#theyfriend talks
flanarchy · 2 years
at the risk of talking too much about my personal life…
i was going to make a post on here about some things i learned yesterday, when i rode with a man in his early 80s, who i met a few days before and who is originally from my little town, down to the abortion rally in jackson
i just opened my facebook to this post about me 😭
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i’ve been learning a lot the last couple days and reorienting my thinking…i’ve known for a long time that activism is my life’s calling and i expressed a lot of this to my new friend yesterday. for a long time i knew that this would work out for me if i wanted it, that i knew what i was doing because of my surety about my passion, and i don’t know why, somewhere along the way in college as a first gen student far away from home in my nice college, i became stressed suddenly that i needed to have formal plans and formal summer internships and blah blah blah. that’s never been me. i don’t need to be doing it like the rest. i’m carving my path and i’m doing what i care about. i want to be an activist—that’s a career choice, and it’s one i don’t have to justify to anyone. and i realized yesterday…i am an activist. i’m working to be more involved all the time, and i’m already here.
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allmightyroden · 2 months
guys help me decide
i wanted to create a comical group of 3 vampire hunter ocs. first hunter, the captain, is a very short woman with hate for vampires flowing in her veins and like 10 loaded crossbows on her body at any given time. she's the most enthusiastic person of her group and she really cares about her squad. second hunter, the chaplain, is a calm old man who isn't really talkative, but he's really chill and is the one to do any holy rituals when needed. he's is probably the most efficient of the group and it is him who deals with any shit group brings upon itself. when it comes to the third hunter, however, i have two visions. first is him being the most physically attractive person ever which leads to vampires of any gender to fall for him and he's really sad that they have to kill/banish all his vampiric boy/girl/theyfriends. second vision is that the guy's a complete oaf who got into vampire hunting squad by mistake but kinda rolled with it. since he's a regular guy he's not trained to hunt vampires and makes many mistakes and goofs and captain just casually corrects him like "no hank, this is an oak stake, it wont kill a vampire". i really dont know which of the two would be funnier so i decided to ask the fairy forest of tumblr. also reblog or the post will wither and die before reaching vampire hunter/comedy experts
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poppy-metal · 7 months
I think about jordan introduction marie or reader to their parents way too much, how it'd be so hard for them having those two worlds collide and all the angst oh the angst but all is well that ends well bcuz they have u to turn to when things get especially complicated
Jordan turning to you for comfort oh myyyyy. It's not that their parents are rude to you, they think you're perfectly sweet. but you can tell they'd rather jordan be in their masc!form when you're together, seeing them as a woman, hand around your waist, makes their mothers lips purse and their fathers jaw tense. which makes jordan stiff for the rest of the night, though they hold their ground, dont shift, you can tell their parents silent disapproval upsets them.
later that night, you hold them as they sigh. stroke their hair, "I'm sorry it hurts," you tell them, squeezing tight. you don't tell them their parents dont matter, because even if they shouldn't, children always care how their parents perceive them, it would be foolish to pretend it didn't matter to jordan. "I'm sorry they can't see how beautiful you are when you're at your most happy; just being yourself."
you feel their arms tighten around you, they press a kiss to your neck in thanks, soft and sweet. "thank you for coming with me." they slide a hand up your shirt, not sexual, just to feel your skin. "I know that fucking sucked. and thanks for - you know. being you and - accepting me or whatever."
you have to giggle a little at the way they grumble out the last part, so flustered about talking about their feelings. you press your head on the pillow next to theirs and nudge forward so your noses are touching, "I'll always accept you." you whisper, "you're the best girlfriend boyfriend theyfriend a girl could ever want."
jordan scoffs and rolls their eyes but they're smiling, small dimples appearing on their cheeks. so pretty. they reach up to tuck your hair behind your ear, hand lingering there to cup your cheek - "i fucking love you." they say softly, leaning in to steal a kiss.
you dont get a chance to say it back, lost in their mouth against yours soon after, but you can show it easily, and do, in the way you melt under them, sigh their name like a prayer when they start kissing down your stomach, in the way your legs spread for them as easy as breathing. all your little i love yous packed in the way you give yourself to them - and if their parents happen to overhear jordan making you cry out - well. maybe they'll think twice about nagging them to come visit.
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Dating Gareth Emerson Headcanons
I love this man. So. Much. SO HERE!
