#they tried to throw us off with savitar for so long that they missed out on all the future flash potential oh my GOD
shrinkthisviolet · 4 months
Reading about comics Future Flash while thinking about s3 Savitar is like being slapped in the face, because what do you mean we could've had a villainous version of Barry who killed other Rogues in service of his goal to reverse the death of someone he cares about (Wally, though the show could've made it Iris) and died telling Barry not to pursue the path of vengeance??
We could've had this?? But instead we had a hodgepodge version of some parts of Future Flash and some parts of Savitar that didn't even mesh well??
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cee693 · 4 years
I Loved and I Loved and I Lost You.
The Paragon of Love deals with life alone at the Vanishing Point.
Brief, based on how *awful* Barry looks in the new promo pictures.
This wasn't the plan.
Barry leaned heavily against the stone wall where he spent the majority of his days and used a shaky hand to pull out his cell phone.
His fingers moved unhurriedly along his phone screen. They had been in this place for a long while and he still didn’t understand its rules. The remains of the oculus that Sara was trying to get to--- well he didn’t know exactly what--- remained dark in spite of their tinkering, but his cell phone still worked as if he were still on earth. In cruel ironic twist, he could still even make calls. Not that there was anyone left in the galaxy to call.
Still, he dialed one number without fail every night before he fell into restless sleep. Of course there was never any answer. Her line never even rang. It just went straight to voicemail which he appreciated. All he wanted was the sound of her melodic voice apologizing for missing him, asking him to leave a message or try again later.
He always did.
But, that’s not what he was after right now.
The apology was for nighttime. The daytime was meant for her laughter.
He tapped into his own voicemail and pulled up the message he'd been playing on loop every day since they'd been in this place.
It was from a little over two years ago. He'd saved it to his phone back then after it'd come through.
Iris had called from the loft after work wondering when he would be home.
She didn't know he was already upstairs getting changed after a shower. He'd heard her leaving him a message as he crept downstairs to her.
Iris's back was to him and he tiptoed up behind her. He grabbed her sides and growled playfully in her ear and she shouted in fright.
The message muffled for a few seconds as she turned in his arms.
When the line cleared, it was to the sound of her lightly chiding him for scaring her.
That wasn't very nice. And to think I was excited to see you because I'd brought you a treat."
Barry remembered her sliding her arms around his neck and pulling him close to her.
"I don't even want it."
"Is that right?"
"You're all the treat I need."
Iris had chuckled breathlessly. "Alright, smooth talker. Slow down."
"Barry!" She laughed.
Barry's eyes shut in pain.
In his head he can see the scene. The setting sun sprinkling dusk in their apartment.
The golds and earth tones of the loft reflected the warm hues and glowed against Iris's warm skin. Her teeth blinding him as she laughed.
He’d stopped peppering her face with kisses long enough to ask what she’d gotten him.
Iris demurely reached behind her and grabbed a familiar pink bag.
Barry had grinned and taken the bag from her, recognizing the logo of their favorite bakery.
She stopped him before he could open it though. “Okay, I may have exaggerated to make you feel bad for scaring me. Maybe a more accurate statement would’ve been that I brought you the gift of leftovers.”
Barry peeked inside and saw that there was in fact only a half-eaten cookie sitting on top of a bunch of parchment paper.
Iris bit her lip when Barry looked at her quickly.
Amusement colored her face. "Sorry."
Barry tossed the bag on the counter and he'd tickled her then. Long and hard. And her laughter had filled his ears then just as sweetly as it did now.
She eventually escaped his clutches and he'd chased after her, not using his powers.
Her phone had dropped somewhere and with both of them occupied, neither noticed the call still recording.
Eventually, his voicemail ended her message, but before then he had a few glorious minutes of the faint sound of her laughter ringing somewhere from the apartment.
The recording ended too soon, just like it always did and he was once again in the morbid landscape of the Vanishing Point.
This wasn't the plan.
He grabbed his hair and used all his energy to keep the scream bubbling in his throat down.
He felt broken. Not like himself. Not like any human with a heart still beating.
He felt dead inside. Like his life force had left him long ago.
Like the Barry from 2024.
He thought he'd changed that future, but he guessed not.
Because this was who he couldn’t outrun. The person he would always become without her.
It was inevitable.
Though, he'd tried to fight it. Tried to put plans in motion to prevent it.
After Yorkin. After Savitar and the Speed Force, he'd sat Iris down and had a talk he needed to have more than anything.
"I know I've asked you for so much," Barry had started. "But, I need you to promise me something. And I need it to be a promise you never break. Okay?"
She had nodded slowly, unsure of what could be so serious. So vital.
"In sixty or seventy years, when it's time for us to go, let me go first," he requested.
Iris was at first taken back and then horrified. "Barry! What-"
Barry shook his head just needing her to agree. Not to question- or worse reassure- him.
He knew what he was asking.
"I can't do it," he told her seriously, trying to calm the tidal wave that had encompassed him ever since that first time he saw her die on Infantino Street.
"I can't. Not even for a second. I've been to hell and it's you dying and leaving me here. I can't do it again. So when the time comes in the far-off future, whenever you're ready, just hold on long enough for me to go first."
Tears had pooled her eyes and she swallowed hard at the thought, but she searched his face for a long pause and she saw that he meant what he said.
So, she nodded once and touched his hand. "I promise."
And yet here he was. In hell. Alone.
This wasn't the plan.
Iris was dead. Everyone- they were all dead.
He touched his wedding band.
He was a widower. He was all alone.
The other six were still fighting. Still trying to save the world. Hell, even Lex Luther had stepped up to the plate.
But, he couldn't. He wasn't who they thought he was.
He stood among them a fraud.
They were Paragons independent of the world around them.
Truth, honor, hope, humanity.
They chose to embody these things in spite of the world around them.
Their strengths came from within themselves.
His came from another.
Those things were inside of heroes. They were virtues that heroes found inside themselves when all else was lost.
Those things were innate.
But, love... Love was taught and love was found.
Love had a source. A center. It had a face. It had a name.
His Love had a name.
And she'd taught him everything he'd ever need to know about love. Boundless love. Unconditional love.
The source of his powers both as the Flash and as a Paragon was her. And now she was no more.
And his fight- his purpose- were no more too.
So he sat. And he grieved. And he raged. But, he couldn't help the others.
He couldn't pick up all the broken pieces of himself in time to be of use to anyone.
And, in spite of mostly bit tongues, he knew all the others hated him for it.
Well, not all.
Ryan Choi got it. Ryan left him alone. Ryan was all but leading the charge, never losing hope, but he understood enough of what Barry was feeling to show him sympathy.
While everyone else yelled in frustration or badgered him to do his part and try, Ryan brought him water and sat with him in silence at his favorite spot on the floor.
Ryan understood.
J'onn too.
Two men who had loved and lost and had no other choice but to keep breathing.
They got it.
Everyone here had lost family, friends, home.
But, losing your soulmate. Losing your guiding light - it changed your DNA.
He had lost everything.
This wasn't the plan.
He didn't belong here.
All meaningless words without love.
Above all else, Love was and always would be the driving force in his life.
When the truth was hard or hidden, Love made him see it clear.
When destiny showed him death and destruction, Love told him that there was another way.
When his morals wavered- when he was tempted to throw them away to save the day, Love reminded him exactly who he was. Love was his honor code.
Love was the center of his humanity. The thing that kept him grounded in a storm of the impossible. His lightning rod. Even before the speed force. Since they were kids. Love was what kept him alive in a sea of death.
Love was hope. Loving Love meant years of hoping they would one day be together. Years of believing in a happy ending.
Now she was no more.
This wasn't the plan.
What courage could be found here when he was only fearless with her? The thought of her is what made him keep going even when he was terrified.
It's what filled the cracks of broken bones long enough for him to hold his tired body up and persevere.
If anyone wanted to know about his courage, it was her. She was his courage.
He was a fraud.
She powered the hero. She sustained the man.
He was the face of the operation, but she was its soul.
And now she was no more.
His Iris.
He began to weep again.
It wasn't long before he heard commotion a ways away.
"---just give him some space."
"He's had all the space in what's left of the world! What about the rest of us? We've all lost everything. Not just him."
Batwoman, he recognized. She sounded angry. And Ryan who was holding her back sounded exhausted.
"Get the hell up, Flash!" Kate shouted angrily over Ryan's shoulder. "There's work to do."
It had taken a lot for the normally reserved and understanding woman to lose her cool. Days trapped in this place had done her in.
Or was it months?
Barry didn't know. He didn't count. He didn't care.
And Kate had put up with that apathy until she couldn't anymore.
"Pariah put us here for a reason! We're the only ones with a chance of saving the multiverse, but only if we work together. All of us!"
'Pariah,' Barry thought with a snarl.
