#they havent even actually banged yet
amaranthdahlia · 3 months
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kudoichi wedding art yyyay
and ofc heres the usual art dump lol
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(context: was talking in our kdch gc and one of my moots had the idea that kudou gives yoichi his dog tags and my mind went BBRHRHRHR with it (my old ship also had a dogtag hc!!!! its sosjfkg)
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(i just realized i COMPLETELY forgot about his scar oh my god thats literally his most distinct feature..... well sorry rip im too lazy to fix it)
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(dude when kudou was shown wearing a shirt i had been ITCHING to draw yoichi wearing it (well i did before actually but it wasnt obvious lol))
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(thanking ur heroes 101)
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( sleeping hc, since kudou is described as a soldier i bet he sleeps like one too haha, and hc that yoichi had to curl into himself alot whenever he slept due to the cold weather in his childhood & having no proper house/beddings so it just stuck .... and also cus his brother recently had locked him up in a vault without any sort of blanket or comforter )
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orcelito · 25 days
Wrote tha note to put on their door in the morning.
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Do u think my sleep deprived frustration is evident lol
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kraviolis · 1 year
i am…… really fucking sad about cleo. god. she became one of my absolute favorite characters on nopixel after i watched a single stream of her. it fucking sucks that people started sending saturn death threats over a fucking rp character and especially that it got to the point where she had to completely shelve cleo again bcus it was fucking with her mental health. im just. god. thats so upsetting. i genuinely wish saturn the best and i know she’s gotta do what she’s gotta do to keep her sanity as someone who does this shit for a living. im really really really gonna miss cleo. and the way she got shelved again also just hurts. man. fuck.
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lagtrain · 2 years
why arethe standalone episodes of mythic quest so damn good
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honkytonk-hangman · 1 year
Line of Sight
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Summary: You're almost certain that Jake Seresin could care less about you, that is, until you're in a tight spot and the one guy you assume will hang you out to dry, instead comes to your rescue.
Warnings: language, creepy club dudes, hangman being a little cold but actually he's just shyyyyyy
Notes: this is for @ussgallifrey who let me bang on about the feelings this man has given me <3 honestly this might turn into a mini-series because i havent even begun to resolve all my emotions about this whole vibe yet
Series Masterlist
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“Wait, is that Rooster?” you frown, trying to duck your head to see around the crowd of people at the club bar, your straw falling away from your lips as you do. “And Payback, and–” you cut yourself off, now certain of who and what you were seeing, and turn to look accusingly at your companions. Next to you, Phoenix follows your line of sight, but shrugs, seemingly unbothered about the impromptu appearance of the rest of Dagger Squad. Across from you, Halo winces guiltily, and lowers her brightly coloured cocktail away from her face.
“I may have mentioned our little soiree, and extended the invitation…” she admits, before hurriedly placing down her drink altogether and lifting her hands in a surrendering motion. “Look, in my defence, we’re all friends, and whatever you think about Hangman–”
“–It’s not what I think, Cal! It’s him who clearly doesn’t think much about me!” you stress, a little frustrated that your carefree girls night was now going to end up like all the other weekend nights you’ve had since befriending Dagger.
You loved Dagger, you really really did. They had welcomed you unofficially into the squad with open arms after Phoenix and Bob had adopted you one night at the Hard Deck. You’d been stood up, then dumped unceremoniously, and after crying off all your makeup in the bathroom, you’d been comforted by Nat, who had then introduced you to all her friends, all of whom seemed to dedicate the rest of their night to cheering you up. 
It was funny now to think that that was how this all started, but soon enough you were close with all of them. Well, almost all of them.
Hangman had been nice enough that first night, but after that it seemed as though he could care less about your presence at all. He wasn’t ever actively rude or mean to you, not at all, instead it was like you were just perpetually a stranger. Him snarking at you would be a step up, in your opinion. At least then you’d feel like he saw you as a friend, but as it stands now, his tight smiles and quiet chortles felt like a slap in the face compared to the mega-watt grins and regular peacockish behaviour he’d display with his other friends.
You hate yourself a little that it affects you so much. You know it shouldn’t, but you can’t help it. You liked Hangman. Although a little prideful and pricklish, you could see yourself getting along with him quite well, could exchange banter with him nicely, if he’d ever actually give you a chance. It certainly didn’t help that you weren’t immune to the way he looked, perfect in every single sense, smoulderingly hot even when he wasn’t trying. He was exactly your type, right down to a T, including, you suppose, the fact that he didn’t want you at all.
It had been bothering you more and more recently, and where once you would just shrug him off, now you realise, you’ve been actively avoiding hanging out with your friends, just to sidestep the kick in the guts that came every time he fixed you with a level, seemingly emotionless pity-smile. This week would mark one year since the night you’d been dumped and subsequently picked up again, and if you’d thought about it for longer than five seconds, you’d have agreed with Halo that you should have been celebrating with all your friends.
Phoenix easily waves down the boys, and soon enough your tall standing table is filled out with the rest of the team, and you let yourself relax for a moment as you accept several hugs, the longest of which is with Javy, who shakes you a little as he does, before he reaches for your drink and finishes it off in one.
“Happy one year, bay-bay!” he announces cheekily in the face of your protest, and you playfully swat him away. Coyote relents, but leans back just enough, with his mouth open, and you roll your eyes, before plucking the maraschino cherry from your now empty glass and placing it between his teeth.
The display is enough to make you laugh genuinely, and you watch with a far more relaxed and happy grin as Javy pushes back from the table, pointing at you, Phoenix and Halo.
“Another?” he asks, quickly gathering everyone’s orders and announcing the first round was on him as he disappears toward the bar. Unfortunately, that is when you realise his empty spot at the table is stepped into by someone else, and despite yourself, you can’t help but look.
If you hadn't known that he’d only just arrived, you might have fooled yourself into thinking Hangman been here all along, with how natural he looks leaning with one arm against the table, his eyes scanning the club behind you over your head as you take him in.
You refrain from cursing at just how good he looks in civvies. It was rare you’d see him in anything aside from either his flight suit or his tan uniform, and you’re fairly certain the only other time you had was at one of Dagger’s many beach parties, where he’d been barely dressed at all. Now though, Hangman is filling out a pair of dark wash jeans and a silk jade-green button down like nobody's business, his hair for once not slicked back and styled for work, and he has what you can only assume must be several days worth of stubble.
He looks goddamn good, and you almost vibrate all the way across the room because of it.
Bright green eyes suddenly lock on to yours, and you most hope he calls you out for staring, teases you relentlessly, but after a moment, he simply nods at you, and turns inward to the table.
“You look great,” he says simply, and after letting out a quiet sigh, you choose not to let this ruin your night.
“Thanks, so do you,” you reply, maybe a little sadder sounding than you intended. Hangman glances back over at you and your heart skips just a little when he lifts his chin at you.
“Same dress you were wearing the night that asshole dumped you, right?” His voice holds slightly more humorous inflection than usual and you hate yourself a little bit more for living for the crumbs he gives you.
“Yeah. figured it was thematic or whatever. Look at me now, and all that,” you wave a hand, and really try hard not to sound so glum this time, but you’re not sure it works. Hangman cocks his head, and you swear you see a playful glint spark in his eyes just as he opens his mouth, but unfortunately you never get to hear what he has to say, because Javy chooses that moment to reappear, placing down an armful of drinks and beers right between you.
With the reappearance of his friend, Hangman seems to go back to ignoring you, and you go back to pretending that it doesn’t bother you.
Five minutes ago you had been dancing wildly and laughing with Rooster and Phoenix, three drinks down and getting your giggle on. Now though, you’d managed to lose both your friends in the crowd, which had been okay at first, you weren’t exactly a wallflower and didn’t mind getting your flirt on with a stranger or two, but now, you were wishing hard that at any moment either Rooster or Phoenix might show back up again and save you.
While you weren’t a wallflower, you also weren’t anywhere near as cock-sure as Halo or Phoenix, you weren’t the type of girl who felt comfortable stamping on a creep’s foot and telling him to fuck off and that you weren’t interested.
Which is exactly what you wanted to do right now.
You were trying to be polite still, for some reason, but the drinks in your system prevent you from really reacting as necessary, even as you attempt to move the hands of the guy you're dancing with back to your hips and away from your ass.
“Hey, look, I’m going to get a drink!” you yell over the music, trying to extract yourself from this guy, but just as your luck would have it, he nods happily and makes to move with you, his hands still trying to feel you up.