Gareth is a bean
A bean with anger issues but anyways--
He has ADHD but nothing can distract him from you
Except for squirrels
He's like a puppy!
He curls up on your lap like a cat tho
Is touching you constantly
Holding your hand, kissing your cheek, hugging you from behind, playing with your hair
Gareth really, really loves when you ask him to teach you to play his drums?
He'll sit you on his lap
Or on the side of the stool (cough cough, Heartstopper--)
And he'll direct your hands
It's the softest thing ever
One time you got really mad and he let you take it out on his drums
You may have busted through one--
It sounded absolutely terrible but it helped you a lot
Gareth was watching in awe the whole time
"How did I get so lucky to get you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just look so beautiful."
He doesn't really like those typical pet names like babe or baby
He hates them, actually (or he claims to, he thinks they'll make him seem less tough, so he calls you babe and baby and sweetheart when none of the Hellfire guys are around)
So he'll call you something like fruit loop or chick flick
It doesn't make any sense to anyone but you guys
It's so stupid
Specifically loves calling you the one thing that makes you blush in front of the Hellfire Club
Because they'll ask you about it and tease you about it for the rest of lunch/the campaign
He's always telling them to shut up but he loves it because it means you'll sit on his lap and bury your face in his neck
"Gareth, make them stop," You'll whine.
"I don't think I will," Gareth will whisper in your ear and rub up and down your back.
Gareth will either pay 100% attetion to you or the campaign there is no in between
He gets super invested and won't take his eyes off the dice or his character sheet
But when you're at his house, he will not take his eyes off you for a second
Unless you're in the bathroom
He's respectful
And random kisses?
Hard kisses, too
It's stupid, he knows, but he sees those couples making out against lockers and wishes it was you and him
And you've done it once or twice
Not in a crowded hallway though
Gareth likes showing you off but your kisses are private
Well, not all of them
Just like... the rough ones
Which is 90% of them
(I'm not even half done, hang on to your butts, brochacos)
Gareth gets jealous so easily
If he sees you talking to Eddie or Jeff or Mike or Dustin or Lucas or (Freak 1, as he's known--)
He will freak the fuck out
Hugging you from behind, tugging on your hair, pulling you away, distracting you
"Gareth, babe, stop it!"
"Yeah, but we're gonna be late!"
"... late for what?"
Gareth Emerson cannot lie for shit
So you always know when he's just jealous and wants you all to himself
But like... you have a life.
He likes to smell your hair...
Don't take that the wrong way he just really loves the way it smells
The coconut or strawberry or whatever
And he likes running his hands through your hair
Short or long, he doesn't give a flying fuck as long as you like it
He kind of likes it long though because you taught him how to braid
He's not good at it but he likes doing it because it's rythmic and gives him something to do
"I didn't do it!"
"Yes, you did!"
He acts like a toddler and has the anger issues of one
Which is super adorable but you also hate it--
It's like babysitting for free
But you love him so it doesn't matter
He's so sweet, too
Gareth will do anything for you
Jump off a bridge? Of course! Stick his drumsticks in his ears and make stupid faces? Sure! Kiss you in the rain? ~Chick flick~ Put on heels and take a polaroid photo? ...*questioning your relationship* Yes.
He's a lil stupid but it's okay
"Gareth, can we go home now? I just wanna spend time with you."
"Oh, come on, we just got here! What's the rush?"
"Babe. Can we go, please?"
"Y/n, can we please stay here?"
"I want you."
"I want you, too, you're my girl/boy/theyfriend."
"You're an idiot."
Gareth loves when you play with his hair
Carding your fingers through it, fiddling with the ends of it, braiding it a lil bit because it looks so cute--
He's easily overwhelmed, probably
Only at like parties and shit, not that you go to a lot of those
But the few you do go to?
He's begging to get the fuck out of there
"Y/n, can we just go, I don't like this, there's too many people here--"
"Just a few more minutes, okay? Then I promise we can leave, baby."
Melts like butter under your fingers if you call him baby
Gareth absolutely adores being called baby
But not around his friends
He has a reputation to keep up!
Gareth will be tough around them and again, like a puppy with you
I present to you...
