#they havent stolen any yet >:)
sequs-art-box · 2 months
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They're hitched now
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mysterycitrus · 8 months
hi! i' m really loving persephone but i was a little confused about how you're writing jason (and roy). i read through the author's note but i havent read a tonne of earlier comics yet so i just wanted to ask about your characterisation of him? its really different from other fic ibe read
hello! firstly, thank u for the question. i included that chunky list of comics at the beginning of persephone cause i knew how i was writing some of the characters (SPECIFICALLY jason and roy lmao) would be pretty different from popular mainstream interpretations of them. even if most people can acknowledge rhato 2011 was a bad comic these days, it's still (unfortunately) a foundational comic for a lot of jason fans.
the long answer is jason is a very popular character, but because he hasn't had an actual good comic since 2005 a lot has to be filled in to make him a "consistant" character. if u actually analyse any of his modern comics with knowledge of other characters, u would probably notice that: a) 99% of his relationships are stolen from dick grayson wholesale, with no development, b) 99% of what makes him popular was stolen wholesale from characters like selina kyle, helena bertinelli, and stephanie brown, and c) that everything politically interesting about his concept has been watered down to like... a sometimes angry dude who doesn't even use guns anymore.
roy is a separate issue - i truly dont believe most people who identify as royandjason fans have read anything preboot about roy, cause otherwise they'd understand that he would not do any of the things he does in rhato, and he definately wouldn't be besties with his best friends thirteen year old brother.
jason as he exists in fan spaces is a guy who is devoid of nuance, and is basically a reskinned 90s dick grayson stand in. that's not interesting to me. his original conception - the fact that he's from park row, he struggles with violence, he was a fundamentally kind person who isn't anymore because of things outside his control..... that's someone who could engage with batman's legacy in a cool way! a guy with his own moral values who does terrible things but still believes in the inherent value of his personal crusade! when i was writing him, it was important that yes, he can be quippy and fun, but he's also a person who's done a lot of fucked up things, and people aren't going to just roll over and think he's the coolest guy ever cause the writer treats him like a self insert.
the short answer is that im a roy harper fan and i haven't known peace since 2011.
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druidshollow · 6 months
HI HELLO WHO ARE ALL YOUR ITERATORS AND WHATS GOING ON HSHFKSKD . i want to be interested but my brain requires at least a simple explanation to understand things /silly /genq
also do you have any Slugs . any strange cats perhaps
OH LORDY LMAO.... right now im actually working on a doc with a simple timeline of events and all the comics in order buuut as for slugs yeah theres a few! this is a slugcat post >:)))
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this is the vanisher (they/he), lovingly named shifting shades by phrases! their colony originally lived on top of adamant dune's can, but after the iterator begins becoming increasingly violent towards the slugcats their colony flees. but they are not furred or terribly well adapted to the cold, so they need to live atop or near iterator cans to escape the cold. in an attempt to save their family, the vanisher journeys over the mountains of the great divide to find a safer home for their colony. instead they find themself very much entangled in the corners' group's issues with rivers. oops! when they reach phrases the consuming (rivers' rot lizards purposed specifically for killing iterators) is already destroying glass incident, and phrases agrees to let the slugcats move into their city Bastion, while campaigning the slugcat to kill the consuming and save their little sister's life.
they manage to defeat the beast using the power of being very slimy and slippery, and on the way back to phrases' can they run into our next slugcat, the juggernaut (she/they), later named mighty compassion by phrases!
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compassion is one of two slugcats purposed by eleven rivers for the purpose of delivering the consuming to his targets, the twins, and stealing their mass rarefaction cells to render them too weak to defend themselves. she was sent to glass incident and was Very much successful in her mission. on her way back to eleven rivers she runs into shifting shades, and at first the two quarrel over what to do with the cells. compassion wants to complete her mission and bring them to rivers but shades is very much "NO YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD GO GIVE THEM BACK. IM HEADING THAT WAY ANYWAYS. JUST COME WITH ME" compassion is convinced and they return to glass incident with shades, but glass asks them to instead bring the cells to phrases, whose cells had also been stolen. she reasoned that the damage had already been done and she was dying no matter what anyone did, but since phrases was unharmed they could still be saved if their power was returned. phrases is incredibly grateful and very touched by glass' sacrifice, and gifts compassion with her name as well as the mark of communication
after everything goes down and is done going down mighty compassion is welcomed into Bastion of Warmth by phrases and shades' colony
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this is red/brave triumph (he/him), rivers' other slugcat and mighty compassion's brother. (he doesnt get a title name because he wouldnt be playable lol) he steals four falling phrases' rarefaction cells, originally i was going to have this be a mistake (went to the wrong iterator fucking ioops) but i think i'm going to have rivers do it intentionally so that phrases cant use their senior privilege to stop him and also because they were already meddling by sending shades to kill the consuming. not sure yet. havent decided yet. anyways he steals phrases' cells but when he is sent back out to release the consuming in rivers' other target no long nights, he abandons his mission, feeling dejected by rivers' increasing unfeeling nature and aggression towards him. he runs into his sister atop phrases (this is when phrases gives him the name brave triumph even tho he doesnt have mark and cant understand. they just love naming slugcats. i think he probably finds some way to gesture an apology and phrases feels quite moved by it) but he doesn't stay, feeling ashamed because when they were pups he was violent towards glass incident.
