#they’re literally my favourite thing
owl-spotted · 3 months
hi! this blog loves owls‼️
hey there! I’m Buttercup! (she/her)
feel free to tag me in pictures of owls by the way…
(this blog is HEAVILY inspired by people like @cat-spotted)
you can tag me, randomly dm me pictures of owls, send me asks or just say hi :D
(my main blog is @buttercup-in-wonderland btw ^_^)
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thunderstomm · 2 months
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Wee Oo I look just like buddy holly
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cream-and-tea · 2 months
LAY ME DOWN. chapter seven excerpt. unedited. featuring: agnes’s attempt to understand a new and troubling situation through understanding a new and troubling person. light body horror. self-harm adjacent behaviour. general freaky magic stuff.
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[transcript under the cut]
oh brother. these guys again.
TAGLIST (ask to be +/-). @vellichor-virgo @transmasc-wizard​ @houndmouthed @muddshadow @just-wublrful @corkywantstowrite @shrunkupthejams @andromedaexists @caninemotiff @lungs-and-gills @lychniscitrus @phantomnations @onomatopiya @deer-in-headlights-stare @arctic-oceans @redbloodprose @definitelynotclayface @cannivalisms @atthenian
“Show me then,” the words are out of her mouth before she has time to think. Animal instinct. Too distracted to remember to bite her tongue.
Pallas blinks at her once, slowly. “What?”
She can walk it back, that would be safest, the nothing already crouched expectantly in the back of her throat. Instead she uncrosses her legs and swings them over the edge of the bed to better face them. Having feet on the ground makes her feel more solid, more certain.
“I want you to show me. Vita. I want to see it.”
Pallas raises an eyebrow. “Show you?”
She scoots forward slightly and nods, made a bit braver by the fact that they don’t seem to be angry or condescending, just confused. Probably really confused because Agnes is awful at telling what people feel by their faces and even she can see it clear as day.
“You’ve already seen it,” Pallas says, setting down the pen and shrugging back into their jacket. “You know what it does.”
And that’s true isn’t it? In the Haithwood and in the library. Pallas winding every bit of her body around their fingers and holding her frozen to the ground, Pallas making Calliopes nose break and bleed in a burst of icy rage, Judge reaching under her skin to pull her injured flesh back into shape. Vita. Blood and flesh and living bone. Honestly she’s seen enough for a lifetime. There’s still that sick feeling in her gut whenever she thinks about any of it.
So maybe it has less to do with the magic and more to do with Pallas, who’s spent every hour of every day since she got here pushing her to reach for the dead in a way she never has before. Pallas has had everything to do with her ghosts and her gravespeaking but every time they’ve used their power she’s had absolutely nothing to do with it, a bystander at best and a victim at worst. It's not that she’s upset, or ungrateful, just that she wants to see them the same way they’ve seen her. That isn’t so much to ask? Right?
“Yeah.” Agnes moves to rest her chin in her hands. “But I haven’t seen you use it when you’re not…”
Scaring me? Attacking people?
“...y’know,” she finishes lamely.
Pallas has gone still in the chair and she can’t help but feel the same hot embarrassment as before at the expression on their face, nakedly baffled in a way that feels too intimate for her to be seeing. It’s like something about what she’s asking has managed to fully shock the danger out of them, leaving just a person who doesn’t understand what’s happening. Agnes hadn’t thought that was even possible to do, and the revelation that it is fills her with a kind of mad, giddy joy. You’re just like me. You don’t know what’s going on right now.
All this time she’s been tiptoeing around Pallas, but now she’s knocked them off balance and hasn’t been reduced to a pile of blood and guts. So there are some things she can do. She is not totally helpless and they are human after all and they are being awkward! Being awkward in front of her!
“I don’t exactly have a broad scope,” Pallas says dryly. “I doubt you’ll like anything I have to share.”
Agnes doubts it as well, but that’s not really the point. And nothing they said just now was no.
“Maybe it’ll be nice. Maybe I’ll think it’s nice.”
Pallas stares at her like a chicken confronted with a bicycle. Then they look away. Then they let out a long, quiet breath and close their eyes before shifting to face her properly, both feet on the ground as well.
“Sit back,” it’s closer to their normal voice but with a faintness to it. Not quite trembling, but definitely not steady either. Agnes straightens up and tilts back onto her palms as Pallas shifts forward. It feels like too long before they open their eyes, which are just as grey and bad as ever.
“I won’t do anything to you,” Pallas says, as if that’s an option they were considering. Agnes can’t help but feel a twist of relief, the memories of that first meeting in the woods are never far from her mind and no matter how much she wants this, any chance to avoid something like that happening again is a welcome one.
“Right.” She nods.
“If you start screaming, or vomit, or pass out, I will cease interacting with you alltogether. That is a promise.”
“I’ll be okay.”
