#there are ways to stop her without being like “calm down it's nbd”
tenthousandguns · 25 days
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time to be annoying. when one of the most important scenes in your entire manga hinges around a man having built relationships with two groups but you only ever show him in relation to one of those groups, and it's the group using the other as living factories, that weakens the overall message on the value of understanding and communication.
I actually think him calling that plant a brat is in vein with him telling Lina it's not a big deal that adult men touched her butt: a difficulty comforting people who have been unfairly injured because he struggles with the cognitive dissonance his own stance causes him, which is not unique to the stance on plants we're communicated through his on-screen moments.
it's clear Vash has some reverence for his sisters - we see moments of it in all three iterations of trigun. it's also clear that Vash is deeply angry, deeply unhappy, and uncomfortable with people lashing out against their oppressors in ways that might entail violence or harm. it's also clear that no, he is not working to educate humans, better the plight of plants, and build plant-human relationships. when he sees an angry plant, he reacts just as he does to an angry human child has been hurt.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Darker Stains
Also on AO3 
Being a villain might run in Izuku's family, but that doesn't mean he needs to be the same type of villain as his dad. After all, the world doesn't need another All for One.
But I could do with another Stain.
AKA: Izuku, stubbornly follows Stain around until the guy warms up to him, all while he slowly poisons his gen ed class against the concept of heroes. Iida is stuck in the middle of all of this and finding himself begrudgingly agreeing with the kid who seems too sweet to be a villain.
Basically, deku is stain's apprentice
Ok less apprentice, more like "kid he cant get rid of"
izuku has afo and is sensei's kid and its kinda been his mission to get stain onside, but he just kinda started staning stain
so he said "love u dad but can i just like, follow this guy" and his dad said "you know what, its good to broaden your villainous horizons" So he makes a deal w stain: the heroes don't have to die, but izuku will take their quirks from them
in this AU izuku can "borrow" a quirk pretty quickly but needs a solid minute of contact to fully take it
izuku goes to ua, hes a gen. ed. student! he's there to get connections/blackmail but he only shows up around 3 days a week because of "family matters" but he’s holding great grades so they haven’t pushed too hard about his attendance. the only quirk izuku is listed as having is minor telekinesis, its all he uses in school but he gets pretty far in the sports festival, all the way to the tournament but has to forfeit his match because he needs to do something
(it was against bakugo. he honestly could have fought it but bakugo would be way angrier not being allowed to fight him so he left a little early)
so bakugo has always been kinda,,, scared of izuku. he lives w his dad, his mum lives in europe or something, bakugo isn't sure (afo told her it'd be safer for her to leave the country because all might vs him would be dangerous. She agreed but asked that he A, look after izuku and B, she be allowed to give her quirk to him as a gift to keep him safe. its izukus favorite quirk) and izuku has always let off a creepy aura. he had a "weak" quirk but did a lot of unexplained things, was too smart etc and his dad was creepy as all hell
bakugo would never admit it, but he was kinda glad he didnt have to fight izuku
Iida doesn’t get the call from his mum until later so he gets his medal and everything.
turns out? tensei was stopped by the hero killers, they don't "kill" people but they do kill heroes, tensei fought, lost and lost his quirk
so everything happens as in canon up till hosu (mirio has ofa) so izuku knows iida a little, was on his team with todoroki (replaced kami, his quirk was great for grabbing headbands). He actually picked iida's team because he wanted to know more about him before they took on ingenium
he wasnt 100% onboard with the removal of ingenium because he wasn't all that bad but he wasn't perfect for stains ideology because he was pretty profit-focused, had no other heroes on team but loads of sidekicks who make lower rates than heroes and give his agency a funding boost and was from a Hero Family so it wasn't super likely he wanted to be a hero just to save people
but he was a nice guy and put his life on the line for people so izuku thought he was pretty ok but stain was sticking to his guns and izuku didn't want the guy dead,,, so he said sure. so, izuku kinda,,, knows iida is going to come after stain. he saw all the people who put in internship forms, he saw where iida put down and put 2 and 2 together. but, thing is? he really likes iida! every time he's met iida the guy has been super nice to him, if a little uptight. during the cavalry battle he even took a hit for izuku he didn’t need to and izuku liked that so he’s trying to steer stain away from where he knows iida is probably going to end up because fuck endeavour and he's in Hosu
(plus izuku wants that sweet sweet fire quirk because he's not allowed to take dabi's)
also: relevant but only just, izuku has a really cutesy villain costume and isn't linked to the hero killer (like, think bunny poncho)
so izuku is wandering around, trying to work out how to lure endeavour into a dark alley and not having much luck because the nomu are L o u d and he ends up getting pushed to the ground and trampled in a person stampede
which he's a little salty about! but, iida, a knight in shining armour, stops his search for the hero killer to help izuku up and ask if hes ok and izuku blushes despite himself because even tho hes trying to steal the number 2 heroes quirk hes a big fan of heroes and iida? pushing all the heroic buttons
so yada yada, stain ends up taking native because endeavour wasnt leaving the crowds and izuku goes over to take the quirk for him and iida shows up
He steps between izuku and stain (assuming stain ment to hurt izuku) and says hes going to get revenge for his brother
and stain just fucking,,, sighs because he can see izuku's blush from here and the kid is all starry eyed over baby ingenium but like, the kid is vengeance-y and that’s not great for a hero, so he thinks the least he can do is rough him up a bit to teach him what a hero should be doing, because he’s trying to make a point more than anything he doesn’t use his quirk yet and tries to explain his point to iida
izuku is sitting off to the side with native and just watching this go down (he,,, may also be stealing native's quirk,, because fuck that guy but thats not the point)
anyway, iida is losing, and pretty badly too because the kid is angry and alone. izuku has finished taking native's quirk, who still hasn’t realized because hes stupid so he hauls iida over his shoulder from where hes a little concussed on the ground and runs off with him, leaving stain to sigh because what has his life come to
izuku talks to iida about stains ideas while patching him up, admitting that he thinks iida's brother was actually a pretty good hero and that stains a little strict. iida cant help but understand stains way of thinking, even though hes mad at himself about it. he tries to ask izuku what he was doing but he just gets shushed
izuku kinda dumps iida on todoroki and runs
(todoroki swears there was something familiar about the rabbit costumed kid)
so, izuku like comes up to iida during school, says he heard ab. stain and that it was really impressive that he did all that yadda yadda, and then leaves, 20 minutes later todoroki sees iida trying to flex his arms and grimacing. iida admits his arms are a little sore but its nbd
during hero training iida collapses a little and ochako runs over, hes trying not to scream because his arms hurt so bad.
he heads to recovery girl and hes? ok? but now also got engines where his brother did? and todoroki and ochako are so lost. todoroki turns to iida and says "i know this is off topic, but didnt your involvement with stain get suppressed from the media?" and iida freezes
iida trying to find this gen ed student but he doesnt really remember izukus name. hes just "green boy w minor telekinesis who knew too much"
i want izuku ducking behind his bestie shinso to hide from the big bad hero student. shinso is ready to throw down for izuku honestly. izuku confided in shinso ab. his villainous quirk and shinso is honestly shaping up to be his righthand man. together they'll show the world what heroes should really be, by tearing the system to shreds
iida is trying to find "green boy". short skinny green boy who hides behind his tall angry friend and is only on campus like, half the week. 
needless to say iida is having some trouble
so iida, honestly losing faith in heroics (in this au, todoroki told iida about the quirk marriage) goes looking for stain
iida: “where is izuku”
everyone in gen ed: 💪🏽👁👄👁👊🏽
iida, now in tears: “what are you  say i ng”
basically in this au izuku has managed to poison the gen ed. kids against heroics. some of them cant stand their teachers anymore, none of them want to transfer, they fake gag when they see the heroics students and some of them have even dropped out but no one suspects izuku because the kid loves heroes!!!
mic is his homeroom teacher
so mic is also the traitor
but hes like,, stupidly in love with aizawa and izuku kinda loves eraserhead so izuku makes his dad promise to not hurt 1a/aizawa so in this au? aizawa doesn't get smashed by the nomu. aizawa was trapped by stains quirk so the guy has tr a u m a but he's not in pain. afo is honestly trying to kill allmight but izuku likes all might so they fight about it but like, a soft fight? and it's disturbing even shigiraki because you should not be lightly bickering over the life of a man
shigaraki s in the corner tears in his eyes because izuku just gave afo permission to “lightly maim him” like goddamn kid what’s wrong with u
stain runs into iida and he's like "god please i dont wanna fight you again the boss' kid will cry" and iida is like ",,, so tell me about izuku" and stain fucking glares at him w such intensity iida is both 1, sure he's correct 2, scared for his life
so stain calls kurogiri and throws iida into the bar and izuku jumps like, 6 feet in the air like a cat and is clinging to the roof but he calms the fuck down and iida is so shook that the only thing he can think to say is ",,, we are too young to be in a bar"
and izuku busts a gut and hes like, crying laughing "you're right we are way too young, why don't we go to another room?" dabi wolf whistles, then has to dodge izuku's now flying milkshake iida n izuku just chat! n iida is a little creeped? because izuku is charismatic and charming and iida agrees with him 100% but he shouldn’t be? he should be nervous or angry or at least a little confused but hes just so charming and bubbly its a little odd. honestly, all the stuff izuku pointed out? iida starts to see how bakugo can get away with acting like an ass but shinso can’t even look at someone wrong without getting set upon
iida is making massive leaps in his training because his quirk has doubled in strength! but, it feels like hes stolen something from his brother
but thats not possible, right? you cant give and take quirks.
of course not
iida starts wondering what midoriya's quirk really is, exactly. he never named it. just said "i can use telekinesis on light stuff" but, he hung around villains and seemed to be respected by them, without any visible training, weapons or strength
and shinso, when prompted, said he empathised with midoriya, which iida thought was an odd word choice?
anyway, iida doesnt feel great during hero training. all might's villain costume feels almost offensive? and the profiling aizawa has them do feels wrong, like making assumptions based off the quirk, not the person. it just feels gross and wrong and he's starting to feel really conflicted. because stain hurt people. izuku hurt people.
but he agrees with them
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supportanimy · 3 years
All Stars Verse - Hologram Boy
Synopsis : The coaches of #thatPOWER are angry at Panda for turning P2 into a hologram
Word count : 2803
Notes : Can y'all guess what the title is referencing? Please guess what the title is referencing
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"We did it, we did it! We did it, yay!" The coaches sing and dance together in the new galaxy, after Panda traveled to all the planets and achieved the All Stars.