✨Gareth Emerson✨, the most underrated side character in Stranger Things
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specters · 2 months
we were talking about dating at work today and one of my coworkers was like "do you have a girlfriend?" and i answered no so then she was like "a boyfriend?" nope "[pause].... a theyfriend? 🤨" and it was very funny to me
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thebookewyrme · 8 months
Ok. So like. I identify with people who talk about being femme in an abstract way. Not makeup and perfect hair but moon goddesses and hunting hounds. But I also identify with butch things, up until I don’t. I don’t wear boots and my keys aren’t on a caribiner but I’ve got a side shave and wear button ups and don’t wear makeup. Except when I do. I’m not a man and don’t want to be, but I’ve never been good at being a woman either. I was a little girl once, but I was a tomboy even though I loved pretty dresses. There’s a whole galaxy of gender outside the binary, and the further I fly from it the happier I am. I am both and neither at the same time. I am Mama and theyfriend and partner and daughter and sister but not a woman.
But mostly…I’m eepy.
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asterhaze · 5 months
9 People Questions
Thank you to @doublegoblin, as always, for tagging me HERE.
It's so good to be tagged in something again, so thank you! Things were busy during the end of last year, but I'm back and ready to share my writing again. Yay!
Last Song: 北京欢迎你 | Beijing Welcomes You - I wanted to hear Jackie Chan sing again.
Favorite Color: Green~ I'm a big fan of a really dark green.
Last movie/TV show:
Movie (Anime): Jujutsu Kaisen 0 - We wanted to watch the movie before the show because of the timeline.
TV Show (Anime): Jujustu Kaisen - Are you surprised?
Movie (Non-Anime/Cartoon): Violent Night
TV Show (Non-Anime): Stargate SG-1 - Re-watching this because it's been a couple of years. I'm already on Season 6!
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. I don't like sweets that much and rarely eat things like cookies or cakes. I'm also intolerant to peppers (not because of the capsaicin, I'm intolerant to the whole nightshade food family) so obviously I don't enjoy spicy foods since they cause me intestinal distress. So out of the list, I enjoy savory food.
Relationship status:
I'm married to my spouse. We've been together for 9 years and have been married for 6. I'm poly, so I also have a theyfriend that I have been with for 2-3 years. Both of them are wonderful people and I'm very lucky that they tolerate me and how freakin' dummy weird I am.
Last thing I Googled: 1870's clothing in America to get to THIS WEBSITE. I use this website constantly since I'm not very fashion forward, but need to know what Glen would wear back in ye olden days, and use this website as a jumping off point if it doesn't already tell me everything I need to know.
Current obsession:
Writing: I'm obsessed with Glen, and Masterpiece, still, after 2 years of starting the story. I am really in love with that character and I have pretty much decided I'm going to write his entire life. I'm also considering writing a story revolving around Ska at some point, since my spouse loves him so much, but that will be years from now.
Non-writing: I just started crocheting, so I'm making an afghan that I've been working on for about a week. I'm also considering starting up a comic but I can't decide if I want to draw killer mascots or continue the universe that Gravity is in. (See the header on my blog to know who I'm talking about).
Tagging, gently. (Please let me know if you'd like to be removed): @elbritch-kit @sparrow-orion-writes @tea-and-mercury @covenscribe @goldxdarkness @poetinprose @rainisawriter @veetvoojagigthemagnificent @dakogutin @jessicagailwrites @godspeedjuneblackemperor
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critterbutt · 3 months
friendo was talking shit while we were eating nachos and she ended up saying something about my potential future partners but she said "-your boyfriend. or girlfriend. or theyfriend."
and it made me laugh like girl why didn't you just say partner it would have been way easier 😭😭
but theyfriend is so funny to me jajqlbslsvq
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starry-wren · 9 months
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so after posting this I have been drawing and character developing, and I think I’ve come up with two characters I really like!
so without further ado, here are Charlie and Angel!
