#they released it by accident
class1akids · 1 month
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OMG - I'm screaming!!! Visuals from the S7 ED (creditless version). "Tsubomi" by Omoinotake
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(The official account posted it early by mistake, then took it down)
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the-lovely-lady-luck · 9 months
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the delivery of this in the theater killed me and i havent seen anyone posting it so heres a very shitty gif made from the 2 seconds of trailer that include the line.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 264
Danny squints at his tiny hands, eyes narrowing as Clockwork hums in the kitchen. Which he wasn’t even aware of having been in LongNow. Maybe it wasn’t. He huffed, voice too squeaky for him to continue complaining. Stupid time accidents. 
Which wasn’t even starting on the other figure awkwardly sitting at the table. 
He glowered at the Ghost King, who kept glancing at him with an unreadable look in their eyes, then looked back towards where Clockwork was. His scowl deepened over his cup of tea- which wasn’t fair, he wanted coffee but nooo, that’s not healthy for ‘little ghostlings’. Ugh.
Sometimes he wished he was fully ghost so he didn’t have to apparently worry about his living body having to grow back up.
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yeahponcho · 2 years
🕸️👻🎃✨ Trick or Treat! ✨🎃👻🕸️
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izpira-se-zlato · 4 months
I've been thinking about the Jance photoshoot and oof do I have Thoughts but -- okay, an attempt to explain why this photoshoot really speaks to me.
I've seen a bunch of different takes float across my dash, but to me the core of this photoshoot is the portrayal of a very deep bond between two men without fully specifying what kind of bond it is. The message I get from their pictures, from Jan looking into the camera (almost?) defiantly while Nace looks serious to the two of them looking at each other and only each other, is "This is us. This is our relationship. What kind? Well, none of your business, but we're not hiding it and we won't help you put us into a definitive drawer."
Since this got long, more thoughts under the cut
And, like -- there's so many layers to this shoot? So many ways to read this as an utter fucking power move, and I'm just. Really touched.
So. Layer one is kind of what I pulled from the art earlier, saying, "you may get to see us be intimate and close, barely hidden behind a glass door (= lack of privacy), but at the end of the day, we decide how much we share. And even if you get these intimate glimpses, you do not get all of me (= him half-hidden behind his hair and/or Nace)"
So what do we glimpse? Well, that's where it gets delicious imo. Because it could be read as non-sexual and non-romantic, so just platonic. Non-sexual intimacy is still pretty rarely portrayed, especially between men, and that goes double for non-romantic intimacy. And so as someone on the aroace-spectrum, that speaks to me so so much.
it's also such a fuck you against Toxic Masculinity -- that they can be this vulnerable together, that they don't mind showing -- that they're actually showing off to -- the world that they're this vulnerable with each other. Just. Intimacy and trust and closeness; laughing together and seeing each other and presenting a united front against the world (= the viewer).
I've long-since wondered if Nace is Jan's emotional support bassist -- if they're each other's comfort people, which would track with them doing this shoot together, presenting themselves in front of the camera together. "I'm doing this, putting myself out there, because with you by my side it feels doable."
And just. The fact that it can be read as queer and they clearly don't mind is also stunning regardless of if they are actually queer and/or actually in a relationship. They know what the fandom thinks. They know what this will look like. And yet -- no "no homo", no "bradders"; just unabashed joy in each other's presence and standing together -- and it's not escaped my notice that it's Jan having Nace's back, fixing the camera with a look of, if you touch him, I'll end you.
And if it is an affirmation that they're queer/together? Then holy shit, what a power move.
Just. I think this is a piece of art that's really resonating because I can see myself in so many of these layers and that's just so powerful. Damon is a pretty good photographer, from what I've picked up, and so I think this is not an accident; I think this series of photos confirms exactly as much and as little as he wants it to. And in the gaps in between, which I understand is something art does, we have space to see ourselves and engage with the artwork in our own ways.
Because at the end of the day, as raw and as candid as these shots look, this isn't an unfiltered version of them. It is them, at least in part, but it's art. It's a performance. It's something we can construct narratives out of (which, probably surprising no one, is something I really enjoy), but we're still engaging with the performance, not the real people underneath. But it still takes guts to give yourself over to that performance, and that is what might move me the most, gorgeous and stunning pictures and all.
The fact that they stepped forward and said, "This is us. Make of it what you will."
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
Realistically if the bats were close enough to hangout as civilians they wouldn’t attack each other for fun because no one wants to be down an ally because your argument over KitKats got a little too intense and now they’re in the medbay. Unrealistically however I think Duke does a livestream in what he thinks is an unused room but is actually an used room connected to several other unused rooms that Damian and Cass run through when they (lovingly and purely for play) feel like throwing knives at each other.
