#they set each other on fire and now they can’t get enough of the flames
thetrinitytest · 19 days
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honeyedmiller · 5 months
Sweet Thing | Joel Miller
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pairing: jackson!joel x sunshine!f!reader
rating: 18+, minors dni
warnings: jackson!joel, smut (unprotected piv), sweet pet names, sex in a semi-public spot, sort of getting caught, no specified ages mentioned. no use of y/n.
word count: 863
synopsis: the most unlikely pair in jackson just can’t get enough of each other.
divider by @saradika-graphics
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“J-Joel,” You whimper, gripping onto his impossibly huge biceps. The fabric of his flannel felt scratchy underneath your desperate touch, and the scrape of the wiry hair on his jaw set your skin on fire.
His teeth nipped at your ear as the heavy drag of his cock came to a nearly unbearable halt; the deep timbre of his voice, even when it’d dwindled down to a mere whisper, sent shivers down your spine.
“Gotta be quiet, sweet thing. Can’t have anyone catchin’ us now, can we?” You bite your lip as he starts to move his hips again, slowly thrusting into you once more.
The squelching sound was so obscene that if your moans and whines didn’t give you away, your arousal would.
It was ironic that you two had found solace in each other. Jackson’s token ray of sunshine and the ever brooding Joel Miller: the most unlikely match there was. It was never meant to happen, but it just… did.
Being around Joel was easy. The man had such a soft spot for you. You’d been nothing but kind and gentle with him when everyone else was afraid. You carried a sparkle in your eye every time you laid your eyes on him, and that’s when he knew. He knew he had to have you.
If the residents of Jackson found out the both of you had been sneaking around the past few months, they’d all lose their minds. There’s no way they’d be able to puzzle together the pieces of your so-called ‘relationship’ with him, but you suspected at least Ellie had a hunch. The girl was smart and had been onto you two for as long as this had gone on.
You couldn’t help yourself, though. Being with a man that only reserved his soft side for you and his fortuitous daughter had you falling faster than you could keep up with, and at first, it truly terrified you.
You succumbed to his pure charm and good looks, though, which is how you ended up here—fucking in a broom closet in the Tipsy Bison because you chose to wear the pretty dress you found on patrol one day that Joel loved oh so much.
The slow drag of his heavy cock had you muffedly crying out his name, the feeling of it too much and not enough all at once. The man was all-consuming, invading every single sense that you had. It was intoxicating and purely addictive, and you don’t think you’ll ever get enough of him.
“Fuck, baby. Pussy was fuck’n made for me. Y’feel so goddamn good.” Joel’s words are slightly slurred behind his clenched teeth, trying to control his own sounds of pure bliss.
“Joel—” You cry again as he picks up his pace, and he has to cover your mouth with his hand because you cannot control yourself. He made you feel good in a way that nobody else ever has.
“I know baby, I know. Hush up now n’ take what I’m givin’ ya like the good girl I know y’are.” He coos, kissing your temple as he begins to thrust into you skillfully, tilting his body up so his cock hits your g-spot every single time.
Your eyebrows threaded together as your legs started to shake, your impending orgasm licking a flame up your spine as it threatened to spill over. Just like a match to a matchbox, Joel kept dragging and dragging and dragging until you lit aflame. The devastatingly delicious euphoria that ran through your body was truly unmatched as you convulsed around him, cries now muffled by his lips on yours.
His thrusts became sporadic, pulling out of you before grabbing a rag from a shelf to come onto. Not his finest moment, but he didn’t want to ruin that pretty dress of yours or leave any evidence of your intimate endeavors.
Joel cages you in between his arms as his hands rest on either side of your head against the wall behind you. He buries his face in your neck, catching his breath as he leaves tiny pecks along your pulse point. You mindlessly wrap your fingers around the back of his neck, gently dragging your fingertips against his hot skin while he took some time to recollect himself.
You giggle softly into his ear, kissing his neck once.
“That was fun.” You say, and Joel’s face moves to be in front of yours again. A rare smile curls onto his lips as he rests his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose against your own.
“My sweet girl.” He whispers with a chuckle laced into his words, kissing you once more before tucking his cock back into his jeans. He bends down to pull your panties back up and pulls your dress down past your hips, straightening you out so you don’t look completely fucked out.
Joel turns the knob to the closet, opening the door slowly.
“We gotta stop doing that in public places though, or else we’ll get caught.” You huff.
“Too late.” Tommy’s voice snaps both of your heads in his direction, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face as Joel’s burns bright red.
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tags: @party-hearses ; @ilovepedro ; @bastardmandennis ; @tinygarbage ; @nostalxgic ; @cool-iguana ; @amanitacowboy
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lunargrapejuice · 13 days
for your own good
diluc ragnvindr x afab!reader | 2.8k+ words
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, reader is wearing a dress but no pronouns are mentioned, not necessarily brat!reader but you get a lil lippy hehe, dom!diluc, spanking as a form of punishment, oral, cum eating, praise kink, y'all are sickly in love as always, please let me know if i missed anything!
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the sound of boot steps fill the near silent space of the parlor, heavy steps following much lighter ones through the large mahogany doors, up the stairs and across the second floor into the master bedroom. the maids and staff only emerge from the quiet corners they had slipped into after such a tense entrance when they hear the click of the bedroom door and resume their tasks, avoiding that corner of the manor.
diluc flips the lock behind him, scarlet eyes following your every step as you storm towards the  connecting master bathroom in an attempt to put more distance between you but your feet stop quickly at the challenging call of your name that tells you this conversation is not over, even if you run away from it.
it's the first thing that’s been said since you stormed off towards home and you had hoped that the walk back to the manor would cool you both off but you were still burning with frustration and in your wake the flying embers of your emotions caught on your beloved and fueled his own frustration, his worry.
because that’s really all that had started this, worry for your safety. you would argue that you had it completely under control and aren’t hurt in the slightest aside from maybe your feelings but right now you couldn’t articulate anything aside from the exasperated thoughts that you couldn’t stop from spilling past your lips when you whip around to face diluc who now stands near the edge of bed. 
his brows as drawn close, the soft pinkness of his lips in a thin line and there’s an undeniable lick of flame behind the dark pupils of his eyes that seems to deepen into a crimson fire at your words.
“don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical of you to chastise me for putting myself in danger when you do it yourself on a nightly basis?!” you let out a strained laugh, like you can’t actually believe you’re having this conversation. you aren’t even hurt for barbatos sake. “this is ridiculous,” you mutter under your breath but before he can add anything himself, you decide you are finished with this conversation, whether he likes it or not, and end it with a snappy, “perhaps it's you that should be getting a good lecture right now diluc.”
you’re acutely aware of the shift in atmosphere throughout the entire room, how quickly it goes from overly warm in the evening sun spilling through open curtains and the natural heat of diluc to a eerie neutral calmness that's almost painful to breath in but beneath it you can feel the lingering sparks waiting to burst again. though their unusual muted crackling in the silence between you makes you wonder what exactly they would set ablaze.
“this isn’t about me,” his voice is deep, firm and hot.
you hear the ember at your feet pop and send your own gust of air over them, letting them catch fire.
“please, it very clearly is. you’re the one -”
diluc says your name again, in a way you’ve never heard before, serious and penetrating and at the impact of it to your core, you think perhaps it’s you that’s on fire. “that’s enough.” 
you want to protest, say whatever's on your tongue and mind but there isn’t a single word that leaves your mouth when your lips part. your tongue feels heavy, your lungs barely able to breathe in air and when your lip begins to tremble, you take it between your teeth. 
“come here.”
like a statue, you stand motionless near the bathroom door. your heart races, your cunt clenching around nothing as you watch diluc peel off his gloves without breaking your locked gazes. he pulls at each finger tip, starting with his pinky, until the leather is loose enough to slip off easily and then does the same on the other hand. one glove placed neatly on top of the other, he sets them on the edge of the bed.
when you don’t move, don’t say anything or protest, he closes the distance between you, every heavy boot step making your heart skip a beat and when he’s standing in front of you, his broad shoulders and black coat with golden tassels blocking out the setting sun, all you can do is stare up at his beautiful features and fall into the inferno behind his eyes.
gently, as if you were made of thin glass that had yet to cool, he takes your face into his hands, his palms cradling your chin, calloused thumbs brushing along your cheeks. the mix of tender and intense, his heat and scent overtaking your every sense, makes you beyond dizzy.
“i know i am a stubborn man but my love,” he voice is strained and his expression morphs into something almost painful. he holds you a bit tighter and you stand on your toes to reach him. “i cannot express enough how important your safety, your wellbeing, is.” he takes in a deep breath. “you are everything and without you.. ” he doesn’t let himself say the words. he can’t. he won’t. instead he kisses you deeply, his lips soft and so full of love you feel your knees threatening to give way within an instant. 
and you swear they really might when diluc pulls away all too quickly and his hands leave your face. you want to cry at the loss of his touch but only a split moment passes before he has your hand in his and is guiding you towards the bed without needing to tug to have you follow.
you can hear your deep breathing in the palpable silence, the groan of the bed frame against the hardwood floors when diluc sits at the edge of your side of the bed, the delicate sway of your dress as you press your thighs together in the moment he stares up at you with an unreadable expression on his face before the quiet is broken by his captivating voice. 
“please understand how serious this is to me.”
dilucs hands are gentle as they pull you over to him and all you can do is follow their silent command that helps you rest over his thick thighs, your stomach pressed against the muscles there. your hands desperately cling to the sheets near your head that can’t seem to form one coherent thought other than you’re certain that you’ve made diluc mad and are about to be punished for it. how fucking badly you need the him. how shamefully turned on you are.
he uses the same softness as he lifts up your dress, letting the tips of his fingers graze along the supple skin of your thighs the higher he lifts it until your bum is exposed to the hot air of the room.
you can hear the way he sucks in breath seeing you aren’t wearing any panties under your dress, though this wasn’t exactly what you had in mind when you decided to go without them this morning. it wouldn’t be enough to stop him.
“this is for your own good darling.” his thick voice, a mix of burning desire and commanding seriousness, makes your heart stop completely but you hardly have time to register it before a large hand comes down and smacks your ass with more strength than you were expecting, the sting sending shots of electricity through your entire body and sets your heart to a wicked drumming beat. 
you whimper at the mix of pain and pleasure, the emptiness of your pussy and are unable to stop the way your body trembles and arches. your face burns when you come down for the jolt it sent through you and though you can feel his eyes on you, you can’t meet his gaze.
the cool air on your skin when he removes his hands makes your body break out into goosebumps. 
“i need you.” another smack fills the air, makes your body jump and you try to swallow the filthy and pathetic noises threatening to escape past your lips. his palm soothes over your skin that tingles with the aftershock, warm and comforting. a mix of soft and marred skin caressing something precious, with the utmost care. “need you safe and sound in my arms. i can’t lose you.”
his voice trembles with emotion. you want to sooth him, kiss him, hold him close but you can’t move, can’t speak, can hardly breathe. the heat of his palms leaves your skin and can hear him bringing it down against your ass again.
“‘luc!” you cry out, chasing after his touch. your mind is so fuzzy, your body burning and melting in the heat coursing through your body that’s being fueled by the hand once again caressing you so lovingly over the pleasurable ache.
“do you understand love?” it’s not condescending or meant with any rudeness. there’s only love and worry for you, his very heart and soul, his light in darkness that he thought he was shackled to, that he could never be without again. please understand the gravity you hold on him. that he could not bear to lose you, no matter how small the risk. “i need you to tell me that you understand, that you will put your safety first. please.” 
you don’t know why you hesitate even when he’s pleading with you. maybe because you want more. more of his touch, more of his words and the fire that's slowly consuming you both. would your lungs even work?
he says your name, his tone is dripping with grave urgency.  
“i - i understand ‘luc,” you say breathlessly, trying to swallow the traces of need and let him know you mean it honestly. “i’m sorry..”
the weight of his chest against your back, the rub of his hand over the still stinging hand print you can feel on your ass, is comforting, soothing and the feeling of his lips near your ear has you falling limp against his thighs and the bed.
diluc sighs, letting go of the tension that had built in his chest from the moment he saw you in danger and that turned into something else entirely when he was overtaken with the need to show you how important this is, how important you are, when you so easily brushed off your own safety. “all that matters is that you’re okay.”
“i am,” you assure him, bringing your hand up to his face and relishing in him leaning into your touch, the heat of his breath behind your ear. “i’ll always come back to you. always.”
“as will i, my love,” he promises and the words echo in your ears when you feel his hand move, long and scarred fingers gliding between your legs, barely needing one touch to be soaked in your essence. 
diluc groans at how wet you are, how easily your body bows to allow him to part your folds down the length of your slit and press against your swollen clit, skilled fingers rubbing in circles with the perfect pressure that has you moaning into the sheets.
you can feel how hard he is, how hard he’s been with his impressive length under your tummy and when he sinks two fingers into you so easily, thanks to how dripping and needy you are, his hips instinctively lift and buck to feel more of you. any part of you he could, just to feel more of you.
but diluc doesn’t focus or care about his own pleasure. not that it was unusual for him, your pleasure is always his own but right now, he only wishes to make you feel good after causing you pain, even if he thought it necessary and your body told him of how much you enjoyed it.
in his seemingly infinite strength, he moves you effortlessly into a comfortable position over the edge of bed, your legs dangling over the edge but your toes don’t meet the ground with how high up the bed is. diluc is sure to gather your dress and secure it around your hips so it doesn’t get ruined. you hear the thump on the hardwood as he takes a knee behind you and at the large hands that spread your folds for him to devour you, with both his hungry eyes and mouth, you bury your face in the pillow he’d moved for you to rest your head on.
pressing a thumb against your clit, you feel his nearly panting breath on the still warm skin he had spanked, the faint touch of his lips making you murmur his name is a sweet plea. the kiss he places there is considerate, soft, but the lower his lips travel, the more impure they become. 
at the first taste of you, you can feel more than hear diluc groaning in addicting pleasure, as if you were the sweetest, most divine thing he had ever touched or tasted. it was so much more to him, more than he could put into words, especially so when he is between your legs, savoring every heaven sent drop of you and the way his hot mouth made you wither and writhe.
the tip of his tongue replaces his fingers at your clit, rolling over the sensitive bud before taking it before his mouth and suckling with fervor. powerful hands sink into the flesh of your hips and pull you back into him, the tip of his nose nudging against your entrance, wild ringlets of vermillion hair tickling your thighs, a mix of saliva and slick coating the lower part of his face.
“oh diluc!” you cry out loudly at a partially hard suck. even into the pillow it seems loud in the room but you can’t hold it back with the white hot pleasure coursing through you at how he devours you like a man starved and who may never eat again.
with his cock twitching in his tight pants, sticky pre wetting his underwear, diluc pulls away from your clit and licks a thick stripe up to your entrance, beginning to fuck you on his tongue by pushing and pulling your hips while pulling away and meeting you half way just to delve that much deeper into you until you worry he hasn’t had a breath in so long.
when he does move away, the loss of his tongue leaves you unbelievably empty but when two thick fingers fill you only seconds later, curling into that perfect spot inside your velvety walls, you barely have a chance to protest or catch your breath. all you can do is repeat his name and arch your back so he can reach at a better angle.
you feel the press of wet lips against your bum, right over where he had spanked you, the unevenness of his breath matching the thrusting of his fingers into your little hole. “did so good for me love. so good. fuck.. i love you darling - i love you more than i know how to put into words.” 
he can feel you clenching around his fingers at the praise and confession of his feelings, so very close and it only makes his movements more precise, overwhelming and burning hot. he needs to feel you coming undone just as badly as you feel yourself breaking and the reminder of his hand meeting your skin when it still tingles under his kisses drives you over the edge with deep arch of your back and the sweet call of his name from your lips.
never wanting a bit of you to go unloved, not taken in by him, his mouth comes back to your cunt, drinking down every drop of you that leaks from the movement of his fingers and down to your clit and after ensuring you’ve rode out every second of your orgasm, he pulls them out of slowly, licking his fingers clean before standing and handling your dress, pulling it down from where it now pooled closer to your chest and middle back, first covering your bum and glistening cunt.
diluc takes such care to lift and cradle your limp body in his arms, fixing your dress in the front as he kisses the top of your head and takes a deep breath in hopes you’ll try to match it and catch your own that still has yet to settle. you do and as you let out a steaming breath, you sink into his embrace.
settling his back on the headboard, he keeps you pressed as close to him as possible, like he needs to hold you close, feel you breathing and warm and clinging to him. there's an unmistakable hardness pressing against your spent body but your beloved doesn’t pay any mind or attempt to do something about it. perfectly content holding you like this and placing kisses to the top of your head.
with the steady beat of his heart in your ears, you feel your own beating in sync the more you come down from your high and murmur into his chest. “i love you too ‘luc, so much.”
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
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goldfish-afterhours · 5 months
Genshin Characters Apologizing After a Bad Fight
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Zhongli x Gn!reader
Type/genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst/hurt comfort?
Warnings: Curse words, probably not the healthiest coping mechanisms/apologies
His apology comes out strained, as if the words are clinging to the back of his throat
His fists are clenched tight by his side. He prepares himself for you to yell, to scream at him
But you don’t even turn around to look at him
Diluc always saw you as his rock, his lighthouse in the stormy night, the one who keeps him steady as his duties of both vineyard owner and vigilante shake him back and forth like a ragdoll
But right now, it hits him for the first time how small your back is, how human you look
Has he been taking you for granted all this time?
When you don’t respond to his apology, he calls your name, and you finally turn around
His eyes widen when he sees the tears streaming down your face
His heart absolutely breaks. How could he have made you, his love, his everything, hurt this much?
Before either of you says anything, Diluc flies towards you, cradling your head gently in his arms, as if any slight pressure would cause you to break and shatter like glass
“How pathetic of me to make you cry. I’m so sorry.”
His heart could rival the weight of the world right now
Childe isn’t used to disappointing others. No, he’s always been the golden boy, the prodigy, the one who sets the bar and breaks it at the same time
So how come you are sitting with your back to him, refusing to say a word?
And why can’t he find it in himself to say something, anything, to make this better?
He is petty person, someone willing to drown an entire city rather than admit defeat. Any word of apology is almost impossible to force out of him.
Instead, he drops a book in front of you. It flips to a random page, and you can see the photos and names of people listed on it
Not unlike a cat bringing their owner a mouse, this was Childe’s form of an apology, even without the actual words being uttered.
“Choose any person from this book. I’ll bring you their head.”
His fingers are restless, constantly scratching the back of his hand or twisting each other
His jaw is clenched, shoulders slumped forwards as he refuses to look you in the eye
“I…I was wrong. I’m sorry.”
You knew that Kaeya had a hard time with apologizing—not because he was arrogant and thought he could do no wrong, but the emotional and physical toll it took on him was great
He often finds himself caught in a dilemma
On one hand, he has a difficult time admitting he is wrong as it forces him into a vulnerable position. To be wrong is shameful, an embarrassment.
On the other hand, he knows he fucked up. And he knows there are only a very few amount of fuck ups people let slide before they get fed up and leave.
And having you leave is not something he can afford
Kaeya’s seen this before. Faced again and again with abandonment, he knows a simple “I’m sorry” is not enough to make most people stay
But it is all he can offer
He prepares himself for the worst, but he was not prepared for the way you gently lifted his chin with your hands, a soft kiss melting away his fears
When you slam the door to your room, Zhongli doesn’t try to stop you
He doesn’t knock on your door, nor does he try to coax you out
He knows your type of anger—it’s like fire, and feeding premature apologies or sweet nothings would only fan the flames
So he sits outside your door until you’re ready to come out
Slips you snacks and books from under your door, in case you get hungry or bored in your anger
When you see the treats and novels slowly appear from under the door, you’re still fuming, but it’s difficult to be furious knowing your thoughtful lover is on the other side, not pushing you to calm down but trying to make you comfortable as you sit with your anger.
When you finally calm down enough to unlock the door and step outside, Zhongli is waiting
There is not a trace of annoyance on his face, but you can tell he relaxes a little from relief that you are willing to come speak with him again
Takes your hands in his, giving them a gentle squeeze as he apologizes for his behaviour earlier.
