#this coloring is all over the damn place bc i pulled all of these from different sources
highvern · 7 months
adamas et aurum
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: gross domestic fluff, boyfriend mingyu
Length: ~1.7k
Note: more Drunk Goggles couple bc im beating a dead horse. idk why i do this to myself :) crying :) in :) the :) club :)
read more here
“You owe me a kiss.”
“Oh, do I?”
Mingyu huffs, face covered in sweat, backwards hat matting his hair to his skull, bare chest rose-colored from the fiery sun and swampy humidity. You’ve both spent all morning moving boxes to and fro so he’s about two seconds away from laying down on the floor for a much needed nap. When it came to heavier stuff, Mingyu insisted you stay and start unpacking the necessities so the apartment would at least be somewhat functional around all the mess. He didn’t have the heart to tell you that his shredded patience couldn’t handle any more of your help. Thank god some of the guys are coming over tomorrow to help him with the furniture.
Because of his chivalry, you’ve stayed cool in the AC, humming to the music blasting from a speaker in the kitchen as you work to make the new space a home. All the while Mingyu slaves away to lug in stuff he doesn’t remember either of you owning. 
“Boyfriend tax.”
“Ahhhh,” you nod. 
Jumping up on your toes, you deliver a cartoonishly wet smack on his lips as a thank you for his hard word.
“How’s it going?”
“Bathroom is mostly unpacked but we need to get some bins to organize under the sink. Oh! And the beds made too!” You chirp, turning back to your task of wiping out the cabinets and drawers of your new kitchen. “If you wanna wash up and lay down, I’ll order something to eat.”
“You’re the best.” he sighs, stepping into the space behind you, chest against your back, face tucked into the curve of your shoulder, hands grasping the edge of the counter on each side of your hips. 
“My man works hard, gotta take care of him.” You praise, twisting your neck to drop a kiss to his temple causing you to get a whiff of his sweat.
“Now go shower, you stink.” 
“Hey!” Mingyu objects, face moving over your shoulder so he can look at you. “I’m sorry I’ve been roleplaying as your hot shirtless mover for the last two hours. Bust my butt and this is how you thank me?”
Turning to face him, you tangle your arms around his neck, linking your hands behind his head and pulling him into a bear hug. His palms slide around the sensitive skin of your back, pulling you closer as your shirt sticks to his sweaty chest uncomfortably where you press together. But that doesn’t matter right now. Right now, you’re together, in the new apartment you share, starting the next chapter of your lives.
“Thank you, Mingyu. I love you.” You whisper into his collarbone.
“Damn right.” He mumbles, tilting his head down to drop a sweet peck to your mouth, arms giving a tight squeeze before swatting at your ass as he turns towards the bedroom.
“Boyfriend tax!” He calls over his shoulder, amusement bubbling in his voice.
Your eyes trail after him, heart swelling as it begins to fully register what you’ve done. He’s here and his name is on the lease next to yours; your matching keys hanging by the door, assigned parking spots downstairs next to each other. Mingyu just went into your shared bedroom, to take a shower in your shared bathroom, and tonight you’ll curl up beside him in your shared bed.
Wonwoo moving in with his girlfriend has been the catalyst for the much needed conversation. Mingyu had essentially been living out of your apartment for months already, only returning to his own place every few days for fresh clothes or to see his friend. When his roommate told him he was planning to move out after their lease ended in four months you simply scoffed at his distress about where to live. 
“You basically live with me anyway.” You mumbled, not thinking about what the statement implied.
“I—,” he gapes. “Are you asking me to move in with you?”
“I just mean, you already stay here so much anyway.” You grumble, suddenly feeling awkward in his hold.
“Can you just ask me nicely?” He whines. “I wanna be romanced.”
Humoring him, you slide to the floor in front of the couch you two had been draped across. Dropping to one knee, you cup your hands together in a makeshift box like you’re proposing. Your eyes round and brows raise, attempting and failing to give him an earnest expression.
“Kim Mingyu, love of my life, future father of my children, bane of my existence. Will you do me the honor of moving in with me?”
“Bain of your existence?”
“Focus.” You snap your fingers. “Will you move in with me?”
“Duh,” he beams, tackling you to the ground and snaring you in a bear hug as you squeal in delight.
Your friends had warned you about signing a lease together; that no matter how many nights Mingyu stays at your apartment (twenty three in a row is his record), when you call the same place home things will be different. And all of his bad habits won’t change just because he’s living with his girlfriend. If anything they may get worse because it's his home now too and he’s no longer a long staying guest.
You already knew that Mingyu tends to leave the seat up after using the bathroom, and will collapse with laughter if you fall in; that he insists on burying his cold feet under your butt when sitting on the couch, occasionally wiggling his toes just to piss you off; and how he will put the carton of milk back in the fridge even if there's only a drop left no matter how many threats against his person you make.
But Mingyu also sets his alarm ten minutes earlier than needed so he can hold you in bed before starting the day, basking in each others drowsy warmth before braving the world outside the sheets; he frequently insists you sit between his legs on the floor and let him dry your hair after you shower, gently combing his fingers through it, sometimes twisting the locks into messy braids or buns with his clumsy hands; how he’ll surprise you with a candle light dinner, insisting you both dress up even though your sitting at the kitchen table on a Tuesday eating reheated leftovers, just because he can.
No matter how annoying his bad habits are, the good ones are worth their weight and more in gold.
A shockingly girlish shriek shatters your daydream.
Hightailing it to the bathroom, you spot your stark naked boyfriend through the plastic of the shower liner, quivering in the corner of the stall like a leaf blowing in the wind. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Its fucking hot!” He cries, over his shoulder, trying to shield his body from the spray by curling into the tiled wall.
Heaving a sigh of relief and annoyance, you can’t help rolling your eyes as you step towards the front of the tub and twist the faucet, adjusting to a cooler temperature for him so he doesn’t have to stick his arm through the scalding rain.
“Big baby,” you grumble before heading back to the kitchen.
“I heard that!”
“You were supposed to!”
Mingyu shuffles into the bedroom, towel draped low on his waist, beads of water falling from his hair to his collarbone as he looks for the duffle bag he packed with clothes for the next few days; but the scene before him stops him in his tracks. The sun from the window casts the room in a buttery yellow, beams of light dappling your figure sprawled on the bed, mouth open slightly and hair a mess around your face. He leans a shoulder against the door frame, tired eyes full of love and mouth lifted in a gentle smile as his soulmate snores quietly a few feet away.
When you asked if he wanted to move in together, Mingyu lacked the self control needed to stop from jumping up and screeching like a kid in a candy store. The thought of living with his favorite person in the world had his heart tremble and his palms sweat. Despite all the oddities and quirks he learned about you in the past two years of dating, almost everyone warned him that you can’t really know someone till you live with them. He thinks the months before today had prepared him for the inevitable annoyances you two would face.
He’s accepted that you leave hair on the walls of the shower that eventually clog the drain, pooling water around his feet when he hops in the stall before work; how you push around takeout boxes and spoiled produce in the fridge for days instead of throwing them out; and that piles of unfolded laundry will sit on the edge of the couch for days on end until one day the planets align and you decide to re-organize your entire closet after folding the wrinkle garments.
Mingyu accepts all of those things because he also knows you like to surprise him by grabbing all the ingredients for a recipe he mentions wanting to try in passing, happily volunteering to be his sous chef and taste tester, insisting you both don the couple aprons his mom got you for Christmas; that when he isn’t feeling well you’ll scratch his back until he falls asleep with his cheek squished on your stomach while you fret over him; how you always wait up for him when he gets ready for bed, glazed eyes opening every few minutes to blink lazily, soft breath tickling the skin between his shoulder blades where your head lays only interrupted by an occasional sleepy kiss on his spine while he brushes his teeth.
His friends mentioned all the ways moving in together will change the way you see each other. But in the two years you’ve been dating, each time your relationship changed it's been for the better. When you two started hanging out on your own and he found his opinion on you shifting completely. When you admitted you liked each other and he learned you were a lot braver than he was. When you two fought for the first time and he realized that as brave as you were, you weren’t invincible. When he said he loved you for the first time by accident and discovered you were just as in this as he was. All the fights that challenged you to understand each other better, the struggles that strained your ability to take care of one another; all of it had changed your relationship but pressure makes a diamond.
A lot like the one he plans to give you when he asks if you want to change your relationship again one day.
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malfoyfarms · 1 year
She Wanted You
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JJ Maybank x Routledge!Reader
Word Count:1.4k
A/n: angst bc im boycotting watching season three LOL, not my gif
“What do you mean she left?” JJ questioned, dumbfounded. He didn’t realize it, but he was walking into a war zone. The Chateau no longer had the same feel. It was like someone sucked the air out, and pumped smog in. 
With tears in his eyes, John B pointed towards his sister’s room. Sarah and Pope were lingering in there, but JJ had no idea why. The room was oddly neat, incredibly out of character of the girl who resided there. Her closet was emptier than usual, the three picture frames that once had pictures of her with her family and friends were empty. What caught JJ’s eyes next, made his mouth go dry. His breath was no longer there. The navy sweatshirt he had given her years ago was folded, on the bed, next to the pillow he always claimed during their relationship. Atop the sweatshirt was a ring from a gumball machine, an orange and green friendship bracelet made of paracord, and a pile of notes written on scraps of random papers. Every other personal belonging was missing from its spot. 
JJ tore through the girl’s nightstand, and when he realized the box of her life savings was gone, he let out a string of colorful words and kicked the stand.
“Here, you should read this.” Sarah handed him a neatly written note. By the tear stains on Pope’s face, the somber tone from the kook, and JB’s raging anger, it was a farewell. 
He took a deep breath, and swiped the letter from Sarah. The familiar handwriting was already pulling at his heart.
I’ve rewritten this letter four times already, and I still don’t know how to put my thoughts into actual words. Firstly, I love you. I love you until the waves stop coming in. I love you so much that I knew I needed to leave. I’ve known since you wandered home with John B in third grade, and gave me all the answers (even though they were wrong) to my math homework that if there was going to be another boy in my life, he was going to have to fight you for that spot. From 7 years old, I only ever wanted you. But over the last two years, I can see that I’m not the one for you. And that is why I’m leaving. One of the only things that got me through my day was seeing you smile, but I understand that there is someone else who causes those crinkles by your eyes.
I have to leave because it’s too painful. I need time to have all your kisses leave my body, I need to leave because I can’t smell the ocean, listen to Akon and Konvict, or even wash my fucking clothes without thinking of you. I see you in body language, in the waves, in every damn aspect of my life. Not only are we ingrained on this island, but you are ingrained in me. If I’m ever going to come home I need to remove every trace. 
I told you last week, I’d always be on your team, even from a distance. I need you to pursue Kiara because there is nothing more I want for you than happiness. Deep down, I know it will always be her. While that sentence feels like a shot, I’m coming to terms with it. 
Don’t try to come find me, either. I won’t be going to any of the places we’ve ever talked about, I do have my secrets still. Not Yucatan, not Tybee, and certainly not Jekyll. Take care of my brother.
All my love, 
“When did you and Y/N break up?” Sarah asked. JJ couldn’t even think straight. Y/N and the boy broke up about a week ago, for that specific reason, JJ thought there was something there with Kiara. He didn’t think the girl would pick up her stuff and bolt. Leave her brother, her best friends, and the life she claimed to love. 
“I, uh, initiated it last week or so,” he stuttered, “it wasn’t definite or anything, but it was insinuated I guess. We had a conversation about it, but I don’t think I ever could have said it out loud.”
“Oh,” she thought. “You know she really loved you with every bone in her body.”
He sucked in a deep breath to try to keep his tears at bay. How could he walk out to the front room and face John B. He was the reason the youngest Routledge had left. With Big John gone, she was all he had left. Hell, with Luke gone, she was all JJ had too. In some form he robbed his friends of a family member. 
JJ laid down on the neatly made bed and latched onto the sweatshirt that smelled just like her. His memory flooded with images of Y/n in that sweatshirt. From it covering her bikini when they went night swimming, it being the one sweatshirt that was specifically for after she came home from school, the one thing that grounded her when she was having a rough day. JJ felt his chest start to tighten, and his hands were clammy and shaking. 
“I thought you said you’d never break her heart!” JB screamed. Impeccable timing. 
“John B don’t–” Sarah tried to interject.
“No Sarah, he promised. He promised me almost three years ago that if I gave him permission to date Y/n, he wouldn’t hurt her. He knew he’d be breaking more than just her heart. And now I can’t even help her pick up the pieces. I can’t fix my baby sister, the way she fixed each and every one of us!” 
“Bro, you think this is what I wanted? I had a conversation with her. Nothing was definitive. It’s not my fault she took her shit and ran!”
“When has Y/n ever not taken her feelings and ran? Name one time!”
JJ sat there in thought, and there had been one time she didn’t run, and he had promised that he wouldn’t tell. He was going to anyway.
“When you disappeared. I held her while she cried herself to sleep for nights on end. So don’t act like I never treated her right. You know I did.” JB ran his hands through his hair and left the room. 
“Until you decided you may have feelings for the girl who is like her big sister.” That stung. 
“What’s going on?” Kie asked.
“She’s gone.” John B said. “‘Cuz JJ’s in love with you.”