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this is the eulogist (they/she), lovingly named fuzzling by glass incident, lmao. its a character trait of glass' that shes bad at naming things sdghsgd fuzzling finds their way into glass' chamber a short time before the consuming is released into her structure, when they are still just a pup. glass, a BIG lover of slugcats, takes the pup in and raises her. they grow very close. right before glass' collapse, she urges the pup to flee as to not get hurt, but still young and afraid fuzzling refuses to go. glass does her best to shield the slugpup through the fall and luckily she is mostly unscathed. glass however, wasnt so lucky. although she actually remained conscious after her collapse for some time, after some time the cold was too much for her systems to cope with and she passed away. she could feel this coming and wrote one last message for her brother no long nights in a pearl, urging fuzzling to bring it to him. fuzzling however is afraid and doesn't leave until they are fully grown. i have a lil comic of fuzzling returning from finding food to find glass dead. i cant remember if ive posted it but i dont think i have so im attaching it lmao
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the message fuzzling brings no long nights includes a goodbye from glass, and a slideshow of her favourite memories of nights and fuzzling. she began saving these memories on the pearl as soon as she started losing them (massive :(((( ) so she could eventually give them to nights. fuzzling stays with him after delivering the pearl, and nights suspects that glass really sent the message so that him and the slugcat could be together, that glass wouldnt want either of them to be alone.
god thats fucking heavy. uhhhh the rest are all root's slugs i think!!!
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these guys arent relevant until far after glass and rivers have collapsed, after the world as a whole is plunging into an ice age. feeling lonely, isolated, and afraid for the future, ten silver roots purposes the frequencer (they/them) to travel around and send out a sos message that basically said "DEAR VOID SOMEONE PLEASE MESSAGE ME BACK I AM SO LONELY AND SAD I DONT KNOW WHAT IM GONNA DO" and eventually it reached phrases, who was also desperately lonely and afraid, having lost half their siblings including their best friend. the two quickly become very close, and create the lovers, who are basically vr slugcats that they can tap into so they can play together and also hug they both just really wanted to hug eachother
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arataka-reigen · 8 months
hello!! i saw the tags on your pinned post abt how shoujo wasn't just romance and it got me curious bc i've read some nice shoujo but really dislike romance-heavy plots. are there any shoujos you like that don't have much or any romance in them? ty and i hope you have a good day! 💛
Oh, there are lots of mangas that are classified as shoujo and don't have romance!!
I am just now beginning my journey through shoujo as well, so I don't have a lot of recommendations for stuff I actually read, but the ones I did read or watch so far are:
Natsume Yuujinchou and basically anything else by its author, Yuki Midorikawa. Sometimes, her works do include romance, but the focus is almost always in the interpersonal relationships and the difficulties her characters go through in life. NatsuYuu is about an orphan boy who can see yokai, and for that reason he acts in "weird" ways and his foster families dislike him, so he keeps going from family to family. The story is about how he finds a good family who accepts and loves him, makes friends, and learns to make friends even with yokais.
There are currently 6 anime seasons out, and a 7th season is on its way, so you can either read the manga or watch the anime.
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Akatsuki no Yona - i mean, this one does include romance, but i'll still put it on the list because as far as the anime went the focus is heavy on Yona's actual journey to gather the dragons of legend to be able to recover the kingdom that was stolen from her. It shows how Yona goes from a sheltered spoiled girl to a person befitting the title of dragon king.
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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom - this one is the og villainess isekai and it truly deserves the hype. It is about a girl who wakes up in the child body of the villainess of her favorite otome game. She remembers that the villainess' fate in the game was always either death or exile, so she tries her hardest to change her fate. This one is classified as a reverse harem, but the main character is pretty oblivious and worries more about farming and eating sweets and generally being the best girl ever than actually worrying about romance. Aro ace queen tbh. And her harem is just happy to be with her and be dragged along for her stupid adventures. Plus, the female members of her harem are taken seriously as well, Mary is a raging lesbian and it is not subtext. I mean, it is a shoujo, so of course the female characters would be important lol.
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Usagi Drop - listen to me. You will absolutely not look for anything related to this manga. If you like the premise you can watch the anime. But, please, do not look for the manga. You will only be extremely disappointed by it. That being said, I recommend the anime. It is about a man who returns home for his grandfather's funeral and then finds out his grandfather had an illegitimate daughter who has now become an orphan. He ends up having to take care of her because the rest of the family considers her a shame to the family.
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Now, for the stuff I havent seen yet, I'll just write some that are on my "plan to read" list and put their genres next to their names so you can check it out if you think the genre's sound interesting:
7 Seeds (drama, horror, psychological, sci fi, survival)
Requiem of the Rose King (drama, historical, supernatural, gender identity)
Basara (drama, fantasy, adventure) (i think this one has romance, but from what i've heard, the main character's story is a lot deeper as she takes her brother's identity in order to fight against the king who killed her brother, it is pretty famous and considered a classic)
Ghost Hunt (horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural)
Helter Skelter (horror, psychological)
My Stepmother and Stepsisters aren't Wicked (comedy, historical, slice of life)
Ikoku Nikki (drama) (this one is the one i'm currently most interested on, i hear it's about a distant woman who's never had a good relationship with her sister and now has to take care of her teenage niece because her sister died)
Itsuwari no Freya (crossdressing, historical)
Limit (drama, psychological, school) (this one sounds incredible tbh, on a field trip their bus gets into an accident and only 5 girls remain, having to learn to survive and trying to assert themselves over one another because they hate each other.)
Machida-kun no sekai (school)
Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru (drama) (the main character wants to infiltrate the household of the family who blamed her mother for a fire, in order to prove her mother's innocence)
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (comedy)
Uramichi Oniisan (comedy, showbiz, workplace)
Usotoki Rhetoric (mystery, historical)
Don't Call It Mystery (mystery)
If anyone has more things to recommend I would also love to hear about it!!
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artoutoftheblue · 3 months
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31. Hunger Games Loop Crossover
32. Stolen Crossover
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Badly Summarized WIP Poll Tag!
thank u @writeblrfantasy for the tag <3<3<3 this game is very fun
bonus points if you can guess any of them, but several of these i literally have never once talked about on here so. good luck with those
ill reveal what they are + give brief summaries of those i havent introduced here before when the poll is finished :)
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Sʜᴇʟᴛᴇʀ (Sɪʟᴠᴀ)
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘: Silva × Male Reader.