Pallas’s brows furrow with what could be concentration or could be concern. Their mouth opens, floundering for half a second, like they were about to say something else before closing back into a tightly pressed line. They hold their left hand out in front of them, like they’re waiting for a high five, and somehow Agnes knows that, whatever it is, it’s about to start and her anxiety feels like victory in the face of that.
At first it is nothing much, just a thin red line slicing down their middle finger. So straight and clean it could’ve been made with a scalpel. Not even that much blood. Then, simultaneously, the line begins to creep down their palm and out to each of their other fingers, dripping beads of crimson down the clammy pale of their skin. Somehow it doesn’t seem real, like Agnes is looking at a diagram in a book that’s mysteriously been animated in front of her. If Pallas feels any pain at all they don’t show it, face unchanged as the skin starts to peel back from their hand.
That does make Agnes draw in a sharp breath, even though she’s been very good at staying quiet and still up until now, fearful like she was in the classroom with Judge that any sudden action will throw the magic off-balance. But she doesn’t look away, because she asked for this, and Pallas doesn’t pause in their unfurling even if their brows furrow slightly at the sound. It happens in one smooth motion, practiced, effortless, performed with all the ceremony of taking off a glove. Agnes does not start screaming, or vomit, or pass out. She’s dressed animals before and, apart from how Pallas is not dead and the effect is contained to just the one hand, this isn’t really different. There's the careful separation of skin from muscle, the delicate definition that separates the parts underneath, the red and pinkness of it all.
Of course it’s not really the same either, because the parts of Pallas being stripped away are not set aside for later use; instead they stay floating in the air around the hand, held frozen in the same way her body had been back in the forest when they first met. Warm, wet flaps of skin, fresh as the blackgreen bark stripped from trees back home, hover drowsily like something pickled in a jar. It is also not separated, not really, everything still intertwined and beating with red and alive, muscle and artery and nerve working together, just lifted up and away. Agnes never paid her own hands much mind beyond the work they could do and how cold they got in the winter, but now she imagines her skin split apart and away the way Pallas’s is, wonders if all of that really exists inside her too. It feels wrong somehow, what’s in front of her now is just meat. A person should be made up of more than that. There are so many small parts to a hand, parts she cannot name but Pallas probably can or else they would not be able to do any of this. They don’t stop until the muddy white of their fingerbones begin to show, then the entire thing spasms with an uneven spurt of blood, a pulse that Agnes feels in her own chest, and goes totally still.
In the silence she can’t help but lean forward, marvelling at the web of flesh in front of her, and even as her scalp prickles and her stomach turns over and the air around her seems to hum with the urge to run a part of her itches to reach out a finger and touch. That really would just be the same as fiddling around with the guts of an animal, but also it would be different. Somehow she knows it would be different. Different in a way she’ll never be able to understand unless she does it. Which she won’t. Because Pallas is terrifying and this has only proved that a hundred times over.
Though maybe not as terrifying as she thought before. They did listen to her, or humour her, or whatever this is. It’s something for sure. Agnes can always make do with something. It’s how she stays alive.
Her breath ghosts across the bloody strand of a muscle, and that is what breaks the spell, that or Pallas is just done or some other condition she doesn’t know has been met. The coming back together seems to take a good deal longer than the taking apart, sweat glueing dark strands of hair to Pallas’s cheeks and the grinding of their teeth made audible despite the damp, slithering sounds of their hand seaming itself back together until the only trace of what just happened is a rusty crusting of blood packed around their nails and in their palm lines.
They pull the hand away while Agnes can’t help but keep watching, transfixed as they flex it in and out of a fist with a disinterested glare, impatient while a few stray cracks and pops fill the newfound silence. Once that’s done they hold it out one more time, as if proving to Agnes just how inconsequential vivisecting a part of them in front of her really was.
“There. Happy?” Pallas slumps slightly, tipping their head back enough that she can see their pulse fluttering frantically just beneath the skin of their neck. Again she resists the urge to touch it. She likes all of her flesh right where it is. Thank you very much.
Palla shifts to look at her and Agnes remembers that she’s been staring, not answering them, and internally kicks herself for being such an idiot.
“I am,” She breathes out, makes the monumental effort to meet their eyes. “I actually really am.”
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lycanthropic-omega · 7 months
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I am so normal about Beth Cavener’s art.