JJ sat in the hammock, wearing the navy sweatshirt he hadn’t worn in years. It smelled just like her. He could even feel the marks of where she rolled the sleeves and dug her thumbs into the side. 
He barely remembered last week’s conversation about Kie, but never did he think that it would cause you to disappear. Y/n was so incredibly loyal. She wanted him. Every. Damn. Day. She wanted him when the clouds were out, and the usually blue sky was gray. She wanted him when he was bruised and beat up, she wanted him when he was crabby after a 14 hour shift, she wanted him at every hour of the day in any way she could have him. 
It was just a conversation, he thought. He never flat out said that he was leaving her for the tanned, wealthy kook. 
He felt so fucking stupid. He felt so much self-hatred. He remembered when they were 12 and 14, and Y/n wanted to walk to the gas station a few streets over, but John B wouldn’t go with her. He remembered what she usually bought. Peach iced tea, sour straws and a bag of munchie mix. Every single time. 
He remembered when the girl got drunk for the first time and dialed him to come get her. God, she was so inebriated. She clung to the boy, giggling profusely. That was the first night she ever told the boy she loved him. Y/n never knew it, but JJ kept that memory locked in his head. 
He pondered the time she was ready to give him her virginity. He remembered how nervous she was, but how much she trusted him. 
It had grown dark by the time he wandered back into the Chateau. He was surprised JB didn’t kick him out, he fully expected to be out on the streets by now. As he stumbled towards the bedrooms, he went past his own, and fully dove into the light purple sheets he had come to love. She’ll come back, he thought. She has to.
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pedrisbanana · 1 year
pedri and joao threesome pls 🙏🏻💕 absolutely love everything u write
Their cum as lipgloss >...
Enjoy 🍌
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Twice The Fun
You were squealing like a little school girl, when you opened your package. After removing the wrapping paper, the royal blue fabric greeted you. The polyester was soft between your fingers, when you took the shirt from the box. 
You smiled.
Another piece for your collection. Immediately after seeing the transfer announcement on his instagram, you went to the FC Chelsea website and placed your order. 
Scrunching your nose at the chemical smell, you cut the labels and put it in the washing machine. 20 Minutes and it will smell fresh as ever.
His jerseys held a special place in your closet, right behind your dresses and blouses. All of them neatly hung up on black coat hangers, sorted by club and season. You started collecting them long before meeting Pedri, who wasn't exactly fond of your little obsession with Chelsea's new striker starlet.
So when you sat on the couch two days later, watching Chelsea's Champions League match and Pedri came home from practice, he gave you a cold stare instead of the usual kiss. All because of that damn name on the back of the jersey.
"So you're a Chelsea fan now ?" Your boyfriend asked mockingly, sitting down next to you. 
You smirked. "Only until the end of the season, then I can watch him beat your ass in LaLiga again" 
"I should bend you over and give your ass a little beating for talking to me like that" Pedri replied, obviously pissed off.
"I really don't get why you're so jealous. I'm just a fan" you poked his chest playfully. 
"I'm not jealous! João Felix is a fucking arrogant asshole, who thinks he's the next Ronaldo just bc he scored a few goals. You shouldn't sit here, wearing his jersey." Pedri crossed his arms.
You decided to push his buttons a little more. "and yet he's there playing Champions League and you sit here, exhausted from extra training, because you disqualified from Europa League"
The midfielder rolled his eyes. "If he's so great then why aren't you there with him ? I bet you'd let him fuck you after the match, the way you're jumping up and down just because he hit the crossbar. Any 4th grader would've scored that." 
"If you had asked me in 2019 I'd tell you yes. I thought his braces were really hot" you admitted, focus back on the TV. 
Pedri laughed. "His braces ?" You joined in, glad he lightened his mood.
"What can I say I am obsessed" 
He looked at you, raising a brow. "So you're telling me you didn't think about it recently"
"If I say I did, will you get a pissed again ?" you nudged his shoulder.
You leaned close to his ear, not waiting for a reply. "Because I did, but don't worry, only when Barcelona played against Atletico. Twice the fun, right ?" 
Teasing Pedri with João wasn't your best choice. You boyfriend had been acting annoyed all week and ignored your affectionate tries to lighten him up. You decided to surprise and apologize to him. 
Pedri had a new campaign photoshoot with Adidas today, meaning he would probably come home late. 
You dimmed the light in your shared bedroom and lit a few tea lights to set the mood. Pedri loved it when you wore lingerie and you had just found the right set on your shopping trip today. It came with a matching robe which wouldn't make you feel too naked. The color was a soft red, powdery and not to bright, complimenting your skin tone.
The thought of Pedri's lips teasing your skin as he slowly took the lace of your body made you shiver in delight. He wouldn't be able to resist you.
Putting on some light makeup, you heard the lock turning. You quickly applied some last layers of mascara and went to the hallway. 
You jumped into your boyfriends arms, pulling him into a heated kiss. His hands caught your waist under the robe caressing your hips. Your fingers caressed his cheek as you broke the kiss, staring into his deep brown eyes. 
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have teased you. I'm more obsessed with you than with João." you said, hoping he'd accept it. 
"Didn't sound like that when Pedri told me about it." a voice with familiar accent stated. You know that voice.
You let go of your boyfriend to see if your guess was right, but it couldn't be. You must be hallucinating. 
João Félix was standing in your hallway. He wore a beige oversized t-shirt with the logo of some designer brand and light ripped jeans. You looked back and forth between the Portuguese and Pedri. 
So many questions ran through your mind. 
"I wanted to apologize for being an asshole and Félix and I did the photoshoot together so I invited him to meet you since you love him so much." Pedri explained, pushing you a little towards João. 
"I- ummm. Hey." the blush that decorated your face and neck must make you look like a beet.
"Hey." João smiled at you and checked out your outfit. Realizing you were still only wearing the rather revealing set of underwear, you wrapped the robe around yourself. 
"I'll umm go change." The presence of João made you forget how to think properly.
"No need to. Red is my favourite color, but I'm sure you know that." João said teasingly, a smirk curling on his lips. His hand caught your arm, holding you from leaving.
You stopped in your tracks and you were sure you forgot how to breathe for a second. Did he just flirt with you ? 
His grip on your arm was firm but soft. It made your whole body shiver. You turned your head to see Pedri's reaction. He must be fuming. 
To your surprise you're easily provoked sweetheart was watching the scenery without a hint of anger or annoyance. 
"You do look irresistible. What a nice surprise-" Pedri looked at João and winked. "- for both of us." 
You shot a confused look towards Pedri, about to ask what he was up to when he walked towards you. Trapped between the two footballers, you swallowed. 
"Isn't this what you dreamed about, princesa ? Twice the fun. Remember ?" His voice went straight to your core, soaking your panties. 
Of course you remembered. The thought of both Pedri and João touching you helped you fall asleep many nights, but that was it. Just a fantasy. 
João moved his hand to undo your robe. He slightly towered over you due to his height, lips almost touching your temple. You leaned into him, inviting him to go further. 
Pedri slipped his hand inside your panties. The pads of his fingers finding you wet and needy. 
If you thought about what was happening right now, you'd probably laugh, but you couldn't rationally think right now. João's and Pedri's hands on your body was all you could think about. 
João discarded your robe and opened your bra with a flick of his fingers. 
"You're so pretty." he whispered. His voice was drowned in arousal. 
You wanted to speak up, but he cupped your breasts and massaged them, which had you moaning instead. Your boyfriend started to kiss your neck. 
Somewhere between João teasing your now hardened nipples and Pedri having two fingers pumping in and out of you, the three of you ended up in the bedroom. 
You were sitting on the edge of the bed and watched as João took his shirt off. His skin was tan and his muscles defined. He sat next to you on the duvet and Pedri encouraged you to be more confident. 
João caressed your hair as you opened the fly of his jeans. His long fingers combed through the strands and he leaned back a little. His dark brown eyes watched you intensely. Your hand reached inside his boxers. 
He was hard and warm in your hand. The other found leverage on his knee. João let out a breathy moan when you started to move your hand up and down, spreading the precum leaking at the tip. His hand wrapped around yours to tighten your grip around him, teaching you how he'd like it. 
You moved your sitting position to kneel beside him on the bed. The wetness between your thighs felt sticky and you rotated your hips slightly to create some friction. 
"Put me inside your mouth, amor." The striker whispered, hand wrapped around the back of your neck. 
Strong hands pulled at your hips as you leaned down. Pedri's hand sneaked inside your panties again, finding your pulsing clit. 
You let spit run over João's tip, covering his shaft, before taking him. Teasing the head by tracing the small furrow on the underside with your tongue made him call out your name. You clenched your thighs. 
Your boyfriend pulled your legs apart with one hand, keeping them apart with one knee. Pedri kneeled behind you. His hips flush with your ass. He must've taken his pants off, because you felt his hot skin on yours.
João's other hand started to play with your hair again as he watched you take more of his cock. 
"That's perfect, take all of me." he praised you, slightly pushing your head down by the neck. He added just enough pressure to make you press yourself against Pedri's erection. The midfilder let go of your hip to play with one of your nipples. Pulling and twisting it, making it harder not to grind against him. 
Removing your hand from João's shaft, you grasped his shoulder. The hand on his knee moved to play with his balls. They were full and heavy and João thrust his hips up, making you gag. 
Tears formed in your eyes from the burning sensation in your throat. João found a fast pace with his hips, hitting the back off your throat repeatedly. You were on the edge with Pedri rubbing your sensitive spot. 
You came with tears and spit running from your face, still swallowing João's cock. 
Pedri pulled you up and João wiped your tears with his thumbs. Pedri held you to him and kissed your flushed cheek. 
"That was so hot, princesa. Can't wait to be inside of you." he said, lips warm against your face. 
João's warmth disappeared as he got up to take his pants off, but you stopped him. Reaching forward you pulled his jeans and briefs now all the way down. 
His thighs looked strong as he walked towards you. He turned to Pedri, asking him something in Portuguese which you didn't understand. Pedri laughed and nodded, replying. 
João went over to one of your drawers but before you could see what he did, Pedri pulled you into a kiss. His tongue massaged yours and his hand intertwined with yours. You reached under his shirt, feeling the muscles of his six pack. 
The midfielder broke the kiss to take his shirt off, only his boxers covering him now. You wanted to please him. He shouldn't have to watch you have fun with João, even though Pedri had encouraged all of this. 
"Lay down." he whispered and grabbed some pillows from the headboard. 
As you were getting comfortable, Pedri positioned one pillow beneath your head and one beneath your ass. His hands explored your body doing so, touches lingering longer than needed. It got you excited all over again. 
The bed dipped beside you as Joao came back. His hands travelled from your knees to the dip of your waist, spreading them in the motion. He hooked his fingers into your panties and slid them off you. His hand immediately cupped your exposed pussy and you bucked into him. 
He watched you squirm, lips slightly parted and moved to lay beside you. His lips left butterfly kisses on your shoulder, goosebumps erupting on your skin. Two of his long fingers entered you, making you arch into the pillows. 
After discarding his briefs, Pedri appeared on your other side. He whispered declarations of love into your neck. You felt something cold on your wet folds and hissed. João pulled his fingers out, spreading the cold liquid over your sensitive pussy, before moving them back inside. 
At least you thought so, but his digits only teased your entrance before guiding them lower. His middle finger teased the little ring of muscles, making you shriek in shock. He stopped.
Pedri caressed your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours. 
"I'll be careful. You'll like it if you relax." João mumbled against your shoulder. 
Your boyfriend moved his hands down your lower stomach to find you're prepared and dripping. He easily slid his fingers inside. 
"I'm here, mi vida. I've got you." Pedri said, curling his fingers. You cuddled into him. "We've got you." 
Pedri made you feel safe. 
João moved slightly atop of you. His free hand exploring your chest and his lips followed. When he teased your nipple with his tongue, he continued to massage your back entrance. 
This time you relaxed, enjoying the new sensations. The tip of his finger slipped inside as Pedri found your sweet spot inside of you. 
You felt your orgasm building up and Joao pressed further inside. He slowly started to move in and out, reaching hidden spots. 
The name on your lips was now his. He chuckled against your breast. "I told you you'll like it." 
Pedri circled your clit, wanting you to reach your peak. He had you clenching uncontrollably around him in seconds. João took the opportunity to slip a second finger inside of you. You barely even noticed it, being focused on the electricity making your body spasm. He bit down on your nipple. 
Now focusing on your other breast, he increased the pace of his fingers and Pedri, too, continued the play of his fingers. 
"Hermosa, you're a sight." Pedri moaned against your lips. His sweaty hair stuck to his forehead. His cheeks were flushed. He looked so sexy when he was aroused, you almost started drooling.
João looked up at you from your chest, releasing your abused bud with a pop. "I think you're ready to take my cock now, amor." 
He cocked his eyebrow and smirked. Removing his fingers, he crawled next to you. Pedri guided you to lay on your side, facing him. Your boyfriend handed João the lube again. 
Your heart thumbed in your chest. You had never experienced this much pleasure. Pedri hooked your leg over his waist, pulling you closer. 
Finally you could feel his cock against you. You were impossibly wet, his tip immediately slipping inside, being pressed flush. 
Pedri fucked you in a static pace, enough to make you moan, but not enough to make you come. His face pressed into your chest, hands spreading your cheeks for João.