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2,4 k.
𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: When you notice some stuff disappearing in your house, you decide to put a quick end to it. What you didn't expect was to fall in love with the cause of your problems.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: fluff, allusion to smut, allusion to reader being top and silva bottom, (just a little) angst, mentions of alcohol, getting drunk, abandonment, shots being fired, spoilers for Strange Way of Life, no physical descriptions of reader, no use of Y/N (reader is referred to as Lost). (lmk if i missed any).
𝔸/ℕ: ATTENTION ALL SINNERS, this is a prequel, but it also contains references to the other fic, so go read it right now if you havent yet! aside from that, i wont say im happy with this fic but im not disgusted by how it came out? i feel pretty normal about it tbh. its got some fluff and some angst (just how i like it hehe), also bc im preparing myself to write the next fic which is gonna be pretty... idk how to describe it lol. ENOUGH TALKING. enjoy <3
𝕡𝕥 𝕚: 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕞𝕒𝕟
𝕡𝕥 𝕚𝕚 (𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝): 𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕖𝕣
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Sunlight came through your window and hit you right in the eyes. You groaned when you opened them just to find a burning, stinging pain as the light pierced your pupils.
Reluctantly, you got up from your bed. Your left foot kicked an empty bottle of wine by the floor. Headache hit you like a truck, just like your memories of the night before, when you had arrived home from a long day and got as drunk as you could. Great, now you didn't have a single drop of alcohol in your place.
You looked through the window as one of the horses outside whined. As soon as you were dressed, you walked outside to them. You approached to one and scratched his nose, mumbling some praises before walking into the stables to feed them. Still, you found their sacks of food empty. Another grunt came out of your throat. 
Just when I thought I wouldn't have to go to town for a while, you damned yourself.
Getting back into the house, you looked for any breakfast you could have before walking all the way to the town. To your surprise, you didn't find anything in your cabinets. That was weird —you had just gone to town the day before to get some food and you suddenly didn't have any?
You tried to shrug it off as you walked back outside to grab one of your horses. You galloped to town and bought anything you needed for a couple days, so you really didn't have to go back until a week or so. You hated going to town. Too many people in one place at once. The saloon was the only place where you could be without complaining about people bothering you and taking too much space for your liking. Yes, you had some friends down there, but it was all more of a convenient friendship than anything else.
You went back to your ranch a while afterwards —and after going to the saloon to say hi to your best girl friends with a promise to go back in a couple days to give them a good time. First thing you did after leaving your bags in the house was feed the horses. You let them run around for a bit before taking them back into the stables, then you went back inside the house.
As soon as you started putting your recently bought food into the cabinets, you noticed one of the bags was missing. You refused to think you were having hallucinations. You new you weren't crazy.
So, you decided to secure the ranch. 
You prepared traps by the stables, the kitchen and the entryway. In case anything —or anyone— appeared and stepped into one of them, you would hear it and prevent your food to be stolen. You also hopped that whatever or whoever it was that was robbing you wasn't taking more than just your food —mostly because you hadn't set any traps where there wasn't any. And after making sure it was all safe, you went to sleep.
In the dead of night, just as you had expected, you were awaken by a brief explosion and a loud grunt. You immediately got up, grabbed your shotgun and ran downstairs to the stables.
Between the darkness and all the dust from the recent explosion, you were able to see a silhouette, which you aimed the gun at.
"Hands up and turn around!", you made sure the sound of the shotgun being loaded was heard loud and clear. "Slowly".
You saw the silhouette put their arms up, though you could barely make out the way they were turning around. You took a step back.
"Now you're gonna walk in my direction, slowly", another step back. The silhouette kept walking with you.
When you were finally out of the stables and the moonlight hit his face, you scanned the now visible silhouette up and down. It was a man —very handsome, actually— with ragged clothes and disheveled hair. A small moustache was beginning to grow on his face, along with a stubble from a couple days without shaving. His skin was stained with mud, and he still had dirt all over his arms and face from the explosion trap he had triggered. His plush lips were half open, breathing somewhat heavily.
"Sorry", he mumbled. His voice made your stomach drop for a moment, but you kept your composure. "I didn't mean to be a burden", he approached slowly, still with his hands up. "I don't intend t—".
"Don't come any closer", you held the shotgun high, still aiming at his head. "One more step and I blow your fucking head off".
"Okay, no need to fire, I won't move", he took a step back.
"Why were you stealing my food?".
"I didn't want to", his words made you raise an eyebrow. "I had to survive. I have been traveling for a month, I come from a town far away from here. I didn't have anywhere to stay at, or money to buy food with", he looked around. "Your ranch was the first place I saw and I needed shelter. So...", he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry".
You scanned the man upside down. He had no guns on him, nor did he seem dangerous. Even more, his face and body language made you think he was harmless. Perhaps he was telling you the truth.
"You can stay", you lowered your shotgun. "For tonight only", you kept the gun loaded as he lowered his arms, just in case. "I'll give you some food and you'll leave tomorrow", you stared into his eyes. He did so, too. "Are we clear?".
"Yessir", he turned around and went back into the stables, coming back out with a leather bag on his shoulder. "Lead the way".
And so, you let him spend the night with you in your ranch, on the condition that he would do it on a sleeping bag beside your bed so you could keep an eye on him —in case he tried something. It wasn't too useful, though, since you fell deep asleep as soon as you hit the bed. Still, he didn't seem to be much trouble. In fact, he had woken up before you did, but he just stood by the door, waiting for you to get up before doing anything. When you did, he told you he didn't want you to be suspicious of him doing or stealing anything, and that is why he had waited. You hardly believed it, but you finally decided to, since you later on searched in case he was lying, though you didn't find anything missing.
"My name is Silva, by the way", his voice took you out of your thoughts as you took a bite from your bread. A smile formed on his lips when he saw your surprised and confused expression. "Sorry, I know you didn't ask me".