But just as they started to party, a spaceship arrived and out came three people, all with grey skin and white hair, wearing different outfits consisting of only red and black. 
"YOU!" The shortest one pointed angrily at Panda. "You killed our friend!"
"He's not dead, but he is hurt. And trapped," the muscly guy said.
"Hey, I know these guys!" Starships mentions excitedly. "That Power, right?  Or #thatPOWER, I guess. But don't you guys have four? Where's P2?"
"Here," the P3 drops a tiny machine, and a hologram of P2 appears. 
"Oh. Your hair has gotten...longer. And darker."
"Yeah, well as I was saying, PANDA MURDERED HIM!" P1 yells angrily and attempts to tackle Panda, but Reindeer shields them. 
"No, Panda would never do such a thing! They're too sweet and kind to! You must be confusing them with some other panda!"
P4 walks forward and pushes her friend back, but turns around to glare at them. "Impossible, there are no other pandas here," she explains. "Number 2 is not dead," Someone laughs, "he cannot die. However, he is permanently trapped as a hologram because of Panda's actions, and according to him, Panda was constantly taunting and harassing him just before that. Isn't that right?" P2 nods.
"Quiet as ever, huh?" Starships tries to lean on him, but passes through and falls.
"Then it must have been an accident!" Reindeer continues to defend their friend. The two had been close since childhood. One would know that if one played Kids Mode.
SS1, interested in whatever argument is happening, eats popcorn and shares it with the other coaches. "You know, *munch* Panda harassing some rando *munch* is honestly not that *munch* out of character for him." SS2 grabs a handful. "Agreed."
ME4 fixes his glasses, "Wait, I think I know what's happening here. Battle Mode, I'm guessing. Never got a chance on one of those."
"What's Battle Mode?" Rasputin's coach scratches his beard. 
Out of nowhere, Starships slides in to chime in the conversation. "A mode where coaches from two different songs go head to head in a dance battle! Only appeared in two games though, and I never got to join one," she pouts. 
Back to the argument, Reindeer gives up trying to defend Panda and is instead resorting to insulting P2. "He's just a robot! Can't he be replaced?!" the power coaches and BFT gasp.
P1 is now being restrained by P3 and P4 as she tries to attack Reindeer now. "I'm going to kill both of you!"
"No need to waste your energy on those lowlives, Number 1. We just need to get money from them so we can make a time machine and change the events of the battle, making it so that Number 2 wins instead."
Hearing that, HH2 gets a bright idea.
"We don't need to go that far, P4. We just want them to apologize-What do you mean no, Two?! Don't tell me you want revenge too?!
"Psst, P1," HH2 whispers to her friend. "Don't we have a friend with a time machine?"
"You mean Goddess? Does she count as our friend?" he replies before getting elbowed by HH4, who enters their talk uninvited. "I think she means the Backstreet Wannabes." "I mean, Goddess could probably time travel-" "No one asked, P3!"
"BE QUIET!" HH2 shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. 
"Ooh," SS1 directs his attention to her.
"So, #thatPower...I think I may know the ones to help you. Though, we have to fly there since...they're on the other galaxy."
"Sure! We appreciate any help! Even though I'm not sure what kind of help these people you're saying will offer," P3 agrees immediately.
P4 is a bit more skeptical. "How do we know you aren't lying to us? We aren't even sure what help we're getting."
"Some people with a time machine," HH1 tells them. "Like what you said earlier. I'm not sure who P2 is talking about though."
P1 finally stopped being filled with rage, and it was replaced with joy. "You actually have a time machine?! Oh, how I long to return to my time!"
The other coaches are understandably confused over her statement. P3 tells them to shrug it off, "Don't mind her, she gets like that. We're not sure why."
"So what about it, Two? Wanna time travel so you don't get stuck as a hologram anymore?" The hologram nods, grinning from ear to ear. "Great!" P3 turns the projector off and keeps it in his pocket.
"P3, I will murder you, and then dismember you, and feed you to tigers." "We-we don't have tigers. Also your arms are twigs." "Don't you act smart with me!"
"Chill 4, it's just a tiny mistake, NBD," the blonde woman remarks without looking away from her phone. "P1 hit my hand too, but you don't see me threatening him."
"Who the fuck actually says NBD-Oh uh, sorry for that."
"Yeah, but he didn't hit it hard enough that you punch yourself in the face enough to hurt!"
"How did that even happen? Like I said, your arms are twigs-" "Do NOT!"
Just as the two were about to attack each other, they heard the faint sound of an aircraft. 
"Hey, I'm trying to strangle someone! Can you not-" she stops her sentence when she sees a spaceship getting closer to the four.
"Get cover!" "Calm down First, it's probably just going to pass by us like airplanes." "No, P2, it's actually gonna fall on us!" he points at the ship landing fast. "Oh," she's pulled to safety by him, where their colour scheme changes.
It stayed at a steady pace going down, but stopped just 100 meters off the ground and slowly went straight down.
"Seriously? After all that drama?" "Hey, be grateful we're safe!"
When it finally finished landing, four familiar faces and four unfamiliar faces walked out.
"Hey look, it's High Hopes! And some Homestuck cosplayers!" the woman jumps back out from their hiding spot, which made her hair turn back to blonde. "That's not-whatever, I'm tired of your dumb ass."
"Dirty Bit Gang!" HH4 runs to hug DB2. 
"Wait, they have a time machine?!" HH3 never knew that fact. If he did, he would've begged to use it to appear earlier in more songs.
"Well duh, their song is called The Time, and one of us should definitely have a time machine."
"So I see you guys have a spaceship. I assume you guys are here to use our time machine, but who are they?" DB1 asks. 
"Hi, I'm the Starships coach! Love your outfits, but feel like the colours could be better. These are coaches from #thatPOWER, but one member is kinda stuck right now-"
"I hope you don't mind if we borrow it for a while," P3 drops the projector and P2 sighs quietly in relief. 
DB4 stops her punch to DB3 midway to look at P2. "Uh, is he okay?"
"That's the reason we're here. Number 2-" "PFFFFT!" "Number 2, is stuck as a hologram and we have no way of transferring his AI to a body so we were hoping that we can travel to the past to change the course of the battle that made him this way in the first place."
"Cool," DB1 responds, not catching any of that. "Say, why do you need eight people plus a hologram to do that?"
HH2 raised a finger as if to answer him, but put it on her chin instead. "I'm-I'm not sure."
"C'mon, it's easy!" HH1 tries his best to explain. "There's That Power, the ones who want to go to the past, Starships, the representative of 2014, We're here to-wait, P2 was their guide, I'm not sure why the rest of us are here."
"Okayyy, sure, we'll do that, but do you have a plan?"
Silence. "Yeah, we didn't think of that."
"Of course you didn't," frustration was evident in his voice. "Fine, follow me."
DB3 and DB4 continued to fight, while the eight were led to a dark room with a massive TV screen, and a few couches. There was a table with a flower pot on it, with some cookies and candy beside it. 
"So, it would be dangerous to just alter the past with no plans and no actual clue on what happened. That's why, we're going to watch it, then decide what to do," the bearded man takes the remote next to the screen and switches to different channels. "2014, it's a battle, correct?"
The screen switched to a scene on a stage with multiple monitors and the letters VS in the middle, displaying a dance floor with some other items beside it such as a chair. Panda rushed in and stood there while P2 slowly approached them, C'mon by Kesha playing in the background. When P2 was close enough, Panda started circling around him, then went back to their position, but not before blowing a kiss at the robot, which he moved his head to avoid.
"Oh, Panda blew a kiss at you? That should be a reminder," HH4 notes.
"What a shame," HH3 comments.
They began dancing, with Panda moving their arms towards their chest and P2 doing robotic movements. That was until just before the first pre-chorus started where P2's movements look like he was being controlled by a puppeteer, then they became more "free".  
"Haha!" Starships laugh. "Seeing such a serious face on a cute dance move is so-" As past Panda and P2 turned to each other, the lyrics sang at the part made her stop. "Oh no. Oh no no no no. Oh god no."
"Is she okay?" DB2's question had a worried tone. "She's fine. Probably," HH2 assures.
"There are 2 images burned into my mind, and I don't like either of them!"
The rest ignore her dramatics and continue watching the battle. The chorus played, with the two performing an all too common move, putting your elbow on your raised leg, but coupled with some pushing each other to the side in between. When the singer sang the song's title repeatedly, Panda is seen establishing dominance over P2.
"Uhh," P3's braincells, or whatever robots have, seemed to have been fried from just watching the battle. "How are you losing to a panda?!" P2 shrugs.
The beginning of the final round consisted of Panda taunting P2, and P2 attempting to damage Panda but to no avail. P2 looked like he was about to faint right before the chorus started again, with them repeating the same moves earlier. The battle finally ended, in which Panda brings out a button and presses it, turning P2 into a hologram while they laugh.
"Okay, that was way too far now that I've seen it! I'm going to join the others in killing them-"
"Yo, calm down. We watched this to help you think of a plan, remember? While it was very weird to watch, we can decide what to do now, or in the past," DB1 brought out a piece of paper and puts it on the table. "Write your plan of action there, then I'll check over it to make sure it's nothing drastic."
P4 grabs the paper and begins writing on it with her built-in pen. "What we want to do is to make it so that P2 wins this fight. I think that can be easily done if we change the music."
"But won't Panda just press the button either way?" HH1 has a solid question.
"Hmm, then I guess we'll just destroy it."
"Wait, if we're going to destroy it anyways, what's the point in changing the song?" HH3 is surprisingly thinking a bit smarter now.
"Oh, that one is to save his honor. And to destroy Panda's-!" P1 clenches her fist tight.
"Riiight. Right. Right."
"Yes, but how are we doing that? Won't doing that alter a whole lot of events now since he's the mascot?" P3 tries to think deeply.
"Not really," DB1 answers, having a braincell for once. "Since you're from the same game, and you don't have any future appearances besides that one mashup, I think you guys would be fine."
"That's it, yes? Number 2's battle wasn't quite complicated, so maybe that's enough. Sir?"