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fle4floves · 2 years
Thinking about your f/o having a big fat crush on you is so cool actually, no it’s really awesome you should draw it out and everything maybe even write some stuff about it
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arlertaddict · 7 months
Would anyone be interested in links to irl porn videos on twitter that reminded me of anime characters or made me want to write about a certain character in that scenario?? Because I’ve been saving all these videos for myself but I might be willing to share… 👀
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 3 months
I watched Ani BEFORE I was a star wars fan and loved it because I love starkid
Now that star wars has consumed my brain I’m scared for what this musical will do to me the next time I watch it
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ghostampede · 1 year
“you were fine two seconds ago, what are you, bipolar or something?” “he was just a sociopathic and psychopathic weirdo so of course he killed people” “she’s such a fucking narcissist, what a bitch”
im on my knees begging to please just do the smallest bit of research into psychological issues before using them jn conversation cause what the FUCK
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iishmael · 1 month
I genuinely think I’m the exact target audience for James Joyce’s Ulysses. I love modernist literature, I am a snob, I love beautiful and complex language, I don’t mind rereading a difficult chapter, I know Dublin intimately, I love stories about the complexity of the human condition, I love Greek mythology references, I think theology and literature are fascinating topics to be investigated in lengthy prose, I love character studies, I am well-enough versed in Irish and European history to understand a good amount of the period-typical references. I fucking love this book so much.
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
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“a sicks’ dream come true; coming soon to fanfic channels near you”
#presenting my cursed sleep-deprived brainworm of the day: nagisa gets sold to ft4 for uni fees#or well. more like they’re looking for a live-in assistant dude. thing. or sth. idk#and papa shiranami just sells his son off bc ‘hey it’s literal free real estate!!! plus he’s gonna get paid for the entire deal so why not?’#nagisa initially pitches a fit at his dad a la gamushara yelling scene bc ‘dad!!!!!! how could you just sell me off to some strangers?!!!!’#‘shhhh son; think of the free housing. in ✨t o k y o✨. stuff’s expensive there yk’ ‘but still!!!!!’#so nagi sulkily packs his bags and heads out; trying to motivate himself with thoughts of ‘hey at least i’ll get to see hiyori more often’#then he arrives at the train station and sees our favourite 5-man non-idol gang… and promptly passes out#when he comes to… poor guy finds himself right smack in the middle of a hugeass canopy bed#with dai sitting smugly by the side like ‘the great me carried you back mans. you’re welcome ;)’ with a tip of his cool fedora#and that’s when nagi realises that 1) it’s not a dream and that he actually has to live with his oshis now. and 2) damnnnn this bed is soft#cohabitation shenanigans happen. as they would seeing as the entire gang + rio’s niece live together in this oddly huge megu-owned penthouse#plus free bi-weekly vacations to megu’s family villa bc they can never spend a waking moment without each other#and nagi finds it strange that the group is oddly accomodating of his uni schedule when it concerns his job tasks and such…#or that they collab with lxl (hi hiyori!!!) way more than they should typically be…#but he brushes it off when rio asks him to cook with him or sth idk i mean how often do you get to cook with your oshi????#and idk eventually the jig is up and it’s revealed that hiyori was the one who was accidentally behind the whole thing#like a ‘sorry nagisa i told uchida that you’d be moving here too but lxl were there the entire time and they went and got ft4 to buy you’#or something kinda thing. idk. bc everything has to be lxl’s fault; even when they’re just lurking in the bg#i’m def gonna regret this later lmao. it’s almost 2.30 in the am; i have not written in months; and i’ve never read a sold to 1.d. fic ev er#this is the kind of cosmic horror that only sleep-deprived brains can cook up ig…….. oh wells#it is suiyoubi my dudes#the dude from gamushara
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itskaitsart · 7 months
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they’re so in love 😭😭
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littledeadling · 1 year
I can’t watch the new mandalorian trailer I’m still so burned by the shitshow ending of TBOBF 💀💀💀 long rant in the tags sorry please don’t mind me
#grr…. afraid…...I just wanna keep enjoying my funny space cowboy dads in peace and quiet in my little corner 😭#I don’t want to suffer through any more cgi Luke...#are they rly gonna honour that grogu ‘reunion’... even tho it happened it a DIFFERENT SHOW?