"Oh", you processed what he had said as fast as your mind let you. "No, don't apologize, it's fine", you swallowed the bread, then cleared your throat. "I'm Lost", you smiled back. His lips curled further upwards.
After you both had eaten breakfast, you took him to town with you. Many people asked you who he was. You told them he was a business colleague. Many looked at you with disgust, other many gave you a knowing smile. You just shrugged, shook your head and tried to finish shopping as quickly as you could. 
After making sure you had bought everything you needed for a week or so —and that no one would try to steal it all from you—, you went back to the ranch with him. Then, you gave him a horse and a bag with a bit of the food you had bought earlier that day. He looked down at the bag, then up at you, still with his head down.
"I can't take this", he said, his eyes hidden behind his eyelashes. The way he looked like that made your stomach flutter.
"Yes, you can", you grabbed the bag back from his hand and shoved it into his chest. You heard a soft gasp coming from his mouth. "And you will. You'll find a way to repay me, if we ever see each other again".
After saying that, his eyes grew wide and his lips opened slightly. You felt your own face going all red when you finally realized what you had said, you immediately made him turn around and pushed him towards the horse.
"Come on! I wanna get back all the hours of sleep you took from me last night!", you shouted as an excuse. Silva turned around and grabbed your hands to keep you from continuing to push him.
"What if I repay you now?", he stared intently into your eyes. The way his pupils dilated sent shivers down your spine. You know what he meant.
And it scared you.
"What are you talking about? Just head off, hope to see you soon—".
"You know what I'm talking about", he squeezed your hands. Your heart skipped a bit. "I will be honest", he breathed deeply. "I have been alone for too long, and you seem to be pretty alone, all by yourself in this ranch, too", his eyes shifted to your lips for a moment before going back up.
"Do I look like that kinda guy?", you lifted one of your eyebrows. Silva scanned you up and down with a knowing look.
"Do you want me to lie?", he scoffed.
How the hell does he know? He's only been with me for a day!, you cursed yourself.
But he knew he was right. You hadn't gone visit your best girl friends in a while, you were already lacking some attention. And judging the way he was looking at you —and as he had told you— he felt pretty lonely as well. He was right. You two needed relief and you had the answer to your problems right under your noses.
With a quick move of your hands, you freed yourself from his grip and grabbed his own wrists. Then you stared into his eyes.
"I top", you said, more of an affirmation than a question. You saw his eyes lighting up and his lips curl into a wide smile.
Forgetting about the bag of food left by the stables, you ran up to your bedroom and made sure to give Silva the best night in a long time. At least that's what he said when you were done. He thanked you multiple times —also giving you a pretty good time. He even made sure to clean you both up and offered to change your bedsheets next morning, if you let him stay another night.
When you came to realize, you were letting him live with you in your ranch. He took care of the animals when you were busy, accompanied you to run your errands to town, you ate together, slept together...
And when you came to realize, you saw yourself being so in love with the man that you could barely open an entire hour away from him. You had grown so used to him being close to you that you genuinely couldn't imagine your life without him anymore. Truth be told, you never imagined liking someone like him. In fact, you really thought you would spend the rest of your days going from your ranch to town looking for the same girls at the saloon to satisfy your needs —or at least some of them. So being in love with Silva made you feel part scared, part uncomfortable.
But also part happy.
You thought of telling him many times, but the feeling that he would reject you made you retreat many times. Maybe he was just sleeping with you so you let him stay, maybe he was pretending to like you for the food, the bed, maybe he was just there so he would have any kind of stability before killing you, taking your ranch from you, maybe—.
"I always wanted to live at a ranch when I was younger", his voice made you come back to reality. His lips were curled in a wide smile as he looked around the bedroom, sheets covering his naked body, his hands tucked under his head. "That is another reason why I hid here when I first came", his eyes stopped on you. "I like it here".
"If that's your way of telling me you're staying here—".
"No, I didn't mean that. I just do. I like being here", he grabbed your hand and gave you a sweet smile. "With you".
This is it, you thought.
So looked down for a moment, thinking and trying to keep your breathing steady while you tried to find the words to tell him what you had tried to take off your chest for the last months. Then you looked back at him.
"You can stay here", you swallowed the panic that was starting to gather in your throat. "With me. We can have a life together", you looked down at his hand grabbing yours, and you took his other hand as well. "I like you being here with me. I... I haven't been this happy since I was a kid", you let out a nervous giggle. "I want you here with me", you swallowed again. "I love you, Silva".
Your words made his eyes widen for a moment. You even swore you had seen tears in them, but then he cupped your face in his hands and gave you the sweetest kiss someone had ever given you, making your heart skip a beat —again.
When he pulled away, he looked down for a second before looking back into your eyes. He then nodded.
"I will stay", his thumb stroked lazy circles on your cheek. "I will love you, until my last day", he nodded again. You pulled him in for another kiss that left you both breathless, and then you spent a while laughing and immersing yourselves in the other's embrace.
When you opened your eyes again, you looked at him with a wide smile. He did the same. You both knew there was a great future ahead of you, with only the cowboy in front of you and the ranch to give you two shelter where you could grow your life and your love.
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Maybe that's what he liked about me, you thought, gulping down the rest of your glass of whiskey.
You looked around the saloon again. Another day with the same shit. And you were not over him yet. How could you be, when after six years together everything had gone to shit in one single afternoon?
You lifted your hand to the waitress, ordering another round. And you made sure to be very drunk before going back to your brand new home.
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anzynai · 25 days
Is the 300 Follower Event still going? Like can we still request?
