#this chapter was so fun to work on (and read!) and there’s a LOT in the notes!
tossawary · 2 days
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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The Glass Coffin: HOFAS x Elriel
Many HOFAS spoilers ahead!! This is an INTENSIVE post on all the Elriel coding in HOFAS, so strap in! This is largely a theory post and my personal interpretations, so take it or leave it! It's all in good fun.
Let's start with The Glass Coffin. When it comes to the analysis of the songs Bryce played for Azriel and Nesta in the much beloved and much dissected bonus chapter, I have seen a lot of conversation around Stone Mother and significantly less (if any?) around The Glass Coffin!
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The Glass Coffin is played next after the Stone Mother. And it is a ballet.
What is the The Glass Coffin?
My friends, it is Sleeping Beauty.
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Now we all know that many suspect Elriel to be a Sleeping Beauty retelling. And I'll be honest, I take a lot of the mythology or "retellings" with a grain of salt when it comes to SJM, because she doesn't do incredibly loyal retellings but takes bits and pieces of inspiration. I suppose it's up to you where you draw the line of a retelling, or free IP inspiration. But one thing to understand about IP is that Sarah J. Maas would have to get Disney's permission to call her work a retelling of Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Much like Beauty and The Beast, she did not "retell" the Disney princess movie, but the original La Belle et la Bête by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve published in 1740. So with that little lesson in intellectual property, lets look at the story of The Glass Coffin, because it is actually quite interesting:
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A magician forces a proposal on a Maiden using his magic. The Maiden is repulsed by the use of magic in the proposal and rejects him. The Magician turns her brother into a stag, traps her in the glass coffin, and enchants the land around them.
There is a LOT to unpack here. I do not think Lucien is "The Magician" in this story. Instead, I think the Cauldron is, and I do think that the use of magic to force a proposal is a very close parallel to what Azriel discovered in HOFAS: That the Cauldron had been corrupted by the Asteri to serve their will. If you have read all of the books in the multiverse, you know that there is no other SJM universe where mating bond rejections happen. There is no other universe in which there are unhappily mated pairs forced together because the function of the mating bond, at a base level, is simply to produce the most powerful offspring. Mates in other worlds are true soulmates, and they fall in love before discovering they are mates.
In HOFAS, Azriel listened to a song from The Glass Coffin. He also listened to the story of Silene, and learned that the Cauldron was corrupted by the Asteri. It is not a theory or interpretation that the Asteri curate powerful bloodlines to ensure they have the strongest food from the souls that they eat. It is a fact. So it is not a jump to interpret that the Cauldron's corruption by the Asteri, and mates that are not a good fit on a soul level but forced together to produce powerful offspring, are one and the same. At this time, both Azriel and Elain have discussed feelings of repulsion or discomfort regarding E/ucien's bond. There are also negative consequences to a female rejecting the bond, as there were for the Maiden in The Glass Coffin. Rejecting a bond can lead to madness on the males end in Prythian because he believes he is entitled to her, just as the Maiden rejecting the Magician's proposal led to him trapping her in glass and enchanting the lands so no one else could have her.
This is already quite interesting, but it gets even more powerful as you continue to breakdown the Elain coding in HOFAS.
This line basically started a war:
"I can hear your heart beating through the stone." She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer, "Can you hear mine?" (ACOWAR, chpt. 24)
Now many people have used this to claim she is Lucien's mate, because she can hear his heartbeat. Though only a few pages earlier, we had this moment:
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Elain can hear Feyre's heartbeat. She says if she listens carefully, she can hear hers too. At the time, we all assumed she was talking about Nesta. And yet we've discovered that Vesperus, an Asteri, (or Valg, depending on which theory you vibe with) was also a beating heart under the stone.
Inside a glass coffin.
More than that, we have this passage:
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We now know that the Prison was once the Dusk Court, and just like UTM, The Hewn City, and Ramiel, it is encapsulated in stone beneath the mountain. Within the stone of the Prison lies the long buried heart of the Dusk Court. When you look back at Elain's line to Lucien, and see that she is staring out at the city, looking for answers at the heart she can hear beating beneath the stone, and not Lucien, this all starts to click together in a brilliant way. And the imagery, the island having a soul nurtured and blossoming under her care, has Elain written all over it.
Now, the reason I bring up the Hewn City here is because I believe there is a reason for Elain's lifelessness and distress in the Hewn City that has nothing to do with her wearing the color black.
In HOFAS, we discover a few important things about Earth Fae. Lidia discovers in her time on Team Archives what the Earth Fae did, and what their powers were used for:
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Earth Fae were used on Midgard to discover ley lines of power to create powerful strongholds. One important thing I have noticed is that all Fae on Midgard are said to come from either Erilea or Prythian (at least that is all that is mentioned) and yet there is no indicator of where the Earth Fae come from. it is my personal belief the Earth Fae are from Prythian. Yet the entire Dusk Court disappeared, and their story continued on Midgard. It is my belief that Elain is not only a Seer, but that she has also been gifted with the Earth powers that have since been lost on Prythian, priming her to both restore Earth powers on Prythian as well as the Dusk Court.
What does this have to do with the Hewn City?
Earth Fae experience distress when they are in places where the magic is dead or warped, and they are the only ones that can feel it:
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Bryce mentions she forgets the Earth Fae even have magic, because what they can do is often unseen.
If Elain is in possession of the lost Earth power, she would have been able to feel her power literally shriveling up and dying anywhere that has been warped by that magic.
And then of course we have the fact that the cave on Prythian is an exact match to the Cave of Princes on Avallen. We end HOFAS with all the weapons in the possession of the IC, the knowledge that there are cache's of magic hidden in the lands, and that there are places where the magic has been twisted and must be freed, one being the Prison/Dusk Court.
This was the imagery used once the magic was freed on Avallen, and it took its true, lush, blossoming form:
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If what is true on Avallen will also be true once the Dusk Court is freed on Prythian, answer this question honestly: When you read this imagery- blooming vines and roses, beautiful and surreal, the land seeming to know her, small blooming flowers nestling around her body and in her hair- who do you think of? Who could this possibly be alluding to back in Prythian?