You clawed at Pedri's back, surely leaving bruises. Arching your back into him, he increased the speed of his hips. You barely even noticed João entering your backside. He felt big, too big to make this pleasurable, but these two had proved you wrong before. 
Guiding his cock further, he moaned your name into your neck. His hands held your hips in a vice grip. He filled you out completely, waiting for you to get used to the feeling. 
Your hand found his and he slightly intertwined your fingers, resting them on your hip. 
"You're doing so well, amor. Taking two cocks at the same time." João kissed your shoulder. 
You couldn't quite register what he said, your thoughts and feelings overwhelmed by the intense pleasure. Your face felt sticky as you pressed it into the pillow. You didn't know if it was from the tears or the sweat. 
Pedri groaned into your chest as João started to move. They must feel each other pleasuring you. After a few thrusts the two synchronized each other. The sounds coming from your mouth were pure and raw desire. 
"This feels so good, makes me think we should invite him more often. What do you think, cariño ?" Pedri toyed with your nipple between his teeth, making you nod and scream out in pleasure. He never had a better idea.
João grinned against your neck and moved your joined hands to your middle. He let go of your fingers, but you trapped his hand in a vice grip. His fingers found your clit, drawing figure eights. 
The third orgasm of the night crashed over you in waves. It felt even better than the first two. 
Expecting the boys to come inside of you, you tried to move your hips, riding out your orgasm. 
They had other plans, as João carefully pulled out and detached himself from his hugging position against you. Pedri followed and slid up to the headboard. 
His crotch was now at level with your face, cock glistening with your juices. You felt João's hands guide you on all fours above Pedri, repositioning the pillow under your pelvis. 
João slipped inside your pussy with ease, filling you to the brim. You clenched around him greedily accepting his hard thrusts. His balls slapped against your throbbing clit. 
Pedri jerked his cock, guiding your head onto him by holding your hair in his hand at the back of your skull. Taking him fully, he moved the hand from his manhood to rest comfortably on the pillows behind his neck. 
Before you got to enjoy to blow your boyfriend, João released himself inside you. He pulled out, spilling some of his cum on your pussy and ass. 
This didn't bother you enough to stop sucking Pedri off. His cock was familiar between your lips and you knew exactly how to move to get him to lose control. 
João didn't let go of your hips. His fingers spread his cum over your core and found your clit again. The striker soon had you coming for a fourth time. 
The vibrating moans at the back of your throat, brought Pedri over the edge. He thrust his hips into your mouth until he was spent. His cum tasted salty, but nice. You liked swallowing him. 
Climbing off him, you laid on your back exhausted. Pedri turned to pull you into him. João left into the small attached bathroom. 
After getting a washcloth he kneeled between your thighs, softly cleaning you up. 
"If Pedri doesn't mind, I'd like to hear more about your little obsession with me, amor."
A/N: Finally I built up the confidence to post this!
Special love and thanks go to @pedrisgatorade & @simpingmyassoff who were so kind to read this over! You're the best!
I really hope you enjoy this and leave me a comment 💕🫣
Love you❤️
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s-4pphics · 1 year
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i wrote ballerina!reader and tattooist!ellie bc i’m high and obsessed now
cw: oc being a slut, sexual tension, flirting, slight asshole!ellie, mentions of stripping and tattooing 🤭
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you had walked into the parlor with the intentions of getting a small tattoo.
after confirming your age and signing some documents, the parlor clerk told u that it was going to be a ten minute wait because your requested artist—ellie williams— was still with another client. you had already sent her your reference photo weeks ago, in which she replied with a quick cool:p and a link to her cashapp to send your deposit to confirm your appointment.
you’d been suggested ellie’s account on insta and u took note of how sleek her artwork was. she did it all: cartoon characters, realistic portraits, animals! anything you could think of, she knew how to do. her shading and coloring was incredible, and her clients had left nothing but praises in her comments. you would never say, but u took note of how good her hands looked in the videos that she posted on her account.
you were mindlessly scrolling through twitter after watching multiple videos of waffle house employees fight for their lives before you heard a raspy call of your name. your head perked up, and you made eye contact with the girl who’d been plaguing your thoughts since you saw her.
you stood outta your chair too enthusiastically as you hopped your way closer to her. “hi, i’m her,” you confirmed with a toothy grin.
you noticed how she took in your appearance with a lazy gaze from your head to your toes. you were in your usual attire: a lavender sweatsuit with a rhinestoned juicy slapped across your ass, hoop earrings, and slightly worn uggs with your small bag slung over your shoulder. your brightness looked so out of place in the dimly lit, grungy looking building. instead of shying away, you gave your own eager gaze back, taking in her own presence: a simple black t-shirt with matching jeans, a full tattoo sleeve on her left arm that peaked out from her actual sleeve, and vans. her ears were also heavily pierced. her get-up was nothing special, but she still had your knees trembling.
she gave you a quirk of her brow as her lips pursed slightly before she turned to walk you into her studio. “cool, my studios this way.”
she led you near the back of the parlor, pulling open the brass door for you as she granted you entry. you pretended that you didn’t catch her looking at your ass.
“you can just sit here while i set up, it’ll be like… two minutes.” she said calmly, nodding her head towards the tattoo chair. she sounded tired.
“long day?” you stupidly asked. of course she had a long day, you idiot! look at her! you mentally scolded.
she was sterilizing her tattoo gun before she replied casually, “yeah, i um… between you and me… my last client was a douchebag. i had to put my earphones to keep from decking him in his throat. he just kept saying snarky shit to me and thought i wouldn’t catch it. fucker didn’t even tip.”
let me make it better, baby! you thought. i want your tip!
“damn, that sucks, i hope i can cheer you up,” you said with a dreamy tilt of your head.
she perked her head up to look into your eyes before humming in acknowledgment, looking back down at her work table.
she broke the silence a couple minutes later, sitting on her rolling chair before scooting closer to you and leaning forward with her elbows on her knees, “so your reference is done printing, where were you thinking about getting your tat?”
on my puss—
you mentally shushed the slutty side of your brain, sitting up straighter in the reclining chair, “well i’m a dancer! i’m not allowed to have anything super… visible on my arms n legs because it’ll be distracting to the audience—“
“i never heard of strippers having that problem,” she said abruptly with a confused look. your face ran hot.
“i-i’m not a stripper,” you stuttered out before clarifying. “there’s nothing wrong with stripping! but i’m… i’m not. i do ballet.”
“uh huh.”
“i am! genuinely, i’m super flexible!”
“so are strippers,” she said blankly.
fuck. you were losing her.
“i mean it! my academy’s headmaster would lose her mind if she saw that any of us got something permanent on our bodies. i was thinking some place more…. discreet?”
“mhm. like where?”
“m-my… my um.. hip. like my lower hip.”
“okay. how low?”
“huh?” you squeaked out. fuck. really, really low—
she smirked at you before calmly replying, “how far down do you want your tattoo? it’s pretty small so it should be quick.”
“i don’t know. as far down as you can get it,” you replied slightly huskier.
“uh huh,” she said with a slight nod while licking her lips. “lay back for me.”
and you never laid down so fast.
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posebean · 9 months
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fantasys your alkaloid‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️  ref sheet of alkaloid for my alkakurei fantasy au that i totally didnt abandon crazy:B here (notes abt world+magic system and other stuff on that post)
stuff abt their outfits and etc under read more
hiiro is fresh from his village baby boy left to go find his nii-san with only his clothes and a trusty satchel at his side- he just goes around looking for his nii-san and etcetc idk how long the gap is but he finds tatsumi and mayo and stays with them for some time and during that time tatsun gets him a coat because baby boy literally only has those and hes just been doing work for some guild (idk how to explain bc guilds require education but i guess tatsun pulled strings for him) so he has money to live while also looking for his nii-san and sometimes he has to go to cold places and one time he comes home after a job in a cold place and hes sick and tatsun is like hiiro-san please take this jacket with you :..) so now hiiro has a coat custom-made for him :3! he's good with elemental magic (the 5 core elements water wind fire earth plant) very versatile and a skilled little guy (not as talented as his nii-san but no one is as talented as nii-san!) anyways yadda yadda he gets a message or smth and is preparing to leave tatsun and mayo but (spoilers for meru fic) meru points him towards the town where everyone else is and yea he goes and finds his nii-san and now his goal has changed from find nii-san to convince nii-san to go back home but he befriends everyone else too and i think they do eventually go on some kind of adventure together maybe more the three younger ppl aira hiiro and kohaku
aira is a little silly fellow he dresses nicely (very inspired by fs2 but i cant stop looking at it and thinking damn he french colored......) and loves magic so much he admires all the grand mages and everyone in the upper echelons and loves watching other people cast spells and such unfortunately for him while he has a decently high innate talent, his control is God Awful which results in magic never going well for him- with no control at all, literally negative control, he can try to cast one spell and something completely different will be cast instead- and the skill level varies too it's literally just a roll of a dice for him if he tries to cast a simple flame spell he might end up flooding the room with a wall of water, it's that bad kkshfkj also he acts like he doesn't like it but he actually loves rabuhan-junior so much he secretly spoils the hamster named after him and rabuhan junior loves him back rabuhan-junior likes to sleep in his hat or on aira's head whenever kohaku goes out and leaves rabu-han junior with aira tatsun has very normal clothes bro dresses like a dad (did you know both of his fs have the same color palettes i didnt but using them as reference made me realize, anyways-) his clothes are very comfortable and easy to move around in, especially given his injury from [spoiler event here ]. he also has a cane and his injured leg has pain suppressor sigils and bandages wrapped all over it his leg isn't completely unusable like its not broken or anything its more like. a kind of necrosis like if you unwrapped it there would be a dark mark thats like icky and sometimes it flares up and hurts tatsun so much that he falls over and :( he found the cane one day in the catacomb (wonder who put it there) he added the begonia himself as a reminder of his sin... shiro is his little mouse familiar that he conjured with the help of kaname! she's a sweet little thing, often found sleeping on an open book on tatsumi's desk. she has the tatsumi-colored ears and legs because she was conjured up rather than a pact familiar. regarding magic tatsun is pretty average on both control and power, but that doesnt really matter because most of the spells he uses are passive spells more used for healing/doing work. he likes to garden and has a beautiful garden of all kinds of flowers at the chapel :) he just doesn't dare touch the flowers in the catacomb, because he knows someone else already takes care of those also that purple gem hanging around his neck is a gift from mayomayo it doesn't do anything and has no magic but tatsun still likes it :) mayomayo dresses in all dark colors because he believes that if he always dresses in dark colors no one will ever have to be bothered by seeing his existence he comes from a lineage that practices forbidden magic, not necessarily all dark but some of the more ... interesting spells . something happens in his past and he ends up leaving, taking with him his tome and well. proceeding to get chased by all kinds of monsters out in the wild because for some reason he just attracts all kinds of beasts poor guy magic-wise he does have the forbidden magic from his family but he more specializes in healing and curse removal- he doesn't dare do anything else for fear of (redacted). besides, maybe he'll one day be able to actually save somebody instead of hurting them, maybe his existence would be worth it some day. the ribbon in his hair (the green/teal one) is from tatsun :) he said mayo would look good in brighter colors and mayo disagreed so tatsun gave it to him and now its become part of his outfit and (i combust into a thousand bits ) also because of that mayo feels like he has to give tatsun something back so thats why he gives tatsumi a purple gem he had that used to hang from his spell tome anyways i still love this au very much and i hope you enjoyed now i will proceed to forget about it again /j i still really wanna write kohaku's fic and then maybe one last one for rinne-kun or smth because aghghj there's still so much that's not developed yet but (explodes)
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techs-goggles9902 · 30 days
From the WIP ask game: I would like to know about the modern au tbb please? :)
TBB Modern AU Pt.1
Requests are open for all listed fandoms! See Masterlist for details. It’ll take me a minute to write bc I’m still emotionally traumatized by TBB s3
Summary: the bad batch but in a modern setting (duh).
Warning: talks about death and a bad car accident. I think there’s swearing (I forgot lmao) nothing bad happens but traumatic pasts are talked about.
Word Count: 1530 (I think)
A/N: Im so tired 😭 it’s 1:14 am at the moment. Anyway, I didn’t plan on making a series but I’ve kept you waiting far too long, bestie. THE ENDING IS INTENTIONAL. IM WORKING ON IT I SWEAR
NOTE: if confused about the occupations of the batch members, see this link.
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“Echo, help me!” Omega says, bounding down the narrow hallway of the small apartment they were currently living in. She holds out a hair tie with a few stray strands of her blonde hair curling around the fabric.
Echo sighs, taking her hand in his good hand and leading her over to their raggedy couch littered with rips and mismatched pieces of cloth stitched to the creaky leather.
“Why didn’t you have Hunter do your hair? I don’t even have hair,” he sighs, gathering his sister’s wavy locks with his hands, careful so her hair wouldn’t get caught in his prosthetic.
“He’s sleeping. Still. He and Crosshair were trying to beat… what’s the game called? Gobbler’s Gate? I don’t know, but anyway, he and Cross pulled an all-nighter.” She never could remember that damn game her brothers were obsessed with beating.
“Baldur’s Gate,” Echo reminds her, sighing deeply. Hunter had to start making his deliveries soon, people needed their Doordash.