“Please accept my apology, my love. I never meant to hurt you.”
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seaslugfanclub · 24 days
Hi I'm a big fan of yours and I really enjoy the villains and y/n interactions. Btw I want to ask what made frollo develop feelings for y/n.
Do Judges dream of park attendants?
(Frollo x Reader)
TW: description of Panic attacks
Out of all the Disney villains brought to life by Disney, Frollo is having the hardest time. All of his beliefs, everything he had sacrificed in his life have been destroyed in an instant the moment he opened his eyes in this Infernal theme park
Frollo doesn’t actually believe he’s alive anymore, that the Disney parks is his divine punishment
Though deserved, everywhere he goes he’s ostracized and humiliated. His fellow villains love to single him out to needle him, especially Hades.
He’s so tight that if you shoved a piece of coal up his ass, two weeks later you’d get a diamond
It’s obvious in the film that his mental psyche is as fragile as communion wafers, and this has been amplified to 100 now that he’s in a completely unrecognizable reality.
He hasn’t slept in months, barley eaten (he excuses this as religious fasting) and rarely talks to others
The only person who tried to regularly interact with Frollo is that scrappy park attendant, (Y/N)…
Usually it’s quick conversations, greetings and goodbyes, “how are ya?”s, and sometimes brief smiles. Something that both disgusts and confuses Frollo, a strange prickling feeling in his cheeks whenever he makes eye contact with (Y/N)
Panic attacks have become a regular occurrence for Frollo, usually when the sensory nightmare of Disney parks get to much for him, although he usually isolates himself to avoid being so vulnerable
Most of the time Frollo’s able to keep his emotions in check until he’s alone, so most of his panic attacks come out at night
One night his episodes were really, really bad, everything Frollo had tried to hold in finally boiled over, leaving the ex-judge crumbled to the ground, frozen in terror.
He didn’t need a fireplace to feel the licks of flames on his skin, and no matter how hard he clenched his hands over his ears, Frollo couldn’t stop the chanting echoing in his head.
It felt like a lead weight was on his chest, and dark spots were crawling into his vision, threatening to pass out
Frollo was too lost in his own head, mumbling prayers to himself as the crackling of fire and chanting drowned out all sounds, even the light creaking of his bedroom door opening…
“Pr- preces meæ non sunt.. dignæ Sed- sed tu bonus fac benigne, Ne perenni cremer igne…. Pie Iesu Domine,Dona ipse requiem…. Preces meæ non—”
The feeling of a hand resting on his head broke Frollo out of his mumbling. Through blurry vision the ex-judge made out a figure crouching above him, their hand slowly petting his hair. The sensation of soft fingers on his hair felt grounding, with each stroke the flames began to lull…. Has an angel finally come to end his misery?
“Frollo? Are you alright?
The black spots around his vision began to subside, as his teary eyes cleared enough to see the worried face of (Y/N), the young park attendant. At any other point in time, Frollo would’ve flinched away from their touch, cursing them out for having the gall to lay their filthy hands on a holy man, but all of his senses had failed him, and their touch had quelled the flames and disembodied chanting around him.
Starving for any source of familiarity, Frollos trembling hands reached to clutch onto (Y/N)’s pants,
“Je ne peux plus faire ça— Je—”
“Frollo, please- I can’t understand you…” (Y/N) pleaded, at a loss at what to do with the pathetic man before them.
(Y/N) was finishing their shift for the evening, their final task was to check on each villain to make sure they were set for night. They were walking down the hall to check on Sher Khan when they heard a thump behind Claude Frollos door, wall muffling the sound of weeping. Knocking on the door brought to response, and worried that the old man might’ve actually fallen and couldn’t get up, (Y/N) slowly cracked open the door.
Instead of being immediately kicked out by the ex-judge, French curses thrown at them— they found Frollo slumped against his bed, mumbling latin to himself, his eyes a thousand miles away.
(Y/N) was at a loss, they had never seen Frollo this desperate, this deep into despair. Even when they watched the “Hunchback of Notre Dame” and his song “Hellfire” was he this vunerable. This was unfamiliar territory.
But panic attacks were familiar, especially with how to deal with them.
“Frollo? You’re alright… Your minds just working against you right now.” (Y/N) hummed, continuing to pet Frollos silver hair,
“Here, I’ll be right back,” gently removing Frollos hands, (Y/N) grabbed a spare glass from his nightstand before rushing into the bathroom. Turning on the sink faucet, they filled the glass with cold water then crouched below the sink to open the drawers. They grabbed neatly folded a face towel, a Mickey Mouse insignia embroidered in the corner— (Y/N) wet the towel, making sure that it was thoroughly soaked then grabbed the glass, walking back into Frollos room, the man still on the floor, pale face just watching (Y/N).
“Try to drink something, I know you might feel nauseous, but I promise this helps,” They offered the glass to Frollo, who continued to just stare at (Y/N). After a few seconds between them, He hesitantly reached out and took the water with shaking hands.
As he began to take small sips, the cold water cooled his throat, and he could feel the water cool his insides as he swallowed. The flames were dowsed.
“It’s already 11, you must be exhausted… I think it’s best to try and sleep. Don’t even worry about changing, just get comfortable. I always feel better when I lie down.”
Helping him up, they watched patiently as Frollo collapsed into his bed, not even bothering to pull up the sheets. As he lay on his back, he finally closed his eyes, only for them to open again when (Y/N) lifted his bangs to place the cold wash-cloth on his forehead. His pale cheeks prickling again at the feather light touch of (Y/N) fingers and the cooling sensation of the cloth on his skin.
“Uh— whenever I get an attack, anything cold helps me bring myself back to reality.. and uh, and a wet washrag stays cool for a while, I like to wash my face with it to feel refreshed.” (Y/N) offered quietly, having a difficult time maintaining eye contact with Frollo.
Frollo was at a loss, never— never has he been the subject of such care from another human before, not as a boy, not from the church, not even from his lord. How could he even react to this? It was all to much.
He was tired, mentally and physically, darkness beginning to overtake his vision again, but this time from pure exhaustion.
Risking it a final time, (Y/N) gave Frollos hair one last pet, “I’ll find a way to take you off schedule for the rest of the week, I wish I could get you months off… I’m sorry. But for now, get some rest ok?”
With a final smile, they turned to resume their rounds, already late to check up on the others, but before they could step away from the bed, a hand grasped their arm, stopping them.
Turning back around, they looked down at Frollos pleading face, an almost manic look in his eyes.
“Stay… please… at least until I’ve fallen asleep..”
With wide eyes, (Y/N) looked down at him shocked, before sighing.
“Of course.. try to rest now.” They relented, taking a seat at the foot of Frollos bed. The others could wait.
Silence fell over the two, (Y/N) waiting patiently as a good 15 passed. Just when they thought he had fallen asleep a whisper escaped him,
“mon ange..”
And with that, sleep overtook Claude, no longer able to fight off his exhaustion. Warmth enveloping him as he dreamt of feather light touches and scrappy park attendants.
Sorry if this feels forced or too OOC 😅, I just love Frollo so much, and taking care of others is my love language. When I tell you I need this man whimpering—
“Pr- preces meæ non sunt.. dignæ Sed- sed tu bonus fac benigne, Ne perenni cremer igne…. Pie Iesu Domine,Dona ipse requiem…. Preces meæ non”:
My prayers are worthless, Yet, good Lord, graciously grant that I be not burned up by the everlasting fire. Lord, all-pitying, Jesus blest, Grant myself Thine eternal rest.
“Je ne peux plus faire ça— Je—“:
I can’t do this anymore—I can’t—
“mon ange..”:
My angel..
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underdark-dreams · 6 months
I would like to request something soft and sweet. Years after saving the Gate and having moved in with Rolan, Cal, and Lia, Tav is enjoying the day reading/admiring Rolan as he works, and then either a) Tav asks Rolan to marry them or b) Rolan asks Tav to marry him.
Thank you 💕💕
Rolan x fem!Tav
Was it wrong to feel selfish about the person you loved? Rolan and Tav finally get a night alone at the Tower to talk about what each of them wants.
Tags: Romantic Fluff, Mild Angst, Marriage Proposals | SFW
Word Count: 4,316 [Read on AO3]
“All right, all right. Three harpies at once, no weapons. How do you win?”
“Do they have the high ground?”
From the settee by the fire, Lia pointed down at her little brother as though he’d brought up a key point. “You’re on even terrain.”
“Right, this one’s easy.” Cal settled back comfortably against the rug with hands clasped behind his head. “I start yelling loud enough that I can’t hear the harpy song. Then, I charge at whichever one’s singing loudest and knock the wind out of them with my horns, and then, you know." He waved a hand around vaguely. "Rough 'em up."
“So fucking stupid—” Lia fell sideways in her seat, clutching her side with laughter.
“I keep telling you, you’re always forgetting about the horns.” Cal jabbed a finger at his forehead. “Natural advantage, Lia, you should know this by now.”
The absurd conversation was impossible to block out, but Rolan made an attempt as he bent over his desk. Behind him, he felt Tav's chest reverberating with laughter at his siblings. 
She was in one of her affectionate moods tonight. She'd drawn up a chair behind his in order to rest her cheek against his back, one wrist draped loosely over his shoulder. 
Rolan didn't mind the closeness—he never did from her. But between her warmth and his siblings' ridiculous game of what-if, he'd barely written one paragraph in the past ten minutes. He finally gave up and set aside his quill.
Tav shifted slightly on his shoulder. "How's Gale?" She asked, perhaps feeling guilty about interrupting his concentration. 
“He’s well. His new class has a few with real promise, according to Tara.”
"I can't believe Tara likes you more than me," she mumbled suddenly against his back. "I met her first."
Her petulant tone made his mouth twitch into a smile. He would’ve turned to kiss her if they were alone. Instead, Rolan only pressed his lips to the hand draped over his shoulder. "Tressyms know a good wizard when they see one, dearest."
“Makes two of us,” she replied. The soft words ghosted across the skin on his neck, raising goosebumps under his collar.
It suddenly seemed like a very good idea to tell his siblings to get lost. Rolan was saved the necessity by a stroke of good timing. Near the fireplace, there was the soft clinking of plate armor as Lia got to her feet.
“Right, I’m off—” Lia buckled her scabbard around her waist as she rose, her shortsword tip clanking against the greaves over her shins. “Can’t be late to lead my first evening patrol.”
It had never occurred to Rolan before that Lia might end up in the Flaming Fist. He had to remind himself that the company’s reputation had improved considerably in the year since Florrick had succeeded Ulder Ravengard. Corruption and bad behavior had flourished under Gortash, but Florrick had done much to clean the Fists’ ranks of the worst—at least within the city walls. 
As he looked at her now, standing tall in her emblazoned surcoat, Rolan realized that his young sister was quite grown up. She’d earned a promotion to Gauntlet faster than any of them expected, a fact she loved to remind them of—especially Rolan. Lia took care of others the way she always had, and now she could take care of herself. The thought was somehow bittersweet in Rolan’s chest.
"Me as well," Cal chimed in from the floor. Though he only stretched arms and legs out long with a massive yawn.
“Don’t rush off,” Rolan drawled, but there was affection in it.
“Highberry’s are across the street, I got a few minutes.” Cal scrubbed his face with both hands as if to wake himself. “We got new ones at the orphanage last week, twin boys. They’re good kids, but gods, do they play hard…feel like my back’s aged about ten years…”
Lia stepped over to give him a hand up with a chuckle. “Read the room, Cal. The lovers need their alone time.”
Cal glanced around at the two in question. Tav still rested her cheek on Rolan’s shoulder with an expression of dreamy happiness, while Rolan was failing to hide a scowl. Lia knew how he hated when either of them used that word.
“Ah, right—” Cal slipped to his feet, sounding eager to be off all of a sudden. “I’ll be back after sunrise. Keep the place together while I’m gone?” He added, a fine joke considering Cal was always the one breaking things.
Rolan’s only response was to wave his quill behind him in a shooing motion. Tav called a friendly goodbye to brother and sister as they made their way down the main staircase, chatting as they went.
Once their footsteps had retreated completely, her restraint evaporated. “Thank the Gods, come here—”
Rolan barely managed to save his inkwell from overturning as she twisted to launch her torso across his lap, capturing his face in both hands for an enthusiastic kiss. His near arm gripped around her middle, no doubt leaving ink stains from his fingers against her linen shirt—he found himself unable to care about anything but the sweet taste of her lips.
They each pulled away for breath at the same moment. Tav’s grip lingered, her fingers combing back through his hair gently to clasp together at his nape.  
“Hello,” she grinned. Her eyes roamed over his face like he was everything.
Rolan’s palm brushed down her back, utterly content. “Hello.”
They took each other in like that for a long moment, just enjoying the quiet closeness. Her fingers smoothed and combed the hair back from beside Rolan’s horns needlessly—a fussy gesture that nevertheless brought a hum of contentment to his chest.
Apparently satisfied that she had him put back to sorts, Tav’s hands moved to rest on Rolan’s shoulders. “Got more work to do?”
Though she phrased it as a question, Rolan sensed she already knew the answer. He let out a reluctant sigh.
“Go on,” said Tav, not waiting for his reply. Rolan’s shoulders received a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll wait for you.”
With one last soft kiss, she slid off his lap and away. Rolan said nothing, but he instantly missed the warm weight of her against him. 
Tav retrieved her current reading from the shelves behind and curled up on the now-vacant settee near the fireplace. Though his spirit rebelled, Rolan picked up his quill again to continue writing his last few replies. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could join her. 
For a while the vaulted room settled into a quiet, echoing lull. There was the crackle of magical flame in the great stone hearth; the rhythmic scratch of ink against parchment; the faint whistle of an evening breeze out on the open balcony beyond. Periodically, he heard Tav turn another page of her book.
Before long he’d reached the final sealed envelope on the day’s pile. As Rolan stretched his hand for it, he caught sight of Tav watching him over the back of her seat.
“Just admiring,” she sighed, eyes sparkling. “You look so handsome when you’re concentrating like that.”
Rolan’s brow wrinkled playfully at her. “Am I not usually handsome?”
“Hmm. You just think that because you’re in love with me,” Rolan replied curtly. He turned back to his work in an attempt to hide the way she made him smile and flush like an idiot.
“Both can be true,” she called back, not denying anything. But Rolan heard the shuffle of pages as she returned to her reading.
It took him a moment to regain concentration on his work. Rolan’s eyes reread several lines of the letter before him multiple times. But this one was truly quite important—a missive from the archwizards’ council at Blackstaff Tower. They were inquiring about his arcane research, apparently intrigued for the first time in years by his own Tower’s new ownership. He dove back in to focus on answering their questions in detail.
Half an hour and five sheets of parchment later, Rolan finally surfaced back to reality. He straightened up and promptly felt a pop in his neck from his stiff writing posture. The last light of sunset had slipped from the sky, leaving inky blackness behind each vaulted window of the cathedral-like interior.
As he rolled his aching shoulders, Rolan glanced toward Tav—only to find that the seat by the fire was empty. Rolan glanced back around the room, finding the rest of it empty as well. 
Had she given up waiting and gone up to bed? The thought disappointed him, though it opened up other possibilities. 
But Tav had told him she'd wait, and she wouldn't lie. As he rose from his desk to search for her, Rolan caught a faint metallic tap from the balcony.
Her silhouette was cast in relief against the dark sky. It was a moonless night; the pale orange glow of lamplight from the streets far below was the only light lining the edge of her figure, that and what little firelight streamed out through the highly vaulted doorway. Tav leaned on her elbows, the pewter wine glass under her fingers tapping an absent little rhythm against the stone railing. It was one of her habits when deep in thought.
Rolan allowed himself a moment to admire her. Seeing her in a quiet pose like this was one of his favorite things in all the Realms. Tav had become so many things to so many people in the short year he’d known her: hero, savior, diplomat, even rather a politician. 
But tonight, for now…she was just Tav. His Tav.
Rolan felt a pang of something like guilt in his stomach. It was by no means the first time he’d had such a feeling about her. His; possessive, controlling. It reminded him of the way he used to think before she came into his life.
For a long time, Rolan had felt a need to control the people he loved. If he didn’t, who would? Control just went hand in hand with protection. Caring for others was a luxury, and if the events of his life had taught him anything up to that point, it was that fate and misfortune were always looking for ways to separate you from what you cared about most.
And Tav had slipped so easily into the deepest depths of his heart. At first begrudgingly, resentfully…Rolan hadn’t exactly seen her as a welcome addition to their lives when they’d first met long ago on the road to Baldur’s Gate. 
Right now, it was impossible to imagine anything but love for her. 
As Rolan watched a soft breeze ruffle the ends of her hair, something uncertain bloomed inside of him. Was it wrong to feel selfish like this about the person you loved? The question hung unanswered in his chest. Rolan felt its weight there tonight, like a heavy stone dragging on his heart. 
His hand absently brushed against the small leather pouch he kept tied on his belt—there was a small clink of metal against metal from inside.
“Just going to stand there?”
Tav’s voice brought him back to reality in the most pleasant way. Rolan blinked to find that his legs had carried him forward to the arched doorway of their own volition. 
Tav stood a few strides away, watching him over her shoulder with a bemused smile. The firelight streaming out from behind him softly illuminated her features. 
In the next moment, Rolan had closed the distance to tilt her face into a kiss. Her empty cup clattered forgotten to the stone tiles at their feet. Would he ever tire of the way her arms circled around his shoulders like that? 
Rolan didn’t think it was likely—he nuzzled against her cheek as their lips parted, inhaling her familiar and comforting scent.
“What’s with you tonight?” Tav laughed, the sound breathy and soft against his collar.
“What?” Rolan protested, drawing her away slightly to examine her face. “Can’t I appreciate the woman I love?”
A happy flush rose to her cheeks, unnoticeable in the dim to someone without Rolan’s precise vision. But notice he did, just as she caught the way his golden eyes traveled over her expression. Tav pressed her face back into his shoulder as her arms squeezed tighter around him. 
“I wish we had more time,” she said against the crook of his neck.
Rolan tried to quell the instinctive panic that rose in his chest at her words. Instead, he stroked a hand over her hair. “What do you mean?”
The way she paused before answering allowed Rolan’s heart just enough time to wind up to a brisk rhythm against his ribcage. Eventually, Tav leaned back to look at him. Her expression had grown quite serious.
“I know that you—” She cut herself off, then wet her lips and began again. “Rolan, this place is your life. I’m not under any misconceptions that all this—” She tipped her head and looked sideways as if to indicate the Tower itself. “—That any of it’s going away any time soon. You know that, right?”
Her face tilted toward him with utter sincerity. Rolan found that his thoughts were forming with an odd slowness, as if swimming around his brain through something gelatinous.
“And you’ve been very understanding,” he managed to tell her. The guilt from earlier returned its grip over his chest. “More than I deserve.”
She sighed as her hand rose to his cheek. “Thank you for saying that…but you wouldn’t if you knew how often I daydream about kidnapping you away all for myself.”
Before Rolan could find a response to that, Tav had stepped back out of his grip with a soft curse.
“Damn—” She swore again, then wrung her hands with a shaky, anxious laugh. “This shouldn’t be this hard.”
Rolan still didn’t understand quite what she was saying, a sensation that he found deeply uncomfortable. It made him feel like a vessel adrift. He clasped hands behind his back to anchor himself, collecting his features into a guarded expression.
“Please,” Rolan invited her, tipping his horns to her in a way that felt awkwardly formal. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“I know.” She chewed the inside of her lip as she watched him. There was a tense pause, and then she launched in abruptly. 
“I’ve been thinking our life here in your Tower. You and me—us. And,” she added, “I’ve been thinking about your work. How much it means to you…how far you’ve come in just a year.”
Tav gave him a small smile, as if casting back to those tense and awkward times when they’d first known each other. Then her face fell again. “Sometimes it just feels like there’s something missing.”
Rolan found he had to glance away from her for a moment to collect his thoughts. “Are you unhappy?” He asked her slowly.