If he ever saw that man again, he'd kill him with his bare hands.
Pariah could've saved them all.
Why hadn't he saved them all?
Why hadn't he waited long enough for Barry to grab Iris's hand? He could've brought her with him.
Pariah had saved the Paragons. The universe’s last hopes. But, those were just titles with no meaning.
If Pariah had really understood what it took, if he really understood just exactly what constituted as a hero, his golden streams would’ve flowed right past Barry and encompassed his wife.
Pariah had saved the wrong Allen.
And now here they were at the center of nowhere. Where nothing grows and nothing speaks, with no more of a plan than the day they'd arrived.
“Get! Up!” Kate gritted out. "Get up and try! Fight!”
The rest came between them, trying to calm Kate and throwing Barry looks that ranged from pity to disgust.
He was unmoved.
Barry watched silently as Ryan and Kara gently led Kate off somewhere. He could hear Kara's soft words of comfort.
And then he heard Kate whisper brokenly. “We all lost. All of us…, Sophie… I couldn't save her. I couldn’t…”
He felt the tiniest bit of intrigue before he felt nothing at all.
He hadn’t counted correctly, Barry realized. There weren’t only two others.
Kate understood too.
And he understood why she was so mad.
He’d had that fire right at the beginning. When they’d first arrived, before the finality of it all had settled in, he’d raged against the rest; yelled at them to find a way back to the Waverider.
But, no one had listened and they made him see why going back was impossible.
And then he grew silent and he'd found his favorite spot on the floor.
Once Kate’s outburst was quelled the others meandered off, back to whatever tasks they’d been busying themselves with.
And Barry was once again left to the quiet of his thoughts.
He was grateful.
His trembling fingers picked up the phone he'd put down and they swiped at the screen.
He opened up the folder of the saved voice recording and he pressed play once again.
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herstarburststories · 7 years
There's always someone to love you ✘ Dark!Barry|Savitar Imagine ✘
✘ A/N: Hope you like it! Thanks for my beta, @lyss-91, as always ♡ And tumblr isn't letting my put the title, bleh.
✘ @lookclosernow's request: Savitar? Maybe you were his love and he wanted to destroy everything because after your happy life together you said that you didn't love him! (It's not try maybe it was your doppelgänger or smth) and I need flashback where you broke his heart ❤ And then when he is evil you came and said about your real feeling. And happy end! Thank you 😊
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Beaches are cozy and clean, until people start throwing litter at them. Damaging it to the point of turning them into something completely unorganized, even dangerous.
People are like beaches. They come into the world completely pure, and some people throw dirt on them until end up with something bad.
That's what happened to Savitar.
He was a good man, he really was. Until everyone around him began to abandon him and treat him as a stranger, as a disposable, a mistake which shouldn't have even be committed.
Savitar's way of feeling could be explained, but never fully understood. He was a mistake on his own in the world. The people who claimed to love him discarded and replaced him, and Savitar sacrificed himself for them.
He was willing to die for them, and they killed him in the worst way possible.
"Bar— Savitar!" Savitar heard a familiar voice call. He turned around himself, waiting for you to approach him.
"Do you want to tell me I'm a mistake again?" Savitar said like a snake loosening its bitter venom.
"What the hell are you talking about!? What the fuck is your problem, anyway!?" You answered in frustration, almost catching how Savitar's eyes widened quickly and his eyebrow arched in surprise. "Seriously, holy shit. You've been doing this, these stupid puzzles and with... With missing the essential bits!" You normally didn't have a taste for using ugly words like this, maybe a fucking once or twice, but not like that; unless she was frustrated, sad or 100% angry. "From the day we met, you made these sadistic games, torturing each of us mentally until we discovered your identity. Well, your sadomasochistic game worked, we found out. But what's your problem with me? I've never hurt, Barry. I would never hurt, even in this alternative past where you came from." You sighed, running your hands through your hair and tossing them back in exasperation.
"I'd forgotten how dirty that cute little mouth of yours could be." Savitar replied simply, with a smirk painted on his lips. "Let me refresh your memory, you were even worse than Team Flash." He spoke the name with contempt, as if all your friends deserved the fate he had sealed for them. "You stayed with me just to break me even more, maybe I should kill you after Iris only for petulance against your god!" Savitar masked his fucked heart with his power, as he had learned long time ago.
"You're not a god!" You exclaimed and he approached you. His hand touched the skin of your cheek as if it were an ice sculpture, fragile and painful to the touch, and yet beautiful, so beautiful that it made that physical agony from touching worth it.
"I'll be one, and everyone will regret what they did to me." Savitar smiled like a madman, and all you could do was feel your heart beating with exaggerated speed inside your rib cage. You told yourself it was fear, even though your brain was pounding and screaming that it was not exactly that.
"What have I done to you?" You sighed, caught in the contact with those frighteningly comforting eyes, even with the aesthetic change.
"The worst thing a goddess could do to a god." Savitar answered as gently as was posible to him, and you could almost touch the pain in the syllables of his words. "You left me."
Savitar pulled away from you, and you knew he was getting ready to run and leave you with one more unanswered question, but you were done with it. It was time to understand what the hell was going on.
"Tell me everything, tell me every little thing I've done to make you hate me so much." Savitar, who had his back to you at that moment, finally turned to you. "Please."
"Hey, babe." Savitar, still Barry, said when he heard a noise in the front door, avoiding to turn to give a smile to his girlfriend. The way his face was still kept him insecure, even with (Y/N) saying that he was still as beautiful as ever to her. Barry did not even understand how she could kiss him, smile at him, caress him and fuck with him, all those normal couple things. When they went outside, Barry could feel their eyes on him, judging, belittling, utterly angry. He had to admit that he understood these people, no matter how miserable that left his emotional, Barry was disgusted with himself, too. And the only person in the world who could make him see the beauty in himself was you, the love of his life, the moon of his sky. The only person who crossed her arms and kicked her feet when he said he was thinking of doing plastic surgery, because you knew how dangerous it could be, that he could catch an infection or something, and you preferred him alive than in a hospital bed sick, fighthing for his own life. Besides being beautiful, even with the scar, you always said. "So I've been researching and..." But it was still difficult for him to deal with himself every morning. "I found a plastic clinic in Keystone. It's not very expensive and it's new, but it has several people with positive results." A anormal sound at your apartamemt was heard, and Barry almost frowned at it, you hated high heels because they left your feet aching, weird you wear them in Monday morning. He didn't think much about it, maybe you just woke up and wanted to wear high heels.
You finally got yourself into his gaze, generating confusion in his head. Did you mention that you were going to dye your hair? Not that you needed to say everything you were going to do, of course, but that was strange, especially because of the clothes that were completely contrary to your style, you looked like a villain from a 60s' movie.
Althrough the worst thing was the look you gave to him: surprised, and yet, as if you were disgusted with what was seeing. You've never looked at him that way, like Team Flash and the people on the street. That was the first crack in his heart that day.
"Your hair looks beautiful." He praised it because it was true and he should just be paranoid again.
"I know." The coldness in your voice was worse than Killer Frost's ice kiss. And your cheeks were not blushed with his praise? And without a small smile or a quick peck on his lips? You did even look like yourself. And it was paranoia and anxiety or you were staring at the burn on his face so far? Anyway, those factors together formed the recipe for Barry to look away, suddenly embarrassed of himself.
"I know you don't want me to do plastic surgery because of the risks, bu..." Barry continued, trying to shift to a subject in which he had been trying to get your support for weeks.
"I know, it's more than risk, I promise I heard what you said. I can get an infection, the surgery can go wrong and my face get deformed, but..." Your giggle, in fact, laugh, stopped his mouth. He looked at you in confusion, your eyes were almost crying of that hard laughing.
"I don't know if you looked at yourself in the mirror recently, but you're completely screwed. How come you live knowing your face is like this? You don't go outside, do you? I'm just saying, people can get annoyed by... this lil problem." She rolled her eyes. "It's disgusting, really. How could I love you?" Again, the snow-like smile graced her red lips, and her coldness was transferred to her own words. "Breaking news, I never loved you. If you'll excuse me, I have to go home."
Barry couldn't walk, breathe or talk for at least fifteen minutes after you left. How could you say those things to him? You had been the only anchor which kept him from plunging into the darkness of pain for so long, and now you just drowned him there.
It took a while for Barry to notice that there were tears coming out of his eyes and touching his burn, causing an immeasurable pain, but he could not get the salt water off his face. His whole body trembled, Barry tried to breathe, althorugh it seemed almost impossible. It was like those panic attacks he had a few times when he was a kid after his mother was murdered.
Barry's condition was deplorable, and he couldn't help himself. He tried to get up, run, scream, yet he just fell to the ground, one act that the speedster considered like a human weakness. Barry gave up fighting and gave himself that moment, only his sobs were heard as his body was agonizing on the floor.