#sorry but that was the emotional core of the show I’m screaming in pain they CANT DO IT OFF SCREEN IN A DIFFERENT (BAD) SHOWWWW#I also didn’t care for the Cobb Vanth thing…... I have soooo many problems with that show 💀#tried SOO HARD to enjoy it I gave it way more leeway than anyone else#feel bad for temuera Morrison#I love boba fett I was so glad to see him get a chance to do it and I love what he brings to the character... but the writing 💀#I love fennec too#but mannnn#I was even stoked to see cad bane cuz we were watching clone wars at the time and he’s such a cool character#but he shouldn’t have been in that show 💀#(not even factoring in his crimes of shooting my favourite character)#(just kidding lol he’s forgiven)#atrocious cgi shitshow ending that poor Vancouver animators had to crunch for ... absolute garbage ending#also I’ll literally walk into the middle of a busy intersection if they put that annoying guy in the mandalorian 💀💀💀💀💀#the twilek…... if they’re really sticking with making him Amy sedaris’ boyfriend I’m gonna kms#I know a lot of it happened the way it did bc of covid I’m just so scared that means theyre beholden to all of it 😭#I may not watch s3... ugh I have to try... but I might not finish the whole thing#anyway#I love the mandalorian I will be sad if it fully goes into the toilet#they’re already making it too grand and epic w the darksaber shit... guys this is a story about a dude becoming a dad and loving his son ok#don’t forget it…...#(I think they forgot it)#also while ur here i had a revelation that I wouldn’t hate dinluke so much if they’d just CAST A DIFFERENT ACTOR#instead of creating UNCANNY VALLEY HORRORSHOW TECHBROS SUCKING THEMSELVES OFF UNDERPAYING NONUNION VFX ARTISTS ASS CGI LUKE#AND WHY DID THEY USE AI GENERATED VOICE CLIPS FOR HIM?? MARK HAMILL IS LITERALLY A TALENTED VOICE ACTOR!!!#also he stole his son >:(#ok I’m done#bz bz
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
I’ve just discovered something absolutely fucking crazy and now I’m experiencing emotions previously known only to shrimp
#right so there’s this guy who i’ve kind of had a crush on since uhhh the beginning of time. or it feels that way at least#it’s never going to happen. he lives in hawaii and even when he didn’t; he barely cared that i was alive#i’m normal about it most of the time (or like.. as normal as i ever am about anything i guess) but sometimes the mental illness strikes#and i end up on his fb page. and i did that today but he hadn’t updated his fb since the last time i was on there (months ago. he’s not#very active) soooo i felt starved for new images of him so i used my tried and tested method of checking his mom’s profile. his mom posts#a lot of stuff for the world to see and is especially proud of her two sons#so this seemed like a good idea. right? WRONG. i really shouldn’t have clicked onto there because the most recent picture she posted was#a photo of him and this girl sitting on a bench together and they’re not kissing or anything but they look undeniably coupley#and the thing is I RECOGNISE THIS BITCH. she organised his fucking birthday party last year and i thought it was a normal platonic thing to#do!! but it wasn’t!!!! and what’s worse is these two have known each other for so long but they have just now got together and the reason#i know this is because she’s literally been married. 10 years ago she got fucking married AND HE WAS ONE OF THE GROOMSMEN#HE WAS BEST FRIENDS WITH HER HUSBAND IN HIGH SCHOOL AND HE WAS A GROOMSMAN. IN A TUX!!!!!#like this is sending me. the betrayal. she had a boyfriend in between so i think she’s been divorced from her husband for like 5 years plus#but like….. this shit is making me CRAZY because in one of the wedding photos (which must be her favourite because she posted it like twice#as a ‘memory’) he looks really melancholy#it’s making me so mad i could eat the fucking drywall and i can’t tell anybody because they’ll be like ‘ellen go to bed’#but like. SERIOUSLY#and the thing is i really should’ve known this was going to happen sooner or later but i had convinced myself it wouldn’t#even though he literally can pull anyone. like. he’s basically roger from 101 dalmatians but with an american accent. he can pull ANYONE#men shouldn’t be allowed to put ‘single’ in their profile if they’re not. the daydream of one day buying a one-way plane ticket to hawaii#and asking him out like i should’ve done 5 years ago has been keeping me going for longer than i would like to admit#and i really hate to say it but what bothers me most is this woman is so bland. like. i guess she has a nice face? but she’s SO BLAND#it makes me SICK#i’m going to have to rant to someone about this irl or i’m going to burst a blood vessel in my eye#hopefully my friend answers the phone tomorrow morning otherwise i’m liable to tell the doctor at my appointment lmao#at least they might take my mental health concerns seriously.#anyway. if you need me i’m going to go to bed but probably not sleep because WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK#personal#**i feel like i didn’t adequately explain but that one photo isn’t my only proof they’re together. there was proof from BOTH OF THEIR MOMS#i am SICK
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written-mishaps · 2 years
My favourite ways of thinking about dynamics is that Robin and Steve are two halves of the same idiot but they’re freakishly in sync with eachother like the two comic relief henchmen who bicker constantly
Eddie and Steve are also two halves of the same idiot but in a specific hysterical-ludicrous kind of way that feels like trapping a wasp in a cup but accidentally leaving the top open and screaming when it inevitably flies out
Eddie and Robin are less idiotic together but they lose points for being absolute disasters who feed upon each other’s chaotic energy (they both have no impulse control and both play devils advocate)
All of them together make three parts of the same idiot, HOWEVER, each of them privately thinks they’re the sensible one in the dynamic (they aren’t, they’re all equally dumb)
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Tumblr, give me the strength not to fight random strangers on the internet who attack my favourite characters (and my own character as a person who likes them) on my own posts
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isolatedcorner · 2 years
Just started watching stranger things and eleven is my daughter. Her happiness is everything I need.
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