“What? Not at all—” Tav shook her head with vehemence. “You make me so happy, Rolan, you have no idea. It’s just that I—I’m not always satisfied,” she finished weakly. 
“I see.” Rolan kept his face very still, but his pulse beat painfully in his throat. 
She was unsatisfied with the life of an archmage’s partner. It was perfectly understandable—before she’d come to live with him, Tav traveled far and wide, sometimes leaving the city for a week to visit her far-flung companions across Faerûn and the very hells themselves. 
A life spent cooped up in a tower, no matter how grand—how could he have ever thought it would be enough for her?
Rolan’s guilty conscience was deserved. He had been too selfish with her. He wanted her safe; he wanted her here. Most of all, he wanted Tav to want to be with him.
And Rolan had been so sure that she did. Perhaps he’d let the strength of his own feelings mislead him.
Rolan was painfully aware of the silence stretching on between them. Another evening breeze stirred the air, and as it rustled through their clothing, Tav’s eyes searched his face.
“What are you thinking?” she asked quietly.
Behind his back, Rolan’s hands clenched where she couldn’t see them. Right now he was thinking of the small leather pouch that had hung from his belt for months, and the two small metal objects it contained, and the many ways he had imagined offering one of them to her. But none of those were things he should tell her now.
“Nothing,” Rolan answered aloud. “Only that I’ve been rather foolish.”
In response to that, a strange, puzzled expression passed over her face. Then her lips parted. 
“Ohhhh—” The sound rose from deep in her chest, a pained exhale. “No, Rolan, no no—”
Tav stepped to grasp his face between her hands with such speed that Rolan nearly flinched in surprise at the contact.
“I’m such an idiot,” she confessed to him. Her voice was very small all of a sudden. “I know I might not have the right to ask you, Rolan—but I don’t want less. I want more.”
Rolan’s eyes traveled back and forth between hers as if there was some hidden message he was missing there. “More?” He repeated, questioning. 
Tav nodded her head very slowly at him. “More of you. More of us.”
In the next instant it felt like the weight tangled around Rolan’s heart had snapped its line and plummeted straight down into his stomach. As he watched the firelight reflected earnestly in Tav’s eyes, realization shot up his spine like a shockwave. 
The force of his relief made his head spin. Rolan wanted to say a dozen different things to her all at once. Unfortunately, he found that his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth at the moment.
Instead—in a rare moment of clarity that was all reflex and no logic—Rolan felt himself sinking to one knee in front of her.
“Why are you—” 
Tav’s eyes went wide as she followed his face down to where he landed. Her hands fell from where they’d held him to hang down limp at her sides; her chest rose and fell as if she’d run a flight of stairs.
“How can you not know by now?” 
What a terrible way to begin, he thought—yet those were the words Rolan found leaving his mouth. Trying to right his thoughts, he reached for one of her hands and took it between both his own.
“Forgive me,” Rolan blurted out. “I swear I’ve practiced this before, but—I can’t remember all the best bits just now.”
Tav shook her head at him as if punch-drunk. “Don’t sell yourself short,” she whispered hoarsely.
A nervous bark of laughter escaped him. “Have you ever known me to be burdened with an excess of humility?”
Despite the electricity now swirling between them, the corners of Tav’s mouth twitched upward. “Point taken.”
Rolan used the moment to gather himself. His tongue suddenly felt two sizes too large, and he swallowed with effort against his dry mouth.
“You’ve always done so much for me. From the first moment…every moment. You’re the reason why I have Cal and Lia, why I have everything—” Rolan’s eyes left her only for a moment to pass up over the great spire of the Tower above them. 
From his periphery, Tav opened her mouth to protest.
“Please listen,” Rolan begged her before she could speak. He wished he’d thought this through even a little; his knee was already starting to ache against the stone, but he pushed through the discomfort.
Tav’s figure froze still in response as she watched him. Only her hand shook slightly between his palms.
“You must know what you mean to me,” Rolan murmured. “You’ve given me so much more than I deserve. You’ve loved me more than anyone…better than anyone. But—” He drew her hand a bit closer to his chest. “But I’m afraid there’s one more thing I have to ask you for.”
Tav’s lips were parted in anticipation as she hung on his words. She stood so motionless it was like kneeling at the foot of a beautiful statue. Only her wide eyes moved continuously over his face, and Rolan felt he could lose himself in them completely if he gazed too long.
“Let me give you more,” he asked simply. “Let me give you everything.”
“You—you damn wizard—” 
As she broke her silence, Tav’s expression was flickering somewhere between amusement and tears. She was shaking her head at him, moisture pricking at the corners of her eyes. “If you don’t say it plain in the next—”
“Marry me.”
Though they stood under open sky, the two words seemed to echo with deafening force against his own ears. The question hung like a tangible physical thing, reverberating painfully in the narrow space between their bodies. Rolan could only grip her hand like a lifeline and wait for her to say something—anything.
Finally, Tav burst out into a laugh. 
Or was it was a sob? 
It was some strange combination of both, a choked sound of relief rising in her throat even as Rolan watched liquid suddenly spill and roll down each of her cheeks. Before he knew what was happening, Tav had also dropped to her knees in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Whatever responses Rolan had anticipated, this was one he didn’t plan for. He could only freeze and watch her cry and wait for things to make sense again.
“I don’t know,” Tav hiccoughed through the rapid tears that were streaming down her face now. Her lips trembled as her hands found his shoulders, clutching two handfuls of his robes. “I d-don’t know,” she repeated. “But I want you, Rolan.”
He had just enough hope to take that as a yes. 
Rolan folded Tav’s body into his own with near crushing force. He was now overwhelmingly grateful for their absurd position kneeling together on the cold stone of the balcony. It was unthinkable to have her anywhere but in his arms right now.
“Yes, by the way—” Tav’s voice was muffled against his shoulder, but her chest shook against him with unmistakable laughter now.
“I had plans,” Rolan answered against her hair, half to himself. “None of this is right, hells, I swear I had so many plans—”
“Hold on,” Tav replied in a trembling laugh. She pulled away gently, just enough to notch one hand under Rolan’s ear. Her face radiated joy despite the damp skin on her cheeks. “Rolan, what on earth could be wrong right now?”
Everything, he wanted to groan out. But he bit the word back. 
Instead, Rolan ducked his head to fumble with the drawstrings of the leather bag fastened to his belt. Tav’s fingers dropped from his jaw as she watched on in silent curiosity. 
He shook the open bag over his hand. With a tiny clink, two rings poured from it and out onto Rolan’s outstretched palm. Even on a moonless night, the metal seemed to glow from within with a silver-blue fire.
“Mithril,” Tav breathed in pure delight.
The observation was so unexpected, yet so thoroughly Tav, that Rolan let out a choked laugh.
She touched fingers to her lips. “How long have—when did you—?”
“The week you moved in,” Rolan answered. The way her eyes flicked up to his in pure adoration made Rolan’s heart swell in his chest, but he continued. “That’s when I gave Dammon the commission. Of course it took months to find a vein of it down in the Underdark, I nearly went mad, you have no i—”
The words were stopped up as Tav’s lips collided against his. Rolan’s fist closed over the twin metal bands just as his hand was trapped between their chests.
She kissed him so long and so hard that Rolan gasped for air a bit when she broke away.
“Do you like it?” Rolan asked, needing her answer more than his lungs needed air.
“You’re kidding me.” Tav blinked at him. “Rolan, if you don’t put that thing on my finger this fucking minute, I swear I might have to reconsider.”
He wasn’t about to chance it. Rolan slipped the band onto the finger of her outstretched hand without hesitation; it fit her perfectly. She followed suit, her hand shaking slightly with excitement as the ring slid down to his knuckle.
For a moment they just held opposite hands out beside each other in quiet admiration. Then Rolan linked his fingers with hers, pulling their palms together. 
He supposed the rings were supposed to come after the vows, not before—but the sight of them on their interlocked fingers was too perfect to be wrong.
A moment later they helped each other back to their feet, both laughing at their stiff knees and the pins-and-needles in their legs. 
Rolan felt giddy as a youth. He couldn't stop kissing her; his arms circled her firmly into him, his tail looping around and over her hips in a caress. As Rolan watched the pure happiness radiating from Tav’s face, his heart was the lightest it had ever been.
“Now what?” He asked eventually.
Tav sighed with contentment in his arms. “Whatever you want.”
“I want to take you to bed,” Rolan answered without hesitation. Words had grown tiresome; he could think of no better way to demonstrate exactly the strength of his feelings for her right now.
In response, she separated to tug his hand with both of hers back under the doorway. 
“Then we’d better go,” she said, walking backwards so she could flash him a coy smile. “Because I want my fiancé to tell me about all those ways he didn't just propose.”
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Hello again! I was wondering if I could two requests? Both involved batmobile buddy again.
So with the first request: Buddy has been on earth with team for a few weeks following her reuniting with Ratchet, Sari and Bumblebee notice that Buddy and Ratchet might actually like each other more than just friends. So they become Ratchet's unofficial wingmen but they are really bad at it.
And the second request is that Decepticons mostly Megatron find out Buddy is also still alive. And he is really angry because like 'I thought got rid of her permanently during the war!?' Context: The decepticons are the Buddy when missing. They blow up her ship but the stasis pod was still intact where it crash landed on earth. And Buddy's things for communication where also destroyed.
Thanks! Love your work :)
All righty! Here is the first request! The second request will follow shortly.
Hope you enjoy!
Bumblebee and Sari trying to set Ratchet up with Batmobile Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Cybertronain reader
It was a nice change when Buddy decided to stay with Team Prime on Earth.
She claimed it was because there was more work to be done here than on Cybertron right now.
She did contact Ultra Magnus letting him know that she was online.
Buddy appearing on the screen from Ultra Magnus’s office.
“Ultra Magnus sir.”--Buddy
“You sound surprised sir.”--Buddy
“I thought…”--Magnus
“Such little faith Commander. I thought you had a little bit more trust in your former bodyguard to know it takes a lot more to keep me down.”--Buddy
“It is good to see that you are in good spirits Buddy. Will you be coming back to Cybertron with the Elite Guard?”--Magnus
Buddy looks at Sentinel who is looking at himself in the glass.
“…I am going to stay with Team Prime if that’s all right sir. There is more work to be done here.”--Buddy
Magnus nods.
“Very well. But do remember you will always have a place here on Cybertron.”--Magnus
Buddy nods and turns the video off.
Ratchet insisted on Buddy staying in the Plant for the first few days to adjust to everything.
To the humans and to their new alt mode.
Buddy liked the sleek car she chose but wasn’t too sure why so many humans called her ‘Batmobile’. Perhaps it was a human saying or something.
The two were often found chatting together.
The team had never seen another bot talking so casually with Ratchet.
And Ratchet not responding so sarcastically or rudely.
It was as if another bot had replaced their medic.
Sari and Bumblebee did a little digging on Buddy and Ratchet one day while they were on the Elite Guard’s ship.
The Jettwins help them snoop around for anything on the database.
The four of them eventually stumbled upon a video that had Ratchet and Buddy in the background.
Where they… hugging?
They were hugging.
…a rather long one too…
Was that a long hand hod too?!
Bee and Sari now have a new ship.
And they are determined to get it to sail.
The duo decides to get some information on Buddy.
“Any luck finding her?”--Sari
“Nope. She’s an even better hider than Prowl! Not to mention how quiet she is.”--Bumblebee
“I think we need to change tactic’s.”--Sari
“Like what? Ask Ratchet?”--Bumblebee
“… All right!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee goes up to Ratchet.
“Hey Doc-bot I’ve gotta question for ya.”--Bumblebee
“What is it? Can’t you see—”--Ratchet
“Do you like Buddy?”--Bumblebee
Ratchet drops his wrench while trying to form a complete sentence which ends up with him kicking Bumblebee out of the med bay.
“He didn’t say no!”--Bumblebee
The duo then decides to take the fate of these two into their own hands.
They try and set up a candle ‘dinner’ for the pair.
That was romantic enough, right?
Buddy and Ratchet walking into the room filled with candles.
“Oh for—this better not be one of those internet challenges again! I swear I am not pumping someone else’s fuel tank again if I find those darn Skittles in there!”--Ratchet
Buddy and Ratchet grab a fire extinguisher and extinguish the flames and ‘dinner’.
So, they try a different approach.
They wanted to play some romantic music to set the mood.
The problem with that was that they could decide which song to to put on the speakers and accidentally put on death metal screaming.
Ratchet and Buddy casually read some data pads.
On the speakers…
Ratchet and Buddy jump at the screaming.
Buddy swiftly slings Ratchet over her shoulders and gets him out of the plant.
“You think that worked?”--Sari
Buddy comes back with a large iron pipe in both servos.
“Abort, abort, abort!”--Bumblebee
The final attempt was love letters.
They both placed the love letters outside their rooms and waited.
This had to work!
There was no way this wasn’t going to work!
Buddy reading her note.
Bumblebee and Sari are watching from a far.
Ratchet walks up to Buddy.
“Is it working?”--Bumblebee
They both tun back to Buddy.
“You got a letter too?”--Ratchet
“Yes, and besides the horrible handwriting, these are definitely threat notes.”--Buddy
“What?!”—Bumblebee and Sari
“Don’t worrying Ratchet, I’ll keep an optic out for anything suspicious.”--Buddy
“Sure, you go do that then.”--Ratchet
Ratchet and Buddy go their separate ways as Bee and Sari die a little bit inside.
Bee and Sari just about give up for the day.
Maybe another day it’ll happen.
Meanwhile Buddy and Ratchet are watching them from a far with servos intertwined.
“Don’t you think we should tell them we’re Conjunx Endura?”--Buddy
“And spoil the fun? No, let them try and figure things out.”—Ratchet
Buddy chuckles a bit slightly squeezing his servo while watching the kids try to go over more plans for the couple.
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wayfayrr · 3 months
I offer the idea of soft times with sage
Braiding hair, just cuddling with each other and overall spending time with one another.
- 🍄
(It’s been a bit lmao, college kicked me in the shins)
sorry it's been a while since you sent this, I relate with uni being a bitch though :')
I'm gonna use this ask though to put it out that I'm no longer going to be writing for Sage, however I won't stop writing totk link altogether - instead I've been creating a link that's more inline for how I see his character and for how I'm comfortable to write <3 I've been calling him Tears so far and I have to thank a lot of my mutuals for chipping in ideas with a special mention to @glowyskull for coming up with some of the best headcanons I think I've ever heard (the last three are courtesy of them) <333 @h4wari, @mushroomwoods, @sketchyspook here's the boy you were waiting for!!! (thank you all for your help too <333)
and without any more hesitation here he is!!
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✦ he got the nickname tears for a reason, anything and everything will set this boy off. he's a true crybaby and will certainly use it to try and win your attention from the others. It's not always cause he's sad though, sometimes things can just get overwhelming 
✦ his memory can be a bit spotty, unlike wild he rushed through his previous quest, not that he's all that fussed about missing those memories - making new positive ones are more important to him
✦ like his counterpart, he's got a couple of different nicknames, tears is the most prominent however architect does tend to show itself fairly often. messing around to see what different kinds of contraptions he can make is one of his favourite pastimes, one he'll happily share if given the chance.
✦ wild and him have been assumed many times to be identical twins, seeing as his stint in the shrine of ressurection put a halt to most of his aging processes. not that he doesn't bring up his actual age every now and then for a little shock factor
✦ thankfully they're easy to tell apart, seeing as tears discovered how to dye his hair and paint his nails quickly into his second quest, leading to his hair forever being stained with a multitude of different colours while his nails change colour nearly every other day
✦ his cheeky side is still very much there though, ready to make the dumbest puns you've ever heard and to not stop till you're laughing no matter how hard you cringe at them when he starts.
✦ one of the most affectionate links, willing to do basically anything you ask him to and even things you didn't. give him the smallest hint you like a certain food? what do you mean it's a little suspicious he suddenly has all of its ingredients for it - he simply wanted to try it himself, can you tell him if it tastes right?
✦ He hates to see anyone crying, especially his significant other, nine times out of ten it’ll end up with him crying at your side but he’s always there at your side to cheer you up. If you can’t bring yourself to speak about whatever is upsetting you though? Luckily for him a simple kiss of your tears is enough to show him the memory that hurt you. Thankfully it also goes for the happier ones.
✦ Your smile and praise is something he simply lives for, headpats being his favourite way to receive it, leave him alone with belongings for too long though and when you come back he’s standing next to them with a blinding smile having fused a lot of them to each other or to something he thinks would be useful for you to have. Granted the journal flame thrower combination might not have been his brightest moment. 
✦ the same desire can come out in other ways though, such as giving you different nicknames with his personal favourite calling you his sundelion. Sometimes he really shows how much he likes that nickname by making you flowercrowns as surprises. Granted every now and then he takes it a little too far, telling you you’re all he needs to heal from the gloom instead of taking any real treatment.
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Tending the fire is probably one of the easiest and most calming tasks I could’ve been given today, it’s nice to have something to zone out with after a whole day on the road. Not that I can complain about it though, we didn’t run into any monsters or other threats and travelling was calm. Who’s trying to get my attention by tapping me on the back though?
“[name]? Mind if I come sit with you for a bit, I'd like to get to know you better if that's alright.”
“Yeah of course Tears, If we’re going to be traveling together for a while it makes a lot of sense too.”
This man is a sweetheart I can tell, just from saying yes to him he’s already got the most coy smile on his face; it’s like his face is practically glowing from it when he sits. Shuffling closer to my side almost like he’s asking if it’s alright for him be be this close, with the way the firelight is illuminating him is making me question if the warmth on my face is really from the fire or not now. Just distract yourself with something before you get any redder. 
“Oh? You’ve got something in your hair, one second-”
The moment I plucked the stick out of his hair he froze up, his cheeks flushing before relaxing. 
“Are - are you good? Sorry I should’ve asked first.”
“No, no, no it’s alright I just… didn’t expect it?”
“Yeah I know, next time I’l-”
“Actually would you um mind playing with my hair? I ah never really get the chance to relax like this.”
Well isn’t that simply adorable, I would be heartless to say no to such a request. Besides, I know wild has some of the softest hair possible so the chance to play with it? No way am I going to miss that if all that visible dye hasn’t fried it to bits.
“If that’s what you want then I won’t say no.”
“Really?”Is he - no he can’t be, or maybe… is he so starved of affection that he’d tear up over something this small, the more I think about it, it does make sense. Playing with his hair is so relaxing I almost missed the fact that he was starting to tear up more, all I can hope for is that they’re not from him being upset.
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122 notes · View notes
sink-me-in-your-ocean · 4 months
Dewdrop/Sodo ghoul x demon!fem!reader smut
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WC: 5100
A/N: @endhisbloodlineinmyesophagus ty for being my inspiration during these times of turmoil. Also - set in the roaring Twenties… for no reason other than fun.
Content warnings: fingering, p in v sex, biting, rough sex, marking, kn!fe play, kn!fe k!nk, blood play (towards the end) and consumption. 18+ only. Minors DNI.
NSFW below the cut.
The evening sparkled, there was no other way to describe it. Men in suits, women in sequins, feathers, and fringe-trimmed dresses.
You had one last evening to celebrate after gathering necessary intel on the earthly plane for the devious devils down below who employed you. Everything could have been perfect, had it not been for your choice of company and his complete and utter determination to ruin the evening.
You had spent the entire afternoon doing up your hair, placing the curls just so. Your horns were hidden perfectly beneath the human glamour you had chosen. The dress you chose was as low cut as you could get without being confused for a prostitute. You still had to look your part, after all. You shimmered like an effervescent glass of champagne, all golden and gorgeous from head to toe. The color complimented your human-shade skin so nicely. Even the undergarments you chose were golden, the garter belt holding your hosiery up and the unlined bra doing the same to your soft breasts.
Only one problem.
Dewdrop would not stop reaching under the table towards you. He couldn’t stop fidgeting since you left the hotel room, rather. First it was his shoes, dragging up and down your stocking-clad calves to get your attention, then he switched seats at the four-top, so he would be right next to you. Hands, feet, the backs of your knees, everything was on the table apparently. 