You, the moon of his night, thought he was disgusting.
And the light was completely erased.
Savitar stared at the floor, didn't feel right to talk about that moment with anyone, especially the being that had caused it in him, but the god's speed just couldn't really say no to the only that had the remaining pieces of the stone that was once his heart.
"Oh, Lord." You said in shock, your eyes wet with his truth, it was painful just thinking. "I... It was not me." You finally managed to say the words that were struggling to get out of your throat a few minutes ago.
"It was you, even if you do not remember it." Savitar snapped back, ready to leave you again.
"It was not me." You sniffed and he took a step forward, a little further from you, and it smashed your heart, and the confirmation of you having helped him to have his soulbroken worsened the sensation in your chest. "I ... I remember this version of me. Not of this reality, of course, but from the past that I remember, this one was a duplicate from another earth, sent to kill The Flash. But she was a sadistic little bitch and screwed the whole team's life before we get her." You explained, and Savitar didn't answer. "You... Did you get those memories of Barry? Of that me?"
"I did, but it was after I became who I am. I denied all the memories that involved you, didn't want to think about things related that day.I did not think... "
"That there really was someone who loved you? Someone who would never leave you or hurt you like this?" You took a step forward, insecure but determined. The old popular saying that your mother used to say hammering in your guts: go, and if you're afraid, you're keep going. "I'm still here." You put a hand on his shoulder gently, and Savitar turned to you. You could finally see the vulnerability spreading all over his face and body. You put your hand on his scar, trying to show that you were not angry. You loved every bit of him, even if he hated it, especially when he hated it. "I still love you." You made the confirmation of your suffering as gently as you could, and you received your reward as he closed his eyes and leaned unconsciously toward you. You gave a warm smile, the hope was still there. "It's not too late."
Because you always knew that people were like beaches, and that beaches could be completely detonated. But its beauty would always be hidden behind the horrible things they've been through, and with the right work... They could shine again.
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Why Me? part 4
A/n: This story is also off hiatus. Part 3 is in my masterlist and I just checked my inbox and I loved all the great ideas you guys gave me so i will start making those today.
5 hours
That’s how long team flash been trying to bring you back along with the help of Savitar. Barry was frustrated about the fact Savitar keeps rushing them to do something since the paradox was still trying to reach him. They tried everything, Savitar kept suggesting time travel but that’s what started the whole situation and they didn’t want to do any more damage to the timeline.
“Barry come on listen to yourself y/n is my wife, you got your happy ending and now its time for mine” Savitar’s snarls
“You cannot go back in time, you don’t have enough energy, it would have to take me and you running at the same speed on order to go back and I’m not doing it”
“Oh I see what’s going on, you just want me to leave don’t you? Iris is still alive and y/n is gone away from me like you wanted but the last thing to scratch off your list is me erasing from existence, well I’m not leaving until I get y/n back” Savitar tilts his head as he stood in front of team flash menacingly.
“Barry, we should just try” Iris felt so guilty for causing Savitar even more pain, so she wants to at least try to get you back.
“Why Iris?”
“She was pregnant Barry” Savitar growls and Barry snaps his head back to the broken man.
“I was going to be a Dad, but you took that all away from me” Savitar’s voice was rising slowly as he started to pace
“I-I-“Barry stammers, he didn’t know about your pregnancy Savitar was basically Barry so technically he was going to be a farther and if you didn’t die but Savitar still erased from existence then that means you would be raising a child alone and Barry wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Fine, we go back to the exact moment when y/n was shot but this is the last time I’m time traveling” Savitar nods his head and turns to leave the cortex. They had to be fast or the paradox will finally reach him.
Savitar and Barry ran top speed and soon saw a portal opening up Barry looks at Savitar, silently wishing him good luck right before he jumps in the portal.
Savitar violently lands on the ground but he soon gets up and brushes his self off like it’s nothing. He looks up and sees the whole tragedy play out in front of him but he had to be fast.
He sees you run in front of the range of fire right as Iris pulls the trigger and he takes off, jumping right in front of you.
“NO” you scream,dropping down to your knees to hold Savitar’s body and Barry’s heart clenched as he looked at you weeping over his duplicates body.
“Please don’t leave me” you whisper as tears slowly find there way down your face.
“I’m always with you y/n, every hour every minute” he whispers as he used the last of his strength to place his hand on your stomach right before he took his last breath.
You lost it, the little bit of sanity you had was gone and you were broken. Sobs quickly took over your body as you saw Savitar’s body start to fade away but you grab his hand only for it to fade away from your grip also.
You felt a tug on your arm as it started to rain so you look over your shoulder to see Barry pulling you up but you refused to go leave.
“NO, LET GO OF ME” you violently pull away and drop to the ground again, getting mud all over your legs but you didn’t care.
“Y/n we got to go” Barry tries once more to reach for you but you throw your heels at him and sob again.
“I’m not leaving” you growl and Barry knew there was nothing he could do so he runs off back to star labs and you look at the ground where your husband lay previously looking into your eyes, helplessly.
“I will find you again” you whisper
4 hours later you walk into Star Labs, muddy footprints leaving a trail behind you and water from the rain leaving mini puddles on the floor.
The lights were off but not completely, you saw Barry sitting behind the main desk and he stoop up quickly upon your arrival.
“Y/n? I just wanted to say I’m sorry” he quietly says, waiting to see your reaction.
All you felt was anger, your powers were becoming uncontrollable the more you looked at Barry because in this moment all you felt was hate,loneliness, and betrayal. You looked Barry right in the eye and tilted your head, narrowing your eyes. “Fuck you” you spat aggressively and walked out the cortex.
When you got back to the hideout you just broke down again, you were pregnant and alone with uncontrollable powers. You felt them get stronger the more you sobbed until suddenly you stopped.
Getting up you go to the mirror, looking at your appearance you snarled and punched the mirror instantly cutting up your hand but you didn’t care. You decided to avenge your beloved god of speed by letting your powers take over so you can be the crazy arsonist you were meant to be.
“Oh Barry , your life just got more complicated” you smirk into the broken mirror, already thinking of ways to destroy Barry Allen.
- You haven’t been to Star Labs in a month and Barry was starting to worry, he knew how reckless you could be when you were upset you were nowhere to be found even cisco and felicity couldn’t track you until one day you walked in.
You walked in the cortex, heeled boots making noise as you walked with confidence,hips swaying. Barry’s mouth dropped as he looked at your now long auburn colored hair, glowing orange eyes, as you held a ball of fire in both hands.
“A-Am I the only one seeing this”Cisco stutters as he dropped his slushy on the floor and backed away from you slowly.
“Missed me?” Your tone was sickeningly sweet but your smile quickly dropped as you threw fire towards Barry’s direction.
Barry quickly runs out the way as Cisco and Caitlyn run behind desk and duck under it. You threw a ball of fire at Iris next but Barry was fast to move her out the line of fire.
“Woah okay y/n? Calm down” Barry’s hands were out cautiously as he stepped towards you.
“Y/n’s gone now would you like to leave a message” you growl as your eyes became even more orange the more you looked at Barry.
“Look y/n I know you’re upset over Savitar but there is no need for you to-“ Barry cuts himself off as he dodges a fireball that was flying full force to his face.
“I won’t kill you now Barry but I will eventually, I want you to see Central city crumble first” and with that you threw a large fire ball his direction again and fled.
After Barry finally put the fire out he pants heavily.
“Okay someone wanna tell me what the hell is going on” Barry shouts and Caitlyn suddenly remembers you did have powers but your love for Savitar were keeping them at bay but now Savitar was gone and you were lost from reality.
“Barry, the day after you and y/n broke up she became emotionally unstable” Caitlyn quietly spoke
“And me and Caitlyn found her in her room with burn marks all over her arm as she held fire in her arms” Cisco says
“Why didn’t you guys tell me” Barry asks as he looked up at his friends
“She didn’t want us too, after she knew how to manage them she met Savitar and her love for him was strong enough to keep her emotionally stable so she never used them”
“So now that Savitar is gone she’s-“ Iris says but was interrupted
“Lost control” Caitlyn finishes for her
“But seeing how well she just used her powers it seemed as if she’s gotten a lot stronger Barry, when me and Cisco found her that day her eyes weren’t glowing thats new” Caitlyn felt extremely guilty, she knows how it feels to lose control over something dangerous.
“We need to find a way to get her back” Barry sighs out of frustration and runs out the lab, overwhelmed by what he was told.
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mx-jinxous · 7 years
mick is on the waverider, trying to sleep. leonard snart is in his mind. he can't stop hallucinating him. the rest of the group is off in their homes for a day off. mick doesn't have a reason to go into the city however. the timeship was currently cloaked in central city 2017. rip and him were the only two on board. len has just finished helping barry with savitar (at least for now) when cisco tells him he got a call from rip hunter that they'd be in town for the day.