Elain's coding was all over HOFAS, and Azriel's "what if the Cauldron was wrong storyline" continued. These statements are true, even if none of my theories about her being an Earth Fae are right, though I know I'm not the only one who believes that is where we are headed!
The fact that The Glass Coffin is Sleeping Beauty, and that Azriel listened to it, may not be a powerful statement on its own (though I think it is). But the fact that the Cauldron corruption was revealed, and The Glass Coffin is a story of a woman who was entrapped due to her rejecting a proposal forced by magic, and Sarah used the Glass Coffin again with Vesperus, potentially tying her back to the heartbeat Elain can hear if she listens closely, it's all just too much to ignore.
I was personally overwhelmed by all of the Elain and Azriel nods in HOFAS. I think they get buried under all of the criticism in the book. I am so excited to see where everything goes, and I hope you had fun going down this rabbit hole with me!
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senblades · 2 days
Hi :)
I love your art and your writing, and you have such a great grasp of these characters that I was wondering if you have any fic recs? Rating doesn't matter ;)
boy do I! (and ty for the compliment <3 <3 <3)
[cracks knuckles] alrighty:
The Dissapearence of Goro Akechi by Kupowonders - Probably my favourite fic ever, honestly- it's like. derailing the plot of persona 5 post-medjed thanks to the persona 4 accomplice ending years prior. (So, spoilers for p4 in that, too) it's. very good.
Marigolds by Colbub - Akechi gets ng+'ed to right when he started working for Shido, and has to take a good look at the future to come and be like "Aight how the fuck do I fix this". Fun times!
Daredevil, You've hit the wall by ez_cookie. Essentially, p5 Strikers but Sumire and Goro get to be in on the fun, too. And, there's a direct sequel currently being updated that's a similar premise for p5 Tactica. very very good stuff
A Tale of Two Tricksters by Zoe2k8 - Murder boyfriends! ...sort of? Angst! Angst and murder boyfriends! An oversimplification, obviously, but I'm not kidding when I say this fic is amazing and is also over a million words holy shit-
Throw away your mask by MollyPollyKinz - Another ng+ situation for Akechi, but this time the poor guy gets thrown all the way to 2009. You can imagine how well that goes (For the audience, less so for Akechi himself.)
The Crow Cries at Midnight by Dorked. hehe this one is very fun. Basically, a series of coincedencs causes Akechi to get thrown into the plot of persona 4. No time travel here! Just a grumpy 12/13 year-old Akechi trying to solve a murder mystery
The entire Tales of Chaos series by Eternalmomentss (The first one is called Like sand between your fingers) Very very good stuff! Something of a character study, I would say, of Ren and Goro. Plus, all the funky plot stuff that comes from trickster-typical bad luck and poor descision making. I really love this series hehe
uhh this post is getting very long I need to make this less wordy- lightning round?
Hunger for a life by Leonawriter - do you like vampires? I sure do! Mix that and the p5 plot and you get shenanigins. [evil laughter] a lot of shenanigins
Fishbowl by KivaEmber - Akechi has a terrible time in Maruki's reality. And I mean a terrible time
You have a beautiful smile underneath that mask by Saposaki - Akechi has a crush on Akira and Joker has a crush on Crow. No one is aware of the other's secret identity. Dramatic irony and hilarity ensues.
MASTERMiND by StumblingBlock - No Metaverse au where Akira really doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his crime family, and fails miserably
Rose and Rot by SixteenJuniper - Read this!! I'm serious!! "A fun fantasy adventure" don't listen to Juniper. You'll be in tears by chapter two. (/pos, of course) (Seriously this fic is incredible)
Redressing the Balance by Convocated - ...almost a ng+? Ng+, in the sense that shuake are getting funky visions that are very quickly derailing the standard plot of p5r. This causes problems of the "Someone get the popcorn and maybe the tissues" variety
She's got a heartbeat full of lead (And she's aiming straight for the head) by Dots - This fic haunts me, often. In the best way possible, of course; but seriously, read it
Cracked into by SydneyHorses - Ren makes bad descisions and it becomes Akechi's problem. 2/2 timeloop, perhaps most notably featuring HaruGoro friendship! Love love love this fic
Okay that wasn't as "less wordy" as I intended but it'll do
Aaaand that's a wrap! Sorry for the long post.. and this is by no means all of the fics that I've ever loved (nor are the ones here in any particular order) but I swear we'll be here all week if I keep going HAHA
ty for the ask (and again for the kind words), anon! Hope this was helpful and to your tastes! (I... hope you like Shuake HAHA it's present in most of these- I assume you do, since you came to me (points at literally everything shuake I've made) of all people, but uh. Some of these fics are gen if it's not to your liking?)
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veliseraptor · 1 day
May Reading Recap
A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine. Rereading A Memory Called Empire was a treat - an expected treat, but it was good to find out that it lived up to memory. I liked A Desolation Called Peace a little bit less, but only a little bit - it very much followed up directly on the themes from A Memory Called Empire that I appreciated.
The Last Graduate and The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik. I devoured these books. I'm very surprised by this fact, since I'm not generally a "magic school" person, but there we are; Naomi Novik apparently managed to make me one temporarily. The last book was a particularly strong one and did some very interesting things with its worldbuilding that'd been set up in previous books and delivered in the last one.
Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says About the End by Bart Ehrman. I've read and enjoyed some Bart Ehrman previously, but I feel like the quality of his books has diminished from his earlier work, and this book confirmed that for me. I'm a bit of an eschatology enthusiast (the main reason I picked this up, as well as the fact that (a) it was available at the library one time and I grabbed it on a whim and (b) author recognition), but I learned very little from this book that I didn't already know.
Strange Beasts of China by Yan Ge. One of the things that made me happiest about reading this book was, unfortunately, the fact that I thought I recognized the ways in which it was referring back to Classic of Mountains and Seas, which I felt (again, unfortunately) sort of smug about. Checking the Wikipedia page for the book, apparently "Additionally, each chapter begins with a brief description of the beast which, in the original writing, was written in Classical Chinese, while the rest of the book was written in standard Chinese," which is so cool and I wish had been conveyed in the translation.
In general though, this was a good one, though I feel like the descriptive copy was a little misleading. It's less a mystery than a series of interconnected stories following a central character investigating the titular strange beasts, and learning how they connect to her life and history.