DB1 takes the paper from P4, and looks it over. "Goddammit why am I reading with shades-yeah, that's okay I guess."
"Great, now we can go!" P1 is ecstatic to finally be able to return her friend back to his original state. So is the rest, even if P4 doesn't show it.
"Well, I guess that's our queue to leave. Goodbye and your welcome!" HH2 grabs her friends to drag them home.
"Wait, but didn't you go by spaceship?" P3 doesn't know how they would even return.
"Now worries, this is our planet, we'll teleport home!" "We can teleport?!" "HAVE YOU NOT NOTICED THIS WHOLE TIME-"
"What about...her?" P4 looks down on Starships, who was still freaking out. 
"Well, since she's the 2014 rep, we have to get her gloves if you want to travel there and back-" "I CAN'T TRAVEL TO MY TIME???" "-Would you mind…?" 
Starships takes it off and throws it at the pink-haired woman. "Just, just take it. Heck, keep it."
"Alright, follow me again," he gestures.
This time, a room that looks like it came from a certain sci-fi franchise involving space travel, but not time travel for some reason.
"Ight, just stand there," DB1 points at a platform," and you'll be fine. Also, here are the gloves, just wear it when you're done."
"Thanks a lot for helping us," P3 did a polite bow, "we're very grateful." He elbows the others to follow.
"No probs, we do this all the time, just be mindful that there are some side effects of time travel-" "Excuse me-?!" "But they're harmless! Have fun!" And the three robots plus hologram go back in time.
They arrived at a weird green space. There was a door quite far away, and would take a while to walk to. They felt something weird, and looked at their hands and each other to realize that they became green too. Except for P2.
"Changing colours is not what I expected but…" P4 spins her hand around.
"Maybe this could be useful, since we blend in with everything else," P3 compares his shade to the space.
They see Panda coming out of nowhere, heading to the door. Without speaking, they all immediately followed them. "Number 1, go grab the button. Number 3, get there and change the music." "Aye aye, 4."
P1 gets on the floor and crawls to the panda, P3 rushes to the door, and P4 carries P2's projector, following them from a distance. 
The short woman finds a pocket on Panda's body and tries to find the button. Instead, there was a tophat, a tennis racket, a trumpet and a whole lot of other things that should not be able to fit there. Somehow, Panda didn't notice any of that. She finally got her hands on the button, and immediately destroyed it. 
The sound alerts Panda, causing them to look around, but not finding anyone since they all blend in and P4 had turned off the projector, and shrugs it off. P3 uses that minor distraction to enter through the door. 
Immediately after passing through, his skin changed again, now blending into the room which was where the battle took place. Past P2, stood there, already arrived, but didn't take notice of P3, who climbed the ceiling and found the sound system. He used it and changed the settings so #thatPOWER was gonna play instead of C'mon.
When Panda comes in to start the fight, with the remaining two sneaking in, the course of it had already been decided. Past P2 had started attacking them and charging himself up. The fight continued on with P2 having an advantage, and at the end when P2 won, Panda jumped off, leaving the room while P2 laughs then leaves from the other exit. In that moment, the room turned to a black space, everyone turning back to normal, P2's projector disappeared, and a blended in silhouette of him was there.
"P2, you're back!" P1 goes to hug him. P2 clearly had been confused by what she said, but accepted it anyways. P3 and even P4, who isn't very physically affectionate, joins in the hug.  "We missed being able to actually touch you, buddy. Now I don't have to kneel down just to fistbump someone." "HEY!"
"I guess we can go home now," P4 puts on the glove and they teleported back to their starting point. 
So as you can read, there's like zero logic here, but I'm proud of.it cause it's my longest one-shot!
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 23: the One where JYL Captains the Ship
Alrighty, so battle stuff is happening
Nothing major going on 
EXCEPT wen ruohan leaves his evil lair to confront wwx about how he took control of his puppets!
Wrh: where did you get the Plot Device?? Did xy give it to you?? HOW ARE YOU MAKING IT WORK??
Basically just Angry Ranting that Bad Guys do
Wwx mouths off, as usual
Lwj’s eyes are glued on him this entire time bc when isn’t staring at wwx?
(I understand lwj, I too cannot tear my eyes away from wwx when he's onscreen, that beauty mark just under his lower lip is so goddamn distracting...)
Wwx: hey, wrh, i just finished making his nifty thing and haven’t shown anyone yet, wanna see it?
And tah dah! We now have Plot Device 2 (aka stygian tiger seal/amulet whatever)
Pay attention to Plot Device 2, guys, it’s gonna cause us some angsty wangxiantics in the future (BRACE YOURSELVES)
Pausing here to point out how freaking cool wwx looks, levitating the pieces of Plot Device 2
And wwx is smirking in victory?? What the heck wwx
Oh, it’s bc since wrh and wwx are wrapped up in their confrontation, there’s no one controlling the puppets so the puppets all collapse. That was part of his plan, maybe?? Idk, doesn’t matter
What matters is that this frees up LWJ to fly to wwx’s side
Lwj: Wei Ying! *catches his soulmate*
Wwx: *passes out in the arms of his very dashing soulmate*
Lwj barely even acknowledges that Meng Yao kills Wen Ruohan bc who cares about the big bad villain getting killed whEN YOUR SOULMATE IS PASSED OUT IN YOUR ARMS??
Lwj: Wei Ying
He says again! As his eyes stay glued onto wwx’s beautiful unconscious face. HE HOLDS HIM SO CLOSE
I mean, he could totally hold him CLOSER but that would be too much for the censors maybe??
Ppl are cheering. I was cheering. I don’t think we were cheering for the same reasons.
I was cheering bc lwj was ~tenderly cradling~ our beautiful sunshine boy
I think the other ppl were cheering bc the bad guy died? Weird.
Lxc is cradling an unconscious Nmj
I guess the lan bros ARE pretty similar lolol
Ahhhh, this next scene!
WWX is waking up in a bed and jyl is at the bedside.
Jyl starts bringing out the wangxian pie~! Maybe i should start using soup metaphors since Soup is her Thing…
Jyl is so happy that wwx is awake now!!
Jyl: you’ve been asleep for three (3) days!
Wwx: THREE DAYS??? What about jc and lwj??
Jyl: both jc and lwj have been very worried about you! 
We find out that even sect leader jin has been visiting which is disgusting, so we’re ignoring it
Oh, jyl is trying to get wwx to stop moving around so much
Jyl: LWJ says you need to rest more. He says you used too much spiritual energy
Jyl: also don’t use Plot Device 2 all willy-nilly. LWJ says it’ll hurt you!!
Wwx: LWJ, LWJ, why do you keep talking about him? He’s so boring and he doesn’t talk enough!
YOUR CRUSH CAN BE SEEN FROM PRESENT-DAY NON-FANTASY CHINA (but, uh, discreetly, bc of censorship)
Jyl: while you were comatose, lwj came by every morning and evening to play his guqin for you. To relax your mind and spirit
Jyl: you probably wouldn’t have woken up so soon if he hadn’t done that
Here comes lwj, with his guqin strapped to his back!
Lwj actually brings himself to knock on the door this time
Jyl: oh, that must be lwj~!
ohhh, wwx's face when she says this! He looks all nervous and flustered
bc he has a ~gentleman caller~ and he’s not decent!!! 
Okay, that’s probably not why BUT IN MY HEART THAT’S TOTALLY WHY
So jyl goes and answers the door
Lwj bows so respectfully to her (he knows she’s wwx’s precious person!!)
THAT’S MY CAPTAIN!! Lxc wishes he could captain as good
she just greets him like usual and lets him in
She leads him to the bedroom aND OH GOD, THE MINUTE LWJ’S EYES LAND ON WWX
(...well, by lwj standards anyway)
And ooooh, wwx’s reaction is adorable!!
His eyes catch lwj’s gaze for half a second before they skitter down to the side as if seeing lwj in person (in his bedroom!!) is too much to take in all at once!
(i may have rewound to watch this scene 3x, DON’T JUDGE ME)
(there was so much happening! Lwj’s beautiful plush lips parted, wwx was acting cutely bashful)
And you know, jyl leads lwj like, right to wwx’s bedside and WATCHES ALL THIS GO DOWN
Jyl: thank you, lwj! Without you, wwx would not have woken up so soon!
Jyl: you two go ahead and talk now
Jyl: i’ll just go tend to the other wounded
Jyl: and leave you both here ~all alone~
Jyl: in this bedroom
Jyl: with wwx just in his under-things
Jyl: still on his rumpled bed
Jyl: okay, byyyyeee~!
Okay, and now not only do we get MORE wangxian time, we also just get the most beautiful scene ever?? Like, aesthetically? THIS SHOW IS A BLESSING
Lwj is playing his guqin in the communal area next to wwx
The music is gorgeous (it's the same Magic Music from before! it sounds like warm morning sunlight on a calm spring day)
And the set is beautiful, all reds and whites to match our boys’ colors, and it’s all emphasized with equally beautiful lighting
Wwx: lan zhan, actually, i--
Lwj: quiet. Concentrate.
Wwx POUTS and taps his nose and then SULKILY crosses his legs
Back to the utterly breathtaking wangxian scene
Okay, i’m done geeking out over the aesthetics
Oh, wwx is breaking his meditation pose and flexing his wrists excitedly!
Wwx: lan zhan, i’m all better now!
Lwj stops playing and calmly makes his way to the bed where wei ying is and checks him
Lwj: three more days are needed
Wwx does not like this answer lol. He leaps up from the bed all affronted
Wwx: but i’m totally fine now, look! *starts flexing his arms around*
Lwj is not budging on this tho
Lwj: exorcise evil, ease the mind. Do not be neglectful
Wwx: exorcise evil? I don’t need an exorcism!! I just used too much energy
Cue awkward silence (lwj’s eyes never waver from wwx tho)
Lwj: wei ying (you know, i think he just likes saying his name...)
Wwx: lan zhan, do you really think that Plot Device 2 is evil? Do you really believe there’s an undetectable something that can change someone from good to evil?
Ooooh, wwx is getting all philosophical on us!!
His brow is all furrowed here; he’s hurt that lwj doesn’t trust him with Plot Device 2!
And that’s the end of that MOST DELICIOUS SLICE WANGXIAN PIE
Other stuff happens
Screaming, the murder of innocent people, sect leaders debating on said murder of innocent people
You know, boring stuff.