You move anyway, hoping that at least you might be able to lose him in the crowd, but your new shadow seems determined to stick with you. You really don’t know at this point how to shake him, and as a last resort, you desperately begin scanning the edges of the crowd for any of your friends, so you can try and make eyes for them to bail you out.
Strangely, all your friends seem to have disappeared from the table you’d left them at, even Rooster and Phoenix are nowhere in sight, but you do catch sight of something familiar toward the bar. For once you don’t dread the sight of Hangman and his expressionless gaze, and for once, you attempt to maintain eye contact with him as he glances almost dismissively over at you.
Maybe it’s the look on your face that causes him to doubletake back at you when he briefly looks away, but whatever it is, you’re glad for it, because the next thing you know, the blond is frowning at you, his eyes flickering between you and your unwanted companion. You watch as he straightens up from leaning against the bar, his face filled with the kind of determination that you had only seen on him during the more heated rounds of pool at the Hard Deck.
You could almost let out a cry of joy when he pushes away from the bar and begins beelining towards you, seemingly making sure that he doesn’t lose sight of you even despite the throng of people that he has to weave in and out of. When he’s only a few metres away, his expression shifts from almost angry, into an easy cocky smile that he’s never directed toward you before. It nearly throws you off step, but even if it had, it wouldn’t have been an issue. In a few short strides, Hangman is in front of you, his arm smoothly slung around your shoulder and he uses it to tug you a few steps into his side, and away from your prior dance partner.
“There you are,” he says sweetly, actually sounding glad to see you for once. In your sheer relief at his rescue, you let your hand fall to his chest, your fingertips gliding over the soft silk of his shirt, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. You blink up, mouth open to utter a soft thank you, and get ready to excuse yourself from the other man’s company, but a tugging at your hand cuts you off.
“Uh, I thought we were getting a drink,” the other guy interrupts, looking accusingly between you and Hangman. The blond barely even looks at him, an insult you know well, before he’s focused back on you, and arm around your shoulder pulling you even closer into him, and forcing your dance partner to release you.
“I’ll take it from here,” Hangman says to him, though he’s gazing at you, doing a damn convincing job of seeming lovesick. “You thirsty, sweetheart?” he adds as he begins to turn you, lead you away from the scene, and you find yourself embarrassingly speechless, only able to nod at for once being on the receiving end of Hangman’s notorious charm.
“Whatever, just so you know man, she didn’t say she was taken,” you hear from behind you. 
“She shouldn’t have to.” Hangman doesn’t even stop moving as he turns his head to shoot back, though his voice is filled with more annoyance than you’ve ever heard from him before. You could almost trick yourself into thinking he was actually mad on your behalf.
“Fucking slut.” The words are just loud enough for the both of you to hear, and even though you tense up at the accusation, you expect the both of you to keep moving, at least until you’re away from this guy. That doesn’t happen though. Hangman does stop this time, though unlike before, you don’t see a trace of anger on his face. Instead, he takes a step back toward the other man, his arm dropping from your shoulders to wrap snugly around your waist. He smiles wide and full, completely infuriatingly, and you see him size up the creep, look him deliberately up and down before he tips his head and opens his mouth.
“And yet, she’s still not going to fuck you,” he stays smiling, wide and cheshire-like. You feel yourself drop into a pool of complete and utter enamour with him, as at last he pulls you away again, leaving your unwanted partner behind, mouthing dumbly at the killer of a takedown he’d just endured, now totally forgotten by the both of you.
You’re still recovering from the utter annihilation when you finally reach the bar, and at last Hangman lets his hold on you drop, and he comes to stand next to you at the bar. He’s still grinning, though it looks like it's to himself, but it widens ever so slightly when he glances down at you while motioning for the bartender. He orders himself another beer, and the same cocktail Javy had stolen from you earlier before you’re finally able to get your thoughts straight again.
“Thanks for that,” you say, nodding towards the dance floor. Hangman looks almost surprised for a few seconds before he shrugs and pays the waiting barman.
“S’nothing.” he waves you off, but fixes you again with a slight frown moments later. “Are you alright? You looked pretty upset when you were trying to shake him.”
You think this might be the most genuine emotion the man has ever shown you, and you’re too far gone to question why, for now you simply want to bask in it.
“I’m no good at telling guys to piss off. Mostly they get the hint, but sometimes… that’s why I always stick with Phoenix or Halo,” you explain a little bashfully. You know how confrontational Hangman can be, you’d seen it for yourself tonight, so you know he likely sees your lack of assertiveness as some kind of weakness. Maybe that was why he didn’t like you?
Hangman frowns again, deeply this time, and hands you your drink. For a while he doesn't say anything, but it makes you anxious the way he doesn’t stop staring at you even as he takes a good long drink of his beer. After a moment he relaxes somewhat and glances away. You’re hoping maybe he’ll drop it, or maybe some of your friends will come along and spare you whatever comes next, but he doesn’t, and they don’t.
Hangman points back toward the dance floor with his beer hand and fixes you with a hard, intent stare.
“You feel like that again, you come find me, alright? I’ll tell them where they can go,” the blond tells you firmly, making you blink and splutter, but he holds up his hand and waves you off before you can deny him.
“Halo doesn’t always come out with us, and Phoenix and Rooster are currently eating face, so,” he takes half a step toward you and leans lower into your space, almost making you stumble back. “Next time,” he slings his arm across your shoulder again and grins almost maniacally. “Let Hangman sort them out for you.”
For the first time you really feel like perhaps Hangman is warming up to you. No longer were you feeding off the crumbs of attention, now you see the man revel in your sputtering embarrassment, fully teasing you like you’d wish he would for the past year. You were in his sights now, and you feel your whole body trill with satisfaction.
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luna0713hunter · 7 months
hi can you do shanks x reader where he gets jealous when he sees the reader and a crewmate get close? with a fluffy ending please 💞
(i've never requested anything before so sorry if it doesnt make sense)
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Author's note : hello darling!how are you doing? Happy Halloween!!!! I love this request so much cause I'm a huge sucker for jealousy fics lmao!!! (And ofc my dear! it's totally alright!feel free to drop by again!)
I want your eyes,only on me
Shanks x reader
Warnings : jealous Shanks,swearing,drinking,some thoughts about insecurities,age gap relationship,maybe slightly suggestive?, sprinkle of angst,and ofc,FLUFF and happy ending
When the cold liquid slides down Shanks' throat,he wonders if the booze is more bitter or the sight of you.
On normal occasions,or basically on daily basis,the mere sight of you is enough to make his heart swell and a warm smile bloom on his face. But right now,as he watches you laugh and giggle at a joke that the newest member of his crew had just made,the youngest member beside you,he cant help but to wonder if he can drink until he blacks out completely.
Its not the first time he's done that after all.
Shanks downs the last of his drink while throwing his head back,and clenches his teeth from the bitterness that burns his throat,and sets his now empty glass on the table with a loud BANG.
Its honestly a surprise how the glass hadn't shattered yet.
Just as he's about to complain about the lack of whiskey on his table, someone slides right beside him and pours him his comfort drink.
Shanks barely raises his head,already knowing who has come to his rescue.
"planning to black out,Cap?"
"Fuck off, Yasopp."
The red hair pirate's eyebrow twitches when Yasopp lets out his booming laughter. He drinks his entire glass in one go and squeezes his eyes shut.
That was some heavy alcohol. He would surely regret it tomorrow,but for now,its his only salvation.
"what's gotten you in such a good mood,Shanks? I'm actually worried you might overdose if you keep going like that."
Shanks doesnt turn his head away from you,but slides his empty glass toward Yasopp, silently asking for more.
His new member of the crew smiles gently at your giggling form,and offers you a sweet drink while whispering something in your ear.
Shanks feels his single arm shake as he raises the glass to his oddly dry lips and this time,takes a single sip.
He wonders when he's became so weak and soft.
But he always liked you as his only weakness. He loved to be soft for you.
"he's so young. It doesnt help that he's good kid too."
"hold on," Yasopp raises his eyebrow and drinks his own drink;his expression turning confused slightly as he eyes Shanks,you,and then his new crewmate, "are you talking about the new kid?"
"what about him?"
"dont tell me you havent seen him flirting with y/n all night long. Just look how close they are." He lets out a bitter laugh,and tries to wet his lips with his even more bitter tongue. The taste disgusts him.
"they're almost the same age. I wouldn't be surprised if y/n left for him."
When Yasopp pulls the glass out of his hand,he swears he's ready to raise hell.