If so please can we have a ler Diluc x male reader (or gn if you feel more comfortable with it ✨)
Maybe the reader helped venti steal wine from the tavern (or had been a total mini playful Monster) and he/they shall pay the price
The amount of bottle stolen will be the amount of raspberries/pokes/ minutes of tickles the reader will have to endure :>
Also can it be romantic please (plus established relationship) 🥺
If this ask somehow made you uncomfortable I am very very sorry and I hope you have a great day/night (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Don't forget to rest those pretty eyes, have a proper meal and drink a respectable amount of water
hiii this was a very cute prompt! i havent written for diluc before and its been a while since ive seen any content or anything about him, so i apologize if his characterization is off. besides that, i hope you enjoy<33 have an amazing day. anon ur so sweet btw
“NAHAHAHA STAHAHAP!” you shrieked, feeling diluc blow another raspberry on your poor, bare tummy.
“that makes the first one,” diluc muttered, his lips vibrating against your stomach. he lifted his head. “honestly, what did you need seven bottles of wine for?”
“VEHEHEENTI WAHAHAHANTED IT!” you tried explaining, hysterical. his hands were still tickling your sides. it was true, venti had been the one to ask— or really, beg you to help. you were a bit hesitant at first, but after a bit of coaxing (and a few deals), the bard had managed to convince you. still, you didn’t think you would have been caught so quickly… and of course, venti left you in the dust. the traitor.
“my own boyfriend.. who would have guessed?” diluc deadpanned. you looked away, squeezing your eyes shut.
“IHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY!” diluc rolled his eyes at that, though you could tell it was with nothing but love.
“you still have six more raspberries. you didn’t think you’d just get away with it, did you?” before you could answer, he dipped his head, planting yet another juicy raspberry on your tummy.
“NOHOHO!” you squealed, cursing yourself. archons, why did that tickle so much?! you bucked your hips and tried to escape, but he had you straddled so you weren’t going anywhere, forced to endure your punishment.
“two,” he counted, before giving you another raspberry, barely letting your recover from the laughing fit from the one just a second before.
it became more torturous the more times that he did it and you cursed the world for making raspberries a thing. at the same time, you secretly loved it— this sort of closeness with diluc. you were sure diluc was having fun as well, but wait, what number was he on again? you were sure it had already been seven…
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catpop2 · 10 months
So uh... Earthspark Au idea
So you know how occasionally Starscream and Bumblebee somehow get paired together and goofy shenanigans insue? Like in IDW for example- Well take that but add some more shit to it- Like a lot more hand wavy magic shit to it.
Anyways spoilers for Earthspark Season 1, the whole thing. And also uh brain fart moment right here so its very rambly but I wanna try and get the main point across. I will elaborate it people are intrested tho.
Well I had a goofy au idea brainfart moment where after the events of season 1, the autobots and decepticons have to somewhat colaborate which each other to survive on earth. From finnaly freeing every captured Decepticon in the form of a transaction to get Starscream and his remaining seekers do an extended sweep over the entire earth in order to comfirm Dr Meridians death because oh boy his body mysteriously disapeared (And because Seekers aint called seekers for nothin, they hella good at tracking down anything that exists)
Other scheningans insue because Megatron wants to reconnect with his Decepticons and beocme friends with everyone- But like none of them are really having it, in fact the main motivator for any con is that they want to protect their new generation, the terrans, therefore they wont try and obliterate the autobots at every moment. This is specifically true for Starscream who literally cant exist in the same room as Megatron but gets absolutely swarmed by terrans the moment he is near them, most notoriously Hashtag and Twitch but mostly Hashtag.
And then there is Bumblebee, the mentor of the maltobots who will do anything to keep them safe- But not much can be done when your protégés are pestering the most dangerous Decepticon to ever Decepticon (Aside from Megs but he dont count anymore) So he has to just sit there and tolerate it-
Eventually though trouble arises once more and the maltobots have to fight for the freedom of their kind, now joined not only by the autobots but occasionally even a Decepticon or two whenever their expertise come into play, but the cons aren't doing it for the Autobots thats for sure.
Bumblebee is always with the terrans whenever he can be, but the five are more grown as each day passes, and far harder to keep an eye on, especially since the concept of war has been properly introduced to them. So when Starscream is there to provide intelligence or sneak stolen gadgets to Hashtag and Nightshade, Bee has to appreciate the weight the seeker unintentionally takes off his back. Afterall Starscream may be extremely dangerous, cunning and deceitful- But it certainly does wonders for him to be near sparklings.
Where the au comes into real play is when the threat of Dr Meridian resurfaces much to everyones dismay (Like pee paw willy over again).
The terrans and the kids are locked in tight combat, trapped in a very dangeorus and likley fatal situation of which they havent quite grasped the severity of. This time they dont seem to have the grace of Quintus Prime at their side as things look really grim, their only proper cybertronian assitance comes in the form of Bumblebee and Starscream who are forced to hold off the threat together the best they can before help can arrive. While the terrans do a great job of fighting alongside them as they have proved themselves plenty of times- It doesn't seem to be enough. All of them are left tattered, injuried and worse for wear- Particularly their two cybertronian gaurdians who had just taken on a fatal blow to protect them.
Quintus Prime, unlike the Maltos thought before, was with them, he watched them. He hoped, but there was little he could do, it was not like before...
But... There was a call, a plee. A promise of service. Not from the humans or the terrans. No...
Something else entirely- A presence akin to Primus itself- A spark, reaching out to him. Promising to protect.
Ah yes. The cybertronians. One of them had not yet given up yet, despite the fact he no long had functional limbs nor wings- It was present, nearby somewhere was also another presence, but so much weaker, so fragile and quickly fading.
No.. That couldn't work could it? They were already established sparks, born from the allspark directly-
Perhaps that could work.. Perhaps the Emberstone had a little extra light to give.
And so, from the rubble- Right as the enemy intends to strike another blow, two new protectors rise- And two new presences began to circulate between the thoughts and feelings of the Maltos.