“Yeah, that!” Omega winces as Echo pulls her hair while tying off her ponytail.
“Sorry, kid.” He gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze with his left hand, his only real hand. “Come help me pick my hat.”
Omega gasps and whips around to face her big brother. “Really? I get to pick your hat today?”
“Yeah, why not? C’mon.” Echo takes her by the hand, always his left hand so he can feel her warm fingers clasping his own. They tiptoe through the hall, Echo’s footsteps muffled by the thick, fluffy slippers he wore, and towards the room he was given when he moved in with them. He’s a brother they didn’t know they had.
Jango got around, Rex had said when he introduced Echo to the batch. That’s what they called themselves, the “batch”. I raised him right, don’t worry, boys. Echo’s a good lad. He had gotten into a car accident not long after he and his twin, Fives, turned 21. Both sustained catastrophic injuries, Echo losing both legs around the knees, his right arm, and gaining severe burns on most of his remaining body. Fives on the other hand… he didn’t make it to the hospital.
Echo was slowly but surely growing back the hair he lost, yet he still finds comfort in wearing his beanies, whether it’s his tie-dyed one or the white one with yellow eyes on the fold, just like the creepy clown Omega had nightmares about.
“Which one for today?” Echo asks, gesturing to the assortment of beanies he keeps laid out on his dresser. He lowers himself onto his mattress with a low grunt. They couldn’t afford bed frames. Omega looks back at his pale blue hoodie, which Echo also has a colorful assortment of, and she selects the royal blue beanie, placing it on his growing follicles.
“That one’s perfect.” She steps back, admiring her work.
“Alright kid, what’s today’s objective? Park? Library? Bothering Wrecker at the mall?”
Omega looks down and furrows her brow as she thinks of what she and Echo should do. She looks up at him with thoughtful eyes. “Can we… visit Fives?”
Echo blinks in surprise and a smile tugs at his chapped lips. “I’d like that. I’d like that alot.”
They’re interrupted by Crosshair’s cursing from the room he shares with Tech. “Shit shit shit. Echo, what the hell? It’s almost 9!” He spits out over his shoulder as he rushes down the hall.
“I’m not in charge of your schedule, Cross! It’s not my fault you played Baldur’s Gate all night,” Echo stands and meets his fuming brother in the living room/kitchen. Crosshair’s trying to tie his shoes with shaky fingers. He’s never been late before, not once. His job was one of two stable jobs the batch had.
“Hey… calm down. They can’t fire you, you’re the reason the diner’s getting busy again.” Echo’s knees creak as he kneels down and puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder.
Crosshair sits back on his heels, tilting his head back with a sigh. “Y-yeah… nothing to worry about.” He looks back at Echo. “You good with spaghetti tonight?”
Echo hums in agreement as Crosshair gets back on his feet. “I’ll be back at 6.” Crosshair unhooks his keys from the rusty rack and leaves.
Omega comes out of Echo’s room wearing his black beanie. Echo groans, “Meg, that clashes with your outfit, I can’t be seen with you now.”
She giggles, pulling her soft teal cardigan around her body. Her white leggings were just begging to be stained. “Echo, I do believe you’ve said ‘black goes with everything’.”
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head fondly.
They ate, forced Hunter to awaken from his peaceful sleep, and walked Wrecker to his job at the nearby mall as a security guard. He only took up the job since they lived in a bad neighborhood and he got to tackle people for a living.
“Isn’t it funny that Wrecker’s kinda a cop and Tech sells illegal stuff on the black market?” Omega asked Echo after Wrecker jogged off to make it on time for his shift. The pair strolled towards the bus stop they used to get from Ord Mantell to Coruscant.
“Well…” Echo considered. “It’s a little funny.” Omega grins and clasps his hand tighter. They step into the little covered bench at the bus stop.
“So… how come you moved out of Rex’s house? I mean, he has a nice place and all.” Omega wasn’t with the family when Echo moved in. She’s never asked him about his life before the batch, not unless it was about Fives.
“I… Rex takes in a lot of our brothers. He wants the Fett family to… stay together, I guess. We were all marines or some type of soldier at one point, so we’re all similar. I didn’t… fit in with our other brothers, even if we’re all family. Rex introduced me to the batch and they said I was welcome to move in.” Echo gives her hand a squeeze. “They needed the rent money, too.”
Omega grins, squeezing his hand back.
The bus dropped them off a block away from the Coruscant City Cemetery, which was in a pretty decent neighborhood. Omega tugs the wired earbuds out of her ears, handing Echo back his phone. On bus rides, he always let her listen to her music, mostly to make sure she didn’t hear the things drunks always say to Echo.
“Who were you listening to this time, Meg?”
“Lana. I like her song Salvatore,” she says, slipping her hand right back into her brother’s larger one. Lana as in Lana Del Rey, one of Omega’s favorite singers.
They take their time strolling down the Coruscant streets, Echo pointing out his favorite spots occasionally. The wrought iron fence bordering the cemetery comes into view; large, shiny headstones poke out of the ground behind the iron gates.
Echo memorized the spot where he buried his twin, Section 5, row 5, 5 stones from the fifth tree. Of course Fives’ name wasn’t actually Fives, he just loved the number.
“Jango loved Fords… so he named Fives after ‘em.” The small headstone is just up ahead. Omega slowly walks up to it, kneeling a few inches away from the edge of the stone.
“Ford Fett… Echo, what’s your real name?” She asks, gently brushing her palm over the granite marker, stray pine needles blow away as she does so.
Echo pauses, keeping his distance from his sister and his brother’s grave. He slides his hands into his hoodie, shifting his weight. “Elliot.”
Omega hums in acknowledgement, bobbing her head. She says something under her breath to the headstone, Echo doesn’t bother asking her what she said. He keeps his gaze down to the dirt beneath Omega’s knees, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
We have a sister, Fives… oh, you would’ve loved her…
Aggressive meowing comes from the apartment as Echo and Omega walk up to the door. The pair exchanges glances. “Is that a cat?” Omega asks.
“I… I don’t even wanna know.” Echo sighs and opens the door to find an angry Tech and a gross looking cat staring up at him. The cat’s dusty brown coat is surprisingly shiny in the light.
“You cannot chew my socks. How many times have I told you this?” Tech spits out, jabbing a slender finger in the cat's direction.
“Are you having a full conversation with the cat? Also, why do we have a cat?” Echo asks. Omega smiles and kneels down beside the feline, new grass stains on the knees of her leggings catch Tech’s eye. He sighs.
“Wrecker brought him home when he returned from his shift. He’s out acquiring the needed supplies for keeping a cat. He named him Gonky. Who names a cat Gonky?”
“Wrecker, apparently.” Echo looks between his brother, the cat, and Omega, sighing and walking off to his room. He wasn’t sharing a room because his nightmares kept his former roommate - Hunter - awake. He can hear Gonky meowing at Tech, an occasional hiss when Tech refuses to give him a sock, along with Omega’s laughing.
“What the… why the hell do we have a cat?”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom @ithillia (so you know I posted)
Please lmk if you’d like to be taken off or added.
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cryptidsnackpack · 7 months
Sam Coe Pining HC’s:
First off… this man PINES. NSFW under the cut so 18+ intrepid explorers only. GN Dusty/Captain. I have this Dusty having the Neon City Street Rat background in this one (bc that’s what I have and I love it). I just want to take care of this man like DAMN.
When he first sets eyes on you, he has a to take a half-step back. He’s glad Cora swooped in with the assist, babbling about how excited she was to join them on the Frontier. It took him a half second longer than he would have liked to compose himself. He scolds himself… Now is not the time to get distracted.
But hell are you distracting. Sam can count on his hand the times in his life when he has felt taken care of, but damn do you do it well. “Sam are you running low on ammo? Have you eaten today? How much water have you had? That last planet was brutal”. Sometimes you’ll place a chaste hand to his shoulder to check in on him, and that touch almost sends him into cardiac arrest.
It’s not just the way you take care of him either, it’s Cora too. When you happily slapped credits into the little girl’s palm for her book allowance, and then suggested a trip to Sinclair’s the next time you touch down on Akila? He knew he was done for.
You’re always thinking of them, and something long hidden inside him breaks at finally being seen, finally been someone’s first priority. “Everyone okay back there?!Cora? Sam?”. The dogfight had been a hairy one, they’d need to stop at Neon immediately for repairs. The Captain’s voice shook over the comm. They’d check them both over, double and triple check that they didn’t get hurt. “Cora’s walking okay right? She’s not limping, right?” Anxiety punches the words out of the Captain’s chest, like their coughing them out. “She’s alright Cap” he settles a comforting hand on your arm. He imagines he can feel the heat from your skin in his palm all day.
Neon was hell. Usually he liked the city for what it was, but watching you? Watching everyone ELSE watching you? Hell. You knew your way around, and every few steps it seemed some old friend was pulling you away for conversation. You’d slip your hand into his, or wrap an arm around his waist to pull him along, make sure he wasn’t getting lost in the flow of foot traffic. And every time he tried to get a little closer, hold you just a little longer.
You two were meeting an old contact in The Astral Lounge. He was no stranger to the Lounge, but it felt different this time. He was jumpy, felt predatory. You’d donned some Neon City threads, a tight, darkly colored tunic that dipped past your collarbone and accentuated the muscle definition in your arms. And everyone in the Lounge seemed to be fixated on you. He edged closer to you. Thighs brushing. As if you could sense his tension, you settled a hand on his knee. He rested an arm on the back of the booth to steady himself, but you took it as a cue. You wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leaning into his chest. “This alright cowboy?” Your voice is low and rich, he leans forward to catch it and nods.
The glint in your eye, the way your lips curled mischievously up at his dumbstruck expression. You knew he wanted you. Of course you knew. “You know” He’s never heard anything sweeter, “I still have access to a corporate apartment here in the building… we could. Sorry that was ah, maybe-” You faltered, stuttering over your own words. Were you nervous? Why were YOU nervous? He kisses your forehead. It’s quick, impulsive and incredibly tender. It doesn’t necessarily match the mood, but the warm goofy smile you flash his way makes up for it.
You ride the crowded elevator in silence. Your ass pressed into his crotch. You grind back against him and he grips your shoulder in warning, and as a way to steady himself. “Not gunna lose your cool are you cowboy?” You turn to look at him over your shoulder, eyes cat-like. He’s not a man prone to PDA, but he takes off his hat to shield both of your faces from the surrounding crowd. He grips your jaw tightly, pulling you in for a bruising kiss. You moan into it, caught of guard, and he can hear a few people in the elevator tittering with good natured laughter.
You look startled by the intensity of your own body’s reaction, but quickly pull him from the elevator at your next stop. His hands are everywhere. Grazing your sides under the tunic, plucking at the waistband of your pants. “Is this okay? This is okay right?” He whispers against the shell of your ear. You nod frantically, your fingers flying over the apartments keypad lock.
He was being ravaged. He was coming to the realization, that he Sam Coe, had never been ravaged before. The sheets were slick with sweat underneath him, but all he could focus on was your mouth. Sweetly sucking the flesh of his thighs, licking a path from nipple to ear lobe. “I have been dreaming about this since we first met.” Your voice is shaking, your hands are shaking. But your tongue is steady when you guide his length down your throat. Your eyes glint up at him as the golden brown curls around his base tickle your nose.
He doesn’t mean to cum in your mouth. His moan sounds like a sob and he fists his hands into the sheets until he swears he can hear the fibers squeak. “Shit I’m sorry I meant to- I didn’t mean to… so early and I- it’s been a really, really long time”
You’re by his ear again. Whispering, your voice is low and soothing and fingers are lazily dancing across his skin. “You did so good Sam. That’s exactly what I wanted”. Your nails are scratching his scalp and his eyelids feel uncomfortably heavy. “I’ll be right here when you wake up, and I expect you to fuck the shit out of me Mr. Coe”. His barking laughter rouses him up a bit, enough to kiss you. He tastes himself on your lips. “I think I can arrange that Captain”.
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neverchecking · 9 months
A fall from Grace
Okay, so, i have made more friends. They have, in fact, influenced this. So here's a list of people to blame.
@fanfic-fairy-fountain (you get to be included)
@wayfayrr (so do you <3)
Can be seen as a continuation of this, but I did not write it with that in mind. Happy accident. I can't promise a lot of writing bc Uni is just starting so I'm busy with that, but hopefully this feeds yall
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Yellow was an ugly color. 
Hideous in the way it fell in stands around a porcelain face, caging eyes of pure sapphire with bands of white. White was meant to be a color of purity. A color to signify the untainted innocence of an unsullied soul. Touched by what was once believed to be pure divinity in and of itself, now revealed to be something much more sinister. 
Something with a gnarled grin, pinched by indented dimples and pearly whites revealed by pulled back lips painted a pretty pink. With eyes that shined in the sunlight like it was the great star’s only purpose to highlight those saccharine irises only to shadow over in the dark of night, hidden beneath the cloak of the twinkling stars, free to do as she pleased. Although, that was the humor in it all. It didn’t matter whether the dark of night was hiding her actions, repainting a saint over the real image of a sinner chained to their fall from grace, because the heavens sang her praises in a choir so loud it had deafened them all. Angels had preached her hymns to the point their ears rang with her acclaims and the skies thundered their applause for her. It seemed everything was built for her to toss or cherish as she so pleased. 