There was a fun bit here tho
Nmj: maybe it’s okay to kill innocent civilians…
Lxc: *sad face*
Nmj: uh, maybe we can NOT kill defenseless people this time?
Ahhh, if only lan zhan’s sad face was effective on wei ying as lxc’s is to nmj…
Plot plot plot Jgs being an asshole Plot plot plot
MORE plot plotty plot plot
And now lwj joins him
Wwx: lan zhan, what do you think of the people here? Who is good, who is evil?
Yeesh, getting right into the heavy stuff aren’t we
Oooh, but as he says that, he starts clutching at his chest and swaying on his feet! Bc the resentful energy is hurting him!!!
Lwj grabs his arm to steady him
Lwj: wei ying, concentrate
Great, it’s about to get real hurt-y now
Lwj: wei ying, do you want to learn how to play Magic Music?
Wwx: lan zhan, you want me to learn that? Do you doubt me, too?
And the way he says it!! It’s a tone that says “please don’t let this be true”
So instead of answering wwx, he just questions him on why he made Plot Device 2???
Wwx: lan zhan, if i told you i got a Screaming Sword of Resentment from the Murder Turtle would you believe me?
Lwj keeps answering questions with questions and the whole convo is devolving horribly
Lwj: if you already knew the sword had Plot Device stuff in it, why did you refine it?
he snaps at lwj
he raised his voice at lwj
Lwj: you promised you’d let me help you (he says calmly)
Wwx: if you don’t believe in me, how can you help me?
Lwj: Plot device 2 isn’t safe, you might lose control!
Wwx: you’re scared i’ll be like wen ruohan, but i’m not him! And Plot Device 2 is not the same as Plot Device!
And then before we can get too emotional about our soulmate boys being at odds (AGAIN), we get to witness the murder of innocent people
How fun
Jin Zixun shows us he’s scum of the earth by trying to shoot down a Wen mother carrying her child as she flees
Thank goodness lwj guqin’s the arrow away
There’s a confrontation but lwj doesn’t let wwx tear into jin zixun even tHO HE CLEARLY DESERVES IT
And everyone leaves but not before wwx comments that there’s gonna be a lot of resentment here where the innocents were killed and that the place needed Magic Music 
Oh, turns out lwj didn’t leave
Lwj stays at the scene of the crime and plays Magic Music on his guqin.
As soon as wwx hears it, he starts playing counterpoint on his flute!
I love it when they play music together, Magic or not!!
We cut away here to watch lxc, nmj, and jgy become Official Bros™
Now Jgs and jgy are hosting a banquet
Political posturing happens
Wait, something interesting just happened!
We see lwj just up and leave the banquet the moment he realizes wwx isn’t there
Bc wwx is out on the steps getting drunk
(wwx, we’ve talked about this. Drinking is not a Solution)
Wwx: lan zhan, it’s you! How about playing some Magic Music? (I'm detecting some sarcasm…)
Lwj: i’m learning a new score
Wwx: *scoffs* you haven’t given up yet? You’re really stubborn *mocking snort*
That’s the last bit of wangxiantics we have for this episode
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
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Header from ao3commentofday:
Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
This is some cut content from when I was struggling to figure out how to start Ch8: What It Is To Burn before I just completely edited the ending and went from there.
The first features a scene of what happened to Scar Rick in the Ch7: Shameful Metaphors. I still hold to this as what happened from Nova’s POV, I just never really had a reason to revisit it. 
The second was just an attempt at finding a way for Rick to kinda... trap her in the house? But it wasn’t like him intentionally trapping her in the house or anything, just Rick things happening that would stop her from leaving. Not sure why I didn’t like it over a reread. I guess it just wasn’t doing what I wanted it to thematically. Who knows anymore? 🤷‍♀️😂 oh and also Morty talks to Nova about Rick and her feelings for him, I really wish I would’ve kept that. Ah well, c’est la vie.
The last is just Rick trying to talk to her to get her to stay. And he’s drunk. And its kinda adorable and yet again, I don’t know why I didn’t like it.
Scar Rick
(1144 Words)
Everything that had happened, from Scar dying to Rick proclaiming he’d rather have the council dead even at the risk of my own safety… It was too much. It was all too fucking much. As I gathered my belongings, packing them back into the duffle I’d arrived with was hard, but I needed time to process. Watching a Rick die, even if he wasn’t my Rick was haunting me. Every time I closed my eyes, I could see him lying there, turning paler by the second.
“Then he dies. I’m sorry Nova.” Riq IV had stated simply from his throne with a shrug. Vicious anger ripped through me, as he spoke into his watch, delivering an order to have C-137, my Rick, assassinated.
“You piece of fucking shit, you have to help me.” I bellowed up at the blue-haired fuck.
“I assure you, he will have a painless death and you can go back to your dimension and get on with your life.” He told me casually. My eyes shot to Scar, looking at me anxiously as his own eyes flitted between the council and me.
“Well, if that’s going to be how it is…” I dragged out slowly, casually stalking forward, gripping the pistol Scar passed me discreetly. “Then, you die. I’m sorry Riq IV.” I took aim, firing as the six council members dove out of the way.
“D-Dammit Nova, stand down!” Rick Prime bellowed from behind his throne.
“Wh-Why?” I demanded. “I’m just regarding his life the same as you regard my Rick’s. NBD, right?” I spat at him venomously. 
“Nova, c-calm down.” Scar said soothingly, resting a hand on my back.
“N-No, fuck you Scar.” I flinched away from him, turning my gun on him. You just can’t fucking trust Ricks can you?
“Nova, there are two fucking council members with you in his sights.” He urged through gritted teeth. “Calm. Down.” His head nudged lightly in the direction of the grand doors where I found two Ricks in white suits, their guns trained on me with no emotion on their faces.
“What am I supposed to do?” I asked him hysterically. “I knew coming here was a bad fucking idea.”
“Give your Rick some fucking credit.” He murmured gruffly. “He’s gotten out of tighter jams than this one.” 
As if on cue, the entire citadel erupted around us. Screams from Ricks and Mortys were deafening as they flooded into the Council Hall. We had been teleported, planting the Citadel in the center of what looked like a large prison. Groflamites rained from the ceiling, and we put our differences aside to take out the immediate threat. Two of the bugs were able to dispatch the Guard Ricks and once I was out of immediate danger I raised my weapon again, aiming it at the nearest Council Rick.
“Nova! Drop the weapon.” Quantum Rick said, approaching me with his own gun pointed at the two of us. “Just, let it go. He was just a Rick. He probably would’ve gotten you killed anyway without a second thought.”
“You know Nova since you’re all alone now, you could always look for a new Rick.” Riq IV grinned viciously as he eyed me wickedly. “I’ve never had the pleasure of a Nova.” 
“And you never fucking will.” Scar growled, pushing me behind him as Riq IV stalked closer.
It happened so quickly. A gun went off, a window broke and Scar groaned. Initially, I thought a bullet broke one of the remaining windows of the council, but as Scar fell to his knees clutching his chest, the true horror of the situation became rapidly apparent. Quantum Rick’s pistol was still smoking as he grinned evilly at me. The other Ricks had formed around him, staring at Scar in disbelief.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a really long time.” He chuckled darkly. 
The entire citadel shifted, dropping me to my knees as the Ricks around me struggled to keep their balance. I couldn’t stop staring at the Rick who had protected and cared for me as he bled out on the cold marble floor. My distraction offering Riq IV his opportunity to grab me by my arm, Zeta Alpha Rick appearing to have the same idea as he grabbed the other. The citadel shook again, scaring Quantum Rick enough to head for the door and disappear down the hall. The two Ricks pulled my arms in opposite directions like I was a goddamn ragdoll. Quantum Rick returned, shouting at the two to let me go. The surprise caused both of them to reflexively release me and I dropped down next to Scar.
“I’m so sorry.”
I grabbed my things, shaking away the memory as I surveyed the room, making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. Certain I had collected everything, I pulled the door to the office open, making my way down the hallway to find Morty and Summer watching TV.
“Where are you going, Aunt Nova?” Summer asked coolly. I was surprised that she had even seen me as she hadn’t exactly looked up from her phone. Morty looked up from the couch, quickly assessing me and standing up.
“I have to go handle some things at home,” I told her with a shrug and started walking away. Morty followed me to the front door, his brow furrowed.
“Au-Aunt Nova, wait.” He said, grabbing my arm to stop me in my tracks. “Y-You’re going home? Wh-What about Rick?”
“What about Rick? I just have to sort some things out.” I repeated wearily.
“Wh-Whatever he did-”
“H-He didn’t do anything?” I assured him as I pulled the door opened and the warm summer air washed over me. “We had a bad adventure, but I’m not going home to stay.” 
“Yeah, she’s planning to leave in a bo*uuuurp*dy bag.” Rick slurred, stumbling out of the garage. I rolled my eyes at him, crossing the driveway as Morty berated him. Rick groaned at his grandson before catching up to me. “Nova, wait, I’m sorry-” He started.
“Rick, you’ve done nothing wrong,” I assured him calmly but firmly, I glanced over at Morty, who took it as a cue to make himself scarce. Rick took his absence and opportunity to lead me into his garage and I spared one last apprehensive glance to my house before following him. I suppose I could avoid Ryan for just a little bit longer.
“Nova, I don’t like this.” Rick started again. “What are you going to say to him?”
“I was thinking something like, ‘Hey Ryan, I would really rather fuck the old man next door than you, literally ever again so I’d like to get a divorce.’ How does that sound?” I asked him sarcastically.
“I’m pretty sure you don’t even have to tell him that, you-you could probably just do that.” He grinned devilishly.
(807 words)
I shook the memory away when a knock broke my reverie. “Au-Aunt Nova?” Morty called from the other side of the door. “C-Can I come in?”
“Of course Morty.”
“Wh-What happened? Where were you guys?” He asked me nervously.
“Nothing sweetheart, just another bad adventure.” I brushed him off.
He caught sight of my packed bag, fear coating his features. “Y-You’re leaving? N-Nova, please don’t go .” He pleaded. “I don’t know what Rick did, b-but you were the one who said he was bad at showing he cares-”
“Morty stop.” I silenced him. “Rick didn’t do anything. H-He probably saved my ass from my own hubris today.” 