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rosekasa · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
thank u @jattendschaton for tagging me 🥺 i love these questions
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
i have 107 on maketea, but with my um. two other accounts i have 128
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
on maketea i have 293,935, but with at least one of my other accounts (one of them is for ml and one of them for another fandom, the latter of which i cant be bothered to log in to rn shdjsk) the total is 313,681!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
miraculous ladybug mainly! but i have also written for owari no seraph. ive written for other fandoms but im not counting it if i literally only have one work to my name for them HSJAJA with ons at least i have 3 on maketea and 12 on my other account
THEORETICALLY. i also write for sailor moon. i have a substantial amount in my google docs. they just havent manifested themselves into existence yet
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
apology gifts, like poles of a magnet, new marinette, a nine-year old (fhfjsj), and i'll marry you! ive actually had kudos/hits/comments stats hidden on ao3 since 2021 so i have no clue how many kudos any of these have which is very funny to me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to but i always get distracted midway through going through my inbox which is totally on me fjdkka. i always decide to do it when im literally in the middle of class for whatever fuckin reason HAHAHA. i also always feel bad because im like 'oh i havent replied to this in literally two years im too embarrassed to reply now'
i also want to reply with more than just 'thank you' because comments mean SO MUCH TO ME but i think i psych myself out of replying because im too scared i won't be able to express it properly
im trying to resolve to get better at it!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ehemememem. ya'aburnee.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooh, id say new marinette! in terms of like. the emotional arc or whatever
i was gonna say lpoam, but i think there's still a bit of lingering Sad there
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i want to say no. but ive been writing fics for ten years now and i feel like i mustve done Something weird when i was younger
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yep, for an old fandom on wattpad!
shdkska this is really funny, but back then i made a playlist for the fic, and i remember the person who translated it wrote in their translation of that chapter 'i wouldve done it differently but it's okay' that still makes me laugh
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep, i did one for owari no seraph and one for ml! i have some others in the works tho hehe
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
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15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh hmm. i think i am delusional and believe all my wips will someday be finished HDJFJSJS so im changing this question to 'doubt you will in the near future'. for that, id say maybeeee my amnesia adrien fic. 40k words in the doc and babe is still marinating
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmm. i think im quite good at writing interactions! i mean, i like the way i write them at least. i love capturing the feeling of being with people and i think i do it well!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
there's something that feels kind of hesitant when i read my docs sometimes? it feels like im worried to hit the point of the plot head-on and skirting around what i actually want to say. i think what i'm trying to do to improve is to be a bit more direct in my narration style and focus on being descriptive only when it's needed.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
ive done it before!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh i dont want to answer this. one direction
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
like poles of a magnet <3
tagging @destiny-with-you , @mozzygan , @asukiess , @ladyofthenoodle , and whoever else wants to do this!!! just say i tagged u when u do it hehe
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verm1c1de · 3 months
Not a question, but an idea: Dib does the thing pets do, begging/asking Red and Purple separately for treats and tricking them into thinking the other hasn't given him any. ...probably how he eats so much alien food it makes him sick.
if one of them says no he can surely go to the ofur,,,, they havent caught on yet,,,,, until they do
really, the tallits do the same thing efurry time he has some sort of snack, urthen or not. theyre just greedy little hogs even when they can just get their own,,,, it tastes beter stolen
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Any other headcanons you wanna talk about? For Ford or others? I’m always free to listen!
hi sorry this took a while, i was trying to figure out which headcanons i wanted to talk about here- thank you for the asks! :D
i have yet to post any queer headcanons for the pines family and im still excited about ford using it/its pronouns, so here you go!
mabel - i headcanon her to be panromantic and aspec. maybe demisexual? havent quite decided yet. she's also transfeminine and xenogender. xenogenders. she cannot be contained in just one. also a neopronoun user- she/they and a bunch of nounpronouns. she collects them like pokemon cards.
dipper - had to think on this one a bit (ive seen two different headcanons for him that i really love). i headcanon that he's biromantic arospec and bisexual (possibly aspec? still not completely sure.) he's transmasculine! i think he'd tell people his pronouns are he/him, but he wouldn't mind people using they/them or neopronouns for him
stan - bisexual biromantic for sure. also somewhere on the aromantic and asexual spectrums, im just not entirely sure where exactly he'd fall. he doesnt know either. he's trans, and he's not sure if he's transmale or transmasc. he doesnt really care about finding out. he/him but he's fine with they/them too.
and i saved ford for last because i wanted to say- there's actually a specific reason i headcanon all these things about his identity. which is that i saw other people talking about him with these things in mind and went "oh shit thats me isnt it".
moral of the story- the below headcanons were all stolen directly from other people and this is how i realized i was trans and aroace. the gravity falls fandom really can be wonderful. also i would die for aroace ford.
anyway- i headcanon ford is aroace. specifically, he doesnt feel any romantic attraction (im sure theres a word for that but i wouldnt know it) and he's sex-repulsed (i know the word for that one- apothisexual). he may or may not have a queerplatonic relationship with fiddleford. this is something mabel and stan have been trying to figure out and they just havent yet.
he's transmasc! real big fan of the idea that he realized that simply not gendering was something he could do after going through the multiverse. he uses he/they/it and, like mabel, collects neopronouns like he collects anomalies
bonus headcanon for fiddleford - biromantic bisexual and transmale. may or may not be in a queerplatonic relationship with ford. he's okay with whatever pronouns you want to use for him but does lean towards more masculine or gender-neutral ones.
i wouldve included soos and wendy and melody but i havent quite nailed down my headcanons for them yet
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saiiboat · 2 months
hi \o/!! for the tag game: i'm very interested in mike timetravel if you have any information on that you'd like to give? or maybe one of the poly fuga wips?
hi wsd!! i already talked a bit about the mike timetravel au here so let me scrounge up some poly fuga for you :33
its pretty much a "okay what if they didnt betray cell" kinda thing. VERY loose idea but essentially pac e mike dont betray cell -> cell is still weird creepy and gross but. not losing his mind because he wants to kill them so bad. basically pac does convince mike to work with cell instead of jv because of the protection cell can offer them. they come up with a plan to game jv instead and pretend to not work with cell just long enough to figure out the full escape plan so they can hijack it.