His tail snaking its way up the skirt of your dress was the final straw. You were at a nice restaurant trying - failing - to enjoy a nice dinner. Just one teensy weensy thing in your temporary masquerade among the humans. For fucks sake, the place had white linen tablecloths. 
Thankfully you were sitting at a corner table.
“Dew.” You said through a forced smile, “I’m being serious this time.” 
You took a purposeful sip of your white wine, narrowing your eyes over the rim of the glass. The crisp, dry taste of the chilled beverage kept you from completely scowling at him. At least it did until you felt his tail curling up the edge of your dress again.
You scolded him again, “You know you shouldn’t be doing that, ghoul.”
His face was smug, “I can do whatever I want.” 
“Just not whenever you want.” You shot back.
“You can’t deny me.” His gaze was intense, fuck, you wanted to give in to his whims so badly. You couldn’t though, not now. No matter how much you wanted him to bend you over and fuck you on top of this perfectly white cloth-covered table.
“I can, and I am.” Your resolve was firm, but for how much longer it would stay that way, you hadn’t a clue.
The two of you stared intensely at each other, his irises started shifting beneath his glamour, blood-red cutting through. 
“Hah!” You exclaimed, though not loud enough to draw any untoward attention, “Sloppy, as usual, Dew. As soon as you get your mind in the gutter you start slipping.”
“As long as you’re there to catch me.” He grinned devilishly, and you could see his fangs poking through.
“I’ll catch you alright.” You sneered, “Right between my teeth I’ll catch you, honeydew.” You ended the sentence calling him your favorite term of endearment while simultaneously dragging your tongue across the top row of your even teeth. The action pointedly reminded him how your glamour was perfectly intact.
What was meant to douse the flames only added fuel to the fire ghoul. But that was the nature of your, rather explosive, relationship. 
You opened your folding fan, the air in the room suddenly feeling stale and hot. As you fanned yourself his greedy, ghoulish hands made their way back to your thigh under the table. 
You struck his offending hand reflexively before your brain could catch up. Perfectly in time for the runners to bring your appetizers out. 
“Thank you.” You smiled graciously, Dew scowled, staring at the human food in front of you both. “Don’t even start now.” You warned him.
“Fine.” He sighed, looking around before scooping up his food and shoveling it down without tasting it. He sat back in his seat as you brought the first bite to your wine-red lips. “I want to play a game.”
“What did you have in mind?” You said absently, glancing around sharply to make sure no one was watching his abhorrent display of table manners.
“If anyone looks too long at you -”
You interrupted him, “Too broad, be specific.” You had another bite of the tangy appetizer. 
“Fine.” He huffed, looking around the room before a wicked grin crept over his face. “If that waiter comes over here for no reason again, I get to spank you.”
Touché, that was specific enough. “Oh, I see, and if he comes over here with a purpose?”
“Your choice then.”
“Nah, too boring.” He let out an irritated noise, but you ignored him, “How about this, if you get jealous of him flirting with me, I get at least one more orgasm than you.”
“That’s assuming he will flirt with you, which there’s no way he will do that with me here.” He seemed overly confident. “The human men respect each other way more than they respect women.”
The match was set. “Then you shouldn’t be afraid of being jealous.”
“I’m never jealous.”
“We’ll see about that.” A smirk touched your lips before you finished your plate of food.
You enjoy the rest of your meal, each course exciting your taste buds more than the last. Finally, it was time for dessert. Out came the most decadent looking chocolate frosted cake on a silver platter. The waiter, whose name you learned was Liam after you asked and batted your eyelashes, promptly served you a slice of the checkerboard cake. 
You took a huge bite, savoring the sweetness. Vanilla and chocolate, perfect for your indecisive self.
The waiter serves Dewdrop a slice as well before his watchful eyes look at your face again
“Miss, you have some, er, frosting on your cheek.”
“Oh, do I?” You played so innocently. “Be a dear and get it for me, would you?”
“With pleasure.” He plucks a dark napkin from the inside of an otherwise empty wine glass. The man leans in and dabs the cloth on your cheek, the side of his finger brushing your skin excited you. You didn’t break eye contact until you felt the whole table rattle as Dewdrop kicked it.
Moment over.
The waiter straightened and motioned to the bottle of champagne you ordered, averting his eyes from you. He picks up the bottle and begins to tear the gold foil from the top but Dew snatches it out of his hand. His chair makes a scraping squeak as he practically jumps out of it, commanding the room.
You watch wide-eyed as couples conversations at the few surrounding tables begin to die out, their attention turned to the two devils in disguise. Dewdrop removes the fastener with one hand and easily manhandles the bottle with the other. 
Damn those perfect hands of his. 
You thought he meant to pop the cork barehanded but he surprised you, as well as earned a couple light gasps from nearby tables, as he picked up a knife. He ran it along the seam of the champagne bottle and with a swipe of the blade he sliced the bottle open. It let out a loud pop, and the contents inside bubbled but no liquid spilled, rather, combined with the air in a hiss and left it like a smoking gun. 
The scattered applause in the space was no match for Dew’s smirk at you. 
Oh he had you. He had you so well. Who would have thought that sabrage could be so sexy? 
There was no point in flirting with the human anymore, but you did it anyway. You were already traversing a rocky path, but you wanted to set off a few more traps along the way. So you made sure Dew caught you looking the waiter up and down, raking your gaze over him as he handed you the glass of champagne.
The two of you sat in silence while you finished your beverage and cake. Then you reached for your purse, opening it to find the dark lipstick that needed reapplying. 
The waiter came back to your table as you brazenly applied your lipstick in front of the dining room. You did one of your signature moves, sweeping your eyes to look up at him, your lashes batting ever-so-slightly in that way that made mortal men fall to their knees.
“Can I interest you in anything else this evening?” His voice deepened, “Perhaps something off the menu?”
“Oh?” You played up your sweetness to tooth-rotting levels, “What did you have in mind?”
The waiter went to open his mouth and promptly closed it, his expression turning to icy fear. You turned your head to look at Dewdrop just as he hissed at the poor mortal, his eyes glowed red as he purposefully dropped his glamour.
You hit him with your fan again. 
It was well past time to leave. You didn’t want the mortal getting in any real trouble with your fire ghoul, so you collected your wits and coat and left promptly, dragging Dew behind you by his necktie. 
You both got in the lift to go up to your shared hotel room. Of course, you had to tell the clerk at the check-in desk that you were “Mr. And Mrs.” since this establishment was more on the high end and yet still cared that a woman couldn’t rent her own room by herself. 
Eye roll.
As soon as the doors closed on the lift, the energy changed. The light bulbs dimmed, the panel on the wall containing the floor numbers blinking and flickering before stabilizing. The liftman blinked and shook his head furiously, not understanding what had happened. But you knew, Dewdrop was absorbing power. But for what, you had not the faintest.
As if to prove a point, he snuck his hand behind you, running up the inside of your thigh closest to him and shocking you with static electricity. You tried not to jump, not to give him the satisfaction, but your body betrayed you. 
He snickered, causing the elevator operator to glance back over his shoulder, prying eyes turning to see what was happening. Dew growled at him, eliciting the same nasty behavior as he had at the dinner table.
You swatted him with your fan in the ribs, only to get no response. He was locked in a death stare with the poor soul. 
There’s only one way to remedy this.
You darted your hand out, nimble fingers digging into Dew’s side to tickle him. He made a high pitched sound that almost made you laugh aloud, turning his red eyes at you. You weren’t intimidated by his glare at all, at least not until the threat spilled like thick poison from between his clenched teeth.
“You’ll pay for that.”
Your stomach squeezed. Dewdrop made more threats than a hellhound has teeth, but this felt like a promise. It was the way he said it that sealed the deal. But you wouldn’t let him win, not yet at least.
“You don’t scare me honeydew.” You let your glamour slip slightly, baring your sharp fangs at him.
The elevator clanged and let out a ding. 
“Uh, e- enjoy your evening.” The liftman tripped over his words and opened the door. He was surely too eager to be rid of the both of you.
You slid the metal key from your tiny purse, unlocking the door. Dew grabbed you and opened the door, slamming it loudly behind you. The hotel room was a coffin now, and you were about to be buried alive. Your only warning was his heavy panting breaths and the tight grip on your arm.
Payback time.
He shoved you into the wall roughly, your shoulders taking the brunt of the impact. Dewdrop grabbed you, his claws creating divots in your glamoured skin, and planted his lips on yours. The kiss you shared was equally matched in ferocity and need, sending tingles to the very tips of your fingers. You felt your lust bubbling to the surface, equivalent only to your dark urge to mark him too.
Your hands went up to his cheeks immediately and from there to tangle in his silken white-blonde hair, not letting him go for a second. You couldn’t, holding him close to you was your greatest desire. His kisses smothered you in warmth and his scent of smoke and ash.
He kissed you fervently and rambled as his lips traveled to your face and neck, his right hand moving to the small of your back, long fingers pulling you flush against him while the other knotted itself in your hair. “I’ve wanted to have you since the second you stepped out in that dress. I know you put it on just to tempt me, to tease me.”
“Dewdrop, listen to yourself, I had to wear something. I can’t just go out in public naked.”
You could tell he was picturing it from the way his breath stalled, his teeth freezing over your quickening pulse. Gripping his tie and unfastening it, you broke him out of his wild imagination, snapping it as you tore it from beneath his shirt and jacket.
“No, no you couldn’t.” He managed breathily.
Your breath was just as tremulous, “Tell me why, my ghoul.” Your fingers tugged on the lapels of his jacket, pulling him back in. You were already lust-drunk from just kissing him, but you needed more. 
“Because you’re mine.” His gruff voice, the rushed kisses, and the scrapes of his fangs at your throat felt like a drug being injected directly into your bloodstream, and you felt your rational thoughts slipping away into nothingness. All that was left was him. Him and you. The two of you against the world in a time you didn’t belong to. 
His left hand grasped the inside of your thigh, which made you eternally grateful for the high-sitting fringe on the dress. You gasped, his warm, long fingers dug into your flesh almost possessively. His desire to mark you as his was as intense as your need to be claimed by him. And you needed to be claimed by him, completely. 
He played with the garter straps laying innocently against your legs and traced the seams of your stockings. You stripped his jacket off his shoulders, glad to be ridding him of the superfluous clothing but wincing when his hands left your skin.
His fingers continued to travel upwards, nearing the apex between your thighs. Now he was stalling, those digits you craved so much just hovered, occasionally tickling the crease of your leg. Dewdrop loved to tease you, it was all to get you back for teasing him so much. You knew you earned this, but you wanted him so badly to cross that threshold and touch you where you ached.
He moved his face back from your neck, meeting your eye line, watching you unravel before he’s even done anything to you. That smug look on his face made you unruly, and you flashed your fangs to urge him to get on with it. Dewdrop kissed you as his fingers slid under the seam of your panties. You sucked his bottom lip into your mouth, greedily biting at his lip. He growled in response as he stroked against your slit.
“So fucking wet for me.” He said in the midst of messy kisses, then he bit at your bottom lip, trapping it prisoner between his sharp teeth before drawing back. His eyes were dark as the void itself, “Or is this for him?”
That human? He couldn’t be serious.
“No, Dewdrop, only for you.”
“Fucking better be.” He pressed two fingers inside your aching center. 
He tilted your head with his free hand, kissing up your neck and ear again. Your ear which was now pointed, the skin he was kissing melting from an illusory human tone to a color wholly unnatural for a person.
Dewdrop pulled back again, admiring his handiwork. “Now who’s glamour is slipping?” He curled his fingers to punctuate the question, making your thighs fight to close.
Smug bastard.
“Show me.” His eyes glowed intensely. “Let me see you.”
“Are you -” a moan interrupted your question as he added a third finger inside you. Your nails dug into his shoulders. “A-are you sure?” He hadn’t seen you completely without your glamour before, and you felt nervous about bringing it out. 
He planted a passionate kiss for assurance to your lips, “Fuck yes.”
“Hmmm,” you hummed, debating whether you should. Then, you realized you could make it a game and a wicked, seductive smile had you goading him, “Make me cum and I will.”
“How can I say no to that?”
You had no warning as his thumb pressed against your clit. His fingers, fuck, they felt too good inside you. It was a curse, as they made it so yours could never measure up. 
He kept up his pace, and the stimulation between his fingers and thumb was making you weak. You felt your knees sagging slightly, but he kept you right where he wanted you against that wall. Dew didn’t let up for a moment, giving you all that you craved with the ministrations of his hand and kissed you deeply. You swear even your scalp tingled; you felt lightheaded already. And all the tension between you two earlier? That was the real foreplay. 
His fingers kept up their movements, in and out, in and out, giving you that sensation that had you at the end of a rope, hanging on a rope by a thread. Then he curled his fingers and you became flaming cinders burning the rope to ash. Your claws dug into his shoulders as your body tensed, teetering on the precipice of your orgasm. 
“Dew -” you whined, trying to hold on.
“Let go for me.” He whispered into your skin before sucking hard on the flesh of your neck.
You cried out in rapture as you shattered. His long fingers stroked you through the fluttering waves of your climax. You thought he would give you more time to come down from your high, but you were wrong. A moan escaped your lips as his fingers left your dripping sex and you looked at him. 
Dewdrop’s red eyes were intimidating, and filled with desire. You knew he wouldn’t wait any second longer. He gave you what you wanted, now it was your turn to sate him.
“Turn around.”
You did as you were told, obedient only for him. 
He brushed your fallen hair from the back of your neck to expose the top of your dress. His fingers hesitated with the zipper for a second too long before he let go of you. You were about to complain when you felt the cold press of metal skate up the back of your thigh. Your veins turned icy and made you go rigid as the metal glided up and under the hem of your dress. Far too close to your heat. Dewdrop grabbed the bottom of your dress in his other hand and with a swipe, shredded the garment from your body. 
“Dew! I liked that dress!” The shorn pieces lay in tatters at your feet along with the knife you recognized from dinner earlier. He must have pocketed it after popping open the champagne bottle.
“I’ll get you another one.” He sized you up, looking you up and down. “Drop your glamour. Now.”
You wanted to protest, but you knew he was just like you in this regard: Stubborn to a fault. It was his turn to get his way, and you had to give in.
You rolled your shoulders, removing your bra, then unclipping the garter belt from your middle. Concentrating, you closed your eyes, shifting into your true form, your hellish form. Your twin horns sprouting from beneath your thick hair, your tail appearing behind you, and your skin turning an inhuman shade somewhere between dusk and dawn. Your nails lengthened into claws and your teeth did the same, became sharper and deadly. 
Used to seeing so many parts of Dewdrop, it wasn’t anything new per se to have him do the same, but at the same time - it was. The air changed, it felt thick as you inhaled, taking him all in. Showing yourselves to each other shouldn’t have mattered so much. But this added a layer of intimacy to your tryst. Two demons in their true forms, finding temporary solace in each other's arms in this isolating earthly plane.
Ironically, it was a slice of heaven.
“You’re perfect like this.” He ran his tongue over his sharp teeth.
“Am I?”
“Yes.” He kissed you again, deeply, with a depth of lust you couldn’t place yet. His voice dropped low, “Now I think I might die if I’m not inside you. Get up there.” He ended the sentence with a chaste pinch on your exposed ass cheek.
You knew better at this point than to ask him if he wanted you face up or down.
It was a face down kind of night.
He didn’t waste a breath, no sooner had you “assumed the position” and he was behind you, bare, and pressing against your rear. 
An embarrassingly needy sound escaped you, but you couldn’t help it. You were like Pavlov’s dog and Dewdrop trained you exceedingly well. 
And he rewarded you even better.
He fisted your hair with one hand, pulling you back so you felt him right there. His thick cock rested perfectly against your wet cunt, and you wiggled your ass back and forth to coat his length with your juices. He twitched, hand reaching out to line himself up with your entrance.
This was always the part that made your toes curl and your breath stall. The calm before the storm with the tip of his hard dick against your lips. Every muscle tensed, your demon body roaring internally, needing to be taken by him, demanding to be claimed.
“Fuck.” He cursed under his breath as he pressed himself inside you, and you felt that familiar burning stretch. Your nails dug into the sheets for leverage, and you arched your back further, pressing back to ensure he buried himself to the hilt on the first go. Your mouth hung open as he bottomed out, then he immediately withdrew, leaving only the tip inside you before slamming his hips back against yours. His grip on your waist tightened as he started a rhythm that had you crying out for gods you didn’t believe in.
“You think that stupid, human, waiter could fuck you as good as me?” He was relentless, rutting into you like an unbridled animal. If there was one thing about Dewdrop you could always count on, it was that he would put all of his rage into fucking you. He held onto his emotions from the day and completely let go, only for you.
“Is that, fuck, is that jealousy I hear?”
“Maybe it is.” You felt his claws coming out, digging into your soft hips. 
You growled, the feeling of your ass cheeks vibrating with every thrust of his hips meeting yours was spurring you on more. Just then, an idea in the heat of the moment hit you. You craned your neck to rake your gaze over him, distracting him with your pleading eyes. “Give me more, please Dew. I need more.”
He took the bait. His dark eyes locked on yours, “You’ll take whatever I give you, harlot.”
You used his distraction to snake your tail up and behind his back, careful to avoid his in the process. The spaded end of the appendage dragged itself underneath his arm, running along his ribs with a feather-light touch.
He jolted, not hesitating to give you a hard smack on your right ass cheek before pulling out of you. The feeling of being empty made you clench, alarm sounds ringing in your feverish brain. You sat up, playing innocent even though he would never buy it, “It was an accident.”
“I don’t care.” He shifted himself so his back was against the pillows along the headboard.  “You want to misbehave then you’re going to have to work for it.” His red eyes flicked downward before landing back on your nude frame and he crossed his arms. 
“With pleasure.” You purred, mocking the sentence the waiter had said to you earlier. Only now, it was to further goad the fire ghoul. Moving to straddle him, you kept your gaze on him, your throne to sit and satisfy yourself upon. Just you wait, ghoul, I’ll make you scream for me.
Your shoulders moved like a feline predator stalking its prey as you crawled up onto his lap. You rose up on your knees. He remained in his unhelpful posture, arms crossed. That’s fine. He never could keep himself from touching you for long. Your hand touched his length, stroking him lazily several times while watching his face closely, his only reaction being a slight purse of his lips. You knew he was probably biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself so stoic.
You moved to be above him, lining his cock up with your entrance and sinking down on him. You bit your lip to keep from moaning and Dewdrop hissed in response. Fuck. It didn’t matter how many times you did this, it felt so fucking good every time.
You lifted yourself back up, wanting to start slow, but Dew had other ideas. He swiftly grabbed your hips and forced you back down on him hard, punching the air from your lungs with the strength of his thrust. A cry escaped from your lips.
He was never able to help himself from manhandling you, especially when you were on top. But, it was unusual for him to lose his patience so quickly. He bucked his hips up into you as you tried and failed to establish a pace. He wouldn’t let you go, his claws digging into the plush skin at your waist possessively.
“Dew!” You gasped his name as he claimed the flesh of your neck, biting and sucking everywhere he could. 
Frustration and pleasure hit you right in your middle. No movement was your own. He was relentless. And he was not loosening his grip on you for a second. He was so out of control it seemed, like some part of him had woken up and seized authority over his brain. 
It was because you dropped your glamour.
The realization hit you right as you began to see stars once more. It was so good. Too good. Just his cock inside you and you felt yourself barreling towards another orgasm. His pace was almost cruel, dragging you up and pulling you back down, feeling every inch of him.
Another heavy breath escaped you before you could speak, “Dewdrop?”
He cursed again, “What?” His hand fisted your hair, catching your lip between his fangs and tasted you. 
You broke the kiss, biting the inside of your cheek to ground you. The pain helped you find your words, “You want me to be yours?”
“Yes.” He growled, “Fuck.”
Your voice was barely a whisper now as you fought harder to stave off your climax, “All yours?”