Okay, first off I am sorry for the wait. It been hectic. I had graduation two weeks in a row and I also do conventions. The cons in a month and I’m crunching to finish my costumes.
I went a weird direction with this and I hope you enjoy.
He thought that after they returned past Len to his rightful place he’d stop having these hallucination. Unfortunately they only changed into a more aggressive hallucination, more constant. Currently the team was docked in 2017, visiting friends and families, this leaving Mick and Rip as the only two on the ship. Mick was currently laying in bed, sweat dripping down his shirtless chest. He had just awoken from a dream involving Len, a memory of him sticking that ice sickle through his parallel self. No one knew or really cared to pay attention to the toll it has taken on mentally and physically.
Mick swallowed, laying back as he slowly breathed in to replace what he had screamed out. He was so glad Rip had made sure they had privacy, or Mick would be denying the noise. Closing his eyes it was only a moment before a hand brushed against his arm. He didn’t need to open his eyes, he knew who it was…well who it wasn’t. He gripped the blankets, trying his best to ignore the hallucination of his old partner. “Mick…open your eyes and look at me. I swear, being all buddy buddy with these guys is starting to make you a pain in my ass. I mean seriously! You reset the timeline like a good little dog…the least you can do is man up and look me straight in the eyes.” Mick did the opposite, covering his eyes with his arm. Len sighed, watching as Mick tried to choke down the shivering breath, not doing so well. “I should have had a second chance! I should have let you sacrifice yourself! All you ever did was get in the way!” Mick broke, letting tears fall.
“Stop. Please…please stop Leonard.” He begged, the hallucination leaning over him. “I don’t know what I saw in a pathetic, weak, moron of a man like you.”
A sudden knock on the door cut Mick’s tears short, opening his eyes Len was gone. “Mr. Rory is everything alright?”
Mick quickly wiped his tears away, swallowing the lump in his throat. “What do you want you limey Brit.”
“Mr. Ramon sent us message, requesting the Legends come visit. Being it is just us I figure it’d be best to get of the ship.”
“Why should I care?”
“He says he had a surprise on a time limit. Knowing them I am both curious and afraid for my life. It’s not a bad thing to want to visit home.”
“I don’t have a home.” Mick mumbled as he turned in his sheets.
“Mr. Rory…I worry about your mental state. If you won’t go I won’t make you.” Mick heard footsteps leading away from the door. Closing his eyes Mick remained silent, but heard the tapping of foot against metal.
“Mick, Mick, Mick. I’m sorry to say you’ve become more of a shut in. Do you miss me so much that you’d stay shut in your room?” The boots hit the floor, Len walking towards Mick. “You want to hear the truth and suffer in pain. You want to know that because of you I am dead and I will never come back!” Mick slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Len. “You were always the dog that begged at my feet, so loyal. I guess it doesn’t seem surprising that you’d want to spend your pathetic days waiting for me.” Mick laid there for a second more before throwing his blanket on the floor, grabbing his shirt and gun before marching out after Rip.
“Limey!” He yelled, seeing Rip jump and turn. “Are we getting a lift or do we have to walk?”
“We are not far away. I told Mr. Ramon that we’d walk.”
“As long as they have good I don’t care.” Mick said, walking away from his room with Rip.
The walk was quiet between the men, Mick keeping us eye on his environment. He saw Len amongst the trees, pure anger in his face. When they reached Star Labs they were met by Cisco, they young technician reaching out and shaking his hand. “How has it been?”
“Far too busy. How goes the fort?”
“Well…how can I say this?” Cisco said as he led the two to the elevator. “This Savitar business is a mess. Caitlin’s went all frosty and joined him, today is Iris’ death day.” Cisco pressed one of the buttons, leaning back as the elevator descended.
“That is quite unfortunate, can we hide her among the Waverider?”
“The issue with that is that Savitar is a future time remnant of Barry. Anything we do we have to do behind Barry’s back.”
“Red goes big and bad in the future? Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Well we’re desperate and Barry may have time traveled…twice.” At the Rip glared, crossing his arms.
“I have been notified about Flashpoint. I thought there was a line set.”
“There was, but we needed information from the future and needed someone from our past…a mastermind thief that is no longer with us.” Cisco said with a sheepish look towards Mick, the man raising a brow.
“So what? You went back in time and talked to Len?”
“Well actually-.” The elevator doors dinged and opened slowly. Mick heard talking, a stern voice echoing through the long hallway. Cisco led the way down the hallway, Mick picking up the tone of the voice as he got closer and his heart began pounding. As they turned the corner both Mick and Rip stopped, seeing Len standing at the dry erase board, explaining a plan.
“Mr. Snart?”
“2016 edition.” Cisco said with a nervous smile.
“Time travel? Mr. Allen, I was under the impression that you would sustain against time travel.” This is where Mick ignored him, blocking out everything that wasn’t Len. He watched the man explain to the rest of the people. He smiled over at Mick, turning slowly, raising his parka a little bit, enough to give Mick a nice view of his ass. No one else seemed to notice and Mick froze, emotions running through him. The betrayal from 2014 Len, but the attraction to his partner, the one he lost. Suddenly Mick watched Len walking towards him. His body reacted when Len was in reaching length, brushing his fingers against Mick’s scarred skin.
“Did you guys follow me?”
“What?” Rip asked, Barry smiling at him. “Mr. Snart…we are not the Legends of 2016.”
“Oh, then I hope you didn’t bring me, because the cardinal rule.”
“Nope…you're…you’re away on your own journey.” Mick said, eye twitching to keep the tears the fought him at bay.
“Cool.” God the puns hurt, Len noticing right away. “Mind catching up?”
“Ya. It’s been awhile.” Len reached out and grabbed Mick’s hand. He led him to the elevator, away from the others. Len said something to the others before dragging the larger man into the elevator when the doors shut Len immediately took his gun out, blasting the camera. He proceeded to shove Mick into the elevator wall, pulling him down into a hungry kiss. The older man moaned in surprise, grabbing Len around the waist with one arm, the other holding him by the back of the Len’s neck. “Mick…you’re not into it. Are you still angry with me?” Len asked when he pulled away, brow raised.
“No…we just…left on bad term.” Swallowing a tear came to his eye. Len just stared up at him, looking for the truth in his eyes.
There was a moment of silence between them before the elevator dinged, doors opening. Len didn’t take his eyes away, letting a hand caress Mick’s chest. “Do you remember that safe house we hid in when we did our first heist? The one I messed up on?”
“You didn’t mess up, it was unexpected.” Len smiled, Mick always defending him.
“Do you remember…when we were fighting with one another about the stupid rings we managed to get.” A smiled came to Mick’s face as Len led them out.
“You were so angry and heartbroken that it was a bust. You started crying.”
“I did not.” Len said, but smiled. “I think I paid in advance. I wanted to surprise you when this time travel thing done.”
“I bought the apartment and spent weeks renovating it. I want to show you it.” Len grabbed his hand, pulling Mick towards the exit.
The travel didn’t take long and they were able to get in without being seen. Mick was surprised. The apartment was painted in reds and blue and decorated in pictures of them and their loved ones. There was a large sofa sitting in front of a rather large flat screen, collecting dust. Beside the sofa, on an end table was a picture of Mick with his mother and father. He just stared, Len wrapping his arms around the man.
“That night, after the heist and fight I realized what went wrong. That was the first time we had real sex, none of that juvie crap. That’s when I swore that no matter what, I’d protect you. I failed. I ditched you for the team and I can see that harmed our relationship. I want you to track my stupid ass down and make up with me.”
“It was a stupid fight we had…we agreed to split up. You wanted the game…I wanted a family.”
“I may be smart, but I’m an idiot to emotions Mick. I love you.” He said, bringing a smile the his face.
“I love you to Len. Life has been a fucking wreck lately and without you around…”
“Don’t ever doubt yourself. No matter what the others say.” Len said, pulling Mick into their bedroom. Mick’s eyes widening at the paintings decorating the walls. It was some of their favorites they couldn’t part from. The bed was a queen, the sheets Egyptian cotton. Suddenly Mick was pushed back onto the bed, Len climbing up and straddling Mick. “It’s been awhile since you came back and we haven’t touched each other. You want nothing to do with me. I know I messed up, siding with the others. I just…I just…I can’t think about how to reach you. I know knowing the future is bad, but how did we make up?” Len asked, placing his forehead against Mick’s. The man brought a hand up and cupped Len’s cheek.
“You left me…I realized that no matter what happened between us we’d always be willing to die for the other. It wasn’t till it was too late to realize this and every day I hate myself for never telling you that I forgave you a long time ago.”
“You got your chance…I need to patch things up when I get back.” Len said, laying his head against Mick’s chest.