jv does still die in this! its awesome its bloody its hot. all great things
i also had some ideas about the actual prison gang stuff and pac e mike's position of being under cell's protection (which means a lot in alcatraz) vs still being relatively easy targets for someone who might want to exploit what they think is cells weakness. does not end nice for them tbh
cell is still gross and creepy but at this point theyre stuck with him. hes their gross and creepy now :/ he's definitely possessive of them and its not healthy but. theyre in prison. what about it is going to be healthy. i think its a lot of like. stolen moments that arent necessarily romantic but there are a lot of undertones. cell grabbing pac's chin and pac leting him handle him. possessive touches. at first its something that mike almost steps in on but eventually he knows that cell will only go as far as he thinks pac will let him, and pac only lets cell go as far as he thinks he can before mike's likely to gut cell with his own knife. its fucked and weird but its theirs.
hadnt thought about how guaxinim fits into all of this yet which was an oversight on my part. sorry everyone. anyways it probably goes very similar to canon except guaxinim doesnt mind trying to escape with cell because well. hes not constantly threatening his life this time. and lets just say that the boat fits all of them because why not. also now that cell escaped felps can find them outside of prison.
they find a place to lie low together because where the hell would they go but together and its. comfy. its undeniably fucked and cell is a miserable housemate but. guaxinim tempers him and they balance eachother out.
its after 2am and i so need to go to bed but hopefully this is cohesive enoygh so far to understand and i can always talk more about it when i do not have to sleep LOL ty for the ask now i really want to develop this au more. also i still have your other ask sitting in my inbox that i havent had the time or thoughts to respond to yet but i WILL i will get there.
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noodleblade · 4 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game (stolen title <3)
thank you bestie:3 @searchingfortheuniverse I'll be working on this while im on and off phone calls~
A band you don’t like that many others do: UM idk...my music taste is all over the place and I really only know the bands i think?? oh- maybe Mother Mother, only because I have not bothered to listen to their music past Junkrat hype videos and that's probably tainted my view a little. For better or for worse.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly: during a summer in greece, idk how, but I got roped into selling watermelons off the side of the road. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but I remember I would put the watermelon in a plastic bag and the farmers thought it was really funny because that's such a...united states thing...to bag 1 whole watermelon in plastic. Anyways, they paid me in cucumber slices with salt.
Least favorite animal and why: HUH LEAST. I'm not a huge fan of like reptiles? Specifically those smaller than a bread box. Too fast, too squirm. Im worried I'll crush them in my hands. (im thinking of specifically florida geckos...idk they are cute but i freak out trying to hold them).
Hot fandom take: just because something is popular and fandom-wide accepted doesn't mean it is good. and not agreeing with it/wanting to engage in it doesn't mean you or your own opinions are bad. the monopoly on accepted 1 true canon is boring.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece: I try an rotate my jewelry around but I'm usually wearing a few rings, a necklace and a pair of earrings. My favorites are the rings. They are my mom's old ones and I typically wear the same two every day. One is a gold key of greece and the other is a thin black bar but the sides have really small thin heart cut outs.
A movie others liked but you didn’t: HMMMMM probably the new star wars trilogy. felt unnecessary and i just didn't like it? big shruggies
Three things you love about yourself: my writing- its something that I enjoy the most in the world and something that I can claim as mine. I also think I'm pretty funny in a sillay way which is poggers. I like my openness to trying things. Think that's helped make me more well-rounded. I hope so at least.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why: HMMMMM. I want to visit Japan again. For a new place, I want to go to South America. Peru maybe??? Mexico would also be nice. So that's what I'm gearing up towards next.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why: Uh Matt Smith? No reason behind this. but I see his block head and kind of just look away.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future? I have a lot of little house projects I finally feel like tackling which is exciting. Ive lived in my house for almost 2.5 years and still havent felt like parts of it are complete yet.
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in: oof I lowkey kind of hate saying things I don't like on here. bad experiences in the past when people were upset I didn't like a thing they did and got mad at me. But uhhh not the biggest fan of most rodimus ships? but I think mega/rod is my least favorite of them. sorry!
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in? hahaahahahhahahah can you believe Game of Thrones wasn't the most toxic???? it was jjba. I got put on a ban list which was kind of funny. I also got kind of show-ponyed in a toxic discord server for a while which has completely ruined me in the ability to act normal on discord outside of my irl friends. that account is deleted but the ao3 is still circling around.
List three things you find beautiful about life: Friends and family- sometimes I want to kill but I really do love them so so much. I like creating things and creating things with people. I also really like my area as far as nature goes. the beach to swamp ratio sings to me.
Any dreams for the future? I want to go on a really long hike. Maybe like a 2 day one? (< says the person that has gone on a max 2 hour hike before). Also just working on my original fiction again. I miss those fellas.
How are you really feeling today? Motivated!!!! Im a little groggy still, but I've been really excited about life and betterment lately so its overcoming my sleepy brain.
Tags: feel free to do or not: @honkytonka, @elmonstro, @huanted-dennys, @feral-birb-husband, @solarstormstuff @anyone else who wants to!! I'd be happy to read them:3
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dakogutin · 8 months
60yrs late lmao thanks for the tag @beautitudes <33
1.How many works do you have on ao3?
2.What's your total ao3 word count?
3.What fandoms do you write for?