Dark Heir by C.S. Pacat. I liked this one significantly more than Dark Rise - which I guess makes sense, since a lot of Dark Rise was setting up the concept that most compels me about the series (the main character being the reincarnation of a notorious villain from the past). It still feels YA in the way that YA usually does, which isn't necessarily a bad thing if stylistically less my preference (and something I feel worth mentioning in the context of a possible recommendation). The ending was a gut-punch of a fun kind. I will be looking forward to reading the third one.
"There Would Always Be a Fairy-Tale": Essays on Tolkien's Middle Earth by Verlyn Flieger. I loved Splintered Light and was disappointingly underwhelmed by most of the essays in this collection. There were a couple that were more interesting to me, but on the whole a lukewarm response.
The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Adrian Tchaikovsky wins again!!! I don't love this one quite as much as I've enjoyed the Children of Time series, but I actually think that I liked it more than The Final Architecture series. Fascinating concept, as usual fascinating worldbuilding for societies wildly different from our own, and dedicated to themes of cooperation and unity-across-difference without it feeling preachy or didactic.
Aphrodite and the Rabbis: How the Jews Adapted Roman Culture to Create Judaism as We Know It by Burton Visotzky. This was a good one! I already was familiar with some of the information here, but not all of it, and the work around art and architecture was new to me. I felt in some ways like Visotzky overstated his case a little, but on the whole a very interesting read.
Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives by Phyllis Trible. This one is kind of a classic of feminist Bible scholarship - a short book that does a close reading of the text of the stories of four biblical women who suffer in some way (Hagar, Tamar, the unnamed woman from Judges 19, and Jephthah's daughter). It's a powerful work, though it felt a little basic to me on the whole - probably due to the fact that it's relatively early scholarship on the subject working from a literary angle.
Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. Books with footnotes are very hit-or-miss for me - not meaning books with contextual footnotes, but books with footnotes that are part of the conceit of the text itself. Some authors can pull it off; others really shouldn't try. In this case, the author felt a bit too taken with his own cleverness to pull it off; in general I felt like this book was trying a little too hard to be edgy and voice-y and ended up just feeling kind of shallow. It was a fun read, in some ways, but not a good one, and I'm torn on if I'm going to continue reading the series. If I do, it probably won't be in a hurry.
Tolkien and Alterity ed. by Christopher Vaccaro. I was excited about this particular collection of essays (you can probably guess why) and found them mostly uninspiring in the reading. The exception was a bibliographic essay on the treatment of race in Tolkien scholarship, which proposed more use of reader response theory, a suggestion which seems fruitful to me and more interesting than debates about whether or not Tolkien/his works are or aren't racist.
Knock Knock, Open Wide by Neil Sharpson. I feel like this is going to sound more critical than I really mean it to, but this was a perfectly adequate horror novel. I wouldn't call it exceptional, and it didn't freak me out, but I read it pretty much straight through and enjoyed the experience on the whole.
Thousand Autumns: vol. 4 by Meng Xi Shi. I liked this volume more than I've liked some of the others, and am enjoying the development of the central relationship, though I feel a little like I've been bait-and-switched about the level of fucked up that it's involved. Maybe that's why I'm enjoying this one a little less than I feel like I should: I was expecting more fucked-up between the two main characters based on the initial conceit and don't feel like the novel has really delivered on that. But I am enjoying Yan Wushi getting a little more...outwardly affectionate toward Shen Qiao, and Shen Qiao's concomitant confusion about it.
This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer. More than an adequate horror novel but less than an excellent one, I felt like this book relied more on gross-out horror than I typically prefer. Still, was definitely spooky, and confirmed for me that wilderness horror gets to me in a very specific way.
I'm presently reading Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood, which I have mixed feelings about (not negative! just mixed). I'm not sure what I'm going to read after that, save that I'm now trying to alternate genres and might try to read some nonfiction, which I've been sort of off for a while. Otherwise I'll probably just end up reading Translation State by Ann Leckie, and possibly A Fire in the Deep by Vernor Vinge. But I'm really going to try for some more nonfiction next month.
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helenakwayne · 3 days
Recently finished your fic and wondering if you have written anything else for Kanthony (even if it is without the lovely Ted Lasso references). Also, are there3 other Kanthony fics you recommend?
Hi anon. Thanks for reading. Updated to add: Your recs are below.
To answer your first question, that was my first Kanthony fic. I'm ploughing my way through a new one that will (sadly) not have any Ted Lasso references. However, I don't want to post it until it is complete, and I'm currently struggling with chapter 2 of 6 (according to the current plotted outline). So... stay tuned?
As for Kanthony fic recs, wow... daunting. There are 340 Kanthony fics sitting in my Kindle right now that I've either read and liked, or am planning to read. So, whatever recs I make are definitely not comprehensive. It always seems unfair to recommend fics because I always feel like I'm leaving a bunch of really great authors out. I'll give it a try, but please know I could mention a lot more authors and stories.
Let's see (there'll be M's and E's below, so pay attention to ratings and warnings) :
anidlequeen wrote Footie, which shares certain themes with THTKY. A personal favorite from this author is And Now I Got Too Much At Stake.
caciopepebowl is prolific. I have a soft spot for the recent Close Encounters of the Acutest Kind.
lookingforthestars wrote I didn’t know that loving you was the happiest I’ve ever been. It was one of the first fics I read and really liked.
I had recently mentioned Moomin_94 for (I feel) the lavender haze creeping up on me, which had a premise that caught me off guard and had me laughing all the way through. They also wrote Offside, which is just a fun ride with football and Anthony being his best Roy Kent.
You can't go wrong with PenguinofProse. I remember liking An Adult Playmate.
ramarro's Three Cities and We Never Lived Here. Hot...
royalwisteria's three part series that begins with there be fury on the waves. Amazing.
Speaking of author's with only one Kanthony fic out there, ryanatwood's say my name and everything just stops is truly terrific and I wish they'd write more.
starkswinterfelling's it only takes a taste (which is, of course, part of the Operation: Barista series).
There. Lots of authors/stories missing, but I hope that's a good starting point. Happy reading.
