#they get injured
How would you want the Frostwhistle ship to play out if it were canon? Do you think Frostpaw should move to Windclan or vice versa? Or maybe a secret third option…
I think they would both continue to live in their clans. But Whistlepaw at least would have medicine cat privileges to go where she wants so they could meet regularly. Heck they even have the gathering island between their territories. Since both are girls kits aren’t on the cards so that is a big thing they don’t need to worry about
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thecinnamonr0ll · 20 days
Why is NICO considered the 'crazy, insane' son of Hades? he was born in the1930s to a rich family, HE IS GOING TO HAVE MANNERS.
Will 'i went to tartaraus in my cargo shorts' fucking solace on the other hand, for one, he was raised in TEXAS with a country singer mom on the road, he's probably been to ATLEAST 20 different bars, that guy should Is deranged.
change my mind, i dare you
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fuckyeahisawthat · 3 months
Oh I realized a thing about the Paul/Feyd-Rautha fight. So usually if you have a big fight scene, but especially if you do something like have a character get injured in a way that would definitely be fatal if they weren't cursed with inescapable Main Character Energy, you follow up the fight scene with some moment of comfort or relief or something, which serves to release the tension for the audience and let them know whew, that was scary, but it's okay now. Your character is hurt but they're gonna survive. (Or alternately, if they're dying heroically, it was worth it and what the narrative demanded.)
But here there's nothing. Paul is surrounded by devoted followers; his mother; his lover; one of his oldest teachers and a loyal servant of House Atreides. No one steps forward to offer a shoulder to lean on or help him to his feet. He's left them all behind. He's not a person who got hurt in a fight anymore; he's a myth that people shrink back from. So he pulls the knife out by himself. He stands up by himself. Other than the emperor very begrudgingly touching his hand to kiss the ring, I don't think anyone touches him at all for the rest of the movie. He's completely alone. They never release that tension, because Paul's alive but it is very much not going to be okay.
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golden-snackoos · 4 months
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forget me not.
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despazito · 8 months
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israelis will call palestinians animals but have more empathy for the literal dogs
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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aratribow · 5 months
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Jingnyan, aka the husband-replacement cat that renheng adopted
Sesame cake and rice dumpling are respectively called renyan and hengnyan btw and this shit has a whole ass au behind it (with a Mafia origin but that's not important)
I STAN jingnyan being the MOST affectionate nyan ever
Ps: this is renheng getting all the cuddles b4 the renheng-nyan invasion..which...doesn't bode very well for them
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butterflyscribbles · 10 months
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More medic Leo💙
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thefrsers · 11 days
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Everything that matters, is already in this room.
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orjustori · 2 months
i love when artists explicitly write/draw eddie and steve with very noticeable, maybe even deforming scars. i love when they dont fail to mention the repercussions the things they've been through have left on their bodies. because yes, we talk a lot about ptsd and horrible nightmares and all the psychoemotional issues, but we should totally talk more about the physical side of it.
eddie with a scar on his jaw that tugs when he smiles and aches after a long effusive rant. having to use mobility aides like a crutch or a walking stick because the muscles on his leg never fully recovered and the scars on his abdomen hurt if he tries to tighten his core too hard.
steve with awful migranes and early onset hearing loss and complex vision problems and slight trouble breathing because his head/face got fucked up one too many times. the scars on his back that got infected because no one gave them notice, that are now scars that twinge when he moves his arms and hurt after a day of running around with the kids. the scars on his abdomen that restrict his range of motion. that raspiness in his voice that never went away after a bat tried to crush his windpipe.
i don't know where i'm going with this i just... we constantly recognize their heroic deeds, but i think it's also important to remember that they are not heroes. they are just teenagers who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. they were doomed by the narrative, literally cannon fodder, and their bodies tell the history of that, and of how they're still here despite it all.
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guiltipanda · 1 month
I got my roommate to watch MHA with me. He's not really a shipper, and he doesn't like Bakugou, but even he looks at Deku and Bakugou like, "....They are way too gay."
The other day I was talking about how I (in the context of shipping) like to think of Deku as the oblivious one and the last one to figure it out and Bakugou as the one who is silently suffering/pining and he went, "That's just fucking canon."
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irisintheafterglow · 2 months
um blah blah blah something about knight!katsuki tearing through panicked crowds to find you slumped behind a knocked-over table, paling when he sees the growing red patch under the hand on your side.