It made his stomach roll in a putrid anger that destroyed his senses, leaving him to act irrationally. He had been so blind. Content to follow like a blind puppy would follow the first person to drop them a scrap of leftover rubbish. 
But no longer would he be the one to write the very prophecies that proclaimed her a savior. A goddess fallen from whatever holy land she was born from to grace her people with her very presence. No longer would he be chained to sing the praises of an angel who plucked the feathers that lined her wings from the ones she damned to fall. 
He had been saved. 
Hands that knew nothing but boundless humility and grace had cupped his cheeks in an effort to shield him from the wrongdoings of the world around him. Skin that had not been blemished by a drop of bloodshed sheened in sweat underneath of him, imprinting their own unique mark on his own skin. Layer the scars that once laid there in new lines of red and white. Badges of honor bestowed upon him by a phoenix bred from the ashes of the damned fallen before them. Like an icarus who had heed the warning and rose to the heavens the way intended for them. Who held their wings of wax with bleeding palms until flesh and muscle did it for them. Until a halo of light was dipped into the golden rivers of luster and bestowed unto them on a velvet pillow proclaiming their ethereal welcoming into the place only murmured about in ancient texts. 
They had held him dearly while freeing the blindfold from it’s place cemented by a generation far older than him. Wound the satin curtains of crimson hooked around his face like blinders around a stake and watched glorious flames lick up the edges in a show of reds, yellows and blues, letting it burn in name of their glorious title. 
Sky had fallen before. He had fallen from Skyloft and it had freed him in a way that was unexplainable until far later into his journey. He had originally believed that fall to be the one to shatter the shackles around his wrists and allow him to fully experience everything his world had to offer. Looking back, that was not the fall he had needed to truly free himself. No, that wouldn’t come until much later. Until he had met his sword brothers. Until he had met you. Until he had let your aura engulf his being and lull his busy soul to a steady slumber. 
He hadn’t known true peace until meeting you. Not until you gifted it to him, cupped in gentle hands and shielded by your radiant smile. One that didn’t need the heavens to enhance it as it was already pure perfection. One that was only amplified by echoing bells of your laughter that spelled out your joy for all those around you. 
He wasn’t convinced you quite knew what you had done to him. How you had positively eradicated any hope he had of going back to normal after this was all said and done, because there was no normal without you. There was no way he could go back to that fraud clad in robes meant for your frame alone. There was no way he could hold back the rage that would boil his insides and ignite a fury filled inferno so powerful it would leave the rest of Skyloft balking at the devastation left behind. 
Because he was nothing without you. He was a loyal follower devoted to your significance. Nothing else. He wouldn’t let himself be disgraced in such a way ever again. 
Because yellow was an ugly color. 
But gold? Gold was something rich and divine, elegant. Something that, when graced upon your figure lit up the room like you were doused in holy light yourself.  Something that when laid upon your collarbone in fine chain links curved perfectly into the dip of the bone. 
Something that, when wrapped around your finger in a pretty little ring of gold, reminded him that he was nothing more than a worshiper of your gospel. 
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akutails · 2 years
CONFESSING TO THEIR CRUSH. - dazai osamu & edogawa ranpo
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✁dazai & ranpo and their silly attempts to confess their love for u <3 repost from @[yatsugareboyf]
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┊❛ dazai osamu ❜┊
he flirts all the damn time
so you never know if he’s gonna take u seriously bcs w EVERY WOMAN THAT COMES IN THE DOOR HES LIKE
“my belladonna, do you want to accompany me in the world’s most beautiful double suicide?”
yeah. no
when he has a crush, he really wants to act like it doesn’t bother him or he acts like he’s smitten with any other woman
BUT HE’S NOT- he’s whipped and he doesn’t know how to contain it
visibly tries to flirt w other women while ur there (not to get u jealous but so he can get his mind off of the fact that you’re right there)
don’t get me wrong he flirts with you too and it annoys the fuck out of kunikida
“y/n! you’re back! i’m sure you’re tired, lovely, so let’s go sleep together forever-”
“dazai u fucking menace-”
i feel like he doesn’t do the “big event confession thing” it's more of a gradual thing?
he’ll definitely ask u out on a date, but makes it seem like it's just any other day type of date so u agree
but he invites you to so many more dates
which makes u go like “are these dates dates or just friend dates?”
then he smiles “what do you want them to be, hm?”
“huh?” you reply, squinting at dazai, who’s currently seated in front of you at a small cafe you both frequent.
“well,” he starts, taking your hand and placing it on top of his while the other runs its thumb across your knuckles, and you think it’s another stupid invitation at a double suicide, “i’ve been asking you on dates and you’ve been agreeing, so i guess these are dates?”
he’s been asking you out to dates? was this his plan all along? to make you feel like you’re the one who needs to confess to him when really he’s dying to confess to you but doesn’t want to be the first to talk in fear of rejection?
or maybe he just wants to poke fun at you for liking him back.
“i… i guess they are.”
“we’re dating! you’re so sneaky, my love, not knowing we’re dating even if you were the one to agree to it.”
“i thought it was a friend date!”
┊❛ edogawa ranpo ❜┊
there’s only two ways i see ranpo acting when he has a crush
one, he’s overly proud and boasting of his charms when his crush is around and is isnt against showing off for their approval
two, he’s embarrassed and flustered and cant even show off even if he wants to because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself in front of you. he’s quiet and weirdly normal
either way, he doesn’t want to be the one who confesses. sorry man he can’t do it
well, not that he can’t do it, he just doesn’t want to
why would HE have to confess his love when YOU can do it? i mean, he is the greatest detective of all time, who wouldn’t have a crush on him?
if u do like him, then u must be damn good at hiding it because he doesn’t know
or he doesn’t want to know, because he’s scared of knowing the truth (that maybe u just dont like him like that yknow?)
so he just stares at you when he can, but when u look at his direction and ask him what’s wrong, he pretends to be lost in thought and only coincidentally faced your way 😭🙏
he’ll be very frustrated tho, because he wants to talk to u and say that ure cute and he wants you to say that hes cute and idk
hold ur hand?? let him sit on ur lap?? all those stuff
he can’t do that when u think he’s just a friend :((
so he just does it in the most subtle way he can
you look over to ranpo, whos gesturing you to sit beside him at his desk.
“hm? what is it?”
he opens up a drawer that holds all of his candy bars and sweets that have varying colors in neon and pastel, pulling out a few of them then closing it shut. he lays them in front of you then returns to his video game.
“those are for you.”
you were hesitant to receive the candy bars, but you saw the packaging and smiled. they were sweethearts and chocolate bars.
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╰─▸ ❝ @[akutails]'s work is not open to reposts, plagiarism, and the likes. (09/22/22). taglist: @sips-tea-cutely, @njisano, @atsucafe.
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multifandomhaven · 7 months
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Part I
A/N: So here's the second chapter of Bodyguard. I'm excited to see where this goes, bc honestly right now I don't have everything planned out, I'm just going with the flow. Let me know what you think :)
Y/N pushed her glasses further up on the bridge of her nose, sighing as she attempted to get more comfortable in the chair she'd deemed her work-from-home space. She was pouring through the files that had been sent from her office, signing off on some of the easier cases - shots, medicines, things of the like. She had secured a fill-in veterinary student - the very top of his class - to administer the injections while she healed.
Her fingers were tapping over the keys of the laptop, her eyes never leaving the screen. She was very aware of the presence on the sofa before her, cerulean eyes scanning over her as she worked. She glanced up over the top of her screen, meeting his eyes.
"You know you don't have to stare at me the whole time," Y/N spoke, deciding the silence had gone on long enough. "I don't think I'm going to disappear if you find something else to do."
John shook his head, his hands clasped over his stomach as he sat. "Just doing my job, Miss."
Y/N suppressed a shiver, distaste for the pleasantry. "Don't call me miss, it makes me feel old."
John cocked a brow at her. "You're not old."
"I know," she replied. "But the next thing I know you'll be trying to start with ma'am. Just call me Y/N. Or Bunny."
"Okay," John relented easily. "Just doing my job, Bunny."
Y/N smiled, happy with her win. "Thank you."
They sat in silence for most of the day, the distinct sound of keys being pressed filling the room. John had finally decided to turn something on the television, a more than welcome background noise for them both. He had turned on a soccer match, something that the veterinarian had no idea about, and was thoroughly absorbed.
A deep, irritated groan filled the room and Bunny's head shot up, not expecting the sound that barreled from him. He was sitting straight up, his eyes zeroed in on the screen. "Fuckin' muppet."
"What is it?" she asked, confused by the sudden change. She glanced over at the television, trying to figure out what had happened, but it was just a bunch of players crowded around, pushing and pulling at each other. "Did someone get hurt?"
John shook his head with a sigh. "No, just a stupid call."
"Wow, you're a dedicated fan, huh?" Bunny asks, her brow furrowed. "I didn't take you for a soccer guy."
"I'm not a fan of soccer," John almost glares at her, his eyes flashing. "It's football."
"Not in America," she bites back a laugh. "Maybe across the pond."
John sighs and mumbles. "Where everything makes a little more sense."
A little while later, after the game had finished, a loud grumble came from Y/N's stomach. Her eyes widened and she looked up at John, placing her hand over the offending noise. Her cheeks burned at just how loud it had been - she hadn't realized that she'd gone all day without so much as a bite of food.
"Hungry?" John's lips curled beneath his mustache.
Y/N nodded. "Let me just get a few more cases out of the way and then I'll eat."
"Not happening," John said, authority coloring his words. "I'm here to keep you safe, can't do that if you fall over from starvation."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "I won't starve from not eating for a few hours. I've gone longer than that at work."
"Not with me," John informs her. "Your aunt is trusting me with your care. I don't take that lightly."
"Fine," she grumbled. She saved her work and closed the screen on her laptop, placing the device on the table beside her. She braced herself for the task of getting out of her seat, dread coursing through her veins as she realized it wasn't going to be easy. Her body was aching and, although not completely broken, one of her ribs had been fractured.
"Damn it," she hissed through her teeth as she raised to her full height. Tears flooded her eyes but she blinked them back, the pain slowly subsiding as she stood there. "I swear I'm not a wuss."
"Never said you were," he said, his lips pressed into a tight line. "You okay now?"
"Yeah," she told him. "It just... takes me a minute."
Slowly, she made her way into the kitchen of her apartment. She rifled through her freezer, trying to find the easiest meal she could, and grinned when she found a frozen pizza stashed in the back. She pulled it out, carefully, so as not to upset her rib more. She busied herself preheating the oven and finding her pizza pan, but the more she stood and moved the more the nagging pain in her side intensified. She was all but huffing when John came to check on her.
"Damn it, woman," he tutted behind her, a gentle hand on her lower back trying to guide her back to the living room. "Go sit down, I can make a blood pizza."
Y/N turned her neck to glare at him. "I'm perfectly capable of making it."
"More than," he agreed, his gruff voice right in her ear. "But you need to sit down and rest. Get back to normal as quickly as possible, yeah?"
The woman frowned, knowing he was right, but not wanting to admit it. She felt a twinge of defiance toward him. "If I go sit am I still allowed to work?"
John's stare was blank and he was unamused. "No. You've done enough work today. Isn't your office closed by now, anyway?"
She glanced at the clock on the stove - it was five o'clock, and her office was indeed closed. She pursed her lips but said nothing.
"Go sit down," he all but commanded her. "I'll chuck the pizza in and bring you an icepack."
"Fine," she sighed, stopping by her medicine cabinet and grabbing a bottle of ibuprofen. "Just so you know, I don't like to lose an argument," she told him.
"Neither does Kate," he told her with a grin, "but she also knows when she's wrong. Now go sit."
If she was able she would've stomped her way back to the living room, but the pain prevented her from doing so. She decided to sit on the couch, which was better for watching TV than the chair, and grabbed a pillow, pressing it against her chest to help with the ache. It wasn't long before John came into the room, an icepack in hand. He held it out to her, almost as if it were a peace offering.
"Don't put it directly on your skin," he advised her softly. "Do you have something to take your meds with?"
She shook her head no, reaching out to take the icepack. "Thank you."
"doing your job," she finished for him, looking up at him from her seated spot on the sofa. "It's almost like I've heard that somewhere before..."
"Cheeky," John noted as he crossed his arms over his wide chest, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'll be back with the pizza."
A few minutes later he strolled into the room, two plates in hand. He had cut the pizza - for a military-trained man a little haphazardly - and threw two pieces on each of their plates. He sat hers onto her lap, making sure she had a hold on it before releasing his grip. "What would you like to drink?"
"A water is fine," she said quietly, a feeling of shame settled deep in her bones. She hated being coddled. John turned to retrieve their beverages when she spoke up. "Could you bring the ranch dressing, too?"
John stopped, his back stiff. He turned his neck to see her, a barely contained look of disgust on his face. "Ranch dressing?"
"You know what ranch is, I'm sure," she said, puzzled by his reaction to her request.
He nodded, turning to face her fully. "Of course I do," he said, "but eating it on pizza?"
Y/N tapped her finger on the side of her plate. "Uh, yeah? What about it?"
"It's a crime," he told her seriously. "A crime against food."