"ok, that's enough booze for you."
"are you asking for a fight?you know i can kick your ass,drunk or not."
Yasopp shakes his head and puts the glass far away from his reach. Shanks groans and throws his head back.
"i get that you think he's interested in y/n. But you're obviously way too drunk if you think he has such a power."
"to steal y/n from you,you idiot."
"i swear I'm gonna kick your as-"
"hey,are you overdoing it again?"
And if Shanks still had his glass with him,he would've smashed it on Yasopp's smug face when he heard your voice.
"actually,he is. Would you mind looking after him?"
He groans and throws his arm over his eyes, wondering if he could ask someone to help him get to the ship.
He assumes your answer was positive;since suddenly he can feel your warmth right by his side and a heavy silence falling over the both you.
And when you reach out to brush his bangs out of his face,he turns his head slightly.
"already done with your new friend?"
He watches from the corner of his eyes how your pretty lips pull down,and a small frown settles on your beautiful face.
Gods, he's such an idiot.
But he cant help it. He cant help the bitter and ugly feeling rising in his chest when he sees you talking to someone younger than him. Someone better,more handsome. Someone more close to your age. Someone he's sure you'll be more happy and comfortable with. And he swears he trusts you with all his heart,but he cant blame you if some day you up and left;when one day that actually happens.
He wouldn't stay for him too.
"Shanks, what're you talking about?"
"its nothing," he swallows and he blames it on his alcohol consumed mind, "you should go and have fun. Dont mind me."
And he expects you to do as he says. He expects you to stump away from him;to never look back and finally realizing that you're far more happy without him.
But gods above, he's such a fool.
Instead of hearing you walk away,he feels your warm, gentle hands prying his arm away from his face. With one hand,you caress the back of his rough one,and with the other,you trace his stumbles.
"Babe," your voice is so soft,that it has him swallowing around the lump in his throat, "talk to me,please?"
And how can he ever say no to you?
"i saw...how you enjoyed spending time with the new kid," he clears his throat and closes his eyes when you caress his scarred face, "i dont blame you. No one does. He's a good kid; brilliant, handsome,younger than me-"
"Ok,hold on a sec," you suddenly interrupt him;your voice bewildered as you watch him open his eyes and staring at you questioningly, "you think I'm going to leave you for him, because he's younger than you?"
Shanks blinks.
When you huff,Shanks opens his mouth to defend himself but you beat him to it. You rest the palm of your hands on his cheeks and pull his face closer;making sure to whisper each word against his lips.
"I thought you knew,how much i love our age gap,Cap."
Shanks' eyes draw to your lips,and when you whisper your next words teasingly,he swears he becomes drunk on your breath alone.
"i wouldn't leave you for the world;not even for the One Piece. Never forget that,Daddy."
And at that,Shanks dives for your lips.
The kiss is hungry, unlike any other kiss the two of you had shared in public. Shanks' lips taste like whiskey,a drink you've never liked,but you dont complain about it.
Just having your captain in your arms is more than enough for you.
When the kiss becomes more inappropriate for public eyes,you push slightly at Shanks' chest and giggle when you see him pout.
The red hair captain,one of the most powerful pirates in the seven seas, pouting because you refuse to kiss him more in public.
"babe, we're in public. Save that for when we get to the ship,alright?"
Shanks' groans,and to your surprise, suddenly lays down until his head is in your lap. You thread your fingers through his red locks,and giggle when he nuzzles in you further.
"dont get close to that kid,or I'm throwing him off the ship."
"for your information,he was telling me how much of a great couple you and i make,and that he looks up to you so much."
You laugh loudly and Shanks' buries his head more in your lap.
"no more word about this. You have to take care of me tomorrow too."
"i always take care of your hangovers,you big baby."
And when you press your lips to his forehead, Shanks seems to finally calm down.
"i love you."
And Shanks know it's a promise you'll never break,not in a billion years.
Not even when you're offered the One Piece on a golden plate.
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retirement [five hargreeves x reader]
a/n: hi guys! it’s been a while hehe, so i hope ull enjoy this short x reader with the one and only five yall know i love sm, homeboy did not disappoint this season neither lmao. season 3 just premiered and i already have finished it:( 
can i just say
either way, id b happy to discuss with yall opinions and such and also feel free to leave requests! 
ill leave warnings at the beginning of each imagine if it shall be the case
i.e. this imagine takes place right in the first episode!!
also, forgive my english, havent really spoken in a while and dont even get me started on the writing 
enjoy besties!
summary: now that the second apocalypse is over, five and y/n can finally retire and maybe finally make their moves?
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“You know, Five... Sometimes I do wish I’d never met you,” You took a sip from your wine, watching as the preteen in question rolled his eyes playfully at you.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re a delight as well, Y/N,” He nonchalantly dismissed you, continuing to eat his Chinese takeout.
After surviving not one, but two apocalypses alongside Five Hargreeves and his siblings, you guys wound up back in your timeline, only to find out your trip to the 60s caused some changes in the present, such as Sir Reginald Hargreeves deciding against adopting Luther, Diego, Klaus, Ben, Allison, Viktor and Five, and instead some seven other dickheads with superpowers.
Your encounter was far from pleasant. 
Six months ago you were planning to retire from the Commission, since you were almost sixty and had had your fair share of missions, so you figured one last task with your partner, Five, would be the good way to end things. Well, one thing led to another and instead of taking out JFK, you woke up in 2019, in your preteen body, in an unknown backyard with unknown people, who turned out to be your partner’s siblings.
One thing led to another and you guys bonded over the span of 10 days in an attempt to save the world, but that is a story for another time. 
After those 10 days, you time traveled once again and woke up in 1963, alone, in a school. Some teacher found you and took you in, thinking you were a lost 13 year old girl, but then again, that is a story for another time.
Six months passed until you reunited with the Hargreeves siblings in yet another attempt to save the world.
Two more weeks and you were back in 2019, but things did not go according to plan. 
“Still don’t understand how you two have not banged yet,” Klaus shook his head disappointed, as Diego and Luther couldn’t help but not in agreement.
You tried not to blush, but Klaus’ bluntness always got the best of you. Spending this time with Five on top of being a teen again took a toll on you. You’ve known Five for long before the apocalypse. When the Handler recruited him, she trusted you to be his partner, since you were basically her right hand. The bickering was there even back then, but these past six months you started seeing him with different eyes, in a different light.
“I’d rather choke on chopsticks,” You were quick to deny any indecent thought, “You’re sick, by the way.”
“And you’re sixty, so bye,” Klaus smirked, hopping from his stool.
“Too retired to even bother,” Five shrugged his shoulders, watching as his two other brothers followed Klaus.
“I’m gonna get more food,” Luther lightly shrugged his shoulders, making his way to the buffet.
“I refuse to third wheel 13 year olds,” Diego stated, scratching the back of his neck.
You watched confused as the three men all left the table, leaving you alone with Five, who did not seem bothered at all. 
“I’ll never get used to your brothers,” You shook your head, taking another sip from your wine, “You people are too much.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Five scoffed, watching as you were playing with your glass.
“So, retirement, huh?” You changed the subject, “What are your plans now that the world is safe?”
“I didn’t think much of it, to be honest,” Five shrugged, “Weren’t you supposed to retire after the JFK mission? What did you have in mind?”
You smiled softly, looking at your wine, “I was gonna buy a mansion in Italy, 1970s or so... maybe get a dog and cat, start producing my own wine... I don’t know, I didn’t plan much.”
“Of course there’s a lot of wine in your retirement plans,” Five smirked, as you playfully smacked his arm, “Ow!”
“You’re officially banned from visiting me in Italy,” You stated, biting back a chuckle.
“I wouldn’t have wanted to anyway,” Five lightly shrugged his shoulders, not once dropping his smirk, “Besides- you wouldn’t last a day without me.”
“Excuse you?” You scoffed, placing your hand on top of your chest for a more dramatic effect, “Last I checked, you were the one who dragged me along this whacky adventure.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I knew you’d be devastated at the Commission without me,” He replied with the same cocky air as usual, which made you ponder on the situation.
Is this Five’s way of flirting with you? During the time you spent together ever since operation Doomsday started back in the original timeline of 2019, there may have been a few... interesting moments to say the least. Like when he first opened up to you about being worried sick for his siblings, or when he gave you the tightest embrace after reuniting with you in 1963. There was also that time when you two held hands on your way to meet his father. 