“Why are you here? The Flash snatched you for a reason.”
“He needs help stealing something. A nice surprise for me.” Len said, raking his hand up Mick’s chest. He closed his eyes, feeling like he was drifting. This was silence for a few moments, just the sound of breathing. Suddenly Len was felt with a strong sense of anger, hatred, and sadness. There was a sense of betrayal and heartbreak. He opened his eyes and saw Mick with his back to him, almost not noticing it was his lover with the uniform, which he noted that he was looking hot. Suddenly he heard his cold gun power up and in a second he shot Mick in the back, and icicle petrifying from him.
Len shot up, scaring Mick and causing him to launch up. He grabbed Len, holding him in a hug. “Mick! Mick! I just killed-,” Mick shook his partner, waking Len up.
“Hey. Len it’s alright.” He said, kissing the youngest forehead. Len looked up, tears in his eyes.
“Mick!” He yelled, wrapping his arms around the man.
“It’s alright. I’m right here.” He mumbled.
“I thought I killed you. You know I’d shoot myself before I ever shoot you.” Mick held Len close, knowing what he meant. He saw his body that day with the ice in his chest. Sure the memories were wiped, but not everything’s a 100 percent thing.
“I know that. It was just a bad dream.” Mick lied, patting Len’s back.
“What time is it?”
“Around five at night.”
“Shit.” Len mumbled, wiggling his way out of the hold. “I’ve got to go help the Flash. I hope I come back for you Mick.” Len said, leaning and kissing the older.
“I love you.” Mick said, pulling him back down. He gave him a goodbye kiss, one that let Len know how much he really. He felt Len try to fight pressing nearer to Mick. He knew he would want to stay, so Mick pulled away. “Okay, good luck. I’ve got to go back to the limey. We’ve got our own mission.” Mick got up, Len smiling at him.
“I’m proud of who you’ve become.”
“I’m proud of who you are…and your ass.” Len smacked Mick playfully before dragging him out of the apartment.
The Flash had just dropped Len back in Serbia, the plan going off with a few bumps, but became a success. Now he was back on the Waverider, a few bumps here and there. “There you are. Rip’s been looking for you.” Sara said, taking in Len’s appearance.
“Took a trip to help the Flash. Back now, let’s go.” Len said, walking away from her. He walked around the corner, running into Mick. The beer he held spilled on him, leading to a glare from the older man. Len’s eyes widened, the dream coming back to him. He knew better, he’d suffered many nightmares of all sorts, but this wasn’t a nightmare and Mick couldn’t make him believe it. Somewhere, some time, he’s destined to kill Mick. Seeing him now, like this was heartbreaking. “Mick, I need to talk to you in private.”
“Shove it in your ass.” Mick went to punch Len, fist freezing when he saw fear in his face. The hand fell, Mick dropping his head. “Bedrooms this way.” The walk over was silent, Len waiting till Mick shut his bedroom door to speak. Sadly words couldn’t form. Mick turned, eyes going wide in shock. Tears ran down Len’s cheeks, something Mick hadn’t seen since juvie.
“I love you Mick.” He cried. “I am so sorry for choosing the team over you. I just…I just…I want you to know I’d die for you.”
“Don’t-don’t say that.” Mick said, pulling Len into a hug. “Don’t be an idiot to get yourself killed for me.” The younger man held on to Mick, snuggling into Mick’s chest. “I forgave you long ago. I will never let you die for me.” Mick mumbled, feeling Len press against him, collecting his warmth. “Just because of what happened doesn’t mean I stopped loving you.”
“I don’t blame you for wanting to kill me. That’s how we are.”
“We get pissed off and we fight it out…then we have makeup sex.” Mick said, Len pulling away with a tear stained face and a smile. He wiped away his tears, hand rubbing up Mick’s chest.
“Can we skip ahead?”
“After we take down the time masters. We’ll come back and make these walls less soundproof by the hours.” Len smiled wider, his future brightening up.
He never did get that moment. He sacrificed himself to protect the team and get rid of the time masters-to save Mick. Mick never felt whole after that, trying to fill the void with food and alcohol…secretly hoping the next mission will be his last, just so he could be with Len again. Until then he’s trying to save the world, make Len proud of him.
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mosylufanfic · 7 years
Honeythief by Halou-Killervibe
Somehow I wrote more angst. Lord have mercy. Send me happy songs you guys.
The song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN9yN8-_fVU
Send me a ship and a song and I’ll write you a fic from one of the lyrics
There’s No Doubt That This Will Make Me Strong (because it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done)
When Caitlin suggested a movie night, Cisco jumped at it. They hadn’t had a movie since - shit, wow, Christmas time at least. “Your place?” he asked her.
“It’s a wreck,” she said, wrinkling her nose.
“Oh, is there a sock on the floor? How do you live in a pit of filth like that?”
She scrunched up her entire face at him for that, but said, “Everything’s been so out of control that I really haven’t had time to clean, and she certainly wasn’t concerned with keeping things nice.”
Yikes. Right. Killer Frost had dropped in at Caitlin’s for a time. They’d seen the aftereffects when they’d checked her apartment, just on the off-chance. “Wasn’t concerned with keeping things nice” was an understatement of epic proportions.
“Your place?” she said. “Please?”
“Okay, fine,” he said, rooting around for his keys. “I’ll grab the food on the way home. How about India Palace?”
“Oh, you know what, I have a few things I’d really like to finish up here, and I don’t know how long they’ll take. What if I pick up the food so it’s still hot?” She looked at her hands, flexing them. They didn’t need to run the A/C for any room she was in anymore. “Kind of hot. I’ll drive fast.”
He fully expected her to slide right past the India Palace suggestion. Indian food fell in her “adventurous” category and Caitlin was feeling the opposite of adventurous these days. But she walked in his apartment with bags fragrant with curry and rice and naan. She’d even gotten him the super-spicy, oniony, garlicky curry that she always complained made him breathe death all over her whenever he ate it.
He knew something was seriously up when she didn’t veto the first movie he suggested, a high-concept horror/sci-fi monster movie that she’d shot down with ugh, no, Cisco when it had come out in theaters and he’d begged her to see it with him.
He put the remote down, twisted around to stare her dead in the eyes, and said, “Okay, what’d you break?”
“You’re being all nice tonight.”
“You’re my best friend. I can’t be nice to you now?”
“The last time you were this nice, you’d broken my - ” Hang on, what had she broken? He actually didn’t remember anymore, even though he’d been so pissed. “Anyway, my point is you’re acting suspicious.”
Her gaze wavered, then dropped. “I’m - I wanted to spend some time with you.” She worried at the bracelet on her wrist. “You know. To make up a little. Not that I can ever make up - ”
“For what? Going a little frosty on us? It was scary as hell, I’ll give you that, but nobody died. Especially not Iris. Nobody got hurt.”
“Nobody’s hands got frozen off,” she mumbled.
“Yes. Right! Exactly.” He held both hands up, wagging his fingers. “See? Still here. You never did that.”
“But I could,” she said.
“Do you hate me for being able to turn your brains into butter and your bones into powder?” He waggled his fingers again.
“Cisco! Of course not. You would never.”
“In other realities, I have,” he said. Reverb had especially liked that bones-into-powder frequency, as well as the one that made someone’s colon try to crawl out their mouth. That one always made the little fucker laugh.
Cisco hated that he’d been right about being able to sense other Ciscos across the multiverse, because some of them were even nastier customers than Reverb.
“But not here, so - ” She stopped.
He smirked.
“Fine,” she said. “Point taken.”
“You should know by now, punishing you for something you never did in this reality would be short-sighted and petty, and that’s not what I’m about.”
“I don’t think you should punish me.”
“You just think you should?”
She reached out and opened up her takeout carton of chicken korma. “I want one night of nice, normal hanging out as friends. The way we used to.”
“I can do that,” he said, picking up his own carton of curry. “I wanna do that. I’ve missed this.”
“Me too,” she said.
“Okay. Hanging-out-like-usual night, commencing now.” He took a big bite of curry and felt his entire mouth go up in flames. Aw yeah, that was the stuff.
She wrinkled her nose at him. “You’re brushing your teeth after you eat, though.”
“Yup,” he said, swallowing. “We’re still watching this,” he added, hitting play. “It’s actually pretty smart and funny. And I swear there’s only like three on-screen eviscerations. Four, tops.”
“Ugh,” she muttered, but didn’t grab for the remote. She ate her food, squeezing her eyes shut at the first murders, and when she was done, took her takeout box to the kitchen to throw away.
She didn’t sit back down though. Instead, she drifted around his apartment, strangely restless. “My earring!” she exclaimed, holding up a twist of gold chains and beads from where it had been sitting next to a lamp for eight months.