A laugh bubbled from her lips, pain exploding through her torso. She gasped and pressed the pillow tighter against her, "Ow, ow..."
John watched her silently, his hands coming out to steady her. "You alright?"
She nodded. "I'm okay."
"All this over some dressing," he mumbled, his hands still on her upper arms.
Y/N glanced up at him through her lashes, the pain slowly ebbing. "You have no idea what you're missing."
"Fuckin' Americans," he mumbled under his breath, but still loud enough for her to hear, and then straightened his back and disappeared into the kitchen. They ate in silence, watching reruns on the television as they shared their first meal together. John grimaced a bit when she dipped her pizza in the white dressing and took a large bite of it. She chewed it with the beginning of a smile, noticing him watching her eat.
"Don't judge me," she said around her bite of food. "It's so good."
John shook his head. "I'll take your word for it."
"Try it," she encouraged him, holding her plate out to him to dip his slice. "It'll change your life."
He pulled his plate away from her, protecting his food from hers. "I'm good, thanks."
"C'mon," she pressured. "One bite and I'll shut up."
He shook his head. "I've gone my whole life without having it, I think I'll pass."
"A life without ranch," she mused. "What a sad existence."
He shook his head and went back to watching the television as she continued to happily eat her ranch-covered pizza. Once they had finished and John had taken the plates to the sink they simply sat and relaxed. Y/N was curled against one side of the sofa while John sat on the opposite side, his legs spread wide. It was comfortable, Y/N realized, having someone here with her. She didn't think she'd warm up to him this quickly, but she saw what her aunt liked about the Captain.
"So how long have you known Aunt Kate?" Y/N asked suddenly, her curiosity taking over. "She's never really said a lot about you."
John looked over at her, studying her question. "A long time."
"Wow," she said sarcastically, "such an enlightening answer."
John sighed and looked to be thinking about whether he should tell her or not. "It's been over ten years, at least."
"Ten years," Y/N repeated. She was quiet for a beat and then asked, "So how old are you?"
"Old enough," he answered simply. "Why does it make any difference?"
"Because I want to know," she said, tampering down the urge to throw something at him. "Do you ever give a straight answer?"
John smirked and shrugged. "When the situation calls for it."
"That's really annoying," Y/N pointed out. "That's fine, I'll just guess, then. I like guessing games." She hummed as she thought, looking over him. He had flecks of gray at his temples, but his face gave nothing away. "I'm going to say that...you aren't forty yet?"
"That isn't a guess," he chuckled, "that's another question."
"Don't be like that," she groaned. "I'll tell you my age if you tell me yours."
"I already know your age," he told her simply. "Your aunt told me the basics before I came."
"Fine," she huffed, rolling her eyes at him. "Be boring."
John fought back a smile, but he softened under her agitated gaze. "I'm not yet forty."
Y/N gave him a blinding grin, her eyes crinkling. "See, now that wasn't so hard was it?"
An amused hum left him, and he shook his head. "No, but it's so fun to watch you get angry."
She opened her mouth to retort, but a shrill ring from her cellphone cut her off. She dug it out of her pocket as gently as she could and looked at the screen. "It's Aunt Kate."
Before answering the video call she straightened her hair and wiped her mouth, making sure she'd gotten all remnants of pizza off her face.
"Hey Kate," she greeted, fighting the urge to flinch as she saw the bruising on her face.
"Bunny," Kate replied, seated in her office. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm feeling better," Y/N smiled softly, touched by her aunt's concern. "I managed to squeeze in a little work today."
"Don't overdo it, you're supposed to be resting," Kate warned her seriously. "Is everything going okay with John?"
John eyed the phone at the mention of his name. "Everything's fine, Laswell."
"Good to hear," Kate replied. "I'm glad everything is going smoothly."
Y/N took a deep breath, not wanting to ask but needing an answer at the same time. "Have you found out anything about the men who attacked me?"
"Not yet," Kate told her. "Just give me time, Bunny. I will find them."
Y/N's heart beat rapidly, she felt it in every nerve in her body. She swallowed down her anxiety and gave her aunt a small, forced smile. "I know you will."
"I'll call you back when I get more news," Kate assured her. "Get some rest, okay?"
Y/N promised and disconnected the call. She stared at her phone, her mind racing - she had made a conscious effort not to think about the violence that had been inflicted on her just a day prior, trying to push it from her mind completely. She didn't want to live in fear, and while it hadn't been easy she'd managed.
Work and the man beside her had kept her thoughts busy, but now...
"What's going on in that head of yours, eh?" John asked her, genuinely curious. "You haven't been this quiet all evening."
She sighed, picking at her cuticles. "Just thinking."
"Vague answer," he replied.
She looked at him through the corner of her eye. "Like you have any room to talk."
"Touche," John smiled at her. "Really, what are you thinking?"
"I just hope we get them," she admitted quietly. "I don't like feeling vulnerable. Scared in my own home, scared to go to work."
"That's why I'm here," John said, his eyes softening. "I won't let them hurt you, not again."
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tortoisebore · 7 months
please please can we get a post of remus calling sirius baby for the first time bc im obsessed and want to know every detail about sirius’ outfit and how it went down
YES YES YES 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
Remus was too drunk for this. Well—maybe drunk was the wrong word. His blood alcohol level was probably still somewhere in the realm of tipsy, but his brain was sluggish. Slow-moving. A disastrous combination of desire and want and pure, unadulterated filth. His limbs felt heavy and too-long as he stood slouched against the wall, gripping an empty glass hard enough to be absently worried it would shatter in his hand. Watching.  Lily had described the place as a bar but it felt more like a club, all low, colorful lights and blaring music, an open space in the middle of the room and tall tables lining the walls. It was loud, Remus was just on the drunk side of tipsy, and Sirius was a fucking dream. 
All things considered, Remus had done a really great job of being normal up until an hour or so ago. He hadn’t lost his shit when Sirius appeared at his door in a giant gray coat with his hair up, tied messily off his neck, fully flaunting the faint bruise Remus had left below his ear two days before. That damn glitter was on his eyes again, catching the light and working in tandem with the faint smudgy black lining his lashes to make his eyes look less gray and more glowing, molten silver. Remus had nearly fallen to his knees, had nearly said 'fuck it' and yanked Sirius inside instead of following through with the going out plan, but he’d been very regular about it—just choked out a simple little ‘you look nice,’ swallowing hard when Sirius smiled sweetly and took his hand as they traipsed down the stairs and out of the building. 
Then they’d arrived at the bar, and Sirius had slipped his coat off, and Remus’ poor, piece of shit brain had immediately broken. 
So now here he was, fighting for his life standing around a table in the corner, unable to wrench his eyes away from the three-inch strip of bare skin on Sirius’ stomach while he waited for drinks at the bar. He was wearing a short, black tee shirt with an open back over some see-through, lacy thing that hugged his waist, showing off the tail end of the dagger tattoo on his stomach and the beginnings of the vines on his hips before they disappeared beneath straight-legged black pants that fit so perfectly Remus could have cried. He was leaned up against the bar artfully, tapping the toe of his platform boot against the floor, chatting idly with Marlene while they waited for the bartender. 
Remus thought he might be drooling.
Sirius had been flitting between the bar and the dance floor and their table in the corner all night, leaving Remus with a never-ending supply of drinks and all these evil, lingering touches, whispers near his ear disguised as kisses on his cheek that twisted his gut and made his fingers itch to touch and grab and hold. This thing between them was still new, only a couple weeks old, and Remus was really really trying to reign himself in, but god, he wanted to touch. Wanted to bite and lick and taste, felt drunk on desire more than liquor by the time Sirius came back with two more neon-colored drinks in sweaty glasses. 
“Yours,” he chirped over the music, finally, finally sliding in close and depositing Remus’ drink on the sticky tabletop. Remus eyed him as he sipped at his straw, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes. It was blatantly obvious that Sirius knew exactly what he was doing, and that it was working. Remus glanced around, watched Marlene saunter off to join Dorcas across the room, and slipped a hand around Sirius’ waist, backing himself into the wall and pulling Sirius with him.
“You look…” he started, shamelessly trailing his eyes down and then back up Sirius’ frame, shaking his head with a sigh when every word he could think of fell short of the actual ethereal being currently pressed up against him. 
“I look what?” Sirius prodded, sliding his drink onto the table without looking, snaking his arms up Remus’ chest and around his shoulders, a smug, sly sort of smile tugging at his stained, cherry-red lips. 
Remus was too fucking drunk for this.
He managed to get a hand to Sirius’ jaw, tipping his head back just enough to brush their lips together, reveling in the hitched breath it pulled from his throat. 
“You look fucking perfect,” he muttered, letting Sirius lean in only to pull back. Remus’ vision was swirling, heart thundering in his chest when Sirius gave a quiet little whine of complaint, dragging blunt nails across the back of his neck. Remus gave in, let him press a too-short, too-soft kiss to his lips before tilting Sirius’ head to the side, mouthing down his jaw to get at that faint little bruise beneath his ear and nipping at it softly, eyes fluttering closed at the taste of his skin, speaking before he could think. “You’re killing me over here, baby.”
Fuck—his stomach dropped instantly. He’d never said that before, never used any kind of pet name for Sirius at all, and it felt foreign in his mouth, foreign to his ears, settled badly in his stomach when Sirius let out a sharp exhale and reeled back. Remus was prepared to pretend it had never happened, maybe blame it on those neon colored drinks that kept appearing in his hands—but the words died on his tongue. 
Sirius’ eyes were wide, flicking back and forth fast between his own, cheeks flushed a pretty pink. Remus waited, watched Sirius look down at his lips and then back up, and barely heard him breathe, “Say it again,” over the music.
He hesitated, studied Sirius’ face carefully to make sure he wasn’t reading it all wrong, and teased, “You’re killing me over here?”
Sirius shook his head, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “The other thing.”
“What?” Remus asked, dragging a thumb down his jaw, the desire to sink through the floor disappearing into thin air as he watched Sirius’ pupils dilate, felt his fingers trip up to tug at his hair. “Baby?”
Sirius nodded, pulling him in close and speaking low. “Yeah,” he smiled, “that one.”
Remus kissed him, had to, pulled him in with two hands on the side of his neck and bit at his lower lip, tasted artificial cherry and vodka and felt his stomach drop when Sirius gave a sweet little whine, pulling back just enough to speak.
“Again,” he whispered, melting further into Remus’ chest, looking up at him with that smug little grin that made his heart stutter. 
“Baby,” Remus repeated, kissing him again, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck, brain working overdrive, whirring loud in his ears. “My perfect, pretty baby.”
Sirius let loose a string of colorful curses that made Remus laugh before he was pulled in again. Sirius was seemingly entirely finished with teasing—kissed him hard and bit at his lip and slid his hands heavily back down his chest. He pulled away after several long moments, a deep flush staining his cheeks, and gave Remus a look.
“Don’t drink anymore,” he ordered, a secret sort of smile playing at the corner of his mouth. Remus’ skin tingled, heat racing down his spine.
“No?” he smirked, instantly grabbing for Sirius’ hand to keep him close when he stepped back. 
“No.” He reached across the table and grabbed an abandoned water on the other side—James’, most likely—sipping at it instead of the bright red drink he’d just brought over. "We should go to yours after this."
Remus was very, very on board with that.
The Outfit™️
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ggwritesstuff · 2 years
Make Me Purple
pairing: elvis presley x wife!reader
content warnings: smut!! minors dni!, a little bit of public play, fingering, unprotected sex, breeding kink, a dash of degradation, probably missing some so pls proceed with caution
a/n: apparently whenever i write smut it’s always gotta be a slow burn LOL. i really like this one tbh it’s a little goofy, a little fluffy
a/n 2: ok so i’m done with it and just read it over and i am unsure about it but i’m posting it anyways bc yolo either way please leave some feedback <333
can be read either with elvis or austin!elvis in mind :)
read part 2 here!
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You were sat next to Elvis during another one of the weekly meetings to discuss anything about the show. You didn’t really want to be there, it was late and you were tired but Elvis begged you to tag along; it’s nearly impossible to say no to him when he’s got his lips hot against your neck.
The meeting seemed to drag on for hours and you were getting sleepy, so you absentmindedly rested your head on Elvis’ shoulder. He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze in response. You thought nothing of the gesture until you felt the subtle dance of his fingertips inching further and further up your thigh. You moved your hand to cover his in an attempt to stop him from trying anything in the middle of this meeting, but the strength of just his one hand had overpowered you and was already tracing a finger outside of your panties. You tried to swat his hand away but to no avail, he continued what he was doing, and doing so with slightly more pressure now. It began to take effect on you and you had to bite down on your lip to keep yourself quiet. It became increasingly difficult as Elvis had slipped your panties to the side so he could tease his fingers at your entrance.
“You alright, y/n? Lookin’ a little pale over there.” A voice spoke from across the table, catching both yours and Elvis’ attention. “EP, why don’t you and your girl get some rest? We’ll catch up with you tomorrow.”
Elvis carefully and inconspicuously moved your now uncomfortably drenched panties back into place. “Thanks, Jer.” He stood up. “C’mon love, let’s get you in bed.” Elvis winked and presented his hand for you to take before you stood from your seat. He’s lucky he did because you felt like your knees could give out from under you.