Moments like these that you couldn’t help but cherish with utmost happiness, but not once letting yourself get sidetracked. There was an apocalypse going on, neither of you had time for this.
But now?
Now there’s no apocalypse anymore. Granted, there still are some issues that would be best to fix, but it’s not like they’d bring the end of the world if not.
So, why not?
“If I didn’t know you any better, Five Hargreeves,” You smirked, leaning in closer to the boy, with your glass of wine in one hand, “I’d say you are flirting with me.”
Five shook his head amused, watching you sip your precious wine so close to him. If the wine was intoxicating you, you definitely were the one intoxicating him. It took him some while before he could accept that he had feelings for you, but he couldn’t say either that he was surprised when he realized.
He really felt like you were absolutely perfect, no doubt in his mind. 
“And would that bother you?” Five raised a brow, resting his arm on the back of your chair, leaning in even closer.
“I can’t say it would be unpleasant,” You set down your wine, curious to see where this would go.
“You’re such a tease, Y/N,” Five rolled his eyes, “But... I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
“Will you just kiss me already?” You sighed, watching a genuine smile appear on his lips, as he leaned in, connecting your lips at last.
You cupped his face, melting into the long-awaited kiss. On one hand, you couldn’t believe this was finally happening, and on the other hand, you couldn’t believe this was actually happening. You and Five were finally done with apocalypses, trying to save the world and the Commission. 
You could officially both retire.
“Does this mean I can visit you in Italy?” He whispered, as you two pulled away from the kiss, but still painfully close to one another.
“Ah, who can’t last a day without the other now?” You smirked, pulling him into another kiss.
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Round 1, Group A: Matchup 4
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Yoichi Isagi vs Ren Amamiya
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Yoichi Isagi
he has black hair and blue eyes and looks sooooo generic because he looks like every other black hair and blue eyes anime character (etc kageyama from haikyuu) hes got the v shaped bangs and all 
hes the blandest looking little guy of all time. sports anime protag no less. mans is hello kitty in the sanrio collab even though his character colour is green and his design is all blues, because he doesnt have defining characteristics other than his status as protag.
listen. hes bland. hes generic beyond belief. he has the bangs triangle. he got hello kitty in the sanrio collab. hes also a leetle unhinged and it wouldnt phase me if he started canonically eating people (this is not the kind of sports anime that includes such violence) (this IS a battle royale/danganronpa killing game style media though) he says the most off-the-wall wild shit on the pitch, and then someone will say something just like it while theyre Not playing socer and he'll just be like "alright um bye then" and leave? he sees everything as puzzle pieces and recently tried to refer to another players ability with a name he made up.. in his head.. and didnt tell anyone before..... the other player was understandingly just left like '??? wtf is metavision' hes my silly !!!!!
Ren Amamiya
He's got messy black hair and simple clothes. He's also got fake glasses in order to look less supsicious and blend in. His personality is also fairly bland bc he's a player character 
He’s a Japanese teenager with messy black hair and glasses. He literally only wears his school uniform or grayscale. I’ve never seen an MC look so much like I could’ve put his model at another desk in the background and noticed nothing.
Fairly normal high school kid who happens to get caught up in the fate of humanity and stuff. He did get in a minor altercation with a fascist politician before the game starts, which kicks off the entire plot. 
When he’s a high school student he just looks like. a fucking guy. I’ll be honest I haven’t played persona I’m just in love with him so if any actual persona fans find this bracket and submit him I bet they’ll have something better lmao - smashy bros fan
messy black hair with bangs. designed to appear basic and unassuming, especially when he is in school and doing other normal high schooler activities (rather than when he’s in the meta verse as Joker). wears fake glasses to seem even more generic and unassuming
He's got messy brown hair and is the only character of the main cast of teens to wear his uniform in the most proper and normal way. He is just A Guy. That's his whole thing, is to look generic and to not stand out.
he's got that slightly messy black hair swag grey eyes average tall-ish height normal outfits normal uniform swag. the most interesting thing he has going on appearance wise is normal ass black rimmed glasses. i wish we could put pictures so i could show you how normal looking he is.
To be fair this is more of a stretch! But he still has the black scruffy hair, and also he has glasses, boy looks generic. But that's actually kinda the point! He's supposed to "fit in" and all that!
i hate this man he is everywhere i havent played the game but hes a mostly silent protagonist with like a possible harem and i want him wiped from this earth. unfortunately theyve announced yet another p5 spin-off. god save us.
He's already the hair down and then he purposefully dresses more generic in order to blend in how fun is that?
His whole schtick is hiding in plain sight and never letting anyone see his true self. He was traumatized by the Japanese legal system when he put himself out there to save a woman from assault, and so now he does everything he can to blend in. He doesn’t even need glasses; he wears them to be more generic and unassuming. He slouches for the same reason, to minimize his height and come off as another disaffected teenager.
his generic anime guy-ness actually matters to the plot. he was falsely accused of assaulting someone and has been branded a dangerous criminal, so he tries to make himself as unnoticeable/unassuming/generic as he can, hiding his true self in order to avoid further trouble from people that already assume the worst of him. it is a shackle society placed on him, and working in the meta verse as joker allows him to be his true self 
he is sooo special to me and very pretty. it's a good generic design that doesn't just look like an npc. extremely ordinary but not boring nor bland. cutie pie.
Already gave it but, it'd be funny for both Akechi and Joker to end up tied cause they both look pretty generic
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averysexyleon · 1 year
random wintersberg headcanons in my fic that i just havent written
--karl is constantly working on repairing his factory key, and it infuriates ethan because he sees it as some kind of escapism denial
--karl is incredibly warm all the time due to his biology and ethan is cold due to his, so they complement each other incredibly well
--nothing gives ethan more emotional satisfaction than the moments where he snaps and TELLS karl what's going to happen. karl thinks this is hilarious and adorable and always submits and agrees, which makes ethan feel even better about himself lol.
--karl can sing really well and sings to rose often. he's also good at music, counting and 'conducting' helped him control his powers (this will be explained and written in my backstory fic for him)
--back in the events of resident evil village, i'm lax on how long miranda was posing as mia and she totally banged ethan. karl knows about this as miranda made her ....admiration? of him, fascination? pretty clear, but he doesn't want to tell ethan about it because well, why would anyone.
--in fact, karl protects ethan from a lot of really unpleasant knowledge about miranda in general.
--ethan is nesting partner extraordinaire and thanks to him, the manor eventually is restored to its former glory, it's beautiful and warm.
--ethan's permanent expression is a scowl, usually due to miranda's bullshit, and it's rose and eva who make him smile the most often.
--eva is going to be a big sister, or a mentor, that rose never got in the OG story. eva has been a part of the mold for over a hundred years so she has enough information that she can help rose with her powers. no more being used by chris's team bullshit.
--karl had an ancestor who was a king (more on him in the most recent chapter) and he was a big sexy bisexual and serves as the object of affection for another king's researcher and reporter. history repeats itself or something idk
--ethan is actually legit terrified of losing karl since he's the only lord left, and the only surviving person with a cadou, and the cadou seems limiting and yet necessary for karl to live. this will be increasingly hard for ethan to deal with later on.
--ethan is mildly jealous of ada and karl's relationship, and will probably be more jealous when he learns about karl and donna's past.
that's all I got for now!
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tea-132 · 1 month
(Pls turn away if you havent read the recent beachboy arc (ep 31))
A little self indulgent fic/prediction i think will happen in the next episode
Now i dont usually write fics like this and preffer to illustrate more but if i illustrate this whole thing its gona take a whole while so :,))
Anyways its sort of my first time posting a short fic like this, i didnt really have a structure or anything so pls go easy on me :,)
(though constructive critiscm is welcomed)
They were getting along just fine before so why did things have to end up this way?
Maybe Buddy was right- maybe he was too innocent and trusting
But he really did want to give Buddy a chance. But he definitely blew it.
That jerk.
He really thinks he can act all smug after doing that saying "he taught him a lesson". Heh maybe that kick will teach *him* a lesson.
This story will end soon anyway when Deacon gets here. Hah wonder if he can even leave Buddy on the island alone. Thats what he gets for betraying his trust-
Yet- that face Buddy had- maybe he actually regrets it?
What if he's being forced by the ex libris to do this?
Oh well doesn't matter
Its not his problem-
He has his own problems to worry about-
Wonder when Deacon will come? And wonder how he's holding up? Probably better than Chase is doing at the moment..