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forestmossling · 3 days
this series was one of the rare cases where i commented under literally every chapter of every part because it just left such a huge impression on me.
i love everything about this series. first and foremost - characterization, and not just incredibly on-point and good characterization, but also the kind which includes details and motivations you sometimes don’t see in other works. for example, the way steve’s bullying was shown here - because it seems to be a very controversial point for the fandom, where writers (yep, i can only really say for the fanfiction part of the fandom) largely ignore steve’s history of bullying or try to make his part in it as innocent and light and excusable as it can possibly get. which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, we’re all just having fun here, but fandoms trying to rid characters of their flaws to make them more palatable just doesn’t sit right with me, and i’m glad this work paid this part of his past due attention.
all the povs are so thought-out and genuinely different, you never have a feeling like you’re just reading the same scene over and over again, and again, CHARACTERIZATION🙏🙏 wayne, the absolute sweetheart, i adore him, robin, the queen of my heart, erica, the evil little dictator of my heart, and lucas (I LOVE YOU A LOT LUCAS SWEETY YOU’RE DOING GREAT) being the amazing big brother we didn’t get to see all that much in canon. and, obviously, the steddie.
so, this series isn’t actually finished yet, but more seems to be already on the way, and still, the first part doesn’t end in any sort of romantic resolution for steddie, and the second part concentrates on filling the spaces in-between we missed in eddie’s pov and giving us new perspectives (which is ABSOLUTELY GREAT!! I LOVE IT) instead of moving the story forward. and the most beautiful thing about it is that this story doesn’t need steddie getting together on-screen to feel complete. sure, it may seem a little open-ended the way it is now, and i am definitely waiting eagerly for that sequel, but what steddie build with each other throughout the story and in the aftermath, even if it’s not romantic yet, is so amazing and wonderful and deep. i just really love when authors don’t push the romantic resolution forward forgoing developing platonic bond and closeness (that’s probably just because i’m demiromantic, but who’s to say) between characters, and this series is that for me.
anyway. absolutely majestic, wonderful and mind-blowing, definitely go check this out. 93735141835242635465719/10, am recommending
if the author has a page here please let me know so i can tag them
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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m00ngbin · 5 months
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sualne · 5 months
Question why does law have uh skin discoloration....? In the modern au?
it's permanent scarring from Amber Lead Syndrome! in the au i want to explore stuff like disability and chronic illness, he's got nerve damage in the discolorated skin, his hair also got white patches but he dyes it to make it less obvious he's got ALS because of the everything with flevance.
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 month
Well, I actually have the most mundane of questions, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in an English class that I feel like I’ve completely forgotten (and I’m curious how you do it): how do you go about reading a book as a class? Do you assign them the chapters to read at home and most of them actually do it? Or do you give them class time to read? Do you have the kids who try to spoil the rest of the book for the class? Basically, how does one teach a book in the year 2024?  😀
And do you have your students annotate inside their books? (I know the English teachers in my school require the students to do that, and I get why, but I inwardly shudder every time I see a student marking up a page.) 
Haha I love this question because I too am always asking myself how DOES one each a book in 2024?
It’s sort of a combination. I absolutely assign reading every night (almost) unless it’s Shakespeare or any play in which case we read it all in class. But for a novel there’s a couple chapters a night. I read aloud to them a lot too. Sometjmes I make them read aloud to the whole class, rotating kids who read. Sometimes I assign a chapter to be read in class silently with questions or quotes due at the end of the reading. Sometimes I put them in groups and make them read aloud to each other. There’s no one way that works for sure and of course ultimately I have no control over how much they read and I’m not naive enough to think that most of the reading assigned for homework doesn’t get skipped most of the time buuuuuut.
My bottom line is that I believe it’s my job to get excited about the actual text itself (easier for me in some cases than others but overall pretty easy because it does fill me with excitement) and then commit to taking them on the journey of the story with me. And my goal—that I’m sure I often don’t reach—is to make that experience so much more fun if you have actually read. And the way that I teach is pretty text heavy which is why I always make sure I’ve read the chapters for the day and am not just relying on my memory because the way I do it is just sort of absorbing it all up like a vacuum-cleaner, schwooooop, and then either pulling stuff out of the reading to look at directly or directing them to do the same thing. So the big thing that I have going for me, if any, is buy-in. Is getting kids excited about actually reading the actual text. I also speak often and passionately about the evils of sparknotes etc. not because they help kids get better grades or whatever but because they present you with the husk and shell of a story, stripped of all that makes it interesting, and that by reading that alone they’re reading something so dry and dull and are not achieving what I always want them to achieve —which is, have an Experience with the Literature.
Again, it never works perfectly by any stretch and there are so many ways I want to explore in my quest to get better at it but overall I think, at my very best, I can create this wave of energy and excitement in the story itself which is the most organic and ultimately most helpful way to get them to want to read.
Also no haha. I don’t let them annotate! Though occasionally kids DO of course. But sometimes they bring in their own copies in order to do that. The spoilers absolutely happen and are annoying but I sort of get by it by moving on very quickly and/or talking about how it’s often not the ending but how you get there that makes it interesting. Because that’s just true!
#gosh does this answer make sense#I am so passionate about doing it well and there are huge gaps in my teaching in terms of concrete stuff#but I am doing ….. Something in terms of bringing literature closer to them#and that’s what I want to do!#also love love love the bonus of getting to reread great works over and over until they start sinking into my brain#and I think (well I usually don’t think about it) but I think that the experience for them of watching me read it again#(and sometimes literally I won’t have time to read I need 10 minutes to finish this chapter and tell them to shut up)#(while I sit there and read it)#reminds them that I AM committed to doing the work with them. that I am actually doing it and that I want to!#and idk I think that is both a rarer experience and one that’s kind of underrated in terms of how much warmth it can create#because I have nothing in common with 16 year olds we couldn’t be friends in real life without it being very weird/possibly inappropriate#but in class we have a Thing to be friends about#we have a shared goal! and not just an arbitrary one but a deeply beautiful one#idk. there’s still a lot of boredom a lot of pushback a lot of disinterest#but I’m always amazed at how often kids do want to …. idk sink their teeth into something real#it’s REAL food for their minds. and the hunger for it is there even if they decide they’re too lazy to join the group#my goal is to —merely by the situation itself—make you feel left out of the fun if you refuse to do the work#so you can CHOOSE that but it’s less fun. it’s cold. it’s boring and it’s isolating#because refusing to do the work and insisting on being a little toad SHOULD come with natural social punishments in the form of exclusion#from the best kind of fun. it often does NOT. but yeah. I think I’m also getting better at shutting down toad behavior from adolescent male#this is where teaching co-Ed helps because there are some girls who are like ‘if you stop my learning I will kill you’#not ENOUGH girls but some#ooooof this is a long answer but literally always on my mind#thank you for asking!!! also haha I assumed you were an English teacher yourself!