“Th-Then where are you going?” He demanded. “Why are you leaving now?”
“Beth said Ryan’s been looking for me.” I shrugged. “I can’t hide from my problems here forever.”
Morty was silent for a moment before looking up at me, his eyes stoic. “You love Rick, right?”
“I-I… N-No, o-of course n-not, don’t be s-silly.” I stammered unconvincingly as he stared at me unimpressed. “I-I don’t know, I think so?” I conceded finally. “It’s been a really long time since I’ve felt like this, whatever this is.”
“S-Since he left?” Morty asked sympathetically.
“I-I’m really not comfortable discussing this with you.” I dismissed him, picking up my bag and securing the strap over my shoulder. “Let’s talk about something else, how’s Jessica?”
“Au-Aunt Nova, I mean this respectfully be-because I love you, but you’re being an idiot. D-Don’t run back to Ryan because you’re afraid of Rick. Love him or not, I saw what Ryans have done to Novas. I-I just don’t want that to happen to you.”
“What are you talking about?” I wanted to ask, but before I could say anything, blast doors were coming up over the windows, blocking any possible exit, save for the door into the rest of the house. Rick stormed in frantically, running his long fingers through his hair.
“S-Sorry Nova, you can’t leave yet.” He informed me, shutting the door behind him.
“Th-The fuck do you mean I can’t leave,” I demanded angrily, pushing him out of the way and opening the door myself to find the house slowly being covered in creeping vines. I slammed the door quickly wearing a terrified look as I turned back to Rick. “What the fuck is happening out there?” I bellowed. “It looks like one of my fucking nightmares.”
“Yeah, you ever pissed off a witch before? I don’t recommend it.” He explained flatly, averting his eyes from me.
“W-Witches are real?” Morty asked horrified as he watched vines cover the window making the room almost pitch black. Rick opened his palm, pressing it directly in the middle to produce a small amount of light. “Wh-Where are Mom and Dad?” He pressed Rick angrily.
“I-I-I-I don’t know Morty! I didn’t see them but I don’t think they were in the house. I heard Beth yelling at Jerry before they got in the car and took off. I haven’t seen your sister though.” He mentioned nervously.
“Summer’s not here.” Morty breathed a sigh of relief as he realized his family was safe, for the most part anyway.
“What do we do?” I asked Rick, doing my best to remain calm. “When have you had any time to be pissing off witches? Did you steal her cauldron or something?”
“N-Not those kinds of witches Nova.” He corrected me quickly. “Witches are a species from the Wichgurten galaxy. They’re sentient fucking plants.”
“Are you fucking kidding me.” I groaned loudly. “What did you do to them?” 
“A-A couple years ago, I found their planet and they have Ojivardium there, Nova. Ojivardium is an incredible fucking power source, and I may have mined their planet dry.”
“You what?!”
“I needed it more- Look that’s not the point, they finally figured out a way to create power on their own and they found me here- for fucking planets, they’re like goddamn bloodhounds- and they want their vengeance.” He explained dramatically. I groaned, dropping my duffle back to the floor and sitting down at Jerry’s desk in frustration.
“Rick! How are you going to fix this?” Morty asked angrily. “We can’t just stay in here forever!”
“Y-You think I wanna be trapped in here with you for the foreseeable future Morty?” Rick shot back at his grandson.
“What about your portal gun?” I asked, interrupting the two before they could squabble more.
“It's in the garage.” He lamented. “I was fixing the hack job Scar Rick did to it and I saw the vines and I… forgot to pick it up.”
“Rick!” Morty and I shouted in unison.
“I know, I know, I fucked up.” He relented. “I think I have an idea of how to get rid of them.”
I approached the window, inspecting the vines scaling the walls.
Drunk Rick
(533 words)
God fucking dammit Nova.
After killing the entire bottle, I stood up and tried to catch my balance before going to look for Nova. I caught her by the front door still looking morose and pitiful. Her eyes met mine eagerly before she closed them and took a deep breath, apparently trying to will herself to power past me. She brushed past me, knocking my already precarious equilibrium off balance, sending me toppling against the wall. She looked back at me horrified and apologetic.
“D-Don’t worry about it, sweet girl,” I slurred, waving my hand dismissively. “You can run into me anytime you want,” I said with a wink.
“Gross Grandpa,” Summer called from the living room.
“Sorry Summer.” Nova blushed. God, she’s so pretty, like too pretty. Ugh.
“What are you sorry for?” Summer called back, and I could hear her rolling her eyes. “Grandpa’s the one being weird.”
“Sh-Shut up Summer.” I interrupted them, completely uninterested in Summer’s opinion on me hitting on her Aunt. “Nova, can I talk to you for a moment?” I asked her quietly, sweeping my arms clumsily toward the garage. “The garage door will stay open s-so you can flee whenever.”
“I’m not running away Rick,” Nova told me and despite her annoyance, she followed me to the garage. “Make it quick,” she demanded, sitting down in my chair, leaving me to pace nervously.
“I-I just wanted to know what the hell was going on. I-I mean, are you okay? Why are you going home?” I rambled.
“I’m still in shock from everything that happened, Rick,” she told me flatly. “And I’m going home so I can try to never have to go back there again.”
“A-Are you sure you need to do that, right now?” I pressed.
“I’m tired of worrying about it.” She shrugged. “The longer I wait, the angrier he’s going to get, whether he intends it or not.”
“L-Let me go with you.” I insisted, slurring my speech despite my attempts to sound perfectly reasonable.
“Yeah Rick, I’m sure he’d love to see you there too. ‘Hey, Ryan. I want a divorce. I made out with the old guy you really hate for some reason and I liked it a lot more than I anticipated, which I assure you is saying something, so I’m just gonna go do that now, wanna watch?’” She glared sarcastically and I couldn’t stop the smirk forming on my face.
“Oh, you liked making out with me huh?” Goddammit, that was not the part to focus on but yet here I was imagining it as she rolled her eyes and picked her bag back up.
“I gotta go, Rick,” she said, rubbing the spot on the back of her hand, causing a quiet alarm to go off in my arm. “I’ll call you if I need you, okay?”
“Nova, are you sure about this?” I asked apprehensively as I followed her to the garage door. She stood on her tiptoes, pecking my lips softly before grinning despite whatever trauma she must be processing. Her touch sent a sense of calm through me and allowed me to watch her leave without chasing her down and making her stay.
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miru-p · 6 years
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So, here the last part of the Nobody Dies AU trilogy aka Two Zeppelis being idiots(tm) and everyone suffering because of it. Probs I’ll be doing more NBD AU stuff, but atm I’m trying a CaeElla writting so :3c Here you can read the previous ones: Part 1. Part 2. Soo, yep, part 3 under the cut~~
A month and a half since the Crusade in Egypt had passed, and finally Avdol could return home. Everyone on the Joestar household received him with a bright smile. Joseph patted his shoulders. Karina just ran and threw herself into his arms for a hug. Everyone was surprised, but Avdol knew her well enough, so he could catch her without a glitch.
“You know, I was testing that your new arms are working perfectly.” She smiled.
“Of course you were.” Avdol smirked. “So then you don’t want a kiss or anything right?”
“Hmm…. Maybe I should test your lips too…”
“Okay, okay, enough, lovebirds” Joseph said, laughing.
Avdol let Karina on the ground, and both she and Joseph show him his (and Karina’s) room, plus more things about the apartment.
Karina didn’t let go her beloved Momo’s hand during the whole day. She was so happy to finally have him there with her. And everyone there were so happy to see them like that. They do such a nice couple, uh? Suzi Q thought smiling wildly.
“So, when you two are going to get married?” Billie asked, during dinner.
Both Avdol and Karina blushed, especially the latter, who was the one who broke the silence.
“I mean… it’s not like we don’t wanna…” she started to feel her blood boiling.
“We didn’t think about that so much, to be honest.” Avdol said, rescuing his flustered lover.
“But it’s the next step, right?” Billie continued. She was so happy about the couple that didn’t realize that they were a bit uncomfortable with the matter. It was obvious both of them agreed with her, but didn’t want to bother the other. “It would be nice! We can do the ceremony here, with all the family! Oh, it would be nice to meet your mom! She’s like my half-sister after all.”
Karina declined Billie’s offer with just a word. A word that came out really cold and serious, something so unusual in Karina that everyone on the table looked at her. She was looking down to her fists.
“Ah, I didn’t want to sound that I was forcing you two or something” Billie said, trying to apologize after noticing the tension. “I didn’t mean to bother you or anything, sorry for that”
“It’s not like that.” Karina replied without raising her head. “I do want to get married. I do want to be with my family celebrating that. But…”
“Karina, please…” Avdol whispered to her. He knew something was wrong. He knows she was going to break in pieces if anyone wouldn’t do something. But it was too late.
“I just… can’t bring my mother near that bastard!” Karina yelled, pointing at Caesar. Suzi Q and Avdol tried to calm her, while Billie was just so shocked. Caesar didn’t even blink. “He is the reason why my nonna had to live an awful life! Her parents just kicked her out of their house with a baby! My mother had to grow up without a father. Almost without a mother, since my nonna had to work very hard to maintain them both!” Karina bursted into tears. Her face was red due to her anger. “All that suffering… and you were just living a perfect life… I… I really hate you…”
“Karina, please, this is enough, stop”
“I just can’t allow you to be in my mother’s life. You wouldn’t ruin her life again!” Karina dried her tears.  “I just… I just wish you would be actually dead as you were supposed to be.”
Everything went quiet. Everyone looked at Joseph, who had just stood up and slapped Karina.
“You didn’t know shit yet you are brave and stupid enough to say all those things about him, uh?”
“Oh my” Suzi Q murmured. “Joseph, dear, don’t.”
“You don’t know anything. Living a perfect life? You don’t know shit. You don’t know how much he suffered until he could be happy.” Joseph yelled at her. “In first place, he almost died, I have to remind this to you? You don’t know how is to feel like someone precious to you is on a hospital bed during months and months without even the certainty that he would wake up.” His voice started to break, but continued anyways, he was so angry with the young Zeppeli. “And when he woke up, finally, he had to go through a hard rehabilitation, his injuries were so severe, damn it! Yes, he went here, but because I told him to. Because” he gulped. “… I wanted to make sure that I wouldn’t lose him again. That time I’d protect him, not take him to death.”