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"shit," is all he manages to force out, and it's all he can say for the next thirty seconds while he tries to figure out how to get you out of here. "no, no, no. you're not fine, dumbass," he snaps when you insist that you're fine. he registers a figure sprinting towards him with an axe and throws a dagger from his belt without even thinking, the assailant falling onto the dirt. "this is all your fault," he mutters as he pulls you from under the table and into a nearby alley.
"i can't believe you're blaming me for my own assassination attempt," you exhale shakily, your breathing too uneven for his liking. "all i wanted was to pick some flowers."
"we could have had the flowers brought to the palace," he argues, raking a nervous hand through his hair. "but you wanted to see them straight from the farmer's market."
"there's not much we can do now that i am bleeding out," you groan, fighting down the bile in your throat when you see how red your hand has become. katsuki's hand gently but firmly grips your wrist, forcing it out of your field of vision.
"don't look at it. just look at me," he commands, scarlet eyes revealing his panic. for the first time in your history together, katsuki looked scared. "just keep looking at me, okay? i'm gonna move you to a safehouse a few blocks away."
"no, please," you plead with him, grabbing his wrist before he can loop his arms under your legs. "it hurts when i move."
"the other option is for you to die, princess, and i'm not letting that happen," he swears. "i shouldn't have ever let this happen to you in the first place."
"it's not your fault," you whisper, your thumb smearing red across his cheekbone.
"isn't it, though?" the expression of pure grief on your knight's face disappears in an instant and, before you can protest, katsuki lifts you from the ground like you weighed nothing at all. you muffle a broken cry into your hand and squeeze your eyes tight against his chest, shaking from the white-hot arc of pain cutting your side. "just stay with me, princess. you're gonna be okay."
"it hurts, kats," you sob quietly and a part of him dies. "it hurts so much."
"i know it does, baby. just stay with me and the pain will go away soon."
katsuki isn't there when you wake up in the palace infirmary, but the news of the pub bloodbath where several members of the criminal underworld were being investigated reached you eventually. your knight was supposed to be leading the investigation, but dragon keeper kirishima revealed that, after the attack in the market, he had taken matters into his own hands.
he had a single thought as he inserted his dripping sword back into its sheath. long live the princess as long as he lived.
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thedrunknextdoor · 2 years
titans tower au where when jason reveals himself he lets it slip that he’s been alive for years and tim just gets fucking pissed
Tim: Are you telling me that i became batman’s therapist for NOTHING????
Jason, mid monologue: what
Jason: uhm-
Tim: no FUCK U! take robin im going to take a fucking nap
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keokartoffel · 17 days
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Happy darkness element!
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radiance1 · 6 months
"Daniel, get off of me." Vlad hissed, trying to get the child off his back.
"No, I'm tired, sleepy, and you're the closest thing to rest on." Danny groaned, flopping himself further onto Vlad's back.
"Daniel this is not what you're supposed to be doing at an event like this get off of me-" Vlad reached a hand behind his back, trying to slap Danny away from him to the best of his ability.
"Nooo." Danny moved away from Vlad's hand and slapped it when it got to close for comfort.
"Daniel you were to be my eyes for the night get off-"
"Ah, Vlad! Good to see you!"
"...Daniel," Vlad whispered. "When and how did your oaf of a father get here-"
Danny creaked an eye open and peeked over Vlad's shoulder, only to recoil and hiss at the brightness of the smile on Bruce Wayne's face. "It's Bruce Wayne."
Vlad hummed quietly. "Ah, of course he was invited here." Vlad brought a hand up to rub at his face, careful to not touch the bandages wrapped around his eyes and sighed. "I can never escape Jack Fenton, even when he isn't here it seems." Vlad took a small second to sink into the depths of despair, before removing his hand and sending a beaming smile towards Bruce Wayne (Or at least where his voice came from)
"Greetings Bruce! Pardon my lack of sight but it seems fate is still kind to you, it seems!"
"You know he totally saw you not wanting to meet him, right?" Danny whispered in Vlad's ear, head on the man's shoulder.
"Daniel." Vlad whispered just as quietly, smile still on his face as he listened to Bruce talk about some charity he plans to do in Gotham. "If you will not be my eyes then at the very least keep yourself quiet."
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silverwhittlingknife · 3 months
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poem: "accident report in the tall, tall weeds" by ada limón
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