You snaked your tail up again, this time caressing the side of his neck with the spaded end. You dragged it back, brushing his long hair away from his neck, exposing the skin peppered by smudges of your lipstick. 
“Then let me mark you.”
A sound escaped him that was between a breathy laugh and a scoff. “I knew that’s what you wanted.” His pupils nearly completely enveloped his red eyes, and you knew yours were blown just as wide. “Take your pleasure from me, temptress.”
Without hesitation, you sink your teeth into the pale grey flesh of his neck as you reach ecstasy. You taste him in your mouth, then everywhere all at once. His blood is a liquid inferno on your tongue, igniting your senses. Your cries are muffled as you feel every muscle in your strong demonic body clench simultaneously. You hold him tight, claws taking root in his skin, as though he is your very life force as you ride the waves of your pleasure. 
Feeling your orgasm is more than enough to put him over the edge with you. You felt his dick twitching as he spilled himself deep inside of you and filthy words of lust leave his lips.
“Fuck. You’re all mine. Now and fucking forever.”
You release your mouth from his neck to allow him his turn, admiring for a slim moment the mark worth your canines. A breath barely passes your lips before he yanks your hair to the side and bites down on your neck, marking you back, his cock still pulsing inside you. 
Your eyes close tightly and you roll your hips, following the rhythm of each lap of his tongue on your neck until he breaks his hold on you. Both of you groan from the overstimulation, but your body fails you, feeling too spent to go another round right now.
You don’t waste time. Dewdrop is not one for cuddles, usually, but neither are you. A discomfort fills your body when you pull yourself off him, but you brush it off as the true nature of your hellish form overstaying its welcome.
Standing from the bed, you made your way to the vanity. Spying your glamourless self was not new, but it stirred something within you. Seeing the bite marks, hickies, and scratches he left gave you a tingling feeling.
You never came out from a tryst with Dew looking unscathed, but this was different. You brought a hand to your swollen bottom lip and ran your other hand through your hair, touching your pointed ears. Sighing, you went to change back, concentrating on changing your skin, your patterning back to human-like.
Dewdrop seized your wrist, “No.”
You jumped, whirling towards him. You hadn’t realized he even got out of bed. “No?”
“Just stay yourself a little longer.” His fiery gaze dropped almost timidly to the floor, “Please. I like you like this.”
Words failed you. But how could you possibly ignore his plea?
The answer?
You couldn’t. 
Anything for your fire ghoul.
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kiwiraccoon · 6 months
Our Own Story
Read To Me pt. 2
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Yunho x reader
Description: Read To Me Pt. 2: “Put the book away, let’s write our own story tonight.” Yunho doesn’t hold back anymore, he’s waited long enough. Your story has been a slow burn, he’s tired of the glances, fluff moments, and boring nights thinking about what if.
Word Count: 1117 (unintentional)
Warnings: MDNI, female pleasuring (not descriptive), borderline smut (first time writer), petnames, dom!yunho x sub!femreader
part one
You set the book on your bedside table letting your need and desire completely take over your mind, you didn’t realize how deprived of touch you were until this very moment. His hands remained in their place, one dangerously slipping underneath the hem of your shorts and the other holding him up by his elbow while his hand softly touched the exposed skin of your stomach. “Yun, what-“
“Shhh baby, don’t ruin our story.” He says the moment our eyes meet, I can see the same desire I feel swimming through his innocent yet dangerous eyes. The heat from his body surrounds my being like a warm blanket, heating me all the way to my very core. We’ve spent so many times laying in the same bed just enjoying each other’s company, it’s all we needed to feel content. Now I know I won’t feel content until his body is connected with mine in a way neither of us have experienced together.
We would be breaking down a wall that would no longer leave us stuck on opposite sides of roommates. “Are you sure?”
He chuckles at my question, “I should be asking you that.” He takes a moment to scoot a little closer, invading my space in an intimate way that sends fire burning through every vein in my body. “Baby, are you sure?”
Not breaking the intense eye contact between us I move to push the blanket away from my skin, removing that wall myself, I refuse to let it get in the way any longer. I never wanted it there in the first place. “Write our story Yun, make the words on the page come to life please.”
He wastes no time in moving his hand from my thigh up my body to the side of my face to hold it tenderly while he leans in to connect our lips. The feeling is so much more than what the stories say. It’s not just fireworks or butterflies, no it’s euphoria, bursts of serotonin, complete and utter happiness, and the perfect amount of ecstasy.
The world around us disappears into nothingness, a void of darkness to swarm us in the moment that we both have been waiting so long for. He craved me almost as much as I craved him, and I would prove that. I move my hand to wrap around his neck, tangling my fingers into his hair to give slight tugs at random times. Our kiss grew stronger with my actions, and when I heard the sound he made my whole body lit on fire.
The flames dance under my skin tickling spots with a needle like feeling to shock my nerves to life. I wouldn’t believe anyone who told me I was alive at this moment, I feel as if my soul is a million miles away in a paradise someone can only dream about.
His hand on my stomach moves up my skin under my shirt more at a pace that leaves whimpers escaping my throat to be swallowed by his kisses. I can feel the electricity building underneath my skin following his touch. It burns like the most beautiful bonfire underneath the perfect sunset of orange and purple skies.
I never believed I would feel the words I had read in so many different versions on pages from various books. But here I was having a book start something I had only dreamed about.
Yunho moves his mouth from mine against the skin of my jaw and down my neck to my collarbone. I can’t begin to explain the sensation I feel from his lip on my skin, it’s like I can see and understand paradise without knowing exactly what it means to me, it feels other worldly but that world isn’t known. I can but cannot explain the complete fulfillment. It makes all the sense in the world but my brain cannot wrap around it.
His hands make pleasure seem as if it wasn’t the easiest thing to bring to myself when in reality any other hands could never, mine absolutely could not. My conscious mind was only on the feelings and sensations he gave me, yet I still failed to realize he had moved his hands lower. One hand holding my side still in a comforting yet strong grasp, exuding dominance with a splash of care and comfort. 
“Tell me how you feel.” I hardly register the words in my broken and fading mind. His voice held a rasp that made my legs squeeze tight around his one hand. Though he wasn’t having it as he used that hand to push my right leg down to the mattress with a firm grasp on my thigh. “Tell me, not show me.”
“Oh god,” was all I breathlessly said, not knowing exactly how to form a sentence. All he had done was kiss and touch me and here I was completely losing my sanity.
His chuckle makes my eyes land on him. He lowers his head to my chest as he chuckles before he looks up and makes direct eye contact with me. The few seconds of silence make my world feel like it’s ready to implode. Who he is now is not the cute puppy I want to squeeze and cuddle for hours on end. No this is a dog, one ready to pounce. “God?” He lets out a small chuckle again. “No, say my name baby.”
He pleases me in a way I’ve never felt before with just his hand making me take in a sharp breath and hold it in. I suck in my lips to bite down on them as I whimper louder than I have tonight. He gives me more and more, pushing my limits and making stars appear behind my closed eyes.
I can feel the pressure building in my core as it tries to break free from its hold, the walls cracking and bending against their will. The second his lips touch my skin again I can feel the walls give in, “Yunho!”
“That’s it baby, that’s my name. Say it again.” And I do a few times letting him know he was the one that caused my undoing that ripped the sounds from my throat and reached my core so easily. 
Seconds pass before my consciousness comes back to me and I pull Yunho closer to me into a cuddling position we both love sleeping in. “Yun?”
“Yeah?” He asks while he tugs me in closer to him.
“What did we just do?”
His chuckles brings a smile to my face, making me dig my face into his chest to hide any embarrassment I feel. “That was only the beginning baby.”
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kaminocasey · 6 months
25 Days of Life Day: Day 5 - Fireplace Cuddles with Wilco
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Quickly resolved light angst, smut, unprotected p in v (wrap it up), fluff.
A/N: AND ON THE FIFTH DAY OF LIFE DAY, I BROUGHT WILCO BACK FROM THE DEAD. I miss him and I love him and he deserved better. Also, Something about a fireplace just puts ya in the mood, ya know? As always, it was just meant to be wholesome and then... well... You'll see lol.
Click Here to have the fireplace going while you read <3
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“Don’t go…” You whisper.
Wilco’s fingers stop trailing up your bare arm, tensing. 
Oh no, you said the wrong thing… Didn’t you?
“I’m… I’m sorry… Ignore me.” You whisper, staring at the flames dancing in the hearth as you and Wilco lay tangled in the blankets from your vigorous activities from earlier. 
Wilco’s gentle fingers pull your face back toward his, making you look up at him. 
“You want me to stay?” He murmurs, a soft smile tugging at his lips. 
“Do you want to?” You ask him.
His smile widens. “Of course I do.”
“You just… went quiet when I asked…” You start.
“I was doing the math in my head at what time I’d need to be back in the morning before my brothers knew I was missing.” He chuckles. 
“Oh.” You smile. 
He pulls you back further so you’re laying on your back, looking up. His stare sets your entire body on fire, you’re almost afraid you might be sitting too close to the fireplace. 
“I want to stay the night every single time I come, just so you know.” He promises you, picking up your arm and kissing the inside of your wrist. 
More flames.
“I want to ruin you every night so I can put you back together every morning.” He whispers before kissing the palm of your hand.
The flames fan through your entire body, you can’t help but whimper and smirks like he knows exactly what he’s doing. 
“When I’m gone, and I’m alone in the showers,” He pauses to kiss each fingertip. “I think about you wrapped around my cock. When I lay there at night, I think about how much I miss your warmth. And when I sleep, I dream of you telling me you love me.”
You’re definitely on fire, you think before pulling him by his neck down to you. Your lips collide and your tongues dance against each other. Wilco groans against your mouth and you let the blanket fall to the floor, exposing your bare warm skin, still slightly damp from sweat from earlier. Neither of you care, though, as you find your way on top of him. He sits up with you, pulling and holding your body against his as much as he can, as if he can’t get close enough. 
“I need you.” He groans from the feel of your warmth pressed against his length. “Now. Please.” 
You smirk as you reach around, lining his hardened length up with your entrance before sliding down on him, still soaked from earlier and from his admissions. He dreams of you telling him you love him. Does that mean he loves you? 
“Wil…” You sigh, when you’re fully sat on his cock, your soaked warmth fluttering perfectly around him. 
He’s told you before that he loves the way you say his name when you’re intimate. And you love saying it. 
He buries his face in your neck. “Maker… you feel so good.” 
He helps guide you up and down on his cock, both of you gasping hotly against each other’s mouths. What you’d do to stay like this forever. Maybe one day when the war is over, if he comes back to you… 
You just happen to move your gaze toward the chrono on the wall and see it’s past midnight.
“What is it?” He follows your gaze. 
“It’s officially Life Day.” You smile.
He shares a smile. “Happy Life Day, cyare.” 
“Happy Life Day, Wil.” You kiss him before he pushes you back to the floor and has his way with you again. 
And later, as you lay there, on the edge of sleep, Wilco finally tells you what you’ve been craving to hear. It comes as easy as breathing and you both can’t help but wonder how you didn’t say it the first night you ever spent together. You just… knew. 
“I love you.” He whispers, his fingertips dancing lazily over your bare stomach. 
“I love you.” You promise him.
“Best. Life Day. Ever.” He kisses you once more before you drift off for a few hours before he has to sneak back to base.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting  @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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Marry Me a Little
Pairing: EddieMunsonxFemReader
Summary: This was a request and it's a bit of a longer one.
I had an idea where the reader and Eddie are dating for 4 to 5 years and they are engaged and turns out Eddie has been saving up since they got together for the wedding cause he doesn't have a lot and wants to give her the best wedding ever cause he wants her to have the perfect day and she knows he also is saving up to start his band with his friends and when she sees what Eddie has organized for the wedding all the luxury she calls it off without Eddie knowing and when he finds out she explains to Eddie she loves him for him and not for a big wedding cause she knows he will love her and that's what's important to her and they hold a small but cute wedding and later on the reader goes with him on tours and becomes his manager for him :) you can decide the ending maybe with a child :)
18+ only
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“What?” you ask Gareth, thinking you can’t possibly have heard him correctly. 
“Eddie has been saving for this day since he met you. He’s been saving for four years,” Gareth repeated. 
You furrow your brow in confusion, “But why would he do that? There’s no way he could have known that we were going to get married.”
Gareth shrugged. “He claims he knew from the moment your eyes met across that bar when you came to our show. He knew he didn’t have a lot and he wouldn’t be able to give you the kind of wedding you deserved if he didn’t have some stocked away so he started saving the next day.”
This made no sense. You and Eddie had been dating for four years. You could still remember the first time you laid eyes on him. Your friends had convinced you to go out and you hadn’t been feeling like it. You’d just gone through a nasty break-up and all you wanted to do was lie in your bed, eat some ice cream straight from the carton, and get lost in someone else’s problems on the television. 
But thank god you hadn’t because, little did you know, your destiny was waiting at that bar. The minute that man stepped on stage, your breath vanished from your body. Just poof. Gone. Those brown eyes, so warm and soft, met yours as they started their set and held your gaze for the rest of the song. You were shocked when it ended to find you weren’t a puddle on the floor of the bar but still on your stool. 
The beginning of your relationship had burned hot and fast, the two of you lost in a frenzy of desire and need. There was never enough. It was a raging inferno that couldn’t be tamed. You stole every moment you could with heated kisses and roaming hands that always ended with the two of you naked, tangled up in one another. 
You remembered fearing that the flame of desire that had raged so hot within you two would eventually fizzle into nothing but cold ashes. It never did. It went from a raging inferno to a steady burn. You still couldn’t get enough of each other but now there was also a level of comfort in your relationship. You were just as happy curled up watching a movie together as you were animalistically ripping each other’s clothes off. Sex with Eddie has never gotten boring or stale. You both ensured you kept replenishing the fire, adding kindling to keep it burning. 
You knew Eddie was your soulmate, if such a thing actually existed in the world. You couldn’t imagine your life without him in it. He was the missing piece to your puzzle, the other half of you, your very best friend. But it was sending you for a tailspin that he had been saving money for a wedding he couldn’t possibly have known was going to happen. What if the two of you hadn’t worked out? There was no way he could have known he would marry you from the first night.
“Gareth, that doesn’t make any sense,” you argued, still unable to comprehend this information. “Besides, you probably just got it mixed up. He’s been saving for you guys to cut a demo that you can pitch to record companies. He’s been saving so you can get Corroded Coffin off the ground and out into the world. That’s what he’s been saving for, not a big wedding.”
“No, I am telling you, he’s been doing both. But the way he’s dropping money on the wedding, there won’t be any left for the band,” Gareth told you. “Look, I don’t want to be that guy. I love you both. You know I do and I want you to have the most perfect day because that’s what you two deserve. But Eddie is going a bit off the deep end with all this fairytale wedding shit. There’s no way he’ll have enough left for us to cut a demo. Jeff and I, we’ve been saving some too but studio time is fucking pricy, man. I…damn it, I feel like a jerk for even saying these things.”
“No, you’re not,” you argued. “Gareth, you guys have worked too damn hard for him to throw all that money away. I mean, yeah, I want a beautiful wedding but it’s only one day out of our whole lives. I don’t want him spending a fortune on it. What the hell is he even paying for? He’s been so secretive, telling me he’s got everything handled.”
“Okay…fuck, he is going to be so pissed at me,” Gareth muttered, running a hand through his hair. “But whatever, someone has got to talk sense into him and he won’t listen to us. I think you’re the only one he will listen to. So, he booked the Harmony Lodge for the reception.”
“What?” you shrieked. “That’s the fanciest place in town. That had to be expensive.”
“It was, but then he upgraded to their most magical day deal. So, they decorate with fairy lights and do all the centerpieces with fresh flowers and there’s like, dresses for the chairs or some shit. I don’t even know. It sounds absolutely insane to me but he’s adamant that this is going to be the perfect day.”
“It will be the perfect day because I’m marrying him,” you groaned, tossing your hands in the air in frustration. “He knows me. He knows I am not fancy. I don’t need any of that. I would marry him wearing a burlap sack, standing in front of his trailer. I don’t want all that.”
“I know!” Gareth agreed. “Trust me, we’ve told him that and I think he knows it too but he’s become obsessed with it being, and I quote, ‘The most magical and perfect day because that’s what she deserves.’”
“Fuck!” you yelled, grabbing your purse. “I am going to take care of this. If he keeps this up, we won’t have any money to live.”
“Good luck,” Gareth called as you walked out the front door. 
You were sitting on the couch in the trailer, reading a book, feeling much calmer and pretty damn pleased with yourself. While Eddie had been at work, you’d taken yourself down to Harmony Lodge and canceled the whole thing, getting Eddie’s deposit back. Then you grabbed Robin and headed down to City Hall to get a permit to have a wedding outdoors at Lover’s Lake. Robin had helped you spend the entire afternoon finding more cost friendly options for the wedding. Dustin’s mom was great at baking and she offered to make your cake for free. Robin had a band friend from high school who was willing to DJ for a third of the cost of what Eddie had booked. And all of your friends had been more than willing to help decorate. You and Robin had found cheap twinkle lights marked way down from leftover Christmas at Melvald’s General Store thanks to Joyce. Hopper said the police station had a bunch of banquet tables and folding chairs they used for a variety of functions and you were welcome to borrow them for your day. 
Yes, it was all coming together without having to break the bank or drain Eddie’s savings. The front door opened with a bang and you looked up from your book to find him standing there, looking at you with a mixture of confusion and annoyance on his face. Well, shit. Standing up, you laid your book on the table next to you, prepared to defend yourself because he obviously knew what you’d done.
“Hey princess,” he said, pulling his denim vest off and casually tossing it over the back of the chair. 
“Hey baby,” you replied, giving him the most innocent and sweet smile you could muster.
“So, it’s so funny,” he began, his tongue running over his bottom lip before he looked up at you. “I got a call at work from the Harmony Lodge confirming my cancellation of our reception but I didn’t cancel anything.”
“I know. I did.”
“Why? What? How the hell did you even know I booked it there?” he demanded and you had to press your lips together to fight back the smile. He was so damn cute when he got all flustered. You just stared at him and he groaned, slamming his hand against the wall. “Damn Gareth!”
“Hey, don’t be mad at Gareth. I didn’t understand why all the wedding plans had to be such a secret anyway until he told me what was going on. He is just trying to look out for you, Eddie.”
“No, he’s looking out for himself because he’s worried about the fucking demo. I didn’t tell you because I wanted the day to be this perfect surprise.”
“Eddie,” you chastised, crossing your arms over your chest, “he is not just looking out for himself. The band is not just one member. It’s all of you. You have all worked really hard for the chance to get picked up by a label. You’ve been saving for years for this and he doesn’t want you to throw it all away. And neither do I. Don’t throw away a life long dream for what is just one day.”
“Just one day?” he scoffed. “Just one day? Sweetheart, it’s our wedding day. It will be the most important day of our lives and it has to be perfect. I just…” Eddie paused, running his finger along his eyebrow. “I just wanted you to have everything you deserve. You deserve the perfect, fairytale day. You deserve everything. I love you so much and I wanted to show you how much.”
Crossing the room, you came to stand in front of him, taking his hands in yours. Jesus, you loved this man so much. He was so impulsive, making decisions without thinking them through, but you even loved that about him because he always kept life exciting and interesting. 
“Eddie, you don’t have to spend a bunch of money to show me how much you love me. You show me every single day in small ways that mean so much more. You show me when you notice my car is low on gas and take it and fill it. You show me when you see I’ve had a hard day and you get a bubble bath ready for me or offer to rub my back or feet. You show me when you leave me little dirty or sweet notes on the steamed up bathroom mirror or the little papers you leave for me to find. Baby, I don’t need some big, expensive day. Our wedding day is going to be perfect because I get to marry you and that is all I want.”
Eddie’s head dropped, his forehead resting against yours, “That’s all I want too, but sweetheart, the wedding is a month away and now we don’t have a place to get married.”
“Oh, you have such little faith,” you chuckled. “No worries. I have taken care of everything.”
“In one afternoon you planned an entire wedding?” he asked skeptically.