Both Caesar and Suzi stared at him. Suzi tried to stand up and hold her husband hand, but Billie didn’t let her. She knows that it was better for her dad to just vent out. For him and for Karina too.
“He didn’t know he had a daughter, I know that if he knew he would probably stay with them in Italy instead of going here with us. I know that. But sadly he didn’t know, so he couldn’t be with them.” Joseph said. His tone was calmer now. “So, don’t you dare to say those things ever again.”
Karina didn’t even look at him, and just ran away.
“I think you overdid it, Joseph.” Caesar said softly.
“What? Me? She said all those things and you’re lecturing me?” Joseph said offended. “Well, actually it’s your fault in first place. You’re the one who shouldn’t let her treat you like that.”
Caesar stared at him. Joseph had still his fists clenched. He held his hand. “Grazie, Joseph, seriously.” He murmured. Joseph softened a bit. “Also, please, stop blaming yourself for things that happened fifty years ago, okay?” Caesar rubbed his hair, and he smiled. “I’m going to go after her.”
“Mister Zeppeli, I’m very sorry about this.” Avdol said, before the Italian left the room.
“Don’t worry. I guess she’s just as short tempered as her grandfather.” He replied smiling, and then left the apartment. He ran until he saw someone sitting on the ground.
“What do you want?” said Karina in between sobs.
“I’m sorry” Caesar sat down near her.
“I told you that I wish you were dead and you’re the one apologizing? You sure are an idiot.” she mumbled. “Joseph is right. I… I don’t know anything. Plus, it’s not even my problem. The only ones who have the right to be angry with you are either my grandmother or my mother, and one of them can’t, so…”
“Yes, but it’s your family. It’s normal that you want to protect them.”
“But you’re supposed to be my family too.”
Caesar couldn’t reply to that, and Karina didn’t say anything more either. Few seconds later, Joseph, Suzi, Avdol, and Billie found them, but stayed far enough to not to bother but close enough to hear what was happening.
“My mom… she usually told me stories about you when I was a child…” Karina started. “Stories that Mister Messina told her when she was a child too. About how amazing you were. I really admired you back then.” She felt a pain in her throat and chest. “Back then, I really wished I could meet you… But when I met Joseph and he told me you were alive… I felt… so betrayed. My only hero betrayed me. Plus… you are not like the hero I imagined.”
“Do you hate me because I am not as you imagined I would be?” Caesar asked.
“I… I guess….” She started crying again. She hid her face on her knees.
“But you can’t know if I’m not as you imagined. You don’t even give me a chance to show you how I am. You don’t want to know anything about me.”
“I know that! I know I’m an idiot!” Karina shouted. “I just… I’m scared! Scared of betrayal, scared of disillusion! Scared of caring and losing again!”
Caesar hugged her with all his strength. Karina tried to avoid the hug, but finally she gave up.  
“Probably you think I slept with every woman I could when I was young, but it isn’t true actually.” Caesar said. “Your grandmother… she was a very special woman. I really loved her.”
“Are you saying that just by commitment?”
“No. Why should I?” Caesar replied smiling. “I’m just saying the truth. She was… a really strong woman… Very stubborn too. She didn’t really give a shit about me at first. She thought that I was just a womanizer and told me how disgusting I was several times.”
“Are you serious?” Karina asked, perplexed.
“Yes. I guess I have something for people who can’t stand my flirty tactics. Bonus points if they have teal eyes” Caesar snorted. “Maybe it’s true that physically you look more like me, but I can assure you that you are a lot like your grandmother.”
Karina wiped her tears again and rested her head on her grandfather’s shoulder. Caesar loosened the hug a little.
“I was… I was going to be with her. But-“
“You fell in love with Joseph” Karina interrupted. Caesar patted her hair.
“Yes.” He replied. “Besides, when I woke up it had been five months… and almost a whole year since the last time I saw her. I thought, and wished, that she could find happiness without me.”
Caesar paused for a few seconds. Karina looked at him. She could actually see regret on his face, making her feeling guilty about all of this.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be with her, supporting her. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be a father for your mother.” He murmured. “But I promise that, since now, I’ll protect all of you with my life.”
“Heh, it’s not necessary putting your life in danger for us, you know. Just… being there is okay.” Karina said, with a warm smile in her face. That was the first time in all the time she were in New York that Karina gave him a smile. Or just something that wasn’t a death glare in general.
The rest of the family, looking at the whole situation, couldn’t help but smile happily. Joseph looked proud of himself since he knew that earlier or later those two idiots would be able to improve their relationship; Avdol just sighed with a relieved smile on his face; and both Suzi and Billie just cried due to the happiness of the moment.
Caesar and Karina stood up and started walking to the apartment holding hands. Then, they found out the other four in their way. Caesar was kind of expecting it, but Karina wasn’t, and blushed.
“Seriously,” The Italian said. “so you really went after us…”
“We were veeery worried. Maybe you would end up killing each other or something, you know, Caesar-chan.” Joseph replied, grinning.
“I still can’t understand how you could fell in love with this utter idiot.” Karina said, while letting  go of Caesar’s hand due to her embarrassment.
“Yes, sometimes I ask myself that too.” Caesar said with a warm smile.
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psychostrilondes · 7 years
HI IM GONNA WRITE MORE davekat because im disgustin
i made this little babie post that said like, dave hides in cramped little spaces like closets and laundry rooms sometimes and needs to be coaxed out, and ye!! its mostly when hes close to his version of panic over a delusion, oh no, oh no im not safe, where is, i cant find it, i need, i cant, everyones looking to kill me, im horrible, ive failed and im still failing, things like that? all hidden behind his flat mouth expression and No Words, and when it gets really bad the expression doesnt change at all but maybe he starts crying with how pent-up afraid he is and has to dip three fingers behind his shades to wipe the tears onto the sleeve of his god pjs , and, something has to Happen, and if theres no way to fight whats happening, and no one is around right now like its the middle of the night, the only option is to hide??
so imagine at like 4 am on the meteor or even in his lil house on earth c or just wherever, dave stalking down the hallways with his 1/2swordkind in his hands, clutched so freakin tight, and hes Cool and doesnt have much adrenaline even though hes scared bc he knows he needs to stay calm to fight if something jumps out at him, and there are so many perceived threats even though hes maybe actually totally safe, and hes on guard while he walks to ,,,, somewhere? anywhere thats more unfamiliar and cramped than his room, because whatevers stalking him would obviously know to check his bedroom for the man himself, so maybe he goes to the little walk-in food pantry they’ve got and shuffles aside some big bags of whatever of makeshift storage to hide behind them, or like, hides way back behind the laundry machines and, wherever, he curls up really tight with his knees to his chest and his specibus tucked away and ready to be drawn in a split second should he need it, and he’s so used to hunkering down in weird spots from his childhood, ugh, its just too natural and too bringing-back-memories, ugh, dangit
so he just kind of sits back there, totally hidden, and lets his adrenaline build up and he starts trembling and just kinds of , waits, for the feeling to pass, might , take a while , ah
and karkat and him have had this routine that he’s foregone today in favor of heavy dissociation, karkat hangs out in the main room with a book he’s reading and waits for dave to wake up even though dave wakes up like two or three hours after he does, its cool, he can use the reading time? its no big deal? its a big book anyways, but then, it’s four hours that hes been hanging out in the common room, and then five, and um, hes getting bored of reading, like u cant just read forever hehe
after five and a half hours he decides to go over to daves block and just wake him the heck up, itd be kinda cute to see him all sleepy and he totally has this image of messy-haired shadeless dave in his head, and hes kind of in a good mood, and he knocks, and theres obviously no answer so he punches in dave’s doors password like its nothing, nbd, and daves literally just
not in there
wtf ,,,, there goes his good mood hehe dave just Doesnt skip their whole eating breakfast together in the morning thing, either theyre about to argue or somethings kinda wrong?? is dave hurt or something?? did he get kidnapped by somebody on his way to the bathroom?? he laughs a little, and over the next hour he asks around for dave and gets a thorough “nuh uh” answer from just about everybody, and then, um, where the heck is dave. where’d he go.
after asking literally everybody he asks rose and kanaya last and kanaya sort of looks really worried?? oh no,, rose explains to him with equal worrie that maybe dave isnt feeling well, and we’ll keep an eye out, but she’s being freaking cryptic in the way karkat hates about her and he just leaves without unendingly pressing her about it bc he knows its useless by now lol
so for the next hour and a half hes just. looking where dave usually likes to go
dave isnt at any of his favorite spots, and if its earth c he even asks daves favorite cafe’s baristas if theyve seen him yet, and they say no, and its literally the afternoon?? um?? ugh
he’s gone freaking everywhere and karkat just ends up back at home or back where he started and he just ,,,,,, doesnt know what to do
its been hours and hours, its almost been like, all day, and karkat misses him, damniiiiiit, hes so sad :( in his Misery he wanders down the hall to make something to eat since he literally hasnt eaten , he ................... sees daves red outfit in the dark from where hes hiding under the shelving.........
wow , he just has this little second, like “um,” and he has this second to look and see his knees to his chest and his hands still clutching his hair, sort of frozen like that, and karkat crouches and says “dave..?” and dave startles and his hands re-clutch into white hair and oh no, oh god its happening, its happening im gonna die, oh no, this is just and im gonna be gone oh no fuck fuck and he cant stop some more tears from just Pouring omfg and he kicks out his cover, a big tub of whatever miscellaneous, and his 1/2swordkind is back in his hands and shielding his body from karkat, and karkat says “hey, whoa” and holds up his empty hands, “its just me dave, karkat, its karkat” and dave doesnt move, and his mouth is in a grimace, he totally just, caught that hes holding up his sword at his boyfriend?? karkat?? karkat’s here, this is karkat he’s looking at, and karkat just watches him, and settles a little when dave does, and his sword lowers a little as he falters, um, and he realizes he made a mistake, wtf omg
hahaha umm, but hes still so sure karkat is here to kill him maybe?? that might actually happen ,,, so dave does lower his sword and set it aside VERY slowly and cautiously without turning his eyes away from karkat, but he doesnt move from where he is , um,
and karkat settles out of his crouch and sits down on the floor there, and like, “have u been hiding here the whole time?” and dave stares at him like hes surprised karkats here?!?!?!?!? when did karkat get here wtf
an hes dissociating out of his darn mind, like it feels like hes been hiding behind this big box for years,,,,, and most of him feels like hes vulnerable with the box pushed out and away and he has to cover himself back up in case Someone Else comes in, and part of him is so happy his boyfriends here, karkat can make it safe, when he was upset earlier karkat was asleep and he couldn’t verbalize his emotions to wake him up or anything, omg, and dave just stares at him a whole bunch without even blinking, just taking in that his boyfriends here >w< dangit that would personally make me so happy too arg 
karkat asks if he ate anything today, and asks when dave started hiding in here, and dave cant even process what hes saying to him but its okay!! karkat says, if you come out we can grab some food, i bet youre hungry right? and dave totally realizes that the cramps in his middle are actually from not having eaten and not from internal stomach insects and it must be really late in the day? and dave nods a little, and thats really good, really good that hes responding, honestly its been more than 12 hours and his back hurts really bad and his butts Beyond Numb and he could really use a blanket and a bowl of cereal .......