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Charlie <3
-Loves to dress more feminine, likes wearing hair barrettes and bows and skirts and makeup
-Really good at cooking
-Got bullied a lot in high school for being trans and also weird
-The sweetest little guy :)
-Very shy and quiet, doesn’t talk a lot to anyone but Angel
-Cries when a contestant gets kicked off of a reality show
-Really tall. Like really really tall. Probably 6’4 (Is that tall? Idk)
-Went to the Barbie movie dressed as Allan wearing a pastel pink skirt
-Loves bugs
-Wears headphones because he doesn’t like the feeling of earbuds in his ears
-Likes to draw on himself and put stickers and glitter on himself
-Coffee has no effect on him but he still loves to make elaborate frappuccinos because they taste sweet
-Best friend and theyfriend is Angel <3
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-Genderfluid, but only the nonbinary genders
-Likes to use the nonbinary flag and call themselves nonbinary instead of genderfluid
-Has a little chalkboard poster that says “Today’s gender is _____” that Charlie got them. They put it up in their college dorm and send a picture to Charlie every day.
-A skilled makeup artist and hairstylist
-Likes to dress and appear scary but is actually really silly
-Is mean to Charlie’s bullies. They’re really scared of Angel, so Charlie got bullied less since Angel moved back.
-Loud and gets in trouble a lot, especially at their old high school.
-Wears platform boots so that they can be as tall as Charlie.
-Went to the Barbie movie dressed in all black and wearing skeleton makeup
-Has a nose ring (I just couldn’t draw it with my chibi style)
-Dances by moving their head back and forth in time to music (peak silly moment)
-Usually has long painted nails
-They pierced their ears and dyed their hair themself when they were a kid because their mom wouldn’t let them get it done professionally
-Loves Charlie’s cooking
-Frequently uses the little analog emojis (like :P, >:D, etc.)
-Best friend and boyfriend is Charlie <3
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They r holding hands <3
(they aren’t little kids they are just drawn in a chibi style)
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honestly i think when the "get off with your theyfriend" comes from the guy who has spoken about sometimes wanting to dress like a boy and sometimes wanting to dress like a girl its quite funny and when he added neopronouns into the mix i was a bit like omg!!! representation !!! like he is clueless but it is funny - 🐸
Hahaha. I honestly don’t think he was meaning to make it a pointed comment. It’s just how he talks / he’s always trying to make the crowd feel at home at shows and stuff. That goes without saying, but like he’s not about to embrace like politeness and political correctness lol. Idk. I can’t speak for non-binary folks, obviously so it’s not for me to decide but I feel like he wasn’t even really joking in a particularly “controversial” way. But maybe I’m missing the point.
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[obligatory "got any cute girlfriends/boyfriends/theyfriends?" question]
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"Once upon a time, yeah, I had one. I think I mentioned before... But I don't... Talk about it. Haven't dated since. You know, the whole... a car crash makes you not wanna drive a car..."
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shelobussy · 2 years
7 (it's seahorses isn't it), 18, 19, and 20
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
SEAHORSES HOLY FUCK but also i love sting rays, cuttlefish and sharks <3
your boba/tea order?
i am a coffee theyfriend through and through buuut in the rare instance i get tea i go for an iced chai tea latte or anything flavored with fruit (this is specifically at starbucks)
the veggie you dislike the most?
favorite disney princess movie?
the emperor's new groove tangled
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nimbasa-hideaways · 2 years
Did you say roleplay details? Please do share
[ooc: ok so like, imagine the following]
[n suddenly passes hugh while there's panic over parts of unova being frozen over. hugh snaps out of worrying about his little sister and notices, holy shit, those are celeste's shoes- but he can't see her hair, which is usually how he identifies her. that long brown hair usually styled in bun-pigtails is absent, and he can't see her head at all from his position. he watches n and the subway bosses talk, hears ingo refer to her as "crescent" instead of "celeste", and that's when it clicks. and oh shit, emmet and n run off to find orion, and there she is with short white hair instead of long and brown- he is best friends with unova's champion. and said champion is about to fucking die of hypothermia. cuz i said to hell with early stage, i am intensifying the goddamn angst.]
[hugh starts fucking screaming, and this gets crescent's attention. she tries to get ingo, who's taking her to the nearest hospital, to take her back to hugh because he needs her- ingo refuses, so she calls out.]
[it's weak, her voice breaks, but it still gets his attention. she reaches out to him with one shaking hand, and he gets up and runs after them. crescent becomes the second person allowed to touch him, locking fingers (at the time platonic) and pulling herself in a last burst of energy into hugh's arms. she starts apologising, and he shushes her. he picks up where ingo left off, with the latter following close behind as hugh bursts into the closest hospital and starts fucking screaming at whoever can to help the girl in his arms.]