“I sure did. You should have included me all along. Turns out, with Robin at my side, the two of us are capable of just about anything.”
“Well, now that I believe,” laughed Eddie, softly pressing his lips to yours.
“You ready?” Robin asked from your side. 
The two of you were off in the woods, hidden among the trees so Eddie didn’t catch sight of you before the ceremony. But you could see the clearing from where you were standing and all of Eddie’s doubts had to be cleared away because your wedding could be any more perfect than this. 
Soft, twinkling lights were strung from the trees and cascading off of a branch to create an ethereal, glowing waterfall of light just behind where the two of you would exchange your vows and promise to love each other forever. Tables were set up throughout the clearing, draped in lovely scarlett clothes that you’d borrowed from Steve. Apparently, his parents had all kinds of fancy shit that had been used once and then discarded. The centerpieces were fresh flowers in mason jars that Robin’s mom had cut from her own garden. Everybody had come together to create this perfect moment for the two of you and could not begin to express how grateful you were. 
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life,” you breathed, glancing down at your dress. You’d found it marked down. It wasn’t your traditional wedding dress but the minute you’d seen it, you’d known it was the one. It was an emerald green with a lacy bodice and a flowing tulle skirt. It had probably been marked down from prom but it didn’t matter. It was perfect and the price was right. Besides, Eddie had always loved you in green. 
At that moment, the music began and Robin flashed you a grin before she walked from the trees, making her way toward the lights. You just had a maid of honor, wanting to keep everything small. Eddie had Dustin standing beside him and that was it, your whole wedding party. Even the wedding was small, the two of you deciding to only invite your nearest and dearest. You took a deep breath as the music changed, ‘Here Comes the Sun’ by The Beatles, the song that Eddie insisted you walk out to because he said you were his own personal sunshine. 
Stepping out of your hiding place, you carefully stepped on the path that would lead you to your future and everything you’d ever wanted. Nerves raced through your body but they were instantly calmed when you lifted your gaze, finding your future husband. He looked so amazing in his black jeans, red button up shirt, and suit jacket, his hair pulled back into a low bun. His eyes were wide but soft, sparkling with tears as he took in the sight of you heading toward him. Everything and everybody disappeared until all you were aware of was the two of you. 
“Hi,” you said softly as you reached him, handing your bouquet to Robin. 
“Hi,” he replied, grinning. “You…Jesus, sweetheart, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you smiled. “You look so damn good, baby.”
“You just wait until…”
The sound of someone clearing his throat caught your attention and you both turned to see Hopper, tilting his head, eyebrows lifted. He’d agreed to become ordained and marry the two of you. The man acted gruff but he was a teddy bear in reality and he’d gotten Eddie out of some jams in the past and been a surrogate dad for you for years. You couldn’t think of anyone more perfect for the part.
“If you two are done talking about how good you both look…”
“Hey, you know we look good,” Eddie teased, tugging on the lapels of his jacket.”
“That you do,” he laughed, “but maybe we could get this wedding started?” “Yeah, yeah, of course,” Eddie nodded. 
“Alright, let’s hope I don’t screw this up,” muttered Hopper before standing tall and raising his voice. “We have all gathered here today to witness the joining of these two in marriage. Many of us have watched their relationship progress from young puppy love to the deep, lasting connection they have created together. Thank you for joining us for this happy occasion. Now, the couple have written their own vows that they would like to share.” 
He gestured toward Eddie, who reached into his back pocket and pulled out a napkin that was marked all over in black ink. You smiled. Eddie was forever jotting things down on any random thing he could find as ideas came to him. It felt fitting that your vows were on a napkin.
“Princess, from the moment my eyes found yours across that bar, I knew you were going to be my wife one day. I can’t believe I tricked you into agreeing to this.” The guests all chuckled and Eddie turned, giving them a sheepish grin. “But damn if I’m not the luckiest bastard alive. I promise that I will spend every day for the rest of our lives doing everything I can to make you happy and to show you how much I love you. I promise to always fill your tank with gas. I promise to always read to you when you’re having trouble falling asleep. I promise to try to aim better in the bathroom, empty my ashtray, and not leave my cans laying on the table or my shoes in the middle of the room. I promise to rub your back and hold you close when you’re having a bad day. I promise to try to get my clothes in the hamper instead of all over the bedroom. But mostly, I promise to try to be the best husband I can be because that is what you deserve.”
You blinked back tears as Eddie slid your wedding ring on your finger, gazing at the face of the only man you’d ever truly loved. His vows were perfect. You’d been nervous he would try to be flowery or poetic or ask someone else to write them but they had been just what you needed to hear. They had been quintessentially Eddie.
You turned to Robin who handed you your vows and inhaled slowly through your nose to try to stop the tears. It would be hard enough to get through this without you starting it by crying. But after hearing Eddie’s, you decided to wing it to match him. 
“Eddie, you are everything I could have ever wanted and more. I had no idea that night we met that you would be husband but I knew that I didn’t want anyone else, ever, within days of us meeting. I promise to love you every single day for forever. I promise to try not to nag you about your clothes, your cans, your ashtray, or your aim. I promise to scratch your head when you’re feeling anxious. I promise to always come and watch your shows. I promise to support you in all of your dreams. I promise to be the best wife that I can be because that is what you deserve.”
Eddie smiled down at you as you slid his ring on, his face full of so much affection and love that it felt like sunbeams were caressing every inch of you, warming you from the inside out. 
“Well, alright then,” said Hopper, “then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Lay it on her, man!”
Eddie’s arms swooped around you, tilting you back in his arms as his lips found yours. Once again, everything but the two of you ceased to exist as you lost yourself in your first kiss as Mrs. Munson.
Two Years Later
Eddie rubbed a towel roughly over his hair as he walked out of the bathroom of your hotel room. A pair of sweats hung low on his hips, the only thing he was wearing. The show tonight was amazing, just like every other night. There was nothing you loved more than watching your man do what he loved on that stage. The raw passion and talent that oozed out of him over their two hour set was incredible. It was amazing to see others finally appreciating what you’d known all along, that Corroded Coffin was the real deal. 
After the wedding, Eddie and the guys had pooled the money they’d all saved to get studio time. They had cut a demo with three tracks, asking for your input on which three most highlighted who they were as a band. They had sent the demo to dozens of record companies. Just as they were getting discouraged with the multiple rejections, they got someone who was interested. 
Thrash Vibe, based out of L.A. had offered to fly all of the guys out for a meeting. You had paced back and forth in yours and Eddie’s apartment, biting your nails almost down to the cuticle as you waited for the phone call. When it came and Eddie told you they’d been signed, you’d been just as excited as they were because you knew they deserved it. 
Part of the negotiations was being the opening act on tour with Motley Crue, a huge deal, and Eddie had forced them to name you their tour manager. You tried to say it wasn’t necessary but he’d insisted, telling you that you had always believed in them and had always been their biggest fan. You had been willing to have a smaller wedding so they could have their shot and he wasn’t willing to spend months away from you so he was making sure you went with them. They might try to say a girlfriend shouldn’t come but they couldn’t say a tour manager couldn’t. 
Now, a year and a half later, they were headlining their own tour, their debut album had gone platinum, and they were working on their second. Your lives were a whirlwind of long treks on a tour bus, late nights at shows, photoshoots, interviews, and award shows. But you wouldn’t change a single bit of it. Life with Eddie had always been exciting, he’d always been larger than life, and he was born for this. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked him as he stretched out on the bed next to you. You worried about him sometimes. He gave his all every single night and you didn’t want him to run himself into the ground. 
“Tired,” he admitted with a low chuckle. “I am so glad we have a night off tomorrow. I could use a lowkey day.” His arms came around you, pulling you against him and pressing his lips to your forehead. “I could use a day with you. I say we stay in this bed, order room service, watch movies, and have ungodly amounts of sex.”
You laughed, snuggling into him. “That sounds perfect to me.” 
“Hey, so speaking of sex, I’ve been thinking…”
“No,” you stated, your head snapping back. “Eddie, I told you, I am willing to try a lot of things but that is not…”
“Not that,” snorted Eddie, shaking his head. “Although, I have not given up hope of convincing you. No, I was thinking we should make a baby.”
“What?” you asked, shocked. “Eddie, are you serious?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? Look, we’ve been married for two years, together for six. It’s the next step, right? I mean, don’t you want kids?”
“Of course I do. You know I do, but Eddie, do you really think this is the right time to start a family?”
“Sweetheart, if this isn’t the right time then when is? This crazy life of ours isn’t going to stop. But if there’s anything I know, it’s that you and I together are capable of anything. We could totally do this and just imagine a tiny little human that’s part you and part me. I mean, come on, is there anything more perfect than that?”
And just like that, you could see it. You could see Eddie singing lullabies to your child when they couldn’t sleep. You could see him patiently teaching them how to play guitar. You could see him making up insane stories that would keep them on the edge of their seat. Eddie as a father was going to be amazing. 
“Okay,” you whispered. 
“Okay?” he asked, grinning. In one swift move, he hovered over you, his hands caging either side of your head. “Yes, princess. Let’s put a baby in you.”
You giggled, fingers tangling in those long waves that you loved so much as Eddie’s lips moved over your cheek, across your jaw, and down the side of your neck. His fingers nimbly worked the buttons on your pajama top, pulling it open and then he was kissing and licking every inch of your skin ravenously. You sighed, soft moans falling from your lips as you squirmed under him, a yearning ache quickly building within you. 
Eddie’s lips traveled further south, his fingers gripping onto the edge of your pajama bottoms, slowly pulling them down your legs. His hands gripped your knees, pressing your legs apart and opening you up to him. As his mouth rested over your panties, he released a long, slow exhale that left you ravenous for more. 
“Yes, sweetheart. Jesus, I love this pretty little pussy,” he purred, running his nose along your panties until you were gasping for breath, your hips driving toward him, needing that little piece of fabric gone so there was no barrier between you and his mouth. 
Eddie slid your panties to the side, two of his fingers slipping inside of you. He moaned at how wet you already were, pressing open mouthed kisses along your inner thighs as he drove his fingers into you again and again. Without warning, he sucked your clit between his lips and you keened, almost coming off the bed. 
“Careful there, princess,” he crooned, placing his open palm on her belly, fingers splayed as he held you in place. “Be a good girl and stay still for me.”
Eddie could be insatiable when he was pleasuring you and tonight was no exception. His pleased groans sent gratifying vibrations along your core with every sound you made. Eddie’s fingers were talented, anyone who watched him on stage could see that, but only you knew how his tongue rivaled them. Your eyes rolled back in your head as your hips rolled toward him.
“Eddie, yes, Jesus…that’s so good,” you groaned, one hand gripping the bed sheets, the other gripping his hair as you ground yourself against his face. 
Eddie’s tongue teased you, flicking over your clit and forming circles around it before his lips would pull it back in, sucking just hard enough for it to be painfully satisfying. Your leg muscles became unyielding, legs rigid, as you felt yourself rising to orgasm. Those adept fingers curled within you and you came completely undone.
“Eddie!” you shrieked, gripping his hair tightly in your fist, your back arching off the bed. 
As you lay, trembling and spent, Eddie placed kisses over your body, making his way back up until his mouth found yours again. Desire roared within you once more as you felt his stiff arousal pressing against you. Using your feet, you pushed his sweats down off his hips, reaching between you to take him in your hand. 
“You want me to put a baby in you?” he asked, his eyes shining with excitement and urgency. “You want me to fill you up with all the makings of a little Eddie?”
“Fuck yes.” You groaned as he pressed into you, never ceasing until he had bottomed out within you, stretching you fully. 
“Goddamn, sweetheart,” he hissed, grabbing your feet and pushing them backward until your knees were up by your ears. You both gasped at the new angle, the way it allowed him to hit you in all the right places, to go even deeper. “Holy shit…”
You reached your hand behind his neck, pulling him closer to you, running your tongue along his bottom lip before nipping harshly at it. He released a low growl, thrusting his hips even harder against yours until all you could hear was the sound of your bodies colliding against each other. Your hands slid to his arms, gripping his ropey biceps for purchase as he plunged into you again and again, sending you quickly toward your second release. 
“Eddie, yes, yes,” you gasped, nails digging into his skin as that knot formed in your belly, the telltale sign that you were quickly heading right over the edge. “Baby, just like that. Oh my god. Eddie…yes!”
You held on, riding the waves of your release as Eddie’s hips continued moving against yours. He quickly followed, a strangled gasp emitting from deep within him. His hands released your feet and your legs fell, floppy and useless onto the bed. You collapsed back against the pillows as Eddie collapsed on top of you, his head resting against your chest. 
“Mmm…” he murmured, his lips nuzzling against your skin, his fingers tracing over the gentle curve of your stomach. “What do you think, princess? Do you think we made a little Munson?”
You smiled, fingers scratching his scalp, “I don’t know but if we didn’t this time, we’ll just have to keep trying no matter how many times it takes.”
His head lifted and he flashed you one of those mischievous smiles that always made your stomach flip, “Now, that sounds like fun.”
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gayle0828 · 1 year
As The World Caves In
Wednesday x Gn reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning: Death, Spoilers (a bit.) and bad writing, (not proofread.)
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Summary: What if you needed to be a sacrifice in order to save Wednesday and the whole school? Would she let it happen even if it could cause a lot of deaths?
She has been so fond of Death, This is the first time she wished for anything but that. She wanted to set the whole school on fire herself, but the thought of losing you has a great impact on her.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wednesday has been gone for awhile now. She told you that she had matters to attend to.
You thought that it was that simple but, it has been the whole day and you can’t help but worry.
Despite the girl having lack of emotions. That made you love her more. You believe that she’s different towards you. Maybe it’s the simple comfort if you’re somehow feeling sad by sitting next to you or maybe even letting you hug her.
You both had feelings for each other which sooner you confessed. That resulted to her having to understand that she do really have feelings for you. Those feelings made her overthink and that was not something Wednesday would do.
You have a feeling. A feeling that is not great. It was almost as if you knew what was about to happen.
As you rushed out of your dorm trying not to wake Yoko up. You were in your uniform. Running towards every single place you knew. Even the secret room.
You ran and ran until you saw a familiar figure. A raven haired girl with braids. And blood on the side of her forehead. She’s looking towards this old man wearing a hat and holding a staff.
As you saw this, you heard a lot of students scream. A fire broke out. They kept running towards each other to the gate.
There were flames everywhere. Broken piles of wood.
Wednesday had a sword in her hand. As she was about to fight, Crackstone had shot an arrow through her shoulder. Which left her groaning in pain.
You ran towards her. Before someone stops you.
She looked like Wednesday. But she has white hair and is pretty pale.
“Im warning you, Going past me will have consequences.”
You looked at Wednesday, Xavier trying to help her but he was told to go and help out other people.
As she took the arrow off of her shoulder standing still again.
“I don’t care what consequences there may be.”
“Loving Wednesday is hard. Though those consequences are harder. Enough to break her.”
You knew what she was talking about. You never cared the less. But she was true. Loving Wednesday is hard and you don’t want to break her.
So you wanted to change all of this. To make it lead to a greater side.
You looked at Wednesday. She was pushed by Crackstone’s staff on a plank of woods.
But, Bianca is behind Crackstone. As she was about to stab him in the back, Crackstone somehow knew it. Sending her flying, rolling on the grass.
Wednesday was left dumbfounded as she reached for the sword Bianca was using.
“It’s time.” A flick of a finger which made you get your senses back together.
Your eyes widened by your sight. As Wednesday is now getting pointed out by a staff. Being left weaponless
By the sight of this, you ran as quickly as you can getting the sword on the ground.
Wednesday saw this. And it made her eyes widen. She didn’t want you to be involved in this.
You stabbed him. But he just turned to look at you. Smiling widely. You were almost hit by a staff. But with your reflexes you moved behind him. Which was in front of Wednesday.
“The heart.” You heard Wednesday say. You knew now what she was talking about. You needed to stab him in the heart.
As you watch him heal up. You gave the sword to Wednesday. Which caused your hands to touch. That led her to shot her head up.
“Come on Wednesday! This is not the time to have visions!” You yell at her. But as if that’s enough to break her through her visions.
You held the sword in hand. After moving Wednesday somewhere safer.
“Oh kid, why are you protecting that outcast? You’re someone so valuable aren’t you? Unlike all of the people in this school?”
He knew. You had left it behind your past but here he is. Awakening it. As if regaining all of my memories.
Standing next to him watching the house burn. As people yell for help.
“I never had a father!” You say as you kept on swaying your sword towards him. As he avoids it all.
“I don’t need you kid. I want that girl dead, and if you meddle I’d have to kill you.” He says as you were now not allowed to move. After pointing his staff at you, He walked towards Wednesday. Making you scream and yell. To let Wednesday know that she should wake up.
Yet nothing does.
Crackstone points his wand towards Wednesday which caused fire to appear.
As it was reaching Wednesday, a barrier appeared on her body.
With all of your strength trying to exit the spell, you had broken out.
You pointed it into his back aiming perfectly and stabbing him without wasting anytime.
As if it wasn’t enough, He still can move. Making him murmur out a spell.
As your eyes widened.
You yelped in pain. As you were unable to move.
A familiar voice making you open your eyes. Pain was all over your body. As it grew numb by every second.
You tried to speak. Nothing came out. Only you coughing up blood.
“Wednesday....” With your hoarse voice, you wanted to tell her how dangerous on what she has done. She could’ve died. And you wouldn’t, you couldn’t live without her.
You watched her. Admiring her beauty. Just in case you won’t see it for awhile.
She held onto you. Deep and close. For a moment, you saw her eyes filled with sadness.
“Don’t you dare die on me Y/n. If you do, i might raise you back from the dead just to kill you myself.”
You chuckled by her words. Which caused you to cough up blood again.
These were all happening too fast. For you, it’s as if the world was ending, your world was ending.
But to Wednesday, it felt like her world was simply crashing down and her heart breaking into pieces as every second she looks at you like this.
She doesn’t want to admit it but, when you suddenly came into her life, everything started to change. Which she meant in a bad way.
Falling in love. She hates it. She doesn’t believe in the word love. For her, it was an undeniable pressure to her. A feeling that is confusing.
Whether she would wonder why your touches felt like delicate and sweet. And she hates it. The way you send spiders in her stomach. She hates the way she suddenly became attached to you. For the fact that she knew that if she lost you, she would end up breaking the promise to herself again.
Crying. She doesn’t like crying. It makes her feel weak. That’s why she swore to never do it again. Not until Thing was found lifeless.
But to you, it was not gonna be easy. You were not something that can be brought back to life after dying.
So she swore to protect you. And here she is, she was unable to protect you because of her stupid visions.
This is exactly what she saw. You lying weak and hurt. Despite that she saw your past, she didn’t care. You were not the reason Goody and the other outcasts were burned. It was not your fault.
“So this is why you didn’t want to talk about your past.”
You nod. You couldn’t speak at all even if you tried. You could only whisper.
You hinted Wednesday to move closer. As she held your body, even with stiff hands. You knew she was holding onto you like your fragile. Something that would break anytime.
Her touch, as she moved your hair on your face coverings your eyes.
Now she was looking into those eyes she has ever loved. But with it, now full of sadness and exhaustion. As if you’re too tired to keep your eyes open. Slowly blinking.
As you whisper something. She couldn’t hear it. She moved her head closer to yours.
“Wednesday... I’m tired..”
Her eyes widened. She can’t let you go. Not yet.
She moved her head closer again. This time foreheads touching. As she held your hand, moving it closer to her chest.
You can hear her heartbeat. It was fast and not steady.
You knew Wednesday has no experience in loving someone. But she showed you she loved you at every cause.
She would glare at you, most of the time. But she treated you unlike any other people she met.
She took care of you, she never cared for anyone but you. You just came into her life. Crashing. Leaving scars behind.
And now here’s the biggest one. She didn’t have any fear. But when it comes to you, you dying is her fear.
She didn’t know what she would do if you died. Those miserably annoying laughs and chuckles she loves, i mean hates would disappear. Your clingy behaviors she would miss somehow.
But your presence, your presence remained to her. She knew she would see you everywhere she goes. Even when your gone.