so karkat inches into dave’s hiding spot with him, sort of over the course of their conversation, and then by the time dave’s nodding or shaking his head to his questions karkat is back there in the dark with him, and he comments on how cramped it is back here what the heck?? how are u not atrophied?? and literally within One Minute dave is hugging him, he even initiates it because dave is a total cuddle monster, and they just sort of hug for a little while , and 
theyre so cute :(
karkat instructs dave to shuffle out of there with him, and he helps dave up and supports his weight for a minute because his joints Freaking Hurt, and he holds him up until dave stops trembling and then they hold hands together really tightly and go and make something easy to eat like cereal or hot pockets or what ever
and then they eat the hot pockets
and its good
and dave still isnt talking but thats cool, hes still a little fragile, but its ok, dave is nodding and tapping his fingertips silently on his thigh and maybe he’s not feeling it yet but hes warming up, karkat can make up for the other half of silence , its really nice to get food in him, and within the next hour he says “what the hell, karkat” and then “you’d think they’d know how to make those” and its clear dave is gettin back in the swing of things :p 
and that is the story of dave spending 16 hours hiding in a food pantry ... thnk u im garbage
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Sweaty Pits McGee
I'm so sorry for the super long post that's coming.
TLDR is basically woman flips shit over 1/16 of an inch, leaves a huge mess behind, and demands to be allowed to skip a long line because she has somewhere she needs to be.
Seeing the post about the regulars who smell bad reminded me I never sent in a story about a woman I've nicknamed Sweaty Pits McGee. I haven't seen this harpy of a woman since my first encounter with her though, thankfully. 
It all started on NYE. Now I live in California and it was cold (for wimpy Californians) and even in the store most people were wearing jackets because at the time our heater was malfunctioning. It was also cold enough where outside of the store you could literally see your breath and everyone inside, employees and customers alike, were wearing jackets. But not Sweaty Pits McGee, no no. This woman smelled like she hadn't bathed in a month, coupled in with a big ol whopping scent of BO. And of course she comes in a tank top complaining about how cold it is in the store. 
I work in a fabric store (Anne-Jo Frafts and Cabric) and on NYE I happened to be working at the cutting counter. The day itself wasn't too bad, I was more excited for the day to end though so I could go out to eat dinner with the closing crew. Then Sweaty Pits McGee is the next person I have to help at the cutting counter. 
She saunters up, I greet her but get no reply and then she starts piling up a bunch of trim and ribbon onto the cut counter without saying a word to me. Every time she places a ribbon onto the counter, I tell her that we no longer do ribbon by the yard and she'd have to purchase the whole spool. After the third time telling her that ribbon is by the spool and not by the yard she snaps and stops piling all what looks like 30 spools of ribbon onto the counter to shout "I know that!!! I'm SO SORRY to be an inconvenience when I just want your opinion on something!!!!" before continuing to put another 10 spools of ribbon onto the cut counter. It doesn't help that there's probably 10 or so things of trim piled on the counter too. 
First thing she has me do is cut some fabric for her though. And ngl it was a bit annoying because I needed the counter space to that she was taking up with all her damn ribbons and trim. But I had to make do and that's when things really starting going down the shitter. Now she needed 3/4 of a yard, nbd I cut that amount all the time. But this harpy says it looks short, asks for a measuring tape, and then says the fabric is 1/16 of an inch too short. It wasn't btw because I measured it twice but fine, whatever, if I argue with her it'll just be more time I have to spend in her presence. 
Take 2 of cutting the fabric and this time she says I'm still 1/16 of an inch too short. Lady please. I over measured this time but fucking fine. The kicker though is that the fabric she had me cutting was running out on the bolt. How much was left? Well look at that, there's 3/4 of a yard left. How funny that the exact measurement she needs is what's left on the bolt and wow it isn't short 1/16 of an inch! Yay! Ugh. 
Then comes the trim that she put onto the counter. She pulls out this sheer, ugly ass, too small top that would basically be a censor bar across her chest if it wasn't sheer. Says she wants to add a trim to it to make it more eye catching. Uh, okay? All the trim she put onto the counter were gaudy and downright ugly but whatever, customer gets what the customer wants. I cut her amount and she doesn't scrutinize it the same way she did with the fabric. 
Ugh then came all the god damn ribbon. So apparently she wanted to add ribbon to these dirty ass sneakers to give them some more life. Alright I guess? And doesn't know which ribbon would look best. So I pick whatever ribbon doesn't look the most gaudy and she agrees with me. I give her the ticket for fabric and she leaves. Like. Literally she just leaves all the fucking ribbon she put onto the counter there and doesn't say anything, just walks away.
I guess I made a face because one of my co-workers also working at cut counter walks over, pats me on the shoulder, and says how everyone else who was getting their fabric cut hated the woman and how they all said I had really good self control because most of them would've told the woman off for how she annoying she was being. My co-worker then says she'll put the ribbon and trim from Sweaty Pits McGee away so that I can get out of the cut counter. Co-worker also re-measured the 2 pieces I had originally cut for Sweaty and said "I don't know what that lady was on to think these were short because they aren't." Thank you! Someone who sees reason!
So I end up moving to put fabric back on the shelves. Now I usually find this really calming, especially since it means I don't really have to talk to. And as I'm putting the fabric away? Sweaty Pits McGee is shouting at the manager to help her next because she's been in the store so long and has somewhere to be. And for some unknown reason the store is freakishly busy on this particular day. All 4 registers are being used to ring people up and there's still a line at least 15 people deep. Sweaty you aren't the only person who has been in the store for a long time. 
Luckily, this particular manager is a no shit taking manager and says she'll help Sweaty in a few minutes after the line dies down because all the cashiers are actually efficient and can usually get through a line pretty quickly, more so when customers have their coupons ready so no one is stuck waiting for coupons to load. Sweaty Pits makes up making a huge scene but ends up waiting anyway. 
After closing my manager asks me wtf was up with Sweaty because Sweaty complained about me to her saying I should be fired for not knowing how to measure fabric. I explained what happened and my co-workers backed me up and my manager just started laughing and saying that if she could she'd kick out Sweaty the next time she set foot in the store. Can't though since our policy is basically people can't get kicked out unless the manager sees someone stealing right in front of them. But oh well. I had fun ranting about Sweaty to my co-workers when we all went to dinner that night. 
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Long post, tw mentions of child abuse
So here’s this thing that’s been  bothering me
As much as I dislike (well dislike is the wrong word, more like ‘prefer not to deal with at this point in time’ ) children, I dislike shitty/lazy parenting anymore
Story time:
I went over to my cousin’s house on Saturday so she could do my hair. Not my preferred option but she does a decent job and is cheap and Mama’s on a budget so. Anyway, cousin’s house is really more accurately my great-aunt’s house, and there so many fucking kids. And they’re all young kids. The oldest might be 12? But there’s like 8 of these little shits.
And while I’m sitting there, mind my  own business getting my hair done, I just keep seeing my cousin do what I can only describe as “shitty parenting”. Example, one of the kids, granted one of the older boys, was hungry. It was about 8am at that point, so understandable he wanted breakfast. He asked his mom if he could have something for breakfast. I heard him, even with my headphones in, so I know she had to have heard him. But, she pretends like she doesn’t. So, he repeats himself. And again. My cousin SNAPS at him, screaming “WHAT?!” and he repeats himself “Can I have something for breakfast” and she just ignores him.
Red flag number one, right?
Eventually, kid goes and tries to make oatmeal. Now, these are fucking kids, and oatmeal, even instant, is finnicky and easy to turn into a sloppy mess. He’s never made oatmeal before and doesn’t know how. Instead of walking him through it (Boil some water in the microwave, put the packet in a bowl, pour the water, a little bit at a time over the oatmeal) she just starts screaming at him for not knowing how. 
How the fuck is he supposed to know how if he’s never been taught? Okay, whatever. Red flag number two.
While this is going on (she’s still doing my hair, mind you) the younger kids (about 2 and under) start getting up and moving around. They’re still in diapers, still learning to really walk and climb stairs, etc. And JFC she and my other cousin (the other mom) just fucking screamed at these kids.
Actually, let me back up a second. The house is gross. The house is a fucking mess. I’m not one to tell people how to live, but I grew up with a neat freak, so seeing just... filth, around kids, practically babies, doesn’t sit well with me. Anyway, there’s a lot of random shit floating around, and babies being babies, of course they gravitate towards it. Young kids (most of whom can’t even really talk yet) are gonna grab whatever they can get their hands around. If they can pick it up, they will. It’s just how fucking kids are, right? So needless to say, when there’s so much junk, of course the kids are going to get into shit. Cousin had a box of some packets of something (not sure what, think it was some hair products) on the stairs. Kids are climbing the stairs, come across a box, pop the lid off of it and start dumping it out, picking up the packets of whatever it is, tossing them, etc.
Now, a normal parent would probably take the box and put it somewhere where the kids can’t get it. Instead, cousin (who’s doing my hair) starts screaming at the babies, and gets one of the older ones to pick everything up. She does, and, being like 2 puts it back on the stairs because that’s the only place she can reach. And of course, the babies get back into it, because they’re fucking babies.
Rather than just take the box or let it go, cousin just screams at them. Over and over each time they get into the box. “WHY WOULD YOU GET IN IT AGAIN?!” Idk, because they’re like 1? 