Chase laid his face on his palm as the tropical island breeze and gentle sway of the waves soothed his heart a bit. His eyes felt dry after all the crying, not only is he going to come to Deacon with a scarred face, but also a puffed up one.
That'll be embarassing. This is all Buddy's fault..
Speaking of Buddy for some reason Chase swore he saw something move just now. Oh no not him again.
With his voice a bit shaky he answered with a crack in his voice "What the heck do you want now? ...jerk."
Buddy just stood there still with the spear in his hand. His bangs slightly concealed his eyes but it wasnt too hard to figure out the grim expression on his face.
Then he got closer to Chase raising his spear.
"H-hey!! Dont you think you damaged my skin enough?! Back off Buddy!" (Do you want another kick to your face or wha 💀)
With no time to run all he could do is shield himself with his arms and close his eyes.
"Huh?" He felt around and didnt feel like he got stabbed anywhere... then..?
He saw green but then his vision focused. Buddy was quite literally shoving a coconut in his face.
"... you can have it.. if you want." He said in a quiet subtle tone. Looking away, as if a child was trying to give some sort of "apology gift".
Chase looked at Buddy with wide eyes, bewildered at the goth's actions once again.
As much as he wanted to deny the coconut from this jerk. He just cant pass up the oppurtunity for a free, finally opened coconut he's been trying to get all this time.
"....thanks" Chase takes the coconut from his hands.
And Buddy hesitantly sits next to him.
"Dont think a coconut can fix the scar on my face you know?" He said in an angry tone
"You know when you get out of the books the scar wont be there anymore right?"
"Yeah but it still hurts you jerk!"
Then there was silence between the two again. Chase angrily but obviously enjoying his coconut.
Then Buddy says something about his lore and it goes on from there jdbdjdbdj
Ok thats all the predictions i have for now 😭 i dont think im gona finish this unless i get more ideas or smth 😭
But tysm for reading till the end! Jsbdj hope you guys enjoyed this lil thing i did
Dunno if im gona do more of these but who knows- ill most likely do more drawings though-
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winterrhayle · 1 month
Who do you use for your references for lunar chronicles characters? Thanks 🤍
hmm to be honest i dont have all 9 main character references yet, bc im so particular about how i imagine them to look,, so far i have everyone apart from kai and wolf😭 i havent seen someone that looks how i imagine them on my pinterest yet :( but as for the others, i think ive posted a lot of them before but this is who i have so far :
oh also some of these characters have tweaks i make to the references when i draw them
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tweaks: metal limbs, bangs, lighter brown hair, bangs, more tan
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tweaks: cut off pinkie finger if im drawing her post book 4 (if i remember loll) , fuller cheeks, hair more curly, eyebrow slit because its fun idc that its not canon😩
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tweaks: freckles in the rare occasion that i remember, wavy hair, tan if im drawing her after she leaves the satellite, looooong tangled hair if shes still on the sattelite
winter :
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i dont have an exact winter match so i use these two and kinda merge them
tweaks: 3 face scars, very curly hair
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tweaks: blue eyebrows and braids, colour changing eyes depending on vibes ig, i tend to default to gold
STILL PENDING😓 i imagine him to look like that one laura hollingsworth drawing of him but i havent find an irl person that looks similar enough to him yet :(
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tweaks: metal fingers if its post winter, darker brown hair, stubble if he's in prison or in the desert ^ honestly this one is all in theory, i dont even remember the last time i drew him loll
ALSO STILL PENDING😓😓😓😓😓 its kinda difficult with him bc i have to figure out his usual design and his post- wolf surgery look😩 hes so so so hard to draw
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tweaks : literally none, this is the most jacin looking person ive ever seen
lollll actually this has made me realise how unoften i draw most of these characters😭
bonus because i have more references for people who arent in the main 9
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tweaks: nothing major, i think that in fairest his hair is described as coily so theres that
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tweaks: torins like in his 50s or 60s,,, so older looking, some grey hairs
i had ones for sybil and aimery but upon rethinking, i actually dont think they look like the references i picked out so i'll leave them off here
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anonyanonymouse · 8 months
You asked about dark twst thoughts/aus right? Well I got something for ya. Its more angsty than dark though.
Grim is (arguably) the best friend of the prefect of Ramshackle. These two sleep in the same bed, share the same meals, spend a lot of time together. I like to imagine that Yuu pets Grim goodnight every night lol, else Grim gets angsty.
Well, Yuu dies in chapter 6 by the hands of one of those robots, yknow, the ones that the STYX guards wear. Yuu gets shot by one of them, but hides the wound. Once the whole overblot with Idia happens, and we are reunited with Grim (I dont actually know if we get to do that, I havent finished chap.6 yet lol), they kind of succumb to their injuries and collapse, heaving in pain. Grim, and everyone else obviously, are horrified. Grim rushes to their side, and Yuu gives him a pained smile, trying to pet his fur with their remaining strength.
"I guess this... is it for me." They gasp, not even having the energy to keep their arm by Grim's side. Chaos ensues as they lose conciousness, leaving a freaked out and crying Grim behind.
After Yuu's death, Grim stops attending classes and just kind of lives around the campus. The housewardens (+jamil i guess) try to take care of him but they are all grieving in their own ways. Perhaps you can write something out of this, and if its too angsty, you can always go with a RookVil fic with gore and hate sex lmao
God I love being on the internet.
STYX is such a good catalyst for angst and dark fics 🙏 might I take you up a couple and offer the idea of Yuu, not dying after getting shot by a robot, but after getting kidnapped by one. They're told that nothing will happen to them so long as they comply, but everyone else is in danger, so they refuse to. After spending enough time at the brattiest school there is, they know how to be a nuisance!! The bot tries to subdue them, but with everything going on, there's some issues with the programming... Its idea of "subduing" is to grab them by the arms so tight that it hurts, bang them against the walls and counters until they stop trashing and screaming, administering a near-lethal electric shock... They're not dead, but close to it. When the others find them and dismantle the damned thing, Yuu is unconscious. So much is happening, they can only do enough to wake them up and keep them going until everything is over. They aren't able to treat their internal bleeding and wounds in time, and... The rest is as you've described.
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coredrill · 3 months
as foretold, bang brave bang bravern was crazy good this week
it's just. gosh. for as much as i talk abt bravern being unhinged the fact of the matter is that it is actually SO restrained. ESPECIALLY for something in a medium that is already a little self-indulgent and referential. like for all of bravern himself's clear love for mecha there have been so few explicit references to other shows? and then this ep had so fucking many - ttgl (which - fucking hilarious to use it against a character KONISHI is voicing and then have that DD be fucking useless except for wanting to see some cool fights LSKDJFH) and flcl and symmetrical docking and rider kick and jeeg and gundam and the fuckin uhhhhhhhh exkaiser i think but i dont remember for sure its the same one that showed up in the earlier fight w superbia too. like w the other mecha on the roof framing. and probably about thirty more that i'm for sure missing or not recognizing or forgetting ON TOP OF all the obari posing and punching which have been sneaking into the visuals before this - but it was all for the purpose of having us watch this hype battle and get all excited to make the ending hit THAT much harder. and holding off the first gattai until episode NINE???? the thing we're all expecting to happen at any fucking moment, because there was no way that the souls of isami and bravern could've combined and actually resonated for a true gattai until that point????? like it's ALL in service of the story rather than wow cool robot even tho it IS a pretty damn cool robot. this show makes me feel like i did my homework and i'm acing the test AND I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THAT MUCH MECHA TBH. LMFAO. all the "who is this show even FOR (eyeroll emoji)" comments back in like ep2 get funnier every week bc bravern knows its audience like the back of its hand and it gets clearer and clearer every week that its execution is fucking razor sharp. this show is SO SUCKING GOOD and I LOVE IT. that was supposed to say fucking good but sucking works too
the fucking NOISE superbia makes when bravern is like "don't u want to fight me when i'm EVEN STRONGER" took me the FUCK out
[gets beer sponsorship] [makes Consumption Of Food And Drink a tether point to Humanity] [out-cooks the cooking show] i'm gonna buy more kona beer (<- fucking hates beer)
fish jumpscare !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i honestly don't think i've seen any anime with a fucking ED DROP before. lmfao
lewis smith. you want so badly to be the protagonist. to be the rival. to be the one who dies to motivate the hero. to be the MECHA ITSELF. and yet you are the love interest!!! you are GOING to be saved whether you want it or not!!! you ARE rain mikamura. you ARE the heroine. Let Isami Save You. you've got a family of people who fuck with time in different and fun ways to save each other and its his turn now whether you like it or not!!!!!!!!
he rly did put that mask back on right before he died…………..subtext, cowards, so on and so forth
thanks bravern for inventing gay ppl. was surprised to get a literal love confession AND an almost-kiss here but tbh at this point i think isami could use a good old-fashioned hug more than anything else. like one of those that cracks his spine. poor baby rice cracker is goin thru it LMAO. also i keep calling isami baby rice cracker and i cannot stop myself anymore………..baby rice cracker…………
me after saying every week that this show has done something to my brain "guys i think this show has done something to my brain"
wow this post is allover the place moreso than usual. like i said earlier this ep was so fucking DENSE and GOOD that i'm gonna need some time to process All That. gosh. [bravern voice] BRAAAAAAVEEEERN!!!!!!!!!!!
