't have a "prologue" or "epilogue" option in itself so that's why!)
This chapter was honestly very fun to write, especially considering I wrote most of it waaayy back when the story was still in its infancy. A lot of the later plot points that I was originally going to work with back then have been re-worked since (and I'm gonna have to go back and make a few tiny edits to a couple of the following chapters, namely changing a cameo since the character I was originally putting in there doesn't exist anymore and got the can in favour of a different one! :P), but Chapter 1 funnily enough is one of the chapters I don't have to change since then because it still holds its place in the story very well imo.
The prologue was Aria's introduction itself, Chapter 1's purpose is very much to fill out my version of the rest of the SWTOR world, since my version takes some very steep deviations from canon at several points. We meet the other "main" side character and set up the suspense of the fact that Aria's NOT a very trustworthy character. She seems to make decisions on a whim (fact), and for selfish reasons that don't always become clear to the other characters immediately, but come full circle later on (for example, the reason she helped Ziri is addressed later in Chapter 4!) Which is part of why I decided to start the story on Taris instead of actually at Tython/the Jedi start point. I wanted it to be very important and very clear that Aria is not actually a Jedi, even if everyone else in the story at this point assumes she is one because well...she has a lightsaber right? This can't possibly be a bad assumption to make that will come back to bite everyone in the ass later, no sir! :'D Aria even has as much of an exchange with one of the NPCs in-chapter pointing this out:
A frustrated groan left Aria's lips as she glanced upwards at the ceiling for a moment, collecting herself. “I'm not a doctor. I can't help her.” Yet again, the Twi'lek man's gaze dropped to the lightsaber hilt resting at her belt. “But you're a Jedi.” "No. No, I'm not.” Aria snorted, fixing him with an unmoving glare. “I want nothing to do with them. I just happen to own a lightsaber and know how to use it, that's all.”
This is both set up/foreshadowing for the later plot point in Ch 8/9 (which will be dropping at some point in the future for newer readers, for older readers who've been here listening to me babble about these idiots from day 1, you probably know what's coming) 😈😈 and also a bit of poetic irony because what happens immediately after this chapter? Surprise Jedi! Aria is not amused xP
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arrthurpendragon · 11 months
👤 + Buffy: The Vampire Slayer??
@themildestofwriters-ocs has created for that fandom! I know they have a fic available on AO3 and FFN!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 8 months
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Happy Halloween / Friendsgiving!
going to spare the whole preamble but it's Halloween month and here in Canada it's also thanksgiving (aka friendsgiving) month, so it seemed like the perfect excuse to combine them into one fun month-long giveaway! For a fun little spooky event, everything is going to be Halloween themed! Instead of choosing a specific type of edit, I'm offering four different edit themes and then will choose the edit style based on the vibes ( and, as always, crossovers are very very welcome! )
So the four themes that I'm offering will be: genre bending ( putting ocs into a different genre than usual; this doesn't have to be horror but it absolutely can be ), halloween movie / music themes ( you can specify a movie / song and I'll make an edit for your oc with that, or you can make it a wild card and I'll choose a movie / song for you ), costumes ( you give me the oc & a costume, and I'll make an edit for it ), or spooky ( I will come up with something spooky themed for your oc ) — there is also a option for adding a secondary character to any of these edits! I can't guarantee that the secondary character will make it in, it will depend on what I end up doing, but I will do my best to include them. If you do want to request a crossover, just list my character as the secondary character and don't worry about including their faceclaim!
( tagging some of the besties but this is by no means exclusive! @the-witching-ash @ocmerunaway @farklelucas @my-random-ocs @manyfandomocs @darknightfrombeyond @ginevrastilinski @megdonnellys @ocappreciationtag @cecexwrites @themildestofwriters )
Must be following me
Must reblog this post
Submit the form
You can submit as many requests as you want but pleaseeee submit them each separately
Deadline to submit is October 31st
Specify what gift type you want
I don’t need all of the optional info but the more details that you give me, the more accurate my project can be!
If there’s anything you’d like that isn’t an option here, shoot me an ask/message – I don’t want to guarantee anything but I’m also sure that there are things that I’d be totally happy to do and just forgot to include
Genre Bending
Your OC:
Secondary character (optional):
Secondary character's faceclaim:
Blog to tag (if different from what you’re submitting from):
Halloween Movies / Music
Your OC:
Secondary character (optional):
Secondary character's faceclaim:
What movie / song do you want?:
Blog to tag (if different from what you’re submitting from):
Oc’s name:
Secondary character (optional):
Secondary character's faceclaim:
Blog to tag (if different from what you’re submitting from):
Oc’s name:
Secondary character (optional):
Secondary character's faceclaim:
Blog to tag (if different from what you’re submitting from):
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saph-y · 2 years
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June commission for @themildestofwriters 🪄 🏹 Thank you so much !