Red flag number 3.
One of the babies is just screaming. Not that anything is wrong with her. She just stands on a chair (mind you this is a baby so I wouldn’t have fucking let that happen) and screams. Like, top of her lungs shrieks. No one seems to think this is out of the ordinary. This goes on for probably 20 minutes or so, ear splitting screaming (presumably for attention) and no one does anything, until I’m like
“Uhhhh...” and guesture towards said baby. THEN my cousin picks her up, gives her some kisses, and then puts her down a few seconds later. This seems to appease her for a bit, then she starts screaming again.
Red flag number 4
I should note, there’s not a toy in sight. Just junk and kids. So, they’re probably just fucking bored.
I feel like ass and I’ve gotta work in a few hours, so I’m mostly just trying to block the situation out. Things calm down for a little bit, until cousin gets into a just violent screaming match with my great-uncle, over a phone charger, iirc. Like, the kids are just sitting there, while they’re screaming, shouting obscenities at each other, slamming doors, making threats and so on.
Again, this doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for anyone.
Red flag number 5.
I should take a minute to note that a lot of this isn’t really out of the ordinary for me either, as I grew up in a similar environment. BUT, if there was a guest over, even if it was family, my mom was suddenly the most loving parent in the world. Everyone was on their best behavior. I’m a guest, this seems to be normal behavior.
Now, let me rewind for a second. Most of the kids are still in diapers. Some are kinda potty trained, but not really enough to be out of diapers. So, they poop on themselves. It happens. They’re babies. I realize this is the case because I look up and some of them have grabbed clean diapers and are walking up to the mom’s wanting to be changed.
Do they get changed?
Red flag number 6
Apparently, leaving them in their diaper is going to ‘make them get tired of shitting themselves’. It’s also going to put them at risk for infection, especially the girls. Not to mention diaper rash and sores. The kids get more insistent, and I go “Uh, do they need to be changed?” and they finally spring into action to change them on the fucking dining room table. No towel or blanket down, nothing, just changing dirty diapers on the dining room table. Alright, not everyone can afford a changing table, nbd. But still. So she changes them and I’m expecting her to go get a towel and wipe down the table. Does she?
Red flag number 7
So while I’m processing that little gross tidbit, my cousin, decides she doesn’t feel like walking up the stairs to get scissors and a flat iron to finish off my hair so she starts screaming at one of the older kids to get it. Now, given how the rest of the house looks, I can’t imagine her room is any neater, and the kid is having trouble finding them. So, rather than go upstairs and find them herself, she just starts berating him “Are you slow? You must be fucking slow! The scissors are in the drawer! You’re just slow, aren’t you??”
Spoiler alert: Scissors weren’t in the drawer
And the kid is growing more and more upset because he can’t find it in the places she’s looking. Instead of entertaining the idea that she may be telling him to look in the wrong place, she just shouts insults at him. After a bit, I guess I start to look visibly uncomfortable, so she shuts up, and goes and finds the scissors (not where she was telling him to look, of course). Doesn’t apologize at all.
Other minor things:
We had a metric ton of rain that weekend, so there was flooding and warnings of flash floods. The older kids see this on the news and are understandably scared. No one bothers to tell the kids “That’s not in our area, don’t worry” (I eventually check and inform the kids of this, and you could see the relief on their faces).
I hate when people don’t pick up kids properly. My cousin kept picking up the babies by the fucking arm. And I don’t mean pulling them to move them out of the way or something, I mean lifting them from the floor to the table just by the arm. They’re too heavy and too wear for that, you’re going to fucking dislocate her shoulder
The mom’s casually talking about a gang shooting in front of the kids, in graphic detail. No one seems to think this is out of the ordinary.
One of the mom’s talking openly about drugs (granted, just pot) in front of the kids.
The sheer amount of profanity. Now, my mother - to this day - doesn’t swear. Very very very rarely slips up and swears (seriously she doesn’t even like the word ‘lie’. We have to say “fib”. Even to this day, as adults) . Even when she’s screaming, the odds of hearing a 4 letter word come out are pretty much nil. So, hearing a parent just drop swears in front of the kids, many of whom are still learning to talk, is amazing to me.
I got there at about 7, left after 9ish. No one had been given any food or water during that time. I watched one of the younger kids walking around grabbing random cups and drinking from them, essentially scavenging for food. Didn’t raise any eyebrows on anyone but me. One of the older kids was begging me for my McD’s breakfast sandwich (I thought I was coming down with something, also I was still eating it, so I said no). Mom hears the kids begging for food, for my food, but still made no attempts to feed them.
And it just... doesn’t sit right with me. I’m sure the kids aren’t being starved or anything, but... how fucking lazy? You have a kid begging you to change their diaper and you laugh and refuse. THEN when I say something, you change them on the fucking dining room table, without wiping it down before or after. You can’t be assed to pick up a box off the floor, but scream at the kids for getting into it? You have kids asking for food and you just ignore them? JFC. 
This (the cousin who was doing my hair) is also the same cousin who I had this exchange with a few years ago:
*I wouldn’t give her son (who’s notorious for breaking shit for no reason) my DS to play with, because 1. he breaks shit for no reason 2. I was literally currently using it* Cousin: You need to stop being so mean all your life Me: I’m not being mean, I just don’t want to give something expensive to a kid who’ll probably break it Cousin: *doesn’t argue the ‘probably break it’ point* Well, what are you going to do when you have kids? Me: Who says I’m gonna have kids? Cousin: Well, you have to have some kids? Me: ... Why?
And mother of God the uncomfortable silence.
I hate that it’s viewed that people are just supposed to have kids. Why? Why is everyone supposed to have a kid. We’re not exactly hurting for global population. And it’s not like my cousins wanted kids. All of them were accidents. ALL of them. But they had them anyway because, well apparently you’re supposed to.
Which is bullshit. There’s more to life than shitting out babies, not to mention: some people just should not have fucking kids. My mother was one of those people, she’s just not a person capable of much affection, or patience. Two things that are pretty key when raising a child. (Also she apparently hates infants and is freaked out by pregnant women - despite being pregnant at least 7 times herself - but that’s a story for another time). My cousins are those people. They’re young, they’re too concerned with themselves, and don’t seem to grasp that you actually have to pay attention to kids. You can’t just ignore them until they go away. 
Anyway, idk how to wrap this post up, but let me stop ranting
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fat-tanuki · 5 years
So here's what happened at D&D last night
Its rare that people annoy me to the point of being pissed off. This is gonna be long cuz I'm on mobile, sorry.
G is the girlfriend of the DM. She's incredibly loud and usually stops paying attention to the game halfway through the session without fail. These both get on my nerves but omg last night.
Half our party is catching up since they missed the last game. G and I are deep in a cave, unaware that they're coming and facing the same mob we had run into. G says she walks to the edge of the cliff and yells at them to keep running. I point out that we're in a cave, clueless. She ignores me. DM points it out. "Fine, then I go outside to yell to them." DM: "So you're just going to meta this. Okay." Whatever. We move on.
G and I both play tanky melee characters, the only two in the party. Everyone else is either a caster or stealthy. Last session, I looted a sword off a dead teammate to replace the shitty dagger I had. nbd. This session, BBEG offers us up a fancy sword in exchange for a favor. I proceed to raise my hand and declare "Dibs!" She turns and YELLS at me, screaming that I already have a fancy sword so she should get this one. Blah blah. o.o I'm like "okay, fair"
We get to where we were told the sword was at. G's character fucks off. I check where we were told. AGAIN I get yelled at. "Dude, I was just looking." The DM tells me that it's not there. G checks somewhere adjacent. Surprise, the sword's there.
Turns out the sword's cursed. (duh) G takes a swing at a party member in a later fight. Cue more bitching. "This always happens to me!"
It's revealed that the sword is the only thing that will kill BBEG's minion. G swings and misses. Minion crits on its attack at her. (More whining. I'd also like to point out that by this time G has stopped paying attention to the game. She's up walking around, talking to other people in the Cafe. DM constantly has to call her back. She's forgetting to make attack rolls and just says "I hit it" and rolls damage, then gets pissy when she has to make the actual attack roll) G goes down. I mention that I want to grab the sword to take this thing out. THIRD TIME I'M YELLED AT. I reply that I just want to take this thing out, she's down anyway and I'm the one with the highest melee attack so I'm most likely to hit. She won't have it. A rogue is up next, so they go ahead and grab it and swing. Which makes sense, I had forgot they were before me. They hit.
Before the rogue can deal damage, DM speaks up. He "conveniently" forgot that G didn't hit. And that one magical swing of the sword banished the minion. So he rolls it back. G is the hero. She's no longer downed.
So we get the magical item that BBEG wants. We use it for ourselves, because, of course. By now, G is whining that she doesn't feel good, she wants to go home. DM informs her that we're scheduled until 11 and we need to finish this. There's an argument that basically ends in him saying "We go to 11 each time. It's on Facebook. It's on the schedule. It's not my fault you got it wrong."
G now just wants to get out of here as fast as possible, so she plans on skipping the BBEG and just leaving the cave. I argue that BBEG is the one that teleported us here. We have no idea where we are or how to get home. We need BBEG to get us home.
Party agrees with G, they want to leave out the backdoor. I'm left as the newcomer to the Cafe group and now very much the odd man out. I'm panicking about this in my head when DM says "Do what you want to do." I remember that as a DM he's probably mad that he prepared all this and people are just skipping it over. I go confront BBEG on my own. The rest of the party books it.
BBEG is not happy with me after my failed attempt to bluff my way out of this shit, but is bound to her room, so I book it. Safe.
DM switches to the rest of the party. "You get to the bridge and-" G cuts him off. "We were out the backdoor! You can't reverse time!" "I can't be in two places at once. You're at the bridge." You could tell even he has had enough.
We ended soon after that.
I just... the utter disrespect. And yelling at me? Seriously? We're both grown women. It's a fucking pretend game. Calm your tits.
DM even told me at a previous session, after I had done the research to level up my character in an unfamiliar system, "You're the first one to show initiative." Like... even G hadn't had her character prepared that day, and she DMs games in that system! In my world if you're not prepared, you don't play. And its only basic common decency to do on your own what you can and respect the DM. Running a game is fucking hard enough.
But okay. Rant over. I just honestly fucking cannot.
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