She doesn’t understand why she let this happen to you. If she could turn back time, Just to save you she would. But now you’re slowly dying in her arms.
“Im getting help.”
As she was about to go, y/n held her back not wanting to let go.
“Don’t leave me. I might ghost you when I’m dead if you do.”
“That would be great.”
You chuckle, oh how you love when she talks like that.
“Why are you even talking? I need to go and find help.”
“I told you, no.”
As you kept on losing blood, you’re starting to feel weaker and weaker in Wednesday’s arms. But you’re thankful for her not leaving you alone.
“You’re so stubborn, you’re going to die because of it.”
“Stop pretending Wednesday, you wanted to stay with me right?”
After a long silence, Wednesday finally spoke.
“No. I told you i need to get help.”
Wednesday didn’t hear anything. But as she looked at y/n, she could see her weak body. Her eyes now closed. As Wednesday kept moving her, to wake her up.
“Y/n? Y/n! Is this one of your pranks again?”
But she couldn’t hear anything from the girl. Wednesday placed her head on y/n’s chest. Hoping to hear a thumping heart. But nothing, she heard nothing.
Wednesday was not the type to panic. But here she is. She didn’t know what to do.
Just when Bianca woke up. She made her way towards Wednesday. Seeing your lifeless body, she was shocked.
“Im gonna get some help.” As she ran away.
Now that you two were alone, Wednesday couldn’t hold it anymore. She broke down. Holding your hand bringing it to her face. Trying to feel your warmth.
She felt coldness but a little sense of warmth.
This is the first time she felt this way. The love people thought was nice and pure. For Wednesday, it was deadly and suffocating.
But, she knew then. She couldn’t live without you.
Is that really it though? Would she just let it end like that?
You knew she wouldn’t.
As a small grin grew on the Raven haired girl’s face.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(I wrote this trying to remember the scene cause i was too lazy to watch it again. Soooo pls dont come at me!)
(Alsooo i probably have bad grammars, spelling errors and such.. here and there…)
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one-idea · 1 month
The Spades save Ace Thriller bark part 3
Im going to push Ace and Deuces arrived back until after Luffy crushes Ora’s spine. After Moria absorbs the Shadows.
I want Ace to show up just in time to see Luffy get trapped in that shadow box.
I want Ace to watch as Moria punches Luffy through the wall and then stomps on him repeatedly.
Ace will lose it. Rushing Moria to get him away from Luffy. He’s about to burn the man to the ground when Luffy emerges from the box.
Luffy tells “This is my fight Ace.” And Ace knows that. Yes both of their crews are at risk but Luffy started this fight. And no one is going g to respect Luffy as a captain if his Big Brother finishes all of his fights for him. Ace knows all of this, and he hates it. He wants nothing more that to roast Moria like a thanksgiving turkey.
But he stands down, and puts his faith in Luffy.
Something much harder to do when Luffy’s crew members start yelling at Luffy about how his body can’t take the strain he’s putting it under, using second and third gear at the same time.
But Luffy does it. He beats Moria. As Moria goes down Ace sees Luffy go flying he shoots up to catch Luffy only to see how small Luffy has become. He’s so small smaller than when Ace first met him. And all Ace wants to do is get him out of here. He lands just as the shadows are released into the sky.
‘Thats it. Luffy did it.’ He thinks as he turns to face the rest of the crew Deuce running over to him. His best friend no doubt coming to check over Luffy and ease Ace’s worries.
But then the sun comes up. And everyone is screaming. Ace watches as the sunlight hits Deuce and he erupts into flames he starts to run forward but fells a sudden heat in his arms and realizes his movement brought Luffy into the sunlight and now his brother is burning to.
He can hear the others screaming for Mihar, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin.
what is happening? Luffy won. The shadows were released. Everyone should be fine! So why was Ace watching the two people he loved most burn before his eyes. He’s a fire man fire should never harm his loved ones.
But then just like that deuce stumbles forward the flames flying off of him to reveal that Deuce is fine. His shadow following him as he continues to run over to Ace. “That was awful. Remind me to never set myself on fire again.” Deuce tries to joke as he comes over and starts looking over the little Luffy in Ace’s arms. But Ace knows him well enough to see the true relief in his eyes that he’s not dead right now.
The cost of Luffy’s powers
The rest of the crew makes there way over with Chopper yelling at Ace to lay Luffy down so that they can get a good look at him. Right as Ace does Luffy reverts back to his regular size.
“Alright who wants to tell me what that-” Ace says gesturing to his little brother’s body. “Is all about.”
“I’d like to know myself.” Zoro confirmed as most of the crew looked between each other. Most of them had never seen little Luffy before.
Chopper explains what Luffy told him about gear three and its side effects.
Usopp voices his worries and concerns about how this is to much for Luffy’s body to handle and how the rest of the crew needs to start stepping up fast.
The Strawhats miss the looks that the Spade’s shoot around to each other. The same question bouncing in all of their heads. This crew is strong, but are they New World strong?
Ace already knows the answer.
Kuma’s arrival
The Thriller Bark Victims Club come over to thank them with Captain Lola proposes to everyone in the group. The group screens their “no” pretty loudly but then she starts pointing at each individual and asking again. She’s largely ignored until she points at Luffy which gets Ace to yell “he’s underage!” At her. (I wonder who else he might be yelling that at in the future)
Her underlings take over offering to “thank them properly” and Nami takes over the conversation once money is involved.
Ace is happy to let her do so until Nami freezes and starts to tell them “there’s another warlord on the island.” Ace tenses as he remembers Kuma’s presence as well.
Thats when they hear Kuma’s transponder sail.
They all turn to look as Nami tells them about Kuma. Ace jumps in as well. He explains that he was fighting Kuma while they were fighting Moria.
They hear every word of the transponder snail. Especially the order “eliminate the Strawhat crew and everyone else on Thriller Bark. Leave no one alive.”
Usopp and Chopper start freaking out. It took everything they had to beat Moria. They are all worn out.
Ace steps forward. “You all run. I’ve got a score to settle with Kuma.” The man had ran his all over this island with neither of them able to land a hit on the other. He could drag this out long enough to let the others escape.
But Zoro steps up right next to him. “I don’t think he’s going to let us leave.” He says as he walks to stand next to Ace. “The rest of you stay back. We’ll handle this.” He’s panting and beat half to death but there is nothing in this Earth that he will let by him to touch his captain and his crew.
Ace is impressed with his loyalty and strength but now isn’t the time for that.
They stand shoulder to shoulder ready to fight Kuma.
When the man disappears.
He reappears behind the Strawhat crew and attacks the Thriller Bark Victims Club. Showing off his power. Ace had already seen what this man could do but the brutality he put into struck such obviously weaker men is still a shock.
Then Kuma is gone again. Appearing behind Zoro and Ace. Both men turn to face the giant.
“Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro and Fire Fist Portagas D. Ace. Should I start the extermination with the two of you?”
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ichorai · 1 year
be ; sansa stark.
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track ten of WASTELAND, BABY!
pairing ; sansa stark x gn!reader
synopsis ; sansa only knew love from tales of gallant knights and distressed damsels. she thought love was meant to be loud and extravagant. you taught her that quiet love was just as meaningful—that love didn’t have to always be a statement. love could just be there, and that was enough.
words ; 1.8k
themes ; angst, fluff, mild childhood friends to lovers
warnings / includes ; crying, reader calls sansa a spoiled brat (affectionately), set before her entire character arc in game of thrones when she was still living in winterfell
main masterlist.
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The fire crackled back to life as you placed another log on top of the dying embers, licking greedily at the wood. Sansa tore her eyes away from the fabric across her lap, watching as the warm amber glow of the fire bathed your features in honey-hued luminescence. Sharp shadows drew over your face, and stretched even further when you turned to her, a soft smile etched onto your lips.
“How are you getting along with that dress, Sansa?”
She blinked, looking back down at her work laid out over her knees, and she began working on the stitches once more. “Not bad. Though, I’m not so sure this color suits me very much.” 
You strode away from the fire and sank down into the chair beside her, glancing at the deep emerald of the cloth. “I think it looks wonderful. Brings out your eyes.”
A flustered blush stained her skin with a kiss of wine, and she downcast her gaze back to her craft bashfully, opting to remain humbly silent. 
With one last easy smile, you cracked open the book you had placed to the side to stoke the fire, easing into the seat with a pleasant hum. 
Sansa stole quick looks at your side profile, her heart thrumming within her chest with every peek. The elated rush your compliment gave her made Sansa work on the dress twice as fast, her fingers moving so quickly it was a wonder she didn’t accidentally poke herself with the needle. 
“What’s the dress for, anyway?” you asked idly, flipping the page. 
“Just something pretty to wear,” she replied, her teeth softly digging into the flesh of her bottom lip. Hesitantly, she spoke again, this time more timidly, “Do you want to be married, Y/N?”
There was a beat of silence, and Sansa could feel the dread and regret wind itself around her stomach. You blinked in surprise, tearing your gaze away from the book and up to the flame-headed girl beside you. 
Pursing your lips, you gave her question another second of thought, before shrugging aimlessly. “I mean, I’m not particularly looking for marriage at the moment. I’m perfectly content as I am right now.”
Before Sansa could stop herself, she launched into a tirade of defensive questions. “But don’t you ever feel like… things could be better? Like you’ll meet the right person one day and everything would just—fall right into place? Doesn’t it feel like a piece of you is missing?”
You arched a brow her way. “If you think someone is going to fix all your problems by marrying you, you’d be sorely mistaken. In fact, I’m nearly certain you’ll only have more troubling you once you get married.” 
Heat flushed her skin and she opened and closed her mouth in search of a response. None came to her. Instead, she leaned back in her chair with a sour pout to her rosy lips, going back to her stitching. 
“I just think it’d be nice, is all…” she mumbled. “I see my mother and father and how much they love each other and I just can’t help but want that for myself. I want to love someone like that.”
You hummed in understanding, dipping your eyes back down to your book. “I’m not opposed to marriage. If it happens, then it happens, but I won’t go and look for it because I’m happy as I am. I think there’s a wildly inaccurate expectation to love—it’s not all gallant knights on horses, or rescuing princesses from high towers. Love needn’t be a statement or a grand gesture, Sansa. Sometimes love is just there, and that’s enough.”
Sansa contemplated your words, screwing her lips together in thought. She certainly felt singled out, and she was rather embarrassed about her naivety about such a salient topic such as love. 
With one last shameful glance to you, she returned to working on her dress.
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Snowflakes danced about her hair, a pristine white amongst the flame-hued strands. You kicked at the weightless frost with your boots, a laugh on the tip of your tongue. 
You were smiling so very wide, and Sansa couldn’t help but mirror your enthusiasm.
“Stop!” she squealed as she tried to trod away from you and your mischievous grin. “Don’t throw that at me—you’ll get my dress wet!”
Her pleads fell upon deaf ears, and you cocked your hand back, a loosely clumped ball of snow landing smack against her abdomen. 
Sansa would’ve been mad, at least she thinks she would’ve been, but the way you threw your head back in pure joy seemed to quell her initial anger—your gleeful disposition was highly contagious. After all, the snow would dry eventually. 
Without thinking, she scooped up some of the icy frost laying on top of the grass, chucking it in your direction. The snow splattered across your face and your expression faltered for a second. Sansa hesitated, wondering for a brief moment if she had crossed a line.
Then you smiled, and her worries melted away, like the snow on your heated face.
“I deserve that,” you said, stepping closer to her. The girl held her breath as you drew nearer, only inches away from her, and gently wiped a stray clump of snow on her cheek. Your fingers, surprisingly warm against the frigid skin of her jaw, moved down her face and cupped her chin. The blue of her irises darted from your own hooded eyes to your lips—she could feel her face reddening. 
Something tugged within her gut. She felt as if she was doing something wrong.
“You’ve got a twig in your hair,” Sansa pointed out, breath falling away from her lungs.
She couldn’t tell whether it was relief or disappointment that flooded over her once you stepped away to rifle through your already-messy hair, pulling out the cold stick with a chortle. 
“Come on,” you said, snapping her out of her reverie. “We mustn’t stay out too late—wouldn’t want Winterfell’s most spoiled little brat to catch a cold.”
Sansa would’ve been affronted that you called her spoiled (which she was, she just didn’t like you saying it), but the roguish smile you flashed her made her heart plummet straight to her stomach and she her shut her mouth tightly, afraid of what would come out if she opened them.
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The fabric itched. 
After hours upon hours of sewing together the dress—she had finally worked herself into trying it on.
And it itched.
Sansa could already feel the tears welling up behind her eyes. Her throat felt swollen.
There was a knock at her door. She balled her fists up, before releasing a deep breath, hoping her face wouldn’t give away her telltale frustration.
It was your beaming, easy-going face that greeted her. Almost instantly, Sansa could feel herself relax. She pulled her bedroom door open wider to let you in, and you slid by her with a quick kiss to her cheek. You smelled of Winterfell’s forest—of home. 
If she wasn’t blushing up a storm before, she certainly was now. 
Only once you were inside, did she notice that you held a rather bountiful bunch of flowers in one of your hands. They were coiled together by the stems with a thin rope, tied into a neat bow. The flowers themselves, smelling wonderfully fresh, were a brilliant shade of lavender, the petals bulbous and elegant in nature. 
“What are those for?” she queried, clueless.
You rolled your eyes with a snort, before realizing that she was genuinely in the dark. “For you, love. Obviously, for you. I wouldn’t show up to your door with wrapped flowers and hand them to the next person I see.”
“They’re…” The words felt heavy on Sansa’s tongue. “They’re for me?”
“Of course.” You smiled toothily, and the ginger could feel her heart turning into sand—spilling through the gaps of her ribcage and making a mess all over the floor. “I found them during a walk—sprouted right through the harsh snows of Winterfell. Reminded me of you.”
Words like those should’ve made her happier beyond measure. 
Strangely, instead, they just made her want to cry more. But she wasn’t exactly sad, was she? Were they happy tears? 
Your jubilant expression began to falter as her shoulders began to shake, stifling small sobs. The flowers were gently placed by the edge of her mattress and you placed a hand on her forearm, pulling her closer. 
“You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong,” you said to her as you pulled Sansa into a warm embrace. “Just know that I’m here to listen if you do.”
“You were right,” she sobbed, her tears spilling over her warm cheeks and onto your cold tunic. 
“I often am,” came your tentative reply, “but it usually doesn’t bring people to tears. What exactly was I right about?”
“Love needn’t be gallant knights on horses o-or grand gestures… it could just be this. It could just be you.”
You thought about her words for a second longer.
“Gods, Sansa, it took you long enough.”
She blinked at you with confused, watery doe-eyes. You gently cupped her face, brushing her tears away with the pads of your thumbs, then leaned forward to slant your lips over her heated forehead. 
“I love you. Ever since we were little children—I looked up at you and thought ‘Why, what a spoiled brat. I must simply become her best friend’. Which, transformed without me realizing over time, into romantic love.”
“Why didn’t… why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because!” you exclaimed, with a teasingly exhausted tone. “Because, for the longest time, love was only that to you. Love was a gallant knight or a prince of gold. I am neither of those. I am only me—and I didn’t think you’d ever be interested in the likes of me. Don’t you see, Sansa? I just wanted you to be happy.”
She could feel her heart splintering into two. “I know better now—I don’t need that kind of love anymore. I can be happy with you. Just you, and only you. I’m sorry I didn’t realize it sooner.”
You regarded her with such affection that it was nearly catastrophic for her heart. “Sansa, my dear Sansa. Are you sure you’d be happy with me? With a love that is not loud, as you used to want it to be? Would it truly be enough for you?”
“Yes,” she replied, winding her fingers through yours and holding them up to her chest. “Yes, that would be enough.”
And she kissed you. It was sweet and chaste, and tasted of raspberries. She ached for more.
“If it’s enough for the spoiled brat, then that’s more than enough for me,” you whispered against her lips, before grinning like a fool and kissing her once again.
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lorewriter · 3 months
Warning ⚠️: content is 18+ minors DNI.
Fanfic Need To Know: ShigaDabiHawks. Smut fic. 5k. Unusual ABO Dynamics.
Note: this has not been beta read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Fire, Ash and Angels.
“New Omega laws have been put in place as of today. This is for the good of all classes, so make sure to properly follow them or submit to the consequences. The laws are as follows; 1. Omegas must be accompanied by their mate be it Alpha or Beta. 2. Omega’s are no longer permitted to leave their family homes until they are mated. 3. Omegas must go through each heat, suppressants are no longer legal for Omegas to use although they will still be available to Alphas. Finally 4. Abortion is now banned for Omegas under penalty of death. Abortion clinics will now only be available to alpha and beta women.” *click*
Smoke filled the room as blue flames licked at the seams of the scars running all along Dabi’s body. Rage overtook him as yet more restrictions were set by society for him and his fellow Omega. He’d been having a halfway decent day with some strong painkillers he’d acquired earlier that day. After taking a couple he’d decided to lounge on his couch and watch some tv while waiting for them to kick in. Lotta good that did as his quirk reacted to his inner rage causing him to burn through the couple of pills he’d taken just twenty minutes prior.
Suddenly a knock could be heard coming from the small window in his bedroom. Getting up, he made his way into said room only to find red eyes glaring at him through long white hair. Opening the window he moved aside to let the other in, knowing the other was probably just as angry as he was.
“I can’t fucking believe this.” A raspy voice half shouted. Causing Dabi to slightly flinch at the sudden noise before settling in his anger once more.
Shigaraki Tomura was a semi-famous streamer and unknown leader to a group of omega and omega supporters whose goal was to ultimately take down the government, and to change the sexist laws that had been in place for generations. He’d started this underground group when he’d turned 15 and now at age 20 was being searched for by the police and pro heros alike. No one had ever come close to finding him though, thanks to some underground heros secretly being Omegas despite it being illegal for Omegas to become pro heroes in the first place.
“Every time I feel like we’ve taken a step forward, they push us back by ten. It’s infuriating.” The white haired omega seethed, plopping down on the couch Dabi had previously been occupying.
Dabi had no words as he looked at his childhood friend and mate seething on the couch with notes of distress leaking from the sent patch he kept on his neck and wrists. Deciding words wouldn’t be enough right now, Dabi made his way over to the other crouching down to come face to face with his increasingly distressed boyfriend. Moving slowly, he pulled off the others patch before slotting his wrist against the others neck in an attempt to calm him down just a little. Letting out a small gasp, Tomura’s body immediately relaxed as his partner's scent slid over him like a blanket. Campfire and Cigarette smoke. An unusual scent for an Omega but it wasn’t like his was much better, with it being metallic with a hint of vanilla.
Both scents were frowned upon by society, deeming them both as either bland or not soft enough for normal Omega standards. They didn’t care though as they were already breaking society's rules by simply being together. An Omega being mated to another Omega just simply wasn’t allowed and the only reason it wasn’t made a law yet was due to people already beating and raping any Omega that dared to love one of their own.
Both understood the risk but like with most other laws and restrictions in their world they decided to say fuck it. They’d started dating officially at age 15 but had been helping each other through heats since they were both 13. Heats came once every month and became more and more hormonal as the person grew into adulthood. Since they were childhood friends, their cycles had synced up due to the shared pheromones between them.
At age 15 they met Keigo, a young alpha who after showing his hatred for the system and the people who had basically enslaved him, had become quite close to the two. Going so far as to look after them whenever they needed it. At age eighteen they invited Keigo, now known by his hero name Hawks, to share a heat with them.
They’d both talked about it extensively before offering, having the other already know that they were mates long before. Keigo had agreed but not before another long conversation about boundaries and what this would mean for the three's relationship going forward.
They’d all agreed on some set boundaries along with just starting out as heat partners for the time being. The first time they were all together was a bit awkward but quickly smoothed out as Keigo got to know just how the two usually handled their time of the month. Overall it had been an experience they’d all wanted to repeat.