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bang-bang-gang · 8 days
🥐 and 🔪!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
sara i have a list of videos b/c i cant just choose one. rest assured they all feature cute animals (as long as you count kermit the frog as one)
me getting my fifth iced coffee of the day (0:15)
[david attenborough voice] oh dear.... how very embarrassing! (2:54)
this is the sonorous war cry of a very angry frog (0:45)
rat clenches fist of rage (0:25)
bonk (0:06)
gethsemane (i only want to say) - muppet christ superstar (5:00)
hamster rave (0:26)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
most extensive research would be anything for any pirate fandom fics or pirate AUs ive written, and also ive watched a fair bit of darts for this one claudiyoots wip i still havent finished yet but idk if that counts because i actually like watching darts
so weirdest? probably for my fic where danny and zay bang in cancún while tripping on xtc/mdma. i had to research what sex on xtc is like, but also went on a bit of a deep dive on doing xtc in mexico on dutch message boards to figure out if the drug there is even the same thing as here.
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nastudragneel · 1 year
Becoming Mates with Natsu Dragneel
Minors DNI 18+ Natsu receiving oral, loss of virginity
Natsu x Reader
Date with Natsu, You and Natsu become mates and imprint on eachother, you fight Gajeel over Natsu
A little angst+big fluff
Plot mistakes as I havent finished Fairy Tail
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"Hey! Happy, Natsu!" Your voice springing off the buildings. His sakura pink hair fluttering in the air. Scarf dazzling off the summer breeze. You slide to a stop while he does the same. He gives you a smile as you do the same on the street.
"I win!" We all say in unison.
"Just do it allready" Happy whispers to Natsu. Happy flew off and Natsu's head flys through my wall.
"Natsu! Stop firstly! I won fair and square best friend." Looking smug.
"Why do you always win (n)?" Natsu asks outloud.
"Funny you should ask, I wait until five minutes before then listen to the door and I win." He looks at you quizzically cocking his head to the side. He leans in closer and sniffs the air but is simingingly confused.
"Ahh! Did I forget my deodorant?" Rambling on he cuts me off steps back and opens his eyes.
"No it's not that it's just, your smell, you smell like sakura blossoms but it's never been this strong before though.
"Hey isnt it like really close to mating season?." You say calmly as Natsu is trying to fix the wall.
"Uh yea it is, but I doubt I'll find a mate ..." He blushes but hides his face with his scarf and continues on the wall. After a solid minute,
"Um do you want to come in?" You ask quizzically. He looks at you and nods three times removing his scarf and rejusts his scarf.
"Let me just quickly finish getting ready, and there" your wearing a lolita heart backpack with some cute clothes on that match and thick black platform boots.
~At The Guild Hall~
"Let's look for a good quest!" After about five minutes of searching the board you feel a hand on your shoulder and you dissapear along with it. After about ten minutes later you notice Natsu is looking for you.
You see him look directly at you
with destain. He walks over to where you and Gajeel were and grabbed him by the collar started spouting off some non sense about how he claimed you already and to back off unless he wants to fight. You just look at them.
"I dont want any part of you but thanks for playing Gajeel. And you come here" drgging Natsu by his collar. Once you both had picked a mission. You both head out by saish ten am.
"So what were you and Gajeel talking about?" Natsu crossed his arms and pouted. You notice so you decide to say something outlandish.
"Were expecting a baby." I swear not his jaw hit the floor. You start laughing your ass off and even took a picture.
"Okay that was funny you know I'm screwing with your head right?" He cocked his head to the side and pouted.
"Actually he offered me to be his mate ... but I declined theres only one man for me." He looked shocked at first but then smiled.
"Why didnt you though, you both are always matching and I know youd be perfect for him." Natsu says quietly.
"Firstly I'm my own independent woman, I dont take crap from my S/O at least I shouldnt have too. Secondly hes just no where near my type." You say venomly then sweeten up at the end. Natsu gently bangs his head on my table then asks.
"So what is your type." Natsu asks quietly.
"Who are you workin for Natsu you startin to sound like a detective?" You mimicked an old detective show. He knew he been caught snooping through your thoughts.
"Its just for a friend who you dont know yet, you might like him." Natsu says quietly. You nod and call his bluff.
"All right what time what place??" You ask boldly.
"You know my main goal is to have a mate Natsu and why have you been asking all this, all day?" You ramble on until Natsu holds your hands which were shaking.
"Because I want to help you too, here are the guys details." Natsu says all husky like then he leaves since its dark and you finished your mission.
You go hmmm......
~The Day of The Date
'Not this one, nope not this one either' you think to you self shuffling clothes around.
"Oh that's right I let Lucy borrow it. Okay second best it is. I dont even know why I'm going on this stupid date there are only three known dragon slayers in the kingdom how could another pop up so easily. Well oh well let's see how this goes." You say monologuing to your self. Anyways your ready and it's time to go.
~At the restaurant
Feeling very nervous you twist your handbag .
'Theres only three options here 1. He could be real. 2. He could be real just come at a different description or the deadly 3. He ghosts you leaving you there to suffer.
"I'm sure itll be fin-" You didnt know he owned a suit.
"Wait whattt" frozen in shock only to see a walking Natsu in a suit sexy as hell. Which makes you blush quite terribly. He spots you and waves you cant dunk down in this occasion, high heels. You walk up to him. "Natsu what are you doing here?" You question.
"(n) You wont be needing that description. I'm the guy..." he stated bold and proud.
"I slightly figured but was still unsure" we both went to the reservation guy and you were surprised on how Natsu graced the table pushed your chair in. He was showing you a different side to him.
~After Dinner
Which he payed for everything. You both interweave hands as if it was meant to be.
"Why didn't you just tell me you liked me?" You started. He twirled you around then gently grabbed your hand.
"Because I was scared I would break our friendship and it never be the same way again but I knew I just had to tell you." He looked downward.
"I got some confidence from Erza, Grey, Lucy and Happy though." Now in the towns park headed to your place.
"What made you change your mind about actually coming tonight?" You asked quizzically. He rubbed the back of his head.
"Well I noticed something about you and I should stop playing with your emotions is what Lucy said."
"What about me?" I ask curiously.
"You cant find a mate because you cant smell that put me off, and finding a mate is like almost all smell" Natsu exclaimed. Shocked you say
"I never knew of all people you would cetch me"
~Inside your apartment.
"But anyway I decided to man up for you but it's all about what you think..." Natsu felt disheartened.
"Well what do you think will you be my Mate (n)?" Natsu asks in such a cute way.
"Firstly who told you I had a crush on you and be honest" You say firmly.
"Lucy said. She said she cant handle me mopping around all the time" Natsu says as you go around the island table to him, putting your hands on his big broad shoulders.
"Natsu. I'm only gonna say this once. I love you" as you put your lips to his. After a couple seconds he reciprocates wrapping his arms around you as you kiss then lick his neck .
"Do you make up for not smelling with taste?" Natsu asks you quietly. You just nod then kiss him again lureing him to your bedroom slowly taking off articles of clothing, making him do the same. Poof goes his suit and his normal clothes poof back but on the floor except his pants.
"Wait we have to imprint before .. that" Natsu turned bright red. You held his face in your hands and gave him a more passionate kiss.
"Okay let's imprint" you say as he gets behind you, gets in position then prepared the spell then goes "urgh" using his magic power he imprinted you.
"My turn" as you get up bra and matching panties, while Natsu plopped down on your bed blushing bright red.
"Ready bam" you prepare then use your magical energy to imprint on Natsu. Once done both your powers were drained from the process.
"Hey can we just cuddle?"Natsu asks softly.