He said, “I’ve been telling you it was here,” and watched her tuck it carefully into her purse with an amused smile.
She actually opened his coat closet. “How did I ever leave two coats and three hats here?”
“Got me.” He watched with raised brows as she pulled them out. “You’re taking them back? Now? It’s in the eighties out there.”
“They’re some of my favorites!”
“Given they’ve been here at least six months, I’m gonna call bullshit on that.”
But she folded them up and set them on top of her purse anyway. “Wouldn’t you like to have part of your closet back?”
He snorted. “C'mere, weirdo. You’re missing the movie.”
She came and flopped down next to him, kicking off her shoes. She squinted at the screen. “Why do you like movies with so many mutilations?”
He didn’t bother answering that. She curled up catlike in the corner of the sofa. Also catlike, she eventually oozed over to cuddle into his side. He ran his fingers down her upper arm and felt her droop against his shoulder, drifting into sleep. He didn’t tease her for it, though. She’d had a long day.
Long year.
Hadn’t they all.
Since it was tickling his arm, he played with her hair. Her eyes had come back brown, but her hair had stayed white, and no matter what kit she used or salon she tried, the dyes didn’t take evenly. It was patchy, like a palomino coat, streaks and blotches of red and brown and white. She grumbled about it constantly and wore a lot of hats and buns.
He waited until the last spray of blood died down to wake her up. “Hey, you. Carnage is done with.”
She blinked awake, snorting a little. “Oh, I fell asleep on you. I’m sorry. Tell me I didn’t drool.”
“Yep,” he said. “All down my arm. I just went and washed it all off.”
She swatted him and got up to clean up the last of the detritus from dinner.
“Dude, you’re not my maid,” he said, but let her, because he felt full and lazy and thought she might feel better, fussing around like this.
“Ice cream in the freezer,” he called out. “Want any?”
“No,” she said. “That’s okay.”
Oh, right.
He got up and got it for himself, plus a spoon. “Hot chocolate?” he offered.
She shook her head but settled back on the couch with him, talking about practically anything except Killer Frost. If not for her weird hair and the way the ice cream wasn’t quite softening up as he ate it, he could have thought that whole thing had been a dream.
When she caught him yawning over his ice cream, she said, “I should go.”
“Nnnnuuuuh, you can stay. Crash on the couch, s'ok.”
“No, I should go.”
He left the ice cream on the coffee table and walked her to the door. She hugged him so hard he felt bone creak. He pulled back. “Hey,” he said. “What?”
She chewed her lower lip. Her eyes were big and unreadable.
“What?” he said again.
“You’re a good person,” she said. “I don’t say that often enough. You’re one of the finest men I know.”
He shrugged, one-shouldered. “Just doing my best,” he said.
“Your best is so much better than anybody else’s.”
He squirmed, uncomfortable as always with any praise that wasn’t about something he’d designed or built. “And your best is better than you give it credit for,” he said.
She shook her head and looked away.
“Hey,” he said. “Hey. No. Listen. I know it’s been rough lately. Killer Frost and Julian and Savitar and all. It’s true you’ve done some not-good things, but you’re making your amends. Working the program, whatever. You’re a good person, too.”
She gave him a little smile. “Bye, Cisco.”
“See ya,” he said.
Four hours later, he sat straight up in bed and said, “Fuck.”
He kicked the covers off and went tearing through his apartment, trying to find one thing that belonged to her, one thing she’d handled for even ten minutes tonight. Nothing. Her light summer coat was gone. She’d remembered her filmy little scarf, and left with both earrings. She’d taken the dinner trash with her, down to the last napkin.
And she’d carefully, systematically, taken back everything she’d ever left here that belonged to her.
“Fuck,” he said again, and grabbed his keys and his phone.
On his way to her place, driving too fast, he called constantly. “Caitlin. Pick up. Caitlin. I know you’re there. What’d you do? Caitlin!”
Every call went straight to voicemail.
He parked crookedly in front of her building and took the stairs two at a time. He hammered on her door until someone from another apartment yelled at him. Then, already half-knowing what he’d find, he unlocked it with her spare key and stepped inside.
It was empty.
Not just of Caitlin, but of any sign of human habitation. Furniture, rugs, pictures, TV, books. Everything was gone. He went from room to room and it was the same story everywhere.
“Oh, Cisco, my place is just a wreck,” he snarled to himself. “Let’s go to your place.” He ripped open cabinets and closets in the hope of finding a towel she’d missed, a crumpled receipt, a fossilized tissue, a broken necklace hiding in the cracks.
Something that would have soaked up her presence enough that he could vibe off it.
But Caitlin Snow was the queen of thorough. She’d cleared herself out of her apartment with the ruthless precision of a surgeon removing a tumor.
If he went to Star Labs, he was pretty sure he’d find her lab cleared in the same way - everything that was particularly hers gone, everything that was too general, too communal for him to get a good vibe from left behind.
He sat down in the middle of what had been her bedroom, now just four walls and a carpet with random indentations, both bigger and smaller for its emptiness. He dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “Caitlin. What did you do?”
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Fanfic - You Have My Blessing - 1/1
Summary: Missing scene from 3x14 where Barry goes to Joe to ask for his family ring to propose to Iris. 
Rating: PG
Word Count: 
A/N: Based on @amuzed1 headcanon post found here
Joe had been moments away from leaving the house for his date with Cecile when he heard a knock on the front door.
He knew something was up when he opened his front door to find Barry. 
Seeing Barry wasn't a complete surprise. Despite having moved out months ago Barry was still a frequent visitor to the West family home. Whether it was to watch Sunday football with Joe or for a family dinner. The odd part was Barry had knocked when Joe always had made it clear to him this was his home too.
There was also the fact Barry looked a little jumpy.
“Bar?” Joe stared at him in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“Uh, hey Joe.” Barry rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “Can I come in?”
“Its your home Bar,” Joe took a step to the side to let Barry in. “You are welcome anytime.”
Barry managed a weak smile as he rushed in. He took in Barry's attire of a fancy black suit and his hair neatly combed back. Joe would have guessed he was on his way for a date with Iris. Except he knew that his daughter was back at Picture News writing her article. Joe watched curiously as he made a bee-line for the living room. Barry looked like he was about to sit down on the couch but then stopped himself. He flailed around a bit before ending up in the middle of the room with his arms folded over his chest.
“You alright there son?” Joe raised his eyebrows at Barry.
“Yes of course,” Barry swallowed thickly. “Why wouldn't I be?”
“Cause you look ready to jump out your skin.” Joe pointed out. “I haven't seen you this nervous since your first day at CCPD when you lost the files of the murder case you were working on.”
“I did eventually find those files you know,” Barry said as the tension eased out of his shoulders.
“Only after you had a minor panic attack and was making plans to flee the country to avoid Singh,” Joe chuckled fondly at the memory. “So whats wrong? Everything okay with Iris?”
At the mention of his daughter Barry started bouncing nervously on his feet. He looked to be a strange mix of terrified and excited. Joe's parental instincts kicked into high gear. With Savitar's threat hovering over Iris anything involving his daughter put Joe on high alert.
“Tell me whats wrong,” Joe strode forward to Barry. “Is she hurt? Is it something about her future?”
“Well kinda....” Barry trailed off vaguely. 
Joe loved Barry like his own but sometimes he truly tried his patience.
“Barry,” Joe said in his firm, no nonsense voice.
“Can we sit down?” Barry asked instead of answering. “I feel like this would be better if we were sitting down.”
Joe resisted the urge to throw his hands up in frustrations.
Seconds later the two of them were sitting across from each other at the kitchen table. With Joe staring Barry down while he continued to fidget.
“Well?” Joe pushed.
“Joe I need to ask you something,” Barry cleared his throat and sat up straighter. “No actually I more need to tell you something.”
Barry took a deep breath before looking directly at Joe.
“I want to marry Iris,” Barry said clearly and simply.
“Yeah Bar I know,” Joe gave him a weird look. “I've known you wanted to marry Iris since you were twelve.”
Barry's face crumbled a little in frustration but he held firm.
“Well yes that's true,” Barry said. “I meant I want to ask her to marry me.”
“Oh,” Joe said taken aback.
“Soon,” Barry continued. “As in I want to ask her tonight.”
“I see,” Joe said slowly.
“I know you think its too soon,” Barry started to babble. “I know she and I just moved in together. And everything right now is crazy with Savitar and prophecies. Everyone will say I should wait. That I shouldn't rush things and take my time.”
Joe opened his mouth to speak but Barry interjected.
“But I love her Joe,” Barry said with such conviction. “She is everything to me. I want the two of us to build a life together. For the future to be our future.”
“Barry,” Joe breathed out cause he truly didn't know what else to say.
“It would mean a lot if I had your blessing,” Barry's eyes drifted down briefly down to his hands. “There's also something else...”