A phone ringing was what startled the two out of their moment, as Dabi shifted away to let the other grab said phone. Glancing down, the ID read pretty bird. Clicking on the green answer button and setting it to the speaker, the two only needed to wait a moment before a semi- loud voice rang through the phone. “Are you both ok?” Came hawks' winded voice, clearly flying while calling them. “Yeah we’re both ok, Kei. I just arrived at Dabi’s, come over?” Came Shigaraki’s softer tone, having calmed down from his mate's scent.
“Sure, be there in five. Oh and don’t go out Mura, I know you like to sneak out but the heros have been getting closer to you. Time to lay low, ok?” Hawks replied, wind causing the call to glitch a few times.
“Sure pretty bird, just don’t get caught coming here. And stay fucking safe.”
“Sure Mura, be there soon.”
With that the call ended. Taking this as an opportunity, Dabi picked up his mate to carry him to his bed. They’d agreed that a few days before their heat was set to start they’d stay together until it ended. Dabi had wanted to move in completely together, but both Keigo and Tomura had refused, saying it would be too dangerous at the time. With Hawks being the number three hero and Tomura running his underground network, they couldn’t risk all being in the same place permanently. Not to mention his job. Dabi was known by most as an un-classed assassin that would work for any mafia that he shared mutual goals with.
They nicknamed him Kitsune. A trickster who moved with the grace of a fox, causing chaos and death wherever he went. The real reason he joined mafia groups was to rescue trapped omegas, as many as he could. Many thought he was a beta, some thought he was an alpha. But no one had ever suspected him of being what he actually was, an Omega. The omega’s he set free were set up in safe houses that Tomura’s network setup. They’d had this plan since they were thirteen. And finally it was doing some good.
Once Hawks and a few other underground heros had joined it’d become a bit easier, making it to where they could get out more Omegas at a time. They were happy with what they had accomplished so far, but they still had work to do. They wouldn’t stop until all omegas were free.
It seemed like forever before a soft knocking sound could be heard coming from the window. Dabi hadn’t bothered to pull the shade down after Tomura came in so they could both see hawks sitting on the fire escape waiting to be let in. Pushing himself up, the black haired Omega made his way to the window, letting the blonde inside much like he’d done earlier with Tomura.
Once fully in, Keigo immediately latched onto Dabi, moving to remove his own scent patch in order to mix scents with the other. It only took a moment before the scent of oranges and sandalwood filled the room causing both Omegas to unconsciously relax around who they deemed a safe alpha.
“Are you both ok? I can’t believe they set these new fucking laws, and what about the mission coming up? If Omegas can’t be out alone… we don’t have enough patches for everyone-” Keigo’s spiraling was cut off as Dabi clasped his hands around the alpha’s face, kissing him to shut him up. The kiss itself only lasted a couple of seconds before Dabi was pulling back once more to reassure the younger. “We’re going to work around this. I agree this is a setback but that’s never stopped us before.” Dabi encouraged, putting his wrist against the blonde's neck in order to scent him.
“He’s right, Kei. This is only a setback, we‘ll work through this like we’ve done every time before.” Tomura called from his place on the bed, gesturing for the older to come over.
Upon reaching the bed, Keigo was immediately pulled down to lay across the white haired man’s chest, positioned in a way that would allow Tomura to pet his hair and snuggle him at the same time. It was three days until all three’s heats and rut would begin but both Omegas always got extremely clingy and touchy in the following days. No sex was allowed until their shared cycles began due to just how agitated their genitals would be by the end of it.
With Dabi joining them, they shifted in a way to where Keigo was on top of both of them covering what was left with his wings. It was true that Tomura and Dabi got clingy but it was almost overshadowed by Keigo’s need to protect and cover them from the view of anyone outside their group.
It was an instinct all Alpha’s had, hiding their vulnerable mates from view in order to properly take care of them and keep them safe. Adding on Keigo’s bird traits only caused this instinct to heighten, meaning that when he did go into a rut, the windows and doors needed to be blocked before he could calm down.
Keigo cooed softly as a warm hand started preening his wings, while another slightly cooler hand carded through his hair. Keigo couldn’t be more happy with the relationship he had with the two Omegas. He’d fallen head over heels for the two when they’d first met at age 15.
It was during one of his missions for the commission that was ‘off the books.’ He’d been tailing a big ceo alpha one night when suddenly the man turned into an alleyway off to the side. Following quickly, Keigo stopped at the mouth of the alley only to be surprised at what he saw.
The man had apparently taken an interest in a tall black haired man, which with further inspection turned out to be an omega. An omega who currently was going into heat by the scent of things. Waiting a little longer, Keigo saw that the alpha had cornered the omega against a wall and was practically shoving his head into the other's neck. He could hear the black haired man curse at him while trying to shove him away, but it was to no avail.
The man at that point had started to growl, and get really physical. He’d gotten the Omega’s pants undone by the time he’d made up his mind to blow his cover and intervene when out of the darkness came a loud hiss. The distinct hiss of an angry omega. Suddenly the alpha was being thrown into the other side of the ally with what looked to be a white blur moving quickly after him. All that came from the man was a cut off scream before he seemed to melt into- what was that? Dust? Ash?
Well it didn’t really matter as he was quite dead now. Glancing back to the omega in heat he saw a slightly shorter white haired man reach out, redoing the other's pants before readjusting them to where the taller was leaning on the shorter.
Deciding that he couldn’t just leave them there, he slowly made his way into the alleyway. Immediately he was hit with the scent of distress. The minute he was noticed, a sharp hiss could be heard coming from the white haired omega. Small whines and whimpers could be heard coming from the other as he was clearly in pain and scared due to his vulnerable state. He was only a few feet away when he stopped, putting his hands up to show he wasn’t a threat.
“I’m not here to hurt you, I just wanted to make sure you both were ok.” Keigo spoke, using a softer tone to try and further show he wasn’t going to do anything.
“Fuck off, we don’t need your help.” The white haired omega spat, adjusting to the black haired omega to be further hidden by him.
“I’m sorry, I know the last thing you want is help from an alpha but I really don’t think you’ll be able to carry your friend alone.” Keigo tried again, moving down onto one knee so he wasn’t looming over where they were slouched on the ground.
Just as the white haired omega was about to respond, a loud howl could be heard coming from the black haired omega. “Shit, he’s dropped fully.” The white haired omega hissed, moving his wrist to slot itself against the other's neck.
“You don’t have much time, all alpha’s within a five mile radius would have just heard that howl. They’ll come here and I don’t think you’ll be able to fight them all off on your own.” Keigo reasoned, becoming a little more desperate as his senses threatened to take control.
“Fine. But if you try anything, and I mean anything, I’ll kill you faster than you can even blink.” The omega relented, adding on a threat for good measure. Finally having the go ahead, Keigo moved to take the black haired omega into his arms. “Where does he live? Is it far?” Keigo asked, looking towards the entrance of the alley to make sure no one was coming in.
“He lives about three blocks from here, I’ll lead you there but you’ll need to leave immediately after.” The white haired omega spoke, getting up from where he’d previously been huddled on the ground.
“Of course.” Was all he could respond, feeling the waves of pheromones coming off the omega in his arms. It took all his strength to resist his instinct, and even then that didn’t stop the canines in his mouth to enlarge or himself to get hard.
The walk to the omegas house was one of the most difficult things he’d done but he knew it’d be worth it in the end if it kept both of them safe. After all, what kind of a hero was he going to become if he couldn’t help a couple of omegas in a predicament.
Reaching what looked to be an old apartment building with a fence wrapped around it, Keigo noted a sign which stated omegas only. It was common for older buildings to be set as omega only buildings as most newer buildings were made to accommodate alphas and betas. Keigo thought it was stupid but knew that while he was under the commission there wasn’t much he could do.
Making his way up creaky stairs, the white haired omega finally stopped at a door with black lines spray painted on the outside. Ah so that’s what the black haired omega was. Within omega only spaces, there were at least two to three omegas that stood out as a sort of protector over all the other omegas that resided in said space. Given the way the white haired omega fought, he wouldn’t be surprised if he was also deemed as a protector.
“I can take him from here.” The white haired man spoke, already grabbing the black haired man into his arms. “Ah, sure.” Was all he could get out before a door was promptly slammed in his face.
Just as he was about to leave, the door swung open once more, revealing the heat ridden omega from before. “Fuck! Dabi no!” The white haired omega shouted, running to grab the other to take him back inside. Dabi had apparently had other plans as he dodged the white haired omegas grabs and barreled his way into Keigo’s stomach, causing both of them to tumble to the floor.
“Fuck you smell so good.” Dabi slurred from his place on top of Keigo. “Ahh umm thanks? Could you get off me?” Keigo heaved out, trying to resist the pull of an omega in heat.
“Dabi! Get over here now!” Tomura snarled out, using a tone somewhere between an omega and alpha. In very rare cases, there were omegas born with the ability to command fellow omegas and sometimes even alphas, using a tone close to an alphas. It was so rare that Keigo had never met anyone who could do this until now, which was why he was confused as to why he’d immediately felt an intense urge to submit.
Immediately he was snatched from his thoughts as the sound of an omega whining could be heard coming from right above him. Within moments, Dabi was up and off his lap to obey what the white haired omega had commanded. “Mm sorry Tomura.” Dabi softly called, collapsing into the others arms. Sighing, Tomura looked over to where the blonde was still on the floor.
“Sorry about that. Oh and thank you for not trying anything. If you’d like, we can treat you to some coffee as a thank you. My name is Shigaraki Tomura, this clingy idiot is Dabi.” Shigaraki offered, moving Dabi’s head so it rested against his scent gland.
“Umm sure… uhh Takami Keigo is my name.” Was all he could get out, feeling the beginning signs of a pre rut coming on.
“Right, well Takami. Come to this apartment in three weeks.” With that Shigaraki closed the door once more, locking it so the other would have a harder time getting out.
They’d met for coffee like promised and got to know each other a bit better, Keigo decided he really liked both of them, but wouldn’t realize just how much until two years later.
Three days passed in a haze as the trio’s heats and ruts drew closer, it was on the third night that Dabi’s heat hit first. “Mmph, fuck. Mura, wake up. Dabs heat has started.” Keigo’s groggy voice called out. Feeling Dabi, who had ended up between them, rut against his thigh. Whines and whimpers could be heard coming from the black haired omega as he ground down against the blonde's thigh with increasing speed. “Kei… hurts.” Dabi just about sobbed, trying to get as much friction as he could.
“Shh shh, I know I’ve got you baby.” Keigo responded, shifting so that Dabi had more access to his thigh. Slick ran down his leg as the only thing between them was the thin fabric of his boxers. Tomura, who had woken up just moments before, snapped to attention at the sound of his mate whimpering. Moving to wrap his arms around the black haired man, Tomura could feel himself slipping into his heat as well.
Omegas aren’t supposed to mate with omegas, so not much is known when it comes to an omega pairing. And due to a lack of information, it came as a surprise when Tomura’s features started to change to something more alpha like after their first shared heat. His teeth grew a bit larger, not as large as an alphas, but still larger than an omega’s normal size. His build changed slightly, causing him to be a bit broader, while his heat scent took on a bit of a musk that usually only alpha’s had. The final change was the most surprising, as a medium sized knot grew at the base of his dick.
Neither were complaining at the changes and Keigo never felt challenged by the omega so it ended up being a pleasant change all around.
Just as Keigo noticed Tomura’s scent change, Dabi bit his shoulder, causing him to moan as the omega came on his thigh. At that point he knew it wouldn’t take much more for him to slip into his rut, he was just glad they had remembered to stalk up as the week ahead would be tough.
It was about two hours in when Tomura decided to switch things up. Keigo who had been switching between fucking both of them needed a break. So with a growl that had Keigo backing off, Tomura moved to take care of his whining mate who had just slipped back into his heat-addled brain after a brief reprieve. Moving in between the other omegas thighs, Tomura tapped the others lips in a silent order to open up. Obeying with a small whine, Tomura was able to get his fingers wet before immediately using them to slick up his cock.
It didn’t take much to slide in as Dabi was already stretched wide after Keigo had had his turn. Setting a slow pace, Tomura took the opportunity to mouth at the black haired omega’s neck and down to his chest. Keigo who had seemingly been forgotten off to the side was slowly stroking himself, watching his two omegas make love. “Tomura move, come on I need it please.” Dabi begged, causing the white haired man to growl with a snap of his hips.
“Alpha.” Tomura called, gaining the blonde’s attention instantly. “Be a good boy and get your ass ready for me, I think it’s about time you get some attention.” Tomura purred, lacing a hint of a command under it. Immediately Keigo moved to follow the others request, knowing that if he didn’t Tomura would most likely not allow him to cum again for the rest of the night. It was only recently that Tomura had asked if he could top when they fucked and Keigo had ended up stumbling over his words in his haste to agree. All his life Keigo had been taught to only submit to his handlers, which he never wanted to do. But when he thought about submitting of his own free will, he found that he actually liked the idea. And who better to submit to than Tomura.
He was torn once more from his inner thoughts as Tomura began to speak again. This time it wasn’t directed at him but the words themselves were enough to have him grabbing the bottle of synthetic slick from the nightstand that sat beside the bed.
“That’s it Dabi, you’re doing so well taking my cock. You feel so good. Mm fuck baby.” Tomura’s raspy voice purred, moving to the other‘s scent gland in order to coax more of the sweet scent out.
“Please Tomura, please please please. I need it.” Dabi wailed, as smoke started to seep through his seams.
“Need what, firefly?” Tomura questioned, deciding to tease the other a bit.
“Need to… need to cum please Tomu.. wanna cum.” Dabi slurred out.
Moving Dabi’s legs for a better angle, Tomura decided it was time to give in to what the lover wanted.
“Alright firefly, you’ve been so good for me. You may cum. Come on love, show me how beautiful you can be and cum for me.” Tomura commanded, speeding up his thrusts while aiming directly for the other’s prostate. “Mmm fuck!” Dabi moaned as he came, spurts of clear liquid hitting both his and Tomura’s stomachs. Tomura finished soon after, biting down on the others scent gland as his knot swelled and popped.
“Fuck that was hot.” Came Keigo’s hazy voice.
Looking over, Tomura noted that the alpha had obeyed him and had already gotten two fingers inside himself. “Add another.” He lightly commanded, loving the way Keigo’s eyes glossed over as he moved to obey. His knot wasn’t completely like an Alpha’s knot so it didn’t take as long to come down, allowing him to slowly remove his softening dick from Dabi’s well used ass. Grabbing a plug from the top drawer of the nightstand, Tomura moved to fill Dabi up once more, knowing that he would need a bit more time to focus on his alpha. After he was finished, he moved onto his back so that he could watch his partner open himself up.
Keigo whined as his dick felt like it was about to explode, but didn’t dare touch it, knowing Tomura hadn’t given him permission to yet. He could feel as red eyes cased his entire body, a sense of hunger that showed itself through the others scent, becoming more like a rut scent than a heat scent. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention as Tomura moved to sit behind him.
A single gloved hand moved to encircle his torso as the other one started straightening his feathers. A moan ripped out of him at the contact as his partners lips moved against his ear.
“I’m gonna need you to be a bit more submissive than this, Kei. After all, I don’t want you to turn this around on me halfway through, so why don’t you be a good boy and cum for me.” Tomura purred, knowing that overstimulation was the best way to keep Keigo under him.
“Y-yes s-sir.” Keigo moaned, moving his fingers to start directly hitting his prostate. It didn’t take much more for to Keigo cry out, squirting a large amount of seman onto the bed in front of him before collapsing back into Tomura’s chest, cooing and chirping as he did.
“Good boy, such a good boy. That was so good, baby. You did so well for me.” Tomura praised, knowing that both Dabi and Keigo had praise kinks.
“Alright pretty bird, I want you on your stomach.” Tomura directed, moving the blonde to lay on the bed, a pillow being placed under his hips for comfort. Unlike with Dabi who didn’t get overstimulated no matter what they did during his heat, Keigo got overstimulated rather quickly. Causing Tomura to have to take care of both of them throughout their shared time. It wasn’t until near the end of their cycles that Dabi became coherent enough to take care of Tomura in return.
Moving to massage the base of Keigo’s wings, Tomura took the opportunity to just gaze at the beautiful alpha under him. He’d never felt this way for an alpha before but knew at this point he wouldn’t be able to let Keigo go. He could see that Dabi felt the same and wasn’t oblivious to the way Keigo stared at them both over the past few years.
“Tomu, please. I’ve been so patient.” Keigo begged, more bird noices encompassing his pleas as he did.
“Alright, angel. I’ve got you.” Tomura soothed, using some of his own slick to make entering easier.
Keigo was tighter than Dabi so it made it a bit harder to go in all at once, so Tomura took it slow, easing his way past the ring of his hole. Both men moaned as Tomura bottomed out. Waiting for Keigo to adjust, Tomura focused his attention on the alpha’s nipples, tugging and pinching them as he slowly started to ease his cock out. Finally to the tip, Tomura asked if Keigo was ready to which he got an enthusiastic chirp and yes from the alpha.
With that, Tomura slammed back in. Setting a brutal pace as he knew the alpha liked things a bit rough. Moans and whines could be heard coming from Keigo as he scrambled to latch onto the pillow he was strewn across. It took only a moment for Tomura to find the alpha’s prostate and a few seconds to shift and aim for it with each thrust. Keigo’s wings flared, sharpening and un-sharpening as his talons tore through the bed sheets. “How are you feeling angel? Are you still with me?” Tomura asked, moving to flip the other onto his back.
“Mhhmmm” was all he got in return before a wave of bird noises made their way out of the alpha’s mouth.
“Good boy, angel. So good for me.” Tomura purred, licking and sucking his scent gland as he did. With a few more well aimed thrusts and whines coming from the alpha, Tomura could tell that Keigo was getting close. Moving his hand to wrap around the others quickly swelling cock, Tomura squeezed right as the knot formed, causing the blonde to practically scream as his prostate was hit and his knot finally popped. Large amounts of cum covered both of them as Keigo finally came down, spurts of semen still coming out in waves.
With a few more thrusts, Tomura grunted as his own knot swelled and popped in the alpha’s ass.
Collapsing onto the alpha, Tomura took the chance to finally breathe, knowing that Dabi would be waking up soon from his passed out state.
Four days later, with three left to go saw Dabi finally snapping from his complete heat addled brain allowing Tomura to sink into his own. For the next three days, both Dabi and Keigo took turns making Tomura cum as much as he made them. Overall it was a tiring experience for all of them but they couldn’t be more happy.
Extra: The Talk
It was two weeks after the trios heats and rut ended that Dabi and Tomura sat Keigo down to have another talk about their relationship.
“So… you guys wanna mate me?” Keigo asked, voice small as he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Yeah. Is that ok? Do you want that with us?” Dabi asked, suddenly sounding a bit more nervous than when they’d started.
“Of course!“ Keigo half shouted, a huge smile spreading across his face as tears welled at the corners of his eyes.
“Well that’s good, I don’t know what I would have done if you’d said no.” Tomura spoke, relief filling his tone.
“So.. when?” Keigo asked, looking between the two for an answer.
“Next heat. We’d like to be able to mate you as soon as possible. But Keigo, you know this’ll put you in danger right? The commission doesn’t take kindly to an alpha with more than one bonded.” Dabi warned, concern overtaking his features.
“I know Dabs, it’ll be ok. I’ll cover up the marks and use more scent blockers. I hate this, and I hope we can change things soon but for now just having you both is enough for me.” Keigo responded, smiling a genuine smile that he didn’t often get to show.
Just as Tomura was about to speak again he was interrupted by a text chiming on his phone.
Taking his phone out, a frown shadowed his face causing his partners to become more alert.
“It’s from Rain. Aizawa’s been taken by the commission.” Tomura hissed, getting up to get ready to leave.
“Fuck.” Dabi swore moving to follow his mate.
Keigo took a moment to marvel at the power his to be mates exuded as he got up from his own seat. He almost felt bad for the commission. Almost. After all, the commission had no idea what hell they were bringing down on themselves.
If you liked the story please check out my ao3. I have other works in progress and if you’d like to leave a comment I am more happy to read your thoughts on the fic.
My Ao3 Acc
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