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punch-love · 30 days
hello !! i hope you are well !! ive been curious about something for a tiny bit now, with works like Love Punch that you don’t have quite the same spark for, how does it feel immediately after uploading a chapter? is it like submitting homework? do you feel more energized or tired? do you wait for comments or just put everything down and go do something else?
I was just talking about this with a friend. I don't think uploading any piece of work feels like submitting homework. It's always exhilarating to put something out there that you've worked hard on. I think....it's not as fun to work on something that you don't have quite the same spark for, but the act of sharing it always going to be really fun for me. I know that my readers have to wait months between updates so the first flood of "I was so excited to read this after work!" or "I can't believe this updated!" comments is always so heartwarming. Just because I don't enjoy writing it as much as I used to, my initial feelings toward the reception of it is always going to be very positive.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a writer who isn't anxiously checking their in-box for new comments to see how someone receives something they've worked so hard on. That being said, I absolutely dread getting new comments on OLD chapters. I feel like the patience I had with bad takes or "update when?" (which was nearly non-existence already lol) now makes me occasionally considering comment locking it until it updates. I don't care what people have to say on them anymore unless what they have to say is interesting or thoughtful. I also mostly get the same "this was so good. update this immediately." and it drives me up the wall + makes me want to work on it less. Seriously. If you want someone to do the opposite of what you want, comment ‘update when’ and see what happens.
Here's the thing though - positive attention is a drug like nothing else. It doesn't matter where it comes from or how you get it, if I worked hard on something that I think is good and people are engaging with it I'm pretty happy no matter how much of a spark I have. The actual process of writing is significantly more difficult now that I have less interest (it is very hard to write a romance when you're like I don't know if these people should be together. actually - uh - ) and it does feel like the boulder I have chained myself to until I roll it up fourteen more hills but -
The day I upload is always going to be serotonin city. I prepared this stupidly difficult and purposefully delicious meal for you I am so excited to hear how much you enjoyed it.
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rowanisawriter · 4 months
it’s time.. For my modern AU gale/durge…….. this has been cooking long enough lol
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sakura-samsara · 10 months
Shigehira Main Story: Chapter 13
← Chapter 12
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✦ part one
Yasuchika: So it seems Yoshino-san has safely returned to Kamakura!
Yasuchika was holding an audience with one of his subordinates in an elegantly furnished room.
Yasuchika: Those two were lovely test subjects. I’ll have to thank them for giving me such a great research opportunity.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: If I’m not mistaken, you had the woman exterminate a hallucinatory ayakashi… correct? 
Yauchika’s Subordinate: Such ayakashi are rarely seen near human settlements, but they are hardly a serious threat. I am certain that its appearance would not incur suspicion towards you, Yasuchika-sama.
Yasuchika: Oh, I’m not worried about being seen at all! I just wanted to conduct some research for a new technique.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: O-Of course…
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Yasuchika: I’m so happy I got to see Shige-chan get injured, too.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: …Hm?
Yasuchika: Shige-chan seems like such a disciplined warrior,
Yasuchika: But as soon as the ayakashi turned into a little girl, he immediately hesitated to attack it. How wonderful. 
Yasuchika squinted as he stretched with the languor of a cat lounging in the sun. 
His gaze, however, was not heavy with sleepiness—it gleamed with a sharp, cold brilliance.
The subordinate stiffened at the chill in the air from Yasuchika’s change in demeanor.
Yasuchika: I suppose the next time I’ll see the two of them will be on the battlefield. I’m really looking forward to it. 
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: Yasuchika-sama, isn’t it…
Yasuchika: Hm?
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: Isn’t all of this business with the shogunate and the rebel army rather frightening to you?
Yasuchika: Well, in my opinion, someone who views his work in terms of whether it’s frightening or not wouldn’t be fit to be an onmyōji at all.
Yasuchika: Especially when you work at the palace. You get asked to do all sorts of crazy things, but you can’t exactly turn down the requests, so you just have to get used to it! 
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: I understand… Well said, Yasuchika-sama. It is only natural, given your superior skill in onmyōdō. 
The subordinate’s polite words hardly concealed his eagerness to curry favor with Yasuchika.
Yasuchika’s Subordinate: I sincerely hope that you will demonstrate the new technique you are developing to us when it is ready… 
Yasuchika: You know, I think I will.
Yasuchika nodded, the gesture somehow childlike and elegant at once.
Yasuchika: I’d really like it if lots of people got to see it. 
(So this is Kagetoki-san’s mansion…? Somehow I’m starting to feel on edge just by being here.) 
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Shigehira: This way, Yoshino-san.
Yoshino: Okay!
Shigehira confidently led me towards Kagetoki’s estate, seeming as though he'd taken this route many times before.
Yoshino: Do you visit Kagetoki-san’s place a lot, Shigehira-kun? 
Shigehira: I guess I do.
Shigehira: Kagetoki-san mentors me in my studies, so I often borrow books from him.
Shigehira: At some point, he started letting me come and go whenever I wanted.
Yoshino: Really…?
The image of Kagetoki—staring cold, sharp daggers from behind his spectacles—popped into my mind. 
Yoshino: It’s a little hard to think of Kagetoki-san being any sort of teacher… 
Shigehira: You’d be surprised. He’s a pretty good mentor, since he’s so knowledgeable and logical.
✦ part two
Shigehira: You’d be surprised. He’s a pretty good mentor, since he’s so knowledgeable and logical.
Shigehira: But I doubt he would spare his time to teach just anybody, unless they give him a good reason to.
Yoshino: Then what’s his reason for mentoring you? 
Shigehira: I give him koto lessons in return. We're really just exchanging services.