They run through the background but before but before Duke notices the chat going crazy they’ve already slid out of frame. No time to come up with an excuse Duke just sighs very deeply and says “this is what happens when you’re bored and have health insurance”
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slothpower-central · 2 months
Heathcliff fans...I'm sorry....(ft. @andromedako)
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solradguy · 22 days
I love the concept of werewolves but honestly there's just so much bad werewolf media out there to sift through. Vampires won out with a bajillion stellar Dracula adaptations, Carmilla, Nosferatu, Interview With The Vampire, and Lost Boys, and werewolves got, like, Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones, An American Werewolf In London, and a side bit in the last half of that Hugh Jackman Van Helsing movie
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moghedien · 9 months
i want the show to have Rand tell Lanfear that he knows she turned evil because Lews Therin broke her off and for her to just immediately start ranting about tenure and about how you make ONE little mistake and create ONE little bore and suddenly everyone is mad at you all the time and you can't get a third name and you're an embarrassment to have around
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heros-shade-fanclub · 1 month
What is your favorite thing about the Hero's Shade? What is your least favorite thing about him? (How long we actually get to see him is not a valid answer because I also wish we got to see him more or that he appeared in pretty much every other Zelda game too.)
ooooooooohhh. oh anon i love you. saw this and started pacing around my room in excitement
I made a post about it before I think, but there's a quote that's like "in the end you become the person you needed that time when no one helped you" and that sums up my feelings well. In ocarina of time (and ESPECIALLY majora's mask), plenty of people teach you things and help you out here and there, but not in the same way the hero's shade watches you on your journey + actually teaches you to protect yourself*. There's almost a feeling of loneliness/isolation in oot and mm (<personal opinion), whereas one of the major themes of tp is that you're never alone in your fight. and what better representation of that than heroshade. turns into a kitchen appliance
He's got so many good lines too tbh. something about "go, and do not falter" makes me stick my head into a cement mixer. and we as a fandom are sleeping on the memeability of "A (blank) wields no (blank) unless the hand that holds it has (blank)"
My least favorite thing is probably how he calls Link a disgrace during their first meeting LIKE GIRLLLLLL. absolutely no reason to talk to him like that. i don't know that guy
I also think. and this is so nitpicky. the sword training music is very meh. it serves its purpose but as the track associated with him i think it leaves something to be desired. I love MajorLink and Brock Hewitt's choice to make his leitmotif the Ballad of Twilight/Courage Theme instead
*you could make an argument for Sheik or Kaepora Gaebora or even Navi here but their roles are still different i feel. and in majora's mask you very much have No One
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ecto-stone · 3 months
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No need to Work up so much Vladdy. Just sit Back and enjoy the absolute chao that about to happen.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 252
“Sir, we’ve… There’s been an encounter with a Reaper class entity.” 
There were several classifications for ecto-entities. Several ways the Ghost Investigation Ward classified each. Several common ones that they could easily destroy, easily study. Others however… others were dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. 
There’d only been two other Reaper-class entities confirmed before- both contained but barely. RP-1, a large knight-like entity seemingly made from shadows, and RP-2, a child-like creature that could near perfectly mimic a human. 
And now, there was a third. A third entity that could- and judging from the reports coming in had- killed. Had done so several times even. Which meant it needed to be contained yesterday. 
“Send out the teams- I want this thing in Site X Now!” 
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nicojoe · 1 year
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oh hey @togtakeover, we were both quoted in this Daily Dot article by @hellotailor 
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im-sorry-what-ii · 5 months
Currently being so emotional over Mav and pink floyds Learning to fly
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gh03tb0y · 6 months
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they’re gay your honor
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Hey! I am not any regular ol mailman! I can deliver misfortune to yall if I wanted to ya hear me~!? Now who the heck keeps doin that!? -tries getting connection back up- ~ @envelopesofbadluck
- Computer video was meant to release on: 10/14/2023 - Instead, it was released on: 10/27/2023 - Video was delayed by: 13 days
C̶̪̄a̴̛͈n̴̼̉'̸̺̓t̷̯̆ ̸̲̄t̷͔͛h̵̺̐i̵̱̐s̸͍͘ ̶̘͘d̶̗̋õ̵̤ǵ̶̘ ̶̲̃ḓ̶͊o̸͓͝ ̶͍̀ả̴̬n̶͉͗ÿ̸̭ẗ̸́͜h̴̠͂î̵͖n̶̽͜g̴̝̃ ̷̺͊r̵͉͘ḯ̷͉g̸͚͆h̴̭̕ṭ̷̓?̷̨̛
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