#they are part of the experience
industrations · 5 months
To kick off the festivities my fellow lawnchairs @imdamagecontrol @alarainai and i have written a very extremely cursed lovely christmas fic
If at any point you ask yourself "what is going on" or "why does it low-key have plot" just know that we do not know either
We present a lawnchair original:
The Jitties
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mortuarybees · 10 months
same people crying about ups drivers winning $42/hour are the same people who dismiss unions and say they just take your money and don't do anything for you. Bet you'd like $42/hour!!!!!!!
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bet-on-me-13 · 2 months
Vampire Misunderstanding
So! Danny got adopted by Bruce Wayne, but he doesn't know that Bruce is the Batman. He is just supernaturally oblivious to all things Batman related going on in the House.
But he does notice that Bruce leaves home a lot at night, that he doesn't like to go out in the day and often has his parties at night, and once or twice he's caught Bruce with a bit if blood still splattered on his cheek.
So he comes to the only plausible conclusion. Bruce is a Vampire.
He starts trying to hint at the fact that he knows, but doesn't want to just go out and say it. What if Bruce reacts negatively to him knowing? He's dealt with enough Supernatural Beings to know that they don't like other people (and especially other supernatural beings) intruding on their lives.
So Danny decided to subtly hint at it.
He started asking questions like "So hypothetically, how would you deal with having a Garlic Allergy in Gotham?" Or "So if you had very sensitive skin that could sunburn extremely easily, how much cloud cover would you need to go outside?" And "So what's your opinion on a High-Iron Diet?"
Basically just tossing out questions and trying to Guage Bruce's reaction.
He thinks he's doing a good job!
Bruce is certain that he has adopted a Vampire.
Danny is a good kid, but he has a few oddities that are hard to ignore.
For one, his skin is constantly Ice Cold, but he never seens to be bothered by it. As if he was an Undead that didn't require Body Heat anymore.
He also seems to like Hanging out in the Graveyard outside, and when asked about it he says that he is comforted by the place. Just like the Vampires he has met in the past, who feel comfortable when surrounded by Death.
And of course the biggest reason for suspicion is the fact that Danny seems to be hinting at it to him.
He keeps asking stuff like "How would you deal with a Garlic Allergy in Gotham?", probably trying to hint that he is a Vampire who can't eat Garlic, or asking about easy to sunburn skin, saying that he is probably not a Daywalker.
Bruce hopes Danny will just come clean about it soon, he doesn't want to intrude upon the kid when he is so obviously nervous about how he will react.
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yousaytomato · 1 year
Hey erm.... is Tumblr actually scaling images down in the app now...?
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petricorah · 10 months
Having icons on the dashboard increases community. I don't take the time to read every username, but with a quick glance, I know who posted something. It means I can associate what they posted with them. Otherwise it's just Stuff. (It's also fun to see the icons. It's a unique personalization that makes people happy, and their prominence makes tumblr unique.) It doesn't take up space. Why take that away?
it's honestly alarming that they're making this shift to depersonalize and disintegrate community.
part of me feels like this is the progression they want:
can't tell who posts -> don't care who posts -> no connection to who is on your dash -> FYP/algorithm
and it's horrible that they seem to be taking such a beloved website and sending it in these directions. probably overreacting but it's sad and frustrating to watch it go
anyway. it's a good reminder to reblog the posts you love, because that's how the website can keep functioning like it does
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elytrianicarus · 5 months
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my part for the jellie tribute, go watch the full thing here!
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savagegood · 1 year
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after my friends expressed horror watching professional hockey player nathan mackinnon spray suncreen straight in the face, i'm actually curious...
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time-woods · 6 months
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EMOTIONAL WIN ! ! the bug lets his emotions make decisions for once !
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stardynamite · 2 days
Previously, and finally…
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part 7
That’s why it’s so long lmao
Just fyi, I read all of your comments and reblogs while blushing and kicking my feet lmao, so thank you all!!! This was a lot of fun lmao
Previous / the end.
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brightgoat · 7 days
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borderlinereminders · 2 months
I think the child in me healed a little bit today.
My partner knew that I didn’t have a great childhood and had a lot of stuff missing. Memories, experiences, etc.
Knowing how sad I was about it, he set up Easter for me. He came to get me because he’d hidden eggs around the house filled with candies or chocolate.
I felt a little silly at first but then I just let go and let myself enjoy it. It makes me feel emotional, in a good way, just thinking back on it.
So, two reminders from this experience of mine for you.
1) It’s okay to indulge your inner child. In fact, you should! It’s okay to enjoy things others might find silly whether it’s swinging on the swings, watching a children’s movie or any number of things.
2) Amazing people exist in this world. And you deserve to have those people and shouldn’t settle for less. Maybe it isn’t about setting up an egg hunt for you but I hope you find someone, if you don’t have someone, who offers you support and care. And I hope they encourage you to be yourself.
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soln3shko · 18 days
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egophiliac · 26 days
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HEY guess who's being completely normal about episode 7 :)
anyway it sure ain't me, so I made myself a baby Malleus! I used the single-headed version of Choly Knight's hydra pattern (link will be in replies ↓↓↓) as a base, and just messed with some of the pieces to make him more Mall-y. including sewing all those little claw pieces, then pinning them on and realizing I actually liked him better without them...oh well. to heck with accuracy, I want stubby little dragon legs!
unfortunately, he doesn't photograph very well, especially his forehead scales (they're there! I promise!) (they're made of glitter HTV so they are actually SPARKLY in real life, yet apparently they come out completely invisible in photos, woe). but he is super cuddly and soft so I'm happy with him! just as in canon, he is a product of LOVE. :>
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catmanbowser · 2 months
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Look at my art boy. This was for the superbat zine last year hehe (was busy with college, so i didnt get a chance to post it TT)
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kicktwine · 29 days
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run, little prince!
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bastardlybonkers · 4 months
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