"Of course I was just excited was all I mean it is mating season hehe" you flat toned at half the sentence. Holding onto your hand he was spooning you.
"I know I was too"
You just lay there embarrassed you would just jump into bed with your new mate. You both drift off to sleep peacefully for the first time for probably each of you.
~Next Day Morning
You open your eyes only to see Happy, Lucy, Grey, And Erza.
"So this is what loitering feels like" Lucy says with sparkly eyes.
"Wait a minute how, why are you all here?!" You yelled waking Natsu up. From the depths of the blankets he arises shirtless.
"Oh hey guys!" Natsu says happily. As he gets out of bed of course he still has his bottoms on, stretching your timer has all ready been clicked. Thrice.
"That's it all you, go to the living room now and you Natsu heres your shirt."I yell as they start talking about Natsus imprint with him showing it off. After you get the door closed you check the mirror on your back it just looks like a dragon print matching your skin color but slightly darker. You wanted to show it off so you pick a aqua baby blue and white striped bikini. Next you pick a all white skirt and grab a fanny pack in silver and silver shoes. Once ready you opened the door.
"Hi (n)!" Everyone says being obnoxious.
"I couldnt have one night/day with my mate that's all I ask!" You huffed.
"Ya ya, well figure out the schedule later, right now we have to do this mission by today" Happy says sliding the paper to me. Slay a Chimera whose been eating everyones sheep.
"Okay let's go!" You yelled as you head for the door you hear a
"Nice tattoo" with a snark Happy and Lucy say laughing.
"Your on thin ice cat you gathered them all here!" You remind him.
"Haha yeaaa now chop chop" Happy says while eating a fish.
You all make your way back to the guild and double check it before heading out. You spot Gajeel but dont interact you just avoid avoid avoid until. He comes up to you while everyone is at a different spot now.
"Dont say anything to me" you speak to him.
"I see you've got your imprint so what? Your hero gonna come every single Tim-" You lifted your leg up past his head then slammed kicked down into the direct concrete. You yell loud enough for everyone to hear
"I love Natsu I made the decision on my own, and I dont need others besmirching my loves good name, say all you want about me just not my friends or mate" slowly Gajeel gets up from that blow
"Your love has a lazy ass punch." Clearly he wants to elevate the situation maybe its finally time to show off my true powers.
"Fight me now."Was all that came to your mind. You could now feel everything that Natsu felt since the imprint pain and emotions. You could tell where he was. He was moving through the crowd then finally made his way to you.
"Dont d-"you covered his mouth on purpose with your hand.
Does anyone object?"
"No well, let's go" you say as your team follows along with you squeezing Natsus hand.
"(N) you cant take this guy honestly think about it." Natsu says worriedly.
"Dont worry about me Natsu you'll have to worry about him" as you graced away our fingertips touched.
Finally in position noone else besides your team knows your abilities or elements. Everyone is gathered to see whose tougher. Even though you've been at the guild since but a child you only and always trained alone ate alone and battled alone before you became friends with Natsu. Gajeel attacks extending his iron pipes while you gracefully avoid every single attack.
"Attack me or are you just big talk and no gam-" Gajeel says to you. In a flash you kick from forward downward onto his head again pushing him into a hole. He pushes him self out while you prepare for his attack. A beam came down and to your side if you dont move your be crushed and everyone knows it.
"Get out of there now!" You hear Natsu yell. You twirl putting your magic in your feet. The columns break apart like putty missing your face by mere inches. As you slide away from the rubble.
"Sorry but I have to" You say as he shocked.
"Well we need to have a talk later"
"Agreed" as you dodge anthor pillar.
"Time to wrap this up" you jump onto two beams headed downward. With every step everyone hears a crunch until
You stomp in Gajeels face. Then backwards flip off him. With a perfect stance zero hits on you many hits on Gajeel.
"Guys hes KOED help me" murmurs started.
"Hes awake!" Everyone claps.
"Let me remind you all here who he called out first. He took stabs at my friend and mate first he deserves this" You end your monologue. Everyone nods. You finally look behind you Natsus jaw is on the floor. You pick it up and hug him whispering in his ear so only he could hear.
"Thanks for being here to support me Natsu you mean the world to me. But I fight my own battles" he hugs you back and nods.
"Shes like what our second top dragon slayer? She badass." someone says.
"You know she could be even stronger than Natsu" a guy from the guild says. You turn to your teammates
"Let's get going guys I'd prefer the sooner" You said worriedly. You felt Natsus hand you didnt even need to look since your both imprinted. He grabs your hand and hurries out of there with the group. Oh yea Wendy and Carla are now with you guys. On the road you keep looking down causing Natsu to notice. He starts walking by you then reaches and holds your hand gently. You squeeze his hand and look up him shining a bright smile.
"You know if you didnt put Gajeel in his place I would have. No one talks to my girl like that and gets away with it" you hug him tight.
"Will I be punished this is my first offense." Natsu just laughs.
"Common brawling is expected at Fairy Tail your fine" Erza states in her normal voice.
"Well guys he gives me the absolute creeps. I bet hes still undercover or something " you huff.
Lucy, Erza, and Grey all look back to you.
"He said he needed power and that I could help him by making a harem. Sick fuck" You state. Natsu looks disgusted.
"What is it Natsu?"
"Igneel said there was forbidden magic, that's one of them in order to gain all the harems powers you have to kill the next one until you kill them all."
"You were in danger already dammit" Natsu punches his hand.
"Actually I have become quite strong, I want to spare with Erza next" You say catching them all off guard.
"You cant be serious (n) Erza is S class." Lucy explains.
"That's exactly why Gajeel has gotten so weak hes just a shell of himself. I need a stronger rival and dont say Natsu. Okay well we can do mental training but physical I wanna spare with Erza." You state looking at a sad Natsu.
"Okay we can spare sometimes"
~ At The Chimera plains
"Let's take turns. I want to give it my all today"
"Approved" Erza first attacks to no avail, then was Grey he almost got eaten, then Natsu was up and punched some damage onto the Chimera. Wendy just stuck it out. Then was your turn which gave you a new sense of pissed off. You finished casting the gravity sword getting into long sword stance. Once the Chimera started to charge, you charged in as well putting the majority of magic onto your sword. In a flash at the last second you strike and cut all the way through the animal leaving it steaming profusely your gravity sword disappearing.
"How the hell did you take that thing down in one strike?!" Grey yells.
"Very nice form, I approve" Erza says
"Just wow that was amazing" Lucy squeals.
"Nice job cutie" Natsu yells and throws an arm around you and you laugh slightly embarrassed.
"Good job(n)" Wendy says.
"Let's go turn in this quest then we can eat!" You hear Happy yell.
"Thanks so much guys it was nothing."You say softly.
~Back At The Guild
"Where is (n)?!" Pops yells around.
"Oh no you said I wouldnt get in trouble Natsu Erza!" Internally freaking out.
"Listen I've gotten an earful from the oldman so many times yours will probably be light. He gives you a thumbs up then gently nudges you forward.
"Hey pops she right here" Natsu yelled over to pops.
"Coming!" You run up the stairs quickly only to face the old man.
"Yes sir" you huff out of breath.
"I've been hearing many things (n).. what's this about Gajeel? What made you so angry? And I'm sure Natsu told everyone he a real man now that he imprinted." Pops says nonchalantly.
"You know I had no strikes against me for all these years. He pushed me over the edge by talking trash to my teammates. So we had a fight. He lost I thought it was over I know self control and to not destroy Fairy Tail." You spoke plainly. "I'll let it go if you help clean up the mess." Gramps says.
"Yess sirr" really not wanting to but having too.
"Is that all sir?" You ask politely.
"Yes do it right away" he says.
"Okay I'll be off" you walk down stairs and out the door. You hear Natsu say whats up.
"I have to clean this now ugh it's all Gajeels fault." You say upset.
"Well everyone went home so how about we turn that frown upside down after we finish this let's go home" you eyes sparkled when he said that he wasnt just gonna leave you alone.
"You know usually we'd say goodbye and go home why'd you take an intrest in me besides me being the only eligible Dragon Slayer?" You ask quizzically. He looks shocked and blushes.
"Well you just stuck out from everyone. I guess you could say I had allready fallen for you without knowing it" Natsu replied. As were adjusting the road were finally done after an hour. You use your gravity hammer to hammer in the road and your done officially. Natsu wraps his arm around you and kisses your cheek.
"Let's go home now (n)" Natsu says cutly.