You both bid your good nights to the crew and silently walked out the door. Once you were sure you were out of earshot, you stopped Elvis in the middle of the hallway with a light and playful hit to the shoulder. “Elvis Aron Presley! Are you out of your damn mind playing with me like that when your daddy’s not three feet away?” You scolded through giggles.
“What? I was bored! We would’ve been there all night if little Mrs. Presley wasn’t lookin’ so pale!” He defended himself, quickly tiring of your halted position in the hallway and picking you up to toss you over his shoulder like a rag doll. You didn’t even bother protesting. “Now lets go, mama, gotta give you some of that color you’re missin’.” He said as he carted you off to the suite, landing a playful spank on your bottom.
“Ooh, I like colors! Can you give me purple?” You said innocently, purposely making yourself sound a bit like a bimbo.
Elvis fumbled with the room key before damn near kicking the door open and tossing you onto the bed. “I think I could make it happen, angel.” He smirked, already hovering over you and diving into the crook of your neck. You felt his plush lips first, and then you felt him biting and suckling at your sensitive skin. He smiled against your neck when he felt you shiver beneath him.
“Already makin’ some pretty colors on you. Come look, baby.” Elvis pulled away and marveled at the marks he’s left on you. He pulled you up from the bed and lead you to the mirror. With one arm holding you from behind, Elvis had the other arm exposing your neck in the mirror and directing your gaze to his work.
“Don’t get all bashful on me now, sweetheart. Take a look.” He gently grabbed you by the jaw when he noticed your shy eyes wandering away from the reflection in front of you. “Lookin’ so pretty with a necklace like that on you.” Elvis complimented.
He loved to leave his mark on you, and he loved that it acted as a sign that read ‘private property of Elvis Presley’. You loved it just as much as he did. You loved that he wanted everyone to know that you were his girl.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt both of his hands fall to your hips, so strong and calloused from years of dedicated musicianship. He gripped them tightly and pressed himself against you. “Drives me crazy seein’ you like that.” He whispered so sultrily in your ear, now grinding ever so slightly into you while sliding the straps of your dress off your shoulder. The dress was already loose, his body pinned up against you was the only thing keeping it up.
Elvis pushed you forward just a bit to let gravity finish undressing you, quickly assuming his place against you once the soft fabric had pooled around your feet. You saw him smirk in the reflection of the mirror when your bare breasts were exposed, your nipples already reacting to the change in temperature and the growing arousal. “Thought I saw somethin’ under that little dress of yours.” He whispered against your ear, taking one of your nipples into his fingers and pinching it just hard enough to elicit a soft moan from you. He was still holding you impossibly close against him, you glanced at him in the mirror to find that the gorgeous blue irises of his are nearly nonexistent in this moment. The black of his pupils dominated his eyes as he fell deeper into his lust for you.
That look in his eyes did something to you. It enveloped you wholly and any sense of composure and self control you still had was thrown to the wind. You quickly turned around to face him, snaking your arms around the back of his neck before jumping into his arms, confident that he’d catch you, and he did. Your ass rested on his forearms as you moved in to kiss him hungrily, all of his teasing coming to a head. Elvis leaned into it and matched your neediness, sliding his tongue to meet yours as he sat back down on the mattress. He placed you so that you had one leg on each side of him, straddling him. At this point, you began to feel his length beneath you. He rocked his hips ever so slightly into you and you took this as your sign to grind yourself down onto him, a groan rumbled in his chest at the new sensation.
“Fuckin’ hell, angel, you got me feelin’ like a hormonal teenager again.” Elvis broke the kiss to press his forehead to yours, his usually strong and confident voice was now laced with aching need.
“You’ve got too many clothes on.” You noted as you tangled your fingers into his hair, tugging at the roots just a tad. He reached between your bodies to undo the few buttons he had done on his shirt and shrugged it off. As soon as he did, you pulled yourself as close to him as humanly possible, feeling his warmth radiate from his bare chest to yours.
This level of skin to skin contact felt overwhelmingly intimate. You were used to sex with Elvis being hot and rough; needy hands and mouths grabbing and latching onto whatever skin it could find fastest. While in this moment it was all still very needy and desperate, it was also slow, cherishing and careful. You could feel the beating of his heart on your own chest. You felt closer and more connected to your new husband than ever before. You basked in this feeling for a moment, resting your forehead against his and embracing the warmth he provided.
It wasn’t long before Elvis had flipped your position so that you were now on your back. He stood between your thighs that were still loosely wrapped around his hips, beginning to remove his remaining clothing.
You gazed up at the man above you, astonished that he’s actually your husband. “I’m so damn lucky.” You mused adoringly.
He closed the gap between you and went for your neck again, “I’m the lucky one here, darlin’.” He mumbled against your skin with a smirk, it set every last nerve of yours ablaze with desire; you shuddered beneath him once again. Now that he’s fully bare, you can feel how painfully hard he is as he lays on top of you, grinding himself right against you. The friction made a small moan tumble off your lips.
There was nothing Elvis loved more than knowing how riled up he’s got you, even if he’s hardly touched you. He moved to then drag his tip from your clit down to your entrance, mixing his leaked precum with your arousal and spreading it.
“El, baby, please, no more teasing.” You whined at the sensation.
He continued to taunt you, resting the tip of his cock at your entrance, “Aw, you sure honey? You’re makin’ some pretty noises f’me.”
“Please-“ You begged as you attempted to maneuver your hips in a way that would just slip him right in, but he jerked his hips back before you could pull him where you desperately needed him the most. You must’ve looked and sounded pathetic.
He clicked his tongue at your desperate attempt. “Patience, darl- oh fuck.” Elvis interrupted himself when your patience grew thin and you pushed his cock inside you by pulling him in with your legs, crying out in relief of finally being full. He stilled himself inside of you to get his bearings, letting out an impressed chuckle.
“Needy needy girl,” he tutted before he swiftly began fucking into you. Your hands flew to his shoulders with a yelp, digging your nails into his skin and raking them down his back.
The intimacy you felt earlier from holding each other close together had quickly dissipated and turned animalistic. There was no time for embellishments anymore. His thrusts were rough, hard, and fast, but precise enough to make sure you felt every last inch of him. His head fell to the crook of your neck as a deep groan vibrated in his chest.
“So damn tight for me, angel. Feels so fuckin’ good when you’re squeezin’ around me like that.” He muttered between his thrusts, each of which repeatedly slamming against your g-spot and making you scream so loud that the entire hotel could’ve heard you.
You heard fragments of thoughts and praise fall from Elvis’ mouth as he continued his assault on your aching pussy.
“Takin’ this dick so well, my good girl.”
“My perfect little slut.”
His words combined with the relentless snap of his hips against yours made you dizzy. You looked up at him through your lashes, hardly able to keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. He let out a dark laugh as his fingers continued to dig into your hips. “Look at you, mama, all fucked out under me.��� He comments.
It was all just too much. Your entire body was overwhelmed, each of Elvis’ thrusts was just pushing you further and further to the edge until you felt like you couldn’t hold back anymore. “Fuckfuckfuck El, keep talking like that, gonna make me cum.” You panted, strengthening the grip your legs held around his torso to keep him as close as possible.
“Aw, you like hearing me talk while I’m ruining this pussy, angel?” His hand went to your throat, directing your gaze right onto him and cutting off your circulation just enough to make you see stars, you nodded in his grip. “My dirty angel.” He grunts out. “Fuckin’ squeezing my cock like you don’t want me to pull out- you’d like that wouldn’t ya.” His thrusts became harsher as he neared his own release. The thought of him cumming inside you was your breaking point.
“Shit- No, don’t pull out, want you to keep me full.” You whined as he lowered his head to meet your forehead once again, lips just mere centimeters away.
“Yeah? Gonna make me a daddy, angel?” He asked breathlessly.
“Wanna make you a daddy, El. Fuck-“ You uttered, the coil in your belly finally snapping. With your confirmation, Elvis’ hips stuttered as he released his load in you with a loud grunt. He collapsed next to you, absolutely drunk on the fact that you finally let him cum in you.
“You mean it?” He asked shyly after he caught his breath, taking your hand into his.
“I mean it, honey.” You reassured him, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
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wisteria-cherry · 11 months
forty days and forty nights (day three!)
(i’m gonna call u guys cherry blossoms bc it’s cute and i like it)
(hello my little cherry blossoms welcome to day three! i’m slowly beginning to stretch out a timeline here of stuff that’s gonna happen to you >:D suffer /j)
(read them all here!)
you watch the clock closely. it’s another slow day, and it’s only three minutes until dynamight arrives and you can confirm that it’s indeed his routine now.
you make a lap around, asking anyone if they’d like anything else to drink or eat (mrs. hatsugawa, the sweet old lady who came in somewhat often but was now here almost every day since her husband died, asked for a refill on her tea and a scone but everyone else seemed content.)
two minutes.
you take mrs. hatsugawa’s teacup and fill it to the brim with her favorite oolong tea, setting it on the counter before taking a scone from the display case, tucking it in one of the small paper bags that accompanied pastries. you take the tea and the scone to mrs. hatsugawa, smiling as she thanked you.
one minute.
you return to the counter, cleaning it off for what must’ve been the billionth time that day.
forty-five seconds.
you finish cleaning the counter and toss the rag under the counter.
seventeen seconds.
the minute hand on the clock moved, and the bells jingled.
“welcome,” you chirp as dynamight walked in.
dynamight wore typical fall attire, however, this time he wore a black face mask instead of a scarf. he glanced behind him through the glass on the door before pulling the mask down, a deep scowl on his face.
“fuckin’ paparazzi.” he muttered irritatedly, nearly stomping up to the counter.
“medium black coffee?” you smiled at him. his scowl let up ever so slightly.
“yeah.” he grunted in response, sitting in his usual seat as you pour his drink. you slide it over to him, leaning on the spotless counter.
“paparazzi, huh?” you said. dynamight grunted incoherently in response, ever the wordsmith.
“yeah. fuckin’ hate the damn reporters ‘n shit.” he grumbled.
“being famous must be hard.” you muse. “i bet you’re hardly able to sit down and have a meal in public by yourself, huh?”
“yeah.” dynamight said again, expression darkening. “i went to my favorite spicy ramen place the other day and got fuckin’ bombarded.” you laugh at the pun, unintentional as it may have been. dynamight didn’t seem to realize.
“the hell’re you laughing about?” he glared at you.
“bombarded, huh?” you grin. he stared for a moment, before snorting and rolling his eyes. his scowl softened, which you assumed was the closest you’d get to a smile.
“there’s no way in hell you actually find that funny.” dynamight clicked his tongue.
“guilty as charged.” you hum. “so, why the mask, anyway? don’t you usually wear a scarf?”
“yeah, scarves cover move of my face.” dynamight took a drink from his coffee. “but it’s too damn warm out to wear one inconspicuously.”
“is it warm outside?” you ask curiously, turning your attention to the scenery outside the doors. it did look fairly nice outside, with brightly colored leaves riding the wind across the sidewalk and the sun shining down happily on the city.
“yeah, real warm for this time of year.” dynamight glanced outside, although more likely than not he was checking for reporters instead of admiring the weather.
“that’s good to hear. maybe it’ll be a warmer winter this year.” you pondered.
“that’d be good.” dynamight agreed.
“do you like hot weather, dynamight?” you ask curiously.
“yeah. real good for my quirk. makes me strong as fuck.” his lips twitched, daring to become a smirk.
“how does your quirk work?” you turn your attention away from outside and back to dynamight. dynamight opened the fist that didn’t hold his coffee and glanced at it briefly.
“i sweat nitroglycerin from my palms.” he answers, a twinge of pride in his voice. “and i can blow ‘em up on command.”
“that’s pretty cool.” you smile. “i’m kind of curious, though— what’re your parents’ quirks?”
“my old hag’s skin produces glycerin.” dynamight answered stiffly. “and my old man’s palms secrete acidic sweat.”
“you won the genetic lottery, then.” you smile. “can your dad make explosions too?”
“hell no.” dynamight scoffed. “it’ll make sparks if he gets enough friction going, but other than that it’s useless.”
“and your mom? does her quirk do anything beyond what it does?”
“just makes her look younger than she is.” dynamight scowled, as though he didn’t like this.
“is that a bad thing?” you ask, taking notice.
“it is when you’re shopping with her and some dumbfuck asks if your sister is single.” dynamight’s scowl deepens. you stifle your laughter immediately.
“did that really happen?” you say in between muffled giggles.
“shut the hell up!” dynamight snapped. “god, i don’t know why the fuck i tell you this shit.” you shrug. it’s not like you knew either. the two of you are silent for a few moments. dynamight sips at his coffee as you try desperately to think of something to talk about.
“are you always in here alone, or what?” dynamight breaks the silence. you weren’t expecting him to; he never seemed as though he wanted to talk. it wasn’t as though he were against talking or anything. he just… put up with it, letting you be curious.
“oh. um.” you blink, caught off guard, but regaining your composure in seconds. “no. i’m alone today. but yesterday and the day before, my coworkers were just in the back, either baking or on break.”
“they shoulda been out here, you’re annoying as shit.” dynamight scoffed, although there wasn’t any real malice behind his words.
“i’m just curious about you is all.”
“is that a bad thing?”