Yoshino: Really?!
Yoshino: I didn’t know you could play the koto too!
Shigehira: I just know the basics, that’s all. 
(But he’s such a skilled biwa player… I’m sure he knows more than just the basics of the koto, too.)
I felt a surge of admiration for Shigehira as I looked at him.
I admire you (Romantic +4, Dramatic +2) You’re a prodigy (Romantic +2, Dramatic +4) You must love it (Romantic +4, Dramatic +4)
Yoshino: You must really love playing music.
Shigehira: I’ve always enjoyed it. I try to make time to practice every day, no matter how busy my schedule gets.
Yoshino: That's amazing! I bet Kagetoki-san must be a wonderful koto player if you’re his teacher.
Shigehira: Well… I don’t know about that. 
I turned my head towards Shigehira to see an uncharacteristically dodgy expression pop up on his face.
Shigehira: Teaching him never fails to remind me that, uh, everyone has unique talents.
Yoshino: What do you mean?
Shigehira: Um… Anyways, Kagetoki-san should be in here. 
Shigehira stopped in front of the door to the main room to call out to Kagetoki.
Shigehira: Kagetoki-san, are you home?
He didn’t wait for a response before opening the sliding door, when…
Woman: …Oh! E-Excuse me!!
Shigehira: …?!
A woman stumbled out of the room in a panic. I glimpsed a flustered expression on her face as she shot past us.
Then I caught a whiff of a heady, sensual fragrance—there must have been incense burning inside the room.
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Kagetoki: You’re too impatient, Shigehira. Did you never learn not to invite yourself into a room?
When I finally looked past the mountainous stacks of books blocking most of the view into the room,
I saw Kagetoki straightening the lapels of his robe, looking uncharacteristically relaxed as he raised his gaze to us. 
Shigehira: W-Well, you’re usually too wrapped up in your reading to respond when I knock, so I just assumed—
Kagetoki: I suppose you’re not wrong.
Kagetoki: I did tell my retainers to ask any guests to wait to be received. There must have been a miscommunication for this to have occurred. 
Despite our sudden intrusion, Kagetoki hardly seemed bothered.
(Well, now I definitely know what was going on in here before we arrived…)
Yoshino: …I’m so sorry for the intrusion. We wouldn’t have bothered you if we’d known that your lover was visiting you. 
(If anything, I’m just a little surprised.)
(Kagetoki-san is quite good-looking, and I’m sure that he wouldn’t have any trouble finding a partner if he wanted one,)
(But he doesn’t seem like he lets people get close to him very easily. I can’t imagine him being interested in romance at all.)
Kagetoki: Lover? She and I have no such relationship. 
Yoshino: R-Really? 
Kagetoki: She made an offer to me, and I accepted it. It wasn’t as if I had any reason to refuse her.
Kagetoki: Unfortunately, thanks to you two, our rendezvous ended before it could begin.
(...This is so awkward.)
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Shigehira: …Disgusting.
I could only stand there speechless, but Shigehira didn’t hesitate to mutter his displeased response under his breath.
Kagetoki: Are you still too young to understand such things, Shigehira? 
Shigehira: It doesn’t matter how old I am or how old I get! I will never engage in this debauchery for a single day in the rest of my life!
Kagetoki: What an uncouth thing to say. It’s hardly debauchery. 
Kagetoki: If you’re not in the mood for it, you can simply refuse. 
Kagetoki: You don’t eat when your stomach is full, do you? In that sense, it’s no different than satiating hunger. 
(That sure is an interesting way to think of it.)
Yoshino: Personally, I’m inclined to disagree…
Kagetoki: That’s a rather foolish opinion.
Shigehira: No, I agree with her. 
 ✦ part three
Shigehira: No, I agree with her. 
Kagetoki: Is that so?
Kagetoki: I would expect nothing less from a man who receives countless love letters and rejects every single one. 
(Love letters, huh…?)
Yoshino: Well, I’m sure it wouldn’t be feasible for him to accept every letter…
Yoshino: Haven’t you considered at least one of the people who’s written to you, though, Shigehira-kun? 
Shigehira: No. I don’t have the time to bother with my love life right now. 
Yoshino: …Oh. That makes sense.
(He’s trying to reestablish the Heike, after all, and the shadow of the past is still hanging over him.)
(When he’s on a mission that’s so important to him, he probably thinks that pursuing love would just be a distraction.)
I was sure that my guess was correct, and if so, it would be a perfectly rational reason not to be interested in a relationship. But, for some reason, I felt a sharp prick deep within my chest as I thought it over.
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Shigehira: It’s a pain to be barraged with letters from people I barely even know… 
Shigehira: But it’s not like I can stop them, so I still reply to all the letters.
Kagetoki: If you’re truly not looking to begin a relationship with anyone, then why do you bother with responding to any of the letters you receive? 
Shigehira: It’d be rude if I didn’t. Not receiving a response would imply a rejection, so it’s better that I tell them the truth outright.
Kagetoki: I’d think that receiving an implied rejection would be less emotionally damaging than an explicit one.
Shigehira: Do you think so…?
Shigehira: I don’t know. I feel like it would be more stressful to someone if I kept them waiting for a response that they were never going to get.
(He thinks of others so much…)
Kagetoki: That's very earnest of you.
Shigehira: …You’re being surprisingly prudent now, Kagetoki-san. But you’d better be careful not to slip up and say the wrong thing, or else you’ll definitely regret it.
Kagetoki: I would never make such a grave mistake. 
Kagetoki nonchalantly pushed a pile of books to the side, gesturing for us to sit in the space he'd cleared off.
(Even beyond the initial surprise, I'm genuinely shocked by how cluttered Kagetoki-san's room is. Everywhere I look, I see books.)
Shigehira: Be careful, Yoshino-san. 
Shigehira: If you knock over one of these bookstacks, you’ll set off an avalanche. You might never make it out alive from underneath all the books.
Yoshino: …Got it.
(I think I finally get why Shigehira-kun said that Kagetoki-san’s place was dangerous to visit.) 
Yoshino: Um... I don't mean this to be rude, but I don't suppose you're particularly keen on organizing your books?
Kagetoki: My arrangement is organized by my own standards. Your opinion that I am untidy is of no importance to me. 