Oh god, Joe thought to himself, does he mean grand-babies too?
“My family ring,” Barry looked back up at Joe. “The one you've been holding on for me until the day I was ready to propose. That's the ring I want to give Iris.”
Joe let out a long breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in. Somehow by Barry asking for the ring the reality of the situation finally hit him.
“You have my blessing,” Joe said thickly. “You always did.”
Barry brightened up considerably with those words. A genuine smile appearing on his lips since he first walked into the house.
Joe meant it too. No one on Earth knew better than him how much Barry loved his daughter. While he'd never think anyone was good enough for his baby-girl Barry was the only man he trusted to treat her right. To support her, make her the number one priority, and to make her happy.
“I'll get the ring,” Joe said getting up from his chair.
Joe was halfway out of the room when Barry called out to him.
“Thank you Joe,” Barry said sincerely. “It means a lot to know you approve. To know you think I'm worthy of it.”
Joe nodded in return not trusting himself to say anything else without losing it.
Upstairs in his bedroom Joe walked over to his closet and pulled down a wooden box he kept on the top shelf. He wiped off the dust and lifted the lid to the ring box inside. The ring box itself was a unique item, made from sterling silver with etchings along the sides. A remnant of time long past.
Joe knew what that ring meant to Barry. The ring that had once belong to his great-grandfather who fought through a war to get back to the woman he loved. The ring that had been passed down through three generations of Allen men who gave it to the women who'd become their wives. The ring Barry's father had given to his mother. Now Barry wanted to give that ring to Iris. To make the two of them be part of that legacy of spending your life with the person you loved the most. Barry wanted that for Iris, for them. Even with all the darkness in their lives right now all Barry could see was a happy future.
Maybe Barry had a point that the whole thing was crazy and the two of them should wait. Yet Joe could not think of one single reason why two people in love, two people who had lost so much in their lives, shouldn't be allowed to be happy.
Joe could feel his eyes burning with tears. His chest constricting with emotion. The last time he'd seen this ring box Barry had been a broken eleven year old boy who had just lost his entire family. That boy had now grown in the man who wanted to build a future with Iris. His precious daughter who deserved nothing less than to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved.
The tears gathered in his eyes now. Emotions bubbling to the surface. Happiness for how far Barry and Iris had come, and fear that there remained a threat that could tear them apart.
Joe quickly wiped his eyes before heading back downstairs with the ring. He vowed to himself not to let his fears cloud the day. To instead only focus on the two amazing people he was blessed to have in his life and the journey they were about to start together.
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Barry Allen x Reader : Safe Pt 2
It’s been 2 months since Barry last visited you. He was so focused on trying to figure out how to get you back and dealing with this new meta that can teleport and it’s honestly frustrating.
Joe always visits you, he never stops. You two would just sit and sing or dance all day until you would force him to go home and get some rest.
You missed everyone dearly sometimes you even think about if you even should’ve sacrificed yourself but you would roll your eyes at the thought. Iris is your sister, you will do anything for her and nothing will change that.
You were currently sitting Indian style just staring at the stone that was taunting you. It’s been so long that you were starting to think there was no way to go home at all and that you were stuck roaming around forever.
The numbers y/bday- May 23 2017 just telling you that you’re never leaving the cemetery. You were cut from your thoughts when you heard footsteps behind you so you turn around and see a tall figure wearing a black hoodie with black ripped jeans. He looked at you with pure disgust.
“Who are you” you asked your voice firm. You wasn’t going to let whoever this was put any fear in you.
“Your worst nightmare sweetie” The figure says but now you know it’s a guy by his voice
“You can’t hurt me” you look into his dark eyes and he smirks.
“Oh doll I’m dead too” he growls as he grabs your arm and teleports away.
Barry makes his way up to your gravestone as he bites his bottom lip. He felt like something was off he just didn’t know what. He sits down and looks at the stone
Y/n Jessica West
West. The name he so desperately wants to make West-Allen but in order to do that he needs to get you back first.
“Y/n” he calls out for you but he gets no response he only hears the trees moving in the wind.
“Y/n?” He tries again but this time it’s silent. The wind stopped and his heart starts racing, something was wrong he just knew it.
“What the hell” he whispers as he picks up a torn pale blue fabric from the ground.
It was from your dress.
“Oh no oh god no” he gets up and runs back to STAR Labs.
“Guys something’s wrong” Barry’s voice was filled with panic
“Barr what happened” Iris says as makes her way to him
“Y/n’s missing”
What" Joe whispers
“Barry what the hell are you talking about” That was Wally
“I went to visit y/n but she wasn’t there instead I found this” Barry holds up the torn fabric and Iris puts a hand over her mouth. Joe grabs the fabric and just stares at it as he instantly remembers dancing with you just yesterday and his eyes welled up with tears.
“Where are you baby girl"he whispers
“Barry we have to find her” Iris voice wavers as she tries not to cry
“Alright everyone calm down we’ll find her but first Barry you need to watch this” Cisco says and Barry runs to the computer. He sees the meta that teleports smirking at the Camera.
“Oh flash look at what I got today ” he turns the camera towards you and Barry’s eyes widen, you were tied to a chair in a dark room and your dress was now a mess ( lol something’s wrong with me) it was ripped and barely covering your body.
You looked at the camera as a stray tear slipped down your face “ BARRY” you scream and the meta just grins and faces the camera again
“Looks familiar? as she should” He smirks and licks his lips
“Listen and listen good Flash you got 3 days to fix what you ruined for me or else I’ll introduce her to the devil and you’ll never see her again”
Barry’s nose flares up at this and right before the video ends he hears you scream “LET ME GO”
“Barry what is he talking about” Wally folds his arms against his chest
“You think I know Wally” he snaps and looks at the Brown skinned male
“Well hell you better Know that’s my sister he captured you know the one we spent 2 months on trying to bring her back in case you forgot” Wally glares at him. He really wanted you to come home he missed his baby sister terribly.
“Wally” Joe scolds
“I know that Wally I know okay-
"Do you though Barry”
“YES I KNOW, y/n means everything to me of course I know” Barry rubs a hand through his hair and closes his eyes
“Well how come you don’t know what he’s talking about then since you know everything” Wally challenged and Barry looks at him darkly
“I didn’t ruin anything for him I honestly have no idea what the hell he’s talking about” Barry growls and Iris walks between the two
“Okay guys stop arguing isn’t going to bring y/n back just relax so we can actually figure out whatever this teleporting meta is talking about” her eyes flicker to Wally who just rolls his eyes and storms out the cortex.
“I’ll go talk to him” Joe says and walks right after Wally
“It has to be something with the past” Harry walks up to the clear board and grabs a marker.
“What…how” Barry asks and Cisco snaps his fingers as a light bulb went off in his head
“Maybe it’s about 2017” He looks at Barry and realization washes over Barry’s face
“The year y/n died” Barry whispers and Iris looks at the floor. She felt so alone now that you’re gone every time she pushed your death to the back of her mind it worked temporarily but it all comes back as she goes to call you and no one answers and she hears your voice through the voicemail and she would throw her phone across the room and hot tears would become best friends with her face once again. You were her sister, her other half you two did everything together.
You were the one she would talk to about anything because you understood her like no other, when she would be crying in the middle of the night over a guy you would wake up and throw an arm around her shoulder until she cried herself to sleep and the next day at school you would walk up to her with your hand on the back of the shirt of the guy who broke her heart and you would force him to apologize.
Even though Iris was older you protected her and she loved you for it but she wished you haven’t saved her life that was one thing she didn’t love. Iris was brought back to reality when she felt Barry’s hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him.
“You okay?” He looks at her sympathetically
“I’m fine” she gives him a weak smile and nods her head
“Okay Harry explain” Barry turns his attention from Iris to Harry who nodded and starts his explanation
“We all know y/n wasn’t the one who was supposed to die maybe when Savitar stabbed her it affected the teleporting meta and ruined whatever he was talking about”
“But why would he have have a problem now its been 5 years”
“Think about it in 2022 y/n turned 25 and that’s when she told you she was still here roaming around right well I did my research and in 2017 the teleporting meta died”
“But why is he still here”
“Cause and effect my guess is they’re connected in some way”
“Well how are we supposed to find him”
“If they’re connected then it shouldn’t be hard, where would y/n go if she was feeling down”
Barry’s mouth opens but nothing comes out and his eyes fill with realization
“Oh my god” he whispers
“Wally stop right there where the hell you think you’re going” Joe pulls him back and he sees the tears in Wally’s eyes
“I have to get out of here” Wally goes to leave again but Joe pulls him in for a hug
“It’s okay Wally I miss her too but you can’t just run away she needs us now more than ever”
“Dad I know I-I just really want her here with us I miss my sister I miss teasing her, playing video games with her, watching movies with her…everything dad I just miss y/n she made everything better” Wally whispers
“If y/n could see you right now she would punch you in the shoulder and tell you to stop crying then hug you afterwards” Wally laughs a little at this
“Wally y/n loves you she wouldn’t want you crying right now I know how you feel son trust me when Barry walked in with her lifeless body in his arms…it felt like everything paused and my world was slowly crashing down and I knew in that moment y/n was definitely with us we just couldn’t see her… as I took her in my arms and held her I felt cold on my shoulder and I just knew it was y/n…she was reassuring me that everything was gonna be okay and right now that’s what I’m doing to you son we all got to stick together for y/n I promise you everything will be okay”
At this point both men had fresh tears rolling down their face as they just stayed in each others arms.