[they do, and orion and n arrive shortly after she's taken in. hugh reclaims his cold demeanor because n and orion and emmet and ingo aren't crescent or liana (the name we settled on for hugh's sister) so he can't be weak. n knows better, though. he encourages hugh to speak, let out his troubles, and he does.]
[when crescent is stable again, everyone goes in to visit. hugh goes last, alone, gestured in by orion. crescent is awake when he goes in, not looking at him. she took out her colored contacts. the two talk, apologise to each other, confide in how terrified of failure they were every time they were in danger. hugh goes to leave, but crescent wants him to stay. he does.]
[he hesitates when he lets her take his hand again. but when i made crecent ask why hugh cared about her so much, that was when my theyfriend hit me with the realisation that they are cute together. it was after we had gone "fuck canon" by that point, and worth noting he wasn't aged up for the ship at all- we just set him where we felt was right for his character.]
{".. Liana talked about you in a positive way, even before we personally met. Back when I was.. closed in, after what happened. After she would play with you, she'd come running back home, run straight to my room and tell me everything about the nice girl who moved in.."}
[a quote from the exact roleplay. crescent apologised for how annoying it must've been- but hugh denied, and said that it made him fall in love with her.]
[thank god for the xtransciever. and crescent understanding Communication. i decided, fuck it, roll with the adorable flow, and had crescent have the same sort of thing happen to her. liana told her about hugh, crescent developed feelings and told cilan, said green bean gave the full okay, and crescent just carried it with her until it spilled out in that hospital.]
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myfictolovers · 2 years
Managed to play through 2 more days. Guess that’s all I’m getting on a weekday 😔 could possibly do some more days at night, but by the time I get home I never want to set up my computer and all that in my room, or play in the living room. Still, hoping to keep the momentum in this game to see who wins, and help me choose whose fic to commit to, first
The second Day 6 one-on-one date went to Alex. It was at the lounge, and silver level. Still no first kiss- they had the prompt I almost got to follow, but then Alex autonomously kissed hands and it was satisfied without my doing anything. On the same day, however, the bachelorette got the want to ask Klaus to be their Theyfriend/boyfriend- so some of their first thoughts of commitment?
I got through that and a day of eliminations, unfortunately I had to leave the bottom 2 for a part 2- Pearl (friend) and Harley (acquaintance). I’m honestly considering just Word of God choosing Harley. It was a little sad to see Data go round one, but I’ve written a lot of him, and ultimately I wasn’t that excited to see what would get if I overrode things to let him stay.
You’d think with Harley in the bottom 2 two rounds in a row, I’d be cool with sending her off, but I really just- I have a lot more interest in writing her, and I hate to see her sim design wasted on just wandering around the house talking to herself. I love Pearl, I love every character I put into this, obviously, but I realized I don’t really want to write the novel-length Self Insert for her and Steven Universe. If I veto the bachelorette kicking Harley this round, she goes, and honestly, it’s a good trade off, I’m okay with it. Last round vetoing Data wasn’t worth sending Harley home, so I didn’t. This’ll be the last time though. I doubt she’ll be in the next bottom 2, because after this round she pretty much has to be the next one-on-one date. Next time she goes in the bottom two, unless she makes it to the /final/ two, she’s out.
I’d considered using Klaus’s bronze date and lower romance scores as a reason to say the bachelorette thought they were better off friends, but that rolled want got them back in the game more seriously.
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yatgb · 3 years
I really loved how out of place Pixl looked in House Blossom when he visited Katherine. Like duh obviously his skin is stylized for him to be the Copper King and dealing with sand and copper and shit but its just. It really adds a level of depth to him literally exiling himself for weeks in the desert, then coming back to the people he wronged and humbly asking if they'll forgive him.
imagine this dehydrated haggard looking man getting sand all over your bright luscious grass asking if you wanna be his friend. He looks pretty sad but you get the feeling he'll understand if you say no. He looks so desaturated and hollow and the fields and flowers around him are bright and thriving and full of life. There's a wake of vultures circling him from above, and he isn't even acknowledging them. He laughs but something tells you it's forced. You notice how he can't keep a smile for very long. He's just asking for your forgiveness and you know right away he doesn't even forgive himself.
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hashtagyourshirt · 3 years
Anyone interested in being my long distance (or short distance 😏) romance gf partner? K thanks.
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