Shigehira: Alright, fine. Sure. There’s no need to quibble over this. 
Shigehira: Your room is even messier than usual today, though... 
Kagetoki: War is on the horizon, after all. In times like these, it’s not unreasonable to give a bit less care to the trivialities of daily life.
Shigehira: Just a bit less, huh…?
Kagetoki turned towards me, almost as if he was physically deflecting Shigehira's doubtful look.
Kagetoki: Now, I assume you’ve come to discuss our medicine reserves and the proposed combat medic system?
Yoshino: That’s right. 
Kagetoki: Then why are you here, Shigehira? Is Yoshino babysitting you?
Kagetoki: I didn’t know that you were such a pampered child. She’s spoiling you rotten.
A teasing smirk tugged at Kagetoki's lips as he removed some documents from a drawer.
Shigehira: I just wanted to borrow a book from you! That’s the only reason why I came with her!!
Kagetoki: Oh, really? 
Shigehira: Can you quit being facetious and actually listen to what I’m saying for once?
Kagetoki: I’ll see what I can do. 
✦ part four
Kagetoki: I’ll see what I can do. 
His tone did not indicate in the slightest that he intended to stop. Once he had made his way back to us, he handed me the stack documents he'd retrieved.
Yoshino: What’s this?
Kagetoki: They detail our estimated rations, the route for our troops' march, and other such matters.
Kagetoki: The information in them will be used to calculate an estimate of the amount of medicine we will need to stockpile, and the format in which they are written will be used to document it.
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Shigehira: ...These must be the documents that Yoritomo-sama asked you to compile last night.
Shigehira: Have you already finished them?
(Does that mean that Kagetoki-san finished all of this paperwork in less than a day?!)
Kagetoki: Of course. I wouldn't accept a woman's invitation just to make her wait until I finished my paperwork.
Shigehira: ...I can't believe this.
Shigehira: You can write all of these documents in one night, but you can't even clean up your own room?
Kagetoki: These documents and the state of my room have nothing to do with each other.
Kagetoki responded curtly before presenting us with another document.
Kagetoki: This here is a summary of the structure of our field medicine system.
Kagetoki: We'll use this as a basis upon which we can develop the details. Shall we begin?
Yoshino: Y-Yes. If I may ask, when did you happen to write this document...?
Kagetoki: I had some spare time while preparing the documents I gave you previously, so I used it to write this one.
Shigehira: Seriously... If you were capable of cleaning up your room, and you stopped treating women the way that you do,
Shigehira: And you stopped teasing me so much, I'd defer to you without a single complaint.
Kagetoki: How cute, Shigehira.
(Shigehira-kun said that he and Kagetoki-san were just exchanging services with each other, but these two must be fairly close if they're speaking to each other like this.)
From then onwards, we began to discuss our medicine reserves and our field nursing system, using Kagetoki's documents as our reference.
Once our work was winding down to an end...
Kagetoki: Our discussion has gone on for quite some time now. I think I’d like to have something to drink. 
Shigehira: I’ll call one of the maids to make some tea. 
Shigehira quickly rose to his feet.
Kagetoki: Much obliged.
Yoshino: Thanks, Shigehira-kun.
Now, I was alone with Kagetoki...
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Kagetoki: It seems like Shigehira has been getting along with you quite well. 
Kagetoki: You’re far more persuasive than I expected you to be, Yoshino. 
Flustered, I felt my gaze dart around the room, landing everywhere but on Kagetoki himself.
Yoshino: That’s not true. I didn’t persuade him into doing anything for me.
Yoshino: It’s really just that Shigehira-kun is a kind person. That’s the only reason that he’s being so nice to me—in his own way, of course.
Kagetoki: Is that what you think?
Kagetoki: You should know that Shigehira only takes such interest in people whom he approves of. Especially when it comes to members of the shogunate. 
(I guess I can see what he means… I know Shigehira-kun comes across as quite uptight to a lot of people.)
Yoshino: …Did you know Shigehira-kun before he joined the shogunate, Kagetoki-san? 
Kagetoki: In a way, I did. After Shigehira had been taken as a prisoner of war, I was the one who escorted him to Kamakura.
✦ part five
Yoshino: …Did you know Shigehira-kun before he joined the shogunate, Kagetoki-san? 
Kagetoki: In a way, I did. After Shigehira had been taken as a prisoner of war, I was the one who escorted him to Kamakura.
Yoshino: I wonder what Shigehira-kun was like back then.
I couldn't help but let my curiosity win over me.
Kagetoki: He was the same at heart as he is now. He was stubborn, straightlaced, and terribly oblique—yet everything he did was for others' sake. 
Yoshino: That certainly sounds like the Shigehira-kun I know. 
The sentiment brought a slight smile to my face.
Yoshino: But I bet he must have been especially full of resolve when he was on his way to Kamakura. 
Yoshino: …His intention in coming here was to negotiate with Yoritomo-sama, after all.
Kagetoki: Oh? Shigehira has told you about that?
Kagetoki's gaze, usually so cool and unconcerned, seemed to sharpen with interest.
Kagetoki: In any case, you would be correct. Back then, Shigehira was…
Yoritomo: Unfortunately, our negotiations are now off. 
Shigehira: …I take it the Imperial Court has intervened.
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Yoritomo: Do you have any last words, Taira no Shigehira?
Shigehira: None in particular. 
Shigehira: I no longer have anything to say for myself now that I am captive.
Shigehira: For one who has lived their life on the battlefield, there is no shame in dying as a prisoner of war. Just behead me quickly.
Yoritomo: ……
—flashback ends
I was silent as Kagetoki quietly recounted the past to me.
Kagetoki: His honor and resolve astonished everyone in the room, myself included.
Kagetoki: Even Yoritomo-sama was moved by it enough to spare Shigehira’s life and offer him a place in the shogunate. 
Yoshino: I see…
(Shigehira-kun told me that Yoritomo-sama formed an alliance with him on a mere whim.)
(It seems that Yoritomo-sama’s true reason for proposing the alliance was because of Shigehira-kun himself.)
Kagetoki: Yoshino. 
Yoshino: …What is it?
I was caught off guard by Kagetoki’s hushed voice, and my response came out nervous and hesitant.