“I love you dad”
I love you too Wally”
It was 9pm when Barry got home. He walked into his apartment and just took in his surroundings and suddenly got chills. He never told anyone but he had hallucinations of you walking around his apartment and the reason he didn’t tell anyone was… well because he found it comforting.
If you were truly gone and he’d never see you again then he’d rather hallucinate it may sound crazy but then again he’s use to crazy.
He sits on the couch and just stares at the other side. The side where you usually sit and lay your legs on his lap as you two watched Dr.Who. He smiled at the memory ,it was before he dated Iris.
More and more memories resurface in Barry’s mind.
“Hey Barry I bet I can drink water upside down” you smirk at him
“Y/n don’t even try that” Barry groans
Barry just smiles once again at the memory, you had been trying to distract him from studying.
“Hey Barry wanna race” your 13 year old self smiles giddily as you bounce on the heels of your feet.
“Okay but you know I’ll win right” Barry says cockily as he puts both hands on his hips
“Oh please you run like turtle” you laugh and Barry frowns
“Who told you that”
“Dad” you say through your giggles and Barry lightly pushes you
Oh how the tables have turned Barry thought.
You walked in quietly and made your way to the bathroom but right before you opened the door a hand was on your shoulder.
“Y/n why are you here so late” Barry whispers and you put your head down as you try to think of a lie
“Uh I was-
“Y/n don’t lie to me”
You sigh and Barry lifts your head and gasps
“Y/n what happened to your eye” Barry now has both hands on your face as he inspects your black eye
“Danny hit me” you whispered
“What” he whisper yells
“Is he still out there” Barry turns away from you as he walks to the door but you stop him
“Barry he’s gone we just got in an argument because I told him I wasn’t ready to have sex with him please don’t tell my dad” you cried and Barry pulled you in his arms
“I have to tell him y/n that douchebag deserves what Joe will do to him” Barry whispers as he rubs your back
“Fine but um can I lay with you tonight please I’m a little shaken up”
“Yeah come on” Barry walks you to his room
Although it’s been a long time since then Barry still gets mad every time he thinks about your black eye. He hated Danny after that and let’s just say Joe got that ass after Barry told him what happened.
Barry rubs his face and bites his lip as he tries to refrain from crying.
“God I miss you y/n I promise I’ll find you and you will come home”
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Better Part :10
Hi guys please let me know if you're liking this story so far so I can rest my nerves. 2 hours that’s how long it’s been since Barry brought Bria to the med bay and been waiting ever since for Caitlyn to give feedback and it felt like an eternity until Barry heard the door click. 
“Caitlyn what’s going on is she okay ? Is the baby okay?” Barry asks with a worried look in his eyes Caitlyn looks up at Barry with tears in her eyes and shakes her head. “Barry I’m so sorry but Bria lost the baby” Barry felt like he got shot in the chest he couldn’t breathe its like the world slowed down and he dropped to his knees his unborn child gone just like that his little miracle just taken away from him in a flash and in that moment he couldn’t be more broken. 
“Wha- Caitlyn there has to be a mistake no my baby no"Barry says as tears stream down his face and Caitlyn hugs him 
“Barry I’m so so sorry I really am but baby allen is in a better place now okay and Bria is asleep just break the news to her gently alright” Caitlyn says as she rubs Barry’s back Barry rushes into Bria’s room and gasps at all the blood on the floor. He runs to Bria’s side and cries he tried everything he could to protect her but once again he failed instead he caused pain to his unborn child. Bria is going to be so heart broken when she finds out about her miscarriage. Barry grabs her hand and opens his mouth but closes it immediately he doesn’t know what to say. “Um you probably can’t hear me but I just want you to know that I love you baby girl and we can get through whatever life throws at us I don’t want you to be sad okay it was all my fault” Barry sobs “It was all my fault it was all my fault it was all my fault if I didn’t leave you to go talk to Joe you wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped and baby Allen would still be here” Barry sobs once again and closes his eyes. Bria’s hand twitch and she opens her eyes “Barr” she says sleepily and Barry gasps “Baby girl hey its me its Barry” “Barr where am I” a panicky tone present in her voice “Hey its okay you’re safe back at Star Labs but um there’s something I need to tell you” Barry rubs his face and licks his dry lips 
“Barr its okay take your time” “Bria b-baby you had a miscarriage"Barry stutters and he looks up at her. Bria was shocked she had a miscarriage she couldn’t believe it her baby was gone all gone all the joy that came from her and Barry was gone. 
"W-wha I don’t understand h-how B-Barr” Bria said as her eyes widened and welled up with tears she started to hyperventilate and Barry pulled her in for a hug and they cried together. "Shh its okay its okay" 
- 3weeks later at Joes house- “Hey Bria I heard what happened and I wanted to say I’m so sorry” Iris says as she sits next to Bria. She looked at the broken girl and noticed her appearance the poor girl wasn’t holding up, her hair was messy she had bags under her eyes and her eyes were red and puffy. 
These days Bria didn’t talk at all she still went to work but she didn’t eat she didn’t sleep but she still stayed by Barry’s side since the whole Savitar situation was still going on but it wasn’t the same she’s pushing Barry away just like Savitar said she would but Barry still loved her regardless. Bria looked at Iris and nodded and Iris sighs and looks at Eddie. Eddie couldn’t even get Bria to talk it’s like the real Bria died too. “So um Bria I’m not supposed to tell you this but Singh was thinking about giving you a promotion” Joe says and looks at Barry who was looking at Bria as well. “Oh really "Bria says quietly and everyone’s eyes widen this is the first time in 3 weeks Bria has said something and they were thrilled it was a great first step. Joe grinned and Barry had a wide smile on his face and Iris gasps. Joe leans forward in his chair and clears his throat. "Hell yeah girl you’re a badass” Bria gives a weak smile “Thanks Joe” 
“No problem you deserve it when he told me I was happy for you ” Barry and Iris smiles and Joes eyes waters as Bria smiles at them. “I’m so sorry for pushing you guys away I just was so heart broken at the fact my baby is gone and Barr I-Im sorry we should've went through this together ” Bria says as a tear slips down her face “No baby, you don't need to apologize ” Barry says as he holds Brias hands 
-Timeskip at Bria and Barrys apartment- Barry and Bria were cuddling on the couch. Barry looks down at bria and smiles at her. He loves her with all his heart he would literally sell his soul for her he’ll save her from Savitar he already lost his baby he’s not losing her too. “What” Bria says with a smile “I just really love you” Barry says quietly “I love you too Barr” “Are you okay” Barry says in a lovingly tone and rubs her shoulders up and down Bria takes her time and thinks as she looks down at the floor then she leans in closer to Barry. “Yeah I’m okay…you okay” she looks up at Barry “Yeah I’m okay as long as you’re okay"Barry says and kisses her. Soon they start full on making out and Barry gently pushes her on her back and hooks his hands under her thighs and pulls her down so she’s directly under him. They were hungry for each other needy and desperate Barry wanted to show her how much he missed her and she wanted to show him how much she loved him. Barry roams his hand up and down her thighs as he kisses her neck and she closes her eyes and rubs her hand through his hair. "I love you so much” Barry says against her neck “I love you too Barry, I love you too” -Timeskip at Star Labs- Barry was out fighting a meta and Bria was in Ciscos workshop with H.R and everyone else was in the cortex. “So Busy bee, you feeling ok?” H.R asks as he takes a seat in Ciscos chair and Bria sits on the desk. She laughs at the nickname “yeah I’m fine H.R thanks for asking” Bria says genuinely Suddenly it was a gust of wind and H.R jumps in front of Bria thinking it was Savitar but it was actually Barry. “It’s ok H.R it’s just me” Barry says “Thanks for looking out for her though"Barry says and pats H.Rs shoulder and Bria hops off the desk and gives Barry a hug. "Hey Barr are you okay” “Yeah baby girl I’m fine” Barry kisses her as H.R leaves the room “Okay"Bria says genuinely as she looks into his eyes "Lets go to Jitters yeah” Barry says while picking her up and runs off.
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