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purpleyearning · 2 years
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @theanti-heros, @guardiansofheroes, @harleyquinnzelz, @stanshollaand, and @maddies-buckley! Thanks for thinking of me guys! 
1. Lizzie Saltzman (Legacies)
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2. Allison Argent (Teen Wolf)
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3. Caroline Forbes (The Vampire Diaries)
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4. Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
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5. Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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6. Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
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7. Ruby Matthews (Sex Education)
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8. Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
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9. Clara Oswald (Doctor Who)
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10. Tony Stark (MCU)
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tagging: @elmunson, @richitozier, @alicent-hightcwer, @anqelwiithhxrns, @joaquinwhorres, @hiddenqveendom, @themildestofwriters, @notxjustxstories, @maddyperiez, and @nadja-antipaxos​
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reyofluke-ocs · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Thank you so much for tagging me @guardiansofheroes and @come-along-pond!
1. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars) pretend TLJ, TROS, and TBOBF don't exist
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2. Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
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3. Wanda Maximoff (MCU/Marvel Comics)
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4. Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries) what do you mean tvd continued past S3???
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5. Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) no I haven't seen past s3 yet but all the appreciation for him
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6. Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
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7. Batfam (DC) look I can't choose just one
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8. Aloy (Horizon: Zero Dawn/Horizon: Forbidden West)
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9. Team Gibbs/MCRT (NCIS) it's been okay since Mark left but it's missing something even though they try to keep up the Team Gibbs/family dynamic
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10. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds) can I probably ever finish criminal minds without triggering another round of intrusive thoughts? unlikely but I'll watch what I can for him
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Tagging: @elmunson, @arrthurpendragon, @hiddenqveendom, @themildestofwriters-ocs, @darth-caillic, @musicboxmemories, and really anyone who wants to do this that sees this on their dash!
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thechekhov · 4 years
I'm trying to find the tutorial you posted a while back regarding the glitch effect you do for your White Steven AU but can't find it under any of the tags. Do you know where I could find it?
Which one would that be? I found this post under the ‘tutorial’ tag. It’s the Chromatic Distortion/Aberration one. I don’t know of any other glitch effects I’ve described though. 
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sfaira · 5 years
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Giveaway prizes!  @lookbluesoup @themildestofwriters @quinndecker214
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eldstunga · 5 years
'Issue'? I don't think getting hit by Rynn's lekku would necessarily be called an "issue". More like a blessing, tbh...
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A blessing of pain!
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moonlitalien · 5 years
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Sketch commission for @themildestofwriters of her adorable OCs Babette and Josephine! <3 
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Hey, I was curious if you happened to know of any aboriginal Australian women who'd fit a face claim for a young curly black/brown-haired woman with warm brown skin?
Try these people:
Jessica Mauboy - Indonesian, Australian Aboriginal
Claudia Doumit - Lebanese, Indigenous Australian, Italian
Shareena Clanton - Australian Aboriginal, African American, Native American
Samantha Harris - Indigenous Australian, German, English
Everlyn Sampi - Bardi Australian Aboriginal, Scottish
Miranda Tapsell
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
I’m curious- are there any oc’s of fandoms your not exactly in personally but that you are interested from other creators/mutual’s (like, along the lines of me being interested in Nikki but not the overall MCU?)
Previously 100% OUAT because of you but now you've gotten me obsessing over it (in it personally now but still from you if that counts?), also very into @themildestofwriters' Buffy oc and @manyfandomocs' Scream ocs!
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New Year New Blog
Hey, y’all! As we move into the new year, I’ve decided to make a specialized side-blog for my original characters and work-in-progresses because it’ll help split the load and leave people to follow for what they want instead of just having one blog to do so.
With this update, I’ll be posting a Writeblr reIntroduction and some WIP primers as well!
Taglist:  @starr-lights, @kijilinn, @yuelias-prince, @unwriter-sc, @phoenix-writer, @cttrajan1206
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purpleyearning · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @anqelwiithhxrns!!
tea or hot chocolate // cozy books or halloween movies // plaid or corduroy // foggy mornings or twinkling nights // orange or black // pumpkin or apple pie // wool or velvet // picking fruit or carving pumpkins // libraries or coffee shops // cinnamon or peanut butter // spooky or cozy halloween // candles or fairy lights
tagging: @alicent-hightcwer, @richitozier, and @themildestofwriters
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randomestfandoms · 4 years
You (Author): How do you feel about prologues? How do you feel about epilogues? How do you know when a scene is “done”? What is your best piece of advice for writing smut scenes?
I’m all for prologues!!!  I’m not a huge fan of epilogues but I don’t hate them either!
I usually know that a scene is done when I start to feel like characters are becoming ooc just to progress it - but sometimes they just move on naturally!
Honestly I totally can’t write smut lmao so I don’t really have any advice!
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sithsdoinshit · 5 years
I invite the Sith over to crack a cold one over with the boys. Sidious misunderstands and blows up Hoth.
we all make mistakes
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