Kagetoki: I’m sure you’ve realized that Shigehira is a pitifully honest man.
Kagetoki: It would be far too easy for someone to take advantage of his most glaring weakness and hurt him.
Yoshino: …Right. 
The memory of Shigehira interacting with the nobles of the Imperial Court, their honeyed words masking poisoned sentiments, came to my mind.
Kagetoki: But Yoritomo-sama approves of him nonetheless…
Kagetoki: …Because Shigehira possesses a special quality.
Yoshino: Special? What do you mean?
Kagetoki: I won’t tell you that.
Kagetoki: If Shigehira truly cares for you, then you will eventually learn what I mean for yourself. 
(Well, that doesn’t answer any of my questions…)
I must have looked exceptionally confused; Kagetoki studied my face for a moment before he smiled.
Kagetoki: Do my words truly puzzle you so much?
Yoshino: W-Well, I just…
Kagetoki: Then allow me to put it this way, Yoshino.
Long, deft fingers trailed down my jaw before tilting up my chin.
(What is Kagetoki-san doing??)
His eyes narrowed, and his intense gaze from behind his spectacles focused on me as though he was sizing up prey he’d caught in his clutches.
Kagetoki: I’ll make myself clear to you, if you’re willing to take the place of the woman who was visiting me earlier.
Yoshino: Huh…?
My eyes widened in shock at the sultry timbre in his voice, but at the very next moment—
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Shigehira: Wh—What are you doing?! 
Chapter 14 →
The koto is the national instrument of Japan—a long, many-stringed zither that’s played by striking the strings with one’s fingers or with plectrums.
Shigehira’s “last words” in the flashback are a paraphrase of a quote by the real Taira no Shigehira that was recorded in the Azuma Kagami, which was a historical chronicle written in 1266 that recounted events of the Genpei War and the Kamakura Shogunate. The full quotation was supposedly* spoken by Taira no Shigehira when he was living as a POW, painting him as a warrior of dignified and humble character—even in the face of his impending execution. 
IRL Taira no Shigehira was killed shortly after being taken as a POW by the Genji. During the Genpei War, Shigehira served as a Heike commander in the 1180 Siege of Nara, which was part of a revenge campaign against warrior monks from various monasteries who had aided the Genji in a prior battle. Despite being vastly outnumbered by the warrior monks, the Heike won victory by burning down almost every single monastery and temple in the city of Nara, including the powerful Kōfuku-ji and Tōdai-ji temple complexes. However, their methods earned them revile from many (including the Imperial Court) due to the sacrilegious act of destroying temples and the shocking scale of death and destruction that they inflicted on the city—around 3,500 people died during the siege. A great deal of hatred was directed towards Shigehira personally… even though there doesn't seem to be consensus about if he himself ordered the burning of Nara, or if the Heike even intended to cause the level of destruction they did at all. (Setting fires on the battlefield to increase visibility during night time was a common battle tactic of the era, and the weather conditions during the time of the battle may have spread any fires set by the Heike further than they might have intended.) Regardless of the extent of Shigehira’s role in the Siege of Nara, he would eventually pay the ultimate price for it. After he was captured by the Genji at the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani in 1184, he was handed over to the surviving monks of the Tōdai-ji, who executed him in 1185 as revenge for the burning of their monastery.
*Though the Azuma Kagami is considered the most important historical document about the Kamakura shogunate, it’s important to note that it’s not a completely reliable account. It was compiled in the 13th century by the Hōjō clan (which the real Minamoto no Yoritomo married into; after his death, the Hōjō clan took control of the Kamakura shogunate), who were very obviously biased towards their own clan and against the Minamoto clan in their retelling of historical events. Throughout history, the Azuma Kagami has also passed through the hands of many others (most notably including everyone’s favorite shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu) who may have altered it to fit their own agendas. Thus, it’s not certain whether everything that was recorded in the chronicle was completely true to real life, including its account of Taira no Shigehira’s last days.
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pipskippy · 5 months
reading dungeon meshi for the first time wheeeeeeee!!!!
#pip speaks#dungeon meshi spoilers#very abridged first thoughts#:#(i’m on chapter 12)#i like the main characters all well enough laios is very autism and he and falin remind me of beat and rhyme (blonde siblings where the olde#r brother is a little insensitive and the younger sister is very kindhearted and also (!!!!!!!!TWEWY SPOILERS) gets eaten by a thing.#TWEWY SPOILERS OVER anyways lots of respect for senshi and my intuition is great bc i assumed chi#chilchuck was not in fact a child and just a type of creature that looks young#although i guess maybe he’s a teenager but i feel like everyone is at least 20s by human standards?#marcille very failgirl energy. i like her hair and outfit. i like everyone’s outfits…i love the unabashed love of fantasy tropes…#but also the rly clever creative creatures like the shellfish armor??? that’s so awesome i’ve never seen anything like that. well i hvent re#read or seen that much fantasy….lol#i like how kui introduces the characters by showing their strengths/specialties and weaknesses and how they learn to work together. its cute#and effective and fun :) joys of writing#oh also this is just me being extremely biased about alphonse but laios always reminds me of him just because blond guy + armor + autistic +#carries a little book of stuff to eat in his armor + looks forward to eating etc. lol#speaking of fma i wonder if the leather shoe on the plate is a fma reference about ed and ling eating ed’s boot. or if#i just think about that any time someone mentions that you can eat leather
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nervocat · 4 days
I'm like almost halfway through writing ch 3 of my series and I'm almost at 1k words.. this might be a long one folks 🙏🙏 (who's excited)
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
fox your tags on the falcon/pigeon video are sending me
i can’t wait for the rest of your fic because those tags are going to haunt me. i need to witness how falcon/pigeon coded sam and rinzler are (i still want to say rizzler every time i see his name)
ok, but the thing is, is that this is totally how i see them, in the sense that Sam does some dumb shit, and kinda flirts without expectations, but it WORKS. It works on Rinzler, and he's just stoically standing there.
but also, in this annalogy of Sam being a pigeon and Rinzler being a hawk, the pigeon is a god.
So a god is doing dumb things (like trying to take off on a lightjet without knowing how to make it work completely) with witty one liners and it's working.
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