<- previous next->
(feel free to comment + leave ur thoughts :)
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kirythestitchwitch · 7 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Freaky Friday Time Travel fic - Part 2
Okay so FFTT fic won the poll so here you go! I gave an extra amount bc I couldn't decide a reasonable place to stop. Picks up after this snippet.
While her vampire hearing might have been bogged down by the noise in the Square, she was annoyingly attuned to Klaus’ presence. His parting words reached her easily: “Someday, you will.”
She had gone to lunch grumpy and while fortunately Matt had accepted her grumbled explanation of having run into the hybrid menace–he agreed that would put anyone in a bad mood–she hadn’t quite been able to shake the vague itch that sat under her skin as she helped Matt struggle through algebra.
Even before Elena had been assisted into mind-wiping her whole personality, it felt like the only times she’d been needed were to attempt to twist Klaus around her finger, and those all had middling results that usually left her staring at her ceiling that night instead of sleeping. And now that Klaus wasn’t the worst monster in town–at least from her perspective–she hadn’t gotten a lot of calls recently. Maybe that was why she was so eager to help Matt: it was nice to feel needed.
And maybe that was the reason she had gone over to Klaus’ house when he’d blown up her phone with eleventy billion messages. Not that he’d freaked her out with his half-coherent voicemails. It was already a betrayal in several ways that she agreed to be friends with him. Admitting she cared? She tried to imagine what Tyler would say, his mom’s murderer friends with his girlfriend.
By the time she left the grill, Matt was consistently getting the correct answers on the tougher equations, and she’d worked herself into a ball of stress that only a hemoglobin juice pouch could sate.
Now, staring down at the small cardboard box on the porch swing, Caroline wondered what game Klaus was trying to play. Was he trying to make up for being a bit of a dick–okay, not really, but it’s the principle of the thing–the last time they spoke? If it was Klaus.
A ripped piece of sketch paper was taped to the top and she tugged it free. Her name was printed in Klaus’ bold handwriting, and she sighed. Picking up the box, she let herself into the house. Once in her room, she set the box on her vanity and told herself sternly she would deal with it later. Both AP Bio and AP Calculus finals were tomorrow and she needed to study. Really needed to study.
Pulling her books out of her school bag, she arranged herself comfortably on her bed, shoes off, color-coded notebooks at hand, rubber-banded stacks of flashcards at her hip. She put on soothing lo-fi as background music; she was ready.
Caroline’s resolve lasted an unfortunate seven minutes before she was pulling a pair of scissors out of her vanity and cutting the tape keeping the box closed. Pulling the flaps back revealed cottony packing fluff that she began pulling out until at last the real contents of the box were revealed. Nestled in more fluff, a thick chain with a chunky triangular prism on it sat in the box. It was old, the prism framed in gold. 
“Oh wow,” she murmured, picking it up by the chain and dangling it in front of her face. The stone was some kind of iridescent green with small cracks in it, and the frame of the pendant had markings on it. “That is… really ugly.” It rotated in the light from her lamp, and what looked like writing was down one side. Caroline put out a hand to move it back to get a better look at it, but the moment her fingers connected with the pendant, they stuck.
An odd whooshing filled her ears, and the light in her room must have popped because her vision went white.
“Oh shit!” She blinked rapidly, hoping she could see something, anything, while she shook her hand, trying to dislodge the necklace. Whatever magic bullshit was going on, she was going to kill Klaus when she got her hands on him, white oak stake be damned.
A pulse slammed through her and it almost felt like she fell past someone, and then she stumbled back and slammed into something that felt like bars. The necklace fell away from her hand and clattered to the floor; she left it there. Sparkles were dancing in her vision, slowly clearing into the view of an expensive-looking bedroom through a balcony door. She could see a large bed and a chaise lounge next to a bookshelf, another door that looked like it led to an en suite. It could have been an expensive apartment or a fancy hotel room, it was hard to tell. None of it looked familiar, and it certainly wasn’t in Mystic Falls. It didn’t even look American, that look that comes from being several hundred years old that few still occupied buildings had.
Pushing herself up against the balcony, Caroline turned around to take in the view and gasped. In the distance, the Eiffel Tower lit up the night horizon, the glow of a thousand lights brightening up the city. Some part of her was horrified, she’d clearly been kidnapped, she didn’t know how she was going to get home in time for her final unless Klaus could zap her back, and explaining this to her mother would probably ensure she was grounded for, she didn’t know, opening strange packages or something. Caroline should know better.
The other part of her was frozen, thinking how magical the city looked at night.
A soft noise came from behind her. “I would be open to giving the neighbors something magnificent to look at if you insist on the balcony, although I may have to kill them for the pleasure of it afterward.”
Caroline spun around at Klaus’ voice, poised to give him a piece of her mind, and froze. He stood in the door frame without a single stitch on, the lean muscles of his body on display for her like a feast, the tattoos she’d seen on his chest the one time, the trim waist leading down to his incredible co–she clapped her hands over her eyes. There was no looking, none. “Seriously, why are you naked?” She may have shrieked a little. “And why are we in Paris? Is this your idea of a date? Because you are taking me home right now, buddy. I cannot believe you kidnapped me.”
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kiwibirb1 · 1 month
hhh still not sure on names but whatever greying wings introduction to meetup au (it does not go great) (remember party refers to the entire group bc d&d is built into my soul) (name ref here) (Also, GW!girls are referred to as their nicknames from the get go here but they dont actually get or use them until later)
uh this got long so theres a break now
*The entire party is chilling in a clearing, when suddenly loud wingbeats sound overhead. Everyone immediately stands up, grabbing whatever weapons they have, expecting herons to descend upon them. Instead, something falls out of the sky, a whirlwind of black feathers crashing down with a shout. Everyone looks at each other in confusion, attention returning to the creature as it groans and stands up, black wings stretching out to their full capacity. It brushes itself off, looking up to the sky, seemingly unaware of the people surrounding it. More wingbeats sound, and it smiles up at something it sees, waving and calling out.*
Black(GW!Marcy): Sorry guys, I tripped on something! *Faint shouts come from the sky, something along the lines of "How do you trip while flying!?", and it laughs, finally taking in it's surroundings. It makes eye contact with Psych, and freezes, wings immediately drawing inwards, becoming nearly invisible in the blink of an eye.* Black: O-oh. Sorry. I didn't see you. U-um, don't worry, I'm with a pure- Vagabond: Another one!? Seriously!? How many alternate universes are there? WV!Marcy: Even the core doesn't know that. Black: Uh, am I interrupting something or- *Their [Black] gaze travels to WV!Marcy, and they suddenly breaks off in speech.* You look just like me! But you don't have wings, I didn't think that was possi- *Their speech gets cut off once again, but this time it is by flurry of white and grey feathers, which fall away to reveal two girls, looking to be around 15, just like the first, standing protectively over the black-haired one.* Grey(GW!Sasha): They're with us. Wait- who the fuck are you and why do you look exactly like Anne? *She points her newly drawn sword at Sapphire, eyes narrowed in a glare. White(GW!Anne), places a hand on her shoulder, but her eyes are hardened as well, widening as she looks around the camp.* White: You all look like us. But some of you are old. And none of you have wings. *Heron steps forward, and Grey and White step back, wings spreading as if to hide Black, who's head peeks out curiously, but seems comfortable hidden behind them. Heron: Am sure yer all confused, we all were at firs'. Te start off, Am going to assume yer names are Sasha, Anne, and Marcy? *Grey nods slowly, sword point lowering slightly.* Wonderful. So are we. That damned cat- Domino: Heron your supposed to call it the Guardian, only the other Annes know it's a cat. Heron: Yeah yeah whatever the weird deity thing decided to throw us all together for shits and giggles and Ah guess yer the most recent additions. Black: Why are you Scottish? Heron: WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT?? ToaF!Anne: Yeah yeah we know Heron's Scottish it's weird anyway more importantly you guys got wings? That's cool as shit! How'd you get them? And why are they different colors? *At this comment, Black seems to draw her wings even closer to herself, ducking back down.* White: Uh, everyone has wings? Grey: None of your business. *The clearing goes quiet at the opposing answers, while Grey and White glare at each other.* White: Do you want to get darker? Grey: Oh yeah let's not talk about how grey you were before it reset you huh? *They start to bicker, and Black hesitantly moves away from them, still standing at a distance from the rest of the group. CF!Marcy waves at them, dragging her own girls over as well. Black steps to the side slightly, wings somehow pulling in even smaller, but they doesn't outright leave.* CF!Marcy: Hi, I'm [GIVE ME NAME SUGGESTIONS PLEASE], this is Mouse and [CF!Sasha]. Your's fight a lot too, huh? Black: U-uh yeah, they do, even though we're not really supposed to. They always forgive each other.. afterwards though... *They trail off, eyes locked on the other's wings* CF!Sasha: Okay since neither of them answered, why are your guy's wings different colors? Just like a normal wing-person thing? *Black winces, but sighs, answering.* Black: First, we're angels, not "wing-people". And when you sin, your feathers grey, but it can be undone if you're forgiven. That's why Sasha's are so dark. Anne got reset by the Guardian, which is why she's nearly pure white. Mouse: Okay, but why are you black? Black: ...I was getting to that. When you commit an unforgivable sin, or at least one that is perceived as so, you fall. Black wings are the mark of a fallen angel. CF!Sasha: Damn, what did- *CF!Marcy cuts her off, as Black folds her wings inwards, over her head.* CF!Marcy: I want you to think long and hard about the common factor. CF!Sasha: Oh. Sorry. Black: It... It's fine, I'm used to it. This is actually the uh best reaction I've gotten so...
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certifiedhitmaker · 9 months
Revampity vamp Noel Noa hc's + mini fic?
This takes place in Japan bc i said so. Ummm, chubby fem black reader implied but no explicit skin color or body descriptions besides chubby cheeks are stated. It's implied in my head. (Obvi, Nsfw, genitalia descriptions, um dubcon I guess? Oral sex, sir kink.) Noel is in yellow, you're pink. This was a much needed revamp, the other Hc's were fucking terrible. Anyone that sees this, send me asks!!! I'm bored and I wanna write! Enjoy bby. Muah muah muah!
Noel has a big dick. It's not too long, but it's girthy so it stretches you out nicely. His tip is definitely a nice light pink, but gets to be more of a deep blush color when he's about to cum.
Ater, he comes home from practice, the gym, anywhere from being out all day, he hits the shower and then as if it were a routine, he makes his way to you, ready to fuck, already stiff and jerking himself off.
His favorite position is you on top, riding him. (idk, he just gives me very lazy vibes, like he's tired from being out all day, he wants to feel good, but he don't wanna put in a whole lotta work? Like he'll occasionally thrust up into you but for the most part your legs is gon be working.)
He definitely has no issues, giving you a little bit of 'help', like if you were steady tryna act like you couldn't take it or if you weren't bouncing fast enough, he's quick to grab those damn hips and make you. If he gets fed up enough with you tryna run from it or your slow ass pace, he'll flip you over, and just start plowing your shit.
I honestly think if you call him sir, he'll just lose his mind. He absolutely loves it, say "Yes sir." to him one time while yall are fucking and watch how fast he'll cum.
He does not play any of that attitude/petty shit, he'll have you on your knees so damn fast you'd get whiplash. he'd shut you up reallll quick by making you suck him off.
He was already having a shitty ass day, all he wanted to do was come home to you, and relax but you clearly had other plans. You were upset and in a sour mood because one of the only hairstylists in Japan, that can actually do your hair, canceled on you last minute.
He walked through the door and you were nowhere to be found, which is strange because you usually come and greet him whenever you hear the door open. He walks inside, taking his shoes off and heading to the living room to find you sitting on the couch, watching some show. He can already tell you're in a nasty mood. He walks to the side of the couch you're on and speaks. "I'm home." he says plainly. "I can see that." the irritation in your voice as clear as day. (that was ur first mistake bby.) He sighs through his nose, "What's wron-" you interrupt him, sucking your teeth and waving him off. (this was the second) As if a switch flipped in him, he immediately made his way to the couch, sitting down in a manspread position. "Get up, get on your knees." "...What the fuck do I gotta get up for?" "This is my last time telling you, get up and kneel." You done got yourself in a world of mf hurt, and you knew what was coming.
You quickly got up and kneeled in front of him, resting your hands on both his thighs. He lifted his hips, just enough to pull down his sweats and his boxers, pulling his dick out, it was already semi hard, the tip a darker shade of pink, a little bit of clear fluid, dribbling out and down the side. "Open." "I'm sorry-" "Open." He cared very little for your attempts to weasel your way out of your consequences, he shut it down every time. Before you could even open your mouth, he grabs your face, squishing the fat of your cheeks and pulling you closer to him, forcing your mouth open. "Tongue." You stick your tongue out, he then taps the tip against it, removing it to circle it around your glossy lips. The sparkly clear gloss, mixing with the saliva from your tongue on his tip is mesmerizing. He lets go of your face and pushes your mouth onto his dick, your chubby cheeks puffing out, as he makes you gag as his tip hits your throat. He holds the back of your head down, keeping your lips wrapped around his base. "You can take it all." He grunts out. He pulls you back up for air, your lips leaving and circle of the leftover gloss around his base. You're panting, trying to catch your breath as his yellow eyes just stare into you. "You'll tell me what's wrong after I finish?" "Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes sir."
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