4.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
-wolfstarbucks smut
-rs fluff; s takes care of a drugged r
-kinktober2022 entry; rs - exhibitionism
-godfathers rs comfort young harry
-tangled au - wolfstarbigbang
5.Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes i love engagements, and commenting and responding is part of being in a community
6.What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
prob R&R (bridgerton/p&p au)
7.What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
mamma mia au
8.Do you get hate on fics?
no... i think lol. i had one passive aggressive comment but thats it.... i think
9.Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. any except themes around a/b/o. havent written any bondage yet either
10.Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i dont write character crossovers so idk maybe my tangled au lol. writing my pookies in this world was whack for me. i eventually made it my own fantasy au rather than sticking to the disney universe
11.Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that im aware of. altho i do often think about this one anon commenter who asked permission to translate my work 3yrs ago and still hasnt reached out with the link :,)
12.Have you ever had a fic translated?
just the same anon commenter from the prev question so not sure if that counts
13.Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yep, mamma mia au is a collab with @thomasbrodiesandwich
14.What's your all-time favorite ship?
sad werewolf professor dilf and escaped convict hottie dilf
15.What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
vampire sirius au and angel remus au. separately lol. i dont have a plot for either
16.What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and feelings
17.What are your writing weaknesses?
children lol. i also sometimes find descriptions difficult, esp when too many characters are interacting
18.Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think having bi/multilingual characters randomly use non-eng expressions, or titles is cringe sometimes lmao. im no expert and i still dont know how to properly translate that kind of mannerism, bcs yeah i get it, sometimes it slips out. for now i just describe it literally in text like "character exclaimed in [language]" / "character couldn't help the [language] curse they let out in shock."
19.First fandom you wrote for?
20.Favorite fic you've written?
all time fave is my 2021 fireside fest entry (choke on a heart up in smoke) my current fave is my brigerton/p&p au (radical & righteousness)
no pressure tags @thomasbrodiesandwich @sandrawstuff @plecotusauritus @saintchaser @pinklume @wanderingbandurria
sorry if there are repeat tags im not following who has done this (maybe like this if u want me to tag you in these games! but consider yourself tagged alrdy if u want to do this)
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terriluvss · 23 days
The treatment of Lucy’s character really disappoints me.
Every Arc, Lucy is always forced into the role of beaten down, damsel or never given the spotlight to really shine. The only time we ever see her at full potential is tartaros arc and alvarez arc (in the main series i havent read 100yq so im not gonna be talking about it here). However even in tartaros there was bs moves made against her to stop her from fighting.
Like up against jackal, how she chased after him to battle him yet we never got Lucy vs Jackal. Why? Because mashima pulled this bs move of restricting lucy yet again. Holding her back by causing Jackal to hold two people hostage. We NEVER see Natsu put in the same situations as her, its ALWAYS Lucy.
Or with the pheonix priestess movie where I not ONCE saw Lucy fight. She’s always running away, she can’t even catch the gees guy because he magically slips into this random crack in an alleyway because pLoT. I just wanna see her be able to win, like that whole movie I don’t remember a single time she was actually given a moment to just ACTUALLY contribute to the action.
Same with the grand magic games, where she was about to perform urano metria and win (as she should) yet mashima did the same thing of pulling a bs cheapshot with some lamo canceling her spell out of nowhere. It just makes no sense. And we NEVER see this happen to any other characters. We don’t see Natsu’s flames get abolished trying to fight sting and rogue, we don’t see Gray’s ice suddenly melting when he tries to fight, we don’t see wendy having her wind suddenly not work.
It’s ALWAYS Lucy. The shows official punching bag. Fanservice? Just throw Lucy in front of the camera. Characters need a reason to fight? Just have Lucy get beaten up. Need a villian to have a motive? Just have Lucy get kidnapped or her keys stolen. Like literally when do any of the other characters get inconvenienced? I can only think of one time the other characters get the Lucy treatment of being kidnapped and it’s tartaros arc (my fave arc as a lucy stan) but pretty much it’s always only Lucy getting inconvenienced.
AND SIDE NOTE Aquarius just randomly deciding to dip during the tournament MID FIGHT (the water tournament in GMG). I know this is in character for her, BUT LIKE this was just mashima’s excuse to be able to torture Lucy yet again. I mean come on, I get it’s for comedy and all but I’m tired of Lucy being the butt of the joke. Why can’t we just have a moment for her to actually be able to win. And I’m pretty sure Aquarius actually tries to do her job so why would she just dip during the middle of it? I don’t know it just irks me how mashima always finds a way to disarm Lucy (even having villians take her keys too.)
Even in the FIRST EPISODE her keys get tossed aside for plot reasoons! So natsu can come and save the day11!2? It would’ve been so cool if Lucy could’ve fought alongside him and he recognised her as someone with potential to join fairytail. Rather than just having her stand idly by. And in mt hakobe how natsu just magically kicks taurus away whilst Lucy was trying to fight, because we cant have lucy being a character whos actually taken seriously now can we? Nope! She just always has to be the butt of the joke. And in Galuna, where that pink haired girl magically had lucys spirits work against her for just so we can have the obligatory lucy torture yet again. In the lullaby arc what does lucy even do i dont even remember? It’s happy whos the one who suggests for her to use virgo, might as well just give happy the keys at this point. Maybe mashima would actually let them be used for once if happy had them
It’s the same garbage every arc, and it sucks because I love Lucy her magic has such potential to be a powerhouse. We’ve seen her really flourish but the only time she ever gets the chance to flourish is when Mashima realises he’s written himself into a corner and actually HAS to use Lucy’s character. The only times are when he realises no one else can come save her so he actually has to try to use her magic narratively. Like in tartaros (my fave lucy moment) where she FINALLY gets to have her own moment to shine. And against brandish because Natsu is dying of dragon seed cancer!?1?2 oh noes! Looks like Lucy actually has to fight! (W fight by the way one of my fave lucy moments, I was so giddy when I saw her fighting like that for the first time.)
But yeah, I guess I’m just salty that Lucy is constantly thrown aside in favor of Natsu or Erza or sometimes Gray. Lucy deserved better. Sorry for this rant being all over the place, it just saddens me to see Lucy being treated like a joke the entire series. We were robbed.
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