"We need to talk about alot but that can wait." You say as you both walk joined together getting some awes and ouus. Once inside you yell if there is anyone in your house they will die. This time you make sure every lock every bolt is locked cant do much about the chimney.
"Can I use your shower?"
"Why yes Natsu look" you show him the right everything but everything is barely working.
"Thanks" he blushes.
"Um could you pinch me (n)" Natsu asks. So you being the good mate you are you pinched him. Then you squished out his cheeks
"Whose my cute salamander?" You say as you undo his face. He blushed even harder into his scarf.
"Okay I'll let you do your thing" you close off your bedroom and bathroom so your in the kitchen.
"You know you could bring over your stuff so you dont have to use my girly stuff." You yelled at him you hearing the door to the bathroom wide open since you dont have a sense of smell all your other senses are upgraded.
"Sounds smart I'll do that next time" you hear Natsu say.
You try and turn on the stove but forgot it's by fire only and out of matches. Now you have to wait for him and you've never been in this kinda situation before.
'Its okay calm down I'm sur-' cut out of your thought besides thinking wow that was quick. Waiting patiently you hear a rattle from your bedroom. Click it opens to see a Natsu and Happy. But Natsu has his shirt off.
"Oh ya Happys gonna stay with us obviously." Natsu says blankly.
"Okay well I forgot to buy matches so unless you know where to get fire were screwed." You say with the most deadpan face ever. Best poker face ever. Natsu looked personally offended.
"Now looky here I am one fire dragon slayer if there one thing I know how to do is burn!"
"Not a lot I need like a match sized!" I say, he deflates it and looks sad. "Thank you very much now let me make a dinner you wont forget" Natsu sat down patiently. You made a huge pot of curry and had only a little for yourself. Waiting for him by sitting on the other side.
'Actually its probably gonna take awhile. You slipped into your room and picked out some pjs but didnt put them on yet. Just as your sliding on your bottoms the door flies open causing you so loose your grip and they fell to your knees.
"My you sure are pretty (n)" Happy says as Natsu covers his eyes learning from the other time. You managed you get you pjs on.
"You can look now Natsu" you say as he opens his eyes.
"Awe your so opposite of your daily seriousness. Your too cute" Natsu says petting your head. KOED (N)
"So this is your weakness haha so cute." He picks you up bridal style and goes into now your both shared room. He places you on the bed then leaves for awhile.
"I cant sleep without him ugh" you mutter and curl up under the blankets.
"Okay all done!" Natsu said
"All done with what?"You retort.
"What do you mean I guess I'm just so used to living alone."
"I meant the dishes are done" he replied. "Well thank you very much I appreciate you and Happy"
"Does this mean cuddles?" You ask bluntly.
"Yea it's late, time to sleep."he yawns and crawls into bed with you. You finally get to wrap your arms around him and he does the same.
"You can always talk with me (n) you never have to feel alone again I can fully promise you that" he hugs you closer and pets your head.
"Hey I know it's been only a couple of days but you think we chould kick Happy out one night to complete the mating ritual?" You say cutely.
"Oh yea the cycle is ending we do have to, in order to make it official." He looks down.
"Its not that I'm not man enough. I'm just scared I wont be good enough."
"Sweetheart dont think like that think like this is gonna be awesome exploring body parts" you say and give him a thumbs up.
~ A Week Later
"Man that mission was long" you say sighing.
"Man I'm beat" Lucy says through her clock spirit.
"I'm whatever " Grey says
"That was fun!" Wendy says.
After parting ways you Happy and Natsu head home. After dinner we gave Happy some hotel money and food money and told him to just come home if things dont workout but beware there with be noises.
"Hehe what your gonna cook now?" You say happily leaning on the counter but fall a little and hold the hot metal.
"Ahhhh! It burns!" You scream as Natsu holds your arm. Sitting on the floor now you put ice over the burns.
"Oh shit its burning!"Natsu screams.
"Take it off the stove!" You yell back. You manage to get off the floor and sit on a stool.
Natsu puts the plates down then goes over to comfort you.
"How is it?" His hands are slightly shaking so you hold his hands in yours.
"I'm sorry I just fell" you started sobbing. He came round and just hugged you petting your hair.
"Its okay cry it out." Natsu says softly. After abit you calmed down. And after dinner you both felt closer. You could feel your imprint becoming more dark.
"Tonights the last night of the cycle after this wont be till next year." Natsu gulped so you said
"Dont worry I'll guide you" to make sure hes ready.
"First grab my breast,-" Suddenly your hit with your loves taste so yummy a passing slob exchanges and now your full on making out. Both your arms are around eachother. Feet playing toosies. Hes taking off your clothes so you do the same in exchange. Until all clothes are off except his scarf. Natsu becomes rigid
"Dont take it off (n)"
"But I cant see you " you say sweetly.
"Fine you win" he leaned his head to the side exposing a scar on his neck.
"Oh baby who hurt you, really I'll kill them" You say viciously.
"Dont worry about it " he smiles as you feel a teardrop fall again onto you face . You wipe away his tears as he falls onto you now crying in your boobs which you allowed. After he had cried himself out.
"I guess that really got me sorry" he apologizes.
"No need to apologize dear I'll always have your back and always be right by your side." He kisses you with more power now as you reciprocate hes panting your panting.
"Wait I'm told this will make your partner happy" you bend down taking his tip into your mouth and gave a a couple of good swishes before going down half way then bobbing your head up and down.
"Oh my god yes!" Natsu runs his hands through your hair before he could pop you switch positions with Natsu hovering right above his erect dick. You slowly since your a virgin too go down on him till you both here a pop. "Owww that hurts so much" you cry out in pain.
"We can do this next year-"
"No dammit I'm.... in heat okay..." Natsu chuckled.
"Well that makes two of us with fire in our bellies." You place one hand on Natsus abs and one on his thigh for support. You start to move when you feel better you nod for Natsu to move but he doesnt know the directions. So you end up coaching him until was smashing dat ass. Moaning, bed creaking, the works. The caress of his tounge hes seemed to master allready. Both breaking for air
"Ah Natsu I I I I'm going to cum"
"Well wait for me! Not fair!"Natsu yells like hes loosing something
"Natsu I fucking love you, you big dummy!"
"Dont you know women can cum much more than men and even squirt" you say as you realize hes given you hickeys like nearly everywhere.
You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him down to your level while he bangs you, making you moan here and there.
"Natsu what turns you on do you know?" You ask quietly. It takes him several minutes to think about it.
"I think I like maids and you" Natsu said as he was reaching in his climax.
'Maids got it' you think to your self.
"I love you Natsu Dragneel! And I promise to always love you from here to forever." *moans loudly* he did it again *moans loudly again*
"Natsu I uhh couldn't hold it for some reason. But I'm having a second one " after a little while longer. Making out, grabbing your breasts, and finding your G spot all in one go. You constrict his cock with your pussy causing him to moan very loudly. He temperaly fell onto you.
"How sexy are you?" You ask rhetorically.
He look at you with those eyes. While thrusting deeper in to you some how you both cum at the same time.
"Woah (n)"
"Ah yes Natsu! Please stay in me, I like your warmth. Hehe I got my own fire dragon to warm me up"
"And I've got you to cool me off when the time is right." Natsu leans on his shoulder while still inside you.
"That was wow. How do you feel (n)"
"Well I feel more relaxed, I feel even more connected to you.
"What did you think Natsu?
"I think the same thing I'm definitely more relaxed, and feel connected to you more, but let's take a bath first. Okay?"
"Okay let's clean up now" you prepare the bath while well you dont know what hes doing.
"Natsu the bath is ready." You use the bathroom as he comes bumbling in rubbing the back of his head.
"What were you doing?" You question.
"Eating haha" he says as he crosses the room and joins you in the bath.
"So did you like it?" He questions.
"I loved it I cant wait for more sexy time in the future" you say and wink at him.
"Did you enjoy it Natsu?" You ask curiously.
"It was awesome you felt amazing. Are you okay though? I didnt hurt you did I" he questions.
"No I'm okay you were perfect my cute salamander" you say and he seems relieved. You both get clean then dry off.
"All the locks are locked except for that high window its open for Happy. I wanna sleep naked tonight" you state
"I'll do the same then" Natsu says. You both snuggle under the covers wrapping eachothers arms around eachother. Natsu kisses you, you reciprocate and kiss him back.
"Goodnight Natsu my lover hehe" you say coyly.
"And goodnight my little salamander" Natsu replies.
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